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PC-Ecke => # PC-Games und News => Thema gestartet von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2005, 18:04

Titel: Emulatoren für diverse Spielekonsolen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2005, 18:04
Retro-Arcade-Anbieter will fragwürdige kommerzielle MAME-Konkurrenz ausschalten

Der Retro-Spielmaschinen-Anbieter UltraCade Technologies hat den Zorn der MAME- und Open-Source-Gemeinschaft auf sich gezogen, indem man versucht sowohl den Namen MAME als auch das entsprechende Logo als eigene Marke anzumelden. In zwei offenen Briefen hat sich UltraCade-CEO David R. Foley nach teils heftiger Kritik an die MAME-Gemeinschaft gewandt und beteuert, damit nur gegen Konkurrenten vorgehen zu wollen, die mit billigen MAME-basierten Arcade-Systemen ohne Lizenzen für die Originalspiele werben und damit sowohl UltraCade als auch MAME schaden würden.
Der UltraCade-CEO wähnte in seiner ersten Stellungnahme und im MAME-Forum die Konkurrenz hinter der scharfen Kritik an der Markenanmeldung. Foley will mit der Marke eigenen Aussagen zufolge nur gegen die Anbieter vorgehen, die den freien Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) entgegen dessen Nutzungsbestimmungen kommerziell vertreiben und ihren Kunden bei der Beschaffung von unerlaubt kopierten Spielen helfen würden. Die Verwendung des Namens und des Logos sei hingegen nicht geplant.

"Unser Ziel ist es, das kommerzielle Angebot von Maschinen mit illegal erworbenen ROMs zu unterbinden. Ich glaube dass unsere Ziele parallel laufen können", so Foley. Selbst arbeite man schon seit langer Zeit mit Spielepublishern zusammen und erwerbe ständig weitere Titel für die eigene Plattform.

Im offiziellen MAME-Forum sieht man die Anmeldung der Marke kritisch, da UltraCade zu MAME nichts beigetragen habe und durch seine unerbittlichen Methoden selbst an MAME vergehen würde. In Frage gestellt wurde auch der Sinn der Markenanmeldung, denn selbst wenn UltraCade die Namensrechte besäße, würden dies nicht automatisch eine Verringerung entsprechender kommerzieller Arcade-Systeme auf MAME-Basis bedeuten.

In seiner zweiten Stellungnahme erklärte Foley deshalb erneut, dass man kein Interesse an einer Nutzung des MAME-Namens oder -Logos habe. "Wir wollen nur Wege finden, um die illegale Distribution von klassischen Arcade-Spielen zu verhindern. Wir werden unsere [Marken-]Anmeldung gerne stornieren und mit dem MAME-Team zusammen arbeiten um sie den rechtmäßigen Eigentümern zukommen zu lassen; doch wir wollen sichergehen, dass die Marke nicht an jemanden geht, der sie kommerziell nutzen will."

UltraCade will nun mit der Community zusammen arbeiten, zumindest hat Foley seine Bereitschaft dazu geäußert, und verspricht, weitere alte Arcade-Spiele für einen vernünftigen Preis auf den Markt zu bringen. Die weitere Entwicklung bleibt also abzuwarten.

Quelle und Links : http://www.golem.de/0502/36447.html
Titel: 10 Jahre M.A.M.E. - Innenansichten einer globalen Kollaboration
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2007, 14:54
Beschreibung einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie

M.A.M.E. steht für Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator und der Name ist heute, nach 10 Jahren Entwicklungszeit, schon fast eine Untertreibung. Mittlerweile emuliert die Software etwa 3500 verschiedene Arcade-Spiele aus alten, aber auch aus jüngeren Zeiten. Es bleibt nicht mehr sehr viel auszugraben in diesem Bereich der digitalen Archäologie, weshalb das multiple im Namen schon beinahe eine Untertreibung darstellt. Möglich wurde der immense Umfang des Projekts allein durch eine globale Kollaboration von vielen Freiwilligen. Ich möchte den 10. Geburtstag zum Anlass nehmen, meine persönlichen Erfahrungen als Teilnehmer dieses Projektes zu beschreiben und die Anfänge einer gesellschaftlichen Utopie daraus abzuleiten.

Es gibt sie noch, die bewundernswerten Leistungen, die nur Gemeinschaften von enthusiastischen Kollaborateuren vollbringen können, dessen bin ich mir sicher. Ich habe es erlebt und erlebe es noch immer, wenn ich auch selbst in den letzten Jahren wenig Code dazu beigetragen habe. Das M.A.M.E. Projekt wurde am 5. Februar 1997 von Nicola Salmoria mit der Freigabe des Quellcodes zur Version 0.1 seines Emulators gestartet. MAME 0.1, das umbenannte MultiPac, konnte mehrere Versionen von Pac-Man emulieren und bald kamen weitere Spiele hinzu - zunächst die, die auf fast identischer Hardware liefen.

Schon sehr bald nach Veröffentlichung der ersten Version setzte dann ein Effekt ein, den viele vermutlich von den bekannteren Vertretern der konzertierten Entwicklung freier Software her kennen: von Linux und OpenBSD, Apache und Sendmail, Mozilla und wie sie alle heißen. Die Umschreibung konzertierte Entwicklung beschreibt den Vorgang recht gut, denn wie bei einem Konzert spielen viele Instrumente vielleicht kleine, aber jeweils wichtige Rollen, ohne die das Gesamtwerk unvollständig wäre. Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, im Falle von MAME ein wenig aus der Innenansicht einer solchen Kollaboration vermitteln zu können. Und ich bin natürlich froh, mit meinem Beitrag zu MAME ein wenig zurückgeben zu können an die, die auch für mich solche Dinge wie freie Betriebssysteme und die ganze Welt der freien Software geschaffen haben.

Das MAME-Projekt leistet nebenbei noch Aufgaben, die eigentlich staatliche wären, nämlich die Sicherung und Bewahrung der Geschichte und Kultur eines Teils der Jugendzeit einer ganzen Generation. MAME erhält und dokumentiert die Geschichte und Kultur der ungefähr Mitte bis Ende der 1970er Jahre aufkommenden Arcade-Spiele. Archive und Museen wären für diese Aufgabe zuständig und sind es mittlerweile auch offiziell, doch wie sollten es Kuratoren und Archivare leisten, die zerfallenden und oft schon irreparablen Artefakte der Anfänge der Arcade-Spiele für zukünftige Generationen zu bewahren? Wie sollten sie die Unmengen der Entwicklungen kategorisieren, katalogisieren, archivieren und noch dazu erlebbar erhalten? Es muss für sie beinahe unmöglich sein, denn sie sind vielleicht nicht immer enthusiastisch genug oder schlicht technisch überfordert mit dieser Aufgabe.

Am Anfang stehet eine Idee – und der Wille, andere am Ergebnis teilhaben zu lassen

Wie kommt es zu einer solchen Kollaboration von Freiwilligen? Wie kommt ein Projekt zustande, dem keine Planung, ja nicht einmal eine konkrete Absicht in Richtung eines Großprojektes vorausgehen? Ich kenne die ursprüngliche Intention Nicola Salmorias nicht, als er die erste Version seiner Arbeit freigab und kann daher nur meinen eigenen Antrieb in weit weniger erfolgreichen Projekten zu einem solchen Schritt darlegen.

Man hat sich also für ein Thema interessiert, man hat etwas herausgefunden und auch ein Stückchen Software geschrieben, das es zuvor so noch nicht gab. Nun kann man sich für einen von zwei Wegen entscheiden. Man kann versuchen, daraus in irgendeiner Weise einen Gewinn zu erzielen, indem man die Idee selbst oder die Anfänge der eigenen Umsetzung vermarktet. Dies aber ist nicht bei allen Arten von Software möglich und im Falle von MAME wäre es, wegen der vielen Fußangeln der das so genannte Geistige Eigentum umrankenden Gesetzgebung, unmöglich gewesen. Der alternative Weg ist, dass man andere teilhaben lässt am eigenen Stolz auf das bereits Geleistete. Man veröffentlicht seine Idee, seinen Quellcode, sein Projekt und wartet ab, was weiter passiert. Genau genommen gibt es auch noch einen dritten Weg. Man lässt alles in einem der gammeligeren Bereiche seiner Festplatte herumliegen und wartet darauf, dass ein Projekt irgendwann ohne Spuren zu hinterlassen im Orkus der misslungenen Datensicherungen verschwindet. Dieser Weg wird meist wohl eher unfreiwillig beschritten.

Am Anfang steht also eine Idee und meist auch noch die spezifische Begabung, sich um einen Teilaspekt dessen, was einen wirklich interessiert, was man sich selbst zum Hobby auserkoren hat, in neuartiger und für andere interessanter Weise zu kümmern und so den ersten Schritt zu tun. Man steckt sich selbst ein Ziel, um zu sehen, ob man etwas erreicht, und will dann, falls dies tatsächlich gelungen ist, andere auch an der eigenen Freude über den Erfolg teilhaben lassen. Es steckt sicherlich auch Eitelkeit in dem Beginn und vielleicht auch in einem großen Teil der weiteren Entwicklung eines jeden freien Softwareprojektes. Es steckt aber vor allem ein kreativer Umgang mit neuen Techniken in MAME, denn vor 10 Jahren war das Internet noch nicht sehr verbreitet und eine weltweite Kollaboration wie die, die zu dem führte, was MAME heute ist, wäre wenige Jahre zuvor noch unmöglich gewesen.

Ich vermute, dass ein solcher Antrieb, also eine gewisse Eitelkeit, auch in jedem Künstler steckt, der seine Musik vor Publikum spielen will, der seine Prosa oder Lyrik vortragen will, der seine Bilder auf einer Vernissage oder seine Werke in einem Museum ausstellen will. Es gibt wenigstens eine Art der Beschäftigung mit dem Computer, wenigstens eine Art des Lösens von selbstgestellten Aufgaben, die sich als künstlerisches Schaffen bezeichnen lässt - und vermutlich gibt es sogar viele. Sicherlich gilt dies nicht für jede Software, denn bei weitem nicht jedes Projekt enthält auch nur irgendeinen Ansatz einer Leistung im Sinne von künstlerischem Schaffen. In einigen Projekten kann die Entwicklung von Software eher schon mit klassischer Maloche vergleichbar sein, wie vielleicht mancher Leser aus eigener Erfahrung bestätigen wird. Die Freiwilligkeit und die Arbeit aus reinem Interesse unterscheiden, wie ich meine, hier die Kunst vom Gewerbe.

Der wesentliche Unterschied zwischen einem nichtöffentlichen Projekt, also einer sogenannten closed source software und der Art von Entwicklungsumfeld, unter die MAME zu rechnen ist, also der open source software, besteht darin, wie die daran beteiligten Entwickler zusammenkommen. Es ist klar, dass es in einem normalen Projekt ab einer gewissen Größe einen fähigen Projektleiter geben muss, ja geradezu ein Führungs-Genie, das die Leitung der Entwicklung und die Koordination der Entwickler übernimmt. Solche Projektleiter sind oftmals die in den anglizismenüberladenen Stellenanzeigen gesuchten Senior Software Developers, die während ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung bei der Entwicklung von Software nebenbei auch gelernt haben, wie die Konzeption von Projekten anzugehen ist, wie Mitarbeiter frühzeitig richtig einschätzt werden können und wie Probleme vorausgesehen und möglichst vermieden werden. Und manch ein kleines oder auch großes Projekt wird bereits daran gescheitert sein, dass es eben kein Genie an der Spitze gab, welches den Überblick über die Erfordernisse und die notwendige Personalstruktur für eine erfolgreiche Realisierung gehabt hätte. Die Namen der genialsten Fehlleistungen im Bereich großer Software-Projekte in Deutschland dürften heute nicht nur den Programmierern unter den Lesern geläufig sein.

Das Bedürfnis der Korrektur als ein wichtiger Schritt zur Mitarbeit

Im Gegensatz dazu existiert bei einem Projekt wie MAME zunächst nur ein stinknormaler, aber vielleicht visionärer, Programmierer, der seine Idee von Beginn an offenlegt. Er wird, da er kein Genie ist - auch wenn ich bei Nicola in diesem Punkt nicht ganz sicher bin - den einen oder anderen Fehler in seiner ersten Version gemacht haben. Wenn er den kompletten Quellcode bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt selbst geschrieben hat, dann wird er eher viele Fehler gemacht haben. Falls er vor allem auf vorhandenen Bibliotheken aufgebaut hat, wird er vielleicht nicht immer die beste Wahl getroffen haben.

In jedem Falle wird sich aber unter denjenigen, die den frei erhältlichen Quellcode betrachten, die ihn durcharbeiten und zu verstehen versuchen, auch einige geben, die sich ausgerechnet in ihrem Spezialgebiet angesprochen fühlen. So kommt es dazu, dass sich einige dieser Fachleute für einen Teilbereich des Projektes berufen fühlen, etwas an dem veröffentlichten Projekt zu bemängeln und im Idealfall direkt eine Verbesserung beizusteuern. Manche werden bald Erweiterungs- und Generalisierungsmöglichkeiten sehen, die dem Initiator nicht klar waren. Es wächst schrittweise ein Team aus Menschen aus der ganzen angeschlossenen Welt zusammen, die ihre jeweiligen Spezialkenntnisse zusammentragen und bei passender Gelegenheit einbringen.

Nach meiner eigenen Beobachtung scheint das Bedürfnis zu korrigieren zunächst durch eine Art des gewöhnlichen gelernten oder geerbten Konkurrenzdenkens angestoßen zu werden. Mein Einstieg bei MAME war Ende der 1990er der Beitrag einer etwas genaueren und korrekteren Emulation des Z80 Mikroprozessors. Die ersten Kontakte waren Fehlerbeschreibungen und Hinweise auf Ungenauigkeiten im damaligen Z80-Core per E-Mail an Nicola Salmoria und Mirko Buffoni. Dieselben Fehler hatte ich bei meinen eigenen Versuchen zuvor auch schon gemacht und es hatte lange gedauert, sie zu finden und auszumerzen. Ich wurde auf die Mailingliste der Entwickler eingeladen und irgendwann schrieb ich dann einen komplett neuen Quellcode für diese CPU-Emulation, nur basierend auf den vorherigen Erfahrungen und auf bereits korrigierter Dokumentation zu den Interna dieser CPU.

Ein solcher Neubeginn ist eine Sache, die manch betagtem Projekt irgendwann gut zu Gesicht stünde. Es muss nicht unbedingt ein Neuschreiben des kompletten Codes sein, denn manchmal reicht es vielleicht aus, sich an den Programmierstil des Vorgängers zu gewöhnen. In besagtem Fall wollte ich aber unbedingt alles besser machen. Eine gewisse Zeit lang war ich dann tatsächlich mittendrin statt nur dabei und konnte einige tausend Zeilen Code beitragen, einige weitere CPU-Emulationen für MAME schreiben und ein paar Treiber zur Emulation abstruser Hardware (z.B. DECO-Cassette-System) beisteuern. Auch ein weniger geglückter Versuch, ein Spiel ohne CPU zu simulieren (Pong), gehört zu meinen Erfahrungen aus und mit MAME.

Irgendwann ist es dann so weit, dass man stolz darauf sein kann, seinen Beitrag zu etwas geleistet zu haben, das man sein Hobby nennt und für das man auch schon zuvor viel seiner Freizeit hergegeben hatte. Man ist froh und glücklich, dass die eigene Leistung, wie klein sie auch sein mag, im Rahmen eines Projektes nützlich ist, das weit über das hinaus geht, was man alleine je hätte leisten können. Der eigentliche Antrieb dazu, freiwillig und unbezahlt etwas zu einem Projekt beizutragen, ist sicherlich genau dieses Erfolgserlebnis und das Gefühl, etwas Sinnvolles geleistet zu haben. Und ja, mir ist bewusst, dass dies nur so lange möglich ist, wie man sein Geld aus anderer Quelle erhält, genau dazu aber später noch mehr.

Irgendwann kommt der erste Rückschlag

Andere im Team beginnen, Fehler darin zu finden, worin man sich selbst schon als Perfektionisten und als beinahe päpstlich unfehlbar ansah. Hier ein dummer logischer Fehler, dort eine Fehlinterpretation des Fliegendrecks auf dem Jota als I-tüpfelchen und schließlich hat man noch durch mangelnde Aufmerksamkeit und Weitsicht richtig üble Fehler in das Projekt oder den Code anderer eingebracht. Und wir wissen spätestens seit Lubarskys Gesetz der kybernetischen Entomologie: Es gibt immer noch einen weiteren Bug. Das Auffinden des vorletzten Fehlers im eigenen Code durch einen anderen im durchaus wechselnden Team der Entwickler passiert aber notwendigerweise irgendwann, denn es gibt bei jedem Problem und der niedergeschriebenen, versuchten Lösung auch einen Teilaspekt, mit dem sich ein anderer Spezialist noch ein wenig besser auskennt als der vergleichsweise Generalist, der man selbst ist. Und wenn es keinen Teilaspekt mehr gibt, der ungenau oder verbesserungswürdig wäre, dann gibt es doch ein übergeordnetes Konzept, das zu erkennen einem selbst die Größe und der Weitblick fehlte.

Die Frage, ob man an diesem Punkt bei einem Projekt bleibt, oder ob man mehr oder wenig beleidigt das Weite sucht, liegt vielleicht am jeweiligen Selbstverständnis und der bereits erlangten Selbstsicherheit oder auch Abgebrühtheit. Viele Spezialisten, auch und gerade in der Spezies der Programmierer, neigen zu einer sehr speziellen Variante des Autismus. Diese Neigung drückt sich in so gelegenen Fällen durch einen Rückzug von oder Austritt aus der Gemeinschaft der Entwickler aus. Wenn so jemand sich in seinen Ansichten korrigiert, sich demokratisch überstimmt oder gar vom Überlegenen verbessert sieht, sich bei einem dummen Fehler ertappt oder sonstwie überholt oder ausrangiert erkennt, dann nimmt er einfach seinen Hut und geht. Manchmal ist es auch nur eine Auszeit, ein Rückzug zur Besinnung. Dennoch ist die Teilnahme an einem Projekt wie MAME nicht als Einbahnstraße anzusehen, bei der jeder nur seinen Code abliefert und außer dem Endprodukt sonst nichts erhält. Vielmehr gibt das Projekt einem Teilnehmer auch neue Fähigkeiten in sozialer Kompetenz zurück, sowohl in der Einschätzung der eigenen Person, als auch im Umgang mit den Kollaborateuren.

Wie sieht es unter diesem Aspekt und im Vergleich dazu bei, ich nenne sie mal so, herkömmlicher arbeitsteiliger Projektarbeit aus? Dort werden oftmals ähnliche Situationen entstehen. Jemand macht Fehler und es gibt hoffentlich einen Kollegen, der sie erkennt und darauf hinweist oder sie direkt ausmerzt. Wenn es niemanden gibt, dann bleibt das fertiggestellte Produkt später unnötigerweise fehlerhaft. Passieren Fehler bei vielen Projekten oder andauernd, dann zeugt dies dafür, dass ein mit der Projektleitung beauftragte Genie wenigstens einen der Mitarbeiter, zum Beispiel mich, in seinen Kompetenzen falsch eingeschätzt hatte. Das Führungs-Genie ist offensichtlich keines. Andererseits führt das Erkennen von Fehlern, wenigstens bei deren zu häufigem Auftreten oder bei zu großem Konkurrenzdruck im Team, auch leicht zu sehr nachteiligen Auswirkungen für den Fehlerverursacher, die sich unter dem unschönen neudeutschen Wort Mobbing zusammenfassen lassen. Schlimmer noch: Fehler können schnell den Job und damit oft genug die Existenz kosten, wenigstens aber den gewohnten Lebensstandard.

Die Freiheit, versagen zu dürfen

Dieser Artikel ist ein Plädoyer für die Entwicklung von Software unter möglichst wenig existenziellem Druck und unter möglichst großer Wahrung von Freiheiten. Die selbstgewählten Schwierigkeiten und die noch nicht erreichte Gelassenheit beim Eintreten der Feststellung, dass man sich selbst überschätzt hatte, sind für viele schwer genug zu verkraften, auch ohne dass davon direkt ihre Existenz betroffen sein müsste. Ich vertrete somit die Ansicht, dass Software-Projekte von allgemeinem Interesse und gesellschaftlicher Nützlichkeit in offener Form und mit freiwilliger Beteiligung der Entwickler ausgeführt werden sollten.

Der Grund ist schnell gesagt, denn er liegt beinahe genau dort, wo auch die Gründe für das Überdauern der in Erinnerung gebliebenen Wunderwerke unserer Altvorderen liegen, die sie im Bereich der Wissenschaften und der Künste zustande gebracht haben. Der Grund liegt in der Freiheit, versagen zu dürfen. Der Weg zu jeder herausragenden Leistung ist gepflastert mit den Bruchstücken und Trümmern der Versuche derer, die sich zuvor vergeblich darum gemüht hatten. Das ist es, was wir uns wieder vergegenwärtigen sollten.

Die Gesamtleistung eines Teams von freiwilligen Entwicklern, die sich ihre Aufgaben aussuchen können und die dabei Fehler machen dürfen, ja notwendigerweise machen müssen, wenn nur die Anzahl der Kollaborateure groß genug ist, lässt sich wohl kaum je mit einem ausgewählten, von einem Projektleiter zusammengestellten Team erreichen. Wer in einem Team von freiwilligen Entwicklern dabei bleibt, obwohl er erkennen musste, dass er nicht das Genie ist, für welches er sich selber hielt, hat dennoch viel zu erwarten. Er wird aus den Fehlern lernen, die er zuvor gemacht hatte. Er wird neue Erfahrung gewinnen aus der Art, wie andere seine Fehler korrigierten. Er wird diese spezielle Art von für ihn vielleicht typischen Fehlern immer seltener machen und er wird, nachdem die erste Ent-Täuschung überwunden ist, erfreut darüber sein, dass er dennoch dabei geblieben ist. Er wird irgendwann erkennen, dass auch sein Beitrag notwendig war, damit das große Ganze gelingen konnte. Er wird seine eigene Leistung besser schätzen lernen. Er wird mehr Selbstbewusstsein erlangen, als er zuvor hatte. Er ist, kurz gesagt, glücklicher.

Was sind im Vergleich dazu die Konsequenzen für denjenigen, der (zu) viele Fehler in einem klassisch organisierten Projekt macht? Er wird entweder versuchen, seine Fehler zu vertuschen oder, schlimmer, sie jemand anderem im Team anzulasten. Wenn er klug und anständig ist, dann wird er sich irgendwann nach einem Beruf umsehen, in dem er weniger Fehler machen muss, falls dies möglich ist. Sollte er aber bei seinen Vertuschungsversuchen auffliegen, dann fliegt er auch leicht aus seinem Job und damit aus seiner sozialen Sicherheit. In Deutschland landet er dann leicht in dem sozialen Abgrund, der mit einem unsäglichen, weil verbrannten, Namen verbrämt mittlerweile leider nur mehr eine Umschreibung für "zum Leben zuwenig - zum Sterben zuviel" ist.

Förderung der Wissensgesellschaft

Dieses Plädoyer spricht also dafür, die Entwicklung von für die Gesellschaft nützlicher oder notwendiger Software auf ein völlig neues, aber gleichzeitig uraltes Konzept umzustellen. Die Gesamtleistung einer Gruppe von freiwillig zusammenarbeitenden Menschen, also von Kollaborateuren im positiven Sinne, wird notwendigerweise mit der Zeit höher werden, als die von ausgewählten, zusammengestellten Teams jemals sein kann, da selbst die Randfiguren und die Versager aus dem heutigen Sprachgebrauch von denjenigen lernen wollen und lernen werden, die ihnen ihre Fehler aufzeigen, ohne sie dafür zu verachten oder gar zu verbannen.

Der ausgedienten Idee der Leistungsgesellschaft und dem unerträglichen, weil allgegenwärtigen, Leistungsdruck sollten wir die verdiente Abfuhr erteilen. Niemand hat, bloß weil er sich neu-liberal nennt, das Recht, die durch genetische Vorbedingungen oder soziologische Umgebungsvariablen völlig zufälligen Voraussetzungen des Einzelnen als Maßstab für dessen Teilnahmewürdigkeit an der Gesellschaft und deren Errungenschaften und Fortentwicklung herzunehmen. Jeder Mensch kann etwas, oftmals etwas sehr spezielles und leicht zu übersehendes, und die überalterte Idee der Leistungsgesellschaft hat sich lange schon als unfähig erwiesen, für jeden Menschen die angemessene Würdigung seines Beitrags zum Ganzen zu liefern.

Wir müssen Politiker in Deutschland und in der EU dafür gewinnen, nun wirklich einmal Budgets in derselben Größenordnung, wie sie oft genug unnötigerweise an global agierende Konzerne verschenkt werden, in die Entwicklung freier Software zu stecken. Universitäten und Hochschulen boten schon immer einen Rahmen dazu, der aber ergänzt und erweitert werden sollte. Es wäre sehr befruchtend, würde man den einfachen Hauptschüler und die berüchtigte Frau von der Straße in die Lage versetzen, bei solchen Projekten mitzuarbeiten, die ihn oder sie interessieren. Das eigene Interesse sollte mit Vorrang vor gemessener Leistung behandelt werden und ein größeres Vertrauen in Selbstkritikfähigkeit des Einzelnen sowie in die Selbstorganisationsfähigkeit von kollaborativen Gruppen wäre hilfreich.

Eine Bereitstellung von offenen Mailinglisten, Wikis, Archiven und Foren für Deutschland- oder EU-weit geförderte Projekte, in denen sich Interessierte treffen könnten, wäre ein erster Schritt. Die vorgeschriebene Offenlegung allen gewonnenen Wissens, aller Software, sowie aller Erkenntnisse aus staatlich finanzierten Projekten für jeden gehörte selbstverständlich dazu. Kurz gesagt sollte der Weg in eine Wissensgesellschaft nicht bloßes Lippenbekenntnis sein, sondern tatkräftig auch finanziell angegangen und bestritten werden mit den Mitteln, die derzeit kontraproduktiv in die Abschottung von Wissen, in Ausweitung der Ungleichheiten oder gar in die Verbreitung von Verdummung gepumpt werden. Die gezielte Förderung von Projekten, in denen sich Fachleute wie Quereinsteiger, Hobbyisten wie Profis, Endanwender wie Entwickler treffen würden, ließe dann in Schritt zwei eine Aufwandsentschädigung für die Arbeit und die investierte Zeit der freiwilligen Kollaborateure zu.

Die Utopie am Ende einer solchen Entwicklung ist natürlich eine Gesellschaft, in der jeder sich ein oder mehrere ihn interessierende Gebiete aussuchen kann, um in den offen zugänglichen Projekten und Arbeitsgemeinschaften zu den jeweiligen Themen teilzunehmen. Die Interessen sollten ohne weiteres wechseln können, falls sie sich als Irrweg, als Selbstüberschätzung oder als zu kurzlebig herausstellen.

Der Kern dieser Utopie ist die vollständige Entkopplung der Arbeitsleistung von der Existenzsicherung und damit die Absage an den Leistungsdruck, der rein aus dem Selbsterhaltungstrieb entsteht. Ein jeder sollte beliebig viele Fehler machen und auch komplett versagen dürfen - ist dieser überholte Begriff unvermeidlich? Es wären immer genügend Kollegen, Generalisten und Spezialisten als Nichtversager da, die diese Fehler erkennen und auffangen würden, die den Fehlerverursacher aber ohne Arroganz zu verbreiten mitlernen ließen und ihm bei seinem totalen Versagen immer noch neue Wege zeigen könnten, die er versuchen könnte. Im übelsten anzunehmenden Fall, ich denke etwa an Trollerei und Intrigenspinnerei, würde die restliche Gruppe von Kollaborateuren jemanden auch ignorieren und einfach machen lassen, denn diese Dinge wären ja aus der Erfahrung mit vergleichbaren Projekten bereits bekannt und würden durch die größere Gesamtleistung der Gruppe mitgetragen. Die Volksweisheit: "Jeder taugt zu etwas und sei es als schlechtes Beispiel" könnte ohne weiteres wörtlich angewandt werden.

Wenn ich hier meine Erfahrungen mit einer vergleichsweise kleinen Gruppe ohne weiteres auf die Gesellschaft der ganzen Welt interpoliere, dann möchte ich mir und anderen damit diese Utopie und die Möglichkeit ihrer Umsetzung erhalten. Diese Utopie ist der Inhalt meines Traums von einer lebenswerten Gesellschaft, auf dessen Aufführung auf einer Bühne der realen Welt ich einen kurzen und erhellenden Blick werfen durfte. Die Idee der Funktionsfähigkeit einer freiwilligen Kollaboration ist in dieser relativ kleinen Gruppe der MAME-Devs keine Utopie, eben weil sie nachweislich realisierbar war. Wenn diese Utopie je im großen Rahmen versucht werden sollte, dann wahrscheinlich lange nach meinem Ende, aber auch das stimmt mich nicht trauriger, als der aktuelle Zustand dieser Welt und der immer ungangbarere Weg, auf dem sehr viele sich lust-, hoffnungs- und perspektivlos voranschleppen müssen. Wohin eigentlich?

Quelle : www.heise.de
Titel: Neu : MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.131
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2009, 06:48
Universalemulator für viele längst vergessene (Home-)Computer und Spielekonsolen; basiert auf dem MAME-Kern


Die Auflösung des Akronyms MESS, „Multiple Emulator Super System“, sagt alles: Der Universalemulator bringt viele längst vergessene (Home-)Computer und Spielkonsolen unter einem Dach zusammen, von Atari 2600 bis ZX81.

MESS ist ideal, um den Gören Computerspiele aus der eigenen Kindheit zu zeigen und klarzumachen, dass man auch ohne kreischende Lüfter auf der Grafikkarte Spaß haben kann. Freilich lässt sich auch perfekt der Highscore von damals verbessern oder die längst vergessen gewähnten Kenntnisse des im ROM integrierten Basic-Dialekts auffrischen. Wissen Sie noch den Befehl, um das Inhaltsverzeichnis von der 1541-Floppy des Brotkastens zu laden?

Der Ansatz von MESS, eine universelle Basis zu bauen, die für jedes zu emulierende System letztlich nur eine Beschreibung erhält und ansonsten auf fertige Emulationscodeblöcke zurückgreift, erinnert nicht von ungefähr an den Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME), der verschiedene Spielautomaten in ähnlicher Weise emuliert - MESS und MAME teilen eine große Menge Code, werden aber von getrennten Teams vorangetrieben und getrennt veröffentlicht.

MESS selbst kennt rund 150 Systeme. Um ein einzelnes dieser Systeme zu beleben, braucht es aber die Original-ROMs und Images von den seinerzeit gebräuchlichen Datenträgern, das können Disketten, Kassetten, Cartridges oder sogar Lochkarten und -streifen gewesen sein. Den gleichzeitigen Vertrieb von Emulationssoftware mit ROM- und Disk-Images untersagen die MESS-Entwickler aufgrund rechtlicher Bedenken.

Wer solche Images nicht selbst anfertigen kann oder will, kann sich mit einer Suchmaschine geduldig an die Fersen etlicher Server heften, die dieses Material im Internet zum Download anbieten. Anders als bei heute aktueller Software operieren die Anbieter der Dateien in einer Grauzone, denn heute ist oft nicht mal mehr klar zu ermitteln, wer etwa die Rechte am BIOS des einstigen Robotron-Mikrocomputers hält ...

Zwar ist MESS für den Mac und als X/Linux-Software zu haben, aber die reichen nicht an die Windows-Version heran: In der Mac-Variante laufen viele Systeme nicht und in der X-Version scheitert mitunter die Steuerung der emulierten Systeme mit Maus und Tastatur, und den Komfort einer grafischen Bedienung darf man auch nicht erwarten; es gibt zwar Ansätze, eine MESS-Oberfläche für Gnome oder KDE zu konstruieren, doch die sind meistens schon vor Jahren im Sande verlaufen ...

Die von MESS nachgebildeten Systeme laufen längst nicht alle perfekt. Eine vollständige Liste findet sich auf der Homepage des Projekts - ein paar Beispiele: Apple II+/e/c und Commodore in allen Spielarten, Pet, VC20, C64 und C128, Colour Genie, TSR-80 und TI-99, Oric, ZX81 sowie diverse Schneider-Computer. Es finden sich auch Exoten wie BeBox und Apple Lisa in der Liste - sie sind allerdings (noch) nicht komplett unterstützt.

Während heutige Emulatoren und Virtualisierungslösungen wie VMware, VirtualPC oder QEMU einen nahezu aktuellen PC perfekt nachbilden wollen, emuliert MESS tatsächlich die alte PC-Hardware, etwa einen PC/XT oder AT mit 80286-CPU. Es kann deshalb etwa eine Bus-Maus (nicht mit einer PS/2-Maus zu verwechseln) anbieten, wie sie ältere PC-Betriebssysteme womöglich erwarten, zum Beispiel Windows 1 oder Visicorps Visi On. Auch überfordert es die alte Software nicht mit unbekannten CPU-Eigenschaften oder einem unvermutet großen Hauptspeicher.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.133 & 0.133u1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2009, 17:46
Weitere Infos sowie ein Changelog findet sich hier : http://mamedev.org/ (http://mamedev.org/)
Titel: MAME 0.134s erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2009, 13:34
Weitere Infos sowie ein Changelog findet sich hier : http://mamedev.org/
Titel: MAME 0.135s erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2009, 10:40


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03378: [DIP/Input] kamakazi3: Unable to use normal coin slots (coin
         lockout) (Luigi30)
- 03496: [Sound] mouja: Sound Effects/Voice missing (Mamesick)
- 03423: [Crash/Freeze] acpsx, atpsx, atluspsx, cpzn1, cpzn2, psarc95,
         taitofx1, tps, vspsx : Access Violation (Fabio Priuli)
- 03425: [Crash/Freeze] taitogn: Access Violation before typing OK.
         (Fabio Priuli)
- 03424: [Crash/Freeze] chihiro, triforce: Access Violation before
         typing OK (Fabio Priuli)
- 03490: [Crash/Freeze] quasar, quasara: Segmentation Fault after OK
         (Fabio Priuli)
- 03491: [Crash/Freeze] dynobop, sstrike, slikshot, slikshot17,
         slikshot16 : Access Violation after OK (Phil Bennett)
- 03487: [Crash/Freeze] All Drivers using z180 cpu: Access Violation
         (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
Changed sound banking on Shogun Warriors/B.Rap Boys to use an
OKIM6295 address map and banks [David Haywood]

Removed the MCU comm hack from namcofl/namconb. This now fixes the
music tempo in most games. [Phil Bennett]

Fixed vroulet controls so that the Red column can be selected.

680x0 update: [R. Belmont]
 - Support PMOVE modes from PMMU
 - Allow the FPU to be used for both '030 and '040
 - Add byte and word FPU loads/stores
 - Fixed buggy FPU 64-bit stores in the (An) addressing mode

chdman: add option to create uncompressed writeable HD images for MESS
[R. Belmont]

scsihd: don't crash if no media is attached [R. Belmont]

More goldstar.c improvements... [Roberto Fresca]
 * Completed the New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines hardware/PCB
 * Added New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, extended gfx).
    This set has the New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines program, so
    bets are up to 64. Same extended tileset for reels, but lacks of
    the New Super 8 Lines title tiles. Maybe is a hidden feature,
    maybe just graphics for another hack.
 * Added technical notes.

Added abort button to sfrush [Arthur Peale]

Updated mt_tout CRC/SHA1 and added note about old, likely bad dump
[David Haywood]

Added missing dependencies for video/model2.c and video/model3.c
[Phil Bennett]

Fixed recent sprite breakage in some toaplan2 video HW-based games.
[Phil Bennett]

Added later version of Naomi analog I/O board program [Alex]

Changes to the dsp56156 cpu core. [Andrew Gardner]
 * Added JF table decode function.
 * Added ABS, IMAC, and TFR2 opcodes.
 * Fixed various flags for TST, INC24, SUB, CMP, and CMPM.
 * Added hack to DO function to accommodate for the CPU core's
    inaccurate math.

Galaxian driver changes: [luigi30]
 * Crystallized some clock speeds, put ?s near ones that didn't look
 * Changed references to galaxiaj in game names to galaxiana

Re-added 2nd button back to ddayc [David Haywood]

Documentation update for the Seibu COPDX-based games. Renamed
sdgndmrb to grainbow. [David Haywood]

Updated most tools in src/tools to be straight BSD license.
[Aaron Giles]

Added -flipped option to unidasm to output with disassembly first and
address/data bytes afterwards in comment form. [Aaron Giles]

Changed 32010 unknown opcode to output in $xxx format like all other
hex values. [Aaron Giles]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Mahjong Seiryu Densetsu [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Mahjong Daimyojin [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]

New clones added
Pinball Action (set 5, encrypted) [f205v]
Hyper Sports (bootleg) [f205v, David Haywood]
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors (Hispanic 940818) [Artemio]
Gran Premio F1 (Italian bootleg of Pole Position II)
   [f205v, David Haywood]
Scramble (Karateko, French bootleg) [Joachim Bassmann]
Super Breakout (rev 03) [Andy Welburn, Lord Nightmare]
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 3, extended gfx)
   [Roberto Fresca, Darklord & Team Europe]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Tournament Solitaire [Angelo Salese, Siftware]
Airline Pilots DX [ANY, The Dumping Union]

Titel: MAME 0.135u3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2009, 19:59
whats new :


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03565: [Color/Palette] astrof, astrof2, astrof3: blue background is
         supposed to be black (David Haywood)
- 03557: [Sound] All sets in namcos12.c: Music is slower than
         original (Phil Bennett)
- 03561: [Crash/Freeze] robokid, robokidj, robokidj2: Segmentation
         Fault after OK (Fabio Priuli)
- 03562: [Crash/Freeze] fcombat: Segmentation Fault after OK
         (Fabio Priuli)
- 03560: [Crash/Freeze] missb2, saiyugoub1, saiyugoub2: Driver Data
         Struct Issues (Fabio Priuli)
- 03559: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in viper.c, subsino.c and coolridr.c:
         Segmentation Fault before OK (Fabio Priuli)

Source Changes
Kusayakyu improvements [Angelo Salese]
 - fixed color prom hook-up, tilemap color offsets and tilemap
 - fixed sound and tweaked the frequencies in the driver

Tron: Hooked up cocktail (P2) fire button so that it can be used
in-game and in test mode. [Tafoid]

Added driver data struct and save states to: [Fabio Priuli]
 - gberet.c, ddrible.c, gaelco.c, trackfld.c, hyperspt.c, yiear.c
 - hnayayoi.c, hanaawas.c, higemaru.c, himesiki.c and sonson.c
 - galspnbl.c, gcpinbal.c, ginganin.c, go2000.c, goal92.c, goindol.c,
    good.c, gotcha.c, gotya.c, gstream.c, gumbo.c, gundealr.c,
    hitme.c, holeland.c & homerun.c
 - glass.c & homedata.c
 - fromance.c, fromanc2.c, ikki.c, imolagp.c, inufuku.c
 - jack.c
 - jangou.c, jantotsu.c, jollyjgr.c and jongkyo.c
 - kangaroo.c, karnov.c, kchamp.c, kickgoal.c, kingobox.c,
    kncljoe.c, koikoi.c, kopunch.c, ksayakyu.c and kyugo.c
 - ladybug.c, ladyfrog.c, lastduel.c, lwings.c, redclash.c and
 - laserbas.c, laserbat.c, lastfght.c, lazercmd.c and lemmings.c

Added driver data struct to: [Fabio Priuli]
 - galivan.c, jailbrek.c, sbasketb.c
 - alpha68k.c, amspdwy.c, gng.c, gunsmoke.c, hotblock.c
 - aerofgt.c and gyruss.c
 - hyprduel.c
 - pipedrm.c
 - ironhors.c
 - jackal.c
 - lasso.c

Changed CDP1869 PAL/NTSC signal to use devcb. [Curt Coder]

Converted cabal, mappy, toypop and zaxxon to use driver_data
structure [Atari Ace]

Fixed CP1610 disassembler. [Robbbert]

Cool Riders improvements: [Angelo Salese, David Haywood]
 - fixed regression
 - hooked up what it looks like a ROM->to->VRAM transfer...
 - slightly improved booting
 - some hooks to allow FBI logo drawing
 - basic DMA hooked up
 - fixed program ROM memory map loading as per the service mode item
 - allow it to draw RAM-based chars, starts to show correct gfxs
 - fixed paletteram and implemented basic inputs
 - implemented DMA vram transfers
 - added Guru readme
 - hooked up videoram reading in drawing functions
 - some hook-ups for the text blitter

Wink: Fixed colors [Angelo Salese]

Mostly resolved mix of intel and motorola notation in tms32025
disassembler [Lord Nightmare]

Cosmic: fixed cosmica2 romset rom split and names to match romset as
described in mameinfo, which it matches (except for one rom which
mameinfo is probably wrong about). The romset uses a different rom
daughterboard to the other cosmica romsets, and different sized roms.
[Lord Nightmare]

Added shared driver data struct to 40love.c, bking.c, buggychl.c and
msisaac.c (they use the same mcu emulation) [Fabio Priuli]

Added preliminary HNG64 additive tilemap blending [David Haywood]

Fixed srcclean handling of embedded comments within strings
[Atari Ace]

PCB documentation updates: [Kevin Eshbach]
 * Added the board xtal's for Battlantis, Contra and Pandora's Palace
 * Corrected the MCU dump for Pandora's Palace
 * Added indication of an undumped PAL for Contra/Gryzor
 * Added PAL dumps for Cruis'n USA - rev L4.1
 * Added information on the PROM from the 2 Board version of Congo

Noraut Poker driver improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added new technical notes.
 * Added Kimble Z80 hardware support.
 * Added Prologic-Noraut hardware support.
 * Added proper discrete sound support to Kimble games,
   and Prologic-Noraut Joker Poker.
 * Slightly adjusted the visual area.
   This can be wrong and must be rechecked.
 * Relocated the hardware notes and layouts to ROM_LOAD section,
   so can be seen/maintained in a cleaner way.
 * Fixed the default lamps state.

Cleaned-up several drivers; added missing prototypes and removed dead
ones, marked non-exported functions as static and removed cases of
#include "deprecat.h" [Atari Ace]

Aleck 64: Implemented player 2 inputs [Angelo Salese]

Added a PCB layout for M.Kramer's Black Jack Poker, based on a hi-res
pic. Also added undumped devices as NO_DUMP. [Roberto Fresca]

Added common driver data struct to timeplt.c, tutankhm.c, junofrst.c,
pooyan.c, rallyx.c and rocnrope.c (these drivers all use
audio/timeplt.c). As a side effect, we now have save states in
junofrst.c and rallyx.c. [Fabio Priuli]

Converted atari drivers over to using driver_data for the most
part. Some shared systems still exist with globals, but this
tackles the atarigen module and the variables local to each
driver. [Aaron Giles]

Added validity check that AM_BASE_MEMBER and AM_SIZE_MEMBER items
point within the bounds of the driver_data structure. [Aaron Giles]

Fixed DMADAC wrapping behavior. [Tim Schuerewegen]

Added Driver Configuration to astrof.c to emulate common wire hack
which causes black background [David Haywood]

Aleck 64: Worked around hard-locks at start-up. [Angelo Salese]

Identified Semicom's Dream World hardware as a copy of Psikyo's
68020 hardware (it was already known that their older platforms were
copied from Snow Bros, and Tumble Pop) [David Haywood]

i386 core improvements: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Fixed EIP displacement when executing FPU instructions with no
    80387 present
 * Added 32-bit implementations of SLDT and STR

Converted Kaneko Pandora sprite chip to be a MAME device and updated
drivers accordingly. [Fabio Priuli]

Added tilemap_create_device() function which lets you create a tilemap
from within a device, and be passed that device in your callback.
[Aaron Giles]

Converted Signetics 2636 video chip to be a MAME device and updated
drivers using it accordingly. [Fabio Priuli]

Memory system changes: [Aaron Giles]
 - Memory banks are now referenced by tag rather than index.
    Changed all memory_bank_* functions to specify a tag.
    Bulk-converted existing banks to be tagged "bank##" in
    order to ensure consistency. However, going forward, the
    tags don't matter, so please name them something useful.

 - Added AM_BANK_READ/AM_BANK_WRITE macros to let you specify
    bank tags. Also changed AM_ROMBANK and AM_RAMBANK macros to
    accept tags as well.

 - Added new functions memory_install_read_bank_handler and
    memory_install_write_bank_handler to install banks by tag
    name, similar to input ports.

 - Changed internals of memory system to dynamically allocate
    all banks. The first time a bank with an unknown tag is
    installed, a new bank object is created and tracked

 - Removed SMH_* macros entirely. In their place are a series of
    expanded macros and new memory installation helpers. Some
    mappings below (not all are new):

     AM_READ(SMH_RAM)                       -> AM_READONLY
     AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM)                      -> AM_WRITEONLY
     AM_READ(rhandler) AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM)    -> AM_RAM_READ(rhandler)
     AM_READ(SMH_RAM) AM_WRITE(whandler)    -> AM_RAM_WRITE(whandler)
     AM_DEVREAD(tag, rhandler) AM_WRITE(SMH_RAM)
                                  -> AM_RAM_DEVREAD(tag, rhandler)
     AM_READ(SMH_RAM) AM_DEVWRITE(tag, whandler)
                                  -> AM_RAM_DEVWRITE(tag, whandler)

     AM_READ(SMH_ROM)                       -> AM_ROM
     AM_WRITE(SMH_ROM)                      -> (was a no-op)

     AM_READ(SMH_NOP)                       -> AM_READNOP
     AM_WRITE(SMH_NOP)                      -> AM_WRITENOP

   For dynamic memory handler installation of the various types,
   use the new functions:

     memory_unmap_readwrite() -- unmaps a section of address space

     memory_nop_readwrite() -- nops a section of address space

 - Cleaned up the internals of the address_map_entry structure, and
    also normalized the way the address map macros work to remove a
    lot of redundancy.

 - Renamed functions: memory_install_read/write_port_handler to

 - Memory shares are now specified by tag instead of index.
    The AM_SHARE() macro now takes a tag parameter. All existing
    shares have been bulk renamed to "share##". However, the name
    does not matter, so please use descriptive tags going forward.

 - Added tag validation for bank and share tags.

 - Added flag to tagmap_add functions that optionally will
    replace existing objects if a duplicate is found.

 - Internal code shuffling. Address maps initialized internally
    now call the same installation handlers that drivers do for
    dynamic installation. Cleaned up some parameter ordering and
    error detection.

 - Added new functions:

     memory_install_ram() to assign a un-named bank to a region and
       specify a pointer to where the RAM lives. If this is called in
       functions, then it is permissible to specify NULL, in which
       case the memory system will allocate memory and register it
       for save states.

     memory_install_rom() is like the above except that it only
       installs a read handler.

     memory_install_writeonly() is like the above except that it
     only installs a write handler.

 - Updated several instances in the code that were assigning banks
    to these sorts of static RAM regions and simplified the code.

 - Apply mirrors and global masks at address map detokenizing time
    rather than later.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Top Shooter [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
LA Girl [Tomasz Slanina, Guru]
Noraut Joker Poker (Prologic HW) [Roberto Fresca, Alan Griffin]

New clones added
Domino Block ver.2 [Guru]
Tower of Druaga (Manufactured by Sidam) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Invasion (4 bootleg sets) [f205v, ANY]
Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2) [f205v, ANY]
Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) [f205v, ANY]
Arkanoid (bootleg on Block hardware, set 2) [f205v, ANY]
Gals Panic (Korea, EXPRO-02 PCB) [Guru]
Strikers 1945 (Hong Kong, Bootleg)
   [David Haywood, Brian Troha, Dumping Union]
Fighting Fantasy (bootleg with 68705) [f205v] (not working)
Phantom (Spectar bootleg) [Team Europe & rades]
Panzar (Spectar bootleg) [f205v]
Fatsy Gambler (Video Hustler bootleg) [f205v]
Fitter (bootleg) [f205v]
Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80) (2 sets) [f205v, Dante Profeta] (not working)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
White Tiger - 3VXFC5342 (New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Magic Mask (A - 09/05/2000, Export) [Heihachi_73]
Geisha (A - 05/03/01, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Kimble Double HI-LO (z80 version) [Roberto Fresca, Alan Griffin]
Fast Draw (poker conversion kit)? [Roberto Fresca]
Draw Poker HI-LO (unknown, rev 1) [Roberto Fresca, Dumping Union]
Draw Poker HI-LO (unknown, rev 2) [Roberto Fresca, Dumping Union]
Video Stars [Andrew Welburn]

Titel: ClrMamePro 3.132
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2009, 20:01
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.

License : Freeware

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.136
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2010, 21:12

New System Drivers Supported:
- Consul 2717 with PMD-32 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Elektor SC/MP [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Epoch Super Cassette Vision [Wilbert Pol]
- Hawthorne Technologies TinyGiant HT68k [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Hector MX40c [JJ Stacino]
- Hector MX80c [JJ Stacino]
- Microsystems International Limited MOD-8 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- MITS Altair 8800bt [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Robotron K1003 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Science of Cambridge MK-14 [Miodrag Milanovic]

Titel: Re: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.136
Beitrag von: Warpi am 11 Januar, 2010, 21:40
Zum MITS Altair 8800 aus der Wikipedia

Als nächstes musste ein Name für den noch namenlosen Bausatz gefunden werden; Roberts schlug zu Ehren von Popular Electronics PE-8 vor. Les Solomon, der technische Leiter bei Popular Electronics, suchte jedoch nach einem einprägsameren Namen. Wie er später erzählen sollte[1], habe er dabei seine Tochter gefragt (die sich gerade eine Folge von Raumschiff Enterprise ansah) wie der Computer auf der Enterprise heiße. Der hatte jedoch keinen Namen, aber die Crew um Captain Kirk flog gerade zum Altair.  ;) ;

Titel: MAME 0.136s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2010, 23:02

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03603: [DIP/Input] karnov, karnovj: incorrect difficulty dipswitch
- 03604: [DIP/Input] oscar, oscaru, oscarj1, oscarj2: Incorrect
         difficulty dipswitch (Tafoid)
- 03142: [DIP/Input] All drivers using PORT_CHANGED callbacks: Input
         port callback functions are not triggered correctly during
         INP playback. (mahlemiut)
- 03493: [Gameplay] spacedxo: The game reboots itself after title
         screen (Fabio Priuli)
- 03608: [Multisession] scontra, scontraj: Tile/graphic corruption on
         multiple launches of Super Contra (Fabio Priuli)
- 03611: [Crash/Freeze] 1943, 1943j, 1943kai: Crash when starting
         1943 in Service Mode (Fabio Priuli)
- 03598: [Original Reference] plotting, flipull: YM2203 speed
         adjustment (Tafoid)
- 03593: [Graphics] captaven & clones: Intro text scrolls from wrong
         direction (Pierpaolo Prazzoli)
- 03596: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in konamigv.c, mitchell.c: Attempt to
         register save state entry after state registration is closed
         (Aaron Giles)
- 03597: [Original Reference] outrun, outrunra, outruno, outrundx,
         outrunb: Incorrect vsync speed on Outrun (Tafoid)

Titel: Kega Fusion 3.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2010, 18:31
Kega Fusion: Emulator für Sega-Konsolen; emuliert unter anderem Genesis/Megadrive, Pico und MegaCD


Betriebssysteme: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Linux, Mac OS X/Intel

Titel: PCSX2 0.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2010, 11:30
Emulator für die PlayStation 2, der das Booten von PS2-CDs/DVDs und Ausführen von PS2-Code auf dem PC ermöglicht.


Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: Kega Fusion 3.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2010, 17:36
Kega Fusion 3.64 (Windows)

2010/03/07 21:04 CET 

New windows build, many small changes. This was unplanned, but I wanted to get it out there before I have to pack all my equipment away. May be problems, please do let me know if you find anything, and you may want to keep 3.63 around for a while.

Titel: MAME 0.137s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2010, 17:31

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of this release of MAME, several important things
about the system have changed. Please read the following items before
attempting to compile this new version.

1. A new tool chain for Windows, based off of gcc 4.4.3 prerelease,
is now REQUIRED. Go to http://mamedev.org/tools to get the new tools.
The code included with 0.137 WILL NOT BUILD with the old tools.
The new tool chain has support for building 64-bit MAME builds with
gcc, as well as built-in DirectX headers, and C++ support, which was
missing from the old tools.

2. Non-Unicode builds of Windows MAME are no longer supported. The
options to turn this off in the makefile have been removed, and
future changes are likely to solidify this requirement. If you are
still (God forbid) running on Win9x, you will need the unicows.dll
library to run MAME. Download unicows from Microsoft.

3. All code in MAME is now compiled as C++, plus there have been a few
small changes that take advantage of the C++ language. For the most
part, there is no effect on how drivers are written, except for some
nicer accessors to devices and address spaces. Future improvements to
take advantage of the C++ syntax will evolve slowly, and will be done
internally. We are not interested in outside attempts to do this work
for now.

4. The SDL OSD for MAME is now shipped as part of the main source
package. SDL builds for Windows are now regularly built as part of the
validation sequence for a new release. Thanks to R. Belmont,
couriersud, and Olivier Galibert for their work on the SDL port over
the years.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03533: [Debugger] All 68020 cpu based drivers: 68020 disassembler
         bug: a 32-bit address displacement's upper 16-bit is
         desappear (R. Belmont)

Source Changes
snes.c: simplified drawing routines, added support for
offset-per-tile, cleaned up the code [Fabio Priuli]

H8/3334: add analog input ports [R. Belmont]

snes.c: fixed remaining issues in hires modes [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: fixed serial joystick reads [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: slightly simplified palette handling [Fabio Priuli]

Re-dumped oceanhun CROMs 5-16 as 64Mb [ANY]

namcos23: Cleanups [O. Galibert]

namcos23: Add dips [O. Galibert]

snes.c: Added very preliminary driver_data class for snes based
drivers (it only contains input-related items for the moment, because
these are needed to add support for additional controller types in
MESS) [Fabio Priuli]

snes.c: Fixed Offset-per-tile graphics [jbo_85]

snes.c: Fixed scrolling problems [Fabio Priuli]

namcos23: More cleanups [O. Galibert]

Implemented default EEPROMs to the following drivers [David Haywood]
 * deco_mlc.c
 * esd16.c
 * gijoe.c
 * konamigx.c
 * moo.c
 * mystwarr.c
 * rabbit.c
 * rungun.c
 * tmnt.c
 * vendetta.c
 * xexex.c

Added support for the 'simple' rowscroll mode used by sams64_2
[David Haywood]

Fixed Z80 DMA ready signal handling. [Curt Coder]

namcos23 update: [R. Belmont, Guru]
 * Updated Guru Readme
 * More IRQ tests pass
 * Gunmen Wars I/O board runs and syncs
 * SH-2 shared RAM added for Gunmen Wars

Implemented default EEPROMs to Bubble Memories, Lethal Enforcers and
Puzzle Time [David Haywood]

Implemented default EEPROMs for GTIClub, Hang Pilot, Asterix, X-Men
and Polygonet Commanders [David Haywood]

Fixed the texture ROM loading/order in Wave Shark.  Textures look
better now, and the ROM check passes [David Haywood]

namcos23: pass C422 IRQ test [R. Belmont]

Added ARDY/BRDY signal read handlers to Z80 PIO. [Curt Coder]

Implemented 'key matrix' inputs in King Derby (1986 version)
[Angelo Salese]

namcos23 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Preliminary SH-2 hookup for GMEN games.  SH-2 boots and copies the
    loader to private RAM then jumps to it.  Transfer protocol for
    main program not yet understood.
 * Final Furlong 2 has a GMEN board and camera; update it to use that

Implemented sound to King Derby (1986 version) [Angelo Salese]

Implemented coins to King Derby (1986 version), game can be considered
as working right now [Angelo Salese]

namcos23 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Hooked up start/coin/buttons for Gorgon
 * Fixed Panic Park crash
 * Enabled I/O board for timecrs2c so it can coin up
 * Cleanup

SDL: fix Fortify-reported stack smash [Belegdol]

New driver for Five Clown, from IGS. This is a dual 6502 system with
CRT controller, AY8910 and OKI M6295. Main program, graphics and sound
samples are encrypted. [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
 * Hooked both 6502 CPU's.
 * Hooked the M6845 CRT.
 * Decrypted main program and bulk GFX.
 * Decoded GFX and color PROM.
 * Hooked both PIA's 6821.
 * Worked inputs from the scratch.
 * Hooked DIP Switches banks 2 & 4.
 * Hooked proper interrupts for audio CPU.
 * Hooked the AY8910 latches...
 * Hooked the OKI6295.
 * Hooked DIP switches ports $C400 & $CC00.
 * Found the sound samples decryption algorithm.
 * Added NVRAM support.
 * Added a complete PCB layout.
 * Added game notes.
 * Added technical notes.

z80sio: Added register access functions to prevent trampoline
functions [Dirk Best]

Fixed debugger memdump command [Robbbert]

Improvements to the unkch1/4 sets [David Haywood]

Decrypted the color prom in King Derby (1986 version) [Angelo Salese]

Made device->tag and devconfig->tag into private member variables
(m_tag). Added inline tag() function to return a const char * version.
Updated callers to use this instead of directly accessing tag.cstr()
which was awkward. [Aaron Giles]

snes.c: Fixed OAM overflow [jbo_85, Fabio Priuli]

Improvements to funworld.c driver. [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added external default NVRAM support to the following games:
    bottle10, bottl10b, elephfam, elephfmb, jollycrd, jolyc3x3,
    jolyccra, jolyccrb, jolycdev, jolycdib, jolycdit, jolyjokr,
    jolyjokra, jolyjokrb, lluck3x3, lluck4x1, magicrd2, pool10,
    pool10b, pool10c, pool10d, potgame, royalcrd, royalcdb, sjcd2kx3,
    tortufam, vegasfst, vegasfte and vegasslw.
 * Changed default settings for some games, now that NVRAM is loaded

Confirmed and hooked up i/o ports in Magical Tonic / Odds, doesn't
work due of nested NMI [Angelo Salese]

snes.c: refactored joypad inputs to be consistent with other input
devices (used in MESS) [Fabio Priuli]

Implemented NMI enable flag in Lucky 8 Lines and Magical Odds, fixes
logic quirks in the latter [Angelo Salese]

Improvements to Magical Odds graphics [David Haywood]

Written a per-pixel function for the irq system in the ST-V driver,
disabled by default [Angelo Salese]

vimana, vimanan, vimana1 (toaplan1.c driver) [stephh] :
 * Fixed Dip Switches and Inputs (after verification of the M68000
 * Improved MCU emulation to correctly handle coinage based on Dip
    Switches settings and Territory Jumper

Implemented sound NMI enable flag to the Munch Mobile driver
[Angelo Salese]

m680x0: show FPU registers in the debugger for 030+ [R. Belmont]

680x0: Improve disassembly for various FMOVE forms [R. Belmont]

Slightly fixed interrupt handling and added SBIC and MUL opcodes to
the Atmel AVR8 core. [Harmony]

Added FJMP/JMPF opcode to the SunPlus u'nSP core. [Segher, Harmony]

Performed an initial code cleanup pass on the N64 rendering code to
make use of booleans and inline variable instantiation, and removed a
number of unused variables that were exposed as a result of the
latter. [Harmony]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Five Clown (english, set 1) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Five Clown (english, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Five Clown (spanish hack) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Magical Odds [David Haywood, Angelo Salese]

New clones added
Dinosaur Hunter (Chinese bootleg of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs)
  [Anonymous] (not working)
Biaofeng Zhanjing (Chinese bootleg of The Punisher) [Anonymous]
Cherry Master I (E-Z Spin bootleg / hack) [William Ostronic]
Lethal Enforcers II: The Western (ver JAA) [David Haywood]
Fantastic Journey (ver AAA) [David Haywood, Tirino73]
Smash T.V. (rev 3.01) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Joker Master / Poker Master
  [William Ostronic] (incomplete + encrypted)
Gunmen Wars [Guru]

Download: MAME 0.137s (http://www.aarongiles.com/mirror/releases/mame0137s.exe) (10.3 MB)

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.137
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2010, 06:42
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: MAME 0.138s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2010, 22:30

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03683: [Crash/Freeze] topgunnr: Crashes MAME after INSERT COIN/GAME
         START (hap)
- 02878: [Speed] simpsons and clones: Vertical refresh rate (hap)
- 03273: [Original Reference] brubber, bnj, caractn: Incorrect screen
         resolution for Burnin' Rubber and clones (hap)
- 03492: [Crash/Freeze] hunchbkg: Does not boot (couriersud)
- 03657: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in maxaflex.c: Random crashes
- 03765: [Crash/Freeze] qdrmfgp2: ASSERT after OK (hap)
- 03823: [Color/Palette] pc_miket: Bad colours (Alex Jackson)
- 03047: [Graphics] elevator, elevatorb: Some graphics on the
         escalators shift when you ride on them (hap)
- 03628: [Graphics] alpine: Red point on the title screen (M.A.S.H.)
- 03033: [Graphics] vendetta: Sprite priority problem in the 3rd
         stage (hap)
- 03647: [Graphics] All games in vendetta.c: Graphical error in the
         intro scene of the game. (hap)
- 03834: [Sound] qtheater: No sound (hap)
- 03830: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in harddriv.c: Message: Duplicate
         save state registration entry (DSP32C/dsp32/0/cpustate->pin)
- 00390: [DIP/Input] spaceftr: does not allow you to turn to the
         right. (hap)

Source Changes
New Lucky 8 Lines hardware: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added lamps support to lucky8, lucky8a, lucky8b, ns8liner, ns8linew
    and kkojnoli.
 * Created lamps layout for the above sets.
 * New inputs for ns8linew. This set has a second set of inputs, and
    can be switched between them. No lamps activity or Big/Small
    buttons are present while this alternative controls are used.
    Maybe is a leftover.
 * Some DIP switches were figured out. Coinage and limits are still a
    real mystery since all DIP switches are reflected in the test
 * Remapped inputs to be straightforward with the control panel.
 * Added the type (W-4/F-5) to the sets description.
 * General inputs clean-up.

suna8.c: Updated documentation for Strike Fighter to include the game
number, PCB number and epoxy CPU [Fabrizio Vasile]

Jaguar: fixed RGB VARMOD mode [Angelo Salese]

namcops2: add DVD image for taiko10 [Guru]

Added DIP Locations for all games in the jack.c driver.  Changed
copyright on joinem to match displayed year.  [Tafoid]

More cleanup of the lpc tables; Replaced tms5220C pitch table with the
tms5220 one as that one is more likely to be correct. [Lord Nightmare]

Add 'Unrealistically Perfect Interpolation' debug mode; Fix a
potential issue with 16 bit overflow in the lattice filter; Made idle
state emulation more accurate to real chip; Clean out variables before
VSM speech starts; Mask out low 4 bits of 14 bit lattice result before
output. [Lord Nightmare]

Fix a mistake in the interpolation logic, it should now properly delay
interpolation until the final cycle of each frame when INHIBIT is set.
[Lord Nightmare]

tms5220: Remove unnecessary interpolation code; Add extra check to
make unvoiced mode trigger at the correct sample. [Lord Nightmare]

Fixed up tms52xx clip/wrap function arrangement to be much more sane,
and properly handled range extension. [Lord Nightmare]

Made tms5220 DEBUG_GENERATION more useful and simplified the code in
the process. [Lord Nightmare]

lib/util/cdrom.c: Fixed stack corruption in CHD code
[Oliver Stoeneberg]

Implemented default EEPROMs for GTIClub, Hang Pilot, Asterix, X-Men
and Polygonet Commanders [David Haywood]

Fixed the texture ROM loading/order in Wave Shark.  Textures look
better now, and the ROM check passes [David Haywood]

Fix for Target Hits missing sound. [Tafoid]

fspiderb: Added projectiles, game is playable now [hap]

General cleanup of PGM code [David Haywood]

Removed ROM Patch in Killing Blade and replaced with correct IGS025
return sequence fo China region (other sequences still unknown)

pengadvb: Improved inputs, the game can now be coined up. It magically
has sound too now. [hap]

S2650_SENSE_PORT is now active when data written is != 0 and inactive
when data == 0. It now acts as a line in a mame-sense. [Couriersud]

btime: Background vertical offset was off by one pixel, burger parts
positions are correct now. This also means Peter Pepper awkwardly
walks in the air, which is the way it is on the PCB. [hap]

fixed ROM names of tp84a (tp84 needs confirmation) [Team Japump]

Fixed hunchbkg ports. [Couriersud]

sprtmtch: Added Intermissions dipswitch [David Bain]

Fixed coinage of desertbr [yasuhiro]

Fixed ROM labels for Pac-Land, Scramble Egg, and Straight Flush
[Team Japump]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (F-5, Witch Bonus)
  [Roberto Fresca, incog, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
International Team Laser (prototype)
  [ranger_lennier, genieta1, J. Ferneborg, Smitdogg, italie,
   David Haywood, The Dumping Union]

New clones added
Desert Breaker (Japan) [Team Japump, Dumping Union]
Youma Ninpouchou (Japan, alt) [Takahiro Nogi]
Armed F (Japan) [Takahiro Nogi]
Champion Baseball II (Japan, not working) [Takahiro Nogi]
Wing War (Japan) [Team Japump, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter EX 2 (HISPANIC 980312)
  [Layne, J. Bijl, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Giga Wing (Hispanic 990222)
  [dopefishjustin, A. Hoekman, Smitdogg, David Haywood, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980629)
  [dopefishjustin, Smitdogg, David Haywood, The Dumping Union]
Eco Fighters (Hispanic 931203)
  [Kevin Eshbach, wild eyed, Smitdogg, David Haywood, The Dumping Union]
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)
  [ranger_lennier, tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940113)
  [Kevin Eshbach, Layne, Gor, blokey, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Pac-land (Japan, older) [Team Japump]
Photo Y2K (ver. 105) [XingXing]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Taiko no Tatsujin 10 (T101001-NA-A) [Guru]
Dragon World 3 EX (ver. 100) [Guru]
Dragon World 2001 [Guru]
Royal Queen
  [Hikari, Spyder, S. S. Neilson, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Chance Kun [ranger_lennier, incog, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Photo Y2K 2 [Guru]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.138
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2010, 22:22
New System Drivers Supported:
- Aamber Pegasus (thanks to Lord Philip)[Robbbert]
- TI-89 Titanium [Sandro Ronco]
- Voyage 200 PLT [Sandro Ronco]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+ [Sandro Ronco]

Skeleton drivers:
- Acorn FileStore E01/E01S [Curt Coder]
- Alesis HR-16,HR-16B and SR-16 drum machines
- Central Data 2650
- Chaos 2
- Chromatics CGC 7900
- Dolphin
- Dream Multimedia Dreambox 7000/5620/500
- EC-1849 (thanks to Anasana)
- Elektor TV Games Computer
- Elektronika MC7105 (Thanks to Kaldyh)
- MC-1702 (thanks to Anasana)
- PK8002 Elf
- Scientific Atlanta PowerVu pv9234 STB
- Signetics Instructor 50
- VideoBrain Family Computer [Curt Coder]
- Z80 development board (unknown)

System Driver Changes:

- [AMSTRAD] Updated .hsi file with hashes to GoodCPC V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [APPLE2] Expansion cards now have full capabilities including C800
 arbitration (not yet on IIgs) [R. Belmont]

- [AQUARIUS] Replaced bad char ROM with the newly redumped one.
 [jaybird3rd, Dirk Best]

- [ATOM] Fixed disk loading. [Curt Coder]

- [ChannelF] Added .hsi file with hashes from GoodChaF V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [ChannelF] Added support for CHF extension. [Robbbert]

- [CBM] Added JiffyDOS BIOSes to VIC-20, C64, C128, Plus/4. [Curt Coder]

- [FAMICOM] Fixed .fds format problems: headerless disks are now recognized, but
 the system still has problems when loading data. [Fabio Priuli]

- [FMTOWNS] Various improvements: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Added mouse support for joystick port 2, made it the port 2 default
 * Added CRTC HSync Adjust, fixing offset backgrounds and scrolling in some games
 * Added HSync output to sub-status register and fixed memory maps: this fixes
  lockups in Gunship and Tatsujin Oh, and makes a few more games start to run
 * Greatly simplified first track hack. Fixes sound issues with SSF2 and
  fixes High-C.
 * Improved address offsets for 256-colour layers, Flashback is now playable.

- [GBA] improvements to EEPROM & FLASH1M support (now Advance Wars 1 & 2 and
 Super Mario Advance 4 boot). [Fabio Priuli, Angelo Salese]

- [Interact] Added support for CIN extension. [Robbbert]

- [JAGUAR] Fixed crash on exit when no image is mounted [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- [JAGUAR] Some improvements to the video emulation (timing for the blitter
 status, RGB VARMOD mode, UART status, etc.). [Angelo Salese]

- [JAGUAR] Sorted out file extensions support for homebrew software: .abs, .bin,
 .cof, .jag and .prg programs now load fine in the quickload device. Also,
 improved loading routines for cart dumps in .j64 and .rom formats in the
 cartslot device) [Robbbert]

- [M20] Some very preliminary work on the CPU and the video controller [Angelo

- [MBEE] Fixed crash of mbeeic when displaying I/O in debugger. [Robbbert]

- [MBEE] Fixed keyboard in Asteroids Plus, Scavenger Hunt and Edasm. [Robbbert]

- [MO5] Added .hsi file with hashes from GoodMO5 V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [MTX512] Updated .hsi file with hashes to GoodMTX V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [MTX] Cleaned up driver and added cassette device. [Curt Coder]

- [MZ2500] Implemented basic video and irq system [Angelo Salese]

- [N64] Almost completely re-wrote the RDP implementation to be class-based.
 Import from MAME. [Harmony]

- [PEGASUS] Fixed natural keyboard mappings. [Justin Kerk]

- [PICO] Updated .hsi file with hashes to GoodPico V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [SAMCOUPE] Added border rendering support.  [Dirk Best]

- [SAMCOUPE] Rewrote video rendering to render partial scanlines.  [Dirk Best]

- [SCV] Added support for on-cart RAM and banking.  [Wilbert Pol]

- [SCV] Updated palette values to match the output from a real console. [plgDavid]

- [SNES] SNES video wip, part 3: [Fabio Priuli]
 * reworked OAM drawing routines
 * implemented correct range over and time over flags (sprite limits)
 * implemented FirstSprite priority
 * improved sprite overlap
 * fixed sprite blend exception
 * implemented pseudo hi-res graphics.

- [SNES] Fixed a few G65816 CPU core (as a result Iso Zuri Ritou Hen, Shaq Fu
 and Kishin Douji Zenki 3 work). [Angelo Salese]

- [SNES] Improved DMA/HDMA handling to match Anomie's and byuu's discoveries.
 [Fabio Priuli]

- [SNES]: Fixed a bug with un-inited DMA regs, fixes at least a long-standing
 bug with Super Soccer dimmed team selection screen. [Angelo Salese]

- [SNES] Implemented preliminary CPU cycle stealing: most games boot now (even
 if a few graphical regressions have been introduced, but these require more
 CPU changes to be properly fixed). [Angelo Salese]

- [SNES] Fixed rom mapping: now Tokimeki Memorial and Wizardry Gaiden work fine.
 [Fabio Priuli]

- [SNES] Added preliminary support for Sufami Turbo (2 slots): you can use
 the 'snesst' driver which emulates a SNES with Sufami Turbo cart inserted,
 and use -cart1 and -cart2 slots to mount the ST carts. Notice that some
 games and some linking functionalities are not working yet. [Fabio Priuli]

- [SUPERGB] Added cart SRAM saving (bug #1949).  [Fabio Priuli]

- [SX64] Added 1541 FLASH! BIOS. [Guru, Curt Coder]

- [TANDY2K] Implemented DMA mux register. [Curt Coder]

- [TI81] Added v1.1K BIOS. [critor]

- [TI99] Cleanups.  [Michael Zapf]

- [TI99] Reimplementation of HDC9234 chip (smc92x4) for the HFDC controller.
 Now supports all functions according to specifications (except tape functions),
 including formatting and real timings. Introduced DIP switches for configuring
 the attached drives. Implemented MFM hard disk (ti99_hd) device, wrapping the
 plain hard disk image. This also resolves segfualt when formatting floppy disk
 with HFDC (bug #1257).  [Michael Zapf]

- [TI99] Replaced DIP switches by Configuration switches.  [Michael Zapf]

- [TI99] Updated to use TMC0285 voice synthesis processor instead of TMS5220.   [Michael Zapf]

- [VBOY] Added .hsi file with hashes from GoodVBoy V3.1415 [Cowering]

- [VIC20] Fixed quick-loading from the commandline (bug #1935). [Robbbert]

- [VICTOR9K] Connected MC6852 device. [Curt Coder]

Imgtool Changes:

- Sector View in Windows version is working again [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed adding of files to FAT filesystem (filenames still show garbage in
 WinImage show) [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed insertion of files inside of folders with Windows version [Oliver

- Increased default width of Sector View in Windows version to 16 rows (bug #1124)
 [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed reading of command-line parameter in Windows version (bug #1908 / bug #1950
 - needs updated toolchain - please check bugzilla entry for bug #1950) [Oliver

Source Changes:

- The core is based on MAME 0.137u4.  This incorporates all features of the
 update to this core.  [MAME team]

- Added core support for loading images with shortnames which are recognized
 by .xml software lists (stored in the hash/ directory). This is currently
 supported only from command line (eventually, newui and MESSUI support will
 be added).
 For more info and instructions, please check the User Manual at MESS Wiki
 ( http://mess.redump.net/mess:howto ) [Wilbert Pol]

- Added software lists in .xml format for several systems [incog nito,
 Justin Kerk, Wilbert Pol, Fabio Priuli]

- Added preliminary emulation of the MC6852 SSDA. [Curt Coder]

- Added preliminary emulation of the 64H156 gate array device
 (used in C1541 et al). [Curt Coder]

- Added disk change handlers to the Commodore 1541 and 2040 family
 disk drives. "Edge of Disgrace" demo now loads on C64. [Curt Coder]

- Added JiffyDOS BIOSes to CBM 1541, 1541-II, SX1541, 1571, 1571CR, 1581,
 and Oceanic OC-118 disk drives. [Curt Coder]

- Added 1541 FLASH! BIOS to SX1541. [Guru, Curt Coder]

- Changes to the wd17xx implementation:
 * Added support for immediate/index pulse interrupts. [Curt Coder]
 * Suppressed extra interrupt after FORCE INTERRUPT ($D0) command. [Barry Nelson]

- Implemented Commodore DOS errors 21, 22, and 23 in D64 images.
 "Microsoft Multiplan" now loads on C64. (bug #1932) [Curt Coder]

- Refactored the MOS6530 device to use devcb. [Curt Coder]

- Refactored the Luxor ABC bus into a device. [Curt Coder]

- Added preliminary support for disk images in FDI format. [Curt Coder]

- Added preliminary RS-232 interface device. [Curt Coder]

- Inserts a check whether the get_track_size function is defined in the disk
 format before calling it. (bug #1934) [Michael Zapf]

- Implemented get_track_size function for D64 and G64 formats. [Curt Coder]

- Fixed display of hash (hsi) details in MESSUI software picker (bug #1841).

- Fixed 8080/8085 debugger when changing A and F registers. [Robbbert]

- Fixed cassette crash if the premounted image was moved. [Robbbert]

- Fixed cassette crash if the image being recorded was unmounted. [Robbbert]

- Several compilation and linking fixes for Visual Studio (bug #1852)
 [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed several memory leaks [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Only schedule a hard reset when the image could be loaded [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed hang when accessing unaccessible drive in File Manager (e.g. CD-ROM
 drive with no disc inserted) [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Fixed assert on shutdown after an image load error [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- Show message about success/failure when loading/creating image during run-time
 (or print to console when specified on command-line / bug #1031) [Oliver

- Check image loading result in device post-init - will now bail out on any image
 loading error and not just missing/inaccessible files (bug #1955) [Oliver

- Fixed Visual Studio specific linker errors with tiny build [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- [C2040] Added DOS 1 FDC ROM (parsed from disassembly). [Curt Coder]

- [MESSUI] Removed "File->Create Image...". It never worked and offered invalid
 image types. Use Device View to create images (not working either at the moment)
 [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- [MESSUI] Configuration of screens is working again [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- [MESSUI] Fixed the problem of the paths in driver .ini files being reset to
 default, or deleted [Robbbert]

- [NEWUI] Removed non-working input configuration artwork support [Oliver

- [NEWUI] Avoid duplicated extension when using "Save State As..." and don't
 carry the default savestate name in-between drivers when using the built-in
 menu [Oliver Stoeneberg]

- [SYSINFO] Updated sysinfo.dat to latest MESS Wiki contents [Dirk Best,
 Fabio Priuli, Robbbert, Shideravan]

Titel: ClrMamePro 3.134a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2010, 19:32
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.


Latest Changes

- Fixed: completely replaced sets are listed without missing set tag in a 1st scan
- Fixed: www profiler error for urls with ?
- Fixed: rebuilding archives-in-archives works only for the first file
- Fixed: rebuilding archives-in-archives doesn't work for subfolders in archives


Titel: Dolphin Gamecube & Wii Emulator 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2010, 16:25
Dolphin Gamecube & Wii Emulator: Emuliert die Nintendo-Konsolen Wii und Gamecube auf dem PC; eine Liste kompatibler Spiele lässt sich hier (http://www.dolphin-emu.com/list.php?listcount=1) einsehen.



Titel: MAME 0.139s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2010, 20:45

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03898: [Crash/Freeze] Atomiswave-based games in naomi.c: Game gets
         stuck in boot process. (Aaron Giles)
- 03957: [Documentation] samsh5sp & clones: according to title, year
         is 2004 not 2003 (moa)
- 03318: [Crash/Freeze] -burnin causes crash in vector games (Atari Ace)
- 03777: [Multisession] a51site4: Hang after loading via internal UI
         (multisession) (Atari Ace)

Source Changes
arm.c: Added big endian mode support to the LDRB and STRB
instructions. [Wilbert Pol]

CPS-1 update [Team CPS-1]:
 * Added missing PALs as reference to most of remaining sets
 * Dumped and added TK24B1.1A to dynwar [Corrado Tomaselli]
 * Fixed LW-13.10D rom loading in forgottn to match real pcb
 * Identified, verified and documented a ton of pcbs, adding/fixing
    missing/wrong infos as ROMs labels and positions, B-Board, C-Board
    and CPSB IDs, PALs [Stefan Lindberg, Dlfrsilver, MKL]
 * Reordered all sets per release date in cps1.c and video\cps1.c
 * Updated games table in video\cps1.c and added some notes on PALs
 * Minor cleanups

djboy.c: Hooked up Beast MCU and removed simulation code.
[Phil Bennett]

arm.c: Fixed word reading from non-aligned address in big endian mode.
[Wilbert Pol]

skyfox.c: Corrected clocks and Vsync for the Sky Fox & Exerizer sets
based on actual OSCs and measurements taken from a real PCB
[Corrado Tomaselli]

arm.c: Added a big endian version of the arm2/3/6 cpu core and cleaned
up the little/big endian handling. [Wilbert Pol]

djboy.c: Added DIP switch locations and corrected the vsync to 57.5Hz
as per the readme info listed at the top of the driver. [Brian Troha]

mediagx.c: Converted to use driver_data [Atari Ace]

Fixed sprite coordinates in astrocorp.c [Luca Elia]

Corrected Ameri Darts audio playback rate. This exposed some cycle
timing errors in the TMS32010 CPU core which are also fixed. [Quench]

Added support for Southern Systems Joker Poker (1982), from Southern
Systems & Assembly, Ltd. Figured out the memory map. Also added
technical notes about the hardware. [Roberto Fresca]

Corrected the address for the freezing of the movies for the
Terminator 2 LA4 set [stephh]

emu/info.c: Search all parents of a clone for merged ROMs [Atari Ace]

Fixed HD63701 SLP opcode [Sandro Ronco]

mpu4.c: Added splitscreen support to SCN2674 for MPU4 Video. [AGEMAME]

neodrv.c updates: [Johnboy]
 * Identified several more sets as MVS / AES Version and tagged them
 * Updated game PCB info
 * bakatono: Removed BAD_DUMP from m1 - is correct, corrected game
 * mahretsu: Added correct s1, corrected game name
 * strhoop: Added correct v2
 * sdodgeb: Replaced 16mbit v1/v2 with 32mbit v1 as found on two
    original cards
 * Added Japan J3 bios

neogeo.c changes:
 * Documented AES mode and 1-slot (MVS/AES) settings [Barry Rodewald]
 * Documented MVS 4-slot and 6-slot settings [Johnboy]
 * Changed 6-slot setting (old default) to 1-slot [Johnboy]

Add notification of orientation of all monitors at startup via the
output system. [Laszlo Schulteisz]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Speed Drop [Brian Troha, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]

New clones added
Mystic Warriors (ver AAA) [J. Wilke, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
AmeriDarts (set 3) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Captain Commando (Japan 910928)
  [john666, Dr. Spankenstein, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Forgotten Worlds (USA, 88621B B-Board)
  [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Galaxy Force II (Japan, Newer) [Team Japump, The Dumping Union]
Quiz King of Fighters (Korean release)
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special / Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special
  (Korean release)
Quiz Daisousa Sen - The Last Count Down (Korean release)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Southern Systems Joker Poker [Roberto Fresca, Siftware]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.139
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2010, 23:39
New System Drivers Supported:

- Bally Home Library Computer [ranger_lennier]
- Commodore 64C (Sweden/Finland) [Curt Coder]
- Sega SC-3000 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Tandy 1000 TX [Cowering, Wilbert Pol]
- Casio PV-2000 [anondumper]
- Salora Manager [Curt Coder]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

- Canon X07 [Sandro Ronco]
- Othello Multivision FG-1000/FG-2000 [Enri, Curt Coder]
- Philips VG5000 [Daniel Coulom, Sandro Ronco]
- SGCPU aka TI-99/4P [Michael Zapf]

Skeleton drivers:

- Bandai Gundam RX-78
- Hitachi Basic Master Jr (MB-6885)
- Hitachi Basic Master Level 3 (MB-6890)
- Mitsubishi Multi 8
- Psion Organiser II CM
- Psion Organiser II LA
- Psion Organiser II P350
- Psion Organiser II LAM
- Psion Organiser II LZ64
- Psion Organiser II LZ64S
- Psion Organiser II LZ
- Psion Organiser II P464
- Sharp MZ-2000
- Sharp Pocket Computer 1360
- Sharp Pocket Computer 1450
- Sharp Pocket Computer 1500
- Sony SMC-777
- Toshiba PASOPIA 7
- VTech PC Prestige Elite [Joseba Epalza, Curt Coder]
- Xircom / Intel REX 6000
- Japan Electronics College MYCOMZ-80A
- Acorn Archimedes 7000/7000+

System Driver Changes:

- [APPLE2] Support for Rich Dreher's Compact Flash/IDE adaptor on the
enhanced IIe driver (apple2ee). [R. Belmont]

- [APPLE2] Preliminary cassette support - many Applesoft tapes load
fine. [R. Belmont]

- [C128] Removed c128fino set, fixed ROM labels for c128sfi. [Curt Coder]

- [COCO3] Extended video to support 8MB of RAM. (bug #1963) [Robert Gault]

- [FAMICOM] Fixed long standing problems (present at least since MESS 0.122)
with disks not loading correctly. Many games are playable again. [Fabio Priuli]

- [GBA] Improved flash saving in games such as Sword of Mana [R. Belmont]

- [MAC] Improved Egret MCU simulation [R. Belmont]

- [MICRONIC] Improved emulation and added NVRAM [Sandro Ronco]

- [NES] Added support for loading proper dumps with separate PRG and CHR files
by using an xml software list, additional emulation features being based on
the pcb_type attribute. Also, converted code for iNES and UNIF files to use
the new code: this allowed to greatly simplify emulation for many boards and
mappers. [Fabio Priuli]

- [NES] Simplified emulation of MMC3 clone boards, resulting in more boards
correctly emulated and many new boards supported [Fabio Priuli]

- [TI99] ti99cart: Fix for bug #1953 (assert with HSGPL set to on);
type paged379i can now handle 128 KiB, minimem now accepts cartridges without
rom part. Fixed at29c040a (CFI commands are only checked against A14 to A0).
v9938: Added status register 4+6 presets.
Fixed HSGPL extension, introduced a "flash" mode which allows to upload
the required OS to the HSGPL in-system. Various fixes for SGCPU
(aka TI-99/4P), changed to working. New: GRAM Kracker module port device.
Deactivated IDE support (pending review). Refactorings towards device
structure support.

- [VG5K] Added emulation for the EF9345 video chip, based on
Daniel Coulom's implementation in DCVG5K. [Sandro Ronco]

- [VG5K] Added support for cassettes in .k7 format. [Sandro Ronco]

- [VG5K] Improved emulation (fixing some games like Mission Omega & Helicopter).
[Sandro Ronco]

- [VG5K] Implemented double height chars (fixing US Rally intro) and 80 columns
mode. [Sandro Ronco]

Imgtool Changes:

Cybiko Xtreme filesystem module added. [Tim Schuerewegen]

Source Changes:

- The core is based on MAME 0.139. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]

- Fixed setting of tape flags when reaching end of tape. This prevented the user from using any other tape beyond the first mounted tape image on certain systems. [Wilbert Pol]

- Added software lists in xml format for more systems [incog, k1w1, Kaylee, Micko, Fabio Priuli, Barry Rodewald]

Titel: ClrMamePro 3.135
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2010, 18:59
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.


Latest Changes

- Added: adv scanner option to automatically move sets in wrong sysdefpaths
- Added: chd checksum option to read chd sector map
- Misc: don't rebuild cache if newly created dats/exes are identical to others
- Misc: added *.xml filemask to setinfo export
- Misc: improved dupes scan to find double chd folders
- Misc: new option for rename wizard to not rename replaced sets
- Misc: some text changes here and there incl. copy/move prompts
- Misc: added warning to rebuilder if bios storing methods between scanner/rebuilder differ
- Fixed: miss/have lists handle sample-only sets
- Fixed: "version not found issue" for 64 bit versions
- Fixed: merger ignored sets with chds
- Fixed: chd folders in full merged modes can rarely create missing rom messages
- Fixed: set stats count for bios only + chd sets


Titel: ClrMamePro 3.136
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2010, 18:02
Latest Changes

- Misc: slightly optimized rebuilding speed of decompressed files by using MoveFile instead of CopyFile if possible
- Misc: slightly optimized scanning speed of decompressed sets by using hash caches
- Misc: manufacturer tag isn't mandatory anymore in dtd and won't appear in export if empty
- Misc: show prompt if external packers are not available
- Fixed: profiler loading issues when having mess and mame xmls handy and defining mess dats in engine.cfg
- Fixed: utf boms (byte order marks) let the dat detection fail

Titel: MAME 0.140s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2010, 10:26

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04091: [Misc.] simpbowl: NVRAM is not created correctly.
         (Aaron Giles)
- 03770: [Interface] Setting 'snapname %g' does not allow snap to be
         saved with F12. (Aaron Giles)
- 03835: [Compiling] Visual Studio compiler warning in
- 03937: [Misc.] Using CTRL-C to end MAME no longer works reliably
         (Aaron Giles)
- 03915: [Interface] All sets using -autosave: "auto.sta" can
         mistakenly be erased (Aaron Giles)
- 03930: [Compiling] LDPLAYER fails to link (Aaron Giles)
- 04065: [Compiling] Default 'tiny' does not build (Aaron Giles)
- 03074: [Sound] dkongjr and clones: Discrete audio output is lower
         pitched than normal (Derrick Renaud)
- 04085: [Sound] All sets in seibuspi.c: sound issue
- 04081: [Crash/Freeze] Games/drivers with no screen: When you exit
         MAME, you do not get control back (Aaron Giles)
- 04059: [Graphics] qix, zookeep and clones: Player's character
         disappears during gameplay. (Aaron Giles)
- 04080: [Crash/Freeze] [debug] Massive memory leaks + crash upon
         exit in debug build (Aaron Giles)
- 03800: [Debugger] Many sets in snk.c: Viewing c000-c700 in debugger
         for "SUB" Z-80 causes memory corruption (MooglyGuy)
- 04083: [Graphics] All sets in balsente.c: Black screen corruption
         (missing graphics) (MooglyGuy)
- 04075: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in cps3.c: Black screen/Hang
         (Aaron Giles)
- 04077: [Misc.] Crash when -effect is used (Aaron Giles)
- 04078: [Crash/Freeze] mtrap + clones: Crash/Assert after OK
         (Aaron Giles)
- 04076: [Misc.] Artwork cropping not working correctly (Aaron Giles)

Source Changes
- Considerably improved UART communications in the CD-i 68070
implementation, increasing Quizard stability as a result. [Harmony]

Fixed use of the sign bits on the SegaCD Roz parameters, improves
the SegaCD intro rotations etc. which now appear correct. Clamp Roz
stuff to 24-bit, seems to fix the remaining issues with the Sega
logos. [David Haywood]

Moved -effect implementation out of OSD code and into core since the
implementations were identical across Windows/SDL and implemented in
the core itself. [Aaron Giles]

More Clang fixes (verified OK with GCC) [Balrog]

Correctly free textures when screen size dynamically changes. Fixes
texture assert when exiting on a number of games. [Aaron Giles]

Attempt to provide a correct M50458 char rom, used by the Nintendo
Super System [Pat Dardenko, Angelo Salese]

Re-worked Quizard MCU communications handling to be more easily
expanded. [Harmony]

Convert rendlay objects into C++, reduce the number of unused textures
allocated. [Aaron Giles]

Fix texture leak in crsshair.c. [Aaron Giles]

Added new method reset_origin() to screen devices to allow
manual synchronization of VBLANK start against an external timing
source. Updated the MC6845 device to call reset_origin() on its screen
at the start of each frame if a screen is present. [Aaron Giles]

Converted the RCA CDP1802 CPU into a C++ device. Refactored cidelsa.c
to use the new RCA COSMAC CPU. [Curt Coder]

Added new devcb type DEVCB_TYPE_DRIVER, which implies the
driver_device. [Aaron Giles]

specify member functions of the driver device in callbacks.
[Aaron Giles]

Reworked NMK16 irqs by not using cpu_getiloops() function
[Angelo Salese]

Fix custom mapping for dsp56k internal memory. [Aaron Giles]

Refactored the CDP1869 chip into a C++ device. [Curt Coder]

Added explicit control handler for the console. Ctrl+C/Ctrl+Break now
explicitly terminate the process forcefully, rather than unwinding
through the system in an unexpected state. Other console events (exit,
shutdown, logoff) request a graceful exit. [Aaron Giles]

Reworked 1942 interrupts by not using cpu_getiloops() function
[Angelo Salese]

Removed deprecat.h usage from 1943 driver [Angelo Salese]

Removed deprecat.h usage from 40love driver [Angelo Salese]

Removed deprecat.h usage and did some minor clean-ups to the 4enraya
driver [Angelo Salese]

Rewrote Alien Command irqs by not using cpu_getiloops() function
[Angelo Salese]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Devil Island (2 sets) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

New clones added
Streaking (set 2) [Roberto Fresca]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Magical Touch [Siftware, Mariusz Wojcieszek]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.140
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2010, 08:25
New System Drivers Supported:

- Tomy Pyuuta [anondumper]
- Elektronika KR-03 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Microbee 128k [Robbbert]
- Microbee 256TC [Robbbert]
- Microbee PC85 Newer version [Robbbert]
- Microbee PC85 Swedish version [Robbbert]
- Panasonic JR-100U [Murray Moffatt, Miodrag Milanovic]
- National JR-100 [anonymous, Miodrag Milanovic]
- Novag SuperConstellation Chess Computer [Ralf Schaefer]
- Mephisto MM2 [Ralf Schaefer]
- Alice 32 [Sandro Ronco]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

- Microbee Premium PC85 [Robbbert]
- TRS-80 Model II [Curt Coder]
- Schachcomputer SC2 [Sandro Ronco]
- Psion Organiser II [Sandro Ronco]

Skeleton drivers:

- Cromemco C-10
- CZK-80
- Robotron K8915
- Schleicher MES
- Fidelity Chess Challenger 10
- Systec Z80
- P112 Single Board Computer
- NEC TK-80
- SEL Z80 Trainer
- mc-CP/M-Computer
- TIM-011
- WaveMate Bullet
- ABC 1600 [Rune Tapper, Curt Coder]
- Atari TT030 [Curt Coder]
- Atari Falcon [Curt Coder]
- Atari Falcon040 [Curt Coder]
- IBM PS/2 Model 55SX [Joseba Epalza]
- Nakajima ES-210 (Spain) [Joseba Epalza]
- Laser PC4 [Joseba Epalza, Curt Coder]
- Atari Portfolio [Joseba Epalza, Curt Coder]

System Driver Changes:

- [ABC800] Added a new revision of the floppy controller ROM. [exon, Curt Coder]

- [ABC800] Added a dump of the keyboard controller ROM. [exon, Curt Coder]

- [ABC800] Emulated the built-in keyboard. [Curt Coder, exon]

- [ABC800] Emulated the "fast" floppy disk controller. Note that only raw sector dumps work currently (td0 not supported). [Curt Coder, exon]

- [ABC800] Refactored drivers to define ADDRESS_MAP_MODERN. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC806] Added enhanced options ROM. [exon, Curt Coder]

- [ATARIST] Added several language variants. [Curt Coder]

- [COCO] Fixed delays in when propagating interrupts signals from the floppy disk controller to the CPU. Added a small pool of timers to allow overlapping interrupt signals. [tim lindner]

- [COCO] Added bi-directional bitbanger support. Needs further core changes to be fully implemented. [tim lindner]

- [HECTOR] Added initial support for DISK II unit [JJ Stacino]

- [MAC] Macintosh IIci now boots, promoted to working. [R. Belmont]

- [MAC] Improvements to PMU and Egret MCU emulation. [R. Belmont]

- [MAC] Greatly improved Apple Sound Chip emulation for Mac II, IIx, IIcx, and SE/30. [R. Belmont]

- [MEPHISTO] the mephisto chess board is defined as a machine (mboard). [Ralf Schaefer]

- [MEPHISTO] to reduce the artwork files glasgow, amsterd and mm4 are defined as PARENTS. [Ralf Schaefer]

- [MYCOM] Improved video and keyboard [Robbbert]

- [MBEE] Added some accessory roms, made various improvements. [Robbbert]

- [POFO] Refactored driver to define ADDRESS_MAP_MODERN. [Curt Coder]

- [PSION] Added support for datapack images [Sandro Ronco]

- [VIP] Refactored driver to define ADDRESS_MAP_MODERN and use the new RCA COSMAC CPU. [Curt Coder]

Imgtool Changes:

- Fixed WIMGTOOL to properly support file systems that use directory separators other than the backslash. [tim lindner]

- Added module for create and manage psion datapack images [Sandro Ronco]

Source Changes:

- The core is based on MAME 0.140. This incorporates all features of the update to this core. [MAME team]

- Fixed Z80-SIO and DMA to allow trs80m2 to boot CP/M and TRSDOS. [Curt Coder]

- Fixed sector counting in TeleDisk images. [Curt Coder]

- Added automatic sector translation to the basicdsk format when the INTERLEAVE parameter is specified in a FLOPPY_OPTION block. [Curt Coder]

- Fixed writing with the WD17xx. When writing, a timed data request will only set the DRQ. All of the other functionality (for reading) will be omitted. [tim lindner]

- Added support for external character generator ROM to HD61830 LCDC. [Curt Coder]

- Introduced more accurate MC6847 palette. [Ensjo]

- Refactored the HD61830 LCD to a C++ device. [Curt Coder]

- Added call to fetch metadata (in cartslot.c) so correct PCB can be loaded. [tim lindner]

- Refactored the RCA CDP1802 CPU to a C++ device (COSMAC). [Curt Coder]

Titel: Kawaks V1.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2010, 15:51
Kawaks is an emulator for Capcom's CPS1/CPS2 and SNK's Neo-Geo arcade systems. It packs a hefty amount of features including per-ROM control setup, many different display and sound options, netplay capabilities, demo recording and more. Definitely an emulator not to be missed. Note that to actually play any game with Kawaks, you will need the proper ROM zips. Neo-Geo support requires additional BIOS roms.


License: Freeware

What's new in 1.62:

* New drivers:

- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Japan 950105)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Hispanic 950105)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980629)
- Giga Wing (Hispanic 990222)
- Eco Fighters (Hispanic 931203)
- Dungeons and Dragons: Tower of Doom (Hispanic 940113)

- Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Korean version)
- Quiz Daisousa Sen: The Last Count Down (Korean version)
- Quiz King of fighters (Korean version)

- Final Fight (Japan hack)
- Biaofeng Zhanjing (Chinese bootleg)
- Dinosaur Hunter (Chinese bootleg)
- Pang! 3 (Euro 950601)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (Thunder Edition)

* Changed Ironclads C and P ROM makeup to how its suspected they
would have been on a real MVS cart.
* Fixed incorrect ROM sizes in KODB and WOFHFH.
* Fixed KNIGHTS and clones ROM names to match MAME.
* Fixed HSF2J ROMs to match MAME.

Titel: MAME 0.141s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2011, 12:09

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04161: [Crash/Freeze] nibbler and clones: Mame crashes after pressing
         OK (Aaron Giles)
- 00859: [Color/Palette] blandia, blandiap: Tilemap colors issue.
         (Pierpaolo Prazzoli)
- 00860: [Color/Palette] blandia, blandiap: Incorrect colors
         (Pierpaolo Prazzoli)
- 04120: [Misc.] SDLMAME for Windows does not work unless you use
         -window (couriersud)
- 04156: [Crash/Freeze] cabal, cabala, cabalbl2, cabalus, cabalus2,
         tharrier, tharrierj: memory_set_bank called for unknown bank
         'bank1' (hap)
- 04153: [Misc.] hydrthnd: SHA1 of CHD reported incorrectly.
         (David Haywood)
- 03916: [Graphics] arabian: Missing bird at top of the screen.
         (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
Redumped sprite roms in X Se Dae Quiz [Guru]

Added preliminary (disabled by default) discrete sound emulation to
Dai San Wakusei Meteor [Derrick Renaud, Andy Welburn]

Added DMA slots to Legionnaire HW, fixes Godzilla regression
[Angelo Salese]

Fixed Bullet key back to what we dumped from original PCB.
[Aaron Giles]

Improved sprite GFX ROM order in Godzilla [Angelo Salese]

AY-3-8910 unused bits in registers read back as 0 [hap]

Fixed Seibu logo tilemap colors in Seibu Cup Soccer [Angelo Salese]

s3c24xx.c: Fixing compiling process on Linux and MacOSX [qmc2]

Assigned MB88xx interrupt sources unique vectors, as expected by the
Arabian MCU program [Phil Bennett]

Hooked up Arabian MB8841 MCU and removed obsolete simulation code
[Phil Bennett]

Adjusted ym2203 clock speed and added XTAL for goindol.c based on a
reference video recording.  [Tafoid, Rogerio]

Rewrote ics2115 sound core using modern device standards, improving
audio in Oriental Legend, Killing Blade and other PGM titles in the
process.  [austere, nimitz, trap15]

Implemented pdrawgfx for sprite routines in Legionnaire HW, and added
wraparound for horizontal area smaller than 320, fixing left-border
sprites in Legionnaire and Heated Barrel [David Haywood]

Implemented a preliminary sort-DMA in Seibu COP routines, fixes
sprite-sprite priorities in Seibu Cup Soccer [Angelo Salese]

z80dart.c: [Wilbert Pol]
 * The channel B modified interrupt vector can be read immediately
    after setting it.
 * Reading from a read register other than 0 also masks out the
    register index.

Fixed RAM fill in Seibu DMA COP command 0x116, allowing Godzilla to
boot [Angelo Salese]

Neo-Geo updates [Johnboy]:
 * burningfh - Renamed p1 to hp1
 * gowcaizr - Added correct C8 ROM
 * 8man - Tagged MVS and AES version
 * jockeygpa - Added alternate jockeygp set
 * mslug5h - Corrected chip labels

Hooked up cocktail mode and proper controls for both players in Maze
Invaders, adding button labels to describe the action of each.
[sxevious, Tafoid]

Fixed LDM opcode register writeback in ARM CPU core [Tim Schuerewegen]

General stability issues with 64-bit builds fixed for cybertnk.c
[David Haywood]

Implemented palette DMA brightness algorythm mode 5 in Seibu COP
games, used by Seibu Cup Soccer, Godzilla, SD Gundam Rainbow Tairiku
Senki and Legionnaire for fading effects [Angelo Salese]

hvyunit.c: Hooked up Mermaid protection MCU and removed obsolete
simulation code. Also updated the driver to use a state class.
[Phil Bennett, Dr. Decapitator, Andrew Gardner]

Implemented preliminary road emulation in Cyber Tank [David Haywood]

Renamed ilpag.c as blitz68k.c and added several games to the driver
[Luca Elia]

sdlmame now also looks for fonts in "-fontpath". In addition, moved
font config stuff into function search_font_config. This is in
preparation to add ttf support to windows sdlmame build. [couriersud]

Fixed an ARM CPU core bug with pre-indexed addressing opcodes, that
was preventing Poizone to boot [Tim Schuerewegen]

Fix most-likely-to-fail SDL_TTF version check. Added a warning if
strikethrough is specified but not supported. [Couriersud]

Reimplemented scatter-gather Sprite DMA in Seibu COP used by SD Gundam
Rainbow Tairiku Senki, also improving the functionality in it.
[Angelo Salese]

Greatly improved inputs and dip switches for ertictac.c  [Tafoid]

Fixed playfield color issues in Seibu Cup Soccer [David Haywood]

Fixed *BSD compilation for SDLMAME. [ElBarto]

Fixed sfx in Chouji Meikyuu Legion [Tomasz Slanina]

Implemented preliminary Seibu COP macro command 0xdde5, used by Seibu
Cup Soccer x/y radar positions [Angelo Salese]

Implemented ROM banking support in Raiden 2 HW, improving Raiden 2 and
Zero Team behaviour [O.Galibert]

plygonet.c : Fixed save state & device handler regressions.
[Andrew Gardner]

Golden Poker driver: Added new sets, and some notes about ipc-1
daughterboard encryption [Roberto Fresca]

Preliminary simulation of text layer protection in Chouji Meikyuu
Legion [Tomasz Slanina]

Further ICS2115 work [austere, nimitz, trap15]

mpu4drvr.c: Account for the 45 degree trackball mounting
[James Wallace]

Adds the recent 87C52 MCU decaps to Wonder League Star and Wonder
League '96 [Dr. Decapitator]

superchs.c - Moved Button 6 assignment to a DIP selection which is
more appropriate for "Freeze Screen" behavior and added some missing
port names.  [Tafoid]

Updated the RSP and RDP implementations to be largely bit-perfect and
pixel-accurate. [angrylion, Harmony]

Fixed alpha compare in the N64 RDP implementation. [Harmony]

More Golden Poker driver cleanup. Added more references and
reorganized some parent-clone relationship. Added some new sets.
[Roberto Fresca]

Implemented Seibu COP macro 0x905, used for ark movements in
Legionnaire / Zero Team when a knock down occurs [Angelo Salese]

ARM7+ updates: [Tim Schuerewegen]
 * Enhanced MMU with page fault support
 * Preliminary 26-bit mode support
 * Fixed bugs with S-flag operations on R15
 * Fixed STRH involving R15
 * Support for ARM models 7500 and 920T.

Add directxor parameter to direct memory accessors. Update all callers
that manually XORed addresses to pass the XOR instead. This improves
behavior when direct accessors hit non-RAM regions, or when watchpoints
are used, because we now know the original, un-xored address and can
fall back to standard read/write handlers properly. Also fixes
glitched disassembly when read watchpoints are enabled. [Aaron Giles]

s3c24xx: some improvements and fixes [Tim Schuerewegen]

Removed public decodechar function. [Aaron Giles]

Fixed writes in the MIPS III interpreter. [MooglyGuy]

Some bulk naming cleanups across the whole source base: [Aaron Giles]
 1. MDRV_* -> MCFG_*
 2. running_device -> device_t
 3. mame_rand() -> machine->rand()
 4. memory_region() -> machine->region()->base()
 5. memory_region_length() -> machine->region()->bytes()
 6. region_info -> memory_region

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Heavy Unit [Phil Bennett, Dr. Decapitator, Andrew Gardner]
Poizone [Tim Schuerewegen]
Silver Game [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe & HAL9K]
Jack Potten's Poker (NGold) (3 sets) [Roberto Fresca, Darran]

New clones added
Multi Champ Deluxe (ver. 1114, 14/11/1999) [caius] (not working)
Gran Tesoro? / Play 2000 (v4.0) (Italy)
  [Corrado Tomaselli] (not working)
Raiden (US, set 2)  [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Golden Tee Golf (Trackball, v2.0)  [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Relief Pitcher (set 2, 26 Apr 1992 / 08 Apr 1992)
  [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
G.I. Joe (World, EB8, prototype?) [caius]
Space Firebird (2 sets) [Andrew Welburn]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Bank Robbery (Ver. 2.00)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Bank Robbery (Ver. 3.32)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Deuces Wild 2 - American Heritage (Ver. 2.02F)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Maxi Double Poker (Ver. 1.10)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Mega Double Poker (Ver. 1.63 Espagnol)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Mega Double Poker Jackpot (Ver. 1.26)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Poker 52 (Ver. 1.2) [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
The Hermit (Ver. 1.14)
  [ChrisQC, Smitdogg, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Mambo A Go-Go (GQA40 VER. JAB)
  [Kevin Eshbach, Tormod, gatt9, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, smf]
"Unknown french poker game" [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe & HAL9K]
"Unknown encrypted poker game" [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe & HAL9K]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.141
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2011, 22:40

New System Drivers Supported:
- Homebrew Z80 Computer by Kun-Szabo Marton [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Microbee TeleTerm (not fully working) [Robbbert]
- Impuls-03 [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Advanced Bridge Challenger (not working) [Kevtris, Lord Nightmare, Sandro Ronco]
- Elektronika MC-1502 (not working) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Tiger Telematics Gizmondo (not working) [Tim Schuerewegen]
- Hewlett Packard 49G+ Graphing Calculator (not working) [Tim Schuerewegen]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- Ausbaufaehiger Mikrocomputer mit dem U 880 [Curt Coder]
- Heathkit ET3400 [Robbbert]
- Omnibyte OB68K1A [Curt Coder]

Skeleton drivers:
- Dream 6800 [Robbbert]
- Tektronix 4107A/4109A [Lord Nightmare, Balrog, Curt Coder]
- PHUNSY (Philipse Universal System)
- Omnibyte OB68K1A
- Commodore 386 SX-16
- VTA-2000 Terminal
- AT&T 3B1
- Tektronix 4051 [Curt Coder]
- Tektronix 4052A [Curt Coder]
- SM1800 Terminal
- Mikrolab KR580IK80
- Osborne Executive [Wilbert Pol]
- Micro Craft Dimension 68000
- Okean-240
- NEC PC-8300 [Incog]

System Driver Changes:
- [A2600] Fixed a bug that could cause crashes on exits.  (bug #1948)
  [Atari Ace]

- [A2600] Fixed a crash in Pitfall 2.  [Atari Ace]

- [ABC80] Added graphics PROMs. [Ola Andersson]

- [ABC80] Refactored video to work like real hardware. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC800C] Added Color version ROMs. [Ola Andersson]

- [ABC1600] Added ROM dumps. [Ola Andersson]

- [AMU880] Fixed keyboard. [Curt Coder]

- [AVIGO] Fixed regressions. [Robbbert]

- [BULLET] Added PCB layout, devices, DMA, floppy, terminal. 
  cpm22wmb.imd loads and pretty much works. [Curt Coder]

- [C64] Added known good dumps software list for cartridges. Not hooked up
  to driver code yet. [Curt Coder]

- [C64] Multisession fixes.  [Atari Ace]

- [CHANNELF/LYNX/SPECIAL/SVISION/WSWAN] Tokenized audio state.  [Atari Ace]

- [GBA] Added a workaround for the unreliable ATTOTIME_IN_HZ macro. This
  fixes the hang/crash problems with "Gunstar Super Heroes",
  "bit Generations" and maybe others too. [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed an issue with the ARM7 cycle count. This fixes the crash
  problems with "Golden Sun", "All-Star Baseball 2003" and maybe others
  too. [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed protected BIOS reads. This fixes the black screen in
  "Banjo Pilot". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Added support for 14-bit EEPROM addressing. This fixes the lockups
  in "Bomberman Max 2" and "Broken Sword". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed several ARM7 core bugs. This fixes the problems with
  "Big Mutha Truckers" and "Colin McRae Rally" [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed memory corruption due to a faulty DMA operation. This fixes the
  problems with "The Ant Bully", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", and maybe
  others too. [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GENESIS] Added support for several genesis PCB carts [El Barto]
  Updated softlist to use PCB's
  Added J-Cart player 3 and 4 support

- [H8] Progressed from skeleton to almost working. [Robbbert]

- [HECTOR] Added Disc2 support. [JJ Stacino]

- [JUPITER] Fixed ace/tap image loading. [Robbbert]

- [OB68K1A] Refactored to use serial terminal. [Curt Coder]

- [PC8201] Added support for 128KB ROM cassettes. [Curt Coder]

- [PC8201] Added a software list for option ROMs. [Curt Coder]

- [PCW] Added very preliminary printer emulation, output to a separate screen.  [Barry Rodewald]

- [QL] Added a software list for cartridges. [Curt Coder]

- [SMS] Improved Light Phaser emulation and converted it to use timers
  that control when the beam will reach the aim area, to run the function
  that checks if the pixel displayed is bright enough to activate the
  sensor. Details are written in source code. [Enik Land]

- [SMS] Added an option to play SegaScope (3D-Glasses) games without a
  seizure: mount any game supporting 3-D in Master System I drivers,
  enter Driver Configuration menu and turn on SegaScope. At this point,
  a new option 'Binocular Hack' appears, which removes the flickering in
  one or both the lens screens (remember that you can enable lens views by
  selecting the Segascope views from the Video Options menu). The option
  is turned off by default, being inaccurate [Enik Land, Fabio Priuli]

- [SUPER80] Added a bios found in a scrapped machine. [Robbbert]

- [SUPER80] Added printer support for the 'super80e' [Robbbert]

- [TANDY200] Limited video RAM to 8 KB as per hardware. [Curt Coder]

- [TANDY200] Added a software list for option ROMs. [Curt Coder]

- [TRSM100] Added a software list for option ROMs. [Curt Coder]

- [WD17xx] Fixed status register after a FORCE_INT command
  while another command is being executed. [Wilbert Pol]

Imgtool Changes:

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.141.  This incorporates all features of the
  update to this core.  [MAME team]

- Added UTF-8 constants for Swedish/Finnish keyboard accented
  characters, and cursor key arrows. Refactored drivers to
  use these constants. [Curt Coder]

- Rewrite of the system architecture of all systems of the TI-99
  family (TI-99/4(A)/8, SGCPU, Geneve), now more closely
  representing the real hardware. Using device structures for
  all hardware parts now. Redundant code removed. [Michael Zapf]

- Refactored the UPD765 DRQ line to use devcb. The read_write parameter is
  not present on the real chip, and no driver was using it. [Curt Coder]
- Static/const changes, and added driver_device state to many drivers.
  [Atari Ace]

- Refactored the following drivers to define ADDRESS_MAP_MODERN:
  abc80, advision, amu880, bw12, bw14, bw2, kc85, trsm100, tandy102,
  tandy200, pc8201a, mm1m6, sg1000, sc3000, sf7000, tandy2k, v1050,
  victor9k, vidbrain, ql, xerox820, xerox820ii, xor100. [Curt Coder]

- Allowed the use of either decimal or hexadecimal values for <dataarea> size,
  <rom> size, and <rom> offset in software lists. [Curt Coder]

- Enabled loading ROMs from software lists to ROM_CART_LOAD entries. [Curt Coder]

- Preliminary work done on these systems. Results vary from little difference
  to almost fully working: beehive, c10, cd2650, ccs2422, czk80, d6800,
  dolphin, et3400, h8, h19, k8915, mccpm, mekd2, mes, pipbug, qtsbc,
  sapizcps3, selz80, sol20, uts20, vta2000, zsbc3 [Robbbert]

- Added configurable cursor to the generic terminal device. [Robbbert]

- Added rudimentary 8N1 serial I/O to the generic terminal device. [Curt Coder]

Titel: MAME 0.142s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2011, 09:55

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04286: [Sound] deadang and clones: Missing ADPCM Audio (Aaron Giles)
- 04288: [Crash/Freeze] goodejan, goodejana, totmejan, sengokmi: Crash
         after OK (Aaron Giles)
- 04290: [Crash/Freeze] honeydol: Crash after OK (Aaron Giles)
- 04291: [Crash/Freeze] Many sets in 8080bw.c: [debug] Assert before OK
         (Aaron Giles)
- 04289: [Crash/Freeze] twinadv, twinadvk: Crash after OK (Aaron Giles)
- 04287: [Graphics] wintbob: Video missing (Aaron Giles)
- 04295: [Documentation] stdragon: The game description is "Saint
         Dragon". (Fujix)
- 04285: [Misc.] tenkaid: Missing NO_DUMP label for rom tydg002.u8 (hap)
- 04294: [Graphics] jrpacman, jrpacmbl: pac-man and the ghosts are not
         visable. (hap)

Source Changes
Converted Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye to use the common deco video
files functions, fixing a rowscroll bug in it [David Haywood]

Fix font loading in sdlmame. BDF files are just loaded as TTF by
TTF_OpenFont. Load is now protected by a magic check. Also fixed a bug
in SDL1.3 keyboard mapping and changed SDL1.3 code to be compatible
with recent 1.3 API changes. [Couriersud]

sdl-config flags are now separated into INCFLAGS and COMFLAGS in
sdl.mak. This fixes "make depend". [Couriersud]

softlist.c: split the <info> field (added some time ago to handle
compatibility requirements) into  <info> and <sharedfeat>. the former
stays tied to the whole software entry, the latter gets inherited by
each part. [Fabio Priuli]

Added device_t::memory() to fetch a reference to the memory interface,
or assert if not present. [Aaron Giles]

Split address_space::install_[legacy_]handler into
install_[legacy_]read_handler, install_[legacy_]write_handler, and
install_[legacy_]readwrite_handler. [Aaron Giles]

Added variants of address_space handler installers which don't take
mirror or mask parameters, since this is by far the most common case.
[Aaron Giles]

Deprecated API cleanup. [Aaron Giles]
   cpu_suspend                   ==> device_suspend
   cpu_resume                    ==> device_resume
   cpu_yield                     ==> device_yield
   cpu_spin                      ==> device_spin
   cpu_spinuntil_trigger         ==> device_spin_until_trigger
   cpu_spinuntil_time            ==> device_spin_until_time
   cpu_spinuntil_int             ==> device_spin_until_interrupt
   cpu_eat_cycles                ==> device_eat_cycles
   cpu_adjust_icount             ==> device_adjust_icount
   cpu_triggerint                ==> device_triggerint
   cpu_set_input_line            ==> device_set_input_line
   cpu_set_input_line_vector     ==> device_set_input_line_vector
   cpu_set_input_line_and_vector ==> device_set_input_line_and_vector
   cpu_set_irq_callback          ==> device_set_irq_callback

   device_memory(device)                ==> device->memory()
   device_get_space(device, spacenum)   ==> device->memory().space(spacenum)
   cpu_get_address_space(cpu, spacenum) ==> cpu->memory().space(spacenum)
   cputag_get_address_space(mach, tag, spacenum) ==> mach->device("tag")->memory().space(spacenum)
   cputag_get_clock(mach, tag)          ==> mach->device("tag")->unscaled_clock()
   cputag_set_clock(mach, tag, hz)      ==> mach->device("tag")->set_unscaled_clock(hz)

Created new enum type address_spacenum for specifying an address space
by index. Update functions and methods that accepted an address space
index to take an address_spacenum instead. Note that this means you
can't use a raw integer in ADDRESS_SPACE macros, so instead of 0 use
the enumerated AS_0. [Aaron Giles]

Standardized the project on the shortened constants AS_* over the
older ADDRESS_SPACE_*. Removed the latter to prevent confusion. Also
centralized the location of these definitions to memory.h. [Aaron Giles]

Converted DECO BAC06 tilemap (used by dec0.c) to be a device, reducing
code duplication [David Haywood]

Deprecate the old memory_install_* macros. Dynamic installation is now
handled directly by calling methods on the address_space, which have
been expanded with aliases to cover all previous situations. In
addition, variants with no mirror or mask value are provided to cover
the common cases: [Aaron Giles]

   memory_install_read*_handler(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, handler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_read_handler(begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(handler))

   memory_install_write*_handler(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, handler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_write_handler(begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(handler))

   memory_install_readwrite*_handler(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, rhandler, whandler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_readwrite_handler(begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(rhandler), FUNC(whandler))

   memory_install_read*_device_handler(space, device, begin, end, mirror, mask, handler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_read_handler(*device, begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(handler))

   memory_install_write*_device_handler(space, device, begin, end, mirror, mask, handler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_write_handler(*device, begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(handler))

   memory_install_readwrite*_device_handler(space, device, begin, end, mirror, mask, rhandler, whandler)
     ==> space->install_legacy_readwrite_handler(*device, begin, end [, mirror, mask], FUNC(rhandler), FUNC(whandler))

   memory_install_read_port(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, port)
     ==> space->install_read_port(begin, end [, mirror, mask], port)

   memory_install_read_bank(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, bank)
     ==> space->install_read_bank(begin, end [, mirror, mask], bank)

   memory_install_rom(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, ptr)
     ==> space->install_rom(begin, end [, mirror, mask], ptr)

   memory_install_ram(space, begin, end, mirror, mask, ptr)
     ==> space->install_ram(begin, end [, mirror, mask], ptr)

   memory_unmap_read(space, begin, end, mirror, mask)
     ==> space->unmap_read(begin, end [, mirror, mask])

   memory_nop_read(space, begin, end, mirror, mask)
     ==> space->nop_read(begin, end [, mirror, mask])

uiimage.c: Improved File Manager usage (in the internal UI) by
catching char inputs and searching for matching names among files and
directories [Fabio Priuli]

some work on the 3 games in dec8.c which use the bac06
tilemaps[David Haywood]

Converted Act Fancer, Trio the Punch and Mad Motor to use the common
deco video functions [David Haywood]

Converted Stadium Hero driver to use the common Deco video functions
[David Haywood]

Cleanup of machine.h. Shuffled some fields around, and moved several
to private member variables with accessors: [Aaron Giles]

   machine->m_respool     ==> machine->respool()
   machine->config        ==> machine->config()
   machine->gamedrv       ==> machine->system()
   machine->m_regionlist  ==> machine->first_region()
   machine->sample_rate   ==> machine->sample_rate()

Converted Pocket Gal to use the common deco video routines
[David Haywood]

Started moving common deco MXC06 sprite controller code to it's own
device files, reducing code duplication [David Haywood]

Converted Act Fancer to use common deco sprite code [David Haywood]

Converted Vapor Trail to use the common deco sprite functions
[David Haywood]

Converted Stadium Hero, Cobra-Command, Psycho-Nics Oscar to use the
common deco sprite functions [David Haywood]

Removed redundant machine items from address_space and device_t.
Neither machine nor m_machine are directly accessible anymore. Instead
a new getter machine() is available which returns a machine reference:
[Aaron Giles]

   space->machine->xxx   ==>  space->machine().xxx
   device->machine->yyy  ==>  device->machine().yyy

Globally changed all running_machine pointers to running_machine
references. Any function/method that takes a running_machine takes it
as a required parameter (1 or 2 exceptions). Being consistent here
gets rid of a lot of odd &machine or *machine, but it does mean a very
large bulk change across the project. [Aaron Giles]

Remove redundant item cpu from address_space, in favor of
space->device(). [Aaron Giles]

Two hash_collections can only match if they have at least one matching
hash. [Aaron Giles]

If we get an error parsing options, see if there was no command and
what looks like an invalid system name. In that case, provide
suggestions for the system name instead of reporting the options
error. [Aaron Giles]

Move overridable device->rom_region(),
device->machine_config_additions(), and device->input_ports() to
protected methods. Added non-virtual wrappers around them.
[Aaron Giles]

Implemented karnov style sprites in its own file, shared with karnov
and dec8 drivers [David Haywood]

Fixed multiwidth sprites in decmxc06.c, removed code which appeared to
serve no purpose other than to break the birdtry gfxdecode in
machine/dec0.c [David Haywood]

Added new macro MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED_CLASS() which works just like
MACHINE_CONFIG_DERIVED() except you can specify an alternate
driver_device class. Used this in the 8080bw.c games which require an
_8080bw_state, but derive from mw8080bw_root which has the base class
mw8080bw_state. [Aaron Giles]

lordgun.c: Corrected Dipswitch names and added dipswitch locations to
Lord of Gun & Alien Challenge [Brian Troha]

tumbleb.c: Corrected Dipswitch names and locations for Choky! Choky!
[Brian Troha]

New clones added
Fashion Gambler (Set 2)  [Team Europe]
AAcrobatic Dog-Fight (USA) [Tirino73]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Jyunai - Manatsu no First Kiss [The Dumping Union, alien_mame]
BiKiNikko - Okinawa de Ippai Shityaimashita [The Dumping Union, alien_mame]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.142
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2011, 20:45
New System Drivers Supported:
- Victor Wondermega M2 (not working) [Justin Kerk]
- Ferguson Big Board [Miodrag Milanovic]
- Sanyo MBC-550, MBC-555 (boots but partial keyboard) [Phill Harvey-Smith]
- Fujitsu FM-Towns II UX (not working) [bernhardh, Anna Wu, Barry Rodewald]
- Fujitsu FM-Towns II HR (not working) [bernhardh, Anna Wu, Barry Rodewald]
- Mikrosha-86RK [Miodrag Milanovic]
- IBM PC 5155 [Lord Nightmare]
- EA Car Computer (not working) [Robbbert]
- 68k Single Board Computer [Robbbert]
- PB-1000, PB2000c (not fully working) [Sandro Ronco]
- DataSlim 2 (not working) [Sandro Ronco]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- ZRT80 terminal [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
- Applix 1616
- Commodore PC 30 III
- Ferguson Big Board II
- Hewlett-Packard HP9816
- IBM PC 5140 Convertible
- Olivetti M24
- Olivetti M240
- PDP-11 [Unibus](M9301-YA)
- PDP-11 [Unibus](M9312)
- PDP-11 [Q-BUS] (M7195 - MXV11)
- SacState 8008
- Savia 84
- Terak 8510A

System Driver Changes:
- [ABC802] Connected to ABC99 keyboard, removed keyboard hack. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC806] Connected to ABC99 keyboard, removed keyboard hack. [Curt Coder]

- [ABC1600] Implemented video and ABC 99 keyboard. [Curt Coder]

- [AC1] Added cassette support. [Robbbert]

- [ADAM] Added dumps of the internal M6801 ROMs. [KevinP]

- [ADAM] Rewrote driver to use the M6801 CPUs. Currently the only working
peripheral is the keyboard. [Curt Coder]

- [ASTROCDE] Add options for several RAM expansions. Some features
are not implemented yet, as noted in comments. Extended BASIC carts
are now playable. [ranger_lennier]

- [BBC] Made the SAA505x implementation a device. [Atari Ace]

- [BW2] Set proper FDC type and removed floppy side select hack. [Curt Coder]

- [Einstein] Fixed addressing of character ROM for 80 column mode, added
dump of 80 column rom, fixed bit 0 of status register to reflect 6845
DE line. 80 Column interface is now usable. [Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [GBA] Fixed EEPROM detection for "Banjo-Kazooie" and "Custom Robo GX".
[Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed an ARM7 carry flag bug. This fixes the palette corruption
in "Banjo-Kazooie". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Fixed timer overflow/reload bugs. This fixes the lockups in
"2 in 1 - Dragon Ball Z 1 and 2", "Aggressive Inline", "Bibi und Tina"
and probably other games too. [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Implemented an undefined ARM7 THUMB instruction used by "Moto GP".
[Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Allow reading of the BLDALPHA register. This fixes the lockup in
"Donkey Kong Country". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Implemented FLASH bank select command. This fixes the NVRAM issue in
"Super Mario Advance 4". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Generate SIO data transfer completion interrupt. This fixes the lockup
in "Digimon Racing". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GBA] Removed "Metroid Fusion" DMA hack. This fixes the lockup in
"Caesar's Palace Advance". [Tim Schuerewegen]

- [GENEVE] Made SRAM size configurable. Added MEMEX emulation. Genmod is now
a mode of the Geneve, not a separate system. Fixed Genmod. [Michael Zapf]

- [M5] Added FD-5 floppy interface ROM, renamed driver to m5. [Curt Coder]

- [MEKD2] Fixed keyboard. System is usable except for cassette. [Robbbert]

- [PCFX] Added BIOS v1.01. [trap15]

- [PDP1] Made the CRT implementation a device.[Atari Ace] Made papertape,
cylinder and printer into devices and added back in (not working) [Robbbert]

- [PIPPIN] Added pre release rom

- [PSX] Added CD-ROM support. Some commercial games work well. Some don't.
[pSXAuthor, R. Belmont]

- [PSX] Added memory card support, not working yet. [pSXAuthor, R. Belmont]

- [PV1000] 4 new cartridge dumps for the software list. [anondumper]

- [QL] Added support for Miracle Systems Trump Card disk and memory
Added support for Sandy SuperDisk disk interface
Fixed up WD177x so disks can be formatted (single sided only)
[Phill Harvey-Smith]

- [SNES] uPD96050 DSP (aka Seta ST-010) is now emulated instead of
simulated. [R. Belmont, byuu, Dr. Decapitator]

- [STE] Added a proper dump of some French TOS ROM. [ElBarto]

- [TI] Converted strata/733_asr/911_vdt to devices. [Atari Ace]

- [X68K] Refactored to use new MC68901 device. [Curt Coder]

- [TX0] Made papertape, printer and magtape into devices and added
back in (not working) [Robbbert]

Imgtool Changes:

Source Changes:
- The core is based on MAME 0.142. This incorporates all features of the
update to this core. [MAME team]

- Added support for a new template to -snapname to use software names for
snapshots. It is now possible to use %d_XXXX to name snaps after the name
of the file mounted in the device XXXX, being XXXX the brief name of any
device. E.g. you can use "-snapname %d_cart" to use the name of the game
mounted in the cartslot, or "-snapname %d_flop2" to use the name of the game
mounted in the second floppy drive, etc. If you are loading software through
software lists, its shortname will be used; if you are using the fullpath of
the software, its filename is used. Any combination of the new template with
the old "/", "%g" and "%i" templates is supported as well. Notice that if you
specify an invalid device, or if you have no software mounted in the chosen
device, MESS will revert to the default template "%g/%i". [Fabio Priuli]

- softlists: Added new lists, new dumps and info [anondumper, Barry Rodewald,
Curt Coder, MESSfan, Fabio Priuli]

- Cleanups; static qualifiers, added driver_states, consistent get_safe_token
usage, reduced calls to ram_get_ptr() and region(...)->base(). [Atari Ace]

- [WD17XX] Added device types WD1795, WD1797, WD2795, and fixed
wd17xx_has_side_select(). [Curt Coder]

- [WD17XX] Set complete command delay to 16/32 usec based on DDEN. [Curt Coder]

Titel: Jnes V1.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2011, 17:06
Jnes is a NES emulator for win32 platforms that uses DirectX for it's hardware interface. It's emulation capabilities include graphics, sound, input devices, and emulating quite a few memory mapping boards found in most USA games and a few popular japanese ones. Jnes boasts a fairly intuitive user interface that makes playing NES a little more enjoyable. One of the coolest features is the included database of Pro-Action-Replay and Game Genie cheats. Jnes also supports Kaillera netplay as well.


License: Freeware

Titel: MAME 0.143s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2011, 23:13

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04380: [Crash/Freeze] sfish2, sfish2j: Crash after OK (R. Belmont)
- 04384: [Crash/Freeze] cottonbm: Black screen instead of intro (Angelo Salese)
- 04347: [Crash/Freeze] mach3, cobram3, usvsthem: Stalls on its opening diagnostic screen (smf)
- 04342: [Crash/Freeze] cubeqst, cubeqsta: Crash/Assertion after OK (smf)
- 04340: [Crash/Freeze] firefox, firefoxa: Crash after OK (smf)
- 04341: [Crash/Freeze] All playable sets in deco_ld.c, dlair.c, esh.c, gpworld.c, istellar.c, lpg.c, segald.c, superdq.c: Crash after OK (smf)
- 04349: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in cliffhgr.c: Halts at "** DISC NOT UP TO SPEED *** screen (smf)
- 04343: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in baraduke.c, namcos1.c, namcos86.c, skykid.c: Immediate crash while using -DEBUG (Wilbert Pol)
- 04388: [Documentation] specfrce: Wrong SHA1 check sum in XML data for CHD (v3 vs. v4) (Tafoid)

Source Changes
Added preliminary circle drawing for Warp Speed [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Added analog controls to Warp Speed [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

Added index and ready line read functions to floppy drive. [Curt

Added device-relative functions for memory banking. [Curt Coder]

Added DE, CURSOR, HSYNC, and VSYNC line read members to MC6845.
[Curt Coder]

SH4: Misc cleanups, added support for VERSION register.  Naomi rev H
BIOS now boots games. [O. Galibert, Deunan Knute, R. Belmont]

eeprom: Add tag name in eeprom's verbosity [O. Galibert]

Readme replacement for Crusin' USA to include Off Road Challenge.

cdrom: convert Mode 1 Form 1 sectors to Mode 1 raw if requested
[R. Belmont]

Added byuu's cothread library, along with a wrapper class. Switched to
using one cothread for each executable device. This functionality is
strictly internal and should result in no changes in scheduling
behavior. However, it now becomes possible to exit out of a device's
execution in the midst of an instruction by calling
machine().scheduler().make_active(). Note that this is somewhat
dangerous for cores that have logic at the start of their execute loop
to check for interrupts or other conditions, as those checks will be
skipped upon resume, so consider this sort of early exiting to be
highly experimental for now. [Aaron Giles, Miodrag Milanovic, byuu]
(Please Note: cothread usage is behind a compile-time define as per now,
they will be reenabled in the next dev cycle)

Convert Namco C352 to modern C++ device [R. Belmont]

Added BUSRQ and WAIT input lines to the Z80 CPU core. [Curt Coder]

Added support for multi level slot devices [Miodrag Milanovic]

Fixed a bad ROM dump in pss62 (Super Famicom Box) [Y~K, MESSfan]

Slightly improved the preliminary emulation of sfcbox [Y~K, MESSfan]

This is a temporary fix for Mating Game which disables the 'Line Zero'
interrupt condition. [J. Wallace]

Fixed state saving for OKIM6376 (hopefully) [J. Wallace]

Used a Dolbeck Systems flyer to correct the colours of the Connect 4
built-in layout. [J. Wallace]

Fixed line zero irq condition and provided a sync update for MPU4 HW
games [J. Wallace]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Warp Speed (prototype) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

New clones added
Terra Force (Japan) [ShouTime]
Off Road Challenge (v1.50) (not working) [Guru]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910306)
  [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Final Fight (USA, set 2) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Leader Board (Arcadia, set 3) [Team Europe & Alexander F.]
OnePlay Version 2.20 bios [Team Europe & Alexander F.]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Super Mario Kart / Super Mario Collection / Star Fox (Super Famicom Box)
  [Y~K, MESSfan]
New Super 3D Golf Simulation - Waialae No Kiseki / Super Mahjong 2 (Super Famicom Box)
  [Y~K, MESSfan]
Super Donkey Kong / Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Super Famicom Box)
  [Y~K, MESSfan]
Super Donkey Kong / Super Bomberman 2 (Super Famicom Box)
  [Y~K, MESSfan]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.143
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2011, 16:00

New System Drivers Supported:

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- PMI80 (except for cassette) [Robbbert]
- SDK85 [Robbbert]
- SDK86 [Robbbert]
- SELZ80 [Robbbert]
- ACRNSYS1 (except for cassette) [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
- Intel MDS [Robbbert]

System Driver Changes:
- prof80: Refactored the ECB bus to use slot interface, and
separated GRIP into a slot device. [Curt Coder]
- intv: Implemented scrolling  [Huygens]
  Implemented reading from stic registers other than collision
  Bug 167 - Diagnostic cartridge fixed
- nakajies: Added dump for the DreamWriter 450.
[Roberto Carlos Fernandez Gerhardt, Wilbert Pol]
- prose2000: update a lot of comments, bare beginnings of
upd7720 px line and int support. [Lord Nightmare]
- [intv] Proper rendering of overscan borders and native resolution,  [H@P]
along with various updates and cleanups
* Converted intv driver to use native Intellivision resolution of 159x192. 
Scaled intvkbd driver so carts look correct.
* Added overscan borders.  Approximate, but at least measured on an actual Intellivision.
* Added a STIC header file, defining various object sizes, and register and bit names.
* Cleaned up render_color_stack_mode() and render_fg_bg_mode() loops,
eliminating the ugly fix-ups at the end of each row.
* Updated the code found in UNUSED_FUNCTION, but neither compiled nor tested it.

Software Lists:
- snes.xml: softlist wip documentation and redump [MESSfan]
- a800.xml: added some extension and support disks (+ comments) to the list. [K1W1]
- a5200.xml: replaced ballblazer dump [K1W1]
- snes.xml: Added a new snes dump [badinsults, d4s, MESSfan] (nw)
- intv.hsi: Some corrections to the Intellivision hash file [John Rieman]

Source Changes:
- Added device types for all known WD17XX variants, and enforced inverted DAL lines
with e.g. FD1771/FD1791. Used correct variants in drivers, except TRS-80. [Curt Coder]

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2011, 18:37
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.


Latest Changes

- Misc: full unicode build
- Misc: full support for UTF8 characters in file/folder names, files within archives (7z/rar/zip) and datfiles (XML and old format) The default encoding of xml datfiles is UTF8. The default storing method in archives is UTF8 (for zip, with no extra field us
- Misc: completely switched to latest ziparchive library for all zip related operations. This includes reading, in-place renaming and no-recompress copy. This results in a faster rebuilder (no recompress) and faster rename operations (scanner). Actual scann
- Added: devices support, devices and device_ref elements are parsed, exported, an own system default path for devices can be added, select sets supports filtering by devices and device_refs
- Removed: included doucmentation, switching to online pdf docs soon
- Removed: Settings->Compressor->Zip, obsolete due to ziparchive usage
- Removed: Settings->Compressor->Oem/Ansi conversion, obsolete due to UTF8 switch
- Removed: Scanner->Advanced-> detect sets in wrong sysdefpaths; move sets to correct sysdefpath; chd use sysdefault assignments; use sysdefault paths for fix missing; Such options are automatically enabled internally now if sysdefpaths are setup. The first
- Misc: aligned "allow not separated bios sets" & "split bios sets"
- Misc: directly jump to profiler or settings instead of prompting
- Fixed: xml parser doesn't handle multiple comments on the same line correctly
- Fixed: dat resource tag export for non-xml datfiles is broken


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.00a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2011, 19:00
Latest Changes

- Fixed: crash in filedialog of "add Profile"
- Misc: smarter is-bios-rom check if bios definitions hold identical checksums
- Misc: fixed homepage and forum link in installer

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2011, 18:35
Latest Changes

- Added: Font selector (popupmenu->View->Select Font) for scanner tree and setinfo tree/list
- Added: profiler option to support inverted crc32 for baddumps method (default = off)
- Fixed: missing device path/system initialization randomly keeps devices unchecked
- Fixed: circular renames inside zips don't work
- Fixed: saving/loading of standard/mech/device path clones names when only 1 is setup
- Misc: limit list of not setup sysdefpaths to avoid too big prompt

Titel: MAME 0.144s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2011, 22:00

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04526: [Documentation] m4bigapl and clones: The correct description
         is "The Big Apple (Mdm)".
- 04525: [Documentation] ep_smoke: The correct description is "Holy
         Smoke! (Impulse) (EPOCH)".
- 04527: [Documentation] m4uuaw: The correct description is "Up Up and
         Away (Barcrest) (MPU4)".
- 04522: [Documentation] m5bwaves: The correct description is "Brain
         Waves (Barcrest) (MPU5)".
- 04523: [Documentation] m4click: The correct description is "Clickity
         Click (Barcrest) (MPU4)".
- 04524: [Documentation] j6rh6: The correct year is 2002.
- 04520: [Documentation] j2supsft: The correct description is
         "Supashifta (Jpm) (MPS)".
- 04519: [Documentation] nudgeit: The correct description is "Nudge-
- 04521: [Documentation] j6cas5: The correct description is "Casino
         5ive Liner (Jpm) (IMPACT)".
- 04500: [Documentation] ep_simbg: The correct description is
         "SIMPSONS - Duff Beer Guide"
- 04517: [Documentation] j2cshfil: The correct description is "Cash-
         Filla (Pcp (MPS)".
- 04516: [Documentation] j5suphi: The correct description is "Super
         Hi-Lo (Jpm) (SYSTEM5)."
- 04515: [Documentation] megaaton: The correct name is "Meg Aaton".
- 04514: [Documentation] mousn_l1, mousn_l4, mousn_lu, mousn_lx: The
         correct description is "Mousin' Around!".
- 00504: [Graphics] hharryu, dkgensan: They have some background
         misplacement. (Roberto Zandonà)

Source Changes
Fixed up the flicky and clones (system1.c) Dip Switches after a fair
amount of playtesting.  Also, added some specific set notes related to
oddness/differences observed. [Tafoid]

Start of input ports cleanup in the Toaplan drivers:
[Alex Jackson, kanikani]
 * Removed some unused macros from toaplipt.h
 * Fixed polarity of DIPLOCATIONs in toaplan2.c
 * Added some missing inputs

Fixed tms99xx STCR command [Michael Zapf]

xmultipl: fixed tilemaps offsets [Roberto Zandona']

SDL: Add TAP/TUN networking capability and shell script for
configuration [Carl]

Added some common country and language names to the default strings,
and removed some unused and/or redundant strings [Alex Jackson]

Various improvement to Amiga FDC system [O. Galibert]

ipf: Describe the remaining fields [O. Galibert, SPS]

Rewrote NCR539x SCSI emulation from scratch [R. Belmont]

More Toaplan input fixes: [Alex Jackson, kanikani]
 * Added DIPLOCATIONs and missing inputs to twincobr.c, wardner.c,
 * Added information about ingame test/debug features to comments in
* Unified toaplan2.c inputs with the other Toaplan drivers

Converted neogeo MVS driver to use software lists in preparation for
multislot support [David Haywood]

neogeo.c: fixed kof98 on non-Windows builds [Alex Jackson]

Added per-channel volume control to ES5505/ES5506 sound chip, and
hooked it up to the Taito F3 driver [Angelo Salese]

Added a preliminary ES5510 DSP DRAM input/output latches support in
Taito F3 driver, fixes sound in Ring Rage and Riding Fight
[Angelo Salese]

Implemented FRC hook-up to Sega System 24 HW, fixes missing SFXs to
Bonanza Bros. [Angelo Salese, Phil Bennett, Charles MacDonald]

6522VIA: Implemented CA2 pulse output mode, and output interrupt state
only when it changes. [Curt Coder]

6532RIOT: Output interrupt state only when it changes. [Curt Coder]

hikaru: added 0.84 BIOS [Arzeno Fabrice]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Dirt Dash [Phil Bennett, hap]
Galaxy Game [Mariusz Wojcieszek, hap, Quantum Leaper]

New clones added
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (prototype)
  [Tormod, Kevin Eshbach, f205v, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Alien Front (Rev T) [Arzeno Fabrice]
House of the Dead 2 (prototype) [Arzeno Fabrice]
18 Wheeler (Rev. A) [Arzeno Fabrice]
Zero Team (set 5, Korea, Dream Soft license) [Guru, gp-lee]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Gunbalina (GNN1 Ver.A)
  [Yohji, hap, Krusty, B. Munger, Brian Troha, D. Edwardson, Kevin
  Eshbach, R. Weidinger, J. Kretschmer, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Arcana Heart Full [Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Melty Blood Actress Again [The Dumping Union]

Titel: MAMEUI32 V0.144
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2011, 16:51
MAMEUI32 (formerly MAME32) is the Win32 GUI version of MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), a hardware emulator that enables you to play many ancient, long-lost arcade games and even some newer ones. To actually play any games, you will still need to google for the actual ROM files and add them to MAME32.


License: MAME License (open source, non-commercial use only)

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.144u5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2012, 13:38

New System Drivers Supported:
- Palm Z22 [Tim Schuerewegen]
- Mini2440 [Tim Schuerewegen]
- Mera-Elzab Meritum I (model 2) [Miodrag Milanovic]
- RM-380Z [Gabriele D'Antona]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
- SLC1 [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
- Axel AX-20
- Didaktik M 92
- Mera 79152PC
- Mera Konin
- Siemens PC-D [rfka01]
- NCR Decision Mate V [rfka01]
- DEC Rainbow 100B [rfka01]

System Driver Changes:
-poly1: Added Terminal roms [Andrew Trotman]
-Fix for a400, a800 and clones which caused a crash navigating the Input menu.  [hap]
-a5105: Implemented memory banking. [Sandro Ronco]
-mac: Cuda device talks to the 680x0 properly; Color Classic now shows something. [R. Belmont]
-mac: Fixed Cuda timer interrupt ack and default PRAM for Egret and Cuda [R. Belmont]
-victor9k: Fixed keyboard MCU clock. [Lord Nightmare]
-nc: Added v1.02 Danish and v1.02 German bios variations
 of the NC100.  [Roberto Carlos Fernandez Gerhardt]
-cbm: Added ICT Mini Chief hard disk ROMs. [Curt Coder]
-mac: add preliminary support for LC520 (not working yet) [R. Belmont]
-pet: Added skeleton for SSE SoftBox IEEE-488 peripheral. [Curt Coder]
-macpci: new driver to support PCI-based Old World Macs, including Pippin [R. Belmont]
-c64: Added skeleton for Serial Box IEC peripheral. [Curt Coder]
-mac: Added skeleton device for low-level emulation of the original Mac keyboard [R. Belmont]
-ip22: Made the SGI Indy driver about 130% faster on my machine (from 50% speed to 115% speed on a 3.2GHz i7)
 by commenting out debug logging wholesale rather than leaving in an inline do-nothing if(). [MooglyGuy]

Software Lists:
-coleco.xml: added an earlier dump of dkong. [k1w1]
-rainbow.xml: DEC Rainbow 100 Softlist [Kaylee]

Source Changes:
-pc_cga.c: Fixed selection of mc6845 input clock.  [Wilbert Pol]
-floppy: Add media type and write splice information to the internal
 representation, and start handling HD [O. Galibert]
-8530scc: Modernize.  Hopefully nothing broke [O. Galibert]
-floppy: Add an "unknown" form factor and use it to fix floptool [O. Galibert]
-mcs48: Fixed I8021/I8022 clock divider. [Curt Coder]
-i386: Patch for i386 helps booting Phoenix bios [Carl]
-scsibus: Increment command index on acknowledge instead of data read,
 since Visual 1050 BIOS skips the message byte read and just acks it. [Curt Coder]
-Fix four spc700 opcodes which didn't disassemble correctly [kevtris]
-scsibus: Added group 6 (vendor specific) command length. [Curt Coder]
-scsibus: Implemented SASI group 6 command 00 (C0, Physical Device ID). [Curt Coder]
-scsibus: Sector size is now configurable in init_scsibus. [Curt Coder]
-scsihd: Get sector size from CHD metadata to support old 256 bytes/sector
 SASI drives, and allow hard disk image subdevices. [Curt Coder]
-uiimage/diimage: Dumbify the menus and add a control layer [O. Galibert]
-floppy: Add diskferret format support, and a minimal pc support [O. Galibert]
-First draft of i8279 device. Hooked up to mmd2, which now nearly works [Robbbert]
-softlist: Fix entry count tracking issue [O. Galibert]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.144u7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2012, 17:20

New System Drivers Supported:

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:
- Wang Professional Computer [Anna Wu]
- Boris Diplomat [Sean Riddle, Justin Kerk]
- Apricot FT//ex 486 (J3 Motherboard) [Kaylee]
- Apricot FTs (Panther Rev F 1.02.26) [Kaylee]

System Driver Changes:
-nespal: fixed bug #1394, the driver is back to the correct speed. [Fabio Priuli]
-bullet: Implemented Wave Mate Bullet Revision F hardware, a ROM dump is missing though. [Curt Coder]
-nes: fixed longstanding regression in 4screen mirroring games (e.g. Gauntlet) [Fabio Priuli]
-vic20: Implemented the expansion port. You can now plug in an IEEE-488
 cartridge and any of the CBM IEEE floppy/hard drives.
 (e.g. mess vic20p -exp ieee488 -exp:ieee488:ieee9 c4040
 -flop2 diskimage.d64; SYS 45065; LOAD "$",9) [Curt Coder]
-vic20: Emulated the VIC-1110 8K RAM Expansion cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-vic20: Emulated the VIC-1210 3K RAM Expansion cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-vic20: Emulated the VIC-1111 16K RAM Expansion cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-vic20: Emulated the VIC-1211A Super Expander with 3K RAM cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-vic20: Emulated the VIC-1010 Expansion Module. You can now connect up to 6
 cartridges using this expander. (e.g. mess vic20p -exp exp -exp:exp:slot1 ieee488
 -exp:exp:slot2 8k -exp:exp:slot3 8k -exp:exp:slot4 8k) [Curt Coder]
-lynx: timer changes (fixes a palette change bug in viking child) [Huygens]
 xor sprites check if collision processing is enabled (fixes todd's adventures intro flicker and xenophobe)
 added rendering to a secondary bitmap to fix tearing (there's probably a better way to do this)

Software Lists:
-tiki100.xml: Added software list. [Curt Coder]
-a2600.xml: added a couple of dumps and region compatibility. [Kaylee]

Source Changes:
-i386: Various improvements of cpu core, mostly protected mode related [Carl,Barry Rodewald]
-SoundBlaster: added DMA timer for more realistic IRQ acks, added 0xD0 stop DMA command,
 cleaned up DRQ semantics. [R. Belmont]
-floppy: Do specific UI handling [O. Galibert]
-ppu2c0x: converted NES PPU to be a modern device. [Fabio Priuli]
-m68fpu: Accept some more variants of fsave/frestore [O. Galibert]
-flopimg.h: docbookified documentation [balrog]
-floppy: libertarian relicensing [O. Galibert]
-m4510: initialize the input callback too [O. Galibert]

Titel: MAME 0.145
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2012, 06:00
Happy 15th Anniversary!  Over its 15 years of existence since MAME
0.01 was released for MS-DOS with an initial library of 5 sets, MAME
has grown exponentially to the point that no one thought we would be,
boasting 18,650 different sets and operable on more OS platforms than
thought possible.  While video-based arcade games were the original
targets for MAME, the scope of the project has grown to include
documentation of virtually all coin-operated amusement devices
including gambling (video/slots), coin droppers, pinball machines and
more.  Through the efforts of the literally thousands of developers,
players and others who have provided assistance and feedback over the
project's history, we would like to thank all of them that made this

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04455: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in cliffhgr.c: Crash/assert and
         graphic issues (Aaron Giles)
- 04644: [Core] Tilemap viewer always broken / displays in shades of
         Blue (Aaron Giles)
- 04607: [Graphics] All sets in cliffhgr.c: Video playback is faulty -
         screen flashes (Aaron Giles)
- 04656: [Misc.] Various Sets: "Timer Error" shows before start of
         game each time, showing odd time during setting (Angelo
- 04661: [Crash/Freeze] calchase: Assert while doing initial memory
         test (Carl)
- 04622: [Crash/Freeze] anmlbskt: Crash before OK (R. Belmont)
- 04636: [Crash/Freeze] mquake: [debug] Exception after OK
         (R. Belmont)
- 04654: [Timing] All sets in stv.c: All sets do not start or play
         correctly (Timing, Auto Credit, Sound) (R. Belmont)
- 04650: [Documentation] m1coro11n, m1coro11np, m1coro12n, m1coro12np,
         m1coro21n, m1coro21np, m1coro22n, m1coro31p, m1coro32n,
m1coro32np: Game descriptions contain a TAB character.
- 04648: [Graphics] All sets in btime.c: Misplaced graphics for player
         2 in cocktail mode (hap)
- 04635: [Graphics] terrafb, terrafjb: [debug] Graphics corruption on
         both sides of the screen (David Haywood)
- 04632: [Crash/Freeze] oldsplus: [debug] Assert before OK (David
- 04626: [DIP/Input] ddragon2 and clones: Wrong dipswitch settings -
         default settings
- 04647: [DIP/Input] cabal and all clones: "Bonus Lives" settings are
         wrong (stephh)
- 04628: [Crash/Freeze] agress, agressb: Black screen (R. Belmont)
- 03444: [Debugger] Registered ram blocks registered with save state
         cannot be viewed with debugger (R. Belmont)

Source Changes
Fixed disassembly of far jump instructions in the u'nSP core [trap15]

Correct loading for dragngun video data, identified as standard DVI
data [David Haywood]

Slight fix to the way captaven rasters were handled [David Haywood]

Added proper widescreen layout on Super Chase [David Haywood]

Improved inputs in Tourvision driver [Stephh]

Added sprites wrap-around in Donkey Kong HW, seen in DK3 when clearing
stage 1 [hap]

chd: Fix error where FLAC was encoding 4 times too much data (samples
vs. bytes) [David Haywood]

Converted Boogie Wings to generic sprite device plus added manual
mixing. Converted various bootleg implementations of the chip to use
the common code as well. (tumbleb.c, esd16.c, crospang.c, nmg5.c)
[David Haywood]

Implemented preliminary support for Trident SVGA cards, fixes graphics
in California Chase loading screen [Grull Osgo, Angelo Salese]

Hooked up inputs and sound in california chase, game is now more or
less working without steer inputs and still needs the user to launch
boot.exe first from MS-DOS prompt. [Grull Osgo, Angelo Salese]

Various wav/flac sample changes: [David Haywood]
 * Remove hardcoded ".wav" sample extensions from within drivers
 * Update samples.c to check for both .flac and .wav extensions when
    loading a sample
 * Made sample loading failure a bit more verbose (various zips
    contained 0 byte samples, I assume to keep clrmame happy or
 * Fixed memory allocation with 8-bit flac samples
Act Fancer: fixed background tilemap size, corrects level boss bg
(partial fix for MT #4585) [David Haywood]

RDP optimizations and memory system shunting in N64 driver; relative
speedup of 1.4x to 1.5x [MooglyGuy]

Truco Tron reverse engineering [Roberto Fresca]
 * Identified and added EF6821P PIA for I/O.
 * Identified and added the CRTC as HD/UM6845.
 * Identified a Maxim MAX691 and hooked watchdog/reset functions based
    on the PIA line where is tied. Also hooked others minor related
 * Identified a Darlington Array ULN2003.
 * Added correct clocks for main crystal, CPU and CRTC through
 * Improved inputs/jumpers with PCB traces.
 * Added technical notes.

Model 1: add skeleton device for Z80 version of the MPEG sound board.
No playback, just running the Z80. [R. Belmont]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Street Games II [Angelo Salese, Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga (Spank'em!)
  [R. Mucciarelli, pongplaya, ranger_lennier, Kevin Eshbach, gamerfan,
   M. Ponweiser, emuLOAD, R. Gatzke, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union,
   Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

New clones added
Warriors of Fate ('sgyxz' bootleg) (not working) [angelosa]
Print Club 2 Felix The Cat (Rev. A)
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club 2 '98 Spring Ver
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Hyperspace (bootleg of Asteroids) [Byte Surfer]
Tekken Tag Tournament (Asia, TEG2/VER.C1, set 1)
  [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
X-Men (4 Players ver ADA) [Bonky0013]
Print Club Goukakenran (J 991104 V1.000)
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club Olive (J 980717 V1.000)
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club 2 '98 Autumn Ver (J 980827 V1.000)
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club Kome Kome Club (J 970203 V1.000)
  [f205v, ranger_lennier, dopefishjustin, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ultimate Arctic Thunder [gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Dumped HDD for Photo Play 2000 v2.01 [Team Europe]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Dungeon Explorer (Tourvision PCE bootleg)
  [Charles McDonald, Clawgrip, AUMAP]
Unknown BMC Poker Game
Gone Fishing 2
Chess Challenge 2 [SoftwareThis]
EZ Touch [XingXing]
Sega Shooting Zone
Bounty Hunter [Gatinho]

Titel: FCEUX V2.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2012, 12:51
FCEUX (formerly known as FCE Ultra) is a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and Famicom (Family Computer) emulator for a variety of different platforms, based on Bero's FCE. Note that to actually play any game with FCEUX you will need ROM images in one of the supported formats.

License: Freeware/Open Source

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.145u7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2012, 12:56

New System Drivers Supported:

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
-SAPI 2 [Robbbert]
-Pyldin 601 [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
- Powertran Cortex [Robbbert,Kaylee]

System Driver Changes:
-apple2: CFFA2000 now has savable settings EEPROM, plus default settings
 patched to enable two drives [R. Belmont]
-apple2: Thunderclock Plus card added [R. Belmont]
-apollo: add alternate layouts for a better experience on XGA (1024x768)
 and WXGA (1280x800) displays. [Hans Ostermeyer]
-apple2: Added Microsoft SoftCard.  Works only on apple2 and apple2p for now,
 and only with Microsoft's CP/M boot disks. [R. Belmont]
-sms: Prevent a crash in sms1pal and some optimizations.  [Enik Land]
-c64: Added support for the Currah Speech 64 cartridge, pitch is not spot on yet. [Curt Coder]
-c64: Added support for the NeoRAM cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-c64: Added support for the Commodore CP/M cartridge. VICE Team, your move ;) [Curt Coder, R. Belmont]
-adam: Improved the cassette emulation:
- added ddp tape image support
- edited cassette.c to allow speed / direction / channel selection
- changed cassimg.c so multichannel tapes work [huygens]
-c64: Added support for the 4040+Fast Hack'em cartridge. [Curt Coder]
-mk83: fixed video, computer responds to commands. [Robbbert]
-sapi: SAPI1 - modernised. SAPI2 connected to ascii keyboard, works.
 Sapi3 connected to terminal. Needs a boot disk & fdc.  [Robbbert]
-apple2: Added Videx VideoTerm card emulation for slot 3 on II/II+ [R. Belmont]
-apple2: cards that don't take over c800 now don't have to.
 Fixes SoftCard compatibility with VideoTerm and IIe - CP/M now
 runs in 80 columns in those setups. [R. Belmont]
-apple2gs: writes to card CnXX and C800 space now honored.
 CFFA2 settings changes work. [R. Belmont]
-apple2: Fixed reset bit for Mockingboard/Phasor.  Fixes stuck sounds
 in Mockingboard and Phasor utility programs. [R. Belmont]
-apple2: Enabled AE Phasor, it works pretty well now [R. Belmont]
-apple2: Added Super Serial Card.  Not terribly useful at present,
 but should get interesting in the future. [R. Belmont]
-apple2: added /INH support to the slots for the D000-FFFF region and
 added IAI SwyftCard support.  (It must go in slot 3 of a IIe!)

Software Lists:
- pico.xml: added new Japanese dumps [Team Europe]

Source Changes:
-3c505: Switched to using core device_network_interface [Hans Ostermeyer]
-Add multiread support (behind a define for now pending heuristics) to the
 dfi import support. Fix some inaccuracies regarding index decode position in dfi files. [Lord Nightmare]
-Modern apple 2 disk decoder for 16-sector disk images implemented using Olivier's
 new system for floptool. Only supports importing from .dfi 50mhz multi-read x3
 images at the moment. [Lord Nightmare, Balrog, Jason Scott, Karsten Scheibler]
-fix dsk export from floptool so it can work with just one .dfi read instead of
 needing 3 reads. Tested at 50mhz sampling rate only. [Lord Nightmare]
-More work on dfi and apple2 modern disk stuff; most of the auto speed recognition
 stuff is in the dfi handler now but the actual data scaling to match the internal
 mfi 200mhz sample rate stream is not done yet. There are also some likely issues
 with beginnings and ends of index pulses. Brickwall windowing has been implemented
 for dfi for regeneration of missed transitions from marginal reads as well as discarding of noise.
 A histogram has been added (disabled by default) for dfi format as well.
 [Lord Nightmare, Phil Pemberton, Balrog]
-Some additional tweaks to ap2 and dfi stuff; disabled the horribly broken load()
 code in ap2_dsk. [Lord Nightmare, Balrog]
-ap2_dsk.c: beginnings of 13-sector format support. gives a warning if you try to read one so far.
-dfi_dsk.c: fix a bug involving offsets read from source file per track which caused an
 occasional 0xFF byte to end up in the stream (reading off end of file buffer) [Lord Nightmare]
-ap2_dsk now produces valid, runnable ProDOS-order .po disk images. [Lord Nightmare, adtpro]

Titel: MAME 0.146s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2012, 13:15


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04773: [Crash/Freeze] (midyunit.c) mkyawdim, mkyawdim2: Crash before OK
  (Fabio Priuli)
- 04847: [Interface] -video ddraw with 16-bit desktop causes crash
- 00501: [Crash/Freeze] (liberate.c) liberatr: Select any wave above
  16 (19 or 22) and the game resets on the planet screen. (couriersud)
- 04834: [Graphics] All sets in batman.c, relief.c, shuuz.c,
  thunderj.c: Missing or misplaced graphic elements (hap)
- 04843: [Crash/Freeze] feversoc: Black Screen (David Haywood)
- 04840: [Crash/Freeze] (xmen.c) xmen6p, xmen6pu: Crash after OK (hap)
- 04492: [Sound] (missile.c) missile, missile1, missile2: Imperfect
  sound played for UFO and bomber attack. (couriersud)
- 04822: [Crash/Freeze] (cdi.c) All sets in cdi.c: Crash after OK (micko)
- 04835: [Graphics] (gsword.c) gsword, gsword2, josvolly: Graphics
  and palette corruption (hap)
- 04829: [Save/Restore] (astrocde.c) gorf, gorfpgm1, gorfpgm1g:
  Intermittent failure of autosave state function in gorf sets (hap)
- 04789: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) avspirit, monkelf: Missing sprites (hap)
- 04805: [DIP/Input] (seta.c) blandia, blandiap: Dip Default "Coin Mode 1"
  now triggers freeplay (micko)
- 04804: [Crash/Freeze] (simpl156.c) candance, chainrec, charlien,
  joemacr, joemacra, magdrop, magdropp, osman: Black Screen/Hang
  (w/noted slowdown) (micko)
- 04823: [Gameplay] (dgpix.c) fmaniac3: game shows only white screen
  after title (micko)
- 04807: [Crash/Freeze] (copsnrob.c) copsnrob: Hang/Freeze at boot (micko)
- 04833: [Sound] (labyrunr.c) tricktrp & clones: music is too fast (hap)
- 04828: [Documentation] (bfm_sc4.c) sc4crgc and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2003'.
- 04827: [Documentation] (bfm_sc5.c) sc5dmine and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2002'.
- 04776: [Crash/Freeze] (raiden2.c) xsedae: Crash after OK (hap)
- 04826: [DIP/Input] (alpha68k.c) gangwars, goldmedl, skyadvnt, skysoldr,
  timesold and it's clones: starting button for P1 is always on, you
  cannot use P1 inputs (hap)
- 01631: [Crash/Freeze] (superqix.c) sqixb2, perestro, perestrof: game
  resets after starting game (hap)
- 04824: [Documentation] (cps2.c) xmvsfu1d: In-Game selftest fails on
  program rom 3 & 4
- 04817: [Graphics] (batman.c) batman: missing, corrupted graphics (hap)
- 04815: [Documentation] (bfm_sc5.c) sc5crnjw and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2004'.
- 04813: [Documentation] (arcadia.c) ar_airh ar_airh2: Missing
  relationship (clone of...) between sets
- 04586: [DIP/Input] (gunbustr.c) gunbustr and clones: You cannot
  insert coin (hap)
- 04588: [Sound] (gunbustr.c) gunbustr and clones: No Sound (hap)
- 04738: [Graphics] (playch10.c) pc_mman3, pc_ngai2, pc_ngai3, pc_pwbld,
  pc_radr2: Graphics are messed up
- 04809: [Crash/Freeze] (redclash.c) All sets in redclash.c: Hang on Boot (hap)
- 04808: [DIP/Input] (exprraid.c) All sets in exprraid.c: Hang after coining up (hap)
- 04806: [Crash/Freeze] (ladybug.c) All sets in ladybug.c (except sraider):
  Hang/Freeze at boot (hap)
- 04810: [Crash/Freeze] (aleck64.c) 11beat, hipai, mtetrisc, srmvs, starsldr,
  twrshaft, vivdolls: Crash after OK (micko)

Source Changes
Don't optimize tms57002 on OS X PowerPC builds [Couriersud]

galspnbl.c: Add in missing button to Gals Pinball & Hot Pinball along
with misc documentation. [Brian Troha]

spbactn.c: Adjusted clock speeds based on OSCs actually on the PCB.
Added missing button and labeled buttons. Added dipswitch locations
and misc documentation. [Brian Troha]

Added NMI sound ACK mechanism to tecmo.c driver [Angelo Salese]

Misc documentation updates and typo fixes for neogeo.xml as well as
updates and a cleanup of neodrvr.c [Johnboy]

Fixed ffightj2 ROMs labels and locations, added pcb infos to
video\cps1.c [Team CPS-1]

Fixed mapping for mmatrixd (cps2) to allow in-game region switch to
work and renamed to a US set due to rom labels.  Replaced Phoenix Set
xmvsfu1d (cps2) bad dumps with others which pass in-game rom tests.
[Barry Harris]

timeplt.c: Added inputs to chkun and bikkuric, making them playable.

Corrected some off by one errors in DM01 dot matrix emulation, while
making it a bit more generic.  Ultimately, it will plug into Scorpion
2 and 4 hardware. [James Wallace]

preliminary Toshiba TC8830F emulation [hap]

i8251: "reset" bit is only documented to revert to looking for a mode
byte, not reset the entire chip. [R. Belmont]

Preliminary Z8001 support [Christian Groessler]

Initial work in preparation for some modernization on the whole
megadriv.c file, starting with better splitting of actual drivers
(megadriv.c, megacd.c, mega32x.c, megasvp.c and megavdp.c).
[David Haywood]

More Z8001 work, M20 now passes memory test [Christian Gr�ssler]

Fix for i286 preventing error 104 on ibm5170 [Carl]

Added PPC405GP to PPC cpu core [Lukasz Markowski]

Added custom DCR read/write handlers to PPC cpu core
[Miodrag Milanovic]

gei.c: Refactored Trivia rom questions. Added misc documentation.
Added DSW locations to several sets. [Brian Troha]

This is phase 2 of the DMD changes, creating a new '5 dot' element to
make it more like the actual DM01 (which uses 5 by 7 blocks, but wires
them up row wise to a buffer, giving an unusual '65 dot row')
[James Wallace].

Z8001: Fix inb/outb @rX form.  M20 PPI test now passes. [R. Belmont]

Correct labels for bcruzm12 and replaced overdumped rom from butasan
based on pcb pictures and observation  [bonky0013, Tafoid]

Updating MAME drivers to use modern i8255 implementation instead of
the legacy one [Fabio Priuli]

z800x: Support for disassembly of Z8001 instructions
[Christian Gr�ssler]

segas16b.c: Corrected the rom labels for the Japanese Cotton set and
added the Sega ID# for the rom board. [Tormod, The Dumping Union]

Small Konami update: [Mamesick]
 * aliens.c : reverted wrong changes applied in 0.145u8.
 * crimfght.c : reverted wrong changes applied in 0.145u8.
 * vendetta.c : small cosmetic changes plus PCB components verified.

Z8001 has 16-bit wide I/O ports [R. Belmont, Christian Gr�ssler]

68681: Timers start immediately; unlike counters they don't wait for a
start command. [R. Belmont]

Finally done the last part of the dotmatrix changes, which is to
create a dot by dot display mode. This makes the BFMDM01 emulation far
more straightforward, and should mean that anyone wanting a matrix can
call some combination of functions and make it work.  [James Wallace]

info.c: added screen tags to xml output, so that it is possible to
easily identify which screens depend on optional devices (mostly of
use in MESS, for its slot options, but eventually handy for PC-based
arcades too) [Fabio Priuli]

Improved sound emulation in for pokey chip. Changed audio emulation to
emulate borrow 3 clock delay and proper channel reset. New frequency
only becomes effective after the counter hits 0. Emulation also treats
counters as 8 bit counters which are linked now instead of monolytic
16 bit counters. [Couriersud]

i386: IRET/Virtual 8086 mode fixes [Carl]

Added the alternative bios found on Gachagachamp, it appears to just
be recompiled. [smf]

Added the 700B01 bios, only the CRC is known. [smf]

Stop the elephant stage on Handle Champ from crashing, though other
graphics issues remain. [smf]

New Mega-Tech BIOS added. [El Barto]

Fix regression on POKEY device introduced in last commit. Fixed high
pass filters for POKEY. Added POKEYN device based on modern device.
Migrated bzone, ccastles and missile to use this device. [Couriersud]

Fixed random lfsr generation in pokey.c. This fixes MT00501 while
tempest is still starting up. [Couriersud]

Convert all remaining drivers to use the modern pokey device.

Emulated the protection(s) in lhzb2a, making it playable [Luca Elia]

mc68681: Fixed generation of spurious interrupts, and provide
ASSERT/CLEAR states to the IRQ callback. [R. Belmont]

i386: another small vm86 fix [Carl]

Added I/O board ROM dump for Ninja Assault
[Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Chance 32 driver improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
* Inputs from the scratch.
* Completely demuxed the output lines.
* Added lamps support.
* Added a nice button-lamps layout.
* Found and added the FEVER! lamp.
* Fixed the Oki6295 and CRTC 6845 clocks.
* Corrected the refresh rate to 52.786 Hz (similar to Major Poker).
* Hooked the vblank input line.
* Figured out the following DIP switches:
    Auto Max Bet, Flip Screen, Maximum Bet,
    Auto Hold, Double-Up Type, Remote Credits,
    Bet Limit, and Coinage Multiplier.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Chance Thirty Two [Roberto Fresca]
Chance Kun [hap]
Bikkuri Card [hap]
DS Telejan (DECO Cassette) [Guru, Charles MacDonald]
Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ (GQ876 VER. EAA) [smf, Guru, Thorsten]
Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ (GQ876 VER. AAA) [smf, any]
Handle Champ (GQ710 VER. JAA)
  [smf, Yasuhiro, Tormod, Paratach, M. Healey, Dr. Spankenstein, f205v,
   T. Bailey, Mr. CAST, J. Finney, M. David, anonymous, Pernod, hap,
   gatt9, redk9258, L. Genier, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Mahjong Long Hu Zheng Ba 2 (VS221M) [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, bnathan]

New clones added
Hamburger (DECO Cassette, Japan)
  [Charles MacDonald, Dr. Spankenstein, Kevin Eshbach, T. Huff, SteveS,
   E. Page-Hanify, Hikari, ArcadeDude, F. Bukor, N. Francfort, jmurjr,
   arcade-history.com, ThumB, Hurray Banana, Paratech, Xiaou2, Cornishdavey,
   A. Costin, M. Ponweiser, Tormod, Rambo, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union,
   Team Japump!!!]
Pro Golf (DECO Cassette) (set 2) [Guru, Charles MacDonald]
Super Poker (Version 10.10) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ms. Pac-Man II (bootleg) [Jim Skilskyj, MisfitMAME]
Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, MisfitMAME]
Tecmo Bowl (World, prototype?)
  [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Zero Team 2000 [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
OutRunners (Japan) [ShouTime]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Touryuumon [Yohji, Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.146
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2012, 19:41

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04773: [Crash/Freeze] (midyunit.c) mkyawdim, mkyawdim2: Crash before OK
  (Fabio Priuli)
- 04847: [Interface] -video ddraw with 16-bit desktop causes crash
- 00501: [Crash/Freeze] (liberate.c) liberatr: Select any wave above
  16 (19 or 22) and the game resets on the planet screen. (couriersud)
- 04834: [Graphics] All sets in batman.c, relief.c, shuuz.c,
  thunderj.c: Missing or misplaced graphic elements (hap)
- 04843: [Crash/Freeze] feversoc: Black Screen (David Haywood)
- 04840: [Crash/Freeze] (xmen.c) xmen6p, xmen6pu: Crash after OK (hap)
- 04492: [Sound] (missile.c) missile, missile1, missile2: Imperfect
  sound played for UFO and bomber attack. (couriersud)
- 04822: [Crash/Freeze] (cdi.c) All sets in cdi.c: Crash after OK (micko)
- 04835: [Graphics] (gsword.c) gsword, gsword2, josvolly: Graphics
  and palette corruption (hap)
- 04829: [Save/Restore] (astrocde.c) gorf, gorfpgm1, gorfpgm1g:
  Intermittent failure of autosave state function in gorf sets (hap)
- 04789: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) avspirit, monkelf: Missing sprites (hap)
- 04805: [DIP/Input] (seta.c) blandia, blandiap: Dip Default "Coin Mode 1"
  now triggers freeplay (micko)
- 04804: [Crash/Freeze] (simpl156.c) candance, chainrec, charlien,
  joemacr, joemacra, magdrop, magdropp, osman: Black Screen/Hang
  (w/noted slowdown) (micko)
- 04823: [Gameplay] (dgpix.c) fmaniac3: game shows only white screen
  after title (micko)
- 04807: [Crash/Freeze] (copsnrob.c) copsnrob: Hang/Freeze at boot (micko)
- 04833: [Sound] (labyrunr.c) tricktrp & clones: music is too fast (hap)
- 04828: [Documentation] (bfm_sc4.c) sc4crgc and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2003'.
- 04827: [Documentation] (bfm_sc5.c) sc5dmine and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2002'.
- 04776: [Crash/Freeze] (raiden2.c) xsedae: Crash after OK (hap)
- 04826: [DIP/Input] (alpha68k.c) gangwars, goldmedl, skyadvnt, skysoldr,
  timesold and it's clones: starting button for P1 is always on, you
  cannot use P1 inputs (hap)
- 01631: [Crash/Freeze] (superqix.c) sqixb2, perestro, perestrof: game
  resets after starting game (hap)
- 04824: [Documentation] (cps2.c) xmvsfu1d: In-Game selftest fails on
  program rom 3 & 4
- 04817: [Graphics] (batman.c) batman: missing, corrupted graphics (hap)
- 04815: [Documentation] (bfm_sc5.c) sc5crnjw and clones: The correct
  year of production is '2004'.
- 04813: [Documentation] (arcadia.c) ar_airh ar_airh2: Missing
  relationship (clone of...) between sets
- 04586: [DIP/Input] (gunbustr.c) gunbustr and clones: You cannot
  insert coin (hap)
- 04588: [Sound] (gunbustr.c) gunbustr and clones: No Sound (hap)
- 04738: [Graphics] (playch10.c) pc_mman3, pc_ngai2, pc_ngai3, pc_pwbld,
  pc_radr2: Graphics are messed up
- 04809: [Crash/Freeze] (redclash.c) All sets in redclash.c: Hang on Boot (hap)
- 04808: [DIP/Input] (exprraid.c) All sets in exprraid.c: Hang after coining up (hap)
- 04806: [Crash/Freeze] (ladybug.c) All sets in ladybug.c (except sraider):
  Hang/Freeze at boot (hap)
- 04810: [Crash/Freeze] (aleck64.c) 11beat, hipai, mtetrisc, srmvs, starsldr,
  twrshaft, vivdolls: Crash after OK (micko)

Source Changes
Don't optimize tms57002 on OS X PowerPC builds [Couriersud]

galspnbl.c: Add in missing button to Gals Pinball & Hot Pinball along
with misc documentation. [Brian Troha]

spbactn.c: Adjusted clock speeds based on OSCs actually on the PCB.
Added missing button and labeled buttons. Added dipswitch locations
and misc documentation. [Brian Troha]

Added NMI sound ACK mechanism to tecmo.c driver [Angelo Salese]

Misc documentation updates and typo fixes for neogeo.xml as well as
updates and a cleanup of neodrvr.c [Johnboy]

Fixed ffightj2 ROMs labels and locations, added pcb infos to
video\cps1.c [Team CPS-1]

Fixed mapping for mmatrixd (cps2) to allow in-game region switch to
work and renamed to a US set due to rom labels.  Replaced Phoenix Set
xmvsfu1d (cps2) bad dumps with others which pass in-game rom tests.
[Barry Harris]

timeplt.c: Added inputs to chkun and bikkuric, making them playable.

Corrected some off by one errors in DM01 dot matrix emulation, while
making it a bit more generic.  Ultimately, it will plug into Scorpion
2 and 4 hardware. [James Wallace]

preliminary Toshiba TC8830F emulation [hap]

i8251: "reset" bit is only documented to revert to looking for a mode
byte, not reset the entire chip. [R. Belmont]

Preliminary Z8001 support [Christian Groessler]

Initial work in preparation for some modernization on the whole
megadriv.c file, starting with better splitting of actual drivers
(megadriv.c, megacd.c, mega32x.c, megasvp.c and megavdp.c).
[David Haywood]

More Z8001 work, M20 now passes memory test [Christian Grössler]

Fix for i286 preventing error 104 on ibm5170 [Carl]

Added PPC405GP to PPC cpu core [Lukasz Markowski]

Added custom DCR read/write handlers to PPC cpu core
[Miodrag Milanovic]

gei.c: Refactored Trivia rom questions. Added misc documentation.
Added DSW locations to several sets. [Brian Troha]

This is phase 2 of the DMD changes, creating a new '5 dot' element to
make it more like the actual DM01 (which uses 5 by 7 blocks, but wires
them up row wise to a buffer, giving an unusual '65 dot row')
[James Wallace].

Z8001: Fix inb/outb @rX form.  M20 PPI test now passes. [R. Belmont]

Correct labels for bcruzm12 and replaced overdumped rom from butasan
based on pcb pictures and observation  [bonky0013, Tafoid]

Updating MAME drivers to use modern i8255 implementation instead of
the legacy one [Fabio Priuli]

z800x: Support for disassembly of Z8001 instructions
[Christian Grössler]

segas16b.c: Corrected the rom labels for the Japanese Cotton set and
added the Sega ID# for the rom board. [Tormod, The Dumping Union]

Small Konami update: [Mamesick]
 * aliens.c : reverted wrong changes applied in 0.145u8.
 * crimfght.c : reverted wrong changes applied in 0.145u8.
 * vendetta.c : small cosmetic changes plus PCB components verified.

Z8001 has 16-bit wide I/O ports [R. Belmont, Christian Grössler]

68681: Timers start immediately; unlike counters they don't wait for a
start command. [R. Belmont]

Finally done the last part of the dotmatrix changes, which is to
create a dot by dot display mode. This makes the BFMDM01 emulation far
more straightforward, and should mean that anyone wanting a matrix can
call some combination of functions and make it work.  [James Wallace]

info.c: added screen tags to xml output, so that it is possible to
easily identify which screens depend on optional devices (mostly of
use in MESS, for its slot options, but eventually handy for PC-based
arcades too) [Fabio Priuli]

Improved sound emulation in for pokey chip. Changed audio emulation to
emulate borrow 3 clock delay and proper channel reset. New frequency
only becomes effective after the counter hits 0. Emulation also treats
counters as 8 bit counters which are linked now instead of monolytic
16 bit counters. [Couriersud]

i386: IRET/Virtual 8086 mode fixes [Carl]

Added the alternative bios found on Gachagachamp, it appears to just
be recompiled. [smf]

Added the 700B01 bios, only the CRC is known. [smf]

Stop the elephant stage on Handle Champ from crashing, though other
graphics issues remain. [smf]

New Mega-Tech BIOS added. [El Barto]

Fix regression on POKEY device introduced in last commit. Fixed high
pass filters for POKEY. Added POKEYN device based on modern device.
Migrated bzone, ccastles and missile to use this device. [Couriersud]

Fixed random lfsr generation in pokey.c. This fixes MT00501 while
tempest is still starting up. [Couriersud]

Convert all remaining drivers to use the modern pokey device.

Emulated the protection(s) in lhzb2a, making it playable [Luca Elia]

mc68681: Fixed generation of spurious interrupts, and provide
ASSERT/CLEAR states to the IRQ callback. [R. Belmont]

i386: another small vm86 fix [Carl]

Added I/O board ROM dump for Ninja Assault
[Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Chance 32 driver improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
* Inputs from the scratch.
* Completely demuxed the output lines.
* Added lamps support.
* Added a nice button-lamps layout.
* Found and added the FEVER! lamp.
* Fixed the Oki6295 and CRTC 6845 clocks.
* Corrected the refresh rate to 52.786 Hz (similar to Major Poker).
* Hooked the vblank input line.
* Figured out the following DIP switches:
    Auto Max Bet, Flip Screen, Maximum Bet,
    Auto Hold, Double-Up Type, Remote Credits,
    Bet Limit, and Coinage Multiplier.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Chance Thirty Two [Roberto Fresca]
Chance Kun [hap]
Bikkuri Card [hap]
DS Telejan (DECO Cassette) [Guru, Charles MacDonald]
Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ (GQ876 VER. EAA) [smf, Guru, Thorsten]
Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ (GQ876 VER. AAA) [smf, any]
Handle Champ (GQ710 VER. JAA)
  [smf, Yasuhiro, Tormod, Paratach, M. Healey, Dr. Spankenstein, f205v,
   T. Bailey, Mr. CAST, J. Finney, M. David, anonymous, Pernod, hap,
   gatt9, redk9258, L. Genier, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Mahjong Long Hu Zheng Ba 2 (VS221M) [Luca Elia, Guru, Dyq, bnathan]

New clones added
Hamburger (DECO Cassette, Japan)
  [Charles MacDonald, Dr. Spankenstein, Kevin Eshbach, T. Huff, SteveS,
   E. Page-Hanify, Hikari, ArcadeDude, F. Bukor, N. Francfort, jmurjr,
   arcade-history.com, ThumB, Hurray Banana, Paratech, Xiaou2, Cornishdavey,
   A. Costin, M. Ponweiser, Tormod, Rambo, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union,
   Team Japump!!!]
Pro Golf (DECO Cassette) (set 2) [Guru, Charles MacDonald]
Super Poker (Version 10.10) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ms. Pac-Man II (bootleg) [Jim Skilskyj, MisfitMAME]
Ms. Pac-Man II (Orca bootleg set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, MisfitMAME]
Tecmo Bowl (World, prototype?)
  [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Zero Team 2000 [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
OutRunners (Japan) [ShouTime]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Touryuumon [Yohji, Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2012, 11:00
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.

Latest Changes

- Misc: reset profile to not scanned in case scan was skipped
- Misc: changed the error message for .7z files which aren't 7z archives
- Misc: made the three settings/compressor/general options list archive files with comments, +rsh, double names global options. You need to reset them if you used them before
- Misc: download failure messages are shown in the warnings window instead of a prompt
- Misc: show file and rom names in progress dialog for rom uneeded check/rom if set is not compressed
- Misc: general speed up for fix-missing decompressed files
- Added: CMPro_TempFolder and CMPro_TempFolder_Clean settings to cmpro.ini to let you select the cmpro folder and optionally clean it on startup. Default value is the cmpro temp folder and data gets initially removed. You need to start/quit cmpro once to se
- Added: logging warnings window entries to cmpro.log (cleared on startup)
- Added: set information boxes to include devices and/or bios automatically
- Fixed: chdman verify check fails for rompaths with spaces
- Fixed: newly created exe profiles can falsely takeover system default settings from loaded profile
- Fixed: chdversion check for merged sets can hide the result
- Fixed: xml parser failure when hitting an ending and starting xml comment in one line
- Fixed: falsely show full set as missing in case of removing unneeded files from decompressed sets


Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.146u3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2012, 17:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04926: [Speed] (pce.c) tg16, pce: Slowdown when playing CD based games (Angelo Salese)

New System Drivers Supported:

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

System Driver Changes:
-dmv: Added keyboard mcu rom content [rfka01]

-intellivision: update comments and fix rom locations on intv1
 hardware. Note the intv1 exec.bin still needs to be split to the two
 separate roms that the real hardware used. [Lord Nightmare]

-intellivision: enabled the c000-cfff area for cart rom access; while
 no commercial carts used this afaik, at least one homebrew cart does
 and won't work without it. (actually this was in the previous commit
 by accident) Corrected the manufacturer/name of the Sears Super Video
 Arcade. [Lord Nightmare]

-thomson: Performance improvements and bug-fixes: more efficient bank
 switching, fixed video update (Mach 3, Sparce Racer, HCL), fixed game
 PIA port B, fixed side-effect in debugger, fixed MO6 cassette.
 [Fabrice Bellet]

-vidbrain: Improved video timings and correct CPU clock.
 [Kurt Woloch, Sean Riddle, Curt Coder]

-ep804/digel804: a lot of documentation updates, fixed location of roms
 to match schematics; documented the ram expansion pinout.
 [Lord Nightmare, balrog]

-sc3000: Added support for the SC-3000 Survivors *.bit cassette file
 format. [Curt Coder, SC-3000 Survivor]

-vip: Added byte I/O and expansion slot interfaces. [Curt Coder]

-sc3000: Moved the fake BIOS to cartridge software list. SC-3000 does
 not have an internal BIOS, instead a BASIC or other cartridge needs to
 be plugged in manually. E.g. "mess sc3000 basic3" [Curt Coder]

-vip: Connected the byte I/O and expansion ports. Refactored the
 VP550, VP590, and VP595 to implement the expansion slot interface.
 [Curt Coder]

-vip: Added beeper on/off switch, and VP585 board. [Curt Coder]

-ti99: gromport redesigned, now offering three slot options "single"
 (default) / "multi" / "gkracker" determining the set of cartridge
 slots (cart or cart1/2/3/4). Cartridge insertion may be set to trigger
 RESET or not. TI consoles now have a dedicated RESET line, connected
 to the RESET input of the CPU and VDP. [Michael Zapf]

-DEC VK100/GIGI documentation update; document two missing proms,
 correct (I hope) IC locations (until we can get schematics) using the
 DEC system of counting from the top right corner downward and shifting
 one column to the left at the end, and documented the (sometimes
 barely/illegible) markings on the proms.
 [Lord Nightmare, Andy Valencia, Guru]

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2012, 18:40
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.

Latest Changes

- Added: chdman settings option to ignore warning for BADDUMP chds
- Added: rebuilder advanced option to list matched chds (so that's a first step towards chds rebuilding)
- Misc: dummy clones/fake clone (100% identical sets) detection now takes chds into account
- Misc: show prompt for fixing wrong sysdefpath issues
- Misc: ignoring chds in matchgame function for some speedup here and there
- Misc: updated rar dll
- Fixed: crash when using setinformation->show enabled
- Fixed: create rompaths for sysdefpaths can rarely create an empty path which will then be "current path"
- Fixed: wrong sysdefpath issue output was sometimes missing when chds and roms didn't share the same path
- Fixed: sysdefpath auto-rompath creation didn't ask for standard/mechanical/devices


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.07a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2012, 19:40
Latest Changes

- Fixed: wrong sysdefpath prompt reappears even if you press yes-to-all
- Fixed: wrong sysdefpath is listed in scan results tree even if it was fixed

Titel: MAME 0.147s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2012, 15:30

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04323: mjflove, rongrongg, rongrongj: [debug] Crash
  after exit (Phil Bennett)
- 05001: [Crash/Freeze] (bfm_sc4.c) Many sets in bfm_sc4.c:
  [debug] Assert after OK (Phil Bennett)
- 05000: [Crash/Freeze] (gcpinbal.c) gcpinbal: [debug] Crash
  before OK (Robbbert)
- 04998: [Crash/Freeze] All/Most sets in superchs.c, gunbustr.c,
  groundfx.c, galastrm.c, taitojc.c, undrfire.c, taito_f3.c,
  macrossp.c: [debug] assert: src/emu/attotime.h:146:
  frequency > 0 (Phil Bennett)
- 04999: [Crash/Freeze] (pong.c) All sets in pong.c:
  [debug] Crash after OK (couriersud)
- 04997: [Crash/Freeze] (namcos23.c) crszoneb: [debug]
  Crash before OK (Tafoid)
- 04060: [Crash/Freeze] (taitogn.c) All sets in taitogn.c:
  NVRAM written incorrectly - games never start. (hap)
- 04831: [Crash/Freeze] (galaga.c) All sets in galaga.c:
  [debug] Crash immedately after OK (debug) (s.ronco)
- 04994: [Crash/Freeze] (segas16b.c) tetrbx, shinfz,
  isgam : Black screen (Aaron Giles)
- 04978: [Sound] (scregg.c) dommy: Sound effects seem to
  be incomplete/missing (hap)
- 03398: [Graphics] (nss.c) nss_rob3: Unable to see enemies (Angelo Salese)

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2012, 21:20
Latest Changes

- Fixed: rename profiles (which are based on a xml dat) corrupts xml structure
- Fixed: fix missing doesn't look into parent set in rompaths in full merge mode it might oversee missing but fixable roms
- Misc: changed size of compressor settings window

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.09a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2012, 06:25
Latest Changes

misc:  take over a set bad dump chd status flag for all parent/clone instances of that chd

Titel: MAME 0.148s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2013, 14:15

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02662: [Sound] (8080bw.c) schaser: The "missile" sound
  is incorrect. (Robbbert)
- 05084: [Save/Restore] (fromanc2.c) fromanc2, fromancr: Freeze
  after reload (Phil Bennett)
- 05097: [Crash/Freeze] (fcrash.c) sf2mdt, sf2mdta: [debug]
  Crash after OK (Barry Harris)
- 04904: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (bublbobl.c) tokio and clones:
  Flip Screen offset down (Robbbert)
- 04903: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (bublbobl.c) bublbobl and clones:
  Flip Screen offset right (Robbbert)
- 04940: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (m72.c) airduel, imgfight:
  Background pushed 1/2 off right side when Flipped (Robbbert)
- 04938: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (m52.c) mpatrol, mpatrolm:
  Screen right offset and sprites with Flip Screen on (Robbbert)
- 05050: [Crash/Freeze] (mystwarr.c) gaiapols, mmaulers:
  Crashes to prompt after a few seconds. (R. Belmont)
- 05090: [Sound] (btime.c) sdtennis: No Sound (Phil Bennett)
- 05094: [Sound] (lasso.c) lasso, chameleo, wwjgtin:
  No sound (Phil Bennett)
- 01217: [Graphics] (decocass.c) csuperas: Playfield
  keeps shifting. (David Haywood)
- 01218: [Color/Palette] (decocass.c) csuperas: When I started a
  second game, the game colours went completely different
  to the 1st game. (David Haywood)
- 00422: [Graphics] (decocass.c) cfghtice: When you approach to
  goalkeeper, the play field suddenly flipped. (David Haywood)
- 05091: [Color/Palette] (mcr3.c) crater: Wrong colors (M.A.S.H.)
- 05087: [Crash/Freeze] (dambustr.c) dambustr: Game crashed if
  you hit something (hap)
- 05086: [DIP/Input] (vicdual.c) depthch: Input and sound
  doesn't work (hap)
- 05077: [Graphics] (missile.c) All playable sets in missile.c:
  Graphics corrupt in Missile Command (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
-6522via: Used core clock/attotime functions. [Curt Coder]

-mcs96: First (incomplete) stab at a core [O. Galibert]

-mcs96: divb reg,#nn fix [O. Galibert]

-mcs96: Fix V setting on divb [O. Galibert]

-mcs96: Add norml and the missing div variants [O. Galibert]

-Enabled multi-threading (-mt) by default on Windows. [Oliver Stöneberg]

-Crazy Otto history writeup and documentation.  [Steve Golson]

-Added preliminary emulation of the NCR 53C700 SCSI I/O processor
 [Phil Bennett]

-Even more comment updates to upd1771.c [Lord Nightmare]

-Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon: Added technical and general notes. Added a brief
 'how to play' and bookkeeping instructions. Hooked the YM2149 output
 ports and logged the writes for testing purposes. Defined any clock
 used. Cleaned up a bit the driver. [Roberto Fresca]

-pgm3in1 decryption [iq_132]

-Document Argus' game id as GV-101, derived from a tag on the wiring
 harness of one of the prototype machines, which had been converted to
 a prototype Q-bert later on at Gottlieb. [C. Anstett]

-m6809: Modernized the M6809 core. [MooglyGuy]

-ssem.c: Modernized the SSEM core. [MooglyGuy]

-Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon: Fix the Coin 1 jam, added 'Medal In' input,
 reworked DIP switches involved, and modified/added some notes about
 the behavior. [Roberto Fresca]

-Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon: Fixed YM2149 sound, fixed some memory map
 offsets, Added some port mirrors, and added/corrected some technical
 documentation. [Roberto Fresca, Charles MacDonald]

-esrip.c: Modernized Entertainment Sciences Real Time Image Processor
 (ESRIP) core. [MooglyGuy]

-segas16b.c: decrypted aliensyn7 sound rom [Charles MacDonald]

-Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon: Added hopper emulation. The game is now working
 properly without jams. Also added coin counters, coin lockout, and
 some extra documentation from Charles MacDonald... [Roberto Fresca]

-Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon: Added proper mirrors for V9938 VDP and bankswitch
 selector ports [Roberto Fresca]

-Waku Waku Doubutsu Land TonTon improvements... [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added hopper emulation.
 * Fixed the VDP V9938 VRAM.
 * Defined clocks for CPU and YM2149.
 * Fixed inputs to be consistent with other Success games.
 * Added coin lockout.

-merit.c: Corrected the inputs for Big Apple Games and gave it a
 standard draw poker button layout. Corrected the dipswitches for Big
 Apple Games. Corrected the ROM names for Casino Five and game
 description. Corrected the input for Riviera poker Rev A to get it
 working. [Brian Troha]

-SDL: Experimental Qt-based debugger [Andrew Gardner, R. Belmont, qmc2]

-merit.c: Further input & dipswitch corrections / improvements and some
 additional documentation updates. [Brian Troha]

-AVR8 core updates: [Sandro Ronco]
 * added CPSE, LD Z+, ST -Z/-Y/-X and ICALL opcodes.
 * added ATMEGA644 interrupt vectors.
 * fixed Z flag in CPC, SBC and SBCI opcodes.
 * fixed V and C flags in SBIW opcode.
 * fixed pop/push order in CALL, RCALL, RET and RETI opcodes.
 * fixed Timer 1 CTC mode.

-e132xs.c: Modernized Hyperstone CPU core. [MooglyGuy]

-sidearms.c: Added dipswitch locations to the Side Arms, Turtle Ship,
 Dyger & Twin Falcons sets. [Brian Troha]

-silkroad.c: Added dipswitch locations to The Legend of Silk Road.
 [Brian Troha]

-solomon.c: Added dipswitch locations to the Solomon's Key sets.
 [Brian Troha]

-Preliminary support for M740 (M5074x/M5074x) CPU family [R. Belmont]

-VGA: fixed PEL shift register and putted start address update behind a
 timer (that updates at vblank time). Fixes horizontal scrolling with
 anything that uses it [Angelo Salese]

-SDL: Qt debugger support cleanup, fixed OS X crash [qmc2, R. Belmont]

-Capcom update [Team CPS-1]:
  * Added C632B.IC1 PAL to sf2 and captcomm clones, confirmed identical
     to C632.IC1 [Corrado Tomaselli]
  * Fixed one label in sf2ui according to the real board
  * Reordered punisher sets, added missing punisherh B-Board code,
     confirmed D9K2.9K in punisherj [Artemio Urbina]
  * Added missing documentation to ganbare, removed some incorrect
     notes, added missing B-Board and C-Board PALs
  * Minor fixes
  * Documented an alternative SIMM card configuration for mvscjsing
     [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
  * Reordered csclubj set
  * Restored the previously dumped sound ROM in strider2 and clones,
     correct size is really 16Mbit [Stefan Lindberg]

-h6280: fix disassembler hookup [R. Belmont]

-SDL: Qt debugger support cleanup, work around Qt differences between
 Fedora and everyone else [qmc2]

-merit.c: Cleaned up the word based game sets and corrected various
 program rom labels. Also cleaned up the inputs and gave them a ZXCVB
 key layout. Reordered the driver a bit to group gambling and word
 based games. [Brian Troha]

-Z800x: Fixed some bugs in non-segmented mode [Christian Grössler]

-s11, s11a, s11b: Changed main IRQ timing based on schematics. Removed
 YM2151 reset from s11 and s11a, as this is not hooked up on background
 music boards used on these systems. Made background board
 communications two-way. Added HC55516 to s11b background music
 hardware. [Barry Rodewald]

-Williams System 11 pinball boards: Fix audiocpu clock; this fixes the
 speed of music in High Speed and the pitch of the voices in Black
 Knight 2000. [Lord Nightmare]

-info.c: skip non-configurable slot options in -listxml. [Fabio Priuli]

-s11, s11a, s11b: some more fixes to the IRQ generation for the main
 cpu in williams system 11 pinballs [Lord Nightmare]

-Yet another system 11 irq speed fix: Correct the E clock frequency
 used for the IRQ generation. Hopefully more games will pass their IRQ
 self-test now. [Lord Nightmare, Barry Rodewald]

-Modernize the SegaPCM, Gaelco, NiLe, SNKWave, vrender0 (crystal system),
 and QSound sound devices. [Andrew Gardner]

-SDL: Autodetect Ubuntu 12.10 and work around faulty default compiler
 [R. Belmont]

-i8275: Modernized. [Curt Coder]

-hlsl: Added bounds-checking on presets. [MooglyGuy]

-hlsl: Cleaned up render target management. May provide better behavior
 in games that use multiple resolutions, e.g. tekken3 and stv.

-m6805.c: Modernized M6805 CPU core. [MooglyGuy]

-SDL: fix "Illegal integer value for numprocessors: "auto"; reverting
 to auto" [R. Belmont]

-metro.c: add PCB layout for Korean version of Toride II Adauchi Gaiden

-Added sound to Street Drivin' and Hard Drivin's Airborne [Phil

-input: Fix joystick constraint computations when multiple sources are
 possible [O. Galibert]

-Naomi: Updated a few previously unknown game numbers [Arzeno Fabrice]

-hlsl: Fixed crash when using presets. [MooglyGuy]

-hlsl: Restored old HLSL prescale behavior, with 0 being auto-detect.

-render.c: Added new PRIMFLAG macros pertaining to vectors, to be
 used by the OSD. [MooglyGuy]

-d3dhlsl.c: Began laying the groundwork for vector post-processing,
 disabled by default. [MooglyGuy]

-Split AMM decoder from YMZ770 and add MPEG layer 1/2 support
 [O. Galibert]

-De-skeletonized Sega Z80 type Digital Sound Board, hooked up to swa
 [R. Belmont, O. Galibert]

-stcc: hooked up Z80 digital sound board [R. Belmont]

-scud: Hooked up Z80 digital sound board [R. Belmont]

-bongo: Fix cocktail flip [Kevin Pickell]

-Small changes [Kevin Eshbach]
 * Corrected how cocktail mode in Bagman is set.  Cocktail mode is set
    by grounding a pin on the edge connector, not a dip switch.
    (Verified this on a real pcb and the schematics even show this
 * Corrected the rom names and locations for the Xevious bootleg
    Xevios, added the pal dump for the Xevious bootleg and marked the
    game as wrong sound because it does not use any of Namco custom
    mcu’s but instead a 4th Z80.
 * Added partial dip switch locations for Elevator Action and Front

-portmidi: Initial commit. [R. Belmont]

-metro.c update [Luca Elia]
 * added work RAM mirror (fixes toride2g intro)
 * halved palette size
 * corrected video chip model and offsets in several games

-Ozon1 : fixed cocktail mode [Kevin Pickell]

-metro.c update [Luca Elia]
 * I4220 supports 16x16 tiles too
 * merged in vmetal.c

-tagmap: Try a slightly better hashing function [O. Galibert]

-removed psx_state, all code shared between mame and mess is now in
 src/emu/ [smf]

-Dsp16: Begin work on CPU core.  [Andrew Gardner, Quench]

-8042kbdc.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  * add support for keyboard enable command
  * add support for keyboard reset command
 calchase.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  * corrected memory map to 64kb blocks
  * corrected access to PAM register
  * removed execution hack
 i386.c:  [Peter Ferrie]
  * set some features bits for Pentium 3 CPUs
 idectrl.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  * fix phantom slave drive detection problem
 queen.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  * split BIOS region into 64kb blocks
  * implement missing PAM registers
  * remove unused PAM regions
  * correct CPU type
 savquest.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  * split BIOS region into 16kb blocks
  * implement missing PAM registers

-funkball.c, midqslvr.c, queen.c, savquest.c, xtom3d.c  [Peter Ferrie]
  correct slave_ack configuration member declaration

-cdrom: Introduces concept of logical sector addresses so games see the
 disc with pregap/postgap sectors actually taking up sector numbers as
 in reality.  Fixes PC-Engine CDs with hardcoded sector numbers.
 [R. Belmont, Angelo Salese]

-d3dhlsl.c: Clamp hlsl_prescale_x/y to a minimum of 1. Fixes crashes
 when using nomaximize switch. [MooglyGuy]

-d3dhlsl.c: Free HLSL resources on device reset. Fixes hang when
 alt-tabbing away from a fullscreen window and back. [MooglyGuy]

-drawd3d.c: Move default_texture creation into
 device_create_resources. Should fix intermittent crashes when
 alt-tabbing back to a full-screen instance of MAME. [MooglyGuy]

-diserial: correct uninitialized data bug where the first character
 transmitted would sometimes fail to synch. [R. Belmont]

-n68681: preliminary working diserial-based I/O [R. Belmont]

-Added cdda_get_channel_volume() function to CD-DA device. Fixed volume
 control display in PC Engine CD system [Angelo Salese]

-fixed or improved cocktail mode / player 2 controls for lupin3,
 polaris, indianbt, steelwkr, spacmiss, galactic, darthvdr,
 alieninv, sinvzen, yosakdon, yosakdona, cosmicmo, cosmicm2,
 spacewr3, spcewars. [Robbbert]

-Added a new implementation of the Intel 8275 with accurate
 DMA timing. [Curt Coder]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Armadillo Racing (AM1 Ver. A) [Guru, R. Belmont]
Rise of the Robots (prototype) [Phil Bennett, Ordyne]
Riviera Hi-Score (2131-08, U5-4A) [Brian Troha]
Manhattan [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Grasspin [Alberto Grego, Zabanitu, hap, David Haywood]

New clones added
Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Hispanic 931005)
 [Artemio Urbina, Josue Gutierrez]
Star Warrior (Potomac Mortage version of Space Firebird) [Cowering] 
Survival Arts (Japan) [ShouTime, Nosunosu]
Alien Syndrome (set 7, System 16B, MC-8123B 317-00xx) [Arzeno Fabrice]
King Derby (bootleg set 2) [Luca Elia]
Bump 'n' Jump (original Data East USA) [Kevin Eshbach]
Toride II Bok Su Oi Jeon Adauchi Gaiden (Korea)
  [gp-lee, Guru, Luca Elia]
Monza GP (bootleg) [f205v, Antro, Vernimark]
Super Cup Finals (Ver 2.2O 1994/01/13) [dlfrsilver, The Dumping Union]
Imola Grand Prix (newer set) (not working) [f205v, Antro, Vernimark]
Sprint 2 (color kit, Italy) [Zab]
Penfan Girls - Step1. Mild Mind (set 2) [Any, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960430) [Razoola]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Photo Y2K 2 (3-in-1) [Tjeerd Carter, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Bowling Try
  [H.A. Pontes, R. Mucciarelli, Tormod, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sega Bass Fishing Challenge
  [Surgeville, F.B. More, Sacrilego, gamerfan, CaH4e3, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.010
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2013, 21:00
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.

Latest Changes

fixed: 7z working with filenames starting with an "@" fails if the filename also contains a space
fixed: header support: possible infinite loop when file is too short
fixed: header support: wrong hash calculation (in file and memfile) when file is too short
fixed: detection of prefered archive type falsely failed for unpacked sets causing creation of zips
misc: unneeded check also detects obsolete chd folders
misc: explicity test folder for no entries to avoid possible deletion of NTFS junctions
misc: check if file really exist in 7z/rar archives before trying to remove them. Gives a small speed gain


Titel: MAME 0.148u4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2013, 18:30

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

Source Changes
-tms5110r.c: Verified TMS5200 LPC rom as correct from decap.
 [digshadow, Lord Nightmare]

-tms5110r.c: Corrected and verified TMS5100 LPC table against the
 decap. [digshadow, Lord Nightmare]

-tms5220.c: updated many comments, changed a variable name, and made
 some minor fixes to the 'circuit 412' to better reflect the patent.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-m6502: Undocumented instruction 0x80 is a 2-byte nop, not a 1-byte one
 [O. Galibert]

-SDL: Fix symlink handling by internal file manager. [qmc2]

-naomi: Redumped GD-ROMs for cvs2gd, senkoo, and ss2005. [f205v]

-braveff: Added dump of mask ROMs [Guru, R. Belmont]

-netlist.h: Fix for GCC prior to 4.3 [Federico Schwindt]

-naomi: GD-ROM redumps for confmiss, sprtjam, vstrik3, dygolf [f205v]

-Adds simple_set data structure and hooked it up to the debugger
 comment system. [Andrew Gardner]

-naomi: Redumped mok, shaktamb, vtennis2, ngdup23a, vf4evo, initdexp,
 initdv3j, senkosp and initdv3e. [f205v]

-hikaru: Redumped bad ROMs in braveff and sgnascar as per the test mode
 checksum tables. [Guru]

-suna16.c: Added board documentation, added PCB layouts for both styles
 of Back Street Soccer and Ultra Balloon. Added dipswitch locations to
 Back Street Soccer, Ultra Balloon and Best of Best. Changed CPU clocks
 to actual OSC based timing. [Brian Troha]

-tms5220.c: Based on decap analysis, both the TMS5220 and TMS5220C use
 identical LPC tables; get rid of the unnecessary extra table.
 [Lord Nightmare, digshadow]

-PSX GTE: Improved FLAG calculation in NCDS, CDP, NCDT, NCCS, CC, NCS,
 NCT & NCCT by checking for overflow after each addition. [smf]

-Detailed differences in Fighting Golf (US) from parent based on
 observation and "SNK Program Update" notice which was found which
 includes a DIPSWITCH change.  [Tafoid, Shane Chaneman]

-primrag2: PCB readme shows 8MB RAM, make it so. [R. Belmont]

-fixed MVMVA flag calculation & replicate the bugs when mx is set to 3
 or cv is set to 2. [smf]

-esripsys.c - Fix regression caused by cycle-exact 6809 core
 [Phil Bennett]

-PSX GTE: fixed RTPS flags and calculation [smf]

-QT Debugger: Adds trackpc command, allowing for a visual display of
 where the program counter has visited in the dasm windows. Run "help
 trackpc" in the debugger to see the options. [Andrew Gardner]

-PSX GTE: fixed RTPT flags calculation & added a new divide implementation that
 uses a much smaller table [smf]

-Partial support for 1f801060 for setting the RAM size, if the size is
 set larger than the actual memory then RAM is repeated. As a result
 the RAM is no longer included in the drivers memory map, you have to
 specify the size in the machine. [smf]

-Fruit: fix VGA BIOS mirror, RAM amount, and HDD writability
 [Carl, R. Belmont]

-superchs.c: Corrected main CPU clock, corrected some rom labels. Added
 plds to the Super Chase - Criminal Termination sets. [Porchy,
 Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

-6850acia.c: Improved DCD signal handling.  [Wilbert Pol]

-arcadia.c: Added the SEC-SCPA pal dump used on Magic Johnson's Fast
 Break and Leader Board. [Kevin Eshbach]

-PSX CPU creates a ram device, this has exposed a problem with not
 removing the child devices from the hash map when removing replacing
 devices. At the moment I have changed device.c so that when any device
 is removed the hash maps are reset. [smf]

-segas18.c: added ddcrewj 317-0185 decryption key
 [Porchy, Charles MacDonald]

-QT Debugger: Now saves all settings for all open windows - including
 docks in the main debug window. Also fixes bug where closing the main
 window with the X in the corner didn't save settings properly.
 [Andrew Gardner]

-taitotz.c: added romdumps from pwrshovl additional I/O PCB [Tormod]

-iteagle: Updated documentation [Guru, Brian Troha]

-OS X: Support for both OS X native and Unix-style multiuser installs.
 [R. Belmont, Nick Boos]

-iteagle: add 1.02 bootrom, FPGA config ROMs, and PALs. [Brian Troha]

-SDL: Don't double-shutdown the font cache on *IX when exiting with the
 debugger enabled. [R. Belmont]

-pacman.c: Verified original puckman roms and made that set the parent.
 [Andy Welburn]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Spooky Night 2nd Edition (Version 2.0.4) [Sara S.]
Spooky Night (Version 1.0.1) [Sara S.]
Good Luck II [Roberto Fresca, f205v]

New clones added
Wing Shooting Championship V1.00 [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
D. D. Crew (Japan, 4 Players, FD1094 317-0185)
  [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Se Gye Hweng Dan Ultra Champion (Hong Kong)
  [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Back Street Soccer (larger ROMs)
  [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Knuckle Heads (Japan, Prototype?) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Oriental Legend Special / Xi You Shi E Zhuan Super (ver. 103, China, Tencent) (unprotected)
DoDonPachi II - Bee Storm (various sets)
  [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, Tormod, The Dumping Union]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (World) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02O 1997/02/10)
  [Sonic, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ball Boy [The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
GTI Poker? (SMS hardware) [Kevin Eshbach, Roberto Fresca]
Shakatto Tambourine 2K1 SPR (GDR-0013)
  [gamerfan, CaH4e3, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Fruit [Any, R. Belmont]
Pinball 2000: Star Wars Episode 1 [R. Belmont, José Renato Castro Milanez]
Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 1) [R. Belmont, José Renato Castro Milanez]
Pinball 2000: Revenge From Mars (rev. 2) [José Renato Castro Milanez]
Golden Tee Fore! 2004 [R. Belmont, Brian Troha, uncletom]
Golden Tee Fore! 2005 [R. Belmont, Brian Troha, uncletom]

Titel: FCEUX v2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2013, 06:20
FCEUX (formerly known as FCE Ultra) is a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and Famicom (Family Computer) emulator for a variety of different platforms, based on Bero's FCE. Note that to actually play any game with FCEUX you will need ROM images in one of the supported formats.

License: Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Various mappers fixes
Win32: speed/performance improvements
Win32: added "TV Aspect (4:3)" option
Win32: Frame Advance timings customization
Win32: Code/Data Logger improvements
Win32: Various bugfixes in debugging tools
Win32: TAS Editor 1.01
"Auto-resume old play session" feature
Fixed fullscreen zapper issues in both versions
SDL: Use desktop resolution for fullscreen by default

Complete changelog at http://www.fceux.com/web/pressrelease-2.2.1.html
Previous changelog at http://www.fceux.com/web/pressrelease-2.2.0.html

Titel: MAME 0.149s
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2013, 13:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04420: [Crash/Freeze] (crystal.c) crysbios, donghaer, officeye, topbladv:
  [debug] Crash after OK (Robbbert)
- 04839: [Crash/Freeze] (pluto5.c) hb_dacz: Crash after OK (Robbbert)
- 04836: [Crash/Freeze] (mpu5.c) Many sets in mpu5.c: Crash after OK (Robbbert)
- 05205: [Crash/Freeze] (bwidow.c) bwidow: After last life the game
  crashes (MooglyGuy)
- 05013: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.c) sf2049: Integer Divide By Zero (Firewave)
- 05201: [Crash/Freeze] mhavoc, starwars and clones: Various vector
  games will crash/freeze in MAME (MooglyGuy)
- 05199: [Documentation] (ddenlovr.c) ultrchmph: The correct description
  is "Cheng Ba Shi Jie - Chao Shi Kong Guan Jun" and the region is Taiwan
  instead Hong Kong. (Fujix)
- 05198: [Sound] (galdrvr.c) explorer: No sound and effect (hap)
- 05197: [Graphics] (armedf.c) cclimbr2: Missing blinking white dot (hap)

Source Changes
-Added NVRAMs for devices in software item named folder
 [Miodrag Milanovic]

-Changed keycus into a device and moved it into it's own file, only 3
 parameters are saved instead of 64k. Changed I/O to 16 bits & uses
 memory maps instead of installing at runtime. Simplified digital
 player 3 inputs that are hooked up to dac inputs. [smf]

-diserial: Added methods for clocking the receiver/transmitter outside
 of the timers. [Curt Coder]

-Removes more MAME anonymous timers. [Andrew Gardner]

-Added DIP switch location to Namco System 11 & 12, also removed unused
 test dip switches. [smf]

-HLSL changes: [MooglyGuy]
 * Upped vertex buffer size to 64k verts, fixes assert in starwars and
    alphaone, please include the printed error message in any
    subsequent encounterings of the assert.
 * Improved vector rendering (beam width 1.5 suggested)
 * Ducked raster bloom default to 0.225 to reduce washout

-i386dasm.c  [Peter Ferrie]
 * fix improper signed display in some opcode parameters

-Register the device post load after the devices are started, in case
 starting the device causes something (like sound_stream) to register
 it's own post load [smf]

-audit.c: Fixed software list chd verification.  [qmc2]

-mazerbla.c: add notes about the game pcbs [Lord Nightmare, Quarterarcade]

-replace first rom of Ambush with a fresh dump, marked the old set as
 likely hacked [Ricky2001 (from AUMAP)]

-zn.c: added YMZ280 sound emulation to hvnsgate [smf, hap]

-m6800: Resolved out_sc2_func for M6808/HD6301/HD63701 variants.
 [Curt Coder]

-ksys573: Externalize the digital board [O. Galibert]

-Added a check for a bus error when fetching an instruction, the bus
 error condition is cleared before the fetch so bus errors in the
 debugger don't cause an exception to be triggered. [smf]

-m6502: Redo the prefetch and reset the state on debugger PC change
 [O. Galibert]

-savquest.c: added HASP emulator; marked BIOS as bad dump because it's
 incomplete [Peter Ferrie]

-z80dart: Merged in uPD7201 and modernized the interface. [Curt Coder]

-emuopts.c: Added a new option -statename which allows to specify the
 location of state saving, relative to -state_directory (whose usage
 remains unchanged). Syntax is basically the same as snapname, allowing
 for the  / character as path separator, %g as the driver name, and
 %d_[media] as the image name mounted in the "media" device.

 For example, using -statename foo/%g when running "mame wrally" will
 store save states into the folder sta/foo/wrally/ ; using -statename
 %g/%d_cart when running "mess nes -cart smb" will store save states
 into the folder sta/nes/smb/ ; using -statename %g/%d_cdrm when
 running "mess pce -cart cdsys -cdrm draculax" will store save states
 into sta/pce/draculax/ Specifying a media switch which is not
 available (e.g. %d_cdrm in a c64) or a media switch where no image is
 mounted (e.g. %d_cdrm in pce while playing a hucard game) will revert
 the option to its default value %g and save states will be stored in
 sta/*gamename*/ as in previous versions. [Fabio Priuli]

-msm5205.c: modernized the device. [Fabio Priuli]

-Added ds2401 rom loading to digital i/o board, rather than specifying
 it in each game. Fixes Mambo A Go-Go booting. [smf]

-snes_snd: modernized the SNES sound device [Fabio Priuli]

-tms6100: modernized theTMS6100 and M58819 devices. [Osso]

-Moved default card config, device inputs and clock off the slot
 interface so they can be specified for all cards [smf]

-Added support for machine config fragments that are applied when the
 cart is loaded, converted NCR 53C7xx to devcb2 as an example [smf]

-Converted NCR5380N to devcb2 [smf]

-Converted NCR5390 to devcb2 & use MCFG_DEVICE_CLOCK to set SCSI chip
 clock [smf]

-pcshare: make all the common pc hardware in various pc based drivers
 inherit from pcat_base_state [Carl]

-Adds the Image menu to the QT debugger's main window. This allows the
 user to mount disk/c images from the UI. [Andrew Gardner]

-uiimage.c: when creating a new file from the File Manager, require the
 user to enter an extension too [Fabio Priuli]

-modernized the RP5H01 device [Osso]

-Converted the Konami System 573 Security Cassettes to use slots. The
 current setting is no longer saved, so the default cassette is "game".
 Some games have additional I/O connected via the security cassette,
 which is now hooked up when the cassette is loaded instead of patched
 directly into the memory map. If the game has a separate "install"
 cassette then you need to select this and hard reset (shift+F3 or
 select reset from the slot menu) before it will let you install from
 the CD. [smf]

-modernized the MB14241 and MathBox devices. [Osso]

-inpttype.h: Use O1 instead of O0 on the critical function
 [Hans Ostermeyer]

-Fixed clipping of device address maps if the size of the map caused
 the end address to wrap. Added a proof of concept implementation of a
 address map bank device, which allows you to bank memory maps. Hooked
 it up to Taito GNET as an example [smf]

-Finished converting Taito GNET to use address maps instead of
 installing at run time [smf]

-Modernized the geebee and warpwarp sound devices [Osso]

-finished modernizing gp9001 [smf]

-modernized the MM58274C RTC device. [Fabio Priuli]

-Allow AM_NOP in device address maps, there may be others that should
 be allowed. [smf]

-Created a PCCARD slot and Linear Flash Card for System 573. Uses
 bankdev.c for banking the onboard flash chips and the pccard slots.
 This adds an extra two calls to the memory system & intelfsh.c already
 called the memory system for accessing the data. [smf]

-Split rf5c296 and ata flash functionality from taitogn.c into their
 own devices. The pccard slot has had to revert to use memory handlers
 instead of device maps for the moment [smf]

-modernized Kaneko Pandora device. [Osso]

-modernized the TMS9927 device [Fabio Priuli]

-Modernized the PIT8253 device. [Fabio Priuli]

-modernized speaker device. [Fabio Priuli]

-modernized Taito I/O devices. [Osso]

-Roms renamed for set gtmrusa to match actual labels.  [Porchy]

-Started to split ide hd from ide controller [smf]

-firebeat: split midi keyboard to separate device [Carl]

-Modernized Flower sound device. [Osso]

-Added better .ini defaults for HLSL, and hooked up bloom sliders. [MooglyGuy]

-Added macros for read/write delegates. [Curt Coder]

-QT Debugger: WIP for a new breakpoints window. [Andrew Gardner]

-Modernized nmk112 device. [Osso]

-Modernized Namco I/O devices (56xx, 58xx, 59xx) [Osso, Fabio Priuli]

-naomi video: Pretend-modernize the powervr2 [O. Galibert]

-powervr2: Some register groups are obviously 32 bits, so make them so [O. Galibert]

-naomi: Better IRQ isolation [O. Galibert]

-naomig1: Make the dma cpu-independant [O. Galibert]

-First pass at tidying up ide interface. It no longer tries to force
 everything to act as a PC. A copy of the VIA VT83C461 datasheet would
 be useful to remove some of the hacks added to make the games using it
 work again. [smf]

-Modernize adc1038 and adc12138 devices. [Osso]

-Added USE_SIMD flag to RSP headers and began converting some opcodes
 to use SSE* intrinsics. Current plan is to target SSSE3-capable
 hardware (Core2 and up), with the resulting speedup theorized to be on
 the order of 5-10x when conversion is complete, though this applies
 only to situations where the emulation is heavily bottlenecked by the
 RSP. [MooglyGuy]

-nmk16.c: raphero sound improvements [trap15]

-Added SIMD code for the rest of the RSP vector load instructions [MooglyGuy]

-Improved Dragon World II protection routines [iq_132]

-Verified pacuman gfx roms [elnaib and Santy14]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Top XXI (Version 1.2) [Roberto Fresca, ANY]
Attack Force [Piero Andreini]

New clones added
Commando Bootleg 2 [Kevin Eshbach]
Cresta Mundo (Laguna S.A. Spanish Moon Cresta bootleg) [Roselson (from AUMAP)]
WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.1 07/11/95) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Scramble (Reben S.A. Spanish bootleg) [Roselson (from Aumap)]
Sky Soldiers (bootleg) [ANY]
Galaxian (bootleg, set 2) [ANY]
Nudge Double Up (JPM SRU) [jameswal]
Unknown SRU Game [jameswal]
Borderline (Tranquilizer Gun conversion)
  [Ricky2001 (from AUMAP)] (not working, bad ROM)
Mysterious Stones - Dr. Kick in Adventure (Itisa PCB)
  [Ricky2001 (from AUMAP)]
Aerolitos (Spanish bootleg of Asteroids) [Basilio García]
Satan of Saturn (Inder S.A., bootleg) [Basilio García]
Suzuka 8 Hours 2 (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
TeddyBoy Blues (Old Ver. bootleg)  [any]
Car Action (set 2)  [any]
Space Chaser (set 4)  [any]
Mission Craft (version 2.7) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Crazy Climber (Spanish, Operamatic bootleg) [Basilio García]
Impacto (Billport S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [Basilio Garcia]
Scramble (Petaco S.A., Spanish bootleg) [Basilio Garcia]
Ave Fenix (Spanish bootleg of Phoenix) [Basilio García]
Pajaro del Espacio (Spanish bootleg of UniWar S) [Basilio García]
Battle Zone (bootleg of Mayday) [Basilio García]
Air Inferno (Japan)  [Shoutime]
Crisis Zone (CSZO4 Ver. A)
  [Tormod, BrianT, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Crisis Zone (CSZO3 Ver. B, set 2)
  [Tormod, BrianT, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
ThunderJaws (rev 3) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Contra (Japan, set 2) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
18 Challenge Pro Golf [Tormod, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Music Ball [AUMAP]
Guttang Gottong (bootleg on Galaxian type hardware) [Basilio García]
Reel Good Time (Rebuild) (EPOCH) (Version 1.0) [Dr Slots/MPU Mecca]
Treasure Hunt (Global) (EPOCH) (Version 1.6) [Dr Slots/MPU Mecca]

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.011
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2013, 06:20
ClrMamePro is a ROM-manager that helps you to keep your ROM collection up-to-date.

Latest Changes

added: profiler column timestamp when dat was added
misc: removed some visual effects (useful if you're using dark themes)
misc: updated to latest ziparchive library
misc: rebuilder log shows more info for 'Exists' and 'Skipped'
fixed: runtime error with 0 sized packed files and header support
fixed: software lists of a previous loaded datfile stay when no xml datfile is loaded afterwards
fixed: batchrun uses previous scan data sometimes incorrectly
fixed: rebuilder destprestring function does not pick clone or bios set when file belongs to them only (issues with e.g. %a)
fixed: 7z/rar removal of unneeded files in archive subfolders does not work
fixed: chds and samples with extensions loose extensions
fixed: xml file header parser can (by mistake) detect a mess -listxml output as a mess software list output
fixed: xml parser crash when xml file is wrongly detected as mess software list ouput (above)


Titel: clrmamepro 4.011a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 16:29
Latest Changes

· misc: supporting multiple device_ref entries (removed %i from rebuilder poststring variables though)
· misc: replaced 7z case fix with exe rename when possible
· misc: disabled obsolete archive folder check for external packers (since they might remove the folder and entries)

Titel: jNES
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2013, 18:45
Jnes is a NES emulator for win32 platforms that uses DirectX for it's hardware interface. It's emulation capabilities include graphics, sound, input devices, and emulating quite a few memory mapping boards found in most USA games and a few popular japanese ones. Jnes boasts a fairly intuitive user interface that makes playing NES a little more enjoyable. One of the coolest features is the included database of Pro-Action-Replay and Game Genie cheats. Jnes also supports Kaillera netplay as well.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

· bugfix: editing par codes
· bugfix: saving settings on exit
· bugfix: proper handling of 6502 B-flag
· bugfix: megaman audio artifacts
· bugfix: zelda intro scrolling
· bugfix: ninja gaiden 2 train level
· bugfix: tmnt1 technodrome crash
· bugfix: apu envelope resets correctly now
· bugfix: vrc6 phase was broken
· improved ppu sprite0 emulation
· dpcm and triangle channels should decay better
· added mapper vrc6b

Titel: MAME 0.150b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2013, 13:11

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02106: [Speed] (ddragon.c) ddragon2, ddragon2u: [possible] The game
  slows down in the first level, after the helicopter appears (Phil Bennett)
- 03908: [Graphics] (ddragon.c) ddragon2, ddragon2u: [possible]
  Missing graphics when starting 2-Player (Phil Bennett)
- 00416: [Crash/Freeze] (ddragon.c) ddragonw1: When finishing
  the game its reset and so go to check rom screen again and freezes! (Phil Bennett)
- 05287: [DIP/Input] (namcos2.c) sgunner2, sgunner2j: Player 2
  Start missing (Tafoid)
- 05241: [Misc.] (moo.c) All moo.c sets: AddressSanitizer:
  heap-use-after-free (Firewave)
- 05281: [Color/Palette] (8080bw.c) rollingc: Wrong colors (hap)
- 05207: [Graphics] All vector games: In the vector games, graphics
  remains imprinted even when exit the game. (MooglyGuy)
- 05162: [Core] Toggling HLSL off then on with ctrl-alt-F5
  will drop its use of aperture.png (MooglyGuy)
- 05218: [Graphics] crash when hlsl_read is set to 1 (MooglyGuy)
- 05214: [Color/Palette] (bzone.c) bzone: bzone displays
  black and white. (MooglyGuy)
- 05235: [Core] You can't alt-tab and back with HLSL enabled
  and in 148 you could (MooglyGuy)
- 05056: [Crash/Freeze] (badlands.c) badlandsb, badlandsb2:
  Access Violation after OK (Osso)
- 05268: [Color/Palette] (mappy.c) todruaga: Sprites use
  wrong colors (Osso)
- 00032: [Graphics] (taito_f3.c) tcobra2: There are stray flashing pixels
  on the bottom left of the helicopter. (David Haywood)
- 00942: [Sound] (topspeed.c) topspeed: Engine sounds only play when driving
  in tunnels or under bridges, and turbo sounds never play. (Phil Bennett)
- 05089: [Crash/Freeze] (aristmk5.c) goldprmd, magicmsk: Crash after OK (Firewave)
- 00980: [Sound] (taito_b.c) tetrist: The sound has strange intermittent noise in
  background. Also, the music tempo is wrong (Brian Troha)
- 05284: [Sound] exprraid and clones: YM3526 has incorrect frequency (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
-Make modernized i86 core endian-safe again [Alex Jackson]

-Created new device_video_interface. Right now its sole purpose is to [Aaron Giles]
 house a screen tag and to find the screen at startup, providing an
 m_screen object that can be used. One nice feature is that if there is
 only one screen and no screen has been specified, it will auto
 configure to that screen. This removes the need to explicitly specify
 a screen in the configuration for a large chunk of drivers (though
 doing so never hurts). A new macro MCFG_VIDEO_SET_SCREEN is provided,
 though devices are encouraged to define their own that maps there so
 it is obvious which device is being targeted. The
 device_video_interface's validation function will error if an invalid
 screen is specified or if no screen is provided but there are multiple
 screens present.

 Updated all devices that currently had an m_screen in them to use the
 device_video_interface instead. This also has the nice benefit of
 flagging video-related devices for categorization purposes. It also
 means all these devices inherit the same screen-finding behaviors. For
 devices that had interfaces that specified a screen tag, those have
 been removed and all existing structs updated.
 Added an optional_device<screen_device> m_screen to the base
 driver_device. If you name your screen "screen" (as most drivers do),
 you will have free access to your screen this way.

 Future updates include:
  * Updating all devices referencing machine.primary_screen to use the
    device_video_interface instead
  * Updating all drivers referencing machine.primary_screen to use the
    m_screen instead
  * Removing machine.primary_screen entirely
-i286: modernize [Carl]

-Modernized galeco, okim6376, vr0video, mb87078, snk6502 devices.  [Osso]

-Adds a watchpoint debug view. [Andrew Gardner]

-Adds the watchpoint view to the QT Debugger's "Break|Watchpoints"
 window. [Andrew Gardner]

-Fix long-standing architectural wart: the priority bitmap is no longer [Aaron Giles]
 owned by the tilemap system, and no longer exists globally in the
 machine. Instead it is allocated per-screen for all systems. This has
 several side-effects:

 1. Previously, the pdrawgfx* functions were already changed to take
 the priority bitmap as a parameter. Now all other hand-crafted
 functions that mess with the priority bitmap generally must do so as
 well, and have been updated.

 2. Calls to the tilemap system now need to provide a screen_device.
 This is not just for the priority_bitmap, but also for screen
 flipping, which previously always assumed the "primary screen" when
 doing flipping calculations.

 3. All devices that implemented tilemap-like functionality have been
 updated to follow the same pattern, since they largely tend to call
 through to the core tilemap system at some point.

-ym2413.c - Reverted KSL value order to 0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0dB/oct after
 testing with a real YM2413 [Wouter Vermaelen]

-Modernized galaxian sound device.  [Osso]

-Split eeprom.c into a base class base_eepr-om_device and a [Aaron Giles]
 serial-specific subclass serial_eeprom_device. Moved the latter into
 its own file eepromser.c and significantly cleaned up/simplified the
 code. The new code should be functionally the same as the previous
 code, but expect that to change soon. As a side-effect, the size and
 bus width of the EEPROM is now specified in the ADD macro rather than
 in the interface structure.

-Rewrite serial EEPROM devices, breaking them out into separate chips [Aaron Giles]
 of the proper size and protocol. Update all drivers, removing custom
 implementations, and replacing them with standard ones. Moved core
 read, write, erase functionality into the EEPROM base class a
 simulated delays in write/erase cycles. Still some more
 testing/verification work left to do.

-Add support for CD2501ECD variant of tms52xx, used in the TI 99/8
 prototype. Renamed TMC0285 to the more correct CD2501E in the TI
 99/4a. [mizapf, Lord Nightmare]

-started integrating DECO104 findings from Charles, done a preliminary
 hookup of Double Wings to it (input ports bit order not yet verified)
 Nuked old bad simulation code for DW [Charles MacDonald, David

-Modernized MultiPCM, mjkjidai, renegage, ninjaw_subwoofer devices [Osso]

-3x3puzzl.c: Correct dipswitches and add dipswitch locations for
 Casanova. [Brian Troha]

-opwolf.c: fix coinage dips in opwolfj [Alex Jackson]

-fixed undefined order of evaluation in FETCH* and READ* functions in
 src/emu/cpu/i386/i386priv.h [Carl, Oliver Stöneberg]

-Modernized the s14001a and exidy sound devices.  [Osso]

-Modernized the Seibu ADPCM device and converted the Seibu sound system
 to be a device.  [Osso]

-added makefile define FASTDEBUG to disable some debug-specific stuff,
 that is causing performance hits (for e.g. profiling)
 [Oliver Stöneberg]

-neogeo.c: endian fix for kof2003 protection [Alex Jackson]

-Converted the T5182 to a device. [Osso]

-add support for a China internal ROM to kov2p sets [XingXing]

-Modernized Mirco3D noise device. [Osso]

-Added initial code for internal web server [Miodrag Milanovic]

-SDL: Revise the *IX man pages  [wallyweek]

-Moved tilemap_memory into a generic memory_array class, since it is [Aaron Giles]
 more generally useful than just in tilemaps. Code is now in memarray.*

-Converted the Atari RLE motion objects device from a half-assed device [Aaron Giles]
 into a full-assed device, leveraging the memory_array class.

-neogeo.c: fix memory leak, clean up inputs a bit [Alex Jackson]

-Added eeprompar.*, implementing a simple interface for parallel [Aaron Giles]

-Created atari_eeprom_device which wraps a 2804 or 2816 EEPROM with the [Aaron Giles]
 standard Atari write-locking mechanism. Updated all drivers to use
 this, and removed all EEPROM stuff from atarigen.

-wd_fdc: Don't switch off the motor when the fdc doesn't have a motor
 control pin [O. Galibert, Duke]

- Assorted fixes based on PCB observations: [system11]
 * galpanic.c - Fixed rom names for newfant and added new set.
 * splash.c - Adjusted msm5205 clocks to proper values.
 * tumblep.c - Fixed sound hardware speeds to match PCB for chokchok,
    htchctch and cookbib.

-segas16b.c: Corrected rom labels and added PCB locations to the MVP
 (set 2, US, FD1094 317-0143) set. [Layne]

-sandscrp.c: Added dipswitch locations and corrected default settings
 for the Sand Scorpion sets. [Brian Troha]

-MC6801/6803 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Support for timer output capture to pin P21
 * Support for externally-clocked serial
 * Added devcb2 hook for serial xmit to easily differentiate xmit from
    other Port 2 updates.  Bits are still also sent to Port 2 of

-captcommb : various graphical issues fixed, marked as working
 [Barry Harris]

-taito_b.c: Correct the Tetris C12 set and fill in missing Nastar roms
 needed for the conversion, correcting missing sound samples. Added a
 note about the missing PALs for both Tetris B-System conversions.
 [Brian Troha]

-altbeastbl - hook up gfx writes properly  [Barry Harris]

-taitosnd.c - Improve TC0140SYT/PC060HA NMI handling, preventing lost
 interrupts [Phil Bennett]

-topspeed.c - Various updates: [Phil Bennett, Andy Welburn]
 * Fixed MSM5205 hookups and implemented engine sound
 * Added Z80 CTC
 * Added volume controls
 * Corrected 68000 clocks and VSYNC frequency
 * Changed interrupt handling to match hardware
 * Added motor control notes
 * Fixed sprite list parsing (no more mysterious red dot on the far
 * Corrected b14-67-1/b14-68-1 ROM locations

-PGM:  Implement some missing asic25/asic28 registers. This fixes the
 high score screen for olds & clones. [rockywall, Creamy Mami]

-multipcm: Use address space instead of direct memory region
 [R. Belmont]

-Chihiro.c:  [Samuele Zannoli]
 * add more patches needed until usb is implemented
 * add support for more texture formats and drawing primitives to the
    3d accelerator

-Separate Ensoniq "pump" device out from esq5505.c [R. Belmont]

-replace badly dumped sprite rom in tcobra2 + clones [Kevin Eshbach]

-cninja.c: Corrected redump of Caveman Ninja (World Rev 1) and added
 PCB locations to the original Caveman Ninja sets.
 [Bonky0013, The Dumping Union]

-Added Macronix 29LV160TMC sub-type to intelfsh.c, used by Sega
 Dreamcast [Angelo Salese]

-i186: move 80186 peripherals into the cpu [Carl]

-leland: finish modernizing the leland sound and use new 80186 [Carl]

-cps1.c: Added correct MBJ 22B rom to Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (Japan 930713) set.
  [Layne, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-fix sprite priority issues in nmk16.c (tested on tdragon2 PCB) [trap15]

-Fixed dblewing Lives dip switch. [lain]

-Modernized Sega Model 1 sound board; now shared instead of
 copy/pasted. [R. Belmont]

-segae.c: clean up, add savestate support [Alex Jackson]

-terracre.c: Remove nonexistent second ym2203 from terracren. Remove
 silly input port hack from horekid [Alex Jackson]

-ISA16_IDE_CD in southbridge_device with two

-snk68.c: Added dipswitch locations to all sets in the driver.
 [Brian Troha]

-cave.c: Correct name to Guwange (Japan, Special Ver. 00/07/07) as
verified by hex editor. [Brian Troha]

-8080bw.c: fix setnames for Space Invaders (TV/Cocktail version) sets
 based on recent dump: sitva->sitv (newer 'tv0h' version), sitv->sitvo
 (older 'tv01' version) [Lord Nightmare, Andrew Welburn]

-Removed local ATAPI code in preparation to use the new code, but the
 CPU gets lost after executing the first instruction. [smf]

-refactored to use ATA_INTERFACE [smf]

-HLSL updates: [MooglyGuy]
 * Removed hlsl_read and hlsl_write options now that all slider
   options are plumbed and have values matching the INI settings
 * Added more surface release calls in order to fix device resetting
 * Fixed draw order for quads, overlays now appear on top of vectors
   in non-HLSL mode
 * Moved aperture.png loading into create_resources/delete_resources so
   that it is correctly reloaded when HLSL is toggled on and off
-galpani2.c: Added complete PCB layout. [The Guru]

-galpani2.c: Added Dipswitch locations to all sets. [Brian Troha]

-Restructured NTSC encode/decode shaders for better readability. [MooglyGuy]

-MIDI: fixed some SysEx issues [Christian Brunschen]

-updated zlib to 1.2.8 [Oliver Stöneberg]

-Made both DRC and Non-DRC compile for MIPS, RSP and SH2 core and added
 option to enable/disable DRC from command line (-drc -nodrc  by
 default it's on) [Miodrag Milanovic]

-Added command line option to force DRC C backend [Miodrag Milanovic]

-SCSP: hooked up DGATE functionality for DMA [Angelo Salese]

-AICA: Implemented DMA [Angelo Salese]

-SCSP: fixed DMA when SH-2 enables it [Angelo Salese]

-PowerVR2: Added SPG control register, used to change pixel clock
 dynamically [Angelo Salese]

-nemesis.c dipswitch fixes: Rename "Upright Controls" dipswitch to
 "Players" in gwarrior and twinbee, and make 2 players default (neither
 game supports cocktail cabinets). Make default difficulty normal in
 all games. [Alex Jackson]

-PowerVR2: Added preliminary YUV converter [Angelo Salese]

-Refactored Konami System 573 to use ATA_INTERFACE [smf]

-AICA: Hooked up AICA-to-SH-4 irqs [Angelo Salese]

-Started re-architecting the HLSL system to be data-driven [MooglyGuy]

-PowerVR: Added YUV_TW texture hook-up (used by Soul Calibur at very
 least) [Angelo Salese]

-PowerVR: Support for non-textured polygons with packed and floating
 colors [Angelo Salese]

-namcos22: revised hardware info [Guru]

-Updates to jedutils and other minor things [Kevin Eschbach]
 * Documentation on the earlier version of the Deco Cassette System
 * Documented some pals on a bootleg Free Kick that need to be dumped
 * Documented the location of the roms on Twin Cobra 2
 * Added support to jedutil to view the PAL20X10, PAL20X8 and PAL20X4
 * Added some preliminary work on figuring out what the undocumented
    fuses for the PALCE16V8 are.  (The data sheet does not document
    what all of the fuses are.)

-Refactored dreamcast to use an ATA interface [smf]

-2 new BIOS versions, 1 new CHRROM, and existing CHRROM confirmed good [Cowering]

-stfight.c - Hooked up ADPCM/coin control MCU. Changed YM2203 clocks to
 1.5MHz for cshooter and 4.5MHz for empcity/stfight (see notes)
 [Phil Bennett]

-Renamed TLCS900H to TMP95C061, moved the I/O handling into it's own
 class & hooked up TO1/TO3 to output on Port A. A hack is needed
 because ngpc doesn't set PACR/PAFC, which may be because it's a custom
 part. Changed Taito PJC to use TMP95C063. Separated I/O Ports on both
 CPU's so you can apply the devcb2 callbacks individually. [smf]

-Added 8/16 bit data bus configuration to TLCS900H. Default is 16bit,
 neogeo pocket is 8 bit [smf]

-ddealer.c: Correct clock speeds for Double Dealer to match PCB.

-ddealer.c: Fill in several missing dipswitch settings and add
 dipswitch locations. [Brian Troha]

-trvmadns.c: Added PCB layout for Trivia Madness. [Brian Troha]

-Use 2864 for ROM. This allows XTIDECFG to flash the rom. Tested with
 2.0.0 beta 3. You must disable SDP because eeprompar doesn't emulate
 it & you must load from a file as if you load from eeprom then it only
 finds zeros. [smf]

-Renamed IDE8 to XTIDE. [smf]

-polepos.c: Added Dipswitch locations to the Pole Position and Pole Position 2 sets.
 [Brian Troha]

-added undocumented opcode that behaves like DPCL [smf]

-Preliminary SET FEATURES support. Only set transfer mode is currently
 supported, but this checks/sets flags in the identify device buffer.
 The buffer has been moved up into atahle and the idehd has been
 changed to work with words instead of bytes. [smf]

-yunsung8.c: Added PCB layout for Cannon Ball (Vertical). [Brian Troha]

-ddragon.c: Cleanup based on Double Dragon schematics [Phil Bennett]
 * Fixed sub-CPU interrupt mechanism
 * Implemented common RAM bus lock
 * Added interrupt acks
-peplus.c: Minor corrections and documentation updates including known
 payout tables for some sets. [Brian Troha]

-cubeqcpu.c, f8.c, minx.c, i8085.c, i860.c, i960.c, jaguar.c, lh5801.c,
 m6800.c, m37710.c, mb86233.c, mb88xx.c, mcs48.c, mc68hc11.c, mcs51.c,
 mn10200.c, pic16c5x.c, pic16c62x.c, tlcs900.c, pps4.c,
 s2650.c: Modernized cpu cores.  [Wilbert Pol]
-exprraid.c: Cleanups from schematics: [Phil Bennett]
 * Corrected CPU and YM3526 clock frequencies
 * Improved protection simulation
 * Added interrupt acks
 * Added service coin input

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Casanova [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood, Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Double Wings [Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]
Puzzli 2 [David Haywood, rtw]
Puzzli 2 Super [David Haywood, rtw]
Panic Road [David Haywood]
Poka Poka Satan
  [bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
Touchstar Bonanza [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Midnight Landing (Germany) [Phil Bennett]
Super Game Mega Type 1 [Tirino73, Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Tap a Tune [Phil Bennett, Mariusz Wojcieszek]

New clones added
Grand Striker (Japan) [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Mechanized Attack (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Japan 950424) (decrypted bootleg)
  [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour Super Heroes Plus / Sangoku Senki Super Heroes Plus (ver. 101)
Night Slashers (US Rev 1.2, HuC6280 Sound CPU)
  [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Cosmic Guerilla (Spanish bootleg) [Angel Maestre]
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Asia 940412)
  [Tormod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 920312)
  [Tormod, Layne, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter EX Plus (Japan 970407)
  [Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910522)
  [Yohji, Kevin Eshbach, bodger319, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Manx TT Superbike - DX (Revision D) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Tekken Tag Tournament (Japan, TEG2/VER.C1)
  [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Hung Hsi, bootleg)
  [iq_132, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Enforce (Japan, Analog Controls) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Bubble Bobble II (Ver 0.0J 1993/12/13, prototype) [Dsyde, muddymusic]
Pipe Dream (Taiwan) [Bonky0013, The Dumping Union]
Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware, encrypted)
  [Ricky2001 / AUMAP]
Excelsior (set 2) [Bonky0013, The Dumping Union]
Space Invaders (TV Version, set 2) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Puzzle Bang Bang (Korea, version 2.9 / 990108) [gp-lee, The Guru]
Turbo Out Run (Japan, Out Run upgrade, FD1094 317-0117)
  [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Cotton (set 2, Japan, Rev B, FD1094 317-0179b)
  [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Chase Bombers (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
New Fantasia (Set 2)  [system11]
Manx TT Superbike - DX (Revision D)
  [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont, Brian Troha]
Pole Position (World) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Ikari 3 (Korea, 8-Way Joystick) [jysx012]
Gals Panic 3 (Korea) [gp-lee, The Guru]
Punch-Out!! (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pigskin 621AD (rev 1.1 6/05/90)
  [Ben Fino-Radin, Nicolas Francfort, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Jurassic Park (Japan, Rev A, Convertion) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Violent Storm (ver EAC) [RanaElia]
Free Kick (bootleg set 3) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 910411)
  [Kevin Eshbach, Bill D., Layne, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (2002.10.07.Black Ver) [djvinc]
Trivia Madness - Series B Question set
  [mister_rf, Paul Vining, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Usagi Online (v2.04J) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Casanova [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Titel: MAMEhub 2.0.7a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2013, 17:45
MAMEhub will allow you to play retro coin operated arcade games, classic home console and home computer video games online (either VS, co-op or single player) with other players around the world, regardless of what system they use (works on Mac, Linux & Windows).

This includes game titles from late 70s/early 80s (such as arcade Space Invaders, Atari 2600, C64, ZX Spectrum) to 90s (such as Amiga and arcade Street Fighter 3).

Mamehub uses the MAME and MESS emulators. and therefore if a game title works in these normally, it should work in MAMEhub too (that is should, not always guaranteed, due to complex game save issues of some games). However, the good news, MAMEhub has the potential to run an estimated 40,000 game titles.


Titel: MAMEhub 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2013, 18:45
With mamehub 3.0 with several important updates. Snes is now working, being the most important update, along with other systems affected by the bug. the xml has been updated. Be sure to get the link below, Install.bat is gone, all you need to run is mamehub.bat. If you want to play a snesdsp game like smk you need to unpack the snesdsp.zip and either leave it in your rom folder, or zip into snes.zip, either will work

Titel: MAME 0.151b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 12:21
Infos zu dieser Version gibt's hier : http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0151.txt

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.012
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2013, 06:33
Latest Changes

added: profiler tree option "Profile List Includes All Subfolder Entries" which shows you profiles on the selected plus all sublevels
added: cmpro.ini option "Adv_MinimizeCHDMan = on" to keep chdman windows minimized (not hidden)
misc: updated unrar.dll with the release of winrar5
fixed: zero padding in offlineList xml parser was not working correctly
fixed: little memleak when you drag'n drop profiles in profiler
misc: changed rar/7z rename operations a bit to made them more safe against possible external packer failures
misc: minor changes to disk name checks to avoid rare issues with identical hashes but different names within a parent/clone relationship (in full merge mode)

Titel: FCEUX v2.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2013, 14:07
FCEUX (formerly known as FCE Ultra) is a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and Famicom (Family Computer) emulator for a variety of different platforms, based on Bero's FCE. Note that to actually play any game with FCEUX you will need ROM images in one of the supported formats.

License: Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

The 2.2.2 release fixes a number of emulation bugs and adds many new features, most of which are related to debugging and reverse engineering.

Complete changelog at http://www.fceux.com/web/pressrelease-2.2.2.html

Titel: Kawaks v1.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2013, 19:20
Kawaks is an emulator for Capcom's CPS1/CPS2 and SNK's Neo-Geo arcade systems. It packs a hefty amount of features including per-ROM control setup, many different display and sound options, netplay capabilities, demo recording and more. Definitely an emulator not to be missed. Note that to actually play any game with Kawaks, you will need the proper ROM zips. Neo-Geo support requires additional BIOS roms.


License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

New in this version:
* New drivers:

- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980904)
- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960910)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 971222)
- Street Fighter Zero (Hispanic 950718)
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960430)
- Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Asia 940831)
- PuzzLoop 2 (Japan 010226)
- Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307 stop version)
- Super Street Fighter II X (Japan 940223 rent version)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Jap 980123, PCB)
- Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960430)
- Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Hispanic 931005)

- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest (Korean M1 set 2)
- The King of Fighters '97 (Korean)
- The King of Fighters '97 Oroshi Plus 2003 (bootleg)
- Jockey Grandprix (set 2)
- Alpha Mission II (Prototype)
- Burning Fight (Prototype)
- Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron clad (Prototype)
- King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing (Prototype)
- Final Romance 2 (Neo CD conversion)
- Super Bubble Pop

- 1941 - Counter Attack (US 900227)
- 1941 - Counter Attack (World 900227)
- Captain Commando (World 911202)
- Captain Commando (Japan 910928)
- Forgotten Worlds (US set 2)
- Area 88 (Japan resale version)
- Knights of the Round (Japan 911127 alt)
- The King of Dragons (Japan 910805 alt)
- The King of Dragons (World 910805)
- Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1, US 951006)
- Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Version)
- Final Fight (US set 2)
- Pang! 3 (Euro 950511)
- Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920322)
- Forgotten Worlds (US set 2)
- Final Fight (World set 2)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910522 G)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (World 910228)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910306)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920513)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Japan 920803)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Accelerator set 2)
- The Punisher (Hispanic 930422)

* Changed kof99nd to use non Korean P ROMs.
* Changed SSF2T parent / clone relationship to match MAME.
* Changed SF2T parent / clone relationship to match MAME.
* Various other changes to match MAME 148 ROM naming.

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.012a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2013, 06:45
Latest Changes

fixed: rar processing freezes when handling multi volume rars
fixed: rar deletion failed due to some other multi volume handling (dll update)
misc: changed default operation for "Edit Datfile..." from ShellExecute "edit" to "open"

Titel: MAME 0.152b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2013, 11:30
Whats new: >>


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04424: [Graphics] (seta.c) thunderlbl: [debug] Severe
  graphic issues (Osso)
- 05357: [Crash/Freeze] (taitogn.c) nightrai: fails to boot
  into the game (smf)
- 05236: [Graphics] multiple monitor support doesn't work with d3d
- 05391: [Misc.] (cave.c) ppsatan: manufacturer info for ppsatan
- 05383: [Graphics] (twin16.c) hpuncher: Screen is split and
  graphics are offset (Alex Jackson)
- 00785: [Sound] (omegrace.c) omegrace: Corrupted music after
  completing first several levels. (hap)
- 05214: [Color/Palette] vector games: Vector games with color overlay
  show in b&w on Windows D3D render when HLSL is disabled. (hap)
- 05384: [DIP/Input] (lethal.c) lethaleneab, lethaleneae: Language DIP
  Switch not changing the language (Tafoid)
- 05355: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) sf2m3 ; sf2m8: Kick inputs are not working
  LK MK HK (Osso)
- 05375: [Documentation] (sderby.c) sderby, sderby2: 1 set name and 1
  full name need changed
- 05373: [Crash/Freeze] (capbowl.c) capbowl3, capbowl4: Black screen
  after starting game (Phil Bennett)
- 05366: [Core] (harddriv.c) harddriv and clones, racedriv and clones: RTC
  Day and Month error and fails to start
- 05365: [Documentation] (namcos21.c) driveyes: The correct description
  is "Driver's Eyes (Japan)"
- 05364: [Compiling] Error when compiling with NO_USE_QTDEBUG
- 05356: [Color/Palette] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Off Road Challenge and
  clones have wrong color in some textures (Phil Bennett)
- 05207: [Graphics] All vector games: In the vector games, graphics
  remains imprinted even when exit the game. (hap)
- 04947: [Graphics] (midvunit.c) offroadc: Missing selection indicator
  within service mode. (Phil Bennett)

Source Changes
-vsnes.c: Verified second half roms for vs baseball usa e-1 set, fix
 one mislabeled rom [Dead_Body]

-midvunit.c - Fixed polygon pixel color selection [Phil Bennett]

-peplus.c: Corrected a couple of color CAP sizes. Added the CG graphics
 roms for Ace$ Bonus Poker. [BrianT]

-scsi: Fixed hard disk images with 256-byte sectors. [Curt Coder]

-Added a simple DC blocker filter to the speaker toggle device [R. Belmont]

-konendev.c: Corrected CPU type (PPC403) and added some hardware notes [Phil Bennett]

-sf.c: update prom names for Street Fighter (World, Analog buttons) set.[Porchy]

-exidy440.c:  Replaced prom dump for all games in driver located at 3K. 
 It is unique to all the other proms and different in size.  [Joe Magiera, Tafoid]

-nss.c: update bios rom locations and update inst rom label for smw;
 marked nss v3 bios as possible hack [Kiddcade, Porchy]

-CPS-1 update [Artemio Urbina]:
 * Redumped CDU_22A.7F in dinou to match real pcb, verified on two
   different sources

-Tweaks to the idehd timing, which are still based on complete fiction. [smf]

-Added a new macro MCFG_DEVICE_CARD_DEFAULT_BIOS, which can be used in
 the machine config to set the default BIOS for a slot card device.
 [Curt Coder]

-SDL: fix non-Qt non-Windows build (MT #5364) [R. Belmont]

-Added SCSI status code & set it in all command handlers. It is sent
 over the bus when in status phase. In case of an error further
 information should be set in m_sense_key/m_sense_asc/m_sense_ascq &
 m_sense_information so that it can be returned by executing a request
 sense command [smf]

-Set the error bit in the IDE status register if the command causes a
 check condition [smf]

-vsnes.c: update labels of vs. Super Mario Bros roms to match physical
 chips exactly. [Dead_Body]

-z80dma: Implemented Auto Restart. [Curt Coder]

-TMS57002 fixes and improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Moved CA/ID post-increment outside of execution. Fixes case where
    dual instructions post-increment, also reduces number of generated
 * Fixed data ordering of external memory accesses.
 * Don't generate redundant instructions for undefined rounding modes;
    remap them in decode.
 * Set XOA to 0 on reset.
 * Use [READ|WRITE]LINE_MEMBER for I/O lines.
 * Added PC0 line.
 * Added registers to debugger state.

-wd_fdc: Fixed ready interrupt polarity. Added a soft_reset() function
 which resets only the FDC and not the floppy image devices, thus
 preserving the correct ready states. [Curt Coder]

-Rewrote Konami 056800 (MIRAC): [Phil Bennett]
 * Implemented as an 8-bit device
 * Fixed address mapping
 * Removed bogus timer interrupt
 * Fixed interrupt handling

-054539.c: Fixed input clock rate and implemented programmable timer
 based on hardware measurements [Phil Bennett, Stefan Lindberg]

-lethal.c, mystwarr,c, tmnt.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt. Fixes
 music tempo in some games [Phil Bennett]

-qdrmfgp.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt for qdrmfgp, fixed IRQ
 acknowledge handling [Phil Bennett]

-plygonet.c: Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt, removed non-existent
 second 054539 and fixed EEPROM regression [Phil Bennett]

-hornet.c, gticlub.c: Implemented sound interrupt timer [Phil Bennett]

-konamigx.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 056800 device
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Removed sound hacks
 * All DSP RAM tests now pass, winspike sound now works

-konamigq.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 056800 device
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Added TMS57002 DASP

-ultrsprt.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Implemented VRAM double buffering
 * Improved trackball inputs
 * Fixed sound

-zr107.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt
 * Fixed sound in all games

-rungun.c improvements: [Phil Bennett]
 * Hooked up 054539 timer interrupt. Fixes music tempo
 * Implemented sound CPU NMI control
 * Fixed 054539 #2 regression

-Saves the race driving DSK zram [smf]

-Added all the available beatmania IIDX hard drives and Video CD's/DVD's,
 updated the hard drive labels from pictures online.  [smf]

-mcs96: Misc. fixes [O. Galibert]

-diserial: Remove defines, cleanup clocks/timers, add sync support [O. Galibert]

-verified The Gladiator internal ROM on an Overseas cart [Artemio Urbina]

-wd_fdc: Set CRC error bit if CRC error found during Read Address
 command. Tiki 100 determines whether the disk is in FM or MFM format
 by checking this. [Curt Coder]

-CPS-1 update:
 * Dumped and added IOB2.11D to sf2ee and sf2ue [Porchy], S9263B.1A to
    sf2ce and sf2hf sets and clones [Porchy], CP1B9KA.9K to pang3

-snk6502.c:  Adjusted Nibbler board clock rate to use actual known
 master clock and a logical divisor.  [Tafoid]

-jedutil.c:  [Kevin Eshbach]
 * Corrected the output of the PAL20X4, PAL20X8, PAL20X10 to show the
    XOR on the relevant sum of products.
 * When viewing a device the size of the JED file is verified to match
    the size of the device.
 * Replaced hard-coded symbol strings with constants.
 * Started experimental work for supporting RICOH PAL’s.  (Currently
    ifdef'ed out.)
 * Added support for viewing the following devices and the
    corresponding regression test data. (PALCE16V8, PAL10P8, PAL12P6,
    PAL14P4, PAL16P2, PAL16P8, PAL16RP4, PAL16RP6, PAL16RP8, PAL6L16,
    PAL8L14, PAL12H10, PAL12L10, PAL14H8, PAL14L8, PAL16H6, PAL16L6,
    PAL18H4, PAL18L4, PAL20C1 and PAL20L2)

-Added flip screen support to Royal Mahjong and brothers [Angelo Salese]

 V9958: Added preliminary screen modes 10/11/12, used by Puzzle
 Star/Sexy Boom [Angelo Salese, Wilbert Pol]

-vsnes.c: Corrected rom labels and fixed set description for vspinbal
 set [Dead_Body]

-cinemat.c: Correct dipswitches for Vectorbeam's Warrior. [Timothy Shiels]

-vsnes.c: More updated ROM labels, for vs top gun and vs gradius [Dead_Body]

-i386: Fixed P6 CMOVcc instructions, and added CMOV feature flag to
 Pentium Pro and Pentium II CPUs.  Added MMX feature flag to Pentium
 MMX. [Barry Rodewald]

-Fixed a complement by two bug in V9958 YJK table, fixes for good
 colors in Puzzle Star / Sexy Boom / some MSX2+ games. [Angelo Salese]

-Kludged Puzzle Star (Sang Ho Soft) hang at title screen [Angelo Salese]

-Added the SHA1 for System 573 700B01 now that we have a dump. It
 currently expects a different response from the H8 at bootup than the
 other BIOS versions, so the data is stored in a fake rom until it's
 HLE'd better of we get a dump of the H8 internal rom
 [smf, innocent2k, anthonyoftga]

-document that ketsui roms exist with different fill in the unused
 areas [Artemio Urbina]

-upd765: Fixed sense drive status command, and allow floppy connectors
 without drives. [Curt Coder]

-fixed scudsp & ssp1601 entries [Vito]

-Reduce smearing on hlsl prescale [MooglyGuy]

-Corrected 7486 description in head file [MASH]

-various PGM protection cleanups / fixes (orlegend, olds, svgpcb) [iq_132]

-finished modernising i2cmem [smf]

-remodernised x76f041/x76f100 & zs01 so that logging becomes easy again
 & uses READ_LINE_MEMBER/WRITE_LINE_MEMBER so the pins can be bound to
 directly. Hooked up x76f041 to the early beatmania IIDX games. They
 all pass the security check eventually but it takes a long time as it
 repeatedly reads the first byte, it's possible that the contents
 aren't correct as the game says the security is OK even when the data
 returned is not what it's checking for. [smf]

-Added a work round so that CR589 firmware updating works again, either
 from the separate CD's or as part of the game install (for example DDR
 MAX). [smf]

-playch10: update Playchoice-10 BIOS ROM names to match exact chip
 labels and types [Dead_Body]

-naomi/dc: Sanitize screen format, fixes MT5349 [O. Galibert]

-redumped some System 573 CD's [Guru]

-CPS-1 update: Added S222B.1A PAL to ffightj and clones.
 [Charles MacDonald, Porchy, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Created DS1204 device & switched megatouch to use it instead of it's
 own local version (driver could do with some more tidying up as not
 all games use a key but currently it is hooked up to all games).
 Default data comes from a region instead of coded in driver, commands
 & security match are now compared, data is clocked on the correct
 edge, key can be written to and is saved to nvram. [smf]

-redumped bad roms for First Funky Fighter [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Merged othldrby.c with toaplan2.c driver [Angelo Salese]

-Converted Toaplan 2 to use SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]

-Added a core for uPD4992 RTC, used by Othello Derby and Power Kick [Angelo Salese]

-Hooked up ds1204, but haven't found what it checks for yet. Change
 PATCH_PROTECTION to 0 in tmaster.c and VERBOSE_LEVEL to 2 in ds1204.c
 then look for "-> command" in error.log to find the subsequent read
 from the dq pin for reading the identification and secure memory. For
 tm4k the first two bytes of the nvram need to be  0x00, 0xa0. From
 scratch you'll need to play a game before it will complain about the
 protection, but after that it will complain on every boot. It tries
 five different contents for the compare register at various points
 during the bootup, this may be for obfuscation as the real chip will
 return random results if the key is wrong. If the keys are available
 it might be easier to dump them than figure out exactly what it wants.

