28 Nov 2019, PHP 7.4.0
- Core:
. Implemented RFC: Deprecate curly brace syntax for accessing array elements
and string offsets. (Andrey Gromov)
. Implemented RFC: Deprecations for PHP 7.4. (Kalle, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #52752 (Crash when lexing). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #60677 (CGI doesn't properly validate shebang line contains #!).
. Fixed bug #71030 (Self-assignment in list() may have inconsistent behavior).
. Fixed bug #72530 (Use After Free in GC with Certain Destructors). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75921 (Inconsistent: No warning in some cases when stdObj is
created on the fly). (David Walker)
. Implemented FR #76148 (Add array_key_exists() to the list of specially
compiled functions). (Majkl578)
. Fixed bug #76430 (__METHOD__ inconsistent outside of method).
(Ryan McCullagh, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #76451 (Aliases during inheritance type checks affected by
opcache). (Nikita)
. Implemented FR #77230 (Support custom CFLAGS and LDFLAGS from environment).
. Fixed bug #77345 (Stack Overflow caused by circular reference in garbage
collection). (Alexandru Patranescu, Nikita, Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #77812 (Interactive mode does not support PHP 7.3-style heredoc).
(cmb, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #77877 (call_user_func() passes $this to static methods).
. Fixed bug #78066 (PHP eats the first byte of a program that comes from
process substitution). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78151 (Segfault caused by indirect expressions in PHP 7.4a1).
. Fixed bug #78154 (SEND_VAR_NO_REF does not always send reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78182 (Segmentation fault during by-reference property
assignment). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78212 (Segfault in built-in webserver). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78220 (Can't access OneDrive folder). (cmb, ab)
. Fixed bug #78226 (Unexpected __set behavior with typed properties). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78239 (Deprecation notice during string conversion converted to
exception hangs). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78335 (Static properties/variables containing cycles report as
leak). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78340 (Include of stream wrapper not reading whole file).
. Fixed bug #78344 (Segmentation fault on zend_check_protected). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78356 (Array returned from ArrayAccess is incorrectly unpacked
as argument). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78379 (Cast to object confuses GC, causes crash). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #78386 (fstat mode has unexpected value on PHP 7.4). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78396 (Second file_put_contents in Shutdown hangs script).
. Fixed bug #78406 (Broken file includes with user-defined stream filters).
. Fixed bug #78438 (Corruption when __unserializing deeply nested structures).
(cmb, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78441 (Parse error due to heredoc identifier followed by digit).
. Fixed bug #78454 (Consecutive numeric separators cause OOM error).
(Theodore Brown)
. Fixed bug #78460 (PEAR installation failure). (Peter Kokot, L. Declercq)
. Fixed bug #78531 (Crash when using undefined variable as object). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #78535 (auto_detect_line_endings value not parsed as bool).
. Fixed bug #78604 (token_get_all() does not properly tokenize FOO<?php with
short_open_tag=0). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78614 (Does not compile with DTRACE anymore).
(tz at FreeBSD dot org)
. Fixed bug #78620 (Out of memory error). (cmb, Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78632 (method_exists() in php74 works differently from php73 in
checking priv. methods). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78658 (Memory corruption using Closure::bindTo). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78656 (Parse errors classified as highest log-level). (Erik
. Fixed bug #78662 (stream_write bad error detection). (Remi)
. Fixed bug #78768 (redefinition of typedef zend_property_info). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78788 (./configure generates invalid php_version.h). (max)
. Fixed incorrect usage of QM_ASSIGN instruction. It must not return IS_VAR.
As a side effect, this allowed passing left hand list() "by reference",
instead of compile-time error. (Dmitry)
- CLI:
. The built-in CLI server now reports the request method in log files.
(Simon Welsh)
- COM:
. Deprecated registering of case-insensitive constants from typelibs. (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78650 (new COM Crash). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78694 (Appending to a variant array causes segfault). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76480 (Use curl_multi_wait() so that timeouts are respected).
