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PC-Ecke => # Hard-und Software Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2006, 10:50

Titel: Explorerersatz und -Erweiterungen (Total Commander etc..)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2006, 10:50
Update beseitigt vor allem Programmfehler

Für den Windows-Dateimanager Total Commander steht eine aktualisierte Version zum Download bereit, um einige Fehler aus der Vorabversion 6.54 zu beseitigen. Neue Funktionen bringt Total Commander 6.54a ansonsten nicht, der Entwickler sieht die aktuelle Version als kleines Update.

Total Commander 6.54a beseitigt einen Fehler in der Lister-Ansicht, der dafür sorgte, dass das Aktualisieren über das Tastenkürzel F2 in Total Commander 6.54 nicht mehr funktionierte. Ein weiterer nun behobener Fehler in der Plug-In-Oberfläche konnte zu einem Absturz führen und beim Synchronisieren werden Unicode-Namen nun wieder korrekt sortiert. Ferner behebt das Update einige Programmfehler in den Packroutinen und im Umbenennungswerkzeug.

Total Commander 6.54a steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform unter anderem mit deutschsprachiger Oberfläche als Download bereit. Die Download-Version kann 30 Tage lang getestet werden, eine Registrierung kostet 28,- Euro. Updates auf neue Versionen sind kostenlos.

Quelle und Links : http://www.golem.de/0602/43472.html
Titel: Update für SpeedCommander
Beitrag von: Warpi am 03 April, 2006, 08:36
Gutgemachte Software für die Dateiverwaltung :)

http://www.golem.de/0603/44402.html (http://www.golem.de/0603/44402.html)
Titel: Total Commander 6.55 Public Beta 2 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2006, 11:00
Christian Ghisler hat die zweite öffentliche Beta von Version 6.55 des Total Commanders zum Ausprobieren bereit gestellt. Wie schon bei der ersten Public Beta bittet er die Anwender um Feedback.

Total Commander 6.55 öffentliche Beta 2 ist ein Bugfix-Release zur voran gegangenen Beta 1. Probleme bei der Darstellung von Buttons sollen darin ebenso behoben sein sowie ein Fehler, der dazu führte, dass die falsche Hilfeseite geöffnet wurde. Für Windows Vista-Anwender gibt es ebenfalls einen Bugfix. Das vollständige Changelog finden Sie hier .

Die finale Version 6.55 des Total Commanders soll gegenüber dem derzeitigen Final Release 6.54a nicht durch viele Neuerungen auffallen, sondern in erster Linie ein Bugfix-Release sein. Außerdem hofft Ghisler, dass der Total Commander 6.55 besser unter Windows Vista Beta läuft.

Total Commander ist ein Dateimanager im Norton-Commander-Stil. Er hat viele Zusatzfunktionen, zum Beispiel packt und entpackt er Zip-Archive, synchronisiert Verzeichnisse (inklusive den Unterverzeichnissen) und bietet diverse FTP-Funktionen. Das Programm unterstützt mehrere Sprachen.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/50377/index.html (http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/50377/index.html)
Titel: Total Commander 6.55 Public Beta 3 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2006, 13:12
Christian Ghisler entwickelt die Version 6.55 des Total Commanders konsequent weiter. Nachdem am 7. Juli die Beta 2 erschienen ist, können sich interessierte Anwender jetzt die Beta 3 zu Gemüte führen.

Total Commander 6.55 Public Beta 3 ist wie gehabt ein Bugfix-Release. So wurden laut Changelog Probleme in Zusammenhang mit externen Packern beseitigt. Außerdem sollen Störungen bei diversen Ansichts- und Kopierfunktionen beseitigt worden sein. Wer noch Windows NT 4.0 einsetzt, kann sich darüber freuen, dass Ghisler ein Fehler beseitigte, der dazu führte, dass sich der Installer aufhängte. Das vollständige Changelog finden Sie hier .

Die finale Version 6.55 des Total Commanders soll gegenüber dem derzeitigen Final Release 6.54a nicht durch viele Neuerungen auffallen, sondern in erster Linie ein Bugfix-Release sein. Außerdem hofft Ghisler, dass der Total Commander 6.55 besser unter Windows Vista Beta läuft.

Der Download von Total Commander 6.55 öffentliche Beta 3 ist 1,6 MB groß. Sie können hier im Forum von Christian Ghisler Hinweise zu Problemen mit der Public Beta 3 des TC 6.55 posten. Im Redaktions-Alltag der PC-WELT lief die voran gegangene Beta 2 übrigens reibungslos.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/51944/index.html
Titel: Total Commander 6.55 ist erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2006, 09:40
Nach diversen Beta-Versionen ist Total Commander nun in der finalen Version 6.55 erschienen. Vor allem Vista-Tester dürfen sich über die neue Version freuen.

Der Entwickler Christian Ghisler hat am Freitag die Version 6.55 von Total Commander zum Download freigegeben. "Version 6.55 ist ein kleines Update, welches fast nur Fehlerkorrekturen enthält. Hauptgrund für das Release ist die Anpassung an Windows Vista beta 2", so der Entwickler.

Die vollständige Auflistung aller Änderungen und Neuerungen kann dieser Seite entnommen werden. Im Vergleich zur letzten Beta 3 der Version 6.55 gab es für die finale Version nur Detailänderungen. So wurde ein Bug behoben, der dazu führte, dass der Installer nicht korrekt Windows Vista erkannte und der Dateimanager installiert sich nun wieder standardmäßig im Verzeichnis "c:\totalcmd", wenn der Anwender nicht einen anderen Installationsort wünscht.

Die Downloadgröße von Total Commander 6.55 beträgt 1,6 MB. Registrierte Anwender erhalten das Update wie gewohnt gratis. Alle anderen dürfen den Dateimanager 30 Tage lang kostenlos ausprobieren. Die Vollversion kostet 28 Euro.

Quelle und Links : http://www.pcwelt.de/news/software/52812/index.html
Titel: Total Commander 7.0 mit veränderter Oberfläche
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2006, 12:24
Öffentliche Beta-Version des Dateimanagers erschienen

Im Anschluss an einen internen Beta-Test kann ab sofort eine Vorabversion der neuen Version von Total Commander heruntergeladen werden. Der Windows-Dateimanager erhielt eine überarbeitete Bedienoberfläche und bringt eine Reihe kleiner nützlicher Verbesserungen. Der Total Commander 7.0 soll den Umgang mit Dateien weiter vereinfachen.

Mehr... (http://www.golem.de/0611/48695.html)

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.0 Beta 2 kann getestet werden
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2006, 09:58
Der Dateimanager Total Commander 7.0 ist ab sofort in einer neuen Beta-Version verfügbar.

Die Entwicklung der Version 7 von Total Commander schreitet voran. Der Entwickler Christian Ghisler hat am Donnerstag nun die zweite, öffentliche Beta zum Testen freigegeben.

Im Vergleich zur ersten Beta vor einigen Wochen hat sich mal wieder einiges getan. Neu hinzugekommen ist beispielsweise die Möglichkeit, innerhalb von FTP-Verzeichnissen zu suchen (Alt+F7). Der Lister zeigt sowohl die aktuelle Dateinummer, als auch die Anzahl aller markierten Dateien in der Menüzeile an. Hinzu kommen viele Bugfixes und kleine Änderungen. Die Tester werden gebeten, jeden gefundenen Bug in diesem Forum zu melden, damit der Entwickler sich schnell um die Behebung kümmern kann.


Quelle : www.pcwelt.de

Titel: Total Commander 6.56 ist erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2007, 10:53
Fehler beim Umpacken von RAR-Archiven korrigiert

Der Windows-Dateimanager Total Commander steht ab sofort in einer fehlerbereinigten Version bereit. Beim Umpacken von RAR-Archiven konnte die Software unter Umständen Datenverluste verursachen. Dieser Fehler soll nun mit Total Commander 6.56 korrigiert sein. Außerdem sollen weitere Fehlerkorrekturen die Stabilität der Software erhöhen.
Total Commander 6.56 wurde außerdem um Routinen zur USB-Stick-Erkennung erweitert, die eigentlich erst für den in Entwicklung befindlichen Total Commander 7.0 geplant waren. Die neue Version korrigiert einen Fehler, der beim Entpacken von Archiven in separate Unterverzeichnisse auftreten konnte. Ferner wurden einige Unverträglichkeiten mit Windows Vista ausgeräumt, so dass Total Commander 6.56 sich besser mit dem Windows-XP-Nachfolger versteht.

Der Total Commander 6.56 steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform unter anderem mit deutschsprachiger Oberfläche zum Download bereit. Die Download-Version kann 30 Tage lang getestet werden, eine Registrierung kostet 28,- Euro. Updates auf neue Versionen sind kostenlos.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.0: Dritter Release Candidate erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2007, 13:31
Der nunmehr dritte Release Candidate von Total Commander 7.0 ist erschienen.

Der dritte Release Candidate des Dateimanagers Total Commander 7.0 steht nunmehr zum Download bereit. Der Entwickler behebt mit der neuen Version unter anderem einen kurz nach Veröffentlichung des zweiten Release Candidates bekannt gewordenen Bug in der Funktion „Verzeichnisse synchronisieren“ bei FTPs. Zusätzlich wurden diverse kleinere Bugs behoben und Schönheitsfehler ausgemerzt. Neuerungen und Änderungen gab es dieses Mal nicht.

Total Commander 7 enthält zahlreiche Verbesserungen für die Unterstützung von Windows Vista. Der Entwickler weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass es sich um eine Testversion handelt, die noch Fehler enthalten könnte.

Die Downloadgröße von Total Commander 7.0 Release Candidate 3 beträgt 2,1 MB.

Titel: Total Commander 7.0: Fünfter Release Candidate erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2007, 16:51
Der Entwickler von Total Commander hat den fünften Release Candidate der Version 7.0 zum Testen freigegeben.

Testfreudige Anwender dürfen neuerdings Total Commander 7.0 Release Candidate 5 ausgiebig testen und sich auf die Jagd nach Bugs machen. Im Vergleich zu dem vor einigen Wochen erschienenen vierten Release Candidate gab es dieses Mal vor allem Bugfixes und Detailänderungen. So wurde beispielsweise ein kleiner Fehler in den Dialogboxen der Installationsroutine behoben. Die maximale Anzahl der möglichen externen Packer-Plug-Ins wurde auf 250 angehoben.

Total Commander 7 enthält zahlreiche Verbesserungen für die Unterstützung von Windows Vista. Der Entwickler weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass es sich um eine Testversion handelt, die noch Fehler enthalten könnte.


Quelle : www.pcwelt.de
Titel: Re: Total Commander 7.0 mit veränderter Oberfläche
Beitrag von: formtapez am 25 Mai, 2007, 22:32
Habe mal updated ;D
Total Commander ist echt das genialste Programm für Windows.
Nutze ihn seit ungefähr 5 Jahren - er hat meinen Windows-Desktop zu 100% ersetzt.

Ist nur blöd wenn man an fremden Rechnern arbeiten muss, und dort kein TC installiert ist. Bevor ich da mit dem Windows-Explorer rum-eiere, starte ich lieber den TC vom USB Stick 8)

Kann ich nur empfehlen das Teil!!
Titel: Total Commander 7.0 mit vielen Neuerungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2007, 19:18
Neue Oberfläche für beliebten Windows-Dateimanager

Nach einem mehr als 7-monatigen öffentlichen Beta-Test steht der Windows-Dateimanager "Total Commander" ab sofort in neuer Version bereit. Die Software erhielt eine überarbeitete Bedienoberfläche und bringt eine Reihe kleiner nützlicher Verbesserungen mit sich, die den Umgang mit Dateien weiter vereinfachen sollen.

Die renovierte Oberfläche des Total Commander 7.0 bietet auch unter Windows XP flache Knöpfe und birgt neue Icons für die Dateilisten, die Laufwerke sowie die Toolbars. In den Verzeichnis-Tabs werden ferner Laufwerks-Icons eingeblendet. Außerdem kann ein Verzeichnisbaum nun wahlweise für beide Fenster des Dateimanagers oder für jedes Fenster einzeln zugeschaltet werden.

Zudem lassen sich gerade und ungerade Zeilen nun mit einer anderen Hintergrundfarbe versehen, um die Übersichtlichkeit zu verbessern. Eine automatische Vervollständigung in der Kommandozeile und in Dialogen soll die Arbeit mit Total Commander beschleunigen. Der Nutzer kann außerdem für das Hauptmenü oder die Hotkeys eigene Befehle generieren. Der "Lister" bietet nun einen Textcursor, kann Bilder zentriert anzeigen und außerdem gibt es eine Option, nur grössere Bilder an die Fenstergröße anzupassen.

Die Funktion zum Vergleichen von Dateiinhalten erlaubt nun auch das Bearbeiten von Dateien und ein erneutet Datenabgleich kann manuell angestoßen werden. Das Werkzeug zum Umbenennen mehrerer Dateien bietet neuerdings die Möglichkeit, Zielnamen direkt zu verändern. Alle Dateioperationen werden nun protokolliert und beim Sortieren lassen sich Spalten nach Prioritäten durch Strg-Mausklick festlegen.

Beim Warndialog vor dem Überschreiben von Dateien kamen neue Optionen hinzu. So lässt sich der Inhalt vergleichen, die Zieldatei umbenennen und es können alle Dateien mit kleineren oder größeren Dateien überschrieben werden. Alternativ gibt es nun eine automatische Umbenennungsfunktion und der Überschreib-Dialog zeigt bei Bedarf Vorschaubilder an. Auf FTP-Servern kann Total Commander nun direkt suchen und falls eine Dateioperation misslingt, erfolgt automatisch eine Nachfrage, ob die Operation mit Administratorrechten wiederholt werden soll. Ferner kann ein Anwender ein Verzeichnis lesen, für welches er keine Rechte besitzt, sofern er das Administrator-Passwort kennt.

Zudem wurde die Zeichenlänge für die Kommandozeile verlängert. Unter Windows 2000 sind nun 2.047 Zeichen möglich; unter Windows XP kann der Nutzer bis zu 8.191 Zeichen verwenden. Außerdem können Aliase für Kommandozeilenbefehle vergeben werden. Total Commander 7.0 unterstützt nun "Secure FTP over SSL/TLS", allerdings wird dazu die openssl.dll im Programmverzeichnis benötigt, die aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht zum Lieferumfang gehört. Zudem legt Total Commander jetzt auch ZIP-Archive an, die größer als 2 GByte sind.

Der Total Commander 7.0 steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform unter anderem mit deutschsprachiger Oberfläche zum Download bereit. Die Download-Version kann 30 Tage lang getestet werden, eine Registrierung kostet 28,- Euro. Updates auf neue Versionen sind kostenlos.


Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.01 mit zahlreichen Fehlerkorrekturen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2007, 11:30
Update für alternativen Windows-Dateimanager

Der Windows-Dateimanager Total Commander steht ab sofort in der Version 7.01 als Download bereit. Mit dieser Version werden vor allem Fehler ausgemerzt, die sich in die Arbeit zur Version 7.0 eingeschlichen haben. Neue Funktionen liefert das Update also nicht.

Total Commander 7.01 liefert Fehlerkorrekturen in den FTP-Funktionen, beim Umbenennen sowie Vergleichen von Dateien und bei den Archivfunktionen. Außerdem wurden Programmfehler bei der Autovervollständigung, bei den Suchfunktionen und beim Umgang mit Laufwerks-Tabs gefunden und beseitigt. Zahlreiche weitere Fehlerkorrekturen sollen die Software stabiler und zuverlässiger machen. Mit der Version 7.0 hat Total Commander zahlreiche nützliche Funktionen erhalten.

Der Total Commander 7.01 steht ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform unter anderem mit deutschsprachiger Oberfläche zum Download bereit. Die Download-Version kann 30 Tage lang getestet werden, eine Registrierung kostet 28,- Euro. Updates auf neue Versionen sind kostenlos.


Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.02 veröffentlicht
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2007, 11:25
Neuerungen in dieser Version:

    # Verbesserungen bei FTP über SSL/TLS
    # Die Umgebungsvariabeln von Total Commander anpassen, falls sich die des Systems ändern
    # FTP-Transfers: Überprüfe nach dem Transfer, ob die resultierende Datei kleiner ist als erwartet, und zeige wenn nötig eine Warnung (deaktivierbar)
    # Download von FTP-Servern: F5 - F2 hängt die Dateien an den zuletzt aktiven Hintergrundtransfermanager an
    # .tab-Dateien unterstützen neu Umgebungsvariablen
    # Aliasbefehle unterstützen neue Parameter %A1..%A9

Die vollständige Liste ist unter http://www.ghisler.com/history.txt einsehbar

Download : http://www.ghisler.com/ddownload.htm
Titel: Update für SpeedCommander 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2008, 19:55
Windows-Dateimanager mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen

Der Programmierer Sven Ritter hat ein Update für den Windows-Dateimanager SpeedCommander 12 veröffentlicht. Dieser soll besonders bei der Anzeige von Ordnern deutlich zügiger zu Werke gehen und unterstützt nun längere Dateinamen. Zudem bringt die Software neue Themes für die Programmoberfläche mit und die Brotkrumen-Navigation wurde überarbeitet.
SpeedCommander 12.10 enthält neue Themes im Design von Office 2007, die wahlweise in schwarz oder silber zur Verfügung stehen. Zudem soll das vorhandene blaue Office-2007-Theme optisch aufgemotzt worden sein. Der neue SpeedCommander verarbeitet nun auch Dateinamen mit einer Länge von maximal 32.760 Zeichen, was allerdings nicht für Archive gilt. Bislang lag die Höchstgrenze hier bei 260 Zeichen.

Deutlich schneller soll das Einlesen von Verzeichnissen sein, was sich ganz besonders bei Netzwerkzugriffen bemerkbar machen soll. Zudem wird dabei nun erheblich weniger Speicher beansprucht. Verbesserungen gab es auch bei der Brotkrumen-Navigation, die nun bereits im Hintergrund zusammengestellt wird und den Programmablauf entsprechend beschleunigt. Zudem integriert diese nun auch FTP-Standorte und listet eine AddIn-Übersicht. Die Brotkrumen-Navigation markiert zuvor geöffnete Verzeichnisse und soll helfen, die Orientierung zu behalten.

Bei der Dateisynchronisation werden zu lange Ordnernamen nun in der Mitte gekürzt anstatt wie bisher am Ende. Auch die Dateisuche hat einige Verbesserungen erfahren: So wird die Laufwerksliste automatisch aktualisiert, wenn Datenträger hinzugefügt oder entfernt werden. Außerdem wurde das Kontextmenü überarbeitet und das Übertragen von Dateien in die Zwischenablage des SpeedCommander soll nun zügiger arbeiten. Der Entwickler hat außerdem zahlreiche Fehler korrigiert, um die Zuverlässigkeit und Stabilität der Software zu verbessern.

SpeedCommander 12.10 wird ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform in deutscher Sprache für 37,95 Euro in der Download-Version angeboten. Die CD-Variante kostet 39,95 Euro.

Quelle : http://www.golem.de/0802/57523.html
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2009, 05:44
Version 7.50 enthält zahlreiche Neuerungen, darunter eine vollständige Unicode-Unterstützung, die bereits von Vista bekannte Brotkrumen-Navigation (siehe Screenshot), die Unterstützung sehr langer Pfadnamen, einen überarbeiteten Verzeichnisbaum sowie neue Tastenkombinationen. In dieser ersten öffentlichen Beta-Version hat der Entwickler einige Fehler behoben, die sich im Changelog auf der Herstellerwebsite einsehen lassen.

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 1 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Q-Dir ...
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2009, 15:00
Da hier ja wie üblich kaum einer was macht ...tu ich mal was ...

Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Wenn Ihnen vier Verzeichnisse zu viel des Guten sind, können Sie einstellen, ob der Dateimanager Q-Dir mit zwei, drei oder vier Verzeichnisansichten starten soll .

Mit von der Partie sind natürlich Exportfunktionen nach XLS, HTM, CSV und TXT, sowie eine Bildschirmlupe.

Titel: SpeedCommander 12.50 mit Optimierungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2009, 17:14
Verbesserter Netzwerkzugriff und Unterstützung relativer Ordnerfavoriten

Die neue Version 12.50 des Windows-Dateimanagers SpeedCommander beschert diesem überarbeitete Netzwerkzugriffe und die Unterstützung relativer Ordnerfavoriten. Weitere Neuerungen gibt es nicht, weil bereits die Arbeiten am SpeedCommander 13 auf Hochtouren laufen.
Ab SpeedCommander 12.50 prüft die Software bei einem Netzwerkzugriff, ob der Server bereits in der obersten Ebene zu finden ist. Hat das Erfolg, fragt SpeedCommander die Freigabe ab. Damit soll der Netzwerkzugriff beschleunigt werden. Bisher ermittelte SpeedCommander den Netzwerkpfad, indem dieser rückwärts zusammengesetzt wurde. Bei großen Netzwerken konnte das eine Weile dauern. Dieser Weg wird weiterhin eingeschlagen, falls der Server über den neuen Weg nicht gefunden wird.

Als weitere Neuerung kann SpeedCommander nun auch Ordnerfavoriten nutzen. Enthält ein Ordnerfavorit einen relativen Pfadnamen für das aktive oder inaktive Fenster, geht SpeedCommander davon aus, dass sich der Pfadname auf den aktuellen Ordner bezieht. Ansonsten soll die neue Version einige kleinere Fehlerkorrekturen erhalten haben.

Der Windows-Dateimanager SpeedCommander steht unter anderem in deutscher Sprache in der Version 12.50 bereit. Die Downloadversion (http://www.speedproject.de/speedcommander/index.html) gibt es für 37,95 Euro und als CD-Variante fallen 39,95 Euro an. Für Besitzer einer Lizenz von SpeedCommander 12.x ist das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version kostenlos. Eine 60-Tage-Testversion steht als Download zur Verfügung.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 2 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2009, 00:31
Version 7.50 enthält zahlreiche Neuerungen, darunter eine vollständige Unicode-Unterstützung, die bereits von Vista bekannte Brotkrumen-Navigation (siehe Screenshot), die Unterstützung sehr langer Pfadnamen, einen überarbeiteten Verzeichnisbaum sowie neue Tastenkombinationen. Diese zweite Beta-Version bringt eine Reihe kleinerer Verbesserungen mit: Unter anderem lassen sich die Laufwerksbuchstaben jetzt in Großschreibung anzeigen.


    * ThreadFindFirst=1 ist jetzt standardmässig aktiv: Verzeichnis im Hintergrund einlesen, der Benutzer kann es abbrechen
    * Zustand der Strg+S-Option beim Beenden speichern
    * Laufwerksbuchstaben in Grossschreibung: DrivesShowUpcase=1
    * Lister: Letzte benutzerdefinierte Codierung merken

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 2 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Neu : Q-Dir 3.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2009, 20:12
3.74 03.05.2009

Korrekturen für Vista und Windows-7.
Problem beim Zugriff auf diverse Speichermedien und Netzwerke behoben.

Titel: Q-Dir 3.77 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2009, 19:45
3.77 15.05.2009
Druckfunktion für Details-, Miniatur-, Listen-, ...- ansicht,
Beim Anlegen von Favoriten und Q-Dir start, merken des zuletzt aktiven Fensters (Focus).
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und Optimierung.

Gelegentliches Problem mit "*.qdr" Dateien beseitigt. Bitte erneut registrieren.
Aktualisierung mit F5 auch in der Verzeichnisstruktur.
Positionierung beim Starten von Q-Dir vor allem x64 OS.

Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 3 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2009, 10:27

    * Total Commander benutzt neu immer Unicode-Steuerelemente auf NT-basierten Systemen (das .UnicodeClass-Suffix ist nicht mehr nötig)
    * FTP-Verbindungsdialog: Ordner lassen sich via Knopf "Bearbeiten" nun umbenennen und verschieben
    * Breite der Verzeichnisliste der Brotkrumenleiste begrenzbar
    * Brotkrumenleiste: Oeffnen von Verzeichnissen oder virtuellen Ordnern kann abgebrochen werden, wenn es zu lange dauert
    * Vista 64bit: Pseudo-Unterverzeichnis "sysnative" im Windows-Ordner anzeigen, um das 64-bitige system32-Verzeichnis zu öffnen

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 3 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 4 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2009, 06:00
Version 7.50 enthält zahlreiche Neuerungen, darunter eine vollständige Unicode-Unterstützung, die bereits von Vista bekannte Brotkrumen-Navigation (siehe Screenshot), die Unterstützung sehr langer Pfadnamen, einen überarbeiteten Verzeichnisbaum sowie neue Tastenkombinationen. In dieser vierten Beta-Version werden laut Entwickler-Team in erster Linie Fehler korrigiert. Detaillierte Informationen dazu sind wie immer auf der Herstellerwebsite (http://www.ghisler.com/history750.txt) aufgeführt.


    * Fixed: When a disconnected network drive was reconnected, the drive's icon wasn't refreshed in the drive dropdown list
    * Fixed: Shift+Cursor up/down in drive dropdown list selected file in file list
    * Fixed: Access violation in icon thread when closing TC with open separate tree (fix should also improve the general stability)
    * Fixed: Multi-rename tool, branch view: When sorting by name, keep sort order from main window (sort just by name, not by relative path+name)
    * Fixed: Function to save current selection could crash with file names longer than 511 characters (e.g. in branch view)
    * Fixed: Quick filter wasn't removed when user opened a new tab by Ctrl+clicking on a button (or Shift+Enter in Ctrl+D menu) when command "cd xyz" was pointing to a file
    * Fixed: Yes/No button in copy to dir warning dialog not translated
    * Fixed: Mouse wheel no longer worked in Lister

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 4 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 5 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2009, 07:07
In dieser fünften Beta-Version hat der Entwickler in erster Linie Fehler korrigiert. So wurden die Unicode-Unterstützung ausgebaut und auch einige Probleme mit Total Commander unter Windows 9x behoben. Die unten aufgeführten Änderungen sind nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt des Changelogs, der wie immer in voller Länge auf der Herstellerseite zur Verfügung steht.


    * Delete with option "All as admin", then "Skip all" when a file is locked -> empty dirs which could be deleted as admin were skipped too
    * Couldn't edit Unicode alias commands in Configuration - Options - Misc.
    * Not all comboboxes supported Unicode yet
    * Master password input dialog: Use ToUnicode() to support special Romanian characters (may cause different master password than in Beta 4 or older!)
    * Synchronize dirs: Saving the option "Only selected (in main window)" didn't work on Windows 9x/ME

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/ (http://www.ghisler.com/)

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 5 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de (http://winfuture.de)
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 6 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2009, 05:53
In dieser sechsten Beta-Version sind überwiegend Fehler beseitigt worden. Daneben enthält sie einige kleinere Optimierungen, so zum Beispiel bei der Suchfunktion für Dateien sowie bei den Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Ausführliche Informationen zu den Änderungen in dieser Vorabversion erhalten Sie wie immer auf der Herstellerseite (http://www.ghisler.com/history750.txt).

Changelog (Auszug):

    * Lister started via /S=L switch: The exception dialog didn't show the stack trace
    * External quick search with tcmatch.dll: Options from MatchGetSetOptions were only applied to second call of MatchFileW
    * Installer: When installing to c:\somedir, also TC copies started from c:\somedir2 were closed
    * Cursor on file in left panel, while right panel shows a CAB file which does NOT contain that file, choose "Compare by content" -> entire CAB was unpacked to TEMP
    * Prevent strange characters from appearing in command line also when user presses just Alt+ one of these: Arrow keys, PageUp/Down, Home, End
    * Keyboard hotkeys in dialog boxes not always working with internal English texts (no language file)

Website: http://www.ghisler.com/ (http://www.ghisler.com/)

Lizenztyp: Shareware (28 Euro)
Download: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 6 (http://winfuture.de/downloadvorschalt,2364.html) (2,5 Mb; deutsch)

Quelle : http://winfuture.de (http://winfuture.de)
Titel: Q-Dir 3.84 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2009, 21:48
Letztes Update: 22 Juni 2009
LNG:>> (DE) (EN)
3.84 // 22.06.2009
Wichtiges Bug-Fix Update!

Neue Option "Nur öffnen bei Label- oder Iconklick" für Dateidetailsansicht.
Bug Zipordner: bei kopieren, verschieben ..., beseitigt.
Infos zu Neuheiten im Q-Dir 3.84:>>
"Neue Option"
3.83 // 18.06.2009

1. Anpassbare Datei- und Ordnergrößenanzeige (Spalte) so wie prozentueller Anzeige.
2. Bug beim Zeichnen der Gitterlinien in der Listenansicht beseitigt.
3. Verbesserter Transfer von Ordnern, Ansichteinstellungen, History und Spalteneinstellung von Fenster 1 nach Fenster (x).
4. Der Dateifilter macht sich jetzt nur bemerkbar, wenn es erforderlich ist.
5. Speicheroptimierung

Neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Slowakisch
Danke: Sepp Winkler

Infos zu Neuheiten im Q-Dir 3.83:>>
"Verbesserter Transfer"
"Bug der Gitterlinien"

3.79 19.05.2009

Bei Windows XP kann man es erzwingen, daß die Thumbnails bzw Miniaturansichten bis zu einer Größe von 256x256 Pixel angezeigt werden.
Speicheroptimierung vor allem beim Einsetzen der Farben in Q-Dir.
Verzeichnisstruktur jetzt auch ohne Linien möglich.
Bug: Seitenverhältnis bei Ordnerausdruck beseitigt.

http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir)
Titel: Q-Dir 3.86 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2009, 08:41
3.86 // 09.07.2009

Bei Favoriten wird die gespeicherte Ansicht (Details,Symbole,...) korrekt aufgerufen. Ebenso kann man jetzt die Spalteneinstellungen speichern.

Spalteneinstellungsproblem beim Transfer beseitigt.
Benutzung der Pfeiltasten (Oben/Unten) um die Dateien schneller editieren/umbennenen zu können .

Gruppierung bei Vista und Windows 7 beseitigt.
Schriftgrößenproblem in der Verzeichnisstruktur beseitigt.

http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir)
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 7 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2009, 08:58
16.07.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 7
15.07.09 Added: Russian language now included by default (new version, original still available via www.ghisler.com (http://www.ghisler.com))

14.07.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 7 (pre2)
14.07.09 Fixed: All background transfer manager windows appeared above each other, not side by side as in TC 7
14.07.09 Fixed: Button bar, parameters %P%S, cursor on [..] with nothing selected -> path was not surrounded by "" if it contained spaces
14.07.09 Fixed: Regular expressions: In Unicode (e.g. file names) \xnn will be converted from current code page to Unicode, while \x{nnnn} will be Unicode directly
14.07.09 Fixed: FTP: Progress and Cancel not working properly when deleting many files over a fast connection or locally
14.07.09 Fixed: Various memory leaks in new functions (found via a leak detection tool)
12.07.09 Fixed: When copying relatively small files in subdirs, clicking on "Cancel" aborted immediately without giving the user a chance to continue
12.07.09 Fixed: Turn off reaction to ANY kind of hotkey while minimized, except for the standard keys (Enter, Alt+Space, Alt+F4)
12.07.09 Added: Synchronize dirs: Increased number of characters in wildcards combo box from 259 to 1023
10.07.09 Fixed: Access violation when pressing Delete on minimized but focused Total Commander
10.07.09 Fixed: Delete files on Vista to recycle bin no longer supported UAC (delete as admin) because the new Vista delete function returned no error
09.07.09 Fixed: Installer: Strange characters could appear at end of string "All users" on link creation dialog
09.07.09 Added: Installer: Use GetUserDefaultUILanguage if available to get true language of dialogs etc.
08.07.09 Added: Lister started via  /S=L switch: P as last parameter allows to choose Lister plugin, e.g. /S=L:Piclview forces plugin iclview
08.07.09 Fixed: Removed error "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window." when starting TC with StartupScreen=0 and tool "TrueTransparency" active
08.07.09 Added: Lister started via  /S=L switch: Pass parameters to Lister, e.g.  /S=L:AT1C1251 (see help - command line parameters for details)
08.07.09 Added: Button bar: Ctrl+Left now stops to the right of the next separator, not to the left of it
08.07.09 Fixed: Installer: Language selection list now uses the correct code page for each language, taken from install.lng

07.07.09 Release Total Commander 7.50 Public Beta 7 (pre1)
07.07.09 Added: Romanian language now included by default
07.07.09 Fixed: In main menu, press ENTER on menu item for command cm_FocusButtonBar -> button bar was focused and first button was pressed by mistake
07.07.09 Fixed: Slight overlap of controls in search dialog
07.07.09 Added: New button bar hotkeys: Ctrl+Right/Left jumps to button after next/previous separator, or to the end/beginning. Alt+Enter opens button change dialog
07.07.09 Added: Thumbnails view: Support for Unicode text starting with byte order marker FF FE
07.07.09 Fixed: Rename/Move function: Get file attributes from file listing because GetFileAttributesW seems to report invalid data on some Samba drives
05.07.09 Fixed: New standard copy method (CopyFileEx): handle ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION error which occurs if the source or target is locked in the middle (e.g. open PST files)
05.07.09 Fixed: When executing a verb in a file system plugin, first check whether there is a local name (FsPluginGetLocalName), and if not, download the file and execute it locally with the custom verb
03.07.09 Fixed: Compare by content editor: Compare two large files > 1 MB, edit one, save, compare again, edit -> save failed. Solution: use two backup files, .bak and .bk2. The .bak holds the content of the initial original, while the .bk2 holds the content of the last save (mapped into memory)
03.07.09 Fixed: Standalone Synchronize dirs via /S=S switch didn't work with file system plugins which use logging
03.07.09 Fixed: Lister plugins: Avoid infinite loops with callback ListNotificationReceived, e.g. when WM_NOTIFY is received again while TC calls this function already
02.07.09 Added: Installer: Set default language on first installation to the system's current user language (if included)
30.06.09 Added: Installer: Support translation
30.06.09 Fixed: Could not unpack some AES-encrypted zip files where the local header didn't contain the packed file size
30.06.09 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When comparing with option "Empty dirs", disable the option "Right: Delete all empty directories" in the sync copy dialog because the two options interfere
30.06.09 Fixed: FTP, upload in background fails in the following case: Upload to uppercase directory, option "convert name to lowercase" active, user adds a file to the upload (reason: entire path converted to lowercase!)
30.06.09 Fixed: Lister, Hex search with OEM(DOS) font: Convert to OEM charset before converting hex to chars, otherwise the wrong text is found
30.06.09 Fixed: Unpacking subdirs from a subdir in a RAR archive no longer worked when using external RAR unpacker (note that this function doesn't support Unicode)
30.06.09 Fixed: Load selection from file in branch view didn't work correctly with subdirs only one character long, e.g. e\somefile
30.06.09 Fixed: Button bar: Couldn't edit linked button bar via right click menu if the name was surrounded by double quotes, e.g. "c:\some dir\test.bar"
28.06.09 Added: Installer, Windows NT-based systems: Let the user choose where to create start menu and desktop links (for all users, current user, or custom user)
28.06.09 Added: The installer no longer uses DDE to create start menu shortcuts

http://www.ghisler.com/ (http://www.ghisler.com/)
Titel: Q-Dir 3.87 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2009, 16:28
3.87 // 17.07.2009

Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.
Kleine Korrekturen und Optimierungen.
Mehr in der nächsten Version!

http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir)
Titel: Q-Dir 3.92 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2009, 21:38
3.92 29.7.2009

Kleines Update
Einige Korrekturen und Optimierungen
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.
Neue sprache in Q-Dir Tschechisch

http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=Freeware/Q-Dir)
Titel: SpeedCommander 12.51 korrigiert Programmfehler
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2009, 10:55
Fehlerkorrekturen sollen Stabilität des Dateimanagers steigern

Ein kleines Update für den Dateimanager SpeedCommander beseitigt einige Programmfehler, um die Stabilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Software zu erhöhen. Neue Funktionen hat SpeedCommander 12.51 nicht erhalten.
Mit dem neuen SpeedCommander 12.51 sollen Abstürze verhindert werden, die beim Entpacken eines CAB-Archivs auftraten. Zu einem Absturz konnte es auch kommen, wenn bei verschlüsselten SQX-Archiven ein falsches Kennwort eingegeben wurde. Auch beim Importieren von Einstellungen von der SpeedCommander-Version 8 kam es zu Abstürzen, was nun der Vergangenheit angehören soll. Gleiches gilt für einen Fehler in FileSearch, wenn die Funktion während einer Suche beendet wurde.

In RAR-Archiven wird die AV-Signatur nach dem Einspielen des Updates nun wieder korrekt dargestellt und beim Ausdrucken von Ordnerlisten erscheinen keine Präfixe mehr vor den Verzeichnisnamen. Aufgrund eines fehlerhaften Makros im Platform-SDK erschienen unter Windows XP x64 keine Gruppen mehr im Dateimanager, auch dieser Fehler soll nun korrigiert sein. Zudem wurden weitere kleine Fehlerkorrekturen an der Software vorgenommen.

Der Dateimanager SpeedCommander steht unter anderem in deutscher Sprache in der Version 12.51 für die Windows-Plattform bereit. Die Downloadversion (http://www.speedproject.de/speedcommander/index.html) gibt es für 37,95 Euro und als CD-Variante fallen 39,95 Euro an. Für Besitzer einer Lizenz von SpeedCommander 12.x ist das Upgrade auf die aktuelle Version kostenlos. Eine 60-Tage-Testversion steht als Download zur Verfügung.

Quelle : www.golem.de (http://www.golem.de)
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 RC1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2009, 00:21
This is mainly a bugfix release, but also contains some changes:

    * The main change is the switch to the HTML HELP format (CHM), which was supported by a vast makority in the poll forum
    * Windows 7: Show progress bar in task bar
    * The sync function can now start the comparison automatically via a special parameter if the user wants that

A list of additions and corrections, also for previous versions, can be found here (http://www.ghisler.com/history750.txt).

http://www.ghisler.com/ (http://www.ghisler.com/)
Titel: Speedcommander 13: Öffentliche Beta ist da
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2009, 12:27
Ende Oktober 2009 soll der Speedcommander in der Version 13 erscheinen. Eine öffentliche Betaversion gibt bereits einen Ausblick, was für Neuerungen die Anwender des Windows-Dateimanagers zu erwarten haben.

Speedcommander 13 kann direkt auf die speziellen Windows-Verzeichnisse Computer, Desktop sowie auf virtuelle Ordner zugreifen, so dass auch angeschlossene Digitalkameras oder Medienplayer über den Speedcommander erreichbar sind. In der Baumansicht kann neuerdings eine einfache Ordneranzeige gewählt werden und auf Wunsch lassen sich für einen Befehl doppelte Tastenkürzel zuweisen. Damit stehen deutlich mehr Möglichkeiten bereit, Befehle ohne Maus aufzurufen.


In der Listenansicht werden Einträge wie im Windows Explorer von Windows Vista respektive Windows 7 angezeigt. Außerdem wird ab Windows Vista der Eintrag hervorgehoben, der sich unter dem Mauszeiger befindet. Dateinamen lassen sich ab Windows Vista nun markieren, indem mit der Maus ein Lasso neben dem Text für den Dateinamen aufgezogen wird.

Außerdem markiert Speedcommander Dateien mit einem kleinen Schildsymbol, die wahrscheinlich mit höheren Benutzerrechten gestartet werden müssen. Damit verhält sich die Software analog zum Windows Explorer. Die neue Listendarstellung lässt sich in den Optionen bei Bedarf deaktivieren.

In der Listenansicht lassen sich mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig durch "Enter" öffnen und mit Hilfe von Vorlagen werden Verzeichnisse gekennzeichnet. Zudem ändert die Software abhängig von der Spaltenbreite die Anzeige für das Dateidatum. Wenn die Spalte für das Dateidatum breiter ist, zeigt die Software das Datum ausführlicher als wenn die Spalte schmaler ist. In der maximalen Breite erscheint das Datum mit Monatsnamen, Wochentag und Uhrzeit, während die minimale Darstellung nur Tag und Monat als Zahl darstellt. In der Miniaturansicht wird eine bessere Skalierung von Dateisymbolen versprochen und generell kann der Verweis auf das übergeordnete Verzeichnis ausgeblendet werden.

Bei gemappten Netzlaufwerken lassen sich UNC-Dateinamen als Text kopieren und zusätzlich installierte Erweiterungen werden im Kontextmenü für Ordner angezeigt. Allgemein bleibt der Speedcommander bedienbar, auch wenn große Verzeichnisse eingelesen werden, so dass der Anwender nicht mehr auf den Abschluss der Aktion warten muss.

Fortschrittsanzeige in der Windows-7-Taskleiste

Auf Systemen mit Windows 7 wird die Fortschrittsanzeige innerhalb des Eintrags der Taskleiste unterstützt, die Schnellansicht hat eine verbesserte Tastatursteuerung erhalten und kann nun direkt PDF-Dateien anzeigen, auch auf 64-Bit-Systemen. Bei Drag-and-Drop-Operationen verhält sich der Speedcommander bei Bedarf wie der Windows Explorer. Werden Dateien auf dem gleichen Laufwerk bewegt, verschiebt der Speedcommander diese, ansonsten werden sie kopiert. Außerdem zeigt der Dateimanager ab Windows Vista Dateisymbole, die Menge der Dateien und eine Zielbeschreibung, wenn Daten mit der Maus bewegt werden. Beim Ausführen von Drag-and-Drop mit der rechten Maustaste erscheint ein Kontextmenü.

Ferner bietet die Software eine manuelle Updateprüfung im Hilfemenü und über Kommandozeilenparameter lassen sich Einstellungen aus Speedcommander 11 oder 12 importieren. SpeedEdit verfügt nun auch über eine Syntaxhervorhebung für Fortran. Generell verhindert Speedcommander nun einen Wechsel in den Stand-by-Modus, wenn noch eine Dateioperation läuft.

Die Betaversion des Speedcommander 13 steht für die Windows-Plattform ab Windows XP einschließlich Windows 7 als Download (http://forum.speedproject.de/showthread.php?t=7853) zur Verfügung. Die fertige Version des Speedcommander 13 für die Windows-Plattform ist für Ende Oktober 2009 geplant. Die Vollversion kostet dann 39,95 Euro. Ein Upgrade von Speedcommander 11 oder 12 gibt es für 19,95 Euro, während ein Upgrade von einer älteren Speedcommander-Version 24,95 Euro kostet. Wer Speedcommander 12 ab dem 1. Juli 2009 erworben hat, bekommt kostenlos einen Freischaltschlüssel für Speedcommander 13.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 7.50 RC2 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2009, 00:07
This is mainly a bugfix release. The only addition is the inclusion of the Chinese translation in the main installer.

Titel: TwoDirs erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2009, 16:02
Der Freeware-Dateimanager für Windows

Hier die vielen Features:
- Zweifenstertechnik & optionale Baumansicht
- Laufwerksleisten für beide Fenster zur einfacheren Auswahl
- integrierter Dateibetrachter mit supervielen Funktionen
- umfangreiche ZIP-Funktionen inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- RAR-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren
- 7z-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- Einfacher Zugriff auf das Startmenü, die Favoriten, etc.
- Einfaches Anlegen eigener Programmzugriffe (sogenanntes Startermenü)
- Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien/Ordnern mittels Hotkeys
- Ändern der Dateiattribute
- Benutzer abmelden, Windows starten/herunterfahren
- Integrierter FTP-Client
- Screenshots erstellen vom Bildschirm/Bereich
- Ermittlung der Ordnergrößen
- Ordner vergleichen
- Dateifilter
- Verzeichnis-History
- umfangreiche Suchfunktionen
- DOS-Kommandozeile
- Schnellansicht
- … uvm.


Eine Versionshistorie findet man hier (http://www.twodirs.pdf-exe.de/html/history.html).

OS: 2000/XP/Vista
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://twodirs.pdf-exe.de/index.html
Titel: Unreal Commander v0.95 (build 717)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2009, 19:01
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - Vista
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: FreeCommander 2009.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2009, 21:30
FreeCommander ist eine leicht bedienbare Alternative zum Standard-Dateimanager von Windows. Das Programm hilft Ihnen bei der täglichen Arbeit mit Windows. Sie finden hier alle nötigen Funktionen um Ihre Datenbestände richtig zu verwalten. Sie können FreeCommander überall mitnehmen - einfach den  Installationsordner auf eine CD oder USB-Stick kopieren - und Sie können auch auf einem fremden PC mit dem Programm arbeiten. 


    Wichtigste Eigenschaften von FreeCommander:

    * Zweifenstertechnik - vertikale und horizontale Teilung
    * Registerkarten (Tabs) für einen schnellen Ordnerwechsel
    * Optionale Baumansicht in jedem Fenster
    * Interner Dateibetrachter zum Betrachten von Dateien in verschiedenen Formaten
    * Dateibetrachtung auch innerhalb von Archivdateien möglich
    * Integrierte Unterstützung der Archivformate ZIP, CAB (lesen und schreiben), RAR (lesen)
    * Unterstützung für verschachtelte Archivdateien
    * Einfacher Zugriff auf das Start-/Favoriten-Menü und die Elemente des Desktops und des Arbeitsplatzes
    * Integrierter FTP Client
    * Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien und Ordnern
    * Dateien sicher löschen
    * Mehrfaches Umbenennen
    * MD5-Quersummen erzeugen und verifizieren
    * Trennen von Dateien
    * Anzeige der Eigenschaften und des Kontextmenüs von Dateien
    * Ermittlung von Ordnergrößen
    * Vergleichen/Synchronisieren von Ordnern
    * Datei-Attribute/Datum ändern
    * Favoritenliste für Programme und Ordner
    * Dateisuche (auch innerhalb von Archivdateien)
    * Dateifilter für die Anzeige
    * Benutzerdefinierte Spalten im Detailansicht
    * DOS-Kommandozeile
    * Unterstützung für mehrere Sprachen

Titel: Double Commander 0.4.0 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2009, 21:32
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.
Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.


ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.
Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Expicula 1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2009, 21:01
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.
Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Die Software ist Freeware und für WIN 2000 - Vista gedacht.
Hersteller: http://www.belysis.de/index.html
Titel: eyeOS
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2009, 21:07
Die Desktop-Alternative eyeOS für Ihren Web-Browser ist mit allen nötigen Programmen ausgestattet: Textverarbeitung, Datei-Explorer, Kalender und sogar ein Schachspiel werden mitgeliefert. Die Oberfläche von eyeOS lässt sich wie eine normale Desktop-Umgebung bedienen und somit bleiben kaum Wünsche offen.


So installieren Sie eyeOS:
Nachdem Sie die gezippte Programm-Dateien heruntergeladen und entpackt haben, müssen Sie alle Dateien auf einen Webserver der PHP unterstützt hochladen.

Bevor Sie mit der eigentlichen Installation starten können, müssen Sie nur noch install.php, eyeOS.eyepackage sowie dem Ordner, in dem Sie eyeOS gespeichert haben, Vollzugriff erteilen.

Für die Installation müssen Sie in Ihrem Browser nun einfach install.php aufrufen und den Anweisungen folgen.

Tipp: Bevor Sie eyeOS installieren, können Sie auf dem Server des Entwicklers die Webanwendung antesten.

Übersetzungen (http://eyeos.org/de/downloads/translations)

Benutzeranleitung (http://eyeos.org/de/downloads/usermanual)

Freeware für Win 98 bis Vista
Hersteller: http://eyeos.org/de/
Titel: EF Commander 7.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2009, 21:31
Der EF Commander ist ein mächtiger, vielseitig konfigurierbarer und dennoch leicht zu bedienender Dateimanager. Er wurde für die Bedürfnisse von Anwendern entwickelt, denen die Dateiverwaltungsfunktionen des Betriebssystems nicht genügen. Im Jahr 1994 ursprünglich für den OS/2-Presentation-Manager™ als Ersatz für das bekannte DOS-Tool Norton Commander™ geschrieben, wurde der EF Commander im Jahr 1996 auch für die 32 Bit Microsoft Windows™ Betriebssysteme verfügbar.

Seither wurde der EF Commander ständig weiterentwickelt, verbessert und neue Funktionen kamen hinzu. Sein Funktionsumfang geht heute weit über den eines einfachen Dateimanagers hinaus. Einige ausgewählte Highlights lesen Sie unten.

In seinen Grundzügen ist der EF Commander seinem Vorbild treu geblieben. In bewährter Zwei-Fenster-Technik verwalten Sie komfortabel Ihre Dateien und Ordner. Sie können den EF Commander verwenden, um Dateien zu verschieben, sie zu kopieren oder zu packen. Sie können Anwendungsprogramme aus ihm starten, die Verbindung zu Netzlaufwerken herstellen und Datenträger verwalten.

Das Programm überzeugt vor allem in den Punkten Stabilität und Geschwindigkeit. Menüstruktur und Tastenkombinationen entsprechen im wesentlichen dem Norton Commander. Gegenüber dem Original hebt sich der EF Commander durch seine vielen zusätzlichen Funktionen und durch seine hervorragende Anpassbarkeit an die Bedürfnisse und Wünsche des Anwenders ab.


Einige Hauptmerkmale des EF Commander:

    * Integrierter Audioplayer

      Der EF Commander erhielt einen vollwertigen Audioplayer inkl. Playlisten-Unterstützung und ID-Tag-Anzeige zum Abspielen von Musik im Hintergrund. Die für die Audiowiedergabe verwendete Programmkomponente wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und verbessert. Direkt unterstützt werden nun die Formate MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC, WMA und WAV. Weitere Formate können über geeignete Winamp-Plugins hinzugefügt werden. Das Abspielen von Audiodateien im Hintergrund erfolgt jetzt störungsfrei. Der integrierte Dateibetrachter unterstützt neu die Anzeige sowie das Abspielen von Playlisten.

   * Benutzermenü
      Das vollständig erneuerte Benutzermenü kann nun Gruppierungen sowie Untermenüs enthalten und interne Programmfunktionen können in das Benutzermenü integriert werden.

   * Komfortable Benutzeroberfläche
      Die moderne und anpassungsfähige Benutzeroberfläche des EF Commander vereinfacht die Verwaltung Ihrer Dateien in vielerlei Weise und ist dabei für jedermann einfach zu bedienen. Erfahrene Anwender werden die Leistungsfähigkeit und weitreichende Konfigurierbarkeit der Oberfläche schätzen.

   * Mehrfachumbenennungs-Werkzeug
      Das neue Mehrfachumbenennungs-Werkzeug ermöglicht auf einfache Weise das Umbenennen einer Vielzahl von Dateien und Ordnern in einem Arbeitsgang nach definierbaren Regeln. Es bietet u.a. sequentielle Regelverarbeitung, Ergebnisvorschau, eine Rückgängig-Funktion und das Speichern und Laden von Regelsätzen.

   * Anwenderdefinierbare Tastaturbelegung
      Die Tastenkombinationen zum Aufruf nahezu sämtlicher Programmfunktionen können individuell zugeordnet werden.

   * Anzeigefarbschemen
      Definieren Sie eigene Farbschemen in beliebiger Anzahl, um die Einträge in den Listenanzeigen mit individuellen Farben darzustellen. In jedem Schema können Sie andere Farben und/oder Schriftstile für jeweils beliebige Dateieigenschaften wie z.B. Dateitypen, Datum/Uhrzeit u.v.a. vorgeben.

   * Dateifilter
      Der verbesserte und erweiterte Dateifilter dient in mehreren Anwendungsbereichen dazu, Dateien und Ordner nach div. Kriterien zu filtern. Sie können beliebig viele Anzeigefilter einrichten, um damit in den Listen die Anzeige auf solche Dateien und Ordner einzuschränken, die den vorgegebenen Kriterien entsprechen. Eine andere Anwendung der Filter besteht darin, die Farben für bestimmte Listeneinträge individuell festzulegen.

   * Anzeige erweiterter Dateiinformationen in anwenderdefinierten Ansichten
      Anwenderdefinierte Spaltenansichten ermöglichen die Anzeige einer Vielzahl zusätzlicher Dateiinformationen (Metadaten), wie z.B. von ID-Tags Ihrer Audiodateien oder den erweiterten Bildinformationen Ihrer digitalen Fotos in von Ihnen selbst konfigurierbaren Spalten für die Listenansichten.

   * Ordneransichten
      Verwenden Sie individuelle Ansichten für Ihre häufig benutzten Ordner und aktivieren Sie diese komfortabel und schnell über Tabulatoren (Karteireiter) am unteren Fensterrand.

   * Miniaturansicht
      Mit der Miniaturansicht bietet der EF Commander die Möglichkeit, kleine Vorschaubilder (Thumbnails) Ihrer Bilddateien anzuzeigen. Im Zusammenspiel mit der Schnellansicht verwandelt sich der EF Commander dadurch zum vielseitigen Bildbrowser und -betrachter.

   * 32 Bit Multi-Threading
      Zeitintensive Vorgänge werden in eigene Threads ausgelagert, so dass Sie bereits weiterarbeiten können, während der EF Commander im Hintergrund noch beschäftigt ist, z.B. mit dem Kopieren von Dateien.

   * Direkter Zugriff auf PDA's mit Windows CE
      Der EF Commander war der erste Dateimanager, mit dem Sie auf die Daten Ihres über ActiveSync™ verbundenen Windows CE Gerätes zugreifen können. Sie können damit Dateien direkt auf dem Pocket-PC ansehen und bearbeiten, Daten zwischen dem PC und dem Pocket-PC austauschen und Programme direkt auf dem Gerät ausführen.

   * Brennen von CD's und DVD's direkt mit dem EF Commander
      Wenn Sie die CD- und DVD-Recordingsoftware Nero (ab Version Burning ROM der Nero AG installiert haben, bietet der EF Commander die Möglichkeit, direkt aus der Programmoberfläche heraus Daten auf CD/DVD zu brennen.

   * Interne Packer für mehr als 20 Archiv-Formate
      Diese Funktion ermöglicht Ihnen, nahezu sämtliche unter Windows und Unix(Linux) gängigen Archiv-Formate (7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO, LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP, Zip64, ZOO) zu entpacken. Darüber hinaus können Sie mit dem EF Commander selbst Archive in vielen Formaten erstellen. Das Programm behandelt Archive dabei ähnlich wie Verzeichnisse. Dadurch können Sie Dateien innerhalb von Archiven ansehen, kopieren oder löschen ohne das gesamte Archiv zuvor entpacken zu müssen.

   * Integrierter Dateibetrachter für mehr als 30 Dateiformate
      Schauen Sie sich, ohne dafür extra Software erwerben zu müssen, Text- und Grafikdateien in vielen Formaten an oder spielen Sie Ihre MP3- und WAV-Dateien direkt mit dem integrierten Viewer im EF Commander ab.

   * Einbinden von XnView und IrfanView
      Integrieren Sie die beliebten Grafikbetrachter IrfanView und/oder XnView, um die Anzeigefähigkeiten des internen Viewers sowie der Schnellansicht um mehrere hundert zusätzliche Grafik- und Multimediaformate zu erweitern.

   * Schneller FTP-Client
      Mit dem integrierten FTP-Client können Sie bis zu 10 Verbindungen gleichzeitig aufbauen. Er unterstützt die Wiederaufnahme abgebrochener Downloads sowie FxP (Server zu Server Dateitransfer).

   * Eingebauter Text- und HEX-Editor
      Der EF Commander bringt einen vollwertigen Texteditor für nahezu beliebig große Textdateien mit. (Nur begrenzt durch den verfügbaren Hauptspeicher). Darüber hinaus kann der Editor auch Dateien im Hexadezimal-Format bearbeiten.

   * Funktionen zum Trennen und Zusammenführen von Dateien
      Teilen Sie große Dateien auf mehrere Datenträger auf bzw. führen Sie derart aufgeteilte Dateien wieder zusammen.

   * Erstellen und Überprüfen von CRC-Summen
      Mit dem EF Commander können Sie Prüfsummen in den Formaten SFV, MD5 und SHA1 für Ihre Dateien erstellen sowie die Unverfälschtheit von Dateien anhand Ihnen vorliegender Prüfsummen-Dateien überprüfen.

   * Synchronisieren von Verzeichnisstrukturen
      Bringen Sie den Inhalt von Ordnern (auf Wunsch einschl. eingeschlossener Unterordner) auf einen gemeinsamen Stand, z.B. um Daten zwischen Ihrem Notebook und dem Netzwerkserver zu synchronisieren.

   * Verwenden von Viewer-, Packer-, Dateisystem- und Dateiinhalts-Plugins
      Erweitern Sie den Funktionsumfang des EF Commander durch eine Vielzahl verfügbarer Programmerweiterungen (Plugins) in den Formaten WLX, WCX, WFX und WDX.

Licence: Shareware

Titel: Total Commander 7.5 für Windows verfügbar!
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2009, 21:40
9. September 2009: Total Commander 7.5 ist ab sofort verfügbar! Es gibt viele neue Funktionen, die wichtigsten davon sind:

    * Volle Unicode-Unterstützung in den meisten Funktionen, wo das möglich ist, inkl. FTP, ZIP und Plugins
    * Hilfedatei neu im HTML-Hilfeformat (CHM). Die alte HLP-Hilfe ist weiterhin auf www.ghisler.com verfügbar
    * Unterstützung für Dateinamen länger als 259 Zeichen (bis zu 1022) in den meisten Dateioperationen
    * Das aktuelle Verzeichnis über den Dateilisten kann als anklickbare Leiste funktionieren ("breadcrumb bar")
    * Schützen der gespeicherten FTP-Passwörter mit einem Hauptpasswort (AES256-Verschlüsselung)
    * Starten des Listers, Vergleich nach Inhalt oder Verzeichnisse synchronisieren direkt über Kommandozeilenparameter
    * Kommentare (Strg+Z) können neu bis zu 4095 Zeichen lang sein, und Zeilenumbrüche enthalten
    * Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Option zum Synchronisieren leerer Verzeichnisse, Option zum Kopieren von Dateieigenschaften
    * Die Windows-Taste kann nun für benutzerdefinierte Tastenkombinationen benutzt werden
    * Unter 64-bit Windows können neue 64-bit-Explorererweiterungen im Rechtsklickmenü benutzt werden
    * Kopieren von Dateien/Verzeichnissen in mehrere Zielverzeichnisse (oder lnk-Dateien, die auf Verzeichnisse zeigen) in 1 Operation
    * Schnellsuche mit Suchen-Dialog: Anzeige eines Knopfes, mit dem alle nicht passenden Dateien ausgeblendet werden können
    * Schriftcodierung im Lister wechseln, volle Unterstützung für rechts-nach-links-Text
    * Interne Verknüpfungen, z.B. für die Benutzung von Total Commander auf einem USB-Stick

Titel: MuCommander 0.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2009, 19:06
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST, er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden. Dateien können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.


Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem. Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

Benötigt wird Java
Hersteller: http://www.mucommander.com/
Titel: Total Commander 7.50a erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2009, 23:54
24. September 2009:

Total Commander 7.50a ist ab sofort verfügbar. Diese Version korrigiert Fehler, die erst nach dem Release von Total Commander 7.50 gefunden wurden, insbesondere beim Drucken von Unicode-Text im Lister, dem Entpacken spezieller verschlüsselter ZIP-Dateien, und langsamem Verschieben von grossen Ordnern auf demselben Laufwerk. Wir empfehlen Ihnen ein baldmöglichstes Update.

Titel: LAN-Explorer 1.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2009, 21:36
Der LAN-Explorer stellt die vorhandenen Freigaben übersichtlich dar und erleichtert das browsen innerhalb der Freigaben.
Dafür bedient sich der LAN-Explorer der sogenannten Browsing-Liste. Diese Liste wird in zyklischen Abständen an jedem Rechner im Netz weitergegeben. Da man leider keinen Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit nehmen kann, kann es vorkommen, das nicht direkt alle Rechner angezeigt werden. Hier hilft nur etwas warten.


- der LAN-Explorer ist in jedem lokalen Microsoft kompatiblen Netzwerk einsetzbar
- unabhängig von Protokollen wie TCP/IP, NBT, IPX/SPX oder NetBeui
- Favoritenliste um die wichtigsten Freigaben zu speichern
- Suchfunktion über alle Freigaben
- ein Explorer ist integriert, ebenso ein Download-Manager

Unterstützt wird WIN98 - Vista
Hersteller: http://www.speed-soft.de/index.php?language=de
Titel: TwoDirs erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2009, 12:24
26.09.09 - V4.7.6.0

- Added: Die TwoDirs-Hilfe liegt nun neu im HTML-Hilfeformat (CHM) vor. Dadurch ist sie ohne Zusatzprogramm auch unter Microsoft Vista/7 lesbar!
- Added: Neuer Menüpunkt unter 'HILFE' - 'WEB-LINKS' -> 'TWODIRS DOWNLOADSEITE BESUCHEN...'.
- Added: Beim Mehrfachstart von TwoDirs werden diese zusätzlich numeriert.

- Added: The TwoDirs Help is now new in HTML Help format (CHM). Now you can read it without additional software also under Microsoft Vista/7!
- Added: New menue entry under 'HELP' -'WEB-LINKS' -> "VISIT TWODIRS DOWNLOAD PAGE...'.
- Added: When multiple start of TwoDirs these are also numbered.

Titel: Fresh View 7.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2009, 21:16
Das kostenlose FreshView erleichtert das Verwalten und Anschauen von Bild-, Audio- und Videodateien.
Mit der Freeware FreshView hören Sie Musik, schauen Videos oder lassen sich Ihre Bilder in einer coolen, animierten Slideshow zeigen. Außerdem zeigt das Programm die Bildersammlung auch als Thumbnails oder in einer Großansicht an.


Fazit: Das Hauptaugenmerk der Software liegt auf dem Bildsektor, insgesamt 68 Bild-Formate können mit "FreshView" geöffnet, konvertiert oder als HTML-Album ins Netz gestellt werden. FreshView ist übersichtlich und leicht zu bedienen. Ein super Freeware-Programm.

Windows: 2000 - Vista
Lizenz: Freeware- für die persönliche / private Nutzung
Hersteller: http://www.freshdevices.com/freshview.html
Titel: Expicula 1.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2009, 19:56
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen

Die Software ist Freeware und für WIN 2000 - Vista gedacht.
Hersteller: http://www.belysis.de/index.html
Titel: TwoDirs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2009, 14:50
04.10.09 - V4.7.7.0

- Fixed: Der Zugriff auf Linux-Samba-Freigaben brachte eine Fehlermeldung.

Titel: Expicula 1.28.1 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2009, 23:43
Version 1.28.1

    * Bugfix: Backspace beim Umbenennen wurde nicht ausgewertet
    * Bugfix: Drag von Tabs mit rechter Maustaste zwischen nicht-aktiven Fenstern war nicht wirksam

Version 1.28

    * Kompatibilität mit Windows 7 RC
    * Anzeige versteckter Objekte direkt über Filter-Button einstellbar
    * Drag zwischen Tabs mit rechter Maustaste ordnet Fenster nebeneinander bzw. untereinander an (einstellbar)
    * Bugfix: Delete-Button inaktiv

Titel: Q-Dir 3.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2009, 17:58

Kleines Update: Sprachdateien

Titel: Expicula 1.28.2 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2009, 21:43
Version 1.28.2

    * Bugfix: Ordnervergleich (Option "Fehlende")

Titel: Expicula 1.28.3 erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2009, 21:51

Bugfix: Umbenennen im Ordnerbaum korrigiert

Titel: Fresh View 7.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2009, 17:41
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: MuCommander 0.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2009, 14:20
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.


Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

What's new in muCommander 0.8.4 ?

New features

    * Added native support for 7z archives.
    * Added a keyboard shortcuts editor. Originally contributed by Johann Schmitz and improved by Arik Hadas (ticket #84).
    * Added a command bar editor.
    * Added a debug console that shows recent log messages.
    * New 'Skip errors' option added to copy/move/unpack/download file operations, allowing file transfer errors to be ignored silently (ticket #231).
    * Files can be selected or marked one block at a time (ticket #116). Default shortcuts are Control+UP/DOWN and Shift+Control+UP/DOWN respectively.
    * New split and combine files functionality.


    * Tar/TGZ and Zip unpacking speed has been improved significantly (ticket #74).
    * Improved RAR compatibility.
    * jCIFS library upgraded to version 1.3.12.
    * SMB domain-based authentication is now supported.
    * Added shortcuts to browse nearby SMB network shares.
    * JNA library upgraded to version 3.2.2.
    * Character encodings can be more easily selected (ticket #15).
    * Added icon mappings for Office 2007 file extensions.
    * 'Mark/Unmark files' is no longer case-sensitive by default.
    * Mac OS X: muCommander can now be interacted with from the Finder (Open with) or by dragging file/folders to the Dock icon (ticket #153).
    * New and improved application icon, contributed by Semyon Filippov.
    * Added a 'New window' item to the system tray menu.
    * Improved support for NRG images ; audio tracks can now be dumped as WAV files. Contributed by Xavier Martin.
    * Improved the toolbar's behavior when the window is too small for all buttons to be displayed (ticket #165). Contributed by LeO.
    * File table's right-click menu now has visibility toggles for all columns instead of just the current one, and one for Auto-Size columns (ticket #226).
    * Leading and trailing toolbar separators are no longer displayed (ticket #166).
    * 'Permanent delete' no longer asks whether symlinks should be followed, they are now silently deleted without being followed (easier and safer).
    * Improvements made to the filename selection algorithm used in Copy/Move/Unpack/Rename destination fields (ticket #167).
    * Added support for KDE 4 (ticket #257).
    * Startup failures are now handled gracefully by displaying a proper message and error details.
    * Local UNIX volumes are now resolved using /proc/mounts (dynamic) rather rather than /etc/fstab (static). Contributed by Kowy (ticket #227).
    * Added the Java runtime version to the 'Version information' section of the 'About' dialog (ticket #274).
    * 'mka', 'mkv' and 'divx' files now have proper audio/video icons. Suggested by Tenzer (ticket #279).


    * Arabic (AR) translation, contributed by ChArLoK_16.

Bug fixes

    * Zip entries using '\' as a path separator are now tolerated and handled appropriately (ticket #98).
    * Fixed image viewer not updating the zoom level in the window title (ticket #102). Contributed by Joshua Lebo.
    * Fixed date of Zip entries incorrectly displayed under certain conditions (ticket #107). Contributed by Oliver Burgmaier.
    * Fixed SMB connection issues (ticket #106).
    * Fixed connection issues with FTP servers not supporting the SYST command ; those are now considered as Unix servers (ticket #121).
    * Fixed credentials ignored when setting a remote startup folder (ticket #108).
    * Fixed unconsistent handling of destination when unpacking an archive (ticket #93).
    * Fixed the display of homonymous volumes in the drive popup button (ticket #138).
    * Swap partitions declared in /etc/fstab are now properly handled (ticket #139). Contributed by Johann Schmitz.
    * Fixed issues with Look & Feel (ticket #145).
    * Fixed slow downs affecting the drive popup button under Windows (ticket #122). Contributed by Alexander Yerenkow.
    * Fixed an exception occuring in the 'Run dialog' when pressing Enter repeatedly (ticket #212).
    * Fixed an issue with the panel separator being set incorrectly after a resize of the main window (ticket #163).
    * Improved the toolbar's behavior when the window is too small for all buttons to be displayed (ticket #165). Contributed by LeO.
    * Fixed flashing command windows under Windows 95/98/Me (ticket #63).
    * The authentication dialog's login field is now prefilled with the current user's name (ticket #185). Contributed by LeO.
    * Fixed exceptions occurring while copying text to the clipboard from an external application under certain conditions (ticket #164).
    * Added support for forward slash-separated paths on backslash-separated OSes (Windows, OS/2) (ticket #94).
    * Double-click speed system preference is now honoured under GNOME and KDE (ticket #221). Contributed by LeO.
    * Folder auto-refresh can be disabled in the preferences by setting the prefs.auto_refresh.check_period value to -1 (requested in ticket #233).
    * Fixed viewer/editor menus not appearing since Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 4 (ticket #243).
    * Fixed malfunctioning encoding detection in text viewer/editor (ticket #244).
    * Text viewer/editor no longer treats the Unicode BOM as an editable character (ticket #245).
    * UTF-16 and UTF-32 text files are no longer recognized as binary files (ticket #235).
    * Fixed erratic current file selection when 'Refresh' is called repeatedly (ticket #250).
    * Text editor now preserves Unicode BOMs when saving files (ticket #251).
    * Fixed file selection issues when middle clicking and dragging the mouse (ticket #176).
    * Fixed an issue causing icons not to appear on certain files when using system icons (ticket #225). Fix contributed by LeO.
    * Fixed UI freezes when invoking Copy/Move/Unpack dialogs on a remote filesystem (ticket #12).
    * Fixed 'open natively' opening all files when invoked on a remote filesystem or on archive entries (ticket #147).
    * Fixed auto-refresh not picking changes changes made to a file that was edited (ticket #258).
    * Fixed 'Move to trash' failures under GNOME (ticket #97).
    * Credentials could end up not being saved upon application exit (ticket #173).
    * Fixed connection issues when using a password containing a slash character (ticket #137).
    * Fixed a case where the application would freeze when browsing HTTP shares with the tree view enabled (ticket #266).
    * Fixed quick search issues under Mac OS X Snow Leopard (ticket #309).

Known issues

    * Some translations are not up-to-date. Refer to http://trac.mucommander.com/wiki/Translations for more information.
    * Recycle Bin not working on Windows 64-bit.
    * RAR and SFTP support are only available under Java 1.5 or higher.
    * Executable permissions are not preserved properly for local files prior to Java 1.6.
    * SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
    * 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
    * Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
    * Mac OS X: text fields don't work correctly when using a fractionally-scaled font (known Java bug, http://lists.apple.com/archives/Java-dev/2005/May/msg00670.html).
    * Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
    * Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.

Für WIN 98 - Vista
Benötigt wird Java
Hersteller: http://www.mucommander.com/
Titel: Speedcommander 13 mit zahlreichen Verbesserungen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2009, 09:43
Die Arbeiten an Speedcommander 13 sind abgeschlossen. Nach zwei Betaversionen und einem Release Candidate wurde die neue Version des Windows-Dateimanagers nun veröffentlicht. Mit vielen Verbesserungen soll der Umgang mit Dateien weiter vereinfacht werden.

Umfangreiche Änderungen gab es in der Listenansicht im Speedcommander. So lassen sich mehrere markierte Dateien nun durch Betätigen der Enter-Taste öffnen. Das Symbol für das übergeordnete Verzeichnis steht in der gruppierten Ansicht nun immer ganz oben, kann bei Bedarf aber auch generell ausgeblendet werden.


Auf Systemen ab Windows Vista zeigt die Listenansicht Einträge wie im Windows Explorer und hebt nun Einträge hervor, die sich unter dem Mauszeiger befinden. Dateinamen lassen sich bequem markieren, indem mit der Maus ein Lasso neben dem Dateinamen aufgezogen wird.

Speedcommander markiert neuerdings Dateien mit einem Schildsymbol, die vermutlich nur mit höheren Benutzerrechten ausgeführt werden können. Damit verhält sich der Dateimanager nun analog zum Windows Explorer. Ferner soll der Speedcommander in der Miniaturansicht eine bessere Skalierung von Dateisymbolen liefern.

Bei der Anzeige des Dateidatums wird nun die gewählte Spaltenbreite berücksichtigt. Dadurch wird das Datum bei maximal breiter Datumsspalte mit Monatsnamen, Wochentag und Uhrzeit angezeigt. Bei schmaler Datumsspalte erscheinen Tag und Monat hingegen nur als Zahl.

Auf Systemen mit Windows 7 unterstützt Speedcommander 13 nun die Fortschrittsanzeige innerhalb eines Tasksymbols, so dass sich der Fortschritt einer umfangreicheren Kopieroperation bequem verfolgen lässt. Die Schnellansicht bietet eine verbesserte Tastatursteuerung und kann PDF-Dateien direkt anzeigen, auch auf 64-Bit-Systemen. Bei Drag-and-Drop-Operationen verhält sich der Dateimanager bei Bedarf wie der Windows Explorer: Werden Dateien auf dem gleichen Laufwerk bewegt, werden diese verschoben, ansonsten kopiert.

Bei Drag-and-Drop-Operationen zeigt Speedcommander nun Dateisymbole und eine Zielbeschreibung und wenn Objekte mit der rechten Maustaste bewegt werden, erscheint ein Kontextmenü mit den verfügbaren Befehlen. Auf gemappten Netzlaufwerken lassen sich UNC-Dateinamen als Text kopieren und allgemein bleibt der Speedcommander bedienbar, auch wenn große Verzeichnisse eingelesen werden. Der Anwender braucht nicht mehr auf den Abschluss der Aktion zu warten.

Neuerdings kann Speedcommander direkt auf die speziellen Windows-Verzeichnisse Computer, Desktop sowie auf virtuelle Ordner zugreifen. Dadurch sind angeschlossene Digitalkameras, Medienplayer oder Speichersticks bequemer erreichbar. Der Anwender kann einzelnen Befehlen nun bis zu zwei Tastenkürzel zuweisen, so dass sich ein Befehl über zwei unterschiedliche Tastenkürzel aufrufen lässt.

Speedcommander 13 besitzt zudem eine manuelle Updateprüfung und über Kommandozeilenparameter werden Einstellungen aus Speedcommander 11 oder 12 importiert. SpeedEdit wurde um eine Syntaxhervorhebung für Fortran erweitert und generell verhindert der Dateimanager nun einen Wechsel in den Stand-by-Modus, wenn noch eine Dateioperation läuft. Allgemein lässt sich der Speedcommander umfangreicher den eigenen Anforderungen anpassen.

Speedcommander 13 steht für die Windows-Plattform ab Windows XP einschließlich Windows 7 als Download zur Verfügung. Die Vollversion kostet 39,95 Euro, das Upgrade von Speedcommander 11 oder 12 gibt es für 19,95 Euro. Ein Upgrade von einer älteren Speedcommander-Version liegt im Preis bei 24,95 Euro. Wer Speedcommander 12 nach dem 1. Juli 2009 erworben hat, erhält kostenlos einen Freischaltschlüssel für Speedcommander 13.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: TabCommander 01.01.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2009, 09:26
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 752)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2009, 11:03
Version 0.96. Release date: October 29, 2009

    * Added: New panel redrawing system
    * Text comparison mode
    * Multiple archive extraction
    * Multiple file hashing
    * Hash file check by click
    * Possibility to keep the program's ini files in the user profile directory
    * Colored drag and drop cursors
    * ARJ archiver support
    * Panel scrolling while dragging and dropping
    * Striped mode (code name "zebra")
    * Possibility to change the fonts in directory tab headers, file table headers, and FTP client status bar
    * Possibility to cancel task size calculation
    * Prior deletion of existing files when uploading a file with the same name over FTP
    * Choosing the copy direction of all directory files when synchronizing
    * Manual file name editing in the multi-rename tool
    * Automatic plugin installation system
    * Assigning the server’s file date when downloading over FTP
    * Possibility to copy/move directories’ comments
    * Empty directories deletion after synchronization (optional)
    * Network and FTP caching
    * Colored icons for buttons F3-F8 (function buttons)
    * Shadowing background windows (optional)
    * Bigger icon button size
    * Possibility to start the program having another user’s rights
    * Possibility to start a copy of the program from any directory's context menu
    * Use of SSL/TLS for FTP connections
    * Showing tasks queue in the cancel dialog
    * Automatic hot keys assigning mode

    * Fixed: Program's hanging after directory changing or file group renaming
    * Panel's hanging while scrolling line by line
    * Wrong speed calculation while downloading/uploading files
    * Wrong files search in hex mode
    * Wrong sorting of national symbols (in some cases)
    * Problem with uploading a directory when a directory with the same name already exists on the FTP server
    * Incorrect comment saving to .bbs files
    * No possibility to delete a directory when it has a description file
    * Flash disk blocking when the user has changes the drive
    * File blocking while comparison

Titel: xplorer² Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2009, 21:54
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!

Licence: Freeware

Download: xplorer² Beta (http://zabkat.com/xplorer2_setup_beta.exe) (3.31 MB)

Titel: xplorer² Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2009, 17:42
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download (http://zabkat.com/xplorer2_setup_beta.exe)

Titel: FreeCommander 2009.02a erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2009, 21:08
Important changes in the version 2009.02a

      Bug: Mouse scroll wheel does not work in viewer for RTF
      Bug: AV bei closing multirename window if hoover time > 0 (selection option)
      Changed: multirename - not renamed items are not changed in the list
      Bug: Quick filter off shortcut (Alt+Y) does not work in left panel
      Bug: Sort by path in flat view doesn't work
      Bug: Internal viewer "eats" multimedia keys
      Bug: Drag&drop operation doesn't work with some other applications
      Bug: Drag&drop operation with context menu fails on some PCs
      Bug: The position of the main window on the desktop will not be restored (W2K only)
      Bug: Selection bug in NC-Mode on XP

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 754)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2009, 20:43
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: xplorer²
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2009, 12:38
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download: xplorer² (http://zabkat.com/xplorer2_setup.exe) (3.31 MB)

Titel: Fresh View 7.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2009, 10:27
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2009, 22:43
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 8
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: File Navigator V1.7.4.602
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2009, 21:09
File Navigator is a Norton-Commander clone with a dual-pane text-based interface with a command prompt for you to enter DOS commands directly.



    * Explorer-like context menu
    * Multilanguage (English and Russian)
    * Working with file descriptions
    * Internal file viewer and editor support the following code pages: Windows, DOS, KOI8R, UTF-8, ISO8859-5 and Unicode. Built-in RTF viewer
    * Command line with the ability to view output and to interact with DOS and console applications
    * File names coloring, unlimited number of color groups
    * FTP-client (supports a few proxy types, resume, logging)
    * Quick view panel with the ability to view files even in archives and on FTP-sites
    * Possibility to assign separate programs to view and edit files of different types
    * Ability to find a file by size, date, attributes and text. Search in archives. Search for folders
    * Drag-and-Drop support
    * Inplace file renaming by Alt+F9 (just as F2 in the Windows Explorer)
    * Archive contents can be viewed like a folder. Supported formats: 7-Zip, ACE, AIN, ARC, ARJ, BZip, CAB, GZip, HA, JAR, LZH, RAR, TAR, ZIP. Ability to integrate with external archivers for full-scale archive processing
    * File encryption and compression on NTFS
    * Possibility to create hard links to files and symbolic links to folders on NTFS volumes
    * Ability to copy NTFS file streams
    * Folder comparison and synchronization
    * Favourite folders with hotkey accessibility
    * Ability to minimize FN window to the system tray
    * Ability to make file lists for group file operations
    * Ability to duplicate User Menu commands by toolbar buttons
    * Customizable color scheme
    * Ability to store settings in the INI-file
    * Ability to use external modules (DLL) to view files of different types directly in the FN window

License:  Freeware

Titel: Expicula 1.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2009, 17:21
-[Build 0]
-   Unicode-Unterstützung.
-Bei Kopier-/Verschiebeoperationen durch Drag&Drop, Strg+V oder Einfügebutton wird die Oberfläche nicht mehr blockiert.
-Beim Umbenennen wird die Dateierweiterung aus der Anfangsmarkierung ausgenommen.
-Unterstützung von Maus-Navigationstasten (optional).
-Automatisches Erweitern und Reduzieren im Ordnerbaum (optional).
-Schriftart wählbar.
-Doppelklick auf freie Stelle im Ordnerfenster navigiert nach oben (optional).
-Navigationsbuttons auch in der Hauptleiste verfügbar.
-Symbolleiste der Ordnerfenster anpassbar.
-Portable Version.

Titel: LAN-Explorer 1.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2009, 20:09
Der LAN-Explorer stellt die vorhandenen Freigaben übersichtlich dar und erleichtert das browsen innerhalb der Freigaben.
Dafür bedient sich der LAN-Explorer der sogenannten Browsing-Liste. Diese Liste wird in zyklischen Abständen an jedem Rechner im Netz weitergegeben. Da man leider keinen Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit nehmen kann, kann es vorkommen, das nicht direkt alle Rechner angezeigt werden. Hier hilft nur etwas warten.


- der LAN-Explorer ist in jedem lokalen Microsoft kompatiblen Netzwerk einsetzbar
- unabhängig von Protokollen wie TCP/IP, NBT, IPX/SPX oder NetBeui
- Favoritenliste um die wichtigsten Freigaben zu speichern
- Suchfunktion über alle Freigaben
- ein Explorer ist integriert, ebenso ein Download-Manager

Neue Funktionen

    * Unterstützt Windows 7
    * Administrationsrechte für den "Ping"-Befehl sind jetzt nicht mehr nötig

Beseitige Bugs

    * Das Update funktioniert jetzt korrekt wenn nicht der Standard-Installationspfad gewählt wurde
    * Ansichten sind jetzt bei 120DPI korrekt

Unterstützt wird WIN98 - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.speed-soft.de/index.php?language=de
Titel: NexusFile V5.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2009, 10:47
NexusFile is a file manager for Windows. You can manage many files very fast and easily. NexusFile will increase your computing performance. If you still use Windows Explorer, you must try this one.


Batch Rename, Dual Panes, Unicode, FTP Client, Archives, Skin, Join/Split, Shred Files, Disk Cleanup, Compare Folders, Smart Address Bar, Tabs, Multi-Language support, ...

License: Freeware
System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 beta 5 (build 755)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2009, 19:06
Kein aktuelles Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Fresh View 7.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2009, 12:25
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: TabCommander 01.01.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2010, 19:22
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 beta 6 (build 756)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2010, 20:48
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Double Commander 0.4.5 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2010, 16:53
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


What's new:

    * Auto refresh file panels
    * Built-in console (Windows)
    * Delete to recycle bin
    * New configuration dialog for hot keys
    * LZMA archives support
    * Navigation by clicking on path
    * Calculate/verify checksum (MD5, SHA1)
    * Presets in multi rename tool
    * Search templates
    * File coloring by search templates
    * System icons support (Linux GTK2)
    * Tab select panel in copy/move dialog
    * Updated and extended help files
    * And more small improvements and fixes

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Expicula 1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2010, 21:17
Version 1.30 Build 0   15.01.10

* Das Adressfeld wurde im Stil von Vista / 7 umgestaltet, um der Virtualisierung des Windows-Ordnersystems besser gerecht zu werden. "Desktop" und "Arbeitsplatz" / "Computer" werden standardmäßig ausgeblendet, was sich aber in Einstellungen->Adressleiste bei Bedarf ändern lässt. Der Dateisystem-Pfad mit Editiermöglichkeit wird nach einem Mausklick angezeigt.
* Über den Filterbutton lässt sich nun auch die Anzeige geschützter Systemdateien direkt steuern (ohne Umweg über die Ordneroptionen). Damit sie angezeigt werden, muss sowohl "Geschützte Systemdateien ausblenden" als auch "Versteckte Objekte ausblenden" abgewählt werden.
* Die 64Bit-Version behebt Probleme mit diversen Kontextmenüeinträgen in solchen Systemen. Sie wird als neue Anwendung installiert, ersetzt also nicht eine bereits installierte 32Bit-Version. Die Anwendungsdaten sind aber mit der 32Bit-Version austauschbar. Damit die Daten übernommen werden, sollte die 32Bit-Version erst nach dem ersten Start der 64Bit-Version deinstalliert werden.

Titel: TwoDirs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2010, 13:10
Der Freeware-Dateimanager für Windows

Hier die vielen Features:
- Zweifenstertechnik & optionale Baumansicht
- Laufwerksleisten für beide Fenster zur einfacheren Auswahl
- integrierter Dateibetrachter mit supervielen Funktionen
- umfangreiche ZIP-Funktionen inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- RAR-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren
- 7z-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- Einfacher Zugriff auf das Startmenü, die Favoriten, etc.
- Einfaches Anlegen eigener Programmzugriffe (sogenanntes Startermenü)
- Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien/Ordnern mittels Hotkeys
- Ändern der Dateiattribute
- Benutzer abmelden, Windows starten/herunterfahren
- Integrierter FTP-Client
- Screenshots erstellen vom Bildschirm/Bereich
- Ermittlung der Ordnergrößen
- Ordner vergleichen
- Dateifilter
- Verzeichnis-History
- umfangreiche Suchfunktionen
- DOS-Kommandozeile
- Schnellansicht
- … uvm.


20.01.10 - V4.8.0.0
- Added: Mit der neuen Tastenkombination 'ALT + linke Maustaste' startet der Windows-Explorer im markierten Verzeichnis.
- Added: Mit der neuen Tastenkombination 'UMSCH + F3' startet der Windows-Explorer im markierten Verzeichnis.
- Added: Mit der neuen Tastenkombination 'UMSCH + F11' wird die Kommandozeile im markierten Vrzeichnis aufgerufen.
- Fixed: Die Mitteilung, daß mit STRG + WIN-Taste eine Hardcopy erstellt wurde, erscheint nun im Vordergrund.
- Fixed: 'ZIP Passwortabfrage' nun direkt in die ZIP-Erstellung integriert.
- Fixed: Alle Buttons (
- Fixed: Unstimmigkeiten in der Routine: 'Dateien links/rechts abgleichen'.

OS: 2000/XP/Vista
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://twodirs.pdf-exe.de/index.html
Titel: TabCommander 01.01.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2010, 09:24
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Titel: Fresh View 7.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2010, 09:00
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 beta 7 (build 757)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2010, 18:42
Kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2010, 12:56
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Wenn Ihnen vier Verzeichnisse zu viel des Guten sind, können Sie einstellen, ob der Dateimanager Q-Dir mit zwei, drei oder vier Verzeichnisansichten starten soll .

Mit von der Partie sind natürlich Exportfunktionen nach XLS, HTM, CSV und TXT, sowie eine Bildschirmlupe.

4.00 30th Jan 2010

# Adjustments and improvements for a better functionality under Windows-7/Vista.
# Optimization at the menu, favorites, loupe, preview ... .
# Folder tabs fox each Q-View and save options.
# Bugfix in relative paths for program starts.
# Various speed optimizations, such as for example when you start Q-Dir.
# Ctrl+T is now for new tabs, and Ctrl+E to toggle tree view.

Titel: Q-Dir 4.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2010, 11:18
4.01 01.02.2010

Bugfix Win-7 Ordner-Struktur-und Ordner-Menü (Netzwerk).
Windows 7. Bug fix: Datei öffnen Fehlermeldung.
Sprachdateien aktualisiert.
STRG+W für letzte Registerkarte eg. Tab schließen.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2010, 08:02
4.03 04.02.2010

Windows paint bug.
Neue Sprache in Q-Dir Dänisches.
Danke an P. Allan

Titel: RidNacs 2.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2010, 16:14
Mit RidNacs bekommt man eine Übersicht des Speicherverbrauchs auf seinen Laufwerken bzw. auch der einzelnen Ordner.
Überflüssige Dateien können direkt über RidNacs gelöscht werden.


Nach der Installatioin findet man einen neuen Eintrag im Kontextmenü des Windows-Explorer.
Die Analyseergebnisse können zwecks Auswertung oder Vergleich in verschiedene Formate exportiert werden (XML-, HTML-, CSV-, Text-Datei).


Unterstützt wird WIN 2000 - WIN 7

Hersteller: http://www.splashsoft.de/
Titel: SpeedCommander 13.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2010, 19:07
Version 13.10

    * Ausblenden von leeren Wechseldatenträgern
    * Kompatibilitätsschalter für Ziehen & Ablegen mit rechter Maustaste
    * Option für Anzeige von Tastenkürzeln in Kontexmenüs
    * Aufruf von SHChangeNotify nach Dateioperationen
    * FileSearch: Spezielle Reparse Points unter Windows Vista/7 werden ignoriert
    * FTP: Zusätzliche Definition für Datumseintrag 'Mrz'

Titel: Q-Dir V4.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2010, 09:26
4.04 10.02.2010

Spalteneinstellungen, bzw. Ansichtseinstellungen bei FTP Ordnern werden gespeichert.
Blockieren der Auflistung im Shell-Ordnermenü bei den Zip, Cab ,... -Ordnern.
Optimierung und Ausbalancierung diverser Funktionen, vor allem Windows-7, aber auch für das gute XP und Vista.
Sprachdateien aktualisiert.

Titel: UltraExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2010, 12:34
Ultra Explorer ist ein schneller Dateimanager im Norton-Commander-Stil, der vor allem in Sachen Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität überzeugt. Das Hauptfenster ist zweigeteilt und zeigt in jeder Hälfte alle Verzeichnisse und Dateien eines Laufwerks. Verzeichnisse lassen sich wie beim Firefox in Tabs öffnen. Dadurch lassen sich Dateioperationen wie Kopieren und Verschieben schneller erledigen. Mit zuschaltbaren Button-Leisten, einer einblendbaren Funktionsleiste und zahlreichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten stellen Sie eine ganz individuelle Oberfläche zusammen.


Titel: TwoDirs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2010, 17:35
Der Freeware-Dateimanager für Windows

Hier die vielen Features:
- Zweifenstertechnik & optionale Baumansicht
- Laufwerksleisten für beide Fenster zur einfacheren Auswahl
- integrierter Dateibetrachter mit supervielen Funktionen
- umfangreiche ZIP-Funktionen inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- RAR-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren
- 7z-Dateien anzeigen/extrahieren inkl. SFX-Archive erstellen
- Einfacher Zugriff auf das Startmenü, die Favoriten, etc.
- Einfaches Anlegen eigener Programmzugriffe (sogenanntes Startermenü)
- Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien/Ordnern mittels Hotkeys
- Ändern der Dateiattribute
- Benutzer abmelden, Windows starten/herunterfahren
- Integrierter FTP-Client
- Screenshots erstellen vom Bildschirm/Bereich
- Ermittlung der Ordnergrößen
- Ordner vergleichen
- Dateifilter
- Verzeichnis-History
- umfangreiche Suchfunktionen
- DOS-Kommandozeile
- Schnellansicht
- … uvm.


12.02.10 - V4.9.0.0
- Fixed: Aktualisieren der Laufwerksbuchstaben beim Hinzufügen/Entfernen von Laufwerken (Netzlaufwerke, USB, etc.).
- Fixed: Update the drive letter when add/remove drives (network drives, USB, etc.).

OS: 2000/XP/Vista
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://twodirs.pdf-exe.de/index.html
Titel: LAN-Explorer 1.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2010, 16:38
Der LAN-Explorer stellt die vorhandenen Freigaben übersichtlich dar und erleichtert das browsen innerhalb der Freigaben.
Dafür bedient sich der LAN-Explorer der sogenannten Browsing-Liste. Diese Liste wird in zyklischen Abständen an jedem Rechner im Netz weitergegeben. Da man leider keinen Einfluss auf die Geschwindigkeit nehmen kann, kann es vorkommen, das nicht direkt alle Rechner angezeigt werden. Hier hilft nur etwas warten.


- der LAN-Explorer ist in jedem lokalen Microsoft kompatiblen Netzwerk einsetzbar
- unabhängig von Protokollen wie TCP/IP, NBT, IPX/SPX oder NetBeui
- Favoritenliste um die wichtigsten Freigaben zu speichern
- Suchfunktion über alle Freigaben
- ein Explorer ist integriert, ebenso ein Download-Manager

Neue Funktionen

    * Update-Funktion wurde überarbeitet

Beseitige Bugs

    * Copy & Paste/Drag & Drop funktioniert mit der Warteschlange jetzt korrekt
    * Fehler beim Droppen von externen Dateien auf den Explorer behoben

Unterstützt wird WIN98 - WIN 7
Hersteller: http://www.speed-soft.de/index.php?language=de
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2010, 18:38
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir V4.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2010, 08:37
4.05 19.02.2010

Bugfix bei Anzeige der Ordnergröße unter NTFS.
Kopieren, Ausschneiden && Einfügen kann in einem separaten Hintergrundprozess gestartet werden.
Drop im neuen Prozess starten oder Drop in den Papierkorb.
Diverse Optimierungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.
Mehr in der nächsten Version.

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 beta 7 (build 770)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2010, 17:41
 Version 0.96. Release date: February 19, 2010

    * Added: New panel redrawing system
    * Text comparison mode
    * Multiple archive extraction
    * Multiple file hashing
    * Hash file check by click
    * Possibility to keep the program's ini files in the user profile directory
    * Colored drag and drop cursors
    * ARJ archiver support
    * Panel scrolling while dragging and dropping
    * Striped mode (code name "zebra")
    * Possibility to change the fonts in directory tab headers, file table headers, and FTP client status bar
    * Possibility to cancel task size calculation
    * Prior deletion of existing files when uploading a file with the same name over FTP
    * Choosing the copy direction of all directory files when synchronizing
    * Manual file name editing in the multi-rename tool
    * Automatic plugin installation system
    * Assigning the server’s file date when downloading over FTP
    * Possibility to copy/move directories’ comments
    * Empty directories deletion after synchronization (optional)
    * Network and FTP caching
    * Colored icons for buttons F3-F8 (function buttons)
    * Shadowing background windows (optional)
    * Bigger icon button size
    * Possibility to start the program having another user’s rights
    * Possibility to start a copy of the program from any directory's context menu
    * Use of SSL/TLS for FTP connections
    * Showing tasks queue in the cancel dialog
    * Automatic hot keys assigning mode

    * Fixed: Program's hanging after directory changing or file group renaming
    * Panel's hanging while scrolling line by line
    * Wrong speed calculation while downloading/uploading files
    * Wrong files search in hex mode
    * Wrong sorting of national symbols (in some cases)
    * Problem with uploading a directory when a directory with the same name already exists on the FTP server
    * Incorrect comment saving to .bbs files
    * No possibility to delete a directory when it has a description file
    * Flash disk blocking when the user has changes the drive
    * File blocking while comparison

Titel: Double Commander beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2010, 16:52
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


22.02.2009 Release Double Commander beta
22.02.2010 UPD: Better error message when error in CopyFile.
22.02.2010 FIX: Crash in CopyFile when cannot read file.
21.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2955066] Split file
19.02.2010 FIX: Unneeded separator in Actions submenu if no actions were added.
19.02.2010 FIX: Some fixes for bug [2954358] error with write permissions
17.02.2010 UPD: Ukrainian language file by Ma$terok
17.02.2010 UPD: English help files by Rod J
14.02.2010 ADD: File search in multiply directories
13.02.2010 FIX: Hangs on load string from incorrect language file
13.02.2010 UPD: Czech language from Petr Stasiak
12.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2947859] "terminal window size+Apply in preferences".
11.02.2010 FIX: "Open with" under Windows
11.02.2010 UPD: Language files.
11.02.2010 FIX: Changed '=' TargetEqualSource to '>' RightEqualLeft and '<' LeftEqualRight (bug [2947845]).
10.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2947846] '..' item always becomes current if going up inside an archive
10.02.2010 FIX: Crash in drag&drop on Windows Vista/7.
07.02.2010 FIX: Create directory on empty disk
02.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2944649] Copy files
02.02.2010 FIX: Check if application is active instead of checking main form's focus if FileWatcher should not work when application is in the background. This fixes the issue where refreshing file list is not working even when DC is active.
29.01.2010 FIX: Don't execute hotkeys that coincide with quick search combination
27.01.2010 FIX: Drive panel alignment
27.01.2010 FIX: Encoding in Zip archives
27.01.2010 FIX: Rar stores file name in OEM encoding (from RAR documentation)
26.01.2010 FIX: Find files in hidden directories
26.01.2010 FIX: Find hidden folders
25.01.2010 FIX: Don't copy last LineEnding when copy file names to clipboard
24.01.2010 FIX: Bug [2938523] Console
23.01.2010 FIX: Case insensitive file search for non ACSII file names
23.01.2010 FIX: Debian package: Section name
23.01.2010 FIX: Debian package: add "Maintainer" and "Depends" fields
22.01.2010 FIX: Debian package architecture for Linux 64 bit
21.01.2010 FIX: Add Wfx plugins from options dialog
20.01.2010 FIX: Stretch bitmaps from file associations manager
19.01.2010 UPD: File properties dialog interface alignment
19.01.2010 UPD: Options dialog interface alignment
19.01.2010 FIX: Unpack multivolume archives
16.01.2010 FIX: Show only actions names in "Actions submenu"
16.01.2010 FIX: Incorrect save/load search/replace history
16.01.2010 UPD: Use new icon in About window.
15.01.2010 FIX: Case insensitive quick search for non ASCII symbols
15.01.2010 FIX: Viewer/editor  window getting bigger every time it is opened (bug [2924166]).
15.01.2010 FIX: Error when can not read/write file description
15.01.2010 FIX: Delete to trash with file paths containing spaces. Fix reading error from gvfs-trash.
13.01.2010 FIX: Skip all files in move operation
13.01.2010 FIX: Bug [2930960] doublecmd.sh

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: muCommander 0.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2010, 09:30
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.


Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

What's new in muCommander 0.8.5 ?

New features

    * Added support for Amazon S3.
    * Added support for the Hadoop HDFS filesystem.


    * A proper error message is displayed when muCommander is started in a headless environment.
    * Upgraded the commons-net FTP library to version 2.0 for increased server compatibility.
    * Actions relying on a file operation that is not supported by the current folder's filesystem are now disabled contextually.
    * Optimized the opening speed of Zip files.
    * Mac OS X: updated JavaApplicationStub and Info.plist to enable 64-bit operation on x86_64 architecture.
    * Improved the HTTP filesystem: better HTML/XHTML detection, follows links correctly.
    * Free space indicator now changes color gradually (ticket #311) ; adjusted free space warning threshold.
    * Adjusted the layout of the main window to some save screen estate around the toolbar. Contributed by Radomír Černoch.
    * Lowered memory usage by caching file attributes only when they are in use.
    * Migrated the codebase to Java 1.5 ; Java 1.4 is no longer supported.


    * Dutch translation updated with a few corrections.

Bug fixes

    * "Round displayed file sizes" checkbox does not refresh the panel correctly (ticket #328).
    * Single click on folder panel treated as double click (ticket #321).
    * Fixed 'startup_error' message that wasn't properly localized.
    * Fixed 7zip files left open after being browsed (ticket #334).
    * Mac OS X: raised the maximum memory that can be allocated to 128MB, to cope with directories that contain more than 80K files (ticket #332).
    * Unsafe behavior when deleting a bookmark from the file panel (ticket #329).

Known issues

    * Some translations may not be up-to-date. Refer to http://trac.mucommander.com/wiki/Translations for more information.
    * Recycle Bin not working on Windows 64-bit (ticket #234).
    * Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
    * SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
    * 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
    * Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
    * Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server (see ticket #76).
    * Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.

Für WIN 98 - Vista
Benötigt wird Java
Hersteller: http://www.mucommander.com/
Titel: TabCommander 01.01.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2010, 16:23
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Titel: Fresh View 7.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2010, 08:37
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir V4.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2010, 10:25
4.08 26.02.2010

1.) Option für das Deaktivieren von Up/Down Label-Edit
2.) Das Hervorheben der Spalte kann bei Windows-7 deaktiviert werden.
3.) Bugfix bei Mausrad (mouse wheel) focus, wenn mehrere Monitore im Einsatz sind.
4.) Ignorieren der Groß- bzw., Kleinschreibung bei internen Datei-Assoziationsregeln
5.) Warnhinweis, wenn der Pfad zum zugeordneten Progamm der Assoziation nicht gefunden wurde, bzw. Starten der voreingestellten Systemregeln.
6.) Bei der Option "interne Größenangaben" wird die Dateigröße bei Änderung automatisch aktuallisiert.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2010, 18:58
4.09 02 Mar 2010

Corrections, various improvements and updating the language files.

Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2010, 10:36
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


License:  Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir V4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2010, 10:12
4.11 09 Mar 2010

More options for the list view for Vista/Windows-7:
1.) Soft-Refresh, not re-enumerate the view (drop, copy, refreshed).
2.) No column header in all views.

Optimization and various fixes.
More in the next version.

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 beta (build 773)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2010, 19:34
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - Vista
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 4.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2010, 05:12
Drag&Drop Unterstützung beim Verschieben und Kopieren der Registerkarten (Tabs) innerhalb der einzelnen Exploreransichten und untereinander.

Diverse Korrekturen und Aktuallisierungen.

Infos zu den Tab-Funktionen

In neuer Registerkarte öffnen:
Öffnet nur den aktuellen Ordnerpfad in einer neuer Registerkarte

Markierte in neuer Registerkarte:
Öffnet den markierten Ordnerpfad in einer neuen Registerkarte

Registerkarte schließen:
Schließt die aktive Registerkarte

Neue Registerkarte:
Öffnet den Ordner Arbeitsplatz in einem neuen Tab.

Registerkarte kopieren:
Öffnet den aktuellen Ordner im neuen Tab, plus Auswahl, Verlauf und Einstellungen.

Alle anderen schließen:
Schließt alle Registerkarten außer der Aktiven

Über einen Maus-Rechtsklick auf dem "Neuer-Ordner" Symbol
kann ebenfalls ein neuer Tab mit dem aktuellen Ordnerpfad geöffnet werden.

Ebenso kann mit einem Maus-Rechtsklick auf das Arbeitsplatz/Computer-Symbol
ein neues Tabfenster mit dem Ordner Arbeitsplatz geöffnet werden.
Mehr in der nächsten Version.

Titel: Expicula 1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2010, 20:01
Version 1.31 Build 0   21.03.10

    * Die Dropdown-Liste der Verlaufsbuttons enthält nun auch den globalen Verlauf. Somit lassen sich Ordnerpfade geschlossener Fenster schneller aufrufen; Pfade anderer geöffneter Fenster können ohne Pfad-Kopieren aufgerufen werden.
    * In der Titelleiste des Programmfensters wird optional der Ordnerpfad des aktiven Fensters angezeigt (Einstellungen->Allgemein).
    * Bei XP beginnen Pfade zu Netzwerkrechnern in der Adressleiste optional erst mit der Arbeitsgruppe (Einstellungen->Adressleiste).
    * Beim synchronen Baum lassen sich Ordner auch durch "langen Doppelklick" umbenennen.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2010, 08:32
4.14 24.03.2010

Neue Tab's öffnen über die Vista-Adressleiste mit Mittel-Maus Klick.
Kleine Feinschliffe bei den Tab's und Optimierung.
Diverse Korrekturen und Aktuallisierungen.
Mehr in der nächsten Version.

Titel: Total Commander (Beta) 7.55 Public Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2010, 18:45
Latest Changes

- Use MLSD command for file listings in FTP function (better time resolution, time in UTC)
- Transfer files between two computers over a special USB cable
- Improvements to synchronize dirs function: Compare via plugins and FTP, options to skip hidden files and hard links, SITE UTIME in ftp sync
- Compare by content now shows different and changed lines with a slightly different background color (configurable via wincmd.ini)
- Unpack directory time stamps from archives
- Lister: Increased maximum line length to 1024 characters (Unicode: 512)
- Verify CRC checksums: Also support CRC files in UTF16 Unicode format
- Show Terminal Server and Win7 XP mode drives in drive dropdown list and drive buttonbar
- Ctrl+Shift+B and cm_DirBranchSel shows branch view of only the selected dirs+files
- F5 copy dialog: "Options" dialog extension can be pinned now to remain open
- Show progress dialog box when reading a directory takes longer than 5 seconds
- Create CRC checksums: support subdirectories (recursively), background button
- Handle dir space calculation in background (when user presses SPACE or Alt+Shift+Enter)
- File system plugins: Support background downloads and uploads (requires changes to plugin)
- Various new background operations: Unpack: RAR, TAR, packer plugins (needs modification), Pack: TAR, packer plugins

Titel: Expicula 1.31 Build 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2010, 18:47
Version 1.31 Build 1   26.03.10

    * Bugfix Release.

Titel: Fresh View 7.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2010, 17:09
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: FileMenu Tools 5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2010, 00:01
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglichen es Ihnen das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Windows: 98 - Vista
Lizenz: Freeware
Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Q-Dir V4.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2010, 13:42
4.15 31.03.2010

Tab Durchschalter mit [Strg+Tab], bzw [Strg+Umschalten+Tab]
Die Privilegs sind in Q-Dir von Haus aus deaktiviert,
vorab ist eine Aktivierung über die q-dir.ini möglich, durch den Eintrag enable_priv=1.
Der Anlass war z.B. Zugriff auf "Samba" (Linux) über Windows und andere.
Allgemeine Aktuallisierung sowie der Sprachdateien.
Mehr in der nächsten Version.

Titel: Explorer++ V1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2010, 21:48
Explorer++ is a multi-tab clone of Windows Explorer, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License:  Freeware

Titel: Total Commander 7.55 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2010, 18:18
07.04.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 public beta 2
06.04.10 Added: Paste text into quick search dialog (and Ctrl+S dialog) with Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert, as if the user was typing the characters (only works as long as the characters match)
06.04.10 Fixed: Colors by file type: Also refresh list of user-defined searches when user closes dialog with "X" button (but do not focus it)
06.04.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, delete (asymmetric mode): Do not start copy operations if user aborts delete operation
06.04.10 Fixed: Size calculation with Alt+Shift+Enter: Total size (in footer) was updated in the active panel instead of the calculated panel
06.04.10 Fixed: Do not limit search to only the directory itself when searching in previous search results
06.04.10 Fixed: Custom columns view: In search results view (after 'feed to listbox'), TC did not pass the DOS 8.3 names to non-Unicode plugins even if the files had Unicode names
06.04.10 Fixed: Unpack multiple encrypted zip/rar archives with internal unpacker (Alt+F9): Only ask once for the password (if all use the same)
06.04.10 Fixed: FTP: Send commands defined in "Send commands" field also in background, can be turned off via SpecialFlags=256 (in wcx_ftp.ini, either section [General] or per connection)
06.04.10 Fixed: Switch from custom columns view in normal file system to other custom columns view in fs plugin worked only every second time
06.04.10 Fixed: Thumbnail view: No custom fields shown below file name when switching from custom columns view to thumb view
06.04.10 Fixed: Thumbnail view with a mix of normal and delay-loaded fields on one line -> values of normal fields could be lost once the delay-loaded fields were loaded
06.04.10 Fixed: Crash when closing TC while search window in Lister was open
06.04.10 Fixed: No icon shown for some malformed file types, e.g. no "open" verb defined, and default value of "shell" key not set
31.03.10 Fixed: FTP: Turn off MLSD and switch to LIST when server returns error "500 Command not understood" or "425 No data connection."
31.03.10 Fixed: Find files not older than 1 month on 31. March not working (because 31. February doesn't exist...)
31.03.10 Fixed: TcUsbRun.exe: Auto-elevate itself when user runs it with normal rights on Vista or Windows 7
30.03.10 Fixed: Compare by content: Subdirs in TEMP dir not deleted when comparing file in archive 2 or more levels deep
30.03.10 Fixed: Files - change attributes: File colors were reset to black instead of the user-defined foreground color after changing plugin fields
30.03.10 Fixed: When loading the openssl dlls, set current directory to TC dir to avoid that the dll is loaded from the program's current dir
30.03.10 Added: CRC check: Support CRC checksums directly in the file names, in the form filename[1234ABCD].ext
30.03.10 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MultiRenameLoadSettings=SavedName load specified settings when opening multi-rename tool (set to some non-existent name to open with default settings)
30.03.10 Fixed: Re-pack file to archive after editing with F4 -> archive listing not updated if option "Set ZIP date to newest file date" was set, AND the archive contained a file with a time stamp in the future (so that file's time stamp was used instead of the one of the changed file)
29.03.10 Fixed: Moved handling of separate trees to its own background thread (was handled by icon/overlay/thumbnail thread before)
29.03.10 Added: Disallow port connection (USB and LPT) by adding 512 to RestrictInterface value (wincmd.ini and/or registry)
28.03.10 Fixed: F5 copy while other panel shows tree suggested wrong target directory
28.03.10 Fixed: Lister changed keyboard layout when displaying some RTF files (caused by Windows RTF control)
28.03.10 Fixed: F7 create directory in packer plugins: Call them exactly as when adding an empty directory with F5 (added missing backslashes)
28.03.10 Fixed: Show error if user presses Ctrl+PageDown on "<Encrypted -> F5>" item in RAR with encrypted names
28.03.10 Fixed: CRC check dialog too small if system font size >96 dpi (however, it was correct with OverrideDPI)
28.03.10 Fixed: Delete empty dirs sometimes failed if a subdir was opened in the opposite panel and "watch directory changes" was enabled
28.03.10 Fixed: Detect infinite loops in environment variables, e.g. set xx=%xx% , then use cd %xx% in command line
28.03.10 Fixed: cm_CopyNamesToClip on ftp stores names with trailing slash -> restore with cm_LoadSelectionFromClip (in button bar) failed!
28.03.10 Fixed: CRC check window not centered over main window if TC shown on secondary screen

Titel: Q-Dir 4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2010, 07:47
4.16 09.04.2010

Beim Platzhalter %curdir1% ... %curdir4%.
Kontextmenü, wenn mehrere Monitore im Einsatz sind.
Im Kontextmenu, bei R-Maus Drop(Ablegen)!
Aktuelle Ansicht merken beim Öffnen vom neuem Tab.
Mehr in der nächsten Version.

Titel: 7plus 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2010, 08:26
Erweitert den Windows-Explorer um diverse Funktionen; ermöglicht so unter anderem das Hochladen von Dateien zu einem FTP-Server, bietet Hotkeys zum Erzeugen neuer Ordner und Textdateien, fügt Texte sowie Bilder aus der Zwischenablage als Datei ein und unterstützt Favoriten für Ordner; einige Funktionen benötigen unter Windows Vista und 7 Adminrechte.


Titel: Q-Dir V4.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2010, 08:31
4.18 19.04.2010

Neues Dialogfenster beim Speichern der Favoriten!
Bug: Absturz, wenn kein Standard-Drucker definiert ist, (durch Abfrage des Standard Druckers).
Optionale Sicherheitsabfrage vor Beenden des Programms über Menü/Extras/Q-Dir.
Option für die Deaktivierung der automatischen Markierung des Ordners aus der Listenansicht über Menü/Verzeichnisstruktur.
Diverse Korrekturen

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2010, 17:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Total Commander (Beta) 7.55 Public Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2010, 06:05
What's new?
This is mainly a bugfix version, which corrects bugs reported here in the forum or by e-mail. If you reported a bug, please check whether it has been fixed or not!

Titel: Fresh View 7.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2010, 08:06
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir V4.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2010, 21:40
4.19  28.04.2010

1. Bug: Korrektes Einlesen der Tab Drag-Over Zeit aus der ini-Datei.
2. Optionales Verwalten der Favoriten in der aktuellen(aktiven) Ansicht Menü/Favoriten.
3. Bug: Beim Drucken wurde teilweise die letzte Zeile nicht aufgelistet.
4. Tastaturkürzel STRG-K für ein schnelles Öffnen einer Kopie der Registerkarte (Tab)!
5. Neue Sprache in Q-Dir, Portugiesisch-Brasil.
Danke an: por Pix

Titel: File Navigator V1.7.4.603
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2010, 12:49
File Navigator is a Norton-Commander clone with a dual-pane text-based interface with a command prompt for you to enter DOS commands directly.


License:  Freeware

Titel: DOSZIP 1.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2010, 15:56
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.


License:  Open Source

Titel: 7plus V1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2010, 18:10
Erweitert den Windows-Explorer um diverse Funktionen; ermöglicht so unter anderem das Hochladen von Dateien zu einem FTP-Server, bietet Hotkeys zum Erzeugen neuer Ordner und Textdateien, fügt Texte sowie Bilder aus der Zwischenablage als Datei ein und unterstützt Favoriten für Ordner; einige Funktionen benötigen unter Windows Vista und 7 Adminrechte.


Here's a small Changelog:
New Functions

    * SHIFT+Enter: Flatten directory
    * CTRL+I: Invert Selection
    * CAPSLOCK: Click on notification windows
    * Move Windows with ALT+Left mouse button
    * Middle click: Open folder in new window
    * ALT+Mouse Wheel: Minimize/Maximize window under mouse
    * Right Click on minimize button/WIN+SHIFT+Arrow key in taskbar direction: Minimize window to tray
    * Option to hide Slide Windows from taskbar and ALT+TAB
    * Fast Folders and Clipboard Manager context menu entries can now be accessed with 0-9 keys
    * Hold down left mouse button and click right: Go forward

Program related

    * Autoupdater
    * Hide tray icon
    * New settings GUI
    * Donate button, please donate to support this project ;)


    * Fixed issues with Fast Folders (Network, "Can't navigate: Wrong window",...). Still no 64bit support for explorer bar though.
    * Fixed some issues with Clipboard manager that would make it stop working or not paste text correctly.
    * Fixed some issues with Slide Windows.
    * Fixed bug which would make explorer go to topmost directory in file tree when a tree item was clicked.
    * FTP password now stored encrypted.
    * lots of other fixes.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2010, 18:45
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: 7plus Hotfix Version 1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2010, 22:06
Erweitert den Windows-Explorer um diverse Funktionen; ermöglicht so unter anderem das Hochladen von Dateien zu einem FTP-Server, bietet Hotkeys zum Erzeugen neuer Ordner und Textdateien, fügt Texte sowie Bilder aus der Zwischenablage als Datei ein und unterstützt Favoriten für Ordner; einige Funktionen benötigen unter Windows Vista und 7 Adminrechte.


7plus Hotfix Version 1.11 released!

I had to release a small hotfix that addresses a bug which would cause FTP password to become invalid after program restart, forcing everyone to enter the password again in settings after each start.

Most people should have it by now or get it after restart of 7plus, due to the new autoupdater. If you don't see it yet, get it here.

I noticed there is a slight problem with caching downloaded files from google code, causing the autoupdater not to notice an update immediately. This will be fixed in next release, as it shouldn't be that much of a problem.

If you like 7plus, feel free to spread the word, publicity doesn't hurt and will also lead to more bugs being found and fixed ;)

Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2010, 19:57
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


Version 3.20 -> Released 3/22/10 
  Added a scracth pad to the text editor.
  Can now set your Favorites bitmaps. Must download and edit to your liking.
  Fixed bug - files not being shown when audio cd in drive.
  Fix more internal code errors since switching compilers.
  Make-shift FTP support. Will let you navigate your FTP site
   with file listing but no tree node support. Use the Path Bar for access:
   ftp://username:password@address:port The port number of course is only needed
   if not the usual port 21. You will need to use both file managers, one local
   and the other your server since no node support. Double-click in the white space
   to go to parent folder on the server. (file list) Do not use middle mouse button gestures or
   navigation buttons, these only work locally.

License:  Freeware

Titel: Gladinet 2.1.356
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2010, 18:40
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


Preis:kostenlos (Starter Edition)

Titel: Total Commander 7.55 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2010, 22:16
10.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 1
10.05.10 Fixed: Port connection to other PC (LPT or USB): Server could crash when there were too many files with extra-long names in the visited directory
10.05.10 Added: Correctly install and uninstall 64-bit cglptnt.sys (to be added later)
09.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Show error if "change directory" to given path on server fails
09.05.10 Added: Use optimized MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 functions from DCPcrypt Cryptographic Component Library v2, Copyright (c) 1999-2003 David Barton (MIT license)
07.05.10 Added: Check SHA256 checksum files (creation isn't currently supported)
06.05.10 Fixed: cglptnt.sys was not working when there are gaps between LPT ports, e.g. LPT1+LPT3 or just LPT3
06.05.10 Fixed: Parallel port connection had stopped working between beta 7 and 8
06.05.10 Fixed: More crashes when viewing files with F3 from archives and closing the viewer

05.05.10 Release Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 1 (pre)
05.05.10 Fixed: FTP: Handling of Abort command during downloads especially with UTF-8
05.05.10 Fixed: Compare by content, edit, click on "Compare", write fails, user chooses other name in write-protected dir -> changes are lost
05.05.10 Fixed: Copy in background transfer manager: Dialog very unresponsive when using low speed limit for copying
05.05.10 Fixed: Copy in background transfer manager: Aborting operation with 'x' button not working when using speed limit
05.05.10 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown button remained visible after Ctr+T or Ctrl+W if this caused the tab panel to appear/disappear/change height
05.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with ZIP archive: Empty directories could not be deleted if comparison was started in a subdirectory of the zip
05.05.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with RAR archive not working correctly if the archive contained stored directories with no trailing slash or backslash
05.05.10 Fixed: Crash when searching with options "Unicode" and "Whole words" for text "edit\n"
04.05.10 Fixed: Windows could go to sleep while file operations were active -> use SetThreadExecutionState if available to keep Windows running
28.04.10 Added: New method to install key via clipboard (may be used when TC 7.55 is more common)
28.04.10 Added: Store key also in registry (binary value "key" under Total Commander key) - must be set via keypath=$ in wincmd.ini
28.04.10 Fixed: Scrolling of WMF files, centering and fit to window if the file contains size information
28.04.10 Fixed: Crash when typing text in command line when packaged with Vmware ThinApp. Reason: auto-complete and auto-append (problem with thread local storage)
27.04.10 Fixed: "Copy NTFS permissions" not working for subdirectories in protected directories (via tcmadmin.exe)
27.04.10 Fixed: Abort text search if search length too big (>255 bytes)
27.04.10 Fixed: Lister crashes when trying to search for very long hexadecimal string
27.04.10 Fixed: Show progress bar also when moving files within the same drive
27.04.10 Fixed: Don't show second copy progress bar when "Count marked before copying" isn't checked
27.04.10 Fixed: Option SyncHideHiddenSystem: Value '4' was implemented incorrectly (reversed)
26.04.10 Fixed: When a file is renamed from *.zip to *.exe, don't ask to convert to self-extracting archive if it already is a program file (start with MZ)
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click context menu: Call IContextMenu3.HandleMenuMsg2 instead of IContextMenu2.HandleMenuMsg if available
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click context menu: Show properties dialog at the location of the menu, not a random location
26.04.10 Fixed: Right click with shift, choose "Run as" -> same problem as with cm_OpenAsUser
26.04.10 Fixed: Command cm_OpenAsUser didn't pass current dir to starting program. Contrary to the documentation, the current dir was then %windir%\system32
26.04.10 Fixed: Wrong tab order in "Verify checksums" dialog
25.04.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Failed to create new directories in directories where writing was denied (e.g. Windows directory)
25.04.10 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SyncWarnErrors=1 controls when the user is warned about dir access errors: 0=never, 1=only when access fails (e.g. network connection loss), 2=when access is denied, 3=both
25.04.10 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: User wasn't warned if reading from a directory failed or was denied
25.04.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, function "Load names from file": UTF-8 (with BOM) not handled correctly
25.04.10 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, function "Edit names": Store name with extension .txt, because notepad will otherwise store it as .tmp.txt when using "save as" (the user still needs to save the file to the correct directory)

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2010, 23:27
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Expicula 1.31 Build 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2010, 18:16
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.31 Builds 1 - 2 16.05.10

    * Fehlerkorrekturen.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2010, 11:17
4.21 // 18 May 2010

General update and the update language files
Optimization and various fixes.

Titel: Total Commander (Beta) 7.55 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2010, 23:51
May 20, 2010: Total Commander 7.55 release candidate 2 is available now! This is mainly a bugfix release. See below (beta 1) for a list of new features in Total Commander 7.55).
Titel: Commander 0.8.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2010, 19:52
Der Commander ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit) und die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen.


Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5

Unterstützt wird WIN XP/Vista/2003/2008/Seven

Quelle und Download : http://download.winboard.org/details.php?file=1876
Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 775)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2010, 12:43
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 7
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Ant Commander 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2010, 22:33
Ant Commander is a fully configurable file manager. Several file systems are suported: file, zip, ftp, webdav, etc. Several kinds of panels are available: directory table; directory tree, text editor, image viewer, html viewer, command line, etc. You can configure the menu, the toolbars, the panels, the actions, etc. And more: skinnable, OS independant, bookmarks, historic, external plug-ins, a lot of file operations, etc.


Latest Changes

- Faster online start-up of the applet by removing unneeded HTTP requests
- Faster online start-up by better compression of ant.jar and new server
- Improved error report when an error occurs at start-up
- If an error occurs at start-up, the preference file is renamed or deleted
- Added run online action
- Improved focusing of external windows
- Panels are initialized in the event dispatch thread (Works better with some L&F)
- Set background of the buttons to transparent (looks better on Mac OS X)
- Fixed rundll executed with Mac OS X and unix
- Fixed incorrect directory path for Mac OS X and other Unix systems
- Open a web site works on Mac OS X
- Distribution is done with an internet enabled DMG file for Mac OS X
- Online applets resizable and works on Mac OS X
- Improved toolbar of the command line panel
- Upgraded to Java 6u11 kernel


Titel: Fresh View 7.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2010, 07:54
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Total Commander (Beta) 7.55 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2010, 00:11
Latest Changes

- Fixed a bug in Windows 7 firewall

Titel: Q-Dir V4.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2010, 11:37
4.25 // 06 Jun 2010

New: Quick restart Alt + F11
Color filter bug fix in Win-7 (at update F5).
General optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Expicula 1.31 (Build 3)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2010, 18:10
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.31 Builds 1 - 3 06.06.10

    * Fehlerkorrekturen.

Titel: NexusFile 5.1.4 Released
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2010, 19:24
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


License:  Freeware

Titel: Commander 0.8.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2010, 18:03
Der Commander ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit) und die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen.


Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5

Unterstützt wird WIN XP/Vista/2003/2008/Seven

Quelle und Download : http://download.winboard.org/details.php?file=1876
Titel: Risingware Exp+ Free Edition 3.0.a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2010, 18:16
Risingware Exp+ seamlessly integrates most indispensable software into one, a dual-panel file manager, a multi-process browser based on Trident (IE) layout engine, and handy utilities. That is, in an instant you own File Compression Tool, Consecutive File Renamer, Image Previewer, File Content Previewer, File Split Tool, Multiple Search Tool, Web Filter, HTML Component Downloader (plug-in), Web Accelerators, Web Page e-Mailer, RSS Reader, Fast Start Genie, Boss Key, and Windows Shutdown Tool, etc. In addition, this edition includes free 60-day evaluation period of Professional Edition which further integrates a File Backup Tool, a Directory Synchronizer, and a Batch File Renamer.


Latest Changes

- Add a tool "Risingware i-Desktop" to extend your current desktop and end clutter
- Add options for system layout, File Manager Mode or Web Browser Mode, to render a simpler UI
- Add flexibility to set which panes in Navigation Panel to display under Export Mode
- Add popular websites by category to default groups
- Improve image resolution of screenshots taken by Screen Capture Genie
- Add a blank page as a setting option besides the Start page to be opened when closing out all tabs to improve the performance of this task
- Provide better access to Help pages by embedding them to Navigation panel
- Improve Open Items Selectively function for Favorites and Groups, so their items can be opened partially in one panel, and the rest to the other
- The drag and drop of a link in a few web pages didn't succeed in opening it. This problem has been fixed
- Clicking on a Visited Folders button or on a Visited Webpages button didn't open its drop-down menu due to no such tabs having been opened before. This problem has been fixed
- Occasionally, the change in the width of Navigation Panel was not saved successfully. This problem has been fixed


Titel: Nomad.NET Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2010, 18:31
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.



Titel: Q-Dir V4.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2010, 07:10
4.27 // 11 Jun 2010

In the file type column can optional displayed the file extension, over Menu , Extras , List View.
Closing the tabs via mouse can be disabled, over Menu , Tools , Tab-s.
General optimization and some improvements.
Update of the language files.

Titel: NexusFile V5.1.4.3805
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2010, 09:06
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


- Fixed: FTP file transfer problem
- Fixed: character encoding problem in FTP
- Fixed: WinRAR compress problem
- Fixed: Program start window position problem when using Dual Monitor
- Several bugs are fixed

License:  Freeware

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2010, 17:10
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Commander 0.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2010, 17:38
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Download : http://download.winboard.org/details.php?file=1883
Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2010, 15:48
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2010, 17:12
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Re: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: Snoop am 14 Juni, 2010, 17:44
Changelog aus eigener Erfahrung:

Das Einloggen geht wieder in endlicher Zeit, aber man kann keine Datei kopieren ("bla bla benutzt ein unbekanntes Protokoll"). Bin mal gespannt, was die morgige Version bringt ;)
Titel: Commander 0.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2010, 17:01
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2010, 17:02
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Re: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: Snoop am 16 Juni, 2010, 17:10
Mal wieder schnell aus eigener Erfahrung:

Sie scheinen die wichtigsten Probleme (im Moment) behoben zu haben:
Login geht zügig, Datei kopieren, verschieben und löschen funktioniert wieder.
Im Moment ist der SDExplorer soweit funktionstüchtig.
Titel: Total Commander 7.55 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2010, 23:53
Total Commander 7.55 is now available for download. The most important new functions are:

    * Use MLSD command for file listings in FTP function (better time resolution, time in UTC)
    * Transfer files between two computers over a special USB cable -> supported cables
    * Improvements to synchronize dirs function: Compare via plugins and FTP, options to skip hidden files and hard links, SITE UTIME in ftp sync
    * Compare by content now shows different and changed lines with a slightly different background color (configurable via wincmd.ini)
    * Unpack directory time stamps from archives
    * Lister: Increased maximum line length to 1024 characters (Unicode: 512)
    * Verify CRC checksums: Also support CRC files in UTF16 Unicode format
    * Show Terminal Server and Win7 XP mode drives in drive dropdown list and drive buttonbar
    * Ctrl+Shift+B and cm_DirBranchSel shows branch view of only the selected dirs+files
    * F5 copy dialog: "Options" dialog extension can be pinned now to remain open
    * Show progress dialog box when reading a directory takes longer than 5 seconds
    * Create CRC checksums: support subdirectories (recursively), background button
    * Handle dir space calculation in background (when user presses SPACE or Alt+Shift+Enter)
    * File system plugins: Support background downloads and uploads (requires changes to plugin)
    * Various new background operations: Unpack: RAR, TAR, packer plugins (needs modification), Pack: TAR, packer plugins

Titel: SE-Explorer 1.31.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2010, 23:58
SE-Explorer is a free simple and powerful file manager for Windows with various view types. It's convenient dual-panel file browser with enhanced search function, tabbed interface and different built-in viewers. View pictures in most popular image file formats. Slideshow option is available now. View video and play audiofiles with SE-Media Player. Work with ZIP, MSI, RAR, 7Z, GZip, BZip, TAR, ARJ, LHA and CAB archives. SE-Explorer supports support protected ZIP archives. Size Scanner panel is added for quick search of large files by its type. View PDF, DjVu and Html Help (CHM) files. Browse resource for EXE, OCX and DLL files. View ICO, ICL and Thumbs.DB image libraries. Browse contex menu in Windows Explorer view. Created Temporary Panels section in File Manager. Now files listed in Temporary Panels can be copied, movied or deleted with two clicks. Edit text with syntax highlighting. Text searching capabilities to Text Viewer. View RTF files, XML structure, binary files in hex, swf flash and more. Various view types in File Manager - thumbnails/icons/details. SE-Explorer is small and easy tool which you can use everywhere - just copy .exe file to your USB flash drive and work with program on any PC.


Latest Changes

- New folder compare feature


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2010, 14:08
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Commander 0.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2010, 14:11
Wersja 0.9.4:
- Missing size info in file selection (combination Shift + mouse and Ctrl + mouse)
- Better quality of file and folder icons
- Correction in the sorting by size algorithm

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2010, 19:41
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2010, 07:37
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


June 19th 2010    Version

    * LSE now deals with Symboliclinks during Smart Copy.
    * LSE supports Smart Move functionality, which updates inner junctions/symlinks in case of moving/renaming directories
    * Added localization for Brazilian Portuguese. Thanks to Marcio R. for the translation.
    * Fixed flaws of the automatically renaming feature with respect to directories under W7.
    * Overriding custom overlay icons under HKCU was flawed.
    * Hardlink Clone now restores the attributes of cloned folders.
    * Smart Move progress bar showed a wrong caption text.
    * Added Polish localisation, Thanks to Arthur from Poland.
    * Fixed a crash during undeleting files from Recycle Bin.
    * Mountpoints could not be properly created under Windows XP.
    * gFlags was not properly read from the HKCU registry, causing Smart Move Disable and Remote capabilities Disable to malfunction.


Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 780)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2010, 18:41
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

# Fixed:  Program's hanging after directory changing or file group renaming
# Panel's hanging while scrolling line by line
# Wrong speed calculation while downloading/uploading files
# Wrong files search in hex mode
# Wrong sorting of national symbols (in some cases)
# Problem with uploading a directory when a directory with the same name already exists on the FTP server
# Incorrect comment saving to .bbs files
# No possibility to delete a directory when it has a description file
# Flash disk blocking when the user has changes the drive
# File blocking while comparison

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 7
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2010, 19:37
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir V4.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2010, 07:58
New In :

4.28 // 24 Jun 2010

New: Optional tooltips in tab-s for the path display, over menu, extras, tab-s.
Bug fix: occasional close the tab removed.
General optimization.

Titel: Fresh View 7.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2010, 18:39
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 782)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2010, 23:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

# Fixed:  Program's hanging after directory changing or file group renaming
# Panel's hanging while scrolling line by line
# Wrong speed calculation while downloading/uploading files
# Wrong files search in hex mode
# Wrong sorting of national symbols (in some cases)
# Problem with uploading a directory when a directory with the same name already exists on the FTP server
# Incorrect comment saving to .bbs files
# No possibility to delete a directory when it has a description file
# Flash disk blocking when the user has changes the drive
# File blocking while comparison 

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 7
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir V4.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2010, 09:37
New In :

4.29 29.06.2010

Bug fix:
1. In the tab tooltips only the Q-Dir Unicode Version.
2. Select folder from list in menu , Extras, Tree-View.
3. Opening the folder links (shortcuts) in new tab works.

Titel: Master Commander 0.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2010, 18:41
Version 0.9.5:

- Corrections in the text file compare mechanism
- A new option to specify size in columns (Auto, B, kB, MB)
- Corrections in processing ZIP and TAR archives
- Better folder icons for tree view
- Icon size customization (for toolbar and drive bar)
- Better integration with 7-Zip
- Pause/Resume for file operations
- The ability to bypass locked files during the copy, move and delete
- Improved font in current directory bar

Titel: Gladinet 2.3.392
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2010, 12:38
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2010, 17:10
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Risingware File Manager 3.0.a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2010, 07:34
Risingware File Manager, a dual-panel and tabbed Windows Explorer replacement, is a hassle beater. With an embedded set of file-handling gear, it makes file handling easy at viewing Zip contents, images, file contents, at renaming files, at project-oriented grouping. Furthermore, hotkey use is widely applied to cross-panel file copying and moving, to compressing to Zip, to extracting from RAR/Zip and more.



Titel: Q-Dir V4.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2010, 08:21
4.31 09 Jul 2010

Bug Fix: Tree-View (directory structure) in the display of overlays such as for "TortoiseSVN"
Bug Fix: List View Win-7
Updating the language files.

Titel: Total Commander 7.55a - Fehlerkorrekturen bei FTP-Funktionen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2010, 10:46
Der Windows-Dateimanager Total Commander steht in der Version 7.55a bereit. Das Mini-Update korrigiert vor allem Fehler in den FTP-Funktionen. Sie wurden erst nach dem Erscheinen von Total Commander 7.55 Mitte Juni 2010 bemerkt.

Im Total Commander 7.55 konnte es bei FTP-Übertragungen und bestimmten Verbindungsverlusten zu unendlichen Downloadwiederholungen kommen. Außerdem gab es Probleme mit den XCRC-Befehlen. Diese Probleme soll es mit der aktuellen Version nicht mehr geben.

Mitte Juni 2010 war Total Commander 7.55 erschienen. Damit wurden die Funktionen zum Synchronisieren von Verzeichnissen erweitert und der Vergleich von Dateiinhalten wurde überarbeitet. Zahlreiche neue Hintergrundoperationen besonders beim Entpacken von Archivdateien wurden hinzugefügt. Wenn das Einlesen eines Verzeichnisses länger als fünf Sekunden dauert, erscheint nun ein Hinweisdialog. Die Optionen im Kopierdialog lassen sich nun dauerhaft anzeigen. Etliche kleine Verbesserungen sollen die Dateiverwaltung weiter vereinfachen.

Der Total Commander 7.55a (http://www.ghisler.com/ddownload.htm) ist ab sofort für die Windows-Plattform zum Preis von 26 Euro verfügbar. Updates sind generell kostenlos. Eine registrierfähige Testversion steht als Download zur Verfügung und kann 30 Tage lang ausprobiert werden.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2010, 19:42
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2010, 18:37
as usual ...kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: muCommander v0.8.6 (nightly)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2010, 08:56
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.


Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

What's new since v0.8.5 ?

New features:

- Natural file ordering, suggested by 'andraaspar' in the forums. All symbols now come before digits (ticket #282).
- Improved the display of filenames when they are not entirely visible, by removing characters in the middle so that
  both ends of the filename are visible.
- Current folder is now automatically changed to a workable folder when it is no longer available (ticket #333).
- Upgraded the JmDNS library (used for Bonjour support) to version 3.1.
- Upgraded the jCIFS library (used for SMB support) to version 1.3.14.

- New: Belarusian translation, contributed by vboo.
- New: Norwegian translation, contributed by Ingrid Amundsen.
- Russian translation updated. Update contributed by Alexey Sirotov.

Bug fixes:
- Pack dialog now implements the same filename selection algorithm as other dialogs (ticket #167).
- When an invalid destination was entered in a transfer dialog, the spinning dial icon would keep spinning.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when creating directories whose extension match that of one of the supported archive
  formats (see ticket #360).
- Fixed a bug that could prevent the deletion of S3 files to fail.

Known issues:
- Some translations may not be up-to-date. Refer to
  http://trac.mucommander.com/wiki/Translations for more information.
- Windows: Recycle Bin not working on Windows 64-bit with a 64-bit Java runtime
  (ticket #234). One way to work around this issue is to use a 32-bit Java runtime.
- Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming
  network connections?" dialog keeps popping up on startup even if the dialog
  has been previously accepted (ticket #339). This dialog can be suppressed
  by disabling 'Bonjour' support in the muCommander preferences.
- Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved
  when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not
- Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password)
  for the same server (see ticket #76).
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.

Für WIN 98 - Vista
Benötigt wird Java
Hersteller: http://www.mucommander.com/
Titel: Nomad.NET beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2010, 17:20
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- Opening special folders in far panel when Shift key pressed
- Clear selection button added to file panel (visible only when selection exists)
- Better insufficient free space detecting in system copy mode
- Using system copy when possible by default
- More plural forms in all localizations for better user experience
- Highlighters options section and manage list dialog layouts changed
- Manage list functionality restored for search and find templates
- Bug fix: Better exceptions handling in TagLib property provider
- Bug fix: Better exceptions handling when showing shell context menus
- Bug fix: Show warning (instead of crush report) when there is no mail:// hanlder in system
- Bug fix: Less strict taskbar progress initialization on Win7 (Do not fail on error)
- Bug #147 fixed again (Rare exception when deleting one file on very fast machine)
- Regression bug #149 fixed (Quick find started when pressing Num +, Num *, etc)
- Bug #150 fixed (Very rare exception on program staring)
- Bug #151 fixed (Exceptions in options after minimizing application to tray)
- Bug #152 fixed (Visual artifacts in New File dialog on WinXP)
- Regression bug #153 fixed (Visual artifacts after program closing on WinXP)
- Regression bug #154 fixed (Search starts in different folder)
- Bug #155 fixed (Exception on Toolbars section in Options)
- Bug #156 fixed (Exception when unable to detect reparse point type)


Titel: Active Directory Explorer 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2010, 19:21
Active Directory Explorer: Unterstützt Administratoren bei der Verwaltung von AD-Forrests; bietet gegenüber der Management-Console erweiterte Suchfunktionen sowie die Möglichkeit, Suchkombinationen abzuspeichern und später wieder aufzurufen; legt Lesezeichen an und setzt erweiterte Zugriffsberechtigungen für Objekte; sichert die komplette AD-Datenbank bei Bedarf als Snapshot und vergleicht verschiedene Versionsstände



Titel: Fresh View 8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2010, 20:45
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Commander 0.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2010, 07:14
Der Commander ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit) und die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen.


Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5

Unterstützt wird WIN XP/Vista/2003/2008/Seven

Titel: Explorer Breadcrumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2010, 11:06
Explorer Breadcrumbs is an add-in for Windows Explorer which contains a contextual series of buttons that allows you to quickly see and navigate through the entire folder hierarchy without leaving the current window.


Licence: Freeware

Latest Changes

- Latest features: Editable address bar, check for updates feature
- Latest fixes: long lists now scroll properly

Titel: Active Directory Explorer 1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2010, 11:20
Active Directory Explorer: Unterstützt Administratoren bei der Verwaltung von AD-Forrests; bietet gegenüber der Management-Console erweiterte Suchfunktionen sowie die Möglichkeit, Suchkombinationen abzuspeichern und später wieder aufzurufen; legt Lesezeichen an und setzt erweiterte Zugriffsberechtigungen für Objekte; sichert die komplette AD-Datenbank bei Bedarf als Snapshot und vergleicht verschiedene Versionsstände


AdExplorer v1.42:  This addresses a regression in v1.41 that prevented AdExplorer from connecting to some Light Weight Directory Service databases.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2010, 09:10
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.

New In :

4.32 02 Aug 2010

New in Q-Dir :
The possibility of creating new Tab when you click an empty zone in the Tab-Bar (in each Explorer-Views).
Updating the language files.
General optimization.

License:  Freeware

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2010, 20:17
as usual ...kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2010, 17:13
as usual ...kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2010, 14:19
Latest Changes

- Browsing of public folders and files of other SkyDrive users in the guest mode

- Verifying folder content after uploading

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Unreal Commander v0.96 (build 787)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2010, 14:25
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...


Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.
- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 7
Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir V4.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2010, 23:56
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


 What's new: >>

    * Small bug fix in the installation without administrative rights in Win-XP (is now also possible).
    * General optimization.

License:  Freeware

Titel: NexusFile V5.2.1.4748
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2010, 23:55
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.

What's new: >>

- Added: UI for customizing shortcut key (F12)
- Added: Open all selected files function added
- Added: Thumbnail size option (Tools > Options > Thumb Size)
- Added: Details list style is added
- Added: Date and time format can be customized (Tools > Options > Format)
- Added: Size format can be customized (Tools > Options > Format)
- Added: Grid row line option (Tools > Options > Show Grid Row Line)
- Added: Shortcut key for 'Close Tab' added as Ctrl+W
(If you are using older version, this will not be applied)
- Changed: Shortcut key for 'Go to Documents' has been changed from Ctrl+W to Ctrl+G
(If you are using older version, this will not be applied)
- Improved: Thumbnails view improved
- Improved: UI default font changed to Segoe UI for better look on Vista/7
- Improved: Scroll Bar design improved. (can be customized by editing skin image)
- Improved: UpdateCheck.exe is removed. Now update check is done internally.
- Improved: Save file/folder list now saves as Unicode
- Fixed: Couldn't access folder/file which has encrypted attribute
- Fixed: Tab history was broken when folder name has [ or =
- Fixed: Backspace shortcut key didn't work in root folder of archive file
- Fixed: Invalid characters appeared when renaming in FTP mode
- Fixed: FTP encoding problem
- Fixed: macro didn't work in copyhandler setting
- Fixed: focus was not changed when click tabs or addressbar
- Fixed: NexusFile didn't start (hang)
- Fixed: $(SELECTED), $(SELECTED1), $(SELECTED2) macro didn't work
- Fixed: Selected files information wasn't updated when using advanced selection/deselection

License:  Freeware

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2010, 15:23
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2010, 09:52
 What's new: >>

    * New feature: use the middle mouse button in the tree and list view to open new tab in Explorer view.
    * Optional open new TAB: Left mouse button click or double-click in an empty area of the tab bar above the menu, extras, directory structure.
    * Update the language and new language in Q-Dir Romanian.
    * General optimization and fine tuning.

Titel: Double Commander beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2010, 18:55
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


21.08.2010 Release Double Commander beta
15.08.2010 FIX: Use case insensitive compare for verify checksum operation
20.04.2010 FIX: Bug [2989234] Does not work with icloud
10.04.2010 ADD: Korean language file by Lee, Cheon-Pung
02.03.2010 UPD: Use Escape key to leave editing command line and focus files panel when command line is empty [2961106].
01.03.2010 UPD: Ukrainian language file by Ma$terok
01.03.2010 UPD: Polish language file by Krzysztof Modelski
01.03.2010 FIX: Sorting files by size if size > 4GB (bug [2960850]).
25.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2957145] Directory hotlist hotkey issue
25.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2957145] Directory hotlist hotkey issue
25.02.2010 FIX: Bug [2957159] File type color dialog color selection
24.02.2010 ADD: Polish language file by Krzysztof Modelski
24.02.2010 FIX: Get content plugin name
24.02.2010 FIX: ContentGetDetectString function
23.02.2010 FIX: Cross compiling unrar plugin from Linux 32 to 64

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Fresh View 8.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2010, 15:10
as usual ...kein Changelog...

Titel: NexusFile V5.2.2.4875
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2010, 20:45
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


What's new: >>

- Fixed: Drive free spaces were not refreshed
- Fixed: Dialog size problem in some Windows which doesn't have Segoe UI font
- Improved: Move cursor position at the end of inserted macro string when inserting a macro by selecting a menu
- Fixed: Date/Time inupt box accelerator key didn't work on Change Attr/Time Dialog.
- Fixed: $(SELECTED) macro didn't include file path for each file.
- Fixed: File date age was incorrect.
- Fixed: Color was not applied to file size unit
- Fixed: showfiletype option in nexusfile.ini didn't work
- Fixed: Spaces between list fields increased.
- Fixed: Attach File Extension option didn't work
- Fixed: Tab order was not consistent on Options dialog
- Fixed: Scroll bar skin was too dark
- Fixed: Folder Tree Window access violation error
- Fixed: Rename dialog couldn't be translated
- Fixed: Function key bar showed Ctrl/Alt mode buttons even Ctrl/Alt was not pressed
- Improved: Add 'Add to Favorites/Organize Favorites' menu on context menu of address bar
- Improved: Scroll by page option now can be applied to Details list style
- Fixed: Unnecessary horizontal scroll when moving focused item on Folder Tree Window (F10)
- Added: Folder deep level for full scanning on Folder Tree Window(F10) can be set in nexusfile.ini (tfullrefreshlevel) If set to 10, full refresh will not scan inside of the folders whose deep level is 10.

License:  Freeware

Titel: 7plus V2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2010, 22:29
7plus makes Windows more comfortable by adding features to explorer, default window handling, as well as lots of other small tweaks. It allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc.


What's new: >>

New Functions:

    * Whole new event-based system in which nearly all features are implemented now.
    * As a result of this, nearly all hotkeys are now customizable.
    * This also means that you can create your own functions now!
    * Adjust volume with mouse wheel over taskbar.
    * CTRL + S: Select files by entering a filter string.
    * Tabs are now drawn directly instead of using a tab control.


    * Custom explorer tab-drawing gets rid of the nasty bug showing a grey bar sometimes.
    * Lots of other smaller fixes.

License:  GPL v3

Titel: Q-Dir V4.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2010, 14:28
What's new: >>

· Quickly turn off the system tooltips Menu> Tools> System
· Troubleshooting: accidental renaming when updating from the main menu.
· Optional open new TABs: By store of a folder or multiple folders in one area of the tab bar (drop).
· Updating the language and general optimization.

Titel: Nomad.NET RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2010, 17:34
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- Do not show worker dialog if operation takes less than 500ms
- Local file system folders browsing speed improved by ~15%
- TagLib# updated to version
- Bug fix: Memory leak in Vista thumbnail provider eliminated
- Bug fix: Exception on bookmark right click, when bookmark is located in subfolder
- Bug fix: Very small bug with removing buttons from toolbar by context menu fixed
- Bug fix: Path entered with '/' instead of '\' now handled correctly
- Bug fix: Shortcuts with Alt can no longer execute while any modal dialog opened
- Bug fix: Some shortcut keys combinations cannot be entered in hot key boxes
- Bug #147 fixed again (Rare exception when deleting one file on very fast machine)
- Bug #157 fixed (Very rare threading issue when opening archive on machine with 4 cores)
- Bug #158 fixed (Drop-down menus with folders on breadcrumb panel sometimes closing unexpectedly)


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2010, 19:42
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2010, 08:54
What's new: >>

· Highlighting the sort column can be disabled (not only in Windows 7).
· The optional open new TABs with the middle mouse button can be disabled Menu>Extras>Tab-s
· Updating the language and general optimization.
· More in the next version.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2010, 23:11
New in Version 4.37 // 02 Sep 2010

Bug-Fix: Auto Scan 4 Sub folders
Bug-Fix: Disable highlighting the sort column!

Titel: M@aster Commander 0.9.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2010, 17:45
Der Commander  ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit), die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen angeboten.


Eine Auflistung der gesamten Features findet man beim Hersteller.
Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5
Unterstützt wird WIN XP - Seven

Die deutsche Sprache lässt sich in den Einstellungen aktivieren.

Hersteller: http://www.mastercommander.pl/en/index.html
Titel: Expicula 1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2010, 08:38
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.32    09.09.10

    * Das Menü 'Bearbeiten' enthält einen neuen Eintrag 'Dateiliste in die Zwischenablage kopieren'. Damit werden die Namen der Ordnerelemente in die Zwischenablage geschrieben. Falls Elemente markiert sind, werden nur diese berücksichtigt.
    * Das Erscheinungsbild der Symbolleisten lässt sich nun über die Kontextmenüs anpassen. Bei den Symbolleisten des Hauptrahmens kann in der nicht andockbaren Variante auch die Breite durch Ziehen mit der Maus verändert werden; verdeckte Symbole sind über ein Leistenmenü zugänglich.
    * In Einstellungen → Tabs kann die Höhe der Registerkarten gewählt werden.
    * Die Hauptsymbolleiste hat einige neue Buttons: für die einzelnen Ordneransichten sowie Löschen ohne Papierkorb (d.h. Löschen mit Shift).
    * In Einstellungen → Tabs kann festgelegt werden, wie sich neue Ordnerfenster bei Klick mit mittlerer Maustaste öffnen sollen: je nach zusätzlich gedrückter Shift/Strg-Taste als neuer Tab ganz rechts oder neben dem aktiven Tab oder als geteilte Ansicht.
    * Optional lässt sich das Programm auf eine einzige Instanz beschränken (Einstellungen → Allgemein).
    * In der Kommandozeile können bis zu zwei Startpfade angegeben werden. Damit lässt sich das Programm prinzipiell auch als Standard zum Öffnen von Ordnern verwenden. Die notwendigen Änderungen in der Registrierdatenbank hängen vom Betriebssystem ab. Eine für XP funktionierende Lösung gibt es hier. Die Anleitung befindet sich als Kommentar in der Reg-Datei.

Titel: Explorer++ V1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2010, 17:54
Explorer++ is a multi-tab clone of Windows Explorer, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License:  Freeware/Open Source

Titel: Fresh View 8.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2010, 08:17
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir V4.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2010, 08:34
What's new: >>

1. BUG-FIX: When selecting the folder in the directory structure (Treeview) eliminated e.g. UNC paths in the network, or zip folder!
2. BUG-FIX: when you call the folder out favorites, such as C:\Windows\Task!
3. Automatic updating of the drive bar in the main address bar, for example, in network drives and USB-Stick.

Updating the language and general optimization.
More in the next version.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2010, 20:05
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2010, 21:03
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2010, 07:12
 What's new: >>

1. Bug-Fix Win-7: After the delete, and press the [down arrow] key, is the next file selected not the first.
2. Bug-Fix Win-Vista/XP: If none file is selected and when press the [down arrow] key, the first file will be selected.
3. Keyboard shortcuts from the list view are also applicable in the tree view (Ctrl+A, W, K, E, T)
4. Updating the language and general optimization

Titel: Q-Dir V4.391
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2010, 16:47
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: NavScope 0.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2010, 22:35
NavScope is a file manager for Windows. Represents opened folders as planes in 3D. Can keep many folders opened simultaneously, moves between them with short animation. The major advantage is that you see items in a few folders at once, no switching between tabs or windows. In many ways is compatible with standard Windows Shell (context menu, OLE drag&drop, file operations, has integrated Windows Explorer). Small file, no installation.



Titel: FreeCommander 2009.02b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2010, 14:07
FreeCommander ist eine leicht bedienbare Alternative zum Standard-Dateimanager von Windows. Das Programm hilft Ihnen bei der täglichen Arbeit mit Windows. Sie finden hier alle nötigen Funktionen um Ihre Datenbestände richtig zu verwalten. Sie können FreeCommander überall mitnehmen - einfach den  Installationsordner auf eine CD oder USB-Stick kopieren - und Sie können auch auf einem fremden PC mit dem Programm arbeiten. 


    Wichtigste Eigenschaften von FreeCommander:

    * Zweifenstertechnik - vertikale und horizontale Teilung
    * Registerkarten (Tabs) für einen schnellen Ordnerwechsel
    * Optionale Baumansicht in jedem Fenster
    * Interner Dateibetrachter zum Betrachten von Dateien in verschiedenen Formaten
    * Dateibetrachtung auch innerhalb von Archivdateien möglich
    * Integrierte Unterstützung der Archivformate ZIP, CAB (lesen und schreiben), RAR (lesen)
    * Unterstützung für verschachtelte Archivdateien
    * Einfacher Zugriff auf das Start-/Favoriten-Menü und die Elemente des Desktops und des Arbeitsplatzes
    * Integrierter FTP Client
    * Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien und Ordnern
    * Dateien sicher löschen
    * Mehrfaches Umbenennen
    * MD5-Quersummen erzeugen und verifizieren
    * Trennen von Dateien
    * Anzeige der Eigenschaften und des Kontextmenüs von Dateien
    * Ermittlung von Ordnergrößen
    * Vergleichen/Synchronisieren von Ordnern
    * Datei-Attribute/Datum ändern
    * Favoritenliste für Programme und Ordner
    * Dateisuche (auch innerhalb von Archivdateien)
    * Dateifilter für die Anzeige
    * Benutzerdefinierte Spalten im Detailansicht
    * DOS-Kommandozeile
    * Unterstützung für mehrere Sprachen

Version 2009.02b

    * Bug: Drag&drop operation fail if FreeCommander window is not active http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?t=2283
    * Bug: Crash when entering '\' into address bar http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1867&sid=9ec7d2a046385829b669b3171438b3c6

            You can now control auto complete with the following line in the freecommander.ini:




            x=0 - auto complete off

            x=1 - auto complete list from FC

            x=2 - auto complete list from Shell


    * Bug: IP address and computer name doesn't work when entered in address bar
    * Bug: Multirename replace function doesn't work on folder names if you want replace the dot char
    * Bug: Tooltips for the TABs are mostly not visible
    * Bug: Problem with drives mounted to folders http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2221
    * New: 64 bit context menu will be showed on Windows 64 (XP, Vista, 7)

            You can now control 64 bit context menu with the following line in the freecommander.ini:




            - You can call 64 bit context menu with right click
            - For calling 32 bit context menu use LeftWin+RightClick
            - If you prefer to see for right click always 32 bit context menu: define ShowContextMenu64Bit=0; with LeftWin+RightClick you can call then 64 bit context menu


Titel: Explorer Replacer: Windows Explorer gegen anderes Programm austauschen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2010, 12:50
Explorer Replacer (http://www.ali.dj/explorer-replacer/) ersetzt unter Windows 7 den Explorer gegen ein von euch frei wählbares Programm. Nach der Auswahl und dem obligatorischen Neustart habt ihr nichts – außer das von euch eingestellt Programm. So könnt ihr zum Beispiel die Explorer Alternative Free Commander einsetzen.


Wer den alten Explorer wieder starten will, der kann dies über den Task Manager realisieren.
Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2010, 11:35
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


License:  Freeware

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2010, 19:18
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2010, 09:36
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    * LSE now by default creates relative target path names when creating symbolic links.
    * Symbolic Links now have an overlay icon.
    * Added a configuration tool for LSE options
    * Added a priority level for the indidual overlay icons.
    * Added an option to switch off overlay icons totally for each type of overlay.
    * The Pick Link Source context menue now also shows up on FAT drives, if the item potentially is the source for a LSE operation.
    * Overlay icons can be disabled.
    * Documented how the install directory can specified when using silent (un)install.
    * The menu hydraulics have been reworked, so that it is decided early to only show menue for chioces, which are really possible.
    * LSE and symlink are now linked with ASLR.
    * Tranparency glitches in the Junction overlay icon have been fixed.
    * Hardlink Clone and Symboliclink Clone have been extended so that Inner Junctions and inner Symbolic Links are properly handled.
    * LSE now supports also the replacement of Mountpoints and Symbolic Links.
    * LSE shows a dialog box whether explorer should be restarted or not during non silent installation.
    * Under Windows Vista and Window7 the Delete Junction menue doe not show up anymore.


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2010, 18:48
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2010, 08:30
What's new: >>

· Tree-View optimization for Vista, Seven, Server 2008.
· Language files updating, general optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2010, 23:00
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    * Use check boxes to select items in Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008 (Menu, Extras, Listview).
    * General optimization and some improvements plus language files updating.

Titel: NexusFile V5.2.3.5098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2010, 10:10
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    * Added: SFTP support
    * Added: NexusFile.exe command line parameter /pane:dual|single added
    * Added: Send to Recycle Bin without confirmation option added (Edit "delconfirm=1" value in nexusfile.ini 0 or 1 can be set)
    * Updated: DelZIP.dll updated to ver 1.9
    * Fixed: Extension field was shown even when attach extension option is on
    * Fixed: BreadZip preview on context menu didn't work
    * Fixed: File list didn't scroll when drag over
    * Fixed: Mouse wheel scroll step in Details View was fixed to one line.
    * Fixed: Icon background in folders pane
    * Fixed: Add to ZIP took too long when adding files/folders are located in root folder
    * Fixed: some other minor bugs are fixed

Titel: NexusFile V5.2.3.5099
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2010, 06:19
What's new: >>

    * Fixed: NexusFile didn't start with error(0Xc0150002) on some systems.

Titel: M@aster Commander 0.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2010, 20:05
Der Commander  ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit), die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen angeboten.


Version 0.9.8:
- Corrections in search file tool
- Completion of the missing settings in "Add new tab" function
- Removed counter limitations from multirename tool
- Drag and drop operation works for files and folders in archives
- Added missed translation labels

Eine Auflistung der gesamten Features findet man beim Hersteller.
Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5
Unterstützt wird WIN XP - Seven

Die deutsche Sprache lässt sich in den Einstellungen aktivieren.

Hersteller: http://www.mastercommander.pl/en/index.html
Titel: Q-Dir V4.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2010, 11:31
What's new: >>

· Correction in the classical address bar at the network paths (e.g. when editing "//PC1" instead of "PC1").
· Improvements in the directory structure, and correction when you delete an open folder in one of the Explorer Views (For example, from another program or views).
· Optional display of drives in the address bar on Main-Menu, Extras, Address-Bar

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2010, 19:17
kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Gladinet 2.4.494
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2010, 22:14
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



Titel: Fresh View 8.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2010, 18:49
What's new:

          MinMax effect.

Titel: takView2 2.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2010, 11:19
Dateimanager in Ergänzung oder Alternative zum normalen Windows-Explorer, sowie als Betrachter von Daten unterschiedlicher Art


Ein kurzer Abriss der Funktionen:

    * Dateimanagement analog dem Windows-Explorer
    * HPGL-Plotfiles anzeigen/drucken/konvertieren
    * Rastergrafiken anzeigen und bearbeiten
    * Schriftvorschau für installierte und nicht installierte Schriftartdateien
    * ZiP-Archive auspacken und erstellen
    * Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen, Dateidatum setzen, Grafiken bearbeiten, Plotfiles ausgeben
    * Merker und Sortierer für Dateien
    * u.v.m.

OS: 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://www.taktools.de/takview/takview0.html#dwnld
Titel: 7plus 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2010, 22:18
7plus makes Windows more comfortable by adding features to explorer, default window handling, as well as lots of other small tweaks. It allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc.


Changelog : https://code.google.com/p/7plus/wiki/News20101101

License:  GPL v3

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2010, 16:58
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    * Introduced DeLorean Copy, which is a way of creating incremental copies using hardlinks.


Titel: Gladinet 2.4.514
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2010, 17:08
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



Version 2.4.514 (Nov 19, 2010)

Starter Edition 32-bit version 2.4.514.10590 [12.3MB]
Starter Edition 64-bit version 2.4.514.10590 [15.9MB]

    *Support Google Docs New Interface
      Google Docs has upgraded its interface. The new release supports the new interface to upload to Google Docs.
    *Skydrive Bug Fixes
      Will not get session time out when access Skydrive
    * Support Deletion in Cloud Explorer
    * File deletion in Google Docs for Google Apps now follow the setting to decide whether to keep the file to trash folder.

Titel: xplorer² Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2010, 10:13
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: Nomad.NET RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2010, 18:32
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- actMakeFolder command added to folder context menu
- New default document archive extensions added
- Size formatting changed a bit (do not show zero after decimal point if it not needed)
- Parsing dos-like listings improved in FTP (unknown LIST format errors fixed for some ftp servers)
- Bug fix: Show invalid speed per second (like 0.xxxxxxxx) when copying speed is too slow
- Bug fix: Sometimes item info panel height became too big
- Bug fix: Show warning (instead of error) when error occurred when starting link outside browser
- Bug fix: Black background at toolbar settings page in options under Win7
- Bug fix: Do not skip shortcut processing if command is disabled
- Bug fix: Unable to change language in Nomad_x86
- Bug fix: Some shortcut keys combinations cannot be entered in hot key boxes
- Bug #159 fixed (Hang when trying to use .ico file as image for toolbar button)
- Bug #160 fixed (Rare exception when changing "use visual styles" option on Win7 x64)
- Bug #161 possible fixed (Icons displayed only for focused and selected items in some rare circumstances)
- Bug #162 fixed (Rare object is currently in use elsewhere error when displaying item icon)


Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2010, 23:26
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    * Introduced DeLorean Copy, which is a way of creating incremental copies using hardlinks.
    * Fixed creating Symbolic Links from Symbolic Link files created Symbolic Link directories.


Titel: Fresh View 8.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2010, 11:06
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Fresh View 8.08. What's new: different contour effect.

Titel: Total Commander 7.56 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2010, 11:54
Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more. You can see the changes here.

Licence: Shareware

December 1, 2010: Total Commander 7.56 is now available for download. This version mainly corrects some errors which were found after the release of Total Commander 7.55a, but also adds some minor new features. The most important are:

    * Button bar right click menu: Option to run a program as administrator
    * Find files: Keep last search results when using "Go to file" or "Cancel"
    * Lister and Compare by content: Auto-detect UTF-8 files by their content

Titel: xplorer² Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2010, 18:42
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: Q-Dir V4.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2010, 12:00
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

· Optional disable the Expando (animated triangles) at the directory structure (Tree-View in Win-7/Vista).
· Handle the "OPEN" command from the context menu in Q-Dir (open directory).
· Optional keep the selection and / or scroll position at Refresh [F5] in the list view (Menu, Extras, List-View).
· General optimization and some improvements plus language files updating.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.431
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2010, 09:54
What's new: >>

· Bug-Fix in List-View.
· Language files updating, general optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Expicula 1.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2010, 17:16
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.33   15.12.10

    * Favoritentabs werden farblich gekennzeichnet (Einstellungen → Tabs).
    * Die Spaltenbreite wird bei neuen Ordnerfenstern mit Detail- oder Listenansicht automatisch so angepasst, dass das Fenster optimal ausgefüllt wird (Einstellungen → Ordnerfenster).
    * Die Hauptsymbolleiste enthält einen neuen Button zum Aufruf eines externen Suchprogramms (Einstellungen → Extras).
    * Für evtl. systembedingte Probleme in Vista / 7 steht ein alternatives Explorer-Interface zur Verfügung (Einstellungen → Ordnerfenster).

Titel: Total Commander 7.56a erschienen
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2010, 16:56
Diese Version korrigiert in erste Linie Fehler, die seit dem Release der vorherigen Version gefunden wurden. So funktionierte beispielsweise das Senden von Dateien als Mailanhang via Rechtsklick - "Senden an" nicht mehr mit Outlook 2003.


Titel: Expicula 1.33 Update 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2010, 17:50
Version 1.33 Update 1


    * Fehlerkorrekturen.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.444
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2010, 10:26
New in version 4.44 // 18 Dec 2010

General optimization and some improvements plus language files updating.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2010, 19:16
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.
Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.
Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: xplorer² Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2010, 13:49
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: SpeedCommander 11 kostenlos
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2010, 15:30
Lest ihr denn nicht stern.de online? Bereits gestern erschien dort im Adventskalender die Version des SpeedCommanders in Version. Klasse Dateimanager für Windows mit integriertem FTP-Client und vielem mehr.


Also einfach auf die 22 im Kalender klicken und den SpeedCommander laden (http://www.stern.de/digital/computer/adventskalender-sternde-verschenkt-software-1629496.html) (sofern von Interesse). Mal sehen, was morgen bei Chip drin ist – bestimmt TuneUp 2010 ;)

Titel: FreeCommander XE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2010, 09:45
Den FreeCommander gibt es seit einigen Tagen in einer völlig neuen Version, nun bekannt als FreeCommander XE. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Vorschauversion, es kann also sein, dass einiges nicht funktioniert. Die XE-Version liegt auch als portables Paket vor, wer Muße hat, kann den Datei-Manager ja gerne ausprobieren.



Titel: DuoExplorer V1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2010, 09:55
DuoExplorer gives you two Windows Explorer in one window, and it remembers the last used paths. It also supports up to 10 bookmarks for quick navigation.


License: Freeware

Titel: Gladinet 2.5.529
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2010, 22:22
Gladinet Cloud Desktop 2.5: FTP, SkyDrive, Google Docs und vieles mehr als Laufwerk im Explorer

Die Jungs von Gladinet waren fleißig und haben am 24.12, also pünktlich zu Weihnachten, die Version 2.5 von Gladinet Cloud Desktop (http://www.gladinet.com/Gladwiki/moin.cgi/NewFeatures) veröffentlicht. Gladinet Cloud Desktop ist eine in der Grundversion kostenlose Software, mit der ihr euren FTP, Google Docs, Windows SkyDrive und vieles mehr mit Laufwerksbuchstaben in euren Windows Explorer einbinden könnt.


Da Gladinet Cloud Desktop diese Dienste mit einem Laufwerksbuchstaben versieht, kann man auch wunderbar mit Backup-Programmen oder auch Robocopy arbeiten um seine Daten in der Cloud zu sichern (oder wieder aus der Cloud zurück zu holen).

Wer zum Beispiel ein Windows Live-Konto hat, der kann mittels Gladinet easy die 25 Gigabyte kostenlosen Onlinespeicher nutzen, die von Microsoft kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Ideal für Backups eurer Fotos.


Alle eingebundenen Dienste habt ihr so leicht erreichbar unter einem Laufwerksbuchstaben, zum Beispiel: y:\\Gladinet\Windows SkyDrive oder y:\\Gladinet\Google Docs. Vielleicht eine Alternative zu NetDrive, sofern ihr mehrere Dienste mit Laufwerksbuchstaben in euren Explorer klöppeln wollt.
Titel: Fresh View 8.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2010, 09:35
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

Titel: NexusFile V5.2.4.5245
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2011, 17:48
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

- Fixed: Error occurred or stopped when Folder Tree(F10) scans
- Fixed: Sometimes, error occurred after deleting files/folders
- Fixed: Rarely, folder could be deleted even though some files in it failed to be moved.
- Fixed: Folders whose name contains some characters couldn't be zipped
- Fixed: Sometimes file list was scrolled unintentionally in scroll by line mode
- Fixed: NexusFile was opened in a main monitor after being closed at maximized state in a sub-monitor.
- Fixed: Sort Descend/Ascend option was not saved if it is not set in 'Tools > Options' dialog.
- Fixed: Sometimes folder size was cropped when using 'Calculate folder size(Ctrl+Shift+R)' function.
- Fixed: FTP site 'Remote dir' options was not applied.
- Add: Command line option /userdir:"path" added
ex) nexusfile.exe /userdir:"c:\userdata2"
NexusFile will load and save settings from "c:\userdata2"
- Fixed: Search didn't work on Shortcut Keys (F12)
- Some minor errors are fixed

Titel: CopyToTabs V5.8.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2011, 18:24
CopyToTabs uses "Backup Projects" that either you create manually, or are automatically created (with Total Commander's help) in order to copy several files/directories to any number of destinations.


License: Freeware

Titel: 7plus V2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2011, 18:44
7plus makes Windows more comfortable by adding features to explorer, default window handling, as well as lots of other small tweaks. It allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc.


What's new: >>

New Functions:
+ Unicode support
+ 64 bit support
+ Copy Events, Action and Condition
+ Added hotstrings, which can be used to expand abbreviations (e.g. "btw" -> "by the way")
+ Program Launcher Accessor plugin now expands placeholders so you can use placeholders like %ProgramFiles%
+ Added dropping files on Accessor keywords list
+ Added PageUp/Down to Accessor list
+ Added support for Hotkey release events (UP in Hotkey GUI)
+ Added support for auto-updating event configuration so users can receive bugfixes and new events between version updates.
As a consequence of this, 7plus now uses a versioning scheme consisting of 4 numbers, where the last one represents the
number of applied patches since the last release.
+ Added descriptions for each event for better usability
+ Added "Show window size as tooltip while resizing"

- Fixed CTRL+P accidently being assigned
- Fixed a scrolling bug in Accessor
- Fixed Alt+LButton: Move windows option not appearing in settings
- Fixed a bug pausing the script when Notepad++ wasn't running/installed
- Fixed capital C and X not working in Explorer address and search bar
- Fixed timer window event name not updating when applying settings with changed event name
- Fixed a bug which caused selected files placeholder not to work on desktop
- Fixed Windows Installer shortcuts being resolved incorrectly in program launcher start menu scanning
- Autoupdate is now fully functional for users which have UAC enabled
- Improved the reliability of the 7plus startup procedure
- Fixed ${MC} Placeholder not working

- Removed "Minimize to tray" for 64bit compatibility reasons
- Removed a redundant event

License:  GPL v3

Titel: ProFiler MP3i 2.0.004
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2011, 14:19
Datenbankgestützter Multimedia-Explorer zum Archivieren und Wiedergeben von Audio- und Bild-Dateien; erkennt und konvertiert alle gängigen Formate.



Titel: Q-Dir V4.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2011, 19:59
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    * Bug fix: unnecessary error message in the list view.
    * Language files updating, general optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Expicula 1.33 Update 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2011, 20:29
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.33 Updates 2   17.01.11

    * Fehlerkorrekturen.

Titel: Gladinet 2.5.551
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2011, 15:44
Enhance Google Docs, Azure and Amazon S3 support

    * Google Docs: Fix the issue that in certain accounts, only shared folder can be viewed.
    * Azure: Support Azure when access in certain 3G networks
    * Amazon S3: Keep file ACL during rename

Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: xplorer² Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2011, 17:26
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2011, 00:06
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

· Can select multiple files now in Find File.
· Restored New Text File in popup menus.
· Restored Hex Viewer.
· Did some internal stuff but cannot remember what. (age)

Titel: takView2 2.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2011, 11:46
Dateimanager in Ergänzung oder Alternative zum normalen Windows-Explorer, sowie als Betrachter von Daten unterschiedlicher Art


Ein kurzer Abriss der Funktionen:

    * Dateimanagement analog dem Windows-Explorer
    * HPGL-Plotfiles anzeigen/drucken/konvertieren
    * Rastergrafiken anzeigen und bearbeiten
    * Schriftvorschau für installierte und nicht installierte Schriftartdateien
    * ZiP-Archive auspacken und erstellen
    * Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen, Dateidatum setzen, Grafiken bearbeiten, Plotfiles ausgeben
    * Merker und Sortierer für Dateien
    * u.v.m.

Version 2.93

    * Favoriten für Farben in der Bildbearbeitung.
    * Daumennägel für OpenOffice-Dokumente ergänzt
    * Automatische Screenshots ergänzt. Nach jedem Druck der "Druck-Taste" wird ein Bitmap automatisch abgelegt. Beschränkung des Rechtecks einstellbar.
    * Kleinere optische Anpassungen und Sonderwünsche einiger Nutzer

OS: 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://www.taktools.de/takview/takview0.html#dwnld
Titel: Fresh View 8.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2011, 17:03
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: feature to support .PDF (Portable Document Format).

Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2011, 22:19
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

· Fixed the Hex Viewer not remembering where to go.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2011, 15:28
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    * Bug Fix: Left Right Arrow keys on the Q-Dir Main Menu.
    * Bug Fix: In the address bar when you select or move the tab-s.
    * Language files updating, general optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Gladinet 3.0.569
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2011, 06:15
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



    * New Cloud Sync Folder
            Cloud Sync Folder is a new feature in the release. It syncs a location folder across different computers, using the corresponding cloud storage to manage version history. Check here for details.
    * New Management Console
            Management Console is completely rewritten. It makes task management easier.
    * Email notification for Snapshot backup
            Can send out email notification when snapshot backup finishes.
    * Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: takView2 2.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2011, 06:00
Dateimanager in Ergänzung oder Alternative zum normalen Windows-Explorer, sowie als Betrachter von Daten unterschiedlicher Art


Ein kurzer Abriss der Funktionen:

    * Dateimanagement analog dem Windows-Explorer
    * HPGL-Plotfiles anzeigen/drucken/konvertieren
    * Rastergrafiken anzeigen und bearbeiten
    * Schriftvorschau für installierte und nicht installierte Schriftartdateien
    * ZiP-Archive auspacken und erstellen
    * Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen, Dateidatum setzen, Grafiken bearbeiten, Plotfiles ausgeben
    * Merker und Sortierer für Dateien
    * u.v.m.

Version 2.94

   1. Kalenderoptik aufgrund von div. Wünschen angepasst
   2. Daumennägel für OpenOfficedokumente erweitert
   3. Favoritenliste > Symbol bei Netzlaufwerken
   4. Fehlertoleranz bei TVP-Dateien verbessert
   5. Bildbearbeitung: Hintergundrechteck bei Textobjekten einstellbar
   6. Bildbearbeitung: Bessere Farbwahl bei Text-/Objektdialogen
   7. Attribut "temporär" setzen/entfernen ergänzt
   8. Dateidatum ändern (Stapelbearbeitung): nur das Jahr, nur den Monat, nur den Tag oder nur die Stunde des Dateidatums ändern
   9. TIF-Grafiken (CCITT Group 4) im Merker/Sortierer verwendbar
  10. Byteweiser Vergleich zweier Dateien (über Kontextmenü der Dateiliste) möglich

OS: 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://www.taktools.de/takview/takview0.html#dwnld
Titel: Nomad.NET RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2011, 20:33
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- * 7z.dll updated to version 9.20 (Both 32 and 64 bit 7z.dll now included)
- * Improved url and file names processing in File Copy Dialog
- * Do not draw thumbnail border in ExplorerTheme mode and when thumbnail present
- - Bug #157 fixed again (Very rare threading issue when opening archive on machine with 4 cores)
- - Bug #163 fixed ("Cannot access a disposed object." crash shortly after tab closing)
- - Bug #164 fixed (Wrong folder overlays for Dropbox 1.0.x synced folders)
- - Bug fix: Set modified state after changing list order (highlighters for example) via Manage Dialog
- - Bug fix: After renaming item cursor moved to first item in list
- - Bug fix: Hang in ShellDetails.wdx due to incorrect path (i.e. 'c:\') names handling
- - Bug fix: Error on opening bookmark located on two-level under bookmarks folder
- - Bug fix: Long check box text displayed incorrectly in standard message dialog
- - Bug fix: Inconsistent breadcrumb path when opening .tag.gz (or similar) archives
- - Bug fix: Failed to find items when background search is completed too fast
- - Bug fix: Unable to delete empty folders from 7z archives
- - Bug fix: Noticeable freeze when showing Set Attributes Dialog with large selection
- - Bug fix: Del key not working in breadcrumb and quick find strips
- - Bug fix: Broken inherited desktop.ini support restored
- - Bug fix: Invalid overlay processing for shortcut files (*.lnk)
- - Other small unlisted bug fixes


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2011, 21:49
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


The new version features faster work with large SkyDrive folders, and a set of small improvements, but more importantly - SDExplorer Advanced now supports Windows Live Groups! Now whenever you join with your relatives, friends and colleagues into groups, you receive a SkyDrive storage allocated for the entire group and can start using it right from the SDExplorer Advanced! You can read more about Windows Live Groups on the official site.

Additionally, we have extended the trial period for SDExplorer Advanced. Now you have more time to evaluate the vast functionality of SDExplorer Advanced Edition and consider buying a license.

We have also good news for those who still cannot decide what number of licenses is needed - now we provide a wider choice: depending on the number of PCs and purposes of SDExplorer Advanced usage you can select a type of license that suits you or your business best of all and even pay less.

Also, starting from the version SDExplorer Advanced 3.0 we have changed out Upgrade Policy. Now the period of free updates and new versions is limited to 1 year.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7
Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Fresh View 8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2011, 16:44
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Bevel Vertical effect.

Titel: Gladinet 3.1.583
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2011, 07:39
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.




* Enhance Cloud Sync Folder
* Enhance EMC Atmos, Windows Azure support
* Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2011, 15:25
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    * With all Smart* functionality, Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links can now be unrolled or spliced.
    * Added Smart Mirror.
    * Speed improvements to Smart Copy, Smart Move and Delorean Copy.
    * The configuration tool does not restart explorer for minor changes to the settings.


Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2011, 20:19

    * With all Smart* functionality, Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links can now be unrolled or spliced.
    * Added Smart Mirror.
    * Speed improvements to Smart Copy, Smart Move and Delorean Copy.
    * The configuration tool does not restart explorer for minor changes to the settings.

Titel: xplorer² Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2011, 22:07
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2011, 16:12

    * With all Smart* functionality, Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links can now be unrolled or spliced.
    * Added Smart Mirror.
    * Speed improvements to Smart Copy, Smart Move and Delorean Copy.
    * The configuration tool does not restart explorer for minor changes to the settings.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2011, 10:23
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Language files updating, general optimization and some improvements

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2011, 06:30

    * With all Smart* functionality, Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links can now be unrolled or spliced.
    * Added Smart Mirror.
    * Speed improvements to Smart Copy, Smart Move and Delorean Copy.
    * The configuration tool does not restart explorer for minor changes to the settings.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.595
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2011, 21:16
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



Version 3.2.595 (Mar 15, 2011)

    * Enhance Cloud Sync Folder
          o Support long file names in cloud sync local folder.
          o Performance improvement during initial upload, when there are many small files.
    * Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: Master Commander 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2011, 16:49
Der Commander  ist ein Dateimanager in der 2-Fenster-Optik, die mit TABs erweitert werden kann.Neben den typischen Funktionen wird noch ein FTP-Client, eine Verschlüsselung (und natürlich Entschlüsselung) von Dateien (BASE64, DES, TripleDES, AES 128 und 256bit), die Synchronisation von Ordnern, erstellen und überprüfen von MD5/CRC-Checksummen angeboten.


Version 1.0.1:
- Correction in displayed sum of all files in the "Auto" mode
- Added simple scipt language (for main file operations)
- Tabs can be closed by middle mouse button
- Added missing selection combination inside the archives (Shift and Ctrl)
- Copy speed increased
- Many small fixes

Eine Auflistung der gesamten Features findet man beim Hersteller.
Voraussetzung für das Programm ist ein installiertes .NET Framework 3.5
Unterstützt wird WIN XP - Seven

Die deutsche Sprache lässt sich in den Einstellungen aktivieren.

Hersteller: http://www.mastercommander.pl/en/index.html
Titel: Windows Double Explorer Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2011, 16:59
Windows Double Explorer manages two or more Windows Explorer in one application. Also you can add your favorite folders with drag and drop to the toolbar for quick access. It's easyier to manage your disc structure.



Titel: Q-Dir V4.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2011, 15:35
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    * Some improvements, update the language files.
    * Correction at export of the file list, details, list, Tiles, Icons, Thumbnails.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2011, 17:51
New in version 4.49 // 23 Mar 2011

Correction at Windows-7 x64 and other x64 operating systems, when view in the Type column, the file or subfolder counter (F9).
Corrections: when add file filters and the pointless message after select the filter.
Update of the language files.
More in the next version.

Titel: Fresh View 8.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2011, 18:39
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Raster effect.

Titel: File Navigator V1.7.4.604
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2011, 18:54
File Navigator is a Norton-Commander clone with a dual-pane text-based interface with a command prompt for you to enter DOS commands directly. Though the website is in Russian, the program itself is entirely in English.



Titel: Gladinet 3.2.601
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2011, 21:17
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



    Google Docs: Fix duplicate folder issue
    Cloud Sync Folder: Better support for folder operation
    Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2011, 20:30
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

CTRL+N Bug-Fix at Windows-7 x64 for create New Folder.
Update of the language files.

