Fixed: Webhttrack incompatibility with Chrome.
Fixed: Assertion failure at htslib.c:3458 (strlen(copyBuff) == qLen) seen on Linux.
Fixed: Infamous crashes inside the DNS cache due to a corruption within the option structure.
New: Added minimalistic crash reporting on Windows and Linux.
Fixed: URL list not working anymore.
Fixed: FTBFS on ARM.
Fixed: Buggy FFFD (replacement character) in place of leading non-ascii character such as Chinese ones.
Fixed: FTBFS when compiling with zlib versions < 1.2.70.
Fixed: Buggy SVG.
Fixed: Do not uncompress .tgz advertised as "streamed".
Fixed: NULL pointer dereferencing in back_unserialize (htsback.c:976).
Fixed: Library development files.
Fixed: --advanced-maxlinks broken (Localhost).
Fixed: -devel package should now be standalone.
Fixed: Assertion failure at htscore.c:244 (len + liensbuf->string_buffer_size < liensbuf->string_buffer_capa).
Fixed: Injection-proof templates.
Fixed: htshash.c:330 assertion failure ("error invalidating hash entry").
Fixed: Windows 2000 regression.
Fixed: Code cleanup (aliasing issues, const correctness, safe strings).
New: Handle --advanced-maxlinks=0 to disable maximum link limits.
New: Updated ZIP routines (zlib 1.2.

Fixed: Broken 32-bit version.
Fixed: Assertion "segOutputSize < segSize assertion fails at htscharset.c:993".
Fixed: New zlib version fixing CVE-2004-0797 and CVE-2005-2096.
Fixed: More reliable crash reporting.
Fixed: Fixed infamous "hashtable internal error: cuckoo/stash collision" errors.
Fixed: Safety cleanup in many strings operations.
Fixed: Buggy option pannels.
New: Enforce check against CVE-2014-0160.
New: Improved hashtables to speedup large mirrors.
New: Added unit tests.
New: Added %a option, allowing to define the "Accept:" header line.
New: Added %X option, to define additional request header lines.
New: Added option '-%t', preserving the original file type (which may produce non-browseable file locally).
Fixed: Remove scope id (% character) in dotted address resolution (especially for catchurl proxy).
Fixed: Build fixes, including for Android, non-SSL releases.
Fixed: Buggy keep-alive handling, leading to waste connections.
Fixed: Removed chroot and setuid features (this is definitely not our business).
Fixed: Removed MMS (Microsoft Media Server) ripping code (mmsrip) (dead protocol, unmaintained code, licensing issues).
Fixed: Type mishandling when processing a redirect (such as a .PDF redirecting to another .PDF, with a text/html type tagged in the redirect message).
Fixed: Infinite loop when attempting to download a file:/// directory on Unix (gp)
Fixed: Removed background DNS resolution, prone to bugs.
Fixed: Do not choke on Windows 2000 because of missing SetDllDirectory().
Fixed: %h custom build structure parameter not taken in account.