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New features:· The sort mode and direction are now saved in the search dialog.Bug fixes:· The image in the about dialog would not be shown when a translation was loaded. Fixed.Misc:· The help file (if present) can now be launched from the Help|Help menu. It must be named "Explorer++ Help.chm" and be in the same folder as the Explorer++ executable.· Updated 'Always hide the link (.lnk) extension' option to read 'Hide the link (.lnk) extension'.
16.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 1 (32/64)16.09.11 Fixed: Could not install parallel port driver for parallel port connection (64)16.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: When adding fields using the buttons like [N] or [C], the fields were always added at the beginning of the line, not the cursor position (64)15.09.11 Fixed: Search function: Aborting search with ESC no longer worked when cursor was in text input field (64)15.09.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Units were not working correctly (reason: bug in Free Pascal) (64)15.09.11 Fixed: Search for text in archives not working (64)15.09.11 Fixed: Main menu: The menu bar text was a little bit too high compared to the 32-bit version (64)07.09.11 Fixed: Clear 64-bit plugin section in wincmd.ini when installing a new plugin, to force refresh of the list of plugins supporting 64-bit (32/64)07.09.11 Fixed: Lister plugins: WM_COMMAND messages were not forwarded via ListNotificationReceived (64)04.09.11 Added: Uninstaller: Show warning that 32-bit version will be removed too (64)04.09.11 Added: Changed name of 64-bit program to totalcmd64.exe to allow installation to the same directory as 32-bit version (64)04.09.11 Fixed: Uninstaller crashed when trying to recreate icons (fix installation) (64)02.09.11 Fixed: Display of file/drive sizes: Show terabyte separator when showing size in bytes (32/64)02.09.11 Fixed: Pack with Alt+F5, some names containing Unicode characters -> warning dialog was modal to main window, not to progress dialog (32/64)02.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Hide subfolder window when scrolling with mouse wheel (64)28.08.11 Fixed: When using the themed progress bar, set the value in a way so the bar jumps immediately to that position (32/64)28.08.11 Added: Show number of bytes handled and total bytes when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)26.08.11 Added: Show number of files handled and total files when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)26.08.11 Fixed: Show error about unsupported method when trying to unzip archive encrypted with pkware strong encryption method, which is patented (32/64)21.08.11 Fixed: Still some scrolling problems in breadcrumb bar, only after subpanels were open (64)16.08.11 Fixed: Memory leak in new 64-bit packer plugin list function (64)14.08.11 Added: When browsing for plugins, also look for extension with '64' at the end. Cut off the '64' if there is a 32-bit plugin with the same name in the same directory (64)14.08.11 Added: All 64-bit plugins MUST now have '64' at the end of the extension, e.g. wcx64 (64)14.08.11 Fixed: In various edit boxes in dialogs, pressing ESC caused the default beep (Lazarus bug) (64)14.08.11 Fixed: Support own mouse wheel handling in Lister (only if the system sends wheel messages to Lister) (64)10.08.11 Fixed: Mouse wheel problems (wrong range, hangs) in breadcrumb bar (64)10.08.11 Fixed: Catch floating point exception in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)05.08.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Popup menu shown at wrong position on right click (64)05.08.11 Added: Lister: Show jpg, gif and png images in Lister without plugins also in 32-bit version, via gdi plus (32)05.08.11 Fixed: Edit file from archive: Make sure that TC doesn't jump back to the foreground when the "wait" dialog opens (32/64)03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace didn't support a combination of multiple strings (e.g. a|b) (32/64)03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Remove trailing slashes or backslashes from name before renaming (32/64)03.08.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow not working in button bar (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Checksum to detect plugin section changes was calculated incorrectly, so new plugins were not recognized (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers not drawn correctly with Windows classic theme (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers didn't have left/right borders (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Colors by file type: Skip color filters where the plugin isn't available (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Search function: No rule was opened by default on plugins page (64)02.08.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown window didn't support mouse wheel (64)29.07.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel no longer had the right size (64)27.07.11 Added: Search function (Commands - Search): In field "Search in", a list file can be specified like this: @c:\path\searchfile.txt. The format can be ANSI, UTF-8 or UTF-16 (both with bom). The file must contain one file/dir name per line, absolute or relative (32/64)27.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Use 'a' as number of digits for auto width depending on number of files, e.g. [C:a] or [C10+10:a] (32/64)26.07.11 Added: Added buttons and hotkeys (Ctrl+Arrow up/down) to jump to previous/next wrong checksum in "Verify checksums" dialog (32/64)26.07.11 Fixed: New progress bar handling (speedup) also for packers and packer plugins (32/64)26.07.11 Fixed: After Ctrl+Drag selection, Shift+Click Selection started with the wrong file (32/64)24.07.