Titel: NetDrive
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2011, 21:04
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

NetDrive v1.3.0.2 contains several bug fixes as below:

- Fixed a bug regarding URL prefix string. Connection's failed in if the URL in 'Site IP or URL' had no URL prefix string either 'ftp://' or 'http://'.
- Fixed a bug regarding directory name with space in the URL
- Fixed a problem when transferring file over 2GB through webdav

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Titel: CopyToTabs V5.9.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2011, 12:49
CopyToTabs uses "Backup Projects" that either you create manually, or are automatically created (with Total Commander's help) in order to copy several files/directories to any number of destinations.


License: Freeware

V5.9.0.0 25-03-2011

Added Optional Disks Info Photo.

Titel: Nomad.NET
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2011, 18:28
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- Regression bug #166 fixed (Copy to wrong folders (%C5%BE%C5%99%C4%8D for example) in some cases)
- Bug fix: Exception when closing via Alt+X and there is operations in background
- Bug fix: Options dialog grows every time on open when default dialog font changed
- Bug fix: NullReferenceException when closing application with locked folders
- Bug fix: Invalid zip archives with several identical folder entries now handled correctly
- Bug fix: "Bold" item icons on hover in WinXP
- Regression bug fix: Searching duplicates by content does not work
- Bug fix: Unhandled "The network name cannot be found" exception when navigating from breadcrumb
- Bug fix: Wrong archive parent folder when navigating to archive from text string
- Bug fix: Improved behavior in situations when icon is not found for item
- Bug fix: An error when trying to open autorun.inf folder on machine protected by Avira
- Bug fix: Some WCX plugins does not work due to invalid internal interface (btdir for example)
- Bug fix: Load only first found 7z.dll from plugins folder


Titel: Gladinet 3.2.606
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2011, 07:00
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support Amazon Cloud Drive
        Please notice that Amazon Cloud Drive has issues supporting international characters in file and folder names. If your file or folder names contain international characters, you may not be able to download the files.
    Fix Google Docs/Google Apps Access issue
        Google changes its interface this week. It causes Gladinet to display ‘Please wait, still listing directory…’ message in Google Docs/Google Apps virtual directory. The release addresses the issue.
    Add New Release Notification
        From this release, when we have a new release/update, we can send a notification to our users, when launching Cloud Desktop.
    Performance Enhancement and Bug Fixes

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.607
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2011, 09:28
What's new: >>

    New Features and Enhancements:
    Enhance Amazon Cloud Drive: Support international characters
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: QTTabBar Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2011, 21:06
Erweitert den Windows-Explorer um Browser-Funktionen, etwa Zurück- und Vorwärts-Buttons, Tabs, Ansichtsfilter, Favoriten oder eine History zuletzt besuchter Verzeichnisse.



Titel: Open++ V1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2011, 07:07
Open++ is a context menu shell extension that allows you to quickly open selected files or folders with customizable commands.


A 64-bit version is available as well.

License: Freeware

Titel: Fresh View 8.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2011, 13:09
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Left Diagonal Edge effect.

Titel: 7plus V2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2011, 20:21
7plus makes Windows more comfortable by adding features to explorer, default window handling, as well as lots of other small tweaks. It allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc.


What's new: >>

New functions:

    Context menu support on files and folders. This is implemented through a shell extension
    Dynamic timer: Start a message/shutdown/run timer by middle clicking the clock
    Support for generic menus. It's now possible to design and show (sub)menus and trigger events with the entries.
    Window finder tool for easily selecting window titles/classes/executables in event config
    Batch Image converter for converting and resizing lots of images at once (through explorer context menu)
    MD5 Checksum window for generating MD5 checksums (through explorer context menu)
    Progress notification window for FTP upload, and uploading doesn't make the system unresponsive anymore
    Volume control OSD for displaying current volume and mute status
    "Run with parameters..." context menu option for executable files
    "Toggle hidden files" context menu option for directory backgrounds
    "Upload" context menu option for files
    Added history function for Accessor (CTRL + UP/DOWN Arrow)
    Enhanced the input action to support multiple data types (paths, text, numbers, selections,...)
    and added a condition to ControlEvent action that allows it to react to a selection.
    Placeholders from this action are now globally accessible in any event.
    Added a "Copy Event" feature to the ControlEvent action. This will copy an event temporarily
      so it can be used in parallel. This is very useful for timers.
    Added CTRL+WIN+Tab: Write tab character
    Added CTRL+WIN+Enter: Write newline
    Added a file switcher for SciTE4AutoHotkey that works exactly like the one for Notepad++.
    It requires that the latest version of SciTE4AutoHotkey is installed, which is v3 beta 5a at the time of this release.


    Fixed Registry permissions which stopped FastFolders from showing up in explorer bar
    Removed unnecessary dependancy on Visual C++ Runtime 2010
    "Proper" 64 bit support. 2.2.0 was quite buggy in this regard...
    If you encountered a bug and you were using the x64 version, it is probably fixed.
    Fixed Win+C not working on desktop
    Fixed Clipboard manager not working in cmd
    Fixed ALT+Drag preventing Alt+Click
    Fixed Invert Selection
    Fixed "Create Folder" not working on network drives
    Fixed portable mode startup error messsage and reload issue
    Fixed FastFolders numpad keys triggering directory change in file dialog boxes with the filename box selected
    Improved Accessor performance and added a few related plugin settings
    Fixed an invalid key combination in "Picture viewer: Rotate image right with R" event and added versions of the Picture viewer events for XP
    Fixed clipboard manager not updating sometimes (Not fixed on XP due to OS limitation)


    7plus now uses the task scheduler instead of autorun in Vista and 7 to avoid UAC dialogs
    All tooltips and some message boxes have been replaced by nicer looking notification windows
    Added an introduction page that is shown on first run. It contains some tips and some basic settings like Autorun.
    Added uninstall information for the 7plus uninstaller to the registry.
    7plus now recognizes if a newer version was extracted manually over an older version and will perform the required update steps.
    The Flat view function is now an event.

License:  GPL v3

Titel: Q-Dir 4.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2011, 17:50
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small improvements
Update the language and new language in Q-Dir Croatian (Hrvatski).
Thanks to Dragomir Brcan (Hvala)

Titel: takView2 2.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2011, 21:31
Dateimanager in Ergänzung oder Alternative zum normalen Windows-Explorer, sowie als Betrachter von Daten unterschiedlicher Art


Ein kurzer Abriss der Funktionen:

    * Dateimanagement analog dem Windows-Explorer
    * HPGL-Plotfiles anzeigen/drucken/konvertieren
    * Rastergrafiken anzeigen und bearbeiten
    * Schriftvorschau für installierte und nicht installierte Schriftartdateien
    * ZiP-Archive auspacken und erstellen
    * Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen, Dateidatum setzen, Grafiken bearbeiten, Plotfiles ausgeben
    * Merker und Sortierer für Dateien
    * u.v.m.

Version 2.95

    diverse Fehlerbehebung, Kleinigkeiten und Optik
    Verhalten beim Starten von takView2 im zuletzt benutzen Ordner korrigiert (Netzwerkpfade)
    Kleinen Einheitenumrechner ergänzt (unter F10 - Sonstiges)
    ... Merken des zuletzt eingestellten Anzeigewinkels
    ... Liniendicken bei weiterem HPGL-Dialekt berücksichtigt
    ... farbige/graue Füllflächen bei Export als 1-bit-Rastergrafik mittels

    Evtl. vorhandenen Markierungsrahmen beim Drucken von Grafiken (Einzel- oder Mehrfachvorschau) entfernt/richtiggestellt.

    Fehlerbehebung beim Beenden von takView2, falls im Programmordner keine Schreibrechte vorhanden sind.

OS: 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://www.taktools.de/takview/takview0.html#dwnld
Titel: A43 File Management Utility V3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2011, 22:34
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.


License: Freeware

What's new: >>

A43 now uses the 7z.dll by Igor Pavlov to extract archive
types of .7 .iso .rar .cab .jar .tar .z .msi .arj .lzh .lha.
The interface is not exactly elegant but will do for now. I
was very excited to get this working since I need access to these
files and usually from a PE environment.
PLEASE NOTE: at present there is no way to cancel the extraction once
started and files will be over written if they exist. All archives
will be extracted to a folder using the archive name now, there is no
longer an option for this. All .zip work is still done internally as before.
Also, I was able to squash some bugs while completing this version.
The 7z.dll is Copyright (C) 2011 Igor Pavlov. Many thanks
to him for his great lzma work. Visit 7-Zip here: http://www.7-zip.org/faq.html
The unRar.dll is no longer needed so it can be removed.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2011, 06:15
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    With all Smart* functionality, Outer Junctions/Symbolic Links can now be unrolled or spliced.
    Added Smart Mirror.
    Speed improvements to Smart Copy, Smart Move and Delorean Copy.
    The configuration tool does not restart explorer for minor changes to the settings.
    Symlinks creation resulted in absolute symlinks even if creation of syminks was specified as relative, if their common ancestor was a root dir.


Titel: Gladinet 3.2.617
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2011, 06:23
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support folders shared with me in Google Apps for Business
    Enhance Amazon Cloud Drive to support files on root
    Enhance Snapshot Backup for long file names
    Various bug fixes

Titel: File Navigator V1.7.4.605
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2011, 22:35
File Navigator is a Norton-Commander clone with a dual-pane text-based interface with a command prompt for you to enter DOS commands directly. Though the website is in Russian, the program itself is entirely in English.



Titel: Gladinet 3.2.621
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2011, 12:56
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support New Google Docs interface
        Fix upload error which subfolders
        Fix download error
    Various bug fixes

Titel: QTTabBar Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2011, 13:04
Erweitert den Windows-Explorer um Browser-Funktionen, etwa Zurück- und Vorwärts-Buttons, Tabs, Ansichtsfilter, Favoriten oder eine History zuletzt besuchter Verzeichnisse.



Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2011, 17:10
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir V4.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2011, 13:15
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

· Corrections in Windows-7 and Server 2008.
· Update of the language files.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.628
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2011, 08:10
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance Skydrive Support
        Support HTTPS hotmail
        Enhance login procedure to handle 503 error
    Enhance Cloud Sync Folder
    Gladinet Management Console UI
        Add Text to Menu Icon
    Various performance and bug fixes

Titel: MetaPath V4.0.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2011, 17:46
Metapath is designed to be a slim file browser, set to open every file with the same application (for example, a text editor). You can, however, change this setting so that each file opens with its Windows default application, or you can right-click on a file to choose the set application. Simple file manager actions are provided (copy, move, create link, rename, delete, save as...) along with the ability to set a filter and sort by name, file-type, size, or date.


It integrates well with Notepad2, and it's possible to add a "Browse" button to the toolbar, which brings up Metapath (if stored in the same directory.)

The setting for the "target application" (the default application with which to open every file) takes a standard relative path, but the location settings for a "quick viewer" and the "Favorites" folder do not. For example, "\Apps\UniversalViewer\Viewer.exe", but not "..\UniversalViewer\Viewer.exe".

64-bit version available.

License: Freeware/Open Source

Titel: Q-Dir V4.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2011, 23:00
Q-Dir is a quad-pane file explorer that is capable of displaying 4 Explorer panes simultaneously. It supports favorites, file/color filtering, export to XLS/CSV/TXT/HTML, screen magnifier, quick preview etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    Correction in the vista address bar for Windows-7 and XP.
    Update of the language files.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2011, 17:56
What's new: >>

· New: Register the Q-Dir as the default browser on the system (over Menue>Extras).
· Correction in the tab context menu.
· Update the language files.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.644
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2011, 22:39
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enahnce Skydrive, Google Apps and Rackspace support
    Enhance Cloud Sync Folder
    Simplify Management Console to improve usability
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2011, 12:38
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Titel: Expicula 1.33 Update 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2011, 18:18
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.


Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Version 1.33 Updates 1-3   24.05.11


Titel: Q-Dir V4.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2011, 08:42
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Titel: Fresh View 8.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2011, 10:28
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Right Diagonal Edge effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2011, 10:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.662
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2011, 18:45
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Usability Enhancement: Simplify menu and add help texts
    Enhance Skydrive: Support empty Skydrive account, where all files and folders in Skydrive are deleted
    Enhance Google Apps for Business: Support upload for files larger than 100M
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: File Navigator V1.7.4.606
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2011, 16:53
File Navigator is a Norton-Commander clone with a dual-pane text-based interface with a command prompt for you to enter DOS commands directly. Though the website is in Russian, the program itself is entirely in English.



Titel: NexusFile V5.3.1.5460
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2011, 18:00
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

- Added: 7z, iso, cab, tar, bz2, z, egg file extraction
(Using ARK library - http://www.bandisoft.com/ark/)
- Improved: Adding to zip now can contain empty folder.
- Added: File Checksum function (CRC, MD5, SHA1)
- Fixed: Deleting a folder made with mklink deleted all files/folders inside of the original folder.
- Fixed: Size Format option wasn't saved.
- Fixed: Uncheck empty recycle bin on Disk Cleanup Dialog didn't work.
- Fixed: Scroll problem on details, thumbnails view mode
- Fixed: Advanced Rename replace problem ex) Find:0, Replace:1 0000 => 0101
- Fixed: File time was not displayed right in FTP
- Fixed: Error on Select Dest dialog (Division by Zero)
- Added: can disable auto save settings by editing nexusfile.ini autosavesettings value to 0
- Fixed: Text encoding problem when joining text files.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.59
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2011, 14:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Optional and selectable setting for Q-Dir as the default browser for directories, network, Computer (Computer), My Documents, Recycle Bin, thus opens the appropriate folder type with Q-Dir, eg when clicking on My Computer on the desktop (over menu extras).
Update the Quad Explorer language files.

Titel: CubicExplorer V0.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2011, 12:59
CubicExplorer is a Windows explorer replacement that supports bookmarks and multiple tabs. It contains a built-in text editor with syntax highlighting support.


License: Freeware

Change Log

    Added FontSize Advanced setting to all Panels, Fileview and FileSearch.
    Added LineHeight Advanced setting to all Panels and FileSearch.
    Added “Open in new tab” in Right click menu.
    Fixed Ctrl/Shift selection when SingleClickBrowse/Execute used.
    Fixed jumping issue when dbl clicking on SingleClickBrowse mode.
    Fixed “Select previous folder” when dbl clicking.
    Fixed CenterOnExpand in FolderPanel
    Usability fix in “Save Session” and “Save Stack” dialogs.
    Fine tuned CenterOnBrowse in FolderPanel
    Updated French translation (thanks to BB).
    Updated German translation (thanks to nefycee).
    Updated Blue Line theme (thanks to sl23).
    Added gBW theme (thanks to g..).
    Added OldDays theme (thanks to badloginname).
    Added Deviant Dark theme (thanks to nefycee).

Titel: Q-Dir V4.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2011, 15:41
What's new: >>

· Bug fix: for some actions, there was a crash of Q-Dir, please test it.
· Update of "the Quad Explorer" language files and optimization.

Titel: takView2 2.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2011, 18:06
Dateimanager in Ergänzung oder Alternative zum normalen Windows-Explorer, sowie als Betrachter von Daten unterschiedlicher Art


Ein kurzer Abriss der Funktionen:

    * Dateimanagement analog dem Windows-Explorer
    * HPGL-Plotfiles anzeigen/drucken/konvertieren
    * Rastergrafiken anzeigen und bearbeiten
    * Schriftvorschau für installierte und nicht installierte Schriftartdateien
    * ZiP-Archive auspacken und erstellen
    * Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen, Dateidatum setzen, Grafiken bearbeiten, Plotfiles ausgeben
    * Merker und Sortierer für Dateien
    * u.v.m.

Neue Version 2.96 - Änderungen/Erweiterungen gegenüber der Vorversion:

    Stapelbearbeitung: Umbenennen >> einzelne Zeichen tauschen
    Stapelbearbeitung: Plotfiles >> Druckposition wählbar (z.B. Mitte) und weitere Optionen hierzu ergänzt,  Auswahl nur gleicher Plotgrößen ergänzt
    Dateityp ergänzt:  CSV-Dateien inkl. dessen Datenbearbeitung
    Optik überarbeitet
    Mit Pfadangabe aus der Zwischenablage in diesen Pfad wechseln  (bei der Auswahlbox "Favoriten"
    Zahlendarstellung Dezimal, Hexadezimal, Binär und eine einfache Interpolation ergänzt (unter F10 - Sonstiges)
    Plotfiles: Einfügen von Textelementen (z.B. Vorabzug) ergänzt und allgemeine Überarbeitung der Plotfileanzeige
    Textdateien: Ergänzung von Zeilenumbrüchen mit wählbarer Zeichenbreite (z.B. 80 Zeichen)
    ZIP-Dateien: Passwortabfrage überarbeitet

OS: 98/ME/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7
Freeware: Für privaten und kommerziellen Gebrauch
Hersteller: http://www.taktools.de/takview/takview0.html#dwnld
Titel: Q-Dir V4.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2011, 13:35
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

-When "Q-Dir" run as the default browser for directories, network, Computer, ..., You can set via the "Menü", "Extras", "Q-Dir as default browser" to open this folder in new tab, in the current (running) Q-Dir instance.
-Update of "the Quad Explorer" language files and optimization.

Titel: XYplorerFree V5.55.0002
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2011, 07:14
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


License: Freeware


Titel: Gladinet 3.2.690
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2011, 08:51
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support new Skydrive interface: Skydrive has a completely new interface. The release supports it.
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2011, 13:33
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

When Q-Dir is launched, the first tab in panel(1) is replaced by e.g. My Computer.
New and better: create a new tab to open e.g. My Computer, instead of replacing original tab.

Titel: Fresh View 8.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2011, 20:41
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Full Multiply effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2011, 18:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

· Bug fix: in the vista address bar for Windows-7, Vista, Server-2008.
· Update of the language files and some other small fixes.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2011, 21:52
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Re: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: ritschibie am 05 Juli, 2011, 22:51
An dieser Stelle kann ich es mir nicht verkneifen die "Sky Live" Benutzer auf den Leitartikel von André Kramer in der neuen c't zu verweisen:


Warum denke ich nur bei "Wolken" an häßliche Nebelbänke anstatt an romantische Schäferwölkchen? Vielleicht habe ich doch zu viele Sci-Fi-Filme und Serien gesehen  :)
Titel: Gladinet 3.2.704
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2011, 23:49
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support new Skydrive interface: Can upload to ‘My Documents’ and ‘Public’ folders in certain old accounts.
    Support Windows Live Group: Can mount Windows Live Group in Gladinet now. Please follow the instruction here.
    Enhance Google Docs support: Better support for document update in Google Docs, including shared folders
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: SDExplorer Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2011, 09:40
SDExplorer is a free, easy-to-use, but very powerful extension for Windows Explorer. With SDExplorer you can make any every-day operations with your documents from Microsoft Live SkyDrive service using Windows Explorer, as if they were on your computer. Moreover you don't need to install and configure any additional programs or ActiveX components. SDExplorer will organize the interaction with the online storage itself.



The 3.5 beta version of SDExplorer Advanced is available for downloading!

The key feature of this version - brand new
Background Uploader Module.

It allows you to simply and fast upload your files to SkyDrive in the background.
Download,install the Beta and give us your feedback. We need to know your opinion about it.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2011, 14:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug fix: in the feature highlighting the sort column Menue, Extras, Listview.
Update of the language files and some other small fixes.

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2011, 21:16
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



Latest Changes

- Around 180+ internal changes
- A folder tree can now be shown/hidden with ALT+Num*, (Toggle focus to it with Alt+Num/)
- Able to show Movie information in column for you movie files
- Customize what color files should have, based on the filename
- Live Substring filtering when typing in the filter box
- Upgraded to unrar 4.01 support

Titel: Q-Dir V4.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2011, 06:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Smaller string (text) corrections, and general optimization.
Update the Quad Explorer language files and optimization.

Titel: xplorer² Lite Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2011, 10:56
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Titel: Q-Dir V4.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2011, 11:04
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small bug fix in the uninstallation and Update the Quad Explorer language files!

Titel: Fresh View 8.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2011, 11:19
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Metal Plate effect.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.715
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2011, 20:20
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance Google Docs Support
        Add more logic to prevent duplicate files generation
        Support Google Apps for Business in Google Docs Backup
        Enhance file upload in Google Docs
    Enhance OpenStack interface for better session timeout support
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir 4.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2011, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small fixes for Win-7 and Vista plus Update of the Quad Explorer language files!

Titel: Q-Dir 4.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2011, 16:37
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1.Korrekturen in der Adressleiste Klasisch und Modernen, sowie bei der Breadcrumb-Navigation!
2.Aktualisierung der Quad Explorer Sprachdateien

Titel: FreeCommander XE Public Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2011, 13:49
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.



Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2011, 08:15
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    Speed improvements during SmartCopy/SmartMirror/HardlinkClone and Delorean Copy.
    Introduced new Heap Manager Rockall for x64 and x86 builds to gain performance.
    Russian translation updated.
    Installation notifies about already running processes, which would make LSE installation fail, because they have loaded dlls from LSE.


Titel: CubicExplorer V0.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2011, 17:18
CubicExplorer is a Windows explorer replacement that supports bookmarks and multiple tabs. It contains a built-in text editor with syntax highlighting support.


License: Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir V4.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2011, 16:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1.Kleine Korrekturen und Optimierungen für alle Windows-NT-Systeme!
2.Aktualisierung der Quad Explorer Sprachdateien

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.721
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2011, 13:46
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Support Google Docs Interface Change
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Explorer++ V1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2011, 22:00
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License: Freeware/Open Source

What's new: >>

On the 64-bit version of Windows, the control panel may not show all items, and any 64-bit shell extensions will not work. If you have a 64-bit version of Windows, it is recommended that you use the 64-bit version of Explorer++.

New features:

    The complete state of most dialogs are now saved.
    Most dialogs can now be resized.
    Significant improvements to split file dialog.
    Context menu extensions are now shown on the main right-click context menu.
    Enhanced undo functionality. Multiple rename operations (such as those performed by the mass rename dialog) can now be undone as a single set.
    'Delete permanently' button added to main toolbar.
    Added 'Close Tabs to the Right' entry to the tab right-click menu.
    The listview hover time can now be set by the user.
    Right-clicking search dialog results now brings up the file context menu.
    Search dialog results can now be sorted by name/path.
    Added 'Case sensitive' option to filter dialog.
    The folder navigation sound can now be disabled via the options dialog.
    The search dialog can now search using regular expressions. A case insensitive flag has also been added.
    Deleting an item in the treeview will select the parent folder prior to deletion (allowing the previously selected folder to be deleted).
    Right-clicking on the root desktop folder in the treeview now brings up its context menu.
    Trailing spaces are now trimmed when renaming an item in the listview/treeview.

Bug fixes:

    In Windows 7 when closing a tab, the wrong taskbar preview pane would be closed (i.e. the taskbar preview pane for another tab would be closed instead).
    Fixed a crash that occurred when collapsing a node in the treeview.
    When single-click activation was enabled, and an area in the listview was selected, any file under the mouse when it was released would be opened.
    Fixed 'Open Parent in New Tab' bug (parent of current tab would always be opened, regardless of which tab was clicked).
    When opening a folder in a locked tab, the newly created tab was not switched to correctly (which caused directory modifications to fail, for example).
    Fixed toolbar bug (when a button was added or removed from a toolbar, the length of the toolbar would be reset, causing it to resize).
    Fixed listview gridline issue (Windows XP only).
    Under certain circumstances, translation DLL's would still be loaded, even if they did not match the current version.
    Filename extension is now hidden correctly (if required) in details view.
    Size column now remains right aligned after sorting.
    When allow multiple instances was not set, and a new instance was started, it would not restore the previous window correctly if it was minimized.
    Summary information stream codepage wasn't been checked.
    Fixed control panel handling bug.
    Fixed drag and drop memory leak.
    Fixed bugs in mouse wheel handler.
    Fixed bug in options dialog (apply button not enabled when changing size selection in files and folders tab).


    Version number now takes the form: Major.Minor.Micro.Revision.
    Improved drag and drop interoperability.
    File sizes are now formatted according to the current system locale.
    When collapsing the direct parent of the current folder in the treeview, the listview selection would change to the parent. Now works when collapsing multiple levels.
    The 'Size On Disk', 'Total Size', and 'Free Space' columns are now right aligned.
    The current directory is now set when the directory or tab selection changes.
    Updated 'Handle zip files' option to read 'Open zip files in Explorer++'.
    The error message shown on a translation DLL version mismatch will now be shown in the target language (when possible).
    The (main) right click context menu is no longer owner drawn.

Titel: Nomad.NET Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2011, 21:15
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- Full WFX plugins support with almost all features
- WCX support improved (unicode support, unification with other parts)
- Massive file system plugins refactoring, partially for WFX support, partially to simplify development of new file systems
- Extensible framework for plugins
- Preliminary support for UI plugins (adding new commands, new tabs, etc)
- Network browsing speed increased, support for hidden shares, etc
- Drag-n-drop support completely rewritten (drag from archives to explorer, right-click drag, etc)
- Quick-find in panels improved, highlight found item name parts, easier configuration, etc
- Ability to select items using check-boxes
- Ability to one-click or two-click activation (in addition to double-click)
- New command: Binary file compare
- New commands: Map and disconnect network drives, Volume Properties
- New commands: Wipe files, Clean free space
- New command: Copy Real Name and Path as Text
- Working with Win7 jump lists improved greatly (show frequent and recent folders, clear usage statistics command, configuration, etc)
- New panel toolbar with volume information (label, disk, free and available size, total size)
- Copy improved (faster, less memory consumption, speed limit support, better elevation support, new abilities)
- Search improved (faster, much faster when searching in archives, less memory consumption)
- Much better junction and mount points support
- Much better elevation support, many more operation are elevatable now (rename file for example)
- Shell namespace support improved
- Bookmarks support improved (bookmark all tabs at once, subfolders in bookmarks, custom ordering, etc)
- Apply button in Options
- Extenal tools support improved (extract or download files before passing them into tool, starting as administrator, etc)
- Changes and improvements in almost every part of Nomad, I believe that at least one third of all code base is touched
- Many-many other things, countless their number


Titel: Q-Dir V4.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2011, 19:47
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1. Wieder Fixes in der Breadcrumb Navigation (modern-Adresse)!
2. Update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien und einige Optimierungen.

Titel: Fresh View 8.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2011, 07:10
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Glassy effect.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.0 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2011, 21:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


What's new:

    FTP support (via standard plugin)
    Network support (Windows built-in, Linux via standard plugin)
    Test archives command
    Change attributes command
    More powerful differ tool
    Capability to use WDX plugins in multi rename tool
    Capability to choose number of parts in split file dialog
    File operations queue
    Calculate/verify checksum (SHA256, SHA384, SHA512)
    7Z, ACE, ARJ, TXZ archive support (via external console archivers)
    Overlay icons support
    Capability to use WDX plugins in tooltips
    System icons support (Linux Qt4)
    Load file list in separate thread
    Updated and extended help files
    Quick filter
    Ignore list
    Enhanced image viewer
    GIF image format support (Viewer)
    Use UDisks instead HAL (Linux)
    Natural sorting mode
    New toolbar configuration dialog
    Enhanced file selecting dialog
    Capability to rename tabs
    "Open with..." menu item in context menu (Linux)
    "New" menu item in context menu
    And more small improvements and fixes

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Q-Dir V4.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2011, 22:31
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

update of the Quad Explorer language
some program optimization

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.732
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2011, 15:16
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Fix Amazon Cloud Drive login issue
    Support files up to 4G
        The file size limit is increased from 2G to 4G.
    Support System and Hidden File in Cloud Sync Folder
        By default, the Cloud Sync Folder doesn’t include system and hidden files. To support it, in Gladinet Management Console, go to Settings, Settings Manager. Expand Cloud Sync Folder group and change ‘Include System and Hidden Files’ to true.
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: CustomExplorerToolbar v1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2011, 17:10
CustomExplorerToolbar is small utility for Windows 7 only, which allows you to easily customize the toolbar of Windows Explorer, and add buttons that were existed in previous versions of Windows, like Copy, Cut, Paste, Select All, and more.


This utility also allows you to remove the toolbar buttons that you previously added.


Whats new:>>

The last settings is now saved into configuration file (CustomExplorerToolbar.cfg) and loaded in the next time that you use CustomExplorerToolbar.

Titel: Explorer++ V1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2011, 06:00
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License: Freeware/Open Source

What's new: >>

New features:
· The sort mode and direction are now saved in the search dialog.

Bug fixes:
· The image in the about dialog would not be shown when a translation was loaded. Fixed.

· The help file (if present) can now be launched from the Help|Help menu. It must be named "Explorer++ Help.chm" and be in the same folder as the Explorer++ executable.
· Updated 'Always hide the link (.lnk) extension' option to read 'Hide the link (.lnk) extension'.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2011, 14:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small bug fix in list view, sporadic switching of multiple file-selection to single selection
Update of the Quad Explorer language files and some program optimization

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.743
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2011, 13:10
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance Google Docs support
        Google Docs has changed the login sequence for certain regions. The release solves the login fail issue for those affected users.
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2011, 17:22
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small bug fix at the directory structure that highlighted text was truncated displayed under Windows 7 and Vista.
Explorer problem in the presentation of each list views while maximizing Q-Dir in W7 and Vista.
Update the language files and some tweaking.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2011, 23:51
Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more. You can see the changes here.

Licence: Shareware

16.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 1 (32/64)
16.09.11 Fixed: Could not install parallel port driver for parallel port connection (64)
16.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: When adding fields using the buttons like [N] or [C], the fields were always added at the beginning of the line, not the cursor position (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Search function: Aborting search with ESC no longer worked when cursor was in text input field (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Units were not working correctly (reason: bug in Free Pascal) (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Search for text in archives not working (64)
15.09.11 Fixed: Main menu: The menu bar text was a little bit too high compared to the 32-bit version (64)
07.09.11 Fixed: Clear 64-bit plugin section in wincmd.ini when installing a new plugin, to force refresh of the list of plugins supporting 64-bit (32/64)
07.09.11 Fixed: Lister plugins: WM_COMMAND messages were not forwarded via ListNotificationReceived (64)
04.09.11 Added: Uninstaller: Show warning that 32-bit version will be removed too (64)
04.09.11 Added: Changed name of 64-bit program to totalcmd64.exe to allow installation to the same directory as 32-bit version (64)
04.09.11 Fixed: Uninstaller crashed when trying to recreate icons (fix installation) (64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Display of file/drive sizes: Show terabyte separator when showing size in bytes (32/64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Pack with Alt+F5, some names containing Unicode characters -> warning dialog was modal to main window, not to progress dialog (32/64)
02.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Hide subfolder window when scrolling with mouse wheel (64)
28.08.11 Fixed: When using the themed progress bar, set the value in a way so the bar jumps immediately to that position (32/64)
28.08.11 Added: Show number of bytes handled and total bytes when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)
26.08.11 Added: Show number of files handled and total files when copying, packing, unpacking (also with plugins) (32/64)
26.08.11 Fixed: Show error about unsupported method when trying to unzip archive encrypted with pkware strong encryption method, which is patented (32/64)
21.08.11 Fixed: Still some scrolling problems in breadcrumb bar, only after subpanels were open (64)
16.08.11 Fixed: Memory leak in new 64-bit packer plugin list function (64)
14.08.11 Added: When browsing for plugins, also look for extension with '64' at the end. Cut off the '64' if there is a 32-bit plugin with the same name in the same directory (64)
14.08.11 Added: All 64-bit plugins MUST now have '64' at the end of the extension, e.g. wcx64 (64)
14.08.11 Fixed: In various edit boxes in dialogs, pressing ESC caused the default beep (Lazarus bug) (64)
14.08.11 Fixed: Support own mouse wheel handling in Lister (only if the system sends wheel messages to Lister) (64)
10.08.11 Fixed: Mouse wheel problems (wrong range, hangs) in breadcrumb bar (64)
10.08.11 Fixed: Catch floating point exception in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)
05.08.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Popup menu shown at wrong position on right click (64)
05.08.11 Added: Lister: Show jpg, gif and png images in Lister without plugins also in 32-bit version, via gdi plus (32)
05.08.11 Fixed: Edit file from archive: Make sure that TC doesn't jump back to the foreground when the "wait" dialog opens (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Search+Replace didn't support a combination of multiple strings (e.g. a|b) (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Remove trailing slashes or backslashes from name before renaming (32/64)
03.08.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow not working in button bar (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Checksum to detect plugin section changes was calculated incorrectly, so new plugins were not recognized (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers not drawn correctly with Windows classic theme (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Column headers didn't have left/right borders (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Colors by file type: Skip color filters where the plugin isn't available (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Search function: No rule was opened by default on plugins page (64)
02.08.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown window didn't support mouse wheel (64)
29.07.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel no longer had the right size (64)
27.07.11 Added: Search function (Commands - Search): In field "Search in", a list file can be specified like this: @c:\path\searchfile.txt. The format can be ANSI, UTF-8 or UTF-16 (both with bom). The file must contain one file/dir name per line, absolute or relative (32/64)
27.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Use 'a' as number of digits for auto width depending on number of files, e.g. [C:a] or [C10+10:a] (32/64)
26.07.11 Added: Added buttons and hotkeys (Ctrl+Arrow up/down) to jump to previous/next wrong checksum in "Verify checksums" dialog (32/64)
26.07.11 Fixed: New progress bar handling (speedup) also for packers and packer plugins (32/64)
26.07.11 Fixed: After Ctrl+Drag selection, Shift+Click Selection started with the wrong file (32/64)
24.07.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewTimeZoneMethod=1/0 sets new Windows 7 time zone method (32/64)
24.07.11 Added: Windows 7: Use new timestamp display method as in Explorer (32/64)
24.07.11 Fixed: Drawing of file lists slow with Lazarus (use GetClipRect to draw only what is needed) (64)
22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Directly accept backslashes in name field (for moving to subfolders) (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: Create missing subfolders automatically when renaming. The Undo function will NOT remove these extra folders (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: F7 new folder: Remove double quotes around current path, e.g. when user used Ctrl+Enter on a name with spaces (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Search function, go to file: When only one file was found, go to that file, even if it wasn't selected (32/64)
22.07.11 Added: Speed up file operations by handling progress bars with a timer (32/64)
19.07.11 Fixed: Separate tree lines had wrong (fixed) height (64)
19.07.11 Added: Draw new style (Windows Vista/7) expand/collapse icons in tree, make tree lines even lighter (can be disabled completely via ini) (32/64)
19.07.11 Fixed: Crash when unpacking from archive to protected dir if the selection was lost while the user account control dialog was shown (32/64)
17.07.11 Fixed: FTP connect could sometimes hang until the mouse was moved (64)
17.07.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to a tab with a ZIP file not working when that tab was locked with the zip file as the locked directory (32/64)
17.07.11 Fixed: Selecting a word in "compare by content" by double clicking not working correctly with UTF-8 non-English (e.g. Russian) (32/64)
12.07.11 Added: Only show packer, file system and content plugins which are really available in 64-bit form (64)
10.07.11 Added: 64-bit self-extractor for installer (64)
06.07.11 Added: 64-bit installer, uninstaller and lzma dll (64)
03.07.11 Fixed: Command select dialog: The filter edit box did not have the focus (64)
29.06.11 Fixed: Make sure the file list isn't reloaded while inplace rename is asking user for new name due to rename error (32/64)
29.06.11 Fixed: Crash when connecting to FTPS due to bad/outdated openssl dlls (32/64)
28.06.11 Fixed: Crash on sending WM_USER+51 with wParam=1003 (cm_Properties) to TC while it does NOT have the focus (32/64)
28.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Crash when closing compare window during "Recompare from here" (or choosing "Recompare from here" again) (32/64)
26.06.11 Added: Copy from FTP or virtual folders (e.g. the desktop) to file system plugins (32/64)
22.06.11 Added: Show warning about ZIP>4GB only once when packing multiple files/folders >4GB with option "Create separate archives...", not for each archive (32/64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Copy to protected folder, overwrite file: "Rename target" and "Auto-rename target" not working with new default copy method (32/64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Cursor image wrong or hidden after dragging tab in tab header to other position or other panel (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Shift+F4 input dialog too small (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Could not resize columns in "Synchronize dirs" and the multi-rename tool (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Could not sort list in "Synchronize dirs" (64)
22.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox controls did not react to Alt+Letter hotkeys (Lazarus bug) (64)
21.06.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Scrolling horizontally in edit mode (with right/left cursor keys) left remainders of the caret (64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Packer plugins: Selection not removed after packing, but only if plugin supports background operations like 7zip (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: ZIP/TAR packer: do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Copy function: Could not detect infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions if the junction contained a short 8.3 name (e.g. DIRECT~1) (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: cm_SrcSortByColX commands: Ignore Ctrl and Shift modifier keys when using the command via a hotkey (32/64)
19.06.11 Fixed: Brief view: could not sort columns by clicking on them (64)
19.06.11 Fixed: On PC with slow virus scanner, trying to load settings in search twice (by double clicking twice on two entries) could cause a crash (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Show background copy dialog on same screen as Total Commander, not on main screen (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Compare two files by content, edit file on FTP side, re-upload -> list was not refreshed if file in subdir because of slash/backslash mismatch (32/64)
17.06.11 Added: Made browse for folder dialog resizable, e.g. in synchronize dirs (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: make sure that all backslashes are replaced by slashes in CWD command (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Move window to main screen on load if position was saved on second screen which is not connected (32/64)
17.06.11 Fixed: Don't show error "Insert Disk 0" for some ZIP files with zip64 central header (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Main window was re-enabled by mistake after using quick search in synchronize dirs (32/64)
15.06.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodReadInfo= set options for reading nethood: 1:GetAttributesOf, 2: SHGetDataFromIDList, 3:both (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Speed up reading of nethood in Windows 7 by not calling GetAttributesOf and SHGetDataFromIDList (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter not working properly with files in archives (32/64)
15.06.11 Fixed: Search for text on FTP server: Aborting download didn't abort search, but the download of all other files was immediately cancelled (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Font may be wrong on Copy/Move page directly after changing font for dialogs and Apply (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Use WNetGetUser to verify whether a network connection already exists or not - if it does, do not call WNetAddConnection3 again to avoid problems with Windows server 2008 (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Quick search with AltGr: First character typed after releasing AltGr may be ignored (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: FTPS (FTP over SSL): "Always trust this server" was only working for certain self-signed certificates -> use SHA1 hash to recognize cert (32/64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Lazarus combobox with dropped down list: ENTER or ESC closed entire dialog box instead of just closing the dropped down part (64)
14.06.11 Fixed: Wrong sort order after unpacking from plugin when option "add new files at end" was checked, the files were overwritten (reason: the list of changes was not cleared when re-reading the dir) (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Support line lengths > 8192 characters
12.06.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown menu could show up when opening the button bar context menu and closing it with the mouse over the breadcrumb bar (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: ZIP packer: Add archive attribute only to files, not to folders, just as when copying (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Minimize to tray during unpacking of multiple archives -> progress bar in tray remained at 100% when done (32/64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Copy/Delete progress dialog: Minimize didn't work (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Resizing of window not handled correctly, because Lister handles WM_SIZE by itself (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Color combobox for other items showing numbers instead of colors (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Copy URL to clipboard not working correctly (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Unregistered version: Nag screen appeared behind main window (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Groupbox "Packer" in Alt+F5 pack dialog too small when no plugin was installed (64)
12.06.11 Fixed: Cursor position not updated when right clicking on a file just to select it (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Crash when minimizing to tray (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: Don't show warning about already installed plugin if the plugin directory was removed (but the plugin is still in the plugin list) (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Copy in background with F5-F2: Prevent user from closing current tab (e.g. with Ctrl+W) until the background transfer has all the files (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Multi-part unrar: Progress bar could sometimes jump to 100% (when unrar.dll calls ProgressProc with Size=0) (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP: Only file sizes up to 2 GB supported when the server reported the size in kBytes or MBytes (32/64)
07.06.11 Fixed: FTP over HTTP crash when proxy has empty password (due to bad implementation of strnew in free pascal) (64)
07.06.11 Fixed: Various dialog box item sizes (32/64)
05.06.11 Added: Support checksum file names sha256sum and sha256sums
05.06.11 Fixed: Support checksum formats SHA1 (filename) = checksum  and  SHA256 (filename) = checksum
05.06.11 Fixed: File system plugin interface: high dword of size field was not supported for folders
05.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Parameter field was limited to 259 characters -> increased to 2047 (2 kbyte minus terminating 0) (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Show '?' instead of time stamp when zip contains invalid timestamp data (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive list: Handle case where Windows returns "(D:) label" for removable drives: remove the (D:) part (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)
05.06.11 Fixed: FTP download from list hangs with invalid URL twice in list, e.g. "http //ghisler.com" -> make auto-reconnect abortable (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Recognize chrome extensions (.crx) as zip, they start with special header beginning with 'Cr24' (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Move in background (F6-F2) moved everything in subdirs even when using "Only files of this type" option was set (32/64)
05.06.11 Fixed: Unpack from plugins: Directory attributes were not unpacked (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Accept Shift+Enter also in delete confirmation dialog on ftp servers (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Look for encoding="other than utf-8" and turn not on UTF-8 when found (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Lister: Make sure that file contains no invalid sequences when UTF-8 is contained in the first 256 bytes of the file, otherwise detect it as normal text (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Ctrl+Backspace was inserting strange characters in text field (same problem as in notepad.exe) -> just ignore the hotkey (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: FTP client: Edit file with F4 was using SIZE command of remote file although the size was available from the LIST command (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: When using VistaDelete=1 for deleting, the cursor placement was wrong when files like index.htm were deleted, because windows deleted also folder index_files (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Right click on list background, New -> Shortcut (.lnk) not working (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Windows 7: Don't show pause button in task bar when program was launched as admin, it doesn't work due to a bug in Windows (32/64)
03.06.11 Fixed: Button bar: Launching program in "c:\Program files" with parameter %S would launch c:\Program.exe instead (if that exists) (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: UUE decode: Support name encoding us-ascii, e.g. begin 644 =?us-ascii?Q?photo=207=2Ejpg?= (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: FTP: Could not abort the copying of a directory to its own subdirectory (32/64)
02.06.11 Fixed: Crash in associate dialog after changing icon and closing dialog (64)
02.06.11 Fixed: The FTP toolbar/panel background was not themed correctly (64)
01.06.11 Added: "Skip all" in copy as admin function, skips all files which fail to be copied as admin (32, 64)
01.06.11 Fixed: When a crash occurs during a file operation and the user chooses to continue anyway, he cannot close the progress dialog -> remove it (32, 64)
01.06.11 Finished porting to 64-bit, resume normal bug fix operations

Titel: Q-Dir V4.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2011, 12:09
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

· Bug fix: Close Tab via "M-mouse click" can be disabled through menue: Extras, Tab-s
· Bug fix: Focus at the final browser-view on activation / deactivation of Q-Dir
· Update the language files and some improvements and small testing on Windows-8.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2011, 15:34
23.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 2 (32/64)
23.09.11 Fixed: Support translation of shortcuts in Lister main menu (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Problem with FTP downloads causing strange crashes (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly by Lazarus if it had a left to right gradient (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Editing the current path (by clicking behind it) resulted in an empty path field on some systems (64)
22.09.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" only supported English characters (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Command line: Various hotkeys including Ctrl+K and ENTER not working (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Selecting a file with space didn't update the footer (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Lister: view large image with internal viewer, switch from full size to "fit to window" and back -> vertical scrollbar was missing (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Dual screen, TC on secondary screen -> the overwrite confirmation dialog was shown on the primary screen (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdowns didn't have any border -> modify Lazarus component library (64)
21.09.11 Added: Search function: Save current search text before starting a search, so Lister plugins can access it (32/64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Splash screen: an additional icon appeared in the taskbar (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: Main window focus was lost, and additional icons appeared in the taskbar (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Some controls were overlapping in main configuration dialog with Windows classic theme (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Maximize main window, minimize to tray, click on tray icon -> window wasn't maximized any more (64)
21.09.11 Fixed: Some more shortcut keys on buttons were not working, e.g. in button bar change dialog (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow while comparing by content (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Beep sound when renaming file in place -> removed (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Thumbs view: Alpha blending (transparency) not handled correctly, folders look ugly (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Selection with mouse in brief view not working correctly, caret sometimes shown twice (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Passive mode not working with IPv6 (PreferIPv6=1 in wincmd.ini) (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Let Lazarus draw the main menu bar (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Tree: [+] indicator too large when using Windows classic theme (32/64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Custom message box (e.g. when deleting read-only files): Shift+Cursor keys was not working (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Selection wasn't removed when switching edit mode off (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Could no longer select text with the mouse (32/64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Exceptions in external C/C++ dlls (e.g. when aborting RAR unpacking) cause TC to crash (Ctrl+C hit) due to bad exception handling in free pascal, see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17280 -> patch system.pp (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Button [N#-#] did not work correctly, it always returned the entire range (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: The sorting header did not have a separator line above it to the current path (64)
20.09.11 Fixed: Arrows in the sorting header (showing the sort direction) were not filled when using Windows classic theme (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: After switching from full to brief view or back, some files could suddenly be selected (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved just above the tabs (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Main and Lister window position were restored incorrectly when the Windows task bar was on the left side (64)
19.09.11 Added: Show version 8 in properties of installation auto-extractor and installer (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: In some dialogs like the overwrite confirmation dialog, hotkeys for buttons were not working (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: CRC check dialog: The button used to jump to the next/previous error wasn't moved when resizing the dialog (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Brief view: Name/Ext/.. headers not resized correctly when maximizing or restoring (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Program started without any tabs - mode with 2 panels above each other not restored (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: noclose.exe/noclose64.exe wasn't included in the installer. It's used to open a command line program and keep the window open (Shift+ENTER) (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: TC didn't start on Windows 9x/ME/2000 due to a missing function -> load it dynamically (32)
19.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack multiple dirs, each to a separate subdir -> two dots instead of one before extension (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: FTP: All stored passwords not protected with a master password could not be loaded (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: The title bar didn't show the "Beta" character in all languages (e.g. Russian) (32)
19.09.11 Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: By default, look for tcmatch64.dll instead of tcmatch.dll (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)
19.09.11 Fixed: x64: Look for ssl dlls in subdir "64" if they couldn't be loaded from TC directory (e.g. because the 32-bit dlls are there) (64)
19.09.11 Fixed: Crash verifying certain wincmd.key files (Reason: error porting assembler to 64-bit) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Images not centered initially if larger than the screen (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Progress dialog (file operations): ENTER key sometimes triggered Abort instead of the focused button (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: English help file: Section about wincmd.ini was cut off (32/64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Self-extracting installer: Bad progress bar (due to bug in Lazarus str function) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)
18.09.11 Fixed: File system, lister and content plugins: Plugin not loaded if the path contained an environment variable (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: With Windows basic theme (AeroGlass off), file tooltips were not completely removed if their height changed (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar: When loading new bar with OPENBAR command, the window size wasn't adjusted if the bar height changed (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: Menu breaks (continue menu at the top right) were not supported by Lazarus, added manually (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Buttonbar dropdown list: didn't receive WM_MEASUREITEM messages, so the lines would be too small (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Focus is lost for a short moment when closing the button bar configuration dialog (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Search using list file: Ignore empty lines in file, they were erroneously interpreted as the location of the list file (32/64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Dialog box font was only 2 pixel high when choosing a different charset in Configuration - Options - Fonts for dialog boxes (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Clicking on "\" button (the one without icon) went to network neighborhood instead of going to the root (only when drive dropdown list was off) (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Ctrl+V in command line pasted the same string twice (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Command line didn't show up on cursor right or cursor left when it was hidden via configuration (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool / change attributes: F2 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't choose anything (64)
18.09.11 Fixed: Alt+F1 ENTER only closed the combobox, but didn't switch the drive (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2011, 22:53
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug fix: in "New Folder" feature at Windows-7, Vista (x64 and x32).
Update the language files and some improvements and again small testing on Windows-8.

Titel: Fresh View 8.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2011, 13:45
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Soft Diagonal Smudge effect.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.759
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2011, 07:08
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Add Gladinet Toolbar
Gladinet Toolbar is shown on Windows Explorer. It provides an easy way to access Gladinet functions.
    Support Force Delete
Right click a file or folder in Gladinet drive shows ‘Force Delete’, to force Gladinet to delete the file or folder. It is useful when a folder in Google Docs contains lots of duplicate folders. Right click the folder and select ‘Force Delete’, will force Gladinet to delete the folder, with the duplicate files and folders under.
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2011, 17:18
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small fixes and improvements especially with x64 OS
Update the language files

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2011, 21:45
30.09.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 3 (32/64)
30.09.11 Fixed: Classic theme: Progress bar in copy dialog was flickering with newstyleprogress=0 (64)
30.09.11 Fixed: Center all child windows over the parent form instead of centering them on the monitor (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: In all dialogs, changed width of checkboxes from automatic to fixed, otherwise they cannot be mirrored properly for right to left text (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Lister, internal image viewer: Set page size (for PageUp/Down, cursor left/right) to the lister size minus 10 pixel overlap (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Do not pass the mouse wheel messages to Windows when handling them internally (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Do not refresh main window when saving file in compare tool and the main window is disabled (e.g. when starting compare from overwrite dialog) (32/64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Main menu: Show hotkeys in menu right-aligned on Windows Vista or newer with themes enabled (32/64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Only when cleartype is on: Switching from brief to full view caused re-draw of the volume label, free and total space without erasing the background, resulting in darker text (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Configuration dialog for lister and content plugins: The detect strings were not shown tab-separated -> use owner-drawn listbox (different solution than 32-bit) (64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Open "compare by content" dialog from "synchronize dirs" -> drives were shown in lowercase even when DrivesShowUpcase=1 was set (32/64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Button bar with only one button, right click on button: Menu items "Edit linked button bar..." and "cd path" were disabled while only "delete" should be disabled (32/64)
29.09.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow with flickering while comparing by content also in 32-bit version (32)
28.09.11 Fixed: No preview thumbnails were shown in overwrite dialog (64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Avoid beep when user presses ENTER in search dialog to start a search (there is one when the search ends, though) (64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: "Layout" was not selected in the tree on the left when opening the dialog (64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Could not minimize the following 3 dialogs together with the main program: Synchronize dirs, Multi-rename tool, Find files (64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6 in right panel while command line and drive dropdown lists are off -> cursor not set on new file (64)
28.09.11 Added: Also select range of files when Shift+Clicking on already selected file (32/64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Click while nothing is selected no longer selected both the item under the cursor and the one the user clicks on (64)
28.09.11 Fixed: Tab positions were slightly different between 64-bit and 32-bit. Reason: Lazarus seems to substract the window border from the window width value (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Switch between left to right and right to left alignment with Ctrl+Shift not working (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Let Lazarus handle mirrored controls. The following dialogs were not mirrored correctly: Change start/directory menu, Search files, Button bar dialogs, new ftp connection, change attributes (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Right to left view (Arabic, Hebrew) not working correctly on all pages except for the first (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Search dialog not sized correctly when closed in maximized form (but no search started) and then re-opened and search started (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Command line didn't appear when typing just one character, or on Alt+F8 (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Cursor shape changed to "Drop not allowed" when the mouse was moved near the scrollbars (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Menu bar: Some menu items were cut off only with some themes (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Lister main menu no longer supported accents and non-English characters, still worked in beta 1 (64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Showing size in bytes was incorrect for sizes >=1 Terabyte (decimal) (32/64)
27.09.11 Fixed: Could not continue aborted copy operations by clicking on Cancel (only when copying in background) (32/64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Minimize main window to tray didn't work on first click, the window didn't disappear from the task bar (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Change current path via edit box (by clicking behind the path): Crash after 9 clicks because the edit box was subclassed each time by mistake (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Lister configuration: The Display at startup option was saved, but the new value wasn't selected when re-opening the dialog (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Lister: Image wasn't centered in one direction if it was just a bit smaller than the window (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Set correct background color for read-only edit controls in archive file properties and system info dialog (except when using XP themes on Vista/7) (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Could not define external viewer for Alt+F3 if the path contained both an environment variable and a space (32/64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Dialog box for file system, lister and content plugins didn't support accents in name or path (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Could not abort operation in background (32/64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Main menu bar: Draw with own function when menu theme turned off - 64bit only (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: Main menu bar button width not correct with themes on, because internal measure function was used with Lazarus draw function (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: No accents in multi-rename tool and attributes dialog (F2 function) (64)
26.09.11 Fixed: No accents in dialog used to choose pre-defined searches, e.g. in NUM+"+" dialog or when choosing user-defined colors by file type (64)

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.760
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2011, 20:30
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance Google Apps for Business support
        There are some changes in Google Docs API. The version supports the new API.
    Enhance Google Docs support
    Fix some bugs on Cloud Sync Folder in XP
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2011, 13:26
07.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 4 (32/64)
07.10.11 Fixed: Configuration - Save position saved tab positions incorrectly, off by a few pixels (64)
07.10.11 Fixed: Main menu could be bad after switching theme on and off (64)
07.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Search for text with caret (text cursor) enabled -> caret at wrong position when list was scrolled sideways to show the result (64)
07.10.11 Fixed: Tab key no longer working in edit control in dialog boxes (64)
07.10.11 Fixed: Crash when turning off auto-complete and auto-append (64)
07.10.11 Fixed: When using branch view of selected files/folders and "watch directory changes", do not show files IN THE BASE DIRECTORY which do not belong to the selection when they show up later (32/64)
06.10.11 Fixed: Shortcut keys not shown in synchronize dirs right click menu (with Windows Vista/7 themes only) (64)
06.10.11 Fixed: Get tab background color via GetPixel because IsThemePartDefined fails to detect whether a tab header theme supports the new Vista/7 style or not (64)
06.10.11 Fixed: Crash when Lazarus does not return any current monitor (=nil) when centering dialogs (64)
06.10.11 Fixed: "Minimize to tray" and "only one instance" problems: TC was not correctly restored from tray when starting a second copy (64)
06.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, search+replace: support * at the beginning, e.g. to replace all characters up to a certain letter (x), use *x (32/64)
06.10.11 Added: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 4.x (32/64)
05.10.11 Fixed: No cursor when moving mouse over breadcrumb bar after drag&drop was passing over the bar (64)
05.10.11 Fixed: Main menu, no themes: Draw as a button (instead of highlighted text) if SPI_GETFLATMENU returns false (64)
05.10.11 Fixed: Search window was shown without status line when opened in full screen mode BEFORE starting the search (64)
05.10.11 Fixed: Confirming overwrite dialog with ENTER confirmed the next one too by mistake (64)
05.10.11 Fixed: Shift+Click on a selected file in the file lists could select the wrong range if the user clicked before on an already selected file (32/64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Lister: animated GIF not updated properly when zoomed (fit to window) (32/64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Avoid flickering by using double buffering also with themes turned off (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Locale set to e.g. Korean or Chinese -> choosing font with non-English name not working in main and Lister configuration dialogs (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Vista 64-bit only: Crash on exit, caused by subclassing of command line for auto-complete -> remove subclass before closing (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: pluginbasedir in wincmd.ini could be set incorrectly when auto-installing a plugin (string handling bug in Lazarus (if p>buffer is always false) (64)
04.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] GifMinDelay=80 minimum delay between animated gif frames in milliseconds (default: 80) - change effective without restart (32/64)
04.10.11 Fixed: LB_GETTEXT/LB_GETTEXTLEN messages not working in various listboxes, including the main panels (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Remove all trailing backslashes from new name (32/64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save": Unicode was not supported in status line (e.g. search for) (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Search function, tab "Load/Save" still showed only English characters just after saving a new item (64)
04.10.11 Fixed: Brief view: Footer not always updated, e.g. when pressing insert on last file in list (64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Thumbnails from quadratic images were overlapping the X and V icons (64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q) not resized correctly when maximizing the main window (64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q): Centered images were at the wrong position when quick view was first opened (64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q): Small centered images could still be moved a bit with the cursor keys (64)
03.10.11 Added: Use double buffering to draw GDI+ images (JPG, GIF, PNG) without flickering, also handles transparent animated GIFs correctly (32/64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Compare by content: a small black square was shown at the bottom between the two panels, because the split panel between the two was 2 pixels too high (64)
03.10.11 Fixed: Cursor shape changed again to "Drop not allowed" when starting with fresh wincmd.ini and changing to other directory via double click (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Wrong handle value FFFFFFFF instead of INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE was passed to packer plugin callbacks SetProcessDataProc and SetChangeVolProc when packing (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Vertical line to the left of \ .. buttons in the drive dropdown list bar wasn't drawn (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: totalcmd64.exe process not terminating after closing standalone USB server (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: TCUsbRun.exe could not launch 64-bit Total Commander (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Standalone USB server no longer starting (because trying to center it on non-existent parent form fails) (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Could not set any user-defined codepage (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Menu hotkey handling: Jump between multiple menu items with the same hotkey (defined via '&'), also handle menu items with no '&' (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Caret (text cursor) position not updated when scrolling by dragging the vertical scrollbar thumb (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, option [N#-#]: The entire string length was returned when selecting with Shift+Cursor keys + Enter (reason: Enter selects entire string) (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Tri-state checkboxes like in "change attributes" when multiple files are selected: The order of the 3 states when clicking was different from 32-bit (64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Set minimum delay time of 80 ms for animated gifs, this seems to match the speed in browsers like Firefox (32/64)
02.10.11 Fixed: A press on F5 in the pack dialog with only name with quotes (e.g. zip:"pack files.zip") selected also the starting quote (32/64)
02.10.11 Fixed: A press on F5 in the copy or pack dialog didn't select the entire line when name+extension were selected (64)
02.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Colors] TreeTriangles=0 allows to revert to [+] icons in tree to expand/collapse branches (32/64)
02.10.11 Added: Tree: Show old [+] icons by default when user has set a different color for tree lines (32/64)
02.10.11 Fixed: Lister English menu contained some test characters by mistake (64)

Titel: SpeedCommander 14.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2011, 12:33
SpeedCommander ist ein komfortabler Dateimanager in bewährter Zweifenstertechnik mit einer Vielzahl exklusiver Funktionen. Sortieren, kopieren, bewegen oder löschen Sie Ihre Dateien entweder per Maus oder per Tastatur.


Bewährte Zweifenstertechnik

SpeedCommander setzt bei der Anzeige von Dateien und Ordnern auf die bewährte Zweifenstertechnik, Quelle und Ziel einer Dateioperation sind somit ständig sichtbar. Dies bietet gegenüber dem Windows Explorer eine deutlich höhere Produktivität und eine besonders schnelle Navigation durch Ordner, Archive und FTP-Server.

SpeedCommander bietet Ihnen viele Optionen beim Kopieren und Verschieben von Dateien. Neben dem normalen Löschen von Dateien bietet SpeedCommander auch ein sicheres Löschen nach Regierungsrichtlinien. Mit Hilfe der integrierten Schnellansicht zeigt Ihnen SpeedCommander den Inhalt vieler Dateien. Egal ob Bilder, Videos oder Musikdateien - mit SpeedCommander verschaffen Sie sich schnell einen Überblick über eine Dateiliste. Mit FileSync lassen sich Ordner synchronisieren, FileSearch durchsucht Laufwerke und Ordner nach Dateien.

Umfangreiche Archivunterstützung

SpeedCommander macht die Arbeit mit komprimierten Dateien einfach, da er sie wie Ordner behandelt. Er bietet direkte Unterstützung für eine Vielzahl von Archivformaten, so dass Sie die wichtigsten Formate ohne externe Programme entpacken und erstellen können. Mit Hilfe von Kompressionsprofilen lassen sich Einstellungen zusammenfassen, selbstextrahierende Archive entpacken sich selbständig ohne zusätzliches Entpackprogramm. Reparaturdaten bieten Schutz gegen Beschädigung.


SpeedCommander verfügt über eine moderne AddIn-Schnittstelle, über die sich zusätzliche Erweiterungen integrieren lassen. Die Kommunikation zwischen SpeedCommander und AddIn erfolgt über das Komponenten-Objektmodell (COM). Ein AddIn kann Befehle zur Verfügung stellen, die über das Menü oder über Symbolleisten aufgerufen werden. Weiterhin hat ein AddIn auch vollen Zugriff auf das Objektmodell von SpeedCommander. Es kann z.B. Ordnerfenster erstellen, verändern und auf ihren Inhalt zugreifen.

Über die Schnittstelle für Dateisystem-AddIns können Sie weitere Dateisysteme in den SpeedCommander integrieren. Mit Hilfe des WinCeFS-AddIns kann über ActiveSync auf PDA-Geräte zugegriffen werden, das WfxWrapper-AddIn integriert auf Wunsch die vielen Dateisystem-Plugins des Total Commanders (wfx).


Kleinere Aufgaben lassen sich mit Makros automatisieren. Auch Makros können die verschiedenen Objekte von SpeedCommander benutzen, ebenso lassen sich alle skriptfähigen Komponenten (z.B. verschiedene Shellobjekte) einbinden. Mit dem eingebauten Makroeditor können die Makros komfortabel bearbeitet und mit einem Skriptdebugger (z.B. Visual Studio) auch auf Fehler überprüft werden.

Erweiterte FTP-Funktionen

SpeedCommander bietet Unterstützung für FTP, FTP über SSH (SFTP) und FTP über SSL. Als Anwender müssen Sie sich vor der Verbindungsaufnahme nur für ein Protokoll entscheiden, alles weitere erledigt SpeedCommander völlig transparent. Auch die Unterstützung für Proxyserver wurde erheblich ausgebaut. SpeedCommander unterstützt Socks 4/4a/5 und HTTP Connect. Verzeichnisabrufe und Dateitransfers erfolgen auf Wunsch komprimiert (MODE Z). Eine aktivierbare Bandbreitenlimitierung schränkt die Transferrate bei Bedarf ein.

64-bit Version für Windows x64 Edition

SpeedCommander ist auch zusätzlich als native 64-bit Version für Windows x64 verfügbar. Nur mit einem 64-bit Dateimanager lässt sich auf alle Dateien in Windows x64 zugreifen. 32-bit Anwendungen wird der Zugriff auf das Verzeichnis "Windows\System32" verwehrt und auf "Windows\SysWow64" umgeleitet.

Neue Funktionen

    UAC-Aktionen ohne Systemregistrierung (portabel) [ID549]
    Erweiterung des Kontextmenüs mit Befehlen von SpeedCommander [ID576]
    Zugriff auf Editierfelder von Ordnerinformation und Laufwerksinformation per Tastatur (Tab/Strg+Tab) [ID574]
    Tastenkürzelschema für zweistufige Tastenkürzel [ID633]
    Überarbeitung der Systemordner-Funktionen (x86-Systemordner für 64-bit Version, Öffentliche Ordner, Windows 7-Ordner) [ID630]
    Schließen von Registerkarten mit der mittleren Maustaste [ID622]
    Beachtung von Sommerzeit/Normalzeit bei der Umwandlung der Zeitstempeln von UTC in lokale Zeit [ID623]
    Automatische Korrektur des Ziels einer Kompatibilitäts-Verbindung beim Ordnerwechel, wenn sie auf ein anderes Laufwerk zeigt [ID638]
    Definition von Initialisierungsordnern für XP-kompatible Spaltenerweiterungen (z.B. TortoiseSVN) im Einstellungsdialog [ID626]
    Dateisystemfunktionen für Einträge im Hauptordner einer Bibliothek [ID620]
    Umstellung des Menübefehls 'Ordner - Systemdateien anzeigen' auf drei Zustände (Reihenfolge wie Einstellungsdialog) [ID636]
    Menübefehl für temporäre Anzeige der ausgeblendeten Dateien und Ordner (Ordner - Ausgeblendete Dateien und Ordner anzeigen) [ID635]
    Menübefehl für Umschaltung der automatischen Ordnergrößenberechnung (Ordner - Ordnergrößen automatisch berechnen) [ID654]
    Bearbeiten der INI-Einstellungen im Einstellungsdialog [ID632]
    Anzeige von Archivinformationen in 'Datei - Mehr Eigenschaften' [ID604]
    Hexadezimale Darstellung von Datenströmen in 'Datei - Mehr Eigenschaften' [ID55]
    Baumansicht: Basisordner als oberster Eintrag in der Baumansicht (Registerkarten-Eigenschaften) [ID647]
    Baumansicht: Einstellung für obersten Eintrag in der Baumansicht (Desktop oder Laufwerk) [ID646]
    Listenansicht: Bessere Multicore-Auslastung bei der Anzeige von Vorschaubildern und Spaltentexten [ID585]
    Listenansicht: Ordneransichten zur Anpassung der Anzeige für bestimmte Ordner (Musik, Bilder) [ID648]
    Listenansicht: Kopieren der Informationen aus der Detailansicht in die Zwischenablage (Bearbeiten - Detailansicht als Text kopieren) [ID637]
    Listenansicht: Kennzeichnung der internen und externen Spalten in der Feldauswahl [ID625]
    Listenansicht: Sortierung der Spalten nach Namen in der Screenreader-kompatiblen Feldauswahl [ID625]
    Schnellansicht: Textbetrachter mit Syntaxhervorhebung [ID545]
    Schnellansicht: Einbindung von Windows-Vorschauhandlern [ID547]
    Schnellansicht: Verbesserung der Geschwindigkeit bei Ansicht von Programmdateien
    Schnellansicht: Anzeige von Bildern in x64-Version ohne Systemregistrierung (portabel) [ID548]
    Archive: Komprimieren/Entpacken mit Warteschlange [ID553]
    Archive: Überarbeitung des Komprimierdialogs [ID553]
    Ordnerinformation: Anzeige von Verweisen, Hardlinks, Datenströmen und Sparse Files [ID562]
    Ordnerinformation: Korrekte Berechnung der allokierten Größe von Datenströmen, Sparse Files und komprimierten Dateien [ID562]
    Ordnerinformation: Berichterstellung (Klick mit rechter Maustaste in Ordnerinformationsfenster) [ID562]
    Dateioperation: Kopieren von Hardlinks [ID573]
    Dateioperation: Verschieben mit Fortschrittsanzeige [ID573]
    Dateioperation: Erstellen von Verbindungen, Hardlinks und symbolischen Links [ID575]
    Dateioperation: Zusätzliche Befehle für Kopieren und Verschieben mit/ohne Bestätigung [ID552]
    Dateioperation: Dateigröße wird beim sicheren Löschen auf volle Clustergröße aufgerundet [ID602]
    Dateioperation: Einzel- und Gesamtfortschritt beim sicheren Löschen [ID601]
    Dateioperation: Ermittlung der Gesamtgröße bei Dateioperationen während des Vorgangs [ID600]
    Dateioperation: Beachtung von MountPoints beim Verschieben von Ordnern auf dem gleichen logischen Laufwerk [ID640]
    Dateioperation: Anzeige von Quelle und Ziel als InfoTip im Fortschrittsfenster [ID656]
    Anwendungsfavoriten: Verwendung von CreateProcess anstelle von ShellExecuteEx, wenn die Länge der Kommandozeile 2048 Zeichen überschreitet [ID608]
    Anwendungsfavoriten: Neue Parameter für Listendateien - $(ActSelLst), $(ActSelLstU8), $(ActSelLstU16) [ID608]
    Anwendungsfavoriten: Optionales Ausführen mit angehobenen Rechten [ID608]
    FTP: Eingabe der FTP-Zugriffsrechte im Eigenschaften-Dialog als Oktalzahl [ID51]
    FTP: Farbige Darstellung im FTP-Statusfenster [ID603]
    FTP: Löschen von Dateien im Hintergrund [ID598]
    FTP: Setzen von SUID/SGID und Sticky im Eigenschaften-Dialog [ID599]
    FTP: Unterstützung für MLSD und MFMT [ID597]
    FTP: Vorgabe der Berechtigungen im Kopieren-Dialog [ID445]
    FTP: Verzeichnisübergreifendes Umbenennen auf einem FTP-Server [ID58]
    SpeedEdit: Sicherheitskopie beim Speichern erstellen (.bak) [ID616]
    FileSearch: Aufhebung der strikten Trennung von Dateiname und Erweiterung bei Suchmasken [ID609]
    FileSearch: Zusätzliche Spalten für Dateiinformationen [ID580]
    FileSearch: Miniaturansicht und Gruppierung im Ergebnisfenster [ID580]
    FileSearch: Automatische Übernahme der Einstellungen von SpeedCommander für die Listenansicht [ID580]
    FileSearch: Farbdarstellung in der Listenansicht [ID582]
    FileSearch: Erweitertes Auswählen von Dokumenten per Auswahldialog [ID582]
    FileSearch: Kopieren von Pfadnamen in die Zwischenablage bei Beachtung der Einstellungen in SpeedCommander.ini [ID582]
    FileSync: Gezieltes Löschen von Dateien nach dem Dateivergleich [ID46]
    FileSync: Farbliche Kennzeichnung von zu kopierenden Dateien [ID47]
    FileSync: Betrachten und Vergleichen von Dateien mit externen Programmen [ID119]
    FileSync: Anzeige des Fortschritts während des Synchronisiervorgangs in der Taskleiste [ID639]
    FileSync: Anzeige der Dateigröße in Bytes [ID641]
    FileSync: Kennzeichnung der neueren Dateien wahlweise in Fett/Kursiv [ID642]
    FileSync: Schriftart- und größe für Listenansicht wählbar [ID643]
    FileSync: Änderung der Kopierrichtung für einzelne Dateien nach dem Vergleich [ID644]
    SCBackupRestore: Unterstützung von Unicode-Pfaden [ID649]
    SCBackupRestore: Sicherungen können mit einem Kommentar gekennzeichnet werden [ID649]


    Unterstützung für angepasste Symbole für Ordner und Laufwerke ohne zusätzliche Option [ID619]
    Einstellung der U3-Version
    Internet: Einstellung der Unterstützung für Mozilla ActiveX-Control [ID605]
    FileSearch: Entfall der Verwendung von CharSets [ID609]
    FileSearch: Maskierung von eckigen Klammern nicht mehr nötig [ID609]

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2011, 08:48
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


Lizenz: Open Source

What's new:

FIX: Access violation when open archive with symbolic links
FIX: Bug [3417849] Typo in options section: thubnails->thumbnails.
FIX: Bug [3402974] Problems with SAMBA resources with authorization
FIX: Bug [3416235] Incorrect default path to Lua library
FIX: Bug [3411184] Can not extract empty folder from archive
FIX: Bug [3415942] Editor->Search&Replace field order is bad...
FIX: List index out of bounds on deleting separator from toolbar (bug [3415074]).
FIX: Copying full paths of filenames from search result.
UPD: Czech language file from Martin Štrobl.
UPD: Russian language file
FIX: [Zip plugin] Slow opening of big archives; speed up test operation.
FIX: Force date, time separators to /, : in case they are UTF-8 characters in current locale (Unix).
FIX: Try to fix access violation when accessing empty DVD drive (bug [3404533])
UPD: Traditional Chinese language file by mlance_2
FIX: Build libmime with large file support (bug [3403818]).
FIX: Multi rename files with not ASCII names and using range
FIX: Move files when can not copy attributes (e.g. move files from NTFS to EXT3 file system under Linux)
FIX: Delete HotDir with item index = 0
FIX: Access violation error with some wcx and wfx plugins

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Explorer++ V1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2011, 13:40
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License: Freeware/Open Source

What's new: >>


    Under some circumstances, a copy and paste/drag and drop operation would fail (when copying a message from Outlook 2010, for example).
    Fixed bug in customize colors dialog (entries were not been moved up/down correctly).
    When renaming a file in the listview with IME turned on, text was been overwritten (because the text selection was modified).
    Links to zip files will now be opened in an external program, if 'Open zip files in Explorer++' is unchecked.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2011, 08:35
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small bug fix at the directory structure and address-bar
Under Windows 7, 2008, Vista is the last used view, correctly stored eg "Extra Large Icons", "Medium Icons" ...
Update the language files and some tweaking

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2011, 15:14
14.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 5 (32/64)
14.10.11 Fixed: Lazarus: Removed calls to RemoveStayOnTopFlags and RestoreStayOnTopFlags because otherwise TC cannot always stay on top when an external tool activates it (64)
14.10.11 Fixed: Button "Background" not working in dialog shown with Alt+F5 pack -> RAR -> OK (32)
14.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress stops showing copy speed each time when crossing multiple of 2 GB (64)
13.10.11 Fixed: In place rename box had larger border, which was controlled by the main window font instead of the listbox font (32/64)
13.10.11 Fixed: Font preview lost in Configuration - Options - Fonts when clicking on Apply (64)
13.10.11 Fixed: Fonts with non-English names (e.g. Korean characters) were shown correctly, but the wrong font was used in dialog boxes and the preview (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Internal content plugin: tc.versionstring returned wrong version string (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Remove underline from Alt+F4 Exit (x character) when using Alt+Letters for quick search, otherwise Alt+X closes the window (64)
12.10.11 Fixed: Crash when deleting to recycle bin on Windows 8 preview (32/untested:64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Copy progress dialog, overall bytes copied indicator did not support translation for k/M (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme, flat user interface: Root button was cut off by one pixel on the left (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between root and parent button wasn't drawn after turning flat interface off and on (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Vertical line between directory hotlist and history wasn't drawn on tabs (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Drag&Drop to breadcrumb bar dropdown list, abort with ESC -> drag cursor shape was still shown (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Caret (text cursor) position not updated when turning word wrap on or off, or when changing font (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs started as separate program could not be closed via button "Close", but via button [X] or ESC (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Non-English characters not supported in various places, like ftp password, firewall user name+password, packer locations etc. (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Content plugins: Only try to load once if a plugin doesn't export all the required functions, set all functions to NULL to avoid crash (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Main menu in TC, classic theme: Text on buttons must be displaced 1 pixel to the right and down when pressed (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, re-scan, Alt+Tab to other program could result in a crash (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Search dialog, second page: Minor displacements of controls (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing various dialogs with ENTER or ESC while auto-complete is OFF: Copy, move, rename, pack, unpack, unpack specific files (64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Shift+Enter (noclose.exe) not working with files from search - feed to listbox (because no path was passed to CreateProcess) (32/64)
11.10.11 Fixed: Line distance too high in FTP log window (ftp toolbar) (64)

Titel: CubicExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2011, 19:28
CubicExplorer is a Windows explorer replacement that supports bookmarks and multiple tabs. It contains a built-in text editor with syntax highlighting support.


License: Freeware

Change Log

    Added "Lock Toolbars" setting.
    Not using LockWindowUpdate anymore.
    Updated Portuguese translation (thanks to Mário Gonçalves).
    Updated Korean translation (thanks to Jinhwan-Jeong).
    Updated Ukrainian translation (thanks to Igor Paliychuk).
    Updated French translation (thanks to BB).
    Updated German translation (thanks to nefycee).
    Updated Slovak translation (thanks to Sepp Winkler).
    Updated Italian translation (thanks to Folgore101).
    Updated Japanese translation (thanks to benok).

Titel: Q-Dir V4.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2011, 06:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug fix for the rounding of the folder size and file size indicator, eg 0.0001 MB instead of 0.0 MB 0.1 MB
Some improvements for x64 and Windows 7.
Update the language files and some tweaks.

Titel: NetDrive 1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2011, 13:48
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

This version is a bug fix regarding connection problem in FTP over SSL.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2011, 13:00
Was ist neu?

Beta 6 korrigiert lediglich Fehler.

Details :

21.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 6 (32/64)
21.10.11 Fixed: Font preview in main configuration dialog may be wrong (64)
21.10.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SameScreenAsTC=1 shows all resizeable dialogs (where TC remembers the position) on the same screen as the main program (32/64)
21.10.11 Fixed: Quick search with Alt+Letters would close when using Alt also when the quick search dialog is already open (64)
19.10.11 Fixed: Tab not working in quick view panel (Ctrl+Q) (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Wrong printer name (with port) passed to plugins when changing printer default within lister and then choosing "print" (32 only)
18.10.11 Fixed: Shift+F6 in place rename: There was still a small difference in height between 32-bit and 64-bit (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Set cursor to default (arrow), otherwise some plugins like imagine show the wrong cursor on toolbars (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: With DriveTipDelay>0, opening the other drive drop down combobox while the first was open didn't show the drive tips (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: ENTER on a line in the file list opened the quick search dialog instead of the sync copy dialog (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Files - Split not working with fractional values, e.g. 5.5 MB (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Quick search dialog in synchronize dirs was shown at the top instead of the bottom of the list (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Quick search not hidden when switching to other program (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Starter menu: Hotkeys not working properly if a menu item started with that hotkey (no '&') AND had a shortcut like Ctrl+Alt+F1 defined (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Open "compare by contents" with a delay (via PostMessage) to avoid that it appears behind the TC panel initially (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Ding sound when starting rename with ENTER while cursor in name or search/replace box (64)
18.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: "Name" field sometimes empty after closing and re-opening the tool (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Draw toolbar panel background on menu bar, Windows XP only (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: The nag screen (unregistered version) wasn't translated (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Drive button bar, non-flat buttons: Drive letters were shown displaced to the right by 2 pixels (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: DriveTipDelay option in wincmd.ini (separate drive tip panel) wasn't supported yet (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs dialog crashed on resize (auto-complete problem) (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: FTP: Double clicking on FTP log list in main window opened Lister with the list behind the main window (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Double click on pair of files -> compare dialog would initially appear behind the sync tool -> use PostMessage to delay-open it (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Changing user interface language no longer worked correctly: Start menu not translated, font encoding not changed, configuration dialog not translated (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound on ENTER in FTP connection details (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound when starting FTP connection via Ctrl+N dialog and ENTER (64)
16.10.11 Fixed: Ding sound when executing command line with ENTER with auto-complete off (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2011, 20:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Some improvements for x64 and Windows 7 (Next-View, Tabs, ...).
Update the language files and some tweaks.

Titel: Fresh View 8.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2011, 13:18
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Hard Diagonal Smudge effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2011, 09:44
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug Fix at placeholder %curdir1% ... %curdir4%.
Some improvements for x64 OS and language files update.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2011, 16:30
Was ist neu?

Beta 7 korrigiert lediglich Fehler.


27.10.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 7 (32/64)
27.10.11 Fixed: Scroll in compare by content jumped by large values in long files (64)
27.10.11 Fixed: Floating point SSE exceptions could occur in some plugins (htmlview) (64)
26.10.11 Fixed: Wrong background color for jpg/png/gif files if background color wasn't white (32/64)
26.10.11 Fixed: Draw icons and metafiles with double buffering to avoid that they overlap each other (32)
26.10.11 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack, external packer (e.g. WinRAR) -> hotkey for background button didn't work (32)
26.10.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Header of size column was right-aligned (64)
26.10.11 Fixed: FTP reconnect with encoding set to "auto-detect": Initially, user name and password were sent with local encoding (ANSI). On reconnect, the detected encoding was used by mistake (e.g. UTF-8) (32/64)
26.10.11 Fixed: Start program within archive with Shift+Enter -> noclose.exe was called with parameter /C by mistake (32/64)
25.10.11 Added: Auto-complete: Always append backslash to folders, except in main window command line (32/64)
25.10.11 Fixed: Custom columns configuration dialog: Center over main window (64)
25.10.11 Fixed: Configuration: User-defined hotkeys not saved if main ini read-only, hotkey section redirected and user didn't press the "checkmark" button (32/64)
25.10.11 Fixed: Tree browse dialog in "synchronize dirs" and "find files" (opened via >> button) not resizable as in 32-bit version (64)
25.10.11 Fixed: Footer (status line) not updated after copying when the selection is removed (64)
25.10.11 Fixed: Recent printer name fix (18.10.11) caused crashes and missing font errors, mainly on XP (32)
23.10.11 Fixed: Quick search in synchronize dirs: Allow quick search window to overlap task bar, also fixes problems with multiple monitors (32/64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Lister: F7 not working with combinations of Ctrl (search backwards) or Shift (find next) (64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Lister: Shift+F3 or Shift+F5 didn't search backwards if there was no search string yet (32/64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Quick search (letters+search dialog) not working correctly with multiple Korean characters due to bad cursor positioning (64)
23.10.11 Fixed: The fix "Quick search with Alt+Letters would close" (described below) was disabled by mistake (64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Minimize and restore "compare by content" or standalone "synchronize dirs" -> window had height of title bar only (Lazarus bug when Constraints set) (64)
23.10.11 Added: SameScreenAsTC=1 now only works with modal dialogs (child windows of TC). For Lister, add 2, for Compare, add 4 (=7 for all 3) (32/64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Removed a few more unwanted Ding sounds from dialogs (file association details, icons) (64)
23.10.11 Added: Open files with extension .cmd in command processor which remains open with Shift+Enter (NT based systems only) (32/64)
23.10.11 Added: Make VistaDelete=1 the default on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)
23.10.11 Fixed: Press F5/F6 with alwayscopyinbackground=2 set: ENTER always copied in the foreground, while clicking on OK worked correctly (64)

Titel: Explorer++ V1.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2011, 23:43
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License: Freeware/Open Source

What's new: >>


    The media duration column was previously showing times in 100-nanosecond units. Updated to hh:mm:ss.
    The processed search string (rather than original search string) was been stored in the search dialog.


    When searching using the search dialog, if the filename entered already appears in the history list, it will simply be swapped to the first position (rather than been re-entered).
    The number of history entries stored for the filename field in the search dialog is now capped at 20.

Titel: Open With (Enhanced) 0.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2011, 18:03
Open With (Enhanced) is a small application that replaces the standard Windows 'OpenWith...' dialog and automatically suggests you the most popular programs used to open this kind of file. Also, it lets you to change or remove file association (especially useful on Windows Vista and Windows 7 platforms, where such option was removed from the user interface) and clean the 'Open With...' menu from unneeded applications. You can download full version of this program from the links below.



Latest Changes

- Better handling of DLLs
- Better handling of DDE commands
- Show program and file descriptions in tooltip
- Hotkey (DEL) to delete entries from Open With window
- Restoring listbox selection after current line has been deleted
- Added 'Registered Applications' to Open With dialog (on Windows Vista/7)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2011, 12:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Some improvements for Windows 7/Vista and language files update.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2011, 15:31
Was ist neu?

    Neue Optionen im Dialog des Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tools, Suchen+Ersetzen: 1x (nur erstes Auftreten ersetzen) und [E] (in Erweiterung ersetzen oder nicht)
    Lister: F3: funktioniert nun auch mit Ordnern, vor allem interessant mit Plugins
    Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Die Option "nach Inhalt" unterstützt nun auch Packer-Plugins, sofern diese die Suche nach Text unterstützen

Titel: Better Explorer Alpha
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2011, 20:45
Better Explorer is a replacement for the standard Windows Explorer with more features for more convenience. One of that is Tabs, Ribbon interface, additional conditional tabs and so on.


License: Open Source

Titel: Q-Dir V4.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2011, 19:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Improvements in the Quad Explorer and update language files.
Optional display of file size / folder size in gigabytes.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2011, 17:40
Was ist neu?

    Vergleich nach Inhalt (nur 64-bit): Unterstützung von Dateien > 2 GB
    Lister: JPG-Bilder, die über GDI+ geladen wurden, automatisch drehen (Orientierung wie in EXIF-Daten gespeichert)

Changelog :

11.11.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 9 (32/64)
11.11.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Do not start operation when clicking on an item in auto-complete (64)
11.11.11 Fixed: Command line: Do not execute it when clicking on an item in auto-complete (32/64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Wrong progress shown when copying a folder where the size shows a question mark (=counting folder size with Alt+Shift+Enter) (32/64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Confirming new comment with Ctrl+Enter added line break at the end of the comment (64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Selecting text by double click not working correctly in Unicode file without BOM (32/64)
10.11.11 Added: (experimental) Compare by content: support files >2 GB (64)
10.11.11 Fixed: Master password input: Turning off secure input mode now also allows to input passwords via IME (e.g. Korean) - this is not supported in secure mode (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Master password input: Clear the typed character before calling CallNextHookEx (older versions didn't call CallNextHookEx, but Windows did, so other programs could see the keys too) (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Don't allow to switch to display type '5' (html) while viewing a directory -> beep, switch to UTF-8 (32/64)
09.11.11 Fixed: Some USB floppy drives were not correctly recognized (they returned media type 17) (32/64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Switching to image/multimedia manually with '4' key -> plugin could no longer be closed with e.g. '1' key (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Hide compare by content window before re-uploading file to FTP server (was causing lockups to some users) (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Network neighborhood: Entering a plugin with a default custom view not working when in thumbnails view (32/64)
08.11.11 Fixed: Don't use VistaDelete method if file cannot be found, e.g. because it's in a directory belonging to a different user (32/64)
08.11.11 Added: (experimental): Quick search with Korean characters (mode: letters or letters with search dialog): Show IME window in lower left of the listbox instead of using a floating window (32)
08.11.11 Fixed: Re-opening quick search with Ctrl+S would select an earlier quick filter string (64)
08.11.11 Fixed: With InactiveFocus=1, brief view on both sides, switching away from TC and back could show the focus frame in the footer (32/64)
07.11.11 Added: Lister: Auto-rotate jpg images loaded via GDI+ to the angle stored in the EXIF information (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: F3 on a directory -> the display type was shown as binary instead of utf-8 (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: Ctrl+Q or F3 on a directory -> the text could be scrolled with PageDown (32/64)
06.11.11 Fixed: Inactive focus rectangle was drawn during copying each time a file or folder was copied (32)
06.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content: Paste from clipboard not working with Unicode text into ANSI files either (64)
06.11.11 Fixed: XP only: When using InactiveFocus=1, inactive cursors may appear in the active panel on quick search, when switching panels etc. (32/64)

Titel: Explorer++ V1.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2011, 16:00
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.


License: Freeware/Open Source

What's new: >>

New features:

    Implemented the media protection column.

Bug fixes:

    If the search dialog was closed while searching, the application would crash.
    When clicking the 'Close' button while searching (in the search dialog), the dialog would not close until the search was finished. It could also result in a crash.
    Fixed multithreaded bug in the search dialog.
    In certain areas (such as the search dialog), Unicode characters were not been converted to lowercase correctly.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.781
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2011, 17:10
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance shared folder support for Google Docs and Google Apps for Business
        In certain Google Docs and Google Apps for Business accounts, shared folders don’t show in Gladinet Cloud Drive. It is fixed in the release.
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V4.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2011, 20:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1. Korrekturen im Hauptmenü beim Fokus-Setzen
2. Tastenkombination Strg+S zum Öffnen des Programmstarters
3. Kleine Verbesserungen und Sprachdateienaktualisierung.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2011, 18:15
What's new: >>

1. Optional: Vollständigen Pfad der markierten Datei (Objekt) anzeigen über Menü, Extras, Haupttitelleiste
2. Kleine Verbesserungen und Sprachdateienaktualisierung.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2011, 08:15
What's new: >>

1. Bug-Fix in der neuen funktin: Vollständigen Pfad der markierten Datei (Objekt) anzeigen über Menü, Extras, Haupttitelleiste
2. Bug-Fix in der Baumansicht für Windows-7/Vista/Server-2008 meim Markieren des Ordner aus der Listenansicht.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2011, 18:45
Was ist neu?

    Vergleich nach Inhalt: Beim Vergleichen Fortschrittsbalken und Fortschritt in Prozent in Fußzeile anzeigen
    Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Zeige Zahl der herausgefilterten Dateien in der Fußzeile
    Verbinden zu FTP oder HTTP: Immer alle IP-Adressen (IPv4 und IPv6) durchprobieren, solange Verbindungen fehlschlagen
    Unterstützung von SSL-verschlüsselten Server zu Server-Übertragungen
    Zeige Schaltfläche rechts neben der Umbenennbox (Umsch+F6), um die Umbenennung zu bestätigen
    Alt+F10 Baum: Falls TreeFileLocation nicht gesetzt ist, den Baum am gleichen Ort wie den Miniaturansichtscache speichern (Systemlaufwerk und UNC-Pfade)
    AlwaysAsAdmin=1 in wincmd.ini: Automatisch "Als Adminstrator" ausführen, nachdem man einmalig "Alle als Administrator" gewählt hat
    Standardmässig TC mit grösserem Hauptfenster starten
    Neue Umgebungsvariable %COMMANDER_EXE% , die auf das Total Commander-Program zeigt
    Neue WM_COPYDATA-Optionen für Skripte
    CRC-Quersumme verifizieren für Datei unter dem Cursor mit Quersumme aus der Zwischenablage

Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2011, 18:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglichen es Ihnen das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Versión 6.0.1 - 10/30/2011

    Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: did not work on Windows XP.

Versión 6.0 - 10/23/2011

    Fixed bug in Copy To and Move To: the Windows Explorer crashed when a folder was created.
    Fixed bug in custom commands: when asking for arguments, the application was run if the "Cancel" button was pushed.
    Fixed bug in configuration window: when the name of a custom command was been edited and other command was selected, then this command got the same name which was been edited.
    Fixed bug in Split Files: the parts were not correctly joined.
    Fixed bug in Shredder: didn't work correctly with small files.
    Fixed bug in Create New Folder: create new folder into UNC paths did not work.
    Split Files: now the number of parts is calculated automatically, and it is not necessary to push the Update button
    New utility: Create Symbolic Link. This utility lets you create symbolic links referenced to the selected elements. Only it works on Windows Vista and later.
    New utility: Calculate and Verify Checksum. This utility lets you verify the integrity of files by calculating their checksums. It supports the following algorithms: MD5, SHA1.
    Custom commands: by default the initial folder is the parent folder when only a folder is selected in the Windows Explorer.
    Custom commands: added new property Run as administrator. If this property is checked, then the program is run with administrator privileges. This is useful on Windows Vista and Windows 7 when UAC (User Account Control) is activated and the program needs perform changes in the machine which require administrator privileges.
    Added the following improvements in Advanced Renamer:
        It is possible to rename recusively into subfolders.
        Now the preview is not updated automatically, because it was very slow with a lot files. A new button has been added in order to update the preview manually.
        Include specific tags of photos: width, height, captured date and captured time.
        Include specific tags of MP3 files (ID3 tags): title, artist, album, year, genre, track, comment, length, bitrate and sample rate.
    Only for Windows 7: the Windows Explorer icon on the taskbar displays now a progress bar when an action of FileMenu Tools displays a progress bar. So you can see the progress when the Windows Explorer is not the foreground window.
    Copy Internet Path: standarized the Internet path. The character / is used instead of \, and also the special characters are replaced with the hexadecimal value.

Versión 5.8.1 - 05/16/2010

    Now on Windows 64-bit, FileMenu Tools works with both 32-bit and 64-bit applicactions simultaneously.
    Fixed bug: On both Windows Vista and Windows 7 when the selected visual theme was not the default theme, the icons in the context menu were not displayed correctly.
    Run With Parameters: added option to run the application with administrator privileges.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2011, 13:14
Was ist neu?

    Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Statuszeile mit mehr Details (angezeigte und totale Anzahl gefundene Dateien)
    InplaceOkButton=2 zeigt Bestätigungsschaltfläche links neben der Umbenennbox
    Windows Vista und neuer: Anzeige eines Unterordners in der Network Neighborhood mit Ordner "Gesamtes Netzwerk" (wie unter XP)

02.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 11 (32/64)
02.12.11 Added: (Experimental) On Windows Vista and newer, show subfolder in Network Neighborhood with "Entire Network" (as on Windows XP - doesn't seem to contain anything on some systems) (32/64)
01.12.11 Added: Synchronize dirs: In the footer, show number of displayed AND total files when a filter is used, otherwise just one number as before (32/64)
01.12.11 Fixed: Problem with selecting partial name in Chinese file names (e.g. F5-F5 or Shift+F6-Shift+F6) (64)
01.12.11 Fixed: Right to left languages: Show group boxes right-aligned too, e.g. in main configuration dialog (32)
01.12.11 Fixed: Could no longer pass parameters to external unpacker by giving them after the target path, e.g. c:\target -kb or "c:\target -path" -kb (32/64)
30.11.11 Added: InplaceOkButton=2 shows confirm button to the left of the edit box, where the icon is normally shown (32/64)
30.11.11 Fixed: Color filters without a "_SearchFor" entry no longer worked in beta 10 (32/64)
30.11.11 Fixed: Right to left languages: Some controls were misaligned in the search dialog (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Only show folders in auto-complete suggestions, because the sort order couldn't be fixed (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Lister: Using Home/End/Cursor left/right with cursor enabled could leave remainders of the cursor in the text when the window itself was scrolled (64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Show inactive text cursor also in active window during search and other dialogs (but not when showing the copy progress dialog) (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Exif rotation incorrect for rotation flag 5 and 7 (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Crash viewing bitmap file with RLE4 compression (Lazarus bug) -> use GDI+ to load all bitmaps (64)
29.11.11 Fixed: Jump to bookmark in html when loading not working if the html file was UTF-8 encoded (32/64)
29.11.11 Fixed: ENTER key no longer worked in synchronize dirs result list (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Compare by content of large binary files: Avoid that the window freezes after a few seconds, causing the progress bar to stop. Note that binary compare only counts the differences! (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Inplace rename box width incorrect for folders when using Russian user interface (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Moving separator to 0% while cursor in left panel -> put cursor in right panel (32/64)
27.11.11 Added: Do not move TC to the tray when the user minimizes it via task manager and there is a popup window open in TC (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: While comparing archives by content, show cursor with wait with busy sign beside it instead of switching between cursor and busy sign (when unpacking) (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: FTP upload many small files, or delete files - progress bar and names were shown only rarely, because winsock called the callback function less often than in 32-bit (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Drag file to breadcrumb bar dropdown list always copied the file, even when shift was pressed (64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Inactive cursor had white lines between the dashes instead of the background color (visible e.g. when using a black file list background) (32/64)
27.11.11 Fixed: Trying to get floppy drive type may fail with ERROR_MEDIA_CHANGED when a floppy is in the drive -> just call the function a second time (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2011, 20:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Again fixes in the feature: Show the Full Path of the selected file (object).
Some improvements in Q-Dir and language files update.

Titel: Fresh View 8.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2011, 13:26
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Point Detection effect.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2011, 17:00
Was ist neu?

    Vergleich nach Inhalt: CompareDeleteBak=1 in wincmd.ini gesetzt: Beim Beenden des Tools .bak-Dateien löschen
    Steuern von TC mit einer Windows Media Center-Fernbedienung (Einschalten mit MediaRemote=1 in wincmd.ini)
    Setzen der Anzeigeart der Netzwerkumgebung mit NethoodStyle-Option in wincmd.ini


09.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 12 (32/64)
09.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NethoodStyle=0..2 set style of Network Neighborhood: 0=Windows-Standard, 1=additional XP-style subfolder, 2=only XP-style (32/64)
09.12.11 Fixed: Still some mouse cursor flickering when comparing two archives by content in synchronize dirs (32/64)
09.12.11 Fixed: Show warning about non-empty folders also when deleting to recycle bin with VistaDelete=1 (this shows all warnings BEFORE actually deleting anything) (32/64)
08.12.11 Added: Installer can now be set to install TC invisibly (e.g. from some init script): install.inf [auto], auto=1 and hidden=1 (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MediaRemote=1 use windows media remote to control TC (default: 0): Cursor+OK as usual, <- Backspace, i directory hotlist, >| Tab, |< Ctrl+Tab, Play/Pause Command menu, Stop ESC in dialogs, select file in lists (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Disabled UC2 packer because it's not available in 32-bit or 64-bit, so it cannot be run on 64-bit Windows (32bit on Win64/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Problems showing inplace rename when separate tree visible (32bit: Only when moving window outside the screen and back) (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: When auto-installing a plugin with translated description, support also other codepages than the current user codepage (32/64)
07.12.11 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CompareDeleteBak=1: Delete .bak files when closing "Compare by content". Note that only the last created .bak file for each side is deleted (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Show again also files in auto-complete list if only one file is selected for copying (32/64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Unloading tcunzl64.dll before stopping icon extraction seem to have caused crashes on some user's computers (64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Quick search with Alt+Letters: Menu items directly on the menu bar would still be executed if the hotkey matched (64)
07.12.11 Fixed: Main window: Ignore the font script (e.g. Cyrillic) chosen by the user on NT-based systems, use DEFAULT_CHARSET because it's Unicode anyway (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Option <Default> did not reset the checkboxes "1x" (only once) and "[E]" (also in extension) (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: FTP upload: TC could try to resume upload although the user chose "overwrite", if the connection was lost before the upload started (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Inplace rename confirmation button disappeared when the cursor was at the right edge and the user pressed cursor right (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: cm_EditPath, Encode file ,Synchronize dirs: Do not start operation on ENTER in auto-complete dropdown list (64)
06.12.11 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] PreferIPv6=2 tries the server addresses in the order the name server sends them (IPv4 and IPv6 mixed) (32/64)
06.12.11 Fixed: Quick search: Cursor was no longer placed at the end when re-opening an active quick filter (32)
04.12.11 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: ENTER on "F2 Background" button had same effect as ENTER on OK button (64)
04.12.11 Added: Switched to new Lazarus build with fpc 2.5.1 - may cause various incompatibility problems, please test thoroughly! (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2011, 16:37
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug fix when Q-Dir is used as an optional default browser and does not start with the last view.
Bug fix for Windows 7 when rendering (drawing) the classic address bar.
Some improvements and update language files.

Titel: Gladinet 3.2.799
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2011, 18:45
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Enhance Amazon Cloud Drive support
        Support more than 500 files/folders in a specific folder.
        Update Box.net plugin
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: FilePropsMan 1.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2011, 20:55
FilePropsMan is a Windows Explorer shell extension, which adds a two tab's to the Window Explorer file properties: "Extended Version Information" and the "File Hash Information". Extended File Information contains information about executable file with developer-defined version records, such as E-mail, BuildDate etc. And File Hash Information tab contains common hashes that are used to verify and authenticity of files: CRC-32, MD5 and SHA1 file hashes.


Latest Changes

- Fixed incorrect hash result for locked files

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2011, 17:20
Was ist neu?

Diese Version korrigiert in erster Linie Fehler.

Changelog :

16.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 13 (32/64)
16.12.11 Fixed: Column widths wrong when changing the screen resolution while TC is minimized (64)
16.12.11 Fixed: Background button was shown for some packer plugins even if they didn't support background unpacking, as long as the plugin was never used for packing (32/64)
15.12.11 Fixed: Shift+Click after selecting with Insert would select the wrong range (64)
15.12.11 Fixed: F5-F2 copy in background: Show the warning dialog when appending a file to another as child of the main form so it's not hidden behind it (32/64)
15.12.11 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Sample icon wasn't visible initially (64)
15.12.11 Added: Multi-rename tool: F2 Load/Save combobox: Set width to longest string if more than combobox width (32/64)
15.12.11 Added: Synchronize dirs: F2 shows list of saved synchronize options (32/64)
14.12.11 Fixed: Virtual drives did not show up in the breadcrumb bar (32/64)
14.12.11 Fixed: "Select all" function (to select text in edit boxes) not working on some Asian windows versions (Lazarus problem) (64)
14.12.11 Fixed: Side scrolling custom columns view: Distorted display of inactive focus rectangle (32/64)
14.12.11 Fixed: Hide inplace rename box when scrolling vertically in the file panel surrounding it (32/64)
14.12.11 Fixed: DEL/F8 on [..] updir items caused error "No files selected" twice on Windows Vista/7 (only if VistaDelete not disabled) (32/64)
14.12.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Hide filter symbol as soon as a new comparison starts (32/64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Dialogs were mirrored on Hebrew or Arabic windows even when using English language due to change in Lazarus (64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Selecting files with Shift+Click could select wrong range immediately after F5 copy operation (32/64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Ignore NethoodStyle option on Windows versions older than Vista, it doesn't work (32/64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar was causing again icons in the task bar (64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Ctrl+F dialog: First item in list was selected in addition to item under cursor (64)
11.12.11 Fixed: Various index out of bounds errors in listboxes due to Lazarus update (64)

Titel: FreeCommander XE Build 570 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2011, 10:50
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.



Latest Changes

- Multiple language support
- Many bugs fixed

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.2 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2011, 19:40
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


Lizenz: Open Source

Changelog (http://doublecmd.sourceforge.net/mantisbt/changelog_page.php?version_id=19)

Für WIN 98 - WIN 7

Titel: Q-Dir V4.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2011, 06:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Some improvements for x64 and Windows 7
Update the language files and some tweaks

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2011, 17:20
Was ist neu?

Verzeichnisse Synchronisieren: Schnelleres Löschen in den Papierkorb unter Vista/7 durch Löschen ganzer Verzeichnisse auf einmal (wie von einem Forenuser vorgeschlagen)


23.12.11 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 14 (32/64)
23.12.11 Fixed: Beep when starting TC again with option "only one instance" (64)
23.12.11 Fixed: Resizing TC with active thumbnails view could put cursor on a different file (32)
23.12.11 Fixed: Starting TC with parameter /S=L:Ppluginname didn't find the plugin if its name was stored as pluginname.wlx64 instead of pluginname.wlx in wincmd.ini (64)
23.12.11 Fixed: Double quotes around names were not preserved in UTF-16 Unicode ini files (32/64)
23.12.11 Fixed: Copy+Paste in button bar not working with Unicode if the bar file was UTF-16 Unicode (32/64)
22.12.11 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Dialog would react to ENTER also after closing "Wait for external compare tool" dialog (64)
22.12.11 Added: Synchronize dirs: Faster deletion to recycle bin on Vista/7 by deleting each directory as a whole instead of each file (32/64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Inplace edit not closing when clicking on file outside of the edit box after using inplace path edit once (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connect dialog: Increase redraw speed when clicking on entries in the list (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connect dialog: Enable double buffering when drawing the list to reduce flickering when themes are disabled (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Could no longer run TC minimized (bug in Lazarus) (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Remove selection from a file, then use quick search (quick filter off) -> the previously unselected file appeared selected (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Master password input dialog: ENTER key was seen as a character when not using the secure input method (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Lister: "Go to %" could only be reached with Alt+%, no longer with % only (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Lister: Search dialog controls overlapping in Windows classic theme (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Percentage in tooltip wrong (fractional value only) when moving the splitter between the two panels with Shift pressed (64)
21.12.11 Fixed: Moving the splitter between the two panels moved the caret (keyboard cursor) to the right panel even when the left panel wasn't too thin (32/64)
18.12.11 Fixed: Dir tabs: Tab tooltip (hint window) could be shown for hidden tabs outside of the TC main window (32/64)
18.12.11 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Draw frame around sample manually because it's not drawn by Lazarus (64)

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2011, 17:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

- performance improvements
- fix for deleting files issue

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Nomad.NET beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2011, 08:10
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.


Latest Changes

- First preview of shared interfaces for native plug-ins is published. It is possible to create you own plug-ins now

- Shell file system now available from drives menu. Massive improvements in shell file system

- Ftps is now supported. Many improvements in ftp code (MLST, MLSD, etc). Unix list pattern improved,

- Added list pattern for MVS (z/OS, OS390). Ftp list parsing is much more configurable now (via app.config)

- Demo plug-in: Command Prompt Tab (CmdPromptTabPlugin)

- Demo plug-in: Command Line (CmdLinePlugin)

- Copy files opened for writing while using sync or async copy method

- %nomadlogdir% environment variable added

- Added ability to verify destination files after copy (Delete source check box removed)

- New list view behavior option: Navigate with cursor keys (left and right)

- Added ability to unselect items via shift + cursor keys

- Change current archive format according to destination file extension in pack dialog

- New commands: "Paste Path" and "Paste Path and Go"

- Changing drive by keyboard is layout independent now

- Layout independent quick find (find text in all installed input languages at once), disabled by default

- Changing views with Ctrl+Wheel and changing alternative views with Alt+Wheel

- Vista theme completed at last

- French localization added (thanks to Guy Pouliot)

- Drag-n-drop to panel toolbar drive buttons is now supported

- Added global history of visited folders

- Threat .wcx, .wdx, .uwdx and .wfx as libraries when showing item tooltips (show file description, version, etc)

- Displaying properties now works for wfx items

- Items cutted to clipboard have more transparent icons now

- Drag'n'drop from 7-zip file manager now works as expected

- Added numeric mnemonics for non-local file systems in drives menu

- Use selected folders (if any) as target (instead of current folder) for search

- Various usability tweaks in file panel

- Send bug report functionality in ExceptionDialog restored

- Compare folders and compare files have better support for different file systems now

- Better support for unreadable folders in local file system, ability to rename them

- Support for invalid characters improved in wfx file system

- Added option to open target folder instead of inaccessible shortcut

- Plugins configuration redesigned (now only one list-view with tree-like extensions hierarchy)

- Deleting folders to recycle bin speed improved (especially for large folders)

- Moving to volumes mounted to folders improved

- Moving folders speed improved (especially for large folders)

- Select folder dialog reworked (recent and history folders, filtering, optimizations, etc)

- Alt+Click open special folders and bookmarks in far panel

- Many small unlisted improvements

- Layout improvements in many dialogs

- Bug fix: Importing bookmarks and tools will fail when files with the same names exist in place

- Bug fix: Nomad does not start silently (or crash with ConfigurationErrorsException) on some .net 4 configurations

- Bug fix: Extremely rare ArgumentException error while browsing in thumbnails mode

- Bug fix: Quick find does not work properly for folders when custom folder template is applied

- Bug fix: Extremely rare InvalidOperationException after starting program

- Bug fix: Exception when trying to create folder with * or ? characters

- Bug fix: InvalidOperationException when folder content changed right after tab closed

- Bug fix: Sometimes wheel scrolling does not work on non-main screen

- Bug fix: Error when parsing invalid icon handler class guid from registry

- Bug fix: Error when enumerating local shares on WinXP under limited account

- Bug fix: 'Found invalid data while decoding' when parsing some invalid desktop.ini files

- Bug fix: Very rare ArgumentOutOfRangeException error when extracting icon for item

- Bug fix: Location column is not shown for folders found during search

- Bug fix: Unable to search on Location property (column)

- Bug fix: FilterReader doesn't fail when FILTER_E_UNKNOWNFORMAT exception raised

- Bug fix: Deleted plug-ins were not removed from plug-ins assembly cache

- Bug fix: Rare "An item with the same key has already been added" error while using shell icon provider

- Bug fix: Exception when trying to copy elevated file (alternate streams enumeration is not supported)

- Bug fix: Drag-n-drop on other tabs right after start does not work

- Bug fix: Elevation does not work for limited accounts (i.e. when elevation started under another user account)

- Bug fix: Rare NullReferenceException on update folder, when folder is actually deleted

- Bug fix: Rare arithmetic overflow exception when opening search or filter dialog

- Bug fix: Date condition is not refreshed correctly when editing advanced filter

- Bug fix: Error when trying to associate taskbar progress with operation form on some machines

- Bug fix: Path contains invalid characters exception for some linux-based ftp servers

- Bug fix: Nomad display LIST error on some empty ftp folders (folders which contain only '.' and/or '..')

- Bug fix: Nomad sometimes cache ftp folders even when caching is disabled in ftp context

- Bug fix: Some list view colors and highlight colors does not work under Windows x64

- Bug fix: Optimize program binaries initial task show fail result (but succeed actually) under Windows x64

- Bug fix: Rare InvalidOperationException when showing item tooltip

- Bug fix: Options dialog stay visible after close (when closed with OK button), if DWM disabled or not available

- Bug fix: Right-click drag-n-drop is not working on toolbar drive buttons

- Bug fix: Rare occasional OutOfMemoryException errors when application is idling

- Bug fix: Value cannot be null, when adding bookmark to folder with shift key pressed

- Bug fix: Error when trying to create some complex content search rules ("pyDumps(self." for example)

- Bug fix: Rare exception when trying to update available free space for panel

- Bug fix: Object reference not set to an instance of an object, when trying to justify toolbar

- Bug fix: Object reference not set to an instance of an object, when trying to create link to drive

- Bug fix: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index', when visual styles disabled

- Bug fix: Operation name is not shown while setting attributes for files

- Bug fix: Move and rename now works as expected

- Bug fix: Exception when trying to create link on uri-base file system (shell for example)

- Regression bug fix: Archives settings always have modified state (even right after opening options)

- Regression bug fix: Unable to enable or disable archive format

- Bug fix: Exception when trying to display invalid file time in wfx plugin

- Bug fix: Exception when trying to open .flv file as archive (using 7z.dll)

- Bug fix: Items list with explorer theme enabled. Check box should be drawn only when cursor is over item

- Bug fix: ChangeDriveGoRoot is now respected by drive buttons placed on panels (and it is off by default now)

- Other small unlisted bug fixes


Titel: Q-Dir V4.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2012, 21:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small improvements in list view and updating language files.
General optimization and some improvements.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2012, 22:15
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


Lizenz: Open Source

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2012, 22:00
Was ist neu?

    Kopierfunktion: Benutzer fragen, wenn ein Verzeichnis nicht geöffnet werden kann (einstellbar mit Option CopyDirsAsAdmin wincmd.ini)


06.01.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 15 (32/64)
06.01.12 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyDirsAsAdmin=1: When a directory cannot be copied, then: 0: skip it, 1: ask user, 2: always try as administrator (32/64)
06.01.12 Added: Copy function: Show error when a directory cannot be entered, allow to use "As admin" and "All as admin" functions (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: Search function: Infinite loop detection was not working (it worked in other functions like "calculate occupied space") (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: cd c:\path\file.zip did not place cursor on "file.zip" if the file wasn't a valid archive although it had an archive extension (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: Internal ZIP and TAR packer: Do not stop packing when moving files to archives, one archive per file/folder, and at least one file is write protected. Instead, report error after packing all files (32/64)
05.01.12 Fixed: When minimizing and restoring TC while the cursor was on the last file, the last line became only partially visible (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Menu hotkeys displayed in the main menu could be slightly cut on Windows Vista/7 (where they are right-aligned) (32/64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Reduced flickering when loading Lister (caused by ShowInTaskbar:=stAlways) (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Inplace rename: option "Select only the file name when renaming" not working when invoked via right click menu or command cm_renameonly - use a timer because something(?) is re-selecting the entire name (64)
04.01.12 Fixed: Try not to handle mouse move messages while context menu is open (problem only affects tablet PCs with SingleClickStart mode - untested) (32/64)
29.12.11 Fixed: FTP connection details: Keep surrounding quotes around remote directory if user enters them (32/64)
29.12.11 Fixed: Default beep when closing master password dialog with ENTER also when secure input was disabled (64)
29.12.11 Fixed: Always release mouse capture when moving mouse over list window while left button not pressed, otherwise clicking in other panel may fail (64)

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2012, 18:20
Was ist neu?

Diese Version korrigiert in erster Linie Fehler.


13.01.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 16 (32/64)
13.01.12 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive combobox: Don't use user-defined background color for closed combobox on Windows Vista/7 (64)
13.01.12 Fixed: Get symbolic link target: Support also links of type IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK, not only IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT (32/64)
12.01.12 Fixed: Directory lists with more than 65535 items could not be scrolled by dragging the scrollbar (32/64)
12.01.12 Added: Hints in multi-rename tool for options 1x and [E] (only shown when translation exists) (32/64)
12.01.12 Added: Allow to translate new media audio remote menu (32/64)
12.01.12 Fixed: Problem with focus following the mouse cursor in internal associations dialog -> use PostMessage for child dialog (64)
11.01.12 Added: Change attributes: F2 Load/Save combobox: Set width to longest string if more than combobox width (32/64)
11.01.12 Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q) in temporary panel: Only reload preview if the link target actually changed (32/64)
11.01.12 Fixed: Could not scroll through dropdown combobox list with cursor keys if the list contained the same line twice - it always jumped back to the first of the two (64)
10.01.12 Fixed: Inplace rename: option "Select only the file name when renaming" still not working when user pressed ENTER to invoke it (e.g. command line, context menu or button bar with keyboard) (64)
10.01.12 Fixed: Create dir in ZIP: Cursor wasn't placed on directory when creating dir in right panel (32/64)
10.01.12 Fixed: Command line dropdown list did not use the correct colors when user defined different list color (Bug in Lazarus) (64)
10.01.12 Fixed: Command line dropdown list had only 8 visible entries instead of 20 (64)
10.01.12 Fixed: Moving cursor over current path with breadcrumb bar turned off could make font darker (due to font smoothing) (64)

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2012, 22:45
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.


Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[File operations] Auto copy into command (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Неправильное отображение и работа элементов на панели (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Logic] DC cancels shutdown in KDE (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Double-click on file does not open file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Don't running from archive (incorrect encoding) / Не запускается из архива. Ошибка. Иероглифы. (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: MyFolders 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2012, 21:20
MyFolders Windows Explorer Shell Extension saves you time by placing your frequently used folders at your fingertips. Copy/Move files or Open any folder with just a few clicks.



Titel: Q-Dir V4.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2012, 23:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

General optimization and updating language files

Titel: Fresh View 8.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2012, 12:43
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new:  new Diagonal Disorder effect.

Titel: Speedcommander 14.10: Windows-Dateimanager beseitigt Fehler mit SQX-Archiven
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2012, 17:40
Für den Windows-Dateimanager Speedcommander ist ein Update erschienen, das Fehler korrigiert. Unter anderem können nun SQX-Archive wieder ohne Einschränkungen mit dem Dateimanager geöffnet werden.

Ein Fehler in Speedcommander 14.00 beim Anlegen von SQX-Archiven betrifft nur die 64-Bit-Version von Speedcommander. Er führt dazu, dass sich damit angelegte SQX-Archive möglicherweise nicht mehr mit der 32-Bit-Variante von Speedcommander öffnen lassen, wenn die Textkompression aktiviert war. Wenn SQX-Archive mit der 32-Bit-Version von Speedcommander 14.00 angelegt wurden, tritt das Problem nicht auf.

Die Fehlerkorrektur in Speedcommander 14.10 sorgt dafür, dass sich derart fehlerhafte SQX-Archive nicht mehr über den regulären Weg mit der 64-Bit-Version von Speedcommander öffnen lassen. Daher wurde ein neuer Menüpunkt eingefügt, um diese SQX-Archive weiterhin öffnen zu können.

Zudem hat Speedcommander 14.10 neue Parameter erhalten, mit denen sich die Menge der Hintergrundthreads in der Listenansicht bestimmen und bei Bedarf verringern lässt. Der Wert 0 steht dabei immer für die Standardeinstellung. Bei der Dateisuche kann das Durchsuchen von Abzweigungen abgeschaltet werden, während die Doublettensuche Abzweigungen nun grundsätzlich ignoriert, damit Ergebnisse nicht mehr verfälscht werden.

Die 7za.dll wird nun in der Version 9.20 mitgeliefert. Diese kann bei der Komprimierung die LZMA2-Methode verwenden. Darüber hinaus gibt es Neuerungen bei den Kommandozeilenparametern für Speedcommander. Mit dem neuen Parameter /noscript wird die Makrofunktion deaktiviert. Damit erscheint beim Programmstart kein lästiges Hinweisfenster mehr, falls die Initialisierung des Windows Scripting Hosts nicht funktioniert hat. Die Kommandozeilenparameter /l und /r berücksichtigen nun auch virtuelle Verzeichnisse.

Speedcommander 14.10 (http://www.speedproject.de/) gibt es für die Windows-Plattform ab Windows XP zum Preis von 40 Euro. Ein Upgrade von Speedcommander 12 oder 13 gibt es für 20 Euro, der Upgradepreis einer älteren Speedcommander-Version beträgt 25 Euro. Wer bereits Speedcommander 14 besitzt, kann kostenlos auf die neue Version wechseln.

Quelle : www.golem.de
Titel: Total Commander 8.00 beta 17a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2012, 13:10
Was ist neu?

- Verzeichnisliste (Strg+D): Korrektur eines kritschen Fehlers bei der Option zum direkten Hinzufügen eines Verzeichnisses zu einem Untermenü, welcher zum Verlust von Menüpunkten führen konnte (auch beim Löschen). Bitte Beta 17 nicht mehr verwenden!

Was ist neu in Beta 17?

- Verzeichnisliste (Strg+D): Option zum direkten Hinzufügen eines Verzeichnisses zu einem Untermenü in der Liste
- Festplatten, die via USB verbunden sind, mit dem gleichen Symbol anzeigen wie USB-Speichersticks
- Suchfunktion: Beim Wiederherstellen des letzten Suchresultats auch die Cursorposition und die Listenposition wiederherstellen
- Weitere Farben können nun über Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Farben geändert werden


22.01.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 17a (32/64)
22.01.12 Fixed: Explicitly adjust header widths on restore if the screen resolution was changed while TC was minimized (64)
22.01.12 Fixed: Colors were saved incorrectly (due to bug in Lazarus str() function) (64)
22.01.12 Fixed: Adding item to directory hotlist: Selecting submenu not working when opening the submenu twice (32)
22.01.12 Fixed: Adding item to directory hotlist submenu or removing any item could remove all remaining items too (32/64)

20.01.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 17 (32/64)
20.01.12 Added: Let the user change more colors in Configuration - Options - Color (32/64)
20.01.12 Fixed: When copying in background, show user account control (UAC) dialog on the main form, otherwise we just get a blinking icon in the taskbar (32/64)
19.01.12 Fixed: When copying comments with files, the descript.ion file could get additional blank lines (already in TC 7.56) (32/64)
19.01.12 Added: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Option to add a new entry directly to a submenu of the list. Will be added at the end of the list, but before any contained submenu (32/64)
19.01.12 Added: Search function: When restoring the last search result, also restore the cursor position and top index in the list (32/64)
19.01.12 Added: Show harddisks connected via USB with removable disk icon, just like USB sticks (32/64)
18.01.12 Fixed: When copying folders with admin rights where the number+size couldn't be determined, show number of copied files and bytes without the totals (32/64)
18.01.12 Fixed: Starting TC minimized with position stored as maximized -> window was completely empty, except for the menu bar (64)
17.01.12 Fixed: Main menu bar text wasn't greyed out when the window didn't have the focus (64)
17.01.12 Fixed: ActiveRight=1 not working with both command line and drive comboboxes disabled (64)
17.01.12 Added: Copy function: Show warning at the end if some directories couldn't be opened for copying (32/64)
17.01.12 Fixed: Copy function: Number of files/folders to copy was incorrect if the directory size had been calculated before opening the F5 copy dialog (e.g. with spacebar) (32/64)
17.01.12 Fixed: Ctrl+Enter selected the entire command line, but only when it had the focus (64)
17.01.12 Fixed: Search function: Infinite loop detection (due to junctions) not working when searching for e.g. xyz (but worked for e.g. *.xyz) (32/64)
17.01.12 Fixed: Multimedia buttons like "Mute" were passed twice to Windows when the 64-bit version was in the foreground (64)
17.01.12 Added: Show special warning when user tries to install a 32-bit plugin in Total Commander 64-bit (64)

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2012, 19:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



Latest Changes

- Export from settings panel
- Quick Copy (Shift+F5). Copy the file in focus to the same lcoation but apends ".bak" to its name
- More MultiScript function for handling date and time
- MultiLanguage fixes
- Strange behavior if FTP Bookmarks was deleted
- Problem with replacing files inside a zip archive
- If hiding the main menu, some popup menus did not work
- More High DPI Issues fixed
- Problem when opening a tar.gz file with git header
- And much more

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2012, 22:15
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

- performance improvements
- fix for deleting files issue

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2012, 20:10
Was ist neu?

- Dateien umbenennen direkt im Dialog "Verzeichnisse synchronisieren"


03.02.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 18 (32/64)
03.02.12 Fixed: Start minimized with position saved as maximized, restore -> right panel height may be wrong (64)
02.02.12 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Error when clicking on "Add" more than 6 times (problem with subclassing of dialog controls) (64)
02.02.12 Fixed: Button bar: Use same code to get icon for button when adding it via "Change >>" button as when using drag&drop, also add double quotes if necessary (32/64)
02.02.12 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Make Search&Replace groupbox a bit wider than the name groupbox, so the beginning of the "Subst" option is visible by default (32/64)
02.02.12 Fixed: F3 on some JPG images opened empty lister on Windows XP, use timer to force refresh (32/64)
01.02.12 Fixed: Error reading external .dbg files to analyze debug logs sent by users (64)
01.02.12 Fixed: When adding items to submenu in directory hotlist, use ANSI functions to move entries if the ini is ANSI (32/64)
01.02.12 Fixed: Closing various dialogs (e.g. date/time choose form) could bring other programs to the foreground (Lazarus problem not calling inherited form methods) (64)
01.02.12 Fixed: Nag screen was resizable (64)
01.02.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Disable button for list of saved settings (and F2) while a comparison is in progress (32/64)
01.02.12 Fixed: Main menu: Increased distance between command and hotkey a bit when there are no separators (32/64)
29.01.12 Fixed: TC would sometimes change to drive C: when removing a device of type PORT, not only in case of a harddisk (32/64)
29.01.12 Fixed: Updated unrar64.dll to latest version. Can't update 32-bit unrar.dll because it no longer supports Windows 9x/ME/2000 (64)
26.01.12 Fixed: When changing the sort order in thumbnails view, the cursor didn't scroll into view when in the first row (32/64)
26.01.12 Fixed: FTP connection details: Also keep surrounding single quotes around remote directory if user enters them (32/64)
26.01.12 Added: CheckUsbHdd=1 in wincmd.ini [Configuration]: Turn on/off check whether a harddisk is connected via USB, and show it with different icon (32/64)
26.01.12 Fixed: Cache check whether a harddisk is connected via USB (for different icon) to speed up opening of drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
26.01.12 Added: InplaceRenameSync=1 in wincmd.ini [Configuration]: Turn inplace rename in sync by left clicking on/off (32/64)
25.01.12 Added: Rename files directly in synchronize dirs (currently only in the file system), Hotkey: F6 and Shift+F6 (32/64)
25.01.12 Fixed: Right to left text in file names not shown correctly in print preview (32/64)
24.01.12 Fixed: Make sure the right drive buttonbar isn't created twice when turning it on (due to resizing problems) (64)
24.01.12 Fixed: Compare by content: Do not show warning "Files modified" twice if the file was modified again while the dialog was shown (32/64)
24.01.12 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Dropdown menu with list of submenus was shown too high (64)
24.01.12 Fixed: Main menu bar text wasn't grayed out when the window didn't have the focus with menu bar theme turned off (64)
24.01.12 Fixed: Select files ("+" key): When clicking on the "Define" button, a selected filter name was passed incorrectly to the opening dialog when containing accents (64)
23.01.12 Fixed: Support FTP command CCC in connection settings (send commands) to switch to clear after login, e.g. for NAT support (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2012, 15:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Optimization in the address bar and resize / drawing in Q-Dir

Titel: TabCommander 01.02.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2012, 13:20
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Was ist neu: >>

Bei der Darstellung von Größenangaben werden Dezimalpunkte zur besseren Lesbarkeit eingeführt.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2012, 17:20
Was ist neu?

- Suchen mit Suchliste im Feld "Suchen in" (z.B. @c:\pfad\suchdatei.txt) unterstützt nun Platzhalter */? und reguläre Ausdrücke
- Festplatten, die via Firewire verbunden sind, mit dem gleichen Symbol anzeigen wie USB-Disks


10.02.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 19 (32/64)
10.02.12 Added: Include both new unrar.dll for Windows 2000 or newer, and unrar9x.dll for older Windows versions (32)
09.02.12 Fixed: Compare by content, rename file: Select only file name if RenameSelOnlyName=1 is set (32/64)
09.02.12 Fixed: Compare by content, files > 1MB: Open file with "deny write" option to avoid problem with file mapping (32/64)
08.02.12 Fixed: Prevent floating point exception (without using try..catch) in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)
08.02.12 Fixed: Directory hotlist, add directory to submenu: Handle also malformed menus with more closing markers '--' than opening markers '-menuname' (32/64)
08.02.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not open inplace rename edit box when user clicks on the other side of the same line while already renaming (32/64)
08.02.12 Fixed: Delete empty lines at the end of a tooltip (32/64)
08.02.12 Fixed: Small error in word wrap function used in tooltips causing word wraps at unwanted locations (32/64)
07.02.12 Added: Searching with search list in "Search in" field (e.g. @c:\path\searchfile.txt) now also accepts wildcards and regular expressions (32/64)
07.02.12 Added: FTPS: Support encrypted data connections even after CCC command (clear command connection) (32/64)
07.02.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Rename file by click on current file not working when files were hidden with the arrow buttons above that position (32/64)
07.02.12 Fixed: Memory leak when searching with regular expressions (32/64)
05.02.12 Added: Also show harddisks attached vie firewire/IEEE1394 as external drives (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Do not follow links when searching, copying etc. if the target cannot be determined due to missing user rights (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Could not unpack from header-encrypted RAR when using wildcards other than *.* (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Increased default width of multi-rename tool a bit (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: File disappeared from list when renaming it with DrivesExportUpcase=1 and DrivesShowUpcase not set (or 0) (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Some strings were missing in English version (64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Crash in standalone sync when closing rename box with ESC (32/64)
05.02.12 Fixed: Moving cursor over main menu item while TC was in background -> other menu items would disappear (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2012, 08:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

 fixes and optimization in the address bar and resize / drawing

Titel: 7plus V2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2012, 22:15
7plus adds a variety of features to Explorer including default window handling and many small tweaks for ease-of-use. Includes a copy-and-paste method for both text and images as their own file on the desktop, a de-clutter "slide" feature to push Windows out of view, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc. Additionally, the program allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey.


A 64-bit version is available. Written in AutoHotkey with many video help explanations for settings and features.

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

New Functions:

    Added search and replace dialog for file names and file contents
    Added directory context menu item for flat view
    Added URL shortener (WIN+S with URL in clipboard)
    Added ImgUr.com image upload action. Anonymous image uploading is now possible. ImgUr limits it to 50 uploads/hour/API key, so please let me know if you notice that 7plus runs out of upload quota.
    In addition to the previous entry, default windows PrintScreen functionality was overwritten to show a reworked version of the ImageConverter window. It is now possible to take screenshots of screen/window/user area and choose whether to save the screenshot, copy it to clipboard or upload it to FTP/ImgUr.
    Added a settings page with generic windows settings (No bloat, only important ones!)
    New Accessor plugin: Run. It executes the entered text directly, like Start menu->Run does. Useful when the command is not recognized by the Program Launcher plugin.
    New Accessor plugin and new Trigger for defining custom Accessor commands that will trigger events.
    New trigger: DirectoryChangeTrigger. It triggers if a specified directory or a file is modified and can be used for backup/synchronization purposes.
    Added ALT+Right drag window resize
    Added "Automatically close Windows Update reboot notification dialog"
    Added screen corner triggers and made AeroFlip3D an event rather than a setting
    Added a new hotkey event (CTRL+M) to merge all explorer windows into a single one with tabs
    Added a "Show complex events" button and categorized events by complexity. By default 7plus will now show only about half of the available events. The others can still be enabled though.
    Added the ability to create new files of any type by selecting a base file in the New File action that is copied to the target destination
    Added KeyDelay setting for SendKeys action
    Added ShowEvents option (available only through manual editing of Settings.ini in [General] category) to show execution order of events
    Added DoubleClick option to MosueClick action
    Added ClipPaste action to paste a specific entry from the clipboard manager list without showing the menu (Useful when active window must not be changed, i.e. explorer renaming)
    Added Win+A hotkey to toggle always on top


    Fixed missing \ when copying paths of network shares
    Fixed not being able to navigate to network drives
    Reimplemented middle mouse button features in event system to avoid some problems with this button. As a result of this, a few additional conditions were added.
    Fixed Alt window drag not being able to drag a window to the outer left side of the screen
    Fixed some access right modifications for registry keys required for explorer buttons. If they didn't show up before they should do so now. It may be necessary to disable/enable the FastFolder setting to make them show up.
    Fixed colon character in Accessor.
    Improved Program launcher Accessor plugin program caching. It now refreshes the program list whenever the OK button of the plugin settings window is pressed.
    Fixed reload action for binary version
    Fixed an issue in uninstaller that prevented deletion of 7plus directory


    Complete rewrite of the event system and about half of all the trigger/conditions/actions code. This will make 7plus much easier to maintain and a few (unnoticed) bugs could also be fixed along the way.
    Huge code rewrite for some key portions related to explorer. As a result, status bar enhancements and explorer tabs are now visible on all explorer windows at once.
    Complete rewrite of Slide Windows feature. It should be much better now, with more options, multi-monitor support, support for child windows and no windows getting lost anymore.
    Redesign of the "Edit Event" and "Edit Subevent" window. There is now only one window in which everything can be edited. Events won't be disabled anymore while these windows are open.
    Moved hotkey editing into the trigger configuration GUI so it can be edited in the same window. Also it will now show the previously selected hotkey.
    Some code cleanup and improvements for Accessor. Sort order of results is also slightly improved.
    Clipboard history is now stored in encrypted form. In addition, if there is no enabled event that makes use of the clipboard history it will not be stored at all for privacy reasons.
    Made some more static features of 7plus dynamic by integrating them into the event system.
    French documentation language available

Titel: Total Commander 7.57 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2012, 12:33

- Fixed: (new fix without try..catch block) Catch floating point exception in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)
- Added: Delete empty lines at the end of a tooltip (32/64)
- Fixed: Small error in word wrap function used in tooltips causing word wraps at unwanted locations (32/64)
- Fixed: Memory leak when searching with regular expressions (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not follow links when searching, copying etc. if the target cannot be determined due to missing user rights (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not unpack from header-encrypted RAR when using wildcards (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Disable button for list of saved settings (and F2) while a comparison is in progress (32/64)
- Fixed: Main menu: Increased distance between command and hotkey a bit when there are no separators (32/64)
- Fixed: TC would sometimes change to drive C: when removing a device of type PORT, not only in case of a harddisk (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP connection details: Also keep surrounding single quotes around remote directory if user enters them (32/64)
- Fixed: Right to left text in file names not shown correctly in print preview (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Do not show warning "Files modified" twice if the file was modified again while the dialog was shown (32/64)
- Fixed: When copying in background, show user account control (UAC) dialog on the main form, otherwise we just get a blinking icon in the taskbar (32/64)
- Fixed: When copying comments with files, the descript.ion file could get additional blank lines (already in TC 7.56) (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: Infinite loop detection (due to junctions) not working when searching for e.g. xyz (but worked for e.g. *.xyz) (32/64)
- Fixed: Get symbolic link target: Support also links of type IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK, not only IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT (32/64)
- Fixed: Directory lists with more than 65535 items could not be scrolled by dragging the scrollbar (32/64)
- Fixed: Quick view (Ctrl+Q) in temporary panel: Only reload preview if the link target actually changed (32/64)
- Fixed: Create dir in ZIP: Cursor wasn't placed on directory when creating dir in right panel (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: Infinite loop detection was not working (it worked in other functions like "calculate occupied space") (32/64)
- Fixed: Dir tabs: Tab tooltip (hint window) could be shown for hidden tabs outside of the TC main window (32/64)
- Fixed: Background button was shown for some packer plugins even if they didn't support background unpacking, as long as the plugin was never used for packing (32/64)
- Fixed: F5-F2 copy in background: Show the warning dialog when appending a file to another as child of the main form so it's not hidden behind it (32/64)
- Fixed: Hide inplace rename box when scrolling vertically in the file panel surrounding it (32/64)
- Fixed: Show warning about non-empty folders also when deleting to recycle bin with VistaDelete=1 (this shows all warnings BEFORE actually deleting anything) (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP upload: TC could try to resume upload although the user chose "overwrite", if the connection was lost before the upload started (32/64)
- Fixed: Right to left languages: Show group boxes right-aligned too, e.g. in main configuration dialog (32)
- Fixed: Could no longer pass parameters to external unpacker by giving them after the target path, e.g. c:\target -kb or "c:\target -path" -kb (32/64)
- Fixed: Right to left languages: Some controls were misaligned in the search dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Totalcmd crashing on ReactOS (reason: problems with ANSI calls to Unicode combobox) (32)
- Fixed: Lister: End key in large images (>1000 pixels high) didn't jump to the very bottom (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Comments of folders were not deleted with the folders (when option to copy comments with files was set) (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Selecting text by double click not working correctly in Unicode file without BOM (32/64)
- Fixed: Master password input: Turning off secure input mode now also allows to input passwords via IME (e.g. Korean) - this is not supported in secure mode (32/64)
- Fixed: Master password input: Clear the typed character before calling CallNextHookEx (older versions didn't call CallNextHookEx, but Windows did, so other programs could see the keys too) (32/64)
- Fixed: Don't use VistaDelete method if file cannot be found, e.g. because it's in a directory belonging to a different user (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Show "access denied" error if file is locked by another process (32/64)
- Fixed: File system plugins: No icons shown in thumbs view when delay-loading them (plugin returns FS_ICON_DELAYED) (32/64)
- Fixed: Right to left languages: Make status lines right-aligned in search and compare by content (32/64)
- Fixed: Search dialog: When maximizing, the "Search in" path could change to one in the history (32)
- Fixed: UseTrash=0: Shift+Del not working with VistaDelete=1 (32/64)
- Fixed: Alt+F5 pack, external packer (e.g. WinRAR) -> hotkey for background button didn't work (32)
- Fixed: FTP reconnect with encoding set to "auto-detect": Initially, user name and password were sent with local encoding (ANSI). On reconnect, the detected encoding was used by mistake (e.g. UTF-8) (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration: User-defined hotkeys not saved if main ini read-only, hotkey section redirected and user didn't press the "checkmark" button (32/64)
- Fixed: Recent printer name fix (18.10.11) caused crashes and missing font errors, mainly on XP (32)
- Fixed: Quick search in synchronize dirs: Allow quick search window to overlap task bar, also fixes problems with multiple monitors (32/64)
- Fixed: Wrong printer name (with port) passed to plugins when changing printer default within lister and then choosing "print" (32 only)
- Fixed: Crash when deleting to recycle bin on Windows 8 preview (32/untested:64)
- Fixed: Button "Background" not working in dialog shown with Alt+F5 pack -> RAR -> OK (32)
- Fixed: Content plugins: Only try to load once if a plugin doesn't export all the required functions, set all functions to NULL to avoid crash (32/64)
- Fixed: When using branch view of selected files/folders and "watch directory changes", do not show files IN THE BASE DIRECTORY which do not belong to the selection when they show up later (32/64)
- Fixed: Shift+Click on a selected file in the file lists could select the wrong range if the user clicked before on an already selected file (32/64)
- Fixed: A press on F5 in the pack dialog with only name with quotes (e.g. zip:"pack files.zip") selected also the starting quote (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Do not refresh main window when saving file in compare tool and the main window is disabled (e.g. when starting compare from overwrite dialog) (32/64)
- Fixed: Open "compare by content" dialog from "synchronize dirs" -> drives were shown in lowercase even when DrivesShowUpcase=1 was set (32/64)
- Fixed: Button bar with only one button, right click on button: Menu items "Edit linked button bar..." and "cd path" were disabled while only "delete" should be disabled (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Screen update very slow with flickering while comparing by content also in 32-bit version (32)
- Fixed: Showing size in bytes was incorrect for sizes >=1 Terabyte (decimal) (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not define external viewer for Alt+F3 if the path contained both an environment variable and a space (32/64)
- Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Could not abort operation in background (32/64)
- Fixed: Background transfer manager: The speed limit wasn't loaded when the dialog was created (32/64)
- Fixed: Double click/press ENTER on file with internal association in an archive would open the file twice, both with the internal and the system association (32/64)
- Fixed: FTPS: load libeay32.dll first, because it's used by the other OpenSSL dll -> makes sure the right dll is used (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Scrollbars not working when viewing image files (32)
- Fixed: Clear 64-bit plugin section in wincmd.ini when installing a new plugin, to force refresh of the list of plugins supporting 64-bit (32/64)
- Fixed: Display of file/drive sizes: Show terabyte separator when showing size in bytes (32/64)
- Fixed: Pack with Alt+F5, some names containing Unicode characters -> warning dialog was modal to main window, not to progress dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Show error about unsupported method when trying to unzip archive encrypted with pkware strong encryption method, which is patented (32/64)
- Fixed: Catch floating point exception in date/time compare function in case of invalid timestamps from some network drives (32/64)
- Fixed: Edit file from archive: Make sure that TC doesn't jump back to the foreground when the "wait" dialog opens (32/64)
- Fixed: After Ctrl+Drag selection, Shift+Click Selection started with the wrong file (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash when unpacking from archive to protected dir if the selection was lost while the user account control dialog was shown (32/64)
- Fixed: Drag&Drop to a tab with a ZIP file not working when that tab was locked with the zip file as the locked directory (32/64)
- Fixed: Selecting a word in "compare by content" by double clicking not working correctly with UTF-8 non-English (e.g. Russian) (32/64)
- Fixed: Make sure the file list isn't reloaded while inplace rename is asking user for new name due to rename error (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash when connecting to FTPS due to bad/outdated openssl dlls (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash on sending WM_USER+51 with wParam=1003 (cm_Properties) to TC while it does NOT have the focus (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Crash when closing compare window during "Recompare from here" (or choosing "Recompare from here" again) (32/64)
- Fixed: Packer plugins: Selection not removed after packing, but only if plugin supports background operations like 7zip (32/64)
- Fixed: ZIP/TAR packer: do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
- Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): do not follow infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy function: Could not detect infinite loops caused by NTFS junctions if the junction contained a short 8.3 name (e.g. DIRECT~1) (32/64)
- Fixed: On PC with slow virus scanner, trying to load settings in search twice (by double clicking twice on two entries) could cause a crash (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: Compare two files by content, edit file on FTP side, re-upload -> list was not refreshed if file in subdir because of slash/backslash mismatch (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP: make sure that all backslashes are replaced by slashes in CWD command (32/64)
- Fixed: Don't show error "Insert Disk 0" for some ZIP files with zip64 central header (32/64)
- Fixed: Main window was re-enabled by mistake after using quick search in synchronize dirs (32/64)
- Fixed: Search for text on FTP server: Aborting download didn't abort search, but the download of all other files was immediately cancelled (32/64)
- Fixed: Use WNetGetUser to verify whether a network connection already exists or not - if it does, do not call WNetAddConnection3 again to avoid problems with Windows server 2008 (32/64)
- Fixed: Quick search with AltGr: First character typed after releasing AltGr may be ignored (32/64)
- Fixed: Wrong sort order after unpacking from plugin when option "add new files at end" was checked, the files were overwritten (reason: the list of changes was not cleared when re-reading the dir) (32/64)
- Fixed: ZIP packer: Add archive attribute only to files, not to folders, just as when copying (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy in background with F5-F2: Prevent user from closing current tab (e.g. with Ctrl+W) until the background transfer has all the files (32/64)
- Fixed: Multi-part unrar: Progress bar could sometimes jump to 100% (when unrar.dll calls ProgressProc with Size=0) (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP over HTTP: Only file sizes up to 2 GB supported when the server reported the size in kBytes or MBytes (32/64)
- Fixed: File system plugin interface: high dword of size field was not supported for folders
- Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive list: Handle case where Windows returns "(D:) label" for removable drives: remove the (D:) part (32/64)
- Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)
- Fixed: FTP download from list hangs with invalid URL twice in list, e.g. "http //ghisler.com" -> make auto-reconnect abortable (32/64)
- Fixed: Recognize chrome extensions (.crx) as zip, they start with special header beginning with 'Cr24' (32/64)
- Fixed: Move in background (F6-F2) moved everything in subdirs even when using "Only files of this type" option was set (32/64)
- Fixed: Unpack from plugins: Directory attributes were not unpacked (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Look for encoding="other than utf-8" and turn not on UTF-8 when found (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Make sure that file contains no invalid sequences when UTF-8 is contained in the first 256 bytes of the file, otherwise detect it as normal text (32/64)
- Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Ctrl+Backspace was inserting strange characters in text field (same problem as in notepad.exe) -> just ignore the hotkey (32/64)
- Fixed: When using VistaDelete=1 for deleting, the cursor placement was wrong when files like index.htm were deleted, because windows deleted also folder index_files (32/64)
- Fixed: Right click on list background, New -> Shortcut (.lnk) not working (32/64)
- Fixed: Windows 7: Don't show pause button in task bar when program was launched as admin, it doesn't work due to a bug in Windows (32/64)
- Fixed: Button bar: Launching program in "c:\Program files" with parameter %S would launch c:\Program.exe instead (if that exists) (32/64)
- Fixed: UUE decode: Support name encoding us-ascii, e.g. begin 644 =?us-ascii?Q?photo=207=2Ejpg?= (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP: Could not abort the copying of a directory to its own subdirectory (32/64)
- Fixed: When a crash occurs during a file operation and the user chooses to continue anyway, he cannot close the progress dialog -> remove it (32, 64)

Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2012, 12:47
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglichen es Ihnen das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Added support to run FileMenu Tools from portable devices. You can download FileMenu Tools Portable from the download page. From the FileMenu Tools configurator you can export the settings to a INI file into the folder where FileMenu Tools Portable is installed, so you can use FileMenu Tools Portable with your current settings. You must copy the INI file to a file named "settings.ini" into the folder "[drive]\PortableApps\FileMenuTools\Data". FileMenu Tools Portable is compatible with both launchers PortableApps.com and CodySafe, and therefore FileMenu Tools will be displayed automatically in the app listing in these launchers.
    Added new utility: Unpack Folder. This utility moves all the elements into the selected folders to the parent folder, and deletes these empty folders.
    Added a new property for all the commands: Modifier Key. This property is available for all the commands (both built-in commands and custom commands). With this property you can set a modifier key for the command, and the command only will be showed in the context menu if this key is pressed while the menu is displaying. So you can assign a key for less commonly used commands, and by default the context menu displays only frequently used commands. The key can be any of the following: SHIFT, CONTROL, or WINDOWS. If you set this property to "None" (default), then the command always will be displayed in the context menu.
    Added a new variable for custom commands: %PARENTPATH%. This variable is the parent folder path which is common to all the selected elements. The variable %FOLDERPATH% now is the selected folder path, if only a element is selected and is a folder, else is equal to %PARENTPATH% (common parent path).
    Minor bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2012, 20:10
Was ist neu?

In dieser Betaversion werden lediglich Fehler korrigiert.


17.02.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 20 (32/64)
17.02.12 Fixed: Compare by content dialog not shown correctly with right to left language when starting with 2 panels above each other (64)
16.02.12 Fixed: Move file with F6 - F2 to a directory which didn't exist yet -> focus could get lost (32)
16.02.12 Fixed: Shift+Tab in left panel with no separate tree panel -> input went to right drive list by mistake (64)
15.02.12 Fixed: TC wasn't following hard links (junctions) any more which were located on a remote network drive (32/64)
15.02.12 Fixed: Compare by content: Turn off drawing while pasting a large amount of data (more than 1 kByte) (32/64)
14.02.12 Fixed: Save search results: Overwriting a saved search would list the item twice if there were accents in the name (64)
14.02.12 Fixed: Only partially: Ctrl+A in command line after choosing item from auto-suggest would not select anything. Note: Due to some obscure Windows bug, the command line may be emptied by Ctrl+A (32/64)
14.02.12 Fixed: Printing and print setup not working in Lister and Print directory list when printer name contained accents (64)
14.02.12 Fixed: tcuninst.exe didn't remove the newly added unrar9x.dll (32)
10.02.12 Fixed: Internal associations and color dialogs were too small (but could be resized) (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V4.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2012, 21:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

 Small adjustments and updating the Q-Dir language files.

Titel: Fresh View 8.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2012, 21:40
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new:  - with new Embossing North effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V4.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2012, 20:00
What's new: >>

    New option Select folder from list and expand via Menu,Extras,Tree-View
    Small adjustments and updating the Q-Dir language files
    New Language in Q-Dir: Slovenian (Hvala)

Titel: Total Commander 7.57 & 8.0 Beta 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2012, 20:31
Changelog: 7.57

24.02.12 Release Total Commander 7.57 final
23.02.12 Fixed: Backported translation changes from TC 8 beta
22.02.12 Fixed: Unpacking from CAB file with active quick filter (Ctrl+S) could unpack some of the hidden files too
22.02.12 Fixed: Changed product version of installer and main program to 7.60 (instead of 7.57, used for file version) to avoid Windows 8 compatibility warning
21.02.12 Fixed: Checked all code changes since TC 7.56a for potential problems (using compare by content)
21.02.12 Fixed: Removed code trying to show directories in F3 (was only partially backported to TC 7.57 and didn't work properly)
21.02.12 Fixed: When deleting to recycle bin with the new delete method, TC reported a non-empty directory also in case of hard links (although it would just delete the link, not the files inside)

Changelog: 8.0 Beta 21

22.02.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 21 (32/64)
22.02.12 Fixed: Unpacking from CAB file with active quick filter (Ctrl+S) could unpack some of the hidden files too (32/64)
22.02.12 Fixed: Main menu with themes turned off: Use colors COLOR_MENUTEXT and COLOR_MENUBAR instead of button colors for owner-drawn menu (flat menus only) (64)
22.02.12 Fixed: Start tcmadmin.exe with "runas" verb on Vista and newer to ensure that it's loaded with admin rights (32/64)
21.02.12 Fixed: When deleting to recycle bin with the new delete method, TC reported a non-empty directory also in case of hard links (although it would just delete the link, not the files inside) (32/64)
20.02.12 Fixed: Lister started with zero width/height if the user didn't save the size in older beta versions (64)
20.02.12 Fixed: Clear USB HDD detection cache only when receiving volume arrival or removal notifications, not on any WM_DEVICECHANGE (32/64)

Titel: 7plus V2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2012, 22:25
7plus adds a variety of features to Explorer including default window handling and many small tweaks for ease-of-use. Includes a copy-and-paste method for both text and images as their own file on the desktop, a de-clutter "slide" feature to push Windows out of view, navigate to your favorite folders with numpad keys, keep windows always on top, etc. Additionally, the program allows you to quickly upload files via FTP from explorer with a single hotkey.


A 64-bit version is available. Written in AutoHotkey with many video help explanations for settings and features.

License: GPLv3

What's new: >>

New Functions:

    Added key mappings for scientific calculators. Characters such as brackets can now be written with Numpad keys when NumLock is off
    Added a function that allows running temporary AutoHotkey scripts (WIN + T). It requires that an AutoHotkey interpreter is installed and the .ahk extension is assigned to it
    Added a button on the FTP profiles page to test the connection
    Added a SendMail action for sending mails using SMTP
    WIN + G: Run a Google search for the selected text
    Added ${SelText} placeholder for the currently selected text
    Run action can now use the same level of elevation as 7plus. This can be useful to execute more special commands, for example verbs like *Edit
    Added "Enable/Disable Events" buttons on events settings page
    Added a setting to FTP profiles to account for different file system mounting points in HTTP/FTP servers (->omit directories from target folder in URL)
    F2 while renaming: Toggle between filename, extension and full name
    Added "Export shortcut" button to create shortcut files that trigger events in 7plus


    Fixed a bug that occured on x64 and caused problems in ListViews (Settings window, Image Converter)
    Fixed a bug that prevented portable mode (command line: -portable) from working
    Fixed a bug that prevented pasting an event properly after another event was deleted
    Fixed invalid event files (the main event file was not affected)
    Fixed file selection buttons in event configurations
    Fixed an issue when the settings window was opened directly after start
    Fixed some focusing issues on various ListView controls
    Fixed sound mute icon in XP
    Fixed CTRL+W tab closing
    Fixed wrong contents of Explorer Tabs settings dropdown controls
    Fixed SendMessage action
    Fixed Notes Accessor plugin delete hotkey
    Fixed Screen corner trigger
    Fixed FlatView action
    Fixed Accessor double clicking


    Removed some screenshot related events and reordered some events

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.847
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2012, 22:15
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

z.Z. kein Changelog verfügbar ...

Titel: Q-Dir V4.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2012, 22:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Corrections in the feature folder from list via Menu -> Extras -> Tree-View
Small adjustments and updating the language files.
New Language: Finnish

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.848
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2012, 06:23
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

    Fix a crash scenario
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Total Commander 7.57a RC & 8.0 Beta 22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2012, 20:15
Was ist neu in Total Commander 7.57a RC ?

- Markieren mit der Maus in "Vergleich nach Inhalt" funktionierte nicht mehr
- Alt+Umsch+Enter funktionierte bei einigen Usern plötzlich nicht mehr
- Option DebugIconThread=1 in der wincmd.ini erlaubt es herauszufinden, wieso der Hintergrundthread stehen bleibt, falls obiger Fix nicht geholfen hat

Changelog :

28.02.12 Release Total Commander 7.57a release candidate 1
28.02.12 Added: Log function for icon thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DebugIconThread=1 to allow test why icon extraction or dir size calculation hangs (=2 for more details)
26.02.12 Fixed: Use old function to check for infinite loops in Alt+Shift+Enter function (count directories), it may be responsible for the failing of the function
26.02.12 Fixed: Selecting text with the mouse in compare by content no longer worked

Was ist neu in Total Commander 8.0 Beta 22?

In dieser Betaversion werden vor allem Fehler korrigiert.


02.03.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 22 (32/64)
02.03.12 Added: (Experimental) Change font for tooltips separately: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section, FontNameTip, FontCharsetTip, FontSizeTip and FontStyleTip (TC uses the dialog box settings if these are not present) (32/64)
02.03.12 Added: Options to set format of WM_GETTEXT result (for screen readers): wincmd.ini [Configuration] GetTextMode=0: Delimiter: 0: space, 1: tab, 2=<cr> 3=<cr><lf> 4=like 2 5=like 3. 4&5 show fields with column headers (tab-separated), e.g. Name:<tab>Filename<cr>Size:<tab>10k (32/64)
01.03.12 Fixed: Inactive focus rectangle not redrawn correctly when user closes inplace rename edit box by clicking in other panel (32)
01.03.12 Fixed: When starting TC maximized, extensions could be shown attached to names by mistake because the calculation returns -1 for the name column width, which means directly after name (32/64)
29.02.12 Fixed: Installing a plugin a second time didn't find the previous installation if the existing plugin path contained an environment variable (32/64)
29.02.12 Fixed: FTP: Displayed file sizes invalid (far too large) when using a template (64)
29.02.12 Fixed: When uninstalling 64-bit version, UNRAR9X.DLL from a 32-bit version in the same directory wasn't removed. Cannot remove 32-bit links because they may be pointing to a different directory (64)
29.02.12 Fixed: Use timer to show inplace edit box in synchronize dirs in a similar way to the main program, otherwise double clicks do not work always (32/64)
29.02.12 Fixed: Ctrl+Enter still selected the entire command line when it had the focus AND Ctrl was released before the Enter key (64)
29.02.12 Fixed: Packer plugin configuration dialog: Show "File x not found" error when the user enters a non-existing plugin name manually (32/64)
29.02.12 Fixed: Don't set cursor in source window when user closes inplace rename box by clicking in other panel (64)
28.02.12 Added: Log function for icon thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DebugIconThread=1 to allow test why icon extraction or dir size calculation hangs (=2 for more details) (32/64)
26.02.12 Fixed: Changed Lazarus code to draw menu bar background area correctly (just the empty area) (64)
26.02.12 Fixed: Menu background was drawn incorrectly with classic theme (64)
26.02.12 Fixed: Menu wasn't drawn disabled with classic theme when TC/Lister didn't have the focus (64)
26.02.12 Fixed: On some computers, changing themes causes problems with main menu bar (menu items have 0 width) -> try to call DrawMenuBar with a timer, also try normal width if theme width returns 0 (64)
26.02.12 Fixed: Inplace rename edit box in sync tool was using the wrong colors (instead, use standard window text and background) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir V5.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2012, 06:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    Quick-Link's Shift to open the new tab
    Small adjustments and updating the language files in Q-Dir.
    Testing the Q-Dir under Windows-8 Consumer Preview

Titel: Total Commander 7.57a RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2012, 16:12
Was ist neu?

- Problem mit Speicherbedarf ermitteln (Alt+Umsch+Enter) sollte behoben sein


08.03.12 Release Total Commander 7.57a release candidate 2
08.03.12 Fixed: Icon thread (used to load icons and calculate dir size in background) may stop when adding files to background transfer manager
07.03.12 Fixed: When packing each selected file/folder to a separate archive, the selection was no longer cleared after packing
02.03.12 Fixed: Updated Chinese translation

Titel: Total Commander 7.57a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2012, 21:00
Was ist neu in TC 7.57a?

Diese Version korrigiert Fehler, die seit dem Release der vorherigen Version 7.57 gefunden wurden. So funktionierte beispielsweise die Berechnung der Verzeichnisgrössen mit Alt+Umsch+Enter nach dem Kopieren von Dateien im Hintergrund nicht mehr.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2012, 06:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



Whats new: >>

    When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
    Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
    Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
    Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
    Italian translation updated.
    Support for symbolic links under WXP.
    Can handle subst.exe created driveletters.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.854
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2012, 21:45
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>


Titel: Q-Dir V5.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2012, 06:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    Updating the language files in Q-Dir.
    General optimization and some improvements for Windows 8 Consumer Preview.

Titel: CubicExplorer V0.95.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2012, 21:41
CubicExplorer is a Windows explorer replacement that supports bookmarks and multiple tabs. It contains a built-in text editor with syntax highlighting support.


License: Freeware

Change Log

Fixed Allow Move button in Stack toolbar.
Check selection now changes focus.
Fixed status bar not updating on tab change bug.
Chanced Update type Weekly to Snapshot.
Updated Chinese Simplified translation.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2012, 18:20
Was ist neu?

- HideRemovableNoMedia-Option in wincmd.ini nun auch für Dialog "Laufwerk nicht gefunden" und "Suchen" - "Laufwerke" benutzen


16.03.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 23 (32/64)
16.03.12 Fixed: Do not create names longer than 259 characters in multi-rename tool with LongNameCopy=3 (=long names disallowed) (32/64)
16.03.12 Added: HideRemovableNoMedia now also works in dialog "Drive not found!" (value: 2) and Search - Drives (value: 4) (32/64)
15.03.12 Fixed: Tip window with panel width percentage value was not removed when invoking the split panel from the outside (32/64)
15.03.12 Fixed: Starting totalcmd with parameter /S=L and clicking on "Cancel" kept the program running in the background (64)
15.03.12 Fixed: FTP logging not working if normal file logging was disabled (32/64)
14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter creating list file (e.g. %L) used with %Z within an archive returned path inside the archive twice (32/64)
14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter %Z%p or %Z%m used within an archive returned path without archive name (32/64)
14.03.12 Fixed: Button with parameter %Z%N, %Z%M, %Z%R or %Z%S used within an archive returned file name(s) with relative path inside the archive (32/64)
14.03.12 Fixed: Text labels in FTP toolbar had wrong colors after turning XP background on and off in Configuration - Options - Layout, but only with drive button bar turned off (64)
13.03.12 Fixed: When renaming a file in file system plugin failed, the resulting error dialog wasn't modal (32/64)
13.03.12 Fixed: Failed to read NTFS timestamps from RAR archives (just the DOS timestamps were read), so no odd seconds were supported (64)
09.03.12 Fixed: Do not update target for each archive when packing (moving) each selected dir to a separate ZIP archive (32/64)
09.03.12 Fixed: Ctrl+F5 (reverse search direction) not working in Lister (64)
09.03.12 Fixed: Set CheckUsbHdd=0 in wincmd.ini if the check whether a harddisk is connected externally takes longer than half a second, and the user hasn't set CheckUsbHdd=1 manually (32/64)
08.03.12 Fixed: Icon thread (used to load icons and calculate dir size in background) may stop when adding files to background transfer manager (32/64)
07.03.12 Fixed: Unicode names in ZIP and RAR files not decoded correctly (due to bug in Free Pascal) (64)
07.03.12 Fixed: When packing each selected file/folder to a separate archive, the selection was no longer cleared after packing (32/64)
07.03.12 Fixed: When packing with option RemovableInTemp=1 and the user aborts the copying of the new ZIP from TEMP, allow user to continue copying. Erase partial ZIP when aborting (new zip in TEMP is not deleted) (32/64)
07.03.12 Fixed: Installing a plugin twice in the same session didn't find the previous installation if the existing plugin path contained an environment variable (64)
06.03.12 Fixed: Wrong text color in inplace rename edit box in multi-rename tool (file list text color instead of system text color) (32/64)
06.03.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs and compare by content could not handle names longer than 259 characters due to length limit in edit box (64)
06.03.12 Fixed: Support copying of directories with spaces at the end (32/64)

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2012, 15:02
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



Whats new: >>

    When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
    Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
    Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
    Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
    Italian translation updated.
    Support for symbolic links under Window XP.
    Can handle subst.exe created driveletters.
    Added a 32bit installer for 64bit, which can be used for 32bit only third party filemanagers like xy-explorer or total commander with 64bit OS.
    Overlay Icons for symbolic links under Window XP are available now.
    Fixed a few bugs related to WindowsXP and symbolic links handling.
    Elevation to symlink.exe now happens only if UAC is on, or the elevation is really neccesary.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.856
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2012, 12:56
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

* Cloud Desktop

- Fix Google Docs mount issue for 2-step verification

* Team Edition

- Do not auto sync down attached local folder on remote machine
- Support File Locking in Gladinet Cloud
- Fix Team Folder permission issue when change the read-write permissions in Gladinet Cloud

* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: FileMenu Tools V6.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2012, 12:49
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglichen es Ihnen das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    Copy Content: now it works with multiple files at once.
    Fixed bug: on both Windows 7 and Windows Vista the commands did not work with more than 16 files selected in Windows Explorer when the visual styles are disabled.
    Minor bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Q-Dir V5.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2012, 20:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug fix: If you use Q-Dir as an optional default browser, the folder will be open as a new tab in the active view (Panel).
Small adjustments and updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2012, 07:20
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



Whats new: >>

    When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
    Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
    Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
    Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
    Italian translation updated.
    Support for symbolic links under Window XP.
    Can handle subst.exe created driveletters.
    Added a 32bit installer for 64bit, which can be used for 32bit only third party filemanagers like xy-explorer or total commander with 64bit OS.
    Overlay Icons for symbolic links under Window XP are available now.
    Fixed a few bugs related to WindowsXP and symbolic links handling.
    Elevation to symlink.exe now happens only if UAC is on, or the elevation is really neccesary.
    Fixed a problem with the creation of absolute symbolic links to directories.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2012, 21:10
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

The login issues have been fixed.

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Idoswin Pro: Datei-Manager nun Freeware
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2012, 21:30
Wie viele Alternativen zum Explorer kennt ihr? Die bekanntesten sind sicherlich der Total Commander, der Speed Commander oder auch Idoswin. Idoswin ist ein echtes Urgestein, in den Einstellungen findet man sogar noch die Möglichkeit vor, eine Diskette zu formatieren. Idoswin Pro – übrigens aus deutschen Landen – wurde in seiner Version 5.66 vom Autor zur Freeware erklärt (http://www.idoswin.de/idosdnld.htm).


Ein einfacher Datei-Manger mit einigen Funktionen, den ihr euch bei Bedarf ruhig einmal anschauen könnt.
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2012, 23:57
Was ist neu?

- SubdirCopyOrder-Option in wincmd.ini erlaubt es, die Kopierreihenfolge von Dateien in Unterverzeichnissen festzulegen


30.03.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 24 (32/64)
30.03.12 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] DecodePercent=0: If set to 1, decode %hex values in user name/password in URLs (32/64)
30.03.12 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SubdirCopyOrder=4 sets order in which files in subdirs are copied: 4=unsorted (default), 5=like active panel (no custom columns), 0..3 ascending by name, ext, size, date, -1..-4 descending by name, ext, size, date (32/64)
30.03.12 Fixed: On Windows 8 consumer preview, Metro apps have strange DefaultIcon entries which couldn't be loaded -> use SHGetFileInfo (32/64)
29.03.12 Fixed: Some jpg files could cause an SSE floating point exception in Microsoft's PhotoMetadataHandler -> turn off SSE exceptions before each call to GetInfoTip (32/64)
29.03.12 Fixed: Background transfer manager: The "+" button allowed to add files from port connection although the latter doesn't support transfers in background (it cannot handle multiple transfers in parallel) (32/64)
29.03.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with plugins not creating remote directories if the used plugin only contained the Unicode MkDirW function, e.g. WebDAV (32/64)
29.03.12 Fixed: Pack with password: Password confirmation dialog could be confirmed with ENTER even if the two passwords didn't match (64)
29.03.12 Fixed: Command md foldername  with space at end in the command line (e.g. from Ctrl+Enter) unintentionally created dirs with space at end. Use double quotes to create such dirs (64)
28.03.12 Fixed: Hotkeys in dialog not working when focus on certain controls (e.g. checkboxes) when "Punto Switcher" tool was running (64)
28.03.12 Added: Screen readers: Use same GetTextMode options also in multi-rename tool (32/64)
28.03.12 Added: Screen readers: Made GetTextMode=1 (tab-delimited) the default (32/64)
28.03.12 Added: (Experimental): wcx_ftp.ini, SpecialFlags option, new value 2048: Duplicate all characters with code #255 for servers expecting Telnet-style escape characters (32/64)
27.03.12 Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives to protected dir with Alt+F9 -> elevation dialog was shown only as an icon in the task bar (reason: TC window was given as parent instead of progress dialog) (32/64)
27.03.12 Fixed: Unpacking RAR archive with Alt+F9 didn't pass user-specified switches to external RAR (e.g. -kb to keep broken files) (32/64)
25.03.12 Fixed: "Copy dir timestamps" was copying wrong timestamp when copying a folder with multiple subfolders (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: No thousands separators were shown in copy progress dialog for number of copied files and their size (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Button bar: Do not show triangle overlay for buttons with command "OPENBAR" when "minimized" is checked. Leave out "OPENBAR" to show .bar file as menu (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Button bar: Right click on button: Function "Edit linked button bar" not working when using command OPENBAR (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Crash on Ctrl+PgDn or Ctrl+Q on EXE smaller than 2.5 kBytes trying to detect it as an archive (64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Crash on Alt+F1/F2 in some rare cases (64)
20.03.12 Fixed: The breadcrumb bar could not be closed with a click outside if a subdirectory was opened and closed with the keyboard (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Workaround to Windows 8 bug (failure to launch any EXE files from a directory which is a hard link to some other directory) by resolving the hard links before launching (32/64)
20.03.12 Fixed: Detect Windows 8 also in system info dialog (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir V5.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2012, 22:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small adjustments and corrections in the Tree-View for Windows-7, Vista, Server-2008
General optimization and updating the language files in Q-Dir

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.4 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2012, 20:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[File operations] File Operation > Archiver > Cannot create a ZIP archive (via Alt + F5) (after check / uncheck rar) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Problems with tab scrolling - resolved.
[Plugins] Critical errors with FTP plugin - resolved.
[Plugins] Zip archive deletes file instead of overwriting (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] "Неправильный вход" в архивы по CTRL+PAGEDOWN (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Editor] Incorrect hint text in Editor - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Directory Hotlist window is not closed by Esc button. (cobines) - resolved.
[Viewer] Copying text from the viewer adds a 00 character to the end of the copied text (cobines) - resolved.
[Plugins] Fail in build (cobines) - resolved.
[Default] Don't work command 'cd <directory>' from command line - resolved.
[Logic] Не работает %commander_drive% в панели инструментов (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Remove junction in recycle bin / Удаление Junction (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Don't open archives by Ctrl+PgDn if plugin has PK_CAPS_HIDE flag / Не во все архивы входит по Ctrl+PgDn (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Zip/tar plugin - Colons in source filenames corrupt the zip structure (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] "One Instance" option not working in Ubuntu (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Don't shows offline network drives - closed.
[Default] Hang on exit if some archive was opened - closed.

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: Fresh View 8.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2012, 20:30
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Embossing West effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2012, 06:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug-Fix at feature: Extras, Data Size Information, when shows in the Type column, the file or subfolder counter.

Titel: Multi Commander 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2012, 18:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



Latest Changes

Over 210+ Changes. Some of the changes are.
ADDED - NEW Language support : Dutch - Created by Hans Niesten
ADDED - NEW Language support : Czech - Created by PetRip
ADDED - Large Icons Support for Folder Tree ( 32x32 )
ADDED - Settings to turn off the feature that remember selected files/folders when returning to previous path.
ADDED - Multi Commander can now be configured to only start a single instance.
ADDED - Multi Commander can now be minimized to a tray icon.
ADDED - Create Links tool can now create shortcut files (.lnk)
ADDED - Shared folder overlay icon is now shown even if you are not running on XP
ADDED - View Filter can now be configured to reset itself when going to a new path.
ADDED - View Filter can now be configured to restore the view filter you had before leaving the path.
ADDED - Multi-Rename now shows status of items renamed and error.
ADDED - Quick search now support substring matching.
ADDED - Can now customize what keys to use for moving focus to first and last item in the explorer panel.
ADDED - Can now customize what key to use to move input focus to the commandline field.
ADDED - If Viewing an picture and pressing Ctrl+C the picture will be copied to the clipboard.
ADDED - If needed, It will ask the user if it should enabled linked connections.
ADDED - Can now choose to not separate files and folder when sorting.
FIXED - When packing files a unique filename will be suggested
FIXED - Hight issue with the button panel if it was changed to only show 1 row.
FIXED - Crash problem if adding file to current copy queue and then abort the copy process, shortly afterwards.
FIXED - Crash Problem if double clicking on Left and right Path Field after each other a couple of times.
FIXED - REG_MULTI_SZ now shown
FIXED - Unpacking multiple files from a tar.bz2 archive, And files already exists. The "Overwrite?" dialog was not shown.
FIXED - Delete to recycle bin now works if deleting using "Retry as administrator"
FIXED - Sorting problem when sorting by extension.
FIXED - Some minor language issues.
FIXED - Picture viewer will now respect the "AutoRotate" option.
FIXED - Move file using Retry as admin did not always work.
FIXED - Packer profiles can now be deleted.
FIXED - Some minor problems with view filters.
FIXED - Problem with quick search. Sometimes it was not possible to remove the first letter that was typed.
FIXED - Tweaked view filters a bit.
FIXED - Rare crash in MultiRename for files with no file extensions.
FIXED - Live preview did not always update in MultiRename.
FIXED - The File searcher did not always find matching files when searching for content if the file was in unicode.
FIXED - File Search problem if search for content and 'whole word only' and matching word was the last line in the file.
FIXED - Fix very rare crash in File searcher when searching for file content.
FIXED - Some large icons was missing and has been added.
FIXED - Suggested source folder when unpacking a tar.gz file was wrong. So instead of unpacking into a folder it would unpack into a new .tar instead
FIXED - Problem with adding files to a tar archive if the file name was very long.
FIXED - Problem going to ".." when located in a server share ( "\\server\share\" )
FIXED - Problem restoring Multi Commander from tray if it was maximized before it was minimized to tray.
FIXED - Even if the option for remember selection was disabled. It remembered them in some situation.
FIXED - Better error handling on FTP when uploading a file that already exists.
FIXED - tar.bz2 files can now be aborted and/or paused when being unpacked.
FIXED - When running with only allow a single instance, did not work as expected if it was minimized.
FIXED - Operator += now works with arrays in MultiScripts. ( eg "$res = $arr[$d] + "Append" )
FIXED - MultiScript function CopyFile now works better.
FIXED - Fixed problem when unpacking tar.gz files that had a path that started with ".\"
FIXED - Problem when showing the button editor and then other dialog was shown under that window.
FIXED - Problem with error handling with MultiRename.
FIXED - Problem when opening the CheckSum Extension from the context menu on the tabarea.
FIXED - Quick search field now accept keypad number keys.
FIXED - Problem with natural sorting.
FIXED - Shortcut files (.lnk) will now show the icon of the target of the link.
FIXED - PackFiles will now use the autoclose settings.
FIXED - Problem when showing some child dialogs from Button editor.
FIXED - Dragging files/folder to the folder tree will now show the correct drag/drop action. (Copy/Move)
FIXED - A couple of minor memory leaks
FIXED - 8 Crash situations that was reported by crash reports.

Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Beta 25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2012, 16:06
Was ist neu?

- Mit Total Commander erzeugte ZIP-Archive grösser als 4GB weisen eine kleine Inkompatibilität zum ZIP-Standard auf - ein einziges Byte ist falsch gesetzt. Winzip und Winrar haben kein Problem mit dem Entpacken, andere Programme wie der Vista-Explorer schon. Das Problem ist in Beta 25 behoben. Bestehende Archive können mit dem Tool Fixzip gepatcht werden: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/addons/fixzip.zip


13.04.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 public beta 25 (32/64)
13.04.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs by content: In the footer, sizes >2TB could not be shown (32/64)
11.04.12 Fixed: On screens with high DPI settings, the copy progress dialog, overwrite dialog and custom message dialog were incorrectly scaled (64)
11.04.12 Fixed: Right click on empty area in file lists could cause access violation in file system plugins or archives. In plugins, just show "Properties" menu item (32/64)
11.04.12 Fixed: Lister plugins: ListNotificationReceived did not pass WM_NOTIFY messages to the plugin (64)
10.04.12 Fixed: ZIP packer, archives >4GB: The size field of the central directory header was wrong (misunderstanding of specs). No problem with Winzip/WinRAR, only 7Zip+DOpus (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Sort directories - unsorted not working correctly after counting size with space bar (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Lister, RTF view: Switching word wrap on or off removed all text formatting (64)
06.04.12 Fixed: File list: Do not show square bracket "]" at the end of a directory if they are turned off, but the directory name itself ends with one (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Lister didn't handle the "L" key (fit only larger image to window) when a plugin was active (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Help: Removed text saying that the wincmd.ini is in the Windows directory (which is no longer the case) (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Some jpg files could cause an SSE floating point exception in Microsoft's PhotoMetadataHandler when deleting with VistaDelete method -> turn off SSE exceptions (32/64)
06.04.12 Fixed: Button bar: ENTER on button containing OPENBAR command -> focus went back to file lists by mistake (32/64)

Titel: FileMenu Tools V6.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2012, 22:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Now the windows displayed by the FMT commands are not modals, so your can continue using the Windows Explorer.
Size of Folders: improved the appearance of the pie chart.
Size of Folders: now ignores the symbolic links, because they does not take space in the hard disk.
Fixed bug in Size of Folders: by default the width of column "Files" was 0, and therefore this column could not be visible. If you now cannot see the column "Files", then you must increment manually the width by dragging the last separator with the mouse pointer. From this moment the new width will be saved.
Fixed bug in Attributes: show/hide the hidden files did not work on Windows XP.
Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: when specifing the time in regular expressions, only the time of the first file was used for all files.
Fixed bug: The windows of both Calculate Checksum and Size of Folders cannot be closed with ESC key.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2012, 21:50
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

SDExplorer Base now allows you to upload files of up to 300 MB

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2012, 18:40
Was ist neu?

- Erzeugen von Dateiverknüpfungen (*.lnk) mit Strg+Umsch+F5: Namen von Verzeichnissen nicht nach letztem Punkt abschneiden (AppendLnk=2 in wincmd.ini)
- wincmd.ini, SelectionFocus=Farbe: Datei im Fokus mit andersfarbigem Rahmen umgeben, falls Dateien im aktiven Fenster markiert sind. Als Warnung bei sehr langen Dateilisten gedacht.


27.04.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 release candidate 1 (32/64)
25.04.12 Added: SelectionFocus=1 or color: Draw focus differently when there are selected files in that panel. Add $4000000 to only show when on not selected item (32/64)
25.04.12 Fixed: Unpacking file from multi-volume ZIP: Don't ask for disk change if the file is in the last part, which contains the zip central directory (32/64)
25.04.12 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Date field was not focused when checking option "Change date/time" with the keyboard shortcut (64)
25.04.12 Fixed: The program msdvev.exe was incorrectly detected as a self-extracting LHA archive (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: Do not re-read active panel (e.g. from background operation) during Ctrl+Tab operation, when user switches through folder tabs (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Text in "Rename mask: File name" box wasn't always selected when opening the dialog (32)
24.04.12 Fixed: Windows 8: Do not resolve links pointing to other volumes in the form "\\?\Volume{" (when double clicking on file, see fix 20.03.12 below) (32/64)
24.04.12 Added: AppendLnk ini option: New value 2 (now the default) sets the behaviour described below. Set to 0 for behaviour as in TC7.x (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: When creating *.lnk files, do not truncate directory names after first dot, e.g. directory.ext -> directory.ext.lnk (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: OPENBAR command: Support double quotes around parameter (.bar file), do not show "As administrator" (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: Handle OPENBAR command in button bar the same way as when specifying the .bar name directly (including "as menu" option and overlay) (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: Could no longer close Synchronize dirs after comparing two files (one in a RAR), changing both, and re-packing (32/64)
24.04.12 Fixed: While a MessageBox was open in Lister or Compare by Content, TAB didn't work in TC, and ESC in other Lister windows -> handle it manually (32)
15.04.12 Fixed: Lister: When searching repeatedly for the same string with Ctrl+F (not F3), directly consecutive patterns were skipped (32/64)
15.04.12 Fixed: Improved layout of multi-rename tool a bit (64)
15.04.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could no longer delete files from UAC-protected dirs to recycle bin (reason: deletion per folder) (32/64)
15.04.12 Fixed: Verify checksums: ESC closed the dialog without aborting the verification (64)
15.04.12 Fixed: Verify checksums: Crashed when user closed main TC and ignored warning about active comparison (64)
15.04.12 Fixed: Nag dialog: Some texts were now in bold by mistake (64)

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.871
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2012, 20:30
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.



What's new: >>

Support Google Drive

There are two new mount links, which replace old ‘Google Docs’ and ‘Google Apps for Business’ accounts.


Google Drive and Google Docs:

You can mount regular Google Docs, and Google Drive upgraded from the regular Google Docs account. Use it for free Google Apps too.

Google Drive and Google Apps for Business:

It is for Google Apps for Business users only, who paid $50 for Google Apps account. And Google Drive upgrade from the account.

For Google Drive and Google Apps for Business account, the mount no longer requires the user name and password. Instead, it requires an authorization code from Google, to allow Gladinet to connect to it.


The mount window shows a link to generate the code


After login to your Google Apps for Business account, click ‘Allow access’ to generate the code.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2012, 11:44
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Improvements in the directory structure for Windows 7, Vista, Server 2008
Corrections to the Vista address bar and tab-Ctrl (tab bar)
Update the language files in Q-Dir

Titel: FreeCommander XE Build 590 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2012, 20:10
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Multi rename tool - added
- Screenshot tool - added
- Many bugs fixed

Titel: Q-Dir V5.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2012, 06:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small corrections and rebuilding/recompiling Q-Dir because virus alert from norton internet security, although no virus was present.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2012, 06:25
What's new: >>

    Corrections and Improvements in the directory structure for Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, Server 2008

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2012, 20:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

- This is a minor release with just some minor fixes
- The fixes are for some crash issues that even though they happen very rarely I thought it was impotent enough to create a minor release with them now instead of waiting for the next major release

Titel: FreeCommander XE Build 591 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2012, 18:20
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Bug fixed: deactivation of the option "Quick filter bar always visible" leads to program exception
- bug fixed: using of the french.lng leads to program exception

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2012, 13:31
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

    When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
    Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
    Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
    Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
    Italian translation updated.
    Support for symbolic links under Window XP.
    Can handle subst.exe created driveletters.
    Added a 32bit installer for 64bit, which can be used for 32bit only third party filemanagers like xy-explorer or total commander with 64bit OS.
    Overlay Icons for symbolic links under Window XP are available now.
    Fixed a few bugs related to WindowsXP and symbolic links handling.
    Elevation to symlink.exe now happens only if UAC is on, or the elevation is really neccesary.
    Fixed a problem with the creation of absolute symbolic links to directories.
    The installer came up with Chinese as default installation language.
    LSEConfig has an About Box, which shows the version of Link Shellextension.
    Replace Symbolic Link failed when not elevated.
    Replace Symbolic Link always created absolute symbolic links regardless of the settings when not elevated.
    Drop Symbolic Link sometimes did not create absolute links when needed in certain situations.
    The installer now shows the language of the installed OS as default.
    The installer provides more info in Control Panel/Program and Features.
    The target of the Symbolic Liks or Junctions can be edited in the properties dialog.
    Non administrators could not create symbolic links.
    With XP and the symlink driver installed the Delete Junction menue didn't show up.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.874
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2012, 18:50
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

* Support IBM SmartCloud Object Storage
* Support port selection for Gladinet Cloud Desktop, on Vista and above
* Team Edition
- Support folder Offline mode from Team Folder root
- Enhance quota management
* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir V5.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2012, 22:23
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug-Fix Windows-7 & Windows-8: Bold Font in Tree-View.
Update the language files and small adjustments in Explorer Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.081
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2012, 12:57
What's new: >>


Titel: Total Commander 8.0 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2012, 16:20
Was ist neu?

Im Programm selbst gibt es keine neuen Funktionen. Es gibt jedoch ein neues Installationsprogramm zum Installieren der 64-bit+32-bit-Version zusammen (unter 64-bit Windows). Dies ist nützlich, falls man vor allem mit der 64-bit-Version arbeiten will, gelegentlich aber noch 32-bit-Plugins benötigt.


