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14.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 5 (32/64)14.10.11 Fixed: Lazarus: Removed calls to RemoveStayOnTopFlags and RestoreStayOnTopFlags because otherwise TC cannot always stay on top when an external tool activates it (64)14.10.11 Fixed: Button "Background" not working in dialog shown with Alt+F5 pack -> RAR -> OK (32)14.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress stops showing copy speed each time when crossing multiple of 2 GB (64)13.10.11 Fixed: In place rename box had larger border, which was controlled by the main window font instead of the listbox font (32/64)13.10.11 Fixed: Font preview lost in Configuration - Options - Fonts when clicking on Apply (64)13.10.11 Fixed: Fonts with non-English names (e.g. Korean characters) were shown correctly, but the wrong font was used in dialog boxes and the preview (64)12.10.11 Fixed: Internal content plugin: tc.versionstring returned wrong version string (64)12.10.11 Fixed: Remove underline from Alt+F4 Exit (x character) when using Alt+Letters for quick search, otherwise Alt+X closes the window (64)12.10.11 Fixed: Crash when deleting to recycle bin on Windows 8 preview (32/untested:64)11.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress dialog, overall bytes copied indicator did not support translation for k/M (32/64)11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme, flat user interface: Root button was cut off by one pixel on the left (32/64)11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between root and parent button wasn't drawn after turning flat interface off and on (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between directory hotlist and history wasn't drawn on tabs (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to breadcrumb bar dropdown list, abort with ESC -> drag cursor shape was still shown (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Caret (text cursor) position not updated when turning word wrap on or off, or when changing font (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs started as separate program could not be closed via button "Close", but via button [X] or ESC (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Non-English characters not supported in various places, like ftp password, firewall user name+password, packer locations etc. (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Only try to load once if a plugin doesn't export all the required functions, set all functions to NULL to avoid crash (32/64)11.10.11 Fixed: Main menu in TC, classic theme: Text on buttons must be displaced 1 pixel to the right and down when pressed (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, re-scan, Alt+Tab to other program could result in a crash (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Search dialog, second page: Minor displacements of controls (32/64)11.10.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing various dialogs with ENTER or ESC while auto-complete is OFF: Copy, move, rename, pack, unpack, unpack specific files (64)11.10.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter (noclose.exe) not working with files from search - feed to listbox (because no path was passed to CreateProcess) (32/64)11.10.11 Fixed: Line distance too high in FTP log window (ftp toolbar) (64)
21.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 6 (32/64)21.10.11 Fixed: Font preview in main configuration dialog may be wrong (64)21.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SameScreenAsTC=1 shows all resizeable dialogs (where TC remembers the position) on the same screen as the main program (32/64)21.10.11 Fixed: Quick search with Alt+Letters would close when using Alt also when the quick search dialog is already open (64)19.10.11 Fixed: Tab not working in quick view panel (Ctrl+Q) (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Wrong printer name (with port) passed to plugins when changing printer default within lister and then choosing "print" (32 only)18.10.11 Fixed: Shift+F6 in place rename: There was still a small difference in height between 32-bit and 64-bit (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Set cursor to default (arrow), otherwise some plugins like imagine show the wrong cursor on toolbars (64)18.10.11 Fixed: With DriveTipDelay>0, opening the other drive drop down combobox while the first was open didn't show the drive tips (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: ENTER on a line in the file list opened the quick search dialog instead of the sync copy dialog (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Files - Split not working with fractional values, e.g. 5.5 MB (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Quick search dialog in synchronize dirs was shown at the top instead of the bottom of the list (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Quick search not hidden when switching to other program (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Starter menu: Hotkeys not working properly if a menu item started with that hotkey (no '&') AND had a shortcut like Ctrl+Alt+F1 defined (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Open "compare by contents" with a delay (via PostMessage) to avoid that it appears behind the TC panel initially (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Ding sound when starting rename with ENTER while cursor in name or search/replace box (64)18.