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13.07.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 4 (32/64)13.07.12 Fixed: Alt+Shift+F11 cm_FocusButtonbar and cursor keys within button bar: Handle special case where the first and/or last button is a separator (32/64)13.07.12 Fixed: Changed tcmdx64.exe so it can also be used with TC 8.00 in search results context menu without causing a crash (32)11.07.12 Fixed: When opening a subdirectory, set caret to first item before adding the new items to the list to avoid a duplicate cursor on Linux/Wine (64)11.07.12 Added: Internal associations: When context menu is opened while multiple file types are selected, check more filters if the first doesn't match all files, e.g. *.c doesn't match, but *.c *.h further down matches all selected files (32/64)11.07.12 Fixed: Removed: Default beep on ENTER in inplace rename box (64)10.07.12 Fixed: Edit current path: Avoid that the in place edit box gets invoked twice (32/64)10.07.12 Fixed: New delete function: Also hide "Pause" button so the user doesn't pause the operation with Del+Enter (32/64)10.07.12 Fixed: Also adjust the width of the text field in FTP delete confirmation dialog for very long names with no spaces (32/64)08.07.12 Added: Experimental: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodReadInfo=8: Windows Vista/7: Use new delayed method to read virtual network folders, to make it faster (all except for the network neighborhood) (32/64)
Es handelt sich um eine Vorabversion. Diese sollte ausreichend stabil sein für den täglichen Gebrauch, da fast nur Fehler korrigiert wurden. Es gibt einen neuen Platzhalter [A] für das Mehrfach-Umbenenntool, der den ganzen Dateinamen inkl Erweiterung (aber ohne Pfad) einfügt.
27.07.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 5 (32/64)27.07.12 Fixed: New 64-bit install.exe which also works on Linux with Wine, also with faulty CAB unpack dll (64)27.07.12 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [A] inserts complete file name with extension, but without the path (32/64)27.07.12 Fixed: TC8 not starting on Windows NT4 with AMD Sempron - problem with turning off SSE exceptions (use try..except to catch) (32)25.07.12 Fixed: Pack (ZIP,TAR,Plugin) from Search - Feed to listbox to packer plugin -> include the same file only once, e.g. if the user selects c:\test1\ and c:\test1\test2\ with files in the latter (32/64)25.07.12 Fixed: Internal associations: When multiple files of different types are selected, handle default "open" verb like in older versions: Each file will be opened with its own program (first matching filter for that program), and not the first matching all files as for additional verbs (32/64)24.07.12 Fixed: Make it faster to use the following internal content plugin fields: tc.fullname,, tc.extension and tc.path (by not calling FindFirstFile again) (32/64)24.07.12 Fixed: Tab context menu didn't react to right mouse button click on a menu item (32/64)24.07.12 Fixed: Upload to FTP server: MFMT was sending wrong timestamp when using the new (Windows 7) time conversion from/to UTC (32/64)24.07.12 Fixed: Rare crash in compare by content on Backspace or Undo operation (in wstrlcopy function) (32/64)24.07.12 Fixed: Directory history and hotlist buttons were shown in the wrong location when starting TC with no button bar, non-flat interface, and no tabs (32/64)19.07.12 Fixed: Disable target panel while adding files to background transfer manager, so the user cannot set the focus to it, e.g. by changing tabs on the target side (32/64)19.07.12 Fixed: Do not show "Network (WORKGROUP)" in breadcrumb bar (32/64)