. Implemented FR #77711 (CURLFile should support UNICODE filenames). (cmb)
. Deprecated CURLPIPE_HTTP1. (cmb)
. Deprecated $version parameter of curl_version(). (cmb)
- Date:
. Updated timelib to 2018.02. (Derick)
. Fixed bug #69044 (discrepency between time and microtime). (krakjoe)
. Fixed bug #70153 (\DateInterval incorrectly unserialized). (Maksim Iakunin)
. Fixed bug #75232 (print_r of DateTime creating side-effect). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78383 (Casting a DateTime to array no longer returns its
properties). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78751 (Serialising DatePeriod converts DateTimeImmutable). (cmb)
- Exif:
. Fixed bug #78333 (Exif crash (bus error) due to wrong alignment and
invalid cast). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78256 (heap-buffer-overflow on exif_process_user_comment).
(CVE-2019-11042) (Stas)
. Fixed bug #78222 (heap-buffer-overflow on exif_scan_thumbnail).
(CVE-2019-11041) (Stas)
- Fileinfo:
. Fixed bug #78075 (finfo_file treats JSON file as text/plain). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #78183 (finfo_file shows wrong mime-type for .tga file).
- Filter:
. The filter extension no longer has the --with-pcre-dir on Unix builds,
allowing the extension to be once more compiled as shared using
./configure. (Kalle)
- FFI:
. Added FFI extension. (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #78488 (OOB in ZEND_FUNCTION(ffi_trampoline)). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #78543 (is_callable() on FFI\CData throws Exception). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78716 (Function name mangling is wrong for some parameter
types). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78762 (Failing FFI::cast() may leak memory). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78761 (Zend memory heap corruption with preload and casting).
. Implement FR #78270 (Support __vectorcall convention with FFI). (cmb)
. Added missing FFI::isNull(). (Philip Hofstetter)
- FPM:
. Implemented FR #72510 (systemd service should be hardened). (Craig Andrews)
. Fixed bug #74083 (master PHP-fpm is stopped on multiple reloads).
(Maksim Nikulin)
. Fixed bug #78334 (fpm log prefix message includes wrong stdout/stderr
notation). (Tsuyoshi Sadakata)
. Fixed bug #78599 (env_path_info underflow in fpm_main.c can lead to RCE).
(CVE-2019-11043) (Jakub Zelenka)
- GD:
. Implemented the scatter filter (IMG_FILTER_SCATTER). (Kalle)
. The bundled libgd behaves now like system libgd wrt. IMG_CROP_DEFAULT never
falling back to IMG_CROP_SIDES.
. The default $mode parameter of imagecropauto() has been changed to
IMG_CROP_DEFAULT; passing -1 is now deprecated.
. Added support for aspect ratio preserving scaling to a fixed height for
imagescale(). (Andreas Treichel)
. Added TGA read support. (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73291 (imagecropauto() $threshold differs from external libgd).
. Fixed bug #76324 (cannot detect recent versions of freetype with
pkg-config). (Eli Schwartz)
. Fixed bug #78314 (missing freetype support/functions with external gd).
- GMP:
. Fixed bug #78574 (broken shared build). (Remi)
- Hash:
. The hash extension is now an integral part of PHP and cannot be disabled
as per RFC: (Kalle)
. Implemented FR #71890 (crc32c checksum algorithm). (Andrew Brampton)
- Iconv:
. Fixed bug #78342 (Bus error in configure test for iconv //IGNORE). (Rainer
. Fixed bug #78642 (Wrong libiconv version displayed). (gedas at martynas,
- Libxml:
. Fixed bug #78279 (libxml_disable_entity_loader settings is shared between
requests (cgi-fcgi)). (Nikita)
- InterBase:
. Unbundled the InterBase extension and moved it to PECL. (Kalle)
- Intl:
. Raised requirements to ICU ≥ 50.1. (cmb)
. Changed ResourceBundle to implement Countable. (LeSuisse)
. Changed default of $variant parameter of idn_to_ascii() and idn_to_utf8().
. Deprecated ldap_control_paged_result_response and ldap_control_paged_result
- LiteSpeed:
. Updated to LiteSpeed SAPI V7.5 (Fixed clean shutdown). (George Wang)
. Updated to LiteSpeed SAPI V7.4.3 (increased response header count limit from
100 to 1000, added crash handler to cleanly shutdown PHP request, added
CloudLinux mod_lsapi mode). (George Wang)
. Fixed bug #76058 (After "POST data can't be buffered", using php://input
makes huge tmp files). (George Wang)
- MBString:
. Fixed bug #77907 (mb-functions do not respect default_encoding). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78579 (mb_decode_numericentity: args number inconsistency).
