Autor Thema: Portable Software und Tools für USB-Sticks  (Gelesen 1026173 mal)

0 Mitglieder und 5 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Opera 28.0.1738.0 Dev
« Antwort #6045 am: 08 Januar, 2015, 18:45 »
Happy New Year! Most of the desktop team have returned from their holidays and are back to working on your favorite browser, so we thought it might be a good time to give you another release. Additionally, the annoying known issue from the previous build is now fixed. So no more crashing when activating find in page! \o/

Full changelog :Klick

Quelle, weitere Infos ->

In first screen enter: 28.0.1738.0

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
FileZilla Portable 3.10.0
« Antwort #6046 am: 08 Januar, 2015, 20:15 »
Whats new: >>

- Fixed default file exists actions broken by rc1

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Google Chrome Portable 40.0.2214.38 Beta
« Antwort #6047 am: 09 Januar, 2015, 11:00 »
The beta channel has been updated to 40.0.2214.69 for Windows, Mac and Linux.

A partial list of changes is available in the log.

Quelle :

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Any Video Converter 5.7.7
« Antwort #6048 am: 09 Januar, 2015, 13:45 »
Any Video Converter Free ist ein kostenloser Video-Konverter, der viele Formate schnell und mit hoher Qualität umwandeln kann. Dazu wählt man ein oder mehrere Videos aus, legt Codec, Videogröße und Bitrate fest und startet die Konvertierung.

Fertige Profile bieten schnellen Zugriff auf die wichtigsten Formate samt passenden Einstellungen. Clips, die auf den Portalen YouTube oder Google Video gespeichert sind, lassen sich mit wenigen Klicks herunterladen und in das passende Format umwandeln. Mit dem integrierten Player lassen sich alle Videos direkt abspielen.

Licence: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Enhance audio conversion function, support audio trimming.
Support ripping audio CD.
Fix some DVD ripping problems.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
LibreCAD Portable 2.0.7
« Antwort #6049 am: 09 Januar, 2015, 18:00 »
LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers.

LibreCAD's features

LibreCAD is a feature-packed and mature 2D-CAD application with some really great advantages:

    It's free – no worry about license costs or annual fees.
    No language barriers – it's available in a large number of languages, with more being added continually.
    GPLv2 public license – you can use it, customize it, hack it and copy it with free user support and developer support from our active worldwide community and our experienced developer team.
    LibreCAD is an Open Source community-driven project: development is open to new talent and new ideas, and our software is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community; you, too, can get involved and influence its future development.


Bugs fixed since 2.0.6:

fixed menu item: offset
unicode.lff: typo
bug#492, dimension extension fixes
disabled command widget event filter
fixed a rvalue reference compiling issue
bug#491, update leader arrow size by drawing options
fixed a qt4 building error by papersize
custom paper size: troubleshooting
fixed a typo in KST32B fonts
issue#469, fixed regression on shortcuts
key events: avoid filtering of Enter/Escape
issue#464, switch tab-/sub-window mode with single document
fixed a compiler warning
bug#454, commit e1db360d was lost
splinepoints: restore painter pen
fixed a filled arrow brush bug
bug#485, allow snap to center within an image
unicode: fix by Petr
README: fixed a typo
opengost: added blank line at file end
opengost fonts: fixed encoding
fixed opengost fonts: license, encoding
muparser: c++11 compiler warnings
fixed broken HTML tag in doc/index.html
fixed warning in qg_dlgoptionsgeneral.ui
fixed Splash Screen GroupBox size in Application Preferences, was malformed on Windows
divide: file cleanup
tangent circles: GUI cleanup
tan2/radius: file cleanup
bug#482, misaligned arc option widget on windows
bug#481, disappearing offset line when zooming
fixed enter command, select toolbar regression
trim: cleanup
file cleanup
Appollonius: fixed algorithm to get all possible solutions
Appollonius: fixed a regress, show candidate centers
tan1_2p: code correctness
bug#481, fixed nearest point on line
bug#480, fixed crash due to new spline addition
circle: tan2_1p, fixed a crash by right clicking
selectWindow: no need to set pen for preview
Minor enhancements:

added printpreview to file toolbar
Use Qt arch paper sizes
win32: updated to Qt-5.4.0
Added CAD toolbar to main menu View
Updated KST32B Japanese fonts
updated opengost fonts by stranger573
allow Enter/Return for command Continue
command: added cli calculator by cal/calculate
export pdf: append .pdf file extension by default
ascii: allow reading in raw 2D data without point number column
lineType: added tiny line types
removed c++0x from CFLAGS
command: more short command cleanup
commands: avoid short command ambiguity
added offset to Modify menu
line pattern: use static constants
line patterns: cleanup
applied patch #460, i18n for desktop file by glixx
opengost fonts by stranger573
polyline: added icons for arc direction
added c++11 to CONFIG
actionPolyline: show options according to mode
Updated translations from pootle server
updated help item
add GUI actions by new helper functions Squashed commit of the following:
Czech fonts in unicode.lff, by Petr
unified getDistanceToPoint(): experimental
commands: added divide and fillet
ignore certain compound entities when catching
tan1_2p: improved geometrical algorithm
build-win-setup.bat: allow setting custom NSIS file to match local Qt version
improvement of Windows build scripts, pass SCMREVISION to NSIS installer
.gitignore clean up, ignore all custom. files
updated Qt version to 5.3.2 for Windows build in
trim: polyline not by ::trim()
circle tan1_2p: avoid duplicated centers
osx use bz2 compressed DMG


Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Calibre 2.16
« Antwort #6050 am: 10 Januar, 2015, 14:04 »
New Features

Edit Book: Add support for snippets -- small pieces of text that are often re-used.
You can now create your own snippets and insert them into the text with only a few keystrokes. The snippets include support for placeholders that you can jump between. See for details.

Bug Fixes

Edit Book: When importing files and the book has an orphaned entry in the manifest for that file, but the file itself is not present, rename the file instead of erroring out.
Closes tickets: 1407860

Book Details panel: Fix author links with URL schemes other than http or file preventing context menu from working.
Closes tickets: 1408174

PDF Output: Make the minimum height for headers and footers scale with the base font size
Fix a typo that prevented the Cybook Muse from being detected on some computers.
Closes tickets: 1407435

Fix regression in 2.15 that broke calibre on OS X 10.7 and 10.8
Closes tickets: 1407102

New news sources

Ajans Firat and Edebiyat Haber by asalet_r

Improved news sources

Various updated Turkish news sources
Sueddeutsche Zeitung

In first screen enter: 2.16.0

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Notepad++ 6.7.4
« Antwort #6051 am: 11 Januar, 2015, 11:00 »
Notepad++ is a tabbed source code editor and Notepad replacement with a customizable interface. It is one of the few few source code editors that supports "folding," allowing users to quickly reduce and expand sections of code to see the overall document. In addition, it features multi-language syntax highlighting, auto-completion, regular expression search/replace, macro recording and playback, etc. The program can access a long list of plug-ins via an easy-to-access menu with even more features and functions.

License: GPL

What's new: >>

"Je suis Charlie" edition.

Freedom of expression is like the air we breathe, we don't feel it, until people take it away from us.

For this reason, Je suis Charlie, not because I endorse everything they published, but because I cherish the right to speak out freely without risk even when it offends others.
And no, you cannot just take someone's life for whatever he/she expressed.

Hence this "Je suis Charlie" edition.

In first screen enter: 6.7.4

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Miranda NG Portable v0.95.3
« Antwort #6052 am: 12 Januar, 2015, 19:40 »
Release Notes
IEHistory, Dummy wurden hinzugefügt.
FlashAvatars wurde eingestellt.
Skype wurde eingestellt, da SkypeKit von Microsoft aufgegeben wurde. Mehr dazu hier.
FirstRun wurde eingestellt. Packersteller können einen Datenbankeintrag FirstRun/ForceShowAccManager = 1 (BYTE) anlegen um den Kontenmanager beim ersten Start zu öffnen. Dieser Eintrag wird anschließend automatisch gelöscht.
VersionInfo wurde eingestellt und durch CrashDumper ersetzt.
Möglichkeit, die Erstellung von Absturzberichten zu deaktivieren
Unterstützung für Mehr dazu hier.
Menüeintrag um diesen Link in die Zwischenablage zu kopieren
Actman: Version 2 wurde eingestellt und durch Version 3 ersetzt. Ihre Einstellungen werden automatisch umgewandelt.
Erste stabile Version
Erste stabile Version
WART wird nicht mehr benötigt
Fix für Freundschaftsanfragen (zeigt nun korrekte ID und gemeinsame Freunde)
Freundschaftsanfragen können nun auch abgelehnt werden.
Große Avatare werden nun korrekt dargestellt.
Unterstützung für Sticker als Custom Smileys
Fix für Statusbeiträge mit URLs
Fix für doppelte Nachrichten wenn diese durch den Posteingang gesendet werden
Benachrichtigungen können in einem speziellen Chatraum ausgegeben werden
NewXstatusNotify: Einstellungen wurden überarbeitet
Absturz behoben wenn DbEditor über die Kommandozeile gestartet wird.
Import: Fehlende Konten können nun auch erstellt oder auf bereits bestehende Konten abgebildet werden.
Tipper: neue Systemvariablen (last_msg_out, last_msg_out_time, last_msg_out_date, last_msg_out_reltime).
Unterstützung für ListeningTo
Doppelte Nachrichten behoben
Unterstützung für Tippbenachrichtigungen
Einstellung "Beim Antworten als gelesen markieren"
Einstellung "Alle eingehenden Nachrichten als ungelesen markieren".
MSN: Anmeldeprobleme behoben
Weitere Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für Client Major/Minor Version über eine Combobox (Datenbankeinträge ClientVersionMajor, ClientVersionMinor werden verwendet)
Verbindung mit moderneren Servern ermöglicht
Mehr Client-IDs in der Combobox
Bessere Fehlermeldungen, nun auch übersetzbar
Einige Patches von Dritten in die Meanwhile-Bibliothek eingepflegt
Unterstützung für Sametime "In Meeting Status (entspricht "Beschäftigt" in Miranda)
Neue Protokollicons vom Originalclient
PluginUpdater: Benachrichtigung wenn der Server nicht verfügbar ist.
Weather: User-Agent kann nun in der INI-Datei angegeben werden

