Bug fix: "Check for updates" drop list items are duplicated after changing of the language
http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8428Bug fix: Possible exception if editing viewer settings from general settings dialog
Bug fix: Search dialog - "Attribute/Timestamp..." dialog can not be opened
Bug fix: Full path is showed for "Network shortcut"
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8432Bug fix: Define toolbar items dialog - dialog is opened for the false item if the list of toolbar items was scrolled.
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8496Bug fix: Drive buttons in toolbar have no icons on program start
Bug fix: If the Explorer option "Hide extensions for known types" is active, then files can not be deleted from the desktop (FC Method).
Bug fix: Command line does not work if current tab is ::Computer
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8518#p27282Bug fix: Unpacking multiple archive files at once - if the destination path is empty, the folder of the first file will always be used as destination.
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8515Bug fix: Viewer - searching in hex mode does not work for properly
Bug fix: "Make folder/file list.." dialog - selected predefined filter is ignored
Bug fix: Auto save settings broken
Bug fix: Rename on smartphons broken for current Windows 10
Bug fix: Some tab icons are not displayed correctly
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8545Bug fix: Refresh of 'Network' goes to 'Desktop'
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8530Bug fix: Zip naming issue
http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8596Bug fix: Search function - size filter is ignored sometimes
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8650Bug fix: View of the PDF files does not work for some installed PDF programs
Bug fix: Quick filter - exclude multiple extensions does not work
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8654Bug fix: Building of the zip file name broken
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8662Bug fix: Internal viewer - the option "Enable adjust orientation" does not work correctly if "Show Exif" is switched on/off
Bug fix: Main menu disappear if defined as "Show menu as toolbar"
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8715Bug fix: Queue button is always default for pack operation
Bug fix: Compare folders - takes a long time if there are several thousand files in folders.
Bug fix: Tree view is not updated when deleting a folder in the file list via context menu.
Bug fix: Quick starter - In order to search with quick filter first focus must be set in the field. That was not necessary in the old version.
Bug fix: Automatic views - few minor bugs fixed
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8838Bug fix: Different behavior of selected items when deleting with the Windows method
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=28073#p28073Bug fix: Exception on program start if thumbnail view is active in one pane
Bug fix: Exception on drives reload if drive button was added to toolbar
Bug fix: Rename with slow double click does not work if the option "Hot track only" is active
Bug fix: Sorting on shell columns does not work properly
Bug fix: Searching for the hex string does not work properly (viewer and search dialog)
Bug fix: Option "Keep expanded nodes per Tab" broken
Bug fix: RAR files created on Android can not be extracted
Bug fix: Column profiles - added Windows column can get wrong title
Bug fix: Message "The system cannot find the path specified" can be showed twice
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9004Bug fix: Drive icons may be not correctly displayed in toolbars
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28430#p28430Bug fix: Copy&paste in the tree does not refresh the tree
Bug fix: An internal error in the thumbnail display may slow down the display, especially from the network.
Bug fix: Multi rename option "Activate profiles combo box first" is broken
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9025Bug fix: Plain View does not remember selection after switching to another tab
Bug fix: Quick filter does not see some country-specific uppercase letters
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=9022Bug fix: Drag&drop operation fails if it was started from plain view and some country-specific letters exist in the file name
Bug fix: Color schemes saving is broken
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9054Bug fix: Folder synchronize (with compare by content) may stops after comparing the very last file
Bug fix: File/folder selection is lost when cancel delete operation (NC-Selection and "Use Freecommander" for delete)
Bug fix: Screenshot in systems with multiple monitors and different resolutions is faulty.
Bug fix: The file name extension is always showed in lower case letters, if it is in the separated column.
Bug fix: Desktop folder is not refreshing after delete operation (if defined as "Use Windows")
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9113Bug fix: Unpack archive zip file into "Program files" folder is broken
Changed: "Color schema" changed to "Color scheme"
Changed: Hotkeys (Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down) for changing search result splitter changed to Alt+Down, Alt+Up
http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8446Changed: Handling of the favorites LNK files changed. Now target path will be handled.
Changed: The drop-down menu for the Desktop button in the toolbar has been changed. Now no submenus are loaded. This avoids delays in starting of the program.
Changed: Quick starter repository files now saved in UTF8 format
Changed: Tab caption - UNC-paths are displayed with "1:" instead of the server name
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7244Changed: Freecommander.ini option "ThumbsNoClipCaption" can be defined now in the settings dialog: "Draw caption without clipping"
Changed: Delete/Copy/Move with the option "Use Windows": the message "The operation was canceled by user" is no more showed
Implemented: New option in copy dialog "Use last overwrite options"
Implemented: New drag&drop option "Start dragging on label or icon only"
Implemented: Option for search dialog to define in the section [fcSearchForm] of the file FreeCommander.find.ini: OpenLocationChangeShortcut=1 if the shortcut should be changed from Ctrl+Space to Alt+Space
Implemented: New action added "Collapse all nodes, except selected node, in the tree view"
Implemented: NOT operator for quick filter: ~
Implemented: Multirename - pattern for parent folder (level 1 to 9) added
Implemented: "Customize action toolbars" dialog - quick filter added
Implemented: Column profile definition - new option added: 'All subfolder levels for columns: Files, Items, Folders'
Implemented: Internal viewer - basic functions for image editing added
Implemented: Favorite tools - if folder is defined as favorite tool, than parameters %RightDir%, %LeftDir%, %InactivDir% can be used if you want to open the folder not in the active pane
Implemented: Quick filter popup menu - new item added: Clear edit field
Implemented: Quick filter - click on quick filter button with pressed CTRL key: edit field will be cleared
Implemented: Quick starter - context menu for the line added
Implemented: Version checker form - frequency of checking can be set here too
Implemented: Quick filter field - select all with Ctrl+A is now possible
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8612Implemented: New action added "Copy name without extension as text"
Implemented: Delete operation (Windows) non blocking now
Implemented: Viewer settings - ignore list added
Implemented: Action for reverse quick filter added
Implemented: Layout option "Ignore main window size and position" now is defined per layout and not global
https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8369Implemented: "Settings - Shell menu" new option added "Apply to: Current user, All users"
Implemented: Quick starter - quick filter field use the settings color now
Implemented: New action added - Close duplicate Tabs
Implemented: "Define favorite toolbars" dialog - "Duplicate" function added; Drag&drop for moving to another toolbar
Implemented: Quick starter settings - item colors by file type
Implemented: Quick starter - in "Repository -> Reorganize" function you will be asked, if non existing elements should be removed.
Implemented: Switch view mode automatically on folder change - "Settings -> Column profiles/Automatic views"
Implemented: If the favorite tree option "Full row select" is active, the double click (or click) will also work if the mouse is not over the name
Implemented: Currently we can switch to the desired drive with Shift+drive-letter. If no root folder is active after switching, then using again Shift+drive-letter will switch to the root folder.
Implemented: Quick starter settings - selection color added
Implemented: Main menu items added "Edit -> Save selection" and "Edit -> Restore selection"
Implemented: When navigating in the folder history (Alt + Left, Alt + Right), non-existent folders are ignored.
Implemented: Searching duplicates
Implemented: Multirename - new options for case processing "Upper first letter following any of defined characters:", "Keep current case"
Implemented: Possibility to define text label in the favorite toolbar
Implemented: Search dialog - new option added "Open first profile on start"
Implemented: Viewer - new option for images added "Show frames" (in the context menu of the picture)
Implemented: Quick filter option now available in the settings dialog "Also use for folder names"