-svgpcb: added igs027a rom, runs intro, dies trying to go in game, not
 sure why yet [rtw, David Haywood]

-Created a skeleton for the Konami 573 Multi Session Unit, renamed
 digital io board source file to match and moved pcb layout from
 driver. [smf]

-Added skeleton for konami 573 memory card reader and network pcb unit
 devices [smf]

-redumped keyboard mania 3 [Guru]

-Updated konam80s atapi dma kludge so that Guitar Freaks 7th Mix (and
 alot of others) load again [smf]

-Mambo A GO-GO CD redump in raw mode + raw subcode. [any]

-Improved Sega Bloxeed dipswitches. [Zaphod]

-Added basic 3d FIFO understanding and hooked up FIFO irq processed to
 Hyper Neo Geo 64, meaning a far better 3d display in all games
 [Angelo Salese]

-mc2661: Added various transmission and reception logic to help make
 the above possible [Barry Rodewald]

-twin16.c: [Alex Jackson]
 * Use the correct gfx ROMs for all the vulcan/gradius2 sets
 * Load gfx ROMs using standard macros instead of custom postprocessing
 * Replace custom read/write handlers with AM_REGION, AM_SHARE, or banks as appropriate
 * Fix Extra Life dipswitches in vulcana and vulcanb
 * Fix cuebrick NVRAM size
 * Fix audio cpu RAM size
 * Use XTALs for clocks

-Windows: Fixed D3D multimonitor support. [GroovyMAME]

-Slot options can now be configured inline without creating an array.
 Legacy support for old configuration uses MCFG_FRAGMENT_ADD, which
 required changing so the current device could be updated by the
 fragment. [smf]

-converted cassette, pccard1 & pccard2 slots to use new MCFG macros [smf]

 where only the default option is changed. [smf]

-m68k: add ability for externally-thrown bus errors to have proper
 details [R. Belmont]

-uses device_mconfig_additions() to add ata slots, which allows you to
 just add the device and configure it rather than using the
 MCFG_ATA_INTERFACE_ADD #define. [smf]

-allow building with ICL on Windows if you have it installed into MSVC [Dean London]
 The ICL compiler on Windows installs over MSVC and piggybacks onto the
 build tools Microsoft provide.  To enable compilation use USE_ICL=1
 when compiling with MSVC_BUILD=1 (from the ICL enabled command prompt)
 + gives a more stable build than the MSVC compiler + more informative
 compile errors when using ICL compared to MSVC compiler + can still
 use MSVC debugging tools (better than GCC) + can use additional intel
 tools etc.
 build is still slower than GCC one

-aristmk4.c:  [Lord-Data]
 * Option to raise outputs for physical meters to be used
 * Option to disable making sound effects for emulated meters
 * Option to disable virtual emulation of hopper/coin release system

-k005289.c: refactored, removed redundant state variables and
 unneccessary floating point math, added savestate support
 [Alex Jackson]

-Removed support for static config from slots and converted the two
 devices using it to machine config fragments [smf]

-Pong update: [couriersud]
 * based on feedback from IRC hopefully fixed issues like "jumping"
 * adjusted VR1 and VR2 to 50%
 * disabled all printf output.

-converted serial & rs232 devices to devcb2 [smf]

-diimage: Added load_software_region() function that loads a software
 list region into a shared_ptr. [Curt Coder]

-Added preliminary sound to ghosteo.c by borrowing code from vegaeo.c. [Osso]

-z8.c: Modernized cpu core.  [Wilbert Pol]

-midyunit.c  [Andy Welsh]
 Fixed inputs and DIP Switches for hiimpact,
 shimpact and clones which were all imported from TROG and mostly

-Added Signetics 8X300 microcontroller core, updated Wicat driver to
 use it.  [Barry Rodewald]

-replaced read rx/cts/dcd callbacks in ACIA6850 write write handlers,
 which allows multiple chips to be connected together without using
 glue methods. [smf]

-Changed Guitar Freaks 7m onwards to use a 32mb PCMCIA card [smf]

-Redumped some beatmania IIDX CD's [Guru]

-Redumped several Konami GV CD's [Guru]

-Redumped several Konami M2 CD's [Guru]

-Redumped various System 573 CD's [Guru]

-i8089: implement remaining instructions and support execution from
 "io" space. [Carl]

-replaced read callbacks in I8251/Z80DART (and clones)/MC2661/
 MC68901/IM6402/MOS6551/Z80STI/MC6852/MC6854/ZX8302 with
 write handlers, which allows multiple chips to be connected
 together without using glue methods. [smf]

-Removed a load of unused code from MC68901, probably left
 over when it was converted to use diserial. [smf]

-Removed dependency clutter in c64 expansion port, c128 driver,
 ecbbus & econet [smf]
-nemesis.c: added PORT_TOGGLE and PORT_NAMEs to Konami GT.

-Rom locations added for Battles (Xevious bootleg), G.I. Joe,
 Ghosts'n Goblins (US), Victory Road and Guerilla War (Version
 1) as well as nvram location to The Simpsons.  [Kevin Eshbach]

-Added readmes for gijoe, moo, xexex, lethal, mystwarr also
 updating simpsons.  [Guru]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Long Beach [any, hap]
The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian [David Haywood, rtw]
Blastaball (Arcadia, V 2.1) [Unigame]
Pharaohs Match (Arcadia) [Unigame]
Delta Command (Arcadia) [Unigame]
Wave shark/Jet Wave [Phil Bennett]
Puzzle Star (Sang Ho Soft) [Angelo Salese, Wilbert Pol]
Dancing Stage - Internet Ranking Ver (GC845 VER. EBA) [smf, skype]
Player's Edge Plus (XM00007P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000838S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (X000841S+XS000002) Five Times Pay Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (X001087S+XS000006) Double Double Diamond Slots [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (IP0079) Standard Draw Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002420P+XP000064) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Power Kick  [bodger319, Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Angelo Salese]
S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V100JP)
  (ARM label V100JP ROM 05/12/05  S.V.G V100) (Japan, JAMMA PCB) [rtw, David Haywood]

New clones added
Scramble (Recreativos Franco, Spanish bootleg) [Basilio Garcia]
The Gladiator / Road of the Sword / Shen Jian (M68k label V100)
   (ARM label V101, ROM 03/13/03 SHEN JIAN) [Artemio Urbina]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/10/26 20:24:29 CHASE 3 VER 1.1, prototype) [Unigame]
Brick Zone (v1.1) [Unigame]
Cadash (World, prototype) [Unigame]
1942 (prototype?) [Unigame]
4 En Raya (set 2) [Unigame]
Gallop Racer (English Ver 10.17.K) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Chase Bombers (prototype) [Unigame]
The First Funky Fighter (set 2) [Unigame]
Cobra Command (Data East LD, set 2) [Unigame] (not working)
Spy Hunter (prototype) [Unigame] (not working, needs more work)
U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (Japan, prototype?) [Unigame]
Syvalion (World, prototype) [Unigame]
Donkey Kong Junior (P kit) [Chris Psaros]
Who Dunit (version 9.0)  [Joe Magiera]
Commando (US set 2) [Kevin Eshbach]
Bucky O'Hare (ver EA) [caius]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0171) Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000054P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0002) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0455) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0458) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0536) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0726) Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (IP0074) Joker Poker - French [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000045P+XP000038) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00017) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2426) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0417) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT, Kevin]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0002) Standard Draw Poker (set 2) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00017) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2352) [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0046) 10's or Better [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000002P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000060P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000171P+XP000038) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000417P+XP000053) Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X000459P+XP000038) Joker Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002043P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002066P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002121P+XP000037) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002150P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Player's Edge Plus (X002180P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker [BrianT, Ken]
Touchmaster 4000 (v6.03 New Jersey) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 4000 (v6.01 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 5000 (v7.10 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.05 New Jersey) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.04 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 7000 (v8.00 Minnesota) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
World Kicks (WK3 Ver. A) [Guru]
Wivern Wings [Brian Troha, Tormod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Invasion - The Abductors (version 3.0) [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter III: New Generation (Euro 970204) [Layne, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
beatmania IIDX Substream (983 JAA) [smf]
beatmania IIDX 5th style (GCA17 JA) [smf]
beatmania IIDX (863 JAB) [Guru]
beatmania IIDX 3rd style (GC992 JAC) [smf]
beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAB) [smf]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (GQ673 JAA) [Guru]
Total Vice (ver AAB) [Guru]
Super Six Plus II English Mark Darts  [Jim Stolis]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart Seal Version Plus (GE756 JAA) [Guru]
Submarine (Midway) [John Robertson, hap]
Mambo A Go-Go e-Amusement (GQA40 VER. JRB) [smf]
Touch de Uno! [R. Belmont, bodger319, gamerfan, f205v, Yohji, Smitdogg, rtw, The Dumping Union]

Titel: clrmamepro 4.012b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2014, 14:20
Latest Changes

fixed: unneeded samples can cause crash
fixed: rebuilder fails on filenames containing special character '`' which is internally used
fixed: crash on illegal 7z file dates
fixed: case fix for rar/7z without using their rename operations removes file and leads to crash
misc: updated to latest unrar dll
misc: updated to latest ziparchive class

Titel: clrmamepro 4.014
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2014, 13:35
Latest Changes

misc: switched to 7z CPP SDK core now. Unpack operations and hash calculations are now done blockwise. So you should not run into memory issues with huge 7z files anymore.
misc: reenabled detection of unneeded folders within rar/7z files with safe handling on delete
fixed: no more possible double file creations when using external packer's rename command
fixed: possible assertion when not using external packer's rename command
misc: updated unrar dll

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.014a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2014, 05:10
Latest Changes

fixed: accidently reintroduced 7z case fix issue when using 7z exe's rename operation

Titel: Emu Loader 7.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2014, 20:15
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Latest Changes

- Set default settings button was disabled for SEGA Model 2 emulator in emulators setup screen
- File \arcade\mame_listxml.xml is always deleted after creating MAME games list. File will be generated every time you create a MAME games list. It usually takes around 20 seconds
- Get version info function updated and improved to show similar string format on all emulators. To update the version info for both emulator and games list you need to create games list for all systems again
- View missing ROMs/CHDs screen updated, removing waste of screen space and to fit on 720x480 resolution (games popup menu / Shift+F8 or Shift+A hotkeys)
- Delete selected game screen updated. Minimized icons pollution, waste of screen space and adapted to fit on 720x480 resolution
- Delete multiple games screen updated
- - replaced buttons by a popup menu (mouse right-click) to remove pollution and waste of space
- - window height is dynamic now, depending on the games list count
- - if there are no listed games with CHDs, the CHD column is hidden
- - if there are no merged sets, the Merged column is hidden
- - if there are no games with bios sets, the Bios Name column is hidden
- Delete/rename image file updated. Removed icons pollution, waste of space and adjusted image panel
- Category / layout settings screen updated to remove very large icons pollution and made image categories selection easier to work with
- Scan MAME/HBMAME missing audio samples updated to show system icon with game icon instead of a system column (main menu "Games List")
- Emulators setup screen updated. When in MAME panel, emulator file texts have clickable links so you can go directly to the emulator's official website
- Interface tweaks everywhere
- New "Game ROMs" filter option: "Games With No Main Set" (extra filters tool bar button)
- Select this filter to view games that have bios ROMs and/or device ROMs and/or CHD files, but no game ROMs (no gamename.zip set)

Titel: MAME 0.153
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2014, 16:20
Infos zu dieser Version gibt's hier : http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0153.txt

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.014b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2014, 11:40
Latest Changes

fixed: not initialized variable causes 7z decompress warnings in Windows 8.1 (64bit only)

Titel: Emu Loader 7.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2014, 20:20
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Latest Changes

- Deleting a favorite profile not currently active would set the new selected profile active (favorites profile editor)
- Renaming the active favorites profile title was not updating the favorites menu item hint in main screen

Titel: MAME 0.154b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2014, 13:57
Infos zu dieser Version gibt's hier : http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0154.txt

Titel: Emu Loader 7.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2014, 13:55
Latest Changes

- App crash if file '\arcade\neogeo.ini' is not found. Bug fixed by creating a globar var instead of a local var to handle this file (silly crash bug

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.015
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2014, 13:50
Latest Changes

fixed: corrected handling of sets with only bios roms and sample clone (MAME 154 gp110 sets)
fixed: dir2dat not always writes cr/lf as line delimiter (deprecated format only)
fixed: rebuilder log shows no reason for already rebuilt files
fixed: rebuilder shows warning when rebuilding uncompressed file which already exists in destination
fixed: rebuilder recreates files (when not needed) when you use chds files as roms
fixed: crash when redrawing scan results (some rare circumstances)
misc: optimized general hash calculation / file read routine
misc: removed crc=-1 / 1 suspicious checksum check
misc: changed nes header file to be a bit less strict
misc: updated to latest ziparchive class lib, unrar dll
misc: parse rom merge tags enabled by default (on clean install)

Titel: Emu Loader 7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2014, 05:30
Latest Changes


Atomiswave games not loading with Demul emulator due to wrong machine name call. It should be -run=atomiswave (with a "V")
Daphne games was not being set as available even if gamename.zip is found. I forgot to set the game status tag. You must create Daphne games list again to fix this


Setting "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" enabled by default (main menu)
Tweaks to the multi-slot screen

Titel: MAME 0.155b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2014, 18:15
Infos zu dieser Version gibt's hier : http://mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0155.txt

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.155
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2014, 20:15


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05728: [Crash/Freeze] (pce.c) sgx: The "Axelay" Demo crashes the MESS while
  starting. (Fabio Priuli)
- 05729: [Crash/Freeze] (pce.c) pce, tg16: The demo "Split-Resolution Demo by
  Chris Covell" does not work properly. (Fabio Priuli)
- 05712: [DIP/Input] (timex.c) ts2068, uk2086: The keyboard input
  does not working. (Fabio Priuli)
- 05591: [Gameplay] (atari400.c) a5200: Only one button works
  (player 1) (Fabio Priuli)
- 05639: [Interface] Internal UI: Selecting Console, then using
  File Manager to select media doesn't work (Fabio Priuli)
- 05672: [Crash/Freeze] (apple2.c) apple2e, apple2ee, probably
  others: hang when enabling output latch with no floppy in drive (Olivier Galibert)

New System Drivers Supported:
-TI-95 PROCALC [hap]
-Microdigital TK3000//e [R. Belmont]
-Apple IIgs (ROM00 prototype 3/10/1986) [Apple II Documentation Project]
-Peripheral Technology PT68K2 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]
-Canon V-30 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-30F (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo Zemmix CPG-120 (Korea) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-G3 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Perfect Perfect1 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Philips NMS-8260 (Prototype) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Philips NMS-8270 (Prototype) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo MPC-2500FD (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo Wavy MPC-27 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo Wavy PHC-77 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sony HB-701FD (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-21 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-22 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-34 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-34I (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-90 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-95 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-95A (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS-503 III R (Russian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS-503 III R (Estonian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS805/128 (Russian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS805R2/128 (Russian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS805R2/128 (Estonian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS805/256 (Russian) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
-TI-74 BASICALC [hap]
-Laser 128 (version 4.2) [Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]
-Laser 128ex (version 4.5) [Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]
-Laser 128ex2 (version 6.1) [Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]
-Peripheral Technology PT68K4 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]
-Al Alamiah AX-150 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-8 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-20E (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-20F (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-20G (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-20S (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Canon V-25 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Casio MX-10 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Casio MX-101 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Casio MX-15 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Casio PV-7 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo CPC-88 (Korea) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo CPC-330K KOBO (Korea) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo DPC-200E (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo Zemmix CPC-50A (Korea) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo Zemmix CPC-50B (Korea) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo Zemmix CPC-51 (Korea) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Daewoo Zemmix CPC-61 (Korea) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Fenner DPC-200 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Fenner FPC-500 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Fenner FPC-900 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Fenner SPC-800 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Fujitsu FM-X (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Goldstar FC-80U (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Goldstar GFC-1080 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Goldstar GFC-1080A (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Hitachi MB-H2 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Hitachi MB-H25 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Hitachi MB-H50 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Hitachi MB-H70 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Kawai KMC-5000 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-F48 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-F110 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-F120 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-G1 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Mitsubishi ML-G10 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-National / Matsushita FS-4000 (alt) (Japan) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Philips NMS-8250F (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Philips NMS-8255F (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Philips NMS-8280F (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Pioneer PX-07UK (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Pioneer PX-V60 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo MPC-200 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo MPC-200SP (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sanyo Wavy PHC-55FD2 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sony HB-10 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sony HB-101P (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sony HB-55 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Sony HB-F500F (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Spectravideo SVI-738 (Arabic) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Spectravideo SVI-738 (Denmark) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Spectravideo SVI-738 (Spain) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-10D (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-10DP (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-10E (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-10F (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-10SA (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-20I (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-21I (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-22I (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-23I (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba HX-33 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Toshiba FS-TM1 (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-5 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-6 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Victor HC-7 (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha CX5F (w/SFG01) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha CX5F (w/SFG05) (MSX1)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS604 (64KB) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]
-Yamaha YIS604 (128KB) (MSX2)  [Wilbert Pol]

Skeleton drivers:
-Genius Leader Magic Color (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Junior Redstar 3 (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Junior 4000 (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Junior 5000 (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Junior Redstar (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Leader Super Color (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Genius Leader 6600CX (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-VTech Genius Leader Power Notebook (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-LexiPC Mega 2000 (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-VTech PreComputer 1000 [Porchy]
-TimeTop GameKing [Porchy]

Software Lists:

-pico.xml: added many new dumps, including some from Korean releases and
 exclusive titles. [Team Europe]

-megadriv.xml: verified and documented a lot of dumps, added Shining
 Force (Euro), redumped Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing (Euro). [sunbeam]

-nes.xml: added dump of Codemasters' Super Adventure Quests. [Porchy]

-glcolor.xml: documented the 'Spiel-und Lernspaß' cartridge.

-m5.xml: dumped Bosconian. [Ola Andersson]

-coleco.xml: Some more verified dumps and info added. [Ikrananka]

-coleco.xml: replaced Sector Alpha incorrect dumps with a proper
 one [Ikrananka]

-coleco.xml: removed choplifter bad dump. [dink]

-psx.xml: added info to the games #-O. [Antopisa]

-sms.xml: documenting Graphic Board prototype dump. [SMSPower]

-nes.xml: added a couple of new multigame dumps using OneBus
 PCB. [TeamEurope]

-exl100.xml: added Exelvision EXL 100 cart list. [Fabio Priuli]

-pencil2.xml: added Hanimex Pencil II cart list
 [Robbbert, Fabio Priuli]

-pegasus_cart.xml: added Aamber Pegasus ROM expansions list.
 [neoncluster, Fabio Priuli]

-dmv.xml: added Decision Mate V floppy softlist. [Sandro Ronco]

-vectrex.xml:  Fixed some clones assignments.  [m4st4]

-gameking.xml:  added TimeTop GameKing cart list.  [Porchy]

-timex.xml: added software list for Timex DOCK carts. [Fabio Priuli]

-apple2.xml: added over 150 items, including many classics of
 the platform. [R. Belmont]

-Add correct data width/endianness to several software lists [Alex

Source Changes

-sms.c: Restore selected cartridge when loading a save state for
 the store display unit.  [Enik Land]

-apple3: Support ThunderClock Plus card. [R. Belmont]

-mc1000.c:  Correction to the cassette input  [Emerson Costa]

-amstrad: added support for 64k, 320k, and 576k RAM sizes added
 preliminary support for the SYMBiFACE II board [Barry Rodewald]
 idehd: added Read Native Max Address IDE command

-Apple II updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Added additional ROMs for TK3000
 * Added preliminary mono/color config switch for pre-IIgs machines
    (doesn't yet work in lo-res)
 * Moved Laser 3000 to its own driver since it's not very Apple-like
    and got it to boot into BASIC.

-sms.c: Documented release years for some Brazilian SMS
 releases.  [Enik Land]

-apple2: add possible Laser 128EX2 ROM pending future work on
 that series [R. Belmont]

-Laser 3000: add first-pass keyboard, 80-column text, hi-res,
 and double hi-res graphics support [R. Belmont]

-Apple II: enable language-card write on reset based on h/w
 testing [Peter Ferrie]

-dmv: added expansions slot interface. [rfka01, Sandro Ronco]

-dmv: added boot ROMs from 4 different boards. [rfka01]

-Apple II: add more debugger guards around C800 bankswitch
 [Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]

-Improve Laser 128 series support; 128EX/2 now boots DOS 3.3 and
 ProDOS. [Peter Ferrie, R. Belmont]

-Support ProDOS-order Pascal 1.3 images [R. Belmont]

-Apple II: Add support for the Applied Engineering TimeMaster II
 H.O. card [R. Belmont]

-Support PET user port "CB2 Sound" device [R. Belmont]

-tapectrl.c: fixed bug where systems with multiple cassette
 drives (e.g. PET) had no Tape Controls when no cassette was loaded in
 the first drive. [Fabio Priuli]

-ui.c: added shortcut commands for Tape Start and Tape Stop, by
 default mapped to F2 and Shift+F2, respectively. This is not meant as
 a replacement for the internal Tape Control menu, but it shall make
 simpler the usage of game tapes in home computers. Notice that
 REC/RWD/FWD have still to be pressed from the internal UI and that if
 you mount multiple cassettes in a driver with multiple tape drives
 only the first one will be controllable with these shortcuts.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-Apple II: hook up ACIAs for Laser 128 series, remove cassette
 for IIc and Laser. [R. Belmont]

-Apple II series changes: [R. Belmont]
 * Support 1 MB expansion for Laser 128ex2
 * Give the IIc Plus the correct drive type, but it's still unhappy
 * Promote apple2c4 to working since it runs fine now

-amstrad: added Amdrum expansion card [Barry Rodewald]

-amstrad: added Digiblaster printer-port device [Barry Rodewald]

-a2600.c: converted Atari VCS carts to be slot devices, cleaned
 up the implementation and removed Supercharger tapes from the main
 system. The -cass media switch (to load the tape file) will become
 available only when you mount the Supercharger cart. [Fabio Priuli]

-a7800.c progress:  [Fabio Priuli]
 * Rewritten cart emulation to use slot devices
 * Removed POKEY chip from the main unit since it was inside the carts
    (of course it gets enabled when you launch a game who contained it
    in its cart)
 * Added support for the High Score cart as a passthru cart: when you
    mount hiscore, a -cart2 switch will become available to mount the
    game you want to play
 * Properly implemented XBoarD and XM expansions as passthru carts as
    well, so that new syntax to run dkxm.a78 is
      mess a7800 -cart xm -cart2 path\to\games\dkxm.a78
    High Score support for XM shall work as well.
 * Big clean up of the driver, simplifying memory map, removing writes
    to ROM, etc.

-apple3: don't do color text in A2 emulation mode. [R. Belmont]

-a7800: split video emulation (Atari MARIA chip) into a separate
 device. [Fabio Priuli]

-altos5: Fix wrong drive type [O. Galibert]

-atari400.c progress:  [Fabio Priuli]
 * Rewritten cart emulation to use slot devices (many "mappers" do not
    fully work yet) and unified cart handling among 8bit home computers,
    XEGS and Atari 5200
 * Added support for loading carts with bankswitch to all XL/XE models
 * Added support for loading XEGS carts in Atari 8bits home computers
    (XEGS instead will only load XEGS games until support for the
    keyboard add-on is included)
 * Big clean up of the driver, simplifying memory map, removing writes
    to ROM, etc.
 * Changed NOT_WORKING flag to IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS in 600XL, 65XE,
    800XE and XEGS since they should now be working to the same extent
    of the 800XL, and bugs shall be reported.

-pve500.c: hooked up MB8421 RAM [FSanches]

-pc_vga: correct access to attribute register when PAS bit is
 set, allows XFree86 to detect ISA VGA. [Peter Ferrie]

-gameboy: added dump of Color GameBoy 188 in 1 multicart, and
 partially implemented the required mapper [Team Europe, Fabio Priuli]

-apple3: refresh selected drive after the softswitches are
 changed. [Paul Hagstrom]

 * Timeout rendering added. [Mike Saarna]
 * Reorganized DMA penalties to support new rendering code [Mike Saarna,
    Robert Tuccitto]

-a7800.c:  [Fabio Priuli]
 * Fixed YM2151 clock in XM expansion, thanks to info from tep392 and
 * Added support for homebrew boards MegaCart+ and VersaBoard by
    CPUWIZ (ROM respectively up to 512K and 256K + 32K of RAM)
 * Misc cleanups

-thomson: improve accuracy of the colors [Antoine Mine]

-Added the following video card BIOSes: [rfka01, Barry Rodewald]
 s3_764:   S3 9503-62 (not working) Elsa Winner 1000/T2D
 s3virge:  S3 ViRGE BIOS v1.00-10 mach64:   ATi mach64V1 113-34404-104

-Apple II: Support Apple II Mouse Card [R. Belmont, Guru, Sharkpuncher]

-apple3: invert enable1 sense, external drive selection now
 works properly. [R. Belmont]

-megadriv.c: Added support for Game Genie as a passthru cart.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-Even better apple3 drive select. [Paul Hagstrom]

-sms.c: Fixed lphaser regression.  [Enik Land]

-sms.c: Prevent vdp register 6 contents from being overwritten
 while a line is being drawn. Fixes title screen in backtof3.
 [Enik Land, Wilbert Pol]

-sms.c: Fixed graphics glitch in E-Swat atttact mode on the smsj
 driver and some small cleanups. [Enik Land]

-apple3: preliminary hook up of slot IRQ and NMI lines.
 [R. Belmont]

-Stop trashing DiskCopy 4.2 images that don't have tags.
 [R. Belmont]

-famicom: converted the disk system add-on to be a cart in the
 softlist. The official syntax to launch disk games is now
   mess famicom -cart disksys -flop gamename
 which corresponds to inserting the RAM expansion cart with connected
 the disk drive into the cartslot and the desired disk in the disk
 drive (exactly like you would have done with the real thing). In this
 way, you cannot mount anymore both a cart and a disk in the Family
 Computer (as in a real unit). Users that cannot cope with this
 limitation and/or with the new syntax can still use the famitwin
 driver (which offers both cart and disk options) or the newly added
 driver fds which emulates a famicom with the expansion always inserted:
 in both latter cases the old syntax
   mess famitwin -flop gamename
 will launch the game, as previously. [Fabio Priuli]

-famicom: fixed disk system IRQ latch clear in Kaettekita Mario
 Bros. based on investigations by FHorse. [Fabio Priuli]

-sb16: Add Soundblaster 16 low level emulation [Carl, Malice, O. Galibert]

-Fixed issue with messtiny build (additional bioses are no
 longer separate sets).  [m4st4]

-sms.c: Small improvements to the latching of some registers.
 Fixes flicker in Power Strike 2.  [Enik Land]

-tsispch.c - Add v1.1 firmware to TSI/Speech Plus Prose 2000
 driver [Lord Nightmare]

-concept: fix keyboard status to not return junk data, fixes
 bootup without -debug. [R. Belmont]

-concept: hooked up actual 6551 for keyboard, added beeper,
 cleaned up driver. [R. Belmont]

-cbm8296ed: Added ROM signatures for Oracle 3.03.
 [Mike Naberezny]

-itt3030: additional FDC hookup, now tries and fails to boot.
 [R. Belmont]

-concept: Hook up Apple II bus. [R. Belmont]

-svi318.c: cleaned up the driver and added support for save
 states. [Fabio Priuli]

-advision.c: cleaned up the driver and added support for save
 states. [Fabio Priuli]

-added PC-9821AP2/U8W BIOS. [caius]

-softbox: Added BIOS revision 8/9/81. [Nils Eilers, Mike Naberezny]

-amust: added newly-dumped keyboard rom [ejwords, MSPP]

-thomson - fixes for a non-standard video mode and adding a new
 one [Antoine Mine]

-gba.c: fixed Top Gun - Combat Zones cart type, making the game
 playable. [Reznor007]

-concept: Preliminary implementations of the original and
 buffered floppy disk controllers. [R. Belmont]

-portfolio: only trigger interrupts when the 8250 asserts the
 line, not when it clears it. [smf]

-floppy.c: fixed disks not being launched if loaded from
 softlist through File Manager. [Fabio Priuli]

-315_5124.c: Refactored sprite handling, fixes status bar on Tarzan for
 gaemgear. Removed m_collission_buffer member variable. Tweaked game
 gear timing to fix glitches in status bar of Chicago Syndicate for
 gamegear.  [Enik Land]

-concept: Misc fixes/cleanup, CCOS boots now from 8" floppies.
 [R. Belmont]

-concept: Add 5.25" DSDD raw image support and preliminary
 pseudo-DMA to buffered controller. [R. Belmont]

-saturn: made RAM / Backup RAM expansion internal slot options.
 you now mount these with the -cart media switch, i.e. for instance
   mess saturn -cdrm ddsom -cart ram32
   mess saturn -cdrm draculax -cart bram16
 and not anymore using the -exp option. [Fabio Priuli]

-concept: can boot 5.25" disks on fdc02 now. [crazyc]

-msx.c: Added release years for several systems.  [AntoPISA]

-gameboy, gbcolor: added a configuration setting (off by
 default) to skip BIOS checks at boot. This allows the recently dumped
 Rockman World Prototype to be played, and the Rocket Games pirate GBC
 carts too. [Fabio Priuli]

-gba: added a configuration setting (off by default) to skip some BIOS
 checks at boot. This allows Tyrian 2000 Prototype to be played. [Fabio

-apple2: IIe and later don't require double-reads on the
 language card. [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie]

-odyssey2: converted the driver to use slot devices for cartridges,
 removed The Voice add-on from the main system and emulated it as
 a passthru cart instead. Now, if you want to enjoy speech in
 odyssey/videopac games, you must launch emulation with
   mess odyssey2 -cart voice -cart2 gamename
 (the -cart2 switch becomes available when "voice" is mounted in
 the first cartslot) [Fabio Priuli]

-intv: converted the driver to use slot devices for cartridges
 and implemented the IntelliVoice expansion and the Entertainment
 Computer System expansion as passthru devices. The official syntax to
 launch games requiring the speech expansion is now
   mess intv -cart voice -cart2 gamename
 which corresponds to mounting the IntelliVoice and plugging the game
 cart in its subslot.  The official syntax to launch games requiring
 the ECS expansion is now instead
   mess intv -cart ecs -cart2 gamename
   mess intv -cart ecs -cart2 voice -cart3 gamename
 if the game requires both expansions at once. For additional user
 friendliness, we also offer intvecs (which emulates an Intellivision
 unit with both expansions added) and intvoice (which emulates an
 Intellivision with Intellivoice expansion added) drivers, where games
 can simply be mounted with the -cart media switch. [Fabio Priuli]

-msx.c: Added support for DMK floppy images.  [Wilbert Pol]

-maria.c: improved DMA accuracy. [Mike Saarna, Robert Tuccitto]
 * Last Line DMA value corrected to 6. GCC and Atari docs both show a
    difference between Other Line and Last Line as +6 at the lowest
    part of the range.
 * Blank scanlines are drawn when DMA is off, like real hardware.
 * If MARIA hits the DMA limit, the CPU doesn't run until the next

-vic20: Emulated the Final Expansion 3 cartridge (only
 RAM/FlashROM supported). [Curt Coder]

-spc1000: added fdd code [Meso Kim]

-sms.c: Misc fixes:  [Enik Land]
 * Disable gamegear sio register when in ggsms mode
 * Fixed tilemap mirroring on sms1 vdp needed for Japanese version of Ys
 * Fixed BIOS support in the gamegear driver
 * Fixed collisions when column #0 is disabled

-gamegear: added preliminary emulation of the Master Gear
 Adapter which allows to launch SMS games in the gamegear driver, with
 video chip in SMS mode. You can try this by launching
   mess.exe gamegear -cart mgear -cart2 your_sms_game
 (the -cart2 switch becomes available when you mount "mgear" in the
 main gamegear cart slot) [Fabio Priuli]


Titel: Yabause 0.9.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2014, 20:00
Yabause is a Sega Saturn emulator under GNU GPL. It currently runs on FreeBSD, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Dreamcast, PSP and Wii. Yabause support booting games using Saturn cds or iso files.

License: Open Source

Titel: MAME 0.156
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2014, 16:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

[Crash/Freeze] (megatech.c) mt_soni2: Crash shortly after start
[Crash/Freeze] (asteroid.c) llander, llander1: Changing the Language on the Dip Switch screen freezes/crashes the game
[Graphics] (raiden2.c) raiden2 and clones: Screen parameters/refresh rate
[Misc.] (dynax.c) quiztvqq: When you start the game it says "BACKUP ERROR" on the version screen.
[Documentation] (cps2.c) hsf2, hsf2a, hsf2j: All sets except the Phoenix Edition incorrectly use Arabic numeral in the title instead of Roman numerals
[Color/Palette] (tmnt.c) cuebrick: Wrong colors in service mode "color check"
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (tumbleb.c) fncywld, jumpkids, tumbleb, tumbleb2: Game sprites not flipped when Flip Screen is ON
[Color/Palette] (rockrage.c) rockrage, rockragea, rockragej: Incorrectly coloured enemy sprites
[Cheat System] (funworld.c) rcdino4: [debug] Assert during initialization
[Crash/Freeze] (tx1.c) buggyboy, buggyboyjr: Crashes after launch.
[Graphics] (twin16.c) vulcan, gradius2, gradius2a, gradius2b: Sprite-background priority is wrong.
[Crash/Freeze] (neodrvr.c) kog: "Attempted to map non-existent port 'JUMPER' for read in space program of device ':maincpu'" when running from softlist
[Gameplay] (taitogn.c) otenki: Fails to boot into the game.
[DIP/Input] (centiped.c) centiped3: 2P start button missing
[DIP/Input] (vsnes.c) cstlevna: Dip switches 5 and 6 are unknown

Source Changes:

Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS for Arkanoid and Astrocorp HWs
Added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS for Alpha 68k HW
Added dump of the sync prom at L8 to Drag Race
Skeleton driver for the PSE Desert Patrol, so to document the dumped PROMs
rspdrc: Optimized accumulator access in multiply instructions.
lpc: skeleton acpi
pentium: More support of the magic 0x66 prefix
More sane values for dec0.c / dec8.c screen raw parameters.
i6300esb: Document more registers
steppers: move to emu/machine
steppers: add absolute position
pentium: This is the kind of problems you find when a bios uses xmm4 as call stack
pentium: Some stuff to make lindbergh go further
pci: Add grossly hacked smbus
Experiments in PCI land
Fixed an annoying inconsistency between memory_share and memory_region: the width() method of the former returned the width in bits (8, 16, 32 or 64) while the width() method of the latter returned the width in bytes (1, 2, 4 or 8). Now both classes have a bitwidth() method and a bytewidth() method. Updated all callers to use whichever one was more appropriate. Also removed the implicit-cast-to-any-integer-pointer of memory_regions, which was rather unsafe (if you weren't careful with your * operators and casts it was easy to accidentally get a pointer to the memory_region object itself instead of to the data, with no warning from the compiler... or at least I kept doing it) Updated all devices and drivers that were accessing regions that way to use a region_ptr_finder when possible, and otherwise to call base() explicitly.
The tilemap system now respects gfx_element::total_colors(). Fixed various drivers and devices that were using incorrect total_colors for gfx elements used in tilemaps
Added language rom for Lunar Lander
rsp: Made the RSP interpreter core functional again.
Long-overdue documentation about how to use priority-masked drawing (aka pdrawgfx); add some useful constants.
Added preliminary layout for Alien Invaders based on screenshot
Use of security PIC's readouts for Naomi-M4 decryption
Ferrari F355 (original no-link deluxe) USA BIOS added
Improve template file family properties, added readme and licensed as BSD-3-Clause
Add correct xtal for Kaneko Fly Boy/Fast Freddie hardware based on PCB pictures, correct clocks in driver.
Golgo13: fix for service mode toggle mode.
naomi.c, chihiro.c, triforce.c: Revised data while adding new information along with some cosmetic changes.
i82875p: Host bridge fun
pci: generic mapping
i6300esb: More mapping verbosity
tmaster.c: reverse-engineered the keys for all protected TouchMaster games; removed the protection hacks.
cbombers: fix TC0480SCP text layer colors
pci: Add remapping notifiers
mario.c: fix Monitor switch so it correctly affects both tiles and sprites
Added command-line option -[no]drc_log_uml to control DRC UML disassembly logging. This allows logging of DRC UML disassembly without re-compiling
Added command-line option -[no]drc_log_native to control DRC native diassembly logging. This allows logging of DRC native disassembly without re-compiling
calomega.c: Improve color emulation by analogy with tugboat.c (which is actually a heavily modified Cal Omega board)
SEGA YBoard: Mapping the port bits used to provide motor movement feedback
naomi.c: redumped F355
pci: A little more, reaches an unemulated pslldq at fd228
Converted the various Hard Drivin' board types to be devices, allowing the side screens to be hooked up on Race Drivin' Panorama, which is now close to working (the side screens fail when selecting one of the car types)
rspdrc: Added undocumented ops VADDB, VACCB, VSUBB, and VSUCB.
rspdrc: Fix crash on Linux when recompiling BREAK opcode.
mips3: Fixed left-shift-of-signed-value issues.
rsp: Fixed left-shift-of-signed-value issues.
correct patches for drgw2hk
upd7220: Bresenham line drawing
n64: Fix up how negative values are handled in VRSQL/VRCPL
rsp: Add VNOP, VNULL, and VRSQ instructions.
n64: Abort MIPS timeslice when unhalting RSP. Fixes many RSP tests.
segas18.c: Fill in the dipswitches for Hammer Away.
rdp: Do LOD calculation even in 1-cycle mode. Fixes many tests.
mips3drc: Generate -0.0 for NEG.S/D of 0.0 as FNEG does not on x86
mips3drc: Sign-extend ROUND.L, TRUNC.L, CEIL.L and FLOOR.L
rspdrc: Add destination address support to the BREAK opcode.
naomi.c: samba2k, ringout - correct maskrom size and labels
Power Drift: Portbits for Limit & Safety switches
G-LOC: Mapping portbits related to the moving cabinet limit switches.
Galaxy Force II: Adding gforce_output_cb1 (the values written there seem to select the meaning of some of the PORTC bits related to motor control)
Galaxy Force II: Mapping the port bits used to provide motor movement feedback signals such as Up/Down/Left/Right limit switches.
i386: call with expand down stack
i386: GP fault with softint in v86 mode when iopl < 3
twin16.c: Rewrite video mixing based on PAL equations. Fixes sprite-bg priority in Devil World intro, and in Vulcan Venture later stages and ending
pic8259: priority and sfnm
segaufo update: added better layouts + made ufo800 work + added upd sound to ufo21 + misc fixes
Man pages (*nix): Fixed some typos and bumped version to 0.155
Fixed Mametesters 05769 by reducing ATA flash card seek time to zero.
naomi.c: kingrt66 use real MaskROM cart layout and labels instead of flashcart
Handcrafted CPS-1 PALs for Area 88 and Strider PCBs.
i386: fix segment present check for calls to a TSS
i386: mark tss busy
Convert PSX sio to use devcb.
calchase: map Trident memory clock, video clock and LUTDAC registers
Added Solar War as playable, but with issues. Layout needs work and coins do not operate in game. Therefore, game is set to Free Play by default. Also, renamed Solar Warrior (xain.c) from solarwar -> solrwarr to allow this original game to use the setname "solarwar". Added diplocations to both games.
added command-line option -[no]snapbilinear to control binlinear filtering for snapshots (enabled by default). This is mainly for making testruns and debugging faster - could also be used to speed up -aviwrite usage though.
upd7220: slanted chars
sonson.c: Correct Audio CPU clock for Son Son as measured on PCB.
psychic5.c: Correct Audio CPU clock for Psychic 5 as measured on PCB.
Verified clocks/vsync for Super Ranger and Air Buster.
peplus.c: Add the CAPX2172 color prom to the Ace$ Bonus sets correcting color in those sets.
Added -listnetwork option to list available network adapters
winpcap: add WinPCap headers to the project;
windows.mak: include WinPCap headers during Windows build; suppress MSVC debug build warning
Altered FIRQ and NMI handling to improve Maygay M1 operation.
Add remaining PAL from 'jumping' sets
SDL: SDL2 is now the default except for OS/2 builds.
USE_NETWORK Ethernet emulation is now enabled by default as per the roadmap.
upd7220: better output for the compis and dmv
gts3.c : Added switches. After setting up, the games are playable.
gts3.c : split into AN and DMD displays
gts80b.c : Display is working.
calomega.c: Fill in some unknown dipswitches.
amiga.c: use Aaron's memory_array class for bytewidth-agnostic access to chip RAM, instead of a driver-specific implementation. Also store the custom chip registers in an array instead of a memory share
calchase.c: Implemented missing DIP switch for Eggs Playing Chicken, promote to working. Press "S" to skip the CMOS error, "S" or wait to skip the emm386.exe error (not an emulation issue), use "Coin 2" to coin-up and start the game, and "1 Player Start" to brake.
calchase.c, gamecstl.c, midqslvr.c, queen.c, savquest.c, taitowlf.c, voyager.c, xtom3d.c: Intel component is not MXTC, it's MTXC.
intelfsh.c: Added support for AMD 29F400T, AMD 29F800T and FUJITSU 29F160T.
darius.c: Add dipswitch locations to the Darius sets & give the newly added US set the correction coinage.
Correct sound rom for 'tturf' (Tough Turf (set 2, Japan, 8751 317-0104))
Added region_ptr_finder, which works like shared_ptr_finder except it finds a ROM region instead of a memory share. Unlike the already existing memory_region_finder, these can be accessed without any overhead (since it's a pointer directly to the data and not to the memory_region object), can be whatever data type you want with no casting needed, and are strictly type-checked--if you have a required_region_ptr the region has to be a ROM_REGION32 (or an implicitly 32-bit region due to belonging to a device with a 32-bit bus) or the finder won't find it and will tell you why. Basically, region_ptr_finders are strictly better than memory_region_finders and all drivers using the latter should be converted over
Converted many sound devices to use a required_region_ptr to find their sample ROMs instead of looking up the region manually in device_start(). Note that this means that you can no longer get away with having e.g. an OKIM6376 without a ROM (as several slot machine skeleton drivers did); MAME will now complain at startup about the missing region, instead of just crashing the first time the chip tries to play a sound like it did before
twin16: Convert the scrolling layers to tilemaps (the fixed text layer was already one). Miscellaneous cleanups/modernizations
Don't execute a timeslice before loading a savestate from the command line
supduck.c: Fill in Lives, Demo Sounds and Game Sound dipswitches as well as add dipswitch locations.
k054156: save state register all video RAM, including the optional "external linescroll RAM"; fixes Lethal Enforcers save states
more devfind
i386: move initialisation of m_lock to i386_common_init(), so that it is always initialised.
i6300esb: More more more

Capcom updates:

Fixed some incorrect info about the SF2 bootlegs and got them running better.
Dumped 8571 MCU from a bootleg Top Secret/Bionic Commando PCB.

model3 - More rendering improvements:

Draw transparent triangles in a separate pass
Implemented viewport priority
Small ADC improvements.
Clean up interrupt handler and make it edge triggered.
Set extended timer/event counter interrupts.
Fix and export extended timer/event counter output.
HOTD2 Proto BIOS added
Label correction for Club Kart Prize

New clones added:

Super Breakout (Canyon and Vertical Breakout, prototype)
Cadash (Japan, version 2)
Cadash (Japan, oldest version)
Billiard Academy Real Break (Europe, older)
Sauro (Recreativos Real S.A. license)
Dunk Shot (Rev C, FD1089A 317-0022)
Atari Tetris (bootleg set 3)
Fire Trap (US, set 2)
Play Girls 2 (bootleg)
Ave Fenix (Recreativos Franco)
Oriental Legend 2 (V101, China) (not working)
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V300, Taiwan) (not working)
Magic Bubble (Adult version, YS-0211 PCB)
Battle Bakraid - Unlimited Version (China) (Tue Jun 8 1999)
Vigilante (World, Rev E)
Dragon World II (ver. 100H, Hong Kong [Hokg Kong]) (not working)
Player's Edge Plus (X002173P+XP000038) Ace$ Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0040) Standard Draw Poker (International)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0042) 10's or Better
Player's Edge Plus (PP0043) 10's or Better (International, set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0060) Standard Draw Poker (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0429) Joker Poker (Aces or Better, set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (IVC006) Clear EEPROM Chip
Player's Edge Plus (Set004) Set Chip
Player's Edge Plus (KE0017) Keno (not working)
Player's Choice (MG0252) Multi-Game (not working)
Arkanoid Returns (Ver 2.02A 1997/02/10)
Donkey Kong (Spanish Crazy Kong bootleg)
Galaxy Monsters (Laguna S.A. Spanish bootleg of Space Invaders)
Botanic (English / Spanish)
Club Kart (Rev C) (not working)
Windjammer (021216)
Tron (Germany)
S.V.G. - Spectral vs Generation (M68k label V101TW) (ARM label V101TW, ROM 06/20/05 S.V.G V100) (not working)
Darius (US)
Raiden 2 (Switzerland)
New Game Added:
Pit Boss Megatouch (9234-20-01)
Alien Invaders
Hammer Away (prototype)
Solar War
Pop'n Music 1 (ver AA-A)
Super Duck

New NOT WORKING game added:

Western Dream
Club Pacman (dual inputs not mapped)
Sonic 2 (bootleg of Megadrive version)
Cute Fighters

New games/clones promoted from NOT_WORKING:

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 4 Players, set 3)

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.016
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2014, 12:19
So what will change if you scan your MAME set with the new cmpro version: - unmerged sets: (you don't use this for MAME, do you...), nothing changes... - split merged sets: you will see some wrong placed roms now since clrmame did not kill parent/clone relationships - full merged sets: you will see several wrong named roms (due to hash collisions)

misc: Changed the way how hash collisions are handled. A hash collision happens when you got identically named files with different hashes within a parent/clone relationship. In the past cmpro either removed the parent/clone relationship completely or you were forced to split merged mode. Now, in case of a hash collision *and* only if switch to full merged sets (scanner, rebuilder or merger), the rom names of the clones will be switched to a naming convention which you can select. Default is setname\romname. You can select the naming in profiler options 'Naming pattern'. A flyover tells you which variables you can use there. %1 (plus something else) is mandatory here. Again, only if full merged mode and hash collisions are active. You also got an option there to say how many files get renamed. Either only the single hash collision clone file, or all files in this clone set or all clone files in all clones of this parent clone relationship.
added: added option (Settings screen) to allow a full merge mode which ALWAYS stores parent/clones the way described above, no matter if a hash collision is there or not. This is the "hash collision name" mode. If you're using this, the upper mentioned selection of files which get renamed is obsolete. In this mode all clone files in the parent clone relationship are renamed.
added: batcher rebuilder option "never compress files" which allows you to create unpacked sets
removed: "Possible wrong nodump definition found" cleanup step prompt. It's actually a special case of hash collision and so it's handled the same way as other collisions.
misc: some intern changes so that you got theoretically 32k path length support (Hello Tosec..) If you need such long paths, you need to add "\\?\" in front of your rom/sample/add/rebuilder source/destination/etc paths.. So for example: \\?\E:\temp\this is a long folder name right or wrong blabalbalblablablablabalabl\
misc: updated to latest unrar dlls
misc: merger works with subfolders
misc: "double roms detector" during parsing handles weird merge tag combinations better
misc: "double setname" is also performed when you're using "release" elements and switch modes
fixed: belongs_to_parent check fails on 0-byte files
fixed: weird messages when you enable the clone but disable its parent in full merged mode
fixed: remove obsolete wrong merging or missing set messages (which normally get removed in 2nd scan)
fixed: adding sampleonly sets may cause issues when you got softwarelist which share the setname

Titel: MAME 0.157
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2015, 08:10

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05808: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) sf2amf: Wrong input 'references'. (darq)
- 05805: [Sound] (cps1.c) dinohunt: [possible] Unused YM2151 chip? (darq)
- 05804: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) dinohunt: Wrong P3 controls mapping  (darq)
- 03659: [Crash/Freeze] (atarisy2.c) All Sets in atarisy2.c: Crashes
  when loading autosave with "-str 2" (Osso)
- 01591: [Graphics] (atarisy2.c) paperboy, paperboyr1, paperboyr2:
  Flashing text in service mode (Alex Jackson)
- 00380: [Graphics] (atarisy2.c) 720: The sprites in 720 flicker/disappear
  sometimes in recent MAME versions. (Alex Jackson)
- 05789: [DIP/Input] (prehisle.c) Wrong vblank IP_ACTIVE_HIGH value. (Alex Jackson)
- 04648: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (btime.c) All sets in btime.c: Misplaced
  graphics for player 2 in cocktail mode (Alex Jackson)

Source Changes
-dreamwld.c: Fill in dipswitches for Cute Fighter and PCB layout.
 [Brian Troha]

-Add missing Atari System 1 TTL Motherboard PAL.  [Kevin Eshbach]

-Updated location/PAL information for Puzzle Bobble 3 (Japan) in
 taito_f3.c.  [Kevin Eshbach]

-Add more info to the GitHub readme to prevent confusion. [Justin Kerk]

-add some Smashing Drive hw details [Demul Team]

-redump / verify Fight Fever romsets [DsNo]

-add communication MCU ROM (dumped from a prototype) to the Riding Hero
 sets [Brian Hargrove]

-atvtrack.c make Smashing Drive going somewhere instead of hang
 emulator [MetalliC, Demul team]

-renegade.c: replace custom sound with MSM5205 [Alex Jackson]

-raiden2cop.c: Endian safety fix [Alex Jackson]

-btime.c: fix flip screen [Alex Jackson]

-naomi.c: use full M4 PIC16 dumps instead of partial "readouts", add
 handmade 'dumps' with master keys for not yet properly dumped PICs
 [rtw, MetalliC]

-naomi.c: use full M4 PIC16 dumps instead of partial "readouts", add
 handmade 'dumps' with master keys for not yet properly dumped PICs
 [rtw, MetalliC]

-Chihiro vertex programs update [Samuele Zannoli]

-SDL: Fix build with non-framework SDL 2 issue on OS X [mbcoguno]

-lindbergh: Fake pit and real pci bridges [O. Galibert]

-pci: expansion rom management [O. Galibert]

-lindbergh: Match card and video bios [O. Galibert]

-Fix debugger memory display of little-endian memory regions
 [Alex Jackson]

-m68k: disassembler support for FTRAP. [R. Belmont]

-luaengine: add API versioning [Luca Bruno]

-viper.c: added NVRAM and dongle to Police 911 2 [Guru, dogpn]

-pci: Fix some initialisations, valgrind stops complaining [O.Galibert]

-pci: Autodetect multifunction devices [O. Galibert]

-i82875p: toud display fix [O. Galibert]

-redumped "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Version B (GDL-0039)" [rtw, ShouTime]

-changed Melty Blood series game names as per title screen texts [metallic]
-igs009.c - Updated dips and added locations to comply with the manual
 for Jingle Bell & Gran Prix '98. [Bad A. Billy]

-82875p: Add overflow device, high smram [O. Galibert]

-pci: Add more pci bridge registers [O. Galibert]

-hikaru.c update add protecton keys for AirTrix and Planet Harriers
 [CaH4e3, MetalliC]

-rom labels and ROM_LOADs corrections&cleanup [MetalliC]

-Use consistent logical ID for joystick registration log [tomyun]

-Bump version in *nix man pages [wallyweek]

-Initial implementation of "Dona Barata" driver (brazilian whack-a-mole) [Felipe Sanches]

-SH-2: added default SSR value, makes EGWord to boot [Angelo Salese]

-Verified clocks for Yam! Yam!? and Last Day / D-Day [system11]

-Do not check gl_lib() without OpenGL support [Tarnyko]

-k053936.c: fix potential out-of-bounds memory access; remove some dead
 code [Alex Jackson]

-Attempt at fixing the new Stepper device to load correctly for AWP
 games. This is part 1 of a plan to remove the stepper_interface for a
 devcb2 setup.  [James Wallace]

-debug: fix the gui for smaller fonts [Fabrice Bellet]

-Using a font pointsize different from 11pt has a consequence that
 fontWidth (in pixels) is not an integer anymore. [Fabrice Bellet]

-debug: fix a string overflow in comments [Fabrice Bellet]

-debug: dont update asm view in the start_hook() [Fabrice Bellet]

-The curpc can be in the middle of an instruction being decoded, so it
 is not pertinent to recompute the disassembly starting from thi s
 address. [Fabrice Bellet]

-debug: fix the avl trees logic [Fabrice Bellet]

-The ancestor heights of a node were not updated properly. [Fabrice Bellet]

-debug: better handling of duplicate memory access [Fabrice Bellet]

-Don't remove and reinsert nodes that correspond to a duplicate memory
 access, because tree rebalancing kills performances. Update the node's
 element content instead. [Fabrice Bellet]

-debug: fix wrong initial m_topleft.x value in memory view [Fabrice Bellet]

-Significant change to Stepper motor device behaviour, using devcb2
 interfaces. [James Wallace]

-cpu: Rewrote Rockwell PPS-4 CPU core based on bitsavers.org
 documents. Add led8seg_gts1 (Futaba) to rendlay.c/h and use
 them in gts1.lay. Add Rockwell devices 10696, 10788 and A17xx
 preliminary implementations [Juergen Buchmueller]

- New functions added:

 MCFG_STEPPER_ADD(tag) - add a stepper device
 MCFG_STEPPER_REEL_TYPE(type) - the equivalent of the first line in the
 old interface, now also takes NOT_A_REEL for printer and similar
 applications MCFG_STEPPER_START_INDEX(int index) - the old second line
 of the interface, the position (in half steps) where the optic tab
 first triggers. MCFG_STEPPER_END_INDEX(int index)  - the old third
 line of the interface, the last position (in half steps) where the
 optic tab triggers. MCFG_STEPPER_INDEX_PATTERN(int pattern) - a coil
 pattern in hexadecimal that has to be on the motor for the index to
 trigger (0 if no specific pattern is needed)
 MCFG_STEPPER_INIT_PHASE(int phase) - starting phase of the motor

 All drivers have been updated, testing done to all specific drivers -
 Scorpion 4 was particularly complex. [James Wallace]

-qt/debug: Device tree view.  Looks cool with mu100 or lindbios
 [O. Galibert]

-tms5110.c: implement output and read bit commands. [Lord Nightmare]

-namcops2 updates:
 * added BIOS and dongle for Time Crisis 4 [Guru]
 * added dongle for Gundam vs. Gundam [Guru, Darksoft]

-debug/qt: Add a per-device window [O. Galibert]

-SDL2: Improved Alt-Enter functionality (now works on all screens at
 once) and prefer upper-left placement of windowed mode windows.
 [R. Belmont]

-dinohunt: fixed player 3 inputs (MT05804) [darq]

-luaengine: add memory-reading capabilities [Luca Bruno]

-chihiro: added support for zbuffer and stencil plus render target
 methods [Samuele Zannoli]

-Fix "-mt" for SDLMAME windows build [Calamity, Couriersud].

-Changed sdl_window_info to be closer to C++ [Couriersud]:
 * Made some members private
 * moved static functions into sdl_window_info
 * extended work_param struct with constructors for better readability
-Fixed save state regressions in the following drivers [Osso]:
* arcadecl.c, batman.c, eprom.c, foodf.c, liberatr.c, atarisys2.c, gstream.c,
 pasha2.c, f-32.c, lastfght.c, bfm_sc1.c, bmcpokr.c, centiped.c, jangou.c, merit.c,
 segas16a.c, asteroid.c, seibuspi.c

-Started developing a CPU core for the series of processors based on the
 ARCompact instruction set, namely the ARCtangent A-5.  This is still preliminary,
 the disassembly is mostly complete but the output could still be tidied, and
 many instructions are not yet implemented and based on code execution some of
 the ones that are could be incorrect.  This is currently used by the 'leapster'
 driver. [David Haywood]
-m68k: generate the correct kind of stack frame for 68010 bus errors. [R. Belmont]
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Cute Fighter [system11, David Haywood]
Su Ho Seong [system11, David Haywood]

New clones added
Star Wars (set 3) [Andrew Welburn]
Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 3) [Guru]
Brick Blast (bootleg of Wall Crash) [Edcross & Rockman (from Aumap)]
D-Day (Dooyong) (Korea) [system11]
Yam Yam (Korea) [system11]
Space Duel (version 1) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Space Duel (prototype) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Montana Choice (MG0183) Multi-Game [BrianT] (not working)
Player's Edge Plus (X002478P+XP000154) Joker Poker - French [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002479P+XP000154) Joker Poker - French [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002478P+XP000154) Joker Poker (Aces or Better) - French
Player's Edge Plus (X002485P+XP000154) Standard Draw Poker - French
Guilty Gear XX #Reload (GDL-0019) [rtw]
Melty Blood Act Cadenza (GDL-0028) [rtw, ShouTime]
Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle (RRV2 Ver. A) [Guru, Darksoft]
Atari Football II [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Asia 940223 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg) [Anonymous]
F1 Exhaust Note (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Radikal Bikers (Version 2.02) [Ricky2001 (from AUMAP)]
Dharma Doujou (World) [rtw]
Dominos 4 (Cocktail) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]
Super Breakout (Cocktail, prototype) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
House of the Dead 4 (Export) [soyandroid, Guru]
Virtua Fighter 5 (Export) [soyandroid]
After Burner Climax (Export) [soyandroid]
Let's Go Jungle (Export) [soyandroid]
Outrun 2 SP SDX  [soyandroid]
Power Smash 3 / Virtua Tennis 3 (Export) [soyandroid]
Virtua Tennis 3 (Japan) [Guru]
Initial D4 (Rev D) [Guru]
Initial D4 (Rev C)  [Guru]
Sega Race-TV (Export) [soyandroid, Guru]
House of the Dead EX (Japan) [soyandroid]
Rambo (Export) [soyandroid, Guru]
Hummer Extreme  [soyandroid]
VBios updater [Guru]
2 Spicy  [Guru]
Ghost Squad Evolution [Guru]
Primeval Hunt [Guru]
Star Horse Progress Returns (satellite) [CaH4e3]
Pride GP 2003 (PR21 Ver. A) [Guru, Darksoft]
Quiz Mobile Suit Gundam: Monsenshi (QG1 Ver. A) [Guru, Darksoft]
Time Crisis 4 [Guru]
Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection [Guru, Darksoft]

Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2015, 06:15
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

License: Open Source

Titel: MAME 0.158
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2015, 17:31
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

01214: [Graphics] (dec0.c) bouldash, bouldashj: Fadeout/Fadein on screen is the wrong speed slightly off
05507: [Misc.] (model2.c) zerogun, zerogunj, zerogunaj, zeroguna: AddressSanitizer: global-buffer-overflow
05828: [Gameplay] (punchout.c) spnchout,spnchouta,spnchoutj: Game automatically resets at KO Time Best 3/Hit Average screen during attract mode.
05790: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (senjyo.c) All sets in senjyo.c: m_int_delay_kludge removal.
05816: [Crash/Freeze] (bfm_sc2.c) Several bfm_sc2.c sets: [debug] Assertion
05812: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1bsw.c) m1bankrl, m1bankrl2p, m1bankrlp / m4nod - mpu4.c: FATALERROR: Missing some required objects, unable to proceed
05811: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1bsw.c) Many sets in maygay1bsw.c: Crash after OK
05763: [Interface] SDL-based builds (Windows only): If a path does not exist, a file is not written.
02515: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.c) nbajamex: Hangs at black screen

Source Changes:

m68k: implement FTRAP instruction, add "68020 with FPU" CPU type.
MCU simulation has been fixed
winprefix: support some C99 extensions in older MSVC
Make cross-compilation easier
luaengine: add HUD-like capabilities
Added irq ack mechanism in Senjyo HW and removed long standing hack from the driver
SDL: Driver accel (draw13.c) now supports "-filter", i.e. bilinear filtering.
ui: Added "Reset" option to DipSwitch and ConfSettings menu, as well as to the File Manager, for consistency with other menus where an hard reset is of help
ui: Fixed DipLocation drawing so that it remains on screen also when highlighting switches without locations
Fix bug in work_osd.c causing discrete sound to crash.
Move definition of -DOSD_WINDOWS, -DOSD_SDL and -DOSD_MINI into $(OSD).mak. Added sanity check to makefile.
zn: implement (incomplete?) ROM banking in nbajamex, shows some graphics now
ui: start displaying the device tag close to input names for the dynamical inputs which use PORT_DEVICE, so to avoid some weird quirks in the input menus when slot devices are modified.
Converted png2bcd tool to python
luaengine: expose device state entries
ui: added "[Internal]" string to slot options that are not user-configurable and fixed some internal options displayed as "scrollable".
ui: simplified Image Information code and made it fully display for systems with many image devices.
Redumped ROM and made Eleven Beat to surpass "Joystick Type Error" message. Crashes at kick off though
chdman: added -s/--size parameter for "createhd" to create blank harddisk based on size and sector size
ui: added barebone menu for device-specific options. click on any slot device option to see whether it is currently mounted or not, and which additional options depend on the selected value.
ui: fixed bug where slot options set via internal UI did not properly create their sub-options.
Partial netlist sound implementation for Mario Bros. Luigi sound is missing. By default, the previous discrete.h based sound is compiled. Those curious can change OLD_SOUND to 0 in mario.h.
naomi.c: redumped vstrik3c, both existing and new dumps were BAD, made one good-looking from them
twinkle.c: the 68000 & SPU board now process commands, some sound f/x play now.
ui: stop the game selector reporting systems with no roms as missing files.
ui: when launching systems with mandatory carts, either from command line or from the game selector, prompt the user with the file manager menu so that he can mount a game where needed, instead of killing emulation with an error.
ui: improved File Manager so that attempts to launch softlist entries without having the necessary files don't kill emulation but simply display a message to the user.
hikaru.c: added protection key for sgnascar
ui: fixed bug where software items that shall create new image devices (e.g., passthru carts) or new slot options, failed to do so when loaded through the File Manager in the internal UI.
Fixed non-terrain colors in Top Landing (also fixed out-of-bounds palette crash bug in it)
Emergency Call Ambulance, Daytona USA 2, L.A. Machineguns, Magical Truck Adventure, Virtual On 2 protection keys
SDL keeps adding SDL_HINTs with every patch release.
nbajamex: Implemented ROM banking, game coins up and is playable.
core: Add per-game parameters
Solaris 11 build support.
replace 'discof' dump with a new one
added preliminary emulation of video screen on Caveman (Exidy Pinball)
updated funkball.c to use intelfsh.c for Flash Rom handling, making use of bankdev to provide a virtual space in which they map

Updates to SEGA 315-5881 encryption / compression device emulation:

update algorithm based on based on findings from Virtua Striker 2 '98
correctly hooked up chip in ST-V, Model 2 and Model 3 drivers
added support for multiple blocks in encrypted streams
added support for different height/widths of compressed data steams
found keys for many games allowing for per-game simulations to be removed and fixing badly decompressed graphics in several games
found some correlation between keys and Sega part numbers

updates to the Sega 315-5838 / 317-0029 compression device:

Documented 315-5838 as the Decathlete protection chip
Identified 317-0029 (Dead of Alive) as another version of the same thing based on information from Guru
Split 'decathlt' handling from stv.c and made into a device, moved the 'doa' simulation from model2.c in there too (preliminary, preparation to merge code)
No functional improvements at this time, just refactoring.

i386: sse opcodes improvements:

The safer implementation is needed in cases where the source and destination registers are the same.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Star Trek (Sidam, Head On hardware)
Endless Riches
Pop'n Music 3 (ver JA-A)
Come Back Toto
NBA Jam Extreme
Final Fight Revenge
Player's Edge Plus (PS0366) Double Diamond Deluxe Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0372) Double Diamond Deluxe Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0373) Double Diamond Deluxe Slots
New clones added:
Over Drive (set 2)
Over Drive (set 3)
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Asia 960208)
Black Widow (prototype)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0038) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0116) Standard Draw Poker (Mirage)
Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 90629B-3, no battery)
New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:
Shakatto Tambourine (Rev B) (GDS-0002B)
Space Train
Missile-X [TTL]

Titel: MESS (Multiple Emulator Super System) 0.158
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2015, 17:30


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05795: [Misc.] (ampro.c) ampro: Does not want to start! (Robbbert)
- 05758: [Crash/Freeze] (sun3.c) sun3_80: [debug] Assert shortly after start

New System Drivers Supported:
-Japanese Speak & Spell [plgDavid]
-Electronic Detective [hap, Sean Riddle]
-Split Second [hap, Sean Riddle]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:
-HP9000/310 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP9000/340 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP9000/380 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP9000/382 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP16500a (ver 00.00) [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP 1650b [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-HP 1651b [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
-VTech Genius Junior Redstar 2 (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-VTech Genius Junior Movie (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-VTech Genius Winner Notebook Fun (Germany) [TeamEurope]
-Slicer 80186 single board computer [Carl]

Software Lists:
-ibm5170.xml: Added Multitasking MS-DOS 4.00. [PCjs Project]

-Added VTech Genius Junior Movie softlist. [TeamEurope]

-gamegear.xml: Fixed some unknown publishers and years. [Logan B]

Source Changes
-hp9k_3xx: support 9000/370 (same bootrom as 330,340). [Al Kossow]

-Improve mouse tracking for pre-ADB Macs. [Rob Braun]

-Fix dropped keystrokes on pre-ADB Macs. [Rob Braun]

-macplus: add all 3 official boot ROMs plus a homebrew enhanced
 version. [R. Belmont, Rob Braun]

-ap2_dsk: don't allocate 2Mb of *stack*, malloc() instead
 [Peter Ferrie]

-mac: greatly improve keyboard reliability on Macs with
 first-generation ADB hardware (SE,II,IIx,IIcx,SE/30,IIci). [Rob Braun]

-ui: when ESCing while creating a new floppy image, fall back to
 the correct menu. [Fabio Priuli]

-gamate : added newer bios and emulated protection [PeT]

-floppy.c: initialise error code instead of crashing when menu
 loads bad image [Peter Ferrie]

-pc9821ap2: added newly dumped BIOS [caius]

-Significant comment updates for the IAI Swyft based on board
 tracing. [Lord Nightmare, Sandy Bumgarner]

-nes: converted input code to use slot devices. this means that now you
change the emulated controllers (Zapper, NES Four Score Adapter, Bandai
Power Pad and Family Trainer, Famicom Keyboard Component, Arkanoid Vaus
Paddle and Mahjong Controller) via the Slot Device menu of the UI interface and
not anymore from the System Configurations menu. Also, changing controller now
requires to reset the system, so please take some time *before* starting the game
if you want to play a game that uses particular controllers. [Fabio Priuli]

-nes: added emulation of the Konami Hyper Shot controllers, which are
necessary to play Hyper Olympics and Hyper Sports for Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]

-nes: added emulation of the Yonezawa Party Tap controllers, which are
necessary to play in more than two players some quiz games for Famicom. [Fabio

-nes: added emulation of the Pachinko controller used by a few pachinko
games for Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]

-nes: added emulation of the Epoch Barcode Battler unit (even if only as
Famicom controller, and not as a standalone unit) which is necessary to play
Barcode World for Famicom. [Fabio Priuli]

-sms/gamegear: misc improvements [Enik Land]
 * Renamed the gear2gear port to EXT port, after reading the references
   in the official GG documents
 * Invert Y1 pin signal bits: now high is 1 and low is 0;
 * More complete Y1 behavior: goes low only for transparent pixels;
 * Fix color of column 0 when it doesn't completely entered in the active display;
 * Improve behavior of sprite overflow, to not be flagged when VINT is active.


Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2015, 05:45
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

PSX: Fixed some miscellaneous minor issues in the triangle rasterization code.
PSX: Fixed a GPU timing regression introduced around version 0.9.37; fixes a disappearing graphics glitch in "Tobal No.1".

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.017
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2015, 05:40
added: support for biossets with chds
fixed: obsolete missing game message for sample-only sets in multi-software list mode
fixed: deprecated dat export exports biossets as resource and game
misc: updated to latest rar (5.21) and 7z sdk (9.38)

Titel: MAME 0.159
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2015, 05:10

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05498: [Crash/Freeze] (mpu4vid.c) Many sets in mpu4vid.c: Gameplay
  stops at a "Serial Link Failure" screen (crazyc)
- 05538: [Crash/Freeze] (bfcobra.c) all sets in bfcobra.c: Game stops
  on 1st screen, just keeps beeping like some kinda alert. (crazyc)
- 05838: [Misc.] (firetrk.c) Superbug: Color overlay missing (hap)
- 02004: [Crash/Freeze] (hornet.c) nbapbp: Hardware error (Fabio Priuli)
- 05841: [Misc.] (gunsmoke.c) gunsmoke, gunsmokej, gunsmokeu, gunsmokeua:
  Dates of every version
- 05837: [Compiling] mame-0.158 - make: *** [chdman] Error 1
- 05835: [Misc.] MAME version number reports as in file
  information (Firewave)

Source Changes
-m65ce02: Generalize Kale's findings [O. Galibert]

-jvs host: fix packet encoding, similar to previous [MetalliC]

-Updates to 315-5881 encryption based on Daytona2 Power Edition's
 analysis [Andreas Naive]

-Some fixes for multimonitor fullscreen on linux and windows. In
 virtualbox, even switchres now works for two monitors. That doesn't
 imply it will work on real hardware. The probability is higher :-) On
 windows, default render driver now is "opengl" since direct3d wouldn't
 work reliably. This functionality currently is limited to to the
 "-video accel" driver. More userspace blitting enhancements.

-Define network API to use on NetBSD.[Thomas Klausner]

-Fixes build on NetBSD. [Thomas Klausner]

-improved documentation of a some discrete drivers [gregf, Stiletto]

-silvmil.c: Fill in some dipswitches for Puzzlove and add dipswitch
 locations. [Brian Troha]

-lindbergh: Add the CF card dump [soyandroid]

-naomi.c add Derby Owners Club IO board dump [Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-added makefile define CPP11 to compile C++ code as C++11
 [Oliver Stöneberg]

-Fix compiling on SDL < 2.0.2 [announ]

-Emscripten target now uses SDL2.  [Justin Kerk]

-mitchell.c: Correct rom names for the Pang / Buster Bros. sets.
 [Bad A Billy, Smitdogg, Tormod, The Dumping Union]

-Patched timer over bug in Kozure Ookami. Remarked game as working
 state, see source notes for further info. [Angelo Salese]

-Better performance for -verifyroms on samba share [qmc2]

-champbas.c, equites.c, shougi.c: rename the alpha-8xxx mcu dumps to
 better reflect the actual chip labels and the fact that they are
 HD44801 mcus. add the undumped alpha-8304 mcu as NO_DUMP
 [Lord Nightmare]

-NAOMI doc corrections [f205v]

-scn2674: reworked for the pcd [Carl]

-m68k: emulate instruction cache for 68020/68EC020. [R. Belmont]

-bnstars.c: hook up player 2 inputs; remove hazeinputs; misc
 cleanup/modernization [Alex Jackson]

-Make OpenGL renderer available in mainline build as well. This needs
 to be explicitly enabled by specifying USE_OPENGL=1. More code
 alignment. [Couriersud]

-i386.c: updates for the future and more [Samuele Zannoli]
 * add infrastructure to support opcodes ?? 0f 38 ?? and ?? 0f 3a ??
 * add placeholders in opcode table for all instructions not yet
 * fix opcode group 0f 73
 * add opcode group 66 0f 73
 * move sse opcodes movd movdqa to their own routine
 * move sse opcodes pinsrw pextrw to ther own routine
 * add opcodes punpcklbw punpcklwd punpckldq punpcklqdq

-verified vaportra clocks [system11]

-Embed version information in OS X emulator binaries (shows in
 Finder info, and in about boxes in windowed mode) [Vas Crabb]

-opwolf.c: added unknown dipswitch description from manual [mzdmommy]

-Debugger imrpovements [Vas Crabb]
 * All: fix sorting, alignment and crash on click, and improve
   performance in breakpoints/watchpoints views
 * Win32/Qt/Cocoa: improve dynamic updating of menu items to
   reflect available operations
 * Win32/Qt/Cocoa: allow breakpoint control from any
   disassembly view irrespective of focus
 * Win32/Cocoa: add breakpoints/watchpoints windows
 * Win32/Cocoa: remove global state to prepare for multi-
   machine, clean up on exit, don't crash on hard reset
 * Win32: port to C++, fix memory leaks and misc. bugs
 * Cocoa: add device tree and detail windows
 * Cocoa: improve rendering, mouse handling and performance

-Only evaluate sdl- and pkg-config commands once [Ramiro Polla]

-sdl: Add BASELIBS for MACOSX_USE_LIBSDL [mbcoguno]

-3rdparty/mongoose: Fix build on BSDs and Solaris [0-wiz-0]

-OS/2 patches for SDLMAME v0.158 [KO Myung-Hun]

-Added / enabled save state support for the following drivers [Osso]:
bestleag.c, bloodbro.c, buggychl.c, chaknpop.c, cyclemb.c, d9final.c,
darkmist.c, dcon.c, dreambal.c, exzisus.c, fastfred.c, fuukifg2, fuukifg3.c,
galpani2.c, gladiatr.c, gluck2.c, goodejan.c, gsword.c, iqblock.c, kaneko16.c,
limenko.c, lordgun.c, mastboy.c, mustache.c, panicr.c, pipeline.c, pirates.c,
progolf.c, quizo.c, quizpani.c, rabbit.c, raiden.c, retofinv.c, rollrace.c,
scotrsht.c, seicross.c, sengokmj.c, shadfrce.c, shootout.c, sidepckt.c,
skyarmy.c, skydiver.c, snowbros.c, supduck.c, taxidriv.c, tecmo.c, tecmo16.c,
tecmosys.c, tehkanwc.c, thedeep.c, tmmjprd.c, tnzs.c, toki.c, vball.c, wc90.c,
welltris.c, wink.c, wrally.c, wwfsstar.c, xorworld.c, xxmissio.c

-opwolf.c: added DIPLOCATIONs [Guru]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
PuzzLove [Manuel Assoni]
Player's Edge Plus (PS0090) Gold, Silver & Bronze Slots [BrianT]
Poke Champ (set 2) [system11]]
Super MIss World [system11]

New clones added
Ghost Squad (GDX-0012) [Ripper006]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 2 (Rev F) (GDX-0006F) [Team Europe]
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne (US, 861202) [system11]
Turbo Out Run (Japan, deluxe cockpit, FD1094 317-0101)
  [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (server) (Rev E) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (server) (Rev F) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (server) (Rev G) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (client) (Rev E) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (client) (Rev F) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon: The Wizard Master (client) (Rev G) [Ripper006]
The Key Of Avalon 1.20 - Summon The New Monsters (server) (Rev A)
The Key Of Avalon 1.20 - Summon The New Monsters (client) (Rev A)
The Key Of Avalon 1.30 - Chaotic Sabbat (server) (Rev C) [Ripper006]
Gekitou Pro Yakyuu Mizushima Shinji All Stars vs. Pro Yakyuu (Rev B)
Asura Buster - Eternal Warriors (Japan) (ARCADIA review build)
Super Spacefortress Macross II / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross II (GAMEST review build)
Ultra X Weapons / Ultra Keibitai (GAMEST review build) [ShouTime]

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING
Vampire Night (VPN3 Ver. B) [Guru]
Super Rock and Bowl [Bad A Billy, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

Titel: Emu Loader 7.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2015, 19:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Latest Changes

New MAME settings (MAME Settings screen):

- Apply Bilinear Filter: create snapshot/movie with bilinear filter in "Video 1" tab / "Snapshots" panel
- Write DRC UML Disassembly Log: "Miscellaneous" panel
- Write DRC Native Disassembly Log: "Miscellaneous" panel

Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2015, 21:15
Whats new:>>

NES: Fixed mapper 69 IRQ acknowledge behavior, per tip from tepples.
MD: Fixed an out-of-bounds array access in the 68K emulation code.
Avoid passing NULL to memcpy() in netplay.cpp.
MD: Fixed some code doing misaligned memory writes in vdp.cpp.
Avoid blitting to the screen when visibility is lost(i.e. window is minimized), to reduce CPU usage and to prevent memory usage from skyrocketing on Windows under certain conditions.
PSX: Tweaked non-logical CD seek emulation to fix lockups in some versions of "Tomb Raider".
PSX: Fixed Justifier and GunCon x position being off when setting "psx.h_overscan" is set to "0".

Titel: clrmamepro 4.018
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2015, 18:15
fixed: official 7z bug which causes a crash when a fake 7z archive file is being processed
fixed: rebuilding bios files in hash collide full merge mode creates dupes (this also affects dat export)
fixed: wrong statistics "wrong named chd count"

Titel: MAME 0.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2015, 19:45
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

[Core] ALT+TAB during ROM loading screen causes assert with -debug.
[Crash/Freeze] (hornet.c) gradius4: "SHARC: PC Stack overflow !" doing MASKROM check
[Crash/Freeze] (queen.c) queen: [debug] Assertion
[Documentation] (sam.c) bbh_160 and clones: Year of production is '2010'.
[Documentation] (sam.c) bdk_294 and clones: Year of production is '2008'.
[Crash/Freeze] (mw8080bw.c) m4: Crashed after insert coin

Source Changes:

Enable OpenGL renderer on Windows. By default, run-time function resolution is enabled. To resolve addresses, the code now first tries GetProcAddress followed by wglGetProcAddress.
Fix memory leak warning (autorelease pool) on OSX.
improvements to monkelf (bootleg of avspirit), now playable [iq_132]
Neo-Geo documentation updates
kof96h - Tagged AES version
kof98h - Tagged MVS and AES version
ncomabth - Tagged MVS and AES version
Updated game pcb info
Misc Documentation update
OpenGL on windows now supports glsl options. This worked out of the box with wine64 and on virtualbox windows7 (64bit).
Fix mame restart (builtin game selector) in draw13.c.
Fix clipping bug (e.g. apparent in neogeo) for video accel. Minor code
Aligned monitor handling between sdl and baseline.
thunderx.c: convert to bankdev, merge with gbusters.c, add notes and
correct various things based on schematics
add dumped prom to 64street
Fix fullscreen toggle for the accel driver os OSX.
Use measured clocks from brickzn PCB, fixes music tempo.
Figured out the additional protection the Brick Zone sets used on
the sound sample playback / selection.
First step to move osd_printf_* into osd again. Callbacks are now
implemented using an interface and use a push/pop approach where the
pop can happen out of order of pushes.
m6502: Fix icounting
Fix crashing on ARM Linux targets.
Mad Alien documentation improvements
goldstar.c: overhaul of the Golden Star driver with improvements to many games
Fix GFX decode for pkrmast and crazybon, add PROMs from cmv4 to get usable colours until real dumps are acquired
Identify board type for crazybon, connect sound, inputs and DIP switches - now working
Split up machine state class into six classes for different board families, reduce redundancy using derived machine configs and input port includes
Identify, document and verify many inputs and DIP switches, correct some game descriptions, add notes on PCBs and info from manuals
Verify and correct many DIP switches and inputs, add lamp and coin counter outputs for most games
Hook up AY8910, DIP switches, VBLANK IRQ enable, lamps coin counters and ticket dispenser on unkch hardware - all four sets are now playable with sound
Add internal clickable control panel artwork for almost all games with working lamp outputs
segas32.c: Correct rom names for Sonic the Hedgehog and document the FD1149 number & board types.
megasys1.c: fix status read for second OKI sound chip, fixes a lot of samples in hachoo
use dumped (from unprotected MCU) MCU rom on mrheli [Silvio Grazini] Japan warning screen is uploaded to tilemap but not shown due to video emulation faults
hooked up decapped MCU to X Multiply (Japan, M72) after tidying the driver a little
OS/2 patches for SDLMAME 0.159
debugwin.c: avoid race condition where debugger window update request is made before debugger is initialised
font_windows.c: don't crash if no memory for bitmap
gradius4: avoid stack overflow when adsp21062 device is reset while inside interrupt handler
queen: intercept OOB access to PIIX4 device
pinball2k: correct notes, install port handlers
mediagx: implement missing opcodes
tms6100.c: add the tms6125 4KiB VSM pinout
chelnov: simulate some protection instead of patching rom [iq_132]
iteagle: work-in-progress
Hooked up PCI devices and bridge correctly using new PCI subsystem
Fixed BIOS selection
vrc4373: fix PCI target accesses.
identified that Table Tennis Champions uses the same style DMA/blitter as the recently added Spider, made some improvements, added sound, it isn't driven by PIC, role of PIC still unknown
add basic hookups of internal peripherals to the V53, made it an actual CPU type derived from the V33. Most of these have come from the PC emulation
DMA Controller (subset of uPD71071/uPD71037), clone of 8237A
Serial Controller (modified uPD71051), clone of i8251
Interrupt Controller (uPD71059 equivalent), clone of PIC8259
Timer Unit (identical to uPD71054), clone of pit8253
hooked up ROM banking to Hyper Neogeo 64 Sound CPU, this, along with the above V53 peripherals improves the code flow on the CPU significantly, although the interrupt hookups, communication, and sound generation are still not yet understood
Improved some textures (billboards) in Xtreme Rally (Hyper Neogeo 64) some road parts now look worse however, so still needs work, might be mirror flags too
Added / enabled save state support for the following drivers: argus.c, bbusters.c, cabal.c, capbowl.c, cocoloco.c, deadang.c, fgoal.c, flyball.c, hotblock.c, ironhors.c, jankenmn jchan.c, junofrst.c, mgolf.c, mosaic.c, nova2001.c, psychic5.c, pturn.c, re900.c, realbrk.c, rltennis.c, sandscrp.c, shougi.c, shuuz.c, sidearms.c, speedbal.c, srmp2.c, srumbler.c, ssozumo.c, ssrj.c, sstrangr.c, ssv.c, sub.c, subs.c, suna16.c, supdrapo.c, suprgolf.c, suprloco.c, suprridr.c, tagteam.c, tankbatt.c, tankbust.c, taotaido.c, tbowl.c, tgtpanic.c, timelimt.c, tryout.c, tsamurai.c, tugboat.c, vulgus.c, wc90b xain.c, xtheball.c
luaengine: clip screen coordinates to screen size
ui: use per-container pixel aspect (LUA draw_text bugfix)
docs: add initial documentation for luaengine API
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:
Player's Edge Plus (X002111P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (with Seq
Royal Flush)
Crazy Bonus 2002
Castle Of Dracula
New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 1)
Brick Zone (v1.1, Spinner)

New clones added:

Nitro Ball (World, set 2)
Brick Zone (v6.0, Joystick)
New Cherry Gold '99 (bootleg of Super Cherry Master) (set 2)
Super Cherry Gold (bootleg of Super Cherry Master)
Grand Cherry Master (bootleg of Super Cherry Master)
Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05)
Boot Camp (set 2)
Frogger (videotron bootleg)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 5)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0190) Deuces Wild Poker (set 1)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0203) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 4)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0515) Double Bonus Poker (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (BE0014) Blackjack (International English/Spanish)
Player's Edge Plus (X000006P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X000042P+XP000038) 10's or Better
Player's Edge Plus (X000764P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002010P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002016P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002017P+XP000038) Full House Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002037P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002039P+XP000038) Nevada Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002247P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002386P+XP000038) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Puzznic (bootleg)
Mahjong Electromagnetic Base
Battle K-Road (Korean PCB)
Adventure Quiz Capcom World 2 (Japan 920611, B-Board 91634B-2)
Willow (World) [Jets (from Emu-france) and Layer (from Neo-arcadia)]
The Combatribes (US, older)
Raiden II (France)
Golden Axe II (Mega Play) (original rev)
Daioh (location test version)
Thunder Deity Biography (Chinese hack of Battle Garegga)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Mahjong Ougon No Pai

Titel: MAME 0.161
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2015, 13:06
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

05680: [Graphics] (sigmab98.c) itazuram: During Test mode, graphics corruptions
05903: [DIP/Input] (sf.c) sf sfj sfua: Street Fighter DIP Switch wrong value
05909: [Core] empty input tag on validity test error
05922: [DIP/Input] (exidy.c) pepper2, pepper27: Incorrect DIP labels
05916: [DIP/Input] (dkong.c) dkongjr: Incorrect DIP labels
05679: [Crash/Freeze] (sigmab98.c) itazuram: After a time of demonstration, game will reset and trash NVRAM
03174: [Crash/Freeze] (cardline.c) cardline: Game doesn't start correctly
05895: [Documentation] hlsl_write is incorrectly documented as a boolean

Source Changes:

mips3: Add integer divide-by-zero handling to MIPS III cores.
segas32: Redumped oversized Stadium Cross ROMs at the correct sizes.
aica.c: ADPCM looping (DC swirl sound) and address masking (Red Dog) fixes
segasp.c: basic system and IO hookup - BIOS is working,
Tetris Giant boots to title, other rom based games start loading
but hang due missing RFID reader
atomiswave: more correct ROM board PIO access (fixes ggisuka, rumblef2
arm7: STM decrementing mode actually writes in incrementing mode on
real h/w. Used heavily by GBA "Classic NES" carts.
Some work towards "Unknown 186 Gambling Game". Shows some menus, but
it's nowhere near playable
Moved build system to GENie [Miodrag Milanovic, Vas Crabb, Couriersud]
Added support for per-OSD mak files
mips3: Made fast RAM option common to both interpreter and DRC.
Added proper sound comms for hng64
Fix SegaPCM volume register overflow
netdev: fix race condition/crash when using the OSD to choose pcap
mtwins pal
goldstar.c DIP/input updates
More iteagle improvements
PCI: allow BAR of 0; change "invalid" from 0 to -1
vrc4373: implement bus-master DMA
es1373: Do some processing and DMA, and issue IRQs
z80pio: Added individual write line handlers for port bits.
Fix yuv texture conversion for opengl
Native CoreAudio sound output for OSX
Audibly lower latency than SDL sound output
Allows selection of output device (-audio_output)
Allows up to ten AudioUnit effects (-audio_effect0..9)
New aueffectuitl tool to create/edit effects
Also supports standard .aupreset effect files
6522via: Added device address map.
mos6530: Rewritten to support time travel.
Allow font face/size selection for Qt and Cocoa debuggers
hexion.c: Document chip locations and xtal based on PCB pictures of
Konami PCB and bootleg PCB
Tidy MAME source files
Replace simple_set with std::set
Add the ability to mcs51 family processors to use port bits as inputs
which actually are used as outputs because a "0" has been written to
them. The CMOS chips in the family may be misused in this way when a
low impedance source is connected to them.
Fixed cardline driver.
Hooked up 6845 to cardline.
sigmab98.c: fixed position of zoomed sprites and added sprite RAM
buffer. Emulated background color register. Removed some ROM patches
exidy.c: brute force fix for m6502-related regressions
extracted protection data for Ma Cheon Ru
Replace dynamic_array with std::vector
Completely hooked up 6845 in cardline driver. Documented asic
astring to std::string conversion
jwildb52a: dumped GFX roms
Improve truthtable handling in netlist. Prepare per-game setting of
Add 9312/DM9312 to netlist.
Fix repetitive monitor updates. By design, MAME has an issue setting
aspect correctly on monitor resolution changes. This needs to be
addressed separately.
Added 74192, 9316, 9310 and 74193 devices to netlist. Added breakout
wip) netlist as well, but still have to implement three more devices
until work can really start.
luaengine improvements
Jump Bug (galaxian.c): Adjusted clock speed to have working audio
match that of video from PCB. Added notes regarding missing audio and
flagged game
Properly document address deconding for GFX roms in cardline.
berzerk.c: Verified and corrected the rom labels for Berzerk (set 1)
Some WIP for Cirrus Logic GD542x/3x video chipsets, and split from
pc_vga.c into it's own file. Hardware cursor is working, but other
acceleration features still need a lot of work.
nix man pages: Added new options to select debugger font face and
SDLMAME v0.160 selects the first mode unconditionally as a best mode
when -switchres is used on SDL12
Fix build on OpenBSD
Added / enabled save state support for the following drivers: aztarac.c,
bagman.c, bigstrkb.c, cheekyms.c, clshroad.c, headonb.c, invqix.c,
jackie.c, lwings.c, m107.c, m72.c, mainsnk.c, mirax.c, murogem.c,
murogmbl.c, niyanpai.c, pitnrun.c, portrait.c, powerins.c, ppmast93.c,
quizdna.c, rmhaihai.c, rotaryf.c, roul.c, route16.c, sauro.c, sbugger.c,
shangha3.c, shanghai.c, shangkid.c, shaolins.c, spcforce.c, splash.c,
spoker.c, spool99.c, ssfindo.c, stactics.c, thepit.c, toobin.c, truco.c,
tunhunt.c, unkhorse.c, vamphalf.c, victory.c, vigilant.c, vroulet.c,
warpsped.c, wiz.c
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:
Table Tennis Championship
DoDonPachi Dai-Fukkatsu Black Label (2010/1/18 BLACK LABEL)
Car Hunt / Deep Scan (France)
Minna Atsumare! Dodge Hero
Itazura Daisuki! Sushimaru Kun
Burning Sanrinsya - Burning Tricycle
Transformers Beast Wars II
Ma Cheon Ru

New clones added:

Stadium Cross (World, alt)
Hot Bubble (Korea)
Daioh (93111A PCB conversion)
Raiden Fighters (Japan set 3)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (Euro 960529)
Hexion (Asia ver AAA, bootleg)
Berzerk (French Speech)
Berzerk (Spanish Speech)
Mutant Fighter (World ver EM-2)
Super Champion Baseball (Japan)
Total Vice (EBA) (not working)
Player's Edge Plus (X002172P+XP000112) Ace$ Bonus Poker (The Fun Ships)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0542) One Eyed Jacks Wild Poker (CG2243)
Super Formula (Japan, set 2)
Chuugokuryuu 3 Special (Japan, ver. 103)
Puzznic (bootleg, set 2)
Red Hawk (Korea)
Player's Edge Plus (X000455P+XP000038) Joker Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002028P+XP000019) Deuces Wild Bonus Poker
Perfect Billiard (MC-8123, 317-5008)
Robocop 2 (US v0.10)
Raiden Fighters (Germany)
Fighter's History (US ver 42-06, DE-0395-1 PCB)
Boogie Wings (USA v1.7, 92.12.14)
Amuse (Version 30.08A)
Scramble (Centromatic S.A.) Spanish Bootleg
Double Dragon II (Japan) [caius] (NOT WORKING, incomplete dump)
Area 51 (Time Warner license)
Spatter (315-5099) [Andrea Palazzetti] (NOT WORKING, encrypted)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Taiko no Tatsujin 7 (TK71-NA-A)
Taiko no Tatsujin 8 (TK8100-1-NA-A)
Zoids Infinity
Zoids Infinity EX Plus (ver. 2.10)
Go Go Strike
Minna Ganbare! Dash Hero
Sigma Super 8 Ways FC (Fruit combination)
Ultimate Arctic Thunder Update CD ver 1.950 (5/3/04)
Brick People / Block PeePoo (Ver 1.002)
Dinosaur King (USA)
Dinosaur King - Operation: Dinosaur Rescue (USA, Export)
Dinosaur King - D-Team VS. the Alpha Fortress (Export, Ver 2.500) (MDA-C0047)
Love And Berry - 1st-2nd Collection (Export, Ver 1.003)
Love And Berry - 1st-2nd Collection (Export, Ver 2.000)
Love And Berry - 3rd-5th Collection (USA, Export, Ver 1.002) (MDA-C0042)
Tetris Giant / Tetris Dekaris (MDA-C0076)
Tetris Giant / Tetris Dekaris (Ver.2.000)

Titel: MAME 0.162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2015, 13:45
Release Notes

MESS is now integral part of MAME and will be distributed as such.

Thanks to everyone that contacted us regarding licenses for their part of project
we have managed to cover more then 96% of source to be under some of open source
license. We are still urging contributors from past to contact us in order to sort this out

Note that output XML is changed so rom managers and frontends needs to get updated too.

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.019
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 06:15
misc: updated engine.cfg to support MAME .162 (the emulator formerly known as MAME and MESS). You can ignore possible prompts regarding engine.cfg changes, they are normal and they only appear once per profile. The default entry MAME will now work for MAME >= .162. There is a new entry at the end of the list for MAME < 162 if you got the need to read in an old MAME binary. The OLD_MAME entry is for MAME < .84 where -listxml was not supported. Actually engine.cfg is an old quick way to support binaries which only have some output elements renamed and after my summer holiday I might think of a more generic or auto-detect way..but for now it is working fine. This change only affects direct import from the MAME binary. Reading in datfiles will still look at "game" and not "machine" elements.
fixed: game name check might produce a wrong warning for full merged chd sets where the parent does not have chds
fixed: sampleclones check for sample-only sets fails and reports missing sets

Titel: PCSX2 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 13:41
Emulator für die PlayStation 2, der das Booten von PS2-CDs/DVDs und Ausführen von PS2-Code auf dem PC ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new:>>

TLB Slowness bug fixed.

Titel: Emu Loader 7.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2015, 05:05
Frontend crash when changing between image layouts too fast if "Load Image With Threads" button is enabled (images tool bar buttons)
Component 'Graphics32' was missing 'fmShareDenyNone' parameter in TCustomBitmap32.LoadFromFile() function
Number of players info overwritten in 'mame.el' and 'hbmame.el' files by the info from 'nplayers.ini' when games are validated
Device ROM file sizes were not added to the total game size on games that use device ROMs (create MAME/HBMAME games list)
MAME build number was not updated in '\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini' file, causing a MAME version detection error (create MAME games list, select MAME executable in Emulators Setup screen)
Optimized 'nplayers.ini' loading; no need to reload the file when toggle 'Show Players Info From nplayers.ini Only' on/off (main menu 'Games List')
Updates and fixes for MAME v0.162 (creating MAME/HBMAME games list)
- games were not being added to the main list; game tag changed from "game" to "machine" in -listxml
- dirty-hack-mode ON: all machines with "softwarelist" tags in -listxml are no longer added to main list (mostly console/computer machines)
- the following sets using software lists are still required: Neo-Geo; Sega Mega-Play; ST-V; Vectrex, Neo-Geo CD
- new file "arcade\mame_softwarelist.txt" listing all game names excluded from the main list (documentation only)
Device sets with no ROMs are no longer added to the games list (Create MAME/HBMAME games list)
Filter "Hide Device Sets With No ROMs" no longer needed ('Misc' filter in tool bar buttons)
Options 'Debugger Font Name' and 'Debugger Font Size' are no more (MAME/HBMAME settings screen)
New 'System Type' tag for games: 0 -> arcade; 1 -> console; 2 -> handheld; 3 -> computer
for future expansion ?... only time will tell (feature disabled for now)

Titel: Emu Loader 7.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2015, 05:30

Bios CHDs not searched if CHD file is in a 'biosname' sub-folder, tagging a few games as missing CHD files (Sega Lindbergh)
Game details fixes:
- bios name info listed when viewing a bios set... WHY?!
- bios filename not listed when viewing a game with a bios set
- parent filename listed when viewing a clone game with no ROMs


No more softwarelist tag detection in -listxml output. All MESS machines are added to the games list, even though you can't play them

Titel: Emu Loader 7.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2015, 13:44

Create MAME games list was bugged, making tons of games not appear in final games list and generating errors in arcade\mame.el file; you must re-create MAME and HBMAME games lists to fix this


MD5 checksum detection for emulators executable files replaced by file modified date (Windows file properties); much faster specially on large files (50 MB+)
Source code cleanup; some unused variable declarations and a couple deprecated functions




Several unicode functions ported from Tnt Unicode Library to EL's uCommon.pas file; to handle non ANSI files and string/integer operations

Titel: PPSSPP 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2015, 19:20
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source

Whats new:>>

Bugfixes like the save state scroll issue, cosmetic issues like overscroll.
Some cheat code bugfixes.
Adler32 and Mersenne Twister modules added (fixes some obscure games).
Fix for Jak & Daxter slowdown.
Graphics hack for Phantasy Star Portable 2 for Direct3D9.
Fix compatibility with some PowerVR devices broken since v0.9.5-959-g4998044.

Titel: Re: PPSSPP 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2015, 19:25
P.S. Gibts übrigens auch für Android ;)
Titel: clrmamepro 4.020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2015, 12:25
Misc: using "engine" and "game" elements as defaults which allow loading of new MAME binaries and dats without modifying engine.cfg
Fixed: game name check might produce a wrong warning for full merged chd sets where the parent does not have chds
Fixed: sampleclones check for sample-only sets fails and reports missing sets

Titel: MAME 0.163
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2015, 16:50
Release Notes
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

[Sound] (darkmist.c) darkmist: No sound FX and partial music
[Sound] (seta.c) jjsquawk: Go to Sound Test next BGM play Sound F
It will freeze the game (watchdog missing)
[Sound] (suna8.c) sparkman, sparkmana: YM3812 has incorrect frequency
[DIP/Input] (nmk16.c) airattck: Air Attack Dip-Switch info
[Sound] (seta.c) gundhara, madshark: Music only comes out of the left
speaker. Sound comes out of both.
[Sound] (seta.c) msgundam: the sound effects are only emitted from the
left channel.
[Interface] Hashpath setting in .ini not used/recognized when loading
[Documentation] (pengo.c) penta: infomation about Penta
[Gameplay] (zn.c) primrag2: Game no longer boots to attact mode
[Sound] (galaxian.c) jumpbug, zigzag: Music and sound pitch is wrong.
[DIP/Input] (c64.c) c64, c64p - Friday the 13th - All versions: c64 & c64p
Froday the 13th - Joy input does not respond properly
[DIP/Input] (c64.c) c64 - G. I. Joe - All Versions: G.I. Joe - No response
from any Joy input directions
[DIP/Input] (c64.c) c64, c64p - Grog's Revenge - All game versions: c64 &
c64p Grog's Revenge - No response from joy input direction.
[DIP/Input] (c64.c) c64 c64p Bubble Bobble - All versions: c64 c64p No joy
response for Player 1 controls under a two player game.

Source Changes:

c64: Added an SX-64 variant called Tesa Etikettendrucker 6240. [Retroport]

Changed vignetting simulation:

removed screen ratio influence
changed radius, blur and intensity
fixed roundness of rounded corners; the default aspect ratio of 4:3
should not be stretched anymore when the source has another ratio
disabled blurring of rounded corners
some cleanup
something was messed up on the last commit
mips3: Make fast RAM handling faster by caching certain values.

Introduced user definable truth tables:

This enables the addition of devices without changing the netlist source code and allows the creation of libraries. Used pong.c as a proof of concept for the time being.
chsuper.c driver: Reworked all inputs and implemented full outputs from the scratch. Added DIP switches, DIP locations, extra input port present in the test mode, implemented coin counters and hopper out / ticket out signals, implemented full set of lamps and workaround for the possible Hold3 lamp line circuitry. Also added a nice control panel internal layout. Documented all ports properly and added some findings. Changed the CPU clock to 3 MHz to get the game more playable. Need to check against a real PCB.
Champion Super 2 & 3 games: Improved the internal layout to represent a realistic control panel, with clickable button-lamps and a coin in.
Also added the missing BET MAX function to the HOLD 1 input/button.
Add configurable clock dividers for Namco C352
Added gradius3js - split rom version of Japanese S set Corrected ROM names in madmotor as per dumped board with matching checksums
Added two new versions of Turtle Ship
idehd.c: increase IDE fill-time to avoid missed interrupts
Allow compiling with shared libraries
Put SHLIB=1 in the main makefile, or on the command line.
mac: fix crashiness in NuBus "image" card host access
delegate.h now supports mingw 32 bit builds with INTERNAL
configuration. Member functions are called in this case using thiscall ABI.
mac: Image card now accepts paths starting with '$' for your $HOME needs. Also fixed a crash if the path is invalid.
Fix Game Blaster emulation, now working
Fix game blaster compatibility in sb1.0
gameboy.c: improved accuracy of the emulation for MBC2 games
ui: when accessing the internal File Manager for a system with available softlists, let the softlist item be highlighted by default to make navigation faster
cheat: improved cheat support for games in softlist. XML cheats for home systems should now be stored in a subfolder (or a compressed archive), named after the software list, inside the cheatpath. this allows for loading cheats for consoles / home computers without interfering with arcade cheats when games have identical shortnames. For instance, loading Galaga in NES allows now to use its specific cheats even if a galaga.xml is available in the arcade cheat.7z. Previously you'd get an error due to the arcade cheat referring to a cpu not present in the NES).
n64.xml: fixed some parent/clone relation.
audit.c: fixed a crash occurring when trying to mount a CHD from the internal UI.
Solved the great Sherwood Forest mystery. DOS 3.3 inserts a short 3-4 cycles, roughly equivalent to one bit) delay between writing the header and the data bytes in the sector data block.
Fixed superbug explosion overlay.
Changed the way NETLIST_START(NAME) is located and called. This is done now solely by using a netlist_sources_t class. Netlist users just register sources like memregions, hardcoded strings, compiled netlists. Going forward this enables to eventually put macro model librariers into roms. The improvement comes with a price. Compiled netlists to be included must now be registered using LOCAL_SOURCE.
fixed .lst files whitespace problem
galaxian.c: Correct rom labels for the Stern Electronics license of The End.
mos6526: Fixed port A/B read.
Improve Ensoniq 5503DOC Swap Mode
Gameshark is a clone of Action Replay
Fixed a number of bugs
proxy savestates
solver savestates
7490 both counts firing at the same time bug fix. and changed timed list to be resizable.
floppy: Ensure that get_next_transition always provide the next transition
Added missing video board PAL for xevious and clones.
Added OPT_FLAGS back
naomi.c: full dump of "Samba De Amigo" prototype
Added kidniki sound board netlist to nl_examples. Currently the netlist boils down to a 87x87 matrix. This is due to a total of 6 opamps which all are submodels and thus add their own internal nets. Gauss Seidel iterative solving comes to it's limits. nltool runs this at about 50% speed on my machine. Given the complexity this is quite good. Yet, any m62 game currently will not be playable. Time for a new cpu
m20: improve keyboard
Added the ability to use system flac, jpeg, lua, sqlite3, portmidi and zlib based on wallyweek's work This brings the system lib capabilities back to where they were prior to build system rewrite
Added new SDL_INI_PATH flag
Model1 Communication Board
add emulator options required for comm boards
add the model 1 communication board as a device
add an optional simulation for the model 1 communication (enabled atm.)
allows to play Virtua Racing, Virtua Formula and WingWar in "link mode".
victor9k: Fixed keyboard.
gamegear: allow master gear adapter to see lightphaser offsets
rohga.c: Redumped MAS10 sound sample rom at the correct size. Fixes missing sounds in the Darkseal 2.
From 45% to 60% to 99%. That's the improvement achieved for a 89x89 audio matrix mostly solved by elimination. Cleaned up some code as well.
seta, x1-010: Fix pitch in downtown
Added a GMRES solver to netlist. The generalized minimal residual method ist certainly more modern than Gaussian elimination and Gauss-Seidel. However, more the current maximum matrix (KidNiki 89x89) a combination of Gauss-Seidel to solve for maximum one step to catch quasi-stable conditions and fall-back to optimized Gaussian elimination (for sparse matrix) outperforms GMRES by up to 100%
tms5110r.c: Add new LPC table data for CD2802, CD2801
TMS5110A/TMC0281D; add new information regarding each chip. Reorganize
LPC tables to use #defines rather than repeating identical data
Netlist code now uses "namespace netlist". At the same time, moved all
devices int netlist::devices namespace.
GLSL: unlimit shader file size.
tms5110.c and tms5220.c: fix missing cast for chirp/excitation values, fix a potential off-by-one for tms5110.c as well.
info.c: worked around missing sub-devices in -lx output
model3: various improvements
Rewrote projection calculations to use projection matrix
Rewrote polygon clipping to use 4D W-space clipping
Implemented 8-bit texture uploads
Changed all scanline renderers to use rgbutil
naomi.c: brute forced DES key for "Shakatto Tambourine (GDS-0002B)"
missing gamecube edition roms added
uzebox: adding sound emulation
chihiro.c: brute missing keys for Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 2 and
MJ 3
Completely integrated the GMRES solver into netlist solver templates and recoded it from scratch. GMRES now runs at 122% (kidniki), that's a real improement from 60% before. AT the same time, the code should be easier to read and closer to the GMRES algorithm. Ultimately, kidniki will not use this solver but instead use some frontiers to keep it playable. But going forward, for larger matrices this solver is an option.
Made possible creation of custom builds with given list of drivers included. Note that game list is parsed so if macros are used they will not be found. example: [Miodrag Milanovic]
make SUBTARGET=cops -j9 DRIVERS=src/mame/drivers/cops.c
Analog drums and filtering for Kid Niki et al.
Properly emulate the double PCB stack system32 games with shared RAM bridge board (Air Rescue and F1 Exhaust Note)
Previously these relied on a hack to make the code believe the 2nd stack was present but this caused issues, now they're correctly emulated as dual screen games without any hack.
Support -uimodekey switch on Windows
apricot: use correct wd fdc type and fix floppy motor on, implement
graphics mode, simulate sio irq m1 access. successfully boots from disk now.
apricot: add an expansion slot interface and add two ram expansion cards. this will also be usuable by the apricot f series and portable.
apricot: add initial keyboard support
update all drivers to use the new wd floppy controller implementation and remove the legacy one.
wd_fdc: fixes for ZX-Spectrum and clones Beta128 disk interface
pentagon: cycle exact screen / border raster effects emulation
liberate:c: Validated and consolidated dip switches for driver and added locations
suna8: Fixed sparkman player 2 colors and samples played from second rom.
Removed spurious samples played on reset by most games
Added / completed /enabled save state support to the following drivers: battlera.c, cclimber.c, gaplus.c, grchamp.c, namcos1.c, nbmj8991.c, shisen.c,
snk68.c, spacefb.c, sprcros2.c, srmp5.c, vastar.c, warpwarp.c
rgbutil: Converted to class and added more functions.
n64: Converted RDP rendering to use SSE2 when available.
Fixed text layer colours in 'The Battle Road' after PCB verification, unflagged and removed comment saying it is guessed
xt_hdc: improved PIO use.
amstrad: added support for the Dobbertin HD20 hard disk.
i8089: add wait for drq support.

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Entex Electronic Basketball 2
Entex Color Football 4
Tomy Break Up
Player's Edge Plus (PP0021) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0048) Joker Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0085) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0089) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0130) Aces and Faces
Player's Edge Plus (PP0132) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0150) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0181) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0223) Deuces Joker Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0401) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0467) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0550) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0750) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0757) Double Down Stud Joker Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0764) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0812) Deuces Joker Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X000489P+XP000038) Double Down Stud Deuces Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X000557P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X000578P+XP000038) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002312P+XP000112) Triple Bonus Poker Plus
Player's Edge Plus (X002412P+XP000096) Standard Draw Poker (5 Decks)
Z80 TV Game System
Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002024P+XP000038) Double Bonus Poker
Coleco Frogger

New clones added:

G-LOC Air Battle (World)
Mr. Kicker (F-E1-16-010 PCB)
Space Attack (2k roms)(bootleg of Space Invaders)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0291) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0040) Standard Draw Poker (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0410) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0423) Standard Draw Poker (set 2)
Bells & Whistles (Asia, Version M)
Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?)
Bionic Commandos (bootleg)
Space Attack (bproms)(bootleg of Space Invaders)
Beast Busters (US, Version 3)
Jets (www.emu-france.com) & Layer (www.neo-arcadia.com)]
Dream Soccer '94 (Korea, M107 hardware)
Dunk Shot (Rev A, FD1089A 317-0022)
Mahjong Dial Q2 (Japan, alt.)
Hana Jingi (Japan, Bet, alt.)
Megatech Ver 0 Rev A (alt?)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0250) Double Down Stud Poker (set 2)
Tahjong Yakitori (ver. 2-1)
New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.61, C1 PCB)
New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.53, D PCB)
New Cherry '96 Special Edition (v3.40, D PCB)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Bingo Party Multicart (Rev B) (M1 Satellite board)
HP 64000 development system
Itautec I7000
Regnecentralen RC759

Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2015, 04:53
June 26, 2015:
   PSX: Generate a seek error when trying to read audio sectors(when the appropriate Mode bit isn't set), and generate a bad command error
   when executing ReadN/ReadS with a non-PS1 disc.  Fixes a lockup in "Vib Ribbon" when trying to play with audio CDs.

June 20, 2015:
   Altered SHA-1 and SHA-256 test code to work around a preprocessor-related bug in gcc.

   NES: Fixed a mapper 19 sound emulation bug; fixes music issues in the Japanese release of "Rolling Thunder".

   PSX: Replaced a GPU debug puts() with code that respects the psx.dbg_level setting.

June 18, 2015:
   PC-FX: Corrected handling of width/height of 0xA for KING BG1-3, per tests on a PC-FX.  Fixes a graphical glitch in "Sakuraigar Mode" in
   "Tyoushin Heiki Zeroigar".

May 5, 2015:
   PSX: Added some debug messages to the memory card emulation code, outputted when setting psx.dbg_level is set to certain values.

April 29, 2015:
   PCE, PCE_FAST: Corrected decimal-mode ADC and SBC behavior(especially for "illegal" input values), per tests on a HuC6280.

April 22, 2015:
   Added a test to tests.cpp for gcc bug #60196(triggered with non-default optimization flags).

April 19, 2015:
   Added a missing dependency statement to configure.ac, whose absence broke compilation with --disable-pce --enable-pcfx

April 16, 2015:
   WonderSwan: Removed erroneous constraints that were preventing opposing X* and Y* buttons from being pressed simultaneously, and changed the
   names of the the X* and Y* buttons used during input configuration, per tip from trap15.

-- --

April 12, 2015:
   PC-FX: Reorganized the debugger's register view to be slightly more space-efficient horizontally.

   NES: Migrated the rest of the *GetRegister() and *SetRegister() debugger functions over to the newer-style interface.

   PC-FX: Migrated the rest of the *GetRegister() and *SetRegister() debugger functions over to the newer-style interface.

April 11, 2015:
   PC-FX: Migrated debugger functions PCFXDBG_GetRegister() and PCFXDBG_SetRegister() over to the newer-style interface that takes integer IDs instead
   of std::string.

   VB: Migrated debugger functions VBDBG_GetRegister() and VBDBG_SetRegister() over to the newer-style interface that takes integer IDs instead
   of std::string.

   WonderSwan: Migrated debugger functions WSwan_GfxGetRegister() and WSwan_GfxSetRegister() over to the newer-style interface that takes integer IDs instead
   of std::string.

   PC-FX: Added support for setting breakpoints on writes to specific VDC registers, by setting an Aux Write Breakpoint on an
   address ranging from A0000-A001F(VDC-A) or B0000-B001F(VDC-B).

April 10, 2015:
   Debugger: Relaxed most maximum string length restrictions on user-inputted addresses(to allow for lazily leaving an excessive number of 0s at the
   beginning of an address, for example).

   Debugger: "Goto Address" prompt in the memory editor can now be activated by pressing "ENTER"(in addition to "G"), and "Disassembly Address" prompt in the main debugger
   view can now be activated by pressing the "G" key(in addition to "ENTER").

April 9, 2015:
   NES: Added sprite RAM to the debugger's memory editor.

   NES: Fixed some issues with the debugger's graphics/tileset viewer.

April 8, 2015:
   PSX: Improved GPU texture cache emulation accuracy per tests on a PS1; fixes graphical glitches in the menus of "Tigershark".

April 5, 2015:
   PCE: Added support for setting breakpoints on writes to specific VDC registers(like MAWR, BXR, BYR, etc.), by setting an Aux Write Breakpoint on an address
   ranging from 20000-2001f(hexadecimal).

April 4, 2015:
   Avoid left-shifting negative values in hw_sound/pce_psg/pce_psg.cpp

   Added a couple more tests regarding left shift of signed integers to tests.cpp.

April 2, 2015:
   Debugger: Fixed half-broken re-activation of the debug screen when a breakpoint triggers and the user was last on a debug screen other than the
   main one.

   Debugger: Fixed a rounding issue that could cause insufficient disassembly lines with some *.debugger.disfontsize setting values.

   PSX: Hooked up writing(editing) in the debugger's memory editor for "CPU Main RAM".

March 29, 2015:
   PCE: Removed old leftover debug puts() in HuC6280 emulation code.

   Debugger: Fixed a bug that could cause breakpoints to be skipped if the 'R' key was pressed(or auto-repeated) while outside of step mode.

   NES: Fixed highpass filter coefficient calculation.

   SNES: Fixed a bug that was breaking input after triggering a virtual Reset/Power Toggle event when a non-gamepad controller(e.g. mouse) is currently
   selected for a port.

March 23, 2015:
   NES: Fixed a minor sound emulation bug.

March 15, 2015:
   GBA: Fixed several instances of left-shifting negative values in thumb.cpp.

   PC-FX, VB: Fixed an instance of left-shifting uint64 by 64 in the FPU emulation code.

March 14, 2015:
   GBA: Fixed a few instances of technically undefined behavior(shifting 32-bit int by >= 32, and left-shifting negative values) in arm.cpp.

March 11, 2015:
   Reworked a test in tests.cpp to better reflect the requirements of certain undefined behavior some code still (unfortunately) relies on, to avoid
   triggering an assert() during startup when compiled with llvm/clang 3.6.

March 6, 2015:
   PCE: Fixed a major VRAM DMA emulation regression introduced around version 0.9.16-WIP, that breaks some homebrew software.

   NES: Altered mapper 185 emulation to fix "Bird Week", "B-Wings", "Sansuu 1 Nen", "Sansuu 2 Nen", "Sansuu 3 Nen", and "Seicross (version 2)".

   PSX: Added a kludge to the core cheat file reading and writing code to work around the mess created by our flawed game ID generation code
   (the PS1 game library is enormous, and many games only have one track, leading to many collisions); effectively, the game's filename(which was previously
   regarded as a comment), is now used in addition to the game ID.

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2015, 05:50
fixed: possible crash with corrupt settings file
fixed: rare issue where a sample parent set with no samples for its own and multi-softwarelist support is marked as unneeded
fixed: possible crash on cmpro start on read-only device or full device
fixed: structural issues and possible crash when using dats with releases and run into double name issues
fixed: double name check when using releases
fixed: some dialogs don't use "MS Sans Serif" as font...
fixed: adjusted some warning messages to use [SOFT] instead of
    fixed: setinformation "hide parent" does not work for listed disks
    fixed: unpacked set with chds can be falsely detected as misplaced
    fixed: rare typo based bug in checking unneeded sets/chds
    fixed: hashcollision sets with nodumps can create circular fix-unneeded/fix-missing scenarios
    misc: better unneeded detection of chds within an identical setnames relation (softwarelists/Non-Software List)
    misc: better wrong sysdefpath detection of chds within an identical setnames relation (softwarelists/Non-Software List)
    added: automatically detect mame and mess as xml root elements
    added: supporting biossets with samples (and sampleof) elements
Titel: clrmamepro 4.021a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2015, 13:17
Whats new:>>

fixed: nspirit nodump hashcollision issue which was a sideeffect of the 4.020 hashcollision fix

Titel: MAME 0.164
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2015, 16:45
Release Notes

[Sound] (seta2.c) gundamex: The music is only emitted from the right channel.
[Sound] (seta2.c) pzlbowl: Right heavy stereo balance.
[Graphics] (aerofgt.c) turbofrc: Sprite priority bugs in some stages
[Graphics] (seta.c) tndrcade + others: Offset issues in seta drivers
[Graphics] (seta.c) usclssic: Graphics are shifted.
[Graphics] (seta.c) daioh: On the attract mode screen with the earth down there is a glitchy line at the bottom and the explosion is glitched.
[Sound] (alpha68k.c) kyros, kyrosj: A few sound FX are missing
[Graphics] (hornet.c) gradius4, nbapbp: Most of colours are completly wrong
[Crash/Freeze] (djmain.c) bm1stmix and other: Error on loading CHD / disk error
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (dooyong.c) gulfstrm, lastday and clones: Screen slightly offset left when flipped (Osso)
[Graphics] (msx.c) cf3300, expertdp, svi738 (and possibly all MSX and MSX2) [possible] The MSX demo "Riyadh by Bandwagon" does not works properly.
[Crash/Freeze] (msx.c) expert11 [hero]: H.E.R.O. - Game does not start anymore
[Core] (msx.c) All sets in msx.c: Cartridge mapper not detected using Full Path


memory: Remove support for decrypted bases, use an address space instead
atarisy2: Slapstic doesn't need a direct update handler anymore
dsp56k: Remove the not required direct update handler
namcos1: Remove direct-update-handler-using optimization, will be done differently later
psx: Remove quickload, may be handled differently later
apple2gs: Remove the not required direct update handler
spc1000 added the centronics printer port
topland: Fix the background gradient
Unitron AP II: New Brazilian Apple 2 clone
M1COMM update, S32COMM initial commit
Polymax Maxxi: New brazilian Apple2 clone.
validity: add basic signed integer arithmetic tests to core validation
idehd.c: decrease IDE read fill-time to avoids timeouts
Improved kidniki sound quality while maintaining speed by adding more frontiers. Added LOGIC_INPUT to netlist which allows to specify a logic family, i.e. output characterics. Used this for improved AY8910 port modeling.
m68k: fix '020 cache emulation corner case.
3c505: move option ROM to the card to reflect real h/w
apollo: improved mouse emulation
Redumped bad rom from Mayjinsen 3, internal checksum now matches ROM dump
pet_flop.xml: Added alternate Commodore SFD-1001 Test/Demo diskette.
Netlist now compiles with std=c++98 -Wall -Wpedantic -Wextra -Wno-long-long-Wno-variadic-macros and std=c++11 -Wall -Wpedantic -Wextra
Arkanoid.c: Add rom numbering list, add more info and more correct rom labels for first version arkanoid (US, Romstar License) board from pcb pics
Added macro object registration and dynamic includes to netlist. This allows the creation of macro libraries going forward. Any IC which can be described by a truthtable and a package wrapper can now be entirely described in netlist syntax.
m20: 8086 apb
firebeat: Completely rewrote the graphics chip emulation
Identify size_t usage in printf by enclosing the argument in SIZET_PRINTF(). This is typesafe, can be identified and allows to use proper 64bit computing with compilers up to it.
fixed SAA1099 driver to actually use clock (nw); corrected Game-Blaster/SB1.0 clock to 7.159mhz
Added MM5837 Noise Generator used by Congo Bongo.
pet_cass.xml: Added tapes.
pet_flop.xml: Added disks.
Further improvements + two missing files. Congo Bongo netlist now parses without issues.
DEC Rainbow: fixed Z80 access to shared RAM, motor on/off signal, and ROM labels.
winfile.c: Stop crashing after saving to a disk image loaded from a software list.
g64_dsk: Respect the number of tracks specified in the image header.
c128_flop.xml: Added Paperback Writer 128, Term Paper Writer, The Great War, and Your Personal Financial Planner 128 disk images.
Document progress on congo bongo. Gorilla sound now works. Performance up from 30% to 170%. Use ./nltool -c run -f nl_examples/congoBongo.ct 2 to test. Minor enhancements and bugfixes.
m68k: fix unaligned pc-relative accesses
scfinals: Add correct default eeproms
Add a second rom label variant to NSS Super Mario World IC1
peoplepc: split from pc.c and make it work
peoplepc: new roms
verified protection data on gaialast
Created macro libraries for CD4XXX and 74XX chip families. Going forward, these will contain all devices which can be described using truthtables and DIPPINS.
SDL: fix 0.160 aspect ratio regression.
correct PROMs for 'mayac' set, fixes colours
thedealr.c: Figured out Coinage, Max Bet, Payout, Double up, Jacks or Better and Fever Mode dipswitches.
sdk80.c: Begun hooking up devices
Hooked up i8251 USART and RS232 device. Can use standard RS232 slot devices, including the internal serial terminal, or a terminal program running on the host machine.
Hooked up USART baud rate selection switch.
chihiro.c: bruteforced DES key for "Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 Evolution"
jvs13551.c: Sega 838-13683 and 837-13551 JVS I/O MCU firmwares dumped
VK100.c: correct prom locations based on schematics; Mark one PROM as bad pending a redump.
VK100: More work based on schematic. Self test doesn't get much farther yet.
Hooked up speech in "Harem". Added save-states. Verified colors Luca Elia,
sdk80.c: Added video board control PROM. Promoted to Working
Fixed World Heroes Perfect (Sega Saturn) TH Control Mode in SMPC.
Added preliminary CD-DA routing to SCSP EXTS parallel port, fixes CD-Rom player equalizer in Sega Saturn.
"1942p" improvements:
dumped correct sound ROM for this set
hooked up alt. memory map needed by new sound rom
retagged as a Tecfri bootleg PCB rather than prototype
fixed interrupt generation for this version, allowing powerups to scroll correctly
Re-add NetBSD support.
n64: Fix crash when fast-forwarding.
VK100: Fix diagrams for memory map decoding in comments, based on schematics.
firebeat: Added basic SPU board emulation
rspcp2: Make the align declarations gcc-compatible
Decrypted external ARM code in slqz3
a7800: fix 0x2800 mirroring behavior
Commodore VIC-1515 printer.
Commodore VIC-1520 plotter
add rom locations to zookeeper sets
Improve sound in some Mortal Kombat Yawdim bootlegs
Added nlwav to tools. nlwav converts netlist logs into wav files.
Commodore 1526/MPS-802/4023 printer
c128: Added a skeleton for the PARTNER 128 cartridge.
ti99: MFM low-level hard disk emulation, removed legacy floppy
315_5124.c: avoid saving the dynamic RAM used for temp rendering, the save state system does not currently agree with RAM that gets reallocated at run time which was happening whenever the resolution changed.
shadfrce: remove runtime tag lookups and optimized video rendering to restore speed back to what it was in versions prior to 0.161.
dreamwld.c: fix visible areas based on PCB tests, fixed linescroll modes, fixed tilemap sizes etc. This improves visuals in cutefght, rolcrush, baryon etc.
sm510: initial Sharp SM510 MCU core
tb303: hooked up basic button inputs and ext. RAM
additional gameking dumps listed in Software List, including 2 for Game King 3
some additional famiclone bios sets
Added / completed /enabled save state support to the following drivers: decos32.c, destroyr.c, gstriker.c, itech8.c, namcona1.c, namcond1.c, namcos86.c, naughtyb.c, nbmj9195.c, paranoia.c, pcktgal.c, poolshrk.c, sbowling.c, spbactn.c, spdodgeb.c, starcrus.c, tank8.c, tapatune.c, ttchamp.c, vicdual.c
New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:
Intel SDK-80
Gaia - The Last Choice of Earth
The Dealer
Mahjong Magic Lamp (v. JAA02)
Mahjong Super Dai Chuuka Ken (Japan, D115)
Mahjong Gorgeous Night (Japan, TSM003-01)
The Round Up
Monkey Magic

New clones added:

The Rumble Fish 2 (prototype)
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (USA 960910)
Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365 rev B)
Turbo (encrypted, program 1363-1365)
Indianapolis (bootleg of Turbo)
Sunset Riders (4 Players ver JAD)
Quizard (v1.0) [TeamEurope] (and reorganized sets)
Vendetta (Asia, 4 Players, ver. Z)
Karate Blazers (bootleg)
Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 9.10, prototype?)
Maya (set 4, clean)
Hot Rod (Japan, 4 Players, Floppy Based, Rev C)
Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan Resale Ver. 920714)
Hot Chase (set 2)
Shinobi (Datsu bootleg, set 2)
Midnight Resistance (Joystick bootleg)
Super Cobra (Stern Electronics) (encrypted, KONATEC XC-103SS CPU)
Mortal Kombat (Yawdim bootleg, set 4)
Spatter (315-5099)
Phoenix (Assa, Spanish bootleg)
Ave Fenix (Laguna, Spanish bootleg of Phoenix)
Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM)
Hana to Ojisan [BET] (ver 1.00, 1991/08/23)
Power Spikes (Italian bootleg)
NFL Blitz '99 (ver 1.2, Aug 28 1998)
California Speed (Version 1.0r8 Mar 10 1998, GUTS Mar 10 1998 / MAIN Mar 10 1998)
PuzzLove (Korea)
Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)
Crush Roller (Famaresa PCB) (not working, different protection?)

New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Microdigital ONYX: new colecovision prototype (unreleased)
Daruma DS348 dot-matrix printer skeleton driver.
Aqua Stage
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 Evolution (Rev B) (GDX-0021B)
Mahjong Shuang Long Qiang Zhu 3
Konami Top Gun
Konami TMNT
Game & Watch: Mickey & Donald
Gakken Jungler
Bandai Zaxxon
Bandai Ultra Man
Bandai Pengo
Bandai Burger Time
NBA Showtime Gold / NFL Blitz 2000 (ver 3.0) (Sports Station?)

Titel: MAME 0.165
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2015, 13:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

[Crash/Freeze] (itgambl2.c) All sets in itgambl2.c, namcos23.c: Crash directly after OK
[Sound] (leland.c) offroad, offroadt, possibly others: Audio in offroad, offroadt sounds horrible
[Sound] (leland.c) All sets in leland.c: DAC sounds differently between 32-bit and 64-bit
[Misc.] (cps1.c) 3wondersh: Dialog box on launch
[Misc.] (cps1.c) 3wondersh: Three Wonders (hack?) unmapped ports
[Color/Palette] (cps1.c) 3wondersb: Status change from GAME_NOT_WORKING to GAME_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS suggestion
[Crash/Freeze] (rocnrope.c) rocnrope, ropeman: Game resets when pressing start
[Documentation] (aerofgt.c) karatblzj: Wrong name for Japanese ROM set
[Graphics] (eprom.c) eprom, eprom2: Graphics glitch occurs when destroying computer equipment.
[Sound] (exidy.c) spectar: Missing sounds (credit/Title Tune)
[Graphics] (bfm_sc4.c) bfm_sc4.c: FATAL ERROR: Too many live textures in src/emu/renderer.c:500
[Speed] (suna16.c) bssoccer: significant performance drop during intro
[Graphics] (taito_x.c) kyustrkr: Screen is shifted up
[Graphics] (macrossp.c) macrossp, quizmoon: Implement priorities, fix bg and sprite zoom
[Graphics] (apple2.c) ivelultr: Font is flipped

Source Changes:

Sega 837-14645 JVS I/O dumped

monzagp.c updates:

fixed 8035 vram read/write
added background graphics
added coin and DSW inputs
vidbrain.xml: Added Information Manager prototype.
Add correct CD2802 chirp rom from decap
mk4: Add rudimentary blending.
utf8 support for pstring. Opted for a scalable solution which should be easily extensible to utf16 and utf32 as well. All position related operations now operate on char code positions instead of byte positions.
chihiro.c: Move parts common with Xbox console into their own files machine/xbox.c and includes/xbox.h
gei.c: Minor Clean up
Xbox console driver now uses the base common machine setup with Chihiro
Add support for M58819 'VSM-emulator', fixes speech in Radar Scope TRS01 set.
Replaced the frame parse and speech generation code from tms5110.c with the code from tms5220.c, should be significantly more accurate and allow the cores to be much more easily merged in the future. This also allowed finally getting rid of the COEFF_ENERGY_SENTINEL hack in tms5110r.inc
deco32.c: Verified and corrected the rom labels for the Fighter's History (World ver 43-07, DE-0380-2 PCB) set.

monzagp.c updates (part 2):

fixed gfx RAM
added 7-seg artwork
added my car sprite
hp64k: fix to allow multiple screens (for RS232 terminal)

goldstar.c DIP switch documentation:

Hold Pair for cmv4, cmv801 and crazybon
Card Shuffle Animation for cmv801
Fast Take for crazybon
Fix interpolation on TMS52xx to match samples from real chip.
c128: Emulated the PARTNER 128 cartridge
Fixed 3wondersb
apple2: fix Ivel Ultra's unique text drawing (MT#5814)
tms51xx: removed target_x variables in favor of reloading from coefficient ROM during the generation loop (as the real device does). Implemented proper ZPAR and unvoiced ZPAR logic for zeroing parameters during idle and unvoiced frames. Changed the pitch zeroing logic during frame inhibit to last an entire interpolation period rather than one sample. Replaced the speech-is-synthesizing state machine with the original patent TALK, TALKD and SPEN bits. Redid the talk_status logic to use (TALKD || SPEN) as the real device does.
pet: Added French CBM 8032 ROMs.
pet_rom.xml: Added Edex (France, v4.4)
floppy.c: Added drive sounds (must be activated in drivers using MCFG_FLOPPY_DRIVE_SOUND(true); quite simple still, same sounds for all drives)
at29x: Created a general class for AT29 family from previous
at29040a; added implementations for at29c040 and at29c020
geneve: Added Programmable Flash Memory boot feature (PFM512)
ti99: Added new cartridge types paged378, paged377; HFDC has new switch "wait for HD" (available in later HFDC models); 32K internal memory mod is now off by default

midzeus.c - further improvements:

Added alternate back-face culling method
Added additional blend modes
Added depth test and write enables
Slightly improved rasterization
OS/2 patches for MAME 0.164
x68k: added brightness controls, used for fade in/out effects
Dumped thedealr's i8742 internal ROM
Added correct color PROMs for tahjong

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Bandai Pair Match
VTech Invaders
Castle Toy Tactix
Pack'n Bang Bang (prototype)
Merit Joker Poker (9131-01)
Touch & Tell

New clones added:

Saint Dragon (bootleg)
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0555) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (KE1012) Keno (set 2)
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.6 Jan 14 1999, GUTS 1.1 Mar 16 1999, GAME Mar 16 1999)(not working)
Gun.Smoke (US, 851115) (alt set)
Fighter's History (World ver 43-05)
Hissatsu Buraiken (Japan, bootleg?)
Americana (9131-01)
Fighter's History (US ver 42-09, DE-0396-0 PCB)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (USA 980616, SAMPLE Version)
Mahjong The Mysterious Orient Part 2 - Exotic Dream
Mighty Monkey (Kaina Games, bootleg on Scramble hardware)
Knuckle Bash (Korean PCB)
New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING:
Techno Drive (Japan, TD2/VER.B, 2.06)
Sega Picture Magic
Joy Stand Private
Dino Dino
Fruit Paradise (V214)
Face-Off (EM Bubble Hockey)
Chexx (EM Bubble Hockey, 1983 1.1)
ROLLing eX.tre.me

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.022
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 13:35
Whats new:>>

misc:  new compiler (VS2015) under Windows 10 Pro
misc:  7z/rar warnings are now shown in the warning window, not as a messagebox anymore which you have to click
misc:  profiler move/add datfiles overwrite prompts support yes/no to all
fixed: wrong "wrong case" set message when a chd is missing or a wrong named set
fixed: 7z/rar detection of obsolete folders fails in some cases
fixed: datfile nodump flag gets ignored in case of an additional size=0 entry
fixed: nodump without any size entry were not imported
fixed: wrong rar bad crc message when deleting full archives

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.023
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2015, 09:45
Whats new:>>

fixed: cmpro did not mark old chd files (replaced with identical named but different checksum files) as unneeded
fixed: cmpro oversees some unneeded chds (dupe) chds in sysdef paths when the correct chd is also present (quizard sets)
fixed: cmpro doesn't warn about some unpacked rom files within chd subfolders if a rom archive also exists
added: setinformation "initial invert" option, which inverts your selection on database load (so you need to manually hit the invert button)

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.024
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2015, 18:45
fixed: cmpro still shows a wrong checksum message for unneeded chds even after removing them
fixed: general 32bit cut down issue when calculating size/checksums of files in zip64 archives
misc: xml datfiles with "machine" elements instead of game elements are parsed, too
misc: xml datfile export (either setinformation or dir2dat) uses "machine" as set element (cmpro.ini Adv_SetElementXML value holds the value in case you want to change it to "game")
misc: updated zipclass library to 4.6.2
misc: updated unrar library 5.30.4
misc: updated 7z library and sdk to 15.07
misc: ah yeah, if you don't know already, zip64 format now is officially supported

Titel: MAME 0.166
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2015, 04:57

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05969: [Graphics] (galaxian.c) jumpbug and clones: Missing scrolling starfield (Osso)
- 06028: [Sound] (neogeo.c) neogeo.c: Wrong volume of SSG versus the FM &
  ADPCM sound generation parts (Dr.Venom)
- 06029: [Crash/Freeze] (cclimber.c) yamato: game is broken [2 bugs] (Osso)
- 00999: [Sound] (segaxbd.c) gprider: There are no demo sounds even when
  the dip switch is on. (David Haywood, Ariane Fugmann)
- 04701: [Graphics] (seta.c) blandia, blandiap: Graphic garbage (Mamesick)
- 00878: [Graphics] (suna8.c) rranger: A piece of the yellow box on the map screen after
  the game start is over the CREDIT text. (Luca Elia)
- 05971: [Graphics] (suna8.c) sranger and others clones: graphics issues (Luca Elia)
- 06024: [Crash/Freeze] (system1.c) hvymetal, choplift: Crashing with a message in IC TEST (David Haywood)
- 05345: [Core] (a2600.c) a2600 [dodgeem, haunted]: Assorted issues related to 6502 CPU
- 05718: [Graphics] (a2600.c) a2600p: The demo "TOM/JONES by trilobit" is not working properly.
- 05714: [Graphics] (a2600.c) a2600p: The demo "(core) by wamma" is not working properly.
- 05622: [Graphics] (msx.c) MSX2 and MSX2+: Screen resolutions and refresh rates are wrong. (Wilbert Pol)
- 05623: [Graphics] (msx.c) MSX2 and MSX2+: Top and bottom screenborders are wrong for both PAL and NTSC (Wilbert Pol)
- 05872: [DIP/Input] (sms.c) sms, sms1 [alexbmx][megumi]: Incorrect behavior of the Sports Pad (US model) emulation

Source Changes
-TMS51xx: Got rid of the request_bits and FIFO implementation, both of
 which were incorrect to hardware. Minor ZPAR fix. Some comment
 cleanup. [Lord Nightmare]

-TMS5110.c: Finally fixed zpar logic correctly. [Lord Nightmare]

-TMS5220: implemented talk status state machine properly as shown by
 patent. Got rid of m_target_* hack in favor of loading data from ROM
 as needed. Fixed ZPAR logic. Fixed pitch zeroing to match(?) patent.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-Added missing PLD for Quantum. [Andrew Welburn]

-TMS5220: Purge process() of gotos to hopefully make the compiler's
 optimizer happier. Add a hack so Victory's "Shields Up" sample and the
 sample afterward aren't corrupted. [Lord Nightmare]

-TMS5110: Purge process() of gotos to hopefully make the compiler's
 optimizer happier. [Lord Nightmare]

-chihiro.c: under the hood 3d accelerator changes [Samuele Zannoli]
 * correct some errors
 * add more primitives to some graphic methods
 * add color mask support
 * method 0x100 (NOP) generates correct interrupt
 * some method parameters are readable from mmio registers

-chihiro.c/xbox.c: Various updates [Samuele Zannoli]
 * support render targets different than rgb32
 * support 16 bit depth buffer
 * support independent clearing of stencil and depth values
 * update rom loading
 * add xbox hack to avoid stalling
 * set xbox bios 4134 as the one used

-xbox.c: now it is able to execute the default.xbe from an iso image [Samuele Zannoli]

-Naomi / Chihiro docs update [f205v]

-Fixed GetModuleHandle to be universal. [Vladimir Kryvian]

-C352: Add divider for System 23, change enum format [Ian Karlsson]

-groundfx.c: fix accelerator [baritonomarchetto]

-besta: hook up 68230 and make its ROM self-test pass [shattered]

-at, at_keybc: hook up Display Switch and remove irrelevant DSW0 [shattered]

-Add skeleton support for K1801VM2 (as clone of T11) and skeleton
 driver dvk_kcgd that uses it [shattered]

-TMS5110: Add same FAST_START_HACK as in tms5220, makes snmath word
 delay closer to hardware. [Lord Nightmare]

-cps1.c: varthu - Added correct dump of VA63B.1A [Caius, The Dumping Union]

-deco32.c: Added some missing PAL dumps [Caius, www.jammarcade.net]

-asst128: use better ROM dumps   [shattered]

-apple2/apple2e: fix raster parameters, French Touch "Scroll Scroll
 Scroll" demo now syncs on apple2e driver. [R. Belmont]

-suna8.c: Overhauled the rendering of text sprites, added masking [Luca Elia]
 Not perfect yet but improves a few effects compared to PCB videos.

-goldstar.c: improve input and DIP switch documentation [Vas Crabb, hsialin]
 * cmast91: Document Skill Stop DIP switch and Stop 1/2/3 buttons,
    correct settings for '7' In Double Up Game and make descriptions
    consistent with other games
 * cmezspin: fix DIP switches and inputs (more like cmv4 than cmasterb),
    add improved layout to match corrected inputs

-opengl: fix overly-strict requirement on SCREEN shaders to match docs

-n64.c: Development Disk Drive setting support [LuigiBlood]

-apple2e.c: select displayed page for floating bus [Peter Ferrie]

-French Touch "Crazy Cycles" no longer hangs, but still missing effects

-Sega X-Board
 * Converted 'X Board' to be a device
 * Correctly emulated the 'Twin' X-Board setup which was used by GP Rider
   (a bridge board with shared RAM) [David Haywood, Ariane Fugmann]

-bbc: clones, floppy formats, softlists, and cleanups. [Nigel Barnes]
 * Added clone bbcb1770, bbcb now 8271 only.
 * Added clone pro128s, Olivetti Prodest PC 128S.
 * Added clones Acorn Business Computers and Cambridge Workstation.
 * Added clone reutapm, Reuters APM board.
 * Improved floppy formats, added dsd and double density formats for
 * Added speech PHROMs, not yet hooked up correctly.
 * Added softlists bbcb_de_cass, bbcb_us_flop and bbcmc_flop.
 * Added S11 links (dipswitch) to specify Econet ID.
 * Address map cleanups.

-macrossp.c: Add PAL dumps to Macross Plus [Caius]

-cninja.c: Add PAL dumps to Caveman Ninja [www.jammarcade.net]

-Sega Pico PCM improvements [ValleyBell]

-pcd: implement pcx video device [Carl, Axel Muhr]

-al520ex: added preliminary Magic Sound expansion (not working)
 [Barry Rodewald]

-netdev: fix pcap crashes on OS X [Rob Braun]

-IGS 027A: Amazonia King V104BR [Felipe Sanches]

-preliminary decryption of newly added igs_m027.c sets [iq_132]

-adjust NeoGeo sound balance based on some hw recordings [Dr.Venom]

-improve amazonia decryption [iq_132]
-TMS5220 and TMS5110: Fix an off-by-one in the interpolator causing the
 k5 coefficient to not be zeroed during unvoiced frames. Fixes various
 speech glitches. [Lord Nightmare]

-TMS5220 and TMS5110: Fixed incorrect implementation of pitch zero
 which caused an improperly long period with no pitch at an
 interpolation inhibited -> voiced boundary. Moved unvoiced parameter
 zeroing into the frame parser, as on the original chips. Some minor
 TALK/SPEN state machine changes as well, which should have minimal
 effect. [Lord Nightmare]

-added 'global_inputs' (disabled by default) to allow MAME to read
 inputs even when it doesn't have the focus [Scrooge McClunk]

-315-5124.c: Minor changes and fix a regression that in theory could
 affect zoomed sprites in TMS9918 modes.  [Enik Land]

-gamegear.c / sms.c:  Improve GG-SMS scaling code a little and update
 the Todo list.  Fixed MT#05872 regarding incorrect behavior of the
 Sports Pad (US model) emulation.  [Enik Land]

-Fix PSG chips to have volume reg inited on reset to 0x0 based on tests
 by ValleyBell. Made Sega PSG chips start up with register 0x3 selected
 (volume for channel 2) based on hardware tests by Nemesis.
 [Lord Nightmare, ValleyBell, Nemesis]

-naomi.c: redumped ss2005 and initdv2j [Guru, R. Belmont]

-ksys573: redumped CDs for drmn8m and gtrfrk9m [Guru]

-dumped another rom on amazona [Felipe Sanches]

-Significant accuracy improvements, documentation and other updates to
 the ER-2055 EAROM emulation used for several Atari games, based on
 schematics and datasheets. It now uses a state machine to keep track
 of the current EAROM bus state. [Lord Nightmare]

-Simplified coreutil.c gregorian_days_in_month. [William Krick]

-DEC LA120: Keyboard matrix is done, keyboard reading should work in
 theory. UART partly attached. Corrected cpu XTAL. [Lord Nightmare]

-DEC LA120: Implemented LED output via logerror; marked one ROM as bad
 since it fails its internal checksum tests. [Lord Nightmare]

-m68k: fix corner case for 020+ bitfield instructions [Till Harbaum]

-Fixed Counter Steer booting [Angelo Salese]
 * Spotted Slave CPU bus request line;
 * Fixed address line swapping for Slave CPU area at 0x2000-0x2fff;

-n64.c: N64 changes: [Happy]
 * PI transfers round down/truncate the last bit.
 * SI transfers signal busy while waiting for a delay.
 * Preliminary work for separating VI and RDP functionality.
 * VI timing period is now set dynamically from the VI registers. VI
   timing should now be accurate (for NTSC)

-DEC LA120: Redumped firmware ROM, now passes checksum test.
 [Brian Walenz]

-a2600: new 6502 PC=cur inst, old 6502 PC=prev inst (MT 5345)
 [Mike Saarna, Trebor, R. Belmont]

-Seperate Space Warp into it's own skeleton driver. [mixxmaster]

-m68k: fix 020+ PACK/UNPK nibble ordering [Till Harbaum, R. Belmont]

-i8271: modernize [Carl]

-Convert galastrm, model2, midzeus, namcos23, and hng64 drivers
to universal "poly" rasterizing interface. [Andrew Gardner]

-Preliminary refactor of IGS017/IGS031 video hardware to be a device
 so that it can be used by the igs_m027.c games (IGS gamblers) once
 the internal ARM roms have been dumped [David Haywood]

-reduce tagmap lookups in taito_f3.c
  (was causing severe slowdown in arkretrn) [David Haywood]

-a7800: More accurate representation of the Activision cart hardware
 for utilized hotspots.  Rampage no longer crashes when P1 selects
 Lizzy. [Mike Saarna]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car
  [Will Medved, Ryan Holtz, The Dumping Union]
TI DataMan [hap, Sean Riddle]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status

Revolution X (prototype, rev 5.0 5/23/94) [Chris Engel]
Soccer Superstars (ver UAC) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Shocking (Korea, set 2) [Arcade Belgium (dump by Nomax)]
J. J. Squawkers (older) [Alex Marshall]
Rolling Thunder (oldest) [Layer (from neo-arcadia & jammaplus)]
Point Blank (World, GN2 Rev B, set 2)
  [Caius, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Oriental Legend (ver. 111, Korean Board) [DarkSoft]
Minefield (The Logicshop, bootleg) [David Haywood, Guru]
Route 16 (set 1) [Siftware, MASH]
 (old set 1 is now 'Route 16 (set 3, bootleg?)')
New Sinbad 7 (set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
various Sega decrypted bootleg sets [Misc contributors]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

Amazonia King II (V202BR) [Macgaiver]
Commodore MPS-1230 NLQ Printer [Guru, R. Belmont]
VTech Genius KID ABC Fan (Germany) [TeamEurope]
VTech CARS 2 Laptop (Germany) [TeamEurope]
Cobra: The Arcade (CBR1 Ver. B) [Guru]
Canon S-80 typowriter [Felipe Sanches]
Mizar 8105 [Joakim Larsson]
Heurikon HK68K/V10 VME board [Joakim Larsson]
LG GP40NW10 USB DVD writer [O. Galibert]
Brother MT735 thermal printer [Cowering, O. Galibert]
DECwriter III (LA120) [Lord Nightmare, NeXT]
Smart Toss 'em / Smartball (Ver 2.0) [David Haywood]
MVME350 - Streaming Tape Controller support QIC-02 [Joakim Larsson]
Squale [Miodrag Milanovic, thanks to Olivier Aichelbaum]
ZAP - Z80 Applications Processor (by Steve Ciarcia - 1981) [Felipe Sanches]
Wacky Gator (Data East - 1990) [Felipe Sanches]
Piggy Pass (Doyle & Assoc.)
Hoop Shot (Doyle & Assoc.)
Round and Round (Rev 6) (Quick $ilver)
Fiddle Stix (1st Rev) (Quick $ilver)
Jack & The Beanstalk (Doyle & Assoc.?) (bad dump)
Dump The Ump (bad dump)
3 Lil' Pigs (bad dump)

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

Rescue (Free Enterprise Games, bootleg) [David Haywood, Guru]
 (some code seems missing even after descrambling?)
Tora Tora (prototype?, set 2)  [Siftware]
Hard Head (bootleg, set 2) [leniad]
Kung Fu (IGS, v100) [Siftware]
Ridge Racer V Arcade Battle (RRV1 Ver. A) [Guru]
Soul Calibur III (SC31002-NA-A key, NA-A disc) [Guru]
Tekken 5.1 (TE53 Ver. B) [Guru]

New WORKING software list additions

tutor.xml: (Tomy Tutor & Pyuuta cartridges)
- Rescue Copter [3D] (Jpn) [Ryan Holtz, Team Europe]
- Triple Command (Jpn) [Ryan Holtz, Team Europe]

nes.xml: (Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges)
- Booky Man (Spa) [SSJ, TeamEurope]

a800_flop.xml: (Atari 400 / 800 floppy disks)
 - Elektra Glide [Curt Coder]
 - KoalaPainter (Light Pen) [Curt Coder]

c64_flop.xml: (Commodore 64 diskettes)
 - Elektra Glide [Curt Coder]
 - KoalaPainter (Light Pen) [Curt Coder]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

gameking.xml: (TimeTop GameKing cartridges)
 - various 4-in-1 sets [SSJ, TeamEurope]   

gameking3.xml: (TimeTop GameKing 3 cartridges)
 - Fly Cab [SSJ, TeamEurope]

gbcolor.xml: (Nintendo Game Boy Color cartridges)
 - Magic Lamp [SSJ, TeamEurope, Taizou]
 - Binary Monster 2 - Adventure of Hell(TW) [SSJ, TeamEurope]
nes.xml: (Nintendo Entertainment System cartridges)
 - Coolboy RS-17 (203-in-1) [SSJ, TeamEurope]

pico.xml: (Sega Pico cartridges)
 - Anpanman Eigo - Tanosii Kanibaru (Tw) [TeamEurope]
 - Doraemon Machinaka (Tw) [TeamEurope]
 - Mickey To Ookina Furudokei (Tw)) [TeamEurope]
 - Ojamajo Doremi Dokka~n! (Jpn) [TeamEurope]
 - Professor Pico and the Paintbox Puzzle (Euro) [TeamEurope]
 - Peter Pan - Neverland e Ikou! ~10th Anniversary Edition~ (Jpn) [TeamEurope]
 - Sanou Kaihatsu Series 5 Meiro - Kioku (CD Tsuki) (Jpn) [TeamEurope]
 - Susie-chan to Marvy o-Tetsudai Da~isuki! (Jpn) [TeamEurope]

vc4000.xml: (Interton VC 4000 cartridges)
 - Come Frutas [SSJ, TeamEurope]

jaguar.xml: (Atari Jaguar cartridges)
 - Air Cars (1994 version) [Porchy]


Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2015, 06:46
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Latest Changes


Game icons weren't updated correctly after single/multi game audit (visual bug only)
Application crash when trying to setup MAME default settings on a fresh install, while at Emulators Setup screen
Apply filters message box was not centered on screen (grouped view mode)


If MAME build number can't be detected, full MAME settings mode will be used by default (if using old MAME builds, the frontend might crash)

Titel: PPSSPP 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2015, 09:00
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source

Whats new:>>

Support for ARM64 on Android, for improved performance on new devices. Has some new optimizations.
Support Android TV, like nVidia Shield TV
Screen rotation on PC, useful for vertical games like Star Soldier
Many minor performance improvements and compatibility bug fixes
GPU emulation fixes like correct depth rounding, fixing text in Phantasy Star
Other graphical fixes like UV rotation
Support savestates for homebrew apps
Simple integrated "Homebrew Store" to download PSP homebrew apps
Minor AdHoc multiplayer improvements. Still many issues left.
Disable a dangerous optimization on ARM, causing walk-through-walls in Tenchu
sceAtrac music compatibility fixes, fixing noise in a few games
Better texture scaling performance
Direct3D closer in features to OpenGL
Works better on BSD operating systems
Savedata management UI

Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2015, 05:23
Latest Changes


Creating HBMAME games list would corrupt MAME games list, deleting MAME software list files and multi-cart files ('eldir\arcade\' and 'eldir\softwarelist\' folders)
Application crash after creating games list for multiple systems at once
Main screen doesn't hide anymore when creating games list; it was creating too many problems


File 'ini_files\catver_full.ini' is now priority; file 'ini_files\catver.ini' is used if the other is not found (when loading games list)
If you use 'ini_files\catver_full.ini', there's no need to use "version ini for MESS" pack (version.ini) as version added for non-arcade machines can be read from 'catve_full.ini'
NOTE: you still need 'ini_files\category_home.ini' for proper non-arcade machines tagging! ("category ini for MESS" pack)


New setting: "Images Panel Outer Frame Color", so you can change the color of the 7 pixels frame in the images panel (preferences screen, 'Images' tab)

Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2015, 04:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Latest Changes


Access to main menu from games popup menu was not possible while frontend in full screen mode
Games list splitter and images splitter incorrectly set at startup

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.025
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2015, 05:40
misc: better support for UHD screens (button bar, statistic window output, initial default size of sizeable windows)
misc: updated unrar library 5.30.5
misc: updated 7z library and sdk to 15.08
fixed: crash when going from profiler create to scanner setinfo
fixed: exception when loading of 7z dll failed
fixed: evil romcheck skip when chds of the set are missing and the archive is stored in the same path
fixed: re-fixed wrong placed/unneeded chd detection problem when setnames share the same name across software lists
fixed: showing wrong bad chd checksum messages when setnames share the same name across software lists and one chd is missing
fixed: unneeded set check marks some sets as unneeded when you have a pretty uncommon setup where chds in the dat are listed as roms with subfolders

Titel: PPSSPP 1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2015, 13:37
Whats new:>>

Fixed new crash in Persona and other games on ARM64, like Galaxy S6
Fixed crashes when trying to launch web browser when not present on Android, like on Android TV
Fix crash in games that used "depal" functionality (OpenGL)
Fixed rounding mode problems in the JITs
Fix crash when loading savestates many times, and savestate compatibility on Android-x86
Fix minor glitch in Ridge Racer

Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2015, 04:14

MAMu_ icon was not showing in the selected game at startup (old bug)
Error message "28x22 icon could not be loaded" if changing arcade filters while "Small Tool Bar" setting is enabled (files in "resources\main_icons\arcade_filters\" folder don't have small icons, only 44x40 size)


Setting "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" is now disabled by default (main menu)... no more nagging dialog on a fresh install
From now on, when a game is re-selected (filter change, view mode change, etc...), it will always appear in the middle of the list (vertically); it's easier to find this way


New setting: "Allow Only One Instance"; prevent multiple instances of the frontend running at the same time (preferences screen)

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.026
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2015, 16:45
Whats new:>>

    fixed: memory corruption and random crash during sethash generation
    fixed: disabled softwarelists with non-unique assigned paths could lead to wrong missing set messages
    added: set information copy2clipboard context menu to generate set lists
    misc: updated 7z library and sdk to 15.09

Titel: MAME 0.167
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2015, 05:40


00100: [Sound] (galdrvr.c) froggermc: After starting a game, the sound cuts off.
05596: [Color/Palette] (thunderj.c) thunderj & clones: palette problem in the briefing
06049: [Gameplay] (ibmpcjr.c) ibmpcjr [kingqst, mouser, pitfall2, scubavnt]: some softlist games are broken


piggypas.c: fixed CPU type, added layout and some inputs.
firebeat: add proper dongle dumps for kbm3rd, pop4 and popn5
Fix reversion for PI. PI transfers round length up, not down. Add [Happy]
field for VI interlaced modes. Display of interlaced video still needs work.
adding ROM dump of Commodore MPS-1000 dot matrix printer
dvk_ksm: update memory map, rom checksums.
ec1840, ec1841: clean up memory options
Victor 9000 Keyboard: Added two key labels I realized I'd forgotten.
Updated comments to be more clear about keys with multiple contacts underneath but only one metal contact on the key. Noted in comments that the symbolic and mode keys on the numeric keypad (except for decimal point) are beige, not white.
DEC LA120: Make the status leds and 7seg displays a popmessage(), for now.
Votrax TNT: fixed the memory map mirroring based on schematic.
added correct sprite rom dumps to Led Storm Rally 2011 (US)
adjusted the rom loading / gfxdecoding in the driver to accommodate the correct ROMs for Led Storm Rally 2011

z80scc rework:

z80scc_channel class rebased on device_t instead of z80sio_channel
Improved LOG printouts
Interrupt support started
Made register pointer bits shared bewtween A and B channel as per spec
Variant type keeping moved from channel class to device class where it belongs
Clocks are blocked until Rx/Tx enabled by ROM code
Improved logging
Started variant handling
tiki100: Added 8088 expansion ROMs.
tiki100: Used PROM for memory mapping.
tiki100: Added expansion bus and skeleton for 8088 card.
tiki100: Connected the I/O space to the expansion bus, and added the 360KB floppy format for MS-DOS.
tiki100: Added raw screen parameters.
tiki100: Added DART speed select jumper.
tiki100: Added skeleton for Winchester controller.
tiki100: Added the expansion bus slots to the Z80 daisy chain.
tiki100: Added BUSRQ, BUSAK, and EXIN to the expansion bus.
PTY support for u*x OSes
Fix to allow mips3 exceptions to detect branch delay slots for setting
EPC. Minor cleanup/correction for n64.c
Added Siemens Sicomp PC16-05 BIOS ROM (Multitech MPF-PC/700 mainboard)
Split cat.c into separate drivers for canon cat and iai swyft.
PSX GPU: Fix the 24bit rendering of video sequences on games such as
GranTurismo and Digimon World 3
ETI-660 fixed and working
Camputers Lynx 48k, 96k, 128k fixed and working.

Game-A-Tron gambling hardware changes:

Added siren/alarm input to Pull Tabs, and beeps/alarm input to Four In One Poker. All these are present in the Test Mode. However, their functions aren't clear.
Switched the PSG to SN76489, since it's present in the Bingo PCB.
Added technical notes and more documentation.

Pinball, Bally early solid state (by17.c by35.c):

Add mockup playfield layouts for Playboy, PowerPlay and Matahari that includes input/output devices
Add sound to first gen -35 games
Various fixes based on schematics and measurements.
TMS52xx: Fix a bug where if the FIFO contained exactly 0 bytes and a SPEAK (VSM) command was issued, the command would instantly terminate due to the FIFO being empty even though the chip wasn't in SPEAK EXTERNAL mode. Fixes speech in TI Extended Basic
wackygtr: added inputs and internal layout.
Aristocrat MKV driver: Added the undumped PLD devices to Adonis parent) ROM_LOAD since is running in the same hardware than the recent added clon.
Aristocrat MKV driver: Added PCB ASCII layout and components description. Added extra documentation and some notes.
Aristocrat MKV driver improvements
Added the undumped ST93C46 serial EEPROMS to Adonisa, and added a placeholder to the parent set for the same devices, flagged as NO_DUMP. Added master crystal via #define, and derived the CPU clock. Added some technical notes.
saa5050: graphics generator and character rounding:
implemented graphics generator, no longer read from fake ROM
added character rounding
improved control code handling
added ROMs for variants saa5051, saa5053, saa5054, saa5055, saa5056, saa5057

osborne1: add SCREEN-PAC support:

implement 104-column and pseudo-80-column modes
correct scrolling in 52-column mode according to schematics
approximate scrolling in 104-column and pseudo-80-column modes
rework Osborne 1 memory and I/O maps to match schematics
bbc: floppy formats and rom updates:
improved ssd, dsd handling
added Acorn DOS and CPM formats
added known good rom configuration for acw443 (Cambridge Workstation)
removed some BAD_DUMP flags

bbc: various softlists:

bbca_cass - new titles and additional info added
bbcb_cass - new titles and additional info added
bbcb_flop - preliminary list containing test cases
bbcm_flop - preliminary list
bbc_32016_flop - requires additional hardware emulated
bbc_65c102_flop - requires additional hardware emulated
bbc_80186_flop - requires additional hardware emulated
bbc_arm_flop - requires additional hardware emulated
bbc_z80_flop - requires additional hardware emulated
pro128s_flop - all known available dumps
bbc: fdc intrq/drq causes nmi

HLSL changes:

Unified HLSL render pipline for raster and vector graphics
simplified draw call of render pass functions
reduced number of used render targets from 7 to 4 (2 native and 2 pre-scaled)
made render pass functions (nearly) independent from each other
unified render pipeline for raster and vector graphics, which means that all effects are now also available for vector graphics (except scan-lines)
removed/replaced simple.fx by primary.fx
removed CU_PHOSPHOR_IGNORE uniform, which was only used in phosphor pass function and is now directly set
added CU_TARGET_DIMS uniform based on the current render target
added CU_QUAD_DIMS uniform based on the current full screen polygon quad
removed pre-scale knowledge from shaders
fixed DX9 related half pixel offset in most shaders
reduced shadow mask color bleeding
fixed defocus strength with different pre-scales
added slight noise to bloom effect to reduce the color banding of lower bloom levels
fixed position of reflection effect when screen is rotated or flipped
fixed roundness and size of rounded corners in any aspect ratio
added distortion pass, which is applied after the bloom pass and moved curvature, vignetting, rounded corners and reflection effect to this pass
fixed bloom stair-step artifacts when screen is curved
added smooth border effect and option, its amount is limited by the amount of rounded corners
added bloom overdrive effect and options, this effect allows to overdrive pure colors like red, green and blue to become more brighter
merged vector and raster bloom options, use vector.ini or raster.ini to distinguish
added raster.ini and lcd.ini to parse_standard_inis()
added bounds() and screen_bounds() getter to layout_view
added current_view() getter to render_target
many other small changes and refactoring
fixed vector intensity
fixed vector flicker
replace beam width by beam width min. and beam width max. width, this makes it possible to create a linear dynamic beam width by the amount of intensity of the beam
added beam intensity weight, this adds an exponential factor to the dynamic beam width (values greater than 0 will push larger intensities more than smaller intensities)
fixed ratio of "vector points" (zero-length lines)
psxcd: Declaring ROM images for the CDROM controller MCU.

Apollo changes:

fixed the Apollo floppy disk emulation
added the media option -node_id resp. -ni to set the node ID from a node ID rom image file
fixed the unmapped ISA Bus access to return 0xff instead of 0x00
removed excessive log entries from unmapped ISA Bus access
fixed date (and some other issues) in mc146818 (new in MAME 0166)
Fix for imds2 driver after i8271 modernization
namcos23: fix the polynew conversion
namcos23: Go back to z-sorting
deorphaned the software lists for cd32, 3do_m2 and pippin so that they get parsed by the validity checker etc.
amstrad: added Draysoft Doubler expansion
Changed the qotna set to run in a US-Export hardware. Even when is NSW/ACT, the program seems to run in that hardware. Added more documentation.
apple2: fixed "The Mill" 6809 card so OS9 can boot.
Changed the vpoker set description to Videotronics Draw Poker, since the game is "Draw Poker". Two companies sold it with different name. Documented the legal issues and added links.
Update VMX/Altivec RGB implementation (fixes PowerPC)

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Attack Pla Rail (Japan, AP1/VER.A)
Led Storm Rally 2011 (US)
Player's Edge Plus (X002287P+XP000057) Pay the Aces NO Faces Bonus Poker
Exidy Sorcerer II
Unisonic Champion 2711
SegaSonic Popcorn Shop (Rev B)

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Final Fight (USA 900424)
Lightning Swords
Air Duel (World, M82)
Ken-Go (set 2)
Master Boy (Italian, PCB Rev A, set 2)
WEC Le Mans 24 (v1.26)
Wonder Stick (set 2, censored)
Sliver (set 2)
Joe & Mac Returns (Japan, Version 1.2, 1994.06.06)
Led Storm Rally 2011 (World)
Player's Edge Plus (KE0004) Keno
Player's Edge Plus (KE1006) Keno
Player's Edge Plus (KE1013) Keno (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0042) 10's or Better (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (Gambler Downtown Reno)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (Par-A-Dice Riverboat Casino)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (Annie Oakely's Central City)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0055) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2, Skyline Casino)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0158) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 2, Skyline Casino)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0430) Deuces Joker Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0459) Joker Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0515) Double Bonus Poker (set 4)
Player's Edge Plus (X000055P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (Sunset Station Hotel-Casino)
Player's Edge Plus (X000426P+XP000038) Joker Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002179P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (XM00006P+XMP00002) Multi-Poker (The Orleans)

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:

Micral 80-22G
Data RD100
Proteus III
Neo Print (Japan) (T2d)
Cuckoo (MV4104, Export)
Mine, Mine, Mine (Export)
Party Gras (MV4115/6, Export)
Penguin Pays (Export)
Wild Cougar (Export)
Boot Scootin' (Export, 92.767%)
Bumble Bugs (Export, 92.691%)
Cash Chameleon (Export)
Sub Hunter
The Chariot Challenge (04J00714, NSW/ACT)
Eagle 1600
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Dolphin Treasure (Export)
Magic Mask (MV4115, Export, set 2)
Adonis (MV4124/1, Export)
Mega-CD with 32X (Japan, NTSC)
Mega-CD with 32X (Europe, PAL)
Adonis (0100751V, NSW/ACT)
Dolphin Treasure (Export)
Queen of the Nile (MV4091, NSW/ACT)
New WORKING software list additions:
a2600.xml: Atari 2600 cartridges
Stella's Stocking 2008


Putty Squad (prototype) [?]

Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2015, 04:40
Export games list to .txt file fixes/changes (main menu "Games List")
- new feature dialog with several options to choose from
- full format was not listing all info; entries format changed a little bit
  sys_name: game_title [softlist_name\gamename; cloneof parentname] - export to "MAME Content Manager Plus" was including software list games. MCM+ only support arcade/non-arcade machines from -listxml output and MAME/HBMAME emulators
Fixes to delete/copy/move multiple games files
- frontend frozen in an endless loop when trying to detect software list names, resulting in a crash
- only MAME games were being processed, ignoring games from other systems
- memory leak when processing software list games
- some optimizations to improve speed
- created an internal list of MAME games files to be processed so they won't have duplicate copies for other systems, in case MAME game files are being shared with different systems (MAME, HBMAME, ZiNc...)
File 'ini_files\videopreview.ini' is not available in the distribution pack anymore. It will be generated at startup if not found. This is to prevent overwriting your current video preview settings
Support for new MAME v0.167 vector settings (MAME settings screen, "Vector" groupbox)... setting "beam" for older MAME builds is still supported
New file "ini_files\videopreview[default].ini"

Titel: Emu Loader 7.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2015, 10:30


Emulator binary detection at startup was not updating emulator version info; also, the version info for MAME and AlterMAME was switched
...be aware that the new data is only saved to "ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" when exiting the frontend or accessing "Emulators Setup" screen


Changes to customize columns screen
- added "Customize Header Font" and "Default Font" buttons for easier access
- removed test/debug button
Game custom settings (game, driver, screen type, etc...) is disabled if selected game is a MAME software list game (non-arcade). MAME doesn't support custom settings for software list games


Some source code cleanup
- game info var "eUseDeviceROMs" no longer used... completely removed from the project
- array "ListGamesDeviceROMs" no longer used... completely removed from the project
- removed a couple disabled functions since they are no longer used


Columns sub-menu in main menu to access the customize games list columns (sub-menu "Games List")
Games list status bar color customization (preferences screen, "Games List" tab)
Support "raster.ini"; "lcd.ini" screen type settings for MAME v0.167 (games popup menu, "Custom Settting" / "AlterMAME Custom Settings")

Titel: MAME 0.168
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2015, 05:50

Special Thanks

Huge thanks to PVS-Studio's owners for giving us a temporary license in order to troubleshoot
issues in our code.

Also big thanks goes to JetBrains for giving us licenses for their ReSharper and CLion
projects that are helping us to improve MAME.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06083: [Core] cpu/z8000/z8000tbl.inc - wrong asmflags (Olivier Galibert)
- 05958: [Graphics] (cclimber.c) toprollr: Some sprites are invisible (Osso)
- 06075: [Graphics] (malzak.c) malzak, malzak2: Graphic issue (blank line) in title (Pernod)
- 06071: [Documentation] (shadfrce.c) shadfrcej: Shadow Force (Japan Version 3) might be misnamed.
  Version is actually in English, not Japanese. (David Haywood)
- 06070: [DIP/Input] (psikyosh.c) mjgtaste: Joystick mode does not fully work (David Haywood)
- 06060: [DIP/Input] (a7800.c) a7800 [1on1u]: Cannot start a game in One-On-One Basketball. (David Haywood)
- 05817: [Misc.] (mz700.c) mz700, mz700j: Emulation drastically slowing down after loading the basic! (Robbbert)
- 06056: [Gameplay] (osborne1.c) osborne1: osborne1 banking doesn't work properly (Vas Crabb)

Source Changes

-zx: Start of a hardware-correct rewrite [O. Galibert]

-Aristocrat MKV driver: More accurate documentation. Also added some
 technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-osborne1 improvements [Vas Crabb]
 * Bank low 16k according to schematics, passes memory test
 * Handle memory mapped I/O addresses according to schematics
 * Correct vectoring of IEEE488 interrupt
 * Add serial port emulation
 * Fix beeper frequency/timing
 * Fix scrolling behvaviour in standard and SCREEN-PAC modes
 * Implement RESET key (generates NMI, F12 by default)
 * Show contents of video memory in F4 tilemap viewer
 * Add configured banking and save state support

-Osborne Vixen: fixed screen (thanks to OG who added M1 support to the
 Z80). Various other fixes. Marked as Working [Robbbert]

-n64: Simulation of cpu cycles from the skipped RDRAM initialization.  [Happy]
 This allows later SI initialization to see something closer to an
 expected value for the system uptime.

-making logerror part of machine and device classes [Miodrag Milanovic]
 display tag of device that logged message

-naomi/triforce docs update [f205v]

-peplus.c: Documentation update based on newly found PSR (Program
 Summary Report). [Kevin N, BrianT]

-TMS5xxx: Fix for occasional audio 'spike' instability/wraparound
 glitches caused by improper truncation in the lattice filter
 multiplier. This is not an optimal fix as it isn't correct to
 hardware, but it works better than the previous approximation.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-Derived a new machine with improved memory map, remapped the roms
 load, and created proper inputs set for Genie (ICP-1, set 2). Also
 added technical notes and findings... [Roberto Fresca]

-Goldnpkr.c driver: Added games and technical notes, and some
 clean-ups... [Roberto Fresca]

-Fix all instances of PVS-Studio warning V578, "An odd bitwise operation
 detected. Consider verifying it". [MooglyGuy]

-Sharp MZ series:
 * MZ-700: Increased speed of basic (MT 06058) by using bankdev; [Robbbert]
 * MZ-700: Fixed shift, ctrl, function keys;
 * MZ-800: Fixed crash when ramdisk accessed;
 * MZ1500: now starts up and can run some programs;
 * MZ-800, MZ-80K, MZ-80A can load mzf tapes.

-Fix some instances of PVS-Studio warning V501, "There are identical
 sub-expressions to the left and to the right of an operator". [MooglyGuy]

-hdc92x4: Fix ambiguity of ?: operator flagged by PVS-Studio [MooglyGuy]

-Jack Potten's Poker (NGold, set 3) improvemente: Fixed wrong inputs /
 coin lines through dedicated inputs. Also fixed graphics.
 [Roberto Fresca]

-Serial ports added to imds2 [F. Ulivi]

-Fix PVS-Studio warning V562, "It's odd to compare a bool type value with
 a value of 0/1" [MooglyGuy]

-Fix PVS-Studio warning V564, "The &/| operator is applied to bool
 type value. You've probably forgotten to include parentheses." [MooglyGuy]

-goldnpkr.c driver improvements. [Roberto Fresca]

-cmpacman: fix two DIP switches [Vas Crabb]

-Added partial decryption to the ICP1 daughterboard games. (currently
 only pokerduc set). Since it's just partial, commented out the code
 for now.... [Roberto Fresca]

-Added port impulse to the Golden Poker's second coin slot. This is
 needed for both royale sets. [Roberto Fresca]

-amstad: Transtape WIP support. [Barry Rodewald]

-a7800.c - More accurately reflect '0x02XX' map per hardware
 documentation and testing. [Mike Saarna, Robert Tuccitto]

-TMS5220 and TMS5110: Add more verbosity to DEBUG_LATTICE
 [Lord Nightmare]

-namcos23: Better handle on the GPU comms [O. Galibert]

-OSD/SDL: add missing header to fix build on NetBSD. [Thomas Klausner]
 The file was removed from the other gmake.*/genie.make files. The
 build/gmake.* files do not exist upstream, so this is a purely local

-namcos23: port b bit 6 is also an input, handle accordingly.  Probably
 JVS. [O. Galibert]

-mc6845: fixed hd6845 rasters in interlace mode [Nigel Barnes]
 * bbc now uses correct hd6845
 * saa5050 outputs all 20 scanlines

-a6809: Removed hack and fixed display for above saa5050 changes.[Robbbert]

-bbc: softlist additions/changes [Nigel Barnes]
 * added part_id to many items
 * added original protected floppies (FSD)

-bbc: preliminary support for FSD format. [Nigel Barnes]

-naomi.c: added "NAOMI Development BIOS v1.10" [Andy Geezer, MetalliC]

-Aristocrat MKIV driver: Changed the Fever Pitch input scheme and
 artwork layout, since it seems that the game lacks of a gambling or
 double-up feature. Also cleaned a bit the driver. [Roberto Fresca]

-Aristocrat MKIV driver: Fever Pitch service input is just 'reserve'
 feature/function. Changed the inputs and artwork layout accordingly.
 [Roberto Fresca]

-HLSL [ImJezze]
 * removed duplicate prescale fields
 * made visibility of HLSL options depending on screen type
 * disabled scanlines for LCD screen type
   Fixed reset of HLSL settings
 * fixed bug that resets the HLSL settings when the screen size has
 * removed hardcoded HLSL presets
 * updates HLSL readme
 * fixed creation order of D3D and HLSL resources
 * sliders will be hidden when toggled off and will be shown when
    toggled on again
 * screen adjustment (scale, offset) can now be handled by the
    respective render API itself (default behavior is as before)
 * D3D (if HLSL) is activated handles screen adjustment by itself
    within the shader, which fixes the odd behavior of some effects
    (e.g. round corners) when screen scale and offset is used
 * fixed bug that resets the HLSL settings when switching between
    window mode and fullscreen
 * fixed changed screen adjustment for multi screens
 * the vector renderer now tries to detect a invariabel vector
    intensity and disables the calculation of a dynamic beam width
 * fixed not used HLSL settings from <custom>.ini if MAME was started
    without driver parameter
 * removed default values from HLSL sliders, the defaults here are
    more like null values to hint when an effect would be disable
 * slightly changed default HLSL settings
 * fixed missing shadow mask texture when switching between window
    mode and full screen

-z800x: Fix the disassembly [Oliver Lehmann]

-ap2_dsk.c: support 36-track Apple II NIB images [Peter Ferrie]

-wozfdc: Warp factor 4 Scotty (much less CPU usage now!) [O. Galibert]

-vrender0: allow resolutions higher than 512x240 [Luca Elia]

-Updated OS/2 support for GEnie and MAME [KO Myung-Hun]

-mcatadv.c: Improved Nostradamus emulation [David Haywood]
 * Sprite masking effect supported (stage 6 boss)
 * Tilemap enable supported (flickering shadow for stage 7 boss)
 * Priority 0 sprites now shown (final boss arms)
 * BG colour changed to more likely pen (fade in/out on intro & end)

-se3208: make sure the low bits of the stack pointer are always 0 [Luca Elia]

-se3208.c: disallowed unaligned dword reads/writes, this allows
 Donggul Donggul Haerong to function, although not 100% sure it's the
 correct fix [David Haywood]

-Allow for Emscripten compile to JavaScript out of the box. [Justin Kerk]
 MAME can now be built using Emscripten's 'emmake' tool, e.g. like so:
 emmake make SUBTARGET=pacman SOURCES=src/mame/drivers/pacman.cpp
 This should produce a .js file which can be supplied to an HTML front-end.

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Fever Pitch? (2VXEC534, NSW, 90.36%) [Roberto Fresca, Matt B]
Trivia R Us (v1.07) [J. Mathevet, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
Micro Engenho (Brazilian Apple 2 clone) [Felipe Sanches]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Forgotten Worlds (World, newer) [Bill D, The Dumping Union]
Fighter's History (World ver 43-09, DE-0395-1 PCB) [coolmod, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Genie (ICP-1, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Matt B]
Genie (ICP-1, set 2) [Roberto Fresca]
Karate Blazers (World, set 2) [caius]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 8, Australian) [Roberto Fresca, Matt B]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 9, 'just 4 fun') [Roberto Fresca, Matt B]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0045) 10's or Better (Las Vegas Rio) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0104) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0197) Standard Draw Poker (set 5) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0197) Standard Draw Poker (Cruise) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0203) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 5) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0221) Standard Draw Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0423) Standard Draw Poker (set 4) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0454) Bonus Poker Deluxe (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0550) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better, set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002178P+XP000119) Double Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Sengoku Ace (Japan, set 2) [Alex Cmaylo]
Bonne Chance! (Golden Poker prequel HW, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, ANY]
Final Fight Revenge (JUET 990930 V1.100) [coolmod]
Ripper Ribbit (Version 3.5) [coolmod, Ryan Holtz, The Dumping Union]
1943: The Battle of Midway (US) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Rolling Thunder (rev 3, hack) [caius]
Super Galaxians (Silver Systems) [Robbbert]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Cherry Master '99 [hsialin,Vas Crabb]
Chicken (RHG0730, Export, 92.588%) [Roberto Fresca]
Enchanted Forest (MV4033, Export, 94.97%) [Roberto Fresca]
Club Kart for Cycraft (GDS-0029A) [Guru, R. Belmont]
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 3 Cycraft Edition (Rev. A) (GDS-0039A) [Guru, R. Belmont]
Koala Mint (MV4137, Export) [Roberto Fresca]
Magic Garden (AHG1211, Export, 88.26%) [Roberto Fresca]
Sweet Hearts II (PHG0742, Export, 92.252%) [Roberto Fresca]
Party Gras (MV4115/3, Export, touch) [Roberto Fresca]
The Gambler (EHG0916, Export, 92.268%) [Roberto Fresca]
Tropical Delight (PHG0625-02, Export, 92.25%) [Roberto Fresca]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Super Treasure Island (Italy, v1.6) [Any]
The Typing of the Dead [twistedsymphony]
Super 98 (ICP-1) [Roberto Fresca, Matt B]
Golden Pyramids (AHG1206-99, NSW/ACT, 87.928%) [Roberto Fresca]
Margarita Magic (EHG1559, NSW/ACT) [Roberto Fresca]

New WORKING software list additions

New NOT_WORKING software list additions


Titel: Emu Loader 8.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2015, 12:14

Forgot to update "docs\el-listformat" file with new games list format


New MISC tool bar filter: Hide "No Dump" Games; it will hide games were all ROMs/CHDs are tagged as "nodump"

version 8.0 change log - December 09, 2015


Frontend games list files format have changed to use tags, to avoid problems with non-English code pages and localization ("\eldir\arcade\" folder). EL will try to convert your current games list files at startup; sadly, games list file sizes have doubled :(
Additional changes were made to help reduce file sizes and to avoid adding pointless data
- fields "emulation/color/sound/graphic status" are only added if driver status is "imperfect" or "preliminary"; no need to add them if driver status is "unknown" or "good" - field "game size" is only added if value different than 0 (zero)
- following fields are only added if they appear in MAME's -listxml output: "buttons", "mechanical", "controls", "number of players", "screen type", "screen orientation", "screen resolution", "screen refresh rate"
Updated softlist games list files format to match the new arcade list format; "softname.el" file sizes are smaller than before :)
WARNING: you must manually delete all files from "eldir\softwarelist\" folder before using this build or the frontend will crash (no auto-update)!
Updated "\ini_files\times_played.ini" to replace " ¬ " char by " ; " char to avoid problems with non-English Windows code pages and localization. File will be updated at startup if found and not already updated
Replaced a bunch of Pos() calls by a faster assembler optimized PosEx() function (source\uCommon.pas)
Note: PosEx() function doesn't work with Unicode strings (Delphi WideString)
Disabled deprecated settings in MAME setting screen: "HTTP Server" and "Enable LUA Console" for MAME v0.168 and up

Titel: MAME 0.169
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2015, 19:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

00363: [Gameplay] (vsnes.c) balonfgt: When you try to play balonfgt using both screens, the 2 screens get out of sync almost immediately.
03860: [DIP/Input] (vsnes.c) hogalley, vsfdf : Shots don't hit.
05618: [Graphics] (dooyong.c) pollux: Title screen is static
04222: [Color/Palette] (dooyong.c) pollux, polluxa, polluxa2: The 2 characters in the ending scene have wrong colors
02844: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) soldam: Graphics corruption in high score listing
00365: [Misc.] (megasys1.c) 64street: characters don't move in attract mode
00366: [Misc.] (megasys1.c) chimerab: no movements in attract mode / instruction screen
05963: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) tshingen, tshingna: Missing graphical mosaic/resolution effect
06098: [Graphics] (segaybd.c) gloc: Priority issue after game start
06067: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) 64street, 64streetj: 64th Street - missing background graphics interaction
06093: [DIP/Input] (stv.c) ffreveng: should have 5 working buttons
06091: [Crash/Freeze] (pc9801.c) pc9801ux: Crash 7-8 seconds into emulation
04857: [Crash/Freeze] (playch10.c) pc_pinbt: Hangs after insert coin

Source Changes:

Fix dates on the prose2k sets based on their internal datecodes
Fixed BGM regression in Hot Chase
rungun.c: Added '936 ROM readback.
rungun.cpp: added video priority mode bit, fixes title screen missing rotation effect.
rungun.cpp: Fixed Run N Gun single/dual monitor logic setup.
Dumped the bipolar PROMS at locations 4a, 1m, and 3m of Club Pacman / Lambada (Argentina). Only one at location 7f is remaining.
EF9365 video controller skeleton added and connected to Squale [Jean
Club Pacman: Dumped and added the remaining color PROMs They match the pacman/mspacman ones.
Pacman Club: Changed game year and description, according with some
EF9365 driver improved. Squale palette and charset corrected.
Initial conversion of core to C++14. Note that compilers are now limited to GCC 4.9.0 and up, Clang 3.4.0 and up, and VS2013 and up
zn: Added ZN-1 development version BIOS.
rewrote GameKing skeleton driver, dumped + added internal ROM, boots
and runs menu, not yet fully working
correct gfx rom for space train
glass.cpp: Verified clocks & pin 7 status of the OKI M6295 from real PCB.
pet_rom.xml: Added MONJANA/1.

Jaleco Megasystem 1 improvements:

add Sprite Mosaic effect (port of FBA code) - used extensively by Chimera Beast
use 68k byte write smearing on main RAM - fixes attract movement in 64th Street, Chimera Beast
emulate 'Sprite Trails' effect and attempted to emulate sprite clearing effect used on P47 'Jaleco Logo'
added memory mirrors on type B hardware
fixes 64th Street background destruction
established that St. Dragon press start text is a raster effect, however method of specifying line etc. is unknown (MCU?) so not currently enabled
enabled Soldam hack for parent set as well as Japan set. It seems likely that enabling 16x16 tiles on one of the layers forces one of the others to use 16x16 tile addressing even in 8x8 mode, further testing needed before doing it that way th
fixes the high score table text
change refresh rate to ~56.19hz using raw params
now matches video references
Added Bandai Super Note Club Software List.
spc1000:Using timing difference for cassette deck motor on/off toggle
sun3: switch to new Z80SCC device, add RS232 ports (not functioning yet)

Re-write S2636 from scratch as needed for subhuntr:

Needs raw screen parameters and calls from scanline timer to work properly
Collision and completion bits generated correctly including duplicates
Supports background and score display
Generates audio tone from line frequency
Several times faster when rendering per scanline

laserbat.c improvements:

Use proper video timings
Implement shell and area effects
There are still horizontal alignment issues between layers
Decode PLA bitstream and use for video mixing
Add PLA from lazarian to laserbat as bad dump as it's needed now
Add PLA from catnmous to clone as bad dump as it's needed now
Fix colours - detailed explanation in source comments
Fix inputs - cocktail P2 controls and all 16 DIP switches work now
Support cocktail mode (set in Machine Configuration - uses a sense line)
Fix conditions for latching sound data
Fix catnmous audio CPU memory map and ROM loading by tracing program
Hook up catnmous audio CPU peripherals deduced by tracing program
Add more notes on sound and video hardware
laserbat, lazarian and catnmous are playable now
k053252: just reset internal screen state when a frequency clock change occurs.
Fixed gfx decoding for Konami GX BIOS
Fixed k055555 write access, fixing Lethal Enforcers 2 text colors properly
Split Taito TC0780FPA into its own device
mac: use real split ROMs for maciici
Refactoring memory map validity checking
Modernize `simple_list` code
Modernize x86log.h and x86log.cpp
monzagp: added car inputs and collisions.
Make -verifyroms verify sub-devices like mpu401 and c2040fdc
partial dumps of Namco FCA and FCB JVSIO MCU's firmware

apollo: cleanups and enhancements:

Split OMTI8621 ISA device into PC and Apollo versions (Apollo doesn't have a BIOS extension ROM, PC does)
Cleaned up OMTI8621 logging
Forced slot # of OMTI board so we can look it up and auto-set the node ID
Adjusted mouse sensitivity
Squale Floppy drives working, EF9365 emulation improvement.
HLSL: Improved Defocus, Fixed LCD screen, Extended Shadow Mask and Bloom
qt5 debugger port
Major EF9365 driver update : All display functions emulated
All hardware vector drawing commands are now working. All characters type drawing supported (Horizontal, Vertical, Titled, Zoomed...)
512x512, 512x256 (EF9366),256x256 resolutions supported. New user settings : Number of bitplans, Display resolution/mode. Busy time dynamically generated for vectors and characters drawing. Various fixes. Code clean-up.
gamate.cpp: verified bios ROM dumps on multiple consoles
cps2.cpp: Emulated Spinner for aiming in Eco Fighters, enabled it by default
aquarium: Fixed music banking and video priorities

Various improvements to the internal debugger:

make closed windows actually disappear
add Run and Hide Debugger menu option
set initial windows so that they don't overlap
make the window colours less garish
add memory window
honour -debugger_font and -debugger_font_size
make title bars the size of the debugger font
make window editors appear over the window it is related to
stop text being drawn out of bounds in window titles and editors
fix order in which windows are rendered
In the debugger, memory views now can show data as 32 bit, 64 bit and 80 bit floating point numbers.
Build system now autodetects and builds cleanly on Raspberry Pi 2; other ARM Linux targets should also work
make new windows appear in a cascade fashion

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Version 1994) (unprotected)
Panda Train (Novamatic 1.7)
Tomy Power House Pinball
Joker Poker (Coinmaster set 1)
Mattel Dungeons & Dragons - Computer Labyrinth Game
Spelling B (1978 version) [
Mr. Challenger
Run and Gun / Run and Gun (dual screen)
despite previously being marked as working these never really worked properly
Lazarian / Laser Battle
see notes above, wasn't really playable before
Captain Flag (Japan)

Various Player's Edge Plus sets:

Player's Edge Plus (PP0733) Double Aces and Faces
Player's Edge Plus (PS0047) Wild Cherry Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0092) Wild Cherry Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0358) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0470) Triple Diamond Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0628) Double Black Jack Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0708) Double Cherry Bar Slots
Player's Edge Plus (X002127P+XP000043) Double Bonus Poker featuring 'Your Property' Royals
Player's Edge Plus (X002134P+XP000043) Faces 'n' Deuces Double Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002152P+XP000043) Blackjack Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002211P+XP000043) Double Double Bonus with 3 Jacks Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002236P+XP000043) Double Double Bonus with 3 Aces Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002279P+XP000057) Ace$ Bonus

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Lethal Enforcers (ver EAA, 09/09/92 09:44)
Orius (ver UAA)
Gallop Racer 3 (Export)
Super Slam (set 3)
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Hispanic 940223)
Zombie Revenge (Rev A)
Ninja-Kid II / NinjaKun Ashura no Shou (set 4)
Hat Trick Hero '93 (Ver 1.0A 1993/02/28)
Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Hispanic 940902)
Miss World '96 (Nude) (set 4)
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (US, bootleg)
Space Chaser (Model Racing bootleg)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (M10 bootleg)
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition ('Taiwan' bootleg with PAL)
Pirates (set 2)
Genesis (USA, NTSC, with TMSS chip)
Space Train
Aquarium (US)
Knock Out! (bootleg)
Ameisenbaer (German, Galaxian hardware)
Dragonninja (bootleg with 68705)

Various Player's Edge Plus sets:

Player's Edge Plus (PP0060) Standard Draw Poker (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0094) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0129) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0189) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0190) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0265) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0290) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0409) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0418) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0526) Deuces Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0540) Double Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0562) 10's or Better
Player's Edge Plus (PP0587) Standard Draw Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0711) Bonus Poker Deluxe
Player's Edge Plus (PP0797) One Eyed Jacks Wild Poker
Player's Edge Plus (KE1001) Keno
Player's Edge Plus (KE1012) Keno (set 3)
Player's Edge Plus (PS0364) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0425) Sizzling Sevens Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0631) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots
Player's Edge Plus (PS0722) River Gambler Slots
Player's Edge Plus (X002033P+XP000112) White Hot Aces Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002034P+XP000112) White Hot Aces Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002270P+XP000053) Jackpot Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002315P+XP000112) Triple Bonus Poker Plus
Player's Edge Plus (X002376P+XP000112) Super Double Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00022) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2346) - Spanish
Player's Edge Plus (XM00002P+XMP00006) Multi-Poker (MGM Grand Detroit Casino)
Player's Edge Plus (PP0822 A5W-A6F) Standard Draw Poker

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:

Tektronix TekXpress XP330 X Terminal
Patinho Feio (first computer developed in Brazil, in 1971)
unknown animal-themed game (bottom)
unknown animal-themed game (top)
Tokyo Bus Guide (Rev A)
Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES bootleg)
Bandai Super Note Club (Japan)
Bandai Super Note Club EX (Japan)
Saturn ST-17xx series DVD players
ROLM 9751
SGI IRIS Indigo (R3000)
Philips CD-i 220 (Mono-II board)
Sansa Fuze 2
need to establish if full firmware can be built from internal rom dump and firmware updates
Nokia 3310-we only have firmware update files, probably need actual internal
roms / complete firmware dumps?
Torch CF240

Various skeleton drivers for mechanical / non-video systems:

Turbo Drive (ICE)
Standard Change-Makers System 500 / 500E
Awesome Toss'em (Lazer-tron)
After Shock (Lazer-tron)
Bozo's Pail Toss (v2.07)
Ribbit Racing (Lazer-tron)
Candy Crane (AGE)
Clown Roll Down (Elwood)

Various Player's Edge Plus sets:

Player's Edge Plus (X000006K+XK000001) Keno
Player's Edge Plus (X000013K+XK000011) Keno
Player's Edge Plus (PP0596) Spades Sequential Royal Double Bonus Poker
Player's Edge Plus (PP0598) Hearts Sequential Royal Double Bonus Poker

Various World Club Champion Football sets:

World Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Ver. 2.12 (CDV-10002)
World Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Ver. 2.34 (CDV-10008)
World Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 (CDV-10013)
World Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver. 1.1 (CDV-10015)
World Club Champion Football European Clubs 2004-2005 Ver. 3.22 (CDV-10015P)
World Club Champion Football European Clubs 2005-2006 (CDV-10027)

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:

Mexico 86 (bootleg of Kick and Run) (set 2) [f205v]
World Combat / Warzaid (ver UCD:B) [arcadecomponents.com]
Dragon World (Korea, V040K) [Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Klax (set 2, bootleg) [ANY]
Multi Game (Versione 3.8.6T - 1.5.6, 25-AUG-97) (V378?) [Tirino73]
Hard Head 2 (v2.0, bootleg) [system11]

New WORKING software list additions:

megadriv.xml: Sega MegaDrive/Genesis cartridges
tutor.xml: Tomy Tutor & Pyuuta cartridges

New NOT_WORKING software list additions:

gamate.xml: Bit Corp Gamate cartridges:

Legend of Dragon Knight
Fist of Thunder
Mars Voyage
Flying Goblins
World Cup Soccer
Punk Boy
Famous 7
Tough Guy
Fantasy Travel
Further Adventures of Hannibal the Cat
Bao Qing Tian
Robin Hood
Riddle of the Ancient Tomb
Insect War
One Million Whys
Dinosaur Park (redump)
The Golden Pyramid (redump)

saturn.xml: Sega Saturn CD-ROMs:

actually playable, but marked as not working due to driver state
Rayman (Prototype 19950720)
supracan.xml: Funtech Super A'Can cartridges:

DMA issues make this not playable

Formosa Duel

gmaster.xml: Hartung Game Master cartridges:

3-on-3 Soccer (Fuss-ball)


Titel: PCSX2 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2016, 19:40
Emulator für die PlayStation 2, der das Booten von PS2-CDs/DVDs und Ausführen von PS2-Code auf dem PC ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source

Release Notes : http://pcsx2.net/273-1-4-0-release-end-2015-report.html

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.027
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2016, 05:15

misc: 32bit version still runs on SSE1 processors
misc: compiled with VS Studio 2015 Update 1
misc: updated to unrar lib/sdk 5.31.1 and 7z lib/sdk to 15.14
misc: prevent system sleep mode for scan, rebuild, merge tasks
misc: the minimum value for rebuilder option to skip folder after X skipped files is now 1
added: setinfo tree lists empty sets only on request (context menu) and empty tree branches are removed
misc: setinfo tree gets reendered on actions (apply, invert, etc) when show enabled/disabled is used
added: %r=1, %P=1, %H=1 variable (has roms, is sample-only set, is chd-only set)
misc: select sets variables %h,%p,%M,%B,%I,%r,%P,%H also supports =0 now (e.g. %h=1 has chds; %h=0 hasn't chds)
removed: cmpro.ini switch Adv_DatFormatXML, Export format (from setinfo) can now be switched in dir2dat
added: dir2dat can export in softwarelist format (pretty preliminary but a start)
added: dir2dat option add manufacturer -> from folder, which takes the current folder name as manufacturer/publisher (in single set mode only)
hint: if you don't collect chds/samples and don't want cmpro to moan about missing sets, you can use %H=1;%P=1 (Apply, Invert, check 'initial invert' checkbox) to disable chd-only and sample-only sets


Titel: MAME 0.170
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2016, 04:55


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06097: [Crash/Freeze] (viper.c) Most sets in viper.c: Crashing at start
  (32-bit only) (Robbbert)
- 06127: [DIP/Input] (m92.c) thndblst: "Continuous Play" dip switch
  value incorrectly labeled (kane)
- 06126: [Crash/Freeze] (suna8.c) hardhea2b: Exception at start (Osso)
- 04900: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (battlex.c) battlex: Missing Title and
  Text while flipped (Osso)
- 06117: [Multisession] (bfm_sc2.c) qntoond, quintoon: MAME crashed when
  switching games (Osso)
- 02640: [Gameplay] (megasys1.c) kazan, iganinju: Multiple issues (slow graphic
  rendering, missing graphics) (Angelo Salese)
- 06114: [DIP/Input] (cps1.c) sf2m10: Kick inputs are not working LK MK HK (Osso)
- 06090: [Crash/Freeze] (namcos10.c) mrdrilr2, mrdrlr2a: Crash during Init (Osso)
- 06046: [Speed] Several drivers using mc6845.c: Speed is always 90-98% when
  throttled (crazyc)
- 06104: [Gameplay] (x1.c) x1 [druaga]: druaga fails to get past
  loading screen (crazyc)
- 06124: [Crash/Freeze] (phc25.c) phc25, spc1000, fc100: phc25, fc100 crash
  at start; spc1000 crash when a letter key is pressed (Osso)
- 06122: [Crash/Freeze] (x68k.c) x68000 [ffight]: crashes with stack crawl (crazyc)

Source Changes
-Added more accurate SSi S14001A speech chip emulation, written by one
 of the people at SSi who originally laid out the S14001a silicon in
 1974/5! [Ed Bernard]

-nokia_3310.cpp: started implementing the driver based on available
 information. Also added dumps for various models. [Sandro Ronco]

-Corrections to some ROM names and labels on Elevator Action based on
 pcb pictures. [Lord Nightmare, brizzo]

-tispeak.cpp: Dumped and added correct version of 1979 US Speak &
 Spell. [Sean Riddle]

-vicdual: rewrote carnival music board emulation, copy-pasted samples
 handling from audio/pulsar.cpp. Kept sample names and function names
 the same. [hap]

-XAudio2 support [Brad Hughes]

-Removed this == nullptr checks and fixed most of the resulting
 crashes. [MooglyGuy, Tafoid]
-psychic5.cpp: added SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS [Angelo Salese]

-More configuration fixes [AJR]
 * terrafb: remove unused NB1414M4
 * segas16b.cpp: sanity check forgotten in last confix
 * sega16sp.cpp: fix region width, make required (as last confix

-psychic5.cpp: Fixed sprite disable for Bombs Away. [Angelo Salese]
-Pass and return palette devices by reference, not as pointers [AJR]
 * Add screen_device::has_palette()
 * Require device_gfx_interface::gfx() and palette() to access members
 * Getters for atari_vad_device return devices as references, not

-Driver configuration fixes [AJR]
- Implement found() method for object finders
- a1200, cubo, midzeus2, etc.: remove spurious palette tags
- bagman, sbagman & clones: correct PROM region lengths
- atomicp, snapper: remove unused(?) sprite device w/no ROMs

-taitotz: replace HLE rendering with actual chip emulation [Ville Linde]

-NAOMI/Chihiro docs update [f205v]
-document rest of Atomiswave registers [brizzo, MetalliC]
-added dump of World Club Champion Football's camera sensor board [ANY]

-tourvis.cpp: Added V4.0 BIOS to the Tourvision driver [system11]

-OS/2 patch [KO Myung-Hun]

-Arkanoid: Add note about the number of optical quadrature slots (24)
 the arkanoid 1:20 geared spinner's quadrature wheel. [brizzo]

-Arkanoid.cpp: Set YM2149 emulation to mix channels the same way the
 real pcb mixes them, by directly tying them together with no mixing
 resistors. This  introduces some distortion, but is more accurate
 to actual pcb audio. [Lord Nightmare]
-40love.cpp: added global color select bank, fixes colors in later
 levels for Forty-Love [Angelo Salese]

-spc1000: cassette tape motor fixed for working properly [Miso Kim]

-arkanoid.cpp: Added emulation of the 68705 timer and timer interrupts.
 Fixed bugs with MCU port c ddr handling, latches and edge detection,
 added missing interrupt on Z80 write to MCU, and removed a boost
 interleave hack which was made unnecessary by these fixes. Switched
 the Arkanoid (older) sets to use original Taito A75 06 MCU code as
 opposed to the bootleg MCU code used until now. The 3 (newer) and 1
 Tournament sets still use hand-hacked bootleg MCU code until original
 MCU chips can be dumped and/or decapped. All 9 of the dumped Arkanoid
 MCU code roms now work, if hooked up to the appropriate drivers. Hooked
 the now-working 'deprotected Taito' MCU dump up to arkanoidjbl. Added an
 alternate gfx rom dumped from an original 'older' US board. [Lord Nightmare, Brizzo]

-some fast invaders improvements [ANY]

-Return std::string objects by value rather than pass by reference [AJR]
  - strprintf is unaltered, but strformat now takes one fewer argument
  - state_string_export still fills a buffer, but has been made const
  - get_default_card_software now takes no arguments but returns a string

-Some comments on TRS-01 'early radar scope' 5-PCB set. Fixed some ROM
 names based on PCB pictures from Superully. [Lord Nightmare]

-segas18.cpp: Add documentation of a Laser Ghost test PCB [Arzeno Fabrice]

-meadwttl.cpp: ROM labels update for Bombs Away (Meadows) [Stiletto, Andrew Welburn]

-common osd path environment var expansion [Jeffrey Clark]

-add lua console support back in [Jeffrey Clark]

-pc9801_86: add pcm [Carl]

-added official updater roms to the calspeeda set so that you can
 update the hdd / game revision if you so please [mrsinister]

-ts803: can display text and graphics, can boot from disk [Gabriele D'Antona]

  Dreamcast v1.022 "no MIL-CD" BIOS dumped [Leonard Oliveira]
  Katana Set5 Dev.Box BIOS v1.001 found [MetalliC]
  sorted out bioses/flashes, removed outdated comments [MetalliC]

-apple2e: fix $c800 arbitration, fixes IDE and SCSI cards
 among others. [R. Belmont]

-R9751: Clean up, add timer register, and add another system disk
 set to software list [Brandon Munger]

-makedep.py: Finish making it python3-compatible [O. Galibert]

-sfkick.cpp: Fill in missing dipswitches and added dip locations. [Brian Troha]

-Added pre-compiled headers support to build system [Miodrag Milanovic]
-improvements to hp9845b driver [F.Ulivi]

-Increase debug console maximum parameters in debugcon.h [ConHuevosGuey]

-m68k: fix 020+ bfins instruction results and flags [Till Harbaum]

-fidelz80: redumped CC10B PRG ROM [Berger]

-rf5c400: added external memory r/w function [Ville Linde]

-marywu: Most of the hardware has been mapped by analysing the pcb tracks. [Felipe Sanches]
 This set of commits include:
   a video layout with all 30 LEDs 13 double-digit 7seg modules
   an improved memory map hooking up the couple AY8910-3 chips, 2kb of Static RAM and the keyboard/display controller (an i8279 clone)
   multiplexing signals for the 7seg displays
   LEDs being controlled by the IO ports of the 2 AY8910-3 chips
   8-bit set of DIP-Switches, a 2x16 keyboard and 4 push buttons mapped to the i8279 scanlines and return lines

-Some more validity checking improvements: [AJR]
   * The -validate command now accepts an optional string, validating only
     matching drivers. This has proven useful for debugging. The default is
     to validate all drivers as usual.
   * Devices' names are tracked when validating their auto-finders.

-Have sound_stream::input_name return the std::string it constructs [AJR]

-Added SteamLink initial support [Sam Lantiga, Miodrag Milanovic]

-Refactored NTSC pass and added sliders [ImJezze]
   * merged YIQ encode and decode pass into one NTSC pass
   * fixed half texel offset
   * re-added usage of A value
   * re-added usage of P value
   * re-added jitter of B value
   * changed default O value to 0
   * reduced sample count to 64
   * removed duplicate YIQ settings definition
   * added sliders for most NTSC settings
   * fit B value jitter between a min/max range of 0 and 1
   * fit A and B value between a min/max range of -1 and 1
 Refactored color convergence pass
   * color convergence is now independent from ratio
   * color convergence is now limited to a maximum of 10
   * the radial color convergence now "translates" the most outer
     pixel as they would be translated by the linear color convergence
     with the same amount
   * added color convergence pass to vector rendering   
   * fixed half texel offset in pre-scale pass
   * fit scan-line jitter between a min/max range of 0 and 1
   * color convolution, defocus and phosphor pass will now be skipped
     if all influencing parameters are 0
   * added hum bar simulation based on [MooglyGuy's] GLSL port of the MAME shader pipeline
   * added monochrome-chessboard.png
   * added slot-mask-aligned.png (to simulate a TFT LCD

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Wing Force (Japan, prototype) [ShouTime]
Snow Board Championship [Charles MacDonald, David Haywood]
Waku Waku Marine [Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, Shoutime, The Dumping Union]
Il Galeone [f205v]
Last Four (09:12 16/01/2001) [f205v]
Samsung SPC-1500 [Miso Kim]
TI-1250 [hap, Sean Riddle]
Speak & Spell Compact (3 versions) [hap, Sean Riddle, Lord Nightmare, Kevin Horton, plgDavid(David Viens)]
Ordisavant (France) [TeamEurope, dlfrsilver]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Gun Dealer (bootleg) [Yrouel]
Rambo 3 (bootleg of Ikari, Joystick hack) [Any]
Laser Ghost (Japan) (FD1094 317-0164) [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime]
Strider (USA, B-Board 90629B-3, Street Fighter II conversion) [system11]
Nova 2001 (Japan, hack?) [system11]
Stadium Hero '96 (USA, EAH) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Multi Game '96 (Italy) [system11]
Sly Spy (US revision 4) [system11]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Sequential Circuits Prophet-600 [R. Belmont]
Didact mp68a [Joakim Larsson]
Didact md6802 [Joakim Larsson]
Esselte 100 [Joakim Larsson]
<unknown> Labeled 'WU- MARY-1A [Felipe Sanches]
Various Tourvision (PCE bootleg) cartridges [system11, The Dumping Union]
 - 1943 Kai, After Burner, Armed-F, Ballistix, Be Ball, Chōzetsurinjin Beraboh Man, Bomberman,
   Chuka Taisen, Coryoon, Daisenpu, Dead Moon, Devil Crush, Dodge Ball, Dragon Spirit, Final Blaster
   Final Match Tennis, Gunhed, Hana Taka Daka, Jinmu Densho, Kiki Kaikai, Legend of Hero Tonma
   Mizubaku Daibouken Liquid Kids, Mr Heli, Ninja Ryukenden, Operation Wolf, Override, Pac-Land
   PC Genjin Punkic Cyborg, Power Drift, Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '91, Psycho Chaser, Puzzle Boy
   Raiden, R-Type II, Saiga No Nindou - Ninja Spirit, Salamander, Shinobi, Side Arms, Skweek
   Son Son II, Tatsujin, Terra Cresta II, Toy Shop Boys, Veigues, Winning Shot, W-Ring, Xevious
   Doraemon Meikyuu Daisakusen

Unknown Tab Austria Poker [ANY]
Roland TR-606 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Pyon Pyon Jump [Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, Shoutime, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Voice Excellence [plgDavid, hap]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12-B [Berger]
Dragon Treasure 3 (Rev A) (GDS-0041A) [Jorge Valero, rtw, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Fidelity Voice Chess Challenger (Spanish) [Berger]
Fidelity Voice Chess Challenger (German, French) [plgDavid, hap]
Sega Bass Fishing Challenge Version A [gamerfan, brizzo, MetalliC, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Raizin Ping Pong (V2.01J) [Shoutime]
Power Shovel ni Norou!! - Power Shovel Simulator (v2.07J, alt) [Shoutime]
Desert Patrol (set 2) (Project Support Engineering (Telegames license)) [blinddog1, Paul Swan, gregf]
Maniac Square (protected) [Charles MacDonald]
Pacman Club (set 1, Argentina) [Roberto Fresca]
Pacman Club (set 2, Argentina) [Roberto Fresca]

New WORKING software list additions
tutor.xml: Tron (Jpn) [TeamEurope, Steve]
snotec.xml: added 4 new cart dumps. [TeamEurope]
Added 10 new cart dumps for PreComputer 1000. [TeamEurope]
Added 2 new cart dumps for Ordisavant (France). [TeamEurope, dlfrsilver]
c64_flop.xml: Added Little Knight Arthur. [Pasi Hytönen]
c64_cart.xml: Added KoalaPainter. [Curt Coder]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
casloopy.xml: Loopy Town no Oheya ga Hoshii! [TeamEurope, Steve]
casloopy.xml: Lupiton no Wonder Palette  [TeamEurope, Steve]
database.xml: Leapfrog [TeamEurope & Steve]


Titel: clrmamepro 4.028
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2016, 06:25
Whats new:>>

Just some fixes/addons for 4.027

Titel: PPSSPP 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2016, 16:45
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


As usual, a ton of fixes and improvements:

    A major rework of sceAtrac audio decoding, fixing various music hangs and similar issues
    Many fixes and workarounds to depth and stencil buffer usage, and also FBO management
    Audio reverb support
    Combo keys - custom touch buttons that press multiple PSP buttons
    5xBR upscaling on GPU (postprocessing effect)
    Fix problems with playback of video with mono audio
    Performance improvements like multithreaded audio mixing
    ARM64 JIT crash bug fixes
    GLSL shader cache to reduce stuttering ingame
    Support render-to-CLUT functionality that some games use to change colors of various monsters
    x86-64 support on Android
    Auto-hide on-screen controls after a while of no usage
    Fixes to prescale UV speedhack, now seems reliable
    Faster ISO RAM cache
    New UI for moving around the PSP display on larger screens
    Minor UI fixes like better slider controls
    Assorted stability fixes (ffmpeg crash, etc)
    Volume setting is back
    Preparations for supporting more graphics APIs
    AdHoc port offset
    Support another HD remaster (Sora no Kiseki Kai HD)


Titel: PPSSPP 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2016, 18:45
Whats new:>>

A bunch of stability fixes when switching apps on Android
Updated the fonts for Chinese and Korean to cover some previously unsupported chars

Titel: MAME 0.171
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2016, 18:15


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06137: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1bsw.c) Many sets in maygay1bsw.cpp: Several games
  are crashing while "initializing.." (Osso)
- 06135: [Interface] ROM-less games cannot be started from internal UI
- 02327: [Graphics] (megasys1.c) chimerab: Priorty PROM is missing. (David Haywood)
- 06134: [Misc.] all games with LED outputs: ledutil no longer works (micko)
- 06139: [Color/Palette] (x68k.c) x68k [akumajo]: Some elements turn blue (crazyc)

Source Changes
-New video chip support : Thomson EF9364 / Sescosem SFF96364 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]

-Pyon Pyon Jump:  [Roberto Fresca]
   Create derivative machine driver.
   Hooked the V9938 Yamaha VDP.
   Added the DIP switches bank #1
   Hooked the system input ports.
   Added support for Yamaha YM2149.
   Decoupled the YM2149 data read.
   Correct bankswitching.
   Added sound latch & output port.
   Version added to the game description.
   Proper inputs + DIP switches support.
   Second CPU IRQ ack. Promoted to working.
   OKI M5205 ADPCM samples support.

-pulsarlb: Added extra bios [Robbbert]

-Modernized sound volume setting code in various Atari drivers [AJR]

-Fixed F3 soft-reset on Arkanoid sets with MCU [Lord Nightmare]

-osdmini: Fixes build issues [Stuart Carnie]

-Replaced osd_lock with std::mutex [Miodrag Milanovic]

-Software list entries can now supply slot option defaults [AJR]

-i8271: Unload head after programmed revolutions [Nigel Barnes]

-apple2: Fix parallel card ACK handling, Print Shop almost works with
 the lx810l now. [R. Belmont]

-Nibble driver: Rewrote the whole driver. Added video hardware,
 preliminary machine driver and memory map. Decoded the graphics.
 [Roberto Fresca]

-Made anonymous timer non-anonymous in arkanoid.cpp, fixes savestates
 for the sets using the original Taito MCU code [Lord Nightmare]

-Allow load/saved state slots to be bound to joystick buttons [Victor Vasiliev]

-Dumped "Dead or Alive 2 (Rev A)", match existent set, fix game and EPRROM names
 [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Dumped "King of Fighters XI" EN, match JP one, add notes [Brizzo]

-Substantial improvements to Web Audio sound backend for Emscripten
 port.  [Grant Galitz]

-disound: Don't crash on state load when the mixer is disabled by lack
 of inputs (misconfiguration or missing samples) [O. Galibert]

-Initial import of MEWUI to MAME [Maurizio Petrarota]

-External DATs grouped into a single view. [Maurizio Petrarota]

-New video chip support: Thomson EF9364 / Sescosem SFF96364 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]

-z80.cpp: Added a debug mechanism for /WAIT pin assertion mechanism
 (enable with STALLS_ON_WAIT_ASSERT in CPU core), and hooked it up to
 Night Gal driver as a quick example. [Angelo Salese]

-Make octal flag part of address_space/address_space_config [AJR]

-Added unknown NAOMI development(?) board BOOT ROM [coolmod]

-Initial support for BGFX [Ryan Holtz, Dario Manesku, Branimir Karadic, Miodrag Milanovic]

-Significant speed improvements to the BGFX renderer. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added basic JSON-based single-pass shader effect support to BGFX renderer. [Ryan Holtz]

-Added hat trick hero 93 PALs [Alex Cmaylo]

-catnmous: graphical improvements [Vernimark, Vas Crabb]
   * Redumped Cat and Mouse colour sprite ROM as the correct size
   * Implement sprite ROM banking
   * Improve colour palette using resistor values from board photographs

-laserbat: fix inadvertently swapped TMS organ chip clocks (fixes music) [Vas Crabb]

-Make Zaccaria 1B11107 and 1B11142 boards devices and share common parts [Vas Crabb]

-apple1: Completely rewrote the driver in modern idioms. All
 functionality should be the same. [R. Belmont]

-Descrambled the ROM on the Xerox NoteTaker, and mapped it in the
 correct areas to make it start to boot. [Lord Nightmare]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Corrected CPU Clock speed, and map at least some of RAM
 [Lord Nightmare]

-electron: Added cassette softlist and implemented BREAK key [Nigel Barnes]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Corrected RAM amount.  Attached the pic8259 interrupt
 controller, though no interrupts are attached to that yet. Added
 documentation of i/o writes during the boot process. [Lord Nightmare]

-vigilant.cpp: Added video timing PROM. [Pasky, caius]

-Videosnaps patch (additional file to write: gamename.inp.timecode) [Michele Fochi]
  Added new options:
   * [no]exit_after_playback (default=no)
   * [no]record_input (default=no) Added new UI shortcut to save current
      timecode (default F12) Translated variable names and comments to
      english language

-Sord m5 driver update [Ales Dlabac]
 added support for RAM expansions EM-5,64KBI,64KBF,64KRX
 added m5p_brno mod Sord m5+1024kB
 ramdisk+cp/m 2 cart slots

-Moon Light (Set 2): Fix the program ROM addressing. This fix the
 corrupt graphics in the double-Up feature. [Roberto Fresca]

-Moved JANGOU_BLITTER into a device [Angelo Salese]

-NCS8105 ADCX opcode is actually an ADDX, fixes gfx garbage in
 nightgal.cpp [Angelo Salese]

-Corrected ROM labels and removed endian-swap during descramble for
 notetaker in favor of loading ROMs the other way round. Add ROM
 locations. [Lord Nightmare]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Implement ROM/RAM overlay as per schematics.
 Documented Address map and part of I/O map. [Lord Nightmare]

-Note that one of the buccaneers proms matches the vigilante video sync
 prom [caius, David Haywood]

-Moon Light: Rearranged and split by program. This generated new sets
 due to the hidden extra programs in the program ROMs. [Roberto Fresca]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Added the IO Processor firmware v1.50 as an alt bios
 after typing it from the assembly source listing on bitsavers. Added
 two PROMs as NO_DUMP. Updated comments and history a bit, but needs
 further improvement. [Lord Nightmare]

-Updated Xerox NoteTaker documentation and history section, with cited
 sources. [Lord Nightmare]

-Cherry Master v1.10: Fixed inputs / DIP switches. [Roberto Fresca]

-Xerox NoteTaker: Finished documenting the I/O CPU's I/O ports, updated
 history documentation a bit more [Lord Nightmare]

-Figured out algorithm and replaced SnowBoard Championship lookup
 table with proper emulation of device [Samuel Neves & Peter

-chihiro.c: Redumped "Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 2 (Rev G)" [ANY]
 Re-parented set

-mitchell.cpp: Dumped a blockjoy board and noted a rom label difference
 [Andrea Palazzetti]

-snotec.xml: Added 3 new cart dumps. [TeamEurope]

-Extended LUA API [Jeffrey Clark]

-Support for the AMPAL18P8 to the jedutil tool. [Kevin Eshbach]

-Improved cross compile support [Jeffrey Clark]

-Hp9845: Added tape driver [F. Ulivi]

-r9751: Add more DMA registers for serial and floppy [Brandon Munger]

-slapstic: One small step toward slapstic modernization [AJR]
   * Make chip number part of device configuration, not init param
   * Correct mainpcb slapstic number in racedrivpan
   * Remove many unused slapstics

-c64_cart.xml, c128_cart.xml: Added some diagnostic carts.
 [World of Jani]

-COM5016/COM8116 Baud Generator: Added a bunch more divisor tables and
 notes [Lord Nightmare]

-Apollo changes: [Hans Ostermeyer]
 * Unified logging format in associated devices
 * Use correct raw video modes
-Xerox NoteTaker: Finished IOCPU memory map documentation. Hooked up the two
UARTS. Begin hookup of the screen/CRTC. Fixed an issue with writes to
ROM-mapped areas shadowing to RAM. Added 960KHz xtal for the keyboard UART.
[Lord Nightmare]

-AY-3-1015 UART: Fixed two swapped pin functions. [Lord Nightmare]

-Added multi-language support for MAME [Miodrag Milanovic]

-sq1: Much-improved LCD and front panel button support.
 [Parduz, R. Belmont]

-weddingr: better input port descriptions [Vas Crabb]

-Added Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional translation [YuiFAN]

-Added German translation [Raf Tacker]

-Added Japanese translation [Fujix]

-Added Italian translation [Angelo Salese,Antonio Paradossi,Fabio Priuli]

-Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation [Ashura-X]

-pacman.cpp, meadwttl.cpp: small fix of game years for Novomatic's Cannon
 Ball and Meadows' Meadows 4 in 1, respectively, to synchronize with
 history.dat [Antonio Paradossi]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Pyon Pyon Jump (V1.40, Japan) [Roberto Fresca]
Carnival King [Ted Green]
Fidelity Chess Challenger 10 [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12-B [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Voice Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Voice Sensory Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Champion Sensory Chess Challenger [hap]
Fidelity Chess Challenger 7 [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Excellence [hap, plgDavid]
Fidelity Voice Excellence [hap, plgDavid]
SMT Goupil G1 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Michigan Super Draw (2131-16, U5-2)
  [Charles MacDonald, Brian Troha, David Haywood, The Dumping Union]
'96 Flag Rally [Nosunosu, ShouTime, David Haywood]
Apple IIe (Spanish) [robcfg, R. Belmont]
Super Cherry Master (v1.0) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114) [hap, Micha]
Coleco Electronic Quarterback [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7) [hap, Micha]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (V10/V11) [hap, Micha]
Parker Brothers Lost Treasure [hap, Sean Riddle]
Coleco Zodiac [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Electronic Football II [hap, Sean Riddle]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Touche Me (set 2, harder) [system11]
Speak & Math (1980 version) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
La Dictee Magique (French Speak & Spell) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
Grillo Parlante (Italian Speak & Spell) [Sean Riddle, plgDavid]
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/10) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Multi Champ (World, older) [f205v]
1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/05/26) [caius]
NBA Jam (rev 1.00 02/1/93 [Alex Meijer, Bernard Tack]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Italy) [Corrado Tomaselli]
64th. Street - A Detective Story (Japan, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli]
World Rally (Version 1.0, Checksum 8AA2) [Artemio Urbina]
Fighting Golf (US, Ver 2)
  [Ryan Holtz, Shoutime, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
World Cup Volley '95 Extra Version (Asia v2.0B) [Kevin Eshbach]
Moon Light (bootleg of Golden Star, set 2) [f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Frogger (Sega set 3) [Team Europe]
Moon Light (v.0629, high program) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Moon Light (v.02L0A, low program) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Moon Light (v.02L0A, high program, alt gfx) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Gold I (set 2, encrypted bootleg) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Master I (ver.1.01, set 8, V4-B-) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Cherry Master I (ver.1.10) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Super Bobble Bobble (bootleg, set 4) [Jose Jorge Fuentes]
1943: Midway Kaisen (bootleg)  [Andrea Palazzetti]
Space Rocks (Spanish clone of Asteroids) [pako ikarihardmods]
Block Block (World 911219 Joystick) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Royal Poker '96 (set 4, C3 board) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
New Cherry '96 (bootleg of New Fruit Bonus?) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Argox Rabbit Printer (model OS-214) [Felipe Sanches]
Xerox NoteTaker [Lord Nightmare, bitsavers]
Unknown Nibble game
  [Team Europe, Marcus Jendroska, Y~K, Smitdogg, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
Name Club Ver.2 (J 960315 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Cross Puzzle [Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Print Club LoveLove (J 970421 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club Yoshimoto V2 (J 970422 V1.100) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Vol. 7 Spring (J 970313 V1.100)  [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Puffy (Japan)  [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Pepsiman (J 970618 V1.100) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Vol. 6 Winter (J 961210 V1.000)  [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 Warner Bros (J 970228 V1.000) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 '97 Winter Ver (J 971017 V1.100, set 2) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club 2 '98 Summer Ver (J 980603 V1.100) [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Print Club LoveLove Ver 2 (J 970825 V1.000) [TeamEurope, Ryan Holtz]
Name Club (J 960315 V1.000)  [Team Europe, Ryan Holtz]
Dragon Treasure 2 (Rev A) (GDS-0037A)
  [Jorge Valero, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tiger K28/Coleco Talking Teacher
  [hap, Jonathan Gevaryahu, Sean Riddle, plgDavid, Kevin Horton]
Mattel Computer Gin [hap, Kevin Horton]
Tiger K28 (model 7-230) [hap, Kevin Horton]
Coleco Head to Head Basketball (COP420L) [Sean Riddle]
Wangan Midnight R (WMR1 Ver. A) [Darksoft, Guru, R. Belmont]
IGT Multistar 7 2c [Miodrag Milanovic]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jurassic Park 3 (ver UA)  [ShouTime]
Police 24/7 (ver EAA, alt) [Guru]
Thrill Drive 2  (ver EAA, 2 alt versions) [Guru]
Tsurugi (ver EAB, alt) [Guru]
World Combat  (ver AAD, alt) [Guru]
The Rumble Fish (prototype) [Brizzo, MetalliC, Arzeno Fabrice]
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum (World) [Brizzo, MetalliC, Arzeno Fabrice]

New WORKING software list additions
Fidelity Chess CB16 [anonymous]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions


Titel: Emu Loader 8.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2016, 18:15
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.



version 8.0.4 change log - March 18, 2016


Games list background image was not loading; there was a tiny 1 line code missing in the function to fix full paths when you use relative paths

version 8.0.3 change log - March 17, 2016


Crash when changing MAME settings... this was a really old bug, introduced in my last MAME settings screen re-write
MAME Artwork path was not being read from "mame.ini" correctly, causing EL to parse filenames list from a wrong directory
MAME version info not showing up correctly in MAME settings screen on a fresh install, or if changing exe filename in Emulator Setup screen
Wrong default config file was being used if you tried to set emulator default settings from "Emulator Setup" screen (all systems, not just MAME)
Added emulator exe filename parameter in several functions to fix "file not found" and parse settings of the wrong default config file
Crash when using "Scan Missing Audio Samples" (main menu "Games List'); scanning is also a lot faster now


MAME Artwork path is now parsed from "mame.ini" everytime it needs it (no more ArtworksDir[] array var stored in RAM):
- "Run Game with Effect Overlay" (games popup menu)
- changing MAME/HBMAME settings
- select artwork files (frontend's custom "Select File" dialog)
Input path is now parsed from "mame.ini" everytime it needs it (no more InputDir[] array var stored in RAM)


Titel: PPSSPP 1.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2016, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Went back to the old way of initializing graphics on Android. Should fix many recent issues.
Some graphical fixes, a vertex cache performance improvement and a screen clear optimization
Fix for dual source blending on most SHIELD devices, causing graphical issues.
Fix the homebrew store incorrectly unzipping some games. This will lead to more games being added.
Slightly faster ISO handling

Titel: MAME 0.172
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2016, 23:14


06168: [Crash/Freeze] (neogeo.c) kof10th: Unable to start/Fatal error
06159: [Crash/Freeze] (triforce.c) triforce: Crash/Exception before OK
06144: [Crash/Freeze] Running with -video d3d -numscreens 2 and above crashes MAME
06152: [Interface] "Show mouse pointer" option stays off
06147: [Sound] (model2.c) daytona: Some songs can not be played and cause audio to halt
06145: [DIP/Input] (astrocde.c) gorf and clones: Gorf Outputs missing Quark Laser Joystick) Lamp Output
06143: [Documentation] They are "Master Sets", NOT "Originals"
02389: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8688.c) housemnq, housemn2, bijokkog, bijokkoy: Inputs slightly wrong for the LCD games.
06156: [Interface] a5200, a7800, smspal, sms1, sms1pal, aes, vectrex, a400, a800, c64, c128: GUI software list cartridge picker fails to select cartridge


Added data-driven shader system for BGFX renderer:

Allows an arbitrary number of passes, with arbitrary connections between passes

Ships by default with three effects: default, unfiltered, and hlsl:

default: Simple bilinear stretch
unfiltered: Simple nearest-neighbor stretch
hlsl: A close reimplementation of the Direct3D HLSL shaders. Does not currently support bloom or vectors
Select the "shader chain" you wish to use with -bgfx_screen_chains
Adjust the settings to your liking with slider controls, saving and loading settings and presets will be added in a future version
See bgfx/chains/hlsl.json ans bgfx/hlsl/blit.json for JSON format rules

Improved Scanline Simulation:

Changed the amount of scanline darkness, a setting of 1.0 now becomes fully black (to get the same result as before, halve your current setting)
Scanline height now depends on the brightness of the underlying color
The amount of the scanline brightness and overdrive now depends on the scanline darkness
Renamed 'Scanline Screen Height' to 'Scanline Screen Scale' and Scanline Indiv. Height' to 'Scanline Height'
Fixed Bloom Level Alignment
Fixed target dimensions of bloom levels, which results in much better alignment, especially for games with very low resolutions.
Therefore, current bloom settings might appear less intense than before.
Quality and Performance improvements
HLSL now uses non-power-of-two-sized target surfaces (breaks compatibility with graphics cards based on R300/R400/NV30 and older)
HLSL target surfaces now have the size of the screen canvas
Removed HLSL pre-scale factor
HLSL now uses a sharp bilinear interpolation to pre-scale textures to screen canvas size, based on [Themaister]'s implementation
Improved overall performance. Based on the previously required pre-scale factors, speedups range 5-50% depending on graphics hardware, more if a higher prescale factor was used.
Improved shadow mask quality (pixel-perfect) in screen-mode
Fixed half source texel offset of bloom level alignment
Removed ./hlsl/artwork_support folder
All shaders after pre-scale are now based on screen coordinates workaground until both raster and vector passes can work on texture coordinates)
Disabled distortion shader for more than one screen and for artworks in full mode, does not affect artworks in cropped mode workaground until both raster and vector passes can work on texture coordinates)
at: Created at motherboard device and split PCI and PS/2 machines into
own files


Enabled user interface navigation through UI_CONFIGURE button (tab key by default).
Added support for "covers" images collection.
Added support for "gameinit.dat".
Improved ROM-less checking at startup.
Improved vertical orientation rendering.
Fixed missing mouseover highlight.
Fixed search in software lists.
Fixed DATs reload after path changes.
Fixed software load failure from BIOS submenu.
Bloom refactoring
Calculation of bloom dimensions is now done only once, when render target is created.
Reduced blur width for non-vector screens.
Implemented shadow UV option for source tile mode.
apple2gs.cpp: Dumped the 341-0749 ROM and confirmed the 341-0728 Apple IIGS ROMs.

Type-safe C++ printf analog and vector-backed iostreams:

Supports most C99, glibc, SUS and MSVCRT format specifications
Allows formatting any object with stream output operator with %s
Replaces strformat, strprintf and strcatprintf
Move to type-safe templates for logerror and popmessage
Remove now-unnecessary I64FMT from calls to logerror/popmessage
Eliminate core_i64_format functions for the most part

Modernised much of the file handling code:

Made core_file, osd_file, and avi_file and polymorphic classes
Moved osd_file implementations to shareable OSD module code
Made zip/7z implementations of archive_file with common API
Prefer destructors over explicit close functions
Made APIs supply smart pointers
Pass std::string though lots of APIs rather than C string pointers
Added methods for flushing user-space file buffers
Made archive_file create/destroy thread-safe
Fixed buffer overrun when walking zip ECD
Fixed some resource leaks in file handling code
Fixed edge cases where incorrect error code was returned on Windows
Added Solaris PTY implementation
Support ~/$FOO/${BAR} expansion with SDL OSD
Made emu_file handle zip and 7z archives identically
Search archives with CRC+path, CRC+partial path, CRC, path, partial path when loading ROMs/artwork/cheats/etc.
Added support for 7z archives via zippath API
Support 7z archives for fullpath loading and media file manager
Made romcmp tool support 7z archives

Improved OSD font API:

Release font handles on destruction
Moved font enumeration into OSD, implement for SDL, Windows, OSX
Fixed drawing characters outside Unicode BMP with sdl_ttf
Support TTC fonts with sdl_ttf
Separated font display names from configuration names
Made OSX font configuration name the PostScript face name
Made sdl_ttf configuration name Family|Style
Supply ui_small font as a BDF file with Adobe glyph names
Fixed stack smash bugs in INP read/write and better encapsulate the INP header I/O code (thanks Tafoid for reporting), fix divide-by-zero in pathological case of zero-frame recording
Fixed file naming issue when creating new image from internal file manager with media loaded (thanks BIOS-D for reporting)
Fixed many mismatched free() / delete / delete [] errors

Cleaned up primary.fx:

Split primary.fx into 3 techniques for vector buffer, screen and UI pass
Moved register_texture() for shaders outside of texture_info creation
Added render_primitive parameter to register_texture(); currently unused
Removed other unused register_texture() definition
IGS009 driver improvements: Added both missing PPI8255 devices and routed all inputs/outputs through them. Derived a memory map for Grand
Prix '98, that seems to lacks of these devices.
Rewrote input routines as modules
Reparented all sets of IGS Jingle Bell. Added technical information about the hardware

Few miscellaneous N64 changes / improvements:

Changed MemPak formatting code to better document actual format.
Avoid adjusting screen timings when VI blank video mode set.
Fixed: PIF reportedly only clears top bit of status byte.
Fixed: DD read fail needs to mask against head as well as track.
Fixed flipped sprite positioning in toypop

crazybon improvements:

Updated DIP switch descriptions/defaults according to manual
Hooked up reel stop buttons and add to layout

Added original Dyna Cherry Master '99 QL-1 V9B.00 set:

Renamed existing set to cmast99b - it's hacked to remove Dyna name
Added DIP switch settings and defaults from manual, nothing confirmed
Confirmed correct ROM loading
newbrain: Dumped the COP internal ROM.
newbrain: Rewrote the driver to modern standards.
cop400: Implemented the MICROBUS interface.
peplus.cpp: Added dump of cap1144.u50
segam1audio: Fixed ROM mapping (MT6147) and corrected authorship.
Butterfly Dream 97: Created its own machine driver. Perfectly decoded
graphics for gfx bank 1.
Butterfly Dream 97: Decoded graphics for gfx bank 2.
NoteTaker: Documented more multiprocessor related addresses, fixed some
address map issues.
Added notes, including how to reach input test

HLSL presets:

Added general presets for raster and vector screens
Added special presets for Game Boy (monochrome LCD) and Game Boy Advance (color LCD)
ibm5170.xml: Added SICOS mouse driver and SICOS Paint.
Super Poker: Added the missing PPI 8255s and routed the involved inputs/outputs through them. 3super8 has PPI initialization routines, but seems to be a leftover since it lacks them. Also cleaned up the driver and added technical notes.
Added layout for Frankie Dettori's 7th Heaven
NoteTaker: Hooked up more of the IOCPU I/O registers. Separated reset functions for IOCPU and EmulatorCPU.
NoteTaker: Updated documentation further. Added commented out I/O map for the EmulatorCPU
Rewrote Super Cross II driver due to relicensing
NoteTaker: Implemented the DAC, DAC Timer, and DAC FIFO, the BIOS now beeps on boot. Fixed several wrong polarity status bits. Documented where the framebuffer lives. Better documented the boot process.
Hooked up the VSync Interrupt.
Updated Frankie Dettori layout to MAME 'dark' style

svi318: Rewrote driver. Supported are the SVI-318 and SVI-328 systems, and a slot system which adds support for the following expander slot options:

SV-601 Super Expander
SV-602 Single Slot Expander
SV-603 Coleco Game Adapter (no controller support yet)

The slot expander cards enable support for the standard Spectravideo expansion slots. Of those, the following cards are fully emulated:

SV-801 Disk Controller (with 2 disk drives)
SV-802 Centronics Printer Interface
SV-803 16k memory expansion
SV-805 RS-232 Interface
SV-806 80 column card
SV-807 64k memory expansion [Dirk Best]
NoteTaker: Hooked up screen framebuffer. Hacked the Odd/Even interrupt so screen drawing happens.
NoteTaker: Fixed another typo in BIOS 1.5, no longer runs off into the weeds and actually tries to load from floppy now. Needs FDC hooked up still.

r9751 improvements:

Fixed more DMA issues and added more logging
floppy: Fixed subtle interaction between wd_fdc initial restore and floppy reset
IGS Super Poker: Decrypted all the US/UA sets. They are still not working due to hardware differences with the former ones laying in the driver. I/O are driven through IGS custom IC's instead of 2x PPI8255 devices.
NoteTaker: Attached FDC and floppy drive.
NoteTaker: Began to hooking up DiskReg register.

netlist updates:

First steps to move towards c++11.
Based plist on std::vector
Replaced pstack with std::stack
Removed pnamed_list
Use c++ "for each" in a number of places
Fixed two "time bombs"

Implemented integer scaling in core renderer:

Moved -unevenstretch option to core renderer: unevenstretch: fractional stretching (default), nounevenstretch: integer scaling.
Added new options to core renderer: unevenstretchx, intscalex, intscaley
Symbolics 3600: Added more documentation of the FEP PCB from PCB pictures.
Symbolics 3600: Fixed ROM mapping, add a few more PLD/PLA/PAL labels.
A lot of TTF fonts (including C/J/K fonts like unifont) do not have a type attribute "Regular". This fix will load the first font found ifno "bold" "bold italic" "italic" or "regular" attribute was found.

Neo-Geo updates:

Added correct ROM labels and locations for ASOII and Burning Fight early prototypes
Added ROM locations for Last Resort prototype
Marked alpham2p AES VERSION
Marked burningfp AES VERSION
Marked lresortp MVS VERSION
Converted shanghai.cpp to use the non-legacy hd63484 video device.
Rewrote overly complex rawinput_device_improve_name function for rawinput module, plus fixing some other defects in input modules as detected by coverity.
Added support for Raspberry Pi cross-compile
pcat_dyn: Added sound and marked toursol working
Symbolics 36xx: Renamed driver from s3600 to s3670 to better reflect the actual model of what we're trying to emulate. Added more memory maps from the patent, but these do not seem to match the 3670 exactly, more investigation is required.
Added additional sanity checking to the tms9927/crt5027 core.
Software List cart added (crvision): Tennis

apple3 updates:

RAM is always present at FFCx, eliminated previous need for hack
VIAs are clocked by PRE1M (1 MHz), fixes Confidence Test
Fixed joystick reading; works in Sandman and Atomic Defense
Hooked up HBlank input to VIA 1 PB6
Support raster splits; Atomic Defense is playable (pick joystick B)
symbolics.cpp: Added model list of the various Symbolics Inc. Lisp machines
NAOMI/Triforce/Chihiro: Updated documentation
Implemented integer scaling in core renderer
Coco Loco: Added technical notes

nbmj8688 improvement:

Improved mapping of start buttons in two-player cocktails with LCDs
Flipped Player 2 view in two-player games with LCDs to better represent what they see from their side of cocktail cabinet
Added DIP locations for and livegal
Documented DIP switch functions/locations for bijokkoy, bijokkog, housemnq, housemn2, livegal, mcitylov, iemotom, ryuuha, kanatuen, kyuhito and idhimitu
Made analyser switch a toggle for many games

Corrected ROM names in seganinj set:

Also added correct 'rev A' sprite ROM (the program ROMs were rev. A, looks like this ROM was missed when it was dumped before)

Netlist: code maintenance:

Renamed netlist_analog_t to analog_t
Straightened object model
Reduced access to member variables
Use pvector for groups.
Simple coverity fixes.
Symbolics 3670: Added a lot more notes about the FEP/NFEP board PALs and ROMs noting where the equations for various PALs/PROMs are in the patent
Symbolics 3670: Traced out more of the FEP v24 I/O memory map based on the PALs from the patent
apple3: Started filling in the software list.
Improved documentation for SMS software and input devices
apple2: Started reverse-engineering the AE PC Transporter card
Initial work to make MAME work on Android
sliders.cpp: Made Alt+Arrow minimize or maximize value.
Swapped the endianess of the md_slot device bus to big endian, fixing megadriv cheats
Initial Z80SCC baudrate generator support
svga_s3: Fixed potential crash when hardware pointer is at the edge of VRAM, and fixed viewport scrolling in XF86_S3.
atarittl.cpp: Bugle ROM redumped for Steeplechase

Translations added or modified:

Chinese (Traditional / Simplified)
French (Belgium)
Portugese (Brazil)
Serbian (Latin/Cyrillic)

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Lock On (Philko)
Chicken Draw (2131-04, U5-01)
Fire Ball (FM Work)
Android (early build?)
Magical Touch
Tournament Solitaire (V1.06, 08/03/95)
Conic Electronic Football
Gakken FX-Micom R-165, aka Tandy Radio Shack Science Fair Microcomputer Trainer
Castle Toy Einstein
Coleco Head to Head Basketball/Hockey/Soccer
Bandai Burger Time
Bandai Pengo
Bandai Zaxxon
Gakken Jungler
New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:
Batsugun (Korean PCB)
Player's Edge Plus (X002252P+XP000050) Shockwave Poker
Player's Edge Plus (X002309P+XP000038) Triple Double Bonus Poker
Pleiads (Niemer S.A.)
Armed Police Batrider (Hong Kong) (Mon Dec 22 1997)
Jingle Bell (EU, V141)
Knock Out!! (bootleg, set 3)
Cabal (UK, Trackball)
Hipoly (bootleg of Hyper Olympic)
Last Resort (prototype)
Crazy Climber (Spanish, Rodmar bootleg)
Buccaneers (set 3, harder)
My Hero (bootleg, 315-5132 encryption)
Coco Loco (set 2)
Major Title 2 (World, alt sound CPU)
Pac-Man (SegaSA / Sonic)
Come Come (Petaco SA bootleg of Puck Man)
Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) ('Made in Greece' Herle SA bootleg)
Moon Cresta (SegaSA / Sonic)
Pac-Man (Moon Alien 'AL-10A1' hardware)
Wave Runner GP (original, Rev A)
Spartan X (Tecfri hardware bootleg)
Toki (US, prototype?)
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 2)
M.A.C.H. 3 (set 3)
Apple IIgs (ROM03 late prototype?)
Super Bishi Bashi Championship (ver KAB, 3 Players)
Pac-Gal (set 2)
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Lucky Bar (W-4 with mc68705 MCU)
Cherry Angel (encrypted, W-4 hardware)
Sharp Wizard OZ-750
Butterfly Dream 97 / Hudie Meng 97
Super Poker (v306US)
Symbolics 3600
Cherry Master '99 (V9B.00)
Konami Contra (handheld)
Super Game (Sega Master System Multi-game bootleg) (incomplete dump)
Game Tree (PSE)
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Coco Loco (set 3)
various Super Poker sets
(v205US), (v203US), (v200UA), (v102UA)
various Jingle Bell sets
(US, V157), (EU, V155), (EU, V153)
Sega Ninja (315-5113)

New WORKING software list additions:


Super Bike (Jpn)
Battle Fighter (Jpn)
4-nin Mahjan (Jpn, set 2)


Tennis (Dick Smith, earlier, 6k Cart)


Atomic Defense

New NOT_WORKING software list additions:

gamate.xml: GP Race


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.029
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2016, 10:15

    fixed: software list export has a space at the end of the prolog
    fixed: rare rebuild name-case-pick problem when rebuilding parent/clone sets where the clone uses different case in naming of the parent files
    fixed: %H does not match all chd-only ones
    added: setinfo lists referenced device roms in set file list
    added: settings->compressor->chdman option setting to hide console window during verify process
    added: batcher scanner option to include/exclude chd decompress in deep modes
    added: batcher scanner option to disable deep (sha1/md5/full decompress) scan
    misc: reorganized batcher prop pages (mainly used radio buttons for some options)
    misc: updated unrar dll to 5.31

Vista/Windows7/8/10 user note:

If you install cmpro to a protected folder like C:\program files\, you have to set the compatibility properties of cmpro.exe to 'run this program as administrator' to work correctly or you have to disable UAC. In other folders it should work fine without setting this property and without the need of disabling UAC.

Linux WINE/Mac Crossover user note:

If you got problems with the main window, set the option 'Adv_HideWindow = off' in cmpro.ini. In case you don't have a cmpro.ini yet, create one with the following two lines:
Adv_HideWindow = off

Windows 9x/XP Users:

Update your OS!


Titel: Emu Loader 8.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2016, 05:15


Daphne version info not showing up correctly in Daphne settings screen on a fresh install, or if changing exe filename in Emulator Setup screen
Finished updating "LoadROMsFolders" function calls for all the non-MAME related emulators; added the custom emu exe filename parameter
ROMs folders lists for all system were being loaded into RAM twice at startup (cosmetic fix)
Some SEGA Model 2 games were missing screen orientation, resolution and refresh rate (need to re-create games list to fix this...)
Some ZiNc games were missing screen orientation, resolution and refresh rate (need to re-create games list to fix this...)
Filters were not applied after creating games list manually (main menu "Create Games List")


Finished updating some function calls, related to bugs fixed in EL v8.0.4
More code cleaning
Changes and improvements to MAME Settings screen
- improved hint texts on some settings (hover mouse in them)
- setting "HLSL Prescale Override Factor" is no more ("Video 2" tab, "Direct3D Post-Processing Effects" group box)
- setting "Hardware Stretch" is gone; DirectDraw is gone from MAME and this setting is always enabled anyway
- new setting "HLSL Oversampling" ("Video" tab, "Direct 3D Post-Processing Effects" group box)
- moved all LUA related settings into a new "LUA" tab since MAME v0.172 have a bunch of new LUA settings
- moved Audio settings to "LUA" page, renamed "Video and Audio" to "Video"
- moved "Visual Effects Overlay File" from "Video 2" tab to "Game Screen" panel in "Video" tab
- new setting "Integer Scale Overscan" (for MAME v0.173)
- removed setting "Write Dummy Snapshot" since you need a MAME compile with debug enabled (and EL is all about playing games)
- moved setting "Video Output Mode" to "Video 2" tab, to be placed with HLSL/GLSL/BGFX Pos-Processing Effects
- fixed audio latency setting
- several settings are now disabled if they are not present in "mame.ini" (emulator default settings file)
- source code optimizations and removal of redundant code
- UI tweaks to reduce waste of space between controls
Updates to Supermodel emulator (settings screen, and games list)
- minimum emulator version supported is now v0.3a SVN release 335
  (using older emulator builds might cause problems)
- added new video setting: "3D Engine"; you can select between the new engine by Ian Curtis or the old one (legacy)
- updated "SupermodelSEGAModel3_xml.dat" file with new/changed games, based on source code v0.3a SVN R335
- fixed missing screen resolution/refresh rate and driver name in some games


Enabled support for AntoPISA's "gameinit.dat", not that's officially supported in MAME; to be used with "Game Docs" feature; place file in MAME's root folder


Titel: ePSXe 2.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2016, 20:30
A Sony Playstation emulator for your PC that comes with a built-in configuration wizard to help you get started in no time and enjoy your games.



Multi-language support. Added French and Russian languages. Other languages could be added in a future version.
Fixed a delay slot bug in the interpreter cpu mode. It should run again some games broken on interpreter cpu mode on the v2.0. Fixed loading savestates from the UI in interpreter mode.
Improved CDROM timing accuracy,bugs and change disc problems. Improved the timing when seeking and reading cdrom sectors, fixed Tales of Destiny 2 changedisc and fixed Twins Story and Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Banjou Yuugi.
Improved the GPU timing (when using the ePSXe GPUCORE). It fixes or improve some games as: Namco Vol 4, Soul Blade, Tunguska, Derby Stallion, Derby Stallion 99, NBA Live 99, Sangokushi Eiketsuden, Dukes of Hazzard, Alice in Cyberland, Vampire Hunter D, Macross Digital Mission VF-X, Monaco Grand Prix Racing, Power Dolls 2, Spots Goes To Hollywood ...
Improved the GPUCORE. Fixed a bug while transfering data, improved screen centering (Star Ocean 2, Jumping Flash 2, Hogs of War...), fixed some gargabe on the borders when changing the resolution, fixed a scrolling problem, fixed a screen ratio problem when changing from windowing to fullscreen on the fly, added vsync support, and added support to select the blitter as OpenGL2 or OpenGL1 (it should be compatible with some old videocards, but shader support is not supported in OpenGL1 mode).
Improved the openGL2 plugin. Fixes Xmen Mutant Academy 1 & 2, Nascar Thunder 2002/2003/2004, Pro Pinball - Big Race Usa, Pro Pinball - TimeShock, Pro Pinball Fantastic Journey and Worms Pinball (use framebuffer effects=0 in the pinball games).
Changes in the SPUCORE. Implemented the SPU mute flag, it fixes some sound glitches during the pause in the game: Car & Driver Presents - Grand Tour Racing 98.
Changes in the INPUTCORE. Now it has native supports for XInput devices, select Xinput when configurating the gamepad in the config dialog if you want use the XInput API. (mapping buttons is not required).
Fixed the external input plugins support when stopping and pressing continue.
Fixed the changedisc option when using external GPU plugins.
Added support to overclock the PSX CPU. You can select x1, x1.5, x2.0, x3.0 and x4.0. Be careful it could break compatibility.
2.0.2-1: If the version 2.0.2 is crashing after run bios/game, or you are using the Russian language, please update, in other cases it is not necesary. It fixes a bug reading the cpu overclock data from the register, and the config gpu in Russian language.


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.029a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2016, 05:40

misc merger: "clean sets" option gets disabled when "move sets to" option is used. Otherwise it's too risky to accidently wipe out sets when doing multiple runs.
misc: compiled with VS Studio 2015 Update 2


Titel: Emu Loader 8.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2016, 05:41


Extra bios names were added into the Bios List when changing MAME/HBMAME default settings
The "New 3D Engine / Legacy 3D Engine" was not being correctly set in Supermodel settings screen, and when running games
Renamed all "FileName" texts to "Filename" (cosmetic fix)


Added custom folders support for "View Game Docs" (mameinfo.dat; history.dat; etc); it requires MAME v0.172 minimum with "ui.ini" file and "historypath" entry
Updated Supermodel XML games list file based on SVN 351 (Games.cpp), and added a new "controls" tag
Changes to MAME settings screen
- added support for Unicode title strings in LUA plugins list (just in case...)
- BGFX / HLSL / GLSL post-processing settings split into their own sub-pages ("Video 2" tab)
- moved "Video Output Mode" setting to "Video 2" tab
- added a list of all available BGFX shader chain files for easier usage
  - all .json files from the "bgfx\chains\" folder will be read and added into a ListView (title, author, filename)
  - use button "Select" (or mouse double-click) to select a single shader and make active; use button "Add" to add multiple shaders to the Edit box
  NOTE: you must make sure the selected shader appears in the Edit box... just selecting a shader in the list will not make it active!
- new BGFX setting: "Record Rendered Video Filename (AVI)"; default key to save a video rendered by BGFX is Shift+F12 (same as HLSL and "record video" in MAME's internal UI)
- new OSD output options: "OSD Provider" ("Input" tab)
- more interface tweaks


Link to the new MAME documentation in "Help" main menu: http://docs.mamedev.org/index.html


Titel: RockNES 5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2016, 18:45

- Fixed color style menu, should be functional.
- Fixed problems in the MMC3 IRQs.
- Fixed path setting (directories) problems.
- Fixed external palette loading.
- Fixed copyright year.
- Item "view palette ram" is enabled again after a game loading.
- Removed unused debug code/junk.
- Removed MinGW DLL dependencies.
- Other minor fixes and cosmetic changes.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2016, 06:45


App crash due to a bug in the "ini_files\times_played.ini" file update function after exiting a game.

version 8.0.7 change log - April 23, 2016


Fixed read/write Supermodel settings for good! Also, custom game settings that are the same as emulator settings are no longer added to .ini files


Setting "Disable V-Sync" removed since this setting doesn't exist in Supermodel emulator (Supermode Settings screen)


Titel: MAME 0.173
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2016, 04:45

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

04965: [Interface] Games with no screen produce no "final.png" with -STR
04919: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (dynduke.c) All sets in dynduke.c: Most of background missing on Flip Screen
06181: [Documentation] (vicdual.c) tranqgun: The correct description is "Tranquillizer Gun"
06170: [Compiling] OpenMP: OpenMP-enabled builds of MAME 0.172 fail to compile
05897: [Misc.] (hornet.c) gradius4: "MASK ROM CHECK" in service mode fails
06176: [Crash/Freeze] (ksys573.c) All sets in ksys573.c using CD: Unable to boot
06019: [Interface] Wrong default bios outputted with -listxml command.
06174: [DIP/Input] (twincobr.c) fshark, skyshark, hishouza, tp84, tp84a, tp84b: Dipswitch info
01792: [DIP/Input] (subsino2.c) bishjan: Keyboard mode does not work
06175: [Misc.] (apple2.c) apple2jp: Ctrl-T = Inverse kana ?
06182: [Core] (cgenie.c) All sets in cgenie.cpp: Crashing upon starting!
06163: [Misc.] (apple2e.c) apple2e: XPS Diagnostic IIe test failed!
06074: [DIP/Input] (glasgow.c) glasgow: Mouse no longer able to move chess pieces
06173: [Core] All software saving SRAM: Software loaded outside of software list e.g. -cart PATH_TO_ROM) fails to save SRAM
06172: [DIP/Input] (sms.c) Default input mapping for two paddle devices causes a conflict
06178: [Crash/Freeze] liblrabl: Reset during second loop of attract mode.

Source Changes:

new Android icon images
Compressed internal layouts
TMS5220/5110 merge Part 1
Crystal Colours (Ver 1.02): Added default NVRAM. Also added more technical notes
Added dedicated inputs for both Crystals Colours sets. Also added more technical notes.
Iterate over core classes C++11 style
borrow string processing code from ui.cpp so that £ works in layouts (using UTF-8 encoding at least)
updated sc4fd7tha.lay with UTF8 encoding of £ sign
Recognize the full range of controller inputs
redump leapstertv
Initial Catalan translation
naomi.c: add Derby Owners II protection key
Reduce the incidence of required_device in subdevices UML: Added FCOPYI and ICOPYF instructions to pass raw data between integer and floating-point registers.
mips3: Fix behavior for 32/64 bit mode floating point register aliasing Magic10 driver: Added technical notes, game status, defined clocks, fixed inaccurate notes, and some driver cleanups.
screen: svg rendering from inside the rom.
Updated Portuguese (Brazil)
luaengine: add plugin options menu
Major Havoc: Updated Gamma CPU address decoding/mirroring from the schematic
FB01: fix ROM label to match actual chip
Magic Crystals: Improve ROM labeling for Japan set based on PCB picture, and noted that the Japan set we have is revision 2, but a revision 0 exists, undumped
TMS5220: add a 'combined rs/ws write' function for systems which require both pins to change at exactly the same time and not to reset the chip.
Revert software-installed slot/image options when changing software [AJR]
Remove emu.h's stealth include of emuopts.h through mconfig.h;
reduce dependency on emuopts.h in other headers and source files.
MCFG_CPU_FORCE_NO_DRC is now a CPU configuration parameter rather than
a global one; it still works to override the -drc option setting.
fix some missing gfx in bbusters / mechatt
Make overscan on integer scaled targets optional (add option -intoverscan).
luaengine: direct and region accessors
This one documents what I think is a real bug of the Japanese game Sports Pad Soccer: part of the player 2 input is read from player 1 input instead. Also, reorganized code of the Japanese Sports Pad controller device and replace some PORT_CUSTOM/PORT_CHANGED callbacks with PORT_READ_LINE/PORT_WRITE_LINE.
Add experimental cheat lua plugin
Improvements to tape driver of hp9845b
info.cpp: Improved documentation of input devices in the -listxml output, since having just a generic 'number of buttons' is rather pointless in the context of home systems with configurable controllers being them keyboards, keypads or joypads). Now the various controllers are listed separately with the number of buttons they have. Frontend authors who relied on the "buttons" attribute of the input node for any kind of filter shall now scan all available controllers and take the maximum among their "buttons" attribute possibly discarding keyboards and keypads if they want) to recover the old value.
info.cpp: Started to acknowledge PORT_16WAY inputs in -lx, since they were reported as 8-ways so far

Devfind revision phase 1, cleaning out some legacy stuff:

Eliminate the cached device_t::m_region pointer and its region() getter method. Devices that need to bind to a region with the same tag should use optional/required_memory_region or optional/required_region_ptr with DEVICE_SELF as the subtag; this improves error checking. (DEVICE_SELF has been moved to device.h for greater visibility in the source.)
Allow required/optional_region_ptr to specify a specific length which must match that of the region found
Implement finder_base::finder_tag() getter for diagnostic purposes Perform some (not very efficient) validity checks on memory region finders instead of allowing them to automatically pass Privatize device_memory_interface::m_addrspace
Magic 10 driver: Added technical notes and a missing PLD dump.
Added m62(kidniki) to nl.lua. Started some experiments around parallel solving of linear equations. This code is not active. Fix kidniki audio performance.
plugins/timer: add sample plugin for game time
info.cpp: first attempt to fix the longstanding issue about inputs owned by devices being always tagged as P1 inputs in -lx.
plugins/cheatfind: start lua cheat finder library
apple2: Additional work on the PC Transporter
Basic TCP server based on libuv
intv: Converted controller inputs to be slot devices.
intvecs: Converted hand controllers, keyboard and synth to be slot devices, by using a temporary hack to workaround the impossibility to plug the same device into 2 different slots as these keyboard require.
Skeleton implementation for Universal windows main app classes.
String Translate for Chinese (Traditional / Simplified)
diimage.cpp: Allow image devices to be configured with a fixed (not user selectable) piece of software and updated a few options and menu to acknowledge such possibility.
macs.cpp: Converted to use generic cartslot with fixed software configuration. Cleaned up loading and banking systems in the driver as a result.
Added extra bit as delay between bytes to make 1 stop bit work
apple2: Further PC Transporter work. V30 now boots.
mips3: Fixed DMULT and DMULTU in both interpreter and DRC modes.
ng_aes.cpp: converted AES controllers to work through slot devices. Also, separated more clearly the CD component by the base unit.
am9517: add clone with the non-standard mask behavior of the PC Transporter ASIC
apple2: updated PC Transporter to use alternate DMAC emulation & fixed V30 clock.
apple2: PC Transporter: halt V30 properly on startup, XT has 8-bit ISA, improved 6502 CGA framebuffer writes.
screen: Fix alpha handling, cdkong looks good now
bgfx: Add data-driven render target clearing

Significant speed improvement:

added a new solver using compressed row format
fixed sorting
As a result, netlist performance on kidniki nearly doubled. The performance increase is mainly due to the fact that sorting decreases the number of operations for gaussian elimination of the kidniki matrix from ~7800 to 707. In addition, compressed row format improves L1 usage.
Eliminate device_t::static_config, a type-unsafe legacy feature.
Rewrite or remove every last instance of MCFG_DEVICE_CONFIG and its two aliases, including within comments and dead code
Make the Z80/Z180 daisy chain an interface that interfaces with the existing interface. Z8000 has been hooked up to this as well (p8000_16 already configures it), but currently does nothing with it
mips3: Fixed interpreter bug where BADCOP exceptions would execute the faulting opcode twice.
Update strings.po
Update German GUI translation
Added ImGui based debugger.
apple2e: fix C800 internal ROM reading
New PlayChoice-10 BIOS (Single Screen, Freeplay fix, Newer?)
apple2: fixed inverse text drawing
Added HQ2x, HQ3x and HQ4x shaders.
soft is hard and hard is soft. Two is one and one is two. No wonder "-video accel" has substandard performance if opengl is disabled.
These init calls all returned false. No need for a return value in this case.
Iterate over devices C++11 style. Replace the old device_iterator and its specialized versions with functionally equivalent classes that use standard operators to yield references to devices/interfaces rather than pointers. With range-based for loops, they no longer have to be stored in named variables, though they can also be reused concurrently since the iteration state is now maintained by a subclass. Add a few more typical getters to device_t::subdevice_list.
bgfx: Added SuperEagle shader.
Refactored distortion pass
separated curvature parameter into distortion, cubic_distortion and distort_corner distortion and cubic_distortion can be negative, to compensate each other distort_corner is intependent from the image distortion
neogeo: reworked inputs to work through the slot device interface. you can now configure the 15-pin ports available in the multicart driver neogeo) with the -crtl1 and -ctrl2 options. Thus, if you want to launch janshin in neogeo with the mahjong control panel you shall now prescribe edge "" -ctrl1 mahjong
and set accordingly the dipswitch (the first option disables inputs from the edge connector). When you run single game drivers (e.g. mslug, or kof94, etc.), instead, a unique controller is available and cannot be modified. In particular, the janshin driver already comes pre-configured in the proper way.
Refactor OSD window.
Unified renderer in osd_window as std::unique_ptr
Made windows all std::shared_ptr Made window lists std::list Updated OSD SDL worker_param to not use malloc (not compatible with smart pointers) Made renderer pointer to window a weak reference. May not be available during destruction of the window.
Alta Tensione: Added technical notes, game status, and patched the boot protection.
Split UI and frontend part from core
Implemented dynamic loading of precompiled solver code.
saturn.cpp: converted controllers to work through slot devices, cleaning up the related code.
saturn.cpp: Added support for SegaTap adapter (4 controllers) and Sega Multitap adapter (6 controllers). Saturn Bomberman can now be played as intended.
softlist.cpp: add support for "rom_ignore".
itgambl2.cpp driver: Added technical notes and some clean-ups
apple2: fixed Apple II J-Plus text drawing, and updated notes
r9751: add more floppy debugging and fix DMA masking
ioport.cpp: extended core input to support up to 10 players.
dumped Dreamcast bios MPR-21933, confirmed match MPR-21931
sf.c: does not have COIN3, and protection MCU on sfj is an i8751
cgenie.cpp: expanded .cas support so that also files created by Genieous emulator can be loaded.
Added "selection" parameter to chain input sampler
if specified all textures (.png) within the same directoy of the given texture will be selectable via slider in the UI also added slider for "shadow mask tile mode" to HLSL chain
bgfx: Ported xBR shaders from libretro.

Archive handling improvements:

Improve error handling in 7zip file I/O code
Fix reading 7zip files >=4GB on LP32/LLP64 targets
Update to LZMA SDK to 15.14, supports new 7zip features
Stop relying on local hacks to LZMA SDK
Support most ZIP64 features excluding directory compression
Support LZMA-compressed files in ZIP archives
Support Info-ZIP UTF-8 file name fields
Fix phantom files/directories when browsing archives
Report archive handling errors
Update to expat 2.1.1 for security and bug fixes

xbox\chihiro: usb is now partially usable:

control,bulk,interrupt transfers work
started hle simulation of usb devices on chihiro baseboard
there is a first implementation of xbox game controller
the chihiro bios can now enter system configuration menu
hp9845: added capabilty to load option ROMs

ti99: Several code changes :

GROMs with clock input line and improved timing behavior
TMS9928A delivers GROMCLK if configured
TI-99/8 mainboard: implemented custom chips (vaquerro, mofetta, amigo) for low-level emulation
fixed HOLD feature of TMS9995
moved v9938 from console to EVPC where it belongs, dropped videowrp,
fixed issues with paged37x cartridges
fixed issues with Horizon Ramdisk
n64: Do SI dma transfer after delay, not before
tourvis.cpp: changed to use Software Lists, trimmed all ROMs to correct sizes, confirming that the majority match exactly the PCE roms (only 3 differ, Gomola Speed which could be an alt revision, R-Type II which has been hacked, and Be Ball where there is an unknown single byte change.

