Mit dem Bluestacks App Player lassen sich Android-Anwendungen unter Windows installieren und nutzen. In Bluestacks läuft Android 2.3.4 auf einem virtuellen ARM-Prozessor. Jetzt ist eine erste Beta erschienen.
Mit einer ersten Beta seines App Players ermöglicht Bluestacks die Verwendung von Android-Applikationen unter Windows. Neben bereits installierten Apps lassen sich auch Anwendungen aus Amazons Appstore, 1Mobile oder Getjar installieren. Alternativ kann der Anwender Anwendungen über Bluestacks Cloud Connect mit seinem Android-Smartphone synchronisieren. Auch die Übertragung von SMS-Nachrichten vom Smartphone auf Windows soll möglich sein, was uns in der Betaversion allerdings noch nicht gelungen ist.
Für die Synchronisierung muss der Anwender sich mit der Telefonnummer seines mobilen Geräts anmelden und dort die App Cloud Connect aus Googles Play Store herunterladen. Nach der Anmeldung erhält der Nutzer eine PIN, die er in Cloud Connect eingibt. Danach erscheint eine Liste aller Anwendungen, die einzeln oder komplett markiert und zur Synchronisierung freigegeben werden kann. Nach und nach erscheinen dann im Android-Emulator die Anwendungen. Auch Googles Play Store wird dabei in Bluestacks App Player übertragen, der aber dort nicht funktioniert. Die Verbindung zu Windows und darüber ins Internet erfolgt über eine emulierte Ethernet-Verbindung.
Maus statt Finger
Angry Birds präsentierte sich hingegen in voller Auflösung, der Start dauerte allerdings. Die Betaversion des Bluestaks App Players kann Android-Anwendungen wahlweise im Fenster oder im Vollbildmodus betreiben. Gesteuert wird der Federvieh unter Windows mit der Maus, das Hinein- und Hinauszoomen erfolgt über die Tasten Strg-+ und Strg--. In anderen Anwendungen funktionierte das Scrollrad der Maus, um den Bildschirminhalt nach oben oder nach unten zu verschieben.
Android-Anwendungen starten in der Größe, für die sie ursprünglich konzipiert wurden. Alternativ lässt sich die Auflösung einzelner Anwendungen auswählen, etwa mit der Option Tablet, mit der App die dann in voller Bildschirmgröße startet. Die Wetter-App suchte allerdings vergebens nach einem GPS-Empfänger.
Bluestacks klinkt sich mit einer Menüleiste in den Windows-Desktop ein, der am oberen Rand liegt. Dort finden sich Einträge für Applikationen, Shortcuts zu Appstores und zu dem Synchronisierungswerkzeug. Mit einem Klick auf einen Link startet der Emulator samt Anwendung.
Noch tauchen in der Beta einige Fehler auf, etwa asiatische Schriftzeichen auf der virtuellen Tastatur. Eingaben über die angeschlossene Tastatur erschien regelmäßig doppelt. Einmal stürzte der Emulator ab, ließ sich danach aber sofort wieder neu starten. Außerdem ist der Speicherplatz in dem Emulator auf etwa 4 GByte begrenzt. Die Idee hingegen, kostenlose Android-Apps auch unter Windows zu nutzen, ist pfiffig.
Der Bluestacks App Player (Beta) für Windows XP, Vista und 7 kann kostenlos bei vorherigen Registrierung heruntergeladen (http://bluestacks.com/) und genutzt werden. Weiterhin in Vorbereitung ist der Bluestacks App Player Pro - eine kostenlose Version mit einigen sonst kostenpflichtigen Android-Apps, darunter Angry Birds und Fruit Ninja. Bisher steht noch nicht fest, wann die fertige Version des Bluestacks App Players für die Windows-Plattform erscheinen wird.
Quelle : www.golem.de
Nicht uninteressant :)
Android-x86 bringt den robotischen Antrieb für Smartphones und Tablets auch auf regulärer PC-Hardware zum Laufen. Sowohl vom Desktop-PC aus als auch von Note-, Net- oder Ultabooks eröffnet das Gratis-Betriebssystem einen Zugang zur Android-Welt - Google Play inklusive.
Wer sich beispielsweise beliebte Apps wie WhatsApp und Co. ohne den BlueStacks App Player auf seinen Rechner holen will, ist hier goldrichtig. Android-x86 lässt sich wahlweise als fest-installiertes oder Live-OS in Betrieb nehmen. Angesichts des noch recht frühen Entwicklungsstadiums ist von einer Installation aber eher abzuraten. Empfehlenswerter ist der Einsatz als virtuelle Maschine, z.B. mit Hilfe des VMWare Players oder der VirtualBox.
In Downloadbereich findet eine ISO-Datei für Android-x86, die entweder als virtuelle Maschine eingebunden oder mit Brennprogrammen wie CDBurnerXP gebrannt werden muss und zudem eine Sammlung an Android-Apps. Weiterhin ist dort ein Link zur Downloadseite des Anbieters hinterlegt, auf der sich zahlreiche, für Hardware wie etwa Asus Eee PC, HP Pavillon usw. optimierte Fassungen der Freeware herunterladen lassen.
Whats new: >>
Flickering issue fix. It'll fix flickering in many apps like BBM.whatsapp,wechat, clash of clans, Simpson's tapped out.
i18n keyboard layout support. Currently supporting Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Portugese, Norwegian.
Release Notes
Latest Android (Kitkat)
Addition of problem category drop down list in log collector window
Added option to add Zendesk (BlueStacks support forum) in log collector window
Localization of log collector strings for chinese
New Features:
New Settings UX.
Windows file manager added in settings which gives us ability to use photo sharing from windows on apps like Wechat which do not hook into android gallery.
New Features:
Security Fixes
Resolved Issues:
UserSpecific Config files should now be placed in a separate folder so that user defined config files are not overwritten.
Keymapping should not change on every restart of BlueStacks App Player.
App library should now preserve in case of upgrade as well as in case of re-installation.
New Features:
The initial startup time for the BlueStacks App Player has been optimized significantly yielding reductions of 60% or greater in standardized lab tests.
Key mappings for apps are now auto-updated when they are refreshed.
Resolved Issues:
Pick from Windows when called within Instagram for photo sharing would sometimes terminate the BlueStacks window.
When an app was launched (on a Windows 8.x device) by tapping / clicking on its Modern tile, it would sometimes terminate the BlueStacks window.
Some BlueStacks installations had their default DNS set to
Some issues with the loading screen.
Replaced a few app images in the installer.
Browser app is now pre-bundled (visible in recently played apps)
Whats new: >>
New Features:
Fix for Bluestacks Installation failure on systems with Bitdefender.
More graphics related changes to support "CSR Racing" app
Some more fixes for "Stuck at initializing" issue. (Troubleshooter added in report Problem)
Whats new: >>
Issues Resolved
"Market not found".
"Stuck at initializing".
"Inconsistent System UID".
Error 25010, "processor not supported".
Issues experienced by the following apps:
Sims Free play
Plants Vs Zombies 2
Simpsons Tapped Out
Crossy Road
We Chat
Order & chaos
Whats new: >>
# Issues Resolved
* User experience related to the following apps / games:
- Game of War
- Hobbit, Kingdom of Middle Earth
- Brave Frontiers
- Asphalt 8
- Showbox
Play all your favorite Android games and apps directly from your desktop.
Andy Features:
Provides seamless sync between desktop and mobile devices
Connects Win/Mac with Android apps for launching, push notifications and storage
Enables app download from any desktop browser direct to Andy OS
Ensures most up to date Android OS at all times
Brings your favorite communication and entertainment mobile apps to the desktop
Whats new: >>
Introducing Welcome Tab & Android Tab: The Welcome tab lets you discover the most popular apps around the globe. Through Android tab you can install and run all your favourite apps.
Each app / game launches in a new tab, switch between apps easily.
You can also stream and watch videos while your chat and game sessions are in progress.
The side Toolbar added on the app player will now allow access to many features without going to settings.
The back button is now available on left top just like any browser.
Increased/Doubled Storage Space: With BlueStacks 2, storage capacity has been increased to 32 GB ( i.e, 16 GB internal storage and 16 GB SD Card storage). More storage space means more apps can be installed.
Lots of improvements and bug fixes allowing many apps to run seamlessly.
Während auf dem PC Windows das vorherrschende Betriebssystem ist, ist es auf Smartphones Android. Doch geht es auch andersrum? Das Unternehmen Jide bietet mit dem Remix OS in Kürze die Möglichkeit, Android auf jedem PC oder Mac kostenlos zu installieren und zu nutzen.
2015 startete das Unternehmen Jide eine Kickstarter-Kampagne für Remix, eine kleine Box, die man einfach über HDMI an einen Monitor oder TV anschließen und darüber Android nutzen konnte. Dies geht jetzt einen Schritt weiter.
Remix OS erlaubt es, Android kostenlos auf einem PC oder Mac zu installieren
Auf der CES kündigte Jide nun das Remix OS an. Dabei handelt es sich um ein kostenloses Betriebssystem, über das sich Android auf jedem PC und Mac installieren lässt. Remix besitzt dabei natürlich eine angepasste Oberfläche, sodass man auch gut mit Maus und Tastatur arbeiten kann. Auf den ersten Blick unterscheidet sich das Remix OS nicht grundlegend von Windows. Alle Standardfunktionen sind ebenfalls enthalten. Es bedient sich im Prinzip fast genauso, wie man dies von Windows gewohnt ist.
Auf dem OS lassen sich natürlich auch Android-Apps installieren. Damit kann man dann beispielsweise sogar regulär Office über die Office-Android-App von Microsoft nutzen. Jeder kann dies ganz einfach selbst ausprobieren, indem man das Betriebssystem beispielsweise auf einen USB-Stick installiert und von diesem den PC bootet. Schon nutzt man Remix OS. Viele, die das Betriebssystem ausprobiert haben, sind der Meinung, dass dies eigentlich so ist, wie Chrome OS sein müsste. Jide kündigte zudem an, Remix OS regelmäßig mit Updates zu versorgen.
Ob man Android, respektive Remix OS wirklich ständig als das reguläre Betriebssystem nutzen möchte, ist natürlich die Frage, die jeder selbst beantworten muss. Windows hat aufgrund der Fülle an Programmen und natürlich auch, weil man darauf aktuelle Spiele spielen kann, die Nase vorn. Als Gimmick und als Alternative vielleicht für ein Notebook, auf dem man kein aufgeblasenes OS benötigt und nur die Grundfunktionen nutzen will, ist es sicher einen Blick wert. Das Remix OS kann man sich ab Mitte Januar kostenlos über die Website von Jide herunterladen (http://www.jide.com/en/remixos-for-pc).
Quelle : www.gulli.com
Version 2.0 ist nun per Download verfügbar ... aber denkt dran ... ist noch ne Entwicklerversion ... kann also zicken ;)
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Die Entwickler des Betriebssystems Remix OS wurden zuletzt von verschiedenen Seiten wohlwollend betrachtet - vor allem auch aus dem Open Source-Lager. Immerhin kündigten sie an, ein Android-basiertes System mit Desktop-Features zu veröffentlichen. Doch kaum ist dieses veröffentlicht, hat man es sich mit potenziellen Verbündeten ordentlich verscherzt.
"Die Remix OS-Entwickler zeigen keinen Respekt für Code-Lizenzen und die Arbeit anderer Leute", fasst man die Situation beim Linux Homefront Project zusammen. Denn nun, da das Betriebssystem endlich zum Download angeboten wird, zeigt sich, dass gleich eine ganze Reihe von Regeln der Open Source-Community komplett missachtet werden.
Dies beginnt bereits beim "Remix OS USB Tool", mit dem Windows-Nutzer das System auf einen USB-Stick installieren und ihren Rechner von diesem aus booten können. Bei genauerer Betrachtung stellt sich hier heraus, dass das Werkzeug keinesfalls eine Eigenentwicklung ist. Stattdessen wurde schlicht die Software UNetbootin mit einem neuen Namen, neuen Icons und einigen Änderungen an der Benutzeroberfläche versehen.
Das wäre im Grunde kein Problem - immerhin wird UNetbootin unter der GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 bereitgestellt und kann frei weiterverwendet werden. Allerdings stellt die Lizenz hierfür auch Bedingungen. So muss der veränderte Quellcode offen bereitgestellt beziehungsweise mitgeliefert werden. Außerdem sind in Source-Dateien, die geändert wurden, Kommentare zu hinterlassen, die auf die Änderungen hinweisen - immerhin sollen andere Entwickler diese später nachvollziehen können. Beide Punkte in den Lizenzbestimmungen werden von den Remix OS-Entwicklern allerdings missachtet.
Android-x86 bleibt verborgen
Nicht viel besser sieht es beim System selbst aus, das einen Fork des Android-x86 Projects darstellt. Dieses arbeitet mit der Apache-Lizenz, die etwas weniger Streng ist als die GPL. Aber auch hier wird zumindest verlangt, dass bei einer Weiternutzung der Software in eigenen Projekte die üblichen Hinweise auf die Urheber der genutzten Quellcodes und auf möglicherweise enthaltene Patente und Marken mitgeliefert werden. Solche Informationen findet man aber weder in der ausgelieferten Software noch auf der Webseite des Projektes.
Im Forum der Firma Jide, bei der das Remix OS-Projekt angesiedelt ist, fragten verschiedene Nutzer nach den Quellcodes. Einmal gab es eine klare Reaktion: "Die Antwort ist nein. Du bist kein Partner von Jide. Remix OS ist nicht Open Source." Das ist zwar kein feiner Zug, aufgrund der Apache-Lizenz aber grundsätzlich möglich - zumindest für einen Teil des Betriebssystems. Einige wichtige Komponenten, vor allem der enthaltene Linux-Kernel, stehen aber unter der GPL und der Zugang zum Quellcode muss zwingend gegeben sein. Auf entsprechende Nachfragen gab es dann überhaupt keine Reaktion mehr.
Nun wird sich zeigen, wie es weitergeht. Remix OS dürfte das wohlwollende Interesse der Open Source-Community erst einmal komplett verspielen. Selbst wenn diese nicht die primäre Zielgruppe ist, wäre sie aber doch ein wichtiger Multiplikator und hat durchaus einigen Einfluss. Möglich auch, dass die Entwickler demnächst mit Klagen konfrontiert werden - denn die Szene nimmt es längst nicht mehr ohne weiteres hin, dass Lizenzen von kommerziellen Projekten schlicht ignoriert werden.
Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Whats new:>>
- Add support for more language support (German and Korean).
- Add support for multilingual keyboard layout, including keypad.
- Add support for custom launcher.
- Update ES file explorer, google play games and store.
- Fix the detection issue of hardware virtualization feature.
- Fix some game compatibility issues.
Die Beta lässt sich jetzt auch auf älterer Hardware und parallel zu einem vorhandenen Betriebssystem installieren.
Der Software-Hersteller Jide hat wie auf dem MWC angekündigt Betaversion von Remix OS bereitgestellt, seinem Android-Abkömmling für PC-Systeme. Remix OS ergänzt Android um eine App-Leiste und eine Fenster-Oberfläche samt Maussteuerung. Die Beta kann kostenlos heruntergeladen werden. Die neue Version kann sich automatisch "Over the Air" aktualisieren -- im Unterschied zur Alpha verliert man bei einem Update nicht mehr alle Daten.
Das System lässt sich nun auch auf älteren PCs mit x86-Prozessoren installieren. Die Dual-Boot-Funktion des neuen Installers ermöglicht es, Remix OS 2.0 neben dem vorhandenen Betriebssystem zu installieren und beim Hochfahren des PCs zwischen beiden Systemen zu wählen. Dabei unterstützt Remix OS auch PCs mit UEFI-BIOS. Remix OS lässt sich aber auch als Live-System von DVD oder USB-Stick einrichten.
Allerdings fehlt auch der Beta-Version der Play Store; Anwender müssen Apps also per Sideload "von Hand" installieren. Jide hat hat von Google noch keine Genehmigung erhalten, die Play Services und den Play Store in Remix OS zu integrieren. Wie bei Custom ROMs muss man sie derzeit in Form des GApps-Pakets nachinstallieren.
Quelle : www.heise.de
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Whats new:>>
* Refresh home page, like add facebook lite
* Add support to customize and resize the WASD direction combo keys
* Add more multilingual support, including Crotian, French, Portugnese, Russian, Serbian and Spanish.
* Improve the compatibility with Gameloft games
* Improve the uninstallar for trace cleanup
* Update ES file explorer and Google play games
* Fix some tiny bugs
Add operation record and replay
Add virtual camera, like scan QR code from file
Add notification pass through Windows systray
Add support to scale window size
Add support to set window position
Add more multilingual support, including bahasa Indonesia, Czech, Italian, Japanese and Thai
Improve launcher layout, like recycle bin
Improve compatibility with Google, Chrome and Boombeach
Improve stability of apk offline install
Fix system hang issue when wake up from sleep mode
Fix infinite loop issue of Windows driver repair
Fix some tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Improve the speed of MEmu launching
Fix a few tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Add shortcuts (hotkey) setting
Improve the button appearance of exit full screen
Improve the stability of vinput, which may cause system hang occasionally
Improve multilingual support
Fix full screen issue on multiple displays
Fix movable issue of maximum window button
Fix some tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Improve the compatibility of Nvidia graphic card with some games
Improve the stability of APK install in Windows XP
Fix an issue of online update
Fix some tiny bugs
Run Android games and apps directly on your computer's desktop with the help of this smooth-running and fairly lightweight emulator.
Whats new:>>
"Feed" section launches for more welfare
Whats new:>>
Add video record feature
Add more hotkey settings support
Improve WASD accuracy for some games
Improve splashscreen for portrait
Improve exit full screen button
Fix some tiny bugs
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Whats new:>>
Support assign fixed window size and position for each Nox instance
Greatly reduced the file size of videos recorded by the in-build Video Recorder
Added two finger pinch and swipe functions
Optimized resolution and fixed display error in the Video Record and Macro Record window
Whats new:>>
Add support to reduce the scope of WASD
Fixed an issue of start failure in Windows XP
Fixed an issue of video record
Fixed an issue of install to phone
Fixed several tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Perfectly running steaming apps and other hot new games
Fix black block graphic problem in specific games
Solving Sticking at 99% while launching KOPLAYER
Add customized mobile information, like IMEI, brand, phone number, etc.
Add customized number of CPU core
New button at left toolbar to add apk files more easily
Reduce launching time while start KOPLAYER
Optimized graphics and operation
Fix other known bugs
Whats new:>>
Support Pokémon GO on PC
Added brief Tutorial to guide user through the basic functions
Optimized all the error messages window
Fixed data loss and crash due to abnormal close down of Nox App Player
Added Settings function in Multiplayer Management Panel so you could change settings before start a specific instance
Whats new:>>
New multi-memu manager
Add support to set top window
Add support to modify name of memu instance
Add support to modify save path of memu instance
Add today’s choice function in launcher
Improve copy&paste function for all input methods
Improve compatibility of hardware-assistant virtualization feature with some antivirus software
Improve compatibility with some games, like HIT
Fix some tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Improved gaming experience of Pokémon GO on PC
Support all GPS-based games including Ingress. Players could walk and change speed with keyboards
Optimized sound and internet connection
Fixed multiple instance disappear issue
Fixed Google Play crash “Your device is not compatible with this version” issue
Knapp ein halbes Jahr später ist das System immer noch geschlossen. Das mittlerweile auf GitHub eingerichtete Repositorium für Quellen wirkt weiterhin wie eine Abladestelle und ist lediglich für Mitglieder zugänglich. Auch der Vertrieb des eigentlichen Systems erfolgt nicht frei, sondern wird geschlossen unter einer eigenen Freeware-Lizenz vertrieben.
Die nun freigegebene Version 3.0 von Remix OS ändert auch nichts an der bestehenden Lizenzierung. Das System basiert in der neuesten Ausführung erstmals nicht mehr auf Android 5.1, sondern auf Android 6.0 »Marshmallow«. Darüber hinaus unterstützt Remix OS 3.0 eine breitere Palette an Hardware, darunter auch diverse Grafikkarten von AMD und Nvidia. Eine weitere Besonderheit der neuen Version stellt die Möglichkeit dar, in skalierbaren Fenstern mehrere Anwendungen zu starten, wobei die Oberfläche dabei eher einem Desktop-PC, wie beispielsweise einem Tablet gleicht.
Wie bei vielen Android-Nachbauten üblich, bringt auch Remix OS 3.0 viele der typischen Google-Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise den »Google Play Store«, nicht standardmäßig mit. Diese müssen erst in Eigenregie nachinstalliert werden. Einen Wermutstropfen für alte Nutzer gibt es ebenfalls, denn bestehende Anwender, die die neue Version nutzen wollen, müssen eine Neuinstallation des Systems durchführen. Eine Aktualisierung von der Vorgängerversion ist laut Aussage des Herstellers nicht vorgesehen.
Remix OS 3.0 kann ab sofort kostenlos vom Server des Anbieters heruntergeladen werden (http://www.jide.com/remixos-for-pc#downloadNow). Das System ist für 32 und 64 Bit Systeme verfügbar und wird innerhalb einer ZIP-Datei in Form einer ISO-Datei ausgeliefert.
Quelle : www.pro-linux.de
Whats new:>>
Add support to Pokemon GO in Android 4.2
Add support to GPS movement in key mapping (Pokemon GO)
Enhance functionality of operation recorder, like repeat and accelerator
Fix some tiny bugs
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Whats new:>>
Add support to change GPS speed in key mapping (Pokemon GO)
Add support to locate GPS location by IP address (Pokemon GO)
Fix an issue of occasional memory leak
Fix some tiny bugs
Optimizations for the Gaming Toolkit app:
Key mapping on the taskbar area when the taskbar is hidden is now enabled
Fixed a bug where black screen appears for a few seconds when the Gaming Toolkit is opened
Fixed a bug where the floating button disappears when it's being dragged
Fixed a bug where the floating button sometimes becomes non-responsive it's clicked on
Fixed a bug where the animation of closing the floating button repeats a couple of times when being closed
Fixed a bug where games with high frequency click events become non-responsive (i.e. Zenonia 4)
Fixed a bug where the Gaming Toolkit will still be in effect after it's been closed
Feature added that allows key mapping for F1-F12 keys
Feature added so that the Gaming Toolkit will automatically restart if it crashes
Other major changes:
Added support for 32-bit UEFI installation
Run Android games and apps directly on your computer's desktop with the help of this smooth-running and fairly lightweight emulator.
Multi languages are supported, including English, Indonesian, Vietnamese and Thai
Support to keep all installed Apps & data from old version
Add Graphic rending mode for better and more smoothly gameplay
Add on-off switch for Root function
"Hot" section recommends you the newest and most interesting games
Manually input coordinates to locate positions
Support to customize Boss Key
Optimize Turn-on time, CPU and Memory usage
Optimize full-screen effect and prompt interface
Optimize version-detect function
Fixed known bugs
Whats new:>>
Add smart GPS compass for Pokemon GO (not always north)
Improve the stability and performance of MEmuConsole
Fix an issue of occasional stuck at 100% loading page
Fix an issue of occasional session locked when startup
Fix an issue of kernel driver signature issue for Windows 10 anniversary
Fix some tiny bugs
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Release Notes
In this version you will find:
Add System specifications and FAQ section
Add Frames setting in System Settings >> Advanced
Fixed black glitches in games
Fixed Russian input issue with capital letters
Fixed Macro recorder cannot record @ symbol issue
Direct in-software update to 3.7.2 is not available yet, you need to uninstall the current version first and then install 3.7.2 directly
Please make sure to backup all your data before uninstall current Nox.
Some antivirus may falsely block Nox App Player installation or startup. Please quit your antivirus and try again if this happens.
It is recommended that you enable VT of your computer to get better performance of Nox
Whats new:>>
Fix an issue of online update daemon
Fix an issue of run-time environment repairmen
Reduce the size of installation package
Integrated Android-x86 R1, inlcuding the latest Android Security patch (September 2016)
Improved Remix OS performance on low-end budget PCs
Fixed multiple cases where Wi-Fi can't connect after sleep
Improved App drawer's search
Remix Central's apps have been updated
Mit Remix OS Player bietet Jide eine weitere Möglichkeit, Android auf einem Windows-PC einzusetzen. Anders als das bisherige Remix OS läuft die Player-Variante in einer virtuellen Maschine: Das vereinfacht Installation und Nutzung des mobilen Betriebssystems unter Windows.
Wer Android-Apps auf einem Windows-PC verwenden möchte, kann dafür Remix OS Player nutzen. Es stammt vom chinesischen Unternehmen Jide, das mit Remix OS bereits ein eigenes Betriebssystem bietet, um Android auf einem Windows-Gerät zu betreiben. Der Remix OS Player läuft als eigene virtuelle Maschine unter Windows - dadurch ist der Wechsel zwischen den Betriebssystemen wesentlich einfacher möglich.
Der ganze Artikel (http://www.golem.de/news/remix-os-player-kostenloser-android-emulator-fuer-windows-erschienen-1609-123306.html)
Quelle : www.golem.de
Release Notes
Improved start up time
Fixed Windows 10 Anniversary version signature issue
Fixed occasional keyboard control settings can’t save issue
Direct in-software update to 3.7.3 is not available yet, you need to uninstall the current version first and then install 3.7.3 directly
Please make sure to backup all your data before uninstall current Nox.
Some antivirus may falsely block Nox App Player installation or startup. Please quit your antivirus and try again if this happens.
It is recommended that you enable VT of your computer to get better performance of Nox
Whats new:>>
Video tutorial for HAXM now included for users who haven't turned on Virtualization Technology
Fixed issue where ADB process kept running after Remix OS Player is shut down
Pop-up warning added for users to avoid data corruption due to sudden shut down of Remix OS Player
Whats new:>>
Fixed keyboard input issue when key-mapping is activated
Fixed a conflict between mouse and keyboard input when key-mapping
Updated Gaming Toolkit to v.1.2.1
Increased log collection data to troubleshoot to HXAM issues
HAXM now updated to v.6.0.4
Added a function to always remember your previous settings as a default setting
Direct install of apks within Remix OS is now faster
Added a Remix OS Player shortcut to Windows desktop
Whats new:>>
Fixed many HDMI audio pass-through issues
Added 'Never' to display sleep options as a temporary solution for wake issues
App Recommendation tab added to App Drawer
Updated OTA progress user interface
Whats new:>>
Added a Full-screen feature (Note: Click 'Alt+Enter' to enter/exit Full-screen mode)
Fixed most Facebook crashes
Added a debug option to output log file in the Advanced settings section
Fixed data collection issue so more info can be sent for debugging purposes
Release Notes
Let’s check out what’s new in this version:
Reduced major errors in Nox
Fixed input issues with special characters including @
Optimized Tablet/Phone screen switch effect
Added Google Search to home screen
Fixed volume adjustment conflicts with boss key shortcut
Fixed sound disappearing issue in Nox
Optimized batch operation in multi-instance management panel and re-designed the UI
Direct in-software update to 3.7.5 is not available yet, you need to uninstall the current version first and then install 3.7.5 directly or run 3.7.5 installer and over-write your current version
Please make sure to backup all your data before uninstall current Nox.
Some antivirus may falsely block Nox App Player installation or startup. Please quit your antivirus and try again if this happens.
It is recommended that you enable VT of your computer to get better performance of Nox
Support Android 4.2/4.4/5.1 with all-in-one library
Add support to save setting for operation record
Speedup the launch speed of MEmu.exe
Improve stability of Multi-MEmu.exe
Improve import/export progress bar of Multi-MEmu.exe
Fix an incompatible issue with Windows aero theme
Fix an issue of occasional crash within input method
Fix an issue of occasional crash within video recorder
Fix an issue of occasional crash when resize window
Fix some tiny bugs
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Release Notes
Add Android Menu button on the sidebar
Improved overall performance and reduced some startup problems
Run Android games and apps directly on your computer's desktop with the help of this smooth-running and fairly lightweight emulator.
Recommend apps from Google PlayStore
Support recent hot games, like HIT, etc.
Optimize KOPLAYER’s performance
Fix some known bugs
Whats new:>>
Incorporated the latest Android Studio (version 2.2) which improves graphics performance significantly
Fixed bugs related to keyboard shortcuts and hotkeys
Fixed bugs related to keyboard hotkeys in full-screen mode
1.Add disc space cleanup function
2.Solved Win 7 Basic theme changed during Nox App Player running issue
3.Optimized RAM consumption and allocation
4.Solved display issue when dragging Nox window on some machine
5.Solved startup crash on some system
6.Improved stability and minimized sudden data corruption of Nox App Player
7.Solved startup error caused by some antivirus
8.Improved compatibility with video and stream apps
Whats new:>>
1.Fixed compatibility issue with Summoners War
2.Fixed compatibility issue with Red Knights
3.Updated Nox Launcher
Whats new:>>
1.Fixed Lineage 2 Revolution occasional crash upon first start issue
2.Updated Nox Launcher
Release Notes for 2.9.2 (Android 4.2 as default):
Improve the speed of MEmu startup when multiple app installed
Improve the stability of MEmu.exe (e.g.randomly no responding)
Improve the behavior of set window on the top
Improve the behavior of shake and screenshot
Improve the CPU consumption of video recorder
Fix an issue when set window position
Fix some tiny bugs
For Android 4.4 or 5.1 support, please download additional system ova respectively, otherwise your 4.4 or 5.1 ova will not be imported properly.
Whats new:>>
1.Fixed Nox App Player unable to run on Win 10 Insider Preview Build issue
2.Optimized virtual location feature
3.Add ES File Manager for your convenience management of all files
4.Increase the limit of customize resolution settings to support 4k screen (4096*2160)
5.Optimized the display of sidebar when Nox window is resized
6.Fixed some installation and startup error for better performance
7.Fixed compatibility issue with Dawn of Titans and Dominations
Whats new:>>
Optimized Homepage of KOPLAYER
Add "App Center"
Reduce the package size
Enhance gaming experience
Fix some known bugs
Release Notes (Android 4.2 as default):
Add support to change telecom operator
Add language support to Vietnamese
Fix a random no responding issue of MEmu
Fix a random crash issue of launcher
Improve the compatibility of unroot
Improve the stability of apk install
Fix some tiny bugs
For Android 4.4 or 5.1 support, please download additional system ova respectively, otherwise your 4.4 or 5.1 ova will not be imported properly.
Whats new:>>
1.Fixed “A digitally signed driver is required” problem on some Windows 10 PC
2.Added Google Play Hot game board
3.Improved overall performance. There will be fewer startup errors
Whats new:>>
Add support to simulate battery state
Improve loading performance for some NV graphics
Improve loading performance when many apps installed
Fix an issue of occasional stuck at 99% loading
Fix some tiny bugs
1.Renamed Nox App Player as NoxPlayer
2.Optimized controller compatibility and settings. We now support XBOX Controllers.
3.Fixed display issue with games such as Lineage II
4.Add Favorites feature in Virtual Location
5.Fixed some installation and startup errors
6.Add input preview function which allows you to view the typing process
7.Allow Hide/Unhide performance optimization notice
8.Fixed Boss key malfunction
Play your favorite mobile games and make use of all your preferred mobile apps from the comfort of your desktop with this powerful Android emulator.