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
McAfee Stinger Portable
« Antwort #6053 am: 13 Januar, 2015, 05:30 »
Release Notes:

Build Number:
Build Date: 12-Jan-2015

Stinger 32bit                 MD5: d1a2d6d87d06ece92d3b4dc81f12655e
                              SHA1: b132bff16a0b99093a19f93badcd99e51144a7ef

Stinger-ePO 32bit             MD5: e4502ec4c34e918fd19a50a0d8d75663
                              SHA1: e5947c1eb424b63ed44926764eb01b81e7aeed3c

Stinger 64bit                 MD5: 891f47e9992ef8a46221f2b755da10d8
                              SHA1: 29c3f3a44360ee65d28986b484595079803e2968

Stinger-ePO 64bit             MD5: 91d4dbe6f39ba5d3f2dafe3d5a841a8a
                              SHA1: b4d42ce4149c3ab0fec55fc6d94ff5d992df6041

Enhanced detections are those that have been modified for this release. Detections are enhanced to cover new variants, optimize performance, and correct incorrect identifications.

New Detections:

Enhanced Detections:

Download : Klick

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable FileZilla
« Antwort #6054 am: 13 Januar, 2015, 06:15 »
Bugfixes and minor changes:

TLS handshakes no longer stall if the server sends ginormous packets during the handshake that do not fit into a single TLS record
Fix loading and saving the same queue item multiple times
Post-login commands now work with the protocol set to plain FTP
MSW: Allow uploading files that are locally opened for writing by another program
OS X: Fix layout issues in search dialog and filter conditions dialog

In first screen enter:

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Cyberfox Portable 35.0.0
« Antwort #6055 am: 13 Januar, 2015, 18:40 »
Cyberfox 64-Bit Web Browser is a 64 bit browser based on Mozilla source code, compiled with Visual Studio using Windows 8 SDK.


- x64 Bit Web Browser
- Powered By Mozilla Source Code
- Compiled With Visual Studios 2012
- Used Windows 8 SDK Instead Of Vista SDK
- Compiled With Help Of Intel C++ Compiler
- Experimental: But Might Work On Windows 8 OS



Cyberfox 35.0:

New: Option under Features to turn on|off hello chat.
New: Option under Features to turn on|off flash player protect mode.
New: Copy all tab urls feature.
Adjusted: Clone current tab and clone current tab in new window in to single optimized function.
Adjusted: Moved Restart Browser menu item to File menu.
Added: [About Cyberfox] update checks Set Timeout on update check request.
Added: Back DNT (Do Not Track) informational link.
Added: Tooltip messages for browser restart on elements that require restart to take effect.
Updated: Agents.json
Removed: Unused tile links for sponsored tiles.
Fixed: Microsoft oneDrive issues in cyberfox x64 (Passed patch from Firefox 36.0beta)


Fixed: Conflict with builtin newtab page features.
Fixed: Missing word type in
Fixed: Tooltip background color modifying the global tooltip background color.
Fixed: Alternate loading animation reported: here
Adjusted: Reformatted a few elements in features.html
Added: Welcome message to features & information.
Updated: Passed latest CTR 1.2.7 features over to CyberCTR

Security fixes:

Vulnerability can be used to run attacker code and install software, requiring no user interaction beyond normal browsing.
Vulnerability can be used to gather sensitive data from sites in other windows or inject data or code into those sites, requiring no more than normal browsing actions.
Vulnerabilities that would otherwise be High or Critical except they only work in uncommon non-default configurations or require the user to perform complicated and/or unlikely steps.
Minor security vulnerabilities such as Denial of Service attacks, minor data leaks, or spoofs. (Undetectable spoofs of SSL indicia would have "High" impact because those are generally used to steal sensitive data intended for other sites.)


Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Mozilla Firefox Portable 35.0 (deutsch)
« Antwort #6056 am: 14 Januar, 2015, 05:20 »

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Mozilla Thunderbird Portable 31.4.0 (deutsch)
« Antwort #6057 am: 14 Januar, 2015, 05:50 »

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable Mozilla Firefox 36 Beta 1
« Antwort #6058 am: 14 Januar, 2015, 06:07 »
Release Notes : (sobald verfügbar)

Select language and enter Version Number: 36.0b1

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Portable foobar2000 1.3.7
« Antwort #6059 am: 14 Januar, 2015, 19:20 »
Whats new: >>

Fixed missing WavPack mime type handler.
Improved DirectSound output behaviors with low-latency configurations (mainly for new ABX Comparator).

Download Portable foobar2000 Setup Extractor

Downoad latest version in same folder and enter 1.3.7

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )