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Fixed: Standalone search window: No custom context menu entries from "Internal associations" shown (32/64)Fixed: Force close background copy operations when closing TC (the user has to confirm it) (32/64)Fixed: HTTP download, download aborts, but server doesn't support resume -> infinite retry loop (32/64)Fixed: Clear "All as Admin" flag when user cancels the launch of the tcmadmin tool (32/64)Fixed: Delete files to recycle bin (VistaDelete=1), abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue) (32/64)Fixed: Watch directory changes: Block main thread for a maximum of 1 second at a time when there are thousands of changes (32/64)Fixed: Copy files, click on "Background" then "Foreground" -> do not follow the deleted file position since all files have been unselected when clicking "Background" (32/64)Added: HTTP download via Ctrl+N: Support servers returning incorrect headers, e.g. Content-Length: 0 but valid Content-Range (32/64)Added: Updated tcuninst.exe to use latest code signing certificate (32)Added: Support unpacking of multi-volume 7zip files, which are just regular (but split) 7zip files. All parts must be in the same directory (32/64)Fixed: Port connection to other PC: Misleading error if USB driver installed but no cable connected: "Could not load port driver!" (32/64)Fixed: Do not pass archive subfolder to external search tool (just like when calling the internal search dialog) (32/64)Fixed: Use new default font (Segoe UI Semibold) only when TC starts with a fresh ini file (no section [Configuration]) or UseNewDefFont=1 (32/64)Fixed: Made verify more reliable when using default copy function (CopyFileEx) with files >10MB (32/64)Fixed: Lister, search backwards for regular expressions -> ignore results which start at offset 0 of the search buffer (except at the start of the file) to avoid invalid results (e.g. when searching for the start of a line) (32/64)Fixed: Single click on file, Alt+Tab to other program not hiding TC window, click on same file again -> rename was started by mistake (64)Fixed: Delete with VistaDelete=1 -> "Pause" button not working (32/64)Fixed: Delete with VistaDelete=1 -> "Foreground" button not working (64)Fixed: Alt+F5 pack to RAR packed all files instead of selected only with RAR.EXE 4.2 (reason: doesn't like Unicode list file) (32/64)Fixed: Select all files of multi-part RAR, unpack with Alt+F9 -> same archive was unpacked multiple times (32/64)Fixed: Detect first part of multi-part RAR also by content (will only detect RAR4 or older archives) (32/64)Fixed: Delete files directly, abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue), the same as when copying (32/64)Fixed: Move files on same drive, abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue), the same as when copying (32/64)Added: F5 copy dialog: Show exclamation mark near "Verify" when it differs from what has been configured in Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete (32/64)Fixed: Pausing copying "As Administrator" could result in various errors, like all operations failing after continuing (32/64)Fixed: Delayed copy not working correctly when copying a folder to a different name with Shift+F5 when using "As Administrator" (32/64)Fixed: Master password could not be entered on Windows 8.1 (use allowhook=0 on older versions to fix) (32/64)Added: F5 copy with verify: In case of an error, log the checked size, src and trg md5 values for debug reasons (32/64)Fixed: Show "Not supported" error (instead of just beeping) when user tries to open multi-rename tool from inside an archive (32/64)Fixed: Configuration - Options - Fonts: Non-English font names were no longer shown correctly (64)Fixed: Progress dialog: Still various problems when clicking on bytes or files copied while paused (32/64)Fixed: FTP upload in background (F5-F2) from search results not working any more (32/64)Fixed: Cannot abort copying of alternate data streams due to a bug in CopyFileEx -> return PROGRESS_STOP instead of PROGRESS_CANCEL if it still continues (32/64)Fixed: Center "Synchronize dirs" on current screen on first launch, otherwise it may not be fully visible with some screen resolutions (32/64)Fixed: Changed behaviour of Copy/Move dialog when options pinned open: When adding to BTM, the state of the 1..8 combobox is now always used, except when set to 1 (ask), so when the user chooses a method in the BTM, it stays enabled (32/64)Fixed: Create checksums, new dialog box: F5/F6 to select just the name/name+extension not working (32/64)Fixed: Command line parameter FTPOPEN:Saved_FTP_connection not working with parameters /O and/or /T (32/64)Fixed: Create checksums: Number of bytes checked remains at 0% after clicking Background->Foreground->Background (32/64)Fixed: Create checksums: Number of files copied was only displayed after the first file was checked (32/64)Fixed: Compare by content, pause comparison, click on size field -> percent value jumped to 0% (32/64)
