Autor Thema: Explorerersatz und -Erweiterungen (Total Commander etc..)  (Gelesen 288629 mal)

0 Mitglieder und 3 Gäste betrachten dieses Thema.

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Q-Dir 5.50
« Antwort #585 am: 08 März, 2013, 06:10 »
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrektur in Q-Dir für Win-8 x64 und Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Expicula 1.35
« Antwort #586 am: 09 März, 2013, 06:30 »
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>

Mit Funktionstaste F11 oder Ansicht-Menü kann eine Schnellansicht für die jeweils markierte Bilddatei ein- und ausgeblendet werden. Drehen ist per Kontextmenü möglich. Das Ansichtsfenster ist wie auch das Baumfenster beliebig andockbar.
In der Favoritenverwaltung kann der Ordner separat geändert werden.
Um den Programmstart zu beschleunigen, wird zu Anfang optional nur noch der Inhalt des aktiven Fensters geladen (Einstellungen → Allgemein); die anderen Ordner werden dann bei Aktivierung eingelesen. Das wirkt sich hauptsächlich bei Vista+ aus, da bei XP noch eine Systemlösung für diesen Zweck funktioniert.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 38
« Antwort #587 am: 11 März, 2013, 16:45 »
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Memory usage reduced and some memory leaks fixed
- "Find" command from shell context menu now opens JM's search dialog
- Quick viewer stealing focus - fixed
- Incorrect sort arrow used after listview column drag operation - fixed
- In some cases wrong theme used for resources toolbar - fixed
- NC style selection implemented
- Not started file operation can't be canceled - fixed
- Parallel file operations option added
- Pause functionality added for file operations
- Quick search filter length limit too small - fixed

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 39
« Antwort #588 am: 16 März, 2013, 11:10 »
Whats new: >>

1. Minimize/maximize enabled for file operations window.
2. Restore tab functionality added.
3. Layout problem when minimizing to tray - fixed.
4. Incorrect separator icon in Main Toolbar Customization dialog - fixed.
5. Navigation panel groups collapse/expand option resets when changing panels layout - fixed.
6. Contextual menus open in wrong place - fixed.
7. Navigation panel drag-and-drop now supports file operations.
8. Fixed "already exists" problem when copying directories.
9. Multiple selection with right button implemented for NC selection type.
10. InfoBar flickers - fixed.
11. CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR support added for drag-and-drop.
12. Fixed drag-and-drop not allowed problem when there is no blank space in panel.
13. Separate option added for right mouse button selection.
14. Explorer style switching problem when enabling/disabling NC selection - fixed.
15. "Ctrl+Num -" hotkey added for Unselect All command.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
A43 File Management Utility 3.70
« Antwort #589 am: 17 März, 2013, 07:30 »
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Just a fast fix to the Path Bar not being editable. Thanks Gary.
No change to language.ini.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 40
« Antwort #590 am: 22 März, 2013, 20:37 »
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Scroll under cursor feature added for panels
- Operations window restore problem during session - fixed
- Right button selection doesn't work for up to down direction - fixed
- Panel view menu item not selected after startup - fixed
- Text replace doesn't work in Multi-Rename dialog - fixed
- New copy/move/delete confirmation dialogs
- Copy/move dialog now supports path changing
- Delete confirmation dialog now supports "To Recycle Bin" option switching
- Corrupted file during CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR drag-and-drop - fixed
- Selection by Ins key now supported in Explorer style selection type
- "Program Files (x86)" item displays in system folders on 32 bit OS - fixed
- File filter now supports NotOlder option

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Q-Dir 5.51
« Antwort #591 am: 24 März, 2013, 11:00 »
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Bug-Fix bei Windows Server (2008, 2012) Betriebssystemen.

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Clover 3.0.258
« Antwort #592 am: 25 März, 2013, 20:20 »
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- Themes feature
- Middle-click to open new tab
- Import/Export bookmarks
- Bug fixed: drag files will focus to Explorer
- Improvement: Middle-click on bookmarks bar to open tab in foreground
- Bug fixed: Single click cause clover maximized while first run

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Far Manager 3.0.3275 Beta
« Antwort #593 am: 26 März, 2013, 06:00 »
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 41
« Antwort #594 am: 30 März, 2013, 06:45 »
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- File search template name resets on saving - fixed
- Not older value is 1 by default now and range increased
- Spanish localization added
- Incorrect copy progress - fixed
- Multi-rename tool now used on Alt+R/F2 when more than one element selected
- Panel now become active on path panel click
- "Show/hide navigation panel" command introduced
- Favorite/system folders menus now display icons
- Navigation panel and favorite/system folders menu can display real folder icons
- Viewer/editor relative path problem fixed
- Arabic localization added
- Middle button click in panel now opens item in new tab