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

New 2001 (Italy, Ver. 2.00N)
Ultraman Monster Battle
Crystals Colours (Ver 1.02)
Android (newer build?)
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 9
Dragon's Heaven (development board)
Tiny Toon Adventures (prototype) (PlayChoice-10)
Tiger Copy Cat (2 versions)
Sushi Bar
Touch & Go (Korea, unprotected)
Pokonyan (Japan 940322)
Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support)
New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:
Operation Wolf (Japan, prototype)
Majestic Twelve - The Space Invaders Part IV (US)
Kamikaze (Potomac Games)
Major Title 2 (World, set 2)
Atomic Robo-kid (set 2)
Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2)
Mystic Warriors (ver AAB)
Raiden DX (Japan, set 2)
Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E)
Spelling B (1979 version)
Dragon Saber (World, DO2)
1945k III (older, OPCX1 PCB)
Bestri (Korea, set 2)
DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou (2002.10.07 Black Ver., bootleg Knights of Valour Super Heroes conversion)
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2003/01/01. Master Ver., bootleg cartridge conversion)
Espgaluda (2003/10/15 Master Ver, bootleg cartridge conversion)
Champion Number (V0.67)
Unitron 1024
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Konami Gradius (handheld)
Luna Park (ver. 1.2)
Jungle (VI3.02)
Konami Lone Ranger (handheld)
Sonik Fighter (encrypted)
Fidelity Phantom
Alta Tensione (ver. 2.01a)
Euro Double Star Record (ver.1.2)
Nu, pogodi!
Print Club 2 2000 Summer
Print Club 2 Kobe Luminaire '99 (Print Club Custom 3) (J 991203 V1.000)
Print Club 2 Vol. 6 Winter (J 970121 V1.200)
Print Club 2 Vol. 8 Summer (J 970616 V1.100)
Print Club 2 Vol. 9 Autumn (J V1.100)
Print Club Winnie-the-Pooh Vol. 2 (J 971218 V1.000)
Print Club Winnie-the-Pooh Vol. 3 (J 980406 V1.000)
Various Aristocrat MK5 and MK6 sets
Polaroid Instant Memories
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Wonder Boy (system 2, set 2, 315-5176)

New WORKING software list additions:

coco_flop: Donkey Kong Remix
megadriv.xml: F1 - World Championship Edition (US, Prototype)
neogeo.xml: Last Hope
lynx.xml: Zaku

New NOT_WORKING software list additions:

pce_tourvision.xml: Dragon Saber - After Story of Dragon Spirit
pce_tourvision.xml: Bull Fight - Ring no Haja
pce_tourvision.xml: Parasol Stars


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2016, 13:56


App crash when trying to read/write "language" setting in "mame.ini" (MAME Settings screen)
Selected game docs texts were parsed twice at startup ("mameinfo.dat" and others); startup is 1 second faster...
When the frontend is all setup (emulators already selected), if an emulator executable is not found at startup you couldn't select a new file, forcing you to edit "eldit\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" manually or make a clean install
Control Type filter was adding blank control names into the ComboBox (Miscellaneous filter, tool bar buttons)
If "ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" read fails at startup, EL would re-write existing "EmuLoader.ini", changing some frontend settings to their default values


Deleted extra TPanel component from game docs panel (not needed); moved game docs panel below the image panel in project's source code
Replaced a bunch of Pos() function calls by the faster asm optimized function PosEx()
Grouped all controls and players info texts for easier reading ("Game Details" screen)
File "ini_files\control_type.ini" updated to include new control tags for MAME v0.173; a bunch of unused entries were also removed
madExcept library now shows error messages automatically


Support for MAME Plus! is no more... you can still use it to create a games list and play games, but do not use emulator/game settings or EL might crash and/or damage "mame.ini" contents


MAME/HBMAME save state info is back; you must create a new games list to use this
- to filter by save state, go to the "Miscellaneous" filter in main tool bar buttons
- this info/filter is available for MAME/HBMAME only; other emulators are not supported
- software lists are not supported since they can be used by different machines, and their save state values may differ
- info is shown in "Game Details" screen, nowhere else
Support for MAME v0.173
- huge update to the "input" / "control" tags in -listxml output; future changes in the frontend might be necessary
- the "buttons" tag is not separated by player; frontend's "buttons count fixed (do not merge all players buttons...)
- buttons count for keyboards, keypad and other controls are now added to the buttons count info (might change in the future)
- new settings


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2016, 10:26
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.


Whats new:>>


Systems other than MAME and HBMAME were not showing in the list
Detection of the new "neopcb.cpp" Neo-Geo driver name, so Neo-Geo filter works again

Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2016, 05:50


Danger, Will Robinson. DANGER! Feature "Machine to Run Game" was resetting user custom machine names to their default values when creating a new MAME games list (games popup menu)
- file file "mame_machineslast.ini" renamed to "mame_machines_usercustom.ini" and moved from "\arcade\" to "\ini_files\" folder
- file "\arcade\mame_machines.ini" is now used to get default machine names for each softlist file
- file "\ini_files\mame_machines_usercustom.ini" now only list machine names that differ from default machine names in "mame_machines.ini"
  (default is the first machine listed in each section... MAME has no default machine for software lists)
- fixed a crash when a machine is not selected in the list and you click "Confirm" button
- file "\ini_files\softlist_exclude.txt" renamed to "ini_files\mame_softlist_exclude.txt" ("Customize Software List" in main menu)


Partial support for software lists in HBMAME; it might never be used by the emulator, but you never know...


Titel: MAME 0.174
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2016, 05:10

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

03753: [Crash/Freeze] (psikyosh.c) daraku: [debug] Assert in debug build
06209: [Core] Window is always on top after ALT+ENTER from Full Screen in Direct3D
06218: [Sound] (holeland.c) holeland: Missing speech synthesis chip
05932: [Interface] Joysticks Using PPJOY Driver Do not work anymore
01617: [Graphics] (segag80v.c) elim2, zektor: Missing left graphics line from the boarder.
06169: [DIP/Input] (ninjaw.c) ninjawu: Credit count is wrong on coin slot 2
05871: [Crash/Freeze] (pacman.c) puckman: Double-free starting up puckman when using -mt
05831: [Crash/Freeze] all: mame hangs when command bench is higher than 299
06206: [Crash/Freeze] (astrafr.c) Most sets in astrafr.c: Crash/Exception at Initialization
04935: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (jailbrek.c) jailbrek and clones: Offset right 1/2 Screen when Flip Screen is on
04920: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (esd16.c) multchmp, multchmpk: Flip Screen contents need proper mirroring
04912: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (dblewing.c) dblewing: Flip Screen offset down + "Split" sprites
06190: [Color/Palette] (iteagle.c) Most sets in iteagle.c: Palette changes when using machines with MIPS DRC
06188: [Documentation] (1942.c) 1942h: Year should be 1991
06198: [Crash/Freeze] (advision.c) advision: If launched without a cartridge image, MAME crashes
06189: [Misc.] (trs80.c) All sets in trs80.cpp: Current disk emu supports only SSSD !

Source Changes:

chdman.cpp: fix for code that expects to be able to dereference a pointer that it knows may be null
redumped Atomiswave BIOS, confirmed good, added information
screen: Add svg shapes pre-computation
plugins/layout: layout embedded script helper plugin
h8: Add dtc, dma, watchdog (WIP)
h8: Fixes, lots of
cybiko: Make work a little emore, add v1 flash
a5200: fixed regression when loading headerless carts from fullpath.
neogeo.cpp: huge clean up of the cartslot code in order to better exploit slot devices:
moved cart-specific components to the carts itself removing the fake protection devices from the main system, since they never belonged there
removed hacky rom region destruction/construction when a new cart is inserted, replacing it with proper bank pointers to the carts except for ymsnd and ymsnd.deltat region which will require modernization of the ym devices)
started re-organization of bootleg boards emulation, so to reduce the need of collapsing everything into a single cart type with multiple protection devices, more work is needed
neopcb.cpp: moved to a separate source file the emulation for JAMMA PCB versions of a few neogeo games, since they don't have a cartslot.
neogeo.xml: added information about Japanese titles and release dates to the software list and aligned the list to the driver.
cybiko: Remove the ram mirror, it hides when the code fails
vector: Move clipping to avgdvg, the only user. Simplify
nes.cpp: removed configuration settings to enforce sprite limit and to turn off drawing of top/bottom 8 lines: the code to make these work was removed before 0.106 and the option were doing nothing since then.
dumped program rom for Gigas (MC-8123, 317-5002) Gigas set, works now
Make watchdog timer a separate device
A few addition to A800 software lists
megadrive: added custom X24C02 emulation to NBA Jam cart, making finally possible to save records at exit. Hopefully, this will help finding the problem in our core emulation.
Sonik Fighter (encrypted): Decrypted the program, changed the game description adding version, and corrected year.
megatech: updated to use fixed slot config.
skns: add the Korean modbios
dumped Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 1/2 card reader-printer firmware
dumped Initial D card reader-printer firmware
NetBSD fix, from pull request #852
sv8000.cpp: inputs are more appropriate as IPT_KEYPAD.
model1.cpp: Some modernization and cleanup.
Update to LZMA 16.0
metlfrzr encryption is the same as cshooter.cpp


Added IRQ, ROM banking and base color
Fixed decrypted opcodes hookup
Preliminary T5182 hookup
Added base sprites
Fixed sound comms (reversed semaphore access wrt darkmist), coins and
sound now fully working
DIPs are still not fully functional - but the game operates/plays fine
New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines improvements:
Proper inputs. DIP switches: Coin A settings, Key In default (W-4 / Witch Bonus)
Player 2: not supported by game (W-4 / Witch Bonus)
Created/added new layout for 1 player only (set 3, W-4 / Witch Bonus)
Fixed parent/clone relationship (all sets)
Added game versions to IGS Champion League sets.

Flaming 7 improvements:

Added more descriptive notes and boot instructions.
Documented some wire hacks and the DS2401 sillicon serial number device.
Name convention. Change the set name according with the two custom graphics sets.
Added proper machine driver and memory map.
Added D-Up, Take, Bet, Start, Main Door switch, Logic Door switch, Cash Door switch, Coin A, Coin B, Coin C, Reset, Stats/Setup, and GFX selectable DIP switches.
Stats/Setup needs PORT_TOGGLE.
Maximum Bet, Reels Speed, Payout Type, Coin-In Timeout DIP switches.
Key In input.
Identified Button Lockout input, all the Holds, Big, Low.
Identified all the Coin-In and Change lines, WT RXD & COUT RTS lines.
Added other active lines.
Marked as unknown the $d801 port lines. They seem unused.
Marked as unknown also the $d802 port lines.
Standardization of all active inputs.
PORT_DIPLOCATION for the first bank of DIP switches.
Second DIP switches bank: Coin A coinage, Coin B coinage and Credits per
Bill, plus diplocations.
Third DIP switches bank: Denomination and Progressive Sign, plus diplocations.
4th DIP switches bank: Button Lockout and Lockout Polarity, Printer Type, plus diplocations. Added notes about 1 active line.
Unknown DIP switches and diplocations.
Continuing work to move object initialization from start to constructor. Removed family_t. All of this can be determined at runtime from object as well. As part of this, the "template" to write devices has changed. Converted a number of devices to use the new template.
All netlist devices now follow new syntax. Removed dead code. All sub devices are now forced to be initialized in the constructor. Device setup now completely in constructor. Removed start call.

apple2c updates:

Writing to VBLDIS also lowers the VBL IRQ if it's active Support for "Mockingboard4C" add-on by request of French Touch Change SMS/GG master clocks to match service manuals.
Fix TH handling and audio control of the SMSJ, based on Charles' findings.
ti99: New per-chip system ROMs; fixed gromemu and mbx cartridge types, multi-cart extender now allows cartridge switch without emulator reset
Corrected ROM filenames for holeland.zip, enabled SPO256 to resolve missing speech, verified and measures all the clocks - updated comments at the top re: remaining priority issue. Fixed MT Bug #06218
unixpc: switched to bankdev, started filling out the skeleton
gamecom: all but 2 games are now working
pockchal: renamed the system to "Pocket Challenge W" as documented on Jpn Wikipedia, renamed accordingly the software list
Added software list for Saturn Video CD carts, to preserve dumps made by zyrobs in 2013/2014. The carts cannot currently be used in the driver, but at least dumps won't be lost.
aristmk6.cpp: Added proper descriptions to most sets and removed a few duplicated sets.
pockchalw.xml: added more dumps
pockchalw.xml: added proper info and PCB documentation (the latter courtesy of TeamEurope pictures)
gameking.xml: Added six new dumps.
spc1500.cpp: added a cassette software list with some images, courtesy
of Anna Wu
Added tons of Thomson software to softlists.
apple2: update software list to include 4am clean cracks A-L as of Sep. 2015
gameboy.xml: Finally started documenting Game Boy PCBs, based on no-intro and Tauwasser's pictures
gba.cpp: Added preliminary support for the 3D Matrix Memory Controller used by 64MB video cartridges. Disney Collection 2 works, while other dumps still fail (possibly due to reason unrelated to the mapper emulation...)
emumem: Get rid of the install_* return value
UML: Added TZCNT instruction (Trailing Zero Count)
ti99_cart: Updated softlist to per-chip dumps; removed some broken dumps
r9751.xml: Add CBX 9005.2.79 software
r9751: Fix race condition in PDC device. Multi disk load now possible.
DirectInput8: Correct joystick polling methods to better support older joysticks which previously only worked with DirectInput7

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

Metal Freezer
Crossed Swords 2 (bootleg of CD version)
Math Marvel
Iowa Premium Player (2131-21, U5-1)
Idol Mahjong Final Romance 2 (bootleg of CD version)

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status:

X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Japan 961023)
Extermination (US, Romstar)
The J.League 1994 (Japan, Rev A)
Pit Fighter Rev 2
Triki Triki (Lover Boy bootleg)
Street Fight (Germany - Benelux)
Mercenario (Commando bootleg)
Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (Japan 040202)
Champion League (v220I, dual program, set 1)
Champion League (v220I, dual program, set 2)
Holeland (set 2)
New Lucky 8 Lines / New Super 8 Lines (W-4, Lucky97 HW)
Shogun Warriors (Korea?)
Rage of the Dragons (NGH-2640?)

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:

Force Computers ISCSI-1 VME board
Master's Golf
Microbee Premium Plus
IBM3153 Terminal
Road Burners (ver 1.04)
Flaming 7 - Hollywood Nights
Sharp PC-G815
Electronic Battleship
House of the Dead 4 (Export) (Rev B)
Notable New WORKING software list additions:
pce_tourvision.xml: Cyber Core, Download, Vigilante
nes.xml: Venice Beach Volleyball (Gluk Video)
nes.xml: Happily Ever After
megadriv.xml: Sega Channel (Jpn), two revisions
m5_cart.xml: Dream Shopper


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2016, 05:15


Control "none or empty" was not filtering the games list correctly ("MISC" main tool bar filter)
- software list games should not be listed as they don't have control entries (mamedir\hash\*.xml files)


Renamed "\ini_files\control_type.ini" to "\ini_files\mame_control_type.ini" since this file is for MAME/HBMAME only


New search bar filter: Controls
- a quick way to filter games by controls (for MAME/HBMAME only)
- the results are affected if "Include Tool Bar Filters" option is checked (search bar options button)
- software list games are excluded from this filter since they don't have controls listed in "mamedir\hash\*.xml" files
- this new filter ignores the search criteria and overwrites the controls filter selection in the miscellaneous filters ("MISC" main tool bar button)


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2016, 05:10


Neo-Geo filter was not showing all games for MAME v0.174); there is a new driver name: "neodriv"
EL will also validate Neo-Geo game names by its bios set name...: "neogeo"


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2016, 05:45


Search bar was not working anymore after implementing controls search bar button
Removed the annoying "ding" sound when pressing ENTER and ESC keys in the search bar TEdit control


Setting "Allow Only One Instance" is now enabled by default; to avoid problems and unwanted crashes, you shouldn't run more than one instance of the frontend from the same folder


Added a separate setting "Include Tool Bar Filters" to the new controls search bar button (its setting can be different than the one from the search criteria!)


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2016, 06:10


Sega Model 2 ROMs paths were not being correcty read from "emulator.ini", making it impossible to validate games


Moved all category filters inside a group box; removed "Light Gun" category filter (Miscellaneous tool bar filters)
Clicking "Reset" button, text in TEdit box is cleared (search bar)
Pressing "ESC" key, the text in TEdit box is cleared (search bar)
Changes to "Game Details" (games popup menu / Shift+I shortcut)
- if save state is "unknown" (empty), info is not shown anymore
- "Played" info renamed to "Last Played"
- "times played" info moved from "Last Played" to "Playtime" info


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.029b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2016, 05:45

    misc: linked with notelemetry.obj
    misc: updated unrar dll to 5.40.2
    misc: updated to 7z sdk/dll 16.02

    misc merger: "clean sets" option gets disabled when "move sets to" option is used. Otherwise it's too risky to accidently wipe out sets when doing multiple runs.
    misc: compiled with VS Studio 2015 Update 2

    fixed: software list export has a space at the end of the prolog
    fixed: rare rebuild name-case-pick problem when rebuilding parent/clone sets where the clone uses different case in naming of the parent files
    fixed: %H does not match all chd-only ones
    added: setinfo lists referenced device roms in set file list
    added: settings->compressor->chdman option setting to hide console window during verify process
    added: batcher scanner option to include/exclude chd decompress in deep modes
    added: batcher scanner option to disable deep (sha1/md5/full decompress) scan
    misc: reorganized batcher prop pages (mainly used radio buttons for some options)
    misc: updated unrar dll to 5.31

Vista/Windows7/8/10 user note:

If you install cmpro to a protected folder like C:\program files\, you have to set the compatibility properties of cmpro.exe to 'run this program as administrator' to work correctly or you have to disable UAC. In other folders it should work fine without setting this property and without the need of disabling UAC.
Linux WINE/Mac Crossover user note:

If you got problems with the main window, set the option 'Adv_HideWindow = off' in cmpro.ini. In case you don't have a cmpro.ini yet, create one with the following two lines:
Adv_HideWindow = off
Windows 9x/XP Users:

Update your OS!


Titel: MAME 0.175
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2016, 13:58


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06244: [Speed] (namconb1.c) machbrkr, outfxies: Degraded performance speed (Osso)
- 06241: [Crash/Freeze] Most sets in neodriv.hxx: cheats enabled cause MAME to crash (cuavas)
- 06235: [Graphics] (pacman.c) pacman: X and Y flip bits are ignored when sprite is rendered at top of screen due to vertical wrapping (Robbbert)
- 06234: [DIP/Input] (nbmj9195.c) mscoutm, imekura, mjegolf: Incorrect inputs in some mahjong games (Tourniquet)
- 03321: [DIP/Input] (mario.c) mario: Dip switch titles for bonus life don't match gameplay (anikom15)
- 06225: [Crash/Freeze] (midtunit.c) mk, mk2: Game doesn't start - crash while loading (cuavas)
- 06196: [Interface] Window mode, can't set window size anymore (bradhugh)
- 06222: [Graphics] Artwork + HLSL + Vector Game = Cropped Screen and Wrong Screen Position (Jezze)
- 06195: [Crash/Freeze] -video BGFX is crashing after selecting 'Select New Machine' and launching another machine (Ryan Holtz)
- 06223: [Crash/Freeze] (ataxx.c) All sets in ataxx.cpp: Fatal error: Missing some required objects, unable to proceed (Tafoid)
- 06221: [Interface] PLUGINS: pluginspath option not fully recognized (crazyc)
- 06236: [Misc.] (ptcsol.c) sol20: SVT format file names problem! (Robbbert)
- 05783: [Misc.] (ptcsol.c) sol20: SVT format differs from Solace emu! (Robbbert)
- 06215: [Misc.] (sorcerer.c) sorcererd: Refuse to load some cpm programs! (Robbbert)

Source Changes
-Further improvements to the Patinho Feio driver & CPU [Felipe Sanches]

-atarigen: Remove the slapstic direct update handler, which hasn't been
 necessary since direct access has been enhanced to work correctly on
 handlers, years ago [O. Galibert]

-sloop: Direct update handler unneeded too [O. Galibert]

-esb: Direct update for slapstic gone too [O. Galibert]

-gameboy: Improved support for M161 and MMM01 mappers. [Tauwasser]

-n64dd: Change N64DD to use harddisk device instead of quikload device.
 Updated checksum for Randnet disk, previous conversion was faulty. [Happy]

-West Story improvements: the NMI story [AJR]
 * Thoroughly reworked weststry memory map based on M68000 code
 * FG tilemap scrolling implemented for weststry
 * Sound hooked up, but doesn't fully work (YM3812 stops sending IRQs)
 * Various things documented in other bloodbro.cpp games

-Added color proms to Ozma Wars. [MASH]

-Merged ataxx.cpp into leland.cpp as they had a completely shared main
 header file (leland.h).  [Tafoid]

-ui refactoring [Vas Crabb]
 * Make ARRAY_LENGTH cause a compile error if used with a pointer/vector
 * move menu classes into ::ui namesapce and reduce scope of many symbols
 * Clean up text input code, move common operations to inline
 * Fix numerous one-byte buffer overruns
 * Don't flat-out ignore input beyond the C1 hole
 * Fix decoding of SDL text input

-Added highly experimental SHARC recompiler (disabled by default)
 [Ville Linde]

-psx.xml: Added more information and small fixes to Japanese discs.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-Tetris + Cherry Master (+K, Canada Version, encrypted) hidden switch
 documentation... [Ioannis Bampoulas]

-Merit Match Games driver: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added technical notes and corrected CRT 810 layout + old notes.
 * Some cleanup for coding standards, and fixed Coinage DIP switches.

-Magic Fly driver: Refactored PCB layout and pinout with new findings
 and PCB trace. Also added some technical notes [Roberto Fresca].

-Major Poker: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added missing G2 gal16v8d.
 * Added missing PLDs, plus technical notes.

-Royal Card (Austrian, set 8): [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added mirrored VRAM to $4000/$5000.
 * Worked and added a default NVRAM. The game now is working properly.

-Buena Suerte: Completed the Protel PCB set. Rearranged the graphics
 ROMs to get accurate gfx banks. Discrete sound needs to be traced.
 Game is working properly. [Roberto Fresca]

-Buena Suerte (Protel PCB): Added technical notes and a WIP edge
 connector and mech counters pinout. [Roberto Fresca, Gaby]

-Flaming 7: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added new technical notes.
 * Flaming 7: Decrypted the graphics ROMs & fixed the gfxdecode.
    Bipolar PROM decode is still wrong.
 * Graphics Bank 1 is color-accurate. Added some technical notes
    about the missing extra layer for bonus graphics with the
    related VRAM used range
 * Dedicated inputs + DIP switch bank #1.
 * DIP switches bank #2: bonus pay & internal progressive.
 * DIP switches bank #3: Maximum Bet, Coin-In Timeout, Denomination,
    and Progressive Sign.
 * DIP switches bank #2: Notes about Bonus Pay...
 * DIP switches bank #3: Added Progressive Sign notes...
 * Added a DIP switches table ASCII layout...
 * Added Pay Table Diagram...
 * Added Pinout Diagram...
 * Documented the Cyberdyne Printer Harness circuitry.
 * Fixed the bipolar PROM load. Also improved both graphics banks
    colors. Colors now are close, but still imperfect.

-Flaming 7 (Taiwanese): Splitted a new machine driver, and added proper
 gfxdecode. Improved the GFX bank #2. Still needs work... [Roberto Fresca]

-Flaming 7 (W-4 hardware): [Roberto Fresca]
 * Added hand made electronic serial DS2401 dump, as a start of
    electronic serial number support. Added technical notes.
 * Added electronic serial DS2401 device. Still remaining the
    connection and read routines.
 * Connected the electronic serial DS2401 device to the proper
    PPI8255 (PC6) line.

-Flaming 7 (W-4 hardware): correct DS2401 hookup and reverse-engineer
 protection to get required serial number [Vas Crabb]

-Commodore PET Joysticks and Sound Device [Ken White]

-sun2: Preliminary MMU implementation, still has issues. [R. Belmont]

-sun2: MMU fixes, both VME and Multibus variants now POST and show
 something. [R. Belmont]

-gbcolor.xml: Documented more Game Boy Color PCBs, based on no-intro
 pictures [Fabio Priuli]

-vboy.xml: Documented a few Virtual Boy PCBs, based on no-intro
 pictures [Fabio Priuli]

-Ignore cylinders, heads and sectors from identify device data, based
 on the ATA 5 specification. [smf]

-Added CHS and LBA limits when the chd doesn't contain identify device
 data [smf]

-Fix NeoGeo CD P2 inputs [fuzzbop]

-Update rainbow.cpp [Bavarese]

-Added comlist and commit commands to debugger.
 comlist prints available comments in debugger console, commit will do
 a bulk comadd and comsave operation. [Angelo Salese]
-Don't use AM_MASK on ram, you end up with an incorrect allocation size [O. Galibert]

-rainbow: led polarity [Baverese]

-sun2: fixed more MMU issues, added serial ports. [R. Belmont]

-Fix TGP parser crashing in Model 1 [SailorSat]

-Fixed network output to include all data [headkaze]

-naomi docs: 'Samba de Amigo Rev.A' cartridge contents identical to
 already dumped Rev.B [f205v, ShouTime]

-lk201: fix 6805 clock to verified value [Lord Nightmare]

-sun3 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Split sun3 and sun3x archiectures, they're different enough
 * Sun3 MMU and unique hardware implemented, all models now POST
   including 3/2xx [R. Belmont]

-sun4 updates: [R. Belmont]
* Preliminary implementation of sun4c MMU and related hardware.

-gba.xml: documented some more Game Boy Advance PCBs. [Fabio Priuli]

-gba.cpp: several improvements [Fabio Priuli]
 * Implemented emulation of the  "General Purpose I/O" port (GPIO) of
 * Hooked up S-3511 RTC emulation through the GPIO port. This allows
    to avoid the "Internal battery has run dry [...] clock-based
    events will no longer occur" messages in Pokémon Emerald / Ruby /
    Sapphire. This also promotes Sennen Kazoku to working state.
 * Hooked up Boktai Light Sensor emulation through the GPIO port. This
    allows to avoid the "Solar Sensor is broken" message in Boktai /
    Bokura no Taiyou, which is now playable and to recharge your
    weapons in all three games of the series. Light level has to be
    chosen via the "Machine Configuration" menu, until we get some
    kind of camera input.
 * Hooked up Warioware Twist Gyroscope emulation through the GPIO
    port. This allows to play the minigames, even if in some case the
    input sensibility might need a few tweaks.
 * Hooked up Warioware Twist & Drill Dozer Rumble emulation through
    the GPIO port. MAME will now output a "Rumble" output bit (0 for
    Rumble=OFF and 1 for Rumble=ON) whenever the games try to access
    the Rumble component… third party applications can now listen to
    the output and redirect it to some hardware that can "rumble" in
    sync with the gameplay.

-gba.cpp: implemented emulation of the Tilt sensor used by Yoshi’s
 Universal Gravitation / Yoshi Topsy-Turvy / Yoshi no Banyuuinryoku
 (and by Koro Koro Puzzle). Note that the calibration can seem a bit
 tricky at first, because the emulated screen does not turn as the GBA
 would... In order to properly calibrate the sensor, just keep pressed
 right for a few seconds when requested to calibrate right inclination
 (first calibration screen in Yoshi Universal Gravitation) so to get
 the full right range; then keep pressed for left for a few seconds
 when requested to calibrate left inclination (second calibration
 screen in Yoshi Universal Gravitation) so to get the full left range.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-gb.cpp: Added Rumble emulation to the MBC-5 Game Boy Color games which
 supported it. MAME will now output a "Rumble" output bit (0 for
 Rumble=OFF and 1 for Rumble=ON) whenever the games try to access the
 Rumble component… third party applications can now listen to the
 output and redirect it to some hardware that can "rumble" in sync with
 the gameplay. [Fabio Priuli]

-gb.cpp: Added partial RTC emulation to the MBC-3 Game Boy Color games
 which supported it. Clock proceeds a bit too fast during gameplay, but
 at least it is not stuck anymore to the time of first configuration.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-Netlist changes [Couriersud]
 * Introduced HINT(device, hint) to clarify that hints are inheritent
    and not specific to devices.
 * Added improved profiling support to netlist. Statistics output now
    proposes devices for which whole device activation/deactivation be
    disabled. No significant improvement for pong, but breakout
    experiences a 10% improvement.
 * Introduced perftime_t and perfcount_t for gathering statistics.
    These templates do not create any code if statistics are not kept.
 * Make help2man ./nltool produce usuable output.
 * Replaced shared_ptr by unique_ptr.
 * Better seperation of setup_t and netlist_t.
 * Fixed bugs in rdtsc code. Refactored timer code.
 * Moved options code from include to cpp file.
 * More truthtable refactoring. Removed half-finished code for
    internal state support. As implemented, this would have had no
    support for timing delays.
 * All netlist device setup is now done in the device constructor. This
    significantly increases readability and stability and allowed to remove
    init_object calls and start calls.
 * Removed a significant amount of dead code.
 * Remove ATTR_HOT and ATTR_COLD. Refactored netlist_time.
 * More STL usage and c++11.
 * Get rid of nl_math. Remove nl_util.h and moved contents to

-Major refactoring of debugger core [Ryan Holtz]
 * Eliminate globals/file statics
 * Remove lots of stuff from global scope
 * Use std::function for custom command registration
 * Eliminate some trampolines
 * Build fixes from Vas Crabb and balr0g

-n64.cpp: Disabled fast RAM, as it prevents watchpoints from working
 and doesn't gain much on the interpreter core. [Ryan Holtz]

-rainbow.cpp: add 23-090b1 z80 arbitrator PROM dump [Lord Nightmare]

-Small update of italian traslation [AntoPISA]

-Fix keyboard shortcuts for disassembly comments pane [Vas Crabb]
 * Win32 previously recognised Ctrl+N but menu incorrectly showed
 * Qt showed Ctrl+C but it was swallowed by text editing and didn't
 * Ctrl+N is now shown/used by Win32 and Qt (matches Cmd-N on OS X)

-Fix git version [Vas Crabb]
 * git version is set by top-level make, not just when GENie runs
 * can set IGNORE_GIT=1 for make to ignore git
 * git ignored/unavailable uses "unknown" in version string
 * mark modified trees as dirty
 * note that version now comes from makefile

-A little change to device_image_interface::call_display to better
 decouple UI fronted and image devices [F.Ulivi]

-Rom for GameKing 3 [PeT, James]

-Introduce dynamic_module [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-Remove Direct3D abstraction layer [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-Reverse-engineered Moto Frenzy security FPGA and implemented decryption code
 [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]

-Make filesel current path clickable [Nathan Woods]

-fmtowns_cd.xml: added more info, based on Breiztiger's research [Fabio Priuli]

-fmtowns_flop.xml: added a new software list for floppy-only FM Towns
 games (boot disks for CDs remain in the CD list, for easier
 launching). Many thanks to r09 and Breiztiger for help with info and
 images. [Fabio Priuli]

-gameboy: Added DMG v0 boot rom. [gekkio]

-abc80x: Added ROM version 1.05 for the 55-21046 disk controller. [Anders Sandahl]

-sdk80: Added correct monitor ROM. [Nigel Barnes]

-imds2: Added monitor versions 1.1 and 1.2. [Nigel Barnes]

-terminal: Fixed Color configuration. [Nigel Barnes]

-Memory fun [O.Galibert]
 * Added AM_SELECT/addrselect field.  Replaces the old
    AM_MIRROR/AM_MASK combo used to mirror a handler and get the
    mirrored bits in the offset.
 * Removed mask and/or mirror from where it didn't belong.  Simplified
    a lot of instances of mask that just weren't needed, especially in
    bus handlers.  Used the short forms of install handlers where
 * Replaced the 60s hippy, "It's cool man" range parameter handling in
    map_range that tried to guess what was meant when the values
    passed were not entirely sensible, by a cranky, diner
    waitress-turned IRS auditor curmudgeon.  Main control function has
    a series of 14 tests just to find a reason to fatalerror out your
    requests.  You have been warned.

-Fixed double hyphen in -pipe [belegdol]

-abc802,abc806: Added LUXNET BIOSes. [Anders Sandahl]

-Added command strobe callback interface for LDV1000, and hooked it up
 to esh.cpp driver. [Angelo Salese]

-raiden2cop.cpp: Fixed BCD overflow score bug in Godzilla
 [Angelo Salese]

-eeprom: Not a device_memory_interface [O. Galibert]

-cdi.xml: added info about original disks. [Fabio Priuli]

-intelfsh, i2cmem: Not a device_memory_interface either [O. Galibert]

-aristmk5.cpp improvements: [Heihachi_73]
 * reorganized sets based on their actual description.
 * Added proper descriptions to most sets.
 * unified rom naming and added a few sets that were missing.

-aristmk6.cpp improvements: [Heihachi_73]
 * reorganized sets based on their actual description and removed a
    few sets which were hacked or incomplete, compared to their
 * unified rom naming and fixed loading offset in games which use the
    expansion board. Also added a few sets that were missing.

-aristmk6.cpp: fixed BIOS loading and some BIOS naming; removed an
 overdumped BIOS and moved qnilese base PCB ROMS to the BIOS set.
 [Heihachi_73, Fabio Priuli]

-decwritr.c: update the la120 driver documentation a bit, fixed memory
 mirror related issue [Lord Nightmare] decwritr.c: documented the Caps
 Lock key being a physical toggle [NeXT]

-emumem: Handlers on different subunits of the same address with
 different address masks are now supported. [O. Galibert]

-Add basic SPARCv7 core [Ryan Holtz]

-halleyc: Some steps towards a better readability of the video code [O. Galibert]

-megadriv: improved description of many taiwanese unlicensed titles +
 added dump of Ju Ji Ma Jiang II by Sun Green. [Fabio Priuli]

-emumem: Fix some issues [O. Galibert]

-newbrain fdc: fix mirrors w.r.t mask [O. Galibert]

-Added correct ROM labels to helifire [Porchy, Muddymusic, The Dumping Union]

-apollo: install the unmapped handler in the correct post-trampoline range [O. Galibert]

-l9nibble: If it's a tms9900, put one, because the 9980 address space
 is too small [O. Galibert]

-prox180x,pve500: Map fix [O. Galibert]

-tms57002: I hadn't yet understood some of the, err, subtleties of the
 memory subsystem [O. Galibert]

-improve SPARC disassembler: [Vas Crabb]
 * Support SPARCv9
 * Allow plug-in ASI comments
 * Fix format of some opcodes
 * Produce clr synthetic
 * Allow running in v7, v8 and v9 modes
 * Fix addcc/andcc in SPARCv7 mode and simplify integer op tables
 * Allow ASI descriptions to be supplied with MCFG macro
 * VIS I (UltraSPARC) and II (UltraSPARC III) support
 * VIS 2+, VIS 3 and VIS 3B support
 * Add several SPARC models to unidasm

-banctec: If it's a 6803, then use a 6803, duh [O. Galibert]

-M2COMM: hook up comm board in model2 (W.I.P.) [Ariane Fugmann]

-seibucop.cpp: Prevent cop_angle to overflow byte range. Fixes III to I
 quadrant movements in Legionnaire and Heated Barrel. [Angelo Salese]
-sun4: add SPARC ASI descriptions [Vas Crabb]

-mac: Fix interactions between mirror and range [O. Galibert]

-Rewrite SPARC emulation based on detailed descriptions from SPARC manual [Ryan Holtz]

-galpani3.cpp: Added correct supplemental graphics roms to the Gals
 Panic 3 (Hong Kong) set. [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

-dec_lk201: keyclick [Bavarese]

-Added "return to origin point (0,0)" feature to Tilemap Viewer (tied
 with HOME key) [Angelo Salese]

-Improved workaround for missing cbegin/cend in glibstdc++ [Alex Miller]

-sg1000.cpp: many improvements [Enik Land]
 * Create a SG-1000 expansion slot.
 * Hook up the SG-1000 expansion slot to sg1000.cpp and sms.cpp
 * Split the sk1100 code from sg1000.cpp and attach it to the new
    expansion slot.
 * Create a new FM Sound Unit device and attach it to the new
    expansion slot.
 * For the sc3000 driver, re-add sk1100 as a fixed SG-1000 expansion
 * Add sg1000 software list to sg1000m3 and Japanese/Korean SMS

-sms.cpp: implemented some new findings [Enik Land]
 * Remove some mirrors for ports $DC/$DD on SMSJ based on Charles' hw
 * Add basic C-Sync callback to 315_5124.cpp, based on Charles' hw
 * Add built-in Rapid Fire (uses C-Sync) for SMSJ and Korean SMS1
 * Add new SMS drivers due to XTAL differences: sms1br - Tec Toy
    Master System I (Brazil) sms2br - Tec Toy Master System II
    (Brazil) smsbr - Tec Toy Master System III Compact (Brazil)
    sms1paln - Tec Toy Master System I (PAL-N) sms2paln - Tec Toy
    Master System II (PAL-N) smspaln - Tec Toy Master System III
    Compact (PAL-N) Brazil is PAL-M TV system, but I decided to call
    it by the country name, seems to be better recognizable and for
    emulation looks more like a NTSC system. PAL-N is used in
    Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay and looks closer to the European
    PAL system when compared to PAL-M.

-Load save state preparations [Nathan Woods]
 * A number of changes and refactorings in preparation for a new
    load/save state menu. Most notably, I am C++-ifying osd_directory
    (now osd::directory) and changing osd_stat() to return
 * Take note that this change completely omits POSIX support, simply
    because I lack a development environment to support it. This will
    have to be done by someone else.
-POSIX implementation for new directory read features, cleanup of
 Windows implementation, return directory handle as smart pointer, fix
 full build [Vas Crabb]

-cop: nicer sorting routine [O. Galibert]

-Supply modified time for files in archives [Vas Crabb]

-Fix LDUH, LDSH, LDUHA, and LDSHA opcodes in the SPARC core [Ryan Holtz]

-ImGui debugger improvements  [Barry Rodewald]
 * Memory views now control their own position, removing the scrollbar,
   allows finer control of large memory areas.
 * Pressing Enter on an empty debugger console input now does a single
 * Disassembly and Memory expression inputs now auto-select all.
 * Fix various key inputs.
 * Send character inputs to views, allowing memory editing to be possible
   in a memory window.
 * Show a rectangle around the view with focus.
 * Add history functionality (press up/down in the debugger console input
 * Allow log windows and debugger console scrollbars to stay at their
   maximum value, if moved there.

-Flaming 7 (original): Fixed the Paytable DIP switches. [Roberto Fresca]

-Add older version SPARCstation IPX (Sun 4/50) ROM as an alt bios, and
 add ROM locations [Lord Nightmare]

-trs80: fixed loss of keyboard control on some games. [Robbbert]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Tektronix 4404 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
Entex Electronic Soccer [hap, Sean Riddle]
U.S. Games Super Sports-4 [hap, Sean Riddle]
Reversi Sensory Challenger [hap, yovan]
iSBC 80/10 [Nigel Barnes]
iSBC 80/10A [Nigel Barnes]
iSBC 80/10B [Nigel Barnes]
iSBC 80/30 [Nigel Barnes]
Flaming 7 (Red, White & Blue 7's + Hollywood Nights) [Roberto Fresca, Vas Crabb, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Super 9 Sensory Chess Challenger [hap, anonymous]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-9) [anonymous]
Moto Frenzy [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Kyuukoukabakugekitai - Dive Bomber Squad [Andy Welburn, ShouTime, Smitdogg, David Haywood, Imhotep,
  Ryan Holtz, hap, Zhivko Dimitrov, spogghi, ANY, Arjen Hoekman, Arcade Addict, krick, Dullaron,
  Eddie, f205v, rtw, Rod_Wod, Fabien Marsaud, InsertMoreCoins, Jan Stuhler, trap15, Macaw,
  Team Japump, Brandon Munger, Juan Manuel Gutierrez, abelardator2, Jordi Bosch Creus, haynor666,
  Nestor Acebo Jimenez, Carl Perry, Jeremy McElroy, Steven Boswell, JJaVMeTaL, Steven LeMaire,
  Matthew Shultz, Mark Riley has no toaster, Carlos Gutierrez, Bjorn Stahl, Aldo Vittorio De Luca,
  Bruno Celsi, Philip Zumbrun, cornishdavey, Stefano De Dionigi, motoschifo, Mamesick,
  Daniel Hitchcock, Patrick Wheeler, bisus, desodeso, Swos, Don Zaucker, Tox Nox Fox, Zak0077,
  giuppo, Moket, Frankie, robindan77, biasini, Dr_Zero, motoschifo, Mameremember, John Wilke,
  Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Berlioux Julien, Lior Aouate, The Dumping Union]
1943: Battle for Midway Mark II (US) [Gracious Anonymous Donor, caius, The Dumping Union]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Japan 931005) [ShouTime]
Electronic Battleship (1982 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Lethal Weapon 3 (2.07 USA) [Zab]
Side by Side (Ver 2.6 J) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Side by Side 2 (Ver 2.6 OK) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Mutant Warrior (Altered Beast - Datsu bootleg)  [gmx, The Dumping Union]
Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Out Zone (Zero Wing TP-015 PCB conversion) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Astro Combat (Proel bootleg, encrypted) [Any]
Space Invaders (CV Version, smaller roms)  [Andrew Welburn]
Scramble (Model Racing, Italian bootleg)  [Piero Andreini, PaTrYcK]
Metamorphic Force (ver EAA - alternate)  [caius]
Major Poker (3 different sets with Micro Manufacturing intro) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Lucky Poker (bootleg/hack of Major Poker) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Royal Card (Austrian, set 8) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Super Pacman (v1.2) + Cherry Master (Corsica, v8.31, set 1) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Galaxian (bootleg, set 4) [Dyno Dastardly, Janniz]
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 New Age of Heroes (USA) (Rev A) [rtw, Ryan Holtz, Tourniquet, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
River Patrol (Japan) [ShouTime]
E.D.F. : Earth Defense Force (Japan, prototype) [ShouTime]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Egyptian Gold, 2000 Bonus)  [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Flaming 7 (Taiwanese Hardware, unknown version)  [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - Turtles in Time (4 Players ver EAA) [Nomax]
Buena Suerte (Spanish/Portuguese, set 23) [Roberto Fresca]
Hyper Bishi Bashi (GE876 VER. KAA) [Guru, smf]
Varth (bootleg) [Robbbert]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
V-Tech V-Smile Pro  [TeamEurope]
World Club Champion Football Serie A 2001-2002 Ver. 2 (CDP-10001C) [any, f205v, ShouTime, rtw]
World Club Champion Football Serie A 2001-2002 DIMM FIRM Ver.3.03 (CDP-10003) [any]
World Club Champion Football Serie A 2002-2003 Drive Checker (CDV-10007) [any, f205v, ShouTime, rtw]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 50) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 500) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 2000) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Fidelity Elite A/S Challenger [hap, anonymous]
Alesis QS-7 [Felipe Sanches]
CPU-30 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Magic Card (H8, English) [Yrouel]

New WORKING software list additions

-bbcb_cass.xml: Added various recently dumped games. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbcmc_flop.xml: Added various educational titles. [Nigel Barnes]

-megadriv.xml: Chaoji Majiang Club / Super Mahjong Club (Tw)
 [system11, Fabio Priuli]

-pce_tourvision.xml:  Out Run [system11, kebrank]

 * Added Supermon (Toronto PET User Group) [Ken White]
 * Replaced bad dump of Side B of Squiggle, Big Time / Monitor (the m
    command in the monitor now works correctly) [Ken White]

-psx.xml: Added CHD images of redump.org USA disc set. [Aeternal]

-psx.xml: Added some more prototypes and misc disks. [Fabio Priuli]

-sorcerer_cass.xml: Added many games. [Robbbert]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

-cdi.xml: added a few recently dumped prototypes. [Fabio Priuli]

-fmtowns_cd.xml: completed addition of known dumps. [r09, Breiztiger]

-leapster.xml: 8 new dumps added [Team Europe]

-pc98_cd.xml: added software list with misc CHDs from several sources

-vsmile.xml: 6 new dumps added [Team Europe]

-vsmile_cart.xml: added a few new US dumps [Rimsky82]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2016, 06:10


Var "eThumbnailFileName" was not being cleared when reloading games data into the list or deleting selected game thumbnail
Memory leak when exiting the frontend while in thumbnails view mode (selected game thumb var still in RAM)


Modified my custom "TGaugeBar2" component (Graphics32 library) to support "0.000" float values (three decimals)
Whene deleting thumbnails, zipped thumbs are skipped since they cannot be deleted... to improve speed when deleting multiple thumbs


Setting "Disable V-Sync" added back to Supermodel settings (requires emulator SVN 446 or newer)
Support for MAME v0.175; also added new "Vector Post-Processing" settings in "Direct3D Post-Processing" page ("Video 2" tab)


Titel: MAME 0.176
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2016, 17:40


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06288: [Interface] UI:: Selecting "Category" after listing "Favorites"
  causes exception (Vas Crabb)
- 06291: [Interface] (carpolo.c) carpolo: Unable to view recorded video made
  with -video bgfx/-window (Jezze)
- 06286: [Misc.] (segaorun.c) shangon: Captured AVI video from this game shows
  only sound, no image (Angelo Salese)
- 06263: [Interface] UI: Choosing any filter which has no data makes the UI
  unrecoverable (Maurizio Petrarota)
- 06280: [Interface] PLUGINS: The plugin.ini file is created in the current folder
  when it should be created in the "ini" path. (crazyc)
- 06279: [Interface] PLUGINS: pluginspath does not resolve $HOME (crazyc)
- 06285: [Gameplay] (vendetta.c) esckids, esckidsj: Slowdowns in gameplay (Osso)
- 06284: [Interface] Watchdog dialog is not able to be captured (cuavas)
- 06246: [Graphics] (legionna.c) cupsocsb, cupsocsb2: Black screen (Angelo Salese)
- 06268: [Crash/Freeze] MAME can crash when switching languages (Vas Crabb)
- 06266: [DIP/Input] (seta.c) metafox: Bonus_Life DIPSETTING values and labels are incorrect (Tafoid)
- 06262: [Crash/Freeze] All sets using SHARC drc: Crash when running DRC (Linux only?) (Ville Linde)
- 06305: [Crash/Freeze] (atpci.c) at586, at586x3, ficvt503: Use of -kbd slot options
  3270pc or pcat causes crash (crazyc)
- 06304: [Crash/Freeze] (mac.c) macse30: Crash when attempting to use any slot option for -pds030 (Osso)
- 06309: [Crash/Freeze] (mac.c) macsefd: Crash on Exit using -pds slot (Osso)
- 05534: [Crash/Freeze] (pc8001.c) All sets in pc8001.c: Crash after OK (Robbbert)
- 06324: [Crash/Freeze] (funkball.c) funkball: Fatal Error at Start (Osso)
- 06323: [Debugger] (psikyosh.c) gunbird2, s1945iii: Crash when attempting to use -cheat (AJR)
- 06313: [Crash/Freeze] (victor9k.c) Crash when using -fdc:5d:0 and -fdc:5d:1 slot with '525ssqd' option (Pernod)
- 06312: [Crash/Freeze] (osborne1.c) Crash when using -mb8877:0 and -mb8877:1 slot with '525sssd' option (Pernod)
- 06311: [Crash/Freeze] (myb3k.c) Crash when using -fdc:0 and -fdc:1 slot with '525sssd' option (Pernod)
- 06281: [Crash/Freeze] astrocde [280zzap]: 280Zzzap/Dodgem Cartridge Resets (Duke)

Source Changes
-Scorpion4 7segment displays mostly fixed [John Parker]

-Fixed coinage in Touchmaster 2000-8000 [MASH]

-z80scc: fix dropped character problem for sun4_75, and fix edge cases
 where datasheet recommendations are ignored allowing sun3/sun4 to
 recognise keyboard and hk68v10 to work with correct SCC clock
 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-pc9801: fixed mouse buttons [rzero9]

-coco3 improvements: [milliluk]
 * improve palettes and support alternate composite mode
 * GIME fix for scanlines in legacy graphic modes

-m6809: Improve debugging support for 6809/6309 cpus [milliluk]

-GNU/kFreeBSD support [stevenc99]

-Add arch defines for Linux alpha and mips64el. [Jordi Mallach]

-Take pkg-config path from env if defined [Bernhard Frauendienst]

-Name Neo-Geo AES, NeoGeo CD and FM Towns Marty buttons [Shideravan]

-Updated *nix man pages. [Cesare Falco]

-poisk1: unbreak after "Memory fun", add B623 sound card (skeleton) [shattered]

-r9751: Add save state support, document progress and clean up, add PROM
 version 4.2 [Brandon Munger]

-ym2151, ym2413: Isolate, objectify, integrate [O. Galibert]

-add Net-DIMM 3.03 firmware [letoram, gamerfan, Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Netlist improvements:  [Couriersud]
 * nltool now accepts -Ddefine=value to pass on to netlists
 * improved option handling and added "dummy" options to add grouping
    and examples in help output.
 * improved --cmd=listdevices output
 * Fix dynamic timestepping. This will work with breakout using real
    capacitor modelling instead of delay devices. Really slow, but
    very useful to calibrate timings.
 * Fix an awful bug in timing for delay devices.
 * Switched to clang 3.8 and made code compile with aggressive warnings.
    This exposed serious issues with implicit constructors.
 * Removed trampolines (OUTLOGIC, INPLOGIC and friends).
 * Started using doxygen comment and documentation style. Added
    doxygen files to documentation folder.
 * Refactored code triggered by doxygen output.
 * Moved internal and support classes into namespace detail.
 * Use an unordered map in parser.
 * Added iterators to pstring.
 * Moved two macros, added more RAII and improved exceptions. Fixed
    some bugs in parser code.
 * Fixed a number of bugs in parser code and exception handling.

-Forte Card: Switched the ver 110 (spanish) to parent set since it's a
 newer version. Also cleaned up the driver. [Roberto Fresca]

-Render module improvements: [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]
 * Direct3D HLSL: use aviwrite to record AVI movies
 * Cleanup patches for Direct3D renderer
 * BGFX: fix crash when bgfx effect folder is not present

-Fixed priority issues in Legionnaire, Heated Barrel, Denjin Makai and
 Godzilla [Angelo Salese]

-opwolf.cpp: fix all the gameplay problems by improving the c-chip
 protection simulation [Bryan McPhail]

-Miscellaneous modernisation: [Nathan Woods]
 * File create and format refactoring, better name/path validation
   (with POSIX implementation from Vas Crabb)
 * Use string objects in in core_file static functions, menu items,
    strconv functions, image device extensions and softlist classes
 * Consolide default implementation of create_option_guide()
 * Filesel cleanup
 * Migrate softlist code from simple_list to std::list

-Added crt-geom and crt-geom-deluxe shaders for bgfx including several
 aperture grille/shadow mask patterns (designed for RGB subpixel order)

-Added option hide ROMless machines from the availables list.
 [Maurizio Petrarota]

-sun4 updates:
 * Added SPARCStation 1+, 4/110, and 4/4x0 ROMs [Al Kossow]
 * SPARC CPU core fixes [Ryan Holtz, Vas Crabb]
 * Preliminary counter/timer support [R. Belmont]
 * Separated sun4 and sun4c, started implementing unique original sun4
    features. [R. Belmont]
 * Support both 8 and 16 context variants of sun4c arch [R. Belmont]
 * Improved original sun4 architecture support [R. Belmont]
 * Initial FDC hookup [Ryan Holtz]
 * Improved timers, logging - sun4_40 runs FORTH programs at ok
    prompt [Ryan Holtz]

-Add high-level emulation of Sun type 3/4/5/6 keyboards [Vas Crabb]
 * U.S.A, Great Britain, Sweden and Japan layouts for Type 5
 * Layout selection settings for Type 4 and Type 5
 * Identification selection for type 4
 * Adaptor for connecting to RS-232 port representing level translator
 * Hook up to sun3, sun4 and sun4c

-zeroteam: improve sprite/sprite priorities [AJR]

-feversoc.cpp: Hook up EEPROM; remap buttons, hook up lamps and serial RTC [AJR]

-denjinmk: hack sound comms to work without ROM patch [AJR]

-vt100.cpp: Add the older vt102/vt131 romset to the vt131 driver as
 another bios set [Lord Nightmare, Al Kossow]

-Corrected many Mahjong dip switches and settings [system11]
 * Fixes for: Mahjong Focus, Nozokimeguri Mahjong Peep Show,
    Mahjong Fantasic Love & Ojousan
 * Various Video System Mahjong dip switches

-Final enhancements to HP TACO driver [fulivi]

-Further IRQ passthrough cleanup [AJR]
 * Remove irq_line methods from M6502, M6800, M6809, S2600 and replace
    uses with DEVCB_INPUTLINE
 * Remove a few IRQ passthroughs from spiders.cpp
 * Add several aliases for M6800_IRQ_LINE

-Increase uismall.bdf coverage: [Vas Crabb]
 * Complete coverage of Latin Extended-A, most of Latin Extended-B
 * Monotonic Greek
 * Full ISO-8859-5 Cyrillic, many other Cyrillic characters
 * Half-width katakana
 * Some IPA Extensions

-UI refactoring: [Vas Crabb]
 * Move most main launch menu stuff out of the base menu class
 * Move some common code from selgame and selsoft into selmenu
 * Eliminate the troublesome static members in ui::menu
 * Eliminate some function statics
 * Move palette menu drawing code out of base into palette menu class
 * Use std::bind, references where nullptr is unacceptable, and const
    where appropriate
 * Improve encapsulation of class members
 * Reduce repeated string allocation in audit code
 * Don't play so fast and loose with integer types
 * Eliminate some expensive deep copies of vectors/maps
 * .h -> .ipp for things that aren't really headers
 * Remove members that have lifecycle associated with operation

-DPS1: system boots up, working [Robbbert]

-bankdev: pass through the debugger flag from the incoming space
 argument [R. Belmont]

-Apollo changes: [Hans Ostermeyer]
 * Keyboard mapping adjusted to fit current MAME
 * Fixed screen raw parameters
 * Fixed disp.dex Test 20 (Video SYNC Gen. Add. Test) for color

-3c505: The Ethernet frame check sequence is now appended to transmit
 data [Hans Ostermeyer]

-input_common: fixed 0.172 regression for non-US keyboards
 [Hans Ostermeyer]

-fix item hilighting in debugger state view when scrolling [Vas Crabb]

-Introduce validity checks for RGB utilities and fix bugs uncovered [Vas Crabb]
 * Fix rgbvmx on Linux ppc64 and ppc64le targets with GCC 5
 * Added several missing functions to rgbgen
 * Fixed logical shift right in rgbgen
 * Fixed sra that should be sra_imm in rdptpipe
 * Added some simple SSE4.1 optimisations in rgbsse
 * Re-organised rgbsse, rgbvmx and rgbgen to be in more logical order
 * Fixed return type on some modifying operators
 * Made some more reference parameters const
 * Removed inline qualifier from a number of methods as it's implied
    when body is present at declaration
 * Mark some constructors explicit

-null_modem: rtscts flow control + relevant fix to i8251 [shattered]

-Updated driver with new information related to ID and gamelist for
 tourvis.cpp  [system11, Tafoid]

-Fix archimedes disk format [O. Galibert]

-apple2: don't allow debugger to trigger slot switching [Peter Ferrie]

-tiamc1: Kot-Rybolov implemented sound, documentation updates [MetalliC]

-Tia-MC1 driver: Added support for KR580VV55A parallel peripheral
 interface (clone of i8255), added technical notes about some odd
 behaviour with some ports, listed the specs of Kot-Rybolov hardware,
 and added all clocks via #define. [Roberto Fresca]

-amstrad: fix undocumented mode 3. [Barry Rodewald]

-bbc: added monitor configuration (Colour, B&W, Green, Amber) and
 preliminary slots for expansion [Nigel Barnes]

-Flaming 7's, original custom hardware improvement: [Roberto Fresca]
 * Reverse-engineer protection to bypass the requested serial number.
    The iButton device still needs to be hooked. Promoted these games to
    working with their correspondent flags.
 * Added tech notes, comments and instructions to boot the machine for
    first time.

-Flaming 7's, Taiwanese hardware: Reverse-engineer protection to bypass
 the requested serial number. The iButton device still needs to be
 hooked. Promoted the game to working with its correspondent flags.
 Added technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]

-alto2: Hunting the jiggly cursor bug [Juergen Buchmueller]

-chihiro: added 837-13551 jvs input device, completed the communication
 with jvs devices through usb [Samuele Zannoli]

-chihiro: game crtaxihr "Crazy Taxi High Roller (Rev B)" boots too [Samuele Zannoli]

Translations added or modified
Chinese (simplified/traditional) [YuiFAN]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Japanese [Vas Crabb]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Ashura-X]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Swing Gal [BET] [system11]
Player's Choice (M4C1) [Blair Quinney, The Dumping Union]
Gorodki [shiru8bit, IgorR76, '15kop' arcade museum]
Kot Rybolov [MetalliC, shiru8bit, IgorR76, '15kop' arcade museum]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 50 Bonus) [Roberto Fresca]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 500 Bonus) [Roberto Fresca]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Main, 2000 Bonus) [Roberto Fresca]
Flaming 7 (Custom Hardware, Egyptian Gold, 2000 Bonus) [Roberto Fresca]
Flaming 7 (Taiwanese Hardware, unknown version) [Roberto Fresca]
TeleVideo 990 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow, Carl]
TeleVideo 995-65 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow, Carl]
Rainbow-100B [Bavarese]
MBC200 [Robbbert]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Beastie Feastie (Epos Tristar 9000 hardware) [The Iron Goat]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 3) [IronGiant]
LTM Portable (B+) [Nigel Barnes]
LTM Portable (Master) [Nigel Barnes]
Bubble Trouble (World, Rev B) [Alex Cmaylo, The Dumping Union]
Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (set 2) [anonymous]
Operation Thunderbolt (World, rev 1) [Muddymusic, The Dumping Union]
Digital Equipment Corporation VT240 [Carl]
Elektronika MC7105 [Shattered]
Intergirl [f205v]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Tomy Prin-C [TeamEurope]
Datamax 8000 [Robbbert]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
BT Merlin M2105  [Nigel Barnes]

New WORKING software list additions
pc98_cd.xml: Final batch of additions [rzero9]
pce_tourvision.xml: Added a number of new dumps (15) [system11, Tafoid]
poisk1_flop.xml: Added basic softlist [shattered]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
gamate.xml: Volcano Panic [Juan Felix Mateos and Mr. Postman]
gamate.xml: Hot Hero; Baseball [Peter Wilhelmsen]
gba_ereader.xml: Starting work doing the GBA e-reader software-list [Shideravan]


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2016, 16:16

Change Log

    added: supporting crc32 collisions within sets (equal crc32, different sha1/md5)
    added: missing/total chds column for profiler and htmlReport
    fixed: having set folders and archives can create wrong missing roms messages (mainly on Linux/ext4)
    fixed: unneeded chds are not showing up if nothing of the set exists
    fixed: MAME -listxml output was not taking changed temporary folder into account
    misc: slight rebuilder speed update for rebuilding separated bios files
    misc: updated unrar dll to 5.40.4
    misc: compiled with VS Studio 2015 Update 3

Vista/Windows7/8/10 user note:

If you install cmpro to a protected folder like C:\program files\, you have to set the compatibility properties of cmpro.exe to 'run this program as administrator' to work correctly or you have to disable UAC. In other folders it should work fine without setting this property and without the need of disabling UAC.

Linux WINE/Mac Crossover user note:

If you got problems with the main window, set the option 'Adv_HideWindow = off' in cmpro.ini. In case you don't have a cmpro.ini yet, create one with the following two lines:
Adv_HideWindow = off

Windows 9x/XP Users:

Update your OS!


Titel: GameEx 14.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2016, 21:21
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Titel: GameEx 14.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2016, 18:15
Whats new:>>

This release adds official wheel logo image support.
Also fixes an issue where downloading form emumovies would not show media if paths to media were not set.

Titel: GameEx 14.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2016, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adds proper support for logo images in image list / grid view. This makes the recent community logos project redundant.

Fixes media content not showing if no paths set. This makes EmuMovies in built sync support completely transparent and a no brainer. Just set your emumovies login and no need to set paths to meda

Titel: clrmamepro 4.030a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2016, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Fixing the scanner speed regression on crc32 hash collision sets.

Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2016, 19:20
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

 Open Source

Latest Changes

- SS: Settings "ss.dbg_mask" and "ss.dbg_exe_cdpath", and the functionality they control, are no longer available unless Mednafen has been compiled with "MDFN_SS_DEV_BUILD" defined(such as with -DMDFN_SS_DEV_BUILD=1 in CPPFLAGS env var passed to configure)
- SS: Replaced some instances of case ranges with more portable constructs

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.177
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2016, 13:20


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00550: [Graphics] (atarisy2.c) apb: There is a graphics problem with
  your police car at the point you drive away from your starting
  square. (crazyc)
- 01455: [DIP/Input] (segas18.c) lghost: Problem with crosshair (Pitou)
- 05584: [Gameplay] (konamigx.c) rungun2, slamdnk2: during run mame
  produces several messages about unknown protection command (Tafoid)
- 05823: [Core] (coco12.c) -ramsize does nothing for emulation although
  it does change the .ini file (Nathan Woods)
- 06185: [DIP/Input] LIGHTGUNS: Aimtrak Dual Lightguns no longer
  properly detect (Pitou)
- 06269: [Debugger] DEBUGGER: Unable to use any valid cheats while
  using debug (Ryan Holtz)
- 06292: [Crash/Freeze] (victor9k.c) victor9k [cpm86]: Freeze with
  'cpm86' disk (Curt Coder)
- 06314: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using '-centronics p72'
  slot/option (Ryan Holtz)
- 06315: [Crash/Freeze] Fatal error - All sets using c4023, c1526,
  mps802 devices (Ryan Holtz)
- 06316: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
  'ibm_mfc' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06317: [Crash/Freeze] (pc1512.c) pc1512, pc1512dd, pc1512hd10: Use of
  '3c503' slot option causes Fatal error (Ryan Holtz)
- 06326: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.c) megadriv, 32x and clones, some
  segac2.c sets: Selecting machine and game via softlist though
  internal menu results exception/crash (Osso)
- 06328: [Crash/Freeze] Various ISA using machines: Crash/Exception at
  Initialization (crazyc)
- 06330: [Crash/Freeze] (altos5.c) altos5: Crash/.Exception on
  start (crazyc)
- 06331: [Crash/Freeze] (apollo.c) dn3500_19i, dsp3000, dsp3500,
  dsp5500: Crash/Exception on start (Osso)
- 06332: [Graphics] (galaga.c) digdug and clones: Graphics from
  Tilemap 0 are missing (Osso)
- 06335: [Interface] UI:: Input (general) selection menus do not
  display correctly or at all (Vas Crabb)
- 06342: [Crash/Freeze] pc (pccga): System crashing while
  loading (crazyc)
- 06343: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.c) plottingu: Coinage dipswitches are
  labeled incorrectly. (Tafoid)
- 06349: [Gameplay] brapboys: MAME crashed when exiting
  game (O. Galibert)
- 06352: [Crash/Freeze] (cps1.c) mbombrd, mbombrdj: Crash in
  demonstration mode (Osso)

Source Changes

-maygay1b: [David Haywood]
 * Fixed second set of lamps
 * Partially investigated MCU hookup

-apple2gs.cpp: Redumped 341-0748 FE-FF ROM for the ROM03 Apple IIGS,
 confirming that 341-0748 and 341-0749 ROMs are identical.
 [Brian Troha]

-mpu4.cpp: Added all known expansions as fragments for DRIVER_INIT.
 This will permit 'per set' configuration to make the games
 playable. [James Wallace]

-naomi.cpp: Added all known Sega DIMM board firmware dumps. [TylerDurden67]

-amstrad.cpp: Added pause button to GX4000. [Barry Rodewald]

-debugimgui: Added images menu, with crude file select dialog, added
 very crude create image dialog. [Barry Rodewald]

-ALTOS5: Fixed banking, all disks can boot. [Robbbert]

-Renamed the arcade "sun" project to avoid conflict with the mess "sun"
 project [Robbbert]

-Playmatic Pinball: All MPU-1 games working, plus other WIP. [Robbbert]

-MK14: [Robbbert]
 * Fixed a memory bug.
 * Added paste facility, cassette, sound, and notes.

-Pro-80: Added devices. [Robbbert]

-Separated the LDP-1450 laserdisc player into its own device
 [James Wallace]

-Added support for MPU4 layouts for games beginning with 'a', based on
 MFME2MAME conversion. CHR protection data is still not hooked up for
 many of these sets, so lamping behaviour is incorrect. [James Wallace]

-Dumped Ferrari F355 Japan BIOS. [ShouTime]

-Fixed TNZS ROM locations/labels [Brian A. Troha, Lord Nightmare]

-hiscore.dat: updates [Leezer]

-Various netlist fixes: [couriersud]
 * Minor include cleanup
 * Fixed a memory hole caused by assign operators
 * More C++
 * Use noexcept in netlist code where appropriate

-abc80x: Fixed ABC-838 disk image cell size. [Curt Coder]

-c64: Optimized the 1541 bit read/write function slightly without
 noticable effect on driver speed, since the 2 CIA's are the current
 bottlenecks. [Curt Coder]

-compis improvements: [Curt Coder]
 * Created a bus for the graphics card slot
 * Fixed keyboard
 * Promoted driver to working
 * Fixed RTC to use 24 hour mode

-victor9k improvements: [Curt Coder]
 * Set floppy RPM after track step
 * Implemented hires graphics
 * Implemented display brightness control
 * Fixed keyboard line Y12
 * Implemented SCP communications
 * Boots to CP/M and MS-DOS now - promoted driver to working

-pofo improvements: [Curt Coder]
 * Implemented the A: credit card memory
 * Fixed the RTC
 * Added memory card slot interface and ROM/RAM cards

-im6402: Reset receive/transmit registers after data frame is changed
 [Curt Coder]

-wangpc improvements: [Curt Coder]
 * Fixed interrupt handling - boots to DOS now
 * Fixed keyboard error on POST

-Fixed missing region report when DEVICE_SELF is used. [O. Galibert]

-dirom: device_rom_interface for sound chips with rom/memory map
 alternative [O. Galibert]
 * Make robust for oversize ROMs

-dirom,okim6295: Added/fixed banking support. [O. Galibert]

-Preliminary VGM player (vgmplay) [O. Galibert]

-kaneko_calc3: Stop trashing memory. [O. Galibert]

-Fairlight CMI IIx driver: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Modernization of Phil's CMI IIx driver
 * Hooked up serial callbacks, alphanumeric keyboard now works
 * Fixed FDC DMA, QDOS now boots
 * Fixed MSM5832 RTC hookup
 * Hook up second floppy

-vgmplay.cpp enhancement: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Added HuC6280, NES APU, Gameboy DMG, YM2203, YM3812, YM3526,
   AY-3-8910, Namco C352, Sega MultiPCM, Konami K053260, Atari POKEY
   and Oki M6295 support.
 * Added support for looping.
 * Added dual-chip support for AY-3-8910, YM2203, MultiPCM, and

-tv990/995: Added save state support and LPT port. [R. Belmont]

-tv950: New redumps, fleshed out the skeleton, needs a CRTC expert to
 draw anything. [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]

-ti99 improvements: [Michael Zapf]
 * Fixed stuck INT line in TMS9902
 * Improved logging
 * Fixed missed CTS signal, outgoing RTS, incoming DTR
 * Fixed RS232 line mapping
 * Fixed debugger access to cartridge
 * Use proper RAM devices instead of ROM_REGIONS
 * Fix a problem with formatted disk images that do not match the
    expected file size
 * Fixed another issue with double stepping

-ti99_dsk: Fixed issue with deleted data marks in FM. [Michael Zapf]

-hdc92x4: Added 9224 emulation. [Michael Zapf]

-Added PC-AT mode (still untested), some preparations for 9224
 emulation. [Michael Zapf]

-floppy: Improved floppy sound emulation with new sound samples.
 [Michael Zapf]

-Funworld driver: Added technical notes to Inter Games poker.
 [Roberto Fresca]

-Jolly Card (Austrian, set 2):
 * Added specs [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
 * Added GAL16V8S dump [Team Europe, caius]

-Jolly Joker (Apple Time): Added technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-Amatic multigames: Corrected technical notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-alto2 improvements: [Juergen Buchmueller]:
 * Added speaker sound
 * Further cleanup and removed cruft
 * Get rid of the fake status display. Refactor mouse positioning code.
 * Removed extra screen buffer
 * Save copying odd/even frame scanlines by immediately updating bitmap
 * Fixed I/O memory read
 * Reduced frame rate (really 30 frames/60 fields per second)
 * Replaced decoded MIR bit fields
 * Removed member function pointers
 * Refactored videotiming, use attoseconds_t

-apricot improvements: [Dirk Best]
 * Moved expansion bus to its own directory
 * Created bus interface for the keyboard interface
 * Made HLE keyboard emulation a bus device
 * Use device_buffered_serial_interface and
    device_matrix_keyboard_interface for the HLE keyboard emulation to
    reduce duplication and implement a FIFO
 * Added rtc support to keyboard

-Keyboard/terminal improvements: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added base classes for HLE matrix keyboard and buffered RS232 device
 * Made generic keyboard/terminal more usable: configurable typematic
    delay/rate, selectable JIS/ANSI layout, handle simultaneous
    keypresses more intuitively, use meta to set high bit, configurable
    auto LF on CR, auto CR on LF and local echo, audible bell
 * Untangled Olivetti M20 keyboard from generic_keyboard, add notes, use
    physical layout
 * Untangled RM Nimbus keyboard from generic_keyboard aand fix -natural
 * Untangled x68k keyboard from generic_keyboard, improve key names,
    default mapping and typematic behaviour
 * Untangled QX-10 keyboard from generic_keyboard
 * Kept NGEN keyboard barely working

-Rewrote srcclean to be cool with UTF-8, C++14 and Lua. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed UTF-16 encode, pass UTF-16 to Windows character drawing. [Vas Crabb]

-Made path_iterator copy search path to fix use-after-free [Vas Crabb]

-devfind improvements: [Vas Crabb]
 * Made object finders behave like pointers (not pointer/reference/
    vector) hybrids
 * Removed some default argument values and dangerous accessors
 * Use single uniform class for object array finders, using real arrays
    to avoid double indirection
 * Use a format string to allow more flexible tag names in object array
 * Use template using typedefs to greatly reduce bolerplate code
 * Consolidated template instantiations speeding up the build
 * Added Doxygen comments to many key classes

-Fixed cosmic.cpp and mpu4.cpp games that had too few tags passed to
 I/O port array finder [Vas Crabb]

-dooyong.cpp: Video improvements: [Vas Crabb]
 * Mix two 4bpp tilemaps for the 8bpp layer in popbingo
 * Made ROM tilemap generator into a device, moving a whole lot of stuff
    from video start to machine config and removing trampolines
 * Changed tile/sprite ROM regions to be 16-bit to better match hardware
 * Represent 16-bit text layer block on Z80 games as a device
 * Split up state classes some more and use derived machine configs

-Fixed regression: using IPT_START in sms makes mame think joypad 1 is
 occupied and inserts joypad 2&3 instead of joypad 1&2 [hap]

-dotrikun improvements: [hap]
 * Much better video timing, but still shows glitches in ccovell's ROM
 * eat_cycles clamps to 0, adjust_icount does do what I intended
 * Try another method for video timing

-gx4000: Don't use IPT_KEYBOARD for console pause button. [hap]

-al520ex: Use correct key name for tvordiy znak. [hap]

-hh_tms1k: Gamelist notes update. [hap]

-hh_hmcs40: Added sag internal artwork (external artwork still
 recommended). [hap]

-tlcs90: Fixed a nonsense check. [hap]

-chessmst: Added reset and halt buttons. [hap]

-champbasjb: Fixed MAME complaining about missing MCU device, correct
 romlabels. [hap]

-lghost: Allow gun offset correction to be disabled. [hap]

-tiamc1: Tilemap bit layers disable control. [MetalliC]

-i8080: Fixed status callbacks during stack and IO access [MetalliC]

-vector06: Improvements: [MetalliC]
  * RAM expansion emulated, MicroDOS and software works now
  * Fixed ROM cartridge address decoding, boots now
  * Changed to use KR1818VG93 FDC
  * Added "Sound Tracker" and "R-Sound" AY8910 sound
  * Added pit8253 sound
  * Fixed vblank interrupt generation

-cv1k.cpp: Found and corrected bad bits in Pink Sweets U2 graphics ROMs
 based on comparison 4 dumped versions. [MetalliC, rtw]

-aica: Added ADPCM diff value clamp based on encoder research.
 [kode54, MetalliC]

-hp9845: Added correct character generator ROMs. [fulivi, A.Kueckes]

-Use emumem.h defines whenever possible. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba: Reworked and simplified code. [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba: First batch of code refactorings: [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]
  * Attempt at modernizing the code by taking advantage of C++ features

-Made hiscore path configurable by ini file, fix .hi file path
 resolution. [stengun]

-Fixed Gun#2 not working in MAME #618 [Pitou]

-Fixed read case in kaneko_calc3.cpp and made kaneko_toybox.cpp safe as
 well. [David Haywood]

-Various Seibu Refactoring: [David Haywood]
  * Air Raid, Street Fight and Dark Mist all use very similar video
     systems;this takes some steps towards allowing a common
  * Street Fight and Cross Shooter use a common mmainboard wiht
     different Video Boards; makes video boards into devices to
     faciliate this

-Put DM01 matrix board CPU inside device for BFM Sc2/4. [David Haywood]

-Maygay M1A, MCU bones, commuication not hooked up yet. [David Haywood]

-Fixed many MPU4 set descriptions: [David Haywood]
 * Identify and mark hacks
 * Associate sets with correct games
 * Treat Casino Bar-gain and Bar-gain as different games

-Treat Sc2 DMD as screen, avoid tag lookups, add correct DMD ROM to some
 sets [David Haywood]

-Maygay M1A/B partial fix for lamp mapping: [John Parker]
  * Fix the lamp mapping for the first half of the matrix
  * Fix typo and add comment to function that is intended to handle the
     second half of the matrix

-Added layouts to Maygay driver: [John Parker]
 * These are generated, and will be updated as I MFME2MAME converter is
    improved, reels are transcribed, etc.
 * m1albsqp, m1apollo2, m1bargnc, m1bghou, m1bigdel, m1calypsa,
    m1casclb, m1casroy1, m1chain, m1cik51o, m1clbfvr, m1cluecb1,
    m1cluedo4, m1cluessf, m1coro21n, m1dkong91n, m1dxmono51o,
    m1eastndl, m1eastqv3, m1fantfbb, m1fightb , m1frexplc, m1gladg,
    m1grescb, m1hotpoth, m1htclb, m1imclb, m1infern, m1inwinc,
    m1itjobc, m1itskob, m1jpmult, m1lucknon, m1luxorb, m1manhat,
    m1monclb, m1mongam, m1monmon, m1monou, m1nhp, m1nudbnke, m1omega,
    m1onbusa, m1przeeb, m1retpp, m1search, m1sptlgtc, m1startr,
    m1taknot, m1thatlfc, m1topstr, m1triviax, m1trtr, m1ttcash,
    m1wldzner, m1wotwa

-Added new Scorpion 1 layouts: [John Parker]
  * sc1barcd, sc1bartk, sc1cl65, sc1clbtma, sc1cwcl, sc1dblch, sc1pwrl,
     sc1sirb, sc1spct, sc1str4

-Scorpion 2: Added 12 internal layouts: [John Parker]
  * sc2ptytm1, sc2cpe, sc2casr2, sc2majes, sc2eggs1, sc2prom, sc2cpg,
     sc2copcl7, sc2town2, sc2suprz1, sc2heypr, sc2prem2

-Scorpion 4: Added 35x Layouts. [John Parker]

-Scorpion 4: Added 73 Layouts. [John Parker]
  * sc4jack, sc4kalei, sc4knokb, sc4lirb, sc4lined, sc4lockb, sc4lkbcl,
     sc4mmmg, sc4mgr, sc4mtbb, sc4mtbclb, sc4monoba, sc4mondxe,
     sc4mr2rc, sc4motor, sc4mou, sc4nmtj, sc4nudita, sc4pacqpa,
     sc4paccl, sc4pstata, sc4pgold, sc4po8, sc4ppclb, sc4pipe, sc4plumb,
     sc4polic, sc4pony, sc4potsha, sc4pwrbq, sc4pwrsg, sc4pen1c,
     sc4qmodo, sc4quidrb, sc4rhxcsa, sc4rhxcl, sc4redsq, sc4rotc,
     sc4revod, sc4richl, sc4rttt, sc4roksc, sc4rogds, sc4rmo, sc4rtc,
     sc4srrca, sc4smk7, sc4slci, sc4solgl, sc4slihd, sc4sparkd,
     sc4sbust, sc4starpk, sc4strk, sc4sahed, sc4susk, sc4suscl, sc4s6cd,
     sc4taekw, sc4takcl, sc4tempt, sc4lions, sc4tic2, sc4tbana,
     sc4tload, sc4tpshta, sc4trail, sc4ttomb, sc4tridn, sc4tfclb,
     sc4vrgclb, sc4wldjkc, sc4xmarka

-JPM IMPACT: Added 58 layouts. [John Parker]
  * j6aceclb, j6acehi, j6amdrm, j6arcadee, j6big50, j6bigbukc,
     j6bigtopa, j6bnkrcl, j6bnza, j6btbwd, j6camelt, j6casclaf,
     j6cascze, j6colcsh, j6cpal, j6crack, j6drdogh, j6euphor, j6ewn,
     j6fastfr, j6ffce, j6frtpot, j6gidogh, j6gldclb, j6gogold,
     j6goldgla, j6guabc, j6guabcl, j6hapyhrb, j6impulsc, j6indyi, j6kfc,
     j6kungfud, j6megbck, j6mono60, j6monst, j6montlkb, j6oxobin,
     j6quick, j6ra, j6redarwf, j6reelmn, j6rh6cld, j6rhchil, j6rico,
     j6rollerd, j6slagng, j6snakes, j6stards, j6swpdrp, j6tombc,
     j6topflg, j6twst, j6untch, j6vindal, j6vivark, j6wizardd, j6wldkng

-MPU3: Added 39 layouts. [John Parker]
  * m3acech, m3autort, m3biggam, m3bigsht, m3blkhle, m3cabreta, m3chase,
     m3circle, m3cskill, m3cunlim, m3fortun, m3gcrown, m3gmine,
     m3lineup, m3loony, m3nnice, m3oddson, m3online, m3oxo, m3ratrce,
     m3razdaza, m3replay, m3rockpl, m3rollem, m3rxchng, m3sexcu,
     m3slight, m3snaphp, m3spoof, m3supadr, m3supnud, m3supspo,
     m3supwin, m3sweep, m3tfair, m3toplin, m3winagnb, m3winstr, m3xchngg

-Scorpion 4: Mostly fixed 7-segment displays. [John Parker]

-Maygay: Fixed input strobe order bug [John Parker]

-Updated regenerated Maygay layouts; all now initialise OK.
  [John Parker]
  * Updated due to Converter bugfixes.

-Maygay: Added/updated layouts: [John Parker]
  * Layouts have the new 'MFME2MAME Debug View'
  * Layouts have new fix (same as MPU4) for 'coin slot buttons'
  * Some reel lamp improvement for 5th reel
  * Added four new layouts

-JPM MPS: Added 89 Layouts: [John Parker]
  * j2adnote, j2always, j2bankch, j2bigbnk, j2bigbox, j2blustr,
     j2cashbn, j2cashrl, j2cashro, j2cashrv, j2cashtk, j2coinsh,
     j2coppot, j2cprndx, j2criscr, j2crown, j2cshalm, j2cshcrd,
     j2cshfil, j2cshnud, j2cshsmh, j2cvault, j2droplt, j2ewn, j2ews,
     j2exec, j2fasttk, j2fiveal, j2fiveln, j2fqueen, j2frucnx,
     j2fullhs, j2fws, j2ghostb, j2gldchy, j2goldbr, j2hilocl, j2hinote,
     j2hiroll, j2hitmon, j2hotpot, j2hotsht, j2hypnot, j2jackbr,
     j2kingcl, j2litean, j2litnot, j2lovshd, j2lovsht, j2luckar,
     j2lucky2, j2maxima, j2missis, j2monblt, j2mongam, j2montrp,
     j2nolimt, j2notesh, j2nudbnz, j2nudfev, j2nudmon, j2nudshf,
     j2paypkt, j2penny, j2plsmnd, j2plsnud, j2pndrsh, j2rdclb,
     j2reelbn, j2reelbo, j2reelcz, j2reelmc, j2reelmo, j2silvcl,
     j2silvsh, j2sldgld, j2slvrgh, j2spcrsv, j2sstrea, j2stahed,
     j2supfrc, j2suprsh, j2supsft, j2supstp, j2suptrk, j2swbank,
     j2take2, j2trail, j2tstplt

-JPM SYSTEM5: Added 21 layouts: [John Parker]
  * j5ar80cla, j5cira, j5fairp, j5firebl, j5hollyc, j5hotdoga,
     j5indsum, j5intr, j5movie, j5nite, j5palma, j5popeye, j5sizl,
     j5supbara, j5suphi, j5swop, j5term, j5topshp, j5trail, j5ujb,

-BFM DMD: Adjusted to more accurately match the colour of the real
 machines [John Parker]

-Techno Drive improvements [superctr]
  * Fix H8 ADC inputs
  * Sub CPU seems to expect certain H8 SCI behavior, otherwise it locks
     up after a few minutes making controls unresponsive.
  * Bypassed 'COIN ERROR' at bootup by patching the sub CPU program
  * Swapped 'th1fl3l.12' and 'th1fl3u.13' and placed them at proper
     memory location (0x1800000) so game no longer crashes at Namco logo

-namconb1: fix sound timing for some games [superctr]
  * fixes the sound tempo in nebulray, gslugrsj, gslgr94u and clones,
     and vshoot.

-Byteswapped timecris sample ROM, remove MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND flags
 for C352 games. [superctr]

-Namco C352 improvements: [superctr]
  * Replaced C352 core with new one used in VGMPlay (fixes noise
     generation and sample interpolation)
  * Change clock frequencies for sub CPU and sound chip for
     System 12/23 drivers based on my research on the sound drivers,
     including a comparison between the ND-1 and System 12 drivers
  * Removed rear channels for systems that lack a second Sanyo
     LC78815M stereo DAC

-kim1: RS & ST keys, input ports update: [Dagarman]
  * Hooked up the ST key and updated RS key function
  * Updated INPUT_PORTS to add numpad keys and better support pasting
  * Moved type definitions to kim1.h
  * Simplified kim1.lay coordinates

-Documented 3 diagnostic menu bugs in the Vii's BIOS.

-Fixed action on debugger 'trace'/'traceover' commands: [Nathan Woods]
  * 'trace'/'traceover' commands were registered as having three
     arguments, this fixes it so there are four arguments

-Fixed some MC6847 low resolution video modes: [Nathan Woods]
  * Fixed a bug from where video data was sampled that could cause too
     many samples to be loaded in low resolution video modes
  * On the CoCo, this fixes some low resolution video modes used by
     Project Nebula and some other games

-CoCo 1/2: Fixed configurable RAM sizes: [Nathan Woods]
  * Changes the 6883 SAM implementation to assume memory bank lengths
     smaller than available space are not mirrored

-Made rom_entry a class that keeps copies of strings: [Nathan Woods]
  * Also introduce a POD tiny_rom_entry for static ROM definitions
  * C++-fiied code that iterates over rom_entry arrays

-diimage refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
  * Changed device_image_interface::load() so that it doesn't load both
     images and softlist items
  * Remove vestigial has_been_created() API
  * Consolidated error code translation
  * Use std::string rather than C strings in more cases
  * Better encapsulation of format list
  * Better encapsulation of filename extension extraction

-software list refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
  * Separation of software list data structure from runtime device
  * Use std::string rather than C strings in many cases
  * Standardized terminology for various concepts

-Converted many NUL-terminated strings to std::string: [Nathan Woods]
  * Parameters to zippath and emufile
  * menu_software_list::m_filename_buffer

-Check return value of CassetteLegacyWaveFiller.chunk_sample_calc()
 (this is just better error checking). [Nathan Woods]

-Changed device_image_interface::determine_open_plan() to not create an
 image unless device_image_interface::create() is used.  This fixes odd
 behavior where zero byte images could be created. [Nathan Woods]

-Report Win32 ERROR_INVALID_NAME as osd_file::error::NOT_FOUND
 [Nathan Woods]

-Fixed menu lag. [dankan1890]

-Use required_ioport_array for multiple keyboards. [shattered]

-ec1841: Adapted to new memory system. [shattered]

-mc1502: Made serial test in BIOS work. [shattered]

-poisk1, mc1502: Minor fixes. [shattered]

-vt240: Fixed host comms when flow control is enabled. [shattered]

-dvk_ksm: Fixed host comms, added PORT_CHARs to its keyboard.

-dvk_ksm: Dropped dvk_ksm01 variant and merged ROM sets; enabled tx to
 its keyboard. [shattered]

-ms7004: Enabled serial rx and add PORT_CHARs. [shattered]

-keyboard: Added F16..F20 keys (present on DEC terminals). [shattered]

-isa_hdc: Implemented READSBUFF command (used by ec1841 diagnostics).

-Remapped "P1 Mahjong Score" to / key for OS X. [AJR]

-New core input type: "Memory Reset": [AJR]
  * Resets settings/bookkeeping to system-provided default
  * The default key binding F1

-Designated more memory reset inputs in mahjong games. [AJR]

-dynax.cpp: Regularized service inputs. [AJR]

-Attempted to fix distortion with -refreshspeed and -audio xaudio2.

-New stretching options (as suggested by Jezze): [Calamity]
  * New option -unevenstretchy (complementary to -unevenstretchx)
  * New option -autostretchxy, to automatically apply -unevenstretchx
     or -unevenstretchy based on source native orientation.

-Warp mode for relative mouse on OSX SDL 2.0.4 (fixes Github issue
 #1232). [bradhugh]

-sengokmj: Inputs refined based on examination of program code: [AJR]
  *  All service inputs are momentary switches, not DIP toggles
  *  Added unused SW2 DIPs as displayed in service mode
  *  Added a couple of obscure inputs not shown in service mode

-pwrkick, othldrby: Various improvements: [AJR]
  * Added NVRAM to Power Kick and Othello Derby; document the reset
     mechanism for the latter
  * Added ticket dispenser to Power Kick (seems to work for the most part)
  * Removed numerous bogus DIP switches
  * Thoroughly reconfigured coin inputs in Power Kick, adding counters
     and lockouts for all three (including the "Key In" input that
     really isn't)
  * More meaningful settings for the "Payout" DIP switch in Power Kick
     (based on program code)

-skylncr.cpp: Improvements to almost all games: [AJR]
  * Use standard input mappings in all games except Sonik Fighter
  * Added working hopper outputs and payout buttons
  * Promoted mbutrfly to WORKING after solving the protection (the code
     wasn't encrypted) and add the button lamps internally associated
     with it
  * Decrypted bdream97, which is almost working now with obvious
     graphical glitches and some apparent input problems

-kurukuru, ppj: Input/output improvements: [AJR]
  * Ticket dispenser now works
  * Corrected "Payout Mode" DIP settings
  * Corrected DSW1 settings in Pyon Pyon Jump
  * Renamed coin inputs and coin-related DIP switches and order by
      increasing denomination
  * Removed "Unknown" inputs that aren't actually used
  * Full character names only for Kuru Kuru Pyon Pyon
  * Reset button now mapped as "Memory Reset"
  * Random notes based on program code

-Show color values in palette viewer: [AJR]
  * Move the mouse over a color rectangle to show index and RGB values
  * For indirect pens, index of the corresponding color is also shown
  * For colors in normal RAM-based palettes, the raw value in memory is
     also shown (does not currently work with most buffered palettes,
     and is incompatible with PROM-based or RAMDAC-based palettes)

-Validity checking improvements: [AJR]
  * Always print the name of each driver with -validate -verbose before
     check to help detect crashes
  * Softlists get validated the first time, not every time but the
  * Make address maps complain when entry bounds lie outside the global

-Midway V-Unit imrprovements: [Risugami]
 * Added layouts for Cruis'n USA, Cruis'n World, and Off Road Challenge
 * Added wheel force feedback reference and made notes on other outputs
 * Finished implementing the Galil command communication
 * Finished implementing motion controller

-Decrypted River Patrol (Japan), game now working. [MASH]

-Fixed PROMs in Dribbling (dumped a Dribbling PCB with different
 PROMs). [f205v, MASH]

-Added missing PAL dump to Green Beret (bootleg). [MASH]
  * Same PAL dump also in suprmriobl, drhl and ddragon6809a

-Added video proms to Turkey Shoot and Mystic Marathon. [MASH]

-Fixed arcade only build (cshooter.cpp changed to airraid.cpp). [MASH]

-Added proper SMT Flash dumps to deluxe4u. [system11]

-dynax.cpp: dumped color PROMs for Intergirl [f205v]

-arkanoid.cpp: Cleaned up comments; updated notes about which MCUs are
 used. [Lord Nightmare]

-Synchronise with PinMAME and add many new pinball sets [Osso]

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Alto-II [Juergen Buchmueller]
TeleNova Compis [Curt Coder]
Atari Portfolio [Curt Coder]
Victor 9000 [Curt Coder]
Wang Professional Computer [Curt Coder]
Vector 06c [MetalliC]
Intergirl [f205v]
Magical Butterfly (version U350C, protected) [AJR]
River Patrol (Japan) [MASH]
Techno Drive (Japan, TD/VER.B) [superctr]
Select-A-Game: Baseball 4 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Select-A-Game: Pinball [hap, Kevin Horton]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Compis II [Curt Coder]
The NewZealand Story (US, old version) (older PCB)
  [CoolMod, The Dumping Union]
Metamorphic Force (ver AAA) [Abelardo Vidal]
Virtua Cop 3 (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]
Air Gallet (older) [Artemio Urbina]
Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Japan, FD1094 317-0039)
  [Charles MacDonald, ShouTime]
Deluxe 4 U (ver. 0107, 07/01/2000) [caius]
Dealer's Choice (E4A1) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev LG1 11/04/91) [Bicycle Repairman]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (Japan) (Rev A) (GDX-0011A) [ShouTime, rtw]
Casino Five (3315-02, U5-2B) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Japan) (Rev A) [ShouTime, rtw]
Jolly Card (Austrian, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Golden Tee '98 Tournament (v3.02) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Europe, set 2)
  [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (US 4 Players, version H) [The Iron Goat]
Gulf Storm (Korea) [system11]
Champion Base Ball (Japan set 3) [Siftware, MASH]
Escape from Mars (bootleg of Lunar Rescue) [Siftware, MASH]
New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [caius]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
CMI IIx [Ryan Holtz]
Quest of D [f205v]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder
  [any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 Card Builder Ver.2.02
  [any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder [f205v, soyandroid]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Check Disk
  [any, f205v, ShouTime, rtw]
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Card Builder Ver.2.10
  [any, f205v, ShouTime, soyandroid, rtw]
Ring & Ball (?) [Hammy]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev B)
  [ShouTime, rtw]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev B)
  [ShouTime, rtw]
Tandy/Memorex Video Information System MD-2500 [Carl, Sly DC]
Select-A-Game: Space Invader 2 [hap, Kevin Horton]
Unknown Inter Games poker [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 1 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Unknown Funworld A0-1 game [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Multi Game I (unknown V2.4) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Jolly Joker (Apple Time) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Jungler (Subelectro, bootleg on Scramble hardware)
  [Andrew Welburn]
Unknown Funworld A7-11 game 2 [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (Japan) (Rev B) [ShouTime, rtw]

New WORKING software list additions
pc98_cd.xml: added more disks + FM Towns hybrids [rzero9]
fmtowns_cd.xml: new dumps [rzero9]
coco_cart.xml: Switched 'cclimbra' to 'cclimber'. [Nathan Woods]
pofo.xml: Dumped the File Manager/Tutorial card. [Curt Coder]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
gba_ereader.xml: Animal Crossing Series 2 [Shideravan]

Translations added or modified
Catalan [Jordi Mallach]
Spanish [A.Viloria]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2016, 04:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.



EL was trying to get emulator version info from batch files, something impossible; it only works if you select a .exe file as emulator filename
Tweak: zipped image filenames are now the same as MAME's default image folder names; "uMain.GetImgZipFileName()" function
Updated frontend docs files, specially "docs\el-quick-setup-quide.txt" that had wrong/missing information
Parsing MAME .ini files array detection was a little bugged (mame.ini, drivername.ini, biosname.ini, gamename.ini, etc)
- last file in the array was not being read at all... the most important file with final settings (MAME settings screen)
- file "arcade.ini" was being read for software list games
- files "console.ini", "computer.ini", "othersys.ini" were being read for arcade games/machines
- added a "MaxIniCountMAME" constant for easier tracking
Folder of record input files and the "-statename" parameter for software list games were wrong. They must be saved in a "machinename" sub-folder because an input file (and save state) from one machine is not compatible with a different machine
- MSX1 machine name "expert11"; file "mame_inpdir\expert11\msx1_cart\gooniesb.inp" cannot be loaded in the MSX 1 machine "cf3300"
- MSX1 machine name "expert11"; file "mame_savestatedir\expert11\msx1_cart\gooniesb\gooniesb-slot1.sta" cannot be loaded in the MSX 1 machine "cf3300"
Menu item shortcut (right-align) was not aligned correctly due to shortcut text font being 1 pixel smaller than menu text
A bunch of "Date/Time" texts replaced by "Date Modified"
From now on, if the MAME version cannot be extracted, EL will assume you're using the latest MAME build; this is necessary to prevent further frontend corruption
When running software list games, the -snapname and -statename parameters on "mame.ini" are ignored and modified by the frontend, so game snapshots and save state files are created on proper folders... adding "\machine_name\softlist_name\gamename\" sub-folders to the full path, parsed from "mame.ini"
- run game "gooniesb" from "msx1_cart" software list and "expert11" machine, save state files will be saved in "mame_statedir\expert11\msx1_cart\gooniesb\0.sta"
- run same game above and take a screenshot, the file will be saved in "mame_snapdir\msx1_cart\gooniesb\0000.png"
- this is only for software list games... arcade games don't need this as MAME save files in proper folders
- there's no ON/OFF toggle, this feature is always enabled
Changes to "Internet Game Info"
- MAWS game info removed since it no longer exists
- renamed "Progetto EMMA Game Info" to "Internet Game Info"
- added edit boxes to customize internet link games and MAME software list games (preferences screen, "Images" tab)
Changes to "Video Preview"
- relative path is now bound to the emulator directory, not the frontend
- new feature "Snap Dir Auto-search": videos will be searched in "emudir\videosnaps\", "snap\videosnaps\" and "snap" folders ("snap" folder parsed from emulator config file)
- custom video folders are now optional due to the auto-search feature; you can leave them blank (preferences screen, "Video Preview" tab)
- when searching videos in the "snap" folder, EL will try to ignore files with .png and .jpg extension
Big changes to the image preview feature (snapshots, cabinets, flyers, etc...)
- default folder for "In-Game Artwork" renamed from "snapartwork" to "artpreview"; to match MAME folder name
- file "image_09_maws.ico" renamed to "image_09_internet.ico" ("eldir\resources\main_icons\" folder)
- added support for MAME's filename format "\snap\gamename\0000.png" and "\snap\softlist_name\gamename\0000.png"
   - only in-game snapshot category is supported!
   - only unzipped files are scanned (zipped images will NOT be supported!)
- replaced the zombie "Control Panel Layout" image category that nobody uses by "Software Cover"
- MAME's new "ui.ini" file is now used to read/write image folder settings; if file not found, settings will be saved in frontend "\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" file
- added compatibility with ClrMAME: unzipped image files can be in extra sub-folders for each image category
   -> game snapshot: custom_snapdir\snap\gamename.png
   -> title snapshot: custom_titledir\titles\gamename.png
   -> marquee:custom_marqueedir\marquees\gamename.png
   -> flyer: custom_flyerdir\flyers\gamename.png
   -> cabinet: custom_cabdir\cabinets\gamename.png
   -> control panel: custom_ctrlpaneldir\cpanel\gamename.png
   -> software cover: custom_softcoverdir\covers\gamename.png
   -> pcb: custom_pcbdir\pcb\gamename.png
   -> in-game artwork: custom_artpreviewdir\artpreview\gamename.png
   NOTE 1: these extra folder names are hard-coded in MAME source code and cannot be changed!
   NOTE 2: only MAME/HBMAME are supported!
- image folder keyname entries in "eldir\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" have changed to meet MAME setting names from "mamedir\ui.ini"
- file scanning order changed to prioritize unzipped images
   1. custom_snapdir\gamename.png
   2. custom_snapdir\snap\gamename.png
   3. custom_snapdir\gamename\0000.png
   4. custom_snapdir\parent_gamename.png
   5. custom_snapdir\snap\parent_gamename.png
   6. custom_snapdir\snap\parent_gamename\0000.png
   7. gamename.png (from snap.zip)
   8. parent_gamename.png (from snap.zip)
Changes to MAMu_ icons feature
- MAME's new "ui.ini" file is now used to read/write icons folder setting; if not found, setting will be saved in "eldir\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini"
- default icons folder is now "icons" since this is MAME's default folder
- relative path is now bound to the emulator directory, not the frontend; this is the way it should've been from the start!
- unzipped files can be on an extra "icons" sub-folder; "custom_iconsdir\icons\gamename.ico" (ClrMAME friendly)
- HBMAME games also display MAMu_ icons, but there is no separate icons folder or icons.zip support for HBMAME; MAME game icon files are used
File "ini_files\times_played.ini" renamed to "ini_files\played_games.ini" and the game name format of software list games
- old format: 'gamename_softlistname=???"
- new format: 'softlistname\gamename=???"
- the file will be renamed and updated the first time you start Emu Loader
- invalid game name entries will be deleted from the file
Favorite profile files format has changed for software list game entries ("eldir\ini_files\favorites\" folder)
- old format: 'gamename_softlistname=system_name"
- new format: 'softlistname\gamename=system_name"
- arcade games and MAME machine name entries have not changed
NOTE: Emu Loader will NOT update favorites to avoid file corruption
File "arcade\multicart_neogeo.ini" renamed to "arcade\mame_multicart_neogeo.ini"
File "arcade\multicart_stv.ini" renamed to "arcade\mame_multicart_stv.ini"
Speed up several operations with multiple selected games, specially in grouped view mode (50% faster)... games filtering is still slow
The following functions were modified by me and optimized for multiple TEasyGroups usage (EasyListView.pas)
- function TEasySelectionManager.First: TEasyItem;
- function TEasySelectionManager.Next(Item: TEasyItem): TEasyItem;
Load Multi-Slot Games dialog updates
- UI adapted to avoid "squinty face" mode on high resolutions
- font of all columns changed to "Segoe UI" size "9"
- all column resize according to text length, except game title
- for resolutions lower than 800x600, dialog resizes itself
Big rewrite of "Run MAME with extra parameters" feature... games popup menu, "Run Game (Extra)" menu item
- new feature: load memory card files; basically for Sony PlayStation (software list games) and Neo-Geo machines (arcade/console)
- you can use "play/rec input files", "load save state", "load memory card" features all at the same time now!!!
- menu items tree "Play Game (Extra)" removed, replaced by a single and more optimized "Play Game (Extra Parameters)" menu item (games popup menu)
- new screen with tab pages so you can activate each feature (all disabled by default)
   Playback/Record an Input File
   Load a Save State
   Insert Memory Card
- you must check the "Enabled" checkbox to activate each feature you want to use
- files lists are always sorted by newest date and the newest file is always selected by default
- insert memory card details:
   - default folder is "mamedir\memcard\" even though MAME doesn't support "memcard_directory" entry anymore
   - you can select a file from any folder you want or choose a file listed in the "\memcard\" folder
   - if a relative path is used, the "mamedir\memcard"\ folder is used for the full path
   - only file extensions ".mc", ".mc1", '.mc2" are supported... let's not make a mess here!
   - machines that support memory cards are listed in a new file "\arcade\mame_memcard_support.ini"
   - EL will save and restore the last used files into a new "ini_files\mame_memcard_lastused.ini" for every game you play!
   - only 2 memcard slots are supported; if a machine support more slots, please let me know
Some UI adjustments in MAME Settings screen (still not good enough)
Support for MAME v0.176
- support reading "plugin.ini" from MAME's root folder and/or "mamedir\ini\" sub-folder (root folder is searched first)
- settings "Record Rendered Video Filename (AVI)" removed from both BGFX and HLSL features since they now support "auto" (it uses game name filenames automatically)
Support for MAME v0.177
- new "mame.ini" settings: "Uneven Stretch Vertical" and "Auto Uneven Stretch" (MAME settings screen)
New "Save State" filter (machines popup menu) and new column in "MAME Machines List Side Panel" (Machines toolbar button)
New columns "Clone of" and "Save State" in "Select Machine to Run Game" (games popup menu)... for software list games


Titel: GameEx 14.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2016, 13:36
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


Lots of improvements to online game services support:

Improved database scraping
Improved wheel and thumb list views with logo support
Orign video download.
All servcies download game trailer videos from other sources
Fixes Uplay not showing all games
Improved wheel view


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 05:20


Record input was not working at all due to source code corruption; had to write some functions from scratch :(
Reset record input filename was not selecting a valid file in the files list (if a match exist)


Changes and fixes for "Run MAME With Extra Parameters":
- added a new "Reset to Title" button so you can reset the filename to the game title (Input File tab)
- file "gamename.inp" is not always at the top anymore (Input File tab)
- finished implementation of "Record Current Section to a Movie" (.avi; .wav; .mng)
   -> default save folder for arcade/non-arcade machines is "mame_snapdir\record_video\gamename\"
   -> default save folder for software lists is "mame_snapdir\record_video\softlistname\gamename\"
   -> you can select a file in the list to overwrite it with a new recording


Titel: Dolphin Emulator 5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2016, 05:40
Dolphin Gamecube & Wii Emulator: Emuliert die Nintendo-Konsolen Wii und Gamecube auf dem PC; eine Liste kompatibler Spiele lässt sich hier (http://www.dolphin-emu.com/list.php?listcount=1) einsehen.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2016, 18:45
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


* Fix JIT problems on Galaxy S7 and iOS 9+ devices.
* Fix Android TV support and use latest FFmpeg.
* Texture replacement support - for custom textures and upscaling.
* Initial game recording / TAS features.
* Correctly map memory on Raspberry Pi 3, much better performance.
* Workaround rendering issues on Tegra K1/X1.
* Disc streaming to play quickly from tablet/phone on wifi.
* Initial Vulkan support - not full featured yet.
* Experimental new CPU backend and CPU fixes.
* Allow insert/eject of memstick - required by some games.
* Better support for ps3 controller mapping.
* Better UI handling for settings with long names in some languages.
* Screenshots in compatibility reporting, better website.
* Fix type D cheat codes, allow for homebrew.
* Graphic glitch fixes in several games.
* Fix video playback glitches in several games.
* Various performance and compatibility improvements.
* Various debugger and GE debugger improvements.
* Fix some problems when switching away from and back to the app.


Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2016, 04:40
Latest Changes

This release adds PAL/European support to the Sega Saturn emulation.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.178
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2016, 13:13


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 01890: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (rohga.c) schmeisr: Flip screen DIP
  switch doesn't work. (Angelo Salese)
- 01170: [Sound] (taitosj.c) piratpet, junglek, jungleh: First time you
  load the game, no attract mode sound. (Angelo Salese)
- 06138: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.c) jdredd: Game doesn't start (smf)
- 00952: [Graphics] (tmnt.c) ssriders and clones: Characters judder when
  walking diagonally (possibly priority related). (Angelo Salese)
- 02446: [Known Issues/To-Do's] (lethal.c) lethalenj: Japanese version-
  specific known issues. (Angelo Salese)
- 06371: [Save/Restore] (8080bw.c) schasercv: Crashes on reload (-str 8)
  in a staggered -str 20 run (Osso)
- 00792: [DIP/Input] (segas24.c) dcclub: Shot power is uncontrollable.
  (Angelo Salese)
- 00435: [Gameplay] (hanaawas.c) hanaawas: Dealt cards are not random.
- 00343: [Misc.] (seta.c) pairlove: Service mode black out.
  (Angelo Salese)
- 00611: [DIP/Input] (taito_b.c) silentd: DIP switch problems.
  (Angelo Salese)
- 00963: [Gameplay] (rollrace.c) rollrace, fightrol: When you insert
  your initials, the scrolling bar of initials does not work properly.
  (Angelo Salese)
- 00490: [Sound] (homedata.c) hourouki: It is missing voices of "Reach",
  "Ron" etc. (Angelo Salese)
- 01044: [Sound] (metro.c) gakusai, gakusai2: All music played has the
  drum machine playing VERY loudly. (Angelo Salese)
- 02555: [DIP/Input] (jackal.c) jackal: Coin counters don't work
  correctly. (Angelo Salese)
- 06375: [Original Reference] (naomi.c) salmankt: Name is incorrect
- 06368: [DIP/Input] (shangkid.c) shangkid, hiryuken: Buttons 1 and 2
  are switched (Angelo Salese)
- 02349: [DIP/Input] (mexico86.c) kikikai: The coinage dip switch
  settings is not supported. (Angelo Salese)
- 00399: [Graphics] (combatsc.c) combatsc: In 0.119, there are two rows
  of garbage blocks at the top of the screen in the 2nd firing range
  stage. (Angelo Salese)
- 06364: [Crash/Freeze] (naomi.c) Assorted sets in naomi.c: Crash before
  OK (MetalliC)
- 06366: [Crash/Freeze] (maygay1b.c) All sets in maygay1b.hxx: Fatal
  Error when starting (O. Galibert)
- 06372: [Interface] Bitbanger device can no longer accept streams/
  sockets/pipes (Nathan Woods)
- 06374: [Crash/Freeze] (aristmk5.c) adonis: Changing System Configuration
  to anything but game_prg causes a crash  (Reagan Roush)

Source Changes
-Move UI dats to Lua plugin [Carl]
  * Changes the selgame UI sidebar get the dat information from a plugin
     rather than the hardcoded C++
  * Much easier to add other dat files and allow for scripted data
  * Example included that uses the hi2txt XML parser files to display
     high score info from hiscore file or NVRAM

-Fixed setting m_filetype for images loaded from softlists
 [Nathan Woods]

-Changed the "extension as filetype" behavior for software list images to
 be opt in behavior [Nathan Woods]

-Modernization/C++-ification: [Nathan Woods]
 * Modernized option_guide, touched up imgtool
 * Initial imgtool C++-ification
 * Added a template wrapper for a contiguous array of objects that
    mimics a subset of SequenceContainer behaviour
 * Modernized CoCo cartridge infrastructure (use 'enum class', scoping,
 * Changed win_get_window_text_utf8() to return std::string
 * Consolidated menu code for text input

-Fixed an issue in the i860 disassembler that could cause an undefined
 string to be used [Nathan Woods]

-Allow devices to indicate whether image creation should be supported at
 the command line [Nathan Woods]

-Fixed a potential buffer overrun in the code that reads headers for the
 CoCo JVC disk image format [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo and Dragon FDC code overhaul: [Nathan Woods]
 * Split CoCo and Dragon FDC code
 * Added save state support
 * Fixed regression introduced on the Dragon FDC from 0.154

-Fixed an off by one error when identifying best entries for typeahead
 on the file selection and software list dialogs [Nathan Woods]

-Retired imgtool_basename(), in favor of core_filename_extract_base()
 [Nathan Woods]

-big10: Various modest input/output improvements [AJR]
 * Use gambling inputs and keypad for numbers instead of BUTTON(n)
 * Added ticket dispenser for payout
 * Added lamp output(?)
 * Try to puzzle out some more DIP switches based on what the code does

-More new features for UI graphics viewer [AJR]
 * Mouse over GFX tiles to reveal pixel values
 * Mouse over tilemap to reveal tile codes and colors
 * UI tilemap scrolling controls are now orientation-relative
 * Made mouse visible everywhere in UI graphics viewer by treating it
    like a menu

-darkmist: Correct manufacturer info [AJR]

-witch: Sort out which inputs and outputs are which [AJR]
 * Use standard gambling input types where appropriate
 * Identified "Attendant Pay" (keyout?) and payout switches
 * Removed fake DIP switches
 * Names of real DIP switches no longer all-caps
 * Expanded range of NVRAM
 * Added two PPIs for I/O
 * Partially implemented hopper output

-cps1.cpp, mitchell.cpp: Restrict inputs for some games [AJR]
 * ghouls, pang, spang, pang3: Change joysticks to 4-way as flyers and
    manuals indicate
 * pang, spang: Mark button 2 as optional (for what little that's worth)
 * pang3: Remove buttons 2 and 3 (even service mode only shows one "Shot"

-Made Mega System 1 tilemaps into a device [AJR]

-amusco: Start fleshing out the driver [AJR]
 * Changed CPU type to 8088
 * Hooked up a bunch of devices
 * Identifed a few inputs

-ti99 improvements: [Michael Zapf]
 * Fixed debugger access in ti_fdc
 * State save capability - not yet fully stable, but basically working
 * Improve performance by stopping GROM clock in idle state
 * Switch to ram_devices for RAM

-Added HxC HFE disk format [Michael Zapf]

-Added save state support to tms99xx; replaced new/delete by unique_ptr
 [Michael Zapf]

-Added layout for California Speed Surprise [Risugami]
 * Same output system as the Midway V Unit

-Added layout/LEDs to Hyperdrive [Risugami]

-Added layout for Vapor TRX [Risugami]

-Fixed Midway V Unit wheel output [Risugami]
 * Seems the diagnostics test for the wheel is poorly coded for turning
    left as it is correct in-game

-Filter for Hp9845 data files added to imgtool [fulivi]
 * Translates record-based DATA HP9845 to and from text files

-Imgtool now supports HP9845B tape image [fulivi]
 * The "hti" format is used to simulate tape cartridges in hp9845b

-hp_hybrid: added hp_hybrid & hp_5061_3001 to unidasm [fulivi]

-New driver for Esselte 100, has built in BASIC, supports cassette
 save/load and capable of 256x256 monochrome semigraphics
 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Esselte 100: Added rev2 layout and support for software RTC
 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Esselte 100: Serial support [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * It still has some issues as it is a polled PIA based bitbangning
    serial support and there are timing issues

-Added interrupt support in DUSCC device, Force CPU30 board driver and
 interrupt controller support in the FGA002 device. Improved LOG
 messages in the 68230 device [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Now able to boot VMEPROM with interrupt driven serial I/O

-didact: simplified internal layouts removing dependencies on external
 artwork Not fancy but it works [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-didact: Cleaned up driver and added serial support (though it has
 issues still) [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Add clickable buttons to goldnpkr [einstein95]

-Add <?xml version="1.0"?> to layout files missing them; fixed minor
 grammar in layout README [einstein95]

-Clickable buttons for 3bagflnz and 3bagflvt, more grammar fixes for
 layout README [einstein95]

-MPU5: Added 146 layouts [John Parker]
 * m5addams, m5all41d, m5arab, m5austin11, m5barkng, m5barmy, m5baxe04,
    m5bbro, m5bbrocl, m5beansa, m5bigchs, m5biggam, m5bling, m5blkwht11,
    m5bnzclb, m5btlbnk, m5bttf, m5bwaves, m5carou, m5cashat, m5cashrn,
    m5cbw, m5centcl, m5circlb33, m5circus0a, m5clifhn, m5clown11,
    m5codft, m5cosclb, m5crzkni, m5cshkcb, m5cshstx, m5dblqtsb, m5devil,
    m5dick10, m5doshpk05, m5egr, m5elband, m5elim, m5evgrhr, m5ewn,
    m5extrm, m5fiddle, m5fire, m5firebl, m5flipcr, m5fortby, m5frnzy,
    m5funsun, m5gdrag, m5ggems20, m5gimmie, m5grush, m5grush5,
    m5gsstrk07, m5gstrik, m5hellrz, m5hgl14, m5hiclau, m5hifly, m5hilok,
    m5hisprt, m5hlsumo, m5holy, m5hopidl, m5hotslt, m5hotstf, m5hypvip,
    m5jackbx, m5jackp2, m5jackpt, m5jlyjwl, m5jmpgem01, m5kingqc06,
    m5kkebab, m5korma, m5loony, m5loot, m5lotta, m5martns07, m5mega,
    m5mmak06, m5monmst, m5mpfc, m5mprio, m5neptun, m5nnww, m5oohaah,
    m5oohrio, m5openbx05, m5overld, m5peepsh, m5piefac, m5piefcr,
    m5ppussy, m5psyccl01, m5psycho, m5ptyani, m5qdrawb, m5qshot04,
    m5ratpka, m5razdz10, m5redbal, m5redrcka, m5resfrg, m5revo13,
    m5rfymc, m5rgclb12, m5rhrgt02, m5ritj, m5rollup, m5rollx, m5rthh,
    m5rub, m5rwb, m5scharg, m5seven, m5shark, m5sheik, m5skulcl20,
    m5sondra, m5speccl, m5spiker, m5spins, m5squids06, m5sstrk,
    m5starcl, m5stars26, m5stax, m5supnov, m5supro, m5tbird, m5tempcl,
    m5tempp, m5tempt2, m5tictacbwb, m5trail, m5ultimo04, m5upover,
    m5vampup, m5vertgo, m5wking05, m5wonga, m5wthing20, m5xchn,

-ACESYS1: Added 6 layouts [John Parker]
 * ac1clbmn, ac1gogld, ac1pster, ac1pstrt, ac1primt, ac1taklv

-SYSTEM80: Added 12 layouts [John Parker]
 * j80bac, j80bounc, j80frogh, j80golds, j80hotln, j80myspn, j80nudg2,
    j80rr j80supst j80supbk j80topsp, j80wsprt2

-Fruit machines: Update layouts with fixes/improvements [John Parker]
 * Now correctly uses a coloured rect rather than PNG reference
 * More compact terminators for innermost tags
 * Removed redundant elements
 * Added the new "MFME2MAME Debug" view
 * j2: Changed to 16 segment display

-vector06: add software list and TODOs [MetalliC]

-Partially fixed SDL joysticks with same name. Fixes GitHub issue #1334
 [Brad Hughes]

-naomi: Updated docs. [f205v, MetalliC]

-pc1512: Fixed keyboard reset behavior. [Curt Coder]

-electron: Added Acorn Plus 3 expansion as slot device (floppy support)
 [Nigel Barnes]
 * now uses RAM device instead of ROM_REGION
 * added CSW cassette format
 * pressing BREAK will now hold until released
 * reset expansion devices on BREAK
 * minor progress on M2501 device

-Added header checks to identify in uef_cas and csw_cas formats
 [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Added Opus Challenger (floppy and ramdisc) device on 1mhz bus
 [Nigel Barnes]
 * moved joystick to analogue port slot device
 * added Voltmace self-centering joysticks
 * updated to use input merger device
 * keyboard and joystick use ioport_array
 * reset devices on BREAK
-bbcb: Moved FDC to slot device to support various controller boards
 [Nigel Barnes]
 * Acorn 8271 and 1770, supporting Acorn, Amcom, Watford DFS's
 * Cumana QFS (8877a)
 * Opus DDOS and EDOS (1770, 2793, 2791)
 * Watford DDFS (1770 and 1772)
 * Removed fake bbcb1770 machine
-bbcm: Replaced cassette LED with power LED in layout [Nigel Barnes]

-bbcmc: Added joyport slot device to Master Compact, defaulting to
 joystick [Nigel Barnes]

-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare, Elgen]
 * Added notes about the sqixb1 MCU code origin, and caveats
 * Marked the sqixb1 MCU dump good for that specific set
-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare, Stefan Lindberg]
 * Implemented AY-3-8910 mixing based on PCB tracing.
 * Added notes about incorrect "SYSTEM" register bits
 * Added notes about superqix versions, and PCB factory hacks/fixes for
    coin lockout
-superqix: Documented the purpose of RAM chips on the PCB
 [Lord Nightmare, Corrado Tomaselli]

-superqix: Added notes about lack of Taito game ID and PCB label for
 pbillian; fixed ROM labels and locations [Lord Nightmare, ShouTime]

-superqix: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Improved driver notes for all sets
 * Added some debugger access fences on read handlers.
 * Got rid of various timer hacks for Z80<->MCU communication,
    implemented MCU DDR registers, documented the hotsmash MCU code
    functionality, made the AY port bits readback consistent, and
    unified the machine configuration/memory map for both hotsmash and
 * Implemented proper readback of Z80<->MCU semaphores for all sets
 * Removed HOLD_LINE hack for NMI by implementing acknowledge register
 * Changed sample playback engine sample rate from 5KHz to 3.96KHz (which
   can be derived from the 12MHz master clock)
 * Renamed sqixr1, sqix, and sqixb1 set long names to include versions.
 * Replaced bootleg MCU code on sqix and sqixr1 sets with a dump created
    from the sqixu MCU, based on the bootleg MCU code
 * Cleaned up MCU semaphore implementation for sqix and clones, shuffled
    the superqix machine configurations to make more sense

-atarist: Added correct ROM labels for the TOS 1.02 and 1.04 ROMs for the
 MegaST [Lord Nightmare, techfury90]

-hiscore.dat: Various updates [Leezer]

-fmtowns: Switched off layer debug keys by default [Barry Rodewald]

-chessmst: Fixed HALT button. [Sandro Ronco]

-pc1512 Various improvements: [Curt Coder]
 * Added joystick port to the keyboard.
 * Added mouse port slot interface.
 * Added a software list for hard disks, and a preinstalled HD20 image
    to it

-nss: Revised and corrected hardware info. [Guru]

-fmtowns: Reduced logerror spam a bit. [Barry Rodewald]

-dirom banking fixes: [O. Galibert]
 * Reject out-of-bounds bank numbers.
 * Add a mandatory callback on bank change.

-okim6295: Directly use set_rom_bank. [O. Galibert]

-dimemory, dirom: Added some documentation. [O. Galibert]

-gba_lcd: Added missing check for BG2 enable flag in
 draw_roz_bitmap_scanline() [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-gba_lcd: Refactored code [Giuseppe Gorgoglione]

-bagmanf: Improved graphics [Angelo Salese]

-gb: Fixed Mega Duck envelope and LFSR sound registers: [John Rieman]
 * Determined that envelope/LFSR register nybbles are reversed relative
    to Game Boy by comparing writes made by Mega Duck and Game Boy
    versions of Snake Roy and Pile Wonder

-octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Corrected CPU speeds, added Z80, added basic video output
 * Added some more components, pass a few more tests
 * Added more components, hooked up DIP switches; all systems
    tests now pass
 * Fixed floppy use, now attempts to boot from floppy; CP/M 86-80 Plus
    and MS-DOS both now load to the command prompt
 * Added keyboard
 * Added PIT timer and speaker sound
 * Made a start at switching between the 8088 and Z80 CPUs
 * Fixed mapping of graphics PROM, now detected on boot
 * Hooked up RTC to the PPI (hopefully more or less correctly)

-fidel6502: Hooked up EAS speech chip. Game still not playable. [hap]

-sms: Added more accurate FM Sound Unit behavior [Enik Land]

-photon2: Updated documentation based on schematics research. [Mick]

-Fixed GitHub issue #1364 (Straighten tilted crt-geom and
 crt-geom-deluxe shaders) [tabbycat12]

-intelfsh: Added 16-bit hookup for the Sharp LH28F016S flash memory
 [Luca Elia]

-apple2e: Made write-only soft-switches write-only [Peter Ferrie]

-combatsc: Fixed text tilemap char select enable and opacity in Combat
 School [Angelo Salese]

-Added support for binding devices to controller IDs: [Tomer Verona]
 * This allows for stable controller ids even if USB devices are plugged
    or unplugged, system is rebooted, etc.

-Added id() property to input_device: [Tomer Verona]
 * Adds an id() property representing unique device ID
 * This allows the OSD layer to supply display name along with unique
 * Currently only used to map a physical controller device to controller
    ID, but can be used more generally in the future
 * For raw input devices, device ID is full raw input name
 * For all other devices, we fall back to device name as the device ID
 * Device ID uniqueness is not currently enforced programmatically

-chessmst: Added layout with script [Sandro Ronco]

-Various OSD changes: [Brad Hughes]
 * Converted OSD monitor info to modules, added DXGI implementation
 * Converted the monitor information code from video.cpp in SDL and
    Windows to modules

-tecmo: Added preliminary raster effects, improves ending screen in
 Gemini Wing [Angelo Salese]

-rollrace: Various changes: [Angelo Salese]
 * Converted foreground to tilemap system and fixed flip flags, fixing
    service mode in rollace2 set
 * Fixed a wrap-around regression

-cmi2x: Various changes: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Fixed FDC DMA behavior
 * Fixed channel card memory tests
 * Fixed inverted data writes to I8214 PICUs
 * Fixed 6809 interrupt vectoring

-ay8910: Implemented register readback masking for AY-3-8914 as used on
 Intellivision [Lord Nightmare, Joe Zbiciak]

-6840ptm: Load the counter when held in reset [O. Galibert]

-mcd: Added incomplete Mitsumi ISA CDROM emulation [Carl]

-namcos10: Added on-the-fly decryption support for mrdrilr2
 [Andreas Naive]

-freekick: Added flipscreen support to Gigas, Free Kick and Counter Run
 [Angelo Salese]

-cps2: Use keys that can be programmed onto a CPS2 motherboard
 [smf, Eduardo Cruz, Andreas Naive]

-Fixed compile for DirectWrite font provider and made it compile with
 normal Windows build [Brad Hughes]

-ssriders: Fixed protection chip to use the work RAM buffer for
 horizontal scrolling in collision detection routine (fixes collision
 detection for players/enemies on slopes) [Angelo Salese]

-xbox: Added ability to select BIOSes 4134, 3944, 4034, and 4817
 [Samuele Zannoli]

-chihiro: Added debugger command "chihiro threadlist" to list ready
 threads except current one [Samuele Zannoli]

-taitosj: Added semaphore and command handshake flags to audio section,
 and added proper handling of sound CPU NMI on sound command register/
 semaphore writes and clears [Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Added note about an unemulated ay output filter effect
 [Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Added "sound stop" bit emulation, which improves but does not
 completely fix the spurious startup sound in Time Tunnel
 [Angelo Salese, Lord Nightmare]

-taitosj: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Added XTALs for various clocks based on schematics, documented and
    implemented AY-3-8910 output mixing
 * Fixed some save state and initialization issues
 * Fixed watchdog timing per schematics and re-enabled watchdog
 * Cleaned up ROM labels/locations for the Elevator Action sets

-zn: Renamed ZN1/ZN2 BIOS ROMs based on the label (where known), renamed
 the bios sets after the board, moved cat702 to files [smf, Guru]

-dec_lk201: Various changes: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Additional key matrix documentation
 * Documented the switch IDs for each key
 * Fixed Setup(F3)->F3 and PF1->NumLock mapping
 * Added 8051 version ROM, not used yet
 * Added note about D13 contact being omitted from original schematic

-debugcmd: Various changes: [smf]
 * Fixed trace command accessing a parameter beyond the list supplied
 * Added an error message if an invalid boolean is provided
 * Added functionality to allow boolean to be case-insensitive
 * Added code to skip empty strings when parsing booleans

-saturn: Initial work towards debug command hookups [Angelo Salese]

-asterix: Added coin counter and lockout [Angelo Salese]

-sauro: Various changes: [Tafoid]
 * Fixed up recent saurob submission
 * Added documentation readme with locations from original dump
 * Removed SP0256 entry as it did not exist on the bootleg
 * Added unknown PROM unique to the bootleg

-Allow STRIP_SYMBOLS=1 and DEBUG=1 to be applied simultaneously [Tafoid]

-vt100: Added VT100-AC ROM set with intelligent STP board (not working,
 needs one ROM redumped and 8085 STP CPU hooked up) [Lord Nightmare]

-wc90b: Fixed sprite priority bug with the ball being above the net in
 Euro League / Tecmo World Cup '90 bootlegs [Angelo Salese]

-wc90b: Added IRQ acknowledge and second YM2203 sound chip to Euro
 League, which adds piano keys to sound. [Angelo Salese]

-jangou: Fixed more Mahjong dips as per manuals [system11]

-vis: Added sound [Carl]

-mac: Replaced bad dump in macplus v2 ROM set with redump, and use split
 ROMs for macplus, mac512ke, mac128k and mac512k, macclasc, macclas2
 sets, with proper labels [Lord Nightmare]

-igs009: Redumped graphics ROM for Grand Prix '98 (V100K) [Guru]

-stv: Removed optional joystick control inputs from Virtual Mahjong
 since this game only supports Mahjong panel but was defaulting to
 Joystick [system11]

-Partial fix for MT06383: exporting is now also possible for the favorites
 list, except if it has software in it [dankan1890]

-forte2: Updated comments on Forte 2 Pesadelo/Knightmare bootleg
 [Felipe Sanches]

-galaxian: Fixed ROMs in Moon Alien Part 2 (older version) [MASH]

-galaga: Fixed palette in Battles (set 1) [MASH]

-Changed use of IPT_START to IPT_START1 in bartop52, guab, midyunit,
 namcos22, sshot and turrett [MASH]

-apollo: eliminate logerror spam on unmapped ISA access
 [Hans Ostermeyer]

-psx.xml: removed duplicates, fixed shortname consistency [Aeternal]
 * Some images were identical but dumped with different offset

New machines added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Esselte 100 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
TSI Speech+ [hap, Sean Riddle, Lord Nightmare]
Star Audition [Guru, Luca Elia]
Chess-Master Diamond [Sandro Ronco]
Tiger Ditto [hap, Sean Riddle]
A-One LSI Match Number/LJN Electronic Concentration [hap, Sean Riddle]
Coleco Head to Head Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tandy Championship Football (2 sets) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poker (Electro-Sport) [MASH, Siftware]
Slap Shooter [ShouTime, Sean Sutton, Tourniquet, ranger_lennier, Jan Stuhler,
  gamez fan, Paul Vining, Soren Skou Nielsen, Erick Dillon, Jason Wible,
  Mr. Goodwraith, Renato Mucciarelli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Chesster Challenger [hap, yovan]

New clones added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Apple //e Enhanced (France) [robcfg, R. Belmont]
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (rev PA2 10/18/91) [Bicycle Repairman]
NBA Jam Extreme (ver. 1.10I) [farzeno]
Chicken Draw (2131-04, U5-0) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gemini Wing (bootleg) [Asayuki]
Pinguinos (Spanish bootleg of Pengo) [Asociacion A.R.C.A.D.E.]
Street Fighter (Japan, pneumatic buttons)
  [ShouTime, Smitdogg, Jan Stuhler, Paul Thacker, Sean Sutton, The Dumping
Condor (S C Novar bootleg of Phoenix) [f205v]
Raiden Fighters (Great Britain) [Bytestorm]
Stratovox (set 2) [MASH]
Nibbler (rev ?) [MASH]
Phoenix (Amstar, set 2) [MASH]
Sauro (bootleg) [Guru, MASH]
Crush Roller (set 5) [MASH]
Jumping Cross (set 2) [MASH]
Ms. Pac-Man (bootleg, set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
Battles (set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
Rolling Crush (version 1.03.E - 1999/01/29) [system11]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware) [ShouTime]
Elevator Action (4 pcb version, 1.1) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Le Grandchamps [MASH]
Road Riot 4WD (04 Dec 1991) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Super Qix (World/Japan, V1.0) [Lord Nightmare]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Alesis QS7 musical keyboard [Felipe Sanches]
Pop'n Stage (ver JB-A) [smf]
Regnecentralen Piccolo RC702 [Robbbert]
Siemens Simatic PG685 OUA11 [rfka01]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Air Trix (original) [Andy Geezer]
Arbiter Discmate A-02  [Nigel Barnes]
Electronic Battleship (1977 version, model 4750A) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Chess-Master (set 2) [uncredited]
NASCAR Racing (original) [Dion]
Tecmo World Soccer '98 (JUET 980410 V1.000) [Hammy]
Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision D) [ShouTime]
VT100 w/VT1xx-AC STP [Lord Nightmare]

New WORKING software list additions
gamegear.xml: Cave Dude, (USA, prototype) [uncredited]
sms.xml: Sky Fighter (Samsung Gam*Boy) [uncredited]
sms.xml: Action Fighter (prototype), Captain Silver (prototype)
  [SMS Power]
kim1_cass.xml: mchess [Dagarman]
ibm5150.xml: Karateka (Beta 1986-03-03) [Jason Scott, Jordan Mechner]
ibm5150.xml, ibm5170.xml: additions from various sources [Justin Kerk]
electron_flop.xml: added floppies [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: various software items [Nigel Barnes]
apple2.xml: Dungeon Master's Assistant, Genesis, Pigpen, Renegade
pce_tourvision.xml: Barunba, Power Tennis [system11]
x68k_flop.xml: additional clones [nekoziman]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
Mario Party-e card collection (U) [Shideravan]
Animal Crossing e-cards [Shideravan]
Domo-Kun Card-e collection [Shideravan]
NES e-card collection [Shideravan]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2016, 05:50


Misc filter: Hide "nodump" Games was showing these sets and hiding everything else... sorry, my mistake!


Support for MAME v0.178

- games filters updates:

  - "Arcadia Systems": added "arsystems" driver to filter
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1000c" bios set to filter
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1000a" and "acpsx" bios sets to filter (Acclaim PSX)
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1000w" and "atpsx'" bios sets to filter (Atari PSX)
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1001l" and "atluspsx" bios sets to filter (Atlus PSX)
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1002e" and "psarc95" bios sets to filter (PS Arcade 95)
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1002m" and "tps" bios sets to filter (TPS Tecmo PSX)
  - "Capcom ZN-1": added "coh1002v" and "vspsx" bios sets to filter (Video System PSX)
  - "Capcom ZN-2": added "coh3002c" bios set to filter
  - new filter "Sega Chihiro", validated by driver name "chihiro"
- new setting "Monitor Discovery Method: "auto'; 'win32"; "sdl" "dxgi" ("mame.ini"; MAME settings screen/Video 2 tab)
New column for details/grouped views: "Software Name" (software list games only)


Titel: clrmamepro 4.031
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2016, 17:20

fixed: various softwarelist/standard mix problems with double set names - chd name matching problem which came back with 4.030 fix for unneeded chds - identifying wrong set leading to all kind of sideeffects like prompts to rename sets or skipping wrong placed sets - skipping detection of a missing set when identical sets are shared in different sysdefpaths - reporting wrong "wrong sysdefpath" warnings when 100% identical sets are shared in sysdefpaths or for clones where parent's set name was identical in different sysdefpaths or when a set was renamed and old name is now used in a different sysdefpath
fixed: rebuilder matched files counter
misc: remember dir2dat setting for datfile format
misc: updated unrar dll to
misc: updated 7z dll/sdk to 16.04


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2016, 05:55
Whats new:>>


Removed the "ding" sound if you press ENTER key in the select folder dialog
No "ui.ini" detection when changing MAME/HBMAME binary; it was causing problems if "ui.ini" is missing
ZiNc games failed to run, generating error code 1; frontend "LongToShortPath()" function was not working; it's replaced by "ExtractShortPathName()" function from Delphi XE 10 Seattle compiler, which works... YAY!


Support "ui.ini" for HBMAME; v0.172 and newer required

Titel: MAME 0.179
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2016, 17:50


[Interface] Cannot create INI for individual game when the game and the driver share the same name (Robbbert)
[Graphics] (namcona1.cpp) emeralda: Visible area too small (Angelo Salese)
[Crash/Freeze] (bnstars.cpp) bnstars1: Emulator hang & crash (Osso)
[Documentation] (nbmj8688.cpp) kaguya2f: wrong year is listed (system11)
[DIP/Input] (mz2000.cpp) mz2000, mz2200: Mistakes in current keyboard matrix emulation and missing keys ! (AJR)
[Graphics] (gb.cpp) gameboy [f1race]: Corrupted graphics (racetrack not lined up) (Wilbert Pol)


Fidelity Designer 2000 [yovan]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde 2100 [hap, anonymous]
Istrebiteli [IgorR76, MetalliC]
Splendor Blast II [ShouTime]
Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No 10 / Ver 1 Japan) [Joseph, the Game Preservation Society, David Haywood]
Mahjong Senpu [system11, David Haywood]
Super Two In One [Edstrom, David Haywood]
Canon Multi 8 [hap, Sean Riddle]
Gakken Game Robot 9/Mego Fabulous Fred [hap, Sean Riddle]
VeriFone Tranz POS terminal [Ryan Holtz]


Dead Or Alive 2 [defor]
Bombjack Twin (prototype? with adult pictures, set 2) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Ocean to Ocean (Medal) (DECO Cassette MD) (No 10 / Ver 6 US) [Joseph, the Game Preservation Society, David Haywood]
Splendor Blast (set 2) [Stefan Lindberg]
Splendor Blast (set 3) [caius, robotype]
Lady Maker [system11]
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 2) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Asia 4 Players, version ?) [Abelardo Vidal, The Dumping Union]
Greyhound Electronics Poker (Version 50.02 ICB, set 4) [any]
UniWar S (Karateco) [MASH]
Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3) [f205v]
Fidelity Sensory 9 Playmatic S [anonymous]
Fidelity The Excellence (model 6080) [hap, yovan]
Fidelity The Excellence (model EP12) [anonymous]
Fidelity The Par Excellence (model 6083) [anonymous]


Power Drift (Japan, Link Version) [Angelo Salese]
Tatakae Genshizin Joe & Mac (Japan, bootleg) [AJR]
Fidelity Elite A/S Challenger [hap]


Big Casino [Guru]
Crazy Dou Di Zhu II [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Tarzan Chuang Tian Guan (V109C, set 1) [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Time Scanner (TS 2.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Exzisus (EX 1.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood, Ricky2001, ArcadeHacker, IFW]
Puzzle Yutnori [system11, David Haywood]
Grande Fratello (Ver. 1.7) [f205v]
Ron Jan [system11]
Super Triv Quiz I [any]
Humlan's Lyckohjul (Sweden, Ver. 402) [Edstrom, Robert Quenet]
Aceex 2814 modem [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Akai AX80 [Arashikage, R. Belmont]
Burroughs EF315-I220 teller terminal (ANZ) [Vas Crabb]


Stargate (rev.5) [PinMAME]
Wing War R360 [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]


gameboy.xml: Pokemon - Cock Version (Bootleg) [Zeipher]
apple1.xml: Wumpus, Extended Monitor [Dagarman]


ProDOS v2.4.1 [John Brooks]
Gumball, Jumpman, Tapper [4am]
UniDOS 3.3 Plus v2.0.1, UniDOS Plus v2.1
Gamemaker, Hardball, The Heist, Law of the West, Master of the Lamps, Paper Models - The Christmas Kit, Pipe Dream, Portal, Racter, Rambo First Blood II, Shanghai, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego v1.1 [TRex]


UniDOS 3.3 Plus v2.0.1, UniDOS Plus v2.1
Thexder v1, Cribbage King / Gin King v1.01 [TRex]
segacd.xml: rewritten replacing many sets with more well-documented dumps [FakeShemp]
snes.xml: update for various redumped games [Alex Jackson, byuu]


Blade of The Great Elements (Test Version), Phalanx (Sample Version), Mahjong Gensoukyoku II - Mahjong Fantasia -The 2nd Stage The World of X68000 - Formula X, The World of X68000 - Fortress Attack & GJ, The World of X68000 - Logic Rush & Ah! Ohimesama!, The World of X68000 II - C Ryoku Kensa, The World of X68000 II - Cynthia, The World of X68000 II - Rush! & Useful, The World of X68000 II - T-94X [Wayder]



Login Disk & Book Series - X68000 Kessaku Game-sen


aristmk5: Fixed missing ARISTOCRAT_MK5_BIOS defines addition. [MASH]

core: Proposed for new system flags for 0.179 dev-cycle: [Angelo Salese]:

MACHINE_NODEVICE_MICROPHONE For unemulated microphone;

MACHINE_NODEVICE_CAMERA For unemulated camera;

MACHINE_NODEVICE_PRINTER For unemulated printer

MACHINE_NODEVICE_LAN For unemulated linking multi-cabinet capabilities;

MACHINE_NODEVICE_WAN For unemulated networking capabilities;

Restructured MACHINE_FLAGS into FATAL/WARNING/BTANB main categories, in order to make them easier to expose.

sh2: Added stub bus/sci/wdt devices for sh7604. [Angelo Salese]:

This also fixes Daytona USA CE for Sega Saturn.

cischeat: Various input related bug-fixes to Wild Pilot [Angelo Salese]:

Changed lightgun to an AD-stick.
Added player 2 inputs.
Fixed bogus start button starting a play even without a coin inserted.
mjsenpu: Added mahjong panel. [Angelo Salese]

core: Added new string conversion overloads:

[a|w|t|utf8]_from_[a|w|t|utf8_]string(xyz.c_str()) [Nathan Woods]

imgtool: Various changes and modernizations: [Nathan Woods]:

Fixed a bug that could cause module's close() callback to be invoked if an image failed to open or be created.
C++-ified imgtool_partition, imgtool_image, imgtool_stream, others.
Converted a number of pointers to references.
Made use of std functionality where possible.
coco: Changed to use required_ioport_array and optional_ioport [Nathan Woods]
omv1000: Removed second joystick. [einstein95]
6809: Fixed disassembly when core is interrupted mid-instruction. [smf]
core: Ensured all CPUs export STATE_GENPCBASE and use safe_pcbase() for everything in the debugger, which allows interruptible CPUs to work properly. [smf]

pc: Fixed 16-bit audio in diagnose.exe for the Sound Blaster 16. [smf]:

The fix replaces the lowest bit of the page with the upper bit of the address, in the case of a 128k DMA.
This applies to the southbridge, cs4031, wd7600, ngen, and at devices.
ide: Added "headphones" to ATAPI CD-ROM drives. [smf]

ay8910: Implemented upper address check. [smf]:

Not configurable at present, but chips could be ordered from the factory with IDs other than 0.
chdman: Fixed addmeta --valuefile by calling the correct write_metadata. [smf]

dac: Started documenting the various DACs in use. [smf]:

ataxx: Fixed missing sound channel caused by one DAC not being hooked up and one DAC being hooked up to two addresses.
bestbest: Fixed high pitch screech caused by incorrect addressing (two DACs weren't hooked up and two were hooked up to two addresses).
cchasm: Fixed static noise generation caused by feeding the same bit to both DACs.
cheekyms: Slightly improved sound by implementing sound triggers as 8x1-bit DACs instead of 1x8-bit DAC.
galeb: Fixed sound by implementing it according to http://www.deltasoft.com.hr/retro/galebemu.htm & implemented enough of LOAD/SAVE to stop it hanging.
hard drivin: (all games in driver) Improved 12-bit controls, although centre still goes out of sync.
mea8000: Converted to a sound device.
megaphx: Fixed noisy samples due to wrong format.
microvsn: Fixed sound pitch caused by incorrect usage of write_signed8().
seicross: Changed to a 4-bit DAC as samples are packed nibble.
spaceg: Preliminary sound using space invaders samples.
suna8: Changed to a 4-bit DAC as samples are packed nibble.
vcombat: Fixed static during machine gun fire due to incorrect dc offset removal.
vectrex: Fixed noisy samples due to wrong format.
wheelfir: Fixed sound, EEPROM & analogue steering wheel and brake pedal.

osd: Fixed several small issues in HLSL/BGFX. [Jezze]:

Fixed target texture dimension when -intoverscan is used (this fixes the appereance of scanlines and shadow mask)
Added target_scale and screen_count uniforms
Rounded corners now remain aligned with screen bounds when -intoverscan is used (single screen only)
d3d9: Fixed null reference exception when toggling from fullscreen to window mode [Jezze]
d3d9: Disabled clearing render targets in several passes to reduce draw time, all texels are written with opaque anyway. [Jezze]
d3d9/bgfx: Reduced defocus effect to one pass and capped defocus strength to 2.0. [Jezze]
norautp: Added PROM, PAL and updated PCB layout for bjpoker [Guru]
various: Fixed various spelling errors. [Jordi Mallach]

various: Fixed various things in certain mahjong drivers. [system11]:

homedata: Added information about board types.
nbmj8688: Corrected kaguya*, secolove DIP switches and added DIP locations to all games.
nbmj8891: Fixed or improved DIP switches in hanamomo and scandal.
nbmj9195: Improved renaiclb and gal10ren DIP switches.
niyanpai: Fixed 4psimasy DIP switches.
niyanpai: Fixed mhhonban year and company.
srmp6: Added DIP locations.
ssv: Fixed hypreac2 DIP switches.
mjsister: Fixed DIP switches.
ninjakd2.cpp: Replaced mnight with World version, Kawakus license now mnightj [frsj8112, system11]

hp9845: Various changes: [F.Ulivi]:

Moved hp9845b_state class into a separate file.
Refactored handling of irq/sts/flg bits to allow for adding I/O slots.
Added I/O slots.
Implemented HP98035 RTC card.
hphybrid: Fixed indirect EXE instruction [F.Ulivi]
neogeo: Redumped irrmaze V2 ROM and fixed ROM loading. [Brian Hargrove, Razoola]

model1: Made wingwar360 not crash on startup. [David Haywood]:

Currently hangs after you insert coins waiting for the safety bar to lower.
Collisions in wingwar are broken since recent changes to swa.
model1: Fixed enough to get netmerc to boot, though there are many issues still and it is unplayable. [David Haywood]
model1: Made render list scanning code safer by masking accesses to the RAM size and using less pointer math. [David Haywood]
mjsenpu: Hooked up payout buttons and a hopper [David Haywood]
decocass: Tagged all sets as US / Japan based on which BIOS type they use (A = Japan, B = US/World). [David Haywood]
decocass: Made the different BIOS ROMs selectable and added Ocean to Ocean. [David Haywood]
cmi2x: Fixed envelope terminal flag diagnostic. [Ryan Holtz]
6840ptm: Changed WRITE8 to WRITE_LINE for single-bit outputs. [Ryan Holtz]
cmi2x: Fixed MAST/TIM diagnostic test. [Ryan Holtz]
v1050: Fixed 8214 PICU hookup and promoted back to working. [Ryan Holtz]

tranz330: Added partially working driver for the VeriFone Tranz 330 point of sale terminal. [Ryan Holtz]:

Modem is not currently emulated, but it can be interacted with in a meaningful way and configured.
ds1386: Added Dallas DS1386-8K and DS1386-32K timekeepers (largely untested). [Ryan Holtz]
e15: Improved performance by using a timer to determine hblank. [Ryan Holtz]

rainbow: Various changes: [Bavarese]:

Fixed medium resolution mode.
Added first incarnation of Color Graphics Option for Rainbow-100 B.
Note: Highres and vector mode still have unfixed bugs.
Added clickable buttons to a few Midway layouts and cleaned up some code. [Risugami]
seattle: Added layout for San Francisco Rush [Risugami]

mjsister: A few input fixups [AJR]:

Identified the difficulty DIP switches.
Added some non-DIP inputs for service mode.
cninjabl2: Add sprites, changed title; promoted to WORKING with known problems [AJR]
witch: Fixed the code handling the "Hopper Active" DSW; no longer must it be low [AJR]

core: Misc. keyboard input improvements [AJR]:

Add BS, Tab, 00, 000 keys common on add-on keypads as input items; SDL may recognize these, but DirectInput does not
Assign Keypad 00 and Keypad 000 in several drivers' input lists
Add SDL keycode for "cancel" key
Add keypad keys as alternates to natural keyboard

core: Soft resets no longer turn back clocks on devices [AJR]:

Give RTCs their own phase of machine initialization, right after NVRAM loading
Make RTC feature flag overrides const, including one new one
Make rtc_clock_updated a required override
ui: Parenthesize optional items in input menus [AJR]

amusco: Various improvements; promoted to WORKING [AJR]:

Figured inputs out almost completely
Added blinking cursor for service mode
Hacked coins into working due to broken IRQ timings
Palette is in need of improvement
mc6845: Added readback for cursor blink state
pit8253: Eliminated device name from logging messages
Added row size as sixth parameter to debug dump command [AJR]

zodiac: Changed input type to keyboard [AJR]:

Added notes on physical button layout

mz80b, mz2000: Various minor changes [AJR]:

Moved MZ-80B to mz2000.cpp driver (emulation remains non-working)
Overhauled character layouts, creating separate configurations for European and Japanese keyboards (MT #6338)
Added GRPH characters and kana to key names

octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]:

Added on-board serial comms controller.
Added serial vector ports.
Fix extended RAM, made 256k the default.
Inverted IRQ signal from RTC.
Added Centronics parallel port.
Added software list.
x68k: Added IPL ROM dumped from an early X68000 CZ-600CE, made default for the X68000. [The Dumping Union, Barry Rodewald]
linenoise: Fixed build with Visual Studio ('and' isn't supported). [dankan1890]
osd: Incorporated product/instance DirectInput device IDs. This should allow better disambiguation of devices. [Tomer Verona]
sms: Fixed Out Run sound in FM mode. [Enik Land]
core: Added swpath. Allows users to specify location of loose software. [Robbbert]
rc702: fixed ctc interrupt. [Robbbert]
accexx: Started skeleton driver for 1995 Accexx 28.8 modem. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

z80scc: Various improvements [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]:

Added support for shift left/right modes in zbus_r and zbus_w.
Improved variant handling including some incomplete read register maps.
Added external CTS and DCD interrupts.
Improved device reset values.
Added SWI acknowledge command.
Improved/fixed handling of WR9, RR2, RR3.
Added WR7' register.
Improved Tx handling, added Tx FIFO including special case with 1 slot Tx FIFO for NMOS and CMOS.

z80scc: IACK and reset improvements [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]:

Added IACK by reading RR2
Made z80daisy_iack return -1 when no vector found or disabled through the WR9 VIS.
Removed z80daisy_reti code to match SCC documentation.
Removed defacto reset values where possible and replaced them with documented SCC reset values.
8530scc: Fixed typo (allows System 7 to boot on Mac drivers, and fixes X68000 mouse) [CharlesJS]

s3: Replaced Pinball sound ROMs with game specific sound dumps [barakandl]:

Williams System 3/4 Pinballs affected: World Cup, Contact, Disco Fever and Phoenix

es5506: Various fixes [Christian Brunschen]:

Fixed readback of global registers when the current page was in a certain range.
Made voices run for a zero-length loop, as real hardware does it and synthesizers rely on it.
These changes fix the playback of "Transwaves" on the VFX and SD-series synths.
stv: Added Taiwan 97/05/15 v1.14 BIOS [Corrado Tomaselli]
hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]
8042kbdc: Fixed keyboard on SGI Indy/Indigo 2 driver. [Carl]
mcr: Redumped dpoker sound ROMs. [Sean Rider]

core: Use standard uint64_t, uint32_t, uint16_t or uint8_t instead of UINT64, UINT32, UINT16 or UINT8 [Miodrag Milanovic]:

Also use standard int64_t, int32_t, int16_t or int8_t instead of INT64, INT32, INT16 or INT8.
Fixed alt-enter full screen toggling on SDL (Linux/Mac/BSD) builds. [Hans Ostermeyer]


Titel: ClrMamePro 4.031b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 04:45


    fixed: statistic count values for sets which do not really exist (e.g. sets with only biosroms and nodumps/samples)
    fixed: fix test for unneeded rom/detecting not separated biosrom checks interfear and you need a 2nd scan to get rid of it (MAME .178 decoccass v0a-.7e issue)


    fixed: rebuilder matched files counter


Titel: GameEx 14.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2016, 19:30
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

Fixes MAME NeoGeo not being recognised correctly with latest MAME release.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2016, 05:40


Select a media player and reset parameters buttons doesn't work; video preview, preferences screen
Message box dialog doesn't display unicode game titles in the top bar
Proper detection of PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP image types, to fix frontend freezes and crashes (unzipped and zipped)
Memory leak when exiting the frontend; image panel controls were not destroyed properly
If clicking button OK in "Emulators Setup" screen, emulators info are not updated correctly in "folders_emulators.ini" file
Neo-Geo filter was broken; from now on, it is done by checking only the "neogeo" bios name instead of driver names
Several fixes to preview images and EL's internal zip files cache system
- memory leak when switching image categories in classic view mode; images zip cache was not properly terminated
- memory leak when exiting the frontend if it was started directly in thumbnails view
- images zip cache were initialized three times over if starting frontend directly in thumbnails view
- when starting frontend directly in thumbnails view, after switching to another view mode, images zip files cache was not reinitializing; on images layout view, only game snapshots were showing
- when switching to thumbnails view, image zip files cache was not cleared, wasting RAM... only game snapshot cache is needed
Frontend crash while parsing LUA plugin info from "plugin.json" files... EL was not checking for empty lines, causing the crash (MAME settings screen)
MAME snapshot name format was not scanned correctly for parent sets (snap\gamename\0000.png)
Switching to "Internet Game Info" now clears the image zip files cache (image categories popup menu)
Cycle image categories doesn't select "Internet Game Info" anymore (images tool bar button)
Filter "Taito G-NET" was not working


Changes to thumbnails view
- minimum size increased to 152 pixels
- game icon size changed to 128x128 pixels
- added system icon in thumbnails to separate similar games of different systems
- added game icon so you know if game is parent, clone, available, missing
- you can no longer delete game snapshots of multiple selected games; to prevent frontend corruption
- setting "Show Images/Game Docs Panel" is no more, it was causing too many bugs; from now on, images panel is always enable in thumbs view
  -> you must enable/disable images in main menu images, view mode button, games popup menu "Thumbnails" sub-menu or in Thumbnais Settings dialog
  -> this also fixes a couple bugs related to game docs panel in thumbs view
- UNFIXABLE bug: if you change games font (name/size), the thumbnail cell size doesn't update correctly; only a frontend restart fixes it
Game name icon in games list status bar now show frontend's default game icon (system/have/miss icon status)
From now on, driver ini files are only searched in "inidir\source\" folder, except for MAME builds older than v0.118
- it fixes gamename.ini files from being deleted if driver name and game name are the same
- starting MAME v0.179 there is no support for drivername.ini in "inidir\" folder
No more gradient selection bar on games lists, and any other list that uses EasyListView; single color is enough
Changes to "Delete single selected game dialog"
- fixed a bug that was not calculating the total files listed, so dialog's width/height can be properly adjusted
- extended width and height to support higher screen resolutions; 640x480 is still supported
User interface tweaks/updates to "delete/rename game image"
Split read/write routines of emulators binaries and images folders from the main ReadIniFile() / UpdateIniFile() functions
- to update images paths settings (ui.ini; folders_emulators.ini) right after exiting "Image Categories Settings" screen; prevent loss of changes in case of an app crash... FINALLY!!!
Tweaks to "Select Machine to Run Game" (software list games related)
- show favorite icon in machines
- support higher screen resolutions
Load preview images with threads enabled by default... toggle button no longer available in images tool bar


Setting "Selected Game Dark Font" no longer needed; font is always in black color on selected games (preferences screen)
Columns "Game Status" and "Software Info Tip" removed from the main games list
IMPORTANT: make sure to delete "eldir\ini_files\columns_profile.ini" before starting the frontend or it might crash!


Driver status icon info next to the game icon in games list status bar (useful in thumbnails view)
-> good = green; imperfect = yellow; preliminary = red
Support MAME v0.179
New security setting: Disable "Delete/Copy/Move Games Files"; to prevent kiddies from messing with your games files (preferences screen, "Games List" tab)
NOTE: this setting is disabled by default; to protect your ROMs you must check the new setting
Multi-slot arcade games loading support for HBMAME
- systems: Neo-Geo, STV, MegaTech
- new files: "arcade\hbmame_multicart_neogeo.ini"; "arcade\hbmame_multicart_stv.ini"
- misc filters "Show Only Neo-Geo MVS" and "Show Only STV Multi-Slot" also include HBMAME games
Software list games: new info "part name" / "part title" for games with multiple files (floppy disk/cassette)
- EL can show you the title of the floppy disk (see game "aleste2" in "msx2_flop" softlist)... for future expansion

Changes to preview images feature:

- file "image_09_internet.ico" renamed to "image_internet.ico"
- new categories: end, boss, logo, score, versus, game over, how to play, select
  -> read/write folder paths in MAME's "ui.ini", if file found
  -> only .png files are supported since these categories are from the actual game screen
  -> see "docs\el-readme.txt" to find out what are the valid .zip filenames for each category (same as ClrMAME)
  -> you can find these collections at Progetto-SNAPS (http://www.progettosnaps.net)
- added a new image category custom hint box that doesn't disappear after 4 seconds (mouse hover over image)
- maximum images per category increased from 10 to 30
Support separate zip filenames for software list snapshots, so you don't have to put snapshots of all your software lists in "snap.zip"
- files must be the in same folder as snap.zip (or same folder as titles.zip; marquees.zip; cabinets.zip; etc...)
- zip filenames must be the same as software list names, for all image categories! (msx1_cart.zip; nes.zip; n64.zip; snes.zip; etc...)
- filenames like "msx1_cart_titles.zip" or "a7800_titles.zip" are not supported
- you can find these image packs in Progetto-SNAPS website (http://www.progettosnaps.net)
- all image categories are supported
- if you make changes to any .zip file, a frontend restart is required; Emu Loader uses a temporary cache system to avoid open/close .zip files for each selected game (abuse mode OFF)
- these softlist zip files will be scanned before snap.zip
Added icons size options for machines list side panel; "small (16x16)", "standard (24x24)", "large (32x32)", so you can use bigger game fonts (machines list popup menu)
Setting "Multiline Captions" is alsos applied to machines list side panel (preferences screen, "Games List" tab)
Machines list side panel background color and parent/clone font settings are now the same as main games list


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2016, 06:10


Oopsie! Crash when trying to read "ini_files\image_categories.ini" when it doesn't exist

version 8.2.7 change log - November 23, 2016


Split "ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" in two: "emulators.ini" and "image_categories.ini"; to fix MAMu_ icons folder not updating to .ini file
- this update will occur at startup, if file "folders_emulators.ini" still exists...


Titel: Emu Loader 8.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2016, 19:40
Whats new:>>


Frontend crash when switching to internet game info (images tool bar button) and if starting the frontend with "internet game info" selected
Error detecting MAME driver .ini files if gamename and drivername are the same (games popup menu, custom game/driver settings)

Titel: MAME 0.180
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2016, 13:20


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06436: [DIP/Input] (tecmo.cpp) gemini, geminib: Input issues (Tafoid)
- 06432: [Graphics] Creating a game specific INI disables HLSL filters (Jezze)
- 04933: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (gaiden.cpp) gaiden and clones: Very slight offset down on flip screen (Osso)
- 06427: [Documentation] (atarisy1.cpp) peterpak: A dash too much in the game description. (AntoPISA)
- 03646: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) altbeastj, altbeast6 : Missing graphics in the crystal ball. (David Haywood)
- 06407: [Compiling] (cps2.cpp) BUILD: Compiling a tinybuild with cps2 driver included crashes (smf)
- 06413: [Interface] CONSOLE: Does nothing but allow "EXIT" (crazyc)
- 05928: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.cpp) nbajamex: game crashes / nvram gets corrupted (Phil Bennett)
- 06418: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (8080bw.cpp) Color sets in 8080bw: No picture for second player in cocktail mode. (Robbbert)
- 06417: [Crash/Freeze] MAME crashed with UI and HLSL (Jezze)
- 06411: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (equites.cpp) splndrbt and clones, hvoltage: Cocktail mode video isn't working correctly (Osso)

New working machines
Candela CAN09 terminal [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Draw 88 Poker (V2.0) [Roberto Fresca, Charles MacDonald]
Entex Space Battle [hap, Sean Riddle]
Fidelity Designer 2100 Display [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Excel 68000 [hap, Berger]
Mephisto Montreux [unknown]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0001) Standard Draw Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0050) Joker Poker (4 sets) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0054) Deuces Wild Poker (El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0195) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0218) 4 of a Kind Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0232) Patriot Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0294) Aces and Faces Bonus Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0295) Super Deuces Wild Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0445) Aces and Faces Bonus Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0450) Loose Deuce Deuces Wild! Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0453) Joker Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002002P+XP000038) Double Double Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X002240P+XP000038) Joker Poker (Two Pair or Better) [BrianT]
Radio Shack Monkey See [hap, Sean Riddle]
Bandai System Control Car: Cheetah/The Incredible Brain Buggy [hap, Sean Riddle]
Shikigami no Shiro - internal build (V1.02J 2001/09/27 18:45) [rtw, ShouTime, smf, O.Galibert]
Intel iSBC 286/12 [Al Kossow]

New working clones
1945k III (newer, OPCX1 PCB) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Blue Shark (Model Racing bootleg) [f205v]
Burning Fight (prototype, ver 23.3, 910326) [Collin Foust]
Cosmic Invaders (bootleg of Space Invaders) [penrhos]
Forgotten Worlds (USA, B-Board 88618B-2, Rev. B) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Gran Premio F1 (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) [Rockman, Arcade Hacker]
Grand Prix Star (v3.0) [Hammy]
Hit the Ice (US, with riser board) [coolmod]
Mustache Boy (Italy) [ShouTime]
Metal Slug 2 Turbo (hack/bootleg) [system11, trap15]
Ozma Wars (Model Racing bootleg) [f205v]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0008) Standard Draw Poker (set 2, El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0048) Joker Poker (set 4) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0057) Deuces Wild Poker (set 4) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0103) Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0126) Deuces Wild Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0188) Standard Draw Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0434) Bonus Poker Deluxe (set 2) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0447) Standard Draw Poker (set 3) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0452) Double Deuces Wild Poker (set 2) [BrianT]
Road Fighter (set 3, conversion hack on Hyper Sports PCB) [f205v]
Sol Divide - The Sword Of Darkness (Korea) [Nomax, The Dumping Union]
Stone Ball (2 Players, v1-20 21/10/1994) [Nomax, The Dumping Union]
Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. ?) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Exzisus (EX 1.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Go By RC (V2.03O 1999/05/25 13:31) [smf]
Number Crash [kurobee]
Saitek RISC 2500 v1.04 [unknown]
Space Lords (rev C) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Tandy/Memorex Video Information System MD-2500 [Carl]
Time Scanner (TS 2.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Xain'd Sleena (SC 3.0, Magnet System, prototype) [David Haywood]
Intel iSBC 286/10 [Carl]

Clones promoted to working
RC De Go (V2.03J 1999/05/22 19:29) [smf]
Space Lords (rev A) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Space Lords (rev A, German) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Space Lords (rev B) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
ACI Destiny Prodigy [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Acorn A4000 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A5000 [Nigel Barnes]
Bandai Super Note Club mu (Japan) [Team Europe]
Candela CAN09 main unit [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Datum [Robbbert]
Diamond Fever (0200302V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
GMX Micro 20 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]
Hazeltine 1500 [Al Kossow, Ryan Holtz]
Intel iSBC 86/05 [Al Kossow]
Intel iSBC 86/30 [Al Kossow]
Jungle Juice (0200240V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Kron K-180 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Meng Hong Lou [Guru, Dyq, Bnathan]
Montana Choice (MG0025) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Montana Choice (MG0026) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Montana Choice (MG0182) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Player's Choice (MG0213) Multi-Game [BrianT]
Player's Edge (PK0858-PC075) Deuces Wild Poker (El Cortez) [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000013K+XK000012) Keno [BrianT]
Player's Edge Plus (X000846S+XS000006) Wild Star Red White & Blue Slots [BrianT]
Player's Choice - Original (30143011, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Rider's Surf [PinMAME]
Simatic PG675 [R. Belmont, rfka01]
SYS68K/CPU-30SEN-R [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30SEN-R-501 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Televideo TV910 [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Acorn A3010 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A3020 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A4 [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn A5000 Alpha [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 305 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 410/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 420/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 440 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 440/1 [Nigel Barnes]
Archimedes 540 [Nigel Barnes]
Cash Chameleon (0200437V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Chameleon (0300781V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Chicken (0200530V, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Inca Sun (CHG1458, US) [Heihachi_73]
Star God (variable replay score) [PinMAME]
SYS68K/CPU-30BE/16 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30BE/8 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30Lite/4 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30Lite/8 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30X [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30XA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30ZA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-30ZBE [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
SYS68K/CPU-33 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Time Crisis II (Japan, TSS1 Ver. B) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Time Crisis II (US, TSS5 Ver. A) [Naoki, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Unicorn Dreaming (0101228V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Amazon (01J01996, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
War: The Final Assault (Apr 7 1999) [CoolFox]

New WORKING software list additions
atom_flop.xml: Egghead in Space, F14 Tomcat [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_cass.xml: The Music System [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop.xml: various games, applications, utilities [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop_orig.xml: redumped Farm Management Suite double sided [Nigel Barnes]
bbcmc_flop.xml: ALPS, Astro Blaster, Carnival [Nigel Barnes]
megadriv.xml: Cool Spot (Euro, Prototype) [FakeShemp, Team Europe]
pet_rom.xml: SUPER*TOOL [Francesco Messineo]
pro128s_flop.xml: Disco Welcome [Nigel Barnes]
snes.xml: Syvalion (Euro, Prototype) [FakeShemp, Team Europe]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
archimedes.xml: RISC OS 3 Applications, many coverdisks and commercial applications [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_6502.xml: Hi-InterSheet, Hi-View, Hi-Wordwise+ [Nigel Barnes]
electron_flop.xml: all known 5.25" DFS releases [Nigel Barnes]
 Cooking Pico (Jpn), Cooking Pico (Kor), Toy Story 2 (Kor), The Cloud is Wizard (Kor), Tago Galka (Kor), Dreamland Tour (Kor)
 [Team Europe]
sawatte.xml: Doraemon Nobita no Dou Butsu Land, Soreike! Anpanman Onamae Na~ni, Ultra Hero Touch [Team Europe]

Translations added or modified
German [rootfather]

Source Changes
-imgtool: Various refactoring: [Nathan Woods]
 * Consolidated logic for default implementation of imgtool::image::list_partitions().
 * Changed imgtool::stream::open*() to return imgtool::stream::ptr.
 * Fixed a recently introduced bug that caused image types that do not support partitions to function incorrectly.

-core: Disassembler modernisation: [Nathan Woods]
 * Merged M6809, HD6309 and Konami disassemblers.
 * Added arcompact and PDP8 disassemblers to unidasm.
 * Fixed unidasm declaration for upd7725.
 * Eliminated static disassembly buffers in RSP, PowerPC and MIPS DRCs.
 * Changed all disassemblers to use output stream rather than character buffer.
 * Changed disassembler overrides to use 'std::ostream &' internally.
 * Changed disassembler infrastructure to not use char buffers internally.

-apollo: Enabled creation when non-existent image name is supplied for omti8621 and sc499. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-sc499: Corrected regressions that prevented writing. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-various: Miscellaneous typo fixes. [Jordi Mallach, Tafoid]

-arm, arm7: Various emulation improvements: [Sandro Ronco]
 * Implemented Transfers to User Bank in LDM/STM and fixed flags corruption in branch opcodes.
 * Fixed register-base shift with a value >= 32, this fixes the RISC OS graphics issues.
 * Fixed carry for ROR and preserve IRQ_MASK in LDR R15,***.

-mmodular, risc2500: Moved Saitek RISC 2500 into a separate driver and added internal layout and inputs. [Sandro Ronco]

-a310: reworked HLE keyboard and added mouse input. [Sandro Ronco]

-aristmk5: Various improvements: [Sandro Ronco]
 * Hooked up EEPROMs, UARTs and some inputs.
 * Fixed video DMA when vidstart != 0.
 * Added coin input, logic door input and RTC.
 * Fixed SRAM banking.

-archimds: Fixed horizontal display position and cursor position in VIDC. [Sandro Ronco]

-atarigx2: Reverse-engineered Space Lords security FPGA and implemented decryption code.
 [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen]

-atarigx2: Fixed inputs in Space Lords. [MASH]

-ti99: Fixed save states and declared MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE. [Michael Zapf]

-midvunit: Renamed wargods CHD to reflect actual version on disk. [Ryan Holtz]

-hazeltin: Various initial changes: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Added keyboard hookup, but will need 8048 dumping or black-boxing.
 * Added preliminary video, still broken due to timing issues.
 * Added state-machine bipolar PROMs.

-core: Added non-netlist devices for logic ICs: [Ryan Holtz]
 * 54/74160,161,162,163
 * 54/7416x Hex/Quad D Flip-Flops with Clear
 * 9334/DM9334 8-Bit Addressable Latch
 * 7400 Quad 2-Input NAND Gate, 7404 Hex Inverter, 82S126/82S129 256x4-bit PROM

-sun4: Simplified DMA implementation. [Ryan Holtz]

-naomi: various naming changes: [MetalliC]
 * Added supported region info.
 * Changed all games to "Export name / Japan name" template.
 * Correct a few names as per title screens.

-namcos12: Added Namco Cyber Lead cabinet JVS IO and LED controller PCB dumps. [PascalP, Team Europe]

-aristmk6: Hooked up IRQ registers. [MetalliC]

-naomi: Added missing PICs for Dragon Treasure 2 main, Dragon Treasure 2 & 3 satellite, and WCCF 2001-2002.
 [Android, Darksoft, f205v, rtw, MetalliC]

-luaengine: Converted to sol2. [Carl]

-plugins/console: Added Lua console as plugin. [Carl]

-core: Moved device_memory_interface from driver_device to dummy_space_device. [smf]
 * Exposed the dummy_space_device as machine().dummy_space() with a trampoline in driver_device for existing callers.
 * Debugger no longer needs to special case root_device() to avoid showing the dummy address space.

-taitogn: Various changes: [smf]
 * Implemented G-NET BIOS flashing
   * Games that require the v2 BIOS now require you to update the BIOS and turn off JP1 as part of the installation
   * A v1 BIOS flash is included, but you aren't forced to use it
 * Moved G-NET protection out of ATAFLASH and into individual devices for each type of card
 * Added build dates and times to G-NET game descriptions.

-zn: Various changes: [smf]
 * Implemented enough analogue control reading on ZN1/ZN2 for RC De Go and Go By RC.
 * Fixed ZN1/ZN2 DIP switch descriptions.

-Implemented S1985 backup RAM [smf]
 * Fixes TPC310 accessories cursor movement on the second time you launch it with left ctrl + left shift.
 * Fixed Matsushita backup RAM saving.
 * Implemented S1985 and Matsushita state saving.
 * Implemented MSX switched interface without using an address map.

-Fixed heap corruption when loading a new CHD fails. [smf]

-Throw CHDERR_FILE_NOT_WRITEABLE rather than CHDERR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION if you try to open an old version CHD or writing. [smf]

-darkmist: Video fixes: [Angelo Salese]
 * Added real transparent pen mixing from PROMs, fixes ranking screen and gameplay area in Dark Mist.
 * Fixed sprite-sprite priorities, sprite chip fetches from top to bottom.

-saturn: Various changes: [Angelo Salese]
 * Worked around VDP1 timings in Sega Saturn, fixes regression with Batman Forever gameplay speed.
 * Added Rotation Parameter read control register, fixes at least Riddler stage ROZ positioning in Batman Forever.

-mirage: Added 93C46 EEPROM hook-up. [Angelo Salese]

-seta: Added backup RAM hookup for kiwame, fixes "BACKUP RAM ERROR" at first boot. [Angelo Salese]

-ncr5390: Implemented selection disable. [O. Galibert]

-addrmap refactoring: [O. Galibert]
 * Removed device parameter
 * De-hand-templatized address_map_entry, remove then unneeded entry parameter
 * Simplified constructor, thanks Micko
 * Changed setters into passthroughs
 * Stream it
 * Changed to use dot syntax rather than -> syntax for chaining

-addrmem: Made obvious renames and added helpers. [O. Galibert]

-general: Eliminated attaching memory maps to driver_device. [O. Galibert]

-emucore: Removed generic_ptr. [O. Galibert]

-scn2674: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Corrected the row on which a split occurs, fixes Octopus display of the last row before the status line split.
 * Added command 0xA6, fixes Octopus status line in Concurrent DOS, and BIOS character block write function.

-octopus: Various changes: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Added cursor display.
 * Added colour attributes.
 * Added blink and underline attributes.
 * Hooked up serial lines, Concurrent DOS can now use the first serial port as an extra terminal.
 * Fixed Z80 RAM banking past 256kB.

-fmtowns: Addded support for IC Memory Card images. [Barry Rodewald]
 * Limited to 16MB in size until software that supports more can be found.

-x68k: Added keyboard LEDs to layout display. [Barry Rodewald]
 * Among other things, this fixes the 'dancing keyboard' display when running Cotton.

-mac: Split 128/512/Plus into a new separate, more modern driver. [R. Belmont]

-mac: Corrected regression in IIvx/IIvi models. [R. Belmont]

-apple2gs: Switched to use z80scc, added printer and modem ports. [R. Belmont]

-sdgndmps: Added DIP switch names and locations (verified from manual). [AJR]

-pg685: Added pg675 and hooked up MM58167 RTC. [R. Belmont, rfka01]

-pg685: Various changes: [R. Belmont]
 * Preliminary working oua11 video.
 * Fixed ROM and ROM shadow mapping for oua12 so it actually boots.
 * Preliminary not-quite-working oua12 video (chargen decode is unknown).

-pg675, pg685: Added hardware info. [rfka01]

-micro20: Added more device hookups, gets farther into POST. [R. Belmont]

-concept: Added optional MacsBug ROMs. [Al Kossow, R. Belmont]

-core: Fixed a bug parsing the software name option that prevented loading slot defaults for software selected from the internal
 UI. [AJR]

-sh2dasm, sh4dasm: Changed the disassemblers to use 'std::ostream &' internally. [AJR]

-pit8253: Made MSB-only counter writes lower outputs in mode 0. [AJR]

-amusco: Various changes: [AJR]
 * Identified and hooked up 8155 interface chips for LPT and RTC.
 * Fixed PIT IRQs; game speed is much better now.
 * Coin inputs now read properly through IRQ4.
 * Promoted draw88pkr to WORKING (no more "COIN ERROR" on startup, though POST still fails memory test for some reason).
 * Removed spurious coin counter.
 * Updated notes on printer.

-seibu: Moved SEI80BU encryption out of the SEIBU_SOUND device and made it a device of its own. [AJR]

-amusco: Added button-lamps and coin counter support. [Roberto Fresca]

-z80scc: Various changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Added support for RTxC as BRG clock source, allows the SGI Indy to have a console.
 * Fixed a bug in rr15 support, allows macplus, etc. to boot now.
 * Improved interrupt handling, allows mouse pointer to move in macplus driver for System 6.0.8.
 * Fixed init state of latched rr0 values, improves the success ratio of getting the mouse working in both X and Y on macplus, etc.
 * Minimal sync/hunt support to enable System 7 to boot on macplus.

-z80dart: Refactored FIFOs using new template based FIFO class. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-didact: Various Candela changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Added can09, a non working driver for the Candela main computer, a 6809 based design with FDC and a 6850 CRTC.
 * Added can09t, a somewhat working driver for the Candela terminal, a slimmer version without FDC and with a terminal interface.

-fccpu30: Various changes: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Added new board variants as WIP: cpu30x, cpu30xa, cpu30za, cpu30zbe, cpu30be8, cpu30be16, cpu30lite4, cpu30lite8, cpu30senr,
    cpu30senr501, cpu33
 * Added support for -ramsize according to each board variant.
 * Renamed roms to reflect on content and versions.
 * Mapped the Epson 72423 RTC device to the msm6242_device driver as it is compatible.
 * Added mock handlers with LOG info for devices that needs to be written.
 * Exposed possibility to turn off FPU in case it is not installed.
 * fccpu: Prepared to split out base fccpu class to support drivers for cpu2x and cpu4x boards etc.
 * Various small fixes to PIT68230, FGA022, DUSCC.

-prodigy: Added skeleton driver for ACI Destiny Prodigy chess computer. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-z80sio, mzr8105: Added UPD7201 device type to and changed driver to use it. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-rax: Emulated the Acclaim RAX sound board, fixing sound in Batman Forever and NBA Jam Extreme. [Phil Bennett]

-zn: Hooked up extra NVRAM in NBA Jam Extreme. [Phil Bennett]

-bbc: Added ACP 1770 DFS to acorn1770 FDC. [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Added PRES ADFS versions to Plus3 expansion. [Nigel Barnes]

-a310: Added new NOT WORKING machines Archimedes 305, Archimedes 440, Archimedes 3000, Archimedes 410/1, Archimedes 420/1,
 Archimedes 440/1, Archimedes 540, Acorn A5000, Acorn A4, Acorn A4000, Acorn A5000 Alpha [Nigel Barnes]
 * Renamed a310->aa310 to avoid conflict with Amiga machines.
 * Added all missing OS releases Arthur 0.30, RISC OS 2.01, RISC OS 3.00, RISC OS 3.10, RISC OS 3.19 (German).
 * Made all machines default to the OS (Arthur, RISC OS 2, RISC OS 3) they were shipped with.
 * Corrected ROM labels/locations.
 * Added default CMOS to boot to desktop.
 * Mapped Acorn A4 Power Management extension.

-hp9845: Re-implemented 98035 module with a nanoprocessor driver. [F.Ulivi]
 * Now possible to emulate the 98035 RTC module at a low level thanks to firmware ROM dump from Mr. Kueckes.
 * Implemented "nanoprocessor" microcontroller CPU core and disassembler.

-hp9845: Implemented HP98034 module (HPIB interface). [F.Ulivi]

-quizpun2: Hooked up MCU, improved graphics and sound. [Luca Elia]

-crystal: Fixed VRender0 timers. [Luca Elia]

-cedar_magnet: Preliminary magnet system sound and various flag fixes. [David Haywood]

-smskr: Added support for the seo-jin 11-in-1 multi-game bootleg cartridge. [David Haywood]

-aristmk6: Various changes: [David Haywood]
 * Cleaned up ROM loading.
 * Show framebuffer? instead of debug viewer - can see startup text at least.
 * Extended ROM area so that the bigger games map properly and pass their checksums.
 * Corrected flamolce rom loading.
 * Corrected rumbreel rom loading and switch 1x and 2x IC positions, it passes test and is consistent with others now.

-sh4: Began SH4 MMU improvements with a view to seeing what aristmk6 needs, allowed table upload by LDTLB opcode, allowed
 experimental MMU test code to be enabled/disabled on a per-driver basis. [David Haywood]

-core: Added delegate support for lambdas and std::functions in general, also supporting const members now. [Miodrag Milanovic]

-aristmk5: Increased ROM window size for incasunu and geisha, fixing graphic CRC check and allowing incasunu to boot.
 [David Haywood]

-core: Added more applicable Catch testing framework and converted all tests to be done properly by guidelines. [Miodrag Milanovic]
 * Still needs TESTS=1 to enable build of tests

-osd: Moved UWP asset files to proper place. [Miodrag Milanovic]

-util: Added a simple FIFO template. [Vas Crabb]

-xmlfile: Turned API into something that looks like C++ and allowed use of const data node objects. [Vas Crabb]

-3rdparty: Updated LZMA to 16.04 (security and portability fixes). [Vas Crabb]

-core: Introduced u8/u16/u32/u64/s8/s16/s32/s64 alias types: [Vas Crabb]
 * New abbreviated types are in osd and util namespaces, and also in global namespace for things that #include "emu.h"
 * Removed the cstdint types from everything in emu.
 * Removed U64/S64 macros.
 * Fixed a bug in dps16 caused by incorrect use of macro.
 * Fixed debugcon not checking for "do " prefix case-insensitively.
 * Fixed a lot of messed up tabulation.
 * Changed many macros and constants to constexpr.
 * Fixed up many __names.

-complay.py: Rewrote to parse/minify layout XML - invalid XML in internal layouts now cause build failures. [Vas Crabb]

-uismall.bdf: Added some typographical characters to, including the hair space used by the internal UI. [Vas Crabb]

-frontend: Encapsulated more of the menu base class to control when layout changes can happen, encapsulated mouse translation
 [Vas Crabb]

-osd: Fixed key names with -keyboardprovider win32 [Vas Crabb]

-core: Drop invalid input tokens when parsing configuration, fixes uncaught exception error when writing configuration. [Vas Crabb]

-hlsl: Fixed games with off-screen backdrop artworks (e.g. atarifb, bowler). [Jezze]

-sms: Various changes: [Enik Land]
 * Set initial audio mixing state on reset.
 * Documented the Sports Pad modes (and changed the default) used by Sports Pad Soccer (Jpn).

-n64: Various changes: [Happy]
 * Only SP DMA skip for DRAM address, regardless of transfer direction.
 * Give priority to current transfer when reading AI length register.
 * Add delayed carry signal to AI (hardware bug allows carry signal from low to high to persist through a reload).

-build: Fixed make VERBOSE=1 not showing archive commands for static libraries. [Happy]

-osd: Added new UWP icons/images. [JacKc]

-bionicc: Various changes: [Asayuki]
 * Added notes on clock frequencies and video signal timings.
 * Converted to raw screen parameters, correcting frame rate and vblank timing.

-jangou: Corrected DIP switches for Jangou Lady. [system11]

-nbmj8891: Corrected DIP switches for Mahjong G-Men '89, Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome and Scandal Mahjong. [system11]

-nbmj9195: Corrected Pretty Sailor 18-kin DIP switches. [system11]

-tmnt: Changed back to 320x224 as per MT04790 discussion. [system11]

-vigilant: Corrected visible screen area (PCB comparison). [system11]

-twincobr: Corrected ROM names for twincobr and twincobru. [system11]

-tumbleb: Corrected Choky Choky OKI crystal, also corrected all games to mono as none use stereo PCBs. [system11]

-kaneko16: Unswapped button mappings for gtmr games so they match the PCB/manual. [system11]

-psikyosh: Corrected all games to mono as all games in this board family are mono. [system11]

-marvland: Tagged as imperfect sound and needing redump of sound ROM. [system11]
 * The sound in this version does not match Japan or any of the ports, and sounds like incorrect sounds are being played.

-aleck64: Added vivdolls DIP switches, digital joystick support needs adding, game is switchable. [system11]

-rainbow: Various Rainbow 100 changes: [Bavarese]
 * Fixed colors in highres mode and video levels.
 * Made a small fix to serial Rx.
 * Added support for hard disks with up to 17 sectors/track, as MFM controllers allow this.
 * Made port 50 readable (undocumented, yet used).

-upd7220: Fixed division by zero in update_graphics. [Bavarese]

-build: Fixed building on ppc64le and s390x. [Julian Sikorski]

-firebatl: Fixed music tempo. [ShouTime]

-fidel6502: Redumped Par Excellence. [Berger]

-quizpun2: Dumped the 68705 MCU for "Quiz Punch", protected by an epoxy block. [Guru]

-sms_bootleg: Added the missing ROM to the smssgame set. [Astroblaster]

-naomigd: Added unused/unknown security PIC dumps:
 * 253-5508-0352E some mahjong game? [mohamad "The Hedgehog" issawi, colour.thief]
 * 253-5508-0456J WCCF 2005-2006 Japan [any]
 * 253-5508-0506J unknown Chihiro [Android]

-lua: Added ability to show custom menu. [headkaze]

-fds: Detached the other cart lists. [Reagan Roush]

-zorba: Added software list for floppy disks as well as some documentation to the driver file. [Reagan Roush]

-isbc: Added new isbc 286 rom version v1.0. [Al Kossow]

-isbc_208: Added device. [Carl]


Titel: GameEx 14.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2016, 22:36
Whats new:>>

The wheel view and GameEx Arcade Edition now work nicely in vertical setups.

Titel: GameEx 14.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2016, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Cosmetic improvemements and fixes.
Fixes to Ben Baker’s Setup Wizard.
Preview images and videos now do a nice cross fade.

Titel: ClrMamePro 4.031c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2016, 17:15
Whats new:>>

fixed: falsely create sampleOnly sets from empty sets (MAME >.180 genpin issue)

Titel: GameEx 14.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2016, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Various minor changes, fixes and additions.

Titel: MAME 0.181
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2016, 17:20


[Misc.] (kaneko16.cpp) berlwallt, berlwallk: an error message "Copy Board" pops up. (Angelo Salese)
[DIP/Input] (hanaawas.cpp) hanaawas: Credits dip switch does not work (Angelo Salese)
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (m58.cpp) 10yard and clones: Flip Screen/Cocktail Mode offset (Robbbert)
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (fcrash.cpp) fcrash: Game sprites not flipped when Flip Screen is ON (Robbbert)
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (finalizr.cpp) All sets in finalizr.c: Ships and scores should both be on top when screen is Flipped (Robbbert)
[Graphics] (gb.cpp) gameboy [f1race]: Corrupted graphics (racetrack not lined up) (Wilbert Pol)
[DIP/Input] (mz2000.cpp) mz2000, mz2200: Mistakes in current keyboard matrix emulation and missing keys ! (AJR)
[Gameplay] (segag80r.cpp) Most/all sets in segag80r.cpp: game resets itself during play (smf)
[Color/Palette] (8080bw.cpp) sicv, sicv1, invadpt2, invadpt2br, moonbase, moonbasea: In a 2-player game, colors don't change at certain areas of the screen for each player's turn. (Robbbert)
[Color/Palette] (astinvad.cpp) spcking2: Incorrect colors at certain areas of the screen. (Robbbert)
[DIP/Input] (ccastles.cpp) All sets in ccastles.cpp: Map Button 2 to start a 2-player game in upright mode. (Tafoid)
[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (phoenix.cpp) phoenix: Cocktail Mode displays incorrectly (Robbbert)


Eeekk! [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, smf]
Intel iSBC 286/10 [Al Kossow]
Intel iSBC 286/12 [Al Kossow]
Miss World 2002 [NeoGeo de Ahuizotla, Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (XMP00011) 5-in-1 Wingboard (CG2298) [BrianT]
Power Flipper Pinball Shooting v1.33 [Jorge Silva]
Quiz Kid Racer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Steering Champ (GQ710 VER. UAA) [Bill D. / The Dumping Union, crzmx, smf]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (newer) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]


Fidelity Designer 2000 Display [yovan]
Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger roms) [system11]
Golden Crown Hopper [Gerald COY]
Mahjong Clinic (Japan, set 2) [system11]
Momoko 120% (English text) [Paul Hogger]
Multi Wars (bootleg of UniWar S) [Paul Hogger]
Raiden (Korea, bootleg) [Tirino73]
Real Bout Fatal Fury / Real Bout Garou Densetsu (Korean release) [Brian Hargrove]
Same! Same! Same! (1P set, NEW VER! hack) [CAPS0ff, trap15]
Side by Side 2 Evoluzione RR (Ver 3.1 J) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Simpson Junior (bootleg of J. J. Squawkers) [NeoGeo de Ahuizotla, Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Space Dungeon (larger roms) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Super Visual Football: European Sega Cup (original rev) [Gerald COY]
The NewZealand Story (World, old version) (older PCB) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (older) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]
Tokio / Scramble Formation (US) [ShouTime, brizzo, David Haywood]
Turbo Force (US) [dos_]
VTech Laser Turbo XT [Miodrag Milanovic]
VTech Laser XT/3 [Miodrag Milanovic]


ACT Apricot PC [Dirk Best]
ACT Apricot Xi [Dirk Best]
K28: Talking Learning Computer (model 7-230) [O. Galibert]
Mattel Funtronics Jacks [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Funtronics Red Light Green Light [hap, Sean Riddle]
Space Invader (Entex, COP444L version)


Apple Laser Writer II NT [Lord Nightmare, Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Back To the Future (2.8) [PinMAME]
Dulmont Magnum [Carl, Dave Jones]
Ensoniq SQ-2 [R. Belmont, Guru]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V105) [XingXing]
Monday Night Football (2.9, 50cts) [PinMAME]
Multistar 3 [Heihachi_73]
Royal Ascot II [Gerald COY, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V101) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V102) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V103) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 HD (V104) [XingXing]
Lost in Space (1.01 France) [PinMAME]
Sega Rally Championship - DX (original rev) [Gerald COY]
Terco 4426 CNC Programming station
Top Skater (USA) [Gerald COY]
Toshiba T1000 [shattered]
Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5) [Gerald COY]
X-Files (3.03 France) [PinMAME]
apricot_flop.xml: Demonstration Pictures, MS-DOS 2.11 BIOS VR2.7, MS-DOS 2.11 BIOS VR3.1, QUEST - The Adventure [Dirk Best]
Translations added or modified TRANSLATIONS ADDED OR MODIFIED:
Catalan [Jordi Mallach]


Created DYNAMIC_API macros for cleaner definition of dynamically linked functions. [Brad Hughes]
Double-check key state before UI autorepeat (fixes github issue #1169). [Brad Hughes]
m68k: Respect 68020 "freeze I-cache" bit; micro20 68020 cache test now passes. [R. Belmont]
micro20: Hack to start up at MacsBug/shell entry point, added terminal and devices. [R. Belmont]
i960: Added scanbyte and IP-relative lda opcodes, masked low bits of branch targets. [R. Belmont]
i960: Preliminary support for CALLS instruction and WIP on FAULTx instructions. [R. Belmont]
archimds: Fixed sound double-buffering. [R. Belmont]
aristmk5: Added default NVRAM to US sets so the games come up in a playable state. [Heihachi_73, R. Belmont] * cuckoou, dolphntru, incasunu, magimask, magimaska, partygrs, qnileu, wcougaru
ppc: Set DSISR to the exception flags rather than the address on data access faults and correct flag values. [R. Belmont, Vas Crabb, maximumspatium]
DRC: Fixed XMM usage on SysV x64 ABI, restoring debugger functionality on Mac/Linux for DRC drivers. [maximumspatium, R. Belmont, Ville Linde]
Added preliminary MB86235 recompiler. [Ville Linde]
delegates: Don't crash on late binding if no object is actually needed. [O. Galibert]
pci9050: Fixed the mappings. [O. Galibert]
sharc: Use standard memory maps. [O. Galibert]
tms32025: Use the standard memory interfaces. [O. Galibert]
dimemory: Removed the magic bypass. [O. Galibert]
mc1000: Removed direct update handler. [O. Galibert]
tnzs: Various refactoring. [Ryan Holtz]
netlist: Added simple ROM hookup capability. [Ryan Holtz]
netlist: Added shared RAM pointer, for use by netlist RAM devices which need updating by non-netlist driver code. [Ryan Holtz]
hazeltin: Added netlist-based video board emulation. [Ryan Holtz]
coretmpl: Added an associative LRU cache with map-like behaviour. [Vas Crabb]
selmenu: Use LRU cache so icons don't all need to be reloaded on scroll. [Vas Crabb]
uismall.bdf: Set default character for absent glyphs. [Vas Crabb]
Made bitmaps movable, allowing them to be used in vectors and emplaced easily. [Vas Crabb]
Fixed uninitialised memory read as debugger command history (github #1802). [Vas Crabb]
Amiga/Buddha: Cleanups and fixes, partially working now. [Dirk Best]
Created an ef9369 device and used it for guab and mpu4vid. [Dirk Best]
6840ptm: Use standard device clock for internal clock. [Dirk Best]
mcr68: Use standard 6840 PTM core, replacing custom implementation with the standard one. [Dirk Best]
zwackery: Removed Artificial Artist PAL, now included in the csd device. [Dirk Best]
zwackery: Corrected ROM labels and locations. [Dirk Best]
Identified DAC for Midway Cheap Squeak Deluxe/Turbo Cheap Squeak. [Dirk Best]
srmp2.cpp: Fixed regression with ADPCM playback on m68k based games. [Angelo Salese]
neogeo: Corrected burningfpa romlabels (thanks jackc) and added it to software list. [hap]
microtouch: Added output status command and fixed data transmission at 2400 baud. [Sandro Ronco]
aristmk5: Added internal layout and connected microtouch to magimask and partygrs. [Sandro Ronco]
Archimedes: Made floppies work. [Sandro Ronco]
fromance.cpp: Fixed OL gal display for nekkyoku. [Angelo Salese]
fromance.cpp: Added visible horizontal parameter to CRTC. [Angelo Salese]
WIP: Intergraph driver support: Enabled more Rx interrupts and fixed error FIFO. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
WIP Apple Laser Writer II NT and some SCC improvements. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Prodigy: Added layout. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
68230: Added bitwise update methods for all ports and moved register access methods to private section. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
PIT68230: Fixed bug in port A-C write and added check of DDR registers for bit updates. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
68230: Added initial support for timer interrupts and embryonic support for port interrupts. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Fixed a regression FIFO bug and a bug in the handling of Special Interrupts. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Fixed name to a better guess for MCU name for plump pop, and marked as bad pending verification that it is the same MCU which drtoppel and extermination use. [Lord Nightmare]
tnzs.cpp: Updated a slew of comments, added most missing PALs as undumped, fixed some ROM labels, added a chart of the different Taito/Seta PCBs covered by tnzs.cpp and the differences between each. [Lord Nightmare]
toaplan1.cpp: Fixed DSWB reading (seems to be inverted when read by the MCU), also reverted changes to TJUMP jumper settings and inverted those as well on read, though it still seems to be a bit screwy for some settings. [Lord Nightmare]
toaplan1.cpp: vimana regions should work fine now. [Lord Nightmare]
Don't use mem_mask as ATA doesn't have an equivalent mechanism for byte accesses and it could mask out data that real hardware would keep, instead fix issue with 68000 byte writes to sector count by only taking the bottom 8 bits from the bus. [smf]
Fixed ATA Write Multiple (command c5) ignoring the block count on the first block. [smf]
Update disassembly if IP or CS are changed in the debugger; also update IP and CS when PC or CURPC changes. [smf]
Added preliminary sound to Dulmont Magnum. [smf]
Added halt to debugger state, so you can break out of a hlt instruction. [smf]
HACK: return 0xffff for the current program counter while fetching the vector as the segag80r protection currently relies on it. Reduce the number of extraneous reads that the segag80r protection performs. [smf]
Added multiplexed inputs for Beastie Feastie and Dealer. [smf]
EPOS decryption simplification WIP. [smf]
Use correct Commodore LCD font. [Mike Naberezny, smf]
seta.cpp: Hooked up Zombie Raid NVRAM, added calibrated default. [MetalliC]
stv.cpp: Documented IO chip, fixed astrass test mode hang. [MetalliC]
Added Sega DIMM board architecture documentation. [MetalliC]
amstrad.cpp: Caps Lock key does not have a physical toggle. [AJR]
Added 'o' variants to memory debugging commands to request decrypted opcodes space. [AJR]
Created new 74LS157 device and hooked it up to MSM5205 on Rastan. [AJR]
d9final: Set initial banking so Z80 doesn't run off rails. [AJR]
grainbow: Fixed palette dimming by respecting a fade-me-not bit. [AJR]
Attempt at fixing 8155 timer behavior so 8085 doesn't lose interrupts in equites. [AJR]
Fixed -romident misattributing device ROMs to alphabetically first driver using them. [AJR]
amusco.cpp: Added coin counter and dispenser device. [AJR]
Dumped i8751 '317-0078' at location c2 for 'altbeast' set, added, works. [CAPS0ff]
Dumped i8751 '317-0123a' at location c2 for 'goldnaxe' set, added, works. [CAPS0ff]
Adaedd dump of i8751 '317-0112' at location c2 to 'goldnaxe2' set. [CAPS0ff] Chip was faulty, some bit errors, internal checksum fails - still using simulation for now.
Added id8751h dumps to 'csilver' and 'srdarwin', not hooked up yet. [CAPS0ff]
tnzs: Added Taito M-Chip M-001 dump for extrmatn; also works for drtoppel and plumppop. [CAPS0ff]
Added PIC16C57 dump to wbeachvl giving partial sound. [CAPS0ff] OKI banking setup for the game is incorrect so music doesn't currently play.
Decapped, deprotected, dumped and hooked up the hd647180X MCUs for Vimana, Fire Shark and Teki Paki. [CAPS0ff]
Decapped and read out security pics for umk3 and rmpgwt. [CAPS0ff] Added a new device type and bare bones loading, however communication with the main CPU is not hooked up yet.
Dumped PAL10H8 for Beastie Feastie (conversion kit). [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett]
Leave more comments on differences between 74107 and 74107A. [couriersud]
netlist: Aligned naming of 9334 and made nl_hazelvid.cpp parseable by nltool. [couriersud]
spangbl, pangba: 74LS157-ization and working sound. [AJR]
konamigx: Fixed CPUs hanging on state load. [moralrecordings]
Added floppy drives to the PG675 and PG685 variants, changed floppy controller to FD1797 (not hooked up yet).
Dumped 68705 a71_24.bin from Tokio/Scramble Formation. [ShouTime, brizzo]
Added fresh dump of exzisus (Magnet System) - one sector different, fixes graphical glitches in first level. [David Haywood]
Started moving 68705 functionality to the CPU core rather than copy/pasted in all the drivers. [David Haywood]
Hooked up new 68705 dump to Tokio/Scramble Formation. [David Haywood]
M1COMM/M2COMM cleanups and fixes [SailorSat]
model1: Made wingwar360 playable. [SailorSat]
vaportra: Fixed missing game over animation, corrected 'P3 coin' and implemented irq6_ack. [darq]
yunsung8: Fixed MSM sounds, simplified inputs and changed incorrect cannballv manufacturer. [darq]
shootout: Fixed missing title screen music, fixed coin counter and simplified ROM loading. [darq]
sidepckt: Fixed cocktail mode and added Y scroll. [darq]
tecmo_mix: Fixed the saturated colors in Final Star Force (Level 2). [darq]
aristmk5: redumped chickna5u and topbana, now pass checksums. [Heihachi_73]
ccastles.cpp: Clarified input situation by assigning port conditions/names to the button inputs so they have proper default mappings between Upright/Cocktail. [Tafoid]
New softlist: HP Integral PC. [shattered]
cps1.cpp: Added missing PAL dump to daimakai. [caius, Silvio Grazini]
aerofgt.cpp: Added correct and verified mask ROMs. [caius, The Dumping Union] Fixed size for U134 and U135 and added the redumped sound samples at U180 at the correct size.
debugimgui: Sort directory entries in mount dialog, as zippath_readdir() does not guarantee entries are in any particular order. [Barry Rodewald]
Made phosphor persistence independent of frame rate. [anikom15]
Added proper support for Rescue on Fractalus (proto) - No Bankswitch, 2K Mirror RAM. [Mike Saarna]
metro.cpp: Made sound output mono for boards without stereo output. [system11]
nbmj8688.cpp: Corrected DIP switches for Camera Kozou. [system11]
hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]
Corrected labels for Midway PICs. [Guru]
de_2.cpp: Added missing sound ROM for uboat65. [PinMAME]
-apple1.xml: Redumped dis-assembler. [Dagarman]

votrax sc01: Simulate. [O. Galibert]:

Complete simulation of digital section based on die imaging
Removed now-obsolete samples
Plosives are still imperfect

netlist: Device additions[Ryan Holtz]:

74161 Synchronous 4-Bit Binary Counter with Clock
7473 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs
Am2847 Quad 80-bit Static Shift Register
DM9334 8-bit Addressable Latch
82S126 1K-bit bipolar PROM
74174 Hex D-Type Flip-Flop with Clear
2716 16 Kbit (2048x8) UV EPROM
74166 Parallel-Load 8-Bit Shift Register
74260 Dual 5-Input NOR Gate
Intel 2102A 1Kbit (1024x1) Static RAM
74365 Hex Bus Driver with 3-State Outputs
Generic 2- and 3-terminal Tristate device
74165, 74194, 7475, 7485, and DM9322
82S126 4kbit (512x8) TTL bipolar PROM
82S123 256-bit (32x8) TTL bipolar PROM
Note: Tristate device and 74365 do not actually tristate, they are simply a way of combining multiple outputs/chip enables.

netlist: Various fixes [Ryan Holtz]:

7473: Made device only transition on a falling clock.
74161: Inverted Clear and Clock inputs to match datasheet.
74260: Fixed number of inputs.
Am2847: Fixed shift register size (was 160 bits, should have been 80 bits).
DM9334: Inverted C and E inputs to match datasheet.

XML refactoring[Vas Crabb]:

Moved stuff to namespace util::xml and scoped down some enums.
Split config load/save delegate types, made config load take const node so it can't inadvertently mangle data.

rendfont.cpp: Fixes and Improvements[Vas Crabb]:

Encapsulated many BDF and BDC file format handling details.
Made file I/O 64-bit clean.
Added some checks for allocation errors.
Wrote more solid BDF parser with error messages and trace logging.
Fixed heap smash when building bitmaps for BDF fonts.
Extended BDC format to support high planes and default character.
Render default character if glyph not found for BDF/BDC.

netlist: Added new devices[Vas Crabb]:

uA741 in 8-, 10- and 14-pin DIP variants
4316 bilateral switch pack

guab: Cleanup and improvements[Dirk Best]:

Hooked up SN76489 ready signal, hooked up some debug LEDs.
Hooked up PPIs and ACIA.
Labelled some outputs.
Fixed and improved output labels, added ten up labels.

beezer: Rewrote driver. [Dirk Best]:

Uses the standard 6840 PTM core for sound generation
New MM583 Noise Generator device
New DAC-76 DAC sound
Uses resistor network values for colors
Uses bankdev device for banking

mcr68: Move zwackery to its own driver (doesn't have much in common with other games in driver). [Dirk Best]:

Also cleaned up implementation, made spriteram 8-bit, added some hardware info and added button descriptions.

Midway Cheap Squeak Deluxe sound board improvements [Dirk Best]:

Moved to its own file and corrected its name.
Updated interface to better reflect real hardware.
Added address deocoding PAL and verified memory map.

apricot improvements[Dirk Best]:

Fixed CTS polarity and marked as working - with the SIO fix the system is now very stable
Fixed keyboard error 31, now displays 'System OK'

z80dart: Only update serial line configuration if it actually changes. [Dirk Best]:

Allows the apricot serial port to work correctly.

pit8253: Reading back the count while in the middle of a 16-bit write returns a XOR'ed version of the value written. [Dirk Best]:

Fixes apricot error 29.

tail2nos.cpp improvements [Angelo Salese]:

Added sound semaphore hookup, fixes random BGM lockups.
Added alternative input method, selectable through control panel DIP switch.
Added DIP switch locations.
micro20: Added some features needed for the selftest, but couldn't hook up the missing parts so haven't verified that the self test actually can run through now [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]:
H4 is now cleared in reset and asserted by software down the line
By calling the update_tin method the device now support external clock for the timer
Clock can also be polled at port C bit #2

The test expects something to pulse at port B and then a clock at TIN (port C pin #2 alternate function)
mustache.cpp: Flip screen improvements[AJR]:

Fixed Y positions of flipped sprites.
Added and implemented flip screen "Hard SW" as in Irem games.
Corrected polarity of all DIP switches.

automat: Sound improvements[AJR]:

Reduced YM2203 speed to match music pitch on reference video.
Added second MSM5205 plus two 74LS157 and fixed communications.
Added sound banking (probably not entirely correct).

secretab: Incremental sound improvements [AJR]:

Replaced one YM2203 with a YM3812.
Added extra samples ROM to banked sound CPU region.
Hooked up sound latch, enabling music and sound effects (still very imperfect).
A little more PCB documentation.
Added PCB locations to ROM names.

system16.cpp: Sound improvements for some bootlegs [AJR]:

Hooked up MSM5205/74LS157 on the 2xYM2203 bootlegs, all of which now have some imperfect samples playback.
Corrected goldnaxeb2 configuration to use the aforementioned sound system.

imgtool refactoring[Nathan Woods]:

Changed a number of declarations to use std::string instead of 'const char *'.
Removed dead strncatz() function.
Fixed a recently introduced error in the 'dir' command line command.
Cleaned up the output of the 'dir' command.

DEC Rainbow 100 fixes [Bavarese]:

Changed 7220 divider from 4 to 32 (closer to 1 Mhz from VT240).
Stop flicker when color video is off.
Changed the effect of GDC_MODE_ENABLE_VIDEO (see page 21 of PDF AA-AE36A).
Addressed reentrance problems (reset procedure).
Made scroll fully functional (deeper SCRAM levels and GDC diag test #9).
Corrected cursor position in REGIS TSR.
Implemented NMI for parity test.
Fix aspect ratio in graphics modes.
Fixed serial port A (printer port B needs more work.
Added support all four ClikClok versions.

COP400 MCU fixes[hap, Sean Riddle]:

L pins are tri-stated when EN2=0
Corrected internal RAM memorymap for COP410

Sega DIMM security PICs update [Jorge Valero, Android]:

Redumped PICs and documented S/Ns for: Quest of D, Key of Avalon 2.x, Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan).
Dumped 253-5508-0364 from unknown NAOMI satellite game.
Dumped 253-5508-0422J from Quest of D (some undumped newer version).

stv redumps [cpsystem3]:

Fixed bad dumps in Choro Q Hyper Racing 5.
Redumped prc2ksu and prc28su using the heat-gun method to obtain valid dumps from fragile ROM chips.
First stab at cleaning up the DOS boot and installation disk mess on the PC & AT softlists [Justin Kerk]:
Removed 100% duplicate sets.
Moved sets from ibm5170 to ibm5150 if they work on PC-class hardware (later DOS versions are needed for some games).
Removed the ibm5160 softlist, it only contained one duplicate set.
Added clone relationships.
More consistency in set naming and metadata.


Titel: RockNES 5.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2017, 04:15

- Major revision of the graphics module and startup.
- Full rewrite of the game screen upscalers.
- Removed 4:3 aspect and pixelated blitters, prior to NTSC aspect ratio (squared).
- Removed the [!] menu from the GUI, general menu rework done.
- Removed frame scanline interpolation/flickering.
- Replaced the RGB color style with a new one.
- Fixed a couple of emulator startup obscure problems.
- Fixed switching to fullscreen/windowed modes.
- Added option to save your custom fullscreen mode.
- Added option to restore all the default settings.
- Motion blur filtering tweaked a bit.
- Fixed CHR ROM bankswitch state on savestate loading. This way, PTB tagged blocks (1 byte) were replaced by PAT tagged blocks (2 bytes long). Old files are still compatible to avoid problems.
- Fixed a bug in the LSR ($20) CPU instruction.
- Fixed "value MOD zero" in the PRG bankswitching system.
- Fixed mapper 25, IRQs should work ok.
- Fixed mapper 227 and adjusted it to work with 600in1 cart.
- Added mapper 90 nametable control enable/disable (mapper 211).
- Added key mapping for turbo buttoms.
- Added a quick fix for bad NSF files (should be bankswtiched).
- Added PRG ROM and CHR ROM CRC32 calculations.
- Changed "Header info" to "File info".
- Removed mapper 72 due to the bad support and unsupported features.
- Fixed a couple of errors in the documentation (rocknes.txt).
- Moved the iNES header description into a separated file.
- General code rewrites, major cleanups and many cosmetic changes.


Titel: RockNES 5.30b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2017, 05:10
Whats new:>>

- Fixed a few problems in the GUI dialogs.
- Fixed a yellow vertical scanline in the 4x squared blitter.
- Fixed a glitch displaying status messages during gameplay.
- Fixed PPU clipping and motion blur enable/disable flags in the GUI.
- Triple buffering should set the video flag to fullscreen, fixed.
- Fixed version number in the documentation.

Titel: RockNES 5.30c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2017, 13:29
Whats new:>>

- Fixed a bug in triple buffering mode, no more flashing on blitter change.
- Fixed a bug on color style change.
- Fixed a bug setting GUI colors, always use the main palette.

Titel: My Nes 6.2.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2017, 19:45
My NES is a portable, open source, low level NES/Famicom emulator written in C#. The compatibility of My NES is very high, running most games without any bugs. The aim of the project is to reproduce any hardware quirks that games may rely on as elegantly as possible. My NES doesn't employ any game specific hacks or hash checks (Aside from filling in pot holes left behind by the iNES file format).

License : GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Improved: emulation code generally, the emulation now should work faster.
Improved: sound playback, now it's more accurate and the emulation goes faster.
Fixed: a bug in sprite 0 hit, the bkg enabled flag was never checked when sprite 0 hit flag sets.
Fixed: a bug when the emu crashes sometimes when attempting to open a rom and already running a game.


Titel: RockNES 5.30d
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2017, 19:20
Whats new:>>

- Fixed program behaviour on startup, now it runs in background again.
- Fixed mapper 32 (Irem G-101).
- Fixed a bug setting mapper 90 nametable control flag.
- Fixed APU volume clipping.
- A few color style labels were slightly changed.

Titel: RockNES 5.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2017, 19:15

- Reworked screen upscalers, put back the 4:3 VGA aspect ratio.
- Changed the default screen upscaler to 1 (2x size).
- Fixed a bug reading the screen size setting from config file.
- Fixed motion blur flag parsing from config file.
- Fixed hotkeys, DiskDude detection and PPU clipping enable/disable flags.
- Fixed a few values in the "Restore defaults" option.
- Fixed mapper 90 IRQs, no more flickering scorebars.
- Fixed mappers 101 (Jaleco JF-10) and 243 (SACHEN).
- Added mapper 150 (SACHEN v2) and removed mapper 110 (bad number).
- On ROM loading, the mapper number is now displayed if not supported.
- Fixed grayscales and mushroom color styles.
- Improved red, green and blue emphasis color styles.
- Improved magenta color style, looks much better.
- Added 3 new color styles: olive, nocturn and sketch.
- Replaced the negative sepia color style by sepia alt. brightness.
- Fixed various typos in the GUI dialogs.
- Added a short main menu if the resolution is less than 480p.
- Program version information was outdated! It's ok now.
- Other minor fixes there and there, cleanups.
- New superb program icon!


Titel: RockNES 5.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2017, 04:49

- Emulation timing slightly modified.
- Wallpapers are now supported in Windows BMP format!
- Moved "save state" and "restore state" from CPU menu to the Game menu.
- Added proper bitmap clipping to avoid crashing.
- The mini GUI bar is now active when the screen size (windowed or fullscreen) is less than 480p.
- Added an option to manually activate the mini GUI bar.
- Removed zlib1.dll dependency.
- NSF visualizer has centered circles again.
- The disassembler now saves .ASM files to the dumps folder, if set.
- The config file now brings the current date and time of saving.
- Changed minimum custom fullscreen setting to 240p.
- Fixed config settings, now it matches the restored settings & startup.
- Fixed program window title on NSF->NES switch.
- Fixed color style list in the config file.
- Fixed GUI dialog colors when another palette (VS) is selected.
- Fixed a bug setting 4.5x aspect ratio (length must be a multiple of 4).
- Fixed a bug saving the current palette to the disc, filename changed to "rocknes_palette.pal".
- Fixed a bug setting VS palettes + restore palette, no more black palette.
- Fixed screenshots.
- Fixed turbo speed setting.
- Fixed an "off-by-1" problem in mapper 5 (MMC5) IRQ.
- Improved Black&White and Black&White+ color styles.
- More typos and text corrections, other minor fixes.
- Big thanks to Eugene.S for the HUGE beta testing!
- Documentation updated.


Titel: MAME 0.182
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2017, 16:17


[Flip Screen/Cocktail] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combatscj, combatsct, bootcamp: Score line is not flipped with screen (Angelo Salese)
[DIP/Input] (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp,driveyes: Misplaced Controls (Angelo Salese)
[Documentation] (royalmah.cpp) janputer: info about "New Double Bet Mahjong" (Angelo Salese)
[Sound] (ptcsol.cpp) sol20: Audio support (Robbbert)
[Graphics] (rohga.cpp) wolffang: (Japanese Wolf Fang Only) Text at attract mode is cropped (David Haywood)
[Sound] (stlforce.cpp) stlforce: OKI6295 speed is too slow (system11)
[DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) eeekk: 2P Start Button map is missing (Tafoid)
[Interface] Every system with softlists using the "requirement" sharedfeat: Software list items with the "requirement" sharedfeat don't work (AJR)
[Gameplay] (hh_tms1k.cpp) elecdet: Every suspect gives the same alibi. (hap)
06468: [DIP/Input] (gladiatr.cpp) gladiatr ogonsiro gcastle: Coinage DIP switches have no effect in sets using MCU simulation (Vas Crabb)


Conic Electronic Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Conic Multisport/Tandy Sports Arena [hap, Sean Riddle]
Enma Daio (Japan) [rtw, Ryan Holtz, Dullaron, Firebricks, redk9258, W. Perez, Anonymous from Switzerland, Darksoft, Smitdogg, David Haywood, ShouTime, Andy Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gakken Galaxy Invader 1000/Tandy Cosmic 1000 Fire Away [hap, Sean Riddle, Kevin Horton]
Hangzo (Japan, prototype) [ShouTime, Smitdogg, David Haywood, Imhotep, Ryan Holtz, hap, Zhivko Dimitrov, spogghi, ANY, Arjen Hoekman, Arcade Addict, krick, Dullaron, Eddie, f205v, rtw, Rod_Wod, Fabien Marsaud, InsertMoreCoins, Jan Stuhler, trap15, Macaw, Team Japump, Brandon Munger, Juan Manuel Gutierrez, abelardator2, Jordi Bosch Creus, haynor666, Nestor Acebo Jimenez, Carl Perry, Jeremy McElroy, Steven Boswell, JJaVMeTaL, Steven LeMaire, Matthew Shultz, Mark Riley has no toaster, Carlos Gutierrez, Bjorn Stahl, Aldo Vittorio De Luca, Bruno Celsi, Philip Zumbrun, cornishdavey, Stefano De Dionigi, motoschifo, Mamesick, Daniel Hitchcock, Patrick Wheeler, bisus, desodeso, Swos, Don Zaucker, Tox Nox Fox, Zak0077, giuppo, Moket, Frankie, robindan77, biasini, Dr_Zero, motoschifo, Mameremember, John Wilke, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Berlioux Julien, Lior Aouate, The Dumping Union]
Mattel Dalla$ (J.R. handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mattel Thoroughbred Horse Race Analyzer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Motorola MC68705P5 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP) [SailorSat]
Tiger 7 in 1 Sports Stadium [hap, Sean Riddle]


Atari PC1 [rfka01]
Dynamite Duke (Japan, 25JUL89) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2) [Berger]
Fighting Fantasy (Japan revision ?) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
King of the Monsters 2 - The Next Thing (older) [NeoSD]
Motorola MC68705P3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705R3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Motorola MC68705U3 Programmer [Vas Crabb]
Poly-Play (ZRE-PP - Czech) [SailorSat]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4D [zx70]
Research Machines RM-380Z, COS 3.4E [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Saulabi Spirits / Jin Saulabi Tu Hon (Korean release of Samurai Shodown II, set 2) [JacKc]
Skull Fang (Asia) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Star Fighter (bootleg of Astro Fighter) [f205v]


Novag Diablo 68000 [hap]
Novag Super Expert (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Novag Super Forte (several versions) [hap, Berger]
Future Flash [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Force SYS68K/CPU-20 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Otrona Attache [zx70]
Robo Army (NGM-032 ~ NGH-032) [JacKc]
Sky Robo [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]


Laser Base (set 1) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Laser Base (set 2) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, Peter Wilhelmsen, Tomasz Slanina]
Tatakae! Big Fighter (Japan) [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]


Ator (Videodens) [AJR, Gonzalo]
Bloody Roller (Playbar) [AJR, Akiles500]
Compugraphic MCS PowerView 10 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Cobra (Playbar) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
Happy Fish (V2 PCB, 302-in-1) [The Dumping Union]
LINK RM-480Z (set 1) [Robbbert]
LINK RM-480Z (set 2) [Robbbert]
Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) [Roberto Fresca, Team Europe]
miniFORCE VME Chassis [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Slalom Code 0.3 (Stargame) [AJR, Akiles500]


Eight Ball Champ (Spain, Z-Pinball hardware) [AJR, Iso Tropia]
MotorDome (German) [PinMAME]
Star Horse Progress (backup data) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (live, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (main screens, Rev B) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
Star Horse Progress (sound & backup, Rev A) [any, Lord-Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
World Kicks (Japan, WK1 Ver.A) [rtw]


archimedes.xml: over 30 games (some protected), and many apps [Nigel Barnes]
atom_cass.xml: Backgammon, Cylon Attack, Early Warning, Minefield, Tangled [Nigel Barnes]
atom_flop.xml: Galaxians (Aardvark) [Nigel Barnes]
ibmpcjr_cart.xml: Fraction Fever [Anna Wu, Justin Kerk]
t1000.xml: MS-DOS (Verson 3.20, Tandy version 03.20.21) (Tandy 1000 TX), DeskMate (Tandy 1000), DeskMate II (Tandy 3000), Personal DeskMate, Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 HX, Alt), Personal DeskMate 2 (Tandy 1000 TX), King's Quest (Tandy), Transylvania (Tandy) [Justin Kerk]
x1_cass.xml: 198X-nen, 3D Golf Simulation, Fushigi no Kuni no Alice, Ankokujou, Danchizuma no Yuuwaku, Intelli Janshi - Yonin Mahjong, Ultra Story, Xanadu [r09]


Rewrote Namco C148 (interrupt controller) and C193 (SCI) devices. [Angelo Salese]:
Fixed POS interrupt generation for Winning Run/Winning Run '91/Winning Run Suzuka GP.
Fixed trail tachometer drawing in Winning Run.
Wrote a device core for the Namco 6-speed gearbox. [Angelo Salese]:
Used by Driver's Eyes, Ridge Racer DX and Ace Driver.
deco32.cpp: Added preliminary global volume control for nslasher and fghthist. [Angelo Salese]
Added preliminary banked 256 color mode to PC-9821. [Angelo Salese]
naomi.cpp: Added inputs for Mars TV. [Angelo Salese]
Dumped i8751 MCU for Sky Robo / Takatae Big Fighter and added basic hookup to make it work. [CAPS0ff, Angelo Salese]
punkywil: Added a ridiculously incomplete dump of the CPU ROM. [AJR, Akiles500]
Corrected natural keyboard handling of toggle keys. [AJR]
break86: Tried to make some sense of the DIP settings in the service manual [AJR]
Correctly report size of ROMs over 2GB in XML output. [AJR]
bagmanf: Fixed inputs and shuffled PROMs for better colors (game still tends to crash). [AJR]
kangaroob: Added proper ROM labels and locations. [AJR]
advision: Fixed CPU clock; turtles music is now melodic. [Curt Coder]
OS X Cocoa debugger: Autoscroll log window, improved view scoll behaviour. [Curt Coder]
74153: Rewrote emulation, only output state when the level changes. [Dirk Best]
apricot: Use 74153 for the serial clock selector. [Dirk Best]
ashnojoe, crospang, crshrace, dcheese: Latch cleanup. [Dirk Best]
ddenlovr, expro02, f1gp feversoc, fuukifg2, gaelco: ACCESSING_BITS cleanup. [Dirk Best]
z80ne: Killed direct update handler. [Dirk Best]
chdman: Added support for hard disk templates and added some initial ones. [Dirk Best]
Added A1200 keyboard skeleton device (needs MC68HC05Cx support). [Dirk Best]
Added HLCD0515/0569 LCD Driver device. [hap]
TMS0970: Fixed a problem with DDIG line, causing MB Comp IV to be unplayable. [hap]
hh_tms1k: Fixed wrong button mapping for Codename Sector. [hap]
Added MC68153 Bus Interrupter Module device. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Added JuliaLang utf8proc as a third party library with wrappers. [Nathan Woods]
CoCo: Fixed a recently introduced bug in DMK image creation. [Nathan Woods]
mc68681: Added preliminary support for SC28C94 QUART, fixed channel C/D transmission. [R. Belmont]
gba, vcs80: Removed deprecated direct update handlers. [R. Belmont]
Pyon Pyon Jump: Documented board 7908B pinout and #1/#2 DIP switches. [Roberto Fresca]
Added decapped MCU dump for the original quizard. [TeamEurope]
aristmk5: Added SPI and hopper emulation, allowing non-US games to boot. [Sandro Ronco]
midzeus: Changed waveram viewer to use V key to fix conflict with game controls. [Ted Green]
stv.cpp: Cleaned up comments, BAD_DUMP flags and set descriptions based on recent Print Club 2 set redumps, and added preconfigured NVRAM to non-corrupt set. [David Haywood]
Added a preconfigured NVRAM to tangtang in esd16.cpp so it won't boot with invalid settings. [David Haywood]
netlist: Added LM747, LM747A and 2N2565. [Vas Crabb]
taito_l.cpp: Split giant state class up into family tree, reduced tagmap lookups. [Vas Crabb]
i8251: Made receive more reliable, cleaned up a little. [Vas Crabb]
m6805evs: Added proper memory map in comment and note that it needs CPU core support for the 68HC705 family. [Vas Crabb]
arkanoid: Confirmed MCU reset also resets semaphore flags. [Lord Nightmare, Vas Crabb]
debugger: Use 0o prefix for octal numbers, 0b for binary numbers, and allow uppercase radix characters. [shattered, Vas Crabb]
superqix.cpp: Deprotected an original Japan/World Super Qix 8751 MCU, and verified that the presumed B03 // 03 MCU dump is correct. [Lord Nightmare]
arkanoid.cpp: Fixed watchdog to match PCB tracing and update some comments. [Lord Nightmare]
Zorba keyboard: Fixed F4 in natural keyboard mode. [Robbbert]
Enabled rm380z34d and rm380z34e. [Robbbert]
Made the RTC chip react on the Aussie Byte. [zx70]
Researched and documented NAOMI ROM board type 171-7885A master/slave features. [rtw, MetalliC]
IBM 6580 Displaywriter de-skeletonization. [shattered]
i8255: In read_pc(), also return data from output latch. [shattered]
ImageDisk loader: Don't crash on tracks with no data. [shattered]
TeleDisk loader: Accept images produced from 8" SSSD disks. [shattered]
imagedev/floppy: Added 'dskchg_writable' property (for Sony Microfloppy drives). [shattered]
imagedev/floppy: Added has_trk00 property, initially for IBM 6360 8-inch drives. [shattered]
formats/wd177x_dsk: Allow override of build_sector_description, like nec765_dsk. [shattered]
gaelco: Dumped "Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1884)" sound roms, fixes audio in this version. [ShouTime]
Verified that Plump Pop uses the same M-Chip as extermination and Dr. Toppel; added and corrected labels, locations and chip types for several ROMs/PROMs as well as updated notes, based on PCB pictures. [ShouTime]
segae.cpp: Fixed incorrect Opa Opa ROM labels. [ShouTime]
taito_f3: Fixed missing graphics on state load. [moralrecordings]
Added write line member for terminal count line of upd765. [Patrick Mackinlay]
retofinv.cpp: Added comment about developer (thanks to TCRF and GDRI). [Stiletto]
Added the Sonic 3 proto lock-on chips to the relevant Sonic 3 proto sets. [einstein95]
cvs.cpp: Only show popmessage on unknown writes if VERBOSE is defined. [system11]
aztarac.cpp: Verified and corrected labels/locations and added newly dumped video board PROMS. [Andrew Welburn, Tafoid]
ms32.cpp: Corrected ROM names for Best Bout Boxing. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
pse.cpp: Redumped bazookabr. [f205v]
Corrected tilemap colors in Stadium Hero. [Bryan McPhail, Guru]
armedf.cpp: Verified and corrected clocks for Sky Robo / Tatakae! Big Fighter. [Guru]
hng64: Documented I/O CPU clock. [Guru]
pacman.cpp: Added readme for Number Crash. [Guru]
jollyjgr.cpp: Updated readme and corrected clocks for Jolly Jogger. [Guru]
hiscore.dat: Updates [Leezer]

Z80 daisy chain improvements: [AJR]:

Use the standard vector for an external IRQ, rather than a bogus one from the last device in the chain.
Enabled Z80 daisy chain on Cedar Magnet sound board (fake IRQ still necessary, but vectors are correct now).
Source note regarding IM 2 behavior contrary to Zilog datasheet.

Service mode DIP switch adjustments: [AJR]:

Use the default sequence for the non-toggle service mode/test switch for service mode DIP switch unless the machine has one of those as well.
Automatically define DIP and configuration switches as toggle fields (makes assigning input codes easier).

Cedar Magnet/EFO ZSU improvements: [AJR]:

Got rid of fake IRQ in Cedar Magnet sound system.
Converted the Cedar Magnet board from a base device class to a mix-in interface.
Emulated EFO ZSU as main variant of the Cedar Magnet sound board.
Hooked up ZSU1 to Skill Flight and Phantom Ship.
Modernized ZSU soundlatch/IRQ mechanism.

More DAC identification and sound stuff. [AJR]:

Legion and Rygar have YM3526 instead of YM3812 (other Nichibutsu games to be checked).
Identified DACs used in most Midway and Williams games.
Zektor uses an AY-3-8912, not 8910.
Corrected name of Turbo Cheap Squeak board.
Hyphenated title of F-14 Tomcat.
Corrected Color Computer DAC type and separated single-bit sound.

polepos.cpp: Sound improvements for bootlegs [AJR]:

Working Spanish/Italian voices in polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
DAC for passing car sound in topracern, polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
These bootlegs may still be missing explosion sounds.

skyarmy: Various small improvements: [AJR]:

Fixed screen flipping in cocktail mode.
Re-added second AY-3-8910A that generates explosion sounds.
Added coin counter.

newbrain improvements: [Curt Coder]:

Added character ROM and more accurate video output.
Fixed keyboard.
Decoded VFD bitstream, and added simultaneous video and VFD display.
Fixed CPU clocks and interrupt logic, added layout for VFD-less model, enforced power on reset timer.

cop400 improvements: [Curt Coder]:

Fixed disassembly of jump instructions and used decimal for LDD/XAD.
Fixed instruction timing and time-base counter.
Fixed COP444 disassembly.
Properly separated COP444L from COP444C.

gen_latch updates:

Added MCFG_GENERIC_LATCH_DATA_PENDING_CB to raise and lower a line automatically as the latch is written and read. [AJR] Makes sound IRQs easier to deliver and reduces the incidence of HOLD_LINE in drivers.
Inverted logic (latch_read -> latch_written), fixed initial callback after start. [Dirk Best]

VME bus improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]:

Added new VME slave board: mzr8300.
Added device installers for A16:D8, A16:D16, A24:D8 and A24:D16.
mzr8300: hooked up the 7201 correctly and added RS232, now supporting the mzr8105 over VME bus as previously faked.
Converted mvme350 board driver to slot device.
Force Computers: Converted fcisio1 and fcscsi1 boards to slot devices and added VME interface to fccpu30.
Force Computers: Added VME interface to fccpu1, fccpu20 and hk68v10.
Added miniFORCE 2P21 chassis.
hd63450: Fixed device to find the owner CPU if the top node doesn't have a CPU, like in the case of a VME chassis.
fccpu20: Set terminal as default rs232 device, changed crystal value after visual verification to get 9600 Baud. Terminal works but needs to be set to 7bit.
fccpu30: Improved documentation.
miniFORCE: Added address map info and feature list for three models.
fccpu20: Added PCB layout and hooked up the Rx part, terminal is working now.
Added fccpu20 to Miniforce as a VME card.
fccpu20: Moved all code and documentation to the slot device, promoted to working driver.

MPCC improvements: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]:

Robustification, LOG messages and pinout added.
Completed Tx, Rx and serial interface handshake support.

imgtool improvements: [Nathan Woods]:

Changed charconv from an enumeration to an interface: Added a table-based implementation for simple single-byte endocdings. Added support for ISO-8859-1 Latin 1 and Mac Roman.
Use wcout/wcerr in order to support Unicode console output.
Fixed recently introduce bug on attribute listings.
CoCo/RS-DOS: Miscellaneous cleanups and C++ modernization.

Created a new debugger command 'tracesym': [Nathan Woods]:

Shorthand for 'tracelog' that uses default format string.

Added a facility allowing logerror output to be captured in traces. [Nathan Woods]:

The third parameter to the debugger 'trace' is now a list of '|' delimited options to support this.

Acorn Archimedes updates: [Nigel Barnes]:

Added Diagnostic Test ROMs to aa310.
Renamed Archimedes 3000 -> BBC A3000.
Single FDD installed by default, other bay usually contains HDD.
Removed tape control input port.
Added apd_dsk: new floppy format 'Archimedes Protected Disk'.

68230pit updates: [R. Belmont]:

Don't forget all externally driven line states when the DDR changes.
Return proper port values when line states are pushed instead of pulled.

Gran Premio F1 (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) updates: [Arcade Hacker, Rockman, Roberto Fresca]:

Redumped some faulty devices (the former speech ROM has bit6 fixed).
Added proper bipolar PROMs dumps.
Documented 'A'/'B'/'C' board edge connectors.

New driver for Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): [Roberto Fresca]:

Derived machine and started a proper memory map, the game starts to show attract mode.
Changed the romset name according to the real game name.
Video hardware work to fix the video reels.
Inputs worked out from scratch.
Added references for Z86C15 MCU.

Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition) notes: [Roberto Fresca, Team Eurpoe]:

Added more documentation, tech notes, and M48T12 timekeeeper dump for preservation and further analysis.

Mega Bonus Star II (Euro, Millennium Edition): Added GAL dump. [Team Europe]:

Added unknown Zilog DIP40 IC diagram, looks as a Z8 family MCU.

Added decapped dump of the d8751 on quizard4 sets (not hooked up yet). [Team Europe, David Haywood]:

Also fixed fixed flags on quizard3 and 4 game versions that never worked past coin-up.

Taito 68705 refactoring: [David Haywood]:

Renamed the buggychl_mcu_device (machine/buggychl.cpp) to taito68705interface.cpp because a number of drivers used it.
Refactored that device to use the new 68705 core with built-in peripherals.
Refactored some other drivers, including tokio, daikaiju, flstory, lkage, nycaptor and lsasquad, to use it.
Moved 68705 timer logic out of arkanoid driver and into 68705 core.

Added a dump of one of the HNG64 TMP87PH40AN I/O chips. [CAPS0ff]:

This came from a sample OTP chip that was purchased for testing/analysis, not one of the chips actually taken from a HNG64 unit!
The chip had no protection and read out without issue.
It isn't clear if this is the driving, shooting or fighting MCU type.

stuntcyc logic emulation: [Ryan Holtz]:

Added netlist.
Fixed some NOR gates that should have been NANDs, fixes the playfield.

netlist improvements: [Couriersud]:

ROMs now specify an identifier in the netlist to load data from a source_t implementation.
Added "-r" option to nltool to pass path to a folder containing ROM files.
setup_t is owned by netlist_t; stop being complicated.
Removed gnd() method, simplified further.
Fixed seldom-used conditional build options including OPENMP.
Increased readability of timed queue code.
Reamed connect_late to connect.
Register nets where they are created.
Preparatory work for automatically generated include files for devices. nltool now is able to create all defines from the factory definitions.
Added code to remove devices connected only to rail terminals.
Refactored reverse polish notation evaluator into own its source files.
Added function parameter to current and voltage sources VS and CS (e.g. to produce a sine wave).
Changed code to allow devices to optionally be treated as dynamic or timestepping devices.
Converted warnings and fatal log messages to constants.
Assume string literals are UTF8 in netlist code.

mario: Hooked up Luigi walking sound in netlist sound implementation. [Couriersud]:

Driver now uses netlist audio implementation instead of discrete implementation.
The previous emulation has not been removed yet because it still contains a lot of documentation.

gsword.cpp updates: [Vas Crabb]:

Split out gsword and josvolly functionality from base driver class.
Identified josvolly "AA 007" chip as NECD8255A for reading input ports as shown by CAPS0ff die shot.
Hooked up josvolly MCUs for communication between CPUs, improves test mode behaviour.
Added DIP locations to josvolly based on test mode.
Named unknown DIP settings after the location they control in main RAM.
Identified josvolly cabinet type DIP switch.
Removed obsolete josvolly MCU simulation.

gladiatr.cpp improvements: [Vas Crabb]:

Separated gladiatr and ppking state classes.
Hooked up all four MCUs in gladiatr sets, games now honour coinage settings.
Eliminated tagmap lookups on input read.
Add bootleg MCU dumps to all gladiatr sets as BAD_DUMP, removed MCU simulation, and updated notes.

m6805: refactoring and improvements [Vas Crabb]:

Moved 68705 devices into their own file, Made P3, P5, R3 and U3 variants and made them load bootstrap ROMs.
MC68705R3 bootstrap ROM is believed to be identical to U3, but a dump is required for confirmation.
Implemented EPROM control (saves contents using NVRAM mechanism).
Implemented differences for open drain I/O ports.
Re-implemented timer/counter - supports MOR-controlled mode, correct count direction, and correct start/reset states.
Fixed state of input lines being lost on reset.
Use symbolic names for I/O registers in disassembly.
Exposed more more internal registers through the state interface - shows contents of registers that can't be read as memory.
Reduced massive amounts of redundancy by templating opcode handlers and replaced the epic switch statement with a dispatch table.
Turned a lot of macros into inline methods so they can be scoped down.
Fixed timings for a few instructions and added a table with CMOS instruction timings.
Corrected affected flags in comments on opcode handlers (actual code was correct).
Removed unnecessary flag calculation tables.
Added compile-time configurable logging for onboard MC68705 peripherals to help debug issues.
Completely eliminated the concrete 68705-without-peripherals class.
Use MC68705P3 core for bub68705, changela, maxaflex, mexico86, qix.cpp, taitosj.cpp and tstrike/ddungeon/darktowr, simulate synchronous latches better.
Use MC68705R3 core for pipeline.
Use MC68705P5 core for pitnrun.
Use MC68705P5 core for quizpun, MCU now gets timer interrupts correctly (still not working).

taito68705interface improvements: [Vas Crabb]:

Added abstract base class with latch logic written for arkanoid/puzznic.
Removed non-obvious mcu_status_r and semaphore_r members and moved to drivers (varies by system).
Got rid of the unnecessary hacks for bigevglf, it doesn't need anything special.
Folded Slap Fight functionality into common device class.
Used common device for maniach, maniach2, renegade, retofinv and xsleena.
Added device for arkanoid/puzznic MCU setup, replacing glue in arkanoid and simulation in puzznic.
Removed leftover crud from driver state classes.

hotsmash, pbillian: Cleanup: [Vas Crabb]:

Did bare minimum work to extricate hotsmash/pbillian from superqix_state.
Migrated to M68705P5 core instead of in-driver peripherals.
Reduced tagmap lookups.

stfight.cpp: Fixed ADPCM control. [Vas Crabb]:

Used MC68705P5 core rather than in-driver peripherals.
Latch ADPCM counter on the correct edge.
Remove unused members, eliminate function statics, and fix up save state registration.
Reduced runtime tagmap lookups.

tigeroad.cpp: Cleanup and modernisation: [Vas Crabb]:

Split out bballs and pushman state classes.
Used new MC68705R3 core for pushman, make communication with host CPU believable.
Used derived memory maps rather than installing handlers in init members.
Simplified bballs protection MCU simulation using pushman hookup as a guide.

a2bus/mouse.cpp: Simplification and cleanup: [Vas Crabb]:

Used new MC68705P3 core and removed obsolete glue.
Made comment styles consistent, eliminated device timers altogether, and de-duplicated code for updating X and Y axes.
The card works before and after the change, but by default axes are only mapped to inc/dec keys, not host mouse.

zorba improvements: [Vas Crabb]:

Created emulated keyboard device using MC68705P3 core. Identified 88 of 96 matrix keys, 6 of 8 DIP switches, and 3 of 6 outputs.
Connected IEEE-488, RS232 and Centronics ports.
Hooked up all IRQ sources and connected PIT to USARTs.

Added support for earlier COS versions on the RM380Z. [zx70]:

Earlier versions had only a 40 column display and the cassette tape interface.

Added logmacro.h inspired by Edstrom's log macros. [Vas Crabb]:

Should be #included after other headers and after optionally #defining VERBOSE, usage samples in z80scc.cpp and m68705.cpp.
Scrollup fix for the TMS9927 family. [zx70]:

Avoid reconfiguring all the CRTC parameters on any cursor shape change, which was resetting the scroll counter.

Fixes scrollup for the Otrona Attache.

pc_dsk: Support 360K images with 512-byte header, found in some softlist entries. [Justin Kerk]:

Also support 1.44MB images with 1024-byte footer.

pc_dsk: Assume a smaller gap size to allow 400K disk images to load. [Justin Kerk]:

Fixes e.g. ikari and marble from the ibm5150 softlist.

tandy1t: Distinguish between models using 90-key Tandy and standard 101-key "Enhanced" AT keyboard layouts. [Justin Kerk]:

Also unmapped Hold key on the 90-key layout by default to avoid freezing the emulated system when switching UI modes.

atvtrack improvements - game code running now as it should: [MetalliC]:

Extracted CPU initial boot from FPGA bitsream.
Implemented NAND Flash erase and program commands.
Hooked GPU IRQs control.
Added basic simulation of GPU's internal CPU for game init speedup.
Documented IO-port multiplexing.

naomi docs update: [MetalliC]:

Dead or Alive 2 Millenium now parent of DoA2 set.
Renamed Star Horse sets for consistency.

imagedev/floppy: Inhibit reading until drive has spun up. [Michael Zapf]:

This affects drives/controllers that do not use the READY line.
Still an over-simplified solution; requires a proper implementation of a spin-up ramp.
Stepping is allowed during spin-up until further evidence from real drives.

polyplay: Added a German version of ZRE-PP based polyplay and a Czech ROM. [SailorSat]:

Modernized/devicified the polyplay driver.
Documented differences in hardware.
Added newer ZRE-PP board (SIO not yet hooked up).
Added a Czech export version with the new menu.
Fixed undocumented Z80 CTC 'on-the-fly' mode switch; internal timer didn't stop.
Added new polyplay2 romset; german version with 10 games (6 new ones).
Renamed Czech version to polyplay2c and made a clone of polyplay2.

harddriv: Hooked up the first serial port as an RS232 device to enable linking. [SailorSat]:

This allows one to link up two Race Drivin' using null-modem and bitbanger (38400 8E1).

HP9895 dual-floppy drive WIP: [F.Ulivi]:

Added draft of HP9895 floppy drive, PHI passes POST.
9895 now talks through ieee488!
Cosmetic fixes to 9895-related source files.

Updated PortAudio library and added audio output module. [inte alls]:

Provides low-latency audio output on Windows 7 or later and Linux.

ppcdrc.cpp: Clear two LSBs of the branch target address. [maximumspatium]:

Fixes an issue preventing Power Macintosh 6100 from starting up.

x1.cpp: Added kana input support. [r09]:

Added all kana and kana+shift key combinations.
Changed the kana key into a toggle, like in real hardware.
Added some missing keys that exist on the actual X1 keyboard.

a78_slot: Fixed broken 144k + POKEY@450 emulation. [Mike Saarna, trebor]:

Bentley Bear's Crystal Quest and Donkey Kong PK-XM no longer crash.

DEC Rainbow 100 updates: [Bavarese]:

Enabled Corvus hard drives (Patched CP/M 1.x only, requires DRCDUTIL.TD0 driver disk from Maslin archive). See section CORVUS HARD DISK for patch instructions. DOS 2.x and CP/M 2.2 were once supported too, but drivers appear to be lost.
Added info about 6 and 20 MB Corvus drives and how to format/use them under CP/M 1.x.

Added handy ROM filename discrepancy spotter scripts. [Zoe Blade]:

Identifies identical ROMs that have different names in parent and clone sets.

Updated V.Smile software list: [Fake Shemp]:

Split into three lists: regular V.Smile, V.Smile Motion, and V.Smile Baby (Motion and Baby lists not hooked up yet).
Updated with a bunch of new-found carts and been restructured to indicate which carts are undumped.
Documented cart internals more thoroughly - descriptions now list PCB types, chip placements/labels, etc. if available.
Added previously missed dumps, fixed some typos.

Added more software list documentation based off new dumps. [Fake Shemp]:

Carts for a2600, megadriv, n64 and snes got redumped recently by TeamEurope; added newfound information to the softlists.
Removed syvalionp2 as it's simply a bad dump of syvalionp.

pc.cpp updates: [rfka01]:

Added Atari PC1 and corrected name of Atari PC3.
Gave standard pccga five slots, so machines with combo cards can have hard disks as well until combo cards are emulated.
Reordered MCFG and ROM entries to match the machine list at the bottom of the file.
Derived NCR PC4i configuration from VGA PC and corrected number of slots.
Made 720K drives standard for laptops which have them.
Added info on Zenith Supersport, Bondwell Pro28, and Atari PCs.
Added info on several already emulated systems in the header.
Added detailed information on Data General One, Commodore PC-1, Commodere PC10-III and PC20-III, Zenith SuperSport, Siemens Sicomp PC16-05, NCR PC4i, Olivetti M15, Sharp PC-7000, Sanyo MBC-16, Atari PC-3, Eagle 1600, VTech Laser Turbo XT and XT/3.


Titel: RockNES 5.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2017, 09:20

Custom fullscreen mode should be working again.
Fixed input devices GUI dialog.
Fixed a few problems with the wallpaper.
Switching to fullscreen mode should look at custom fullscreen settings, instead of using the current desktop resolution! Problem fixed!
Switching to fullscreen mode should reset the upscaler to the original (256x240) if its height is greater than the screen height. Problem fixed!
Added a blitter checking on GUI init routine to avoid blitting problems.
Fixed blitting position on video resolution change.
Fixed a few annoyances in the upscaler stuff.
Added colors to a few GUI alert boxes, plus minor cosmetic changes.
Documentation updated with new information.


Titel: Mednafen 0.9.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2017, 04:27
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

 Open Source


- NES: Added support for iNES mapper 190
- SNES_FAUST: Added multitap support(enable via setting "snes_faust.input.sport2.multitap")
- SS: Fixed severely-flickering graphics in "Virtua Cop" and "Virtua Cop 2"
- SS: Fixed speed problems in "Pocket Fighter"
- SS: Fixed FMV tearing in "Johnny Bazookatone"
- SS: Fixed hang in "GunBlaze-S"
- SS: Fixed hangs in "Virtua Fighter" and "Virtua Fighter Remix"(still some graphical weirdness, though)
- SS: Fixed hang in "Zero Divide"
- SS: Fixed missing sound problem in "Arcade's Greatest Hits"
- SS: Fixed missing sound and related issues in "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3"


Titel: Jnes
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2017, 13:18
Jnes is a NES emulator for win32 platforms that uses DirectX for it's hardware interface. It's emulation capabilities include graphics, sound, input devices, and emulating quite a few memory mapping boards found in most USA games and a few popular japanese ones. Jnes boasts a fairly intuitive user interface that makes playing NES a little more enjoyable. One of the coolest features is the included database of Pro-Action-Replay and Game Genie cheats. Jnes also supports Kaillera netplay as well.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

fixed pov inputs
fixed windows xp

Titel: Dolphin 5.0-2507 Dev
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2017, 16:45
Dolphin Gamecube & Wii Emulator: Emuliert die Nintendo-Konsolen Wii und Gamecube auf dem PC; eine Liste kompatibler Spiele lässt sich hier (http://www.dolphin-emu.com/list.php?listcount=1) einsehen.


Whats new:>>

Don't show savestate USB warning when not using USB passthrough

Titel: MAME 0.183
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2017, 17:45


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05559: [DIP/Input] (nbmj9195.cpp) jituroku: Resolved DIP settings, on Mame most are Undefined (kamilz)
- 05577: [DIP/Input] (nbmj9195.cpp) mjanbari: DIP Settings resolved (kamilz)
- 05599: [DIP/Input] (srmp2.cpp) rmgoldyh: DIP Settings (kamilz)
- 06470: [DIP/Input] (qix.cpp) qix: Unable to map service buttons with ctrlr.cfg (OzFalcon)
- 06477: [Cheat System] All systems: MAME should ignore problematic cheats (or at least exit gracefully) (cuavas)
- 06485: [Documentation] (peyper.cpp) ator: The year of publication is 1985. (AJR)
- 06499: [Gameplay] (xain.cpp) xsleena and clones: Some enemies in the second stage has disappeared (cuavas)
- 06500: [Interface] DAT files: Unable to use multiple paths (crazyc)
- 06503: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) galaxianmo: Bonus Life dip switch information is incorrect (GoldS_TCRF)

New working machines
Atari Touch Me [hap, Sean Riddle]
Dodge Man [Shoutime, Darksoft, Anonymous Donator, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Flash Boy (vertical) [DECO Cassette MD] (No.12/Ver.0/Set.1,Japan) [Game Preservation Society]
Fonas 2 Player Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
GAF Melody Madness [hap, Kevin Horton]
Galaxy Games StarPak 3
  [Keith M. Kolmos, Rod_Wod, Sean Sutton, Soren Skou Nielsen, Russell Howard, Francis Ramirez, Tourniquet, Brian Troha,
  coolmod, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
LJN I Took a Lickin' From a Chicken [hap, Sean Riddle]
Lakeside Le Boom [hap, Kevin Horton]
Omega [ShouTime, Darksoft, Anonymous Donator, Smitdogg, Vas Crabb, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Sega Sonic Cosmo Fighter [ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, The Dumping Union]
Tandy Electronic Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tiger Half Court Computer Basketball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tiger/Tandy Rocket Pinball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Toytronic Football (2 versions) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Westinghouse Test Console Serial #5 [Vas Crabb, NekoEd]

New working clones
Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Japan 960223) [ShouTime, Steven Fairbrother, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21A [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21B [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21S [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21YA [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Force SYS68K/CPU-21YB [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Gals Panic S2 (Europe) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
Head Panic (ver. 0702, 02/07/1999) [hammy, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Missile Attack [f205v]
Momoko 120% (bootleg) [Paul Hogger]
Mouse Trap (version 2) [Pat Daderko]
Osborne-1 (Nuevo Video) [Vas Crabb, NekoEd]
Puzznic (US) [Coolmod]
Red Hawk (Greece) [Abelardator2]
Sitcom Timer [Vas Crabb]
Speak and Help  [Andrew Welburn]
Street Fighter EX2 (USA 980312) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
The King of Fighters '99 - Millennium Battle (Korean release) [Brian Hargrove]
The Pit Boss (2214-07, U5-0A) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
VS Block Breaker (Europe) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
Zen Nippon Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua (Taiwan) [XeD]

Machines promoted to working
Gallop Racer 2 (Export) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ideal Maniac [hap, Sean Riddle, Kevin Horton]
Milton Bradley Plus One [hap, Sean Riddle]

Clones promoted to working
Donkey Kong 3 (bootleg on Ambush hardware) [Dirk Best]
Gallop Racer 2 (Japan) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Gallop Racer 2 Link HW (Japan) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Dragon's Eye (0100521V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
InterPro 2800 [Patrick Mackinlay]
K.G. Bird (0200024V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
KOF Sky Stage (v1.00J) [rtw]
Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) [Team Europe, f205v, Sean Riddle, Roberto Fresca]
Penguin Pirate II (0100869V, Victoria) [Heihachi_73]
Phantom Pays (0500005V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Star Horse 2001 (satellite, Rev B) [any, Lord Nightmare, MetalliC, rtw, ShouTime]
The King of Fighters XII (v1.00) [Niko]
Toucan Tango (0100782V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Tsukande Toru Chicchi [Alex Cmaylo, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
Winning Post (RHG0418-04, US) [Heihachi_73]
Wizard Ways (0200396V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Amazon Hunt III (rev. 1, French) [PinMAME]
Arena (French) [PinMAME]
Arena (German) [PinMAME]
Bad Girls (French) [PinMAME]
Bad Girls (German) [PinMAME]
Big House (French) [PinMAME]
Big House (German) [PinMAME]
Bone Busters Inc. (German) [PinMAME]
Bounty Hunter (German) [PinMAME]
Diamond Lady (French) [PinMAME]
Diamond Lady (German) [PinMAME]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1606, US) [Heihachi_73]
Excalibur (French) [PinMAME]
Excalibur (German) [PinMAME]
Gamshara (World, 10021 Ver.A) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Genesis (French) [PinMAME]
Genesis (German) [PinMAME]
Gold Wings (French) [PinMAME]
Gold Wings (German) [PinMAME]
Golden Pyramids (0100878V, Victoria) [Heihachi_73]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Super-19 ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Watzman ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Hollywood Heat (French) [PinMAME]
Hollywood Heat (German) [PinMAME]
Hot Shots (French) [PinMAME]
Hot Shots (German) [PinMAME]
Margarita Magic (EHG1558, US) [Heihachi_73]
Mars - God of War (Prototype) [PinMAME]
Missile Attack [f205v]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, French) [PinMAME]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, German) [PinMAME]
Monte Carlo (Pinball, rev. 2) [PinMAME]
Panther Magic (0100716V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Pet Shop (0100731V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Q.T. Bird (0500009V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Raven (German) [PinMAME]
Robo-War (French) [PinMAME]
Rock (German) [PinMAME]
Rock Encore (German) [PinMAME]
Rollergames (AD-2) Prototype [PinMAME]
Rollergames (LF-2) French [PinMAME]
Rollergames (LF-3) French [PinMAME]
Spring Break (French) [PinMAME]
Spring Break (German) [PinMAME]
Street Fighter EX 2 (US 980312) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Tag-Team Wrestling (German) [PinMAME]
T.T. Defender
  [ShouTime, Renato Mucciarelli, Jan Stuhler, Surgeville, John Wilke, Rod_Wod, Mr. Goodwraith, ranger_lennier, Antonio Jover,
  ArcadeDude, Paul Vining, Ryan Gatto, joey35car, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
TX-Sector (French) [PinMAME]
TX-Sector (German) [PinMAME]
Victory (Pinball, French) [PinMAME]
Victory (Pinball, German) [PinMAME]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2]
Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision A) [twistedsymphony]

New working software list additions
abc80_flop: Hires Invasion demo [Genesis Project]
aim65_cart: AIM 65/PC100 Extended BASIC v2.1 & v2.3, AIM 65 Instant Pascal v1.0 [Nigel Barnes]
atom_flop: Manic Miner (conversion) [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: Sherston titles, Byte the Apple music demos [Nigel Barnes]
gamate: Fortune 'n Luck [Peter Wilhemsen]
  688 Attack Sub (5.25"), Cartooners, Cartooners in Space, Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (Alt), Zany Golf
  Aces High, Amnesia, Boulder Dash, Bruce Lee, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon, Double Dragon II, Double Dragon III,
  Earthly Delights, Executive Suite, Frederick Forsyth's The Fourth Protocol, The Lost Treasures of Infocom,
  The Lost Treasures of Infocom II, Mega Man, Mega Man III, Metal Gear, MINIX 1.x, Prince of Persia, PSI-5 Trading Company,
  RoboCop, Wendin Multiuser DOS [Justin Kerk]
pico: Ecco Jr. e la GrandeCaccia al Tesoro nell'Oceano! (Ita) [f205v]
z88_cart: game conversions and commercial applications [Nigel Barnes]
zx81_cass: over 550 games and applications [Nigel Barnes]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
ibm5150: Astro-Dodge, BurgerTime [Justin Kerk]
zx80_cass: small selection of games [Nigel Barnes]

Source Changes
-Added preliminary Clipper CPU core Interpro 2800 driver. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Amiga updates: [Dirk Best]
 * Converted the Amiga keyboards to a bus interface with slot devices.
 * Addes a German A500 keyboard variant, keyboard fixes.
 * Moved and renamed Amiga sound device, added pinout and description.
 * Moved audio related registers into Paula device, now independent from Amiga state class.
 * Made Akiko independent from driver state.

-ambush: Rewrote driver. [Dirk Best]
 * Use tilemap system to draw background/foreground characters (and use generic gfx_8x8x2_planar layout).
 * Added mario and dkong3 bootlegs running on extended hardware.
   - Color PROMs for these haven't been dumped, currently using the PROMs from the original.
 * Updated and corrected DIP switches.
 * Documented tile attribute RAM and sprite RAM layout bits.
 * Use screen raw parameters.
 * Added connector layout, updated TODO list and ROM filenames.

-thayers: Fixed keyboard scanning, inputs and communication. [Curt Coder]

-vic20 updates: [Curt Coder]
 * Emulated the PPP SpeakEasy (Votrax SC-01-A) cartridge.
 * Emulated the Data 20 Display Manager 40/80 column video cartridge.

-c64: Emulated the PPP Speakeasy 64 (Votrax SC-01-A) cartridge. [Curt Coder]

-abc800_dsk: Fixed sector interleave. [Curt Coder]

-PIC16C5x updates: [hap]
 * Added basic support for the old GI PIC1650 and PIC1655.
 * Made RTCC (aka T0CKI) pin an input line handler.

-PIC CPU: Fixed writes with the status register as destination. [Luca Elia]
 * Write all bits except TO and PD, thus enabling e.g. bcf, bsf or clrf to change the flags.
 * rlf and rrf must update the flags after the store to work correctly on this register.

-More complete Galaxy Games emulation: [Luca Elia]
 * Created devices for the galaxy games carts (EEPROM + Flash + PIC) and the slot(s).
 * Removed code patches and emulated the PIC communication and bank switching.
 * Converted the blitter to a device (cesblit.cpp).
 * Moved the Galaxy Games from tmaster.cpp to their own driver (galgames.cpp).

-ms0515.cpp: Hooked up keyboard and floppy, improved video emulation etc. [shattered]

-dsk_dsk format: Propagate CRC error flags. [shattered]

-ms7004 keyboard: Handle incoming serial data via INT pin. [shattered]

-tigerroad.cpp: replaced bballs MCU simulation with dump from MC68705R3, added to parent set as BAD_DUMP.
 [TeamEurope, Brizzo, Vas Crabb]

-dec0.cpp updates: [Vas Crabb, CAPS0ff]
 * Added dump for baddudes MCU with note about likely bit error.
 * Replaced drgninja MCU simulation with hacked version of baddudes dump.
 * Latch cleanup: 'LS374 senses positive edge, others are educted guesses.

-m6805: Added CMOS devices, miscellaneous fixes. [Vas Crabb]
 * Added m146805 and m68hc05 to unidasm.
 * Fixed disassembly of BIT opcodes.
 * Fixed burning cycles on disabled interrupts.
 * Cleaned up BIH/BIL handling.
 * Made opcode tables configurable in m6805_base_device, provided tables for HMOS, CMOS and HC families.
 * Implemented MUL instruction, made unimplemented STOP and WAIT raise fatal error.
 * Implemented 'HC05 edge-sensitive external interrupts.
 * Added partially implemented MC68HC05C4, MC68HC05C8 and MC68HC705C8A devices.
 * Fixed problem with edge case in 68705 timer overflow interrupt when TDR=0.
   - Fixes Zorba keyboard and MT6499.

-Fixed crash on loading invalid cheats, MAME now logs an error and continues. [Vas Crabb]

-Made debugger fall back from binary to default base on 0b prefix. [Vas Crabb]
 * This makes expressions like 0B12 parse as hex in hex memory spaces.
 * Where there's ambiguity (e.g 0B01) binary takes precedence.

-Natural keyboard fixes: [Vas Crabb]
 * Fixed Shift-Alt combinations.
 * Fixed modifiers with LLE keyboards (shift/alt now work reliably with Sun, Amiga, RM Nimbus, etc.).
 * Fixed crash on keyboard inputs with four characters.

-Amiga keyboard updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Corrected polarity of KB_DATA from Amiga to keyboard.
 * Completely rewrote 68HC05CxA-based A1200 keyboard device, now working.
 * Fixed KB_DATA mixing in A500 keyboard.
 * Made A500 keyboard caps lock LED output name consistent with A1200.
 * Added Alt- and Alt-Shift- characters to A500 US keyboard.
 * Factored out matrix keys to a common module shared by A500/A1200.
 * Made new German matrix based on US matrix with Alt-chars hooked up.
 * Added layouts for France/Belgium, Italy and Sweden/Finland, Spain, Denmark, Switzerland, Norway and UK.
   - Switzerland has French/German config option, natural mode only works for French.
 * Added borderline usable dead keys for natural keyboard.

-Osborne-1 updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added Osborne-1 with Nuevo Video board as a clone.
 * Made Alpha Lock a toggling key rather than a fake DIP switch.

-Made object finder arrays meet more Container/Sequence requirements (allows use of range-based for and many standard algorithms).
 [Vas Crabb]

-dl1416: Split interface into signal-level and bus-level APIs, improved support for different variants. [Vas Crabb]

-sitcom updates: [Vas Crabb]
 * Implemented Boot and Reset buttons and remapping of low 32kB.
 * Hooked up PIA, I/O space mirrors, and RS232 interface for downloading programs.
   - PIA ports connected to LED outputs and keypad inputs.
 * Added camera shutter speed measurement rig as a clone.
 * Added a software list with example programs from web site.
   - Software list is not connected yet, need to load software by full path.

-Cherry-picked some features from self-registering drivers PoC: [Vas Crabb]
 * Use size_t for sizes and <algorithm> for algorithms.
 * Fixed up some files that were getting linked into multiple libraries.
 * Added missing virtual method to sh2 peripheral class.
 * Put shortname in driver struct for locality.
 * Made LRU cache use shared pointers for safety.

-Used known plaintext attack to obtain Omega program encryption key. [Vas Crabb]

-Converted many naked pointers to required_region_ptr. [Robbbert]

-m6845: Fixed starting address in row/column mode (used by osborne1nv). [Robbbert]

-Update GENie [Branimir Karadzic]

-List command format changes: [Tafoid]
 * Changes to output produced to better deal with maximum limits of certain items.
 * Fixed issue with -listroms output not displaying hapyfsh2 rom sizes correctly.

-Fixed building using system portaudio and utf8proc. [belegdol]

-Provided the PIC code for all four StarPak cartridges. [Keith M. Kolmos]

-Confirmed MC68705R3 bootstrap program matches MC68705U3 (and U5 for that matter). [Brizzo]

-Identified bad dumps and fixed info for a number of Aristocrat games. [Heihachi_73]

-aristmk5: Rearranged controls to be more playable and added PORT_NAMEs. [Heihachi_73]

-polyplay: Added light organ and layout. [SailorSat]
 * Traced the lines on the board to figure out how the lightorgan worked - a zero crossing detector triggers NMI on the CPU, which
    then operates the light organ.

-aristmk5: Added SPI and hopper emulation - allows non-US games to boot. [Sandro Ronco]

-imgtool: Fixed recently introduced bug that could cause hex numbers to be incorrectly emitted in usage text. [Nathan Woods]

-saa1099.cpp: Use correct LFSR polynomial for SAA1099 noise generation, added some notes about an unemulated undocumented feature of
 the noise clock. [Jepael, Lord Nightmare]

-Fixed clipper CPU build. [Felipe Sanches]

-Netlist library improvements: [Couriersud]
 * Refactored netlist pmf code.
 * Small optimization for diode calculations.
 * Remove virtual from some destructors and make them protected.
 * Various cleanups and performance improvements.
 * Fixed some inconsistencies.
 * Reduced overhead to load data (ROMs) in netlist significantly.
   - Previous solution involved a significant amount of redundant replication of information and objects. Now, a ROM name specified
      as SOMEROM(x21, "romlabel") will be automatically be loaded from region "netlisttag:romlabel" (see hazl1500 and stuntcyc).
 * Fix warning about non existing memory space when netlist is used.
 * Logging enhancements.
 * Fixed crashes on terminals without nets (i.e. connected to a rail).
 * Reviewed "FIXMEs" and corrected some minor ones.
 * Made m_cur_analog protected.
 * Fixed pmf delegates to work with MSVC.
 * More optimizations to the solver code.
 * Started work on a better signal pipeline in nlwav.
 * Only generate documentation for entities which are documented.
 * Made it possible to have multiple update handlers per device.
   - Makes device implementation more flexible and faster and improves performance slightly.
   - Each input is now assigned a notification handler. Currently this is update, but going forward it may be a custom handler.
 * Fixed MEMPOOL on OSX.
 * Added delegate support for Emscripten, ARM processors and VS 2015 x64.
 * Made sure netlist includes are not found directly on include path.
 * Made Windows builds of nltool and nlwav understand Unicode.
 * Added standalone VS2015 build file in src/lib/netlist/build.
 * Added state saving and loading to nltool.
 * Optimized 7493 device - gives some 5 to 10% improvement to pong.
 * Reworked truthtables a bit: moved 9312 and 74279 to TTL macro library, renamed TTL_9312_* to more appropriate DM9312.
 * Fixed a number of warnings from latest Ubuntu clang 5.0.

-huc6261.cpp: Fixed YUV colors, added palette offset and HuC6261-A mixing - fixes PC-FX boot screen graphics/colors. [Angelo Salese]

-namcond1.cpp: Enabled preliminary ROZ effects in ygv608 core. [Angelo Salese]

-segas16b.cpp: Improved inputs for Excite League / Super League. [Angelo Salese]

-sh4: Fixed FMOV* opcodes. [MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Redumped "Crackin' DJ Part 2". [billy16jr, Cereth, cpsystem3, MetalliC, rtw]

-naomi.cpp documentation updates: [MetalliC]
 * Added two Japan Mushiking cart serial numbers.
 * Documented Atomiswave game exe Build timestamps shown in Test Mode.
 * Corrected few game years.
 * Sorted game list by build dates.

-Mega Card (Ver.0210, encrypted) improvements:
 * Added bruteforced PLD dump. [Team Europe, caius, Roberto Fresca]
 * Added G65SC02 decode die dump and tech notes about the custom CPU. [Team Europe, Sean Riddle, Roberto Fresca]
 * Added CY7C291A dump from inside the custom CPU. [Team Europe, Roberto Fresca]
 * Fixed ASCII PCB layout and list of components. [Roberto Fresca]

-Arrow Bingo: Fixed clocks to be more accurate, hooked principal inputs to make the game playable, added technical notes.
 [Roberto Fresca]

-Power Card (Ver 0263, encrypted): Dumped the CY7C291A from inside of the custom CPU, added technical notes.
 [Team Europe, Roberto Fresca]

-Arrow Bingo: Added a new input requested by the code, added more technical notes about the program. [Roberto Fresca]

-mac: Fixed NuBus memory stomp. [R. Belmont]

-Fixed apple2gs regressions. [R. Belmont]

-konmedal: Improved screen display, added ROM banking, started implementing VROM readback. [R. Belmont]

-Added Preliminary TLCS-870 CPU core - work in progress. [David Haywood]

-spacecr: Added continue button. [AJR]

-De-hardcoded service inputs for gekisou and Atari games. [AJR]

-polepos.cpp input improvements: [AJR]
 * Corrected DIP switches and locations for polepos2bi and polepos2bs.
 * Fix bootleg manufacturer info for polepos2bs.
 * Use modern DEVCB features to make extra 4-bit input ports unnecessary.