. Fixed bug #78609 (mb_check_encoding() no longer supports stringable
objects). (cmb)
- MySQLi:
. Fixed bug #67348 (Reading $dbc->stat modifies $dbc->affected_rows).
. Fixed bug #76809 (SSL settings aren't respected when persistent connections
are used). (fabiomsouto)
. Fixed bug #78179 (MariaDB server version incorrectly detected). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78213 (Empty row pocket). (cmb)
- MySQLnd:
. Fixed connect_attr issues and added the _server_host connection attribute.
(Qianqian Bu)
. Fixed bug #60594 (mysqlnd exposes 160 lines of stats in phpinfo). (PeeHaa)
. Fixed bug #78473 (odbc_close() closes arbitrary resources). (cmb)
- Opcache:
. Implemented preloading RFC: (Dmitry)
. Add opcache.preload_user INI directive. (Dmitry)
. Added new INI directive opcache.cache_id (Windows only). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78106 (Path resolution fails if opcache disabled during request).
. Fixed bug #78175 (Preloading segfaults at preload time and at runtime).
. Fixed bug #78202 (Opcache stats for cache hits are capped at 32bit NUM).
. Fixed bug #78271 (Invalid result of if-else). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78341 (Failure to detect smart branch in DFA pass). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78376 (Incorrect preloading of constant static properties).
. Fixed bug #78429 (opcache_compile_file(__FILE__); segfaults). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78512 (Cannot make preload work). (Dmitry)
. Fixed bug #78514 (Preloading segfaults with inherited typed property).
. Fixed bug #78654 (Incorrectly computed opcache checksum on files with
non-ascii characters). (mhagstrand)
- OpenSSL:
. Added TLS 1.3 support to streams including new tlsv1.3 stream.
(Codarren Velvindron, Jakub Zelenka)
. Added openssl_x509_verify function. (Ben Scholzen)
. openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() now throws in error conditions.
(Sammy Kaye Powers)
. Changed the default config path (Windows only). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78231 (Segmentation fault upon stream_socket_accept of exported
socket-to-stream). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78391 (Assertion failure in openssl_random_pseudo_bytes).
. Fixed bug #78775 (TLS issues from HTTP request affecting other encrypted
connections). (Nikita)
- Pcntl:
. Fixed bug #77335 (PHP is preventing SIGALRM from specifying SA_RESTART).
. Implemented FR #77094 (Support flags in preg_replace_callback). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #72685 (Repeated UTF-8 validation of same string in UTF-8 mode).
. Fixed bug #73948 (Preg_match_all should return NULLs on trailing optional
capture groups).
. Fixed bug #78338 (Array cross-border reading in PCRE). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78349 (Bundled pcre2 library missing LICENCE file). (Peter Kokot)
- PDO:
. Implemented FR #71885 (Allow escaping question mark placeholders). (Matteo)
. Fixed bug #77849 (Disable cloning of PDO handle/connection objects).
. Implemented FR #78033 (PDO - support username & password specified in
DSN). (sjon)
- PDO_Firebird:
. Implemented FR #65690 (PDO_Firebird should also support dialect 1).
(Simonov Denis)
. Implemented FR #77863 (PDO firebird support type Boolean in input
parameters). (Simonov Denis)
. Fixed bug #41997 (SP call yields additional empty result set). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78623 (Regression caused by "SP call yields additional empty
result set"). (cmb)
. Support Oracle Database tracing attributes ACTION, MODULE,
. Implemented FR #76908 (PDO_OCI getColumnMeta() not implemented).
(Valentin Collet, Chris Jones, Remi)
- PDO_SQLite:
. Implemented sqlite_stmt_readonly in PDO_SQLite. (BohwaZ)
. Raised requirements to SQLite 3.5.0. (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78192 (SegFault when reuse statement after schema has changed).
(Vincent Quatrevieux)
. Fixed bug #78348 (Remove -lrt from (Peter Kokot)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #77919 (Potential UAF in Phar RSHUTDOWN). (cmb)
- phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #76596 (phpdbg support for display_errors=stderr). (kabel)
. Fixed bug #76801 (too many open files). (alekitto)
. Fixed bug #77800 (phpdbg segfaults on listing some conditional breakpoints).
