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16.03.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 23 (32/64) 16.03.12 Fixed: Do not create names longer than 259 characters in multi-rename tool with LongNameCopy=3 (=long names disallowed) (32/64)16.03.12 Added: HideRemovableNoMedia now also works in dialog "Drive not found!" (value: 2) and Search - Drives (value: 4) (32/64)15.03.12 Fixed: Tip window with panel width percentage value was not removed when invoking the split panel from the outside (32/64)15.03.12 Fixed: Starting totalcmd with parameter /S=L and clicking on "Cancel" kept the program running in the background (64)15.03.12 Fixed: FTP logging not working if normal file logging was disabled (32/64)14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter creating list file (e.g. %L) used with %Z within an archive returned path inside the archive twice (32/64)14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter %Z%p or %Z%m used within an archive returned path without archive name (32/64)14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter %Z%N, %Z%M, %Z%R or %Z%S used within an archive returned file name(s) with relative path inside the archive (32/64)14.03.12 Fixed: Text labels in FTP toolbar had wrong colors after turning XP background on and off in Configuration - Options - Layout, but only with drive button bar turned off (64)13.03.12 Fixed: When renaming a file in file system plugin failed, the resulting error dialog wasn't modal (32/64)13.03.12 Fixed: Failed to read NTFS timestamps from RAR archives (just the DOS timestamps were read), so no odd seconds were supported (64)09.03.12 Fixed: Do not update target for each archive when packing (moving) each selected dir to a separate ZIP archive (32/64)09.03.12 Fixed: Ctrl+F5 (reverse search direction) not working in Lister (64)09.03.12 Fixed: Set CheckUsbHdd=0 in wincmd.ini if the check whether a harddisk is connected externally takes longer than half a second, and the user hasn't set CheckUsbHdd=1 manually (32/64)08.03.12 Fixed: Icon thread (used to load icons and calculate dir size in background) may stop when adding files to background transfer manager (32/64)07.03.12 Fixed: Unicode names in ZIP and RAR files not decoded correctly (due to bug in Free Pascal) (64)07.03.12 Fixed: When packing each selected file/folder to a separate archive, the selection was no longer cleared after packing (32/64)07.03.12 Fixed: When packing with option RemovableInTemp=1 and the user aborts the copying of the new ZIP from TEMP, allow user to continue copying. Erase partial ZIP when aborting (new zip in TEMP is not deleted) (32/64)07.03.12 Fixed: Installing a plugin twice in the same session didn't find the previous installation if the existing plugin path contained an environment variable (64)06.03.12 Fixed: Wrong text color in inplace rename edit box in multi-rename tool (file list text color instead of system text color) (32/64)06.03.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs and compare by content could not handle names longer than 259 characters due to length limit in edit box (64)06.03.12 Fixed: Support copying of directories with spaces at the end (32/64)
30.03.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 24 (32/64) 30.03.12 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] DecodePercent=0: If set to 1, decode %hex values in user name/password in URLs (32/64)30.03.12 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SubdirCopyOrder=4 sets order in which files in subdirs are copied: 4=unsorted (default), 5=like active panel (no custom columns), 0..3 ascending by name, ext, size, date, -1..-4 descending by name, ext, size, date (32/64)30.03.12 Fixed: On Windows 8 consumer preview, Metro apps have strange DefaultIcon entries which couldn't be loaded -> use SHGetFileInfo (32/64)29.03.12 Fixed: Some jpg files could cause an SSE floating point exception in Microsoft's PhotoMetadataHandler -> turn off SSE exceptions before each call to GetInfoTip (32/64)29.03.12 Fixed: Background transfer manager: The "+" button allowed to add files from port connection although the latter doesn't support transfers in background (it cannot handle multiple transfers in parallel) (32/64)29.03.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with plugins not creating remote directories if the used plugin only contained the Unicode MkDirW function, e.g. WebDAV (32/64)29.03.12 Fixed: Pack with password: Password confirmation dialog could be confirmed with ENTER even if the two passwords didn't match (64)29.03.12 Fixed: Command md foldername with space at end in the command line (e.g. from Ctrl+Enter) unintentionally created dirs with space at end. Use double quotes to create such dirs (64)28.03.12 Fixed: Hotkeys in dialog not working when focus on certain controls (e.g. checkboxes) when "Punto Switcher" tool was running (64)28.03.12 Added: Screen readers: Use same GetTextMode options also in multi-rename tool (32/64)28.03.12 Added: Screen readers: Made GetTextMode=1 (tab-delimited) the default (32/64)28.03.12 Added: (Experimental): wcx_ftp.ini, SpecialFlags option, new value 2048: Duplicate all characters with code #255 for servers expecting Telnet-style escape characters (32/64)27.03.12 Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives to protected dir with Alt+F9 -> elevation dialog was shown only as an icon in the task bar (reason: TC window was given as parent instead of progress dialog) (32/64)27.03.12 Fixed: Unpacking RAR archive with Alt+F9 didn't pass user-specified switches to external RAR (e.g. -kb to keep broken files) (32/64)25.03.12 Fixed: "Copy dir timestamps" was copying wrong timestamp when copying a folder with multiple subfolders (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: No thousands separators were shown in copy progress dialog for number of copied files and their size (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: Button bar: Do not show triangle overlay for buttons with command "OPENBAR" when "minimized" is checked. Leave out "OPENBAR" to show .bar file as menu (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: Button bar: Right click on button: Function "Edit linked button bar" not working when using command OPENBAR (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: Crash on Ctrl+PgDn or Ctrl+Q on EXE smaller than 2.5 kBytes trying to detect it as an archive (64)20.03.12 Fixed: Crash on Alt+F1/F2 in some rare cases (64)20.03.12 Fixed: The breadcrumb bar could not be closed with a click outside if a subdirectory was opened and closed with the keyboard (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: Workaround to Windows 8 bug (failure to launch any EXE files from a directory which is a hard link to some other directory) by resolving the hard links before launching (32/64)20.03.12 Fixed: Detect Windows 8 also in system info dialog (32/64)