-lastbank: Working sound and music. [AJR]
 * ES-8712: Added busy status read and notes on device.
 * Allow sound CPU to reset the ES-8712 and M6295.
 * Added NVRAM, remapped/renamed inputs, added RTC notes.

-bcruzm12: Changed PSGs to AY8912, added notes on PCB. [AJR]

-dblcrown: Simplified code by adding 8255 PPI, PSG type is YMZ284. [AJR]

-gcpinbal modernization and sound improvements: [AJR]
 * Broke up the bogus IOC structure and used 8-bit handlers where appropriate
   - Fixes a music playback glitch due to the old handler's failure to account for byte mirroring.
 * Improved OKI M6295 sounds by using correct bit for banking.
 * Load more music by sending interrupt when ES-8712 finishes playing sample.
 * Added interface for 93C46 EEPROM and HCT157.
 * Updated machine flags to better reflect current emulation status.

-kothello: Added DIP SW2 and identified DIP switches and locations. [AJR]

-vmetal sound improvements: [AJR]
 * Implemented IRQ used to loop ES-8712 music (much like gcpinbal) - all extant samples should be playable now.
 * Reduced unreasonably high OKIM6295 volume.
 * Added a reset line callback for the ES-8712.
   - Will be used to reset the MSM5205/MSM6585 when the implementation is rewritten to use those devices.
   - For now, it's used for IRQ generation in vmetal.
 * Removed the auto-repeat feature from the ES-8712 device. All known games that loop samples do so by status polling or IRQs.

-upd7810: Replaced fake I/O space with callbacks. [AJR]

-capbowl, bowlrama: Identified DAC type. [AJR]

-5clown.cpp, bzone.cpp: Correctly assigned service buttons. [OzFalcon]

-Force CPU-20: Added board variant handling and a few variants. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * cpu-21, cpu-21a, cpu-21ya, cpu-21b, cpu-21yb and cpu-21s, differs in CPU speed and memory mainly
 * Added logging.

-Prodigy: Added netlist for BCD display, got correct boot up display but no interaction yet as keypad is missing, added layout.
 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-VME bus: Added default bus address space and prepared for bus-specific features. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-via6522 updates: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * Improved logging.
 * Fixed 50/50 duty cycle for T2 and O2 driven CB1 shift IN & OUT on CB2.
 * Added stop of device_timer when going from internaly to externaly clocked shift modes.
 * Fixed so shift out and in flank is not controlled by pcr in accordance with datasheet.
 * Added missing final and leading flanks when shifting out and in respectivelly.

-68561: Improved interrupt support and LOGs messages. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-BIM 68153: Fixed release irq line bug and updated LOGs. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-fccpu30: Updated to new LOG system. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-New netlist device: 74164 - 8bit parallel output serial shift register. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-Made mcombat, mcombata and mcombats boot. They still need inputs/sound (AY8912). [Ivan Vangelista]

-Heathkit H19/H89: A few fixes and more documentation, cleaned up ROM definitions. [Mark Garlanger]

-mc6845: The device should not scan out more lines than programmed into the 'visible' register. [Mark Garlanger]

-zx81: Added tzx cassette format, changed default ramsize to 16K. [Nigel Barnes]

-z88: Fixed expanded video addressing in RAM carts. [Nigel Barnes]

-Allow softlist software parts to use different interfaces: [Nigel Barnes]
 * imgcntrl: Don't assume first software part, find part with correct interface.
 * swlist: Check all software parts for matching interface when populating list of software lists.
 * softlist_dev: Check all software parts when finding approximate matches.

-aim65: Added 16K PROM/ROM module, 4 extra sockets required for Instant Pascal. [Nigel Barnes]

-lastbank.cpp: Filled in Coinage and Demo Sounds DIP switches. [Brian Troha]

-aquarium.cpp: Documentation and clock update. [Brian Troha]
 * Replaced PCB layout with with a more informational version, listed out major chips on the PCB including customs.
 * Corrected OKI M6295 clock with actual resonator.

-t10mmc: Added Play Audio MSF (0x47) command, used by Another CD Player and Astrocounter of Crescents. [Barry Rodewald]

-portaudio: Minimal const-correctness. [O. Galibert]

-Apple Laserwriter II NT: Updated driver quite a bit, improved the overlay emulation and ram mapping, passes more self tests, added
 as much info about memory maps as could be easily derived without PAL dumps. [Lord Nightmare]

-LaserWriter II NT: Hooked up interrupts to 68k, got more self tests to pass. [Lord Nightmare]

-freekick.cpp: Fixed sprite rom load order in omega, derived input ports from gigas rather than fully redefining everything.
 [Lord Nightmare]

-arkanoid.cpp: Added detailed memory map with proper mirroring; documented and mapped the joystick ports which, while present and
 fully functional on the pcb, are unused by the game code. [Lord Nightmare]

-Updated FSF address in a few files' license headers. [Luke-Nukem]

-arm7: Added support for the second BLX form for ARMv5 and fixed behavior of second BLX form in THUMB. [Alex Marshall]

-intvkbd driver improvements: [Frank Palazzolo]
 * Corrected screen alignment.
 * Changed to use generic TMS9927.
 * Aligned STIC and TMS9927 graphics properly.
 * Added preliminary support for testing intvkbd printer.
 * Added proper documented memory addresses for tape drive.
 * TMS9927: added support for driver-specific overscan areas.

-pgm2: Fixed address map up a little bit and added notes. [Alex Marshall]

-namcos22: Added per-game speaker configurations based on manuals and test messages. [superctr]

-namcos22: Added 'bodysonic' speaker to airco22b (name comes from test mode). [superctr]

-C352 improvements: [superctr]
 * Implemented volume ramping behavior confirmed with recording from real hardware.
   - Example: Tekken 3, reduced pops in especially King's stage BGM.
 * Rewrote mu-law algorithm - might not be quite perfect yet, but is closer to recordings and sounds a bit clearer.
   - Example: Time Crisis.
 * Byte-swapped sample ROMs as necessary.

-portaudio: Fixed issues causing crash with 32-bit builds, clamp latency. [intealls]

-Fixed Battle Cruiser M-12 sprite colors. [MASH]

-dec0.cpp: Added new and improved readme for the DEC0 based games. [Guru]

-SDK85: Added mastermind BIOS. [Paolo Forlani, Stefano Bodrato]

-hp9845 updates: [F.Ulivi]
 * Fixed parallel poll logic in PHI.
 * Working support for HP9895 dual floppy drive with MFI image format.
 * Corrected aspect ratio of alpha and graphic video modes using a layout file.


Titel: HyperSpin 1.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2017, 19:45
HyperSpin is a frontend that can launch other programs and emulators from one menu. Without a frontend, you'd have to individually launch each emulator as needed, then find and launch the games you want to play. HyperSpin simplifies this by using a system of menus to launch your emulators and games.


HyperSpin uses real arcade controls to provide simple menu navigation in your arcade cabinet and hides your normal Windows desktop, providing a more authentic arcade experience. HyperSpin can turn your arcade cabinet into a fully functional media center; you can have a jukebox or movie center built right into the same multi-game machine.

Hyperspin can be easy to setup. However, some find it a bit challenging at first. There are numerous text and video tutorials available to answer all of your questions and get you started right away.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2017, 18:40
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.7.2c
# Patreon release date: 2017-02-16
# Public release date:  2017-02-23

# New in 1.7.2c:

GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2SwapScanBuffers() that could cause the GPU command stream to get corrupted

# New in 1.7.2b:

coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in coreinit initialization code

# New in 1.7.2:

general: Reorganized menu options for better clarity (Some debug option stuff wasn't really for debugging)
general: Added option to choose fullscreen scaling mode (stretch to screen or keep aspect ratio)
general: Default and recommended value for CPU timer option is now 'Host based'

PPC: Thread emulation is now using Fibers. Technically speaking, this change was made to simplify context switching within HLE functions. It allows certain API to behave more similar to the real Cafe OS.

coreinit: Fixed a bug that caused MEMGetAllocatableSizeForExpHeapEx() to return negative values under certain circumstances
coreinit: Fixed a crash bug in MPRunTasksFromTaskQ()
coreinit: Added API MPDequeTask(), MPWaitTaskQWithTimeout(), MPRunTask()
coreinit: Fixed rare deadlock in alarm handler

VPAD: Fixed fullscreen touch input for non-16:9 displays

GX2: Fixed that under certain circumstances GX2WaitTimeStamp() could return immediately due to the low accuracy of the internally used timer (affected only 'Host based timer')
GX2: Added support for texture format R16_G16_B16_A16_SNORM
GX2: Added support for sampler2DRect textures
GX2: Unsupported instructions in a GS Copyshader will no longer cause a crash
GX2: Fixed texelFetch() accessing textures upside-down if ARB_clip_control is used
GX2: Adjusted handling of vsync and flip event to decrease latency
GX2: Optimized texture encoding & decoding
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized various parts of the GPU command processor
GX2: Fixed incorrect mapping of GS->PS attributes if gl_FragCoord is used
GX2: Fixed handling of GS input primitive LINE_STRIP



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: Mednafen 0.9.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2017, 05:15

PSX: Reduced DualShock rumble latency by 1 frame.
SS: Added multitap emulation, enableable via settings "ss.input.sport1.multitap" and "ss.input.sport2.multitap".
SS: Added steering wheel emulation(for "Virtua Racing", and other racing games that lack 3D Pad analog support).
SS: Added Mission Stick and Dual Mission Stick emulation.
SS: Added 101-key US keyboard emulation.
SS: Fixed hang in "F1 Challenge".
SS: Fixed missing voice acting and related hangs in "Magic Knight Rayearth".
Reworked how input grabbing is handled. The new way uses only one key combo(CTRL+SHIFT+Menu), and will adapt its behavior based on any keyboards being selected on any virtual input ports or not(refer to the documentation for full details). A new setting is added, "command.toggle_grab", and two settings were removed, "command.toggle_grab_input" and "command.toggle_cidisable".
Emulated keyboard(FKB, Tsushin, Saturn) key state is now only updated when input grabbing is toggled on.


Titel: GameEx 14.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2017, 13:50
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Release Notes

The Setup Wizard no longer runs as administrator. This allows network paths and mapped drives to be selected for path settings more easily. The release adds support for AAE (Another Arcade Emulator) for launching the majority of arcade vector games in place of MAME if desired. The GameEx process is now set as DPI aware fixing windows scaling issues on some setups. Finally this release fixes quite a bad memory leak when displaying video and image previews so an upgrade is highly recommended from the last few versions as this could cause GameEx to crash.
In other news, I have been playing with the GPD Win and another Cherry Trail Atom CPU based system. GameEx runs very well on these systems. I tested some of the other popular front ends or at least the paid ones and they were pretty much unusuable on these new fanless systems. GameEx Arcade edition and GameEx lite also seemed to be running well with the system that only had 2GB of RAM although it was tested with a version of Windows I had created with NTLITE. The GPD Win is the latest handheld gaming phenomenon and the other cherry trail systems are in my eyes Raspberry PI killers. The Minix Z84-3 is under $200 US and includes a licensed version of Windows 10. In addition ASUS have a PC stick for just over $100. Although the ASUS stick has a slower CPU than the other systems and only 2GB RAM. Still GameEx seemed to run very well on it. In my testing these systems run a lot better at 720P resolution.


Titel: My Nes 6.2.300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2017, 11:30
My NES is a portable, open source, low level NES/Famicom emulator written in C#. The compatibility of My NES is very high, running most games without any bugs. The aim of the project is to reproduce any hardware quirks that games may rely on as elegantly as possible. My NES doesn't employ any game specific hacks or hash checks (Aside from filling in pot holes left behind by the iNES file format).

License : GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Improved: emulation threading code to reduce cpu usage (it was using full cpu power).
Fixed: sound playback pitch and sync loosing. MyNes now adjust the pitch automatically to avoid sync loose.


Titel: GameEx 14.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2017, 17:20

Signiffacnt updates to GameEx and GameEx Arcde Edition.
GameEx Arcade Edition now supports all otther emulated systems and not just arcade. Is this the best Arcade Cab and HTPC front end now available?
View at YouTube.
Fixes to the MAME list update and other systems matching is improved.
Fixes AAE showing black screen when launched
Fixes some user interface navigation issues.
Games in series now lists for other systems if MAME Arcade is being used


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2017, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Patch and DLC support
Improved compatibility
Graphic improvements
Bugfixes & minor adjustments

Titel: GameEx 14.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2017, 18:45
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

GameEx Arcade Edition now features support for Steam, Uplay and Origin online gaming platforms.

Titel: GameEx 14.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2017, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Fixes GameEx requiring administrator rights on some setups.

Titel: MAME 0.184
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2017, 13:36


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 04454: [Crash/Freeze] (saturn.cpp) seabass: Black Screen after patents screen (Angelo Salese)
- 06337: [DIP/Input] (mz2500.cpp) mz2500: The HELP key is missing (einstein95)
- 06361: [Cheat System] Cartrdige memory accessed directly with cheats will crash MAME (Pugsy)
- 06492: [Crash/Freeze] (model3.cpp) scud: Crash running scud with -bench 90, regression. (Phil Bennett)
- 06504: [Misc.] (coleco.cpp) coleco and clones, adam: Wrong device interface name (gordon-fish)
- 06512: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Occasionally, when the race starting, the 3D graphic objects start to glitch and
  disappear, game become unplayable (R. Belmont)
- 06513: [Crash/Freeze] (gba.cpp) gba: Many previously working gba sl_roms now freeze (R. Belmont)

New working machines
Ampro Computers Little Board/186 [Carl, Al Kossow]
Coleco Quiz Wiz Challenger [hap, Sean Riddle, Rik]
Conic Electronic I.Q. [hap, Sean Riddle]
CXG Chess 2001 [hap, Berger]
Micro Genius IQ-501 [kazblox]
Micro Genius IQ-502 [kazblox]
Shiny Golds [caius, The Dumping Union]
USG/Tandy 2-Player Football [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones
2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge (rev 1.2A) [Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Chesster Challenger (V1.3) [yovan]
Dendy Classic 2 [kazblox]
Dynablaster / Bomber Man (bootleg, set 3) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Designer 2100 [hap]
Fidelity The Excellence (model EP12, set 2) [yovan]
Fidelity The Par Excellence (rev. B) [hap]
Flashgal (set 1, Kyugo logo) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Gals Panic (MCU Protected, set 2) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Granit 'S' [hap]
Kishon Chesster [yovan]
Milton Bradley Simon (Rev F) [Sean Riddle]
NBA Play By Play (ver AAB) [alca]
Phoenix (IDI bootleg) [f205v]
Radical Radial (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Raiden II (Germany) [caius, The Dumping Union]
San Francisco Rush (boot rom L 1.06A) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Shanghai III (US, prototype) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910129) [Janniz]
Super Crowns Golf (World) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Novag Constellation Forte (version B) [hap]
Heathkit H-19 [Mark Garlanger]
HP-9845C [f.ulivi, Angus Kueckes]
SM 7238 [shattered]

Clones promoted to working
Heathkit H-19 w/ Super-19 ROM [Mark Garlanger]
Heathkit H-19 w/ Watzman ROM [Mark Garlanger]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Alchemist (01J02046, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
Arizona [PinMAME]
Bachelorette Party (BHG1248, US) [Heihachi_73]
Caprice Pro-Action Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Cowboy 8 Ball [PinMAME]
Disco Dancing [PinMAME]
Dream Weaver (0200586V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Eltec Eurocom II V7 [shattered]
Fast Fortune (0100651V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Force [PinMAME]
Haunted Hotel [PinMAME]
Hustler [PinMAME]
Jumpin' Joey (0100383V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
King Kong [PinMAME]
Lucky Clover (0300109V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mammoth Money (0100425V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pirate (0100674V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Rushin Rooster (0100534V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Silver Wolf (0100673V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Snow Cat (0100405V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Factory (Rev B) [ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, The Dumping Union]
Space Ship [PinMAME]
Subor SB-486 [kazblox]
Thor (0200319V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Thunder Heart (0200333V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Machine (LTD, 4 players) [PinMAME]
Trick Shooter [PinMAME]
USG Programmable Baseball [hap, Sean Riddle]
Viking King [PinMAME]
White Force [PinMAME]
Wicked Winnings (0100553V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Angels (0100337V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Yukon Gold (03J00191, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Zoofari [R. Belmont, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Boot Scootin' (GHG1008-03, US) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Cat (0100557V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Cat (0100676V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
The Chariot Challenge (0100787V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Desert Bloom (0300111V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1519, US) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure - Cash Express (AHG1607, US) [Heihachi_73]
Griffon (Olympia bootleg of Phoenix) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
Harley Davidson (L-2) [PinMAME]
Karnov (Japan, bootleg with NEC D8748HD) [The Iron Goat]
King Galah (0100536V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Loco Loot (0100473V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
M82 Display Unit (PAL) [kazblox]
Magic Mask (AHG1549, US) [Heihachi_73]
Magic Touch (0300455V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mine, Mine, Mine (0400115V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Money Mouse (0300469V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money (0100289V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Orchid Mist (0100849V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Oscar (0100348V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (GDX-0014) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Penguin Brothers (Japan, bootleg) [Rod_Wod, Team Europe and The Dumping Union]
Penguin Pays (0100113V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pays - Penguin Pucks (EHG1257, US) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pirate (0200578V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Pot O' Gold (U.S. Games, v580F) [deathmock]
PPG Waveterm A [shattered]
Queen of the Nile (0101139V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0101707V, Brazil) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (04J00784, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1525, US) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Cash Express (AHG1609, US) [Heihachi_73]
San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 19 1997 / MAIN Aug 19 1997) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
San Francisco Rush: The Rock (Wavenet, boot rom L 1.38, GUTS Aug 6 1997 / MAIN Aug 5 1997)  [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Skins Game Tournament Edition [mrsinister]
Super Bucks III (0100711V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Sweethearts II (0200465V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Machine (LTD, 2 players) [PinMAME]
Thunder Heart (0200334V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Tropical Delight (0100269V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Time Traveler (set 2) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Unicorn Dreaming (0100813V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 (Export) (GDX-0016) [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Zephy (alternate set) [PinMAME]

New working software list additions
archimedes: Over 20 games and applications [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_flop: Disk User coverdisks, Bad Apple and X-Pansions Elevation demos [Nigel Barnes]
bbcm_flop: Enjoy The Silence and Retribution X demos [Nigel Barnes]
c64_cass: speakeasy [Dagarman]
  Bivouac, Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer, Double Dragon (5.25", older), EDITEXTE,
  Indianapolis 500: The Simulation (3.5", newer), Label Magic, Licence to Kill, Multitexte, Pick'n Pile, Prehistorik,
  PrintMaster Plus, Rockford, Skweek
  Adaptec EZ-SCSI 3.1 German, AMouse Driver Disk v7.0, Borland Eureka 1.0, Borland Paradox 3.01 (German),
  Borland Paradox 4.0 (German, 2 versions),
  IBM DOS 5.02 (German), MS-DOS 6.22 (German), Windows 3.1 (German), Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (German)
megadriv: TOm and Jerry (Jpn) [ElBarto]
nes: Magic Kid GooGoo [kazblox]
ti74: Maths and Finance cartridges [PockEmul]
vic1001_cass: speakeasy (partial dump) [Dagarman]

New software list additions marked as NOT_WORKING
  Ikari Warriors (alt), First Samurai, JetFighter I: The Adventure, Turbo Driver [breiztiger]

Source Changes
-Changed games to use 4-way joysticks. [AJR]
 * assault, bagman.cpp (all games except squasitsa), bballs, darktowr, ddungeon, horekid, klax, maddonna, pushman, stoffy, supduck,
    toffy, trog (trogpa4 prototype uses different inputs)

-tms1024/tms1025: Added input callbacks and read handler. [AJR]
 * docastle.cpp: Read inputs through TMS1025.

-hanaroku: Added NVRAM and hopper. [AJR]

-feversoc: Added coin hopper output (prize hopper doesn't quite work). [AJR]

-hp9845b: Use standard instance names (and type) for optional ROMs. [AJR]

-merit.cpp: PSG type is AY-3-8912. [AJR]

-Converted screen_device VBLANK callback to devcb_write_line. [AJR]
 * Renamed screen_eof_xxx to screen_vblank_xxx in many drivers.

-lastbank: Added coin counters. [AJR]

-Added skeleton device for Video System C7-01 GGA. [AJR]

-taito_z.cpp: Fixed subtle color pen bug in Mexico GP stage for Continental Circus. [Angelo Salese]

-8x300dasm: Corrected JMP target addresses. [Barry Rodewald]

-Work around bug in msys2 C runtime causing garbage on console with DInput controllers. [Brad Hughes]

-abc80: Converted to scanline based rendering, fixed graphics characters, and fixed sound. [Curt Coder]
 * Genesis Project demos (abcdemo, hiresinv) are now fully working.

-Ambush: Cleaned up driver state. [Dirk Best]

-ay8910: Added a write handler for the case of bc1=a0 and bc2=a1. [Dirk Best]

-blockade: Rewrote driver: [Dirk Best]
 * Removed fake interrupts, rewrote coin handling, corrected CPU type.
 * Used screen raw parameters and generic 8x8x1 gfx layout.

-popper: Got some meat back onto the bones: [Dirk Best]
 * Made full memory map for main and sub CPUs derived from schematics.
 * Added both DIP switches with proper defaults.
 * Hooked up interrupt generation logic.
 * Decoded character and sprite layout, draw character tilemap.
 * Added raw screen parameters (to be verified).
 * Hooked up inputs and flip screen.
 * Fixed audio hookup.

-HP9845C improvements: [f.ulivi, Angus Kueckes]
 * Expanded from 1 to 4 I/O slots.
 * Allowed RAM size to be configured with -ram option.
 * Implemented HP-9845C driver (color version of the 9845 range of machines).
 * Improved 9845C lightpen emulation.
 * nanoprocessor: Fixed a subtle bug in interrupt handling.

-n64 updates: [Happy]
 * Added short delay between RDP full sync and DP interrupt, allowing RSP IRQ to arrive first.
 * Let debugger disassembly windows track RSP PC.
 * Flush RSP DRC cache when SP DMA changes IMEM.
 * Make element selection in vector load/store RSP DRC C functions consistent with other implementations.
 * Fix a minor issue with RDP disassembly listing for Load Block.

-mips3 DRC : Ensure branch delay slot instruction is not virtual instruction before trying to generate code to add it to the block
 checksum, fixed FPU register aliasing. [Happy]

-z80sio: Added i8274/upd7201 variants, refactored interrupts, improved logging. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
 * isbc: Changed to use z80sio.cpp i8274 device instead of z80dart.cpp's, removed m1_r() workaournd.

-fcisio: Added layout and and RS232 configured for terminals on all 8 serial ports. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-netlist: Added a heap priority queue, fix netlist stats collection, fixed new clang warnings, reduced footprint of extended clock.

-Decoded popper color PROMs. [Joe Magiera, couriersud]

-sdk86.cpp: Fixed ROM loading. [Lord Nightmare]

-pes.cpp: use combined /RS and /WS function since the MCU/CPU can in theory change both lines at once, and since it uses a TMS5220C
 it does matter in this case. [Lord Nightmare]

-segas32.cpp: Added uPD7725 DSP with ROM loading to Air Rescue (disabled for now). [Lord Nightmare]

-upd7725: Added preliminary IRQ support, corrected SI/SO bit order, added SIACK/SOACK registers, fixed save state registration,
 fixed reset state. [Lord Nightmare]

-Fixed an off-by-one error when loading upd96050 roms for SNES games. [Lord Nightmare]

-potgoldu.cpp: Added undumped MCU as NO_DUMP. [Lord Nightmare]

-konmedal/tsukande: Add clock XTAL definition for the Z80 CPU, divisor is guessed. [Lord Nightmare]

-Heath H19: Fixed keyboard, fixed handling of enable/disable of 25th line, use internal MM5740 ROM, fixed H-19 with Watzman ROM,
 fixed Super19. [Mark Garlanger]

-ti99: Various fixes for TI-99/4 (not A). [Michael Zapf]
  * Added initializations fixing crash on startup, fixed GROM issues (clock turned off too early).

-geneve: Fixed issue with sector read on HFDC without implied seek (did not check CRC and failed to switch density). [Michael Zapf]

-ti99/geneve: Made bus mouse now separate device, may also be used with evpc. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99/geneve: Fixed jerky mouse movement. [Michael Zapf]

-ti99_8: Fixed debugging for TI-99/8. [Michael Zapf]

-Softlist/slot improvements: [Nathan Woods]
 * Fixed an issue where device options (e.g. -cart) were reported as unknown when they actually worked.
 * Do more softlist evaluation upfront and use results to drive slot/image setup.
 * Added device_slot_interface::has_selectable_options() to determine whether a particular slot has selectable options.

-Added a new addrmap.cpp validity check intended to catch AM_REGION declarations not tied to anything meaningful. [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo: Implemented support for enabling and disabling cartridge-specific sound, made third and fourth floppy drives present by
 default. [Nathan Woods]

-CoCo 3: Fixed an issue clearing GIME interrupts (disabling interrupts by writing to $FF92/3 also acknowledges interrupt).
 [Nathan Woods, tim lindner, Glen Hewlett]

-6821pia.cpp: changed int to bool where appropriate, changed macros to static functions. [Nathan Woods]

-archimedes: Added JFD floppy format as used by JASPP (Archimedes Software Preservation Project). [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Added First Byte joystick interface. [Nigel Barnes]

-Made side effect suppression a machine property. [O. Galibert]

-Removed direct update handlers: [O. Galibert]
 * a2600, atm (still not working, but less badly), mpf1 (makes step work), mpz80, pentagon, sage2, scorpion, tms32031

-mb86233: Massive disassembler overhaul. [O. Galibert]

-arm7ops.cpp: Advance PC on unimplemented opcodes. [Peter Ferrie]

-apple2: Rewrote language card handling. [Peter Ferrie]

-apple2: Fixed IIe/IIc self-test regression. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Fixed IIe $C800 arbitration, Zellyn/kqumba tests pass now. [R. Belmont]

-z180: DMA fixes: [R. Belmont]
 * Count of 0 means 0x10000, as with other DMA controllers.
 * Fixed scheduling so burst mode DMA is always serviced immediately with no CPU ops interleaved.

-gba: Fixed revised copy protection handler to get the right PC (MT6513). [R. Belmont]

-vp101: Added framebuffer, some inputs, ATA, NVRAM, protection cheat; implemented ATA DMA. [R. Belmont]

-MIPS: Added initial support for VR5500 and TX4925 CPUs. [R. Belmont]

-Fixed errors detected by coverity: [shattered]
 * argo, unior, x07: CID: 138563-138565 "Overlapping buffer in memory copy"
 * pc88va: CID: 138607 "Operands don't affect result"
 * peplus: CID: 138606 "Logical vs. bitwise operator"
 * formats/cbm_tap: CID: 138003 "Dereference before null check"
 * machine/hdc92x4: CID: 138631 "Operands don't affect result"
 * machine/roc10937: CID: 138793 "Logically dead code"

-tosh1000: Hooked up ROM-DOS. [shattered]

-agat: Split from apple2, implemented basic agat7 hardware. [shattered]

-sm7238: Implemented double-sized characters and smooth scroll. [shattered]

-poisk1: Added more ROMs. [shattered]

-ibm6580: Made memory size configurable and fixed a Coverity finding. [shattered]

-ie15: Converted to a device with frontends (standalone driver and rs232 slot device). [shattered]

-debugger: Print octal addresses in the trace if CPU is octal. [shattered]

-dec_lk201: Added PORT_CHAR/PORT_CODE where missing. [shattered]

-wd_fdc: Tagged command names in debug messages. [shattered]

-Removed tag() argument from logerror() calls in cpu/i86 and floppy code. [shattered]

-bitgraph: Switched from layouts to rotation flags, fixed keyboard. [shattered]

-legacy floppy: Fixed floppy_stp_w. [shattered]

-a7150: De-skeletonized. [shattered]

-t11 cpu: Emulate MFPT instruction; MOV, CLR and SXT read memory before writing to it. [shattered]

-hp_ipc: De-skeletonized. [shattered]

-Commodore LCD: Halved size of character rom region and fixed switching between upper and lower case character sets. [smf]

-Fixed UPD7725 disassembly. [smf]

-zorba keyboard: Mapped remaining keys, documented remaining DIP switches, and added notes on MCU program. [Vas Crabb]

-gotcha/ppchamp/pasha2: Hooked up lamp outputs and add clickable artwork. [Vas Crabb]

-sun3x.cpp: Hooked up keyboard port. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed natural keyboard mapping for vg9k keyboard (and hence UI paste/autoboot). [Vas Crabb]
 * Also fixed key labels and made default mapping match physical layout where possible.
 * The "triangle" key isn't mapped - I don't know what it does or how to test it.

-Updated GLM to tip of stable branch ( pre-release) - fixes build with MacPorts clang. [Vas Crabb]

-Make device types self-register: [Vas Crabb]
 * MAME now walks all linked device types for -listxml, -romident and -verifyroms whether they're used or not.
 * Made device_creator a variable template.
 * Removed screen.h and speaker.h from emu.h and centralised instantiations of screen and speaker finder templates.
 * Added basic device validation to -valid checks.
 * Substantially sped up -listxml (at least 30% improvement), -verifyroms, and -romident on multiple files.

-Fixed crash on excessive command-line arguments, removed long-dead option. [Vas Crabb]

-ti85.cpp: Convert TI-8x link port to a bus with emulated peripherals, working for TI-82 and TI-85. [Vas Crabb]
 * Tee connector, HLE TI-Graph Link, stereo/mono speakers, and raw signal forwarding socket supported.

-Fixed new device validation issues. [Vas Crabb, O. Galibert, AJR]

-triforce.cpp: Fixed Mario Kart 2 ROM loading. [MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Dumped and documented 837-14438 hopper controller board (used by Kick'4'Cash and other SWP games).
 [big10p, Darksoft, MetalliC]

-Measured Naomi's MIE MCU speed. [rtw, MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Redumped "Noukone Puzzle Takoron (GDL-0042)" and "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev B) (GDS-0012B)". [rtw]

-model1: Added dumped internal TGP ROMs. [Caps0ff]

-naomi.cpp: New BIOS dumps:
 * "Ferrari F355 Challenge (deluxe, no link)" Export BIOS [Darksoft]
 * "Ferrari F355 Challenge (deluxe, no link)" Japan BIOS [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]
 * "House of the Dead 2" Japan BIOS [Nomax]

-triforce.cpp: Added security PIC dumps:
 * "Mario Kart Arcade GP 2" [Soyandroid, Darksoft]
 * "Mario Kart Arcade GP" [Soyandroid]

-taito.cpp: Added program ROMs and corrected title for voleybal. [PinMAME]

-phoenix.cpp: Dumped/redumped PROMs for some of the bootlegs. [f205]

-viper.cpp: Added timekeeper dump for code1db. [ShouTime]

-midwunit.cpp: Redumped "Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3" U2-U5 sound ROMs. [ShouTime]

-Corrected the main crystal in marineb.cpp to 12MHz as seen in PCB photos, cleaned up clock definitions in galaxian driver, moved
 ladybugg from galaxold to galaxian driver, use mooncrst_audio for mooncrst in galaxold, made spcwrp use hunchbkg pallette ROMs.

-nes: Added Magic Kid Googoo board (iNES mapper 190). [kazblox]

-Save state fixes for i386/pc_vga/cs4031: [moralrecordings]
 * Save cs4031 emulated A20 state, additional i386 attribute registers/flags, and VGA palette configuration.
 * Fixed broken VGA port reads on state load.
 * Fixed enum range check in i386.

-vicdual: Added nsub gradient simulation (makes black destroyers on the horizon visible). [SailorSat]

-homedata.cpp: Use 8-way joysticks for Reikai Doushi; added button descriptions and DIP locations. [Bad A. Billy]

-Fixed softwarelist cart memory cheats by moving cheat file loading to a later point in startup process. [Pugsy]

-Removed colon from image_interface preventing front-ends from launching ColecoVision software. [gordon-fish]

-ay8910: Added support for clock frequency changes. [tim lindner]

-chihiro.cpp: Redumped Ollie King (GDX-0007). [Ordyne, The Dumping Union]

-konamigx.cpp: Corrected two ROM names and redumped sound ROM for Rushing Heroes. [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2017, 21:20
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

Because it was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends it's written in Delphi and able to support considerable complexity and customization. It claims to work similar to MAMEUI.

While many other frontends of that era are not updated anymore QuickPlay is still updated by a group of supporters. It features a fast search over large romsets.

License: Open Source
Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2017, 20:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Graphic improvements
Minor optimizations
Shader cache compilation is now multi-threaded
Graphic packs can modify texture formats
Bugfixes & minor new features



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: MAME 0.185
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2017, 13:16


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06402: [Interface] UI:: Switch Item Ordering corrupts software list (Nathan Woods)
- 06481: [DIP/Input] (mac128.cpp) All classic Macs: Keyboard input is not working anymore in the emulated macs since version 0.181 (R. Belmont)
- 06516: [DIP/Input] (coolpool.cpp) 9ballsht and clones, coolpool and clones: Can't coin up (O. Galibert)
- 06526: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8891.cpp) club90s: dsw b should not exist (system11)
- 06532: [Save/Restore] (alpha68k.cpp) skysoldr skyadvnt timesold: No Sound (Osso)
- 06534: [Crash/Freeze] (fm7.cpp) fm77av: BASIC doesn't boot (Barry Rodewald)

New working machines
Acchi Muite Hoi [David Haywood, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Jred, Mike Krug, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Dame Sensory Challenger [hap, yovan]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 8 [hap, yovan]
Galaxy Games StarPak 4 (prototype) [Keith M. Kolmos, The Dumping Union]
Novag Presto [hap, Berger]
Pirate Ship [Phil Bennett, R. Belmont, Jared Bresee]
TI-2550 III [hap, Sean Riddle]
Tekken Card World [ShouTime, Rob Carr, The Dumping Union]
Wireless 60 (Jungle Soft / Kids Station Toys Inc) [RebeccaRGB]

New working clones
Bionic Commandos (bootleg, set 2) [TeamEurope]
Gals Panic DX (Asia) [arcademodbios.com]
Knights of Valour / Sangoku Senki (ver. 100, Hong Kong) [Pasky Junk]
Mach Breakers (World, MB2) [caius, Silvio Grazini, The Dumping Union]
Martial Masters (ver. 103, 102, 101CN) [kuze, The Dumping Union]
Megatack (set 2) [OriginalJohn]
Novag Octo [hap, Berger]
Prehistoric Isle in 1930 (World, bootleg) [The Iron Goat]
Rastan (World, Earlier code base) [System11, The Dumping Union]
Sonic Blast Man (US) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (UPL bootleg) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Up Maguila (bootleg of Donkey Kong Jr.) [Asociacion A.R.C.A.D.E.]

Machines promoted to working
HP 9845T [fulivi, A.Kueckes]
Popper [Dirk Best]
Soreike Kokology Vol. 2 - Kokoro no Tanteikyoku [AJR]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
GI-Classic EX (satellite terminal) [R. Belmont, Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
GI-Classic EX (server) [R. Belmont, Phil Bennett]
Gaelco Championship Tuning Race [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Galaxy Play [PinMAME]
Game & Watch: Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong II [hap, Sean Riddle]
MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r07) [R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Gold (Version r01) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL (Italy version R1) [any, R. Belmont]
Megatouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5I) [R. Belmont, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Otomedius (ver GGG:J:A:A:2008041801)
  [R. Belmont, dopefishjustin, G. Paziouros, S. Fauveau, R. Higashi, R. Howard, B. Munger, S. S. Neilson, Tormod, Smitdogg,
  The Dumping Union]
Police Trainer 2 [R. Belmont, gamerfan, Mr. CAST, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ring Riders (Software version v2.2) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Shark (US Billiards Inc.) [Stiletto, Siftware]
Super Derby II (Satellite board) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Super Star (Recreativos Franco) [AJR, Akiles500]
Unknown 'VIP 2000' game [TeamEurope, f205v]
Unknown Poker Game by Chain Leisure [Gerald (COY), The Dumping Union]
Unknown Sega gambling game (M1 Satellite board) [Jacob Kesinger, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Megatouch XL 6000 (Version r02) [R. Belmont, AeroCityMayor, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MegaTouch XL Gold (Version r00) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5B) [R. Belmont]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 (Version R5E) [R. Belmont]
Rocky (French speech) [PinMAME]
The Real Ghostbusters (US 3 Players, revision ?) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, dedicated version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tokyo Cop (US, kit version) [Mark F., Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
U.S.A. Football (R01u) [PinMAME]

New working software list additions
  3D-Wars (Demo), Arcade 4 Pack, Blockbusters Question Master, Children from Space, CopyCat III,
  Crazy Cut/Mastermind/Klingon Attack, Disk Master, Football Director, How To Move Programs To Disk, Music, Predict, Pro Word,
  Superior Mover, Tape Transfer Software, Toccata [Nigel Barnes]
coco_cart: Super LOGO [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_cass: All known cassette dumps [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_flop: All known floppy dumps [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_flex: FLEX System and other Compusense FLEX releases [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_os9: OS-9, BASIC09, C, Dynacalc, Pascal, RMS, Stylograph [Nigel Barnes]
dgnalpha_flop: OS-9, NitrOS9, C, Dynacalc, Pascal, RMS, Stylograph, etc. [Nigel Barnes]
  F-BASIC386 Compiler v1.1 L21, Dennou Ehon - Kyouryuu no Sekai, Hyper Oku no Hosomichii, Soko-ban Perfect,
  Youjuu Senki 2 - Reimei no Senshi [r09]
  Golden Axe, Home Alone, Prince of Persia v1.0 [ArcadeShadow]
  Gods, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, The Legend of Kyrandia, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge,
  Space Quest V: The Next Mutation [ArcadeShadow]
  Borland Quattro Pro 3.0 (German), Borland Quattro Pro 5.0 (German), Borland Turbo Basic 1.0 (German),
  Borland Turbo Pascal 4.0, Borland Turbo Pascal 6.01 (German) [darkstar]
ibm5150, ibm5170: Various alternate sets [Justin Kerk]
megadriv: Zhan Qi - Chinese Battle Chess (Tw) [system11]
nes: Adan y Eva [No-Intro], AV Super Real Pachinko [Frank Cifaldi]
  Jorougumo - Jubaku no Dorei-tachi, Ms. Detective File #1 - Iwami Ginzan Satsujin Jiken, Youjuu Senki 2 - Reimei no Senshi [r09]
pet_rom: KeyChip [Andy Grady]
phc25_cass: official releases from Sanyo, Citadelle [Nigel Barnes]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
gameboy: Song of the Pipa / Magic Ball [James, TeamEurope, Tauwasser]
pce_tourvision: Dragon Egg! [system11]

Source Changes
-pstring, pdynlib, pfmtlog refactoring: [Couriersud]
 * pstring:
   - Changed to use std::string for storage (removes allocation code).
   - Added support for UTF16LE.
   - Renamed size() to mem_t_size() and len() to length(), added size() == length().
   - Added empty() and simple compare().
 * Simplified pfmtlog, added more C++.
 * pdynlib: Added a dynproc type to dynlib to wrap dynamic library calls.
 * Fixed two coverty scan issues and various clang warnings.

-Netlist code refactoring: [Couriersud]
 * More use of C++ features.
 * Some CRTP in pfmtlog.
 * Demangled code for truthtables.
 * Used more constexpr.
 * Rewrote main loop.
 * Used default constructors and assignment operators were applicable.
 * Optimized 7448 and 9316.
 * Startup time decreased by 25% to 30% (netlists like pong/kidniki are parsed, analyzed and constructed in around 15 ms).
 * Run performance has improved by about 5%.

-Fixed Gun Card logic in Double Dealer. [Angelo Salese]

-Renamed the write-only -printer image instance type to -printout (the former conflicts with printer port in several drivers). [AJR]

-osbexec: Added experimental support for RS232C serial ports. [AJR]

-UI input map fixes: [AJR]
 * Fixed a longstanding bug that prevented binding several ORed buttons to any input belonging to a non-root device.
 * Fixed a visual glitch when assigning inputs to analog sequences.

-decocass.cpp: Corrected missile colors for Highway Chase and Astro Fantasia. [AJR]

-segas24.cpp, segaybd.cpp, segajw.cpp: Use 315-5296 for I/O. [AJR]

-segaxbd.cpp: Rewrote CXD1095 as a device and also add it to megaplay.cpp, megatech.cpp, cyclwarr, and bigfight. [AJR]

-segaybd.cpp, srallyc: Added OKI MSM6253 device. [AJR]

-Added VS9209 I/O device for various Video System games. [AJR]

-Converted Sega Model 1 Sound Board and Z80-based Digital Sound Board to use proper UART-based serial interfaces. [AJR]

-segas32.cpp: Input modernization: [AJR]
 * Use I8255 or MSM6253 devices for most non-JAMMA inputs.
 * Separated service and test inputs in Multi-32 and twin-unit sets.
 * arescue: Four coins are recognized, not just two.
 * ga2: Use MB8421 device for V25 communications.
 * orunners: Assign keys to some 2P inputs.
 * Use Sega 315-5296 device for primary I/O.
 * Restored Coin 2 inputs to f1lap, radm, radr, slipstrm.
 * Identified onboard service inputs and restored them to practically all games.

-hotrod: Read pedals through MSM6253 [AJR]

-kokoroj2: Corrected inputs, changed name to match title screen. [AJR]
 * Found switch to disable CD and printer, game presumably works now, albeit imperfectly.

-jvs13551: Removed identical second halves of overdumped MCU PROMs. [AJR]

-Created device_palette_interface mixin: [AJR]
 * Provides most of the functionality from palette_device besides initialization/decoding routines and RAM interface.
 * Updated screen_device and device_gfx_interface to use device_palette_interface rather than palette_device.
 * Modified v9938 and v9958 to use device_palette_interface rather than a subdevice.

-Seibu/TAD PROM stuff:
 * toki: Added dumps of bipolar PROMs [caius]
 * bloodbro: Added dump of bipolar PROM [Andreas Naive]
 * dynduke, raiden, skysmash, cupsoc: Documented undumped PROMs for many sets. [AJR]

-ds1205: Added Dallas DS1205 Multikey. [Carl]

-popper: Fixed memory map, finished gfx rendering - game is fully working again. [Dirk Best]

-dgnbeta: Added software list with OS-9 system and apps. [Nigel Barnes]
 * Replaced 5.25" floppies with 3.5", and added sounds.
 * Enabled floppy motor.
 * Removed tag lookups.

-cesblit.cpp: Improved blit coordinates - fixes some missing graphics in e.g. galgame4. [Luca Elia]

-Created 'util::arbitrary_clock' class template representing a clock with known epoch. [Nathan Woods]
 * Converted NTFS filetime code and Imgtool Mac datetime code to use new template.

-coco: Further cleanups in cartridge slot signal handling: [Nathan Woods]
 * Attempts to make signals on the CoCo cartridge slot (CART, NMI, HALT) more standardized, particularly the practice of Program
    Paks tying the CART line to Q.
 * Should fix some outstanding bugs in how these signals were passed around when using the CoCo Multi-Pak interface.

-Fixed issue that could cause bogus arguments to be reported incorrectly. [Nathan Woods]
 * Example: 'mame -whatever nes' would previously be reported as "Unrecognized argument: nes".

-Refactoring in response to MT6531: [Nathan Woods]
 * Exposed emu_options image and slot selections as maps, store data that persists across sessions here rather than subverting
 * Overhauled various implementations of get_default_card_software().

-Fixed out of bounds issues in NeoGeo memory access. [Nathan Woods]

-Miscellaneous cleanup: [Nathan Woods]
 * Fixed a pedantic MSVC warning in dipalette.h.
 * Made a few random methods 'const'.
 * Changed a lookup within the softlist code to use std::find_if().

-dragon32: Corrected release year and company of Spanish clones. [Nigel Barnes]
 * Added joysticks to all machines, Added floppy sounds.

-dragon200e: Added chargen ROM, not working (possibly MC6847 issue). [Nigel Barnes]

-d64plus: Added CRTC with chargen ROM and second screen output, not yet hooked up. [Nigel Barnes]

-dgnalpha: Added older Boot v0.4 ROM. [Nigel Barnes]
 * Replaced 5.25" floppy drives with 3.5", and added sounds.

-atom: Added csw cassette format. [Nigel Barnes]

-dragon: Moved all Dragon cartridges from coco_cart to dragon_cart [Nigel Barnes]

-phc25: Added character generator ROM, not yet used. [Nigel Barnes]

-electron: Added Power Software joystick interface. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc: Removed the direct update handler (not supposed not to be useful any more). [Nigel Barnes, O. Galibert]

-ti8*: Removed the gross boot hack - breaks the Flash-based models. [O. Galibert]

-abc80x: Removed the direct update handler. [O. Galibert]

-multiface 2: Disabled the direct update handler. [O. Galibert]
 * Device should be overhauled using the by now-reversed PAL information.

-i86: Added decrypted opcodes space support. [O. Galibert]

-Removed support for direct updated handlers. [O. Galibert]

-mlanding: Fixed tms32025 memory map. [O. Galibert]

-tms32026: Fixed status register and banking. [O. Galibert]

-voodoo: Changed multi base address selection to fix funkball textures. [Ted Green]

-vp101: Improved support for reduced-cost VP050 version. [R. Belmont]

-piratesh: Fixed to pass POST, which earns it working with imperfect graphics. [R. Belmont]

-mac: Fixed major 0.183 regression in Mac II series [R. Belmont]

-megatouch: More work clarifying the various versions, thanks to Merit documentation. [R. Belmont]

-apple1: Fixed bug introduced when the cassette was slotified. [Colin Douglas Howell, R. Belmont]

-chihiro: Added high level simulation of an2131sc - OutRun 2 runs with USB enabled and no patches. [Samuele Zannoli]

-Turned pstring iterator into a real forward iterator that works with standard algorithms. [Vas Crabb]

-Assume LLVM libc++ if __llvm__ is defined but __GLIBC__ is undefined (fixes bx build with MacPorts clang). [Vas Crabb]

-Apply environment variable substitution to bgfx_path (github issue #2201). [Vas Crabb]

-naomi, triforce, chihiro: Converted remaining bad CHD v4 to good v5, track1 and track2 length was restored based on now-known data
 patterns. [MetalliC]

-naomi.cpp: Export mushik2e/mushi2eo are 3-in-1 Mushiking II, III and III+ games. [MetalliC]

-thomson: Fixed regressions to (legacy) floppy support [Antoine Mine]

-apollo: Fixed SIO regression. [Hans Ostermeyer]

-Allow debugger 'dasm' command to traverse virtual spaces with unmapped holes. [Happy]

-uml: Added case for parameter PTYPE_CODE_LABEL in UML instruction disassembly. [Happy]

-vicdual: Added 97269-P-B and 97271-P daughterboards for nsub. [SailorSat]
 * Confirmed PR-33 and PR-34 on the nsub motherboard - type is MMI 6331 (32*8).
 * Added the 97269-P-B daughterboard - gradient is still a simulation, but uses the PROMs (starfield is still missing).

-Implemented HP 9845T driver (9845 with HP987080A hardware-accelerated monochrome graphics). [fulivi, A.Kueckes]
 * Fixed a race condition in 45T, added second tape drive (T14), 98035 module default SC is 9 now.
 * hphybrid: Hopefully fixed a super-subtle race condition in 9845T video hardware.

-acchi.cpp: Promoted to working state: [David Haywood]
 * Added scantimer interrupt, inputs work in game.
 * Added video banking.
 * Added an NMK112 for sound banking, might not be hooked up correctly, difficult to know without understanding Japanese.
 * Oki frequencies etc. need verifying on PCB.

-mcs51: Fixed indirect memory access opcodes dec, inc and xch_a. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
 * Indirect access can't use SFRs, only extra memory above 0x80.

-i86: Fixed JNL flags test (github issue #2200). [htjywf2008]

-namconb1.cpp: Corrected Coin inputs and added in Coins 3 and 4 as needed. [Brian Troha]

-wirels60: Made P2 IO port optional. [RebeccaRGB]

-sblaster: Save DSP state, fixed incessant popping before first use. [moralrecordings]

-ymf262: Added save state support and slot pointer checks. [moralrecordings]

-nes improvements: [kazblox]
 * Marked edu2k48 as working, added notes about mouse titles.
 * Made koko not use battery-backed WRAM as shown in PCB picture.
 * waixing.cpp: Slight modernizations - waixing_sgzlz_device now implemented the way CaH4e3 does it, gets some titles working.

-Fixed Head Panic modesty settings (more modesty means more clothing; nude/bikini pics are displayed after a level when set).

Input/service button fixes and clenups: [OzFalcon]
 * realbrk.cpp: Removed service button hard-coded keycode assignment.
 * hanaroku: Use standard hanafuda inputs and key assignments, remove hard-coded IPT_SERVICE assignments.
 * aleck64.cpp: Corrected Service/Test Button assignments.
 * suprstar: Remove hard-coded keycode assignments.
 * ampoker2.cpp: Made various key assignments consistent.
 * albazc.cpp: Assigned "Data Clear" to IPT_MEMORY_RESET, changed "Medal In" and "Pay Out" to standard buttons, changed lockout
    "Key" to PORT_TOGGLE type, corrected "Payout" button to use "IPT_GAMBLE_PAYOUT", corrected  IPT_SERVICE assignments, set
    IPT_SERVICE and Double up buttons as standard assignments, set "Ext In 1" & "Ext In 2" as IPT_OTHER.

-Fixed gtrfrk6m boot by correcting Flash card memory size to 32MB, works for gtrfrk5m as well (thanks to @sakamoto-neko). [limyz]

-naomi.cpp: Redumped "Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2 (Export) (GDS-0027)". [rtw]

-Redumped Knights of Valour 3 HD (V105). [Peter Wilhelmsen, The Dumping Union]

-Documented that Taito's T.T. New York New York ROMs match the Sigma set. [ShouTime]

-Added later SuperMac Spec/8 III V1.3 NuBus ROM. [fink]

-Fixed coverity CID 157540 and CID 15741: Missing comma resulting in unintentional string concatenation. [Peter Bortas]

-sun4: Added SPARCstation IPX V2.3 and SPARCstation 1 V2.2 boot ROMs. [NekoEd]

-Fixed writes to decrypted opcode memory space. [Pugsy]
 * Separated EXPSPACE_RAMWRITE and EXPSPACE_OPCODE case statements to allow opcode writes to access the correct memory.
 * Example: In flicky this will now disable cat collisions with the main sprite: maincpu.ob@3ac6=c3.


Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2017, 21:10
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

 Open Source


- Added command-line option "-which_medium", to specify which CD to start with when using multi-CD M3U sets

- SNES: Fixed "Tractor Beam" spell graphical glitches in "Star Ocean"

- SNES: Fixed emulator hang when saving state in "Panic Bomber W"

- SNES_FAUST: Added PAL support

- SNES_FAUST: Made minor optimizations to the BG rendering code

- SNES_FAUST: Added setting "snes_faust.correct_aspect", default value of "1"

- SS: Fixed broken input in "Primal Rage"(a 0.9.43 regression)

- SS: Added support for a 16MiB RAM cart mapped into the A-bus CS1 area(for "Heart of Darkness" and homebrew)

- VB: Added support for custom palettes

- VB: Reworked how LED on-state duration is translated into RGB values and added setting "vb.ledonscale"; the default value of "vb.ledonscale" is set such that the overall brightness will be lower than in previous versions of Mednafen, to reduce white crush

- WonderSwan: Removed setting "wswan.rotateinput", and added a new device("gamepadraa") that can be selected on virtual input port 1 to automatically rotate inputs when the display is rotated


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2017, 10:15

# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.7.5
# Patreon release date: 2017-04-23
# Public release date:  2017-04-30

CPU/Interpreter: Improved accuracy of various floating point operations (including correct handling for PPC's non-ieee mode)
CPU/JIT: Added experimental support for PPC's non-ieee mode
CPU/JIT: Optimized loops and branches by caching CR0 in x64 flags register if possible

RPL: Fixed a crash caused by too large SDA areas

GX2: Various optimizations for the graphics backend, including:
      ... optimizing the algorithm for vertex/uniform/streamout cache lookup
      ... avoiding all redundant GL state changes
      ... implementing OpenGL DSA for textures
      ... other micro optimizations throughout the entire code
GX2: Fixed a bug leading to corrupted shader cache files
GX2: Rendering to SNORM textures is now correctly handled on Nvidia GPUs
GX2: Fixed a bug in GX2ClearBuffersEx() and GX2ClearDepthStencilEx() where depthbuffer->clearDepth was set to the incorrect value
GX2: Fixed crash caused by unsupported vertex/geometry shader mode
GX2: Added experimental mode 'min' for game profile option 'accurateShaderMul' (see gameProfiles/example.ini for details)
GX2: Modifying the 'accurateShaderMul' game profile option now invalidates precompiled shaders


Titel: GameEx 14.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

This release improves MAME game name descrtiptions.
In addition when updating the MAME game list, GameEx will produce PinballX compatible XML game lists in the DATA\PINBALLX folder.

Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2017, 04:40

new systems dat in resources - even corrects some names MAME/MESS got wrong
added new Efinds for Mame and Retroarch's Mess
add all new automatedsoftlists for Retroarch and Mame
added movers for the softlists
remove Mess Magician as a tool
updates tool executable
retroarch.ini: fixed bug 40 - retroarch core format
resolved char encoding issue
included update script that conforms system/machine names
start to write system name updates mechanism
about box was right costrained a bit
corrected references to forum


Titel: GameEx 14.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2017, 13:37
Whats new:>>

System video backgrounds have been added to GameEx Arcade Edition. See video for demo.
Fixes font install issue on Windows 10 creators edition.
Fixes to attract mode when set to play videos and launch games.
GameEx now does a better job out of the box to hide the operating system when launching emulators.
The emulator loading image needs to be used in a non default theme now. So its your choice to use it or not.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2017, 16:45
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


Fixes for some common hangs and crashes.
Vertex decoder optimizations.
Corrections to mipmap bias and selection function.
Major improvements and fixes to software renderer, including mipmap support.
UI background image support.
Fix crash in framebuffer blits affecting Persona 3.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2017, 18:45

# Cemu detailed changelog for 1.8.0
# Patreon release date: 2017-05-23
# Public release date:  2017-05-30

# New in 1.8.0b:

general: Fixed a bug in calculation of fullscreen window size

GX2: Fixed crash caused by out-of-bounds vertex attribute locations

# New in 1.8.0:

general: Added memory scanner (search and filter for values)
general: If Cemu is maximized to fullscreen, it will remain on the same monitor rather than defaulting to the primary monitor

RPL: Optimized loading of RPLs

GX2: Cemu now uses separable shaders
    Vertex, geometry and pixel shaders are split into separate and independent programs rather than bundling them into sets
    This change breaks compatibility with pre-1.8.0 shader caches and graphic packs (if they contain shaders)
GX2: Added support for using the same texture multiple times with different sampler parameters during a single drawcall
GX2: Graphic pack texture rules will automatically scale gl_FragCoord
GX2: Implemented shader instructions RECIPSQRT_FF and RECIP_FF
GX2: GPU7 shader decompiler will output slightly more optimized GLSL code
GX2: Better detection for invalidation of data in Streamout cache
GX2: Optimized frequently used GX2 API
GX2: Optimized texture decoding
GX2: Added command line option '-nsight' to allow debugging via NVIDIA Nsight


Titel: GameEx 14.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2017, 09:04
Whats new:>>

The search games feature is now available in GameEx Arcade Edition, GameEx Lite and MAME only mode.
Added Chinese (Simplified) language
GameEx will now use and fall back to downloading game media from the gamesdb.net if EmuMovies is unavailable.

Titel: MAME 0.186
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2017, 13:25

    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
    00599: [DIP/Input] (m72.cpp) poundfor: You can't move the arrows on the menu screens to choose the other boxer or game (AJR)
    06103: [Documentation] (taitopjc.cpp) optiger: The correct description is "Operation Tiger (Ver 2.14 O)" (sjy96525)
    06540: [Crash/Freeze] (hh_tms1k.cpp) bshipb: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
    06541: [Crash/Freeze] (laserbat.cpp) laserbat, lazarian: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
    06542: [Crash/Freeze] (toratora.cpp) All set in toratora.cpp: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
    06544: [Crash/Freeze] (didact.cpp) can09: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
    06547: [Crash/Freeze] (tv990.cpp) All sets in tv990.cpp: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Robbbert)
    06555: [Crash/Freeze] (apple2.cpp) All sets in apple2.cpp, apple2e.cpp: Mounting ezcgi9938 or ezgui9958 into any slot causes
    Fatal Error (AJR)
    06558: [Interface] agat7 and others: mame -verifyroms not working for agat7 and 129 other sets (Nathan Woods)
    06560: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) All sets in coco12.cpp, coco3.cpp: Loading cartridges from softlists locks up emulator
    Nathan Woods)
    06575: [Debugger] DEBUGGER: MAME crashes when given the 'symlist' command in the debugger (Nathan Woods)
    06587: [Sound] (model1.cpp) vf: Loss of Sound (AJR)
    06589: [Graphics] (namcos1.cpp) puzlclub: Title Screen corruption (Ivan Vangelista)
    06591: [Interface] (ksys573.cpp) All sets in ksys573.cpp: Exception when attempting -listxml (Nathan Woods)
    New working machines:
    Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 6 [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
    Game & Watch: Mario's Cement Factory [hap, Sean Riddle, JonasP]
    Gunstar Heroes (Mega Play) [colour thief, brizzo]
    Hashire Patrol Car (J 990326 V1.000) [BillD, ShouTime, rtw, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, MetalliC, The Dumping Union]
    Jang Taku (V 1.3) [system11, The Dumping Union]
    Jockey Club II (v1.12X, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Minitel 2 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
    Novag Constellation Forte (version A) [Berger]
    Player's Edge Plus (PS0629) Double Hot Peppers Slots [Brian Troha]
    Revenger '84 (newer) [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, Angelo Salese]
    Space Cyclone
    David Haywood, Nicolas Francfort, Sean Sutton, Tourniquet, ShouTime, Anonymous Donator, ranger_lennier, David Stevens,
    Mr. Goodwraith, John Wilke, Paul Vining, Ryan Gatto, rtw, Jan Stuhler, Rod_Wod, Elliott Kipper, Greg Stout, *=/STARRIDER=*,
    Ross Esposito, Paul Gaulton, Chris Heflin, Anonymous Donator from Switzerland, Fabien Marsaud, Surgeville, krick, B2K24,
    Anonymous Donator from Italy, David Jorge, Andrea Babich, Ciacchi Stefano, Mucci, gamez fan, Brian Troha, VFR750P, anonymous,
    Mr. Anonymous from Outer Space, InsertMoreCoins, Game Preservation Society, dax_PL, Russell Howard, Peter Wilhelmsen,
    Sebastien Monassa, f205v, Smitdogg, Gerald (COY), Brian Sutherland, The Dumping Union]
    Zone 60 (Jungle Soft / Ultimate Products (HK) Ltd) [RebeccaRGB]
    New working clones:
    Bagman (Taito) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Bucky O'Hare (ver JAA) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Asia TW 930223) [yuic]
    Captain Silver (Japan, revision 1) [Apocalypse, The Dumping Union]
    Craft II+ [Datassette, R. Belmont]
    Dottori-Man Jr. [hap]
    Heathkit H-19 w/ ULTRA ROM [Mark Garlanger]
    Jackal (bootleg, Rotary Joystick) [f205v, The Iron Goat]
    Jockey Club II (v1.01, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v1.10X, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.03X RC, older hardware, prototype) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.00, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.01X, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.04, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.20X, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    King of Boxer (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Mahjong Yarou [BET] (Japan, set 2) [system11, The Dumping Union]
    Mandinga (bootleg of Amidar) [Josele Fernandez]
    Mega Force (US) [ShoutTime, The Dumping Union]
    MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r04) [arbee]
    Mouse Trap (version 4, bootleg) [f205v]
    Nebulous Bee [Ivan Vangelista]
    Nibbler (rev 7) [CraftyMech]
    Ojanko Club (Japan, set 2) [Yasuhiro Ogawa]
    Pang (bootleg, set 5) [Gerald (COY), ShinobiZ]
    Penky (Italian) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Phoenix (Hellomat Automaten bootleg) [unknown]
    Rastan Saga (Japan Rev 1) [Michel BLANCO]
    Real Mahjong Haihai (Japan, older) [system11, The Dumping Union]
    Shiritsu Justice Gakuen: Legion of Heroes (Japan 971216) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Space War (Leisure and Allied) [Kaizen]
    Space Wipeout [Andrew Welburn]
    Speak & Spell (Spanish, prototype) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
    Star Sweep (World, STP2/VER.A) [Coolmod/Bill D]
    Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Asia 931005) [idc/Team Avalaunch]
    Tatacot (JA 951128 V1.000) [BillD, ShouTime, Sean Sutton, Anonymous Donator, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
    Top Landing (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Touchmaster 2000 (v4.XX3 Spanish Evaluation) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
    Touchmaster 3000 (v5.02 Spainish) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
    Touchmaster 3000 (v5.XX Standard AMOA Evaluation) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
    Wonder Boy (set 6, 315-5179) [Mathieu Patard]
    Machines promoted to working:
    7 Smash [David Haywood]
    Contra (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Game & Watch: Boxing [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Game & Watch: Donkey Kong II [hap, Sean Riddle, Reinier]
    Game & Watch: Mickey & Donald [hap, Sean Riddle, O. Galibert]
    Gradius (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Heated Barrel (World version 3) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Legionnaire (World) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Lone Ranger (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Mahjong Yarou [BET] (Japan, set 1) [Guru, Ivan Vangelista]
    MegaTouch XL (Version R1, prototype?) [R. Belmont]
    MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r07) [R. Belmont]
    Microman Battle Charge (J 990326 V1.000) [MetalliC]
    Poker Genius [AJR]
    Technical Bowling (J 971212 V1.000) [MetalliC]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Top Gun (handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
    Clones promoted to working:
    Galaxy Wars (Taito) [Kaizen]
    Heated Barrel (Electronic Devices license) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Heated Barrel (US) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Heated Barrel (World old version) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Heated Barrel (World version 2) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Jockey Club II (v1.00, older hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Jockey Club II (v2.05, newer hardware) [Luca Elia, Gerald (COY), ANY]
    Legionnaire (Japan) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    Legionnaire (US) [O. Galibert, Angelo Salese, David Haywood, Tomasz Slanina, David Graves]
    MegaTouch XL 6000 (Version r02) [R. Belmont]
    T.T. Defender [ShouTime]
    New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
    A-Plan [Guru]
    Acorn Communicator [R. Belmont]
    Betting Zoo - Mr. Cashman (0251064, US) [Heihachi_73]
    BPM Microsystems BP-1200 [Lord Nightmare]
    Buccaneer (0252523, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Canyon Rose (AHG1463, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Chrysler Electronic Voice Alert (11-function) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
    Cyber Arcade 120-in-1 [David Haywood]
    Diamond Destiny (AHG1533, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Dragon Treasure (Rev B) (GDS-0030B) [f205v, rtw]
    Dream Hunting (US) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Football Power [ArcadeHacker, The Dumping Union]
    Fortune Fever (BHG1566, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Hog Wild (US) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    InterAct 32-in-1 [David Haywood]
    InterAct 8-in-1 [David Haywood]
    Jumping Beans (0100161V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Lexibook Compact Cyber Arcade [David Haywood]
    Mushiking The King Of Beetles 2004 Second (Japan) [f205v, rtw]
    One For All (0101503V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
    Quest of D Oukoku no Syugosya Ver. 3.02 [ShouTime]
    Quest of D The Battle Kingdom [ShouTime]
    Return of the Samurai (10117211, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Royal King Jang Oh 2 (v4.00 1984 Jun 10th) [system11, The Dumping Union]
    Scatter Magic III (0452569, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Shoot Away II [R. Belmont, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
    Sweet Liberty Deluxe (AHG1575, US) [Heihachi_73]
    V-Dog (prototype) [David Haywood]
    Wild Coyote (AHG1515, US) [Heihachi_73]
    dreamGEAR 75-in-1 [David Haywood]
    dreamGEAR My Arcade Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2561) [David Haywood]
    dreamGEAR Wireless Motion Control with 130 games (DGUN-2500) [David Haywood]
    New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
    Bachelorette Party (BHG1579, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Big Ben (20126911, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Big Red (1J009211, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Mark Of The Millennium 2001 (GDL-0008)
    rtw, Eunice Rodriguez, Surgeville, Jacob Kesinger, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
    Cash Crop (0300447V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Dragon Treasure (Rev A) (GDS-0030A) [f205v, rtw]
    Dynamite Jack (CHG1562, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Enchanted Forest - Cash Express (CHG1536, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Geisha - Jackpot Carnival (0351033, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Helen of Troy (1J008311, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Inca Sun (DHG1577, US) [Heihachi_73]
    King Penguin (20109021, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Koala Mint (CHG1573, US, set 2) [Heihachi_73]
    Loco Loot (AHG1513, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Margarita Magic (EHG1559, US, set 2) [Heihachi_73]
    Mountain Money (BHG1465, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Mountain Money - Cash Express (AHG1629, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Party Gras (AHG1568, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Peacock Magic (0151352, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Penguin Pays (0300113V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Pompeii (0151158, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Queen of the Nile (0301059V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
    Queen of the Nile Special Edition (20102811, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Special Forces Elite Training (v01.02.00) [ShouTime, R. Belmont, The Dumping Union]
    Star Trek: Voyager (stand-up version 1.002) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, R. Belmont]
    Sun & Moon (0251303, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Super Bucks II (0300006V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1.04) Germany [PinMAME]
    Thrill Drive 2 (ver JAA) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Toucan Tango (0301388V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
    Unicorn Dreaming (BHG1584, US) [Heihachi_73]
    Wild Thing (0201176V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
    New working software list additions:
    cgenie_cass: Colour Frog, Synthesizer (TCS), Colour-Zap Ver 1.0 (TCS), DIG-BOY (TCS) [Juergen Buchmueller]
    Arkanoid 2: Revenge of Doh, Crime Wave, Prince of Persia (5.25", v1.1), Operation Wolf, Terminator 2: Judgment Day [ArcadeShadow]
    Ferrari Formula One, Savage [breiztiger]
    ibm5170: Dark Seed, The Secret of Monkey Island [ArcadeShadow]
    ibm5150, ibm5170: Many IBM PC-DOS sets [Justin Kerk]
    t1000: MS-DOS (Version 2.11, Tandy version 02.11.24), MS-DOS (Verson 3.30, Tandy Version 03.30.20) [Justin Kerk]
    z80ne_cass: 27 known titles in 1200, 600 and 300 Baud variants [Reagan Roush]
    z80ne_flop: 39 known titles [Reagan Roush]
    New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
    gba_ereader: Doubutsu no Mori Card-e (Series 1 and Series 2 cards) [Shideravan]
    Translations added or modified:
    Hungarian [Lothar Serra Mari]
    Source Changes:
    seibucop.cpp: Fixed Legionnaire / Heated Barrel scenery walking bug (a different 138e is used). [Angelo Salese]
    epos.cpp: Several changes to The Dealer, Revenger '84 and Beastie Feastie hardware: [Angelo Salese]
    Fixed RAM based colors.
    Added backup RAM support.
    Added flip screen support.
    m14.cpp: Revised PT Reach Mahjong, making it actually work: [Angelo Salese]
    Added ball and paddle screen drawing, green background as per flyer pictures, and flip screen support.
    Added reach button and updated input labels.
    k054321: Implemented as a device. [O. Galibert, Phil Bennett]
    z180: Fixed obvious typo detected by Coverity, thanks Coverity. [O. Galibert]
    Added a mechanism for devices to generate clocks for other devices: [AJR]
    Made set_unscaled_clock and set_clock_scale not call notify_clock_changed unless the device has been started.
    Made owner-derived clocks update whenever the owner's clock changes, including at configuration time.
    Add clock_update_delegate type to represent device-generated clock outputs that may be dynamically modified.
    Model implementation of this is the CLK output in I8085A.
    Partially rewrote uPD4701 device and hooked it up to a few Sega games. [AJR]
    Added uPD4701A device to cabal (trackball sets), calibr50, eaglshot, horshoes, poundfor and wwallyj. [AJR]
    segae.cpp: Added PPI and coin counters. [AJR]
    Made MC-8123 into a device. [AJR]
    megatech.cpp: Fixed Free Play regression. [AJR]
    arabfgt: Replaced protection MCU simulation with emulation of actual program. [AJR]
    taito_l.cpp: More MB8421, less HOLD_LINE (fixes sound in evilston). [AJR]
    acommand: Use tilemap device. [AJR]
    daytona: Added feedback driver board (including ROM). [AJR]
    fresh: Added some sound. [AJR]
    liberate.cpp: All PSGs are AY-3-8912A. [AJR]
    mrflea: Use PPIs for interboard communication and PIC for sub interrupt. [AJR]
    model1.cpp: Worked around race condition that caused vf to lose sound. [AJR]
    Causes swa to show an error message before booting normally due to poor I/O board emulation.
    Fixed bug that permanently disabled some UI search strings when they were cleared. [AJR]
    Copy longname, manufacturer, year, filetype, etc. for image info in all softlisted cases. [AJR]
    Made -listroms display a user-friendly message when no ROMs are required. [AJR]
    Improvements to romcmp: [AJR]
    Identify plain ASCII text files as such.
    If a ROM has the same data in each half, print the hashes for that.
    Avoid buffer overruns.
    For calculating address masks, don't assume file size to be a power of 2.
    Replace linenoise-ng with a simpler port that uses a different UTF-8 parser. [Carl]
    plugins/console: Improved suggested completions. [Carl]
    luckgrln.cpp: Added DIPs and layout for 7smash, promoted to working. [David Haywood]
    Preliminary steps for basic VT03 (NES clone) support: [David Haywood]
    Allowed derived classes to extend the PPU functionality to support the basic modes.
    Added VT03 PPU variant and machine driver.
    Moved mc_dgear from nes.xml to this driver and added several dumps.
    Added some support for cybar120 extended sprite addressing.
    mitchell.cpp: Fixed NVRAM saving. [David Haywood]
    scyclone.cpp updates - promoted to working: [David Haywood]
    Added sprite colours and preliminary starfield (no twinkle, uncertain star positions).
    Documented probably hardware collision feature.
    Added preliminary flipscreen support.
    Added sound - discrete section missing.
    Added save state support.
    ojankohs: Rewrote input handling: [Dirk Best]
    Added missing player 2 controls.
    Verified and removed non-existent keys from games.
    Added DIP switch locations to all games and identified some unknown DIP switches.
    Cleaned up and corrected code, and removed runtime tagmap lookups.
    Hooked up PPI(s) for chinsan, igspoker, jackie, megaphx, thief and upscope. [Dirk Best]
    chinsan: Merged with mayumi driver, general improvements and cleanup: [Dirk Best]
    Cleaned up inputs and added flip flop and statistics buttons.
    Identified coinage and demo sound DIP switches.
    Set YM2203 clock to a more likely 10MHz/8.
    Hooked up interrupt enable, flip screen and NVRAM.
    thief: Verified XTALs and cleaned up machine configurations. [Dirk Best]
    megaphx: Replaced PIC16C54 MCU simulation with emulation using existing dump. [Dirk Best]
    Also cleaned up DIP switches, added DIP locations, and added documentation.
    Added new SN54/74166 8-Bit Parallel-In/Serial-Out Shift Register device. [Dirk Best]
    ym2203: Fixed crash on fatal errors. [Dirk Best]
    emupal: Added error handling and allowed palette region name to be overridden. [Dirk Best]
    Replaced some custom palette initialisation functions with appropriate standard callbacks. [Dirk Best]
    ui: Added ability to select different tilemap categories in tilemap viewer with page up/down keys. [Dirk Best]
    via6522 updates, adds support for external clock: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
    Refactored shifter, adding support for more features and fixing a few bugs.
    Tuned shifter IRQ timing to be more cycle accurate.
    Fixed the flank timer value, which improves but doesn't completely fix the vectrex regression.
    z80scc: Implemented Reset Tx Interrupt Pending Command (fixes virtpool). [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
    Added support for Seiko S-29X90 16-bit EEPROMs. [Luca Elia]
    Seta ST-0020 updates: added 4 tilemaps and switchable resolution - ST-0032 video on par with ST-0020. [Luca Elia]
    jclub2.cpp: Jockey Club II updates: [Luca Elia]
    Split sets by software revision.
    Added default EEPROMs and documented the procedure.
    Finished I/O and added layout for on-screen keyboards.
    Added sound communication.
    Fixed backgrounds and colors.
    Added hopper-like mode to ticket dispenser device. [MetalliC]
    ti99: Improvements to peripheral handling: [Michael Zapf]
    Rearranged bus/ti99 subtree, moved classes into namespaces, moved ti99 stuff from ti99x to ti99/internal.
    Split big, all-in-one gromport.cpp into separate device files, introducing "gromport" as a bus of its own.
    Added console connector "ioport" with PEB as slot option - PEB now needs to be plugged into TI-99/4/4A/8.
    Added hack to fish hashpath option out of INI files prior to softlist evaluation. [Nathan Woods]
    Fixed issue in image identification code accessing an empty vector when the hashed data length is zero. [Nathan Woods]
    CoCo: Made 6883 SAM control the root device clock, and changed CoCo devices to use derived clocks. [Nathan Woods]
    Cleanups to ram_device: [Nathan Woods]
    Expose specific options, removing the burden of parsing RAM strings from clients.
    Moved validation of command line arguments out of device_validity_check().
    imgtool updates: [Nathan Woods]
    Cleaned up validity code and transitioned to std::wcerr as Windows doesn't like mixing std::wc(out|err) with printf.
    Fixed issue with 'listfilters' command.
    Extremely basic fix to the imgtool <-> CHD HD bridge (really nees much more work).
    Simplified CHD metadata load since C++11 allows writing to a std::string directly.
    Windows options fixes: [Nathan Woods]
    Removed redundant ";global_inputs".
    Disambiguated "yiqp" abbreviation - YIQ phase count is now "yiqpc" (YIQ pixel clock scaling is still "yiqp").
    Auxiliary verb handling cleanup: [Nathan Woods]
    Fixed a bug where resolved slot/image options would choke -romident.
    Fixed crash when -romident is not supplied any arguments.
    Converted verb handlers to take arguments as a vector of strings.
    Fixed regression preventing -listslots/-listmedia working when slot options are specified.
    Don't strip spaces/quotes from command line arguments, only INI option values. [Nathan Woods]
    Fixed an issue that could cause problems when loading reset_on_load devices from software lists at runtime. [Nathan Woods]
    Miscellaneous cleanup and modernisation: [Nathan Woods]
    Polished up traces of slot options menu's pre-C++ heritage and moved completely private code to an anonymous namespace.
    Created device_slot_interface::slot_name() to wrap pattern of taking the tag and removing the initial colon.
    Changed running_machine::schedule_[load|save]() to take 'std::string &&' instead of 'const char *'.
    Converted running_machine::saveload_schedule to scoped enum.
    Changed 'int ignore_warnings' parameter on core_options::parse_ini_file() to 'bool ignore_unknown_options'.
    Retired min/max in attotime.h in favor of std::[min|max]().
    cgenie: Fixed loading ROMs from softlist in floppy interface. [Nigel Barnes]
    wicat: Added floppy drive and attached software list (not working). [Nigel Barnes]
    z180: Added support for DREQ and TEND signals, and fixed dma0 count and DREQ handling. [BartmanAbyss]
    Fixed two software loading bugs: [Robbbert]
    Fatal error on reset if either a multipart softlist item was loaded, or a single-part item was loaded into a system with more
    than one slot of the same media type.
    Fatal error on non-existent images specified in INI files (bad image is ejected, restoring previous behaviour).
    xbox/chihiro updates: [Samuele Zannoli]
    Migrated PCI devices to new PCI bus framework.
    Made USB peripherals slot devices.
    seattle, vegas: Updated drivers to new PCI bus system. [Ted Green]
    iteagle: Added save state support. [Ted Green]
    vrc5074: Added new Nile 4 System Controller device. [Ted Green]
    Fixed graphics decode issues and improved palette generation in Dodge Man and Battle Cross. [Tomasz Slanina]
    hcd62121: Improved rotate and shift instructions; identified COM and PORT registers; fixed unidasm configuration. [Wilbert Pol]
    H8 improvements: [BartmanAbyss]
    Fixed nstruction eepmov.b (used r4h instead of r4l).
    Added support for non-autorequest DMA (DREQ edge, DREQ level).
    Added support for H8/300H to h8_dma (previously only H8/300S supported).
    Added DMA channels and RTMCSR register to H8/3002.
    Added (partial) correct register mappings to HD6345. [BartmanAbyss]
    hp9845: Added Support for HPI floppy format used for HP-formatted 8" floppy disks. [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
    hp9895: Fixed a segfault when emulating the HP9845 drive (caused by rounding errors). [F.Ulivi]
    hp9845: Display improvements and softkey support: [F.Ulivi]
    Improved text video of 45C, improved graphic cursors of 45C and 45T, and implemented softkeys for 45C and 45T.
    hp9845: Fixed a system freeze when loading memory tester from tape. [F.Ulivi]
    starshp1: Removed hack to restore correct behavior when ships explode. [Frank Palazzolo]
    N64 RSP DRC: Wrap PC to 12 bits in a few more places. [Happy]
    Added support for French Minitel 2 Terminal: [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
    Added support for TS9347 display processor variant.
    Fixed visible area.
    Fixed random crash in EF9345/TS9347 when drawing characters at right or bottom border.
    Fixed 6800 invalid instruction length/program counter behavior and renamed invalid opcodes. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
    This makes goupil g1 Basic work.
    Fixed audio sample ROM mapping and corrected title of Pata Pata Panic. [Katsuhiko Kagami]
    Previously called "Acchi Muite Hoi" based on incorrect auction description.
    InterPro improvements - ip2800 boots to FDM prompt with many memdiag test failures: [Patrick Mackinlay]
    Fixed CPU/MMU ssw bug.
    Added preliminary nscsi support.
    Added preliminary MMU address translation.
    Expanded memory maps for several devices.
    Improved IRQ and DMA handling (still not working properly).
    Stubbed out more SGA registers, added SRARB.
    Added NCR53C94 support to ncr5390.cpp.
    Added start/stop unit command to t10spc.cpp.
    Fixed issue with the Emscripten port where the emulation would continue to run while paused. [Steven Hugg]
    CoCo: Added support for Games Master Cartridge developed by John Linville as slot device. [Tim Lindner]
    Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
    Changed Solver.PARALLEL parameter definition - 0: no parallelism; 1: one processor parallel; >1: solve n subnets in parallel.
    Refactored OPENMP - all OPENMP operations are now templatized in pomp.h.
    Added 16-bit Galois LFSR generator (used to simulate thermal junction noise in Cheeky Mouse).
    cheekyms: Added netlist-based discrete audio emulation, replacing the placeholder DACs. [Vas Crabb, Couriersud]
    Thanks to Sam Grech for supplying high-quality scans of the schematics.
    monymony, jackrabt: Added netlist for analog processing in melody section of 1B11132 sound board. [Vas Crabb]
    Added a crude TTL Schmitt trigger model that allows input to source current.
    Thanks to Couriersud for fixing a rather stupid typo in the tromba (trumpet) section of the netlist.
    Cassa (bass drum) is currently disconnected as it causes issues with current simulation.
    Mixing melody with speech and SFX is done outside the netlist, and relative levels are probably wrong.
    Wide-ranging modernisation/cleanup: [Vas Crabb]
    Moved static data (short name, full name, source file) out of devices and into device types.
    Made game drivers add machine configuration in the same way as any other device.
    Added support for machine configuration in device members, allowing many internal handlers to be made protected or private.
    Moved many constants used internally by devices out of headers and into source files.
    Converted many constants to scoped enums, and reduced scope of many constants and types.
    Made many callback setters forward the parameter
    Cleaned up many names that are reserved because they begin with _[A-Z] or contain two consecutive underscores.
    Gave many devices more descriptive names, and renamed some device types and classes with overly generic names.
    Untangled fantasy sound and Microprose 3D noise from the driver state classes.
    Converted DECO BSMT2000 ready callback from a function pointer to a device delegate.
    Made many devices use object finders for subdevices rather than doing tagmap lookups later.
    Started to disentangle TI-99 from TI-990 and organised stuff by bus type.
    Made some TI-99 buses use slot/card interfaces properly.
    Turned some of the FM, SID, SCSP DSP, EPIC12 and Voodoo cores into idiomatic C++.
    Factored out some boilerplate for YM chips with PSG.
    Made Z180 table allocation/setup a bit safer.
    Improved encapsulation of Z80DART channels and SNES PPU.
    Converted generic keyboard and terminal to use a device delegate rather than WRITE8 since space/offset/mask aren't relevant.
    Made terminal device dynamically allocate buffer so derived devices (e.g. teleprinter) can specify size.
    Started to break out common parts of Samsung ARM SoC devices.
    Consolidated and de-duplicated forward declarations in src/emu, and removed some obsolete ones.
    Added #include guards to many headers that were missing them, and made many existing ones consistent.
    Removed rarely used output and PTY interfaces from emu.h prefix header.
    Improvements to auxiliary verbs: [Vas Crabb]
    Added support for device sets to -listroms (e.g. mpu401 or m68705p3).
    Added support for multiple names/patterns to -listroms, -verifyroms and -listxml.
    Added check that device short names don't exceed 32 characters in -validate.
    Made -listxml instantiate slot devices as children of slots rather than the root device.
    Improved performance of device type walk by at least two thirds.
    Converted many devices to use machine configuration in member functions. [Vas Crabb, Ivan Vangelista]
    exidy.cpp: Added PROMs from bootleg to mtrap sets as bad dumps. [f205v, Ivan Vangelista]
    Added preliminary Sharp SM590 CPU core. [Lord Nightmare, hap]
    QSound/DL-1425: Updated ROM and comments with corrections from recent decap. [Lord Nightmare, Siliconpr0n, superctr, Quench]
    Williams Special Chip 1/2: Added pinout diagram, clarified abbreviations, and fixed comments about SC1 vs SC2 behavior.
    Sean Riddle, Lord Nightmare]
    Irem audio: Replaced generic latch with more accurate emulation: [Lord Nightmare]
    Fixed missing D7 on sound latch, made device_reset clear latch; fixed case where sound CPU interrupt could be cleared in error.
    epos.cpp updates: [Lord Nightmare]
    Corrected ROM names/comments and added rom types based on PCB pictures.
    Noted that revngr84 is a newer set than revenger based on ROM numbering.
    Implemented Tristar 9000 hardware AY-3-8910 port A 'multiplexer'.
    Switched Tristar 8000 hardware to use AY-3-8912 as shown on schematics.
    BP1200: Mostly traced out the SM48D socket module. [Lord Nightmare]
    Added a note and flag indicating that Williams' Mayday has unemulated protection that is currently hacked around. [Lord Nightmare]
    Cleaned up GENie Lua scripts and corrected some header file names. [dankan1890]
    Made software list menu appear if appropriate when starting a machine from the Favorites menu. [dankan1890]
    scyclone.cpp: Redumped bad ROM, dumped PROMs. [ShouTime]
    williams.cpp: Redumped defenderj bad ROM, game now works. [ShouTime]
    stv.cpp: Documented mask ROM version of epr_17951a BIOS. [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
    Added Japan Dreamcast flash dump. [rtw]
    segas18.cpp: Dumped later version of Shadow Dancer sound CPU ROM, documented main program EPR labels. [rtw]
    by68701.cpp: Added missing ROM dump for flashgdnp1. [PinMAME]
    aristmk4, aristmk5, aristmk5: Added more sets and improved documentation. [Heihachi_73]
    Many dumps were corrupted by being transfered to a UNIX system using FTP mode A.
    Updated Taito Power JC and Taito Type Zero descriptions. [sjy96525]
    Added working controls for War: Final Assault and Road Burners. [sjy96525]
    Improved Critter Crusher / Tatacot Gun Control [sjy96525]
    hh_tms1k.cpp: Fix spelling error in cnbaskb description. [Dagarman]
    xbox: Replaced bad dump of MCPX 1.0 ROM with checksums with correct checksums. [Mark Riley]
    Amiga: Use correctly sized boot ROMs for the A1000 (mask ROMs are much larger than the content). [Guru]
    royalmah.cpp: Redumped mjyarou and verified it only has one Z80. [Guru]
    dsoccr94: removed redundant DIP switches. [Bad A. Billy]
    r9751: Added terminal keyboard callback. [Brandon Munger]
    Updated lua engine documentation. [Dan Amador]
    Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]
    Removed the minimum sleep time constraint in video_manager::throttle_until_ticks.


Titel: GameEx 14.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2017, 13:30
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

New error reporting application and feature

Titel: Mednafen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2017, 04:40
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

 Open Source


-- --

June 5, 2017:
   SNES: Fixed an instance of possibly-undefined behavior.

   Silenced dumb warning spam relating to endian.h emitted by newer versions of gcc.

June 4, 2017:
   Fixed garbled audio with the exclusive-mode WASAPI sound driver on some higher-end sound cards(regression introduced in 0.9.45 due to a mistake in changing
   the meaning of a macro field during development); may also fix garbled audio when using the new OpenBSD sound driver with certain sound cards.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2017, 12:31
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


Fix bug causing several games to crash on ARM64, including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Software rendering crashfix
Fixes for homebrew: Timing, MEMSIZE


Titel: MAME 0.187
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2017, 06:00

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
[Graphics] (starshp1.cpp) starshp1, starshpp Speed and graphics information from the real machine
[Gameplay] (norautp.cpp) norautp, norautjp Readout Switch
[Sound] (kchamp.cpp) kchampvs, kchampvs2, karatevs ADPCM samples are distorted
[Misc.] isa_ibm_mda Typo on the "isa_ibm_mda" set description
[Sound] (zaxxon.cpp) ixion, razmataz Missing sound
[Documentation] (odyssey2.cpp) jopac In the description there are two useless spaces at the beginning
[Interface] (a7800.cpp) a7800.ccp Machine inputs broken
[Sound] (arkanoid.cpp) arkanoid and clones, arkatour Sound pitch is too high by 100%
[Graphics] (nbmj9195.cpp) imekura Graphic corruption in many places
New working machines:
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong Jr. (new wide screen) [hap, Sean Riddle, Roger Coltrane]
Game & Watch: Mario Bros. [hap, Sean Riddle, incog]
Goupil G2 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Jump Kun (prototype) [ShouTime]
Sel-Jan [BET] (Japan) [Angelo Salese, system11, The Dumping Union]
Victory (Comsoft) [Andrew Welburn, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
Waku Waku Ultraman Racing [ShouTime, gamerfan, Rod_Wod, MetalliC, Peter Wilhelmsen, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
New working clones:
Bambino Classic Football [hap]
Burnin' Rubber (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Danger Track (Rally X bootleg) [Rafael Alonso, Ricky2001, Rockman, ArcadeHacker]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. B) [yoyo_chessboard]
Gingateikoku No Gyakushu (bootleg set 3) [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, The Dumping Union]
Graplop (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Guerrilla War (Version 1, set 2) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
HP 9845B (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
HP 9845C (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
HP 9845T (Germany) [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
Jack Potten's Poker (set 10, ICP-1 PCB) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Lock'n'Chase (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, wtc4ever, The Dumping Union]
Mach-9 (bootleg of Vulgus) [Marcos75, The Dumping Union]
Macross II (Korea) [CoolMod, CS, The Dumping Union]
Marchen Maze (Japan, hack?) [frsj8112, The Dumping Union]
Money Money (set 2) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Offensive (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [Rafael Alonso, Ricky2001, Rockman, ArcadeHacker, Marcos75, The Dumping Union]
Operation Thunderbolt (Japan, SC) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Palamedes (US) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Pengo (set 5) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Power Instinct (USA, prototype) [ShouTime]
Pro Tennis (DECO Cassette) (Japan) [Charles MacDonald, The Dumping Union]
Spectar (revision 2, bootleg) [Ricky2001]
Tehkan World Cup (set 4, earlier?) [Purity, The Dumping Union]
Time Killers (v1.32I) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Victory (Comsoft) (bootleg) [Josele Fernandez]
Machines promoted to working:
Goupil G1 [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Mattel Computer Gin [hap, Sean Riddle]
Clones promoted to working:
Dragon 64 Plus [Nigel Barnes]
Treasure Island (DECO Cassette) (Region D) [David Haywood]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Big Deal Belgien (5.04) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
Bel Slots Export (5.01) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
D-CAT16 (Mega Drive handheld) [Team Europe]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse [hap, Igor]
Game Prince RS-1 [BeckieRGB]
Game Prince RS-16 [BeckieRGB]
HP9000/332 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
GRiD Compass 1101 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1121 [shattered]
Nokia D-box 1, Kirsch gruppe [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Percussion Freaks 5th Mix (G*B05 VER. KAA) [Guru, smf]
Pingu's Ice Block [Darksoft, MetalliC]
Player's Edge (PK1002-PC082) Jake's Jacks Bonus Poker [BrianT]
Quingo Export (5.00) [Gerald (COY), Roberto Fresca]
Ron II Mah-Jongg [system11, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
Spirit of 76 [PinMAME]
V-Dog (prototype, earlier) [AttackedbyGlitch]
V-Smile Baby (US) [Sean Riddle]
VG Pocket Tablet [BeckieRGB]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Animal Basket (19 Jan 2005) [brizzo]
Black Knight 2000 (PF-1) [PinMAME]
Chrysler Electronic Voice Alert (24-function) [hap, Sean Riddle, David Viens]
E-Swat - Cyber Police (bootleg, set 2) [Hammy, The Dumping Union]
Ez2dancer 2nd Move [RetroRepair, Guru]
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime]
GRiD Compass 1109 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1129 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1131 [shattered]
GRiD Compass II 1139 [shattered]
Motor Raid - Twin/DX [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
New Century (Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [Marcos75]
OutRun 2 Special Tours (Japan) (GDX-0011) [rtw]
The Bounty (set 2) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Treamcast [Maddog]
V-Smile (US) [Sean Riddle]
New working software list additions:
abc80_cass, abc80_flop: ABCStacker [Andreas Gustafsson]
archimedes: Countdown to Doom, The Last Days of Doom [Nigel Barnes]
bbcmc: Bikes [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_cart: Sound Extension [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_cass: Hang It! [Nigel Barnes]
Chatplus V1.0.2, DBASIC (Alt), DBASIC, Diagnostics, DragonPlus Updates, Editor & Assembler (DragonPlus), Editor & Assembler,
Extended Basic, SP-Edit (DragonPlus), Super Sleuth Disassembler, Text Processing System, Utilities, Utilities (Alt) [Nigel Barnes]
BT Codes Search, Composer Companion (DragonFire), Composer X (PSE), Copycat (PSE), DCHROME & SCANNER, Desk Top Publisher V2,
Desktop, Discup (PSE), Dragon Detour, DynaFast v1.5.0, FEdit, Forth Compiler (DeltaDOS), Golden Oldies, Machine Language Tutorial,
Mandragore, Multi-Disk, Orange Base, PyrAdventure, RolaBall2, Shaolin Master Plus,, Sprite Designer (PSE), Supa Nova,
Super Writer 2, Telewriter V1, Telewriter V2, Telewriter V4, The Fun Disc!, The Hobbit, Utility Pack (PSE), W.I.M.P. (1989) [Nigel Barnes]
dragon_os9: Cash and VAT, DragonPlus OS9 Drivers, Stock Control [Nigel Barnes]
4D Boxing, 4D Sports Boxing, 688 Attack Sub (3.5", older), Gunboat: River Combat Simulation,
Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road, Jordan vs. Bird: One on One, Kings of the Beach, Menace, PC Tools (various versions),
PKZip 2.04g, Platoon, Risky Woods, SimEarth, Star Goose!, Wrath of the Demon, Xenon [ArcadeShadow]
Disney's Aladdin, Gobliiins, Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon, Goblins Quest 3, PC Tools (various versions), SimFarm [ArcadeShadow]
pet_quik: Hardcore Petting, No Pets Allowed [Curt Coder]
pce_tourvision: Ankoku Densetsu, Batman, Burning Angels, Cadash, Gradius, Toilet Kids, World Jockey [system11, The Dumping Union]
Bradion, Dennou Club Vol. 90 Tokubetsu Henshuu-ban, Dennou Club Vol. 94, Dennou Club Vols. 96-139, GJ, Nemesis '95 Gradius 2 [Justin Kerk]
New NOT_WORKING softwre list additions:
dragon_cart: EPROM Programmer, Speech Synthesis, Ultra Drive [Nigel Barnes]
Abenteuer im ABC Park (GER), Finding Nemo - De Wonderwereld Van Nemo (NL), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (NL),
Shrek De Derde - Arthurs Schooldag Avontuur (NL) [Team Europe]
Source Changes:
plugins/cheat: Add hotkey support, and nes, snes and genesis Game Genie support. [Carl]
Added initial support for SiS85c496/497 PCI chipset, and added first pass shadow RAM and SM RAM support. [R. Belmont]
hp9k_3xx updates: [R. Belmont]
Preliminary working DIO/DIO-II bus implementation and 98544 video card.
Hooked up i8042 I/O microcontroller comms to main CPU.
Support medium-res built-in video on 9000/332.
Improved CD audio play track/index command handling. [smf]
Added unused DIP switches 7 and 8 to Eeekk! since it's a conversion of pacman. [smf]
terracre.cpp: Added actual hookup for protection data and fixed potential buffer overflow. [Angelo Salese]
cop01.cpp: Improved Mighty Guy sound. [Angelo Salese]
apricot: Switched to preferred Z80SIO device. [Dirk Best]
drawgfx: Made the palette optional, and fixed viewgfx for case where palette is absent. [O. Galibert]
devcb: Added line hold capability. [O. Galibert]
bgfx: Fixed xBR-lv2-multipass, xBR-lv2-fast, xBR-lv2-noblend, xBR-lv2, xBR-lv3-noblend, and xBR-lv3 shaders. [Ryan Holtz]
Added preliminary YM3802 MIDI/cassette controller with MIDI clock timer and click counter. [Barry Rodewald]
Added X68000 expansion device using the YM3802, Mahou Daisakusen (x68k) plays MIDI music.
ti99 updates: [Michael Zapf]
Implemented Hexbus and HX5102 floppy early WIP.
Cleaned up slot devices architecture and renamed constants.
Added new cartridge type paged7 for TI-CALC.
accomm: Fully implemented keyboard, added sound (same as Electron), and added layout with Caps/Shift Lock LEDs. [Nigel Barnes]
d64plus: Implemented banking of extra 64K, and 6845 with chargen - promoted to working. [Nigel Barnes]
dragon32: Added JCB Sound Extension cartridge. [Nigel Barnes]
dragon200e: Added correct keyboard. [Nigel Barnes]
starshp1 updates: [Frank Palazzolo]
Fixed graphics/speed issues.
Made Fast/Slow momentary as on real cabinet, added note about behaviour.
Updated clocks according to latest information.
z80scc: Added support for resetting RX interrupts/status by reading Rx FIFO through RR3. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Gets virtpool driver terminal a bit further, but not all the way (no visible difference).
dbox: Separated skeleton driver from unfinished display device. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Replaced fake TLCS-90 I/O space with callbacks. [AJR]
pangba, pangbb, spangbl: Reduced ADPCM rate to make music speed match original, use callback for audio IRQ. [AJR]
tail2nos: Added flip screen support, documented non-effect of "Country" switch. [AJR]
aerofgt.cpp: Video and sound refinements: [AJR]
Fixed sound loss in spinlbrk and clones caused by misconfigured ROM bank.
Work towards flip screen support for most games - aerofgtb is nearly correct now.
dynablst, bbmanw & clones: Use 4-way joysticks (as service manuals suggest). [AJR]
toaplan2.cpp: Generate (and acknowledge) video interrupts within VDP. [AJR]
Made TC0040IOC its own device type and separated its functionality from TC0220IOC. [AJR]
galastrm, undrfire, cbombers, groundfx, gunbustr, superchs, 2mindril: Use TC0510NIO device for inputs. [AJR]
Sort slot options by name in -listslots output. [AJR]
Made CBM IEC device names more descriptive. [AJR]
sidebs: Fixed POST failure in debug build. [AJR]
taito_en: Use MB8421 for communication RAM. [AJR]
mjkjidai: Use 8255 devices for I/O. [AJR]
subsino.cpp: Use 8255 devices (most of which are only used for input). [AJR]
suprloco: Replaced soundlatch with 8255 device that runs in mode 2. [AJR]
Added TE7750 Super I/O Expander device. [AJR]
m72.cpp, m92.cpp: Put IRQ hacks out of their misery. [AJR]
norautp: Restored some inputs that were disconnected many releases ago, don't hardcode "Readout" inputs. [AJR]
grdian, getstarj: Replaced MCU simulation with new dump. [AJR, ShouTime, brizzo]
s2650: Modernised I/O: [AJR]
Replaced fake S2650_SENSE_PORT address with line read callback (set_input_line should also work).
Moved S2650_CTRL_PORT and S2650_DATA_PORT to I/O address space.
Don't try to read past the end of a memory space in debug view. [AJR]
Added validation for slot cards and fixed some errors exposed by this. [Vas Crabb, AJR]
Fixed Tandy CoCo keyboard mapping (github issue #2386). [Vas Crabb]
taitosj: Made security MCU hookup a device. [Vas Crabb]
exidy.cpp: Added PROMs to Spectar taken from a bootleg set - believed to match original. [Ivan Vangelista]
Migrated remaining device machine configuration additions to instance member functions. [Ivan Vangelista]
Made RAM device look for [km](i?b)? rather than [km].* suffix. [Nathan Woods]
Fixed a crash when returning to the front-end after launching a system from favorites. [Nathan Woods]
CoCo: Overhauled the cartridge slot subsystem. [Nathan Woods]
Made read_or_write a scoped enum. [Nathan Woods]
Changed the profiler to use std::ostringstream as the text sink (instead of std::string). [Nathan Woods]
Cleaned up CoCo 3 GIME implementation. [Nathan Woods]
Changed a few C strings to std::string references in the debugger. [Nathan Woods]
Quingo: Switched to hot slots machine (more accurate). [RobertoFresca]
Big Deal Belgien, Bel Slots Export: Added PCB layouts. [RobertoFresca]
r9751: Added more SMIOC registers. [Brandon Munger]
HP9845: Improved keyboard mapping and added German layout. [F.Ulivi, A.Kueckes]
Implemented SHIFT LOCK key, added pop-ups and outputs showing state of toggle keys.
Lowered volume of beeper (was too loud according to A.Kueckes).
Added read support for the disk format SDF used in the CoCoSDC. [Tim Lindner]
CoCo: Added Speech/Sound Cartridge support. [Tim Lindner]
Fixed JVC disk format to correctly recognize 2 sided disks. [Tim Lindner]
Implemented busy delay in CoCo SSC. [Tim Lindner]
EF9365: Fixed the hardware vector engine (fixes ARC Squale Basic). [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Interpro driver updates: [Patrick Mackinlay]
Added skeleton for srarb.
Improved mcga/fmcc skeleton and fixed mcga/fmcc detection.
Expanded cammu skeletons.
Added support for "new" SCSI.
Added clock-based ioga interrupts.
Added forced NMI handling.
Improved SCSI DMA.
Removed broken caching.
Added Clipper CPU ID support.
Added enum masks and unknown registers, disabled bus errors.
Made RAM configurable and improved system registers.
Added initial implementation of unmapped memory handler.
DMA/IRQ changes, serial DMA registers.
Added 7-segment diagnostic LED.
NMI and DMA improvements - NMI boot diagnostics pass.
Made floppy DMA read and write work.
Improved logging.
ncr5390.cpp: Added basic 53c94 support. [Patrick Mackinlay]
t10spc.cpp: Added missing start/stop unit command [Patrick Mackinlay]
Gameboy updates: [Tauwasser]
Cleaned up Gowin information in gameboy.xml, added information from archived web site and catalogue.
Replaced GoodGBX MBC1 Collection check code with direct comparison of internal ROM name.
Removed buffer over-read in get_cart_type.
Updated MBC1-MBC5 mapper documentation.
Use more likely clocks for littlerb based on PCB crystals (main CPU is more likely 8MHz than 12MHz). [David Haywood]
Also added a hack to overclock the TMS to 120% so that the map screen renders properly.
Moved Famiclone stuff from nes.xml to driver and added new sets. [David Haywood]
Corrected Neo Geo sprite tile code mask to 20 bits (was previously 19 bits). [TheHpman]
Fixed trailing space in -listclones and -listbrothers output. [Tafoid]
naomi.cpp: Added five real dumps of SPI EEPROMs used in M1/171-7978B-type cartridges, updated docs. [f205v, MetalliC]
naomi.cpp: Converted existing M1-type cart SN# EEPROMs data to be like real dumps. [MetalliC]
naomi.cpp: Identified "Airline Pilots" sets as domestic Japan and World versions, according to information from Sega.
ShouTime, MetalliC]
chaknpop: Replaced MCU simulation with dump. [Team Japump!!!, Chack'n, Hau]
kuniokun: Replaced MCU simulation with actual dump. [ShouTime, brizzo]
Use actual M68705P5 dump for Rumba Lumber, replaces inaccurate simulation. [ShouTime, brizzo]
Onna Sanshirou - Typhoon Gal: Use 68705 dump, replace inaccurate protection simulation. [ShouTime, brizzo]
Use dumped M68705 for fieldday/undoukai. [ShouTime, brizzo]
tetrsark: Add a totally useless MCU dump (apparently blank). [ShouTime, Brizzo]
arkanoidja, arkanoidu, arkatour: Replaced hand-crafted MCU programs with 68705 dumps. [Lord Nightmare, ShouTime, brizzo]
prebillian: Replaced MCU simulation with actual dump, fixed vblank input, fixed player 2 spinner input, and added launch button.
Lord Nightmare, ShouTime, brizzo]
ay8910.cpp: Made device_clock_changed respect YM2149 pin 26, added pinout, and remove outdated comments. [Lord Nightmare]
socrates.cpp: Converted socrates and iqunlimz to bankdev, hooked up socrates hblank input, and made profweis machine configuration
derive from socrates. [Lord Nightmare]
hh_sm510: Improved Mickey & Donald SVG artwork. [Sean Riddle, Roger Coltrane]
naomi.cpp: Bruteforced "Dragon Treasure" main unit DES key. [Mike Ryan]
svmu: Added two English BIOS versions and a newer Japanese BIOS version. [Kingizor]
system16.cpp: Corrected clocks for Alien Storm (bootleg, set 2). [caius, The Dumping Union]
Fixed missing VLM5030 speech in Hyper Crash and increased volume, and fixed VLM loading in jailbrek and clones. [MASH]
gradius4: Changed description to match title screen/flyer. [Pedro J. Martinez]
Renamed "Cyber Arcade 120-in-1" to "Defender M2500P 120-in-1" (correct name according to dumper). [AttackedbyGlitch]
Corrected descriptions for Gradius 4: Fukkatsu and Silent Scope 2. [sjy96525]
Changed Air Combat 22 auto-centering throttle from Pedal to AD_STICK_Z. [sjy96525]


Titel: GameEx 14.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2017, 13:22
Whats new:>>

A new version of the setup wizard by Ben Baker is included which fixes several reported issues and also shows some of the new design of the setup wizard that will be available in GameEx Evolution.
Also with this release, game manuals are now not a registered only feature.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2017, 09:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Improved compatibility
Improved graphics
Added support for socket API (nsysnet)
Improved Software Keyboard



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: RockNES 5.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2017, 18:15

New NTSC default palette, including color emphasis, by Joel Yliluoma.
All palette-related core was rewritten and fixed.
Fixed palettes for VS games, including GUI dialog for selection.
Fixed problems in the GUI 'general settings' dialog.
Fixed PPU left clipping on/off setting.
Fixed GUI alert box colors.
Fixed a bug in the "Olive" and "Nocturne" color styles.
Fixed gfx frame pointer reset, an obscure bug found by accident.
Fixed emulation reset if an invalid opcode is found.
Fixed mapper 64 IRQs (Hard Drivin' works again).
Fixed mapper 90 IRQs and savestates.
Fixed Famicom Disk System savestates, system RAM and PPU IRQs, major bugs!
Fixed initial scanline (fixes Time Lord).
Fixed an obscure bug setting file loading path.
Fixed ROM corruptor, it wasn't restoring changes.
Fixed a bug setting the CPU address range in the CPU state display.
Fixed a few bugs in the config file parsing.
Fixed resetting to the default settings.
Custom fullscreen mode is now disabled if the last video mode was windowed.
Improved color emphasis effect & MMC3 IRQs.
Improved $2006 behaviour, old hacking removed.
Removed restriction for running only 1 instance of RockNES.
Frame rate (FPS) is no more displayed in the program window.
Added mappers 190 (Magic Kid GooGoo) and 206.
Added full NES palette viewer, including all the color styles palettes!
Added 5 new color styles, related to R-G-B swapping.
Added Game Genie codes, up to 10.
Added NSF track number display on-screen.
Another huge code cleanup and fixes, plus minor changes and improvements.


Titel: RockNES 5.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2017, 05:45
Whats new:>>

- Fixed a CHR bankswitching bug in the mapper 64 (Rolling Thunder works).

Titel: RockNES 5.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2017, 07:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed mapper 19 (Rolling Thunder (J) works).
Internal cleanups and minor tweaks.
Documentation updated.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2017, 04:56
Whats new:>>

Recompiler performance improvements
Audio improvements
Better support for softdec videos
Minor compatibility improvements
Misc smaller changes and new features

Titel: MAME 0.188
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2017, 13:22

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
- 05900: [Sound] (ddenlovr.cpp) funkyfig, funkyfiga: Missing music and partial sound FX (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06261: [Sound] (polepos.cpp) polepos2: Crowd Cheering sounds are messed up at the chequered flag (goal). (Robbbert)
- 06370: [Save/Restore] (vegas.cpp) sf2049se, sf2049te: Crashes on reload (-str 8) in a staggered -str 20 run (Ted Green)
- 06562: [Crash/Freeze] All sets in octopus.cpp, zorba.cpp: Fatal Error when using various terminal/printers in slots
(Ivan Vangelista)
- 06564: [Crash/Freeze] (ti99_4x.cpp) All sets in ti99_4x.cpp, ti99_4p.cpp: SuperAMS memory expansion card (samsmem) Fatal Error
when mounted (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06581: [Interface] Various problems with software loading/unloading: Various problems with software loading (Nathan Woods)
- 06588: [Interface] Regression loading softlist items from the command line with changed slot options (Nathan Woods)
- 06592: [DIP/Input] (nbmj8891.cpp) chinmoku: DSW B should not exist. (Robbbert)
- 06613: [Crash/Freeze] (rohga.cpp) schmeisr: Exception on exit (David Haywood)
- 06620: [Crash/Freeze] (itech8.cpp) ninclown: During final boss Twisto the game can potentially crash (Phil Bennett)
- 06624: [Misc.] (mc10.cpp) Emulation of the right-shift and rotate instructions (ASR, LSR, ROR) do not correctly modify the
overflow flag (V) (AJR)
- 06627: [Sound] (segas32.cpp) kokoroj2: Missing voice in game (Arzeno Fabrice)
- 06631: [Sound] (vgmplay.cpp) vgmplay: Attempting to play a .vgm/.vgz file containing 2 X POKEY does not play back correctly. (AJR)
New working machines:
A-One Arrange Ball/Tandy Zingo/LJN Computer Impulse [hap, Sean Riddle]
Blades of Steel (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Bucky O'Hare (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Double Dragon (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle, Kaede]
Gauntlet (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Go Go Cowboy (English, prize) [Brian Troha, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, Luca Elia]
INTELLEC 4/MOD 4 [Vas Crabb]
INTELLEC 4/MOD 40 [Vas Crabb]
Legend (SNES bootleg) [ShouTime, MetalliC]
Milton Bradley Arcade Mania [hap, Sean Riddle]
Sonic The Hedgehog (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Space Jam (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon (World revision 3) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) [Arzeno Fabrice, brizzo, Phil Bennett, rtw, Alex Meijer, The Dumping Union]
Cobra-Command (World/US revision 4) [Bryan McPhail]
Deco Cassette System Multigame (ROM based) [David Haywood]
Explorers of Space [hap, Igor]
Fidelity Excel 68000 Mach III [CB-Emu]
Fidelity Excel 68000 Mach II (rev. C+) [CB-Emu]
Game & Watch: Egg [hap]
Golden Poker Double Up (bootleg) [Arcade Vintage, Roberto Fresca]
HP 85 [F.Ulivi]
Kageki (World) [frsj8112, The Dumping Union]
Logger (Rev.2) [Andrew Welburn, Craig Anstett, The Dumping Union]
Nu, pogodi! [hap, Igor]
Operation Wolf (Japan, SC) [ShouTime]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0006) Standard Draw Poker [Brian Troha]
Return of the Invaders (bootleg no MCU set 3) [f205v]
Silk Worm (prototype?) [frsj8112]
Solar Assault (ver JAA)
[ShouTime, pablopelos, Dullaron, Paul Vining, Jason Wible, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, David Mercer, John Cunningham, Smitdogg,
The Dumping Union]
Solar Assault Revised (ver JAA)
[ShouTime, pablopelos, Dulleron, Paul Vining, Jason Wible, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, David Mercer, John Cunningham, Smitdogg,
The Dumping Union]
Space Invaders (Nas Corp bootleg) [Guru]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Japan 911210, CPS-B-17) [ShouTime, Bonky, MetalliC]
Super Triv (English questions) [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Taisen Idol-Mahjong Final Romance 2 (Japan, newer) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Tetris (v341R) [Arzeno Fabrice, MetalliC]
The Ninja Warriors (World, earlier version) [Irongiant, The Dumping Union]
Xevious 3D/G (World, XV32/VER.A) [rtw, invzim, The Dumping Union]
Machines promoted to working:
Alphatronic PC [R. Belmont, Carl, rfka01]
Black Touch '96 [Angelo Salese]
Explorer (DECO Cassette) (US) [Brian Troha, David Haywood]
Game & Watch: Mickey Mouse [hap]
Mega Double Poker (conversion kit, version 2.3 MD) [Caps0ff, AJR]
Ron II Mah-Jongg [Angelo Salese]
The Roulette (Visco) [Team Europe, Luca Elia]
Touch & Go (World) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
World Rally 2: Twin Racing [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Clones promoted to working:
Frogger (bootleg on Amigo? hardware) [Ivan Vangelista]
Mega Double Poker (conversion kit, version 2.1 MD) [Caps0ff, AJR]
Sega Ninja (315-5113) [David Haywood]
Touch & Go (Non North America) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Touch & Go (earlier revision) [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Abnormal Check [R. Belmont, Guru]
Ai-mode - Pet Shiiku [system11, The Dumping Union]
Block Pong-Pong [Arzeno Fabrice, brizzo]
Casino Strip [any]
Casino Strip IX [any]
Casino Strip VIII [any]
Dam Dam Boy [R. Belmont, ShouTime, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Ryan Holtz, Phil Bennett, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
MAC Jungle [PinMAME]
Mahjong Gal-pri - World Gal-con Grandprix (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Mahjong Hanafuda Cosplay Tengoku 6 - Junai-hen (Japan) [sytem11, The Dumping Union]
Mahjong Mogitate [system11, The Dumping Union]
Need for Speed - 4 Cab Link (2 Discs) (v1.0.1 Rev B) [ShouTime]
Need for Speed GT (Hard Drive+2 Discs) (v1.1.0 Rev C) [ShouTime]
Nichibutsu DVD Select (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Percussion Freaks 4th Mix (G*A25 VER. AAA) [smf]
PokoaPoka Onsen de CHU - Bijin 3 Shimai ni Kiotsukete! (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Renai Mahjong Idol Gakuen (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Sharp FontWriter FW-700 (German) [R. Belmont, rfka01]
Super Derby II [Phil Bennett, Hammy]
Tsuugakuro no Yuuwaku (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
VG Pocket Mini (VG-1500) [BeckieRGB]
VG Pocket (VG-2000) [BeckieRGB]
Virtua Striker 4 (Export) (GDT-0014) [rtw]
Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan) (Rev B) (GDT-0020B) [rtw]
VT330 [Toshi]
WaiWai Drive [Arzeno Fabrice, brizzo]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.91 Apr 13 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999) [rtw, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
World Kicks PCB (World, WKC2 Ver.A) [rtw, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Yamaha TG100 [vampirefrog, superctr, bmos, Valley Bell]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Beat the Clock (with flasher support) [noahpdavis]
Commodore PC 10 [rfka01]
Dirty Harry (LF-2) [PinMAME]
Fighting Vipers (Revision B) [Phil Bennett, MooglyGuy, Tourniquet, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Motocross Go! (MG2 Ver. A, set 2) [ShouTime, Bill D, The Dumping Union]
New Super Triv III [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Tazz-Mania (Rodmar bootleg) [Arcade Hacker, The Dumping Union]
Triv Five Special Edition [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
New working software list additions:
abc80_flop: ABCDatastorm [Genesis Project]
coco_flop: Pacman (z80 to 6809 Transcoded - v1.01) (512kb) [Glen Hewlett]
gameboy: Sachen 4 in 1 (Euro, 4B-003) [Tauwasser]
Le Manoir de Mortevielle [breiztiger]
Battle Chess, Blades of Steel, Castlevania, Double Dribble, Earl Weaver Baseball, Future Wars - Adventures in Time,
Gamer's Edge Sampler - Catacomb and Dangerous Dave, Hardball 2, Heroes of the Lance, John Madden Football, King's Bounty,
Lakers vs Celtics and the NBA Playoffs, Links - Championship Course - Bountiful Golf Course, Links - The Challenge of Golf,
Mean Streets, Monopoly v2.00 (Shareware), Monty Python's Flying Circus, Ninja Gaiden II, Nova 9, Over the Net, Pharaoh's Pursuit,
Secret of the Silver Blades, Speedball II, Street Fighting Man, Super C, Superstar Ice Hockey, Superstar Indoor Soccer,
Superstar Indoor Sports, Superstar Outdoor Soccer, The Cycles, Top 10 Solid Gold Volume II, Wings of Fury, Zool [Justin Kerk]
B-17 Flying Fortress, Body Blows, Corncob Deluxe, DOS/V (multiple versions), Dune, Global Conquest, King's Quest V, Lightspeed,
MS-DOS (Version 6.22, Brazilian Portuguese), Star Trek - 25th Anniversary [Justin Kerk]
pce_tourvision: Doraemon - Nobita no Dorabian Night, Majin Eiyuu Den Wataru [system11, The Dumping Union]
x68k_flop: Chourensha 68k (v1.00) [Justin Kerk]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
ibm5150: Boulder Dash Construction Kit [Justin Kerk]
ibm5170: IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version J5.00/V) (Japanese), PC-DOS (multiple sets using XDF disk format) [Justin Kerk]
Source Changes:
-z8: Fixed disassembly of DECW RR opcode, added more control registers to state for debugger. [AJR]
-Added support for experimental overclocking of sound devices through UI sliders with -cheat enabled. [AJR]
-ym2151, ymf271, namco: Added support for dynamic changes to clock frequency. [AJR]
-Fixed scheduler overflow when a device executes for more cycles than there are in a second. [AJR]
-nibbler, levers: Changed joysticks to 4-way as documented in manuals. [AJR]
-megadpkr: Hooked up 68705P5 MCU, figured out banking, and added timekeeper RAM and inputs. [AJR]
-colt: Fixed colors. [AJR]
-vgmplay enhancements: [AJR]
* Added support for YMZ280B and YMF271.
* Fixed clock speed for dual POKEY.
* Produce error message when nonexistent file is specified.
-froggeram: Fixed PPI accesses allowing sound emulation to work. [AJR]
-listxml enhancements: [AJR]
* Match arguments against device names as well as driver names.
* Allowed DTD output for -listxml, -listsoftware and -getsoftlist to be suppressed with -nodtd option.
-gunfront: Corrected "Upright Controls" DIP switch - OFF is Single, and should not be the default. [AJR]
-mrdo: Load protection PAL data (not used at the moment). [AJR]
-mastboy: Changed parallel EEPROM type to "EAROM" (rather than generic NVRAM). [AJR]
-MC6800: Fixed LSR/ROR/ASR overflow flag generation (N XOR C). [AJR]
-funystrp: Added serial EEPROM for high score entries. [AJR]
-ygv608.cpp: Added CRTC function, turned IRQs into handler callbacks, added border color. [Angelo Salese]
-blackt96.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
* Added flip screen and coin counter support.
* Reimplemented text layer as tilemap.
* Added notes, promoted game to MACHINE_IS_INCOMPLETE - bugs like the timer not decrementing are actually caused by sloppy coding.
-cvs.cpp: Kludged a protection check in Superbike that was resetting the machine under certain conditions. [Angelo Salese]
* Also demoted to MACHINE_UNEMULATED_PROTECTION since game can lock indefinitely under a particular condition.
-Wrote a new device container for Nichibutsu sound hardware, used by csplayh5.cpp and niyanpai.cpp. [Angelo Salese]
-Standardized button layout for PCE bootlegs. [Angelo Salese]
-Fixed screen misalignment regression in Bionic Commando. [Angelo Salese]
-Added sound samples to PT Reach Mahjong. [Lord Nightmare, Angelo Salese]
-socrates: Reimplemented keyboard MCU simulation as a separate timer-driven function. [Lord Nightmare]
* Fixes issues with super painter and a few other games not recognizing keyboard input.
* Also eliminated anonymous timers and keyboard tagmap lookups, and added savestate support.
-arkanoid.cpp: Added machine definition for Akranoid bootleg with 68705P3 and AY-3-8910, matching real hardware. [Lord Nightmare]
* Also added notes about which sets bootlegs are derived from.
-dectalk.cpp: Removed unnecessary driver init and replaced with machine_start, eliminated anonymous timers, and added savestate
support. [Lord Nightmare]
-taitocchip.cpp: Hooked up the four 'ASIC RAM' shared bytes/semaphores/command registers between external CPU and the C-chip, got
rid of hack for megablast. [Lord Nightmare]
-Implemented DIP switches and tweaked inputs for Bubble Bobble prototype so that the stage editor works. [Lord Nightmare]
-missb2 updates: [Lord Nightmare]
* Fixed OKI read/write bitswap so what seem to be the correct sound effects are played.
* Replaced the corrupt OKI ROM dump with the bublpong OKI ROM - all non-corrupted areas are identical.
* Added watchdog.
-retofinv.cpp: Added original Taito 68705 MCU dump. [Corrado Tomaselli, Lord Nightmare, brizzo]
* Moved bootleg 68705 MCU to its own set, renamed sets to make it more obvious which are bootlegs.
* Verified XTAL, dividers, and SN76489A type from PCB pictures.
* Added missing original color PROMs and allowed video/retofinv.cpp to use either those or the single bootleg color PROM.
-Added correct palette weighting for all dec8 games. [Bryan McPhail]
-Made DECO RM-C3 into a device used by dec8 and karnov.cpp games. [Bryan McPhail]
-Fixed colours in Crude Buster (verified against real hardware); added documentation to cbuster.cpp. [Bryan McPhail]
-pc9801: Moved cbus to bus and added WIP mpu401 support. [Carl]
-plugins/cheat updates: [Carl]
* Poll for setting hotkeys.
* Link simple cheats.
-Added Motorola MC14411 Bit Rate Generator device. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-fccpu1 updates: [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
* Updated LOG system and replaced CLOCK_SIGNAL_HANDLER with real MC14411 BRG device.
* Added machine configuration for baud rates for all three serial ports using MC14411 device.
* Added newer version of firmware Force Debugger v1.1.
-68340: Added configuration macros and callbacks for 8-bit ports A and B, updated LOG system. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-sda5708: Added layout support and state saving. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-sda5708: Added layout with generated bezels and program snippet to redo it as a comment. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-dbox: Added sda5708 matrix display layout (displays version number on start but hangs shortly thereafter). [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
-ti99: Changed Hexbus chaining; moved Hexbus up one level (from bus/ti99 to bus). [Michael Zapf]
-Overhauled MAME options handling. [Nathan Woods]
* The new options system is more dynamic and should detect errors earlier.
* The slot menu now shows updated options in response to selections made by the user.
-Added a menu listing existing state files displayed when choosing a position to save/load. [Nathan Woods]
* Any position may be selected with keyboard 0-9/A-Z or joystick buttons.
* Existing positions may be selected using UI navigation controls.
-Made the length parameter for debugger 'load' command optional (defaults to length of file), converted code from stdio to iostream.
[Nathan Woods]
-MC6847: Fixed "Semigraphics 6" mode on CoCo/MC-10 (issue reported by Jim Gerrie). [Nathan Woods]
* Displays "stripes" for video bytes $00-$7F because INT/EXT is asserted but A/S is not, and there is no external ROM.
-Cleaned up the MC-10 driver. [Nathan Woods]
-Fixed regression in ROM loading that resulted in not all actual hashes being printed on mismatch. [Nathan Woods]
-sdl: Added SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS for fullscreen, required by some Linux window managers. [O. Galibert]
-dvdisasm: Simplified by decoupling information creation and display rendering. [O. Galibert]
-debugcpu: Eliminated direct() from read_opcode. [O. Galibert]
-options: Set the value when setting the default as before. [O. Galibert]
-mameopts: Don't lose the system inipath when looking for hashpath. [O. Galibert]
-dimemory: Lifted cap on number of address spaces per device, renamed AS_DECRYPTED_OPCODES to AS_OPCODES. [O. Galibert]
-Fixed media option numbering with custom instance names (github issue 2468). [O. Galibert]
-cbuster.cpp: Added a x3 hack to the YM2203 clock frequency to fix incorrect pitch. [Phil Bennett]
-Improved -romident performance by dynamically allocating large arrays at device_start time. [Phil Bennett]
-m377xx: Added preliminary M37720 support. [R. Belmont]
-alphatro improvements: [R. Belmont]
* Added correct banking and partial floppy support.
* Corrected motor on and FDC reset.
* Corrected number of driver (real machine only has two), and fixed B: drive.
-output: Fleshed out network output provider to have the same capabilities as legacy Win32 provider: [R. Belmont]
* Messages are of form "verb = value1"; "hello = 1" on successful connection, "mamerun = 0" on shutdown.
* Send "send_id = n" to query IDs where n=0 means machine shortname, and n=1-? are output node names.
-Rewrote MCS-40 (4004/4040) emulation/disassembly: [Vas Crabb]
* Added support for all 4040 features besides interrupts.
* Split address/status, RAM/ROM ports, and program memory into separate address spaces.
* Emulated 8-clock instruction cycle, interruptible at any point, bus signals exposed.
* Converted inputs to input lines, added callbacks for chip select outputs and 4008/4009/4289 signals.
* Made disassembly output closer to what ASL accepts as input.
* Allowed 4-bit registers to be set independently through the debugger.
-Added INTELLEC 4 driver with support for MOD 4 and MOD 40 variants: [Vas Crabb]
* Supports TTY, PROM programmer, and all front-panel debugging features using clickable artwork.
* Supports PROM, program/data storage and high-speed paper tape reader cards.
-Updated flicker to use new MCS-40 core and improved emulation: [Vas Crabb]
* Re-implemented I/O based on how hardware actually works (wasn't possible with previous 4004 core).
* Corrected flicker RAM size, removed NVRAM, and connected playfield lamps and operator adjustments.
* Added save state support.
-Layout system improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Made scripts do substantial validation of layouts at build time.
* Drop views that don't validate at runtime rather than entire layouts to help machines with terminals connected by default.
-Cleaned up serial, matrix keyboard and TI-8x link protocol interfaces: [Vas Crabb]
* Switched to delegate timers and moved state registration to post-start, making implementations a bit less error-prone.
-Made device_memory_interface own its address space objects. [Vas Crabb]
-Made parent/clone loops raise a fatal error rather than hanging in a loop appending to a string. [Vas Crabb]
-Made internal UI list missing/incorrect files when audit fails. [Vas Crabb]
-Cocoa debugger improvements: [Vas Crabb]
* Save/restore window positions/sizes/splits/scrolling/expressions/focus (excluding device info viewer).
* Fixed scroll jump on clicking a memory/disassembly view that's been scrolled while unfocused.
-Made XML file a specialisation of data node that can be easily managed with smart pointers, and added a method for copying a data
node/subtree into a different tree. [Vas Crabb]
-Fixed fatal error on selecting a software part with internal UI, and made software parts menu sort by name. [Vas Crabb]
-Cleaned up Gaelco protection MCU interface device. [Vas Crabb]
-hh_sm510 artwork updates:
* Added background vector graphics to gnw_ml102. [ChoccyHobNob]
* Improved gnw_mw56 SVG screen and added background graphics. [hap, ChoccyHobNob, Tanukichi]
* Improved gnw_jr55 LCD segments. [hap, JonasP]
* Added background graphics to nupogodi.svg. [Igor, hap]
* Added background graphics to gnw_dm53.svg. [O. Galibert, hap]
-segas16b.cpp: Replaced goldnaxe2 317-0122 i8751 bad dump with working redump from undamaged chip and removed simulation code.
[anonymous, digshadow]
-segas32.cpp: Redumped kokoroj2 sound data ROM. [Arzeno Fabrice]
-Improved WD2010 emulation: [Bavarese]
* Better feedback on cylinder positions, almost all checks pass except low level tests expecting manufacturer or diagnostic tracks.
-Added Commodore D9060 82S137 PROM dumps. [Bo Zimmerman, Andrew Welburn]
-r9751: Added preliminary SMIOC device with 8237 DMA controllers and RS-232 ports. [Brandon Munger]
-Added an external panel for the Ensoniq VFX family of keyboards, with a websocket interface and an HTML/Javascript implementation
that can be served over HTTP. [Christian Brunschen]
-Fixed QT 5.5.1 for Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr" (allows Travis CI build to complete). [dankan1890]
-naomi.cpp: Dumped earlier Sega Gun Board firmware. [Darksoft]
-opwolf, opwolfa, opwolfj, opwolfjsc, opwolfu: Added C-chip dumps (game-specific EPROM still bad). [Caps0ff, David Haywood]
-Touch & Go, World Rally 2, TH Strikes Back: Dumped DS5002FP security modules, replaced simulation.
[Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
-Created Taito C-chip device and used in asuka.cpp, opwolf.cpp, rbisland.cpp, taito_f2.cpp, taito_x.cpp and volfied.cpp.
[David Haywood]
-srdarwin: Replace MCU simulation with internal ROM dump: [Caps0ff, David Haywood]
* Using real dump for srdarwin, and hand-modified version to satisfy srdarwinj.
* Fixes incorrect behaviour for 6th boss (no longer skips first form).
-Split decocass state class up so that the dongle types aren't polluting base class. [David Haywood]
* Also added support for bootleg multigame and fixed regression caused by change in draw order.
-tehkanwc.cpp: Fixed DIP switches for tehkanwcd (different setup to other sets); added DIP switch locations for all sets in driver.
[David Haywood]
-Identified DIP switches for a number of DECO Cassette sets. [David Haywood]
-Irem M62 cleanups: [David Haywood]
* Split PROM regions up by function (legacy from when MAME only allowed a single PROM region per system).
* Made use of multiple palettes and gfxdecode structures.
-upd7810, upd7811: Added internal address maps. [David Haywood]
-gaelco/ds5002fp updates: [David Haywood]
* Made ds5002fp store battery-backed internal RAM and SFR registers as NVRAM.
* Made SFR defaults configurable in ROM loading like NVRAM defaults.
* Made external SRAM persistent as well (some games store scores etc. in it).
* Cleaned up Touch & Go dump and added preconfigured internal RAM.
* Created device for Gaelco protection module and removed remaining simulation code.
-Decrypted SEGA_315_5133 used by 'seganinja' set. [David Haywood]
* Shares identical code with other sets, just encryped with a different key.
-Add DIP switches to Tsukande Toru Chicchi. [einstein95]
-Initial HP series 80 emulation: [F.Ulivi]
* Working HP-85A with 16kB RAM, including Capricorn CPU, keyboard, CRT text/graphics modes, timers, and beeper.
* DC100 cassette, extension ROMs, I/O modules, and integrated printer are not supported.
-ITT3030: Corrected 70-track drive type, and added 35-track drive type and format definition. [helwie44, rfka01]
-Added Commodore PC10-III ROM dumps collected by German vintage computer forum users. [rfka01]
-Added original Commodore PC 10/PC 20/ PC 30 in two BIOS variants. [rfka01]
-Fixed default DIP switch settings for Parodius. [Jack Li]
-Enhanced Emscripten support: [James Baicoianu]
* Fixed save/load support and scheduled exit.
* Improved main loop, simplified integration points, and made JavaScript entry points static members of running_machine.
* Exposed soft_reset, hard_reset, exit load and save functions, allowing more control of emulation session from JavaScript.
-Fixed #include path with USE_LIBSDL on macOS. [Joshua Root]
-Hooked up ibm5150 softlist to compc and europc drivers; changed europc to use single built-in 3.5" drive. [Justin Kerk]
-snk.cpp: Added PAL dumps to victroad. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
-wolfpack: Fixed missing Torpedo trail. [MASH]
-z80scc: Added basic wait/DMA request support, renamed WRDY to WREQ to match datasheet. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-ncr5390 improvements: [Patrick Mackinlay]:
* Improved initiator transfer information logic.
* Split transfer count/counter.
* Added rudimentary 53C90A/53C94 support.
* Reworked initiator transfer information state machine, should now support all SCSI phases
* Improved handling of DMA/non-DMA commands.
* Added an undocumented hack to make InterPro work.
* Implemented interrupt status flag in status register for 53C90A (critical for InterPro).
* Improved tcounter and DMA/DRQ handling.
* Corrected tcounter and transfer count zero handling (based on transfers to/from SCSI bus, not DMA).
* Prevent fifo over/underrun, requires restarting state machine from dma_r()/dma_w().
* Corrected bus/function complete with FIFO (interrupt only when it empties, but state detected based on SCSI bus).
* Clear status, istatus and sequence when reading istatus (not status) with active interrupt.
* Tweaked DRQ behaviour - only assert if there is insufficient data in FIFO.
-nscsi_hd: Corrected INQUIRY command handling when a non-zero LUN is requested. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-interpro: Got SCSI working and other improvements: [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Reworked DMA, added eth registers.
* Improved 5390 device, removed legacy 539x SCSI stuff.
* Passes all iogadiag tests if bus error hack is enabled.
* Implemented basic serial DMA.
* Switched to ncr53c94.
* Initial preparation for Ethernet implementation.
* Implemented timer-based DMA.
-Implemented i82586 Ethernet MAC, ~90% complete. [Patrick Mackinlay]
-Improved wheel board on Midway Seattle and Vegas, and added layout for sf2049. [Risugami]
-sun1: Replaced console hack with upd7201 device. [shattered]
-chihiro.cpp: Added Quest of D Firmware Update DVD dump. [ShouTime]
-freekick.cpp: Dumped color PROMs for Omega (Nihon System), correcting the colors. [ShouTime]
-Redumped Time Limit color PROMs. [ShouTime, TServo2049, pablopelos, The Dumping Union]
-shootaw2: Added dumped EEPROM image. [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
-Added skeleton driver for Yamaha TG100 MIDI module. [superctr]
* H8/520 CPU is not implemented, sound chip is Yamaha YMW258-F (likely to be identical to Sega MultiPCM).
-Game Boy/Super Game Boy improvements: [Tauwasser]
* Added Super Chinese Land 1.2.3' to MBC1 Collection check code.
* Fixed MMM01 zero-adjust logic for ROM bank.
* Fixed Super Game Boy VRAM transfers and removed border hack.
* Fixed various code style and comment issues.
-macpci: Added more Pippin ROM sets. [unknown]
-retofinv.cpp: Added DIP switch locations and documented edge connectors. [Brian Troha]
-wrally.cpp: Added World Rally PCB layout. [Brian Troha]
-targeth.cpp: Added PCB layout, defined CPU clocks in terms of OSC/resonator, corrected OKI clock, and corrected Target Hits v1.1
program ROM labels. [Brian Troha]
-stv.cpp: Corrected Taiwan BIOS label. [cpsystem3]
-sms.xml updates: [Enik Land]
* Fix The Terminator by adding their on-cart RAM.
* Added notes for games with SK-1100 keyboard support.
* Corrected Great Baseball (Euro, USA, Bra) release year.
* Corrected Teddy Boy Blues (Jpn, Ep-MyCard, Prototype) and Ghost House (Sega Card, Prototype) interface types.
-kinst.cpp: Updated hardware info. [Guru]
-abcheck: Added default EEPROM so the game boots without going into service mode first. [Guru, R. Belmont]
-Updated compiling instructions for Fedora Linux. [inflatador]
-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]
-Added -output option to documentation with description of available choices. [OzFalcon]
-megasys1.cpp: Added information regarding R&T (Rod-Land Prototype). [Ryou]
-SDL sound: Fill buffer with silence on underrun. [057a3dd61f99517a3afea0051a49cb27994f94d]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2017, 16:15
Whats new:>>

New controller configuration UI and profile system
Added support for XInput
Better implementation of VPAD and Padscore API
Improved gyro control via mouse
Misc bug fixes

Titel: RockNES 5.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2017, 13:45
Whats new:>>

- Improved mapper 64 IRQ timing.

Titel: Mesen 0.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2017, 12:30
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



New Features

    HD Packs: Improved support for HDNes' HD packs and added an HD Pack Builder tool.
    Debugger: Added several new features and options (Step Back, configure input, etc.)
    Video: Added option to automatically re-enable sprite limit to reduce graphical glitches caused by the "remove sprite limit" option.
    VS System: The custom color palette can now be applied to VS System games as well.

Bug Fixes

    Overclocking: Bug fixes and improved compatibility.
    Cheats: Fixed issue with 8-character Game Genie codes.
    FDS: Fixed a crash, an issue with automatic disk insertion and improved emulation compatibility.
    NSF: Fixed issue with MMC5 multiplication register (fixes Just Breed NSF).
    Others fixes and improvements for the debugger, game selection screen, rewinding, mappers 48/163, a number of unlicensed games and more.


Titel: GameEx 14.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2017, 17:40
Whats new:>>

Radio stations now start to play much faster.
New background video for GameEx default theme
GameEx now uses the smoother frame rate please wait animation from GameEx Arcade Edittion.
Fiexs pop up descriptions showing wrong MAME game descriptions.
Automatic artwork downloader now downloads MAME ICONs
GZIP (gz) support for premium members.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2017, 05:20
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Added second window which displays the GamePad screen
Improved texture readback
Bug fixes (audio, recompiler and input)
Optimizations for the texture decoder



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: MAME 0.189
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2017, 16:15

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
00470: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Despite successful calibration the brake button doesn't function. (Ted Green)
00975: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Even if you choose manual gear your car has automatic gear. (Ted Green)
01005: [Sound] (shangkid.cpp) shangkid: In the later levels, sound starts to get really screwy. (AJR)
01991: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg: Game randomly freezes. (Ted Green)
04024: [Graphics] (toaplan2.cpp) ghox: Missing background for hi-score screen. (Caps0f)
04872: [Graphics] (labyrunr.cpp) tricktrp: Graphic priority issue. (Angelo Salese)
05277: [Documentation] (cps1.cpp) sf2accp2: Installation instructions and DIP settings for SF2CE (Accelerator Pt.II) hack.
05608: [DIP/Input] (royalmah.cpp) mjifb, mjifb2, mjifb3: DIP Settings. (kamilz)
05788: [DIP/Input] (dbz.cpp) dbz: English language is not displayed. (ryuhabayusa)
05945: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) pengojpm, pengopac: Info about dip switches. (Fortuna)
06259: [Graphics] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combascj, combasct, bootcamp, bootcampa: Wrong priority in the drill instructor screen.
Angelo Salese)
06636: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Triangles flicker in calspeed. (Ted Green)
06639: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: Crash of emulated system accessing multiple floppy drives. (Dirk Best)
06640: [Core] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: TRS-80 Color Computer FDC data corruption issue. (Dirk Best)
06641: [Color/Palette] (pce.cpp) pce [sonson2]: Black & White mode doesn't work properly. (Angelo Salese)
06644: [Gameplay] (segae.cpp) tetrisse: Unable to play 2 Player mode. (David Haywood)
06645: [Sound] (ninjakd2.cpp) ninjakd2, ninjakd2c, jt104, rdaction: Missing sound. (AJR)
06649: [Interface] ng_cthd_prot: Wrong name (Neo Goe instead of Neo Geo). (Robbbert)
06657: [Interface] (c64.cpp) c64: Selecting a slot to fill for "EXP" causes Fatal Error. (Nathan Woods)
06659: [Documentation] (model3.cpp) swtrilgy, swtrilgya: " Arcade " is necessary in the title of this game. (J.J.Boy)
New working machines:
China Education Computer I [R. Belmont, Jorma Honkanen]
Double Dribble (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Garfield (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Kick Ball [Darksoft, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood, AJR]
Kontron PSI98 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
NFL Football (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poosho Poosho [caius, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, Ryan Holtz, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tekken Battle Scratch [ShouTime, Jan Stuhler, pablopelos, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game [Roberto Fresca, Arzeno Fabrice, David Haywood]
New working clones:
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) [Bryan McPhail]
Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life]
Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello]
Crash Road (bootleg of Space Chaser) [Ed Cross]
Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John at johnsarcade]
Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 4 Players, ver. N) [Guy B]
Cool Minigame Collection (Italy) [Hammy]
Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82) [Hammy, Jon H, The Dumping Union]
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo productions]
Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) [The Dumping Union / Team Recreativas, AJR]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12 [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Mega Zone (program code L) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Nigel Short [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar 10MHz [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Ordyne (World) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware, Older) [Justin Rudebaugh]
Port Man (Japan) [ShouTime]
Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg) [Moffitt]
Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.30, prototype) [Trol]
Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903) [Rod_Wod, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [Bryan McPhail]
Machines promoted to working:
Football Power [MetalliC]
Mephisto Academy [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar [Sandro Ronco]
Night Gal Summer [BET] (Japan 850702 NGS 0-01) [Angelo Salese]
TH Strikes Back [David Haywood, Kevin Eshbach]
Clones promoted to working:
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
BBC Master Turbo [Nigel Barnes]
International Toote II (v1.24, P387.V01) [Gerald (COY)]
Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto London 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2, Luca Elia]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
AT&T Teletype 4425 [shattered]
Access Virus A [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus B (Ver. T) [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus C [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Classic [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack XL [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack [R. Belmont, absence]
Altos 8600 [Carl, Al Kossow]
ControlID X628 fingerprint reader [Felipe Sanches]
GameCube (Japan) [Dirk Best]
Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Konnano Hajimete! (Japan) [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Kurzweil K2000 [R. Belmont]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 3) [Kevin Horton]
Machinedrum MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Magic Reels [TeamEurope]
Mannesmann Kienzle System 9002 Terminal [Miodrag Milanovic]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [Sandro Ronco]
Monomachine SFX6 MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Nurete Mitaino... - Net Idol Hen [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sengoku Mahjong Kurenai Otome-tai [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sexy Gal Tropical [BET] (Japan 850805 SXG T-02) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
Super Game (Sega Master System Multi-game bootleg) (alt games) [TeamEurope]
Venice (02J02056, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev B) [f205v, ShouTime]
Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A) [ShouTime]
Econet X25 Gateway [Nigel Barnes]
GameCube (Brazil) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (EUR) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (USA) [Dirk Best]
Goldeneye (4.02) [Gore Daimon, Sergio Munemori]
Henson CFA 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (French) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 1) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 2) [Kevin Horton]
Mephisto RISC II [Sandro Ronco]
Print Club (World) [David Haywood]
Trigger Heart Exelica (Japan) (GDL-0036) [rtw, ShouTime]
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Version B) (GDS-0024C) [rtw, ShouTime, f205v, Darksoft]
Spiel Master (German) [TeamEurope, Kevin Horton]
Star Wars (1.06, Display S1.05) [Jubex77, JMan, Gore Daimon]
New working software list additions:
apple2: Nightmare Gallery [Ian B.]
bbc_flop_80186: Master 512 Technical Guide Programs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Double Density CP/M [Nigel Barnes]
The Acornsoft Hits Vol.1, The Acornsoft Hits Vol.2, Centre Ville, Chick Chase, The Christmas Adventures of 4-T and his Friends,
The Fantastic Adventures of 4-T, First Filer, The Great British Fun Run, Integra Windows 1.00, Look After Yourself!,
Knitwear Designer, Modem Master, Note Invaders, Numbers and Pictures, NumbersCope, Pirate, The Quill (A00), The Quill (A03),
Rhythm Maker, Science - Start Here!, Shape Up, Snapple Hopper, Spell!, Starspell Plus, TimeShare,
Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Young Players Edition, Word Skill
[Nigel Barnes]
BeebSID 1-17, Beeb SID Quiz [PitfallJones]
Morley Hard Disc Utilities v3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
SID Music 1, Sid Music 2 [Tom Walker]
c64_cass: Shado BBC Emulator Software [Curt Coder]
Electron User Group #00-#74 (5.25"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (3.5"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (5.25") [Nigel Barnes]
DOR Special Edition '93 (alt), Gokko Vol. 03 - Etcetera [r09, redump.org]
Europa Sensen, Inindou - Datou Nobunaga, Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuunroku [r09, Reuental]
Nihon Mukashibanashi, The Queen of Duellist Gaiden Alpha Light [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
fmtowns_flop: Illusion City - Gen'ei Toshi, Ving Soft Collection [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
B.A.T. [ArcadeShadow]
Superbase 5 Demo [breiztiger]
B.A.T. II, Wing Commander, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2,
Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi [ArcadeShadow]
RobotC2 Demo [breiztiger]
Diagnostics Diskette for IBM Personal System/2 model 70/80 (v1.06, Finnish). [Curt Coder]
Ami [Justin Kerk]
lynx: Crystal Mines II - Buried Treasure (Euro, USA) [anonymous]
pico: Anpanman Pico Wakuwaku Pan Koujou (Jpn), Ett Ar med Nalle Puh (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
sms: Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 (World, hack) [Shideravan]
Software list items promoted to working:
6502 Development Package, Bitstik Graphics System, Bitstik 2, Econet Level 2 Fileserver Software, Hi-InterSheet, Hi-View,
Hi-Wordwise Plus [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_65c102: 65C102 Co-Processor Support Disc [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_68000: Casper Support Discs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_80186: BBC Master 512 System Discs, Dabs Shareware Vol.1, Dabs Shareware Vol.2 [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Acorn CP/M System Discs, Acorn CP/M Program Discs, Colossal Cave [Nigel Barnes]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
pico: Lejonkungen Aventyr (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
princ: Hobby Club, Kodomo no Omacha [TeamEurope]
Translations added or modified:
Chinese (simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (traditional) [YuiFAN]
German [RafTacker]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Italian [theheroGAC]
Japanese [Vas Crabb]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Ashura-X, Felipe Sanches]
Russian [MetalliC]
Serbian [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Serbian (Cyrillic) [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Swedish [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Turkish [kadireksi]
Source Changes:
pengadvb: Added start/continue button (partially fixes MT04528). [Angelo Salese]
Added very preliminary PC9801 AMD98 sound board emulation [Angelo Salese]
namcos1.cpp: Fixed joystick dropping inputs bug for crouching/running actions in Beraboh Man. [Angelo Salese]
labyrunr.cpp: Fixed tile-sprite priorities, mostly visible when exiting an area in most stages. [Angelo Salese]
deco32.cpp: Rewrote interrupt handling; improved lightgun support for Locked Loaded. [Angelo Salese]
chanbara.cpp: Identified sprite flip X bit (player sword thrusts). [Angelo Salese]
Wrote a new device for Taito yoke-based inputs (found in Midnight Landing and Top Landing). [Angelo Salese]
taitoair.cpp: Added screen raw parameters, fixes pilot acknowledge sound sample timing. [Angelo Salese]
ioport.cpp: Log explicit error if inp file isn't found on playback, added error code number for other errors. [Angelo Salese]
jangou_blitter.cpp: Rewrote blitter setters. [Angelo Salese]
nightgal.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
Fixed Night Gal Summer GFX ROM out-of-bounds accesses
Added preliminary protection emulation for Night Gal Summer
luaengine: Added debugger_manager support. [Carl]
plugins/cheat: Catch errors in cheat scripts, added preliminary breakpoint/watchpoint support. [Carl]
plugins/gdbstub: Added WIP gdbstub plugins. [Carl]
plugins/data: Added MARP scores. [Carl]
a590: Corrected filenames and added undumped 4.6 and 5.92 versions. [Dirk Best]
jvc_dsk: Autodetect double-sided floppy images without header (github issue #2405), improved support for headerless OS-9 images [Dirk Best]
Added Kontron PSI98 driver: [Dirk Best]
System is fully working with minor issues, you can boot KOS and CP/M 2.2 (images are in the software list)
Still missing is SASI and the ECB slot system with cards
Added keyboard slot interface, created skeleton for keyboard, added HLE ASCII keyboard as default
Added software list
upd765 improvements: [Dirk Best]
Don't instantly finish the RECALIBRATE command (fixes accessing second drive on psi98)
Made SEEK also take some time (fixes KOS FORMAT command on psi98)
Added Nintendo GameCube skeleton driver. [Dirk Best]
Decrypts the IPL and the CPU executes the first few instructions
gyruss - various small updates: [Dirk Best, Tele-Viper]
Added missing DIP location for DSW3
Fixed dip switches and added correct ROM labels/locations for gyrussce
Fixed labels for gyrussb
Updated diagnostic ROM info
Adjusted some memory region sizes
Removed unused DRIVER_INIT
igs011.cpp update: [Luca Elia]
Decrypted vbowlhk and added its own bitswaps for IGS003 and IGS011
Found DIP switches to perform a protection test in vbowl, changed IGS012 mode toggling to pass the test
Changed IGS003 command 48 in lhb2 and vbowl to potentially work in more cases (based on lhb2 tables)
jockeyc: Added layout with keyboards. [Luca Elia]
Cleaned up inputs, added own DIP switches
Corrected RTC, emulated hoppers
Hooked up outputs, NVRAM, and trackball (for hidden editor)
Overhauled internal UI: [Vas Crabb]
Patched GNU xgettext to support C++14 parsing so localisations can be updated
Restored ability to localise info box headings
Fixed info box navigation when system selection menu doesn't have focus
Fixed keyboard navigation of software filter box, added support for home/end to jump to beginning/end of filter list
Removed hacks in selector menu tying it to implementation details of other menus
Improved encapsulation and reduced code duplication in system/software selection menus
Fixed text alignment/gutters in filter list, info box and DAT view
Eliminated use of hairline spaces for alignment in the info box
Added indication for presence of analog controls and keyboard inputs in info box
Added support for mouse wheel scroll in info box
Allowed some character input events to be coalesced (reduces lag in live search with long lists)
Fixed software art/info display when keyboard focus leaves software selection list
Save/restore images/info selection in right panel
Fixed bugs and improved performance of code for detecting systems without ROMs
Made audit menu request confirmation, show progress, and save result in INI format
Consolidated code for drawing "extra" boxes above/below menus
Fixed minimum/maximum for UI font rows per screen setting
Fixed spacing on directory configuration menu
Made slot options menu show full name of selected slot device below menu
Reimplemented system/software filters: [Vas Crabb]
Uniform interface/polymorphic implementation - eliminates almost all special-casing in menus
Made filter names localisable
Allowed more filter types and prevent contradictory filters from being added in custom filters
Made category filter work like other filters (allowed in custom filter displays its own UI, better error messages)
Made multiple year/manufacturer/category/etc. filters in custom filter an inclusive union operator
Removed implicit "Not BIOS" system filter, it can be added explicitly if desired
Moved unimplemented/imperfect flags from machines into devices: [Vas Crabb]
Allows dynamic warning flags depending on slot configuration
Unclutters GAME/CONS/COMP/etc. definitions where a family of machines or a device have the same flags
Allows more combinations of flags
PNG/rendering/artwork/output improvements: [Vas Crabb]
Added support for layout item groups that can be reused in other groups or views
Reduced weight of render.h by moving component specialisation declarations into rendlay.cpp
Replaced simple_list with more appropriate containers, remove misleading const qualifiers, reduced repeated XML walking
Added N-dimensional output finder to avoid runtime string hashes - more than doubles performance of intlc440
Unified code for copying PNG data into MAME bitmap in MAME and pngcmp, made it less likely to leak memory
Added support for Adam7 interleave in PNG files, fixed some corner cases in unfiltering code
Fixed upsampling of greyscale PNGs, added support for monochrome with alpha
Added support for 16-bit samples in PNG files
Added support for PNG greyscale/RGB with transparent pen
Detect more invalid PNG files rather than just behaving badly
Added "minimaws" scripts, a reference -listxml consumer (implemented with Python/WSGI and JavaScript): [Vas Crabb]
Provides verbs for loading data, some basic batch queries, and an interactive web server mode
Serves linked HTML pages for machines, devices, and source files
Demonstrates how to dynamically discover slot/BIOS options from static -listxml output
Allows user to build a slot configuration and shows necessary command-line arguments or INI lines to produce it in MAME
As a side effect, this provides additional validation of -listxml output, several issues and limitations were addressed
Fixed -sleep and -refreshspeed options, fixed a stupid forced unnecessary sleep. [Vas Crabb]
Fixed -slot card,bios=rev (selected BIOS was being applied to slot itself, not card). [Vas Crabb]
Fixed up input merger: added more variants, synchronisation and save state support, removed dubious reset behaviour. [Vas Crabb]
Removed a whole lot of I64 from format strings (use logerror/string_format/stream_format to avoid it). [Vas Crabb]
Added validation of BIOS names/descriptions/defaults and fixed errors exposed. [Vas Crabb]
Moved additional content for release archive from build repository to main repository. [Vas Crabb]
bublbobl.cpp, missb2.cpp: Reimplemented sound CPU semaphores and sound NMI according to schematics. [Lord Nightmare, Vas Crabb]
Implemented sound semaphores into tokio as well, fixing SOUND ERROR in test mode
Added notes about sound CPU addressing
Reimplemented /SRESET as a separate function called on sound CPU reset according to schematics
Added correct watchdog to Bubble Bobble and Tokio, and disabled it on the Bubble Bobble prototype
Added proper 'wired-or' sound CPU IRQs to Bubble Bobble
Renamed 'slave' cpu to 'subcpu' to match schematics
dectalk.cpp: Use correct DSP ROM for firmware 1.8, some driver cleanup. [Lord Nightmare]
ceci: Added driver for China Education Computer I (Apple II clone). [R. Belmont]
Added QUIT and TEST keys (hold down TEST while resetting for diagnostic), completed keyboard
Fixed banking - Chinese mode works
Added HGR color killer softswitch
k2000: Added sample ROMs. [R. Belmont]
alphatro_flop: Replaced bad dumps for CP/M and BASIC with good ones. [R. Belmont]
alphatro: Added cart slot, support for 8K carts from the command line, and cart software list. [R. Belmont]
alphatro: Added BIOS set for machine with Bicom graphics. [TeamEurope, rfka01, R. Belmont]
multipcm: Confirmed to be Yamaha YMW-258-F. [any, R. Belmont]
Added new 74LS259/9334/CD4099 devices. [AJR]
Added wcoin counters and/or lockouts to Atari System 1 games, Basketball, Gauntlet, Gyruss, Hana Yayoi, Hole Land, Jr. Pac-Man
Mahjong Sisters, Pooyan, Roc'n Rope, Squash, Thunder Hoop, Time Limit, Time Pilot '84 and many others
Cleaned up coin counter behavior in Sauro and Rally Bike
ym2151: Added reset line emulation. [AJR]
spcforce: Added coin counters, start lamps and addressable latch device [AJR]
tankbatt: Improved handling of sample triggers - fire sound is no longer doubled. [AJR]
decocass.cpp: Major improvements to colors and graphics layer priorities [AJR]
Implement the PRI2 pen modification effect. This makes the tunnels and headlight in Highway Chase look much more accurate, and
makes some color changes work in Astro Fantasia
Shadow color in Skater is now properly black (not a pen modification effect)
Correct background fill color, making high score screen in Super Doubles Tennis properly blue
mario: Added coin counters and 74LS259. [AJR]
isbc8630: Added 74LS259 "status register" (only partly implemented). [AJR]
blazeon, wingforc: Shadowing RAM with ROM in sound CPU map can't be right. [AJR]
v25: Made IDB register state visible to debugger. [AJR]
jp.cpp: Added 74LS259 latches and ADPCM sound system used by some games. [AJR]
janptr96: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015, drive interrupts through internal CTC. [AJR]
changela: Changed default DIP setting to keep coin counters separate. [AJR]
mjelctrn, mjembase, majxtal7, neruton: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015 and improved interrupt handling. [AJR]
dynax.cpp: Use address map bank device for most games in this driver plus htengoku. [AJR]
Many games now successfully retrieve local time at start through an RTC device previously treated as read-only
fixeight: EEPROM fixes. [AJR]
Corrected decryption of some V25 opcodes used in the EEPROM service routine
Removed the ugly routine that hardcoded a region for each set
Added and documented a secret input that rewrites the EEPROM for any region
Delay data capture timing for MSM5205 and MSM6585 (should help with synchronization later). [AJR]
flstory: Fixed CPU communication issue that sometimes caused sound to disappear entirely. [AJR]
decomult: Replaced gross hack for banking "dongle" with something more likely. [AJR]
chinhero: Added coin counters. [AJR]
salamand: Improved VLM5030 control. [AJR]
combatscb: Improved interrupt handling. [AJR]
mb8421: Created 16-bit expanded variant and added it to thndzone/dassault. [AJR]
mastninj: Implemented dual OPN plus dual MSM5205 ADPCM sound system as in Automat. [AJR]
Rewrote mmodular.cpp to use the new mmboard device - many sets promoted to working. [Sandro Ronco]
fmtowns improvements: [Barry Rodewald]
Added support vertical zoom greater than x2 (fixes Evolution)
Improved graphic layer placement - games with different-sized layers now display better
Added preliminary RS232C port support
gt64xxx: Buffer multiple writes for PCI stall (fixes MT06636). [Ted Green]
seattle: Set proper blitz99 DIP switch settings and added gearshift to calspeed (fixes MT00975). [Ted Green]
floppy: Added FLOPPY_HFE_FORMAT to default_floppy_formats. [Nigel Barnes]
acorn_dsk updates: [Nigel Barnes]
Improved find_size/identify for SSD/DSD formats
Fixed geometry for ACORN_DOS_FORMAT 800K
wd177x_dsk: Apply sector_count and gaps to track description. [Nigel Barnes]
bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]
Added new TUBE device - Acorn Tube ULA for use with Acorn second processors
Added various second processors as Tube slot devices: Acorn 6502, Acorn 65C102, Acorn Z80, Acorn 80186, Casper 68000
Added BeebSID slot device for the 1MHz bus
Minor video improvements: fixed cursor size, double clock in MODE7 to counteract non-implemented interlace
bbc_acorn8271: Added Amcom DFS A7874
bbc_opus8272: Added new Opus 8272 FDC device with DDOS 3.00, not yet working
didact: Updated LOG support to latest cut. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
m68340: Added implementations for VCO clock synthesizer and Timer module Counters, IRQs and one operational mode
Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
namcos2.cpp: Ordyne uses older IO MCU ROM, cleaned ROM labels as per PCB photos. [MetalliC]
gaelco3d.cpp updates: [MetalliC]
Increased TMS ROM region, makes Football Power players models visible
Fixed serial EEPROM access
Implemented Football Power mechanical ball simulation
Added Atomiswave security notes. [brizzo, MetalliC]
apple2: Update screen on mode-switch only if really switching. [Peter Ferrie]
hp9845: Refactored handling of HTI images into a dedicated format module, refactored hp9845_tape imgtool module to use HTI format
hp85: Implemented tape drive, fixed a bug in tape gap detection. [F.Ulivi]
imgtool: Fixed null pointer dereference and logic errors in "GET" command. [F.Ulivi]
ms0515: Add sound and corrected clock rate. [shattered]
dvk_ksm: Implemented Baud rate generator and cleaned up source. [shattered]
Refactored server_{ws,http}.hpp into separate interface and implementation. [Christian Brunschen]
Use std::weak_ptr from websocket_connection_impl to webpp::Connection to avoid reference cycles
When shutting down the HTTP server, also explicitly stop the asio::io_context; this allows the built binary to exit cleanly
mos6526.cpp: Show state of registers that can be read without side effects in debugger. [David Viens]
om6502.lst: Corrected cycle counts for undocumented $BF instruction. [David Viens]
Now passes Lorenz testsuite-2.15's cputiming.prg (and does not break laxay.prg)
Improved Android build support. [Miso Kim]
Updated for NDK r14b, build-tools 21.1.2, gradle 2.2.1, and jdk1.8.0_144
Renamed 'grtesoro' sets to 'play2000', gave it it's own machine structure and memory map. [David Haywood]
Added some workarounds so that it actually boots, fixed GFX ROM loading
Added basic Saturn CD Block device to load the ROMs. [David Haywood]
imgtool modernisation and miscellaneous fixes: [Nathan Woods]
Fixed a std::string(nullptr) bug
Proper cleanup of floppy object after create/open failure
Merged normalize_filename() into cannonicalize_path()
Eliminated Imgtool-specific rand() function
Modernised mgtool_forkent structure
Fixed features.supports_geticoninfo
Partially fixed MT06621 (save state path not honoured). [Nathan Woods]
Still doesn't honour software name for multipart software loaded from internal UI
imgtool: Made Mac ICN# drawing logic never draw pixels outside mask. [Nathan Woods]
SAM6883: Fixed VDG addressing incorrectly honoring page bit. [Nathan Woods, Ciaran Anscomb]
gb.cpp: Optimized channel update methods - greatly reduces time to load state. [057a3dd61f99517a3afea0051a49cb27994f94d]
Added better documentation and part numbers for midvunit wheel board. [Risugami]
Rainbow-100: Use Z80SIO instead of Z80DART, make UCSD Pascal boot again. [Bavarese]
Added Control ID X628 fingerprint reader skeleton driver and NT7534 bitmap LCD controller device. [Felipe Sanches]
Added HD647180X MCU dumps to Whoopee and Ghox. [Caps0ff]
Allows sound emulation in both of games, and fixes the high score table background in Ghox
Road Runner (Midway): Replaced bad ROM with good one, added notes. [rogerxy, blinddog]
segae.cpp: Corrected rom names for Transformers System E. [Arzeno Fabrice]
triforce.cpp: Redumped Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (GDT-0020D). [rtw]
dccons.cpp: Added better dump of PAL Dreamcast Flash ROM. [rtw]
aristmk5 updates: Fixed some sets, added honeypot and venicea5. [Heihachi_73]
snes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
Fixed ROM name and added extra information for Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuu Den - Kakusei Hen
Added information about an earlier Euro Ranma 1/2 revision
Added information about an earlier Spanish release of Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest
Added information about the Spanish release of Pilotwings to the Euro dump
nes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
Added information about Super Mario Bros. PCB
Fixed serial values and added PCB information for Pinball, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Trog
thoop2.cpp: Added PCB layout for TH Strikes Back. [Brian Troha]
fmtowns_cd.xml: Update undumped list, merged the Towns and Marty list. [r09]
irem_cpu.cpp: Added some info about the Superior Soldiers sound CPU. [caius]
mitchell.cpp: Added PALs and EEPROM dumps to pkladiesla, and corrected ROM labels. [f205v]
mario.cpp: Identified marioj as Revision C. [Corrado Tomaselli]
hiscore.dat: Updated for recent changes. [Leezer]


Titel: clrmamepro 4.033
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2017, 13:26
Whats new:>>

Since the homepage is now https, you need to download this update manually. The updater will work again once you have 4.033 installed

Titel: GameEx 14.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2017, 18:15
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

A major new feature for developers in this release. Introducing AddIns.
Addins allow you to programmatically create your own modules (lists and menus) and play, list and launch anything..
You can for example create your own video or multimedia modules somewhat similar to how some Kodi AddOns work.
It’s not overly complicated to get started and there is a full example available here.
They are also now part of the official GameEx repository.

Titel: MAME 0.189b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 18:15


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00470: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Despite successful calibration the brake button doesn't function. (Ted Green)
- 00975: [DIP/Input] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Even if you choose manual gear your car has automatic gear. (Ted Green)
- 01005: [Sound] (shangkid.cpp) shangkid: In the later levels, sound starts to get really screwy. (AJR)
- 01991: [Crash/Freeze] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg: Game randomly freezes. (Ted Green)
- 04024: [Graphics] (toaplan2.cpp) ghox: Missing background for hi-score screen. (Caps0f)
- 04872: [Graphics] (labyrunr.cpp) tricktrp: Graphic priority issue. (Angelo Salese)
- 05277: [Documentation] (cps1.cpp) sf2accp2: Installation instructions and DIP settings for SF2CE (Accelerator Pt.II) hack.
- 05608: [DIP/Input] (royalmah.cpp) mjifb, mjifb2, mjifb3: DIP Settings. (kamilz)
- 05788: [DIP/Input] (dbz.cpp) dbz: English language is not displayed. (ryuhabayusa)
- 05945: [DIP/Input] (pacman.cpp) pengojpm, pengopac: Info about dip switches. (Fortuna)
- 06259: [Graphics] (combatsc.cpp) combatsc, combascj, combasct, bootcamp, bootcampa: Wrong priority in the drill instructor screen.
  (Angelo Salese)
- 06636: [Graphics] (seattle.cpp) calspeed: Triangles flicker in calspeed. (Ted Green)
- 06639: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: Crash of emulated system accessing multiple floppy drives. (Dirk Best)
- 06640: [Core] (coco3.cpp) coco3, coco3h: TRS-80 Color Computer FDC data corruption issue. (Dirk Best)
- 06641: [Color/Palette] (pce.cpp) pce [sonson2]: Black & White mode doesn't work properly. (Angelo Salese)
- 06644: [Gameplay] (segae.cpp) tetrisse: Unable to play 2 Player mode. (David Haywood)
- 06645: [Sound] (ninjakd2.cpp) ninjakd2, ninjakd2c, jt104, rdaction: Missing sound. (AJR)
- 06649: [Interface] ng_cthd_prot: Wrong name (Neo Goe instead of Neo Geo). (Robbbert)
- 06657: [Interface] (c64.cpp) c64: Selecting a slot to fill for "EXP" causes Fatal Error. (Nathan Woods)
- 06659: [Documentation] (model3.cpp) swtrilgy, swtrilgya: " Arcade " is necessary in the title of this game. (J.J.Boy)

New working machines
China Education Computer I [R. Belmont, Jorma Honkanen]
Double Dribble (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Garfield (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Kick Ball [Darksoft, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, David Haywood, AJR]
Kontron PSI98 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
NFL Football (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Poosho Poosho [caius, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, Ryan Holtz, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Tekken Battle Scratch [ShouTime, Jan Stuhler, pablopelos, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Adventures of Bayou Billy (Konami handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game [Roberto Fresca, Arzeno Fabrice, David Haywood]

New working clones
1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan, no protection hack) [Bryan McPhail]
Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life]
Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello]
Crash Road (bootleg of Space Chaser) [Ed Cross]
Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John at johnsarcade]
Crime Fighters 2 (Japan, 4 Players, ver. N) [Guy B]
Cool Minigame Collection (Italy) [Hammy]
Daiku no Gensan (Japan, M82) [Hammy, Jon H, The Dumping Union]
DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo productions]
Donkey Kong Jr. (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 2) [The Dumping Union / Team Recreativas, AJR]
Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger 12 [hap, Berger, yoyo_chessboard]
Mega Zone (program code L) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Nigel Short [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar 10MHz [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Portorose 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Ordyne (World) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Popeye (Japan, Sky Skipper hardware, Older) [Justin Rudebaugh]
Port Man (Japan) [ShouTime]
Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg) [Moffitt]
Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy]
Super Chase - Criminal Termination (1992/01/18 18:29:18 CHASE 3 VER 1.30, prototype) [Trol]
Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903) [Rod_Wod, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [Bryan McPhail]

Machines promoted to working
Football Power [MetalliC]
Mephisto Academy [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Almeria 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Polgar [Sandro Ronco]
Night Gal Summer [BET] (Japan 850702 NGS 0-01) [Angelo Salese]
TH Strikes Back [David Haywood, Kevin Eshbach]

Clones promoted to working
Forty-Love (Japan) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
BBC Master Turbo [Nigel Barnes]
International Toote II (v1.24, P387.V01) [Gerald (COY)]
Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto London 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Lyon 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68000 [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Vancouver 68020 [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS) [Abelardator2, Luca Elia]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
AT&T Teletype 4425 [shattered]
Access Virus A [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus B (Ver. T) [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus C [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Classic [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack XL [R. Belmont, absence]
Access Virus Rack [R. Belmont, absence]
Altos 8600 [Carl, Al Kossow]
ControlID X628 fingerprint reader [Felipe Sanches]
GameCube (Japan) [Dirk Best]
Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Konnano Hajimete! (Japan) [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Kurzweil K2000 [R. Belmont]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 3) [Kevin Horton]
Machinedrum MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Magic Reels [TeamEurope]
Mannesmann Kienzle System 9002 Terminal [Miodrag Milanovic]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [Sandro Ronco]
Monomachine SFX6 MK2 [R. Belmont, absence]
Nurete Mitaino... - Net Idol Hen [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sengoku Mahjong Kurenai Otome-tai [Ralph Wallace, system11, The Dumping Union]
Sexy Gal Tropical [BET] (Japan 850805 SXG T-02) [ShouTime, Angelo Salese]
Super Game (Sega Master System Multi-game bootleg) (alt games) [TeamEurope]
Venice (02J02056, Venezuela) [Heihachi_73]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev B) [f205v, ShouTime]
Dirt Devils (Japan, Revision A) [ShouTime]
Econet X25 Gateway [Nigel Barnes]
GameCube (Brazil) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (EUR) [Dirk Best]
GameCube (USA) [Dirk Best]
Goldeneye (4.02) [Gore Daimon, Sergio Munemori]
Henson CFA 3000 [Nigel Barnes]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (French) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 1) [Kevin Horton]
Learning-Window Teaching Machine (Rev 2) [Kevin Horton]
Mephisto RISC II [Sandro Ronco]
Print Club (World) [David Haywood]
Trigger Heart Exelica (Japan) (GDL-0036) [rtw, ShouTime]
Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Version B) (GDS-0024C) [rtw, ShouTime, f205v, Darksoft]
Spiel Master (German) [TeamEurope, Kevin Horton]
Star Wars (1.06, Display S1.05) [Jubex77, JMan, Gore Daimon]

New working software list additions
apple2: Nightmare Gallery [Ian B.]
bbc_flop_80186: Master 512 Technical Guide Programs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Double Density CP/M [Nigel Barnes]
  The Acornsoft Hits Vol.1, The Acornsoft Hits Vol.2, Centre Ville, Chick Chase, The Christmas Adventures of 4-T and his Friends,
  The Fantastic Adventures of 4-T, First Filer, The Great British Fun Run, Integra Windows 1.00, Look After Yourself!,
  Knitwear Designer, Modem Master, Note Invaders, Numbers and Pictures, NumbersCope, Pirate, The Quill (A00), The Quill (A03),
  Rhythm Maker, Science - Start Here!, Shape Up, Snapple Hopper, Spell!, Starspell Plus, TimeShare,
  Trivial Pursuit - Baby Boomer Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Genus Edition, Trivial Pursuit - Young Players Edition, Word Skill
  [Nigel Barnes]
  BeebSID 1-17, Beeb SID Quiz [PitfallJones]
  Morley Hard Disc Utilities v3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
  SID Music 1, Sid Music 2 [Tom Walker]
c64_cass: Shado BBC Emulator Software [Curt Coder]
  Electron User Group #00-#74 (5.25"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (3.5"), Starspell Dictionary Disk (5.25") [Nigel Barnes]
  DOR Special Edition '93 (alt), Gokko Vol. 03 - Etcetera [r09, redump.org]
  Europa Sensen, Inindou - Datou Nobunaga, Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuunroku [r09, Reuental]
  Nihon Mukashibanashi, The Queen of Duellist Gaiden Alpha Light [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
fmtowns_flop: Illusion City - Gen'ei Toshi, Ving Soft Collection [r09, yukin/Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
  B.A.T. [ArcadeShadow]
  Superbase 5 Demo [breiztiger]
  B.A.T. II, Wing Commander, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions, Wing Commander: The Secret Missions 2,
  Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi [ArcadeShadow]
  RobotC2 Demo [breiztiger]
  Diagnostics Diskette for IBM Personal System/2 model 70/80 (v1.06, Finnish). [Curt Coder]
  Ami [Justin Kerk]
lynx: Crystal Mines II - Buried Treasure (Euro, USA) [anonymous]
pico: Anpanman Pico Wakuwaku Pan Koujou (Jpn), Ett Ar med Nalle Puh (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
sms: Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 (World, hack) [Shideravan]

Software list items promoted to working
  6502 Development Package, Bitstik Graphics System, Bitstik 2, Econet Level 2 Fileserver Software, Hi-InterSheet, Hi-View,
  Hi-Wordwise Plus [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_65c102: 65C102 Co-Processor Support Disc [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_68000: Casper Support Discs [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_80186: BBC Master 512 System Discs, Dabs Shareware Vol.1, Dabs Shareware Vol.2 [Nigel Barnes]
bbc_flop_z80: Acorn CP/M System Discs, Acorn CP/M Program Discs, Colossal Cave [Nigel Barnes]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
pico: Lejonkungen Aventyr (Swe) [TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
princ: Hobby Club, Kodomo no Omacha [TeamEurope]

Translations added or modified
Chinese (simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (traditional) [YuiFAN]
German [RafTacker]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Italian [theheroGAC]
Japanese [Vas Crabb]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Ashura-X, Felipe Sanches]
Russian [MetalliC]
Serbian [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Serbian (Cyrillic) [Vas Crab, Midrag Milanovic]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Swedish [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]
Turkish [kadireksi]

Source Changes
-pengadvb: Added start/continue button (partially fixes MT04528). [Angelo Salese]

-Added very preliminary PC9801 AMD98 sound board emulation [Angelo Salese]

-namcos1.cpp: Fixed joystick dropping inputs bug for crouching/running actions in Beraboh Man. [Angelo Salese]

-labyrunr.cpp: Fixed tile-sprite priorities, mostly visible when exiting an area in most stages. [Angelo Salese]

-deco32.cpp: Rewrote interrupt handling; improved lightgun support for Locked Loaded. [Angelo Salese]

-chanbara.cpp: Identified sprite flip X bit (player sword thrusts). [Angelo Salese]

-Wrote a new device for Taito yoke-based inputs (found in Midnight Landing and Top Landing). [Angelo Salese]

-taitoair.cpp: Added screen raw parameters, fixes pilot acknowledge sound sample timing. [Angelo Salese]

-ioport.cpp: Log explicit error if inp file isn't found on playback, added error code number for other errors. [Angelo Salese]

-jangou_blitter.cpp: Rewrote blitter setters. [Angelo Salese]

-nightgal.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
 * Fixed Night Gal Summer GFX ROM out-of-bounds accesses.
 * Added preliminary protection emulation for Night Gal Summer.

-luaengine: Added debugger_manager support. [Carl]

-plugins/cheat: Catch errors in cheat scripts, added preliminary breakpoint/watchpoint support. [Carl]

-plugins/gdbstub: Added WIP gdbstub plugins. [Carl]

-plugins/data: Added MARP scores. [Carl]

-a590: Corrected filenames and added undumped 4.6 and 5.92 versions. [Dirk Best]

-jvc_dsk: Autodetect double-sided floppy images without header (github issue #2405), improved support for headerless OS-9 images.
 [Dirk Best]

-Added Kontron PSI98 driver: [Dirk Best]
 * System is fully working with minor issues, you can boot KOS and CP/M 2.2 (images are in the software list).
 * Still missing is SASI and the ECB slot system with cards.
 * Added keyboard slot interface, created skeleton for keyboard, added HLE ASCII keyboard as default.
 * Added software list.

-upd765 improvements: [Dirk Best]
 * Don't instantly finish the RECALIBRATE command (fixes accessing second drive on psi98).
 * Made SEEK also take some time (fixes KOS FORMAT command on psi98).

-Added Nintendo GameCube skeleton driver. [Dirk Best]
 * Decrypts the IPL and the CPU executes the first few instructions.

-gyruss - various small updates: [Dirk Best, Tele-Viper]
 * Added missing DIP location for DSW3.
 * Fixed dip switches and added correct ROM labels/locations for gyrussce.
 * Fixed labels for gyrussb.
 * Updated diagnostic ROM info.
 * Adjusted some memory region sizes.
 * Removed unused DRIVER_INIT.

-igs011.cpp update: [Luca Elia]
 * Decrypted vbowlhk and added its own bitswaps for IGS003 and IGS011.
 * Found DIP switches to perform a protection test in vbowl, changed IGS012 mode toggling to pass the test.
 * Changed IGS003 command 48 in lhb2 and vbowl to potentially work in more cases (based on lhb2 tables).

-jockeyc: Added layout with keyboards. [Luca Elia]
 * Cleaned up inputs, added own DIP switches.
 * Corrected RTC, emulated hoppers.
 * Hooked up outputs, NVRAM, and trackball (for hidden editor).

-Overhauled internal UI: [Vas Crabb]
 * Use proper font metrics and handle space glyphs with null bounding box on OS X.
 * Patched GNU xgettext to support C++14 parsing so localisations can be updated.
 * Restored ability to localise info box headings.
 * Fixed info box navigation when system selection menu doesn't have focus.
 * Fixed keyboard navigation of software filter box, added support for home/end to jump to beginning/end of filter list.
 * Removed hacks in selector menu tying it to implementation details of other menus.
 * Improved encapsulation and reduced code duplication in system/software selection menus.
 * Fixed text alignment/gutters in filter list, info box and DAT view.
 * Eliminated use of hairline spaces for alignment in the info box.
 * Added indication for presence of analog controls and keyboard inputs in info box.
 * Added support for mouse wheel scroll in info box.
 * Allowed some character input events to be coalesced (reduces lag in live search with long lists).
 * Fixed software art/info display when keyboard focus leaves software selection list.
 * Save/restore images/info selection in right panel.
 * Fixed bugs and improved performance of code for detecting systems without ROMs.
 * Made audit menu request confirmation, show progress, and save result in INI format.
 * Consolidated code for drawing "extra" boxes above/below menus.
 * Fixed minimum/maximum for UI font rows per screen setting.
 * Fixed spacing on directory configuration menu.
 * Made slot options menu show full name of selected slot device below menu.

-Reimplemented system/software filters: [Vas Crabb]
 * Uniform interface/polymorphic implementation - eliminates almost all special-casing in menus.
 * Made filter names localisable.
 * Allowed more filter types and prevent contradictory filters from being added in custom filters.
 * Made category filter work like other filters (allowed in custom filter displays its own UI, better error messages).
 * Made multiple year/manufacturer/category/etc. filters in custom filter an inclusive union operator.
 * Removed implicit "Not BIOS" system filter, it can be added explicitly if desired.

-Moved unimplemented/imperfect flags from machines into devices: [Vas Crabb]
 * Allows dynamic warning flags depending on slot configuration.
 * Unclutters GAME/CONS/COMP/etc. definitions where a family of machines or a device have the same flags.
 * Allows more combinations of flags.

-PNG/rendering/artwork/output improvements: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added support for layout item groups that can be reused in other groups or views.
 * Reduced weight of render.h by moving component specialisation declarations into rendlay.cpp.
 * Replaced simple_list with more appropriate containers, remove misleading const qualifiers, reduced repeated XML walking.
 * Added N-dimensional output finder to avoid runtime string hashes - more than doubles performance of intlc440.
 * Unified code for copying PNG data into MAME bitmap in MAME and pngcmp, made it less likely to leak memory.
 * Added support for Adam7 interleave in PNG files, fixed some corner cases in unfiltering code.
 * Fixed upsampling of greyscale PNGs, added support for monochrome with alpha.
 * Added support for 16-bit samples in PNG files.
 * Added support for PNG greyscale/RGB with transparent pen.
 * Detect more invalid PNG files rather than just behaving badly.

-Added "minimaws" scripts, a reference -listxml consumer (implemented with Python/WSGI and JavaScript): [Vas Crabb]
 * Provides verbs for loading data, some basic batch queries, and an interactive web server mode.
 * Serves linked HTML pages for machines, devices, and source files.
 * Demonstrates how to dynamically discover slot/BIOS options from static -listxml output.
 * Allows user to build a slot configuration and shows necessary command-line arguments or INI lines to produce it in MAME.
 * As a side effect, this provides additional validation of -listxml output, several issues and limitations were addressed.

-Fixed -sleep and -refreshspeed options, fixed a stupid forced unnecessary sleep. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed -slot card,bios=rev (selected BIOS was being applied to slot itself, not card). [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed up input merger: added more variants, synchronisation and save state support, removed dubious reset behaviour. [Vas Crabb]

-Removed a whole lot of I64 from format strings (use logerror/string_format/stream_format to avoid it). [Vas Crabb]

-Added validation of BIOS names/descriptions/defaults and fixed errors exposed. [Vas Crabb]

-Moved additional content for release archive from build repository to main repository. [Vas Crabb]

-bublbobl.cpp, missb2.cpp: Reimplemented sound CPU semaphores and sound NMI according to schematics. [Lord Nightmare, Vas Crabb]
 * Implemented sound semaphores into tokio as well, fixing SOUND ERROR in test mode.
 * Added notes about sound CPU addressing.
 * Reimplemented /SRESET as a separate function called on sound CPU reset according to schematics.
 * Added correct watchdog to Bubble Bobble and Tokio, and disabled it on the Bubble Bobble prototype.
 * Added proper 'wired-or' sound CPU IRQs to Bubble Bobble.
 * Renamed 'slave' cpu to 'subcpu' to match schematics.

-dectalk.cpp: Use correct DSP ROM for firmware 1.8, some driver cleanup. [Lord Nightmare]

-ceci: Added driver for China Education Computer I (Apple II clone). [R. Belmont]
 * Added QUIT and TEST keys (hold down TEST while resetting for diagnostic), completed keyboard.
 * Fixed banking - Chinese mode works.
 * Added HGR color killer softswitch.

-k2000: Added sample ROMs. [R. Belmont]

-alphatro_flop: Replaced bad dumps for CP/M and BASIC with good ones. [R. Belmont]

-alphatro: Added cart slot, support for 8K carts from the command line, and cart software list. [R. Belmont]

-alphatro: Added BIOS set for machine with Bicom graphics. [TeamEurope, rfka01, R. Belmont]

-multipcm: Confirmed to be Yamaha YMW-258-F. [any, R. Belmont]

-Added new 74LS259/9334/CD4099 devices. [AJR]
 * Added wcoin counters and/or lockouts to Atari System 1 games, Basketball, Gauntlet, Gyruss, Hana Yayoi, Hole Land, Jr. Pac-Man,
    Mahjong Sisters, Pooyan, Roc'n Rope, Squash, Thunder Hoop, Time Limit, Time Pilot '84 and many others.
 * Cleaned up coin counter behavior in Sauro and Rally Bike.

-ym2151: Added reset line emulation. [AJR]

-spcforce: Added coin counters, start lamps and addressable latch device [AJR]

-tankbatt: Improved handling of sample triggers - fire sound is no longer doubled. [AJR]

-decocass.cpp: Major improvements to colors and graphics layer priorities [AJR]
 * Implement the PRI2 pen modification effect. This makes the tunnels and headlight in Highway Chase look much more accurate, and
    makes some color changes work in Astro Fantasia.
 * Shadow color in Skater is now properly black (not a pen modification effect).
 * Correct background fill color, making high score screen in Super Doubles Tennis properly blue.

-mario: Added coin counters and 74LS259. [AJR]

-isbc8630: Added 74LS259 "status register" (only partly implemented). [AJR]

-blazeon, wingforc: Shadowing RAM with ROM in sound CPU map can't be right. [AJR]

-v25: Made IDB register state visible to debugger. [AJR]

-jp.cpp: Added 74LS259 latches and ADPCM sound system used by some games. [AJR]

-janptr96: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015, drive interrupts through internal CTC. [AJR]

-changela: Changed default DIP setting to keep coin counters separate. [AJR]

-mjelctrn, mjembase, majxtal7, neruton: Changed CPU type to TMPZ84C015 and improved interrupt handling. [AJR]

-dynax.cpp: Use address map bank device for most games in this driver plus htengoku. [AJR]
 * Many games now successfully retrieve local time at start through an RTC device previously treated as read-only.

-fixeight: EEPROM fixes. [AJR]
 * Corrected decryption of some V25 opcodes used in the EEPROM service routine.
 * Removed the ugly routine that hardcoded a region for each set.
 * Added and documented a secret input that rewrites the EEPROM for any region.

-Delay data capture timing for MSM5205 and MSM6585 (should help with synchronization later). [AJR]

-flstory: Fixed CPU communication issue that sometimes caused sound to disappear entirely. [AJR]

-decomult: Replaced gross hack for banking "dongle" with something more likely. [AJR]

-chinhero: Added coin counters. [AJR]

-salamand: Improved VLM5030 control. [AJR]

-combatscb: Improved interrupt handling. [AJR]

-mb8421: Created 16-bit expanded variant and added it to thndzone/dassault. [AJR]

-mastninj: Implemented dual OPN plus dual MSM5205 ADPCM sound system as in Automat. [AJR]

-Rewrote mmodular.cpp to use the new mmboard device - many sets promoted to working. [Sandro Ronco]

-fmtowns improvements: [Barry Rodewald]
 * Added support vertical zoom greater than x2 (fixes Evolution).
 * Improved graphic layer placement - games with different-sized layers now display better.
 * Added preliminary RS232C port support.

-gt64xxx: Buffer multiple writes for PCI stall (fixes MT06636). [Ted Green]

-seattle: Set proper blitz99 DIP switch settings and added gearshift to calspeed (fixes MT00975). [Ted Green]

-floppy: Added FLOPPY_HFE_FORMAT to default_floppy_formats. [Nigel Barnes]

-acorn_dsk updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Improved find_size/identify for SSD/DSD formats.
 * Fixed geometry for ACORN_DOS_FORMAT 800K.

-wd177x_dsk: Apply sector_count and gaps to track description. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]:
 * Added new TUBE device - Acorn Tube ULA for use with Acorn second processors.
 * Added various second processors as Tube slot devices: Acorn 6502, Acorn 65C102, Acorn Z80, Acorn 80186, Casper 68000.
 * Added BeebSID slot device for the 1MHz bus.
 * Minor video improvements: fixed cursor size, double clock in MODE7 to counteract non-implemented interlace.
 * bbc_acorn8271: Added Amcom DFS A7874.
 * bbc_opus8272: Added new Opus 8272 FDC device with DDOS 3.00, not yet working.

-didact: Updated LOG support to latest cut. [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-m68340: Added implementations for VCO clock synthesizer and Timer module Counters, IRQs and one operational mode.
 [Joakim Larsson Edstrom]

-namcos2.cpp: Ordyne uses older IO MCU ROM, cleaned ROM labels as per PCB photos. [MetalliC]

-gaelco3d.cpp updates: [MetalliC]
 * Increased TMS ROM region, makes Football Power players models visible.
 * Fixed serial EEPROM access.
 * Implemented Football Power mechanical ball simulation.

-Added Atomiswave security notes. [brizzo, MetalliC]

-apple2: Update screen on mode-switch only if really switching. [Peter Ferrie]

-hp9845: Refactored handling of HTI images into a dedicated format module, refactored hp9845_tape imgtool module to use HTI format.

-hp85: Implemented tape drive, fixed a bug in tape gap detection. [F.Ulivi]

-imgtool: Fixed null pointer dereference and logic errors in "GET" command. [F.Ulivi]

-ms0515: Add sound and corrected clock rate. [shattered]

-dvk_ksm: Implemented Baud rate generator and cleaned up source. [shattered]

-Refactored server_{ws,http}.hpp into separate interface and implementation. [Christian Brunschen]
 * Use std::weak_ptr from websocket_connection_impl to webpp::Connection to avoid reference cycles.
 * When shutting down the HTTP server, also explicitly stop the asio::io_context; this allows the built binary to exit cleanly.

-mos6526.cpp: Show state of registers that can be read without side effects in debugger. [David Viens]

-om6502.lst: Corrected cycle counts for undocumented $BF instruction. [David Viens]
 * Now passes Lorenz testsuite-2.15's cputiming.prg (and does not break laxay.prg).

-Improved Android build support. [Miso Kim]
 * Updated for NDK r14b, build-tools 21.1.2, gradle 2.2.1, and jdk1.8.0_144.

-Renamed 'grtesoro' sets to 'play2000', gave it it's own machine structure and memory map. [David Haywood]
 * Added some workarounds so that it actually boots, fixed GFX ROM loading.

-Added basic Saturn CD Block device to load the ROMs. [David Haywood]

-imgtool modernisation and miscellaneous fixes: [Nathan Woods]
 * Fixed a std::string(nullptr) bug.
 * Proper cleanup of floppy object after create/open failure.
 * Merged normalize_filename() into cannonicalize_path().
 * Eliminated Imgtool-specific rand() function.
 * Modernised mgtool_forkent structure.
 * Fixed features.supports_geticoninfo.

-Partially fixed MT06621 (save state path not honoured). [Nathan Woods]
 * Still doesn't honour software name for multipart software loaded from internal UI.

-imgtool: Made Mac ICN# drawing logic never draw pixels outside mask. [Nathan Woods]

-SAM6883: Fixed VDG addressing incorrectly honoring page bit. [Nathan Woods, Ciaran Anscomb]

-gb.cpp: Optimized channel update methods - greatly reduces time to load state. [057a3dd61f99517a3afea0051a49cb27994f94d]

-Added better documentation and part numbers for midvunit wheel board. [Risugami]

-Rainbow-100: Use Z80SIO instead of Z80DART, make UCSD Pascal boot again. [Bavarese]

-Added Control ID X628 fingerprint reader skeleton driver and NT7534 bitmap LCD controller device. [Felipe Sanches]

-Added HD647180X MCU dumps to Whoopee and Ghox. [Caps0ff]
 * Allows sound emulation in both of games, and fixes the high score table background in Ghox.

-Road Runner (Midway): Replaced bad ROM with good one, added notes. [rogerxy, blinddog]

-segae.cpp: Corrected rom names for Transformers System E. [Arzeno Fabrice]

-triforce.cpp: Redumped Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (GDT-0020D). [rtw]

-dccons.cpp: Added better dump of PAL Dreamcast Flash ROM. [rtw]

-aristmk5 updates: Fixed some sets, added honeypot and venicea5. [Heihachi_73]

-snes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
 * Fixed ROM name and added extra information for Dragon Ball Z - Super Gokuu Den - Kakusei Hen.
 * Added information about an earlier Euro Ranma 1/2 revision.
 * Added information about an earlier Spanish release of Donkey Kong Country 2 - Diddy's Kong Quest.
 * Added information about the Spanish release of Pilotwings to the Euro dump.

-nes.xml documentation updates: [Inigo Martinez]
 * Added information about Super Mario Bros. PCB.
 * Fixed serial values and added PCB information for Pinball, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Trog!.

-thoop2.cpp: Added PCB layout for TH Strikes Back. [Brian Troha]

-fmtowns_cd.xml: Update undumped list, merged the Towns and Marty list. [r09]

-irem_cpu.cpp: Added some info about the Superior Soldiers sound CPU. [caius]

-mitchell.cpp: Added PALs and EEPROM dumps to pkladiesla, and corrected ROM labels. [f205v]

-mario.cpp: Identified marioj as Revision C. [Corrado Tomaselli]

-hiscore.dat: Updated for recent changes. [Leezer]


Titel: RockNES 5.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2017, 09:45
Whats new:>>

- Improved Famicom Disk System PPU IRQ timing (thanks Sour).
- Fixed "Skip Disk System license screen" option, working ok.
- Fixed scanlines in NSF mode (while playing a tune & drawing circles).
- Fixed version number in the file properties.
- Minor fixes and improvements.

Titel: My Nes 7.0.6475 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2017, 20:45
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


My Nes emulation core is built from scratch, 2 months of 5-6 hours daily working (and another month for "My Engine" building, 5-6 hours daily).
I tried my best to care of each detail, using latest documentations and diagrams.
The accuracy level is 99% !! and yes, i mean it !!
My Nes emulation work AS EXACTLY as mensioned in the documents in Nes Wiki and other places, I even able to discover things
related to nes hardware that it is not documented or not explainable.
PPU BUS is emulated, My Nes passes all VBL-NMI tests by emulating the REAL ppu bus, if you want to know why #2000 writes and
#2002 reads do unusal stuff, just look at the source-code of My Nes. I noted everythings there.
PPU OAM EVALUATION is also built to match the real hardware, let's just ppu emulation is very accurate. Use the scanline.nes
test to see the timing is perfect !!
Emulation optimized, i mean it this time. My Nes tested in old machines and run perfectly 60 fps.
My Nes now is multi-cross platform application, thanks to SDL2 and #SDL-CS for making this happen !
I build a simple engine and called "My Engine". This is just a simple GUI engine built using SDL2, so that user can access everything
from emulation configuration to output and input settings in the same window, in all platforms.


Titel: Snes9x 1.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 16:20
Play the old-school games you used to love playing on your Super Nintendo Entertainment System using this simple and straightforward emulator.


Titel: MAME 0.190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2017, 12:24

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
[Sound] (homedata.cpp) hourouki: It is missing voices of "Reach", "Ron" etc.
[Plugins] (mappy.cpp) mappy, mappyj: When using cheats driven by <parameter, left arrow doesn't change displayed value (Carl)
[Sound] (starwars.cpp) starwars: Missing/malfunctioning sound
[DIP/Input] (subsino.cpp) stbsub: Missing dip-switch info.
[Sound] (namcos2.cpp) metlhawk: Missing sound
[Sound] (cinemat.cpp) qb3: Missing AY-3-8910 sound
New working machines:
Altered Beast (Tiger handheld)
Laser 2001 [cvemu]
Mephisto Modena
Mephisto Monte Carlo
Mephisto Super Mondial II
Mephisto Super Mondial
R-Zone: Batman Forever
R-Zone: Indy 500
unknown Italian poker game
New working clones:
Alligator Hunt (World, protected)
Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, J3)
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.60.01)
Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB)
Iron Horse (version K)
Kick Off (bootleg)
Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 2, older)
Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 1.0) (AT89c52 protected)
Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum DEEE)
Royal Card / Royal Jackpot (with a third draw)(encrypted)
Syvalion (US, PS2 Taito Legends 2)
Syvalion (World, PS2 Taito Legends 2)
Machines promoted to working:
Alligator Hunt (Spain, protected)
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.60.01)
Big Buck Hunter Call of the Wild (v3.02.5)
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.11)
Glass (Ver 1.1, Break Edition, Checksum 49D5E66B, Version 1994)
Great Guns
Maniac Square (protected, Version 1.0, Checksum CF2D)
Mazer Blazer (set 1)
Mephisto Mega IV
Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 1)
Virtual Pool
Clones promoted to working:
Big Buck Hunter - Shooter's Challenge (v1.50.07)
Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum C5513F3C)
Glass (Ver 1.0, Break Edition, Checksum D3864FDB)
Mazer Blazer (set 2)
Mephisto Monte Carlo IV LE
Slap Fight (A76 set, GX-006-A PCB)
Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 2)
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Cisco/Fisco 400
Convergent Miniframe
Gaelco Football
Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K
Gran Trak 20/Trak 20/Twin Racer
Le Mans
Nintendo DS
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P3
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
AEG Olympia Olytext 30
Bingo Wave
Ericsson PC
Ericsson Portable PC
Guns N Roses (2.00)
Meteor (Stern, set 2)
PC/AT 386SX (VGA, MF2 Keyboard)
Robot Hunting (bootleg of Death Race) [TTL]
Schneider EURO PC II
Schneider EURO XT
Shootout Pool Prize (Export) / Shootout Pool The Medal (Japan) Version B -P
New working software list additions:
apple2: Thief
apple2_cass: Color Demosoft / Little Brickout, Lords of Karma, Startrek / Starwars
archimedes: SCSI Support Disc
bbcb_flop: ArcPinball
c128_cart: VizaWrite 128
hp85_rom: Assembler ROM, I/O ROM, Matrix ROM, Service ROM, Service ROM (fixed)
Concurrent PC DOS 3.2, Concurrent PC DOS 4.1, Concurrent DOS XM 6.0, Concurrent DOS XM 6.01, Concurrent DOS XM 6.21
Freddy Pharkas, Frontier Pharmacist
Wing Commander II - Special Operations 1, Wing Commander II - Special Operations 2
Concurrent DOS 386 2.0, Concurrent DOS 386 3.01
kayproii: Digital Keyboards' Synergy Host Control System
laser2001_cart: Salora Disk Drive
pce_tourvision: Bomberman 93, Die Hard, Hit The Ice, Knight Rider Special
spectrum_cass: Currah MicroSpeech Demo, Fuller Box Orator Demonstration, Shadow of the Unicorn, Spectrum Voice Chess
Translations added or modified:
Source changes:
Added new AM9513 System Timing Controller device.
Improved 28XX parallel EEPROM emulation:
Emulated direct manipulation of /OE line for read/write mode control
Added special handling for data polling before a write has completed
Allow optional configuration to lock EEPROM after each write, as often used by Atari
Replaced Atari EEPROM interface devices with base device - to use old NVRAM files, rename them from eeprom_eeprom to eeprom
dblewing: Modernized soundlatch; improved IRQ arbitration for (hopefully) fewer dropped sound commands.
cninjabl2: Fixed sound banking.
z8 improvements:
Made data space optional
Fixed stack pop semantics
Mask addresses for external memory accesses based on P0 control bits
Fixed C flag polarity for CP/SBC/SUB, and actually subtract with carry in SBC (lets amerihok pass initial checksum)
Fixed interrupts
megaplay: Routed start buttons through BIOS, still not working properly. [AJR]
quizpun2: Emulate COP402 MCU.
COP400 overhaul:
Rewrote execution control logic to fetch each byte of an instruction separately in one pass of the main loop
Provides EEPROM-compatible timing for the SIO shift register, allowing the 93C46 on quizpun2 to be read and written properly
Added M pseudo-register (internal RAM referenced by B) to debugger state
Added T register to debugger state on devices where it only affects SKT
Display SIO state in binary when it is defined as a shift register
Allowed skipped instructions and the SKIP flag to be debugged using a compile-time switch (disabled by default)
weststry: Prevent mistimed interrupts that were killing sound.
rs232: Added 9615 Baud rate actually used by a number of systems.
Fixed Lunar Lander Language ROM - now passes self-test (built from source).
gstriker.cpp updates:
Added MCU simulation to clone romset twrldc94a
Added buffered spriteram (sprites being ahead 2 frames)
Fixed tournament logic for Tecmo World Cup '94
Improved mb60553 zooming alignment (mostly noticeable in Tecmo World Cup '94)
Added rotation to mb60553 core (used by V Goal Soccer during football field display)
ninjaw.cpp: Changed to saner interleave CPU timings, attempted to fix missing enemies bug in Ninja Warriors.
rockrage.cpp: Fixed priorities and text tile banking for Rock N Rage.
Fixes stage 1 boss eyes flashing and Shena display inside the bubble at stage 5 boss
mb_vcu.cpp updates:
Added multi-layer drawing
Improved layer clearing for Mazer Blazer, fixed layer clearing for Great Guns
Added collision detection feature, specific to Mazer Blazer
mazerbla.cpp: Added backup RAM, fixed lightgun inputs for Great Guns.
itech8.cpp: Ninja Clowns improvements:
Fixed palette read accesses, fixes many color bugs
Fixed 0x40000-0x7ffff constant area, program ROM now checksums correctly
Moved vblank IRQ generation - fixes frames per second jerkiness
model2.cpp: Fixed luma overflow (Virtua Striker flag colors).
ymf271.cpp: Added slot end status bits (fixes at least missing shots samples for Desert War).
saturn.cpp: Fire a VDP1 IRQ when an illegal sprite opcode is encountered (fixes Sexy Parodius booting).
pce_cd.cpp: Fixed few bogus CD-ROM state bugs (fixes booting for Snatcher).
ladyfrog.cpp: Added missing DAC sound chip (fixes death scream in Touche Me).
flstory.cpp: Merged memory maps and fixed gfx bank default (fixes Onna Sanshirou POST messages).
bigevglf.cpp: Added DAC (cup in, crowd applauses samples).
buggychl.cpp updates:
Fixed sound timer IRQ frequency (fixes enter initials BGM tempo)
Fixed background pen and clipping enable (fixes title screen and stage 3 graphics)
Fixed inputs, namely accelerator being analog now
vicdual.cpp: Added sound samples to Borderline.
ioport.cpp: Fixed a longstanding INP playback desync bug caused by a rand() call in the MAME core.
leland: Fixed missing DAC sounds in later Ataxx-era audio.
vamphalf.cpp: Added idle skipping speedup hack for coolminii
luaengine: Added translation support.
altos8600: Added serial board.
c64_cart.xml: Added accompanying disk to 4040+Fast Hack'em cartridge.
Demoted Megaplay to not working.
Demoted Panic Road to not working - playtesting shows that the collisions aren't right.
floppy: Added drive LED callback.
Added Data East IRQ Controller device used by games in the cninja and deco32 drivers.
pktgaldx: Added vblank interrupt acknowledge.
deco32 improvements and cleanups:
Emulated LC7535-based volume control for Dragon Gun board based games
Added DSW3 and DIP switch locations to Captain Avenger
deco156: Cleaned up palette.
Fixed ROM size for Tank (atarittl.cpp) based on recent verification dump.
Miscellaneous Master System/Game Gear fixes:
Corrected author of the SMS multipad device hardware
Map upper addresses of the SMS2/GG memory map unused by devices to RAM (fixes 'shero' GG game)
Added PCB info for 'termntr' and fixed mapper of 'jangpun2' entries of the SMS software list
Fixed a soft reset bug in the mapper code for the '4pak' entry of the SMS software list
Remove two obsolete comments from the period when MESS didn't support BIOS selection
Changed two comments to document that player inputs on GG aren't disabled even in SMS mode
hp85: Added support for optional ROM cartridges and started a software list.
a2arcadebd: Added port mirrors so all programs on the test disk work.
apple2: Added preliminary support for the Synetix SuperSprite card.
segasp.cpp: Dumped original CF card for "Dinosaur King - Operation: Dinosaur Rescue".
dbox: Added 29F800B flash boot device, hooked up RS232/modem ports.
mc68681: Added the DUART-compatible 68340 serial module.
tmu: Fixed MCR register enum error, silenced some logerror spam by turning them into LOGx statements.
Deskeletonized the serial module as a device derived from the DUART device (defined in mc68681.cpp)
Fixed SIM module read register bug and added informative chip select logic LOG messages
Simplified code by making the timer module implementation a device with two independent instances
Implemented Candela PAL-driven address map (fixes several BASIC commands).
upd7725: Ignore DPL field if destination is DP, and ignore RPDCR bit if destination is RP.
Added support for viewing PLS100/82S100/PLS101/82S101 equations to jedutil.
Adding PAL dumps from Guzzler (Swimmer Conversion).
dccons.cpp: Virginized DC Flash ROM dumps to fresh factory state and documented Dreamcast Flash ROM structure.
Return a reference from corestr.cpp calls to avoid unnecessary string copies.
Added validation checks for PORT_CHAR character values.
Made -validate verb report an error if no drivers match pattern.
Attempted to sanitize/rationalize UTF-8 command line arguments are accessed.
Also fixes a bug in imgtool where non-7 bit ASCII was not being handled correctly under Windows
spectrum: Added expansion slot and devices, removed Kempston Joystick Interface from driver.
Working devices: Currah MicroSlot, Currah MicroSource, Currah MicroSpeech, Didaktik Melodik, Fuller Box
Kempston Joystick Interface, Mikro-Plus (Shadow of the Unicorn), Protek Joystick Interface, ZX Interface 2
Non-working devices: ZX Interface 1
Thanks to Thomas Busse for preliminary work on Currah MicroSpeech
spec128: Added expansion slot and devices, removed Kempston Joystick Interface from driver.
Working devices: Kempston Joystick Interface, Mikro-Plus (Shadow of the Unicorn), Protek Joystick Interface
Spectrum +2 Test Software, ZX Interface 2
Non-working devices: ZX Interface 1
tube_casper: Corrected CPU clock to 4MHz.
m68k: Fixed abcd/sbcd/nbcd to pass 68k-bcd-verifier.
upd765: Added support for i82072 including sense interrupt status logic and motor on/off logic.
i82586: Fixed 82586 initialisation.
clipper interrupt handling fixes:
Improved interrupt vector handling
Fixed C300 interrupt entry and stack frame
Fixed pushw where source register is same as stack register
apple2e: Don't update 80-column screen immediately on page switch.
psi98: Added basic stub layout with drive LEDs. [rfka01]
unkitpkr improvements:
Improved the input system and mapped remaining inputs, hooked the AY8912 port and rerouted the DIP switches there
Added technical notes about the hacked code
Added proper palette resnet
Confirmed the bipolar PROM dump, it matches the Wall Crash one
Royal Jackpot improvements:
Added proper inputs/DIP switches and default NVRAM, changed game description and promoted to working
Added the three missing PLDs as NO_DUMP
Added a DIP switches table from manual and implemented default positions from factory
Added some notes about the third draw feature
arm7: Added ARM946ES variant, fixed up CPU ID values.
cgc7900: Attached keyboard and serial port, and force cold boot.
Corrected regions/titles for Namco System 22 and System 23 games.
Implemented program counter break point to PlayStation CPU, and re-added PlayStation EXE, CPE and PSF loading.
Added named constants for INS8250 registers/bits (LSR/MCR/LSR).
HP HIL: Pass through commands between devices.
HP9000/300 improvements:
Added HIL keyboard support
Fixed detection of DIO cards
Disabled DMA controller workaround (caused ROM to use unimplemented DMA functionality, now falls back to PIO)
Added SN76494 sound device
hp9k_3xx: Hooked up keyboard/sound to HP9000/332, added 98603 ROM card.
hp16500: Connected HIL MLC.
tourvis: Added new BIOS dump, clarified BIOS names, and updated several games with newly discovered ID codes. [system11, Tafoid]
iteagle: Set medium resolution as default for virtpool and remove MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS.
Cleaned up and optimised common code:
Made natural keyboard prefer lower shift states and eliminated O(n) character lookup
Turned most ROM entry accessor macros into templates and made them work on tiny_rom_entry/rom_entry pointers/references
Started adding iterable class wrappers for specific types of ROM entries
Added support for C++ output streams to logmacro.h using LOG_OUTPUT_STREAM macro
Improved -listxml performance by another 10% or so
Made ROM BIOS reported in -listxml output match what ROM loading does.
buggychl: Removed NMI trampolines and added mirrors to memory map.
grchamp.cpp: Improved sound CPU commuication.
taitosj: Improved sound CPU communication and added mirrors to sound CPU memory map.
upd7725: Fixed OV1 and S1 flag calculation.
superqix.cpp updates:
Implemented 8751 port2 latch and fixed semaphores
Replaced pending communication hacks with scheduler synchronization barriers
Split up state class, consolidated port2 handling, and removed unnecessary trampolines
Traced out correct clock divider for CPU and MCU from PCB
Added emulation of the 8031 bootleg MCU port 3 output latch
Fixed corrupt bytes in two MC68705 dumps after re-analyzing raw dump data.
retofinvb3: Fixed colors.
hexion.cpp: Fixed INT_TIME callback from K053252 CCU (fixes music speed), fixed music pitch for hexionb.
notetaker.cpp: Updated notes, and added PROMs typed from source listings.
Updated hiscore.dat.
tnzs.cpp: Corrected ROM PCB locations and added Guru-Readme for the P0-25-A PCB.


Titel: GameEx 14.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2017, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Fixes Karaoke
Fixes downloading in Setup.exe
Improved wheel and list animations.
For GameEx Arcade Edition MAME arcade games are automatically put onto another a separate menu if you have more than 2 other systems setup.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2017, 12:30
Whats new:>>

New audio backend
Customizable path for mlc01 directory
RDTSC timer (smoother gameplay, better audio)
Bug fixes

Titel: Mesen 0.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2017, 17:20
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



New Features

    UI: All UI shortcuts are now customizable in the Preferences (multi-key shortcuts are now supported).
    UI: Added a link to the new online documentation site in the Help menu.

Bug Fixes

    Cheats: Fixed crash when cheats window was opened
    HD Packs: Fixed sprite recording in HD Pack Builder and crashes when loading HD packs in some conditions.
    Debugger: Fixed some minor bugs.
    Linux: Fixed some crashes and layout fixes.
    Dendy: Fixed regression bug with intensify color and grayscale bits emulation.


Titel: MAME 0.191
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2017, 09:16

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
[Misc.] (mystwarr.cpp) mtlchamp and clones: Problem with NVRAM in the RAM/ROM check after changing settings in service mode. (MetalliC)
[Crash/Freeze] (pce.cpp) pce, tg16 [dslaylh, dslayedj]: No inputs and Black Screen. (Angelo Salese)
[Crash/Freeze] (pce.cpp) pce [draculax]: Game freezes at start of Stage 5. (Angelo Salese)
[Graphics] (pce.cpp) tg16 [airzonk]: Graphics freeze when traversing too far up the screen. (Angelo Salese)
[Crash/Freeze] (pce.cpp) pce [imagef2]: Freezes before displaying title screen. (Angelo Salese)
[DIP/Input] Games with a rotary positional joystick: Some positions are skipped. (Angelo Salese)
[Graphics] (pce.cpp) pce [finalsol, finalsols]: Messed up/disappearing tiles. (Angelo Salese)
-[Documentation] tonton, ppj, big10: Documentation found on Success website. (D Go Go Fan)
[Graphics] (pce.cpp) pce [beball]: Garbage appears when collecting the dual arrow item. (Angelo Salese)
[Interface] Internal UI does not save entire configuration. (AJR)
[Interface] Configuring Machine level "Video Option" causes CRASH. (Nathan Woods)
[Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Loading a disk freezes the emulator. (Patrick Mackinlay)
[Color/Palette] (bottom9.cpp) bottom9n: Sprites have incorrect colors. (Angelo Salese)
[Graphics] tokio and clones: Tokio - graphic glitches on the right side of the screen. (Lord Nightmare)
[Graphics] (pce.cpp) tg16 [turrican]: Not showing Title Screen. (Angelo Salese)
[Crash/Freeze] (stv.cpp) grdforce: Hangs after insert coin. (Angelo Salese)
[Gameplay] (pce.cpp) pce [shingen, shingen1]: Extended/Unexpected periods of Black Screen. (Angelo Salese)
[Media Support] (tandy2k.cpp) tandy2k: Does not boot from disk (regression). (Carl)
[Interface] UI: If you exit with the Exit option, the last used game is not saved. (Vas Crabb)
[Misc.] (dbz.cpp) dbz, dbza, dbz2: Correct names for these three games. (Fortuna)
[Core] (coco12.cpp) coco12, coco3, other 6809?: SBCB instruction returns the wrong result. (hap)
[Interface] Prescale option allows invalid values. (Tafoid)
[DIP/Input] (einstein.cpp) einstein [hustler, starq]: Keyboard is not responding! (Dirk Best)
[Gameplay] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg, gauntdl: Various Effects Cause More Damage than they should (64-bit Only). (Ted Green)
[Documentation] (ibmpc.cpp) Parent/Clone Issues for IBM5170 softlist. (Justin Kerk)
[Timing] (einstein.cpp) einstein: In Xtal Basic the PRINT TI$ always gives "000000" ?. (Dirk Best)
New working machines:
Batman (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Judge Dredd (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mephisto Mondial II [yoyo_chessboard, Sandro Ronco]
Swamp Thing (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
Alien3: The Gun (Japan) [ShouTime]
Athena (bootleg) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1878) [Jorge Silva]
Cabal (UK, Joystick) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Cobra Command (M.A.C.H. 3 hardware, set 2) [f205v]
Cyberball (rev 1) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 2) [CB-Emu]
G-LOC R360 (Japan) [ordyne, The Dumping Union]
Kaypro 16 [rfka01]
Knights of the Round (bootleg, World 911127) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Rod-Land (World, set 2) [frsj8112]
Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Beta bootleg) [Cmonkey]
Target Hits (ver 1.1, Checksum 86E1) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Clawgrip, Brian Troha, David Haywood]
Tecmo World Cup '94 (set 3) [caius, Angelo Salese, The Dumping Union]
TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum 020EB356) [caius, The Dumping Union]
unknown 'Space Invaders' gambling game (set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Arzeno Fabrice]
World Series: The Season (rev 0) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
Machines promoted to working:
Big Casino [Ivan Vangelista]
Votrax Personal Speech System [Robbbert]
Votrax Type 'N Talk [Robbbert]
Clones promoted to working:
Terco 4426 CNC Programming station [Edstrom]
Torch CF240 [Nigel Barnes]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Baby Boom Challenge [f205v]
Casino Strip I (Poker version, for Pioneer LD, set 1) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip II (Poker version, for Sony LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip III (Poker version, for Sony LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip IX (Poker version, for Sony LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip Private Eyes / All Start (Poker version, for Sony LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip V (Poker version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip V (Shooting Game version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip VI (Poker version, for Sony LD) [ANY, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Casino Strip VI (Shooting Game version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip VIII (Poker version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip VIII (Shooting Game version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip Vivid 1 (Poker version, for Sony LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip X (Poker version, for Sony LD) [ANY, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Casino Strip XI (Poker version, for Sony LD, set 1) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip XI (Shooting Game version, for Pioneer LD) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Casino Strip XII (Poker version, for Sony LD) [ANY, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Dobou-Chan (ver. JAA) [R. Belmont, Rod_Wod]
E-Touch Mahjong Series #2: Joshiryou de NE! [ShouTime, Team Japump, The Dumping Union]
E-Touch Mahjong Series #6: Scandal Blue - Midara na Daishou [ShouTime, Team Japump, The Dumping Union]
E-Touch Mahjong Series #7: Trap Zone - Yokubou no Kaisoku Densha [ShouTime, Team Japump, The Dumping Union]
Elektronika MS 6102.02 [shattered]
Gokidetor [Surgeville, Sean Sutton, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Mikrocomputer fuer Ausbildung [rfka01, Robbbert]
Note Chance [Roberto Fresca, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Ocha-Ken Hot Medal [Darksoft]
Ton Puu Mahjong [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
301/Bullseye (Traditional Scoring) [barakandl]
A.G. Soccer Ball (R07u) [PinMAME]
Casino Strip XI (Poker version, for Sony LD, set 2) [Dragon's Lair Project]
Cheetah (Blue cabinet version - Stern Pinball) [Cooke/LondonPinball]
Eight Ball (rev. 17) [Quench]
Epson CM6000 [Colin McDougall]
Flash Point (Japan, bootleg set 2) [Arzeno Fabrice, David Haywood]
Horizon (North Star Computers, 2MHz) [AJR]
Knights of Valour 3 (V100, China) [XingXing]
Knights of Valour 3 (V104, China) [XingXing]
Mikrocomputer fuer Ausbildung MAT85 [rfka01, Robbbert]
Omni 4 Logic Analyzer [rfka01]
Poker Ladies (Censored bootleg, set 2) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
SD Gundam Sangokushi Rainbow Tairiku Senki (Korea) [Rod_Wod, The Dumping Union]
Time Warp (L-3) [PinMAME]
Trident (Later version - Stern Pinball) [Quench]
Virtua Athletics / Virtua Athlete (prototype) [antron, MetalliC, rtw]
New working software list additions:
Alignment Test Tone / Renumber, Alignment Test Tone / Sampler, Apple Bowl, Applesoft IIa,
Applesoft ][ Floating Point BASIC / Floating Point BASIC Demo, Apple Trek, Apple-2 Trek, Apple-Vision / Biorhythms,
Basic Finance I/ Penny Arcade, Brian's Theme / Phone List, Brick out / Color Demonstration Programs,
Breakout / Color Graphics, Breakout / Color Demos, Checkbook, Color Sketch / Supermath, Datamover / Telepong,
High Resolution Graphics, Hangman / Color Math, Hopalong Cassidy / Lemonade Stand, Leases / Loans, Savings / Finance [Dagarman]
bbc_flop_torch: Hard Disc Utilities v4.1, Torch System Disc v1.7 [Nigel Barnes]
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu III SP, Gulf War Soukouden, New 3D Golf Simulation: Harukanaru Augusta, TownsPAINT V1.1L20,
Video Koubou V1.3L10 [r09]
fmtowns_flop: Sweet Angel [r09]
gamate: Kiki Inland [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
The Adventures of Captain Comic, Back to the Future Part II, Dragons of Flame, Gryzor, Loom (French), Kings of the Beach (3.5"),
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (French), Le Manoir de Mortevielle (3.5"), Operation Wolf (3.5"), Out Run, Super Ski, Zombi [breiztiger]
Drakkhen, Kaypro 16 Autoload, Kaypro 16 Master Disks, Leisure Suit Larry 3, Loom (German), Manhunter - New York,
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco, Police Quest II - The Vengeance, Silpheed, Space Quest II - Vohaul's Revenge [Justin Kerk]
MS-DOS (Version 3.30B) (V1.2) (Schneider) (German) [rfka01]
Amazon - Guardians of Eden, Arcade Pool, Zool 2 [ArcadeShadow]
Crash Course [breiztiger]
Sneakers Computer Press Kit [Justin Kerk]
lynx: MegaPak 1 [anonymous]
msx1_cart: Roc'n Rope [Anonymous]
BBC BASIC V1.00a, IBM Mode Software For Nimbus PC V2.61, IBM Mode Software for Nimbus PC Rel.3,
Microsoft Windows 2.03 for Nimbus PC System, Microsoft Windows 3 Standalone PC 186, Microsoft Windows ISV Toolkit Release 1.02,
Microsoft Windows Release 1.02 Stand Alone, Microsoft Windows Release 1.03 Stand Alone,
Microsoft Windows V2.1 Presentation Manager for Nimbus PC186, Nimbus Winchester Format Tools,
Parallel Printer Driver Parallel Board For I/O Board Version V1.0G, RM BASIC V1.0F, RM LOGO V1.0D, RM Nimbus General Utility Disk,
RM Nimbus PC Upgrade Disk DOS 3.1 Rel 3.10.A, RM Nimbus Sketchpad Driver V1.0B, Release Disk SetPC V2.90 IBM Mode, Steed Ver 1.4A,
WordStar Rel. 3.30, XferCPM V1.0A [Nigel Barnes]
pv2000: Exciting Jockey, Real Number Basic [SSJ, Team Europe, Dustin Hubbard]
smondial2: Mephisto College Module [yoyo_chessboard]
Software list items promoted to working:
Adventure B01 - 550 points, Torch BBC BASIC (Z80) v2.30, Comanex, dBASE-II, Hard Disc Utilities v4.4, Kermit-80 v4.05,
Perfect Software Suite, Standard Utilities v2.0, Turbo Pascal v3.0A, UniComm, WordStar [Nigel Barnes]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
apple2_cass: Apple Stock Quote Reporter, Tape Measure / Alignment Test Tone [Dagarman]
bbc_flop_torch: Basic Pack v2.0, Prog Dev Pack v2.0, Text Pack v2.0, Unix Upgrade Pack release 1.0 to 2.0 [Nigel Barnes]
hx20_rom: SkiWriter [Nigel Barnes]
rx78: Challenge Golf [SSJ, Team Europe, Dustin Hubbard]
Translations added or modified:
Chinese (Simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (Traditional) [YuiFAN]
German [Raf Tacker]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Japanese [Katsuhiko Kagami]
Portuguese [Pedro Simoes]
Russian [Nikita Zimin, MetalliC]
Source Changes:
coco3: Made banked cartridges actually work. [AJR]
z8: Fixed disassembly of LDE Irr, r. [AJR]
am9513: Implemented time-of-day mode. [AJR]
Actually make sure OSD options are included when saving through UI. [AJR]
Draw a nominal distinction between PC060HA and TC0140SYT. [AJR]
Explicitly allow floating point values for state registration. [AJR]
ccs2810: Major refinements. [AJR]
* Implemented power-on jump in a hardware-accurate manner, including full configuration options.
* Hooked up INS8250 device for RS-232 serial communication (requires ROM wait states simulation for baud rate to be recognized).
* Made serial port address configurable as well (although monitor expects it to be at the default setting).
-S-100 bus refinements: [AJR]
* Made slots subdevices, eliminating the need to hardcode the bus tag.
* Clock the bus and its slots.
* Use correct XTAL for nshrz and added 2MHz variant.
legionna.cpp: Fixed Denjin Makai background pen colors. [Angelo Salese]
rx78.cpp: Added border area. [Angelo Salese]
ygv608.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Fixed page select boundaries for tilemap drawing (fixes Namco Classics Vol. 2 garbage GFX in attract mode).
* Reset pattern name table states on mode changes (fixes Mappy Arrange corrupt tiles).
* Enabled sprite wraparound when both sx and sy pass clipping boundaries (fixes disappearing char on NCV2 game select screen).
* Fixed CRTC vblank period (fixes NCV2: Dig Dug Original regression). [Angelo Salese]
huc6270: Invert h/vsync logic for interrupts - fixes several PC Engine hangs. [Angelo Salese]
saturn.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
* Rewrote SMPC as a device, merging ST-V and Saturn implementations.
* Moved SCU-related functions insto a device. [Angelo Salese]
smpc: Simulate SETTIME bit behaviour if invalid NVRAM data is found for Sega Saturn. [Angelo Salese]
* All Sega Saturn ROM sets now calls the BIOS setup if NVRAM is uninitialized, setting up proper defaults.
stv.cpp: Patch Sport Fishing 2 BIOS to actually return a country code, and added bare bones MPEG CD commands. [Angelo Salese]
* Game now loops into attract mode with mostly missing graphics (MPEG video logic not yet added).
stvvdp2.cpp: Added ROZ mode 3. [Angelo Salese]
* Fixes split screen in Sasissu, backgrounds in Elandore, and Guy stage in Final Fight Revenge.
jalmah.cpp: Improved fake palette DMA behaviour - avoids corrupt colors for girls. [Angelo Salese]
stvvdp1.cpp: CEF bit gets reset when the framebuffers get swapped (fixes Twinkle Star Sprites Arcade Mode hang). [Angelo Salese]
dec0.cpp: Updated inputs in all games in the driver. [Angelo Salese]
* Added input labels for most games in the driver, and removed unused buttons.
* Updated positional rotary for Heavy Barrel/Midnight Resistance to use remap table.
* Made Boulder Dash use 4-way stick as per manual.
dec0.cpp: Hooked up priority video port to Midnight Resistance bootlegs. [Angelo Salese]
taito_b.cpp: Fixed pixel layer offset and enable for Hit the Ice. [Angelo Salese]
taito_z.cpp: Saner interleave CPU timings for Double Axle, attempted to fix road layer getting stuck on continue. [Angelo Salese]
wheelfir.cpp: Converted to RAMDAC device. [Angelo Salese]
Made some small fixes to general info panel on the system selection menu. [BraiNKilleRGR]
Added lua translation to makefile and regenerated translations. [Carl]
plugins/cheat: Added input sequence cheats. [Carl]
abc800 updates: [Curt Coder]
* Corrected Turbo Kontroller name to UNI DISK and identified CPU type.
* Added skeleton for Databoard 4112-23 floppy disk controller.
* Fixed Luxor 55-10828 "slow" floppy controller board logic.
Updated androidp year to 1987 based on in-game date showed after end credits. [David Haywood]
Documented that the 'oldsplus' set identifies as "Oriental Legend 2" when the protection device supplies Korea as the region.
[David Haywood]
Gamate overhaul, fixes many games: [David Haywood]
* Sound is 100% AY8910 compatible according to kevtris and Peter Wilhelmsen - use the AY8910 core.
* Rewrote the video implementation from scratch using kevtris' document and Peter Wilhelmsen's notes this fixes many games.
* Added some mirroring to memory map.
* Converted cartridges to slot devices that handle protection themselves.
* Rewrote protection emulation from scratch based on notes from kevtris and Peter Wilhelmsen.
Merged Hitachi SuperH CPU cores and implemented a preliminary SH3/SH4 recompiler. [David Haywood]
* Recompiler is currently enabled for Cave CV-1000 but disabled for Sega NAOMI.
* Recompiler can more than double the benchmark speed of CV-1000 games.
supbtime.cpp: Cleaned up and merged with tumblep. [Dirk Best]
* Removed duplicate code, used screen raw parameters and XTAL values, added DIP switch locations to all games.
z80sio/z80scc: Return CPU-specific default vector when no interrupt found to acknowledge. [Edstrom]
t4426 cart: Added MC14411 BRG, 6850 ACIA as a second RS232 port and fixed banking; promoted to working. [Edstrom]
proteus3: Added MC14411 bit rate generator device and replaced the timer based clocks for the ACIAs. [Edstrom]
imgtool: Added support for HP85 tape. [F.Ulivi]
mc146818: Fixed main interrupt flag. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Fixed crash loading 80-track .mfm dumps of 40-track floppy disks on 40-track drives. [Justin Kerk]
Hacked around MT06691 by suppressing partial updates in Tokio video - timing is likely wrong. [Lord Nightmare]
mc68901: Fixed TCDCR register - bits 6-4 are used for timer C bits 2-0 are used for timer D. [Nicolas PLANEL]
abc310: Added 80286 2nd processor. [Nigel Barnes]
tube_z80: Check NMI state when paging in ROM. [Nigel Barnes]
acorn_dsk: Improved identifying SSD/DSD by comparing image size with sector counts. [Nigel Barnes]
* Also fixed DDCPM format to handle correct image of Double Density CP/M.
bbc: Added Torch Z80 Communicator as Tube slot device. [Nigel Barnes]
acorn_dsk: Removed CPN format, now handled with SSD/DSD. [Nigel Barnes]
hx20: Added optional ROM slot and software list. [Nigel Barnes]
z80scc: Fixed interrupt mask generation. [Patrick Mackinlay]
Added new bt459 device (Brooktree RAMDAC used in InterPro graphics boards). [Patrick Mackinlay]
ms6102: Decrypted chargen. [Robbbert]
ts803: Fixed and used z80sti; cleanup and notes. [Robbbert]
mc8030: Added random ROMs, to be sorted. [Robbbert]
p8000: Added WDC ROMs. [Robbbert]
ax80: Added roms, notes, and flesh. [Robbbert]
Note Chance: Added skeleton driver with front panel layout, sound, and extensive notes. [Roberto Fresca]
vme_hcpu30: Added Besta HCPU30 VME board skeleton device. [shattered]
Generate tiled layouts for systems with three or more screens (fixes crash with four or more emulated screens). [Vas Crabb]
Eliminated vestigial palette that was breaking generic terminal when it isn't first screen. [Vas Crabb]
Improved PORT_CHAR (natural keyboard/paste/key post mapping) for US Apple IIe/IIc (thanks to Golden Child for report). [Vas Crabb]
Exposed condition for DIP switches, configuration entries, and adjusters in listxml output. [Vas Crabb]
dynax.cpp: Fixed credits lost after exiting the game in tenkai. [Wei Mingzhi]
psx.xml: Synchronized with redump.org, adding 76 new dumps and replacing two bad dumps. [aeternal606]
gaelco.cpp: Corrected various clock speeds and added PCB layout for Biomechanical Toy. [Brian Troha]
naomi.cpp: Decapped and identified Atomiswave 'ROMEO' ASIC. [brizzo]
segasp.cpp: Dumped Network firmware ver 1.25. [Darksoft]
segas16b.cpp: Made some corrections to Aurail documentation. [ekorz]
gauntlet.cpp: Reinstated correct size for 'gfx1' ROM, which was chopped off a long time ago. [f205v]
Added PAL dumps for supbtime. [Luiskiko/jammarcade.net]
Dumped touchgo SRAM from two more boards, and used that dump to verify/correct the SRAM image.
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Fixed zexall build target. [RandomArts]
EuroPC: Added first and last known BIOS versions. [rfka01]
taitoair.cpp: Dumped ainferno's Controller PCB ROM. [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
qix.cpp: Added some documentation to the qixb set. [ShouTime]
Corrected years for Final Furlong 2, Crisis Zone, Big 10, Waku Waku Doubutsu Land TonTon, Pyon Pyon Jump, and Sui Sui Pyon Pyon.
pv2000.xml: Desoldered and redumped ROMs for rakugaki and excitem2. [SSJ, Team Europe, Dustin Hubbard]
Added newer version of Mephisto Academy (German) as BIOS option. [yoyo_chessboard]
Added support for multiple PORT_CHAR() bindings, and adopted in the CoCo driver. [Nathan Woods]
Created a more flexible date/time structure for use within imgtool intended to replace most usage of time_t. [Nathan Woods]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2017, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Added support for native online play
Overhauled account and save handling
Graphic and input fixes
Improved compatibility
Tons of bug fixes and smaller tweaks

Titel: My Nes 7.0.6516
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2017, 11:45

Emulation engine rebuild from scratch, the code is now optymized and faster than ever... along with more accuracy.
My Nes now is one package that can run on all platforms that support SDL and mono. Thanks to SDL2 to make this happening.
Fixed a lot of bugs related to emulation, check out the commits in the source code for more details.
My Nes now include a simple GUI engine, that allows to access games and config almost all emu settings without the need of leaving the app, even in fullscreen mode.


Titel: Snes9x 1.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 13:40
Play the old-school games you used to love playing on your Super Nintendo Entertainment System using this simple and straightforward emulator.



Added support for the MSU-1 coprocessor.
Added support for MSU-1 distribution pack.
Added support for BS-X Satellaview memory packs and data
Improved BS-X memory mapping accuracy.
Fixed APU error causing issues with some games.
Added option to ignore patch checksums.
Fixed build warnings / undefined behavior.
Correct pixel placement in hires.
Fixed RAM mapping for Light Fantasy.
Added Circuit USA APU timing hack.
libretro: Merged some changes from downstream repository.
GTK+: Allow use of XDG config directory.
GTK+: Add 10th save slot.
GTK+: Updated Spanish translation.
Win32: Switched to Studio 2017.
Win32: Fixed problems when minimized in d3d.
Win32: Split Patch/Rom directory.
Win32: Simplified compilation by removing or including
some dependencies (included CG headers, completely
removed FMOD and FMOD_EX, moved direct draw to compile
switch) and reworking solution/configurations.
Win32: Fixed crash with movie dialog
Added support for the MSU-1 coprocessor.
Added support for MSU-1 distribution pack.
Added support for BS-X Satellaview memory packs and data
Improved BS-X memory mapping accuracy.
Fixed APU error causing issues with some games.
Added option to ignore patch checksums.
Fixed build warnings / undefined behavior.
Correct pixel placement in hires.
Fixed RAM mapping for Light Fantasy.
Added Circuit USA APU timing hack.
libretro: Merged some changes from downstream repository.
GTK+: Allow use of XDG config directory.
GTK+: Updated Spanish translation.
Win32: Switched to Studio 2017.
Win32: Fixed problems when minimized in d3d.
Win32: Split Patch/Rom directory.
Win32: Simplified compilation by removing or including
some dependencies (included CG headers, completely
removed FMOD and FMOD_EX, moved direct draw to compile
switch) and reworking solution/configurations.
Win32: Fixed crash with movie dialog
Win32: Changed hotplugging
Win32: Changed hotplugging


Titel: Emu Loader 8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2017, 13:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.



version 8.3 change log - November 24, 2017
ZiNc returning "Error Code 1: Invalid Function"
WARNING: this is not a bugfix! If you get this error, make sure to install the "d3d-ogl12.zip" plugin and the problem WILL go away
No more "new display type found" annoying messages when creting MAME/HBMAME games lists; warning messages will be displayed one ONCE at the end of the process!
Selected game always moving position in the screen after running a game or changing preview image category/layout... "Don't get jittery!"
FATALITY! Emulators executable info and ROMs folders info are deleted if a new emulator build is found at startup (file "eldir\arcade\emulators.ini")
Path bug when searching unzipped preview images for software list games, resulting in existing images not showing... nobody noticed this ?
ListView item height changed to 22 pixels when icon size is 16x16; icon/text vertical alignment was not centered
Hitting ESC key would execute the "Apply" button instead of "Abort" button (Image Category/Layout Settings)
Custom font for games with preliminary drivers added back (MAME/HBMAME)
MAME software list games with no ROMs were not tagged as "Game with no ROMs", causing some problems when auditing and running games
Setting "AutoRun Game With AlterMAME" was not restored at startup; moved setting from "eldir\arcade\emulators.ini" to "EmuLoader.ini" ("Arcade Emulators Setup" screen and games popup menu)
EL was trying to run MAME software list games with AlterMAME when its build version is lower than 0.162
EL was trying to run HBMAME games with AlterMAME
The following settings were never read from mame.ini: "OSD Lightgun Input Provider", "OSD Joystick Input Provider" (MAME Settings screen)
You could not select items by clicking outsize the text area ("Arcade Games Filter" tool bar button)
Unicode strings were not decoded correctly for software list games
Category and VersionAdded are now limited to MAME and HBMAME sets only; MAME software list games also excluded
Option "Show/Hide All Categories" was not working properly (Image Categories Settings)
Selecting an image category folder was changing internal vars even if you don't have a system and/or image category selected ("Image Category Settings")
Frontend crash at startup if in thumbnails view with MAMu_ icons feature enabled
Thumbnails grid size not properly set at startup, creating a larger thumb image on the last selected game; plus a couple optimizations to improve startup speed
If system icon is disabled, game icon and favorite icon are painted outside the thumb image bounds, making them invisible (thumbnail view)
Game snapshots panel is now cleared when switching to internet game info
Setting "Hide Command Prompt Box" / "Run Game" disabled for all emulators except MAME/HBMAME; emulators do not work correctly if setting enabled (also causes ERROR 1 in ZiNc)
Editing a field directly in EasyListView conponent was not showing the text if the font color is other than black (TEdit controls background color is always white...)
Feature "Scan Games With Missing ROMs/CHDs" was not working at all (games popup menu, MAME and arcade emulators)
Dialog "Select Arcade System" was default to "MAME" instead of "All Systems"
Neo-Geo games with "neopcb" driver were not included in the "Neo-Geo" filter (MAME arcade only)
Games popup menu option "Set Custom Options" for "arcade", "console", "computer", "othersys" doesn't show the current selected game in "MAME Settings" screen anymore
YOU LOSE! Daphne game .zip files were not being searched at all when scanning for games; I guess NOBODY uses Daphne with Emu Loader because I've got ZERO bug reports for the past year!
If the filename for games list background image doesn't exist, after a manual filename edit (edit box), the current loaded bk image was not cleared (preferences screen)
Wrong media type for"disk" entries in games files for ZiNc games; they were detected as "Hard Disk Drive" when the correct media is "Disc"
To fix this you need to re-create ZiNc games list. Not doing so will cause no harm to the way ZiNc games are handled (it's up to you)
MAME machines filter panel can have the same background color/image and font settings from main games list
MAME/arcade emulators and MAME/arcade games lists are no longer required to use the frontend!
Unavailable systems are now shown with a ghosted icon and gray text (systems selection panels), except for "Emulators Setup" screens
EasyListView component changes and improvements:
- New "TileCaptionLines" property (ItemPaintInfo) so you can change how many lines the main caption will be shown; normal behaviour is a two lines caption for tiles view; this change is used in the new game custom fonts dialog, to display a single line on the main caption
- cosmetic fix: focus rect is now a solid frame
Renamed "Delete Selected Games" to "Delete Selected Games Files" to avoid confusion (games popup menu); this option delete your game's ROMs/CHDs/CFGs/Cartridge/Floppy/Cassette...
Renamed "Copy/Move Selected Games to Folder" to "Copy/Move Selected Games Files to Folder" to avoid confusion (games popup menu)
Moved MAME softlist games list folder from "eldir\softwarelist\" to "eldir\arcade\mame_softwarelist_games\" since they belong to MAME emulator; EL will try to move this folder at startup
From now on, setting "Show Favorite Icon in Games" is only for details view mode ("Favorites" tool bar button)
... to enable/disable favorite icon in thumbnails view, go to "Customize Thumbnails" screen ("View" tool bar button or "Thumbnails" sub-menu in games popup menu)
Unicode WinAPI "CreateProcessW()" is now the default function to run emulator executables; better compatibility with Windows 10;
also, the "StartF_UsePosition" flag is always enabled
Moved arcade games list files from "el_dir\arcade\" to new folder "el_dir\arcade\games\"
WARNING: you must move all files manually before using this build (or delete your current arcade game lists and start over)
Moved "\ini_files\cpu.ini" file to "\arcade\games\" folder, renamed and split file in two: "mame_maincpu.ini" and "hbmame_maincpu.ini"
WARNING: the frontend will not do this for you, you need to re-create MAME and HBMAME games lists
Moved "ini_files\games_played.ini" to new folder "\arcade\played_games\", split file for each arcade emulator and renamed to "system_name.txt"
- the frontend will try to move/split/rename "games_played.ini" at startup, no action required from your part
- last played game is always moved/added at the top of the list (like it does in EmuCon frontend)
- arcade files format has changed; added a "title" tag with the game title, a "media" tag with the media type index and a "execparam" tag with MAME softlist execution parameter
- console/computer/handheld (EmuCon) files format has changed; "game" tag replaced by "file" tag
Moved folder "\emulator_ini\" and all its files/sub-folders to "\arcade\emulator_ini\" new folder (you must move it manually)
Moved files "emulators.ini" and "image_categories.ini" from "\ini_files\" folder to "\arcade\" folder (EL will move them at startup)
Moved the following files from "\ini_files\" folder to "\arcade\" folder (you must move them manually before using this build)
- mame_softlist_exclude.txt
- el_mamu_exclude.ini
- mame_machines_usercustom.ini
Moved the following files from "\ini_files\" folder to "\arcade\filters\" new folder (you must move them manually)
- category.ini
- version.ini
- catver.ini
- mess.ini
- nplayers.ini
- languages.ini
Moved "\ini_files\memcard_lastused\" folder and all its files/sub-folders to "\arcade\memcard_lastused\" (you must move the folder manually)
Moved the following files from frontend's root folder to "\arcade\db_xml\" new folder; they were also updated (make sure to delete your current files from EL's root folder)
- DICE_xml.dat
- SEGAModel2_xml.dat
- SEGAModel2-v1.0_xml.dat
- SupermodelSEGAModel3_xml.dat
- ZiNc_xml.dat
Frontend logo changed to "Multiple Systems Frontend" since it's not just arcade systems anymore
Minor hack in TFontDialog component to allow custom colors selection (first color in colors list); it's not perfect but it works
Support for 3840x2160 resolution (4K) in "Scan Results" screen. ListView font sizes increased to 14 pixels and form width increased extra 500 pixels (squinty mode off)
Removed the 1000 chars limitation from command line string... uMain.RunProcess() function
Default MAME machines for softlist games is no more! Bugged feature. eg.: "Atari 400" machine was auto-assigned to "Atari 800" games... DUH!
From now on, you will be prompt to select a MAME machine just before running a game... if a machine is not already selected
Changed the scope of a few internal vars from global to local; no need to define them as global and waste RAM
Updates to favorites profiles
- filename extension changed from .ini to .txt as they are plain text files, either ANSI or UTF-8 format
- merged profiles of same filename from Emu Loader frontend and EmuCon frontend into a single file
- you must use fav profiles from EmuCon v2.7.6 or v2.7.7 (profiles of older EmuCon builds are NOT compatible)
- moved arcade favorites profiles from "\ini_files\favorites\" folder to "eldir\favorites\" (DO NOT MOVE fav profiles manually!!!)
IMPORTANT: profile files must be manually updated by you, using the new "Update Favorites Profiles" in main menu (AFTER updating EmuCon fav profiles, if you have them!)
Updates to "Favorites Manager"
- new "Settings" button in the buttons tool bar: "show small, medium, large fonts"
- you can resize the window to any size
- you can resize columns
- better handling when renaming title/filename and when cleansing invalid game entries
- button "Cleanse" modified to handle arcade and console/computer/handheld (EmuCon) games
- dialog is now always centered on screen
Updates to the customize main tool bar buttons
- support for new "EmuCon" buttons
- added new "MAME and Arcade" and "Console/Computer/Handheld" text tags on each button
- auto-resize if resolution is 640x480
- minor tweaks to the interface
Changes to the thumbnails view and the "Customize Thumbnails" dialog
- renamed "Keep Aspect Ratio" to "Maintain Aspect Ratio"
- renamed "Grid Size" to "Cell Size" since you change the size of each cell not the entire grid
- added support to customize width and height of the thumbnail
- cell vertical size is not increased internally by the frontend if game title text setting is enabled... that's your job
- if game title text is enabled, you must increase cell vertical size to accomodate text
- new thumbnail preview panel so you can view changes on-the-fly without appling them to the main games list
- new files "resources\images\thumbnail_preview_hor.png" and "resources\images\thumbnail_preview_vert.png" required
  (vertical image is only used/viewed if your screen resolution is 1280x720 or higher!)
- new "Image Size" text above thumb preview panel, for fine-tuning... if you want perfect square images when "Game Title" checkbox is enabled
  (it won't work if you have custom game fonts of different sizes!)
- game icon size 128x128 is now used if no snapshot is found
- minimum thumbnail cell size changed to 120x120 pixels; 68x68 game icons will be used if cell size is smaller than 144x144 pixels
- new settings "Left Align Icons" and "Right Align Icons"; align system/game/favorite icons to the left corver or the right corner of the thumbnail image
- new "Cancel" button to restore last settings before entering custom thumbnail settings screen (even after using the "Update" button!)
- main games list thumbnails are only refreshed if you actually change thumb settings when pressing "Update" or "Confirm" buttons
Several changes, fixes and optimizations to frontend startup
- the frontend will no longer complain if you have an emulator selected without a games list for it, or have a games list without an emulator selected
- clean install has changed: it only validate frontend games list files (MAME/MAME software list/arcade/console/computer/handheld); emulator executables are only required to create MAME/arcade games lists
- new "clean install" dialog with multiple choices for easier handling; self-explanatory with detailed information
- some tweaking to prevent arcade emulators settings from loading twice (in some cases)
- removed redundant validation code to decrease the startup time
Split image category settings and image layout settings dialog into two dialogs to avoid confusion (and duplicate code)
Changes to "Image Category Settings" feature
- added support for console/computer/handheld systems ported from EmuCon
- merged arcade/console/computer/handheld systems into one big list for easier access
- minimum 1024x768 / 1280x720 resolution required
- several tweaks
Changes to "Game Video Preview" feature
- moved settings from preferences screen to its own dialog, accessible in main menu "Images", images popup menu, and games popup menu
- you can abort changes by clicking the "Cancel" button (safe mode)
- added support for all console/computer/handheld systems ported from EmuCon
- merged arcade/console/computer/handheld systems into one big list for easier access
- minimum 1024x768 / 1280x720 resolution required
- minor optimizations
Games list font settings changes:
- support console/computer/handheld systems ported from EmuCon
- font settings saved on a new file "ini_files\sysgamecustomfont.ini" instead of "EmuLoader.ini" so you don't lose them on a clean frontend install
  (you can copy this file from EmuCon before using this Emu Loader build)
- new "All Systems" font setting added so EL can use it as a general systems font (arcade systems font settings are EXCLUDED from this)
- added games list background color/image settings if you want to change those settings while choosing game fonts (settings are still in preferences screen)
- huge UI facelift
- access more settings in the popup menu (mouse right-click)
- support various screen resolutions, including 4K (3840x2160)
Tiles view mode changes:
- new setting: "Tiles View Cell Size" (view mode tool bar buton); change this option if you're using large game fonts
- details text font is now fixed to "Trebuchet MS", size 9 (size 12 for larger cell sizes)
- details text font color is set automatically by the frontend depending on the games list background color (either black or white font color)... HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!
Changes to "Delete/Copy/Move Multiple Selected Games"
- support for console/computer/handheld systems from EmuCon
- bios name set info removed (MAME and arcade systems)
- the "Check Arcade File Types To Delete" box options are limited to MAME, MAME software list games and arcade systems
- new settings for the console/computer/handheld systems (MAME and arcade are not supported)
  - "Delete Game From Games List"; you can delete a game from the main games list files (like in EmuCon)
  - "Delete Game Files From Disk"; checking this option will delete the game files (like in EmuCon)
- gamename search bar removed; this was a ridiculously useless thing to have in there...
Several files in "eldir\resources\main_icons\" renamed and moved to another folder
Last selected game per system is gone; if last selected game is no longer visible after a games filters change, the first visible game is selected
File "resources\images\favicon_thumbnail.png" no longer required
Machines filter tool bar button is no more (replaced by something a lot better)
Arcade systems filter tool bar button is no more (replaced by something a lot better)
The following icon files are no longer required, "\resources\main_icons\" folder: "filterarcade_00_listall.ico"; "filterarcade_00_multi_system.ico"; "filterarcade_01_mame.ico"; "filterarcade_02_supermodelsegamodel3.ico"; "filterarcade_03_daphne.ico"; "filterarcade_04_demul.ico"; "filterarcade_05_hbmame.ico"; "filterarcade_06_dice.ico"; "filterarcade_07_segamodel2.ico"; "filterarcade_08_zinc.ico"
Support for latest Demul 0.7 WIP (November 11, 2017)
- detection of "merge" tag and alternate filenames
- fix bios titles to match MAME
New "media type" status bar icon next to the game name / game filename for the main games list (preliminary feature!)
Support new "Games.xml" file used in Supermodel 3 emulator SVN 592 and newer, so games list can be created from it
- if this file is not found ("supermodel3_dir\Config\Games.xml"), the frontend "outdated" custom file will be used (frontend_dir\arcade\db_xml\SupermodelSEGAModel3_xml.dat)
- support fully merged child sets (clone games); note that partially merged child sets are NOT supported by the "Supermodel 3 Emulator"... you either have all child ROMs in the parent set or all child ROMs in the child set!
New options for screen view: "Cropped" and "Stretched" (MAME Settings screen)
Support for MAME v0.183 and newer:
- new "PortAudio" sound output mode ("Sound" tab); also extra settings: API, device, latency
- new "UWP (Windows 10)" OSD Input Provider for keyboard and joystick; only supported in Windows 10
- new "Hybrid DInput/XInput" in "OSD Joystick Input Provider"... hybrid DirectInput/XInput joystick, Windows only
Support for MAME v0.190 and newer
- detection of new "feature" entries from -listxml output ("sound" and "graphics" types only for now...)
  "unemulated" entries are renamed to "preliminary"
- detection of new "SVG" display type for MAME v0.191 and newer
Added several Unicode functions in "source\uCommon.pas" for future improvements and better Windows 10 support
Added detection of the "optional" tag in ROMs/CHDs (MAME/HBMAME), for future frontend improvements
New console/computer/handheld systems and games lists (major port from EmuCon frontend!!!)
- what ???! MAME calls them "loose software"; games that are not listed in software lists ("mamedir\hash\" folder)
- in most features, handheld systems are included in "console" system
- created two new main menu items to separate system types: "MAME/Arcade" and "Console/Computer"
- new menu items to setup emulators, games folders, images folders (main menu "Console/Computer"):
  -> Emulators Setup
     - select up to 4 emulators per system
  -> Systems Folders Settings
     - select games folders for each system and media type (cartridge, floppy disk, cassette tape, disc, hard disk drive)
  -> Systems Editor
     - assign MAME software lists to EmuCon systems; multiple software lists can be assigned to a single EmuCon system      ;  (this requires a MAME games list and a MAME/arcade emulator selected)
  -> Games Editor
     - you can split games data: title, year, manufacturer, number of players (MAME and arcade games are not supported)
  -> Create Games List
     - I wonder what this does. Humm... I've got it! It makes pudding :)
- new "frontend_dir\console_computer\" sub-folder to store config files, games lists and extra stuff
- column "Category" shows the system name + media type, just like MAME softlist games
- play MAME software list games with custom emulators: BlueMSX, WinVICE, Win-UAE, FS-UAE, Snes9X, ZSNES, Altirra, Atari 800 Emulator, Stella, and many others
- you can use MAME and AlterMAME emulators selected in the arcade front to play console/computer games from EmuCon (some games might not work)
- you can still select MAME/MESS/UME binaries in "console/computer emulators setup" and use them to play games (to maintain EmuCon compatibility)
- you can have two parameters for each emulator; to change between them, go to the new "Use Param" tool bar button
- you can play a EmuCon game using different MAME machines, by using the new "Run Game With MAME" in games popup menu... thanks to the new "Systems Editor"
  - this setting is saved in "frontend_dir\console_computer\mame_systems_softwarelist.ini" file
    eg.: "msx1_cart", "msx1_flop", "msx1_cass" MAME softlists are assigned to the "MSX" system; you can use any MSX/MSX2/MSX2+/MSX Turbo-R MAME machine to play games not found in MAME software lists
- settings from EmuCon frontend can be easily used in Emu Loader simply by copying some files into Emu Loader's new "\console_computer\" sub-folder
   -> EmuCon files/folders to be copied to "el_root_dir\console_computer\" folder:
     - sysemulators.ini
     - sysgamefolders.ini
     - sysimagefolders.ini
     - emulator_parameters.ini
     - emulator_parameters[default].ini
     - ignore_extensions.txt
     - "\games\" folder and all its files
     - "\game_cfg\" folder and all its files
     - "\played_games\" folder and all its files
   -> EmuCon favorites profiles must be copied to "el_root_dir\favorites\" new folder
   -> NOTE: if you make changes to these files in Emu Loader, you can copy them back into EmuCon install dir and use them there without worries :)
   -> NOTE: you must update favorites profiles manually using "Update Favorites Profiles" in main menu; after the update you can delete "frontend_dir\console_computer\favorites\" and "frontend_dir\ini_files\favorites\" folders
New mega filter dialog for machine types and systems filters
- all systems now have check boxes, make sure to tick them to select the desired systems
- new "All Arcade Systems" and "All Console/Computer/Handheld Systems" options so you can quickly show or hide all available systems
   - individual systems checked status are no longer lost if you check "All Systems" options :) :) :) :)
- machine types expanded:
   - "Arcade Systems": to hide/show all arcade systems (MAME softlist games excluded)
   - "Console Systems": to hide/show all console systems ported from EmuCon (MAME softlist games excluded)
   - "Computer Systems": to hide/show all computer systems ported from EmuCon (MAME softlist games excluded)
   - "Handheld Systems": to hide/show all handheld systems ported from EmuCon (MAME softlist games excluded)
   - "MAME Machines With Software Lists: to hide/show all MAME machines that have software lists (info from -listxml output)
   - "MAME Machines Without Software Lists: to hide/show all MAME machines that do not have software lists (AntoPISA's "mess.ini" file required)
   - "MAME Software List Games: to hide/show all softlist games from MAME (based on "mamedir\hash\*.xml" files
   - "Enable MAME Machines Filter Panel": filter MAME software list games by MAME machines (left side of main games list)
- check more options in the systems popup menu (mouse right-click)
- settings are saved in EmuLoader.ini when exiting the frontend
Added a warning message in the "Run Game Confirmation" dialog for ZiNc; ZiNc returns "error 1: incorrect function" if don't have the "d3d-ogl12.zip" plugin installed in ZiNc
Support AntoPISA's version info and category .ini files for HBMAME emulator
- rename "version.ini" to "version_hb.ini" to avoid replacing MAME's "version.ini" file
- rename "category.ini" to "category_hb.ini" to avoid replacing MAME's "category.ini"
- only then, copy both .ini files to "eldir\arcade\filters\" folder


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 18:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Improved PPC recompiler
Improved online support
Fixed graphic bugs
Compatibility improvements
ErrEula implementation (Wii U's message box system)
Misc bug fixes



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2017, 16:15

version 8.3.2 change log - November 27, 2017


New game category filters in "Arcade Misc Filters" tool bar button... for MAME v0.191 and newer ("category.ini" or "catver.ini" required)
- Calculator: for calculator machines
- Educational: for educational machines
- Electronic: for all electronic boards and devices
- Utilities: misc utility machines/devices
- Printers: for printer devices
- Phones: for various phone devices
- MAME Console Machines: for console machines (extracted from -listxml output)
- MAME Computer Machines: for computer machines (extracted from -listxml output)
- MAME Handheld Machines: for handheld machines (extracted from -listxml output)

NOTE: the misc screen was enlarged to fit more filter options

version 8.3.1 change log - November 26, 2017


Error message "The system name is blank" when trying to run bios sets with Demul emulator; the frontend will no longer allow to run bios sets with Demul
Frontend crash due to a fatal "out of memory resources" error when in thumbnails view mode, if the thumb cell width and/or height are set to zero; this is a strange bug that might happen at startup
I forgot to change the game icons to 68x68 if thumb image size is smaller than 128x128; thumbnails view mode only


Titel: MAME 0.192
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2017, 05:40

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
[Speed] (metro.cpp) bangball: When you finish a level, sometimes the game runs like slow-motion. (Angelo Salese)
[DIP/Input] (saturn.cpp) sokyugrt: Emulation starts with 1 or more credits inserted. (Angelo Salese)
[Graphics] (meritm.cpp) magat5, megat6, megat3, megat4 and clones: "Run21" missing graphics for black-suited cards. (AJR)
[Color/Palette] (ssozumo.cpp) ssozumo: Wrong colors in the title screen. (Angelo Salese)
[Color/Palette] (lasso.cpp) wwjgtin, photof: Wrong colors. (Angelo Salese)
[DIP/Input] (saturn.cpp) shanhigw: The game starts with 2 credits inserted. (Angelo Salese)
[Misc.] (gei.cpp) geimulti: Thirteen game ROMs are loaded, only nine are listed in-game and playable. (Osso)
[Crash/Freeze] (dwarfd.cpp) All sets in dwarfd.c: [debug] Assert shortly after start. (AJR)
[Speed] (shanghai.cpp) shanghai, shangha2 and clones: When playing, the gameplay and sound are very fast. (Angelo Salese)
[Graphics] (metro.cpp) blzntrnd: Sprite layer disappears entirely after completing single-player game. (Angelo Salese)
[Sound] (taitosj.cpp) elevator: Elevator Action sound balance is incorrect. (hap)
[Sound] (midtunit.cpp) mk: Missing music. (hap)
[Original Reference] (einstein.cpp) einstei2: Cursor not visible in 80-column B/W screen! (Dirk Best)
[Original Reference] (einstein.cpp) einstei2: Character set selection (M004) in 80-column B/W screen! (Dirk Best)
[Graphics] (pacland.cpp) pacland and clones: Sprite priority problem in invincible state. (hap)
[Crash/Freeze] (marinedt.cpp) marinedt: MAME crashes when starting game. (Angelo Salese)
[Media Support] (einstein.cpp) einstein: Formatting on double-density drive fails! (Dirk Best)
[Graphics] (toaplan1.cpp) outzonecv: Screen is misaligned 16 pixels to the left. (hap)
[Color/Palette] (zx.cpp) ts1000: Timex Sinclair 1000 screen displays black on cyan (should be black on white). (star2root)
[Core] (zx.cpp) ts1000: The Timex Sinclair 1000 emulation only has the option of having 2k of RAM. (star2root)
[DIP/Input] (seta.cpp) calibr50: Speed difference when rotating player. (AJR)
[Sound] (spacefb.cpp) spacefb and clones: DAC sounds not working 100%. (Tafoid)
[Compiling] (coco12.cpp) coco3, dragon, etc.: Genie fails to detect nested dependency of coco_t4426 on mc14411. (hap)
[Gameplay] (dragon.cpp) Dragon machines run too fast! (hap)
New working machines
Akai Katana (2010/ 8/13 MASTER VER.) [Bicycle Repairman]
Pac-Eight [rod_wod, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (PS0239) Jackpot Jewels Slots [Brian Troha]
The Big Joke (Version 0.00) [Coolmod, The Dumping Union]
New working clones
'99: The Last War (bootleg) [ShouTime]
Action Fighter (System 16B, unprotected, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (unprotected) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (unprotected, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Battlecry (Prototype)
[ShouTime, progetto-SNAPS, Patrick Wheeler, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Rod_Wod, Jeffrey Gray,
John Wilke, gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Battlecry (Version C)
[ShouTime, progetto-SNAPS, Patrick Wheeler, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Rod_Wod, Jeffrey Gray,
John Wilke, gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Bucky O'Hare (ver AA) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Codimex CD-6809 [Felipe Sanches]
Grudge Match (V00.90, Italy, location test?) [Vernimark, f205v]
Gunbird 2 (set 2) [Hyid Choi]
Head On N [ShouTime, Andrew Welburn, Rob Carr, Paul Vining, InsertMoreCoins, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Kaypro 10 - 1983 [rfka01]
Otrona Attache 8:16 [Al Kossow]
Prologica CP400 Color II [Felipe Sanches]
Prologica CP-500 (PVIII REV.3) [Felipe Sanches]
The 26th Z [ShouTime, Paul Vining, The Dumping Union]
Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2) [ShouTime]
Troopy (bootleg of Mr. Kougar) [MikeMcBike]
Machines promoted to working
ACI Destiny Prodigy [Edstrom]
Cromenco MCB-216 [Robbbert]
Flower (US) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto RISC 1MB [CB-Emu, RolandLangfeld, Sandro Ronco]
Ping Pong King [Angelo Salese]
Time Attacker [Angelo Salese]
Clones promoted to working
Cromenco CB-308 [Robbbert]
Flower (Japan) [Angelo Salese]
Mephisto RISC II [CB-Emu, RolandLangfeld, Sandro Ronco]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Add Arbor Ambassador [Robbbert]
ADDS Viewpoint 122 [Robbbert]
ADDS Viewpoint 60 [Robbbert]
Altos II Terminal [Robbbert]
Ampex Dialogue 80 [Robbbert]
AT&T 630 MTG [Robbbert]
C.Itoh CIT-220+ Video Terminal [Robbbert]
Convergent Mightyframe [Robbbert]
Data General Dasher D461 [Robbbert]
DEC VT-240 [Robbbert]
DISER Lilith [Robbbert]
Golgo 13: Juusei no Chinkonka (Japan, GLT1 VER.A) [Guru]
Hazeltine Esprit [Robbbert]
HP 2100 [Robbbert]
HP-2622A [Robbbert]
HP-700/92 [Robbbert]
InterPro 2000 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2400 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2500 [Patrick Mackinlay]
InterPro 2700 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Kaypro 1 [rfka01]
Kaypro 2/84 [rfka01]
Kaypro 4x [rfka01]
LSI M3 [Robbbert]
Micro-Term 420 [Robbbert]
Micro-Term 5510 [Robbbert]
Milwaukee Computers MC-1200 [Robbbert]
Motorola AMPS Car Phone [Robbbert]
Motorola Powerstack II [Robbbert]
Mushiking The King Of Beetles - Mushiking IV / V / VI (World) [Darksoft, f205v, MetalliC, rtw]
Onyx C5000 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT-102 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT-103 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT-190 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT-201 [Robbbert]
Qume QVT-70 [Robbbert]
Relisys TR175II [Robbbert]
Solbourne Series 5E Computer Workstation [Robbbert]
Sony PlayStation 2 [Robbbert]
Televideo TS-3000 [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI-912C [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI-955 [Robbbert]
Televideo TVI-965 [Robbbert]
Terco 4490 Mill CNC Control [Edstrom]
Three Rivers PERQ 1A [Robbbert]
TRS-80 DT-1 [Robbbert]
Vectrix VX384 Graphics Processor Terminal [Robbbert]
Visual 100 [Robbbert]
Visual 102 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-50 [Robbbert]
Xerox Alto I [Robbbert]
Zentec Zephyr [Robbbert]
Ziatech ZT-8802 SBC [Robbbert]
unknown ACD computer [Robbbert]
unknown TTI SCSI host adapter [Robbbert]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Action Fighter (FD1089A 317-unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (FD1089A 317-unknown) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317-unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317-unknown, set 1) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317-unknown, set 2) [David Haywood]
Commodore PC 40-III [rfka01]
Compaq Portable III [rfka01]
Gran Trak 10/Trak 10/Formula K (older) [TTL] [Ed Fries, Tim Giddens, Andy Welburn]
Hazeltine Esprit III [Robbbert]
Kaypro 4/84 plus88 [rfka01]
Kaypro New 2 [rfka01]
Landing High Japan (Ver 2.02 O) [ShouTime]
Martial Masters (ver. 102, 101, 101TW) [skate323k137, The Dumping Union]
Sanyo MBC-28 [rfka01]
Siemens PCD-2 [rfka01]
Wyse WY-150 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-160 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-30+ [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-55 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-60 [Robbbert]
Wyse WY-85 [Robbbert]
New working software list additions
ALPS - Adventure Language Programming System, APEC Utils Disc v1.3, Archimedes Hard Disc Utilities Disc, Euclid v2.06
[Nigel Barnes]
bbca_cass: 100 Programs for the BBC Microcomputer [Nigel Barnes]
bbcb_cass: Fairy Tale, Instant Recall, Starter Word Splits, WestQuest 1847 [Nigel Barnes]
Acornsoft Demo Disk v1.0, Revs Demo, Superior Software - Demonstration Disc, Tree of Knowledge [Nigel Barnes]
BeebSID 18 - Club Hits [PitfallJones]
electron_cart: Starspell, Starspell & Starword, Starspell & View, Stop Press [Nigel Barnes]
AnotherTOWNS - Anata~ Free Software Collection, Dragon Shock, NHK Jissen Eikaiwa, Okumanchouja II, Oshare Cooking II,
Tom Snyder's Puppy Love 2, Toushin Toshi II [r09]
hp85_rom: Mass storage ROM [F.Ulivi]
B.A.T. (CGA/EGA/Tandy versions) (Quest & Glory Compilation), Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: The Coin-Op! [ArcadeShadow]
La Collection Amstrad PC - Arkanoid / Super Tennis, Oliver & Company [breiztiger]
D Sports Boxing (Euro, Alt), A Line in the Sand, A Nightmare on Elm Street,
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds (V1.1), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Curse of the Azure Bonds (V1.2),
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pool of Radiance, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Pools of Darkness,
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Secret of the Silver Blades (1.10), Alpine Tram Ride, QNX Demonstration (Apr 17th, 1989),
Word 1.15, Word 2.00, Word 5.0 (Swedish), Word 5.5 (3.5", German), Word 5.5 (3.5", Italian), Word 5.5 (5.25"),
Word X1.06 (September 7, 1983 beta) [Justin Kerk]
Ecstatica, Fables & Fiends - The Hand of Fate (German), Heart of China, LucasArts Classic Adventures, Rise of the Dragon
WarCraft - Orcs & Humans [breiztiger]
hal91 0.2.0, HAL91 0.4.5, PC Tools 7.1 (5.25" HD), PC-MOS Version 5.01, PC-MOS/386 Version 1.02, PC-MOS/386 Version 3.00,
Photon microGUI Development version 1.10 for QNX 4.2x, Photon microGUI Runtime version 1.10 for QNX 4.2x, PicoBSD 0.41 (Dialup),
PicoBSD 0.41 (Dialup) (Polish), PicoBSD 0.41 (ISP-alpha), PicoBSD 0.41 (Network), PicoBSD 0.41 (Network) (Polish),
PicoBSD 0.41 (Router), PicoBSD 0.41 (Router) (Polish), PicoBSD 0.43 (Dialup), QNX 4.23, QNX 4.24, QNX 4.25,
QNX Demo (Modem v4.00), QNX Demo (Network v400), QNX Demo Floppy (Modem Version V4), QNX Demo Floppy (Network Version V4),
QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (v1.0), QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (v1.0a),
QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (v1.0a Beta), QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (v1.1 - Russian),
QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (Modem v3.03), QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (Network v2.0),
QNX Internet Appliance Toolkit Demo (Network v3.03), QNX TCP/IP Runtime version 4.23, Serial Terminal Linux (0.1),
Serial Terminal Linux (0.2), Serial Terminal Linux (0.3) [Justin Kerk]
mtx_rom: MTX NewWord, Hisoft PASCAL [Nigel Barnes]
px4_cart: Dialtext 4 [Robbbert]
Software list items promoted to working
bbc_flop_arm: ARM Evaluation System Discs [Nigel Barnes]
ibm5150: Ikari Warriors (alt) [breiztiger]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
dragon_cart: Dragon 32 Soak Test [Nigel Barnes]
Advanced Plus 3, Advanced Plus 4, Click, Cumana Floppy Disc System, Pegasus 400, Sound Expansion v1, Sound Expansion v3
[Nigel Barnes]
fmtowns_cd: Suikoden - Tenmei no Chikai [r09]
Railroads & Robber Barons, 5th Fleet, Alfalinux 0.3.1 -Laetitia-, Brutalware Linux 1.1, DLX Linux Demodisk V1.0, Phindows,
tomsrtbt (1.7.185), tomsrtbt (2.0.103), Win32s (1.15), Win32s (1.15a), Win32s (1.25), Win32s (1.25a OLE), Win32s (1.30)
[Justin Kerk]
lynx: Alpine Games [anonymous]
mtx_cart: MTX Node Ring [Nigel Barnes]
mtx_cass: Demonstration Tape, MTX Draughts [Nigel Barnes]
Clock, DAKComm, dBase II, Epson BASIC, Geneva Connection, Intext 1.0, Intext 1.1, Othello, Oval IRM, Portable Calc,
Portable WordStar, SuperCalc, The Traveling Appointment Manager, The Traveling Expense Manager, The Traveling Time Manager,
Turbo Pascal (unofficial ROM), CP/M Utilities [Nigel Barnes]
Disney Cenerentola - I desideri magici di Cenerentola (Ita), Disney Il re leone - La grande avventura di Simba (Ita),
Disney La sirenetta - Ariel e la crociera magica (Ita), Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Le nuove ricette di Remy (Ita),
Disney/Pixar Up (UK), Kung Fu Panda - Path of the Panda (UK), Scooby-Doo! - Avventura a Funland (Ita),
Zayzoo: An Earth Adventure (UK) [tag2015]
Translations added or modified
Dutch [Jos van Mourik]
Greek [BraiNKilleRGR]
Portuguese [Pedro Simoes]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Source Changes
ygv608.cpp fixes and improvements: [Agiri]
Fixed rotation and scrolling.
Added scrolling-by-row (used in NCV1 Xevious Arrangement).
Fixed scaling effect (used in NCV2 Pacman Arrangement staff roll).
mice updates - boots into monitor now: [AJR]
Generate Baud rate through 8155 (clock kludge required).
Factory settings for DSW7 to configure baud rate, data bits and parity.
Hooked up Rx and Tx interrupts.
Split into separate sets for each CPU-specific monitor program.
i8155: Substantially rewrote timer emulation. [AJR]
ringking: Fixed misconfigured NMI gate - works again now. [AJR]
isbc8030: Remove hacky and superfluous UI-configurable Baud clock. [AJR]
n8080.cpp: Directly set 8035 IRQ line rather than generating fake pulses (restores some sounds in helifire). [AJR]
Changed 9615 baud configurations to the nominal 9600 baud now that Z80SIO is more tolerant. [AJR]
Made SDL input less eager to generate double-click events when mouse doesn't move between clicks. [AJR]
m68000: Reinstated registration of SR for debug expressions. [AJR]
mc68901: Improved USART behavior for polled operation. [AJR]
v9938, v9958: Converted to use RGB32 bitmaps, fixed V9938-onV9938 transparent overlay in meritm.cpp. [AJR]
Improved wraparound handling for relative inputs. [AJR]
Attempted to fix PPC DRC scheduling bug (MT06615). [AJR]
mc68681: Distinguish SCN2681 and MC68681 DUART types. [AJR]
vt220: Hooked up SCN2681 based on schematics. [AJR]
stvvdp1.cpp: Fixed line/polyline drawing (Die Hard Arcade wireframe map). [Angelo Salese]
dec0.cpp: Sly Spy updates: [Angelo Salese]
Emulated sound protection state machine for Sly Spy and removed ROM patch.
First pass at emulating Sly Spy RNG device at $31c00d - used extensively for randomisation, especially with bosses.
marinedt.cpp: Rewrote driver from scratch, fixing multiple issues that persisted in previous implementation. [Angelo Salese]
Added sea bitmap and flashing when shark appears.
Improved sprite/tilemap colors - now more accurate to the references.
Fixed priority - both sprite layers are actually above text tilemap.
Added player 2 trackball inputs and global coin lockout.
Streamlined and improved collision detection (still not perfect, so still marked NOT_WORKING).
flower.cpp: Rewrote driver from scratch, fixing multiple issues that persisted in previous implementation [Angelo Salese]
Fixed visible area to 288x224 - fixes leftmost columns (inside the big ship).
Corrected background layer priority (outside and inside the big ship).
Fixed zoom points for 32x32 sprites.
gladiatr.cpp: Added preliminary sound emulation and MCU simulation for inputs in Pink Pong King. [Angelo Salese]
cyclemb.cpp: Added preliminary audio for Cycle Maabou/Sky Destroyer. [Angelo Salese]
Added/fixed HMC20 and screen raw parameters for multiple drivers. [Angelo Salese]
bogeyman.cpp, chanbara.cpp, dec0.cpp, dec8.cpp, firetrap.cpp, mystston.cpp, ssozumo.cpp
mainevt.cpp: Fixed sprite shadows for Devastators. [Angelo Salese]
chqflag.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
Improved shadow/highlight code - fixes black rain and lights at dawn.
K051937 sets up a register when background should be dimmed - fixes start/end pouring event colors.
Fixed dimmed screen condition bug after soft reset.
amusco.cpp: Improved colors. [Angelo Salese]
metro.cpp: Added sprite X/Y center point registers , and removed screen check hack. [Angelo Salese]
Rewrote Imagetek i4100/i4220/i4300 video display processor family, and hooked it up to metro.cpp. [Angelo Salese]
zx.cpp: Fixed ts1000 display and added extra RAM options. [Barry Nelson]
attache: Added Attache 8:16 ROMs, and revision H BIOS; added preliminary communications between Z80 and 8086. [Barry Rodewald]
fmtowns: Separated palette into a 256-colour palette and two 16-colour palettes for each layer - fixes colours in Abel.
[Barry Rodewald]
r9751: Added more SMIOC commands - disktool is now able to print startup text. [Brandon Munger]
mrisc: Fixed opening book. [CB-Emu]
cosmac: Added WAIT/CLEAR input lines. [Curt Coder]
cdp1852: Added DO read function. [Curt Coder]
tmc600 updates: [Curt Coder]
Added Euro bus skeleton, fixed printer handshake, and fixed RAM/ROM region sizes.
Implemented video according to actual hardware and fixed cursor blink rate.
Implemented TMC-700 real time clock.
pgm2 improvements: [David Haywood]
Fleshed out driver, creating devices for the Atmel ARM AIC and a derived IGS036 CPU.
Emulated IGS037 video hardware - covers sprites (with zooming), tilemaps (including rowscroll), and the priority system.
Still marked NOT_WORKING due to missing memory card emulation (requires simulation of undumped MCU).
mpeg_audio: Use pre-calculated cosine table for DCT decoding - yields significant performance improvement.
[David Haywood, Aaron Giles]
arm7: Fixed BLX (LO) thumb opcode in ARM7/9 - return address was offset by one halfword. [David Haywood]
dsk_dsk: Don-t segfault on empty tracks - fixes einstein 4game. [Dirk Best]
deco146: Fully handle sound latch internal to the device. [Dirk Best]
einstein updates: [Dirk Best]
Created "Tatung Pipe" bus and converted 80 column device (use -pipe tk02 to use).
Added cursor rendering, support for alternate character, and save state support set to the 80 column device.
Removed redundant einstei2 driver.
Added user port bus interface with support for speech cartridge and mouse.
Corrected default floppy drive types, and added support for more types.
Added ADC0844 device, emulated analogue joystick, and fixed minor issues with memory map.
Marked Einstein 256 ROM dump as bad.
Added support for the Silicon Disc RAM drive as a pipe device (appears as drive 3).
Fixed Centronics port - printing now works.
Hooked up RS232 port.
Improved interrupts and add WIP Speculator support.
px4: Fixed keyboard input from cold start. [Dirk Best]
floppy: Added TEAC FD-30A 3 inch floppy drive. [Dirk Best]
Added a generic Z80 daisy chain device, for use in drivers with non-Z80 peripherals. [Dirk Best]
midvunit: Use ADC0844 device. [Dirk Best]
micro3d updates: [Dirk Best]
Use ADC0844 device and fixed throttle regression.
Attached RS232 port to monitor port.
adc0844: Added support ADC0848 variant and made some adjustments to differential mode. [Dirk Best]
: Use line handlers for single lines. [Dirk Best]
wave: Look up speaker count and cassette device relative to owner - fixes cassette speakers inside devices. [Dirk Best]
headonn: Fixed colors and added DIP switch info. [Dirk Best]
headon2: Fixed colors and cleaned up. [Dirk Best]
spacetrk: Marked as imperfect graphics due to missing star field and background gradient. [Dirk Best]
via6522: Added some interrupt logging. [Edstrom]
prodigy: Added clickable layout, making the machine playable; updated keypad logic to use ioport_array. [Edstrom]
t4426: Replaced a bad dump caused by corrosion with a new verified dump. [Edstrom]
epc: Fixed load order for newer ROM (now gives same error as older ROM), and set EGA as default as it works. [Edstrom]
z80scc: Ported improvements from z80sio and cleaned up code. [Edstrom]
hp9895: Fixed NMI handling and secondary addressing in PHI chip. [F.Ulivi]
hp85: Added support for I/O slots and emulation of HP82937 module; added support for internal printer. [F.Ulivi]
Fixed metadata fro Brazilian CoCo clones, and renamed LZ Color64 ROMs to document labels and PCB locations. [Felipe Sanches]
Added Codimex CD-6809 FDC (1986) device. [Felipe Sanches]
trs80dt1 updates: [Frank Palazzolo, Robbbert]
Fixed keyboard key sense to fix key repeat.
Switched refresh to 60Hz to match with 60Hz jumper setting.
Added temporary hack to get the last three columns to display.
i8275: Added check to avoid potential buffer overflow. [Frank Palazzolo]
m68000: Added support for 68010/68020/68030 bus error stack frames formats - fixes common CPU type detection routine.
[Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
Fixed DS128X/DS1288X main frequency divider - output frequency must be fixed to 1Hz. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
smc91c9x: Implemented SMC91C9X Ethernet controller connected mode with WinPcap or TUN/TAP tunnel. [Jean-Francois DEL NERO]
cv1k.cpp: Demoted all sets to imperfect timing, set audio output to mono, and documented DIP switches. [MetalliC]
ymz77x improvements: [MetalliC]
Added pan, main volume level, and clip limit control.
Emulated YMZ774 chip at feature level used by PGM2-platform games.
SH3/4 DRC: Mark DRC cache dirty on reset. [MetalliC]
arm7: Handle DP-commands ROR <Rs> case where Rs=32/64. [MetalliC]
arm7: LDR/LDRM should switch to Thumb mode on ARMv5T. [David Haywood, MetalliC]
ti99_8: Added Hexbus write timing logic. [Michael Zapf]
bbcb: Added Computer Village 1797 FDC (LVL Dos) - not working. [Nigel Barnes]
electron: Added Acorn Plus 1 expansion device, moved cart slots to plus1, and replaced OS ROM with good dump. [Nigel Barnes]
bbc: Added ARM Evaluation System co-processor device. [Nigel Barnes]
cfa3000: Added input devices on userport, analogue, and 1MHz bus. [Nigel Barnes]
bbcm: Allow switching between internal and external tube ports. [Nigel Barnes]
mtx updates: [Nigel Barnes]
Fully implemented both ROM- and RAM-based memory maps.
Added Finnish and Danish keyboard ROMs.
Implemented ROM extension board and cartridge slot.
Added support for ROM 2 subpages on ROM extension board.
Implemented cassette motor control.
accomm: Added CMOS RAM, serial and econet ports, implemented RAM/ROM switching according to manual, and documented full memory map.
[Nigel Barnes]
interpro updates: [Patrick Mackinlay]
Added basic support for the system bus variously referred to as SR, SR bus, SRX and CBUS.
Added initial GT graphics card implementation sufficient to boot the diagnostic monitor in graphics mode.
Added high-level emulation of the InterPro keyboard with US English layout.
Added support for InterPro 20x0, 24x0 and 27x0 systems.
Added support for Ethernet, mouse, and serial DMA.
Improved timer, interrupt and DMA handling.
improved comments/documentation
bt459 improvements: [Patrick Mackinlay]
Added support for blinking (pixel planes and cursors).
Fixed dual-cursor and X Window mode.
Corrected screen output alignment.
fxxx: Added device emulating 28F010 Flash memory and family (not compatible with JEDEC Flash protocol). [Patrick Mackinlay]
Converted Interpro to use this device.
clipper: Floating point improvements: [Patrick Mackinlay]
Switched to softfloat implementation.
Implemented floating point macro instructions.
Implemented floating point exceptions and rounding.
apple2: Added preliminary support for "SSB Apple" speech board. [R. Belmont, Apple II Documentation Project]
apple2: Added preliminary support for AE TransWarp accelerator card. [R. Belmont, Apple II Documentation Project]
apple2: Added No-Slot Clock support to //e, //c, and friends. [R. Belmont]
apple2cp: Improved "MIG" custom chip handling for apple2cp. [mgcaret, R. Belmont]
apple2cp: Corrected MIG RAM size to 2K (was 0.5K). [mgcaret, R. Belmont]
apple2c: Fixed Slinky register return when no expansion RAM is present. [R. Belmont, mgcaret]
ds1315: Added support for DS121x parts where the RTC sits in a ROM's address space. [R. Belmont]
arm7: ARM v5TE support improvements: [R. Belmont]
Added support for high vector option.
Fixed v5 BLX to save the return address in R14.
Implemented BLX Rn form.
Fleshed out ARM946ES model, added movable DTCM and ITCM support.
nds: De-skeletonized driver: [R. Belmont]
Added WRAM banking and more mirroring.
Added timers, interrupt management, partial DMA, and ARM7 halt-until-IRQ.
ibmpcjr: Added quiksilver fast-boot BIOS. [Robbbert]
mmagic: Added sound samples. [Robbbert]
Aristocrat MK5 updates: [Roberto Fresca]
Redumped the following sets so they have correct checksums and boot: Adonis (BHG1508, US), Boot Scootin' (GHG1012-02, US),
Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-03, US), Cash Chameleon (DHG4078-99, US), Enchanted Forest (JHG0415-03, US),
Golden Pyramids (AHG1206-99, US), Magic Garden (AHG1211-99, US), Margarita Magic (EHG1559, US, set 1), Party Gras (BHG1284, US),
Sweethearts II (PHG0742-02, US), Sweet Liberty Deluxe (AHG1575, US), The Gambler (EHG0916-02, US),
Tropical Delight (PHG0625-02, US).
Added BIOS / USA Set Chip v4.04.08.
Reformatted the game drivers to be more readable.
fmtowns: Fixed kanji ROM offset calculation and scrolling in 16-color mode. [r09]
Kanji in fixed ROM font now displays correctly, making boot messages intelligible.
Scrolling imperfect but better than before - fixes scrolling/positioning issues in multiple games.
hcd62121 updates: [Ricardo Barreira]
Made improvements based on experiments with hardware using a CFX-9850G.
Fixed mistakes in CL flag calculations, and added more unknown instructions.
CFX-9850G is now emulated just accurately enough for most of the RUN mode to work well.
mrisc: Added PROM dumps and removed the ARM boot hack. [RolandLangfeld, Sandro Ronco]
arm7: Added rudimentary instruction prefetch buffer. Fixes GBA NES Classics games. [Ryan Holtz]
gba: Made GPIO ports pass ROM through on read by default - fixes Doom 2 and Duke Nukem Advance. [Ryan Holtz]
e132xs: Reworked all opcodes to reduce runtime branches and unnecessary work - now considerably faster. [Ryan Holtz]
sm7238: Implemented reverse video, 80/132 column switching, and alternate font. [shattered]
vt240: Fixed palette and screen size fix. [shattered]
monty.cpp: Wake Monty Plays Scrabble and Master Monty from HALT instruction using reset. [smf]
z80: Implemented HALT output and clear HALT condition during reset. [smf]
c65 updates: [smf]
Reordered keys and renamed I/O ports to match system specification.
Added caps key and two extra keyboard columns, although only one of them may have made it into hardware.
Added support for switching between 40/80 columns with F1 and blink/underline/highlight/reverse attribute.
Allow switching between upper case/lower case character ROM with shift+Commodore key.
chdman: Use DeviceIoControl to get disk length - allows chdman to access physical drives on Windows 10. [Ted Green]
Added 32- and 64-bit population count utilities. [Vas Crabb]
Moved object finder resolution before device_start (github #2759). [Vas Crabb]
Added an SDLC consumer device that logs SNA frame headers and data. [Vas Crabb]
Replaced hacky Kaypro keyboard that bypassed the SIO with emulated Kaypro 10 keyboard. [Vas Crabb, rfka01, TeamEurope]
kaypro: Switched from z80dart to z80sio, hooked up BRG to SIOs, hooked up direct connections from SIOs to RS232 ports. [Vas Crabb]
z80sio updates: [Vas Crabb]
Decoupled from device_serial_interface - it can't support synchronous modes, on-the-fly register updates, and other features.
Made asynchronous receive behave more like real device: check that start bit persists for half a bit interval, sample data bits
mid-interval, handle invalid stop bit as described in Zilog manual, check parity and latch overrun and parity errors.
Re-implemented break detection.
Implemented SDLC transmission including bit stuffing, transmit CRC, abort, and underrun/end-of-message behaviour.
Generalised synchronous transmission to other modes.
Completely overhauled interrupt logic - vectors should be correct now.
Improved handling of transmit and receive buffers and control lines.
Implemented different auto-reset receive errors in MPSC vs SIO.
Implemented enough of synchronous reception to pass uts20 loopback tests (not accurate, but helps understanding).
Disabled automatic CRC transmission in 1-byte sync mode (necessary to pass uts20 loopback tests).
e132xs: Templated most Hyperstone register-register and immediate opcode handlers to reduce code duplication. [Vas Crabb]
Also fixed behaviour in some corner cases including privileged register traps and SR as source in subtraction.
uts20 updates - all self-tests now pass without ROM patches: [Vas Crabb]
Hacked in permanent loopback on SIO channel A TxD to RxD, and SIO channel B TxD to RxD and WAIT/READY to DCD+RTS.
Implement parity poison and NMI on parity error feature.
Corrected NVRAM width to four bits.
namcops2.cpp: Added dump of Time Crisis 3 V291 I/O board. [Darksoft, Mitsurugi]
naomi.cpp: Dumped WaveRunnerGP motor board. [Darksoft, Mitsurugi]
skyskipr: Added DIP switch locations. [einstein95]
vicdual: Added sound samples for tranqgun and bonus sound sample for depthch. [Jim Hernandez]
Fixed some typos. [Martin Lindhe]
pgm2: Dumped IGS036 internal ROMs for Oriental Legend 2 and Knights of Valour 2 New Legend.
[Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen]
pntnpuzl: Added 8798 MCU dump. [Reznor007]
Added Commodore PC 30-III BIOS v2.00 and alternative Ericsson PC BIOS. [rfka01]
Dumped obj roms for Seibu CATS system. [ShouTime, Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Redumped Taikyoku Base Ball (previously called Champion Base Ball Part-2 (set 2) and only partially dumped).
[ShouTime, progetto-SNAPS, Patrick Wheeler, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Paul Vining, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Rod_Wod, Jeffrey Gray,
John Wilke, gamerfan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Identified Lives and Demo Sounds DIP switches for Sky Destroyer. [sjy96525]
Corrected years for Spikeout: Final Edition, Ehrgeiz, Golgo 13 Kiseki no Dandou and Daytona USA. [sjy96525]
Fixed failure to boot for Tekken Tag Tournament (World, TEG2/VER.C1, set 2) and Tekken Tag Tournament (US, TEG3/VER.B). [sjy96525]
Corrected inputs for CPS3 multi-game bootlegs - Street Fighter III games and Red Earth / Warzard require six buttons. [sjy96525]
namcos10.cpp: Updated documentation. [Guru]


Titel: PPSSPP 1.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2017, 16:15
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


Fixes for common crashes.
Full Vulkan support, also for Android now. Very fast on supported devices.
Smarter graphics state management, reduced CPU consumption on all backends.
Android: Support for Arabic and other scripts we couldn't support before.
Fix Android widgets, screen scaling.
Fixes to video dumping.
Geometry problems fixed in Medal of Honor.
Implement immediate draws, fixing Thrillville.
Software rendering improvements, speed and accuracy.
Hardware tesselation of PSP Beziers and Splines (used by a few games).
Partial sceUsbGps and sceUsbCam support (Android).
Android "Sustained performance mode" to avoid thermal throttling.
Linux controller mapping fixes.
Assorted bugfixes and compatibility improvements.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2017, 11:15


No more crashes when fast scrolling games by holding down UP/DOWN keys; caused by the LoadScreenshot() function when "Images Layouts" view mode is enabled
Games list was not reloaded after creating a games list for a single console/computer/handheld system
Bugs in "Create Console/Computer/Handheld Games List" (main menu)
- memory leak after creating games lists
- from now on, the games list will only be reloaded if there are new games added (new games lists or existing games lists)
Bugs in "Delete Multiple Selected Games Files" feature (games popup menu)
- access violation if there are console/computer/handheld in the list due to a leftover code from the EmuCon port
- if you disable "Delete Games Files From Disk", the game filename was still being validated for deletion (without actually deleting the file)
- the delete/copy/move progress dialog was left open if zero files were processed


Several optimizations and source code cleanup; arcade related files also moved to a new "sourcearcade" folder


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2017, 18:45
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

License: Open Source

Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2017, 05:45


Some icons were misplaced when "Small Tool Bar" buttons setting is enabled


More source code optimizations
Changes to the Machine Type / Systems mega filter (tool bar buttons)
- custom cell drawing with customized icons draw position
- added a system type icon/text below the sytem title; now you know if a system is arcade, console, computer or handheld
- fixed a bug were unchecked systems were not ghosting the system icon when opening the dialog


Forgot to implement the "Read Usage Rules" viewer in games popup menu / "Run Console/Computer Game"... oopsie!
New "Systems Quick Filter"
- this filter allows you to quickly select one or more systems to show in the list without making changes to the "machine type / systems" main filter
- it will bypass the settings from the "machine type / systems" completely but it will apply the settings from the other filter in the tool bar
- the "MAME Machines Filter Panel" will be automatically disabled, even if MAME system is selected in this quick filter
- if filter is active, an icon with a green stripe will be loaded in the tool bar button
- if filter is disabled, an icon with a red stripe will be loaded in the tool bar button


Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2017, 05:15


System type label was invisible in "Last Played Games" (MRU) screen
Filters tool bar customize dialog changes
- moved "Search Bar" from the list to the bottom since it's a different kind of filter
- all tool bar filters are visible again


Fixes/changes to the games search bar panel (tool bar buttons)
- removed the "down arrow" from the TEdit box and added a new "settings" button next to it
- fixed a drawing bug related to that "fake" down arrow button inside the TEdit box
- the TEdit box doesn't cut the right-end text anymore when scrolling the text
- minor tweaks

Changes to the "Systems Quick Filter"

- renamed "Reset" button to "Reload" since it only re-select last used systems in the systems list
- added a new "Reset To Default" button that disable quick filter and reset games filter to "Machine Type / Systems" full filter
  (it works the same way as clicking "Apply" button in "Machine Type / Systems" dialog)
- added new system selections: "All Arcade Systems", "All Console Systems", "All Computer Systems", "All Handheld Systems"
  individual selected systems will remain selected even after exiting the quick filter dialog


Titel: PPSSPP 1.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2017, 17:15
Whats new:>>

* Bugfixes and crashfixes!

Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2017, 13:41


Initial work to expand media type indexes for MAME and arcade games
- currently there is only "0 = ROM" and "1 = CHD"
- future changes will include "Cartridge", "Floppy Disk", "Cassette Tape", "MAME CHD", "Hard Disk Drive", "Compact Flash Card", "Video Tape" (or "VHS")
Changes to last played games (MRU)
- added gamename / gamefile column to the games list
- removed "title", "media" and "execparam" tags from .txt files (arcade games); they will be parsed from the main games list, if available
  ("game name" is used as game title if not found in main games list)
- several tweaks to the user interface and internal code
- MAME software name column now shows the softlist title instead of softlist name
- CHD media type for MAME and arcade games is still using general CHD index; no "disc", "hard disk drive" or "compact flash card" support yet
- if screen resolution is 2560x1440 or higher, 68x68 icons are used in systems list and system title font changed to "Verdana" because the text is clearer than Tahoma
- fixed a bug were the selected system was not updating internal variables and not showing the games list for the selected system


Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2017, 05:41


A few bugs in the function to restore last selected game on a frontend restart or when changing the view mode (tool bar buttons)
- wrong game selected if two games of the same system have the same file name but different media types
- added support for console/computer games (from EmuCon frontend)
- Unicode filenames was not handled correctly
- settings stored in "EmuLoader.ini", "[Selected]" section have changed
- code optimization
The feature "Select Game at Startup" was not working properly (games popup menu)
- added support for console/computer games, ported from EmuCon frontend
- added detection of media type
- settings stored in "EmuLoader.ini", "[SelectGameStartup]" section have changed
- code optimization
More general tweaks


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2017, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Improved compatibility
Graphic bugfixes
Improved Amiibo support
Various smaller tweaks and new features

Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 20:15


Function ELV_SelectItem() was only handling ANSI strings, making it impossible to search for Unicode game titles
Systems popup menu was not drawing correctly; mouse right-click ("Machine Type / Systems" full filter in tool bar buttons)


Changes and fixes to "Console/Computer Games Editor" (main menu "Console/Computer")
if a EmuCon game is selected in the main games list, the corresponding system and game is selected in this dialog
bug fix: when selecting another system, the games filter was not making the last selected game visible


Changes to "Systems Quick Filter" (tool bar buttons)
added a popup menu in the Systems list to help select/unselect systems with ease (mouse right-click)
to avoid unselecting systems that are already selected, I recommend to move the mouse on top a selected system
added "[enabled]" and "[disabled]" texts in the filter caption bar so you know if it's currently enabled or not


Titel: Emu Loader 8.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2017, 06:15
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Fixes and changes to "Last Played Games (MRU)
Bugged user interface if a console/computer game (from EmuCon) is selected in main games list (cosmetic fix)
Button "Abort" renamed to "Close" since it doesn't reset to the last selected game in main games list if a new game is selected with "Select Game" button
The dialog was not resizing correctly, several adjustments were made; also, added proper support for resolutions lower than 1680x1050
EmuCon system was not properly selected in "Console/Computer Games Folders Settings" dialog (main menu "Console/Computer" and "Select Games folders" button in "Console/Computer Emulators Setup" dialog


Changes to "Select a Machine to Run the Game With" dialog
Display filename text below the game title for EmuCon games
Minor tweaks to the user interface, both visual and loading speed
Deleted a nasty message box that appears if the selected EmuCon system doesn't have assigned MAME software lists
Neat new looks for the "Select Default Emulators to Play" dialog ("emulators" tool bar button); plus a few tweaks
... still, more cuteness tweaks required


Titel: MAME 0.193
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 20:15

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
05902: [Crash/Freeze] (gba.cpp) gba [bombtour]: Game hangs unable to start. (R. Belmont)
06683: [Graphics] (surpratk.cpp) suratk: Visible area is too small. (Robbbert)
06779: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) Mounting Zenix Floppy Disk crashes MAME with floating point exception error. (Dirk Best)
06780: [Sound] (midtunit.cpp) Possible Volume balance Issue with Williams ADPCM Soundboard. (hap)
06784: [Sound] (bagman.cpp) bagman, sbagman: bagman dying sound plays repetitively when game starts. (AJR)
06785: [Interface] (coco3.cpp) Can't change into directories that have a "." prefix in their name. (Vas Crabb)
New working machines:
4-in-1 [Joe Magiera]
Apollo 13 (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Batman Forever Double Dose of Doom (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Battletoads (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Calcune (Japan, prototype)
[David Haywood, ShouTime, gamez fan, Sacrilego, Paul Vining, Jeffrey Gray, Fabien Marsaud, Jarrod Wright, Darksoft, Rod_Wod,
Sean Sutton, Surgeville, The Dumping Union]
Chess King Master [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Designer Mach III Master 2265 [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
Fonas 3 in 1: Football, Basketball, Soccer [hap, Sean Riddle]
Gakken Invader 2000 [hap, Sean Riddle]
HP 2645A [F.Ulivi]
In Your Face (North America, prototype)
[ShouTime, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, gamez fan, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Joker Poker With Hi-Lo Double-Up [Joe Magiera]
Karnov (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
MC Hammer: U Can't Touch This (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Mortal Kombat (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Nightmare Before Christmas (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Robocop 2 (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Slot (unknown bootleg?) [Alessandro Ghirardi, Lorenzo Fongaro]
Space Harrier II (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Street Fighter II (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
TelePachi Fever Lion (V1.0) [Rod_Wod, Hammy, The Dumping Union]
The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match HERO (China, V100, 09-08-23)
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
The Shadow (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Vulcan XL 25 [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
A-Blast (Japan) [system11, The Dumping Union]
Amigo (bootleg of Amidar, set 2) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
Attack (Defender bootleg) [ARPA, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Blood Bros. (US) [Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001) [Razoola]
Fantasy (Germany, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Designer Mach IV Master 2325 [hap, yoyo_chessboard]
G.I. Joe (Asia, AA) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente (Recreativos Covadonga Spanish bootleg)
[ARPA, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Jolly Card (Italian, bootleg) [Team Europe, Rock Shebbich]
Coleco Head to Head Hockey (COP420L version) [hap]
Coleco Head to Head Soccer (COP420L version) [hap]
Oriental Legend 2 (V101, Oversea) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Oriental Legend 2 (V103, Oversea) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Oriental Legend 2 (V104, Oversea) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Robin Hood (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Super Bagman (Itisa, Spain) [f205v]
SWTPC 6800 Computer System (with MIKBUG) [AJR]
Teki Paki (location test)
[ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad, Dulleron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke,
Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Twin Brats (set 1) [caius, The Dumping Union]
West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 2) [Osso, caius, The Dumping Union]
Machines promoted to working:
beatmania IIDX 4th style (GCA03 JAA) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAB) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
beatmania IIDX 7th style (GCB44 JAA) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
beatmania IIDX 8th style (GCC44 JAA) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
beatmania IIDX Substream with DDR 2nd Club Version 2 (984 A01 BM) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
Dodonpachi Daioujou Tamashii (V201, China) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V302, China) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Oriental Legend 2 (V104, China) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
San Francisco Rush: The Rock (boot rom L 1.0, GUTS Oct 6 1997 / MAIN Oct 16 1997) [Ted Green]
Clones promoted to working:
Action Fighter (FD1089B 317-unknown) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (FD1089B 317-unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089A 317-0018) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089B 317-unknown) [David Haywood]
Action Fighter (System 16B, FD1089B 317-unknown, analog controls) [David Haywood]
Agat-7 [shattered]
beatmania IIDX 6th style (GCB4U JAA) [smf, R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V300, China) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V301, China) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Oriental Legend 2 (V101, China) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Oriental Legend 2 (V103, China) [Jeremy Romine, Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Tazz-Mania (Arfyc / Rodmar bootleg) [Ivan Vangelista]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Chess Champion: Delta-1 [hap, Berger]
Golden Hexa [Yohji, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Green Lizard (AHG1623, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Hexa President [Yasu]
Honkey Tonk Cash Express (BHG1455, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Keep Your Hat On (BHG1204, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Multi Game IV (V.Ger 3.44) [Team Europe]
Ninja Gaiden (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Konami Picno [Team Europe, SSJ, Robbbert]
Konami Picno 2 [Team Europe, SSJ, Robbbert]
Pitch Hitter Baseball Challenge [unknown]
Real Battle Super Phoenix Mahjong (Version 4.1) [Peter Wilhelmsen, The Dumping Union]
Shuriken Boy [rod_wod, The Dumping Union]
Torarechattano AV Kantoku Hen [system11, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Wild Africa (AHG1535, US) [Roberto Fresca]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Boot Scootin' (AHG1547, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Bumble Bugs (CHG0479-99, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Chicken (01J01886, NSW/ACT) [Roberto Fresca]
Chicken (RHG0730-99, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Creature from the Black Lagoon (L-4) [PinMAME]
Dangerous Curves (Ver 2.9 O) [Muddymusic, Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Death Crimson OX (Rev A) [Jorge Valero, ClawGrip, DU]
Enchanted Forest (AHG1615, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Enchanted Forest (JHG0415-99, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Ericsson Step/One [Fredrik Ohrstrom]
Filthy Rich (English) [Roberto Fresca]
Inca Sun (01J01946, Venezuela) [Roberto Fresca]
Panasonic JB-3000 [Edstrom]
King Galah (AHG1625, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Mine, Mine, Mine (NHG0416-99, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Money To Burn (English) [Roberto Fresca]
Mountain Money (BHG1464, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Penguin Pays Cash Express (AHG1544, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Penguin Pays (OHG0417-02, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Penguin Pays (OHG0417-03, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Queen of the Nile (AHG1608, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Queen of the Nile (GHG4091-03, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Reel 'Em In (English) [Roberto Fresca]
San Francisco Rush 2049: Tournament Edition Unlocked [rtw, Stig Remnes]
Striker Xtreme (1.01 Italy) [PinMAME]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P2 [rfka01, helwie44]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P2U [rfka01]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P30 [rfka01, helwie44]
Wild Cougar (AHG1531, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Wild Cougar (NHG0296-07, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Wild Cougar (NHG0296-99, US) [Roberto Fresca]
Winning Bid (English) [Roberto Fresca]
New working software list additions:
Akira, Banshee, Chambers of Shaolin, Fire Ice The Daring Adventures of Cool Coyote, Rise of The Robots, Seek And Destroy,
Shadow Fighter [EoceneMiacid]
gmaster: Car Racing, Move It [SSJ, PeT]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Curse of the Azure Bonds (V1.0), Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Pool of Radiance (5.25"),
Super Hang-On [ArcadeShadow]
Echecs 3D (French) [breiztiger]
A-10 Tank Killer (1.1), A-10 Tank Killer (1.5), IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.10, Master diskette),
IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.00, Master diskette), IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 2.10, set 3) [Justin Kerk]
Ontrack Disk Manager [Curt Coder]
1869 Erlebte Geschichte Teil I (German), 3000 Icons for Windows, Classic Road 2, Gravis Utilities V2.1,
Gravis UltraSound (GUS) Installation V3.53, Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3 (5.25"), Lotus 1-2-3 Release 3.1,
MS-DOS (Version 6.2/V, Upgrade) (Japanese) [Justin Kerk]
Noi Siamo Angeli (Italian), Pompei AD LXXIX [Arena80.it]
We Are Angels: Ein Engel schlaegt zu! (German) [archive.org]
Alien Rampage (v1.13), Crusader No Remorse (v1.23), Iron Blood, Prototype, Rise 2 Resurrection Director's Cut, Sideline,
Turrican II The Final Fight [EoceneMiacid]
The UltraSound CD, The UltraSound Experience [Justin Kerk]
Arabian Kid, Claw (Japan v1.2), Doka-chan no Building Panic (Japan), Doom II for Windows 95 (Japan), Electronic Popple (Japan),
Golly! Ghosts! Goal! (Japan), Halloween Harry in Zombie Wars, Iwatobi Penguin Rocky & Hopper DeJig Puzzle (Japan), Orgaslave,
Pauly Mouse (Japan), PoiPon (Japan), Segata Sanshirou Choujin Densetsu, Silkroad Hoshi no Shima no Monogatari,
Space Invaders for Windows, W.Pressure (Japan) [Rod_Wod]
Lexmark Z22 / Z32 Color Jetprinter, Mustek Power of Scanning, Rayman (US v1.21), Viper -V16RISE (International),
Viper -V16Imagine (International) [The Onion Knight]
Alien Incident (Eng, Fre, Ger, Fin) (v1.30) [unknown]
lynx: Ponx [anonymous]
Final Soldier, PC Genjin Pithecanthropus Computerurus, Splatterhouse, Tenseiryuu Saint Dragon, Tora e no Michi,
Violent Soldier [system11, The Dumping Union]
Chou Jikuu Yousai Macross Ai Oboete Imasu ka (Japan), Fire Pro Wrestling G (Japan) (v1.1), Gradius Gaiden (Japan) (v1.1),
Gunners Heaven (Japan), Hokuto no Ken Seikimatsu Kyuuseishu Densetsu (Japan),
Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius Forever with Me (Japan), Kaette Kita Cyborg Kuro-chan (Japan), Macross Digital Mission VF-X (Japan),
Macross VF-X2 (Japan), Super Robot Taisen Alpha Gaiden Premium Edition (Japan),
Super Robot Taisen Alpha Gaiden Shokai Genteiban (Japan), Super Robot Taisen Alpha (Japan) (v1.1),
Super Robot Taisen Complete Box (Japan), Super Robot Taisen F (Japan), Super Robot Taisen F Kanketsuhen (Japan),
Zanac X Zanac (Japan) [EoceneMiacid]
ti95_cart: Mathematics Library, Statistics Library [unknown]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
Alien Breed Special Edition + Qwak, Alien Breed 3D, Alien Breed Tower Assault, Alfred Chicken, The Chaos Engine,
The Classic Lotus Trilogy, Disposable Hero, Project-X + Ultimate Body Blows, Super Putty, Total Carnage [EoceneMiacid]
fmtowns_cd: Ishin no Arashi, Sangokushi II, Zan III Ten'un Ware ni Ari [Reuental]
ibm5150: IBM Personal Computer DOS (Version 1.10) (Master diskette, alt) [Justin Kerk]
Lotus 1-2-3 Realease 3 (3.5") [Curt Coder]
1942 The Pacific Air War, AIV Networks (German), Gravis UltraSound BONUS Software Installation v. 1.52 [Justin Kerk]
Boorp's Balls, Geo ~The Iron Age~ (Japan), Heart of Darkness (Japan v1.1.05), Jake Burst (Japan), Kung-Fu Hero Akimbo Lee,
Moon Dragon (Japan), Twinbee Paradise In Donburi Shima [Rod_Wod]
Zyclunt [EoceneMiacid]
King's Quest La Maschera dell'Eternita [The Onion Knight]
Amateur Teikyou CD-ROM, Battle Heat, Can Can Bunny Extra DX, Der Langrisser FX, Doukyuusei 2, Dragon Knight IV, Farland Story FX,
Fire Woman Matoigumi, Fushigi no Kuni no Angelique, Megami Paradise II, Pia Carrot e Youkuso!! We've Been Waiting for You,
Sotsugyou II FX Neo Generation [EoceneMiacid]
Anime Enikki, Kanji Club, Montage, Picno Art Puzzle, Picno de 1 2 3, Picno de A B C, Picno de A I U E O, Real Montage,
Shirayuki-hime Monogatari [Team Europe, SSJ]
Translations added or modified:
French [SSTSylvain]
Italian [theheroGAC]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Source Changes:
swtpc: Split into two systems (SWTBUG and MIKBUG), and added preliminary SS-50 I/O bus. [AJR]
et3400: Add Reset key and Segment Test input. [AJR]
Fixed -listdevices' misplacement of subdevices in some configurations. [AJR]
m6809: Started resolving the great MC6809/MC6809E device type/clock divider mix-up. [AJR]
Added generic ripple counter device. [AJR]
Added Seals 8K SC Memory Board to S-100 bus emulation. [AJR]
Fixed random strings of question marks in displayed key names. [AJR]
igs036crypt.cpp: Added support for kof98umh, and made key tables compatible with format uploaded by ARM CPU. [Andreas Naive]
i386: x87 bug fixes and FERR support. [Andrey Merkulov]
i8087: Fixed regression in Fanuc driver pending further investigation. [Andrey Merkulov]
route16.cpp: Added player 2 inputs to T.T. Mahjong. [Angelo Salese]
vgmplay.cpp: Added preliminary YM2608 OPNA support. [Angelo Salese]
attache816: Enabled MCFG_QUANTUM_PERFECT_CPU on the 8086 fixes deadlock when writing to RAM disk. [Barry Rodewald]
z180: Fixed Z180_RCR_REFW, and added Wait State Generator (DCNTL) support. [BartmanAbyss]
i8087: Created seperate 8087 device. [Carl]
pet: Fixed video RAM mirroring. [Curt Coder]
weststory: Verified sprite data by converting to bootleg format and figuring out what was scrambled from there. [David Haywood]
micro3d: Added diagnostic terminals to the DrMath and VGB boards. [Dirk Best]
prodigy: Added basic LAY to SVG XSLT filter. [Edstrom]
myb3k updates: [Edstrom]
* Added ISA8 bus, moved FDC to ISA8 card, and added COM card and two new FDC cards.
* Added PIT, PIC, DMA and PPI devices.
* Corrected clocks, crystals and switches.
* Split ROM into BIOS and character generator, as physically present.
* Added clones for Ericsson Step/One and Panasonic JB-3000 rebranded versions (ROMs undumped for latter).
myb3k.cpp: Fixed keyboard and audio DOS 1.25 boots and runs BASIC demo. [Edstrom, Fredik Ohrstrom, Mattis Lind]
trs80m2kb.cpp: Added missing keyboard controller ROM. [Edstrom, Sean Riddle]
Added a preliminary rewind feature based on save states. [feos]
myb3k: Added keyboard device and preliminary support for Ericsson Step/One keyboard. [Fredrik Ohrstrom]
hp9845: Added high-level emulation of internal printer. [F.Ulivi]
-Fixed and improved metadata for CP-450 and CD-6809 CoCo FDCs. [Felipe Sanches]
omti8621: Use custom brief instance name "disk" for compatibility with previous MAME versions. [Hans Ostermeyer]
apollo_kbd: Handle virtual Num Lock toggle inside the devices. [Hans Ostermeyer]
Atmel AIC: Implemented most features. [MetalliC]
ymz774 improvements: [MetalliC]
* Implemented sequencer and SQC, and fixed SEQ/SQC save states.
* Added channel volume delayed transition.
* Implemented channel/SEQ pause/resume.
ymz770: Implemented CHAN/SEQ "keep playing" command. [MetalliC]
tms9995: Fixed READY check on RESET (auto-waitstate). [Michael Zapf]
Updated GENie, BGFX, and BX, and added BIMG since it is separated now. [Miodrag Milanovic]
Converted disassemblers to independent classes. [O. Galibert]
* All architectures are available in unidasm, and paged/non-linear program counters are supported better.
emumem: Templated address_space::direct on address shift. [O. Galibert]
* Address passed to {read|write}_* on address_space or direct_read_data is now the logical address (not byte offset).
ide: Disambiguated 16and 32-bit CS access, and added non-space CS access methods. [O. Galibert]
memory: Removed some space parameters from the apple2 domain. [O. Galibert]
interpro: CPU and MMU improvements. [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Implemented most clipper CPU and MMU exceptions.
* Completed C300 instructions, adjusted for C400.
* Improved CAMMU dynamic translation and added faults.
* Refactored C300 CAMMU into separate instruction/data instances.
* Configurable IOGA and SR bus memory access.
dp8510: Added new device emulating the National Semiconductor DP8510 BITBLT processing uni. [Patrick Mackinlay]
* Used in the InterPro GT family graphics boards.
nscsi: Use CHD ident metadata for inquiry. [Patrick Mackinlay]
Aristocrat MK5 updates: [Roberto Fresca]
* Redumped the following sets so they have correct checksums and boot: Inca Sun (DHG1577, US), Loco Loot (AHG1513, US),
Unicorn Dreaming (BHG1584, US).
* Removed Margarita Magic set 2 found to be a corrupt dump.
riscpc: Fixed ROM load for rpc600. [R. Belmont]
twinkle: Made many fixes to waveram banking and DMA most sets are semi-playable now. [R. Belmont, Sarah Purohit]
gba: Added various mirrors and fixed byte-wide VRAM/PRAM/OAM access. [R. Belmont]
fmtowns improvements: [r09]
* Improved horizontal scrolling/positioning.
* Fixed mouse cursor moving on its own in Data West games.
* Implemented half-size sprites and sprite rotation.
* Fixed kana input and identified missing keys.
TMS9995: Fixed debugger do command (thanks to Ryan Holtz). [Robbbert]
Cortex: Made system usable although not complete. [Robbbert]
Amatic Multi Game IV: Decrypted program ROM, added proper keys, created new machine configuration (also used for
Switched Multi Game III), and added third 8255 PPI. [Roberto Fresca]
mc1502: Added BIOS 7.2 and TODO list. [shattered]
agat7: Added 840KB floppy HLE and made some minor fixes, can be considered working. [shattered]
twinkle updates: [smf]
* Changed RF5C400 clock to match notes added 8MB of dummy RAM to the RF5C400, and adjusted the banking so sounds play correctly.
* Improved LED font from available reference sources, mapped lamps and DIP switches, and added basic internal artwork. [smf]
twinkle: Changed security card padding from 0x00 to 0xff, added dumps for 4th and 5th, and scrubbed serial numbers. [smf, Guru]
RF5C400 updates: [smf]
* Converted to use device_rom_interface.
* Save/restore the external memory registers.
* Moved static variable into device state.
* Fix the commented out osd_printf_debug.
* Added skeleton for reading and writing channel register 0x0F (used by beatmania IIDX games).
Refactored 680x0 so that member variables aren't public. [smf]
Stopped save and load logging timers unless VERBOSE is set. [smf]
seattle: Added gearshift to sfrush and sfrushrk. [Ted Green]
atlantis/vegas: Fixed banking for DENVER and DSIO DCS audio. [Ted Green]
et3400: Added better layout views including display labels and clickable keypad (github issue #2862). [Vas Crabb]
arm7 changes:
* Fixed misaligned 16-bit loads (thanks to MoochMcGee for report). [Vas Crabb]
* Made IGS036 CPU derive from ARM946 (ARM9 implementation of ARMv5T with MPU). [David Haywood]
* Made LDMIA/STMIA align to 32-bit boundary. [endrift, R. Belmont]
* Made misaligned memory accesses match ARM9 behaviour. [MetalliC]
pgm2.cpp changes:
* Made RTC tick and removed now-unnecessary patch from orleg2. [MetalliC]
* Documented debug features. [MetalliC]
* Made igs036 emulation use uploaded decryption tables for kov2nl and orleg2. [David Haywood]
* Use sprite decryption keys uploaded by games where we have internal ROM. [MetalliC, David Haywood]
* ICRW sim improvements. [MetalliC, Lord Nightmare]
* Converted memory card to an image device and added default card images to ROM sets. [MetalliC, David Haywood]
* Allow ddpdojh to run code from RAM rather than treating RAM as ROM. [David Haywood]
Fixed Batrider's audio CPU clock (should be 32MHz/6). [Alex Marshall]
mario.cpp: Verified marioo is revision G, and identified unknown PROM as main CPU memory map decoding PROM. [Bryan McPhail]
cps1.cpp: Added yi22b.1a PAL dump and confirmed lwio.12e dump for 1941j. [caius, robotype]
stlforce.cpp: Corrected OKI clock for twinbrat and clones. [caius]
gngprot: Added correct character ROM. [chris @ windy gaming, Joe Magiera, nightmaretony]
ironhors.cpp: Measured clocks. [Corrado Tomaselli]
Added hand-made priority PROM for In Your Face. [dink]
aristmk5: Updated layouts. [Heihachi_73]
alphatpx: Identified more keys. [helwie44]
pc_vga.cpp: Left-shift CRTC start address depending on mode, thanks to DOSBox-X (github issue #2954). [MoochMcGee]
play_2.cpp: Updated cop402 ROM for zira. [PinMAME]
cps1.cpp, kenseim.cpp: Reqplaced ioc1 PAL logical equivalent with real dump from an unprotected device. [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
alphatpx: Added sound emulation. [rfka01]
alphatpx: Made many improvements to emulation and documentation. [rfka01, helwie44, Carl]
compc.cpp, pc10iii: Added BIOS v4.35c and matching character generator ROM. [rfka01]
tispeak: Added correct Speak & Spell 1978 MCU ROM. [Sean Riddle]
segae.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for Hang On Jr. [ShouTime]
Corrected years for a number of systems: [sjy96525]
* Galaxian 3 Theater 6 : Project Dragoon, Galaxian 3 Theater 6 J2 : Attack of The Zolgear, LD Mahjong #4 Shabon-Dama,
Master's Golf, Correct Operation Thunder Hurricane, Paca Paca Passion, Panic Park, Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Factory,
Virtua Striker 2 '99
Improved controls for Landing Gear, Hyper Bishi Bashi Champ, and Salary Man Champ. [sjy96525]
Raise a fatal error if lua console is requested but the console plugin is not found (rather than crashing). [Sylvain Glaize]
cdi.cpp: Decapped and dumped quizard3 MCU. [Team Europe]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2017, 10:15


Clicking "Abort" button in "Systems Quick Filter" was resetting the filter to the full filter... DUH!
Search bar filter was not working with "Systems Quick Filter"
Some detail texts were incomplete in search bar's settings popup menu (tool bar buttons)


Tweaks to "Arcade Misc Filters"
- moved enable/disable filter code from main form to misc filters form
- code cleaning and minor tweaks


Support for AntoPISA's "mature.ini" file so you can filter out adult/mature games using "Arcade Miscellaneous Filters" tool bar button (thank you AntoPISA!)
- to be used with "category.ini" which doesn't have adult or mature categories
- the frontend will add a * Mature * string at the end of categories for proper display (only in RAM)
- you'll find "mature.ini" file inside the "CatVer" package at http://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/
- you can still use AntoPISA's "catver.ini" instead of "category.ini" + "mature.ini"
New MAME v0.193 settings in "MAME Settings" screen, "Miscellaneous" tab
- "Save NVRAM on Exit": to disable saving NVRAM on exit
- "Enable Save State Rewind": to enable rewind save states
- "Rewind Buffer Size": to set a rewind buffer size in megabytes
NOTE: setting "Directory to Save States" is still in "Folders" tab


Titel: Mesen 0.9.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2017, 19:45
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



New Features:

Input: Added support for 20 more peripherals (including controllers, barcode readers, keyboards, mice, external storage devices, etc.)
Video: Added a 60.0 FPS mode to reduce dropped frames
Video: Added support for exclusive fullscreen mode (Windows only)
Video: Added option to rotate the display (for homebrew games)
Performance: Minor performance enhancements on Windows (~5%) and large gains on Linux by enabling LTO (25-30%)
Movies: Rewrote movie file format from scratch to be a lot more flexible, and editable by hand. (Old .mmo files are no longer supported)
Debugger: Several enhancements and a number of additions/changes to the Lua API.
Accuracy: Improved FDS IRQ emulation

Bug Fixes:

General: Several miscellaneous bugs have been fixed.
Debugger: A large number of small bugs and usability issues have been fixed.
HD Packs: Fixed performance issues with HD Packs in CHR RAM games (over 2x faster)


Titel: Emu Loader 8.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2018, 11:45


FATALITY! Demul games with CHD files and ZiNc games with CDs were not being set as "Media Type = Disc" when creating games lists, messing up with games filtering and games files validation system; you MUST create games list for both systems again, it's the only way to fix it


Fixes and changes to "Filter Arcade Games by Main CPU" ("Miscellaneous Filters" tool bar button)
- partial string support in TEdit box; you don't need to type the full CPU title anymore
- files "arcade\games\mame_maincpu.ini" and "arcade\games\hbmame_maincpu.ini" were not being loaded to the combo box control, making it impossible to select a CPU to filter the list
- selecting a CPU in the combo box list will automatic filter the games list... as it should have been!
- the CPU TEdit box will be emptied when selecting a CPU in the combo box
- moved the CPU combo box list to the left as it makes more sense
- improved filtering speed when games list is in grouped view mode
- tweaks to improve CPU names search speed
Changes to the startup process
- detailed messages in splash screen so you know what the frontend is actually doing
- on a clean install (no arcade/console/computer games files found), the splash screen is closed to avoid being on top of the clean install dialog, making it look like the frontend is frozen, even though the timer is still running
- if you have arcade emulators selected but the executable files are not found, the frontend will no longer ask you to select them again ... old code leftover, sorry
- source code cleaning and some minor tweaks applied
Changes to "Run Game (Extra Parameters)" (games popup menu)
- added support to four (4) memory card slots; PGM2 games use it
- detection of memory card file extensions (from -listxml output) so you can use MAME's supported file extensions per game/driver
  (you need to create MAME/HBMAME games list again)
- file extension filters in select file dialog changed to support any extension (.*)
- mouse double-click on a listed memcard file will add it to "slot 1"
- resize memcard files list panel according to slots count


Demul v0.582 and older is no longer supported!
- games with GD-ROM files were never properly detected and were handled by the frontend in a extremely weird way
- nobody probably use old Demul builds anyway because I haven't got a single bug report for the last 2 years
- from now on, only Demul v0.7 and newer will be supported


Detection of "ced_videodisc" disk region tag in -listxml output
- for "disk" entries and MAME only
- "CED VideoDisc" is handled as "Disc" (or "CD") media type
- this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files
New MAME CHD media type: "Video Tape"
- detection of "vhs" region tag in -listxml output ("disk" entries only)
- new game file IDs: "21 -> Game Video Tape"; "22 -> Device Video Tape"; "23 - Bios Video Tape"
- this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files
New "mediatype_tag" for MAME CHDs, Demul CHDs and ZiNc games
- tags added when creating games lists
- tags are listed in "arcade\games\system_name.elrom" files
- only "Disc" media type have this new tag (CD, DVD, Laserdisc, GD-ROM, AudioCD, CED VideoDisc)
- supported tags: "cdrom", "laserdisc", "gdrom", "audiocd", "ced_videodisc"
- for a future improvement, and there won't be exclusive icons for them, only a general "disc" icon
- MAME software lists "MIGHT" be supported in the future... maybe
- this is purely cosmetic and it doesn't alter the way Emu Loader validates CHD files


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2018, 05:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Added multi-core PowerPC emulation
SpotPass support (auto-download BOSS files)
Small optimizations
Misc smaller changes and bugfixes



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2018, 16:15


Oh boy... "Delete/Copy/Move Games Files" was not working at all (games popup menu)
Copy/move operations not working even when game file exists
Replaced action functions by Unicode ones: "CopyFileW()", "MoveFileW()", "DeleteFileW()"; they seem to work OK
The "mame_softlist_folder_name" folder was being added BEFORE "system_folder_name" folder... D'OH!


Changes to "Copy/Move Games Files"
Games list screen is closed after moving files even with operation errors; after moving files you can't move them again anyway
When copying files, the games list screen stays open in case you want to copy them to another location (handy mode ON)
Forgot to add support for "Video Tape (VHS)" media type in the "copy/move" dialog (MAME CHD files)
Several tweaks
Removal of ancient code


Feature "Copy/Move Games Files" got a new checkbox setting, enabled by default: "Add System Folder"
What does it do ? It adds a "system_name" sub-folder at the end of the "Destination Path" you selected
In previous frontend builds this was enfoced, giving you no option to disable it
System names cannot be customized but are really easy to spot
For both single and multiple games selection dialogs
Useful when you want to copy/move files of games from the same system and don't want them to be copied/moved to a "system" sub-folder
When multiple games of different systems are selected, this settings is always enabled, even if you uncheck it ("Crash 'n Burn" mode OFF)


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2018, 00:45
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


– CHEEVOS: Add badges for achievements, shows thumbnail images of achievements.
– CHEEVOS: Leaderboard support.
– CHEEVOS: Only disable savestates on hardcore mode if achievements are not available.
– COMMANDLINE: Fix fullscreen toggle switch.
– COMMON: Add ‘Automatically Load Content To Playlist’ feature, enabled by default.
– COMMON: Fix slowmotion ratio always being reset back to 1.
– COMMON: Optimized NBIO implementations now for Apple, Windows, and Linux. Uses mmap for Linux/Windows/BSD if/when available. File I/O should now be much faster for loading images inside the menu.
– COMMON: Native Blissbox support now for latest firmware as of writing (2.0). Implementation through libusb and/or native Windows HID.
– COMMON: New lightgun API.
– COMMON: New VFS (Virtual File System) API.
– COMMON: Fixed some playlist bugs.
– COMMON: New snow shader.
– COMMON: Fix Quick Menu title, no longer shows ‘Select File’.
– COMMON: Fix loading cores that require no content one after another.
– COMMON: Map Delete key to Y button for non-unified menu keyboard controls.
– COMMON: Fix for relative paths being normalised and generating a duplicate history entry.
– EMSCRIPTEN: Fix references to browserfs.
– FREEBSD: Support libusb HID input driver.
– HAIKU: Buildfix.
– INPUT: Map clear button to DEL key.
– LINUX/X11: Add RetroArch logo to window title bar.
– LINUX/X11: Input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– LINUX/X11: Support window transparency (requires a compositing window manager).
– LOBBIES: Fix for crash on join netplay rooms via touch / glui.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese-Brazilian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation.
– MENU: Snowflake menu shader effect.
– OSX/PPC: Fix the GL2 renderchain, had to use EXT versions of framebuffer/renderbuffer functions.
– PS3: HTTP requests / downloads should now work.
– PS3: Core Updater now works.
– PS3: Improved font rendering, enable STB Unicode font renderer.
– PSP: Make it work with Vita’s Adrenaline.
– PSP: Fix audio sync.
– PSP: Fix content loading, port should be functional again.
– PSP: Use 64MB when available.
– SCANNER: Fix crash from Windows-incompatible format string.
– VITA: Improve packaging, installation times.
– WIIU: Disabled the controller patcher for now since it was the source of many stability issues.
– VULKAN: Various stability fixes for WSI.
– WINDOWS: Add MSVC 2017 solution.
– WINDOWS: Get rid of the empty console window in MSVC 2010 builds.
– WINDOWS: Raw input driver now supports new lightgun code.
– WINDOWS: Use configured OSD/text message color on GDI driver.
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Populate XInput VID/PID from DInput so autoconfig doesn’t rely solely on joypad names
– WINDOWS/XINPUT: Fix crash that occurs in some situations with Steam running and a Steam Controller plugged in.
– WINDOWS: Improve version reporting under System Information.
– WINDOWS: Support window transparency.
– WINDOWS: Correct usage of GetWindowPlacement per MS docs, fixes game window position on Win95/98.
– WINDOWS: Added Visual Studio 2017 support.


Titel: My Nes 7.1.6596
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2018, 20:15
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


Added support for mapper # 163.
Added multilingual interface support.
Added ability to render UTF8 texts (in the game browser for non-English game names).
Added support for Game Genie (ability to enter cheating codes for games).
Added ability to change the sound buffer size in the audio menu.
Added some video settings for rendering quality and misc.
Improved sound configurations, now My Nes sounds better.
Removed blipbuffer implementation and replaced it with an implementation of the "Band-Limited Sound Synthesis" algorithm.


Titel: MAME 0.194
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2018, 09:06

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
02076: [Graphics] (playch10.cpp) playch10 ALL: Playchoice-10 driver needs LEDs added for single-screen BIOS (Vas Crabb)
03790: [Crash/Freeze] (ms32.cpp) gratia, gratiaa: Unhandled priority type f8 (Angelo Salese)
05632: [Crash/Freeze] (nwk-tr.c) racingj2, racingj2j: [debug] Crash shortly after OK
06282: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snes [rivaltrfu, rushbeat]: Black Screen (Angelo Salese)
06548: [Crash/Freeze] (namcos21.cpp) winrun, winrun91, winrungp: [debug] Assert when starting emulation (Vas Crabb)
06623: [Interface] Full Screen Brightness/Contrast/Gamma settings not working anymore (smf)
06710: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snes [blackhwk]: On the "blackhawk" cartridge ROM, the game didn't start (Angelo Salese)
06791: [Graphics] (splash.cpp) splash and clones: Wrong sprite priority on bonus items (AJR)
06799: [Crash/Freeze] (dynax.cpp) hjingi: Emulation hang (AJR)
06804: [Crash/Freeze] (midyunit.cpp) strkforc: Black screen after ROM check (sjy96525)
06806: [Graphics] Bitmap overlays don't display with bgfx video output [Ryan Holtz]
06810: [Misc.] Memory leak in m6502 CPU cores (AJR)
06811: [Misc.] Memory leak in m6809 CPU core (AJR)
06813: [Misc.] Memory leak in options (AJR)
06816: [Interface] AddressSanitizer: alloc/dealloc mismatch when closing DIP switch menu (Firewave)
06817: [Misc.] (naomi.cpp) mushi2k4: Runtime error: index out of bounds (MetalliC)
06825: [Sound] (gng.cpp) diamond: Missing Level Start Music (AJR)
06831: [Crash/Freeze] (compucolor.cpp) compclr2: AddressSanitizer: FPE with -flop asndware (Firewave)
06845: [Gameplay] (sms.cpp) gamegear [shinfrc2]: Corrupt tiles on first in-game textbox, corrupt audio when loading save (Tafoid)
06847: [Graphics] (hh_tms1k.cpp) bankshot: Missing leftmost column (hap)
06857: [Cheat System] (btoads.cpp) 34010 & 34020: Cheats not working in btoads and other games (O. Galibert)
New working machines:
Alphie - The Electronic Robot (patent) [hap]
Cyberstorm (prototype) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, Christophe Marignol, Sean Sutton, gamerfan, Brandon Munger, Renato Mucciarelli, Jan Stuhler, Jeffrey Gray, Aaron Giles, Phil Bennett]
Electronic Number Muncher [hap, Sean Riddle]
Genesis Collection Volume 1 (Radica, Arcade Legends) (USA) [David Haywood]
Golden Axe (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Last KM (Ver 1.0.0275) [Asociacion Retroaccion, Ricardo Puerto]
Kingsford Match Me [hap, Sean Riddle]
Otakara Itadaki Luffy Kaizoku-Dan! (Japan, v1.02) [SpinalFeyd, Chris Penny, Luca Elia, The Dumping Union]
Sensible Soccer plus [Cannon Fodder, Mega lo Mania] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (Europe) [Sean Riddle]
Skeleton Warriors - The Dark Crusade (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Space Invaders [Lunar Rescue, Colony 7, Qix, Phoenix] (Radica, Arcade Legends TV Game) [Team Europe, Sean Riddle]
Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition [Ghouls'n Ghosts] (Radica, Arcade Legends) (Europe) [David Haywood]
Super Double Dragon (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Super TV Boy (PAL) [Sean Riddle, incog]
The Incredible Crash Dummies (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Thief in Garden [hap, Sean Riddle, ssj]
TI unknown electronic maze game (patent) [hap, Sean Riddle]
TV Boy II (PAL) [David Shah]
unknown electronic Space Invaders game (patent) [hap]
Vindicators (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
Amstrad CPC6128 (Spain) [Enrique Ausina, Guru]
Area 51 / Maximum Force Duo (R3000, 2/02/98) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Bioplaything Cop (Ver. 1.0.1823, prototype) [Asociacion Retroaccion, Ricardo Puerto]
Cadash (Spain, version 1) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Cookie & Bibi 2 (set 2) [Hammy]
Driving Force (Galaxian conversion, Seatongrove UK) [Ivan Adria, The Dumping Union]
Four Trax (Asia) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Game Fighter (bootleg) [incog]
Kick Goal (set 2) [balrog]
Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 104, 102, 100HK) [twistedsymphony]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V300, Oversea) [unknown]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V301, Oversea) [unknown]
Knights of Valour 2 New Legend (V302, Oversea) [unknown]
Knights of Valour 3 (V101, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Maniac Square (unprotected, Version 1.0, Checksum 66B1, 960419/1 PCB) [f205v]
NEW Moero!! Pro Yakyuu Homerun Kyousou [ShouTime, Ryan Holtz, Neil Moore, Bryan Mobley, Gary Kertopermono, Jeffrey Gray, Damian Rogers, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Oriental Legend 2 (V101, Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad, Dullaron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Oriental Legend 2 (V103, Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad, Dullaron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Oriental Legend 2 (V104, Japan)[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad, Dullaron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli, Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Popeye (bootleg set 2) [Joe Magiera]
Popeye (bootleg set 3) [caius]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, Europe) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, Hong Kong) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, Japan) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, Korea) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, Taiwan) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21, USA) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 2) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Super World Court (World, bootleg) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Track & Field (Centuri, unencrypted) [RiddledTV, Bryan McPhail, The Dumping Union]
Turbo Force (World, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
World Class Bowling (v1.0) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Brazil 950331) [SHVB, David Haywood, smf]
Machines promoted to working:
100 in 1 (D-CAT8 8bit Console, set 1) (v5.01.11-frd, BL 20041217) [David Shah]
110 in 1 CoolBaby (CoolBoy RS-1S) [David Shah]
138 in 1 CoolBaby (CoolBoy RS-5, PCB060-10009011V1.3) [David Shah]
777777 in 1 (8 bit Slim Station, NEWPXP-DVT22-A PCB) [David Shah]
888888 in 1 (8 bit Slim Station, NEWPXP-DVT22-A PCB) [David Shah]
Defender M2500P 120-in-1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR 101 in 1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR 75-in-1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR Wireless Motion Control with 130 games (DGUN-2500) [David Shah]
Game Prince RS-1 [David Shah]
Game Prince RS-16 [David Shah]
Knights of Valour 3 (V104, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Matsushita MyBrain 3000 [Edstrom, Fredrik Ohrstrom]
Road Burners (ver 1.04) [Ted Green]
TeleVideo Model 910 [R. Belmont, AJR]
VG Pocket (VG-2000) [David Shah]
VG Pocket Mini (VG-1500) [David Shah]
Clones promoted to working:
100 in 1 (D-CAT8 8bit Console, set 2) [David Shah]
Ericsson Step/One [Edstrom, Fredrik Ohrstrom]
Knights of Valour 3 (V102, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Knights of Valour 3 (V100, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood, MetalliC]
Road Burners (ver 1.0) [Ted Green]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
BittBoy Mini FC 300 in 1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer V Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2573) [David Shah]
Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. (new wide screen) [hap, Sean Riddle, Ryan Holtz]
Golden Tee Golf: Home Edition [Sean Riddle]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 627) [Roberto Fresca]
Missing In Action [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Odyssey (Silicon Gaming) [Roberto Fresca]
Quick Pick 5 [R. Belmont, coolmod, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Sagitta 180 serial terminal [Felipe Sanches, Werner Moecke]
Sartorius-Werke GmbH 3733 (digital scale) [Mike McBike, rfka01, Vas Crabb]
Strike Zone (Purple Star) [unknown]
SY-889 300 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]
Tetris (Radica, Arcade Legends TV Game) [Sean Riddle, incog]
Tiger (slot) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Trocana [trap15, The Dumping Union]
Video Challenger [hap, Sean Riddle, incog]
VTech Reader Laptop E (Germany) [David Haywood]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
DEC VT220 (Version 2.1) [AJR]
Jolly Card (Italian, bootleg, set 2) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 616) [Roberto Fresca]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 623) [Roberto Fresca]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 626) [Roberto Fresca]
Super 97-2 (Witch Bonus) [Roberto Fresca, Ioannis Bampoulas]
TVI-912B [modem7]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2018, 13:14

Function uMain.EncodeUnicodeString() was not converting WideString to UTF-8 correctly
Timer frozen while loading MAME software list games at startup (splash screen)
Fixed a bug in my TPanelEx component for proper Windows themed "Tool Bar" paint style
Some calls to preferences screen were not redirected to "Preferences" main menu event
Setting "http_root" in "mame.ini" was not implemented (it used to be "http_path")
Total play time info corruption ("frontend_dir\arcade\played_games\" folder)
- playing a game for 2 minutes was adding 4 hours or so
- MAME softlist games are also affected
- console/computer games were not affected (EmuCon frontend ported systems)
Driver status not set to "Good" when creating Supermodel games list
- "supermodel_dir\config\games.xml" doesn't have "driver status" entries
- selecting a driver status filter other than "List All", makes Supermodel games not visible
- you must create Supermodel games list again for proper games filtering
Changes to "Export Games List To File" feature (main menu "Games List")
- exported file was not saved in UTF-8 format
- expanded game info options; "Full Format" only
- you can export the file to a format compatible with Microsoft Excel's "import file" feature, using the new "Microsoft Excel Format" checkbox; "Full Format" only
- added a new "Use Games List Columns" checkbox to use current columns settings from main games list; "Full Format" only
- added a couple help buttons with usage instructions
- settings are saved in "el_extras.ini" so you won't have to change settings all over again
- removal of dead code
- several tweaks
Changes and fixes to "Preview Images"
- added a couple variables in "ImageDetails[]" array to keep track of last used image index (max 30 images per category)
- several changes in uMain.LoadScreenshot() function for different image index per image panel
- several changes in "Previous/Next Image" buttons for proper index detection on each image panel (images tool bar)
- removed "Category Prev/Next Auto Switch" and "Layout Prev/Next Auto Switch" settings as they don't work anymore ("Images" main menu)
  (use "F11" / "F12" and "F9" / "Ctrl+F9" hotkeys to change categories and layouts... or prev/next category/layout buttons in images tool bar)
- uMain.DisplayImage fuction tweaks to prevent memory leaks, leading to frontend crashes
- feature "Image View Mode" is no more, only layouts are available from now on
  - classic view was using single image layout, it makes no sense keeping it
  - you can change image category only when in single image layout, with category buttons in images tool bar or in "Layout Settings" screen
  - fixed some bugs in load/save layout profiles
  - single image layout setting is now saved in "ini_files\screenshot_layouts.ini" file
- tweaks, tweaks, tweaks!
Removed "Internet Game Info" from image categories and made it standalone
- access with a new button in images tool bar
- if this panel is enabled, images and game docs of the selected game will not load
- images tool bar is no longer visible in the internet browser panel; to go back into "images / game docs" just click "Exit Internet Game Info" button
- it requires preview images to be enabled
- renamed file "image_internet.ico" to "internet_gameinfo.ico" in "resources\main_icons\" folder
Changes and tweaks to "MAME Settings" screen
- renamed "Video 2" tab to "Video 3"
- added a new "Video 2" tab and moved some settings into it ("Video" tab was getting extra cluttered)
  - "Performace" settings
  - "Screens" settings
  - "Monitor Provider" setting
- UI tweaks in "Video 2" tab
  - "Render Options" panel
  - "Artwork" panel
  - "Snapshots / Movies" panel
- new MAME v0.194 settings: "Fallback Artwork" and "Override Artwork" ("Video" tab)
The following files are no longer needed:
- "resources\main_icons\ok.ico"
- "resources\main_icons\image_viewmode.ico"
- "resources\main_icons\chronometer.ico"


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2018, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Compatibility improvements
Reduced overall memory usage
Added -nolegacy option for Intel GPUs (disables Intel-specific workarounds)
Minor other fixes and improvements

Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2018, 18:30
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

Because it was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends it's written in Delphi and able to support considerable complexity and customization. It claims to work similar to MAMEUI.

While many other frontends of that era are not updated anymore QuickPlay is still updated by a group of supporters. It features a fast search over large romsets.

License: Open Source


Mame softlists: other game names functionality: Mame made some mistakes:

    mamenames for games are unique per-machine's device, not unique per machine as they should be (smb2 could be both a flop for the Jap version and a cart for the US version, so what happens when you call mame famicom smb2?)
    mamename loading (without specifying device) does nice things like multi-disc loading. If you do specify device, no nice things
    its hard to tell when you have a name conflice, which device will be treated as the 'default' So, to load the correct game, we look for exceptional game name conflicts between the original softlists for a system. If we find conflicts, only then do we override the mame call by specifying device

fix some other issues found to get more games working in mame, in particular:

    the custom calls needed for the nes_ and snes_ 'special cartridge' softlists
    forcing up the rating of certain emulators for a system, to make sure games load easier, in particular msx1_flop, where a late Brazilian variant loads double-density disks, and msx2p, where the previous default emus required you to know Japanese to load a game

make image fit in thumbnail media panel view...
add back and next buttons for image viewer
update and tweak the RetroArch efind, many additions and fixes to take up to RetroArch 1.6.9
stop multiloader using deamon tools to mount zips (turns out it was VERY slow, often in-game, just always unzip)
refresh mednafen efinds (add mednafen saturn)


Titel: Emu Loader 8.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2018, 21:40

A "beep" command was left in zipped images list chaching function
Forgot to reindex the tab's internal indexes in MAME Settings screen

version 8.4.5 change log - February 12, 2018
Previous/Next buttons events executing when "Internet Game Info" is enabled (images tool bar)
Images panel canvas locked before loading "Layout Settings" screen, causing memory leaks and frontend freeze
Current images layout settings was not saved when exiting the frontend
Tool bar "Filter By Main CPU" was appearing above the main tool bar buttons (Arcade Miscellaneous Filters)
"Internet Game Info" tweaks
- images tool bar buttons visibility are no longer changed as they cannot be used with web viewer
- added a "Play Video Preview" button in the web panel's tool bar for easier access
Changes to "Preview Images" feature
- more tweaks to improve category selection events
- removed remaining "Internet Game Info" code from main menu "Images"
- added "image_category_dir\softlist\softlist.zip" path scan support for MAME software lists
  - now you can have your zipped images file in a "\softlist\" sub-folder (eg.: "snap\msx1_cart\msx1_cart.zip")
  - file "image_category_dir\softlist.zip" will be searched first (eg.: "snap\msx1_cart.zip")
  - not sure if MAME's internal frontend supports this... - tweaks to selected game's image file search function (tiny speed boost)
Renamed "View Game Documents" to "Show MAME Game Documents" (games popup menu), as this is a MAME exclusive feature
Tweaks in game documents feature to remove redundant selected game checks
Minor improvement when switching Images on/off while in thumbnails view; StringList cache for zipped images is reloaded only when setting "Images" enabled (might need further tweaks)
Deleted several old commented code from source code
New "Show Only Sets With CRC32 Collision" arcade misc filter (to help future games audit improvements)
- useful filter to know what sets have same CRC32 checksum on different game files
- if the set is a game (parent or clone) but the affected files are from a device or bios set, the game will NOT be tagged as "CRC32 collision"
- so far, only two MAME sets have this: "segadimm" and "segasp"
New feature: "Game Documents Display Mode"
- wanna show game docs in a full panel without disabling images ? there are two settings:
  - "Images and Game Docs Single Panel": default frontend behavior and will show game docs together with preview images
  - "Images and Game Docs Tabbed Panels": use this to show images and game docs in separate panels (like MAME's internal UI)
- to change it, go to Preferences screen (main menu) and select "Game Docs" page
  - two new buttons added on images tool bar to switch between panels: "Images" / "Game Documents"
  - if images tab is selected, game docs for selected game will not load
  - if game docs tab is selected, images for selected game will not load
  - settings are saved in "el_extras.ini", "[GameDocuments]" section
  - if either images or game docs is disabled, a blank panel will be displayed (behavior may change later)
  - if both images and game docs features are disabled, no panel will be displayed


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2018, 05:15

General changelog

3DS: Now correctly reports amount of CPU cores.
3DS: Frontend rating is now correctly implemented for both New 3DS/2DS and Old 3DS/2DS.
3DS: Initial networking support, HTTP requests won’t work yet.
3DS: Now reports memory and battery state.
AUDIO: Added ‘Audio Resampler Quality’ setting to Audio Settings. Setting this higher will increase sound quality at the expense of sound latency and/or performance. Setting this value lower will improve sound latency/performance at the expense of sound quality. Only has an effect if the Sinc resampler is used, and you have to restart the game for changes to take effect.
CHEEVOS: Fix unofficial achievements not being loaded.
CHEEVOS: Show savestate menu entries when no achievements are found even if hardcore mode is enabled.
CHEEVOS: Support Neo Geo Pocket.
COMMON: Bugfix for issue related to ‘Windows mouse pointer visible when running MESS or MAME cores’.
COMMON: Fix bug ‘Last item in a Playlist is ignored’.
COMMON: New LED API. Driver implemented for Raspberry Pi, proof of concept implemented for core MAME 2003.
COMMON: Add quick menu option to watch shader files for changes and recompile them automatically (Linux only for now).
D3D8: Direct3D 8 can now work on systems that have Direct3D 8 installed.
D3D9: Add menu support for MaterialUI/XMB.
D3D10: Initial video driver implementation.
D3D11: Initial video driver implementation.
D3D11: SPIRV-Cross/slang shader support for D3D11.
D3D12: Initial video driver implementation.
DINPUT: don’t reinitialize input driver on network events / media insertion / network drive connection
INPUT: show friendly names when available under input binds and system information
INPUT: show the config name when available under system information
GUI: Allow changing menu font color.
GUI: Menu visibility options for RGUI and MaterialUI.
GUI/MaterialUI: Works now with D3D8, D3D9 Cg, D3D11 and D3D12 drivers.
GUI/XMB: Add Monochrome Inverted icon theme.
GUI/XMB: Allow changing menu scale to 200%.
GUI/XMB: Works now with D3D8, D3D9 Cg, D3D11 and D3D12 drivers. Menu shader effects currently don’t work on D3D8/D3D9 Cg.
HAIKU: Restored port.
KEYMAPPER: prevent a condition that caused input_menu_toggle to stop working when a RETRO_DEVICE_KEYBOARD type device is enabled
GL: ignore hard gpu sync when fast-forwarding
IOS10/11: Handle hardware keyboards and iCade controllers
LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese-Brazilian translation.
LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
NETPLAY: Add menu option to select different MITM (relay) server locations.
OSX: Modify HID buttons detection algorithm.
QB: Added –datarootdir.
QB: Added –bindir and –mandir and deprecated –with-bin_dir and –with-man_dir.
QB: Added –docdir.
SHADERS: Allow saving of shader presets based on the parent directory (Saving one for */foo/bar/mario.sfc* would result in *shaders/presets/corename/bar.ext*). We decided it’s safer to still isolate the presets to a single core because different cores may treat video output differently.
SHADERS: Don’t save the path to the current preset to the main config. This was causing weird behavior, instead it will try to load *currentconfig.ext* and it will save a preset with that name when select *apply shader preset*. The resulting shader will restore properly after restarting and even after core/parent/game specific presets are loaded
SOLARIS: Initial port.
SWITCH: Initial Nintendo Switch port, based on libtransistor SDK.
PS3: Enable Cheevos.
PSP: Enable threading support through pthreads.
SHADERS: SPIRV-Cross/slang shader support for D3D11.
SHIELD ATV: Allow the remote / gamepad takeover hack to work with the 2017 gamepad
SUBSYSTEM: Subsystem saves now respect the save directory
SUBSYSTEM: You can now load subsystem games from the menu (see https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/pull/6282 for caveats)
VULKAN: Fix swapchain recreation bug on Nvidia GPUs with Windows 10 (resolved in Windows Nvidia driver version 390.77).
WINDOWS: Improved Unicode support (for cores/directory creation and 7zip archives).
WINDOWS: Show progress meter on taskbar for downloads (Windows 7 and up).
WINDOWS: WS_EX_LAYERED drastically decreases performance, so only set it when needed (transparency in windowed mode).
WIIU: Overlay support.
WIIU: Transparency support in menu + overlays.
WIIU: Increased stability during core switching.
WIIU: Shader support.
WIIU: Menu shader effects added (shaders).
WIIU: Add missing time/clock support. (also fixes RTC [Real Time Clock] in Gambatte)
XBOX OG: Restored port.

New Direct3D 11/12 driver:

RetroArch 1.7.1 now features very robust and feature-complete Direct3D 11/12 drivers for Windows users! Direct3D 11 should be available to users starting as of Windows 7, whereas in order to use Direct3D 12, you need Windows 10.

See here the following features:

Supports Slang shaders, the same shader format that Vulkan uses
Suports the menu; supports MaterialUI and XMB.
Supports overlays.
All menu shader effects have been ported.
Do note that right now, it is recommended you use the Direct3D11 driver instead of Direct3D 12. D3D11 is many times faster than D3D12, and while there are still gains to be had, we are not necessarily sure if the D3D12 driver will ever be able to outperform the D3D11 driver.
The Direct 3D 11/12 video drivers should work with any libretro core that does not require either OpenGL or Vulkan to function.
Some minor features which are currently not available is features like Max swapchain image control, GPU Hard Sync and/or Black Frame Insertion.

Emscripten/Web Player back in action and better than ever:

Toad King has graciously not only restored the Web Player, but made it better than ever. Now using WebAssembly under the hood, not only is it a lot faster, but it also now has the XMB menu by default and should work properly with builtin gamepad support from your browser. You can find the Web Player here. You can also reach the Web Player at any time by going to retroarch.com and clicking on ‘Web Player’ in the topright hand part of the site.

Xbox port back from the dead:

People always keep insisting that us supporting ancient compilers like Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 is pointless. Well, in this case it allowed for the long-dormant RetroArch Xbox OG version to be resurrected rather effortlessly. And we were able to write a Direct3D 8 video driver as well which works for both PC as well as Xbox OG.
The Xbox OG port is now more in lock-step with official mainline than ever. It no longer uses some proprietary hokey menu system but it just uses RGUI as the default. I could have included XMB as well, but we still have some work left to do in terms of making sure we can render text with Direct3D8 instead of relying on D3DX, and there were still some texture-related UV issues, so that factored into our decision to only go with RGUI for now.
Right out of the gate, there are 21 cores available for the Xbox version, far more than in any other time period of its lifecycle.
Other noteworthy features – it now supports overlays.
Subsystem support – Game Boy 2-player Link, Super Game Boy support with SNES emulators, etc:
This feature allows cores to specify a subsystem, which may be a different system like in this video, or an add-on (think Super Gameboy / Genesis lock on).
Previously, cores that supported subsystems (think Super Game Boy / Sufami Turbo with SNES9x emulators) needed to be started from the commandline in order to be able to use Super Game Boy/Sufami Turbo mode.
The following cores should already have subsystem support: Same Boy (allows for up to 2-Link netplayer), bSNES (Super Game Boy and Sufami support should work through the menu). NOTE: You need to set the Filebrowser Directory to your starting point directory if you want to use the subsystem feature. It will not work properly without.

Universal shader spec gaining steam – Vulkan/D3D11/D3D12/WiiU all using the same shaders now:

There are several video drivers now that all make use of the same universal shader format, Slang: Vulkan, Direct3D11,Direct3D12, WiiU. What this means is that all these video drivers are able to use the same shader format without having to convert from one format to another. The magic happens courtesy of SPIRV-Cross, itself a Khronos project. We hope that in the future, the slang shader spec will be supported by most of RetroArch’s video drivers (such as OpenGL and the other Direct3D drivers). This represents a very important step towards realizing that ultimate goal. Veteran RetroArch users will probably remember that we first tied our wagon to Nvidia’s Cg shader format. As that spec gradually fell out of favor and even Nvidia abandoned it wholesale, it was for a time uncertain for us which new format we would have to go with. You had GLSL on mobile and desktop GL, and HLSL for Direct3D. Now, with SPIRV-Cross, we finally have an exit strategy for the increasingly deprecating Cg ecosystem of shaders. That being said, we still intend to continue supporting Cg and the shader system, and platforms like PlayStation3 and Xbox 360 wholly depend on it in fact.

WiiU port vastly improved:

The WiiU port has been significantly improved upon in many ways:
Overlay support.
Transparency support in menu + overlays.
Increased stability during core switching.
Shader support (slang).
Menu shader effects added (shaders).
There are shaders out in the wild as add-on packs. Shaders are not compiled at runtime, unlike on PS3.

Switch port:

OK, so we can’t roll a public release out for this one yet since it still relies on baking in the content through squashfs. However, the Switch homebrew is recently heating up with the release of the Homebrew Launcher, and also competing SDKs like Libnx. However, we hope that by the time 1.7.2 comes out, we will have something in a ready-made fashion available to all.

Configurable audio resampling:

While RetroArch is also well set to deliver a latency experience almost on par with the actual hardware under the best circumstances, it also continues to help people find new solutions to their one core common problem – latency. You can set the audio quality in Settings -> Core to a less demanding level- that way.


Titel: clrmamepro 4.034
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2018, 05:15
Whats new:>>

You might still experience issues with the update process with 4.033 due to some server changes. This should be finally resolved with 4.034. If you like you can download the new update.dll here separately, extract it over the old one and use the update button afterwards...or you simply download the cmpro package manually.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2018, 20:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Proper detection of "Board ROMs" on game sets that use "model2" ROMs; "SEGA Model 2" system
you must re-create games list fix this
this is a cosmetic fix, ROMs validation is not affected
Fixes and tweaks to Game Details screen
missing parent setname text not showing in left panel if parent zip file is not found
SHA-1 checksum generated for zipped EmuCon console/computer games (32 MegaBytes max file size)
bios/device icon indexes were switched in left column
"Bios CHD" file was tagged as "Device CHD"; cosmetic fix


"Create MAME/HBMAME/Demul Games List" updates
improved detection of sets with CRC32 collisions, a new file created "arcadegamessystemname_crc32collision.txt"
added a "devicename" tag for each device ROM entry for proper SHA-1 validation (MAME)
added "feature patelle" tag detection in -listxml output to fix missing "color status" (MAME v0.194 and newer)
optimizations and code cleanup
MAME and arcade games files validation system changes and fixes (games audit)
device sets not scanned correctly when auditing a single game (MAME) - device ROMs are now properly validated and game sets are no longer tagged as "available" if a device ROM is missing (MAME)
device and bios zip file list contents (CRC32/SHA-1) are now loaded into RAM only once when validating multiple games, for faster access
CRC32 collision detection and SHA-1 validation for device/bios ROMs; game ROMs are not yet supported (MAME and Demul)
game files are unzipped directly into a "TMemoryStream" var (RAM), so SHA-1 checksums can be generated
several optimizations and code cleanup


Old commented code cleanup


Titel: MAME 0.195
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 18:10

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

03563: [Graphics] (namcos11.cpp) souledge: Li Long stage background problem (smf)
05764: [Graphics] (radio86.cpp) radio4k: Display is not stable and flickers (shattered)
06446: [Graphics] (shanghai.cpp) kothello: Display cut off at right (AJR)
06688: [Graphics] (sandscrp.cpp) sandscrp and clones: Graphic priority issue in title screen animation (cam900)
06866: [Interface] (midxunit.cpp) revx: No crosshairs (Osso)
06867: [Misc.] (namcos12.cpp) technodr: Game refuses to boot if printer is ON (Osso)
06870: [Sound] (mario.cpp) mario and clones: Missing music/sound effects (AJR)
06872: [Documentation] (vegas.cpp) sf2049se: Wrong Year Listed (And Publisher?) (sjy96525)
06884: [Crash/Freeze] (djmain.cpp) All sets in djmain.c: MAME exception (smf)
06885: [Crash/Freeze] (qdrmfgp.cpp) qdrmfgp2: Hang on boot (Osso)
06888: [Crash/Freeze] (segag80v.cpp) tacscan: Cannot play past second phase (AJR)
06889: [Graphics] (darkseal.cpp) darkseal: Background missing in the first boss area and third stage (cam900)

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:

03563: [Graphics] (namcos11.cpp) souledge: Li Long stage background problem (smf)
05764: [Graphics] (radio86.cpp) radio4k: Display is not stable and flickers (shattered)
06446: [Graphics] (shanghai.cpp) kothello: Display cut off at right (AJR)
06688: [Graphics] (sandscrp.cpp) sandscrp and clones: Graphic priority issue in title screen animation (cam900)
06866: [Interface] (midxunit.cpp) revx: No crosshairs (Osso)
06867: [Misc.] (namcos12.cpp) technodr: Game refuses to boot if printer is ON (Osso)
06870: [Sound] (mario.cpp) mario and clones: Missing music/sound effects (AJR)
06872: [Documentation] (vegas.cpp) sf2049se: Wrong Year Listed (And Publisher?) (sjy96525)
06884: [Crash/Freeze] (djmain.cpp) All sets in djmain.c: MAME exception (smf)
06885: [Crash/Freeze] (qdrmfgp.cpp) qdrmfgp2: Hang on boot (Osso)
06888: [Crash/Freeze] (segag80v.cpp) tacscan: Cannot play past second phase (AJR)
06889: [Graphics] (darkseal.cpp) darkseal: Background missing in the first boss area and third stage (cam900)

New working clones:

Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Coleco Head to Head: Electronic Hockey (TMS1000 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Connectv Skateboarder (PAL) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Donkey Junior High Score Kit (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Donkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.0a) [smf]
Donkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Donkey Kong/DK (Japan) (hack,V1.1 IKE) [smf, SpinDaddy]
Gee Bee (UK) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gigas Mark II (MC-8123 317-5002) [frsj8112]
Hard Yardage (v1.10) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (rev 3) [unknown]
Moon Shuttle (US, version A) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pac-Land (Bally-Midway) [Andrea Palazzetti]
Pac-Man (bootleg, Video Game SA) [Arcade Vintage, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Quarterback (rev 1, cocktail) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Rabbit (Japan, location test) [Hammy, Spinalfeyd, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, set 2) [f205v, Maru79]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg with rules screen) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Taiwan 920313) [sampson]
Tapper (Budweiser, 12/9/83) [Marc Deslauriers]
Target Ball '96 [Brian Troha, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
Tecmo Bowl (World, set 2) [coolmod]

Machines promoted to working:

100 in 1 Arcade Action II (AT-103) [David Shah]
888888 in 1 (Coolboy AEF-390) [David Shah]
999999 in 1 (PXP2 Slim Station) [David Shah]
Altos Computer Systems ACS8600 [Carl]
BittBoy Mini FC 300 in 1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer V Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2573) [David Shah]
PowerJoy Navigator 50 in 1 [David Shah]
PowerJoy Supermax 30 in 1 [David Shah]
PowerJoy Supermax 60 in 1 [David Shah]
Samuri (60 in 1) [David Shah]
Sports Game 69 in 1 [David Shah]
Super Arcade 110 (set 1) [David Shah]
SY-889 300 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]
Clones promoted to working:
999999 in 1 (8 bit Slim Station, NEWPXP-DVT22-A PCB) [David Shah]
Panasonic JB-3000 [Luke Sleeman, protosphere]
Super Arcade 110 (set 2) [David Shah]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:

Blockout (TAX) [Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Casio SK-1 [Vas Crabb]
CoolBoy RS-8 168 in 1 [TeamEurope]
DVTech Nimbus 176 in 1 [CaH4e3]
e-kara Starter [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Handheld 210 in 1 [David Shah]
Intelligence Advance E/R Lerncomputer [R. Belmont, Sean Riddle, TeamEurope, rfka01]
MOGIS M320 246 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]
Olympia BOSS D [friol, rfka01]
Panafacom Duet-16 [rfka01, Carl]
Pittanko Zaurus [R. Belmont, SpinalFeyd, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
Play TV Baseball 2 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Bass Fishin' [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Boxing (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Card Night (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Monster Truck (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Ping Pong [Sean Riddle]
Pocket Games 150 in 1 [David Shah]
Sekai Kaseki Hakken (Japan, SKH1 Ver.A) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Soreyuke Anpanman Crayon Kids (J 001026 V1.000)
[ShouTime, Bill D, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, George Walsh, Evan Korzon, Dullaron, SpinalFeyd, Gyrovision, Bryce Van Horn,
Paul Vining, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Star Wars Saga Edition - Lightsaber Battle Game [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Super Medal Fighters (Japan 970228)
[ShouTime, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, George Walsh, Evan Korzon, Dullaron, SpinalFeyd, Gyrovision, Bryce Van Horn, Paul Vining,
Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Dealer (ACL) [Robbbert, Shamus McCrave, Guru]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P1 [rfka01]
VJ Visual & Music Slap [Naibo]
Wireless [BeckyRGB]
Wireless Air 60 [BeckyRGB]
XaviX Tennis (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Zhaoji Fengdou [Peter Wilhelmsen, The Dumping Union]
Zone 40 [BeckyRGB]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Compaq Portable II [rfka01]
ConnecTV Bass Fishin' [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Boxing (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Card Night (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Monster Truck (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Donkey Kong/JR (combo) (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Double Donkey Kong (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Dam Dam Boy (on Tsukande Toru Chicchi PCB) [R. Belmont, SpinalFeyd, Klaus, The Dumping Union]
Ericsson WS286 [Edstrom, Mattis Lind]
Olympia BOSS A 8085 [rfka01]
Olympia BOSS B [rfka01]
Olympia BOSS B 8085 [Carl, rfka01]
Olympia BOSS C [rfka01]
Sangokushi II (bootleg) [Hammy, Spinalfeyd, The Dumping Union]

New working software list additions:

electron_cart: Solidisk EFS 2.1E, Stop Press 64 [Nigel Barnes]
electron_flop: BBC Music Demo World [Nigel Barnes]


Battle Chess, Emit Vol. 1 - Toki no Maigo, Emit Vol. 2 - Inochigake no Tabi [redump.org, r09]
Doda Mega-Mix!!!, Oshare Club, Rinkan Gakkou, Sakura no Mori [r09]
Ku2++ [Tokugawa Corporate Forums, DamienD]
fmtowns_flop: Cameltry, Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes [r09]


David Robinson's Supreme Court (non-playable demo), David Robinson's Supreme Court (non-playable demo, hack),
Off The Wall (prototype), Street Battle (US, SMS Mode, prototype), Super Off Road (prototype) [David Haywood]


Blood Money, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Norton AntiVirus 1.0, The Norton AntiVirus 2.0,
Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon (version 1.0), Rambo III, Renegade [Arcade Shadow]
Airborne Ranger, Alf - The First Adventure,
ASP: A Statistical Package for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences (Student Version), Lotus Amstel Beta Build 2
Justin Kerk]


Alien Breed, Alien Carnage, Batman Returns, Blake Stone: Planet Strike, Epic Pinball: Deep Sea, Fire and Ice [Arcade Shadow]
The Adventures of Willy Beamish [Justin Kerk]


Beyond Dark Castle, MacBTX 1&1, MacDraw 1.9.5 (German), Photoshop 2.5.1 Limited Edition (German) [darkstar]
Airborne!, System Software 1.1, System Software 3.0 [Justin Kerk]
pce: Off The Wall (prototype) [David Haywood]


Image Training for the Right Side of the Brain - The Arithmetic & ABC Fight vs Mojars (Best Selection, Jpn),
Kanshuu Unou Image Training - Hiragana - Katakana (Best Selection, Jpn), Soreike! Anpanman no Minna de Kyousou Anpanman! (Jpn)
sg1000: Shenqi huayuan (Tw), Yuzhou zhanshi (Tw) [David Haywood]

Software list items promoted to working:

Advanced Plus 3, Advanced Plus 3/4, Advanced Quarter Meg RAM, Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.00, Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.01
Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.02, Slogger Electron Disk System v1.00, Slogger Electron Disk System v1.02
Slogger Electron Disk System v1.03, Sound Expansion v3 [Nigel Barnes]
Elfish, Elfish Lite, Hana no Kioku, Hoshi no Suna Monogatari 3, Kindan no Ketsuzoku, Koko wa Rakuensou, Koko wa Rakuensou 2
Oshare Cooking, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya, SimEarth, The 4th Unit 3 - Dual Targets, The 4th Unit 7 - Wyatt
Towns Hyakunin Isshu, Trigger, Ultima VI - The False Prophet [Carl, r09]
Columns [Carl]
D.P.S SG - Dream Program System SG, D.P.S SG 2 - Dream Program System SG Set 2, D.P.S SG 3 - Dream Program System SG Set 3
Dinosaur, Dr. Stop!, Image, Irium, Premium 2, Rance 2 - Hangyaku no Shoujotachui, Toushin Toshi, Toushin Toshi (Alt Disk 2)
VZ Editor 1.6 with ATOK 7 [Carl, r09]
picno: Kiiroi Kyoryu-kun Parasa no Obake Taiji [SSJ, Dustin, TeamEurope]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:


18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (Euro), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Jpn), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA),
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010202), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010202),
18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010405), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010405),
21: Two One (Jpn), 4 Wheel Thunder (Euro), 4 Wheel Thunder (USA), 4x4 Evo (USA), 90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football (Euro),
Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 (Jpn), Advanced Daisenryaku: Sturm uber Europa - Der Deutsche Blitzkrieg (Jpn),
Aero Dancing featuring Blue Impulse (Jpn), Aero Dancing featuring Blue Impulse Tentou Taikenban (Jpn), Aero Dancing F (Jpn),
Aero Dancing F (Jpn, Rev. 1), Aero Dancing F - Taikenban (Jpn), Aero Dancing F Taikenban (Jpn),
Aero Dancing F: Todoroki Tsubasa no Hatsu Hikou (Jpn), Aero Dancing i: Jikai Saku Made Matemasen (Jpn), Aero Dancing i (Jpn),
Aero Dancing: Todoroki Taichou no Himitsu Disc (Jpn), Aero to Jet de Dancing - Taikenban Disc (Jpn),
AeroWings 2: Airstrike (Euro), AeroWings 2: Airstrike (USA), AeroWings (Euro), AeroWings (USA),
After...: Wasureenu Kizuna - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Aikagi: Hidamari to Kanojo no Heyagi (Jpn), Air (Jpn),
Akihabara Dennou-gumi Pata Pies! (Jpn), Airforce Delta (Jpn), Airforce Delta (USA), Airforce Delta (USA, Alt),
Alice Dreams Tournament (Euro), Alice Dreams Tournament (Euro, Collector's Edition), Alice Dreams Tournament (Jpn),
Alice Dreams Tournament (Jpn, Collector's Edition), Alice Dreams Tournament (USA),
Alice Dreams Tournament (USA, Collector's Edition), Alien Front Online (USA), Alien Front Online (USA, Prototype 20010625),
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Euro), Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Fra),
Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Ger), Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (USA), Angel Present (Jpn),
Angel Wish: Kimi no Egao ni Chu! (Jpn), Animastar (Jpn), Ao no 6-go Saigetsufutai Hito: Time and Tide (Jpn), Aqua GT (Euro),
Armada (USA), Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Euro), Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (USA), Atari Anniversary Edition (USA),
Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen BB (Jpn), Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen (Jpn), Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (Jpn), Baldr Force EXE (Jpn),
Ball Breakers (USA, Prototype 20000924), Bangai-O (Euro), Bangai-O (USA), Bang! Gunship Elite (USA),
Bass Rush Dream: EcoGear PowerWorm Championship (Jpn), Battle Beaster (Jpn), Bikkuriman 2000: Viva! Festiva! (Jpn),
Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Kanzenban (Jpn), Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn),
Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn, Alt), Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Trial Edition (Jpn), Black Matrix A/D (Jpn),
Blue-Sky-Blue: Sora o Mau Tsubasa - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Blue Stinger (Euro), Blue Stinger (Fra),
Blue Stinger (Fra, Prototype 19990824), Blue Stinger (Ger), Blue Stinger (Jpn), Blue Stinger (USA), Boku Doraemon (Jpn),
Boku no Tennis Jinsei (Jpn), Boku to, Bokura no Natsu (Jpn), Bomber Hehhe! (Jpn), Bomberman Online (USA),
Bomberman Online (USA, Prototype 20010908), Border Down (Jpn), Bounty Hunter Sara: Holy Mountain no Teiou (Jpn),
Broadband Passport (Jpn), Broadband Passport (Jpn, Alt), Buggy Heat (Euro), Buggy Heat (Jpn), Bust-A-Move 4 (Euro),
Bust-A-Move 4 (USA), Caesars Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition (Euro), Caesars Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition (USA),
Cafe Little Wish (Jpn), Canary: Kono Omoi wo Uta ni Nosete (Jpn), Candy Stripe: Minarai Tenshi (Jpn), Cannon Spike (Euro),
Cannon Spike (USA), Canvas: Sepia-iro no Motif (Jpn), Capcom Taisen Fan Disc (Jpn),
Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 (Jpn), Capcom vs. SNK (Euro), Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (Jpn),
Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (Jpn, Rev. 1), Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Jpn), Capcom vs. SNK (USA),
Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen (Jpn), Carrier (Euro), Carrier (Jpn), Carrier (USA), Centipede (USA),
Championship Surfer (Euro), Championship Surfer (USA), Chaos Field (Jpn), Charge 'n Blast (Euro), Charge 'n Blast (Jpn),
Charge 'n Blast (USA), Cherry Blossom (Jpn), Chicken Run (Euro, English), Chicken Run (Euro, French / Italian / Spanish / German),
Chicken Run (USA), Chocolat: Maid Cafe "Curio" (Jpn), Chocolat: Maid Cafe "Curio" - Taikenban (Jpn),
Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan: Bousou Robot no Nazo!? (Jpn), ChuChu Rocket! including Dreamkey 1.5 (Euro),
ChuChu Rocket! inclus Dreamkey 1.5 (Fra), Chu-Chu Rocket! (Jpn), ChuChu Rocket! (USA), Close To: Inori no Oka (Jpn),
Coaster Works (Euro), Coaster Works (USA), Confidential Mission (Euro), Confidential Mission (Euro, Prototype 20010409),
Confidential Mission (USA), Conflict Zone (Euro), Conflict Zone (USA), Cosmic Smash (Jpn), Crazy Taxi 2 (Euro),
Crazy Taxi 2 (Jpn), Crazy Taxi 2 (USA), Crazy Taxi (Euro), Crazy Taxi (Jpn), Crazy Taxi (USA), Crazy Taxi (USA, Sega All Stars),
Culdcept II (Jpn), Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram (Jpn), Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram (USA),
D2 Shock (Jpn), D-2 (USA), Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - Dreamcast Edition (Jpn),
Dance Dance Revolution Club Version - Dreamcast Edition (Jpn),
Dancing Blade: Katte ni Momotenshi II - Tears of Eden - Kanzenban (Jpn), Dancing Blade: Katte ni Momotenshi! - Kanzenban (Jpn),
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Euro), Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA), Daytona USA 2001 (Euro), Daytona USA 2001 (Jpn),
Daytona USA (USA), Daytona USA (USA, Prototype), Deadly Skies (Euro), D no Shokutaku 2 (Jpn), D no Shokutaku 2 (Jpn, Alt),
GameShark Lite (USA), Jet Coaster Dream (Jpn), J.League Spectacle Soccer (Jpn), Puzzle Bobble 4 (Jpn),
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Euro), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Euro, Prototype), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Fra),
Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Ger), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (USA), Seaman: Kindan no Pet (Jpn), Seaman (USA),
TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat (USA) [FakeShemp]


DOS v3.10C, DOS Supplemental Programs v3.10C, Ericsson Maintenance Program v4.10 [Edstrom]
Ben 10 (USE1), Ben 10 (USE2), IWL - Interstellar Wrestling League (USE1), IWL - Interstellar Wrestling League (USE2),
Marvel Heroes (USE2), Spider-Man (USE1), X-Men (USE) [incog]


Animal Genius (US), Cars 2 (US), Creature Create (US), Kindergarten (US), Learning with Leap (US), Letterpillar (US),
Number Raiders (US), Ratatouille (US), Scholastic I Spy - Challenger (US), Scooby Doo! - Spooky Snacks! (US), Scooby Doo! (US),
Star Wars - Jedi Reading (US), Thomas and Friends - Calling all Engines! (US), Up (US), Wall-E (US) [TeamEurope]
mac_flop: RadiusWare [darkstar]

Translations added or modified:

Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Turkish [Kadir Eksi]

Source Changes:

tms9927: Fixed excessive sync width after recomputing parameters during sync. [AJR]
ponpoko, hcastle, sonson: Changed to 4-way joysticks. [AJR]
Fixed flip screen rendering of DECO MXC06 sprites. [AJR]
Added some internal peripheral block registers to 80186 debug state. [AJR]
Fixed ASCII dump output for big-endian spaces. [AJR]
i960: Fixed disassembly of REG instructions. [AJR]
deco146/deco104: Synchronize soundlatch writes - fixes dropouts in dblewing. [AJR]
decocass.cpp: Inverted sprite/sprite priority - seems to help coozumou. [AJR]
com8116: Added several clock rate/divider table variant types. [AJR]
saturn, sfish2: Encapsulated existing CD-ROM emulation as device. [AJR]
Set up heavily mirrored memory ranges with subunit masks (e.g. orunners) much more efficiently. [AJR]
Created RST interrupt buffer device. [AJR]
ym2203: Made interrupt output use an instant timer, preventing synchronization glitches. [AJR]
msm6242: De-assert interrupt output when the IRQ flag is cleared. [AJR]
6840ptm: Stop defaulting external clocks to 1 Hz. [AJR]
Register device callbacks and add some basic validation for them. [AJR]
unidasm: Corrected endianness of m6800, m6805 and other Motorola-type CPUs. [AJR]
cdicdic: Made DMA handling safer. [AJR]
z8: Made address spaces big-endian. [AJR]
hd63484: Added external skew kludge to prevent display cutoff in kothello. [AJR]
photoply.cpp: Added Cirrus Logic GD5446 VGA PCI device - now shows legacy BIOS error. [Angelo Salese]
namcona1.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
Fixed soft reset hangs.
Improved encapsulation.
Fixed status bar colors for VS Express event in Numan Athletics.
Fixed video disable graphic transitions.
Added dynamic screen visible area change effect (used mostly by Numan Athletics on transitions).
Fixed bogus palette transfers for xday2.
Fixed horizontal scroll adjust and background color pen (improves X-Day 2 video).
Added MSM6242 RTC and fixed EEPROM type for X-Day 2.
pc6001.cpp: Major encapsulation clean-ups. [Angelo Salese]
gkigt.cpp: Made some improvements to make most games to boot up to display CMOS error. [Angelo Salese]
i960.cpp: Added support for burst mode stalling save and restore. [Angelo Salese]
Fixes stalls in several Sega Model 2 games.
badlandsbl.cpp: Added preliminary sprite drawing. [Angelo Salese]
buster.cpp: Preliminary work to make it actually show something. [Angelo Salese]
model2.cpp: Added 30 Hz renderer mode - fixes Virtua Striker timings. [Angelo Salese]
taito_en: Hooked up ES5510 effects DSP. [cam900, R. Belmont]
vamphalf.cpp: Converted OKI map to configured banking and implemented OKI bank switching for Diet Family. [cam900]
vgmplay: Added K051649 support, and added clock change support to K051649. [cam900]
darkseal.cpp: Corrected PF1 size to 64x64 and removed audio CPU interrupt hold line hack. [cam900]
dec8.cpp: Corrected CPU types, eliminated many runtime tagmap lookups, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
deco32.cpp: Templated handlers to reduce duplication, improved naming, and eliminated unnecessary shares. [cam900]
rohga.cpp: Cleaned up I/O and protection handling, reduced code duplication, and updated comments. [cam900]
itech32.cpp: Hooked up stereo audio output for Time Killers and Driver's Edge. [cam900]
st0016: Made ROM region tag configurable, and improved CPU tags in jclub2.cpp and srmp5.cpp. [cam900]
macs.cpp: Converted to configured banking. [cam900]
simple_st0016.cpp, speglsht.cpp, srmp5.cpp: Cleaned up banking code and reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]
x1_010: Improved naming of member variables/functions. [cam900]
seta.cpp: Converted expanded 6502 ROM to configured banking. [cam900]
cbuster.cpp: Cleaned up and converted to buffered sprite RAM device. [cam900]
gaiden.cpp: Cleanup and fixes: [cam900]
Reduced code duplication using templates and object finder arrays.
Split wildfang and raiga machine configuration/address map.
Fixed raiga hang on soft reset.
nmk16.cpp: Reduced code duplication, converted to configured banking, and updated notes. [cam900]
Also verified OKI bank switching for vandykeb and atombjt, and corrected OKI clock for vandykeb.
taito_f2.cpp: Fixed palette format for games using 15-bit colour. [cam900]
okim9810: Corrected sample rate divider table, added support for clock changes, and implemented DADR and serial interface. [cam900]
ninjaw.cpp, warriorb.cpp: Reduced code duplication using templates and object array finders, and reduced tagmap lookups. [cam900]
Also identified warriorb sound chip as YM2610B, and demoted sagaia and darius2d to imperfect sound due to SSG issues.
ymz280b: Converted memory access to device_rom_interface. [cam900]
firebeat.cpp: Reduced code duplication and split memory maps according to the number of GCU chips on PCB. [cam900]
ymf271: Implemented four-channel output and converted memory access to device_rom_interface. [cam900]
bnstars.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching.
ms32.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching and enabled stereo output.
seibuspi.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching and changed single-board systems to mono output.
taito_l.cpp: Converted VRAM banks to address_map_bank_device and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
deco_mlc.cpp updates and improvements: [cam900]
Cleaned up duplicated and unused code, improved interrupt hookup, updated notes, and corrected regions and versions.
Implemented 8bpp+alpha sprite drawing mode, and implemented alpha/shadow select bits.
zn.cpp: Cleaned up duplicated and unused code, converted nbajamex banking to address_map_bank_device, moved bank configuration
from reset to start time, and identified beastrzrb CPU type and sound chip. [cam900]
cave.cpp: Reduced code duplication with templates and object array finders. [cam900]
seta.cpp: Reduced code duplication, and made data arrays dynamically allocated at start time. [cam900]
sandscrp.cpp: Improved sprite-tile priority, and cleaned up duplicated code. [cam900]
jchan.cpp: Improved sprite-tile priority, verified background pen, and cleaned up duplicated code. [cam900]
am9519: Added AM9519 UIC device. [Carl]
vii.cpp: Added I/O for skateboarder, and promoted to working with bad graphics/no sound; also modernised the code a bit.
David Haywood]
Added preliminary XaviX driver: [David Haywood]
Created derived 6502 type with far call/return instructions and banked data memory.
Implemented graphics, including sprites, and packed 7bpp tiles - Monster Truck track outline and test mode work.
Implemented multiplier chip.
nes_vt.cpp: Fixes and improvements: [David Shah]
Added support for VTxx systems with scrambled instructions (FC Pocket, DGUN2573).
Added support for Family Pocket, and more FC Pocket games.
Added support for VTxx scrambled banking (thanks NewRisingSun for help).
Improved PPU colour palette using reference code from NewRisingSun.
Fixed scanline interrupts and PPU data reads.
asteroid.cpp, namcos1.cpp: Use LS153 device for DIP switches. [Dirk Best]
amiga.cpp, cubo.cpp, ssv.cpp, unixpc.cpp: Fixed address map order after semantic change. [Dirk Best]
gkigt.cpp: Added QUARTs and serial ports to machine configuration, but commented out handlers in memory maps. [Dirk Best]
hamboy: Patched PIC ROM to reduce timer delay, and stared fixing DIP switches. [Dirk Best]
Added vertical blanking input to ampoker2. [El Chango v4]
alphatpx.cpp: Fixed P2 drive ready and added missing <> key. [helwie44]
Converted many configuration helpers to non-static member functions. [Judge]
Allow building with system-wide utf8proc, PortAudio, ASIO, GLM and RapidJSON. [Julian Sikorski]
Fixed issue linking Emscripten build with certain single-driver configurations (e.g. spectrum.cpp). [Justin Kerk]
exterm.cpp, raiden2.cpp: Updated memory map order for new semantics. [MASH]
v9938: Improved logging options with logmacro. [Michael Zapf]
Improved Stepping Stage driver and added support for recently-dumped VJDash set: [Naibo]
Added fundamental communication between main 68000 and (undumped) Windows PC.
Figured out logic for how CPU uploads data to unknown device (possibly FPGA on unknown board).
Discovered vertical blank frequency of four logical screens - affects communication/synchronization of 68k CPUs.
Added proper foreground layer handling (stepstag borrows foreground graphics from vjdash for now).
Separated palette and graphics decoding for three screens, and added independent decoding/drawing routine for third screen.
Corrected sprite ROM loading for step3.
Mapped dancing floor, spot, neon, and key lamp/LED outputs based on footage of real machine.
Corrected NVRAM handling.
Adjusted default input mapping to avoid key conflicts.
Identified graphics ROMs for vjdash foreground/background/ROZ layers.
electron: Added a number of cartridge devices. [Nigel Barnes]
P.R.E.S. Advanced Plus 3/4, Advanced Quarter Meg Ram, Cumana Floppy Disk System, Sound Expansion, Sound Expansion v3,
Stop Press 64, Solidisk EFS.
Changed memory map behaviour to "last entry wins". [O. Galibert]
Allows more natural "import and patch" and "cover a region then punch holes" structures.
m6502: Fixed tracing and breakpoints for paged variants. [O. Galibert]
Made memory maps member functions of owner class. [O. Galibert]
Added disassembler for VM Labs Aries VLIW processor (used in NUON DVD players). [O. Galibert]
interpro: Improved graphics emulation - basic bit blit and line drawing work well enough for now. [Patrick Mackinlay]
Added preliminary ABC CAD pointing device/high-resolution graphics add-on device for Luxor ABC 80. [Peter Bortas, Edstrom]
Added kzaurus driver: [R.Belmont]
Implemented interrupts, inputs and sound - passes POST.
Fixed layer priority and added 55555 gradient background.
Improved visible area and layer alignment, and hooked up scroll register readback.
kingpin.cpp: Added memory map for dealracl. [Robbbert]
i8275 improvements and fixes: [shattered]
Handle invisible field attributes and "end of row - stop DMA" special code better.
Honor Video Enable bit.
Made Preset Counters command useful.
agat7: Added serial/parallel interface card, hard-coded to Agat-Author configuration for now. [shattered]
Popeye/Sky Skipper improvements: [smf]
Reverted "Popeye (bootleg set 1)" to 0.33b6 names and contents.
Tile ROM in recently-dumped "Popeye (bootleg set 2)" matches old tile ROM, so that dump was probably correct.
Popeye: Moved Copyright from DIP switches to machine configuration - schematics show they are resistors.
Sky Skipper: Added difficulty DIP switches.
Popeye: Fixed background alignment and test mode background in TPP2 sets.
Converted configuration/handlers to virtual methods.
Removed protection device from systems that lack it.
Popeye: Added sprite RAM, background scroll and palette buffering.
Popeye: Unmapped $8000 to $87ff for TPP2 as 7f is not populated.
Popeye: Latch NMI disable from A9 on falling edge of RFSH.
Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Jr: Hooked up undocumented service switch and undumped diagnostic ROM. [smf]
Debugger: Fixed F10 step over for instructions with a branch delay slot. [smf]
ti85.cpp: Re-implemented IPL disable for Flash-based models. [smf]
z80: Changed refresh callback to write8. [smf]
CoCo cartridge improvements: [Tim Lindner]
Added support for the Color Computer MultiPak slot switch.
Fleshed out serial expansion cards to support actual input and output.
Added some compatible CoCo cartridges to the Dragon driver.
x1: Converted I/O to memory maps and address map bank devices. [Vas Crabb]
Improved encapsulation of a number of drivers. [Vas Crabb]
cyberbal.cpp: Untangled the dual-screen and single-screen versions - there are substantial hardware differences.
tvboy.cpp: Untangled from a2600 cartridge slot, replaced unnecessary bankdev with ROM bank, and fixed save states.
vectrex.cpp: Partially untangled console and arcade variants from each other.
Untangled ladybug and redclash from each other, and converted common video arrangements to devices.
Added support for multiple patterns and devices to -listfull verb. [Vas Crabb]
vt100ac: Redumped bad ROM. [Al Kossow]
toratora.cpp: Fixed DIP switch descriptions and locations according to manual. [Bad A. Billy]
ms32.cpp: Corrected many ROM names. [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
leland.cpp: Corrected many ROM names. [Brian Troha]
littlerb.cpp: Added PCB layout for Little Robin. [Brian Troha]
midvunit.cpp: Confirmed Cruis'n USA PAL dumps are bad. [caius]
Decapped and dumped PIC16F84 for Shizhan Ding Huang Maque (Version 4.1). [Caps0ff, EdHunter]
raiden.cpp: Corrected crystal and clocks for raidenkb set. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
galaxold.cpp: Verified PROMs for drivfrcsg. [Ed Cross]
wallc.cpp: Updated wallca crystal frequency according to PCB picture. [f205v]
midvunit.cpp: Noted labels for Cruis'n USA PAL2. [Guru]
namcos23.cpp: Redumped timecrs2v2b main CPU program ROMs. [Guru]
plus4.cpp: Corrected kernal location for plus4p set. [Guru]
wireless: Fixed Flash size. [incog]
ti85.cpp: Improved naming of Flash-based calculators based on boot codes. [Julian Lachniet]
mcr.cpp: Corrected several ROM names for the Tapper sets. [Marc Deslauriers, Brian Troha]
Corrected year for Piccolo Poker 100. [Roberto Fresca]
Magic Card II: Documented the modified Mexican Rockwell R65C02 CPU. [Roberto Fresca]
Added additional Leapster BIOS sets. [Sean Riddle]
rabbit.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for the recently added rabbitjt set. [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Corrected years for Cyber Troopers Virtual-On, Racing Jam Chapter 2, Rail Chase 2 and San Francisco Rush 2049: Tournament Edition.
taito_f3.cpp: Added PAL dump to kirameki. [undamned]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 21:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Audio improvements
Added wiimote to list of emulated controllers
Added unicode support for software keyboard
Bug fixes & various smaller improvements



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: MAME 0.195b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2018, 13:40


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03563: [Graphics] (namcos11.cpp) souledge: Li Long stage background problem (smf)
- 05764: [Graphics] (radio86.cpp) radio4k: Display is not stable and flickers (shattered)
- 06446: [Graphics] (shanghai.cpp) kothello: Display cut off at right (AJR)
- 06688: [Graphics] (sandscrp.cpp) sandscrp and clones: Graphic priority issue in title screen animation (cam900)
- 06866: [Interface] (midxunit.cpp) revx: No crosshairs (Osso)
- 06867: [Misc.] (namcos12.cpp) technodr: Game refuses to boot if printer is ON (Osso)
- 06870: [Sound] (mario.cpp) mario and clones: Missing music/sound effects (AJR)
- 06872: [Documentation] (vegas.cpp) sf2049se: Wrong Year Listed (And Publisher?) (sjy96525)
- 06884: [Crash/Freeze] (djmain.cpp) All sets in djmain.c: MAME exception (smf)
- 06885: [Crash/Freeze] (qdrmfgp.cpp) qdrmfgp2: Hang on boot (Osso)
- 06888: [Crash/Freeze] (segag80v.cpp) tacscan: Cannot play past second phase (AJR)
- 06889: [Graphics] (darkseal.cpp) darkseal: Background missing in the first boss area and third stage (cam900)

New working machines
89 in 1 Mini Game Console (060-92023011V1.0) [TeamEurope]
007: GoldenEye (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
200 in 1 Retro TV Game [David Shah]
Back to the Future (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Coolboy RS-18 (280 in 1) [TeamEurope]
Family Pocket 638 in 1 [David Shah]
FC Pocket 600 in 1 [David Shah]
Hammer Boy [alt/deepfb, Dan Dare, mad3001, Habi, Adonias, cpcmaniaco, Robcfg, Pablo Ruiz, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Hook (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Play TV Skateboarder (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Player's Edge Plus (PS0280) 4th of July Slots [Brian Troha, Kevin Nagle]
Robocop 3 (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Street Fighter 2010 - The Final Fight (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Strider (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
SY-888B 288 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]
ZDog (44 in 1) [unknown]

New working clones
Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Coleco Head to Head: Electronic Hockey (TMS1000 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Connectv Skateboarder (PAL) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Donkey Junior High Score Kit (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Donkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.0a) [smf]
Donkey Kong High Score Kit (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Donkey Kong/DK (Japan) (hack,V1.1 IKE) [smf, SpinDaddy]
Gee Bee (UK) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union]
Gigas Mark II (MC-8123 317-5002) [frsj8112]
Hard Yardage (v1.10) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (rev 3) [unknown]
Moon Shuttle (US, version A) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pac-Land (Bally-Midway) [Andrea Palazzetti]
Pac-Man (bootleg, Video Game SA) [Arcade Vintage, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Quarterback (rev 1, cocktail) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Rabbit (Japan, location test) [Hammy, Spinalfeyd, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg, set 2) [f205v, Maru79]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (bootleg with rules screen) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Taiwan 920313) [sampson]
Tapper (Budweiser, 12/9/83) [Marc Deslauriers]
Target Ball '96 [Brian Troha, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
Tecmo Bowl (World, set 2) [coolmod]

Machines promoted to working
100 in 1 Arcade Action II (AT-103) [David Shah]
888888 in 1 (Coolboy AEF-390) [David Shah]
999999 in 1 (PXP2 Slim Station) [David Shah]
Altos Computer Systems ACS8600 [Carl]
BittBoy Mini FC 300 in 1 [David Shah]
dreamGEAR My Arcade Gamer V Portable Gaming System (DGUN-2573) [David Shah]
PowerJoy Navigator 50 in 1 [David Shah]
PowerJoy Supermax 30 in 1 [David Shah]
PowerJoy Supermax 60 in 1 [David Shah]
Samuri (60 in 1) [David Shah]
Sports Game 69 in 1 [David Shah]
Super Arcade 110 (set 1) [David Shah]
SY-889 300 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]

Clones promoted to working
999999 in 1 (8 bit Slim Station, NEWPXP-DVT22-A PCB) [David Shah]
Panasonic JB-3000 [Luke Sleeman, protosphere]
Super Arcade 110 (set 2) [David Shah]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Blockout (TAX) [Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Casio SK-1 [Vas Crabb]
CoolBoy RS-8 168 in 1 [TeamEurope]
DVTech Nimbus 176 in 1 [CaH4e3]
e-kara Starter [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Handheld 210 in 1 [David Shah]
Intelligence Advance E/R Lerncomputer [R. Belmont, Sean Riddle, TeamEurope, rfka01]
MOGIS M320 246 in 1 Handheld [David Shah]
Olympia BOSS D [friol, rfka01]
Panafacom Duet-16 [rfka01, Carl]
Pittanko Zaurus [R. Belmont, SpinalFeyd, TeamEurope, The Dumping Union]
Play TV Baseball 2 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Bass Fishin' [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Boxing (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Card Night (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Monster Truck (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Ping Pong [Sean Riddle]
Pocket Games 150 in 1 [David Shah]
Sekai Kaseki Hakken (Japan, SKH1 Ver.A) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Soreyuke Anpanman Crayon Kids (J 001026 V1.000)
  [ShouTime, Bill D, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, George Walsh, Evan Korzon, Dullaron, SpinalFeyd, Gyrovision, Bryce Van Horn,
  Paul Vining, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Star Wars Saga Edition - Lightsaber Battle Game [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Super Medal Fighters (Japan 970228)
  [ShouTime, Surgeville, Sean Sutton, George Walsh, Evan Korzon, Dullaron, SpinalFeyd, Gyrovision, Bryce Van Horn, Paul Vining,
  Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
The Dealer (ACL) [Robbbert, Shamus McCrave, Guru]
Triumph-Adler alphatronic P1 [rfka01]
VJ Visual & Music Slap [Naibo]
Wireless [BeckyRGB]
Wireless Air 60 [BeckyRGB]
XaviX Tennis (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Zhaoji Fengdou [Peter Wilhelmsen, The Dumping Union]
Zone 40 [BeckyRGB]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Compaq Portable II [rfka01]
ConnecTV Bass Fishin' [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Boxing (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Card Night (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
ConnecTV Monster Truck (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Donkey Kong/JR (combo) (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Double Donkey Kong (hack,V1.2) [smf]
Dam Dam Boy (on Tsukande Toru Chicchi PCB) [R. Belmont, SpinalFeyd, Klaus, The Dumping Union]
Ericsson WS286 [Edstrom, Mattis Lind]
Olympia BOSS A 8085 [rfka01]
Olympia BOSS B [rfka01]
Olympia BOSS B 8085 [Carl, rfka01]
Olympia BOSS C [rfka01]
Sangokushi II (bootleg) [Hammy, Spinalfeyd, The Dumping Union]

New working software list additions
electron_cart: Solidisk EFS 2.1E, Stop Press 64 [Nigel Barnes]
electron_flop: BBC Music Demo World [Nigel Barnes]
  Battle Chess, Emit Vol. 1 - Toki no Maigo, Emit Vol. 2 - Inochigake no Tabi [redump.org, r09]
  Doda Mega-Mix!!!, Oshare Club, Rinkan Gakkou, Sakura no Mori [r09]
  Ku2++ [Tokugawa Corporate Forums, DamienD]
fmtowns_flop: Cameltry, Dragon Slayer - The Legend of Heroes [r09]
  David Robinson's Supreme Court (non-playable demo), David Robinson's Supreme Court (non-playable demo, hack),
  Off The Wall (prototype), Street Battle (US, SMS Mode, prototype), Super Off Road (prototype) [David Haywood]
  Blood Money, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Norton AntiVirus 1.0, The Norton AntiVirus 2.0,
  Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon (version 1.0), Rambo III, Renegade [Arcade Shadow]
  Airborne Ranger, Alf - The First Adventure,
  ASP: A Statistical Package for Business, Economics, and the Social Sciences (Student Version), Lotus Amstel Beta Build 2
  [Justin Kerk]
  Alien Breed, Alien Carnage, Batman Returns, Blake Stone: Planet Strike, Epic Pinball: Deep Sea, Fire and Ice [Arcade Shadow]
  The Adventures of Willy Beamish [Justin Kerk]
  Beyond Dark Castle, MacBTX 1&1, MacDraw 1.9.5 (German), Photoshop 2.5.1 Limited Edition (German) [darkstar]
  Airborne!, System Software 1.1, System Software 3.0 [Justin Kerk]
pce: Off The Wall (prototype) [David Haywood]
  Image Training for the Right Side of the Brain - The Arithmetic & ABC Fight vs Mojars (Best Selection, Jpn),
  Kanshuu Unou Image Training - Hiragana - Katakana (Best Selection, Jpn), Soreike! Anpanman no Minna de Kyousou Anpanman! (Jpn)
sg1000: Shenqi huayuan (Tw), Yuzhou zhanshi (Tw) [David Haywood]

Software list items promoted to working
  Advanced Plus 3, Advanced Plus 3/4, Advanced Quarter Meg RAM, Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.00, Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.01,
  Cumana Floppy Disc System v1.02, Slogger Electron Disk System v1.00, Slogger Electron Disk System v1.02,
  Slogger Electron Disk System v1.03, Sound Expansion v3 [Nigel Barnes]
  Elfish, Elfish Lite, Hana no Kioku, Hoshi no Suna Monogatari 3, Kindan no Ketsuzoku, Koko wa Rakuensou, Koko wa Rakuensou 2,
  Oshare Cooking, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya, SimEarth, The 4th Unit 3 - Dual Targets, The 4th Unit 7 - Wyatt,
  Towns Hyakunin Isshu, Trigger, Ultima VI - The False Prophet [Carl, r09]
  Columns [Carl]
  D.P.S SG - Dream Program System SG, D.P.S SG 2 - Dream Program System SG Set 2, D.P.S SG 3 - Dream Program System SG Set 3,
  Dinosaur, Dr. Stop!, Image, Irium, Premium 2, Rance 2 - Hangyaku no Shoujotachui, Toushin Toshi, Toushin Toshi (Alt Disk 2),
  VZ Editor 1.6 with ATOK 7 [Carl, r09]
picno: Kiiroi Kyoryu-kun Parasa no Obake Taiji [SSJ, Dustin, TeamEurope]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker (Euro), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Jpn), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA),
  18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010202), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010202),
  18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010405), 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (USA, Prototype 20010405),
  21: Two One (Jpn), 4 Wheel Thunder (Euro), 4 Wheel Thunder (USA), 4x4 Evo (USA), 90 Minutes: Sega Championship Football (Euro),
  Advanced Daisenryaku 2001 (Jpn), Advanced Daisenryaku: Sturm uber Europa - Der Deutsche Blitzkrieg (Jpn),
  Aero Dancing featuring Blue Impulse (Jpn), Aero Dancing featuring Blue Impulse Tentou Taikenban (Jpn), Aero Dancing F (Jpn),
  Aero Dancing F (Jpn, Rev. 1), Aero Dancing F - Taikenban (Jpn), Aero Dancing F Taikenban (Jpn),
  Aero Dancing F: Todoroki Tsubasa no Hatsu Hikou (Jpn), Aero Dancing i: Jikai Saku Made Matemasen (Jpn), Aero Dancing i (Jpn),
  Aero Dancing: Todoroki Taichou no Himitsu Disc (Jpn), Aero to Jet de Dancing - Taikenban Disc (Jpn),
  AeroWings 2: Airstrike (Euro), AeroWings 2: Airstrike (USA), AeroWings (Euro), AeroWings (USA),
  After...: Wasureenu Kizuna - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Aikagi: Hidamari to Kanojo no Heyagi (Jpn), Air (Jpn),
  Akihabara Dennou-gumi Pata Pies! (Jpn), Airforce Delta (Jpn), Airforce Delta (USA), Airforce Delta (USA, Alt),
  Alice Dreams Tournament (Euro), Alice Dreams Tournament (Euro, Collector's Edition), Alice Dreams Tournament (Jpn),
  Alice Dreams Tournament (Jpn, Collector's Edition), Alice Dreams Tournament (USA),
  Alice Dreams Tournament (USA, Collector's Edition), Alien Front Online (USA), Alien Front Online (USA, Prototype 20010625),
  Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Euro), Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Fra),
  Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (Ger), Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare (USA), Angel Present (Jpn),
  Angel Wish: Kimi no Egao ni Chu! (Jpn), Animastar (Jpn), Ao no 6-go Saigetsufutai Hito: Time and Tide (Jpn), Aqua GT (Euro),
  Armada (USA), Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (Euro), Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (USA), Atari Anniversary Edition (USA),
  Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen BB (Jpn), Atsumare! Guru Guru Onsen (Jpn), Bakuretsu Muteki Bangaioh (Jpn), Baldr Force EXE (Jpn),
  Ball Breakers (USA, Prototype 20000924), Bangai-O (Euro), Bangai-O (USA), Bang! Gunship Elite (USA),
  Bass Rush Dream: EcoGear PowerWorm Championship (Jpn), Battle Beaster (Jpn), Bikkuriman 2000: Viva! Festiva! (Jpn),
  Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Kanzenban (Jpn), Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn),
  Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn, Alt), Biohazard: Code: Veronica - Trial Edition (Jpn), Black Matrix A/D (Jpn),
  Blue-Sky-Blue: Sora o Mau Tsubasa - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Blue Stinger (Euro), Blue Stinger (Fra),
  Blue Stinger (Fra, Prototype 19990824), Blue Stinger (Ger), Blue Stinger (Jpn), Blue Stinger (USA), Boku Doraemon (Jpn),
  Boku no Tennis Jinsei (Jpn), Boku to, Bokura no Natsu (Jpn), Bomber Hehhe! (Jpn), Bomberman Online (USA),
  Bomberman Online (USA, Prototype 20010908), Border Down (Jpn), Bounty Hunter Sara: Holy Mountain no Teiou (Jpn),
  Broadband Passport (Jpn), Broadband Passport (Jpn, Alt), Buggy Heat (Euro), Buggy Heat (Jpn), Bust-A-Move 4 (Euro),
  Bust-A-Move 4 (USA), Caesars Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition (Euro), Caesars Palace 2000: Millennium Gold Edition (USA),
  Cafe Little Wish (Jpn), Canary: Kono Omoi wo Uta ni Nosete (Jpn), Candy Stripe: Minarai Tenshi (Jpn), Cannon Spike (Euro),
  Cannon Spike (USA), Canvas: Sepia-iro no Motif (Jpn), Capcom Taisen Fan Disc (Jpn),
  Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 (Jpn), Capcom vs. SNK (Euro), Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (Jpn),
  Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 (Jpn, Rev. 1), Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Jpn), Capcom vs. SNK (USA),
  Cardcaptor Sakura: Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen (Jpn), Carrier (Euro), Carrier (Jpn), Carrier (USA), Centipede (USA),
  Championship Surfer (Euro), Championship Surfer (USA), Chaos Field (Jpn), Charge 'n Blast (Euro), Charge 'n Blast (Jpn),
  Charge 'n Blast (USA), Cherry Blossom (Jpn), Chicken Run (Euro, English), Chicken Run (Euro, French / Italian / Spanish / German),
  Chicken Run (USA), Chocolat: Maid Cafe "Curio" (Jpn), Chocolat: Maid Cafe "Curio" - Taikenban (Jpn),
  Chou Hatsumei Boy Kanipan: Bousou Robot no Nazo!? (Jpn), ChuChu Rocket! including Dreamkey 1.5 (Euro),
  ChuChu Rocket! inclus Dreamkey 1.5 (Fra), Chu-Chu Rocket! (Jpn), ChuChu Rocket! (USA), Close To: Inori no Oka (Jpn),
  Coaster Works (Euro), Coaster Works (USA), Confidential Mission (Euro), Confidential Mission (Euro, Prototype 20010409),
  Confidential Mission (USA), Conflict Zone (Euro), Conflict Zone (USA), Cosmic Smash (Jpn), Crazy Taxi 2 (Euro),
  Crazy Taxi 2 (Jpn), Crazy Taxi 2 (USA), Crazy Taxi (Euro), Crazy Taxi (Jpn), Crazy Taxi (USA), Crazy Taxi (USA, Sega All Stars),
  Culdcept II (Jpn), Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram (Jpn), Cyber Troopers Virtual-On: Oratorio Tangram (USA),
  D2 Shock (Jpn), D-2 (USA), Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix - Dreamcast Edition (Jpn),
  Dance Dance Revolution Club Version - Dreamcast Edition (Jpn),
  Dancing Blade: Katte ni Momotenshi II - Tears of Eden - Kanzenban (Jpn), Dancing Blade: Katte ni Momotenshi! - Kanzenban (Jpn),
  Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (Euro), Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (USA), Daytona USA 2001 (Euro), Daytona USA 2001 (Jpn),
  Daytona USA (USA), Daytona USA (USA, Prototype), Deadly Skies (Euro), D no Shokutaku 2 (Jpn), D no Shokutaku 2 (Jpn, Alt),
  GameShark Lite (USA), Jet Coaster Dream (Jpn), J.League Spectacle Soccer (Jpn), Puzzle Bobble 4 (Jpn),
  Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Euro), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Euro, Prototype), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Fra),
  Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Ger), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (USA), Seaman: Kindan no Pet (Jpn), Seaman (USA),
  TNN Motorsports Hardcore Heat (USA) [FakeShemp]
  DOS v3.10C, DOS Supplemental Programs v3.10C, Ericsson Maintenance Program v4.10 [Edstrom]
  Ben 10 (USE1), Ben 10 (USE2), IWL - Interstellar Wrestling League (USE1), IWL - Interstellar Wrestling League (USE2),
  Marvel Heroes (USE2), Spider-Man (USE1), X-Men (USE) [incog]
  Animal Genius (US), Cars 2 (US), Creature Create (US), Kindergarten (US), Learning with Leap (US), Letterpillar (US),
  Number Raiders (US), Ratatouille (US), Scholastic I Spy - Challenger (US), Scooby Doo! - Spooky Snacks! (US), Scooby Doo! (US),
  Star Wars - Jedi Reading (US), Thomas and Friends - Calling all Engines! (US), Up (US), Wall-E (US) [TeamEurope]
mac_flop: RadiusWare [darkstar]

Translations added or modified
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Turkish [Kadir Eksi]

Source Changes
-tms9927: Fixed excessive sync width after recomputing parameters during sync. [AJR]

-ponpoko, hcastle, sonson: Changed to 4-way joysticks. [AJR]

-Fixed flip screen rendering of DECO MXC06 sprites. [AJR]

-Added some internal peripheral block registers to 80186 debug state. [AJR]

-Fixed ASCII dump output for big-endian spaces. [AJR]

-i960: Fixed disassembly of REG instructions. [AJR]

-deco146/deco104: Synchronize soundlatch writes - fixes dropouts in dblewing. [AJR]

-decocass.cpp: Inverted sprite/sprite priority - seems to help coozumou. [AJR]

-com8116: Added several clock rate/divider table variant types. [AJR]

-saturn, sfish2: Encapsulated existing CD-ROM emulation as device. [AJR]

-Set up heavily mirrored memory ranges with subunit masks (e.g. orunners) much more efficiently. [AJR]

-Created RST interrupt buffer device. [AJR]

-ym2203: Made interrupt output use an instant timer, preventing synchronization glitches. [AJR]

-msm6242: De-assert interrupt output when the IRQ flag is cleared. [AJR]

-6840ptm: Stop defaulting external clocks to 1 Hz. [AJR]

-Register device callbacks and add some basic validation for them. [AJR]

-unidasm: Corrected endianness of m6800, m6805 and other Motorola-type CPUs. [AJR]

-cdicdic: Made DMA handling safer. [AJR]

-z8: Made address spaces big-endian. [AJR]

-hd63484: Added external skew kludge to prevent display cutoff in kothello. [AJR]

-photoply.cpp: Added Cirrus Logic GD5446 VGA PCI device - now shows legacy BIOS error. [Angelo Salese]

-namcona1.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]
 * Fixed soft reset hangs.
 * Improved encapsulation.
 * Fixed status bar colors for VS Express event in Numan Athletics.
 * Fixed video disable graphic transitions.
 * Added dynamic screen visible area change effect (used mostly by Numan Athletics on transitions).
 * Fixed bogus palette transfers for xday2.
 * Fixed horizontal scroll adjust and background color pen (improves X-Day 2 video).
 * Added MSM6242 RTC and fixed EEPROM type for X-Day 2.

-pc6001.cpp: Major encapsulation clean-ups. [Angelo Salese]

-gkigt.cpp: Made some improvements to make most games to boot up to display CMOS error. [Angelo Salese]

-i960.cpp: Added support for burst mode stalling save and restore. [Angelo Salese]
 * Fixes stalls in several Sega Model 2 games.

-badlandsbl.cpp: Added preliminary sprite drawing. [Angelo Salese]

-buster.cpp: Preliminary work to make it actually show something. [Angelo Salese]

-model2.cpp: Added 30 Hz renderer mode - fixes Virtua Striker timings. [Angelo Salese]

-taito_en: Hooked up ES5510 effects DSP. [cam900, R. Belmont]

-vamphalf.cpp: Converted OKI map to configured banking and implemented OKI bank switching for Diet Family. [cam900]

-vgmplay: Added K051649 support, and added clock change support to K051649. [cam900]

-darkseal.cpp: Corrected PF1 size to 64x64 and removed audio CPU interrupt hold line hack. [cam900]

-dec8.cpp: Corrected CPU types, eliminated many runtime tagmap lookups, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-deco32.cpp: Templated handlers to reduce duplication, improved naming, and eliminated unnecessary shares. [cam900]

-rohga.cpp: Cleaned up I/O and protection handling, reduced code duplication, and updated comments. [cam900]

-itech32.cpp: Hooked up stereo audio output for Time Killers and Driver's Edge. [cam900]

-st0016: Made ROM region tag configurable, and improved CPU tags in jclub2.cpp and srmp5.cpp. [cam900]

-macs.cpp: Converted to configured banking. [cam900]

-simple_st0016.cpp, speglsht.cpp, srmp5.cpp: Cleaned up banking code and reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]

-x1_010: Improved naming of member variables/functions. [cam900]

-seta.cpp: Converted expanded 6502 ROM to configured banking. [cam900]

-cbuster.cpp: Cleaned up and converted to buffered sprite RAM device. [cam900]

-gaiden.cpp: Cleanup and fixes: [cam900]
 * Reduced code duplication using templates and object finder arrays.
 * Split wildfang and raiga machine configuration/address map.
 * Fixed raiga hang on soft reset.

-nmk16.cpp: Reduced code duplication, converted to configured banking, and updated notes. [cam900]
 * Also verified OKI bank switching for vandykeb and atombjt, and corrected OKI clock for vandykeb.

-taito_f2.cpp: Fixed palette format for games using 15-bit colour. [cam900]

-okim9810: Corrected sample rate divider table, added support for clock changes, and implemented DADR and serial interface. [cam900]

-ninjaw.cpp, warriorb.cpp: Reduced code duplication using templates and object array finders, and reduced tagmap lookups. [cam900]
 * Also identified warriorb sound chip as YM2610B, and demoted sagaia and darius2d to imperfect sound due to SSG issues.

-ymz280b: Converted memory access to device_rom_interface. [cam900]

-firebeat.cpp: Reduced code duplication and split memory maps according to the number of GCU chips on PCB. [cam900]

-ymf271: Implemented four-channel output and converted memory access to device_rom_interface. [cam900]
 * bnstars.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching.
 * ms32.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching and enabled stereo output.
 * seibuspi.cpp: Cleaned up bank switching and changed single-board systems to mono output.

-taito_l.cpp: Converted VRAM banks to address_map_bank_device and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-deco_mlc.cpp updates and improvements: [cam900]
 * Cleaned up duplicated and unused code, improved interrupt hookup, updated notes, and corrected regions and versions.
 * Implemented 8bpp+alpha sprite drawing mode, and implemented alpha/shadow select bits.

-zn.cpp: Cleaned up duplicated and unused code, converted nbajamex banking to address_map_bank_device, moved bank configuration
 from reset to start time, and identified beastrzrb CPU type and sound chip. [cam900]

-cave.cpp: Reduced code duplication with templates and object array finders. [cam900]

-seta.cpp: Reduced code duplication, and made data arrays dynamically allocated at start time. [cam900]

-sandscrp.cpp: Improved sprite-tile priority, and cleaned up duplicated code. [cam900]

-jchan.cpp: Improved sprite-tile priority, verified background pen, and cleaned up duplicated code. [cam900]

-am9519: Added AM9519 UIC device. [Carl]

-vii.cpp: Added I/O for skateboarder, and promoted to working with bad graphics/no sound; also modernised the code a bit.
 [David Haywood]

-Added preliminary XaviX driver: [David Haywood]
 * Created derived 6502 type with far call/return instructions and banked data memory.
 * Implemented graphics, including sprites, and packed 7bpp tiles - Monster Truck track outline and test mode work.
 * Implemented multiplier chip.

-nes_vt.cpp: Fixes and improvements: [David Shah]
 * Added support for VTxx systems with scrambled instructions (FC Pocket, DGUN2573).
 * Added support for Family Pocket, and more FC Pocket games.
 * Added support for VTxx scrambled banking (thanks NewRisingSun for help).
 * Improved PPU colour palette using reference code from NewRisingSun.
 * Fixed scanline interrupts and PPU data reads.

-asteroid.cpp, namcos1.cpp: Use LS153 device for DIP switches. [Dirk Best]

-amiga.cpp, cubo.cpp, ssv.cpp, unixpc.cpp: Fixed address map order after semantic change. [Dirk Best]

-gkigt.cpp: Added QUARTs and serial ports to machine configuration, but commented out handlers in memory maps. [Dirk Best]

-hamboy: Patched PIC ROM to reduce timer delay, and stared fixing DIP switches. [Dirk Best]

-Added vertical blanking input to ampoker2. [El Chango v4]

-alphatpx.cpp: Fixed P2 drive ready and added missing <> key. [helwie44]

-Converted many configuration helpers to non-static member functions. [Judge]

-Allow building with system-wide utf8proc, PortAudio, ASIO, GLM and RapidJSON. [Julian Sikorski]

-Fixed issue linking Emscripten build with certain single-driver configurations (e.g. spectrum.cpp). [Justin Kerk]

-exterm.cpp, raiden2.cpp: Updated memory map order for new semantics. [MASH]

-v9938: Improved logging options with logmacro. [Michael Zapf]

-Improved Stepping Stage driver and added support for recently-dumped VJDash set: [Naibo]
 * Added fundamental communication between main 68000 and (undumped) Windows PC.
 * Figured out logic for how CPU uploads data to unknown device (possibly FPGA on unknown board).
 * Discovered vertical blank frequency of four logical screens - affects communication/synchronization of 68k CPUs.
 * Added proper foreground layer handling (stepstag borrows foreground graphics from vjdash for now).
 * Separated palette and graphics decoding for three screens, and added independent decoding/drawing routine for third screen.
 * Corrected sprite ROM loading for step3.
 * Mapped dancing floor, spot, neon, and key lamp/LED outputs based on footage of real machine.
 * Corrected NVRAM handling.
 * Adjusted default input mapping to avoid key conflicts.
 * Identified graphics ROMs for vjdash foreground/background/ROZ layers.

-electron: Added a number of cartridge devices. [Nigel Barnes]
 * P.R.E.S. Advanced Plus 3/4, Advanced Quarter Meg Ram, Cumana Floppy Disk System, Sound Expansion, Sound Expansion v3,
    Stop Press 64, Solidisk EFS.

-Changed memory map behaviour to "last entry wins". [O. Galibert]
 * Allows more natural "import and patch" and "cover a region then punch holes" structures.

-m6502: Fixed tracing and breakpoints for paged variants. [O. Galibert]

-Made memory maps member functions of owner class. [O. Galibert]

-Added disassembler for VM Labs Aries VLIW processor (used in NUON DVD players). [O. Galibert]

-interpro: Improved graphics emulation - basic bit blit and line drawing work well enough for now. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Added preliminary ABC CAD pointing device/high-resolution graphics add-on device for Luxor ABC 80. [Peter Bortas, Edstrom]

-Added kzaurus driver: [R.Belmont]
 * Implemented interrupts, inputs and sound - passes POST.
 * Fixed layer priority and added 55555 gradient background.
 * Improved visible area and layer alignment, and hooked up scroll register readback.

-kingpin.cpp: Added memory map for dealracl. [Robbbert]

-i8275 improvements and fixes: [shattered]
 * Handle invisible field attributes and "end of row - stop DMA" special code better.
 * Honor Video Enable bit.
 * Made Preset Counters command useful.

-agat7: Added serial/parallel interface card, hard-coded to Agat-Author configuration for now. [shattered]

-Popeye/Sky Skipper improvements: [smf]
 * Reverted "Popeye (bootleg set 1)" to 0.33b6 names and contents.
   - Tile ROM in recently-dumped "Popeye (bootleg set 2)" matches old tile ROM, so that dump was probably correct.
 * Popeye: Moved Copyright from DIP switches to machine configuration - schematics show they are resistors.
 * Sky Skipper: Added difficulty DIP switches.
 * Popeye: Fixed background alignment and test mode background in TPP2 sets.
 * Converted configuration/handlers to virtual methods.
 * Removed protection device from systems that lack it.
 * Popeye: Added sprite RAM, background scroll and palette buffering.
 * Popeye: Unmapped $8000 to $87ff for TPP2 as 7f is not populated.
 * Popeye: Latch NMI disable from A9 on falling edge of RFSH.

-Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Jr: Hooked up undocumented service switch and undumped diagnostic ROM. [smf]

-Debugger: Fixed F10 step over for instructions with a branch delay slot. [smf]

-ti85.cpp: Re-implemented IPL disable for Flash-based models. [smf]

-z80: Changed refresh callback to write8. [smf]

-CoCo cartridge improvements: [Tim Lindner]
 * Added support for the Color Computer MultiPak slot switch.
 * Fleshed out serial expansion cards to support actual input and output.
 * Added some compatible CoCo cartridges to the Dragon driver.

-x1: Converted I/O to memory maps and address map bank devices. [Vas Crabb]

-Improved encapsulation of a number of drivers. [Vas Crabb]
 * cyberbal.cpp: Untangled the dual-screen and single-screen versions - there are substantial hardware differences.
 * tvboy.cpp: Untangled from a2600 cartridge slot, replaced unnecessary bankdev with ROM bank, and fixed save states.
 * vectrex.cpp: Partially untangled console and arcade variants from each other.
 * Untangled ladybug and redclash from each other, and converted common video arrangements to devices.

-Added support for multiple patterns and devices to -listfull verb. [Vas Crabb]

-vt100ac: Redumped bad ROM. [Al Kossow]

-toratora.cpp: Fixed DIP switch descriptions and locations according to manual. [Bad A. Billy]

-ms32.cpp: Corrected many ROM names. [Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]

-leland.cpp: Corrected many ROM names. [Brian Troha]

-littlerb.cpp: Added PCB layout for Little Robin. [Brian Troha]

-midvunit.cpp: Confirmed Cruis'n USA PAL dumps are bad. [caius]

-Decapped and dumped PIC16F84 for Shizhan Ding Huang Maque (Version 4.1). [Caps0ff, EdHunter]

-raiden.cpp: Corrected crystal and clocks for raidenkb set. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

-galaxold.cpp: Verified PROMs for drivfrcsg. [Ed Cross]

-wallc.cpp: Updated wallca crystal frequency according to PCB picture. [f205v]

-midvunit.cpp: Noted labels for Cruis'n USA PAL2. [Guru]

-namcos23.cpp: Redumped timecrs2v2b main CPU program ROMs. [Guru]

-plus4.cpp: Corrected kernal location for plus4p set. [Guru]

-wireless: Fixed Flash size. [incog]

-ti85.cpp: Improved naming of Flash-based calculators based on boot codes. [Julian Lachniet]

-mcr.cpp: Corrected several ROM names for the Tapper sets. [Marc Deslauriers, Brian Troha]

-Corrected year for Piccolo Poker 100. [Roberto Fresca]

-Magic Card II: Documented the modified Mexican Rockwell R65C02 CPU. [Roberto Fresca]

-Added additional Leapster BIOS sets. [Sean Riddle]

-rabbit.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for the recently added rabbitjt set. [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]

-Corrected years for Cyber Troopers Virtual-On, Racing Jam Chapter 2, Rail Chase 2 and San Francisco Rush 2049: Tournament Edition.

-taito_f3.cpp: Added PAL dump to kirameki. [undamned]


Titel: GameEx 15.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2018, 09:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


This release is a significant update to GameEx and GameEx arcade edition but
involves work mainly on the back end. There are also too many fixes to mention
in this release but the original purpose of it was to upgrade the DirectX
library from managed DirectX to SlimDX. In addition all video rendering is now
GPU hardware accelerated. This all provides significant stability and
performance improvements, especially on older hardware. On newer hardware 4k
60fps video previews are no issue at all.
There is also a fixed and improved GameLauncher mode and the background snap
theme and mode is working as expected again.
Again, there are many fixes in and minor improvements in this release. You
may find some issues you had fixed and because the changes are so substantial I
will provide the previous releases in case I missed something in my regression


Titel: MAME 0.196
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 09:07

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
00205: [Crash/Freeze] (asuka.cpp) bonzeadv: After dying in cave accessed via the secret hole, you restart trapped in darkness (Caps0ff)
00377: [Crash/Freeze] (asuka.cpp) bonzeadv: From third level, game hangs on dying because restart level is wrong (Caps0ff)
06287: [Graphics] (spectrum.cpp) spectrum, spec128, specpl3e: All in-game sprites from Comando Tracer flicker when moving (geecab)
06425: [Graphics] (spec128.cpp) specpl3e: Sprites flickering at level 2 and 6 in Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (geecab)
06869: [Plugins] Lua Cheat Plugin: Some cheat commands are ignored using Lua cheat engine (Carl)
06894: [Crash/Freeze] (taito_f3.cpp) ridingf, ringrage and clones: Exception after logo is displayed (cam900)
06895: [Graphics] (rohga.cpp) Many sets in rohga.cpp: Graphic "strips" of corruption (cam900)
06900: [Graphics] (holeland.cpp) holeland, holeland2: Priority bug on the boss level (Angelo Salese)
06908: [Speed] (iteagle.cpp) bbhcotw, bbh2sp: Game runs slow on certain levels despite being 100% in MAME (snow?) (Ted Green)
06917: [Sound] (artmagic.cpp) cheesech: New NVRAM causes a blasted sound on Get Ready screen at beginning of game (AJR)
06921: [Sound] (vigilant.cpp) All sets in vigilant.cpp: No sound (AJR)
New working machines:
Big Buck Hunter (v1.00.14) [coolmod]
Casio RZ-1 [Arashikage, Dirk Best, R. Belmont]
Dennis the Menace (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Jurassic Park (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Spider-Man (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
The Addams Family (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
The Flash (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Warai no Hana Tenshi [yukaritamura]
X-Men - Project X (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
Acorn Electron (64K Master RAM Board) [Nigel Barnes]
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.08) [Ted Green]
Big Buck Hunter II - Sportsman's Paradise (v2.02.09) [Ted Green]
Dragon 64 (HD6309E CPU) [David Ladd]
Ghox (joystick, older) [caius]
Irion [Robbbert, mcp]
Master Boy (Spanish, PCB Rev A) [ARPA, Recreativas.org]
Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected) [ShouTime, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition, bootleg, set 2) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990512) [Guru]
Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608) [Guru]
Super Cobra (bootleg, set 2) [Belike]
Tano Dragon 64 (NTSC; HD6309E CPU) [David Ladd]
The Real Broadway (9131-20-00 R0C) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
TI-73 Explorer (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
Machines promoted to working:
Gunpey (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, David Haywood]
Mephisto Amsterdam [Sandro Ronco]
Motor Raid - Twin [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Version 2.1) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.9 Mar 25 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 20 1999, GAME Apr 20 1999) [Ted Green]
Clones promoted to working:
Eyes (Italy) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Mephisto Dallas [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Dallas 16 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Dallas 32 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Roma [Sandro Ronco]
Mephisto Roma 32 Bit [Sandro Ronco]
Virtua Fighter 2 [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision A) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision B) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, O. Galibert, ElSemi]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999) [Ted Green]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.6 Jan 14 1999, GUTS 1.1 Mar 16 1999, GAME Mar 16 1999) [Ted Green]
War: The Final Assault (EPROM 1.91 Apr 13 1999, GUTS 1.3 Apr 7 1999, GAME Apr 7 1999) [Ted Green]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Badlands (Konami, set 1) [Angelo Salese]
Casio CZ-101 [Dirk Best]
Casio HT-6000 [Dirk Best]
CIT-101 [Doug Crawford]
Diablo HyType II Series 1300 CPU [Edstrom]
e-kara (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
e-kara Volume 1 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
e-kara Volume 2 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
EA Sports Madden Football (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Excite Fishing DX (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 1 [Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 2 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Taito Nostalgia 2 [Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Lord Of The Rings - Warrior of Middle-Earth [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Lucky Draw (Pinball) [PinMAME]
Milton Bradley Electronic Milton [Sean Riddle]
MX Dirt Rebel [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Photo Play 2004 [Asure, The Dumping Union]
Play TV Football (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Rescue Heroes [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Snowboarder (Blue) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Poly Proteus (Standalone) [Nigel Barnes, Andrew Trotman]
TV Wild Adventure Mini Golf [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Arbiter Discmonitor A-01 [Nigel Barnes]
Badlands (Konami, set 2) [Angelo Salese]
ConnecTV Snowboarder (Blue) (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Daytona USA (GTX 2004 Edition) [anonymous]
Earthshaker (Prototype) (PA-4) [PinMAME]
Game King (EZ Pay, v4.0) [unknown]
Strange Science (Rev C) [Gerald (COY), The Dumping Union]
Super Seven [caius, The Dumping Union]
TI-83 Plus (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus (Boot Code 1.02) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.00) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.15) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Color Edition (Boot Code 5.30) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (Boot Code 1.02) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Orion (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (Boot Code 1.03) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Color Silver Edition (Boot Code 4.0) [Julian Lachniet]
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
New working software list additions:
archimedes: 3D Construction Kit [Nigel Barnes]
BASIC-80 Rev.5.2, BASIC-E Compiler v2.0, Battleships, C/80 Compiler 3.1, CalcStar v1.0, CP/M ver 2.2 BIOS 1.00,
CP/M ver 2.2 BIOS 1.02, DataStar v1.4, dBASE II, Delta Wing, fig-FORTH 1.1A, FORTRAN-80, Gomoku, Hangman,
Introductory Tape (128K), LogiChess 2.2, Lynx JM Utilities Disk v1.0, Lynx Revival Group - Volume 1, Micro-COBOL v2.1,
Monster Mine, PeachCalc v1.01, ReportStar v1.00, Roader, Slot Machine, Treasure Island, TURBO Pascal v2.00A, WordMaster v1.20,
WordStar v3.00 [Nigel Barnes]
Blockout, Secret Agent, SimCity (3.5", v1.02), SimCity (3.5", v1.07), SimCity (5.25", v1.02), SimCity (5.25", v1.07),
Speedball (re-release), Stunts (3.5") (USA), Stunts (5.25") (USA) [ArcadeShadow]
DeluxePaint II-PC (French), HP Terminal Program HP24597A, Links - The Challenge of Golf (v1.45), Lombard RAC Rally [breiztiger]
Bodyworks - An Adventure in Anatomy [Dan Tootill]
Banner Blue Movie Guide, Dungeon of Pun III (Gemini Shareware), Roger Ebert's Deluxe Movie Home Companion - 1986-1992 Editions,
Video Companion: The Software (Spring '92 Edition) [Foone Turing]
Crystal Caves, Hocus Pocus, Monster Bash! [ArcadeShadow]
Links - Championship Course - Firestone Country Club, Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1 (MS OS/2 Tools) [breiztiger]
AudioClips Digital Sounds for Windows 3.1 - Star Trek: The Next Generation - "Encounter at Farpoint",
Business Clip Art PicturePak 1, Programming Examples for Advanced Programmer's Guide to SuperVGAs [Foone Turing]
Alone in the Dark, Alone in the Dark (French), Home Repair Encyclopedia [Justin Kerk]
megadriv: LEGO Batman (Rus) [VedsaGolfer]
snread: A Ghost in the House, The Third Circle [David Viens]
snspell: Les Mots Difficiles (Module No. 2) [David Viens]
x1_flop: Donkey Kong 3 - Dai Gyakushuu [famicomical]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
3do_m2: Shooter 2D [incog]
4x4 Evo (Euro, Prototype 20010109), Bokomu no Tatsujin (Jpn), Card of Destiny: Hikari to Yami no Tougousha - Genteiban (Jpn),
Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (Jpn), Chaos Field (Jpn, Sega Direct), Chaos Field (Jpn, Sega Direct, Rev. 1),
Christmas Seaman: Omoi o Tsutaeru Mou Hitotsu no Houhou - Message Kit (Jpn),
Christmas Seaman: Omoi o Tsutaeru Mou Hitotsu no Houhou - Present Disc (Jpn), Comic Party (Jpn), Confidential Mission (Jpn),
Cool Cool Toon (Jpn), CR Hissatsu Shigotonin: Pachitte Chonmage @VP@CHI (Jpn),
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (World, Prototype 20000907), Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX (World, Prototype 20001016),
Daytona USA 2001 (Euro, Prototype 20010227), Dead or Alive 2 (Euro), Dead or Alive 2 (Euro, Prototype 20000611),
Dead or Alive 2/Fur Fighters (Euro), Dead or Alive 2 (Jpn), Dead or Alive 2 - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Dead or Alive 2 (USA),
Death Crimson 2: Meranito no Saidan (Jpn), Death Crimson OX (USA), Deep Fighter (Euro), Deep Fighter (Fra),
Deep Fighter (Fra, Prototype 20000505), Deep Fighter (Ger), Deep Fighter (USA), Dejiko no Maibura (Jpn),
Demolition Racer: No Exit - Demo Version (USA), Demolition Racer: No Exit (USA), Dengen Tenshi Taisen Mahjong Shangri-La (Jpn),
Denpa Shounen-teki Kenshou Seikatsu Soft: Nasubi no Heya (Jpn), Densha de Go! 2: Kousoku-hen 3000 Bandai (Jpn),
Derby Tsuku 2 (Jpn), Derby Tsuku: Derby Ba wo Tsukurou! (Jpn), deSPIRIA (Jpn), Di Gi Charat Fantasy (Jpn),
Di Gi Charat Fantasy - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Digital Keiba Shinbun: My Trackman (Jpn), Dino Crisis (Euro), Dino Crisis (Fra),
Dino Crisis (Ger), Dino Crisis (Ita), Dino Crisis (Jpn), Dino Crisis (USA),
Disney Les 102 Dalmatiens a la rescousse ! (Fra, Ger, Ita, Spa), Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (Euro),
Disney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (USA), Disney/Pixar Captain Buzz Lightyear: Star Command (Ger),
Disney/Pixar Les aventures de Buzz l'Eclair (Fra), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz l'Eclair a la rescousse ! (Fra),
Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear eilt zur Hilfe! (Ger), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (Euro),
Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! (USA), Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Euro),
Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (Euro, Prototype 20000110), Disney's 102 Dalmatians: Puppies to the Rescue (USA),
Disney's Dinosaur (Euro), Disney's Dinosaur (USA), Disney's Donald Duck "Goin' Qu@ckers" (USA),
Disney's Donald Duck "Qu@ck Att@ck"?*! (Euro), Doguu Senki: Haou (Jpn), Doki Doki Idol Star Seeker Remix (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 10 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 11 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 12 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 1 (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 2 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 3 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 4 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 5 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 6 (Jpn),
Dorimaga GD Vol. 7 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 8 (Jpn), Dorimaga GD Vol. 9 (Jpn), Dousoukai 2: Again & Refrain (Jpn),
Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (USA), Draconus: Cult of the Wyrm (World, Prototype 20000127), DragonRiders: Chronicles of Pern (Euro),
DragonRiders: Chronicles of Pern (USA), Dragons Blood (Euro), Dreamcast Express Extra (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 1 (Jpn),
Dreamcast Express Vol. 2 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 3 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 4 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 5 (Jpn),
Dreamcast Express Vol. 6 (Jpn), Dreamcast Express Vol. 7 (Jpn), Dreamcast Middleware Conference Demo Disc Part 2 (World),
Dreamcast System-Disc 2 (World), Dreamcast Visual Memory Data Issue (Jpn), DreamFlyer (Jpn), DreamKey 3.0 (Euro), DreamKey (Euro),
DreamKey (Euro, Rev. 1), DreamKey Version 1.5 (Euro), DreamKey Version 1.5 (Fra), DreamKey Version 2.0 (Bel, Fin, Ned, Swe, Swi),
DreamOn Collection 2 (Euro), DreamOn Collection 3 (Euro), DreamOn Collection 4 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 10 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 10 (Ger), DreamOn Volume 11 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 12 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 13 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 14 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 15 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 16 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 17 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 18 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 19 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 1 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 20 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 21 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 22 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 2 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 3 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 4 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 5 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 6 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 7 (Euro),
DreamOn Volume 8 (Euro), DreamOn Volume 9 (Euro), Dream Passport 2 for LAN (Jpn), Dream Passport 2 (Jpn),
Dream Passport 2 (Jpn, Rev. 1), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn, Alt), Dream Passport 3 (Jpn, Alt 2),
Dream Passport 3: Urban Style (Jpn), Dream Passport (Jpn), Dream Passport Premier (Jpn), Dream Passport Ver. 1.01 (Jpn),
Dream Preview Vol. 8 (Jpn), Dreamstud!o: 3D Adventure Construction (Jpn), Ducati World (Euro),
Ducati World Racing Challenge (USA), D+Vine [Luv] - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Dynamite Cop (Euro), Dynamite Cop! (USA),
Dynamite Deka 2 (Jpn), Dynamite Deka 2 - Taikenban (Jpn), Ecco 3D (World, Prototype 19990506),
Ecco II: Sentinels of the Universe (World, Prototype 20010219), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000417 2PM),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000417 7AM),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000419),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Euro, Prototype 20000421), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (Jpn),
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (USA), Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future (USA, Prototype 20000606),
Ecco the Dolphin: E3 Demo (USA, Prototype 19990508), ECW Anarchy Rulz (Euro), ECW Anarchy Rulz (USA),
ECW Hardcore Revolution (Euro), ECW Hardcore Revolution (USA), Eisei Meijin III: Game Creator Yoshimura Nobuhiro no Zunou (Jpn),
Eldorado Gate Vol. 1 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 2 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 3 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 4 (Jpn),
Eldorado Gate Vol. 5 (Jpn), Eldorado Gate Vol. 6 (Jpn), Elemental Gimmick Gear (Jpn), Elemental Gimmick Gear (USA),
Elysion: Eien no Sanctuary (Jpn), E.O.S.: Exhibition of Speed (Euro), ESPN International Track & Field (Euro),
ESPN International Track & Field (USA), ESPN NBA 2Night (USA), European Super League (Euro),
Eve Zero Kanzenban: Ark of the Matter - Shokai Gentei Pack (Jpn), Evil Dead: Hail to the King (Euro),
Evil Dead: Hail to the King (Fra), Evil Dead: Hail to the King (USA), Evil Twin: Cyprien's Chronicles (Euro),
Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (Euro), Evolution 2: Far Off Promise (USA), Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (Euro),
Evolution: The World of Sacred Device (USA), Exodus Guilty Neos (Jpn), Expendable (USA), F1 Racing Championship (Euro),
F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Euro), F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Euro, Prototype 19990903),
F1 World Grand Prix for Dreamcast (Jpn), F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Euro),
F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Euro, Prototype 20000728), F1 World Grand Prix II for Dreamcast (Jpn),
F1 World Grand Prix (USA), F355 Challenge (Jpn), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (Euro), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA),
F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Alt), F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Prototype 20000501),
F355 Challenge: Passione Rossa (USA, Prototype 20000821), Fatal Fury: Mark of the Wolves (USA), Fighting Force 2 (Euro),
Fighting Force 2 (Euro, Prototype 19991202), Fighting Force 2 (Ger), Fighting Force 2 (USA), Fighting Force 2 (USA, Alt),
Fighting Force 2 (USA, Alt 2), Fighting Vipers 2 (Euro), Fighting Vipers 2 (Euro, Prototype 20001226), Fighting Vipers 2 (Jpn),
Flag to Flag (USA), Floigan Bros. - Episode 1 (Euro), Floigan Bros. - Episode 1 (USA), For Symphony: With All One's Heart (Jpn),
Frame Gride (Jpn), Frame Gride - Test Operation Disc (Jpn), Frogger 2: Swampy's Revenge (USA), Fur Fighters (Euro),
Fur Fighters (Euro, Demo), Fur Fighters (Euro, Prototype 20000602), Fur Fighters (Euro, Prototype 20000612), Fur Fighters (USA),
Fushigi no Dungeon: Fuurai no Shiren Gaiden: Onnakenshi Asuka Kenzan! (Jpn), GaiaMaster: Kessen! Seiki-ou Densetsu (Jpn),
Gakkyuu-ou Yamazaki: Yamazaki Oukoku Daifunsou! (Jpn), Ganbare! Nippon! Olympics 2000 (Jpn), Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Jpn),
Gauntlet Legends (Euro), Gauntlet Legends (USA), Generator Vol. 1 (USA), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt),
Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 2), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 3), Generator Vol. 1 (USA, Alt 4), Generator Vol. 2 (USA),
Generator Vol. 2 (USA, Alt), Generator Vol. 2 (USA, Alt 2), Get!! Colonies (Jpn),
Giant Gram 2000: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 3 Eikou no Yuusha-tachi (Jpn),
Giant Gram 2000: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 3 Eikou no Yuusha-tachi (Jpn, Alt), Giant Gram: Zen Nihon Pro Wres 2 in Nihon Budoukan (Jpn),
GigaWing 2 (Jpn), GigaWing 2 (USA), GigaWing (Euro), GigaWing (Jpn), GigaWing (USA), GK: Giant Killers (Euro),
GK: Giant Killers (Euro, Prototype 20010109), Godzilla Generations: Maximum Impact (Jpn),
Golf Shiyou yo 2: Aratanaru Chousen (Jpn), Golf Shiyou yo: Course Data-shuu Adventure-hen (Jpn), Golf Shiyou yo (Jpn),
Grandia II (Euro), Grandia II (Jpn), Grandia II - Special Package (Jpn), Grandia II - Tentou-you Demo (Jpn), Grandia II (USA),
Grand Theft Auto 2 (USA), GTA 2 (Euro), GTA 2 (Fra), Guilty Gear X (Jpn), Guilty Gear X - Taikenban (Jpn), Gunbird 2 (Euro),
Gunbird 2 (Jpn), Gunbird 2 (USA), Gundam Battle Online (Jpn), Gundam Battle Online - Trial Edition (Jpn),
Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes - Premium Disc (Jpn), Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes (USA),
Gunspike (Jpn), Guru Guru Onsen 2 (Jpn), Guru Guru Onsen 3 (Jpn), Half-Life (Video) (World), Happy Lesson: First Lesson (Jpn),
Happy Lesson (Jpn), Harusame Youbi (Jpn), Headhunter (Euro), Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (Euro), Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (USA),
Hello Kitty no Dream Passport 2 (Jpn), Hello Kitty no Garden Panic (Jpn), Hello Kitty no Lovely Fruit Park (Jpn),
Hello Kitty no Magical Block (Jpn), Hello Kitty no "Otonaru" Mail (Jpn), Hidden & Dangerous (Euro), Hidden & Dangerous (USA),
Hoyle Casino (USA), Hundred Swords (Jpn), Hydro Thunder (Euro), Hydro Thunder (Euro, Prototype 19990908), Hydro Thunder (USA),
Hydro Thunder (USA, Rev. 1), Hydro Thunder (World, Prototype 19990616),
Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden: Colony no Ochita Chide... (Jpn), Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Euro),
Millennium Soldier: Expendable (Euro, Prototype 19990715), Promotion Disc (Jpn), Resident Evil: Code: Veronica (Spa),
Shinkisekai Evolution 2: Tooi Yakusoku (Jpn), Shinkisekai Evolution (Jpn), Super Speed Racing (Jpn), Tee Off (Euro),
Tee Off (USA), Tee Off (USA, Alt), The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas (Euro) [FakeShemp]
ibm5170: Alien Legacy (v1.00) [Justin Kerk]
interpro: Diagnostic Floppies, Intergraph System Software, Rebuild Floppies [Patrick Mackinlay]
Cars (Spa), Disney Fairies (Spa), Disney Princesa - La Magia De Aprender (Spa), Dora the Explorer - Camping Adventure (USA),
Dora the Explorer - Pinata Party! (USA), Spongebob Squarepants - Through The Wormhole (USA), Star Wars - Matematicas Jedi (Spa),
The Batman - El Poder De Los Numeros (Spa), Up (Spa), Wall-E (Spa) [Connie, Clawgrip, TeamEurope]
1st Grade (US), Dora the Explorer - Wildlife Rescue (USA, L-MAX), Letters on the Loose (USA, L-MAX), Madagascar (USA, L-MAX),
NASCAR (USA, L-MAX), Scholastic OutWit! (US), Spider-Man - The Case of the Sinister Speller (USA, L-MAX),
Spongebob Squarepants - Saves the Day (USA, L-MAX), Talking WORDS Factory (US) [TeamEurope, HardcoreHubz]
Proteus 6809 FLEX Operating System (Version 2.8:3 - 1.1:2), Proteus Z80 CP/M Operating System (CP/M 2.2, BIOS 3.3)
[Andrew Trotman]
ABC Land Aventure (Fra), Disney Winnie l'Ourson - La Chasse au miel de Winnie (Fra, Rev. 2),
Le Monde d'ELMO - Les Grandes Decouvertes D'Elmo (Fra), Oui-Oui - Detective d'un Jour (Fra),
Roi Lion - Simba Decouvre la Jungle (Fra), Thomas er ses Amis - Les locomotives s'entraident (Fra)
[TeamEurope, Buddybenj]
Translations added or modified:
Chinese (Simplified) [YuiFAN]
Chinese (Traditional) [YuiFAN]
Dutch [Jos van Mourik]
French [noxx09]
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]
Spanish [A. Viloria]
Source Changes:
-fidlstix, rndrndqs: Fixed interface between MCU and LCD controller and added 7-segment digits. [AJR]
-tms9927: Configure using character clock rather than dot clock. [AJR]
-pit8253: Converted counters to subdevices. [AJR]
-sega_315_5195: Internalized communication latches - sound now works in fpointbla. [AJR]
-sol20: Added RS-232 port. [AJR]
-mcb216, cb308: Replaced UART with TMS5501. [AJR]
-hnayayoi.cpp: Use HD6845 CRTC for video; improved screen parameters. [AJR]
-vt100_kbd: Rewrote as UART-based serial device. [AJR]
-vt100: Restored bottom lines of screen. [AJR]
-vt100, la120: Made ER1400 non-volatile storage actually work. [AJR]
-debugger: Fixed extent of debug view, wplist output, watchpoint view, and find command for address-shifted memory spaces. [AJR]
-ins8250: Added hack to reset transmitter when Baud rate is changed. [AJR]
-trs80.cpp: Derived almost all clocks from actual crystals, including raw screen parameters. [AJR]
-d9final: Added NVRAM. [AJR]
-qtsbc: Rewrote driver based on SBC-880 schematics. [AJR]
-ay31015: Fixed receiver desync when next start bit arrives early, and synchronization at start bit. [AJR]
-unkitpkr: Added switch to disable card graphics in bookkeeping mode. [AJR]
-Separated TLCS-90 external IRQ line state from internal request register - fixes tenkai slowdowns. [AJR]
-artmagic.cpp: Replaced NVRAM with parallel EEPROM, and improved ADPCM banking. [AJR]
-Added DEC 12-15336-00 RS232 loopback connector type (required for VT102 modem control self-test). [AJR]
-rainbow: Corrected bit rate generator clocks and types. [AJR]
-g65816: Allow use of separate address spaces for program, data, opcodes, and vectors. [AJR]
-scn2674: Added preliminary support for SCN2672 variant. [AJR]
-vgmplay: Disable POKEY and QSound devices if not required. [AJR]
-Include option and file names in fatal error message for failure to load media image. [AJR]
-model2.cpp updates: [Angelo Salese]:
Added custom debugger commands to dump geometrizer disassembly and triangle list.
Worked around ld rN, (rN) read on FIFO - fixes multiple crashes.
Skip normals for every triangle/quad in geo mode 2/3 - fixes multiple graphical glitches.
Fixed untextured path colors (used by Motor Raid and Daytona USA).
Added direct framebuffer drawing (used by Last Bronx title screen).
-sharc: Implemented additional instructions used by Model 2 games. [Angelo Salese]
Added Rn = Rn FDEP Rx BY <bit6>:<len6> opcode (used by Last Bronx for a vital geometrizer function).
Added fmul abs multi opcode (used by Gunblade NY).
Added SET_UREG case $67 (used by Zero Gunner 2B).
Fixed LSHIFT negative operations to not sign-extend the result (fixes Last Bronx frame flickering).
-segaic24.cpp: Added xhout and xvout register callbacks (fixes Model 2 3D viewport positions). [Angelo Salese]
-Wrote a preliminary TGPx4 interpreter core. [Angelo Salese]
-i960.cpp: Added support for burst stall on writes. [Angelo Salese]
-ddayjlc.cpp: Fixed clouds priority and title screen colors, added flip screen. [Angelo Salese]
-amstrad: Ignore invalid PSG register selection - fixes input issues with Monty on the Run and Airborne Ranger. [Barry Rodewald]
-metro.cpp: Enabled button 2 in daitorid* - it's used to reorient tiles. [cam900]
-hyprduel.cpp: Cleaned up, converted to use imagetek_i4220_device, changed sound output to mono. [cam900]
-imagetek_i4220.cpp: Only draw portion of tilemaps exposed by clipping rectangle (improves performance). [cam900]
-sknsspr: Converted to device_rom_interface, allocate decode buffer at start time. [cam900]
-galpani3.cpp: Cleaned up code, added notes, allocate buffers at start time, improved alpha blending, sprite/background priorities
and background/background priorities, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
-jchan.cpp: Minor improvements to sprite/sprite priorities. [cam900]
-rohga.cpp: Fixed graphics decoding. [cam900]
-segapcm: Added support for clock speed changes, and cleaned up code. [cam900]
-vgmplay updated: [cam900]
Implemented Sega PCM interface registers.
Convert QSound pitch to DSP clock input frequency.
-eolith.cpp: Corrected title/distributor for Chinese-language version of Iron Fortress. [cam900, Vas Crabb]
-kaneko16.cpp: Cleaned up OKI bank switching and sound latch handling. [cam900]
-es5510/taito_en updated: [cam900]
es5510: Fixed DRAM read/write, and moved buffer allocation to start time.
taito_en: Verified ESP input clock and output channels from GunBuster schematics, reduced runtime tag map lookups.
esqpump.cpp: Split ES5506 out of interface.
esqkt.cpp: Added esqpump for ES5510 interface, and fixed company tags.
-kaneko_grap2: Converted to device_rom_interface, added device address map, added internal palette, and implemented brightness
control. [cam900]
-mcatadv.cpp: Reduced code duplication, improved ROM region names, and converted to mono sound output. [cam900]
-wecleman.cpp: Added notes, cleaned up code, improved ROM region names, and converted to stereo sound output. [cam900]
-ES8712: removed sound output as it's just a controller for an Oki MSM5205/6585 and 74157. [cam900]
-gcpinball.cpp, metro.cpp, lastbank.cpp, witch: Added notes, cleaned up code, and reduced runtime tag map lookups. [cam900]
-blzntrnd: Corrected stereo/mono outputs according to PCB type, fixed sound bank switching, and added notes. [cam900]
-lastbank: Use generic latch device for sound communication. [cam900]
-gcpinball.cpp: Improved ROM region names. [cam900]
-qs1000.cpp: Converted set_irq to WRITE_LINE_MEMBER. [cam900]
-eolith.cpp, eolith16.cpp, vegaeo.cpp: Cleaned up VRAM handling and drawing. [cam900]
-eolith.cpp, ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp, vamphalf.cpp, vegaeo.cpp: Modernized sound latches, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and
improved ROM region names. [cam900]
-hidctch3: Replaced driver init with machine configuration. [cam900]
-mastboy.cpp: Cleaned up code, moved banked RAM handler into address_map_bank_device, fixed RAM error, added notes, and improved ROM
region names. [cam900]
-xexex.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced runtime tag map lookups, added notes, and marked with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS. [cam900]
-tecmosys.cpp: Fixed background color, cleaned up bank switching, reduced code duplication, reduced runtime tag map lookups, added
notes, and marked with MACHINE_IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS (due to imperfect linescroll/mixing) and MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL (due to incorrect
tilemap scroll when flipped). [cam900]
-ultraman.cpp, chqflag.cpp: Minor code clean-up. [cam900]
-k051649.cpp: Add scc_map to reduce duplication in driver memory maps. [cam900]
-divebomb.cpp: Use generic_latch_8_device for CPU communication and input_merger_any_high_device for interrupts, and improved tags.
-ddragon.cpp: Identified CPU types. [cam900]
-x68k: Implemented ADPCM panning and corrected ADPCM timer. [cam900]
-gstream.cpp: Added pre-calculated RGB palette for X2222, reduced code duplication, and removed unnecessary parameters. [cam900]
-Added extracted C-chip EPROM data for Volfied, Superman, Bonze Adventure, and Rainbow Islands; removed simulation. [Caps0ff]
-plugins/portname: Described revised format. [Carl]
-Added a hand-crafted C-chip EPROM for Rainbow Islands Extra, allowing simulation to be removed. [David Haywood]
-XaviX: Added notes on IRQ source register. [David Haywood]
-Added HDB-DOS device for Color Computer 1/2. [David Ladd]
-Added uPD934G percussion generator device, used by Casio RZ-1. [Dirk Best]
-hp64k: Added support for HPIB bus, and made extensive improvement to PHI emulation (BIST now passes). [F.Ulivi]
-Added slot device to tunnel IEEE-488 between processes over a socket connection. [F.Ulivi]
-Corrected Intellivision keyboard 6502 clock rate (was running at double speed). [Frank Palazzolo]
-spectrum: Fixed sprite flicker and missing graphics in several games. [geecab, R. Belmont]
-emscripten: Fixed issue causing drivers using netlists to fail, and disabled currently unsupported multithreading. [Justin Kerk]
-notetaker.cpp: Started to hook up EmulatorCPU 8086. [Lord Nightmare]
-naomi.cpp: Updated ROM board and BIOS documentation. [MetalliC]
-Dreamcast and derivatives: Enabled SH-4 recompiler by default. [MetalliC, Ryan Holtz]
-lynx96k: Added Scorpion and Danish ROMs as BIOS options. [Nigel Barnes]
-kr2376: Added keyboard matrix callbacks. [Nigel Barnes]
-bbc: Added cassette relay samples. [Nigel Barnes]
-bbc: Fixed shadow RAM corruption in Master/B+, and sideways RAM access in Model B. [Nigel Barnes]
-electron: Set CPU clock 2MHz/1MHz according to ROM/RAM access. [Nigel Barnes]
-model2.cpp: Fixed Zero Gunner background priorities. [O. Galibert]
-nes_apu: Derive frame counter from clock input. [O. Galibert]
-Removed macros from address maps. [O. Galibert]
-interpro: Various improvements, culminating in the ability to boot the "blue screen" rebuild floppy. [Patrick Mackinlay]
Nearly boots CLIX - hangs trying to mount the filesystems.
Refactored CPU/MMU memory access, added alignment faults, and added support for DMA virtual addressing.
Implemented most C400 instructions, and fixed wait instruction.
Removed broken forced interrupt handling.
-gunpey: Extracted decompressed sprite data - loaded to fix graphics until compression is understood.
[Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard]
-midvunit.cpp: Cleaned up inputs and outputs, improved motion inputs, and sorted main buttons. [Risugami]
-seattle.cpp: Cleaned up outputs. [Risugami]
-Added ability to start/stop AVI recording during emulation session, and improved handling of native aspect screenshots on systems
with arbitrary numbers of screens. [Ryan Holtz, Vas Crabb]
-M1COMM, M2COMM, S32COMM: Improved simulation: [SailorSat]
Fixed partial frame read and added VSYNC packets.
Added relay mode (used by stcc), detect/handle connection loss, improved sync.
Converted to use osd_file rather than emu_file.
Added comm_framesync option to force instances to stay in sync.
Added preliminary MB89374 emulation - works well enough for Virtua Racing ad Virtua formula to link using real firmware.
Removed m1comm from the default model1 configuration, as not every game has one.
-Converted glasgow.cpp to use mmboard device for chess board I/O. [Sandro Ronco]
-Corrected size of MK48T12 timekeeper RAM. [smf]
-validity check: Test all 33 possible results from count_leading_zeros() and count_leading_ones(). [smf]
-Donkey Kong: Changed orientation so that -norotate matches direct feed recordings. [smf]
-Added QuikLoad option for several CP/M-80 systems (Altos 5, Aussie Byte II, Decision Mate V, Kaypro, QX-10, Xerox 820). [Stefano]
-c352.cpp: Changed mu-law algorithm to match Namco's Wii VC emulator, fixed static noise between fights in Tekken 3, and fixed order
of phase inversion flags. [superctr]
-rgbsse: Fixed scaling functions for negative values - fixes graphical anomalies in warfa. [Ted Green]
-kayproii: Fixed Baud rate generator connections (serial port and keyboard were reversed). [Vas Crabb]
-Changed build options to make deprecated declaration warnings non-fatal and enabled by default. [Vas Crabb]
-Started deprecating and removing poorly-performing output system APIs. [Vas Crabb]
-Deprecated and removed all uses of running_machine::first_screen. [Vas Crabb, Ryan Holtz, AJR, R. Belmont, Nigel Barnes]
-dsp16: Rewrote interpreter and disassembler. [Vas Crabb]
Interpreter implements almost all features and has machine cycle accuracy/granularity.
PIO and a subset of SIO output excluding multiplexed modes are implemented.
Disassembler syntax mostly matches that used by assembler, and shows live comments for predicated operations.
-qsound: Added low-level emulation using DSP program (only enabled in vgmplay for performance reasons). [Vas Crabb]
-qsoundhle: Changed sample rate and playback behaviour to better match DSP. [Vas Crabb]
-Restricted ROM names to a shell-friendly subset of printable ASCII. [Vas Crabb]
-Reduced use of naked pointers, using namespace, and preprocessor macros in recompiling CPU cores. [Vas Crabb]
-Converted most machine configuration helpers to non-static member functions and adjusted macros to match. [Wilbert Pol]
-crospang.cpp: Corrected clock speeds based on oscillators and PCB info. [Brian Troha]
-gameboy.xml, gbcolor.xml, leapster.xml, vsmile_cart.xml, vsmile_cd.xml, vsmilem_cart.xml: Corrected Spanish titles. [ClawGrip]
-sauro.cpp: Verified clocks for Sauro. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
-sf2b: Identified manufacturer. [f205v]
-atetris.cpp: Updated documentation for atetrisb2 and atetrisb3. [f205v]
-Dumped PLA from CBM plus4 family. [Guru]
-spaceg: Dumped PROMs. [Guru]
-opwolf.cpp: Measured C-chip clock on a working PCB. [Guru]
-shuttlei: Corrected main CPU clock divider and added PCB description. [Guru]
-ti85.cpp: Added OS v4.0 as a BIOS option for ti84pcse. [Julian Lachniet]
-leland.cpp: Corrected ROM labels and documented undumped PALs for Pig Out: Dine Like a Swine! [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
-leland.cpp: Corrected ROM name for revision 5 of Ataxx. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
-Updated hiscore.dat for recent changes. [Leezer]
-alphatro.cpp: Improved ROM names, and added real ROM for machine with BICOM graphics extension. [rfka01]
-Corrected year for San Francisco Rush: The Rock. [sjy96525]
-argus.cpp: Dumped PROM for valtric. [system11, The Dumping Union]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2018, 16:15


Bios/device ROMs showing as "Parent Bios" / "Parent Device" in game sets ("Arcade Scan Results" screen)
Message panel not showing up when applying quick systems filter in grouped view mode
MAME software list games not audited correctly if set has no main "gamename.zip" file but have CHD files
Setting "MAMU_ Icons Folder" was not saved in .ini file when closing "Preferences" screen
TEdit was in read-only mode; you can rename files in "Rename Image" dialog again
Background color of single image layout was not restored at startup and not set after closing "Image Category Settings" screen
Create ZiNc games list was setting bios ROMs as "parent ROM" on games sets


File "arcadeimage_categories.ini" renamed to "arcadesysimagefolders_arcade.ini" (done at startup)
Image category background color/visibility settings moved out of "EmuLoader.ini" into a new "ini_filesimage_category.ini" file (done at startup)
from now on, file is updated only when you change settings in "Image Category Settings" screen
settings are no longer lost on a frontend crash or clean install
Image layout visibility settings moved out of "EmuLoader.ini" into "ini_filesscreenshot_layouts.ini", where they belong (done at startup)
from now on, file is updated only when you change settings in "Image Layout Settings" screen
settings are no longer lost on a frontend crash or clean install
Changes and fixes to "Game Details" screen
CHD files of software list games were not correctly detected, "software name" parameter was missing
added "extra required set" info for software list games
bios set filename not shown in "Game Files" section (left panel)
several tweaks
Tweaks to "Create MAME Games List"
Changes/fixes to "MAME Software List Games"
detection of "sharedfeat requirement" tags in .xml files when creating games lists; highly experimental!
some games require an extra set to run properly; Atari 2600 cassette, PC-Engine CD, others (info shown in "Game Details" screen)
if a game doesn't run and you're sure you have all game files, look for this extra info above the "Games Files" section, left panel
requirement data stored in a new "arcadegamesmame.elsoftlistreq" file
the extra parameter is added before the gamename parameter
expanded options to create software lists (new "update" mode)
"Disable": do not create software lists and delete current games list files
"Enable: Update": create new lists and update existing ones only if CRC32 checksum of "mamedirhashsoftwarename.xml" file has changed (XML file updated)
"Enable: Overwrite": create new lists and overwrite existing ones even if CRC32 checksum match
NOTE: settings can be found in the screen to select systems when creating MAME games list and in "Scan Games Mode" screen
new "xmlfile_crc32" entry in "frontenddirarcademame_softwarelist_gamessoftname.el" to compare with MAME "softname.xml" (for "update" mode only)
Interface changes to Select Arcade System" dialog
added new software list modes
systems list moved to a left panel
option "For This Task Only" is unchecked by default
info texts improved
Changes to "Arcade Miscellaneous Filters" (main tool bar buttons)
renamed "Device" drop-down list to "Device ROMs" since this filter is not exclusive to device sets
renamed "BIOS" drop-down list do "BIOS ROMs" since this filter is not exclusive to bios sets
renamed texts from "Sets" to "ROMs" in "Device ROMs" and "Bios ROMs" drop-down filters since they are related to particular ROMs, not the entire set
renamed "Filter by Main CPU Filter" to "Enable Main CPU Filter Bar"
renamed "Games with ROMs (any set)" to "Games With ROMs (any ROM)" in "Game ROMs" drop-down list since this filter includes device/bios ROMs
renamed "Games with no ROMs" to "Games With no ROMs/CHDs" in "Game ROMs" drop-down list to reflect what the filter actually does
new category filter "Music" for sets like "VGM Player" (vgmplay)
minor interface tweaks
Renamed several "function" code blocks to "procedure" since they don't need to return a result
Minor interface tweaks to Preferences screen, and removal of texts with "7 pixel" font size
If screen resolution is smaller than the dialog, scroll bars will be added to the TForm so you can see everything (experimental!)
for screen resolutions smaller than 1280x1024 and because some dialogs just can't be scaled down
supported dialogs: "MAME Settings", "Game Details"
NOTE: minimum screen resolution for Emu Loader is 1024x768 / 1280x720 but some dialogs still fit on 640x480 resolution


Masssive source code cleanup (commented/not used code)


Search .chd files in "softlist_name" sub-folder for MAME software lists
Support to search .chd file in "parent_gamename" sub-folder; MAME supports this; "romspathparent_gamenameclonename_file.chd"
now you can have clone CHD files in the parent folder
for MAME arcade, MAME software list, Demul
New file "arcadefilterssupermodelsegamodel3_control_type.ini"
a list of control tags and descriptions, extracted from Supermodel3 source code
for now, it only show controls list in "Game Details" screen; not used anywhere else
File header detection for "Atari 800" cartridges before running games (highy experimental, used by all Atari800 emulators, except MAME)
the first 4 bytes of file will be read, looking for 'C' 'A' 'R' 'T'
if tag is found, Emu Loader will no longer add the cartridge type in the full command line
any file extension is supported for unzipped game files
for zipped game files, Emu Loader will unzip it to a TMemoryStream and validate the tag; only ".bin; .car; .rom" file extensions are supported
(if there's more than one file inside .zip, the first one found with any of the 3 supported extensions will be used)
HBMAME Software List support, to be used in the distant future, in a galaxy far, far way... what works:
create games list
audit games files
show softlist games in main games list
run games
for everything else, they are handled as MAME softlist games (for now)
Setting "Restore Internet Game Info at Startup", to restore the last state of internet game info button at startup ("Preferences" screen, "General" tab)
Setting "Disable Threaded Preview Image Loading" in "Preferences" screen / "Images" page, to prevent images loading delay and "Invalid pointer operation" error
Support for MAME 0.196
new comm setting: "Syncronize Frames" in "Input" tab


Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 18:45


OH NO! Software lists were not audited after creating games lists in "update" mode


Removed a couple "[.zip; .7z]" strings from the splash screen's messages when auditing MAME/HBMAME games since it include CHD files, which are not zipped


Titel: Mesen 0.9.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2018, 10:40
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



New Features:

Debugger: Tons of new features, UI improvements, performance improvements and bug fixes.
HD Packs: New features, performance improvements and bug fixes.
FDS: Improved compatibility of the automatic disk insertion feature.
UI: Added a few minor options (and increased the number of savestate slots to 10).
Documentation: An offline version of the documentation is now available.

Bug Fixes:

Input: Changed input polling timing to reduce input lag by 1 frame.
Linux: Improved SDL error handling to prevent crashes.
Accuracy: Fixed a mirroring issue with mapper 30 games.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 09:20


Auditing multiple selected games was not working if any of them use device or bios sets
Wrong system selected in "single system selection" mode (Arcade system selection dialog)
"Image Category Settings" bug fixes (left-overs from old code)
"Select" category was disabled and its folder selections was never saved on exit
zipped images cache wasn't rebuilt on exit while in multiple images layouts, causing selected game images to not load
Frontend crash if you try to use "Select" image category


Preview images panel color/splitter settings moved from "EmuLoader.ini" to "ini_filesimage_category.ini"; no more losing image splitter settings on a fresh install
You can select scan mode and software list build mode when using "Create MAME Software Games List" in main menu "Arcade"


Moved "Update Favorites Profiles" from main menu to "Help" sub-menu since its usefulness has passed; but if you're late into the frontend party, it's still available
Customize "preview images hint box" appearance (Preferences screen, "Images" tab)
the hint box shows up when hovering the mouse on top on images panel
box background color, box frame color and visibility, text color, text shadow color and visibility
box opacity level (255 is opaque, 0 is transparent)
settings saved in "ini_filesimage_category.ini" file to avoid loss on a clean install
new setting "Show Unzipped/Zipped Icon" that display an "image icon" for unzipped images and "zip icon" for zipped images (easier to spot if the loaded image is unzipped or zipped when hovering the mouse on top of it)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.11.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 21:45

Added game list
Added option to toggle between conventional and separable shaders
Added new game profile options
Updated gameprofiles
Bug fixes & various smaller improvements


Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2018, 05:40


Supermodel3 emulator settings screen was not centered in the desktop
The "Select" button for "BGFX Shadow Mask" file was not implemented
Calling "set emulator default settings" from "Arcade Emulators Setup" was not passing the correct emulator filename parameter, resulting in bogus "full_pathemu_cfg_filename.ini" and causing frontend to crash when saving emu default settings


Enabled "Save to File" button in madExcept settings (bug report crash dialog)
Send bug report will no longer zip the .txt; .png files (madExcept)


Titel: Mednafen 1.21.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2018, 18:15
Mednafen is a portable argument (command-line)-driven multi-system emulator. It has the ability to remap hotkey functions and virtual system inputs to a keyboard, a joystick, or both simultaneously. Save states are supported, as is real-time game rewinding. Screen snapshots may be taken, in the PNG file format, at the press of a button. Mednafen can record audiovisual movies in the QuickTime file format, with several different lossless codecs supported.

The following systems are supported: Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket (Color), WonderSwan, GameBoy (Color), GameBoy Advance, Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, Virtual Boy, PC Engine/TurboGrafx 16 (CD), SuperGrafx, PC-FX, Sega Game Gear, Sega Genesis/Megadrive, Sega Master System, and Sony PlayStation.

 Open Source


This minor release updates Tremor to address a security vulnerability with Vorbis-encoded CD image audio tracks, and fixes graphical glitches in the Sega Saturn game "Shining Force III - Scenario 2".


Titel: My Nes 7.2.6677
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2018, 21:20
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


My Nes old GUI is back, along side with the Launcher.
Fixed issues in the emu core.


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2018, 17:20
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

Because it was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends it's written in Delphi and able to support considerable complexity and customization. It claims to work similar to MAMEUI.

While many other frontends of that era are not updated anymore QuickPlay is still updated by a group of supporters. It features a fast search over large romsets.

License: Open Source


update file exts and systems dat for new users
Many urls corrected in efinds by 8-Cyo
added more of 8-cyo's major updates to efinds and system file extensions
added major efind contribs from 8-Cyo
minor updates to RetroArch efind
when user runs MAMEtool, remove old and boring MAME system names that might be in the users systems.dat
make all nes and snes loader cart media calls work
added some hardcoded choices for softlist emulators for MAME after much manual testing
extend loader calls to deal with MAMEname conflicts between devices
add exception list to loader calls to cope with e.g.: Thomson systems requirements
extend loader insertions to clone systems
add loader-insertion calls to MAME systems i.e.: where a basic cart needs calling before a floppy game
change relationships of MAME systems: eg: Tomson series and fm8,fm7
remove more MAME non-game system types: e.g.: card games and calculators
refresh MAME system types e.g.: tests prove electron is more similar to bbc than atom


Titel: MAME 0.197
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2018, 09:11

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
06775: [Media Support] (coco12.cpp) coco, coco2, dragon and clones: Software list does not work for floppy devices (Nigel Barnes)
06843: [Misc.] (saturn.cpp) All saturn.cpp sets: CD Block unknown command e2, contact MAMEdev (Angelo Salese)
06886: [Graphics] (stv.cpp) vfkids: Corrupt background graphics (Angelo Salese)
06926: [Documentation] (galaxian.cpp) amidars: Values are incorrect for "Lives" DIP switch (Tafoid)
06928: [Graphics] (mpu4vid.cpp) All sets in mpu4vid.cpp: Graphics corruption (regression) (Carl)
06929: [Sound] (suprnova.cpp) All sets in suprnova.cpp: No Audio is present (O. Galibert)
06936: [Crash/Freeze] (zn.cpp) techromn and clones: Fatal error: memory_bank::set_entry called with out-of-range entry 255 (Robbbert)
06937: [DIP/Input] (galpanic.cpp) galspanic and clones: Second button not assigned (AJR)
06942: [Media Support] (x68k.cpp) x68000: Can't save game data to disk (Carl)
New working machines:
Home Alone (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Independence Day (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware) [David Haywood, ARPA, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
New Cross Pang [f205v, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Transformers - Generation 2 (Tiger handheld) [hap, Sean Riddle]
New working clones:
Crazy Bonus 2002 (Ver. 1, set 2) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Enduro Racer (YM2151) (mask ROM sprites, FD1089B 317-0013A) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Explosive Breaker (Korea) [Jorge Silva]
Fidelity Excel 68000 (set 2) [yoyo_chessboard]
Fidelity Excel 68000 (set 3) [yoyo_chessboard]
Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530) [Razoola]
Jolly Card (Italian, bootleg, set 3) [f205v, The Dumping Union]
Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 1.05 / 981214) [caius, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Neo-Geo MV-1F [Vas Crabb]
Neo-Geo MV-1FZ [Vas Crabb]
Neo-Geo MV-1 [Vas Crabb]
Neo-Geo MV-2F [Vas Crabb]
Neo-Geo MV-4F [Vas Crabb]
Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) [Razoola]
Popeye (Braze High Score Kit P1.00D) [smf]
Renegade (US bootleg) [TwistedTom]
Silk Worm (bootleg) [TwistedTom]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg) [f205v, maru79]
Time Killers (v1.21, alternate ROM board) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
WWF: Wrestlemania (proto 2.01 06/07/95) [Jorge Silva]
Machines promoted to working:
F-1 Dream [caius, Caps0ff, David Haywood]
Quiz Channel Question (Ver 1.00) (Japan) [AJR]
Rail Chase 2 (Revision A) [Angelo Salese, R. Belmont, Olivier Galibert, ElSemi]
Clones promoted to working:
Quiz Channel Question (Ver 1.23) (Taiwan?) [AJR]
Ufo Robo Dangar (9/26/1986, Japan) [Angelo Salese]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING:
Connectv Cricket (PAL) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Connectv Football [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Genius 6 (V110F) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Philips VP415 LV-ROM Player [Ryan Holtz]
Skannerz TV [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
T.T. Speed Race CL [TTL] [Andrew Welburn, Tafoid]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Amazonia King Plus (V204BR) [Cesar Aragao (GarouSP)]
Gokidetor (set 2) [MASH]
Joker Master (V512) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Paperboy (prototype) [Andrew Welburn]
Unknown Elsy poker [f205v, The Dumping Union]
New working software list additions:
Abc806: Colorful Animals [Genesis Project]
Atom_flop: Atom DOS Utilities [Nigel Barnes]
Bbcm_cart: Video Filing System ROM Cartridge [Nigel Barnes]
Bbcm_flop: Prince of Persia, Teletextr [Nigel Barnes]
Coco_flop: Tandy Assembly Demo 2017 [MrGW]
Electron_cart: Mega Games Cartridge [Dave Hitchins]
Electron_flop: Egghead in Space, The Darkness of Raven Wood, Zombies Ate Our Roadies! [Nigel Barnes]
Ibm5150: Breach 2, Future Wars - Adventures in Time (3.5"), The Monuments of Mars! [ArcadeShadow]
Ibm5170: Heart of China (Kixx XL release), Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle, Operation Stealth (Euro), Quarantine, Wolfenstein 3-D (v1.4, 3.5" HD, Apogee newer), Wolfenstein 3-D (v1.4, 3.5" HD, Mindscape), World Cup USA '94 [ArcadeShadow]
Neogeo: Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530), Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) [Razoola]
Pc98_cd: Alice no Yakata III, Alone in the Dark 3, Bacta 1 & 2 + Voice, Ballade for Maria, Bounty Hunter Ludy, Brandish 3 - Spirit of Balcan - Renewal, Branmarker, Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space - Uchuu e no Chousen, CRW 2, D.P.S. Zenbu, Daraku no Kuni no Angie - Kyoukai no Mesu Dorei-tachi, Dark Seraphim, De.FaNa, Desire - Haitoku no Rasen, Doki Doki Disk CD-ban Dai-1-kan: Club D.O. Jimukyoku, Doki Doki Disk CD-ban: Club D.O. Vol. 2, Doki Doki Disk CD-ban: Club D.O. Vol. 3, Doki Doki Disk CD-ban: Club D.O. Vol. 4-5, El-Hazard - The Magnificent World, GalPani II, Game CD GA-ME-GA, Gokichi-kun Series - Igo Kinenban CD, Guardian Recall - Shugojuu Shoukan, Hana no Kioku, Hiiragizaka no Kyuukan, Jinmon Yuugi, LOGiN Disk & Book - RPG Tsukuuru Dante98 II (1996-07-02), Lesser Mern - Special Director's Edition, Love Escalator, Menzoberranzan - Yami no Monshou, Mugen Houyou, Mujintou Monogatari, Necronomicon, Oh! Kitsune-sama, Only You - Seikimatsu no Juliet-tachi, PC-9821Xa12C8 System Software, PGA Tour Golf III, PILcaSEX, Revival Xanadu, Ruriiro no Yuki, Sangokushi V, Sayonara no Mukougawa, Tamago Ryouri, The Legend of Heroes III - Shiroki Majo Renewal, The Legend of Kyrandia, The Original Pictures of Ryouki no Ori, Toushin Toshi II - Soshite, Sorekara..., Tuned Heart, Viper CTR - Asuka, Virtuacall 2, Watashi, Yumemizaka & Collections, Yuu Disk Special - CD-ROM Bishoujo Collection [r09]
Svi318_cart: Oh, Postrelease [Dirk Best]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions:
De La Jet Set Radio (Jpn), Espion-Age-Nts: Industrial Agents for Active Espionage (Jpn), Ikaruga (Jpn), Illbleed (USA),
Imperial no Taka: Fighter of Zero (Jpn), Incoming (Euro), Incoming (Euro, Prototype 19990906), Incoming (USA),
Incoming: Jinrui Saisyuu Kessen (Jpn), Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage (USA), Iron Aces (Euro), Iron Aces (USA), Izumo (Jpn),
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (Euro), Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000 (USA), Jet Grind Radio (USA),
Jet Grind Radio (USA, Prototype 20001002), Jet Set Radio (Euro), Jet Set Radio (Euro, Prototype 20001003),
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu - Dreamcast Edition (Jpn), Jimmy White's 2: Cueball (Euro), Jinsei Game for Dreamcast (Jpn),
Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! @ VP@CHI: Kongdom - Shokai Genteiban (Jpn), Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Jpn),
Jojo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan for Matching Service (Jpn), Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Euro),
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (USA), July (Jpn), July (Jpn, Rev. 1) [FakeShemp]
Freddi Fisk och fallet med de forsvunna sjograsfrona (Sweden) [FakeShemp]
Who Shot Johnny Rock (Italy) [arena80.it]
Leapster: A La Conquete Des Nombres - Un Jeu D'Arcade Educatif! (Fra), Adibou - A La Recherche De Robitoc (Fra), Bob Leponge - Heros D'un Jour (Fra), Cars (Fra), Dis Pourquoi Kirikou (Fra), Disney Princesse - La Magie D'Apprendre (Fra), Dora L' Exploratrice - Au Secours Des Animaux (Fra), Dora L' Exploratrice - Le Pont Casse (Fra), La Riviere Des Lapins + L'Atelier De Peinture (Fra), Lapin Malin - Danse Avec Les Mots (Fra), Oui-Oui - Aventures Au Pays Des Jouets (Fra), Perrito Club - Adopta Un Nuevo Amiguito Y Aprende! (Spa), Ratatouille (Fra), Scooby-Doo! - Et Les Nombres Fous! (Fra), Spider-Man - L'Affaire Des Mots Mysteres (Fra) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip, Connie]
Pc98_cd: Angel, DOR Best Selection Gekan, DOR Best Selection Joukan, Dies Irae, Elm Knight - A Living Body Armor, Epson PC Series Driver Kit for Windows 95, Henshin Ring, Hyoui Tengoku, Manji PSYyuuki, Ms. Detective File #2 - Sugata-naki Irainin, NEC Driver Kit for Windows 95, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1 - Invitation - Kage kara no Shoutaijou, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2 - Memories, Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya, Schwarzschild EX - Tessa no Seigun, Sensual Angels, Tanjou - Debut, Vastness - Kuukyo no Ikenie-tachi, Venus & Mug-R, Windows 2000 Professional + Server (MSDN), Windows 95 (OSR2, v4.00.950 B), Windows 95 Upgrade for Epson PC Series (OSR1, v4.00.950a), Windows 98 (Upgrade), Windows 98 Second Edition [r09]
Source Changes:
Bbc: Connected 6845 VSYNC to CA1 on first VIA. [AJR]
Suprstar: Demoted to not working - errors out when inserting coins. [AJR]
Unkhorse: Lowered frequency of 8155 timer driving speaker. [AJR]
Beathead: Replaced NVRAM with parallel EEPROM. [AJR]
Backfire: Added ADC for potentiometer controls. [AJR]
ARM disassembly improvements: [AJR]:
Calculate R15-relative offsets in disassembly.
Fixed erroneous identification of S field in data processing opcodes.
Calculate result of ADD/SUB Rn,R15,#imm.
Pbaction: Use CTC to provide interrupts for sound CPU. [AJR]
Ddenlovr.cpp: Changed main CPU type to TMPZ84C015 for most Z80-based games. [AJR]
Relaxed constraints on address mirroring/global mask combinations. [AJR]
Mirror bits may now fall outside the global mask provided they cover the entire masked-out portion.
Umipoker, saiyukip: Changed YM3812 clock and use it to drive sound CPU interrupt. [AJR]
Upd7725: Fixed disassembly. [AJR]
Z80ctc: Made channels into subdevices. [AJR]
Sexygal: Added sample player. [AJR]
Shackled, breywood: Replaced MCU simulation with 8751 code dumped from Breywood and hacked for Shackled. [Caps0ff, AJR]
Ms6102: Use VT100 keyboard for now. [AJR]
Aleck64.cpp: Improved Magical Tetris Challenge tetrominoes display (ghost pieces and colors). [Angelo Salese]
Stvvdp2.cpp improvements:
Fixed regression with Cotton 2 backgrounds from stage 2 onward (ROZ mode 3 without rotation parameters).
Apply ROZ windows per screen output, not per bitmap - fixes Batman Forever character select and the Riddler final stage graphics.
Fixed RBG0 cache map range - fixes Head On graphics update in Sega Memorial Collection 1.
Stvvdp1.cpp: Preliminary implementation of PMOD 7 (gouraud + half transparent). [Angelo Salese]
Fixes Lupin the 3rd Pyramid no Kenja enemy shadows.
Warpwarp.cpp: Added optional color setting for kaitei. [Angelo Salese]
Legionna.cpp fixes: [Angelo Salese]
Fixed regression in background tilemap colors for Godzilla (uses DMA mode 4 like Denjin Makai).
Fixed Godzilla OKI sound bank switching.
Galivan.cpp, terracre.cpp: Rewrote NB1412M2 as a device. [Angelo Salese]
Airbustr.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, removed unnecessary bitmap. [cam900]
Hvyunit.cpp, lemmings.cpp, namcos11.cpp: Minor code cleanup and runtime tagmap lookup reduction. [cam900]
Aerofgt.cpp: Reduced code duplication. [cam900]
Psikyo.cpp, gundealr.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]
Dreamwld.cpp: Implemented tilemap size register, reduced code duplication, and reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]
Namcos12.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced runtime tagmap lookups, and made COH716 a separate configuration with correct GPU. [cam900]
Djboy.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced runtime tagmap lookups, modernised sound latches, and implemented stereo output. [cam900]
Firefox.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced runtime tagmap lookups, and modernised sound latches. [cam900]
Arcadecl.cpp: Cleaned up graphics decode, fixed year in comment. [cam900]
Coolpool.cpp: Modernised CPU-DSP communication latches, and split I/O maps for coolpool and nballsht. [cam900]
Tlc34076: Allocate palette RAM and pens at start time. [cam900]
Atarisy2.cpp: Minor cleanup, use address_map_bank_device for banked video RAM. [cam900]
Cave.cpp: Fixed hotdogst metadata. [cam900]
Pgm.cpp: Removed unused members and converted code to use object finders. [cam900]
Pc9801_86.cpp: Improved PCM timer behaviour - actual master clock still unknown. [cam900]
Partner.cpp, asuka.cpp: Use object finders for memory banks rather than string formatting and tagmap lookups. [cam900]
Zn.cpp: Simplified Z80 bank switching for FX-1 games. [cam900]
Pasha2.cpp: Added output finders for lamps, reduced runtime tagmap loopups, moved bitmap memory allocation to start time, and simplified/de-duplicated code. [cam900]
Abc80x: Implemented option ROM opcode fetch through character RAM. [Curt Coder]
Marked Blades of Steel sets as joystick/trackball to reduce confusion. [David Haywood]
Nes: Marked Super Mary a clone of Super Mario Bros (github #3327). [David Haywood]
Xavix: Re-organised and tidied code, and updated notes. [David Haywood]
Bionicc: Started hooking up microcontroller emulation - still relies on hacks. [David Haywood]
Guab: Added RS232 port and update notes. [Dirk Best]
Rewrote adc0808 device so it actually works and added to a number of drivers. [Dirk Best]
Added to galastrm, groundfx, jedi, lockon, opwolf3, othunder, superchs, taito_z, tceptor, undrfire, and wheelfir.
Converted Model 1 I/O to device. [Dirk Best]
Model2: Added proper default values for lightgun games, treat five percent of range as off-screen. [Dirk Best]
Model1, model2: Emulated Model 1 I/O board, and removed I/O RAM device [Dirk Best] Includes emulation of the Sega 315-5338A I/O controller, also hooked up to the ufo21 driver.
Added skeleton device for Ericsson Information Systems IBM3270/5250 terminal adapter 16-bit ISA card. [Edstrom]
Hp64k: Added IEEE488 remotizer to bus. [F.Ulivi]
Added suspend and resume debugger commands for suspending and resuming scheduled devices. [GavinAndrews]
Starblad: Allow full range of crosshair movement. [geecab]
Allow building against system pugixml. [Julian Sikorski]
Fixed issues with CHD loading under Emscripten. [Justin Kerk]
Dc.xml: Fixed interface/name/diskarea so discs can actually boot. [Justin Kerk]
Ti99: Added drive select to HX5102 Hexbus floppy drive - may now be used for storage on TI-99/8 and other systems. [Michael Zapf]
Wd_fdc: Added FM resyncs in READ_TRACK, and changed threshold. [Michael Zapf]
Electron: Added Mega Games Cartridge device. [Nigel Barnes]
Electron: Improved video handling. [Nigel Barnes]
Fixed wrap-around for non-standard screen start addresses.
Added RAM contention during screen update.
Improved interrupt times.
Electron: Fixed bad palette write. [Nigel Barnes]
Bbcm: Fixed paging in of Shadow RAM according to ACCCON. [Nigel Barnes]
I960: Don't lose register values on read stalls. [O. Galibert]
Bankdev: Allow for an address shift. [O. Galibert]
Rewrote mb86233/4 CPU cores. [O. Galibert]
Model2: Revamped the coprocessors communications. [O. Galibert]
Completely eliminated address map macros. [O. Galibert, Robbbert]
Sh4drc: Added UML implementations of FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FDIV. [R. Belmont]
Apple2: Recognize another form of DOS 3.3 in ProDOS order. [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie]
Added emulation stubs for the Game Boy Camera hardware allowing the ROM to run. [Risugami]
Crashrd: Added some sound. [Robbbert]
Completely eliminated set_digit_value, and reduced usage of and deprecated set_led_value/set_lamp_value. [Ryan Holtz, Robbbert, AJR, Vas Crabb]
Added skeleton Philips VP415 LV-ROM Player driver - currently fails self-test with error 53. [Ryan Holtz]
Including basic Fujitsu MB88303 TV Display Controller and Philips SAA1403 Sync Generator devices.
Isa/pgc: Implemented accelerated VRAM writes. [shattered]
Standardised on IPT_CUSTOM for custom PORT_BIT handlers, leaving IPT_SPECIAL for the UI. [smf]
Fixed fencepost in memory_manager::region_containing, which caused regions to be registered for state saving. [smf]
Popeye: Implemented NMI acknowledge and TPP2 watchdog, swapped popeyebl and popeyeb2, and repaired some apparently bad PROM dumps. [smf]
Added QuickLoad option for SMC-777. [Stefano]
Hp9k_3xx improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
Added 98644 asynchronous serial card.
Added workaround for double exception during read/modify/write operations confusing the boot ROM.
Added dummy GPIB read/write handlers (BASIC crashes if not present).
Added fallback bus error handler for model 340 and later (used by BASIC to probe hardware configuration).
Added basic window move and cursor control support to hp98544 framebuffer. [Sven Schnelle]
Used by HP Basic to place letters on the screen by moving them from non-visible memory to the screen.
Split hp98603 BASIC ROM card into 98603A and 98603B versions with different base addresses and sizes. [Sven Schnelle]
Posixsocket: Set SO_REUSEADDR option. [Sven Schnelle]
Voodoo: Fixed vsync timing and removed anonymous timer. [Ted Green]
Encapsulated default BIOS selection in device_t and simplified default BIOS selection from machine configuration. [Vas Crabb]
DSP16 interpreter performance improvements: [Vas Crabb]
Lifted some tests out of the execution loops allowing them to be specialised at compile time.
Bypass memory system for work RAM access when debugger is not enabled.
RAM device improvements: [Vas Crabb]
Always show default RAM size in XML output, and show sizes as declared in addition to byte count.
Don't show inaccessible RAM device size options in XML output.
Exposed RAM size options in minimaws.
Rearranged device debugger hooks to get a small but measurable performance improvement. [Vas Crabb]
Removed emucore.o from tools, fixing some inconsistent behaviour with different build options. [Vas Crabb]
NeoGeo improvements: [Vas Crabb]
Split MVS into different machines for real variants with different capabilities.
Split up state classes for different variants.
Improved address maps.
Converted EL panel outputs to lamps and hooked up coin counters/lockouts.
Hooked up controller sense connections for AES.
Hooked up SPI-like outputs on SIT board used by The Irritating Maze.
Added layout for The Irritating Maze showing strobes and most lamps.
Ibm5170: Redumped wngcm2sp from unmodified disks. [breiztiger]
Gaelco2.cpp: Added pinout information for World Rally 2 and REF.950906 PCB layout for Touch and Go. [Brian Troha]
Megablst: Replaced C-chip simulation with extracted ROM. [Caps0ff]
Model1: Use real 315-5573 Virtua Racing coprocessor program. [Caps0ff]
F1dream: Dumped and emulated 8751 microcontroller. [caius, Caps0ff, David Haywood]
Documented debugger expression number syntax. [Erik Dominikus]
Othunder.cpp: Changed to mono speaker, as shown on schematics and verified on real board. [Guru]
Demoted TI-73 Explorer (bootleg) to not working. [Julian Lachniet]
Segag80r: Adjusted Sindbad Mystery sound clocks to match PCB footage. [kazblox]
System1: Documented alternate Star Jacker board with different sound in source. [kazblox]
Dynduke.cpp: Dumped PROMs. [Porchy, Muddymusic]
PC-98 CD software list updates: [r09]
Updated with everything from the latest update of the Neo Kobe Collection.
Tested all software list entries, and added supported status and emulation issues for each one.
Added usage information for games that require serial numbers or manual protection.
Added disk 2 of the floppy version of Brandish Renewal, since it's used as a key disk for the CD version.
Fixed copy-paste error for hybrid discs copied from the FM Towns list.
Replaced the Sweet Days CHD with a properly converted one.
Demoted Miamisoft's games to non-working since they seem to hang randomly.
Added Tourvision BIOS v1.1 and corrected label/description for v2.0. [system11, Tafoid]
Amidars: Corrected Lives DIP switch. [Tafoid, GoldS_TCRF]
Konblands.cpp: Added DIP switches from manual. [Tafoid]


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2018, 18:50
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes -> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-7-2-released/

Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2018, 11:10
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Image layout splitters not restored correctly at startup for triple/quad layouts
Zipped images contents list for MAME software lists not initializing correctly, causing them to not show up in preview images panel
Image layout splitters not restoring to current positions after exiting "Image Category Settings" and "Image Layout

Settings" screens

Image category was not properly set to in-game snapshot at startup causing several problems:

- image panel settings not initialized correctly
- image hint panel settings not initialized correctly
- arcade emulator game snapshot folder setting was not being read from emulator config file
- zipped images was not initialized

Fixes to clean install mode

- arcade emulator config file was not read/initialized
- arcade image folder paths were not being read/initialized
- tons of memory leaks caused by two vars that were not freed from RAM


Interface tweaks in "Arcade Emulators Setup" screen
- button "Update System" renamed to "Reset System" and its help text changed to reflect what it actually does
- lowered dialog height and merged all buttons in the bottom bar where they belong
- aligned "Ok" and "Cancel" buttons to the right side of the dialog
- "MAME Ash" build label link removed since it's no longer updated, replaced by HomeBrew MAME
- changed font of "Autorun Game With AlterMAME" to the same as other labels and simplified its help text to be more clear
"Delete/Rename Preview Image" screen
- added "Dimensions: 0000x0000" label to show the image's resolution
- replaced category icon by a 68x68 sized monster and removed category title text
- interface tweaks
Optimized uMain.DestroyImageLayoutControls function and removed fixed indexes of panels/splitters count
Deleted "destroy controls" code in "uMain.SetImageLayout" function since it's an exact copy from uMain.DestroyImageLayoutControls function
Replaced "image category selector" and "image layout selector" quick popup menus by improved dialogs in images tool bar buttons
- popup lists were too big for screen resolutions lower than 1080p
- 68x68 monster sized icons for easier navigation
- disabled categories/layouts do not appear in the list
- select a category/layout with mouse double-click or ENTER key or "Ok" button
- abort operation with ESC key or "Cancel" button
- reduced RAM usage and code tweaks for future improvements

Startup tweaks

- double-checked function calls to prevent them executing more than once
- moved some code from uMain.OnActivate() event to uMain.OnShow() event to help mitigate the "out of focus" bug
- fixed a really weird "out of focus" bug that prevents scrolling games with mouse wheel after games list is loaded
- remove a few function calls trying to set focus to the main games list without populating it first
Replaced zipped images initialization messages in splash screen by a darn cute small msgbox below the images tool bar
- way easier to spot categoy/layout changes
- centered on main screen window in thumbnails view
- message texts no longer sent to splash screen
- action text and visual improvements are now possible
Image layout splitters now update the image panel while dragging them instead of just show a pattern line (experimental)
Clean install dialog interface changed to a dark theme (old light theme is gone)


2 TImageList components with 24x24 sized image categories/layouts icons and a TImageList with 68x68 arcade systems icons are no longer necessary as they are loaded on demand, directly from .ico files


Quad Image Layouts

- 18 new image layouts to display 4 game preview images at the same time
- image panels cannot be hidden due to layouts mount complexity
- layout 1 have two modes: horizontal and vertical
  hor: a single horizontal splitter that separates up and down panels
  vert: a single vertical splitter that separates left and right panels
- hide layouts you don't want to use
- "Image Layout Settings" interface updated, 1024x768 / 1280x720 minimum screen resolution required
New image layout setting "Use Custom Category for Console/Computer" ("Image Layout Settings" screen)
- define alternate image categories for MAME software games / console / computer systems
- dual / triple / quad layouts only; no point in doing this for single layout
- disabled by default, you can enable this setting in "Image Layout Settings" screen only - categories can be assigned to any panel
- unzipped and zipped images support
- image hint box in images preview panel is updated only when hovering the mouse on top of image panels, to maintain games scrolling high speed
- category background color is ignored to avoid heavy flickering while scrolling games
- useful to show "software cover" in place of "arcade flyer"
Support new "Neo-Geo MVS" machines for MAME v0.197
- you can choose what Neo-Geo MVS machine to use when running multi-slot arcade games
- new file "arcade\mame_multislot_machines.txt" containing the valid list of machines; it can be manually updated when needed
- last used machine is restored next time you run multi-slot games
- when changing the machine to be used, games that exceed slot count are grayed out but can still be moved up/down in the list


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2018, 16:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Added friend list support
Added native wiimote support
Improved game list
Bug fixes & various smaller improvements



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2018, 13:52

Holy crap-a-monium! Fix losing arcade emulator filename from "arcadeemulators.ini" at startup, take three
The info will be saved in .ini file only if emulator date/time stamp has changed
Whatever happens, current emulator info entries and system sections are no longer deleted from .ini file (garbage entries mode ON)
Only at "Arcade Emulator Setup" screen "emulators.ini" will change (add/delete entries and sections)
MAMu_ icons folder path saving twice to "mameui.ini" after exiting "Preferences" screen
MAMu_ icons folder path read from MAME and then read again from HBMAME (only MAME's "ui.ini" is used)
Reverted back some function calls in main screen's OnShow() event to OnActivate() event like it was in EL v8.4.7 as the newer tweaks were causing weird problems

Emu Loader 8.5.5

    Obscure bug: after updating arcade emulator version info at startup, the filename with full path is somehow deleted from "arcadeemulators.ini"; filename is no longer updated, just file date/time and version info
    Out of focus bug at startup still haunts us, so the new init zip images form is replaced by a simple panel directly in the main screen
    The window "Layout Dimensions" will no longer be restored at startup to avoid the dreadul "out of focus" bug (accessible in images popup menu)


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2018, 20:10

New WIMP GUI for PCs:

RetroArch now has a WIMP GUI, powered by the powerful multimedia framework Qt! This feature is available currently for Windows and Linux. macOS users will have to wait a while longer for this feature to arrive to their platform.
The WIMP GUI works as a companion to the main RetroArch window. You bring it into view by pressing the F5 key on your keyboard.

From there, you can do many tasks:

Select a game from any playlist
Browse the file system or any attached media storage device and load a game.
Scan directories for content and generate system playlists.
Associate cores to an entire playlist or associate only one entry of a playlist to a specific core
Some things we’d like to note:
This has been the combined work of bparker and Tatsuya79 that have worked tirelessly on this for a month. We are aware of several features that we’d like to implement, such as playlist editing, grid view layouts, etc.
We are open to feedback on the GUI.
You will likely not see this WIMP GUI on Android or iOS (or any game console for that fact) anytime soon. WIMP interfaces don’t lend themselves well to devices that rely on touchscreen or gamepad-based controls.
(For Linux users) The Qt GUI should definitely work on X11. If you’d like to run it on Wayland, make sure you have the appropriate packages installed for Qt5 in your package manager. Be aware that Qt 5 cannot gracefully fail right now in case a platform module/plugin is missing from your system. This means that if you invoke the companion UI by pressing F5 on Wayland, and for whatever reason the platform module that Qt relies on in order to work on Wayland is not there, there is no way for RetroArch to gracefully fail there and just not show the companion UI. There will be a crash instead. Unfortunately we have talked to some Qt developers and they see no other way around this for now. The same situation applies for DRM/KMS right now. If we can find a better solution to this, we will certainly return to it.
(For mac Users) You will have to wait a bit longer for this to arrive to the Mac port unfortunately. Hopefully that wait is not too long.
We would like to still improve initial bootup times for the companion UI. Right now, on first initial startup, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds (depending on your harddrive and its performance), but on subsequent boots should only take 2 seconds or less for first startup. Hopefully by resorting to Link Time Code Generation and other avenues we can shave off some more seconds off this boot time.

Starting up the UI on startup:

If you would like to start up the companion UI at first startup instead of having to manually press F5 first, you can do so. Make sure that Advanced Settings are enabled first (Settings -> User Interface -> Show Advanced Settings). After that, make sure the option ‘Show desktop menu on startup’ is enabled.
Real-time audio mixer controls – menu music, mixing of audio channels, separate volume controls, etc:
In RetroArch 1.7.3 we have given RetroArch’s built-in audio mixer a huge overhaul.
Improved file format support – Now supports MP3 and FLAC thanks to mudlord. The audio mixer now supports MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, and WAV files in total.
Live manipulation/control of the audio mixer in the menu – you can now access the audio mixer inside the menu. You can set audio tracks to each of the 16 available streams, and you can issue commands to them such as Play (normal/Looping/Sequential), Stop or Remove.
Individual volume setting per audio stream – You can now also individually set the volume for each separate audio stream inside the mixer. If you wish to override all audio stream’s volume with one global override, you can go to Audio Settings and set Audio Mixer Volume Level. Reset this back to 0 dB if you want individual volume per stream to work again.
Increased the amount of max streams – Previously, the audio mixer was limited to 8 streams in total. This figure has been doubled to 16.
New album mode-like features – If you have a couple of tracks queued up in the audio mixer and if you’d like to play them back like a regular audio music player (played sequentially, one song after the other) – select ‘Play (Sequential)’. When the song is finished playing, it will look at the other streams directly down below it. If one of these streams is in ‘stopped’ state and if there is audio loaded there, it will start playing it. It will also in turn set this audio stream’s play state to ‘Sequential’ and it will keep going down the list until the end of the audio stream mixer’s ‘list’ has been reached.
Music can play inside the menu now – Previously, you could only listen to audio streams with the audio mixer once you were inside a game and a core had been loaded. Once you went back to the menu, the sound mixing would stop there. You can now set ‘Enable menu audio’ to ON in order to be able to have music inside the menu as well! You can seamlessly jump back and forth between menu and game and have the music continue running.

Other additional niceties:

The music is mixed in with the rest of the core’s sound data, so the music also is affected by fastforwarding and is thus sped up when you fastforward it, just like regular game audio would.
NOTE: Not all platforms have received MP3 and FLAC support yet. So far, we have enabled it already for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. More platforms might follow.

Runahead – improved performance with Genesis Plus GX:

Dwedit sent some patches to improve Genesis Plus GX’s performance with runahead. We put this briefly to the test on the Xbox OG. Previously with 1.7.2, Sonic 2 on version 1.7.2 did not reach fullspeed with runahead set to 1 frame. With version 1.7.3, we can finally play at fullspeed with runahead set to 1 frame. Setting it any higher than 1 proves too taxing for the old system.
CRT Switch Res on Linux – GroovyMAME-like features for 15KHz capable CRT monitors:
tarting as of version 1.7.2, RetroArch now has the ability to query cores for their exact video timing data, which can be used to switch to native-resolution, 15 kHz modelines for use with standard-definition CRT TVs.
This is a big step for retro purists, as RetroArch can now output “pixel-perfect” video with accurate timing to compatible displays, even quickly switching between interlaced and non-interlaced modes on the fly.
This capability was previously Windows-only and requires modelines to be created in advance by CRT_EmuDriver or Custom Resolution Utility with a compatible GPU.
Starting as of version 1.7.3, Linux support has been implemented too!

Input remapping system fixes for overlays:

Radius fixed several bugs which would prevent the new input remapping system from working with onscreen overlays.

General changelog:

AUDIO: Audio mixer supports FLAC/MP3 file types now!
COMMON: Fixed bug ‘crashing in cores that don’t range check retro_set_controller_type’. Some people were having crashes when device is set to RETRO_DEVICE_NONE and the cores don’t check the number of ports, in VBAM’s case it was overflowing and crashing. QuickNES was crashing too.
COMMON: Fixed buffer overflow in url encoding (affecting MSVC2010/2013).
COMMON: (QuickMenu) Added Configuration Override submenu.
HID: Merge new HID subsystem.
HID: Fix WaveBird support for the Wii U GCA.
HID/OSX: Fix regression with IODHIDManager – gamepads which are connected later would not be autoconfigured.
LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese translation.
MENU: Audio mixer now works in the menu without any cores loaded. You have to enable the setting ‘Enable menu audio’ for this to work.
REMAPPING/OVERLAYS: Fix regression – overlays could no longer be remapped.
SCANNER: Add Wii Backup File WBFS support.
X11: CRT SwitchRes support for X11/Linux.

What is coming next:

We can already give you a sneak peek of some of the new features the new WIMP GUI will be having in the upcoming version. Right now, playlist entries are only displayed as a list. The new version will also allow you to display playlists in a grid view (both small and big). See the images below for an indication of how that will look like.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2018, 13:08


Severe memory leaks after closing the clean install dialog (1 thousand memory blocks), caused by two TStringList vars
All selected Neo-Geo MSV games are listed in "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" if you select a Neo-Geo machine with less cart slots


Remade some console/computer system icons so they can be properly used with dark backgrounds


Dark themed message box... lights out!
Just tick the new "Night Mode" checkbox in the dialog's lower left corner
Since the RichEdit text colors cannot be changed "on-the-fly", it will only take effect next time the dialog appears
"Multi-slot Machine" text added to show the selected "Neo-Geo MVS" machine before listing the games ("Run Game Configirmation Dialog")


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 19:45
Whats new:>>

update multiloader for dt 10.8
mednafen config file name

Titel: PPSSPP 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2018, 21:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source



fixes a few crashes.


OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.
Various Vulkan performance improvements (like #10911) and memory allocation fixes.
GPU command interpreter performance improvements (#10658)
Various fixes for app switching and widgets (#10855) on Android
Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR interpreter
Shader cache enabled for Vulkan
Multiple iOS fixes, including JIT (#10465) and file browser (#10921).
Improved compatibility on Mac (#10113)
Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become incompatible)
Adhoc multiplayer fixes (#8975)
Vulkan support on Linux/SDL (#10413)
Retroarch support


Titel: GameEx 15.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2018, 19:45
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


Create snaps and video screen recording has been rewritten. Video capture now records in mp4 format and external driver and software capture methods are supported. There is a new section in the setup wizard for video recording. Geforce experience has been tested to be working. It is also much more responsive to cancelling the process and ffmpeg.exe is required to use this feature now.
Creating video snaps is no longer a registered version feature.
GameEx arcade edition now has an optional 64 bit version as part of the installer. Note: Some plugins may still require the 32 bit version.
Several input issues were fixed


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.198
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2018, 16:45

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

    04539: (Misc.) (stv.cpp) dnmtdeka, diehard: Illegal Sprite Mode - Contact MAMEDEV (Angelo Salese)
    05484: (Crash/Freeze) (jpmsys5sw.cpp) Various jpmsys5sw.c sets: (debug) Assert in Debug (Vas Crabb)
    06543: (Crash/Freeze) (segapico.cpp) All sets in segapico.cpp: (debug) Assert when starting emulation (Vas Crabb)
    06934: (Color/Palette) (x1.cpp) x1turbo40: Colors missing in all X1 Turbo (CZ-862C) software (Vas Crabb)
    06948: (Media Support) (ptcsol.cpp) sol20 (basic5): Program does not start after loading (Robbbert)
    06954: (Core) (coco3.cpp) coco3dw1: Emulated system crashes when trying to access floppy disk image (David Ladd)
    06958: (Crash/Freeze) (attache.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':crtc', but multiple screens found (Ivan Vangelista)
    06960: (Crash/Freeze) (qtsbc.cpp) qtsbc: Exception when using certain -rs232 slot options (AJR)
    06962: (Crash/Freeze) (atlantis.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':zeus2', but multiple screens found (Ivan Vangelista)
    06963: (Crash/Freeze) (ms6102.cpp) Fatal error: No screen specified for device ':i8275_1', but multiple screens found (Ivan Vangelista)
    06964: (Crash/Freeze) (apollo.cpp) dsp3000, dsp3500, dsp5500: Exception when using most -rs232 options (Vas Crabb)
    06966: (DIP/Input) (missile.cpp) missile: DIP switch "Trackball Size" label reversed and R8 dip switch graphic inverted (Tafoid)
    06971: (Graphics) (1945kiii.cpp) 1945kiiio, 1945kiiin, 1945kiii: Enemy damage flashes missing (AJR)
    06982: (Gameplay) (coco12.cpp) Other Coco related drivers: 1bit audio DAC issue (AJR)

Machine Support

New working machines

    Batman: The Animated Series (Tiger handheld) (hap) (Sean Riddle)
    Dragon MSX-64 (MSX1) (David F.Gisbert aka Tromax) (AUIC) (Robcfg)
    Fidelity Elegance Chess Challenger (hap) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program]) ([[English)] (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX '98 (GC811 VER. JAA) (Charles MacDonald) (Candy Wolff) (Henrique Areias Pontes) (Sean Sutton) (Surgeville) (Dane Biegert) (Smitdogg) (The Dumping Union) (smf)
    Keirin Ou (Michael Moffitt) (Eric Diem) (Angelo Salese) (The Dumping Union)
    Operation: Aliens (Tiger handheld) (hap) (Sean Riddle)
    Scorpio 68000 (hap) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Tom Tom Magic (Jeffrey Gray) (ranger_lennier) (Evan Korzon) (Dane Biegert) (MrGoodwraith) (Charles MacDonald) (Brian Troha) (The Dumping Union)
    Wayne's World (Tiger handheld) (hap) (Sean Riddle)
    World Adventure (ArcadeHacker) (The Dumping Union)
    X-Men (Tiger handheld) (hap) (Sean Riddle)

New working clones

    Battle Balls (Germany, earlier) (Fabrice Arzeno) (The Dumping Union)
    Centipede (Japan, revision 3) (ShouTime) (Javier Vidal Mata) (Sean Sutton) (Candy Wolff) (Evan Korzon) (Surgeville) (Dane Biegert) (Charles MacDonald) (Smitdogg) (The Dumping Union)
    Donkey Kong Junior (US, bootleg?) (unknown)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, English) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, French) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, German) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, Spanish) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, French) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, German) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Fidelity Prestige Challenger (original program, Spanish) (hap) (Berger) (yoyo_chessboard)
    Final Fight (Japan 900405) (bonky0013) (Manimani) (The Dumping Union)
    Grand Champion (set 3) (Malcor) (MASH)
    Karate Blazers (World, Tecmo license) (caius) (The Dumping Union)
    Last Mission (World revision 8) (caius) (The Dumping Union)
    Marvel Super Heroes (Brazil 951024) (SHVB) (The Dumping Union)
    Naughty Boy (bootleg, set 2) (f205v) (Matteo)
    Pit Boss Superstar III 30 (9233-00-06, California version) (Brian Troha) (The Dumping Union)
    Real Puncher (Japan, v2.12J) (ShouTime) (Javier Vidal Mata) (Sean Sutton) (Candy Wolff) (Evan Korzon) (Surgeville) (Dane Biegert) (Charles MacDonald) (Smitdogg) (The Dumping Union)
    Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2) (Razoola)
    Hunter (Spain, Recreativos Franco S.A., Bally Midway licens&lang=en Spy Hunter (Spain, Recreativos Franco S.A., Bally Midway license) (Carlos Matos Lara) (Recreativas.org)
    Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (bootleg with level selection) (hammy) (The Dumping Union)
    Tandy Color Computer (Extended BASIC 1.0; HD6309) (David Ladd)
    Tandy Color Computer (HD6309) (David Ladd)
    Tandy Color Computer 2 (HD6309) (David Ladd)
    Tandy Color Computer 2B (HD6309) (David Ladd)
    Tapper (Budweiser, 1/27/84 - Alternate graphics) (Brian Troha)
    The King of Dragons (World 910731) (Sergio Galiano) (Recre_Piscis) (Spain)
    The Rocketeer (Tiger handheld) (hap) (Sean Riddle)
    Trophy Hunting - Bear & Moose V1.0 (location test) (Brian Troha) (The Dumping Union)
    V-Liner (v0.53) (Razoola)
    V-Liner (v0.7a) (Razoola)
    V-Liner (v0.7e) (Razoola)
    World Heroes 2 (ALH-006) (Razoola)
    World Soccer Finals (rev 4) (Kevin Eshbach) (The Dumping Union)

Machines promoted to working

    Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 Pro (Japan) (GDL-0004) (Samuele Zannoli) (R. Belmont) (ElSemi) (David Haywood) (Angelo Salese) (Olivier Galibert) (MetalliC)
    Cleopatra Fortune Plus (GDL-0012) (Samuele Zannoli) (R. Belmont) (ElSemi) (David Haywood) (Angelo Salese) (Olivier Galibert) (MetalliC)
    Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. (new wide screen) (Sean Riddle)
    Genius 6 (V110F) (Luca Elia) (Fabrice Arzeno) (The Dumping Union)
    TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (24 KiB ROM) (Michael Zapf)
    TI-99/2 BASIC Computer (32 KiB ROM) (Michael Zapf)
    unknown Sidam poker (AJR)

Clones promoted to working

    Coco Loco (set 3) (Roberto Fresca) (Roberto Cervera) (Recreativas.org)
    IQ Block (V113FR, gambling) (Luca Elia) (Guru) (Dyq) (Bnathan)
    BBC Master 512 (Nigel Barnes)
    Shuzi Leyuan (V127M, gambling) (Luca Elia) (Guru) (Dyq) (Bnathan)

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

    Air Hockey (6.03, encrypted) (AJR)
    Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (host) (Darksoft) (Bill D) (The Dumping Union)
    Fonz (TTL) (Andrew Welburn) (The Dumping Union)
    HP Integral Personal Computer 9808A (shattered)
    InterPro 6000 (Patrick Mackinlay)
    InterPro 6400 (Patrick Mackinlay)
    InterPro 6700 (Patrick Mackinlay)
    InterPro 6800 (Patrick Mackinlay)
    Kenshin Dragon Quest: Yomigaerishi Densetsu no Ken (Sean Riddle) (Peter Wilhelmsen)
    LD Quiz dai 4-dan - Kotaetamon Gachi! (Japan) (italiandoh)
    Motogonki (IgorR76)
    Multi Game V (AMGHU_V83.65) (Roberto Fresca) (Pycur)
    Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 1) (Antonio Rodriguez) (Recreativas.org) (ShouTime) (The Dumping Union)
    Sharpshooter (coin pusher) (Joe Magiera)
    The King of Fighters - Road to Revenge / The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (Peter Wilhelmsen) (brizzo)
    unknown Ace System 1 game (Joe Magiera) (The Dumping Union)
    War Mission (WM 4/6/87) (Jordi Beltran Casany) (Recreativas.org) (The Dumping Union)

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

    Autocue 1500 (Mikko Heinonen)
    Batman (1.03 France) (PinMAME)
    Bow & Arrow (Prototype, rev. 22) (PinMAME)
    Grand Champion (set 2) (Malcor) (MASH)
    Micronics M55Hi-Plus (Samuele Zannoli)
    NEC PC-9801VM (Fujix)
    Poly 1 Educational Computer (early) (Nigel Barnes) (Andrew Trotman)
    Poly 2 Learning System (Nigel Barnes) (Andrew Trotman)
    Poly Development System (Nigel Barnes) (Andrew Trotman)
    Pop'n Run - The Videogame (set 2) (Antonio Rodriguez) (Recreativas.org) (ShouTime) (The Dumping Union)
    Strider 2 (Euro 991213) (Nomax) (Corrado Tomaselli) (f205v) (The Dumping Union)

New working software list additions

    Luxor ABC 80 diskettes
        ABCBook ([Five Finger Punch]])
    Luxor ABC 800 diskettes
        ABC832 Systemskiva v2.5 (Swe) ([unknown]])
    Apple II cassettes
        3D Art Graphics (Dagarman)
        3D Star Fire (Dagarman)
        3D-Docking (Dagarman)
        A Beginner's Guide to Game Programs and Number Programs (Tape 2) (Dagarman)
        A Beginner's Guide to Game Programs (Tape 3) (Dagarman)
        Ack-Ack (Dagarman)
        Adventure 0 - Special Sampler (Dagarman)
        Adventure 1 - Adventure Land (Dagarman)
        Adventure 3 - Mission Impossible (Dagarman)
        Adventure 4 - Voodoo Castle (Dagarman)
        Air Traffic Controller (Dagarman)
        Andromeda Conquest (Dagarman)
        Apple Casino (Dagarman)
        Apple Derby (Dagarman)
        Apple II Organ (Dagarman)
        Applesoft Utility Programs (Dagarman)
        Assembler (Dagarman)
        B-1 Nuclear Bomber (Dagarman)
        Baseball (Dagarman)
        Battlestar I (Dagarman)
        Beneath Apple Manor (Dagarman)
        Black Jack / Slot Machine (Dagarman)
        Bomber (Dagarman)
        Bowling / Trilogy (Dagarman)
        Bridge Challenger (Dagarman)
        Canter Downs (Dagarman)
        Complex Mathematics (Dagarman)
        Computer Acquire (Dagarman)
        Computer Acquire (original) (Dagarman)
        Conflict 2500 (Dagarman)
        Craps / Bright Pen Craps (Dagarman)
        Crazy Climber (Dagarman)
        Crazy Eights (Dagarman)
        Cubik (Dagarman)
        Depth Charge (Dagarman)
        Disk-O-Tape (Dagarman)
        Dnieper River Line (Dagarman)
        Don't Fall (Dagarman)
        Don't Fall! / Memory Aide (Dagarman)
        DUNJONQUEST- Datestones of Ryn (Dagarman)
        DUNJONQUEST- Morloc's Tower (Dagarman)
        Echo (Dagarman)
        Electronic Index-Card File (Dagarman)
        Enchanted Island (Dagarman)
        Engineering Mathematics - 1 (Dagarman)
        Escape! (Dagarman)
        Fastgammon (Dagarman)
        Financial Wizard 2 (Dagarman)
        Financial Wizard 3 (Dagarman)
        Financial Wizard 4 (Dagarman)
        Football Predictions (Dagarman)
        Forte / Forte Music (Dagarman)
        Funpak I (Dagarman)
        Galaxian (Dagarman)
        Galaxy (Dagarman)
        Galaxy Travel (Dagarman)
        Gammon Gambler (Dagarman)
        Global War (Dagarman)
        Grading Routine / Drawing (Dagarman)
        Guns of Fort Defiance (Dagarman)
        Haunted House (Dagarman)
        Highres Graphic Printer (Dagarman)
        Highres Playground (Dagarman)
        Hires Boxing (Dagarman)
        House of Seven Gables / Journey to the Center of the Earth (Dagarman)
        I Got Mine (Dagarman)
        Journey to Atlantis (Dagarman)
        Jupiter Express (Dagarman)
        Kaleidoscope (Dagarman)
        Kidstuff (Dagarman)
        Laserblast (Dagarman)
        Learning BASIC, Pt. 1 & 2 (Dagarman)
        Learning BASIC, Pt. 3 (Dagarman)
        Lunar Lander (Dagarman)
        Lunar Lander II (Dagarman)
        Magic Squares (Dagarman)
        Match Wits (Dagarman)
        Maze Game (Dagarman)
        Memory Builder (Dagarman)
        Memory Check (Dagarman)
        Micro Invaders (Dagarman)
        Microchess 2.0 (Dagarman)
        Microgammon 1.0 (Dagarman)
        microtrivia (Dagarman)
        Midway Campaign (Dagarman)
        Missile Command v1.2 (Dagarman)
        Module 1 (Dagarman)
        Module 2 (Dagarman)
        Module 3 (Dagarman)
        Module 4 (Dagarman)
        Module 5 (Dagarman)
        Module 6 (Dagarman)
        Module 7 (Dagarman)
        Module 8 (Dagarman)
        Moto-Cross (Dagarman)
        Music Box and Kaleidoscope (Dagarman)
        Music Kaleidoscope (Dagarman)
        North Atlantic Convoy Raider (Dagarman)
        Oil Tycoon (Dagarman)
        Othello (Dagarman)
        Othello for Apple v2.1 (Dagarman)
        Peg Jump (Dagarman)
        Phasor Zap (Dagarman)
        Pinball / Infinite Number of Monkeys (Dagarman)
        Pirates! (Dagarman)
        Planet Miners (Dagarman)
        Planetoids (Dagarman)
        Preschool IQ-Builder (Dagarman)
        Quiz Baseball (Dagarman)
        RAM Test (Dagarman)
        Racer (Dagarman)
        Radar Interceptor (Dagarman)
        Raster Blaster (Dagarman)
        Renju (Dagarman)
        Retreat (Dagarman)
        Revive - A Utility Program for the Apple (Dagarman)
        Road Race / Saucer War (Dagarman)
        Rocket Pilot (Dagarman)
        Roulette (Dagarman)
        Sahara Warriors Commando / French Foreign Legion (Dagarman)
        Sargon I (Dagarman)
        Sargon II (Dagarman)
        Saucer Invasion (Dagarman)
        Softside August 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside December 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside January 1982 (Dagarman)
        Softside July 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside July 1982 (Dagarman)
        Softside July 1982 Computers in Education (Dagarman)
        Softside June 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside Mar 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside May 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside May 1982 (Dagarman)
        Softside October 1981 (Dagarman)
        Softside September 1981 (Dagarman)
        Songs in the Key of Apple (Dagarman)
        Space Maze (Dagarman)
        Space War (Dagarman)
        Speedway (Dagarman)
        Spider Tag (Dagarman)
        Star Blazer (Dagarman)
        Star Wars (Dagarman)
        STARQUEST Rescue at Rigel (Dagarman)
        Statistics (Dagarman)
        Stocks & Bonds (Dagarman)
        Story Builder (Dagarman)
        Study Aide (Dagarman)
        Study Aide / Keyboard Organ (Dagarman)
        Super Arithmetica (Dagarman)
        Super Invader (Dagarman)
        Super Math / True/False Quiz (Dagarman)
        Super Othello (Dagarman)
        Super Starwars (Dagarman)
        SuperMath (Dagarman)
        Tank War (Dagarman)
        Tanktics (Dagarman)
        The Bomber (Dagarman)
        The Patient Professor 16K (Dagarman)
        The Patient Professor 24K (Dagarman)
        The Talking Calculator (Dagarman)
        Tic-Tac-Talker / Spectrum Analysis (Dagarman)
        Time Clock (Dagarman)
        Typing Tutor (Dagarman)
        U-Draw (Dagarman)
        Variable Message / Matching Quiz (Dagarman)
        Voyager I (Dagarman)
        Warlords (Dagarman)
    Acorn BBC Master cartridges
        VideoROM: Videodisc Player Control Software ([Michael Sadler]])
    Fujitsu FM Towns CD-ROMs
        Mega Lo Mania ([DamienD]]) (Tokugawa Corporate Forums)
    IBM PC disk images
        Gunship ([ArcadeShadow]])
        Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (3.5") ([ArcadeShadow]])
        Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (5.25") ([ArcadeShadow]])
    IBM PC/AT disk images
        Curse of Enchantia ([ArcadeShadow]])
        Descent ([ArcadeShadow]])
        Gunship 2000 ([ArcadeShadow]])
    SNK Neo-Geo cartridges
        Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 2) (Razoola)
        World Heroes 2 (ALH-006) (Razoola)
    NEC PC-9801 CD-ROMs
        Windows NT 4.0 Server (WinWorld)
    Exidy Sorcerer cassettes
        Arithmetic Practise (Robbbert)
        Racetrack (Robbbert)
        Shape Maker (Robbbert)
        Sightspell (Robbbert)
        Spelling (Robbbert)
        Star Wars (Robbbert)
        Stomper (Robbbert)
        Submarine Hunt (Robbbert)
        The Sorcerers Fruit Machine (Robbbert)
        Yahtzee (Robbbert)
        ZETU v1.2 Editor Assembler (Robbbert)
    Commodore VIC-10 / Max Machine / UltiMax cartridges
        MultiMAX (Curt Coder)

Software list items promoted to working

    NEC PC-9801 CD-ROMs
        Magical Squadron (Carl) (r09)
        Ms. Detective File #1 - Iwami Ginzan Satsujin Jiken (Carl) (r09)
        Ms. Detective File #2 - Sugata-naki Irainin (Carl) (r09)
        NEC Driver Kit for Windows 95 (Carl) (r09)
        Policenauts (Carl) (r09)
        Psychic Detective Series Vol. 1 - Invitation - Kage kara no Shoutaijou (Carl) (r09)
        Psychic Detective Series Vol. 2 - Memories (Carl) (r09)
        Psychic Detective Series Vol. 3 - Aya (Carl) (r09)
        Ryouki no Ori Dai-2-Shou (Carl) (r09)
        Schwarzschild GX - Sabita Sousei (Carl) (r09)
        Sensual Angels (Carl) (r09)
        Shamhat - The Holy Circlet (Carl) (r09)
        Tanjou - Debut (Carl) (r09)
        Windows 95 (OSR2, v4.00.950 B) (Carl) (r09)
        Windows 95 (Retail, v4.00.950) (Carl) (r09)

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

    Apple II cassettes
        Sweet Talker (Dagarman)
    Sega Dreamcast GD-ROMs
        DreamOn Volume 10 (Fra) (FakeShemp)
        Dreamcast Promotion Disk (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Eldorado Gate Dai-7-kan (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Erde: Nezu no Ki no Shita de (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Es (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Ever 17: The Out of Infinity (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Fire Pro Wrestling D (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        First Kiss Story II: Anata ga Iru kara (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        First Kiss Story II: Anata ga Iru kara - Tokubetsu Genteiban (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Fragrance Tale (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Godzilla Generations (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Golem no Maigo (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Golf Shiyou yo (Jpn, Rev. 2) (FakeShemp)
        Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 1: Keiyaku (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 2: Torikago (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 3: Kansei (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Grauen no Torikago Kapitel 4: Kaikou (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Happy Breeding (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Heavy Metal: Geomatrix (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Heisei Mahjong-sou (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Himitsu: Yui ga Ita Natsu (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child (Euro) (FakeShemp)
        KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child (USA) (FakeShemp)
        Kaitou Apricot (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kao the Kangaroo (Demo) (World) (FakeShemp)
        Kao the Kangaroo (Euro) (FakeShemp)
        Kao the Kangaroo (USA) (FakeShemp)
        Karous (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kidou Senshi Gundam Gaiden: Colony no Ochita Chi de... - Tokubetsuban (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon & DX (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kitahei Gold (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kiteretsu Boy's Gangagan (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Konohana 2: Todokanai Requiem (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Konohana: True Report (Jpn) (FakeShemp)
        Kuon no Kizuna: Sairinshou (Jpn, Rev. 1) (FakeShemp)
    NEC PC-9801 CD-ROMs
        Windows NT 3.51 Workstation (WinWorld)
        Windows NT 3.51 Workstation (Checked Build) (WinWorld)

Translations added or modified

    Chinese (Simplified) (YuiFAN)
    Chinese (Traditional) (YuiFAN)
    Dutch (Jos van Mourik)
    German (RafTacker)
    Greek (BraiNKilleRGR)
    Japanese (Katsuhiko Kagami)
    Korean (Neius)
    Portuguese (Brazil) (Wellington Uemura)
    Spanish (A. Viloria)


The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

    AJR separated MS7002 keyboard emulation from VT100 keyboard, changed to Cyrillic key names and JCUKEN layout.

    AJR updated the msm58321 device: Corrected duty cycle for busy output.

    AJR updated the duet16, fmtowns drivers: Fixed RTC busy signal handling.

    AJR updated the mcs51 core: Added more interrupt and timer registers to debug state.

    AJR updated the asteroid driver: Swapped start LEDs and suppressed logging for many spurious writes.

    AJR updated the asteroid, astdelux drivers: Added cocktail configuration that flips screen for second player. * AJR

    AJR updated the cit101 driver: Somewhat major improvements:
        Added high-level emulation of serial keyboard.
        Implemented double-height, double-width, boldface, and blinking/half intensity attributes.
        Implemented adjustable start-of-screen pointer (necessary for SET-UP mode).
        Implemented screen reconfiguration for 80/132-column and 50/60 Hz modes.

    AJR updated the ppu2c0x family devices: Made palette internal to device.

    AJR updated the z80ctc device: Disabling a channel interrupt also turns it off.

    AJR made “Keypad ,” and “Keypad =” standard keys.

    AJR made debugger dump command work with unaligned addresses.

    AJR updated the vectrex driver: Fixed probable bug with lightpen-triggered interrupt.

    AJR updated the sidampkr driver: Made the cards appear.

    AJR updated the 1945kiii driver: Add sprite color flashes (MT06971), reduced palette size, and fixed OKIM6295 reads.

    AJR updated the i8275 device: Blank top and bottom row lines when underline is greater than 7.

    AJR and David Haywood updated the tomagic driver: Added sound system and inputs.

    AJR updated exidy440.cpp, vertigo.cpp: Improved encapsulation of audio device.

    Angelo Salese updated legionna.cpp: Kludged a few weird Godzilla collision checks.

    Angelo Salese updated nb1412m2.cpp: Improved sound capabilities and added DAC sound to Mighty Guy.

    Angelo Salese updated stvvdp1.cpp: Fixed transparent sprite shadows, and disabled transmask for mode 2 sprites.

    Angelo Salese provided stvvdp2.cpp updates:
        Disabled ROZ optimization in modes 2 and 3 (fixes Bulk Slash and Death Crimson ROZ layer bugs).
        Added support for line windows and vertical cell scroll.
        Added support for undocumented rotation parameter read mirroring.
        Don’t repeat ROZ when screen over process is equal to 1 (fixes D-Xhird practice stage).
        Fixed potential bug with window Y sizes when double density interlace is enabled.

    Angelo Salese updated sub.cpp: Added flip screen support for Submarine (Sigma).

    Angelo Salese updated ltcasino.cpp: Added preliminary palette implementation.

    Angelo Salese updated blmbycar.cpp: Added optical and potentiometer wheel inputs.

    Angelo Salese updated f1gp.cpp: Added some undocumented DIP switches, and 4-way joystick inputs.

    Angelo Salese provided dc-ctrl.cpp updates:
        Added preliminary keyboard support, hooked up to The Typing of the Dead, La Keyboard, and Lupin 3: the Typing on Naomi.
        Fixed Dreamcast controller ID values, making it possible to suppress VMU not found errors in Dreamcast games.

    Angelo Salese and Takahiro Nogi provided pc9801.cpp updates:
        Fix sound ROM mapping, and fixed sound board initialization for Eikan wa Kimi ni 2. (Angelo Salese)
        Improved and reorganized -26 and -86 sound card ROM read-backs. (Angelo Salese) (Takahiro Nogi)
        Added SpeakBoard sound card emulation. ([[Angelo Salese) (Takahiro Nogi)

    Angelo Salese provided tatsumi.cpp improvements:
        Added preliminary row/column scroll enable for tilemaps (fixes background scrolling and foreground text in Cycle Warriors).
        Improved road colors in Cycle Warriors.

    Barry Rodewald updated the amstrad driver: Allow loading CPR cartridges with odd numbers of blocks.

    Bavarese added VS Systems LBA Enhancer ISA card – adds PC BIOS extensions for 28-bit LBA support.

    cam900 updated aica.cpp: Changed register names to match development manual, documented unimplemented registers, and flagged imperfect features.

    cam900 updated c6280.cpp: Implemented LFO and added notes.

    cam900 updated gunpey.cpp: Reduced code duplication, and deferred VRAM allocation to start time.

    cam900 updated renegade.cpp: Fixed bit manipulations.

    cam900 updated the seibuspi driver: Fixed typo and added notes.

    cam900 updated fmtowns.cpp: Implemented stereo output, fixed PCM output level, and reduced code duplication.

    cam900 updated rohga.cpp: Fixed background color of title screen in wolffang.

    cam900 provided a jaguar.cpp cleanup:
        Moved CoJag ROM board mapping to derived address maps, and moved banking configuration to machine start.
        Reduced runtime tag lookups.

    cam900 updated fuukifg2.cpp: Updated notes and cleaned up a little.

    cam900 updated m90.cpp: Reduced code duplication, added user_data for tilemap RAM base, reduced runtime tag lookups, and updated notes.

    cam900 updated dooyong.cpp: Cleaned up a little, and added input merger device for YM2203 interrupt handler.

    cam900 updated m72.cpp: Simplified graphics decode layouts.

    cam900 updated drgnmst.cpp: Changed to mono sound output – neither chip nor PCB supports stereo.

    cam900 argus.cpp: Fixed argus sound writes (only one YM2203), reduced code duplication, and reduced runtime tag lookups.

    cam900 updated pgm.cpp, pgm2.cpp: Corrected metadata so it matches title screens, transliterated Chinese names, and updated comments.

    cam900 updated sandscrp.cpp, puckpkmn.cpp: Transliterated Chinese titles.

    cam900 updated rf5c68.cpp: Converted to device_memory_interface and added save state support.

    cam900 updated egacd.cpp, segas18.cpp, segas32.cpp, system16.cpp: Reduced duplication, fixed bit manipulation, and reduced runtime tag lookups.

    cam900 updated nmk16.cpp: Fixed tdragon2 banking, transliterated Chinese titles, simplified graphics decode layouts, and fixed spacing.

    cam900 updated highvdeo.cpp improvements:
        Split machine configuration and address maps for each game.
        Reduced code duplication, cleaned up drawing code, cleaned up ROM loading, and removed redundant code.
        Added pre-calculated color for games using RGB565.

    cam900 updated funkyjet.cpp: Fixed company metadata for funkyjet and clones.

    cam900 updated simpl156.cpp: Changed company metadata to match title screens.

    cam900 updated topspeed.cpp: Cleaned up and used arrays to reduce code duplication.

    cam900 updated romload.h: Added macros for byte-wide ROMs on a 64-bit bus.

    cam900 allowed internal register read-back on DECO HuC6280/YM2151 sound system.

    cam900 reduced code duplication and changed to more meaningful tags in many Data East drivers.

    cam900 updated deco32.cpp: Moved dragngun*/lockload* m_sprgenzoom into dragngun_state and removed redundant code.

    cam900 updated the argus, bigfight drivers: Added links to reference videos in comments.

    cam900 updated tatsumi.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups, used more meaningful tags, and reduced code duplication.

    cam900 updated taitogn.cpp: Reduced code duplication.

    cam900 updated cbuster.cpp: Simplified tile banking.

    cam900 updated toaplan2.cpp, gp9001.cpp: Reduced duplicated and redundant code, reduced runtime tag lookups, and updated notes.

    cam900 and Vas Crabb provided leland.cpp improvements and modernisation:
        Cleaned up duplicated code, reduced runtime tag lookups.
        Split out ataxx/wsf/indyheat/brutforc/asylum into separate state class.
        Converted background to tilemap and restricted drawing to clip rectangle.

    Curt Coder updated the abc806 driver: Fixed memory banking allowing CP/M to boot.

    Curt Coder and Vas Crabb sorted save state items in alphabetical order in the memory viewer source list.

    David Haywood updated the rad_eu3a14 driver: Improved rendering for rad_foot by making more correct use of sprite registers/bits.

    David Haywood started looking at the extra opcodes in the SSD 2000 type XaviX chip.

    Dirk Best updated coolridr.cpp, model2.cpp, model3.cpp: Converted Sega 315-5649 to device.

    Dirk Best updated the model1io device: Improved interface, and added drive board read/write callbacks.

    Dirk Best updated the model2 driver: Fixed input issue with srallyc.

    Dirk Best updated the floppy device: Initialize created floppy images the same way as loaded images.

    Dirk Best updated the 315_5338a device: Cleaned up and improved code, and renamed ports to match other Sega I/O devices.

    Dirk Best updated the v60 core: Fixed disassembly of branch opcodes (displacement is signed).

    Dirk Best updated the tmpz84c015 core: Added missing callback for CTC zc3, and removed rxtxcb_w.

    Dirk Best updated the model1 driver: Emulated I/O boards used by Wing War, Netmerc, and Virtua Cop.
        Supports serial ports, watchdog, and diagnostic display (in addition to I/O).

    F.Ulivi updated the hp_ipc driver: Added HPIB interface chip and remotizer device.

    F.Ulivi provided tms9914 updates:
        Improved emulation – HPIB test of IPC diagb ROM now passes.
        Added methods to read ACCRQ and CONT output lines.
        Added RL state machine and other fixes – now passes HP9000/340 POST.
        Fixed handling of GTS aux command.

    F.Ulivi updated the remote488 device: Added “checkpoint” command that performs a synchronous out-of-band echo request.

    headkaze and R. Belmont provided output module changes:
        Cleaned up network provider protocol.
        Added pause and savestate commands to both network and win32 providers.

    kazblox updated markham.cpp: Modernised and merged with strnskil.cpp.
        Added coin counters and added coinage DIP switch settings for markham, strnskil, banbam and clones.
        Added raw screen parameters based of 20 MHz clock on strnskil PCB.

    kazblox updated citycon.cpp, ikki.cpp: Added raw screen parameters.

    Kalevi Kolttonen updated sega8_slot.cpp: Added check for Lode Runner SG-1000/SC-3000 ROM image.

    Luca Elia updated igs017.cpp: Emulated the protection in iqblocka, iqblockf, and genius6.

    Michael Zapf updated the tutor driver: Turned off auto wait states – fixes cassette loading.

    Michael Zapf updated the tms9995 device: Fixed latching of pulsed interrupts.

    Michael Zapf updated the ti99 driver: Fixed disk creation via OSD.

    Michael Zapf updated the hexbus device: Added connectors to HX5102, allowing a second drive to be attached to the controller in the case.

    Michael Zapf updated the ti99_2 driver: Added new/verified ROM dumps, and re-implemented driver.

    Michael Zapf updated the ti99_8 driver: Inverted track count bits, and added DIP switches.

    Morten Shearman Kirkegaard updated the gunpey driver: Emulated AG-1 sprite decompression algorithm.

    Nigel Barnes updated the bbc driver: Added various pointer devices on userport:
        AMX Mouse, Acorn Master 512 Mouse, Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball.

    Nigel Barnes updated the bbcm512 driver: Added mouse, and promoted to working.

    Nigel Barnes updated the bbcmaiv driver: Added tracker ball.

    Nigel Barnes updated the bbc driver: Added Beeb Speech Synthesiser device.

    Nigel Barnes updated poly.cpp: Use original encrypted ROMs, and decrypt.
        Implemented banking and system/user mode switching.
        Added PolyBASIC 3.0, 3.1, and 3.4.

    O. Galibert updated the apple2 driver: Added support for WOZ image format.

    O. Galibert updated emumem: Renamed direct_read_handler to memory_access_cache.
        Now templated on more information (data width, endianness) and capable of oversize/unaligned accesses.

    O. Galibert updated the debugger: Simplified now-obsolete and buggy memory access code.

    O. Galibert updated the cubeqst driver: Fixed cache endianness.

    O. Galibert updated the sound system: Don’t try to generate a negative number of samples if stream->update() goes back in time.

    John Keoni Morris, Peter Ferrie, O. Galibert updated the floppy device: Increased robustness and improved bitstream handling.

    Patrick Mackinlay added Brooktree Bt45x RAMDAC devices – Bt457 and Bt458 are used by InterPro graphics boards.

    Patrick Mackinlay updated the tms32031 device: Added tms320c30 variant and basic hold/holda support.

    Patrick Mackinlay moved Z80 daisy-chain mixin from src/devices/cpu/z80 to src/devices/machine.

    Patrick Mackinlay updated the interpro driver: Added low-level keyboard emulation (key mapping is incomplete).

    Patrick Mackinlay updated the interpro driver: Slowed down CPU – fixes graphical glitches and keyboard detection.

    R. Belmont and Peter Ferrie updated the apple2 driver: Recognize another form of DOS 3.3 image in ProDOS order.

    R. Belmont updated the Apple II: Added 13-sector version of Disk II controller.

    R. Belmont added SoftFloat release 3E to 3rdparty.

    R. Belmont updated the sh4drc core: Added UML implementations of FLDI0, FLDI1, FCMP_EQ, FCMP_GT, FSTS, FLOAT, FTRC, FNEG, FABS, FSCHG, and FRCHG.

    Robbbert updated the neogeo driver: Added UniBios 3.3.

    Robbbert updated the apexc driver: Fixed regression/crash introduced on 2018-02-12.

    Ryan Holtz updated the indy_indigo2 driver: Cleaned up code, converted HAL2 and HPC3 to devices, and moved HAL2, HPC3, and IOC2 devices to separate source files.

    Ryan Holtz and Simon Inns updated the vp415 driver: Added proper dumps of Module S and Module W MCUs, which have identical programs.

    Ryan Holtz updated the adc0808 device: Reduced CPU overhead with smarter timer usage.

    Ryan Holtz removed name mangling functions from driver initialisation methods, and renamed init_0 to empty_init.

    Samuele Zannoli updated atpci.cpp: Move m55hi-plus motherboard stuff to a new machine called m55hipl.

    shattered updated the hp_ipc driver: Added diagnostic ROMs and model 9808A (prototype of desktop version).

    hap and shattered updated the i8255 device: Improved read-back of port C high output latches when port A is in mode 1.

    shattered updated the pk8020 driver: Hooked up interrupt sources.

    smf provided popeye.cpp improvements:
        Adjusted Popeye and Sky Skipper layer positions to match tests on real hardware.
        Added preliminary emulation of corruption on Popeye bootleg logo.

    Sven Schnelle provided hp9k_3xx improvements:
        Added internal TMS9914 GPIB, clocked at 5MHz.
        Added HP 46021A (ITF) HIL keyboard, and changed h9k_3xx to use this device.
        Added “topcat” ASIC used on HP900/300 graphics cards, and hooked up to HP98544.
        Fixed PTM6840 hookup – clock 2 is driven by output of timer 1.

    Sven Schnelle updated the HP IPC keyboard: fixed ID byte returned for IDD command, and changed logging to use logmacro.h.

    David Ladd and Tim Lindner updated gime.cpp: Fixed handling of number of scan lines for legacy VDG/SAM modes on CoCo 3.

    Vas Crabb did initial work on next-generation machine configuration syntax:
        Made concrete device types callable and added support for device class constructor overloads.
        Made machine_config aware of current device being configured and made finder/callback target tags apply relative to it.
        Allowed devcb to be bound to a device/mix-in or the target of an object finder.
        Allowed device finders to be used in place of literal tags in many places in machine configuration.
        Replaced many MCFG_ macros with overloaded device constructors and removed many macros that provide limited value.
        Removed implicit name mangling from macros for slot options, discrete sound descriptors, and graphics decode descriptors.

    Vas Crabb provided further improvements to NeoGeo experience:
        Moved arcade start buttons to controllers and allowed AES joystick to be selected on systems with D-sub connectors.
        Changed kizuna4p and irrmaze to use a configuration more like MV-1B/MV-1C as earlier models lack support for SIT/FTC1B.
        Made fixed software using mahjong panel default to Japan BIOS as European BIOS only supports joysticks in service mode.
        Changed mahretsu to use JAMMA joystick panel as it doesn’t support mahjong panel in MVS mode.
        Allowed controls to be changed for MVS mahjong games (BIOS and bakatono support joysticks).
        Gave the single-slot JAMMA variants parent/clone relationships.

    Vas Crabb removed assert macro replacement as it can’t be used in destructors of classes that are literal types.

    Vas Crabb fixed incorrect device class for PCI APIC.

    Vas Crabb made slot device options menu localisable.

    Wilbert Pol updated the ef9340/1 device: Made character set external an external ROM.

    Wilbert Pol, Ryan Holtz, Robbbert, Dirk Best, cam900 and AJR completely eliminated deprecated indexed output functions.

    Andrew Welburn and The Dumping Union updated galaxian.cpp: Updated ROM labels for froggers1.

    Bill D updated alien.cpp: Re-dumped pingu CompactFlash card (sadly the source CompactFlash card is bad/corrupt).

    Brian Troha updated ltcasino.cpp: Added PCB layout for Mini Vegas.

    Brian Troha, caius and The Dumping Union updated vamphalf.cpp: Redumped the graphics PORMs for Lup Lup Puzzle v1.05 from a second PCB.

    Brian Troha updated vamphalf.cpp: Added PCB layout for Boong-Ga Boong-Ga (Spank'em!).

    Caps0ff updated hshavoc.cpp: Decapped and dumped PIC microcontroller.

    Corrado Tomaselli updated gaelco2.cpp: Verified Dallas clock for World Rally 2.

    f205v updated gaelco2.cpp: Verified MCU clock for Touch & Go.

    f205v updated holeland.cpp: Documented PALs for crzrallyg.

    f205v updated splash.cpp: Documented some undumped PLDs.

    f205v updated funworld.cpp, kingdrby.cpp: Identified some protected PAL dumps and marked them as bad.

    f205v and The Dumping Union updated esd16.cpp: Verified different sound sample ROM for Multi Champ DX was bit-rot.

    Fujix and hiromasha updated pc9801.cpp: Dumped kanji ROMs for PC9801VM.

    Guru updated bionicc.cpp: Corrected MCU label for the original sets.

    Guru updated the chasehq, topspeed drivers: Dumped motor CPU ROM and added detailed hardware description for chasehq.

    Jos van Mourik updated the irrmaze driver: Improved internal artwork layout.

    Kevin Eshbach and The Dumping Union updated exidy.cpp: Added PROMs for venture.

    Leezer updated hiscore.dat for recent changes.

    MASH updated the spacewars driver: Fixed error in ROM definition introduced in MAME 0.37b2.

    Phil Bennett updated the model1io device: Re-dumped epr14869b.25 used by Virtua Fighter.

    Pycur updated the Amatic Multi Game 5 driver: Added notes about the contents of Dallas DS1994 device.

    r09 provided pc98_cd.xml updates:
        Re-tested all software entries that previously had video/audio issues – around 70% now work.
        Demoted Miamisoft’s games to non-working since they seem to hang randomly.
        Tested some software entries on real hardware (PC-9821Nw150) to make sure the issues are emulation-related.

    Razoola updated neogeo.cpp: Added two new MVS BIOS dumps.

    Roberto Cervera and Recreativas.org updated Coco Loco (set 3): Redumped the bit-rotted ROM.

    RobertoFresca updated Coco Loco: Corrected metadata and updated notes.

    Roberto Fresca updated phoenix.cpp: Documented the Next Fase sound device.

    sjy96525 corrected years for Groove on Fight, Pop'n Music 2, and Pop'n Music 3.

    Tafoid updated starwars.cpp: Added locations to ROM labels for all machines.

    Ryan Eisworth and Josh Dersch provided sun2.cpp updates:
        Added boot ROM revisions N and 1.0F. (Ryan Eisworth)
        Added boot ROM revision M. (Josh Dersch)

    Wintermute 0110 provided Software list corrections:
        Made Acorn software list names more consistent.
        Stripped leading/trailing spaces from ROM names.
        Changed some ROM names that are problematic with Windows Explorer and Command Prompt.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2018, 05:15


Several drawing bugs in games lists, top bars and icons
Top bar lower gradient color was silver instead of white in "Delete/Rename Game Snapshot"
Empty space in multi-floppy games list panel if games of different systems are selected in main games list ("Load Multi Floppy Disks Game" screen)
Set default font was not working in "Game Font Settings" (games popup menu)
Arcade game font was not set correctly on several screens if game status is tagged "found with missing ROMs" and game driver is tagged "preliminary"
Main games list not focused after exiting "Favorites Manager"
Main games list not focused after exiting "Last Played Games (MRU)"


Minimum required resolution bumped to 1024x768 / 1280x720; plus, dialogs and screens will no longer auto-resize to fit in lower resolutions
Changes and fixes to Mustangpeak's "EasyListView" component (EasyListView.pas)
it was drawing "State Images" in normal mode when TEasyItem is ghosted and/or not enabled; TEasyViewItem.PaintImage() function
icon top border was not properly set if cell size if larger than icon size; "large icons view" only
to fix this I added a new "IconViewAdjustIconTopBorder" property in "TEasyPaintInfoBasic" class, used in TEasyViewIconItem.ItemRectArray() procedure
Improvements to my "TPanelEx" component
added a "Inner Border Color" property for a cool neon effect, and a property to enable/disable it
added a "Enable Custom Border" property to create a dual color border in the "non-client area"
> border colors are customizable
> no more drawing borders over the client area, covering 2 pixels at all sides of the panel!
> it cannot be used with "Border Style" and/or "Bevel Kind" properties
> "Frames" property is still available but it paints in the client area
fixed paint flickering when enable/disable frames and/or borders
code clean up ("Border Style" and "Bevel" properties will eventually be removed from the component)
Improved my custom TGroupBox component, added "Dual Color" border style for a cool neon effect (see "Delete Games Files" screen in night mode)
Interface changes to "Console/Computer Emulators Setup" and "Console/Computer Games Folders Settings"
default system icons size is now 68x68 (resolution 1280x800 and higher)
48x48 icons are used for 1280x720 / 1024x768 resolutions
left some room in systems panel for the future (just in case)
additional tweaks

Minor tweaks to "Game Details" screen:

Interface changes to several screens
48x48 game icon replaced by 68x68 size (top bar)
16x16 system / media type icon replaced by 24x24 size (top bar)
increased game title font size from 8 to 10 (top bar)
increased game name+extra info font size from 7 to 8 for easier reading (top bar)
removed ListView border (Windows theme forced painting), replaced by a custom panel with dual colors so night mode can be applied
additional tweaks


Full screen mode is gone. It's an ugly hack, it causes the dreadful "out of focus" bug at startup and it doesn't work correctly under Windows 10


Updates to "Night Mode"
Setting "Enable Night Mode" added to main menu for easy access; you can still change it in the message box
added support for several screens
added support for images tool bar buttons
added support for images panel border color
coded some functions to change colors with ease: panels, labels, check boxes, radio groups, group boxes, forms

the following controls are incompatible with dark themes, due to Windows theme forced painting or zero customization properties:

edit box, combo box, button, main menu, popup menu, tool bar button text
additional tweaks to avoid flickering, highly noticeable in night mode
New "Board Game" catver.ini filter added to "Arcade Miscellaneous Filter" (below "Mechanical" filter)
New screen with 128x128 monster icons for "Arcade Files Versions" if screen resolution is 1024x768 and up (main menu "View")
Interface changes to "Arcade Emulators Setup" and "View Arcade ROMs Folders" screens
added monster 128x128 icons to systems list
use checkbox "Large Icons" in bottom bar to enable the big system icons (disabled by default)
additional tweaks


Titel: PPSSPP 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2018, 17:15
Whats new:>>

Fix broken graphics in flOw.

Titel: My Nes 7.3.6725
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2018, 17:15
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


Added: APU io-bus emulation.
Added: APU now emulates the real nes clock rates, which clocks on the other cpu's cycle.
Improved: Sound quality by adding high-pass filters as original nes hardware, see http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/APU_Mixer.
Fixed: SDL2 video renderer eat up memory when FPS is shown.
Fixed: SDL2 video renderer crashes in some cases.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2018, 09:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

General controller and native wiimote improvements
Added support for USB devices (via passthrough)
Minor compatibility improvements
Tons of bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: PPSSPP 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2018, 17:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


OpenGL backend now properly multithreaded, giving a good speed boost.
Various Vulkan performance improvements (like #10911) and memory allocation fixes.
GPU command interpreter performance improvements (#10658)
Various fixes for app switching and widgets (#10855) on Android
Bugfixes and some performance improvements in the ARM64 JIT compiler and IR interpreter
Shader cache enabled for Vulkan
Multiple iOS fixes, including JIT (#10465) and file browser (#10921).
Improved compatibility on Mac (#10113)
Texture replacement ID bugfix (note: some textures from 1.5.4 may become incompatible)
Adhoc multiplayer fixes (#8975)
Vulkan support on Linux/SDL (#10413)
Retroarch support


Titel: Snes9x 1.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2018, 09:17

Increased the speed of SA1 emulation to match hardware more closely.
Fixed negative SA1 division
Changed the location where we poll input to potentially reduce lag.
Fixed the interlace fields being swapped after skipping frames.
More updates for BS-X support.
Updated xBRZ to version 1.6.
Added a DMA timing hack for rpgone's Koryu no Mimi translation.
Updated HDMA to not update indirect addresses until after transfers are completed.
Improved cheats support. This stores cheats in a human- readable and editable format as gamename.cht. Cheats are converted from the old format on load. They can be added in many different formats, but they will convert to the simple address=condition?byte format.
Also, now included is mightymo's cheat database, and the
Ability to match a game and automatically load cheats from it.
Don't reset a pending NMI on vblank end. Fixes Super
Redo NMI timing. Fixes Secret of Evermore (PAL).
Test for transparency before dithering on SuperFX. This fixes some graphical artifacts in Star Fox.
Change some of the SDD1 guesswork mapping. Fixes a Tales of Phantasia hack.
Return PPU1 MDR for reads of $2137 instead of CPU MDR.
Fixes Mario's Time Machine graphical glitch.
Memset less memory for sprite calculations
Don't spuriously update register 14 when running SuperFX.
Fixes graphical glitches in Doom.
Added a SuperFX clock modifier variable.
Write CPU MDR during some DMA and HDMA transfers. Fixes
Speedy Gonzales and Funaki Masakatsu Hybrid Wrestler.
Calculate next IRQ time in advance instead of continously
Checking for it.
Added some IRQ timing quirks. Fixes at least Marko's
Magic Football.
Fixed wrong tile selection in offset-per-tile mode.
Advance the VRAM pointer even if VRAM writes at the time
Are invalid.
Return 0x80 instead of 0xff in DSP1 simulation. Fixes
Powerfest '94 Mario Kart.
Initialize controllers on reset. Fixes Looney Tunes
B-Ball multitap.
Attached APU instruction tracer and made some additions
To debugging output.
Fix line doubling in interlaced mode.
Added support for M.A.C.S. rifle peripheral.
Fixed a bug where the MSU1 channels were reversed.
Win32: Added dynamic rate control support for XAudio2
Win32: Added different volume level configuration for
Regular and turbo speed.
Win32: Added option to disable EPX scaling for messages
Win32: Improve multi-rom loading.
Win32: Add libpng and zlib dependencies as submodules for
Easier compiling from source.
Win32: Fixed icon registration
Win32: Better support for running while unfocused.
Win32: Changed icon
Win32: Report hidpi support
Win32: Added mute hotkey and hotkeys for saving/loading
From file.
Win32: Disabled hotplugging in favor of a menu option to
Reconfigure joysticks.
Win32: Added a reduce input lag option.
Win32: Added ability to use GLSLP shaders with OpenGL,
Including a dialog to tweak custom parameters.
GTK+: Added dynamic rate control support for audio to
Reduce buffer overflows and underflows.
GTK+: Increased SDL requirement to version 2.0. This
Improves joystick compatibility.
GTK+: Improved GTK+ 3.0 support and made it the default.
GTK+: Added ability to start from a snapshot on the
Command line.
GTK+: Added automatic input rate handling.
GTK+: Use 16-bit 5-6-5 pixel format for better colors.
GTK+: Now disables the compositor in fullscreen mode.
GTK+: Changed icon.
GTK+: Require libepoxy for OpenGL support.
GTK+: Add full compatibility with GLSLP shaders, with a
Parameters dialog to configure them.
Unix: Add xinerama support and window position hints.


Titel: Snes9x 1.56.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2018, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Automatic input rate now only works for close multiples of 60Hz.
Win32: Cheats are now shown in the correct order in the list view.
GTK+: Check for version greater than 3.22 when using GTK+ 3.
GTK+: Don't resize code and description field in GTK+ 2.

Titel: Snes9x 1.56.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2018, 12:17

Fixed IRQ corner case that caused Umihara Kawase's water to cover the whole screen. (BearOso)
Adjusted IRQ timing slightly. Fixes Dragon Ball Z - Super
Butouden 2. (BearOso)
Clear WAI when IRQLine is active. Fixes Top Gear 3000. (BearOso)
Fix reading the wrong tile data in mosaic drawing. Gets rid of glitch at top of FF6 battle transitions. (BearOso)
Break a specific opcode into cycles. Fixes Little Magic. (BearOso)
Win32: Don't mix garbage into the last line with NTSC filter. (OV2)
Win32: Allow disabling scanlines in NTSC filter. (BearOso)
GTK+: Added an undo load state option. (BearOso)
GTK+: Fixed compilation on big-endian systems. (OV2)
Win32, GTK+: Added integer scaling option. (BearOso)
GTK+, Unix: Preserve current joypad state when rewinding. (BearOso)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.12.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2018, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Added UI localization
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: MAME 0.199
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 09:09


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06980: [Save/Restore] (spec128.cpp) specpls3: Unable to save state (regression). (AJR)
- 06983: [Sound] (mtouchxl.cpp) mtchxl6k (possibly others): All sounds play too fast. (Carl)
- 06984: [Graphics] (esd16.cpp) jumppop, jumppope: Missing graphics in first stage. (AJR)
- 06988: [Crash/Freeze] (kinst.cpp) kinst: Hangs during Attract Mode, noticeable when a fight loads. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06989: [Sound] (champbas.cpp) champbb2j: AY-3-8910 sound is completely missing (Vas Crabb)
- 06992: [DIP/Input] (hornet.cpp) sscope and clones: Analog inputs do not function. (Ted Green)
- 07006: [Media Support] (at.cpp) atvga, at386, at486: [possible] Unable load Floppy Diskettes. (Carl)
- 07007: [Sound] (renegade.cpp) renegade, kuniokun: BGM stops playing after a while. (AJR)
- 07010: [DIP/Input] (missile.cpp) missile and clones: DIP switch trackball size large/mini labels reversed. (Tafoid)
- 07017: [Sound] (galaxian.cpp) kingball, kingballj: King's voice is not played correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07020: [DIP/Input] (lwings.cpp) trojan and clones: DIP switches incorrectly numbered, and info on unused DIP switches. (Tafoid)

New working machines
El Fin Del Tiempo [Esther Barranco, ARPA, Juegos 2.0, Recreativas.org, Roberto Fresca, The Dumping Union]
Geneve 9640 Mod [Michael Zapf]
Megatouch 7 Encore Edition (9255-90-01 R00, Standard version) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Player's Edge Plus (X000827S+XS000002) Red, White & Blue Slots [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge Plus (X002149P+XP000038) Triple Bonus Poker [Brian Troha]
R-Zone: Battle Arena Toshinden [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones
Apple //e (Spain) [AJR]
Bubble Memories: The Story Of Bubble Bobble III (Ver 2.5A 1996/02/21) [Arnaldo Abrantes, Pascal Costa]
Come-Cocos (Ms. Pac-Man) (Cocamatic bootleg) [Darksoft]
Galaxy Wars II (Defender bootleg) [Juan Romero, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
Golden Tee Golf (Joystick, v3.3) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Gran Rally (Spanish bootleg of Pole Position II) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Hat Trick Hero '95 (Ver 2.6Asia 1994/11/17) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]
Hidden Catch (World) / Tul Lin Gu Lim Chat Ki '98 (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Jump Coaster (World) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Knights of Valour 2 Plus - Nine Dragons / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Qunxiong Zhengba / Sanguo Zhan Ji 2 Feilong Zai Tian /
  Sangoku Senki Busyou Souha (ver. M200XX, 200, 100CN) [300wins, Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0472) Deuces Wild Poker [Brian Troha]
Player's Edge Plus (X000057P+XP000038) Deuces Wild Poker (Stratosphere Players Club) [Kemel Haidar, Brian Troha]
Raiden Fighters (US, newer) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Strikers 1945 (World, unprotected) [Blackfish, brizzo, rtw]
Titan (Pac-Man hack) [Craig Anstett, CraftyMech]
Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
War Mission (WM 4/6/87) [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]

Clones promoted to working
Head On (Sidam bootleg, set 2) [Angelo Salese]
Head On 2 (Sidam bootleg) [Angelo Salese]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Hikaru Check ROM Board [coolmod]
Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
Olympia Olytext 20 [Robbbert]
Shootout at Old Tucson (3DO hardware) [incog, The Dumping Union]
Visual 550 [Al Kossow]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Air Hockey (6.12?, encrypted) [unknown]
ALG 3DO Bios [Mr Invader]
Donkey Kong Banana Kingdom (satellite) [Will Richardson, Bill D, The Dumping Union]
Ferrari F355 Challenge (twin/deluxe, prototype) [coolmod]
Power Stone 2 (bootleg) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
Puyo Pop Fever (World) (GDS-0034) [Arzeno Fabrice, rtw]
Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen  Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]
The Bally Game Show (LG-6) Germany [PinMAME]
The Bally Game Show (LU-3) Europe [PinMAME]
The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client) (Rev C) (GDT-0006C) [rtw, ShouTime]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (client) (Rev A) (GDT-0019A) [rtw, ShouTime]
The Key Of Avalon 2.5 - War of the Key (server) (Rev A) (GDT-0018A) [rtw, ShouTime]

New working software list additions
  300 series Mainframe Tests, 300 series Terminal Emulator, AMS Utilities for 200/300 series, BASIC 4.0 Compiler,
  BASIC 5.0 Compiler, CS/80 Exerciser, Digital Filter Design, HP BASIC 4.0, HP BASIC 5.1, HP BASIC 6.4, HP Museum Basic 5 Boot Disc,
  HP Pascal 3.22, HP-UX 5.1, Interactive Test Generator, Techwriter, Texteditor for 200/300 series, Wordwise 300 [Sven Schnelle]
  DR DOS 6.0 (French), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 3.5"), DR DOS 6.0 Business Update (French, 5.25") [breiztiger]
  PC Games #3, Spontaneous Assembly (Version 2.0) [Foone Turing]
ibm5170: Excel (Version 2.10) [darksabre76]
  Ghost Pilots (prototype) [Brian Hargrove]
  Metal Slug 3 (NGM-2560, earlier) [Razoola]
  2601 - Teikoku Kidoubutai no Koubou, 3tsu no Negai, 714 MIDI Jr., 714 MIDI Special, 88 Kantai Monogatari, 98 Eiwa Jiten,
  98 Stadium, 98 Stadium 2 - Shouko no Chousen, PC-9801N/NS/NV Teiban Free Software Shuu - 98NOTE no Hissu Aminosan
  [Neo Kobe Collection]
sorcerer_cass: Checkers, Cross-Up, How The West Was Won, Lazer Fire, Mine Field, Nuclear Reaction, Pie Lob [Robbbert]
squale_cart: The Squale Intro [Jean-Francois DEL NERO / HxC2001]

Software list items promoted to working
pc98: 0x0F exp.3, 177, The 4th Unit 2 [Carl, r09]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
ibm5170_cdrom: Jaxis (Japan) [SpinalFeyd]
neogeo: Stakes Winner / Stakes Winner - GI Kinzen  Seiha e no Michi (early development board) [ResO]

Source Changes
-esb: Fixed ROM loading bug. [AJR]

-taito_b.cpp: Identified TC0180VCU as source of interrupts and converted to callbacks (timing is still guesswork). [AJR]

-keytronic_pc3270: Corrected INT0 line polarity - fixes keyboard error on tosh1000. [AJR]

-exidy.cpp, victory.cpp: Fully encapsulated audio devices. [AJR]

-atetrisb3: Hooked up microcontroller to get working sound. [AJR]

-i8275 DMA refinements: [AJR]
 * Exclude FIFO characters from counting towards filling character buffer.
 * Extend DMA up to one character past an "end of DMA" control code.

-wicat: Reduced video glitches with more sensible interrupt handling. [AJR]

-balsente.cpp: Split NVRAM between two X2212 devices. [AJR]

-jedi: Moderate driver overhaul: [AJR]
 * Split NVRAM between two 4-bit X2212 devices.
 * Guarantee an invalid checksum when default NVRAM data is used (so that the manufacturer's high scores will be installed).
 * Modernized sound latches.
 * Use WSQ handler to drive TMS5220.

-vta2000: Added speaker sound. [AJR]

-balsente.cpp: Use ACIA devices for sound communication. [AJR]

-x2212: Removed memory interface and cleaned up code. [AJR]

-tms9928a: Exposed internal palette using device_palette_interface. [AJR]

-dynax.cpp: Encapsulated "Rev. 2" blitter as a device. [AJR]

-cidx628: Made this display something again. [AJR]

-tatsumi.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
 * Removed an ugly kludge in Round Up 5, fixing soft resets.
 * Added vertical text scrolling to Round Up 5.
 * Fixed Apache 3 out-of-bounds colors for sprites (trees and buildings).
 * Fixed Round Up 5 video priority on map screen after a play.
 * Added background bitmap layers to Round Up 5.
 * Improved road clipping for Round Up 5.
 * Make Cycle Warriors sub CPU not stall on soft reset.
 * Added row/column scroll register select for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
 * Added shadow sprites to Cycle Warriors and Big Fight.
 * Inverted Oki status for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes "we got 'em" sample playback in the former.
 * Implemented per-tile high priority and opacity enable bits for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes several glitches.
 * Fixed color banks for Cycle Warriors and Big Fight - fixes fade in/out effects and CRT test colors.
 * Applied page wraparound for backgrounds - fixes various glitches in Big Fight and Cycle Warriors.
 * Invert shadow product when a specific register is enabled (used by Big Fight to simulate disco strobe lights).

-ninjakd2.cpp: Attempted to fix bullets not shot by enemies in Omega Fighter. [Angelo Salese]

-taitosj.cpp: Added input buttons mode to kikstart. [Angelo Salese]

-trucocl.cpp: Allowed multiple coin insertions. [Angelo Salese]

-cischeat.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
 * Fixed road/sprite priorities and long-standing road colors regression in Big Run.
 * Hand-tuned sound frequencies to match reference for Big Run.
 * Hooked up sprite DMA to Wild Pilot - fixes flickering.
 * Added backup RAM to Captain Flag.

-ms1_tmap.cpp: Initialize VRAM to sane default - fixes ugly back pen showing up in Big Run. [Angelo Salese]

-jalmah.cpp improvements: [Angelo Salese]
 * Re-wrote video emulation using Mega System 1 tilemap devices.
 * Fixed Urashima Mahjong video priority during gameplay (score display and calls).
 * Emulated video scrolling partial updates for Urashima Mahjong - fixes winning animations.
 * Fixed color protection in Urashima Mahjong (girls and test mode).
 * Wrote a preliminary snippet for sound banking in Urashima Mahjong/Mahjong Channel Zoom In/Mahjong Daireikai.

-cyclemb.cpp: Bumped sprite size in Cycle Maabou, fixed some missing sprites (for example in how to play screen). [Angelo Salese]

-Added AppVeyor build configuration. [balrog]

-Added support for building on riscv64, and made m68000 makefile respect the VERBOSE build option. [Belegdol]

-senjyo.cpp: Simplified starforc background color swap. [cam900]

-seta.cpp: Simplified tilemaps and banking, and added output finders. [cam900]

-ms32.cpp: Identified CPU types, fixed audio CPU clock. [cam900]

-fmtowns.cpp: Fixed speaker output level. [cam900]

-vis.cpp: Fixed sample rate divider. [cam900]

-megaplay.cpp: Added notes and flagged imperfect graphics as overlay bitmap is scaled incorrectly. [cam900]

-cybertnk.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, fixed sound output, and added notes. [cam900]

-rltennis.cpp: Converted to object finders. [cam900]

-sf.cpp, ninjakd2.cpp: Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups. [cam900]

-dreamwld.cpp: Documented microcontroller and fixed microcontroller ROM region size. [cam900]

-williams.cpp cleaup: [cam900]
 * Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, improved tags, and reduced code duplication.
 * Added input_merger for interrupts and output_finder for outputs.
 * Converted palette to device.

-m92.cpp updates/cleanup: [cam900]
 * Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups, and split up machine configuration and address maps.
 * Made EEPROM save/load using NVRAM device.

-neogeo.cpp: Add notes and fixed metadata for kof2003. [cam900]

-powerins.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Reduced code duplication and runtime tagmap lookups
 * Cleaned up ROM loading.
 * Converted vertical blanking interrupt to screen vblank callback.

-20pacgal.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Converted palette to device.
 * Reduced runtime tagmap lookups and deferred allocation to start time.
 * Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle.

-ddragon.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Replaced runtime tagmap lookups with object finders.
 * Converted darktowr bank switching to address_map_bank_device.
 * Fixed ADPCM ROM mapping.

-pgmprot_igs027a_type2.cpp: Fixed martmast metadata. [cam900]

-alpha68k.cpp: Reduce runtime tagmap lookups, made tags more meaningful, and improved banking. [cam900]

-shangha3.cpp: Cleaned up Oki banking. [cam900]

-snk.cpp: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups, and separated countryc machine configuration/address map. [cam900]

-Added a Discord presence plugin. [Carl]

-witch.cpp: Attempted to fix garbage graphics after a bonus stage in Keirin Ou. [David Haywood]

-Made floppy emulation more robust, and improved bitstream handling. [John Keoni Morris, Peter Ferrie, O. Galibert]

-markham.cpp updates: [kazblox]
 * Improved banbam protection simulation - still imperfect, but all graphics are correct and game doesn't crash.
 * Marked microcontroller program as good dump based on observations and Phil Bennett's comments.

-PlayStation GPU: Added missing primitives. [krom]

-buggychl.cpp: Changed microcontroller clock speed to 3 MHz as shown on schematics, and added notes. [Lord Nightmare]

-TMS5220 updates: [Lord Nightmare]
 * Removed unused time_to_ready and cycles_to_ready functions.
 * Fixed race condition with m_buffer_low and m_buffer_empty flags not being updated before setting interrupt state.
 * Fixed issue where Speak VSM command produces endless silence with no VSM connected.
 * Suppressed side effects on debugger reads.
 * Fixed conditions for asserting ready signal, and zero FIFO at appropriate times.

-Apple II: Re-implemented Echo II read/write flags and write latch based on hardware tracing. [Lord Nightmare, Tony Diaz]

-alien.cpp: Added hand-made boot ROMs for Pingu's Ice Block, and documented known games. [MetalliC]

-geneve: Added BIOS options for selecting boot ROM, and made genmod a separate machine. [Michael Zapf]

-upd765: Clear ST1.ND on ID scan failure, implemented head load delay, and improved logging. [Michael Zapf]

-debugger: Added command for go_exception, and made save/load aware of address translation. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-sonydriv: Fixed issues with the 3.5" drive reporting disk switches on Apple IIgs and Mac drivers. [R. Belmont]

-zaurus.cpp: Converted to new PXA255 peripheral device interface. [Robbbert]

-apc: Reduced runtime tagmap lookups. [Ryan Holtz]

-kbdc8042: Added rudimentary PS/2 mouse support. [Ryan Holtz]

-indy_indigo2: Added mouse cursor support to Newport graphics emulation. [Ryan Holtz]

-39in1: Split Intel XScale PXA255 peripherals into a separate device. [Ryan Holtz]

-mips3: Added disassembler for Emotion Engine core opcodes. [Ryan Holtz]

-vgmplay: Added playback controls and activity indicators. [Ryan Holtz, Tafoid, Vas Crabb]

-sblaster: Implemented direct DAC mode - successfully tested in Scream Tracker 2.2. [shattered]

-ec1841: Added mouse emulation (Logitech bus mouse protocol). [shattered]

-Dreamcast: Made GD_LEND return bytes transferred by DMA rather than bytes remaining - allows Daytona USA 2001 to boot.

-Added HP98543 medium-resolution color graphics card emulation. [Sven Schnelle]

-hp9k_3xx improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Fixed keyboard microcontroller part number.
 * Removed BASIC ROM cards from the default configuration as booting from floppy works now.
 * Hooked up NMI line to keyboard controller.
 * Split out common machine configuration.

-Added HP9122 floppy drive emulation. [Sven Schnelle]

-m68000: Fixed carry flag in divs instruction, and fixed pack instructions. [Sven Schnelle]

-6840ptm: Fixed divide-by-8 mode. [Sven Schnelle]

-topcat: Improved window mover and fixed cursor handling bugs. [Sven Schnelle]
 * Allows Pascal and other software to show something after boot on hp9k_3xx.

-voodoo: Reinstated texture address masking - fixes segmentation fault in warfa. [Ted Green]

-hornet: Added separate DIP switch settings for gradius4 - allows gun to work with default settings in terabrst and sscope.
 [Ted Green]

-Updated DCS audio to get sf2049 closer to working. [Ted Green]

-Made ROM BIOS macros more intuitive to use, and added a validity check for unselectable BIOS ROMs. [Vas Crabb]

-Machine configuration improvements: [Vas Crabb]
 * Reduced code duplication in addrmap.h and added support for object finders in more places in memory maps.
 * Allowed implicit references to owner device in address maps.
 * Improved syntax for specifying address maps and screen update functions in machine configuration without macros.
 * Reduced overloading of member function names - it's less practical without macro helpers selecting desired overload.
 * Consider floating point epsilon when validating crystal values.

-Cleaned up bulk refactoring of output code. [Wilbert Pol]

-asteroid.cpp: Documented Asteroid Deluxe Revision 3 changes, and corrected Difficulty DIP switch settings. [Brian Troha]

-naomi.cpp: Added an alternate Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 program ROM dump. [coolmod]

-polepos.cpp: Dumped the missing PROMs for grally and confirmed they match the ones from the other bootlegs.
 [Jordi Beltran Casany, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

-bking.cpp: Updated ROM labels for bking2. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-pc98 software list updates: [r09]
 * Re-tested software with current MAME.
 * Corrected titles and re-labeled disks with their actual names.
 * Added usage notes for software that needs DOS.
 * Removed user disks from games where they aren't included in the original box, and the user is expected to create them.
 * Removed floppies for CD games that already exist in the CD software list.
 * Removed notes stating that the FDD format is not supported, as this is no longer true.

-neogeo.cpp: Added Japan NEO-MVH MV1C BIOS. [Razoola]

-alien.cpp: Re-dumped Pingu's Ice Block CompactFlash card. [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, The Dumping Union]


Titel: My Nes 7.4.6753
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2018, 12:13
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


Added: Namco 163 sound channels (mapper 210 external sound channels)
Fixed: save-load state in Namco 106 mappers (# 19 and 210)
Fixed: channels cannot be silenced using Audio>Channels menu items from the last update.
Improved: Audio filters order fixed to match what described in the wiki, it goes now like this: high-pass filter at 442 Hz => high-pass filter at 90 Hz => low-pass filter at 14 KHz.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2018, 05:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Non-game files were added to a MAME software list games
- some games have "rom" entries (battery backup, NVRAM, etc) but are not game files and should not be added ("hash\nes.xml", "hash\msx_cart.xml", others)
- you must re-create all your MAME software list games lists again, either delete all files in "frontend_dir\arcade\mame_softwarelist_games\" folder (easier) or select "Enable: Overwrite Mode" when choosing the arcade scan mode
FATALITY! When validating multiple selected games, bios/device sets were not validated at all (works fine with scall all games, scan single game)
FINISH HIM! Games of "SEGA Model 2 Emulator" were not validated correctly, "model2.zip" board ROMs completely ignored
When running single MAME arcade games, frontend was trying to detect the "machine title", intended for multi-slot machines ("uMain.GetTitleMachineToUse" function)
Timer freeze when applying games filters on grouped view mode
Button "Default Grid Size" and "Show Game Title" were not repainting thumb preview images (Thumbnail Settings)
Font style was set to game filename instead of game title in "Delete Multiple Selected Games Files" screen
Some messages were not showing up in splash screen when creating games lists, specially for "SEGA Model 2"
CRC-32 / SHA-1 checksums of unzipped game files failed to be generated
- some games could not be added to the games list (console/computer systems only)
- most noticeable in "Game Details" screen
- mostly for Unicode filenames
- console/computer games only (ported from EmuCon)
- some internal functions updated to support "WideString" parameters and slightly modified to fix this bug
Frontend crash when trying to open a .zip / .7z Unicode filename in "Game Details" screen (console/computer games from EmuCon) ... this bug is almost 2 years old!
Megatons of drawing bugs thru the entire project


Changes and improvements to games tool bar:
- resized large icons from 44x40 to 48x48
- resized small icons from 28x22 to 30x24
- added 68x68 icons size support, useful for 2K (2560x1440) and 4K (3840x2160) screen resolutions
- added a white background in the lower text so it's visible in night mode
- several icons were completely remade
- split the icon outer frame from current icons into separate overlay icons, located in a new "resources\main_icons\overlay\" folder
  - overlay icons are painted on top of the icon, alpha blend support
  - overlay icons can be customized to your liking without altering the filter icons
- replaced the "Search" tool bar by a simple button; edit box and buttons are now placed in a new floating panel below the main tool bar
  - you can move the panel around by dragging it with the title bar
- finally removed the dreadful "TCoolBar" control; tool bar background colors can now be customized (night mode only)
- Renamed settings entries in "EmuLoader.ini", you need to customize buttons again in "Customize Tool Bar"
Improvements to "Arcade Games Filters" screen (tool bar button)
- if filter icon not found, the "no icon" was not set correctly
- added support for 68x68 and 30x24 icon sizes, found in "resources\main_icon\arcade_filters\" folder
- choose an icon size to browse the filters list: "Extra Large (68x68)", "Large (48x48)", "Small (30x24)"
- additional tweaks
Moved "Tool Bar Buttons" menu options from "View" to "Games List" main menu, renamed "Small Tool Bar" to "Icon Size" and expanded to:
- Extra Large (68x68)
- Large (48x48)
- Small (30x24)
Changes to "Customize Tool Bar"
- replaced "Small Tool Bar" checkbox by a "Set Icon Size" buttons group: "Very Large (68x68)", "Large (48x48)", "Small (30x24)"
- removed "Search Games Bar" checkbox since it's now listed with the other buttons
- renamed "Hide Tool Bar" to "Show Tool Bar", so it's the same title as the checkbox option in main menu
- additional tweaks
Moved "Show Games Status Bar" setting from "View" to "Games List" main menu, where is belongs
Changes to Preferences screen
- size increased to 850x600 to give its contents more breathing room
- moved "Internet Game Info" panel from "Images" to "General" page
- renamed TSlitter component names of games list and images to avoid overlap settings; you must customize splitters again as "EmuLoader.ini" entries were also renamed
- additional interface tweaks (still needs work)
Changes and fixes to "Supermodel 3 Emulator" features
- entries in file "frontend_dir\arcade\emulator_ini\supermodel_ini\Supermodel.ini" have changed to avoid settings overlap
  NOTE 1: you must re-configure AND save the emulator default settings to update the .ini file
  NOTE 2: settings key names are the same as emulator's "Supermodel.ini" file, but not all of them
- game custom setting files changed as well (change/save emulator default settings first!)
  NOTE: you must re-configure AND save the game custom settings again to update the .ini file
- additional interface updates
- FATALITY! game custom settings were not added properly to command line when running games (nobody noticed this ?!)
  - custom settings and emulator default settings were added twice to command line
  - new behavior: emulator settings is now loaded first, followed by game custom settings file (just like MAME)
  - if game setting is the same as emulator setting, it's no longer added in "ganename.ini" file (just like MAME)
- when running emulator in full screen, if the custom resolution is not valid, current desktop resolution will be used automatically
- if game filename is not found, emulator will not run; it was causing the "Error: Invalid Function 1" message on emulator exit
Replaced the "Main CPU MAME Filter" bar by a floating panel
- it was wasting too much space above the main games list
- the "enabled" filter state is now restored on a frontend restart ("Arcade Misc" filters tool bar button)
- panel position is always at the top left corner of the games list
- you can move the panel around by dragging it with the title bar
- limited the games search pattern to MAME / HBMAME as it's useless for other systems
- added support for night mode
Several tweaks to "Delete Multiple Selected Games" screen; also added "night mode" support
Changes and fixes to "Arcade Scan Games Results" screen ("View Missing ROMs/CHDs" in games popup menu)
- added a Device column to easily identify game sets with device ROMs
- added a file size column (you must create all arcade games lists to see this info)
- MAME CHD file sizes are detected "on the fly" while scan results list is being generated
- missing files texts are now painted in a dark gray color (light mode) and silver color (night mode)
  - status columns text is painted in red color; much easier to spot missing files
- device ROMs were not properly tagged as device ROMs; weird bug as it was working fine for games with multiple device sets
- parent ROMs/CHDs were not properly tagged as parent files, making it not show "Parent" text in status column
- moved controls from bottom bar to top bar, reducing waste of space
- increased selected system icon size and font size of emulator/games list version texts to keep in sync with other screens
- window now have a fixed width size of 1015 pixels
- when viewing a single game, the window height will be shortened to avoid waste of space
- removed the redundant Close button since you can close it with the caption bar "close" button (or ESC key)
- "filename.zip found" and "filename.zip not found" texts are now in "green" and "red" color for easier reading
- status texts are now properly separated by comma; it gives a whole new meaning to the texts being shown
- support for night mode; visibility on this mode is much nicer and detailed than light mode
Tweaks to "Game Details" screen (access in games popup menu or "Shift+I" shortcut)
- missing files texts are now painted in a dark grey color (light mode) and silver color (night mode)
- file size column added to game files list
- MAME CHD file sizes are detected "on the fly" while files list is being generated
- if a CHD filename text is larger than the label dimensions, the hint text will be enabled, hover mouse on it to see it
Since MAME can load Unicode filenames directly from command line, Emu Loader will no longer convert them to DOS 8.3 format (run custom EmuCon console/computer games with MAME)


Tool bar colors settings for night mode in the new "Night Mode" page, Preferences screen
- for games tool bar filters, images tool bar and other "captionless" tool bars in the future
- support custom gradient background; gradient can be disabled to use a single color
- frame color is customizable; it can also be disabled
- tool bars with button caption enabled cannot be customized (TToolBar component limitation)
Added a "Splitter" setting for "Game Documents" panel so you can customize it (Preferences screen, "Game Docs" page)
Added a "Splitter Style" setting for image splitters, default to "Single Color" (Preferences screen, "Images" page)
Support for Supermodel 3 Emulator SVN 735 ("Supermodel 3 Emulator Default Settings" screen)
  - new settings: "scroll fog shaders", "tile map shaders", "stretch"
  - added a "Use Custom [1-1000]" checkbox so you can enable/disable custom "PowerPC Bus Frequency (PPC)" frequency at will
Added save states support for "Supermodel 3 Emulator"
- select a save state file before loading the game
- valid filenames are "gamename.st?" (state slots go from 0 to 9)
- save state folder is fixed by the Supermodel emulator and cannot be changed ("emudir\Saves\")
ROM/CHD size info added to arcade and MAME software list sets
- games validation system do not use it, it's for information only
- ROM size info can be viewed in "Game Details" and "Games Scan Results" screens (games popup menu)
- you need to create new games lists for all arcade systems and MAME software lists to see this info, but frontend works fine without it
- games of Supermodel 3 emulator doesn't have ROM size info in "emudir\Config\games.xml"
- games of console/computer systems already have file size info (systems ported from EmuCon Frontend) 


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2018, 08:15


Forgot to include the updated file "arcadefiltersmame_filtersini" for "Arcade Games Filters" tool bar button
some filters were renamed
one filter slip in two for easier games filtering
the frontend was crashing without this updated file


Color tweaks to night mode
Tweaks to "Delete/Rename Game Image File" screen

"Search Games" panel expanded, 3 view modes:

floating panel: default behavior, located just below the search button in filters tool bar
panel attached to the bottom of the games list: slim panel with 40 pixels height
panel attached to the top of the games list: slim panel with 40 pixels height
to switch between modes, click the new "tool bar" button next to the close button
you can customize "Night Mode" colors of the attached panel, "Night Mode" page in preferences screen
floating panel still have fixed colors - in light mode, colors are fixed
"Search Games" panel "enabled" state is now restored on a frontend restart


Minor source code cleanup


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 05:45


Heavy tool bar flickering when resizing main screen / images panel
- caused by the tool bar's "repaint" internal event (not accessible by the user)
- tool bar "DoubleBuffer" property is now always enabled
Frontend crash when clicking "All Visible" button in "Customize Tool Bar" (games filters tool bar)
Image category icon in images tool bar was showing the night mode overlay while in light mode
Frontend crash when detecting "Atari 800" cartridge type from an unzipped game Unicode filename


"Search Games" panel is back in the games filters tool bar
- floating panel is still available as an option (access in "Settings" button)
- games list attached panel is gone
- new "Use Small 16x16 Icons" option , access in "Settings" button (default 24x24 icons)
- new "Show Filter Labels in Small Tool Bar" option to show labels, "small tool bar" mode only
- the "Search" tool bar button is visible only for the floating panel
- the floating panel "enabled" state is no longer restored at startup
"Games List Status Bar" colors limited to the light mode (Preferences screen, "Games List" page)
Setting "Panel Outer Frame Color (7 Pixels)" renamed to "Image 7 Pixels Border Color" to avoid confusion with night mode (Preferences screen, "Games List" page)
Behavior of panel frames have changed, two options to choose from:
"Outer Frame": enable this to use a single frame
"Inner Frame": enable this to use a double frame; "outer frame" must also be enabled

- disabling both settings or just "outer frame" removes the panel border completely
- tool bars updated to support the new setings
Message box now show top bar color and labels colors according to game's set status
- green bar for available games
- red bar for available games with missing ROMs/CHDs
- gray bar for missing games


New "Show Game Documents 7 Pixels Border" checkbox and "Border Color" settings, to align the panel with images panel (Preference screen, "Game Docs" page)
Night mode improvements ("Night Mode" page in Preferences screen)
- "Search Games" panel colors customization expanded to include the edit box
- customize games list frame color and visibility
- tick the new "Use Windows Themed Border" to disable games custom frame color; it shows a single border
- the frame in games filters tool bar is now drawn outside the client area, and it can be set to disabled, single or double frame
- customize images panel frame colors and visibility
- images tool bar height aligned with games filters "small tool bar", frame is now drawn outside the client area
- "Customize Games List Status Bar Colors" settings for the night mode (colors box in "Games List" page is now only for the light mode)
New "Panels Colors" general settings for the night mode, so you can change frame colors, background color, font color and shadow font color
- "Apply Filters" message box
- "Initialize Zipped Images Contents" message box
- Game Details
- Select a Machine to Run Game
- Load Multi-Slot MAME Games
- Load Console/Computer Multi Floppy Disk Games
- Search Games floating panel
- Rename/Delete Game Images
- Customize MAME Software List

NOTE 1: not all texts can have custom colors (font color and shadow font color)
NOTE 2: background color is it's not widely applied; only for a few panels
New setting "Tool Bar Overlay Icons Folder" (preferences screen, "Games List" page)
- you don't have to overwrite frontend's overlay icons anymore, just create a sub-folder with your custom icons and select it in the drop-down box
- sub-folder must be inside "frontend_dir\resources\main_icons\overlay\" base folder
- for both light mode and night mode
- use ANSI directory names only, no Unicode support
- you only need to add icons that are different than the ones from the base folder
- if an icon doesn't exist in the sub-folder, the overlay icon from the base folder will be used
- overlay icons are used in games filters tool bar and images tool bar (so far...)
- folder name is used as the icons set title
- added a "Dark Grey" icons set for the night mode; thanks to "Fabian" for creating the icons


Titel: MAME 0.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2018, 09:09

    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
    - 04621: [Timing] (ironhors.cpp) ironhors: 30fps framerate seems abnormal. (Angelo Salese)
    - 07027: [Sound] (vegas.cpp) warfa (and maybe clones): DCS2 OS Version Test Failed. (Ted Green)
    New working machines
    Acorn System 5 [Nigel Barnes]
    New working clones
    Acorn System 2 [Nigel Barnes]
    Acorn System 3 (6502 CPU) [Nigel Barnes]
    Acorn System 4 [Nigel Barnes]
    Air Rescue (World) [Porchy, Muddymusic, The Dumping Union]
    Apache 3 (rev E) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
    Hayaoshi Quiz Nettou Namahousou (ver 1.2) [Apocalypse, The Dumping Union]
    Led Storm Rally 2011 (US, prototype 12) [system11, Coolfox, The Dumping Union]
    Milmar Laser //c [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie, KansasFest 2018]
    Pink Sweets: Suicide Club (2017/10/31 SUICIDECLUB VER., bootleg) [MetalliC]
    Raiden DX (Portugal) [Jorge Silva, Atro, Kravex]
    Scramble (bootleg, set 2) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
    Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 1) [TwistedTom]
    Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 2) [TwistedTom]
    Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Mstreet-6, bootleg, set 3) [TwistedTom]
    New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
    Boris - Electronic Chess Computer [TrevEB, Sean Riddle, The Dumping Union]
    Captain Zodiac [Siftware]
    CMS 6502 Development System [Nigel Barnes]
    DECstation 5000/133 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
    Donkey Kong / Donkey Kong Jr / Mario Bros [Michael Moffitt, coolmod, The Dumping Union]
    Fever Chance [GoneMad]
    IPhone (A1203) [MoochMcGee]
    Marbella Vice [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
    Topaz (Inder) [PinMAME]
    New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
    Jokerz! (G-4) [PinMAME]
    Safe Cracker (1.0) [PinMAME]
    New working software list additions
    Acrnsys_flop: Atom/System 3 File Server, System 3 Utilities, System 5 File Server, System BBC BASIC [Nigel Barnes]
    Acrnsys_rom: Econet 2.40, Econet 3.40, Econet 3.50 [Nigel Barnes]
    3D Monster Craze, 6845p, Aide (Label-Procedures) (Fra), Backgammon, Battle Brick, Card Index (96K), Centipede, Chopin (Fra),
    Cinema (96K), Colossal Adventure, Compass, Dam Buster, Deathball, Digger Man, Disassembler (Fra), Dungeon Adventure, Floyds Bank,
    Games Pack III, Games Pack IV, Gobble de Spook, Grid Trap (Fra), Generateur Basic (Fra), Generateur de Caracteres (96K)(Fra),
    Hangman, Hi-Lo (96K), IntelTab (96K)(Fra), Introductory Tape (48K), L'odyssee d'Asterix (96K)(Fra), Labyrinthe (Fra),
    LogiChess 2.2, Lynx Composer (96K), Lynx Disassembler (Fra), Lynx Invaders, Lynx Muncher, MODER-80, Mastermind (96K)(Fra),
    Maths (Fra), Maxi-Mots (96K)(Fra), Mazeman, Mined Out, Moonfall, Moonfall (Fra), Music Master, Nuclear Invaders, Numerons (Fra),
    Oh Mummy, Panik, Pengo, Planets, Power Blaster, Racer, Rising Moon, Rocketman, ScrabLynx (96K)(Fra), Screen Dump, Siege Attack,
    Space Trek, Spellbound, Star Rover, The Forest (96K), The Worm, The Worm (96K)(Fra), Treasure Island, Triangles (96K),
    Tron Blocker (96K)(Fra), Twinkle, Word Processor, Ynxvaders, Zombie Panic (Fra) [Nigel Barnes]
    PC Globe 3.0, PC Globe 5.0 (Spanish), PC Globe 5.04, Starflight 2: Trade Routes of the Cloud Nebula (3.5") [ArcadeShadow]
    Cadaver (5.25"), Cadaver (3.5") [Chism]
    Cadaver (3.5", Quest and Glory Compilation) [Justin Kerk]
    LucasArts Air Combat Classics, The Incredible Machine (alt), The Incredible Machine 2 [ArcadeShadow]
    Excel (Version 3.0a) [darksabre76]
    MS-DOS (Version 6.22, Thai) [Justin Kerk]
    St_flop: STE Language Disk (Swe, Rev. B) [FakeShemp]
    Ajisai (ldb_x68k conversion), Camerot (ldb_x68k conversion), Choro Choro, Choro Choro (ldb_x68k conversion),
    Cuarto (ldb_x68k conversion), Dungeon Management (ldb_x68k conversion), Galseed II (ldb_x68k conversion), Kurupon, Leshies,
    My Today's Job (ldb_x68k conversion), Over Driver, Programan Ace -Source68, Sekai Seifuku Set (ldb_x68k conversion), Stein
    New NOT_WORKING software list additions
    Acrnsys_rom: System/3 Econet 1.48 [Nigel Barnes]
    Ibm5150: PC Globe 4.0 [ArcadeShadow]
    Ibm5170: POWER DoLLS [Justin Kerk]
    Pc88va: Tetris (Bullet-Proof Software) [r09]
    Source Changes
    Standardized order of "On"/"Off" items in UI menus with "On" consistently to the right of "Off". [AJR]
    X68000: Compute refresh rates from CRTC parameters and known crystal values. [AJR]
    Eliminated "Atari VG EAROM" in favor of newer ER2055 device. [AJR]
    Z8: Added dump of pre-programmed Z8671 MCU with BASIC/DEBUG interpreter. [AJR]
    X68000: Separated VINAS/VICON CRTC device. [AJR]
    Cischeat.cpp: Improvements: [Angelo Salese]
    * Reworked interrupt generation, and fixed attract mode de-synchronization in Big Run.
    * Fixed Grand Prix Star stuck tyre sprite in attract mode.
    Ironhors.cpp: Changed Iron Horse frame rate to 61 Hz. [Angelo Salese]
    Sigmab52.cpp: Changed frame rate to 60 Hz. [Angelo Salese]
    Tetrisp2.cpp: Added support for YUV422 colors in Stepping Stage. [Angelo Salese]
    Amstrad: Added a device for PPI clone implemented by the Amstrad Plus ASIC, and used it for the Plus and GX4000. [Barry Rodewald]
    * Fixes Plus detection in some games, and correctly breaks inputs in Barbarian.
    Taito_b.cpp, tc0180vcu.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
    * Moved TC0180VCU functionality from driver state class to device class and internalized graphics decoding.
    * Deferred allocation of buffers to start time.
    * Removed unused/redundant code.
    Lastduel.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
    * Improved tag and variable naming, reduced code duplication, and reduced runtime tag map lookups.
    * Added a palette decoder function for palette.
    Seta001.cpp: Deferred allocation to start time and cleaned up code. [cam900]
    Srmp2.cpp, thedealr.cpp, seta.cpp, champbwl.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups and cleaned up code. [cam900]
    Taito_x.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
    * Split out common parts of memory maps, and separated kyustrkr machine configuration.
    * Reduced runtime tag map lookups.
    Atarigt.cpp, cage.cpp, metalmx.cpp: Minor cleanup and runtime tag map lookup reduction. [cam900]
    Nmk16.cpp: Updates and cleanup: [cam900]
    * Reduced code duplication, improved tags, modernized banking, and reduced runtime tag map lookups.
    * Implemented sprite and palette size limits.
    * Added bad dump flag to ROMs in tdragon3h set sourced from a different PCB.
    * Improved save state support.
    Unico.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
    * Improved member names and tags.
    * Deferred video RAM allocation to start time.
    * Reduced runtime tag map lookups and ACCESSING_BITS checks.
    * Added palette decoder function.
    Silkroad.cpp: Reduced redundant/unused code, and reduced ACCESSING_BITS checks. [cam900]
    Drgnmst.cpp: Reduced code duplication and added palette decoder function. [cam900]
    Namcoic.cpp: Simplified graphics decoding/manipulation and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
    * Also moved Namco NB-2 ROZ banking to namconb1.cpp driver.
    Vgmplay.cpp: Fixed NMK112 bank table mask, and added support for Irem GA20, RF5C68, and RF5C164. [cam900]
    C140.cpp, c45.cpp, namco_c139.cpp: Cleaned up code, removed MCFG_ macros, and added object finders. [cam900]
    Namcona1.cpp, tceptor2.cpp: Minor cleanup. [cam900]
    Namcos2.cpp: Split out common C116 configuration and removed MCFG_ macros. [cam900]
    Bbusters.cpp: Split out mechatt state class, reduced runtime tag map lookup, and simplified graphics decoding. [cam900]
    M107.cpp: Added buffered sprite RAM device, and split machine configuration according to ROM size/banking. [cam900]
    Lynx.cpp: Modernized banking, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up palette code. [cam900]
    Argus.cpp: Cleanup: [cam900]
    * Improved argus tilemap handling and added MACHINE_NO_COCKTAIL as scrolling is wrong when flipped.
    * Moved butasan tilemap scanning into mapper function.
    * Reduced code duplication.
    Realbrk.cpp: Fixed sprite priority, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and added notes. [cam900]
    Sknsspr.cpp: Implemented bitmap clearing disable bit (used by galpani3). [cam900]
    Suprnova.cpp: Restricted bitmap drawing to clipping rectangle. [cam900]
    Galpani3.cpp: Implemented/fixed some effects and added notes. [cam900]
    * Fixes background color fading in intro, and girl display in stage start.
    Kaneko_grap2.cpp: Added device_palette_interface for palette. [cam900]
    Made many class members private and removed dead code exposed. [David Haywood]
    -315_5124.cpp: Updates and improvements: [Enik Land]
    * Renamed Game Gear VDP to 315-5377 to match the maintenance manual.
    * Added a device to support behaviour specific to the 315-5313 in mode 4.
    * Made 315-5377 (Game Gear) and 315-5212 (Mega Drive) derive from 315-5256 (SMS2) rather than 314-5124 (SMS1).
    * Improved timing behaviour (verified with Flubba's VDP Test for 315-5313 in mode 4).
    * Emulated sprite status register bits indicating first sprite that overflows.
    * Implemented sprite zoom limit for 315-5124/315-5313.
    * Fixed incorrect scrolling exhibited in Charles' scrolling test.
    * Improved color of leftmost column in mode 4 when fine scroll is applied.
    * Implemented display mode 1 (text) and mode 3 (multicolor).
    Fixed crash when running a DRC CPU core under Emscripten (github #2794). [Justin Kerk]
    Cassette.cpp: Fixed handling of multi-channel reads. [Frank Palazzolo]
    Added ARM1176JZF-S CPU device. [MoochMcGee]
    I386: Fixed two cppcheck warnings. [MoochMcGee]
    Added Acorn Bus slot devices. [Nigel Barnes]
    * For Acorn Atom: AtomSID, Acorn Atom Disc Pack, Econet Board.
    * For Acorn System: 32K Dynamic RAM Board, 8K Static RAM Board, Cassette Interface Board, Econet Board,
    Floppy Disc Controller Board, 40 Column VDU Board, 80x25 VDU Board, Versatile Interface Board.
    * For CMS: CMS 40/80 Video Terminal Card, CMS Floppy Disc Controller, CMS High Resolution Colour Graphics Card.
    A6809: Renamed to acrnsys3_6809, and rewrote with card slot devices. [Nigel Barnes]
    Ef9365: Clear frame buffer memory on reset. [Nigel Barnes]
    Camplynx_cas: Added support for multiple files (concatenated) in TAP file. [Nigel Barnes]
    Emumem: Replaced with new, modernized back-end. [O. Galibert]
    Williams.cpp, wmg.cpp: Removed hard-coded default service button assignments. [OzFalcon]
    Interpro.cpp: Improved to the point where CLIX boots on the ip2000. [Patrick Mackinlay]
    * Includes re-written IOGA interrupt and DMA handling, and fixes for CPU and MMU issues.
    Nscsi: Added support for CD-ROM drives with 512-byte blocks (required for many UNIX workstations). [Patrick Mackinlay]
    * Also added stubs for "prevent/allow medium removal", and improved hard disk "inquiry" command behaviour.
    Apple2e updates: [R. Belmont]
    * Added debugger guards to avoid accidentally banking out ROM.
    * Fixed floating bus reads - synchronizes Talbot Fantasy Seven credits screen.
    Apple2gs: Re-wrote driver using address map bank device. [R. Belmont]
    Apple2gs: Fixed issues with Jam Session and ACS Demo Disk #2. [R. Belmont]
    Es5503: Fixed bad playback of synthLAB sampled-attack looped-sustain instruments. [R. Belmont]
    Z80scc: Fixed transmit interrupt behavior that was locking up the Apple IIgs [R. Belmont, Patrick Mackinlay]
    Mc146818: Added support for direct-access bus hook-up method used by MIPS DECstations. [R. Belmont]
    Trs80 work in progress: [Robbbert]
    * Split into separate sources.
    * Fixed UI paste/natural keyboard.
    * Added UART, RS-232, and Baud rate clock/BRG depending on hardware.
    * Fixed UART status on sys80.
    * Fixed cassette waveform.
    * Tidied up and modernised code.
    * Added monitor documentation.
    Ht1080z: Added ay8910. [Robbbert]
    Ps2sony: Fleshed out the skeleton driver. [Ryan Holtz]
    * Added device to encapsulate PlayStation 2 timers.
    * Temporarily hacked R5900 core to always have scratchpad RAM mapped at 0x70000000.
    * Added reference counting to divtlb so it does not unmap pages that are still shared with other entries.
    * Added skeleton GIF, VIF1 and GS devices.
    Mips3: Added basic Emotion Engine support. [Ryan Holtz]
    Kr03: Defined native keyboard layout (partially addresses MT05818). [shattered]
    PowerVR2: re-implemented color calculation. [snickerbockers]
    Moved instantiation of device_finder for interface classes from implementation sources to interface sources. [Stefan Bruns]
    * Avoids multiple explicit instantiations with the same template arguments.
    Devcb: Replaced with new, more flexible implementation. [Vas Crabb]
    * Converted a number of devices and drivers to use the newly supported less macro-dependent syntax.
    Layout system improvements: [Vas Crabb]
    * Allow screens to be referenced by tag in layouts.
    * Allow an internal layout to be supplied per device rather than just per system, with relative screen and input tags.
    * Improved view generation and selection for systems with two screens.
    * Added support for user variables and repetition in layouts, and converted a number of layouts.
    V550: Added keyboard program ROM dump. [Al Kossow]
    Added skeleton device for WD1007A ESDI hard disk controller. [Al Kossow]
    Hiscore.dat: Updated for recent changes. [Leezer]
    X68k_flop: Updates: [Wayder]
    * Organised and corrected entries, and replaced disk images with new dumps.
    * Removed Ninin Battle (Alt) - it's a modified copy.
    * Updated/corrected missing dumps, release years, and Japanese titles.
    Ibm5170: Fixed typo in interface for Turbo Pascal 6.01 (German). [xinyingho]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2018, 05:40


Oh darn... I forgot to delete some beep/ding sound commands when initializing game zipped images lists
Re-added support to generate zipped snapshot thumbs in thumbnails view
- the code was removed by mistake more than a year ago when EmuCon was merged with Emu Loader, and nobody noticed, not even me
- all arcade systems are supported, "snap.zip" file; MAME also support "softwarename.zip" and "snap_sl.zip"
- Console/computer systems from EmuCon were Ok
Games list was not focused after a manual switch between light and night mode (main menu)


Minor optimizations to save some RAM when handling game image folders and improve game images preview search
Changes to "Image Category Settings" screen
- button "Default" folder was doing nothing
- category folders are now read directly from config files and not from RAM vars, which might contain different data
- relative paths in console/computer systems (from EmuCon) are now relative to the frontend root path since you can have multiple emulators per system
- minor code tweaks


New "Machines List Filter" filter for "MAME Machines Filter Panel" (machines list popup menu)
- you can customize what machines appear in the list
- it works like the "Customize MAME Software List" feature
- excluded machines list is saved in "\arcade\mame_machines_exclude.txt" file
- machines are only hidden from the list, not disabled
- it's only for the machines filter panel, not for the main games list
Support for "all-in-one" zipped image files (MAME software lists only)
- you can have snaps for all MAME softlist games combined into one humongous file instead of separate "softwarename.zip" files
- filename is the same as MAME's image .zip filenames, plus a "_sl" suffix
- filename format: "snap_sl.zip", "titles_sl.zip", "covers_sl.zip", etc (all categories are supported)
- files must be located in the same place as their "arcade/machine" files (snap.zip, titles.zip, etc)
- you can use "softwarename.zip" files together with these new files
- they will be scanned after "softwarename.zip"
- easy to use, just drop files in them proper folders and start the frontend
Mulitple image paths detection (MAME only)
- only the first path will be used, ignoring everything else after the ; char (snaps, titles, cabinets, covers, etc)
- removal of surrouning quotes, just to be safe (first and last char on the string)
NOTE: there is no multi directories scan to show game preview images!
Added "\videosnaps_sl\" sub-folder scanning for video preview, MAME software lists


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2018, 10:15


"Machines List Filter" implementation is complete
- if you hide the parent set, all clone will hide as well
- forgot to link the code for checkbox "Show Parent Sets Only" in "Customize Machines List" screen
- window width increases if screen width is 1280 pixels or higher so all columns are visible without showing a horizontal scrollbar
- proper colors in night mode
Machines list wrong font colors in "MAME Machines Filter Panel"
Icon alpha blending bug in "Machine Types And Systems Filters" screen when items are unchecked (tool bar button filter)
Renamed "MachinesList_SidePanel" section to "MAMEMachinesFilterPanel", for consistency
Renamed "Game Font Settings" to "Customize Game Fonts" in games popup menu and main menu "Games List"
Colors array vars of games selection bar are no more; colors are taken from ColorBoxes in Preferences screen


Games list selection bar colors customization (Preferences screen)
- customize background color, frame color and font color
- there are two bar settings for MAME and arcade, one for available games (default blue color) and one for games with missing ROMs/CHDs (default red color)
- re-added "Gradient Bar" setting
- two separate sets, one for light mode in "Games List" page and another for the night mode in "Night Mode" page
- light mode settings are saved in "EmuLoader.ini"
- night mode settings are saved in "nightmode.ini"
- affected features so far: main games list, MAME Machines Filter Panel, "Customize Game Fonts" screen, "Customize Thumbnails" screen
NOTE: frame cannot be removed but it can be masked with "alpha blending" and frame colors like black or white
Night mode custom user colors support in a couple more screens (no more forced blue frames)
New "Slot Machines" catver.ini filter added to "Arcade Miscellaneous Filters" screen


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2018, 05:20
Whats new:>>

Overhauled graphic pack system and interface
New settings window
Added Discord Rich Presence support
Added .elf support (homebrew)
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: Mesen 0.9.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2018, 17:45
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



New Features

    Compatibility: Added support for 29 new mappers.
    VS System: VS DualSystem games are now supported.
    Audio: Improved audio/video synchronization with dynamic resampling.
    Debugger: New features and tools (text hooker), UI improvements, performance improvements and bug fixes.
    Tools: Added history viewer tool.
    UI: Added some new options (per-game overscan, audio reduction during rewind, etc.)

Bug Fixes

    PPU: Improved PPU memory bus emulation (fixes Touhou Rououmu homebrew)
    Fixed emulation issues with a number of boards (FK23C, JY Company, MMC1, etc.)


Titel: clrmamepro 4.035
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2018, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Finally put together a new release with some fixes/requests/updates.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2018, 09:45


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00867: [Sound] (seta.cpp) twineagl: Music samples do not play to completion. (cam900)
- 06001: [Crash/Freeze] (nes.cpp) nes: iNES Mapper 31 crashes with ROM sizes other than 1MB. (rainwarrior)
- 06192: [Documentation] (playch10.cpp) pc_rrngr: Incorrect year or manufacturer. (sjy96525)
- 06653: [Documentation] (tmnt.cpp) qgakumon: Game name version mismatch. (sjy96525)
- 07053: [Crash/Freeze] (osbexec.cpp) osbexec: Stuck on PERFORMING SELF TEST. (AJR)
- 07058: [Gameplay] (tx1.cpp) buggyboy, buggyboyjr: buggyboy artwork gear stick not working. (Tafoid)
- 07059: [Sound] (tx1.cpp) All machines in tx1.cpp: Missing engine sounds. (Osso)
- 07067: [Sound] (exidy.cpp) targ, spectar: Spectar explosion samples short and long are named incorrectly. (Jim Hernandez)
- 07068: [Sound] (exidy.cpp) targ, spectar: Sounds are different to Targ. (Robbbert)
- 07069: [Cheat System] "On/Off" color is incorrect on "AutoFire Status" screen. (AJR)
- 07073: [DIP/Input] (neogeo.cpp) popbounc: Start buttons don't work. (AJR)

New working machines
A Day In Space (31/03/87) [Miguel Bragado, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
The Burning Cavern (31/03/87) [Miguel Bragado, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
Night Mare (Spain) [Tomasz Slanina, Roberto Fresca, Jordi Beltran, Paco Ortiz, Recreativas.org]

New working clones
Astro Blaster (version 2b) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
Basis 108 [Robbbert]
Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1870) [Jorge Casares, Ruben Casana]
Crash (alt) [Joe Magiera, Toby Bermann]
Devastators (ver. 2) [The Onion Knight, Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]
Dog Fight (Orca, prototype) [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Flicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset) [Jon H., The Dumping Union]
Golfing Greats (US, version K) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Hacha Mecha Fighter (19th Sep. 1991, protected, set 2) [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]
Halley's Comet (Japan, prototype) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
Ikari III - The Rescue (World, Rotary Joystick) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, Dumping Union]
Ikari Warriors (US, set 2) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
Mario Bros. (bootleg on Ambush Hardware, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union, smf]
Master Boy (1987, Z80 hardware, set 1) [Roberto Fresca, ClawGrip, recreativas.org]
Orel BK-08 [Robbbert]
Pool 10 (Italian, set 9) [f205v]
Raiden II (Korea) [Jorge Silva]
Signal Sintez 2 [Robbbert]
Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye (World) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Tecmo World Cup '90 (Euro set 3) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
War Mission (WM 09/04/87) [Miguel Bragado, Recreativas.org, ArcadeHacker, David Haywood]
World Cup Volley '95 (Asia v1.0) [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
WWF WrestleFest (US) [SpinalFeyd, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Gammatron Datum [Robbbert]

Clones promoted to working
Apple //c Plus [R. Belmont, M. Guidero, Leon Bottou]
Psychic Force EX [Ekorz]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Akai / Roger Linn MPC-3000 [R. Belmont, King Honey and The Darlington Pair]
Alcatel Terminal 7100 [Robbbert]
Alcatel Terminatel 258 [Robbbert]
Ampex 210+ [Robbbert]
Apple eMate 300 [Ryan Holtz]
Brother LW-700i [R. Belmont, rfka01]
Catherine Wheel [f205v, Ryan Holtz]
Creator IKT-5A [Robbbert]
F-Zero AX Monster Ride [anonymous, Ordyne, MetalliC]
Facit Terminal 4440 (30M-F1) [Robbbert]
Humantechnik Textel Compact A1010-0 [Robbbert]
ITT Courier 9216-X [Robbbert]
Joker Lady [f205v]
Lady Gum [f205v]
Loewe Multicom 715L [Robbbert]
Loewe Multitel D [Robbbert]
Loewe/Televerket Teleguide [Robbbert]
Mera-Elzab 7951om [Robbbert]
Mera-Elzab EC-7915 (EC-7950) [Robbbert]
Mera-Elzab VDM 79322/CM 7233 [Robbbert]
Microterm ACT-5A [Robbbert]
Nutting Associates ICEBOX [Robbbert, Al Kossow]
Paradar [f205v]
Sharp FontWriter FW-600 [R. Belmont, rfka01]
Siemens Bitel T3210 [Robbbert]
Siemens Multitel Fe Ap 90-1.1 [Robbbert]
Winner [f205v]
World Grand Prix (World) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
Wyse Technology WY-100 [Al Kossow]
Zenith Data Systems Z-29 [Al Kossow]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
18 Wheeler (deluxe) [Ordyne, MetalliC]
18 Wheeler (deluxe) (Rev T) [Ordyne, MetalliC]
Asian Dynamite / Dynamite Deka EX (older) [brizzo, MetalliC, rtw]
Club Kart: European Session (Rev C) [Ordyne, MetalliC]
The House of the Dead 2 (Export) [Ordyne, MetalliC]
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (Japan) [CoolFox, brizzo]
Night Fever [PinMAME]
Ring Out 4x4 [Ordyne, MetalliC]
Third World [PinMAME]
Unknown portable computer [MCbx]
Virtua Striker 2 Ver. 2000 [Ordyne, MetalliC]
Wyse Technology WY-120 [Robbbert]
Zombie Revenge (Export) [Ordyne, MetalliC]

New working software list additions
  Murders in Space (CGA), Murders in Space (EGA), Murders in Space (VGA), Netherworld [ArcadeShadow]
  Math Blaster, Writer Rabbit [darksabre76]
  VTERM II (V2.00, newer), VTERM II (V2.00, older) [SomeGuy]
  Compaq Portable Diagnostic Disk (SP0308), Intel 486 SX Microprocessor Demo [Foone Turing]
  ABS Self Running Demo, The All In One Boot Floppy 0.9, The All In One Boot Floppy 0.9 (FreeDOS only),
  The All In One Boot Floppy 0.9 (Lite Version), The All In One Boot Floppy 1.0, Disney's The Lion King,
  Disney's The Lion King (Playable Demo), Microsoft Productivity Pack for Windows, Microsoft Works 3.0b, NETCOM NetCruiser
  [Justin Kerk]
  A Ressha de Ikou 4 ~ Take the A-Train IV - Map Construction + Power Up Kit (Cracked), A Ressha de Ikou III HD - Hard Disk Only,
  Akiko - Premium Version, Albatross, Albatross - Expert Course, Albatross - Meimon Course I - Oak Hills, Albatross - Visual Course,
  Albatross - World Course, Alone in the Dark 2, Alvaleak Boukenki, Amaranth II, Amaranth II (Alt System Disk), Ambition,
  Ancient Dragon, Angel Army, Animahjong X Perfect File, Animahjong X Perfect File (Alt), Animation Editor 'da Vinci-98',
  Art of War, Art of War - Kaisenban, Art of War Scenario Shuu, Assist Art - Paint Master, Dragons of Flame [Neo Kobe Collection]
sorcerer_cass: The Count, Debug, Flight Simulator, Grotnik Wars, Nike II [Robbbert]
  Air Hockey, Columns, Fireman Rescue, Flight of a Dragon, Flight of a Dragon (demo), Ghosty Ghost, Pipes, Stormforce [ArcadeShadow]

Software list items promoted to working
  3x3 Eyes - Sanjiyan Henjou, 3x3 Eyes - Sanjiyan Henjou (Alt Disk 1), 5 Jikanme no Venus, ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 13,
  ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 18, ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 6, ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 7, ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 8,
  ASCII Otanoshimi Disk Vol. 9, Ace of Spades, Advanced Power Dolls 2, Ai Shimai - Futari no Kajitsu,
  Akazukin Cha Cha - CG Works ver 1.00, Akumu - Aoi Kajitsu no Sanka, Alaskan Malamute G.C., Alice no Yakata II,
  Alice no Yakata III, Alien Zukan, Alone in the Dark, Amaranth III - Phantasie RPG, Amaranth IV - Abenteuerroman in Langsam,
  AmbivalenZ - Niritsu Haihan, Angel Halo, Angel Night - Yamiyo o Kakeru Tenshi-tachi no Monogatari, Animahjong X, Arcus,
  Art Action, Ash., Assist Calc, Assist Card (Demo), Astroguide 1994, Fifth Element - Tamashii no Genso, U-Jin Presents - Angel
  [Carl, r09]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  Idol Janshi o Tsukucchaou (Jpn), Illbleed (Jpn), Incoming: Jinrui Saishuu Kessen (Jpn, Rev. 1), Inoue Ryouko: Last Scene (Jpn),
  Interlude (Jpn), Iris (Jpn), J.League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! (Jpn), JRA PAT for Dreamcast (Jpn, V40L11),
  JRA PAT for Dreamcast (Jpn, V50L10), Jahmong (Jpn), Jet Coaster Dream 2 (Jpn), Jet Set Radio (Jpn),
  Kaen Seibo: The Virgin on Megiddo (Jpn), Kanon (Jpn), Kaze no Uta (Jpn), Kidou Senkan Nadesico: Nadesico the Mission (Jpn),
  Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Zeon no Keifu (Jpn), Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (Jpn), Kita e. White Illumination (Jpn),
  L.O.L.: Lack of Love (Jpn), Le Mans 24 Hours (Euro), Le Mans 24 Hours (Jpn), Le Mans 24 Hours (World, Prototype 20000820),
  Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Euro), Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Euro, Prototype 20000118), Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Ger),
  Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (USA), Looney Tunes: Space Race (Euro), Looney Tunes: Space Race (USA),
  Looney Tunes: Space Race (World, Prototype 19991014), Looney Tunes: Space Race (World, Prototype 20000731),
  Love Hina: Smile Again (Jpn), Love Hina: Totsuzen no Engage Happening (Jpn), MDK 2 (Euro), MDK 2 (USA),
  MDK 2 (World, Prototype 20000126 5PM), MDK 2 (World, Prototype 20000126 7PM), MSR: Metropolis Street Racer (Euro),
  MSR: Metropolis Street Racer (Euro, Rev. B), MSR: Metropolis Street Racer (USA),
  MSR: Metropolis Street Racer (World, Prototype 20000509), MSR: Metropolis Street Racer - Special Version (Euro),
  MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald (Euro), MTV Sports: Skateboarding featuring Andy MacDonald (USA),
  Maboroshi Tsukiyo (Jpn), Macross M3 (Jpn), Magforce Racing (Euro), Magforce Racing (USA),
  Magforce Racing (World, Prototype 20000524), Mahjong Taikai II Special (Jpn), Maken X (Euro), Maken X (Jpn), Maken X (USA),
  Marionette Company (Jpn), Marionette Company 2 (Jpn), Marionette Handler (Jpn), Mars Matrix (USA), Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (USA),
  Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Euro), Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Jpn),
  Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro), Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Jpn),
  Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (USA), Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (USA), Max Steel: Covert Missions (USA), Maximum Pool (USA),
  Memories Off 2nd (Jpn), Memories Off Complete (Jpn), Mercurius Pretty: End of the Century (Jpn),
  Microsoft WebTV Setsuzoku Kit (Jpn), Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (Euro), Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1 (USA),
  Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 2 (USA), Millennium Racer: Y2K Fighters (World, Prototype 20010604), Miss Moonlight (Jpn),
  Missing Parts 2: The Tantei Stories (Jpn), Missing Parts: The Tantei Stories (Jpn), Mizu Iro (Jpn), MoHo (Euro),
  Monaco Grand Prix (USA), Monaco Grand Prix: Racing Simulation 2 (Euro), Monaco Grand Prix: Racing Simulation 2 (Jpn),
  Monaco Grand Prix: Racing Simulation 2 (Jpn, Prototype 19990106), Morita no Saikyou Reversi (Jpn), Morita no Saikyou Shougi (Jpn),
  Mortal Kombat Gold (Euro), Mortal Kombat Gold (Euro, Prototype 19990828), Mortal Kombat Gold (USA),
  Mortal Kombat Gold (USA, Rev. 1), Motto Pro Yakyu Team wo Tsukurou! (Jpn), Mr. Driller (Euro),
  Mr. Driller (Euro, Prototype 20000918), Mr. Driller (USA), Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness (USA), NBA 2K (Euro), NBA 2K (Jpn),
  NBA 2K (USA), NBA 2K (USA, Prototype 19990922), NBA 2K (World, Prototype 19991221), NBA 2K1 (USA), NBA 2K2 (Euro), NBA 2K2 (USA),
  NBA Hoopz (Euro), NBA Hoopz (USA), NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (Euro), NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC (USA),
  NCAA College Football 2K2: Road to the Rose Bowl (USA), NFL 2K (Jpn), NFL 2K (USA), NFL 2K (USA, Alt 1), NFL 2K (USA, Alt 2),
  NFL 2K (USA, Alt 3), NFL 2K1 (Jpn), NFL 2K1 (USA), NFL 2K2 (USA), NFL Blitz 2000 (Euro),
  NFL Blitz 2000 (Euro, Prototype 19990908), NFL Blitz 2000 (USA), NFL Blitz 2000 (USA, Rev. 1), NFL Blitz 2001 (USA),
  NFL QB Club 2001 (USA), NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (Euro), NFL Quarterback Club 2000 (USA), NHL 2K (Euro),
  NHL 2K (Euro, Prototype 20000321), NHL 2K (USA), NHL 2K (USA, Prototype 20000131), NHL 2K (USA, Prototype 20000131, Alt),
  NHL 2K2 (USA), Nakoruru: Ano Hito kara no Okurimono (Jpn), Namco Museum (USA), Napple Tale: Arsia in Daydream (Jpn),
  Neppachi II @ VP@CHI: CR Harenchi Gakuen (Jpn), Neppachi III @ VP@CHI: CR Dokonjou Gaeru 2 - CR Dokonjou Gaeru H (Jpn),
  Neppachi IV @ VP@CHI: CR Aa! Hana no Ouendan 3 (Jpn), Neppachi V @ VP@CHI: CR Monster House (Jpn),
  Neppachi VI @ VP@CHI: CR Otakara Tankentai (Jpn), Net Versus: Chess (Jpn), Net Versus: Gomoku Narabe to Renju (Jpn),
  Net Versus: Hanafuda (Jpn), Net Versus: Mahjong (Jpn), Net Versus: Reversi (Jpn), Net Versus: Shougi (Jpn),
  Net de Para: Nekosogi Paradise (Jpn), Nettou Golf (Jpn), Never 7: The End of Infinity (Jpn), Nightmare Creatures II (Euro),
  Nightmare Creatures II (Euro, Prototype 20000721), Nightmare Creatures II (USA), Nightmare Creatures II (USA, Prototype 20000509),
  Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku with Power-Up Kit (Jpn), Sega Mega Drive (World, Prototype 20010115), Test Drive Le Mans (USA)
ibm5170: Mitsumi IDE CD-ROM Driver [Justin Kerk]
pc98: A Ressha de Ikou 4 ~ Take the A-Train IV - Map Construction + Power Up Kit, Ami - Kaze Tachinu [Neo Kobe Collection]

Translations added or modified
Norwegian [DandelionSprout]

Source Changes
-m6809: Improved disassembly. [AJR]
 * Use FCB directive to represent illegal opcodes, don't print spaces after instructions without operands.

-osbexec: Removed spurious line inversion that broke the self-test. [AJR]

-Improved debugger view behavior: [AJR]
 * Mask address expressions in disassembly view.
 * Mask address expressions correctly in memory view when using physical addresses beyond logical limits.
 * Fixed scrolling glitch in memory view when address expression is applied.

-imd_dsk.cpp: Added some sanity checks on geometry. [AJR]

-funkball: Added UART and RS-232 port for diagnostic output. [AJR]

-prose2k: Added RS-232 port and Baud clock, and converted terminal to serial device. [AJR]

-ms9540: Fixed ROM loading. [AJR]

-f3853: Improved interrupt behaviour. [AJR]
 * Don't fire external interrupt automatically when enabled, and clear interrupt requests once taken.

-elwro800: Added "TV" EPROM and corrected clocks. [AJR]

-Added support for V33/V53 expanded addressing mode, including BRKXA and RETXA instructions. [AJR]

-sol20: Added configuration options for CPU speed and field rate. [AJR]

-f8: Fix formatting glitch with disassembly of invalid instructions. [AJR]

-meritum: Added NMI key, and remapped keys to be more accurate to hardware. [AJR]

-screen.h: Fixed have_screen_update accessor and renamed to has_screen_update. [AJR]
 * Fixes regressions in granny and other drivers using custom update functions with CDP1861, CDP1864 and TMS992x VDPs.

-Moved definition of address_space_config from dimemory.cpp to emumem.cpp (declaration was already in emumem.h). [AJR]

-z80sio: Ignore "Send Abort" command when not in SDLC mode - allows jade to start. [AJR]

-psx.cpp: Converted video to device_palette_interface and added support for 24-bit output. [cam900]

-X1-010: Converted to device_rom_interface, and converted memory mapping to proper memory banks in seta.cpp and seta2.cpp. [cam900]

-seta.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Added NVRAM and PCM mute control to calibr50, and noted revision in description.
 * Reduced twineagl frame rate to improve music timing.

-vgmplay updates: [cam900]
 * Added X1-010 support.
 * Fixed C6280 and ES5503 addresses.

-aica.cpp: Implemented MONO/MVOL, EXTS mixing, and clock change support. [cam900]
 * Also corrected AICA routing for Dreamcast, and added correct number of AICAs for Hikaru.

-ymf262.cpp: Added support for clock changes. [cam900]

-y2.cpp, ggconnie.cpp, crshrace.cpp: Improved metadata. [cam900]

-h6280: Added internal PSG. [cam900]

-dec0.cpp, actfancr.cpp: Reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-policetr.cpp: Cleaned up code, added save state support, reduced tag lookups, and converted drawing buffer to bitmap. [cam900]

-l7a1045_l6028_dsp_a.cpp: Added save state support. [cam900]

-deco32.cpp, deco_zoomspr.cpp: Fixed background color for dragngun and added notes. [cam900]

-dcheese.cpp: Corrected palette size, reduced tag lookups, and improved names. [cam900]

-pcfx.cpp: Added Hudson HuC6230 SoundBox emulation (PSG with ADPCM playback). [cam900]
 * Also added ADPCM transfer and save state support to HuC6272.

-taotaido.cpp: Cleaned up code, reduced tag lookups, and added save state support. [cam900]

-nmk16.cpp: Identified tharrier CPUs and crystals. [cam900]

-taito_zm: Cleaned up code, connected outputs, and corrected TMS57002 clock. [cam900]

-vis: Fixed display in 256 color mode, and added controller buttons 1 and 2. [Carl]

-tlcs870: Rewrote most of the emulation. [David Haywood]
 * Implemented interrupts, added I/O ports (data direction not implemented), and added timer-based serial communication.

-hng64: Udpates and refactoring. [David Haywood]
 * Hooked up TLCS-870 MCU communication and interrupts, and connected I/O ports to MCU.
 * Removed hacks/HLE rendered unnecessary by MCU emulation.
 * Added hacks allowing racing games to enter gameplay and run without crashing.

-nightmare: Added default EEPROM contents. [David Haywood]

-decathlt: Implemented 315-5838 compression/encryption. [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Samuel Neves, David Haywood]
-discrete: Fixed DISC_555_TRIGGER_DISCHARGES_CAP option in DISCRETE_555_MSTABLE. [Derrick Renaud]
 * Allows sound in Amazing Maze to play properly beyond 30 seconds.
 * Also avoided problematic debug log file names on Windows.

-315_5124.cpp bug fixes: [Enik Land]
 * Fixed off-by-one bug in 315-5124/315-5313 sprite zoom limit.
 * Fixed 315-5214 tile/line numbers in leftmost column.
 * Avoid flagging sprite collisions twice on the same line for 315-5313.

-hp_ipc: Improved HP-1LL3 GPU emulation. [F.Ulivi]
 * Improved drawing, made VRAM size configurable, implemented commands used by diagnostics, and implemented RDWIN/WRWIN bit offset.

-imgtool: Fixed parsing of options with enumerated values. [Fabrice Bellet]

-atarittl.cpp: Added netlist for a large portion of gtrak10 (Gran Trak 10, 1974) - still not working. [Felipe Sanches]

-mc68681.cpp: Added Exar XR68C681 support, including MISR register and extended Baud rates. [Joseph Zatarski]

-ti99 updates: [Michael Zapf]
 * Added support for 16-sector TDF disk images.
 * Made TDF images compatible with PC99 by forcing CRC to constant F7F7.
 * Improved Hexbus/IBC emulation, allowing Hexbus floppy drive to work with TI-99/2.
 * Fixed TMS9995 decrementer low byte reads - fixes TI-99/2 cassette loading.
 * Modernised machine configuration.

-upd765: Discard write FIFO data pushed when write command fails to find sector. [Michael Zapf]

-hdc92x4: Added a minimum head load time to compensate for the floppy spin-up. [Michael Zapf]

-tms99xx: devcb3 changes, removing MCFG macros for 9900, 9901, 9980A, 9995. [Michael Zapf]

-cassette: Added audio output streams, removing need for "wave" device. [Michael Zapf]

-i386: Fixed a bug that could cause a common CPU detection check to misidentify a 386 as a 486. [MoochMcGee]

-indigo: Fixed ROM loading. [O. Galibert]

-Added support for abbreviated read/write handler signatures, and binding an object finder to an instance by reference.
 [O. Galibert]

-wd_fdc: Simplified API. [O. Galibert]

-tms57002: Suppressed aggressive inlining to reduce compiler memory usage. [O. Galibert]

-Added support for TAP/TUN network provider on Windows. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-z80scc: Fixed serial control signal behaviour. [Patrick Mackinlay]
 * Corrected polarity, removed ring indicator input, fixed "all sent" handling, and implemented sync interrupts.

-interpro: Improved emulation, allowing headless configurations to be used. [Patrick Mackinlay]
 * Fixed serial DMA and added missing control lines.
 * Added 60x0 CLIX root floppies to software list.

-h8: Added H8/3003 support. [R. Belmont]

-apple2 updates: [R. Belmont]
 * Added support for per-scanline Lo-Res rendering - helps "KFest18 2K Rasterbar Demo".
 * Fixed reverse-logic on TransWarp slot DIP switches that caused disks to not boot.

-apple2: Improved Apple //c Plus MIG and floppy emulation, allowing the system to be used with the first 3.5" drive.
 [R. Belmont, M. Guidero, Leon Bottou]

-pc98 updates: [r09]
 * Fixed blink attribute.
 * Improved titles and disk labels in software list, and added usage notes for software that needs DOS.
 * Removed user disks that weren't actually provided with software from software list.
 * Fixed albatvis hashes, and removed disks that only differ in user save data.

-dp8390: Treat AppleTalk subnet broadcast L2 multicast address (09:00:07:ff:ff:ff) as Ethernet broadcast. [rakslice]
 * This is a workaround for lack of multicast filter implementation.

-super80: Split software list between the 32- and 80-column versions. [Robbbert]

-slicer: Fixed floppy density selection. [Robbbert]

-fccpu20: Fixed terminal display. [Robbbert]

-minitel2: Added BIOS bv9. [Robbbert]

-cdc721: Added "Graphics Firmware" ROMs. [Robbbert]

-Z80SCC: Fixed Z-BUS access. [Robbbert]

-c900: Converted terminal to serial device using Z80SC. [Robbbert]

-sorcerer: Added experimental support for the twin floppy unit in the video/disk accessory. [Robbbert]

-cvs.cpp: Replaced ROM patches with protection simulation for huncholy, superbik, and hero. [iq_132, Robbbert]

-mastboyo.cpp: Improved inputs, added remaining DIP switches, and cleaned up the code. [Roberto Fresca]

-Modernized machine configuration or many devices and systems. [Ryan Holtz]
 * Systems include bebox, indy_indigo2, mac128, macpci, nsg6890 oric, pet, prodigy, rmnimbus, ssystem3, swtpc09, swyft, sym1,
    trvquest, tv950, vectrex, vic20, victor9k, and wicat.

-pcf8583: Added rudimentary Philips PCF8583 RTC emulation, based on the PCF8593 device. [Ryan Holtz]

-st62xx: Added a skeleton device for the STmicro ST6 series of microcontrollers. [Ryan Holtz]
 * Includes disassembler, banked data RAM, ROM, named registers, and untested GPIO.

-i386 updates: [Samuele Zannoli]
 * Added Athlon XP processor.
 * Fixed XADD condition codes - should be based on result of addition.
 * Added an enumeration describing CPUID feature information bits.

-vgmplay updates: [smf]
 * Added software list support.
 * Re-initialise on loading a new track.
 * Added C140, ES5503, SAA1099, SCSP, VSU, WonderSwan audio, Y8950, YM2610, YMF262, YMF278B and uPD7759 support.
 * Fixed K054539 and YM2610 support.
 * Added clock change support to ES5503, ES5506, SAA1099, uPD7756/uPD7759, and Virtual Boy sound.
 * Added support for Oki M6258 data streams and clock/divider changes.

-WonderSwan audio: converted to device_rom_interface and added clock change support. [smf]

-Namco C140: converted to device_rom_interface and added clock change support. [smf]

-uPD7759: Converted to device_rom_interface and added master/slave select input. [smf]
 * Finished hooking up to bayrouteb1, eswatbl, goldnaxeb1 and passshtb.

-SCSP: Converted to device_rom_interface, added clock change support, and corrected clock frequency. [smf]

-Improved emulation startup performance by using more appropriate strategy for sorting save state entries. [smf]

-powervr2.cpp: Improved performance by turning some per-pixel branches into per-polygon branches. [snickerbockers]

-Improved Taito ZSG2 sound: [superctr]
 * Adjusted gain function and ramping algorithm, and added sample interpolation, emphasis filter and low-pass filer.
 * Enabled TMS57002 DSP.

-Improved TMS57002 emulation. [superctr]
 * Emulated multiply/accumulate pipeline.
 * Added ALU saturation flag.
 * Fixed issues with CMEM UPLOAD and PLOAD.

-konamigx: Hooked up third and fourth TMS57002 outputs based on educated guess. [superctr]

-qsoundhle: Replaced implementation with back-ported DSP program. [superctr, ValleyBell]

-m6502: Added support for microcontrollers and implemented MOS 6500/1 as a device. [Vas Crabb, O. Galibert]

-Improved support for screen orientation/geometry and automatic layout generation: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added orientation and physical aspect ratio properties to screen device.
 * Automatically generate views for systems one screen.
 * Documented layout file format and automatically generated views.

-Added save state support for C arrays and std::array nested to any depth. [Vas Crabb]

-amiga.cpp: Overhauled keyboard emulation: [Vas Crabb]
 * Re-implemented Mitsumi keyboard emulation using MOS 6500/1 device.
 * Added support for Amiga 1000, Amiga 600, and Amiga 2000/3000/4000/CDTV Mitsumi keyboards.
 * Added support for Cherry G80 Amiga 2000 keyboard (8039 version with external EPROM).
 * Removed reset line from keyboard to host on systems with external keyboards.
 * Emulated keyboard reset circuit for Amiga 1000, Amiga 2000 and Amiga CDTV.
 * Added configuration setting for "compact mode" supported by Amiga 1200 keyboard program.

-sshangha.cpp: Added PCB layout for Super Shanghai Dragon's Eye, and derived clocks from oscillator frequency. [Brian Troha]

-megaphx.cpp: Flagged megaphx PALs as bad dumps. [caius]

-toaplan1.cpp: Corrected program ROM names for Out Zone (Harder), and the mask ROM names for all Out Zone sets.
 [caius, The Dumping Union]

-Dumped Operation Wolf C-Chip EPROM and replaced simulation. [Caps0ff, Bryan McPhail]

-dec8.cpp: Decapped MCU for makyosen. [Caps0ff, Game Preservation Society, The Dumping Union]

-taito_f3.cpp: Removed outdated comment. [Chromaryu]

-citicona, dduxbl: Added PROMs and PLDs. [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

-twincobr.cpp: Verified oscillator frequencies for Twin Cobra. [Corrado Tomaselli]

-mainevt.cpp: Added proper screen parameters, and updated notes. [Corrado Tomaselli]

-sorcerer_cass.xml: Corrected publisher/developer for two titles. [exidyboy]

-gameboy.xml: Update ROM labels/types from No-Intro. [FakeShemp]

-Clarified and re-worded the descriptions of typical ROM set organisation schemes. [Firehawke]

-Dumped Amiga 2000 keyboard (Cherry G80, 8039 with external EPROM). [Gerrit Heitsch]

-z180: Added workaround for missing serial and counter emulation, allowing some software to progress further. [Grull Osgo]

-cosmic.cpp: Corrected ROM labels and verified ROM types for devzone. [Guru]

-goldstar.cpp: Identified Fever Chance PCB as original Wing W-6 hardware. [Ioannis Bampoulas]

-zoar: Confirmed ROM dump is good. [Joe Magiera]

-apollo.h: Work around MSVC's dislike for incomplete types in device finders. [justindarc]

-eyesb: Patched PROM to correct colors. [MASH]

-hikaru.cpp: Dumped development/prototype BIOS v.074. [Ordyne]

-naomi.cpp: Dumped Club-Kart Cycraft Motion PC software. [Ordyne]

-naomi.cpp: Dumped additional BIOS/firmware versions. [Ordyne, MetalliC]
 * NAOMI Development/tester BIOS (Nov 1998), Ferrari F355 DLX prototype Japan and Export BIOS, NAOMI Rev F Export BIOS
 * Ferrari F355 DLX prototype motor board firmware

-play_1.cpp: Verified that Third World and Night Fever use the same ROMs as Big Town and others. [PinMAME]

-dotrikun.cpp: Corrected ROM label for Dottori Kun (old version). [Porchy]

-info.cpp: Adjusted indentation of DTD to better reflect structure. [pxdnbluesoul]

-segas32.cpp: Mapped second start button for F1 Exhaust Note. [sjy96525]

-vgmplay: Added software list to including titles from all major packagers (VGMRips, SMSPower, and Project2612). [Tafoid]


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2018, 11:45
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


RetroArch 1.7.4 has built-in cheat code searching/creating. Additional cheat system updates:

“Load Cheats” has been broken into two separate options. One will replace the list of cheats with what is being loaded whereas the other will append to the list of cheats with what is being loaded.
Cheat list is now automatically saved and loaded for each game
When using left/right to change the values of numbers, there is now a feature that gradually increases the step-size the longer you hold the button
Full cheat list management – Edit, Delete, Copy, Add, (to top of list, to bottom of list, above entry, below entry)
There are now two different cheat types – Emulator (handled by the emulator, the original type) and the new type – RetroArch – that is handled by RetroArch itself
Option to reload cheat file (if you manually edit file while RA is running)
Option to auto-apply cheats when loading game
Option to auto-apply cheats when toggling them on/off
Robust cheat searching interface (see instructions below) which works for just about every RA core

Rumble activation based on memory changing. For example, after finding the memory location for the number of lives in a game (via the cheat searching interface) you can set it up such that every time the value decreases (lose a life) the controller rumbles. Rumble tested with X360 controller, input driver dinput, joypad driver xinput. Available rumble controls:

Rumble when memory value changes
Rumble when memory value does not change
Rumble when memory value decreases
Rumble when memory value increases
Rumble when memory value = value
Rumble when memory value != value
Rumble when memory value < value Rumble when memory value > value


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2018, 21:15
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Wrong "Panels Colors" settings at startup, "Title Font/Shadow", "Title 2 Font/Shadow", "Text Font/Shadow" ("Night Mode" page, Preferences screen)
Wrong "Search Games Panel Colors" settings at startup, "Filter Font/Shadow" ("Night Mode" page, Preferences screen)


Modified the scope of "Ignore Exit Code 1: Invalid Function" setting to support all console/computer emulators
- "KEGA Fusion" is no longer the only emulator returning exit code of "one" on exit
- this error might be related to a missing and/or incompatible plugin or badly configured emulator
- even when nothing is wrong, the emulator might give you "code 1" as an exit code :(
NOTE: this exit code is caused by the emulators, not the frontend
Updates to "Cleanse" feature in "Favorites Manager" screen
- a list of all entries to be removed from the favorite profile is shown for review
- you can remove entries from that list so they are not deleted from the profile .ini
- there's no way to show titles, only game names and/or filenames and the system they belong to


Requested setting "Add Leading Zero to Version Info Column (MAME)" so you can have "0.200" text in the version info column instead of ".200"
Multiple paths support for MAME preview images
- MAME and HBMAME only
- all image categories are supported: snaps, titles, covers, flyers, etc...
- you can have define as many image directories you want
- MAME softlist .zip files don't have to be in the same place as the arcade .zip files anymore, you can have "snap.zip" in one folder and "snap_sl.zip" in another
Support for MAME .201
- vgmplay software list is now correctly detected and sets are correctly loaded by the frontend
- new filter to hide vgmplay softlist entries from the games list: "Hide Video Game Music Files" ("Arcade Misc Filter" tool bar button)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.13.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2018, 16:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

Improved audio emulation
Added XAudio2 support
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: GameEx 15.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2018, 11:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


    Performance improvements
    Fixes manual viewer on 64 bit version


Titel: Mesen 0.9.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2018, 19:40

    New Features:

    Debugger: Numerous small features/improvements/bug fixes.
    UI: Added a Chinese translation for the UI (thanks to L1cardo and owomomo)

    Bug Fixes:

    Audio: Fixed minor issues with Sunsoft 5B and Namco 163 sound emulation.
    Emulation: Fixed frame timing/pacing issues on some computers (fixes unstable FPS and audio issues)
    Video: Removed black bar (left) and fixed cutoff pixels (right) in NTSC (bisqwit) filter.
    HD Pack Builder: Fixed a number of crashes when using the HD Pack Builder at the same time as the debugger (and improved performance while recording).


Titel: GameEx 15.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2018, 19:45
New, now includes a 64 bit version of GameEx.

Some plugins and gamebase music is not supported in the 64 bit version. If this is a problem for you, uncheck the option during installation.

Titel: MAME 0.202
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2018, 09:10

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed:
- 05059: [Documentation] Some games have incorrect release year listed. (sjy96525)
- 05881: [Documentation] (whitestar.cpp) rctycn and all clones: Incorrect descriptions. (sjy96525)
- 05904: [Graphics] (sshangha.cpp) sshangha, sshanghaj: Sprite priority bug with the in-game message boxes. (David Haywood)
- 06020: [Color/Palette] (sshangha.cpp) sshangha, sshanghab, sshanghaj: Black sprites in some cutscenes. (David Haywood)
- 06258: [Graphics] (taitogn.cpp) usagi: Weird background color for score recap. (smf)
- 06874: [Gameplay] (seattle.cpp) blitz: Hangs on a black screen if the power-on self test is enabled. (Ted Green)
- 06967: [Crash/Freeze] (msx.cpp) canonv30f: [debug] Assertion Failed! m_entrymap.find(name) == m_entrymap.end() (Robbbert)
- 06991: [Crash/Freeze] (model1.cpp) swa: Crash with access violation after a while. (AJR)
- 06998: [Interface] Software lists title screenshot directories not working. (Robbbert)
- 07021: [DIP/Input] (vtech2.cpp) laser500: Reset key is not mapped. (hap)
- 07074: [Graphics] (skykid.cpp) drgnbstr: The title logo is not displayed correctly. (kunikuni)
- 07076: [Graphics] (psikyo.cpp) tengaij, tengai and maybe more: [possible] Bad glitch graphic on some stages. (cam900)
- 07081: [Crash/Freeze] (amstrad.cpp) cpc6128: Certain disks that work in older releases won't run. (AmatCoder)
- 07085: [Crash/Freeze] (mcr.cpp) Most machines in mcr.cpp, mcr3.cpp: Calling member function with null this pointer. (Vas Crabb)
- 07086: [Crash/Freeze] (r9751.cpp) r9751: [debug] Assertion Failed! Expression: m_functions.empty() (Osso)
- 07087: [Crash/Freeze] (atari400.cpp) a400, a400pal, a800, a800pal: Object finders are not for resources created on start. (Vas Crabb)
- 07089: [Crash/Freeze] Assorted machines: Attempting to bind callbacks to parent of root device. (Vas Crabb)
- 07090: [Crash/Freeze] (astrocde.cpp) tenpindx: Invalid format string in output finder tag. (Vas Crabb)
- 07091: [DIP/Input] (namcos2.cpp) sgunner2, sgunner2j: Coin inputs are not registered. (AJR)
- 07092: [DIP/Input] (targeth.cpp) targeth, targeth10, targetha: Player 2 Y axis is broken, and X axis is inverted. (AJR)
- 07096: [Crash/Freeze] (micro3d.cpp) All sets in micro3d.cpp: Hang during the boot process. (AJR)
New working machines:
Emma II trainer [Robbbert]
Pitapat Puzzle [David Haywood, ClawGrip, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
New working clones:
800 Fathoms (older) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Acorn Electron (Trial) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Botanic (English / Spanish, set 2) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 2) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (bootleg, set 2) [Siftware, MASH]
Four Trax (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Frogger (Video Dens, bootleg on Scramble hardware) [ClawGrip, AJR]
Gals Panic 4 (Europe) [nomax, The Dumping Union]
Hard Head 2 (v2.0, Music Program v2.0) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.01) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Daniel Gallimberti]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 4.01) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo, Daniel Gallimberti]
Mandanga (bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 1) [Ivan Vangelista, The Dumping Union]
Mandanga (bootleg of Mandinga on Galaxian hardware, set 2) [Ivan Vangelista, The Dumping Union]
Meteorite (Proel bootleg of Asteroids) [MikeMcBike]
Midnight Landing (Japan) [ShouTime]
Midnight Run: Road Fighters 2 (JAD, Japan v1.10) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union]
Pac-Man (Video Dens, Spanish bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
River Patrol (Japan, unprotected)
[ShouTime, Henrique Areias Pontes, Dane Biegert, Evan Korzon, Mario Mantese, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Star Castle (cocktail) [Brent Walker]
Tehkan World Cup (1986 year hack) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
The Simpsons (4 Players Asia) [Leonard Oliveira]
Toki no Senshi - Chrono Soldier (MC-8123, 317-0040) [ShouTime]
TouchDown Fever 2 (bootleg) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. ?) [Jorge Silva]
WEC Le Mans 24 (v2.01) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Machines promoted to working:
Air Combat 22 (Rev. ACS1 Ver.B, Japan) [hap]
Cart Fury [Ted Green]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr [Robbbert]
Clones promoted to working:
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (EMR-ES 1988) [Robbbert]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (ES 2.3) [Robbbert]
Jugend+Technik CompJU+TEr (ES 4.0) [Robbbert]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 616) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 623) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 626) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Lucky Ball 96 (Ver 3.50 - 627) [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
Stop Thief (Electronic Crime Scanner) (patent) [Mike]
New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Hazeltine 1420 Video Display Terminal [AJR]
Hazeltine 1552 [Al Kossow]
Jongputer [yukaritamura]
Lee Data 1214D Display Terminal [Al Kossow]
MIPS Magnum R4000 (big) [Patrick Mackinlay]
MIPS Magnum R4000 (little) [Patrick Mackinlay]
Nvidia nForce PC (CRUSH11/12) [Samuele Zannoli]
Video 21 [MikeMcBike, Robbbert, hap, David Haywood]
New clones marked as NOT_WORKING:
Acorn Briefcase Communicator [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Acorn Communicator (Italian) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Acorn Communicator (prototype) [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Diner (LF-2) French [PinMAME]
The House of the Dead (prototype) [Andy Geezer]
Wyse WY-75 [Robbbert]
New working software list additions:
C64_flop: Bill Budge: Pinball Construction Set, JingleDisk - Holiday Musical Story with Computer Animation [FakeShemp]
Camplynx_cass: Super Air Raid [Nigel Barnes]
Super Real Mahjong PII & PIII +, The Visitor [DamienD, Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
Teito Taisen, Teitoku no Ketsudan II, Zoku Youjuu Senki - Suna no Mokushiroku [r09, redump.org]
Fmtowns_flop: Daisenryaku III '90 Map Collection Vol. 1 [r09]
2630 Fourier Analyzer (Demo), Easy-PC Demonstrator for Printed Circuit Boards and Schematics,
Mitt forsta ordbehandlingsprogram (Swe), Ranger 1 (Demo), The Great International Paper Airplane Construction Kit
[FakeShemp, Justin Kerk]
Ibm5170: Heimdall, Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds [ArcadeShadow]
Interpro: Intergraph Mechanical Software [Brian Ekins]
Uzebox: Babylon Tower, Bomber, Bugz, Fifteen Puzzle, Holey Moley, Joyrider [ArcadeShadow]
New NOT_WORKING software list additions
Bbc_flop_6502: P-System [Nigel Barnes]
Bbcm_cart: Smart Cartridge [Centre for Computing History, ABUG]
Translations added or modified:
Korean [Neius]
Source Changes:
Pipibibsbl: Fixed clocks - they're different to original. [AJR]
Moved imperfect graphics flag from drivers to PSX GPU device. [AJR]
M6502: Made SET instruction in Mitsubishi M740 subfamily actually affect execution (fixes MT07091). [AJR]
M79152pc: Implemented cursor, scrolling support, and some video attributes. [AJR]
Froggervd: Patched program ROMs, allowing game to work. [AJR]
Imds2: Split out emulation of I/O controller board as separate device. [AJR]
* Also identified and added more IOC firmware revisions.
Z80dart: Fixed miscellaneous bugs. [AJR]
* Default RxD to 1 to avoid spurious break condition.
* Corrected CTS level in RR0 after "Reset External/Status Interrupt" command.
* Allow immediate de-assertion of RTS output when nothing is being transmitted.
Pcd.cpp: Fixed pcx display. [AJR]
Tzx_cass.cpp: Finish a block with a 1 ms minimum pause when specified pause length is zero. [AmatCoder]
Dsk_dsk.cpp: Read sectors with deleted mark set. [AmatCoder]
Apply scanline effect before defocus effect, and moved scanline effect into separate shader. [anikom15]
Bbusters.cpp: Fixed beast Busters sprite priority and converted to single-pass drawing. [Bryan McPhail, Daniel Filner]
Megatech.cpp: Added cart label numbers from manual. [Bryan McPhail]
Mips3: Fixed DMULT/DMULTU behaviour (GitHub #3718). [Bryan Perris]
Lethalj.cpp, artmagic.cpp: Reduced run-time tag map lookups, and improved function and region naming. [cam900]
Raiden2.cpp, r2dx_v33.cpp: Corrected Oki M6295 clock and pin 7 level for zeroteam, nzerotea, and zerotm2k. [cam900]
Legionna.cpp: Corrected metadata for denjinmk. [cam900]
Psikyo.cpp, dreamwld.cpp: Fixed tilemap rowscroll effects. [cam900]
Improved PC-FX sound: [cam900]
* huc6230: Fixed PSG, converted ADPCM update to timer callback, and implemented CD-DA volume control.
* huc6272: Fixed CD-DA output.
Yunsun16.cpp: Reduced code duplication, run-time tag map lookups and unused members, and simplified tilemap scanning code. [cam900]
Funybubl.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
* Cleaned up member and region naming, and reduced run-time tag map lookups.
* Corrected Oki M6295 clock and converted sample space to memory bank.
* Corrected palette size and converted to use palette decoder member.
* Converted VRAM to use address map bank device, and converted drawing to use tilemap system.
Sshangha.cpp: Fixed Oki M6295 clock and pin 7 level. [cam900]
Nmg5.cpp: Converted bitmap layer to use a MAME bitmap, reduced need for ACCESSING_BITS, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]
Neogeo.cpp, neopcb.cpp: Eliminated register_postload, and eliminated some MCFG macro usage. [cam900]
Neogeocd.cpp: Re-worked to better match MAME code conventions. [cam900]
Crospang.cpp: Fixed tile banking - should fix bugs in bestri. [David Haywood]
Raiden2.cpp: Organised Raiden 2 and Raiden DX set by code revision. [David Haywood]
Seta001: Removed a sprite drawing kludge. [David Haywood]
Sshanghai.cpp: Improved video mixing and palette handling. [David Haywood]
Fuukifg2.cpp, fuukifg3.cpp: Fixed tilemap buffer offset. [David Haywood]
Started converting Namco C65 and C68 to devices. [David Haywood]
Namcos2.cpp, namcos21.cpp: Use configured banking for audio CPU program. [David Haywood]
Namcos2.cpp: Separated C123, C169, C355 and ROZ drawing emulation from driver class. [David Haywood]
Namcos21.cpp: Split into three drivers for different configurations, and moved DSP emulation to a device. [David Haywood]
Opwolf: Removed C-chip simulation and cleaned up code. [Dirk Best]
Opwolfb: Inputs are read by Z80 and written to shared RAM. [Dirk Best]
Galaxian.cpp updates: [kazblox]
* Improved machine configuration and video sync in Take Off, Explorer, and Amigo (set 2).
* Marked Explorer and Amigo (set 2) as having imperfect sound emulation.
* Marked Take Off as having incorrect colors
* Fixed Jump Bug starfield limit.
* Fixed bullet size in Scramble.
* Derived jungsub clocks from the L-1200-2 pixel clock, as the Subelectro 113 board has no crystals.
* Improved SF-X and Monster Zero background drawing.
* Changed turpins to derive from Super Cobra rather than Scramble.
* Added sound program ROMs from Amidar to Mandinga, marked as bad dump.
* Improved protection simulation for The End and Scramble.
Mimonscr: Fixed video RAM mirror address - score is now displayed correctly. [kazblox]
Pacland.cpp: Improved sprite priority and drawing at screen edges. [kunikuni]
Sn76496.cpp: Made NCR8496 and PSSJ-3 noise generator behaviour match hardware tests.
[Lord Nightmare, Qbix, ValleyBell, NewRisingSun]
Williams.cpp: Fixed Speed Ball inputs. [MASH]
Bbcb: Added AMS 3" Microdrive Disc System and Microware DDFS FDC floppy controller options (latter is not working). [Nigel Barnes]
Bbc: Added Acorn Bitstik and Bitstik 2 analogue controllers. [Nigel Barnes]
Acorn_fdc, atom_discpack: Set READY on HEAD_LOAD. [Nigel Barnes]
Emumem: Fixed I/O ports and memory banks in internal maps. [O. Galibert]
Interpro: Fixed network emulation. [Patrick Mackinlay]
* osdnet, dinetwork: Fixed time travel issues.
* taptun: Pad short frames and append frame check sequence on Windows.
* clipper: Fixed bugs in carry flag handling.
* i82586: Improved interrupt handling, implemented serialisation delays, fixed transmit bug, and added reset handling.
Apple2e.cpp: Corrected I/O intercepts to match hardware behaviour. [Peter Ferrie]
Apple2e: Fixed issues with cards in slots 1 and 2 that use the $C800 space. [R. Belmont, Peter Ferrie]
Decstation improvements: [R. Belmont]
* Emulated accelerated quasi-blitter enough to get a working console.
* Added LANCE Ethernet controller.
* Started implementing IRQ handling in gate array.
Z8: Fixed numerous bugs, including detection of stack type, JP and CALL with indirect register addressing, and DA. [Robbbert]
Luckybal.cpp updates: [Roberto Fresca, Grull Osgo]
* Implemented banking and I/O multiplexing.
* Added DIP switch locations, and added pinout and I/O connections to notes.
Added preliminary AMD LANCE Ethernet controller device. [Ryan Holtz]
Sun4.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
* Ignore writes to ASIs used by unemulated write-through cache controller.
* Fixed DMA and MMU page fault handling.
* Trigger memory access exceptions on access to undefined memory types.
* Added SBus slots with support for bwtwo, cgthree and cgsix cards.
* Added an alternate FCode PROM for the bwtwo framebuffer.
* Added a skeleton Artecon SB300P 3-serioal/1-parallel SBus card device.
* Corrected timekeepr type.
* Added sun4c MMU device implementing S4-buffer, S4-cache and S4-MMU functionality.
Sparc: Fixed TBR masking on traps and interrupts, and refactored CPU/MMU interface for better performance. [Ryan Holtz]
Nscsi_cd: Return data from correct offset when initiating read at a block that isn't on a sector boundary. [Ryan Holtz]
Timekpr.cpp: Fixed issue that could cause updates to be missed. [Ryan Holtz]
Added skeleton SunPC 5x86 Accelerator, SunSwift 10/100 Ethernet + Fast Wide SCSI, and TurboGX+ SBus card devices.
[Ryan Holtz, Andrew Liles]
-32x: Improved audio FIFO behaviour and corrected DAC resolution. [smf]
NES APU: Removed read/write trampolines and corrected channel enable reset state. [smf]
Vgmplay updates: [smf]
* Added support for Sega 32X sound.
* Added support for Y8950, YM2608, YM2610 and YM2612 sample playback.
* Added support for C6280, SN76496 and YM2203 sample playback.
* Automatically enable NES APU and Sega 32X channels in bad rips missing the enable commands.
* Assume default header size if header size read from file is invalid.
* Fixed off-by-one error in bounds check on PCM write.
Emumem: Fixed unmapped read values with subunits. [smf]
Mcr68: Mapped 6840 on lower data bits on all games - matches schematics for blasted. [smf]
PSX GPU: Implemented textured dot rendering, transparent dots and line, and semi-transparent (STP) drawing. [smf]
Tandy1t.cpp: Improved keyboard simulation (improves behaviour in t100tx MS-DOS BASIC). [smf]
Zn.cpp: Hooked up Primal Rage 2 watchdog. [smf, coolmod]
Powervr2.cpp: Store different polygon types into separate lists, and ignore alpha value for opaque polygons. [snickerbockers]
Zsg2.cpp: Properly reset emphasis filter state at key-on (fixes popping in raystorm song 12). [superctr]
Nereid: Implemented palette read-back, and fixed save states. [Sven Schnelle]
Topcat: Implemented interrupts, cursor register read-back, plane enable, pixel placement rules, and other fixes. [Sven Schnelle]
I8291: Set BO bit only if receiver is ready, fix MJMN bit, reset EOI flag when in TIDS, and implemented DCAS. [Sven Schnelle]
Voodoo_pci: Return different values for PCI configuration register 0x40 depending on GPU type (fixes MT06874). [Ted Green]
Coco12.cpp, coco3.cpp: Use CLEAR or CTRL as second shift, allowing more punctuation to be typed in natural keyboard mode.
[Tim Lindner]
Re-wrote serial mouse emulation: [Vas Crabb]
* Simplified code and eliminated timers.
* Split Microsoft mouse into separate two-button (Microsoft), three-button (Logitech), and click wheel devices.
* Made Mouse Systems mouse behaviour better match early Mouse Systems models.
* Added "rotatable" Mouse Systems mouse support (untested due to lack of software).
* Added Sun mouse support, currently hacked to run at 9,600 Baud to work around a separate issue.
Fixed issue where dual-screen systems could be incorrectly displayed with 4:3 aspect ratio. [Vas Crabb]
Neogeo.cpp: Dumped sp1-u4 BIOS from a US 4-slot MVS. [ack]
Seta2.cpp: Added P0-113A PCB layout and note about undumped version of Guardians using this board. [Brian Troha]
Vamphalf.cpp: Re-dumped Cool Minigame Collection (Italy). [caius, Brian Troha]
Suprnova.cpp: Verified PLD dumps. [caius]
Tumbleb.cpp: Improved documentation for tumbleb2 set. [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Namcos2.cpp: Dumped PLDs for rthun2j. [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
M72.cpp: Dumped PAL for rtype2j. [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Slapfght.cpp: Re-dumped getstarb1, updated ROM labels, and added placeholder for undumped protected PAL.
[ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Valtric: Re-dumped text ROM vt_07.bin and corrected size. [ClawGrip]
Fmtowns_cd.xml: Dumped Branmarker 2 Extra Disc. [DamienD, Tokugawa Corporate Forums]
Corrected and improved documentation in konamigx.cpp, konamim2.cpp, and wecleman.cpp. [f205v]
F1superb: Changed title to match manual and title screen. [f205v]
Vegas.cpp: Updated flags to better reflect emulation status. [Hydreigon]
Updated hiscore.dat for recent changes in MAME. [Leezer]
Ibmpc.cpp: Verified dump of 08/16/82 revision of IBM 5160 (PC/XT) BIOS. [MicroCoreLabs]
Digel804.cpp: Dumped Celectronic Berlin/Digelec Promicron 2000 programmer v2.3 BIOS. [MikeMcBike]
Chihiro.cpp: Brute forced security key for Quest of D Oukoku no Syugosya. [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard]
Vastar.cpp: Dumped PROMs for dogfightp. [ShouTime]
Corrected metadata for Chess Challenge 2, Dirt Dash, and Heuk Sun Baek Sa. [sjy96525]
Taitogn.cpp: Removed redundant flag from Usagi. [sjy96525]
Added abbreviated forms of some command-line options to documentation. [Wellington Uemura]


Titel: VisualBoyAdvance-M
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2018, 19:45
VisualBoyAdvance-M is an application (GBA Emulator) designed to help you with play your favorite games from the 1990s even when without a dedicated GameBoy console.

License: GPL


(HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) minor fix for mingw cross build (9 hours ago)
(origin/osx-32bit) support older 32 bit macs running 10.7, fix build (11 hours ago)
Fix some ELF parsing vulnerabilities #255 (30 hours ago)
Travis: add job for libretro module (2 days ago)
Libretro: Do not compile arm disassembly module (2 days ago)
Fix 2 broken URLs in builder script (3 days ago)
Travis: move cache key for ccache into jobs (3 days ago)
Add Coverity Badge (4 days ago)
Add Travis CI support (4 days ago)
Installdeps: add ccache to list of deps (4 days ago)
Installdeps: install wx-common for mxe for wxrc (4 days ago)
- installdeps: fix build instructions for mxe (4 days ago)
Fix installdeps for ubuntu:trusty (4 days ago)
Fix save dialogs on Mac #268 (4 days ago)
Note how to reset config in windows in README.md (7 days ago)
Use GetWindow()->Refresh() on non-GTK too #260 (12 days ago)
Fix high CPU usage under wxgtk2 #260 (12 days ago)
Fix $ENV{WX_CONFIG} check yet again (12 days ago)
Fix $ENV{WX_CONFIG} check in 46f5294 (12 days ago)
Do not prefer wxgtk3 if $ENV{WX_CONFIG} is set (12 days ago)
Clean up wxgtk3 finding cmake code (12 days ago)
Support and default to wxgtk3 not gtk2 on arch (13 days ago)
Fix Mac OS 10.13 build issues (13 days ago)
Merge pull request #263 from retro-wertz/patch-2 (2 weeks ago)
Add couple of file ext on .gitignore (2 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #262 from retro-wertz/libretro (2 weeks ago)
Opps (2 weeks ago)
- GBA: Show log when rom uses SRAM of FLASH save types (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: implement vbam logging using libretro logging api (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Remove GBA LCD filter (2 weeks ago)
RTC: Change this #ifdef to GBA_LOGGING (2 weeks ago)
UtilRetro: Remove LCD filter (2 weeks ago)
Makefile: Add option for sanitizer, add -DNO_DEBUGGER (2 weeks ago)
Makefile: Remove sources we dont need (2 weeks ago)
Remove unrelated function during rom load (2 weeks ago)
Remove wrong #ifdef decleration (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Fix samplerate not passed correctly to gba core (2 weeks ago)
Silence some warnings (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Add core options for Sound Interpolation and Filtering (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Add core option to mute sound channels (2 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #256 from retro-wertz/patch-1 (2 weeks ago)
- Set mirroringEnable to false (2 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #253 from retro-wertz/libretro (2 weeks ago)
Ereader.cpp: Silence warning (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Disable cheats by default, update to bios loading (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Cleanup controller layout binds (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Do not allow opposing directions (2 weeks ago)
Libretro: Add Solar Sensor (3 weeks ago) <U-DESKTOP-UVBJEGHCloud>
Let's place these in the correct spot shall we? (3 weeks ago)
Added retro-wertz for his contributions in bringing in libretro back to speed and other things (3 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #249 from retro-wertz/updates (3 weeks ago)
- Do this for GBA sound enhancements too (3 weeks ago)
GB: Fix sound options not working (3 weeks ago)
Pause on menu pulldown on windows only (FIXED) (3 weeks ago)
Pause on menu pulldown on windows only (3 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #248 from retro-wertz/updates (3 weeks ago)
Add missing file (3 weeks ago) <U-DESKTOP-UVBJEGHCloud>
Gfx: Add #ifdef _MSC_VER, fix tiled rendering on windows (3 weeks ago)
Move gfxDrawTextScreen() into GBAGfx.cpp (3 weeks ago)
Re-add Types.h, remove some more #ifdef (3 weeks ago)
Add header guard (3 weeks ago) <U-DESKTOP-UVBJEGHCloud>
Do not pause games when menus are pulled down (3 weeks ago)
Exclude headers for now (3 weeks ago)
Minor OSD code cleanup (3 weeks ago)
Update installdeps for opensuse (3 weeks ago)
Fix a cast for msvc compilers (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #246 from retro-wertz/libretro (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Cleanup some #ifdefs (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #244 from retro-wertz/fix_gba_cheats (4 weeks ago)
Fix cheats not working in GBA (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #243 from retro-wertz/fix_opcode (4 weeks ago)
Fix some opcodes in arm (4 weeks ago)
Add brace so it doesn't break compilation (4 weeks ago)
Gonna take my time and actually work on a D3D9 panel. Documentation here I come. (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #242 from retro-wertz/fix_alignments (4 weeks ago)
Fix some formatting alignments in arm/thumb opcodes (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #241 from retro-wertz/libretro (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Fix save types not properly set using overrides (4 weeks ago)
Merge pull request #239 from retro-wertz/libretro (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Use stdint.h instead in most cases (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Update (4 weeks ago)
Always apply map masks (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Fix wrong file pointer (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Fix error : narrowing conversion (4 weeks ago)
Libretro: Add header guard to UtilRetro.h (4 weeks ago)
Add cygwin cross build support (9 weeks ago)
Require pkg-config in cmake for gtk checks #227 (9 weeks ago)
Remove ffmpeg from suse installdeps (9 weeks ago)
If cross compiling openssl, need to add --cross-compile-prefix=- (2 months ago)
Win cross script: pass RANLIB to openssl make (2 months ago)
Windows cross build script: use autoconf for bzip2 (2 months ago)
Fix SDL sound on windows (3 months ago)
Fix msys2 builder script (3 months ago)
Cmake: default ENABLE_OPENAL to OFF (3 months ago)
Finalize vertical draw fixes and code cleanup (3 months ago)
Fix forbidden conversion in remote.cpp (3 months ago)
Merge pull request #214 from Eleuin/name-fixes (3 months ago)
Fix cmake directory in installdeps (3 months ago)
Fix draw height across rendering modes (3 months ago)
Fix compile errors with ffmpeg git (3 months ago)
Fix installdeps for OpenSUSE (3 months ago)
Adjust changelog version regex for cur. version (4 months ago)
Merge pull request #204 from Eleuin/filter-bounds-fix (4 months ago)
Fixed filter draw bounds (4 months ago)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2018, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Usability improvements and new UI options
Slightly improved performance
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: RetroArch 1.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2018, 12:09

Launch of Nintendo Switch version:
Menu improvements – dropdown lists:
We were fully cognizant of the fact that it was very inconvenient for many mobile users (such as Android users) to have to repeatedly click on a setting in order to adjust its value. So we have finally implemented dropdown lists now for the majority of the settings!
A dropdown list will appear when you either click on a certain setting or press the ‘OK’ button on your gamepad. Settings that have a dropdown lists are typically decimal/hexadecimal settings, or even string lists.
We have even made the core options feature dropdown lists, and they work uniformly across all currently existing menu drivers right now. So that means the dropdown lists work with RGUI, MaterialUI as well as XMB!
We hope this will smooth over some of the rough edges that have existed in the raster-based UI for quite some time!
Adaptive V-Sync implemented for OpenGL (Windows/Linux):
We have implemented the “swap_control_tear” extension for OpenGL when using WGL on Windows or GLX on Linux. In order to take advantage of this, your GPU needs to support either the “WGL_swap_control_tear” extension (for Windows) or “GLX_swap_control_tear” (for Linux).
Adaptive V-Sync is basically a conditional V-Sync mode. V-Sync is enabled until performance falls below the target refresh rate. If it falls below the target framerate, it will conditionally disable V-Sync. Basically the logic behind this is that tear lines is preferable vs. a sudden halving of the framerate (under a normal double buffered V-Sync configuration) from 60 fps to 30fps, and from 30 fps to 15fps, and so on. This can minimize stuttering when performance falls below real-time, and can be more energy efficient. It can also help with very intensive shaders that makes the framerate fall below fullspeed.
Adaptive V-Sync is commonly seen on current-generation game consoles such as Xbox One and PlayStation4.
Improved Vulkan performance (especially for Nvidia cards) – mailbox emulation:
Thanks to Themaister’s latest patches implementing mailbox emulation for Vulkan, there should no longer be frame pacing / stuttering issues with Vulkan on Windows when using Nvidia graphics cards.
Easy recording/streaming options (for versions with ffmpeg support):
RetroArch video streaming feature was revamped with GUI support, automatic file naming and quality presets.
Live Streaming to YouTube and Twitch is now possible with a single click (after setting up your stream key of course). You can go to Settings -> User -> Accounts and configure your Youtube/Twitch stream key there.
UDP Streaming to another RetroArch instance:
In addition to streaming to YouTube and Twitch (and to file) you can now stream to another RetroArch instance.
This is meant to be the backbone for Discord spectate mode. And streaming netplay (think parsec, gfe co-op)
An interesting fact about this is that you could stream at 1x without shaders and playback in another instance with shaders and at any scale you want.
Of course all these things still need more work, GPU assisted recording, custom FFMPEG, etc. But I’ll get there eventually.
To playback on another instance just do: retroarch udp://
General changelog:
CAMERA: Fix Video4Linux2 driver that broke years ago.
CONFIG: Add ‘Reset To Defaults’ setting in Configurations. This will reset your config file to defaults.
CHEATS: Add support for Rumble when increase or decrease by the rumble value.
CHEATS: Add cheat variables to allow for updating large portions of memory.
CHEEVOS: Prevent loading states before achievements are fully loaded.
CRT: New porches and interlaced bug fix.
CRT: New functionality, ability to switch between 15KHz and 31KHz, etc.
COMMON: Support for “OEM-102” key (usually ‘’ on Euro keyboards).
DISCORD: Add ‘Ask To Join’ Feature.
EMSCRIPTEN: Add stb_font support.
INPUT: Add new menu toggle combos ‘L3 + R’ and ‘L + R’ (useful for Switch).
MENU: Add dropdown lists for many settings.
MENU: Fix crash that could happen when changing core’s options on Android.
MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to rename playlists.
MENU/QT/WIMP: Add option to filter extensions inside archives when adding to a playlist.
MENU/QT/WIMP: Rename playlist entries with 2 single clicks.
MENU/QT/WIMP: Fix shader parameter checkboxes not working
METAL: Add screenshot support.
NETPLAY: Save lobby details received back from server after first announcement.
OPENGL/GLX: Implement Adaptive VSync – GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear.
OPENGL/WGL: Implement Adaptive VSync – WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear.
RUNAHEAD: Fix performance degradation that could happen over time (after approx. 30 mins). Fixed input IDs outside of range 0-35 causing slow performance in runahead.
SWITCH: Add stb_font support.
SWITCH: Add Retro Achievements support.
SWITCH: Add networking support.
SWITCH: Add touchscreen support.
SWITCH: Add OpenGL support.
SWITCH: Merging of RetroNX Nintendo Switch port, based on libnx SDK.
VULKAN: Fix race condition in threaded mailbox emulation.
VULKAN: Maintenance fixes.
WIIU: Fix menu lag when built with DevKitPro r32.
Reicast Libretro now supports the keyboard as an input peripheral!:
Keyboard support has now been implemented by flyinghead! In this video you see us testing the game Typing Of The Dead, which relies on a keyboard as its primary input device..
In order to play this game, make sure the keyboard is set to Port A of the Dreamcast. You can see us doing this in the video by going to the Quick Menu, selecting ‘Controls’, and setting the first port to ‘Keyboard’. Now restart the core and the game. You should now be able to play the game.
Game focus toggle:
Quick tip: RetroArch by default binds a lot of keyboard keys to hotkeys. In order to be able to use the keyboard in full, try to bind ‘Game focus toggle’ to a key. You can do this by going to Settings – Input Hotkeys, and binding ‘Game focus toggle’ to any key you want.
How this will work is as follows: if you press the game focus toggle, you will be in ‘game focus’ mode. In this mode, none of the hotkeys will work, and you can use every key of the keyboard. When you want to go back to the RetroArch hotkey mode, you press the ‘game focus toggle’ key again in order to deactivate game focus mode.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 13:19
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


Fix for insta-crash on Galaxy Note 9, some Xiaomi devices, and the new nVidia Shield (#11441)
Vertex range culling on most platforms, fixes DTM: Race Driver and similar (#11393)
Major speed boost in some Gundam and Earth Defense Force games (#10973)
Fix for issues with post processing shaders in GL 3+ (#11182)
Fixes to sound output switching on Windows (WASAPI) (#11438)
Detects DirectInput devices when running (#11461)
Simple Discord integration (#11307)
New debugging APIs (#10909)
Task switching made a lot more robust (fixes GPD XD problems) (#11447)
Texture decoding optimizations (#11350)
Tons and tons of miscellaneous bugfixes and compatibility fixes


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

New texture system & graphic fixes
Small audio improvements
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: MAME 0.203
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2018, 05:25

0.203 2018-10-31

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 00430: [Graphics] (flkatck.cpp) mx5000: Game has priority problems. (Angelo Salese)
- 00777: [Gameplay] (namcos22.cpp) timecris, timecrisa: Incorrect hitbox for the helicopter in level 3. (hap)
- 06157: [Graphics] (cps3.cpp) jojo, jojoba and clones: Combo meter graphics missing for second player. (David Haywood)
- 06164: [Graphics] (namcos22.cpp) ridgerac: Title screen graphics are missing from second attract loop onwards. (hap)
- 06171: [Core] System-specific INI file settings are retained when starting a new emulation session. (Ryan Holtz)
- 06616: [Crash/Freeze] (coco3.cpp) coco3: Cartridges using 32k external ROM mode don't work. (Tim Lindner)
- 07088: [Crash/Freeze] (interpro.cpp) ip6000, ip6700, ip6800: 1 Hz clock causes assertion failure in scheduler. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 07110: [DIP/Input] (snk.cpp) tdfever: The "Allow Continue" DIP switch is reversed. (Angelo Salese)
- 07111: [Graphics] (namcos22.cpp) dirtdash: Speedometer displayed incorrectly. (hap)
- 07115: [Sound] (cps2.cpp) spf2t (qsound): Sound effects are distorted, mainly on left channel. (superctr)
- 07123: [Documentation] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [dstrike]: Title is inaccurate. (Tafoid)
- 07124: [Documentation] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [rrash3]: Title is inaccurate. (Tafoid)
- 07126: [Color/Palette] (8080bw.cpp) yosakdon: Yosaku to donbei used an overlay for colour. (MASH)

New working machines
Game & Watch: Donkey Kong [algestam]
Game & Watch: Green House [algestam]
HP 9825B [F.Ulivi]
Nerae! Super Goal (J 981218 V1.000) [PascalP, Bill D., The Dumping Union]
Sky Challenger (J 000406 V1.000)
  [ShouTime, Bill D., Charles MacDonald, Dane Biegert, Candy Wolff, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton, Surgeville, Smitdogg,
  The Dumping Union]

New working clones
Ace Driver: Victory Lap (Rev. ADV1, Japan)
  [ShouTime, Henrique Areias Pontes, Evan Korzon, Dane Biegert, mrgoodwraith, Michael O'Malley, Alexander Monin, Sean Sutton,
  Sung Eugene, Russell Howard, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Arm Champs II (ver 2.7) [Siftware]
Crazy Rally (Recreativos Franco license) [Recreativas.org]
Crock-Man (Marti Colls bootleg of Rene Pierre Crock-Man) [A.R.P.A., Recreativas.org]
Fenix (Niemer bootleg of Phoenix) [Recreativas.org, Arcade Vintage]
Heated Barrel (World version ?) [Jorge Silva]
Koutetsu Yousai Strahl (World) [VectorGlow]
Land Maker (Ver 2.02O 1998/06/02) [SEGV]
Ms. Pac-Man ('Made in Greece' bootleg, set 2) [Michael Moffitt, The Dumping Union]
Ms. Pac-Man (Marti Colls bootleg) [A.R.P.A., Recreativas.org]
Pac Man (FAMARE S.A. bootleg of Puck Man) [Marcos75, Recreativas.org]
Phoenix (G. Universal Video bootleg) [VectorGlow]
Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 1) [A.R.P.A., Recreativas.org]
Pengo (Marti Colls bootleg on Pac-Man hardware, set 2) [A.R.P.A., Recreativas.org]
Player's Edge Plus (SET033) Set Chip [Brian Troha]
Pocket Gal Deluxe (Asia v3.00) [Jorge Silva]
PuLiRuLa (World, earlier?) [Jorge Silva]
Rapid Hero (NMK) [pacman70]
Rim Rockin' Basketball (V1.2, bootleg) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Soldier Girl Amazon (Tecfri license) [Fredric Sjoholm]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910204) [Erik Preston]
Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (USA 930911) [Steve Gordon]
Tazz-Mania - El Trompa (U.R.V. BBCPE bootleg) [Ricky2001, Recreativas.org]
Tetris (bootleg set 4, with UM3482) [Asayuki, ClawGrip]
The Killing Blade / Ao Jian Kuang Dao (ver. 106) [Brad Hicks]
Twins [David Torres, ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]
Twins (Mega Twins bootleg) [Barry Harris, ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
World Cup '90 (european hack, different title) [Roberto Fresca, Martin Mejia Britez]
Zero Time (Marti Colls) [A.R.P.A., Recreativas.org]

Machines promoted to working
Jungle Soft Vii [Ryan Holtz]
Tokyo Wars (Rev. TW2 Ver.A, World) [hap]
Video 21 [hap]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Bowling Road (Ver 1.5) [f205v]
BwB Tetris v 1.0? (MPU4 Video) [James Wallace]
Decision Data IS-482 Workstation [Al Kossow]
Falco 5220 [Al Kossow]
Gynotai (Japan) [Dane Biegert, Evan Korzon, Candy Wolff, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton, ShouTime, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
HP 700/70 Windowing Terminal [Bitsavers]
ITT 1700 [Al Kossow]
Labyrinth (Ver 1.5) [f205v]
MCS-51 System Design Kit [Glen Slick]
MIPS RC2030 [Patrick Mackinlay]
MIPS RS2030 [Patrick Mackinlay]
MVS-TEMP 'SubSystem Ver1.4' (Nazca development board) [Brian Hargrove]
Pin Ups (Ver 1.0 Rev A) [f205v]
Prize Space Invaders (v1.4D?) (MPU4 Video) [James Wallace]
Prize Space Invaders (v2.0D?) (MPU4 Video) [James Wallace]
Prize Space Invaders (v2.14?) (MPU4 Video) [James Wallace]
Rushing Beat (SNES bootleg) [Jorge Silva]
S-Plus SET005 Set chip [Brian Troha]
S-Plus SET015 Set chip [Brian Troha]
S-Plus SET026 Set chip [Brian Troha]
Scientific Instruments Model 5500 Temperature Controller [ClawGrip]
Super Derby (satellite board) [Chris Buehler]
UFO Robot (Ver 1.0 Rev A) [f205v]
World Cup (Ver 1.5) [f205v]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Altered Beast (bootleg) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Break Thru (Tecfri license) [jordigahan, Recreativas.org]
Bowling Road (Ver 1.4) [f205v]
Bowling Road (Ver 1.4, ND2001 hardware) [f205v]
Congo (1.1, DCS sound 1.0) [PinMAME]
Diner (PA-0 prototype) [PinMAME]
Emergency Call Ambulance (Japan)
  [ShouTime, Henrique Areias Pontes, Evan Korzon, Dane Biegert, mrgoodwraith, Michael O'Malley, Alexander Monin, Sean Sutton,
  Sung Eugene, Russell Howard, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Excalibur (Mdm) (MPU4, V1.4) [James Wallace]
Heavy Metal Meltdown (German) [PinMAME]
HP9000/360 [Sven Schnelle]
Jack*Bot (0.4A prototype) [PinMAME]
Mushiking The King Of Beetle (MUSHIUSA '04 1ST, Prototype) [Jorge Valero, rtw]
Showdown (version 4.0) [Mark Jenison]
Super Pang (World 900914, bootleg, set 2) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
World Cup (Ver 1.4) [f205v]
Zorton Brothers v1.00 (Los Justicieros) [Arcade Vintage, Recreativas.org]

New working software list additions
  Accelerator 1.00, Accelerator 1.02, Accelerator 1.05 Accelerator 1.06, BeebCalc 1.2B, BeebCalc 1.2C, BeebCalc 1.2D, BeebCalc 1.2E,
  Caretaker 1.00, Caretaker 1.01, Caretaker 1.02, Caretaker 1.03, Communicator 0.90, Communicator 1.04a, Communicator A2.1, Debug,
  Disc Doctor 1.05, Disc Doctor 1.06, Disc Doctor 1.07, Disc Doctor 1.09, Disc Doctor 1.0A, Disc Doctor 1.0B,
  Graphics Extension 1.02, Graphics Extension 1.03, Graphics Extension 2.09, Gremlin 1.20, Gremlin 1.21, Inter-Chart 1.01,
  Inter-Chart 1.02, Inter-Chart 1.03a, Inter-Sheet 0.47, Inter-Sheet 1.00, Inter-Sheet 1.02, Inter-Sheet 1.03, Inter-Sheet 1.06,
  Inter-Sheet 1.06c, Inter-Sheet 1.06s, Printmaster (Canon) 1.08, Printmaster (Epson) 1.00, Printmaster (Epson) 1.01,
  Printmaster (Epson) 1.02, Printmaster (Epson) 1.08, Printmaster (Epson) 1.10, Printmaster (Star) 1.10, Speech, Termi  2.07,
  Termi 2.05, Termi 2.06, Termi 2.10, Termi II A1.5, Text To Speech, WordWise 1.17, WordWise 1.17 (Beebug), Wordwise 1.00,
  Wordwise 1.10, Wordwise 1.20, Wordwise Plus 1.48, Wordwise Plus 1.49, Wordwise Plus 1.4A, Wordwise Plus 1.4B, Wordwise Plus 1.4C,
  Wordwise Plus 1.4E, Wordwise Plus 1.4F [Nigel Barnes]
hp9k3xx_flop: Pascal 3.25 [Sven Schnelle]
ibm5150: Rampart (Hit Squad release) [ArcadeShadow]
  ADSP-21xx EZ-KIT Lite, Auto Convert, Central Point Anti-Virus for Windows,
  Compaq ProLinea 486-based PC's - Microsoft Windows 3.0 Support Diskette,
  Compaq ProLinea 486-based PC's - Microsoft Windows 3.1 Support Diskette, DIVA T/A ISDN Modem Setup Wizard for Windows 3.x,
  Diagnostics - Test, Setup, and MDMI Utilities for Products with 640K of RAM Installed, Direct Access Windows,
  Drafix Windows CAD (Demo), Enhanced 5250 Emulation Program, HiJaak, HiJaak Pro,
  Integration i Microsoft Office 97: Step by Step (Swe), Internet in a Box - Single-User Version, Jack Nicklaus Screen Savers,
  MS-DOS FASTART/SYSTEM - The Compaq Personal Computer FASTART/SYSTEM Diskette,
  MS-DOS Operating - The Compaq Personal Computer Operating Diskette, MS-DOS Support - User Programs, Mastering Borland C++ 3.1,
  Micro-Cap III, Microsoft Windows Support - User Programs, Mitsumi Mouse Driver (v6.0), Mouse/Trackball,
  NexNIC ND010 PCI Adapter (Ethernet/Fast Ethernet), Norton CrashGuard for Windows 95, Nova 9 (International Version, 5.25"),
  NuSound PnP Install Disk, Postnummerkatalogen 1996 (Swe), Scroll 3D Mouse Setup Disk for PS/2 and Serial, SoundWave 32 Series,
  TMS320C5x DSK - Applications Guide/Application Software, Tango Printed Circuit Design Evaluation,
  Tango Schematic Capture Evaluation, The Greatest Little PIC Book, Thunderhawk AH-73M, WordFinder Lexikon pa PC (Swe),
  Write On! for Windows [FakeShemp]
  Ballade3, Bible Master - Crash of the Blleot Rutz, Bible Master - Crash of the Blleot Rutz (Alt), Bind - Kinbaku Jinmon Densetsu,
  Black Bird - Tori-tachi no Tooboe, Blackthorne - Jigoku no Fukushuu (16-color version),
  Blackthorne - Jigoku no Fukushuu (256-color version), Blandia 98, Blind Games, Blue Ruins - Harukanaru Bibanon no Hihou,
  Bounty Hunter Ludy, Branmarker 2, Bretonne Lays Scenario Shuu 1, Briganty - The Roots of Darkness, Bunny Hunter Zero
  [Neo Kobe Collection]
pico: Oryouri Daisuki! Kitchen Pico (Jpn) [TeamEurope]
sorcerer_cart: Exidy Standard Basic v1.1 [exidyboy, Robbbert]
sorcerer_cass: Head-on Collision, Lander Arcade [exidyboy]
uzebox: 2048, 65536-in-1, Block Boy, Buddha, Solitaire, Space Age, Uzekickers, Vector Game, Video Poker, XOR [ArcadeShadow]
  Air Duel (Irem M72), Burning Fight (SNK Neo Geo), Chimera Beast (Jaleco Mega System 1), Chip's Challenge (IBM PC AT),
  Cycle Mahbou (Arcade), D.A.S.S. (MSX2), Dark Seal (Arcade), Denjin Makai (Arcade), Direct-X Release.2 (Sharp X68000),
  LHX Attack Chopper (IBM PC AT), Major Stryker (IBM PC AT), Mega Man IV (Nintendo Game Boy), Metal Gear 2 - Solid Snake (MSX2),
  Second Earth Gratia (Jaleco Mega System 32), Sky Destroyer (Arcade), Slimyer (Sharp X68000), Tintin in Tibet (Game Boy),
  Uncharted Waters (Sharp X68000), Vinyl Goddess from Mars (IBM PC AT), Wizard Fire (Arcade) [Tafoid]
x68k_flop: Abunai Bunkasai Zenya [Wayder]

Software list items promoted to working
  Batman & Robin, Centipede, Duke Nukem 3D, Fighters Megamix, Frogger, Henry - Match the Sounds Memory Game, Indy 500, Jeopardy!,
  Monopoly, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Quiz Wiz - Cyber Trivia, Resident Evil 2, Scrabble, Sonic Jam, Tiger Casino, Wheel of Fortune,
  Wheel of Fortune 2, Williams Arcade Classics [Robbbert]
  Batsu, Battle Queen - Saikyou Fighters Retsuden, Be Girl (Alt Format), Bio 100% Free Games Collection (Alt Format),
  Bishoujo Shashinkan Bangaihen - Outside Story, Bokosuka Wars, Brandish VT, The Bard's Tale - Tales of the Unknown,
  The Best Play Baseball (Demo) [Carl, r09]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
32x: Clay Fighter 2 (Jpn, USA, Euro Prototype) [VampierMSX, Porchy]
  ConQuest, Instant Mini Office II, Inter-Word 1.02, Quest Paint 1.04, Quest Paint 1.10, SpellMaster 1.66, SpellMaster 1.69,
  The Wapping Editor [Nigel Barnes]
mac_hdflop: ClarisWorks (Swedish) [FakeShemp]
pc98: Brandish Renewal [r09]
princ: Bad Badtz-Maru, Hello Kitty, Kazoku de Nengajou, Pochacco [TeamEurope]

Source Changes
-Emulated National DP8350 CRT controller family. [AJR]

-mcs48: Set lower 4 bits of P2 to input during (and after) MOVD A,Pp. [AJR]

-i8243: Release P2 output after completion of read operation. [AJR]

-sbrain.cpp: Driver overhaul: [AJR]
 * Added cursor and scrolling through CRT controller registers.
 * Corrected number of interrupts per frame.
 * Actually show the "insert diskette" message.
 * Added options for RAM size and two or more floppy drives.
 * Added RS232 ports and DIP switches for Baud clock selection.

-tms9900: Internalized TMS9980A clock divider, and corrected endianness for TMS9980 and TMS9995 in unidasm. [AJR]

-xavix: Allow debugger to step over CALLF instruction. [AJR]

-crt9007: Added frame timer. [AJR]

-flipjack.cpp: Driver overhaul: [AJR]
 * Reimplemented video using CRT controller row update method.
 * Fixed cocktail mode and changed rotation from 90 degrees to 270 degrees.
 * Modernized interrupts and cleaned up code.

-Invalidate memory access caches when removing watchpoints (prevents crashes on subsequent accesses to the same areas). [AJR]

-mcs96 updates: [AJR]
 * Replaced I/O space with callbacks, and added internal address space for non-executable register file and SFR area.
 * Made SFRs more accessible to the debugger, and made disassembler show names for directly-addressed SFRs.
 * Corrected disassembler output for some forms of ADDCB, SUBCB, MULB, ANDB, JBC and JBS.

-unidasm: Added st62xx support. [AJR]

-flkatck.cpp: Fixed sprite-sprite priorities, and removed driver hack from k007121.cpp. [Angelo Salese, dink]

-combatsc.cpp: Added video and scroll memory to save states. [Angelo Salese]

-contra.cpp: Fix sprite RAM mapping. [Angelo Salese]

-Added shaders for performing color transforms and three-dimensional lookup tables. [anikom15]
 * Allows arbitrary color space manipulation within the sRGB space.

-rainbow.cpp: Connected WD2010 write fault input, and changed default serial port device to Microsoft 2-button mouse. [Bavarese]

-r9751 updates - Disktool is now fully functional: [Brandon Munger, Stephen Stair]
 * i86: Allow '188 to advance DMA immediately if DRQ is held high when source synchronous DMA is started.
 * Connected SMIOC DMA to 68k CPU and fixed communication.
 * Emulated SCC2698B octal UART and connected to SMIOC.
 * Improved logging.

-iremga20.cpp: Fixed playback rate algorithm. [cam900]

-itech8.cpp: Updates and cleanup: [cam900]
 * Converted sound latch to generic_latch_8_device.
 * Converted to use derived memory maps and unit masks.
 * Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and cleaned up redundant and duplicated code.

-glass.cpp: Simplified code, removed duplication, and improved region names. [cam900]

-segas24.cpp: Added save state support, split address maps by ROM board type, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-crystal.cpp: Cleanup and updates: [cam900]
 * Made class members private where appropriate, cleaned up code, reduced duplication, and added notes.
 * Converted to use derived address maps and configured banking.
 * Added CRT controller register details.
 * Improved device names and removed MCFG macros.

-targeth.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-ramdac.cpp: Removed MCFG macros. [cam900, AJR]

-blitz68k.cpp: Reduced code duplication and made state class members private as appropriate. [cam900]

-tecmo_mix.cpp: Added mixing for text layer bitmap, made background pen blendable, and removed MCFG macros. [cam900]

-gaiden.cpp, tecmo16.cpp: Corrected sprite lag, cleaned up graphics decode and ROM loading, and added notes. [cam900]

-namcofl.cpp: Implemented screen clipping and shadows, fixed sprite banking, and confirmed crystal values. [cam900]

-namconb1.cpp: Corrected sprite lag, added raw screen parameters, reduced code duplication, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos1.cpp: Reduced code duplication and replaced a naked pointer with a required region pointer. [cam900]

-namcos2.cpp: Removed unnecessary memory banks, added raw screen parameters, improved region names, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos21.cpp, namcos21_c67.cpp, namcos21_de.cpp: Improved member names and tags, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namco_c116.cpp: Implemented device_palette_interface for internal palette. [cam900]

-namco_c123tmap.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding, implemented tilemap disable bit, and simplified configuration. [cam900]

-namco_c169roz.cpp, namcos2_roz.cpp: Internalized graphics decoding and simplified configuration. [cam900]

-namco_c355spr.cpp: Added support for double-buffered sprites, simplified configuration, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-namcos2_sprite.cpp: Get palette from graphics decode, avoiding redundant configuration. [cam900]

-onetwo.cpp: Use a palette decoder member function for palette decoding. [cam900]

-qx10kbd: Dumped and emulated keyboard microcontroller. [Carl, Frank Hughes]

-mwarr.cpp, stlforce.cpp: Converted video code to a device. [David Haywood]

-cps3.cpp: Implemented score layer row scroll effects, and cleaned up code. [David Haywood]
 * Fixes combo meters in jojoba (MT06157, GitHub #4033).

-wecleman.cpp: Marked weclemanb as a hack. [David Haywood]

-XaviX updates: [David Haywood]
 * Renamed members based on strings in code, moved audio stubs to a separate file, and updated notes.
 * Hooked up sprite addressing mode control register, improved sprite RAM hookup, and hooked up "text array" pattern generator.
 * Fixed multiplier unit use in rad_madf.
 * Added inputs for rad_bass, rad_crdn, taitons1 and taitons2.
 * Improved palette mode used by taitons2, improved sprite positioning, implemented sprite flipping, and improved priorities.
 * Added support for RAM-based tiles used in rad_bb2 test mode, and 24-bit tile addressing used by epo_efdx.
 * Improved CALLF, RETF and BRK, allowing namcons2 to boot and rad_ping to get past the first screen.
 * Mapped BIOS into second external bus space for e-kara sets, and implemented DMA register read-back.
 * Improved transparency handling, and implemented "arena control" clipping effect.
 * Re-implemented Super XaviX opcodes based on observed usage.
 * Allow some opcodes to bypass zero page, as required by namcons1.
 * Hooked up I2C memory.
 * Implemented per-line rendering and raster interrupts (improves backgrounds in rad_snow and xavtenni).

-Don't set the SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL extra flag if -video none is set. [dslegend]
 * Allows a true headless run when the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy is set.

-hphybrid: Added support for the 09825-67907 variant, and updated the hk64k and hp9845 drivers as necessary. [F.Ulivi]

-Emulated HP 9825B desktop computer, including DC100 tape drive, internal printer, and matrix display. [F.Ulivi]

-namcos22: Added view matrix reflection. [hap, Ryan Holtz]
 * Fixes alpinr2b character selection screen, raveracw/ridgera2 rear-view mirrors, and secret mirror track in raveracw.

-namcos22 updates: [hap]
 * Added save state support and improved performance.
 * Corrected pixel clock and DSP clocks.
 * Fixed coin 2 not working.
 * Implemented rendering from point RAM (used on Alpine Racer 2 and Ridge Racer 2 title screens).
 * Improved System 22 fader and background color (fixes Victory Lap attract mode).
 * Improved Super System 22 fog and spot (improves graphics in Aqua Jet, Dirt Dash and Time Crisis).
 * Fixed polygon layer sometimes rendering when it shouldn't
 * Added preliminary POSIRQ implementation (partial updates are not enabled yet).
 * Fixed window clipping on Ace Driver rear view mirrors and Alpine Racer 2 character selection screen.
 * Fixed hitboxes for helicopter in Time Crisis and tanks in Tokyo Wars (error in 68020 CHK2).
 * Added Super System 22 lamp and motor outputs.

-pokey: Return most recent m_ALLPOT value and freeze POT counters during SK_RESET. [Juergen Buchmueller]

-Allow undefined GL symbols for WebAssembly target (GitHub #4187). [Justin Kerk]

-Fixed compilation with X11 XInput enabled (NO_USE_XINPUT=0). [Kiall Mac Innes]

-mpatrol: Fixed graphical issues including sprite priority, background positioning, and screen flipping. [kunikuni]

-liblrabl, toypop: Improved cocktail mode emulation, and corrected DIP switch settings. [kunikuni]

-warpwarp.cpp: Corrected player 2 shot/ball offset in cocktail mode. [kunikuni]

-pacland: Corrected "Bonus Life" DIP switch values. [kunikuni]

-ti99: Added guards against selecting non-existent drives. [Michael Zapf]

-bbc_tube_6502/65c102: Added ReCo6502 Tube 1.21 ROM. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbc.cpp updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Reimplemented the addressable latch using the 'LS259 device.
 * Added 32K ROM slots in B+ and Master variants.
 * Use bankdev to switch IO/ROM in Master.
 * Use ram_device instead of ROM_REGION for RAM.
 * Added I2CMEM device for PCD8572 in Master Compact.
 * Corrected sound device from SN76489 to SN76489A.

-bbcb: Added ReCo6502 co-processor. [Nigel Barnes]

-bbcmc: Added expansion port and Mertec Companion expansion device. [Nigel Barnes]

-phoenix: Don't configure_entries and set_base on the same bank. [O. Galibert]

-Added a skeleton driver for MIPS Computer Systems ROSC/os machines, with initial focus on the RC2030 headless workstation.
 [Patrick Mackinlay]

-GENie: Changed minimum target macOS version to 10.6 to allow building on macOS 10.14 "Mojave" with latest Xcode tools. [R. Belmont]

-Fixed compilation with SDL 2.0.8 and later on macOS. [R. Belmont]

-hapyfish: Replaced driver with clone of mini2440, allowing it to boot from NAND Flash. [R. Belmont]
 * Boot loader now comes up and fails because it can't find both Flash chips.

-gamecom.cpp: Made all games besides lostwrld playable, and updated notes. [Robbbert]

-sorcerer.cpp: Added DDMON 1.3 and ADSMON BIOS options. [Robbbert]
 * ADSMON requires an 80 column card that is not emulated.

-sm8500: Improved logging of unknown opcodes. [Robbbert]

-sun4c updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Changed FDC to and fixed mapping.
 * Added save state support.
 * Added machine configuration for SPARCstation SLC (4/20), IPX (4/50), 1+ (4/65) and 2 (4/75).
 * Added RAM size options and fixed mirroring in 4 MB configurations.
 * Improved MMU/cache behaviour, and added support for full-width memory mask on segment map writes.
 * Re-wrote timers to tick at 1 MHz (allows NetBSD to progress further).

-sbus: Added font register and fixed drawing endianness for cgsix card. [Ryan Holtz]

-debugcpu: Fixed watchpoints for CPUs that use word addressing. [Ryan Holtz]

-generic_slot: Allow file name extensions to be omitted from constructor call. [Ryan Holtz]

-vii.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Fixed titles and publishers.
 * Ported current u'nSP 1.0 CPU core and serial EEPROM emulation from Unununium.
 * Made u'nSP instructions that use post-increment/decrement addressing modes update segment register on rollover.
 * Fixed road layer in several Zone 60 games.
 * Added an optional visual debugger for audio (may be enabled with a preprocessor macro).
 * Converted SPG24x and SPG28x SoCs to devices, added saturation and fade offset control, and implemented sound output.
 * Added SPG24x/SPG28x chip select callbacks and rudimentary analog inputs.
 * Hooked up walle NVRAM.
 * Added preliminary V.Smile support - runs BIOS and boots games.

-osdwindows: Fixed BGFX not rendering in multiple windows (internal UI is still glitchy). [Ryan Holtz]

-ibm5150.cpp: Hooked up cassette data output (GitHub #4076). [Ryan Holtz, BigAlUK]

-Fixed compilation with libjpeg for environments where TRUE and FALSE aren't preprocessor macros. [Ryan Schmidt]

-vt100, ec1841, mc1502, poisk1, km035 and ms7004: Made keyboards Lua-friendly and updated mappings. [shattered]

-PlayStation GPU: Copy the textures' STP bit (improves Silent Hill). [smf]

-PlayStation GTE: Use helper functions to count leading zero/one bits rather than implementing locally. [smf]

-vgmplay.cpp: Added support for multiple instances of the same chip with different clock frequencies. [smf]

-qsoundhle.cpp: Saturate voice and output accumulators (MT07115). [superctr]

-hp_dio updates: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Allow cards to share interrupt and DMA request lines.
 * Removed MCFG macros and moved classes into a namespace.
 * Configure all DIO slots as non-fixed, as none of the devices are on-board or physically captive.
 * Removed unused map() functions.
 * Added HP98620 DMA controller and HP98625A SCSI controller card devices.
 * Fixed plane masks in HP98543 video card.

-M68000 MMU updates: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Add Special Status Word to exception frames.
 * Raise MMU configuration exception if SRP/CRP is invalid.
 * Factored out code to set bus error details, perform address translation cache lookup, match TT register, and walk tables.
 * Added support for short indirect descriptors (used by HP-UX 9).
 * Set MMU status flags when performing address translation cache lookup.
 * Split PLOAD and PTEST code from m68881_ops into separate functions, and corrected the name to m68851_ops.
 * Correctly disassemble more forms of PTEST and PFLUSH instructions.

-hp9k_3xx.cpp, mb87030.cpp, hp9122c.cpp: Converted to use delegate timers. [Sven Schnelle]

-hp9k_3xx.cpp updates: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Moved sound, GPIB, keyboad and RTC to human interface DIO module.
 * Cleaned up DIO configuration.
 * Use 98543 DIO card for video output on HP9000/320 and HP9000/332, replacing driver code for the latter.

-tms9914: Latch EOI flag until next byte is sent. [Sven Schnelle]

-hp_hil updates: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Added HP46060B mouse device.
 * Converted logging to use logmacro.h and removed MCFG macros.
 * Removed obsolete bus error handler and superfluous RAM regions.

-nscsi_bus.cpp, nscsi_cd.cpp, nscsi_hd.cpp: Disable logging by default. [Sven Schnelle]

-Emulated Fujitsu MB87030 SCSI controller. [Sven Schnelle]

-Fixed command line parsing for the long form of the first instance of a media option. [Tim Lindner]

-Fixed CoCo 16k cartridge banking, CoCo 3 32k external ROM mode, and Zumwalt banking through the CoCo Multi-Pak. [Tim Lindner]
 * Addresses MT06616 and GitHub #2746.

-coco3.cpp: Added workaround to show only one screen by default. [Tim Lindner]

-pcjr.cpp: Added null_modem and terminal to serial port options for IBM PCjr family. [TSCHAK]

-iremga20: Stop sample playback on encountering a zero-valued sample, as this appears to be a sentinel value. [ValleyBell]
 * Also reduced code duplication in sound stream update function.

-Improved search behaviour in file selection menus. [Vas Crabb]

-jazz.cpp: Added PS/2 keyboard/mouse controller emulation. [Vas Crabb]

-krz2000.cpp: Dumped the Kurzweil K2000 "ROM1 - Orchestral" and "ROM2 - Contemporary" add-on modules. [anonymous]

-namcops2.cpp: Re-dumped superdbz DVD and confirmed that gundzaft DVD dump is good. [Arcade-Projects]

-Dumped the IBM Model M PC/AT and PS/2 keyboard microcontroller. [Brandon Ermita]

-paradise.cpp: Updated information about Spinner Controls Daughtercard, and added DIP switch locations for Mad Ball. [Brian Troha]

-seta2.cpp: Added PCB layouts for Kosodate Quiz My Angel and TelePachi Fever Lion. [Brian Troha, Carl Graham]

-sega16a.cpp: Corrected labels and ROM locations for aliensyn2. [Brian Troha]

-atetris.cpp: Added PLDs to atetrisb2. [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

-pofo: Dumped character generator ROM, and verified that BIOS is a good dump. [Curt Coder]

-twinkle.cpp: Updated documentation to match data gleaned from kits. [DragonMinded]

-itgamble.cpp: Updated notes and hardware info. [f205v]

-Barcrest MPU4: Removed Intel HEX copies of previously dumped ROMs. [James Wallace]

-nes.xml: Corrected Japanese titles for chestfld and touch. [killamegagiga]

-krz2000.cpp: Added notes. [Lord Nightmare]

-norautp.cpp: Marked drhla as a clone of drhl. [MASH]

-3do.cpp: Corrected year and manufacturer for orbatak. [MASH]

-Added smartmedia to arcade build (now used by hapyfish). [MASH]

-Added color overlay to Yosaku to Donbei. [MASH, hap]

-pc98.xml updates: [r09]
 * Marked Brandish Renewal entries as cracks.
 * Re-labeled disks with their actual names, and changed order so they automatically mount in a logical way.
 * Added usage notes for software that requires DOS.
 * Removed images where only save game data differs, and removed user-created disks.

-tourvis.cpp: Dumped BIOS versions V4-42 and V4-51. [Ricky2001, Recreativas.org]

-deco0.cpp: Dumped 68705 MCU for drgninjab2. [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]

-taito_f3.cpp: Verified that ROMs from a Puchi Carat Asia cartridge ROMs match the overseas version. [SEGV]

-system1.cpp: Document that the parent Gardia set is Sega factory conversion. [ShouTime]

-Removed documentation for command-line options that are no longer supported, and added preliminary documentation for new options.

-x68k_flop.xml: Added and corrected many entries. [Wayder]

-Addressed some consistency issues in documentation. [Wellington Uemura]


Titel: PPSSPP 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2018, 20:15
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source

Whats new:>>

1.7.1 includes some minor crash fixes and a savedata fix.

Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2018, 05:45
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Renamed "Namco Super System 22" to proper "Namco System Super 22"
Fixes to MAME Settings screen
- "Select" button for "Path to BGFX Files" was doing nothing
- "Select" button for "BGFX Shadow Mask Texture" filename was assigned to a different TEdit control
Audit fix: bios ROMs in game sets were not tagged as bios ROMs in case the ROM name in game set is different than ROM name in bios set, causing them to appear as missing ROMs


Updated madExcept library to v4.0.20
- for some weird reason, error dialogs show Windows 8 as the OS instead of Windows 10


Support for Supermodel SVN 741
- added new "Enable Quad Rendering" setting
- initial code for "NET" support; since this is preliminary emulator feature, not much can be done
Support for MAME .202
- "Namco System 21" has been split into mulitple drivers, arcade filtering was not working anymore
Support for MAME .203
- added "BGFX LUT Texture Name" setting
- added "HLSL Bloom LUT" settings
Video previews for arcade games can be in an extra "\videosnaps\" sub-folder
- for arcade games only, MAME software lists and EmuCon systems are not supported
- you can select "d:\myvideos-mame-folder\" as your main vids folder; EL will automatically search videos in "d:\myvideos-mame-folder\videosnaps\")
- no support for multiple paths


Titel: Snes9x 1.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2018, 11:10
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan.



Snes9x 1.57

Various seta010 emulation fixes.
Pass blargg OAM tests with proper write behavior.
Prevent interlacing in BG modes 1-4.
Corrected IRQ and NMI emulation to allow more games to
work properly.
Use 1 instead of 0 for initial PPU left window coordinate,
fixing garbage in left column of pixels in some games.
Added interpolation option hack for DSP.
Added sprite-tile limit disabling hack.
Added libretro's fast snapshot support.
Add overclocking hack that increases IPC
Fix controller initialization issues preventing some games
from using multitap.
Proper write behavior for register $2122.
Fix transparency issue with Star Fox asteroids.
Increase SuperFX speed to more accurately represent
hardware, and fix bugs with Stunt Race FX and Yoshi's
Resize viewport on state load.
Many fixes to variables not saved or saved incorrectly in
save states. (Dwedit)
Pass decimal tests in blargg's math test ROMs.
Remove memory leak in loadzip.cpp.
Fix screen size not reverting when overscan is turned on
then off mid-frame. (BearOso)


Include DirectDraw libraries and compile with DirectDraw
support by default.
Add a link to DirectX installer in error message displayed
when the needed DirectX libraries can't be found.
Save window position when exiting via menu
Make custom ROM dialog resizable.
Fix various cheat dialog issues.
Remove d3d9x DLL dependency by using DirectXMath.
Remove rarely-used HLSL shader option.
Add InitialSnapshotFilename support.
Disable BG toggle keys by default.
Proper centering and cropping for overscanned and
regular height modes.
Remove ability to disable the SNES's hires modes.
Added a Super Famicom-style icon resource to the EXE.


Partial support for new cheats format.
Fix MacOS build.
Set default for new config options.
Fix compilation on Mac OS Mojave


Massive update of libretro code to latest downstream.


Use datarootdir instead of datadir on install.
Fix --with-system-zip configure flag.
Draw interlaced fields when ready.
Initial Wayland support.
Allow XV only in X11.
Add Wayland support via EGL.
Significant rewrite of OpenGL driver to support newer
standards. This won't work on cards < OpenGL ~1.5.
Changed frameskip option to speed throttling option with
simpler, but more relevant methods of speed control.
Add support for relative-style save slots.
Remove XML config file format in favor of one more like
Win32. Make joystick bindings and more options human-
readable and editable.
Try more device nodes when initializing OSS.


Titel: MAME 0.204
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2018, 16:45

0.204 2018-11-28

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05613: [Graphics] (prehisle.cpp) prehislek: Introductory Text (Korean?) not displayed properly. (Guru)
- 06474: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) goldnaxe: Sprites fall out of sync with scrolling. (hap)
- 06607: [Sound] (xmen.cpp) xmen and clones: Instruments in the music play at the wrong volume (regression). (hap)
- 06718: [Crash/Freeze] (mbc55x.cpp) mbc55x: Basic freezes on syntax errors. (AJR)
- 07046: [Gameplay] (deco32.cpp) dragngun, dragngunj: Screen goes black on third stage and the game stops. (hap)
- 07149: [Graphics] (docastle.cpp) dowild: The top of the screen flickers on completing level 1. (hap)
- 07151: [Gameplay] (asteroid.cpp) astdelux and clones: High score shows FFFFFF with initial EAROM contents. (AJR)
- 07154: [Documentation] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [ppersia2]: Release year is 1995. (Tafoid)

New working machines
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Megadrive version) [ShouTime, MetalliC]
Dance Dance Revolution Disney Mix [Peter Bortas, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union, Recreativas.org]
Game & Watch: Climber (new wide screen) [algestam]
Game & Watch: Tropical Fish [algestam]

New working clones
Centipede (bootleg, set 2) [Joe Magiera, The Dumping Union]
Dragon Master (set 2) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Hacha Mecha Fighter (Location Test Prototype, 19th Sep. 1991) [Michael Moffitt]
Klax (Japan, version 4) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union]
Shin Ib Sa Won - Seok Dol I [gp-lee, Guru]
Shinobi (set 5, System 16B) (unprotected) [Brian Troha]
Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 2) [xuserv]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (USA 910522, Rev. H) [Chris Gleed]
Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910204, conversion) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Touchmaster 4000 (v6.02 England) [Porchy, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
U.N. Defense Force: Earth Joker (US / Japan, set 2) [Phil Bennet]
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 941219) [Brad Hicks]
Xevious 3D/G (World, XV32/VER.A) [pacman70, Asayuki]

Machines promoted to working
Abnormal Check [Guru]
Alpha One (Vision Electronics) [David Haywood]
Qume QVT-102 [Al Kossow, Dirk Best, Robbbert]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Bingo Galaxy (main) [Darksoft]
Bingo Galaxy (satellite) [Darksoft]
Capitan Uncino (High Video, version 2) [f205v]
Come Back [PinMAME]
Doko Demo Issho: Toro's Fishing [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Falco TS-1 (v2.13.0) [bhilpert, Bitsavers]
Falco TS-2624 [Al Kossow]
MIPS RC3230 [Patrick Mackinlay]
MIPS RS3230 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Model 931 Video Display Terminal [Al Kossow]
Network Computing Devices NCD Explora Pro XQ [R. Belmont, Lord Nightmare]
Network Computing Devices NCD HMX PRO [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
Network Computing Devices NCD-17C [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
Network Computing Devices NCD-19 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
SGI 4D/410 [Ryan Holtz, NekoChan]
SGI Crimson (R4000, 100MHz, Ver. 4.0.3) [Ryan Holtz, NekoChan]
SGI O2 (version 4.18) [Ryan Holtz, NekoChan]
SGI Octane (Version 6.5 Rev 4.9 05/22/03) [Ryan Holtz, NekoChan]
Skate Board (Inder) [PinMAME]
Sport 2000 [PinMAME]
Top T. Cash [f205v]
unknown Elsy game [f205v]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Arizona 10 (v1.1) [f205v]
Dirt Devils (Germany?) [Ordyne]
Falco 5220s [Al Kossow]
Fighting Vipers 2 [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Klax (version 5, bootleg set 2) [PaTrYcK]
Magic Colors (ver. 1.6) [f205v]
ConnecTV Table Tennis (PAL) [David Haywood]
Sega Rally 2 (prototype, 8 Dec 1997) [Ordyne]
Sega Rally 2 (prototype, 29 Dec 1997) [Ordyne]
Smashing Drive (Spain, Portugal) [ClawGrip, Gines Vivanco, Undergamers, Recreativas.org]
Smashing Drive (World) [ClawGrip, MetalliC]
Sperry Univac UTS-10 [Robbbert]
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade (location test, 16.09.98) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
The Lost World (older) [Ordyne]
Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram [coolmod, The Dumping Union]

New working software list additions
  ADE 1.00, ADE 1.9Z, ADE 2.01, ADE 2.02, ADE+, ADFS Utilities, AID, AIDS II Utility ROM, AIDS Utility ROM, AMS Disc Utility,
  AMX MAX Desktop, AMX Mouse Support 2.10, AMX Mouse Support 2.11, AMX Pagemaker 1.0, AMX Pagemaker Plus 1.3,
  AMX Pagemaker Plus 1.7, AMX Stop Press 1.9, AMX Super Rom 3.31, AMX Super Rom 3.41, AMX Super Rom 3.61, AMX Super Rom M3.61,
  ARTS Communication ROM, ASM 1.1, ASM 2.2, ATS 2.58, ATS 2.59 (Morley), ATS 3.0, ATS 3.1, Acorn ADFS 1.30, Acorn ANFS 4.08,
  Acorn ANFS 4.18, Acorn ANFS 4.21, Acorn ANFS 4.24, Acorn ANFS 4.25, Acorn DFS 0.90, Acorn DFS 0.98, Acorn DFS 2.10,
  Acorn DFS 2.20, Acorn DFS 2.22, Acorn DFS 2.23, Acorn DFS 2.25, Acorn DFS 2.26, Acorn DNFS 1.00, Acorn DNFS 1.20, Acorn NFS 3.34,
  Acorn NFS 3.60, AddComm 1.00, AddComm 1.10, AddComm 1.20, AddComm 1.30, Advanced 1770 DFS 1.00 (Master),
  Advanced 1770 DFS 1.04 (Master), Advanced 1770 DFS 1.08 (B), Advanced 1770 DFS 1.08 (Master), Advanced BASIC,
  Advanced Control Panel 1.00, Advanced Control Panel 1.02, Advanced Control Panel 1.03, Advanced Control Panel 1.04,
  Advanced Control Panel 3.01, Advanced DFS 1770 2.00 (B), Advanced Disc Investigator 1.00 S/N:43700,
  Advanced Disc Investigator 1.10 S/N:43543, Advanced Disc Investigator 1.20 S/N:43950, Advanced Disc Investigator 1.20 S/N:43970,
  Advanced Disc Investigator 1.22 S/N:44712, Advanced Disc Investigator 2.00 S/N:43690, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.20,
  Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.40, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.50, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.60, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.72,
  Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.73, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.74, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.75, Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.76,
  Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.77 [cracked], Advanced Disc Toolkit 1.78, Advanced Disc Toolkit 2.00, Advanced File Manager 1.06,
  Advanced File Manager 1.07, Advanced File Manager 1.09, Advanced ROM Manager 1.00, Advanced ROM Manager 1.10,
  Advanced ROM Manager 1.12, Advanced ROM Manager 1.13, Amcom DFS S/N:00000, Amcom DFS S/N:A4534, Amcom DFS S/N:A4554,
  Amcom DFS S/N:A7259, Amcom DFS S/N:A7874, Amcom DFS S/N:B4084, Amcom DFS S/N:B4088, Amcom DFS S/N:B4218, Amcom E-Net 4.55,
  Amcom E-Net 5.17, Amcom E-Net Client 6.23M, Arabic ROM, Artist, BASIC (1981), BASIC Extensions, BASIC2 (1982), BCPL, BROM 1.06,
  BROM 1.12, BROM 1.14, BROM Plus, BS-DOS 2.19, BS-DOS 2.22, BeeBASE-1 1.06, BeeBASE-1 1.07, Beeb ROM, BeebAid, BeebFont,
  BeebFont [alt], BeebMan, BeebMon, BeebPen 1.1, BeebPen 1.22, Beebtel 2.00, Beebtel 2.10, Beebug C 1.4, Beebug C 1.5,
  Bitstik ROM 2.0, Bitstik Service ROM 1.0, Buffer & Backup ROM, C.U.C. DOS 1.00, COMAL, CP-ROM 1.01, CP-ROM 2.00,
  Castle Quest (ROM Version), Centurion 1.03, Centurion 1.05, Chauffeur, Colour Screenprint 1.30s, CommPanion, CommSoft,
  Command 1.00, Command 1.01, Command 1.04, Command Master 3.11, Commstar 1008, Commstar 1051, Commstar 3033, Commstar 6290,
  Commstar 6397, Commstar 6973, Commstar 7537, Commstar 8179, Commstar 882A 1.40, Commstar 9057, Commstar II 2.22, Commstar II 2.31,
  Commstar II 2.40, Commstar R032, Communicator 1.05, Crossware 65C02XR, Crossware 68000XR, Crossware Z80XR, D-Master, DIS-ASM,
  DMON A1.08, DMON A1.14, DTT Version 7, Data Scribe 1.01, Data Scribe 1.20, Data Scribe 1.31, DataBeeb, DataStag 1.0,
  Database 1.00, Database 1.20, DesROM, Diagram, Diary / Planner, Digital Drawings DD/B834, Digitiser 1.00, Digitiser 1.00 [alt],
  Disc Servant, Disc-Aid, DotPrint-Plus, DoubleView, Dumpmaster II 1.00, Dumpmaster II 2.00, Dumpmaster II 2.15, Dumpout 0.5c,
  Dumpout 0.5d, Dumpout 3.0m, Dumpout 3.0p, Dumpout 3.2g, Dumpout 3.2j, Dumpout 3.30, EXMON 1.0a, EXMON 1.1a, EXMON II 1.00,
  EXMON II 1.03, EXMON II 2.01, EXMON II 2.02, EXROM: The Extension ROM, Easy Talk 1.01, Easy Talk 2.00, Edword 1.02, Edword 1.02E,
  Edword 2.00E, Enigma Disc Imager 0.04, Enigma Disc Imager 1.05, Enigma Disc Imager 1.06, Enigma Disc Imager 1.07,
  Enigma Disc Imager 1.08, Envelopes ROM, Epson Dump ROM, Epson NLQ, Everest, Extras, FORTH 1.03, Fanfare 1.40, File-Plus,
  First Aid 1.1, Floppy Copy 1.2, Floppy-Wise 2.1, Floppy-Wise 2.3, Floppy-Wise MASTER 2.2, Floppy-Wise PLUS 1.7,
  Floppy-Wise PLUS 1.8, Floppy-Wise PLUS 1.9, Floppy-Wise PLUS 1.C, Floppy-Wise PLUS 1.D, FontAid 1.01, FontAid 1.10, Forth 79,
  G:Forth 0.95, G:Forth 2.30, GINN Language Chip, GXR 0.37 (B), GXR Model B, GXR Model B+, Giant Text ROM, GrafPad 2,
  Graphics Terminal 2.01, Help 1.0, Help 1.01, Help II, Helping Hand 1.29, Helping Hand 1.36, HyperDriver 1.00, HyperDriver 1.10,
  ISO-Pascal 1.00, ISO-Pascal 1.10, Ice-Box, Ice-Box [alt2], Ice-Box [alt3], Ice-Box [alt], Icon Master 1.00, Index Utility 2.05b,
  Index Utility 3.00, Index Utility 3.03a, JWB Forth 2.0, JWB Forth 2.4, JWB Forth 2.5, Kermit 1.02, Kermit 1.30, Kermit 1.33,
  Kermit 1.45, Kmon, LISP 1.00, LISP 2.00, LISP 4.06, LISP 5.00, LOGO, LOGO (Logotron), LOGO 1.00 (Catsoft), LOGO 1.20 (Catsoft),
  LVL Dos 0.91, Le Modem 1.00, Le Modem 1.04, Linemaster, Logo-Forth, MACH 1 1.00, MACH 1 1.01, MASS, MASTERcopy, MOS Plus 1.14,
  MOS Plus 1.15, MUROM 1.00, MUROM 1.01, MUROM 1.10, MUROM 1.2, Master Emulation ROM 1.00, Master Emulation ROM 2.01,
  Master Emulation ROM 2.02, Master ROM 1.01, Master ROM 1.03, MedMon-B, Mega-ROM 1.00, Mega-ROM 1.01, Menu ROM 1.00, Menu ROM 1.20,
  Merlin, Meta Assembler 2.13R, Meta Assembler 2.13R [alt], Meta Assembler 3.40A, Micro Prolog, Micro-C 1.0, Micronet 1.30,
  Micronet 1.40, Micronet 2000, Microtext 3.3D, Microtext Plus 3.54, Microtext Plus 3.55R, Microware DDFS 0.90, Monitor 0.01,
  Monitor 1.60, Monitor v2.01, Mouse Pac Driver, Movie Maker 1.0, Movie Maker 1.1, Multi-FORTH 83, Multi-FORTH 83 [alt],
  Multi-Font NLQ, MultiFont, NLQ Designer 1.2, NLQ Designer 1.3, NTQ Font Extension ROM 1, NTQ Font Extension ROM 1 [alt],
  NovaCAD 1.06, NovaCAD 2.0N, NovaCAD 3.3K, Numerator 1.00, Oak Mentor, Opus DDOS 3.00, Opus DDOS 3.05, Opus DDOS 3.12,
  Opus DDOS 3.15, Opus DDOS 3.16, Opus DDOS 3.35, Opus DDOS 3.36, Opus DDOS 3.45, Opus DDOS 3.46, Opus EDOS 0.4, Overlay BASIC,
  Oxford Pascal 1.1, Oxford Pascal 2.0, Oxford Pascal 2.1, PCB 1.01, PCB 1.03, PCB 1.07, PCB 3.02, PCB 4.02, PCB 4.03,
  PCB Auto-Routing 1.03, PCB Auto-Routing 1.04, PHX 1.00, PHX 2.00, PMS Multi-Font NTQ 1.0, PMS Multi-Font NTQ 1.3,
  PMS Multi-Font NTQ 1.4, Pascal-T, Pen-Friend 1.20, Pen-Friend 1.24, PenDown 1.13, Pointer, PowerFont NTQ, Prestel Terminal,
  PrintBox 1.22, Printer Controller, Printer Server 1.00, Printer Server 1.11, ProWord 1.2, ProWord 1.3, Probe 4.02, Probe 4.05,
  ProgramSmith 0.80, QFS 1.02, QFS 2.00, Quest 2.1A, ROM Manager 1.00, ROM Manager 1.10, ROM Manager 2, ROM Master, ROM-Spell 1.00,
  ROM-Spell 1.02, ROM-Utils 1.70, ROMAS 3.00, ROMAS 3.02, Ramrod 1.82, Ramrod 4.00c, Romit 0.9, Romit 1.01, Romit 1.02, SPY 1.00,
  SPY 1.11, SPY 2.01, SPY 2.10, SPY 2.12, Screen Dump ROM 1.01, Screen Dump ROM 2.01, Screenprint 0.20, Screenprint 1.00,
  Scribe 1.10, Scribe 1.30, ScribeChec 1.10, Scythe, SecurIt, Slave 0.01, Slave 1.04, Slave 1.34, Sleuth 1.00, Sleuth 1.05,
  Sleuth 1.05a, Sleuth 1.06, Softlife EPS Software Mk2, Softlife Keypad Software, Solidisk ADFS 2.1D Issue 2, Solidisk ADFS 2.1M,
  Solidisk ADFS 2.1M Issue 2, Solidisk ADFS 20/2 Issue 2, Solidisk DFS 2.00 (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1M Issue 2,
  Solidisk DFS 2.2D, Solidisk DFS 2.2J Issue 2, Solidisk DFS 2.2M Issue 2, Source Library Manager, Spark Dump, Speech!,
  SpellCheck II, SpellCheck III, StarBASE 2.00, StarBASE 2.00 (CUC), StarBASE 2.10, StarGraph 2.01, StarMon 1.20b, StarStick 1.41,
  StarStick 2.23, StarStick 2.24, StarStore II, StarWord 1.01, SuperFont, Supervisor, System Delta, TUBE Editor,
  Tape to Disc 'TD' ROM (1770), Tape to Disc 'TD' ROM (8271), Teletext 1.04A, Teletext RTFROM, Teletext Support ROM, Termulator,
  Text Library Manager, The BASIC Editor 1.32, Toolkit 1.01 (Algotek), Toolkit 1.10, Toolkit 1.20, Toolkit 1.21, Toolkit 1.22,
  Toolkit 1.23, Toolkit 1.25b, Toolkit Plus 2.00, Toolkit Plus 2.02, Toolkit Plus 2.04, Toolkit Plus 2.05, Toolstar 1.77 1262,
  Toolstar 1.77 1511, Trackerball 0.01, TransfeROM (SD) 0.95, TransfeROM (SD) 0.96, TransfeROM (SD) 1.10, U-Tools,
  U-Tools Demonstration, UDM DDFS 2.00, UROM 1.2, UROM 1.3, UVIPROM 1.1, UVIPROM 1E1, UVIPROM 2.1, Ultracalc, Ultracalc 2,
  Upgrade 2.2C, Upgrade 3.00, UserDUMP, UserROM, VASM 2.0C, VASM 2.0E, Viditel, View A2.1, View A3.0, View B3.0, View D2.1,
  View Professional 1.0, View Professional 2.0, ViewShape, ViewSheet A0.7, ViewSheet B1.0, ViewSpell 1.0, ViewSpell 1.1,
  ViewStore 0.5, ViewStore 1.0, ViewStore 1.1, ViewStore 1.2, ViewStore 1.5, WYSIWYG Plus, Watford Electronics DDFS 1.40,
  Watford Electronics DDFS 1.50, Watford Electronics DDFS 1.53, Watford Electronics DDFS 1.54T, Watford Electronics DDFS+ 0.91,
  Watford Electronics DFS 1.00, Watford Electronics DFS 1.10, Watford Electronics DFS 1.20, Watford Electronics DFS 1.30,
  Watford Electronics DFS 1.41, Watford Electronics DFS 1.42, Watford Electronics DFS 1.43, Watford Electronics DFS 1.44,
  Watford PRINT-ROM 0.1C, Watford PRINT-ROM 0.1E, Watford SFS 0.90, Watford SFS 0.92, Window 1025, Window 1045,
  Wizard Joystick Utility 1.12, Word Power, Word-Aid, WordEase, Workstation 1.4, XTend [Nigel Barnes]
electron_cass: Ewgeebez [AJR]
gbcolor: Pocket GT (Eur, Prototype?) [VampierMSX, Porchy, The Dumping Union]
megadriv: Battle Mania Daiginjou (Jpn, Prototype, 19910528), Centurion - Defender of Rome (Euro, Prototype, 19910528) [ArcadeShadow]
uzebox (uzebox.xml): Wuergertime (Demo), Wuergertime with Music (Demo) [ArcadeShadow]

Software list items promoted to working
gamecom: The Lost World - Jurassic Park [Robbbert]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  ADDER, AMX Design, Advanced BASIC Editor, EPROM 1.04, EPROM 1.08, Epromer II, Inter-Word 1.O2, MASTERboard,
  Micron EPROM Programmer 1.4a, Micron Plus EPROM Programmer 1.30, Micron Plus EPROM Programmer 1.40, Prestel 1.1,
  Prestel 4.7n, Prestel 4.8n, Printer Buffer 1.00, Printer Buffer 2.10, Pro-Performer 2.1, Pro-Performer 2.2,
  Replay System 8271 1.00, Replay System 8271 1.10, Replay System WD1770 1.01, Replay System WD1770A 1.17, STL Clock & Desk,
  SideAid128, SideAid256, Solidisk ADFS 2.1S, Solidisk DDFS 1.5, Solidisk DDFS 1.9, Solidisk DFS 2.0J (8271/1770),
  Solidisk DFS 2.0L (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.0m (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1 (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1A (1770),
  Solidisk DFS 2.1J Issue 1, Solidisk DFS 2.1J Issue 2, Solidisk DFS 2.2N Issue 2, TED 1.11, Tic-Toc RTC [Nigel Barnes]
  1979-81 Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0008-G79), Artist Selection Volume 1 (unknown) (Japan) (EC0014-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 5 (Matsuda Seiko) (Japan) (EC0035-ATS), Artist Selection Volume 8 (unknown) (Japan) (EC0041-ATS),
  BHT Volume 3 (Japan) (GC0006-BHT), HWK (Japan) (SC0010-HKW), J-Pop Mix Volume 2 (Japan) (EC0002-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 11 (Japan) (EC0023-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 13 (Japan) (EC0025-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 33 (Japan) (EC0068-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 34 (Japan) (EC0070-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 36 (Japan) (EC0072-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 39 (Japan) (EC0076-JPM),
  Mini Volume 1 (Japan) (MC0001-ATM), SAI Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0005-SAI), SAI Volume 2 (Japan) (SC0006-SAI),
  SAI Volume 3 (Japan) (SC0009-SAI), SAI Volume 6 (Japan) (SC0019-SAI), SAI Volume 7 (Japan) (SC0021-SAI),
  SAI Volume 8 (Japan) (SC0022-SAI), e-kara US Volume 3 (US-E003), e-kara US Volume 8 'No Boys Allowed' (US-E008),
  e-kara US Volume 9 'No Boys Allowed' (US-E009), e-kara Web cartridge 28M (Japan) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip, Peter Wilhelmsen]
  Artist Selection Volume 2 (unknown) (Japan) (EC0015-ATS), Artist Selection Volume 3 (Dreams Come True) (Japan) (EC0029-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 4 (unknown) (Japan) (EC0031-ATS), Artist Selection Volume 6 (KinKi Kids) (Japan) (EC0036-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 9 (Every Little Thing) (Japan) (EC0044-ATS),
  Artist Selection Volume 10 (Mr. Children) (Japan) (EC0045-ATS), Artist Selection Volume 12 (Judy and Mary) (Japan) (EC0049-ATS),
  BHT Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0002-BHT), ENK Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0006-ENK), ENK Volume 6 (Japan) (EC0048-ENK),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 3 (Japan) (EC0003-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 7 (Japan) (EC0012-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 8 (Japan) (EC0013-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 10 (Japan) (EC0022-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 14 (Japan) (EC0026-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 15 (Japan) (EC0027-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 19 (Japan) (EC0042-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 23 (Japan) (EC0054-JPM), Kid's Mix Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0010-KID),
  Kid's Mix Volume 3 (Japan) (EC0034-KID), e-kara Germany 5-Songs Starter (GER-M001), e-kara UK / Europe Volume 1 (UK-E001),
  e-kara UK / Europe Volume 2 (UK-E002), e-kara UK / Europe Volume 3 (UK-E003), e-kara UK / Europe Volume 6 (UK-E006),
  e-kara UK / Europe Volume 7 (UK-E007), e-kara US Volume 4 (US-E004), e-kara US Volume 5 (US-E005), e-kara US Volume 6 (US-E006),
  e-kara US Volume 7 (US-E007) [TeamEurope]
electron_flop: E2P Hi-Basic, E2P Operating System (Disk) [Nigel Barnes]

Source Changes
-v25: Added address space for internal data area and SFRs. [AJR]

-i8088: Mask I/O addresses to five bits. [AJR]

-mbc55x additions and refinements: [AJR]
 * Corrected all clocks, and derived them from the master crystal.
 * Corrected I/O address decoding.
 * Connected speaker output to 8251 USART.
 * Add ISA expansion slot, Centronics printer port, and RS-232 "line" port.
 * Added backspace key to HLE keyboard and noted undumped microcontroller.

-i8251: Implemented send break command. [AJR]

-z80dart: Don't reset the receiver whenever WR5 changes. [AJR]

-z80ctc: Added support for a fixed-rate clock input to be configured for each channel. [AJR]
 * Improves performance by reducing the need to drive the CLK/TRG inputs with high-frequency synchronizing timers.

-i386: Signal a privilege change to the debugger when protected mode is enabled or disabled, or CS descriptor flags change. [AJR]

-dsk_dsk.cpp: Fixed an issue where the deleted and bad CRC flags were being used uninitialized. [AmatCoder]

-tecmo.cpp: Reduced duplicated code and runtime tag map lookups, and replaced initialisation functions with derived memory maps.

-serflash.cpp: Added support for page size configuration, and fixed block erase command and read/write past last page. [cam900]

-c6280.cpp: Fixed LFO scale bit. [cam900]

-gottlieb.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]

-hotblock.cpp: Confirmed crystal values, cleaned up video code, and deferred video RAM allocation to start time. [cam900]

-fantland.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Moved machines with ADPCM sound to a derived state class.
 * Reduced runtime tag map lookups, ACCESSING_BITS macros, and code duplication.
 * Improved function names and cleaned up code.

-namcos2.cpp: Fixed C123 video RAM mirroring (fixes metlhawk intermission). [cam900]

-gp9001.cpp: Restricted tilemap drawing to clipping rectangle, improved member names, and reduced redundant code.

-toaplan2.cpp: Improved member naming and removed unnecessary use of register_postload. [cam900]

-c117.cpp: Eliminated MCFG macros. [cam900]

-stadhero.cpp: Cleand up code, removed some MCFG macros, improved naming, and added a note. [cam900]

-namco_c123tmap.cpp: Added support for offsets, half-height tilemaps, and eight-bit I/O (for using in namcos1.cpp). [cam900]

-namcos1.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Converted C123 tilemap emulation to use device.
 * Corrected some device types, crystal values and YM2151 clock frequencies.
 * Improved region names, reduced MCFG macro use, redundant code, and code duplication.

-deco16ic.cpp: Allow graphics decode device to be configured using tag-like objects. [cam900]

-wrally.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Reduced runtime tag map lookups and use of ACCESSING_BITS macros.
 * Cleaned up graphics decode description and reduced code duplication.

-deco32.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Eliminated VIDEO_START_MEMBER, and improved member names and formatting, and cleaned up code.
 * Simplified and reduced duplication in graphics decode descriptions.

-thoop2.cpp: Reduced runtime tag map lookups, simplified graphics decode description, and reduced code duplication. [cam900]

-gaelco.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Reduced runtime tag map lookups, and improved member names.
 * Cleaned up graphics decode descriptions and ROM loading.

-backfire.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Simplified graphics decode, description, and reduced duplicated and unused code.
 * Deferred scroll RAM allocation until start time.
 * Added release regions to descriptions, and added notes.

-alpha68k.cpp: Added note about unemulated video effect. [cam900]

-imagetek_i4100: Implemented device_gfx_interface, eliminated MCFG macros, and cleaned up sprite drawing code. [cam900]

-hyprduel.cpp: Reduced use of ACCESSING_BITS macros. [cam900]

-metro.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Fixed sprite lag for blzntrnd and gstrk2, and adjusted gstrik2 sound balance.
 * Improved member names, reduced use of ACCESSING_BITS and MCFG macros, reduced code duplication, and cleaned up code.
 * Corrected title for karatourj.

-blmbycar.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Reduced runtime tag map lookups, use of ACCESSING_BITS macros, and code duplication.
 * Changed sound output to mono.
 * Added versions to descriptions.

-lordgun.cpp: Corrected aliencha YMF278B clock, reduced duplication, simplified code, and improved member names. [cam900]

-bmcpokr.cpp: Cleaned up code to better adhere to current best practices, and changed sound output to mono. [cam900]

-dec0.cpp: Converted sprite RAM to buffered_spriteram16_device, cleaned up graphics decode description, and improved member names.

-karnov.cpp: Converted background drawing to use tilemap system, simplified graphics decoding, and cleaned  up code. [cam900]

-taito_o.cpp: Improved sound balance. [cam900]

-igs011.cpp: Simplified palette handling and graphics ROM access. [cam900]

-f1gp.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Split f1gp2 into a derived state class, cleaned up code, reduced duplication, and improved member names.
 * Simplified graphics decode description.
 * Changed f1gpb sound output to mono.

-st0020.cpp: Added object finder for ROM region, reduced code duplication, and simplified tilemap mapping. [cam900]

-cave.cpp: Reduced use of ACCESSING_BITS and MCFG macros, improved member names, and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-drgnmst.cpp: Fixed 8x8 tile banking. [cam900]

-nmk112.cpp: Eliminated MCFG macros, and simplified write handler signatures. [cam900]

-segas32.cpp: Reduce use of ACCESSING_BITS macros and code duplication, and improve member names. [cam900]

-XaviX updates: [David Haywood]
 * Don't set I2C memory page size (works around hanging in Namco/Taito Nostalgia games).
 * Align palette base to natural boundary in modes with more than four bits per pixel.
 * Moved e-kara cartridges to a software list.
 * Added a crude timer implementation (frequency is fixed).
 * Added preliminary wheel input for rad_mtrk, and ball input for rad_fb/rad_madf.
 * Fixed opcode access in upper banks.
 * Improved inputs for ekara and rad_rh.
 * Fixed rad_rh tile addressing.
 * Added preliminary sound emulation.
 * Improved CPU emulation, improving ttv_mx road, showing graphics in ttv_sw, and playing music on ttv_lotr title screen.
 * Improved sprite positioning.
 * Improved Monster Truck tile flipping and rendering in inline header mode.
 * Added a hack go allow epo_efdx to read its EEPROM and display a title screen.

-supbtime.cpp: Restored one-pixel tilemap offset for tumblep and chinatwn. [David Haywood]

-m52.cpp: Moved alpha1v to a separate derived state class, fixed graphical issues, and promoted to working. [David Haywood]
 * Also removed kludges in mpatrol palette handling that were originally used to save memory.

-pbaction.cpp: Hooked up numeric LED displays for pbactiont. [David Haywood]
 * Emulation of communication with display controller CPU is incomplete.

-asuka.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
 * Marked earthjkr ROM as a bad dump and applied a patch based on earthjkrp (fixes row scroll on final stage).
 * Reduced sound levels to avoid clipping.

-ppu2c0x_vt.cpp: Allow palette to be set before mode is selected (fixes Konami logo display in ddrdismx). [David Haywood]

-wrally.cpp, blmbycar.cpp: Converted sprite drawing to device and fixed shadow/highlight effects in blmbycar. [David Haywood]

-qvt102.cpp: Hooked up devices, re-wrote video emulation implementing all video attributes, and added NVRAM. [Dirk Best, Robbbert]

-amiga: Added support for Commodore A2065 Ethernet card. [Dirk Best]

-hp9825.cpp: added internal expansion ROMs for hp9825b. [F.Ulivi]

-luaengine: Fixed item:read_block(offset, count) so it applies the offset. [feos]
 * Also added description comment for emu.item().

-bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Allocate ROMs required by expansion devices to empty slots on start.
 * Removed all root device access from expansion devices.
 * Added configuration option to fit Econet upgrade.
 * Added OS 0.92 as BIOS option for bbca and bbcb.
 * Added Opus Challenger ADFS 1MHz bus device (Master only).
 * Moved torch MCP ROMs to bbc_tube_zep100 device, to be inserted at startup.
 * bbc_acorn8271: Moved lesser-known DFS ROMs to the software list.
 * Added Opus DDOS 3.05 to bbc_opus8272.
 * Added Opus DDOS 3.12 to bbc_opus2791.
 * Added Aries B488 and Acorn IEEE488 Interface devices on 1MHz bus.

-amstr_pc.cpp: Added internal 3.5" floppy drive to machine configuration. [Nigel Barnes]

-ampoker2.cpp: Simplified rabbitpk decryption. [O. Galibert]

-ymmu100.cpp: Implemented sound output, including some filters. [O. Galibert]

-v53 overhaul: [Patrick Mackinlay]
 * Added support for V50, and refactored code to better align with current best practices.
 * Added 16-bit transfer support to DMAU.
 * Cleaned up SCU implementation.

-mips1 overhaul: [Patrick Mackinlay]
 * Implemented TLB and address translation, and improved cache isolation behaviour.
 * Corrected exception vector logic.
 * Fixed overflow logic.

-am79c90: Implemented network communication, and greatly improved behaviour. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-mips.cpp: Hooked up MAC address PROM, LANCE Ethernet controller, and floppy drive controller. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-pc9801_86.cpp: Fixed stereo sound routing, and fixed a PSG level balance regression. [r09]

-tec1: Replaced ROMs with clean dumps from the original designers. [Robbbert]

-ampoker2.cpp: Documented and simulated piccolop protection, and removed ROM patches. [Roberto Fresca]

-mb87030: Implemented padding mode (allows Pascal 3.24 to boot and run from SCSI on hp9k_3xx). [Sven Schnelle]

-luaengine: Added functions to screen_dev class for getting packed RGB pixel values. [Ryan Holtz, Carl]

-hpc3.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Improved DMA transfer behaviour
 * Fixed audio DMA, hooked up second DAC, and fixed a bug that prevented the audio DAC DMA timer from stopping.
 * Partially hooked up second SCSI controller for Indigo2.
 * Hooked up INT3 and PIT register access.
 * Added support for single-byte SCSI DMA requests.
 * Fixed an oversight with interrupt requests.
 * Also converted logging to use logmacro, added more verbose logging, added stave state support, and cleaned up code.
 * Restores SGI Indy boot chime, and allows IRIX installer to run until it fails with a SCSI error.

-ioc2.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Hooked up Timer1/Timer0, z80scc and 8042kbdc interrupts.
 * Hooked up 8042kbdc reset.
 * Fixed IRQ-lowering logic so it actually clears the MIPS IRQ line.
 * Also converted logging to use logmacro, made logging more verbose, and added save state support.
 * Allows Gentoo Linux to boot, although it hangs during startup.

-newport.cpp: FIxed a long-standing bug with color resolution. [Ryan Holtz]
 * Also updated to current coding standards, converted logging to use logmacro, and made logging more verbose.

-dp8573.cpp: Added DP8573 real-time clock emulation. [Ryan Holtz]

-sgi.cpp: Made RPSS counter more accurate, and added semaphore registers. [Ryan Holtz]
 * Also converted logging to use logmacro, made logging more verbose, and updated to meet coding standards.

-indy_indigo2.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Moved Indigo2 to a derived state class, and moved a number of devices into HPC3.
 * Hooked up pull-ups on EISA I/O space.

-indigo.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Separated indigo3k and indigo4k state classes.
 * Hooked up RS-232 ports.
 * Switched to new Zilog SCC implementation, and added PIT8254 device (uses incorrect clock value to work around hang).
 * Fleshed out SCSI and started fleshing out HPC1 implementation.
 * Hooked up new DP8573 real-time clock implementation.
 * Improved RAM layout.
 * Added stubs for DSP RAM and Entry-Level Graphics (LG1/LG2).
 * Implemented LG1 palette setup, block drawing, pattern drawing, frame buffer copy, and remaining commands used by PROM monitor.
 * Removed unused screen device.
 * Expanded logging and converted to use logmacro, and renamed variables to meet MAME coding standards.

-t10sbc.cpp: Added support for Format Parameters and Geometry Parameters pages. [Ryan Holtz]

-scsicd512.cpp: Added various legacy SCSI CD-ROM devices that use 512-byte blocks by default. [Ryan Holtz]

-nscsi_cd.cpp: Added various new-SCSI CD-ROM devices that use 512-byte blocks by default. [Ryan Holtz]

-sgikbd: Added basic SGI Indigo keyboard high-level emulation. [Ryan Holtz]

-rs232/hlemouse.cpp: Added support for SGI Indigo mouse. [Ryan Holtz]

-o2.cpp: Added CRIME and MACE skeleton devices. [Ryan Holtz]

-mips3.cpp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Corrected R4400BE, R4400LE, R4600BE and R5000BE bus width to 64 bits.
 * Fixed a bug that caused a crash with 64-bit data bus and the DRC.
 * Added ability to log SGI O2 boot PROM DPRINTF calls (enabled with a preprocessor macro).

-clifront.cpp: Improved descriptions of -showusage and -showconfig options. [Ryan Holtz]

-screen.cpp: Added a device callback to make it easier to hook the scan line timer. [Ryan Holtz]

-zerozone.cpp, zexall.cpp, zr107.cpp, zrt80.cpp, zt8802.cpp, zwackery.cpp, zx.cpp: Eliminated MACHINE_CONFIG_START/_END macros.
 [Ryan Holtz]

-m68kmmu improvements: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Handle RW bit in address translation cache properly.
 * Add page table walk resulting in BUSERROR to address translation cache.
 * Fixed PTEST instruction, and PTEST level report in MMU status register.
 * Trap if PLOAD is called with MMU disabled on MC68851.
 * Don't skip descriptor status update for page descriptors.
 * Set address in PTEST to last descriptor address.
 * Added function code page table lookup.
 * Fixed TT register matching.
 * Decode FC field for PLOAD insturction.
 * Added support for eight-byte indirect descriptors.
 * Don't change page table/address translation cache state on translations triggered by the debugger.
 * Store B bit in address translation cache on bus error and set last logical address for handler.
 * Show 68020/030/040 PMMU registers in the debugger.

-debugger: Added "gp" command to run until the next privilege level change, and added support for "%c" format conversion.
 [Sven Schnelle]

-hp9k_3xx updates: [Sven Schnelle]
 * Use correct memory map for HP9000/360.
 * Fixed RTC data corruption bug (initial state of latch clock was unsafe).

-nereid: Added overlay support (used by HP98550A), and implemented device_palette_interface. [Sven Schnelle]

-hp_dio: Added support for HP98550A high-resolution color graphics card, and made default for HP9000/360 and /370. [Sven Schnelle]
 * Window mover, pixel/window replacement rules, VRAM bit access, solid line drawing, and pattern mask copy are implemented.
 * Shape drawing, area fill, and additional copy modes are not supported.

-hp_dio: Added support for HP98643A LANIC Ethernet card. [Sven Schnelle]

-qvt102: Dumped an additional firmware version, and dumped keyboard microcontroller [Al Kossow]

-Added ini/examples to binary distribution. [anikom15]

-atetris.cpp: Decapped and dumped EPROM from Indel P8749H microcontroller (matches existing dump). [Caps0ff, ClawGrip]

-kickgoal.cpp: Decapped and dumped kickgoal PIC sound microcontroller, and hooked up emulation. [Caps0ff, balrog, David Haywood]

-pbaction.cpp: Documented Tecfri version of Pinball Action that uses an additional board to drive numeric LED displays. [ClawGrip]

-segasp.cpp: Added SystemSP Network Board version 1.23 firmware. [Darksoft]

-magic10.cpp: Updated notes with more detail, added boot instructions, corrected metadata, and added PLDs. [f205v]

-prehisle.cpp: Dumped correct character ROM for prehislek (MT05613). [Guru]

-namcond1.cpp: Redumped graphics ROMs for Abnormal Check. [Guru]

-midyunit.cpp: Added SL1 revision sound ROM to Smash T.V. V3.01. [Jim Hernandez]

-exidy.cpp: Corrected PCB locations for PROMs in mtrap and clones. [Jim Hernandez]

-hiscore.dat: Updated for latest changes in MAME. [Leezer]

-Changed hand-made SAA5051 character ROM to match the datasheet (one pixel was missing on the 'j' character). [Lord Nightmare]

-segaxbd.cpp: Added Royal Ascot satellite ROMs. [Ordyne]

-by35.cpp, inder.cpp: Corrected toppin and pinclown sound CPU ROM dumps. [PinMAME]

-segahang.cpp: Dumped CK2605 devices for hangon and clones. [Porchy, The Dumping Union]

-xerox820.cpp: Added ROM versions 4.02 (820-II), v50 v018 (820-II), and 5.00 (820-II 16/8). [rfka01, Bitsavers]

-Decapped and extracted internal ROM from SAA5050 character generator. [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2018, 05:20


Setting "Add Leading Zero to Version Info Column" was always running after close preferences screen, even if you don't change it
Fixes and tweaks to MAME/HBMAME audit system; you must re-create MAME/HBMAME games lists to apply, no way around it
- merged tag was not set in several clones
- added two new fields in the game info to improve clone sets audit; generated in RAM while loading ROMs database "mame.elrom":
  - "Set with all game ROMs "nodump" state: just for the game ROMs (exclude bios/device ROMs and parent ROMs)
  - "Set with all parent game ROMs "nodump" state: check if parent set have only "nodump" ROMs (excludes bios/device ROMs and clone ROMs)
- several MAME sets that have game ROMs were tagged as "set with no game ROMs"
  - filter "Games With No Main Set" was showing games that shouldn't be there
  - games audit system was also affected, specially if clone sets were merged into their parent
  - most affected: games in "Konami System 573" and several other MAME machines with similar ROMs/CHDs configuration
- several MAME clone sets were not audited correctly because all game ROMs from parent set are tagged as "nodump" and the frontend could not finding "parentsetname.zip" file (not required by MAME when all ROMs are tagged as "nodump")
- sets were all game ROMs have "nodump" tags but also have CHD files were not audited correctly, showing up as "missing"
- Sega Chihiro games are now properly audited; SHA-1 checksum for "seganetw" device set wasn't handled correctly due missing to "CRC32 collision" tags
Games popup menus "Select Set" were not working properly for bios/device sets


Tweaks to "Game Details" screen
- "Game Files" section now shows a green text if clone game is merged into parent set
- sets with all game ROMs tagged as "nodump" now show in green with a "(nodump)" text
- the ROMs list panel now shows "have/miss" proper info and icon even on "missing" games
- other minor tweaks
Games list font settings do not change anymore when using "available/missing filter" in tool bar buttons


Added "Arcade Italia" URL links to the "Internet Game Info" feature (Preferences screen, "General" tab)
Support for MAME PDF manuals (.pdf files)
- select a folder in MAME Settings screen, "Folders" tab or in Preferences screen, "MAME Game Docs" tab
- no zipped files support, .pdf files must be unzipped
- relative path support (relative to MAME base directory)
- default folder is "manuals"
- parent set manual can be opened with clone games
- files are opened with the Windows associated application for .pdf files (external utility)
- setting saved in "arcade\sysimagefolders_arcade.ini" file, "manuals_directory" entry in [MAME] section, but it's not part of the image categories
- access in games popup menu and in images tool bar buttons
Support for "scores3.htm" so you can view MARP info again in "MAME Game Docs" feature
- you must download "http://replay.marpirc.net/txt/scores3.htm" link from internet and put file into MAME's "\dats\" folder or the folder you selected for data files
- the frontend will try to read the file and show the scores info
- file "marp.dat" is still supported, but cannot be used not together with "scores3.htm"... pick one


Titel: Emu Loader 8.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2018, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Audit system was tagging clone games you don't have as "missing ROMs/CHDs", if you have the parent set
Merged tag is now properly displayed in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2018, 05:45


Minor adjustment in the audit system; some clone games fell thru the cracks
ROMs info in Game Details screen was not correct for some ROMs

version 8.7 change log - December 02, 2018


Audit system hotfix, round 2
- clone games you don't have wrongly tagged as "missing ROMs/CHDs"
- games with CHDs and no game ROMs were deleted from "arcade\games\mame.miss", not listing them in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (scan results)
- some good games were not removed from "arcade\games\mame.miss", listing them in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (scan results)
- wrong "gamename.zip found" info shown in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen for sets with no game ROMs (scan results)


Audit system adapted to scan clone sets the right way (and fixing some master games in the process)
- from now on, if one clone game ROM is found, merged into parent set and "clonegamename.zip" is not found, it will be tagged as "missing ROMs/CHDs"
- if no game ROMs/CHDs are found, but bios/device ROMs are present, the set is still tagged as "missing" (bios/device ROMs are not game ROMs)
- if you have all clone ROMs merged into parent set but have parent ROMs missing, the clone set is still tagged as "merged" (crazy mode ON)...


Titel: PPSSPP 1.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2018, 17:45
Whats new:>>

* Attempted fixes for a couple of common crashes
* Reverted immersive mode change temporarily to see if it helps misaligned buttons
* Change default adhoc server address

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2018, 09:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

Added PowerPC Debugger
Added configurable graphical overlay
Added file replacement (mod) support via graphic packs
Compatibility & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2018, 20:45


Commented ROM / DISK entries were added as game files when creating MAME software games lists (softwarename.xml files)
ROM or DISK entries ending with "-->" tag will not be added ("rocnrope" from "msx1_cart.xml" is one of the affected games)
You must create MAME software list games again to fix this bug (main menu "Arcade", "Create MAME Software Games List")


PDF game manual updates
Support for MAME software lists
Scan support for a sub-folder "manuals" added at the end of your selected PDF folder
File "console_computermame_systems_softwarelist.ini" updated to MAME .204


Some code cleanup, mostly commented out and deprecated


"Search game" bar in "View Missing ROMs/CHDs" screen (audit results)
The frontend searches the entered string in game title and then game name if title is not a match
It works like the incremental search in the main games list, partial strings supported
You can press ENTER key in the edit box instead of clicking the "search" button
If there's no match, the edit box blinks red


Titel: Snes9x 1.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2018, 12:20

Move the LICENSE file to the base directory and use a stub in all the source files referring to it.
Adjust Chou Aniki timing hack.
Use 1-based numbering when displaying pressed keys.
Hide controller port if disabled when displaying keys.
Fix movie playback. (OV2, BearOso)


Fix interlaced modes when overscan crop is enabled.
Allow overriding -flto. (orbea)


Use shared snes_ntsc implementation.
Remove extra LGPL licensing to avoid confusion.
Don't translate config file entries. Fixes breakage on non-C languages.
Fix issue where config file doesn't contain all configurable entries.
Remove config options for Netplay, Joystick, and JMA. SDL 2.0 is now mandatory.
Updated gettext and removed intltool. update-po should now catch all translatable strings.
If available, reduce input lag option will now use fences instead of glFinish to prevent hogging the CPU.
Onscreen text can be variable width and will show up in some more cases now.


Add audio device selection (XAudio2 only)


Titel: MAME 0.205
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2018, 18:45

0.205 2018-12-26

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 02774: [Graphics] (seta2.cpp) grdians: Occasional one-frame glitches. (David Haywood)
- 04053: [Graphics] (ssv.cpp) eaglshot, dynagear: Missing raster effect. (David Haywood)
- 04954: [Graphics] (cps2.cpp) mvscu, xmvsf, mshvsf: Sprite priority problem on final stage with Onslaught. (hap)
- 05732: [Crash/Freeze] All games using MCS-48: Crash when trying to set watchpoint with wpd in MCS-48 games. (AJR)
- 06539: [Crash/Freeze] (konamim2.cpp) All sets in konamim2.cpp: [debug] Assertion failure on VTLB fill. (Phil Bennett)
- 06566: [Crash/Freeze] (vic20.cpp) All sets in vic20.cpp: Mounting Data 20 Video Pak (videopak) causes an exception. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07005: [Crash/Freeze] (vamphalf.cpp) wolrdadv, luplup, poosho (possibly more): Games crash after 36 minutes with DRC. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07022: [DIP/Input] (vtech2.cpp) laser500: Some keys are not working. (Robbbert)
- 07049: [Media Support] (ct486.cpp) ct486: MAME writes to floppy images opened in read-only mode. (AJR)
- 07116: [Save/Restore] Numerous drivers: Memory banking not restored correctly when loading save states. (O. Galibert)
- 07131: [Graphics] (vtech2.cpp) laser500: Hand-drawn character generator ROM contains errors. (nippur72)
- 07165: [Documentation] (bzone.cpp) bzone: Incorrect memory range in comments. (zaxxon)
- 07169: [Sound] (equites.cpp) equites, equitess: No sound effects after changing DIP switches and soft reset. (AJR)
- 07170: [Sound] xaudio2: Module attemts to look up XAudio2 APIs in DirectWrite DLL. (Moe)
- 07172: [Gameplay] (vii.cpp) vii + vii software list entries: Inputs no longer work for vii and vii cartridges. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07177: [Documentation] swim: Closing parenthesis missing in device description. (AntoPISA)

New working machines
Dance Dance Revolution Strawberry Shortcake [Peter Bortas, ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]
Four Play [Robbbert]
Game & Watch: Oil Panic [algestam, Eric Smith]
Game & Watch: Squish [algestam, 4am]
Jong Shin (Japan) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union, Ivan Vangelista]
Magic Purple [David Haywood, Jose IBI, Arcade Vintage, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Pastel Island (Japan, prototype) [ShouTime, David Haywood]
Player's Edge Plus (X002143P+XP000043) Joker's Revenge Poker [Brian Troha]
Super Ball (Version EC-3.50 N165) [Grull Osgo]
Super Ball (Version EC-3.50 N322) [Grull Osgo]
Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (SNES bootleg) [Jorge Silva, Kravex, iq_132]
Video Eight [Robbbert]

New working clones
Eagle Shot Golf (Japan, bootleg?) [Joshua Inman]
Galaxy Gunners (1990 year hack) [David Torres, ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]
Grand Prix Star (ver 4.0) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Iga Ninjyutsuden (Japan, bootleg) [hammy, Jonhughes, digshadow]
Legend of Hero Tonma (World, bootleg with i8751) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
New Biliard 98 (Pool 10 hack) [Roberto Fresca, f205v]
Pit Fighter (rev 1, 2 players) [R.Coltrane, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611)
  [Nomax, Brian Troha, Sean Sutton, Henrique Areias Pontes, MetalliC, Evan Korzon, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Red Wave PtII, bootleg) [okada yuko]
Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.14N, Japan) [Jorge Silva]
Triumph-Adler Alphatronic PC (NTSC) [AJR]
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen II, Spanish, Maibesa license) [Sevilla Retro, Arcade Planet, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Evil Night (ver UBA) [Phil Bennett, Ryan Holtz]
Fruit Bonus 2010 [David Haywood, Canil Babypet]
Tobe! Polystars (ver JAA) [Phil Bennett, Ryan Holtz]
Total Vice (ver EBA) [Phil Bennett, Ryan Holtz]

Clones promoted to working
Break Thru (Tecfri license) [ClawGrip, jordigahan, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union, Roberto Fresca]
Hell Night (ver EAA) [Phil Bennett, Ryan Holtz]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
15 Lions (10166211, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Cardinal Video Terminal [Bitsavers]
DECstation 3100 [R. Belmont, Maciej Rozycki]
Epic 14E (v1.0) [Al Kossow]
Flash Beats [R. Belmont, twistedsymphony]
Fortune 32:16 [Bitsavers]
HP 3478A Multimeter [fenugrec]
HP 95LX [shattered]
Les Fiches (ver 1.3) [f205v]
Monon Color [David Haywood, zhongtiao1]
mupid M-Disk Comp.-A [Dirk Best]
mupid Post-Mupid C2A2 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
Network Computing Devices NCD 16 [R. Belmont, Al Kossow]
Pro Tele Cardioline (Salter Fitness Bike V.1.0, Checksum 02AB) [ClawGrip, Roberto Fresca, Arcade Vintage, Recreativas.org]
Shine/1 [Carlo Santagostino, Alessandro Liberalato, Nigel Barnes]
Super Mario Fushigi No Korokoro Party 2 [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, rtw, The Dumping Union]
Telmac 1800 [Robbbert]
Trivial Pursuit (Volumen IV, Spanish, Maibesa hardware) [Sevilla Retro, Arcade Planet, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Won! Tertainment Happy Channel (Ver E) [ShouTime, Dane Biegert, rtw, The Dumping Union]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Black Belt (Zaccaria, French speech) [PinMAME]
Black Belt (Zaccaria, German speech) [PinMAME]
Black Belt (Zaccaria, Italian speech) [PinMAME]
Grundig FL-100 [Dirk Best]
Grundig PTC-100 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
Infonova C2A2 [Dirk Best, rfka01]
Les Fiches (ver 1.2) [f205v]
More Chilli (20289311, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
New Star's Phoenix (French speech) [PinMAME]
Orchid Mist (0101241V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
OSCOM 1000B [Robbbert]
Pelican Pete - Jackpot Carnival (10226711, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0300785V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Spring Carnival (10008011, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Star's Phoenix (French speech) [PinMAME]
Werewolf Wild (20290711, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]

New working software list additions
  Accelerator 1.03, Acom, Advanced BASIC 1.01, ATS 2.60 STL, ATS 3.1 Morley, CommSoft 8.6h, DataGem 1.02F, Demon, Diagram II,
  Disc Menu 1.00, Disc Menu 1.20, EdiKit 1.00, EXROM: The Extension ROM 3.17, General Utilities, Hebrew, HyperDriver 1.40,
  Ice-Box 1.40, Master Operating System: A Dabhand Guide, Matrix, Midwich WDFS, NTQ Font Extension ROM 2, NTQ Font Extension ROM 3,
  NTQ Font Extension ROM 4, Plus 4.00, PMS Genie Junior, ROM Master (Computer Village), Side Writer 4.0, Solidisk DFS 2.2F Issue 2,
  Solimon 1.02, StarStore II 2.03, STL Toolkit 1.20 15/10/85, STL Toolkit 1.20 22/10/85, STL Toolkit 1.20 27/09/85,
  STL Toolkit 1.3 03/03/86, SupaStore 2.0S, System Delta 2.011, T2C3 1.00, TechnoCAD R1, TechnoCAD R2, Teletel Emulator 1.00,
  Teletel Emulator 1.12, TNC2-3 Driver, Trek 1.07, Turbo-PROM, UserRAM Demonstration ROM, User to User, UVIPROM 1.0, VDU 1.2,
  VT100 1.60, Xcal [Nigel Barnes]
  10 Computer Hits 2, 180, 1985 - The Day After, 1985 - The Day After (alt), 4 Most Megaheroes, 5th Gear, 911 TS, APB, Aardvark,
  Ace 2088, Advanced Basketball Simulator, Agent X II: The Mad Prof's Back!, Ah Diddums, Airborne Ranger, Airwolf, Airwolf 2,
  Alleykat, Amaurote, Anarchy, Android 2, Andy Capp, Annihilator, Arcade Classics, Arcadia 64, Archon II: Adept, Arkanoid,
  Armageddon, Armageddon (Visions), Asylum, Attack of the Mutant Camels, Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy, Automania (Manic Mechanic),
  B.C. Bill, BC's Quest for Tires, BCII: Grog's Revenge, BMX Racers, BMX Racers (alt), BMX Racers (alt2), BMX Simulator, BMX Trials,
  Back to Reality, Back to the Future, Barbarian II, Batman, Batman: The Caped Crusader, Battle Island, Battle Ships, Battle Valley,
  Bazooka Bill, Beach Buggy Simulator, Beach-Head, Beat-It, Better Dead Than Alien, Beyond the Ice Palace,
  Big Nose's American Adventure, Bionic Granny, Blagger Goes to Hollywood, Blaze Out, Blue Angel 69, Blue Thunder, Bomb Jack,
  Bomb Jack II, Bombo, Bombuzal, Booga-Boo the Flea, Booty, Booty (Silver), Brainstorm, Breakthru, Bruce Lee, Bubble Bobble,
  Bubble Dizzy, Buffalo Bill's Rodeo Games, Bug Blitz, Bug Squad, Bullseye, Bump Set Spike, Burger Chase, C.O.D.E. Hunter,
  Cauldron I & II, Cauldron II: The Pumpkin Strikes Back, Cavelon, Cavemania, Caverns of Eriban, Caverns of Xydrapur,
  Chain Reaction, Challenger, Championship Basketball - Two on Two, Chiller, Chinese Juggler, Chubby Gristle, Circus Attractions,
  Classic Snooker, Cliff Hanger, Combat Lynx, Commando, Commando (Encore), Computer-Orgel, Corporation, Cosmic Convoy,
  Cosmic Cruiser, Crazy Balloon, Crazy Cars, Crazy Kong, Critical Mass, Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine, Cybertron Mission,
  Cybotron, Cyclons, Cylu, Daley Thompson's Decathlon, Daley Thompson's Decathlon (Hit Squad), Dan Dare II - Mekon's Revenge,
  Danger Mouse in Double Trouble, Dark Star, Das Spukschloss, Deadly Evil, Demon Blue, Denarius, Desert Hawk,
  Dizzy: Down the Rapids, Donkey Kong, Double Dare, Double Dragon II: The Revenge, Drop Zone, Duck Shoot, Dynamite Dan,
  Eagle Empire, Enduro Racer, Engineer Humpty, Erebus, European 5-a-Side, Falcon Patrol, Falcon Patrol 2, Fall Guy, Fast Food,
  Fighter Pilot, Finders Keepers, Firelord, Fireman Sam, First Strike, Fist II: La Leyenda Continua, Flak, Flying Feathers,
  Footballer of the Year, Force One, Formula 1 Simulator, Frank Bruno's Boxing, Frank Bruno's Boxing (Encore),
  Frank Bruno's World Championship Boxing, Frankenstein Jnr., Frightmare, Fruit Machine Simulator, Fruit Machine Simulator 2,
  Fun School 2 for 6-8 Year Olds, Fungus, Galactic Games, Gangster, Gaplus, Gary Lineker's Hot-Shot!, Gauntlet, Gauntlet (Kixx),
  Gauntlet: The Deeper Dungeons, Ghostbusters, Ghouls, Gilligan's Gold, Glug Glug, Gold or Glory, Golden Axe, Golf, Golf Master,
  Grand Larceny, Grand Prix Simulator, Graphic Editor, Graphics Editor, Gribbly's Day Out, Gryzor, Guardian, Guardian Angel,
  Gunstar, Gyroscope, H.A.T.E: Hostile All Terrain Encounter, H.E.R.O., Harvey Headbanger, Headcoach, Hektik, Hektik (alt), Hexpert,
  Hollywood Poker, Hoodoo Voodoo, Hoppingmad, Horace Goes Skiing, Hunchback, Hungry Horace, Hustler, Huxley Pig, Hyperbowl, I Ball,
  I Ball II, I-Xera, IO (Into Oblivion), Ikari Warriors, International Rugby Simulator,
  James Bond 007 in Live and Let Die - The Computer Game, James Bond 007: Licence To Kill, Jeep Command,
  Jet Set Willy II: The Final Frontier, Joe Blade, Joe Blade 2, Jonah Barrington's Squash, Jonny and the Jimpys,
  Junior Maths: Spirates / Snowmen, KGB Superspy, KP Skips Action Biker with Clumsy Colin, Kaktus, Kane, Kentilla, Kentucky Racing,
  Kikstart 2, Kikstart 2 (alt), Kikstart: Off-Road Simulator, Killing Machine, Knight Tyme, Knightmare, Kokotoni Wilf,
  Konami's Pooyan, Kongo Kong, Krazy Kar, Labyrinth, Lancer Lords, Land of Neverwhere, Lazer Force, Lazer Wheel, Los Angeles Swat,
  Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge, Magic Carpet, Majik, Manic Miner, Manic Miner (MAD), Match Point, Metro Cross, Miami Chase,
  Micro Ball, Mike Read's Computer Pop Quiz, Milk Race, Missile Command, Mission Omega, Monkey Magic, Monopole, Mordon's Quest,
  More Adventures of Big-Mac the Mad Maintenance Man, Moto X, Motor Mania, Motor Mania (alt), Mr. Wimpy: The Hamburger Game,
  Munch Mania, Munch Mania (alt), Mushroom Alley, Mystery of the Indus Valley, Nebulus, Neutral Zone, Neutralizor, New York City,
  Night Racer, Ninja, Nonterraqueous, Oh No!, Oink!, Olympic Skier, On Cue, Operation Thunderbolt, Operation Wolf, Orbitron, Outlaw,
  P.O.D. - Proof of Destruction, Pacmania, Paint-Box 64, Pakacuda, Panther, Paperboy, Paperboy (alt), Paradroid, Parallax,
  Park Patrol, Pedro, Penetrator, Periscope Up, Pilot 64, Pinball Wizard, Ping Pong, Pipeline 2, Platoon, Popeye 2,
  Popeye 3: Wrestle Crazy, Poster Paster, Pro Skateboard Simulator, Prodigy, Professional Ski Simulator,
  Professional Snooker Simulator, Protium, Prowler, Punchy, Pyjamarama, QUATTRO Adventure, QUATTRO Cartoon, QUATTRO Combat,
  QUATTRO Fighters, QUATTRO Racers, QUATTRO Super Hits, Quintic Warrior, Raging Beast, Raid over Moscow, Rainbow Islands,
  Rally Driver, Rambo III, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Realm of Impossibility, Red Heat, Red Max, Renegade, Rescue on Fractalus!,
  Rigel's Revenge, Rik the Roadie, River Rescue, River Rescue (Alternative), Road Blasters, Road Blasters (Kixx), Road Runner,
  Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote, Robin to the Rescue, Rock Star Ate My Hamster, Rock'n Wrestle, Rock'n Wrestle (alt), Rollaround,
  Rollerball, Rollerboard, Rolling Thunder, RoomLord, Rupert and the Ice Castle, Rygar,
  S*M*A*S*H*E*D: Strangest Mobile Army Surgical Hospital East of Detroit, S.O.S., Salamander, Scorpion, Se-Kaa of Assiah, Sentinel,
  Shamus, Silkworm, Skatin' USA, Skool Daze, Slamball, Slap Fight, Slayer, Slimey's Mine, Slinky, Snokie, Solomon's Key, Sorcery,
  Space Harrier, Space Walk, Speed King, Speedboat Race, Spike in Transilvania, Spitfire, Split Personalities, Spore, Spy vs Spy,
  Spy vs Spy II: The Island Caper, Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics, Squirm, Stallone: Cobra, Star Race, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi,
  Starlifter, Starquake, Steel, Stellar 7, Stix, Storm, Strangeloop, Street Cred Boxing, Street Gang, Street Surfer,
  Street Warriors, Strike, Strike Force Cobra, Strip Poker, Strip Poker (CDS), Strip Poker II, Strontium Dog and the Death Gauntlet,
  Stunt Bike, Stunt Bike Simulator, Sub Hunt, Suicide Express, Summer Games, Summer Games (Kixx), Super Cassette 'B', Super Cycle,
  Super Gran, Super Hang On, Super League, Super Seymour Saves the Planet, Super Trux, Superkid in Space, T-Bird, Target Renegade,
  Terra Cresta, Terrormolinos, Test Master, The Action Pack, The Curse of Sherwood, The Election Game,
  The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The Halls of the Things, The Helm, The Human Race, The Last Ninja, The Last V8,
  The Last V8 (alt), The Legend of the Knucker-Hole, The National, The Newzealand Story, The Power Pack,
  The Quest for the Golden Egg Cup, The Quest for the Holy Grail, The Very First, The Vindicator, Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends,
  Thrust, Thrust (alt), Thunder Blade, Thundercats, Thunderforce, Time Traveller, Tomahawk, Tombs of Xeiops, Tornado Low Level,
  Traffic, Trailblazer, Trivial Fruit, Trollie Wallie, Turbo 64, Turbo Boat Simulator, Turbo Esprit, Turtle Jump, U.F.O., Uridium,
  Vampire, Vegas Jackpot, Velocipede, Velocipede II, Venom, Wanderer 3D, Wanted! Monty Mole, War Cars Construction Set, War Hawk,
  Way of the Exploding Fist, Who Dares Wins II, Who Dares Wins II (Alternative), Wilder Westen, Winter Games, Winter Games (Kixx),
  Wiz Biz, Wizball, Word Feud, World Games, World Series Baseball, Xevious, Yeti, Yie Ar Kung-Fu, Yogi's Great Escape, Zoids, Zolyx,
  Zone Ranger, Zorro, Zzzzzzz [The Ultimate Tape Archive Team]
  3D Labyrinth, 3D Maze, Adventure Quest, Asteroids, BLS Pascal V1.2, Breakout, Car Race, Chaser, Colossal Adventure,
  Double Mastermind, Dungeon Adventure, Eldorado Gold, Eliza, Extension Basic, Fruit Machine, Fruit Machine Game, Galactic Invaders,
  Galaxian Attack, Galaxy Attack, Gener-80, Graphics ROM Editor, Hangman, Hisoft Pascal 4 V1.0, Hisoft Pascal 4 V1.5,
  Hisoft Pascal 4 V2.0, HullForth, Invasion, Invasion Earth, Jailbreak in Space, Level 9 Surround, Life, Logichess,
  Lollypop Lady Trainer, Lords of Time, Lumberjack, Lunar Lander, Monster, Moon Raider, NAS-Calc, NAS-Forth V1.11, NAS-Pen 2.0,
  Nas-Graphpac 1.0, Nascom Extended Basic, Othello, Pac Man, Piranha, Pack-Mann, React, Retriever 2, Return to Eden,
  Revenge of the Drosphila, Reversi, Rubic, Sargon Chess v1.2, Sargon Chess v1.3, Serpent, Snowball, Space Invaders, Space Invasion,
  Space Zap, Spacewar, The Hole in the Wall, Tic-Tac-Toe, V & T Assembler, Xtal Basic 2.2, ZEAP 2.0 [Nigel Barnes]
nascom_socket: NAS-Pen 1.0, NAS-Print 80, Sys-Ex [Nigel Barnes]

Software list items promoted to working
bbc_rom: Solidisk DFS 2.1J Issue 2 [Nigel Barnes]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
bbc_rom: Inter-Base 2.0A, MRM E00 DFS 1.20, Mega3, SatPic 3.0 [Nigel Barnes]
  Gangtie xia-yingxiong fanji zhan, Jiangshi lieren, Ji jia xuanfeng-gedou dashi, Kaijia yongshi daluan dou,
  Luoke wangguo-bing zhi lan, Luoke wangguo-da maoxian, Luoke wangguo-hei zhi yan, Luoke wangguo-ka pai zhan ji,
  Luoke wangguo-mofa zhen, Luoji pin yi pin, Longzhu-wudao dahui, Shen po-shiluo de yiji, Sai er hao-nengyuan da zuozhan,
  Sai er hao: Zhanshen dou hun, Yingxiong lianmeng-zhongji gedou [zhongtiao1]
nascom_snap: Starfighters [Nigel Barnes]

Source Changes
-tmp68301: Improved accuracy of registration and acknowledgment of pending interrupts. [AJR]

-balsente.cpp: Separated emulation (and ROM) of 6VB audio board from driver class. [AJR]

-f8: Fixed LNK instruction by testing carry flag before clearing flags (github #4371). [AJR]

-z8: Overhauled register handling. [AJR]
 * Moved internal internal register file to a separate address space, and added port output registers to debug state.
 * Lock out interrupts on reset until EI instruction is executed.

-mbc55x: Added 8087 coprocessor. [AJR]

-x86: Step over REP instructions in debugger. [AJR]

-alphatro: Corrected clock frequencies and screen timings, and separated into PAL and NTSC variants. [AJR]

-tv955: Made keyboard begin to work, and added cursor emulation. [AJR]

-eepromser: Don't change state on soft reset (EEPROMs don't actually have reset lines). [AJR]

-rainbow.cpp: Improved monitor auto-detection, fixed palette problems, and cleaned up logging, and updated notes. [Bavarese]

-scsp.cpp: Made SCSP emulation better reflect hardware implementation. [cam900]
 * Implemented EXTS mixing and DAC18B output, and removed hard-coded DMA IRQ target device.
 * Added save state support, marked as having imperfects sound, and updated to use explicitly sized integer types.
 * Cleaned up unused and duplicated code, removed MCFG macros, and reformatted code.
 * stvcd.cpp: Implemented device_mixer_interface, allowing CD audio to be routed correctly.
 * coolridr.cpp, model2.cpp, model3.cpp: Corrected SCSP and sound CPU clocks, and corrected sound balance.
 * stv.cpp: Corrected SCSP clock.

-coolridr.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle and deferred allocating palette memory until start time.
 * Reduced code duplication, replaced a bare pointers with an object finder, and improved tags and member names.

-psikyo4.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Fixed sound routing and reduced runtime tag map lookups.
 * Reduced code duplication, eliminated use of ACCESSING_BITS macros, and improved member names.

-prehisle.cpp: Cleaned up code, improved member names, and reduced runtime tag map lookups. [cam900]

-seta2.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Deferred allocation of sprite RAM until start time, and reduced use of ACCESSING_BITS macros.
 * Made more members protected, reduced unnecessary code, and improved member names.

-pgm2.cpp and pgm2_memcard.cpp cleanup: [cam900]
 * Made better use of region finders rather than relying on hard-coded sizes and runtime tag map lookups.
 * Changed to abbreviated integer types, made use of m_ member prefix consistent, and streamlined handler member signatures.
 * Made code prefer explicitly sized integer types, reduced variable scope, and const-qualified more variables.
 * Simplified graphics decoding description, reduceds use of MCFG macros, improved region names, and updated notes.

-deco32.cpp: Fixed graphical regression in captaven and clones (github #4417), and restricted ACE mixing to cliprect rectangle.

-sdl_sound.cpp: Re-worked ring buffer code to better encapsulate it and avoid deadlocks. [Celelibi]

-ssv.cpp: Emulated row scroll and plane masking effects. [David Haywood]

-gcpinbal.cpp: Emulated raster interrupts (used for effects in Power Flipper Pinball Shooting). [David Haywood]

-seta2.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
 * Added preliminary emulation of raster effects and X offset registers.
 * Improved tilemap wrapping in 8x8 mode and screen size/visible area/layer offset handling.
 * Implemented alternate sprite format flag user by grdians map screen overlay.
 * Simplified graphics decoding, and cleaned up code.

-goldstar.cpp: Added ROM patches to help Fruit Bonus 2010 boot, and improved inputs. [David Haywood]

-mcs51: Added preliminary AppoTech AXC51-CORE disassembler. [David Haywood]

-bus/nes_ctrl: Added Majesco dance mat device (used by the ddrdismx and ddrstraw in nes_vt.cpp). [David Haywood]

-amiga: Added support for the A2058 memory expansion Zorro card. [Dirk Best]

-hp9825, hp9845: Split I/O subsystem out of hp9845 driver, added I/O slots to hp9825, and added 98032 GPIO module. [F.Ulivi]

-Emulated HP 3478 digital multimeter. [fenugrec]
 * Analog-side 8048 MCU is not dumped or emulated - main ROM patched to work around its absence.
 * Some LCD characters are unverified, and LCD annunciators are not rendered.
 * HP-IB/IEEE488 interface is not emulated (uses i8291 controller).

-ampoker.cpp: Fixed NVRAM size. [Grull Osgo]

-Fixed some collateral damage from refactoring. [hap]

-snowbros.cpp: Replaced yutnori ROM patch with protection simulation. [iq_132, Robbbert]

-toypop.cpp: Simplified foreground coordinate calculation. [kunikuni]

-ti99: Raise a fatal error on detecting an over-sized cartridge dump to avoid memory corruption. [Michael Zapf]

-Updated Android support to build with NDK r18b, current Android Studio, and current Gradle (target API version is now 24).
 [Miodrag Milanovic]

-nascom1 updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Improved parsing of snapshots, and added character ROM snapshot for Sargon Chess.
 * Added B-Bug monitor BIOS option.
 * Corrected LSW1 links location for Restart address.

-bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Added bus clocks for FDC (8 MHz), 1MHz bus (1 MHz), and Compact expansion port (8 MHz).
 * Added Music 2000 and EMR BBC MIDI Interface 1MHz bus devices.

-debugger: Prevent watchpoints from being installed multiple times recursively. [O. Galibert]

-swp30.cpp: Improved sound generation and added save state support. [O. Galibert]

-ymmu100.cpp: Hooked up MIDI ports and added additional logging. [O. Galibert]

-t10mmc.cpp: Reverted seemingly erroneous change to CD audio commands, and added gain setters for each CD-DA channel. [Phil Bennett]

-nascom1.cpp updates: [Phill Harvey-Smith]
 * Fixed Nascom 2/3 keyboard handling so CTRL key combinations work.
 * Added correct Nascom 2 NasSys 3 BIOS ROMs for default, AVC and NET versions, and added Nascom 3 CP/M boot v3.2 BIOS ROM.

-apple3: Attempted to improve font uploading (still not perfect). [R. Belmont, Rob Justice]

-apple2: Added support for version 2 .WOZ floppy image files. [R. Belmont]

-z80ne: Corrected error in ROM from when it was transcribed by hand. [Robbbert]

-vtech2: Added support for French and German, selectable via machine configuration switches. [Robbbert]
 * Note that it will crash when Reset is selected, logged as MT07180.

-rulechan.cpp: Cleaned up code, and turned Demo DIP switch on by default. [Roberto Fresca]

-brkthru.cpp: Fixed brkthrut PROM addressing and added notes. [Roberto Fresca]

-e132xs.cpp: Fixex CMPB and SUBC instruction emulation and instruction length flags when using the DRC. [Ryan Holtz]

-midtunit.cpp: Converted video emulation to a device and removed static global variables. [Ryan Holtz]
 * Also added a DMA blitter graphics viewer that can be enabled with a preprocessor macro.

-midtunit.cpp, midxunit.cpp: Cleaned up code and converted logging to use logmacro. [Ryan Holtz]

-tms32031: Fixed disassembler and eliminated MCFG macros. [Ryan Holtz]

-pocketc.cpp cleanup: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Reduced duplication, improved member names, reduced runtime tag map lookups, and converted logging to use logmacro.
 * Removed MCFG macros, made better use of language and framework features, re-formatted code, and cleaned up comments.

-Updated bgfx and bx to latest upstream code. [Ryan Holtz]

-cave.cpp: Removed MCFG macros and made common configuration blocks into functions. [Ryan Holtz]

-Eliminated MCFG macros from may devices and drivers, including all but one of the CPUs. [Ryan Holtz, Ivan Vangelista]

-pasopia7: Increased keyboard poll rate to 5 kHz - allows de-bounce code to work. [shattered]

-hp_dio: Added DMA enable to control register of human interface card. [Sven Schnelle]

-mb87030.cpp: Fixed FIFO behaviour (fixes SCSI on HP9000/382). [Sven Schnelle]

-m68kfpu: Added (d16,An) addr mode to WRITE_EA_FPE (used by NetBSD's ps command). [Sven Schnelle]

-Added support for building with clang on FreeBSD/NetBSD, and added a missing header to video/xavix.cpp. [Thomas Klausner]

-gsword.cpp: Dumped gsword MCU and replaced simulation with preliminary emulation. [Vas Crabb, Caps0ff, *=/STARRIDER\=*]
 * Demoted gsword to MACHINE_NOT_WORKING and MACHINE_IMPERFECT_SOUND as there are issues with credits registering and sound.
 * Removed BAD_DUMP flag from josvolly MCU dump - there's no reason to believe the MCUs contain different programs.

-Updated and improved some command-line option descriptions. [Vas Crabb]

-Fixed failure to construct/destruct non-trivial objects that caused crashes when using DRC back-ends. [Vas Crabb]

-goldstar.cpp: Dumped graphics ROMs for Fruit Bonus 2010. [Canil Babypet]

-brkthru.cpp: Re-dumped ROMs and dumped PROMs for brkthrut. [ClawGrip, jordigahan, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]

-balsente.cpp: Added a missing mainboard PAL dump, and improved documentation for Spanish Trivial Pursuit sets.
 [ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]

-leapster.xml: Documented some undumped games (there are dozens still missing). [ClawGrip]

-brkthru.cpp: Dumped PALs, added PCB layout and updated notes for darwin. [f205v]

-ymmu100.cpp: Added missing ROMs. [Guru]

-aristmk5.cpp: Improved documentation. [Heihachi_73]

-aristmk6.cpp: Added two BIOS sets, and fixed some PCB locations. [Heihachi_73]

-Brute-forced DES key for Sangokushi Taisen 2 satellite (Chihiro). [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard]

-m24: Added BIOS versions v1.1, v1.21 and v1.36, and added additional comments and links. [rfka01]

-berzerk.cpp: Corrected ROM labels for berzerk1 based on board photographs. [Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2019, 06:05
Whats new:>>

Wiimote improvements
Audio improvements
Added button to download community graphic packs
'No legacy' mode for Intel GPUs is now the default
Compatibility & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: My Nes 7.5.6945
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2019, 09:09
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


It is recommended to delete the setting files in My Nes folder in the user Documents folder for better experince.
To do so, please go to 'C:Users<username>DocumentsMyNes' then delete: 'controls.mnc', 'emusettings.ini', 'renderersettings.ini' and 'winsettings.ini'.
This version is compatible with game states that made on the previous version.
Sorry for the latest versions of My Nes, it was quit a mess, i was focusing on the core and totaly forgot about experience.
Consider this version as my apology, I tried my best to fix all the issues related to user interface and game play experience.
I tested this version on both my Computer (mid range pc) and on my potato laptop (some laptop from 2009 lol), i ran My Nes
for hours, carefully configured palette, sound, video, menus and even emulation speed to bring the best experience and quality possible.
I know My Nes is the not the best Emu out there, but the way i see it after this version, it is really cool to play retro with
My Nes now !! just relax, plug xbox 360 controller if you have one, run My Nes and Enjoy !! :D
Added: load state open menu item, allows to quickly load a rom then load a state from selected state slot directly.
Added: load state on recent open menu item, same as above, but this work on games open from recent menu.
Added: Start game in fullscreen menu option, allows My Nes to switch My Nes into fullscreen mode each time a game is loaded.
Added: SDL2 settings in video menu, allows to configure further options of SDL2 Video Renderer.
Added: Shutdown emu/exit My Nes on Escape press menu option on preferences, this options allow My Nes to exit fullscreen, shutdown emu or exit My Nes with Escape press.
Added: Interface languages switch in Preferences, currently only English and Arabic languages is supported. Sorry i cannot add more languages, i don't want to use translater services to add more languages ... i need help in this end :)
Added: Ability to show supported boards list from Help menu.
Added: Context menu that appears when right-mouse click anywhere in My Nes window (work on fullscreen too). This allow to access usefull menu items quickly during game play.
Added: Auto mouse cursor hide.
Improved: the default palette settings, carefully configured to produce a very good image quality.
Improved: Sound is carefully configured to produce the highest sound quality possible with My Nes.
Improved: if a x controller is connected, and start My Nes for the first time, My Nes will configure and switches automatically to that controller. (In other words, plug in your x controller and start playing !!)
Improved: Getting started dialog, now it support more options and more detailed.
Improved: Speed control in emulation, now My Nes run smoothly.
Fixed: bug in SlimDX video renderer, keep aspect ratio was not working.
Fixed: bug in SlimDX audio renderer, sound became corrupted most of the time.
Fixed: fullscreen was not working probably (My Nes used to go Maximized window instead of normall fullscreen).
Fixed: issues with notifications positions on the screen.
Fixed: when to many notifications came at once, the video renderer was displaying the latest one only. Now it display them all one by one.


Titel: QuickPlay 4.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2019, 11:10
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

Because it was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends it's written in Delphi and able to support considerable complexity and customization. It claims to work similar to MAMEUI.

While many other frontends of that era are not updated anymore QuickPlay is still updated by a group of supporters. It features a fast search over large romsets.

