Changelog All fixes from 11.62 included
Multiple crash fixes
Fixed several memory leaks
CT-1778 [HWA] SVG radial gradients are rendered incorrectly
CT-1327 [HWA] SVG mask transparency doesn't work
CT-1287 [HWA] Partially repeating patterns don't work on canvas
CT-1749 [HWA] Clipping text is broken in canvas
CT-1760 [HWA] Box-shadow fails with hardware accerlation if blur distance covers entire box
CT-1762 [HWA] Some SVG color filters in combination with gradients do not work correctly
CT-1772 [HWA] SVG with clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse" is clipped incorrectly
CT-1816 [HWA] Background image rendering errors on body background (
CT-1933 [HWA] SVG masking doesn't work correctly
CT-1677 [HWA] Black antialiasing with hardware back end
CT-2082 [HWA] Garbage is painted when radial gradient is used as background-image
CT-1827 [HWA] Non-repeating background image bleeding when zoom > 100% on Linux/FreeBSD
CT-1929 [HWA] Radial gradient animation flickers
CT-2004 [HWA] Transformed border-image is clipped incorrectly
CT-2092 [HWA] -o-crisp-edges broken
CT-2104 [HWA] SVG masking can fail on graphic cards with low multisampling quality
CT-2283 [HWA] Plugins with wmode="opaque" or wmode="transparent" are not displayed
CT-1878 [HWA] SVG polyline with stroke-width="0.1" is not displayed
CT-1753 [HWA] Blending issues when using gradient stroke in SVG
CORE-42033 [HWA] Wrong wrap mode on Webgl textures for OpenGL ES
CORE-44337 [HWA] WebGL GLSL function "all()" is not supported
CORE-43701 - photo images show partially
CORE-44189 SVG drag not started when dragging horizontally
CORE-43996 A way to see which tab is making Opera slow or unresponsive opera:cpu
CORE-44377 Zoom in/out in image viewer only for left mouse button with no modifier keys
CORE-41547 Include "detected language/writing system" in Info panel
CORE-44342 Support Uint8ClampedArray
CORE-44223 Add support for paged overflow and GCPM floats (column/page-attached floats)
CORE-24450 Changes to how Password Manager stores passwords: watch out for regressions!