Autor Thema: Portable Software und Tools für USB-Sticks  (Gelesen 1026171 mal)

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Task List Guru 4.127
« Antwort #6090 am: 21 Januar, 2015, 20:45 »
Task List Guru is a portable to do list program ideal for personal use and small project management. It has inbuilt reminder support, hierarchical todo list tree with icons, clipboard support, undo/redo, print, export and many other features. You can also create your custom priorities and task type. This task list management software can also be copied to USB flash disk.


Whats new: >>

* Maintenance release with misc. fixes and improvements

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
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  • Beiträge: 191383
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    • DVB-Cube
Portable Waterfox 35.0
« Antwort #6091 am: 22 Januar, 2015, 05:30 »
Waterfox is a 64-Bit version of Firefox. The Firefox source code is taken and compiled to run specifically for 64-Bit Windows computers. To make Waterfox stand out a bit more, it's compiled with optimizations so that it will run more efficiently and faster than just compiling Firefox as a 64-Bit program.

Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fixed crashes and any other services that use similar JavaScript function
Fixed corrupt previews when using the upload dialogue box
Switched to Intel Threaded Building Blocks memory allocator due to issues with tcmalloc not registered its DLL correctly.

Waterfox 35.0 Setup.exe and
Portable Waterfox en-US Setup Extractor (0.4 MB) in same folder.
In first screen enter: 35.0

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Notepad++ Portable 6.7.4
« Antwort #6092 am: 22 Januar, 2015, 05:50 »
Notepad++ is a tabbed source code editor and Notepad replacement with a customizable interface. It is one of the few few source code editors that supports "folding," allowing users to quickly reduce and expand sections of code to see the overall document. In addition, it features multi-language syntax highlighting, auto-completion, regular expression search/replace, macro recording and playback, etc. The program can access a long list of plug-ins via an easy-to-access menu with even more features and functions.

License: GPL

What's new: >>

"Je suis Charlie" edition.

Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.

For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.
And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.

Hence this "Je suis Charlie" edition.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
PicPick Portable 4.0.3
« Antwort #6093 am: 22 Januar, 2015, 06:00 »
PicPick is a versatile all-in-one tool for images on the desktop. Includes a powerful image capture tool, editor, color picker and palette, pixel ruler, protractor, crosshair, whiteboard, and more. Can upload images automatically to FTP, Facebook, Twitter, default e-mail program, or send to installed Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint).

Supports 27 languages (including Chinese, Spanish, and Portuguese).

License: Free for personal use.

What's new: >>

No bundle offer in the free version.
Fixed an issue of auto-frame.
Fixed an issue of auto-watermark.
Fixed an issue of auto-save.
Language updates.
Small known bugs were fixed.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Calibre 2.17
« Antwort #6095 am: 23 Januar, 2015, 18:15 »
New Features

    Edit Book: A new reports tool that shows a summary of files, images, words, characters and styles used in the book.

    The reports tool is a great way to get an overview of the different parts of your book. Every line in the report is hot-linked, double clicking it jumps to the places in the book where that item is used.
    Edit Book: Allow adding the 'Manage Snippets' action to the toolbar, for easy access

Bug Fixes

    Update metadata download plugin for website changes.

    Closes tickets: 1407265
    E-book viewer: Fix regression in 'flow' mode that caused horizontal scrollbar to be rendered as vertical.

    Closes tickets: 1409916
    Fix a regression that prevented adding of books from sub-folders if the folder contained only an OPF file and no actual ebook files.

    Closes tickets: 1411240

New news sources by ebrandon
    The Conversation by Krittika Goyal
    Apple Daily (TW) by Yulun Shih

Improved news sources
    The Onion
    Jot Down
    Le Monde Diplomatique
    The AJC

In first screen enter: 2.17.0

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Google Chrome Portable 40.0.2214.91 (x86 & x64)
« Antwort #6096 am: 24 Januar, 2015, 07:00 »
The Chrome team is delighted to announce the promotion of Chrome 40 to the stable channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. Chrome 40.0.2214.91 contains a number of fixes and improvements, including:
Updated Chrome app info dialog for Windows and Linux.
A new clock behind/ahead error message.
A partial list of changes is available in the log.