License: Open Source


Mame ini file finder
Upgrade nodejs version of mametool
Add mametool logging
Add some icons
Sundry retroarch efind alterations
Add some new retroarch emus


Titel: QuickPlay 4.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2019, 21:20
Whats new:>>

ensure multiloader compatibility with Daemon Tools Lite 10.10
bugfix: fix mametool bug with ini kv files
bugfix: fix bug where mame version would revert on success
bugfix: get the logic right for users rescanning a new mame version
bugfix: recheck mame extras dir when mame scan triggered bugfix: mametool uses its own mame.json as a gatekeeper check, not the users mame xml
add pcsx-pgxp to efinds

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.206
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2019, 17:45

0.206 2019-01-30

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 06300: [Color/Palette] (galaxian.cpp) eagle, eagle2: Games need wiring harness that swaps channels. (Vas Crabb)
- 07015: [Gameplay] (model1.cpp) vr, vformula: Undetected communication board error. (Hydreigon)
- 07104: [DIP/Input] (iteagle.cpp) bbh, bbhsc, bbhsca, bbh2sp, bbh2spa, bbh2spb: Lightguns don't track correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07179: [Save/Restore] (neogeo.cpp) aes: Memory cards are not detected. (Vas Crabb)
- 07180: [Crash/Freeze] (vtech2.cpp) laser500, laser700: Emulator crashes on hard reset. (Robbbert)
- 07185: [Sound] (mario.cpp) mario and clones: All audio missing besides walking sounds. (Ryan Holtz)
- 07189: [Crash/Freeze] (cinemat.cpp) qb3: Black screen/exception on start. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07197: [Core] (oric.cpp) orica: Loading from tape never progresses. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07205: [Sound] (neopcb.cpp) svcpcb: Cracking/distortion/buzzing sound. (Ivan Vangelista)

New working machines
Dance Dance Revolution Family Mat (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Dora the Explorer - Race To Play Park (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Vas Crabb]
Game & Watch: Black Jack [algestam, Keith Kaisershot]
Game & Watch: Lifeboat [algestam, Keith Kaisershot]
Game & Watch: Manhole (new wide screen) [algestam, Tom Morrison]
Game & Watch: Rain Shower [algestam, xkeepah]
Fantastic Four (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Ryan Holtz]
Play TV Opus (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Popira (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, Ryan Holtz]
Super Dash Ball (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, ShouTime, David Haywood]
TV Test Pattern Generator 1985 [shattered]
WWE (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Ryan Holtz]

New working clones
Blaze On (World) [rtw, The Dumping Union]
Bubble 2000 V1.2 [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]
Columbia Data Products MPC 1600 [rfka01]
Deroon DeroDero / Tecmo Stackers [Fabrice Arzeno, The Dumping Union]
Fantasy Zone (FD1089B 317-0016) [Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P0-113A PCB) [caius, The Dumping Union]
Kamikaze (Euromatic S.A., Spanish bootleg of Scramble) [David Torres, ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]
Mobile Suit Gundam (bootleg) [ArcadeHacker, The Dumping Union]
New Fruit Bonus '96 Special Edition (bootleg set 4, v97-3.3c English) [unknown]
Same! Same! Same! (China, 2P set) [Bill D, The Dumping Union]
Super Cobra (bootleg, set 3) [David Torres, ClawGrip, Recreativas.org]
Tetris Plus 2 (World, V2.7) [Team Japump!!!]
Top Secret (Japan, revision B) [FabC]
UFO Robot Attack (bootleg of Invasion, older set) [f205v]
V.Smile Baby (Sweden) [Ryan Holtz, Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]

Machines promoted to working
Bad Dog Poker (0200428V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Butterfly Delight (0200143V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Chameleon (0100438V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Chicken (0100351V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Desert Bloom (0300111V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Diamond Fever (0200302V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dragon's Eye (0100521V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Enchanted Forest (0400122V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Geisha (0101408V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Jumpin' Joey (0100383V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
K.G. Bird (0200024V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 1 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, Mr. Do]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Namco Nostalgia 2 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, Mr. Do]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Taito Nostalgia 1 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, Mr. Do]
Let's! TV Play Classic - Taito Nostalgia 2 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen, Mr. Do]
Loco Loot (0100473V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Lone Wolf (0100587V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Lucky Clover (0300109V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mammoth Money (0100425V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mine, Mine, Mine (0400115V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Money Tree (0201397V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money (0100294V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Mystic Garden (0100275V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
One For All (0101503V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Phantom Pays (0500005V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Play TV Card Night (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Prize Fight (0100299V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Q.T. Bird (0500009V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Reel Power (0100400V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Rushin Rooster (0100534V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
San Francisco Rush 2049 [Ted Green]
Snow Cat (0100405V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (bootleg of Megadrive version) [Ivan Vangelista]
Thor (0200319V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Thunder Heart (0200333V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Top Banana (0100550V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Tropical Delight (0100269V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
V.Smile (US) [Ryan Holtz]
V.Smile Baby (US) [Ryan Holtz]
Wild Angels (0100337V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Bill (0100297V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Wild Cougar (0100167V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]

Clones promoted to working
Cash Cat (0300863V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Cash Chameleon (0300781V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
ConnecTV Card Night (PAL) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Desert Bloom (0200111V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure (0100388V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Dolphin Treasure (0100424V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Inca Sun (0101108V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
King Galah (0100536V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Loco Loot (0100472V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Loco Loot (0600725V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Mountain Money (0100289V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Orchid Mist (0101241V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Oscar (0100348V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pays (0200113V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Penguin Pays (0200357V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0100439V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0101707V, Brazil) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0300785V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile (0301059V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
Return of the Samurai (0200506V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Return of the Samurai (0200549V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
San Francisco Rush 2049: Special Edition [Ted Green]
Sweethearts II (0200004V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Thunder Heart (0200334V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
Toucan Tango (0301388V, Holland) [Heihachi_73]
Unicorn Dreaming (0101228V, New Zealand) [Heihachi_73]
V.Smile (France) [Ryan Holtz]
V.Smile (Germany) [Ryan Holtz]
Wild Amazon (0200285V, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
ADM 23 Smart Terminal [Bitsavers]
BERT [Volker Pohlers]
Chihiro Change Region GD USA (611-0028A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Classic Arcade Pinball (JAKKS Pacific TV Game) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ClickStart [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
Disney Friends (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle]
Domyos Bike Concept (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Domyos Fitness Adventure (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter, Wilhelmsen]
Domyos Fitness Challenge (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Domyos Fitness Exercises (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter, Wilhelmsen]
Doraemon Wakuwaku Kuukihou (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Eagle PC Spirit [rfka01]
Excite Ping Pong (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
FreeWay (V5.12) [Canil Babypet, AJR]
Gururin World (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Hoop it Up World Tour - 3 on 3 (Rev 23) [unknown]
Jackie Chan J-Mat Fitness (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Joker Card (Epoxy brick CPU) [TeamEurope, Roberto Fresca]
Justice League (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle]
Mattel Classic Sports [Sean Riddle]
Megamax GPD001SDG [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Miss Bamby [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Moon Fire - Jackpot Carnival (30164211, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
My First Dance Dance Revolution (US) [Sean Riddle]
Palestra-02 [shattered]
Play TV Baseball 3 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Buckmasters Huntin' (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Buckmasters Huntin' 2 (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Football 2 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Huntin' 3 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Real Swing Golf [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Queen Bee (Brazil, Ver. 202) [unknown]
Reelin-n-Rockin - Fast Lane (10298611, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Scooby-Doo! and the Mystery of the Castle (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, Team Europe]
Spring Festival (20262311, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Super Queen Bee (Ver. 101) [unknown]
Taiko De Popira (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Thomas and Friends (Tomy) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Track & Field Challenge [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
TV Test Pattern Generator 1983 [shattered]
Twinkle Tale (bootleg of Megadrive version) [FabC]
V.Reader (US, English, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Virtua Striker 2002 (Type 3) (GDT-0012) [Alex Romero (TO)]
XaviX Baseball (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
XaviX Bass Fishing (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
XaviX Bowling (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
XaviX Boxing (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Big Ben (20201111, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Choy Sun Doa (10121111, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Club Kart for Cycraft (GDS-0029) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Compaq Portable [rfka01]
Connectv Baseball 3 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Connectv Huntin' 3 [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Connectv Real Swing Golf [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Double Dolphins (40003211, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
e-kara (Germany?, includes 3 songs) [Sean Riddle]
e-kara (Japan) [Sean Riddle]
e-kara (US?, NTSC, set 2) [Sean Riddle]
e-kara Pro Headset (US, includes 3 songs) [Sean Riddle]
F-Zero AX (Rev D) (GDT-0004D) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Funky Jet (bootleg) [ClawGrip, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
ITT XTRA [rfka01]
The Golden Gong (10217411, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Initial D Arcade Stage Ver. 2 (Japan) (Rev A) (GDS-0026A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (client) (Rev A) (GDT-0006A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
The Key Of Avalon - The Wizard Master (server) (Rev A) (GDT-0005A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Lupin The Third - The Shooting (Rev A) (GDS-0018A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Pang (bootleg, set 6) [ClawGrip, Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union]
Queen of the Nile (0201200V, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Fast Lane (0101670V, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Queen of the Nile - Money Train II (10203811, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Red Baron - Fast Lane (10160711, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Reelin-n-Rockin (0101460V, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Samba De Amigo (Rev A) [f205v]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 (Rev C) (GDX-0017C) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Sega Network Taisen Mahjong MJ 3 Evolution (Rev A) (GDX-0021A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Show Me The Money (10015711, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]
Stadium Hero '96 (Japan?, EAE) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Storio (DE, German, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Storio (ES, Spanish, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Storio (FR, French, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Storio (GB, English, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Storio (NL, Dutch, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Tank Force (bootleg) [hammy, The Dumping Union]
V.Reader (CA, English, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
V.Reader (CA, French, 2011-10-17) [ClawGrip]
Virtua Striker 4 (Asia) (Rev B) (GDT-0014B) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Virtua Striker 4 (Export) (Rev A) (GDT-0015A) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Virtua Striker 4 (Japan) (Rev C) (GDT-0013C) [Alex Romero (TO)]
Where's The Gold (20184811, Queensland) [Heihachi_73]

New working software list additions
  Agent USA, Airheart, Alien Ambush, Ankh, Apple Cider Spider, Apple Galaxian, Aquatron, Archon: The Light and The Dark,
  Ardy the Aardvark, Autobahn, Axis Assassin, Aztec, BC's Quest for Tires, Bad Dudes, Ballblazer, Batman: The Caped Crusader,
  Bellhop, Below the Root, The Bilestoad, Bug Battle, Cannonball Blitz, Caverns of Callisto, Ceiling Zero, Centipede, Commando,
  Congo Bongo, Conquering Worlds, Copts and Robbers, County Fair, Crazy Mazey, Crisis Mountain, Crossfire, Cubit, Cyber Strike,
  The Dam Busters, Death Sword, Defender II: Stargate, Destroyer, Dino Eggs, Dive Bomber, Donkey Kong, Drol, Dung Beetles,
  The Eidolon, Epoch, Falcons, Fight Night, Flight Simulator II (v2.0), Flip Out, Force 7, Formula 1 Racer, Free Fall, Frogger,
  Frogger II: Threedeep, G.I. Joe, The Games - Summer Edition, GATO, Genetic Drift, Gobbler, The Goonies, Gumball, The Heist,
  HERO - Helicopter Emergency Rescue Operation, Hadron, Hard Hat Mack, Hardball, Head On, High Rise, Ikari Warriors,
  Ikari Warriors 2: Victory Road, Impossible Mission II, International Gran Prix, Jawbreaker, Jawbreaker ][, The Jet, Joust,
  Julius Erving and Larry Bird Go One on One, Jungle Hunt, Karate Champ, Karateka, Kid Niki, Kung Fu Master, L.A. Crackdown,
  Lock 'n Chase, Lode Runner, Lost Tomb, Marauder, Marble Madness, Mars Cars, Mating Zone, Megabots, Might and Magic, Miner 2049er,
  Minit Man, Money Muncher, Monster Smash, Montezuma's Revenge, Moon Patrol, The Movie Monster Game,
  Mr. Robot and his Robot Factory, Ms. Pac-Man, Night Mission Pinball, Night Stalker, O'Riley's Mine, Orbitron, Outpost, Paperboy,
  Pest Patrol, Phantoms Five, Picnic Paranoia, Pitfall II: Lost Caverns, Pitstop II, Planetfall (r10), Plasmania, Platoon, Pool 1.5,
  Pooyan, Prince of Persia, Qix, Rad Warrior, Rampage, Raster Blaster, Red Alert, Repton, Rescue Raiders, RoboCop, Robotron 2084,
  Roundabout, Russki Duck, Sabotage, Sammy Lightfoot, Sargon III, Sea Dragon, Shadowkeep, Shanghai, Shuffleboard, Skyfox,
  Snack Attack, Snake Byte, Sneakers, Space Eggs, Space Quarks, Spare Change, Spiderbot, Spindizzy, Spy Hunter,
  The Spy Strikes Back, Spy vs Spy III: Arctic Antics, Spy's Demise, Star Cruiser, Star Thief, Stellar 7, Street Sports Baseball,
  Street Sports Basketball, Street Sports Football, Street Sports Soccer, Sub Battle Simulator, Suicide, Summer Games,
  Swiss Family Robinson, Tag Team Wrestling, Temple of Apshai Trilogy, Test Drive, Tetris (128K), Tharolian Tunnels, Thunder Bombs,
  Thunderchopper, Tomahawk, Trick Shot, Tubeway II, Twerps, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar, Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny,
  Up 'N Down, Vindicator, Wavy Navy, Wayout, Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego, Wings of Fury, Wishbringer (r23),
  World Karate Championship, The World's Greatest Baseball Game, The World's Greatest Football Game, Xevious, Zendar, Zorro
  [4am, Firehawke]
  Advanced BASIC Editor Plus, Aerodrome Training Aid, BASIC Editor & Toolkit, BeebAid 1.02, CNCIS DFS 1.2S,
  Colour Screenprint 1.02s, Demo (Master Compact), HiBASIC3, HiBASIC4, Image Processor 0.9A, Inter-Word 1.O2 [alt1],
  Inter-Word 1.O2 [alt2], Para-Max II, Plotmate A3 2.00, Plotmate A4 1.90, PMS Genie Real Time Clock, The Publisher 1.10,
  Solidisk DFS 2.1F (1770) Issue 2, Super Utility, UserRAM, Video Digitiser 1.03 [Nigel Barnes]
bbcmc_flop: Acom, The Krystal Connection, Zap! [Nigel Barnes]
  1976-78 Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0007-G76), 1982-84 Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0018-G82), ANM Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0009-ANM),
  ANM Volume 2 (Japan) (EC0032-ANM), DUE Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0047-DUE), ENK Volume 3 (Japan) (EC0030-ENK),
  ENK Volume 4 (Japan) (EC0037-ENK), ENK Volume 7 (Japan) (EC0052-ENK), ETZ (Japan) (EC0079-ETZ),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 1 (Japan) (EC0001-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 4 (Japan) (EC0004-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 5 (Japan) (EC0005-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 6 (Japan) (EC0011-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 9 (Japan) (EC0021-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 12 (Japan) (EC0024-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 17 (Japan) (EC0033-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 20 (Japan) (EC0046-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 21 (Japan) (EC0051-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 27 (Japan) (EC0061-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 29 (Japan) (EC0063-JPM), Matthew's Best Hit Selection (Japan) (EC0082-MBH)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_d: BAT Volume 6 (Japan) (DC0002-BAT), TV Pop Volume 9 (Japan) (DC0005-TPJ) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_en: EN-3 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
  BAT Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0001-BAT), BAT Volume 2 (Japan) (GC0003-BAT), BAT Volume 4 (Japan) (GC0010-BAT),
  BAT Volume 5 (Japan) (GC0015-BAT), BHT Volume 2 (Japan) (GC0004-BHT), TV Pop Volume 5 (Japan) (GC0016-TPJ)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_m: KSM Mini Volume 5 (Japan) (MC0005-KSM) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_p: BHT Volume 4 (Japan) (PC0001-BHT), BHT Volume 7 (Japan) (PC0004-BHT), ENB Volume 1 (Japan) (PC0003-ENB)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_s: SAI (series 1) Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0004-SAI) SAI (series 3) Volume 3 (Japan) (SC0012-SAI)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_sp: SP-02 Super Cartridge (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
ekara_japan_web: e-kara Web cartridge 12M (blank) (Japan) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
electron_cart: Acorn Tube Interface (prototype), Advanced Battery-Backed RAM v1.04, Advanced Plus 5 [Nigel Barnes]
electron_rom: Commstar, Matrix, Multi-Forth 83, Time-Tender [Nigel Barnes]
  Baby Jo in "Going Home", The Blues Brothers, Double Dragon II - The Revenge (3.5"), Lombard RAC Rally (3.5"), Rick Dangerous 2,
  Super Tetris, Xenon 2: Megablast (Power Pack Compilation) [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: Cisco Heat - All American Police Car Race, Lemmings, Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament [ArcadeShadow]
  Blodia (TourVision PCE bootleg), Ganbare! Golf Boys (TourVision PCE bootleg) [system11, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
  Hanii on the Road (TourVision PCE bootleg), Time Cruise II (TourVision PCE bootleg)
  [system11, Ricky2001, Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
sc3000_cart: SC-3000 Survivors Megacart v2.31, SC-3000 Survivors MkII Multicart v2.28, SC-3000 Survivors MkII Multicart v2.31
  [SC-3000 Survivors]
  The Case of the Mad Mummy, Dungeons Beneath Cairo, Environoid, Help, The House, The Secret of Bastow Manor, Solar Conquest
  [SC-3000 Survivors]
  City Lander, Dragonquest, Lawn, Quick Draw, Video Poker, Voltron [Dan Mons]
  Der Koenig der Loewen - Simbas grosses Abenteuer (Ger, Rev. 2?), DreamWorks Shrek der Dritte - Ein Spannender Schultag (Ger),
  Kung Fu Panda - Der Weg des Panda (Ger), Superman - De Grootste Held (NL) [Ryan Holtz, TeamEurope]

Software list items promoted to working
  Advanced BASIC Editor, ConQuest, Instant Mini Office II, Inter-Base 2.0A, Inter-Word 1.02, Mega3, MRM E00 DFS 1.20,
  Quest Paint 1.04, Quest Paint 1.10, STL Clock & Desk, SpellMaster 1.66, SpellMaster 1.69, TED 1.11, Tic-Toc RTC,
  The Wapping Editor 1.30 [Nigel Barnes]
einstein: Theatre Europe [Lord Smeagol (Carl Lloyd-Parker)]
  ABC Land Aventure (Fra), Abenteuer im ABC Park (Ger), Alphabet Park Adventure (USA), Apprenti' pilote (Fra),
  Barney - Erlebnis-Reise (Ger), Bob der Baumeister - Bobs spannender Arbeitstag (Ger), Bob the Builder - Bob's Busy Day (USA),
  Byggare Bob - Bobs stressiga dag (Swe), Byggemand Bob - Bobs travle dag (Den),
  Cranium Partyland Park - A Carnival of Play-and-Learn Fun (USA), Disney Cenerentola - I desideri magici di Cenerentola (Ita),
  Disney Den Lille Havfrue - Ariels majestaetiske rejse! (Den), Disney Il re leone - La grande avventura di Simba (Ita),
  Disney La Petite Sirene - Ariel devient une princesse (Fra), Disney La sirenetta - Ariel e la crociera magica (Ita),
  Disney Lejonkungen - Simbas stora aventyr (Swe), Disney Lovernes Konge - Simbas store eventyr (Den),
  Disney Nalle Puh - Honungsjakten (Swe), Disney Peter Plys - Honningjagten (Den),
  Disney Princess Cinderella - Askepots magiske onsker (Den), Disney Princess Cinderella - Askungens magiska onskningar (Swe),
  Disney Princess Cinderella - Cinderella's Magic Wishes (USA), Disney Princess Cinderella - Cinderella's Magic Wishes (USA, Alt),
  Disney Princess Cinderella - Lernen im Maerchenland (Ger), Disney Princess Cinderella - Lernen im Maerchenland (Ger, Rev. 1),
  Disney Princesses Cendrillon - Le reve enchante de Cendrillon (Fra), Disney's Mickey Mouse - Mickey's Magical Adventure (USA),
  Disney's The Lion King - Simba's Big Adventure (USA), Disney/Pixar Bilar - Kor ikapp i Kylarkoping (Swe),
  Disney/Pixar Biler - Raes i Kolerkildekobing (Den), Disney/Pixar Cars - Quatre Roues (Fra),
  Disney/Pixar Cars - Rev It Up in Radiator Springs (USA), Disney/Pixar Cars - Vollgas in Radiator Springs (Ger),
  Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo - De Wonderwereld Van Nemo (NL), Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo - Nemo's Ocean Discoveries (USA),
  Disney/Pixar Oben (Ger), Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Le nuove ricette di Remy (Ita),
  Disney/Pixar Ratatouille - Remys neue Rezepte (Ger), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Operation: Rescue Woody! (USA),
  Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Operation: Radda Woody! (Swe), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Woodys Spannende Rettung (Ger),
  Disney/Pixar Up (UK), Disney/Pixar Wall-E (Ger), Disney/Pixar Wall-E (Swe), Disneys Aladdin - Aladdins Welt der Wunder (Ger),
  Disneys Arielle Die Meerjungfrau - Arielles aufregendes Abenteuer (Ger),
  Disneys Arielle die Meerjungfrau - Arielles aufregendes Abenteuer (Ger, Rev. 3?),
  Disneys Den Lilla Sjojungfrun - Ariels majestatiska resa! (Swe), Disneys Micky - Mickys magisches Abenteuer (Ger),
  Disneys Musse Pigg - Musses magiska aventyr (Swe), Dora L'Exploratrice - Les aventures de Dora Apprentie Mecano (Fra),
  DreamWorks Monsters vs Aliens (Ger), DreamWorks Shrek - Die Geschichte des Drachen (Ger),
  DreamWorks Shrek - Le Rhume de Dragonne (Fra), DreamWorks Shrek the Third - Arthur's School Day Adventure (USA),
  Elmos grosses Abenteuer (Ger), Entdecke die Welt von Rotkaeppchen (Ger), Ernies & Berts Fantastisches Abenteuer (Ger),
  Freds Zahlen Rallye (Ger), Kleine Einsteins (Ger, Rev. 3?), Kung Fu Panda - Path of the Panda (UK),
  Le Monde d'Elmo - Les Grandes Decouvertes D'Elmo (Fra), Le Roi Lion - Simba Decouvre la Jungle (Fra), Mein erster Hund (Ger),
  Meister Manny's Werkzeugkiste (Ger), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (NL), Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Swe),
  Micky Maus Wunderhaus (Ger, Rev. 3?), Min hundvalp (Swe), My Friends Tigger & Pooh - Die Honigjagd (Ger),
  Nick Jr Dora - Doras Reparatur-Abenteuer (Ger, Rev. 1), Nick Jr Dora the Explorer - Dora's Fix-it Adventure (USA),
  Nickelodeon Spongebob Schwammkopf - Der Tag des Schwamms (Ger),
  Nickelodeon Spongebob Schwammkopf - Der Tag des Schwamms (Ger, Rev. 1),
  Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants - A Day in the Life of a Sponge (USA), Noddy - Detektiv fuer einen Tag (Ger, Rev. 3?),
  Oui-Oui - Detective d'un Jour (Fra), Scooby-Doo - Panique a Funland (Fra), Scooby-Doo! - Avventura a Funland (Ita),
  Scooby-Doo! - Funland Frenzy (USA), Scooby-Doo! - Im Lernpark (Ger), Scooby-Doo! - Sjov i forlystelsesparken (Den),
  Scooby-Doo! - Tivoli-tokerier (Swe), Shrek De Derde - Arthurs Schooldag Avontuur (NL),
  Spider-Man & Freunde - Wettkampf im Space-Labor (Ger), Spider-Man & ses amis - Missions secretes (Fra),
  Superman - Der Superheld (Ger), Superman - A la rescousse ! (Fra), Thomas & Friends - Tagen hjalps at (Swe),
  Thomas & seine Freunde - Freunde Halten Zusammen (Ger), Thomas & seine Freunde - Freunde Halten Zusammen (Ger, Rev. 1),
  Thomas et ses Amis - Les locomotives s'entraident (Fra), Tingeling (Swe), V.Smile - Lern- und Tanzmatte (Ger),
  V.Smile Fussball Schule (Ger), V.Smile Tecknarstudio (Swe), Zayzoo - My Alien Classmate (USA), Zayzoo: An Earth Adventure (UK),
  Zayzoo: An Earth Adventure (USA), Zayzoos Lernall (Ger), Zezou - Notre Ami Venu d'Ailleurs (Fra) [Ryan Holtz]
  Disney Winnie l'Ourson - La Chasse au miel de Winnie (Fra), Disney Winnie l'Ourson - La Chasse au miel de Winnie (Fra, Rev. 2),
  Disneys Winnie Puuh - Die Honigjagd (Ger) [Ryan Holtz, Vas Crabb]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
bbc_flop_32016: BCPL, GCAL, Reduce [Nigel Barnes]
  Master Replay, PMS Genie, Replay System Mk2 2.00, Solidisk ADFS 2.1 11/10/85, Solidisk ADFS 2.1J (10MB), Solidisk DDFS 1.4,
  Solidisk DFS 2.0 (Feb 85), Solidisk DFS 2.0 (Jan 85), Solidisk DFS 2.0A (8271/1770), Solidisk DFS 2.1J (1770),
  Solidisk DFS 2.21 Issue 1, VideoNuLA 1.02 [Nigel Barnes]
  Codename: DROID, Colossus Chess 4.0, Elite, Exile, Holed Out, Holed Out Extra Courses Vol.2, Micro Power Magic, Play It Again Sam,
  Play It Again Sam 2, Q-Master, Repton Around the World in 40 Screens, Repton Thru Time, Steve Davis Snooker, Stryker's Run, U.I.M.
  [Nigel Barnes]
  Animal Art Studio (UK), Bob the Builder (UK), Dora the Explorer (UK), Estudio de Arte Animal (SP), Finding Nemo (UK),
  Thomas & Friends (UK), Toy Story (SP), Toy Story (UK) [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip, TeamEurope]
  Disney Princess (UK), Learning Carnival (UK), Nick Jr. The Backyardingans (UK),
  Nickelodeon Go Diego Go! - Learning Expeditions (UK), Nickelodeon Ni Hao, Kai-Lan (UK), Scout's Puppy Pals (UK),
  The World of Cars (UK) [TeamEurope, Sean Riddle]
electron_rom: E2P Operating System (ROM) [Nigel Barnes]
  Sports Bowling & Goofy's Underwater Adventure, Sports Tennis & Face Chase, Sports Tennis & Face Chase & Riches of Agrabah
  [Sean Riddle]
jakks_gamekey_nk: Soccer Shootout & Juego De Futbol De Dora & Dora's Star Mountain Adventure [Sean Riddle]
jakks_gamekey_sw: Turret Defense & Yoda's Escape [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
  Buscando a Nemo - Leer Bajo el Mar (Spa), Don Lapiz - Aprender a Dibujar y Escribir (Spa), El Laberinto de las Letras (Spa),
  La Conquista de los Numeros (Spa), Spider-Man - El Caso de Las Letras Revueltas (Spa) [TeamEurope, ClawGrip]
vsmile_cart: V.Smile Schreibspass (Ger) [TeamEurope]
  El Asombroso Spider-Man - Persecucion en la Ciudad (Spa), Los Increibles - Mision Increible (Spa) [ClawGrip, The Dumping Union]
  Action Mania (Sp), Cars: Vollgas in Radiator Springs (Ger), Disney Princess Cinderella - Lernen im Maerchenland (Ger, Rev. 2?),
  Dora - Doras Reparatur-Abenteuer (Ger, Rev. 2), Kleine Einsteins (Ger, Rev. 2?), Kuess den Frosch - Tianas grosser Traum (Ger),
  Mein erster Hund (Ger), Spider-Man & Freunde - Geheime Missionen (Ger), Spongebob Schwammkopf - Der Tag des Schwamms (Ger),
  Thomas - Freunde halten zusammen (Ger), Wintersport (Ger) [TeamEurope]
  Dora und die drei Schweinchen (Germany), Micky Maus Wunderhaus (Germany), Rapunzel - Neu verfoehnt (Germany),
  Scooby-Doo!-Scooby-Doo y la momia (Spain), Spongebob Schwammkopf - Ein Schwamm will nach oben (Germany) [TeamEurope]

Source Changes
-tv950: Emulated keyboard, and hooked up speaker and RS232 ports. [AJR]

-6522via.cpp: Implemented T2 external pulse counter mode. [AJR]

-diserial: Implemented receive parity checking, and fixed even transmit parity. [AJR]

-i8251, mc68681, mc68901: Implemented parity and framing error checks/status. [AJR]

-68561mpcc: Implemented parity and framing error checks/status and improved handling of interrupts and status register writes. [AJR]

-mc2661, ins8250: Implemented parity and framing error checks/status, and suppressed side effects of reads correctly. [AJR]

-ins8250: Allow writes to MSR with lower 4 bits zero to clear the associated interrupt. [AJR]
 * Not confirmed behavior, but logically consistent with non-zero bits causing interrupts when written.

-mcs48: Fixed disassembly of short jump instructions located on page boundaries. [AJR]

-quizpun, quizpun2: Remove bad EEPROM dumps (quizpun2 will re-program the EEPROM on finding invalid data). [AJR]

-ym2148: Implemented framing error detection and error reset command. [AJR]

-68307: Improved accuracy of internal priority interrupt controller emulation. [AJR]

-68340: Overhauled interrupt handling: [AJR]
 * Fixed interrupt acknowledgement and arbitration
 * Restricted automatic clear-on-acknowledgment to programmable interrupt timer interrupts.
 * Made timer unit clear COM and set TC and TO in the status register when applicable.
 * Fixed timer unit's use of IE0 (TC interrupt enable) and IE2 (TO interrupt enable).

-mbc55x: Re-implemented high-level emulation of keyboard as a serial device. [AJR]

-v102: Added preliminary keyboard emulation. [AJR]

-snes: Fixed crash when no cartridge has been loaded (GitHub #4459). [AJR]

-uts20, uts10: Improved peripheral emulation: [AJR]
 * Added keyboard port with options for Expanded Typewriter Keyboard and UTS 400-Format Keyboard.
 * Added unidirectional printer port.
 * Added addressable latch devices to control various things, including disabling display during RAM test.
 * Added a hack to pass the non-volatile memory test on uts10.
 * Added speaker sound for "audible alarm".

-8x300 clean-up and expansion: [AJR]
 * Latch at most one IV input per instruction.
 * Fixed output behavior of some opcodes that selected the wrong IV bank or wrong value to write.
 * Added 8X305 type and emulated additional 8X305 registers.
 * Added address latching callback.
 * Applied address shift to program space.

-unidasm: Fixed crash on TMS34010 performing a 32-bit operand fetch. [AJR]

-tv955kb: Added bell and reset outputs. [AJR]

-z8 updates: [AJR]
 * Added Z8682 type with test ROM from Zilog application note.
 * Re-wrote timer emulation, including support for most TIN and TOUT modes.
 * Added basic UART emulation.

-amerihok: Slowed down ADPCM chip to a much more reasonable speed. [AJR]

-m24: Re-implemented motherboard devices according to Olivetti schematics. [AJR]

-i86: Fixed passing of opcode address to coprocessor. [AJR]

-Added object finder for address spaces, and used it to replace several ad-hoc implementations and memory interfaces. [AJR]

-thomson.cpp: Implemented undocumented alternate bitmap16 video mode (tested on a real TO8). [Antoine Mine]

-rainbow.cpp: Changed default floppy configuration to what UCSD Forth and Pascal expect, and updated notes. [Bavarese]

-cps3.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Improved color fading to better match hardware behavior, and added draw case for 100% full screen zoom.
 * Restricted drawing to clipping rectangle, added save state support, and made class members private as appropriate.

-midas.cpp, neogeo.cpp, neogeocd.cpp and neopcb.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Updated metadata for a number of games, and added notes.
 * Implemented battery-backed NVRAM for jockeygp and vliner.
 * Converted sprite device to use device_video_interface and simplified horizontal sprite zoom handling.
 * Removed MCFG macros and improved member names.

-srmp6.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Converted sprite RAM to buffered_spriteram16_device.
 * Improved color fading (appears to be similar to CPS-3).
 * Added save state support, reduced run-time tag map lookups, and simplified graphics decoding.
 * Cleaned up code, improved member naming, and added notes.

-galastrm.cpp: Converted TC0110PCR to a device and cleaned up code. [cam900]

-nile.cpp: Added save state support. [cam900]

-legionna.cpp: Corrected clocks based on crystals present and documentation. [cam900]

-psikyo.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Converted sprite RAM to buffered_spriteram32_device and improved behavior.
 * Fixed transparent sprite behaviour.
 * Fixed s1945bl Oki memory banking.
 * Cleaned up code and improved member names.

-homerun.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Reduced unnecessary tilemap invalidation and partial screen updates.
 * Converted palette decoding to use a palette decoder function.
 * Simplified graphics decoding and memory banking, and reduced run-time tag map lookups.
 * Fixed reset behavior.

-homedata.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Added latch device for inter-CPU communication.
 * Converted mrokumei banking to address_map_bank_device.
 * Fixed reikaids sound clocks (hardware is similar to battlcry).
 * Replaced driver initialization functions with derived address maps.
 * Reduced run-time tag map lookups.

-megasys1.cpp updates: [cam900]
 * Implemented scroll register read-back, and adjusted palette size to match palette RAM size.
 * Reduced run-time tag map lookups and hard-coded tags.
 * Cleaned up code, and reduced duplication and redundancy.

-netlist updates: [Couriersud]
 * nlwav: Added support for converting log files to VCD format, and updated examples in --help output.
 * Added comment handling to the preprocessor (directives in multi-line comments are now ignored correctly).

-Split e-kara software list according to cartridge type as cartridges are compatible with multiple systems. [David Haywood]
 * Associated appropriate lists with e-kara, Popira, Taiko De Popira, and Dance Dance Revolution Family Mat systems.

-xavix.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
 * Added logging function to calculate CRC shown in the header for Radica games to aid with verification.
 * Added preliminary serial EEPROM support - saves correctly, but does not correctly reload.
 * Implemented register read-back required by popira when pausing.
 * Improved handling of raster interrupt enables.
 * Added preliminary barrel shifter emulation (used by rad_guru in 3D sections).
 * Implemented bitmap transparency (used by xavbaseb).

-vii.cpp updates: [David Haywood]
 * Mirrored JAKKS GameKey ROMs and added I/O allowing them to boot.
 * Kludged handling of invalid DMA size writes to avoid trashing RAM and registers in jak_dora.

-rad_eu3a14: Tied tilemap dimensions tile sizes (improves rad_hnt3 map display). [David Haywood]

-ymf262: Fixed save states. [dink]

-vtech2: Added I/O expansion slot with support for joystick and printer. [Dirk Best]

-hp9825: Added high-level emulation of HP9885 floppy drive, and extended the HPI format to handle single-sided disks. [F.Ulivi]

-Adjusted patterns to prevent "vsnes" subtarget being mistaken for a Visual Studio build. [Justin Kerk]

-emscripten: Added a work-around for Web Audio auto-play restrictions in Chrome 71. [Justin Kerk]

-sdl: Don't let failure to start haptic feedback prevent joystick module from loading. [Justin Kerk]

-einstein.xml: Re-dumped master disk for Theatre Europe. [Lord Smeagol (Carl Lloyd-Parker)]

-dsk_dsk: Increased maximum cell count allowing slightly out-of-spec disk images to run. [Lord Smeagol (Carl Lloyd-Parker)]

-via6522.cpp: Fixed shifter speed when shifting under control of system clock. [Mathis Rosenhauer]

-vectrex: Adjusted timing to fix maze in Clean Sweep. [Mathis Rosenhauer]

-chdman: Fix GDI 2048 extraction. [MetalliC]

-bbc updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Re-implemented ROM slots allowing for non-standard ROM devices.
 * Implemented a number of banked ROM, real-time clock and RAM devices for ROM slots.
 * Added support for the Logotron Sprite Board on the 1MHz bus (for use with Logotron Logo).

-sbrain: Added boot ROM 4.2 as a BIOS option. [Nigel Barnes]

-sc3000: Added support for the SC-3000 Survivors Multicart and Megacart cartridges. [Nigel Barnes]

-electron updates: [Nigel Barnes]
 * Amended cartridge slot interface to include OE and OE2 lines to specify ROM13.
 * Added Slogger Plus 2 Expansion, Acorn Tube Interface, and P.R.E.S. Advanced Plus 5 cartridge devices.
 * Used derived 16MHz clock on expansion bus and cartridge slots.
 * Removed MCFG macros and added devcb3 in expansion and cartridge devices.

-specpdq: Fixed blitting operations and improved boundaries (still some pattern offset issues). [O. Galibert]

-nscsi_cd.cpp: Implemented the read TOC command and fixed inquiry. [O. Galibert]

-sh2: Fixed interpreter for cps3. [O. Galibert]

-nscsi_cd.cpp, nscsi_hd.cpp: Implemented the receive diagnostics results and send diagnostics commands. [O. Galibert]

-mips.cpp: Allowed rx2030 to boot RISC/os from a pre-installed hard disk image (with FPU disabled). [Patrick Mackinlay]

-ims_cvc: Implemented basic graphics output. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-am9517a: Added EISA variant. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-alpha: Implemented DEC Alpha AXP disassembler (CPU emulation is not implemented). [Patrick Mackinlay]

-decstation.cpp updates: [R. Belmont]
 * ds3100: Improved emulation allowing video board tests to pass.
 * ds3100: Added preliminary DEC DC7085 "DZ" quad UART emulation.
 * ds5k133: Added preliminary LANCE Ethernet hook-up.
 * Moved SFB video chip emulation to a separate device so it can be shared with Alpha AXP systems in the future.

-vegas.cpp: Fixed leader lamp output. [Risugami]

-apple3: Corrected font upload control addresses (improves Atomic Defense). [Rob Justice]

-vtech2.cpp updates: [Robbbert]
 * Replaced banking code for laser500 and similar with address_map_bank_device (fixes MT07180).
 * Connected up cartridge slot for laser500 and similar.

-uts20: Added support for second virtual screen. [Robbbert]

-funworld.cpp: Fixed palette addressing and colors for machines with epoxy CPU bricks, and corrected metadata. [Roberto Fresca]

-dspp: Added a preliminary recompiler (disabled by default). [Ryan Holtz]

-spg2xx updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Limited receive rate for UART simulation to configured Baud rate, and separated SPG24x and SPG28x Baud rate calculation.
 * Improved timing of ADC interrupts, and added support for polled ADC mode and second ADC channel.
 * Treat sprite DMA with zero length as 0x400 words (required by clikstrt bobbuild and jak_wwe).
 * Fixed sprite double-rendering (fixes priorities in jak_wwe).
 * Implemented timers A and B (used by many V.Smile titles).
 * Suppress video IRQ status bits when corresponding enable bits are unset (fixed vsmile fred and appilote).
 * Automatically clear vertical blanking interrupt at end of vertical blanking interval.
 * Fixed TMB1 and TMB2 not activating if initialized to the lowest rate.
 * Don't render lines outside the visible range (fixes palette corruption in jak_disf).
 * Corrected width of fade control register (fixes flickering during fates in rad_fb2).
 * Improved performance, logging detail and logging configurability.
 * Fixed PRNG behaviour (fixes many issues in JAKKS Pacific games).

-mips3: Fixed fast RAM accesses, COP0 exception handling, and recompiler block checksumming. [Ryan Holtz]

-unsp updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Implemented a recompiler with timing matching the interpreter.
 * Added direct accessors for interrupt inputs and data segment with a view to more integrated SoC implementation.
 * Improved logging.

* vsmile updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Fixed control pad response bytes - first controller is detected and works.
 * Simulate a brief power button press on boot (required for toystor2).
 * Implemented cartridge mirroring (required for techart).
 * Implemented ROM and non-volatile RAM cartridges.
 * De-asserted test point input.

-vsmileb: Hooked up basic GPIO and DIP switches, and added cartridge slot and infrared controller. [Ryan Holtz]

-vsmileb_cart.xml: Removed built-in titles from the software list. [Ryan Holtz]

-netlist: Added 7497 device, and fixed behaviour of 7474 when preset and clear are both asserted. [shattered, Couriersud]

-sblaster.cpp: Fixed DMA count and implemented high-speed DMA fixes for Sound Blaster Pro and Sound Blaster 16. [shattered]
 * Fixes playback in Inertia Player.

-Re-wrote WD33C9x SCSI controller emulation using new SCSI framework and updated all affected drivers.
 [tyfighter, O. Galibert, Ryan Holtz]

-nscsi_hd.cpp: Track current block on LBA writes. [tyfighter]

-mips3: Added minimal support for revealing the Secondary Cache Line size in the Status Register. [tyfighter]

-Streamlined palette configuration and removed many palette and graphics decoding MCFG macros. [Vas Crabb]

-Removed some delegate functionality that's no longer useful. [Vas Crabb]

-Added some example XSL transform scripts that operate on -listxml output. [Vas Crabb]

-Improved user interaction: [Vas Crabb]
 * Added support for icons and filtering on favourites in software selection menu.
 * Added support for ICO files containing PNG image data with alpha transparency.
 * Changed search to use a more responsive edit distance algorithm.
 * Added more detail to possible matches displayed for unknown system/software names.
 * Made informational verbs behave more consistently.
 * Made -oslog option send diagnostic output to standard error when no debugger is attached on Windows.
 * Slightly improved performance when loading localisation files.
 * Refactored selection menu and favourites manager code for better encapsulation and performance.

-unsp: Improved S flag calculation for additions (fixes background scrolling in vsmile pooh). [Vas Crabb, Ryan Holtz]

-vsmile: Improved joystick controller emulation. [Vas Crabb]

-k057714: Improved video emulation in Keyboardmania games. [Ville Linde]

-fcrash.cpp: Improved mapping of video registers onto CPS hardware for knightsb and sf2mdta. [wonder199999]

-viper.cpp: Identified DIP switch setting to bypass password prompt and allow gticlub2ea to continue to boot.
 [2huwman, Porchy, The Dumping Union]

-fs3216: Dumped vector PROM. [Al Kossow]

-fs3216: Added X2212 non-volatile RAM dump. [Bitsavers]

-vsmileb: Identified codes for infrared controller. [bmx, Ryan Holtz]

-vsmile_cd.xml: Changed disk image names to match games serial numbers. [ClawGrip]

-pce_tourvision.xml clean-up and updates: [ClawGrip]
 * Aligned metadata with the main PC Engine software list and added alt_title info.
 * Changed cartridge IDs to hexadecimal format and fixed some ROM region sizes.
 * Trimmed over-dumped ROMs where the data matches the corresponding PC Engine HuCard dump.
 * Marked dumps that don't match any known PC Engine HuCard.
 * Removed Parasol Stars as it is rumored, but has not actually dumped from a TourVision cartridge.

-storio.cpp: Changed CPU to ARM9 (ARM926EJ-S core) at 240MHz based on information from the Nuvoton W55FA9363SDN technical manual.

-snk.cpp: Corrected ROM labels and added PCB locations to Chopper I sets. [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping Union]

-m90.cpp: Re-dumped bomblord and documented ROM locations and read-protected PLDs. [f205v]

-Added compatibility filters for Apple II floppy software lists. [Firehawke]

-Updated documentation and re-worked for clarity and consistency. [Firehawke, Vas Crabb]

-m90.cpp: Verified riskchal program ROM labels. [hammy]

-aristmk5.cpp: Improved inputs for baddog, multidrw, and adjusted baddog.lay accordingly. [Heihachi_73]

-aristmk4.cpp: Improved default DIP switch settings for some games, and removed the fake "test" coin inputs from cgold2.

-aristmk6.cpp: Added Aristocrat MK6 Base Queensland BIOS versions 01040505, 03130334, 14011605 and 20012305. [Heihachi_73]

-dccons.cpp: Documented Treamcast region-free modchip, and removed BIOS soft-dump. [Maddog, MetalliC]

-Added skeleton Everex EV-346 disk controller and InterLan NP600A-3 Intelligent Protocol Processor 16-bit ISA card devices.
 [modem7, minuszerodegrees.net]

-compc.cpp, pc.cpp: Re-organised for better readability and updated notes. [rfka01]

-europc, europc2: Dumped ZC86115P keyboard controller. [rfka01, lvr]

-trkfldch.cpp: Identified CPU die for My First DDR and PCB type for Track & Field Challenge. [Sean Riddle]

-xavix.cpp: Added notes about cameras. [Sean Riddle]

-ekara_japan.xml updates: [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
 * Re-dumped Artist Selection Volume 9 (Every Little Thing) (Japan) (EC0044-ATS).
 * Added notes on unusual G10 card.

-leapster.cpp: Added Spanish BIOS v1.0 for Leapster. [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]

-Added skeleton Joincom JC-1310 FDC 16-bit ISA card device. [Tronix, minuszerodegrees.net]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2019, 20:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

GamePad audio support
Optimizations for 'High' GPU buffer cache accuracy
Upscaling filters reworked
Recompiler improvements
Vsync fixed
Bug fixes & misc smaller improvements

Titel: RetroArch 1.7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2019, 13:45
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


– ANDROID: Fix Xperia Play input binding.
– CHEEVOS: Reset when hardcore mode is toggled.
– CHEEVOS: Update the hashing methods to identify NES, SNES and Lynx games (more accurate and accepting headerless ROMs).
– COMMON: Add new JSON playlist format.
– COMMON: Fix playlist corruption when deleting items.
– COMMON: Fix archive progress display calculation.
– COMMON: Fix playlist entries appearing with previously used names.
– COMMON: Fix screenshot filename with no core or content.
– COMMON: Allow compiling without menu support.
– CORE UPDATER: Allow sideloading cores from the menu.
– CPU FILTERS: Add Normal2x filter.
– CRT/LINUX: New Linux switching method partially implemented.
– CRT/LINUX: Linux restore desktop resolution fixed.
– CRT/LINUX: Monitor index switching and auto enumerate for output detection in Linux (still working on the windows method).
– CRT/RASPBERRY PI: Initial support.
– DATE: Add Date / Time style options.
– DEBUGGING: Add an integrated crash handler for debug builds (see https://docs.libretro.com/tech/debugging)
– DISCORD: Discord matchmaking.
– DISCORD: Register the application name properly.
– DISK CONTROL: Remember the last used folder / current active folder to make disk-swapping faster.
– INPUT: Add new menu toggle (hold start button for 2 seconds)
– INPUT: Fix arrow keys being incorrectly bound as numpad keys
– INPUT/SDL: Flush the joypad events. Decreases cpu usage over time with the SDL joypad driver.
– LOCALIZATION: Add Greek translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update German translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Simplified Chinese translation.
– LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation.
– MENU: New “ozone” menu driver.
– MENU: Only show CRT SwitchRes if video display server is implemented (Windows/Linux for now)
– MENU: User Interface -> Appearance -> ‘Menu Font Green/Blue Color’ settings now work properly.
– MENU: Add option to enable in-menu sound effects.
– MENU/D3D: Scissoring support (will be used for Ozone and menu widgets).
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Allow building with MSVC2017.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Add detailed file browser table.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: New grid view implementation that is faster and loads thumbnails on-demand.
– MENU/QT/WIMP: Thumbnail drag and drop support.
– MENU/RGUI: Overhaul custom theme interface + add wallpaper support.
– MENU/RGUI: Thumbnail support and thumbnail downscaling.
– MENU: Hide password values.
– MENU/SOUNDS: Implement in-menu sound effects (not enabled by default for now, still experimental).
– MIDI: Add a Linux ALSA driver for MIDI.
– NETPLAY: Force fast-save-states when netplay is enabled.
– NETPLAY: Allow quick joining subsystem lobbies.
– OSX: Initial CoreAudio V3 audio driver (not yet used in release builds).
– OSX: OpenGL 3.2 Core support for cores.
– PS2: Initial PlayStation2 port.
– PS4: Initial PlayStation4 port.
– RECORDING: Implement recording options in the menu complete with quality profiles, streaming, and proper file naming
– SCANNER: Fix GDI disc scanning.
– SHADERS: Fix auto shader preset loading on D3D10, D3D11, D3D12
– SUBSYSTEM: Allow more than 10 subsystems
– SUBSYSTEM: Cores that use subsystem for complex scenarios can now load content without starting a regular content first
– SUBSYSTEM: Remember the last used folder to make loading subsystem type content faster
– SWITCH/LIBNX: Improve touch scaling calculation.
– SWITCH: Proper button labels.
– TVOS: Initial tvOS port.
– VULKAN: Fix RGUI crashing at startup.
– VULKAN/RGUI: Enable ‘Menu Linear Filter’ option.
– VULKAN: Fix secondary screens in overlays not working.
– WAYLAND: Implement idle-inhibit support (needed for screensaver suspend).
– WAYLAND: Fix fullscreen toggle.
– WIIU: Initial netplay peer-to-peer support. Network information working.
– WINDOWS/WSA: Network Information info is blank until first network operation.
– WINDOWS: Fix an ancient bug that caused wrong mappings for keyboard arrows.
– WINDOWS: Remember window size and position if so desired.
– WINDOWS: SSL/TLS connections now work properly.
– WINDOWS: Fall back to GDI driver if no accelerated graphics driver is found.
– UWP: Initial UWP port.
– VFS: Update to version 3.
– XBONE: Initial Xbox One port.
– XMB/OZONE: Add more icons
– XMB: Add Automatic Inverted theme
– ???: Easter Egg


Weitere Infos -> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-7-6-released/

Titel: QuickPlay 4.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2019, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Enable lzma2 support for 7zip files
Remove mametool logging file from release

Titel: MAME 0.207
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2019, 09:09

0.207 2019-02-27

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 07225: [Sound] (snk6502.cpp) Most machines in snk6502.cpp: Music plays incorrectly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07230: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.cpp) horshoes: Controls are broken. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07231: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.cpp) megadriv [jpond]: Game doesn't start. (Tafoid)

New working machines
Auto Response Board [hap, Berger]
Backgammon Challenger [hap, balrog, Lord Nightmare]
Barbie Dance Party [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Disney Princess (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Dora the Explorer - Race to Play Park (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Dragon Ball Z (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Esselte Studium AB Modulab [Edstrom]
Game & Watch: Fire (wide screen) [algestam, Eduardo Flores, WNivek, and dosmeow]
Game & Watch: Snoopy Tennis [algestam]
HP 9825T [F.Ulivi]
Hi Pai Paradise 2 [Zoinkity]
Intellect-02 [hap, Alex_LG]
Ms. Pac-Man 5-in-1 (Ms. Pac-Man, Pole Position, Galaga, Xevious, Mappy) (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)
  (07 FEB 2005 A SKU F) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, anonymous]
Nicktoons (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Play TV SSX Snowboarder (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Snowboarder (White) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Spider-Man (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
Wheel of Fortune (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]

New working clones
Double Axle (US) [Evan Korzon, Jordan Eldredge, Brian Troha, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, English) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, French) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, German) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Avant Garde (model 6081, Spanish) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, English) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, French) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, German) [hap, Berger]
Fidelity Elite Private Line (red version, Spanish) [hap, Berger]
Gals Panic S - Extra Edition (Asia) [Juergen Probe]
Ghost Chaser Densei (SNES bootleg, set 2) [iq_132, Jorge Silva, The Dumping Union]
The Glob (Pacman hardware, Magic Electronics Inc. license) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Guardian Storm (horizontal, Australia) [xodaraP]
Island (090806 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
Keks (110816 Russia) [MetalliC]
Keks (110816 World) [MetalliC]
Lethal Enforcers (ver EAD, 11/11/92 10:52) [caius]
Pasha Pasha Champ Mini Game Festival (Korea, set 2) [twistedsymphony]
Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v7.0i) (Italy) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, caius, David Haywood]
Pirate (090803 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Japan set 4) [Sugoi Helsinki]
Red Clash (Suntronics) [coolmod]
Rise of the Robots (prototype, older) [Phil Bennett]
Sweet Life (090720 Entertainment) [MetalliC]
System-80 (50 Hz) [AJR]
X-Men (4 Players ver JEA) [Artemio Urbina, The Dumping Union]

Machines promoted to working
Mattel Classic Sports [Sean Riddle, David Haywood, Ryan Holtz]
Play TV Snowboarder (Blue) (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Tiger Game.com [Robbbert]

Clones promoted to working
ConnecTV Snowboarder (Blue) (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
ConnecTV SSX Snowboarder (PAL) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Double Dragon II - The Revenge (Japan) [Layer]
Knights of the Round (bootleg) [Robbbert]
Play 2000 (Super Slot & Gran Tesoro) (v4.0i) (Italy) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, caius, David Haywood]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
35 in 1 Super Twins [Sean Riddle]
ADM-31 Data Display Terminal [Bitsavers]
Bandit (US)
  [coolmod, Phil Bennett, Bryan McPhail, Moffitt, rtw, gamezfan, Dane Biegert, Candy Wolff, Henrique Areias Pontes, Sean Sutton,
  Surgeville, Evan Korzon, Charles MacDonald, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Beena [David Haywood]
C2 Color (China) [zhongtiao1]
Challenge Ai-chan! Excite Ping Pong (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Champion 85 [PinMAME]
DEC 2000 Model 300 AXP [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
DEC 2000 Model 500 AXP [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
DECpc AXP 150 [Patrick Mackinlay, Sean Riddle]
Domyos Fitness Dance (Domyos Interactive System) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Dream Life [Sean Riddle]
e-pitch (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
Excite Boxing (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
I Can Play Guitar [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
LeapPad (Germany) [Sean Riddle]
Let's! TV Play Chou Ninki Spot! Korogashi-Houdai Tamagotchi Resort (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Let's TV Play Naruto [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
The Magician (20210111, NSW/ACT) [Heihachi_73]
My First LeapPad (UK) [Sean Riddle]
Neo Print - Millennium Multi Shot Edition (World) (T4i 3.07) [Porchy, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Spring '98 (T4i 3.07)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Spring Ver. 4 (Japan) (T4f 1.00)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Suizokukan Version (Japan) (T4i 2.00)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
Neo Print - Usagi Frame (Japan) (T4i 3.07)
  [malcor, hammy, Anonymous, Dane Biegert, Sean Sutton, Renato Mucciarelli, Moffitt, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
One Piece Punch Battle (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Baseball (NTSC) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Play TV Basketball [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Play TV Soccer [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Popira 2 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
Winnie the Pooh - Piglet's Special Day (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
XaviX Music & Circuit (XaviXPORT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]
Zeus IG900 20-in-1 (US?) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Advanced Bridge Challenger [hap]
Boggy '84 (bootleg, set 2) [f205v]
Connectv Basketball [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood]
Crazy Monkey 2 (100618 Russia) [MetalliC]
Fidelity Electronics Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-5) [anonymous]
The King of Route 66 (prototype) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
Love And Berry - 3rd-5th Collection (China, Ver 1.001) (MDA-C0071) [Jia DaWei, tenyuhuang, MetalliC]
Queen Bee (Israel, Ver. 100) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Queen Bee (SA-101-HARD) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Queen Bee (Ver. 114) [Cristiano-MDQ]
Roll Fruit (100924) [MetalliC]
RyuKyu (Japan) (FD1094 317-5023A) [anonymous]
Star Wars (1.06, Display A0.46) [Gore Daimon, Alexandre Rocha]
TI-83 Premium CE (Boot Code [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-83 Plus Silver Edition (bootleg) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition (Boot Code 4.2) [Julian Lachniet, critor]
V.Smile Motion (US) [Ryan Holtz]
Virtua NBA (prototype, 15.11) [coolmod, The Dumping Union]
World Class Bowling Tournament (v1.30) [Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Wyse Technology WY-60 (set 2) [AJR]

New working software list additions
  2400 A.D. (cleanly cracked), Ace Detective revision 2 (cleanly cracked), A Brand New View (cleanly cracked),
  A Christmas Adventure (cleanly cracked), A Newbery Adventure - A Wrinkle in Time (cleanly cracked),
  A Treasure Hunt of Facts (clealy cracked) - addition and subtraction [4am, Firehawke]
  A Mind Forever Voyaging R77 / 850814, Apple Panic, Archon II: Adept, Boa, Bruce Lee, Conan, The Factory, Frontline, Gremlins,
  The Kingdom of Facts, MIRV, Monty Plays Scrabble 4.0, Mr. Do, Photar, Rearguard, Rendezvous with Rama, Roadblock, Sea Fox,
  The Snapper, Space Raiders version 2, Swashbuckler, Track and Field, Trivia Fever, Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego v1.1
  [4am, Firehawke]
  Burn-In Test 3.4 (TES404), dBASE II/86 2.43, Expansion RAM Test 1.0 (TES904), Mouse Test 2.0 (TES903), SuperCalc 3 1.00
  Microsoft Windows 1.03 [Dirk Best]
arb: Sargon 2.5 [hap, Berger]
  Artist Selection Volume 15 - Keisuke Kuwata (Japan) (EC0077-ATS), ETZ (Japan) (EC0069-ETZ),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 26 (Japan) (EC0060-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 28 (Japan) (EC0062-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 30 (Japan) (EC0065-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 31 (Japan) (EC0066-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 32 (Japan) (EC0067-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 35 (Japan) (EC0071-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 37 (Japan) (EC0074-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 38 (Japan) (EC0075-JPM), J-Pop Mix Volume 40 (Japan) (EC0078-JPM),
  J-Pop Mix Volume 41 (Japan) (EC0080-JPM), MKC volume 1 (Japan) (EC0073-MKC)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_a: A-5 Pichi Pichi Pitch Karaoke Party (Japan) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
  BH-02 Best Hit Collection (Japan), BH-03 Best Hit Collection (Japan), BH-05 Best Hit Collection (Japan),
  BH-06 Best Hit Collection (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  BHT Volume 8 (Japan) (DC0001-BHT), BHT Volume 9 (Japan) (DC0003-BHT) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  BAT Volume 3 (Japan) (GC0007-BAT), mini-moni Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0008-MIN) (set 2),
  mini-moni Volume 1 (Japan) (GC0008-MIN) (set 1), mini-moni Volume 2 (GC0014-MIN), TV Pop Volume 6 (Japan) (GC0017-TPJ)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_gk: GK-1 - Detective Conan (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  Artist Mini Volume 4 (w-inds) (Japan) (MC0004-ATM), Artist Mini Volume 7 (untranslated artist) (Japan) (MC0012-ATM),
  Artist Mini Volume 8 (BoA) (Japan) (MC0014-ATM), KSM Mini Volume 2 (Japan) (MC0006-KSM)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  TV Pop Volume 2 (Japan) (PC0002-TPJ) ('World Trade Center' image removed), TV Pop Volume 2 (Japan) (PC0002-TPJ) (set 1)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_s: Challenge Artist Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0018-SAI), Kids' Challenge Volume 1 (Japan) (SC0003-xxx)
  [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  SP-03 Super Cartridge (Japan), SP-04 Super Cartridge (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
ekara_japan_web: e-kara Web cartridge 12M (used, with 7 Songs) (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
fidel_sc6: SC6: original program [hap]
gamate: Fortress of Fierceness [Peter Wilhelmsen]
  Batman: The Movie, Bubble Bobble (3.5"), Budokan - The Martial Spirit (Big Games release),
  Gunboat: River Combat Simulation (Hit Squad release), Ivan "Ironman" Stewart's Super Off Road (16 Blitz release) (3.5"),
  Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida, Monty Python's Flying Circus (3.5"),
  The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants, The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (Hit-Squad release), Spot, WWF Wrestlemania,
  Xenon (16 Blitz Plus release) (3.5"), Zool (Big Games release) [ArcadeShadow]
ibm5170: Micro Machines, The Secret of Monkey Island (Italian) [ArcadeShadow]
intellect02: Chess [hap, Alex_LG]
jakks_gamekey_dp: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Memory Chase & Rescue Race [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
jakks_gamekey_mv: Black Cat & Doc Ock [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  Nicktoons Vollyball & Birdie Putt, Spongebob Sponge Pop & Snowball Showdown (15 AUGUST 2005 D) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  New Rally X & Dig Dug (01 APR 2005 A SKU E) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, anonymous]
  Pac-Man & Bosconian & Rally X (11 JUL 2005 A SKU I) [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
  SINIX-UP-BD V1.2/PC-X [Stefan Stapelberg]
sega_beena_cart: Fresh Pretty Cure [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Arrows and Alleys (16k version), Ghost Town, Magic Maze, Munch, Pirate Adventure, Strange Odyssey, Wilderness, Z80 Disassembler
  Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Family Computer), Blazing Tornado (Arcade), Bombaman Extra Ammo (MSX2),
  Data East's Hoops (Deco MLC System), Dead Connection (Taito F1 System),
  Densetsu no Ogre Battle Gaiden - Zenobia no Ouji (Neo Geo Pocket Color), Exvania (Namco NA-1),
  From TV Animation Slam Dunk - Super Slams (Arcade), Geograph Seal (Sharp X68000), Gridiron Fight (Arcade),
  Laplace no Ma (Sharp X68000), Magical Crystals (Arcade), Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter (CP System II),
  Mega Man II (Nintendo Game Boy), Mega Man III (Nintendo Game Boy), Megablast (Taito F2 System),
  Mr. Robot and His Robot Factory (Atari 400, 800), Naious (Sharp X68000), Neural Gear (Sharp X68000), Pepsiman (Sigma B-98),
  Smash Ping Pong (Family Computer Disk System), TwinBee (Sharp X68000), Uncharted Waters 2 - New Horizons (Sharp X68000),
  Vigilante (Irem M75), Vigilante (TG-16) [Tafoid]
  Alphabet Park Adventure (USA, alt), Alphabet Park Adventure (USA, alt, Rev. 2?), Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 5?),
  Disney/Pixar Cars - Rev It Up in Radiator Springs (USA, alt), Disney/Pixar Toy Story 2 - Operation: Rescue Woody! (USA, alt),
  DreamWorks Shrek the Third - Arthur's School Day Adventure (USA, alt), Marvel Spider-Man & Friends - Secret Missions (USA),
  Nick Jr. Blue's Clues - Collection Day (USA), Nick Jr. Go Diego Go! - Save the Animal Familes! (US, Rev. 2?),
  Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer - Dora's Fix-it Adventure (USA, alt 2), Noddy - Detective for a Day (USA),
  Scooby-Doo! - Funland Frenzy (USA, alt), Superman - The Greatest Hero (USA), Thomas & Friends - Engines Working Together (USA),
  V.Smile PC Pal Island (USA, Rev. 3?), V.Smile Soccer Challenge (USA) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Disney's The Lion King - Simba's Big Adventure (USA), Disneys Winnie the Pooh - The Honey Hunt (USA) [Sean Riddle]

Software list items promoted to working
jakks_gamekey_nk: Soccer Shootout & Juego De Futbol De Dora & Dora's Star Mountain Adventure [David Haywood]
jakks_gamekey_sw: Turret Defense & Yoda's Escape [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, Ryan Holtz]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
  apricot Networks VB1.3 F-Series (Beta Release), apricot Networks VB1.3 PC/Xi (Beta Release), apricot Networks VR1.3 F-Series,
  apricot Networks VR1.3 PC/Xi, Lotus 123 (Release 1A), MSD 2.7.0 (Winchester Test), POINT 32 Network Diagnostics,
  POINT 32 VB1.2 (Beta Release), POINT 32 VR1.1, POINT 32 VR1.2, Winchester Data Integrity Check 1.1,
  Winchester Data Integrity Test 4.0 (TES002), Winchester Factory Formatter 2.1 (TES004) [actapricot.org]
c2color_cart: Di 4 dan: Anhei Shili Zai Lin, Di 5 dan: Shenmi De Longzu Zhi Wang [Peter Wilhelmsen, zhongtiao1]
  A-1 Pichi Pichi Pitch vol.1 (Japan), A-4 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 1 (Japan), A-7 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 3 (Japan)
  [Peter Wilhelmsen, Sean Riddle]
hx20_rom: Forth [Nigel Barnes]
icanguit_cart: Guitar Favorites [Sean Riddle, anonymous]
jpopira_jp: JP-01 (Japan), JP-02 (Japan) [Sean Riddle, Peter Wilhelmsen, David Haywood, ShouTime]
  Leap und die Welt der Dinosaurier (Germany), Tad's Good Night (UK) [Sean Riddle]
  - Great Reader Series - Dinosaurs Before Dark (UK), Bob der Baumeister - Bob und Heppo: Alles im Griff! (Germany),
  Das Angel-Abenteuer (Germany), A Day at Moss Lake (Germany), Disney Huepf, Tigger, huepf! (Germany),
  Disney Prinzessin - Prinzessinnen-Geschichten (Germany), Englisch Kurs - Let's go 1 (Germany),
  Englisch Kurs - Let's go 2 (Germany), Leap's Pond - Activity & Game Book (UK), Little Amadeus (Germany),
  Music - Mother Goose Songbook (UK), Pre Math - Tad goes shopping (UK), Pre Reading - Thomas the Really Useful Engine (UK),
  Reading - Disney's Bounce, Tigger, Bounce (UK), Shrek (Germany), Spongebob Schwammkopf - Meeres-Geschichten (Germany),
  Vocabulary - Richard Scarry's Best Little Word Book Ever! (UK) [TeamEurope]
  I Know My abc's (UK) (Dec 18 2002), I Know My abc's (UK) (Feb 12 2002), The Foot Book - Based on the Book by Dr. Seuss (UK),
  Joy Joy - The Jet Plane - High-Flying Adventures (UK), Leap's Big Day (UK), Thomas & Friends - Thomas and the School Trip (UK),
  Vroom! Vroom! - On the Go (UK) [TeamEurope]
monon_color: Ji jia xuanfeng-gedou dashi (set 2), Xiyangyang yu huitailang-juezhan mie xing [Peter Wilhelmsen, zhongtiao1]
vsmile_cart: V.Smile Art Studio (USA) [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]
  Action Mania (US, Rev. 4?), Action Mania (US, Rev. 6?), Disney Handy Manny (US, Rev. 2?), Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (US),
  Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 2?), Disney's Little Einsteins (US, Rev. 5?), Disney/Pixar Cars 2 (Ger),
  Disney/Pixar Wall-E (USA, Rev. 2?), DreamWorks Monsters vs. Aliens (US, Rev. 3?), Fuer immer Shrek (Ger),
  NASCAR Academy - Race Car Superstar (US), Nickelodeon Dora the Explorer: Dora's Fix It Adventure (US, Rev. 3?),
  Nickelodeon Ni Hao Kai Lan - Happy Chinese New Year! (US), Shrek Forever After (US), TinkerBell (US, Rev. 2?), Toy Story 3 (Ger)
  [Sean Riddle, TeamEurope]

Translations added or modified
Portuguese (Brazil) [Wellington Uemura]

Source Changes
-z8: Fixed disassembly of LD IR,R opcode, and changed INCW/DECW to show RRn instead of Rn. [AJR]

-tv955kb: Start with reset control input inactive. [AJR]

-scn2674: Improved row buffering and timing: [AJR]
 * Added optional read callbacks for row buffering DMA.
 * Added MBC output.
 * Corrected timing of BREQ and VBLANK outputs.
 * Improved character blink and cursor blink timing.

-ay31015: Removed internal Baud rate generator as the actual device lacks this functionality. [AJR]

-trs80.cpp: Changed HT-1080Z to use 50 Hz timings. [AJR]

-cosmac: Don't skip over instructions in debugger after DMA cycles. [AJR]

-scn2674: Blank display line-by-line. [AJR]

-pcx: Fixed jailbars appearing in white-on-black mode. [AJR]

-wy50: Added preliminary keyboard emulation. [AJR]

-vt100, ms6102: Changed "Caps Lock" key to toggle (it's mechanically toggled on these systems). [AJR]

-tv950: Changed "Alpha Lock" key to toggle (it's mechanically toggled on this system). [AJR]

-Made -nonvram_save also inhibit saving of "battery" non-volatile RAM for image devices. [AJR]

-wyse.cpp: Separated WY-55 and WY-60 drivers and unscrambled their program ROMs. [AJR]

-dec0.cpp: Added support for trackball inputs. [Angelo Salese]

-Changed many devices and drivers to use abbreviated integer type names and simpler read/write handler signatures. [cam900]

-dcheese.cpp: Removed MCFG macros, reduced runtime tag lookups, improved naming, and reduced unnecessary code. [cam900]

-ay8910.cpp: Added notes about AY8930 expanded mode, improved logging, and reduced redundant code. [cam900]

-ics2115.cpp: Moved 16-bit handlers from igs011.cpp driver into the device, and made code style more consistent. [cam900]

-es5506.cpp, esqpump.cpp: Added support for clock rate changes, keeping sample rate in sync. [cam900]
 * Also cleaned up code and added notes.

-mystwarr.cpp, tmnt.cpp, zr107.cpp: Reduced runtime tag lookups and redundant code. [cam900]

-qs1000.cpp: Added accessor for internal CPU and cleaned up uses in ghosteo.cpp, limenko.cpp and vegaeo.cpp. [cam900]

-namcona1.cpp: Removed redundant code and added notes. [cam900]

-tms34010.cpp: Moved I/O registers to an internal address map, and eliminated use of register_postload. [cam900]

-nova2001.cpp: Reduced MCFG macros and redundant code, improved naming, and made better use of const variables. [cam900]

-315_5124.cpp: Implemented internal PSG and eliminated use of register_postload. [cam900]

-megaplay.cpp, megatech.cpp, segae.cpp: Added notes and removed some MCFG macros. [cam900]

-sega8_slot.cpp: Removed MCFG macros. [cam900]

-es8712.cpp: Allow MSM5205 to be configured with a device finder or reference. [cam900]

-scripts/src/netlist.lua: Fixed indentation. [cam900]

-cococart: Added support for installing handlers with simplified signatures. [cam900]

-Eliminated MCFG_DEVICE_DISASSEMBLE_OVERRIDE macro. [cam900]

-coco12.cpp, coco3.cpp: Removed some MCFG macros. [cam900]

-dgn_beta.cpp, palm.cpp: Eliminated MCFG macros. [cam900]

-device_memory_interface.rst: Updated name of macro that was renamed in source. [cam900]

-timekpr.cpp: Cleaned up code. [cam900]

-tandy2k: Added support for graphics adapter and mouse. [Carl]

-Changed "over-sleep" calculation to be independent of desired delay. [Celelibi]

-Netlist library updates: [Couriersud]
 * Added clang-tidy support to makefile and made recommended changes.
 * Refactored code, converted macros to C++ and cleaned up state saving.
 * Made order of device creation independent of standard library.
 * Made startup strategy configurable.
 * Made plib respect C++11 alignas specifier and added alignment hints to some container classes.

-Fixed SDL keyboard map handling, cleaned up obsolete code, and updated German keyboard map. [Couriersud]

-vii.cpp: Corrected title for "Dora the Explorer - Nursery Rhyme Adventure (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)". [David Haywood]
 * Previously misidentified as "Dora the Explorer - Race To Play Park (JAKKS Pacific TV Game, Game-Key Ready)".

-xavix: Implemented global tile flipping. [David Haywood]

-i8089: Fixed 16-bit target DMA transfers without DRQ, and Disabled logging. [Dirk Best]

-apricot: Added mouse and Winchester controller, and added support for I/O device maps and interrupts to expansion bus. [Dirk Best]

-Emulated Western Digital WD1010-05 MFM hard disk controller. [Dirk Best]

-didact.cpp: Added Modulab MC6802-based educational system with internal artwork. [Edstrom]

-ins8154.cpp: Fixed bit register accesses. [Edstrom]

-hphybrid.cpp: Added callbacks exposing memory cycles and opcode fetches. [F.Ulivi]

-apple2: Fixed missing floating bus reads, and improved joystick/paddle calibration. [Golden Child]

-ti85.cpp: Added additional BIOS revisions for ti83pcev15, ti84pce and ti84pcev15, and cleaned up code. [Julian Lachniet]

-tms9995: Fixed spurious interrupt 1/4 by clearing the corresponding latches at the correct time. [Michael Zapf]

-tms9901: Added synchronous clock input and hooked it up in TI-99 drivers (fixes cassette instability). [Michael Zapf]

-Added support for converting SVG images to PDF when building the documentation. [O. Galibert]

-ichiban.cpp: Figured out how opcodes and data are split. [O. Galibert]

-astrcorp.cpp: Figured out the first layers of the astoneag encryption. [O. Galibert]

-xc1700e.cpp: Emulated Xilinx XC1700 series serial PROMs. [Patrick Mackinlay]

-Improved usability of cheat finder plugin: [Pugsy]
 * Improved visual indicators.
 * Added automatic pause feature to cheat finder menus.
 * Allowed test write value to be selected from a pre-defined list.
 * Added an additional output format for cheats.

-g65816: Corrected length of WDM opcode to two bytes and added a callback allowing systems to handle it. [R. Belmont]

-apple2: Added AppleWin-like initial memory fill (fixes hang in Joust). [R. Belmont]

-sbrain: Added 50 Hz BIOS hack. [Robbbert]

-apple2: Enhanced disassembly for 8-bit Apple II systems: [R. Belmont]
 * Shows symbolic names for Monitor ROM entry points, I/O locations and common zero-page locations.
 * Shows ProDOS calls with the call name and lets you step over them completely.

-vii.cpp: Identified difficulty-select bit for mattelcs. [Ryan Holtz]

-vsmile_cart: Added support for later 8 Mword cartridges. [Ryan Holtz]

-sgi_mc_device: Added preliminary VDMA support. [Ryan Holtz]

-SGI Newport graphics updates: [Ryan Holtz]
 * Added support for backward spans and more command configurations, and fixed window checking.
 * Converted to use 64-bit read/write handlers, fixing graphics DMA.
 * Added preliminary logical operation support and pop-up plane support.
 * Fixed vertical blanking behaviour and cursor palette, and fixed Scr2Scr to account for XYWindow.
 * Made ColorRed contents transfer to ColorI on write.
 * Added preliminary color index MSB handling.
 * Added logging support to allow viewing captures offline.
 * Fixed write masking and xsave calculation.
 * Fixed lines overshooting by one pixel, not updating X/Y start and writing invalid palette values.
 * Added DID entry handling (fixes palette issues in buttonfly).
 * Added basic support for shade DDAs and some other command configurations (fixes jot).
 * Added direct RGB handling (used for IRIX login screen and icons).
 * Fixed double-buffered source value shifts (fixes flickering in buttonfly).
 * Fixed swapped X/Y in Bresenham line drawing (fixes misplaced graphics in buttonfly).

-8042kbdc: Added timer to periodically check mouse (fixes mouse in IRIX). [Ryan Holtz]

-r4000: Fixed ABS.S and ABS.D (fixes IRIX X11 server crashes). [Ryan Holtz]

-hpc3: Trigger audio DMA on channels 0-3 (fixes hang when starting IRIX applications). [Ryan Holtz]

-osd/sdl: Re-enabled "accel" SDL 2D accelerated video output. [schnitzeltony]

-imgtool: Added read-only support for DEC RT-11 filesystem. [shattered]

-indigo.cpp: Converted LG1 "Light" graphics to a device for sharing with other systems. [tyfighter]

-nscsi_cd.cpp Added a derived device that responds to the vendor-specific command IRIX uses to disable emulation. [tyfighter]

-sgi_mc_device: Fixed VDMA uTLB handling. [tyfighter, Ryan Holtz]

-Fixed crash when exiting directly while filter UI is active (GitHub #4596). [Vas Crabb]

-aristmk6: Gave BIOS options mnemonic names. [Vas Crabb]

-Add 64*64->128 multiply as a common utility function. [Vas Crabb, Patrick Mackinlay]

-testkeys: Centre window on start to avoid hiding behind toolbars or outside screen area in a multiple monitor setup. [Vas Crabb]

-osd/windows: Restrict initial window position to work area of one monitor. [Vas Crabb]

-Updated Brazilian ABNT2 keyboard map for SDL keyboard input. [Wellington Uemura]

-taito_z.cpp: Identified the stand-alone version of Double Axle and corrected the DIP switches for it. [Brian Troha]

-naomi.cpp: Re-dumped clubk2kp program ROM. [coolmod, MetalliC]

-seta.cpp: Re-dumped ROM 5 for msgundamb (fixes graphical issues). [Ed Cross, The Dumping Union]

-triforce.cpp: Updated documentation, corrected game years, and made game descriptions more uniform. [f205v]

-chihiro.cpp: Expanded and corrected documentation. [f205v]

-naomi.cpp: Updated documentation. [f205v]

-zn.cpp: Dumped PLDs for Cool Boarders Arcade Jam. [f205v]

-Moved cleanly cracked Apple II floppy images to a separate software list. [Firehawke]

-dccons.cpp: Dumped Katana Dev.Box checker ROM v0.71. [Ioncannon]

-freekick.cpp: Documented ROM locations for gigasb. [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-Updated hiscore.dat. [Leezer]

-jazz.cpp: Fixed clang unused lambda capture compiler warning. [maximumspatium]

-warriorb.cpp: Dumped PALs for warriorb. [Mike Moffitt, coolmod, The Dumping Union]

-xavix.cpp: Dumped XaviX Bass Fishing SEEPROMS containing I/O microcontroller code. [Sean Riddle]

-Improved c2color documentation. [zhongtiao1]


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2019, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Reduced micro-stuttering
Shader screen now displays game boot image
Added debug tools: Frame profiler + WUD filesystem dumper
Crash and input fixes

Titel: PPSSPP 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2019, 12:17

Avoid crash when starting PPSSPP due to bad AMD Vulkan drivers (#11802)
PowerVR Vulkan display corruption fixed (#11744, #11747)
Naruto Shippuden 3 hang fixed (#11780)
Fixes to various lighting bugs (#11567, #11574, #11577)
Fix control issue in Sonic Rivals and Rock Band (#11878, #11798, #11879)
Significant performance improvement in Earth Defense Force 2 (#11172)
Fix "real clock sync" setting (helps with latency for music games - #11813)
More speed in FF4 effects and other generated curves (#11425)
Support for resizing Vulkan on Linux (#11451)
Improved support for GLES on Linux/IoT (#11507, #11537, #11541, #11632, #11746, #11806, #11845)
Percentage based frameskipping (#11523)
DXT accuracy improved, fixing thick white line in Gran Turismo sky (#11530)
Fix Motorstorm freeze on non-Windows (#11618)
Faster block transfer in some games like Digimon Adventures (#11531, #11553, #11776)
Blending optimizations and improvements (#11543, #11620)
Improve D3D11 rendering issues (#11584)
Change default graphics backend to D3D11 or OpenGL (#11621, #11658)
Remove some outdated settings (#11665, #11666, #11667)
Fix remote disc streaming with ipv6 (#11689, #11700)
Vulkan: Workarounds for some driver bugs for 5xx series Qualcomm GPUs (#11691, #11694)
Fix some Qt port issues with recent performance improvements (#11720, #11807, #11808)
UWP Xbox One: fix X/Back button confusion (#11740)
Fix Formula 1 2006 timing issue (#11767)
Fixes and workarounds for some vertex range culling bugs that broke a few games (#11785, #11859), and disable it on older GPUs (#11712, #11773, #11787)
Android: Allow putting PSP storage on custom paths like SD cards (#11812)
Corrected vocp instruction, fixing models in Artdink games (#11822, #11835)


Titel: MAME 0.208
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2019, 13:09
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0208.txt

Titel: ExtraMAME 19.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2019, 13:28
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2019, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Added h264 video decoding support
Added more SpotPass functionality
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: VisualBoyAdvance-M 2.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2019, 17:15
VisualBoyAdvance-M is an application (GBA Emulator) designed to help you with play your favorite games from the 1990s even when without a dedicated GameBoy console.

License: GPL


5b9d1a7 - cmake: improve finding wx utils (19 hours ago)
836b74a - remove DOS line-ends from src/wx/xrc/*.xrc (2 days ago)
49205bf - remove unused "multithread filter" menu item (2 days ago)
331d9d3 - Fix compilation warnings for MacOS build. (3 days ago)
5540790 - fix some compilation warnings (12 days ago)
D919728 - Fix for resizing window geometry when loading games. (3 days ago)
64a9c09 - fix analog stick regression from e57beed #400 (5 days ago)
0f0d240 - more specific check for 3.1.2 xrc error (5 days ago)
D9a7df6 - fix if statement in SDL sound driver #396 (5 days ago)
41ee35f - add *.dll to .gitignore (5 days ago)
6ec4667 - installdeps: centos: do not install wx 2.8 (9 days ago)
2097b5a - wx 2.8 compat fixes, centos support, cmake fixes (9 days ago)
B69fced - cmake: refactor, better clang support (11 days ago)
7fb27c4 - cmake: check for broken LTO (11 days ago)
F2e9dc5 - cmake: check for policy CMP0077 existence (11 days ago)
Ae38a70 - cmake: gcc/clang colors with ninja, fix warnings (12 days ago)
23fe13d - cmake: fix syntax error in Win32Deps.cmake (2 weeks ago)
59e9c69 - reset Xorg screensaver on joy events (2 weeks ago)
A0283ea - fix game panel size on wxGTK #325 (2 weeks ago)
F1ecd7c - auto deps for visual studio, take 1 (2 weeks ago)
3da07f4 - detect llvm toolchain utilities #392 (3 weeks ago)
C714ff8 - fix problems of command line parameters (3 weeks ago)
A1f0c34 - XDG followup work #94 (3 weeks ago)
2142a46 - Revert "travis: try re-enabling binary check" (3 weeks ago)
101fac5 - travis: try re-enabling binary sanity check (3 weeks ago)
6ca5941 - travis: disable mxe pkg key (3 weeks ago)
A57e51f - Return non-error code for given command line parameters. (3 weeks ago)
3fd444d - XDG related cleanups #94 (3 weeks ago)
513b055 - minor travis update for mingw jobs (4 weeks ago)
1ebb8ef - Fix to set correctly position Y. (4 weeks ago)
944c263 - auto save/load geometry for wx GUI #94 (4 weeks ago)
36fbf71 - travis update attempt 5 (4 weeks ago)
77bcbbf - travis update attempt 4 (4 weeks ago)
7b3a3a0 - travis update attempt 3 (4 weeks ago)
8f0a578 - travis update attempt 2 (4 weeks ago)
Dbd1d8c - attempt to re-enable travis mingw slaves (4 weeks ago)
530af14 - rpi plugins fix + paths enhancements #94 (4 weeks ago)
6a98f3c - define S_ISDIR for win32 #94 (4 weeks ago)
7373da1 - Fix segmentation fault issue when using WX port command line on

Linux and MacOS:

3645388 - XDG Base Dir Spec followup #383 (4 weeks ago)
39fd3f6 - add note to README.md about translations (5 weeks ago)
24fd4e9 - move factory reset to help menu (5 weeks ago)
5835daf - translate battery save error #318 (5 weeks ago)
D2922cf - stop showing "wrote battery" msg on panel #318 (5 weeks ago)
646557e - Add support for the XDG Base Dir Spec for Linux with legacy support. (5 weeks ago)


Titel: My Nes GTK 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2019, 13:29
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


My Nes GTK is rebuilt from scratch, performance and usubality is improved slightly.
My Nes GTK is now become compatible with new My Nes Emulation Engine (version 7)
My Nes SDL is now updated to the latest renderer implementation and options. Emulation rendering performance and quality is improved slightly.
My Nes, My Nes GTK and My Nes SDL all now share the same emulation engine core (Core.dll), thus, any new updates regards
The My Nes emulation core is applied to this version too.
Added refresh info button which allows to refresh game snaps, states ... etc after playing a game.
Improved Input Setting dialog, allows to configure inputs more easily.


Titel: VisualBoyAdvance-M 2.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2019, 13:45

This release is just to fix a serious problem with the game area geometry/resizing on Windows in 2.1.2. The other geometry fixes apply to other OSes as well.
Release v2.1.3 (50 minutes ago)
Fix game geometry on windows (5 hours ago)
WxWidgets Release config for visual studio (5 hours ago)
Libretro: put " " between version and git sha (26 hours ago)
Libretro: remove "-" between version and git sha (26 hours ago)
Libretro: set version with git sha (28 hours ago)
Cmake: use Win32Deps when mingw cross compiling (29 hours ago)
Builder: freetype 2.9.1 -> 2.10.0, verbose make (29 hours ago)
Builder: opensuse update 2 (2 days ago)
Builder: updates for opensuse, refactor cross deps (2 days ago)
Cmake: only link SetupAPI on win32 if it's found (2 days ago)
Cmake: add -lSetupAPI to SDL2 libs for win32 (3 days ago)
Update win32 dependencies submodule (4 days ago)
Remove .clang-format, update .travis.yml (4 days ago)
Add unistd.h compat header for visual studio (4 days ago)
[SDL Front] MSVC doesn't have an unistd.h system file, closest is io.h, this will fix building the SDL frontend with msvc again. (7 days ago)
Fix starting game pos and geometry #406 (8 days ago)
Cmake: move wx funcs and macros into separate file (9 days ago)
Fix lang in changelog, add bios to issue template (11 days ago)


Titel: Snes9x 1.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2019, 11:15
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan.



- Fixed subscreen blending with master brightness < 100%.
- Fixed NMI timing when toggling enable bit. Fixes Chou Aniki--hack removed.
- Reverted an IPL map optimization that misses a weird edge case that caused
  The Great Battle III to lock up.
- Clamp MSU1 addition to max amplitude instead of wrapping. Proper MSU1 tracks
  will not be affected by this.
- Save mipmap_input parameter with customized GLSL and slang shaders.
- Actually use mipmap_input parameter.
- Optimized subscreen math with help from Dwedit.
- Revert to measured APU clock speed instead of nominal speed. Fixes An
  American Tail.
- Fixed broken BPS patch support. (ArtiiP)
- Fixed MSU1 track restarting on load state.

- Changed window flags to allow NVIDIA cards to auto-enable exclusive
  fullscreen mode in OpenGL.
- Added a hidden option "DWMSync" that allows OpenGL to sync to the window
  manager while in windowed or borderless windowed mode.
- The automatic frame skip option no longer limits to 59.94Hz.
- Fixed bad icon scaling.
- Added a hacks dialog to enable settings for older hacks to run.

- Added ability to use Satellaview data in same directory as ROM.
- Fixed deviation from proper libretro spec.
- Added option to use the software NTSC filter. (stellarporter)

- Added icons to the entries to clear binding assignments.
- Fixed overlap in xBRZ multithreading.
- Changed glFenceSync option to an OML_sync option that works better.
- Fixed accumulation of partial pixel data on mouse motion when we update the
  mouse position more than once per frame.
- Allow one key to be bound to many controller buttons on the same controller.
- Force menu and button icons.
- Add the view menu to right-click when SNES mouse isn't used.
- Remove unused status bar option.
- Startup background can be changed in snes9x.conf.
- Improved PortAudio driver.

- Fixed sound output that broke with APU refactor.


Titel: MAME 0.209
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2019, 19:20
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0209.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2019, 10:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

Recompiler accuracy improvements
Further reduced micro-stuttering
Bug fixes & miscellaneous improvements

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2019, 10:20
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




Parent .ico file not showing up in clone sets if clonename.ico doesn't exist ("MAMu_ icons" feature)
Buttons "OK" / "Cancel" were invisible when viewing the simpler "arcade system select" dialog
Wrong read/write of game info "playtime" / "last played" / "times played" if your have multiple games in the same system with same zipped filename but of different media types
- example: 2 files named "Elevator Action (1995) (Nidecom).zip", both MSX1 games, one is cartridge media type and the other is floppy disk
- wrong game info written in played games files after exiting a console/computer game
- wrong game info read from played games files when loading games lists at startup
- the media type was missing when searching for the game entry
- bugs related to files located in "\console_computer\played_games\" folder
- arcade systems and MAME software lists do not suffer from this bug
Wrong "extra game info" data parsing for "Games Editor" (main menu "Console/Computer")
Night mode was not toggled on/off correctly with the checkbox in messages dialog
PaneEx "inner border color" was not set correctly in procedure uCommon.SetPanelNightColors() causing it to be the same as outer border color
MAME arcade input files were not handled correctly in "Run Game (Extra Parameters)" screen
- files "arcade_name.inp" in the "inp" root folder were not added to the files list, only "inp\gamename\*.inp" files
- for arcade games only, excluding MAME softlist games
MAME save state files were not handled correctly in "Run Game (Extra Parameters)" screen
- files from "sta\machine_name\softwarename\gamename\" folder were completely ignored
- for MAME software list games only, excluding arcade games
The image layout currently in use could be disabled in "Layout Settings" screen, causing corruption in layouts .ini file read/write routine
Extra title/machine type text color of selected systems were hard to read in night mode; light gray color replaced by dark gray
Selection bar was not red color for CHDs with bad checksum ("Arcade Audit Results" screen)
"CPU Filter" edit box was not correctly painted in night mode
Search games floating panel was not showing up at startup


Improvements to "version info" detection in "Arcade Emulators Setup" screen and at frontend startup
Changes and tweaks to AlterMAME feature
- RAM variables were not initialized at startup, it could cause the frontend to crash
- added a second AlterMAME slot so you can use two alternate emulators to run MAME games ("Arcade Emulators Setup" screen)
  - new "Autorun Game With AlterMAME 2" checkbox ("Arcade Emulators Setup" screen and games popup menu)
  - if game cannot be run with "AlterMAME 1", it will try again with "AlterMAME 2"
  - new "Run Game With AlterMAME 2" option in games popup menu to run games directly with AlterMAME 2
- added proper detection for "FinalBurn Alpha" and "Raine" emulators in "Arcade Emulators Setup" screen and when running games
  - FBA website: https://www.fbalpha.com
  - Raine website: http://raine.1emulation.com
  - for Raine emulator, the "-nogui" parameter is added automatically to the execution command line and there's no way to toggle it off
- better handling of CreateProcessW() exit codes "0, 1, 2, 5" after exiting emulators
- Tweaks and fixes to texts in "run game confirmation" and "execution error" dialogs
Renamed file "image_category_overlay.ico" to "image_category_overlay_light.ico" ("\resources\main_icons\overlay\" folder)
Image category/layout icons updated to support overlay icons ("resources\main_icons\" folder)
Icon files "option_check.ico" and "option_radiogroup_on.ico" replaced by better versions, suitable for light and dark backgrounds ("resources\main_icons\" folder)
Changes and fixes to menu/popupmenu drawing colors
- fixed a couple painting bugs in the selection bar outer border
- fixed unreadable shortcut text color in selected items
- added "help text" and "selected help text" in the colors array, changed them to "gray" to fix unreadable texts
- added inner frame color to the selected items, slightly darker than menu background color
Replaced TEdit standard component by my custom "TEditEx" component, to be used in "night mode"
- new properties: "Color Frame", "Color Frame Focused", "Color Frame Disabled", "Round Frame"
- property "Use Custom Border" for an easy on/off toggle when changing between light/dark backgrounds; this property if OFF by default
- allow custom frame colors instead of the fixed Windows themed frame
- remove the fixed white inner frame when setting edit box background color to anything other than white
Improvements to my custom "TShadowLabel" component for dark backgrounds compatibility
- added new "Disabled Font Color" and "Disabled Font Shadow Color" properties so you can change font colors when the component is in "not enabled" state
- added new "Use Disabled Font Color" property for an easy on/off toggle when changing between light/dark backgrounds; this property is OFF by default
Modified image category/layout .ico files, removed monitor frames / texts to use with overlay .ico files ("resources\main_icons\" folder)
Moved "Tool Bar Overlay Icons Folder" setting to "Night Mode" page since this feature is not for the light mode (preferences screen)


All code related to "AlterMAME Default Emulator Settings" and "AlterMAME custom ini settings" completely removed from the source code


New night mode .ico overlay files for image categories/layouts ("resources\main_icons\overlay\img_dark" folder)
Support custom game icons for MAME software list games; "MAMu_ Icons" feature
- file "\softwarename\gamename.ico" in arcade "icons.zip" is no longer supported
- zipped icons for each software list must be in:   - "user_mame_icons_path\softwarename\icons.zip" filename or
  - "user_mame_icons_path\softwarename.zip" filename (alternate .zip name, exclusive Emu Loader feature!)
- unzipped icons must be in:
  - "user_mame_icons_path\softwarename\gamename.ico" or
  - "user_mame_icons_path\icons\softwarename\gamename.ico"
- minor tweaks to improve RAM usage and .zip files handling
- don't know what this is ? see this thread in MAMEWorld's "News" forum:
New setting "Show MAME Machines Status Bar" so you can hide the status bar of the machines list panel (setting is in machines list popup menu)
Night mode colors for several dialogs and screens; colors are fixed and cannot be customizable
Custom frame color settings for the edit box in search bar (preferences screen, "Night Mode" page, "Search Games Panel Colors" group box)
New handheld system to the "Console/Computer" list: "Nintendo Switch"
- only Yuzu emulator is supported: https://yuzu-emu.org
- you must use "yuzu-cmd.exe" file
Tool bar menus, filter dialogs and popup menus in dark colors for the night mode
- you can disable the dark menu with "Show Dark Menu in Night Mode" setting in main menu if you prefer light colors
- colors cannot be customized
- tweaks to selection bar, made it a bit darker
- fixed function uMain.AddDefaultIcons(), it was not reloading overlay icons properly when switching between light/night modes and when changing "ToolBar Overlay Icons Folder" setting in preferences screen
New setting "Use Italic Font Style in System Title Bars" so you can disable italic fonts in system title bars (enabled by default)
Added support for "VisualBoyAdvance-M" emulator and updated "\console_computer\emulator_parameters[default].ini" file


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2019, 12:22
Whats new:>>

Added UI editor for game profiles
Per-game controller configuration
Removed deprecated settings/UI
Improved support for Lego and Skylanders USB portals

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2019, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    Controller information added to overlay
    Faster JIT recompilation
    Bug and crash fixes

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2019, 11:15


    Media type of Daphne games was not set to "Disc"
    Game icons/systems TImageList containers were not emptied before reloading icons
    Hint box colors of image panel #4 were not updated after exiting preferences screen
    Game files of many MAME software list games were not recognized, tagging the game as "Game With No ROMs" ("a800.xml" software list for one)
    Tweaks to prevent splash screen from hiding/showing multiple times when creating games / auditing games; this fix also prevents the timer from resetting


    First atempt to set the correct media type icon for MAME arcade games with CHD files (HDD, Disc, Compact Flash Card, Game Video Tape VHS)
    Added an extra "ArcadeCHD_MediaType" game info tag just for this; tag is set when loading the ROMs database
    The new media type icons are used everywhere: game status bar, run game dialog, last played games, delete game snapshot dialog, thumbnails view and others
    HDD media type is set for games with multiple CHD files (HDD, CD, flash card) if at least one of them is HDD
    You must re-create MAME games list to update the frontend ROMs database files
    Improvements to the thumbnails view
    Icons are no longer drawn in the thumb image
    Icons are handled as overlays and, from now on, they are drawn in the top/left or top/right of the cell (depending on the "align" setting)
    Added a "Media Type Icon" to the mix
    The system icon for MAME software lists is now the UME icon ("emu_ume.ico"), so you know that it's a MAME game but not arcade
    When changing icons settings but not the thumb cell dimensions, only the icons are updated in main games list; thumbnails already created no longer have to be re-created
    New setting "Show Icons With No Thumbnail", will display the overlay icons (system, game, media, favorite) even if no thumbnail is available
    Media type icon is now drawn after the system icon, moved the game icon below it
    New media/game/favorite icon size drop-down selection, no more fixed 24x24 size
    Further tweaks to the night mode


    New alternate sub-folders for frontend icons, arcade/console/computer systems and arcade games icons so you don't have to replace frontend's default icons
    Toggle alternate icons on/off with the new "Use Alternate Frontend Icons" setting in main menu
    Console/computer system icons go in a new "frontend_dirconsole_computersystem_iconsalternate" folder
    Frontend icons and arcade system icons go in a new "frontend_dirresourcesmain_iconsalternate" folder
    Arcade game icons go in a new "frontend_dirresourcesgameslist_iconsalternate" folder
    Message box icons go in a new "frontend_dirresourcesmain_iconsmsgbox_iconsalternate" folder


    Tool bar filter icons, image category icons and image layout icons are not supported (basically all icons that use overlay icons)
    All icons must be 32-bits color depth (RGB + alpha channel)
    All required resolution icons must be added to the .ico file, or the frontend will show an "icon not found" error message
    If you enable alternate icons without having them, the frontend will load the default ones
    New media type: "Video Game Music"
    Initially used in MAME's "VGM Player" software list
    New icon file "resourcesmain_iconsmedia_videogamemusic.ico"
    New feature: "Special" tag
    You can tag a game for any reason: finished games, games you want to play, games you hate, games you are playing, games you want to hide...
    Games list is stored in a new "ini_filesspecial.txt" file and the file format is the same as favorites files so if you are using favorites list for things like this, you can safely copy and rename the favorite profile to this new filename
    There's a new column in details/grouped view named "Special"
    Add/remove games to/from special list in games popup menu (below "Add/Remove Favorite" menu items)
    Filter the games list with the new drop-down filter "Special List" in "Miscellaneous" tool bar filter
    You can enable/disable the special icon for thumbnails view ("thumbnail settings" screen)
    You can modify this new icon to your needs ("resourcesmain_iconsspecial.ico" file)
    Night colors support for image hint boxes (preferences screen, "Night Mode 2" page)
    Separate colors from light mode
    Settings saved in "nightmode.ini" file


Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>


    Buttons font color was black when in night mode

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2019, 10:45
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0210.txt

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2019, 10:15
Whats new:>>


Crash caused by my custom TBitBtnEx / TSpeedButtonEx components when frontend is in light mode (default theme)

Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 16:45


Popup menus can now display Unicode texts, but this implementation is far from perfect
Copy/move/delete game ROMs was not working due to an "Exit" command I forgot to remove, preventing further code from executing
Removed some beeps playing while creating games lists
Fixed bad Windows theme painting in my TPanelEx component, affecting all components in it... highly noticeable in light mode
Hint text of separator lines were missing in popup menus


Improvements to my TBitBtnEx component
- font color is forced to black if button is not in "custom mode" and Windows theme is enabled
- BitBlt() function used to paint bitmap buffer into button canvas instead of Canvas.Draw() function
- replaced "Glyph" property by "Images" (TImageList container), for 32-bit+alpha channel icons (.ico)
Improvements to my TSpeedButtonEx component
- font color is not changed when clicked (only applies if button style is set to "flat")
- font color is forced to black if button is not in "custom mode" and Windows theme is enabled
- BitBlt() function used to paint bitmap buffer into button canvas instead of Canvas.Draw() function
- replaced "Glyph" property by "Images" (TImageList container), for 32-bit+alpha channel icons (.ico)


Custom border for menu/popup menus
- night mode only
- you can customize the border color in preferences screen "Night Mode 2" page
- experimental feature, might be buggy on Windows 10


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 18:45
Whats new:>>

    Overlay enhancements and new notification system
    Improved accuracy of streamout cache
    Graphic fixes
    Bug and crash fixes

Titel: My Nes 7.5.7100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2019, 09:09
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


    Added: enable filters in Audio option.
    Improved: sound playback quality (both renderers) by configuring buffer size and latency (buffer options are removed).


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2019, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    UI improvements
    Compatibility improvements
    Bug and crash fixes

Titel: Mesen 0.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 05:40
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



This release is a beta - save states, movies, etc. created with this version may not be compatible with future versions of Mesen.

New Features

    Debugger: General improvements as well as new features/tools (and bug fixes.)
    NSF: Allow rewinding during NSF file playback and fixed an initilization problem with VRC6 audio.
    History Viewer: Added a few new features and options, including allowing it to be used with NSF files.
    Video: Added support for 512-color palette files (for color bit emphasis.)
    Input: Added options to configure the deadzone size for analog sticks and to hide the mouse cursor when using a zapper.
    Dip switches: Dip switches can now be configured for all cartridges that use them (instead of being limited to VS System games.)

Bug Fixes

    APU: Fixed frame counter bug that caused audio to sometimes be paced slightly incorrectly.
    APU: Fixed DMC power on state to match hardware test results.
    PPU: Prevent palette updates during horizontal blank when rendering is enabled (to match expected hardware behavior.)
    Namco 163: Fixed problems with battery save data.
    Bandai FCG: Added support for EEPROM save data.
    MMC5: Fixed incorrect attribute data when using fill mode.
    VRC7: Updated audio instrument values to match the values recently dumped from hardware.
    AOROM: Fixed power on mirroring state.
    Misc: Fixed minor bugs in a variety of mappers (including mappers 112, 176, 320 and UNROM512.)


Titel: Romcenter 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 19:10
Romcenter is a ROM manager, to manage collections of games supported by an emulator.

Its purpose is to give you the ability to:

View all games supported by an emulator plus all the games you have in your collection for it
Fix missing or bad-named games and ROMs in your collection (this will be analyzed later on), so they can be playable by the emulator.


Titel: Emu Loader 8.7.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2019, 05:15
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




    Event "OnChange()" was not executed in "TFontDialog" component after frontend recent changes
    Black frame painted in tool bar filters background when gradient setting is disabled
    Severe painting problems in my TPanelEx since last component update... damn you BitBlt()!


    Icons of disabled menu items are now drawn with 50% blending effect instead of a grayscale icon, which looked terrible
    Delphi's TImageList component messes up with the icon's alpha channel
    source files "ImgList.pas" and "CommCtrl.pas" updated with new constants and functions for better support on Windows 7 and newer
    Replaced TToolBar + TToolButton controls by my custom TSpeedButtonEx so the buttons can have white font in night mode ("Favorites Manager" screen)
    More tweaks to popup menus draw routine
    Modified "TRangeBar" / "TGaugeBar" components from "Graphics32" library to add a custom color for the arrow, it was using the same color as the border color

    Night mode updates:

    moved all settings from preferences screen to its own window and updated its interface with dark colors; you'll find it on main menu "Customize Night Mode Colors"
    added new settings so you can have different ones from the light mode games list splitter colors images splitter colors game docs colors and splitters image background color and image
    new layout showing all settings without pages; high resolution only: 1280x1024 and higher added a new "Show Preview" button, showing a new floating window so you can see you customizations in real time
    "Games List Selection Bar"
    "Panels Colors"
    "Image Hint Box"


    Game Docs status bar (preferences screen, "Game Docs" page) for those who go berzerk on the fact that the bottom of the game docs panel is not aligned with the games list panel there's no useful info displayed there yet


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.211
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 13:35
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0211.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2019, 23:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Added auto-updater
    Screenshots are now automatically saved to a folder
    Niche optimizations
    Bug fixes & minor improvements

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>

    Improved handling of updates and DLC
    Debugger improvements
    Internal shader changes
    Bug fixes

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2019, 10:10
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0212.txt

Titel: Emu Loader 8.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2019, 20:10


    Fixed a bug in "TCustomColorBox" Delphi 7 class, "SetSelected(" procedure
    it was not repainting the control properly, and it was not caused by the frontend (damn you Delphi 7!
    my custom TColorBoxEx component was also affected due to this "Delphi 7" bug
    the fix was taken from "Code Gear Delphi 2010" source code ("vlcExtCtrls.pas"
    Event "OnSelect(" was not properly executed on TColorBoxEx components (color dropdown buttons
    A few default settings in "EmuLoader.ini" and "nightmode.ini" were causing problems on a clean install
    Colors for "Game Docs Status Bar" not updated when switching between light mode and night mode
    Fixes for the night mode
    search bar background had gradient always enabled even if the gradient setting was not ticked
    floating panel gradient background colors were not properly set, specially at startup
    TColorBoxEx were resetting to default colors at frontend startup when viewing the "2 pages" in night mode screen
    Hint box colors and style not updated when switching between light mode and night mode
    Control "Buttons" was listed twice in "Game Details" screen when a game have multiple controls + buttons
    Game selection bar colors and font colors were not correctly set in several screens, including in "Customize Game Fonts"
    Font of column header was not properly set when night mode is enabled (MAME Machines Filter Panel
    My custom component TEditEx was not repainting the frame color when required
    Pressed button custom colors were not applied to buttons in night mode
    Font "Terminal" is used in a few places and if it's not installed in Windows, it will be replaced by "Lucida Console" (Windows 7 users don't have to worry about this
    App crash when trying to show game images if image category folders are not successfully loaded
    Updates to my TAdvCheckBoxEx and TAdvRadioGroupEx components
    fixed icons positions as they were not drawn at the same position on Windows 7 and Windows 10
    RadioGroup icon updated with a 13x13 sized image when working with Delphi 7 in design time (easier to align controls
    added a couple commands to get the correct CheckBox/RadioGroup icon sizes from Windows theme
    Metadata files are no longer used when mounting images on a "virtual drive" app (.cue, etc... even if "use .cue" tool bar button is enabled (console/computer games
    Game image files failed to mount on a virtual drive, returning an error to the user (console/computer games
    Night mode is now enabled by default on a clean install or if "EmuLoader.ini" file is missing
    Shadow texts are disabled in light mode for panel texts, tool bar panels, floating panels; it looks better this way
    Improvements to night mode settings (night mode screen
    added "Shadow Enabled" checkboxes for texts in "Search Games Panel Colors", so you can disable shadow texts
    added "Shadow Enabled" checkboxes for texts in "Panels Colors", so you can disable shadow texts
    added preview panels (click the "Preview" buttons so you can see your color customizations
    Games List Selection Bar
    Panels Colors
    Image Hint Box
    Search Games Panel Colors
    tweaks to the layout
    Rounded corners in GroupBox frames are disabled for night mode
    The overlay folder "Dark Gray" is no longer needed, these icons are now the default for night mode ("resourcesmain_iconsoverlayDark Gray" folder can be deleted
    Blue overlay icons moved to a new "Blue" folder ("resourcesmain_iconsoverlayBlue"
    If overlay files of a sub-folder are not found, the "Tool Bar Overlay Icons Folder" setting will reset to "Default" (night mode screen
    Improvements to "Image Hint Box" (preferences screen, night mode screen
    setting "Show Unzipped/Zipped Icon" is gone, the icon is now mandatory
    added a "Italic" font style checkbox, so you can disable the italic style (disabled by default
    text font size reduced to 10 pixels
    added a new "image resolution (image type" text below the image category title; only font color can be customized
    added a "Larger Font Size" checkbox, for a 14 pixels font size like it was before (disabled by default
    added a "Box Position" setting to choose where the hint box will appear; default position is "Middle/Left"
    fixed "middle vertical" position, it was not taking the hint box height into account
    Selection bar of menus/popup menus is a little darker, around 10%
    Moved settings panel to a popup menu ("Favorites Manager" settings button
    Game details screen changes
    removed shadow of texts in the left panel (night mode
    removed dual border from ROMs list
    minor improvements to make sure border spaces are pixel perfect
    Removed shadow of texts in system title bars and replaced yellow font color by orange, on all screens (night mode only
    Removed shadow of texts from labels and checkboxes in almost all screens (night mode
    Color tweaks to texts font colors in "Delete/Rename Game Image File" screens (night mode
    Several source code optimizations to remove redundant duplicates, mostly for the night mode
    Modified my TShadowLabel component to not show the shadow text if component is in "disabled" state and the "ShadowEnabled" property is unchecked
    If a "Label", "CheckBox", "RadioButton", "GroupBox" component is in disabled state and the "ShadowEnabled" property is unchecked, the shadow text is no longer displayed
    it looks a lot better in night mode
    in light mode, the "3D effect" no longer applies, but texts still look good
    Games list in "Delete Multiple Games Files" screen now uses the same colors / background image as the main games list
    Replaced "Consolas" font by "Calibri" in "MAME Game Docs" panel
    Tons of interface tweaks, specially texts and their colors
    New interface for preferences screen
    cleaner and easy to navigate, also to prevent waste of blank space
    page 1 is for frontend settings, page 2 is mostly for colors
    tweaks to existing settings so they are better aligned with panels
    Several settings moved from "EmuLoader.ini" to a new "ini_filesLightMode.ini" file (preferences screen, mostly
    they are all exclusive to the light mode
    now you can do a clean install and restore these settings easily
    most key names in .ini file were renamed to match key names from night mode preset files, you must modify your light mode settings again (sorry
    some "MAME Game Docs" settings moved from "el_extras.ini" file into "LightMode.ini"


    The following is removed to simplify the interface
    frames of games list panel, images panel and game docs panel is kaput!
    setting "Games List Frame Colors" (preferences screen, night mode settings screen
    setting "Games List Status Bar, Inner/Outer Frame" (preferences screen, night mode settings screen
    setting "Games List Status Bar, Font Shadow Color" (preferences screen, night mode settings screen
    setting "Game Docs Splitter Style / Colors"; same style/colors as image splitters is used, as it was before (preferences screen, night mode screen
    setting "Image Panel Frame Colors" (preferences screen, night mode settings screen
    setting "Enable Edit Box Custom Frame Color" is no more; custom frame is always enabled in night mode (night mode screen
    setting "Games List Splitter" style is gone for night mode; only a single color is supported (night mode screen
    setting "Tool Bar Inner/Outer Frame" is no more (night mode screen


    New games list background images, for both night mode and light mode ("resourcesimages"... thank you Fabian for the new images
    New setting "Disable Aspect Ratio", to stretch the image on the entire image panel; requires "Image Stretch" setting to be enabled (popup menu "Images"
    New setting "Round Corners" to "Games List Selection Bar" colors (preferences screen, night mode screen
    Night mode colors support for arcade emulator setup screens: MAME, HBMAME, Supermodel, Daphne, SEGA Model 2, ZiNc
    New "Left Align Emulators Info and Games Info" setting to show message box texts aligned to the left instead of centered (preferences screen, "General" panel
    New setting to customize games filters tool bar in light mode (preferences screen
    you can use gradient or solid colors
    new "Windows Theme" checkbox, so you can disable Windows themed tool bar painting
    Support for multiple night mode profiles
    change profiles with the new "Night Mode Profiles" box ("Customize Night Mode" screen, access thru main menu
    all profiles are now stored in "frontend_pathnightmode" folder
    file "nightmode.ini" moved to the new "nightmode" sub-folder and renamed to "Default.ini"
    setting "Tool Bar Overlay Icons Folder" can be different for each profile
    setting "Menus / Popup Menus" frame color can be different for each profile
    current profile is automatically saved to .ini file when switching between profiles or when closing the "Customize Night Mode" screen
    New "RGB Quick Edit" for color dropdown boxes "TColorBoxEx" (popup menu, mouse right-click
    for an easy and quick way to select a RGB color manually
    screens that support this new popup menu
    Customize Night Mode
    Image Category Settings
    Customize Game Fonts
    Customize Thumbnails
    Preferences screen
    Added "Show Font Name" setting in "Customize Game Fonts" screen
    access in popup menu (disabled by default
    useful for high resolution screens (1080p or higher
    Added a custom game fonts set for night mode, split from light mode
    have a set of game fonts for light mode and another for night mode
    light mode filename: "ini_filessysgamecustomfont.ini"
    night mode filename: "ini_filessysgamecustomfont_nightmode.ini"
    updated "Customize Game Fonts" screen to load the night mode font settings if this mode is active (games popup menu, main menu "Games List"
    if file "sysgamecustomfont_nightmode.ini" doesn't exist, it is generated from "sysgamecustomfont.ini" at startup (useful for night mode
    New "Use A Single Background Color" setting for image categories
    select a background color that will be used for all image categories ("Image Category Settings" screen
    you no longer need to select the same color on each category if you want to use the same color for all of them
    toggle setting in main menu "Images", images popup menu or in "Image Category Settings" screen (disabled by default
    Added options to customize games list header colors in night mode
    text font
    column background color, hot color, disabled color, pressed color
    settings in Night Mode screen, "Games List Column Header" panel
    MAME v0.212 support


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2019, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes & minor tweaks

Titel: Emu Loader 8.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 13:45


    Icons in web info tool bar buttons were not loaded as disabled; font colors of disable buttons were wrong in night mode
    Function to delete/copy/move files was in debug mode, not working... again


Titel: HyperSpin 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2019, 09:40
HyperSpin is a frontend that can launch other programs and emulators from one menu. Without a frontend, you'd have to individually launch each emulator as needed, then find and launch the games you want to play. HyperSpin simplifies this by using a system of menus to launch your emulators and games.


HyperSpin uses real arcade controls to provide simple menu navigation in your arcade cabinet and hides your normal Windows desktop, providing a more authentic arcade experience. HyperSpin can turn your arcade cabinet into a fully functional media center; you can have a jukebox or movie center built right into the same multi-game machine.

Hyperspin can be easy to setup. However, some find it a bit challenging at first. There are numerous text and video tutorials available to answer all of your questions and get you started right away.


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 17:30
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes -> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-7-8-released/

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2019, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Minor compatibility improvements
    Bug fixes

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.213
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2019, 20:10
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0213.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2019, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Software keyboard and Wii U message box (ErrEula) improvements
    Bug fixes

Titel: bsnes 110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 18:15
Video game emulator that supports Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and others, featuring configurable audio and video settings.

License: GPL


    Improved ExLoROM support (fixes Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 fan translation)
    Several improvements to the libretro target, including macOS and Android platform support
    Fixed an issue where the Alt key wasn't activating the menu on the Windows port
    Removed 2160p HD mode 7 setting, due to Direct3D 9.0 texture size limits of 2048x2048
    Reverted fresh configuration files to using the safer hardware drivers
    Disabled the ASIO driver due to lack of support
    Fixed a crashing issue when idling with the snow effect enabled
    Added IOKit joypad support for macOS [Sintendo]
    Added fast PPU render cycle position override for Firepower 2000's title screen
    Ported higan's accurate PPU renderer back to bsnes to add sprite caching for Wolfenstein 3D


Titel: My Nes 7.5.7202
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2019, 19:45
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


- Added: new audio mixer instead of the default lookup table.
- Fixed: audio sound filters (wrong high-pass equation and alpha calculation).

- Please note that the external sound channels of mappers (i.e. mapper 5) are disabled in this version.
- All sound filters are 100% accurate now, the filters alpha calculations are 100% accurate as well. Also, the new mixer is 100% accurate, even better than the default lookup table which described in the wiki, which is token from nes hardware circuit.
  The point here that the mixer that built now in My Nes will make sure all channels outputs 100% presented without any loss, even the dmc channel now output 100% mixed with other channels.
  In other words, with My Nes, you will be hearing the best (accurate and clear without loss) sound ever produced by a nes emulator so far. I mean this: My Nes emulates the real nes sound filter plus a perfect mixer which mix channels audio without loss.
- Note: the other sound effects you may hear in sound (i.e. aliasing in some cases) is caused by the sound renderer and sound buffer writing (loop buffers), not by the sound itself. Just saying, it is not 100% perfect as the real hardware,
  but it is the best possible as an emu.


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.214
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 18:45
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0214.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2019, 18:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Surround sound support
    Minor improvements and bug fixes

Titel: Emu Loader 8.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2019, 05:40
Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.




    Setting "Use Image Single Background Color" not restored at startup
    Screens "MAME Driver Filter" and "Miscellaneous Filters" not updated when changing between night mode profiles
    Font color of hint texts not restored when switching back to light mode ("Miscellaneous Filters" tool bar button)
    Several CheckBox and RadioButton controls still had shadow text enabled in night mode
    A nasty bug in my TCheckBoxEx / TRadioButtonEx components: the icon area was not cleared when drawing new icon states, overlapping existing icons and causing a "left-over" pixels effect, mostly noticeable in "RadioButton"
    Startup crash when validating emulator binary if the .exe file is missing
    Screen "Machine Type and System Filters" was not resizing correctly for resolutions lower than 1920x1080 (tool bar button)
    Ansi WinAPI FileAge() doesn't work well on Windows 10, replaced by the Unicode API FileAgeW()
    Play video preview feature was not working at all for the past 10 months... HOORAY!
    Text of selected game was black color when editing fields directly in EasyListView controls (night mode only)
    Game thumbnails fail to load in thumbnails view even if game snapshot file exists
    No auto-update game thumbnails after changing game snapshot folders in "Image Category Settings" screen (thumbnails view only)


    Tweaks to "Delete/Copy/Move Selected Games"
    size of "Delete" and "Cancel" buttons reduced
    size of "Destination Folder" edit box increased
    if less than 13 files are selected, only one column is shown to prevent waste of space
    checkboxes "Overwrite Files" and "Add System Folder" moved above "Destination Folder edit box"
    fixed controls alignment in bottom bar
    Darker color tweak to gradient bottom bars in night mode
    Removed italic font style from texts in help message boxes
    Text fonts tweak in several screens
    reduced size to 9 pixels
    changed fonts from "Segoe UI" to "Trebuchet MS" with "bold" style and removed "italic" style
    color tweaks in night mode
    Replaced all "ExTrackBar" controls by "XiTrackBar" from the "XiControls" pack; thanks "Eugene Genev"
    no more flickering
    colors customized for night mode
    used in "Customize Thumbnails", "MAME Settings" and "RGB Quick Edit" screens
    I've made some minor tweaks to XiTrackBar component, you need my modified version to compile the frontend
    New layout for "RGB Quick Edit"
    replaced TShape components by my flicker-free TPanelEx component (new color/current color boxes)
    added XiTrackBar controls for easier RGB color editing
    added form caller title to the caption bar so you know what screen you're currently editing
    internal code tweaks


    Shadow font setting of labels in "Search Games Panel Colors" is no more ("Customize Night Mode" screen)


    Custom CheckBox and RadioButton icons for night mode ("Customize Night Mode" screen)
    you can use custom icon files instead of Windows themed ones
    icons sets are located in "frontend_pathresourcescheckbox_radiobutton" folder
    each set must be placed in its own sub-folder and the folder name is used as the set's title (no Unicode folder name support)
    icons must be 13x13 pixels but can be at any color depth
    each night mode profile can have a different CheckBox / RadioButton set
    icons are applied to CheckBoxEx / RadioButtonEx / GroupBoxEx / EasyListView controls
    if an icon filename is missing, the Windows themed icon will be used instead
    New "Use Windows 10 Dark Scroll Bar in Games List" checkbox setting ("Customize Night Mode" screen)
    this is a hack to force Win10 dark themed scroll bars by using the Win10 API "SetWindowTheme(hWnd, 'DarkMode_Explorer', null)"
    dark scroll bars can be used even if Windows 10 is not setup with a dark theme
    it currently works on ListView, RichEdit, Memo, WebBrowser controls
    no support for ComboBox, ColorBox dropdown buttons as there's no way to access the ListBox control used internally (still working on this)
    horizontal scroll bar colors are bugged and it's caused by Windows 10, not the frontend
    there's a white box painting bug if both horizontal and vertical scroll bars are visible (fix your sh@t, Microsoft!)
    only Windows 10 build 1809 and newer builds are supported
    Customize splash screen (main menu "Customize Splash Screen")
    change font color of each text
    text shadow colors are now "black", it looks better
    remove text shadows with "Enable Text Shadows" checkbox (untick)
    new left-aligned texts layout with "Use Alternate Layout" checkbox
    use an alternate logo image with "Use Logo2 File" checkbox; filename must be "logo2.png" and located in "resourcesimages" folder
    change version info text position (text is right-aligned); useful when using a different logo image
    progress bar replaced by the new XiProgressBar component to allow custom colors
    customize progress bar colors with several pre-defined color schemes or create your own color scheme (minimum resolution required 1280x720 / 1336x768)
    settings are in the right side of the splash screen
    close the splash screen with the "Close" button at bottom/right or with ESC key
    drag the splash screen with the mouse
    fixed "Lucida Console" font to match the font size of "Terminal" font
    NOTE: the "Terminal" font used in Emu Loader is the "vgaoem.fon" file from Windows 7; Windows 10 doesn't have this font
    Support MAME v0.214 new "mame.ini" settings


Titel: bsnes 111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2019, 20:10
Video game emulator that supports Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and others, featuring configurable audio and video settings.

License: GPL


    Fixed audio crackling in Super Game Boy emulation
    Fixed NTSC region detection in Hanguk Pro Yagu
    Fixed boot hnaging issue in Kishin Douji Zenki - Tenchi Meidou
    Fixed slowdown issue in Mega Man X2 & X3
    Added mute hotkey
    Added HD mode 7 adjustment hotkeys
    Added 18 pixel shaders including AANN, CRT-Royale, XBRz, and more
    Added hotfix for The Hurricanes tile glitch during intro (happens on real hardware)
    Added hotfix for Magical Drop which can hang after game over in Tokoton mode (happens on real hardware)
    Added scanline override for NHL '94
    Added fix for enterig folder names into the BrowserDialog filename box
    Shrunk the fast PPU's Pixel struct, which gives a 3% performance boost [Alcaro]
    Allow SRAM sizes of 2 megabits (for SA-1 homebrew developers)
    Improved HDMA timing to fix a slight flickering issue in Full Throttle - All-American Racing
    Fixed an issue with bsnes not remembering the user audio frequency setting across runs
    Many libretro build improvements [rtretialov, orbea]


Titel: ExtraMAME 19.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2019, 18:50
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2019, 09:12
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


    Flicker fixed in God of War that appeared with newer drivers for Mali GPUs (#12224)
    Improve performance of God of War on Vulkan (#12242), implement built-in GPU profiler (#12262, #12266)
    Vertex range culling fixed on ARM Mali (#12227)
    Started to improve VFPU precision, resulting so far in a fix for the long standing Tekken 6 leg shaking problem (#12217)
    Fixed a VFPU precision snafu on ARM64, fixing disappearing officers in Warriors Orochi (#11299) and some problems in Tomb Raider (#11179).
    Vulkan is the default again on Android versions newer than Pie
    Fix various homebrew store issues
    GPU pause signal handling fixed, fixing some hangs in Bleach and Armored Core games (#12160)
    Audio sample rate conversion handling fixes (#12147)
    Some Vulkan optimizations (pre-rotation (#12216), perf fix in Metal Gear Acid, etc)
    Multiple fixes for the UWP build (#12036, others)
    MP3 playback fixes (#12005)
    Audio in Motorstorm: Arctic Edge fixed by returning errors correctly (#12121)
    Audio glitches in Final Fantasy Tactics fixed (#9956)
    Camera display in Invizimals fixed (#12278, #8521)
    Added hotkeys for texture dump and replace (#11938)
    Added Visual Studio 2019 support. Windows XP is no longer supported (#11995, others)
    Fixes for video capture (#12069)
    Added a separate sound volume for alternative speed (#12124)
    Improved mouse control (Windows only) (#12173, #12176)
    Support for installing texture packs and ISOs from zips (#12175)
    Right analog support for touch controls (only used by patched games and some HD remasters) (#12182)
    Android: Fix OpenSL initialization, possibly helps audio crackle a little. (#12333).
    Fix graphics on Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K
    Fixed strange vehicle behavior in MGS:PW (somehow) (#12342)
    Ported to the Nintendo Switch by m4xw! Builds available on m4xw's Patreon.


Titel: RetroArch 1.7.9v2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2019, 13:30
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


(1.7.9) (v2)

    3DS: Fix 3DS screen flickering when OSD is enabled
    IOS: Fix crash that could happen at startup
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Change DPI scaling back to original - too many issues with current implementation, requires a redesign


    AI SERVICE: Image mode is now much faster, it now saves the image in-memory in PNG format then passes it along to the translation service
    BUGFIX: Touch input - When using an overlay to toggle the quick menu on touchscreen devices, we no longer get 'phantom' menu input - i.e. the old bug of hitting the toggle and instantly resuming content (or performing a save state) is fixed
    BUGFIX: Networking - RetroArch crashed when pressing left while Relay Server Location entry was selected
    BUGFIX: Networking - fix memory leak that could happen at exit after a network operation had run
    CHEEVOS: Improve handling of line endings when calculating CD hashes for retroachievements
    CHEEVOS: Add support for Sega CD/Saturn; reduce hash calls to server
    FPGA: Add initial FPGA port for Z-Turn boards - not really release-ready yet, will need community support to continue. Currently employs naive framebuffer approach, not fullspeed
    GL1: GLDirect (D3D9 to OGL1.1 wrapper) support
    GONG: Stability fixes
    LINUX/UDEV: Fix touchscreen/lightgun issues
    MENU/MATERIALUI: MaterialUI no longer 'forgets' its place when navigating backwards in menus, and navigation in general is 'cleaner'.
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Add initial gesture support
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Improved touch support
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix - Random' items are no longer automatically highlighted when performing standard up/down 'flick' scrolling through lists (items are only highlighted when you keep the pointer still for > 200 ms)
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix - The display no longer 'jerks' for one frame when navigating backwards through lists
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix - The Material UI scaling factor is now based upon the device-reported screen DPI value (previously it relied upon a hard-coded magic number, which was never correct)
    MENU/RGUI: Functional mouse/touchscreen support
    MENU/ONSCREEN KEYBOARD: On-screen keyboard entry via mouse/touchscreen has been tidied up - no more double inputs (or unwanted menu interaction in the background)
    MENU/MOUSE: Mouse wheel up/down is now a proper 'up/down', same as using cursor keys or a dpad
    MENU/MOUSE: Mouse wheel tilt left/right has been wired up to normal 'left/right' commands. Also further improved mouse wheel tilt
    MENU/OZONE: Add option to toggle between static and scrolling content metadata
    MENU/XMB: Add full gesture support
    MENU/OSX: Fixed mouse buttons - mouse down events were not hooked up
    MENU: When navigating backwards from a core options drop-down list (i.e. pressing select or cancel), the last menu position is remembered (instead of resetting back to the first core option item each time)
    MENU: Add mouse/touchscreen gesture support
    MENU: Add option to delete playlists (Settings > Playlists > Playlist Management)
    MOBILE (ANDROID/IOS): Add option to automatically rotate overlays when changing orientation
    OSD: Memory details should now be available on every platform (get_mem_total and get_mem_free need to be implemented in the frontend driver for it to work)
    OSD: Memory details can now be shown individually without FPS and frame count
    PS2: Fix memory leaks in font/video driver
    SWITCH: Set default aspect ratio to core provided instead of 4:3
    THREADED VIDEO: Fix FPS text in threaded video mode
    VITA: Set default aspect ratio to core provided instead of 4:3
    VITA: Add system language detection
    VITA: More memory support
    WIN32: Log window now has title 'Logging Console'
    WII: Add Wiimote lightgun support


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2019, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Bug fixes
    Small usability improvements

Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2019, 10:02
QuickPlay is a universal emulator frontend-of-frontends, which has support for many emulators and systems, old and new, with a philosophy of being quick and easy for new users but powerful for old-school gamers.

Because it was written in the heyday of RAD and OO frontends it's written in Delphi and able to support considerable complexity and customization. It claims to work similar to MAMEUI.

While many other frontends of that era are not updated anymore QuickPlay is still updated by a group of supporters. It features a fast search over large romsets.

License: Open Source


    New Features:

    You can setup a single Remote and local folder - anything under will sync: clicking on a rom will cause it to cache locally if necessary
    Directories are mirrored as well as files cached, so folder structure form source is maintained (you know what roms are from what system)
    Symlink support so that you can extend your storage/keep CD/DVD files in a different location
    Synctool Options - Electron UI Element which manages and talks to the new qpnode settings file
    Romdata Flip - Users can change the Local path to the Remote one and vice versa in multiple Romdatas
    UI component to Romdata Flip shows you files changed, also prompts confirmation
    Remove syncing abilities of QuickPlay Multiloader, now vastly superceeded
    Update Johnlib with various types of exe running code that have varying effects (like printing to console)
    QuickPlay calls to node to see if Synctool is Enabled before doing anything
    Waits a while after running so you can see what happened, also writes to logfile in QuickPlay's root
    Quit with ctrl+c implemented (you sometimes have to wait for the current chunk to finish)
    Copies timestamps as well as files, uses timestamps to determine equality
    Timestamp difference tolerance (configurable). I don't know why sometimes timestamps are off with copies of files not done through synctool, but they are
    Timeout for finding roots (try not to hang loading a potential rom just because we can't check if its the same file as on the server)
    Some investigation of a stream-based solution, left as an option but just too slow

    Mametool Paths:

    Disabled by default, Mametool can work out paths of all files from mame.xml and print them in Romdatas
    Implemented for both Arcade and Mess Softlists (much more useful for the latter)
    We can only sync one file, but print helpful info to the log about other files which need to exist locally in order for games to run (eg: BIOS)
    Mame Options enlarged and added to you can select what kind of merged roms you have (it affects what the filenames would be)
    Looks up your mame.ini (or mess.ini) for your MAME Rompaths, uses conventional names to distinguish (or you can have all roms in one ROMS folder)
    Defaults to old behaviour in case of issues (printing a 'sentinel' filepath in a romdata entry so QuickPlay ignores the filepath element)


    First use of Nodejs Electron in QuickPlay to run synctool options (the hope is to extend this somewhat)
    Build and binary process implemented, Delphi makes appropriate exe calls
    Resolved some issues with old js packaging process, hopefully to be superceeded by the new process
    Json options file implemented, creation process implemented (its a plan to avoid upgrading issues with overwriting settings)


    Right-click explorer explores to file not just dir (thanks to user 'quickplayer')
    Quotes in mednafen in case of no 8:3 (also thanks to 'quickplayer')
    Fixed bug with mame0.211 softlist printing (thanks to u-neeks for a fantastic bug report!)


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2019, 11:10
Whats new:>>

    Remove dev synctool config from prod
    Use dats dir for synctool conf
    Fix issue with synctool config enable on hostname
    Small fixes to a couple of efinds
    Omit mess emus from efinds (user should run mamemtool if they want all the MESS emus)

Titel: bsnes 112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2019, 13:15

    Improved Super Game Boy audio support
    Fixed two small sprite issues affecting Star Ocean with the accurate PPU
    Added deterministic rewind support; rewind is now 100% safe when enabled
    Added a safer save state serialization method for Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean
    Fixed detection of ST010 and ST011 HLE when DSP firmware is missing
    Added SHVC-2P3B-01 prototype board mapping for Kunio-kun Tournament Special
    Improved the frame advance functionality to be more responsive
    Added a scanline override for the fast PPU for the Japanese version of NHL '94
    Added new preset buttons to the driver settings to make adaptive sync and dynamic rate control easier to configure
    By request, I added a pseudo-fullscreen mode to continue displaying the status bar
    Added run-ahead support of up to four frames
    Optimized save state serialization performance [Alcaro, byuu]
    Added serialization to the SDD1 decompressor for the new deterministic save state mode
    Removed the fast PPU tile caching; as it was not helping speed and made serialization more expensive
    RetroArch: added Super Game Boy support
    RetroArch: added a core change that removes a frame of input latency
    Linux: added a fix for a rare crashing issue with SDL joypads


Titel: QuickPlay Multi-Emulator Frontend 4.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2019, 12:17
Whats new:>>

 QuickPlay 4.7.3

    correct version no (thanks jaw970)

QuickPlay 4.7.2

    Fix internationalisation issue
    Update jap 7zip dll
    Make extract to qpdir default
    Add and update numerous efinds

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2019, 19:45
Whats new:>>

    Improved Amiibo support
    Support for Gamecube controllers running in Wii U mode (with zadig drivers)
    Game list improvements
    Bugfixes for Intel integrated GPUs
    Misc bug fixes

Titel: RetroArch 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2019, 21:20

    AI SERVICE: Added in fix for BMP returns to AI service. Added in label passing to AI service call
    BSV: Fix BSV recording/playback
    BUGFIX: Fix crash when setting Thumbnail Directory
    BUGFIX/STABILITY: Set “Automatically Add Content to Playlist” to false by default, this was unstable on PS3 and Mac and other platforms potentially as well.
    COMMON: Graceful driver switching for Windows and Linux
    COMMON: Cache frame before converting 0RGB1555
    LAKKA: Wi-Fi Access Point settings
    MENU: Menu scaling improvements
    MENU/MATERIALUI: There are no longer any animation glitches when ‘wraparound’ scrolling from the last entry in a list to the first, or when performing horizontal swipe navigation gestures on certain settings-type entries
    MENU/MATERIALUI: List entries underneath the title and navigation bars are no longer highlighted when touching the title/navigation bars (this was only a cosmetic issue, but it was annoying…)
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The current menu list is no longer reloaded when pressing the currently active tab on the navigation bar
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The ticker text spacer has been set to a ‘bullet’ character (same as Ozone)
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The default colour theme has been set to ‘Ozone Dark’
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Three new colour themes have been added.
    MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Menu Transition Animation option has been added under User Interface > Appearance. When this is enabled, menu transition events are animated
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The navigation bar is now shown at all times – i.e. it is an actual navigation tool, rather than a ‘top-level-menu’ curiosity
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Two new context-sensitive buttons have been added to the navigation bar – back button and resume button
    MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Auto-Rotate Navigation Bar option has been added under User Interface > Appearance. When enabled (this is the default setting), the navigation bar is moved to the right hand side of the screen when using landscape screen orientations
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The playlists tab is now correctly hidden when User Interface > Views > Show Playlist Tabs is disabled
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI now correctly readjusts its layout when screen orientation changes on mobile devices
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI now resizes in real-time when the user manually sets the Menu Scale Factor (this never worked properly with the old DPI override)
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Material UI no longer leaks memory on ‘context reset’ (fonts were previously never free()’d)
    MENU/MATERIALUI: A new Android-style ‘system bar’ has been added. This shows current core name, clock and battery level
    MENU/MATERIALUI: A new search icon is shown on the title bar when viewing playlists and file browser lists. Pressing this launches the search interface
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The title bar now uses a larger font, and the sublabel font has also been enlarged a little, to more closely align with Material UI standards
    MENU/MATERIALUI: A number (quite a large number) of layout/spacing issues have been fixed
    MENU/MATERIALUI: The existing colour theme handling code is not fit for purpose, so the whole lot got ripped out and reimplemented. In doing so, also adjusted all the theme colours to better match Material UI standards – with a few liberties taken for aesthetic purposes.
    OSD: Fix fast forward indicator when not using menu widgets
    PSP1: Remove duplicated FPS indicator on the screen
    LIBNX/SWITCH: Make audren threaded audio driver the new default
    VIDEO LAYOUT: Add video layout MAME overlay compatibility. Enabled for Windows/Linux/OSX/iOS/Android/libnx. Only works with GL driver for now, no glcore yet


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.215
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2019, 13:15
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0215.txt

Titel: My Nes 7.6.7241
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2019, 13:37
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


- Added: ability to switch audio mixer (between My Nes internal mixer and nes mixer that described in wiki). Details can be found in new page of the Getting Started dialog.
- Imporved: FPS limiter, now it is 100% accurate (for all threads).
- Fixed: DMC DMA and OAM DMA. Now all related tests pass (some games fixed such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sprite glitches).
- Fixed: Sprites priority. (Can be noticed in Super Mario Bros 3 when you take the first maschrum)
- Fixed: ppu timing (no bug, the timing was wrong with a cycle shift, now the timing matches exactly the diagram that provided in nes wiki here: <http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/File:Ntsc_timing.png>)

- Please note that the external sound channels of mappers (i.e. mapper 5) are enabled again in this version (it was disabled in the previous version).
- If the sound went off after chosing an audio mixer, simply try to switch mixer again (From main menu: Audio > Use Mixer).
- No changes for MyNesGTK nor MyNesSDL in this version, the Core is updated for this version though so it is up to date.
  The only thing you may want to do is to switch the audio mixer manually.
  To do so, simply go to
  Windows: C:\Users\<user>\Documents\MyNes
  Linux:   ./Home/MyNes
  Locate renderersettings.ini file, open it then locate this line (add it if it does not exist):
  0 means My Nes will use the internal mixer. This one is not as described in the wiki, it suppose to produce higher quality sound...
  1 means My Nes will use the defaul mixer as described in the wiki here: <http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/APU_Mixer>
  Save changes to apply then run MyNesSDL. Changing mixer will not affect performance, hence both mixers values are loaded into lookup table at game hard reset.
  Note that in Windows, MyNesSDL and MyNes share the same configuration file.


Titel: RetroArch 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2019, 21:20
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    BUGFIX/MENU: Fix menu rendering with Mali GPUs after changing video dimensions
    CDROM: Adds pregap support to cdfs helper methods
    CHEEVOS: Provides the new PCEngine hashing algorithm for RetroAchievements
    LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Initial thumbnail support
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Cutie / Virtual Boy theme added
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix – Under certain extreme circumstances, entries with very long sublabel strings could have their text prematurely ‘clipped’ as the entry is scrolled beyond the top of the screen
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Bugfix – Certain setting value strings were unnecessarily truncated (with a …) when using smooth ticker text
    MENU/XMB: Sunbeam theme added
    SWITCH: Accelerometer, gyroscope and illuminance sensor support
    VITA: Accelerometer and gyroscope sensor support


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2019, 20:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Improved game list
    Faster startup time
    Misc minor bug fixes

Titel: GameEx 16.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2019, 18:40
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


    The project has moved to .net framework 4 and SharpDX. All operating systems and features are still supported.
    Image loading optimizations and speed improvements.
    GameEx Arcade flash games now load in a desktop app rather than browser, giving a nice experience now.
    Fixes MAME snap aspect ratio.


Titel: My NES 7.6.7263
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2019, 13:23

What's new ?
My Nes Version 7.7.7263.2864
Core Version 7.7.7263.2862
Built at 20.11.2019 01:35
- Added: ability to toggle fullscreen by double-mouse clicking on the emu screen.
- Added: ability to configure emulation shortcuts (via input settings, go to Input>Emulation Shortcuts).
- Added: ability to change buffer size for sound playback (SlimDX Audio renderer only).
- Fixed: ppu cycle timing, now it is 100% accurate (matches the rendering timing as described in wiki).
- Fixed: ppu sprites render in the first 4 pixels as mirrors of last 4 pixels.
- Fixed: game genie code edit function make My Nes crashes when the code file for a game is not presented.
- Fixed: connect 4 players make My Nes crashes.

Notes (Important):
- For best experience, please delete settings files (not folders) in My Nes settings folder before using this new version.
  The setting files can be found in: \Documents\MyNes
  The files are: controls.mnc, emusettings.ini, renderersettings.ini and winsettings.ini.

  This step is OPTIONAL, it will reset My Nes into default without LOSING ANY OTHER DATA, such as state saves, snapshots ...etc

- Sound buffer size affect quality and performance, the lower the buffer size lower the quality and better the performance...
  8 KB size found to be the lowest value possible before glitches can be heared in sound (lower values may do glitches).
  24 KB size found to be the highst value possible before none-resolved latency appears.
  You can set custom buffer size value in the settings:
  go to \Documents\MyNes, edit renderersettings.ini, change line: Audio_PlaybackBufferSizeInKB=24 while 24 is buffer size
  then save the file.

- You can use Keyboard, Joystick or Xbox 360 Controller for emulation shortucts.

- Please make sure that audio frequency value (Audio>Frequency) matches the sound output frequency in your pc.
  You can set custom frequency value in the settings:
  go to \Documents\MyNes, edit renderersettings.ini, change line: Audio_Frequency=48000 while 48000 is audio frequency
  then save the file.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2019, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Added account management (aka separate save slots)
    Bug fixes and misc smaller features

Titel: MAME 0.216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2019, 12:14
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0216.txt

Titel: My Nes 7.7.7273
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2019, 11:15

    Added: ability to toggle fullscreen by double-mouse clicking on the emu screen.
    Added: ability to configure emulation shortcuts (via input settings, go to Input>Emulation Shortcuts).
    Added: ability to change buffer size for sound playback (SlimDX Audio renderer only).
    Fixed: ppu cycle timing, now it is 100% accurate (matches the rendering timing as described in wiki).
    Fixed: ppu sprites render in the first 4 pixels as mirrors of last 4 pixels.
    Fixed: game genie code edit function make My Nes crashes when the code file for a game is not presented.
    Fixed: connect 4 players make My Nes crashes.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.15.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2019, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Minor compatibility improvements
    Various smaller changes

Titel: clrmamepro 4.036a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2019, 19:15

    Fixed: broken rar support in 64bit version (64bit conflict of rar and sha1 class), updated rar dll to 5.8 (4.036a)
    Added: automatic 32k path length support, no more need to use \? prefixes (*)
    Fixed: miss-list listed some sample-only-sets where the parent is autogenerated (e.g. fantasy_sound, nes_jf13, etc)
    Fixed: wrong software list rom size for roms which imply an offset of 0x00000000 as default
    Fixed: remembering window positions on multiple / virtual screens fails
    Fixed: rebuilder match count for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
    Fixed: rebuilder removal of rebuilt files for files with identical crc32 but different sha1
    Fixed: detect chd clone to clone moves (aka MAME 206 vs4e to vs4eo rename)
    Fixed: rom count for fully missing sets included bios roms even when the bios set is available
    Fixed: select sets options like initial invert / incl. clones/devices etc should only be activate when select sets or from file is specified
    Misc: rebuilder log adds software list information to file name
    Misc: dir2dat writes chd files as disk
    Misc: added cmpro.ini option Adv_WindowToFront = on (on / off) to handle the automatic bring window to front functionality
    Misc: profiler cache which reduces rescanning datfiles/settings on each profiler visit, should speed up profiler for users which have lots and lots of dats. Delete/Add/Move operations will force a refresh at the moment though
    Misc: limit extension removal to a max of 3 characters and no space after the .
    Misc: updated zip, rar and 7z dlls (4.6.7, 5.71, 1900)
    Misc: updated sha1 c++ class implementation to 2.1
    Misc: switched to Visual Studio 2019


Titel: bsnes 113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2019, 20:50
Video game emulator that supports Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and others, featuring configurable audio and video settings.

License: GPL


    Corrected PPU OAM address latching with the accurate PPU renderer
    Fixed offset-per-tile regression with the accurate PPU renderer
    Fixed very rare PPU mosaic rendering bug with the accurate PPU renderer
    Corrected a sound stuttering issue when emulating the Super Game Boy 2 [LIJI]
    Windows: added a workaround for an issue where bsnes was crashing on exit for a very small number of users
    Changed gamepak firmware loading names to use the identifier (dsp1, dsp2, etc) label instead of the architecture (upd7725, etc)
    Do not apply color blending for the first hires pixel with the accurate PPU renderer (fixes green line in Jurassic Park)
    Added scanline override setting for Suguro Quest++ with the fast PPU renderer
    Disabled HD mode 7 supersampling when EXTBG mode is active, as it is not compatible
    Fixed MSU1 and SGB audio when using run-ahead and overclocking modes
    Implemented correct fix for Kishin Douji Zenki - Tenchi Meidou
    Improved CPU IRQ handling to fix Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling Kouhin '95
    Fixed a GUI typo where "Increment" and "Decrement" "State Slot" labels were reversed
    Fixed audio balance setting when lowering it below 50%
    Added BSC-1A7M-10 board and corrected BSC-1AxM-xx masking (fixes RPG Tsukuru 2 and Sound Novel Tsukuru)
    Improved the driver crash detector to not trip if closing the emulator before initialization could complete
    Added a hotfix to prevent a rare crash in Rendering Ranger R2 that can happen even on real hardware
    Made the entire window support drag-and-drop for gamepaks and game ROM files
    Merged the latest release of SameBoy for improved Super Game Boy support [LIJI]
    MacOS: add hotplug support to IOKit joypad driver [Sintendo]
    MacOS: fixed a serious issue with the IOKit joypad driver [kode54]
    Libretro: updated boards database to the latest version [rtretiakov]
    Libretro: merged Super Game Boy support improvement patch [fr500]
    Small improvements to libco and nall libraries


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2019, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Added Vulkan renderer
    Miscellaneous improvements

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.217
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2019, 20:45
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0217.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.16.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2020, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Vulkan performance improvements
    Various smaller changes and fixes

Titel: ExtraMAME 20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2020, 19:15
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: RetroArch 1.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2020, 18:45
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    BUG/CRASH/GLSLANG: Fix glslang crashing error - managed to reproduce an issue which has been plaguing users for a while, where glslang throws an assert after closing a game (and starting a new one). This would affect all video drivers that use Slang for shaders, such as D3D10/11/12/Vulkan/Metal
    CHEEVOS: Display Unofficial and Unsupported achievement states
    CHEEVOS: Pass RetroArch and core versions through User-Agent HTTP header
    CHEEVOS: Use PSX.EXE if SYSTEM.CNF cannot be found
    CHEEVOS: Prevent loading state while achievements are still being fetched from server
    CHEEVOS: Pause hardcore if core doesn't support achievements
    CHEEVOS/CRASH: Fix AddressSanitizer + CHD cause hard crash when Cheevos are enabled
    CORE UPDATER: Only download when new core is available
    CORE UPDATER: Add option to update all installed cores
    DRM/KMS: Better detection for the current video mode
    DYNAMIC RATE CONTROL: Support DRC even when using a vsync swap interval higher than 1
    EMSCRIPTEN: Fix bug in Emscripten input code
    EMSCRIPTEN: Changes to support upgraded emscripten SDK
    FFMPEG CORE: Hardware accelerated video decoding
    FFMPEG CORE: Implement send/receive encoding API, will allow for hardware accelerated AMD video encoding
    FFMPEG CORE: The video FIFO can be removed, since we have a ring buffer in its place. This removes unneeded copy operations and as a positive side improves overall decoding speed. Makes 8k60p SW and 4k60p HW decoding feasible on many systems. For now the ring buffer is 32 images deep. This limitation will be removed, once audio and video decoder have their own packet handling.
    INPUT: Fix 'Analog stick controls menu even if autoconfig disabled'
    INPUT/TURBO: Added alternate Turbo-Mode 'Single Button' - For systems supporting only a single button, the turbo-button will toggle firing that button without the need to hold it. When holding the button turbo will be suspended and resumed when the button is released. Holding the button may have a different function to just tapping it.
    IOS: Forcibly disable Threaded Video until UIWindow concurrency issues are fixed
    INPUT/ANALOG: Fix radial analog deadzone scaling
    INPUT/ANALOG: Implement proper analog button deadzone
    INPUT/MENU: Analog stick controls menu even if autoconfig disabled
    LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian Translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Turkish translation
    LINUX/LOCALIZATION: Correct Droid Sans Fallback font path in Linux. This should fix Chinese/Korean font display issues on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/openSUSE/SLE
    MENU/BUGFIX: When using a keyboard/gamepad/mouse wheel to navigate, the menu scroll position is always maintained and updated in a consistent (and expected) fashion
    MENU/BUGFIX: When resizing the window, or changing the orientation of a mobile device, the current scroll position is correctly preserved
    MENU/BUGFIX: All 'normal' pointer input is now inhibited when showing message boxes
    MENU/BUGFIX: The pointer actions 'select' and 'cancel' both now properly close a message box if it is currently being shown
    MENU/BUGFIX: Pointer 'select' and 'cancel' actions are now inhibited when an input bind dialog is active
    MENU/INPUT: Change 'User' terminology to 'Port' for input binding
    MENU/LINUX: Add proper drives to Load Content
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Halt scrolling when pointer is pressed/stationary
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Dual thumbnail view
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Scroll rapidly by press and holding the scrollbar
    MENU/RGUI: New theme 'Flux'
    MENU/OZONE: Thumbnails now have a fade-in animation
    MENU/OZONE: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart and pictures
    MENU/QT/WIMP: Fix dock titles getting cut off
    MENU/XMB: Fullscreen thumbnail viewer for boxart and pictures
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide 'Disallow Non-Slave Mode Clients' if 'Allow Slave-Mode Clients' is disabled
    MENU/USABILITY: Hide 'Show desktop menu on startup' if 'Desktop menu' setting itself is disabled
    MENU/USABILITY: Reimplement Quick Menu - > Shaders -> Watch shader files for changes - can now be turned on/off through touch
    MENU/USABILITY: Refactor Quick Menu - Controls - each port now has its own submenu
    MENU/USABILITY: Quick Menu - Cheats - Delete All no longer requires five right button presses - this should fix this functionality for mobile touch users too
    MENU/USABILITY: Hide Refresh Rate options when Threaded Video is enabled - these settings do nothing with Threaded Video
    MENU/USABILITY: Hide Logging Verbosity levels behind Logging Verbosity
    MENU/USABILITY: Get rid of 'Port Number' label for Port Binds screen
    MENU/USABILITY/MOBILE: Should no longer crash when clicking on a cheat entry
    MENU/USABILITY: Shader parameters now have a dropdown list
    MENU/USABILITY: Shader passes now has a dropdown list
    MENU/USABILITY: Video - Hide Windowed Mode settings selectively
    MENU/USABILITY: Video - Hide Fullscreen Mode settings if windowed mode is not supported by context driver
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Network Command Port
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Relay Server Location
    MENU/USABILITY: User Interface -> Appearance - Selectively hide XMB Horizontal Animation setting
    MENU/USABILITY: Playlists - more selective hiding
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Rewind Settings
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Overlay Settings
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide FPS Update Interval based on Display Framerate being enabled
    MENU/USABILITY: Selectively hide Onscreen Notifications BG Color Settings
    MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Logging - Hide 'Log To File Timestamp' if 'Log To File' is disabled
    MENU/USABILITY: Video -> Scaling - Hide Custom Viewport X/Y when Integer Scale is enabled as description indicates
    MENU/USABILITY: Achievement submenu - selectively hide
    MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Aspect ratio - selectively hide/show values based on whether you have Custom or Config selected
    MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Selectively hide Hard Sync
    MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Implement selective hiding for VSync and Hard Sync
    MENU/USABILITY: Selective hiding of Runahead settings based on global setting
    MENU/USABILITY: Add Input -> Haptic Feedback submenu
    MENU/USABILITY: Add Input -> Menu Controls submenu
    MENU/USABILITY: Settings -> Video -> Max Swapchain Images - Add OK action
    MENU/USABILITY: Input - Implement OK action for Bind Hold, Turbo Period and Duty Cycle
    MENU/USABILITY: Input - Hotkey Binds refactor
    MENU/USABILITY: Move 'Press Quit Twice' and 'Menu Toggle Gamepad Combo' to Input -> Hotkey Binds
    MENU/USABILITY: Video - Add sublabel for Video Output submenu
    MENU/USABILITY: If 'Favorites Tab' is disabled, don't show 'Add To Favorites' option in Quick Menu/Playlist menu
    MENU/USABILITY: If On-Demand Thumbnail Downloader is enabled, hide 'Download Thumbnails' from playlist menu screen
    MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio Driver setting to Audio -> Output
    MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio -> Resampler settings
    MENU/USABILITY: Add Audio -> Output and Audio -> Synchronization
    OPENGL: Shaders are now working properly (only in OpenGL) when rotating both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation. The fix is clearly visible with crt-royale for example
    OPENGL: 1:1 PAR is now correct when rotating (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation, as you said, in the latter case you currently have to change Aspect Ratio after menu video rotation for it to work)
    OPENGL: When using Custom Aspect Ratio and rotation (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation), Integer Scaling is now working properly (correct multiples of internal resolution). Even when Integer Scaling is not activated, the Custom AR width / height are now correctly labeled using (1x), (2x), ... suffixes. You also have to activate Integer Scaling after menu video rotation for it to work
    OPENGL: For all other Aspect Ratio options, Integer Scaling and rotation (both from Core API rotation and from menu video rotation) are now working properly together (correct multiples of internal resolution). You also have to activate Integer Scaling after menu video rotation for it to work
    OPENBSD/POWERPC: Should build now on OpenBSD PowerPC
    PLAYLISTS: Pressing 'Start' or long touching a playlist will bring you to a Playlist submenu where you can set a default core, setup thumbnail view, delete the playlist, etc
    OSX: Forcibly disable Threaded Video until NSWindow concurrency issues are fixed
    PSP: Solving issue exiting RetroArch by HOME button
    SCANNER: Manual scanner, not dependent on database files
    SCANNER/MANUAL: Add option to scan inside archives
    SCANNER/MANUAL: Enable automatic naming of arcade content via DAT files. This is compatible with DAT files in either Logiqx XML or MAME List XML format.
    VIDEO: Do not reinit video driver on SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO unless needed
    VIDEO: Support DRC even when using a vsync swap interval higher than 1
    VIDEO LAYOUT: Fixed XML parsing of attributes with spaces, should fix issues with several video layouts
    VITA: GL1 driver support
    VITA/VITA2D: Several improvements to Vita 2D driver - menu widgets implemented
    VITA/VITA2D: Fix clipping and reduce number of calls
    VULKAN/ANDROID: Workaround weird WSI return codes in landscape mode - Android WSI wants you to use preTransform, and if it is not used correctly, Android 10 will return VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR, and we would create a new swapchain every frame. This workaround just ignores this error, since it's not really an error. A more "proper" fix is to use prerotate and modify the MVP matrices, which might help certain devices with crummy display processors
    VULKAN/ANDROID: Recreate swapchain on orientation change. ANativeWindow getWidth/Height does not detect any changes when using Vulkan, so use the old onContentRectChanged callback to get notified when size changed. Use those values instead when figuring out how large swapchain to create
    WINDOWS/XINPUT: Get rid of 128 byte device name limit for XInput device discover - when device name was too long, it would not be picked up by the XInput driver and would instead fallback to DirectInput
    WINDOWS: ANGLE OpenGL ES 2 support
    UWP: Fix crashes on startup / prompt for folder permissions when trying to load custom.ini
    UWP: Fix - Mouse input is offset on high DPI monitors
    UWP: Fix - Keyboard input hangs sometimes
    UWP: Fix - Multi-touch support
    UWP: Fix - Enable menu touch input by default
    UWP: Fix - Get user language
    UWP: Fix - Get CPU model name
    UWP: Fix - Use GLUI instead of XMB on Windows Mobile 10
    UWP: ANGLE OpenGL ES 2 support


Titel: RetroArch 1.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2020, 18:40


    ANDROID/BUGFIX: Fix 'Install or Restore Core' regression
    BUGFIX: Ensure core info is always initialised when calling 'drivers_init()'. This bug could prevent cores from doing content runtime logging
    BUGFIX/MENU: History size can only be set to 1 at a minimum
    BUGFIX/MENU: (XMB/OZONE) Fix 'quick menu' detection. XMB would not display savestate thumbnails in the quick menu if it was accessed via the main menu
    BUGFIX/CRASH/CORE UPDATER: Fix potential double free error
    BUGFIX/CRASH/OPENGL/WINDOWS: Fix regression in 1.8.2 that would cause GL-based cores to fail because it would try to erroneously load libGLESv2.dll instead of OpenGL32.dll (cores affected: VitaQuake 2/3/Dhewm3, possibly more)
    BUGFIX/MENU/DESKTOP UI: Show desktop menu on startup does not launch Qt UI on Linux
    BUGFIX: Entries in the Playlist Thumbnails Updater list were displaying improper sublabels. I have no idea when this broke... The issue is now fixed
    CHEEVOS: Don't disable achievement when AddAddress generates an out-of-range address
    CHEEVOS: Don't reset triggers/leaderboards that failed to load
    CHEEVOS: Don't count unsupported achievements as unlocked
    CORE UPDATER: Display number of cores updated when updating installed cores
    DINGUX: Initial port
    D3D11: Block FL9_3 devices from D3D11 driver because they don't work anyway (current D3D11 driver uses SM4.0 which requires FL10_0 and up)
    D3D11: Fallback to GL driver when D3D11 fails
    EMSCRIPTEN: Fix assets
    HISTORY/FAVORITES: Bump up default to 200 entries from 100
    FFMPEG CORE: Implement packet buffer, fixes MP4 video playback for many files
    LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
    MENU: Added 'Hosting' menu under Netplay menu
    MENU: Added 'Subsystems' menu
    MENU/FILEBROWSER: Fix file selection issues when starting from (or navigating to) the top level directory
    MENU/WIDGETS: Prevent looping of task title text
    RASPBERRY PI: Fix BGRA8888 color inversion issues in the menu and elsewhere with VideoCore GL drivers
    NETPLAY/RELAY: Add Sao Paulo (Brazil) relay server
    NETPLAY/RELAY: Fix the “spectator” bug when using the relay server – When a player switches into the spectator mode (pressing “i”) while using the relay server, all players will disconnect.
    NETPLAY/RELAY: Overall stability has improved. Fixed a memory leak that would cause the relay server to become unresponsive after some time.
    NETPLAY/RELAY: Fixed critical bug that would cause all players to be disconnected from the relay server if one player was leaving the game. That bug had been open for one year and we were finally able to fix it.
    SWITCH/LIBNX/BUGFIX: Fix onscreen keyboard input regression
    THUMBNAIL UPDATER: When waiting for individual thumbnail file http transfers to complete, the task status checking is more accurate. This uses the same method as the new core updater - we now wait until the task is 'really' complete, instead of relying on the (slightly nebulous) 'task finished' state
    UWP: Add ANGLE support
    UWP: Wire up get_metrics to the fake context of D3D9/10/11/12 driver, enabling proper scaling and mouse/touch gestures
    VITA: Re-add Online Updater
    VULKAN: Fix font driver 'vulkan_get_message_width()' function
    VIDEO FILTERS: Only use threads when the number exceeds 1. Fixes race conditions with some CPU filters on Vita
    WINDOWS: Add ANGLE support for x64, separate binary (for now?)


Titel: RetroArch 1.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2020, 09:07
Release Notes : https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-8-4-released/

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2020, 11:20
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    New graphic pack features (UI and internally)
    Native support for Cemuhook patches + our own patch format
    Gamelist fixes
    Vulkan improvements
    Tons of smaller bug fixes and improvements

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.218
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2020, 11:40
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0218.txt

Titel: Mesen 0.9.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2020, 18:15
Mesen is a high-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator and NSF player for Windows and Linux.


High Accuracy: A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible.
High Compatibility: Over 220 mappers supported (all licensed games supported)
NES, Famicom, Famicom Disk System, Dendy, VS System, NSF and NSFe emulation is supported.
General: The Save States, Rewinding, Movie/Audio Recording, Overclocking, Cheat Codes.
Video: Numerous video filters, customizable palettes/overscan, support for HDNes' HD packs.
Audio: Stereo effects, per-channel volume and panning, equalizer, etc.
Misc: Netplay, 7z/zip support, IPS/BPS patch support, automatic updates, and more.



    New Features:

    Run Ahead: Added run ahead support (in Emulation settings)
    Emulation: Added 2 new options to emulate known PPU hardware bugs
    Emulation: Added option to emulate CPU/PPU alignments
    UI: Added load state and save state menus (with previews and timestamps)
    Mappers: Added support for Study Box roms (.studybox files)
    UNROM512/GTROM: Added support for self-flashing
    Debugger: Various fixes and improvements
    Event Viewer: Improved filtering options and added the ability to display NTSC borders

    Bug Fixes:

    CPU: Rewrote DMC and OAM DMA logic to better match hardware behavior/timings
    CPU: Fixed an issue with NMIs turning into IRQs (when turning the NMI flag off at the wrong moment)
    PPU: Fixed PPU OAM fetch pattern on pre-render scanline
    PPU: Fixed some PPU timings to better match hardware
    MC-ACC: Improved MC-ACC (licensed MMC3 clone) emulation
    MMC5: Rewrote a large portion of the code to better match hardware behavior and quirks
    Mappers: Fixed/improved emulation of a number of mappers used by unlicensed games
    NSF: Fixed an issue that caused problems with some FDS NSF files
    Linux: Fixed bug when using nvidia's drivers that caused the screen to be completely black


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.17.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2020, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Vulkan improvements
    Misc smaller new features and bug fixes

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.17.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Stability improvements for multi-core recompiler modes
    Stability improvements for Vulkan
    Compatibility improvements
    UI clean up
    Miscellaneous bug fixes and smaller new features

Titel: MAME 0.219
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2020, 10:15
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0219.txt

Titel: bsnes 115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 12:43
Video game emulator that supports Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Advance and others, featuring configurable audio and video settings.

License: GPL

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.17.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2020, 10:15
Whats new:>>

    JIT code translation is now asynchronous
    Gamelist improvements
    OpenGL & Vulkan crash fixes
    Misc bug fixes and smaller changes

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.17.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Added emulated SD card
    Vulkan stability improvements
    Minor compatibility improvements

Titel: RetroArch 1.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2020, 10:45

    3DS: Keep the bottom screen hidden on sleep/wakeup. When the 3DS wakes back up after being closed, the bottom screen needs to be reinitialized. Adding the condition here will cause the screen to be turned on or off based on the state of ctr_bottom_screen_enabled, as you’d expect
    ANDROID/CHROMEBOOK/CRASH: Fix Chromebook crashes (on x86 x64) when touching the screen
    BUGFIX: Prevent double input when using ‘return’ key (hardware) to close on-screen keyboard
    BUGFIX: Fix mouse capture hotkey not working
    BUGFIX: Avoid overflow when calculating multiplying performance counter
    BUGFIX: Retroarch overlay displaying “Game remap file loaded.” on the overlay instead of “Core remap file loaded.” when only a core remap file is present
    CHEEVOS/BUGFIX: Achievement triggers could cause Retroarch to Crash
    CHEEVOS: Don’t block Sameboy core because it only exposes some memory
    CHEEVOS: Support for extended Sega CD memory
    CHEEVOS: Show RetroAchievements Hash in content information list
    CHEEVOS: If the core says it’s exposing SYSTEM_RAM, give it the benefit of the doubt
    CHEEVOS: RetroAchievements rich presence for RA.org website/Discord
    CHEEVOS: Reset token when username or password changes
    CHEEVOS: Display measured progress on locked achievements
    CHEEVOS: Queue multiple popups
    CHEEVOS: Add delay retries to leaderboard submits
    CHEEVOS: Prevent buffer overflow when encountering an unknown macro
    CORE UPDATER: Prevent hang when fetching core list if HTTP transfer fails
    DISK CONTROL: Add disk labels to ‘disk inserted’ notifications
    EMSCRIPTEN: Recreate input event listeners properly
    FFMPEG CORE: Fix crash on seeking when using HW decoding in some cases
    LIBRETRO: Add disk control interface API extension
    LINUX: Avoid possible crash when running retroarch at startup
    LINUX/GLX: Fix threaded video crashes/instability because of GLX OML sync callbacks
    LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Korean translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
    MENU: Add Menu Scroll Acceleration option
    MENU: Automatically select currently checked item when opening drop-down lists
    MENU: Fix smooth (vertical) line ticker scroll speed
    MENU: Don’t flush on override/remap messages
    MENU/DATETIME: Adds some new timedate styles that follow the DD/MM/YYYY format, found in several European countries
    MENU/DATETIME: Modifies the existing translation files in order to accommodate the new options that are now available
    MENU/DATETIME: Reorders the timedate view options based on a decreasing order of the quantity of information displayed, so that they are more convenient to switch around and easily categorized
    MENU/BUGFIX: Fix bug – if you were in XMB and you would set menu driver to RGUI, you could no longer go to the left or right tab
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Add option to remove navigation bar
    MENU/OZONE: Add DPI-based scaling
    MENU/OZONE: Add rudimentary pointer support
    MENU/OZONE: Add ‘Nord’ and ‘Gruvbox Dark’ themes
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Pointer can be used to switch between sidebar and entries list
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Pointer can be used to select sidebar and entries list items
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Both sidebar and entries list can be scrolled by dragging
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Clicking/pressing the header or footer produces a ‘cancel’ action
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: Cursor focus follows mouse pointer from sidebar to entries list (and vice versa)
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: In entries list, item under cursor is automatically selected (with some fudging to ensure this doesn’t break mouse wheel scrolling)
    MENU/OZONE/POINTER: In sidebar, item under cursor is not automatically selected (this is too jarring)
    MENU/RGUI: Add ‘Flux’ theme
    MENU/XMB: New color themes ‘Cube Purple’, ‘Family Red’, etc
    NETPLAY/MENU/BUGFIX: Fix Netplay Stateless Mode doesn’t save. Affects other netplay settings which can be overridden by commandline option
    ODROID GO ADVANCE: Rotation support
    NETPLAY/ROOMS/BUGFIX: Prevent out-of-bounds array indexing when displaying/selecting netplay rooms in menus
    SCANNER: Add ‘Arcade DAT Filter’ Option
    SCANNER: Add scanning Korea and Asia PS1 discs
    SCANNER: Add support for scanning PSP Korean
    VIDEO: Set hardware ‘Bilinear filtering’ off by default
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Widgets are now menu-independent
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Allow notifications to use full screen width when not displaying menu
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: DPI-based scaling
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix volume widget scaling
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Add independent widget scale override settings for fullscreen/windowed modes
    VIDEO/WIDGETS/BUGFIX: Prevent improper display of (old style) OSD text when widgets are enabled
    VIDEO/WIDGETS/THREADED/BUGFIX: Fix issue – corruption of menu widgets when running some cores (e.g. VICE) with threaded video enabled
    WIFI/CONNMANCTL: Display more characters from SSID


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.18.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2020, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Added support for DSU client as input API (Cemuhook motion provider protocol)
    Added quick start assistant for new users
    Debugger & patch format improvements
    Optimizations for titles that use dynamic code generation

Titel: MAME 0.220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2020, 11:40
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0220.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.18.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2020, 20:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Vulkan and OpenGL fixes
    Input improvements
    Misc smaller changes

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.18.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Vulkan improvements
    Amiibo improvements
    Misc smaller changes

Titel: clrmamepro 4.037
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2020, 18:10

    fixed: do not detect wrong sysdefpath issues when rom (or chd) is in the correct path while the chd (or rom) is in the wrong
    fixed: failed detects of wrong named chds in chd-only sets (annoying 'move to backup, readded via fixmissing') (needed for upcoming saturn.xml updates)
    fixed: datfile version gets cleaned out in profiler when creating or updating a datfile/profile
    fixed: Mac Wine/Wineskin-Winery crash due to AfxBeginThread calls
    fixed: Linux Wine crash when using dats with regions
    misc: allow profiles without any sets
    misc: allow special chars in datfile descriptions (e.g. ':', '\', '/' etc)
    misc: updated rar dlls (5.80)
    added: cmpro.ini option Packer_Zip_CompressionLevel to set the zip compression level (default is 9)
    added: dir2dat option to keep chds as roms (and not as disks)

Vista/Windows7/8/10 user note:

If you install cmpro to a protected folder like C:\program files\, you have to set the compatibility properties of cmpro.exe to 'run this program as administrator' to work correctly or you have to disable UAC. In other folders it should work fine without setting this property and without the need of disabling UAC.

Linux WINE/Mac Crossover user note:

If you got problems with the main window, set the option 'Adv_HideWindow = off' in cmpro.ini. In case you don't have a cmpro.ini yet, create one with the following two lines:
Adv_HideWindow = off

Windows 9x/XP Users:

Update your OS!, no really, update your OS


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.19.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2020, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Added option to allow async shader & pipeline compilation (Vulkan only)
    Vulkan fixes
    Minor compatibility improvements
    Misc minor improvements

Titel: MAME 0.221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2020, 13:13
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0221.txt

Titel: ExtraMAME 20.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2020, 13:45
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.19.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Added title manager tool
    Graphic fixes
    Misc minor improvements

Titel: RetroArch 1.8.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2020, 09:40
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    AUDIO/JACK: Fix regression introduced after 1.8.4 - would hang at startup
    CHEEVOS: Disable hardcore when cheats are enabled
    CHD: Return false when special track cannot be found
    DISCORD/MATCHMAKING: Fix Discord 'Ask To Join' functionality
    FILE PATH: Various file path handling optimisations
    FONT: Fix Arabic, Chinese and Korean font rendering
    INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Restore broken 'reset to default' functionality with RetroPad 'start' button
    INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Fix 'reset to default' action for analog sticks and undefined core inputs
    LOCALIZATION: Update Arabic translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Chinese (Simplified) translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Chinese (Traditional) translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update German translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Greek translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Spanish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update French translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Italian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Japanese translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Korean translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Dutch translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Polish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Portuguese Brazilian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Russian translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Turkish translation
    LOCALIZATION: Update Vietnamese translation
    LOCALIZATION: Add Slovak translation
    MENU: Small buffer optimizations
    MENU/THUMBNAILS/BUGFIX: Fix heap-use-after-free error
    MENU/OZONE: Add option to sort playlists after name truncation
    MENU/OZONE/ANDROIDTV: Default to Ozone menu driver
    MENU/OZONE/ANDROID: Gamepad-like devices default to Ozone now (Shield Portable)
    NETPLAY: Lower announcement rate
    OVERLAYS: Fix memory leak when loading overlays
    SHADER PRESETS: Improved shader preset dirs
    TIME/DATE: Enable configuration of date seperator in clock and runtime 'last played' displays
    VITA: Fix upside-down vertical games
    UWP: Enable playlist and savefile compression by default (because of slow file I/O)
    WIIU: Gamepad hotplugging support
    WIIU: Theoretical multi-gamepad support
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix overlapping text when simultaneous pop-up notifications and core/shader messages are being displayed
    X11: Fix crash in x11_display_server_get_screen_orientation
    X11/XSHM: Allow X11/XHSM video driver to operate without SHM extension
    X11/XSHM: Fix compatibility with X11 input driver
    XVIDEO: Fix keyboard input initialization
    XVIDEO/XWAYLAND: Fix XVideo support on xwayland (by supporting I420 and YZ12)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.19.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2020, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Audio improvements
    Title manager improvements
    Vulkan/OpenGL fixes
    Misc smaller improvements

Titel: RetroArch 1.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2020, 18:50

    AUTO SAVESTATES: Ensure save states are correctly flushed to disk when quitting RetroArch (fixes broken save states when exiting RetroArch - without first closing content - with 'Auto Save State' enabled)
    BUILTIN CORES: Builtin cores like ffmpeg and imageviewer would previously try to erroneously load a dynamic core named 'builtin' - this would fail and would just be a wasteful operation - this now skips dylib loading in libretro_get_system_info for builtin cores
    CHEEVOS: Report API errors when unlocking achievements or submitting leaderboards
    CHEEVOS: Support less common file extensions
    CHEEVOS: Disable hardcore mode when playing BSV file
    CHEEVOS: Correctly report unlocked non-hardcore achievements when hardcore is paused
    CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - did not handle absolute/relative paths in M3U files correctly before
    CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - it didn't handle comments/directives
    CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - it doesn't handle trailing whitespace
    CHEEVOS/M3U: Bugfix - failed when loading M3U files with certain line endings
    CORE MANAGEMENT: Add 'core management' menu (Settings -> Core)
    CORE MANAGEMENT: Add option to backup/restore installed cores
    CORE MANAGEMENT: Improved core selection logic
    CORE INFO: Search search optimisations
    CORE DOWNLOADER: Rename 'Core Updater' to 'Core Downloader'
    CORE DOWNLOADER: Add 'Show Experimental Cores' setting under Settings > Network > Updater
    CORE DOWNLOADER: Core licenses are now shown for all entries in the Core Updater menu
    CORE DOWNLOADER: Pressing RetroPad select on a Core Updater entry will now display any text in the description field of its info file
    CORE DOWNLOADER: Installed cores are now highlighted via a
  • symbol

    CORE DOWNLOADER: Pressing RetroPad start on a selected, installed entry opens the Core Information menu (when using Material UI, swiping left or right triggers the same action). This means we can now view bios info etc. - and more importantly delete cores - without jumping through all the hoops of loading a core first and navigating all over the place
    CORE DOWNLOADER/UPDATER: Add option to automatically backup cores when updating
    DISK CONTROL: Enable 'Load New Disc' while disk tray is open
    INPUT: Added a hotkey delay option to allow hotkey input to work properly when it is assigned to another action
    INPUT: Remove 'All Users Control Menu' setting, was buggy and will be properly reintroduced after input overhaul
    LINUX: Set default saves/save states/system paths
    LOCALIZATION: Add Persian language
    LOCALIZATION: Add Hebrew language
    LOCALIZATION: Add Asturian language
    MENU: Proper line wrapping for message dialog boxes
    MENU/HOTKEYS: Add sublabels to all hotkey bind entries
    MENU/QUICK MENU: Suppress the display of 'empty' quick menu listings when closing content
    MENU/OZONE: Performance improvements
    MENU/SDL: Add mouse controls
    OPENGL1/VITA: Initial changes for HW context without FBO
    OVERLAYS: Add options for moving the on-screen overlay
    PLAYLISTS/WINDOWS: Fix core path entries in image/video/music history playlists
    PS2: Add back CDFS support
    SDL/GL: Advertise GLSL support
    VIDEO/WIDGETS: Fix heap-use-after-free errors, leading to memory corruption
    VITA: Added custom bubbles support
    VITA: VitaGL update
    VULKAN/WSI: Better frame pacing
    VULKAN/WSI: Fix Intel Mesa being broken when using Fences, we have to use Semaphores to acquire the swapchain or the entire GPU stalls
    VULKAN/WSI: Add support for either using fences or semaphores when syncing
    VULKAN/WSI: Prefer using semaphores for integrated GPUs as it promotes better throughput over fences
    VULKAN/WSI/ANDROID: Do not use mailbox emulation on Android
    UWP/XBOX: Potentially improve performance by enabling 'Game Mode'


Titel: MAME 0.222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2020, 18:15
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0222.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.19.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2020, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Vulkan and OpenGL graphic fixes
Minor performance improvements

Titel: MAMEUI 0.222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2020, 21:10
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    Bugs Fixed:

    06300: [Color/Palette] (galaxian.cpp) eagle, eagle2: Games need wiring harness that swaps channels. (Vas Crabb)
    07015: [Gameplay] (model1.cpp) vr, vformula: Undetected communication board error. (Hydreigon)
    07104: [DIP/Input] (iteagle.cpp) bbh, bbhsc, bbhsca, bbh2sp, bbh2spa, bbh2spb: Lightguns don't track correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
    07179: [Save/Restore] (neogeo.cpp) aes: Memory cards are not detected. (Vas Crabb)
    07180: [Crash/Freeze] (vtech2.cpp) laser500, laser700: Emulator crashes on hard reset. (Robbbert)
    07185: [Sound] (mario.cpp) mario and clones: All audio missing besides walking sounds. (Ryan Holtz)
    07189: [Crash/Freeze] (cinemat.cpp) qb3: Black screen/exception on start. (Ivan Vangelista)
    07197: [Core] (oric.cpp) orica: Loading from tape never progresses. (Ivan Vangelista)
    07205: [Sound] (neopcb.cpp) svcpcb: Cracking/distortion/buzzing sound. (Ivan Vangelista)


Titel: PPSSPP 1.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2020, 20:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source


    Graphics and compatibility fixes (#12800, #12670, #12635, #12857, #12941, #11898, #12695, more)
    Assorted minor performance improvements, game load speedup (#12462, #12652)
    Screen inset (notch) support on Android (#12779)
    Analog stick support for menu navigation (#12685)
    Fixed audio glitches in SDL builds (#12916, #12920)
    Support more languages in in-game dialogs (#12702). Croatian language added to PPSSPP.
    Simple multiplayer chat (#12667)
    More advanced postprocessing (multipass, parameters) (#12905, #12901)
    Add PPSSPP-specific CWCheat (#12816, #12912)
    Reintroduce Cardboard VR, allow more resolutions (#12449, #8714)
    Fix some crashes (#12908, #12876)
    Ghost in the Shell graphics fixed (JIT inaccuracy with inf*0) (#12519)
    Mac build now supports Vulkan on top of MoltenVK (#12583)
    Raspberry Pi 4 EGL crash fixed (#12474)
    VSync now supported on all backends, frame duplication option added for 30 Hz games (#12659, #12602)
    Camera supported on Windows, Linux and Mac (still no microphone though) (#12572, #12580, #12607)
    Darkstalkers fixed and working through software rendering. SW rendering fixed on GLES 2.0 (#12443, #12898)
    Hot Shots Golf slowdown and flicker on Vulkan fixed (#12873, #12746)
    Pangya Golf crashes and hangs fixed (#12718)
    Allow rebinding of right touch screen analog (#12486)
    Add option to prevent mipmaps from being dumped (#12818)
    Tilt control now have a base radius to help with deadzone (#12756)
    Mappable auto rotating analog stick to pass some game checks (#12749)
    Touch control position can now be snapped to a grid (#12517)
    HiDPI retina display support (#12552)
    Rapid-fire on touch control (#12601)
    Toggle mute button (#12643)
    Add option to resize game icons and more (#12646, #12637)
    Frames in-flight now configurable to reduce input lag at the cost of speed (#12660)
    Add toggle mode to combo button (#12623)
    SDL mouse support, Qt menu upgrades (#12612, #12817)
    Real support for chinese patched version of Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend (#13007)
    Some minor kernel module support (#13028, #12225, #13026, #13004, #13038, #13023)
    Fixed fullscreen toggling with Vulkan in SDL builds (#11974)


Titel: PPSSPP 1.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2020, 10:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : Open Source

Whats new:>>

additionally fixes a few commonly seen crashes.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.10.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2020, 05:40
Whats new:>>

PPSSPP 1.10.2 fixes some camera-related crashes, and fixes centering on notched phones.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.10.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2020, 05:15

Graphics and compatibility fixes (#12800, #12670, #12635, #12857, #12941, #11898, #12695, more)
Assorted minor performance improvements, game load speedup (#12462, #12652)
Screen inset (notch) support on Android (#12779)
Analog stick support for menu navigation (#12685)
Fixed audio glitches in SDL builds (#12916, #12920)
Support more languages in in-game dialogs (#12702). Croatian language added to PPSSPP.
Simple multiplayer chat (#12667)
More advanced postprocessing (multipass, parameters) (#12905, #12901)
Add PPSSPP-specific CWCheat (#12816, #12912)
Reintroduce Cardboard VR, allow more resolutions (#12449, #8714)
Fix some crashes (#12908, #12876)
Ghost in the Shell graphics fixed (JIT inaccuracy with inf*0) (#12519)
Mac build now supports Vulkan on top of MoltenVK (#12583)
Raspberry Pi 4 EGL crash fixed (#12474)
VSync now supported on all backends, frame duplication option added for 30 Hz games (#12659, #12602)
Camera supported on Windows, Linux and Mac (still no microphone though) (#12572, #12580, #12607)
Darkstalkers fixed and working through software rendering. SW rendering fixed on GLES 2.0 (#12443, #12898)
Hot Shots Golf slowdown and flicker on Vulkan fixed (#12873, #12746)
Pangya Golf crashes and hangs fixed (#12718)
Allow rebinding of right touch screen analog (#12486)
Add option to prevent mipmaps from being dumped (#12818)
Tilt control now have a base radius to help with deadzone (#12756)
Mappable auto rotating analog stick to pass some game checks (#12749)
Touch control position can now be snapped to a grid (#12517)
HiDPI retina display support (#12552)
Rapid-fire on touch control (#12601)
Toggle mute button (#12643)
Add option to resize game icons and more (#12646, #12637)
Frames in-flight now configurable to reduce input lag at the cost of speed (#12660)
Add toggle mode to combo button (#12623)
SDL mouse support, Qt menu upgrades (#12612, #12817)
Real support for chinese patched version of Hatsune Miku Project Diva Extend (#13007)
Some minor kernel module support (#13028, #12225, #13026, #13004, #13038, #13023)
Fixed fullscreen toggling with Vulkan in SDL builds (#11974)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2020, 09:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    New GPU buffer cache
    Option to import/export saves
    Misc improvements

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.20.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2020, 11:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed several graphic bugs
    Fixed audio bugs
    Misc smaller fixes

Titel: clrmamepro 4.038
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2020, 05:15

    added: support for zip/rar/7z aliases (e.g. jar/cbz/cbr/cb7, etc) in Settings->Compressor tabs. So you can now scan e.g. jar files like zip files etc. The alias settings allow multiple values separated by space, so e.g. .cbz .jar .war
    added: zip property tab in Settings-Compressor with e.g. zip compression level setting option
    misc: use a private use utf8 char for internal set subfolder handling, so all kind of apostrophes '´` in rom/setnames are allowed again and won't be replaced
    misc: speedup multi 7z/rar delete opertions by using filelists
    misc: updated rar dll
    fixed: some zip circular rename operations could kill files


Titel: My Nes 7.8.7520
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2020, 18:15
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


    Added: ability to open database file in launcher
    Added: ability to change audio device (SDL2 audio renderer only)
    Improved: launcher now can open open database file if it is located in My Nes folder in documents.
    Improved: SDL2 libraries updated to the latest version.
    Improved: SDL2 video and audio renderers.
    Fixed: Mapper 5 crashes in "Shin 4 Nin Uchi Mahjong - Yakuman Tengoku" game, bug in MMC5 PCM external sound channel.
    Fixed: Load and save palette generator values in palette settings.
    Removed: some SDL2 video renderer settings.
    Removed: audio buffer change settings (can still be changed in settings file in documents).


Titel: MAME 0.223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 20:20
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0223.txt

Titel: clrmamepro 4.038a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2020, 18:10
Whats new:>>

And another important rename fix...seems that I accidently killed the dupes check

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 21:10
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    3DS: Fix sound crackling when paused
    ANDROID/VIBRATION: Fixes “Vibrate on Key Press” having no effect on Android devices, which occurred because only the off time/strength was defined in what should have been a pair of off/on values
    AUTOCONFIG: Ensure correct directory is used when saving autoconfig profiles
    BLUETOOTH: Add a Bluetooth driver (Lakka-only for now)
    CHEATS: Fix for wrong number of remaining cheat search matches on some machines
    CHEEVOS: Option to play sound on achievement unlock.
    CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 9.1
    CHEEVOS: Restore display of unlocked achievements across hardcore modes
    CHEEVOS: Hash buffered data when available
    CHEEVOS: Fix ‘Auto Save State freezes RetroArch while Cheevos is enabled’
    CORE OPTIONS: Pressing OK (or clicking/tapping) on a ‘boolean toggle’ core option no longer opens a drop-down list. The value now toggles directly, just like boolean options everywhere else in the menu
    CORE OPTIONS: Toggling an option that changes the number of core options being displayed (i.e. things like `Show Advanced Audio/Video Settings) no longer resets the navigation pointer to the start of the list
    CORE OPTIONS: Before, RetroArch would identify core option values as being ‘boolean’ if they had labels matching the specific strings enabled or disabled. Most core devs would abide by this, but not always… As a result, we sometimes would end up with misidentified values, with all kinds of Enabled, Off, True, etc. strings littering the menu, in place of proper toggle switches. All boolean-type value labels are now detected, and replaced with standard ON/OFF strings.
    CLI: A new command line option –load-menu-on-error has been added
    CRT: On the fly CRT porch adjuments – these changes allow a user to adjust how the porch algorithm generates the 15khz/31khz output. Giving the ability to change over/under scan.
    CONFIG FILE: Optimise parsing of configuration files
    D3D9/D3D11: Fix core-initiated D3D9/D3D11 driver switches
    DRIVERS: Implemented protection to avoid setting critical drivers to nothing thus preventing the user from locking him/herself out of the program
    EMSCRIPTEN: Fix input code to ignore unknown keys
    FFMPEG CORE: Prevent seeking past the end of files (hang fix)
    FILE I/O: VFS and NBIO interfaces will now use 64-bit fseek/ftell where possible, should allow for reading/writing to files bigger than 2GB
    INPUT MAPPING/REMAPPING: Add input remap drop-down lists
    IOS: Fixed iOS 6 version
    IOS: Hide the home indicator as it obscures the content too frequently
    IOS/METAL: Metal video driver now works on RetroArch iOS
    IOS/METAL: Support getting video metrics to support proper touchscreen interactions
    LOCALIZATION: Updates for several languages (synchronized from Crowdin)
    MEMORY/LINUX/ANDROID: Fix reporting of free memory
    MEMORY/WINDOWS: Fix reporting of free memory
    MENU: Enlarged INT/UINT selection limit from 999 to 9999
    MENU: Fix cursor forced to first entry after displaying lists
    MENU: Make Notification Font option visible when Graphics Widgets are enabled
    MENU/RGUI: Add optional ‘toggle switch’ icons
    MENU/WIDGETS: Add optional widget-based ‘load content’ launch feedback animation
    MENU/WIDGETS: Make notification font size option visible when graphics widgets are enabled
    ODROID GO ADVANCE: Video driver – fix race condition with RGUI callback
    PLAYLISTS: Change playlists to use dynamic arrays. Instead of a fixed initial 12MB memory allocation (99999 * 128 byte (on 64bit arch)), use a dynamically growing array
    PLAYLISTS: Playlist base content directory paths – portable playlists
    PLAYLISTS/SEARCH: Enhanced playlist search functionality
    PLAYLISTS/DATABASE: Add ‘Explore’ view
    PLAYLISTS/DATABASE/EXPLORE: Show system icons in explore view
    PS2: Improve FPS Limiter
    RUNAHEAD: Prevent runahead from being disabled permanently when an error occurs
    SCANNER: Add more region codes for GameCube/Wii game detection
    SHADERS/SLANG: Increased Slang max Parameters, Textures & Passes
    VIDEO FILTERS/BLARGG: Make Blargg_snes filter customizable
    WINDOWS/RAWINPUT: Fix invalid calls to dinput_handle_message when input driver is not set to dinput
    X11: Add lightgun support


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.20.2b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2020, 11:10

    Vulkan: Even more tweaks to reduce GPU specific graphic bugs and flickering
    general: Restored compatibility with Cemuhook. Due to internal changes Cemu now always takes over applying Cemuhook graphic pack patches (previously Cemuhook would be used if installed)
    Note for patch developers: the syntax and semantics supported by Cemu for Cemuhook patches is slightly different. If you run into porting issues that you can't easily fix please let us know via the bug tracker: http://bugs.cemu.info/
    RPL: Added support for relative reloc types (251, 252, 253) which are commonly used by WUT based homebrew
    coreinit: Added API MEMRecordStateForFrmHeap, OSCompareAndSwapAtomic, OSCompareAndSwapAtomicEx. Used by SM64 port and likely other homebrew


    OpenGL/Vulkan: Improved cache invalidation detection in GPU buffer cache. This change fixes corrupted 3D models in Xenoblade Chronicles X
    OpenGL/Vulkan: GPU buffer cache will now aggressively drop non-essential data if it is running out of space. Decreases likelihood of 'Out-of-memory in GPU buffer' error
    Vulkan: Further tweaks to reduce GPU specific graphic bugs and flickering


Titel: MAME 0.224
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2020, 17:15
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0224.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.21.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2020, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Added game file verification to title manager
    Graphic packs can now extend the amount of RAM available to games
    Misc fixes

Titel: RockNES 5.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2020, 20:10
Play your favorite childhood Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games by turning to this lightweight application that requires no configuration.


Whats new:>>

- Fixed compiler flags, no more DLLs (again).
- Fixed a few more references for setting up Allegro's gfx driver (AUTODETECT).
- Other minor fixes and tweaks.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.21.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Vulkan fixes
    UI improvements

Titel: RockNES 5.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2020, 20:10
Play your favorite childhood Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games by turning to this lightweight application that requires no configuration.




    Fixed a bug in the MMC3 PPU IRQs (fixes Mega Man VI and others).


    Added an option for DMC reversed bits decoding order.
    Fixed NSF track change in triple buffering mode.
    NSF mode no more allow changes to screen aspect ratio, or scanlines.


    Fixed palette setting if an external palette was loaded.
    Fixed a problem with triple buffering (should run at normal speed).
    Rollback for color style calculations.
    Changing the video resolution (using GUI dialog) now sets the game screen to 240p.
    Vertical retrace is now enabled by default.


    Fixed program version number in the binary.
    Fixed a few obscure errors in the config file parsing.
    Added display of the percentage of frames per second.
    Code revision and rewrites for GUI dialogs.
    Removed a few debug leftovers, plus minor improvements and cosmetic changes.
    Documentation updated.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.21.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2020, 11:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Vulkan fixes
    Various smaller optimizations

Titel: MAME 0.225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2020, 05:15
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0225.txt

Titel: RockNES 5.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2020, 19:20

Default palette is restored on new ROM loading (fix when a VS palette was selected).
Sprite address is always cleared on VBlank end, fixing a few unlicensed games.
Now you can select GUI colors for menus.
Video options were separated from [Misc] menu.
Fixed custom fullscreen setting (on General settings), saves the current video mode.
Fixed a bug setting on/off percentage of FPS.
Fixed "general settings" and "set directories" GUI dialogs not "closing".
Fixed "sound options" GUI dialog (all options are working ok).
Fixed a few mapper/board names in order to be shorter, avoiding glitching the GUI.
General tweaks, cleanups and minor improvements.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.21.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2020, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Anisotropic filtering can now be controlled via graphic packs
    Re-Added texture dumping support
    Graphics fixes

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.21.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 23:40
Whats new:>>

    Compatibility fixes
    Misc improvements

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2020, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Threading rework

Titel: GameEx 16.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2020, 18:20
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


Improved rendering performance.1080p 60fps on recent embedded hardware such as Appolo Lake Celerons.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2020, 07:50
Whats new:>>

    Stability improvements
    UI tweaks

Titel: clrmamepro 4.039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2020, 19:30

    fixed: www profiler, don't truncate protocol from page url, so you can use http or https (however you need to update your settings once)
    fixed: www profiler shows downloaded and updated dats still as update
    fixed: don't prompt user that the download was ok when www profiler loaded a decompressed dat
    fixed: downloaded and not moved decompressed dats get removed when closing cmpro
    fixed: some sets don't get marked as unneeded or weird renames are proposed in mame/software list combined mode only
    fixed: parent/clone relationship of software list roms got lost under some circumstance
    fixed: 32k pathlength support doesn't work for profiles/datfiles
    fixed: fixing a wrong sysdefpath issue only worked when you got "ask before fixing" enabled
    fixed: xml parser fails on xml files with
    fixed: falsely trim "." characters at the end of filenames
    fixed: falesly check 'marked disabled sets as unneeded' sets for wrong names
    fixed: falsely hide missing bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
    fixed: falsely skip rebuilding bios roms in bios sets when separate bios sets is disabled
    fixed: falsely load not updated profiler cache after delete profile operations
    fixed: 32k path support failed for paths which are exactly MAX_PATH long
    fixed: scanner font selection isn't applied/saved when you use the default font (blank name)
    fixed: misleading wrong merged messages when using regions/languages
    misc: www profiler, allow redownload of local datfiles
    misc: use UTC based time/date for date/time fixing
    misc: allow odd second values (MS DOS times are over)
    misc: allow yyyymmddTHHMMSS as date/timestamp in dat
    misc: www profiler can handle urls which provide filenames by content-disposition header information
    misc: updated rar ddl
    added: %L=1/0 option for set-info select sets to enable/disble sets which reference software lists
    added: show number of selected profiles/datfiles in profiler window title


Titel: RomCenter 4.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2020, 17:45
Romcenter is a ROM manager, to manage collections of games supported by an emulator.

Its purpose is to give you the ability to:

View all games supported by an emulator plus all the games you have in your collection for it
Fix missing or bad-named games and ROMs in your collection (this will be analyzed later on), so they can be playable by the emulator.



    Fix error when backup path is not defined.
    Fix region order not saved
    Fix temp folder not found
    Fix tosec filter
    Add command line version (rc.exe). Support db creation, update, adding rom paths and fixing.
    Improve data Grid grouping
    Improve tosec parser log
    Improve tosec year/region parser
    Upgrade data grid component


Titel: MAME 0.227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2020, 10:10
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0227.txt

Titel: clrmamepro 4.040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2021, 09:45
Whats new:>>

A quick little release. Not a big one but I'd like to start the year with some better version number ;).

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2021, 10:45
Whats new:>>

    New graphic pack features
    Various fixes

Titel: My Nes 7.8.7668
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2021, 16:10
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


    Fixed:opening the audio frequency menu keep resetting audio and crashes my nes.
    Improved: updated copyright information and links.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2021, 19:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Compatibility improvements
    Graphic fixes and optimizations

Titel: MAME v0.228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2021, 20:50
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0228.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2021, 11:15
Whats new:>>

    Performance improvements
    Compatibility improvements
    Graphic fixes

Titel: MAME 0.229
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2021, 18:50
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0229.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2021, 22:15
Whats new:>>

    Reworked Vulkan vsync + new experimental vsync mode
    Misc bug fixes

Titel: PPSSPP 1.11.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2021, 12:40
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


1.11.1/2 has some additional crash fixes. 1.11.3 fixes an on-screen keyboard rendering glitch.

Some of the improvements since 1.10:

    Lots of minor bug fixes, crash fixes, and performance fixes and improvements.
    New Browse... button to allow opening SD cards on Android 11
    Countless AdHoc networking fixes by ANR2ME, for example Dragon Ball Shin Budokai, PowerStone, Bleach Heat The Soul 7, Kingdom Hearts, GTA: VCS and many more.
    Graphics issue with car reflections fixed in Outrun, Dirt 2 (#13636, #13640, #13760)
    Cut-off cards in Yu Gi Oh fixed (#7124).
    Numerous fixes to the builtin fonts by nassau-tk
    Added exception handler so PPSSPP stays alive if a game crashes (#11795/#13092)
    Desktop: Support for multiple instance multiplayer (#13172, ...)
    Workaround for rendering bugs with flat shading in iOS 14
    Multiple fixes to the IR interpreter (#13897, ...)
    UI: New fullscreen button on desktop platforms, optional navigation sounds (#13239)
    Audio and multiple hangs fixes in UWP version (#13792, ...)
    Partial microphone support (#12336, ...)
    Workaround for wacky action mirroring bug in Hitman Reborn Battle Arena 2 (#13706, #13526)
    Hardware texture upscaling for Vulkan, mipmap generation (#13235, #13514)
    Added MMPX Vulkan texture upscaling shader (#13986)
    Depth texturing support in Vulkan and D3D11 (#13262, #13556, ...)
    Performance fix for Test Drive Unlimited (#13355, ...)
    Allow rewind on mobile (#13866)
    Added option to disable on-screen messages (#13695)
    Added "Lower resolution for effects" on libretro (#13654)
    Allow chaining multiple post-processing shaders (#12924)
    Support for loading game-specific plugins (#13335)
    Fixed Assassin's Creed: Bloodlines Save issue on Android (#12761)
    Hanayaka Nari Wa ga Ichizoku: mono voices fixed (#5213)

    Additional fixed games:

        Namco Museum - Battle Collection, Vol 2 (#9523, #13297, #13298)
        Dream Club Portable (graphics bugs, GL and Vulkan) (#6025)
        Capcom Classic Collection Reloaded (stuck in return game) (#4671)
        Xyanide Resurrection (freezing) (#8526)
        Dissidia Final Fantasy Chinese (patched game, invalid address) (#13204)
        Crazy Taxi (#13368)
        Spiderman: Friend or Foe (#13969)
        Downstream Panic (US) (New Game crash) (#13633)


Titel: ExtraMAME 21.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 11:50
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: RockNES 5.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2021, 19:40
Play your favorite childhood Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games by turning to this lightweight application that requires no configuration.



    Fixed PPU soft reset.
    Fixed sprite address clearing again (RC Pro AM II works).


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2021, 18:15
Whats new:>>

    Bug and crash fixes
    Minor compatibility improvements

Titel: My Nes 7.8.7748.43133
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2021, 18:45
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


    Fixed: PAL region clock timing (ppu related to cpu, was always act like NTSC)
    Fixed: My Nes now able to locate game region (system) using data from database.
    Fixed: Palette generator edit page in the palette settings, it was set to NTSC/DENDY which should be PALB/DENDY.
    Fixed: APU sound clock ratio, it was use fixed cpu clock value now the emu calculates the sound clock (playback) ratio accurately. Sound playback should be better.
    Update: SDL2 libraries now updated to the latest version. SDL2 renderers now running the latest version of SDL2 as the time of this version release of My Nes.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Added support for Windows.Gaming.Input
    Fixed graphic bugs

Titel: MAME 0.230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 10:10
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0230.txt

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    UI tweaks
    Bug fixes

Titel: RockNES 5.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2021, 18:10

    fds driver:

    Disk inserted/ejected status is no more set to "true" on soft-RESET.
    Improved disk information, added CRC32.


    RAM is now completely filled with zeros.


    Fixed a bug in the APU reset.
    Fixed a bug in the stereo sound downsampling calculation.
    Fixed NSF driver, major cleanups.


    Fixed windowed mode when out of focus.
    Fixed color calculations for various color styles.
    Color style "sepia #2" was changed to a new non-monochrome calculation.
    The loaded .NES filename is now displayed in the "File info" GUI option.
    Minor cosmetic changes in the GUI.


    Removed value $40 ORed at every joypad read.
    Keyboard is now polled before checking keys.
    Fixed emulator startup, several rewrites in the code, minor fixes.
    Fixed a memory leak problem.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Input improvements
    Various smaller tweaks and fixes

Titel: My Nes 7.8.7787.28283
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2021, 09:20
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

- Added: TV Standard 4:3 for rendering video.

Titel: MAME 0.231
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2021, 11:20
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0231.txt

Titel: RockNES 5.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2021, 22:10
Play your favorite childhood Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games by turning to this lightweight application that requires no configuration.




    Major fix in the sound downsampling, new high pass filter.
    Sound recording is now terminated if the sound mode is changed.
    Fixed a bug calculating the data chunk size for stereo wave files.
    Fixed envelope volume on power up/reset (set to 0 instead of 15).
    Sound output volume now uses the mixing formula and float types for math.


    The mini-GUI menubar is back! It's used in low resolutions mode.
    Fixed wrong colors in message boxes.


    Fixed a stupid bug of displaying NSF frequency circles out of NSF mode.
    Fixed a bug setting the NSF file/track info in the program window.
    Track number is back to the decimal mode.
    Press Spacebar to switch the sound mode between "normal" and "Fami-clone" (NSF only).
    Pressing Alt+Enter (toggles fullscreen/windowed) no longer restarts the NSF track.


    Reads from $4016/$4017 are set by specific hardware (NES and VS Unisystem).


    Now you're able to save/restore states during movie recording (joypad data logging).
    Cosmetic changes, a couple of minor fixes.
    Savestate document is now included with the emulator package.


Titel: My Nes 7.9.7793.23986
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 08:20
Whats new:>>

    Added: Ability to decode real nes color without the need of using palette, includes gray scale and emphasize.
    Removed: palette generator and usage of palette from My Nes.

Titel: My Nes 7.9.7795.37773
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 23:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: color decoding sequences.
    Fixed: issue when color sequence value is above 13 the color level should be set to 0.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

    Async-shader compilation is now multi-threaded
    Bug fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6873
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 21:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Decoupled the Ryujinx configuration instance from all Ryujinx subprojects and moved directly to the Ryujinx project. No expected changes in emulator behavior.

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 22:10
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    3DS: Disable menu screensaver animations in XMB/GLUI
    COMMAND: Initialize netcmd->cmd_source_len before recvfrom()
    CONTENT LOADING/STATICALLY LINKED: Ensure 'Always Reload Core on Run Content' setting is applied when loading content via the file browser
    CONTENT LOADING/EMSCRIPTEN: Fix content loading via file browser on platforms with 'broken' core handling (i.e. emscripten)
    CORE INFO: Skip whitespace when writing compressed core info cache files
    CORE INFO/FILE IO: Core Info cache; significant file I/O performance improvements on systems with slow disk file I/O
    CORE INFO/FILE IO: Enable core info cache by default on all 'console' platforms
    FREEBSD: FreeBSD build fix
    LAKKA: Support for tweaking CPU governors/scaling policies
    LAKKA: This adds managed policies and settings to store them and reload them at startup
    LIBRETRO API: Add API extension for cores to override frontend fast-forward state
    MENU/RGUI: Fix saving of config files/overrides when 'Lock Menu Aspect Ratio' is enabled
    SHADERS: Fix 'Auto-Shader Delay' functionality
    UWP/D3D11: Disable mipmap generation
    UWP/XBOX: Add 'Force 4K resolution' option (Force the resolution to the fullscreen size on Xbox, if set to 0, a fixed value of 3840 x 2160 will be used)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6874
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 23:15
Whats new:>>

    Moved the Windows Intel/AMD view format workaround out of the backend and replaced it with copy dependencies.
    Significantly improves FPS on Intel iGPUs and AMD GPUs in Windows. Please test share your results!

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6875
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

LocalVariable is now allowed to be assigned more than once. -Allows flow controls such as loops and if-elses with LocalVariables participating in phi nodes.

Titel: ExtraMAME 21.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 09:50
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6878
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Refactored shader resource description creation and moved it out of the GLSL backend to the translator. No expected changes to emulator behavior.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6880
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Minor optimization to CPU emulation code.

Titel: My Nes 7.9.7810.26880
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 23:15
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: color decoding, now color are outputed as it should in real nes (colors hue are now adjusted with 15 degree).
    Improved: performance by optimizing color decoding and audio rendering.
    Removed: brightness adjust from SDL renderer settings.
    Removed: ability to switch audio filters on/off.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6887
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2021, 19:10
Whats new:>>


    Extended information printed when the guest crashes or breaks execution. This may be useful for troubleshooting purposes.

Titel: My Nes 7.9.7810.42663
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2021, 19:20
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Fixed: black image when taking snapshot/saving state snap.
    Improved: MY Nes generally.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.22.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2021, 18:15
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Graphics fixes
    Bug fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6890
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 09:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    Changed to a new approach for out of bounds blit.
    Fixes invalid memory region crashes on Rune Factory 5 and Shantae.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6893
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    Improved accuracy of reciprocal step ARM CPU instructions.
    Fixes a bug where character clothing would be incorrectly warped in Rune Factory 5.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6894
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    POWER Update: implemented a new host mapped memory manager for major performance improvements across the board. Fastest option is now set by default.
    Increases FPS by significant margins in most games/scenarios (except where emulated GPU-limited).
    Reduces PPTC compilation times by roughly half.
    Reduces boot time of most games by 30-50%.
    Reduces size of JIT cache.
    Resolves "JIT Cache Exhausted" crashes.
    Resolves "AcquireSemaphore" crashes on all Ryzen CPUs known to exhibit the issue.
    Resolves slow character movement speed in the monastery in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
    Noticeably improves/shortens "spool-up" period when first playing a game (note: does not negate the need to compile shaders).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6895
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Implemented all changes made in audren REV9 on 12.0.0.

Titel: MAME 0.232
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2021, 19:10
Changelog : https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0232.txt

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2021, 18:10
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    CHEEVOS: update rcheevos to v10.0.0
    CONTENT LOADING/FILE IO: Prevent unnecessary extraction (to disk) of compressed content files when need_fullpath is false
    CORE INFO/FILE IO: Enable core info cache by default now for all platforms
    CORE INFO/REGRESSION FIX: Fix regression caused by core info file caching – Downloads was no longer showing up in Load Content
    FILE IO/COMPRESSED: Ability to load content inside ZIP files directly into RAM
    INPUT/OVERLAYS: Add option to select between ‘touched’ elements and physical controller inputs when showing inputs on overlays
    INPUT REMAPPING/OVERLAYS: Prevent duplicate inputs when using remaps with input overlays
    LAKKA: Add brightness restore hook
    LOCALIZATION: Fetch translations from Crowdin
    MENU/OZONE: Added simple playlist entry enumeration
    MENU/XMB: Fix display of ‘Maximum Users’ menu entry dropdown list
    PS3/PSL1GHT: Joypad driver works again
    PSTV: Fix Vita input driver for PSTV
    PSTV: Support for 720p on PSTV when using ‘Unlock framebuffer’ in Sharpscale plugin
    RPNG: Fix some memory corruption if processing broken input PNG file
    SECURITY: Fix CVE-2021-28927


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6898
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 12:25
Whats new:>>

Fixed a logging regression where an incorrect function name would be included in the trace if the function had its name stripped.

Titel: RockNES 5.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 22:10
Play your favorite childhood Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) games by turning to this lightweight application that requires no configuration.




    The savestate version has been changed to 8, so older states are no more compatible.
    Added/fixed proper savestate support for ALL mappers.


    Added support for Namco 163 sound (mapper 19).
    Added mapper 210.
    Fixed NSF init/play/reset.
    Fixed sound recording status when stopped.


    Fixed MMC1 (mapper 1), plus support for 512k games (Dragon Warrior III and IV works).
    Fixed mappers 69, 72, 76, 78 and 92.
    Fixed IRQ counter on mapper 19 reset (Sangokushi II: Haou no Tairiku works).


    You can press Ctrl+F to call the "File info" dialog while in the GUI.
    CPU state info dialog now supports NSF.


    General adjustments, cosmetic changes and cleanups.
    Documentation reworked and usual fixes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6899
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed a bug in the shader translator where it would try to normalize image load/store colors.
    Resolves a crash while loading a race in MotoGP 21. This title now reaches full gameplay but still suffers from graphical corruption.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2021, 22:15
Whats new:>>


    Changed the clear alpha channel to be applied on the bound framebuffer instead of clearing the alpha channel by its handle.
    Fixes the infamous "black screen" bug occurring on AMD GPUs since driver 21.4.1.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6902
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 23:05
Whats new:>>


Updated SDL2-CS.
Fixes motion controls not working in Linux.
Fixes a rare situation where the emulator could hang on launch for an undetermined period of time.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6906
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 15:01
Whats new:>>


Updated README.MD with latest motion/audio/SDL2 information as well as current game compatibility statistics.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6909
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Fixed a sampler leak on exit by making TextureBindingsManager disposable and calling the dispose method in the TextureManager.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6910
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2021, 21:45
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Increased the height of the settings window in the main GUI. Now all options are able to be viewed & modified without any scrolling.

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2021, 10:20
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    ALSATHREAD: Make alsathread default for all ALSA devices with threads
    ARCHIVE: Fix loading of archived content with file names containing '#' characters
    CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.1
    CHEEVOS: Challenge indicators
    CHEEVOS: Group achievements by category in quick menu
    CHEEVOS: Relabel 'Start Active' with 'Encore Mode'
    D3D10: Window title should now update
    D3D11: Window title should now update
    D3D11: Allow fastforward in fullscreen
    D3D12: Window title should now update
    D3D12: Allow fastforward in fullscreen
    CRT/SWITCHRES: New implementation
    FONTS: Improve message wrapping with CJK languages
    FONTS: Fix garbled characters when converting encodings
    INPUT: Allow the 8 analog stick directions to be used as keys for core keyboard mappings
    LIBRETRO: Add API extension for setting 'need_fullpath' based on content file extension and to request persistent frontend content data buffers
    MENU/SEARCH: Add enhanced search functionality to the 'Manage Cores' menu
    OPENDINGUX: Fix black screens when triggering gfx driver initialisation via menu actions
    UNIX: Get better battery stats on sysfs nodes
    VIDEO: Extend Frame Delay range to 19 to accommodate PAL land too
    WIFI/LAKKA: Add nmcli to wifi drivers
    WIFI/LAKKA: Add wifi configuration menu
    X11: fix fullscreen when swapping monitors/resolution


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6911
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Moved touchscreen updates to the input project. Code refactoring only; no changes in emulator behavior.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6912
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2021, 11:45
Whats new:>>


    Shader decoding is now ended when reaching a block that starts with an infinite loop.
    Fixes Dark Devotion hanging on boot at a plain white screen. The game now renders graphics, though they are unfortunately upside down.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6913
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Loading the default controller profile once again sets the controller type to Pro Controller. When Miria released, the function was changed to load Joycon Pair; this update reverts that change.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.23.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2021, 21:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Compatibility improvements & graphics fixes
    Crash fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6915
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    When the (separate) sampler bindless handle comes from the offset 0 of the constant buffer, it was being ignored which caused the wrong sampler to be used. This correct the bug by adding 1 to the offset on the shader translator, and then subtracting 1 on the GPU emulator to ensure that it is never 0 if a separate bindless sampler is used.
    Fixes rendering issues in Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age and Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6917
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2021, 08:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix a bug that caused one of the account service functions to return an invalid user id if more than one user profile was configured on the emulator.
    Fixes a softlock on Shantae Half-Genie Hero title screen if more than one user profile was present. Might fix similar user profile related issues on other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6918
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Remove size checks for IPC buffer type 0x21/0x22.
    Fixes a bsd service issue with homebrews and some games included Knockout City.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6939
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2021, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Implements custom (greater than 1) line width support, along with line smoothing support.
Fixes incorrect line thickness on the grid that shows on Mario Golf: Super Rush.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6941
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Support for taking screenshot was added:
    You can take screenshot by pressing F8.
    Screenshots are saved in your pictures folder in the "Ryujinx" subdirectory.
    This support resolution scaling. (example: if you configured a 8K resolution your screenshot will be 8K)

Titel: ExtraMAME 21.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2021, 18:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6945
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixes IPC sessions not being disposed at emulation end.
    This fix possible leaks (memory, opened files, ect) at emulation end.

Titel: MAME 0.233
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2021, 10:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0233.txt

Titel: GameEx 16.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2021, 19:40
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


    MadVR integration is working perfecctly again, now with detection for NVIDIA cards and 32 bit app.
    Fixes ISO mounting bug introduced a few versions back.
    Fixes UPNP Media servers not being detected in Videos and Media Library.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6946
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2021, 11:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Honour copy dependencies when switching render target.
    Fixes UI not being rendered on the Mii Editor (only AMD and Intel Windows drivers are affected).
    Fixes dialog boxes and menus not rendering on New Pokémon Snap (only AMD and Intel Windows drivers are affected).

Titel: RetroBat 4.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2021, 18:10
RetroBat is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators. With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play !
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC.
RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements.



 =+-> New Supportedd Systems <-+=

- Apple II gs (Gsplus).
- FM-Towns (Tsugaru & MAME64).
- Oric Atmos (Oricutron).
- Sharp X1 (Retroarch).
- EasyRPG (Retroarch).
- Tyrquake (Retroarch).
- Tic80. (Retroarch).
- Teknoparrot.
- Flash Player. (Thanks to AureyoBoss)
- Löve.
- Pico8 (retro8 et pico8).
- Add Supervision (Retroarch).
- Add Channel-F (Retroarch).

=+-> Nouvelles Features <-+=

- Addition of a Gui 'BatGui' to facilitate the use of the Retrobat.ini + other features) Thank you Reppa.
- Redefining Controls
- Random intro video.
- Automatic execution when Windows starts.
- Activation / Deactivation of the autoconfiguration of the controllers by system and not more than global.
- Model2 / Model3: Reshader management (Supermodel & Model2emu).
- Model2 / Model3: Added support for bezels (Supermodel & Model2emu).
- Dolphin: Added support for bezels (Standalone).
- FM-Towns: Added support for bezels (Tsugaru).
- AppleII gs: Added support for bezels (Gsplus).
- PS2: Added support for bezels. (PCSX2 Standalone).
- Neo.Geo CD: Added support for shaders (Raine).
- Neo.Geo: Added support for shaders (Raine).
- New Save State "Slot" system (Retroarch).
- Automatic language detection on EmulationStation and Retroarch.
- Added new options for the NETPLAY.
- Addition of background music. (* .mp3 & * .ogg)
- Added shuffle video playback on startup.
- Added DuckStation (Standalone) (Playstation)
- Added Kodi multimedia Player.
- Added Kega-Fusion emulator (Standalone)
- Added MAME64 standalone.
- Added support for RyujinX (Standalone) (Switch)
- Added WINUAE standalone. (Amiga)
- Addition of the pure Dosbox core (DOS) (Retroarch)
- Addition of the MESEN emulator (nes)
- Added RetroAchievment
- Addition of the PADTOKEY function (A kind of Xpadder / JoyToKey integrated into ES)
- Added XEMU emulator (Xbox)
- Addition of a user manual directly accessible from Retrobat (ES)
- New integrated RetroBat update system
- New settings options on EmulationStation for:

=> Cores :
citra (3ds)
dosbox pure (dos)
flycast (dreamcast, naomi, atomiswave)
gambatte (gameboy, gameboy color)
genesis plus gx (master system, megadrive, megacd)
genesis plus gx wide(screen) (master system, megadrive, megacd, 32x)
mame2003 plus
mednafen psx hw (ps1)
pcsx rearmed (ps1)
mednafen saturn (saturn)
mesen (nes)
mupen64plus (n64)
pcsx rearmed (ps1)
potator (supervision)
ppsspp (psp)
picodrive (master system, megadrive, megacd, 32x)
snes9x (super nes, super nes msu 1)
fbneo (arcade, neogeo, neogeo cd)
kronos (saturn)
puae (amiga)

=> Standalone :
raine (neogeo, neogeo cd)
pcsx2 (ps2)
dolphin (gamecube, wii, wad)
duckstation (ps1)
daphne (laserdisc)
supermodel (model3)

=+-> Correction <-+=

- Update of standalone emulators.
- Upgrade to RetroArch 1.9.5
- The roms folder "n3ds" becomes "3ds"
- The "Model2" games must be in the "roms\model2" folder and not "roms\model2\roms"
- Yuzu: Auto-fullscreen re-works on new versions of Yuzu.
- Dolphin Standalone: Added missing buttons on auto-config (L & R).
- Added support for ".ps3" files as on Batocera (experimental).
- Cave Story: Added support for the * .exe extension (Retroarch).
- Several minor fixes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6954
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2021, 05:20
Whats new:>>


    A new front-end has been added to Ryujinx: Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2.
    This is a minimalist variant of the emulator without a GUI that can be started and configured via command line.
    This is available on a separated release zip. (see ryujinx-headless-sdl2-{version} variants on Appveyor)
    This doesn't have any updater.
    For more information on the options available run it with --help.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6956
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>


    Fixes a regression introduced on version 1.0.6894 (POWER update) that caused some games to crash with a invalid memory region exception.
    Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD Remaster and more are once again playable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6957
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>


Fixes resolution scaling when textureSize is used with a scaled texture on a compute or pixel shader.
Fixes glitches caused by resolution scaling on Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (visible in battles and a few other places), Monster Hunter Rise (character selection screen on the demo, and a few other places on the full game), and likely more games.
Note: Monster Hunter Rise is still not properly scaled in-game, using a resolution mod is still recommended for the best results.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.24.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 09:20
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Added SDL2 GamePad as a new input API (supports DS4, DS5, Switch Pro Controller, Joy Cons & more natively without external software)
    Reworked motion support (for DSU and SDL2)
    Fixed Super Mario Maker failing to connect to course world

Titel: RetroBat 4.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 21:15

    Fix missing logo for Nintendo 64DD in Carbon Theme
    Fix Supermodel.ini for Supermodel emulator (Model3) to use proper mapping for controllers
    Fix MAME standalone binary mispelling
    Add missing script to enable update detection
    Add mame2016 Libretro core for Arcade systems
    Add bsnes Libretro core for Sufami and GameBoy systems
    Update BatGui
    Bump RetroArch to v1.9.6
    Update Libretro cores
    Update Duckstation
    Update Cemu
    Update RPCS3


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6959
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 11:10
Whats new:>>


    Implements CreateApplicationAndRequestToStart of am service.
    Allow games to restart by themselves if neededYou can now change the Super Smash BrosUltimate language in game (Note: Restart doesn't work with OpenAL audio backend due to another issue).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6961
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 08:10


    Refactor GPU 3D engine to more closely match the hardware, in addition to fixing bugs.
    Now all the 3D engine state is per-channel, rather than shared. This completes the work started with the initial GPU channel support.
    New state modification tracking and host state update method, cleaner and more efficient than the old one.
    Optimized DeviceState register read and write functions.
    Proper channel state initialization using the same values as the official OS, instead of guessed values.
    Fixes a bug where the host state was not being updated on changes to the YNegate register.
    Fixes upside down rendering on Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse Bouche, Dragon Quest Builders, 20XX, Asterix & Obelix XXL2, BLADE ARCUS Rebellion from Shining, and many more.
    Fixes black screen on Game Tengoku CruisinMix Special (happens when you start a new game). The title can now be considered playable with minor transparency issues.
    Implement missing PrimitiveTypeOverrideEnable register (thanks to ByLaws for testing).
    Fixes Turok 2 menus rendering.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6963
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 08:10
Whats new:>>

    Optimizes the GPU Inline-to-Memory engine transfer operations.
    Might reduce stutters and improve performance a little on games using the OpenGL API on the Switch.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6966
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Revert LibHac update:

    There have been multiple reports of save being destroyed. The issue is being investigated and the update will be rolled again once fixed.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6969
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>


    Fixes a bug where data on textures copied using the DMA engine could be lost.
    Fixes texture corruption (usually visible as black portraits or garbled sprites) on Legend of Mana. Other games might be affected too.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6970
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Improves performance of buffer and texture flushes by using a different approach.
Greatly improves performance of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.
Pokémon Sword/Shield is also improved, however it is still slower than the LDN 2.3 build.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is sligthly improved.
Any other game that does a lot of flushes per frame should be faster aswell.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6973
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Improves drastically the code generation of the audren's DSP.
    This may reduce CPU usage on the audio processing side and result in a better CPU time allocation.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6974
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 08:20
Whats new:>>

Further optimizes texture and buffer flush, by reducing the amount of data copies required.
Texture layout conversion methods can now write to guest memory directly, in some cases.
Methods to get data from GPU now returns the span of the range if a persistent buffer is being used, instead of allocating and doing a copy.
Improves the performance on The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Pokémon Sword/Shield, and likely other games that does texture flushes every frame.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2021, 22:10
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Added a permanent cache for Vulkan pipelines
    Reworked shader cache
    Smaller bug fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6976
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2021, 10:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Implement an option to hide status and menu bar
    The option can be found in the Actions menu. You can press alt to make them appears again.

Titel: MAME 0.234
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2021, 07:45
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0234.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6982
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2021, 08:20
Whats new:>>


Implement (non-HD) vibrations support:

Implement vibration calls of hid service accurately to reverse engineering.
You can enable/disable rumble in the controller settings window.
HD rumble values are converted to non-HD vibration values, you can choose the multipliers for rumble in the controller settings window.
Tested working controller are DualSense (PS5), Xbox One, Xbox 360, ProController but working on probably more controllers. Users reports rumble doesn't work on real JoyCons, this will be fixed later if confirmed.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    More accurate Wii U system fonts (using Cemuhook's shared fonts)
    Bug fixes & many smaller improvements

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.6997
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2021, 10:20

Updates the LibHac dependency to version 0.13.1. This improves the accuracy of the emulator file system implementation, and solve some file system and save related issues on games. See below for a more detailed list of changes.
Refactor FsSrv to match the official refactoring done in FS.
Change how the Horizon and HorizonClient classes are handled. Each client created represents a different process with its own process ID and client state.
Add FS access control to handle permissions for FS service method calls.
Add FS program registry to keep track of the program ID, location and permissions of each process.
Add FS program index map info manager to track the program IDs and indexes of multi-application programs.
Add all FS IPC interfaces.
Rewrite Fs.Fsa code to be more accurate.
Rewrite a lot of FsSrv code to be more accurate.
Extend directory save data to store SaveDataExtraData
Extend directory save data to lock the save directory to allow only one accessor at a time.
Improve waiting and retrying when encountering access issues in LocalFileSystem and DirectorySaveDataFileSystem.
More IFileSystemProxy methods should work now.
Probably a bunch more stuff.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Optimizes JIT memory allocations by using an arena allocator, along with other optimizations.
    Greatly improves PPTC compilation speeds, reducing the total duration by around 20%-60% depending on the game.
    Lowers memory usage when rebuilding PPTC.
    Reduces stutters and time taken to reach peak performance with PPTC disabled and on the first run (before PPTC is built).
    Fixes a bug that could cause incorrect code to be generated in some rare cases, where a shift value was overwritten with an incorrect value.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Improved support for Skylanders USB portals
    Compatibility improvements
    Bug fixes & minor UI tweaks

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7008
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>


    Adds a workaround for a Libhac issue where an exception is thrown when trying to delete an inexistent folder recursively.

Titel: MAME 0.235
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2021, 10:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0235.txt

Titel: Erockus Arcade 8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2021, 22:20
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated database for MAME .235

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7018
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Avoid redundant texture scale updates:

    Minor performance improvements on some games, most notably Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Improves handling of multi-draw with indirect count on HLE macros, for cases where the start draw is non-zero.
    No visible changes expected, as no game is known to hit this case so far.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7022
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2021, 08:10
Whats new:>>


Fixes shader shuffle up instruction, when the source thread ID is out of range.
Fixes vertex explosions on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7023
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2021, 19:10
Whats new:>>


    Implements support for the shader image atomic instructions.
    Fixes object interaction not animating on Yoshi Crafted World in some levels.
    Fixes missing lighting on several UE4 games, such as Bravely Default 2, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2, No More Heroes 3, Densha de Go!! and more.
    Fixes missing facial animations on several UE4 games, such as Bravely Default 2 and Trials of Mana.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7024
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2021, 18:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Fixes shaders using the TXQ instruction failing to compile if more than 2 dimensions are being read.
    Fixes some (but not all) lighting issues on Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2, and other UE4 games.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2021, 10:45
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Faster pipeline cache loading
    Various smaller optimizations
    Tweaks and bug fixes

Titel: GameEx 17.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2021, 21:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


    New media playback features to GameEx for a change. Now features m3u and m3u plus support. Simply drop an m3u file or an internet shortcut into one of your video folders, and voila IPTV support.
    A bit old school now but the GameEx DVD player now includes madVR support.
    madVR support is automatic and now also works on GameEx 64 bit installs.
    Fixes a rather annoying bug where the please wait animation will always stay on for a minimum of 2 seconds. So subsequently this release is a significant performance improvement.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7032
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>


Account for negative strides on DMA copy.
Math.Abs is used on the stride to calculate the size, to ensure it is positive.
If stride is negative, the base offset is adjusted to the real start offset of the copy.
Changed the flush call on InlineToMemory to use the GPU memory manager rather than the physical one, to account for non-contiguous memory.
Idol Days no longer crashes when trying to open the log or load/save the game, although it does have other issues there that don't seem to be caused by this change.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7037
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2021, 11:10
Whats new:>>


FPS monitor now shows instantaneous FPS rather than any form of weighted average.
Frametime has been added as a metric with a 2 decimal place precision factor.
All performance metrics now update every 750ms rather than 1000ms.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Various bug fixes

Titel: My Nes 7.9.7931.3259
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2021, 10:40
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Fixed: My Nes mixer look-up table.
    Fixed: sound output for external sound channels.
    Improved: MY Nes mixer. Now it sounds better.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7047
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2021, 22:15
Whats new:>>

    Adds a method to PhysicalMemory that attempts to write all cached resources directly, so that memory tracking can be avoided. The goal of this is both to avoid flushing buffer data, and to avoid raising the sequence number when data is written, which causes buffer and texture handles to be re-checked.
    Improves performance on Xenoblade 2 and DE, which were flushing buffer data on the GPU thread when trying to write compute data.
    May improve performance in other games that write SSBOs from compute, and update data in the same/nearby pages often.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7058
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 08:40
Whats new:>>


    Added the ability to signal a write as "precise" on the tracking, which signals a special handler (if present) which can be used to avoid unnecessary flush actions, or maybe even more. For buffers, precise writes specifically do not flush, and instead punch a hole in the modified range list to indicate that the data on GPU has been replaced.
    Fixed regressions from a previous change (in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Rune Factory 4 and more).

Titel: MAME 0.236
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 10:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0236.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.236
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 19:15
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    04022: [Sound] (segas16b.cpp) altbeastj: Music does not stop when the transformation sequence begins. (TeamEurope)
    07883: [Color/Palette] BGFX: Direct3D 9 back-end does not work. (Ryan Holtz)
    08059: [DIP/Input] (taito_f2.cpp) deadconx, deadconxj: DIP switches are labeled incorrectly. (GoldS_TCRF)
    08065: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) altbeast, altbeast6: Sprites flicker, most visibly in the third stage. (hap)
    08074: [Media Support] FILE MANAGER: Drive root directories cannot be selected on Windows. (Vas Crabb)
    08075: [Gameplay] (changela.cpp) changela: Car incorrectly steers to the right without player input. (hap)
    08076: [Sound] (tubep.cpp) rjammer: Sound test does not work, and causes loss of game sounds. (AJR)
    08077: [DIP/Input] (darius.cpp) dariusu: Discounted continue DIP switch is labeled “unknown”. (GoldS_TCRF)
    08078: [DIP/Input] (vigilant.cpp) vigilant and clones: Kick and punch buttons are reversed. (abelardator2)
    08081: [Sound] (srmp2.cpp) srmp2, srmp3: Character voice samples do not play. (kmg)
    08085: [Documentation] (msx.cpp) hbf9pr: The description says “Russion” instead of “Russian”. (AntoPISA)
    08090: [Documentation] (polepos.cpp) polepos2: Documented “Freeze” DIP switch is labeled “Unknown”. (Cow)


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2021, 10:45
Whats new:>>

    Added timer speed option
    Audio improvements
    Graphics fixes

Titel: My Nes 7.10.7945.40903
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Interface languages: English, Arabic and Chinese Simplified.
    Add: multilingual interface support.
    Added: Arabic and Chinese Simplified interface languages.
    Fixed: colors decoding error, saturation and light were adjusted a little bit. Now all set to 0 (default colors).
    Improved: audio mixer now faster.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2021, 19:15
Whats new:>>

    Reduces cost for range list creation and inheritance.
    Fixes potential performance regression introduced on version 1.0.7044.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7063
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2021, 22:15
Whats new:>>


    Enable branch tightening when PPTC is enabled.
        Slightly better JIT code generation with PPTC enabled.
        PPTC cache size was reduced by a few KB as a result.



    Fixes wrong name size on DisplayInfo structure.
        Fixes a regression introduced on version 1.0.7041 that caused Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, and maybe other games to crash on boot.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2021, 11:20
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


PPSSPP now supports Android 12 and the new Android storage model, "Scoped Storage".


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7066
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 10:50
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Optimize the JIT linear scan register allocator.
The speed of PPTC compilation is greatly improved, in some cases taking half of the time compared to the previous version.
First run or runs with PPTC disabled have also been improved, now taking less time to reach the peak performance.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.12.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

fixed a few bugs including a gamepad binding bug.

Titel: My Nes 7.10.7953.31793
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2021, 11:10
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Added: new audio downsampler for more even better audio.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7073
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Fixes an issue of Vulkan (from the guest) draw methods by forcing the state to be dirty when the indexed draw registers are written to.
    Only affects games using the Vulkan API as other APIs do not use those registers.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7074
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>


Fixes a regression introduced on version 1.0.7067 that caused some games using the foreground software keyboard applet and the Mii editor to crash.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.25.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2021, 10:20
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Download manager now supports DLC downloading
    Stability and compatibility improvements
    Misc fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7077
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>


Add missing U8/S8 types from shader I2I instruction.
Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7069 where in some cases an exception would be thrown when emitting code for a shader.

Titel: My Nes 7.10.7962.1462
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Added: NTSC composite video color decoder.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7084
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 11:10
Whats new:>>


    Kernel: Implement SetMemoryPermission syscall. ◦Fix KMemoryPermission not being an unsigned 32 bits type and add the "DontCare" bit (used by shared memory, currently unused in Ryujinx).
    ◦Used only by homebrew and system apps.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7091
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Kernel: Fix inverted condition on permission check of SetMemoryPermission syscall.

Titel: MAME 0.237
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 22:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0237.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7093
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2021, 08:40
Whats new:>>


    Add support for fragment shader interlock.
    Fixes flickering lights in Super Mario Party and Mario Party Superstars.

Titel: MAMEUI 0.237
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2021, 18:45
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    04022: [Sound] (segas16b.cpp) altbeastj: Music does not stop when the transformation sequence begins. (TeamEurope)
    07883: [Color/Palette] BGFX: Direct3D 9 back-end does not work. (Ryan Holtz)
    08059: [DIP/Input] (taito_f2.cpp) deadconx, deadconxj: DIP switches are labeled incorrectly. (GoldS_TCRF)
    08065: [Graphics] (segas16b.cpp) altbeast, altbeast6: Sprites flicker, most visibly in the third stage. (hap)
    08074: [Media Support] FILE MANAGER: Drive root directories cannot be selected on Windows. (Vas Crabb)
    08075: [Gameplay] (changela.cpp) changela: Car incorrectly steers to the right without player input. (hap)
    08076: [Sound] (tubep.cpp) rjammer: Sound test does not work, and causes loss of game sounds. (AJR)
    08077: [DIP/Input] (darius.cpp) dariusu: Discounted continue DIP switch is labeled “unknown”. (GoldS_TCRF)
    08078: [DIP/Input] (vigilant.cpp) vigilant and clones: Kick and punch buttons are reversed. (abelardator2)
    08081: [Sound] (srmp2.cpp) srmp2, srmp3: Character voice samples do not play. (kmg)
    08085: [Documentation] (msx.cpp) hbf9pr: The description says “Russion” instead of “Russian”. (AntoPISA)
    08090: [Documentation] (polepos.cpp) polepos2: Documented “Freeze” DIP switch is labeled “Unknown”. (Cow)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7096
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>


Hle: Make Ryujinx.HLE project entirely safe.
Followup of the changes in 1.0.7089.

Titel: Ludo 0.16.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 20:20
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7097
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2021, 23:25
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Clamp number of mipmap levels to avoid API errors due to invalid textures. Fixes character mods rendering black textures (such as the one for Mario Party Superstars). No known changes on commercial games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>


Ensure syncpoints are released and event handles closed on channel close:

Fixes "Cannot allocate a new syncpoint!" error.
Fixes games that crashed with an "Out of handles!" exception, such as Legend of Mana.

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2021, 21:15
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes -> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-9-13-automatic-frame-delay/

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Support shader gl_Color, gl_SecondaryColor and gl_TexCoord built-ins.
    Fixes black screens on games using OpenGL on the Switch, such as rRootage Reloaded and Dragon Quest III.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2021, 18:15
Whats new:>>

    Implement DrawTexture functionality.
    Steel Assault now renders.
    Final Fantasy VII now goes in-game.
    Charge Kid rendering improved slightly.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7104
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>


Limit Custom Anisotropic Filtering to only fully mipmapped textures.
Fixes graphical bugs caused by non-Auto Anisotropic Filtering, affecting games such as Astral Chain or Shin Megami Tensei V.
Allows changing Anisotropic Filtering while a game is running.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 18:45
Whats new:>>


Fixes the Invalid reinterpret cast from "F32" to "F64" exception that would happen on any shader using I2F or F2I instructions to convert between double and integer types.
Allows World War Z to boot into menus (the game is still not playable).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>


Nickname! - Init Amiibos with Profile's name!
Amiibo now use the name of the current user profile when the name of the owner is requested, instead of "No Name".

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7107
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2021, 22:25
Whats new:>>


Better depth range detection.
Improves rendering in Bastion.

Titel: MAME 0.238
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 23:17
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0238.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.238
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2021, 21:10
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    Bugs fixed:

    07556: [Crash/Freeze] (snes.cpp) snes, snespal [ctrigger and clones]: Chrono Trigger crashes the emulator. (AmatCoder)
    07685: [DIP/Input] sonic, cabalus, others using µPD4701A: Mapping joysticks to inputs with PORT_RESET causes problems. (Vas Crabb)
    08118: [Crash/Freeze] Core: Error messages can crash MAME on Windows when no console is attached. (Vas Crabb)
    08119: [Interface] Lua console: Tab completion for container keys can cause segmentation faults. (Carl)
    08120: [Interface] Program/copyright information overflows the bottom pane on the system/software selection menus. (hap)
    08121: [Interface] UI: Main menu does not update if emulation phase changes while it is hidden. (Vas Crabb)
    08127: [Documentation] (taitotx.cpp) goketsuj: Title is incorrect. (J.J.Boy)
    08132: [DIP/Input] (cop01.cpp) cop01, cop01a: DIP switches marked as unused activate invulnerability cheat. (Steven Coomber)
    08137: [Interface] UI: Selecting “Favorites” system filter without having any entries causes a segmentation fault. (Vas Crabb)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Account/ns: Implement 13.0.0+ service calls.
    Nimal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0.0 (and newer) no longer crashes on boot.
    Dying Light no longer crashes on boot.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    kernel: Fix sleep timing accuracy.
    Fixes softlocks and slow timer in Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition.
    Greatly improves loading in Breath of the Wild 1.0.0.
    Slightly improves performance in some games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>


    infra: Migrate to .NET 6.
    Migrates projects and CI to .NET 6.
    May slightly improve performance in some games.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.044
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 08:50
Whats new:>>

Did you wonder about the disappearance of the u2 rom of diablo68 in MAME 238...then better update.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 10:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Don't blow up everything if a DLC file is moved or renamed.
    Fixes DLC manager crashing the emulator when DLC files have been moved or renamed, removing the need to delete a DLC.json file when this happens.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2021, 19:10
Whats new:>>


Fix Amiibo hanging since .NET 6 changes.
Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7111 where scanning an Amiibo would cause the emulator to lock up.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Fix FLO.SH shader instruction with a input of 0.
    No known changes in games.

Titel: RetroArch 1.9.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes -> https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-9-14-release/

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2021, 18:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix SUATOM and other texture shader instructions with RZ dest.
    No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7124
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Remove unused empty Ryujinx.Audio.Backends project.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Remove debug configuration and schema.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7129
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix for texture pool not being updated when it should + buffer texture fixes.
    Fixes black vertex explosions on Dragon Quest XI S and possibly other UE4 games.
    Fixes vertex explosions in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
    Fixes black/flickering textures in SnowRunner, Balan Wonderworld Demo SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom, Ender Lilies and Yoshi's Crafted World (costume menu).
    Improves rendering slightly in GTA San Andreas (Trilogy).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7135
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2021, 08:10
Whats new:>>

    Revert "sdl2: Update to Ryujinx.SDL2-CS 2.0.19" (1.0.7132).
    Reverted as it was causing crashes on latest Windows 10 build for some people.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.26.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2021, 12:50
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Input system rework
    Graphics fixes
    Audio fixes
    Crash fixes
    Improved compatibility
    Various smaller improvements

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7140
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>


    Fix DMA copy fast path line size when xCount < stride:
    Fixes some random crashes in the Youtube app.
    Possibly fixes some other games that do DMA copy with linear source textures.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7142
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Use minimum stream sample count on SDL2 audio backend.
    Fixes "New audio stream setup with a sample count of ..." log spam followed by massive slowdown in some games, such as Final Fantasy VII, when using the SDL2 audio backend.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7144
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>


    Flip scissor box when the YNegate bit is set.
    Fixes in-game UI in Bloons TD 5.
    Fixes menus being cut off in the YouTube app.
    May fix similar issues in games using OpenGL on the Switch.

Titel: MAME 0.239
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2021, 09:20
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0239.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7146
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2021, 20:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


Improve SocketOption handling.
Fixes some warnings caused by missing options.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 09:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated database for MAME .239

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7151
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 20:10

1.0.7151 - 2021-12-30


    Add support for the R4G4 texture format.
        Fixes black HUD elements in the Nintendo 64 NSO version of Ocarina of Time. (The NSO games still require more changes to run.)

1.0.7150 - 2021-12-30


    Fix A1B5G5R5 texture format.
        Fixes graphical glitches in the Nintendo 64 NSO version of Ocarina of Time. May fix similar glitches in other N64 emulated titles. (The NSO games still require more changes to run.)

1.0.7149 - 2021-12-30


    friend: Stub IsFriendListCacheAvailable and EnsureFriendListAvailable.
        Super Bomberman R Online will no longer crash on boot, however it will still get stuck on the loading screen due to other issues.

1.0.7148 - 2021-12-30


    am: Stub SetMediaPlaybackStateForApplication.
        Required by the YouTube app.

1.0.7147 - 2021-12-30


    kernel: Implement thread pinning support.
        Adds support for 8.x thread pinning changes and implements SynchronizePreemptionState syscall.
        May fix some softlocks.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7152
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    Force crop when presentation cached texture size mismatches.
        Fixes rendering being shifted up slightly in Hades.
        Fixes NSO Nintendo 64 game selection being shifted up. (The NSO games still require more changes to run.)
        Fixes similar issue in Super Mario Sunshine.

Titel: My Nes 7.10.8036.39502
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2022, 11:10
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Updated copyright inforamtion
    Updated target .netframework version into 4.8

Titel: Ludo 0.16.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2022, 19:10
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Attempt to fix apple notarization.
    Bump cores.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7156
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 19:10

1.0.7156 - 2022-01-03


    Implement analog stick range modifier.
        Adds range modification to the analog sticks of a given controller. Setting it above 1.00 makes it easier for controllers (especially older ones) to reach max stick values.

1.0.7155 - 2022-01-03


    ffmpeg: Add extra checks and error messages.
        In Linux, these logs will make it more evident that a game is crashing because the necessary ffmpeg packages aren't installed.

1.0.7154 - 2022-01-03


    Add Cheat Manager.
        Adds a cheat manager which makes it possible to disable and enable installed cheats while a game is running. However, it does not allow you to edit or add cheats, and any new cheats added to the cheat file while a game is running, will not work.
        Cheat manager can be accessed by right clicking games on the list or from Actions > Manage Cheats during gameplay.

1.0.7153 - 2022-01-03


    misc - Improve DNS blacklist for Nintendo servers.
        Blacklists more DNS addresses for Nintendo’s servers.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7158
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2022, 09:10

1.0.7158 - 2022-01-03


    sfdnsres: Implement NSD resolution.
        Fixes a missing implementation usage of NSD on IResolver when requested on GetAddrInfoRequest* and GetHostByNameRequest*.

1.0.7157 - 2022-01-03


    Fix build id case issue for enabled cheats.
        Fixes an issue where cheats wouldn't work if the cheat file name was lowercase.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7159
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>


    CPU - Implement FCVTMS (Vector).
    Allows XCOM 2 Collection to boot.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7161
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2022, 11:10


    Return error on DNS resolution when guest internet access is disabled.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7137 that made Crash Bandicoot 4 crash early on boot after trying to connect to some server. Note that the game will still crash if guest internet access is enabled.



    Add support for render scale to vertex stage.
        Fixes render scale causing offset bloom (ghost images) in Super Mario Party, Mario Party Superstars and Clubhouse Games.
        Fixes grid-like artifacts when increasing the resolution on Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 09:50


    Texture Sync, incompatible overlap handling, data flush improvements.
        Fixes white water and teleportation animation in Breath of the Wild.
        Fixes rainbow lighting in Splatoon 2 after loading screens.
        Fixes many rendering/ texture streaming issues in (mostly) UE3/UE4 games, including A Hat in Time, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Darksiders 3, Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, Life is Strange: True Colors, possibly more.
        Fixes texture corruption in The Witcher 3.
        Fixes Mario Kart 8 Deluxe replay thumbnails being from the previous race or black.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7163
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 18:10


Fix sampled multisample texture size.
Fixes rendering in Okami HD.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7164
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>

    Implement IMUL, PCNT and CONT shader instructions, fix FFMA32I and HFMA32I.
    Required by MelonDS Switch port and some homebrew applications. (MelonDS still needs more changes to work.)
    Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7069.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7167
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2022, 18:10

1.0.7167 - 2022-01-11


    Fix adjacent 3d texture slices being detected as Incompatible Overlaps.
        Fixes some regressions introduced in 1.0.7162 which caused 3D texture data to be lost for most slices.
        Fixes colour grading in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, and probably more games.

1.0.7166 - 2022-01-11


    account: Rework LoadIdTokenCache to auto generate a random JWT token.

1.0.7165 - 2022-01-11


    sfdnsres: Block communication attempt with NPLN servers.
        Blocks the emulator from communicating with Monster Hunter Rise servers.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7169
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2022, 18:40


    Update to LibHac 0.15.0.
        No changes to emulator functionality.



    Fix render target clear when sizes mismatch.
        Fixes Pathway not entirely clearing the screen.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7171
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2022, 09:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License



    bsd: Revamp API and make socket abstract.
        Cleans up the emulator's sockets code. No known changes to emulator functionality.



    sfdnsres: Fix serialization issues.
        Fixes a crash in Monster Hunter Rise when guest Internet access is enabled.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7172
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2022, 08:40
Whats new:>>


    ssl: Implement SSL connectivity.
        Adds support for SSL connection using .NET APIs for it.
        May improve games that connect to non-Nintendo servers.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7174
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>


kernel: Fix deadlock when pinning in interrupt handler.
Fixes a deadlock on DoDonPachi Resurrection when starting a new game.
May fix similar deadlocks on other games.



Fix return type mismatch on 32-bit titles.
Fixes an assert that was caused by the return type not matching the actual return type of the function, due to the address being 32-bits.
Only affects debug builds.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7175
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Scale scissor used for clears.
    Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7168 that would cause the screen to flicker in some games with resolution scale other than native, like Luigi's Mansion 3 or Tetris 99.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.26.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2022, 11:40
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

Input fixes

Titel: Ryujinx 1.0.7181
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2022, 08:20
Whats new:>>


Fix deadlock for GPU counter report when 0 draws are done.
Fixes a rare bug where reporting a counter for a region containing 0 draws could deadlock the GPU, usually showing an error saying "Gpu AwaitResult: Error: Query result timed out. Took more than 5000 tries".
This uncommon bug affected games such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and Super Mario Odyssey when backend multithreading was set to Auto/On.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Release system was switched to GitHub Release as a result of AppVeyor takedown of the project.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 20:10


    Set _vibrationPermitted to return True.
        Games which respect IHidServer::IsVibrationPermitted should now allow vibration to function, for example, Catherine: Full Body.



    Add support for BC1/2/3 decompression (for 3D textures).
        Fixes garbled text in Tales of Vesperia.
        Fixes blocky explosions in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
        Fixes rain in Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2022, 09:10


    Fix regression on PR builds version number since new release system.
        Fixes PR builds showing as "dirty" builds.



    Fix calls passing V128 values on Linux.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7000 where in some cases, during the pre-allocation stage, the new register operations would not be added to the call operation node. This would cause the register allocator to not keep track of the fixed registers (possibly overwriting the register values), and also to do register allocation for the operands passed on the call (which it should not do).
        Fixes Pokémon Sword/Shield saves becoming corrupted on Linux.
        Fixes a crash when booting Splatoon 2 v5.5.0 on Linux.
        Fixes software memory manager mode not working on Linux.

NOTE: existing saves created on any version after 1.0.7000 are most likely actually corrupted, so you'll need to delete them. Saves created before the bug was introduced (or created on Windows) should be fine.



    amadeus: Fix possible device sink input out of bound.
        Fixes a crash in Death Coming. Game now boots to menus, however, it will still crash when attempting to contact online servers.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>


    Convert Octal-Mode to Decimal
    Fixes autoupdater not setting the correct permissions on Linux/Unix. This would sometimes cause the Ryujinx file to lose its "executable" attribute after an autoupdate.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 08:10


    Add timestamp to 16-byte/4-word semaphore releases.
        Fixes 20fps cap in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
        Fixes Pokémon Legends: Arceus being more pixelated than normal.



    Fix res scale parameters not being updated in vertex shader.
        Pokémon Legends: Arceus no longer breaks graphics at higher resolutions when Gastly is spawned.


Titel: MAME 0.240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 09:50
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0240.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Fix small precision error on CPU reciprocal estimate instructions.
    Fixes some twitching animations in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, for example on the main character's left arm.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 22:40
Whats new:>>

Remove Appveyor from Readme and SLN.

Titel: My Nes 7.11.8066.5101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 10:50
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Added ability to render (and record) audio in Stereo (2 channels)
    Added settings to switch audio channels (Stereo-Mono)
    Added Reset All Settings button in Input settings window, allows to reset all input settings into defaults.
    Updated SDL2 to the latest version
    Updated video default settings
    Changed default player 1 keyboard control mapping.
    Fixed bug when run My Nes in "Trace" mode.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 18:40
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Updated database for MAME .240
    Phillips CD-i has been add to Systems

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2022, 22:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License



    Fix bug that could cause depth buffer to be missing after clear.
    Fixes a regression introduced in 1.0.7168 that caused models not to render in Sonic Colors: Ultimate.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>


    Try to ensure save data always has a valid owner ID.
    Fixes "ResultFsPermissionDenied (2002-6400)" error that would cause games to close during boot with lots of "ThreadTerminating" errors.

Titel: My Nes 7.12.8069.42227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2022, 18:45
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3


Added Stereo Nes mode
Added ability to adjust pan level of audio channels for Stereo nes.
Updated audio recorder to record stereo with stereo nes mode (if enabled)


Stereo nes is hack of nes that allows audio channels to outputed in stereo with pan adjusted. To enable stereo nes, go to Audio>Stereo Nes.
Stereo must be enabled first (Audio>Stereo)
Channels pan level can be adjusted using Audio Channel Pan Config window (Audio>Stereo Nes Settings). It is applied directly into settings,
these settings are saved in renderersettings.ini file in documents folder (C:Users<user>OneDriveDocumentsMyNes).


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: OpCodeTable: Add CMN (RsReg).
    Implements missing CPU instruction.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2022, 22:15
Whats new:>>


    Make sure mesa_glthread gets a lowercase string on Linux.
        Fixes a bug in which MESA was provided with an incorrect environment variable controlling backend threading.



    ARMeilleure: A32: Implement SHADD8.
        Implements SHADD8 CPU instruction. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2022, 19:45
Whats new:>>


    Fix headless sdl2 option string.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: A32: Implement SHSUB8 and UHSUB8.
    Implements missing CPU instructions. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2022, 10:45
Whats new:>>


    Add a limit on the number of uses a constant may have.
    Deathsmiles II now works.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2022, 19:11
Whats new:>>


Ship SoundIO library only for the specified runtime.
Ensures that the SoundIO project gets "RuntimeIdentifiers" property when built as a subproject, so that the correct platform-specific files are provided.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 06:45
Whats new:>>


InstEmitMemory32: Literal loads always have word-aligned PC.
No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.26.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 11:44
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.

Whats new:>>

    Software decoder for H264 videos
    Vulkan optimizations
    Fixed graphic pack file replacement
    Fixed download manager "Invalid TMD" error
    Fixed motion for SDL controller API

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2022, 07:15
Whats new:>>


    Use Enum and Delegate.CreateDelegate generic overloads
    Remove unused EnumExtensions.cs
    No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2022, 21:15
Whats new:>>


    When copying linear textures, DMA should ignore region X/Y.
        Allows River City Girls Zero to get ingame.



    Adjustmentments to controller deadzone calculation.
        Improves small movements at cardinal directions.
        Removes "8-axis" effect at high deadzone values.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2022, 13:14


    amadeus: Fix PCMFloat datasource command v1.
        Small code correction. No changes expected in games.

1.1.31 - 2022-02-16


    Do not allow render targets not explicitly written by the fragment shader to be modified.
        Fixes cave rendering in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
        Fixes weird lines in Pokémon Sword/Shield.
        Fixes black water in Paper Mario: The Origami King.
        Fixes blue emblems on ships in Monster Hunter Rise.
        Fixes overbright jellyfish in NEO: The World Ends with You.

1.1.30 - 2022-02-16


    amadeus: Fix limiter correctness.
        Fixes missing audio on Nintendo Switch Sports Online Play Test.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2022, 07:25
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.45 - 2022-02-17


    PPTC version increment.
        Fixes games getting stuck during boot, right after loading shaders.

1.1.44 - 2022-02-17


    Enable CPU JIT cache invalidation.
        This change will be required in the future to make applications that load code dynamically (NROs, mainly Super Smash Bros Ultimate) or that have self-modifying code (certain Skyline/ARCropolis mods) function properly.

1.1.43 - 2022-02-17


    Prefer texture over textureSize for sampler type.
        Fixes shaders failing to compile on some games, however, there seems to be no visible differences.

1.1.42 - 2022-02-17


    Use BitOperations methods and delete now unused BitUtils methods.
        Replaces BitUtils.CountTrailingZeros/CountLeadingZeros/IsPowerOfTwo with BitOperations methods.
        No changes expected in games.

1.1.41 - 2022-02-17


    Move kernel syscall logs to new trace log level.

1.1.40 - 2022-02-17


    Implement/Stub mnpp:app service and some hid calls.
        Allows SNES v3.0.0 games (NSO collection) to boot.
        Allows Nintendo Switch Sports Online Play Test to boot.

1.1.39 - 2022-02-17


    Decoders: Add IOpCode32HasSetFlags.
        Fixes "Unhandled exception caught: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid" error on boot introduced in 1.1.36.

1.1.38 - 2022-02-17


    Added trace log level.
        Adds a "trace" log level in developer logs.

1.1.37 - 2022-02-17


    Change ServiceNv map creation logs to the Debug level.
        Removes quite a bit of unneeded log spam.

1.1.36 - 2022-02-17


    ARMeilleure: Thumb support (all T16 instructions).
        Implements all 16-bit thumb CPU instructions.
        No changes expected in games.

1.1.35 - 2022-02-17


    misc: Update GtkSharp.Dependencies and speed up initial Windows build.
        Fixes flickering tooltips.
        Windows versions will now build faster on GitHub.

1.1.34 - 2022-02-17


    Use ReadOnlySpan compiler optimization for static data.
        No changes expected in games.

1.1.33 - 2022-02-17


    Use a basic cubic interpolation for the audren upsampler.
        Improves audio in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 06:45
Whats new:>>


    Add dedicated ServerBase for FileSystem services.
        Improves menu performance in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
        Reduces stuttering on some button advanced cutscenes in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition.
        May improve other instances of stuttering while streaming assets or loading anything.

Titel: My Nes 7.13.8087.35622
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2022, 06:15
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Improved Audio Downsampler.
    Improved Audio generally.
    Improved performance by converting audio samples from integers into bytes.
    Audio now is output in unsigned 8 bit instead of signed 16 bit, it is correct for nes.
    Improved SlimDX DirectSound renderer, it sounds now better and stable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2022, 06:50
Whats new:>>


    T32: Implement ALU (shifted register) instructions.
    No expected changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: MAME 0.241
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2022, 19:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0241.txt

Titel: clrmamepro 4.044b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: xml parser comment/cdata issue
    Fixed: falsely prompt for creating not existing but not active sysdefpaths

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>


    Update LibHac to v0.16.0.
    Adds support for reading NCAs with compressed sections. Iridium and Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX 2 can now boot.
    The emulator will now be able to recover from situations where external things mess with extra data files in the save data file system, instead of just erroring.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>


    Implement -p or --profile command line argument:

    Implements a command line argument for specifying which profile to load, overriding the default behavior of loading the most recently used profile. This is useful for people with shared computers, who can now set up 2 (or more) different Ryujinx desktop shortcuts by adding -p and the profile name in shortcut properties > target.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2022, 12:25


    Decoder: Exit on trapping instructions, and resume execution at trapping instruction.
        No changes expected in games.

1.1.57 - 2022-03-04


    T32: Implement B, B.cond, BL, BLX.
        Implements remaining thumb CPU instructions. No changes expected in games.

1.1.56 - 2022-03-04


    Preparation for initial Flatpack and FlatHub integration.
        Initial changes required to publish Ryujinx on FlatHub, a Linux app store which is also used by the Steam Deck.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2022, 19:45
Whats new:>>


    A32: Fix ALU immediate instructions.
    No changes expected in games.



    Decoders: Fix instruction lengths for 16-bit branch instructions.
    No changes expected in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2022, 17:25


    amadeus: Fix wrong Span usage in CopyHistories.
        Fixes a crash in Mononoke Slashdown, which now goes in-game.
        Fixes a crash in Paper Mario: The Origami King during a cutscene in Shangri-Spa.

1.1.63 - 2022-03-06


    T32: Implement Data Processing (Modified Immediate) instructions.
        No changes expected in games.

1.1.62 - 2022-03-06


    Mod loading from atmosphere SD directories.
        Implements addition of SD card paths into the ModLoader so that standard Atmosphere/hardware directory set up mods can be used semi-seamlessly. You can now right click a game and click "Open Atmosphere Mods Directory" to access the folder.

1.1.61 - 2022-03-06


    Only initialize shader outputs that are actually used on the next stage.
        Fixes models not rendering in Pokémon Legends: Arceus on AMD OpenGL (Windows).
        May improve performance in select games e.g. PLA and Link's Awakening for Intel iGPUs (Mesa).


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2022, 18:10


    Implement GetSaveDataBackupSetting of OLSC service.
        Allows ACNH from 2.0.5 onwards to boot.

1.1.68 - 2022-03-12


    Implement setting to rotate stick axis by 90 degrees.
        Allows the stick to be rotated in all possible orientations (in conjunction with inversion).
        Games that use sideways joycons (Super Mario Party etc.) will be able to take advantage of this.

1.1.67 - 2022-03-12


    Fix GetUserDisableCount NRE.
        Fixes a "NullReferenceException" that could happen when closing the emulator or stopping emulation, reported on Splatoon 2.
        Does NOT fix most instances of emulator crashing when quitting.

1.1.66 - 2022-03-12


    Limit number of events that can be retrieved from GetDisplayVSyncEvent.
        Fixes "WaitSynchronization InvalidHandle" error spam on .hack//G.U. Last Recode, making the game playable with logs enabled.

1.1.65 - 2022-03-11


    KThread: Fix GetPsr mask
        No changes expected in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2022, 18:15


    ntc: Implement IEnsureNetworkClockAvailabilityService.
        Needed by Splatoon 2 with Guest Internet Access enabled. The game is now playable with this setting.

1/1/75 - 2022-03-14


    Caching local network info and using an event handler to invalidate as needed.
        Improves slowdown in calendar menu in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

1/1/74 - 2022-03-14


    Implement S8D24 texture format.
        Fixes starbits interaction in Super Mario Galaxy, now allowing the game to be progressed through.
        Fixes fog/depth of field/depth particles in SuperTuxKart.

1/1/73 - 2022-03-14


    Dynamically increase buffer size when resizing.
        Reduces the boot time (from black screen to Game Freak logo) on Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl by almost half with PPTC enabled.
        Greatly improves title screen animation and overall performance on Super Mario Galaxy.

1/1/72 - 2022-03-14


    Ui: Add option to show/hide console window (Windows-only).
        Windows users can now toggle the console under Options > Show Log Console.

1.1.71 - 2022-03-14


    Initialize indexed inputs used on next shader stage.
        Fixes another regression introduced in 1.1.61 that would cause shaders to fail to compile on WarioWare: Get It Together! and probably other games using indexed attributes.

1.1.70 - 2022-03-14


    Do not initialize geometry shader passthrough attributes.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.61 that caused solid black/ transparent characters (again) on Game Builder Garage.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2022, 10:20
Whats new:>>


    InstEmitMemoryEx: Barrier after write on ordered store.
        No changes expected in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 17:10

1/1/82 - 2022-03-21


    Memory.Tests: Make Multithreading test.
        Makes the intermittent test failure more explicit so it’s not confused with other errors.

1.1.81 - 2022-03-20


    Don't restore Viewport 0 if it hasn't been set yet.
        Fixes a driver crash when starting some games, introduced in 1.1.79.
        Games that were black screening with a GPU syncpoint error should now boot correctly (Triangle Strategy, DBFZ etc.)

1/1/80 - 2022-03-20


    De-tile GOB when DMA copying from block linear to pitch kind memory regions.
        Fixes texture corruption on games that use OpenGL on the Switch, including Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition, Ghoul Patrol (partially), Professor Layton's Mystery Journey, Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl, Zombies Ate My Neighbours (partially), among others.

1/1/79 - 2022-03-20


    Fix OpenGL issues with RTSS overlays and OBS Game Capture
        RTSS and overlays that use it should no longer cause certain textures to load incorrectly (Mario Kart 8, Pokémon Legends Arceus).
        OBS Game Capture should no longer crop the game output incorrectly, flicker randomly, or capture with incorrect gamma.

1/1/78 - 2022-03-20


    oslc: Fix condition in GetSaveDataBackupSetting.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.69 where Animal Crossing: New Horizons would not boot anymore without a save file. Note that the game still crashes most of the time without one.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2022, 08:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    hle: Some cleanup.
        Cleaned up the HLE and VirtualFileSystem folders in the code. No changes expected in games.

Titel: FCEUX 2.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2022, 19:45
FCEUX (formerly known as FCE Ultra) is a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and Famicom (Family Computer) emulator for a variety of different platforms, based on Bero's FCE. Note that to actually play any game with FCEUX you will need ROM images in one of the supported formats.

License: Freeware/Open Source




    Fixed crash that sometimes occurs when cancelling a key mapping sub-dialog for virtual family keyboard window (Crash occurred most often on MacOS).

    NES Header Editor:

    Fixed mapper combo box indexing issue.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Support NVDEC H264 interlaced video decoding and VIC deinterlacing.
        Fixes videos in non-Japanese versions of Layton's Mystery Journey. The game now plays them instead of crashing.
        Fixes every video in Star Wars Episode I: Racer.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>


    infra: Put SDL2 headless release inside a GUI-less block in PR.
    Download links of PR builds without an user interface will now be hidden. This avoids people downloading them unknowingly.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.044c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Little fix for scanner's fix-missing which might silently replace a file

Titel: MAME 0.242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2022, 19:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0242.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2022, 10:40
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers Bugs Fixed:

    07190: [Documentation] (jpmsys5sw.cpp) j5hilos: Punctuation in the description is incorrect. (sjy96525)
    07800: [Gameplay] (model2.cpp) vf2 and clones: Activating debug mode causes a fatal error. (Damian Rogers)
    07908: [Documentation] (newton.cpp) mp110, mp120, mp130, mp2000, mp2100, newtonmp: Descriptions are incomplete. (sjy96525)
    08209: [DIP/Input] (statriv2.cpp) hangman: DIP switches are labelled incorrectly. (Steven Coomber)
    08210: [Crash/Freeze] (actfancr.cpp) actfancr, triothep: Emulator crashes with a segmentation fault. (AmatCoder)
    08226: [Core] artwork: Color overflow on disk elements with some alpha values. (hap)
    08227: [Gameplay] lrescuem2: Collision detection is broken. (AJR)
    08236: [DIP/Input] (zodiack.cpp) bounty: Bonus life DIP switches are not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08238: [Graphics] (namcos2.cpp) valkyrie: Shadows are not being drawn. (hap)
    08242: [Plugins] The sol::buffer helper class does not work when type checking is enabled. (Vas Crabb)
    08243: [Documentation] (hh_cop400.cpp) mbaskb2, msoccer2: Manufacturer used “Mattel Electronics” branding. (hap)
    08244: [DIP/Input] (taito_l.cpp) raimais, raimaisj, raimaisjo: Bonus life DIP switches are labelled incorrectly. (Steven Coomber)
    08245: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) spacempr: DIP switches are labelled incorrectly. (Steve Coomber)
    08249: [Graphics] (msx.cpp) mx10, pv7, pv16, cpc50a, cpc50b, cpc51 [gradius2]: Corrupt graphics make games unplayable. (Tafoid)
    08250: [DIP/Input] (r2dtank.cpp) r2dtank: Bonus life DIP switch settings are not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08251: [DIP/Input] (8080bw.cpp) skylove: Bonus life DIP switch settings are not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08254: [DIP/Input] (8080bw.cpp) claybust: Number of “Flings” DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08256: [DIP/Input] (vicdual.cpp) wantsega: Bonus life DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08257: [DIP/Input] (vicdual.cpp) alphaho: Bonus life DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08259: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) mimonkey, mimonscr, mimonsco, mimonscra: Fire mode DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08262: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) aracnis: Aracnis Lives DIP switch settings are not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08263: [DIP/Input] (alinvade.cpp) alinvade: Bonus Life DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08267: [DIP/Input] (8080bw.cpp) rollingc: Bonus Life DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)
    08268: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) sfx, skelagon: Demo sound DIP switch is not labelled. (Steven Coomber)


Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2022, 15:40
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

- Updated for MAME .242

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2022, 11:40


    Implement primitive restart draw arrays properly on OpenGL.
        Fixes white lines in the sky on some Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Mega Mix clips.

1/1/88 - 2022-04-04


    Do not force scissor on clear if scissor is disabled.
        Fixes menu and text glitches on Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and maybe other titles with similar problems.

1/1/87 - 2022-04-04


    Small graphics abstraction layer cleanup.
        No known changes in games.

1/1/86 - 2022-04-04


    Fix shader textureSize with multisample and buffer textures.
        Fixes graphical issues in Rune Factory 5 and Bubble Bobble 4 Friends.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2022, 05:45


    Do not clamp SNorm outputs to the [0, 1] range on OpenGL.
    Fixes reflections and lighting on LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.
    Fixes white geometry in Fast RMX.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>


    amadeus: Update to REV11.
        This implements all of the ABI changes from REV11 from the new 14.0.0 firmware update.
        To our knowledge no games on the Nintendo Switch use these new features at the current moment, but future games likely will.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 06:16

1/1/93 - 2022-04-07


    HID: Signal event on AcquireNpadStyleSetUpdateEventHandle.
        Fixes random controller disconnects on Flip Wars.

1/1/92 - 2022-04-07


    LibHac: Update to 0.16.1.
        Don't fail when EnsureApplicationSaveData tries to create a temporary storage that already exists. Should allow NSO titles to boot again.
        Support reading XCI files that contain the initial data/key area.
        Add key sources for system version 14.0.0


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 18:40


    Implement VMAD shader instruction and improve InvocationInfo and ISBERD handling.
        Fixes homebrew that uses Nouveau OpenGL and geometry or tessellation shaders. No known changes in commercial games.

1/1/98 - 2022-04-08


    Allow copy texture views to have mismatching multisample state.
        Fixes black screen in Pinball FX3.

1/1/97 - 2022-04-08


    Lop3Expression: Optimize expressions.
        No changes expected in games.

1/1/96 - 2022-04-08


    Remove save data creation prompt.
        Save data directories will now be created automatically and logged in the console.

1/1/95 - 2022-04-08


    Calculate vertex buffer size from index buffer type.
        Prevents out of memory errors and crashes on Super Mario 64 (SM3DAS) and Perky Little Things. Note that these games need more fixes to work.

1/1/94 - 2022-04-08


    amadeus: Improve and fix delay effect processing.
        Reworks the sound delay effect processing and cleans up the code.
        Fixes a bug in the surround sound code. No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix tail merge from block with conditional jump to multiple returns:

    Fixes audio and visual slowdowns after scanning an Amiibo in games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. May help similar issues in other titles.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2022, 20:10


    New shader cache implementation.
    Rewrites both the memory shader cache and the disk shader cache.
    Old shaders will automatically be converted to the new format when you first boot a game with an existing shader cache.
    Fixes a slight performance degradation that could occur over time as more shaders were cached.
    Closing a game will now be slightly faster as the shader cache no longer needs to be recompressed (since shader caches no longer use .zip archives).
    It is now possible to close the emulator while shaders are loading.
    Fixes crashing due to corrupted shaders. The emulator will now rebuild the broken shaders and boot normally.
    Bindless textures, used by Mario Party Superstars, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, and the vast majority of UE4 games (No More Heroes 3, Shin Megami Tensei V), can now be cached by the emulator's shader cache. These games will be a lot smoother as a result.
    Completely fixes long boot times on Pokémon BDSP after 2nd run.
    Fixes graphical glitches in Yokai Watch 1, possibly other games.
    Fixes a freeze in the Near Forest in Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.102
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2022, 06:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    ForceDpiAware: X11 implementation.
    Makes Ryujinx DPI aware on X11 for Linux.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2022, 19:15
Whats new:>>


ReactiveObject: Handle case when oldValue is null.
Fixes a possible null exception in the future Avalonia UI.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.104
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2022, 11:20
Whats new:>>


    Implement HwOpus multistream functions.
        Implements multistream related Opus decoding functions
        Required by MLB The Show 22 and potentially others.

Titel: ExtraMAME 22.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2022, 20:40
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix broken motion controls when using SDL2.
    Fixes motion controls on multiple games such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe; The Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild; Kirby And The Forgotten Land and many others when enabled using the default SDL2 option.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    T32: Implement load/store single (immediate). No changes expected in games.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.27.0 Experimental
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2022, 06:35
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.

It isn't called an alpha or even a beta, but highly experimental. See some limitations below.



Nvidia or AMD video cards only. Will not run on Intel video cards. Currently, only the DRC (GamePad), Pro Controller and Classic Controller are emulated. Keyboard input + USB controllers are supported partially. Windows 7 or above required.


    Reworked title management from the ground up
    Scanning for titles should be a lot faster. Very noticable if you have a large library
    Updates and DLC no longer need to be installed. Cemu can now detect and load them directly from the game path folders
    The title manager window no longer is restricted to showing only one entry per title id, making it easier to manage duplicates

    Introducing support for a new file format for games which we dubbed Wii U archive (.wua):

    Supports multiple titles in a single file (e.g. a game combined with it's update and DLC)
    Cemu can play them directly and display them in the game list
    Uses compression, resulting in a smaller size than WUX or extracted folder format
    Lossless, can be converted back to the original files
    You can easily convert any of your games into .wua format via the Title Manager
    A standalone tool, including source code, for packing/unpacking is available here
    Added Cubeb audio backend (see our roadmap for details)
    Added a workaround for sampler rounding behavior differences between Wii U and OpenGL/Vulkan. This fixes invisible effects in some Wayforward games
    Opening the GamePad view will no longer blank out the main window on OpenGL
    Fixed Ctrl + Tab hotkey not toggling between TV and GamePad view
    General debugger improvements. Added breakpoints will now be remembered across sessions
    Reworked PDM (Play Diary Manager) service to be a bit more accurate. If you use a full mlc dump, Cemu will show the playtime stats from your console in the game list.
    Implemented nn_ac API GetAssignedAddress() and GetAssignedSubnet()
    Improved texture cache heuristics. Should save a bit of VRAM and avoid some unnecessary texture copies
    Reworked GX2R API and fixed some bugs in the process. Transformers Prime should no longer crash on boot
    Fixed an issue in the RPL loader where it would generate the wrong branch type. Fixes Your Shape: Fitness Evolved crashing on boot
    Fixed a crash that could occur when a game tried to access the GamePad camera
    Added a way to specify IP and port before selecting a DSU controller

    Tons of under the hood changes. Including:

    Almost fully migrated to CMake
    Upgraded from C++17 to C++20
    Reworked internal string handling to use UTF8 almost everywhere
    Reworked path handling to be more robust. Relative paths and network storage locations should work now.
    Reworked emulated system libraries: coreinit atomic, coreinit FS, nn_aoc


Titel: MAME 0.243
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2022, 17:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0243.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.243
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 09:20
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers Bugs Fixed:

    05533: [Crash/Freeze] (rastersp.cpp) fbcrazy: Fatal error about eight seconds after starting system. (Paul-Arnold)
    07568: [Crash/Freeze] (seattle.cpp) hyprdriv: Emulated game freezes while music continues to play. (Ted Green)
    07823: [DIP/Input] (vegas.cpp) nbanfl, nbagold: Watchdog reset when switching between test menus. (Ted Green)
    08064: [Graphics] (vegas.cpp) gauntleg, gauntleg12, gauntdl, gauntdl24: Screen tearing and inconsistent frame rate. (Ted Green)
    08203: [Graphics] (metro.cpp) karatour, karatourj, ladykill, 3kokushi: Graphics and speed issues. (Angelo Salese)
    08240: [Interface] (apple2gs.cpp) apple2gs: Game I/O joystick input is glitchy. (R. Belmont)
    08270: [Documentation] (generalplus_gpl16250_nand.cpp) jak_gtg: Release year can be confirmed. (geforcefly)
    08274: [DIP/Input] (astrocde.cpp) spacezap: Identified DIP switch setting number of lives. (Steven Coomber)
    08276: [DIP/Input] (ddragon.cpp) ddragon2, ddragon2j: Mission timer DIP switch settings are labelled incorrectly. (Augusto)
    08280: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) thepitm: Identified coinage, game speed and game time DIP switch settings. (Steven Coomber)
    08283: [DIP/Input] (galaxold.cpp) bullsdrtg: Identified coinage, award and cabinet type inputs. (Steven Coomber)
    08284: [DIP/Input] (wink.cpp) wink, winka: Identified coinage, award and audit clear DIP switch settings. (Steven Coomber)
    08285: [DIP/Input] (galaxold.cpp) trvchlng: Identified coinage, bonus and attract mode DIP switch settings. (Steven Coomber)
    08286: [DIP/Input] (galaxian.cpp) takeoff: Lives, bonus life and service mode DIP switch settings are incorrect. (Steve Coomber)
    08289: [Sound] (looping.cpp) looping: Most sounds do not play. (AJR)
    08293: [Graphics] (apple2e.cpp) apple2ee: Bad colors after switching from double high resolution to high resolution. (R. Belmont)
    08294: [Crash/Freeze] (nmk16.cpp) mustangb3: Emulator crashes about 25 seconds after starting system. (Ivan Vangelista)
    08297: [Crash/Freeze] (suna16.cpp) sunaq: Emulator crashes after answering a question. (Ivan Vangelista)
    08298: [Documentation] (vegas.cpp) warfa, warfaa, warfab, warfac: Game title is incorrect. (mmarino4)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.107
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix various issues with texture sync.
    Fixes a regression in Xenoblade titles where visuals would randomly flash.
    May fix random bugs in Breath of the Wild such as "air swimming" or other texture streaming bugs.

Titel: My Nes 7.13.8155.38062
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2022, 19:40
Play your favorite NES games on your PC and organize your entire collection with various options, take it anywhere you go and play along with your friends.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Removed ability to donate
    Previous build was considered a thread by antivirus programs, this one is fresh, safe and scaned by antivirus program and says it is safe.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 06:15
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Updated for MAME .243
    Mac version using a new API

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.108
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 06:45
Whats new:>>


Restrict cases where vertex buffer size from index buffer type is used.
Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.95 that caused visual glitches on certain particle effects in Xenoblade 2 (visible for instance in Godfrey's awakening).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.109
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>


Fix flush action from multiple threads regression.
Fixes graphical issues in Catherine: Full Body and Pokémon Legends: Arceus due to a regression introduced in 1.1.107.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>


    Support memory aliasing.
    Increases accuracy of fast memory manager modes, allowing for things like IPC, shared memory, transfer memory and code memory to be implemented properly.
    Paves the way for running sysmodules with fast memory manager modes enabled, as well as running the NSO Nintendo 64 emulator and the Skyline mod manager for Super Smash Bros Ultimate in the future.
    Fast memory manager modes will no longer work on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2022, 09:55
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License



    Change github build workflow to not use hardcoded versioning
    Fixes an oversight that caused a few PR builds to display an incorrect version number.



    Implement PM GetProcessInfo Atmosphere extension (partially).
        Adds support for Skyline + ARCropolis mods. Super Smash Bros Ultimate mods that rely on ARCropolis are now usable on Ryujinx.



    Implement code memory syscalls.
        Implements code memory related syscalls, used by applications that generate and/or modify code at runtime.
        Required by emulators that use a JIT (NSO N64) and mods that patch for function hooking game code on-the-fly (Skyline/ARCropolis). Note that neither will work with these changes alone.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2022, 05:15


    infra: Warn about support drop of old Windows versions.
        Shows a warning message to users on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and older Windows 10 versions stating that Ryujinx support for these versions will be dropped starting June 1st, 2022.



    Remove AddProtection count > 0 assert.
        Small code correction. This change only affects debug builds.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.118
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2022, 06:20


    Add alternative "GL" enum values for StencilOp.
        Fixes some broken graphics in the Citra RetroArch core, possibly fixes graphics in other homebrew applications.



    Enable JIT service LLE.
        Enables the JIT service, required by the NSO Nintendo 64 emulator and Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Super Mario 64), allowing them to run. It is not an actual service implementation, rather it runs the service on the firmware, so this is an "LLE" approach as opposed to the usual HLE approach where the service is re-implemented on the emulator.
        Requires firmware version 10.0.0 minimum.



    Fix shared memory leak on Windows.
        Fixes a memory leak that would occur when stopping and restarting emulation.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>


    Hid: Various fixes and cleanup
       Implements and cleans up various hid functions and services.
       Retroarch and likely other similar homebrew are now bootable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2022, 05:45
Whats new:>>


Implement Viewport Transform Disable.
Fixes the interface in Dragon Quest Builders.
Fixes the title screen in River City Girls Zero.
Fixes a regression that caused broken menus in Zombies Ate My Neighbors and Ghoul Patrol.
Fixes save slot thumbnails and screen copies in the NSO N64 emulator (Mario Kart 64 monitors), screen copies in the Citra RetroArch core, icons in RetroArch, possibly other similar bugs.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.121
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Prefetch capabilities before spawning translation threads.
    Fixes a race condition that could cause games to crash when recompiling shaders.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.124
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2022, 18:15


    misc: Clean up of CS project after Avalonia merge.
        No expected changes in emulator functionality.



    sdl2: Update to Ryujinx.SDL2-CS 2.0.22.
        Fixes G-Shark gamepads.
        Fixes wired PowerA GameCube controllers.
        Fixes broken motion controls on Linux.
        Likely fixes compatibility with more unofficial controllers.



    Avalonia UI: Part 1
        Implements the foundations for the UI update to Avalonia.
        Further parts will be merged before the UI is active.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.129
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2022, 05:10


    Fixes the Avalonia updater.
        Updates the auto-updater code to include the Avalonia paths.



    Fix Amiibo image path.
        Fixes a regression that caused crashing when an Amiibo was scanned.



    gh-actions: Prefix Avalonia builds with test- and disable pre-release.
        Fixes the updater downloading the wrong Ryujinx build.



    Pre-release build.



    Add Avalonia builds to release.
        Avalonia builds will now be downloadable on GitHub PR artifacts.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.130
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2022, 12:48
Whats new:>>


    UI - Scale end framebuffer blit.
    Fixes rendering when desktop scaling is over 150%.

Titel: GameEx 18.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2022, 20:45
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


Now supports relative paths and along with some other changes I made this allows for cloud and portable setups.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.131
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2022, 21:15
Whats new:>>


    Fix audio renderer error message result code base.
        Changes how this specific error is displayed on the console. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.132
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2022, 12:42
Whats new:>>


Don't force DPI aware on Avalonia.
Fixes an issue where per-monitor DPI was not working on the new UI. Does not affect the current UI.

Titel: MAME 0.244
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2022, 10:20
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0244.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.244
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2022, 09:10
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers Bugs Fixed:

    01288: [DIP/Input] (exidy.cpp) venture, mtrap: Coin inputs are duplicated. (Vas Crabb)
    03729: [Color/Palette] (galaxian.cpp) gmgalax: Colors are incorrect. (Robbbert)
    05753: [Misc.] (pentagon.cpp) pentagon: The demo “recycler by Thesuper” does not boot. (holub)
    06529: [Crash/Freeze] (spec128.cpp) spec128 [strider]: Emulated system reboots after finishing stage 2. (holub)
    07564: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.cpp) genesis [nbaliv98]: Navigating menus triggers the game’s exception handler. (kmg)
    07768: [Gameplay] (namcos2.cpp) bubbletr: Score displays and outputs are not exposed. (hap)
    08185: [Graphics] (spectrum.cpp) spec128 and clones [chasehq]: Logo partly disappears during title screen animations. (holub)
    08261: [Crash/Freeze] (spcforce.cpp) spcforce, spcforc2, meteor, meteors: Game freezes at title screen after soft reset. (AJR)
    08303: [DIP/Input] (system1.cpp) ufosensi, ufosensib: DIP switch marked as unknown controls demo sounds. (kmg)
    08304: [Crash/Freeze] (apxen.cpp) apxen: [debug] Slot tag shadows an option name, making it impossible to configure. (Robbbert)
    08305: [Crash/Freeze] (x68k.cpp) All machines in x68k.cpp: [debug] System attempts to schedule timer on invalid video line. (AJR)
    08306: [Crash/Freeze] (usgames.cpp) All machines in usgames.cpp: [debug] Attempting to decode non-existent ROM. (Ivan Vangelista)
    08307: [Crash/Freeze] (konmedal68k.cpp) spcpokan: [debug] Attempting to read past end of video ROM. (R. Belmont)
    08308: [Crash/Freeze] (mk98.cpp) mk98: [debug] Attempting to write past end of memory region. (Robbbert)
    08311: [Crash/Freeze] (specpls3.cpp) specpls3 [rickdan2]: Game fails to load, displaying corrupt loading screen. (smf)
    08315: [DIP/Input] (nemesis.cpp) salamand and clones: Inserting a coin may give two credits. (kmg)
    08316: [Gameplay] (wmg.cpp) wmg: Selecting a game causes emulated system to crash. (Robbbert)
    08321: [Documentation] (system1.cpp) wbml and clone: Descriptions do not match game titles. (kmg)


Titel: ExtraMAME 22.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2022, 19:45
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.

Titel: DeSmuME 0.9.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2022, 19:45
A Nintendo DS emulator that enables users to enjoy their favorite console games on their computer screens, with little effort required.

License: GPLv2

Whats new:>>

    In this version we have added support for high-resolution 3D rendering. Try the new "GPU Scaling Factor" feature to
    increase the 3D resolution beyond the native resolution of 256x192 pixels. Also, the Cocoa frontend sees continued
    radical enhancements and while the Windows frontend sees some new incremental enhancements.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 10:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Updated for MAME .244

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.136
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 10:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License



    infra: Switch to win10-x64 RID and fix PR comment for Avalonia and SDL2 artifact rename.
        Windows Ryujinx builds now target Windows 10/11.
        Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 are no longer supported.
        Avalonia builds posted on PRs by the GitHub bot will be hidden under an "Experimental GUI (Avalonia)" tab.
        Headless builds will move back under the "GUI-less (SDL2)" tab.

1.1.135 - 2022-05-31


    Rewrite SVC handler using source generators rather than IL emit.
        Replace all instances of Reflection.Emit from the codebase with new source generators for runtime code generation.
        Ryujinx codebase should now be eligible for .NET Ahead-of-Time compilation.
        Fixes black screen deadlock on boot in Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal H.

1.1.134 - 2022-05-31


    Refactor CPU interface to allow the implementation of other CPU emulators.
        Refactors the existing CPU related interfaces (and also adds new ones) to allow other CPU emulators to be implemented. This includes not only JIT-based emulators, but also hypervisors (for example, Apple Hypervisor).
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.133 - 2022-05-31


    Allow loading NSPs without a NCA inside.
        Homebrew applications that are packed as NSP files can now boot.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.137
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix 3D semaphore counter type 0 handling
    Fixes a bug where 0 would be released from counter instead of a semaphore payload.
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim now goes in-game.

Titel: GameEx 18.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 12:24
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


Adds support for real wiimotes. Dolphinbar mode 4.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.138
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Fix a potential GPFIFO submission race.
        No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.141
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2022, 21:40


    Remove freed memory range from tree on memory block disposal.
        Fixes an issue where the emulator could crash after stopping emulation and starting another game afterwards.

1.1.140 - 2022-06-05


    Extend uses count from ushort to uint on Operand Data structure.
        Taiko Risshiden V DX now goes in-game.

1.1.139 - 2022-06-05


    Copy dependency for multisample and non-multisample textures.
        Fixes black screen in Perky Little Things.
        Partially fixes 3D sections in Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal H.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.142
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Fix instanced indexed inline draws.
        Fixes remaining issues with 3D sections in Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal H. Also fixes performance drops in the game.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

I've overseen a little sideeffect on full merged sets in 4.044d...so grab the new one.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.143
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix instanced indexed inline draw index count.
Fixes index count used on the draw passing the count for a single instance.
Fixes performance issues in the 3D sections on Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal H.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.145
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Allow concurrent BSD EventFd read/write.
        Fixes a regression in Diablo II: Resurrected where the game would just hang on a black screen on boot.



    Ignore ClipControl on draw texture fallback.
        Fixes some games rendering upside-down on AMD and Intel graphics cards, such as Moero Chronicle Hyper. Nvidia is unaffected.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator 1.27.1 Experimental
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2022, 09:40
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.



    The 'Accurate barriers' option for Vulkan is now enabled by default. You can still disable it manually to get extra performance, but be aware that it will cause occasional flickering graphics
    Fixed several bugs where Cemu sometimes wouldn't be able to locate a title stored in a game path
    Fixed rumble not working
    H264 decoder now supports multiple parallel decoding sessions. Fixes menu videos getting stuck or causing crashes in Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash.
    Improved accuracy of emulated filesystem. Fixes crashing and deadlocks in Yoshi's Woolly World, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Hyrule Warriors
    Title Manager: Game file integrity check now works for .wua titles
    Improved accuracy of error code handling for Nintendo system services. Allows for more precise online error codes than the generic "106-0502"
    Various compatibility improvements for niche titles like The Voice, Jewel Quest, Tiny Galaxy and many more
    Vulkan: Added support for LINE_LOOP primitive. Mostly used by homebrew or mods
    Miscellaneous bug fixes


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.146
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>


    Less invasive fix for EventFd blocking operations.
        Return to single-thread approach for handling sockets.
        Fixes issues in some games (Pokemon Sword/Shield) where a Hipc response error would crash early into launching.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.147
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>


Support Array/3D depth-stencil render target, and single layer clears.
Fixes missing crowd in Mario Strikers: Battle League.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.149
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 20:45
Whats new:>>


    Optimize Texture Binding and Shader Specialization Checks.
        Improves performance in Super Mario Odyssey, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition, and possibly others.



Less invasive fix for EventFd blocking operations.
Return to single-thread approach for handling sockets.
Fixes issues in some games (Pokemon Sword/Shield) where a Hipc response error would crash early into launching.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2022, 08:45
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Account for res scale changes when updating bindings.
    Fixes graphical regression when scaling certain games (XCDE/XC2).

Titel: GameEx 18.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2022, 21:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features


    Improvements to layout, positioning and scaling of the default theme (version 3 themes). Internally these are now version 5 themes
    Default selector bar has been AI upscaled.
    Version 6 themes coming soon with powerful new skinning features and compatible with both Arcade Edition and regular GameEx.
    Fixes MAME support files not being used since relative parts were supported.
    Fixes 32 bit versions not launching.
    Fixes GameEx Online most played list showing strange names or not loading.
    Fixes threads not aborting causing a hang.
    Fixes some resources not being released with fonts.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.151
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>


Fix doubling of detected gamepads on program start.
Controller duplicates will no longer appear on the Input Device dropdown.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.152
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>

    Rewrite kernel memory allocator:

    Cleans up the kernel memory allocator code. No changes expected in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.155
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2022, 06:35


    Fix ThreadingLock deadlock on invalid access and ExitProcess.
        Fixes a specific case of the emulator freezing when closing. Does not fix all instances where this happens, however.



    Ensure texture ID is valid before getting texture descriptor.
        Fixes a crash in A Hat in Time that would occur after progressing past a certain point in the game.



    UI: Some Avalonia cleanup.
        Cleans up some of the new GUI code. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.157
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2022, 09:10


    timezone: Fix regression caused by #3361.
        Fixes games that were crashing due to the change in 1.1.156.

1.1.156 - 2022-06-24 [Unpublished]


    time: Make TimeZoneRule blittable and avoid copies.
        No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.159
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2022, 09:20


    Add Simplified Chinese to Avalonia (V2).
        Adds a Chinese localization to the upcoming Avalonia UI.



    Account for pool change on texture bindings cache.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.149 that caused garbled textures on Super Zangyura.


Titel: MAME 0.245
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 05:45
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0245.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 06:15
Whats new:>>

Ui: Fix timezone abbreviation since #3361.
Fixes timezone abbreviation text in system settings.

Titel: MAMEUI 0.245
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 21:10
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    08237: [Crash/Freeze] (cclimber.cpp) rpatrolb, rpatrol, rpatroln, silvland: Soft reset causes game to show RAM error. (Robbbert)
    08265: [Graphics] (spectrum.cpp) spectrum and clones [aquaplan and clones]: Horizon line broken by the screen border. (holub)
    08273: [Flip Screen/Cocktail] (thepit.cpp) All games in thepit.cpp: Cocktail mode/screen flipping causes graphical errors. (AJR)
    08317: [Graphics] (ibmpc.cpp) pcega [arknoid2 and clones]: Screen flickers and doesn’t refresh properly. (Carl)
    08333: [Sound] (simpsons.cpp) simpsons: All audio drops out during attract mode. (smf)
    08340: [Graphics] Graphics viewer renders blurry tiles when using BGFX video module. (Vas Crabb)
    08343: [Sound] (cclimber.cpp) toprollr: Vehicle sound effects are incorrect. (hap)
    08344: [Graphics] (cclimber.cpp) toprollr: Player life counter graphics are incorrect. (hap)
    08358: [Crash/Freeze] (avalnche.cpp) catchp: Watchdog causes continuous restarts. (Robbbert)


Titel: Erockus Arcade 9.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 05:45
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .245

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.161
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>


    Bindless elimination for constant sampler handle.
    Allows the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak update to render (still requires further changes to get in-game).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.162
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>


    ptm: Stub GetTemperature.
    Stubs GetTemperature service needed by the latest version of nx-hbmenu (Homebrew menu).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.164
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2022, 09:20

1.1.164 - 2022-07-05


    Add support for alpha to coverage dithering.
        Fixes missing dithering (semi-transparency) effect on objects close to the camera and at the edges of the draw distance in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

1.1.163 - 2022-07-05


    UI - Avalonia Part 2.
        Adds settings window and subsequent windows and controls to the upcoming Avalonia-based user interface.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.165
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>


Implement CPU FCVT Half <-> Double conversion variants.
Required by Portal and Portal 2 (however they still require further changes to get in-game).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.166
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2022, 05:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

    Fix Vi managed and stray layers open/close/destroy.
    Portal and Portal 2 are now playable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.171
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2022, 09:20

1.1.171 - 2022-07-08


    UI - Avalonia Part 3.
        Adds the remaining Avalonia windows. The UI is now at parity with the current GTK UI.

1.1.170 - 2022-07-08


    Avalonia - Use loaded config when assigning controller input.
        Fixes a crash in the upcoming Avalonia UI that occurs when mapping controller input while a config hasn't been saved for that controller.

1.1.169 - 2022-07-08


    Avalonia - Ensure mouse cursor is only hidden when mouse is in renderer.
        Fixes a bug in the upcoming Avalonia UI where the mouse cursor wouldn't be hidden properly.

1.1.168 - 2022-07-08


    Relicense Ryujinx.Audio under the terms of the MIT license
        Adjusts the licence of Amadeus from LGPLv3 to MIT.

1.1.167 - 2022-07-08


    Fix deadlock in mouse input on Avalonia.
        Fixes a deadlock in the upcoming Avalonia UI that occurs if you open any window while direct mouse input is enabled.


Titel: Ludo 0.16.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2022, 21:10
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.177
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2022, 05:40

1.1.177 - 2022-07-11


    Handle the case where byte size option values are sent to BSD.
        Fixes a crash in the Super Mario Odyssey online mod when connecting to the server. Note that the SMO online mod still may not work properly.

1.1.176 - 2022-07-11


    Avalonia - Add border to Flyouts.
        Adds a border to flyouts (menus, dropdowns, etc) to easily tell them from the background.

1.1.175 - 2022-07-11


    Propagate Shader phi nodes with the same source value from all blocks.
        Fixes flickering in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

1.1.174 - 2022-07-11


    Avalonia - Make tooltips more useful and descriptive, update Spanish localization.
        Expands several tooltips to better explain what their respective settings do, and updates the Spanish localization accordingly.

1.1.173 - 2022-07-11


    Avalonia - Couple fixes and improvements.
        Fixes a crash in the Avalonia UI when bringing up the autoupdater.
        Reduces size of cheat window.
        Enables Tiered Compilation (speeds up Avalonia UI startup time).
        Removes compiler warnings from the Avalonia project.

1.1.172 - 2022-07-11


    Avalonia - Further Optimize Chinese Translation.
        Updates the Simplified Chinese localization for Avalonia.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.178
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2022, 18:45
Whats new:>>


    Ava/MainWindow: Do not show Show Console menu item on non-Windows.
        Hides "Show Console" on Linux in the Avalonia UI.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.181
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2022, 05:15


    Reduce some unnecessary allocations in DMA handler.
        Reduces load times slightly and reduces stutters during pre-recorded videos.

1.1.180 - 2022-07-14


    Remove dependency for FFmpeg.AutoGen and Update FFmpeg to 5.0.1 for Windows.
        Fixes games crashing on Linux whenever an mpeg pre-rendered video would play.

1.1.179 - 2022-07-14


    BSD: Allow use of DontWait flag in Receive.
        No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.182
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2022, 19:15
Whats new:>>


    Avoid scaling 2d textures that could be used as “3d“.
    Fixes red-tinted textures when upscaling in Agatha Christie: Hercule Poirot - The First Cases, A Hat in Time, Cruis'n Blast, Demon Gaze Extra, Far: Changing Tides, Lost in Random, Pascal's Wager: Definitive Edition, Sherlock Holmes: Devil's Daughter, World's End Club, possibly more.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.185
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2022, 09:20


    Minor GTK & Avalonia UI verbiage/case fixes.
        Small text adjustments in the UIs.

1.1.184 - 2022-07-23


    Fix decoding of block after shader BRA.CC instructions without predicate.
        Fixes green lights in Jump Force.

1.1.183 - 2022-07-23


    Avoid adding shader buffer descriptors for constant buffers that are not used.
        May slightly improve performance in some games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.187
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2022, 20:10
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia - Use content dialog for user profile manager.
        Moves the user profile window and related windows to a single content dialog on the Avalonia GUI.



    fix: Ensure to load latest version of ffmpeg libraries first.
        Fixes a crash related to loading an older version of ffmpeg, instead of the one shipped with the emulator.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.191
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2022, 05:45


    Resolution scaling hotkeys.
        Adds hotkeys for changing resolution scaling while a game is running. One increases resolution by a factor of 1 up to 4x; the other decreases resolution by a factor of 1 up to 1x. The hotkeys aren't configured by default, requiring the user to set them up on Avalonia.

1.1.190 - 2022-07-24


    Add support for conditional (with CC) shader Exit instructions.
        Fixes bloom in Tokyo Mirage Sessions.

1.1.189 - 2022-07-24


    feat: add traditional chinese translate (Avalonia).
        Adds a traditional Chinese localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.188 - 2022-07-24


    Avalonia - Make menuitems toggleable on textclick.
        Makes it so checkboxes can be enabled/disabled when pressing on their corresponding text on the Avalonia GUI.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.193
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 05:45


    Backport Avalonia menu/settings tooltips to GTK where possible.
        New tooltips from the Avalonia UI are now on the current UI as well.



    misc: Reformat Ryujinx.Audio with dotnet-format.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2022, 09:40
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2



    Fix assorted Android "scoped storage"-related bugs and performance issues ( #15237 , #15487 ), etc.
    Analog mapping for fast-forward ( #15645 )
    Major softgpu accuracy fixes and speedups, including a JIT ( #15163 , #15345 , #15389 , #15529 , #15440 , #15410 , #15405 , #15400 ) and many, many more
    Fixed some NEON code paths ( #15481 )
    Fix performance of texture uploads with Vulkan ( #15474 )
    Don't include the large font atlas when we don't need it
    Improved upscaling shaders ( #15566 )
    Vulkan texture upscaling performance improvements ( #15238 ), etc.
    Vulkan correctness fixes ( #15217 , #15211 ), use the VMA allocator ( #15162 ), etc.
    Fixes to depth culling ( #15106 ), many more
    Background loading of texture replacement ( #15025 )
    Threading manager improvements and fixes ( #15470 ), etc.
    Added search in settings ( #14414 )
    Added fast button repeats on custom touch buttons ( #15613 )
    Two new bicubic upscaling shader: Catmull-Rom and Mitchell-Netravali ( #15569 )
    Allow to change screen rotation per game and to bind a key to change it ( #15494 , #15510 )
    Re-enabled software rendering option on Android ( #12958 )

Game fixes

    Add more workarounds for Mali driver bugs ( #15016 )
    Vortex in God of War: Ghost of Sparta can now be passed ( #15640 )
    Various proAdhoc fixes ( #15213 , #15215 ), and many more
    Correct flickering text in Sol Trigger and Last Ranker. ( #15549 )
    Fix and improve line drawing in Echochrome ( #15583 ), after line refactoring ( #15073 , #15075 )
    Fix HUD graphics in Split/Second ( #15500 , #15501 )
    Fix bad screen overlay issues in Clone Wars and Force Unleashed ( #15691 , #15696 , #12949 , #9572 )
    Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 no longer hangs on character select screen ( # 15687 )
    Juiced 2: Bloom effect no longer covering the screen ( #7295 , #15717 )
    Fix keyboard shift issue in a few games ( #15698 )


    Windows/Xbox UWP directory navigation improvements ( #15652 )
    Color change and basic theme support ( #15396 , #15394 )
    Fix input focus bug ( #15560 )
    New GE debugger features and other UI fixes ( #15393 , #15324 , #15377 , #15424 , #15402 , #15378 , #15338 ), etc.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.194
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2022, 06:15
Whats new:>>


    Add a sampler pool cache and improve texture pool cache.
    Improves performance on Super Zangyura

Titel: PPSSPP 1.13.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

    Confirmation dialog added before change of MAC address.
    IR interpreter regression fixed.
    Fix clearing of replacement texture cache.
    Improved Portuguese-pt translation.
    Fix graphical regression in Split/Second.
    Couple of minor crash fixes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.198
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 18:16


    Minor Avalonia UI verbiage/case fixes Across languages.

1.1.197 - 2022-07-28


    Avalonia: Another Cleanup.
        Fixes crashes in the Avalonia UI's DLC Manager that would occur when managing DLC for a game that already had DLC added to it, when selecting 1 or more DLC files and adding them, or when clicking "Remove", "Remove All" or "Save" for titles with no DLC.

1.1.196 - 2022-07-28


    Avalonia: Cleanup UserEditor a bit.
        Small code cleanup for the user profile editor in the Avalonia UI.

1.1.195 - 2022-07-28


    Fix DMA linear texture copy fast path.
        Fixes a crash in SD Gundam Battle Alliance Demo.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.199
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2022, 18:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Move partial unmap handler to the native signal handler.
    Greatly improves performance and reduces stuttering on Windows 11.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2022, 10:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0246.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2022, 19:50
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    [Graphics] (m72.cpp) airduelm72: Startup notices are not displayed correctly. (Brian Troha)
    [Misc.] (taito_z.cpp) bshark: Lamp outputs are not exposed. (hap)
    [Sound] (toaplan1.cpp) truxton: Balance between instrument sounds is incorrect. (Aaron Giles)
    [Sound] (exidy440.cpp) crossbow, cheyenne: Certain sounds don’t play. (hap)
    [Sound] (megadriv.cpp) genesis and clones [ejim2u]: YM2612 “ladder effect” sounds wrong. (Aaron Giles)
    [DIP/Input] (subsino2.cpp) queenbee: Identified three DIP switches. (Steven Coomber)
    [Sound] (xain.cpp) xsleena and clones: Sound effects and music do not play. (AJR)
    [Crash/Freeze] (timex.cpp) tc2048: Emulator crashes on start. (holub)
    [Crash/Freeze] (luckybal.cpp) luckybala, luckybalb, luckybalc: Emulator crashes with access violation. (hap)
    [Documentation] Source file path display needs to be adjusted for new folder layout. (Vas Crabb)
    [Sound] (asterix.cpp) asterix: Some sound effects to not play. (hap)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 06:15


    baking volcano.
    Implemented a Vulkan graphics backend. You can now switch between OpenGL and Vulkan in Settings > Graphics > Graphics Backend.
        Implemented a GPU selector in the same menu, labeled "Preferred GPU", for systems with more than one graphics card. Keep in mind you can only select the GPU that Vulkan will use, not the one OpenGL will use.
        Added a "Texture Recompression" option in graphics settings which, when enabled, will reduce VRAM usage in exchange for slightly worse texture quality (affects both Vulkan and OpenGL). We recommend this for graphics cards that have less than 4GB VRAM.
        When using Vulkan, AMD and Intel GPUs will see large improvements in compatibility and performance across the board. Use latest graphics drivers for the best experience.
        Implemented SPIR-V shader backend. Reduces shader compilation times considerably for all GPU vendors, compared to OpenGL's GLSL backend. This results in much less stuttering on first runs.
        Vulkan supports supersampling at higher than 2x the display resolution, which acts as antialiasing when the rendering resolution is higher than the display's, whereas OpenGL only supports it up to 2x the screen resolution.
        Vulkan may not have graphical glitches that OpenGL has, such as the co-op player 2 screen in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
        Certain games, such as Pokémon Legends: Arceus, Pokkén Tournament, Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, have shown slightly better performance on Nvidia Vulkan than on Nvidia OpenGL.
        Shader caches from before this change will be deleted, and new shader caches will be starting from zero. This is due to Vulkan and OpenGL caches now being shared.
        Shader caches built with Vulkan will now be usable with OpenGL and vice versa.
        Vulkan shaders do not require to be rebuilt after driver updates; however, OpenGL shaders still do.


Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 12:36
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .246

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>


Fix a crash occurring when trying to launch a game with Vulkan on FlatHub releases.

Titel: Ludo 0.16.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 18:45
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.
    Fix a memory leak.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.203
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 19:15
Whats new:>>


Fix geometry shader passthrough fallback being used when feature is supported.
Fixes a regression on Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 on Maxwell and newer NVIDIA GPUs when using OpenGL.



    SPIR-V: Initialize undefined variables with 0.
        Fixes tilt shift blur effect in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on NVIDIA GPUs.
        Fixes block flickering in Splatoon 2 on newer NVIDIA GPUs.

Titel: Ludo 0.16.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.205
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2022, 09:10

1/1/205 - 2022-08-02


    Sfdnsres: Stub ResolverSetOptionRequest.
        Fixes a crash on boot in Ark: Survival Evolved when Guest Internet Access is enabled.
        Allows Danger Mouse to go in-game.

1/1/204 - 2022-08-02


    Fix resolution scale values not being updated.
        Fixes a regression that caused graphical glitches on Xenoblade games when using resolution scaling.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.207
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2022, 05:45


    Implement HLE macros for render target clears.
        Adds a HLE macro for render target clears (color and depth-stencil).
        May result in a minor performance improvement on games that render to array or 3D textures.



    Fix Multithreaded Compilation of Shader Cache on OpenGL.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.200 that caused OpenGL to build caches at boot on a single thread. Now it's properly multithreaded again.


Titel: Ludo 0.16.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.208
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2022, 10:15
Whats new:>>


    Implement Arm32 Sha256 and MRS Rd, CPSR instructions.
        Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with update 2.1.0 is now playable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.209
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2022, 09:35
Whats new:>>


    OpenGL: Fix clear of unbound color targets.
        Fixes a regression that caused New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe to crash with a NullReferenceException. May fix other games with the same problem.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.213
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2022, 10:10

1.1.213 - 2022-08-11


    OpenGL: Limit vertex buffer range for non-indexed draws.
        Fixes the triangle glitch on fog/smoke in Super Mario Odyssey.
        Fixes a TDR/driver crash in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (only on OpenGL).

1.1.212 - 2022-08-11


    Fix blend with RGBX color formats.
        Fixes broken blending in La-Mulana.

1/1/211 - 2022-08-11


    Rename ToSpan to AsSpan.
        Small code cleanup.

1/1/210 - 2022-08-11


    Add Japanese translation to Avalonia UI.


Titel: Ludo 0.16.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2022, 18:50
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.046a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 07:40
Whats new:>>

Only did some minor compatibility things for the rebuilder tool

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.215
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 08:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    PreAllocator: Check if instruction supports a Vex prefix in IsVexSameOperandDestSrc1.
        No changes expected in games.



    Fix texture bindings using wrong sampler pool in some cases.
        Fixes a regression that caused flickering in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Atelier Ryza (only with Vsync disabled) and No More Heroes 3.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.217
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>



    am: Stub SetWirelessPriorityMode, SaveCurrentScreenshot and GetHdcpAuthenticationState.
        Fixes Xenoblade Chronicles 3 photo gallery crash.
        Fixes Hulu app crashing on startup.



    ControllerApplet: Override player counts when SingleMode is set
        Reduces controller applet spam in certain titles such as Splatoon 2, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and other titles that don't like multiple connections.
        Any title that had significant controller applet log spam may be helped.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.218
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Add ETC2 texture formats.
        Adds missing texture formats to Vulkan. On supported Intel and AMD GPUs, games that use these formats, such as Radiation Island or Vegas Party, should now work on Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 18:15



    Removed extra semicolons.
        Minor code cleanup. No expected changes.



    Avalonia - Couple fixes and improvements to Vulkan.
        Fixes a crash that occurred when toggling fullscreen.
        Adds fallback to OpenGL if Vulkan is not available.
        Adds swapchain present mode control to GTK.
        Fixes screenshot feature on Avalonia Vulkan.
        Fixes favorites not being saved on Avalonia.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Skipped over the last "Count" key explicitly.
        Small code cleanup. No changes in games.



    Fix SpirV parse failure.
        Fixes the Mii editor applet on Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Removed unused usings.
        Small code cleanup. No changes in games.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.046b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Another small rare thing fixed

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Change 'Purge PPTC Cache' label & tooltip to reflect function behavior.
        It is now named "Queue PPTC Rebuild" as the option doesn't purge it completely.



    A few minor documentation fixes.
        Small code cleanup. No changes in games.

Titel: GameEx 18.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 18:40
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

Improved APNG support thanks to Scutters.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.226
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>


    Use RGBA16 vertex format if RGB16 is not supported on Vulkan.
        Xenoblade Chronicles 3 now boots on AMD graphics cards.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>


    Check if game directories have been updated before refreshing GUI.
        Prevents both UIs from reloading the games list every time settings are updated, and refreshes only if the game folder changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>


    Update PPTC dialog text to match label and tooltip.
        The warning box now properly states that it's queuing a PPTC rebuild and not deleting it.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: Hardware accelerate SHA256.
        No known changes in games.



    Implement some 32-bit Thumb instructions.
        Implements LDM/STM, LDAEX/STLEX, LDR/STR (with register offset shifted by immediate) and LDRD/STRD instructions.
        No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.232
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2022, 09:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    pctl: Implement EndFreeCommunication.
        Fixes a parental controls service crash in Among Us, Colors Live, Game Builder Garage and Splatoon 3: Splatfest World Premiere.



    misc: Fix missing null terminator for strings with pchtxt.
        No changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.233
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>


    Fast path for Inline-to-Memory texture data transfers.
        Fixes texture corruption on games that use OpenGL on the Switch, such as Blossom Tales II, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Layton's Mystery Journey, River City Girls Zero, Super Perils of Baking, and more.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 08:20

1.1.240 - 2022-08-26


    Optimize kernel memory block lookup and consolidate RBTree implementations.
        No known changes, though it might positively affect UE4 games.

Older releases

1.1.239 - 2022-08-26


    Avalonia - Update Turkish Translation.
        Updates Turkish localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.238 - 2022-08-26


    Update de_DE.json.
        Updates German localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.237 - 2022-08-26


    Update zh_CN.json.
        Updates simplified Chinese localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.236 - 2022-08-26


    Avalonia - Add Polish Translation.
        Adds a Polish localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.235 - 2022-08-26


    Avalonia - Display language names in their corresponding language under "Change Language".
        Changes language names to their native ones in the Avalonia UI. Before, they were all in English.

1.1.234 - 2022-08-26


    bsd: Fix Poll writting in input buffer.
        Fixes an oversight in the code. No expected changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.241
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia - Update Japanese translation.
        Brings the Japanese locale up to date for the Avalonia UI.

Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator v2.0 (Experimental)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 18:40
Cemu - Wii U emulator is a highly experimental software to emulate Wii U applications on your computer.



    Cemu is now open-source!
    Preliminary Linux builds are available on github, but be warned that they are still very rough around the edges
    Going forward, we simplified the versioning a bit by using shorter version numbers (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3..)
    Updated all dependencies. Most notably SDL (input & motion) and wxWidgets (UI)
    Fixed a crash in the H264 video decoder. Resolves crash on Smash title screen
    Made nsysnet a little less crash prone. Fixes crash in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
    Fixed a logging related crash that could occur under very specific circumstances. Seen in Wind Waker if letting the game idle on the title screen for 2 minutes
    Fixed a crash that could happen when the path to Cemu.exe contained unicode characters
    Fixed a crash that could happen when loading .elf homebrew
    The account list in the title manager save exporter is no longer empty
    Latency for wiimotes should be a bit better now
    Added symbol/function list to debugger + other small debugger/assembler improvements
    Implemented API: coreinit.FSOpenFileExAsync (used by some homebrew)
    Many more under-the-hood changes and fixes
    Some more work towards a Stop&Restart emulation feature. Not ready yet but we are getting there


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.243
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>


    Bsd: Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException in SetSocketOption.
        Allows Minecraft to boot with "enable guest internet access" DISABLED. Enabling will still cause a crash.

Older releases



    Replace image format magic numbers with enums.
        Refactors GPU texture format tables to match official NVIDIA open-source headers.
        Vertex attribute formats are now represented with their own enum.
        No expected changes in games.

Titel: GameEx 18.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 05:45
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

    Fixes marquee not changing when in screensaver.
    Updates the links, descriptions and text labels for GameEx Online.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.247
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2022, 19:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0247.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.244
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>


    account: Implement LoadNetworkServiceLicenseKindAsync.
        Required for Pokémon Legends: Arceus v1.1.1 to run with Guest Internet Access enabled. The game does not yet boot with this option on, as it requires another change as well.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 06:35
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Updated for MAME .247
    M&D Monon Color added to Systems

Titel: MAMEUI 0.247
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 12:54
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    08342: [Sound] (sinclair/spectrum.cpp) spec128 [cobrasar and clones]: Voice-over is missing in Cobra’s Arc. (holub)
    08377: [Graphics] (sharp/x68k.cpp) keeper: Tree on title screen appears in front of Success logo. (Carl)
    08390: [Crash/Freeze] (sinclair/pentagon.cpp) pentagon: Main menu freezes after boot. (holub)
    08401: [Crash/Freeze] (kaneko/suprnova.cpp) galpans3: Memory corruption causes emulator to crash. (hap)
    08404: [DIP/Input] (namco/namcos86.cpp) wndrmomo: Game should use eight-way joysticks. (Steven Coomber)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.248
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2022, 04:55

1.1.248 - 2022-09-01


    Bsd: Fix NullReferenceException in BsdSockAddr.FromIPEndPoint().
        Fixes a crash with Guest Internet Access enabled in Victor Vran Overkill Edition.

1.1.247 - 2022-09-01


    Change vsync signal to happen at 60hz, regardless of swap interval.
        Fixes voice lines becoming delayed during cutscenes in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.
        Might fix some game speed issues in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and Breath of the Wild.

Older releases

1.1.246 - 2022-09-01


    bsd: Fix Poll(0) returning ETIMEDOUT instead of SUCCESS.
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.245 - 2022-09-01


    sfdsnres: fix endianess issue for port serialisation.
        No expected changes in games.


Titel: Cemu - Wii U Emulator v2.0-1 (Experimental)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2022, 19:15
Whats new:>>

    This is mostly a bugfix update. Many of the issues introduced in Cemu 2.0 should be resolved
    Lots of smaller Linux improvements. We are still working on additional distribution formats (appimage/flatpak)
    Fixes online play not working for North America accounts since the recent Wii U firmware update

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2022, 05:15

1.1.250 - 2022-09-07


    bsd: improve socket poll.
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.249 - 2022-09-07


    bsd: implement SendMMsg and RecvMMsg.
        No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.251
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2022, 12:52
Whats new:>>


    Transform shader LDC into constant buffer access if offset is constant.
        Fixes intermittent black screen in Ys VIII: Tears of DANA.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.254
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2022, 06:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.254 - 2022-09-08


    Restride vertex buffer when stride causes attributes to misalign in Vulkan.
        Fixes vertex explosions in Splatoon 3: Splatfest World Premiere on AMD graphics on Windows, and a crash on Mesa drivers. May improve other games that suffered from vertex explosions on AMD GPUs.

1.1.253 - 2022-09-08


    Clean up rejit queue.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.252 - 2022-09-08


    Implemented in IR the managed methods of the Saturating region of the SoftFallback class (the SatQ ones).
        Greatly improves performance of pre-rendered cutscenes in Astral Chain, Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2, and possibly other games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.257
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2022, 09:40

1.1.257 - 2022-09-09


    Allocate work buffer for audio renderer instead of using guest supplied memory.
        Fixes an access violation crash on Urban Trial Tricky that started happening on 1.1.100.
        Fixes a crash on boot on Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden.

Older releases

1.1.256 - 2022-09-09


    Add ADD (zx imm12), NOP, MOV (rs), LDA, TBB, TBH, MOV (zx imm16) and CLZ thumb instructions.
        Allows Vita2HOS to launch again.

1.1.255 - 2022-09-09


        Allows Baldur's Gate/ Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Editions, Dies irae -Amantes amentes-, Planescape: Torment/ Icewind Dale Enhanced Editions and Star Wars: Republic Commando to go in-game, possibly fixes other 32-bit games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.260
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2022, 21:10

1.1.260 - 2022-09-10


    Optimize placeholder manager tree lookup.
        Reduces the time to stop emulation or close the program when running games with a large amount of memory mappings.
        Affected games include: Shin Megami Tensei V, Triangle Strategy and possibly some UE4 titles.

Older releases

1.1.259 - 2022-09-10


    Do not output ViewportIndex on SPIR-V if GPU does not support it.
        Fixes a crash in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on older GPUs (pre-Maxwell) using Vulkan.

1.1.258 - 2022-09-10


    Rebind textures if format changes or they're buffer textures.
        Fixes a regression in Mario Party Superstars in the spotlight minigame where the red spotlight would not render.
        May affect other titles similarly affected by the regression.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.262
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 09:20

1.1.262 - 2022-09-10


    T32: Add Vfp instructions.
        Allows the triangle homebrew to work on Vita2HOS.

Older releases

1.1.261 - 2022-09-10


    Implement Thumb (32-bit) memory (ordered), multiply, extension and bitfield instructions.
        Allows Vita2HOS to go a bit further when launching applications.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.264
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 19:10

1.1.264 - 2022-09-11


    Scale SamplesPassed counter by RT scale on report.
        Fixes gameplay issues caused by resolution scaling in Splatoon 2 and Splatoon 3, namely specials charging up faster and points being multiplied at higher resolutions, and being unable to swim in ink at lower resolutions.

1.1.263 - 2022-09-11


    Implement VRINT (vector) Arm32 NEON instructions.
        Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch now goes in-game, though it requires a save file.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 21:40
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


    Graphics fixes in Split/Second, Sol Trigger, Last Ranker, Star Wars: Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Juiced 2 and more
    Vulkan performance improvement around texture loading and upscaling
    Background loading of texture replacements to reduce stuttering
    Fixes for assorted Scoped Storage bugs
    Many software renderer improvements, both performance and accuracy
    New debugging features
    An official Windows ARM64 build is now available for download, for those of you with ARM64 laptops.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.267
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 12:45

1.1.267 - 2022-09-13


    Fix bindless 1D textures having a buffer type on the shader.
        Fixes black screen on Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero? and Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood!

1.1.266 - 2022-09-13


    Fix increment on Arm32 NEON VLDn/VSTn instructions with regs > 1.
        No More Heroes and No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle now go in-game.
        Fixes several missing visual effects in Pikmin 3 Deluxe.
        Fixes bad voice audio quality in Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch and bad sound quality in Double Dragon Neon and Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders.
        Fixes a crash in Valkyria Chronicles when attempting to view the "Encounter at Bruhl" episode.

1.1.265 - 2022-09-13


    Fix R4G4B4A4 format on Vulkan.
        Fixes text rendering in Wrath of the White Witch and Ys VIII: Tears of Dana.
        Fixes menu icons in Super Kirby Clash and Vroom in the Night Sky.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.269
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2022, 09:20

1.1.269 - 2022-09-13


    Implement PLD and SUB (imm16) on T32, plus UADD8, SADD8, USUB8 and SSUB8 on both A32 and T32.
        Allows more applications to boot through Vita2HOS.
        May increase compatibility with other 32-bit titles and homebrew.

1.1.268 - 2022-09-13


    T32: Implement Asimd instructions.
        Allows VITA-8 to boot through Vita2HOS.
        May increase compatibility with other 32-bit titles and homebrew.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.272
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2022, 05:45

1.1.272 - 2022-09-14


    A32/T32/A64: Implement Hint instructions (CSDB, SEV, SEVL, WFE, WFI, YIELD).
        Needed by Hanayaka Nari Waga Ichizoku Modern Nostalgie and Meiji Katsugeki Haikara Ryuuseigumi - Seibai Shimaseu, Yonaoshi Kagyou.

1.1.271 - 2022-09-14


    Periodically Flush Commands for Vulkan.
        Improves performance on Pokémon Sword/Shield and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild when using Vulkan.

1.1.270 - 2022-09-14


    Fix partial unmap reprotection on Windows.
        Fixes a regression in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate that caused some punctuation text to be missing.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.277
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2022, 05:15

1.1.277 - 2022-09-19


    OpenGL: Fix blit from non-multisample to multisample texture.
        Fixes a rendering regression in Fate/EXTELLA.

1.1.276 - 2022-09-19


    Avalonia - Misc changes to UX.
        Settings navbar is now full-sized.
        Alignment in a few windows has been fixed.
        Number of each controller type is now listed instead of ID.
        Volume widget on status bar is now aligned and localizable.

1.1.275 - 2022-09-19


    Allow bindless textures with handles from unbound constant buffer.
        Fixes Sniper Elite 3 crashing on startup.

1.1.274 - 2022-09-19


    Avalonia - Use embedded window for Avalonia.
        Improves frame pacing of games when using the Avalonia UI.
        Fixes unresponsiveness of the Avalonia UI when using Vulkan.
        Fixes overlays glitching on fullscreen on Avalonia.
        Fixes an issue where a previous frame would sometimes show up on games played with the new UI.
        Allows switching graphics backends and preferred GPU on Avalonia without requiring a restart of the emulator.

1.1.273 - 2022-09-19


    Implemented in IR the managed methods of the ShlReg region of the SoftFallback class.
        No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.279
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2022, 10:40

1.1.279 - 2022-09-20


    Fpsr and Fpcr freed.
        May reduce stuttering in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2.
        May further improve pre-rendered video playback.

Older releases

1.1.278 - 2022-09-20


    Convert Quads to Triangles in Vulkan.
        Improves Vulkan performance in Fast RMX on Intel GPUs.
        May improve Vulkan performance in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD and all 3 Xenoblade games on Intel GPUs. Might improve Vulkan performance in all of the above games on AMD GPUs. Nvidia Vulkan appears to be unaffected.


Titel: Ludo 0.16.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2022, 19:15
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Bump cores.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.248
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 05:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0248.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.280
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 05:45
Whats new:>>


    Fix ListOpenContextStoredUsers and stub LoadOpenContext.
    Fixes a crash when launching the games in Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure. The games are now playable.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.282
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2022, 05:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.282 - 2022-09-29


    Fix SSL GetCertificates with certificate ID set to All.
        Fixes a crash on launch in Life is Strange Remastered. The game is now playable.

Older releases

1.1.281 - 2022-09-29


    Vulkan: Zero blend state when disabled or write mask is 0.
        May reduce stuttering and slightly improve performance on Intel and AMD graphics cards.

Titel: MAMEUI 0.248
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2022, 19:15
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    [Original Reference] (midw8080/8080bw.cpp) ozmawars, ozmawars2: Ozma Wars sound is different to Space Invaders. (Robbbert)
    [Graphics] (atari/atarisy1.cpp) roadblst: Graphics become corrupted occasionally. (hap)
    [Media Support] (sony/psx.cpp) psa, pse, psj, psu: PlayStation Game Booster no longer functions. (Vas Crabb)


Titel: RetroArch 1.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2022, 10:40
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3


    3DS: Add unique ID's
    3DS: Add bottom menu options
    3DS: Set bottom_asset directory default
    3DS: Only enable internal counter with CONSOLE_LOG defined
    3DS: Set default bottom font values
    3DS: Fix CIA installation issues
    3DS: Support latest libctru
    ANDROID: Gingerbread support
    ANDROID: Touchpads support
    ANDROID: Builtin Xperia Play autoconfig profile
    ANDROID: Disable Feral GameMode for Android - only available on Linux
    ANDROID: Add a configurable workaround for Android reconnecting devices
    ANDROID/FDROID: Add F-Droid metadata to repo in Fastlane format
    AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Add missing locks for thread safety
    AUDIO/AUDIO MIXER: Fix audio mixer memory leak + remove redundant 'single threaded' rthreads implementation
    AUTOSAVE: Change/improve exit behavior of autosave thread - if condition variable is signaled, the loop is ran another last time so we can do a final check/save before stopping the thread.
    CDROM: Fix memory leak caught with asan - buf passed to filestream_read_file
    CORE INFO/NETPLAY: Ensure current core info is initialized at runloop_event_init_core when netplay is enabled
    CHEEVOS: Upgrade to rcheevos 10.4
    CHEEVOS: Allow creating auto savestate in hardcore
    CHEEVOS: prevent invalid memory reference if game has achievements but core doesn't expose memory
    CHEEVOS: Release achievement badge textures when video driver is deinitialized
    CHEEVOS: Re-enforce hardcore limitations once achievements are loade
    CHEEVOS/MENU/MATERIALUI: Show achievement badge icons in MaterialUI driver
    D3D9: D3D9 has been split up into two drivers - D3D9 HLSL (max compatibility, no shader support yet) and D3D9 Cg (dependent on deprecated Nvidia Cg runtime library)
    D3D9/HLSL/XMB: XMB fix
    D3D9/CG: D3D9 Cg driver fixed
    D3D11: Fix overlay not showing up
    D3D11/12: Reduce lag with WaitForVBlank - this rather simple addition seems to make D3D11/12 very very close to Vulkan/GLCore regarding input lag.
    D3D11/12: Add waitable swapchains and max frame latency option
    D3D11/12: Make waitable swapchains optional
    DATABASE: Reformat 'rdb_entry_int' - Nitpick adjustments for database entries: Capitalize "Release Date", and remove space before : from Release Date rows which use integer
    DATABASE/EXPLORE: Allow On-Demand Thumbnails in Explore menu
    DATABASE/EXPLORE/MENU/OZONE/XMB/RGUI: Explore menu thumbnails
    DISC CONTROL: Better Disc Control append focus
    DOS/DJGPP: Add a workaround for libc bug
    AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added slowmotion resiliency
    AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added string representation for seeing the current effective delay without opening statistics
    AUTOMATIC FRAME DELAY: Added "ms" to logging and "(ms)" to label just like in Audio Latency
    GENERAL: Don't bake in OpenAL and libcaca by default unless explicitly enabled with configure switch.
    GENERAL: Reduce amount of strlen calls
    GENERAL: Reduce or simply sin/cosf calls
    GFX: Fix readability and precision issues in aspectratio_lut
    GFX: Add option to manually enable/disable automatic refresh rate switching
    GFX: Enable automatic configuration of 'VSync Swap Interval'
    GFX/FONT/FREETYPE: Use FT_New_Memory_Face - first read it from file to memory beforehand - this solves an asset extraction issue when selecting 'Update Assets' - apparently FT_New_Face keeps an open file handle to the font file which prevents it from being overwritten/deleted while the program is still running.
    GFX/THUMBNAILS: Thumbnail aspect ratio fix
    GFX/THREADED VIDEO: Optimizations, fixes and cleanups
    GFX/VIDEO FILTERS: Add Upscale_240x160-320x240 video filter with 'mixed' method
    GLSLANG: Fix compilation with ./configure --disable-builtinglslang - was missing linking against -lMachineIndependent and -lGenericCodeGen static libs
    INPUT: Fix off by one error for input_block_timeout setting. Also default to 0 for this setting (pretty massive performance gain)
    INPUT: Analog button mapping fixes
    INPUT/HID/OSX: Fix DualShock3 support
    INPUT/HID/LINUX: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Linux as long as there are no working backends for both
    INPUT/HID/WINDOWS: (qb) Disable HAVE_HID by default for now for Windows as long as there are no working backends for both
    INPUT/HID/WIIU: Fix DualShock3 support
    INPUT/OVERLAY: Block pointer input when overlay is pressed
    INPUT/REMAPPING: input_remapping_save_file - existing remapping file was needlessly reloaded
    INPUT/REMAPPING: Add option to disable automatic saving of input remap files
    INPUT/LINUX/UDEV: Fix lightgun scaling on Y axis
    INPUT/LINUX/X11/LED: Add LED keyboard driver
    INPUT/WINDOWS/LED: LED keyboard driver cleanup
    INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Clear key states when unfocused
    INPUT/WINDOWS/WINRAW: Fix pointer device position
    IOS: iOS app icon fixes & revisions
    LIBRETRO/SAVESTATES: Implement an api call for context awareness
    LOCALIZATION: Add Catalan language option
    LOCALIZATION: Fix some bad localization
    LINUX: Make memfd_create call more backwards compatible by calling it through syscall - on older systems, you'll have to include linux/memfd.h for the MFD_ defines, and call memfd_create() via the the syscall(2) wrapper (and include unistd.h and sys/syscall.h for it work). We exclude linux/memfd.h header include because we already provide the MFD_ defines in case they are missing
    LINUX/MALI FBDEV: Fix assertion failed on video threaded switch
    MENU: Menu paging navigation adjustments
    MENU: New Menu Items for disabling Info & Search buttons in the menu
    MENU: Allow the user to use volume up/down/mute hotkeys from within the menu
    MENU: Add missing sublabels for non-running Quick Menu
    MENU: Reorganize Quick Menu Information
    MENU: Savestate thumbnails - Savestate slot reset action
    MENU: Allow changing savestate slots with left/right on save/load
    MENU: Add 'Ago' to playlist last played styles
    MENU: Add proper icons for shader items
    MENU/MATERIALUI: Add icon for 'Download Thumbnails'
    MENU/XMB: Add options for hiding header and horizontal title margin
    MENU/XMB: Dynamic wallpaper fixes
    MENU/XMB: Add Daite XMB Icon Theme
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail aspect ratio
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Core option category icon refinements
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Fullscreen thumbnail browsing
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Add playlist icons under 'Load Content'
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Thumbnail improvements
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fullscreen + dropdown
    MENU/XMB/OZONE: Prevent unnecessary thumbnail requests when scrolling through playlists
    MENU/OZONE: Fix playlist thumbnail mouse hover after returning from Quick Menu
    MENU/OZONE: Thumbnail visibility corrections
    MENU/OZONE: Playlist metadata reformat
    MENU/OZONE: Savestate thumbnail fixes
    MENU/OZONE: Add savestate thumbnails
    MENU/OZONE: Header icon spacing adjustment
    MENU/RGUI: Savestate thumbnails
    MENU/SETTINGS: Turn Advanced Settings on by default, this entire filtering of settings will need a complete rethink anyways
    MENU/WIDGETS: Widget color + position adjustments
    MIYO: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for Miyo
    MIYOO: Enable screenshots
    MIYOO: Enable rewind
    NETWORK: Allow MITM server selection on OK callback
    NETWORK: Replace socket_select calls
    NETWORK: Implement binary network streams
    NETWORK: Poll support
    NETWORK: Check connect errno for successful connection
    NETWORK: Get rid of the timeout_enable parameter for socket_connect
    NETWORK: Fix getnameinfo_retro's port value for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
    NETWORK: Define inet_ntop and inet_pton for older Windows versions
    NETWORK: Define isinprogress function
    NETWORK/NATT: Move natt files to "network"
    NETWORK/NETWORK STREAMS: Add function netstream_eof
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix game CRC parsing
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable and hide stateless mode
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Change default for input sharing to "no sharing"
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Enforce a timeout during connection
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow clients from loading states and resetting
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Special saves directory for client
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Ensure current content is reloaded before joining a host
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix client info devices index
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix input for some cores when hosting
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Memory leak fixes
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Force a core update when starting netplay
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix NAT traversal announce for HAVE_SOCKET_LEGACY platforms
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Refactor fork arguments
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix content reload deadlocks on static core platforms
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disallow netplay start when content is not loaded for static core platforms
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Show client slowdown information
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Improve check frames menu entry
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Do not try to receive new data if the data is in the buffer
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Copy data on receive, even if the buffer is full
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix lobby sublabel CRC display on some platforms
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for customizing chat colors
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Small launch compatibility patch adjustments
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for banning clients
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Minor tweaks to the find content task
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Support for gathering client info and kicking
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Fix possible deadlock
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Initialize client's allow_pausing to true
    NETWORK/NETPLAY: Disable netplay for unsupported cores - with stateless mode being disabled for now, there is no reason not to include this. Refuse to initialize netplay when the current core is not supported (no proper savestates support)
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Ensure fixed width ints on packet struct
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY: Support for IPv4 tunneling (6to4)
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/DISCOVERY/TASKS: Netplay/LAN Discovery Task refactor - aims to prevent blocking the main thread while awaiting for the LAN discovery timeout; This is accomplished by moving the whole discovery functionality into its task and using a non-blocking timer to finish the task. Also fixes discovery sockets not being made non-blocking, which could cause the main thread to hang for very long periods of time every pre-frame.
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - fixes many issues along the way, including a couple of nasty memory leaks that would leak thousands of bytes each time the task ran. It also expands the original concept by matching currently run content by filename (CRC matching is always performed first though).
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/TASKS: Find content task refactor - Ensure CRC32 is 8 characters long
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add setting for filtering out rooms with non-installed cores
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Hide older (incompatible) rooms
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/LOBBY: Add a toggleable filter for passworded rooms. In addition, move lobby filters into its own submenu for better organization.
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Chat supported info for the host kick submenu
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Localize relay servers
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Host Ban Submenu
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Add client devices info to the kick sub-menu
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/MENU: Path: Netplay -> Host -> Kick Client - Allows the host to kick clients. Allows the host to view client information: connected clients (names), status (playing/spectating) and ping.
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Add net_ifinfo support
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Enable partial LAN discovery
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Change default UDP port to 19492
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Do not multiply negative timeout values
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Fix epoll's timeout parameter
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/VITA: Launch compatibility patch
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Launch compatibility patch
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/3DS: Adapt POLL for 3DS platform
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/PS3: Launch compatibility patch
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/WII: Enable net_ifinfo for some features. In practice, this only allows the netplay's UPnP task to succeed on the Wii.
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/WIIU: Launch compatibility patch
    NETWORK/NETPLAY/SWITCH: Launch compatibility patch
    NETWORK/UPNP: Attempt support for remaining platforms
    NETWORK/UPNP: Support for IPv4 tunneling
    ODROID GO2: Increase DEFAULT_MAX_PADS to 8 for ODROIDGO2, since that impacts the RG351[X] consoles. The RG351[X] have a USB host controller and can have an arbitrary number of USB gamepads.
    ONLINE UPDATER: Online Updater menu reorganizing
    OSX: Fixed items of system top menu bar on macOS
    OSX: Revision to macOS app icon set
    PLAYLISTS: Ensure history list will contain CRC32
    PLAYLISTS: Fix CRC32 comparison - as state->content_crc has "|crc" suffix.
    PS4/ORBIS: Orbis/PS4 Support using OrbisDev toolchain
    PS4/ORBIS: Update xxHash dependecy
    PS4/ORBIS: Shader cache
    RETROFW: Exclude unused HAVE_HID for RetroFW
    RETROFW: Support battery indicator on RetroFW
    RETROFW: Enable menu toggle button on retrofw devices
    SHADERS: Shader Preset Loading of Multiple additional #references lines for settings
    SHADERS: Shader Load Extra Parameter Reference Files - this adds the ability to put additional #reference lines inside shader presets which will load additional settings. The first reference in the preset still needs to point at a chain of presets which ends with a shader chain, and subsequent #reference lines will load presets which only have parameter values adjustment. This allows presets to be made with a modular selection of settings. For example with the Mega Bezel one additional reference could point at a preset which contained settings for Night mode vs Day mode, and another reference could point to a preset which contained settings for how much the screen should be zoomed in.
    SHADERS/MENU: Increase shader scale max value
    SCANNER/DC: Fix Redump bin/cue scan for some DC games
    SCANNER/GC/WII: Add RVZ/WIA scan support for GC/Wii
    SCANNER/PS1: Improved success rate of Serial scanning on PS1 by adding support for the xx.xxx format
    SCANNER/PS1: Changed return value of detect_ps1_game function to actuially return a failure when the Serial couldn't be extracted. Scanner will then fallback on crc check, and usually ends up finding the games in the database.
    SWITCH: Enable RWAV (WAV audio file) support
    STRING: Do not assume char is unsigned
    TASKS: More thread-awareness in task callbacks
    TASKS: Fix race condition at task_queue_wait
    TVOS: Revised tvOS icons w/ updated alien.
    VFS: Fix various VFS / file stream issues
    VULKAN: Fix more validation errors
    VULKAN: Attempt to fix validation errors with HDR swapchain. Always use final render pass type equal to swapchain format. Use more direct logic to expose if filter chain emits HDR10 color space or not
    VULKAN/ANDROID: Honor SUBOPTIMAL on non-Android since you'd want to recreate swapchains then. On Android it can be promoted to SUCCESS. SUBOPTIMAL_KHR can happen there when rotation (pre-rotate) is wrong.
    VULKAN/DEBUG: Automatically mark buffer/images/memory with names
    VULKAN/DEBUG: Move over to VK_EXT_debug_utils. Debug marker is deprecated years ago.
    VULKAN/HDR: Fix leak of HDR UBO buffer
    VULKAN/BFI: Fix BFI (Black Frame Insertion) regression
    WINDOWS: Fix exclusive fullscreen video refresh rate when vsync swap interval is not equal to one - refresh rate in exclusive fullscreen mode was being incorrectly multiplied by vsync swap interval, breaking swap interval functionality at the gfx driver level
    WIN32: Do optimization for Windows where we only update the title with SetWindowText when the previous title differs from the current title
    WIN32: Skip console attach when logging to file
    WIN32: Remove black margins with borderless non-fullscreen window
    WIN32/TASKBAR: Release ITaskbarList3 on failed HrInit - pointer wasn't NULL'd, thus set_window_progress would cause weird behavior
    WII/GX: Fix potential datarace
    WIIU: Implement sysconf and __clear_cache
    WIIU: Add OS memory mapping imports
    UWP: Added launch protocol arg 'forceExit' so a frontend can tell an already-running RetroArch UWP instance to quit.
    UWP: Enable core downloader/updater
    UWP: Remove copy permissions as its inefficient as we can just directly assign the new ACL and that works
    Xbox/UWP: Remove expandedResources
    Xbox/UWP: UWP OnSuspending crash fix
    Xbox/UWP: Enable savestate file compression by default for UWP/Xbox - got told there are no more issues with it
    Xbox/UWP: Add support for 4k to angle on xbox for MSVC2017 build


    ANDROID: Decouple Play Core dependency to bring app into compliance for F-Droid
    ANDROID: Allow audio playback capture on android
    AI/SERVICE: Disable AI Service setting by default
    BLUETOOTH/LAKKA: bluetoothctl: add / modify pairing steps
    CHEEVOS: Disallow manual frame delay setting in Hardcore Mode
    DATABASE: Serial scanning for Wii now includes WBFS
    INPUT: Allow proper descriptor declaration for analog triggers
    INPUT/MAPPING: Fix offset + crash when clearing input port binds
    INPUT/MAPPING: Fix saving of 'Analog to Digital Type' when configuration overrides are used
    INPUT/MAPPING: Fix saving of 'Analog to Digital Type' when configuration overrides are used
    LOCALIZATION: Add Valencian language option
    MENU/SETTINGS: Move 'Show Menu Bar' under 'Windowed Mode' settings
    MENU/SETTINGS: Add sublabels for 'Subsystems' and 'Input Deadzone/Sensitivity'
    MENU/SETTINGS: Move 'On-Screen Notifications' to top
    MENU/XMB: Unified the shadow alpha value to a slightly darker one for better readability
    MENU/XMB: Corrected the option label and sublabel for actual behavior
    MIYOO: Enable ALSA audio driver and default to it
    PSP: Take out extra languages/localization, adds about 4/5MB to the binary, and RAM is limited on PSP (32MB and 64MB RAM models)
    STATIC PLATFORMS: Populate all history list metadata when launching content from playlists
    STEAM: Introduce Steam Rich Presence
    VIDEO: Fast-Forward Frameskip improvement
    VIDEO/THREADED: Stability fixes
    WINDOWS/WINRAW: Fix multiple light guns
    WIIU: Fix USB get_device_name(), don't truncate to three chars


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.283
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2022, 18:45
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


    Fix incorrect tessellation inputs/outputs.
    Fixes missing graphics in The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero.
    Corrects ground rendering in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt when using Vulkan.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.287
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2022, 19:20

1.1.287 - 2022-10-02


    Volume Hotkeys.
        Adds hotkeys to increase and decrease the volume by steps of 5%.
        Default is currently unbound. This can be mapped in Avalonia or via the config json file.

1.1.286 - 2022-10-02


    ARMeilleure: Add gfni acceleration.
        Implements gfni instructions to accelerate general purpose bit-shuffling.
        New instructions are useable on Intel (Icelake 2021 & later) and AMD Zen 4 (2022 & later) CPUs.

Older releases

1.1.285 - 2022-10-02


    Avoid allocating unmanaged string per shader.
        No known changes in games.

1.1.284 - 2022-10-02


    fatal: Implement Service.
        No changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.288
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Allow Surface Flinger frame enqueue after process has exited.
    Fixes an exception that could occur in some rare cases while ending emulation.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2022, 20:45

1.1.290 - 2022-10-03


    Avalonia - Fixes updater.
        Autoupdating will now be possible on Avalonia builds.

Older releases

1.1.289 - 2022-10-02


    Avalonia: Fix About window not displaying translated window titles.
        "About" window will now have a properly translated title in different languages on the Avalonia GUI.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.293
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 09:20

1.1.293 - 2022-10-03


    Fix shader SULD (bindless) instruction using wrong register as handle.
        Fixes a regression that caused vertex explosions in Sea of Solitude: The Director's Cut.
        Fixes rendering in Shadowrun Returns.

Older releases

1.1.292 - 2022-10-03


    Support use of buffer ranges with size 0.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.278 that caused a crash in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes after the Blue Lions prologue ended.

1.1.291 - 2022-10-03


    Vulkan: Fix buffer texture storage not being updated on buffer handle reuse.
        Fixes an issue where models would randomly swap back to an old animation frame in UE4 games.


Titel: RetroArch 1.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2022, 08:20
Whats new:>>

    NETWORKING: Add the const qualifier to some function parameters
    NETWORKING/NETPLAY/UPNP: Add a private or CGNAT address warning to UPnP
    SAVESTATES/SCREENSHOTS: Avoid 'video_gpu_screenshot' with savestates
    UWP: Better 'Save on quit' fix

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.294
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2022, 08:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix memory corruption in BCAT and FS Read methods when buffer is larger than needed.
    Fixes a crash on the title screen of Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris, which now goes in-game.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.295
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2022, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Change NvMap ID allocation to match nvservices.

Fixes Animal Crossing: New Horizons crashing on start-up without a save file.
Fixes other miscellaneous crashes and texture corruptions in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Fixes random crashing in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Fixes random crashing when entering or exiting Pokémon centres in Pokémon Sword/Shield.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.297
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2022, 21:15

1.1.297 - 2022-10-08


    GPU: Pass SpanOrArray for Texture SetData to avoid copy.
        Improves performance slightly in NieR Automata: The End of Yorha Edition and UE4 games.

1.1.296 - 2022-10-08


    Vulkan: Fix some issues with CacheByRange.
        Fixes broken or missing geometry in eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2022 and potentially other games that had similar issues with quads.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.298
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix disposed textures being updated on TextureBindingsManager.
Fixes a fatal error crash in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled when using Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.299
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 18:45
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Fix sampler custom border color.
        Fixes shadows in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 cutscenes when using Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.301
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2022, 10:20
Whats new:>>


    Improve shader BRX instruction code generation.
        Improves the code generated for BRX instructions. No known changes in games.



    bsd: Check if socket is bound before calling RecvFrom().
        Fixes a crash in Overpass when selecting a career mode.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.305
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 09:09

1.1.305 - 2022-10-16


    TamperMachine: Fix input mask check.
        Cheats that required pressing buttons to enable/disable them will now work.

Older releases

1.1.304 - 2022-10-16


    Fix various issues caused by Vertex/Index buffer conversions.
        Fixes some bugs introduced in 1.1.254 and 1.1.278. No known changes in games.

1.1.303 - 2022-10-16


    Fix primitive count calculation for topology conversion.
        Fixes a regression that caused random triangles to appear on the map in Luigi's Mansion 3.

1.1.302 - 2022-10-16


    Fix phantom configured controllers.
        Fixes controllers not being disabled properly. Controller applet will no longer ask for a single controller when only one is configured.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.306
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 18:45
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Implement OpenDataStorageWithProgramIndex partially.
    Immortals Fenyx Rising now boots, though it doesn't reach gameplay.
    Bit.Trip Runner, Bit.Trip Void, MLB The Show 22 and RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 now go in-game.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.307
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2022, 22:15
Whats new:>>


Avalonia - Remove on property changed call in Time Zone validation.
Fixes an issue in the Avalonia UI where using arrow keys in an AutoCompleteTextBox (such as the timezone textbox) would select the first entry and remove all other options.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.308
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2022, 06:15
Whats new:>>

    Fix kernel VA allocation when random allocation fails.
    Fixes an issue with random allocations that may have affected some 32-bit games, such as DoDonPachi Resurrection, although no discernible changes were observed during gameplay.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.309
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>


Vulkan: Fix blit levels/layers parameters being inverted.
Fixes a crash before the title screen in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on Nvidia GPUs using Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.319
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2022, 05:15
Latest Changes

1.1.319 - 2022-10-18


    Do not clear the rejit queue when overlaps count is equal to 0.
        No known changes in games.

Older releases

1.1.318 - 2022-10-18


    Implement the GetSessionCacheMode in SSL service.
        No known changes in games.

1.1.317 - 2022-10-18


    Manage state of NfcManager.
        Fixes Amiibo scanning in Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition.

1.1.316 - 2022-10-18


    Fix mapping leaks caused by UnmapView not working on Linux.
        Fixes an issue where UnmapView was failing on Linux because the flags combination being passed was invalid. No known changes in games.

1.1.315 - 2022-10-18


    A32: Implement VCVTT, VCVTB.
        Radiant Silvergun is now playable.

Older releases

1.1.314 - 2022-10-18


    A64: Add fast path for Fcvtas_Gp/S/V, Fcvtau_Gp/S/V and Frinta_S/V instructions.
        May reduce stuttering and improve performance in Mario Strikers: Battle League, Mario Party Superstars and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

1.1.313 - 2022-10-18


    Avalonia: Update Polish Translation.
        Updates the Polish localization for the Avalonia UI.

1.1.312 - 2022-10-18


    Vulkan: Dispose TextureStorage when views hit 0 instead of immediately.
        Reduces VRAM usage in Super Mario Odyssey when running on Vulkan with higher resolution scaling values. May improve VRAM usage on other games.

1.1.311 - 2022-10-18


    Fix: Arguments Break when Updating.
        Command line arguments will no longer break after updating the emulator.

1.1.310 - 2022-10-18


    Avoid allocations in .Parse methods.
        No changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.320
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2022, 12:52
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia: update it_IT.json.
        Updates the Italian localization for the Avalonia UI.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.322
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.322 - 2022-10-21


    CI: Update workflows.
        Updates Github workflows to the latest version.

1.1.321 - 2022-10-21


    Vulkan: Fix vertex position Z conversion with geometry shader passthrough.
        Fixes black screen in Game Builder Garage on Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.323
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    nuget: bump SPB from 0.0.4-build24 to 0.0.4-build27.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.324
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>


Avalonia: Use overlay dialog for controller applet.
Fixes an issue where the controller applet was not showing properly in the Avalonia UI.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.326
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2022, 05:15


    Ryujinx.Tests.Unicorn: Implement IDisposable.
        Disposes of Unicorn (CPU emulator used to test validity of ARMeilleure instructions) tests when done. No changes to emulator functionality.



    Attempt to fix issues since github-script v6 upgrade.
        Fixes some issues with GitHub artifact creation. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.327
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2022, 06:35
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Use dynamic state for blend constants.
    Reduces memory usage and slightly speeds up Vulkan pipeline compilation in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.328
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Fix indirect buffer barrier.
        Fixes an ErrorDeviceLost crash that could occur in Monster Hunter Rise on Nvidia drivers v522.25, and possibly some older ones, when running the game on Vulkan.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.249
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2022, 20:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0249.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2022, 06:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.330 - 2022-10-27


    AppletAE: Stub SetRecordVolumeMuted.
        Fixes a crash in Bayonetta 3 when entering gameplay in the first mission.

1.1.329 - 2022-10-27


    hid/irs: Stub StopImageProcessorAsync.
        Stubs the StopImageProcessorAsync service.
        Prevents a crash in Game Builder Garage when exiting a game using the IR motion camera.
        Allows Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 03: Vehicle Kit to progress past the "Make" menu.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2022, 19:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .249.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2022, 20:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a rare bug that could prevent some settings not being read from the file.
    Fixed a bug that could cause an issue with Path to ROMS with custom named folders in Settings.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.335
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2022, 09:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.335 - 2022-10-29


    GPU: Use a bitmap to track buffer modified flags.
        Improves performance significantly (up to 500%) on Bayonetta 3, Mario + Rabidds Kingdom Battle, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, Monster Hunter Rise, Super Mario 3D All-Stars (Sunshine and Galaxy), Zombie Army 4: Dead War and possibly other games.

1.1.334 - 2022-10-29


    CI: Fix windows builds missing SourceRevisionId.
        Windows PR builds will now have version IDs again.

1.1.333 - 2022-10-29


    Vulkan: Replace VK_EXT_debug_report usage with VK_EXT_debug_utils.
        No expected changes.

1.1.332 - 2022-10-29


    SPIR-V: Fix tessellation control shader output types.
        Fixes crashes on AMD GPUs running Vulkan on Windows in Bayonetta 3 (after the chapter 1 cutscene) and Luigi's Mansion 3 (right before the title screen).

1.1.331 - 2022-10-29


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.15.0 to 6.25.0
        Updates the JWT Token .NET dependency to version 6.25.0.
        No expected changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.336
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2022, 12:41
Whats new:>>


    fix: Support FFmpeg 5.1.x for decoding.
        FFmpeg 5.1+ now plays pre-rendered videos properly on Linux.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.337
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>


Vulkan: Implement multisample <-> non-multisample copies and depth-stencil resolve.
Fate/Extella: The Umbral Star now works on Vulkan on Nvidia and Intel GPUs.
Sonic Colors: Ultimate now works on Vulkan on Intel GPUs.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.338
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>


Ensure all pending draws are done before compute dispatch.
Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon now works on Vulkan.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.339
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>

infra: Migrate to .NET 7
Update project to .NET 7 and enable TieredPGO.
Possible performance improvements up to 15% in .NET runtime limited scenarios.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2022, 05:15
Whats new:>>


    Minor improvement to Vulkan pipeline state and bindings management.
    No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.361
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2022, 18:45

1.1.361 - 2022-11-18


    Prune ForceDirty and CheckModified caches on unmap.
        Fixes a regression that would degrade performance over time in Super Mario Odyssey.
    Vulkan: Don't create preload command buffer outside a render pass.
        Improves performance in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

1.1.359 - 2022-11-17


    am: Stub GetSaveDataSizeMax.
        Allows Football Manager 2023 Touch to boot.

1.1.358 - 2022-11-17


    Use ReadOnlySpan compiler optimization in more places.
        Small code optimization. No known changes in games.

1.1.357 - 2022-11-17


    Allow _volatile to be set from MultiRegionHandle checks again.
        Fixes performance regressions from 1.1.335 that affected Pokémon Sword/Shield, Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Dawn of the Battle Royale and possibly other games.

1.1.356 - 2022-11-17


    SPIR-V: Fix unscaling helper not being able to find Array textures.
        Fixes broken ground textures in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet when using resolution scaling.
        Fixes upscaling on exploding bubbles in Bubble Bobble and spawn spheres and other effects in Rune Factory 5.

1.1.355 - 2022-11-17


    GPU: Eliminate CB0 accesses when storage buffer accesses are resolved.
        Improves performance significantly in Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition on Vulkan.
        Improves performance in Xenoblade 2 and Xenoblade 3 on Vulkan, and in Definitive Edition on OpenGL.
        Improves performance in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet and possibly other games.

1.1.354 - 2022-11-17


    ci: Clean up Actions leftovers.
        Fixes Avalonia build versions for pull requests.
        Ensures that the "--self-contained" doesn't warn at build.

1.1.353 - 2022-11-17


    Capitalization to be consistent.
        Small grammar changes.

1.1.352 - 2022-11-17


    Allow to start Ryujinx in Wayland environment.
        Allows Ryujinx to start in Wayland environment, ignoring code to retrieve monitor dimensions.

1.1.351 - 2022-11-16


    Fix Fedora support.
        Fixes Fedora Linux not having a symlink for libX11.so by attempting to import it by version.

1.1.350 - 2022-11-16


    Prevent raw Unicode control codes from showing on software keyboard applet.
        Fixes some formatting errors on the software keyboard applet.

1.1.349 - 2022-11-16


    Update units of memory from decimal to binary prefixes.
        Changes "GB" to "GiB" and "MB" to "MiB" on the UI and the rest of the code.

1.1.348 - 2022-11-16


    Use new C# 11 UTF-8 string literals.
        Small code optimization. No known changes in games.

1.1.347 - 2022-11-16


    Make use of Random.Shared.
        Small code optimization. No known changes in games.

1.1.346 - 2022-11-16


    Use new LINQ Order() methods.
        Small code optimization. No known changes in games.

1.1.345 - 2022-11-16


    Implement HLE macro for DrawElementsIndirect.
        Adds an "Enable Macro HLE" option to graphics settings, enabled by default.
        When enabled, improves performance on Monster Hunter Rise, NieR Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition, Nintendo Switch Sports (not yet playable) and possibly other games.

1.1.344 - 2022-11-15


        Corrects the pronunciation guide in the GTK UI's "about" page.

1.1.343 - 2022-11-12


    UI: Allow overriding graphics backend + Move command line parser into a new class.
        Adds a new command line option "-g/--graphics-backend" which allows to override the previously configured graphics backend value on launch.
        Command line arguments are now kept when Avalonia restarts (except for the overridden graphics backend).
        Reduces the amount of duplicate code between GTK and Avalonia.

1.1.342 - 2022-11-12


    Use vector transform feedback outputs if possible.
        Fixes grass rendering in Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition on Vulkan on Intel GPUs.
        May fix similar issues in Pokkén Tournament or the Xenoblade games on AMD and/or Intel GPUs.

1.1.341 - 2022-11-11


    Fix VertexId and InstanceId on Vulkan.
        Fixes incorrect rendering in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX on Vulkan on Intel GPUs.
        May fix similar issues in Metro 2033 Redux, Sniper Elite 3 and others.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.364
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2022, 09:40

1.1.364 - 2022-11-18


    Move gl_Layer from vertex to geometry if GPU does not support it on vertex.
        Fixes a crash during boot on Vulkan and a black screen on OpenGL when using Maxwell and older Nvidia GPUs in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

1.1.363 - 2022-11-18


    Vulkan: Clear dummy texture to (0,0,0,0) on creation.
        Fixes an issue with AMD GPUs on Linux that caused colored filters to appear over the screen in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet when using Vulkan.

1.1.362 - 2022-11-18


    GPU: Fix thread safety of ReregisterRanges.
        Fixes some crashes in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.
        May fix similar issues in Pokémon Sword/Shield and possibly other games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.365
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>


Fix shader cache on Vulkan when geometry shaders are inserted.
Fixes a crash when loading the shader cache on Vulkan on GPUs affected by 1.1.364 in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.366
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2022, 11:10
Whats new:>>


    Unsubscribe MemoryUnmappedHandler even when GPU channel is destroyed.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.361 that caused World of Light to crash in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Titel: RetroArch 1.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2022, 11:41
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes: https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-13-0-release/

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.368
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.368 - 2022-11-20


    Use upstream unicorn for Ryujinx.Tests.Unicorn.
        CPU tests can now be executed on Linux. No changes in games.

1.1.367 - 2022-11-20


    Reword the description of the 6GB expand DRAM hack to be less tantalizing.
        "Expand DRAM Size to 6GiB" is now named "Use alternative memory layout (Developers)".

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.369
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>


Do not update shader state for DrawTextures.
Fixes a crash in A Hat in Time that occurred in certain places.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.370
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>


Avalonia - Fix controller insertion crash:

Fixes a crash that occurred when connecting a new controller while the settings window was open on Avalonia.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.371
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2022, 19:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


Stub IFriendService: 1 (Cancel).
Allows SnowRunner to proceed past the title screen.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.376
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 10:40

1.1.376 - 2022-11-23


    GPU: Access non-prefetch command buffers directly.
        Improves performance slightly in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet and Super Mario Odyssey.

1.1.375 - 2022-11-23


    GPU: Relax locking on Buffer Cache.
        Improves performance in Super Mario Odyssey and possibly other games with high FIFO.

1.1.374 - 2022-11-23


    nuget: bump Avalonia from 0.10.15 to 0.10.18.
        Updates the Avalonia package version. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.373 - 2022-11-23


    ava: Fix JsonSerializer warnings.
        Fixes some warnings in the Avalonia project. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.372 - 2022-11-23


    Update to LibHac 0.17.0.
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx would delete the Save folder in the sdcard directory after booting.
        Improves filesystem emulation stability.

1.1.371 - 2022-11-23


    Stub IFriendService: 1 (Cancel).
        Allows SnowRunner to proceed past the title screen.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.382
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 20:15

1.1.382 - 2022-11-24


    GPU: Don't trigger uploads for redundant buffer updates.
        Improves performance in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on Vulkan.

1.1.381 - 2022-11-24


    Reduce usage of Marshal.PtrToStructure and Marshal.StructureToPtr.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.380 - 2022-11-24


    ui: Fixes disposing on GTK/Avalonia and Firmware Messages on Avalonia.
        Fixes an issue where opening a game without installed firmware and then selecting the "OK" or "Open the Setup Guide" options would crash Ryujinx.

1.1.379 - 2022-11-24


    Ryujinx.Ava: Add missing redefinition of app name.
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx could sometimes report as "Avalonia Application".

1.1.378 - 2022-11-24


    Fix NRE on Avalonia for error applets with unknown error message.
        Fixes an issue where unknown errors would crash Avalonia.

1.1.377 - 2022-11-24


    GAL: Send all buffer assignments at once rather than individually.
        Improves performance significantly in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Super Mario Odyssey, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and any other games that tend to bind many constant buffers at once.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.384
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 09:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.384 - 2022-11-24


    nuget: bump SharpZipLib from 1.3.3 to 1.4.1.
        Updates the SharpZipLib package version. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.383 - 2022-11-24


    chore: Update Ryujinx.SDL2-CS to 2.24.2.
        May improve controller compatibility or sound issues in some games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.387
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 18:15

1.1.387 - 2022-11-25


    Fix CB0 alignment with addresses used for 8/16-bit LDG/STG.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.355 that caused Xenoblade 3 videos to be more pixelated than normal.

1.1.386 - 2022-11-25


    chore: Update Avalonia related dependencies.
        Updates Avalonia dependencies. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.385 - 2022-11-25


    ava: Rework DLC Manager, add various fixes and cleanup.
        The DLC Manager on Avalonia is completely redone to enhance the user experience.
        Fixes an issue where trying to scroll with a mouse wheel on a list with multiple DLCs would expand the window instead.
        The game list will now wait 1 second after a keyword is typed to search for a game. Previously it would refresh on each keystroke, taking too long to load on big lists.
        Updates are now selected automatically when added to the Title Update Manager.
        After deleting a game directory in settings, the next one will be automatically selected.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.389
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 22:10

1.1.389 - 2022-11-25


    Avalonia: Fix invisible Vulkan window on Linux.
        Fixes the Avalonia rendering window being invisible when using Vulkan on Linux.

1.1.388 - 2022-11-25


    ava: Refactor Title Update Manager window.
        The Title Update Manager on Avalonia is now redone to be consistent with the changes in 1.1.385.
        Fixes an issue where trying to scroll with a mouse wheel would expand the window instead, this time for real.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.390
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia: Fix OpenGL crashing on Linux.
    Fixes a regression from 1.1.389 that caused Avalonia to crash on Linux when using OpenGL.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.391
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2022, 11:10
Whats new:>>


HLE: fix small issue in IPsmSession.
Fixes small logic error in the Psm service. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.393
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.393 - 2022-11-27


    sfdnsres: Fix deserializer of AddrInfoSerialized when addresses are empty.
        Allows the Homebrew App Store to boot.

1.1.392 - 2022-11-27


    bsd: Fix eventfd broken logic.
        Required for Pokémon Legends Arceus 1.1.1 to boot with Guest Internet Access enabled, though more changes are necessary for this.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.394
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 18:59
Whats new:>>


    Amadeus: Fixes and initial 15.0.0 support.
    Fixes crashes in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and Paper Mario: The Origami King.
    Fix Delay effect wrong variable usage for matrix transform on Stereo, Quadraphonic and Surround codepaths.
    Update Delay effect Surround matrix to support REV11 optimization.
    Change voice drop logic to use 32 bits integer to be closer to real firmware. Might fix voice drop issues on some games.
    Add voice drop parameter support that was introduced in 15.0.0.
    Accurately stub ExecuteAudioRendererRendering.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.396
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.396 - 2022-11-29


    Avalonia: Update FluientAvalonia
        Make dialogs work on Linux with Avalonia making it usable on it again.

1.1.395 - 2022-11-28


    GPU: Always draw polygon topology as triangle fan.
        Fixes the stats chart in Pokémon Legends Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet/Violet on Vulkan and on certain OpenGL drivers that don't support GL_POLYGON in compatibility mode.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2022, 20:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0250.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.399
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.399 - 2022-11-29


    nuget: bump System.Management from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0.
        Updates System.Management to 7.0.0. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.398 - 2022-11-29


    ConcurrentBitmap: Use Interlocked Or/And.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.397 - 2022-11-29


    chore: Update OpenTK to 4.7.5.
        Updates OpenTK dependencies. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.403
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 10:40

1.1.403 - 2022-11-30


    Avalonia: Clean up leftover RenderTimer & Fix minimum and initial window size.
        Black bars will no longer show on the default window size on Avalonia.
        Framerate on the Avalonia UI is no longer limited (does not affect games).

1.1.402 - 2022-11-30


    nuget: bump DiscordRichPresence from 1.0.175 to
        Updates DiscordRichPresence dependencies. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.401 - 2022-11-30


    Remove shader dependency on SPV_KHR_shader_ballot and SPV_KHR_subgroup_vote extensions.
        Required for MoltenVK. No changes in games.

1.1.400 - 2022-11-30


    Ensure that vertex attribute buffer index is valid on GPU.
        Fixes some crashes on Vulkan on Intel and AMD graphics cards. It's currently unknown which games are affected.


Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 18:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .250

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.407
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 21:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.407 - 2022-12-01


    chore: Update Silk.NET to 2.16.0.
        Updates Silk.NET dependencies and Vulkan extensions. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.406 - 2022-12-01


    Better SDL2 Audio Init Error Logging.
        Adds an error to the log when SDL2 fails to initialize.

1.1.405 - 2022-12-01


    GPU: Track buffer migrations and flush source on incomplete copy.
        Fixes most cases of vertex explosions in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.
        Fixes device loss crashes and possibly vertex explosions in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on Vulkan, ONLY if shader caches from before this change are purged beforehand.

1.1.404 - 2022-12-01


    infra: Add distribution files for macOS.
        Upstreams macOS packing and distribution files.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.410
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 17:45

1.1.410 - 2022-12-01


    Ava GUI: Make Dialogue More Intuitive.
        Renames "Save" to "OK" and "Close" to "Cancel".
        Layout of buttons adjusted to establish a clearer visual hierarchy (adapts to match OS).
        "OK" is now bound to Enter and the button is highlighted.
        "Cancel" is now bound to Escape.

1.1.409 - 2022-12-01


    Revert "nuget: bump SixLabors.ImageSharp from 1.0.4 to 2.1.3 (#3976)".
        Reverts the previous change.

1.1.408 - 2022-12-01 ?? This build has been removed.


    nuget: bump SixLabors.ImageSharp from 1.0.4 to 2.1.3.
        Updates SixLabors.ImageSharp dependencies. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.415
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 21:40

1.1.415 - 2022-12-02


    Fix using in Ava.
        Fixes an oversight in the Avalonia code that caused 1.1.414 not to compile.

1.1.414 - 2022-12-02


    SDL2Driver: Invoke dispatcher on main thread.
        Required for macOS. No expected changes in games.

1.1.413 - 2022-12-02


    Avalonia - Save Manager.
        Adds a save manager to the Avalonia UI under Options > Manage User Profiles.
        Allows for easy file deletion and quick save folder opening.
        Adds an option to restore lost user profiles using existing saves.

1.1.412 - 2022-12-02


    amadeus: Fix wrong SendCommands logic.
        May help games with audio desyncs.

1.1.411 - 2022-12-02


    Ava GUI: Add back locales removed in #3955.
        Adds back "SettingsButtonSave" & "SettingsButtonClose" removed in 1.1.410.
        Fixes "Close" showing as "SettingsButtonClose" on the Avalonia UI.


Titel: Nostlan 2.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2022, 19:10
Use this game launcher to access all your emulator setups from one single place, keeping order within your collection of backups and console-emu software.

Donationware     /  GPLv3

Titel: RetroBat 5.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2022, 22:10
RetroBat is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators. With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play !
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC.
RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements.



New systems

– Adventure Vision
– amiga 4000
– apfm1000
– Arcadia 2001
– Astrocade
– BBC micro
– Camputers Lynx
– Philips CD-I
– Color Computer
– CreatiVision
– FM 7
– Gamate
– Game.com
– Game Pocket Computer
– GameBoy Advance 2 players
– Game Master
– LCD Games
– Megadrive-msu
– Mega-Duck
– Neo-Geo 64
– PV-1000
– Super Cassette Vision
– Super Game Boy
– Super A’Can
– TI-99
– Tomy Tutor
– TV Games
– VSmile

New features

– New Retrobat integrated Updater & Emulators download/update functionnality
– New content downloader
– Add incremental savestate support
– Add support for lightguns and Wiimote Guns, new lightgun games collection and removal of « lightgun » rom folder
– Sinden Lightgun support
– Duimon’s Mega-Bezel pack support
– Support of zipped roms decompression
– Add image viewer to Retrobat
– Autodetection of best mame version when set to auto
– XInput drivers for libretro
– Add: support for Retroachievements “Challenge” indicator


– a5200
– fbalpha (current)
– fceumm
– gearcoleco
– imageviewer
– mame2000
– mame2010
– swanstation


– 3DSen (emulator not provided)
– Hypseus (fork of Daphne)
– no$gba (gba 2 players)
– pcsx2 1.7 SSE4 and AVX2 versions
– pcsx2 1.6 version moved to pcsx2-16 folder (pcsx2 folder used for 1.7 version)
– PinballFX3 (through Steam integration)
– ScummVM
– Yuzu early access


– moved all bioses to \bios folder and updated bios list md5 checks
– Add new music theme
– New version of Batgui.exe (not all functionalities have been ported yet)
– Group system features into submenus in Retrobat advanced configuration menu
– Option to invert A and B buttons
– Removed arcade system, replaced with individual system folders
– 64dd folder renamed n64dd
– New SDL version
– Additional features directly accessible from Retrobat to avoid setting up the features in the emulators (PS3, PS2, Yuzu, scummvm, dolphin, …. and many others)


– New Website
– New Wiki


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.423
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2022, 21:45

1.1.423 - 2022-12-04


    Add InfoType.MesosphereCurrentProcess.
        Allows exefs replacement mods and homebrew to easily get their own process handle for use with certain SVCs, such as MapProcessMemory.

1.1.422 - 2022-12-04


    ui: Disallow checking for updates while emulation active.
        Disables "check for updates" option while a game is running.

1.1.421 - 2022-12-04


    Allow SNorm buffer texture formats on Vulkan.
        Used by most UE4 games, though not known to affect any of them at the moment.

1.1.420 - 2022-12-04


    Implement non-MS to MS copies with draws.
        Required by Apple Silicon GPUs. No known changes in games.

1.1.419 - 2022-12-04


    GPU: Use lazy checks for specialization state.
        Improves performance slightly in Super Mario Odyssey and possibly other games.

1.1.418 - 2022-12-04


    GPU: Swap bindings array instead of copying.
        Improves performance slightly in Super Mario Odyssey and possibly other games.

1.1.417 - 2022-12-03


    Use source generated regular expressions.
        Code cleanup. No changes in games.

1.1.416 - 2022-12-03


    Support logging available memory on macOS.
        Available RAM will be shown on macOS logs on the next macOS update.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.426
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2022, 19:10

1.1.426 - 2022-12-05


    Make structs readonly when applicable.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.425 - 2022-12-05


    misc: Fix obsolete warnings in Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan.
        No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.424 - 2022-12-05


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.8.0 to 17.4.0.
        Updates Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.427
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2022, 22:40
Whats new:>>


    Restrict shader storage buffer search when match fails.
        May help avoid an error on macOS in the future. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.434
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 09:10

1.1.434 - 2022-12-05


    Fix storage buffer access when match fails.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.430 that caused scanlines on save file icons and occasional black textures in Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition.

1.1.433 - 2022-12-05


    Change default Vsync toggle hotkey to F1 instead of Tab.
        The default "toggle Vsync" (uncap/cap framerate) hotkey is now F1 and not Tab. Should help with users accidentally turning it off when alt-tabbing.

1.1.432 - 2022-12-05


    nuget: bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from 4.2.0 to 4.4.0.
        Updates Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.431 - 2022-12-05


    Fix Sorting Regression.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.428 that caused the games list to disappear.

1.1.430 - 2022-12-05


    Fix shaders with global memory access from unknown locations.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.427 that caused Mario Golf Super Rush (and possibly others) to crash.

1.1.429 - 2022-12-05


    Update 'OpenGL Log Level' to 'Graphics Backend Log Level'.
        Renames the OpenGL logging option to properly reflect that it relates to both backends.

1.1.428 - 2022-12-05


    Ava GUI: Several UI Fixes.
        Adjusts styles and UI elements to more closely match WinUI theming.
        Adjusts how playtime is represented to hours and minutes.
        Type boxes and other focusable elements now defocus when empty-space is selected.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.436
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 18:15

1.1.436 - 2022-12-06


    ava: Cleanup Input classes.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.435 - 2022-12-06


    amadeus: Add missing compressor effect from REV11.
        No games are known to use this effect for now.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.438
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 20:15

1.1.438 - 2022-12-06


    nuget: bump XamlNameReferenceGenerator from 1.4.2 to 1.5.1.
        Updates XamlNameReferenceGenerator. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.437 - 2022-12-06


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.25.0 to 6.25.1.
        Updates System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.442
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 09:45

1.1.442 - 2022-12-06


    macOS: Fix Struct Layout Packing.
        Fix struct layout packing so more tests can run on macOS.

1.1.441 - 2022-12-06


    gtk: Fixes warnings about obsolete components.
        Removes some warnings from the GTK UI.

1.1.440 - 2022-12-06


    Shader: Add fallback for LDG from "ube" buffer ranges.
        Fixes grass particles in the wind in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. May fix similar issues in other games.

1.1.439 - 2022-12-06


    UI: Add Metal surface creation for MoltenVK.
        Required for basic graphics rendering on macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.444
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.444 - 2022-12-07


    nuget: bump System.Drawing.Common from 6.0.0 to 7.0.0.
        Updates System.Drawing.Common. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.443 - 2022-12-07


    hle: Do not add disabled AoC item to the list.
        Fixes an issue that caused Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to not work properly when older DLC was disabled but not removed on the DLC list.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.448
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 09:40

1.1.448 - 2022-12-07


    acc: Stub CheckNetworkServiceAvailabilityAsync.
        Allows Hulu to boot.

1.1.447 - 2022-12-07


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.12.8 to 7.12.11.
        Updates DynamicData. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.446 - 2022-12-07


    nuget: bump NUnit from 3.12.0 to 3.13.3.
        Updates NUnit. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.445 - 2022-12-07


    Add Ryujinx license to builds.
        Adds Ryujinx license information file to emulator builds.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.451
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 19:10

1.1.451 - 2022-12-08


    Fix shader FSWZADD instruction.
        Fixes text rendering in Just Dance 2023, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, and possibly other games.
        Fixes transparency issues in Two Point Campus.
        Fixes layering issues in OlliOlli World.

1.1.450 - 2022-12-08


    Shader: Implement PrimitiveID.
        Fixes overly dark lighting in Dark Souls Remastered.

1.1.449 - 2022-12-08


    Fix inconsistent capitalization.
        Fixes a typo.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.455
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2022, 18:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.455 - 2022-12-09


    Add concurrency restriction on release workflows.
        Allows merging multiple pull requests without needing to wait for them to build.

1.1.454 - 2022-12-09


    misc: Update Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Dependencies to 5.0.1-build12
        Updates ffmpeg dependencies to support Linux x64 and macOS.

1.1.453 - 2022-12-09


    ava: Restyle the Status Bar.
        Some tweaks to the Avalonia status bar where performed (fonts and margin adjustments)
        Game selector height was increased.

1.1.452 - 2022-12-09


    nuget: bump CommandLineParser from 2.8.0 to 2.9.1.
        Updates CommandLineParser. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.458
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2022, 09:10

1.1.458 - 2022-12-09


    Fix HasUnalignedStorageBuffers value when buffers are always unaligned.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.419 that caused NieR Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition to crash when loading into gameplay.

1.1.457 - 2022-12-09


    Add explicit dependency on System.Drawing.Common on Ryujinx.Ava to workaround trimming bugs.
        Fixes Avalonia builds crashing on startup since 1.1.456.

1.1.456 - 2022-12-09


    misc: Remove dependency on System.Drawing.Common.
        Removes System.Drawing.Common, which was used only once for DPI scaling factor, and implements the same behaviour using gdiplus. Reduces emulator size slightly.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.461
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2022, 09:10

1.1.461 - 2022-12-10


    audio: Rewrite SoundIo bindings.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.460 - 2022-12-10


    Fix Lambda Explicit Type Specification Warnings.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.459 - 2022-12-10


    Fix Redundant Qualifer Warnings.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.468
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2022, 20:10

1.1.468 - 2022-12-12


    Bsd: Add support for dns_mitm.
        Allows for simple DNS redirection, which is used by some mods.

1.1.467 - 2022-12-12


    misc: Update to Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Dependencies 5.0.1-build13.
        Fixes packaging issues on macOS related to an unsatisfied dependency on libX11.

1.1.466 - 2022-12-12


    Use NuGet Central Package Management to manage package versions solution-wise.
        Makes version management easier for all dependencies. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.465 - 2022-12-12


    misc: Some fixes to the updaters.
        Fixes command line being broken when updating on Avalonia.
        Makes the Avalonia updater fallback to the GTK Ryujinx executable if current name isn't found.
        Makes permission setter function more generic.
        Remove direct usage of chmod to use File.SetUnixFileMode.

1.1.464 - 2022-12-12


    Fix "UI" abbreviation being miscapitalized.

1.1.463 - 2022-12-12


    Use method overloads that support trimming. Mark some types to be trimming friendly.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.462 - 2022-12-12


    Bsd: Implement Select.
        Allows LAN mode to function in Saints Row: The Third and Saints Row IV.
        Just Die Already now goes in-game.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.470
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.470 - 2022-12-14


    Remove Half Conversion.
        Code improvement. No known changes in games.

1.1.469 - 2022-12-14


    Vulkan: enable VK_EXT_custom_border_color features.
        Only create a custom border color if the feature is supported and enabled.
        Fixes Vulkan crashes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and other titles when using RADV on Linux.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.472
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 21:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.472 - 2022-12-15


    Replace DllImport usage with LibraryImport.
        Code improvement, required for NativeAOT support. No known changes in games.

1.1.471 - 2022-12-15


    Fix NRE when loading Vulkan shader cache with Vertex A shaders.
        Fixes a regression that caused Catherine to crash on boot when loading the shader cache.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 21:45
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


Graphics fixes in Burnout Dominator, Kurohyou, Ratchet & Clank, Outrun, Ridge Racer, Spongebob: Yellow Avenger, Cars: Race-o-Rama, Hunter x Hunter, many others
Performance improvements: Killzone now runs at playable speed, Juiced 2 performance fixed, lighting ubershader optimization
Many software renderer improvements, both performance and accuracy.
Brand new VR builds for stand-alone devices: Quest & Pico thanks to the work of Lubos!
Some input handling fixes, IR interpreter fixes, and so much more.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.473
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia: Fix invisible swkbd applet on Linux.
    The software keyboard applet is now visible again on Avalonia on Linux systems.

Titel: ExtraMAME 23.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 10:10
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.475
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.475 - 2022-12-16


    Implement another non-indexed draw method on GPU.
        Fixes rendering in Ikaruga.

1.1.474 - 2022-12-16


    GPU: Fix layered attachment write.
        Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.418 that broke the crowd rendering in Mario Strikers: Battle League.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.476
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2022, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.0 to 17.4.1.
        Updates Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.479
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2022, 08:20

1.1.479 - 2022-12-18


    Revert "ARMeilleure: Add initial support for AVX512(EVEX encoding)".
        Reverted due to a regression causing black screens on CPUs that support AVX-512.

1.1.478 - 2022-12-18


    ARMeilleure: Add initial support for AVX512(EVEX encoding).
        Implements enough of the EVEX encoding features to utilize AVX512 instructions for a 128-bit register use-case. Further changes are required for CPUs with AVX-512 support to have a notable performance improvement.

1.1.477 - 2022-12-18


    hle: Fix wrong conversion in UserPresence.ToString.
        Fixes the bell sound when entering Time Trials in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.481
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

1.1.481 - 2022-12-19


    Avalonia - Fix software keyboard row collision.
        Fixes an issue where placeholder text would not go away when typing on the software keyboard applet on Avalonia.

1.1.480 - 2022-12-19


    Eliminate zero-extension moves in more cases on 32-bit games.
        Small code cleanup. May affect 32-bit games, though no changes are known.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.047
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 08:10
Whats new:>>

    Another year comes to its end. The update only contains a small 3rd party lib update mainly to put zlib to a current status.
    Enjoy the holiday season, merry xmas and a happy, healthy and peaceful 2023.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.482
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: Hash _data pointer instead of value for Operand.
        May slightly improve how long it takes to boot any given game for the first time.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 10:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2

Whats new:>>

    Graphics fixes in Burnout Dominator, Kurohyou, Ratchet & Clank, Outrun, Ridge Racer, Spongebob: Yellow Avenger, Cars: Race-o-Rama, Hunter x Hunter, many others
    Performance improvements: Killzone now runs at playable speed, Juiced 2 performance fixed, lighting ubershader optimization
    Many software renderer improvements, both performance and accuracy.
    Brand new VR builds for stand-alone devices: Quest & Pico thanks to the work of Lubos!
    Some input handling fixes, IR interpreter fixes, and so much more.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.488
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 08:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.488 - 2022-12-21


    Implement a software ETC2 texture decoder.
        Implements a software decoder to decompress ETC2 textures on CPU when the format is not supported on the GPU.
        Fixes crashes in Infinity Tanks World War 2, Paradigm Paradox, Vegas Party and any other game that presented an ETC2 format error when using Vulkan with Nvidia and AMD GPUs.

1.1.487 - 2022-12-21


    Fix CPU FCVTN instruction implementation (slow path).
        Fixes an issue on 2nd gen Intel CPUs and older that caused misaligned text on Two Point Campus and possibly other games.

1.1.486 - 2022-12-21


    GPU: Force rebind when pool changes.
        Fixes graphical issues on character images in "The New Prince of Tennis: LET'S GO!! Daily Life from RisingBeat".

1.1.485 - 2022-12-21


    Make UI display correct content in Chinese.
        Fixes an issue where games wouldn't display the correct title or icon on the games list when system language was set to Chinese.

1.1.484 - 2022-12-21


    hle: Handle GPU profiler and debugger device path correctly.
        Fixes log warnings in Doukoku Soshite (crying and…).

1.1.483 - 2022-12-21


    Fix DrawArrays vertex buffer size.
        Fixes vertex explosions in Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy on OpenGL.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.489
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Some minor cleanups and optimizations.
    No known changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.493
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2022, 08:10

1.1.493 - 2022-12-26


    Use new ArgumentNullException and ObjectDisposedException throw-helper API.
        Small .NET code optimizations. No known changes in games.

1.1.492 - 2022-12-26


    GPU: Add fallback when 16-bit formats are not supported.
        On the next macOS release, fixes "ErrorFormatNotSupported" crashes in Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, Super Kirby Clash, Vroom in the Night Sky and Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana. Only affects Intel Macs.

1.1.491 - 2022-12-26


    Added Generic Math to BitUtils.
        Small .NET code optimizations. No known changes in games.

1.1.490 - 2022-12-26


    bsd::RecvFrom: verify output buffer size before writing socket address.
        Verifies output buffer size (sockAddrOutSize) is non zero before writing socket address. No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.494
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2022, 08:20
Whats new:>>


Haydn: Add support for PCMFloat, PCM32 and PCM8 conversions.
Improves SoundIO compatibility with audio devices that don't expose PCM16.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2022, 18:15
Latest Changes

1.1.499 - 2022-12-29


    Filter hidden game files from the Game List.
        On the next macOS release, removes "._" files from the games list.

1.1.498 - 2022-12-29


    Use vector outputs for texture operations.
        May improve performance in certain games on integrated GPUs, and on dedicated GPUs when using resolution scaling.

1.1.497 - 2022-12-29


    Vulkan: Don't flush commands when creating most sync.
        Improves Vulkan performance in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles 3.
            Xenoblade DE and 3 should now perform better on Vulkan than on OpenGL.

1.1.496 - 2022-12-29


    Ava GUI: Restructure Ryujinx.Ava.
        Code cleanup of the Avalonia project. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.495 - 2022-12-29


    Fix for not receiving any SDL events on Linux using Headless build.


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.251
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 19:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0251.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.502
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1.1.502 - 2023-01-01


    chore: Update tests dependencies.
        No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.501 - 2023-01-01


    Fix typo in left joycon SL binding.
        Left SL button was incorrectly labeled as Right SL button.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.575
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2023, 20:15
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Destroy old swapchain on swapchain recreation.
    Fixes an issue where the image would freeze on AMD graphics cards when exiting fullscreen.
    Fixes a memory leak on macOS when resizing the window.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.582
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 10:10

1.1.582 - 2023-01-21


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.25.1 to 6.26.0.
        Updates System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.581 - 2023-01-20


    Ava UI: Add Notifications and Cleanup.
        Adds in-app notifications to the Avalonia UI.
        Disables "open save directory" options when the given directory does not exist.

1.1.581 - 2023-01-20


    Ava UI: Add Notifications and Cleanup.
        Adds in-app notifications to the Avalonia UI.
        Disables "open save directory" options when the given directory does not exist.

1.1.580 - 2023-01-20


    Ava UI: Fix string.Format issues in Locale.
        Fixes an issue where some windows wouldn't open if UI language was not set to English on Avalonia.

1.1.579 - 2023-01-20


    Catch Profile.json parse to prevent crash on launch.
        Fixes a crash on boot that could occur if the profiles.json file was corrupted or invalid.

1.1.578 - 2023-01-20


    Ava UI: Add Control+Cmd+F HotKey for Mac OS.
        Adds additional hotkey to toggle full screen by pressing ^+?+F on macOS.

1.1.577 - 2023-01-20


    Implement PCM24 output.
        Allows audio devices that do not support PCM16, PCM32 or float output to have PCM24 and PCM8 as possible output options.

1.1.576 - 2023-01-20


    Ava UI: Fixes and cleanup Updater.
        Denying an emulator update after startup will no longer disable the option to check for updates on Avalonia.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.583
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>


    Implement CSET and CSETP shader instructions.
        Fixes low detail texture bug in Persona 4 Golden.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.588
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2023, 10:40

1.1.588 - 2023-01-21


    Allow setting texture data from 1x to fix some textures resetting randomly.
        Fixes resolution scaling in Cruis'n Blast, Deltarune, Fire Emblem Engage, Monopoly Madness, My Hero One's Justice 2, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, Rune Factory 5, The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe and possibly other games.

1.1.587 - 2023-01-21


    Ava UI: Various Fixes.
        Fixes screenshot functionality not working on Avalonia since 1.1.532.
        Fixes an issue where game updates would not be removed properly from the JSON file if an update file was moved or renamed.
        Cleans up some more Ava code.

1.1.586 - 2023-01-21


    Remove use of reflection on GAL multithreading.
        Code improvement, required for NativeAOT support. No known changes in games.

1.1.585 - 2023-01-21


    nuget: bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers from 3.3.3 to 3.3.4.
        Updates Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.584 - 2023-01-21


    Use volatile read/writes for GAL threading.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.
        Fixes some instances of random crashing on ARM64 macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.592
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2023, 20:10

1.1.592 - 2023-01-22


    Add option to register file types.
        Under tools > manage file types, added options to associate or disassociate Nintendo Switch file extensions with Ryujinx, so that when an nsp or xci file is double-clicked, it opens that game on Ryujinx. Note that this feature doesn't currently work.

1.1.591 - 2023-01-22


    Handle parsing of corrupt Config.json and prevent crash on launch.
        Fixes a crash on boot that could occur if the config.json file was corrupted or invalid.

1.1.590 - 2023-01-22


    Arm64: Simplify TryEncodeBitMask and use for constants.
        Improves performance very slightly on ARM64 systems.

1.1.589 - 2023-01-22


    AvaloniaKeyboardDriver: Swallow TextInput events to avoid bell on macOS.
        Prevents macOS from spamming the bell sound when playing with a keyboard.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.594
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2023, 08:10

1.1.594 - 2023-01-23


    Remove use of GetFunctionPointerForDelegate to get JIT cache function pointer.
        Optimizes JIT code. No known changes in games.

1.1.593 - 2023-01-23


    SPIR-V: Change BitfieldExtract and BitfieldInsert for SPIRV-Cross.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.595
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Reset queries on same command buffer.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.
        Fixes some visual issues in A Hat in Time and Super Mario Odyssey on macOS.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.596
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2023, 09:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Relax Vulkan requirements.
        Redo of 1.1.551 with fixes for the issues that appeared last time, such as broken lighting in several games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.597
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>


    Initial Apple Hypervisor based CPU emulation.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.
        Allows games to run ARM code natively on Apple Silicon using the Apple Hypervisor framework. Greatly improves performance on Apple Silicon.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.598
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    nuget: bump SharpZipLib from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2.
    Updates the SharpZipLib package version. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.599
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2023, 20:16
Whats new:>>


Implement Account LoadOpenContext.
Fixes some multi-game collections that would crash after launching one of the games, such as Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 1: Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle Remastered / Soul Nomad & the World Eaters.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.601
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2023, 08:40

1.1.601 - 2023-02-05


    Implement safe depth-stencil blit using stencil export extension.
        Fixes AMD graphics cards crashing on non-native resolutions in Fire Emblem Engage, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Pokémon Sword/Shield, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Splatoon 3, Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel: Dawn of the Battle Royale and possibly other games.
        Fixes low performance on AMD GPUs in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Pokémon Sword/Shield and possibly other games.

1.1.600 - 2023-02-05


    Insert bitcast for assignment of fragment integer outputs on GLSL.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.549 that broke rendering on OpenGL in several games, including Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Luigi's Mansion 3.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.602
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 10:20
Whats new:>>


Accelerate NVDEC VIC surface read/write and colorspace conversion with Arm64 HW intrinsics.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.603
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>


Support safe blit on non-2D textures.
Fixes more cases of AMD GPUs crashing on higher resolutions in Fire Emblem Engage.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.604
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


Ava: Add ChangeVSyncMode() call to render loop.
Makes render loop behave the same as in GTK.
Fixes cases of screen tearing that would occur while running games on the Avalonia builds but wouldn't occur on GTK.
Might fix screen tearing on macOS.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.608
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2023, 18:45

1.1.608 - 2023-02-08


    Replace BitConverter.ToString(bytes).Replace("-", "") with Convert.ToHexString(bytes).
        Code cleanup. No changes in games.

1.1.607 - 2023-02-08


    Fix some Vulkan validation errors.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.606 - 2023-02-08


    Limit texture cache based on total texture size.
        Implements a better solution than 1.1.538 for its problem.
        Fixes a regression from the aforementioned change that spawned noise graphics on the title menu in River City Girls Zero.

1.1.605 - 2023-02-08


    Handle mismatching texture size with copy dependencies.
        Fixes rendering in Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny, The Longest Five Minutes and void tRrLM().
        Fixes nuclear rainbow terrain when using extra stamina food or Master Cycle Zero in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
        Fixes nuclear rainbow tracks on AMD GCN/Polaris graphics cards (such as RX 400/500 series) in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
        Might fix random texture corruption in other games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.614
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2023, 08:10

1.1.614 - 2023-02-08


    Fix SPIR-V when all inputs/outputs are indexed.
        Fixes a crash in Metroid Prime Remastered on Vulkan.

1.1.613 - 2023-02-08


    ObjectiveC Helper Class.
        Avalonia code cleanup. No changes to the UI functionality itself.

1.1.612 - 2023-02-08


    Log shader compile errors with Warning level.
        Shows OpenGL shader compilation errors as Warning log messages in the logging console. No changes in games.

1.1.611 - 2023-02-08


    Replace unicorn bindings with Nuget package.
        Improves the code for tests. No changes in games.

1.1.610 - 2023-02-08


    Vulkan: Flush command buffers for queries less aggressively.
        Improves Vulkan performance in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

1.1.609 - 2023-02-08


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.26.0 to 6.26.1.
        Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.616
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.616 - 2023-02-10


    Better filtering of invalid NPadIds when games request unknown supported players.
        Allows Kingdom Rush to boot.

1.1.615 - 2023-02-10


    Allow partially mapped textures with unmapped start.
        Fixes broken lighting and fog in Metroid Prime Remastered.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.617
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2023, 22:10
Whats new:>>


Fix partial updates for textures.
Fixes random texture corruption in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 and possibly other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.619
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2023, 10:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.619 - 2023-02-13


    Vulkan: Enforce Vulkan 1.2+ at instance API level and 1.1+ at device level.
        In some cases, ensures the emulator won't try to initialize Vulkan on an incompatible graphics device. No changes in games.

1.1.618 - 2023-02-13


    Vulkan: Do not call vkCmdSetViewport when viewportCount is 0.
        Fixes some Vulkan validation errors. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.620
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 10:40
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Clean up MemoryAllocator.
        Avoid querying GPU memory properties at allocation time. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.621
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Respect VK_KHR_portability_subset vertex stride alignment.
        No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.622
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2023, 08:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


GUI: Small Updater refactor & Set correct permissions on Linux when extracting files.
Fixes a Linux issue where the Ryujinx executable wouldn't work after using the autoupdater.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.623
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>


Validate dimensions before creating texture:

Fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.615 that caused Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to crash when using ARCropolis mods.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.624
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2023, 08:15
Whats new:>>


Clear CPU side data on GPU buffer clears.
Fixes the black screen in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.625
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.26.1 to 6.27.0.
Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.626
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Add support for advanced blend (part 1/2). Fixes transparency issues in Mario Party Superstars and ScreamPark selection screen in Luigi's Mansion 3 on Nvidia GPUs.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.630
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2023, 20:10

1.1.630 - 2023-02-21


    Move Ryujinx Folder from ~/.config to ~/Library/Application Support on macOS.
        Moves the Ryujinx folder to make it more consistent with other apps on macOS. Data will automatically migrate from the old path to the new one.

1.1.629 - 2023-02-21


    Use SIMD acceleration for audio upsampler.
        Doubles audio upsampling speed on x64 hardware.

1.1.628 - 2023-02-21


    Memory: Faster Split for NonOverlappingRangeList.
        Reduces asset streaming stutters in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

1.1.627 - 2023-02-21


    Mark texture as modified and sync on I2M fast path.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.233 that caused graphical issues in Tanuki Justice.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.632
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 08:10

1.1.632 - 2023-02-21


    Add copy dependency for some incompatible texture formats.
        Fixes vertical stripes in Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope.

1.1.631 - 2023-02-21


    misc: changes base application directory behaviour.
        Allows changing base application directory behaviour at build time via FORCE_EXTERNAL_BASE_DIR. Required by nixpkgs and flathub.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.


Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.252
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 09:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0252.txt

Titel: RetroBat 5.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 09:40
RetroBat is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators. With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play !
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC.
RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements.




– PinballFX3 generator now launching directly tables
– Fix crash when 2 identical controllers were connected
– Fix cps1 and cps2 features mix-up
– Fix unability to quit some emulators with HOTKEY + START because of game focus option automatically set to on
– Fixed rpcs3 joystick axis inversion for XInput and Dualshocks
– Fixed yuzu controller configuration to add possibility to choose joystick type
– Fix some shaders not working with model2
– fix RetroBat not displaying on second monitor issue
– fix missing PCSX2 feature « skip bios »
– fix pcsx2 memcards path
– fix ES navigation in vertical mode (L1 / R1 usage)


– possibility to run pcsx2 in bigpicture mode
– add cycle_exact feature for winuae
– add actionmax support to daphne/Hypseus
– add language selection for Wii


– Some cleaning of unused code and typo errors corrections
– Removed libretro:redream from Dreamcast emulators list
– Removed no$GBA from GBA system


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.633
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 18:20
Whats new:>>


    Ava: Fix Linux updater crashing when tarStream is null.
        Fixes a regression that caused the Avalonia autoupdater to crash on Linux.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.635
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 21:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.635 - 2023-02-22


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.1 to 17.5.0.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.634 - 2023-02-22


    nuget: bump UnicornEngine.Unicorn from 2.0.2-rc1-9c9356d to 2.0.2-rc1-a913199.
        Updates the UnicornEngine.Unicorn dependency. No changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.636
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>


    Ava: Fix Title Update Manager not selecting the right update.
        Fixes an issue on Avalonia that would disable game updates after opening the update manager and not re-selecting an update.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.637
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Account for multisample when calculating render target size hint.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.605 that caused graphical and/or upscaling issues in Bubble Bobble, Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX and Rune Factory 5.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2023, 09:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .252

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.643
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2023, 09:10

1.1.643 - 2023-02-25


    Logging: Redirect StdErr into logging system.
        Allows for easier MoltenVK/Mesa debugging since StdErr will now show up in log files. No changes in games.

1.1.642 - 2023-02-25


    Add missing DefineConstants definition in Ryujinx.Common.
        Fixes a project file bug that was preventing FlatPak and nixpkgs releases from building.

1.1.641 - 2023-02-25


    macos: Add updater support.
        Adds an external updater script into macOS release packages.
        No changes for current macOS releases. Will become more useful once upstreaming is complete.

1.1.640 - 2023-02-25


    Update OpenTK to 4.7.7
        Bumps OpenTK dependency to version 4.7.7. No changes expected in games.

1.1.639 - 2023-02-25


    Move gl_Layer to vertex shader if geometry is not supported.
        Allows certain UE4 games such as Shin Megami Tensei V to render on macOS.
        Contributes to the upstreaming of the closed-source macOS branch.

1.1.638 - 2023-02-25


    Perform bounds checking before list indexer to avoid frequent exceptions.
        Reduces ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions and performance dips in VS console output and debug builds. No changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.644
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2023, 10:11
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Support list topology primitive restart.
        Fixes broken sand in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD on Vulkan. (Will not affect MoltenVK as it does not support this extension.)

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.646
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.646 - 2023-02-27


    Sockets: Properly convert error codes on MacOS.
        Changes sockets error codes on macOS accordingly rather than using the same error codes as Windows and Linux.
        Defaults IsDhcpEnabled to true when interfaceProperties.DhcpServerAddresses is not available.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.

1.1.645 - 2023-02-27


    Add Support for Post Processing Effects.
        Adds FXAA and SMAA post processing options in graphics settings.
        Adds bilinear, nearest and FSR (1.0) upscaling options in graphics settings.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.647
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Update LibHac to 0.18.0.
        Fixes a regression where the emulator wouldn't create a BCAT save if any other BCAT save already existed, throwing a "ResultFsTargetNotFound (2002-1002)" error when attempting to open the BCAT save directory.
        Loading personalized ticket title keys is now supported with the right console keys dumped.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.650
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 20:10

1.1.650 - 2023-03-04


    nuget: bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0.
        Updates the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.649 - 2023-03-04


    Minor code formatting.

1.1.648 - 2023-03-04


    nuget: bump UnicornEngine.Unicorn from 2.0.2-rc1-a913199 to 2.0.2-rc1-f7c841d.
        Updates the UnicornEngine.Unicorn dependency. No changes in games.


Titel: Ludo 0.16.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2023, 18:10
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Bump cores
    Sort entries in explorer

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.651
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    CPU: Avoid argument value copies on the JIT.
        JIT optimizations and refactoring. May result in a minor performance improvement.

Titel: RetroArch 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2023, 18:20
Play classical games and launch old applications on modern computers and consoles using this cross-platform, open-source emulator that has an online library, achievements, and more.

License: GPLv3

Release Notes: https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-15-0-release/

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.658
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2023, 09:10

1.1.658 - 2023-03-11


    misc: Some dependencies cleanup.
        Removes unused dependencies.

1.1.657 - 2023-03-11


    Misc performance tweaks.
        Minor code optimizations. No noticeable changes.

1.1.652-1.1.656 - 2023-03-11


    [Flatpak] Add release github workflow.
        Flathub builds will now update again.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.662
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2023, 09:10

1.1.662 - 2023-03-12


    GPU: Scale counter results before addition.
        Fixes resolution scaling in WarioWare: Get It Together and Wreckfest.

1.1.661 - 2023-03-12


    Increase access permissions for AvaloniaList.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.513 that caused the timezone list to not show.

1.1.660 - 2023-03-12


    Misc: Support space in path on macOS distribution.
        Fixes build errors on macOS when spaces are present in the file path.

1.1.659 - 2023-03-12


    [Flatpak] Beautify multiline strings again & Add full git commit hash.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.663
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2023, 21:20
Whats new:>>


    Ava UI: DownloadableContentManager Refactor.
        Refactors the Avalonia DLC manager and makes it consistent with the title update manager.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.665
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.665 - 2023-03-14


    GPU: Fast path for adding one texture view to a group.
        Greatly improves loading screens and fixes open zone getting stuck at ~3fps in Sonic Frontiers.
        May improve loading times in other games.

1.1.664 - 2023-03-14


    Update range for remapped sparse textures instead of recreating them.
        Significantly reduces stuttering when going through doors in Metroid Prime Remastered.
        Greatly reduces FIFO% in NieR Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition when travelling between areas.
        May improve texture streaming stutters in other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.668
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2023, 18:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.668 - 2023-03-17


    Reducing memory allocations.
        Speeds up boot times by a few seconds on Metroid Prime Remastered and likely other games.

1.1.667 - 2023-03-17


    Update syscall capabilites to include SVCs from FW 15.0.0.
        Allows the homebrew menu (using hbl.nsp) to boot again.

1.1.666 - 2023-03-17


    nuget: bump UnicornEngine.Unicorn from 2.0.2-rc1-f7c841d to 2.0.2-rc1-fb78016.
        Updates the UnicornEngine.Unicorn dependency. No changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.669
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>


OpenGL: Fix inverted conditional for counter flush from #4471.
Fixes a regression from 1.1.662 that caused OpenGL to time out and softlock in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.671
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.671 - 2023-03-19


    Remove MultiRange Min/MaxAddress and rename GetSlice to Slice.
        Code cleanup. No changes in games.

1.1.670 - 2023-03-19


    Avoid copying more handles than we have space for.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.668 that caused crashes in Fire Emblem Engage.

Titel: GameEx 18.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 09:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

    Filtering Steam games installed is now optional and off by default.
    Upgraded to .net 7 from 6.
    Use the .net 4 version (still supported) for Windows versions below 10 now.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.672
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 10:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Migrate buffers between memory types to improve GPU performance.
    Greatly improves Nvidia Vulkan performance in Bayonetta 3, Blue Reflection: Second Light, Catherine Full Body, Ghost 'n Goblins Resurrection, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Monster Hunter Rise, NieR Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition, Persona 5 Royal, Shin Megami Tensei V, Sonic Frontiers, Subnautica, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Xenoblade 2, Xenoblade 3 and possibly other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.673
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: Add initial support for AVX512 (EVEX encoding) (cont).
        Redo of 1.1.478 with added fixes for the black screen issues it caused.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.675
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Revert "Use source generated json serializers in order to improve code trimming" #4576.
        Reverts the previous change. Fixes issues it caused such as configuration files not being parsed properly and games not booting.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.676
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>


    CI: add a version tag to correlate release versions with commits.
    Main releases on GitHub will now have tags that link to their respective commits.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.677
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 06:15
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: Check for XSAVE cpuid flag for AVX{2,512}.
        Fixes an issue introduced in 1.1.673 where the emulator would crash if running on an extremely old CPU.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.680
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.680 - 2023-03-24


    Batch inline index buffer update.
        Fixes low Nvidia Vulkan performance in Genkai Tokki Moero Crystal H, La-Mulana and possibly other games that use the OpenGL API on the Switch.
        Improves OpenGL performance in the same games for other GPU vendors.

1.1.679 - 2023-03-24


    Update short cache textures if modified.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.566 that broke rendering in Sonic Colors: Ultimate.

1.1.678 - 2023-03-24


    Fix handle leak on IShopServiceAccessServerInterface.CreateServerInterface.
        Fixes a crash in SD Shin Kamen Rider Rumble.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.681
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


  Sdl2: Update to Ryujinx.SDL2-CS 2.26.3.
     Fixes infinite loop shutting down WGI controllers.
     Fixes centering the D-pad on some Xbox controllers.
     Allows some copycat DualShock 4 controllers and possibly other gamepads to work natively on Ryujinx.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.682
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2023, 21:20
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Insert barriers before clears.
    Fixes black square artifacts ("puzzle pieces") on Vulkan, on Nvidia RTX 3000-4000 GPUs running driver version 522.25 or newer, in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Xenoblade 2 and Xenoblade 3.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.683
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


Vulkan: fix broken "VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control" support check.
No known changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.685
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.685 - 2023-03-27


    Vulkan: Fix access level of extension fields and make them read-only.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.684 - 2023-03-26


    Vulkan: Remove CreateCommandBufferPool from Vulkan Initialization.
        Code cleanup. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.686
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 08:15
Whats new:>>


    Audout: Fix a possible crash with SDL2 when the SDL2 audio backend is dummy.
    Fixes a crash when launching Ryujinx with SDL_AUDIODRIVER=dummy.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.687
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>


    Slight code refactoring.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.253
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2023, 19:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0253.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.688
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Fix Linux hang on shutdown.
        Fixes an issue on Linux where the Ryujinx process would not disappear after closing it.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.689
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Refactoring of ApplicationLoader.
        Cleans up ApplicationLoader code and contributes towards multi-process support in the future (for example, EdiZon running alongside a game).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.692
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2023, 16:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.692 - 2023-04-01


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.12.11 to 7.13.1.
        Updates the DynamicData dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.691 - 2023-04-01


    Vulkan: Separate debug utils logic from VulkanInitialization.
        Cleans up Vulkan debug code. No changes in games.

1.1.690 - 2023-04-01


    nuget: bump Avalonia dependencies from 0.10.18 to 0.10.19.
        Updates the Avalonia dependencies. No changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.694
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.694 - 2023-04-03


    Fix missing string enum converters for the config.
        Fixes issues caused by the previous change, including configurations resetting and hotkey settings not updating on Avalonia.

1.1.693 - 2023-04-03


    Source generated json serializers.
        Fixes some trimming warnings and condenses configuration code. *Note: this change may reset your configuration file.

Titel: ExtraMAME 23.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2023, 08:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2023, 18:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .253

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.696
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.696 - 2023-04-04


    Use index fragment shader output when dual source blend is enabled.
        Fixes a MoltenVK crash in Metroid Prime Remastered and possibly other games.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the currently closed-source macOS build.

1.1.695 - 2023-04-04


    HLE: Set ProcessResult name from NACP.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.689 that caused application names to not display properly on Discord statuses, Avalonia loading screens and logs.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.697
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.27.0 to 6.28.1:
    Updates .NET System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt Dependency. No changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.699
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.699 - 2023-04-05


    Eliminate boxing allocations caused by ISampledData structs.
        Code cleanup. No changes in games.

1.1.698 - 2023-04-05


    Vulkan: Cleanup PhysicalDevice and Instance querying.
        Code cleanup. No changes in games.

Titel: BizHawk 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2023, 19:20
A multi-system emulator for satisfying your retro console needs without asking the user for too much input and adjustments, quick and easy.



New cores:

MAME (Arcade only)
Lots of updates and fixes to existing cores and to EmuHawk.


Titel: RetroBat 5.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2023, 19:45
RetroBat is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators. With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play !
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC.
RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements.




Fixed A and B (south and east) button inversion when configuring a controller in EmulationStation
Fixed OpenBOR controls injection
Fix .tzx extension for ZXSpectrum (was incorrectly set in es_systems file)
Fix duckstation memcards path setting (path was duplicated)
Fix Retroarch device type injection using remaps (might consequently fix some device type injection for RetroArch cores)
Fix snes9x features (audio interpolation values were wrong)
Fix yuzu renderer selection (was always forced to vulkan)
Fix yuzu motion not working
Fix XEMU dvd_path issue for newer versions
Fix RetroAchievements popups not displaying in first beta version
Fix monitor index / bezels for pcsx2-QT (tentative, might not be completely solved yet)
Fix missing ‘disableautocontrollers’ option for Supermodel (model3)
Removed non-working .zip & .7z extensions from gba2players system
Fix NEOCD default BIOS (CD-Z instead of UNIVERSE BIOS), improves load speed
Fix cemu controllers (added feature to select controller type for player 1 and 2 as some games accept only 1 gamepad and some others require only pro controllers), also added options to use Real Wiimotes (with dolphinbar)

Additional cores, emulators, systems:

jaguarCD with BigPEmu
Commodore PET (vice_xpet)
Commodore CPlus/4 (vice_xplus4)
Cannonball (outrun libretro port)
wasm-4 (fantasy console)
Atari XE Game System (mame mess)
Coleco Adam (mame- mess)
Acorn Archimedes (mame mess)
Acrorn ATOM (mame mess)
emuscv core for scv system
NO$GBA for GBA system
libretro:parallel_n64 added to n64dd system (compatible with .ndd full NDD games only, not extensions)
bump mame to 0.253
bump rpcs3
bump scummvm (standalone & core) to 2.7.1


Add features for following emulators : nosgba, RPCS3, PCSX2 (resolutions & precaching of custom textures), Teknoparrot, xemu, yuzu, dolphin-triforce, dolphin, xenia (language), scummvm, cemu (controllers), mame standalone, bigpemu
Add features for following cores : pokemini, picodrive, ppsspp, prosystem, puae, potator, bsnes & bsnes_hd_beta, quasi88, prboom, px68k, craft, swanstation, mrboom, stella & stella2014, same_cdi, sameduck, RACE, 81, vecx, TGBDual, vice (all vice cores), tyrquake, desmume, melonds, opera, 4do, a5200, pcsx_rearmed, parallel_n64, mgba, atari800, crocoDS, citra, caprice32, bluemsx, desmume, desmume 2015, dosbox-pure, handy, mame2003
Added selection of softlist, media type and machine type for MESS systems (in libretro:mame and mame64)
Add feature in Yuzu, Ryujinx to invert face buttons to match XboX controller layout
Add custom textures feature for citra
Add option to rotate screen in FinalBurn cores and flycast (TATE mode)
Add option to select controller type in multiple cores (advanced settings>controls)


Dolphin Load/ResourcePacks paths moved to biosdolphin-emu instead of emulatorsdolphinuser
Inject hotkeys in pcsx2 & dolphin emulators
Controllers injection : better detection of controller index through activation of SDL HINTs
Added extensions : .chd (fmtowns), .hdf (AMIGA systems), .rpk (ti99), .dsk (coco), .nib (c64)
Daphne : no need to use Windows Developer mode anymore for Hypseus
Triforce : removed constant update check for those wanting to try latest triforce emulator
BIOS check: bump ps3 bios check to 4.90 version, added Color Computer bioses, added apple2gs bios
Add RETROBAT identification to default ambiance decorations pictures (bezels)
Updated RetroArch recordings folder to retrobatrecords
Improved bezel search logic (for game-specific bezels)
Updated systems logos in RetroBat system menu
New feature : turbo button (on FCEUMM core only for now)
MESS system grouping review
Correction of platforms in es_systems.cfg
add guns option to mesen core
New “cheats” folder for cheats (used for RetroArch and PCSX2) : retrobatcheats
Bump to dokan2 for XBOX iso mount
new pcsx2-qt.exe compatibility (for these who want to upgrade to latest nightly pcsx2.exe)
Added retroachievements sound customization


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>


    Implement remaining Arm64 HINT instructions as NOP.
        Fixes a crash on homebrew applications that use the borealis UI library.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.701
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2023, 17:15
Whats new:>>


    ARMeilleure: Respect FZ/RM flags for all floating point operations.
        Fixes random crashes when Lynels are in the vicinity and inside the Yah Rin shrine when using the scales in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.702
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2023, 21:15
Whats new:>>


    [GUI] Fix a NRE in GTK when disposing GLRenderer.
        Fixes an issue where the emulator would sometimes crash if the Switch instance wasn't set up yet or an invalid file was loaded which didn't initialize it at all.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.703
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Avalonia - Force activate parent window before dialog is shown.
        Fixes an issue on the Avalonia UI where content dialogs (such as the controller applet) would not spawn if the Ryujinx window happened to be minimized or out of focus.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.706
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2023, 18:15

1.1.706 - 2023-04-11


    Vulkan: add situational "Fast Flush" mode.
        Improves Vulkan performance in Bayonetta 3, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet (both only when using resolution scaling) and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (in general).

1.1.705 - 2023-04-11


    ARMeilleure: Move TPIDR_EL0 and TPIDRRO_EL0 to NativeContext.
        Improves performance slightly in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

1.1.704 - 2023-04-11


    OpenGL: Fix OBS/Overlays again by binding FB before present.
        Fixes a regression that caused OBS and other software to record inverted video on OpenGL.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.707
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    HLE: Deal with empty title names properly.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.689 that caused title names to not appear under certain system languages.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.708
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2023, 06:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


Avalonia - Move swkbd message null check into constructor.
Fixes an issue where the software keyboard in Avalonia did not populate any example text the game provides, such as default character names.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.709
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Rename Hipc to Cmif where appropriate.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.711
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.711 - 2023-04-15


    Ability to hide file types in Game List.
        You can now choose which file types will appear on the games list under Options > Show File Types.

1.1.710 - 2023-04-15


    Added check for eventual symlink when displaying game files.
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx wouldn't follow file size on symbolic links.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.717
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2023, 19:10

1.1.717 - 2023-04-16


    [GUI] Add network interface dropdown.
        Adds a setting to allow choosing the network interface used for LAN games (and LDN in the future). This feature is already present on LDN builds.

1.1.716 - 2023-04-16


    Headless: Fix a crash in Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2 when loading an app.
        Fixes a crash caused by the recent application loader changes, should also log the PTC progress now.

1.1.715 - 2023-04-16


    chore: Update Silk.NET to 2.17.1.
        Updates the Silk.NET dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.714 - 2023-04-16


    Ensure the updater doesn't delete hidden or system files.
        Prevents the autoupdater from deleting system files in the Ryujinx folder, such as desktop.ini.

1.1.713 - 2023-04-16


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.13.1 to 7.13.5.
        Updates the DynamicData dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.712 - 2023-04-16


    Ava: Fix nca extraction window never closing & minor cleanup.
        Fixes an issue on Avalonia where the nca extraction window would not close after finishing.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.720
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2023, 08:10

1.1.720 - 2023-04-16


    Revert "chore: Update Silk.NET to 2.17.1".
        Reverts the change in 1.1.715 as it caused issues on self-built macOS builds.

1.1.719 - 2023-04-16


    Vulkan: HashTableSlim lookup optimization.
        Small Vulkan optimization. No known changes in games.

1.1.718 - 2023-04-16


    Change SMAA filter texture clear method.
        Fixes a crash on Intel GPUs and macOS when using SMAA.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.723
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2023, 08:10

1.1.723 - 2023-04-17


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.28.1 to 6.29.0.
        Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.722 - 2023-04-17


    nuget: bump System.Management from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1.
        Updates the System.Management dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.721 - 2023-04-17


    Support copy between multisample and non-multisample depth textures.
        Fixes some missing graphics in Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.724
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2023, 19:45
Whats new:>>


    Avoid LM service crashes by not reading more than the buffer size.
        Fixes a crash in Rune Factory 4 Special on newlywed mode when talking with your spouse.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.725
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Removed MotionInput Calibration.
        Fixes an issue where motion controls would re-center themselves every few seconds.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.726
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2023, 09:50
Whats new:>>


    Shader: Bias textureGather instructions on AMD/Intel.
        Apply small positive bias to textureGather to return correct texels.
        Fixes broken shadows on grass and character models in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on AMD/Intel GPUs.

Titel: GameEx 18.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2023, 22:10
GameEx is a complete Home Theatre as well as a front-end for MAME, GameBase, Daphne, PC Games and all command line game emulators.

GameEx started out as a Home Theatre and has massively expanded into much more. The standard version has support for most emulators, Media Center Plug In, Arcade Controls (X-Arcade, Slik-Stik), Native Widescreen and HD support, full touchscreen and tablet support, full integration with GameEx Arcade adding over thousands of flash games, jukebox support (play while playing games), video player, DVD player, picture and slideshow viewer, internet radio, a news reader and more. So, you get the idea; it is much more than a gaming front end.

GameEx offers a premium version with more features

Whats new:>>

    The .net 6 and .net 4 (XP and 32 bit) installers have been combined into a single installer. There is now just one download. This makes it easier and quicker for me to do releases and avoids confusion. To force the .net 4 install on 64 bit Windows 7 or newer set the compatibility to Windows XP or Vista.
    Updated all VC runtimes to latest versions so they don’t require windows updates or create surplus temporary files.
    Updated .net 6 runtime to latest.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.731
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 18:15

1.1.731 - 2023-04-24


    Implement DMA texture copy component shuffle.
        Fixes inverted red and blue in 20XX and Dragon Quest Builders, possibly other games that use OpenGL on the Switch.

1.1.730 - 2023-04-24


    Use vector transform feedback outputs with fragment shaders.
        Works around an AMD driver regression in Pokémon Legends Arceus causing invisible characters in Vulkan and distorted models in OpenGL.

1.1.729 - 2023-04-24


    Set the console title for GTK.
        Fixes a regression that removed the program title from the GTK console.

1.1.728 - 2023-04-23


    Fix Amiibo issues & log errors and exceptions.
        Fixes an issue where scanning an Amiibo would be impossible if the user's internet connection was too slow to load the API before timing out.

1.1.727 - 2023-04-23


    Reducing Memory Allocations 202303.
        Optimizes memory allocations on various emulator tasks. No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.733
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1.1.733 - 2023-04-25


    Refactor attribute handling on the shader generator.
        Refactors shader translator code to better handle "attributes".
        Fixes compilation failures for tessellation shaders on MoltenVK, which would cause some games to render nothing except the UI on macOS.
        Fixes an issue on older GPUs that don't support setting gl_Layer on the vertex shader should be fixed. This allows Dragon Quest 3 and possibly other games to render on older GPUs.

1.1.732 - 2023-04-25


    Add missing check for thread termination on ArbitrateLock.
        Fixes one instance of the emulator freezing when you stop emulation or close it (doesn't fix the issue entirely).

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.254
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2023, 08:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0254.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.734
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2023, 19:45
Whats new:>>

    Fix geometry shader layer passthrough regression:

    Fixes a regression from 1.1.733 which caused Pokémon Scarlet/Violet to render as if it had a green filter over the screen. This only affected older GPUs that don't support writing gl_Layer on the vertex shader (1st gen Maxwell and older for Nvidia).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.738
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2023, 09:50
Whats new:>>


    Allow window to remember its size, position and state.
        Main window will start-up at it's last opened position and state.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.739
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2023, 18:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Signal interrupt event to improve back-end frame presentation.
        Improves frame-time consistency and presentation in all titles.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2023, 20:40
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


Stutter caused by shader compilation has been reduced drastically ([#16873])

Parallelization: ([#16802], [#16804], [#16809], [#16812])
Shader variant reduction: ([#16773], [#16778], [#16770], [#16763])

Rendering performance and fixes

Integer scaling added ([#17224])
Post-processing fixes ([#17262])
SOCOM overlay glitch removed, night vision fixed ([#17297], [#17317])
PowerVR compatibility fixes ([#17232])
CLUT fixes ([#17212])
ToP - Narikiri Dungeon X: Avoid GPU readback ([#17181], [#17191], [#17192])
DTM / Toca: Avoid GPU readback ([#16715])
Fixed Dante's Inferno performance regression ([#17032], [#17035])
Fix wrong device selection on Poco C40 phones, causing broken UI ([#17027], [#17022])
Rainbow Six GPU performance fix ([#16971])
Subtitles fixed in The Godfather ([#17298], [#17314])

Texture replacement improvements

Less I/O on the main thread, leading to smoother frame rates ([#17078], [#17091], [#17120], [#17134])
Support for KTX2 files with UASTC compressed textures added ([#17111][#17104])
Support for DDS files with BC1-7 textures added ([#17083], [#17103], [#17097], [#17096], [#17095])
Improve default ini ([#17146])
Mipmaps now always used if provided ([#17144])
Additional optimizations ([#17139], [#17088])


Software renderer fixes and performance ([#17295], [#17214], [#17028], [#16753], [#16706], [#16690])
Vulkan texture upload optimizations ([#17052], [#17122], [#17121], [#17114], [#17011])
Depth readback added, fixing lens flares in Syphon Filter (at perf cost..) ([#16907], [#16905])
Async readback supported in Vulkan - currently only enabled in Dangan Ronpa ([#16910], [#16916])
Lighting shader optimizations ([#16791], [#16787])


Android tilt control has been overhauled and fixed ([#16889], [#16896])
You can now map combinations of buttons to single functions ([#17210], [#17215], [#17228], etc)
Custom buttons now support analog inputs ([#16855])

VR features

Top down camera: ([#17098])
Head rotation control: ([#16857])
More stereo support: ([#16952], [#16953])
Other: ([#16826], [#16821])


Windows Dark Mode support ([#16704])
GLSL shader compatibility fixes ([#16710], [#16709])
GTA math issue on macOS/iOS fixed, playable again ([#16928])
More accurate VFPU emulation has been added, though not all enabled yet ([#16984])
Debugger features and fixes ([#17270], [#17269], [#17263], [#17260], [#17203], [#17190], [#17042], [#16994], [#16988], [#16818] etc)
Rewind savestates no longer slows things down a lot ([#17291])
Chat window bugfixes ([#17241])
IR Jit fixes - helps iOS when native jit is unavailable ([#17129])
Depth-related rendering fixes ([#17055], [#16880])
More RISCV support work ([#16976], [#16957], [#16962], [#16832], [#16829])
macOS native menu bar ([#16922])
Font fixes ([#16859])
Rockman 2 audio glitch fix ([#16810], [#16798])
UI fixes: Vertical use of space ([#16795]), scrollbars ([#16785]), touchpad scroll on Windows ([#16699])


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.743
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2023, 09:10

1.1.743 - 2023-05-01


    Add hide-cursor command line argument & always hide cursor option.
        Adds "--hide-cursor" as a new command line argument which overrides the current settings. Possible values are: "Always", "OnIdle", "Never". The default value for the hide-cursor option will still be "Never".

1.1.742 - 2023-04-29


    Keep rendered textures without any pool references alive.
        Slightly improves performance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

1.1.741 - 2023-04-29


    Pre-emptively flush textures that are flushed often (to imported memory when available).
        Improves performance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and possibly other titles.

1.1.740 - 2023-04-29


    Fix errors handling texture remapping.
    Fixes the following regressions from 1.1.664:
        Bomb texture corruption while encountering Master Stalfos in The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
        UI textures in WVSC eBASEBALL: POWER PROS.
        White screen in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and possibly the rainbow screen in Future Redeemed DLC.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.744
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    ModLoader: Fix case sensitivy issues.
        Fixes an issue where the mod subdirectories (exefs, romfs) had to be lowercase to be recognized by Ryujinx.

Titel: xemu 0.7.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 10:10
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Set correct version for macOS bundles
    Closes #1344

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 18:15
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .254

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.747
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 19:15

1.1.747 - 2023-05-03


    Update SettingsWindow.cs.
        Fixes saving settings if directory path is directly pasted into the text field instead of using the file chooser.

1.1.746 - 2023-05-03


    Revert "ModLoader: Fix case sensitivy issues".
        Reverts the change in 1.1.744 as it broke cheat support on Windows.

1.1.745 - 2023-05-03


    Vulkan: Record modifications for barriers after changing the framebuffer.
        Fixes visual glitches at lower resolutions in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Nvidia RTX 3000 and 4000 series GPUs.


Titel: PPSSPP 1.15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Assorted minor crash fixes ([#17374], [#17370], [#17392], [#17394])
    Fix for non-png texture replacements when not listed in textures.ini ([#17380])
    Fix for broken tilt d-pad controls ([#17393])
    Workaround for Vulkan driver bugs on Mali-T8x0 series GPUs ([#17396])

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.748
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>


Fix some invalid blits involving depth textures.
Fixes a crash on MoltenVK in AI: The Somnium Files.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Assorted minor crash fixes ([#17401], [#17399])
Fix Android 12 support in the Android VR build (avoid scoped storage) ([#17398])

Titel: BizHawk 2.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 19:40
A multi-system emulator for satisfying your retro console needs without asking the user for too much input and adjustments, quick and easy.



     Linux port
        fixed last issue in #2951 properly

    AppleII / C64
        fixed states sometimes crashing when a disk change actually happens

        fixed #3638 (snes_get_board returns empty string)
        fixed #3643 ("No PPU sprite limit" option doesn't seem to work)

        fixed #3648 ([GameBoy Link] Buzzing noise when one of the Players is muted)

        fixed BIOS selection menu
        added emulation issues and ROM info to RomDetails dialog
        report emulation status via ROM info icon and text
        fixed #3631 (bgaregga locks up the process)
        hide settings for optional dip switches (for now)
        use 0x3ffffffc as framerate numerator, like actual MAME does since 0.254 (fixes MP4 processing on YouTube)
        fixed #3565 (kinst + kinst2 = crash)
        fixed #3615 (rom loading regression)
        fixed crash with games using k001006_device (e.g. windheat)

        fix open bus execution following write instructions (#3633)

        fixed exe load crash

        fix noise audio channel on SMS VDP (LFSR is 16 bit wide) (#3602)

        fixed #3268 ("Unthrottled" setting burns cpu when paused)
        If a PSX .bin is loaded, try synthesising a .cue
        don't keep multidisk flag on after it was set once
        speedup the PlayMovie dialog
        Prevent annoying waits when using firmware manager with DSi NANDs present
            fixed #3616 (error loading module in lua (socket.dll))
            speedup column drawing
            fixed bugs with entries in patternsform (#3649)
            fixed RetroAchievements rich presence not working
            fixed Jaguar CD homebrew hashing wrt retroachievements
            disabled leaderboard list form
            fixed various crashes and deadlocks


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.751
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 19:45

1.1.751 - 2023-05-04


    Revert "IPC - Refactor Bcat service to use new ipc".
        Reverts the change in 1.1.749 as it broke several games.

1.1.750 - 2023-05-04


    UI: Move ApplicationContextMenu in a separated class.
        Fixes an issue where shader cache would be purged regardless of your answer to the "Are you sure?" prompt.

1.1.749 - 2023-05-04


    IPC - Refactor Bcat service to use new ipc.
        Refactors Bcat service code. No known changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.756
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2023, 20:15

1.1.756 - 2023-05-05


    Use ToLowerInvariant when detecting GPU vendor.
        Fixes GPU vendor detection on Turkish systems where "NVIDIA Corporation" for example would become "nv?d?a corporation" and fail the check.

1.1.755 - 2023-05-05


    Allow any shader SSBO constant buffer slot and offset.
        May help homebrew that use APIs other than NVN, such as vita2hos or emulated Mario Kart DS.

1.1.754 - 2023-05-05


    GPU: Allow granular buffer updates from the constant buffer updater.
        Improves performance in NieR Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition, Splatoon 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

1.1.753 - 2023-05-05


    ModLoader: Fix case sensitivy issues.
        Fixes the previous issue where cheat support broke by creating new instruction lists for every new cheat instead of clearing and share the same list.

1.1.752 - 2023-05-05


    Fix unescaped string in the Linux launch script which fails when there are spaces in directory path.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.762
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2023, 10:10

1.1.762 - 2023-05-05


    AM: Stub some service calls.
        No known changes in games.

1.1.761 - 2023-05-05


    Shader: Use correct offset for storage constant buffer elimination.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.755 which increased GPU usage in some games and caused performance drops when upscaling.

1.1.760 - 2023-05-05


    Remove CPU region handle containers.
        Memory region handles are now accessed directly instead of through the CpuRegionHandle class.
        Improves performance in Super Mario Odyssey and other titles by up to 5%.

1.1.759 - 2023-05-05


    Fix sections extraction.
        Fixes a crash when attempting to use the logo extraction feature.

1.1.758 - 2023-05-05


    Correct tooltips for add,remove,removeall buttons.
        DLC Manager tooltips wrongly referred to updates instead of DLC.

1.1.757 - 2023-05-05


    Fix typo in TextureBindingsManager.cs.
        "accomodate" -> "accommodate".


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.763
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Add progress bar for re-packaging shaders.
    After rebuilding shaders on game boot, the emulator then proceeds to recompress the shader cache files; this change adds an extra loading bar for that process. Before, it would seem as if the emulator had hanged, though this was not the case.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.764
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2023, 19:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    UI: Expose games build ID for cheat management.
        Shows the BID for any given game on the cheat manager so users can copy it without needing to look for it in log files or the internet.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.15.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2023, 20:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2

Whats new:>>

- Assorted minor crash- and other fixes ([#17406], [#17414], [#17415], [#17422])
- Android: Allow launch by content URI (for frontends) ([#17425])
- Control mapping: Fix bugs in mapping UI causing trouble with some controllers ([#17412], [#17420])

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.768
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 08:10

1.1.768 - 2023-05-07


    misc: Avoid copy of ApplicationControlProperty.
        Follow-up of 1.1.765, avoids more large copies. No expected changes in games.

1.1.767 - 2023-05-07


    Ava: Fix SystemTimeOffset calculation.
        Fixes a bug in the Avalonia UI where the system time offset was being incorrectly calculated.
        Formats system settings AXAML. No expected changes in-games.

1.1.766 - 2023-05-07


    time: Update for 15.0.0 changes and fixes long standing issues.
        Updates the time service HLE code to match RE of firmware 15.0.0.
        Fixes many time-related gameplay elements such as daily events and PokéJobs in Pokémon Sword/Shield.

1.1.765 - 2023-05-07


    Switch ProcessResult to a class.
        Avoids large copies when passing or returning the ProcessResult.
        No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.772
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 19:15

1.1.772 - 2023-05-08


    Vulkan: Pass Vk instance to VulkanRenderer
        Allows future flexibility in driver selection where multiple could be installed.
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.771 - 2023-05-08


    Vulkan: Avoid hardcoding features in CreateDevice.
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.770 - 2023-05-08


    Vulkan: Simplify MultiFenceHolder and managing them.
        Slightly improves performance in Vulkan backend-bottlenecked games such as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

1.1.769 - 2023-05-08


    Vulkan: Batch vertex buffer updates.
        Batches vertex buffer updates to reduce individual update calls and avoid rebinding those which have not changed.
        Slightly improves performance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.773
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2023, 19:45
Whats new:>>


    Replace DelegateHelper with pre-generated delegates.
    Should allow this to be compiled with NativeAOT in the future. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.775
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.775 - 2023-05-09


    fix(mvk): resumeLostDevice.
        Fixes MoltenVK crashes in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Mario Strikers: Battle League and possibly other games.

1.1.774 - 2023-05-09


    IPC - Refactor Bcat service to use new ipc - Revisit.
        Redo of 1.1.749, with fixes for the affected titles. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.777
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.777 - 2023-05-10


    Ensure background translation threads exited before disposing JIT.
        Fixes an uncommon issue where the emulator would crash on exit.

1.1.776 - 2023-05-10


    Fix missing domain service object dispose.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.774 that caused Animal Crossing: New Horizons to get stuck on the loading screen after pressing "Continue".

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.792
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2023, 09:40

1.1.792 - 2023-05-11


    Vulkan: Partially workaround MoltenVK InvalidResource error.
        Adds a workaround for a MoltenVK issue where binding a storage buffer more than once with different stage flags causes resource usage to register incorrectly, which causes the command buffer to fail. No known changes in games.

1.1.791 - 2023-05-11


    GPU: Remove swizzle undefined matching and rework depth aliasing.
        Fixes UI textures in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

1.1.790 - 2023-05-11


    Fix the restart after an update.
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx would not restart after updating, and would instead error out with "The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)".

1.1.789 - 2023-05-11


    Changed LastPlayed field from string to nullable DateTime.
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx would crash after stopping emulation when the system and date format was too custom (for example, when using the Holocene calendar).

1.1.788 - 2023-05-11


    amadeus: Allow 5.1 sink output.
        Allows Ryujinx to output 5.1 surround sound in games that support it.

1.1.787 - 2023-05-11


    UI: Adjust input mapping view.
        Makes the Avalonia input settings window prettier.

1.1.786 - 2023-05-11


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.30.0 to 6.30.1.
        Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.785 - 2023-05-11


    Enable explicit LOD for array textures with depth compare on SPIR-V.
        Fixes some visual glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom when using the Vulkan backend.

1.1.784 - 2023-05-11


    Fix incorrect ASTC endpoint color when using LuminanceDelta mode.
        Fixes white square artifacting on some textures in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

1.1.783 - 2023-05-11


    amadeus: Fix wrong channel mapping check and an old typo.
        Fixes broken audio in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

1.1.782 - 2023-05-11


    Stop SDL from inhibiting sleep (#4828).
        Fixes an issue where Ryujinx would prevent the computer from entering Sleep mode when no game would be running or when game execution was suspended.

1.1.781 - 2023-05-11


    Fix the issue of unequal check for Amiibo file date due to the lack of sub-second units in the header.
        The Amiibo menu now opens faster.

1.1.780 - 2023-05-11


    GPU: Fix shader cache assuming past shader data was mapped.
        Fixes a random crash in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom upon entering new areas.

1.1.778-1.1.779 - 2023-05-11


    Update release workflow & Add jobs for macOS.
        Adds macOS builds to Pull Requests and to the GitHub releases channel.

Note that not all of the macOS-specific changes have been upstreamed yet ; you may run into issues or reduced performance that don't exist in the macos1 preview build and vice-versa.


Titel: ExtraMAME 23.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2023, 21:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.796
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2023, 08:50

1.1.796 - 2023-05-12


    Set OpenGL PixelPackBuffer to 0 when done.
        Fixes emulator screenshots being taken as black pictures when using OpenGL.
        Fixes camera photos and save previews being taken as black pictures in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom when using OpenGL.
        May fix similar issues in other games when using OpenGL.

1.1.795 - 2023-05-12


    macOS CI Adjustments.
        Allows macOS mainline builds to autoupdate.
        Removes the x86 macOS builds from Pull Request artifacts as they didn't actually work.

1.1.794 - 2023-05-12


    Ava: Fix wrong MouseButton.
        Fixes a random crash on the Avalonia UI that could occur upon clicking the option to go fullscreen.

1.1.793 - 2023-05-12


    Bump shader cache version.
        Corrects the missing cache bump in 1.1.785.
        Fix mentioned in that version is now correctly applied to existing shader caches.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.799
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2023, 09:10

1.1.799 - 2023-05-13


    Vulkan: Device map buffers written more than flushed.
        Increases performance in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on Nvidia GPUs* using Vulkan.
        Significantly reduces the large performance impact of resolution scaling for Nvidia GPUs using Vulkan in the above title.

    AMD does not suffer from the same limitation that was causing the large performance losses here and should be unaffected.

1.1.798 - 2023-05-13


    Add timeout of 35 minutes to workflow jobs.
        GitHub workflows will now time out after 35 minutes instead of going on forever when they get stuck.

1.1.797 - 2023-05-13


    audio: SDL2: Do not report 5.1 if the device doesn't support it.
        Fixes volume being too low on SDL2 if a game was converting 5.1 to stereo sound.

Titel: RetroBat 5.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2023, 20:15
RetroBat is designed to configure automatically EmulationStation frontend with RetroArch and standalone emulators. With it you will be quickly able to run games from a ROMs collection. You can save a lot of time you can keep to play !
RetroBat can download and install all software you need to have a good retro gaming experience on your Windows PC.
RetroBat can run in Portable Mode. That means you can start it from HDD or from any removable storage device, as long as you do it on a computer that meets the requirements.




    Fix ryujinx feature injection
    Fix mame standalone ratio not working (disable keepaspectratio when ratio forced in features)
    Fix artwork path for mame standalone to align with libretro:mame path
    Fix bezels for libretro:dolphin wii system and put libretro:dolphin in 16/9 aspect ratio by default (for wii only)
    Fix BigPemu template to avoid error message when running jaguarcd titles for the first time
    Fix FBNEO hardcore retroachievements mode by disabling "allow-patched-roms" when hardcore is enabled
    Fix dolphin gamepad button inversion missing for X and Y (only A & B were reversed)
    Fix once and for all pcsx2 multiple screen...(cross-fingers)
    Fix use of Gamecube adapter for dolphin standalone
    Fix missing features for demul-old (user for gaelco)
    set default settings in retrobat.ini in case of invalid or null value
    Align dolphin HD texture pack with libretro:dolphin, this means the custom texture packs must be placed in savesgamecubeUserLoadTextures
    Fix libretro:mame per-game button remap naming
    Fix usage of .uae files for WinUAE
    Align Citra-QT sdmc and nand path with libretro:citra path
    Fix Bios check for atomiswave
    Fix vita3k vsync feature
    Fix missing CXBX language feature (same as XEMU)
    Fix missing .m3u extension for Sega-CD


    fix canonball system in ES system list (avoid duplicating "Ports" category)
    Fix game video in grid mode too small when in gamelist
    Fix HFSDB scraping delay issue
    Fix music volume issue after screensaver when volume set to 0
    Rename "Game focus" feature to "Keyboard focus" and make it available only for computer cores
    smooth transition from splashscreen to the interface
    Add preview images in RetroBat download store
    Hide console when running MAME and Ryujinx
    Update many YES/NO features to "switch buttons"

    Updates of emulators:

    Bump duckstation to new version + autoconfiguration of controllers and new features + retroachievements
    Add mgba for gb, gbc and sgb
    Add WinUAE also for amigacdtv
    Bump libretro:ppsspp version
    Bump ppsspp emulator

    New stuff:

    Add OpenMSX for MSX & colecovision (with support of SGM roms for colecovision and MSX laserdiscs)
    Add Zaccaria Pinball (steam only)
    Add MSX turbo R system in MSX group
    Add GP32 to MESS systems
    Add gun support (1 player only) for pcsx2 and duckstation - compatible with guns that emulate mouse (e.g. wiimotes)
    Add features for BBC Micro to select Joystick type (mame & libretro:mame)
    Add features for TI99 (speech module and 32k ram) (mame & libretro:mame)
    Add possibility for FmTowns to load a floppy in addition to a cdrom
    Add ramsize feature for fmtowns (mame & libretro:mame)
    Added -multimouse command line feature for mame standalone
    Add option to play with more than 2 players in nosgba (3 and 4 players)
    Added values injected in rpcs3 (exit emulator when game finishes + prevent display sleep when playing)
    Add archimedes bios check & missing models
    Add StOoz zone & disable fullscreen features to Teknoparrot
    Actionmax is now a separate system (not integrated with Daphne anymore)
    Add feature to enable discord integration (for compatible systems)
    Add automatic controller configuration mechanism in RetroBat interface if controller is known in SDL database
    Add mgba features
    Add features to ryujinx and yuzu (docked mode, language...)
    Add language feature to RPCS3
    Add touchscreen pointer option for libretro:citra
    Add padtokey to mugen
    Add m3u multi-disk support to GSPlus (Apple2GS)

    Dev stuff:

    RetroBat.exe cleanup and enhancements
    Cleanup es_padtokey file
    fix "features.issuported" method for features with switch preset
    Refactorization of yuzu options injection
    Review of language detection for some standalone emulators
    Changed method of searching EBOOT.BIN file for ps3 games


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.800
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>


    [GUI] Fix always hide cursor mode not hiding the cursor until it was moved.
        Fixes a bug on the Avalonia UI where the hide cursor mode wasn't applied correctly if the cursor wasn't moved first.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.803
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.803 - 2023-05-17


    ava: Fix crash when extracting sections from NCA with no data section.
        Fixes a crash on the Avalonia UI when extracting sections from NCAs that have no data section.

1.1.802 - 2023-05-17


    Start GPU performance counter at 0 instead of host GPU value.
        Fixes The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom locking at 20fps in situations where it shouldn't. Note that the game may still lock to 20fps if your hardware is unable to maintain 30fps; in these environments, a 30fps mod may still be needed.

1.1.801 - 2023-05-17


    macos: Fix relaunch with updater when no arguments were provided to the emulator.
        Fixes macOS builds not restarting after an update if the emulator was started without arguments (for example on non-portable builds).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.804
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Avoid using garbage size for non-cb0 storage buffers
    Fixes the performance loss in the Depths in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.806
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2023, 08:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.806 - 2023-05-19


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.13.5 to 7.13.8.
        Updates the DynamicData dependency. No changes in games.

1.1.805 - 2023-05-18


    Fix Vulkan blit-like operations swizzle.
        Fixes colors flashing in Omega Strikers.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.807
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2023, 19:45
Whats new:>>


    Eliminate redundant multiplications by gl_FragCoord.w on the shader.
        Fixes black dots and lines on character models in Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.808
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2023, 08:15
Whats new:>>


Fix macOS Update Script.
Fixes the remaining issues with the autoupdater on macOS.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.810
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2023, 21:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.810 - 2023-05-20


    Limit compute storage buffer size.
        Fixes a regression that caused DOOM Eternal to crash in-game. Note that the game still isn't playable due to other issues.

1.1.809 - 2023-05-20


    SPIR-V: Only allow implicit LOD sampling on fragment.
        Fixes incorrect gloom hitboxes on AMD GPUs on Windows in the Depths in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.811
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>


    Replace constant buffer access on shader with new Load instruction.
        Fixes vertex explosions in Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy on AMD GPUs. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.815
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2023, 08:10

1.1.815 - 2023-05-21


    Ava UI: Input Menu Redesign.
        Redesigns and cleans up the input settings window on the Avalonia UI.

1.1.814 - 2023-05-21


    Fix crash in SettingsViewModel when Vulkan isn't available.
        Fixes a crash when opening the settings window on devices (e.g. Windows ARM) where Vulkan is not available.

1.1.813 - 2023-05-21


    ServerBase thread safety.
        Fixes a possible RecyclableMemoryStreamManager crash when closing Ryujinx.
        Fixes some possible cases of Ryujinx hanging when stopping emulation.

1.1.812 - 2023-05-21


    Replace ShaderBindings with new ResourceLayout structure for Vulkan.
        Will allow for a cleaner implementation of transform feedback and geometry shader emulation on macOS in future.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.818
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2023, 06:50
Whats new:>>

1.1.818 - 2023-05-22


    Implement p2rc, p2ri, p2rr and r2p.cc shaders.
        Implements the aforementioned missing shader instructions. These are used in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, however it's not known what they affect, or if they affect anything at all.

1.1.817 - 2023-05-22


    Revert "Bump MVK Version to 1.2.3".
        Reverts the previous change as it caused graphical regressions in some games while showing no noticeable benefit.

1.1.816 - 2023-05-22


    Bump MVK Version to 1.2.3.
        Updates the MoltenVK dependency from version 1.2.0 to 1.2.3.
        Might fix graphical issues in some games on macOS.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.15.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2023, 08:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


Tilt controls: Restore "Low end radius" control ([#17489])
Android: Restore the ability to choose "display" (hardware scaler) resolution ([#17473])
Improve the workarounds for the DJ Max games ([#17467])
Android: Fix running some file formats directly from the Downloads folder ([#17466])
OpenGL: Restore most of the lost performance on low-end hardware from the shader variant reduction ([#17440, [#17439]])
Add a simple profiling tool to check CPU usage by the GL backend ([#17475])
Loader: Fix bug preventing WWE 2009 from starting ([#17435])
Misc minor fixes and optimizations ([#17442], [#17457], [#17486], [#17446], more)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.819
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>


    Vulkan: Do not set storage flag for multisample textures if not supported.
        Fixes a crash in Dark Souls Remastered and other games that occurred on macOS when using a newer MoltenVK version.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.820
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>


Update release.yml:

Updates github-script so it uses Node 16 instead of Node 12.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.824
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2023, 09:10

1.1.824 - 2023-05-25


    Fix resolution scaling of image operation coordinates.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.822 that caused flickering/graphical issues in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Xenoblade 3 and possibly other games when using resolution scaling.

1.1.823 - 2023-05-25


    Fix mod names.
        Allows Ryuko to read mod names in log files again.

1.1.822 - 2023-05-25


    Generate scaling helper functions on IR.
        Separates the resolution scaling code from the shader backends so scaling behaves more similarly between OpenGL and Vulkan.
        Makes it easier to implement more graphics backends in the future.

1.1.821 - 2023-05-25


    Truncate vertex attribute format if it exceeds stride on MoltenVK.
        Fixes vertex explosions in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom on macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.826
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1.1.826 - 2023-05-26


    Ava UI: Fixes for random hangs on exit.
        Fixes some of the hanging issues when exiting on Avalonia.

1.1.825 - 2023-05-26


    Force reciprocal operation with value biased by constant to be precise on macOS.
        On macOS, fixes overbright clothing items in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Quaxly's hair in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.828
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.827-1.1.828 - 2023-05-28


    Use variables to configure job timeouts.
        Adds a config variable so developers can more easily control timeouts on GitHub workflows.

1.1.826 - 2023-05-26


    Ava UI: Fixes for random hangs on exit.
        Fixes some of the hanging issues when exiting on Avalonia.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.841
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2023, 08:10

1.1.841 - 2023-05-28


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.5.0 to 17.6.0.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.840 - 2023-05-28


    Make sure blend is disabled if render target has integer format.
        Contributes to upstreaming the closed-source changes in the macos1 build.
        Fixes crashes in Luigi's Mansion 3 and Xenoblade Chronicles games on macOS. Note that Xenoblade games won't work yet as they require transform feedback to run, which hasn't been upstreamed yet.

1.1.839 - 2023-05-28


    Workaround for MoltenVK barrier issues.
        Contributes to upstreaming the closed-source changes in the macos1 build.
        Fixes vertex explosions in Xenoblade Chronicles games on macOS. Note that the games won't work yet as they require transform feedback to run, which hasn't been upstreamed yet.

1.1.838 - 2023-05-28


    Fix incorrect vertex attribute format change.
        On macOS, fixes a regression from 1.1.821 which caused Gun Gun Pixies and other games to render incorrectly.

1.1.837 - 2023-05-28


    Allow surround sound for SDL2 in more scenarios.
        Fixes an issue where the SDL2 audio backend would not output surround sound in certain setups.

1.1.836 - 2023-05-28


    Linux: Use gamemode if it is available when using Ryujinx.sh.
        On Linux, when using the Ryujinx.sh script to start the emulator, checks for "gamemoderun" and uses it if it exists. May improve performance on supported systems.

1.1.835 - 2023-05-28


    Add support for VK_EXT_depth_clip_control.
        Significantly reduces z-fighting on distant geometry in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom when using Vulkan.

1.1.834 - 2023-05-28


    chore: Update Avalonia to 0.10.21 .
        Updates the Avalonia package from version 0.10.19 to 0.10.21. No expected changes to Avalonia UI functionality.

1.1.833 - 2023-05-28


    About window: Add changelog link under ver. number.
        Adds a link to the changelog page on GitHub in the emulator's "About" tab.

1.1.832 - 2023-05-28


    Update LastPlayed date on emulation end.
        "Last played" stat will now use the time when the game was last closed, instead of the time when it was last launched.

1.1.831 - 2023-05-28


    Improve macOS updater.
        (Hopefully) fixes the remaining issues with the updater on macOS.

1.1.830 - 2023-05-28


    Added Custom Path case when saving screenshots.
        Fixes an issue where emulator screenshots wouldn't save to the portable folder in portable mode if Ryujinx was launched using a cli argument for --root-data-dir.

1.1.829 - 2023-05-28


    actions: revert timeout-minutes changes for PR workflow.
        Reverts the previous change for pull request builds.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.842
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Linux: Automatically increase vm.max_map_count if it's too low.
        Works around a Linux issue where several games, including Shin Megami Tensei V and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, would segfault after exceeding the max amount of memory mappings.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.843
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2023, 08:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    Add Context Menu Option to Run Application.
        You can now launch games by right clicking them and selecting "Run Application" on the Avalonia UI.

Titel: MAME 0.255
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2023, 10:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0255.txt

Titel: Erockus Arcade 10.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2023, 10:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .255

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.853
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2023, 18:15

1.1.853 - 2023-06-01


    Fix Avalonia Library header changes size when switching between List/Grid view.
        Adds an explicit height to the panel so that it won't grow/shrink when the "show names" checkbox is added/removed.

1.1.852 - 2023-06-01


    [Logger] Add print with stacktrace method.
        Adds stacktraces to Ryujinx logs for easier debugging.

1.1.851 - 2023-06-01


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 7.13.8 to 7.14.2.
        Updates the DynamicData dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.850 - 2023-06-01


    Only run one workflow for a PR at a time.
        Any given pull request will no longer build multiple times if commits are pushed rapidly.

1.1.849 - 2023-06-01


    Vulkan: Include DepthMode in ProgramPipelineState.
        Fixes an issue that could cause a few additional stutters during shader compilation.

1.1.848 - 2023-05-31


    GPU: Dispose Renderer after running deferred actions.
        Fixes a lot more cases of Ryujinx hanging after stopping emulation/closing.

1.1.847 - 2023-05-31


    Avalonia UI: Fix letter "x" in Ryujinx logo being cut off in About dialog + make its pronunciation center-aligned.
        Fixes the aforementioned problems on the Avalonia "About" window.

1.1.846 - 2023-05-31


    Skip draws with zero vertex count.
        Fixes a crash on macOS in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.

1.1.845 - 2023-05-31


    Share ResourceManager between vertex A and B shaders.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.811 that caused Borderlands 2 to crash before the title screen while generating a shader.

1.1.844 - 2023-05-31


    Headless: MacOS Headless Fixes.
        Properly sign headless builds so they can use Hypervisor.
        Bundle MoltenVK in headless builds when building for macOS.
        Force Vulkan on macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.855
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2023, 08:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.855 - 2023-06-01


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.0 to 17.6.1.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.854 - 2023-06-01


    UI: Fix empty homebrew icon.
        Avalonia will no longer crash when running a homebrew application that has no icon.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.857
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.857 - 2023-06-03


    Allow BGRA storage images on Vulkan.
        Fixes red and blue being swapped when FXAA or SMAA are enabled in Persona 4 Golden and any other games presenting BGRA textures.

1.1.856 - 2023-06-03


    ava: Fix exit dialog while guest is running.
        Fixes an issue on the Avalonia UI where content dialogs would not pop up if the Ryujinx window happened to be out of focus.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.862
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2023, 09:10

1.1.862 - 2023-06-03


    Check KeyboardMode in GUI.
        Fixes some issues when entering a different character type than a game requests into the keyboard applet.

1.1.861 - 2023-06-03


    Implement shader storage buffer operations using new Load/Store instructions.
        Allows for the implementation of transform feedback and geometry shader emulation on macOS.

1.1.860 - 2023-06-03


    ava: Fix Input Touch.
        Fixes an Avalonia regression from 1.1.557 causing touch inputs to never be released.
        Resolves issues in some games where input would no longer be accepted after a single click.

1.1.859 - 2023-06-03


    ava: Fix Open Applet menu enabled.
        The "open applet" menu is now inaccessible while games are running.
        Fixes possible error where this was attempted during gameplay.

1.1.858 - 2023-06-03


    Armeilleure: Fix support for Windows on ARM64.
        Makes required changes to the CPU JIT to support Windows on ARM in future.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.866
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2023, 09:40

1.1.866 - 2023-06-04


    Avalonia: Adjust Grid Library alignment.
        Game rows that aren't filled will now align left instead of center on Avalonia's grid view.

1.1.865 - 2023-06-04


    Dont Error on Invalid Enum Values.
        Prevents Ryujinx from deleting the Config.json file when switching between emulator versions with minor configuration differences.

1.1.864 - 2023-06-04


    Replacing ZbcColorArray with Array4.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.863 - 2023-06-04


    Texture: Fix layout conversion when gobs in z is used with depth = 1.
        Fixes gloom textures randomly breaking in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, on both OpenGL and Vulkan.
        Fixes character rendering in Spiritfarer.


Titel: xemu 0.7.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2023, 18:10
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Ui: Move dvd path settings update to lower level for now.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.869
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2023, 09:10

1.1.869 - 2023-06-05


    Updater: Ignore files introduced by the user in base directory.
        Updater will no longer delete user added files in the base directory when updating.

1.1.868 - 2023-06-05


    Fix wrong unaligned SB state when fetching compute shaders.
        Fixes a regression caused by 1.1.861 that introduced glitches in some games on Intel GPUs.

1.1.867 - 2023-06-05


    Fix 3D texture size when totalBlocksOfGobsInZ > 1.
        Fixes some 3D texture issues in UE4 games.
        Fixes crashes on newer versions of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Dragon Quest X Offline and possibly other UE4 games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.872
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2023, 08:10

1.1.872 - 2023-06-08


    Vulkan: Use aspect flags for identity views for bindings.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.805 that caused visual glitches or crashes on RADV (Mesa Vulkan drivers for AMD on Linux) in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Metroid Prime Remastered, Pokémon Legends Arceus, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Pokémon Sword/Shield, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Super Mario 3D World and possibly other games.

1.1.871 - 2023-06-08


    Remove barrier on Intel if control flow is potentially divergent.
        The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom now runs on Intel GPUs.

1.1.870 - 2023-06-08


    Implement soft float64 conversion on shaders when host has no support.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the closed-source macOS changes.
        Fixes rendering in Rune Factory 4 Special and possibly other games on macOS.
        Fixes some ErrorDeviceLost crashes on Intel GPUs in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The game still won't run on Intel GPUs due to another issue.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.880
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2023, 19:45

1.1.880 - 2023-06-09


    Using 'ThenBy' instead.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.879 - 2023-06-09


    macOS: Fix regression in macOS updater.
        Fixes an issue introduced with 1.1.869 that caused the macOS updater not to work.

1.1.878 - 2023-06-09


    macOS: Configuration Directory Fix.
        Fixes an issue introduced with 1.1.630 that would cause an unhandled exception if the configuration directory was deleted.

1.1.877 - 2023-06-09


    Prefer a 'TryGetValue' call over a Dictionary indexer access guarded by a 'ContainsKey.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.876 - 2023-06-09


    Software Keyboard Applet Fixes.
        Fixes an issue introduced in 1.1.862 that prevented numbers or spaces to be input in the keyboad applet in some games like (Pokemon Sword/Shield) when naming pokemon.

1.1.875 - 2023-06-09


    Removing shift by 0.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.874 - 2023-06-09


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.1 to 17.6.2.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.873 - 2023-06-09


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.30.1 to 6.31.0.
        Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.881
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>


    Non-flags enums should not be used in bitwise operations.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.883
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.883 - 2023-06-10


    Implement fast path for AES crypto instructions on Arm64.
        Fixes stuttering on ARM64 (Apple Silicon macOS) devices in Animal Crossing: New Horizons when saving the game with hypervisor disabled.

1.1.882 - 2023-06-10


    Implement transform feedback emulation for hardware without native support.
        Adds emulation for transform feedback for macOS devices and other hardware that do not support it in their drivers.
        Allows Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, Pokémon Legends Arceus, Metroid Prime Remastered, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and more to boot/render on macOS.
        Contributes to upstreaming of the closed-source macOS build.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.885
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.885 - 2023-06-11


    Ava: Fix OpenGL on Linux again.
        Fixes an issue where running games with OpenGL would crash on boot on Linux when using the Avalonia UI.

1.1.884 - 2023-06-11


    ava: Show/Hide UI Hotkey fix.
        Fixes the ability to Show/Hide the UI on Avalonia when using F4 or the assigned Hotkey.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.887
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 19:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.887 - 2023-06-12


    hle: Stub IHidbusServer.GetBusHandle.
        Allows newer versions of NES Switch Online and Starlink: Battle for Atlas to boot.

1.1.886 - 2023-06-12


    infra: Add PR triage action.
        Automatically assigns reviewers and some labels on pull requests on GitHub.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.889
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.889 - 2023-06-12


    UI: Correctly set 'shell/open/command; registry key for file associations.
        Fixes Ryujinx file association/disassociation with .nsp and .xci formats via Tools > Manage file types.

1.1.888 - 2023-06-12


    Make LM skip instead of crashing for invalid messages.
        Fixes a crash when trying to start a match in Mortal Kombat 11 with no game update applied.

Titel: xemu 0.7.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2023, 18:40
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

ui: Get Windows product and build number

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.891
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.891 - 2023-06-14


    Fix Arm32 double to int/uint conversion on Arm64.
        Fixes bad audio in Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure on ARM64 (Apple Silicon macOS) devices.

1.1.890 - 2023-06-13


    Mod Loader: Stop loading mods from folders that don't exactly match titleId.
        Mods for a given game will no longer load from folders that have a slight, wrong variation of the game's title ID.

Titel: xemu 0.7.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Ui: Blank screen when VGA SCREEN_OFF is set

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.893
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2023, 21:55
Whats new:>>

1.1.893 - 2023-06-14


    nuget: bump System.Management from 7.0.1 to 7.0.2.
        Updates the System.Management dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.892 - 2023-06-14


    test: Make tests runnable on system without 4KiB page size.
        Fixes running tests on Linux distros that use 16KiB pages, such as Asahi Linux.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.895
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.895 - 2023-06-15


    Inheritance should not be redundant.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.894 - 2023-06-14


    Blocks should be synchronized on read-only fields.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.896
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>


    Implement Load/Store Local/Shared and Atomic shared using new instructions.
        Refactors some of the GPU code and makes it easier to implement more graphics backends in the future. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.897
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.897 - 2023-06-17


    Ensure shader local and shared memory sizes are not zero.
        Should fix the Mysterio boss crash in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. Currently untested.

Titel: xemu 0.7.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Ui: Make aspect ratio config independent, add autodetect.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.898
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2023, 20:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.898 - 2023-06-20


    misc: Implement address space size workarounds.
        Required for ARM64 support when the kernel is configured to use between 63 and 39 bits for kernel space.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.899
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.899 - 2023-06-22


    GetHashCode should not reference mutable fields.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.904
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2023, 08:10

1.1.904 - 2023-06-22


    "Where" should be used before "OrderBy".
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.903 - 2023-06-22


    "StartsWith" and "EndsWith" overloads that take a "char" should be used instead of the ones that take a "string".
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.902 - 2023-06-22


    "Find" method should be used instead of the "FirstOrDefault" extension.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.901 - 2023-06-22


    "Exists" method should be used instead of the "Any" extension.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.900 - 2023-06-22


    Fix regression introduced by 1.1.733 on Intel GPUs.
        Fixes a regression affecting Intel GPUs that caused erroneous lighting on character models in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.907
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2023, 18:45

1.1.907 - 2023-06-24


    Empty "case" clauses that fall through to the "default" should be omitted.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.906 - 2023-06-24


    Mutable fields should not be "public static".
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.905 - 2023-06-23


    MemoryManagement: Change return types for Commit/Decommit to void.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.911
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2023, 18:15

1.1.911 - 2023-06-25


    Set COMPlus_DefaultStackSize to 2M in macOS.
        Increases the default stack size to 2MB on macOS.
        Fixes a SPIRV-Cross stack overflow that caused crashes on boot in Splatoon 3 and Mortal Kombat 11. Both titles are now playable.

1.1.910 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Horizon.Common] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.909 - 2023-06-24


    [Ryujinx.Audio.Backends.SoundIo] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.908 - 2023-06-24


    [Ryujinx.Audio.Backends.OpenAL] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.922
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2023, 08:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1.1.922 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Input.SDL2] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.921 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.SDL2.Common] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.920 - 2023-06-25


    misc: memory: Migrate from OutOfMemoryException to SystemException entirely.
        Fixes a regression with address space allocation while providing more information about the context of the exception. No known changes in games.

1.1.919 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Device] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.918 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Audio.Backends.SDL2] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.917 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.916 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.ShaderTools] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.915 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.FFmpeg] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.914 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Tests.Memory] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.913 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Vic] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.912 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Tests.Unicorn] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.926
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2023, 19:45

1.1.926 - 2023-06-27


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Video] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.925 - 2023-06-27


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Host1x] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.924 - 2023-06-25


    [Ryujinx.Horizon.Generators] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.923 - 2023-06-25


    [ARMeilleure] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.928
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.928 - 2023-06-27


    [Ryujinx.Horizon.Kernel.Generators] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.927 - 2023-06-27


    dotnet-format: Apply new naming rule to all projects except Vp9.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.256
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2023, 09:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0256.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.940
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2023, 20:10

1.1.940 - 2023-06-28


    macOS: Fix warning in some shell scripts.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.939 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Headless.SDL2] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.938 - 2023-06-28


    [Spv.Generator] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.937 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.936 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Common] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.935 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Memory] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.934 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Input] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.933 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.932 - 2023-06-28


    Cpu: Implement VCVT (between floating-point and fixed-point) instruction.
        Allows Death Road to Canada and Limbo to go in-game.

1.1.931 - 2023-06-27


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.2 to 17.6.3.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.930 - 2023-06-27


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Nvdec.Vp9] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.929 - 2023-06-27


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Shader] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.942
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.942 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Ui.Common] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.941 - 2023-06-28


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.944
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.944 - 2023-06-30


    [Ryujinx.Cpu] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.943 - 2023-06-30


    [Ryujinx.Tests] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.947
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2023, 21:40

1.1.947 - 2023-07-01


    [Ryujinx.Horizon] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.946 - 2023-07-01


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Vulkan] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.945 - 2023-07-01


    Prefer indexing instead of "Enumerable" methods on types implementing "IList".
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.951
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2023, 10:10

1.1.951 - 2023-07-01


    [Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.950 - 2023-07-01


    [Hotfix] Fix naming issue in ControllerWindow.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.948 that caused controller configuration to error out when saving.

1.1.949 - 2023-07-01


    [Ryujinx.Audio] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.948 - 2023-07-01


    [Ryujinx] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.952
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.952 - 2023-07-03


    Stop identifying shader textures with handle and cbuf, use binding instead.
        Improves flexibility of shader and texture-related code. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.955
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.955 - 2023-07-06


        Reverted due to causing issues with official Nintendo controllers.

1.1.954 - 2023-07-06


        ABXY buttons should have the correct default mapping on the controller profile regardless of brand.

1.1.953 - 2023-07-06


    Headless: Add support for fullscreen option.
        Adds a "--fullscreen" argument to headless builds so they can be launched in fullscreen.
        Makes it easier to launch games in fullscreen mode from third party launchers (such as Steam Big Picture).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.956
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.956 - 2023-07-07


    [Ryujinx.Ava] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: xemu 0.7.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2023, 18:45
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

nv2a: Compile fix for DEBUG_NV2A enabled

Titel: xemu 0.7.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    nv2a: Remove assert on TEXGEN_OBJECT_LINEAR
    The behavior seems to match HW.
    ![HW results](https://github.com/abaire/nxdk_pgraph_tests_golden_results/wiki/Results-Texgen#objectlinearpng)
    Fixes #379

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.958
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.958 - 2023-07-10


    MacOS: Allow barriers inside a render pass for non-Apple GPUs and don't treat as TBDR.
        No known changes in games.

1.1.957 - 2023-07-10


    MacOS: Fix rendering on AMD GPUs.
        Fixes flickering/partial rendering on macOS systems with AMD graphics cards in Pokémon Sword/Shield and possibly other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.960
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 08:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.960 - 2023-07-11


    Move ShaderBinaries into individual .spv files.
        No expected changes in games.

1.1.959 - 2023-07-11


    Move support buffer update out of the backends.
        Moves support buffer update to the GPU project, removes duplicate code. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.961
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2023, 20:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.961 - 2023-07-14


    Fix some Vulkan validation errors.
        No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.962
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2023, 21:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.962 - 2023-07-16


    [Ryujinx.HLE] Address dotnet-format issues.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.964
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.964 - 2023-07-17


    [Hotfix] sockets: Resolve empty port requests to 0 again.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.962 that caused DNS (2306-0520) errors and guest internet access not to work on several games. (This error will still appear if you try to connect to Nintendo Switch Online.)

1.1.963 - 2023-07-16


    [CPU] Hotfix missing ToNearest rounding mode cases.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.923 that caused some tests to fail. No known changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.965
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.965 - 2023-07-18


    sdl2: Update to Ryujinx.SDL2-CS 2.28.1.
        May improve support for third-party Nintendo Switch Controllers.
        Fixes Xbox One Controllers from powering off when opening the settings menu.
        Fixes Xbox One Controllers from randomly not receiving inputs.

Titel: Snes9x 1.62.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2023, 18:20
Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan.



    Fixed SA1 division with negative dividend again. (Atari2)
    Fixed timing on several instructions. (pi1541)
    MSU1 audio with no loop point will not repeat from start.
    Modernized some old memory-related code.
    Fixed a desynchronization in interlaced modes and reporting.
    Remove SA1 access to WRAM.
    Added second set of registers between S-DSP and S-SMP. Fixes
    PAL version of Virtual Bart.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.966
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.966 - 2023-07-19


    HLE: Fix corrupted Mii structs.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.962 that caused Mario Kart 8 Deluxe to crash after playing one race in VS mode and returning to the course selection.

Titel: xemu 0.7.101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2023, 18:40
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

ui: Update httplib API


ci: Add Windows symbols package

Titel: xemu 0.7.103
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

Ui: Fix audio debug dialog spacing

Titel: xemu 0.7.104
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2023, 12:40
Whats new:>>

imgui: Set remote to xemu fork

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.969
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2023, 08:10

1.1.969 - 2023-07-24


    Add workflow to automatically check code style issues for PRs.
        As a result of this and all previous dotnet reformatting changes, code formatting reviews on new Pull Requests on GitHub will now be automated, saving the developers a lot of time.

1.1.968 - 2023-07-21


    Ava UI: Remove IsGameRunning from some dialog methods.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.967 that caused the title updater, dlc manager, about, and check for updates to not spawn their content dialogs.

1.1.967 - 2023-07-21


    Ava UI: Remove IsActive checks from dialog methods.
        Fixes content dialogs for the controller applet and software keyboard not spawning when the window was unfocused.


Titel: xemu 0.7.105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

ui: Add toggle to hide notifications

Titel: xemu 0.7.106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

nv2a: Left-align surface type in nv2a_pgraph_surface_target trace

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.257
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2023, 18:20
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0257.txt

Titel: xemu 0.7.109
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Revert "vl: Move input init to exit_preconfig"


vl: Move input init to exit_preconfig


tcg/i386: Support fabs,fchs with unique out,in

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2023, 19:10
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .257

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.970
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2023, 09:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.970 - 2023-07-29


    Fix incorrect fragment origin when YNegate is enabled.
        Fixes upside-down rendering in 20XX and Go Rally, and possibly other games using OpenGL on the Switch.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.972
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.972 - 2023-07-30


    (Graphics.Shader): Handle EmitSuatom constant dests and EmitSuld zero dest reg.
        Jurassic World Evolution now goes in-game.

1.1.971 - 2023-07-30


    CPU (A64): Add Fmaxp & Fminp Scalar Inst.s, Fast & Slow Paths; with Tests.
        Fixes a crash in Jurassic World Evolution, though it still does not go in-game.

Titel: xemu 0.7.110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2023, 18:45
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

tcg/i386: Simplify FP ops further when AVX is available

Titel: ExtraMAME 23.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2023, 17:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Whats new:>>

    Runs bug was fixed
    Loading speed was increased
    Program Lists were updated
    Minor changes
    Splash Screen was changed
    MAME 0.256 compatible
    Gamelist.txt was updated
    13527 games supported

Titel: xemu 0.7.111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2023, 17:10
Whats new:>>

Accel/tcg: Support jit profiling with VTune

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.973
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.973 - 2023-08-02


    nuget: bump DiscordRichPresence from to
        Updates the DiscordRichPresence dependency. No changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.974
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2023, 10:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.974 - 2023-08-03


    GPU: Enable VK_EXT_4444_formats.
        Fixes a Vulkan validation error. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.975
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.975 - 2023-08-06


    GPU: Don't sync/bind index buffer when it's not in use.
        On macOS, improves performance in Pokémon Legends Arceus.

Titel: Ludo 0.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2023, 10:40
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Experimental Wayland support
    Updated libretro cores
    Support for libco cores

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.976
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2023, 20:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.976 - 2023-08-07


    Do not add more code after alpha test discard on fragment shader.
        On macOS, fixes a crash in Pikmin 3 when finishing the tutorial or on the results screen at the end of a day.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.977
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.977 - 2023-08-07


    Implement Color Space Passthrough option (Vulkan/Avalonia only).
        Added the option to pass the color space selector to the native display instead of the backend.
        Allows P3 and other wide-gamut displays to utilize their entire color space at the cost of intended sRGB color accuracy.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.979
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.979 - 2023-08-09


    [Hotfix] hid: Prevent out of bounds array access.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.978 that caused ARCropolis mods to crash.

1.1.978 - 2023-08-09


    Allow access to code memory for exefs mods.
        Fixes an issue where games would crash if mods utilizing JIT (most notably exlaunch) were used.

Titel: Ludo 0.17.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Fix a missing DLL on Windows.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.980
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.980 - 2023-08-12


    Ava UI: Avalonia 11 & FluentAvalonia 2 Support.
        Fixes an issue where windowed game performance on Avalonia would be worse than on the GTK UI (fullscreen performance was equal between the two).
        Title bar color now matches Windows theme.
        Fixes text alignment issues on non-Windows platforms.
        Fixes janky textboxes, toggle buttons and checkboxes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.981
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2023, 20:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.981 - 2023-08-12


    Ava UI: Allow DPI switching on Windows.
        Fixes a Windows issue where Avalonia would look blurrier if system scaling was higher than 100% and multiple monitors with different DPI were used.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.982
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2023, 09:20
Whats new:>>

1.1.982 - 2023-08-12


    Ava UI: Make some settings methods async.
        Vulkan device, audio backend, network interface and time-zone configuration converted to asynchronous Tasks.
        Reduces the start-up time of the settings window in Avalonia.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.985
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.985 - 2023-08-13


    Delete ShaderConfig and organize shader resources/definitions better.
        Required for geometry shader emulation on macOS. No expected changes in games.

1.1.984 - 2023-08-13


    "static readonly" constants should be "const" instead.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.983 - 2023-08-13


    Ava UI: Remove animations on listbox items.
        Removes fade-in animations on list items, as they looked inconsistent with the rest of the Avalonia menus.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.986
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2023, 17:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.986 - 2023-08-14


    GPU: Track basic buffer copies that modify texture memory.
        Fixes broken icons in Dragon Quest Builders.
        May fix similar issues in games using OpenGL on the Switch.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.988
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.988 - 2023-08-14


    Vulkan: Buffer Mirrors for MacOS performance.
        Improves macOS performance greatly in literally every single game.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the closed-source macOS changes.

1.1.987 - 2023-08-14


    Vulkan: Buffer Mirrors for MacOS performance.
        Improves macOS performance greatly in literally every single game.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the closed-source macOS changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.989
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2023, 17:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.989 - 2023-08-16


    Implement scaled vertex format emulation.
        Required for geometry shader emulation on macOS. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.995
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2023, 08:10

1/1/995 - 2023-08-16


    Fix vote and shuffle shader instructions on AMD GPUs.
        Fixes black shadows/spots/flickering on AMD graphics cards in Luigi's Mansion 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, Monster Hunter Rise, Nier Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition, Triangle Strategy and possibly other games.

1.1.994 - 2023-08-16


    Prefer jagged arrays over multidimensional.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.993 - 2023-08-16


    Declare and use gl_PerVertex block for VTG per-vertex built-ins.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1.1.992 - 2023-08-16


    Vulkan: Periodically free regions of the staging buffer.
        Fixes an edge case exposed by 1.1.988 where some games on Windows (for instance, Super Mario Odyssey) would suffer a large stutter periodically.

1.1.991 - 2023-08-16


    GPU: Add Z16RUnormGUintBUintAUint format.
        Fixes graphical issues in Asterix & Obelix XXL: Romastered, Go Rally, Monster Blast, Pyramid Quest and Spencer.
        May fix similar issues in games using OpenGL on the Switch.

1.1.990 - 2023-08-16


    UI: New Crowdin updates.
        Updates Avalonia GUI localizations with the latest changes from Crowdin.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.997
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/997 - 2023-08-18


    Implement support for masked stencil clears on Vulkan.
        Resolves foliage and other smearing/ghosting effects in Red Dead Redemption when using Vulkan.

1/1/996 - 2023-08-17


    mm: Migrate service in Horizon project.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.999
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/999 - 2023-08-20


    Fix invalid audio renderer buffer size when end offset < start offset.
        Fixes a crash in Disgaea 5 Complete at the end of the mission "Dreaming Mushroom" in Episode 4.

1/1/998 - 2023-08-19


    Fix debug assert on services without pointer buffer.
        Fixes an assert introduced in 1.1.996 that only affected debug builds. No changes in user builds.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1000 - 2023-08-23


    Vulkan: Fix MoltenVK flickering.
        Fixes graphical bugs on macOS in Super Mario Odyssey and several other games.

Titel: FCEUX 2.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2023, 10:20
FCEUX (formerly known as FCE Ultra) is a NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) and Famicom (Family Computer) emulator for a variety of different platforms, based on Bero's FCE. Note that to actually play any game with FCEUX you will need ROM images in one of the supported formats.

License: Freeware/Open Source


    The 2.6.6 release is mainly a maintenance update for the mappers and emulation core with a few new features added in.
    Some of these new features apply only to the Qt/SDL version of the GUI.


Titel: ExtraMAME 23.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2023, 17:45
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Whats new:>>

    MAME 0.257 compatible
    gamelist.txt was updated

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1001
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2023, 17:15
Whats new:>>

1/1/1001 - 2023-08-29


    Add SmallChange properties to all sliders.
        Pressing arrow keys on Avalonia while a slider is selected will no longer make the slider jump to the highest or lowest values.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.258
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2023, 08:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0258.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1002
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

1/1/1002 - 2023-08-29


    Geometry shader emulation for macOS.
        Fixes several missing graphics on macOS in Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario Strikers: Battle League, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Nier Automata: The End of YoRHa Edition, Splatoon 3, Super Mario Maker 2, The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince and possibly other games.
        Fixes a crash in Shin Megami Tensei III and allows it to go in-game on macOS.
        Contributes towards upstreaming the closed-source macOS changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1003
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2023, 08:20
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1/1/1003 - 2023-08-30


    opus: Implement GetWorkBufferSizeExEx and GetWorkBufferSizeForMultiStreamExEx.
        Sea of Stars is now playable.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2023, 10:20
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .258

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1004
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1004 - 2023-09-02


    Fix numeric SWKB validation.
        Fixes Super Mario Odyssey Online's IP address selection.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1005
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1005 - 2023-09-02


    Vulkan: Device Local and higher invocation count for buffer conversions.
        Improves performance in Super Mario Sunshine on AMD and Nvidia GPUs.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1008
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2023, 18:10

1/1/1008 - 2023-09-04


    Add macOS Headless release workflow.
        Adds macOS headless builds to master releases and pull requests.

1/1/1007 - 2023-09-04


    Fix ShaderTools GpuAcessor default values.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.985 that caused ShaderTools to assert in debug mode and produce "incorrect" code on release due to the default graphics state being invalid. No changes in user builds.

1/1/1006 - 2023-09-04


    Fix layer size for 3D textures with NPOT depth.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.863 which stopped grass/bushes/flowers/tree animations in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1009
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1009 - 2023-09-05


    Delete ResourceAccess.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1010
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2023, 17:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1010 - 2023-09-07


    Replacing 'Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()' with 'Type.Assembly'.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2023, 09:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


    What's new in 1.16:

    Special thanks to [Unknown] for the new JIT compilers, and fp64 for finally cracking the vrnd instruction.
    RetroAchievements support ([#17589], [#17631], many more). See RetroAchievements on ppsspp.org.

    New JIT backends:

    RISC-V, based on IR
    x86 JIT based on IR. Often faster than the existing one.

    Input fixes:

    Improve behavior when analog and digital inputs clash ([#17960])
    Combo mapping is now disabled by default ([#17673])
    Android: Better tracking of devices names ([#17562], auto config)
    Fix mapping custom touch buttons to analog inputs ([#17433])

    Rendering performance and fixes:

    Fix flicker in WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006 ([#18009]), video flicker in Naruto 2 ([#18008])
    Fix bad colors in Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow menu ([#17965])
    On lower-end devices, avoid "uber" shaders due to performance and driver bugs ([#17449], [#17922])
    Allow disabling V-sync on Android with Vulkan, more SDL platforms ([#17903], [#18087])
    On Vulkan, reduce input lag when "Buffer graphics commands" is set to off ([#17831])
    Assorted minor perf ([#17810], [#17505], [#17478], [#17471], [#17452], [#17446], [#17442])
    Fix shadows in MotorStorm ([#17602]) (not actually a rendering problem)
    Fix rendering issue in Lunar Silver Star ([#17451])
    Add a cache for MakePixelsTexture, improving perf in God of War ([#17534])
    Lots of software renderer improvements ([#17571], [#17569], [#17619], [#17621], [#17618], [#17609], ...)


    HTTPS support now enabled in store and for RA on Windows, Android, Mac, iOS ([#17744], ...)
    Ad-hoc: Fix for Metal Gear Acid issue with Link Battle ([#17947])
    Texture replacement fixes:
    Fix Tactics Ogre texture issues ([#18001], [#18011])
    Fix problem with anisotropic filtering ([#17930])
    Fix glitches on D3D11 with KTX2 textures ([#17749])

    UI changes:

    Color emoji support on some platforms ([#17854], [#17856])
    Use TTF fonts on SDL where available (macOS, Linux/Steam Deck) ([#17844]), support HiDPI ([#17651])
    Allow setting the PSP's MAC address directly ([#17755])
    Better looking notifications ([#17606], [#17674], [#17672])


    Fix loading cheat dbs on Android devices with scoped storage ([#17834])

    VR (Quest, other Android VR devices):

    Cinema screen mode improvements ([#17704], [#17752])
    Quest-only passthrough mode ([#17591])
    Cleanups, compatibility fixes, make VR settings per-game ([#17636], [#17656], [#17598], [#17518])


    Fix horrible audio glitch in After Burner ([#18076])
    Emulate the vrnd instruction accurately ([#17506], [#17549])
    Fix timing issue causing slowdowns in MLB games ([#17676], [#17677])
    UWP keyboard support, many other updates ([#17952], [#17974])
    Allow choosing the display resolution on Android again ([#17473])
    Fix issue running some file types out of the Download folder on Android ([#17466])


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1011
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1011 - 2023-09-10


    Fix shader GlobalToStorage pass when base address comes from local or shared memory.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.896 causing a few failures to find storage buffers in Splatoon 3 and probably other games, though no visible changes were found.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1012
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2023, 17:15
Whats new:>>

1/1/1012 - 2023-09-14


    lbl: Migrate service to Horizon.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1014
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1/1/1014 - 2023-09-14


    Fix some Vulkan validation errors (mostly related to barriers).
        Fixes several Vulkan validation errors to make debugging easier. No expected changes in games.

1/1/1013 - 2023-09-14


    Fix gl_Layer to geometry shader change not writing gl_Layer.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1002 that caused black rendering on older GPUs in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet (for example, Nvidia MX cards).

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1015
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1015 - 2023-09-16


    Replace ShaderOutputLayer with equivalent ShaderViewportIndexLayerEXT capability.
        Fixes Vulkan crashes introduced in 1.1.1002 on old AMD GPUs in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1017
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1017 - 2023-09-18


    Use compiled binding for localizations.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

1/1/1016 - 2023-09-18


    Remove more usages of reflection binding.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1019
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1019 - 2023-09-19


    Stub unsupported BSD socket options.
        Allows Crysis Remastered to go in-game.

1/1/1018 - 2023-09-19


    Fixes compiled bindings in cheat window.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1016 that caused cheats not to show in the cheat manager on Avalonia.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1020 - 2023-09-20


    Horizon: Migrate wlan and stubs latest services.
        No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1021
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2023, 19:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1/1/1021 - 2023-09-22


    [INFRA] Addition of basic contributor guides and docs framework.
        Adds a contributing guide to the project on GitHub.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1022
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1022 - 2023-09-23


    Vulkan: Fix barriers on macOS.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1014 that caused flickering graphics on macOS in Red Dead Redemption, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and possibly other games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2023, 08:40

1.1.1030 - 2023-09-25


    Reduce the amount of descriptor pool allocations on Vulkan.
        Fixes VK_ERROR_UNKNOWN on AMD GPUs in Cloud Cloud Tetris.

1.1.1029 - 2023-09-25


    Make Vulkan memory allocator actually thread safe.
        Attempts to fix a rare crash reported on macOS in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

1.1.1028 - 2023-09-25


    Add VTimer as alternative interrupt method on Apple Hypervisor.
        Fixes softlocks/infinite loading screens on macOS with hypervisor enabled in Bravely Default II, Life is Strange: True Colors, Persona 5 Scramble/Strikers and possibly other games.

1.1.1027 - 2023-09-25


    Ava UI: Refactor async usage.
        Significantly speeds up Avalonia's main window startup time.

1.1.1026 - 2023-09-25


    Add ldn:u implementation, INetworkClient interface and DisabledLdnClient.
        Initial LDN service implementation. (Does NOT contain all necessary changes to actually play LDN multiplayer.)
        Contributes to upstreaming the closed-source LDN build.

1/1/1025 - 2023-09-25


    Headless: Add support for Scaling Filters, Anti-aliasing and Exclusive Fullscreen.
        Adds Scaling Filters (Bilinear, Nearest, FSR), Anti-aliasing (None, FXAA, SMAA (all levels)) to the Headless SDL2 client.
        Adds support for an exclusive fullscreen mode on the Headless SDL2 client. (Currently not available on builds with a user interface.)

1.1.1024 - 2023-09-25


    GPU: Discard data when getting texture before full clear.
        Required for fixing a certain bug in Luigi's Mansion 3 in the future.
        Might reduce stuttering in some situations, though no noticeable changes were observed.

1.1.1023 - 2023-09-25


    nuget: bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.3 to 17.7.2.
        Updates the Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk dependency. No changes to emulator functionality.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1032
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2023, 08:50
Whats new:>>

1.1.1032 - 2023-09-26


    GPU: Don't create tracking handles for buffer textures.
        Improves performance in Mortal Kombat 1, R-TYPE FINAL 2, and certain UE4 games that reached 99% FIFO.

1.1.1031 - 2023-09-26


    Ava: Fix regressions by rewriting CheckLaunchState.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1027 that caused Avalonia to hang on launch when trying to bring up warnings for missing prod.keys or low limits for memory mappings.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.047a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

fixed: pick wrong file for backup during a failed rename where multiple files are involved

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1034
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1034 - 2023-09-27


    Implement NGC service.
        Baten Kaitos ? & ? HD Remaster is now playable.
        Allows Star Ocean The Second Story R Demo to boot.

1.1.1033 - 2023-09-27


    nuget: bump System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt from 6.31.0 to 7.0.0.
        Updates the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1035
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.1035 - 2023-09-27


    nuget: bump FluentAvaloniaUI from 2.0.1 to 2.0.4.
        Updates the FluentAvaloniaUI dependency to 2.0.4 and the Avalonia package version to 11.0.4. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

Titel: PPSSPP 1.16.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 21:10
PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution. It can even upscale textures to make the game play more realistic.

Key features include:

    Play in HD resolution.
    Support for big-screen mobile gaming.
    Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard.
    Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime.
    Support for anisotropic filtering and texture scaling.
    Save game transfer support.

License : GPLv2


What's coming in 1.16.5

Fix for crash when changing render backend in-game

What's new in 1.16.4

Simplify shader cache lookups on Vulkan, hopefully fixing some crashes ([#18218])
Assorted improvements to the IR JITs ([#18228], [#18235], [#18211], more)
Other crash and stability fixes ([#18221], [#18220], [#18230], [#18216])
Some translation updates ([#18237], more)
Cleanups and assert fixes ([#18205], [#18201], [#18206])

What's new in 1.16.3

Fix crash bug and performance issue in Vulkan shader cache ([#18183], [#18189])
Fix crash in icon loading in homebrew store ([#18185])
Add some memory safety check ([#18184], [#18194])
Fix problem when changing backend from the Windows menu ([#18182])

What's new in 1.16.2

Fix for HTTP support on Linux on networks with shaky or incomplete IPv6 support
Fix hang when switching UMD with RetroAchievements enabled ([#18143])
Assorted fixes for leaks and crashes ([#18169], [#18151])
Fix hang when switching UMD with RetroAchievements enabled ([#18143])
Fix math bug in new IR JIT for x86 ([#18165])
Minor math optimization -fno-math-errno ([#18158])
Fix for software renderer crash

What's new in 1.16.1

Moved RetroAchievements to the Tools tab in settings ([#18127])
Fix graphics regressions in Hot Shots Golf 2 / Everybody's Golf 2 and Final Fantasy Tactics ([#18142])
Fix hang on startup with OpenGL, that happened often if "buffer commands" was set to off.
Fix problem with the sc instruction that broke Beats ([#18133], [#18140])
Fix problem with the chat window accidentally closing on typing X ([#18135])
Fix some crashes, add some asserts and reporting hooks ([#18129])
Fix some text rendering in the software renderer ([#18126])


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1037
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2023, 17:15
Whats new:>>

1.1.1037 - 2023-09-29


    Signal friends completion event and stub CheckBlockedUserListAvailability.
        Allows Super Bomberman R 2 to go in-game.

1.1.1036 - 2023-09-29


    Fix audio renderer compressor effect.
        Fixes Ys X: Nordics having no audio.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.259
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2023, 18:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0259.txt

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2023, 17:45
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .259

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1038
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.1038 - 2023-10-02


    Decrement nvmap reference count on surface flinger prealloc.
        Fixes a GuestProgramBrokeExecution crash in Sifu.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1039 - 2023-10-03


    Implement textureSamples texture query shader instruction.
        Fixes an issue in Cocoon, though it's not known if this has a visible effect on the game.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1042
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1042 - 2023-10-04


    Fix SPIR-V function calls.
        Fixes a regression from the previous change that caused Nvidia GPUs to crash while compiling shaders.

1.1.1041 - 2023-10-04


    Use unique temporary variables for function call parameters on SPIR-V.
        Fixes games rendering as horizontal lines on AMD drivers 23.9.2 and newer. This affected Pokémon Legends Arceus, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition and possibly others.

1.1.1040 - 2023-10-04


    Avalonia: Add macOS check for Color Space Passthrough.
        Hides the Color Space Passthrough setting on Windows and Linux, as the feature is only currently supported on macOS and MoltenVK.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1044
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2023, 18:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.1044 - 2023-10-05


    nuget: bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from 4.6.0 to 4.7.0.
        Updates the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp dependency. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1.1.1043 - 2023-10-05


    Strings should not be concatenated using '+' in a loop.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1045
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2023, 09:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.1045 - 2023-10-06


    Fix SPIR-V call out arguments regression.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1041 that caused rendering issues in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, some UE4 games and possibly others.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1047
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2023, 18:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1047 - 2023-10-07


    GPU: Add HLE macros for popular NVN macros.
        Implements HLE versions for popular NVN macros. Small performance improvements when using .NET 7 JIT.
        Mainly improves performance for a future NativeAOT build with .NET 8.

1.1.1046 - 2023-10-07


    HLE: Fix Mii CRC generation and minor issues.
        Fixes all generated Miis having invalid CRCs. This does not fix the Mario Kart 8: Deluxe title screen crash.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1049
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1049 - 2023-10-08


    Avalonia: Show aspect ratio popup options in status bar.
        Allows choosing the aspect ratio from the status bar on Avalonia.

1.1.1048 - 2023-10-07


    Symbols.cs Get function return value fix.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1043, though no games should have been affected.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

1.1.1050 - 2023-10-09


    Fix games freezing after initializing LDN 1021 times.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1026 that caused Pokémon Sword/Shield to softlock after 20 minutes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>

1/1/1051 - 2023-10-12


    Replace ReaderWriterLock with ReaderWriterLockSlim.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.

Titel: xemu 0.7.112
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2023, 21:15
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

ui: Apply correct snapshot activation action for save menuitem

Titel: xemu 0.7.113
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Prevent selection of HDD image as DVD image

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1052
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1.1.1052 - 2023-10-13


    Horizon: Migrate usb and psc services.
        Migrates usb and psc services to the Horizon project and updates them to reflect newest firmware changes. No expected changes in games.

Titel: xemu 0.7.114
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Ui: Remember debug video size, position and state across restarts.

Titel: xemu 0.7.115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2023, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Nvnet: Add unicast and multicast filtering

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1053
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2023, 18:45
Whats new:>>

1/1/1053 - 2023-10-18


    Enable copy between MS and non-MS textures with different height.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.742 that caused Perky Little Things to not render.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1056
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2023, 20:10

1/1/1056 - 2023-10-20


    Avalonia: Make slider scrollable with mouse wheel.
        Allows changing slider values with the mouse wheel on the Avalonia UI.

1/1/1055 - 2023-10-20


    Ava UI: Update to 11.0.5.
        Updates the Avalonia package. May fix some issues with the Avalonia UI.

1/1/1054 - 2023-10-20


    GPU: Add fallback when textureGatherOffsets is not supported.
        Required for Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition to render on the latest MoltenVK, when it gets updated in the future.
        May fix some minor issues on macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1057
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1057 - 2023-10-20


    Add "Create Shortcut" To app context menu.
        You can now right click a game on the list and click on "Create Application Shortcut" to create a shortcut for that specific game on your desktop.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1058
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1058 - 2023-10-21


    Ava UI: Input Menu Refactor.
        Cleans up the Avalonia input settings window and code.
        Allows using platform-specific keys (such as the Win key).
        Allows for button names to be localized.

Titel: xemu 0.7.116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2023, 19:10
Whats new:>>

nv2a: Implement ZCLIP_MIN,MAX with gl_ClipDistance

Titel: clrmamepro 4.047b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2023, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Tiny update for MAME's latest CHD feature "delta chds". I will think about additional options (like optionally marking found not-delta chds and maybe a conversion tool/update opption) but for this I need more time.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1061
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2023, 07:40
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1/1/1061 - 2023-10-22


    Update to LibHac 0.19.0.
        Allows Cassette Beasts, DeepOne and Tiny Thor to go in-game.

1/1/1060 - 2023-10-22


    Fix NRE on shader gather operations with depth compare on macOS.
        Fixes a macOS crash in Luigi's Mansion

1.1.1059 - 2023-10-21


    Revert "Ava UI: Input Menu Refactor"
        Removes changes made in 1.1.1058.
        Should resolve issues with button values not appearing/saving correctly.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1062
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1062 - 2023-10-23


    Fix the AOC manager using incorrect paths.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1061 that caused game files with DLC bundled in them to crash on boot.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.260
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2023, 21:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0260.txt

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1064
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1064 - 2023-10-24


    macOS: Use user-friendly macOS version string.
        Changes the displayed macOS version on logs to be the commonly used denomination, instead of the Darwin kernel version number.

1.1.1063 - 2023-10-24


    Fix loading tickets from a Sha256PartitionFileSystem.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1061 that caused certain game dumps to hang on boot.

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2023, 21:45
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

    Updated for MAME .260
    Fixed an issue with light mode on Mac OS.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1065
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1065 - 2023-10-25


    Add ldn_mitm as a network client for LDN.
        Adds ldn_mitm as a multiplayer option. ldn_mitm allows for connecting to hacked Switch consoles via local network.
        Contributes to upstreaming the closed-source LDN build.

Titel: ExtraMAME 23.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2023, 07:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Whats new:>>

    MAME 0.260 compatible
    Gamelist.txt was updated
    13584 games supported

Titel: clrmamepro 4.048
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2023, 07:40
Whats new:>>

Say hello to delta chd support and a slight fix for the MAME 260 samples

Titel: clrmamepro 4.048a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Fix the exit/crash when finding unneeded files and limiting delta chd support to chd version >=5.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.048b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

In full merged mode, delta chd warning could show identical chds for revert...fixed that now.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1067
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1067 - 2023-10-30


    [HLE] Remove ServerBase 1ms polling.
        Reduces the presence of ServerBase on CPU profiles, especially for games that aren't particularly busy. Actual impact in games untested.

1.1.1066 - 2023-10-30


    Skip some invalid texture flushes.
        Fixes a memory corruption crash in Neptunia GameMaker R:Evolution, allowing it to go in-game.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1068
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1068 - 2023-10-31


    Implement copy dependency for depth and color textures.
        Fixes shadow issues in Luigi's Mansion 3.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1069
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

1.1.1069 - 2023-11-01


    Fix AddSessionObj NRE regression.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1067 that caused Baten Kaitos and Streets of Rage to crash after booting.

Titel: clrmamepro 4.048c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2023, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Some minor work on delta chd messages. Keep in mind that in general there are some open issues with chdman.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1070
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2023, 21:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

1.1.1070 - 2023-11-05


    Better handle instruction aborts when hitting unmapped memory.
        Helps with debugging. No expected changes in games.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1071
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

1/1/1071 - 2023-11-06


    Overhaul of string formatting/parsing/sorting logic for TimeSpans, DateTimes, and file sizes.
        The console and logs will no longer show a warning for every game on the games list that has never been played.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1072
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1.1.1072 - 2023-11-07


    Force all exclusive memory accesses to be ordered on AppleHv.
        On macOS, fixes crashes and softlocks when running Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Splatoon 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with the hypervisor enabled.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1075
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2023, 19:10

1/1/1075 - 2023-11-11


    Create Desktop Shortcut fixes.
        Fixes the application shortcuts not working when used by other software (such as Nvidia Game Experience).
        Fixes the shortcuts not working on macOS.

1/1/1074 - 2023-11-11


    Ava UI: Add accelerator keys for Options and Help.
        Adds Alt+O for Options and Alt+H for Help shortcuts to the Avalonia UI.

1/1/1073 - 2023-11-11


    UI: Change default hide cursor mode to OnIdle.
        Mouse cursor will now be hidden on idle by default while a game is running. (Only affects new installs.)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1079
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2023, 21:15

1/1/1079 - 2023-11-11


    Revert "Add support for multi game XCIs".
        Reverts the change in 1.1.1076 due to causing issues with certain game dumps.

1/1/1078 - 2023-11-11


    Switch back to ubuntu-20.04.
        Fixed GitHub actions not building for Linux and macOS.

1/1/1077 - 2023-11-11


    Switch to LLVM 15.
        Attempted to fix GitHub actions not building for macOS.

1/1/1076 - 2023-11-11


    Add support for multi game XCIs.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2023, 08:20
Whats new:>>

1/1/1080 - 2023-11-13


    Do not set modified flag again if texture was not modified.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1066 that caused garbled textures on OpenGL in Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.
        On macOS, fixes lens flare flickering in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1083
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1083 - 2023-11-14


    Disable DMA GPU copy for block linear to linear copies.
        Fixes rendering issues in Fashion Dreamer.

1/1/1082 - 2023-11-14


    Fix TextureGroup.SignalModifying not being called.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1080 that broke textures in some games.

1/1/1081 - 2023-11-14


    Change minimum OS to macOS 12 in Info.plist.
        Ryujinx will no longer open on macOS 11 and older, as games could never run on those versions anyway.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1085
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2023, 20:15
Whats new:>>

1/1/1085 - 2023-11-15


    Fix flatpak not building after .NET 8.

1/1/1084 - 2023-11-15


    Migrate to .NET 8.
        Migrates Ryujinx to the new .NET version.
        Improves performance slightly on almost every game.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1087
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1087 - 2023-11-15


    Fix missing texture flush for draw then DMA copy sequence without render target change.
        Fixes duplicate item icons in Fashion Dreamer.

1/1/1086 - 2023-11-15


    chore: Update OpenTK to 4.8.1 :

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1089
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1089 - 2023-11-16


    Fix JitCache.Unmap called with the same address freeing memory in use.
        Fixes a crash that would occur after launching the 3D All-Stars version of Super Mario 64, stopping emulation and then launching another game.

1/1/1088 - 2023-11-16


    Fix macOS Path on .NET 8.
        Fixes an issue on macOS where, after 1.1.1084, Ryujinx would look for the data folder in the user's Documents directory, rather than in Application Support.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1090
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2023, 08:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1090 - 2023-11-18


    misc: Default to Vulkan if available or running on macOS.
        The default graphics backend will be Vulkan if a supported graphics card is detected.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1092
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2023, 07:20
Whats new:>>

1/1/1092 - 2023-11-19


    Enable copy dependency between RGBA8 and RGBA32 formats.
        Fixes cicadas not rendering when you catch them in Yo-kai Watch 1.
        Improves rendering in Wet Steps.
        May improve rendering on other games that use OpenGL on the Switch.

1/1/1091 - 2023-11-19


    Extend bindless elimination to see through Phis with the same results.
        Fixes some shadow issues in Super Mario RPG.

Titel: xemu 0.7.117
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2023, 08:10
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source


    ui: Use only one option for settings window (#1122)
    rebase code
    remove unsused item
    restore "system" displaying on first boot
    restore popup menu functions (separate commit)
    restore snapshot function in popup menu
    get current index value from config file


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1093
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2023, 07:10
Whats new:>>

1/1/1093 - 2023-11-22


    Extend bindless elimination to see through shuffle.
        Fixes missing cubemap reflections in Detective Pikachu Returns.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2023, 18:15

1.1.1098 - 2023-12-04


    Implement support for multi-range buffers using Vulkan sparse mappings.
        Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now playable using Vulkan on Nvidia, AMD and Intel graphics cards. Apple Silicon GPUs and OpenGL still won't be able to run any updates newer than 3.9.1 for this game.

1.1.1097 - 2023-12-04


    ApplicationLibrary: Skip invalid symlinks.
        Fixes a FileNotFoundException caused by attempting to run a game on the games list that is no longer in the specified games directory.

1.1.1096 - 2023-12-04


    Improve indication of emulation being paused by the User.
        On emulation pause, a "Paused" indicator will be added to the application title bar, and the pause will also be logged on the console and log files.

1.1.1095 - 2023-12-04


    editorconfig: Set default encoding to UTF-8.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes to emulator functionality.

1/1/1094 - 2023-11-30


    HLE: Add OS-specific precise sleep methods to reduce spinwaiting.
        Reduces energy usage, especially on Linux and macOS. Should help battery-powered systems (such as the Steam Deck or laptops) not run out of battery as quickly while running games on Ryujinx.
        May help devices that are thermal throttling.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2023, 07:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1/1/1100 - 2023-12-11


    [macOS] Correctly set filetypes in Info.plist.
        .nsp and .xci files will now be properly associated to open with Ryujinx on macOS, if the user chooses to do so.

1/1/1099 - 2023-12-11


    Ava UI: Fix temporary volume not being set after unmute.
        On the Avalonia UI, fixes an issue where muting and unmuting audio after changing the volume via the bottom status bar, would reset the volume to the original value, instead of returning it to what it was before muting.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1197
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2024, 07:10
Whats new:>>


    Implement X8Z24 texture format.
    Fixes some lighting issues on Tomb Raider I-III Remastered.



    Fix PermissionLocked check on UnmapProcessCodeMemory.
    Fixes a crash on Tomb Raider I-III Remastered when the game is changed on the selection menu.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1202
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2024, 08:10

1/1/1202 - 2024-02-17


    LightningJit: Add a limit on the number of instructions per function for Arm64.
        Fixes a crash in Bluey: The Videogame with LightningJit.

1.1.1200-1.1.1201 - 2024-02-17


    hid: Stub SetTouchScreenResolution.
        Allows Tomb Raider I-III Remastered to go in-game without enabling "Ignore Missing Services".

1/1/1199 - 2024-02-16


    Vulkan: Improve texture barrier usage, timing and batching.
        Fixes graphical issues on the Turnip Mesa driver in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey and other games.
        Fixes Bayonetta Origins: Cherry and the Lost Demon Water Surfaces on Vulcan on Desktop GPUs.

1/1/1198 - 2024-02-16


    Vulkan: Use push descriptors for uniform bindings when possible.
        Improves Vulkan performance significantly on AMD Mesa drivers and to a lesser degree on AMD Windows drivers.
        May improve stability on more underpowered systems.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1204
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2024, 09:10

1/1/1204 - 2024-02-19


    Avalonia UI: Update English tooltips.
        Updates a few settings tooltips on the Avalonia UI to better explain what the settings do.

1.1.1203 - 2024-02-19


    Avalonia: Fix gamescope once and for all.
        Fixes Avalonia context menus not showing on the Steam Deck's gaming mode.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1207
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2024, 17:50

1/1/1207 - 2024-02-22


    Vulkan: Properly reset barrier batch when splitting due to mismatching flags.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1205 that caused several games to crash.

1/1/1206 - 2024-02-21


    Vulkan: Disable push descriptors on older NVIDIA GPUs.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1198 that caused rendering issues on Nvidia GPU series 1000 and older.

1/1/1205 - 2024-02-21


    Vulkan: Fix barrier batching past limit.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1199 that caused some games to freeze.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1211
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2024, 21:10

1/1/1211 - 2024-02-22


    Migrate Audio service to new IPC.
        Fixes missing sound in Unicorn Overlord Demo.
        Fixes an issue where emulator volume would get reset to 100% in certain games that set custom volumes (tested with River City Girls Zero).

1/1/1210 - 2024-02-22


    OpenGL: Mask out all color outputs with no fragment shader.
        Fixes shadows in Penny's Big Breakaway on OpenGL.

1/1/1209 - 2024-02-22


    Ensure service init runs after Horizon constructor.
        Fixes an uncommon crash when launching games after stopping emulation multiple times.

1/1/1208 - 2024-02-22


    Implement virtual buffer dependencies.
        Fixes model flickering in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy on macOS and OpenGL.
        Allows Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak to go in-game on macOS.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1213
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 19:10

1.1.1213 - 2024-02-23


    nuget: bump System.Drawing.Common from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2.
        Dependency update. No expected user-facing changes.

1/1/1212 - 2024-02-23


    IPC code gen improvements.
        Code cleanup. No expected changes in games.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1214
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2024, 18:10
1/1/1214 - 2024-02-24


    Change packed aliasing formats to UInt.
        On AMD GPUs, fixes graphical glitches in CEIBA, Wet Steps and Yokai Watch 1.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.263
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2024, 12:10
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0263.txt

Titel: MAMEUI 0.263
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2024, 18:40
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    [Sound] (namco/namcos2.cpp) dsaber: Dragon Saber music plays at inconsistent speed. (hap)
    [Crash/Freeze] (misc/magicard.cpp) magicrde: Watchpoints on PIC16F54 special function registers can cause crashes. (AJR)
    [Crash/Freeze] (igs/pgm.cpp) drgw3, drgw3100, drgw3105, dwex, dwex101cn: Hangs before games start. (Ivan Vangelista)
    [Core] (funworld/funworld.cpp) pool10j, pool10k: Placeholder PAL dumps have incorrect sizes. (hap)
    [DIP/Input] (msx/sfkick.cpp) sfkick, sfkicka, spinkick: Analog and digital paddle controls have opposite directions. (hap)
    [Crash/Freeze] (taito/rbisland.cpp) jumping and clones: Emulator crashes when starting system. (hap)


Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2024, 18:20
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .263

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1217
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2024, 21:10

1.1.1216-1.1.1217 - 2024-03-02


    infra: Make Avalonia the default UI.
    Replaces the old GTK user interface with the Avalonia-based UI as the default on Windows and Linux (macOS already had it). Avalonia has feature parity with GTK, plus the following differences:
        Volume level can now be adjusted from the bottom status bar.
        Default controller profile will now be automatically loaded upon selecting a new controller.
        Improved the controller applet considerably, with a menu button to go directly into input settings.
        Added a customizable grid view for the games list.
        Added a game loading screen which displays PPTC and shader cache progress.
        Added configurable hotkeys for vsync toggle (framerate limiter), screenshots, mute/unmute audio, increase/decrease volume and increase/decrease resolution.
        Added a save manager under Options > Manage User Profiles. Allows for easy file deletion and quick save folder opening. Also adds an option to restore deleted user profiles using existing saves. (Backup/restore functionality is still being worked on.)
        Added Brazilian Portuguese, Castilian Spanish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Turkish and Ukrainian localizations for UI text.
        Fixes issues with emulator files not being properly extracted sometimes.
        Fixes an issue where PCs with 2 graphics cards (especially laptops) wouldn't properly detect the GPU, crashing on boot.
        Fixes the occasional "GTK Critical" crash when double-clicking to run games.
        Fixes a crash where some games, such as the Monster Hunter series, would error out when bringing up the software keyboard due to missing fonts in the system.
        Fixes an extremely rare issue where attempting to install firmware would freeze Ryujinx.
        Many, many more smaller changes.

1/1/1215 - 2024-03-02


    Avalonia: only enable gamescope workaround under it.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1203 that caused Avalonia's drop-down menus to not show until after several clicks on some Linux installations.


Titel: Ludo 0.17.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2024, 21:45
This frontend for emulators provides a minimalist, user-friendly and accessible option for anyone wanting to try emulating older games.

License: GPLV3

Whats new:>>

    Atari 2600 roms scanning
    PBP support for PS1
    Updated cores

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2024, 09:40

1/1/1220 - 2024-03-07


    LightningJit: Disable some cache ops and CTR_EL0 access on Windows Arm.
        Allows LightningJit to work on Windows ARM systems.

1/1/1219 - 2024-03-07


    UI: Reduce minimum window size to 800x500.
        Allows the emulator window to be resized down to a minimum of 800x500.

1/1/1218 - 2024-03-07


    Add title of game to screenshot text.
        Ryujinx screenshot filenames will now contain the application title.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1221
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2024, 19:10
1/1/1221 - 2024-03-08


    Update dependencies from SixLabors to the latest version before the license change.
        Fixes a missing fonts crash on games such as Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (hopefully for good now).
        Fixes a security vulnerability present in previous versions of ImageSharp.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2024, 19:10
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

1.1.1222 - 2024-03-09


    Refactor memory managers to a common base class, consolidate Read() method logic.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

Titel: xemu 0.7.119
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2024, 19:20
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

ui: Fix FilePicker clear button overlapping select button

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2024, 08:10
1.1.1223 - 2024-03-10


        Fix lost copy and swap problem on shader SSA deconstruction.
        Fixes fog in Princess Peach: Showtime! Demo.
        Fixes z-fighting in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
        Fixes puddles of water and carpets in No More Heroes 3.
        Fixes fences and the floor in special stages in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1224
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2024, 10:10
1/1/1224 - 2024-03-11


    Passthrough mouse for win32.
        Should fix touchscreen controls on games not working on the Avalonia UI on Windows systems.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2024, 10:10

1/1/1228 - 2024-03-13


    Ava UI: Update Ava.
        Updates the Avalonia package to v11.0.10.

1/1/1227 - 2024-03-13


    infra: Fix updater for old Ava users.
        Fixes an issue where mainline Avalonia builds before 1.1.1216 would get stuck in a loop when trying to update to newer versions.

1/1/1226 - 2024-03-13


    Increase texture cache total size limit to 1024 MB.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.606 that caused 1440p/2160p resolution mods to significantly drop performance or crash.

1/1/1225 - 2024-03-13


    Fix geometry shader passthrough issue.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.993 that broke character rendering in Game Builder Garage.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1231
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2024, 09:10

1.1.1231 - 2024-03-14


    GPU: Rebind RTs if scale changes when binding textures.
        Fixes an issue where some games would show a couple frames of garbled graphics after camera switches, only when running at resolutions higher than native. Affected games include Super Mario Odyssey and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

1.1.1230 - 2024-03-14


    Consider Polygon as unsupported if triangle fans are unsupported on Vulkan.
        On macOS, should fix the stats chart in Pokémon Legends Arceus and Pokémon Scarlet/Violet.

1/1/1229 - 2024-03-14


    Separate guest/host tracking + unaligned protection.
        Required for the upcoming host tracked memory manager mode. No expected user-facing changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1239
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2024, 18:10

1.1.1239 - 2024-03-16


    nuget: bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from 4.8.0 to 4.9.2.
        Updates the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp. dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1238 - 2024-03-16


    Ava UI: Fix locale crash.
        Fixes a UI crash when an invalid locale value is taken from system, or present in config.

1.1.1237 - 2024-03-16


    Ava UI: Content Dialog Fixes.
        Fixes a macOS-specific error: "Can't have a toolbar in a window with <NSNextStepFrame: 0x4835f5670> as its borderView", though this did not affect emulator functionality.

1.1.1236 - 2024-03-16


    nuget: bump Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0.
        Updates the Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1235 - 2024-03-16


    nuget: bump the avalonia group with 2 updates.
        Updates Avalonia dependencies. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1234 - 2024-03-16


    chore: remove repetitive words.
        Fixes a few typos in the code.

1.1.1233 - 2024-03-16


    Ava UI: Fix Title Update Manager not refreshing app list.
        Fixes an issue where game updates would not show as applied on the UI immediately after being applied.

1.1.1232 - 2024-03-16


    Update ApplicationID for Discord Rich Presence.
        Fixes an issue where the Discord icon for Ryujinx activity did not display proper transparency.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2024, 08:10
1.1.1240 - 2024-03-20


    New Crowdin updates.
        Updates the Avalonia UI translations and adds Arabic and Thai languages.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2024, 08:10
1/1/1242 - 2024-03-21


    Updates the default value for BufferedQuery.
        Fixes RDNA3 graphics cards (RX 7000 series) freezing on some UE4 games, such as Shin Megami Tensei V.

1/1/1241 - 2024-03-21


    [UI] Fix Display Name Translations & Update some Chinese Translations.

Titel: xemu 0.7.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2024, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    pdate metainfo.xml information
    Some new information is needed by the appstream linter.
    metainfo.xml extension is preferable over appdata.xml, see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/appstream/docs/sect-Metadata-Application.html#spec-appdata-introduction.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.264
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 19:40
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0264.txt

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 21:40
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .264

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1247
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 09:20

1.1.1247 - 2024-03-26


    Implement host tracked memory manager mode.
        Changes host memory manager modes on ARM to a better tailored version for ARM systems with 16KB page sizes.
        On macOS, fixes:
            Vertex explosions in Shin Megami Tensei V.
            MKTV thumbnails in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
            Album photos not displaying correctly in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
            Random crashes in Pokémon Legends Arceus with hypervisor disabled.
            Crashes on boot with hypervisor disabled in Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, Super Mario Bros. Wonder and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
            Improves performance in games when hypervisor is disabled, most notably in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (32-bit game, can't use hypervisor) and Super Mario Odyssey. This also means that games which would softlock, freeze or crash (such as Pokémon games) will be a lot more playable with hypervisor disabled.

1.1.1246 - 2024-03-26


    Vulkan: Recreate swapchain correctly when toggling VSync.
        Fixes an issue where, under certain conditions, toggling VSync via hotkey while in-game would not uncap the framerate beyond the monitor's refresh rate.

1/1/1245 - 2024-03-26


    Disable push descriptors for Intel ARC GPUs on Windows.
        Fixes Intel Arc graphics cards crashing on several games since 1.1.1198.

1.1.1244 - 2024-03-23


    New gamecard icons.
        Changes gamecard icons displayed on the games list for applications without icons.

1.1.1243 - 2024-03-23


    Add a few missing locale strings on Avalonia.
        Makes more UI elements localizable.


Titel: MAMEUI 0.264
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 10:50
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    06483: [Original Reference] (rm/rm380z.cpp) rm380z34d, rm380z34e: COS 3.4 systems boot to debugger. (Robin Sergeant)
    08736: [DIP/Input] (apple/apple2gs.cpp) apple2gs: Joystick buttons are ignored. (Kelvin Sherlock)


Titel: ExtraMAME 24.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 19:15
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Whats new:>>

    The SetWindowPosition algorithm has been updated.
    Compatibility with MAME 0.264 has been achieved.
    Minor interface changes have been made.
    Support for 13,748 games has been added.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1248
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2024, 20:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License

1.1.1248 - 2024-03-27


    UI: Friendly driver name reporting.
        Makes graphics driver names on the bottom status bar easier to read.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1249
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2024, 20:10
1.1.1249 - 2024-04-02


    New Crowdin updates.
        Updates Avalonia GUI localizations with the latest changes from Crowdin.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2024, 09:10
1.1.1250 - 2024-04-03


    Stop clearing Modified flag on DiscardData.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1024 which sank character models into the ground in Easy Come Easy Golf.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1251
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2024, 10:10
1.1.1251 - 2024-04-04


    Add support to IVirtualMemoryManager for zero-copy reads.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1254
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2024, 08:10

1.1.1254 - 2024-04-05


    ts: Migrate service to Horizon project.
        Allows nx-hbmenu to boot.

1.1.1253 - 2024-04-05


    Ignore diacritics on game search.
        When searching on the games list, allows "pokemon" to display Pokémon games, for instance.

1.1.1252 - 2024-04-05


    Add missing ModWindowTitle locale key.
        Fixes the title for the mod manager window.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1262
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 08:10

1.1.1262 - 2024-04-06


    misc: Add ANGLE configuration option to JSON and CLI.
        Adds command line arguments to change how the UI will be rendered --software-gui = Avalonia will use software rendering. --hardware-gui = Avalonia will use ANGLE/GLX rendering.
        Should help with using Renderdoc to debug graphics issues. No user-facing changes.

1.1.1261 - 2024-04-06


    Delete old 16KB page workarounds.
        Deletes unused code. No user-facing changes.

1.1.1260 - 2024-04-06


    Vulkan: Fix swapchain image view leak.
        Fixes two regressions from 1.1.1154, though it's unknown what games might have been visibly affected.

1.1.1259 - 2024-04-06


    Vulkan: Skip draws for patches topology without a tessellation shader.
        On AMD graphics cards, fixes a crash in Luigi's Mansion 3 on the sand level.

1.1.1258 - 2024-04-06


    nuget: bump DynamicData from 8.3.27 to 8.4.1.
        Updates the DynamicData dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1257 - 2024-04-06


    Add mod enablement status in the log message.
        Displays what mods are enabled in the logs and logging console. Intended to help with troubleshooting.

1.1.1256 - 2024-04-06


    Remove Unnecessary Category from Docs ReadME.

1/1/1255 - 2024-04-06


    "Task.Wait()" synchronously blocks, use "await" instead.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1267
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 10:10

1.1.1267 - 2024-04-07


    Add support for large sampler arrays on Vulkan.
        Fixes black textures present in most of Hogwarts Legacy.
        Fixes most graphical rendering in Penny's Big Breakaway.
        Fixes grass and other particle effects appearing blocky in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.

1.1.1266 - 2024-04-07


    Fix PC alignment for ADR thumb instruction.
        Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch will no longer render a black background when the 1.0.2 update applied.

1.1.1265 - 2024-04-07


    Audio rendering: reduce memory allocations.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1264 - 2024-04-07


    Enhance Error Handling with Try-Pattern Refactoring.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1263 - 2024-04-07


    Replacing the try-catch block with null-conditional and null-coalescing operators.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1269
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2024, 18:10
1.1.1269 - 2024-04-08


    Pin audio renderer update output buffers.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1265 that caused crashes in several games.

1.1.1268 - 2024-04-08


    gui: Disable CLI setting persistence for HW-accelerated GUI.
        CLI argument to enable UI software rendering no longer persists in config state.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1277
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2024, 08:40

1.1.1277 - 2024-04-10


    Revert "Update StoreConstantToMemory to match StoreConstantToAddress on value read".
        Reverts the previous change. The specified cheats were invalid and should not be loaded at all.

1.1.1276 - 2024-04-10


    Update StoreConstantToMemory to match StoreConstantToAddress on value read.
        Fixes some cheats with instructions starting with 6XXXXXXX failing to load, specifically when the cheat has bit width equal to 1, 2 or 4, and only one 32-bit value.

1/1/1275 - 2024-04-10


    Ava UI: Prevent Status Bar Backend Update.
        Fixes an issue where the GPU displayed on the status bar would change if the graphics backend setting was changed while a game was running.

1.1.1274 - 2024-04-10


    nuget: bump Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens from 7.4.0 to 7.5.1.
        Updates the Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1273 - 2024-04-10


    Fix input consumed by audio renderer SplitterState.Update.
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1265 that caused crashing in Resident Evil after cinematics. Possibly affected other games.

1.1.1272 - 2024-04-09


    CPU: Produce non-inf results for RSQRTE instruction with subnormal inputs.
        Fixes terrain randomly disappearing in Penny's Big Breakaway.

1.1.1271 - 2024-04-09


    Use ResScaleUnsupported flag for texture arrays.
        Fixes rendering glitches in Penny's Big Breakaway when using resolution scale, however the game will no longer scale.

1.1.1270 - 2024-04-09


    Fast D32S8 2D depth texture copy.
        Improves performance in Penny's Big Breakaway by up to 1500%.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1278
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2024, 20:10
1.1.1278 - 2024-04-11


    Allow BSD sockets Poll to exit when emulation ends.
        Fixes a freeze when trying to stop emulation and/or close the emulator on Penny's Big Breakaway, and possibly on other games that use sockets with Poll.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1279
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2024, 08:40
1.1.1279 - 2024-04-11


    Account for swapchain image count change after re-creation.
        Fixes a crash on AMD proprietary drivers on Linux when VSync is toggled.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1280
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2024, 08:20
1/1/1280 - 2024-04-14


    Texture loading: reduce memory allocations.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1281
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2024, 09:10
1/1/1281 - 2024-04-15


    Fix crash when changing controller config.
        Fixes a crash that occurred when switching from an input device without motion (i.e. a keyboard) to a controller with motion support while a game is running.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1282
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2024, 07:10
1/1/1282 - 2024-04-17


    Ava UI: Input Menu Refactor.
        Refactors the input menu code.
        Platform-specific keys (for instance, the Windows key) will now display properly when a button is bound to them.
        Allows keys to be localized.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1284
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2024, 08:10
1.1.1284 - 2024-04-18


    Fix unmapped address check when reading texture handles.
        Fixes a regression likely from 1.1.1098 that caused Sniper Elite 3 to crash on launch.

1.1.1283 - 2024-04-18


    Update "SixLabors.ImageSharp" to fix vulnerabilities.
        Updates the SixLabors.ImageSharp dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1287
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2024, 18:15
An interesting emulator for Nintendo's Switch console that aims to offer the best possible experience to users that have not yet purchased the device itself.

MIT License


1/1/1287 - 2024-04-19


    chore: remove repetitive words.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1286 - 2024-04-19


    Do not compare Span to 'null' or 'default'.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1/1/1285 - 2024-04-19


    Update to new standard for volatility operations.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1289
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2024, 20:45
1/1/1289 - 2024-04-21


    Use pooled memory and avoid memory copies.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1/1/1288 - 2024-04-21


    End render target lifetime on syncpoint increment.
        Fixes Balatro crashing on boot.
        Fixes a regression in Pizza Tower causing a random crash on boot.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1291
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2024, 18:45
1/1/1291 - 2024-04-22


    Add support for bindless textures from shader input (vertex buffer) on Vulkan.
        On Vulkan, fixes the following:
        Fixes rendering in mofufufusensen.
        Fixes missing graphics in PAC-MAN 99, TETRIS 99 and Super Mario Bros. 35.
        Fixes missing backgrounds in even if TEMPEST, Enchanted in the Moonlight, My Last First Kiss, Irresistible Mistakes, Diabolik Lovers games and likely other visual novels from Voltage.
        Fixes missing coins in WarioWare: Get It Together.
        Fixes missing player indicators and radars in FIFA games.

1/1/1290 - 2024-04-21


    Implement MemoryManagerHostTracked.GetReadOnlySequence().
        Fixes a regression from 1.1.1289 that caused games on macOS to crash on boot.

Titel: MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) 0.265
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2024, 20:15
Changelog -> https://www.mamedev.org/releases/whatsnew_0265.txt

Titel: Erockus Arcade 11.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2024, 18:45
Access the popular arcade game emulator, MAME, via a user-friendly and intuitive interface and configure it accordingly using this application.


Whats new:>>

Updated for MAME .265

Titel: MAMEUI 0.265
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2024, 20:10
Enjoy the popular MAME emulator with a Graphic User Interface (GUI) on your computer by turning to this portable software solution.



    MAME Testers bugs fixed:

    08221: [DIP/Input] (atari/harddriv.cpp) strtdriv: Brake pedal input is not connected correctly. (Jamie McCadden)
    08839: [Debugger] (snk/ngp.cpp) ngp, ngpc: Assignng the TLCS900 PC register from the debugger doesn’t work. (hap)
    08840: [Gameplay] (capcom/lwings.cpp) avengers, buraiken: Microcontroller misses some CPU messages. (hap)
    08847: [Gameplay] (midway/williams.cpp) lottofun: Game displays CALL OPERATOR error after any player wins. (hap)
    08848: [DIP/Input] (capcom/1942.cpp) 1942, 1942a, 1942b, 1942w: Default lives setting does not match manual. (ketburai)
    08851: [Media Support] (trs/trs80.cpp) trs80l2 trs80m3 trs80m4 coco: Single-sided DMK disk images are not identified. (pnp2084)


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1295
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2024, 19:45

1/1/1295 - 2024-04-29


    Fix Alt key appearing as Control in settings menus.
        Fixes an issue where the "Alt" key would display on the UI as "Control" when bound.

1/1/1294 - 2024-04-28


    Fix cursor states on Windows.
        Prevents the cursor from disappearing during the emulator's game loading screen.
        Fixes an issue wherein the emulator window could not be resized due to the cursor flickering.
        Fixes an issue which caused the cursor to disappear over submenus while cursor was set to always hide.
        Fixes an issue where the check for whether the cursor was within the active window did not take into account the windows position, leading to situations where it would hide where it shouldn't.

1.1.1293 - 2024-04-28


    Fix direct keyboard not working when using a controller.
        Allows the Ultracam benchmark tool for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom to be used without setting a keyboard as the controller.

1.1.1292 - 2024-04-28


    HID: Correct direct mouse deltas.
        Fixes mouse aiming in Quake, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, and likely the few other games that support mouse controls on the Switch.


Titel: xemu 0.7.121
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2024, 07:40
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

ci: Update actions to silence Node 16 warnings

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1298
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2024, 20:10

1/1/1298 - 2024-05-08


    Replace "List.ForEach" for "foreach".
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1297 - 2024-05-02


    Fix system dateTime loading in Avalonia LoadCurrentConfiguration.
        Fixes an issue where trying to change the time to an older date in the Avalonia UI caused the emulator to crash.

1.1.1296 - 2024-05-01


    UI: Fix some MainWindow bugs and implement menubar items to change window size.
        You can now set the emulator window size to 720p or 1080p from View > Window Size.
        Window dimensions will no longer be saved when exiting from a maximized state, which caused the size to be reset every time.
        Fixes an issue where the window startup location would reset to the middle of the screen.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2024, 21:10

1/1/1310 - 2024-05-14


    New Crowdin updates.
        Updates Avalonia GUI localizations with the latest changes from Crowdin.

1/1/1309 - 2024-05-14


    Bump Avalonia.Svg.
        Updates the Avalonia.Svg dependency. No expected user-facing changes.

1.1.1308 - 2024-05-14


    Add missing lock on texture cache UpdateMapping method.
        Fixes a crash in Harmony: The Fall of Reverie upon entering the Naiads.

1/1/1307 - 2024-05-14


    Disable keyboard controller input while swkbd is open (foreground).
        Fixes an issue where playing Stardew Valley with a keyboard would cause the software keyboard prompt not to close.

1/1/1306 - 2024-05-14


    Make TextureGroup.ClearModified thread safe.
        Fixes crashes in Europe (Demo).

1/1/1305 - 2024-05-14


    Add the "Auto" theme option in setting.
        Adds an option for Avalonia to follow OS theme (light or dark).

1.1.1304 - 2024-05-14


    Add support for bindless textures from storage buffer on Vulkan.
        Fixes rendering in Castle Crashers Remastered.
        Fixes missing shadows in certain minigames in Mario Party Superstars.

1.1.1303 - 2024-05-14


    discordRPC: Truncate game title and details if they exceed Discord byte limit.
        Fixes an issue where Discord RPC caused Ryujinx to crash if a game's title was longer than 128 characters.

1.1.1302 - 2024-05-14


    HID: Stub IHidServer: 134 (SetNpadAnalogStickUseCenterClamp).
        Allows eBaseball Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2020, Pawapoke R, WBSC eBASEBALL: Power Pros, and possibly other "Power Pro" games to boot without "Ignore Missing Services".

1.1.1301 - 2024-05-14


    Update outdated Windows version warning.
        Updates the warning message displayed when an unsupported Windows version is detected.

1.1.1300 - 2024-05-14


    Add Linux-specific files to local builds.
        Ensures Linux-specific files are copied to the output directory when building locally. Useful for testing certain changes.

1/1/1299 - 2024-05-14


    infra: Update ReSharper's DotSettings.
        Code cleanup. No expected user-facing changes.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1311
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2024, 19:15
1.1.1311 - 2024-05-15


    Revert "Disable keyboard controller input while swkbd is open (foreground)".
        Reverts the change in 1.1.1307 due to it causing crashes in some games which use the software keyboard.

Titel: ExtraMAME 24.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2024, 22:20
"ExtraMAME" is a small MS Windows compatible GUI wrapper for M.A.M.E., the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. M.A.M.E. let's you play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer.


Whats new:>>

    Compatibility with MAME 0.265 has been achieved.
    Support for 13,765 games has been added.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1313
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2024, 07:10
1.1.1313 - 2024-05-16


    misc: Change Deflate compression level to Fastest.
        Speeds up shader packaging process by up to 14x. Shader packaging occurs after GPU driver updates, switching between Vulkan and OpenGL, or significant changes to Ryujinx's GPU code. Note that shader caches will have slightly larger file sizes after this change.

1.1.1312 - 2024-05-16


    Improves some log messages and fixes a typo.
        Makes the logging messages for missing game directories and files clearer.

Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1316
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2024, 18:40

1.1.1316 - 2024-05-17


    HID: Fix another NullReferenceException when unblocking input updates.
        Fixes another instance of crashing after using the software keyboard, caused by 1.1.1315.

1.1.1315 - 2024-05-17


    Disable keyboard controller input while swkbd is open (foreground) (second attempt).
        Redo of 1.1.1307. Should also fix the crashing caused by the original change.

1.1.1314 - 2024-05-17


    Update audio renderer to REV12: Add support for splitter biquad filter.
        Allows Animal Well to run.
        Fixes Charon's voice in Spiritfarer.


Titel: Ryujinx 1.1.1317
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2024, 09:50
1.1.1317 - 2024-05-19


    GPU: Migrate buffers on GPU project, pre-emptively flush device local mappings.
        Improves performance on systems with dedicated GPUs in Catherine Full Body, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity v1.0.0, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.
        Fixes character shadows being too dark on the equip screen in Splatoon 3.

Titel: xemu 0.7.122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2024, 08:10
Use this original Xbox emulator if you'd like to experience your childhood games on your PC, provided you've got the original CDs to begin with.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

nv2a: Implement HILO texture modifier