11.05.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 release candidate 2 (32/64)
11.05.12 Fixed: Configuration dialog was opened twice when launching TC with ini location read only and 0 byte (or no) ini (64)
08.05.12 Fixed: Do not call SHFileOperation with names longer than 259 characters (to delete to recycle bin), because it always fails, and may even cause an access violation on Windows Server 2003 (32/64)
08.05.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty directories were not deleted when deleting to recycle bin (32/64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Main window, bottom buttons: Refresh problem on Ctrl+F2 when using classic theme (64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Ctrl+D - Add current directory didn't support tabstops in folder names when adding dir to subfolder (32/64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Enter (and ESC in 32-bit version) didn't work in inplace rename edit when a MessageBox was open in Lister. Unfortunately the beep cannot be avoided (32/64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Center color comboxes vertically to ">>" button (32/64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Foreground color combobox had wrong height (32)
06.05.12 Fixed: Connection progress dialog (FTP) couldn't be closed if the connection failed (64)
06.05.12 Fixed: Default beep on first opening (with fresh wincmd.ini) of multi-rename tool (32)
03.05.12 Fixed: "Copy NTFS Permissions" was missing in F5 copy dialog when the Netware client was installed (32)

Titel: TabCommander 01.02.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2012, 06:00
Schlanker Dateibrowser, dessen Handhabung an den Norton Commander angelehnt ist; lässt sich weitgehend über die Tastatur bedienen und bietet Tabs, eine integrierte Suche sowie wahlweise Ein- oder Zweifenster-Darstellung; unterstützt ZIP-Dateien und kann als FTP-Client genutzt werden; als portable Software ohne Installation vom USB-Stick lauffähig.


Titel: FileMenu Tools V6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2012, 06:10
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

New tool: Delete Empty Folders. This tool deletes recursively all the empty subfolders that the selected folder contains.
Improved Size of Folders: your can see the top file list in order of size.
Improved Calculate and Verify Checksums: now you can save all the checksums in an only file and verify the checksums from an only checksum file. The checksum file now have a format compatible with third-party checksum apps.
Improved Copy Internet Path: now you can specify the schema (http, ftp, etc.) and the hostname, and replace the base folder with other base folder in the server.
Fixed bug in custom commands: the variables TARGET... did not work correctly with shortcuts.
Fixed bug in Change Time: in summertime the file time was changed with a delay of one hour.
Fixed bug in Attributes: show/hide hidden files did not work correctly.
Fixed bug in Send to Mail Recipient: did not work with 64bit systems.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Q-Dir V5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2012, 21:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug Fix:

    List-View lose the keyboard Focus at navigation
    If Q-Dir is used as an optional default browser and system folders are open


    Scroll with space bar or scroll up with shift + space bar for (The selected file does not lose the focus) scroll back to select with left or right key.
    Optimization for drag and drop
    Optimization in Tree-View Windows-7 & Windows-8

Titel: Handy File Tool 2.00 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2012, 06:00
Handy File Tool has utilities necessary for webmasters, programmers and anybody who is concerned with computers. HFT has a two-panel interface, which calls to mind the popular Norton Commander, but here you have the basket, a clipboard for files. The suite's main tools, Finder, Replacer, and Renamer, help you make quick work of file searching, text replacement, and bulk renaming across a range of file formats and attributes.


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2012, 22:20
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Total Commander 8.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2012, 18:30
Was ist neu?

Im Programm selbst gibt es seit RC2 keine neuen Funktionen. Das neue Installationsprogramm zum Installieren der 64-bit+32-bit-Version zusammen funktioniert nun auch unter 32-bit Windows. Es werden dann beide Versionen installiert, aber nur für die 32-bit-Version ein Symbol auf dem Desktop und im Startmenü angelegt. Nützlich z.B. für dual Boot.


23.05.12 Release Total Commander 8.0 final (32/64)
23.05.12 Fixed: Compare by content: Split display of very long lines into chunks of 2000 characters instead of 8000 because of a bug in some display drivers (32/64)
22.05.12 Fixed: Re-read drive button bar when restoring TC from the task bar and a drive was added/removed while minimized (64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Search on FTP server wasn't aborted when the user clicked Abort just while a directory list was downloaded (32/64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Right click context menu: Wait up to 5 seconds (instead of just two) for tcmdx64/tcmdx32 to start, also reduced minimum start time (32/64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Second drive panel removed with cm_VisTwoDriveButtons while cursor in right window -> drive panel showed wrong active drive (32/64)
20.05.12 Fixed: New delete function to recycle bin (VistaDelete): Let the user abort the initial conversion of the names to OLE objects, which can take a long time with many selected files (32/64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Use same font (SYSTEM_FONT) as in 32-bit version (64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Find files: Feed to listbox while quick view was shown -> quick view wasn't always showing the new file under the cursor (32/64)
20.05.12 Fixed: Dialog box "Commands" - "System Information" didn't support accented characters in printer name, user name etc. (64)
16.05.12 Fixed: Windows 8: Do not resolve links pointing to other volumes in the form "\??\Volume{" either

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2012, 10:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

- Moving single file using Drag and drop and the file was placed in a folder with the same name as the file name
- Pressing the "..." button in a lot of places only worked once. Second time it was pressed nothing happened
- When opening search with a custom command it was always opened in the right panel. Now it will respect the PANEL= option
- Stack overflow problem when copying the path of thousands of files to the clipboard
- 2 very rare crash problem

Titel: Q-Dir V5.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2012, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Optimization and correction of the function when drag and drop the files from other programs (eg MS Explorer) in Q-Dir (move/copy)

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2012, 10:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

    When working on mapped network drives via SMB or CFIS, as many NAS boxes do, LSE uses a more traditional enumeration mode and this will copy files ( which it did not in any case ).
    Multiple locations can be selected and the location are treated as a common root with respect to hardlinks/junctions/symbolic links.
    Nested junctions and symbolic links ( aka junctions on junction on junctions ... ) are now properly restored in any situation.
    Smartmove had problems with relative symbolic links in rare situations.
    Italian translation updated.
    Support for symbolic links under Window XP.
    Can handle subst.exe created driveletters.
    Added a 32bit installer for 64bit, which can be used for 32bit only third party filemanagers like xy-explorer or total commander with 64bit OS.
    Overlay Icons for symbolic links under Window XP are available now.
    Fixed a few bugs related to WindowsXP and symbolic links handling.
    Elevation to symlink.exe now happens only if UAC is on, or the elevation is really neccesary.
    Fixed a problem with the creation of absolute symbolic links to directories.
    The installer came up with Chinese as default installation language.
    LSEConfig has an About Box, which shows the version of Link Shellextension.
    Replace Symbolic Link failed when not elevated.
    Replace Symbolic Link always created absolute symbolic links regardless of the settings when not elevated.
    Drop Symbolic Link sometimes did not create absolute links when needed in certain situations.
    The installer now shows the language of the installed OS as default.
    The installer provides more info in Control Panel/Program and Features.
    The target of the Symbolic Liks or Junctions can be edited in the properties dialog.
    Non administrators could not create symbolic links.
    With XP and the symlink driver installed the Delete Junction menue didn't show up.
    The status of the privilege for Symbolic Link Creation is checked, so that UAC can be avoided
    Fixed deployment problems for the Win32bit version.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2012, 18:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small adjustments for Windows 7 & Windows 8 Treeview and List View.
Various fixes for Windows XP and update the language files.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.881
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2012, 21:41
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>


Titel: Q-Dir V5.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2012, 21:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Small adjustments, corrections and improvements
Updating the language files

Titel: Q-Dir V5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2012, 00:32
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Open Quick-Link's in new tab via midl mouse button
Open Folders via Folder menu in new tab via midl mouse button
Disable Transparent Selection (at W7/Vista) via Menu/Extras/List-View
Too long path, we shortened the text in the title bar correctly eg ../../file.xxx
Updating the language files

Titel: Q-Dir 5.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2012, 06:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

- Bug-Fix:new tab via middle mouse button
- Update the language files and adjustments in Q-Dir

Titel: Better Explorer Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2012, 15:23
Die Entwickler des Better Explorer haben sich das Ziel gesetzt, die von Windows 8 bekannte Ribbon-Oberfläche für den Windows-Explorer auch auf Windows 7 zur Verfügung zu stellen. Noch befindet sich das Tool im Beta-Stadium.

Nach der Installation des Better Explorer, der wie bereits angesprochen speziell an die Gegebenheiten unter Windows 7 angepasst wurde, stehen diverse weitere Möglichkeiten und Optionen neben der Ribbon-Oberfläche zur Verfügung. Der vorhandene Explorer wird dabei nicht ersetzt – beim Better Explorer handelt es sich um eine eigene Anwendung.


Einige Möglichkeiten, welche der Better Explorer bietet, zeigt der veröffentlichte Screenshot. Die Anwendung ermöglicht die Nutzung von separaten Tab-Fenstern, bringt eine Erweiterung der Windows 7 Jump-List-Funktionalität, einige Bildbearbeitungswerkzeuge, eine Zweifensteransicht und eine Unterstützung für Archiv-Dateien mit.

Mit der Beta 1 des Better Explorer haben die Entwickler laut dem Changelog (http://bexplorer.codeplex.com/) die Sprachversionen weiter überarbeitet, neue Möglichkeiten zur Verwaltung von Archivdateien und für die Bildbearbeitung integriert. Neben zahlreichen behobenen Fehlern konnte man auch die Stabilität verbessern und eine Update-Funktion integrieren.

Hinweis: Um den Better Explorer unter Windows 7 nutzen zu können, wird die Installation des .NET Framework in der Version 4.0 zwingend vorausgesetzt. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine frühe Entwicklerversion (Beta!). Daher kann es zu Problemen mit der Stabilität der Anwendung kommen.

Lizenztyp: Freeware/Kostenlos

Titel: Multi Commander V2.5.0 (Build 1110)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2012, 11:20
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

Over 345+ Changes. Some of the major changes are.

NEW - Explorer Panel can now show files in List Mode
NEW - Quick launch bar - Toolbar where you can drop file on, and more
NEW - Toolbar system reworked.
Changes - Many of the icons has been updated
ADDED - Toolbars can now be hidden
ADDED - Can now draw file extension right aligned in the filename column
ADDED - File viewer - Has now support for word wrap both fixed and dynamic
ADDED - File viewer - Can now show line number.
ADDED - File viewer - Read entire file now works.
ADDED - File viewer - Can now hide toolbars.
ADDED - An internal icon gallery that can be used by the new Quick Launch bar.
ADDED - Language editor can now launch google translate.
ADDED - Right clicking on a drive button in the drive bar will now show the shell context menu for that item,
ADDED - Active panel in the left and right panel can now swap places.
ADDED - Active panel can now be moved to other panel.
ADDED - Better error checking for directory monitor.
ADDED - MultiScript function _FindFiles that return string array of found files.
ADDED - MultiScript function GetFileTime/SetFileTime/IsFolder/GetFileSize/FileExists/TimeLocal2UTC/TimeUTC2Local/RenameFile.
ADDED - MultiScript function GetFileProp - That will get any exposode file property like MP3 Genre, Image size, File Size, Version and more
ADDED - Custom Command for closing all Explorer panel tabs. ( MC.Explorer.CloseAll )
ADDED - Can now specify what codepage a Bat script shall be generate and run as.
FIXED - MultiTags ${currentfilepath}, ${currentfilename} now work again when running a script separetly for all selected files.
FIXED - Custom Command can now handle accept dropped files as parameters and accessiable using multitag "${param:x}"
FIXED - Problem with MultiScript function _FindFirstFile. Does not work with fixed name to match.
FIXED - Loading external scripts now work a lot better.
FIXED - When deleting folders to recycle bin on Windows Vista or better. The folder with it's content will be sent to recycle bin as one item.
ADDED - Custom Command to execute any internal command.
ADDED - When starting search from script it is now possible to set a fixed panel where it should be opened.
FIXED - Right click on a folder in the folder tree and selecting New->New Folder now works.
FIXED - The Path in the path field sometimes lagged a bit when entering folder with many files
FIXED - Sometimes when selecting item the selection status did not update.
FIXED - Problem in Explorer panel settings when settings a custom date/time format
FIXED - Problem when multiselecting files with "*zip" instead of "*.zip"
FIXED - When drag and dropping a file from a zip archive. It suggested that a Move operation should be done instead of copy.
FIXED - Improved speed a lot when unpacking many small files from a zip archive
FIXED - Problem when unzipping files into FTP location
FIXED - Unzip problem with some zip archives
FIXED - Problem with moving files under some situations.
FIXED - Some High DPI issues.
FIXED - Menubar and commandline bar will now remember their state between restarts.
FIXED - Can ow rename Menu items for the custom menu for user commands.
ADDED - View mode button to the Explorer Panel
ADDED - Can now set current column layout as the default by right clicking on the column header.
ADDED - Pressing Ctrl+T in the Copy Progress Dialog will toggle "Always On Top" for the Progress Dialog
ADDED - Option for drag and drop copy and move operation, to show CopyTo/MoveTo dialog or not. 
FIXED - When running in Portable mode it did not remember open tabs correct.
FIXED - MultiLanguage problem.
FIXED - Context menu in Search shows blank items.
+ a lot more

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2012, 19:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Incorrect quick-search filter behaviour fixed
- Command line parameters functionality now works more correct
- Reset command added to color file filters settings
- File search dialog supports search list export to csv file
- Reset command added to view/edit settings
- "Lock tab with navigation allowed" functionality introduced
- Columns order not saved on exit problem fixed
- "Starts with filter" option added to Quick Search
- Columns resizing problem fixed
- Close button added to Search dialog
- Help buttons integration
- Close button added to Multi-Rename dialog

Titel: Q-Dir V5.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2012, 22:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Some tests and adjustments in Q-Dir and update the language files

Titel: Media Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2012, 17:20
Since the advent of Windows XP in 2001, Windows Explorer has improved its usability by running a preview control system that let you get a glimpse at the content of your files while browsing and without having to open them. For media files, this is done by generating thumbnails replacing default icons.

But the default video thumbnail extractor of Microsoft generally does a lousy job at getting useful previews of your media files, mostly due to performance considerations. Nevertheless, computers have become powerful enough not to let the matter rest, and Media Preview can help them to provide you the best.


Whats new: >>

• Rock-solid release:
- Improved the robustness of the core to handle more edge cases without reporting any error to the shell
- Modified the advanced options of the config tool as followed:
* Improved thumbnail adornment overlay management in order to avoid any side-effects on Media Center-like applications
* Added the option to disable file type overlay on thumbnails

Titel: Q-Dir V5.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2012, 14:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Display of tooltips in the tree view (directory structure) if the label is not complete visible, for Win-XP/2000 at Win-7/Vista it has worked before.
    Optimization in the list view win 7, 8, Vista.

Titel: Total Commander 8.01 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2012, 21:45
Es handelt sich um eine Vorabversion. Diese sollte ausreichend stabil sein für den täglichen Gebrauch, da nur Fehler korrigiert wurden - es gibt keine neuen Funktionen. Nach 3 privaten Testversionen, die nur an die Melder von Fehlern direkt gingen, ist dies nun die erste öffentliche Testversion.


22.06.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 1 (32/64)
22.06.12 Fixed: Tab tooltips (hints) not shown in right panel with Ctrl+Tab (64)
20.06.12 Fixed: Themes off maximize, minimize, insert flash drive, restore -> drive buttonbar may be drawn without background (program behind shining through) (64)
17.06.12 Fixed: Find files: Click on title bar close button during search closed window at the end of the search. Instead, just abort the search (32/64)
15.06.12 Fixed: When closing inplace rename with ENTER, the rename function was called twice by mistake in plugins (64)
15.06.12 Fixed: Delete to recycle bin wasn't logged (32/64)
12.06.12 Fixed: Separate tree: Some folders may get wrong icons when tree is auto-expanded initially (32/64)
12.06.12 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Catch exception when trying to load drive bitmaps from external dll with incompatible format (64)
12.06.12 Fixed: File system plugins with custom icons loaded in background: Re-submit icons for extraction when using quick filter while icons are still being extracted (32/64)
12.06.12 Fixed: When deleting with VistaDelete method, disable the Cancel button in the progress dialog for 2 seconds, so Del+Enter doesn't immediately cancel the operation (32/64)
12.06.12 Fixed: After deleting folder in separate tree, the main file lists were sometimes not updated (32/64)
12.06.12 Fixed: Deleting a folder in the separate tree sometimes didn't work properly: nothing was deleted when cursor further down than the active panel had entries (32/64)
11.06.12 Fixed: Draw text labels with double buffering to reduce flickering with classic theme, e.g. in copy progress dialog (32/64)
07.06.12 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Do not show alias named "RedirectSection", and do not allow the user to create it (32/64)
07.06.12 Fixed: No custom sound was played when the delete operation using the new VistaDelete method was complete (32/64)
07.06.12 Fixed: Two RAR self-extracting files open, one in each panel, edit file in one, re-pack -> other file empty (only if the size of the two unpack modules is different)  (32/64)
07.06.12 Fixed: When uploading while TC is in background, do not try to bring it to the front when refreshing the target directory (call Visible:=true; instead of Show;) (64)
06.06.12 Fixed: Windows Vista/7: Call IThumbnailProvider->GetThumbnail first in thumbs mode, because the older IExtractImage image isn't supported by some programs (32/64)
06.06.12 Fixed: If user account control disabled on Windows Vista/7 and user works as restricted user, use XP "As admin" method (asking for admin user name) (32/64)
06.06.12 Fixed: Right click on file within search results or on current drive/path, choose "Configure" in x64/x32 submenu -> error about nothing selected was shown (32/64)
06.06.12 Fixed: Right click on file within search results (NOT after "feed to listbox"!) -> x64/x32 submenu wasn't working (32/64)
06.06.12 Fixed: Custom columns: maximum length of column title strings was erroneously limited to 259 characters instead of the supported 1023 in the column editor (32/64)
06.06.12 Fixed: Compare by content, search twice with Shift+F3 could result in an error or crash due to invalid search offset (32/64)
03.06.12 Fixed: Could not browse TAR archive containing an entry "/" (root folder) -> skip it (32/64)
03.06.12 Fixed: FTP downloads not working on Windows 9x/ME (access violation due to missing function CharPrevW) (32)
03.06.12 Fixed: TC8 not starting on Windows 95 and 95b (problem with turning off SSE exceptions) (32)
01.06.12 Fixed: Cursor not shown after launching some programs (e.g. Word, Wordview) via double click and closing it -> call open function with delay (64)

Titel: KuShellExtension V0.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2012, 16:30
KuShellExtension is a Windows shell extension which adds custom entries into context menu (a.k.a. shell menu) in some applications like Windows Explorer - the stardard file manager in Windows.

It is highly configurable by a simple configuration file in XML format. It can generate submenus and display icons, which cannot be done by modifying registry. It is designed to be as portable as possible, "portable" means it can be bring from one computer to another computer easily. Though it modifies the registry to register itself, but it doesn't save the settings there. This enables users use KuShellExtension in their USB drives.

Supports both x86 and x64 systems.

License: GPL

Titel: Q-Dir V5.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2012, 20:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Change of some symbols (icons)
    Various adjustments in the list view and Treeview (directory structure)
    New language in Q-Dir: Arabic

Titel: Q-Dir V5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2012, 06:25
What's new: >>

    Improvements in tab-Ctrl (tab bar) and the Vista address bar.
    Various tests and adjustments in Q-Dir.
    Updating the language files.

Titel: Multi Commander V2.5.1 (Build 1114)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2012, 13:48
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - 5 new Custom commands : MC.CmdLineSet, MC.CmdLineRun, MC.View, MC.Edit, MC.Explorer.SetColumns
FIXED - File Type Setup window was setting the wrong tag, when ${mcpath} was selected.
FIXED - Mouse cursor problem that happen if mouse was moved fast in the Quick Launch Bar.
FIXED - Changing focus to View Filter field, Text already there will be selected.
FIXED - 4 crash problems reported by the CrashReport system.
FIXED - Column autosize problem with going to/from maximized mode.
FIXED - Column autosize problem with alias manager.
FIXED - File viewer will now draw line numbers different.
FIXED - File extension not always shown in lit mode with option 'Extension right aligned'
FIXED - Problem with restoring sort order of previous tab at startup.

Titel: Total Commander 8.01 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2012, 18:40

29.06.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 2 (32/64)
29.06.12 Fixed: Synchronize with FTP: Couldn't always abort the reading of the remote directories (64)
29.06.12 Fixed: Alternate NTFS data streams were not copied when using the old default or large file copy method (64)
28.06.12 Fixed: Menu bar not drawn correctly themed when taking 2 or more lines (64)
28.06.12 Fixed: Speed up CRC check function: improved parsing of checksum file, update result list only every 100 ms (32/64)
28.06.12 Fixed: Standalone synchronize dirs not working (crashing) with FTP (connection stored in normal sync, then launched with /S=S:stored_config) (32/64)
28.06.12 Fixed: Ignore double click in Configuration - Options - Custom columns when the list is empty (64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Single click not working after double clicking in the listbox in Configuration - Options - Custom columns and closing it with ESC (64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Up/Down arrow key in inplace rename field would close the rename field by mistake (64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Abort current copy operation in background transfer manager with "-" button -> next operation in list was aborted too (32/64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Footer with total file count sometimes not updated after selecting with Shift+Home or Shift+End (64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Quick search backwards in compare by contents: There wasn't always a beep when nothing was found (32/64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Couldn't find text in Unicode big endian files with Alt+F7, except when using "case sensitive" search (32/64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Drive panel width too small with two drive panels and two panels above each other (64)
27.06.12 Added: Show inplace rename confirmation button also in current dir bar (32/64)
27.06.12 Fixed: Rename path in separate tree, turn off separate tree -> access violation (32)
26.06.12 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Controls were not sized correctly on initial start (32)
26.06.12 Fixed: Use unrar dll 3.80 as unrar9x.dll because the newer one only worked on Windows 98/ME (32)
26.06.12 Fixed: Crash on Windows 9x when trying to open the command line history, caused by auto-complete (32)
26.06.12 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: Find old plugin location also when installing 64bit or combined plugin while only 32-bit plugin is installed (64)

Titel: Q-Dir V5.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2012, 20:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    New: Tab Stop in Listview Header Control is disabled (Windows-7/8/Vista/Server-2008)
    Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: Total Commander 8.01 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2012, 14:25

06.07.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 3 (32/64)
06.07.12 Fixed: Edit comment with Ctrl+Z: Comment was not shown in comment view (Ctrl+Shift+F2) (64)
05.07.12 Fixed: Command line: Command del *.bak did nothing when in a path without spaces but with '&' in a folder name (32/64)
05.07.12 Fixed: OK/CRC ERROR prefix was sometimes missing in CRC check dialog (64)
05.07.12 Fixed: Cursor in right panel, quick view in left, move panel separator -> cursor switched to left panel (32/64)
04.07.12 Fixed: Change current path: Put rename confirmation button outside of the current path field to avoid drawing errors (32/64)
04.07.12 Fixed: Remove inplace rename box when the user moves the divider between the two panels, just like when resizing the main window (32/64)
03.07.12 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Work with FTP servers returning relative instead of absolute path like SwiFTP, e.g. "mnt/sdcard" instead of "/mnt/sdcard" (32/64)
03.07.12 Fixed: Problems with cursor left/right in inplace rename edit (64)
03.07.12 Fixed: Ctrl+Q on file in thumbnails view would scroll the file out of view if number of thumbnail columns changed (32/64)
03.07.12 Fixed: Internal command cm_editpath was causing an access violation with rename confirmation button enabled (32/64)
03.07.12 Fixed: Text field in FTP delete confirmation dialog wasn't adjusted to fit longer file names (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir V5.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2012, 14:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Corrections in the string list and in treeview for Vista and Win7.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.904
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2012, 23:00
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

    Add Mirrrored Backup back, based on user requests
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: FileMenu Tools V6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2012, 06:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

    FileMenu Tools can automatically check for new versions (never, every day, every week and every month). This can be configured from "Options" menu.
    Advanced Renamer: two new variables to add in the file name: RANDOM and SEQ.
    - RANDOM adds a random string.
    - SEQ adds a numeric sequence, starting in 1.
    Two new variables for the arguments of the custom commands: RELPATH and FOLDERNAME.
    - RELPATH adds the path of the parent folder without the drive letter.
    - FOLDERNAME adds the name of the parent folder.
    Calculate and Verify Checksums: now the checksums can be appended to a existing file.
    Fixed bug in Change Time: an error was displayed when the time was near to 24:00.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: Q-Dir V5.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2012, 17:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Corrections: When activating the file filter in Q-Dir, the data were not filtered.

Titel: Total Commander 8.01 RC4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2012, 19:30

13.07.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 4 (32/64)
13.07.12 Fixed: Alt+Shift+F11 cm_FocusButtonbar and cursor keys within button bar: Handle special case where the first and/or last button is a separator (32/64)
13.07.12 Fixed: Changed tcmdx64.exe so it can also be used with TC 8.00 in search results context menu without causing a crash (32)
11.07.12 Fixed: When opening a subdirectory, set caret to first item before adding the new items to the list to avoid a duplicate cursor on Linux/Wine (64)
11.07.12 Added: Internal associations: When context menu is opened while multiple file types are selected, check more filters if the first doesn't match all files, e.g. *.c doesn't match, but *.c *.h further down matches all selected files (32/64)
11.07.12 Fixed: Removed: Default beep on ENTER in inplace rename box  (64)
10.07.12 Fixed: Edit current path: Avoid that the in place edit box gets invoked twice (32/64)
10.07.12 Fixed: New delete function: Also hide "Pause" button so the user doesn't pause the operation with Del+Enter (32/64)
10.07.12 Fixed: Also adjust the width of the text field in FTP delete confirmation dialog for very long names with no spaces (32/64)
08.07.12 Added: Experimental: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NetHoodReadInfo=8: Windows Vista/7: Use new delayed method to read virtual network folders, to make it faster (all except for the network neighborhood) (32/64)

Titel: Fresh View 8.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2012, 11:22
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Embossing East effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2012, 08:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Corrections in the address bar (Classic) at Vista/Win7.
    Corrections in the Q-Dir file filter.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2012, 05:57
What's new: >>

    The last file filter string is saved for the next program start.
    Once again, adjustments in the file filter.
    Various adaptations and fixies in Q-Dir as updating the language files.

Titel: Gladinet 4.0.918
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2012, 20:30
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2012, 23:31
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir V5.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2012, 23:35
What's new: >>

    At Q-Dir version 5.02 Vista/Win7 or greater, is in Q-Dir the new tree-view.
    You can disable this via the menu, Extras, directory structure (tree-view).
    Small corrections in the label-filter, the filter for the library has to be reworked.


Titel: Total Commander 8.01 RC5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2012, 18:00
Es handelt sich um eine Vorabversion. Diese sollte ausreichend stabil sein für den täglichen Gebrauch, da fast nur Fehler korrigiert wurden. Es gibt einen neuen Platzhalter [A] für das Mehrfach-Umbenenntool, der den ganzen Dateinamen inkl Erweiterung (aber ohne Pfad) einfügt.


27.07.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 release candidate 5 (32/64)
27.07.12 Fixed: New 64-bit install.exe which also works on Linux with Wine, also with faulty CAB unpack dll (64)
27.07.12 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [A] inserts complete file name with extension, but without the path (32/64)
27.07.12 Fixed: TC8 not starting on Windows NT4 with AMD Sempron - problem with turning off SSE exceptions (use try..except to catch) (32)
25.07.12 Fixed: Pack (ZIP,TAR,Plugin) from Search - Feed to listbox to packer plugin -> include the same file only once, e.g. if the user selects c:\test1\ and c:\test1\test2\ with files in the latter (32/64)
25.07.12 Fixed: Internal associations: When multiple files of different types are selected, handle default "open" verb like in older versions: Each file will be opened with its own program (first matching filter for that program), and not the first matching all files as for additional verbs (32/64)
24.07.12 Fixed: Make it faster to use the following internal content plugin fields: tc.fullname, tc.name, tc.extension and tc.path (by not calling FindFirstFile again) (32/64)
24.07.12 Fixed: Tab context menu didn't react to right mouse button click on a menu item (32/64)
24.07.12 Fixed: Upload to FTP server: MFMT was sending wrong timestamp when using the new (Windows 7) time conversion from/to UTC (32/64)
24.07.12 Fixed: Rare crash in compare by content on Backspace or Undo operation (in wstrlcopy function) (32/64)
24.07.12 Fixed: Directory history and hotlist buttons were shown in the wrong location when starting TC with no button bar, non-flat interface, and no tabs (32/64)
19.07.12 Fixed: Disable target panel while adding files to background transfer manager, so the user cannot set the focus to it, e.g. by changing tabs on the target side (32/64)
19.07.12 Fixed: Do not show "Network (WORKGROUP)" in breadcrumb bar (32/64)

Titel: Idoswin Pro 5.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2012, 19:00
Idoswin ist ein Dateimanager mit einer 2-Fenster-Ansicht.

Einige Funktionen sind:

- Gleichzeitiges Umbenennen mehrerer Dateien
- Synchronisieren eines Verzeichnis
- Vergleichen zweier Verzeichnisse
- Vergleichen von Text- oder Binärdateien
- Freie Filterung von Dateien
- splitten von Dateien

Alle Funktionen findet man auf dieser Seite (http://www.idoswin.de/idosfunc.htm).

Unterstützt wird XP - Seven


Titel: Q-Dir V5.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2012, 12:48
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Small adjustments, corrections and improvements for 64-bit operating systems.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2012, 22:43
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Total Commander 8.01 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2012, 17:30
Was ist neu?

Im Programm selbst gibt es keine wichtigen neuen Funktionen. Das 64-bit-Installationsprogramm und der CAB-Entpacker funktionieren nun auch unter 64-bit Linux mit WinE.


03.08.12 Release Total Commander 8.01 final (32/64)
03.08.12 Fixed: The entry "Network (workgroup)" was shown with user color for encrypted files (32/64)
02.08.12 Fixed: Inplace rename button wasn't removed after entering inaccessible network path in current path field (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Click on button in second row of button bar which opens bar as submenu multiple times -> pressed state sometimes not removed (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Workaround to faulty CAB unpack dll on Linux with Wine passing unaligned FDINOTIFICATION structure to callback (64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Lister: Could not search for English text in file encoded with ISO-2022-JP (50220). Displayed position, copy to clip are unfortunately wrong (32/64)
31.07.12 Fixed: Copying a folder with Shift+F5 didn't remove trailing spaces entered by the user (32/64)

Titel: MuCommander 0.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2012, 21:32
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

What's new in muCommander 0.9.0 ?

muCommander 0.9.0 was released on August 5, 2012. See ReleaseNotes for a list of all release notes.

Download links:  Windows -  Mac OS X -  Unix
New features

    Tabbed browsing support (ticket #185).
    Added support for Xfce desktop environment (ticket #394).
    Text viewer and editor can now display line numbers.
    New quick list for root folders, mapped onto Alt+5 by default (ticket #400).


    Natural file ordering, suggested by 'andraaspar' in the forums. All symbols now come before digits (ticket #282).
    Improved the display of filenames when they are not entirely visible, by removing characters in the middle so that both ends of the filename are visible.
    Current folder is now automatically changed to a workable folder when it is no longer available (ticket #333).
    Upgraded the JmDNS library (used for Bonjour support) to version 3.1.
    Upgraded the jCIFS library (used for SMB support) to version 1.3.14.
    Better RAR archive support (ticket #152).
    Text viewer and editor can now wrap long lines (ticket #101).
    The bookmarks quick list is now displayed unsorted (ticket #416).
    Changed the quick search mechanism in quick lists to match the one used in the folder pane (ticket #171).
    Added an option to change the font size in the text file editor/viewer by pressing Ctrl while rotating the mouse wheel (ticket #409).
    Application state is now persisted on shutdown in a dedicated snapshot.xml file, instead of being stored along with preferences in preferences.xml (see  http://trac.mucommander.com/wiki/StatePersistence).
    Changed the color of hidden files to be different from regular files (ticket #262).
    Changed the default keyboard shortcuts of the 'open in both panels', 'open in other panel', 'recall next window' and 'recall previous window' actions, to make room for the new tab-related shortcuts.
    File editor/viewer is now getting the focus when initiated (ticket #92).
    Comic Book Archive files (cbr, cbz, cb7, cbt) are now recognized as archives (#454).


    New: Turkish translation, contributed by Emre Aytaç
    New: Catalan translation, contributed by Jordi Plantalech
    New: Belarusian translation, contributed by vboo.
    New: Norwegian translation, contributed by Ingrid Amundsen.
    Russian translation updated. Update contributed by Alexey Sirotov and Evgeny Morozov.
    Ukrainian translation updated. Update contributed by Oleksandr Kovalchuk.
    Spanish translation updated. Update contributed by Xavi Miró.

Bug fixes

- Pack dialog now implements the same filename selection algorithm as other dialogs (ticket #167). - When an invalid destination was entered in a transfer dialog, the spinning dial icon would keep spinning. - Fixed an issue that would occur when creating directories whose extension match that of one of the supported archive formats (see ticket #360). - Fixed a bug that could cause the deletion of S3 files to fail. - Fixed an exception on shutdown (ticket #377). - Fixed an exception when trying to update text files in archives using the internal editor (ticket #408). - File renaming is now cancelled when the filename editor loses focus (#428). - Fixed a deadlock that could prevent the application from shutting down (#431). - Fixed an issue that caused unpacking of 7z archive file to produce corrupted files (ticket #347). - Fixed several bugs related to SMB handling (tickets #351 and #436).
Known issues

    Some translations may not be up-to-date. Refer to  http://trac.mucommander.com/wiki/Translations for more information.
    Windows: Recycle Bin not working on Windows 64-bit with a 64-bit Java runtime (ticket #234). One way to work around this issue is to use a 32-bit Java runtime.
    Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339). This dialog can be suppressed by disabling 'Bonjour' support in the muCommander preferences.
    Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
    SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
    'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
    Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
    Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server (see ticket #76).
    Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
    Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException?: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:  http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7077696

- Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.

Für WIN 98 - Vista
Benötigt wird Java
Hersteller: http://www.mucommander.com/
Titel: Q-Dir V5.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2012, 19:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Adjustments for the new Windows 8 and tests on Windows 8 Release Preview.
Improvements in Q-Dir fixis as updating the language files.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2012, 18:15
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir V5.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2012, 19:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Improvements in Q-Dir fixis as updating the language files.
    Clear / Reset the column settings via Menu, Extras, List-View

Titel: Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.935
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2012, 22:00
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

    Support new Skydrive interface
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Multi Commander V2.7.0 (Build 1171)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2012, 10:48
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

Over 180+ Changes. Some of the major changes are:

    NEW - Can now show files in Thumbnail List mode. Can use both Windows own Thumbnail system or a Internal one (Internal only available for WinXP)
    NEW - Multi-Script debugger. Allowing you to step a Multi-Script line by line and see variables and their content.
    ADDED - Skydrive and Dropbox folder are added to the device dropdown list.
    ADDED - Command line command ":ctc" that will Clear Thumbnail Cache.
    ADDED - Command line command ":sysinfo"
    ADDED - Command line commands ":box" and ":sky" to go to Dropbox/Skydrive folder.
    ADDED - Command line commands ":desk" and ":dl" to go to desktop and download folder.
    ADDED - "Copy path to clipboard" as a toolbar button
    ADDED - Added Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 as supported OS.
    ADDED - When loading an icon of a invalid size. A bigger icons size is chosen and icon is scaled down. (Not WinXP)
    ADDED - Added support for more icon sizes for the main Toolbar and QuickLaunchbar, Main toolbars can now be shown in 16/24/32/48
    ADDED - Option to the mouse configuration to go to parent folder if double clicking on empty area.
    ADDED - Main layout can now be change to show the layout as Top/Down, instead of Left/Right
    ADDED - Quick zoom option to picture viewer. ( Ctrl+1 = 50%, Ctrl+2 = 100%, Ctrl+3 = 150% , Ctrl+ 0 = Stretch to fit )
    ADDED - Device dropdown can now be disabled
    ADDED - Can now show used space instead of free space.
    ADDED - Free space field can now be disabled
    ADDED - Selection status field can now show the size in other sizes then KB.
    ADDED - Buttons that are shown after the free space field can now be disabled.
    ADDED - Added option to disable the active panel frame highlightning.
    ADDED - Language editor can now restore an language export package.
    ADDED - Possible to show hidden/system files and folders with special color.
    ADDED - Support for new language : Polish - Created by Lukasz Seweryn
    CHANGE - The 7-Zip support is updated to a newer version.
    FIXED - Some icons was shown incorrect when the command for that button was disabled.
    FIXED - Updated a couple of the icons so they now looks better when showing the toolbar in 24/32/48 size
    FIXED - Picture viewer did sometimes not show the picture at the first request to show it.
    FIXED - Improved the performance a little when getting icons.
    FIXED - Special folder that has special icon will now be shown with that icon.
    FIXED - Some dialogs did not always open (Alias editor and Extension manager)
    FIXED - Problem when unpacking zip using ALT+F6 (File > Menu > Unpack ) and target folder was a UNC path ( \\server\share )
    FIXED - User Defined command on the QuickLauchbar will now recieve dropped files as parameter.
    FIXED - Some icons was loaded incorrectly and was scaled even if they did not have to be.
    FIXED - The entire row QuickLaunch Toolbar can now be disabled from the menu on XP.
    FIXED - Crash bug in MultiScript if StrSub() was called with index that was out of range.
    FIXED - Crash bug if Device dropdown was disabled.
    FIXED - Various MultiLanguge issues.
    FIXED - Restoring language in Language editor, and pressing cancel will no longer say that language files was restored
    FIXED - Picture Viewer Zoom function 'Stretch to fit' now works better
    FIXED - Copy Path/Name/PathName to clipboard will now work if ".." item is in focus.
    FIXED - Problem with minimized to tray.
    FIXED - Header in Explorer panel is now using the same font as the list part.
    FIXED - Fixed problem after restart when 'lock tab but allow path change' was on.
    FIXED - Fixed some drag and drop issue when dragging from some application.
    FIXED - Fixed problem when trying to copying a file that are already opened.
    FIXED - 12 rare crashes that was reported by the crash report system.
    FIXED - Many internal changes and fixes.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2012, 15:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    New Language in Q-Dir: Hungarian
    For problems with the new directory structure at Vista/Win7/2008 please disable this via the menu, extras, directory structure (tree-view).

Titel: Q-Dir V5.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2012, 13:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Some improvements for 64-bit OS.
    Language files update.

Titel: Fresh View 8.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2012, 17:30
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Embossing South effect.

Titel: Multi Commander V2.7.1 (Build 1182)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2012, 12:22
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - Now possible to assign hotkeys to the different View Modes.
ADDED - Can now change view mode with custom commands. "MC.Explorer.SetViewMode"
ADDED - Can now change sorting with custom commands "MC.Explorer Sort"
ADDED - Can now drop link from browser.
ADDED - Support for 7Zip archives that are password protected.
ADDED - Can now auto run a User defined command at startup using "Multicommander.exe -AutoRun="
ADDED - Support for new language : Spanish - Created by Mauro72
ADDED - Support for new language : Chinese (Simplified) - Created by Tyler
ADDED - Support for new language : Chinese (Traditional) - Created by Tyler
ADDED - (Experimental) Force the zip filesystem to use a custom codepage. Set Codepage using ":zipcp " in the command line field. ( -1 for current system codepage )
ADDED - (Experimental) Force the zip filesystem to use the extended zip support for UTF8 when created Zip archive. Use commandline command ":ziputf8 1" to enable
ADDED - Can now configure how many hotpaths to shows. (Right click on whitespace in path field, or Ctrl+Down)
FIXED - Path and FreeSpace field did not update if Device Dropdown was disabled, when browsing network paths.
FIXED - Virtual Filesystem for 7-Zip had problem when files inside a .7z archive had invalid attributes.
FIXED - Crash when adding separator to menu
FIXED - MultiCommander Now works on Windows XP with SP2 again.
FIXED - 4 Crash problems reported by crash report system

Titel: Q-Dir V5.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2012, 06:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Corrections in the color filter.
    Update language files.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2012, 20:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- File search results saving to file functionality improved
- Now tab name can be removed
- Ctrl-V file replacement confirmation fixed
- Paste from zip problem fixed
- Pathpanel doesn't accept long paths problem fixed
- File properties command added
- Incorrect TEMP system folder path problem fixed
- File search dialog now uses correct path on restore
- Folder compare functionality introduced
- Drag&drop to quick launch problem fixed
- USB flash drive blocking problem fixed
- Now file copy creates on copy/paste operation in the same directory
- Filter reset functionality added to GoUp command
- Invert selection command added
- Auto-size columns to panel width option introduced

Titel: Q-Dir V5.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2012, 13:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Advanced verification and testing on Windows 8 Enterprise.
    Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: Expicula 1.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2012, 21:00
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>

    Workaround für das Fokusproblem nach Löschen von Ordnerelementen in Windows 7+.
    Erweiterte Optionen zur Favoritenmarkierung (Einstellungen → Favoriten).
    Bei einem Programmabsturz kann jetzt optional ein Absturzbericht (Minidump-Datei) erstellt werden. Damit lässt sich der Fehler im Quellcode genauer lokalisieren.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2012, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

    Bugfix when using the arrow keys to rename the files and/or folders.
    Updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: FreeCommander XE Build 601 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2012, 19:00
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Bug fixes and changes compared to release 600: search.php?keywords=%22release+601%22&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search
- For older changes and bug fixes check the post in this topic

Titel: Q-Dir V5.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2012, 16:00
What's new: >>

    Update the language files in Q-Dir and some improvements in OS x64.

Titel: Multi Commander V2.7.2 (Build 1200)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2012, 10:42
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - Removal/Inserts of SD-Card in SDCard reader is now detected correct.
ADDED - Can now run "MultiCommander.exe /OPEN [path]" to open [path] as a new tab in an already running instance of MultiCommander
ADDED - Online documentation is updated and new pages are added for features that was added in previous releases.
ADDED - Can now configure User defined commands to mouse button commands.
ADDED - FTP Bookmark now support remote dir that it should go to when connecting.
ADDED - Now possible to enable 'Auto Select file/folder when hovering over', Useful for single click configuration.
FIXED - Connecting to FTP using command line command now works again ( ftp://[:]@host[:port][/remotepath] )
FIXED - Various FTP fixes.
FIXED - Context menu on RightClick button now works again.
FIXED - Issues with startup if working directory was not MultiCommander install folder.
FIXED - Rename action did not work on some mouse configurations, like Click and Wait action for Right or Middle button.
FIXED - Password problem with 7-Zip.
FIXED - Issue with file property that prints a date/time in MultiRename tool.
FIXED - Some Multi-Language issue when running in portable mode.
FIXED - Issue where some tabs reverted to C:\ when a USB/Removable drive was removed.
FIXED - Drag and Drop issue when dropping folder from programs that where using the FILEGROUPDESCRIPTORW, Way of dropping files.
FIXED - Crash problem when using FTP that only affected some languages.
FIXED - 7 Crash problems reported by crash report system.

Titel: Fresh View 8.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2012, 12:52
Fresh View is a multimedia browser that makes organizing image, audio and video files much easier. Use it to watch movies, listen to music, view graphics in a slide show, convert graphics from one type to another, print, create an HTML album, and more.

Licence: Freeware

What's new: Embossing North East effect.

Titel: Q-Dir V5.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2012, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Einige Verbesserungen für Win-8 und aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2012, 20:00
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2012, 13:36
Version 1.34 Update 2


Titel: Gladinet 4.0.976
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2012, 21:00
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

    New Box.com plugin
    Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2012, 18:20
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: CarotDAV v1.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2012, 11:00
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir v5.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2012, 13:53
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Additional verification and testing on Windows 8 Enterprise plus update of the languages files in Q-Dir.
New parameters for the Application Launcher: %sel_files1% , %sel_files2%, ... and %all_files1%, %all_files2%,....

Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2012, 17:40
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2012, 17:04
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Custom drop-down menus support implemented for main toolbar buttons
- Slow one click activate functionality - fixed
- Better separators view in Folder Favorites dialog
- Double-click on panel's empty space starts Go Up command now
- Dutch localization added
- Image list disappears in Icon Selection dialog - fixed

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2012, 10:40
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Some problems with FTP directory listing fixed
- Incompatibility between "Use system color for tabs" and "Show lock icons" - fixed
- Incorrect directory used on file activation in panel - fixed
- Changed incorrect standard name for create file command
- Crash when using Control Panel command - fixed
- Blank names for standard commands in custom drop-down menus - fixed
- Control panel "unknown" item problem fixed
- Ctrl+Ins hotkey added for "Copy file names to clipboard" command
- Shift+Alt+Ins hotkey added for "Copy paths to clipboard" command
- Icons support for drop-down list customization dialog added
- German localization added
- Carriage return problem in "Copy file names/paths to clipboard" command fixed
- Some logging problems fixed
- Blank items (redrawing problem in panel) - fixed
- Forms prefill functionality implemented for Button/Menu customization dialogs
- Viewers/editors list update problem after changing Viewer/Editor path - fixed

Titel: Q-Dir v5.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2012, 19:02
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

 - Bug fix in the printing function at WinXP, Win7 and Win8 fixed.
 - Optimization and small adjustments for x64 operating systems WinXP, Vista, Win7, Win8.
 - Language files updated.

Titel: Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.982
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2012, 13:26
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

* Support new Skydrive interface
- support upload to skydrive root
- fix the upload issue when the folder contains many files and subfolders
- fix skydrive file timestamp issue
* Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2012, 20:09
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Internal file copy/move functionality improved
- Drag&drop functionality implemented for main toolbar buttons
- Crash when accessing audio CD - fixed
- Non-32bit icons display problem fixed
- Context menu for main toolbar buttons added

Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 609 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2012, 17:40
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Favorites menu - icons missing if big icons are used for main menu
- High CPU usage if file system tree is open
- Tree item height may be to small
- Trailing backslash in the parameter path is not removed
- Drag&drop programs to favorites toolbar is broken
- Selected item disappears when sort moves it from view
- Double click a file to open it is broken for folder names with unicode characters
- It is not possible to use "-" for favorite names
- Middleclick and Ctrl+Middleclick implemented in the favorites tree
- Defining of the colors broken: Settings->File/Folder list - Items color
- Possible exception if reading data from registry
- Content of the CAB archives is not visible by using Total7Zip plugin
- Archive (WCX plugin) with many files are opened very slow
- 64 bit context menu in the tree is implemented
- Paste in Quick Filter does not work
- Last used thumbnail size is not always properly saved
- The file list is not refreshed if rename with dialog is used
- History in "Go to folder" dialog does not work
- If the "Go to folder" dialog is open, it is not possible to switch back to FC with Alt+TAB
- Default column view will be automatically created and saved if no column views defined
- Favorites tree - category state (expanded/collapsed) will be saved
- Browsing MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) devices improved - address bar

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2012, 19:41
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Shifted/blank items problem - fixed
- Problem with directory deletion if subdir opened in JM - fixed
- New file operations progress window
- Multi-pattern support added for file search functionality
- Second disk click now opens last directory if "Open root folder..." open turned off
- Path now added to custom command when drag&drop items on main toolbar
- Tab drawing functionality improved
- Icon for *.ico files not displayed - fixed
- Incorrect disk selection when new disk appears on resources toolbar - fixed
- Now correct disk name and icon displayed when inserting CD/DVD
- Fixed locked tab problem when folder was deleted
- Natural sorting support added
- Now not only applications can be drag&dropped on main toolbar
- Splitter bounds added
- Some splitter calculation bugs fixed
- Fixed quick search problem with some keys
- Show size units option introduced
- Disk size bat text not fully visible after font changing - fixed

Titel: Q-Dir v5.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2012, 16:26
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Adaptation and testing for Windows-8 on Windows 8 Enterprise.
Update of the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2012, 20:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Navigation settings page added (open root folder, symlinks and history length now here)
- New options for "Open in nearest panel" functionality: open in new tab and move focus
- Minimize to tray functionality introduced
- Close to tray option added
- Tab functionality problem when quick viewer enabled - fixed
- Disk selection using middle mouse button added
- Enter, Alt+Enter, Ctrl+Enter hotkeys cannot be set in settings - fixed
- Max file size option for quick viewer added
- System icon not displayed in Control panel menu - fixed
- "Search for exact match" option added to file search functionality
- Quick search doesn't work for numpad keys - fixed
- "Show/hide hidden files" command added
- Navigation panel color/font settings introduced
- Panels layout command added
- Icon loading memory leak fixed
- Better icon support for main toolbar drag&drop functionality

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2012, 20:20
Latest Changes

- Move file between drives problem fixed
- Directory updates not received for network paths - fixed
- Toolbars buttons size problem after font changing - fixed
- Background color option added for function keys toolbar
- Function key buttons icon and text now centered
- Navigation toolbar redraw problem fixed
- Clone option added to color file filters settings page
- Fonts/colors and color file filter settings now on separate tabs
- Clone option added to view/edit settings page
- "Close not locked tabs on exit" option introduced
- More correct way to detect default Viewer/Editor path implemented
- Tray icon context menu added
- Problem with delete to Recycle Bin confirmation - fixed
- Chinese Simplified translation included
- "Go to command line by letter key" option added

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2012, 21:50
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir v5.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2012, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Fixes in Adress-Bar Tree: Browse to folder via single click and open new tab, when holding down the [SHIFT] key.
Small fixes and updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2012, 23:40
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Quick Viewer zoom support added
- Word wrap option implemented for Quick Viewer
- Move operation cannot be canceled - fixed
- Main menu bar displays wrong icons - fixed
- Font files cannot be opened from panel - fixed
- Command line drag&drop supported implemented
- French localization added
- Splitter menu added
- Restore from tray problem fixed
- Now edit dialog opens after ColorFileFilter/ViewEditFilter clone
- Fixed drive buttons incorrect update after USB player, flash, e.t.c removed
- "Insert selection into command line" command added
- FTP connection reset detection improved
- Some internal file operations changes done

Titel: Multi Commander 2.8.0 Build 1273
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2012, 07:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - New Favorites/Bookmark System. Press ALT+BackSpace or press Favorites icon on commandline bar to show it.
ADDED - New Language : Hungarian - Provided by Zityisoft
REMOVE- HotPaths removed. Replaced with quick path in the the Favorite manager. (HotPath will be converted automatically)
ADDED - The colors for the ProgressBar shown in statusbar can now be configured.
ADDED - Highlights in FileViewer can easier be removed and added from the context menu.
ADDED - Selection status in Explorer Panel can now be configured to show 0,1,2 decimals
ADDED - Selection status in Explorer Panel can now be configured to mini/short/long size unit after the size
ADDED - Explorer Panel can now show 0,1,2 decimals in the size column.
ADDED - Explorer Panel can now show none/mini/short/long size unit after the size.
ADDED - Command to load selection from clipboard.
ADDED - Drive bar in main window can now show Special Folders, Virtual Devices and Cloud folders.
ADDED - MultiScript can now show a window asking user to select one of many items from a dropdown list. See : "AskOption"
ADDED - MultiScript function to convert date/time as text to number value. See : "ParseDateTime"
ADDED - Settings to force what panel side that should be set as active at startup.
ADDED - Default settings for new tabs, View Mode and FolderTree can be configured.
CHANGE- Date format settings is now a global settings for all open Explorer Panels.
FIXED - Some backup/restore issue when running in portable mode.
FIXED - Icon was not shown for Net/Reg/FTP on the Toolbar if icon size was 24 or 48.
FIXED - Fixed problem with launching programs from the QuickLaunch bar, If the path had dots in a folder name.
FIXED - Multi-Script Debugger will now list script sorted, Work faster and better.
FIXED - Scrollbar problem in List mode.
FIXED - Problem when running an empty MultiScript
FIXED - Problem with custom command "MC.Run" The parameter "STARTIN" did not work.
FIXED - Pack/Unpack/CopyTo dialog will now use filesystem auto completion.
FIXED - Selection status in ExplorerPanel will now use the thousand separator defined by Windows.
FIXED - FTP Log tab will now use the same font and colors defined for the other logs.
FIXED - Will now warn if codepage that can be defined for zip is invalid
FIXED - Crash problem is zip codepage is invalid.
FIXED - Rare crash problem with settings.
FIXED - 6 other Crash problems reported by crash report system

Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2012, 18:00
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2012, 10:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Command line drag&drop improved
- History doesn't work for Locked (navigation allowed) tabs - fixed
- File copy progress resets on each file - fixed
- Italian localization added
- Ctrl+* hotkey added for reset quick viewer zoom function
- "Go to command line" command added
- Icon added for "Copy selected names to command line" command
- "Copy selected paths to command line" command added
- If selected items is not folder, "Open in nearest panel" command will use current path
- "Hide folder in type column" option added

Titel: Multi Commander 2.8.1 Build 1275
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2012, 13:31
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

Missing icons on DriveBar inside Explorer Panel
Rare crash that could happen during startup.
Crash when copy/paste favorites item to quickpath list.
+ some other minor issue

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2013, 11:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Now folders can be drag&dropped on main toolbar
- Disk size is not updated - fixed
- "Show navigation progress" option implemented
- File items can't be used on network folders - fixed
- Access dialog now displayed when trying to open network items
- Czech localization added

Titel: FileQuery
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2013, 15:00
Erweiterung für Windows, die das Internet nach Dateinamen, unbekannten Dateitypen sowie Informationen von Filmen und Musik durchsucht.


Titel: Commander 1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2013, 06:30
Datei-Manager im Split-Screen-Modus mit integriertem Bild-Betrachter; erhältlich auch als portable Version zum Starten vom USB-Stick; der Autor des Programms bittet um eine Spende.


Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2013, 13:50
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: FileMenu Tools v6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2013, 16:45
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Improved Advanced Renamer: now you can add up to 5 settings for the same renaming action.
Added a new type of custom command to rename the selected elements. In the properties of the custom command you can specify the renaming profile to be used when renaming the selected elements. Also you can specify if to enter into the subfolders recursively, or the file types to be included in the renaming.
Fixed bug in Change Time: sometimes the time was not calculated correctly with the summer time.
Fixed bug in Copy Internet Path: changed file:// by file:///
Fixed bug in Select: did not work correctly on Windows XP.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/index.html
Titel: CarotDAV v1.9.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2013, 11:00
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

•BoxのAPI Change
•Fixed an issue with the group on the screen to change the connection list.

Titel: Q-Dir v5.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2013, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Improvements in Q-Dir and fixis.
Updating the language files.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2013, 07:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Filter on network paths crashes application - fixed
- Renaming doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case - fixed
- F2 shortcut added for renaming
- Bug in name on folder creation - fixed
- Phantom items on samba shares problem fixed
- Korean localization added

Titel: Expicula 1.34 Update 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2013, 21:30
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2013, 22:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

SDExplorer Advanced now supports streaming of audio and video files.

Now you don't need to wait for downloading entire multimedia file from SkyDrive.

You can listen to the music, audiobooks and even play video from your SkyDrive account whenever you want.

Just select the media file and open it!

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2013, 19:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Exit menu now closes JM when "Close to tray" option enabled
- "Reset Locked (nav allowed) tabs on selection change" option added
- Fixed problem with restoring from tray when "One instance" option used
- Folder drag&drop to itself problem fixed
- Swap panels command added
- Long paths support improved

Titel: Idoswin Pro 5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2013, 21:20
Idoswin ist ein Dateimanager mit einer 2-Fenster-Ansicht.

Einige Funktionen sind:

- Gleichzeitiges Umbenennen mehrerer Dateien
- Synchronisieren eines Verzeichnis
- Vergleichen zweier Verzeichnisse
- Vergleichen von Text- oder Binärdateien
- Freie Filterung von Dateien
- splitten von Dateien

Alle Funktionen findet man auf dieser Seite (http://www.idoswin.de/idosfunc.htm).

Unterstützt wird XP - Seven


Titel: Q-Dir v5.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2013, 06:35
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Small changes, improvements and fixes at x86/x32 operating systems
New language in Q-Dir: Ukrainian

Titel: NexusFile v5.3.3.5532
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2013, 18:40
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

· Fixed: File time was wrong in archive file
· Fixed: FTP encoding problem fixed
· Fixed: Add to archive caused an error in a single pane mode

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2013, 22:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- "Show/hide hidden files" command changes current path - fixed
- Now "Swap panels" command not used for locked tabs
- Portuguese localization added
- System error problem fixed
- Notify message now displays when help file missing
- Shell context menu support added for navigation panel
- Panel auto-scroll for drag&drop functionality improved
- Network items sorting doesn't work - fixed
- "Customize..." item added to Favorites group menu in navigation panel
- "Yes/No to all" options added for delete subfolders confirmation
- "Open selection in new tab" command implemented

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2013, 21:20
Latest Changes

- FTP navigation problem fixed
- Copy/move operation cannot be canceled - fixed
- Copy folder to it's subfolder problem fixed
- Enter doesn't work when "One click activate" option enabled
- Now folder opens in new tab when panel is locked

Titel: Explorer++ v1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2013, 15:00
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

New features:

    Added support for another drag and drop format (which is used, for example, by Outlook 2003 when copying attachments).

Bug fixes:

    The 'Open in New Tab' menu item was not always been added to the folder context menu. Fixed.
    Previously, file times could not be set for a directory using the set file attributes dialog. Fixed.
    A UTF-16 LE BOM is now written when pasting text (as a file).


    Logging is now avilable. It can be enabled using the following command:
    explorer++.exe -enable_logging
    Information will then be saved to Explorer++.log, which will be created within the same directory as the executable.

Titel: Q-Dir v5.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2013, 06:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine Anpassungen und Verbesserungen plus aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2013, 06:10
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Multi Commander v2.8.2 (Build 1291)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2013, 06:20
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - MultiScript function for working with file attributes ( AddFileAttributes/Set.../Remove.../Get../Has...)
ADDED - MultiScript function MoveFile(....)
ADDED - Search now support exclude filtering.
ADDED - Pressing Ctrl+Q in the Favorites Window will now toggle between the Name and Path
FIXED - If 'New version' checking at startup was aborted or timed out could hang MultiCommander.
FIXED - Some wildcard matching problem with Search Tool.
FIXED - Crash issue if Multi Commander was closed before all of the startup tasks was finished.
FIXED - Favorites Windows is now shown in the places that HotPath was shown before.
FIXED - Some issues with the Favorites Windows
FIXED - 2 Crashes reported by crash report system

Titel: Q-Dir v5.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2013, 06:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Fixes in the Address-Bar combobox-treeview and listview.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2013, 22:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Path links incorrect resolving fixed
- Command line arguments transfer between Just Manager instances implemented
- Directory can't be created on paths with 248-260 symbols - fixed
- Polish localization added
- Focus loose problem after copy/move/delete operations - fixed
- Fixed JM crash when adding vertical bar char in Find What field in Multi-rename dialog

Titel: FAR Manager 3.0.3156
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2013, 20:20
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Titel: A43 File Management Utility v3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2013, 09:45
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Finally back and able to do a little. Sorry to all that I have been gone so
long but medical issues have me going sorta slow. And, I lost a couple of drives
so when I was able to try and begin again I had lost code and all my to-do
lists. So if you have not given up on me please email your requests and I will
do my best to work them in if possible. For those wanting A43 in 64 bit it will
not happen, sorry. It will take a complete rewrite and I do not know/think it
will be possible using the code base I have. I have written a simple file
manager and text editor I use in PE situations that I intend to post here in a
few days. These are simple but do allow me to do the work I need in PE. Perhaps
from this I can start a new file manager (A54?) if I receive feedback. They are
x86 and x64 so you can give them a go if interested.
A43 now has option to toggle real file size versus formatted file size for
feedback in the statusbar.
Option to hide folders in the file list. (Not persistent between sessions.)
Option to toggle the showing of selected file size. This speeds it up greatly
on a slow network. I will try to rewrite this function to not be recursive as
it is now and that should help the slow down.
I found some sloppy code and cleaned it up and in the process of this plus
going back to old code I have lost some of the request changes I had added, so
if you see it missing email me and I will get it back, hopefully.
Again, sorry to be gone for so long. But, I do give thanks and praise to God
through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for His strength daily and allowing me
to even be able to try writing code again. His peace to all...

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2013, 20:20
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- New folder command from context menu now displays JM's dialog
- Delete operation can't be canceled - fixed
- Delete progress fixed
- Ukrainian translation added
- Paste option missing in folder context menu - fixed
- Junction points resolving problem fixed

Titel: Copy Handler 1.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2013, 20:45
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2013, 20:00
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- CMD folder opens instead of cmd - fixed
- FTP UTF-8 support added
- Fixed application crash on file view/edit
- Environment variables resolving implemented
- Path panel not displayed problem fixed
- "Open path edit" item added to path panel menu

Titel: TabExplorer 1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2013, 20:00
TabExplorer rüstet den Dateimanager von Windows nachträglich mit einer Tab-Funktion aus. Die Freeware macht Schluss mit "Vielfensterei" beim Arbeiten mit mehreren Explorer-Fenstern.

TabExplorer legt sich nach der Installation in der Systemtray von Windows ab. Im Optionsmenü, Wizard genannt, legt man fest, ob die Erweiterung für den Windows Explorer bei jedem Windows-Start automatisch mit startet und ob jeder Tab farblich hervor gehoben werden soll. Ein neues Dateimanagerfenster öffnet man einfach mit einem Mausklick auf den leeren Tab rechts. Ein Tastenkürzel zum Schließen einzelner Fenster komplettiert das Tool.

Der kostenlose TabExplorer macht die Arbeit mit dem Windows Explorer noch komfortabler und effizienter. Statt ständig zwischen einzelnen Explorer-Fenster hin und her springen zu müssen, hat man mit der Erweiterung für den Windows Explorer jederzeit den Schnellzugriff auf alle geöffneten Explorer-Fenster.

Titel: Multi Commander v3.0.0 (Build 1360)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2013, 12:26
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

 Over 360 + Changes

CHANGE- A lot of internal core changes.
CHANGE- A lot of SDK/API changes.
FIXED - Commands run from the commandline field will now use the FileType setup to determin how the file should be run.
ADDED - New MultiScript functions StrRFind, PathGetPathPart, PathGetNamePath, PathGetFileExtPart, PathGetParts
FIXED - Problem with MultiScript function StrRegExpFind
FIXED - Crash problem when running incorrect code as MultiScript
FIXED - Script engine can not return a const array of variables correct.
FIXED - Issues with the MultiScript Debugger.
ADDED - Favorites can now be shown as a popup menu in the crumbbar. (as right click action on the Path field)
FIXED - Text issue when deleting favorite item.
FIXED - Fixed some strange lost focus problem with Favorites Window.
FIXED - Many texts that did not use the MultiLanguage system is now using it
ADDED - Language selection dialog show on first run. Will now autoselect the users language if found.
ADDED - Major change on How the MultiLanguage system works.
ADDED - Built in language editor updated with more features.
CHANGE- MultiCommander will now read the language files from the LanguagePack files named LangPack_xx.zip stored in the Languages folder.
FIXED - Changing hotkey to a extended key did not always survive restart.
FIXED - Extensions that are disabled by the user are now no longer loaded.
FIXED - Issue with pressing right button while dragging
FIXED - Hide/Show state of toolbars might be reset after update because of a fix in how it remember the state.
FIXED - Extra long path issue fixed when syncing source/target path.
FIXED - Extra long path issue when copy path to clipboard.
FIXED - Extra long path issue when copy long path to a short path.
FIXED - Thumbnail view mode setting was not always saved.
ADDED - Empty folder will now show 0 is size folder when doing folder sizing.
ADDED - Folders can be forced to be sorted by name.
ADDED - MultiUpdate using new way of downloading updates. (Old way can be activated in settings)
ADDED - The Device Toolbar will now show tooltip for the device/folder icons.
FIXED - Fixed problem when saving a FileOperations presets.
CHANGE- Customized FileOperation Read/Write strategies are no longer stored in MultiCommander.xml, Now stored in FileOpRWStratergy.xml, Will autoconvert.
CHANGE- FileOperationPluginProfiles are no longer stored in MultiCommander.xml, Now stored in FileOpPluginProfiles.xml (Will be autoconvert)
CHANGE- FileOperationPresets are no longer stored in MultiCommander.xml, Now stored in own file FileOpPresets.xml, (Will be autoconvert)
CHANGE- Alias information is moved from MultiCommander.xml to its own file Aliases.xml. (Will be autoconvert)
CHANGE- Modules information is moved from MultiCommander.xml to its own file Modules.xml. (Will be autoconvert)
CHANGE- Improved performance when reading config/settings information. (Will probably not be noticable, but it is a lot faster)
CHANGE- Icons used in MultiCommander.exe and some of the extensions are moved to it's one DLL file named MCIcons.dll
CHANGE- Lots of internal changes to handle the new Icon system
REMOVE- Many obsolete icons that was still inside MultiCommander.exe removed.
FIXED - 4 Crash issue reported by crash report system.

Titel: NetDrive 1.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2013, 06:20
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

Whats new: >>

Bug fix for ftp connection

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2013, 06:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrektur in Q-Dir für Win-8 x64 und Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: Expicula 1.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2013, 06:30
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>

Mit Funktionstaste F11 oder Ansicht-Menü kann eine Schnellansicht für die jeweils markierte Bilddatei ein- und ausgeblendet werden. Drehen ist per Kontextmenü möglich. Das Ansichtsfenster ist wie auch das Baumfenster beliebig andockbar.
In der Favoritenverwaltung kann der Ordner separat geändert werden.
Um den Programmstart zu beschleunigen, wird zu Anfang optional nur noch der Inhalt des aktiven Fensters geladen (Einstellungen → Allgemein); die anderen Ordner werden dann bei Aktivierung eingelesen. Das wirkt sich hauptsächlich bei Vista+ aus, da bei XP noch eine Systemlösung für diesen Zweck funktioniert.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2013, 16:45
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Memory usage reduced and some memory leaks fixed
- "Find" command from shell context menu now opens JM's search dialog
- Quick viewer stealing focus - fixed
- Incorrect sort arrow used after listview column drag operation - fixed
- In some cases wrong theme used for resources toolbar - fixed
- NC style selection implemented
- Not started file operation can't be canceled - fixed
- Parallel file operations option added
- Pause functionality added for file operations
- Quick search filter length limit too small - fixed

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2013, 11:10
Whats new: >>

1. Minimize/maximize enabled for file operations window.
2. Restore tab functionality added.
3. Layout problem when minimizing to tray - fixed.
4. Incorrect separator icon in Main Toolbar Customization dialog - fixed.
5. Navigation panel groups collapse/expand option resets when changing panels layout - fixed.
6. Contextual menus open in wrong place - fixed.
7. Navigation panel drag-and-drop now supports file operations.
8. Fixed "already exists" problem when copying directories.
9. Multiple selection with right button implemented for NC selection type.
10. InfoBar flickers - fixed.
11. CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR support added for drag-and-drop.
12. Fixed drag-and-drop not allowed problem when there is no blank space in panel.
13. Separate option added for right mouse button selection.
14. Explorer style switching problem when enabling/disabling NC selection - fixed.
15. "Ctrl+Num -" hotkey added for Unselect All command.

Titel: A43 File Management Utility 3.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2013, 07:30
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Just a fast fix to the Path Bar not being editable. Thanks Gary.
No change to language.ini.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2013, 20:37
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Scroll under cursor feature added for panels
- Operations window restore problem during session - fixed
- Right button selection doesn't work for up to down direction - fixed
- Panel view menu item not selected after startup - fixed
- Text replace doesn't work in Multi-Rename dialog - fixed
- New copy/move/delete confirmation dialogs
- Copy/move dialog now supports path changing
- Delete confirmation dialog now supports "To Recycle Bin" option switching
- Corrupted file during CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR drag-and-drop - fixed
- Selection by Ins key now supported in Explorer style selection type
- "Program Files (x86)" item displays in system folders on 32 bit OS - fixed
- File filter now supports NotOlder option

Titel: Q-Dir 5.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2013, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Bug-Fix bei Windows Server (2008, 2012) Betriebssystemen.

Titel: Clover 3.0.258
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2013, 20:20
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- Themes feature
- Middle-click to open new tab
- Import/Export bookmarks
- Bug fixed: drag files will focus to Explorer
- Improvement: Middle-click on bookmarks bar to open tab in foreground
- Bug fixed: Single click cause clover maximized while first run

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.3275 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2013, 06:00
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2013, 06:45
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- File search template name resets on saving - fixed
- Not older value is 1 by default now and range increased
- Spanish localization added
- Incorrect copy progress - fixed
- Multi-rename tool now used on Alt+R/F2 when more than one element selected
- Panel now become active on path panel click
- "Show/hide navigation panel" command introduced
- Favorite/system folders menus now display icons
- Navigation panel and favorite/system folders menu can display real folder icons
- Viewer/editor relative path problem fixed
- Arabic localization added
- Middle button click in panel now opens item in new tab

Titel: Q-Dir 5.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2013, 23:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine Anpassungen und Verbesserungen für Windows 7/8/Vista und Server 2008/2012 mit Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Gladinet Cloud Desktop 4.0.1027
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2013, 16:30
Bindet Online-Speicher wie Amazon S3 oder Skydrive als virtuelles Laufwerk in Windows ein, sodass Nutzer direkten Zugriff auf den Webspace vom Desktop aus haben.


What's new: >>

- Support Box.com API V2
- fix skydrive connection timeout issue
- Various performance enhancement and bug fixes

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2013, 21:20
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

For Junctions or Symbolic Links the Target field can be edited in the Properties Dialog.
LSE elevates the creation of hardlinks in system protected directories, e.g.: %systemroot%.
LSE now offers all its function also in the Library folder.
If enabled LSE summarizes the ouptut of operations in a log file.
Fixed a crash related to UNC path and Overlay Icons.
The progress bar showed wrong/incomplete filename-path combinations during operations on large files.
Symbolic links to mapped network drives can be created now via LSE.
Replacement functions can be used to repair broken junctions/symbolic links/mountpoints.
During SmartCopy/SmartMirror/DeloreanCopy the type (absolute/relative) of symbolic link relation is kept in the destination.
During SmartCopy/SmartMirror/DeloreanCopy the Compression Attribute is copied too.
The check for prerequisites during install is more accurate aka takes mfc80.dll into account.
During un-install it is also checked if the hardlinkshellext.dll is held by some process.
Fixed a problem during SmartMirror when a directory changed into a file or vice versa from one mirror to the next and had exactly the same name.
The OS Version detection during installation went wrong on certain machines causing symlinke.exe missing from the installation.
The eunmeration of hardlink siblings didn't work under XP, when the root dir of a drive had to be traversed.
Tested with Windows8, and thus updated the documentation.
The x64 version now contains also a 32bit version in one unified install.
Deinstallation left over a few registry keys.
During installation not all processes were detected, which blocked the installation.
Enabled Link Shell Extension on ReFs volumes.
Added a Swedish localisation. Thanks to Mikael Gr�nholm.
Added a Turkish localisation. Thanks to Memet.
Added a Czech localisation. Thanks to Ashus
Added a Slovak localisation. Thanks to RobertS

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2013, 11:00
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Incorrect selection in panel view menu - fixed
- ".." item can be selected for file operations - fixed
- Read-only file can't be deleted from disk - fixed
- Double-click in Main toolbar customization now opens edit dialog
- Folder favorites customization dialog now displays icons
- %ALL% option doesn't work - fixed
- "Check all paths on startup" option added
- Additional folder update monitor added
- FTP log implemented
- Now Space key performs Go To command in file search dialog

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2013, 07:00
Latest Changes

- "Local drives" option added to file search path menu
- File operation progress now displays in taskbar
- Fixed FTP connection problem when network disconnected
- Folder monitor crash fixed
- Rename command visible in file search dialog contextual menu - fixed
- Path can't be editable on mouse click - fixed
- Fixed problem with overwriting system/hidden/read-only files
- Crash when copying files with 0 size - fixed
- "Open new file in editor" option added
- Focus not moving on right button selection - fixed
- File overwrite confirmation now supports rename and auto-rename functions
- Fixed FTP incorrect work with remote directory
- Copy FTP log to clipboard function added
- File operations toolbar introduced
- Crash on file copy/move when another process uses this file

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.3328 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2013, 19:30
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Titel: Clover 3.0.286
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2013, 21:45
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- New: "Double-Click on white space" will go up one level
- New: Setting for wheel click
- Fixed: Alt+Tab does not switch out
- Fixed: Windows placement not saved under WinXP
- Fixed: Some themes can not be loaded
- Fixed: Help button not shown under Win8

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.3336
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2013, 20:15
Whats new: >>

drkns 14.04.2013 18:16:54 +0200 - build 3331

1. Correction of 3318.

t-rex 14.04.2013 14:07:27 +0200 - build 3330

1. Mantis#2350: Lags accessing Android via Samba.

drkns 14.04.2013 12:26:10 +0200 - build 3329

1. Once more 0002367.

Titel: A43 File Management Utility 3.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2013, 06:30
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Added option to show system Folder Options. Under Tools menu.
Added option to show system Remove Programs. Under Tools menu.
Added option to open Registry Editor. Under Tools menu.
Added option to open Task Manager. Under Tools menu.
Another fix to Path Bar not showing full path after edit.
Fixed the right pen line painting incorrectly in Text Editor.
Fixed FM Extra not updating correctly after certain file operations.
Added option to toggle alternate row color.
Added option to copy file or folder to new name. Under Edit menu.
Changes to the File Mask is now reflected in FM Extra also.
Fixed some painting problems in the file views.
Change to language.ini.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2013, 22:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Incorrect color update for disk size bar - fixed
- FTP disconnect button/command added to FTP log window/menu
- Sometimes disk size is not updated - fixed
- GUI hangs on internal delete operation - fixed
- Overwrite confirmation layout problem - fixed
- Pause and stop commands added to file operations toolbar items
- Explorer style option can be checked when NC selection option enabled - fixed
- "Remove selection on click" option added
- Rename on second click now works for NC style selection
- "Show extension when name is empty" option added
- Custom selected icon index lost in button customization dialog - fixed
- "Paths are equal" now displayed when cop/move to same directory
- Crash on non English letters input in command line - fixed
- File properties dialog now opens on Alt+double click in panel
- Drag-and-drop support added to settings lists
- Delete confirmation displays "To Recycle Bin" checkbox on network paths - fixed
- FTP file view/edit implemented
- Horizontal auto-scroll now works in all comboboxes
- Problem with disk selection when drive letter is in lower case - fixed
- Crash on copy to invalid paths - fixed
- Progress bars shift in file operation toolbar - fixed

Titel: Q-Dir 5.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2013, 18:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Optimierung, Korrekturen und Verbesserungen in der Listenansicht plus Sprachdateien Aktualisierung.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2013, 22:15
Latest Changes

Einige Optimierungen und Aktivierung von Funktionen die beim letzten Update unbeabsichtigt deaktiviert wurden.

Titel: A43 File Management Utility v3.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2013, 14:40
A43 is a file manager with integrated text editor, zip/unzip functions, file search, quick launch area and dual-pane view.

License: Freeware

What's new: >>

Fixed painting bug with the Path Bar.
Added ability to send an ISO file to Windows Disk Image Burner. Don't know why, unless it is because I never remember it is in the context menu. Sadly, need Windows 7 and up to use. Under File menu.
Added ability to create an ISO image from a data CD. Under File menu. Works on XP and up. Does not create ISO images of audio cd.
Fixed bug in Drive toolbar refreshing incorrectly.
Added the ability to open Registry Editor to a qualified key. This was something I needed and if others find useful we will try to enhance it. Under Tools menu. Just type in or paste a key and hopefully regedit will open to the key. Example: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft
Removed the status bar at the bottom. Hints now shown in the title bar. Panel in file view will open on zip operations.
Fixed the No Row Color for the Browse for Folder dialog not working.
Change to language.ini.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 2 (build 906)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2013, 19:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


    Thumbnail mode
    WDX plug-in support
    Hard link creation
    Sub tool bars in the tool bar
    File list scaling
    Placing network resources in the network root
    Language file editor
    Tattoo and glass effects for dialog windows
    Storing the settings in the Windows registry
    A new style for rendering list items
    Directory hashing
    Saving group renaming profiles
    Quick history clearing
    Displaying free disk space in the select disk dialog
    Optional use of IEC standard (KiB, MiB, GiB)
    some minor improvements


    Some bugs when using drag’n’drop
    Bug when going to differences found in the file comparison window
    Bug when running a file search with specifying the file size
    Bug when splitting a file in the same directory
    Incorrect column widths in the synchronization window
    FTP reconnection bug
    Bug when dimming a background window
    Bug when saving the ignore list
    some minor bugs

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2013, 22:31
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

# Ordnergrösse, Dateianzahl, Ordneranzahl, Dateierweiterung wird bei der Detaillierten Listenansicht in der richtigen Spalte korrekt angezeigt.
# Absturz von Q-Dir unter Win98 behoben.
# Einige Optimierungen und Korrekturen in den Menüs vor allem das Menü Extras.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2013, 22:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- "The specified path is invalid" error when moving folders - fixed
- Open path edit command in path panel contextual menu doesn't work - fixed
- FTP error handling improved
- Copy/move file to FTP operation now checks file for existence
- After FTP disconnection panel displays default path - fixed
- FTP reconnection process uses currently selected panel - fixed
- Now selected tab used as source for new tab
- Drag-and-drop to ".." element not allowed in non-Details view - fixed
- Mount points handling changed
- File operation progress now changes color if operation paused
- Main toolbar doesn't display icons for exe files without icon - fixed
- Auto-rename function improved
- Problem with some controls drawing when visual styles disabled - fixed
- FTP disconnect button changed
- File filter dialog now supports adding extensions separated by "," and ";"
- Resources toolbar collapsed buttons don't work - fixed
- Graphics disk usage is incorrect when there is no free space - fixed
- Disk update received by first panel with the same disk - fixed
- FTP log splitter added
- Equal paths confirmation added
- Now FTP client sends CLNT command
- FTP connection now supports code page selection
- Drag-and-drop to network folder doesn't work - fixed
- "Open FTP manager at unsuccessful connection" option added
- Icon search mode selection implemented

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 3 (build 907)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2013, 12:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Xplorer2 - Lite
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2013, 21:45
Xplorer2-Lite bietet eine 2-Fenster-Ansicht, TAB-Unterstützung, Vorschau von Dateien (Texte, Bilder....), Ordner können verglichen und synchronisiert werden.


Titel: Multi Commander v3.1.0 (Build 1401)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2013, 06:42
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

 Release v3.1 (Build 1401) (26-Apr-2013 )

Over 190+ Changes and some of them are....

ADDED - Support for New Langauge - Romanian Created by Gabriel
ADDED - Auto expansion of subitems can now be disabled in the FolderTree.
ADDED - FTP now support UTF8 encoded filenames and UTF8 encoding in the FTP log.
ADDED - FTP now support context menu. Will for now only show "Edit" for bookmark items and "Disconnect" for ftp items.
ADDED - MultiRename search and replace part can now be set to only process Name part or Extension part or Both.
ADDED - Now possible to run file in search result from the context menu.
ADDED - Now possible to customize the key for the Explorer Panel command "Toggle selection and step down"
ADDED - Now possible to customize the key for the Explorer Panel command "Toggle selection and calculate folder"
ADDED - Editing an exiting custom command in the editor. The namespace/function dropdown and description will update to match command
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Selection.Select now support option ONLYFILES / ONLYFOLDERS (Works in all panel types)
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Select now support option ONLYFILES / ONLYFOLDERS (Only for Explorer Panel)
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.SizeFolder
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.SizeItemFocus
ADDED - CustomCommand "SetActiveTab" now support "Next" and "Prev" as tab parameter.
ADDED - Rename multiple item using move to same path (shift+F6) is now using target name filter.
ADDED - Rule based file coloring. (Exprimental, no UI to configure it yet. Use MultiScript to configure)
ADDED - Able to hide delete options dialog when deleting to recyle bin. (Use at own risk)
ADDED - FileOperations settings that was access from CopyTo dialog is not also available from configuration menu
ADDED - Change file properties dialog (Attributes and FileTime) can now also change Created and LastAccess time.
ADDED - Show hidden files command and Search command now available in menu and toolbar
ADDED - Extended Contextmenu options is shown if shift is pressed while showing it
ADDED - Hovertime for auto select on hover can now be tweaked
FIXED - QuickLaunchBar handles relatives paths better.
ADDED - QuickLaunchBar can create relative paths better
ADDED - QuickLaunchBar can now be configured on how to handle dropped files.
FIXED - Converting path to absolute/relative in FileTypeSetup now works better.
FIXED - File search handles binary files better.
FIXED - QuickSearch in ExplorerPanel can now be started with none localized alpha letters.
FIXED - TargetName pattern now supported for copy of multiple files/folders.
FIXED - Path matching settings in FileTypeSetup is now loaded correct.
FIXED - CheckSum checking (SFV) sometimes locked a file if the process was stopped with the stop button.
FIXED - Issue with move operation leaving a empty folders if SKIP ALL was selected when an existing file was found when moving a previous folder.
FIXED - Crash problem with FTP on 64bit OS
FIXED - UserDefined Commands of external type will now expand ${xx} tags correctly.
ADDED - RAR files will now be tested against it bytemark before they are opened as rar files.
FIXED - File search continue button in dialog now works again
FIXED - Crash issue with Tar/Gz
FIXED - Lots of internal fixes and improvements.
FIXED - 8 Crash problems reported by the Crash Report System.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2013, 12:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Bug-Fix Win-7 und Win-8 x64/x32:
In der Listenansicht sind bei bestimmten Einstellungen fehlerhafte Verhalten aufgetreten diese sind seit Q-Dir 5.53 aufgetreten und jetzt wieder behoben.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 4 (build 909)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2013, 06:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2013, 21:00
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Implemented drag-and-drop to system folders
- Cut to clipboard items now displayed with greyed icons
- Multiplying code pages in FTP connection settings dialog - fixed
- Unnecessary FTP reconnection removed
- FTP path doesn't include starting / - fixed
- Incorrect resource selection on resources toolbar - fixed
- Crash when adding new tab with FTP tab selected - fixed
- Ignore list implemented
- Date format combobox auto-scroll added
- "Startup folders" option added

Titel: Q-Dir 5.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2013, 07:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Optimierung, Korrekturen und Verbesserungen in der Listenansicht (Unterordner anzeige, Ordner Markierung, ...) plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 4 (build 912)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2013, 20:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2013, 22:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

The languages can be downloaded or updated from the application. You now do not need to go to website to download your language and install it manually.
Command Line From Here: this command will be run as administrator if either the key CTRL or the key SHIFT are pressed.
Attributes: added a new option to show/hide the file extensions.
Size of Folders: now takes into account the hard links and therefore calculates correctly the real size in disk when a file has several hard links referenced into the folder or subfolders.
Fixed bug in Change Time: does not read correctly the time of folders.
Improvements in custom commands:

    You can create a copy of the custom commands or a complete submenu.
    Now you can specify relative paths for the executable files. If the full path is not specified, then the file is searched into the folders in PATH environment variable.
    The variable @OPENFILE@ lets you now select several files.
    The variables @OPENFILE@ and @SAVEFILE@ can be configured to specify the file types displayed in the dialog box.

Improvements in Advanced Renamer:

    Added new variables to insert into the file name:
    Added two new conversion types:
        Encode to URL format. The special characters will be converted to %XX
        Decode from URL format. The special characters will be decoded from the form %XX
    Now the preview is updated automatically and is more efficient than in previous versions.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Clover 3.0.325
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2013, 18:35
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- New: Reopen last opened tabs
- New: Restore last opened tabs if Clover crashed
- New: Import/Export bookmarks

- Improved: Show more faster
- Improved: Reload tab if Explorer crashed
- Improved: Ctrl+Middle click to open bookmark in background
- Improved: Mouse wheel to switch tab only on tabstrip

- Fixed: CPU 100% bug
- Fixed: Three click on white space will go up two level
- Fixed: Many other bugs fixed

Titel: Expicula 1.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2013, 20:00
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>

Die Favoritenfarben können über ein Farbraster eingestellt werden (Einstellungen → Favoriten). Die Farbe kann auch mit den Links/Rechts-Pfeiltasten justiert werden.
Der Schnellfilter (Strg+F) verarbeitet auch die Platzhalter *, ? und die logischen Operatoren AND, OR, NOT. Die Operatoren müssen in Großbuchstaben (und ohne Leerzeichen) eingegeben werden. Da im Windows-Dateisystem nicht zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden wird, besteht somit keine Einschränkung bei der Filterung. Beispiele stehen in der Hilfe.
Die Mausnavigationstasten und Aufwärtsnavigieren per Doppelklick funktionieren auch im Baum, sofern in Einstellungen → Ordnerfenster aktiviert.
Beim Umbenennen kann man durch wiederholtes Drücken von F2 die Markierung der Dateierweiterung umschalten.

Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 620 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2013, 05:30
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Folder synchronization implemented
- Many setting options added
- Many bugs fixed

Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 621 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2013, 19:30
Latest Changes

- Bug fix: possible exception if using TAB key for switching the pane
- Bug fix: possible exception if using rename from the context menu

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2013, 06:40
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Some symbolic links are resolved incorrectly - fixed
- USB drive can't be safely removed - fixed
- Files with non-English letters in name can't be copied from/to FTP - fixed
- FTP file operations progress implemented
- Browse buttons added to Startup folders page
- Ignore list support added to folder update engine
- Ignore list settings page redesigned
- Context menu command added
- Rename item in context menu doesn't work when menu called from the keyboard - fixed
- NC style selection: context menu now opens for focused item when no items selected
- NC style selection: context menu now opens with delayed right mouse button
- FTP connections export/import added
- Relative paths now supported in Copy/Move confirmation dialog
- System folders list now can be customized
- Now file renaming not using shell when "Use shell" checkbox unchecked

Titel: SE-Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2013, 20:45
Replace standard Windows Explorer with SE-Explorer - simple and powerful dual panel file manager with tabbed interface and lots of build-in viewers.

Main Features:

    Clear tabbed interface
    Different file browsers: dual panel, classic windows explorer, command prompt
    Enhanced file search function and embedded size scanner
    Media player for audio, video and flash files: MP3, WAV, AVI, MPEG, WMV, SWF, FLV, etc.
    Picture viewer which supports most popular image file formats
    Archive explorer for ZIP, RAR, ISO, 7Z, MSI, CAB, etc.
    Resource view for executable files and icon libraries
    PDF and DjVu, DOC and WRI, Html Help and RTF documents view
    Text viewer with syntax highlighting
    Compare folders by content including subfolders
    Text file compare (difference)
    Hex viewer for binary files
    Dll Inspector with resources/dependencies/classes and interfaces views for executable files
    Web Browser for web and email files
    TTF Font files view
    XML structure view


Whats new: >>

    Compare folders: compare including subfolders and compare files by content
    Small interface changes are done

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2013, 21:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- FTP log and multiple sessions problem fixed
- Thumbnails functionality implemented
- Crash on switching "locked navigation allowed" tabs - fixed
- Environment variables now recognized when they are part of the path
- Change attributes/timestamp dialog doesn't work for focused items - fixed
- Incorrect selection with Shift in NC selection mode - fixed
- Enter key now close Quick search editbox and opens selected folder in panel
- Some drawing improvements added
- Incorrect disk size bar displayed on startup before folder opened - fixed
- Selection with Shift+Up/Down key now works in NC style

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 8 (build 920)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2013, 19:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Better Explorer Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2013, 11:20
Datei-Explorer für Windows mit Ribbon-Bedienoberfläche und Tabs; unterstützt verschiedene Archiv-Formate, zeigt die Speicherverteilung in einem Ringdiagramm und erlaubt einfache Bildbearbeitung.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Added custom Windows 8 style dialogs for copying, moving, and deleting
Massive speed improvements
Runs in background now by default (will start up much faster)
Increased font size on Ribbon
Changed explorer/file viewer
Other minor UI adjustments
Added support for automatic language change (currently broken)
Fixed bugs related to Saved Tabs feature
Added new translations and updates existing ones
Added Recycle Bin tools for managing Recycle Bin
Added an option for keeping BetterExplorer open when you close the last tab
Added Console pane for using command-line tools (experimental feature)
Other bug fixes

Titel: Q-Dir 5.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2013, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Anpassungen und Optimierung für die Windows 8 und Windows-7.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: File Metadata 1.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2013, 20:20
File Metadata will enable Explorer in Vista, Windows 7 and later to see, edit and search on tags and other metadata for any file type.

License: Open Source

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 10 (build 925)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2013, 17:50
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.59
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2013, 14:09
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Drag and Drop Bug_Fix für Windows-XP und Windows-Server 2000!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2013, 13:07
Latest Changes

Die Autocomplete (Automatische vervollständigung) Filtereinträge können gelöscht werden
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Direct Folders 3.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2013, 17:30
Direct Folders beschleunigt den Zugriff auf häufig gebrauchte Ordner und Dateien. Der Gratishelfer sammelt alle Schnellzugriffe zentral an einer Stelle.

Direct Folders lässt sich per linkem Maus-Doppelklick auf dem Desktop, dem Windows Explorer oder per "Datei öffnen"-Dialog einer x-beliebigen Applikation aufrufen. So wechselt man einfach und schnell zu einem zuvor gespeicherten Lieblingsordner oder Datei. Darüber hinaus hält die Freeware eine Liste der zuletzt genutzten Dateipfade vor. Extras wie das automatische Anpassen der Größe von Dialogboxen komplettieren den Helfer.

Das kostenlose Direct Folders erspart Usern das mühevolle Hangeln durch verschachtelte Ordnerstrukturen. Die eingesparte Arbeitszeit dürfte gleichzeitig die persönliche Produktivität bei der PC-Arbeit verbessern.

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2013, 21:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

- Better handling of name conflict during rename
- Common CheckSum task added as commands in tools menu
- Edit new file. (Shift+F4 or Shift+F9 depending on key setup)
- GetTime() functions in MultiScript now returns the correct time
- Many minor issues with FTP fixed
- Dropping attachments from Outlook into MultiCommander now works
- Lots of SDK changes and cleanup, Preparation for SDK release
- 10 Rare crash issues that was reported by crash report system is fixed
- And a lot more fixes and improvements

Titel: Moo0 RightClicker 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2013, 21:50
Moo0 RightClicker erweitert das Windows-Kontextmenü um einige nützliche Funktionen. Die Freeware ermöglicht unter anderem das schnelle Kopieren oder Verschieben von Dateien in vordefinierte Ordner.

Moo0 RightClicker fügt dem Kontextmenü diverse weitere Einträge und Befehle hinzu. Nützlich ist beispielsweise das Duplizieren aktuell geöffneter Fenster oder das Verbergen des Standard-Kontextmenüs. Dateien lassen sich mit einem Klick löschen, ganz ohne den Umweg über den Papierkorb.

Das Menü kann dabei ganz an die eigenen Wünsche angepasst und nicht benötigte Funktionen versteckt werden. Moo0 RightClicker steht in einer kostenfreien Free-Version zur Verfügung. Beim Hersteller ist außerdem mit RightClicker Pro eine erweiterte, kostenpflichtige Shareware-Fassung erhältlich.

Mit einem Rechtsklick hat der Anwender dank Moo0 RightClicker Zugriff auf zahlreiche zusätzliche Funktionen, die das Arbeiten unter Windows erheblich vereinfachen und Operationen beschleunigen. Die gewohnten Standardfunktionen sind weiter verfügbar.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2013, 17:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

- 0000575: [Graphical user interface] Unable to reopen viewer when it was closed in minimized state (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000670: [Graphical user interface] File groups coloring broken (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000665: [Language translation] german translation against 0.5.5 r5195 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000407: [Language translation] Updated Slovenian translation (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000578: [Logic] Search does not returns folders (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000273: [Default] При запуске программы и при изменении конфигурации выскакивает ошибка (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000595: [Graphical user interface] Closing application with CMD+Q does not save current configuration (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000664: [Logic] Не выводится диалог просмотра/изменения свойств у файлов, в панели "Результаты поиска" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000073: [Graphical user interface] OSX: Freeze when resizing (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000624: [Default] Некорретная работа поиска (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000519: [Logic] quick filter is not cleaned after directory changing (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000662: [Graphical user interface] Не работает добавление команды (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000658: [Default] Frozen forever on Ctrl+Shift+F1 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000655: [Graphical user interface] Folder tabs crash (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000653: [File operations] copying(unpacking) files from inside archive to .. (above) does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000622: [File operations] Disable request to choose default application for opening "exe" files (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000630: [Viewer] Не отображаются иконки на некоторых кнопках (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000542: [Logic] [PATCH] Don't create new tab when there is already opened (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000631: [Editor] F4 opens external editor but not load edit file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000632: [Default] Drives list do not show all mounted drives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000627: [Logic] [PATCH] Open current dir in new tab if unable to open focused dir (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000626: [Graphical user interface] В окне очереди кнопка "Work in background" отличается от соседей (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000623: [Default] Multiarc reset after saving configuration options (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000620: [File operations] Incorrect last file selection / Некорректное выделение последнего файла (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000540: [Graphical user interface] List index (-1) out of bounds in search results tab (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000143: [Graphical user interface] Thumbnail view for folders (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000619: [Plugins] Negative file size in archive / Размер файла в архиве с минусом (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000607: [Graphical user interface] Error: file not found (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000610: [Graphical user interface] Error: Unable to open file [...]/.directory (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000392: [Graphical user interface] REQUEST: "Open with" custom application option (for right click or windows right click key) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000605: [Language translation] Modify Language doublecmd.cht.po (055.4961) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000020: [Default] not run on wine-1.1.18 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000573: [Graphical user interface] Layout и полоса (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000062: [Logic] When quickly doubleclicking to move through directories some doubleclicks don't work / Задержка при перемещениях в папках (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000414: [Language translation] Modify Language doublecmd.cht.po (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000594: [Default] Last tabs/position is not saved (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000604: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.5003 (hopefully...) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000597: [File operations] Overwrite if older (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000590: [File operations] Drag&Drop in one DC panel doesn't work correctly for network shares (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000570: [File operations] Double Commander locks folder and they cannot be deleted (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000548: [Default] Error occurs when delete only one element in search templates (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000579: [Default] Can not disable wfx-plugins / Не отключаются плагины (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000515: [Graphical user interface] Change translation "Remove Tab" and "Remove All Tabs" to "Close Tab", resp. "Remove All Tabs" (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000549: [Default] Crash when starting Double Command from a write protected device (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000127: [Graphical user interface] Select unit for file size (b, kB, MB, ..., dynamic) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000574: [Default] [PATCH] build.bat updates (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000514: [Default] Doublecmd fails to build several extensions: "recompile with -fPIC" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000226: [Logic] Нельзя уйти с панели с результатами поиска ALT+F7 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000557: [Logic] AV when click drive button from search results tab (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000559: [Logic] Search in the selected files and directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000569: [Graphical user interface] Displaying tab with folder name containing ampersand (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000563: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4956 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000376: [Graphical user interface] Improvement to the "short file size" option (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000555: [Graphical user interface] Missing acceleration keys and bad Tab order in find and other dialogs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000556: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4951 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000553: [Graphical user interface] Improper execution of the command in the terminal / Неправильное выполнение команды терминала в windows (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000255: [Graphical user interface] Панель файлов: По команде 'сортировать по имени файлы' так же отображаются значки сортировки расширения - resolved.
- 0000496: [Graphical user interface] Заголовки табуляторов, дублирующаяся стрелка направления сортировки. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000552: [Graphical user interface] Missing acceleration keys and bad Tab order in dialog "Configuration/Options" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000541: [Graphical user interface] Show full tab path in hint (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000539: [Viewer] Viewer does not search for the text specified in file find dialog (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000538: [Graphical user interface] File color is not refreshed after detection of file modification (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000306: [Logic] Проблема с шаблонами поиска (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000507: [Logic] Сломалась смена буквы диска при переключении таба (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000532: [Default] Access Violation on entering invalid DC command in column customization (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000527: [File operations] External Viewer for archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000511: [File operations] авто дополнение при rename не работает (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000522: [File operations] Copying a folder to it’s current folder (copy into active view) does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000434: [Plugins] Hangs when open encrypted RAR archive / Зашифрованные RAR архивы - падает DC. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000529: [Graphical user interface] Folder size in archive doesn't works - resolved.
- 0000521: [Logic] Using forward slash in paths in windows breaks navigational feature(s) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000502: [Logic] Опция или принудительно не получать значки .exe/.lnk на сетевых дисках (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000384: [Editor] Excess line break at file end / В конце файла создаётся завершающий перевод строки (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000510: [Editor] Garbage if saving file with BOM / Мусор при сохрании файла в UTF8 (с BOM и без) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000499: [File operations] Removable disks locked until the application is closed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000198: [Plugins] ssl support for ftps (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000488: [Plugins] Incorrect tab order / Не последовательное перемещение по полям с помощю TAB. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000503: [File operations] Снижение дефрагментации (и возможно, увеличение скорости копирования/переноса) через ранее резервирование места (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000129: [Graphical user interface] Brief mode (CTRL-F1 in TC) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000501: [File operations] "Drop readonly flag" should be unselected by default for file copy in new install. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000504: [Editor] When editing file and press Esc and then Esc changes will be lost (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000032: [File operations] rename doesn't work if I copy files out of an archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000486: [Graphical user interface] Button bar icon - access violation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000387: [Graphical user interface] Missing 256x256 icon on Windows Vista/7/8 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000478: [Graphical user interface] Hot key for Show Hidden/System files (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000474: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4822 from 13-May-2012 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000269: [Graphical user interface] Настройки: Шрифты: при изменении имени шрифта, то он не меняется (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000219: [Graphical user interface] Красивый прогресс Свободного места (SOLON7) - resolved.
- 0000282: [Graphical user interface] Blinking of file list panel while browsing FTP (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000124: [Graphical user interface] Close tab at double click (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000135: [Graphical user interface] Add options to enable/disable confirmations of file operations / Подтверждение операций (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000027: [Graphical user interface] Не правильно организованы предупреждения (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000183: [Graphical user interface] Close All TAB except locked TAB (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000471: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4782 from 08-May-2012 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000077: [Default] Change buttons on set file properties dialog (Unix) to be more informative (was: Атрибуты) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000291: [File operations] When unpacking from an archive progress goes beyond 100% / Проценты зашкаливают (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000466: [File operations] file selection with mouse doesn't scroll (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000322: [File operations] The ability to unpack in the parent directory with drag-and-drop (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000456: [Graphical user interface] Shift+arrow_keys selection does not work (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000432: [Graphical user interface] Bug: Configuration > Options > Colors > File panels > Cannot move selected node up (using up arrow) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000397: [Graphical user interface] Feature request: Ctrl+L: Open directory in default file manager (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000445: [Default] Hangs on archive opening / Крэш при работе с zip-файлами (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000451: [Default] Command "cd" produces error "ChDir failed" (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000159: [Default] Directory exists dialog on copy / move (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000292: [Graphical user interface] Can't sort on extension if extensions column is not in the current column setup (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000444: [Graphical user interface] Crash when closing "Configure custom columns view" dialog via OK-button. (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000443: [Default] Annoying bug in "Configure custom columns view" dialog. (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000156: [Graphical user interface] CMD Line arguments to specify directory which DC should open (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000438: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4641 from 20-April-2012 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000436: [Default] Курсор "прыгает" после копирования в туже папку и открытии файла (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000025: [Logic] Error while copying files (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000130: [Logic] Exclude dir\file in Find Files (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000067: [File operations] Add option to queue all operation (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000048: [Viewer] internal viewer issues (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000355: [Logic] Не отображает каталог "etc". (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000420: [Plugins] Progress bar works incorrectly when copy big file via samba plugin / при передаче файла по сети (Samba) глюки с прогресс-баром (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000416: [File operations] Folder Name Not Properly Displayed (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000409: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4547 from 5-April-2012 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000403: [File operations] Не снимается выделение с файлов. (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000406: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4534 from 3-April-2012 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000400: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4515 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000393: [Language translation] german against version r.4499 (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000278: [Plugins] SFTP плагин соединяется, но не отображает список папок, пустая панель и всё (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000362: [Plugins] Crash при попытке закрыть файл из архива (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000339: [Graphical user interface] crashes then remove column in column customizer (only in portable mode) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000357: [Default] При переименовании по F2 пропадает файл (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000298: [Graphical user interface] При вызове Alt+Enter перерисовывается список файлов на панели. раздражает. (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000172: [Graphical user interface] filename/dir completition (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000325: [File operations] Внесите патч для uam (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000320: [File operations] Overwrite all older option (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000311: [File operations] Ошибочное копирование файлов в себя (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000196: [Logic] Sorting folders differently (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000241: [Logic] Не удаляет файлы через Shift+Del (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000169: [Viewer] Horizontal Scrollbar in Viewer (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000248: [Editor] Нет прокрутки в просмотрщике F3 (windows) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000034: [Viewer] Длинные строки в просмотровщике (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000133: [Graphical user interface] tabbed dialogs little imporvement (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000250: [Graphical user interface] [patch] Make trasfer path feature bidirectional (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000259: [Graphical user interface] Неправильно отображается командная строка для windows OS, должно быть C:\что-то> (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000232: [Default] [patch] - Remove explicit OnClick events for menu items (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000249: [Graphical user interface] Диалог создания каталога (windows) (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000233: [Graphical user interface] Новый графический стиль Фонового копирования (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000237: [Graphical user interface] Кнопки дисков, непонятное визуальное отображение. (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000215: [File operations] Диалог копирования и тд не закрывается по кнопке ESC / Cannot close copy/move dialog after drag&drop (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000235: [Graphical user interface] Строка свободного места на диске - не до конца заполнена (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000231: [Graphical user interface] Auto-size columns not working correctly (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000015: [Graphical user interface] Add missing features to quick search/filter (bbt) - resolved.
- 0000037: [Logic] Cyrillic filenames with non-UTF8 codepage FS looks like ???? (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000125: [Graphical user interface] Продолжать поиск/фильтрацию при нажатой клавише ALT как в TC (cobines) - resolved.
- 0000568: [File operations] Поиск файлов при нажатии Enter открывает файл во встроенном просмотрщике (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000617: [File operations] opening a directory with permissions "drwxr-x---" (should not be opened, but is.) (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000334: [File operations] при попытке открыть зашифрованный файл, появилась ошибка - closed.
- 0000591: [Plugins] Hangs when viewing file from archive while unpacking operation / Зависает при распаковке файлов, если просмотреть файл из архива (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000565: [Default] Ошибка при выделении всех найденных файлов (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000493: [Plugins] Ошибка при переходе из меню VirtualFileSystem (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000531: [File operations] Don't copy files from WIM image/Не копирует файлы из образа DISM (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000516: [Plugins] Authorization on network resources / Авторизация на сетевых ресурсах (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000528: [Viewer] Incorrect scroll by mouse wheel in Viewer / Прокрутка колесом мыши во встроенном вьювере (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000518: [Default] Вылетает при копировании / перемещении - closed.
- 0000283: [File operations] Ошибка при копировании и удалении файлов (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000517: [File operations] В отфильтрованном списке криво срабатывает переименование файлов (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000148: [Logic] additional button on file copy (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000477: [Default] Crash. List index (0) out of bounds (cobines) - closed.
- 0000473: [Default] Crash в настройках.. (cobines) - closed.
- 0000482: [File operations] При удалении файла/каталога курсор перескакивает на [..] (cobines) - closed.
- 0000475: [Plugins] Zip plugin doesn't handle symlinks in TAR archives / Не правильно обрабатываются ссылки в архивах tar (cobines) - closed.
- 0000470: [Default] При подключении к FTP выдает "List out bounds" (cobines) - closed.
- 0000055: [Default] Ошибка при клике правой кнопкой мыши на сетевой папке (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000218: [Language translation] german lang-file against r.4040 (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000337: [Graphical user interface] Crash (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000427: [Default] опять не собирается по linux (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000440: [Graphical user interface] Выделение не убирается по Esc - closed.
- 0000462: [Plugins] Зависает при выходе из любого (zip, tar, rar) архива. - closed.
- 0000168: [Graphical user interface] Сортировка в истории командой строки (cobines) - closed.
- 0000165: [Graphical user interface] Удаление строк из истории ввода по Shift-D (cobines) - closed.
- 0000174: [Graphical user interface] Сравнить по содержимому файлы с одинаковыми именами (cobines) - closed.
- 0000383: [Default] Два разделителя в контекстном меню у каталога (cobines) - closed.
- 0000457: [Default] Неправильное отображение в всплывающем окне - closed.
- 0000458: [Editor] Не работает выход из редактора по Ctrl+x (cobines) - closed.
- 0000315: [File operations] After changing attributes (like hidden) files do not appear/disappear from view / После изменения атрибутов не делается refresh (cobines) - closed.
- 0000299: [Editor] При редактировании файла с его сохранением по F2, его размер не обновляется в окне файлов, приходиться обновлять вручную. (cobines) - closed.
- 0000449: [Default] crash при разных файловых операциях (cobines) - closed.
- 0000295: [Plugins] FTP plugin crash - closed.
- 0000303: [Plugins] Зависает при выходе из любого (rar, bz2) архива. - closed.
- 0000301: [Viewer] Viewer CP852 support (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000302: [Editor] Garbage in Editor when open zero size file / При создании нового файла по Shift+F4 в файле появляется мусор (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000266: [Viewer] [patch] Reload file using keyboard shortcut (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000421: [Default] Crash при изменении горячей кнопки (cobines) - closed.
- 0000389: [Default] Crash при перезаписи файла (cobines) - closed.
- 0000398: [File operations] Overwrite confirmation on file rename sometimes closes automatically / автоповтор при переименовании (cobines) - closed.
- 0000354: [Editor] Redesign internal editor configuration dialog (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000076: [Default] Error in rename/move directory / Переименование каталога (cobines) - closed.
- 0000224: [Default] Crashed when going to parent directory (cobines) - closed.
- 0000085: [Graphical user interface] Case-sensitive sorting does not work (cobines) - closed.
- 0000024: [Graphical user interface] Quick search case sensitivity (cobines) - closed.
- 0000146: [Default] Copy Queue hotkey(s) (cobines) - closed.
- 0000084: [Default] Folder alt+drag&drop to .. / Перетягивание папок с alt (cobines) - closed.
- 0000386: [Default] 4436 не компилится под linux (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000379: [Viewer] Неправильное определение кодировки CP1251 (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000385: [Default] в 4403 сломали сортировку файлов. (cobines) - closed.
- 0000382: [Default] Поломали подсветку файлов (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000378: [Plugins] Crash при доступе к FTP и Windows Network (cobines) - closed.
- 0000380: [Default] Crash в редакторе при нажатии на иконку Конфигурация (cobines) - closed.
- 0000360: [Default] сразу при загрузке не появляется иконка списка дисков на неактивной панели. и тройной Crash при открытии новой вкладки. (cobines) - closed.
- 0000294: [Graphical user interface] System icons support under Mac OS X (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000280: [Editor] End of line (EOL) conversion (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000180: [Graphical user interface] Длинное имя файла в колонке - closed.
- 0000297: [Editor] Кодировку файла по F4 не определяет правильно. (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000247: [Default] [patch] small updates to wfxplugin (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000275: [Graphical user interface] Настройки цвета файлов / папок (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000272: [Graphical user interface] Only one instance of Options dialog (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0000263: [Graphical user interface] В форме 'Удалить файл' убрать свернуть и сделать форму в виде диалога (Alexx2000) - closed.

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2013, 12:13
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

1. Problem with renaming to same name with changed letter case - fixed.
2. Incorrect selection with Ctrl in NC style - fixed.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2013, 14:12
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

LSEConfig has been localised.
The handling of the compression bit during copying/mirroring/deloreaning for files and directories was broken.
Draging from or Droping to zipped folders caused an explorer crash.

Titel: Clover 3.0.365
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2013, 19:00
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- New: Aero peek feature (Need to add parameters to shortcut: --enable-aero-peek-tabs)
- New: Add Ctrl+L to set focus to address bar
- New: Install Clover to last installed directory
- New: Only show shorten path in jump list
- Improved: Speed up new tab creating
- Improved: Speed up response to newwork folders
- Fixed: Double click does not work
- Fixed: Explorer crashed at Clover exit
- Fixed: Few other bugs fixed

Titel: Q-Dir 5.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2013, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Anpassungen und Optimierung für die Windows 8 und Windows-7 plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Expicula 1.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2013, 23:00
Expicula ist ein kleiner Dateimanager, mit dem man dank der TABs nicht so schnell die Übersicht verliert.

Die Fensteranordnungen können gespeichert und bei Bedarf natürlich wieder geladen werden.
Ferner bietet der Dateimanager folgende Funktionen:
- Netzwerkzugriff
- Ordnerfavoriten
- Miniaturansicht von Dateien
- Rückgängig-Funktion für Dateioperationen


Was ist neu : >>

Die Hauptsymbolleiste enthält einen neuen Button zur Umschaltung der Anzeige versteckter Objekte.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2013, 13:00
Latest Changes

Verifizierung und Tests von Q-Dir auf Windows-8.1 Blue via Windows 8.1 Pro Blue Preview.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien für Q-Dir.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.3525
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2013, 06:10
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Titel: Double Commander 0.5.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2013, 14:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[Default] Drag&Drop image to MS Word / Перенос фото в Word (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Problematic Drag & Drop (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Fix build under FreeBSD (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Files copy progress - closed.
[Default] DC crashes after sleep or display change - closed.

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: File Organiser 1.720
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2013, 13:00
Accessible and user-friendly 2 pane system explorer that enables you to quickly organize files / folders, rename documents and save bookmarks

File Organiser is a small, simple, easy-to-use application specially designed to help you manage your files with ease. Developed to replace 'Explorer', the main difference is that this uses 2 panes and has 'bookmarks'. To make life much easier, especially for teachers. Two windows makes it simpler to copy FROM and TO.

Lizenz: GPL

Whats new: >>

· Jam now at V8.13 fixing sorting issues. (problems were in JAM V8.1.1 and V8.1.2)
· 3 extra drive buttons on left side.
· Added extra feature in renaming- fixed length text deletion.
· Hint updates correctly in favorite editor. Can now open image location in Google maps, if GPS information exist in EXIF.
· "Valid Drives" information button changed when clicking, now show drive list and can go to any drive.

· Various bugs fixed in find and rename functions.
· Popups improved when showing "Recycle Bin"
· Copy paste on a file now works again.

· EXIFtool now at V9.33.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Neu: Um markierte Elemente zu verschieben nach zusätzlich [ALT+V] das Tastenkürzel [ALT+M]
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 20:30
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Application hangs when closing Quick Search dialog - fixed
- Move operation isn't used by default when drag-and-drop file on same disk - fixed
- Rename functionality on double-click in NC style - fixed
- Inverting selection with Ctrl in NC style added
- Quick Viewer automatic image resize implemented
- Asynchronous CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTOR support added for drag-and-drop
- "Not selected" message removed when right click on ".." item
- In Ctrl+Alt_Letter quick search mode pressed letter not added to editbox - fixed
- Nav panel doesn't save state when using "Show/hide nav panel" command - fixed
- Transparent selection option added for panels
- "Go to next item when using SelectItem command" option added

Titel: FileRunner
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2013, 21:40
FileRunner is an easy to use and comprehensive file manager that features a built-in FTP client. FileRunner enables you to perform basic file management commands (copy, move, rename, delete, view, edit), sort files and directories. It comes with a fully customizable interface that includes two fixed windows, in order to ease your work.

License:  GPL

Whats new: >>

· There is a new color editor, however, the big thing with this release is the INSTALL file and the RPM and DEB files. This 'could' change how you install filerunner, see below.

Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2013, 18:00
Git-Client, der sich in den Windows-Explorer integriert und über das Kontextmenü Zugriff auf Git-Kommandos ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.3587 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2013, 21:30
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Titel: Q-Dir 5.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2013, 07:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Optimierung, Korrekturen und Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows-8.1 getestet auf Windows 8.1 Pro Blue Preview.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2013, 22:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

· The sign-in issues in Windows XP have been fixed.

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2013, 18:15
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

· LSEConfig localized to French.
· Columnprovider shows now shrinked path for junctions if the path is longer than 32characters.
· On some machines LSEConfig always showed up with French. Introduced with 3.749

Titel: Q-Dir 5.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2013, 06:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Wichtiger Bug-Fix in Q-Dir x64 und Optimierung!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Clover 3.0.386
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2013, 20:30
Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open multiple folders within the same window, and you can also add folder bookmarks.


Latest Changes

- New: Setting for mouse wheel to switch tabs
- Improved: The shortcut in bookmark bar can support parameters now
- Fixed: Right Ctrl + L can jump to address bar now
- Fixed: Windows 8 Ribbon bar lost
- Fixed: Explorer crashed at Clover exit
- Fixed: Double click can close inactivate tab now

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 3608 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2013, 14:12
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Whats new: >>

shmuel 10.08.2013 19:41:07 +0200 - build 3607

1. Continuation of 3604: custom sorting in panels is now working.
   See the description of Panel.SetCustomSortMode function in macroapi_manual.chm.

drkns 10.08.2013 18:58:13 +0200 - build 3606

1. Continuation of 3596. BOOL Initialize(GlobalInfo*) (called when loading) and
   void Free(ExitInfo*) functions  (called when unloading) are added for adapters.
   Both must be present, fill GlobalInfo properly in Initialize.

drkns 09.08.2013 22:32:07 +0200 - build 3605

1. Plugins loading correction.

2. Correction of panel caption drawing.

3. Uninitialized variables in copier.

shmuel 09.08.2013 20:01:49 +0200 - build 3604

1. Custom sorting in panels. Still non-operating.

w17 09.08.2013 11:15:48 +0400 - build 3603

1. Continuation of 3602. GetPathRoot worked incorrectly for mountpoints in XP

w17 09.08.2013 04:54:02 +0400 - build 3602

1. M#2461: auto-create directory on the file system mounted via NTFS folder

drkns 08.08.2013 21:19:33 +0200 - build 3601

1. Correction of 3597.

w17 08.08.2013 17:46:03 +0400 - build 3600

1. Codepage names and typo (from Denis)

drkns 08.08.2013 14:46:51 +0200 - build 3599

1. URL open from help could malfunction in some cases.

drkns 07.08.2013 23:21:18 +0200 - build 3598

1. far:config poor handling of 64 bit numbers.

2. Continuing to remove FormatString.

drkns 07.08.2013 01:40:10 +0200 - build 3597

1. TPreRedrawFunc is partially redone. Storing pointers to anything is ok, but data
   addressed by those pointers can have vanished to the moment of call.

2. Removing FormatString.

drkns 06.08.2013 19:28:53 +0200 - build 3596

1. Implementing plugin adapters.
   See http://forum.farmanager.com/viewtopic.php?t=8114 for details, the description of interface is also there.

shmuel 06.08.2013 11:44:50 +0200 - build 3595

1. In "Unsorted" panel sorting mode, when "Show selected first" option was on, selected files
   were shown last instead of first.

w17 05.08.2013 14:27:36 +0400 - build 3594

1. Missing menu item for Panel.Text.Highlight config parameter in color settings menu (from ccaid)

w17 05.08.2013 09:33:40 +0400 - build 3593

1. Directories were deleted to recycle bin with Alt-Del

drkns 04.08.2013 16:11:41 +0200 - build 3592

1. Resource leak on cancelling the plugin choice menu (CtrlPgDn).

zg 04.08.2013 00:11:41 +0200 - build 3591

1. DN_INPUT now receives FOCUS_EVENT.

zg 01.08.2013 18:40:31 +0200 - build 3590

1. PluginStartupInfo.Menu crash if Title == nullptr.

drkns 01.08.2013 14:50:21 +0200 - build 3589

1. Incorrect order of owner and domain in "file owner" column.

drkns 31.07.2013 21:56:29 +0200 - build 3588

1. More on string and nullptr.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2013, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrekturen in Q-Dir funktion Autocomplete (Automatische vervollständigung) bei den Filtereinträge und Abstürzen unter x64 Betriebssytemen
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir und einige Anpassungen für Win-8 und Win-8.1.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 3614 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2013, 19:40
Whats new: >>

svs 15.08.2013 12:09:54 +0400 - build 3614

1. Ïðîäîëæåíèå Mantis#0002442
   (from Smitis)

svs 15.08.2013 10:42:32 +0400 - build 3613

1. Êîððåêòèðîâêà System.Executor.ComSpecParams - ïðîáåëû ñàìè äîáàâèì.

shmuel 15.08.2013 00:28:27 +0200 - build 3612

1. Ðåôàêòîðèíã.

svs 14.08.2013 18:52:13 +0400 - build 3611

1. Mantis#0002442: Äîáàâèòü ïîääåðæêó TakeCommand
   (from Smitis)

2. Ýêñïåðèìåíòàëüíî:  çàïóñêàòîðå çíà÷åíèå strComSpecParams (êîòîðîå "/C ") ïåðåíåñåíî â êîíôèã System.Executor.ComSpecParams

drkns 14.08.2013 09:40:14 +0200 - build 3610

1. Warnings.

w17 14.08.2013 04:32:30 +0400 - build 3609

Titel: MyFolders 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2013, 22:00
MyFolders is a Windows Explorer Shell Extension that saves you time by placing your frequently used folders at your fingertips. This program is a real time-saver as you can easily navigate to a favorite folder or move a file from the context menu.

MyFolders will cut your work in half as you won't need to browse to the destination folder. Simply right-click on the files, select "MyFolders > Copy to", and choose the folder.

Here are some key features of "MyFolders":

Copy to - Copy selected files to one of your favorite folders:

· Highlight the files, right-click, select "MyFolders > Copy to", choose the folder and MyFolders immediately copies your files to the folder.

Move to - Easily move files to any folder:

· Highlight the files, right-click, select "MyFolders > Move to", choose the folder and MyFolders immediately moves your files to the folder.

Go To - Quickly open a folder in Explorer:

· Right-click, select "MyFolders > Go to", choose the folder and MyFolders immediately takes you to that directory.

Open command window - Launch the Windows command prompt in a selected folder:

· Right-click, select "MyFolders > Open command window in", choose the folder and MyFolders will summon a CMD window in that folder.


Whats new: >>

Fixes & Improvements:

· Improved compatibility with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012
· Fixed installation problems in a low privilege account.
· Fixed a problem handling files with Russian names.

Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2013, 06:00
Git-Client, der sich in den Windows-Explorer integriert und über das Kontextmenü Zugriff auf Git-Kommandos ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>


    Fixed  issue #1831 : Allow Origin Remote Renaming on Clone
    Fixed  issue #1839 : Conflict dialog does not allow resolving multiple or all conflicts with the same option
    Allow to send (patch)mails over relay servers (e.g. the one from your ISP)
    When adding second and more remotes, prompt user to disable tag fetching to avoid fetching wrong tags
    Fixed  issue #1845 : Add "pull" button on "git switch" window
    Fixed  issue #1848 : TortoiseGitBlame doesn't scroll to the previously selected line on "Blame previous revision"
    Underline git hash in log message view and jump to that commit when clicking on the hash
    Fixed  issue #1829 : You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists) - allow to abort merge more easily.
    Commit Dialog: Add "Pick commit hash" in message text box context menu
    Can set log graph line width and node size
    Updated shipped PuTTY PLink to version 0.63 (which contains some securiuty fixes)
    Fixed  issue #1746 : Pressing "Delete" on keyboard should delete selected non versioned file in commit dialog
    Sync Dialog: Add stash menu button
    Fixed  issue #1852 : Add command-line argument to tortoisegitproc that specifies value for Directory field

Bug Fixes

    Fixed  issue #1833 : Fast-Forward rebase does not preserve SHA-1 of commits
    Fixed  issue #1832 : TortoiseGitMerge has an empty menue when German language pack is loaded
    Fixed  issue #497 : TGitCache.exe won't let user delete folder
    Mitigated issue #1011: "git svn" commands create "sys$command" file

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 3618 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2013, 19:45
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Whats new: >>

drkns 18.08.2013 13:22:27 +0200 - build 3618

1. Screen buffer could use more memory than it was necessary.

shmuel 17.08.2013 11:56:31 +0200 - build 3617

1. M#2468: incorrect working of Editor.Value and Editor.GetStr() if the string contains \x00.

drkns 17.08.2013 01:36:21 +0200 - build 3616

1. Уточнение 1947.1 - copying strings from the position after zero character to the clipboard caused crash.

t-rex 16.08.2013 23:42:58 +0200 - build 3615

1. Mantis#2465: \x00 character breaks regexp search/replace.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2013, 10:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Dead Junctions to a different drive could lead to not detecting hardlinks during all operations. Very Nasty, but no dataloss caused.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2013, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrekturen und Optimierung in Q-Dir für x64 und einige Anpassungen für Win 8.1.

Titel: ln.exe
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2013, 21:00
Tool zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks über die Kommandozeile; diese Funktionen der Link Shell Extension lassen sich so in Skripten verwenden.


Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2013, 15:45
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Windows: 98 - 7

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new: >>

· Improved the custom commands of type "Run program". A new option added to enter recursively in the subfolders when the custom command is configured to secuential execution.
· Folder Size: in FileMenu Tools 6.5 was added the analysis of hard links. So the real size in disk is calculated correctly if a file has referenced several hard links. The disadvantage is the process is slower. Therefore now is possible to choose if analyze the hard links or not.
· Fixed bug in Change Time: in specific time zones may exist a offset of one hour.
· Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: when renaming folders recursively a message box was displayed continuously because the renamed folder was not found.
· Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: did not convert correctly to lower case or upper case with special characters like áåöä, ÁÅÖÄ.
· Fixed bug in Sync Folders: the time of target files was not changed correctly and therefore always the origin files was detected as modified files.
· Minor bug fixes

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2013, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen in den Shell-Ordner-Menüs (Adressleiste, Quick Links, Favoriten), beim Verarbeiten der WM_MENUCHAR Nachrichten (Tastenkombinationen)!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2013, 13:40
Whats new: >>

- Added: Slow down copying in background while reading directory in the foreground to avoid hangs (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not scale quick search dialog with OverrideDpi - problem only affected the 64-bit version (64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyAllTimes=1: Copy all 3 timestamps (also the creation and last access times) when copying files (internal copy function, compatibility only on NT-based systems) (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration - Button bar didn't like double quotes around icon name: Environment variables were lost, and only the first icon was shown in the actual bar (32/64)
- Fixed: Verify archive: Second progress bar not correct for files >4GB (32/64)
- Fixed: F3 on invalid JPG/PNG/GIF file (no image plugin installed), then press 2 or 3 -> no binary/hex data shown (32/64)
- Fixed: ZIPFROMLIST command (e.g. on a abutton) did not support double quotes around archive name (32/64)
- Added: Compare by content: "Resync comparison from here" now also possible after making a change, but Undo cannot go back before that point (32/64)
- Fixed: Drag&Drop to external program from search result not working if the path of one file was c:\pathname\ and the other c:\pathname2\ (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Also support double word Unicode characters when moving the cursor or selecting text (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content didn't fully support double word (mostly Chinese) Unicode characters (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not unpack multiple files from RAR with new unrar method because files were not unpacked in same order as in the archive (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not refresh panels when copying via F5-F2 when TC gets back the focus, only when copying ends (32/64)
- Fixed: Passing virtual folder to TC via command line (e.g. totalcmd.exe /O \\servername) not working when current panel already shows virtual path (32/64)
- Added: Set current monitor (same as the one TC is on) when opening file with ENTER - only has an effect on programs which start with default window position (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs, Unpack specific files: Warn user when he tries to use RegEx, saved selections or corresponding files (32/64)
- Added: F5 copy, only files of this type: Also support the new method to copy corresponding files, e.g. *.cr2 > img*.jpg (32/64)
- Added: Select/Unselect files (Num+ / Num-): New method to select corresponding files. Example: *.jpg > *.crw Result: When IMG_1056.JPG is selected, CRW_1056.CR2 will also be selected. crw files without corresponding jpg are not selected (32/64)
- Added: Watch directory changes: Do not cause complete refresh of dir when changes come while a dialog box is up. Instead, add the changes once the dialog box is closed (32/64)
- Added: Watch directory changes: Extra check to make sure the directory hasn't changed since the notification (32/64)
- Fixed: Click under last icon selected entire list of files (caused by new function to click on icon to select) (32/64)
- Added: When CopyLinks set to value other than 0, do not count size of links when copying (32/64)
- Added: Create folder junctions and soft links also with admin rights (via tcmadmin.exe) if creation in main program fails (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CopyLinks=0: Set to 1 to copy file system links to folders as links, set to 2 to also adjust the drive in the link if link and link target are on the same drive (32/64)
- Added: Function to copy file system links to folders (junction or soft link) with adjusting the target path. Disabled by default (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not show option to keep releative paths in branch view when creating shortcuts with Ctrl+Shift+F5 (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SyncRecompareAfterCopy=0 turns off automatic recompare after synchronizing files. The result list is just cleared (32/64)
- Fixed: Quick search with letters only (no search dialog): Search could focus wrong result after switching between view modes (e.g. brief and full) (64)
- Fixed: Make TC more responsive on network drives when using "watch directory changes" - do all the refreshing in an extra background thread (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowExtraDrives=3 allows to configure the extra items shown in the drive dropdown combobox. Sum of 1: My Computer, 2: My documents (32/64)
- Fixed: Drawing of icons in Ctrl+F connect dialog not always correct (32/64)
- Fixed: Scroll wheel not working in print preview (Files - Print - File list) (64)
- Fixed: Disable new "verify after copy" checkbox when choosing the Explorer method (32/64)
- Added: When setting a font in Configuration - Options - Fonts, also save it in section 'AllResolutions' (32/64)
- Added: When there is no section in wincmd.ini for the current display resolution, look in section 'AllResolutions' (32/64)
- Added: Menu item "Search in separate process" in menu "Commands", new hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F7 (32/64)
- Added: Describe new functions in help, split topic about wincmd.ini in two due to lack of space (32/64)
- Fixed: Network shares: Switch directly from one server to another with cd \\server2, both have the exact same shares -> ENTER on a share would go to the previous server (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Ignore OverrideDPI value for font in comparison (64)
- Fixed: Unpacking multiple archives with remembered password: Re-ask for password if archives have different one, or user entered wrong one (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Clear underlined search result when a file was changed outside of the compare tool and the user chose to recompare (32/64)
- Fixed: Closing Alt+F10 tree slow only on Windows 8 (solution: need to clear the tree listbox manually before closing) (64)
- Added: High DPI icons for "Compare by content" dialog buttons (32/64)
- Fixed: Allow to refresh file panels when a drive/disk is removed and the panel shows the contents of that disk, even when there is a dialog box open (main window disabled) (32/64)
- Fixed: Unrar (new method) of multiple archives with Alt+F9 not working correctly (32/64)
- Fixed: "cd" command in button bar couldn't handle include/exclude wildcards for directories, e.g. "cd *.* | *.*\" or "cd c:\test\*.* | *.*\" (32/64)
- Added: Use ignore list also when getting directory size with <space> or Alt+Shift+Enter (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: Handle keys 1..7 in OnKeyDown, otherwise they don't work in Czech keyboard layout where Shift needs to be pressed for the numbers (64)
- Fixed: OverrideDpi>=150 now also causes larger 32x32 drive icons in the main window (32/64)
- Fixed: OverrideDpi didn't scale the dialog boxes in Lazarus (64)
- Fixed: Select multiple music files, F3 -> menu may wrap to 2 lines, then the progress bar isn't fully visible (64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs between an archive and a directory, double click on pair of files -> also show unpack progress dialog (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Show just one progress dialog for unpack/ftp/plugin transfer and compare, also show files+bytes done (32/64)
- Fixed: Search in archive, feed in listbox -> show relative paths with names in list (32/64)
- Fixed: There was auto-scroll in various places during drag&drop or selection, e.g. in file panels, lister, multi-rename tool etc. (64)
- Fixed: Slow down horizontal auto-scroll when dragging icons in Configuration - Button bar (32/64)
- Fixed: Leak of 1-2 GDI objects (bitmap) when using overwrite dialog with thumbnail preview (32/64)
- Fixed: There was only one progress bar (for overall progress) when using the new internal 7zip unpacker (32/64)
- Fixed: Quick search dialog, quick filter off, user presses ESC -> footer not updated in brief view (64)
- Fixed: "Read only" attribute was removed from target file (and not restored) if copying failed because the file was open in a program (32/64)
- Fixed: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program, duplicate file finder, "feed in listbox" not working correctly (32/64)
- Fixed: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program, "feed in listbox" was not working with files inside archives (32/64)
- Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right/Up on .LNK file with 8.3 names in the link target didn't convert the 8.3 names to long names (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not call FindFirstFileEx on Windows Vista or older because the parameter FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH is not supported (32/64)
- Fixed: Made default size a bit larger on small screens (e.g. 1024x600 -> 924x500) (32/64)
- Added: Duplicate file finder: Save option 'Find files by identical plugin fields' (32/64)
- Fixed: Also react to WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_SCREENSAVE to better detect when a screen saver becomes active (to clear the master passwords) (32/64)
- Fixed: CopyFileEx may return ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_MEDIA in case of floppy disk read errors (and maybe also for other hardware read errors (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy files, click on "Background", then "Pause", then "Foreground" -> we need to continue the operation so it can move to the foreground (32/64)
- Fixed: HTTP download from list: Extra headers set via "Header: Referer: " in the list were lost when auto-resuming (32/64)
- Fixed: Print dialog: Problems with font smoothing (font became darker when scrolling) (32)
- Fixed: FTP: Don't try other methods to set remote timestamp when user has set the method manually with SpecialFlags=4096,8192 or 12288 (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Escape key in 64-bit version worked differently from 32-bit. It should only close the window if the user didn't check/uncheck any files manually (64)
- Fixed: Installer: On 64-bit Windows, set ini locations in both 32-bit and 64-bit registry branch if there are separate branches, e.g. under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software (32/64)
- Fixed: Bring file operation progress dialog to the foreground when TC itself gets the focus (32/64)
- Fixed: "Read only" attribute was removed from target file (and not restored) if renaming failed because the file was open in a program (32/64)
- Fixed: Current tab locked with directory changes allowed, search in archive, feed to listbox -> tab title was lost (32/64)
- Fixed: Rename in ZIP not possible when original name contained invalid characters like double quotes (") -> rename by position in archive (32/64)
- Added: Explicitly redraw item under cursor after calling SetFocus, should fix disappearing cursor for some users (64)
- Fixed: Sort order wrong in ZIP subdir when using natural sorting: a b Ä instead of a Ä b (32/64)
- Fixed: Internal unpacker for 7zip wasn't supporting Unicode names (32/64)
- Fixed: Verify checksums: md5sum.txt and sha1sum.txt were recognized as CRC files, but CRC checking wouldn't work (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MaxItemsInComboBox=20 allows to set the maximum number of entries in various comboboxes: F7 New Folder history, old searches, multi-rename tool, new connection etc. (default 20, max 500) (32/64)
- Added: Copy files: New option "Skip all" when access is denied to the target file, e.g. because it's open. Uses same flag as when there is a write error (32/64)
- Added: Lister: New right click menu entry to search for the selected text with Google. Can be customized: wincmd.ini [Lister] Contextmenu1=Title|http://someaddress?variable=%s (%s will be replaced by the search string) (32/64)
- Fixed: Option "Show old 8.3 names lowercase" not working correctly with 8.3 names where only the first character was lowercase (32/64)
- Added: Always use new delete method when VistaDelete isn't set in wincmd.ini, but show our own delete confirmation dialog if the system dialog is disabled (32/64)
- Added: Check option "Encrypt" in pack dialog when packing with Alt+F5, and the target archive already exists and contains encrypted files (ZIP only) (32/64)
- Added: Check option "Encrypt" in pack dialog when adding files to an archive in other panel (F5) which already contains encrypted files (32/64)
- Added: Use FindFirstFileExW with option FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH instead of FindFirstFileW if available to speed up reading directories (32/64)
- Added: Internal unpacker for 7zip format using 7zip dll (32/64)
- Added: Open RAR archives with password-protected names (32/64)
- Added: Support for new RAR5 format (list archive content, unpack) (32/64)
- Fixed: Various crashes from crash reports in the forum or by e-mail (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration - Options - Folder tabs: Switching between one and more lines or to/from fixed width -> Unicode characters in tab headers were lost (32/64)
- Added: Copy directly from archive/ftp/fs plugin to virtual folder with no local path (e.g. Android MTP device) (32/64)
- Fixed: Update separate tree after copy+paste (Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V) (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash on Virtual PC 2007 (no service pack) and older due to faulty mrxvpc.sys when accessing shared folders - fix by user MarcinW (32)
- Fixed: Catch packer plugin exceptions in CloseArchive function (32/64)
- Fixed: RAR archive with encrypted names: Ask for new password if reading of the first name fails, needed especially when using a stored password (32/64)
- Fixed: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program, go to file was not working with files inside archives (32/64)
- Added: New internal command cm_SearchStandalone opens separate search dialog with same parameters as cm_SearchFor opens the internal dialog (32/64)
- Added: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program: Set sort order of search results (1=name, 2=extension, 3=size, 4=time, negative = descending): totalcmd.exe /S=F:S-4 c:\path (32/64)
- Added: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program: Support "feed in listbox" (32/64)
- Added: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program with saved search (e.g. named "example"): totalcmd.exe /S=F:Lexample c:\path (32/64)
- Added: Open "Find files" dialog as a standalone program: totalcmd.exe /S=F c:\path (32/64)
- Added: Support unpacking of LHA archives larger than 2 GB (32/64)
- Fixed: Own error dialog (e.g. "Access denied") UI problem: Set minimum dialog box width (40 characters) and maximum button width (1.5 times the length of the longest button text) (32/64)
- Fixed: Column width could be reduced to 0 by moving tab header separators (64)
- Fixed: Background transfer manager: Do not load FTP client object when just copying files, should make opening a bit faster (32/64)
- Added: Allow user to increase FTP connect timeout for data connections to max 60 seconds: wcx_ftp.ini [General] DataConnectTimeout=10 (default is 10 seconds) (32/64)
- Fixed: Unpack files via external packer (e.g. WinACE): Add double quotes around archive name and/or target path if they contain spaces and the file system doesn't support alternate 8.3 names (32/64)
- Added: Internal LHA unpacker: Support for higher compression formats -lh6- and -lh7- (64k and 128k sliding window size) (32/64)
- Fixed: Leak of icon handle each time the overwrite dialog is shown (icon: arrow) (32/64)
- Fixed: Crash at address 0 unpacking invalid ZIP file with bz2 compression (trying to callback to decrypt function which wasn't set) (32/64)
- Fixed: Closing "Verify checksums" dialog while any file operation active -> file progress dialog not closed when file operation ended (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content, UTF-8: Lines with accented chars (one uppercase, one lowercase) were shown as different, but with no differences within the line (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not try to run 16-bit programs from 64-bit TC, they cause a segmentation fault in ShellExecuteEx (64)
- Fixed: Links in HTML files with UTF-8 encoding not shown in different color with Uniscribe=0 (32/64)
- Fixed: Right click on button bar button: "cd" command in menu incorrect if the command contained parameters and no start path was defined (32/64)
- Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Tab in list on the left didn't switch to first item in right panel (bug in Lazarus). Unfortunately the same problem with Shift+Tab cannot be fixed (64)
- Added: Warn also in Synchronize dirs when the ESC key seems to be stuck (e.g. when using virtualization software) (32/64)
- Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not abort unpacking (for comparing files in archives) with Abort button (32/64)
- Added: FTP download from list can now copy files without the "copy:" prefix by specifying the full path to the files (32/64)
- Fixed: Create shortcut (LNK file) failed or created bad links in path with more than 259 characters or for a source with more than 259 characters -> use 8.3 alias path if possible (32/64)
- Fixed: Convert forward slashes to backslashes in paths received via command line, e.g. sent by cygwin (32/64)
- Fixed: F5 Copy dialog: If lower part is pinned, the option to overwrite read only/hidden/system files wasn't checked when these options were set in Configuration - Options - Misc. (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP download from list: Western accents were converted to '_' in Russian locale (reason: ch:=char(wbuf) uses locale in Lazarus) (64)
- Added: Select files by clicking on their icons also in single click start mode (click on name launches file/opens folder) (32/64)
- Added: Files - Combine files: Support files in the following format: filename.00000.zip.part (32/64)
- Added: Files - Combine files: Show number of combined files in the title when done, so the user can verify that all files were handled (especially when no CRC file was present) (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: The bar could be lost if the user double clicked on the OK button instead of single clicking (64)
- Fixed: Position of "Change user menu"/"Change start menu" dialogs not restored correctly (because Position was set to default in the form) (64)
- Fixed: Starting with fresh wincmd.ini on small screen (e.g. 1024x600) with taskbar on top or left side -> window not centered in visible area (32/64)
- Fixed: Names of print jobs were limited to 31 characters -> increased to MAX_PATH=259 (32)
- Fixed: Starting programs with ENTER no longer worked within hard-linked folders after installing Internet Explorer 10 (bug in function ShellExecuteEx: EXE in root of linked target, link on same disk as target) (32/64)
- Added: Search - duplicate file finder, compare by plugin fields: Also supports character ranges, e.g. [=tc.name:1-3] will match just the first 3 characters of the name (32/64)
- Added: Search - duplicate file finder: Find files by identical plugin fields. Also supports units. (32/64)
- Added: Enhanced selection dialog for duplicate file finder (Ctrl+F, Ctrl+Tab, duplicate files - feed in listbox): Select by name, size, time, and folder (32/64)
- Added: Support delayed copying in case of errors (files without errors moved first) also when moving files between two different drives (32/64)
- Fixed: Creating subfolders in virtual folders didn't work in some locations (e.g. MTP devices) where the creation took too long. However, the user may need to refresh the panel manually to see the new subfolder (32/64)
- Added: Logging: Also log CRC errors and read errors in function Files - Verify checksums (if option to Pack/Unpack/Test is checked) (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SkippedFileCopy=0 turns off new copy mode where files with errors are skipped and handled at the end (32/64)
- Added: F5 copy: First copy all files where the user doesn't need to be asked and skip all with errors, ask at the end (32/64)
- Fixed: FTP download from list: "OK-" string was written incorrectly in UTF-8 file on first line (overwriting the BOM) (32/64)
- Added: Download from FS plugin after search - feed in listbox -> show option to keep relative paths (32/64)
- Fixed: Switch away from tab with packer, ftp or fs plugin search results and back -> results lost or no longer accessible (32/64)
- Added: Display HTML files which are encoded with UTF-16 (normally used only in e-mails, not on the WWW). The file will show up as HTML+UTF-8 because it's temporarily converted to UTF-8 (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowWarningIcons=0 turns off the warning exclamation mark icons to the left of remembered options enabled by the user (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] KeepPackerPassword=0: Allow to keep last archive password when: 1: program is minimized 2: screen saver starts 3: both (32/64)
- Added: The remembered archive password will be cleared when minimizing TC, putting the PC to sleep, or when a screensaver starts (32/64)
- Added: Checkbox "Remember" in password dialog to enable the RememberLastPassword option (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] RememberLastPassword=0: Set to 1 to remember the last used archive password for all other archives (packing+unpacking) until TC is closed (option auto-saved) (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] SkipFirstDir=1: Sets initial state of option "Leave out base directory when packing folders". The option is not auto-saved, but remembered while TC is running (32/64)
- Added: Files - Pack files: New option when creating one file per selected file/folder: Leave out the (selected) base directory when packing folders, e.g. dir "test" selected -> the name "test" will not be part of the files in the archive (32/64)
- Added: Show example in dialog "expand selection" (key "+" on numeric keypad) how to enter regular expressions directly (32/64)
- Added: Show exclamation mark to the left of some checkboxes to warn user about possible problems: Copy: keep relative dirs from branch view, ZIP: not preserving path, not storing recursively, Unzip: Not unpacking paths, overwriting files without confirmation, FTP upload: Converting to lowercase, Search: In archives (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowHiddenSystem=0 now means: 0=show neither, 1=hidden+system, 2=hidden, 3=system (32/64)
- Added: Split function "Show hidden/system files" into two options "Show hidden files" and "Show system files" (32/64)
- Added: Click on directory in search window status bar allows to skip this directory and all its subdirs when searching (pauses search and asks for confirmation). Works with dirs, archives and file system plugins (32/64)
- Added: Return to virtual folders like libraries or mtp devices via history even after closing and restarting. May not work after disconnecting+reconnecting the device (32/64)
- Added: Support virtual folders like Android devices (mtp, media transfer protocol) in multi-rename tool (32/64)
- Added: When using VerifyCopy option with default copy method (CopyFileEx), use background thread to read source file a second time and calculate checksum while copying (32/64)
- Added: If RenameSelOnlyName option is set, select only the name part also in Shift+F5 (32/64)
- Added: Show option "Skip all" when compatibility mode copy method (CopyFileEx) gets a read error (32/64)
- Added: Support for multiple internal (cm_xyz) or user-defined (em_xyz) commands on a single button or start menu command: Separate by a comma, e.g. cm_SelectAll,cm_Copy. Not all commands can be chained this way! (32/64)
- Added: Verify after copy: Show error when comparing of source+target results in a difference, allow to skip all warnings. Errors will be written to the log file (32/64)
- Added: Show progress bar when using VerifyCopy=1: Copying goes from 0..50%, verifying from 50-100% (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] VerifyCopy=1: Verify target after copying (using MD5 checksum), target file will be re-read with option "no buffering". Warning: Slow! (32/64)
- Added: Configuration - Options - FTP: Allow to open new connections in target panel, do NOT make panel active (32/64)
- Added: Show directory created outside of TC also in separate tree if it was created in the current directory (32/64)
- Added: Allow to ignore NTFS directory links in various functions: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreLinks=0 Sum of: 1: copy/move/calculate space, 2: internal packers (zip, tar), 4: branch view, 8: find files, 16: ignore links even when they are selected in the current directory (32/64)
- Fixed: Windows 8, double click on file: Do not follow links to files on UNC paths created e.g. via mklink /D link \\server\share (32/64)
- Fixed: Inplace rename: Do not warn about existing target directory if the user added a trailing backslash, e.g. target\ (32/64)
- Added: "Associate with"-Dialog is now resizable, but doesn't remember its size and position (32/64)
- Added: Rename file (main program or sync tool): If the user specifies a directory, e.g. subdir\file.ext which doesn't exist yet, create it (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RelativePathCopy=2 controls option "Keep relative paths" in F5/F6: Sum of: 1: enabled at start, 2: remember last option while TC is running 4: remember last option also after closing TC, -1: hide option (32/64)
- Added: Ctrl+Home in copy/move/pack dialog places cursor just before the name part of the file (32/64)
- Fixed: F3 in search results with file on FTP: Download progress bar not working (32/64)
- Added: Show number of bytes handled also in these dialogs: ftp uploads+downloads (single files only), pack+unpack with packer plugins, encode/decode file (32/64)
- Added: Show number of files handled also in these dialogs: Multi-Rename tool, Synchronize (delete, attributes), fs-plugin copy+delete, pack+unpack with packer plugins (32/64)
- Added: Split/combine files: Show number of bytes and number of files (32/64)
- Added: Encode files: Show number of bytes done and total (32/64)
- Added: Delete progress dialog: Show number of deleted files (32/64)
- Added: Copy progress dialog: Show number of copied bytes also when copying only one file (32/64)
- Added: Copy progress dialog: Show number of remaining files/bytes instead of number of copied files/bytes by clicking on the bytes/files display (32/64)
- Added: Background copy progress dialog: Show From+To names as a tooltip when hovering over the text field (32/64)
- Added: Support right click menu in dropdown part of drive combobox -> no need to switch to that drive first (32/64)
- Added: Windows Vista/7/8: Handle opening of unknown file types according to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Unknown (may use opendlg subkey; doesn't work on XP) (32/64)
- Added: New command line parameter /A tells TC to not open archives received via command line, but instead open the directory and place the cursor on the archive (32/64)
- Added: Operations in background: New button to return the operation to the foreground. Only works if there isn't any other modal dialog in TC (32/64)
- Added: Copy files - click on "Background" -> Show number of copied files and bytes and the totals too (32/64)
- Added: Delete function (not to recycle bin): Retry to delete a directory after 100 ms if deleting failed with "not empty" AND we deleted some files from it (32/64)
- Added: Delete function (not to recycle bin): Only warn at the end when some directories couldn't be deleted (except if access denied, for admin option), offer to try again (32/64)
- Added: Drive dropdown list: New entries "Computer" and "My Documents (directory)" (32/64)
- Added: Search function: Remember last used text search options while TC is running, save on exit (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OldCmdLineCount=20 allows to se the number of command lines kept in the history (32/64)
- Added: Search, feed in listbox, Ctrl+Left or Right Arrow -> do not select file when using cursor in inactive panel, just set the cursor on the file (32/64)
- Added: Do not show error when user double clicks on EXE but cancels windows account control dialog (32/64)
- Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] SaveNewConnection=0 -> do not ask to save when disconnecting a connection created with Ctrl+N (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryLen=26 allows to set the displayed length of the directory history (default 26, max 100) (32/64)
- Added: Show file size and last modified time also in virtual folders like connected MTP devices like Android phones/tablets (32/64)
- Added: Lister: Open file with flag FILE_SHARE_DELETE on NT-based systems if normal open fails (32/64)
- Added: F5 copy dialog: New button to define search for "Only files of this type" (32/64)
- Added: Search function: "Feed in listbox" also when searching in archives: Results from just one archive will be added directly, otherwise just the archives themselves will be listed (32/64)
- Added: Search function: The option "Office xml" now also searches in EPUB files (htm, html and opf) (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: Abort unpacking not only with ESC, but also via dialog buttons (32/64)
- Added: Search function: New option "Office xml (docx, xlsx, odt etc) searches the new xml-based zipped office files, even inside other archives (32/64)
- Fixed: Search function: The following combination didn't work: UTF8+Hex (32/64)
- Added: Search function: Allow to search for any combination of ANSI, ASCII, UTF-16 Unicode and UTF-8 Unicode at the same time (32/64)
- Added: Buttonbar command ZIPFROMLIST now supports parameters: -m move, -o overwrite without asking, -0 .. -9 compression rate, -c0 encrypt (zip20), -c1 AES128, -c2 AES192, -c3 AES256, -c0pass .. -c3pass encrypt with given password (32/64)
- Added: Turn the new auto-re-uploading of TEMP files on/off via settings: Configuration - Options - View/Edit (32/64)
- Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoReUpload=1/0 turns new auto re-upload method of TEMP files on/off (32/64)
- Added: Delete temporary directory remainders under %TEMP%\_tcx\ after 1 month (32/64)
- Added: Option to keep relative subdirs when copying files from branch view, only enabled when F5/F6 copy dialog is actually shown (32/64)
- Added: Search function: Support "feed in listbox" also when searching on FTP servers. Note: Not all servers can handle relative paths (32/64)
- Added: Search function: Support "feed in listbox" also when searching in file system plugins (32/64)
- Added: Print preview: Added scrollbar tracking (real time redrawing) on XP or newer (32/64)
- Added: High DPI support for breadcrumb bar, and for the drive selection dialog in the search function (32/64)
- Added: Make current path panel as high as the drive dropdown combobox when a touch device is detected (32/64)
- Added: Verify SHA512 checksums with code from www.wolfgang-ehrhardt.de (32/64)
- Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Changing just the date or just the time via "tc" plugin didn't work correctly for times 1-2 hours after midnight due to different daylight saving calculations (32/64)
- Fixed: Disable "Swap panels" (Ctrl+U and Ctrl+Shift+U) while one of the panels shows an archive within an archive (32/64)
- Added: Files - Change attributes: Show progress dialog if function takes more than 2 seconds to complete (32/64)
- Added: FTP download from list: New command "sleep x" adds a delay of x milliseconds (e.g. sleep 1000) (32/64)
- Fixed: HTTP downloads: resume connection when a server closes it gracefully (no error) when the reported file size hasn't been reached yet (32/64)
- Added: Touch screen: in right mouse button selection mode, show context menu on long finger tap when staying on file, select files when moving finger (32/64)
- Added: wcx_ftp.ini new SpecialFlags options to force timestamp function: 4096=MDTM, 8192=MFMT, 12288=SITE UTIME (32/64)
- Fixed: ZIP unpacker: Could not unpack encrypted ZIP >4GB if the CRC was stored behind the compressed data (32/64)
- Fixed: Set new default scale for button bar and file list icons to 32x32 on high dpi devices (>=144 dpi, 150%) (32/64)
- Fixed: Show double size drive buttonbar icons on high dpi devices (>=144 dpi, 1.5x96dpi) (32/64)
- Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Drive buttons didn't scale with the chosen main window font (32/64)
- Fixed: Files - Change attributes, additional attributes: Ignore date/time attributes if the user doesn't enter anything (32/64)
- Fixed: Do not modify descript.ion file if it has UTF-16 Unicode encoding, which isn't currently supported (32/64)
- Fixed: Compare by content: Show correct "out of memory" error when user tries to open files which do not fit into memory (32/64)
- Fixed: Support BASE64 decoding created with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet, RFC 3548: The last 2 characters are '-' and '_' instead of '+' and '/' (32/64)
- Fixed: Replace / by \ in keypath variable, otherwise loading of the key may not work (32/64)
- Fixed: Copy selected files while in brief view mode -> footer didn't show file under cursor after copying (auto-refresh OFF) (64)
- Fixed: Moved check for USB harddisk to background thread because it may hang on some computers (32/64)
- Fixed: Better sizing of tree triangles/plus signs in high dpi modes (32/64)
- Fixed: Press ESC multiple times -> line with volume label or "\" and ".." button text could become darker with cleartype enabled (64)
- Fixed: Do not change internal environment variables like COMMANDER_PATH when user sets them e.g. in Control Panel - System (32/64)
- Fixed: Press 'n' or 'p' in Lister during media playback -> sometimes the next file was skipped (problem with KeyPreview) (64)
- Fixed: Breadcrumb bar dropdown could appear below taskbar on Windows 95 (reason: missing GetMonitorInfo) (32)
- Fixed: Alt+F5 pack files, self-extracting archive: sfxhead.sfx module not found on Windows 9x/ME (32)
- Added: Regular expressions: Increased number of sub-expressions (NSUBEXP) from 15 to 32 (32/64)
- Fixed: Lister: No context menu was shown for scroll bars -> need to handle right clicks manually (64)
- Fixed: When choosing an editor for F4 or viewer for Alt+F3 via ">>" button, surround with "" if path contains spaces, and append "%1"
- Fixed: Could not open context menu using pen or finger on tablet (32/64)
- Fixed: Open "Compare by content", show caret, minimize, view file with F3, hide+re-show caret, restore compare -> caret lost (32)
- Added: FTP download from list: Look for list file in current directory (active panel) if no path to the list file is given (32/64)
- Fixed: When renaming a file with a comment with the maximum possible length containing line breaks, the line breaks were lost if the new name was longer (32/64)
- Fixed: Only show <Encrypted -> F5> in first part of multi-volume header-encrypted RAR archive. Note: this mode was removed later (32/64)
- Fixed: The thumbnails database couldn't store files or folders containing an exclamation mark "!" in the path (32/64)
- Fixed: Tree view, cursor on virtual folder with Russian name -> First character shown wrong to the left of the command line (32/64)
- Fixed: Tree in one of the two main panels: Inactive cursor was shown on wrong folders in tree, remained on them when changing dirs in other panel (32/64)
- Fixed: Could not open ZIP archive with 0 files and a comment at the end (32/64)
- Fixed: Custom columns view with multiple columns loaded in background: Abort loading all columns when switching to other directory or tab (32/64)
- Fixed: Button bar: Button not drawn in up state when pressing button but releasing while mouse cursor not on button, when using unthemed non-flat buttons (classic theme, buttons on second row or lower only) (32/64)
- Fixed: Drag&Drop from header-encrypted RAR archive wasn't working (32/64)
- Fixed: Configuration - Fonts: When clicking on "Apply", the fonts of the example text for main window and listbox were lost (32)
- Fixed: Use GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM instead of GdipLoadImageFromStream to load JPG/PNG/GIF in Lister to handle color management if present (32/64)
- Added: Drive combobox: React to characters A..Z also when keyboard set to other than latin, e.g. cyrillic (32/64)
- Fixed: Search, double click on an item containing no slash or backslash (e.g. c:) -> crash (32/64)
- Fixed: Rare crash when pressing Ctrl+W in folder tabs (during Ctrl+Tab) (32/64)
- Fixed: Combined 32+64-bit version: Uninstaller didn't remove 32-bit link from desktop (64)
- Fixed: Folder tabs, context menu function "Load tabs from file, replace tabs": Tab width not adjusted in mode "All tabs have same width" (32/64)
- Fixed: Starter menu entry with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+F4, use quick search with Ctrl+Alt, press Ctrl+Alt+S while quich search up -> menu entry was started (64)
- Fixed: Shift+Scroll wheel not switching through visited directories. Note: Doesn't work with some Intellipoint versions (64)
- Fixed: FTP proxy of type USER user@host:port wasn't working any more (32/64)
- Fixed: Support long tap on touch screens in file lists (32/64)
- Added: Left click on file icon selects/unselects just that file (32/64)

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2013, 23:51
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

  FIXED - Settings panel will use font settings from Explorer Panel
  FIXED - Settings panel now works better in high DPI mode
  FIXED - Minor state tweaks to Color Rules Editor.
  ADDED - MultiRename tool can now reset filelist with currently selected items.
  ADDED - Find Files dialog now has a clear button that clear all options.
  ADDED - Backup/Restore will now also do the ColorRules profiles.
  ADDED - Command line command ":winerr <num>" that display the error message for internal windows error codes.
  ADDED - MultiDataViewer will now remember maximized size/position between runs.
  ADDED - Windows Control Panel menu items are now using MultiLanguage system

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2013, 19:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

· The sign-in issues with some user accounts have been fixed.

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 3628 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2013, 17:15
FAR Manager is an application for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. FAR Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

FAR Manager has a multi-language, easily configurable interface. File system navigation is made easier through the use of color highlighting and file sort groups.  The functionality of FAR Manager is greatly extended by external DLL modules - plugins (made possible by a special set of interfaces - the "Plugins API"). For example, archive support, the FTP client, the temporary panel and the network browser are all implemented as plugins included in the standard distribution of FAR.

Features of  FAR Manager:

— Syntax highlighting in program source texts.
— Working with FTP-servers (including access through proxy).
— Search and replace in many files at the same time, using regular expressions.
— Renaming groups of files with support for complex compound masks consisting of — Substitution symbols and templates.
— NNTP/SMTP/POP3/IMAP4 clients and sending messages to a pager.
— Working with non-standard text screen resolutions.
— Conversion of texts from one national code page to another.
— Manipulating the contents of the Recycle Bin.
— Process priority control on local or network PC.
— Words autocomplete in editor and working with templates.
— Windows system registry editing.
— Creating and modifying Windows shortcuts.
— File and text operations making it more comfortable to use FidoNet.
— Files UU-encode and UU-decode.
— WinAmp control and MP3-tags modifying.
— Quake PAK-files processing.
— Printers control, both connected to PC and network.
— Connection and debugging of queries to ODBC-compatible databases.
— RAS service control.
— External programs executing (compilers, converters etc.) while editing text in Far editor.
— Windows help files contents displaying (.hlp and .chm)
— Calculators with different possibilities.
— Several games.
— Spell checker functions while editing text in Far editor.


Whats new: >>

zg 31.08.2013 04:12:54 +0200 - build 3628

1. forum: Crash on PCTL_GETPLUGININFORMATION call.

drkns 30.08.2013 22:53:31 +0200 - build 3627

1. Sending messages to a dialog before DialogRun call could cause a crash.

w17 29.08.2013 16:08:18 +0400 - build 3626

1. Correction of 3261, DialogBuilder update

drkns 29.08.2013 10:01:04 +0200 - build 3625

1. Incorrect handling of OPEN_FINDLIST call for ansi plugins.

t-rex 28.08.2013 20:06:09 +0200 - build 3624

1. Correction of 3621, using DialogBuilder.

t-rex 28.08.2013 16:35:28 +0200 - build 3623

1. Correction of 3621

2. sqlite 3.8.0

w17 28.08.2013 17:24:35 +0400 - build 3622

1. Correction of 3621

w17 28.08.2013 14:59:22 +0400 - build 3621

1. Error text wrapping in ChDiskDlg error dialog

shmuel 20.08.2013 20:54:52 +0200 - build 3620

1. Custom panel sortings are restored after FAR restart if setup was saved,
   provided that appropriate Panel.LoadCustomSortMode() calls are done in the process of macros loading.
   Restoring is done after macros loading is complete, before autostarting macros run.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2013, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Zwei Bug-Fix in der Q-Dir Explorer Listenansicht: Spalte Filter und Druck bzw. Druckvorschaufunktion!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2013, 18:15
03.09.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 2 (32/64)
03.09.13 Fixed: "Compare by content" called from overwrite dialog -> progress dialog was lost (32/64)
03.09.13 Fixed: RAR with encrypted headers: Archive stayed open when entering wrong password, could not be deleted (32/64)
03.09.13 Fixed: Save search options to wincmd.ini when closing the search dialog, not only when closing TC itself, to share with external search dialog (32/64)
03.09.13 Added: Also find text in Apple iWorks documents, except for accented characters - they are stored as e.g. "&#xFC;" (support may be added later) (32/64)
03.09.13 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack file with password, remember last password -> password forgotten after second archive (32/64)
03.09.13 Fixed: Possible floating point bug in unrar.dll -> clear floating point exceptions after each call to the dll and after DispatchMessage, only load dll if needed (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: "Watch directory changes" was losing some events (when receiving multiple for the same file), so the size of a finished download was sometimes wrong (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: Some hotkeys not working in duplicate file finder selection dialog (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: Some duplicate hotkeys changed, like "As Administrator": d->m (32/64)
02.09.13 Added: Make option to open launched programs on same monitor configurable: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenOnSameMonitor=1 or =0 (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: Search - Duplicates - Feed in listbox - delete some files -> dashed lines below the deleted files were lost (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: Selection dialog for duplicate file finder contained one untranslatable string (32/64)
02.09.13 Fixed: 7zip unpacker: No error was shown in out of memory condition, e.g. 1 GB PPMD dictionary in 32-bit version (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Option "Remember last password" caused problems when accessing multiple 7zip archives with different passwords (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Installer: German umlaut encoding wrong on page where the language is chosen (only on NT based systems) (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Lister, search text dialog: Do not allow to check "RegEx" and "Hex" at the same time (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Files - Encode files was failing because target is not writable -> source remained open and couldn't be deleted (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Verify after copy: "Bytes copied" value wrong in background dialog (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: F5 copy with verify: Could not pause verify step when copying in the background (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack big file, click on "Background", then on "Foreground" -> "Cancel" no longer worked (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Typos in history.txt (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Option "Remember last password" caused problems when accessing multiple RAR archives with different passwords (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Do not remember password for RAR headers (header-encrypted RAR) between different archives (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Could not open or unpack RAR5 archives created with parameters -m5 -md32 -ma5 -hpPassword (32/64)
01.09.13 Added: F5 copy, questions asked at end: If there is a dialog within the first 5 seconds, show it instead of postponing it (the user should still be there) - was 0.5 seconds in beta 1 (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Field showing current path (to the left of the command line) was too high, could overlap the buttons, mainly visible with classic theme (32/64)
01.09.13 Added: Turn off selection of files by clicking on their icons: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconClickSelection=0 (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Double click on a folder icon selected the file at this position in the opened subfolder (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Select all files with same extension (Alt+"+") not working if extension contained a ";" character (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: Properties not shown for file in TAR archive where the name inside the archive starts with "./" (32/64)
01.09.13 Fixed: F5-F2 Copy in background (queue) of subdirs would sometimes only copy the dirs, but no files inside (problem with copy mask) (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: URLs not colored in HTML files with UTF-8 encoding when Uniscribe=0 set in [Lister] section (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Totalcmd.exe and Totalcmd64.exe had missing or wrong version information. Also updated the installer and sfx modules version to 8.5 (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7): Search in root was cutting the backslash at the end by mistake (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7): Pass location of wincmd.ini if it was set via /i= parameter (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7) crashed with Showicons=0 (64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Allow to close sync dialog at the end of the copy operation with ESC when SyncRecompareAfterCopy=0 (32/64)
30.08.13 Added: Drive dropdown combobox: Open context menu also with Shift+F10 or special context menu key (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Right click in drive dropdown combobox not working with option DrivesShowUpcase=1 (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Background operation dialog: "Foreground" button and files and bytes copied texts didn't use the same font as the rest of the dialog (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Search function: Do not allow to check incompatible options together, like hex+regex or regex+unicode/utf8/office (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: Some checkboxes misaligned in search function (text search options) (32)
30.08.13 Fixed: "Search in separate process" menu item not working in English version, Alt+Shift+F7 working (32)
30.08.13 Fixed: Encode/Decode file didn't support files >2GB (32/64)
30.08.13 Fixed: UnRAR multi-volume archive, one part missing -> it wasn't possible to abort unpacking (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Background progress dialog, click on "Foreground": Remember position where window was created, go there again when user clicks "Background" again (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Background progress dialog, click on "Foreground": Do not un-pause operation if main TC is blocked by other dialog (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: No drive icons in drive dropdown lists (Alt+F1/Alt+F2) when using external image file via drivelib=dll in wincmd.ini (64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Progress dialog (background or foreground): Click on file or byte count switched from/to remaining only the file count, not the bytes while paused (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: OverrideDPI was ignored in dialogs started as a separate process via /S= parameter, e.g. search, compare etc. (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Could not open RAR archives with extensions WR5 or RAR5 (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: RAR archives were always opened in extract mode, also when just reading the names (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Some users had crashes with new unrar.dll -> updated to newer version (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Progress dialog in foreground and background sometimes showed 0/0 files handled -> don't show field if both are 0 (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Create CRC checksums, move to back, then to the foreground, then to the back again -> no progress bar (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Multiple copy dialogs in the background: Could not move more than one back to the foreground after the one in the foreground ended (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Could not minimize standalone search dialog (Alt+Shift+F7) (64)
28.08.13 Added: Configure button bar: Append command when command line contains cm_ or em_ command and ends with a comma (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Multiple commands in button bar (separated by comma) not working if first was user defined command em_x (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Multiple commands in button bar (separated by comma) not working with numbers, only with cm_x constants (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Search function: Clicking on button "New search" (only visible after starting search) resized window to wrong height (64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Command cm_SearchStandalone not working (because new TOTALCMD.INC wasn't included) (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Search in separate process: Show "Not supported" error when user tries to search in a search result (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: F7 create directory: Cursor was not placed on the directory if it already existed (32/64)
28.08.13 Fixed: Nag screen fonts not scaled correctly with OverrideDPI set (32)

Titel: Multi Commander v3.5.0 (Build 1500)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2013, 22:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

File Coloring Rules Editor.
Inline rename can move to previous/next item with arrow keys.
New Regular expression engine that is perl compatible.
Windows Control Panels can be access from the Tools menu. (And Hotkey can be assigned to them )
(Not supported on WinXP)
New delete progress window that shows more information.
File Search window will remember search filter.
Lots of minor issues fixed with FTP, MultiScript, MultiRename.
12 rare crashes reported by crash report system.
Public Beta SDK release. (Go to online forum for more information).

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 2a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2013, 13:12
Whats new: >>

· Fixed: New tc7zif.dll wasn't included in the installer, resulting in random errors unpacking 7z files (32)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2013, 09:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Beim Einsatz von Farbfiltern in Q-Dir, kann man bei Druck und Druckvorschau die Hintergrundfarbe, Textfarbe und Schrifttyp (Fett, Kursiv,...) deaktivieren. Über Menü, Extras, Druck.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2013, 18:45
Whats new: >>

· Fixed: FTP, Delete file(s) in background would cause an access violation (32/64)
· Fixed: Background transfer manager crashed when trying to add an empty URL, or something invalid like "test" (32/64)
· Fixed: When minimizing file operation progress dialog, hide it explicitly because in some cases, only the main window was minimized (64)
· Fixed: Creating file system links: Failed to copy Volume mount points (target is a volume GUID, not a path). Reason: Must end with a backslash! (32/64)
· Fixed: Creating symbolic links: try to request SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME privilege, will usually fail (32/64)
· Fixed: Copying file system links: Create a Symbolic Link instead of a Junction if the link contains a path relative to the current directory (32/64)
· Fixed: Command line parameters /O /T /A not working together (archives are still opened) (32/64)
· Fixed: Show out of memory error when unpacking from RAR with big dictionary for which unrar.dll couldn't allocate memory (32/64)
· Fixed: Show error when user tries to unpack a deduplicated file (=reference to other file) from a RAR archive (32/64)
· Fixed: Button bar command containing parameter %S couldn't be run as administrator (32/64)
· Fixed: Total size calculated incorrectly when packing subdirs to TAR or TGZ (file sizes added twice), resulting in false >2GB warnings (32/64)
· Fixed: Total Commander no longer started on Windows NT4 (missing functions Module32First, Module32Next used for VirtualPC bugfix) (32)
· Fixed: Lister - Copy to clipboard/Search with Google not working correctly with Cyrillic text on Cyrillic locale with non-standard font and encoding set to ANSI (32/64)
· Fixed: Search - Duplicate file finder - by plugin field didn't work correctly with delay-loaded fields like in lotsofhashes plugin (32/64)
· Fixed: Search - Duplicate file finder - by plugin field didn't work correctly with [=tc.size.bytes] (due to field substitution with default size field) (32/64)
· Fixed: Compare by content, paste text to ANSI file: Convert from Unicode clipboard data on NT based systems, using codepage of current font (32)
· Fixed: Synchronize dirs, compare 2 files from 2 archives with external compare tool, edit both - TC tried to re-pack both at the same time (32/64)
· Added: Separate commands to switch hidden/system files on/off: cm_SwitchHid and cm_SwitchSys (32/64)
· Fixed: "Last access" and "Create" directory timestamps were copied even with CopyAllTimes=0 (32/64)
· Fixed: Alt+F5 pack to ZIP, click on "Background", then on "Foreground" -> instead of "ZIP:", the dialog showed the progress text from the background dialog (32/64)
· Fixed: Background copy dialog: Try to reduce flickering (when using no theme) in "bytes copied" field (32/64)
· Fixed: Delayed copy confirmation dialogs not working correctly with files from branch view when not preserving relative paths, and target already exists (32/64)
· Fixed: Button bar, multiple commands on one button: No working if last command was "em_*" command, contained a ",", and didn't exist (32/64)
· Fixed: Quick search: Changed cursor positioning, so it should also work with Korean (64)
· Fixed: Checkboxes/Radio buttons misaligned in lister search dialog and pack dialog (32/64)
· Fixed: Copy progress dialog: Click on files or bytes copied while paused -> number of bytes copied wrong (32/64)
· Added: Auto re-upload of files on FTP or plugin: Warn user if he is editing a file which was a partial download (32/64)
· Added: Auto re-upload of files to FTP or file system plugin when saved (F3/F4) is now disabled by default, user will be asked on first use whether he wants to enable it
· Fixed: Access violation in function Load/Save in "Find Files" if the saved name was longer than 248 characters (32/64)
· Fixed: Drag&Drop any URL from a browser to TC -> no file list refresh (32)
· Fixed: Packer password not remembered when unpacking with Alt+F9 instead of Enter+F5 (32/64)
· Fixed: RAR.EXE 5.0 expects file names in ANSI or Unicode format, no longer in DOS format (32/64)
· Fixed: The warning exclamation mark background wasn't drawn transparently, so a white background could be seen with some themes (32/64)
· Fixed: Clicking on icon to select a file didn't work in second, third etc. column in brief view (32/64)
· Fixed: Support unpacking of 7zip archive with multiple passwords with F5: The user can try all the passwords until it works (32/64)
· Fixed: Unpack from 7zip archive with multiple passwords - infinite loop asking for the password (64)
· Fixed: Lister, context menu "Search with Google": Not working in UTF-8 files (32/64)
· Fixed: Lister, context menu "Search with Google": Support URLs up to 1023 characters long, was limited to about 230 (32/64)

Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2013, 13:30
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

· SDExplorer now retains original modified date when uploading files to SkyDrive

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: SE-Explorer 1.31.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2013, 15:20
SE-Explorer is a Windows Explorer replacement - simple and powerful dual panel file manager with tabbed interface and lots of build-in viewers.

License:    Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir 5.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2013, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Beim Druck und der Druckvorschau, bleibt die Hintergrundfarbe Weiß! Wenn die Option: (Menü, Extras, Druck, Hintergrundfarbe-Ignorieren) aktiviert ist, auch wenn das aktuelle Windows-Design anderes eingestellt ist!

Titel: Q-Dir 5.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2013, 12:20
Latest Changes

Korrekturen und Optimierung in Q-Dir für x64 und einige Anpassungen für Win 8.1.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2013, 15:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[File operations] when I move directory, after <enter> pressed, doublecmd loose focus (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] arm-linux build patch (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] [PATCH] Fixed rename inactive tab (cobines) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Language change does not update toolbar buttons text (cobines) - resolved.
[Default] Drag&drop part of a file name when renaming file leads to ERR FILE NOT FOUND (cobines) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Main form shortcuts are triggered when other non-modal dialogs are active (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Unhandled Exception when adding wdx plugin (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] when copying a directory to its own soft-link, all files deleted (cobines) - resolved.

