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11.05.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 release candidate 2 (32/64)11.05.12 Fixed: Configuration dialog was opened twice when launching TC with ini location read only and 0 byte (or no) ini (64)08.05.12 Fixed: Do not call SHFileOperation with names longer than 259 characters (to delete to recycle bin), because it always fails, and may even cause an access violation on Windows Server 2003 (32/64)08.05.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty directories were not deleted when deleting to recycle bin (32/64)06.05.12 Fixed: Main window, bottom buttons: Refresh problem on Ctrl+F2 when using classic theme (64)06.05.12 Fixed: Ctrl+D - Add current directory didn't support tabstops in folder names when adding dir to subfolder (32/64)06.05.12 Fixed: Enter (and ESC in 32-bit version) didn't work in inplace rename edit when a MessageBox was open in Lister. Unfortunately the beep cannot be avoided (32/64)06.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Center color comboxes vertically to ">>" button (32/64)06.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Foreground color combobox had wrong height (32)06.05.12 Fixed: Connection progress dialog (FTP) couldn't be closed if the connection failed (64)06.05.12 Fixed: Default beep on first opening (with fresh wincmd.ini) of multi-rename tool (32)03.05.12 Fixed: "Copy NTFS Permissions" was missing in F5 copy dialog when the Netware client was installed (32)
23.05.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 final (32/64)23.05.12 Fixed: Compare by content: Split display of very long lines into chunks of 2000 characters instead of 8000 because of a bug in some display drivers (32/64)22.05.12 Fixed: Re-read drive button bar when restoring TC from the task bar and a drive was added/removed while minimized (64)20.05.12 Fixed: Search on FTP server wasn't aborted when the user clicked Abort just while a directory list was downloaded (32/64)20.05.12 Fixed: Right click context menu: Wait up to 5 seconds (instead of just two) for tcmdx64/tcmdx32 to start, also reduced minimum start time (32/64)20.05.12 Fixed: Second drive panel removed with cm_VisTwoDriveButtons while cursor in right window -> drive panel showed wrong active drive (32/64)20.05.12 Fixed: New delete function to recycle bin (VistaDelete): Let the user abort the initial conversion of the names to OLE objects, which can take a long time with many selected files (32/64)20.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Use same font (SYSTEM_FONT) as in 32-bit version (64)20.05.12 Fixed: Find files: Feed to listbox while quick view was shown -> quick view wasn't always showing the new file under the cursor (32/64)20.05.12 Fixed: Dialog box "Commands" - "System Information" didn't support accented characters in printer name, user name etc. (64)16.05.12 Fixed: Windows 8: Do not resolve links pointing to other volumes in the form "\??\Volume{" either