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The Dev Channel has been updated to 32.0.1687.2 for Windows and Chrome Frame.This release fixes a number of crashes and other bugs. A full list of changes is available in the SVN log.
New Features: The URL override field in the entry editing dialog is now an editable combo box, where the drop-down list contains suggestions for browser overrides. Password quality estimations are now computed in separate threads to improve the UI responsiveness. The password generator profile 'Automatically generated passwords for new entries' is now available in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. Added UIFlags bit for hiding built-in profiles in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. Tags can be included in printouts now. Generic CSV importer: added support for importing tags. Added support for importing Norton Identity Safe 2013 CSV files. Mozilla Bookmarks JSON import: added support for importing tags. RoboForm import: URLs are now terminated using a '/', added support for the new file format and for the new note fields. Added support for showing modern task dialogs even when no form exists (requiring a theming activation context). KeePass now terminates CtfMon child processes started by .NET/Windows, if they are not terminated automatically. Added workarounds for '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '~' and diaeresis .NET SendKeys issues. Added workaround for 'xsel' hanging on Unix-like systems. Converted some PNG images as a workaround for a problem in Cairo/LibPNG on Unix-like systems. Installer: the version is now shown in the 'Version' field of the item in the Windows 'Programs and Features' dialog. TrlUtil: added 'Go to Next Untranslated' command. TrlUtil: added shortcut keys.Improvements / Changes: The 'Open From URL' dialog is now brought to the foreground when trying to perform global auto-type while the database is locked and the main window is minimized to tray. Profiles are now shown directly in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog. After duplicating entries, KeePass now ensures that the copies are visible. User names of TAN entries are now dereferenced, if the option for showing dereferenced data in the main window is enabled. When creating an entry from a template, the new entry is now selected and focused. Empty fields are not included in detailed printouts anymore. Enhanced Internet Explorer detection. The '-preselect' command line option now works together with relative database file paths. Improved quoted app paths parsing. Extended culture invariance. Improved synchronization performance. Improved internal keypress routing. Last access times by default are not shown in the UI anymore. TrlUtil: improved dialog focusing when showing message boxes. KeePassLib/KPScript: improved support for running on systems without any GUI. Various code optimizations. Minor other improvements.Bugfixes: Fixed a crash that could occur if the option 'Show expired entries (if any)' is enabled and a trigger switches to a different locked database when unlocking a database. The tab bar is now updated correctly after closing an inactive database by middle-clicking its tab. Column display orders that are unstable with respect to linear auto-adjusting assignment are now restored correctly.
Modeling: A new hidden wire display option was added to help with retopology. Mesh Bisect is a new tool to cut meshes in half. The Bridge, Edgenet fill, Grid fill and Symmetrize tools were improved. New curve and lattice editing tools were added too.Motion Tracker: The Motion tracker now supports plane tracking, which can be used to replace billboards, screens and other flat things in footage.Cycles Render: Hair rendering was improved with a new Hair shader and reorganized settings. Subsurface scattering uses a new sampling algorithm and now supports bump mapping and texture blurring. Sky rendering now uses a more accurate sky model. New blackbody, vector transform and HSV nodes were added. The non-progressive integrator was renamed to Branched Path Integrator, and is now available for GPU rendering. Tone mapping now works in the viewport, with photographic film emulation.Addons: FBX Import support has been added and FBX/OBJ can now export split normals (without the need for the edge split modifier).More Features: Lists in the user interface can now be resized, sorted and filtered. Further there are small improvements for vertex parenting, empty objects, the shrinkwrap modifier, mask editing, armatures, f-curves and drivers.Bug fixes: In addition to the new features, over 270 bugs that existed in previous releases have been fixed.
Build Number: Date: 04-Nov-2013Stinger 32bit MD5: 135eabd493d75f8d7a4b68fe2f964471 SHA1: 7e4e6ecba447e1382d2e665ba3e49fabc03057e2Stinger-ePO 32bit MD5: 087729b9ca4af62f91ea271d81cc4581 SHA1: 3a6f817e8d5d464a1a9a28ed8d7ac842bdbe3cb9Stinger 64bit MD5: f3f4c7eef385feb2bbf7ff87bf4da5cb SHA1: 823d97e8afe49321f44c5b4486772eed13eb6d71Stinger-ePO 64bit MD5: 83ad48758c30aebb5e0f3b85b3e5fd4f SHA1: cdaf7a4cdc3991c1127d2d0f81ab40349fc90744 Enhanced detections are those that have been modified for this release. Detections are enhanced to cover new variants, optimize performance, and correct incorrect identifications.New Detections:• Adware-SaveShare• BrainInstall• JS/Exploit-Blacole.miEnhanced Detections:• BackDoor-FHI• Exploit-CVE2012-0158•• FakeAlert-FRM• FakeAlert-SecurityTool•• FakeAlert-SecurityTool.v• JS/• JS/• PWS-ZBot.gen.auh• PWS-ZBot.gen.aux• PWS-Zbot.gen.oj•• W32/Autorun.worm.c• W32/Autorun.worm.dq• W32/Autorun.worm.h• ZeroAccess.cj