Whatsn new:>>
1.Fixed some minor bugs
2.Update Google Play Store to the latest version
3.Optimized carrier information
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Whats new:>>
1.Optimized compatibility with games/apps
2.Improved location accuracy in Virtual Location feature
Whats new:>>
Support right-mouse key control game character movement in MOBA games such as Vainglory
Enriched list of Mobile phone model to choose from in System Settings
Fixed Android log print issue
Fixed screen flash in video recording
Added feedback window in the drop down menu on upper right corner of NoxPlayer window. Users could more conveniently provide feedback and report problems.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
New logo
New installation package with overwrite install support
Switch to Android 4.4 as default and Android 5.1 is optional to download
Add widget tool, like cleanup memory, weather forecast, change wallpaper, etc.
Add message box
Add support to keymapping for MOBA game, like Penta Storm and Realm of Valor
Add support to keymapping pre-setting
Add support to customize tool bar
Add support to record audio
Improve the compatibility with Context3D games
Improve the compatibility with old AMD CPUs
Improve the graphic quality of unreal4 engine games
Improve the input method for some languages
Improve shortcut keys, like boss key
Update Google apps
Fix some tiny bugs
1. Support overwrite installation with the old data preserved. You can update directly without back up anymore since this version.
2.Support creating shortcut to each existed instance to desktop directly.
3.A newly designed installer with updated interface.
4.Added MOBA game skill casting assistance.
5.Fixed known problems and errors, improved user experience.
Fix the issue of MEMU start occasionally no response
Fix the issue of incompatible device in Google Play
Fix the issue of unable connect Google server in Android 5.1
Fix the issue of unchangeable device model
Fix the issue of boss key setting
Improve video play in wechat and whatsapp
Add support to adjust skillshot distance in MOBA game, like Realm of Valor/Penta Storm
Whats new:>>
Improved compatibility with CATS Fixed some known issues and bugs
Add support to reboot Android
Add support to maximum resolution 4096*4096
Add support to save multiple key mappings for each game
Add support to export file and apk from Android to Windows
Add support to compress disk and create desktop shortcut in Multi-MEmu
Add support to hardware-assisted decoding for video recorder
Improve key mapping for MOBA game (Penta/RoV/SoK/????), like aim, cancel, adjust range, etc.
Improve graphic quality of Netmarble Lineage2
Improve graphic memory recycling
Improve input method for east Asian languages
Fix some tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
1.Re-designed the user interface of NoxPlayer to comply with flat design principles and give the users a whole new experience
2. Added Theme center. We are the only Android emulator that supports this feature. You could change between different themes to give your Nox a new touch.
3. Dramatically improved the engine to boost NoxPlayer’s performance
4. Added Rotate button to change Nox screen display from vertical to horizontal or back with just one click
5. Changed the interface of Keyboard control settings and File share between PC and NoxPlayer
– Add support to Google Play search
– Add support to DirectX mode (beta)
– Improve the efficency of OpenGL mode
– Improve the user interface of widget tool
– Improve the precision of key mapping for Realm of Valor, Penta Storm, Arena of Valor and 傳說對決
– Unlock the maximum core number of AMD CPU
– Fix the issue of occational start failure in Windows XP
– Fix the issue of occasional crash caused by IME
– Fix the issue of start error 80bb0007
– Fix the issue of video record without audio
– Fix the issue of mis-display some languages
– Fix some other tiny bugs
Release Notes
Added Macro Key edit and multiple-strike effect to keyboard control feature. You could save more than one set of keyboard control preference for one game.
Improved keyboard control for MOBA games (especially Mobile Legends and Arena of Valor). You could manually adjust the damage area of skill casting and the accuracy of walking using the right mouse button.
Fixed the problem that NoxPlayer may automatically hide after disable the Boss key
Various minor bug fixes and user experience improvements
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
New black theme and UI
Add support to change frame rate
Add support to fix the size of main window
Add switch to enable/disable launcher widget
Add cache policy to avoid image broken due to power failure
Improve the speed of bootup after many app installed
Improve the speed to hide main window when click boss key
Fix the issue of occasional failure to enable Direct X mode
Fix the issue of compatibility with unity5 game engine
Fix the issue of occasional false orientation
Fix some other tiny bugs
Release Notes
Introduced brand new Video Recorder feature
Support re-arrange recorded Macros through mouse dragging
Added new Internet bridge connection feature. You could connect with friends in Local Area Network (LAN) games such as in Soul Knight (not available for Windows 10)
Added Windows balloon tips notification option in System Settings to conveniently turn it on/off
Optimized keyboard input language display
Support setting Tab key as Keyboard Control option
Optimized in-game walking by right-mouse-button to ensure smoother gaming experience
Fixed input issue caused by setting special keys as keyboard control function keys
Improved overall performance and game compatibility
10. Fixed random app keep crashing issue
Whats new:>>
Add Error message and corresponding solution when anti-virus such as Avast falsely block the startup of NoxPlayer
Fixed Korean input issue in Windows 10 rs3 release
Add support to 32-bit Android Lollipop 5.1 (download in Multi-MEMU)
Add support to change WIFI name, DNS server and MAC address
Add support to enable LOL mode for more MOBA games
Improve the compatibility check of VT conflict
Improve the speed of VM boot-up
Replace ES file explorer with CM
Fix the issue of camera in Android Lollipop 5.1
Fix the issue of occasional key no response in shooting game
Fix the issue of occasional sticky key when mouse moving
Fix the issue of occasional soft-keyboard no response
Fix the issue of occasional boot-up failure
Fix the issue of occasional DPI setting failure
Fix the issue of occasional APK install failure
Fix some other tiny bugs
Uрgrаdе NохРlауеr еngіnе, іmрrоvеd mеmоrу uѕаgе, іntеrnеt ѕрееd, gаmе fluеnсу, ѕсrееn dіѕрlау, thе quаntіtу оf іnѕtаnсеѕ
Аddеd bаtсh ореrаtіоn, multі-іnѕtаnсе аrrаngе, multі-іnѕtаnсе ѕеttіngѕ, ѕеаrсh funсtіоn еtс., сrеаtеd thе ѕtrоngеѕt Мultірlауеr
Аddеd ѕуnсhrоnіzе multірlауеr funсtіоn
Uрdаtе tо Аndrоіd 5.1.1, саn bе аddеd іn Мultі-drіvе mаnаgеmеnt раnеl
Аddеd hоw tо uѕе kеуbоаrd mарріng tо рlау Аndrоіd gаmеѕ оn РС (Аррlіеѕ tо NохРlауеr аnd аbоvе vеrѕіоnѕ) tutоrіаl
Аddеd іnѕtаnсе сору, dеlеtе, bасkuр/іmроrt соmmаnd lіnе
Ѕоlvе а vаrіеtу оf еrrоr-rероrtіng аnd mау саuѕе ѕtuсk аnd сrаѕh рrоblеmѕ
Full ѕuрроrt fоr ОреnGL3 gаmеѕ
Fіхеd ѕоmе gаmе соmраtіbіlіtу
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Some popular games automatically apply keyboard control
Virtual location the default is set to the language capitals
Restart Android button on Side bar integrated one-click refresh desktop function
Added the restart operation, when you want to close emulator
Fixed disk clean up instability problem
Fixed overwrite installation may cause data loss problem
Fixed when multiplayer’s data too big may cause back up and import operation stuck at 99% problem
Fixed video recording black screen in the latest Win 10 system problems
Game compatibility:
Solved device cannot support problem in “Survival Royale”game
Solved ” Naruto x Boruto Ninja Voltage ” cannot run on Nox problem
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Change Android 5.1.1 as default OVA.
Add support to Direct X+(GLES3.0) graphic mode in Android 5.1.1.
Add support to display key-mapping in semi-transparent way.
Improve user experience for shooting and survival games, like Rules of Survival.
Fix the issue of occasional MSVCR100.dll missing.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
Whats nnew:>>
Fixed some known issues and bugs
Whats new:>>
Android 4.4 as default OVA.
Add support to adjust mouse sensitivity for shooting game.
Whats new:>>
Fix a compatibility issue for Rules of Survival.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
Added locking the mouse function, after locking the mouse will not go beyond the instance window, hotkey F10.
Optimized the keyboard control experience of Battle Royale games:
Fixed FOV problem when you press Alt.
Support Ctrl key in keyboard control.
Fixed unable to change FOV problem, when you picking things in the shooting state.
Support the adjustment of mouse sensitivity in the shooting state
Added more models of mobile phones.
Some games support Enter key to send a message, if you are playing the game does not support one-click send, you can send a feedback to our customer support.
Fixed video recording vertical screen application is stretched problem.
Fixed bugs and lot of known issues
Improved Macro recording, support restart emulator timely, automatically run the script after startup, batch import and export script, added slow play script function
Support moving the entire emulator data to an another storage location
FPS and Battle Royale games support setting the right mouse button to open the fire
Keyboard control added 2.5D / 3D games to move the view feature
Macro button added “Home” and “Back” commands
Fixed known issues and optimized performance
Improve the compatibility of some popular games, like Rules of Survival, etc
Fix the issue of WMIC conflict
Fix some other tiny bugs
Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
Add support to anti-emulator-checker for some popular games
Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
Add warning sign for non-VT machine
Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
Reduce the package size of installer
Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
Improve the user experience of side tool bar
Fix some other tiny bugs
Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
Add support to anti-emulator-checker for some popular games
Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
Add warning sign for non-VT machine
Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
Reduce the package size of installer
Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
Improve the user experience of side tool bar
Fix some other tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Right-click to move function in all games
In Advanced settings added restore window size function
In Multiplayer you can choose to synchronize the particular instances
Fixed keyboard stopped working issue when connecting to VPN
Fixed known issues and optimized performance
Change Log:
Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat.
Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
Fix some other tiny bugs
It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
Improve the user experience of key-mapping feature, especially for shooting game
Fix the issue of occasional failure in the end of installation process
Fix the issue of VM boot-up failure in 3rd party virtual machine with OpenGL 2.0 support, like VMWare
Fix some other tiny bugs
Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
Add support to apply camera to selected VM
Add support to import/export VM in batch
Improve the response speed of boss key
Fix an issue of occasional cross-hair stuck in some shooting games
Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when boot-up
Fix an issue of occasional synchronizer crash
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Whats new:>>
Optimized keyboard control in Battle Royale games, supports the automatic exit of shooting mode while opening the backpack,
Added keyboard control saved location one-click function, to avoid losing configuration
Virtual location able to display the current location of the country’s cities
Windows 10 supporting bridge connection
Added some tutorials and optimized some details
Fixed Lineage 2 Revolution display issue in DX mode
The area that can be dragged up and down in the game supports scrolling with the wheel, such as backpacks, chat frames, etc
Fixed after parachute landing/getting the car unable to change FOV problem in PUBG Mobile
Multiple operation synchronizer added pin to top feature
Fixed APK file sometimes cannot install issue
After using the boss key, operational tracks of Macro Recorder are also hidden.
Fixed the issue of incomplete display of Vietnamese input
PUBG Mobile global release supports HD and 1G memory
Fixed known issues and optimized performance
Added occupied space tips in MultiPlayer
Added command line tool noxconsole.exe to provide convenience for script users
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Change Log:
Improve the compatibility of OpenGL ES3.1 graphic render mode
Improve graphics quality and keymapping precision for PUBG Mobile
Improve help information in system setting page
Fix an issue of copyclip from Android to Windows
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Change Log:
Add support to PUGB keymapping mode for the real PUBG gaming experience
Add support to Filipino language
Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck in PUBG Mobile, Rules of Survival, and etc.
Fix an issue of occasional emulator crash in OpenGL mode
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Whats new:>>
Optimized the experience of stimulating the perspective of the battlefield
Optimized sensitivity in shooting mode of Battle Royale games, increase readings
Some games that support keyboard operation can use WASD directly without configuration
Bridge connection added to display ID state function
Changes to PUBG keymapping
Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
Fix some other tiny bugs
It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Whats new:>>
Added emulator repair and diagnostics features, some of which can be downloaded in the upper right corner – System Tools to download the corresponding repair tool to solve your issue
Fixed the NIC driver uninstallation error
Optimized wheel operation to make it smoother
Added a button to clean up the Google service component cache
Optimized game experience and performance
Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs.
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it.
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3.
Whats new:>>
Added emulator repair and diagnostics features, some of which can be downloaded in the upper right corner
– System Tools to download the corresponding repair tool to solve your issue Fixed the NIC driver uninstallation error Optimized wheel
Whats new:>>
Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile.
Add support to configure game resolution within PUBG keymapping.
Improve the compatibility of DirectX mode with some popular games.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
Whats new:>>
Macro recording added combined playback function, supports to combine existing macro recording arrangements into a new macro recording
Added new command line, can close the specified application based on the package name
PUBG supports WA, WD side running
Fixed some game compatibility and improved performance
Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
Fix an issue of keymapping data update
Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It might take a while if overwrite too many existed VMs.
Whats new:>>
1. Optimized viewing angle problem in PUBG Mobile.
2. Fixed the V6.1.0.0 startup and game compatibility problems.
A new keymapping panel
Upgrade vbox kernel version*
Add support to bridge network mode
Add support to more keymapping keys
Fix an issue of VT false alarm
Fix some other tiny bugs
Changes for PUBG mobile
– Add support to tune 8x scope by mouse wheel
– Add support to select grenades items by 4/5/6 key
– Add support to select medical items by 7/8/9/0 key
– Add support to sync screen and game resolution
– Improve game fluency
– It will take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It will take longer if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
Whats new:>>
Allowed users to disable mouse acceleration in shooting mode
Notifications will pop up when official keyboard layout updates, and can be applied with one click
Whats new:>>
- Optimized Homepage of KOPLAYER
- Add "App Center"
- Reduce the package size
- Enhance gaming experience
- Fix known bugs
Change Log:
Add support to change cursor style
Improve the user experience of key-mapping setting
Changes for PUBG mobile
– Add support disable cursor acceleration
– Fix an issue of view angle limitation when throw grenades
– Fix an issue of shoot failure when hold on right mouse
– Improve gameplay fluency and control sensitivity
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It will take longer if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Change Log:
Fix an issue of audio input glitch
Fix an issue of occasional no message in message box
Fix an issue of left click not work when hold on right click in LOL keymapping mode
Improve the accuracy of MOBA skillshot like Mobile Legends
Improve the usage of CPU for low-end computer
Improve the re-connection when Wifi broken
Change for PUBG mobile
– Fix an issue of graphic compatibility in OpenGL render mode
– Fix an issue of occasional camera view sudden change
– Improve the timing of camera view switch in/out
– Improve the view range of free look
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It will take longer if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Added a new Android7.1.2 version in NoxPlayer’s Multi-Drive(currently the test phase, application compatibility will be continuously optimized)
Optimized Macro recorder, added a slide, long press, click on configured button, input text and other functions
Optimized some issues of angle view in the shooting game
Fixed a series of known issues, optimized the product experience
Fixed an issue that could not be installed on WinXP
In Android system 7.1.2 fixed the problem of playing video in Instagram
Whats new:>>
1. Fully optimized keyboard control design and experience;
2. Solved the Multi-Drive getting stuck or loading slowly problem, added “quit” parameter, which can be closed during the upgrade of the Android version;
3. Optimized the turning speed of the emulator’s screen, and solved the problem of the screen being stuck;
4. Fixed the emulator crashes when saving some keyboard controls problem;
5. Optimized the boss key response speed;
6. Fixed the macro button key command is an invalid problem.
Add support to Android 7.1 in Multi-MEmu
Add support to free look in keymapping panel
Add support to display frame rate on the corner
Add support to change country code
Improve the quality of audio and speaker record
Fix an issue of occasional camera view auto-activation
Fix an issue of occasional keymapping dis-function
Change for PUBG mobile
Add support to smart sprint (run by default)
Add support to smart key for emoji (F4, 0~9, -, =)
Improve the range limitation of free look to the right
Fix an issue of scope disabled when on fire
Fix an issue of occasional WASD stuck when get in/off car
Fix some tiny bugs
Change Log:
Add layout self-adaption for 2K and 4K screen
Add floating bar for operation and screen recorder
Add support to reboot emulator in operation recorder
Improve the quality of audio play
Fix some tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up.
– It will take longer if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
Add support to custom Macro in key-mapping (HOW-TO)
Add support to drag&drop to copy file from Windows to Android
Improve the user experience of operation synchronizer
Improve the user experience of shared folder
Fix the issue of mouse wheel malfunction when display FPS
Fix the issue of some keys in keypad malfunction when key-mapping
Fix some tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer to start at the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
1. Fullу орtіmіzеd kеуbоаrd соntrоl dеѕіgn аnd ехреrіеnсе;
2. Ѕоlvеd thе Мultі-Drіvе gеttіng ѕtuсk оr lоаdіng ѕlоwlу рrоblеm, аddеd “quіt” раrаmеtеr, whісh саn bе сlоѕеd durіng thе uрgrаdе оf thе Аndrоіd vеrѕіоn;
3. Орtіmіzеd thе turnіng ѕрееd оf thе еmulаtоr’ѕ ѕсrееn, аnd ѕоlvеd thе рrоblеm оf thе ѕсrееn bеіng ѕtuсk;
4. Fіхеd thе еmulаtоr сrаѕhеѕ whеn ѕаvіng ѕоmе kеуbоаrd соntrоlѕ рrоblеm;
5. Орtіmіzеd thе bоѕѕ kеу rеѕроnѕе ѕрееd;
6. Fіхеd thе mасrо buttоn kеу соmmаnd іѕ аn іnvаlіd рrоblеm.
Fully optimized keyboard control design and experience;
Solved the Multi-Drive getting stuck or loading slowly problem, added “quit” parameter, which can be closed during the upgrade of the Android version;
Optimized the turning speed of the emulator’s screen, and solved the problem of the screen being stuck;
Fixed the emulator crashes when saving some keyboard controls problem;
Optimized the boss key response speed;
Fixed the macro button key command is an invalid problem
Add support to PUBG keymapping with OpenGL mode
Add support to PUBG keymanpping for Knives Out
Add support to list most played games and apps
Change to keymapping macro
– Add support to trigger macro by mouse click
– Add support to skillcast key in mapkey command
– Add support to entershoot and exitshoot command
Improve game compatibility with V identity, Videogame Guardians, God of Highschool, VALKYRIE CONNECT, 棒球殿堂, 컴투스프로야구2018, etc.
Improve the UI layout of keymapping setting
Fix the issue of multiple VM layout on multiple screens
Fix the issue of file manager occasional crash
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer to start at the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to override.
– Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision.
Whats new:>>
Optimized the keyboard control configuration;
Add Halloween theme in the Theme center.
Whats new:>>
👉Fixed the problem of failed to update rom in Multi-Drive;
👉Fixed the compatibility problem of the game Epic Seven. It can be smoothly run on NoxPlayer with Android 5.1.1
Epic Seven global service will released on Nov. 8th, you can enjoy the game on PC with NoxPlayer!!
Whats new:>>
Optimized Homepage of KOPLAYER
Add "App Center"
Reduce the package size
Enhance gaming experience
Fix known bugs
Upgrade MEMU core engine for better performance
Add support to tab different app like Chrome’s tab
Add support to install XAPK file directly
Add support to share camera among VMs (no need to configure any more)
Add support to choose microphone device
Add support to numerical mouse sensitivity in keymapping
Add support to a new full functional command MEMUC (How-to)
Improve CPU usage significantly in OpenGL mode
Increase internal storage size to 32GB
Reduce boot time by 30%
Changes to Multi-MEMU
Add support to batch import multiple VMs
Add support to online upgrade Android 7.1 and Android 4.4
Add support to change language separately
Fix the issue of twinkling stripe on the left screen during video record
Fix the issue of occasional black screen issue when switch graphic mode
Fix the issue of occasional mouse failure in PUBG keymapping mode
Fix the issue of occasional database access failure
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer to boot new VM at the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to overwrite.
Whats new:>>
1. Optimized the keyboard controll, add long-press continuous click mode;
2. Optimized synchronization fuction of multi-instance, virtual location can be synchronized now;
3. Optimized interaction and visual design of toolbar for easier operation;
4. Optimized the start response and restart time;
5. Optimized the Theme Center in NoxPlayer;
6. Fixed the macro button configuration failure in the keyboard control;
7. Fixed the minimization problem of multi-instance manager;
8. Fixed the crash problem caused by keyboard configuration and some graphics card models.
Fix an incompatible graphic issue with 3rd-party tool like OBS
Fix an issue of occasional VM startup failure
Fix an issue of occasional touch failure on tablet device
Fix an issue of occasional export/import VM error
Fix an issue of tab label display error
Fix some other tiny bugs
It will take a little bit longer to boot new VM at the first time.
It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to overwrite.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Increase data disk size up to 64GB
Improve the function of VM compression
Improve the function of online upgrade Android 4.4 and 7.1
Fix an issue of occasional duplicated tab on home page
Fix an issue of occasional input failure on tablet device
Fix a game compatibility issue with Brawls Star, Fate Grand Order, Blade&Soul and etc.
Fix a system compatibility issue with some Windows 7 environment
Fix some other tiny bugs
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
1. Optimized the Macro Recorder, simple interface and easier to use;
2. Optimized the Resolution Setting, with the 16:9 aspect ratio to avoid distorting graphics;
3. New Christmas theme in Theme Center;
4. Fixed compatibility issue of PUBG mobile;
Release Notes: http://www.android-x86.org/releases/releasenote-8-1-rc2
Change Log:
Add support to smart keymapping mode for Brawl Stars
Add support to control whether stop moving when releasing skill in MOBA mode
Add support to configure VM when starting through MEMUC command
Add support to “loopstop” command in the keymapping macro
Fix an issue of occasional loading game resource failure
Fix an issue of occasional compress disk failure
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer to boot new VM at the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to overwrite.
Whats new:>>
Added independent Rom update panel in Multi-Drive for the more convenient updating process
Optimized the emulator startup speed
Fixed the problem that the time zone is incorrect after starting the emulator
Fixed the problem that shared images can not preview through the image browser
Fixed the data disk loss problem that occurs in rare cases
Optimized the interface of macro recorder, display the current progress line when it minimized to the upper sidebar;
Optimized the Theme Center, change the theme in one click;
New OpenGL+ mode, provide more smoothly experience while maintaining compatibility;
Optimized the interface of the synchronization, minimize the panel during synchronization;
Provide resolution and image quality modification in PUBG Mobile, the 2K resolution now supported;
Opimized the Multi-Drive;
Fixed the problem of Google Play Store crash under Android 7 version;
Fixed the mouse pointer style of the game Arena of Valor
Change Log:
Add support to combine multiple operation scripts together
Add support to 3D View button in keymapping
Add support to more command into Macro (Details)
Add support to fixed landscape window
Add Right Mouse Attack and Cancel Attack button into keymapping for Brawl Stars
Improve the UI of multi-MEMU setting panel
Fix an issue of occasional memory leak in OpenGL mode
Fix some other tiny bugs
– It will take a little bit longer to boot new VM for the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to overwrite.
Optimized the macro recorder, retain the panel during the execution process and restore the recording process shortcut keys;
Optimized the input method;
Improved the feedback system, users will get more timely feedback;
Optimized the drop-down menu in the settings panel to avoid misuse;
Default Android 5 version, users who need to use Android 4 or 7 could add a new instance through Multi-Drive.
Add support to stick to landscape window
Add async interface to some MEMUC commands (check details)
Fix the game compatibility issues with BlackDesert, ToramOnline, Real Racing 3 etc.
Fix the keymapping compatibility issue with BrawlStars
Fix the issue of “Alt+@” combo key input failure
Improve the memory usage of MEmuHeadless
Improve the loading speed of MEmu
Fix some other tiny bugs
Fix the occasional black screen issue when switch tab.
Fix the compatibility issue with some screen record software like OBS.
Fix some other tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
✔Optimized the memory usage of the emulator to improve the smoothness of operation and the number of multiple instances;
✔Optimized the performance of the input method and improve the input stability;
✔Android 7 officially released, more stable;
✔Fixed the display problem of the toolbar;
✔Fixed the game compatibility problem of “PES CLUB MANAGER”
Optimize graphical performance of MEmu;
Optimize initialization time of MEmu;
Optimize speed of download in MEmu;
Optimize the control experience of Free Fire
Optimize the experience of zoom-in/out function of F2, F3 and mouse wheel (Ctrl + mouse wheel);
Add support to customization of capacity of instances;
Add support to display coordinates of mouse;
Add support to restore to default settings in keymapping settings;
Add support to disable sleep mode of Windows when MEmu is running;
Add support to set sensitivity of 3D view key;
Add support to lock mouse sensor within MEmu;
Add support to edit imsi and ssid with MEmuc
Increase the maximum number of instances in Multi-MEmu: 2048->8192;
Fix the smart keymapping of Brawl Stars;
Fix some input issues to do with AltGr key;
Fix the build-in recorder’s issue of audio and video are not synchronized;
Fix some occasional Internet connection issues;
Fix the issue that boss key cannot hide FPS display;
Fix compatibility of some apps: Microshare, Puzzle and Dragon, Utopia: Origin;
Fix some other tiny bugs.
– It will take a little bit longer to boot a new VM for the first time.
– It will take longer to install if you have many existed VMs to overwrite.
Whats new:>>
1. New Shortcut function, now you can create a shortcut of the specific game on the desktop, play the game just in one click.
2. Optimize drag and drop installation to increase installation speed.
3. Optimize emulator startup time.
Add support to high FPS mode(up to 120 FPS) (For some games only)
Move the key guide of PUBG mobile from the sidebar to the game UI.
Optimize the experience of zoom in/out with the mouse wheel.
Fix the issue that occasionally the usage of CPU is abnormally high.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
Whats new:>>
– Optimized the input method, fixed some small issues
– Optimized the Macro Recorder, now you are able to change the pannel size
– Optimized the Combined Play Function, users can set the time interval between scripts during recording
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s new:
Add support to Smart mode 2.0 for Free Fire
Add support to choose prevent WIndows to sleep or not in Multi MEmu(MEmu console)
Add support to send messages with Enter key on keyboards in multiple apps (eg: Whatsapp)
Add new interface of the home page of MEmu
What’s fixed:
Fixed Microphone issue and mouse issue (stuck) in Free Fire
Fixed Input issue of some special letters in some languages
Fixed the crash issue of Call of Duty: Mobile under DirectX mode.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
What’s new:
Strongly improves graphical performance
Now you can start Operation recorder, Synchronizer and Screen recorder with the shortcut key(Ctrl + F1, Ctrl + F9, Ctrl + F5) at the home screen.
Now the notifications of MEmu (Android) will show in Windows interface.(In notice center)
More performance options for low-end PCs (with one or dual-core CPU) are now provided.
When MEmu is running in virtual machines (without graphic card), DirectX mode will be the default option.
What’s fixed:
Fix the occasional bug that icon and text cannot be displayed normally.
Fix the occasional bug that the Synchronizer does not work.
Fix the occasional bug that MEmu crashes at the 63% of the initialization on some laptops.
Fix the occasional bug that MEmu cannot restart.
Fix the occasional bug that the usage of CPU is too high.
Fix the bug of Internet connection when setting DNS under NAT mode.
Fix the bug that the shoot mode is invalid when entering full screen.
Fix the bug that when entering, the letter V shows.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
What’s fixed:
“Google Play has stopped” issue on AMD cpu machines.
Fix some other tiny bugs.
Games/APPs compatibility:
Rise of Kingdoms, You may now play this game without it crashing during chat.
Tan Sinh, You may now install this game without it crashing upon launch.
What’s new:
Add full support of gamepads (Playstation, Xbox, etc.) PS, The function is still under developing, please share us your opinions and feedback about it
For moba games, add different options for skills and movement:
Trigger the skill by tapping (pressed and release) a key, the skill will be released towards the direction of your mouse sensor
For no target skills, you can now choose the key as a normal touch key
You can now release reverse-direction skills
You can now stop moving by pressing a key
You can now control the distance of movement
Optimized the response time when shutting down and restarting MEmu
Optimized the loading speed of games and applications
Optimized the general performance of MEmu
Optimized the installation speed of apk\xapk files
Now MEmu can be minimized to the notification area
What’s fixed:
Fixed the occasional failure when installing xapk files
Fixed the occasional failure when restarting of MEmu
Fixed the occasional failure of the synchronizer
Fixed the smart keymapping of PUBG mobile, LifeAfter and FreeFire
Games/APPs’ compatibility:
Mobile Legends, Now you can find HFR (High Frame rate) mode in options Tutorial
Princess connect TW, JP (tw.sonet.princessconnect, jp.co.cygames.princessconnectredive) You can now play the game without display error (Lack animation\Black background)
MPL Tool, You can now play the game without compatibility issues.
Cyber Hunter Lite, You may now play the game without lag
Whats new:>>
Fixed the issue that disk space cannot be expanded
Fixed the smart keymapping of Brawl Stars
Fixed the high CPU usage after launching MEmu
Fixed some other tiny bugs
Whats new:>>
Greatly optimized the sensitivity of Free FIre.
Greatly optimized the user experience of Gamepad mapping.
What’s fixed:
Fixed the occasional issue that the cloned emulator cannot be controlled by keyboard and mouse.
Fixed the issue that in some game the sound is twisted.
– The mouse problem after enter the view change function
New Functions
– Apk file extraction function, drag and drop to get the apk file easily
Long press the App icon, and drag the icon to “APK Export”
– Add “Show FPS” function to display the real-time FPS (Only in OpenGL+ mode)
– Add “Lock perspective” and “Change perspective” function in some certain games to optimize the gameplay experience
– Add “Keyboard perspective” function, now it’s able to use the keyboard to change the perspective in 3D games
– Add update reminder
Totally new UI.
Greatly optimized performance of MEmu, especially on low-end devices.
New GPU memory optimization setting added. Enable it can reduce runtime GPU memory usage.
Add the option to turn on/off anti-flicker and screen capture.
Add option to turn on/off app tabs
Add function to auto-start MEmu with Windows.
Add shortcuts of volume up/down.
Fix the occasional issue that the switch between app labs is too slow.
Fix the occasional issue that the names of VMs are wrong in synchronizer.
Fix the occasional issue that MEmu gets black screen on PC with integrated GPU (Intel HD graphic series).
(New for 7.0.1)
For Multi-MEmu
Add group function
Add randomize function
Add batch settings for all the VMs
Add filters to choose VMs
Fix the compatibility of these games: COR, Valkyrie Connect, PUBG Mobile Lite, One Punch Man, Garena Call of Duty Mobile, Baseball Hall Rise
What’s new:
Add the area for zooming MEmu (The outside area) to make it easier
Optimize render and I/O performance of MEmu
What’s fixed:
Fixed some case of stuck at 59% during the initialization
Fixed the issue that the high CPU usage of some NVIDIA GPU users after closing MEmu
Fixed the lag when releasing some skills in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
– The crashing issue of 《onedriver》
– The display issue of 《March of Empires》
– The display issue of 《Trade Town》
Add support to stick to landscape window
Add async interface to some MEMUC commands (check details)
Fix the game compatibility issue with BlackDesert and ToramOnline
Fix the keymapping compatibility issue with BrawlStars
Fix the issue of "Alt+@" combo key input failure
Improve the memory usage of MEmuHeadless
Improve the loading speed of MEmu
Fix some other tiny bugs
Fixed –
1.Provide a wider vision of FPS game
You can have a better experience on your PC now!
2.the problem that the equipment menu cannot be slid during picking up bags in PUBG
1. Optimize simulator performance and improve operational stability
2. Optimize the network bridging function experience
Fixed some conditions that cause MEmu get stuck at 99%
Fixed the occasional issue that there is no sound after start
Fixed the occasional issue that the icon flickers in the Windows tray
Fixed the occasional issue that an error message pops up when closing MEmu
Fixed the memory leak under some certain situations
Fixed the occasional issue that Multi-MEmu crashes when using batch start
Fixed the issue that some MEmuc commands fail after the MEmu 7.0.1 version
Fixed the occasional issue that the speed of a fresh installation is slow
Fixed the occasional issue that keymapping & FPS cannot show after entering full screen
1. Add the backup and import function in the emulator, you can back up and restore data without the startup of multi-instance now;
2. Optimize the classification of the settings items and find the setting items more convenient;
3. Add the sorting function by name in multi-instance;
4. Optimize the settings in the multi-instance, the FPS is up to 120 ;
5. Optimize the interaction of the new emulator in the multi-instance, and it is more convenient to add the emulator;
1. Boom Beach is available on NoxPlayer now! Download and Experience it!
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s new:
1.You can now set the limitation of FPS with a minimum interval 1 FPS;
2.Multi-MEmu now will keep the order of Instances;
3.Operation recorder now supports shut down MEmu after executing a script;
4.The bubble after making a screenshot now can be turn off by turning off Android notification
5.The volume +/- now can be synchronized by synchronizer
What’s fixed:
1.Fixed the RAM, GPU memory leak of MEmu
2.Fix adb commands cannot be used in MEmuc when using bridge Internet
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
1. Optimize the game experience, the overall operation is smoother.
2. Remove “Segurazo” and “Chromium” from the Bundleware now!!! You will not see the adware during downloading NoxPlayer.
1. Fixed the issue that the items in the backpack could not be selected after 【PUBG】update.
2. Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat are available now.
What’s New:>>
Optimize the game experience, the overall operation is smoother.
Remove “Segurazo” from the Bundleware now!!! You will not see the adware during downloading NoxPlayer.
Fixed the issue that the items in the backpack could not be selected after PUBG update.
Injustice 2 and Mortal Kombat are available now.
Whats new:>>
64-bit Android emulator is supported;
Optimized the performance of the following games: Lifeafter, Call of Duty Mobile, Asphalt 9 in OpenGL mode;
Fixed an issue where some emulators got stuck at 99% in OpenGL mode.
What’s New:
NoxPlayer will recommend the best performance settings based on different games
Sound settings added to the system settings
Allow users to change the speakers manually in case of problems.
Computer model added to the System info
Help users to get into BIOS to enable VT.
Controller icon added in the toolbar
The user interface of Video recorder
Allow users to use the Video recorder more convenient.
The width of the toolbar
Narrowed the toolbar when only show the icons.
The function of creating shortcuts
Allow users to create a shortcut of the game directly to the computer desktop
The content and the logic of some pop-ups
Provide a better experience for the users
The problem of PrtScn when changing the saving path of files
What’s new:
1. Updated the display effect of keymapping;
2. Now Asphalt 9 can be controlled directly by your keyboard (Using Android 7.1)
3. For Multi-MEmu, added bulk actions: ①Clean up ②Optimization
What’s fixed:
1. Fixed the issue that occasionally the shooting key (left click) is out of work for games like PUBG Mobile and Lifeafter;
2. Fixed the issue that Auto Chess Crashes after a certain period of time;
3.Fixed the issues of MEmuc: Lag of command listvms; Command GPS config; Command clone;
4.Fixed the issue that ADB cannot be connected of Android 7.1 image
5. For Multi-MEmu, fixed the issue that certain property of emulator is not changed when being cloned\randomized
Game/app compatibility: Fixed the compatibility issue of Fate Go, Teon. Fixed the compatibility issues of Badoo, Oceanhorn, Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery on Android 7.1
What’s new:
Add the wallpaper and support to customize the wallpaper (which is only available to Android 5)
Macro recorder, Video recorder, and sync assistant supports to search, rank, delete and drag the windows in bulk now
Add ASTC setting, which makes the game graphics clearer
Optimize the experience of multi-instance arrangement
Whats new:>>
Add macro in the handle configuration to make the operation more convenient. Optimized Optimize partial interactive experience.
1. Added continuous click function and macro recording function for key mapping
2. Fixed an accidental problem where text in the emulator could not be deleted
3. After opening the game, disable the pull down of the Android menu so as not to affect the operation of the game
4.Fixed an issue that the viewing angle key could not be moved after full screen display of some games
5. Add albums, contacts and calendars as default apps
6.Memuc function enhancement and problem repair
-Added gravity acceleration setting command
-Added command to get list of third party apps
-Added shortcut parameter when installing app
-Added function to import ".memu" file
Fixed an issue where the -rename command was sometimes not valid
Whats new:>>
What’s Optimized
1. Greatly optimize the occupation of the system memory, the better the machine performance, the more obvious the optimization;
2. The keyboard configuration supports to switch quickly by shortcuts now, which is more convenient to use;
3. The controller supports the function of rotating the viewing angle for a better gamepad experience, such as Brawl Stars;
4. Fixed the crash issue of 【このファン】(KonoSuba)
What’s New:
“Pause” function added to Sync
“Combination Key” added to the controller keymapping
Download file added to File Assist
You can find the download file on your PC and share files between PC and NoxPlayer
Build-in Google Play updated
No need to restart NoxPlayer to bring the effect to the Boss key changing
Fix the crash caused by keymapping file saving (save failed and special keys)
Fix the crash caused by reset controller button frequently
Fix the problem of failing to bring hiding Toolbar to effect after restart NoxPlayer
Fix the problem of unable to edit the GPS Walking function in the keymapping
Fix the problem of the disorder of icons when overwrite-install NoxPlayer
Fix the problem of casting deviation of Mobile Legends: Bang Bang
Whаt’ѕ Орtіmіzеd:
Grеаtlу орtіmіzе thе ѕуѕtеm mеmоrу оссuраtіоn, thе bеttеr thе mасhіnе реrfоrmаnсе, thе mоrе оbvіоuѕ thе орtіmіzаtіоn;
Thе kеуbоаrd соnfіgurаtіоn ѕuрроrtѕ tо ѕwіtсh quісklу bу ѕhоrtсutѕ nоw, whісh іѕ mоrе соnvеnіеnt tо uѕе;
Тhе соntrоllеr ѕuрроrtѕ thе funсtіоn оf rоtаtіng thе vіеwіng аnglе fоr а bеttеr gаmераd ехреrіеnсе, ѕuсh аѕ Вrаwl Ѕtаrѕ;
Fіхеd thе сrаѕh іѕѕuе оf (КоnоЅubа)
Whаt’ѕ nеw:
Аdd mоrе раttеrnѕ оf thе mоuѕе, whісh саn ѕwіtсh tо thе dіffеrеnt tуре оf mоuѕе frееlу
Аdd thе funсtіоn оf tіmіng bасkuр rеmіndеr whісh саn рrоtесt thе dаtа ѕаfеtу
Аdd Саmеrаоn Аndrоіd 7
Whаt’ѕ орtіmіzеd:
Ѕоlvе thе соnflісt wіth thе bасkgrоund соlоr whіlе еntеrіng сhаrасtеrѕ іn thе gаmе lіkе Аurа Кіngdоm 2
Орtіmіzе ѕоmе ехреrіеnсе іn thе еmulаtоr
Whаt’ѕ nеw:
Аdd mоrе раttеrnѕ оf thе mоuѕе, whісh саn ѕwіtсh tо thе dіffеrеnt tуре оf mоuѕе frееlу
Аdd thе funсtіоn оf 【tіmіng bасkuр rеmіndеr】whісh саn рrоtесt thе dаtа ѕаfеtу
Аdd 【Саmеrа】оn Аndrоіd 7
Whаt’ѕ орtіmіzеd:
Ѕоlvе thе соnflісt wіth thе bасkgrоund соlоr whіlе еntеrіng сhаrасtеrѕ іn thе gаmе lіkе 【Аurа Кіngdоm 2】
Орtіmіzе ѕоmе ехреrіеnсе іn thе еmulаtоr
Added the command of【multipress/multiclick】 in Macro to support the multi-press operation.
Take full use of keys, which supports more key combinations; Controller supports to configure the key of L3 (Left Joystick), and R3 (Right Joystick).
Support smart-casting and the adjustment of the casting distance; improve the accuracy of the Right Joystick
Optimize the recognition and display experience of various controllers;
Support to provide the official controller configuration recommended by NoxPlayer;
Optimize some interactive experiences.
Fixed the issue that the lag of view control while pressing shift to run in【Free Fire】
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
What’s new:
Add the switch of Keyboard mapping, which supports to turn on or off the keyset according to different games;
Add the function 【Rendering cache】, which improves the fluency of some games;
What’s optimized:
Boost the performance to smartly allocate the resource so as to reduce the occupation of memory and CPU effectively
Optimize the experience for developers, which is more convenient to connect and debug;
Optimize some interactive experiences;
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s new:
– Added Membership Center which offers premium features to customize the interface and remove the ads. Check-in daily to win MEmu premium membership and rare skin for free!
– Added vertical sensitivity support
– Added “WASD” operation mode (switch swiping speed between 3 modes)
– Added “cooperate keymapping” (trigger the press/release action on separate locations)
What’s fixed:
– Fixed the issue of macro key offset caused by scaled-up system resolution (affecting Free Fire)
– Fixed the issue of shared accounts in a few games
– Fixed the skill release issue of “Arena of Valor”
– Fixed the movement issue of “Brawl Stars”
– Fixed the issue that “LifeAfter” can’t sprint in the oblique direction
– Fixed the first skill failure issue on the four skill heroes of “Mobile Legends”
– Fix the compatibility issue of “Kwai”
– Fix the issue that some Xbox controllers are not detected
MEmuC optimization:
– Support options to exit settings
– Fix the issue that the window hidden by the boss key cannot be activated
Whats new:>>
1. The default theme has been updated
2. The mobile device list has been optimized
3. The users' interface and interaction experience optimized
What’s new:
The keymapping description sidebar now has an editing feature
The smart keys can be deleted and customized to the regular keys
The default wallpaper and the about interface are revamped
The macro keys can be triggered in other key’s macro script
The UI for multiple languages has been updated to the latest
MEMUC now supports the creation of application desktop shortcuts
What’s fixed:
Fixed the problem that the new image is stuck when it is opened for the first time
Fixed and optimized the smart key for Free Fire and CODM
Fixed the issue where “Brawl Stars” would occasionally fail to cancel the skill release
Fixed the problem of an occasional drift of the joystick when right-clicking in “Mobile Legends”
Fixed the issue of “Arena of Valor” interrupting skills with the clicker
Fixed the problem that some controllers are not recognized after unplugging
The default DPI for 720P resolution is now set to 240
Whats new:>>
Fixed the false alert of MEmu Headless crash in some cases
Fixed the aiming offset problem in Brawl Stars
Вооѕt thе реrfоrmаnсе tо ѕmаrtlу аllосаtе thе rеѕоurсе ѕо аѕ tо rеduсе thе оссuраtіоn оf mеmоrу аnd СРU еffесtіvеlу
Орtіmіzе thе ехреrіеnсе fоr dеvеlореrѕ, whісh іѕ mоrе соnvеnіеnt tо соnnесt аnd dеbug;
Орtіmіzе ѕоmе іntеrасtіvе ехреrіеnсеѕ;
Whats new:>>
What’s added:
Added click mode to repeat touches – multiple clicks are triggered after pressing the button
The keymapping now supports combination keys editing
What’s fixed:
Optimized the control of “Among Us”
Optimized the perspective of “Free Fire”
Fixed the crash issues for League of Legends: Wild Rift, COD Mobile, Genshin Impact, and Lineage II
Fixed the problem that the skills of “Arena of Valor” may not be released
What’s new:
Added the function of the right mouse button as the Back button, which can be set in the settings, making the operation more convenient;
Added a configuration panel for 【League of Legends: Wild Rift】 to support to match suitable key-mapping for each hero;
Game fixed:
Fix the problem of banning the emulator in 【Call of Duty®: Mobile】(global version)!
Optimized the experience of the toolbar in full screen;
Fix some type of error within the emulator
What’s added:
The cast keymapping supports the adjustment of the character center position and the skill casting sensitivity
Application scenario: In some MOBA games, the center position of the character is different. This function can fine-tune the position of the character to make the right-click movement and skill casting more accurate.
The cast keymapping supports the adjustment of the skill casting sensitivity:
Application scenario: You can customize the casting speed of the skill, the larger the value, the faster the casting speed (note: The game may not be able to react when the speed is too fast)
The crosshair keymapping supports to switch on/off “Cursor acceleration”:
Application scene: The default setting is disabled so the camera rotation is smoother. After checking, the camera will rotate faster and more flexible
Joystick keymapping supports analog mouse function:
Application scenario: This function can simulate mouse clicks, and you can click anywhere on the screen when using the joystick, avoiding the complexity of operating the mouse!
What’s fixed:
Zoom keymapping supports editing with mouse buttons
Optimized the stability while turning the camera in Free Fire
The system setting now supports selecting the 90 frame rates mode
The MEmuc listvms command supports returning the specified instance information
1. Add a new phone model-Asus ROG2
2. Optimize some parts of interactive experience
1. Fix the crash of the game【Cookie Run: Kingdom】
2. Fix the display problem of【Uma Musume Pretty Derby】
What’s added:
“Expand sight” keymapping supports the dynamic correction of hero skill accuracy
The synchronizer supports the pause function
New MEmuc command
listvms –render (obtaining the handle of the render window)
randomize (one-key switch function)
What’s fixed:
Fixed a memory leak problem in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Fixed the problem of automatically entering “AUTH” in the input box
Fixed the problem of no response when touching the screen on some tablets
Fixed the problem that there is no sound in the emulator after the output device is unplugged or changed
Fixed the problem that the emulator may not respond when exporting the keymapping
What's new:
1.Add the new function-【Script-invoking】, which supports invoking the recorded script quickly to unlock more operation combined with Macro;
2.Add a new key to interrupt Move Control;
3. Add a new pop-up when you disable hyper-v.
What's optimized:
1. Optimize the UI of Multi-Instance, which is more convenient to use;
2. Support checking the list of installed applications of each emulator in Multi-Instance;
3. Support batch the emulator settings and more functions are available now;
4. Support "extreme multi-instance", which can be configured quickly to increase the number of multi-instances;
5. Support Left and right-column alignment in Multi-Instance Arrangement, which provides more forms of arrangement.
6. Supports key-binding in Macro
7. Optimize the experience of the controller to display the controller keyset more freely;
8. Optimize customized wallpapers, which supports uploading your favored image as the desktop;
What's fixed:
1. Fix the display problem of 【MARVEL Super War】on Android 7
Whats new:>>
Allow users to manually adjust the size of the multi-instance manager window, in order to show more info for the instances;
UI & IxD optimized
【Multi-instance settings】optimized
Support Memorizing Multi-instance window size
Popup optimized when connecting the gamepad
“Android Version" info added to the “System info"
Live wallpaper supported, IxD optimized
What's fixed:
Fix the display problem of My Hero Academia on Android 7
Fix the display issue on OpenGL 3.1 and the lower version
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
Whats new:>>
Play Mech Arena: Robot Showdown (com.plarium.mechlegion) without facing any lag or freeze issues on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit! Some screws had gone missing from the Mechs, thankfully we had spares.
You can now play Guardian Tales (com.kakaogames.gdts, com.kakaogames.gdtskr) without facing any FPS drop or freeze issues on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit.
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. You will enjoy the best gameplay experience in Marvel Future Revolution (com.netmarble.marvelfr) on the latest BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta) and you will not face:
A black screen during the opening screen or while playing the mini-game during the data download process.
"Device incompatible" error while trying to download the game from the Google Play Store.
2. You can now play Ragnarok X: Next Generation (com.play.rosea, com.play.rogt) without any crashes that would close BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta).
1. You will now be able to use apps that require access to your location in order to function efficiently and find nearby gamers to play with, by using the "Set location" feature on BlueStacks 5.
2. You can quickly and easily arrange your active BlueStacks 5 instances by auto-aligning them on any monitor that you're using. You can do this by:
Dragging the Multi-instance Manager to the monitor of your choice.
Then, clicking on the "Arrange" button.
3. You can mute or unmute BlueStacks 5 by opening the Volume bar from the Side Toolbar and clicking on the "Sound" icon.
You may also increase or decrease the volume of BlueStacks 5 as per your liking, by adjusting the slider in the volume bar. To learn more in detail about controlling the volume, click here.
4. You can quickly pause/play "Sync operations" by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + P keys to perform actions that you don't wish to replay, such as customizing settings or typing a message.
5. You will now experience an enhanced gaming experience while you're playing Rise of Kingdoms on BlueStacks 5 due to the performance improvements made to optimize CPU usage.
Bug Fixes
You will now be able to share your location in モンスターストライク (jp.co.mixi.monsterstrike) without any issues on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit!
Play The Witcher: Monster Slayer (com.spokko.witchermonsterslayer) on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit without facing any black screen issues. Our developers have slain the darkness with their righteous code!
You can play 東方ダンマクカグラ(ダンカグ)(com.dena.a12026801) on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta) without worrying about any pesky error messages bothering you!
Enjoy spending time in the world of 天涯明月刀 M - Garena (com.garena.game.mbmtw) as we've kicked lag and low FPS issues far-far away! If you squint your eyes, you might even spot them in the distance waving goodbye!
You can now launch Merge Dragons! (com.gramgames.mergedragons) and login with your Facebook account without facing a black screen on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit!
You can now use Fox Live (com.social.foxlive) without facing any flickering issues on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit!
Login to Rush Royale (com.my.defense) or Fishing Clash: Catch Big Fish (com.tensquaregames.letsfish2) through your Facebook account without facing a black screen on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and 64-bit.
Whats new:>>
The latest version resolves a few issues preventing successful BlueStacks 5 updates.
Whats new:>>
1. You can now win exciting rewards like Google Play gift cards and more through Play & Win with Piggy on any of your BlueStacks 5 instances! Play now for the chance of winning amazing prizes.
2. Easily copy the gift card codes you've won in Play & Win with Piggy by clicking on the Clipboard button to their side within the Treasure tab.
Bug Fixes
Access additional information for Play & Win with Piggy by clicking on the Help button now available at the bottom-left side, so it doesn't get overlapped by the clock within BlueStacks 5.
Enjoy enhanced performance while playing Marvel Future Revolution (com.netmarble.marvelfr) without any lag or FPS issues on the latest BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit.
Whats new:>>
1. Easily clone instances using the Multi-instance Manager on BlueStacks 5.
2. You can now launch BlueStacks X (Beta) with BlueStacks 5 running in the background.
Whats new:>>
1. You can now play Call of Duty: Mobile (com.garena.game.codm, com.tencent.tmgp.kr.codm, com.vng.codmvn and com.activision.callofduty.shooter) without any crashes on the latest BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and Nougat 64-bit.
2. You will now be able to play 콜 오브 듀티: 모바일 (com.tencent.tmgp.cod) without facing a black screen when you launch the game on the latest BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and Nougat 64-bit.
Whats new:>>
1. Our in-house elves have now assured us that you can launch BlueStacks 5 without seeing the pesky "Cannot start BlueStacks" error message.
2. You can now play Free Fire MAX (com.dts.freefiremax) without encountering a black screen when you launch the game on the latest version of BlueStacks 5.
3. Ragnarok X (com.play.rosea) has been given a complete makeover resulting in the elimination of the game crashing, freezing, or showing a black screen.
4. Mech Arena: Robot Showdown (com.plarium.mechlegion) will no longer crash when you equip your robots with smart controls on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit.
5. Play 가디언테일즈 일본(com.kongstudios.prjoak.jp) at a consistent FPS for a more immersive experience. Additionally, the game will no longer freeze when you're playing.
Whats new:>>
1. Embark on the gaming journey of your lifetime by updating to the latest version of BlueStacks 5 without any hassle.
2. You can now launch Bluestacks 5 with ease and enjoy a smooth transition into the world of Android gaming.
3. You can now play LOTR: War on BlueStacks 5 without the game crashing or showing a black screen on AMD GPU laptops/PCs.
1. Stay updated about in-game events, your latest chats and messages on your desktop with Desktop notifications.
2. Hide BlueStacks 5 from prying eyes instantly by making it disappear from the Desktop and taskbar using the Boss Key (Ctrl+Shift+X).
3. Enhance your gaming performance in certain apps by creating a custom device profile of your choice!
4. Multitask efficiently and play more games at the same time by creating a much larger number of instances on BlueStacks 5!
5. Free up space by deleting the master instance that you don't wish to use anymore!
6. Easily access your macros instantly using the search box or by creating folders in the Macro Manager window. You can also resize the Macro Manager window to accommodate more macros in one view without scrolling through a long list.
7. Enjoy using macros without any interruptions to your gameplay, as the Macro Manager will now reopen on its last set position.
8. You can now assign your dedicated AMD GPUs to be used within BlueStacks 5.
9. We've also squashed bugs reported by some of you. Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
Click here to view the detailed Release Notes (https://support.bluestacks.com/hc/articles/4412476804493) .
1. Easily change your high-resolution profile picture in King of Avalon, or avatar image in State of Survival, without your screen freezing.
2. Say goodbye to unwanted image rotations in Snapchat.
3. Embark on an adventure in Seven Knights 2 and play the game smoothly without any worry of lag or FPS drops.
4. You will now be able to sign in with your Google Play account in Seven Knights 2 without any hassles.
5. Bid adieu to game crashing when you play Tales of Luminaria.
6. Hit a home run in MLB 9 Innings 21 without any glitches.
7. Play Geometry Dash SubZero at the pace that you enjoy as we have squashed the bug that was making the gameplay faster.
8. Enjoy playing [AKB48??] AKB48 World] without observing a black screen or screen flicker.
9. Play Free Fire MAX without the screen freezing.
10. Claim victory on the battleground without any crashes in Battleground Mobile India.
11. You can now play Merge Dragons without any crashes.
12. You will no longer see a black screen when you play Rocket League Sideswipe.
13. Play ?????? with your friends without the game stopping when you log in.
14. Enter the world of Free Fire MAX without the game crashing.
15. Stay updated about in-game events, your latest chats and messages on your desktop with Desktop notifications.
16. Hide BlueStacks 5 from prying eyes instantly by making it disappear from the Desktop and taskbar using the Boss Key (Ctrl+Shift+X).
17. Enhance your gaming performance in certain apps by creating a custom device profile of your choice!
18. Multitask efficiently and play more games at the same time by creating a much larger number of instances on BlueStacks 5!
19. Free up space by deleting the master instance that you don't wish to use anymore!
20. Easily access your macros instantly using the search box or by creating folders in the Macro Manager window. You can also resize the Macro Manager window to accommodate more macros in one view without scrolling through a long list.
21. Enjoy using macros without any interruptions to your gameplay, as the Macro Manager will now reopen on its last set position.
22. You can now assign your dedicated AMD GPUs to be used within BlueStacks 5.
23. We've also squashed bugs reported by some of you. Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
Click here to view the detailed Release Notes (https://support.bluestacks.com/hc/articles/4412476804493) .
1. Erleichtere den Zugriff auf deine Instanzen, indem du sie in Ordnern organisierst und sie für einen schnelleren Zugriff neu anordnest. Du kannst auch mehrere Instanzen innerhalb und außerhalb von Ordnern im Multi-Instanzen-Manager ausführen.
2. Finde die gesuchte Instanz schnell, indem du die Größe des Multi-Instanzen-Manager-Fensters vertikal veränderst,ohne durch eine lange Liste von Instanzen scrollen zu müssen.
3. Passe deine BlueStacks-Kurzbefehle an, indem du eine oder zwei Tasten auf deiner Tastatur mit BlueStacks-Funktionen (z. B. Steuerungs-Editor, Eco-Modus usw.) und Makros belegst.
4. Entdecke das Spielen von Android-Spielen in der Cloud mit BlueStacks X (Beta) über deinen Multi-Instanzen-Manager.
5. Du kannst deine Android-Lieblingsspiele im Handumdrehen spielen, denn BlueStacks startet jetzt noch schneller als zuvor.
6. Schalte deine Gegner in Free Fire mühelos aus, denn wir haben die CPU-Auslastung des Spiels optimiert.
7. Dank neuer Waffen-Upgrades von freundlichen intergalaktischen Aliens wirst du über mehrere erlegte Bugs hinter dir lassen. Klicke auf den untenstehenden Link, um die vollständige Liste der Fehlerbehebungen zu sehen.
1. Easily access your instances by organizing them into folders and rearranging them for quicker access. You can also run multiple instances placed within and outside folders in the Multi-instance Manager window.
2. Quickly find the instance you’re looking for by vertically resizing your Multi-instance Manager window without having to scroll through a long list of instances.
3. Customize your BlueStacks shortcuts by assigning one or two keys, on your keyboard, to BlueStacks functions (eg Controls editor, Eco mode etc.) and macros.
4. Explore playing Android games on Cloud with BlueStacks X (Beta) from your Multi-instance Manager.
5. Get to your favorite Android games in a flash as BlueStacks will now launch faster than before.
6. Take down your enemies easily when you play Free Fire as we have optimized the CPU usage of the game.
7. You will progress beyond several bugs vanquished, thanks to new weapon upgrades received from friendly intergalactic aliens. Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
New voice chat feature added: now you can voice chat with your friends when mobile gaming on NoxPlayer! To know more about the voice chat feature check here.
Optimized keyboard mapping related features.
Fixed macro recording related issues.
Fixed occasional sound cracking or distortion issues.
Whats new:>>
You will now be able to use smart controls better than before as we have made improvements to them.
1. Make in-app purchases easily when playing your favorite Android games. Upgrade your gear and get your desired in-game cosmetics.
2. Play Loveandbetrayal without the in-game graphics glitching out and betraying you!
3. You can play DQ??? without the game crashing. We’ve also tweaked some internal engines which will ensure that you don't see any black lines on your screen.
4. Explore the infinite metaverse of Roblox without the game crashing.
5. Bid adieu to game crashes when you launch ?????????? ?????.
6. Launch and play ?????????? easily after the latest app update.
7. You can now play ???????????Re:Dive without the game crashing.
8. You will no longer see a black screen when you play Gran Saga.
9. Launch and play ?????????? without any hassles after the latest app update.
10. No more crashes to stop you from becoming the Rockstar of your dreams in ????????????Music.
11. Step into the battlefield in Valkyrie Connect without the game crashing or getting stuck at launch!
12. You can enter and play ??? like a champion without any hurdle blocking your path to glory!
13. Claim victory on the battleground without any crashes or graphical glitches in ??? ??? ??.
1. You can now easily make in-app purchases on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit and Pie 64-bit (Beta) without any hassles.
2. Play Loveandbetrayal (com.xinjiang.loveandbetrayal) without any graphical glitches on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit.
3. Build the ultimate monster team without observing any black lines or crashes when you play DQ???(com.square_enix.android_googleplay.dqtactj) on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit.
4. Step into the world of Roblox (com.roblox.client) without the game crashing on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta) and enjoy the thrills of the creative universe!
5. Get ready for an adventure on the continent of Orstella without the game crashing as you play ?????????? ????? (com.square_enix.android_googleplay.octopathj) on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta).
6. You can now update and play ?????????? (com.square_enix.dqxtools) on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit and Pie 64-bit (Beta) without any interruptions.
7. Say goodbye to crashes when you launch and play ???????????Re:Dive (jp.co.cygames.princessconnectredive) on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta)!
8. Say Sayonara to the black screen when you play Gran Saga (com.npixel.GranSagaJP) on an Intel GPU on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit and Pie 64-bit (Beta).
9. Step into the world of ???????????com.square_enix.hoshinodqjp) and set off on an adventure with ease on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and Pie 64-bit.
10. Create your own live concert and perform in ????????????Music (jp.co.happyelements.boysm) without the game crashing on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit and Pie 64-bit (Beta).
11. Gear up your characters in Valkyrie Connect (jp.co.atm.vcon.jp, jp.co.atm.vcon.ww) and step into the battlefield without any crashes or glitches on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32-bit and Pie 64-bit.
12. Easily enter the world of ??? (com.ulugames.chaosglory.google) as the permission pop-up will not appear cropped anymore on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit.
13. Get ready to outwit your enemies in battle without the fear of crashes or graphical glitches when you play ??? ??? ?? (com.square_enix.android_googleplay.dqtactn) on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 32/64-bit.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Improved the stability of MEmu Launcher
Fixed some webpage render issues in games and browsers.
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. Make space for new games and apps by dusting away leftover disk space from uninstalled games with the Disk Cleanup tool!
2. Mute all running instances on BlueStacks 5 with a single click and say hello to pin-drop silence!
3. Spot your cursor easily while playing games as the default BlueStacks cursor is now orange in color!
4. Using the Boss Key (Ctrl+Shift+X) will mute all running instances, in addition to hiding them!
5. Get to your favorite games quickly as BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta) will launch faster with the extra boost we've provided to our engines!
6. Play your favorite games effortlessly as we gave some bugs their marching orders and showed them the door! Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Optimized UI & UX design of [App Center];
Optimized UX design of [Nox Assistant];
Optimized [Cursor Reset]. Now you can shoot in games smoothly.
What’s new:
The 64-bit emulator is used by default, in order to improve the compatibility and experience of games.
Support Hyper-V virtualization engine. Old 32/64-bit emulators can upgrade smoothly.
Optimize the overcall performance of games. Games run more smoothly.
Optimize the game installation speed, which saves time by 50%+.
Optimize the first startup time of the emulator, which saves time by 40%+.
Integrate the interface of Andorid 9, which will be released soon.
What’s fixed:
Fixed the problem that sdcard cannot be used after Android soft restart.
Fixed the problem of no response during the running of some games.
Fixed the problem of insufficient resources when running some games.
Fixed the problem of blurry screen and splash screen in some games.
Whats new:>>
Fixed the problem that the Android UI of 32-bit instance is stuck when VT (CPU virtualization technology) is not turned on.
Fixed the failure of APK/XAPK installation with size bigger than 2GB.
Fixed the problem that the Quick Macro cannot be operated by volume plus/minus.
Fixed some game compatibility issues on AMD device models.
1. No more crashes or error messages to stop you when you play Apex Legends Mobile.
2. Chat with your fellow heroes without any glitches in the stunning world of Dislyte.
3. You can use Roblox's native keyboard and mouse controls for a better gameplay experience.
4. You can now play ??????? (com.netease.lotrhmt) without the game getting stuck on launch.
5. No more graphical glitches when you try to log into Google Play Store.
6. Step into the world of ??????-????????? (com.bbgame.nobunaga.gp.tw) without any crashes.
7. Defeat the monsters in Little Hero: Idle RPG (com.lingjing.xxyzglobal) without the fear of the game crashing or getting stuck at launch.
