FEATURE: UI - Restructured Library view context (right-click) menu [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI - A basic quick-options plugin bar view [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Support upload/download disable for Tag rate limits [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Support .vuze files in the plugin installation wizard [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Added some subscription settings to the sidebar context menu [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Explicit browser configuration option for non-public content [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Option to hide do-not-download files in the Files View [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Right-click menu option in Peers View to kick a peer without banning them [Parg]
FEATURE: UI - Support for output redirection from console UI commands [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Swarm merging -
http://wiki.vuze.com/w/Swarm_Merging [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Option to automatically select files for 'do not download' based on file type suffix [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Device transcodes can now be auto-shared and tagged [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | isComplete, percentage and age added to Tag constraint language [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Decentralized chat -
http://wiki.vuze.com/w/Decentralized_Chat [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | RSS-to-chat plugin -
http://wiki.vuze.com/w/RSS_To_Chat [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | TorBrowser plugin now supports browsing of .i2p content [Parg]
FEATURE: Plug | Play-to DLNA enabled devices support [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: Plug | Swarm search is now also accessible via right-click menu [Parg]
CHANGE: UI - Brazilian Portuguese translation update [Havokdan]
CHANGE: UI - Show decoded magnet URI title in download window [Parg]
CHANGE: UI - DHT activity view was showing queued activities - fixed to only show active ones [Parg]
CHANGE: UI - Added eepsite and onion site to About Window [TuxPaper]
CHANGE: Core | Auto-download subscriptions now scheduled more fairly [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI - Status bar tooltip flicker reduced [Parg]
BUGFIX: UI - Sometimes the sub-tab 'sash' could become inaccessible [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix 'is-interested' bug [Parg]
BUGFIX: Core | Force disconnect duplicate outbound, stuck peers connections [Parg]
BUGFIX: Plug | Magnet URI plugin not always terminating quickly on successfull torrent download [Parg]
BUGFIX: Plug | Fixed resource leak in Magnet URI plugin [Parg]