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Q-Dir 5.52
« Antwort #595 am: 30 März, 2013, 23:40 »
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine Anpassungen und Verbesserungen für Windows 7/8/Vista und Server 2008/2012 mit Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.1027
« Antwort #596 am: 04 April, 2013, 16:30 »
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

- Support API V2
- fix skydrive connection timeout issue
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Link Shell Extension
« Antwort #597 am: 05 April, 2013, 21:20 »
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

For Junctions or Symbolic Links the Target field can be edited in the Properties Dialog.
LSE elevates the creation of hardlinks in system protected directories, e.g.: %systemroot%.
LSE now offers all its function also in the Library folder.
If enabled LSE summarizes the ouptut of operations in a log file.
Fixed a crash related to UNC path and Overlay Icons.
The progress bar showed wrong/incomplete filename-path combinations during operations on large files.
Symbolic links to mapped network drives can be created now via LSE.
Replacement functions can be used to repair broken junctions/symbolic links/mountpoints.
During SmartCopy/SmartMirror/DeloreanCopy the type (absolute/relative) of symbolic link relation is kept in the destination.
During SmartCopy/SmartMirror/DeloreanCopy the Compression Attribute is copied too.
The check for prerequisites during install is more accurate aka takes mfc80.dll into account.
During un-install it is also checked if the hardlinkshellext.dll is held by some process.
Fixed a problem during SmartMirror when a directory changed into a file or vice versa from one mirror to the next and had exactly the same name.
The OS Version detection during installation went wrong on certain machines causing symlinke.exe missing from the installation.
The eunmeration of hardlink siblings didn't work under XP, when the root dir of a drive had to be traversed.
Tested with Windows8, and thus updated the documentation.
The x64 version now contains also a 32bit version in one unified install.
Deinstallation left over a few registry keys.
During installation not all processes were detected, which blocked the installation.
Enabled Link Shell Extension on ReFs volumes.
Added a Swedish localisation. Thanks to Mikael Gr�nholm.
Added a Turkish localisation. Thanks to Memet.
Added a Czech localisation. Thanks to Ashus
Added a Slovak localisation. Thanks to RobertS

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 42
« Antwort #598 am: 06 April, 2013, 11:00 »
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Incorrect selection in panel view menu - fixed
- ".." item can be selected for file operations - fixed
- Read-only file can't be deleted from disk - fixed
- Double-click in Main toolbar customization now opens edit dialog
- Folder favorites customization dialog now displays icons
- %ALL% option doesn't work - fixed
- "Check all paths on startup" option added
- Additional folder update monitor added
- FTP log implemented
- Now Space key performs Go To command in file search dialog

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )

Offline SiLæncer

  • Cheff-Cubie
  • *****
  • Beiträge: 191383
  • Ohne Input kein Output
    • DVB-Cube
Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 43
« Antwort #599 am: 13 April, 2013, 07:00 »
Latest Changes

- "Local drives" option added to file search path menu
- File operation progress now displays in taskbar
- Fixed FTP connection problem when network disconnected
- Folder monitor crash fixed
- Rename command visible in file search dialog contextual menu - fixed
- Path can't be editable on mouse click - fixed
- Fixed problem with overwriting system/hidden/read-only files
- Crash when copying files with 0 size - fixed
- "Open new file in editor" option added
- Focus not moving on right button selection - fixed
- File overwrite confirmation now supports rename and auto-rename functions
- Fixed FTP incorrect work with remote directory
- Copy FTP log to clipboard function added
- File operations toolbar introduced
- Crash on file copy/move when another process uses this file

Arbeits.- Testrechner :

Intel® Core™ i7-6700 (4 x 3.40 GHz / 4.00 GHz)
16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 SDRAM 2133 MHz
250 GB SSD Samsung 750 EVO / 1 TB HDD
ZOTAC Geforce GTX 1080TI AMPExtreme Core Edition 11GB GDDR5
MSI Z170A PC Mate Mainboard
DVD-Brenner Laufwerk
Microsoft Windows 10 Home 64Bit

TT S2 3200 ( BDA Treiber ) + Terratec Cinergy 1200 C ( BDA Treiber )