New Features Rewrite the HTML metadata parser to make it faster and more robust.
Closes tickets: 1217751
Book list: When sorting on a currently unsorted column, use the last applied sort for that column, instead of always sorting in ascending order.
Closes tickets: 1216714
PocketBook driver: Scan for books files in the entire device not just in the 'books' folder
Bug Fixes Fix a regression in 1.0 that could cause the dates in custom date-type columns to change in some timezones when using the edit metadata dialog to make unrelated changes.
Closes tickets: 1217096
When replacing formats in a book with a very long title+authors on windows, calibre could leave behind the old format file, because the filename shortening algorithm has changed. Handle that case.
Fix content server giving an error if you return to the top level page after using the virtual libraries.
Closes tickets: 1216838
Fix calibredb not updating the running calibre instance properly in 1.0
Closes tickets: 1218177
Fix a regression in 1.0 that broke splitting of multiple valued field like tags into many items during a rename.
Closes tickets: 1216699
Fix a regression in 1.0 that caused an error when trying to set values for tags with the same item repeated, with different case.
Closes tickets: 1216398
Fix a regression that broke downloading news when output format is set to PDF
Creating a catalog with an already existing catalog in the library would cause a temporary duplicate entry in the book list. Also fix the author sort for catalogs generated in the AZW3 format not being correct.
EPUB metadata: When changing the title in an EPUB 2.0 file that has multiple titles, remove the extra titles.
Closes tickets: 1211949
Fix a regression in 1.0 that caused Search and Replace in the bulk metadata edit dialog to be much slower than before
Fix a regression in 1.0 that caused incorrect sorting and searching on some composite columns (columns built from other columns).
Fix a regression in 1.0 that prevented the moving of libraries inside calibre
Closes tickets: 1216401
Virtual Library tabs: If the user activates a hidden tab via the Virtual Library button, change the name of the All Books tab to reflect the hidden virtual library.
Closes tickets: 1216174
Ignore text records in the database that are damaged, instead of erroring out. Lets the rest of the data be used.
Closes tickets: 1215981
Fix regression that broke calibredb catalog when sorting on the id field.
Closes tickets: 1216090
HTML Input: Handle malformed OPF files when converting.
Closes tickets: 1215924
Ensure that the Formats custom column (if present) is updated when a new format is created as a result of a conversion.
Closes tickets: 1215885
Fix a bug in 1.0 that broke the Check Library function on computers with non-English locales.
Closes tickets: 1215819
Content server: Fix blank username causing error on startup.
Closes tickets: 1215893
Fix sorting of book list by multi-valued fields like tags not correct in the new backend.
Closes tickets: 1215820
New news sources VFR Magazine by Krittika Goyal
Improved news sources Daily Mirror first screen enter: