100% new, rewritten from scratch Manage dialog:
Modern UI look and feel
Preview note contents in list
Slide-in tree and properties
Lockable search bar
New calendar display of upcoming sleeping stickies
Sort orders of each category stored individually
Encryption for stored text notes. Visit Options to turn this on, and select a password. Then use the low-left corner icon in Manage to lock/unlock encryption. Please don't forget your password - I am not able to help you recover from a forgotten password, your notes will be permanently encrypted!
Sort of secret advanced properties editor in Manage. Open Manage, then Properties for a sleeping, recurring or attached sticky, hold shift and double-click the "Properties" area at the top
Menu items are larger, new icons for all menu items
Monitor high DPI support, including per-monitor DPI
Option to have a Taskbar button, which has custom tasks, and an overview of all notes and stacks on screen
"Years" are now an option on the right-click / Sleep menus
Added dialog to manually set a note size (control-shift-x)
Pressing F2 in a stack edit the name
Can now select any colour at all for text, not just the predefined sixteen
Open Log button added to Advanced options tab
Can right-click a stack to create a sticky already in it
New API commands:
get stack position
get stack size
set stack position ,
set desktop size 999x999
get desktop altwidth
set desktop altwidth 999
set desktop altposition ,
get desktop altposition
get option RolledHasAltPosition
set option RolledHasAltPosition=1
New API events:
511 created stack
512 closed stack
513 stack moved to ,
514 stack sized to x
515 backup taken to:
516 stickies is exiting for a restore from: c:\folder
517 desktop sticky (un)rolled
518 options changed
Stickies and Stacks have a new skin
Right-click sleep menus include "years"
Only TTF fonts can be selected
Skin button to play alarm sound now toggles it
The scrollbar setting is now per-note, rather than application-wide
Bulk-printing notes sends just one document to the printer
Stack windows now have unique titles (AStack:xx), as stickies already do (ASticky:xxxxxx)
Stack windows obey the "Clicking one sticky brings them all to front" setting
The tray icon scales better to high DPI displays
Some button validation now performed when using the Search Engine list in Options
Fix for a crash on restoring
Memory leak when creating image stickies fixed
Stickies no longer suffers from the Year 2038 problem
Crash fixed when stickies was run with store.mdb in the data directory, but not options.ini
Non-ANSI month names now work OK in dates
Bug fixed with snoozed sticky status not being set to save
Bug fixed with new minimum sizes not being applied when switching skins
Bug fixed meaning setting "Receive all as secret" no longer sets all incoming notes to by yellow
Bug fixed with excess entries in the [properties] table
Bug fixed with non-ANSI month names (eg

) not showing in long dates
Bug fixed with "Load image" skin button discarding text content
Bug fixed which meant that scrollbars showed in empty stickies
Bug fixed meaning rolled, standing notes would move downwards by themselves
Bug fixed with searching for the [ character
Bug fixed: 502 API events now report the sticky ID as per the documentation
Bug fixed meaning unpacking a stack with a note solo no longer unsolos the rest of the notes
No longer responds to API commands during application exit to prevent bad data being returned