Für WIN 98 - 7

Titel: Link ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2013, 13:27
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

· Complete support for UNC path in any Smart Move/Copy/Clone & Delorean Operation.
· Lots of little fixes/improvements, I always wanted to do, but never had the time to.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 13.9.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2013, 14:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2013, 19:00
Whats new: >>

· Fixed: Change font via Configuration with fresh wincmd.ini (Tabs never saved) -> tabs wrong (already in TC 8.01 and older) (32/64)
· Fixed: Linux/Wine: Current file indicator (cursor) was lost after closing progress dialog, e.g. after file operations (32/64)
· Fixed: Linux/Wine: No directory contents shown when Windows version was set to Windows 7 with winecfg (reason: Wine not supporting FindFirstFileEx with parameter FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH) (32/64)
· Added: Windows Vista or newer: Use "Segoe UI Semibold" as new default main window and list font if available (32/64)
· Added: Option to remember position of background transfer manager in system menu (click on top-left icon) (32/64)
· Fixed: Drive dropdown list: "My Documents" was shown twice on Linux/Wine (32/64)
· Added: New option wincmd.ini [Packer] PackEncrypted=1 determines when to check "Encrypt" option in pack dialog: 0=never, 1=when target contains encrypted files, 2=always (32/64)
· Fixed: Do not try to open files with extension .sfx as an archive (could result in 'invalid archive' error) (32/64)
· Fixed: Copy function: Error dialog could show "Delete:" in the title when a file in a subdir couldn't be read (32/64)
· Fixed: Alt+F7 search dialog launched maximized would be shown behind task bar on left/right side on Windows 8 only (Win8 bug - only solution: fully maximize, then reduce height) (32/64)
· Fixed: FTP: Uploads to IPv6 address failed in active (EPRT) mode, but worked in passive mode (32/64)
· Fixed: F5 Copy of subdirs: Total number of items could be wrong (not counting the number of dirs in the selected subdirs) when copying the same dirs repeatedly (32/64)
· Fixed: Total number of files to be copied shown incorrectly when using AlwaysCopyInBackground=1 (32/64)
· Fixed: Error unpacking 7zip archives with Alt+F9 where subdirs are stored behind the files in these subdirs (32/64)
· Added: "Select duplicate files" dialog: Changed English text of "Do not select" to "Leave at least one file in each group unselected" (32/64)
· Added: Create CRC checksums: New dialog to also create SHA256+SHA512, remember option "separate checksum files" and "*.*.sha" when entered by the user (32/64)
· Added: Show "Verify" checkbox also in Shift+F5 (copy in place) dialog and Synchronize dirs (copy dialog) (32/64)
· Fixed: Crash in quick filter (Ctrl+S) in directory with >10'000 entries when pasting long search string and switching to other program while still filtering (32/64)
· Fixed: Do not ask for password internally when unpacking RAR archive with external packer via Alt+F9 (32/64)
· Fixed: Crash in copy function in second pass (null pointer) (32/64)
· Fixed: Search for text in 7zip showed the total number of files in the archive instead of the number of files found (32/64)
· Fixed: Search for text in 7zip files failed if the files were in subdirs inside the archive (32/64)
· Added: Virtual folders like photo cameras didn't return a "Date modified" field - use DateCreated field instead. Unfortunately there is no way to copy this date with the file (32/64)
· Added: Show "Verify" option in F5 copy dialog. Option in settings defines startup behaviour (32/64)
· Fixed: Copy in background: Reduce flickering by setting WS_EX_COMPOSITED flag on XP or newer (32/64)
· Fixed: Do not append \*.* to selected folders when unpacking with external rar, otherwise empty subdirs will not be unpacked (32/64)
· Fixed: Opening multi-volume archive: User was asked twice for the next part if it was missing when the archive was opened, but appeared there later (e.g. background download) (32/64)
· Fixed: When showing an error when user tries to unpack a deduplicated file (=reference to other file) from a RAR archive, show the name of the file and not that of the archive (32/64)
· Fixed: Support for more 7zip self-extraction modules, starting with 37 7A BC AF 27 1C 00 04 instead of ..03 (32/64)
· Fixed: Support RAR5 SFX files (self-extracting archives), open with Ctrl+PageDown (32/64)
· Fixed: Unpack directory attributes when unpacking directories from RAR archives, even when dirs are already there (32/64)
· Fixed: Clicking on icon to select a file removed all other selections in second, third etc. column in brief view and left mouse button selection mode (32/64)
· Fixed: Lister - Copy to clipboard still not working correctly with Cyrillic text on Cyrillic locale with non-standard font and encoding set to ANSI (32/64)
· Fixed: IgnoreLinks not considered when copying when CopyLinks wasn't set too (32/64)
· Fixed: CopyLinks option will now only be used if the target is an NTFS disk. Otherwise IgnoreLinks determines whether links are ignored, or copied as normal directories (32/64)
· Fixed: wincmd.ini [Lister] Contextmenu1, 2 etc. didn't work with programs and parameters. Specify like this: Contextmenu1=Title|c:\path\program.exe parameters or Contextmenu1=Title|"c:\path with spaces\program.exe" parameters (32/64)
· Fixed: Win8 only: Separate search process, click on "Feed in listbox" -> crash (32/64)
· Added: Allow to see files in archives even when an error is reported (e.g. because a file of a multi-part archive is missing). An error will be shown with OK/Cancel (32/64)
· Fixed: When minimizing file operation progress dialog and later restoring TC, the drive buttons in the main window started to react to mouse moves. Afterwards, minimizing again would sometimes only minimize the main window (32/64)
· Fixed: When creating junctions/hard links, put /??/ also in "print name", not only in "target name" field, just like mklink (32/64)
· Fixed: Could not create relative symbolic links when TC was already elevated or UAC was off (reason: TC created the target as a directory) (32/64)

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 11 (build 929)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2013, 19:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Tablacus Explorer 13.9.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2013, 16:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new: >>

· Adjusted for ExplorerBrowser

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2013, 07:30
Whats new: >>

02.10.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 5 (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy error: "Abort" button not working when using old copy function (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy error: Show buttons "Ignore", "Ignore all" and "Abort" (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Count dir sizes with Space/Alt+Shift+Enter: Do not count file system links if IgnoreLinks=17 or CopyLinks!=0 (32/64)
02.10.13 Added: 32-bit only (for test purposes): CRC create checkbox, 2 columns for checksum type, increased width (32)
02.10.13 Fixed: Delayed copy not working correctly when copying a folder to a different name with Shift+F5 -> save exact target name in list (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy: When copying a file which is changing (e.g. ongoing download), only compare the checksums of the actually copied part, so there is no error if this part is copied correctly (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy+append - progress bar wrong (32/64)
02.10.13 Fixed: Open 7zip archives with other extension than .7z (e.g. .exe) with external plugin if there is one installed for 7z extension (32/64)
01.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy not working correctly when appending to existing file (32/64)
01.10.13 Fixed: Verify after copy: Warn if file size wrong (32/64)
30.09.13 Fixed: "Download from list" now supports line lengths up to 1023 characters (no error if line too long) (32/64)
30.09.13 Fixed: AlwaysCopyInBackground=1, click on "Foreground" -> Only one progress bar shown (32/64)
30.09.13 Fixed: Same directory shown in BOTH panels, WatchDirs=3 -> new file created outside of TC only showing up in one panel (32/64)
30.09.13 Fixed: Position of background transfer manager could not be restored on other screen than TC itself (32/64)
30.09.13 Fixed: Allow to open RAR files containing the string ".part" NOT followed by a number (32/64)
30.09.13 Added: Configure selection of files by clicking on their icons via main configuration dialog (32/64)
30.09.13 Added: Use selection of files by clicking on their icons only when tapping on touch screen: wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconClickSelection=2 (32/64)
29.09.13 Fixed: Verify after copy error: Title and text were reversed when not copying with CopyFileEx method (32/64)
29.09.13 Fixed: Error reading 7zip archive where the "method" field was longer than 31 characters (resulting in empty file name) (32)
29.09.13 Fixed: Move copy operation to background -> progress bar was shown for current file, not for all files, until the next file (32/64)
27.09.13 Fixed: Ctrl+L: Do not count selected file system links if IgnoreLinks=17 or CopyLinks!=0 (32/64)
27.09.13 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Verify after copy disabled if user pressed "Options" button in F5 copy dialog (32/64)
27.09.13 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Clear alternating display of file name/progress text when last operation is done (32/64)
27.09.13 Fixed: Directories were not extracted from 7zip archives with F5 (only with Alt+F9), so empty directories and directory attributes were not restored (32/64)
27.09.13 Fixed: "Remember position" not translated in background transfer manager - system menu (64)
26.09.13 Fixed: Could not open RAR archives in a folder named somename.part??? with ??? a number (32/64)
26.09.13 Fixed: Aborting copying during verification phase would abort without confirmation (32/64)
26.09.13 Fixed: "Foreground" button not working in background dialog when moving files within the same drive (32/64)
26.09.13 Fixed: Copy progress dialog could be closed via system menu without aborting the copy function (64)
26.09.13 Fixed: New CRC create dialog wasn't centered on Total Commander (32/64)
26.09.13 Fixed: Windows 8: Re-opening the search dialog (Alt+F7) after searching didn't resize the result list correctly (32)

Titel: Multi Commander 3.5.1 Build 1530
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2013, 20:03
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - New Language - Portuguese - Translated by Pedro Albuquerque
ADDED - File copy logging will now output time and speed information for the read/write calls.
ADDED - Shell Context Menu code have been rewritten.
ADDED - MultiCommander will not change to be a toplevel window if it is activated by starting to dragged a item.
ADDED - MultiScript function to calculate checksum "ChkSum_Create(filename, checksum type)"
ADDED - Improved error logging for read/write errors.
FIXED - Inline rename command Ctrl+L and so on. Will not work anymore if AltGR is pressed. (Conflicted with localized character input)
FIXED - Favorites Window now works again
FIXED - Showing some of the special folder in the device toolbar now works again
FIXED - 14 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2013, 19:40
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Transparent selection incorrectly applies for even rows - fixed
- Data checkbox text is cut off in File Search dialog - fixed
- "Go to" command doesn't work for custom buttons if path is relative - fixed
- Now button customization dialog opens from main toolbar button context menu
- Problem with deleting already deleted folder - fixed
- Crash on copy/move when an odd number of panels displayed - fixed
- Wrong tray icon problem fixed
- Rename function on panels cross clicking in NC selection - fixed
- Crash on FTP disconnect from Navigation panel - fixed
- Middle mouse button click on drive now opens drive path in new tab
- Clicking on ".." item in locked tab cause parent path open in new tab
- Incorrect tab selection on tab drag-and-drop - fixed
- CPU usage reduced
- Fixed error when executing custom command with relative command path and empty path
- Sometimes thumbnails are displayed in wrong size - fixed

Titel: Q-Dir 5.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2013, 13:47
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verifizierung, Validierung und weitere Tests von Q-Dir für/unter Windows 8.1.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 13.10.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2013, 18:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new: >>

Adjusted the tab and folder tree

Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 635
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2013, 17:00
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Bug fix: Browsing in the folder with many items is slow; http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5346
- Bug fix: Error message "Folder is not writable" will be shown on program closing if started from the cd-rom. 
- Bug fix: Wrong items are selected if using selection with "Shift + mouse click" after the using of the keys Up, Down
- German online help ready to use http://www.freecommander.com/fcHelpXE/FreeCommander.html

Titel: Q-Dir 5.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2013, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.
Weitere Tests von Q-Dir für/unter Windows 8.1.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2013, 20:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed: Standalone search window: No custom context menu entries from "Internal associations" shown (32/64)
Fixed: Force close background copy operations when closing TC (the user has to confirm it) (32/64)
Fixed: HTTP download, download aborts, but server doesn't support resume -> infinite retry loop (32/64)
Fixed: Clear "All as Admin" flag when user cancels the launch of the tcmadmin tool (32/64)
Fixed: Delete files to recycle bin (VistaDelete=1), abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue) (32/64)
Fixed: Watch directory changes: Block main thread for a maximum of 1 second at a time when there are thousands of changes (32/64)
Fixed: Copy files, click on "Background" then "Foreground" -> do not follow the deleted file position since all files have been unselected when clicking "Background" (32/64)
Added: HTTP download via Ctrl+N: Support servers returning incorrect headers, e.g. Content-Length: 0 but valid Content-Range (32/64)
Added: Updated tcuninst.exe to use latest code signing certificate (32)
Added: Support unpacking of multi-volume 7zip files, which are just regular (but split) 7zip files. All parts must be in the same directory (32/64)
Fixed: Port connection to other PC: Misleading error if USB driver installed but no cable connected: "Could not load port driver!" (32/64)
Fixed: Do not pass archive subfolder to external search tool (just like when calling the internal search dialog) (32/64)
Fixed: Use new default font (Segoe UI Semibold) only when TC starts with a fresh ini file (no section [Configuration]) or UseNewDefFont=1 (32/64)
Fixed: Made verify more reliable when using default copy function (CopyFileEx) with files >10MB (32/64)
Fixed: Lister, search backwards for regular expressions -> ignore results which start at offset 0 of the search buffer (except at the start of the file) to avoid invalid results (e.g. when searching for the start of a line) (32/64)
Fixed: Single click on file, Alt+Tab to other program not hiding TC window, click on same file again -> rename was started by mistake (64)
Fixed: Delete with VistaDelete=1 -> "Pause" button not working (32/64)
Fixed: Delete with VistaDelete=1 -> "Foreground" button not working (64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack to RAR packed all files instead of selected only with RAR.EXE 4.2 (reason: doesn't like Unicode list file) (32/64)
Fixed: Select all files of multi-part RAR, unpack with Alt+F9 -> same archive was unpacked multiple times (32/64)
Fixed: Detect first part of multi-part RAR also by content (will only detect RAR4 or older archives) (32/64)
Fixed: Delete files directly, abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue), the same as when copying (32/64)
Fixed: Move files on same drive, abort -> add option to cancel abort (=continue), the same as when copying (32/64)
Added: F5 copy dialog: Show exclamation mark near "Verify" when it differs from what has been configured in Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete (32/64)
Fixed: Pausing copying "As Administrator" could result in various errors, like all operations failing after continuing (32/64)
Fixed: Delayed copy not working correctly when copying a folder to a different name with Shift+F5 when using "As Administrator" (32/64)
Fixed: Master password could not be entered on Windows 8.1 (use allowhook=0 on older versions to fix) (32/64)
Added: F5 copy with verify: In case of an error, log the checked size, src and trg md5 values for debug reasons (32/64)
Fixed: Show "Not supported" error (instead of just beeping) when user tries to open multi-rename tool from inside an archive (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Fonts: Non-English font names were no longer shown correctly (64)
Fixed: Progress dialog: Still various problems when clicking on bytes or files copied while paused (32/64)
Fixed: FTP upload in background (F5-F2) from search results not working any more (32/64)
Fixed: Cannot abort copying of alternate data streams due to a bug in CopyFileEx -> return PROGRESS_STOP instead of PROGRESS_CANCEL if it still continues (32/64)
Fixed: Center "Synchronize dirs" on current screen on first launch, otherwise it may not be fully visible with some screen resolutions (32/64)
Fixed: Changed behaviour of Copy/Move dialog when options pinned open: When adding to BTM, the state of the 1..8 combobox is now always used, except when set to 1 (ask), so when the user chooses a method in the BTM, it stays enabled (32/64)
Fixed: Create checksums, new dialog box: F5/F6 to select just the name/name+extension not working (32/64)
Fixed: Command line parameter FTPOPEN:Saved_FTP_connection not working with parameters /O and/or /T (32/64)
Fixed: Create checksums: Number of bytes checked remains at 0% after clicking Background->Foreground->Background (32/64)
Fixed: Create checksums: Number of files copied was only displayed after the first file was checked (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content, pause comparison, click on size field -> percent value jumped to 0% (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2013, 06:30
Latest Changes

Optimierung und Verbesserungen beim Speichern und Laden der Listenansicht Einstellungen in Q-Dir!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2013, 06:20
Whats new: >>

23.10.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 7 (32/64)
23.10.13 Fixed: Closing or minimizing search dialog caused a stack overflow error on Windows 9x/ME (32)
23.10.13 Fixed: Quick search with Chinese input not working when adding ideograms with ENTER (works with SPACE!) because the texts gets selected for some unknown reason (64)
23.10.13 Added: Control overwrite behaviour in background transfer manager: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundCopyFlags=1: 0=never reset; 1=reset overwrite flags when list becomes empty;  2=reset overwrite flags each time a file or group of files is added to the list (32/64)
23.10.13 Fixed: Checkbox overlap in Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete (32)
23.10.13 Fixed: Using Win+Cursor down while copying, searching or synchronizing only minimized the copy dialog, not the main window (32/64)
23.10.13 Fixed: Copy in background: When user closes TC and confirms to abort background transfers, give operations enough time to terminate before exiting (32/64)
23.10.13 Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: Wrong encoding adding plugin fields via "+" button where the name contains accents (only when accent in the deepest menu level) (64)
22.10.13 Added: Auto-install file for plugins (pluginst.inf) now supports version= field, which will be shown on a separate line in the auto-install dialog (32/64)
22.10.13 Fixed: When renaming a folder on an FTP server, invalidate the cache of that folder and all subfolders, not just the base folder containing it (32/64)
22.10.13 Fixed: Search, Feed to listbox, click on "\" or press Ctrl+R -> Always return to directory before the search, even when switching tabs before leaving the search results (32/64)
20.10.13 Fixed: Pause during delete to recycle bin could cause error "CheckSynchronize called from non-main thread" (64)
20.10.13 Fixed: Inplace rename failed (did nothing) when files were added in the other (inactive) panel while the rename box was active, e.g. downloads, and the cursor in the inactive panel was below the rename position in the active panel (32/64)
18.10.13 Fixed: Search dialog: Use better method from forum user "MarcinW" to show dialog maximized without overlapping task bar on Windows 8 (32/64)
18.10.13 Fixed: Pack with RAR.EXE not handling long archive names and spaces correctly if RAR packer was specified with parameters, but program name not in double quotes (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2013, 16:08
Latest Changes

Ermöglicht es Benutzern, einen Schrägstrich (Slash) in der Adresszeile zu verwenden, statt einem Backslash und andere Adress-Bar Regeln sowie Q-Dir Optimierung.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 638
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2013, 19:30
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Bug fix: Files/folders selection problem fixed
- Bug fix: Search dialog - option "Exclude files containig the text" does not work
- Bug fix: Drive select option "Same folder like in the other panel" does not work with the option "Shows drive as popup buton"
- Bug fix: Dos Command line history cannot be disabled
- Bug fix: Nested archiv can not be opened if saved in subfolder

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 13 (build 932)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2013, 20:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Whats new: >>


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2013, 19:00
Whats new: >>

Fixed: Search function: Support max. search length of 2046 characters also when searching for regular expressions (32/
Fixed: Refresh file list after auto re-uploading file to file system plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Access violation caused by TabsLimitLength check whether the archive was modified after the search. If yes, return to normal view (32/64)
Fixed: Copy files from virtual folder (e.g. camera, smartphone) not working when cursor was on updir [..] entry (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not abort deleting to recycle bin (VistaDelete=1), the abort confirmation was shown again for each group of files from a different directory (32/64)
Fixed: Find files, Feed to listbox, return to base dir with "\" button or Ctrl+R: Support to return to FTP connections, archives, file system plugins and virtual folders (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections not showing any names when using an external icon library and Windows Classic theme (64)
Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: When loading a saved search with only "same plugin fields" checked, "same name" was checked too (32/64)
Fixed: Find files, duplicate file finder: Do not check option "same name" when all other fields are unchecked. Instead, uncheck "Duplicate file finder" when the user starts a duplicate search with no sub-options (32/64)
Fixed: Search in archive, feed to listbox -> do not show archive contents if the archive was changed after starting the search (32/64)
Fixed: Could not open any 7zip archives with characters from a different codepage in the path or filename (64)
Fixed: Removed the fix "23.10.12 Fixed: FTP proxy of type USER user@host:port wasn't working any more" because the assumptions were wrong (it worked fine with Wingate with empty USER and PASS fields) (32/64)
Fixed: Search dialog: Still problem with maximized unexpanded search dialog when user moves task bar while search is open (32)
Fixed: Default of CopyOverwriteDefault is now again 1 and not 0 as in beta 6+7: When adding files to background transfer manager, the overwrite flags will be taken from the expanded copy dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Do not delete TEMP file when searching in 7zip archive after each file, only at the end of the archive (32/64)
Fixed: Still some overlapping text or cut focus frame in main configuration dialog (mainly seen with classic theme) (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Show error and abort search if user started search with invalid regular expression (32/64)
Fixed: New selection option "corresponding files" interfering with user-saved searches with ">" in the name, e.g. "*.jpg > 1000kb": Use the entire name if the part until the last '>' cannot be loaded (32/64)
Added: Copy in background: When user closes TC and confirms to abort background transfers, show "Transfer aborted" in the title of the background transfer windows (32/64)

Titel: AudioShell 2.0 Alpha 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2013, 20:15
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

- Added Tag Editor with most tag frames support
- Added File rename tool
- Added Windows shell properties handler
- Added Windows shell thumbnails handler
- Windows Vista/7/8 support
- 64 bit support

Titel: Q-Dir 5.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2013, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen bei Favoriten und Adressleiste: Programme und Verknüpfungen werden vollständig erkannt.
Im Tree-View (Windows 7, Win 8/8.1) werden ebenfalls die Systemfavoriten angezeigt.
Weitere Programmoptimierungen in Q-Dir!
Siehe: ... Q-Dir Adress-Bar Regeln! (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=faq-Q-DIR&faq=92)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 13.11.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2013, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new: >>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 5.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2013, 16:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Neue Option in der Verzeichnisstruktur: Linien (Schaltflächen) an der Wurzel über Menü, Extras, Verzeichnisstruktur.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir und kleine Korrekturen sowie Optimierung.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2013, 18:45
Whats new: >>

Added: Copy and Delete functions: Show number of bytes and files while counting files for progress dialog (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Could not view/edit files in subdirs containing locally forbidden characters, e.g. a|b, when using new auto-re-upload method (32/64)
Fixed: Allow to switch to dir with trailing space via command line, must be followed by backslash or slash, e.g. cd subdir \ (32/64)
Fixed: FTP, response to PWD -> use last double quote, not first, to allow names containing double quotes (32/64)
Fixed: FTP connection list (Ctrl+F), New connection, OK, Cancel master password dialog -> connection was saved incompletely (32/64)
Fixed: Make sure the file list cannot be refreshed in any case in delete to recycle bin function after confirming the operation, but before starting it (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Check for invalid regular expressions also before saving search options (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Check for invalid regular expressions before doing the actual search, so it's not shown when invalid regex is set in color filters (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Show "not found" error immediately when regular expression on plugins tab is invalid (32/64)
Fixed: Search, Feed to Listbox: Non-win32 style tooltips not shown if the name was truncated because of just 1 missing pixel (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Show "not found" error immediately when searching with invalid regular expression (32/64)
Fixed: Logging creation of new folder -> first character was logged as uppercase with DrivesExportUpcase=1 (or DrivesShowUpcase=1) (32/64)
Fixed: User setting tab width to value change it to 0 when edit box loses focus (32/64)
Fixed: Do not call GetDetailsEx to get size and date/time in "My Computer", it seems to be slow for some users (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Support max. search length of 2046 characters also when searching for regular expressions (64)

Titel: AudioShell 2.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2013, 00:15
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

- Added writing support to AudioShell properties handler - now tag fields can be edited directly in Windows Explorer
- Minor improvements

Titel: Q-Dir 5.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2013, 09:22
Whats new :

1. Anpassungen und Verbesserung in den Tool-Bars bei der Darstellung wenn spezielen DPI Werten bei der anzeige am Desktop einsetellt werden!
2. Verbesserungen in der Adressleiste

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2013, 06:45
Whats new: >>

20.11.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 10 (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: WatchDirs option: File could disappear from the list if it was created, deleted and recreated within 1 second (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: FTP, upload very large file, control connection lost during upload -> 20 seconds timeout to detect it as an error (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: FTP, upload files, connection was lost before starting the upload -> first file was skipped when resuming (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: Make search for time consuming regular expressions like .*text.* more responsive (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: Search, feed to listbox -> strings were cut too early when no icons were shown (32/64)
20.11.13 Fixed: Separate search dialog, "Go to file" while main program was showing search results -> tab header didn't show folder name (32/64)
19.11.13 Fixed: .tar.gz archive: No progress bar was shown when entering .tar archive when archive > 2GB (32/64)
19.11.13 Fixed: Delete folder directly (not to recycle bin) which contains folders on ignore list -> warn also when these folders contain files in subfolders (32/64)
19.11.13 Fixed: SetCurrentDirectory: Append a backslash to the path if the path ends with a space, otherwise the function ignores the trailing space (32/64)
19.11.13 Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Changed behaviour of CopyOverwriteDefault and OverwriteFiles: If OverwriteFiles=1, the CopyOverwriteDefault value now takes precedence if it's >1 (32/64)
19.11.13 Fixed: Combine files: Shown copied and total size values wrong (first file was counted twice) (32/64)
17.11.13 Fixed: Search for duplicate files via plugin fields: Much faster by using quick sort to sort by plugin fields (32/64)
17.11.13 Added: Search function, search for file contents: Do not unpack  files <1MB from zip/rar to TEMP, but instead to memory -> much faster (32/64)

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2013, 06:21
How to get safe and quick access to alternative file systems? DiskInternals Linux Reader is a new easy way to do this. This program plays the role of a bridge between your Windows and Ext2/Ext3/Ext4, HFS and ReiserFS file systems.

There are a number of evident merits of the program, which you should know. First of all, DiskInternals Linux Reader is absolutely free. Secondly, the program provides for read-only access and does not allow you to make records in file system partitions. This guarantees that the interference in an alterative file system will not affect the work of Linux later. Apart from this, it is necessary to note, that it gives you an opportunity to use common Windows Explorer for extracting data. A preview option for pictures is one more pleasant point, which is worth mentioning.

How to get safe and quick access to any file systems? DiskInternals Linux Reader is an easy and short way to solve the problem!

While saving, it ignores file security policies. It means that it is possible to access absolutely any file on a Linux disk from Windows. The program can create and open disk images.


Titel: FreeCommander XE Release 641 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2013, 07:00
FreeCommander XE ist eine komplett neu entwickelte Programmversion. Die Entwicklung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Diese Version soll bisherigen Benutzern von FreeCommander eine Vorschau auf die zukünftige Version geben. Da es sich um eine Vorschauversion handelt, sind Fehler nicht ausgeschlossen.


Latest Changes

- Bug fix: Blurred font if size off all items (Windows setting) is set to 150% - Windows 7/8
- Bug fix: Editor parameter missing when invoked from search results
- Bug fix: Viewer shortcuts are not saved if the file freecommander.shc does not exist http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5113
- Bug fix: Columns separator are not visible if Windows XP in classic mode (no theme)
- Bug fix: Full tree will be shown for "1: Network drive" although the tree base folder ist set to drive

Titel: Folders Popup v0.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2013, 17:45
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

64-bit version available within the ZIP package.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Titel: SkyDrive Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2013, 18:15
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir 5.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2013, 12:31
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

1. Neue Option, über Menü, Extras, Tab-s: Aktueller Ordner als Standard Registerkarte / Ordner verwenden.
2. Bug-Fix Windows-8: beim Merken der letzten Ansicht Extra Große und Große Symbole.
3. Anpassungen und Verbesserungen in der Adressleiste und Werkzeugleiste!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2013, 19:00
Whats new: >>

27.11.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 11 (32/64)
27.11.13 Fixed: Removed expiration date from program - stable enough for every day use (32/64)
27.11.13 Fixed: Compare by content: "Files are different" could also be shown when reading from one of the files (ReadFile) failed in the middle (32/64)
27.11.13 Fixed: Windows 9x/ME: Unpack and execute of program in archive not working if the name or TEMP path contained spaces (32)
26.11.13 Fixed: Menu item Mark-Select group (cm_spreadselection) didn't open the new selection dialog for duplicate files while showing duplicate search results (32/64)
26.11.13 Fixed: My Computer/This PC: Make sure the drives are shown at the beginning of the list, especially on Windows 8.1 where the list was mixed up (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: Search in separate process, for duplicate files, feed to listbox, exit search results -> previous order not restored (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: RAR packer: When using external unpacker, files with Unicode names couldn't be unpacked (now works with winrar.exe or v5 rar.exe) (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: RAR packer: If user specified parameter to set list file encoding with -sc0l, -scal or -scul, then use that encoding for the list file (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: RAR packer: If user specified parameters in the configuration, the version of the RAR packer couldn't be determined -> wrong list encoding could be used (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: View file from FTP or FS plugin - temporary file was unpacked to wrong TEMP dir _tcx, interfering with F4 function, when auto-re-upload was enabled (32/64)
24.11.13 Fixed: Error setting focus when loading certain search parameters via LOADSEARCH (64)
24.11.13 Fixed: Search for duplicate files, feed to listbox, search in results -> dashed lines from previous search were not cleared (32/64)
22.11.13 Fixed: Lister, find text: Manually refresh percent value after aborting search, otherwise it could show the wrong value (32/64)
22.11.13 Fixed: Search function: Start search for invalid regex in expanded dialog -> update footer and end message (32/64)
21.11.13 Fixed: Inplace rename "test" to "test2\" -> TC created test2 instead of renaming (due to the backslash) (32/64)
21.11.13 Fixed: Cannot delete folder with trailing spaces to recycle bin with VistaDelete=1 -> instead, use old style method (results in two delete confirmations) (32/64)
21.11.13 Fixed: Delete folder "test " directly (not to recycle bin) -> also deleted folder "test" in same directory (with warning) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2013, 13:45
Latest Changes

Kleine Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2013, 14:10
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

With Delorean Copy when elevated via symlink.exe in rare situations files pointed to by symlinks could get deleted in the source. Ugly. Sorry!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2013, 06:32
04.12.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 12 (32/64)
04.12.13 Fixed: Handle more file system calls in background thread, so they can be aborted, e.g. when a server is down (32/64)
04.12.13 Fixed: Crash on Alt+F3 (external viewer) with files on ftp server or in file system plugin when using new auto re-upload method (32/64)
04.12.13 Fixed: Auto-complete: \..\ within path not handled correctly (32/64)
03.12.13 Added: "Save tabs on both sides to file" now also works when the other panel does not have any tabs (saves the current directory) (32/64)
03.12.13 Added: F5 copy: While counting total size and number of files, show '?' to the left of the value to indicate that the total isn't reached (32/64)
03.12.13 Fixed: Do not offer to use new auto re-upload method on Windows 9x/ME because the watch dir function isn't available (32)
03.12.13 Fixed: WatchDirs option: New file not appearing in both panels when both show the same directory (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: Inplace rename: Do not try to place cursor on new name if the entered name contains a / or \ in the middle (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: Opening file items in control panel - all control panel elements no longer working (folders must be opened via context menu) (32)
01.12.13 Fixed: Open archive in already running instance (via /O switch) only placed cursor on archive, even without /A switch (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: Rename "a.txt" to "b.txt\" -> existing file "b.txt" was overwritten without warning (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: cd stuff \a  not working if subdir "stuff " existed, but subdir "stuff \a" did not (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: FTP: In case of a download error (e.g. disk full), show name of target file which couldn't be downloaded (32/64)
01.12.13 Fixed: Duplicate file finder: When searching by plugin fields only, sort each result group by file name (before: it was undefined) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2013, 13:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir, Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und kleine Korrekturen sowie einige Optimierungen.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 950
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2013, 06:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2013, 13:36
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen, Optimierung und einige Korrekturen für Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.
Admin Eingabeaufforderung über STRG-oder SHIFT im Menü Datei Eingabeaufforderung.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2013, 18:30
Latest Changes

Bug fix Windows-7 und 8.1: Bei der Aufwärts Navigation, wurde der Ausgangsordner nicht markiert beim Einsatz des Farbfilters in Q-Dir.
Weitere Verbesserungen und Optimierung für Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2013, 13:45
Latest Changes

Und erneute Verbesserungen und Optimierung für Windows 8.1 in Q-Dir und Bug-Fix W8 Tree-View.

Titel: Multi Commander 3.9.9 Build 1595 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2013, 12:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Latest Changes

ADDED - New Splash - Provided by Patrick of Chasing Carrots
ADDED - Icons can now be overrided based on file extension. (Extra Useful for portable mode, to always show same icons)
ADDED - FileType setup for Viewers and Editors can now also define there own icon
ADDED - Zip Extension now has its own settings page where some zip settings like CodePage can be configured.
ADDED - Default Tab Colors for all extension can be customized.
ADDED - Explorer Panel can customize the Tab Color and Name for every tab.
ADDED - Explorer Panel now support medium (24) and extra large (48) icons.
ADDED - Column customization have been reworked and dialogs merged.
ADDED - Columns can now be customized to have and extra left/right space in them.
ADDED - Quick Look and Feel Setup window and been redesigned. And the two dialogs are now one.
ADDED - Buttons in the button panel can now also show an icon.
ADDED - Progressbars colors for the Copy/Move/Delete/Extract dialogs can now be customized.
ADDED - Scanning Network for computers will now keep cache of found computers. And also possible to pin computer so they are always shown.
ADDED - Browning NET: will no longer auto scan the network. And when it scan it is done in the background and will not lock up the main UI.
ADDED - Show ViewFilters button added to Filter input field.
ADDED - View Filters can be customized
ADDED - Right click on Add/Remove selection on toolbar will show a popup menu with a quick selection list.(Shares some items with ViewFilters)
ADDED - Right click on "Copy Path to clipboard" button on the toolbar will now show a popup menu with all the "Copy xxx To Clipboard" options"
ADDED - Tray Icon Single click support added
ADDED - "MC.FileSearch.Search" now supports SIZE parameters
ADDED - Command line command ":cic" will clear the icon cache
ADDED - The toolbar button "ShowHidden Files toolbar" is shown with a slightly different icon depending on what the current option is.
ADDED - Rar FileSystem extension is now built using the UnRAR 5.01 source.
FIXED - Opening new tab from locked tab issue.
FIXED - Right autoscrolling issue in List/Thumbnail mode
FIXED - Drag/Drop modifier keys
FIXED - Timing Issue resulting in that file items being shown double.
FIXED - Delete dialog does now support MultiMonitor systems again.
FIXED - 7 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2013, 20:00
18.12.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 13 (32/64)
18.12.13 Fixed: Missing hotkeys (underlined characters) in some dialogs (32/64)
18.12.13 Fixed: If opening of RAR file fails with EOPEN or EREAD, try again after one second because it may be locked by external RAR (32/64)
18.12.13 Added: Compare by content: Removed compare limit of 16350 characters per line (comparison inside a line still limited to 4096 characters) (32/64)
18.12.13 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors - Define colors by file type - OK -> also refresh colors in search results (32/64)
18.12.13 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP, minimize while reading FTP dirs -> progress dialog remained visible (32)
18.12.13 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP, minimize while reading FTP dirs, restore when done -> sync window was closed (64)
18.12.13 Fixed: Drag&drop to external programs not working when starting drag from file tooltip (covering the file name) (64)
17.12.13 Added: Quicker loading of thumbnails from thumbs cache by keeping thumbs file open while thumbs are loaded in the background (32/64)
17.12.13 Fixed: Thumbnails extracted via new method IThumbnailProvider (Vista or newer) were not cached (32/64)
15.12.13 Fixed: Define color filter using saved search, then later change that filter to search for duplicates -> crash (32/64)
15.12.13 Fixed: Search in archives: Make sure the archive name is shown in the status line before asking for the archive password (32/64)
11.12.13 Added: More code to avoid hanging when network is down, e.g. while settings dialog is up, or user refreshes current dir (32/64)
10.12.13 Added: Search function, search for file contents: Do not unpack  files <1MB from 7zip to TEMP, but instead to memory -> much faster (32/64)
09.12.13 Fixed: Function "Verify after copy" removed due to unresolved errors (32/64)
09.12.13 Fixed: Added more code to avoid hanging when network is down or other PC turned off (32/64)

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2014 Release 650 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2013, 07:30
FreeCommander ist eine leicht bedienbare Alternative zum Standard-Dateimanager von Windows. Das Programm hilft Ihnen bei der täglichen Arbeit mit Windows. Sie finden hier alle nötigen Funktionen um Ihre Datenbestände richtig zu verwalten. Sie können FreeCommander überall mitnehmen - einfach den  Installationsordner auf eine CD oder USB-Stick kopieren- und Sie können auch auf einem fremden PC mit dem Programm arbeiten. 


Wichtigste Eigenschaften von FreeCommander:

    Zweifenstertechnik (optional auch ein Fenster) - vertikale und horizontale Teilung
    Registerkarten (Tabs) für einen schnellen Ordnerwechsel
    Optionale Baumansicht in jedem Fenster
    Interner Dateibetrachter zum Betrachten von Dateien in verschiedenen Formaten
    Dateibetrachtung auch innerhalb von Archivdateien möglich
    Integrierte Unterstützung der Archivformate: ZIP
    Plugins für andere Archivformate (RAR, 7z, ...)
    Unterstützung für verschachtelte Archivdateien
    Einfacher Zugriff auf das Start-/Favoriten-Menü und die Elemente des Desktops und des Arbeitsplatzes
    Kopieren, Verschieben, Löschen, Umbenennen von Dateien und Ordnern (Windows oder FreeCommander Operationen)
    Dateisuche (auch innerhalb von Archivdateien)
    MD5-Quersummen erzeugen und verifizieren
    Dateien sicher löschen
    Mehrfaches Umbenennen
    Anzeige der Eigenschaften und des Kontextmenüs von Dateien
    Ermittlung von Ordnergrößen
    Vergleichen von Ordnern
    Synchronisieren von Ordnern
    Datei-Attribute/Datum ändern
    Favoritenliste für Programme und Ordner
    Dateifilter für die Anzeige und Dateioperationen
    Benutzerdefinierte Spalten im Detailansicht
    Desktop Snapshots
    Alle Tastenkürzel definierbar
    Fast alles konfigurierbar
    Unterstützung für mehrere Sprachen

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2013, 14:27
Just Manager is a file manage for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface; Panel tabs; File operations; File search; Quick search; Multi-rename tool; FTP; and Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Folder can't be open if it's called like environment variable - fixed
- Tabs don't respect name when "Check all paths on startup" option enabled - fixed
- Main toolbar custom buttons icon sometimes not loaded on startup - fixed
- FTP operation progress bugs fixed
- Calling context menu from panel blank space cause crash when NC style and RMB selection enabled - fixed
- Fixed crash when drag-and-dropping item to menu header in Main Menu settings page

Titel: Folders Popup v1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2013, 12:20
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

64-bit version available within the ZIP package.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

configurable mouse button and keyboard triggers in a new "Options" dialog box
new keyboard triggers (by default, Windows-K and Shift-Windows-K) in addition to mouse button triggers (by default, Middle mouse and Shift-Middle mouse buttons)
add "Run at startup" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to launch Folders Popup automatically at Windows startup
add "Display the startup tray tip" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to display or hide the Folders popup's tray tip
add "Display Special Folders" checkbox to "Options" dialog box to enable/disable navigation to special folders (My Computer, Network, Recycle bion, etc.) in popup menu
better formated startup help tray tip
close "Settings" dialog box with Escape key


Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2013, 15:30
24.12.13 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 14 (32/64)
24.12.13 Fixed: Command line, "cd" command: Ignore all spaces before double quote, e.g. cd "TEMP" (32/64)
24.12.13 Fixed: Shift+F5 didn't support leading spaces in the name (trailing spaces are removed by design) (32/64)
24.12.13 Fixed: Unreachable network share shown in one panel, user inserts USB stick -> hangs (32/64)
24.12.13 Fixed: Edit file with spaces in the name from RAR archive, save -> re-packing failed (32/64)
24.12.13 Fixed: Could not open files inside hard links containing a relative path (without \\ or c: at the start) on Windows 7/8 (32/64)
23.12.13 Fixed: Crash unpacking RAR file without extension (32/64)
23.12.13 Fixed: Function "Verify after copy" re-added by popular demand (32/64)
22.12.13 Fixed: Duplicate file finder, same plugin fields: Ignore files where an empty string is returned, e.g. [=tc.comment] with no comment (32/64)
22.12.13 Fixed: 64-bit and combined installers did not contain TotalCommander.URL file (64)
22.12.13 Fixed: Network share shown in both panels, click on "Apply" in main configuration dialog while share unreachable -> 4 error dialogs, the second two non-modal (32/64)
22.12.13 Fixed: Compare by content: Ignore ini setting "CompareTool" when calling TC via parameter /S=C, to avoid infinite loops when CompareTool points again to Total Commander (32/64)
22.12.13 Added: Support environment variables in synchronize dirs (left and right paths) (32/64)
22.12.13 Fixed: Could no longer enter protected folders like c:\PerfLogs (32/64)
19.12.13 Fixed: Crash in duplicate file finder when using plugin fields not present in a file (e.g. [=tc.Versionstring]) (32/64)
19.12.13 Added: Faster read of folders with many subfolders when overlay icons are disabled (check whether folder is shared only when displaying the icon) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.87
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2013, 17:23
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Deaktivieren / Aktivieren des Verwendes der Leertaste für die Scroll-Funktion (wie IE / Chrome) über Menü, Extras, Listenansicht.
Optional für Windows 7/8/Vista das Ausklappen der Favoriten bei Programmstart.

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 Build 955
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2013, 13:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Double Commander 0.5.8 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2013, 17:20
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[File operations] error when 'executing(opening)' files with special chars (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Preset (and wrong) text & background colours instead of sys defaults for file panels. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Software does not make use of drag n drop (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Create many tabs by unysual way. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Search results list is only partially visible (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Tabstop header blinks on mouse over / панель колонок мигает при наведении курсора. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] If Quick View Panel is open, when deleting a file an error occurs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] If Quick View Panel is open, when resizing the window an error occurs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Crash if search template using for file coloring has invalid regular expression (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] App error after copy or move (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Selection by shift+arrows (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] 'Open With' command and applicarions with spaces (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2013, 17:03
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Anpassungen und Verbesserung im Verzeichnisstruktur (Tree-View) bei der Darstellung wenn spezielen DPI Werten bei der anzeige am Desktop einsetellt werden!

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2013, 21:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

A changed file attribute didn't cause the file to be treated as changed during all SmartXXX/Delorean functions.
Symbolic Link Clones always created absolute symlinks regardless of the LSE Settings
The LastWriteTime, CreationTime and LastAccessTime for files/folders/junctions/symlinks is restored during SmartMirror or DeloreanCopy.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 956
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2014, 21:26
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2014, 18:46
08.01.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 public beta 15 (32/64)
07.01.14 Fixed: Could not enter header-encrypted 7zip archive with different password when password was saved previously (entering other archive) (32/64)
07.01.14 Fixed: User was asked multiple times for the same password in some 7zip archives -> try the same up to 5 times before asking (32/64)
07.01.14 Fixed: Abort unpacking of 7zip archive -> target file handle wasn't closed, so the file couldn't be deleted (64)
07.01.14 Fixed: FTP upload in background: Also show error when upload of a folder fails, show different error messages for up- and downloads (32/64)
05.01.14 Fixed: Lister: Ctrl+End didn't go to the end of the text with Uniscribe=0 and any encoding other than the default when the text didn't end with a line break (32/64)
31.12.13 Added: Show thumbnails in virtual folders like libraries, only supports the Explorer method, no internal caching (32/64)
29.12.13 Fixed: Windows 8: Do not redirect to hard-linked folder when launching file and a newer version of IE10 without the hard link bug is installed (32/64)
29.12.13 Fixed: Context menu couldn't be opened with long touch (on a touch screen device) in sync dialog. Reason: Problem with Listbox control, search for MICROSOFT_TABLETPENSERVICE_PROPERTY (32/64)
29.12.13 Fixed: Could not open SFX installer of FreeArchiver because the archive data was followed by 210 k of junk - TC only checked the last 64 k (32/64)
29.12.13 Fixed: Shared folder icons were not cached when overlays were turned off (32/64)
27.12.13 Fixed: Ignore dlls when trying to open self-extracting archives (by looking at the PE header) (32/64)
27.12.13 Fixed: Auto-complete missing in new "CRC create" dialog (32/64)
27.12.13 Fixed: New freeze on inaccessible network share only in admin shares when checking for shared folders (32/64)
27.12.13 Fixed: Search for duplicate plugin fields: Percent value not correct when searching also for same names and/or sizes (32/64)
27.12.13 Fixed: Still crashes in search for duplicate plugin fields when groups of files were empty (no match) (32/64)

Titel: XYplorerFree v13.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2014, 17:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Named Drives. Now you can specify paths using their name (Volume Label) instead of the drive letter. This allows you to reference removable drives regardless of the unpredictable drive letter that the host system might assign to the drive.
For example, set the volume label of drive C: to "Lemon". Now enter the path "Lemon:\Users\Don\Pics\Rock" through the Address Bar.
Voilà, the drive is correctly resolved. (Click to zoom)
Note: For Named Drives support you have to tick Configuration | Controls and More | Miscellaneous | Support volume labels in paths.

Navigation Buttons. Now the Breadcrumb Bars feature optional Navigation Buttons. Makes space in the main toolbar and reduces your mouse movement.
You can toggle those buttons via the Breadcrumb Bar's right-click menu.

Find By Hash. Now you can find files by their hash value (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512, CRC32). Useful for spotting duplicates or locating malware.
Let's assume you know the MD5 of a file and its approximate size (smaller than 400 KB). Is that enough to find it? Yes. If you have XYplorer and know how to do it then the MD5 alone would be sufficient to find the file (or files). But with that additional size information the search will run much faster because many unnecessary calculations can be avoided.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2014, 00:05
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Und erneute Anpassungen und Verbesserungen in der Baum-und Listenansicht, wenn Standardsystemschriften nicht eingesetzt (verwendent) werden!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Multi Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2014, 06:20
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Tabs allowing you to have multiple folders open.
Caching that enable fast file browsing.
Background work for all tasks that takes time to finish, allowing you to continue working without interruptions.
Customize the layout and colors to fit your styling needs.
Extensions and plugins that will increase the functionality of Multi Commander.
FTP, Registry , Zip, 7-Zip, Rar , Tar , GZ , Bz2 , Jar Support.
View and Change file permissions, Take ownership of files.
Picture tools like Convert / Rotate Pictures, View/Remove EXIF tags, Adjust EXIF Date of pictures.
Show Movie information from IMDB/Rotten tomato as extra columns on you movie files.
Audio tools like View Audio file properties, View/Edit MP3 Tags.
Open API for developers to create extensions and plugins.
Remember selections when you get back from another location when browsing the filesystem.
Use mouse and drag and drop or use quick keyboard command for all the task.
FileOperations plugins that can automatically sort / unpack files when they are moved or copied.
File viewer that lets you view files of any size, as ASCII/Unicode/UTF8/Binary and Hex.
Both 32bit and 64bit versions available.
Handle folders with many thousands of files with easy, And use power full filters to limit what you want to view.
Compare folders and select the files and folders that are different, that are the same and many other options.
Power full script engine allowing you to create script that automate tasks.
Portable. Can be installed and run from portable (USB) device. Will not write any settings/session info on host computer.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - New Splash - Provided by Patrick of Chasing Carrots (www.chasing-carrots.com)
ADDED - Icons can now be overridden based on file extension. (Extra Useful for portable mode, to always show same icons)
ADDED - FileType setup for Viewers and Editors can now also define there own icon
ADDED - Zip Extension now has its own settings page where some zip settings like CodePage can be configured.
ADDED - Default Tab Colors for all extension can be customized.
ADDED - Explorer Panel can customize the Tab Color and Name for every tab.
ADDED - Explorer Panel now support medium (24) and extra large (48) icons.
ADDED - Column customization have been reworked and dialogs merged.
ADDED - Columns can now be customized to have and extra left/right space in them.
ADDED - Quick Look and Feel Setup window and been redesigned. And the two dialogs are now one.
ADDED - Buttons in the button panel can now also show an icon.
ADDED - Progressbars colors for the Copy/Move/Delete/Extract dialogs can now be customized.
ADDED - Scanning Network for computers will now keep cache of found computers. And also possible to pin computer so they are always shown.
ADDED - Browning NET: will no longer auto scan the network. And when it scan it is done in the background and will not lock up the main UI.
ADDED - Show ViewFilters button added to Filter input field.
ADDED - View Filters can be customized
ADDED - Right click on Add/Remove selection on toolbar will show a popup menu with a quick selection list.(Shares some items with ViewFilters)
ADDED - Right click on "Copy Path to clipboard" button on the toolbar will now show a popup menu with all the "Copy xxx To Clipboard" options"
ADDED - Tray Icon Single click support added
ADDED - "MC.FileSearch.Search" now supports SIZE parameters
ADDED - Command line command ":cic" will clear the icon cache
ADDED - The toolbar button "ShowHidden Files toolbar" is shown with a slightly different icon depending on what the current option is.
ADDED - Rar FileSystem extension is now built using the UnRAR 5.01 source.
ADDED - Show Select/Unselect popup menu can be shown using hotkeys.
UPG - Upgrade the 3d party Metadata library in the MCAudioTools extension, Now using TagLib 1.9.1
FIXED - Icons cache will be cleared and all views will be refresh if icons are changed in FileTypeSetup
FIXED - Opening new tab from locked tab issue.
FIXED - Right autoscrolling issue in List/Thumbnail mode
FIXED - Drag/Drop modifier keys
FIXED - Timing Issue resulting in that file items being shown double.
FIXED - Delete dialog does now support MultiMonitor systems again.
FIXED - 8 Rare Crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 Build 960
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2014, 17:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2014, 12:18
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Anpassungen und Verbesserung in Q-Dir und aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2014, 13:31
Latest Changes

Korrektur bei Ordner-Verknüpfungen in der Verzeichnisstruktur, beim offen neue Registerkarte via der mittleren Maustaste!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2014, 17:30
23.01.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 release candidate 1 (RC1) (32/64)
23.01.14 Fixed: Shift+F6 edit field too short when renaming archive in search results - feed to listbox after finding files in multiple archives (32/64)
21.01.14 Fixed: Field [=tc.name] was limited to 127 characters, also affected [=tc.ext] (32/64)
21.01.14 Fixed: Increased FTP reply timeout from 20 to 30 seconds while connecting (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Couldn't open archives in virtual folders like the Desktop with Ctrl+PageDown (ENTER worked) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Find files, feed to listbox, delete files -> the (not selected) file under the cursor could be removed from the list although it wasn't deleted (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Support F5/F6 to select just the name or name+extension of a file also in various other dialogs (e.g. overwrite confirmation -> rename) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Resizing caused by remote desktop could cause crash (division by zero) (64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Multi-rename tool could show wrong file mask (e.g. [N][C] saved previously instead of [N]) when opened (32)
17.01.14 Fixed: Surrounding double quotes (e.g. "* *") not saved in the following places: Custom colors, wildcards in sync when saving settings, menu "Show" - "Custom", Find files (save parameters), Print margins dialog (header text) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Find duplicate files also in archives, feed to listbox -> we cannot show the result as duplicate files if the files are a mix from multiple archives, or normal files+archive files (32/64)
12.01.14 Added: F5,F6,Shift+F6: Remove characters #00-#31 like line breaks (LF) in name and replace tabs by spaces when new name pasted from clipboard (32/64)

Titel: Folders Popup v1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2014, 19:01
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

64-bit version available within the ZIP package.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Use numeric menu shortcuts to launch folders in popup menu
Display the popup menu at a fix position
Diagnostic mode to collect support info (if user consents)
Redesign of the Options dialog box

Titel: Q-Dir 5.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2014, 14:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrektur Windows 7 in der Baumansicht STRG + C / X / V und Fehler behoben beim neu zeichnen, wenn kein Fokus auf der Verzeichnisstruktur ist!

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2014, 20:30
29.01.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 release candidate 2 (RC2) (32/64)
29.01.14 Fixed: Refresh current dir with Ctrl+R didn't re-read shared folder status (32/64)
29.01.14 Fixed: Crash loading certain comments via OLE2 (64)
29.01.14 Fixed: Search duplicate files by size and content: Make sure the results are sorted by full path name within each group (32/64)
29.01.14 Fixed: Read directory, progress dialog shown after 5 seconds: Do not update the file list until the entire list has been read (32/64)
28.01.14 Fixed: Open RAR archives while they are downloaded, also extract files from them (thanks to new unrar.dll) (32/64)
28.01.14 Fixed: Search function, use list file @c:\path\file.txt -> reported also found files (e.g. 1 file and 1 folder instead of just 1 folder) when searching only current dir (32/64)
28.01.14 Fixed: Search function, use list file @c:\path\file.txt -> drive root like c:\ not found when searching only current dir (32/64)
28.01.14 Fixed: Thumbnails view in Network Neighborhood tried to load images from plugins and "reload" entry (32/64)

22.01.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 release candidate 1 (RC1) (32/64)
22.01.14 Fixed: Shift+F6 edit field too short when renaming archive in search results - feed to listbox after finding files in multiple archives (32/64)
21.01.14 Fixed: Field [=tc.name] was limited to 127 characters, also affected [=tc.ext] (32/64)
21.01.14 Fixed: Increased FTP reply timeout from 20 to 30 seconds while connecting (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Couldn't open archives in virtual folders like the Desktop with Ctrl+PageDown (ENTER worked) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Find files, feed to listbox, delete files -> the (not selected) file under the cursor could be removed from the list although it wasn't deleted (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Support F5/F6 to select just the name or name+extension of a file also in various other dialogs (e.g. overwrite confirmation -> rename) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Resizing caused by remote desktop could cause crash (division by zero) (64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Multi-rename tool could show wrong file mask (e.g. [N][C] saved previously instead of [N]) when opened (32)
17.01.14 Fixed: Surrounding double quotes (e.g. "* *") not saved in the following places: Custom colors, wildcards in sync when saving settings, menu "Show" - "Custom", Find files (save parameters), Print margins dialog (header text) (32/64)
17.01.14 Fixed: Find duplicate files also in archives, feed to listbox -> we cannot show the result as duplicate files if the files are a mix from multiple archives, or normal files+archive files (32/64)
12.01.14 Added: F5,F6,Shift+F6: Remove characters #00-#31 like line breaks (LF) in name and replace tabs by spaces when new name pasted from clipboard (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2014, 19:30
Latest Changes

Kleine Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: Multi Commander v4.1.0 (Build 1620)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2014, 19:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Tabs allowing you to have multiple folders open.
Caching that enable fast file browsing.
Background work for all tasks that takes time to finish, allowing you to continue working without interruptions.
Customize the layout and colors to fit your styling needs.
Extensions and plugins that will increase the functionality of Multi Commander.
FTP, Registry , Zip, 7-Zip, Rar , Tar , GZ , Bz2 , Jar Support.
View and Change file permissions, Take ownership of files.
Picture tools like Convert / Rotate Pictures, View/Remove EXIF tags, Adjust EXIF Date of pictures.
Show Movie information from IMDB/Rotten tomato as extra columns on you movie files.
Audio tools like View Audio file properties, View/Edit MP3 Tags.
Open API for developers to create extensions and plugins.
Remember selections when you get back from another location when browsing the filesystem.
Use mouse and drag and drop or use quick keyboard command for all the task.
FileOperations plugins that can automatically sort / unpack files when they are moved or copied.
File viewer that lets you view files of any size, as ASCII/Unicode/UTF8/Binary and Hex.
Both 32bit and 64bit versions available.
Handle folders with many thousands of files with easy, And use power full filters to limit what you want to view.
Compare folders and select the files and folders that are different, that are the same and many other options.
Power full script engine allowing you to create script that automate tasks.
Portable. Can be installed and run from portable (USB) device. Will not write any settings/session info on host computer.


Whats new: >>

Updated language packs.
Color rules was not refresh when changed.
Toggle the Show Hidden Files buttons did not always refresh views.
Pressing the view filter button will not toggle between *.* and previous filter
Some issues with the TrayIcon is fixed.
MultiMonitor issue with drag and drop fixed.
+ a lot more.

Titel: FileRunner
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2014, 21:00
FileRunner is an easy to use and comprehensive file manager that features a built-in FTP client. FileRunner enables you to perform basic file management commands (copy, move, rename, delete, view, edit), sort files and directories. It comes with a fully customizable interface that includes two fixed windows, in order to ease your work.

License:  GPL

Whats new: >>

Added code to make the top directory in windows . In it you will find all the volumes on the system.
Changed version to use two digits for each field, even when the leading digit is 0.
Change the "open" routine to use the *.lnk file if we are in windows. The *.lnk file has a lot of nice things to make the open more useful.
Found and fixed a problem with the Cntl-P in the command line. Old code was mostly useless.
Added a function to control scrolling of the buttons to prevent moving them down below the top (which left an empty space above).
It seems that windows, at least in some cases, does not provide bindings for the mouse wheel as buttons 4 & 5, but rather as MouseWheel. Added code to pick this up for windows.
Changed smart_dialog to not use 'grab' in an attempt to make it easy to move windows, particularly in MS-windows.
Wrote the generation code for 'packageLinks.tcl' and made the changes to incorporate it in the release. This code is needed only be the 'wrap' version of fr (*.exe) to overcome shortcomings of the wrap system.
In the testing of the *.lnk stuff found and fixed errors caused by $ and [ characters in file names.
Added code to attempt to decode the windows *.lnk files.
sftp sometimes capitalizes "Password". Fix it so we still recognize it.
Changed the ftp login error to more reliably ask for name and password. Moved that dialog window over to the smartDialog code.
Minor fix to smartDialog to expand the entry subwindows to expand to the window width.
Changed spellcheck on "fix all" to fix entries prior to the current one that match rather than just the following ones (only happens if the user cancels and then comes back to continue spellcheck).
For reasons unknown the UpdateStat_ code was coming up with "" instead of a number when trying to sum the sizes of selected files. Changed the code to verify that it has a numeric size before using the number.
Moved most all of the inotify code to a seperate file, mostly so it is not
part of the MS Windows wrap package.
Added an update in place routine to update the dir listings without loosing selections. It is used only on updates by inode or time.
Added code to inotify update to reposition the dir list after an update. If the old position was with the last entry at the bottom of the window the update was pushing it off the bottom.
Created "trim-inotify.tcl" to clean up the install by removing unneeded inotify files and putting the required one (if available) in the proper location. Changed INSTALL to move this file and execute it at the right time.
Fixed a race condition when reading a new configuration from the browser. While the listboxes were down, an inotify happeded.
Made the button column scrollable.
Changed the key position code so you just need focus in the dir window, i.e. you no longer have to select something to position the directory window by pressing a key.
Removed most of the widgets from the accept focus list. Now limited mostly to the directory windows and the buttons.
Changes the inotify code search to only look for a package if it it not found in the shipped area or the ~/.fr/. This should make start up faster.
Added code to activate the last selected item in a directory when returning to a directory. If the opposite window does not have a selection, the last item is also selected.
The default code for button-2 motion was not propogating the selection, fixed this.
Added the "Toggle" function to the list of bind objects. Its job is to toggle binary config settings.
Added an optional parameter to "ViewDirOpposite" to allow it to work with the current selection rather than what the mouse is pointing at.
Changed Tab in a list box to only move to the file name column, i.e. always takes you to the other file list.
Changed the DoProtCmd family to use a stack to keep track of the update status and cursor. This should make them re-entrant/ recursive.
Fixed inotify code to keep the select or highlighting colors on update.
Added a binary for i386 to the list of libraries for inotify.
Added 'Back' and 'UpDirTree' to the bind list to allow binding then to arrow keys.
Found and fixed a keyboard support problem where a Right arrow command lost the position in the directory listing causing the next Up/Down arrow to jump to line 1.
Moved the inotify set up to after "first light" (i.e. deiconification of the main window). This way it will not delay start up. Also push the reading and set up of the first dir lists into the background.
Found and fixed a bug in the inotify code that prevented notify from running if the file name is 'formatted' by the listboxscrip.
Modified time stamp code to print the execution times for each segment.
Added time stamp code to track start-up times. Turn on by starting with -db or, to dump later, turn on "Expand Error Messages" and enter, in a command window:
This dumps the start times on std out.
Added spell checking to the view and quick edit windows. Also allow spell check filters that should make it rather easy to spell check program files.
H.S. also found a bug in the balloon help code when on the extreme edge of the parent window. In this case the code to offset the message put the resulting pointer outside of the window causing the attempt to find the windows boarder fails. Changed the code to use the position before the offset.
H.S. found a bug in the Fonts change code's balloon help for the "Here too?" button. The font reference needs to be coded as global so it works in the balloon context.
More fixes for the config.tcl file. In the move to using config-rev config files I forgot to include the old 'config' (no rev) in the list of possible choices. The net result is NO config file is found. Fixed this.
Added "Autoreq: 0" to the rpm spec file to prevent dependencies being generated by the inotify binary files. This caused dependencies for both 32 and 64 bit libc, neither of which is needed.
Fixed the RPM script to put the required "#" in front of the config file it builds.
How embarrassing, if env(EDITOR) is not defined we fail to load. Changed to default to "vi".
A user wanted to eliminate one of the "ship" bindings, but it came back on restart. Changed to destroy any we have in memory when we read the config file. This is now done by a function call in the config file itself (so we don't have premature destruction). The function name is "ClearTheDecksHereComeANewConfig".
Added a 'weight' calculation to the color distance list generation in the color chooser. This corrects for the perceptual differences of colors. The 'distance' list is the list of near colors in the color choosers window.
The async middle button code had an error in it causing a button 3 press to fail.
Found (and fixed) another ftp problem. Misshandeling directories with spaces in the name. Looks like in two places, the fr parse code and in ftp_control.

Titel: NetDrive 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2014, 05:46
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

Cloud Storage Support and New User Interface.

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2014, 19:30
05.02.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 release candidate 3 (RC3) (32/64)
04.02.14 Fixed: Search in Lister, text found, user presses F7 again -> do not use text selected by the search function as new search string, only when user selects text by himself (important when searching for hex or regular expressions) (32/64)
04.02.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, compare 2 RAR archives by content: Not working if file names had different case (32/64)
04.02.14 Fixed: Internal content plugin: Field "tc.dosname" was no longer working (32/64)
04.02.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Hide rename box when user clicks on one of the direction buttons or singles/duplicates to show/hide files (32/64)
02.02.14 Fixed: Ignore clicks on button bar when TC was inactive, and reactivating it shows wait dialog (e.g. network drive not reachable) (32/64)
02.02.14 Fixed: Search function, use list file @c:\path\file.txt -> drive root like c:\ could be found as file not folder, if previously found item wasn't a folder (32/64)
02.02.14 Fixed: Refresh current dir with Ctrl+R would re-read shared folder status, but would not always display it (32/64)
02.02.14 Fixed: Multi-line tooltips for files and button bar buttons with VERY long names were not wrapped to the current screen width (32/64)
02.02.14 Fixed: Unpack ZIP with invalid local headers (stored file with size set to -1) by using the size from the central directory (32/64)
31.01.14 Fixed: Reading of large virtual folders (e.g. photos on MTP device) can be very slow -> allow to turn off reading of file sizes+timestamps: wincmd.ini [Configuration] VirtualFolderDetails=0
31.01.14 Fixed: Problems with tabs in 64-bit version (width of name column too big) (64)

Titel: XYplorerFree v13.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2014, 20:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2014, 15:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine Verbesserungen und Korrekturen in der Verzeichnisstruktur und den Tab-s unter Windows 7 und Windows 8/8.1!

Titel: NetDrive 2.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2014, 17:40
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

* Cloud Storage Support

- No need to run multiple cloud access programs. No more sync.
- NetDrive will connect all cloud storage as local drives.

* New User Interface

- Cloud storage as hard disk
- Secure file transfer
- WebDAV/FTP for NAS and Enterprise Servers

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.2.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2014, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new: (since 13.11.3) >>

    Adjusted: Change notification
    Adjusted: Fully qualified path
    Added: Context menu handler
    Adjusted: dialog
    Adjusted: menus
    Some bugs were fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2014, 12:29
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Optionale Funktion farbige Hervorhebung der Sortierspalte über Menü, Extras, Listenansicht kann auch mit verschiedenen Hintergrundfarben verwendet werden.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.96.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2014, 12:24
whats new :>>

Korrekturen in der Verzeichnisstruktur!

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.2.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2014, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Search (Windows Vista or higher)

Titel: Total Commander 8.50 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2014, 19:00
19.02.14 Release Total Commander 8.50 final (32/64)
17.02.14 Fixed: Opening partial RAR archive (or multi-volume with missing parts): The last (incomplete) file was not listed (32/64)
17.02.14 Fixed: Parameter FTPOPEN:configured_connection_name only worked on PCs with a drive "F:" (32/64)
17.02.14 Fixed: After moving files as administrator with F6-OK-Background, and switching to the target panel before the copying ended, the source panel wasn't refreshed (32/64)
16.02.14 Fixed: Commands - Search - Advanced - "Find duplicate files" - "same plugin fields": No error was shown when the closing "]" was missing (32/64)
16.02.14 Fixed: After moving files as administrator with F6-OK-Background, the background progress dialog could remain open (32/64)
10.02.14 Fixed: Crash in synchronize dirs started as separate program, when overwriting files (preview images enabled) (32/64)
06.02.14 Fixed: Duplicate file finder, feed to listbox, select duplicates dialog: Selection by directory not always working correctly (due to uninitialized array) (32/64)
06.02.14 Fixed: Trying to copy entire drive (e.g. c:\) from search results to same drive wouldn't cause error message that this isn't allowed (32/64)
06.02.14 Fixed: Couldn't copy entire drive (e.g. c:\) from search results with F5 - F2 in background (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.96.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2014, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrekturen in der Listenansicht beim Einsatz der Hintergrundfarbe!

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2014, 18:45
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Whats new: >>

Fixes for transparency
Performance optimizations
"Copy to clipboard" now copies thumbnail only
Added Thai translation (by Adisorn Aeksatean)
Updated translations

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2014, 20:30
26.02.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 1 (32/64)
26.02.14 Fixed: Open multi-volume RAR with missing parts: Do not show error when user cancels next volume request (32/64)
26.02.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Could not abort copying of folders only (32/64)
26.02.14 Fixed: When copying file system links, also copy the attributes and timestamps (32/64)
25.02.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, minimize to tray, wait until overwrite confirmation is shown, double click on tray icon -> couldn't access overwrite dialog any more (32/64)
25.02.14 Fixed: "FTP Connect" - "Protect all connections" not working in 64-bit version (64)
25.02.14 Fixed: FTPOPEN or URL as parameter: Do not switch to c:\ if previous directory is a valid directory (32/64)
25.02.14 Fixed: Do not add FTPOPEN parameter to directory history (32/64)
25.02.14 Fixed: F7 create directory in packer plugins may crash (one callback not set), temporary folder may not be deleted (32/64)
25.02.14 Fixed: Search text in EPUB not working when extension of files was .xhtml (32/64)
24.02.14 Fixed: Copy/Delete in background could not be paused when copying/deleting only folders (no files) (32/64)
24.02.14 Fixed: File system plugin (e.g. SFTP), upload multiple big files in background -> could result in a deadlock, TC hanging (32/64)
23.02.14 Fixed: "Background copy complete" sound was played also when moving file in the foreground with F6 (32/64)

Titel: XYplorerFree v13.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2014, 12:36
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Extra Tags:

Five optional extra columns in the file list let you assign user data of various formats (free text, checkboxes, rating stars, date stamps, linked locations, and more) to any file and folder. By these data you can then sort the file list and find files across your system at lightning fast speed. (Pro Edition Only)

Paste and Find:

Now you can find, focus, and highlight files simply by pasting their name into the file list. Smart time saver.
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2014, 14:10
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>

All the major SDExplorer functionality that was broken due the recent changes in Onedrive (Skydrive) service has been restored.

Please download and install the most recent build.

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir 5.96.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2014, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Und erneut korrekturen in der Listenansicht beim Einsatz der Hintergrundfarbe, und Optimierungen in Q-Dir!

Titel: FoldersPopup 1.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2014, 05:45
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

64-bit version available within the ZIP package.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Windows XP only release: revert to v1.2.1 state for XP users due to a unwanted behavior of Windows Explorer XP with of v1.2.2

    Fix a bug that added separator lines at the bottom of Tray Menu
    Improve diagnostic data collection (always at the user’s discretion)
    Opens new Explorer windows complying with the Explorer navigation pane setting

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2014, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Results Folder

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2014, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2014, 19:30
05.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 2 (32/64)
05.03.14 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, rescan with F2: Ignore recursive links, and do not follow links at all when IgnoreLinks=8 (or sum containing 8) (32/64)
05.03.14 Fixed: Find files, click on "Drives", close with "X" -> focus was lost (64)
04.03.14 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrow on archive: Only show as archive in other panel if ENTER would also open it as an archive (e.g. for .zip, but not for .docx) (32/64)
04.03.14 Fixed: F7 New Folder: Refresh other panel also if the path is essentially the same, but differs in upper/lowercase characters (32/64)
04.03.14 Added: Multi-rename tool: The counter field [C] now supports fractional parts (only in the field itself, not in the counter section), e.g. [C+1/100]\[N] will move the first 100 files to subdir "1", the next 100 to "2" etc. (for the reverse, use ..\[N]) (32/64)
02.03.14 Fixed: These dialogs also didn't support Unicode in wildcards/regular expressions: Colors, hints, overwrite custom fields, compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
02.03.14 Fixed: Various dialogs didn't support regular expressions (with '<' prefix) although the dialog text suggested it: Colors by file type, help texts (hints) by file type, overwrite dialog custom fields, synchronize compare filters, and thumbnail texts by file type (32/64)
02.03.14 Fixed: Crash when setting AllocationPreference (DWORD) to 0x100000 in the registry, problem with WM_MEASUREITEM, because wparam only contains lower 32-bit of GWL_ID (64)
28.02.14 Fixed: String Nr. 677 <DIR>: Only append ">" when string starts with "<" (32/64)
28.02.14 Fixed: Wincmd.ini: setting historylen to 0 didn't turn off the history, one line was still written (32/64)
28.02.14 Fixed: "Copy to clipboard" not working any more in "Compare by content", binary mode (32/64)
28.02.14 Fixed: Delete function: Show "Seeking..." instead of "Deleting" while counting the number of files to be deleted (32/64)
28.02.14 Fixed: Pack files, move to archive, each selected in separate archive -> base dir not deleted when packing with option "leave out base directory" (32/64)
28.02.14 Fixed: No thumbnails were shown in Shift+F6 overwrite confirmation dialog (32/64)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2014, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Window themes

Titel: Q-Dir 5.96.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 06:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir, Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und kleine Korrekturen sowie einige Optimierungen. 

Titel: Media Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2014, 17:45
Media Preview helps you enhance the quality of the thumbnails that Windows Explorer normally creates. Due to performance issues, the default thumbnail extractor does not always allow you to preview the media files. Media Preview can update your system cache for new thumbnails.

Note: Free for personal, non-profit and non-commercial purposes. In other cases, license purchase is required.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2014, 15:39
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Exception

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2014, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Mouse gesture

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2014, 21:00
12.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 3 (32/64)
12.03.14 Added: New internal command OPENLANGUAGEFILE WCMD_xyz.LNG to open specific LNG/MNU file pair from "language" subdir. Leave out parameter for internal language. Will not be added to .inc (32/64)
12.03.14 Added: Changed default value of UploadBlockSize to 1, meaning dynamic from 512 to 32768 bytes. First adjustment after 128k (32/64)
11.03.14 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AlignNumberFix=0 turns off alignment of size/date/time with Uniscribe (32/64)
11.03.14 Fixed: Find files, feed to listbox, delete files: The footer was still showing the number of selected files (64)
11.03.14 Fixed: FTP upload file (F5): If user enters name with subdir, e.g. dir/newname, no check for existing files was done (32/64)
11.03.14 Added: FTP rename file (Shift+F6): Show overwrite confirmation dialog if target exists (32/64)
11.03.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Regular expressions not working in content compare filter dialog (32/64)
10.03.14 Fixed: Windows 8.x: Segoe UI font had different spaced numbers, size and date/time fields looked very ugly -> use Uniscribe to display them (32/64)
10.03.14 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CtrlArrowOpenArchive=5: Controls whether Ctrl+Left/Right arrow opens archives or not: 0=never, 1=if ENTER opens archive, 2=if ZIPlikeDirectory=1, 3=always. Add 4 to put cursor on file if not opened. Does not affect search - feed to listbox mode (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.96.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2014, 13:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine korrekturen in der Listenansicht von Q-Dir für Windows 7 und 8/8.1!

Titel: Media Preview
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2014, 13:55
Media Preview helps you enhance the quality of the thumbnails that Windows Explorer normally creates. Due to performance issues, the default thumbnail extractor does not always allow you to preview the media files. Media Preview can update your system cache for new thumbnails.

Note: Free for personal, non-profit and non-commercial purposes. In other cases, license purchase is required.

Whats new: >>


    WinXP only: fixed a memory leak that didn't let users move or delete media files
    Fixed debug output generation to avoid issues unrelated to Media Preview processing

Configuration tool

    Added command line options to easily register Media Preview with any kinds of supported file formats

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2014, 06:02
19.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 4 (32/64)
19.03.14 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2: Couldn't access items "+" and "*" with keyboard when using Chinese locale (32/64)
19.03.14 Added: Also load per extension icons in a (separate) background thread to avoid slowdowns when scrolling (e.g. due to Windows Defender) (32/64)
19.03.14 Fixed: When using multiple environment variables in the same command, TC stopped replacing them at the first non-existing (32/64)
18.03.14 Fixed: TAR packer: Files >4GB couldn't be packed correctly (32/64)
18.03.14 Fixed: Quick search: Problem with cursor position when searching for more than 2 characters of Korean on Windows 8.x (64)
18.03.14 Fixed: Could not enter RAR5 archive with different password than the remembered password. Reason: unrar.dll returned new error code ERAR_BAD_PASSWORD (32/64)
18.03.14 Fixed: Avoid "Out of system resources" error in mylabel control when dimensions are <=0 or too big (32/64)
18.03.14 Fixed: Find files, results from multiple archives, feed to listbox -> total size negative, number of files may be wrong (32/64)
18.03.14 Fixed: Always set XPMoveMethod=0 on Linux/WinE, otherwise the file may get zero permissions (WinE bug) (32/64)
16.03.14 Added: Multi-rename tool: Allow to enter forward slashes for moving files on FTP servers to other (already existing) dirs - do not overwrite existing files in target dirs (32/64)
16.03.14 Fixed: FTP: Rename multiple files with Shift+F6: Show overwrite confirmation dialog for each file where target exists, supports "Overwrite all" (32/64)
16.03.14 Fixed: FTP: Rename single file with Shift+F6: Delete target only if RNTO fails, not if RNFR fails (32/64)
14.03.14 Fixed: Folder size (loaded via Alt+Shift+Enter) lost after switching to other program and back when sorting folders by size. Solution: Make folder checksum independent from sort order (32/64)
14.03.14 Added: Use NetShareEnum to get list of all shared folders (if user has admin rights) to speed up loading of shared folder icons (32/64)
14.03.14 Fixed: Access violation when changing font and Uniscribe wasn't loaded yet (32/64)
14.03.14 Fixed: FTP: Log loading of OpenSSL DLLs and errors, try to re-use dll loaded by a plugin from a different directory (32/64)

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2014, 13:51
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Whats new: >>

Fixed too small thumbnail (ticket #74)
Added minimum size limit (96 pixels) for "Prefer image file embedded thumbnail" option

Titel: NetDrive 2.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2014, 11:30
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

Added WebDAV support for IIS
Fixed file time stamp on FTP connections
Fixed minor bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2014, 12:31
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Schaltflächen-Einrückung bei Verzeichnisstruktur ist anpassbar über Menü, Extras, Verzeichnisstruktur.
Optional kann das standard System navigations geräusch verwendet werden über Menü, Extras, Listenansicht.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.9 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2014, 22:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

[Default] Can't update to the latest version via software updater or apt-get (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Compare Files -> crashes (when works!) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Navigation by clicking on the path does not work for archives / Переход по щелчку на папку в пути не работает для архивов (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Copy files expects user response but there's no dialogue box (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Move /tmp/doublecmd to user's XDG_CACHE_DIR (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Compare by contents does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] german translation against 0.58 (28.12.2013) revision from 14. February 2014 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] translations (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Error when opening files with aposhtrophes (') in name (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Logic] Search by date from doesn't work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] File panels: file names columns shorter than avilable space in the file pane - in BRIEF mode (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Please link with --as-needed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Please add keywords to desktop file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Unable to open file pixmaps.txt (Alexx2000) - closed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.3.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2014, 05:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: RidNacs 2.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2014, 14:07
Mit RidNacs bekommt man eine Übersicht des Speicherverbrauchs auf seinen Laufwerken bzw. auch der einzelnen Ordner.
Überflüssige Dateien können direkt über RidNacs gelöscht werden.


Nach der Installatioin findet man einen neuen Eintrag im Kontextmenü des Windows-Explorer.
Die Analyseergebnisse können zwecks Auswertung oder Vergleich in verschiedene Formate exportiert werden (XML-, HTML-, CSV-, Text-Datei).



Hersteller: http://www.splashsoft.de/
Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2014, 06:10
26.03.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 beta 5 (32/64)
26.03.14 Added: Change main menu only with new command OPENLANGUAGEFILE WCMD_xyz.MNU or OPENLANGUAGEFILE .MNU for internal (32/64)
26.03.14 Fixed: Find files, search for text in zip, compressed size<1MB but uncompressed >1MB -> only first MB was searched (32/64)
26.03.14 Fixed: "F7 New Folder" in virtual folder (e.g. Android device) -> directory sometimes only appearing after manual refresh (32/64)
26.03.14 Fixed: Choose old command line from history with keyboard, press left or right arrow -> command line was selected instead of placing the cursor behind it (64)
26.03.14 Added: F6 move dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Copy" to copy the file instead of copying it (32/64)
26.03.14 Added: F5 copy dialog: Right click on OK or Queue button shows context menu "Move" to move the file instead of copying it (32/64)
26.03.14 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Click on "Verify after delete" didn't enable the "Apply" button (64)
21.03.14 Added: Also load icons for internal associations in a background thread (32/64)
21.03.14 Fixed: Windows directory was shown as shared (due to administrative share ADMIN$) (32/64)
21.03.14 Fixed: Automatic redraw of per extension icons (when extracted) wasn't working correctly (64)
21.03.14 Fixed: No per extension icons were shown when using 32x32 icons (32/64)

Titel: Media Preview 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2014, 13:47
Media Preview helps you enhance the quality of the thumbnails that Windows Explorer normally creates. Due to performance issues, the default thumbnail extractor does not always allow you to preview the media files. Media Preview can update your system cache for new thumbnails.

Note: Free for personal, non-profit and non-commercial purposes. In other cases, license purchase is required.

Whats new: >>


- Fixed the bug where Media Preview was crashing when selecting Luma Bicubic / Chroma Bilinear as the scaling method

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2014, 12:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrekturen in der Listenansicht und der Drukfunktion!

Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2014, 20:40
Git-Client, der sich in den Windows-Explorer integriert und über das Kontextmenü Zugriff auf Git-Kommandos ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>


    Fixed  issue #2065 : Add link to fetch to screen when push failed
    Fixed  issue #1855 : Support negative log filter syntax
    Fixed  issue #1029 : Add function to control the TGitCache module
    Fixed  issue #2086 : Rebase autoskip patches that are already in upstream
    Fixed  issue #2112 : Disable option for Drag & Drop Handler
    Fixed  issue #2114 : Allow to swap rebase refs
    Updated libgit to version 1.9.0
    Fixed  issue #1920 : Diff in log dialog like in commit dialog
    Fixed  issue #2134 : Easier to select lines to partial commit in TortoiseGitMerge
    Fixed  issue #2135 : Add menu button to open Explorer when clone finishes

Bug Fixes

    Fixed  issue #2067 : Normalize email with capital letters when calculating gravatar hash
    Fixed  issue #2071 : TGitCache blocks Windows to eject USB drive
    Fixed  issue #2074 : Time field not large enough
    Fixed  issue #1648 : Issue with handles being kept when there are uncommitted changes
    Fixed  issue #2083 : TortoiseGitBlame 'show unified diff' actually performs compare
    Fixed  issue #2087 : Rebase ComboBox DropDown List too short
    Fixed  issue #2088 : log entries have space in front of message without labels if right side drawing is enabled
    Fixed  issue #2075 : Commit do not show merged files after merge
    Fixed  issue #2097 : Wrong context menu when selecting ignored file in Status dialog
    Fixed  issue #2099 : Cannot cancel "Delete and add to ignore list"
    Fixed  issue #2109 : Checkout Tag without creating Branch - Remove Pull Option
    Fixed  issue #2106 : "All local branches" option is not remembered
    Fixed  issue #2076 : Issue Tracker Integration is broken in
    Fixed  issue #2124 : Rebase icon not properly displayed
    Fixed  issue #2113 : JiraSvn bugtraq provider's commit behavior is broken
    Fixed  issue #2128 : tagopt not saved when asked to disable tag fetching
    Fixed  issue #2127 : After delete last tag in Browse references, tree of refs disappeared
    Fixed  issue #2131 : Commit message not used when merging with "squash" option
    Fixed  issue #2147 : Resolve not dealing correctly with (modify/delete) conflicts
    Fixed  issue #2148 : Cherry pick with conflicts does not add "Cherry picked from..."
    Fixed  issue #2150 : Integrate with issue tracker - bug Id can not be larger than 6 digit number

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2014, 09:14
02.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 1 (RC1) (32/64)
02.04.14 Fixed: Two pass copy function: When error occurs with last file in list, do not postpone dialog box to second pass (32/64)
02.04.14 Added: Use Uniscribe to display custom columns, as long as they don't contain non-English texts, or tabs (32/64)
02.04.14 Fixed: Verify checksums: Taking checksum from clipboard not working for SHA512 (32/64)
02.04.14 Added: Moved call to NetShareEnum to get list of all shared folders to background thread (32/64)
02.04.14 Added: Test for shared folders: Old method via OLE2 can be set with TestIfSharedDir=2 (32/64)
02.04.14 Fixed: Lister's menu was missing hotkeys 2,3,4 etc. starting with beta 4 (64)
01.04.14 Added: Reduced flickering of current item in listboxes by re-drawing loaded icons manually instead of invalidating the rectangle (32/64)
 01.04.14 Fixed: Do not beep when skipping (for later) write protected, hidden or system files when moving between drives (32/64)
30.03.14 Fixed: Open RAR with encrypted names: Repeat password dialog until user enters correct password or cancels dialog, also show "wrong password" hint (32/64)
30.03.14 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, delete files via right click menu: Bypass recycle bin with Shift pressed also when choosing the menu item (not only when confirming the dialog box) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2014, 12:32
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Kleine Verbesserungen, Korrekturen in der Listenansicht und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2014, 17:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Libraries / Fix XP bug

Titel: XYplorerFree v13.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2014, 22:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2014, 21:00
09.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 2 (RC2) (32/64)
09.04.14 Fixed: Very slow extraction of icons or overlay icons could hang opening of Lister (F3) -> use different critical section when loading plugins (32/64)
09.04.14 Fixed: Unpack password-protected RAR with Alt+F9 -> parent of password dialog wasn't set to the progress dialog (32/64)
08.04.14 Fixed: Memory leak in Compare by content - Recompare from here (only if a file was changed) (32/64)
08.04.14 Fixed: Compare by content - "Resync comparison from here" not working correctly if one of the files (or both) was saved just before using the function (32/64)
04.04.14 Fixed: Do not try to draw updated icon (loaded in background) before the actual line has been drawn (e.g. multiple files with same extension) (32/64)
04.04.14 Fixed: Icon of focused item in inactive panel could sometimes get cursor background from active panel (32/64)

Titel: Media Preview 1.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2014, 20:20
Media Preview helps you enhance the quality of the thumbnails that Windows Explorer normally creates. Due to performance issues, the default thumbnail extractor does not always allow you to preview the media files. Media Preview can update your system cache for new thumbnails.

Note: Free for personal, non-profit and non-commercial purposes. In other cases, license purchase is required.

Whats new: >>


- Better handling of camcorder recorded video files by getting actual thumbnails instead of grey images


- Do not reset settings upon upgrading anymore (it won't work if you upgrade from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3 as uninstall is still handle by 1.4.2, but it will work when upgrading from 1.4.3)
- Overall size reduced by nearly 10% (16.1MB to 14.7MB)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2014, 12:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Neue-Einstellungen: Über Menü, Extras, Adressleiste:
Optional kann die Breadcrumb Adressleiste ohne Icons angezeigt werden.
Ebenso kann die Autovervollständigung angepasst werden, Dateien und Ordner, nur Ordner plus Internetadressen (URLs).

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2014, 18:30
16.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51 release candidate 3 (RC3) (32/64)
16.04.14 Fixed: Button bar: Deleting a button via right click (moving the rest to the left) didn't support long parameters >259 characters (64)
16.04.14 Fixed: Compare, re-sync from here: Keep track separately whether the file was changed since the last save, and whether it was changed since it was opened, to avoid unnecessary "The file was changed" dialogs (32/64)
15.04.14 Fixed: FTP upload: When using dynamic upload block size, start with a size of 2048 bytes (instead of 512) to get faster more quickly (32/64)
13.04.14 Fixed: Compare by content: Text refresh was disabled when pasting a line to an UTF-8 file where the UTF-16 length was shorter than 1024 characters, but the UTF-8 length (in bytes) was longer (32/64)
13.04.14 Fixed: Open archive in already running instance (via /O switch) only placed cursor on archive, even without /A switch (previous fix was only applied to 32-bit) (64)
13.04.14 Fixed: Lister's menu was missing hotkeys 1,2,3,4 etc. when opening menu with mouse (since TC 8.0!) (64)
13.04.14 Fixed: Caret rectangle could be lost over the icon when it is loaded from the background thread (except when using inverted cursor) (32)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2014, 23:30
Latest Changes

Korrekturen in der Listenansicht:
Bei der automatischen Aktualisierung, bzw. nicht Aktualisierung.
Und beim Neusortieren nach dem Umbenennen und Hinzufügen von Dateien und Ordnern im Explorer view!

Titel: Multi Commander 4.2 Build 1672
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2014, 19:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - User Defined Commands can now be duplicated.
ADDED - Button panel changed so it can not be undocked. Then no close button is shown making it look better
ADDED - Buttons in the Button panel can now be drawn transparent.
ADDED - New column that shows the length of the name or fullpath.
ADDED - Option to enable/disable the refresh tab when application focus is returned to MultiCommander
ADDED - Command line field can now show hits/tips when not used. (Can be disabled in core settings)
ADDED - Command line command ":one" now also work for going to OneDrive/SkyDrive folder
ADDED - Option for "Expand folder hovering over during drag and drop in folder tree". (Was always enabled before, can now be disabled)
ADDED - Option if a new tab should be opened when browsing to new location in a locked tab.
ADDED - Rule Based file coloring can now be configured to also change font style like Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikeout
ADDED - New MultiScript functions PathMakeRelativeMC(...), PathMakeAbsoluteMC(...), PathTranslatePath(...), TranslateEnvString(...)
ADDED - Custom command MC.Explorer.NewBrowser now support TABCOLORS,TABNAME,TABLOCK paramters
ADDED - New Custom Command MC.FileSystem.Unpack
ADDED - New Custom command MC.Explorer.SetTabProp for setting tab properties like color, on existing tab
ADDED - Duplicating a Explorer Panel tab. or opening a folder from one tab into a new tab. New tab will get the same custom Tab Colors.
ADDED - Doing TapAndHold on touch devices will now be a right click. (Show context menu in most places)
ADDED - MultiFileViewer have experimental support for line filtering (grep)
FIXED - Command line fields dropdown history is now shown and saved correct.
FIXED - QuickLaunchBar now works better with relative and environments paths.
FIXED - Color rules are now refresh when files are renamed or attributes changed (From inside MC)
FIXED - Copying files to folder starting with ".." now works again. Eg "..Myfolder"
FIXED - FileTypeSetup will not clear extension field if external program is selected
FIXED - If sorting of columns that shown extended info (info fetched in background), view will now resort automatically when data is ready.
FIXED - Windows Shell context menu did not work in some locations.
FIXED - A couple of strange issues with context menu handling
FIXED - Issue with overwriting existing file inside a zip archive.
FIXED - Refresh issues when a zip is rebuilt.
FIXED - Lots of DPI scaling issues fixed. MC now look good in 150% DPI. Still some minor issue with 125%
FIXED - Improved error handling and error reporting of read/write errors.
FIXED - Improved error logging in a couple of places.
FIXED - A lot of minor fixes and changes to error handling
FIXED - Placeholder files is now being identified (Win8.1+ only)
FIXED - When unpacking rar it could happen it complained that disk was full even if disk was not full.
FIXED - Some icons was messed up if icon cached was cleared
FIXED - Context Menu key on keyboard now works for the ".." item
FIXED - The settings "Remember Selected files/folders when changing path" now works again. (can be turned off)
FIXED - 14 crash issues reported by Crash report system

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 991
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2014, 20:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: FoldersPopup 1.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2014, 13:29
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fix shortcut (hotkey) assignments error (not a valid key name error) on Windows system with keyboard regional settings supporting Cyrillic letters (Russian and others)

Titel: FoldersPopup 1.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2014, 21:15
Whats new: >>

Support for FreeCommander XE
Compatible with Clover (opens the folder in a new tab)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2014, 13:16
Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen in der Adressleiste und Symbolleiste bei Windows-8.1 und kleine Anpassungen im Bearbeiten Menü.

Titel: Total Commander 8.51 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2014, 18:30
Whats new: >>

Fixed: No progress bar in system tray icon when using external icon library (via iconlib=) on high DPI device (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Increased maximum allowed value of DataConnectTimeout (wcx_ftp.ini) from 60 to 300 seconds (default is 10 seconds) (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when aborting delete from FS plugin during the counting phase (checking how many files are in selected subfolders) (32/64)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2014, 05:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Wichtiger Bug-Fix in Q-Dir x64 und Optimierung!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2014, 06:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Whats new: >>

- Added (Experimental) HEVC/H265 decoding
- Added VP9 decoding
- Added HEVC/H265 track definitions to property parser
- Added VP9 track definition to mkv property parser
- Upgraded compilers to MSVC 2013/GCC 4.8.2
- Updated Versioning scheme
- Improved FFmpeg compilation
- Decreased size of binaries by about 4-5 MB
- Fixed Green-ish image thumbnails
- Fixed 'Contains Chapters' property for certain MKV files
- Fixed a bug in the 'Reset Property Filetypes' function
- Fixed AVI regression (certain rare AVI files didn't generate proper thumbnails)
- Fixed thumbnailing of several m2ts samples (Thanks Lenmaer)
- Fixed specific m2ts crash (Thanks HD-False)
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Updated FFmpeg

Titel: FoldersPopup 1.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2014, 06:15
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Workaround to make the “Run” command work on some system
Fix end-of-line at end of version number bug

Titel: Q-Dir 5.97.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2014, 12:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen in der Listenansicht und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: XYplorerFree v14.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2014, 05:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Advanced Content Search:
Now you can search the textual contents of complex file types like DOC, DOCX, ODT, and PDF.
Ignore Articles When Sorting:
Now sorting will optionally ignore "a", "an", and "the" (configurable) at the beginning of filenames. A case in point are files named after song or movie titles.
Image Preview in Overwrite Prompt:
The overwrite prompt now features thumbnails for the copied and the existing image.
Multilingual Support:
Added support for Turkish.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.2.1 Build 1674
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2014, 06:10
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - Fixed issue with installer
ADDED - Updated Language packs

Titel: Total Commander 8.51a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2014, 12:20
30.04.14 Release Total Commander 8.51a final (32/64)
29.04.14 Fixed: Left panel switched to c:\ when inserting/removing USB stick while "Drive not found" error was shown (32)
29.04.14 Fixed: Right click context menu: Still crashes caused by PowerArchiver shell extension - fixed by initializing command string to 0 (32/64)

Titel: XYplorerFree v14.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2014, 07:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: NetDrive 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2014, 20:40
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

New 30-day license policy for trial version
Added new drive icons in Windows Explorer
Added network drive type
Added auto login for Google Drive and OneDrive
Added SFTP option for system root or user's home
Added drive import from NetDrive 1.x configuration
Fixed Google Drive disconnection bug
Fixed file upload bug on Google Drive and OneDrive
Fixed S3 connection problem
Fixed minor bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2014, 12:33
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Korrekturen in der Verzeichnisstruktur für Win 7 und 8.1 und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2014, 21:20
Was ist neu : >>

Korrekturen in Q-Dir Explorer-Ansicht Auto-Update oder nicht Auto-Update.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2014, 12:32
Was ist neu : >>

Korrekturen beim Kopieren von Tab-s (Registerkarten) in Q-Dir.

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.10 Build 5514M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2014, 12:16
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fixed issues:

0000844: [Logic] "parent" directory for deleted directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000737: [Default] List index (3) out of bounds (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000862: [File operations] empty zip.ini (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000847: [File operations] Unhandled exception: ERangeError: Range check error on copying large number of files/directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000855: [Graphical user interface] & (ampersand) sign appears double in tab names (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000853: [Graphical user interface] Tab disappears from the GUI after Switch tab action (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000854: [Graphical user interface] New tab action does not create new tab (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Link ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2014, 17:33
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

The Backup Mode arrived to LSE.
LSE produced logfiles with LF but not CR/LF.
Junctions/Symbolic Links/Mountpoints ACLs are preserved when the target is changed either via Replacement functions or editing from the Link Properties.
Japanese translation for LSEConfig.
The target of mountpoints can be changed from Link Properties.
LSE now can handle Mountpoints during SmartXXX/Delorean operations.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links across drives didn't work.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links to Volume GUIDs didn't work.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links between very long path didn't work.
WindowsXP: Lots of tweaks here and there.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2014, 20:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Latest Changes

Verbesserungen und Fixis in Q-Dir so wie aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2014, 21:00
Just Manager is a file manager for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface, Panel tabs, File operations, File search, Quick search, Multi-rename tool, FTP, and a Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Incorrect appearance of folder that contains ampersand in tab and path panel - fixed
- Drag&drop copy instead of moving when drive letter in lower case - fixed
- Crash on drag&drop file with invalid characters in name - fixed
- Missing confirmation dialog when drag&drop from archive - fixed
- Crash on FTP view/edit - fixed

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 997
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2014, 05:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: NetDrive 2.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2014, 10:45
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

        Fixed WebDAV over SSL connection bug of version 2.1.1
        Fixed create folder bug on ftp connections

2.1.1 (2014-05-22)

        Fixed create folder bug on ftp connections
        Fixed file copy(upload) bug to network drives

Titel: CopyToTabs v11.0.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2014, 13:35
CopyToTabs uses "Backup Projects" that either you create manually, or are automatically created (with Total Commander's help) in order to copy several files/directories to any number of destinations.

License:    Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2014, 13:55
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Anpassungen und Verbesserung in den Tool-Bars von Q-Dir.

Titel: NetDrive 2.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2014, 17:27
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

- Fixed minor bugs
- Fixed occasional 'Mount error'

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2014, 21:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Whats new: >>

- Added the possibility of setting a timestamp offset (Only via the registry for now)
- Fixed SSE incompatibility
- Fixed association bug on Windows 8.1 Update 1
- Fixed parsing of properties in some incomplete mkv files on Windows 8
- Fixed thumbnailing of some incomplete mkv files on Windows 8
- Fixed thumbnailing of images with invalid orientation tag
- Fixed SWF Content Type
- Fixed and improved consecutive calls to thumbnail provider (related to thirdparty file managers)
- Improved filetype registration
- IcarosConfig now displays the proper version number
- Spring cleaning of code and project files
- Many minor fixes and improvements
- Updated FFmpeg

Download : Klick (http://www.mediafire.com/download/kgs8z4qi34574eu/Icaros_v2.2.5.exe)

Titel: My Commander 3.0 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 12:30
My Commander enables you to perform various operations on the your files and folders, including copy, paste, delete and compress. This software also offers you a built-in file viewer to display files in hex, binary or text and a built-in archive handling: ZIP, 7Z, TAR reading and writing.