. Fixed bug #77805 (phpdbg build fails when readline is shared). (krakjoe)
- Recode:
. Unbundled the recode extension. (cmb)
- Reflection:
. Fixed bug #76737 (Unserialized reflection objects are broken, they
shouldn't be serializable). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78263 (\ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement() returns null
while item is a reference). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78410 (Cannot "manually" unserialize class that is final and
extends an internal one). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78697 (ReflectionClass::implementsInterface - inaccurate error
message with traits). (villfa)
. Fixed bug #78774 (ReflectionNamedType on Typed Properties Crash). (Nikita)
- Session:
. Fixed bug #78624 (session_gc return value for user defined session
handlers). (bshaffer)
- SimpleXML:
. Implemented FR #65215 (SimpleXMLElement could register as implementing
Countable). (LeSuisse)
. Fixed bug #75245 (Don't set content of elements with only whitespaces).
- Sockets:
. Fixed bug #67619 (Validate length on socket_write). (thiagooak)
. Fixed bug #78665 (Multicasting may leak memory). (cmb)
- sodium:
. Fixed bug #77646 (sign_detached() strings not terminated). (Frank)
. Fixed bug #78510 (Partially uninitialized buffer returned by
sodium_crypto_generichash_init()). (Frank Denis, cmb)
. Fixed bug #78516 (password_hash(): Memory cost is not in allowed range).
(cmb, Nikita)
- SPL:
. Fixed bug #77518 (SeekableIterator::seek() should accept 'int' typehint as
documented). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78409 (Segfault when creating instance of ArrayIterator without
constructor). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78436 (Missing addref in SplPriorityQueue EXTR_BOTH mode).
. Fixed bug #78456 (Segfault when serializing SplDoublyLinkedList). (Nikita)
- SQLite3:
. Unbundled libsqlite. (cmb)
. Raised requirements to SQLite 3.7.4. (cmb)
. Forbid (un)serialization of SQLite3, SQLite3Stmt and SQLite3Result. (cmb)
. Added support for the SQLite @name notation. (cmb, BohwaZ)
. Added SQLite3Stmt::getSQL() to retrieve the SQL of the statement. (Bohwaz)
. Implement FR ##70950 (Make SQLite3 Online Backup API available). (BohwaZ)
- Standard:
. Implemented password hashing registry RFC: (Sara)
. Implemented RFC where password_hash() has argon2i(d) implementations from
ext/sodium when PHP is built without libargon: (Sara)
. Implemented FR #38301 (field enclosure behavior in fputcsv). (cmb)
. Implemented FR #51496 (fgetcsv should take empty string as an escape). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #73535 (php_sockop_write() returns 0 on error, can be used to
trigger Denial of Service). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #74764 (Bindto IPv6 works with file_get_contents but fails with
stream_socket_client). (Ville Hukkamäki)
. Fixed bug #76859 (stream_get_line skips data if used with data-generating
filter). (kkopachev)
. Implemented FR #77377 (No way to handle CTRL+C in Windows). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #77930 (stream_copy_to_stream should use mmap more often).
. Implemented FR #78177 (Make proc_open accept command array). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78208 (password_needs_rehash() with an unknown algo should always
return true). (Sara)
. Fixed bug #78241 (touch() does not handle dates after 2038 in PHP 64-bit). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78282 (atime and mtime mismatch). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78326 (improper memory deallocation on stream_get_contents()
with fixed length buffer). (Albert Casademont)
. Fixed bug #78346 (strip_tags no longer handling nested php tags). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78506 (Error in a php_user_filter::filter() is not reported).
. Fixed bug #78549 (Stack overflow due to nested serialized input). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78759 (array_search in $GLOBALS). (Nikita)
- Testing:
. Fixed bug #78684 (PCRE bug72463_2 test is sending emails on Linux). (cmb)
- Tidy:
. Added TIDY_TAG_* constants for HTML5 elements. (cmb)
. Fixed bug #76736 (wrong reflection for tidy_get_head, tidy_get_html,
tidy_get_root, and tidy_getopt) (tandre)
. Deprecated and unbundled the WDDX extension. (cmb)
- Zip:
. Fixed bug #78641 (addGlob can modify given remove_path value). (cmb)
<<< NOTE: Insert NEWS from last stable release here prior to actual release! >>>