23.10.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 7 (32/64)23.10.13 Fixed: Closing or minimizing search dialog caused a stack overflow error on Windows 9x/ME (32)23.10.13 Fixed: Quick search with Chinese input not working when adding ideograms with ENTER (works with SPACE!) because the texts gets selected for some unknown reason (64)23.10.13 Added: Control overwrite behaviour in background transfer manager: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundCopyFlags=1: 0=never reset; 1=reset overwrite flags when list becomes empty; 2=reset overwrite flags each time a file or group of files is added to the list (32/64)23.10.13 Fixed: Checkbox overlap in Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete (32)23.10.13 Fixed: Using Win+Cursor down while copying, searching or synchronizing only minimized the copy dialog, not the main window (32/64)23.10.13 Fixed: Copy in background: When user closes TC and confirms to abort background transfers, give operations enough time to terminate before exiting (32/64)23.10.13 Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: Wrong encoding adding plugin fields via "+" button where the name contains accents (only when accent in the deepest menu level) (64)22.10.13 Added: Auto-install file for plugins (pluginst.inf) now supports version= field, which will be shown on a separate line in the auto-install dialog (32/64)22.10.13 Fixed: When renaming a folder on an FTP server, invalidate the cache of that folder and all subfolders, not just the base folder containing it (32/64)22.10.13 Fixed: Search, Feed to listbox, click on "\" or press Ctrl+R -> Always return to directory before the search, even when switching tabs before leaving the search results (32/64)20.10.13 Fixed: Pause during delete to recycle bin could cause error "CheckSynchronize called from non-main thread" (64)20.10.13 Fixed: Inplace rename failed (did nothing) when files were added in the other (inactive) panel while the rename box was active, e.g. downloads, and the cursor in the inactive panel was below the rename position in the active panel (32/64)18.10.13 Fixed: Search dialog: Use better method from forum user "MarcinW" to show dialog maximized without overlapping task bar on Windows 8 (32/64)18.10.13 Fixed: Pack with RAR.EXE not handling long archive names and spaces correctly if RAR packer was specified with parameters, but program name not in double quotes (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Support max. search length of 2046 characters also when searching for regular expressions (32/Fixed: Refresh file list after auto re-uploading file to file system plugin (32/64)Fixed: Access violation caused by TabsLimitLength check whether the archive was modified after the search. If yes, return to normal view (32/64)Fixed: Copy files from virtual folder (e.g. camera, smartphone) not working when cursor was on updir [..] entry (32/64)Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not abort deleting to recycle bin (VistaDelete=1), the abort confirmation was shown again for each group of files from a different directory (32/64)Fixed: Find files, Feed to listbox, return to base dir with "\" button or Ctrl+R: Support to return to FTP connections, archives, file system plugins and virtual folders (32/64)Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections not showing any names when using an external icon library and Windows Classic theme (64)Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: When loading a saved search with only "same plugin fields" checked, "same name" was checked too (32/64)Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: Do not check option "same name" when all other fields are unchecked. Instead, uncheck "Duplicate file finder" when the user starts a duplicate search with no sub-options (32/64)Fixed: Search in archive, feed to listbox -> do not show archive contents if the archive was changed after starting the search (32/64)Fixed: Could not open any 7zip archives with characters from a different codepage in the path or filename (64)Fixed: Removed the fix "23.10.12 Fixed: FTP proxy of type USER user@host:port wasn't working any more" because the assumptions were wrong (it worked fine with Wingate with empty USER and PASS fields) (32/64)Fixed: Search dialog: Still problem with maximized unexpanded search dialog when user moves task bar while search is open (32)Fixed: Default of CopyOverwriteDefault is now again 1 and not 0 as in beta 6+7: When adding files to background transfer manager, the overwrite flags will be taken from the expanded copy dialog (32/64)Fixed: Do not delete TEMP file when searching in 7zip archive after each file, only at the end of the archive (32/64)Fixed: Still some overlapping text or cut focus frame in main configuration dialog (mainly seen with classic theme) (32/64)Fixed: Find files: Show error and abort search if user started search with invalid regular expression (32/64)Fixed: New selection option "corresponding files" interfering with user-saved searches with ">" in the name, e.g. "*.jpg > 1000kb": Use the entire name if the part until the last '>' cannot be loaded (32/64)Added: Copy in background: When user closes TC and confirms to abort background transfers, show "Transfer aborted" in the title of the background transfer windows (32/64)