8. Launch and play ??:???? (com.en.datealive.gp) without any crashes.
9. Share your videos without them turning upside down when you put a post or a story on Instagram.
10. Easily access your most recently used macros from within the Macro Manager window without having to scroll through your collection of macros.
11. Select a performance mode while creating an instance or pick the default setting we've provided for an optimal multi-instance gaming experience.
12. Silence the Android tapping sound for a more focused experience when you use the Google Play Store, Android Settings or Media Manager on BlueStacks 5
13. BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta) will now launch faster than before letting you zoom ahead like an F1 driver!
14. You can now play games based on Unreal Engine 4, such as Dragon Raja, at an improved FPS! Our upgraded interdimensional engines will now help you reach greater milestones.
15. Take off smoothly to get to your favorite Android games as we have removed some out-of-place cones from BlueStacks 5's runway.
16. Play your favorite games without any hassles as we have swept away some dusty bugs and given your gaming experience a glow-up.
Whats new:>>
Added the search bar in Nox Asst. You can search for games & apps easier.
We have fixed some bugs in NoxPlayer.
1. Get ready to live the high-definition life! Play your favorite Android games in glorious 4K resolution on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit (Beta).
2. You will now be guided to enable virtualization on some PC's with AMD Ryzen and Intel CPUs, where virtualization is disabled, when you launch BlueStacks 5.
3. Command your Cats and take down the enemy base without any graphical glitches in ???????.
4. Live your dreams in???????????without any black screens.
5. Play Left to Survive: Action PVP & Dead Zombie Shooter without any distorted graphics.
6. Create the ultimate feline army in ?? ??? without coming across any graphical glitches.
Embark on an unparalleled gaming journey by:
Playing your favorite games in 4K resolution
Creating and switching between multiple custom resolutions to suit your preference
Give your BlueStacks 5 files an additional layer of protection by updating the format of the existing user data to the latest data format.
Locating your cursor in MOBA games like Mobile Legends is now easier than ever with the new bright yellow cursor. You can also right-click anywhere on your game screen to find it immediately.
Take charge of your gameplay as you will now be notified when game controls get updated in your favorite games on BlueStacks 5.
Experience enhanced gameplay with native mouse controls in Minecraft.
We've weeded out some unwanted bugs from your favorite apps to keep your Game Garden blooming. Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
What’s new:
Optimize the performance of MEmu and improve the game experiences.
Improve the image quality and more smoothly of “Apex Legends Mobile”, support smart keymapping.
Chrome as the default browser.
What’s fixed:
Fix the problem of no network after changing DNS under HyperV mode.
Fixed some issues of Multi-MEmu:
Fixed occasional crashes when sorting windows.
Fixed the failure issue when creating new instances in some cases.
Fixed the problem that the disk becomes larger after cleaning.
Fix the problem that the RT/LT buttons of the “GameSir-T3” series controllers cannot be used.
Fix the problem that there is no placeholder icon on the desktop when some APKs are installed.
Whats new:>>
Added [Notifications] in Nox Asst. You can get any game news, gameplays and optimized features here!
Optimized UI & UX design of Nox Points.
Optimized some features and improved users' experience.
1. Minor improvements to the UI (User Interface) have been made for an enhanced experience.
2. Kick back, relax and enjoy a more comfortable gaming journey on BlueStacks 5, as you can now:
Play your favorite games using the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X/S gamepads
Experience the thrill of in-game events with the all-new vibration setting for your gamepads
3. Using multiple cameras on BlueStacks 5 now is easier than ever as you can choose a camera that works well or provides better quality for your images and videos.
4. You can now access the "Back" button through the top bar as well for easier navigation within BlueStacks 5.
5. Get ready to experience Dislyte, Awaken Chaos Era and State of Survival: Zombie War like never before with improved FPS and optimized game performance on BlueStacks 5.
6. Click on the link below to check out various bugs we've removed to ensure your gaming journey is as smooth as possible!
1. Say goodbye to the black screen in Tower of Fantasy and embark on your fantasy adventure on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit and Pie 64-bit!
2. Minor improvements to the UI (User Interface) have been made for an enhanced experience.
3. Kick back, relax and enjoy a more comfortable gaming journey on BlueStacks 5, as you can now:
Play your favorite games using the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X/S gamepads
Experience the thrill of in-game events with the all-new vibration setting for your gamepads
4. Using multiple cameras on BlueStacks 5 now is easier than ever as you can choose a camera that works well or provides better quality for your images and videos.
5. You can now access the "Back" button through the top bar as well for easier navigation within BlueStacks 5.
6. Get ready to experience Dislyte, Awaken Chaos Era and State of Survival: Zombie War like never before with improved FPS and optimized game performance on BlueStacks 5.
7. Click on the link below to check out various bugs we've removed to ensure your gaming journey is as smooth as possible!
Win exciting rewards in Play & Win on BlueStacks 5, visible on your home screen. Claim gift cards such as Google Play, Steam, XBOX and more!
No more crashes will trouble you on your journey in TikTok and ?????????!
Dive into the world of League of Legends: Wild Rift and ??3rd without the game freezing.
Chat with your friends without any keyboard glitches when you play:
?????2: ???? ?????
??? ?????????
???! - ?? ?? ???
March on fearlessly in Vahn's Quest without worrying about a black screen.
The magical world of ???????? awaits you minus graphical distortions!
Create new characters in ??????M without coming across any roadblocks.
Slay demons in ???? ??? without worrying about broken graphics or the game freezing!
Shoot away your enemies with precision in Free Fire and Free Fire Max as you no longer have to worry about high ping!
Explore the mystical planet of Aida in Tower of Fantasy:
At higher FPS and better graphics as on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit.
Without coming across a black screen on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit and Pie 64-bit!
Kick back, relax and enjoy a more comfortable gaming journey on BlueStacks 5, as you can now:
Play your favorite games using the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X/S gamepads
Experience the thrill of in-game events with the all-new vibration setting for your gamepads
Using multiple cameras on BlueStacks 5 now is easier than ever as you can choose a camera that works well or provides better quality for your images and videos.
You can now access the "Back" button through the top bar as well for easier navigation within BlueStacks 5.
Click on the link below to check out various bugs we've removed to ensure your gaming journey is as smooth as possible!
Whats new:>>
What's New:
Added App Center in [Nox Asst], you can search for all mobile games & apps!
What's Fixed:
Fixed some bugs in [Nox Asst].
Fixed the black screen issue of Tower of Fantasy on Android 9 (64bit).
What's Optimized:
Optimized UI & UX design of [Nox Asst].
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
Whats new:>>
The smart casting function for the gamepad has been added. You will have a better experience playing games with the gamepad.
No more audio lag and recording problems in Discord.
A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s fixed:
Optimized memory efficiency and less memory footprint.
Fixed the problem cannot recording in HyperV mode.
Fixed the problem that cannot enable the high frame rate of 120HZ with some games.
For Android 9:
Added camera function.
Optimized set-up time of emulator.
Fixed the problem cannot soft reboot.
Whats new:>>
The smart casting function for the gamepad has been added. You will have a better experience playing games with the gamepad.
No more audio lag and recording problems in Discord.
A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design.
Whats new:>>
The new mouse sensitivity function has been added. Now you can adjust the pointer speed as you need.
The data processing problem of Nox Asst has been fixed.
A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design.
Play your favorite mobile games and make use of all your preferred mobile apps from the comfort of your desktop with this powerful Android emulator.
What’s fixed:
Fixed the problem of display error after switching vertical screen applications in full-screen mode
Fixed low-resolution display problem
Fixed the problem that the smart keymapping does not take effect
Hyperv mode-related optimization and repair:
Fixed the problem that the interface is not synchronized after manually changing DNS
Some repair dialog buttons are changed to “Restart Now”
Detect and fix invalid instances before launching the emulator
Fixed the issue that the floating ball could not disappear
Fixed Google store login issue
Fix wifi hotspot name display problem
For Android 9:
Fixed the problem that the browser input address cannot be opened
Fixed some pages being selected by default
Fixed WeChat login issue
Whats new:>>
A new command line has been added. You can close all apps by one line now.
The "Sprint" function has been added to controller key mapping. You can sprint with the left joystick now!
The push mechanism of keymapping configurations for games has been optimized.
What’s fixed:
Fixed the problem of display error after switching vertical screen applications in full-screen mode
Fixed low-resolution display problem
Fixed the problem that the smart keymapping does not take effect
Hyperv mode-related optimization and repair:
Fixed the problem that the interface is not synchronized after manually changing DNS
Some repair dialog buttons are changed to “Restart Now”
Detect and fix invalid instances before launching the emulator
Fixed the issue that the floating ball could not disappear
Fixed Google store login issue
Fix wifi hotspot name display problem
For Android 9:
Fixed the problem that the browser input address cannot be opened
Fixed some pages being selected by default
Fixed WeChat login issue
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. You’ll now be able to launch BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit with Hyper-V enabled by right-clicking on its icon and selecting "Run as administrator".
2. We’ve straightened out some wiring for a more seamless experience in games like Marsaction: Infinite Ambition, Mythic Heroes: Idle RPG and more on BlueStacks 5.
Previous versions
1. Minor performance optimizations have been made to ensure that nothing stops you from succeeding in your epic gaming journey when you play games like State of Survival: Zombie War, RAID: Shadow Legends, Summoners War, Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars, GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE and many more on BlueStacks 5.
2. Enjoy live streams of your favorite sporting events without any glitches on JioCinema - Sports, Movies, TV.
3. We've given our engines a boost to enhance your overall experience on BlueStacks 5!
4. We've taken care of various crash-related issues and graphical glitches for a smoother experience in Goddess of Victory: NIKKE and ???????!
5. We've made minor improvements to make your gaming experience smoother than before!
6. We’ve made some optimizations to make your gaming journey on BlueStacks 5 better than before!
7. Connect with people from all over the world in Bigo Live without the fear of the app crashing.
8. Dive into the world of ?? ?? ??? without having to worry about the app crashing.
9. View your surroundings in Minecraft and Minecraft Trial by moving your mouse cursor on BlueStacks 5.
10. Say goodbye to crashes when you play:
?????? MOBILE
??????? ?? with NAVER WEBTOON
?????????? ?????
11. Enjoy a smoother and more responsive gaming experience with higher FPS in:
???/??? ??
Epic Seven
12. Play without seeing any error messages in:
MIR2M : The Warrior
LINE Magic Coin - Coin Game!
SuperStar CLASS:y
13. Play without coming across any graphical glitches in:
The Legend of Neverland
Võ Lâm Truy?n K? 1 Mobile
???? ???? : ??? ?? ????? RPG
14. Step into the world of ?????? MOBILE and ????? without the game freezing.
15. March ahead and defeat monsters in RAID: Shadow Legends without
the game crashing after an update.
coming across any log-in issues or crashes on 1920 x 1080 or above.
16. Feel the winds of change with the minor enhancements we’ve made to your beloved App Player!
17. A few minor improvements have been made to enhance your overall experience on BlueStacks 5. Game on!
18. Win exciting rewards in Play & Win on BlueStacks 5, visible on your home screen. Claim gift cards such as Google Play, Steam, XBOX and more!
19. No more crashes will trouble you on your journey in TikTok and ?????????!
20. Dive into the world of League of Legends: Wild Rift and ??3rd without the game freezing.
21. Chat with your friends without any keyboard glitches when you play:
?????2: ???? ?????
??? ?????????
???! - ?? ?? ???
22. March on fearlessly in Vahn's Quest without worrying about a black screen.
23. The magical world of ???????? awaits you minus graphical distortions!
24. Create new characters in ??????M without coming across any roadblocks.
25. Slay demons in ???? ??? without worrying about broken graphics or the game freezing!
26. Shoot away your enemies with precision in Free Fire and Free Fire Max as you no longer have to worry about high ping!
27. Explore the mystical planet of Aida in Tower of Fantasy:
At higher FPS and better graphics as on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit.
Without coming across a black screen on BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit and Pie 64-bit!
28. Kick back, relax and enjoy a more comfortable gaming journey on BlueStacks 5, as you can now:
Play your favorite games using the PlayStation 5 and Xbox series X/S gamepads
Experience the thrill of in-game events with the all-new vibration setting for your gamepads
29. Using multiple cameras on BlueStacks 5 now is easier than ever as you can choose a camera that works well or provides better quality for your images and videos.
30. You can now access the "Back" button through the top bar as well for easier navigation within BlueStacks 5.
31. Click on the link below to check out various bugs we've removed to ensure your gaming journey is as smooth as possible!
1. Say hello to our latest addition—Android 11 (Beta) and unlock a plethora of games designed just for it.
2. Gear up for a new gaming journey as you can now play games that use Vulkan as a graphics renderer on BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit and Android 11 (Beta)!
3. Prevent any unwanted loss of data by using the newly added backup and restore functionality on BlueStacks 5!
4. You can now capture your best moments at 720p camera resolution on BlueStacks 5.
5. Stream, record and share videos on apps like Instagram, Snapchat and Zoom with OBS Virtual Camera on BlueStacks 5!
6. Enlarge the size of text and icons on BlueStacks 5 with Interface scaling and enhance your overall experience!
7. We've polished the Multi-instance Manager UI to ensure you don't accidentally delete your instances!
8. Gear up for smoother gameplay sessions as BlueStacks 5 Pie 64-bit has received various buffs, such as:
Reduced CPU usage by 20-40%
Performance modes that can reduce RAM usage by as much as 40-75%
9. We showed the door to several unwelcome bugs that were setting camp in your favorite games. Click on the link below to see the full list of bug fixes.
Access Android-specific applications and games as if you would from any smartphone running on this operating system via this utility.
Whats new:>>
You can run Nikke at 240 FPS now (Need to enable 240 FPS mode first)
Solved an issue where Amazon appstore crashed, you can now run Amazon appstore version of Clash of Clans on LDPlayer.
Add 120 FPS support for more games such as Higan: Eruthyll, Artery Gear, RAID: Shadow Legends, Archeland, Alchemy Stars..
What's Optimized:
Display time length in the Macro Recorder.
Window hidden option added when recording the macro.
A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design.
What's Fixed:
64-bit Android 7 version?
The crash issue of?Torchlight: Infinite?has been fixed.
The crash issue of?GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE?has been fixed.
Android 9 version?
Fixed the crash issue of?GODDESS OF VICTORY: NIKKE?
Fixed the crash & stuck issue of ?Brawl Stars?
Whats new:>>
You can now download Clash of Clans on google play store and run the game without any issues.
Optimized 'auto arrange' feature and LDMultiplayer.
Solved an issue where you can not close LDPlayer on LDMultiplayer.
Solved an issue where Sync may disconnect randomly.
Improved the overall stability of LDPlayer and you won't encounter any crashes when playing Eversoul.
Whats new:>>
New Cloud LDPlayer feature added, you can now control LDPlayer with your phone.
Share your LDPlayer to your friends to have fun together.
Added support to Discord rich presence.
Whats new:>>
Solved an issue where LDPlayer might be on black screen at startup.
Solved known bugs of LDMultiPlayer.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
Fixed the crash issue of “Garena Undawn” when running with the nVidia graphics card.
Added smart mode support to “Garena Undawn”. Added ASTC decode feature in emulator settings.
Optimized the disk expansion logic.
For Android 9:
Fixed the compatibility issue of “Garena Undawn”.
Fixed the problem that the edited text in “File Manager” cannot be saved.
Fixed the rendering mode problem (opengl 3.1 setting is unsuccessful) under Hyper-V mode.
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. Take command of your troops in War Robots Multiplayer Battles (com.pixonic.wwr) and lead them to victory as you can now play:
with smart controls on all instances of BlueStacks 5.
without a black screen interrupting your gameplay in Compatibility mode on Intel GPUs on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie.
The fate of the world rests on your shoulders, commander!
2. You will now be able to distinguish between your instances easily when running multiple instances as their names will stay visible even after resizing your BlueStacks 5 window!
Bug Fixes:
1. Play ???? (com.ccfun.dmtw) without coming across any graphical glitches on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta) and re-write the story of the road to the tomb!
2. Make payments on ONE store easily when you play ?????? (com.smartjoy.LastOrigin_C) without the game freezing on BlueStacks 5 Android Nougat 32/64-bit and Android 11 (Beta).
3. Edit your videos flawlessly in VLLO - Intuitive Video Editor (com.darinsoft.vimo) without any network connection error message blocking your way on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie.
4. No more crashes when you play MARVEL SNAP (com.nvsgames.snap) on BlueStacks 5 Android Nougat 32-bit. Assemble your dream team and go to battle against supervillains!
5. No error message will stop you in ?????? (com.uplus.musicshow) from getting your hands on exclusive entertainment content on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie.
6. Diablo Immortal (com.blizzard.diablo.immortal, com.netease.g67) will no longer crash on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta).
7. Princess Connect! Re: Dive (com.Crunchyroll.princessconnectredive, jp.co.cygames.princessconnectredive) will no longer show a black screen as you journey across the land of Astraea on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta).
8. Network error messages in ???? (com.skt.skaf.A000Z00040) will no longer stop you from downloading apps on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie!
9. Watch reels on Instagram (com.instagram.android) without any glitches on BlueStacks 5 Android Nougat 32/64-bit and Android Pie!
10. Play Offroad Unchained (com.redbull.offroad) without coming across any audio glitches or laggy gameplay on BlueStacks 5 Android 11 (Beta) and become the first to cross the finish line.
11. Say goodbye to network connection error messages in JioCinema - Sports, Movies, TV (com.jio.media.ondemand) and get your daily dose of entertainment on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta).
12. ???? ???? (com.kmbox.gaf) will no longer get stuck on the loading screen on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta).
13. Play eFootball™ 2023 (jp.konami.pesam) without any interruptions as network connection error messages have been given a red card on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11 (Beta). Get ready to experience the next generation of soccer gaming!
14. You will no longer be stuck in a loop at the loading screen when you play Yêu Linh T?p K?t (com.game.wyhjvn.an) on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
1. Sound performance enhanced. No more statics and lost sound issue.
2. Performance boost. The usage of CPU and GPU has been significantly reduced.
Access Android-specific applications and games as if you would from any smartphone running on this operating system via this utility.
Whats new:>>
You can now play Life Makeover on LDPlayer without any issues now.
Solved an issue where there might be a rendering issue when playing Ragnarok Origin with AMD graphic cards.
Solved an issue where games might be stuck when playing in-game videos.
Solved an issue where keybinds are abnormal on Maximized window.
Fixed some known bugs to improve user experience.
Whats new:>>
You can run Dislyte on LDPlayer without any issues now.
Optimize the overall performance of LDPlayer.
Solve some known bugs to improve user experience.
Whats new:>>
1. Enhanced engine for smoother and higher FPS 240Hz mode for games such as “Arknights”, “Azur Lane”, “Fate/Grand Order” and so on.
2. Optimized the smart mode of keymapping in “Undawn”.
3. Optimized the emulator export and clone operation process.
4. Fixed the problem that the emulator crashes when starting the game when the astc cache is turned on.
5. Fixed the stucking at 99% issue of the emulator in some cases.
Whats new:>>
A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design
Whats new:>>
Optimized our support for Intel 12 and 13 gen CPU.
Optimized SIM card emulation.
Whats new:>>
Optimized our LDMultiplayer and introduced group feature;
Optimized default fonts for each language;
Solved an issue where Clash Royale may crash upon launch.
Whats new:>>
You can run Brawl Stars & Hay Day & Boom Beach without any issues now.
Optimized 'Arrange Windows' feature and solved known bugs with dual monitors.
Optimized LDMultiplayer
What’s added and optimized:
1. Adopted the new Android 9 kernel engine, which significantly improves the compatibility and experience of games.
2. Fully optimized the performance of games. Compared with the old version, the FPS has increased by more than 15%, and the graphic is smoother.
3. Optimized the startup efficiency of emulator, saving 20%+ startup time.
4. Added more high FPS models and supports 120/240Hz high FPS mode for more games.
5. Improved the Multi-MEmu experience, refresh the emulator list immediately after setting a new emulator directory.
What’s fixed:
1. Fixed the emulator startup failure which caused by the instance damage of emulator.
2. Fixed the smart keymapping bug of Brawl Stars.
3. Fixed the compatibility issues of “Dislyte”.
5. Fixed the problem that wifi cannot be automatically connected after a soft restart in some cases.
[What's Optimized]
1. A few improvements have been made to enhance UI & UX design.
?What's Fixed?
1. Fixed the problem that the webcam occasionally cannot be used normally.
Whats new:>>
You can run Clash of Clans without any issues now.
Made a few tweaks to keybinds in Roblox for better gaming experience.
Whats new:>>
You can run Clash of Clans Amazon store version without any issue now.
What’s added and optimized:
1. Keymapping: WASD supports the sprint function by pressing “shift”, which is under standard mode.
2. Optimized the display of MEmu Desktop, small and medium icons, and game screenshots on MEmu game center.
What’s fixed:
1. Fixed the compatibility issues like Brawl Stars, Hay Day, Boom Beach and Clash of Clans.
2. Fixed the game Teamfight Tactics stuck after a long time of gaming on HyperV mode.
3. Fixed the crash issue when playing 4399 Game Box and Happy Crash.
4. Fixed the crash issue when AMD graphics card may crash upon launch.
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. Aim with precision by adding a custom crosshair to any shooting game using the "Crosshair" key control!
2. You can now assign 8 GB or 12 GB of memory to BlueStacks 5 Nougat 64-bit, Android Pie and Android 11 for a smoother gameplay experience!
NOTE: Your desktop/laptop needs at least 11 GB of memory to assign 8 GB and more than 16 GB of memory to assign 12 GB to BlueStacks 5.
3. You can now restart BlueStacks 5 at a later time while preserving any changes you've made within the FPS settings.
4. You can now use Android 11 on BlueStacks 5 with Hyper-V enabled on your desktop/laptop!
5. Android 11 has been equipped with a few booster engines launching it out of BETA!
6. You will now see a pop-up that can enable Hyper-V for you completely if your desktop/laptop has Hyper-V partially enabled.
7. Your game control toggle state (ON or OFF) in BlueStacks 5 is now remembered and applied automatically on every launch. Convenience at its best!
8. You can now install .apk files faster than before and explore your favorite games faster in a jiffy!
9. We've vanquished various bug fixes with the help of our trusted allies! Take a look at the detailed Release Notes below for more details.
Mit dem Android Emulator Apps und Spiele (inkl. Multiplayer) unter Windows nutzen. Warum sollte man Android Spiele auf dem PC spielen wollen? Die Gründe dafür sind sicher vielfältig. Während der eine auch mal einen großen Bildschirm nutzen möchte, will der andere vielleicht neben der Arbeit weiter an seiner Stadt bauen oder die Tiere füttern.
?What's New?
1. Android 12 Beta version is coming! You can create an Android 12 instance now.
?What's Fixed?
1. Memory leak issue fixed.
2. ?Chronicle of Infinity?display issue fixed.
3. ?Clash of Clans?black screen issue fixed.
4. ?Brawl Star?black screen issue fixed.
Access Android-specific applications and games as if you would from any smartphone running on this operating system via this utility.
Whats new:>>
Solved an issue where some AMD CPUs may be stuck at 50% on loading.
You can play MapleStory M without any freezing issues now.
Whats new:>>
You can play Boom Beach & Clash Royale without any issues now.
Solved an issue where videos can not be recorded and played.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s added and optimized:
Added emulator shared system disk mode.
Added shortcut keys – quick switch keymapping configuration (when the data configuration is less than 5).
What’s fixed:
Fixed the problem that the emulator will be prompted to repair the driver when first starting.
Fixed the problem that the VT state detection is incorrect in some cases.
Fixed the login problem of 37 games.
Fixed the preview image stretching and rotation problems of camera.
Fixed the stuck 100% problem with “Wild Rift”.
Fixed video playback issues of some games (“One Punch Man: The World”, “King of Nazarick”).
Whats new:>>
You can play takt op. Symphony withou any incompatible issue now.
Whats new:>>
Introduced our new Window manager (Beta version), go to LDMultiPlayer and create a group to have a try on it now.
Whats new:>>
Optimized our window manager and solved some known bugs to improve user experience.
Solved LDPlayer not being able to minimize on Mini mode.
Whats new:>>
You can now run Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, Clash Royale & Boom Beach without any crash/black screen issues now
Whats new:>>
1. Fixed the problem that the emulator cannot normally use the physical camera.
2. Fixed the problem of random generation of MAC address failure.
3. Fixed the problem of Android 5.1 instance creation failure.
Whats new:>>
Fixed LDMultiplayer desktop shortcut not created automatically after installation;
Fixed abnormal LDStore login status;
Fixed Dislyte black screen;
Fixed LDMultiplayer Optimization settings reset randomly;
Optimized launcher to improve user experience.
Whats new:>>
1. An unforgettable adventure across Latecia awaits in Monster Super League as the game will no longer crash or freeze on BlueStacks 5 Android Pie and Android 11.
Whats new:>>
1. Solved Chrome not connected to internet;
2. Solved Blade & Soul 2 (kr version) crashed randomly during downloading resource;
3. You can run ONE PIECE Bounty Rush, Idle Moon Rabbit, Princess connect (thai version) without any error detection now;
Whats new:>>
Keymapping: Fixed the problem that the “Crosshair” and the “Skill attack” button cannot be used at the same time.
Fixed “Naruto Mobile: Ultimate Storm” ios login problem.
Fixed the problem that “Pokémon Sleep” cannot be searched in google play.
Keymapping: Added anti-jamming function to the shooting angle setting (Reset after the angle of view exceeds the window)
Keymapping: When there are multiple configurations, MEmu will be displayed in list form for quick switching.
Multi-task with ease by using BlueStacks 5's Mini mode that seamlessly shrinks BlueStacks 5, freeing up the rest of your screen for other tasks!
Your BlueStacks 5 internal storage has now been boosted to 128 GB! Install more apps and expand your media gallery without any worries about storage running out!
You can now customize the notifications you receive from BlueStacks Services by clicking on "Manage" beside "Windows Push Notifications" in the Preferences tab of the Settings menu
Tailor your experience in various apps by using the mouse wheel to either scroll through an app or zoom in/out! Enhance your control whether you're browsing social media apps or immersed in the excitement of a game
Effortlessly exit fullscreen mode on any touchscreen device by simply swiping down from the top and tapping on "Exit fullscreen"
Quickly change your weapon using your mouse wheel in games such as Free Fire, Standoff 2, Pixel Gun 3D and more!
You can now assign the programmable side buttons on your gaming mouse as a shortcut key to any function!
We've made various bug fixes to enhance your gaming experience!
Access Android-specific applications and games as if you would from any smartphone running on this operating system via this utility.
Whats new:>>
You can run Võ Lâm Truy?n K? 1 mibile & Võ Lâm Truy?n K? without any issues now.
Fixed an issue where Sidebar could not be read.
Fixed emulated device setting error.
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s fixed:
Keymapping: Fixed the problem of invalid macro “keymove” command word.
Fixed the problem that the emulator window cannot be dragged in some cases after being restored from maximized.
Fixed the display logic of the emulator version update pop-up window.
Fixed the problem that some games interfaces do not display the 120 frame option on Android 9.
Fixed the crash issue of “PUBG MOBILE LITE”.
What’s optimized:
Desktop search bar: improve user experience.
What’s new:
keymapping: WASD setting interface adds the function of enabling sprinting or walking.
Keymapping: Add a script list to the operation recording setting interface.
Keymapping: Add macro function “Comment” command word.
Whats new:>>
Solved an issue where fullscreen could not be exited when LDPlayer was maximized.
You can play Goddess of Victory: Nikke without any error message now.
Whats new:>>
You can run Clash Royale without any crash issues now.
Run Android on Windows using this intuitive app, in order to play games and launch apps just like you would on your smartphone or tablet.
1. Introducing Moments Mode on BlueStacks 5 - Capture your best gaming highlights by simply pressing CTRL + M and relive the last 30 seconds of your gameplay!
2. You can now record your gameplay on BlueStacks 5 and showcase your gaming skills. Record high-quality videos of your best victories as a testament to your gaming achievements!
Whats new:>>
You can run Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble without any error pop-up now.
Fixed instances getting no internet connection when running multiple instances.
Fixed Hyper-V status not correctly recognized by LDPlayer.
Fixed game tap not showing in the top bar when on portrait mode.
Whats new:>>
You can run Yo-kai Watch: Wibble Wobble without any error pop-up now.
Fixed instances getting no internet connection when running multiple instances.
Fixed game tap not showing in the top bar when on portrait mode.
Whats new:>>
Keymapping: Supports key description mode.
Optimized disk cleaning logic and improve disk compression efficiency.
Keymapping: The number of triggers of the dot connecter can be changed through keyboard editing.
Fixed the problem of adb installation application failure.
Fixed the problem of white edges when taking photos with the virtual camera.
Fixed the GPS virtual positioning failure issue.
Whats new:>>
Reduced launch & install time.
Optimized the high FPS support of Warcraft Rumble (You need to enable 120 FPS mode on LDPlayer settings)
Optimized support to updates of Clash of Clans, Clash Royale and Boom Beach.
What’s fixed:
1. Screen recording: Fixed the issue of incorrect video file timeline after pausing.
2. Screen recording: Fixed the issue of incorrect screen recording resolution after rotation.
3. Fixed the problem of unable to obtain DNSServer.
4. Fixed stuck 99% issue when MEmu startup.
What’s optimized:
1. Optimized the Multi-MEmu interface.
2. Keymapping: Optimized two-finger zoom, users can adjust operation sensitivity and zoom range.
3. Optimized the photo quality of physical/virtual camera.
What’s new:
1. Operation recorder: Added “Simulate real click behavior” option.
2. Operation recorder: Added “Stop script after returning to desktop” option.
3. Added mini mode, which can be controlled by using shortcut keys.
Whats new:>>
Keymapping: Users can customize key notes.
Keymapping: Optimizaed keys under controller mode.
Fixed the problem that the gravity sensor of parkour game does not work.
Fixed the crashes issue of “Dragon Quest Tact”.
Fixed the issue that “Mobile Legends” cannot be searched in the Google Play Store
Whats new:>>
Conquer your epic adventures seamlessly in Legend of Mushroom on BlueStacks 5.
Whats new:>>
Solved an issue where LDMultiplayer may not respond randomly
Solved an issue where resolution may change after rotating the screen.
Solved an issue where Google Play Store may crash.
Whats new:>>
Improved the stability of ADB connection.
Fixed known bugs.
Whats new:>>
Tweaked the controls of Brawl Stars.
Fixed known bugs
Access Android-specific applications and games as if you would from any smartphone running on this operating system via this utility.
Whats new:>>
Fixed known issues
MEmu is an Android emulator that specializes in video games. With MEmu you can enjoy many exclusive titles that you can find for the Android platform, directly on your computer. You don't need to adjust any complicated settings and configure the controls, just install it and start playing.
What’s fixed:
1. Fixed compatibility issue in “JUMP: Assemble”.
2. Fixed compatibility issue in “Avmini”.
3. Fixed the low playback sound issue in the emulator.
What’s optimized:
1. Optimized the file size of the installation package and the installation speed.
2. Optimized emulator support for gamepad.
Whats new:>>
Optimized diagnostics Information.
Optimized Brawl Stars player experience. Added a shortcut for opening Key Map with F12. Fixed known bugs