Winclip 2.9.7- Add support SS1. Hardware and Software
- Server. Possibility now to send the stream to a client type VLC (UDP) or, like before, a WinClip client.
- Add prefered ECM in channel property
- poweroff lnb SS2 when quit winclip
- fix option "when start winclip, open the last channel"
- fix a deadlock in channel list
- fix video screen resolution when use a second screen
- fix a little pb when select fullscreen
- fix a little pb with display radio in channel list
- Rewrite the push source direct show syncronisation
- Other little things.
Limitation SS1 in hardware mode: - no subtitle
- no video zoom
- can't change the volume by using the wheel on the video window in full screen
- Issu when start on second API that use/initialise DirectShow (media player for exemple) and mode Overlay (or AUTO) selected in hardware dd. -> no video. Seems a problem with the TT driver.
Limitation SS1 sotfware mode - no radio
General Limitation with the SS1 but can be fixe : - No AC3 audio
- no 16/9 and 4/3 auto detection.
- Can't record the radio.
I have a problem too with the diseqc. Don't know if it's the same with all the SS1. Sometime, it's work perfect during one hours, i can switch sat without any problem, and suddenly impossible to switch the LNB. i tried with different other dvbapp and have the same problem. So i don't know.
Thanks to all beta testers that help me, specially parabolus, Night_Wolf1619, H@L, bfc_xxx, Primus and Labe (but still problem with his card)
and sorry for the people that contact me but didn't receive a answer.
Thanks to JoshyFun for his precious advices
Thanks to Altx for the DebiWrite/DebiRead functions...
This SS1.dll is not a compatible streamreader format.
After the first initialisation, a icon (like winclip logo) will appears on the taskbar. Click on for get the SS1 menu :
You can select Hardware or software mode in this screen and/or other ss1 options.
About VLC, don't send directly the stream to a client on the network but on the local PC and use stream/save function for dispacth the stream on other computer. i will make a tutorial about it.