All changes since 8.8.0-alpha1:
3084493 by catch, Lendude, dww, tedbow, Mile23, xjm: Fully deprecate and prepare for removal of SimpleTest module
3093257 by Berdir, alexpott, mikelutz: Install path_alias by default in kernel tests to minimize the impact on contrib tests between alpha and beta
2742585 by ZeiP, alexpott, mondrake, klausi, tomasnagy, Krzysztof Doma˜Ñski, sokru, kristiaanvandeneynde, dawehner, jeroenbegyn: Deprecate dangerous assertTrue/False() compatibility overrides in PHPUnit Kernel, Functional and FunctionalJavascript tests
3082655 by Wim Leers, alexpott, iyyappan.govind, dww, lauriii: Specify the $defaultTheme property in all functional tests
3062281 by rpsu, tedbow, xjm, catch, acbramley, tim.plunkett, larowlan, Gábor Hojtsy, mikelutz, Berdir: Deprecate block_place module for removal in Drupal 9
3084983 by plach, amateescu, catch, Berdir, xjm: Move all the code related to path aliases to a new (required) "path_alias" module
3072702 by alexpott, Wim Leers, mikelutz, xjm, catch, Berdir, tedbow, shaal, webchick, Mixologic, heddn: Core extensions should not need to specify the new core_version_requirement in *.info.yml files so that 9.0.x can be installed
2917006 by tedbow, amateescu, Wim Leers, sam-elayyoub, Pascal-, jnimchuk, catch, alexpott, kruser, neclimdul, chris5156, Rick Hood: Views referencing missing roles fail views_post_update_revision_metadata_fields()
3072382 by Wim Leers, lauriii: Update CKEditor to version 4.13
3075785 by alexpott, andypost, mondrake, Mixologic, greg.1.anderson: Update composer/composer to ^1.9.1
2993642 by AdamPS, Pancho, jonathanshaw: Mechanism to disable preprocessing of base fields in taxonomy and aggregator entity types so they can be configured via the field UI
3091225 by alexpott, mondrake: Require-dev mikey179/vfsstream ^1.6.8 in order to support PHP 7.4
3086965 by shaal, markconroy, webchick, kjay: Allow embedding media in CKEditor in Umami
2954378 by shaal, chr.fritsch, kjay, alonaoneill, Eli-T, J.Gayathri, webchick, markconroy, Gábor Hojtsy, phenaproxima, xjm, JayKandari, samuel.mortenson, seanB, alexpott: Use Media images in Umami demo
3062486 by amateescu, pmelab, blazey, dixon_, plach, catch, webchick, jeqq, vijaycs85: Add the ability to create sub-workspaces in order to enable the dev -> stage -> live workflow for content
3082690 by phenaproxima, bnjmnm, oknate, JeroenT, effulgentsia, xjm, lauriii, webchick, seanB, andrewmacpherson, Wim Leers, DyanneNova, Gábor Hojtsy, cboyden, peterx, rainbreaw, jan.stoeckler, shaal, annagaz, FeyP, chr.fritsch, marcoscano, samuel.mortenson, Berdir, webflo: Mark Media Library as a stable core module
3092112 by jibran, mondrake: Update symfony packages to 3.4.33 before 8.8.x beta
Revert "Issue #3072382 by Wim Leers: Update CKEditor to version 4.13"
3087482 by Mile23, greg.1.anderson, alexpott, xjm, AaronMcHale, johndevman, mbaynton, Mixologic, drumm: Add 'next steps' info to Composer installation output
3004929 by mikelutz, heddn: Fix 'The DrupalmigratePluginmigrateprocessMigration is deprecated in Drupal 8.4.0 and will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Instead, use DrupalmigratePluginmigrateprocessMigrationLookup'
3053656 by Sam152, JeroenT, Lendude, mglaman: Rename action.post_udate.php to action.post_update.php
3088403 by Mile23, Mixologic: Defensive coding: Vendor hardening plugin sometimes receives AliasPackage
2674068 by tstoeckler, julia_schwarz, hchonov: The translatability clue ('all_languages') is wrongly added to links
3005352 by hchonov, oknate: Passing a Session object to the ExpectationException constructor is deprecated as of Mink 1.7. Pass the driver instead
3091955 by saidatom, Chi: Wrong reference in DrupalCoreTypedDataOptionsProviderInterface
2586887 by LittleCoding, Cottser, webchick, gambry, alexpott, joachim, joelpittet, lauri, xjm: Remove bogus theme config override example from default.settings.php
3084345 by solide-echt, gdejonghe, valthebald, aklump, mbovan, Sutharsan, wengerk: Fix usage of unsupported !title placeholder in Translation.php
3088525 by Wim Leers: Follow-up for #3070880: fix instructions for how to direct CKEditor's build system to use Drupal's build-config.js
3086832 by jhodgdon: SearchPageRepositoryInterface doc block error
3047709 by J.Gayathri, jhodgdon, spitzialist, anmolgoyal74, Madhura BK, petedussin, alonaoneill: Convert block and block_content module hook_help() to topic(s)
3072382 by Wim Leers: Update CKEditor to version 4.13
