What's new
end of support for old type of virus definitions (virus pattern signature) - more info here:
https://blog.avast.com/virus-definition-updates-eol webcam shield extended by microphone protection for MS Windows 10 and higher (lower layer of the implementation is done - thus code change in this build too; finishing user interface; will be available in the following two weeks or even sooner) - so basically if there is misuse of the microphone detected, webcam detection dialog is shown (or based on the mode used in its configuration Smart/Strict/Disabled)
display number of devices in use for your subscription
extended logging for the icarus type of setup (installer)
updated cURL and OpenSSL libraries to address some performance improvements and vulnerability fixes used in our Webshield, MailShield and Network Inspector
What was fixed
kernel crash in sandbox driver
Known issues
not respected default browser setting if Avast Secure Browser installed for Bank Mode (Avast Secure Browser is opened no matter the system default settings)
incomplete paths for some of the applications added to Do not disturb component (problems with their execution from Antivirus directly, not showing full path in the settings, etc.)
Windows Security icon and process not started properly
Do not disturb mode can't handle notifications from MS Teams/Skype
Webcam Shield does not work once added as a component without performing computer restart (valid for icarus type of setup only)
some compatibility issuses with MS smart app control mode for Windows 11