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# Hard-und Software Allgemein
Tools diverses (Desktop,Dateimanipulation,Shell etc.)...
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Thema: Tools diverses (Desktop,Dateimanipulation,Shell etc.)... (Gelesen 1026141 mal)
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Beiträge: 191383
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Vocabulary .NET 3.8.5459
Antwort #3765 am:
12 Dezember, 2014, 13:44 »
Vocabulary .NET is a tool that helps you learning multi-language vocabulary. It integrates Google Dictionary and TTS that you can create, edit and take practice tests easier. A standalone tool that does not require installation.
Whats new: >>
updated Google translation engine ( Google Translator ): increase of 10 languages, total support to 91 languages
amended in Microsoft Windows 10 compatibility problems
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Dictionary .NET 7.1.5459
Antwort #3766 am:
12 Dezember, 2014, 13:47 »
Dictionary .NET is a tiny, easy and smart multilingual dictionary translating from/to 60 languages using Google's services. Integrates Google Dictionary, Translate, Search, Suggest 4-in-1 without installing them. Auto-detect any languages; Dictionary; Translate; Search with just One-Click or a Hotkey. A standalone tool that does not require installation.
- Add: Updated Google translation engine ( Google Translator ):
Increase in 10 languages, total support to 91 languages (5459)
Chichewa / Kazakh / Malagasy / Malayalam / Myanmar (Burmese) / Sesotho / Sinhala / Sundanese / Tajik / Uzbek
- Upd: Improved Google translation approach, when the word is the same with the translation of the query, automatically take POS displays the results (5449)
- Upd: Quick translation button ( Quick button ): Support On / Off setting process (Options-> Quick Button: On / Off) (5449)
- Upd: Bing wallpaper ( Bing Wallpaper *): increased to four kinds of parsing format (958x512 / 1366x768 / 1920x1080 / 1920x1200) (5449)
- Upd: Improved setting process: Add Keyboard Shortcuts disable status is automatically updated with the message prompts, amend and update some message prompts (5449)
- Fix: correction (5427) recommends a bilingual text ( Bilingual Suggestions * ) may cause problems exceptions (5449)
- Upd: Accumulated other contains a small update, correction and optimization (5459)
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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DisplayFusion 7.0 Beta 13
Antwort #3767 am:
12 Dezember, 2014, 16:00 »
DisplayFusion will make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) experience smooth and painless. Advanced multi-monitor wallpaper support, Flickr integration for image searching and fully customizable window management hotkeys are just a sample of the many things DisplayFusion can do. DisplayFusion is also available in many different languages.
Whats new:>>
This is planned as the final beta before the 7.0 release!
Fix: Performance and compatibility improvements
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Directory Monitor
Antwort #3768 am:
12 Dezember, 2014, 20:30 »
You can use Directory Monitor for the surveillance of certain directories and it will notify you of file changes, deletions, modifications, and new files in real-time. You can optionally execute an application when a change occurs.
Monitor directories for file changes, modifications, deletions and new files in real-time.
Monitor local directories or network shares (including hidden shares).
Run as a Windows service.
Optionally execute an application when an event occurs.
Log the user on the network that made the changes.
Include/exclude filtering on files being monitored.
Quickly tell if a directory is available and being monitored.
Balloon notifications whenever an event is fired.
Auto updating, import/export and more.
Directory Monitor is also available in a portable version.
Whats new: >>
Fix re-activations when an unlock key is deactivated (manually or via uninstall) and then the key is used again.
Fix internal problems with invalid characters causing an application crash (Linux monitoring).
Fix rename reporting errors for long paths.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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HashMyFiles v2.10
Antwort #3769 am:
12 Dezember, 2014, 22:00 »
HashMyFiles is small utility that allows you to calculate the MD5 and SHA1 hashes of one or more files in your system. You can easily copy the MD5/SHA1 hashes list into the clipboard, or save them into text/html/xml file.
License: Freeware
What's new: >>
Added accelerator key to 'Open In VirusTotal Web Site' option. (Ctrl+R)
Fixed the 'Open In VirusTotal Web Site' option to work properly with MD5 hash when there is no SHA256 hash.
Fixed bug: HashMyFiles failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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AutoRunnerX 2.0.1
Antwort #3770 am:
13 Dezember, 2014, 06:01 »
Führt einen Autostart beliebiger Dateien oder portabler Software durch, sobald ein USB-Stick oder eine Festplatte am Computer angeschlossen wird: die Autostart-Erweiterung wird in der Systemsteuerung konfiguriert und läuft nach der Aktivierung komplett im Hintergrund.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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ProjectLibre 1.5.9
Antwort #3771 am:
13 Dezember, 2014, 17:38 »
ProjectLibre eignet sich zur Planung von kleineren bis mittleren Projekten. Projekte können ausgedruckt oder als PDF-Datei erstellt werden. Ebenso ist der Im- und Export von Microsoft Project 2010-Dateien möglich.
Vorausgesetzt wird ein installiertes Java.
Lizenz : Open Source
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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WinCompose v0.6.13
Antwort #3772 am:
13 Dezember, 2014, 21:30 »
WinCompose allows the insertion of special characters such as é ž à Û ø ¤ « ¿ ® ™ using short and often very intuitive key combinations. For instance, ö is obtained using o + ", and ™ is obtained using T + M.
The program is based on the well known Unix compose key and WinCompose ships with more than 1,600 compose rules.
License: WTFPL
Whats new: >>
This release (v0.6.13) disables the startup message so as not to spam the desktop at boot time.
Compose sequences can now generate multiline output.
The left/right/etc. arrows can now be used inside a sequence.
Add a new sequence:
New volunteer-contributed translations: Belarus, Danish, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, Polish, Russian and Sardinian.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Classic Shell 4.2.0 Beta
Antwort #3773 am:
14 Dezember, 2014, 06:18 »
Classic Shell ergänzt neuere Windows-Versionen um Elemente und Funktionen, die aus älteren bekannt sind. Somit bringt Classic Shell Windows 8 das Startmenü und den Startbutton wieder.
Lizenz: Open Source
Whats new: >>
Improved support for Windows 10
New ability to apply settings from XML files from command line:
use "ClassicStartMenu.exe -xml <settings file>"
New setting to override the system DPI resolution only for the start menu
New setting to change the user picture
Improved support for touch and high resolution displays
Multiple minor improvements and bugfixes
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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My Suite 2014.12
Antwort #3774 am:
14 Dezember, 2014, 12:23 »
An intuitive application that helps users design a list with programs to be launched from a single pane, while offering the possibility to create categories.
Whats new:>>
Added : View Style 2 & 3 - "Copy Program Location"
Minor GUI Improvements
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Antwort #3775 am:
14 Dezember, 2014, 18:00 »
Balabolka is a feature-rich program to read text aloud from a variety of file types including DOC, RTF, PDF, ODT, FB2 and HTML. The program uses Microsoft's own Speech API 4 and 5, but lets you fine tune various voice parameters, including rate and pitch, and a substitution list can also be applied to improve the quality of the voice's articulation. The program supports customized font and background color, skins, control reading from the system tray or by the global hotkeys.
Balabolka can also save the synchronized text to external LRC files or in MP3 tags inside the audio files. When the audio file is played with players on a computer or on modern digital audio players, the text will be displayed synchronously (in the same way as lyrics for songs).
Also includes batch conversion tools from of a wide variety of document formats to audio or plain text and a file compare tool, file splitter, and screen magnification window.
License: Freeware
What's new: >>
- Fixed small bugs.
* Resources for Arabic and Turkish languages were updated (thanks to
Majid al-Asiri and Cagri Dogan).
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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QuickWayToFolders v1.3.1
Antwort #3776 am:
14 Dezember, 2014, 18:15 »
QuickWayToFolders provides quick and easy access to a folder on your computer via a taskbar icon. The program window disappears when you click outside the window. Display modes include:
Desktop: Act like a mini-desktop, with small icons
Small Browser: very similar to Windows explorer in "details" view
Menu: Display folder content in a menu
Multiple Folders Menu: Display multiple folders content in a single menu (note that you must manually add them or nothing will appear when you click the icon)
In the "Menu" and "Multiple Folders Menu" settings, the program can act like a Program Launcher. Multiple instances of the program can be run with customizable icons and each entry is added to the taskbar.
To use the program as a root folder of a portable folder choose Options - Local path, then use a forward slash: "\". To set an image as a background place it in the application folder and set path as "image name.jpg" etc.
License: GPLv2
Whats new: >>
Choice between notify icons or launch bar.
Hot corners for browser (no click required, just dragging the mouse in a screen corner will display it).
Multiple folders can be merged into a single menu (like all user start up menu and current user start up menu).
Empty folders are automatically hidden for menus view.
Solved: Some shortcuts were not working for menus view.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Shortcuts Search And Replace v1.6.11
Antwort #3777 am:
14 Dezember, 2014, 19:30 »
Shortcuts Search And Replace allows to do easy operations on shortcuts like:
Search for shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content.
Replace multiple shortcuts target path, working directory, arguments, and icon location content (useful if you move portable applications paths or directory).
Search dead links, to resolve or delete them (multiple resolves/delete in one click).
License: GPLv2
Whats new: >>
Added icon in toolbar for quick inclusion of the common users desktop folder.
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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DisplayFusion 7.0 Beta 14
Antwort #3778 am:
15 Dezember, 2014, 10:30 »
DisplayFusion will make your dual monitor (or triple monitor or more) experience smooth and painless. Advanced multi-monitor wallpaper support, Flickr integration for image searching and fully customizable window management hotkeys are just a sample of the many things DisplayFusion can do. DisplayFusion is also available in many different languages.
Whats new:>>
Fix: Resolved a critical issue that prevented Scripted Functions from running on some machines
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
Beiträge: 191383
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Antwort #3779 am:
15 Dezember, 2014, 11:00 »
EagleGet ist ein schneller, zuverlässiger Downloadmanager. Die Freeware bietet eine ansprechende Optik und diverse interessante Funktionen. Unterbrochene Downloads lassen sich zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt fortsetzen, wenn beispielsweise die Verbindung abgebrochen wurde oder es zu einem Systemabsturz kam.
Besonders gut eignet sich EagleGet für Videoclips avon YouTube & Co. Die Freeware bietet auch hier die Möglichkeit, den Download der Videos jederzeit zu unterbrechen und später fortzusetzen.
Gerade beim Laden von recht großen Dateien erweist sich der flotte Download-Speed von EagleGet als recht hilfreich. Der integrierte "Download Accelerator" soll laut Hersteller die Geschwindigkeit bis zum Sechsfachen erhöhen, was jedoch in der Praxis sicherlich nur in Einzelfällen erreichbar ist.
EagleGet überzeugt durch eine simple Bedienung, ein schickes Äußeres und eine gelungene Browser-Integration. Der Downloadmanager lädt Dateien aller Art sowie Videoclips von YouTube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Google Video und anderen Videoportalen. YouTube HD-Inhalte und HTML 5-Videos werden dabei unterstützt.
Whats new: >>
Added: Save the options in the Task Cleaner
Optimized: Download speed and The Resume ability
Fixed: Problems related with the download progess
Fixed: The Default download location is recreated always
Fixed: An issue with the program crash
Optimized: Other minor improvements and fixes
Arbeits.- Testrechner
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit
TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )
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# Hard-und Software Allgemein
Tools diverses (Desktop,Dateimanipulation,Shell etc.)...