USB Raptor Betacan lock the system once a specific USB drive is removed from the computer and unlock when the drive is plugged in again to any USB port. The utility checks constantly the USB drives for the presence of a specific unlock file with encrypted content. If this specific file is found the computer stays unlocked otherwise the computer locks. To release the system lock user must plug the USB with the file in any USB port. Alternative the user can enable (or disable) two additional ways to unlock the system such is network messaging or password.
Features• Automated USB lock and unlock function
• Lock file contents are encrypted
• Password to override lock (can be selected and enabled by user)
• Network command to override lock (can enabled by user)
• USB drive serial number
Whats new:>>Fixed: Close reporting on Dweet.
Added: Ability to get predefined password on first run.
Fixed: Settings saving and restore for some options.
Added: Export and Import settings function (available to donors).
Added: Function to auto-import configuration file on first program run.
Fixed: Buggy behavior on corrupted password detection.
Added: Multi-language support.
Added: Greek, German language files.