New features:
- Add Dropbox as a file protocol (including browsing, uploading and downloading capabilities).
- Add an option to use a file viewer when failing to open a file.
- Support for KDE 5.
- Accelerate copying to remote servers using SFTP.
- Invert selection also applies to directories now.
- Set initial look and feel to "GTK+" on Linux as it better handles scaling for HiDPI.
- Non-browsable initial locations that are specified by command line arguments are selected on startup.
- Store user-files in '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mucommander' if environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set on Linux.
- Create Felix cache directory within the system's temporary folder instead of within the installation folder.
- Write logs also to file in order to ease debugging.
- Local folders are automatically refreshed also on file systems in which their modification date doesn't
change when their content changes, like USB folders on macOS.
- Detect Java versions 14 to 17.
- The initial width of the built-in text viewer/editor is better calculated for files that contain more than 10k lines.
- The visiblity of line numbers is persisted across invocations of the built-in text editor.
- Add the refresh action to the file table's context menu.
- When switching back to muCommander, the presented folders are immediately refreshed.
- Korean translation updated.
Bug fixes:
- File-search returns matches in the root folder of the search when search-subfolders is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that might cause file-search with case insensitive text search not to return all matches.
- The application can start by a non-admin user after it started by an admin user.
- The application can start with an inaccessible location at the right panel.
- Files are transferred properly when the destination folder is not presented in the other panel.
- Use the correct file viewer/editor when a warning is raised.
Known issues:
- Mac OS X: "muCommander damaged and cannot be opened" may appear after downloading muCommander from the browser. This
can be solved by executing: xattr -d <jar_name>.jar
- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: " Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround: Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
- Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
- Version 5.0 of RAR is not supported. Such archives would appear empty.
- Issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads on macOS may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings.
See for more details.
- Mac OS X: muCommander may not be able to start on version <= 10.10 (OS X Yosemite) due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE.
This can be solved by installing Java 8 and running '/Applications/'.