Maintenance Release.
Read the changelist for details.
Zip File Contents:
1. Binaries of Swiss File Knife Base, the multi function command line tool
for Windows (XP to Windows

, Intel Linux (current and old releases),
Apple Macintosh (i686 and PPC) and ARM systems like Raspberry Pi.
2. Sourcecode and build scripts of SFK Base,
allowing compilation under Windows and Linux.
3. Some documentation, example and test files.
If you are in a hurry and want only a single executable,
- download any of these files:
sfk.exe Swiss File Knife for Windows.
sfk-linux.exe SFK for 32 bits Intel Linux, like Ubuntu.
sfk-linux-64.exe SFK for 64 bits Intel Linux, like Ubuntu 64.
sfk-linux-lib5.exe SFK for older Intel Linux, like DSL.
sfk-mac-i686.exe SFK for current Intel based Macs.
sfk-mac-ppc.exe SFK for older PowerPC Macs.
sfk-arm.exe SFK for ARM systems like Raspberry Pi.
- do NOT double click on the downloaded .exe,
but open a terminal or command line window (CMD.EXE).
- cd into your download folder.
- Linux/Mac: rename the .exe to just "sfk" like:
mv sfk-mac-i686.exe sfk
then make it executable by:
chmod +x sfk
and finally type:
- Windows: rename the .exe to sfk.exe then type "sfk"
if you have no unzip tool, or in a wrong version,
you may download unzip for the command line from
This is the head version of SFK, and bug fixes will lead
to a replacement of all files given here without previous
notice. If you use SFK in your project, and it is important
for you that files do not change, take an older version
of SFK that does not contain this notice.
- add: windows: sfk fixfile, change bad filenames
and file times created by embedded devices
like PVR video recorders.
- fix: sfk rename: crash on accent chars or umlauts
within the search pattern.
- add: ftpserv: LIST now accepts -la, same as -a.
- fix: ftpserv: endless loop on unexpected LIST option.
- add: ftpserv: option -pasvport=n to define PASV port.
- add: windows: option -nofo[llow] now skips symbolic links.
- chg: windows: sfk lindex no longer follows symbolic links
by default. use -follow to change this.
- add: sfk num: print number in all kinds of formats.
- fix: sfk snapto: empty files were not added.
- fix: sfk alias -list did not work.
- fix: sfk xe: (x)replace -firsthit truncated file.
- fix: improved cygwin compile.
- add: sfk knxsend: now supports 4 bit messages.
- add: sfk strlen: windows batch example.