New: [Devtools] User-agent Override Now while actively focused fly-out panel can be dragged to a more viewable position, On some small screens it was inaccessible.
New: Option under Features to turn on|off right click contextmenu about:config menu item.
New: Option under Features to turn on|off about:config menu item.
New: Option under Features to turn on|off one click search.
New: [Optional] Basic download button, Additional download toolbar button.
New: [Optional] Copy Tab URL toolbar button.
Removed: whimsy, Rainbow coloured unicorns no longer show in the empty hamburger menu panel.
Adjusted: In-Content preferences style updated it to the new css format.
Adjusted: In-Content preferences: one-click search preference page element updates instantly when turning on|off one click search.
Adjusted: [Devtools] User-agent Override Now shows as a fly-out panel to reduce space used and make it easier for smaller screens.
Adjusted: [Devtools] User-agent Override Error handling now outputs any errors to the browser console.
Adjusted: [Devtools] User-agent Override Added error handling for json validation outputs any errors to the browser console.
Adjusted: [Devtools] User-agent Override Form logic when clearing or setting agents.
Adjusted: [Devtools] User-agent Override Now disables the agents list drop down if file not found or json is not valid.
Adjusted: [About Cyberfox] update checks Now does json validation outputs any errors to the browser console.
Adjusted: [About Cyberfox] update checks Re-factored version comparison code block.
Adjusted: [About Cyberfox] update checks Url is now set from branding.
Adjusted: [About Home] cyberfox start page Now has the ability to manage search engines like firefox.
Adjusted: [About Home] cyberfox start page Now cyberfox quick link menu strip can be localized.
Adjusted: [About Home] cyberfox start page Re-factored HTML code block.
Added: [About Cyberfox] update checks Now supports 3 update channel types [Release, Beta, Esr]
Fixed: Issue with the new one-click search richlistbox checkboxes in in-Content preferences.
Fixed: Stealing of old style download UI focus when the download button popup panel closed causing download popup to be placed behind the browser.
Fixed: Issue with Unbubble search engine included with cyberfox adding a incorrect parameter to the search query, Thank you Unbubble Team for reporting this issue.
Fixed: Removed xul elements for MAC OSX, Added back these elements now cyberfox should work correctly on MAC OSX with all elements to the browser UI.
Fixed: Malformed url in private browsing window on the learn more support article reported here: [Devtools] User-agent Override Not updating the manual user-agent field when a new agent is selected.
Fixed: [Devtools] User-agent Override Scrolling issue when user scrolls with scroll-bar the scroll-bar now functions correctly.
Fixed: [Devtools] User-agent Override Agents list screen positioning, The list now positions itself correctly on the screen.
Fixed: [Devtools] User-agent Override Invalid json format error, Now checks if json is valid.
Fixed: [Devtools] User-agent Override Empty drop down menu when agents.json not found.
Known Issues: Full themes may have UI glitches until they update to support firefox 34.0 (i.e new search, forget button, bad content)
New: Tab title in title bar.
Added: Option under Customize Cyberfox to turn on|off about:config menu item in CyberCTR
Added: Basic download button to show large icons, Now has large version of the button icon.
Added: Copy tab url button to show large icons, Now has large version of the button icon.
Adjusted: Tab title in title bar, When appmenu button is enabled and [tabsontop=false] in the black space next to the appmenu button tab titles will now display.
Adjusted: How the version number is shown in CyberCTR options window.
Fixed: Few small issues with features & information window.
Fixed: ? error in pre-cyberfox 34.0
Fixed: ?extensions.classicthemerestorer.version? now shows correct version.
Updated: Passed some CTR bug fixes over to CyberCTR full merge pending