- Added FLAC compression using FLACOUT (DotDotDot)
- Added MP4 compression (.mp4 .m4a .m4b, .m4p, .m4r .m4v .acc) using mp4v2 (Francisco Eirea Bito-on)
- Added Autodesk Revit (.rvt) and Solidworks formats (.sldprt, .slddrw, .sldasm) to the OLE tool chain (maadjordan)
- Added .BSZ .GRS .ITA .MVZ .PK3 .R2SKIN .STZ .WBA extensions to ZIP toolchain (Jaff)
- Added eDrawings (easm) to the ZIP tool chain (maadjordan)
- Added SVG extension to GZ/SVG tool chain
- Integrated Leanify compression for GZ, SWF and ZIP formats
- Added TAR support with Leanify
- Updated Leanify 0.4.2 daily binaries with Windows XP compatibility. Thanks JayXon
- Added DWF extension to the ZIP tool chain (maadjordan)
- Added .ksf, .wsz, .wal, .wmz, .mdz, .miz, .s3z, .xmz, .itz, .osk, .rmskin, .mmip, .msz extensions to the ZIP toolchain (Jaff)
- Added .vlt extension to the GZ toolchain (Jaff)
- Launch TruePNG before PNGOut to improve PNG compression (trlkly)
- Added OCX and VBX extensions to the DLL toolchain
- Improved GIF compression ratio upgrading to gifsicle 1.87 (custom build)
- Better GIF compression ratio adding --crop-transparency and if metadata should be removed --no-comments --no-extensions --no-names (Vivid)
- Unpacked TruePNG.exe to avoid false positives with Symantec AVs (LayZee)
- Improved WEBP compression ratio updating to libwebp 0.4.2
- Improved GZ, MNG, PNG, and ZIP compression ratio updating to AdvanceCOMP 1.20 beta
- Upgraded to Ghostcript 9.15
- Removed ImageMagick from the JPEG toolchain because it can cause quality loss (deluge)
- Brand new plugin execution, easier to mantain, and also more efficient
- Enhanced keep file attributes option to also restore file last access time
- Updated APNG Optimizer to 1.3
- Updated mozjpeg to 3.00 which improves compression ratio, and fixes Photoshop incompatibilities (Lard)
- Updated TruePNG to (Jaff)
- Updated jpegoptim to 1.4.2 (custom built) (Jaff)
- Updated ImageMagick to
- Updated PngOptimizer to 2.4.1
- Added ini options bBMPCopyMetadata=false, bGIFCopyMetadata=false, bMiscCopyMetadata=false, bPCXCopyMetadata=false, bTIFFCopyMetadata=false to control copying metadata for other filetypes
- Do not suffix shortcuts on the installed with x86 or x64, since only once will be available (trlkly)
- Added Leanify to PNG and ICO tool chains
- Fixed reopening FileOptimizer when closed minimized from the taskbar (d4k0)
- Fixed Keep file attributes not properly restoring file modification timestamp (Tomasz W. and ksf)
- Skipped files now have the Skipped status in the Status column instead of Pending
- Support Android 9-patch images by only allowing pngwolf, defluff and leanify to process them, and thus disabling advpng, deflopt, optipng, pngoptimizer, pngout, pngrewrite and truepng which seem to broke them (Tomasz W.)
- Cancel optimization is now faster
- Remove Control+Alt+X accelerator in installer shortcuts (AdamDobay)
- Improved GUI drawing performance
- Internal build number now matches subversion repository revision
- Better performance updating to ASMLib 2.35
- Updated to NSIS 3.0 beta 1
- Removed Launch wording in installer shortcuts (David Mártínez)
- Slight WINE compatibility improvements (Jesus Alcaras)
- Make sure file still was not deleted before processing (A user)
- Launched plugins now do with the same process priority as FileOptimizer (A user)
- Small installer/uninstaller improvements
- Upgraded to C++ Builder XE7 Update 1
- Upgraded distributions to 7-Zip 9.35
- Cppcheck sanity fixes (Armin)
- Source code migrated to a subversion repository at