Important changes and bug fixes in the release 856 compared to 840:
Bug fix: Verify checksums does not work if source file is on the Desktop
Bug fix: Search form: "copy" from context menu in the result list and then paste in some folder may not work
Bug fix: If the Name column is not the first, columns to the left of the Name column are empty (only if "Use Windows colors" is false)
Bug fix: Occupied space progress bar maybe wrong after some file operations fix: Right click on the free area in the file list - submenu "New" has sometimes wrong icons
Bug fix: Favorite tool - %ActivSelName% is not resolved if "Separate for each selected item" is used
Bug fix: Exception on switch to FTP if the pane width is small
Bug fix: QuickStarter - ":" allowed now for quick filter fix: Delete from container (FC) - request Admin rights
Bug fix: Item focus lost after error dialog fix: Status bar tooltip for size don't show units "kB" and "MB" fix: Set filter (Alt+Y) dialog - "Not older than" and "Older then" options can't be clicked fix: Quick starter settings - editing the name of a 'color by' item erroneously creates a new item fix: Multi rename - Stay on top issue with Viewer/Search fix: Add plugin dialog issue, if using Stay on top option in viewer fix: CopyFullPath_AddLastDelimiter=1 ini option issue fix: New item in the dark favorite toolbar has unreadable font color fix: Compute checksums shows "0 Error(s)" even if error is found fix: Search window focus issue, if stay on top option is used fix: Delete confirmation dialog from file container - Esc doesn't work fix: Rename of the favorite tools category may generate exception fix: Viewer settings color/text issue fix: Command line -size= parameter does not work if using without -NewIni= parameter fix: "Folder->Open focused/selected" does not work if only file is selected fix: "Left -> Right" / "Right -> Left" hidden buttons right click issue fix: Packing multiple files with "Create one archive per file" wrong path issue fix: Invalid character issue when creating new folder fix: Selection problem if options for "hot track" and "open with single click" are active fix: Activating of the quick filter with Ctrl+Enter may not work fix: Thumbs for PSD files broken in the 64 bit version
Bug fix: Viewer settings opened from Tools-Settings dialog are not saved when quick viewer is open fix: Quick search - up arrow does not work with special characters fix: Lines overlap when scrolling quickly with the mouse wheel
Bug fix: Defined color for inactive file container tab is not used
Bug fix: Exception when opening favorites tree if "Use big icons" option is active
Bug fix: Thumbnails for pdf files (if Adobe Reader as default pdf program is installed) maybe not showed in the 64 bit version
Bug fix: Some thumbnails have wrong background color fix: Customize favorite toolbars > New item > File > Seek icon file: the file select dialog is hidden behind other windows fix: Selection of the last item with Shift+Right in thumbnail view maybe wrong fix: Option "Keep filter on tab changed" is not saved in the freecommander.ini (you can change the option manually QuickFilterKeepOnTabChange)
Bug fix: Draw caption without clipping wrong after refresh fix: Total progress bar in copy dialog broken
Bug fix: Multi rename dialog - multiple fields are highlighted on start fix: Start folder from command line is not set for folders defined as e.g. -L=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Bug fix: File container - selection is lost on tab change
Bug fix: Progress bar for SFTP download and upload is broken
Bug fix: Option "Tab Sequence: Reverse" is broken
Bug fix: The option "Show confirmation dialog on exit" is ignored if the program is closed via the context menu from the symbol in system tray
Bug fix: Wrong numbering of the favorite tools fix: Tree visibility is broken if first tab is created fix: "Linked browsing" does not work in detail view mode if extension is not showed
Bug fix: Exception in internal viewer if quickly F3 and ESC pressed
Bug fix: Automatic views doesn't work with favorites fix: Tree setting "Make selected node automatically visible" maybe broken
Bug fix: Path-link in address bar may open wrong folder fix: When opening the ZIP files, an exception can occur if additional columns have been defined in the display
Bug fix: When double clicking the bottom row in detailed view, the item below may be opened fix: Pressing ESC while multi rename dialog is opened can throw an exception
Changed: Creating of the default names for the favorite tools categories Overlay icons in the tree are loaded now in background
Changed: Default value for the option "Keep filter on tab changed" changed to TRUE
Changed: Quick filter option "Deactivate filter on folder change" changed to "Keep filter on folder change"; default value FALSE
Changed: File and folder timestamp: daylight saving time is taken into account (as in Windows Explorer)
Changed: The old, not flat icons are no more available
Changed: Viewer - quality for JPEG file is now preserved when saving a file
Changed: Viewer - when saving image as JPEG the extension jpg is now used
Implemented: Search form - column widths of the result list are saved now
Implemented: New checksum type added CRC32
Implemented: New option "Copy folder structure only" added in the copy dialog; only for "Use FreeCommander method"
Implemented: Viewer settings - possibility to using of exiftool.exe for showing file metadata Multirename - metadata from exiftool can be used
Implemented: New option for quick filter - "Show in the right panel on the left"
Implemented: For "Queue status bar visible" option "Only if any operation exists" is defined delay time for closing: OperationQueuePanelClosingTimeSec=8
Implemented: Multi rename dialog - Ctrl+P hotkey for opening of the profiles selection list
Implemented: Multi rename dialog - the auto preview timer slows down when the progress dialog box appears
Implemented: New icons set is available "Flat Pro"
Implemented: Tools->Settings->View - new tab "Icons sets" is available. Here can be selected the used icon set.
Implemented: Using of the old icons is possible after adding in the [Icons] section of the freecommander.ini: UseOutdatedBmps=1
Implemented: Renaming file in viewer is possible now
Implemented: Layouts dialog - quick filter field added
Implemented: Internal viewer for PDF files (64 bit only). No more extra software needed for showing pdf files.
Implemented: Searching for content in PDF files is now without converter possible (64 bit only)
Implemented: Thumbnails view for ai (Adobe Illustrator) files
Implemented: Favorite tools - up to 3 prompt parameters are possible New command line parameter added "-ColorScheme="
Implemented: Settings dialog is no more modal
Implemented: File container file (*.fcc) can be opened from favorite tools toolbar and from favorites tree SFTP - new login type: Interactiv
Implemented: New color scheme "FreeCommander_Light", all dialogs have the colors too (64 bit only)