AIMP is a skinnable audio player similar to Winamp that supports most audio formats, as well as Internet radio. Features include a mini-player, colorizing of individual skins, equalizer, visualizations, playlist, global hotkeys, library, and plug-ins capability. The application also includes a built-in tag editor, alarm clock, and auto-shutdown.
License: Freeware (donate)
What's new: >>* Sound Engine: TAK decoder has been updated
* Sound Engine: Cache system has been improved - CPU usage has been reduced
* Playlists: auto name algorithm has been improved
* Tag Editor: The progress of current operation is now displaying on the taskbar button
* Skin Engine: The sizes of windows now automatically adjusted after screen resolution changing
- Fixed: Common - The Ctrl + Page Up / Ctrl + Page Down hot keys does not work in secondary windows if its have been used as local hot keys in the player.
- Fixed: Common - Bugs in some localizations
- Fixed: Common - Format line parser does not process "\," set of symbols correctly
- Fixed: Sound Engine - Tracks with long names cannot be played in some cases
- Fixed: Sound Engine - No an ability to pause file playback, if it located on remote server
- Fixed: Sound Engine - Program crashes during radio capture process, if playable track has incorrect symbols in one of its tag fields
- Fixed: File Save Dialogue - No overwrite confirmation in some cases
- Fixed: Browse Folder Dialogue - The Ctrl + Up / Ctrl + Down hot keys does not work
- Fixed: Playlists - Deletion of the collapsed group expand group which placed below
- Fixed: Playlists - Playlists Manager deletes playlists pass the recycle bin
- Fixed: Playlists - the "Save playlist 'Default'" option is ignores when closing playlist tab
- Fixed: Skin Engine - An ability to resize window is blocked after change skin to another without maximization support if window is maximized
- Fixed: Skin Engine - Converter ignores special settings for All-In-One skins
- Fixed: Pandemic AIO Skin - No ability to drag player window by its caption
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Bugs with parameters selection in the "WMA Encoder Settings" dialogue
- Fixed: Audio Converter - Bugs with parameters selection in the "OGG Vorbis Encoder Settings" dialogue
- Fixed: Tag Editor - Incorrect files order in the "Analysis Result" dialogue
- Fixed: Tag Editor - The M4A tag missing in the tags list for group removing / applying tag fields values
- Fixed: Tag Editor does not recognize files which located in the Windows Libraries
- Fixed: Audio Library does not take initial rating of file into account when adding file to database
- Fixed: Audio Library displays wrong data in the report
- Fixed: Small bugs and defects