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewTimeZoneMethod=1/0 sets new Windows 7 time zone method (32/64)24.07.11 Added: Windows 7: Use new timestamp display method as in Explorer (32/64)24.07.11 Fixed: Drawing of file lists slow with Lazarus (use GetClipRect to draw only what is needed) (64)22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Directly accept backslashes in name field (for moving to subfolders) (32/64)22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Create missing subfolders automatically when renaming. The Undo function will NOT remove these extra folders (32/64)22.07.11 Added: F7 new folder: Remove double quotes around current path, e.g. when user used Ctrl+Enter on a name with spaces (32/64)22.07.11 Added: Search function, go to file: When only one file was found, go to that file, even if it wasn't selected (32/64)22.07.11 Added: Speed up file operations by handling progress bars with a timer (32/64)19.07.11 Fixed: Separate tree lines had wrong (fixed) height (64)19.07.11 Added: Draw new style (Windows Vista/7) expand/collapse icons in tree, make tree lines even lighter (can be disabled completely via ini) (32/64)19.07.11 Fixed: Crash when unpacking from archive to protected dir if the selection was lost while the user account control dialog was shown (32/64)17.07.11 Fixed: FTP connect could sometimes hang until the mouse was moved (64)17.07.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to a tab with a ZIP file not working when that tab was locked with the zip file as the locked directory (32/64)17.07.11 Fixed: Selecting a word in "compare by content" by double clicking not working correctly with UTF-8 non-English (e.g. Russian) (32/64)12.07.11 Added: Only show packer, file system and content plugins which are really available in 64-bit form (64)10.07.11 Added: 64-bit self-extractor for installer (64)06.07.11 Added: 64-bit installer, uninstaller and lzma dll (64)03.07.11 Fixed: Command select dialog: The filter edit box did not have the focus (64)29.06.11 Fixed: Make sure the file list isn't reloaded while inplace rename is asking user for new name due to rename error (32/64)29.06.11 Fixed: Crash when connecting to FTPS due to bad/outdated openssl dlls (32/64)28.06.11 Fixed: Crash on sending WM_USER+51 with wParam=1003 (cm_Properties) to TC while it does NOT have the focus (32/64)28.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Crash when closing compare window during "Recompare from here" (or choosing "Recompare from here" again) (32/64)26.06.11 Added: Copy from FTP or virtual folders (e.g. the desktop) to file system plugins (32/64)22.06.11 Added: Show warning about ZIP>4GB only once when packing multiple files/folders >4GB with option "Create separate archives...", not for each archive (32/64)22.06.11 Fixed: Copy to protected folder, overwrite file: "Rename target" and "Auto-rename target" not working with new default copy method (32/64)22.06.11 Fixed: Cursor image wrong or hidden after dragging tab in tab header to other position or other panel (64)22.06.11 Fixed: Shift+F4 input dialog too small (64)22.06.11 Fixed: Could not resize columns in "Synchronize dirs" and the multi-rename tool (64)22.06.11 Fixed: Could not sort list in "Synchronize dirs" (64)22.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox controls did not react to Alt+Letter hotkeys (Lazarus bug) (64)21.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Scrolling horizontally in edit mode (with right/left cursor keys) left remainders of the caret (64)19.06.11 Fixed: Packer plugins: Selection not removed after packing, but only if plugin supports background operations like 7zip (32/64)19.06.11 Fixed: ZIP/TAR packer: do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)19.06.11 Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)19.06.11 Fixed: Copy function: Could not detect infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions if the junction contained a short 8.3 name (e.g. DIRECT~1) (32/64)19.06.11 Fixed: cm_SrcSortByColX commands: Ignore Ctrl and Shift modifier keys when using the command via a hotkey (32/64)19.06.11 Fixed: Brief view: could not sort columns by clicking on them (64)19.06.11 Fixed: On PC with slow virus scanner, trying to load settings in search twice (by double clicking twice on two entries) could cause a crash (32/64)17.06.11 Fixed: Show background copy dialog on same screen as Total Commander, not on main screen (32/64)17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Compare two files by content, edit file on FTP side, re-upload -> list was not refreshed if file in subdir because of slash/backslash mismatch (32/64)17.06.11 Added: Made browse for folder dialog resizable, e.g. in synchronize dirs (32/64)17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: make sure that all backslashes are replaced by slashes in CWD command (32/64)17.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Move window to main screen on load if position was saved on second screen which is not connected (32/64)17.06.11 Fixed: Don't show error "Insert Disk 0" for some ZIP files with zip64 central header (32/64)15.06.11 Fixed: Main window was re-enabled by mistake after using quick search in synchronize dirs (32/64)15.06.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodReadInfo= set options for reading nethood: 1:GetAttributesOf, 2: SHGetDataFromIDList, 3:both (32/64)15.06.11 Fixed: Speed up reading of nethood in Windows 7 by not calling GetAttributesOf and SHGetDataFromIDList (32/64)15.06.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter not working properly with files in archives (32/64)15.06.11 Fixed: Search for text on FTP server: Aborting download didn't abort search, but the download of all other files was immediately cancelled (32/64)14.06.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Font may be wrong on Copy/Move page directly after changing font for dialogs and Apply (32/64)14.06.11 Fixed: Use WNetGetUser to verify whether a network connection already exists or not - if it does, do not call WNetAddConnection3 again to avoid problems with Windows server 2008 (32/64)14.06.11 Fixed: Quick search with AltGr: First character typed after releasing AltGr may be ignored (32/64)14.06.11 Fixed: FTPS (FTP over SSL): "Always trust this server" was only working for certain self-signed certificates -> use SHA1 hash to recognize cert (32/64)14.06.11 Fixed: Lazarus combobox with dropped down list: ENTER or ESC closed entire dialog box instead of just closing the dropped down part (64)14.06.11 Fixed: Wrong sort order after unpacking from plugin when option "add new files at end" was checked, the files were overwritten (reason: the list of changes was not cleared when re-reading the dir) (32/64)12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Support line lengths > 8192 characters12.06.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown menu could show up when opening the button bar context menu and closing it with the mouse over the breadcrumb bar (32/64)12.06.11 Fixed: ZIP packer: Add archive attribute only to files, not to folders, just as when copying (32/64)12.06.11 Fixed: Minimize to tray during unpacking of multiple archives -> progress bar in tray remained at 100% when done (32/64)12.06.11 Fixed: Copy/Delete progress dialog: Minimize didn't work (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Resizing of window not handled correctly, because Lister handles WM_SIZE by itself (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Color combobox for other items showing numbers instead of colors (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Copy URL to clipboard not working correctly (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Unregistered version: Nag screen appeared behind main window (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox "Packer" in Alt+F5 pack dialog too small when no plugin was installed (64)12.06.11 Fixed: Cursor position not updated when right clicking on a file just to select it (64)07.06.11 Fixed: Crash when minimizing to tray (64)07.06.11 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: Don't show warning about already installed plugin if the plugin directory was removed (but the plugin is still in the plugin list) (32/64)07.06.11 Fixed: Copy in background with F5-F2: Prevent user from closing current tab (e.g. with Ctrl+W) until the background transfer has all the files (32/64)07.06.11 Fixed: Multi-part unrar: Progress bar could sometimes jump to 100% (when unrar.dll calls ProgressProc with Size=0) (32/64)07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP: Only file sizes up to 2 GB supported when the server reported the size in kBytes or MBytes (32/64)07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP crash when proxy has empty password (due to bad implementation of strnew in free pascal) (64)07.06.11 Fixed: Various dialog box item sizes (32/64)05.06.11 Added: Support checksum file names sha256sum and sha256sums05.06.11 Fixed: Support checksum formats SHA1 (filename) = checksum and SHA256 (filename) = checksum05.06.11 Fixed: File system plugin interface: high dword of size field was not supported for folders05.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Parameter field was limited to 259 characters -> increased to 2047 (2 kbyte minus terminating 0) (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: Show '?' instead of time stamp when zip contains invalid timestamp data (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive list: Handle case where Windows returns "(D:) label" for removable drives: remove the (D:) part (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)05.06.11 Fixed: FTP download from list hangs with invalid URL twice in list, e.g. "http //" -> make auto-reconnect abortable (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: Recognize chrome extensions (.crx) as zip, they start with special header beginning with 'Cr24' (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: Move in background (F6-F2) moved everything in subdirs even when using "Only files of this type" option was set (32/64)05.06.11 Fixed: Unpack from plugins: Directory attributes were not unpacked (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Accept Shift+Enter also in delete confirmation dialog on ftp servers (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Look for encoding="other than utf-8" and turn not on UTF-8 when found (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Make sure that file contains no invalid sequences when UTF-8 is contained in the first 256 bytes of the file, otherwise detect it as normal text (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Ctrl+Backspace was inserting strange characters in text field (same problem as in notepad.exe) -> just ignore the hotkey (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: FTP client: Edit file with F4 was using SIZE command of remote file although the size was available from the LIST command (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: When using VistaDelete=1 for deleting, the cursor placement was wrong when files like index.htm were deleted, because windows deleted also folder index_files (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Right click on list background, New -> Shortcut (.lnk) not working (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Windows 7: Don't show pause button in task bar when program was launched as admin, it doesn't work due to a bug in Windows (32/64)03.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Launching program in "c:\Program files" with parameter %S would launch c:\Program.exe instead (if that exists) (32/64)02.06.11 Fixed: UUE decode: Support name encoding us-ascii, e.g. begin 644 =?us-ascii?Q?photo=207=2Ejpg?= (32/64)02.06.11 Fixed: FTP: Could not abort the copying of a directory to its own subdirectory (32/64)02.06.11 Fixed: Crash in associate dialog after changing icon and closing dialog (64)02.06.11 Fixed: The FTP toolbar/panel background was not themed correctly (64)01.06.11 Added: "Skip all" in copy as admin function, skips all files which fail to be copied as admin (32, 64)01.06.11 Fixed: When a crash occurs during a file operation and the user chooses to continue anyway, he cannot close the progress dialog -> remove it (32, 64)01.06.11 Finished porting to 64-bit, resume normal bug fix operations
23.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 2 (32/64)23.09.11 Fixed: Support translation of shortcuts in Lister main menu (64)22.09.11 Fixed: Problem with FTP downloads causing strange crashes (64)22.09.11 Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly by Lazarus if it had a left to right gradient (64)22.09.11 Fixed: Editing the current path (by clicking behind it) resulted in an empty path field on some systems (64)22.09.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" only supported English characters (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Command line: Various hotkeys including Ctrl+K and ENTER not working (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Selecting a file with space didn't update the footer (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Lister: view large image with internal viewer, switch from full size to "fit to window" and back -> vertical scrollbar was missing (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)21.09.11 Fixed: Dual screen, TC on secondary screen -> the overwrite confirmation dialog was shown on the primary screen (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdowns didn't have any border -> modify Lazarus component library (64)21.09.11 Added: Search function: Save current search text before starting a search, so Lister plugins can access it (32/64)21.09.11 Fixed: Splash screen: an additional icon appeared in the taskbar (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Main window focus was lost, and additional icons appeared in the taskbar (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Some controls were overlapping in main configuration dialog with Windows classic theme (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Maximize main window, minimize to tray, click on tray icon -> window wasn't maximized any more (64)21.09.11 Fixed: Some more shortcut keys on buttons were not working, e.g. in button bar change dialog (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow while comparing by content (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Beep sound when renaming file in place -> removed (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Thumbs view: Alpha blending (transparency) not handled correctly, folders look ugly (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Selection with mouse in brief view not working correctly, caret sometimes shown twice (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Passive mode not working with IPv6 (PreferIPv6=1 in wincmd.ini) (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Let Lazarus draw the main menu bar (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Tree: [+] indicator too large when using Windows classic theme (32/64)20.09.11 Fixed: Custom message box (e.g. when deleting read-only files): Shift+Cursor keys was not working (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Selection wasn't removed when switching edit mode off (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Could no longer select text with the mouse (32/64)20.09.11 Fixed: Exceptions in external C/C++ dlls (e.g. when aborting RAR unpacking) cause TC to crash (Ctrl+C hit) due to bad exception handling in free pascal, see -> patch system.pp (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Button [N#-#] did not work correctly, it always returned the entire range (64)20.09.11 Fixed: The sorting header did not have a separator line above it to the current path (64)20.09.11 Fixed: Arrows in the sorting header (showing the sort direction) were not filled when using Windows classic theme (64)19.09.11 Fixed: After switching from full to brief view or back, some files could suddenly be selected (64)19.09.11 Fixed: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved just above the tabs (64)19.09.11 Fixed: Main and Lister window position were restored incorrectly when the Windows task bar was on the left side (64)19.09.11 Added: Show version 8 in properties of installation auto-extractor and installer (32/64)19.09.11 Fixed: In some dialogs like the overwrite confirmation dialog, hotkeys for buttons were not working (64)19.09.11 Fixed: CRC check dialog: The button used to jump to the next/previous error wasn't moved when resizing the dialog (32/64)19.09.11 Fixed: Brief view: Name/Ext/.. headers not resized correctly when maximizing or restoring (64)19.09.11 Fixed: Program started without any tabs - mode with 2 panels above each other not restored (64)19.09.11 Fixed: noclose.exe/noclose64.exe wasn't included in the installer. It's used to open a command line program and keep the window open (Shift+ENTER) (32/64)19.09.11 Fixed: TC didn't start on Windows 9x/ME/2000 due to a missing function -> load it dynamically (32)19.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack multiple dirs, each to a separate subdir -> two dots instead of one before extension (64)19.09.11 Fixed: FTP: All stored passwords not protected with a master password could not be loaded (64)19.09.11 Fixed: The title bar didn't show the "Beta" character in all languages (e.g. Russian) (32)19.09.11 Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)19.09.11 Fixed: By default, look for tcmatch64.dll instead of tcmatch.dll (64)19.09.11 Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)19.09.11 Fixed: x64: Look for ssl dlls in subdir "64" if they couldn't be loaded from TC directory (e.g. because the 32-bit dlls are there) (64)19.09.11 Fixed: Crash verifying certain wincmd.key files (Reason: error porting assembler to 64-bit) (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Images not centered initially if larger than the screen (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Progress dialog (file operations): ENTER key sometimes triggered Abort instead of the focused button (64)18.09.11 Fixed: English help file: Section about wincmd.ini was cut off (32/64)18.09.11 Fixed: Self-extracting installer: Bad progress bar (due to bug in Lazarus str function) (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)18.09.11 Fixed: File system, lister and content plugins: Plugin not loaded if the path contained an environment variable (64)18.09.11 Fixed: With Windows basic theme (AeroGlass off), file tooltips were not completely removed if their height changed (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar: When loading new bar with OPENBAR command, the window size wasn't adjusted if the bar height changed (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: Menu breaks (continue menu at the top right) were not supported by Lazarus, added manually (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: didn't receive WM_MEASUREITEM messages, so the lines would be too small (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Focus is lost for a short moment when closing the button bar configuration dialog (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Search using list file: Ignore empty lines in file, they were erroneously interpreted as the location of the list file (32/64)18.09.11 Fixed: Dialog box font was only 2 pixel high when choosing a different charset in Configuration - Options - Fonts for dialog boxes (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Clicking on "\" button (the one without icon) went to network neighborhood instead of going to the root (only when drive dropdown list was off) (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the same string twice (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Command line didn't show up on cursor right or cursor left when it was hidden via configuration (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool / change attributes: F2 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't choose anything (64)18.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F1 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't switch the drive (64)
30.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 3 (32/64)30.09.11 Fixed: Classic theme: Progress bar in copy dialog was flickering with newstyleprogress=0 (64)30.09.11 Fixed: Center all child windows over the parent form instead of centering them on the monitor (64)29.09.11 Fixed: In all dialogs, changed width of checkboxes from automatic to fixed, otherwise they cannot be mirrored properly for right to left text (64)29.09.11 Fixed: Lister, internal image viewer: Set page size (for PageUp/Down, cursor left/right) to the lister size minus 10 pixel overlap (64)29.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Do not pass the mouse wheel messages to Windows when handling them internally (64)29.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Do not refresh main window when saving file in compare tool and the main window is disabled (e.g. when starting compare from overwrite dialog) (32/64)29.09.11 Fixed: Main menu: Show hotkeys in menu right-aligned on Windows Vista or newer with themes enabled (32/64)29.09.11 Fixed: Only when cleartype is on: Switching from brief to full view caused re-draw of the volume label, free and total space without erasing the background, resulting in darker text (64)29.09.11 Fixed: Configuration dialog for lister and content plugins: The detect strings were not shown tab-separated -> use owner-drawn listbox (different solution than 32-bit) (64)29.09.11 Fixed: Open "compare by content" dialog from "synchronize dirs" -> drives were shown in lowercase even when DrivesShowUpcase=1 was set (32/64)29.09.11 Fixed: Button bar with only one button, right click on button: Menu items "Edit linked button bar..." and "cd path" were disabled while only "delete" should be disabled (32/64)29.09.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow with flickering while comparing by content also in 32-bit version (32)28.09.11 Fixed: No preview thumbnails were shown in overwrite dialog (64)28.09.11 Fixed: Avoid beep when user presses ENTER in search dialog to start a search (there is one when the search ends, though) (64)28.09.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: "Layout" was not selected in the tree on the left when opening the dialog (64)28.09.11 Fixed: Could not minimize the following 3 dialogs together with the main program: Synchronize dirs, Multi-rename tool, Find files (64)28.09.11 Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6 in right panel while command line and drive dropdown lists are off -> cursor not set on new file (64)28.09.11 Added: Also select range of files when Shift+Clicking on already selected file (32/64)28.09.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Click while nothing is selected no longer selected both the item under the cursor and the one the user clicks on (64)28.09.11 Fixed: Tab positions were slightly different between 64-bit and 32-bit. Reason: Lazarus seems to substract the window border from the window width value (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Switch between left to right and right to left alignment with Ctrl+Shift not working (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Let Lazarus handle mirrored controls. The following dialogs were not mirrored correctly: Change start/directory menu, Search files, Button bar dialogs, new ftp connection, change attributes (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Right to left view (Arabic, Hebrew) not working correctly on all pages except for the first (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Search dialog not sized correctly when closed in maximized form (but no search started) and then re-opened and search started (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Command line didn't appear when typing just one character, or on Alt+F8 (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved near the scrollbars (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Menu bar: Some menu items were cut off only with some themes (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Lister main menu no longer supported accents and non-English characters, still worked in beta 1 (64)27.09.11 Fixed: Showing size in bytes was incorrect for sizes >=1 Terabyte (decimal) (32/64)27.09.11 Fixed: Could not continue aborted copy operations by clicking on Cancel (only when copying in background) (32/64)26.09.11 Fixed: Minimize main window to tray didn't work on first click, the window didn't disappear from the task bar (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Change current path via edit box (by clicking behind the path): Crash after 9 clicks because the edit box was subclassed each time by mistake (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Lister configuration: The Display at startup option was saved, but the new value wasn't selected when re-opening the dialog (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Image wasn't centered in one direction if it was just a bit smaller than the window (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Set correct background color for read-only edit controls in archive file properties and system info dialog (except when using XP themes on Vista/7) (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Could not define external viewer for Alt+F3 if the path contained both an environment variable and a space (32/64)26.09.11 Fixed: Dialog box for file system, lister and content plugins didn't support accents in name or path (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Could not abort operation in background (32/64)26.09.11 Fixed: Main menu bar: Draw with own function when menu theme turned off - 64bit only (64)26.09.11 Fixed: Main menu bar button width not correct with themes on, because internal measure function was used with Lazarus draw function (64)26.09.11 Fixed: No accents in multi-rename tool and attributes dialog (F2 function) (64)26.09.11 Fixed: No accents in dialog used to choose pre-defined searches, e.g. in NUM+"+" dialog or when choosing user-defined colors by file type (64)
07.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 4 (32/64)07.10.11 Fixed: Configuration - Save position saved tab positions incorrectly, off by a few pixels (64)07.10.11 Fixed: Main menu could be bad after switching theme on and off (64)07.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Search for text with caret (text cursor) enabled -> caret at wrong position when list was scrolled sideways to show the result (64)07.10.11 Fixed: Tab key no longer working in edit control in dialog boxes (64)07.10.11 Fixed: Crash when turning off auto-complete and auto-append (64)07.10.11 Fixed: When using branch view of selected files/folders and "watch directory changes", do not show files IN THE BASE DIRECTORY which do not belong to the selection when they show up later (32/64)06.10.11 Fixed: Shortcut keys not shown in synchronize dirs right click menu (with Windows Vista/7 themes only) (64)06.10.11 Fixed: Get tab background color via GetPixel because IsThemePartDefined fails to detect whether a tab header theme supports the new Vista/7 style or not (64)06.10.11 Fixed: Crash when Lazarus does not return any current monitor (=nil) when centering dialogs (64)06.10.11 Fixed: "Minimize to tray" and "only one instance" problems: TC was not correctly restored from tray when starting a second copy (64)06.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, search+replace: support * at the beginning, e.g. to replace all characters up to a certain letter (x), use *x (32/64)06.10.11 Added: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 4.x (32/64)05.10.11 Fixed: No cursor when moving mouse over breadcrumb bar after drag&drop was passing over the bar (64)05.10.11 Fixed: Main menu, no themes: Draw as a button (instead of highlighted text) if SPI_GETFLATMENU returns false (64)05.10.11 Fixed: Search window was shown without status line when opened in full screen mode BEFORE starting the search (64)05.10.11 Fixed: Confirming overwrite dialog with ENTER confirmed the next one too by mistake (64)05.10.11 Fixed: Shift+Click on a selected file in the file lists could select the wrong range if the user clicked before on an already selected file (32/64)04.10.11 Fixed: Lister: animated GIF not updated properly when zoomed (fit to window) (32/64)04.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Avoid flickering by using double buffering also with themes turned off (64)04.10.11 Fixed: Locale set to e.g. Korean or Chinese -> choosing font with non-English name not working in main and Lister configuration dialogs (64)04.10.11 Fixed: Vista 64-bit only: Crash on exit, caused by subclassing of command line for auto-complete -> remove subclass before closing (64)04.10.11 Fixed: pluginbasedir in wincmd.ini could be set incorrectly when auto-installing a plugin (string handling bug in Lazarus (if p>buffer is always false) (64)04.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] GifMinDelay=80 minimum delay between animated gif frames in milliseconds (default: 80) - change effective without restart (32/64)04.10.11 Fixed: LB_GETTEXT/LB_GETTEXTLEN messages not working in various listboxes, including the main panels (64)04.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Remove all trailing backslashes from new name (32/64)04.10.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save": Unicode was not supported in status line (e.g. search for) (64)04.10.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" still showed only English characters just after saving a new item (64)04.10.11 Fixed: Brief view: Footer not always updated, e.g. when pressing insert on last file in list (64)03.10.11 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Thumbnails from quadratic images were overlapping the X and V icons (64) 03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q) not resized correctly when maximizing the main window (64)03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q): Centered images were at the wrong position when quick view was first opened (64)03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q): Small centered images could still be moved a bit with the cursor keys (64)03.10.11 Added: Use double buffering to draw GDI+ images (JPG, GIF, PNG) without flickering, also handles transparent animated GIFs correctly (32/64)03.10.11 Fixed: Compare by content: a small black square was shown at the bottom between the two panels, because the split panel between the two was 2 pixels too high (64)03.10.11 Fixed: Cursor shape changed again to "Drop not allowed" when starting with fresh wincmd.ini and changing to other directory via double click (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Wrong handle value FFFFFFFF instead of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE was passed to packer plugin callbacks SetProcessDataProc and SetChangeVolProc when packing (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Vertical line to the left of \ .. buttons in the drive dropdown list bar wasn't drawn (64)02.10.11 Fixed: totalcmd64.exe process not terminating after closing standalone USB server (64)02.10.11 Fixed: TCUsbRun.exe could not launch 64-bit Total Commander (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Standalone USB server no longer starting (because trying to center it on non-existent parent form fails) (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Could not set any user-defined codepage (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Menu hotkey handling: Jump between multiple menu items with the same hotkey (defined via '&'), also handle menu items with no '&' (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Caret (text cursor) position not updated when scrolling by dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, option [N#-#]: The entire string length was returned when selecting with Shift+Cursor keys + Enter (reason: Enter selects entire string) (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Tri-state checkboxes like in "change attributes" when multiple files are selected: The order of the 3 states when clicking was different from 32-bit (64)02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Set minimum delay time of 80 ms for animated gifs, this seems to match the speed in browsers like Firefox (32/64)02.10.11 Fixed: A press on F5 in the pack dialog with only name with quotes (e.g. zip:"pack") selected also the starting quote (32/64)02.10.11 Fixed: A press on F5 in the copy or pack dialog didn't select the entire line when name+extension were selected (64)02.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Colors] TreeTriangles=0 allows to revert to [+] icons in tree to expand/collapse branches (32/64)02.10.11 Added: Tree: Show old [+] icons by default when user has set a different color for tree lines (32/64)02.10.11 Fixed: Lister English menu contained some test characters by mistake (64)
Neue Funktionen UAC-Aktionen ohne Systemregistrierung (portabel) [ID549] Erweiterung des Kontextmenüs mit Befehlen von SpeedCommander [ID576] Zugriff auf Editierfelder von Ordnerinformation und Laufwerksinformation per Tastatur (Tab/Strg+Tab) [ID574] Tastenkürzelschema für zweistufige Tastenkürzel [ID633] Überarbeitung der Systemordner-Funktionen (x86-Systemordner für 64-bit Version, Öffentliche Ordner, Windows 7-Ordner) [ID630] Schließen von Registerkarten mit der mittleren Maustaste [ID622] Beachtung von Sommerzeit/Normalzeit bei der Umwandlung der Zeitstempeln von UTC in lokale Zeit [ID623] Automatische Korrektur des Ziels einer Kompatibilitäts-Verbindung beim Ordnerwechel, wenn sie auf ein anderes Laufwerk zeigt [ID638] Definition von Initialisierungsordnern für XP-kompatible Spaltenerweiterungen (z.B. TortoiseSVN) im Einstellungsdialog [ID626] Dateisystemfunktionen für Einträge im Hauptordner einer Bibliothek [ID620] Umstellung des Menübefehls 'Ordner - Systemdateien anzeigen' auf drei Zustände (Reihenfolge wie Einstellungsdialog) [ID636] Menübefehl für temporäre Anzeige der ausgeblendeten Dateien und Ordner (Ordner - Ausgeblendete Dateien und Ordner anzeigen) [ID635] Menübefehl für Umschaltung der automatischen Ordnergrößenberechnung (Ordner - Ordnergrößen automatisch berechnen) [ID654] Bearbeiten der INI-Einstellungen im Einstellungsdialog [ID632] Anzeige von Archivinformationen in 'Datei - Mehr Eigenschaften' [ID604] Hexadezimale Darstellung von Datenströmen in 'Datei - Mehr Eigenschaften' [ID55] Baumansicht: Basisordner als oberster Eintrag in der Baumansicht (Registerkarten-Eigenschaften) [ID647] Baumansicht: Einstellung für obersten Eintrag in der Baumansicht (Desktop oder Laufwerk) [ID646] Listenansicht: Bessere Multicore-Auslastung bei der Anzeige von Vorschaubildern und Spaltentexten [ID585] Listenansicht: Ordneransichten zur Anpassung der Anzeige für bestimmte Ordner (Musik, Bilder) [ID648] Listenansicht: Kopieren der Informationen aus der Detailansicht in die Zwischenablage (Bearbeiten - Detailansicht als Text kopieren) [ID637] Listenansicht: Kennzeichnung der internen und externen Spalten in der Feldauswahl [ID625] Listenansicht: Sortierung der Spalten nach Namen in der Screenreader-kompatiblen Feldauswahl [ID625] Schnellansicht: Textbetrachter mit Syntaxhervorhebung [ID545] Schnellansicht: Einbindung von Windows-Vorschauhandlern [ID547] Schnellansicht: Verbesserung der Geschwindigkeit bei Ansicht von Programmdateien Schnellansicht: Anzeige von Bildern in x64-Version ohne Systemregistrierung (portabel) [ID548] Archive: Komprimieren/Entpacken mit Warteschlange [ID553] Archive: Überarbeitung des Komprimierdialogs [ID553] Ordnerinformation: Anzeige von Verweisen, Hardlinks, Datenströmen und Sparse Files [ID562] Ordnerinformation: Korrekte Berechnung der allokierten Größe von Datenströmen, Sparse Files und komprimierten Dateien [ID562] Ordnerinformation: Berichterstellung (Klick mit rechter Maustaste in Ordnerinformationsfenster) [ID562] Dateioperation: Kopieren von Hardlinks [ID573] Dateioperation: Verschieben mit Fortschrittsanzeige [ID573] Dateioperation: Erstellen von Verbindungen, Hardlinks und symbolischen Links [ID575] Dateioperation: Zusätzliche Befehle für Kopieren und Verschieben mit/ohne Bestätigung [ID552] Dateioperation: Dateigröße wird beim sicheren Löschen auf volle Clustergröße aufgerundet [ID602] Dateioperation: Einzel- und Gesamtfortschritt beim sicheren Löschen [ID601] Dateioperation: Ermittlung der Gesamtgröße bei Dateioperationen während des Vorgangs [ID600] Dateioperation: Beachtung von MountPoints beim Verschieben von Ordnern auf dem gleichen logischen Laufwerk [ID640] Dateioperation: Anzeige von Quelle und Ziel als InfoTip im Fortschrittsfenster [ID656] Anwendungsfavoriten: Verwendung von CreateProcess anstelle von ShellExecuteEx, wenn die Länge der Kommandozeile 2048 Zeichen überschreitet [ID608] Anwendungsfavoriten: Neue Parameter für Listendateien - $(ActSelLst), $(ActSelLstU8), $(ActSelLstU16) [ID608] Anwendungsfavoriten: Optionales Ausführen mit angehobenen Rechten [ID608] FTP: Eingabe der FTP-Zugriffsrechte im Eigenschaften-Dialog als Oktalzahl [ID51] FTP: Farbige Darstellung im FTP-Statusfenster [ID603] FTP: Löschen von Dateien im Hintergrund [ID598] FTP: Setzen von SUID/SGID und Sticky im Eigenschaften-Dialog [ID599] FTP: Unterstützung für MLSD und MFMT [ID597] FTP: Vorgabe der Berechtigungen im Kopieren-Dialog [ID445] FTP: Verzeichnisübergreifendes Umbenennen auf einem FTP-Server [ID58] SpeedEdit: Sicherheitskopie beim Speichern erstellen (.bak) [ID616] FileSearch: Aufhebung der strikten Trennung von Dateiname und Erweiterung bei Suchmasken [ID609] FileSearch: Zusätzliche Spalten für Dateiinformationen [ID580] FileSearch: Miniaturansicht und Gruppierung im Ergebnisfenster [ID580] FileSearch: Automatische Übernahme der Einstellungen von SpeedCommander für die Listenansicht [ID580] FileSearch: Farbdarstellung in der Listenansicht [ID582] FileSearch: Erweitertes Auswählen von Dokumenten per Auswahldialog [ID582] FileSearch: Kopieren von Pfadnamen in die Zwischenablage bei Beachtung der Einstellungen in SpeedCommander.ini [ID582] FileSync: Gezieltes Löschen von Dateien nach dem Dateivergleich [ID46] FileSync: Farbliche Kennzeichnung von zu kopierenden Dateien [ID47] FileSync: Betrachten und Vergleichen von Dateien mit externen Programmen [ID119] FileSync: Anzeige des Fortschritts während des Synchronisiervorgangs in der Taskleiste [ID639] FileSync: Anzeige der Dateigröße in Bytes [ID641] FileSync: Kennzeichnung der neueren Dateien wahlweise in Fett/Kursiv [ID642] FileSync: Schriftart- und größe für Listenansicht wählbar [ID643] FileSync: Änderung der Kopierrichtung für einzelne Dateien nach dem Vergleich [ID644] SCBackupRestore: Unterstützung von Unicode-Pfaden [ID649] SCBackupRestore: Sicherungen können mit einem Kommentar gekennzeichnet werden [ID649]Änderungen Unterstützung für angepasste Symbole für Ordner und Laufwerke ohne zusätzliche Option [ID619] Einstellung der U3-Version Internet: Einstellung der Unterstützung für Mozilla ActiveX-Control [ID605] FileSearch: Entfall der Verwendung von CharSets [ID609] FileSearch: Maskierung von eckigen Klammern nicht mehr nötig [ID609]