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> 0.40 (03, Oct, 2010)- New BDA driver engine added* (Special thanks to Jackjavo)- Now, when detect new LIRC conection shows a ballon-tip.- Fixed bug when unload application, sometimes hangs this (specially with Prof cards).- Fixed issue with start-up with Windows (¿works?).- Taskbar bug fixed when load with Windows.- Some bugs adding new remote control.- Some small bugs are fixed.- Small GUI re-desing.* Introduces these new features to SmartRC:- Support for automatic detection of DVB-Card (Remote control also included.)- Support this new dvb-cards:Twinhan (Untested)Hauppauge (Untested)Technotrend (Tested only with old bda driver)TeVii (Untested)Prof Revolution 7500 (Tested)Prof Revolution 7300, 7301, 8000 (Tested)TBS (Untested)Comppro (Untested)Conexant (Untested)FireDTV (Untested)OmniCom/KNC (Untested)DVBWorld (Untested)Genpix (Untested)QBox (Untested)
> 0.90 beta (13, Apr, 2011) - Added Device control feature. Now restart device when the selected dvb application is ended.* - Now reads RC ID when it's in edit mode. (Green box)** - Now shows if you are in Learn mode, edit mode, or normal. - Fixed issue updating fields in edit mode when select other one item. - Start/Stop too fast get thread worker crash. - When add new key/cmd to list, if cmd2 is empty, adds automatically other with same name like cmd1 name + "-". - Fixed -switch- code is sended to LIRC Client ('switch' cmd is reserved for SmartRC). - Some bugs are fixed. * SmartRC works simultaneously with other dvb applications, but when dvb app is closed, also stop the dvb card and make stop working SmartRC. With this new feature resolve the issue by restarting dvb-card when application is ended. ** If RC ID is already assigned to other command, this is deleted.
> 0.95 beta (24, Apr, 2011) - Added menu option for Restart selected device (If is needed). - Added info about version of bda driver. - Added feature for open any file (include *.exe, *.bat, etc). - Added feature for kill any process. - Added support for send keystrokes for focused window. - Added support for shutdown, restart, and log off computer. - Added TBS key-map. - Fixed crash when device not started on 'device settings' window. - Fixed 'device not started' for some devices they have long name (TBS for example). - A wrong label is refreshed when key pressed is already in the list. - Some tweaks on Save button, delete, .. (disabled when no have changes, etc) - Update to latest version (0.0.5). - Some bugs are fixed.