3091672 by alexpott: Fix javascript coding standards
3064049 by zrpnr, lauriii, bnjmnm, finnsky, alexpott, tedbow, phenaproxima, Wim Leers, xjm, Berdir, sasanikolic, justafish, larowlan: Replace jQuery UI sortable with Sortable js
3072906 by bnjmnm, zrpnr, Wim Leers, lauriii, catch, mpdonadio, xjm, rainbreaw, andrewmacpherson, mgifford, anevins, jhedstrom: Deprecate jQuery UI datepicker
3090684 by Mixologic, greg.1.anderson, opdavies, alexpott: Rename drupal/dev-dependencies and drupal/pinned-dev-dependencies
3090626 by neclimdul: ContentTypeHeaderMatcher dx tests broken with some nginx configs
2915036 by ndf, Dane Powell, tim.plunkett, Lendude, jofitz, koppie, larowlan, fubarhouse, sime, alex.skrypnyk, Joseph Zhao: Display mode configurations don't get updated with new fields
3072312 by jhodgdon, Amber Himes Matz, andypost: Review/fix/delete existing help topics
3016471 by Gábor Hojtsy, drumm, tedbow: Make localization file download major version agnostic
2978288 by quietone: Improve the documentation on executeMigrations
3087514 by plach, kim.pepper: Remove unused RequestStack property on pager/SqlBase
2723553 by kim.pepper, jibran, mattc321: Trigger deprecated warning for ViewsData::get(NULL)
3081123 by quietone, alexpott: Add checkrequirements to VariableTranslation source plugin
3086408 by Krzysztof Doma˜Ñski, mglaman, el7cosmos: Error code should be string in HttpExceptionNormalizer
2930050 by quietone: Remove destination property content_translation_update_definitions from migrations
3066954 by andrewmacpherson, Wim Leers, bnjmnm, OBKev: Admin toolbar not usable with latest versions of JAWS due to mis-use of aria-owns
3089103 by kim.pepper, jibran: Properly deprecate DrupalviewsPluginviewsfieldField
3087626 by greg.1.anderson, Mixologic, jibran, Mile23, alexpott, xjm: Convert drupal/core-recommended & c. into a subtree split
2955842 by andypost, zrpnr, bnjmnm, alexpott, gapple: Deprecate classList library
3087531 by alexpott, jibran, gnikolovski, xjm, Mixologic: Use Diactoros LTS version 1.7, not 1.8 which is out of security coverage
Revert "Issue #3085908 by bnjmnm, dww, nightlife2008: Blurry/skewed thumbnails in IE11"
3087518 by kim.pepper: Remove references to queryAddPage() in comments and deprecation notices
3088195 by acbramley: action_entity_info incorrectly referenced in ActionListBuilder
3087027 by webchick, jhodgdon, larowlan, Amber Himes Matz, andypost, catch, xjm: Mark the help topics module as beta stability
2233595 by amateescu, marcingy, SpartyDan, visabhishek, Sharique, carletex, slashrsm, hanoii, plach, Berdir, xjm: Deprecate the custom path alias storage
3089752 by bnjmnm, zrpnr: Follow-up to #3074267 Refactor use of classList in quickedit for browser compatibility
3083570 by huzooka, shashikant_chauhan, rensingh99, ckrina, katannshaw, shimpy, andrewmacpherson, mfairchild365: Do not hide the label for the text format select input
3088135 by alexpott, mikelutz, Wim Leers, Berdir, heddn: TestSiteApplicationTest::testInstallInDifferentLanguage requires
3089697 by alexpott, swentel: Regression due to File::setValidationRequired in _file_save_upload_single()
3080259 by gabesullice, alexpott, Wim Leers: Links with different target attributes are improperly merged
3089530 by alexpott: Tests of copied Doctrine code are not testing what we want them to test
3085728 by heddn, Mile23: Add access rules for build tests
3088400 by heddn, Mile23: BuildTestBase->copyCodebase overly aggressive in exclusions
3088447 by Mile23, heddn, Krzysztof Doma˜Ñski: BuildTestBase->standUpServer always starts new server
3075645 by chr.fritsch, maacl, super_romeo, volkerk, alexpott: temporary://update-cache-60b12ec6 is not a directory. in FileSystem->scanDirectory()
3087692 by Wim Leers, alexpott: Remove the core key from views configuration
3085062 by jibran, amateescu, larowlan, xjm, Berdir: Declare a conflict on pathauto versions that aren't compatible with 8.8.0
3088853 by alexpott, mondrake: Require typo3/phar-stream-wrapper ^3.1.3 and pear/archive_tar ^1.4.8 in order to support PHP 7.4
2905429 by zrpnr, tim.plunkett, Wim Leers, Jacine: Library definitions containing only dependencies should be valid
3089168 by phenaproxima, bnjmnm: Remove or reduce representational CSS classes in all Media Library tests
3085908 by bnjmnm, dww, nightlife2008: Blurry/skewed thumbnails in IE11
3088681 by phenaproxima, seanB, bnjmnm, lauriii: Make MediaLibraryTest less dependent on representational CSS selectors