Security Fixes and Rewards

Note: Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix. We will also retain restrictions if the bug exists in a third party library that other projects similarly depend on, but haven’t yet fixed.

This update includes 62 security fixes. Below, we highlight fixes that were contributed by external researchers. Please see the Chromium security page for more information.

[$5000][430353] High CVE-2014-7923: Memory corruption in ICU. Credit to yangdingning.
[$4500][435880] High CVE-2014-7924: Use-after-free in IndexedDB. Credit to Collin Payne.
[$4000][434136] High CVE-2014-7925: Use-after-free in WebAudio. Credit to mark.buer.
[$4000][422824] High CVE-2014-7926: Memory corruption in ICU. Credit to yangdingning.
[$3500][444695] High CVE-2014-7927: Memory corruption in V8. Credit to Christian Holler.
[$3500][435073] High CVE-2014-7928: Memory corruption in V8. Credit to Christian Holler.
[$3000][442806] High CVE-2014-7930: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$3000][442710] High CVE-2014-7931: Memory corruption in V8. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$2000][443115] High CVE-2014-7929: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$2000][429666] High CVE-2014-7932: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
[$2000][427266] High CVE-2014-7933: Use-after-free in FFmpeg. Credit to aohelin.
[$2000][427249] High CVE-2014-7934: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$2000][402957] High CVE-2014-7935: Use-after-free in Speech. Credit to Khalil Zhani.
[$1500][428561] High CVE-2014-7936: Use-after-free in Views. Credit to Christoph Diehl.
[$1500][419060] High CVE-2014-7937: Use-after-free in FFmpeg. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
[$1000][416323] High CVE-2014-7938: Memory corruption in Fonts. Credit to Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
[$1000][399951] High CVE-2014-7939: Same-origin-bypass in V8. Credit to Takeshi Terada.
[$1000][433866] Medium CVE-2014-7940: Uninitialized-value in ICU. Credit to miaubiz.
[$1000][428557] Medium CVE-2014-7941: Out-of-bounds read in UI. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG and Christoph Diehl.
[$1000][426762] Medium CVE-2014-7942: Uninitialized-value in Fonts. Credit to miaubiz.
[$1000][422492] Medium CVE-2014-7943: Out-of-bounds read in Skia. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
[$1000][418881] Medium CVE-2014-7944: Out-of-bounds read in PDFium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$1000][414310] Medium CVE-2014-7945: Out-of-bounds read in PDFium. Credit to cloudfuzzer.
[$1000][414109] Medium CVE-2014-7946: Out-of-bounds read in Fonts. Credit to miaubiz.
[$500][430566] Medium CVE-2014-7947: Out-of-bounds read in PDFium. Credit to fuzztercluck.
[$500][414026] Medium CVE-2014-7948: Caching error in AppCache. Credit to jiayaoqijia.


We would also like to thank Atte Kettunen of OUSPG, Christian Holler, cloudfuzzer and Khalil Zhani for working with us during the development cycle to prevent security bugs from ever reaching the stable channel. $35000 in additional rewards were issued.

As usual, our ongoing internal security work was responsible for a wide range of fixes:
[449894] CVE-201X-XXXX: Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives.
Multiple vulnerabilities in V8 fixed at the tip of the 3.30 branch (currently
Many of the above bugs were detected using AddressSanitizer or MemorySanitizer.

Quelle :

Download :

Google Chrome Portable 40.0.2214.91 x86

Google Chrome Portable 40.0.2214.91 x64

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Google Chrome Portable Dev 41.0.2272.12
« Antwort #6097 am: 24 Januar, 2015, 10:10 »
The dev channel has been updated to 41.0.2272.12 for Windows, Mac and Linux.

