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26.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 5 (32/64)26.03.14 Added: Change main menu only with new command OPENLANGUAGEFILE WCMD_xyz.MNU or OPENLANGUAGEFILE .MNU for internal (32/64)26.03.14 Fixed: Find files, search for text in zip, compressed size<1MB but uncompressed >1MB -> only first MB was searched (32/64)26.03.14 Fixed: "F7 New Folder" in virtual folder (e.g. Android device) -> directory sometimes only appearing after manual refresh (32/64)26.03.14 Fixed: Choose old command line from history with keyboard, press left or right arrow -> command line was selected instead of placing the cursor behind it (64)26.03.14 Added: F6 move dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Copy" to copy the file instead of copying it (32/64)26.03.14 Added: F5 copy dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Move" to move the file instead of copying it (32/64)26.03.14 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Click on "Verify after delete" didn't enable the "Apply" button (64)21.03.14 Added: Also load icons for internal associations in a background thread (32/64)21.03.14 Fixed: Windows directory was shown as shared (due to administrative share ADMIN$) (32/64)21.03.14 Fixed: Automatic redraw of per extension icons (when extracted) wasn't working correctly (64)21.03.14 Fixed: No per extension icons were shown when using 32x32 icons (32/64)
02.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 1 (RC1) (32/64) 02.04.14 Fixed: Two pass copy function: When error occurs with last file in list, do not postpone dialog box to second pass (32/64) 02.04.14 Added: Use Uniscribe to display custom columns, as long as they don't contain non-English texts, or tabs (32/64) 02.04.14 Fixed: Verify checksums: Taking checksum from clipboard not working for SHA512 (32/64) 02.04.14 Added: Moved call to NetShareEnum to get list of all shared folders to background thread (32/64) 02.04.14 Added: Test for shared folders: Old method via OLE2 can be set with TestIfSharedDir=2 (32/64) 02.04.14 Fixed: Lister's menu was missing hotkeys 2,3,4 etc. starting with beta 4 (64) 01.04.14 Added: Reduced flickering of current item in listboxes by re-drawing loaded icons manually instead of invalidating the rectangle (32/64) 01.04.14 Fixed: Do not beep when skipping (for later) write protected, hidden or system files when moving between drives (32/64) 30.03.14 Fixed: Open RAR with encrypted names: Repeat password dialog until user enters correct password or cancels dialog, also show "wrong password" hint (32/64) 30.03.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, delete files via right click menu: Bypass recycle bin with Shift pressed also when choosing the menu item (not only when confirming the dialog box) (32/64)
09.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 2 (RC2) (32/64)09.04.14 Fixed: Very slow extraction of icons or overlay icons could hang opening of Lister (F3) -> use different critical section when loading plugins (32/64)09.04.14 Fixed: Unpack password-protected RAR with Alt+F9 -> parent of password dialog wasn't set to the progress dialog (32/64)08.04.14 Fixed: Memory leak in Compare by content - Recompare from here (only if a file was changed) (32/64)08.04.14 Fixed: Compare by content - "Resync comparison from here" not working correctly if one of the files (or both) was saved just before using the function (32/64)04.04.14 Fixed: Do not try to draw updated icon (loaded in background) before the actual line has been drawn (e.g. multiple files with same extension) (32/64)04.04.14 Fixed: Icon of focused item in inactive panel could sometimes get cursor background from active panel (32/64)