Autor Thema: Avast! / AVG diverses ...  (Gelesen 55012 mal)

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  • Cheff-Cubie
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  • Beiträge: 191383
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    • DVB-Cube
Avast! 2015.10.3.2225.1172 Final
« Antwort #180 am: 29 Juli, 2015, 06:00 »
Whats new:>>

- Fixed problems with HTTPS browsing on Windows XP SP2
- Fixed problems with email clients on Windows XP SP2
- Fixed issues with firewall during program update and during update on Windows 10

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
AVG AntiVirus Free Edition 2015 15.0 Build 6122
« Antwort #181 am: 01 August, 2015, 21:00 »
Whats new:>>

Fixes & Improvements

    In the advanced settings (Exceptions), a new combination of options for adding an exception was appended that applies to Identity Protection component.
    Fixed issue with multiplication of emails when using IMAP protocol.
    The section "System information" was removed from the Support dialog / Product tab.
    Fixed issue of Identity Protection compatibility with some third party applications.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
AVG Free Edition 2015.0.6140
« Antwort #182 am: 29 August, 2015, 10:00 »
Whats new:>>

Fixes & Improvements

* Text arrangements in user interface for Antivirus and E-mail Scanner components.
* Fixed issue of E-mail Scanner with specific custom servers settings blocking receiving e-mails.
* Fixed issue of Anti-Rootkit compatibility with Windows 10.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast! 10.4.2227 R4 Beta 1
« Antwort #183 am: 29 August, 2015, 11:00 »
Whats new:>>

Better server selection list in SecureLine
Fixed: Cleanup to stuck on 99%
Fixed: Problems with HTTPS certificates in Firefox after upgrade to Windows 10
Fixed: Firewall not started after upgrade to Windows 10
Fixed: Cleanup to report leftover files, when software was just updated and not uninstalled (e.g. Skype, Java)

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast! 10.4.2229 R4 Beta 3
« Antwort #184 am: 05 September, 2015, 10:00 »
Whats new:>>

Today we unusually released 2 beta versions in order to test a new mechanism that will allow to avoid some compatibility issues in the future. For this beta testing we set the rule that machines with Windows XP will be able to update only to version 2228, all other machines will update as usual to the latest version 2229.
So please test if you machines on XP are on version 2228 and Vista+ on 2229 and both reporting as latest version. Don't worry we will remove the limitation for Windows XP machines in the next beta version, and we also won't limit XP users in the future. This is just for testing purposes.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 10.4.2231 R4 Beta 6
« Antwort #185 am: 12 September, 2015, 11:30 »
Whats new:>>

fixed problem with update condition for Windows XP users. Now users with XP shouldn't be able to install/update to build 2231
fixed issues with Outlook 2003 context menu
fixed crashing of service during VPS update

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast! 10.4.2232 R4 RC
« Antwort #186 am: 16 September, 2015, 09:03 »
Whats new:>>

removed limitation for Windows XP users
fixed issues with payment gates
fixed issues with not showing images on some sites

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
avast! 2015.10.4.2233.1299 Final
« Antwort #187 am: 17 September, 2015, 18:00 »
Fixes in Avast 2015 R4:

- Better server selection list in SecureLine
- Fixed: Cleanup to stop on 99%
- Fixed: Problems with HTTPS certificates in Firefox after upgrade to Windows 10
- Fixed: Firewall not started after upgrade to Windows 10
- Fixed: Cleanup to report leftover files, when software was just updated and not uninstalled (e.g. Skype, Java)
- Fixed: Issues with payment gates (,
- Fixed: Issues with not showing images on some sites (, )
- Fixed: Issues with Outlook 2003 context menu (

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Antivirenschutz: AVG kann Nutzerdaten verkaufen
« Antwort #188 am: 21 September, 2015, 19:30 »
Damit AVG Antiviren-Anwendungen auch weiterhin kostenlos anbieten kann, will der Anbieter künftig Nutzerdaten an Werbetreibende verkaufen.

AVG kann Nutzerdaten, wie etwa den Browser- und Suchverlauf, an Dritte verkaufen. Das legt die überarbeitete Datenschutzerklärung nahe, die laut AVG am 15. Oktober in Kraft tritt.

Die gesammelten Daten sollen dem Anbieter zufolge anonymisiert sein und keine Rückschlüsse auf Nutzer zulassen. AVG könne aber schon länger Daten wie den Suchverlauf erfassen und verkaufen, nur haben sie das in älteren Versionen der Datenschutzerklärung nicht so eindeutig formuliert.

Eine AVG-Sprecher erklärte gegenüber dem Magazin Wired, dass sie aktuell noch keine anonymisierten Nutzerdaten an Dritte verkaufen. In naher Zukunft könnte das aber der Fall sein. AVG will so sein Angebot an kostenloser Antiviren-Software finanzieren.

Dem Sprecher zufolge sollen Nutzer entscheiden können, ob sie an diesem Programm teilnehmen wollen oder nicht. Die Funktionalität der Anwendungen soll davon unbeeinflusst bleiben. Um Geld in die Kassen zu spülen sind auch Abomodelle oder Werbeeinblendungen vorstellbar, erläutert der Sprecher.

Quelle :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 11.1.2234 Beta 1
« Antwort #189 am: 01 Oktober, 2015, 18:00 »
NEW: Passwords - Avast can now manage your passwords and generate strong passwords for you. Just one password to remember:

checks your passwords security
stores your passwords securely
includes browser extensions for easier logging in and form filling
generates strong passwords

NEW: SafeZone browser - Replaced the SafeZone for safer shopping and banking:

Pay Mode: runs automatically on banking sites (This isolates the session and protects it from possible keyloggers or other malicious software secretly lurking on your computer. With Pay Mode you can perform all your financial transactions in peace, without fear of your password or other personal details being stolen. Pay Mode can be also turned on manually directly via browser UI.)
Ad Blocker:The browser comes with built-in Ad Blocker that blocks all those annoying online ads and banners
Video Downloader: Another cool feature is built-in Video Downloader that allows you to download online videos and store them to your hard drive. Now we support just limited amount of sites (youtube, vimeo, stream, metacafe, yahoo and some others)
HTTPS scanning while preserving the original certificate

NEW: User interface:

More space for content, easy control
NEW: Feedback possible directly from program:
Report bugs, feature requests and other suggestions easier

IMPROVED: Home network security:

Now detects more router vulnerabilities and shows more details

IMPROVED: Installation:

It should be now faster and less obtrusive.

Many other minor tweaks and fixed

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 11.1.2235 Beta 2
« Antwort #190 am: 09 Oktober, 2015, 20:00 »
Whats new:>>

- Missing content for Network issues in Smart Scan fixed
- Unable to log in to Avast Account through Cleanup fixed
- Browser extension Avast Online Security is not being installed in Firefox fixed
- “Shielded Window” mode in SafeZone browser doesn't work yet fixed

Known issues:

- Passwords extension in IE doesn't work correctly
- Loosing the first device that starts using Passwords might cause blocking of Avast Account (only if synchronization is enabled, by default turned off)
- Web Reputation, Do-Not-Track and Safe Price features are not functional in SafeZone browser
- Ad blocker sometimes needs restart of the SafeZone browser to start working (occurs only once)
- Avast Passwords doesn;t work in SafeZone browser yet
- It is impossible to deactivate the Pay Mode for sites which are automatically switched in to this mode

Quelle & DL :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast! 2016.11.1.2236 BETA 3
« Antwort #191 am: 16 Oktober, 2015, 06:00 »
Changes from V2016 Beta 2:

- Possibility to log in more Avast accounts
- Online security plugin for Firefox is now signed and works in Firefox 42
- Online setup - better recovery if reboot appears during installation
- Passwords extension now works in SafeZone browser
- WebShield HTTPS Scanning: We introduced a new method of HTTPs scanning. It is used in Firefox, Chrome and Opera. It works without changing the certificates with the help of kernel mode hooking. The security parameters and certificates are verified by the browser itself, including checks for untrusted or revoked certificates. Traditional MITM approach is still used for IE and Edge, and is also reactivated when required for particular browser.
You can check the functionality of HTTPS scanning by checking Statistics window in Avast UI or by visiting

Quelle & DL :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 11.1.2237 Beta 4
« Antwort #192 am: 24 Oktober, 2015, 11:00 »
Better server selection list in SecureLine
Fixed: Cleanup to stop on 99%
Fixed: Problems with HTTPS certificates in Firefox after upgrade to Windows 10
Fixed: Firewall not started after upgrade to Windows 10
Fixed: Cleanup to report leftover files, when software was just updated and not uninstalled (e.g. Skype, Java)
Fixed: Issues with payment gates (,
Fixed: Issues with not showing images on some sites (, )
Fixed: Issues with Outlook 2003 context menu (

Quelle & DL :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 11.1.2238 RC 1
« Antwort #193 am: 28 Oktober, 2015, 06:00 »
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes
Online Security plugin in Firefox is now signed in all cases (new installation or update)
Firewall now should run ok on Windows 10

Quelle & DL :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Avast 11.1.2239 RC 2
« Antwort #194 am: 30 Oktober, 2015, 20:00 »
Whats new:>>

- minor fixes for Home network security

Quelle & DL :

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )