Bug fix: No auto refresh after deleting file from smartphone
Bug fix: Exception in internal viewer
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28890#p28890 Bug fix: If the options "One tree per panel" and "Keep expanded nodes per tab" are active: by switching between left and right pane - the expanded folders in the inactive tree are closed
Bug fix: Layout switching may cause the exception
Bug fix: Program start fail on Windows 2003
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=29009#p29009 Bug fix: Path change through DOS prompt writes the path to the address bar with trailing delimiter.
Bug fix: After opening the zip file with the internal plugin fc_internal_zip, different unspecific exceptions can occur later.
Bug fix: Exception on program start if small icons used in the splitter toolbar
Bug fix: Opening multiple files causes a crash
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9317 Bug fix: If the option "Quick filter bar always visible" is not active then exception appears on click in main menu
Bug fix: Tree is not updated correctly after restart;
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9444 Bug fix: Multirename on smartphone works again
Bug fix: Synchronize folders - the Quick Viewer does not follow the changes made to the selection in the file list.
Bug fix: When using "Copy name without extension as text" to copy name of the folder with dot (e.g. aaa.bbbcccddd), only the first part is copied (e.g. aaa)
Bug fix: Filenames that start with periods (e.g.: .config) are not displayed correctly if the "Right align extension ..." option is active.
Bug fix: Toolbar buttons for List, Details, Thumbnails stay in down state if "Small icons" or "Large icons" is in menu selected
Bug fix: Rename of the volume drive does not work if rename operation with dialog is defined
Bug fix: Search files - Find duplicate files may provide false result
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9669 Bug fix: Search for files/folders does not work with ";" in path. Use " to enclose path with ";"
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9699 Bug fix: Quick viewer close button does not work in multi rename dialog
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9707 Bug fix: New added column profile is not visible on "Auto selectable views" tab
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9678 Bug fix: Multi rename dialog - "Activate profiles combo box first" broken with quick view
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30211#p30211 Bug fix: When using a toolbar button "Show main menu as popup menu" some submenus may not work (e.g. Color schemes, Favorite tools)
Bug fix: Search files dialog - selecting files in the result list does not count selected (if Shift key is used)
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9717 Bug fix: Favorite folder tree - drop on node with folder is broken
Bug fix: Favorite folder dialog - active item color is unreadable
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9624 Bug fix: Chosen custom column profile "A" changes to custom profile "B" when a file is moved
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30087#p30087 Bug fix: Scrolling in the details view is slower as in the previous version
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=30356#p30356 Bug fix: Sorting by any column in the search dialog changes the width of the columns
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30358#p30358 Bug fix: Viewer - zoom with mouse wheel is broken
Bug fix: Main menu minor issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9772 Bug fix: Minor issue when using multi rename button/hotkey
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9789 Bug fix: Create new folder tab from file container tab
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30437 Bug fix: Selecting files via commandline may not work for network paths
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30622#p30622 Bug fix: Deleting a file in the rename dialog from the context menu doesn't remove it from the list
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30631#p30631 Bug fix: Deleting a file in the search dialog from the context menu doesn't remove it from the list
Bug fix: Search dialog list - multiple items delete issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9909 Bug fix: Sorting broken on delete
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9926 Bug fix: Layout definition - the option 'Ignore main window size and position' will be unchecked if "Auto save current layout" is used.
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30814#p30814 Bug fix: Multirename dialog - deleting a file in quick viewer doesn't remove it from the list
Bug fix: Search dialog - deleting a file in quick viewer doesn't remove it from the list
Bug fix: Thumbnails view doesn't work with "Auto selectable views" + Plain view
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10000 Bug fix: Plain view mode - deleteing a file from context menu doesn't remove it from the list
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9972 Bug fix: A slow double click on a folder in the tree view allows the renaming of the folder even though the option "Allow rename on slow double click" is not set
Bug fix: "Keep expanded nodes per Tab": does not work when closing a tab
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=10012 Bug fix: Multi rename dialog, "Search for" field - the help after klick on "?" picture is wrong
Bug fix: Adding a profile to a search filter doesn't immediately show paths
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10057 Bug fix: Sorting by "Bit rate" may be wrong
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10049 Bug fix: Lock view issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10041 Bug fix: Auto selectable views - minor sorting issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9983 Bug fix: Plain view is lost if used with quick filter on tab switch
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10066 Bug fix: Recycle Bin panel switch issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10070 Bug fix: Recycle Bin refresh issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10071 Bug fix: Quick viewer focus issue
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10073 Bug fix: Rename in the tree: DEL key want delete the renamed folder
Bug fix: Option "Show drives as button bar - Use large icons" does not work if the option "Show drive bar per panel" is not active
Implemented: New action "Set Quick Filter from clipboard"
Implemented: New menu item "Edit -> Filter files with same ext." (Set quick filter to the extension of the focused item in the current panel )
Implemented: Confirm overwrite dialog - file version info is showed now
Implemented: Exif info in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected lines)
Implemented: Folder view in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected text)
Implemented: New option "Always open in new tab" for shell menu settings added
Implemented: "Redirect Win+E to FreeCommander" function opens the program in the foreground
Implemented: Create checksum - space characters are ignored in the field "Compare with the pattern sum"
Implemented: "Make folder/file list..." now possible for archive files and SFTP folders
Implemented: Thumbnails for epub files
Implemented: New action for main splitter added "Split 0/100 %" and "Split 100/0%" (Compatibility with old version)
Implemented: JPG as screenshot format added
Implemented: Position of the settings dialog is saved
Implemented: Unpacking the archive file from the desktop to another desktop folder is now possible.
Implemented: New quick filter option added: Clear edit field when quick filter is deactivated
Implemented: Color scheme menu icons can now be used
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9329 Implemented: Now color scheme is used in Viewer and quick viewer
Implemented: Two options in "Attributes/Timestamp" dialog added: 'Copy date "modified" to "created" for each file', 'Copy date "created" to "modified" for each file'
Implemented: Option to define in the freecommander.ini for deactivating of the color scheme in viewer - "ViewerUseColorScheme=0"
Implemented: Search dialog - file editing from archive file is possible now
Implemented: Background color of the file list in the search dialog changes if searching is active; line "BusyColor=" in freecommander.find.ini
Implemented: Multirename dialog - using substring (enclosed with ) for the option "Upper first letter following any of defined characters" is now possible
Implemented: New command in multirename dialog added - "Copy old name"
Implemented: New option for "File/folder list" added "Ignore size of link folder (reparse point)"; default value is false;
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29686&sid=ebcde0131eafec4ccc9ada14c4a8b621#p29686 Implemented: Quick viewer - close button in the title bar added
Implemented: Additional options for "Close all folder tabs": Close locked tabs too, Apply for both panels
Implemented: Tab property dialog - icon definition is possible now
Implemented: Settings - new tab option "Use large images"
Implemented: Setting for menu font size (Settings->View)
Implemented: Search dialog - new options for searched text: As entered, Any term, All terms
Implemented: Search in file container
Implemented: Quick filter field - with Ctrl+Enter apply quick filter for both panels
Implemented: Protection against "right to left override" characters in the file name.
https://krebsonsecurity.com/2011/09/right-to-left-override-aids-email-attacks/ Implemented: Drop operation (while holding down the SHIFT key) on a Folder button in the Favorite toolbar works as "Move".
Implemented: New condition for "Automatic views": <newtab>; if defined is always active
Implemented: Settings->Programs - define %AcceptOnlyFiles% as Parameter if you want to ignore the program start for folders
Implemented: "Alt+Left Click" on folder or archive file opens new tab in other pane
Implemented: Option "Ignore diacritical marks" added (quick filter, quick search, filter, multirename)
Implemented: New command line parameters: -LQF (left quick filter, e.g. -LQF=*.png ), -RQF (right quick filter)
Implemented: Multirename dialog - new command "Copy old name without extension" added
Implemented: Multirename dialog - new option "Use big icons" added
Implemented: Viewer, VLC Player - "Play loop" option added
Implemented: New action added - "Select all folders"
Implemented: New action added - "Lock view ; Locks view and disable automatic views"
Implemented: Search dialog - new option added: "Use big icons"
Implemented: Multirename dialog - "Options->Select columns" added
Implemented: "Tools->Settings->Programs->Default action" - %InternalViewer% can be used as program for default acion (double click; Enter key)
Changed: Multirename dialog - auto-completion disabled for date field
Changed: Dos-Prompt field - auto-completion disabled
Changed: "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog - "Copy Created -> Modified" changed as suggested
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9199#p29099 Changed: Computing of folder Size - the size of the symbolic link folder is now always 0;
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29616#p29616 Changed: Buttons alignmet for left and right toolbar if buttons caption visible
Changed: Active option "Open folder with one click" opens the link to folder too
Changed: Tab properties dialog - now the field 'Tab name' is always empty unless you define your own tab name.
Changed: Address bar alow input of the file URI as suggested
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&p=29991#p29991 Changed: Loading of the favorite tools faster when many favorite tools (more than 100) are defined.
Changed: Item colors are no longer set in the background but directly while loading of the file list.
Changed: Drag&drop key modifier for move (favortite folders tree) changed from CTRL to SHIFT
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9795 Changed: Define columns dialog - default button changed from Cancel to OK