Hab grad mal die akzeptierten Google Summer of Code (GSoC) Projekte für den heurigen Sommer angeschaut.
Interessant scheint das Projekt von Sebastian Pölster "Improving the DVB experience with GNOME DVB Daemon for GNOME" zu werden.
Darin geht es darum endlich einen vernünftigen Applikationen übergreifenden Ansatz für DVB zu versuchen. Der DVB - Daemon sollte in Sebastians Konzept die grundaufgaben übernehmen, und die eigentliche betrachter software greift auf die Funktionen des DVB Daemon zurück.
In seinen eigenen Worten beschreibt er es so:
You should be able to access all features (scanning for channels, recording/watching channels, browsing EPG and recordings) of the daemon directly within Totem. Ideally, the user just plugs in his DVB adapter and the assistant to scan for channels is started automatically if the device is not configured, yet.
Furthermore, Totem should use a ring buffer when watching live TV. This allows the user to pause live TV, rewind it and fast forward later. This feature will involve work on GStreamer's queue2 element.
A simple channel list editor is currently missing, too. That's especially annoying with DVB-S where you have thousands of channels but you are only interested in a small fraction of them. It should be possible to select the favorite channels after the scan is completed.
In addition, I want to provide a way to aggregate EPG data from different sources with additional metadata via a plugin system. Some channels don't provide EPG data in their transport stream or the data is incomplete. Retrieving the EPG informations from an online service would obviously fix this problem and may even provide additional metadata.
Klingt ja sehr interessant, und endlich scheint sich jemand der gnome DVB - "Lücke" anzunehmen.
Binn schon gespannt was dann am ende vom Sommer rauskommt
Offizielle GSoC Seite des Projekts: