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0 Mitglieder und 13 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.
ChangelogCore * CORE-1209 (Google Earth links from web sites are not opened properly) * CORE-29664 (Cafeworld and potentially other Flash games Fails on facebook) * CORE-19025 (Objects sent with wrong mime-type are shown incorrectly) * CORE-19738 (application/pls+xml should not be treated as XML) * CORE-23977 (Performance improvement for plugins and animated content)SVG * CORE-28214 (Opera freezes on loading altglyph testcase) * CORE-27506 (Clip-path should not be applied while painting source graphics for filter effect) * CORE-28230 (Incorrect handling of empty altGlyph element) * CORE-28231 (Incorrect handling of filter primitive 'in' attribute who match a prefix of a filter source)FreeBSD/Linux * CORE-29476 (Plugin window often initially located at 0,0 for a short while)
Changes in this relase: * added book view (“View/Book View” menu item) option. It’s known as “Show Cover Page During Two-Up” in Adobe Reader * added “File/Properties” menu item, showing basic information about PDF file * added “File/Send by email” menu * added export as text. When doing “File/Save As”, change “Save As types” from “PDF documents” to “Text documents”. Don’t expect miracles, though. Conversion to text is not very good in most cases. * auto-detect commonly used TeX editors for inverse-search command * bug fixes to PDF handling (more PDFs are shown correctly) * misc bug fixes and small improvements in UI * add Ctrl + and Ctrl – as shortcuts for zooming (matches Adobe Reader)
9.14 beta 2010-06-04-------------------------- WIM support was improved.
AIMP v2.61 Build 570 (05.06.2010)* Manuals were updated* BASS Libraries was updated* Skins were updated- Fixed: playback of the file didn't start from the beginning in some cases- Fixed: bug with multiple folders selection in the dialog- Fixed: Some WV files couldn't be played- Fixed: bug with reading duration from some WMA files- Fixed: bug with multiple selection in the playlist- Fixed: bounds of the looped section were dropped if file position had been changed manually
ChangelogDesktop/UI * Fixed DSK-297848 (Widgets with non-default start file will not install on Win/Nix and crash on startup on Mac) * Fixed DSK-300727 (Not possible to select items in dropdown menus using the mouse) * Fixed DSK-298554 (Unite apps not shown in panel after installation) * Fixed DSK-298488 (Opera crashes when hiding and showing bookmarks in the addressbar dropdown) * Fixed DSK-290305 (Launching previous session with two separate Opera windows causes a crash) * Fixed DSK-299048 (Mail messages not staying in focus) * Fixed DSK-298552 (Freeze on receiving mail) * Fixed DSK-265678 (Crash when dragging buttons to status bar) * Fixed DSK-274447 (Cycling tabs "without list" and "alternative page cycle mode = 0" adds focus to all cycled tabs) * Fixed DSK-295921 (Widgets are upgraded to default path only) * Fixed DSK-277917 (Advanced menu in download tab doesn't appear for files downloaded to non-ASCII folder) * Fixed DSK-289391 (Autoupdate does not close Opera when set to hide to system tray) * Fixed DSK-257454 (Impossible to change or install dictionary in dialog boxes) * Fixed DSK-180617 (Links opened in external applications close page if page is opened from a panel or mail) * Fixed DSK-287319 (Unable to accept self-signed certificate) * Fixed DSK-283179 (Find in page overlay does not disappear when clicking iframe) * Fixed DSK-280759 (Deleting private data does not remove closed windows) * Fixed DSK-299348 (Ghost close button appears when clicking top of trash button in Windows 7) * Fixed DSK-291817 (Opera does not prefetch icons for bookmarks from the custom/ folder) * Fixed DSK-299530 (Percent sign in encoded url from external application is encoded by Opera again) * Fixed DSK-298142 (Buttons often disabled in new non-modal dialogs) * Fixed DSK-288727 (Many user selected locales don't get a language even if possible)Core * Fixed a couple of DOM regressions (Facebook chat) * Fixed CORE-28120 (xhr.overrideMimeType() called before throws) * Fixed CORE-30272 (Freeze on Youtube inbox, colspan and border with border-collapse:collapse) * Fixed CORE-30097 (Width of shrink-to-fit float with fixed-width parent and STF float grandparent not updated when content is added (Gmail)) * Fixed DSK-286851 (Can't type in windowless Flash)Mac * Fixed DSK-299467 ("Open with..." context menu passes incorrect URLs to other browsers) * Fixed DSK-297579 (Opera is activated, but Space does not change when opening link) * Fixed DSK-299028 (Crash when pressing Cmd-1 in start-up dialog) * Fixed DSK-295263 (Quick pref shortcut incorrectly requires you to hold Command) * Fixed DSK-298456 (Cannot customize the appearance of toolbars on Mac)
Latest Changes- Added menu items to make Selection Upper-, Lower-, and Mixed-case. See Edit -> Change Case sub-menu- Added menu items to change text tabification and move lines up/down. See Edit -> Advanced sub-menu- Updated Simplified Chinese (mainland) language translation to include all recently added strings and improved already existing translation. Many thanks to Rujun Jiang- Improved skin "Holy Crown" (the default one) to better reflect inactive toolbar icons state - these are more blinded now- Improved printing to render documents more accurately, to better match text placement in edit window- Improved internal hyperlink (hyperlink to Note/Folder) recognitions, more complex captions are supported now
Apple hat Version 5 seines Browsers Safari vorgestellt. Sie steht auf der Homepage des Herstellers für Mac OS und Windows zum Herunterladen bereit. Apple hat bislang den Text seiner deutschen Safari-Webseite noch nicht komplett aktualisiert. Über den Button "Safari 4 kostenlos laden" wird dem Nutzer aber die neueste Version des Web-Browsers angeboten.Eine interessante Neuerung nennt sich Reader. Wenn Safari auf der geöffneten Website einen Artikel erkennt, zeigt er im Adressfeld einen Reader-Knopf an. Drückt der Surfer darauf, präsentiert der Browser nur Text und Bilder des Artikels in einer vergrößerten, scrollbaren Ansicht - keine Navigationselemente der Site und keine Werbung. Der Surfer kann den Text weiter vergrößern, drucken oder per E-Mail versenden. Die Suchbox lässt dem Benutzer jetzt die Wahl zwischen den Suchanbietern Google, Bing und Yahoo.Unter der Haube hat sich auch eine Menge getan. Die JavaScript-Engine Nitro soll laut Apple Skripte auf dem Mac mit um 30 Prozent schneller als mit Safari 4 und drei Prozent schneller als Chrome 5.0 ausführen. Safari 5 erweitert die HTML-5-Unterstützung um ein ganzes Bündel neuer Funktionen, darunter bildschirmfüllende Wiedergabe und Untertitel für HTML 5-Videos. Mit einem Entwicklerprogramm will Apple Programmierer umgarnen. Sie sollen auf Basis von HTML 5, CSS3 und JavaScript Erweiterungen für den Browser schreiben. Ein neu für Safari 5 vorgestellter Extension Builder soll die Entwicklung, Installation und das Verpacken von Erweiterungen vereinfachen.Quelle :
____ 1.97.5 ChangelogAdded:* PFM format read support* TXC format read support - viewtopic.php?f=34&t=20183* Clean metadata for TIFF files - viewtopic.php?f=56&t=20141* RIOT addon* NConvert: -no_auto_ext - viewtopic.php?f=57&t=19529Changed:* 'Show mask' kept - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=19989Fixed:* EXIF GPS* Tagged files in statusbar* Print picture with EXIF orientation* Security error in MBM code* CAM QV7000* MBM* Slow treeview (problem with ZIP files) on Vista/7* Ctrl+F2 to edit timestamp* RAW in slideshow - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=20155* ICNS - viewtopic.php?f=34&t=19879* Sort by folder - viewtopic.php?f=36&t=19519* Export & extension - viewtopic.php?f=36&t=19490* Batch convert/Rotate - viewtopic.php?f=36&t=20105* Convert into - viewtopic.php?f=36&t=19837* -capture you can use all time variable from ... /strftime/(-capture=desktop,file-%Y-%B-##.jpg) - viewtopic.php?f=34&t=20061* Edit IPTC on TIFF file - viewtopic.php?f=35&t=15138* Thumbnail for mpeg file* RAW