A list of changes is available in the log.

Quelle :

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Google Chrome Portable Beta 41.0.2272.16
« Antwort #6098 am: 24 Januar, 2015, 10:40 »
The Chrome Team is happy to announce the promotion of Chrome 41 to the beta channel for Windows, Mac and Linux. Chrome 41.0.2272.16 contains many improvements including:
A number of new apps/extension APIs
Lots of under the hood changes for stability and performance
A full list of changes in this build is available in the log.

Quelle :

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Mozilla Firefox 36.0 Beta 3
« Antwort #6099 am: 24 Januar, 2015, 10:50 »
Release Notes : (sobald verfügbar)

Select language and enter Version Number: 36.0b3

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
SyMenu v4.01.5502
« Antwort #6100 am: 25 Januar, 2015, 10:47 »
SyMenu allows you to manage portable applications resident on a removable drive. SyMenu can be installed in pen drives, external USB disks, memory cards and even CDs and DVDs.

Moreover SyMenu can automatically link any application residing on host pc. Any linked item (SyItem) can be organized in a hierarchical structure with colorful folders and found with the internal search tool.

You can customize SyMenu, adding links to portable programs, documents, Windows commands, folders and urls. Linked items can reside on the same USB device or even on host since SyMenu supports absolute path (such as C:\Windows\Explorer.exe).


Whats new: >>

Form configuration and SPS manager save their location and size.
Bug fix.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable FileZilla 3.10.1 RC1
« Antwort #6101 am: 25 Januar, 2015, 14:00 »
New features:

Fixed wording of some error messages when using FTP over TLS
Display subject alternative names in certificate verification dialog
If re-editing multiple files already being edited, add a checkbox to apply action to all selected file

Bugfixes and minor changes:

Editing the same local file multiple times no longer results in an error message
Display SHA-256 fingerprints in certificate verification dialog, no longer display MD5 fingerprints.
Disable insecure RC4 algorithm in FTP over TLS
*nix: Fix assertion when opening the file exists dialog on some multi-display systems
Deleting items in the Site Manager now correctly upates the right-hand side of the dialog
Dragging items in the Site Manager no longer makes the default port appear in the port input box
OS X: Multi-line text edit controls no longer act like rich-text edit controls and no longer perform quote substitution

In first screen enter: 3.10.1-rc1

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
GPU-Z Portable 0.8.1
« Antwort #6102 am: 25 Januar, 2015, 18:30 »
GPU-Z is a lightweight utility designed to give you all information about your video card and GPU.


Added full GeForce GTX 960 support.
Added preliminary NVIDIA GM200 support.
Fixed NVIDIA GM107 ROP count.
Added support for NVIDIA GTX 980M, GTX 970M, GTX 660 (960 shaders), GT 705, GT 720, GT 745M, NVS 310, Grid K200.
Added support for AMD R9 255, FirePro W7100, HD 8370D.
Added preliminary support for Intel Broadwell Graphics.
Fixed sensor window having wrong size when using startup option -tab 2.
Improved memory vendor detection on NVIDIA.
Added PCI-Express bus usage sensor on NVIDIA.
Fixed OpenCL detection for Vesuvius GPU.
Improved detection for future AMD devices.
Disabled memory vendor detection on future APUs.
Added millisecond precision for sensor logging when refresh faster than 1 sec.
Fixed some rare application crashes.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Q-Eye Portable
« Antwort #6103 am: 26 Januar, 2015, 05:15 »
Q-Eye is a lightweight QlikView data file editor supporting qvd and qvx files. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. Q-Eye Portable is freeware for both commercial and personal use.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
KiTTY Portable
« Antwort #6104 am: 26 Januar, 2015, 05:25 »
What's new: >>

New feature: New shortcut CTRL+PrintScreen to generate a screen copy.
Bug fix: Crash into configuration box if Start button is pressed twice.
Bug fix: Modification of the delay in automatic reconnection on network failure and system wakeup.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )