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Ver 4.7.4471 (2012/03/29)- Upd: a complete dictionary mode ( Full mode ): formatting POS example shows, support for Expand / Collapse processing (4471)When the query word is only one part of speech is automatically expanded by default, if all Collapse multiple parts of speech processing, convenient and clearly show all parts of speechOr name of the localization process (4471)- Upd: the dictionary resource link ( Dictionary Links ): add a Google search version of the Dictionary Website (4471)- Fix: resolve Bing dictionary to open the link, and may therefore lead to lose the role of problem ( Bing Dictionary ) (4471) MS updateNo refresh problems (4471) - Fix: fix hotkey query click the ESC key to interrupt, and then repeat the same query and processing- Upd: contains many small parts of the amendment, updated with the user experience (4471)