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shmuel 10.08.2013 19:41:07 +0200 - build 36071. Continuation of 3604: custom sorting in panels is now working. See the description of Panel.SetCustomSortMode function in macroapi_manual.chm.drkns 10.08.2013 18:58:13 +0200 - build 36061. Continuation of 3596. BOOL Initialize(GlobalInfo*) (called when loading) and void Free(ExitInfo*) functions (called when unloading) are added for adapters. Both must be present, fill GlobalInfo properly in Initialize.drkns 09.08.2013 22:32:07 +0200 - build 36051. Plugins loading correction.2. Correction of panel caption drawing.3. Uninitialized variables in copier.shmuel 09.08.2013 20:01:49 +0200 - build 36041. Custom sorting in panels. Still non-operating.w17 09.08.2013 11:15:48 +0400 - build 36031. Continuation of 3602. GetPathRoot worked incorrectly for mountpoints in XPw17 09.08.2013 04:54:02 +0400 - build 36021. M#2461: auto-create directory on the file system mounted via NTFS folderdrkns 08.08.2013 21:19:33 +0200 - build 36011. Correction of 3597.w17 08.08.2013 17:46:03 +0400 - build 36001. Codepage names and typo (from Denis)drkns 08.08.2013 14:46:51 +0200 - build 35991. URL open from help could malfunction in some cases.drkns 07.08.2013 23:21:18 +0200 - build 35981. far:config poor handling of 64 bit numbers.2. Continuing to remove FormatString.drkns 07.08.2013 01:40:10 +0200 - build 35971. TPreRedrawFunc is partially redone. Storing pointers to anything is ok, but data addressed by those pointers can have vanished to the moment of call.2. Removing FormatString.drkns 06.08.2013 19:28:53 +0200 - build 35961. Implementing plugin adapters. See for details, the description of interface is also there.shmuel 06.08.2013 11:44:50 +0200 - build 35951. In "Unsorted" panel sorting mode, when "Show selected first" option was on, selected files were shown last instead of first.w17 05.08.2013 14:27:36 +0400 - build 35941. Missing menu item for Panel.Text.Highlight config parameter in color settings menu (from ccaid)w17 05.08.2013 09:33:40 +0400 - build 35931. Directories were deleted to recycle bin with Alt-Deldrkns 04.08.2013 16:11:41 +0200 - build 35921. Resource leak on cancelling the plugin choice menu (CtrlPgDn).zg 04.08.2013 00:11:41 +0200 - build 35911. DN_INPUT now receives FOCUS_EVENT.zg 01.08.2013 18:40:31 +0200 - build 35901. PluginStartupInfo.Menu crash if Title == nullptr.drkns 01.08.2013 14:50:21 +0200 - build 35891. Incorrect order of owner and domain in "file owner" column.drkns 31.07.2013 21:56:29 +0200 - build 35881. More on string and nullptr.
svs 15.08.2013 12:09:54 +0400 - build 36141. Ïðîäîëæåíèå Mantis#0002442 (from Smitis)svs 15.08.2013 10:42:32 +0400 - build 36131. Êîððåêòèðîâêà System.Executor.ComSpecParams - ïðîáåëû ñàìè äîáàâèì.shmuel 15.08.2013 00:28:27 +0200 - build 36121. Ðåôàêòîðèíã.svs 14.08.2013 18:52:13 +0400 - build 36111. Mantis#0002442: Äîáàâèòü ïîääåðæêó TakeCommand (from Smitis) Òåñòèì.2. Ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíî:  çàïóñêàòîðå çíà÷åíèå strComSpecParams (êîòîðîå "/C ") ïåðåíåñåíî â êîíôèã System.Executor.ComSpecParamsdrkns 14.08.2013 09:40:14 +0200 - build 36101. Warnings.w17 14.08.2013 04:32:30 +0400 - build 3609