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: "Name" field sometimes empty after closing and re-opening the tool (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Draw toolbar panel background on menu bar, Windows XP only (64)16.10.11 Fixed: The nag screen (unregistered version) wasn't translated (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Drive button bar, non-flat buttons: Drive letters were shown displaced to the right by 2 pixels (64)16.10.11 Fixed: DriveTipDelay option in wincmd.ini (separate drive tip panel) wasn't supported yet (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs dialog crashed on resize (auto-complete problem) (64)16.10.11 Fixed: FTP: Double clicking on FTP log list in main window opened Lister with the list behind the main window (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Double click on pair of files -> compare dialog would initially appear behind the sync tool -> use PostMessage to delay-open it (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Changing user interface language no longer worked correctly: Start menu not translated, font encoding not changed, configuration dialog not translated (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound on ENTER in FTP connection details (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound when starting FTP connection via Ctrl+N dialog and ENTER (64)16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound when executing command line with ENTER with auto-complete off (64)
27.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 7 (32/64)27.10.11 Fixed: Scroll in compare by content jumped by large values in long files (64)27.10.11 Fixed: Floating point SSE exceptions could occur in some plugins (htmlview) (64)26.10.11 Fixed: Wrong background color for jpg/png/gif files if background color wasn't white (32/64)26.10.11 Fixed: Draw icons and metafiles with double buffering to avoid that they overlap each other (32)26.10.11 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack, external packer (e.g. WinRAR) -> hotkey for background button didn't work (32)26.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Header of size column was right-aligned (64)26.10.11 Fixed: FTP reconnect with encoding set to "auto-detect": Initially, user name and password were sent with local encoding (ANSI). On reconnect, the detected encoding was used by mistake (e.g. UTF-8) (32/64)26.10.11 Fixed: Start program within archive with Shift+Enter -> noclose.exe was called with parameter /C by mistake (32/64)25.10.11 Added: Auto-complete: Always append backslash to folders, except in main window command line (32/64)25.10.11 Fixed: Custom columns configuration dialog: Center over main window (64)25.10.11 Fixed: Configuration: User-defined hotkeys not saved if main ini read-only, hotkey section redirected and user didn't press the "checkmark" button (32/64)25.10.11 Fixed: Tree browse dialog in "synchronize dirs" and "find files" (opened via >> button) not resizable as in 32-bit version (64)25.10.11 Fixed: Footer (status line) not updated after copying when the selection is removed (64)25.10.11 Fixed: Recent printer name fix (18.10.11) caused crashes and missing font errors, mainly on XP (32)23.10.11 Fixed: Quick search in synchronize dirs: Allow quick search window to overlap task bar, also fixes problems with multiple monitors (32/64)23.10.11 Fixed: Lister: F7 not working with combinations of Ctrl (search backwards) or Shift (find next) (64)23.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Shift+F3 or Shift+F5 didn't search backwards if there was no search string yet (32/64)23.10.11 Fixed: Quick search (letters+search dialog) not working correctly with multiple Korean characters due to bad cursor positioning (64)23.10.11 Fixed: The fix "Quick search with Alt+Letters would close" (described below) was disabled by mistake (64)23.10.11 Fixed: Minimize and restore "compare by content" or standalone "synchronize dirs" -> window had height of title bar only (Lazarus bug when Constraints set) (64)23.10.11 Added: SameScreenAsTC=1 now only works with modal dialogs (child windows of TC). For Lister, add 2, for Compare, add 4 (=7 for all 3) (32/64)23.10.11 Fixed: Removed a few more unwanted Ding sounds from dialogs (file association details, icons) (64)23.10.11 Added: Open files with extension .cmd in command processor which remains open with Shift+Enter (NT based systems only) (32/64)23.10.11 Added: Make VistaDelete=1 the default on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)23.10.11 Fixed: Press F5/F6 with alwayscopyinbackground=2 set: ENTER always copied in the foreground, while clicking on OK worked correctly (64)