License: BSD License

Whats new: >>

New functions:

SCP experimental FTP
Experimental Extract RPM archive
Extract XAR archive
Extract DEB archive
Extract ZIP archive
Extract 7Z archive
Extract RAR archive
Extract CPIO archive
Extract TAR archive
Create TAR archive
Create CPIO archive
Create ZIP/ZIP64 archive
Create 7Z archive
Create XZ archive
Create BZIP2 archive
Create LZMA archive

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.6 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 18:16
Whats new: >>

Fixed crash with certain mkv files on 32-bit systems
Many minor changes and improvements
Improved loading of dependencies
Improved FFmpeg build
Updated FFmpeg

Download : Klick (http://www.mediafire.com/download/l58bbxau2e905v9/Icaros_v2.2.6_b1.exe)

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2014, 22:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen bei der Option Listenansischt, Dateityp Spalte und Erweiterungen und Dateityp anzeigen

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2014, 07:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Release Notes
By popular demand, Folders Popup now offers folders submenus.
To add a submenu, in the Settings window, click the Add button and, in the new dialog box, select the radio button Add: submenu. Submenus can be nested under submenus at will.
Select the menu to edit in the Menu to edit: dropdown list.
Click the Up arrow to edit the parent menu or the Left arrow to edit a previously displayed menus.
To move a folder from one menu to another, click the Edit button or double-click the folder name in the Settings window and select the new menu in the Folder parent menu dropdown list.
The Add this folder menu puts the new folder in the main menu where you can edit it to move it to another menu.
Version 1 folders saved in your .ini file are preserved and automatically placed in the main menu.
Switch to another Explorer:
The Switch to Explorer menu takes you instantly to any opened instance of the Windows file Explorer.
The Switch in dialog box moves the active dialog box to any folder currently opened in another file Explorer.
Recent folders:
The Recent folders menu lists the recent folders memorized by Windows (on slow systems, this may slow down popup menu display because it needs to be refreshed at each display of the popup menu; if you don’t use it, you can turn it OFF in the options).
The variable RecentFolders in .ini file ([Global] section) determines the number of displayed recent folders in the menu (default is 5 - keep it low to preserve a snappy popup menu).
Language support:
Select your working language in the Settings window (supported languages: English, French and German).
Thanks to Edgar “Fast Edi” Hoffmann for the German translation.
Help appreciated for more languages (and for English proof checking as well).
New Settings dialog box:
Icons to Add, Edit or Remove folders and submenus.
Double-click a folder or a submenu name to edit it.
Icons to move folders and submenus Up or Down in the popup menu.
Icons to add a Separator in the popup menu.
Icons to Sort folders in a menu.
Icons to Add, Edit or Remove supported dialog boxes.
Double-click in a dialog box name to edit a supported dialog box.
Icons to open the Help, About and Settings windows.
Other improvements:
An easy to access Support freeware! menu with various support options.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.3.0 Build 1691 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2014, 14:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
ADDED - MultiScript function CopyFile,MoveFile now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
FIXED - FSPortable will now update the browsing counter if it takes a long time to scan the device
ADDED - FSPortable will now show an storage icon for the storage object.
ADDED - FSPortable is now using multi language system for settings page
ADDED - Create folder dialog now accept a complete path, This will override the current location.
ADDED - FSPortable is now using the new FileSystem API for getting and inserting files.
SDK - Added support for a new way to insert/get files from a FileSystem Plugin

Titel: Multi Commander 4.3.0 Build 1694 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2014, 13:30
Whats new: >>

ADDED - Informative tooltip now shows all file dates
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Delete now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F6 for replacing all illegal folder characters with space
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F7 for removing all space
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F9 for inserting todays date as name (ISO formatted as it will auto sort correctly and contains allowed characters)
FIXED - Show Hidden popup on the toolbar reworked. And Hidden and System files can be changed separately
FIXED - Unpack dialog will now default to source location
FIXED - Problem with FTP QuickConnect and Site Manager

Titel: Link ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2014, 22:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

The Backup Mode arrived to LSE.
LSE produced logfiles with LF but not CR/LF.
Junctions/Symbolic Links/Mountpoints ACLs are preserved when the target is changed either via Replacement functions or editing from the Link Properties.
Japanese translation for LSEConfig.
The target of mountpoints can be changed from Link Properties.
LSE now can handle Mountpoints during SmartXXX/Delorean operations.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links across drives didn't work.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links to Volume GUIDs didn't work.
WindowsXP: Symbolic links between very long path didn't work.
WindowsXP: Lots of tweaks here and there.
UNC path as Link Source for SmartCopy/Mirror/Delorean/SymbolicLinkClone now work.

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2014, 12:18
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

improve performance of Recent Folders menu building, process only recent folders in recent items
fix bug when a recent folder is not available (only XP?)
fix header bug in diagnostic mode

Titel: AudioShell 2.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2014, 18:45
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

AudioShell now show ID3v1 tag information if mp3 file don't have ID3v2 tag added support for .M4R files extension improved mp4 support improved wav support improved dsf support improved aiff support minor improvements and fixes

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2014, 08:20
Whats new: >>

fix bugs with switch folders and recent folders options
update German translation

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2014, 13:44
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Neue Option: Deaktivieren der Autosortierung beim Umbenennen oder Kopieren von Elementen.
Info: Standardgemäß ist diese Option aktiviert in Menü, Extras, Listenansicht.
Programm Argument um Q-Dir im Infobereich der Taskleiste zu starten -bg.
-bg muss als erstes Argument verwendet werden.

Titel: XYplorerFree v14.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2014, 17:43
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Click and Search: Now search by date and age is supported.
Layout: Many new layout options, and you can save and load layouts.
Content Search: Much faster than before.

Titel: QT TabBar 513
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2014, 16:51
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Titel: XYplorerFree v14.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2014, 07:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.3.0 Build 1700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 12:34
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

Release Notes
ADDED - New Virtual filesystem plugin that provides access to portable devices. (Smartphones/Tables)
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F6 for replacing all illegal folder characters with spaces
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F7 for removing all spaces
ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F9 for inserting todays date as name (ISO formatted)
ADDED - Create folder dialog now accept a complete path, This will override the current location.
ADDED - Folder tree now support that a folder might be drag from it or dropped in it.
ADDED - History popup that shows visited path is now global, Not only for current panel.
ADDED - Informative tooltip now shows all file dates.
ADDED - Drag and drop data of TYMED_ISTORAGE type now supported
ADDED - CustomCommand to force a refresh of the folder tree ( MC.Explorer.RefreshTree )
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Delete now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
ADDED - MultiScript function CopyFile,MoveFile now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
ADDED - MultiScript function "Packfile" / "UnpackFile" / "MakeDir"
ADDED - Added size restriction to external files to 25MB
FIXED - Unpack dialog will now use the source location as default target path.
FIXED - Paths containing ~ sometimes got confused as a shorted 8.3 path
FIXED - Password protected zip archives now works. (Only standard zip password protection is supported)
FIXED - Password protected 7Zip archives now works better
FIXED - Folder tree now shows the correct folder name for folders that are mounted devices
FIXED - 6 crash issues reported by Crash report system

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 13:14
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen beim Umbenennen des aktuellen Ordners in der Listenansicht, der neue Ordnername wird automatisch geöffnet.

Titel: QT TabBar 514
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2014, 17:40
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Whats new: >>

Installer stops with error dialog in some environments.
Typo in ScriptingSystemSound enumeration (ScriptingSystemSound.Asterinsk -> Asterisk) Both can be used.

Titel: XYplorerFree v14.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2014, 05:30
Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.3.1 Build 1702
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2014, 09:18
whats new:>>

FIXED - FolderTree caused a crash on some drop operations.

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2014, 05:15
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Addition of Dutch translation
The Recent folders is now refreshed on-demand using the Refresh menu. This is done to keep the popup menu snappy regardless of the number of recent items to parse or the performance of the PC.
An option in Settings allows to choose the number of recent folders available in the popup menu (now default to 10).
When adding a folder with the Add This Folder menu, you can now select in which submenu the new folder will be added.
When editing a menu, a button allow to open this menu.
The Add This Folder menu now works for folders on network drives (folders starting with “\\”).
Various small bugs fixes.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.98.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2014, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen und Fixs in Q-Dir so wie aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: XYplorerFree v14.20.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2014, 05:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: My Commander 3.0 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2014, 19:20
My Commander enables you to perform various operations on the your files and folders, including copy, paste, delete and compress. This software also offers you a built-in file viewer to display files in hex, binary or text and a built-in archive handling: ZIP, 7Z, TAR reading and writing.

License: BSD License

Whats new: >>

Simple themes for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
English and russian language interface
SSH Client embeded
SCP(beta) client embeded
FTP(beta) client embeded
Java class viewer
Android dex file viewer
CRC32, CRC32C, CRC64, MD2, MD4, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
ZIP, 7Z, TAR, CPIO creator
XAR, DEB, CPIO, RPM, PKG, IPK, APK extractor

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2014, 17:40
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Complete translation of mouse button names
Fix bug when changing Settings shortcut
Fix PCAstuces URL missing

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2014, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Bugfix im Dialogfeld Dateien kopieren und einige Anpassungen und Verbesserungen in Q-Dir.

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2014 Release 665 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2014, 22:00
freeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIp and CAB files, and open RAR files as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.


Release Notes
- Implemented for detail view if horizontal scrollbar is not visible: using of left/right arrow for fast navigation to top/bottom of the list
- Implemented: %ActivSel% and other variables are available in the DOS command line http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=5571
- Implemented: new option added for drives bar - "Use large images"
- Implemented: Right click on version info in about box shows "Copy" popup menu
- Implemented: Settings - Select items - Colors for hot item; new options added
- Implemented: Quick starter - shortcuts for repository activating added: Ctrl+1,...,Ctrl+0
- Implemented: New actions for quick starter opening added
- Implemented: Using file/folder colors for selected items (Windows colors)
- Implemented: Dot in the extension column is controlled by ShowExtensionWithDot=1
- Implemented: Plain view button in the "Delete" dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5745
- Implemented: Size of the MD5-Checksum dialog is saved now
- Implemented: Option to define in the freecommander.ini if last used path of each tab (locked too) should be restored - TabRestoreLastPathForAll=1
- Implemented: Option to define in the freecommander.ini for changing the splitting 25/75 - SplitterSwitchSmall=25
- Implemented: Layouts
- Implemented: DOS box can be opened with UNC path http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5655
- Implemented: Settings for defining quick viewer size by file type (only for "One viewer per panel" and vertical orientation of the main splitter)
- Implemented: Warning message if files to compare are not the same type http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=5922
- Implemented: New option for the tab property added: Use as base folder for the tree
- Implemented: Option to disable MD5 file association can be defined in the freecommander.ini [Form] section: Md5VerifyUseFC=0
- Implemented: Main form size and location is saved with layout
- Implemented: New option for active tab color in the inactive panel added
- Implemented: New options for tab properties; Remove all colors; Always use the colors - for active tab too
- Implemented: New option for drives added: "Calculate free space for network drives too - can be very slow"
- Implemented: New option - color for inactive file container tab added
- Implemented: New viewer option "Use IrfanView/XnView to load images"
- Many bugs fixed

Titel: Context Menu Manager 2014.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2014, 06:07
Context Menu Manager is a quite complete application designed to enable users to manage file associations and right-click context menu with ease. Users will be able to access four layers of the application and fully customize the context menu of both files and folders.

License: Donationware

Whats new: >>

Improved : Special Context Menu - "Autoread Predefine Context Menu" Stats
Added : Customize "Special Context Menu" Icon

Titel: NetDrive 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2014, 14:00
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

International - Now we speak Deutsch, Korean, Japanese
Major update on FTP/SFTP connection
Added active mode support on FTP
Fixed issue with Google Drive MIME types when uploading to Google Drive (MIME type setting not supported by Google when renaming files)
Fixed issue with folder rename/move on S3
Fixed issue with Google Drive not displaying files more than 100 files
Fixed issue with SSH private key
Fixed minor bugs

Titel: Folders Popup v2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2014, 21:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new: >>

Support drag and drop to add favorite folders (nice and easy!).
Make the cursor change to a hand when the mouse pointer is over buttons or clickable text in Settings dialog box.
Recent folders menu now shown in a detached menu, refreshed each time it is opened, with tool tip while refreshing.
Fix a bug with number of Recent folders hide/display in Settings, Options.
Fix layout bug in Edit folder dialog box.
Fix bug making Switch to Explorer opening a new window.
Replace PCAstuces review URL with Freewares & Tutos.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2014, 13:39
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Bug-Fix in der Listenansicht Autosort-Funktion unter Windows 7 und 8.1.

Titel: XYplorerFree 14.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2014, 17:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

- Paper Folders. Paper Folders are a ground-breaking new implementation of virtual folders. Fast, light-weight, easy-to-use, portable. You can have as many as you want, and you will want many
- Permanent Custom Sort Order. Now you can manually modify the sort order in a folder and it's remembered next time when you open the folder

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2014, 20:00
Der Far Manager ist ein Klon des alten MS-DOS Programm Norton Commander. Mit ihm können Dateien und Archive gesucht, gelöscht umbenannt, kopiert und bearbeitet werden.Für das verschieben von Dateien wird Drag&Drop unterstützt.

Zur Erweiterung werden Plugins angeboten, welche man auf dieser Seite (http://plugring.farmanager.com/category.php?cid=52&l=en) findet.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.4.0 Build 1720 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 09:21
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - FileSystem Plugin allowing the browsing of favorites in the filesystem (FAV:) (Experimental, might NOT be included in final release)
FIXED - Browsing NET: works again.
FIXED - Better UTF8 support for FTP
FIXED - Customizing of the keys for ShowFavorites, Back, Forward, Show History is now kept between restarts
FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system

Titel: FoldersPopup 2.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 13:18
Whats new: >>

fix bug when adding a folder to a submenu using drag and drop
add an incentive message about drag and drop at the bottom of Settings window
ignore submenu change in Settings when user select the current menu

Titel: XYplorerFree 14.30.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2014, 21:17
Whats new: >>

See here: http://www.xyplorer.com/release_14.30.htm

Titel: Multi Commander v4.4.0 (Build 1725)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2014, 11:00


    CustomCommand MC.Explorer.ChangeSettings that can change some Explorer Panel settings in active panel only (Changes lost on restart).
    Installer reworked. Can now upgrade current installation and support installation of both 32bit and 64bit.
    Create Folder dialog now accept Shift+F9 to insert date at caret position or replacing selected text.
    Remote Desktop client shares \\TSClient now support. "TSClient" is added to NET: when Remote computer is connected.
    Create Folder button added to toolbar. Right click on it to show a list of some preset date folders to create.
    Quick Create folder item can now use date/time/filename tags.
    Quick Create folder menu can now be customized and are using MultiLanguage system.


    Better UTF8 support for FTP.
    Customizing of the keys for ShowFavorites, Back, Forward, Show History is now kept between restarts.
    When launching multiple items using shell, it will now verify if the shell really allows the item to be launched.
    Strange rounding that only happened on some file sizes when showing selected file size as GB.
    Drop popup menu 'extract' will now unpack to the correct path where the drop happened.
    MultiScript function CopyFile with a target folder that does not exists will now update the views better.
    FreeSpace field was not using the correct font. Was using FileList font.
    Fixed some scrollbar issues with the MultiDataViewer.
    3 crash issues reported by Crash report system.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v1.9.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2014, 15:30
DiskInternals Linux Reader is an easy-to-use tool which allows you to browse GNU/Linux file systems and extract files from there. It provides for read-only access and does not allow you to make records in file system partitions. It gives you also an opportunity to use common Windows Explorer for extracting data (with a preview option for pictures).

Supported file systems: ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, Reiser4, HFS, HFS+.


Titel: XYplorerFree v14.30.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2014, 04:31
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2014, 09:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in der Listenansicht und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: SpeedRunner 6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2014, 19:20
SpeedRunner is a fast, modern, multi-thread file manager. like Total Commander and Far Manager.  Plugins available at the homepage.


Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2014, 12:16
Was ist neu :>>

Bug-Fix: Q-Dir Absturzberichts-Fehler in comctl32 unter Windows XP

Titel: Multi Commander 4.4.1 Build 1731 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2014, 14:10

ADDED - FSFavorite extension now support file Rename to rename favorites, MakeDir to create favorite folder
ADDED - FSFavorite extension support Drop of file/folder to Create a new favorite item
ADDED - Drop file/folder on Favorite item will now start copy to the target of the favorite item
FIXED - Quick Connect for FTP work again
FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system


Titel: Multi Commander 4.4.1 Build 1740 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2014, 12:32

ADDED - FSFavorites - various fixes and should now be usable
ADDED - FSFavorites Now support right click to remove/change
ADDED - FSFavorites can now delete sections
ADDED - FSFavorites will now run files that are linked to files
FIXED - MultiRename - negative value in rule was 0-based when start value was 1-based, Now both are 1 based
FIXED - MultiRename - [F-4] rule now works (Just like [N-4])


Titel: Multi Commander 4.4.1 Build 1745 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2014, 19:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new: >>

ADDED - New experimental (proof of concept) view mode for the Explorer Panel. Thumbnail Detail that have both a thumbnail and detailed information. This new mode is very alpha and experimental.

Titel: Context Menu Manager 2014.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2014, 12:30
Context Menu Manager is a quite complete application designed to enable users to manage file associations and right-click context menu with ease. Users will be able to access four layers of the application and fully customize the context menu of both files and folders.

License: Donationware

Whats new: >>

[NEW] : "Context Menu Handler" Manager (Supporter Version Only)
Updated : Iconized Buttons
Updated : New Skin
Improved : Allowed to use empty caption on "Special Context Menu"
Minor GUI Improvements

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2014, 12:32
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen für Windows Server 2012 und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 (Build 999)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2014, 16:08
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.

Unterstützt wird WIN 98 - 8


kein Changelog verfügbar

Hersteller : http://x-diesel.com/
Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2014, 12:26

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen für Windows 8.1 und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2014, 18:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Funktioniert nun wieder einwandfrei mit Dropbox

Titel: Multi Commander 4.5.0 Build 1768
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2014, 05:45
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - FSFavorite Plugin that allows browsing of favorite as a virtual filesystem.
   ADDED - Refresh device item to the Dropdown list of devices.
   ADDED - Active tab that are not using custom colors are shown with a lighter color (eg. Log tab panel)
   ADDED - Pack/Unpack window now has settings if it should use target as default location or not.
   ADDED - MultiRename window can be closed by pressing ESCAPE key.
   ADDED - Now possible to choose what extended device items should be shown in the device dropdown list.
   ADDED - Explorer Panel has a new experimental view mode 'Thumbnail Detail'
   ADDED - New Thumbnail engine option : "Crop to Square" (Only valid if thumbnail engine is "Windows" and OS is Win8+)
   ADDED - Thumbnail List mode now support Vertical scrolling (Up-Down).
   CHANGE- Thumbnail queue management will now prioritized item that are currently visible.
   CHANGE- Changed how the tab is drawn. Is now more flat.
   CHANGE- Removed some obsolete settings, Change some defaults.
   FIXED - MultiRename - Tags with negative value was 0-based, Start value was 1-based, Now both are 1 based (eg [N-3]).
   FIXED - MultiRename - Folder [F] tag rule now works like name tag [N] (Eg [F-4] works like [N-4]).
   FIXED - Copy/Move progress window tries better to keep its since when queue is shown/hidden.
   FIXED - Queue in Copy/Move progress window will try to show the alternative targetname if one is set.
   FIXED - Key combo for Quick Search in Explorer Panel will no longer trigger if more keys then configured are pressed.
   FIXED - Eject/Disconnect command in Explorer Panel can now be assigned to hotkey.
   FIXED - Exporting the list of keyboard shortcuts will now be saved as Unicode (UTF16).
   FIXED - Handles insert/removal of devices that are mounted under a folder better.
   FIXED - Thread synchronization issue with thumbnail extraction that could sometimes cause a crash.
   FIXED - Couple of issue with Change View mode and refresh issue with view modes changes.
   FIXED - Minor Issues with installer
   FIXED - Problem with deleting from zip archive.
   FIXED - Quick Connect for FTP work again.
   FIXED - 4 crash issues reported by Crash report system.


Titel: NetDrive 2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2014, 22:00
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

NEW: Play video files on remote NAS
NEW: Improved caches with pre-fetch
NEW: Symlink support on SFTP/FTP
FIXED: Dokan mount prevents 'javaw.exe' from running
FIXED: net use command now works on SFTP connection
FIXED: Many small bug fixes

Titel: Cloud Storage Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2014, 05:45
Mit dem Cloud Storage Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live OneDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden. Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden. Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008, 7 und 8.1


Titel: Multi Commander 4.5.1 Build 1769
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2014, 19:00
Whats new: >>

FIXED - Installer failed to add shortcuts in some situation.

Titel: Just Manager 0.1 Alpha 54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2014, 06:07
Just Manager is a file manager for the Windows operating system. Features include Multi-panel interface, Panel tabs, File operations, File search, Quick search, Multi-rename tool, FTP, and a Customizable interface.


Latest Changes

- Added correct handling of locked file delete situation
- IThumbnailProvider interface support added
- %INACTIVE_PATH% parameter added for custom commands
- Folder update monitoring improved
- Thumbnails crash fixed
- Incorrect system folders names under Win XP - fixed

Titel: Folders Popup v3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2014, 07:45
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source



    Support favorite documents (local or network files) as popup menu items.
    Support favorite web links (URL) as popup menu items.
    Popup favorites menu by left-clicking on the Tray icon.


    Menu icons for submenus, folders, special folders, documents and links.
    Configurable menu icons size and option to display menu icons or not.
    Dialog boxes and menu colors with choice of themes (see how to configure color themes in the folderspopup.ini file).
    Change mouse cursor to hand when mouse is over buttons in the Settings window.
    Various small dialog box design improvements.


    Remove "supported dialog boxes" management, all dialog boxes are now supported, user should only invoke favorite folders in file selection dialog boxes.
    Additional text to clarify mouse and keyboard triggers in Settings, Options.
    Choose the destination submenu when adding a favorite.
    Redesigned Tray menu with integrated favorites menu.


    Add a mouse or keyboard hotkey to open the recent folders list.
    Allow to select no mouse trigger for popup menu.
    Open Settings dialog box by double-clicking on the Tray menu.


    Error message when unavailable local favorite is selected in popup menu.
    Short Tray tip status when refreshing menus.
    Better Directory Opus support in dual listers and bug fixes.
    Fix various small undetected v2 bugs.


Titel: XYplorerFree v14.40.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2014, 18:31
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Tree Expansion Icon: Now you can choose between several styles.
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: CarotDAV v1.10.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2014, 18:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2014, 19:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Whats new: >>

- Improved the core thumbnailing code (should result in a small speed boost)
- Improved thumbnailing speed of HEVC files
- Improved swf thumbnailing in general
- Added support for rare on2vp8 format in ogv files
- Fixed Icaros on Win XP
- Fixed crash when thumbnailing shortcuts (Thanks Sahil)
- Fixed aspect ratio of specific mp4/mov files
- Fixed a couple of swf thumbnailing regressions
- Fixed rare jpg files displaying upside down
- Fixed crash with certain mkv files on 32-bit systems (Thanks hervansaputra)
- Many minor fixes and improvements
- Improved FFmpeg build
- Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Folders Popup 3.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2014, 17:33
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


- Bug fix: make all Special Folders menu items work when popup menu is activated from the tray icon
- Improve handling of folders including hash (aka Sharp / “#”) to work around bug in Shell.Application (see v1.2.6)
- Fix a bug when navigating in a Shell window (CMD) to a folder path including AHK reserved chars (^!+#)


Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2014, 12:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen für x64 Windows Betriebssysteme und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2014, 20:15
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Whats new: >>

Updated Portuguese Brazilian translation (by Ricardo de Souza Pereira)
Updated Polish translation (by Ireneusz Chorosz)
Added Czech translation (by jerry)
Updated installer translations
Fixed memory leaks in the file conversion operation
Project converted to MS VS2013

Titel: XYplorer Free 14.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2014, 17:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

Mouse Down Blow Up on Icons:

Simply hold down your mouse on the icon of an image file and the image will instantly pop up in original size until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the contents of a photo, web graphic, animated gif, PDF, or PSD file.

Mouse Down Blow Up Text:

Simply hold down your mouse on the icon or thumbnail of a text file and the first page of the text will instantly pop up until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the contents of a document.

Mouse Down Blow Up Hex View:

Simply press CTRL and hold down your mouse on the icon or thumbnail of any file and the first page of the file in hex view will instantly pop up until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the raw bytes of a file.

Colored Tabs:

Now you can customize the background colors of tabs.

Titel: Folders Popup 3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2014, 18:30

    For Directory Opus (DOpus) users:
        At start-up, Folders Popup prompts you to activate DOpus support if the software is found on your system.
        Change user folders and recent folders in DOpus listers reliably and seamlessly.
        Enable special folders menus (My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Recycle Bin, etc.) in DOpus using built-in aliases.
        The Switch Explorer menu combines in one menu the folders opened in Windows Explorer and listers in DOpus.
        DOpus icons used for listers in the Switch Explorer menu.
        The Switch in dialog box menu proposes to open any folder opened in Windows Explorer or listers in DOpus.
        Using the DOpus system command DOpusRt to change the current folder and gather information reliably about listers for Switch Explorer or Add this folder menus.
        Adapted support for special folders in DOpus (like search result windows). But no support for FTP folders at this time.
    For all users:
        Addition of the Korean language – thanks to Om Il-Sung (aka Dollnamul on my blog).
        New option to show the popup menu near the mouse pointer, in the active window or at a fix position.
        Prevent intermittent Windows bug showing an error message when building the Recent folders menu if an external drive has been removed.
        Setting the Images and Recent folders special folders reading the Windows Registry to support Windows in any languages.
        Fix a bug when showing special folders names in Switch menus.
        Fix a bug when duplicate folders were found in Switch menus.
        Prevent paths longer than 260 chars in Switch menus from causing an error.
        Limit favorite menus name to 250 chars maximum in add/edit favorite dialog box.
        Hopefully fix a bug causing submenus to display incorrectly at first popup menu display only.


Titel: XYplorer Free 14.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2014, 05:00
Whats new: >>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2014, 12:23
Was ist neu :>>

Q-Dir im Infobereich (To-Tray) über die Taste F12, Verbesserungen für Windows 7 und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: XYplorerFree 14.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2014, 17:20
Whats new: >>

Mouse Down Blow Up on Icons:

Simply hold down your mouse on the icon of an image file and the image will instantly pop up in original size until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the contents of a photo, web graphic, animated gif, PDF, or PSD file.

Mouse Down Blow Up Text:

Simply hold down your mouse on the icon or thumbnail of a text file and the first page of the text will instantly pop up until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the contents of a document.

Mouse Down Blow Up Hex View:

Simply press CTRL and hold down your mouse on the icon or thumbnail of any file and the first page of the file in hex view will instantly pop up until you release the mouse button. There's never been a faster way to check the raw bytes of a file.

Colored Tabs:

Now you can customize the background colors of tabs.

10 Years Mouse Down Blow Up:

The famous feature has been invented already in v3.02.0035 (2000-02-21) but the trademark "Mouse Down Blow Up" now marks its 10th birthday.

Titel: NetDrive 2.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2014, 05:30
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

NEW: Proxy support for FTP and WebDAV
CHANGED: Read-ahead cache improved
CHANGED: FTP/SFTP list loading speed improved
FIXED: Issue on 'Disconnected Drive'
FIXED: Dropbox connection problem
FIXED: Issue on renaming files
FIXED: Issue on deleting files

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.7 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2014, 14:13
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Whats new: >>

Added support for Tak thumbnailing
Added support for Tak properties
Added support for WavPack thumbnailing
Added support for WavPack properties
Added support for Webm properties
Added 'Bit Depth' property to music files
Made Webm, Tak, and Wv default thumbnail filetypes
Fixed channel count for mpc files
Fixed property parsing for certain apetag files with covers
Fixed multiple artist entries not showing up consistently
A few fixes and changes
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Double Commander 0.5.11 Build 5647M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2014, 13:13
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new: >>

Fixed issues:

0000844: [Logic] "parent" directory for deleted directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000737: [Default] List index (3) out of bounds (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000862: [File operations] empty zip.ini (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000847: [File operations] Unhandled exception: ERangeError: Range check error on copying large number of files/directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000855: [Graphical user interface] & (ampersand) sign appears double in tab names (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000853: [Graphical user interface] Tab disappears from the GUI after Switch tab action (Alexx2000) - resolved.
0000854: [Graphical user interface] New tab action does not create new tab (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Q-Dir 5.99.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2014, 19:39
Was ist neu :>>

Korrektur für Vista in der Listenansicht bei der Klassisch Windows Theme!

Titel: FoldersPopup 3.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2014, 19:20
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


A relatively small update, releasing a few fixes before I attack more serious changes: often requested Total Commander compatibility and Workspace (a replacement for Folders Popup Switch menu with capability to save/restore group of Explorer windows)
fix layout in options gui
remove support for MS Office 2003/2007 file dialog boxes (see this note)
German language update


Titel: CarotDAV v1.10.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2014, 21:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2014, 13:50
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.

License:  Open Source

Whats new: >>

fixed bug in File Attributes -- unicode IO-functions

Titel: Files 2 Folder 1.1.4 Build 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2014, 20:20
Files 2 Folder is a very simple application that enables you to automatically create directories for selected files or folders to move them in, by integrating a shell extension in Windows Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Added hidden INI setting: ShowAtCursor=1
You can add this setting if you want the popup dialog to appear at your mouse cursor instead of the center of your screen.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2014, 13:02
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verifizierung und Tests von Q-Dir auf Windows 10 Technical-Preview.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien für Q-Dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.10.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2014, 10:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Status text

Titel: Folders Popup v3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2014, 20:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


For Total Commander (TC) users:

    At start-up, Folders Popup prompts you to activate Total Commander support if the software is found on your system.
    Change user favorite folders and recent folders in TC windows reliably and seamlessly.
    Enable special folders menus (My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Recycle Bin, etc.) in TC using built-in commands.
    Use TC internal command to gather information reliably for the Add this folder menu.
    A checkbox in Options let Total Commander users choose to open new folders (with Shift+Middle-Mouse) in a new tab or in a new window.
    The Switch menu is not supported actually with TC and this menu is disabled the first time TC support is activated*. But the Switch menu can be re-activated in the Options ("Display Switch menu") for TC users who also use Explorer windows.
    * The Switch menu will be supported after a new command in Total Commander will allow to improve the integration in Folders Popup (work in progress).

For all users:

    Addition of Swedish language.
    Fix a bug when user select a hotkey replacement for Middle-mouse button that involves a modifier key (e.g. Shift+Right-click).
    Fix bug with icons on Windows Server (no menu icons on these servers).
    Fix bug making new folders opening in Explorer instead of Directory Opus when called from the Tray left-click menu.
    Change Directory Opus command to open a new lister to Go with NEW parameter.


Titel: Multi Commander 4.6.0 Build 1800
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2014, 09:13
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Support for Italian - Created by Aldo ADDED - Picture Viewer can now adjust colors using gamma, brightness, gray scale, normalize and more. ADDED - Picture Viewer can now Save picture in another format. ADDED - Picture Viewer can now resize image. ADDED - Picture Viewer support undo (Ctrl+Z) after doing color changes. ADDED - Picture Tools can now batch resize images. ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.PictureTools.Convert" ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.PictureTools.Resize" ADDED - Image dimensions can now be shown as an overlay text on the thumbnail. ADDED - Button panel wizard will now add icon if the dropped file is a .exe ADDED - Add/Remove Selection now support regular expressions. start match with ":" ADDED - View filters now support regular expressions. Start filters with ":" (File size equal filter moved to "=" ) ADDED - QuickLaunchBar now support ${sourcepath} and ${targetpath} in parameter field ADDED - New Option to enable so that parent context menu is shown if user click on the blank area of an item. ADDED - MultiRename support moving item up/down from hotkey or popup menu when right clicking on item ADDED - MultiRename will now add item to its list in the same order they are shown in the Explorer Panel. FIXED - Save current column layout sometimes did not save the columns in the correct order. FIXED - Thumbnail detailed view mode did not always show all columns. FIXED - Will now retry getting .exe icon if default .exe is returned. (Can happen if AV/Other software has a lock on the file) FIXED - Icon override if FileType Setup is no longer case sensitive FIXED - Column resize issue if a column got < 0 is size. FIXED - When viewing a file using external viewer the focused file will be used. FIXED - Thumbnail background thread will now update the main ui better. FIXED - 4 crash issues reported by Crash report system.


Titel: AudioShell 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2014, 22:00
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

- Added multi files tag editor
- If file have only ID3v1 tag, AudioShell will show it data in tag editor window
- Now file renaming work for files with only ID3v1 tag
- Minor fixes

Titel: Multi Commander 4.6.1 Build 1802
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2014, 09:17
Whats new:>>

FIXED - 3 Crash issues reported by crash report system
UPDATE- Updated language packs.

Titel: Multi Commander 4.6.2 Build 1804
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2014, 18:45
Whats new:>>

FIXED - 5 Crash issues reported by crash report system also 150+ Changes since v4.5

Titel: Easy Context Menu 1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2014, 05:00
A small but effective application which allows specific task completion without the use of standard keyboard shortcuts. It comes equipped with with a list of options and useful tweaks that can be enabled for Desktop, My Computer, Drives, File and Folder context menus. It helps in accessing most used windows components quickly and easily. You just need to right-click on the desired component shortcut to launch it.

Menu options:

Desktop Context Menu
My Computer Context Menu
Drives Context Menu
Folder Context Menu
File Context Menu
System tools sub menu
Turn Off Computer sub menu


Titel: Q-Dir 6.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2014, 22:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir und korrekturen für Windows-10 Technische-Vorschau.

Titel: Files 2 Folder 1.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2014, 06:45
Files 2 Folder is a very simple application that enables you to automatically create directories for selected files or folders to move them in, by integrating a shell extension in Windows Explorer.


Whats new: >>

+ Files 2 Folder now remembers which method was used the last time it was invoked. (Thanks, Rockets)
+ Added a new method which allows you to configure a custom date/time stamp to dynamically create a folder. (Thanks, Rockets & W. Wangsaatmaja)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.11.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2014, 19:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Control Panel

Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2014, 13:44
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008 und Windows 7

Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: CarotDAV v1.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2014, 13:11
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Files 2 Folder 1.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2014, 20:30
Files 2 Folder is a very simple application that enables you to automatically create directories for selected files or folders to move them in, by integrating a shell extension in Windows Explorer.


Whats new: >>

+ The first method's edit field contents are now saved.  (Thanks, Rockets)
+ Typing into the first method's edit field automatically sets the first method's radio button.  (Thanks, Rockets)

Titel: Q-Dir 6.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2014, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows-10 Technische-Vorschau.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2015 Build 680 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2014, 19:00
freeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIp and CAB files, and open RAR files as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.


Whats new:>>

Bug fix: UNRAR plugin - password problem
Bug fix: Invalid pointer operation in synchronize folders

Titel: AudioShell 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2014, 20:45
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

added support for TRACKTOTAL and DISCTOTAL tag frames in Vorbis Comments (ogg/flac) tags
fixed Comments column support in Windows Explorer

Titel: NetDrive 2.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2014, 10:45
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

FIXED: Issue with uploading large file to FTP drive

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.11.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2014, 20:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Mouse, Menus, Seleted item, Multi process

Titel: Folders Popup 3.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2014, 18:15
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

This is a small bug fix release (until FoldersPopup v4 is released). Upgrade recommended. Fix a bug occurring in some situation when a favorite location contains a comma.

Titel: XYplorer Free 14.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2014, 05:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

- Enhanced Tiles Views. Tiles can be much larger now and their size is freely configurable. The width of the text area is adjustable in real time. Basic photo data for JPEG and RAW formats can be shown for each tile

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2014, 10:45
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.

License:  Open Source

Whats new: >>

- fixed bug in command -- cration of batch file failed..
- dropped support for Windows 95/98 compatibility
  however, this is still optional in source code

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.11.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2014, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Drag and drop
Some bugs were fixed

Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2014, 20:00
Git-Client, der sich in den Windows-Explorer integriert und über das Kontextmenü Zugriff auf Git-Kommandos ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source


    Fixed  issue #2272 : Export Dialog auto select tag if the revision has tag
    We now use a 4096-bit RSA key with SHA2-512 for signing and verifying our releases instead of a 1024-bit DSA key with SHA1

        The new key is signed by the old key. You can get the fingerprint from a trusted TortoiseGit installation by issuing "TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:pgpfp"

    Fixed  issue #1928 : Hotkeys in "Show log" dialog for navigating back / forward
    Fixed  issue #1316 : Add git describe
    Fixed  issue #2294 : Submodule Update dialog doesn't save its state
    Fixed  issue #2176 : Color config for "View Patch" Window & Tortoise(Git)UDiff
    Fixed  issue #2331 : Show prefix log asterisk in Log Dialog
    Fixed  issue #2157 : TortoiseGitMerge does not delete temporary files on close (marking as "resolved" in TGit was necessary)
    Fixed  issue #1950 : Log Dialog: File list filter
    Fixed  issue #2330 : Optimize submodule conflict resolution
    Fixed  issue #2332 : TortoiseGitMerge: Move "Create patch file" to the File menu
    TortoiseGitMerge: Updated EditorConfig version to 0.12
    Fixed  issue #2341 : Jump to search box when pressing CTRL+E
    Custom dictionaries for the spell checker can now be put into the %APPDATA%\TortoiseGit\dic folder (w/o administrator privileges).

        All other locations within the TortoiseGit installation folder (e.g. bin, dic, ...) except Languages are now deprecated. See the manual for more information.

    TGitCache: Overlay update improvements and speedups

Bug Fixes

    Fixed  issue #2260 : Clicking in blank space in Commit dialog causes all unversioned files to become selected
    Fixed  issue #2290 : "Pulled Log" broken
    Fixed  issue #2281 : TGit 1.8.11 is not using %HOME% correctly
    Fixed  issue #2306 : TortoiseGitMerge ToolTip messages for Previous/next inline difference mixed up
    Fixed  issue #2308 : Pressing ESC in the skip-worktree confirmation dialog box selects 'yes'
    Fixed  issue #2309 : "Show log of aaaa..bbbb" on sub directory shows logs on root directory
    Fixed  issue #2126 : Rebase: Squash after conflict causes additional commit
    Fixed  issue #2313 : "Clean to recycle bin" after Clean-up dry run removes unexpected files
    Fixed  issue #874 : Add --rebase option to pull dialog
    Fixed  issue #2316 : Error on comparing files when git config core.autocrlf ends with 2+ spaces and then a comment
    Fixed  issue #2323 : TortoiseGit does not pull --tags despite checking Tags
    Fixed  issue #2327 : Help button is broken in "SVN Commit Type" dialog
    TGitCache now checks file sizes before checking file contents. This should mitigate possible "file is locked" problems.
    Fixed  issue #2329 : Changes track remote branch when fast forward is used
    Fixed  issue #1872 : Rebase edit doesn't amend files but only the commit message
    Fixed  issue #2342 : Ignore whitespace blame option not work
    Fixed  issue #2311 : Empty commits cannot be rebased
    Fixed  issue #2312 : Fix UTF-8 AutoCRLF issues with libgit2
    Fixed  issue #2345 : The Show Log dialog's View Patch side window is empty when the Working dir changes line is selected and no file is selected
    Fixed  issue #2348 : Conflicts during rebase appends "conflicts" to commit message

Titel: XYplorer Free 14.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2014, 17:20
Whats new: >>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.11.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2014, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Drag and drop

Titel: Folder Description 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2014, 17:31
This app gives you the opportunity to add descriptions to your folders. Folder names are no longer the issue. I got tired of files and folders that needed to be named with numbers and such because of school, this is also a good way to keep track of photo folders if you want them to be sorted by the date.

It is written in C# and it is easy to use. All you have to do is click the right button on the mouse to open the explorer context menu and you are ready to begin.


Titel: CarotDAV v1.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2014, 18:40
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2014, 21:00
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Whats new: >>

Added Greek translation (by Chris Tsekouras)
Improved silent install
Setup built by new NSIS v.3

Titel: XYplorer Free v14.60.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2014, 19:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new: >>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: xplorer² LITE
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2014, 20:20
xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy "efficiency through simplicity". Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows' shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that's instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you'll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


free for private or academic use

Whats new:>>

registry setting GAOPT_HOOKWINKEY (=536,870,912) installs a global hook to start xplorer2 with WIN+E key IF xplorer² is set to replace windows explorer. Note that you must leave the background xplorer² process running for this to work. Once you quit with this shortcut key will open windows explorer. As with all hooks this will somehow impact your computer's performance. This does NOT work if you are using a 32 bit xplorer² on 64 bit windows (explorer replacement doesn't work altogether...)

Titel: Folders Popup 3.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2014, 21:50
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

- Fix a bug occurring when editing a submenu and saving it under the same name

Titel: Cloud Storage Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2014, 20:45
Mit dem Cloud Storage Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live OneDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden. Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden. Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008, 7 und 8.1


Titel: Folders Popup v4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2014, 06:06
New standard installation tool
New setup procedure with standard Install / Uninstall procedures using Inno Setup.
For previous Folders Popup users, the new setup tool will be able to retrieve your previous configuration if the Run at Startup option has been selected before the upgrade.
Folders Popup will continue to be also distributed in a zip file for portable installation.

Groups of folders
The Switch menu from v3 is replaced by two menus : Current Folders and Group of Folders.
The Current Folders menu allows to open one of the folders already open in an Explorer window.
Folders open in Windows Explorer and Directory Opus are detected (Total Command support will be possible as soon as the TC developer will have implement a new command making this integration possible).
The Groups of Folders menu allows to save and restore groups of folders.
Groups are restored re-creating each Explorer window at its pre-defined size and location.
Use the Save Current Folders as Group submenu to create a new group.

Custom favorite icons
Select your custom icons for favorite folders, URLs, documents and submenus.
Add/edit favorite icons in a new dialog box where you can pick icons in any .EXE, .DLL or .ICO file.

Various additions or improvements
The default Folders Popup hotkeys are changed to Windows-A and Shift-Windows-A (previous shortcut Windows-K is a reserved shortcut in Windows 8.1). Actual users configuration is not changed (you can keep or change your current hotkeys as you wish).
You can now add column breaks in popup menu offering another way to group your menu items (very cool!).
For tech support, sysadmin and other power users, the system environment variables like %appdata%, %public%, %temp% or %userprofile% are now supported in favorite location (for example: “%appdata%\Microsoft\Templates” will take you to the folder C:\Users\[name]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates).
The Downloads folder has been added to the Special Folders menu (not available under Windows XP).
Menu item added to the right-click Tray menu to open the FoldersPopup.ini file.
Option Open menu on taksbar added to determine if you want to open the popup menu over the taskbar (for compatibility with other utilities like 7+ Taskbar Tweaker).
Folders Popup now accepts space hotkey – this allows combinations with spacebar like Alt-Space.
Add an option to disable check for update at startup.
The 48 pixels has been added to the choice of icon sizes.

For Directory Opus users
Add the option Use tabs to choose to open new folders in new tab (new default) or in a new lister.
Folders open in new tab are open in the pane under the mouse click position.

Bug fixes
Fix a bug with labels when changing the hotkey for Recent folders menu and Settings windows.
Make the vertical bar (or pipe “|”) a reserved character in submenu or favorite name.
Fix a bug occurring in some situation when a favorite location contains a comma (also recently fixed in v3.3.1).

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2014, 19:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

- Correction of 4208: crash of some panel ansi plugins

Titel: FoldersPopup 4.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2014, 20:31
Whats new:>>

Fix bug with Recent shortcut opening in a new Explorer window instead of navigating in the correct window.
Fix bug properly exit group load loop when an error occurs within an iteration.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.7 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2014, 06:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added support for DV-AVI properties
Added support for Opus thumbnailing
Added support for Opus properties
Added Ogg and Opus as default thumbnail filetypes
Changed Ogg to display music properties
Improved Ogg/Ogm parser to get more metadata
Improved HEVC level idc detection (shown in the Video Tracks property)
Fixed property handler hang with certain avi files
Fixed gray thumbnails for certain HEVC files
Fixed thumbnailing of incomplete Wtv files
Minor fixes and changes
Updated FFmpeg
Improved installer
Locked files are now handled directly by the installer
Installer should now work properly with /SILENT and /VERYSILENT switches.

Titel: Folders Popup v4.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2014, 20:00
Whats new:>>

More robust group load and window move and resize.
Minor bugs related to Current Folders menu and Group of Folders menus.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.12.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2014, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed

Titel: Folders Popup 4.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2014, 16:43
Whats new:>>

Add a button in the Save this Group window to select or deselect all Explorer windows in the list.
You can now click on column headers in the Save this Group window to sort the list of Explorer windows according to the content of the clicked column.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.12.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2014, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Get Add-ons

Titel: XYplorer Free 14.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2014, 10:40
Whats new: >>

Duplicate File Finder:

Now you can compare directory trees and easily check supposedly mirrored folder structures on two different drives.

Contents to Clipboard:

Now you can copy the textual contents of files to the clipboard with a single command.

Enhanced Tiles Views:

Now the photo data shown for JPEG and RAW formats include the Exif Date, i.e. the exact date/time when each photo was taken.

Titel: Cloud Storage Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2014, 21:45
Mit dem Cloud Storage Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live OneDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden. Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden. Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008, 7 und 8.1


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.12.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2014, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Add-ons options

Titel: Q-Dir 6.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2014, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in der Listenansicht und Verzeichnisstruktur plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: CarotDAV v1.11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2014, 06:46
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Folders Popup v4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2014, 08:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

Addition of Italian language.
Redesign the Help and Options windows into three tabs to save height on small screens.
Change delays in group load.
Change default to "add to existing windows" when creating a new group of folders.
Solve icon issue with multi-column menus under Win XP, show icons only in first columns.
Add BETA support for file manager connector FPConnect (from tproli).

Titel: XYplorer Free 14.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2014, 20:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Find Empty Items:

Now you can quickly list all empty files and folders.

Find Containing Folders:

Now you can list all folders containing a certain file or file type, files of a certain size or age, or with certain other properties. You can as well list all folders NOT containing such files.

Enhanced Photo Data:

Showing Photo Data is now much faster than before. And the data layout has been improved.

Photo Data Columns:

The basic photo properties Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, ISO Speed, and Date Taken can now be shown in file list columns, so you can quickly view them and sort by them.

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2014, 21:00
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

NEW: Improved local cache management
NEW: Dutch and Spanish translation
NEW: AirDrive support (You can download it from Google Play Store)
FIXED: Issue with Windows XP SP3 (wxbase30u_vc90.dll error)
FIXED: FTP issue when FTP URL includes path
FIXED: Issue with 'disconnected drive' when user has no admin privilege
FIXED: FTP stability improved
FIXED: Issue with configuration import from NetDrive 1.x

Titel: Q-Dir 6.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2014, 11:45
Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen der Sprachdateien, einige Anpassungen plus Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2014, 06:40
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Whats new: >>


Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: My Commander 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2014, 13:30
My Commander enables you to perform various operations on the your files and folders, including copy, paste, delete and compress. This software also offers you a built-in file viewer to display files in hex, binary or text and a built-in archive handling: ZIP, 7Z, TAR reading and writing.

License: BSD License

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2014, 11:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2014, 11:47
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.

License:  Open Source

Whats new: >>

added section [Path] to DZ.INI
added section [Environ] to DZ.INI
added dialog Edit Environment -- Shift-F6
fixed bug in Zip Attributes -- no output

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.12.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2014, 17:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Options, IE6

Titel: Q-Dir 6.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 11:00
Was ist neu :>>

Mausrad-Unterstützung in Menüs, nach oben bzw. unten scrollbar und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien!

Titel: SpeedRunner
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 12:15
SpeedRunner is a fast, modern, multi-thread file manager. like Total Commander and Far Manager.  Plugins available at the homepage.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 14.12.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Columns

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 (Build 1010)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2014, 21:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Easy Context Menu 1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2015, 11:45
This simple to use application offers you the possibility to select various shortcuts that you want to be displayed when you access the context menu.


Whats new:>>

[Fixed] – Add to Firewall , delete from Firewall features minor Bugs
[Fixed] – Reduce memory feature doesn’t show any message
[Added] – New GUI
[Added] – List Editor feature (to customize right click menu and add programs to the context menu easily)
[Added] – Context menu cleaner feature (to Clean the Right-Click Menu effectively)
[Added] – Copy to folder , Move to Folder feature (under extras menu)
[Added] – Translate menu feature (under Language menu)
[Added] – Block Only Keyboard
[Added] – Copy folder content list feature
[Added] – Change Attributes feature
[Added] – Permanently delete feature

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2015, 18:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Columns

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.01.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2015, 19:42
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Save config

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2015, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Start up

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2015, 20:41
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.

License:  Open Source

Whats new: >>

fixed bug on copy selected files -- (fake) recursive error
fixed bug in Swap Panels (Ctrl-W) -- hard error

Titel: Easy Context Menu 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2015, 16:20
Whats new:>>

[Added] – You can add any folder to your context menu
[Added] – After RegJump refresh , If Registry Editor is open related key will open automatically
[Fixed] – Load saved settings doesn’t recognize desktop context menu selection
[Fixed] – Some sub menu minor bugs
[Fixed] – Command registry writing error bug
[Fixed] – Run as Admin code’s minor bug
[Fixed] – A minor bug on Items.ini

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4233 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2015, 20:25
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

- Refactoring

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2015, 20:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added support for Tak thumbnailing
Added support for Tak properties
Added support for WavPack thumbnailing
Added support for WavPack properties
Added support for Webm properties
Added support for DV-AVI properties
Added support for Opus thumbnailing
Added support for Opus properties
Added 'Bit Depth' property to music files
Made Ogg, Opus, Webm, Tak, and Wv default thumbnail filetypes
Fixed gray thumbnails for certain HEVC/H265 files
Fixed property handler hang with certain avi files
Fixed thumbnailing of incomplete Wtv files
Fixed small thumbnails for very large images
Fixed channel count for mpc files
Fixed property parsing for certain apetag files with covers
Fixed Multiple artist entries not showing up consistently
Changed Ogg to display music properties
Improved Ogg/Ogm parser to get more metadata
Improved HEVC level idc detection (shown in the Video Tracks property)
foobar2000's album artist tag is now recognized
In case of duplicate artist names, only a single entry will be displayed
A couple of decoding tweaks to the thumbnail provider
Many minor fixes and changes
Updated FFmpeg

Improved installer:

Locked files are now handled directly by the installer
Installer should now work properly with /SILENT and /VERYSILENT switches.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2015, 12:34
Whats new:>>

Property Handler completely rewritten in C++
Added support for MP3, Speex, TrueAudio, OptimFROG, and Wav properties
No .NET dependency or any other dependencies for any of the shell extensions
Fixed .NET error in the event log while indexing properties (Message ID: 0x2509)
Fixed crash in Metro File Picker
Fixed property indexing on Windows 8+
Fixed handling of AVI properties on Windows 8+
Fixed handling of MKV properties on Windows 10
Improved registration of property handler
Can now read and manage multiple tags in files
Improved many of the property parsers
Now fully conforms to MS guidelines

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2015, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: WExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2015, 22:20
WExplorer is a small, easy to use and straight-forward alternative to Windows Explorer. It has a simple, comprehensive interface that gives you quick access to all its features.

Users can create pie-charts of occupied folder space and open a command prompt from selected folders using the context menu.


Titel: XYplorer Free 14.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2015, 17:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.11.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2015, 17:20
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2015, 13:56
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.




New Text Tool - SortLines
New Text Tool - FindAndReplace
Picture Viewer can now show an overlay with photo info like FNum,Exposure,ISO (Press P in viewer)
Better error message when user tries to copy a placeholder file
Custom Command "MC.Utils.SortLines"
Custom Command "MC.Utils.FindAndReplace"
Custom Command "MC.ShowFavWindow" and "MC.ShowFavPopup"
View Filter popup now also show previous view filters that was set manually
Holding Shift when entering linked folder it will now follow link instead of resolving it
3de party programs can now interact with MC using WM_COPYDATA messages. (Goto and GetCurrent... )
Picture exif properties to be shown as columns (ISO,Exposure,FNum,ExpBias,Flash)
Thumbnail overlay text can now be set to date or photoinfo
Tooltip delay and timeout times can now be change under tweak settings (Explorer Panel)
Alternative short admin tag for application title bar is now used if commandline option -A is set
Browse timeout can now be tweaked. (Only useful if you get double item issue)
Rar FileSystem extension is now built using the UnRAR 5.2.3 source.


Loading startup ini is no longer sensitive for pre/post white spaces.
When ExplorerStyle settings is used. Changed how color for focus item is set when panel is not in focus.
Fixed issue where device got removed from MC when it was formatted
File search sometimes failed to search file content if file was in use.
6 crash issues reported by Crash report system.


Titel: Folders Popup 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2015, 22:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Hotkeys to manage favorites in Settings window:

Down: Select next favorite
Up: Select previous favorite
Ctrl-N: Add a new favorite
Enter: Edit favorite
Shift-Up/Down: Select contiguous favorites
Ctrl-Click: Select non-contiguous favorites
Ctrl-A: Select all favorites
Ctrl-Down: Move favorite(s) down
Ctrl-Up: Move favorite(s) up
Del: Remove favorite(s)
Ctrl-Right: Open submenu
Ctrl-Left: Open parent submenu

Multiple selection to manage a group of favorites in one step:

Allow multiple selection of favorites to move them in the current list, move to other menu or remove them.
Up/Down arrow buttons and Ctrl-Up/Down hotkeys can move multiple favorites in the current list.

New Special Folders favorites type (the following changes do not apply to Windows XP users):

Build your own special folders menus from a list of more than 50 special folders, for example: Libraries, Recent items, Recycle Bin, Startup folder, History, Favorites, Quick Launch, Downloads, Cookies, Temporary files, etc.
A new customizable My Special Folders menu is automatically added as last item in your main menu (you can edit, move or even remove it, as you wish).
Special Folders are supported using Windows Explorer, Windows standard file dialog boxes, Directory Opus and Total Commander.

Universal File Managers Support:

FPconnect is an universal file manager connector for Folders Popup from Roland Toth (https://github.com/rolandtoth/FPconnect).
This Folders Popup addon allows integration of any file manager that supports commandline navigation. Thanks to tproli (Roland’s nickname).
Support on FPconnect is available on Roland’s blog.

More improvements:

Select the menu position of new favorite in the Add Favorite window, a great time saver!
Other minor improvements or bug fixes.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.01.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2015, 13:36
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Support: Total file size

Titel: Folders Popup 4.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2015, 16:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Make FP compliant with Windows themes by adding a FP theme named “Windows” that keeps Windows theme’s colors (making FP display OK when user selects a dark Windows theme).
Making the FP theme “Windows” selected by default for new users.
Because of a side-effect in XL 2010, revert a patch in v4.2 to prevent double-click up/down buttons in Settings to overwrite the clipboard with the image URL (a Windows “undesired feature”).


Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2015, 13:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Language Editor now remember selected language
ADDED - Language Editor can now filter list and only show text items that are NOT translated
FIXED - Find And Replaces logging and error handling is now improved
FIXED - Can now display the overlay text on thumbnails when using the Internal Thumbnail Engine (WinXP)
FIXED - Sortlines / FindAndReplace - Fixed some language text issues
FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system.


Titel: CarotDAV 1.11.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2015, 20:40
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 06:15
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


- Property Handler completely rewritten in C++
- Added support for MP3, Speex, TrueAudio, OptimFROG, and Wav properties
- No .NET dependency or any other dependencies for any of the shell extensions
- Fixed .NET error in the event log while indexing properties (Message ID: 0x2509)
- Fixed crash in Metro File Picker
- Fixed property indexing on Windows 8+
- Fixed handling of AVI properties on Windows 8+
- Fixed handling of MKV properties on Windows 10
- Improved registration of property handler
- Can now read and manage multiple tags in files
- Improved many of the property parsers
- Now fully conforms to MS guidelines

Titel: Q-Dir 6.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 10:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen für Win7, Win8.1, Win10 in der Listenansicht-, Baumansicht-, und Tab Elementen!

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1012
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2015, 20:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2015, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2015, 09:15


FindAndReplace now support wildcard matching.


Sorting options "End At Character" now works.
Issue with LineSorting and CR/LF
FindReplace confirm dialog buttons now works again


Titel: Q-Dir 6.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2015, 17:30
Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen bei der Darstellung, NVIDIA und ATI Grafikkarten beim aktivierten Desktopmanager unter HydraVision

Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2015, 13:14
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Added option to custom commands to convert the paths in arguments to URL format.
Improved Create New Folder: multiple folders may be created at the same time and variables may be specified for the folder name.
Pack to Folder: several folder levels may be specified with the backslash character.
Advanced Renamer: the profiles are sort alphabetically.
Copy to: the modification time of the copied folders is kept.
Added variable %INSTALLFOLDERPATH% for the custom commands. This variable is the full path where FileMenu Tools is installed.
Improved Delete empty folders: the system protected folders are ignored.
Improved Delete empty folders: you may set if ignore the hidden files.
Fixed bug in Copy Internet Path: when the scheme was "file", then a slash was added at the end incorrectly.
Fixed bug in Split files: did not work properly for files with little size.
Fixed bug in Change Time: the time of selected folders was not changed, only the subfolders.
Minor bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: NetDrive 2.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2015, 05:30
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

Network Security Enhancements (POODLE attack)
FIXED: Issue with SFTP connection
FIXED: Issue with SSL authentication
Added HTTP User-Agent header

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2015 Build 685
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2015, 18:30
freeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIp and CAB files, and open RAR files as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.


Whats new:>>

- Bug fix: Pack operation (fcZip) may fail without error info

Titel: Q-Dir 6.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2015, 06:05
Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen und Korrekturen bei der Performance in Q-Dir

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjust: Columns

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2015, 06:15
Mit der Erweiterung WebDAV stellen auch Webserver Dateifreigaben zur Verfügung. Windows kann zwar darauf schreiben, doch die Integration ins System ist unvollkommen. So lässt sich einer WebDAV-Freigabe kein Laufwerksbuchstabe zuordnen. Das kann Netdrive, und zwar nicht nur für WebDAV-, sondern auch für FTP-Verzeichnisse.

kostenlos (für den privaten Gebrauch)

Whats new: >>

FIXED: Issue with SFTP which causes file corruption

Titel: Multi Commander 5.0 Build 1888
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2015, 09:16
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



New Text Tool - SortLines in files
New Text Tool - Find And Replace in files
Picture viewer can now show photo information like FNum, ISO, Exposure (Press P in Viewer)
New Picture properties (Columns) for ISO, Exposure, FNum, ExpBias, Flash
Other program can now interact with MultiCommander and query/set path using WM_COPYDATA messages
RAR filesystem extension now using newer unrar source.
A lot more


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2015, 05:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2015, 21:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2015, 17:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Fixed painting issue of the context menu on Windows XP.
Advanced Renamer: improved conflict detection.
Custom commands: the character @ was added at the end of the file types with the variable @SAVEFILE@.
Custom commands: the new variable %INSTALLFOLDERPATH% did not work for the file path of the program.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Folders Popup 4.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2015, 15:06
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Fix a version number error in v4.2.3 breaking the update checking process.
Fix a bug with expanded environment variables (%windir%, %appdata%, etc.) in favorite of type Special folders.


Titel: Double Commander 0.6.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2015, 09:09
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

- 0000932: [Plugins] zipx support (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000989: [Graphical user interface] View files in syncdirs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000994: [File operations] Not all files extracted from archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000929: [Default] Unhandled exception: EInvalidPointer: Invalid pointer operation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000918: [Default] External Diff request (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000680: [File operations] Button bar functions does not expand file/directory parameters into archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000147: [File operations] меню копирования\перемещения файлов / Auto rename when file exists on copying (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000497: [Plugins] не распаковываются файлы из архива (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000760: [File operations] incorrect running parameters for program "Compare by Contents" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000986: [Graphical user interface] Page up/down does not work in cm_LeftOpenDrives and cm_RightOpenDrives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000982: [Graphical user interface] options do not accept external editor Path (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000950: [Graphical user interface] cm_makedir icon is missing (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000977: [Graphical user interface] Coloring by file types fails when ".com" string exists in filename (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000748: [Graphical user interface] Files in panels have wrong coloring (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000972: [File operations] Setting a default program for opening files doesn't work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000920: [File operations] cm_CopySamePanel acts like cm_Copy when a zip is open on the other panel (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000954: [Viewer] The intrernal viewer doesn't focus or scroll properly (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000691: [Graphical user interface] [Patch] Rename file (as pressing F2 key) with left mouse button (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000098: [File operations] Панель файлов: Ctrl+B - показать все файлы как в TC (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000144: [Graphical user interface] CTRL+B - show the content of all nested directories (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000716: [Graphical user interface] Overlay icons are not updated when pressing Ctrl+R (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000923: [Plugins] Uncorrect work of build in zip.wcx plugin (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000101: [Plugins] a synchronization tool (like freecommander) - resolved.
- 0000643: [File operations] [PATCH] add a hotkey to change dir to home (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000145: [Graphical user interface] Regular Expressions in file content search is really needed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000173: [Graphical user interface] Display more details than just filename if file exists when copying/moving / Диалог Копирования файлов если файл уже существует (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000534: [Plugins] При выходе из архива открывается не та папка - closed.
- 0000830: [Editor] Additional file extensions for syntax highlighters (Alexx2000) - closed.
[28 issues]

Titel: AudioShell v2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2015, 16:00
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

added check for updates function
added support for DSD256
fixed bug in big wav files support
fixed bug in mp4 files support
minor fixes and improvements

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2015, 13:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


- Property Handler completely rewritten in C++
- Added support for MP3, Speex, TrueAudio, OptimFROG, and Wav properties
- No .NET dependency or any other dependencies for any of the shell extensions
- Fixed .NET error in the event log while indexing properties (Message ID: 0x2509)
- Fixed crash in Metro File Picker
- Fixed property indexing on Windows 8+
- Fixed handling of AVI properties on Windows 8+
- Fixed handling of MKV properties on Windows 10
- Improved registration of property handler
- Can now read and manage multiple tags in files
- Improved many of the property parsers
- Now fully conforms to MS guidelines

Titel: CarotDAV 1.11.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2015, 11:11
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

support long path >MAX_PATH(260)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2015, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Improve performance in options.
Support: Label

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4268 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2015, 21:40
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

- Refactoring

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2015, 16:16
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed

Titel: Q-Dir 6.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2015, 05:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows-10 Technical-Preview.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.3b4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2015, 13:00
Whats new: >>

NEW: Support for OneDrive for Business (Office 365)
NEW: Support for Hubic
FIXED: Minor bugs

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2015, 19:23
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Folders Popup 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2015, 06:00
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Make the Settings window resizable and enable the Maximize button.
An option in Settings to determine if Settings window position and size are remembered.
Save Settings Gui size and position on quit.
Restore last Settings Gui size and position on load.
When saved maximized, at next launch restore the Settings window at default size and centered.
Prevent minimizing the settings window to avoid user forgetting to save settings.
Adjust hand mouse pointer when hover clickable controls.


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2015, 09:06
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


- Icaros now prefers front covers in music files with mulitple embedded covers
- Fixed parsing of covers in files with ApeTags + ID3v1 tags
- Fixed parsing of unicode properties in ID3v1 tags
- Fixed some slighly off MKV properties
- Improved parsing of WavPack thumbnails and properties

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.2.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.810
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2015, 10:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Several GUI bugfixes for options/ rename dialogs
Added Directroy V.3.225
Added FileMove V1.430
Added FileShredder V1.540

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2015, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Environment variables

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2015, 19:45
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities


Titel: Path Copy Copy 12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2015, 20:37
Path Copy Copy is a lightweight OS enhancement application whose purpose is to help you copy the name and path of a file or folder to the Clipboard.

License : MIT License

New Feature: Now available as a portable installer. Installs for the current user only. Should work in limited environments.
New Feature: Now available as a Windows Installer (MSI) package. Should help network administrators distribute Path Copy Copy in network environments through Group Policy.
New Feature: Surrounding paths with < and >
New Feature: Exported custom commands how have a "Required version" field that should prevent problems when importing on older versions of Path Copy Copy.
New Feature: Custom commands can now convert additional special characters. See this work item.
New Feature: Different context menu icon
New Feature: New option to display previews of each command's effect in the Path Copy Copy contextual menu. See this work item.
New Feature: The Settings application also displays previews of each command's effect when selected in the dialog. See this work item.
New Feature: Drop redundant words in submenu. This setting is now active for new installs; existing installs are not modified so as to not confuse users too much.
New Feature: Each command can now have its own icon. Icons can be edited through the Settings application. See this work item.
New Feature: Sample projects have been converted to the Visual Studio 2013 format. The Community Edition is sufficient to work with them. (The Path Copy Copy projects have also been updated to Visual Studio 2013.)
Bugfix: Custom commands should have non-empty names
Bugfix: Fixed some issues with COM-based commands when invoked through rundll32.
Bugfix: Custom commands did not work properly when called through rundll32 if they had a non-default base command.
Bugfix: Names with a space followed by one character
Bugfix: Copy Long Path does not work on partially accessible network shares

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2015, 11:00
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

ReiserFS, Reiser4
HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.03.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2015, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2015, 18:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

- Flat Select. Now you can select items by entering match patterns right through the Address Bar. Nifty time-saver

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2015, 20:45
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Whats new: >>

Added Dutch translation
Updated Italian translation

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2015, 09:15
Whats new: >>

NEW: Support for OneDrive for Business (Office 365)
NEW: Support for Hubic (25GB storage for free)
NEW: Logging added (error/debug)
FIXED: nd2mounter.exe error when using Dropbox
FIXED: Minor bugs

Titel: CarotDAV 1.11.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2015, 21:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.3.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2015, 19:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Environment variables

Titel: CarotDAV 1.11.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2015, 20:35
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2015, 13:35
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Updated language pack was missing in previous build

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.3.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2015, 16:55
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Total file size, Browser

Titel: One Commander v1.3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2015, 21:50
"One Commander" ist der offizielle Nachfolger des beliebten Dateimanagers "bitCommander". "One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

portable (keine Installation notwendig)
verschiedene Themes
übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
Filter für Ordner
Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
multilingual (inkl. deutsch)

Lizenz: Freeware

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.4 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2015, 06:07
Whats new: >>

Now you can double click to open google docs

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4316 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2015, 21:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

Refactoring: Verarbeitung von Tastatureingaben.

Titel: AudioShell 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2015, 20:30
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

added Opus files support
added "Retry" button to tag saving error message, so it is now possible to retry tag saving if file is locked by another application
fixed bug in flac support when flac file is not reduced even with very big padding
minor fixes

Titel: AudioShell 2.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2015, 15:30
Latest Changes

fixed bug in ID3v2 tag removing from mp3 files

Titel: Q-Dir 6.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2015, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Performance Optimierung in Q-Dir für Windows 10.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.3.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2015, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2015, 20:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.00.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2015, 16:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2015, 21:30
ADDED - Color Rule name used for a file item can be shown as a column.
ADDED - When doing a forced refresh. Color Rules will also be forced refreshed.
FIXED - Can now open some zip archive that have mismatched header data.
FIXED - Crash issue that could happen sometimes when testing archives.
CHANGE - FileType Default setup will open Windows associated editor for images files when doing edit on an image.
CHANGE - FileType Default setup change to use Internal Picture viewer when "open/run" a images file.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2015, 09:15

ADDED - MultiScript function LoadArray/SaveArray can now be called with GetLines/SaveLines
ADDED - MultiScript function "AutoCreateVar(0|1)" to turn the AutoCreateVar feature in script engine on/off
ADDED - MultiScript Scritp engine can now declare variables without "@var" in many situation.
ADDED - CustomCommand MC.ShellPaste that will call Windows Shell Paste without the internal handling.
ADDED - Tweak option in ExplorerPanel to set Extra line padding size.
ADDED - ExplorerPanel panel now have an extra 1px padding for the lines
ADDED - NumPad 0-9 will now work when activate the quick search window.
ADDED - Tweak option to Enable/Disable refresh file coloring on forced refresh
ADDED - Installer now accept parameter /CONFIG= that contains a settings backup that will be installed.
CHANGE- Removed changed that used Internal Picture viewer as default when doing launch/Run action on a file.


Titel: Linux Reader 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2015, 05:50
Mit Linux Reader hat man von Windows aus die Möglichkeit, lesend auf Linux- und Mac-Partitionen zugreifen zu können. Dabei können Dateien dann unter Windows gesichert werden.

Folgende Dateisysteme können gelesen werden:

Ext 2/3/4
ReiserFS, Reiser4

Zusätzlich können virtuelle Maschinen gemountet werden (vmdk, VHD, .vdi und .hds).


Titel: Double Commander 0.6.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2015, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

- 0001057: [Plugins] FTP connection cannot be deleted (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001053: [Default] Fix build under FreeBSD (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000921: [Default] Do not remember the folder on the disk / Не запоминает папку на диске (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001041: [Graphical user interface] Hot Key Configuration freezes GUI and crashed app (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001047: [File operations] Crash during file copying (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001046: [Default] Access Violation Error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001034: [Language translation] Language Russian error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000567: [Plugins] Don't close log window after ftp disconnect / Не убирается консоль после выхода с ftp (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001003: [Logic] Open terminal (F9) does not go to the current directory (but to home) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000891: [Graphical user interface] Crash in file compare while scrolling (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000905: [Plugins] FTP reconnecting problem (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000971: [Default] Listing of hidden files (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001011: [Language translation] Please optimize PNG images (doublecmd-help) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001010: [Language translation] Please convert CR/LF to LF in HTML files (doublecmd-help) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001020: [Plugins] WCX plugins exception (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001027: [Plugins] Ошибка при копировании из сети (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001030: [Language translation] german translation for DC-beta 2015-Feb-08 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000826: [Language translation] Languaje Spanish error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001007: [Default] Incorrect FSF address in doublecmd-kde.py file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001012: [Default] Please clean static libs from plugins (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.00.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2015, 07:45
Whats new:>>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: NetDrive 2.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2015, 18:00
Whats new: >>

NEW: Now you can double click to open google docs
NEW: Drive info per user account (Requires clean install)
NEW: License can be specified with /LICENSE=
NEW: Silent Install Mode with /S
FIXED: Google Drive timestamp issue

Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2015, 20:15
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Titel: Multi Commander 5.1.0 Build 1922
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2015, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Mostly fixes. 120+ Changes.

   ADDED - ExplorerPanel panel now have an extra 1px padding for the lines (Size can be tweaked in settings)
   ADDED - Installer now accept parameter /CONFIG= that contains a settings backup that will be installed.
   ADDED - Color Rule name used for a file item can be shown as a column.
   ADDED - When doing a forced refresh. File coloring will also be forced refreshed.
   ADDED - Able to force a solid color for the focus row indicator.
   ADDED - Configuration of gridlines colors
   ADDED - SFV tool can now read .sfv/.md5 files in unicode.
   ADDED - Can now move select name/ext part with Ctrl+Home/Ctrl+End while doing inplace rename
   ADDED - FolderTree now has settings for a filter of what devices should be listed in the tree view.
   ADDED - CustomCommand MC.ShellPaste that will call Windows Shell Paste without the internal handling.
   ADDED - Mouse wheel action is now always forwarded to window under mouse cursor, even if window is not in focus.
   ADDED - MultiScript function LoadArray/SaveArray can now be called with GetLines/SaveLines
   ADDED - MultiScript function "AutoCreateVar(0|1)" to turn the AutoCreateVar feature in script engine on/off
   ADDED - MultiScript Script engine can now declare variables without "@var" in many situations.
   ADDED - MultiScript function NetWGet(, ,) that will download from web and save to disk.
   FIXED - MultiScript function DeleteFile now accept options as comma separated list
   FIXED - MultiScript function DeleteFile failed sometimes when deleting zip files.
   FIXED - MultiScript function DeleteFile now recpect the option "NOPROGRESS"
   FIXED - Can now open some zip archive that have mismatched header data.
   FIXED - Use font style from File coloring rules when drawing file item with Focus/Selected color
   FIXED - Crash issue that could happen sometimes when testing archives.
   CHANGE- FileType Default setup will open Windows associated editor for images files when doing edit on an image.
   CHANGE- Changed how arrow key behaved in Inplace rename.
   FIXED - Issue with date fields in Text Tool SortLines
   FIXED - Issue with overwrite with Text Tool SortLines
   FIXED - Problem with the response data when using the WM_COPYDATA API and Ascii
   FIXED - Fixed issue with the Tray Icon poping up even if disabled
   FIXED - FSRar had issue if rar file that was created on linux and contained a path starting with /
   FIXED - 5 crash issues reported by Crash report system.
   WEB   - Lots of changes in the Online Documentation
   WEB   - Online documentation can now be downloaded as a PDF

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2015, 19:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Improved: Explorer Browser

Titel: Folders Popup 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2015, 20:30
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


New Application favorite type allowing you to launch your frequently used programs or utilities with options for full control on application execution:

Parameters to pass to the application (arguments).
Start in to set application’s working directory.
See screen capture beside.

Clipboard submenu:

Submenu with folders, documents, applications path(s) and URLs found in the Clipboard.
Only existing folder, documents or application files are displayed in the submenu.
When the Clipboard does not contain path or URL, the previous submenu content is preserved.
When FP is launched, the Clipboard submenu is empty (disabled) as long as the Clipboard does not contain a path.
An option allows to determine if the Clipboard menu is shown (default is true).
Three new hotkeys to open special menus
Hotkey to open directly the Current folders menu
(by default Ctrl-Win-C).
Hotkey to open directly the Groups menu
(by default Ctrl-Win-G).
Hotkey to open directly the Clipboard menu
(by default Ctrl-Win-V).
Changed the Settings window shortcut to Ctrl-Win-S.

Redesigned Options dialog box

Redesign the Options dialog box splitting hotkeys settings in two tabs: one for popup menu hotkeys and the second for other hotkeys.
Review hotkeys language in Options (I hope this will make more clear the difference between “Middle mouse button” and “Shift-Middle mouse button”).

Check for beta version updates

Check for beta versions updates at startup if user enables the Check for update option.
Active only for users who ran a beta version previously.

Bug fix

Fix a bug from v4.2 when opening a special folder (Libraries, My Computer, etc.) from the Current Folders menu.


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2015, 06:40
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities


Titel: Link ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2015, 16:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.
In a rare situation only the first symbolic link of a smart-copy was linked incorrectly.
The Auto Rename functionality didn't work in rare situations. Fixed for XP and Windows7/8/10
Adaptions for Windows 10 Tech Preview 9841/9926.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4336 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2015, 21:45
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Refactoring. Some renaming and moving of some functions.

Titel: Folders Popup 5.1 (5.0.9) Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2015, 06:15

- Paste favorite’s location to clipboard or keyboard according to destination selected in Options
- New Paste Favorite’s Location entry in the main menu
- New shortcut (default Shift-Windows-V) to open the Paste Location menu
- Display a message in the Notification zone when showing the Paste Favorite’s Location menu
- Display a message in the Notification zone when the location is copied to the Clipboard
- Disable Groups of Folders, Settings, Add This Folder and Support freeware menus when showing Paste Favorite’s Location menu


Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2015, 13:00
Git-Client, der sich in den Windows-Explorer integriert und über das Kontextmenü Zugriff auf Git-Kommandos ermöglicht.

Lizenz: Open Source



Fixed issue #2441 : A way to disable the sound that is played on errors

Updated shipped TortoiseGitPlink and putty binaries to version 0.64
If you are still using TortoisePlink, please switch to TortoiseGitPlink.
Fixed issue #2466 : TortoiseGitUDiff tool cannot be localized
TGitCache: Improve reaction time for propagating changes to explorer
Fixed issue #2031 : Missing option to disable displaying "FETCH_HEAD" in "Switch/Checkout" dialog box
Log, RepoBrowser, and Rebase Dialogs: Allow to compare arbitrary files across commits
Fixed issue #2534: Use the current time for amending commit (also sets commit time)
TortoiseGitBlame: Implemented search forward (F3) and search backward (Shift+F3)
Allow to compare file with deleted file in CommitDlg (e.g., useful for renames)
Allow to use Explorer context menu options from TortoiseGit context menu
Sort remotes logically/case-insensitively

Bug Fixes:

Fixed issue #2427 : "Submodule of Project: " cannot be localized
Fixed issue #2432 : MessageBox buttons cannot be localized
Fixed issue #2433 : Cannot see the log in Diff with previous version
Fixed issue #2453 : The overlay icon of commited files in a submodule named with chinese characters is unversioned icon
Fixed issue #2455 : "Diff with ..." menu cannot be localized
Fixed issue #2431 : Add fails in submodule after upgrade from 1.8.12 to 1.8.13
Fixed issue #2449 : wrong column info in tag reference dialog
Fixed issue #2436 : Overlay icons gradually disappear or show files as unversioned after a short time
Fixed issue #2374 : Rebase option in config not working anymore for pull
Fixed issue #1440 : Different status of modifed renamed or moved files in Show log dialog, Check for Modifications dialog and Commit dialog
Fixed issue #1501 : Unchanged files appears modified in Show Log dialog
Fixed issue #2477 : Change "Split commit" label to "Edit/Split commit" in Rebase dlg
Fixed issue #2481 : "Start registry editor" does not work properly in non-English locales
Fixed issue #2480 : CommitDlg: auto-complete doesnt include removed items
Fixed issue #2451 : Cleanup fails quietly if file is in use
Various bugfixes based on our newly added unit tests
Not all remotes showing in Push/Pull/Fetch/Sync dialogs (was limited to 25)

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2015, 06:40
Whats new: >>

File System and Protocol layers are completely rewritten to improve speed and stability
(Beta) Added Support for Amazon Cloud Drive
(Note) You will need to re-authenticate some cloud services

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2015, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2015, 18:45
Whats new: >>

Fixed issue with canceling file upload
Fixed timestamp issue with Dropbox
Fixed issue with authenticating Amazon Cloud Drive

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.00.0400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2015, 04:50
Whats new:>>

- Selected Items to Top. Quickly show all selected items at the top of the list. A welcome usability boost
- Flat Select. Renamed the feature to Quick Select
- Speed. Major load speed increase
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4350 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2015, 19:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

w17 14.04.2015 15:03:44 +0300 - build 4350

1. Rollback 4324+ unclaimed feature.

drkns 13.04.2015 14:09:29 +0200 - build 4349

1. In the story could be duplicated elements (bug sqlite_unicode.c)

zg 13.04.2015 13:27:28 +0200 - build 4348

1. The 4337 update: ralt does not include a filter menu.

drkns 13.04.2015 10:40:22 +0200 - build 4347

1. Clarification of 4309.

drkns 13.04.2015 09:52:11 +0200 - build 4346

1. Clarification of 4345.

drkns 12.04.2015 22:26:53 +0200 - build 4345

1. Refactoring.

drkns 12.04.2015 21:02:09 +0200 - build 4344

1. Based on http://forum.farmanager.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9034:
   - Experimental: Added Unicode support in SQLite, working with databases can now be carried out insensitively.
   - Remembering the position in viewing / editor caseless.
   - In order for this to work properly, history.db should be removed, or if it is a pity, update according to the instructions in the above topic.
   - If this is true anywhere else, except for storing items in the view / editor - write.

zg 12.04.2015 19:46:28 +0200 - build 4343

1. The 4332 update: change encoding in the editor.

drkns 12.04.2015 15:18:07 +0200 - build 4342

1. From the forum: crash on far / import

2. Refactoring.

drkns 11.04.2015 23:04:41 +0200 - build 4341

1. Refactoring.

2. Warnings.

zg 10.04.2015 13:29:09 +0200 - build 4340

1. The 4337 update: Resets the selection when editing.

2. pressing numlock, capslock, scrolllock removes signs unaltered in the input fields.

3. gcc warnings.

zg 10.04.2015 01:25:50 +0200 - build 4339

1. a nonzero FarDialogItem.MaxLength correctly initialize the dialogue.

svs 09.04.2015 06:54:08 +0300 - build 4338

1. SQLite 3.8.9

zg 09.04.2015 03:05:55 +0200 - build 4337

1. isolated treatment of depression CtrlAltShift.

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.0 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2015, 19:40
Whats new: >>

Added Support for Amazon Cloud Drive (Under review by Amazon)
Fixed issue with uploading large files (e.g 150GB)
(Note) You will need to re-authenticate some cloud services if you are using previous version of NetDrive
(Note) S3 max file size is currently limited to 5GB.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2015, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Netdrive 2.5.0 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2015, 05:10
Whats new: >>

Fixed issue with OneDrive uploading (Chunk size)
Fixed issue with installing on Windows Server 2012 R2

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.24.50420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2015, 19:40
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Some bugs fixed and interface improvements;
[!]Support latest VMC;

Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2015, 08:45
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

Optimized Glary Disk Explorer: part of the retrieved file information has errors
Minor GUI improvements
Minor bug fixes

Titel: Multi Commander v5.1.1 (Build 1926)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2015, 19:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



    Commandline filed no support "#[devicelabel]" and it switch to the current path of that device. (Wildcard supported).
    View filter support filtering on size with ">SizeUnit" / "500M", "<30G" , "<500k".


    7Zip error handing improved.
    Customize Keyboard window should work better in high DPI.
    Page scrolling in thumbnail list mode now works better.
    Thumbnail detail mode did not always show the thumbnail.
    Issue with copy progress windows.
    2 crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Twofold Commander 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2015, 18:15
Der Twofold-Explorer ist ein Dateimanager mit einer 2-Fenster-Ansicht, der einem die Arbeit in verschiedenen Ordnern vereinfacht. Außer dem anlegen von Favoriten und den grundlegenden Funktionen eines Dateimanagers findet man hier keine weiteren Funktionen, was den Explorer ziemlich aufgeräumt erscheinen lässt.


Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2015, 05:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Folders Popup 5.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2015, 06:07
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Change default hotkeys for Current Folders (Shift-Control-F), Groups of Folders (Shift-Control-G), Recent Folders (Shift-Control-R), Clipboard (Shift-Control-C) and Settings (Shift-Control-S) for Windows 8.1 compatibility. Note that this will not change the hotkeys for users upgrading to this version; use the Reset default hotkey in the Change hotkey dialog box to use the new shortcuts.
Fix bug with special folders Pictures and Favorites (Internet) when user change these folders default location.


Titel: XYplorerFree 15.00.0500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2015, 20:45
Whats new:>>


Image Preview Quality.

 Further improved the quality of image previews and thumbnails. The difference is subtle but notable.

Now you can choose among three different qualities: Fast, Crisp, and Smooth. Smooth is new, and it's the best quality you can get.

White Border Preview.

Lets you view your photos with a nice white border.
How to turn it on: In the Floating Preview (F11) hold CTRL and right-click the image. From the popup menu select White Border.

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.4.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2015, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Library, dpi, Rename

Titel: Netdrive 2.5.0 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2015, 18:15
Whats new: >>

Fixed issue with installing on 64 bit machine
Improved support for editing with Notepad++

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.0 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2015, 09:40
Whats new: >>

Fixed stability when quit NetDrive2
Improved supports for S3 uppercase bucket names in US region

Titel: CarotDAV 1.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2015, 07:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2015, 09:06
Whats new: >>

Improved speed and stability!
NEW: Support for Amazon Cloud Drive (Unlimited Storage for $59.99/year)
NEW: Support for Google Cloud Storage
CHANGED: Supports all S3 regions (Upload size limited to 5GB)
FIXED: timestamp issue with Dropbox
FIXED: Improved support for editing with Notepad++
NOTE: You will need to re-authenticate some cloud services if you are using previous version of NetDrive

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4362 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2015, 19:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

1. Refactoring: Verarbeitung von Tastatureingaben.

drkns 2015.04.26 13.40.02 0200 - build 4361

1. Fortsetzung der 4356.

drkns 2015.04.26 03.26.55 0200 - build 4360

1. Klärung von 4356.

drkns 2015.04.26 01.04.53 0200 - build 4359

1. Fortsetzung der 4356.

zg 2015.04.26 00.40.10 0200 - build 4358

1. Update 4353,2: Freisetzungsmodifikator könnte als BreakKey für das Menü wahrgenommen werden.

drkns 2015.04.25 23.44.26 0200 - build 4357

1. Klärung von 4356.

drkns 2015.04.25 22.27.47 0200 - build 4356

1. Refactoring.

zg 2015.04.23 00.54.15 0200 - build 4355

1. Update 4352 für FarInputRecordToName.

zg 2015.04.23 02.01.09 0200 - build 4354

1. Update 4345: arbeitete xlat Editor.

zg 2015.04.22 21.26.13 0200 - build 4353


2. DN_INPUT jetzt in allen Veranstaltungen der Konsole kommen.

zg 2015.04.22 14.23.46 0200 - build 4352

1. Update 4337: Bereich reagiert auf Quetschen Modifikatoren.

drkns 2015.04.15 22.47.32 0200 - build 4351

1. 0.002.872: die Codepage-Datei FarMenu.ini Nicht brechen

2. an # 1 Refactoring Verwandte.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2015, 20:45
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added H264 parser to extract more properties from files with H264 streams
Added support for displaying covers in quicktime (MOV) files
Fixed bitdepth info in MKV tracks properties
Reduced scope of error detection to avoid detection of non-Icaros crashes
Made rm, rmvb, spx, tta, ofr, ofs, wav, xvid, divx default thumbnail filetypes (to match the property filetypes)
Made xvid and divx default property filetypes
Fixed rare crash with WMP
Fixed donation link
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2015, 05:30
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Titel: NetDrive 2.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2015, 13:50
Whats new: >>

FIXED: Issue with uploading over HTTPS (WebDAV, Google Drive)
FIXED: Issue when updating NetDrive while executing previous version

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2015, 05:01
Whats new:>>

- Find Files Without Extension. Searching for files with no extension? It's easy now. Simply search for *. (asterisk-dot)
- Toggle Quick Search. A new toolbar button provides a handy way to run the last search on and off in various locations
- Dropdown Left. Now you can have the address bar's dropdown button on the left. Might reduce your mouse mileage
- Load Speed. Major load speed increase compared to 15.00 and before

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2015, 19:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2015, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen für Win7, Win8.1, Win10 in der Listenansicht!
Optimierung in Q-Dir für Windows 10.

Titel: Folders Popup 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2015, 05:16
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


New menu Copy a Favorite’s Path or URL… and shortcut Shift-Control-C to copy a location to the Clipboard.
This option opens the popup menu where you can choose what favorite’s location you want to transfer to the Clipboard.
A tip in the notification zone prompts you to select the favorite to copy.
A message in the notification zone confirms that the location has been copied to the Clipboard.
A new check box in Options (first tab) allow you to choose to display or not the Copy a Favorite’s Path or URL… menu.

Two new languages!

Addition of Spanish translation, thanks to Kiketrucker.
Addition of Brazilian Portuguese translation, thanks to Igor Ruckert.

Various improvements

Expand the relative path (like ../folder/) in favorite locations, based on the current working directory.
Sort URLs in the Clipboard menu.
Enable keyboard shortcuts even if Current folders, Groups of Folders and Clipboard menus are disabled.

Bug fixes

Fix a bug causing an error when trying to show icon in the Clipboard menu when icons were not allowed.
In Change hotkey dialog box, make the selection of no hotkey (None) more obvious.
Fix a bug when adding folders using the drag-and-drop technique, these favorites being wrongly created as application favorites.
Various minor display and under-the-hood improvements.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4372 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2015, 19:20
drkns 08.05.2015 18:51:45 +0200 - build 4373

1. An error in calculating the size of the file when copying considering ADS.

drkns 5/8/2015 1:29:05 +0200 - Build 4372

0002990 1: Viewer crashed if opened from temporary Editor

SVS 7.5.2015 20:33:44 +0300 - Build 4371

1. SQLite 3.8.10

drkns 05.07.2015 4:23:58 p.m. +0200 - Build 4370

1. The copy progress dialog shows the number of bytes processed.

drkns 06.05. 2015 22:16:11 +0200 - build 4369

1. And again.

drkns 06.05.2015 20:26:51 +0200 - Build 4368

1. And again.

drkns 5.6.2015 5:29:36 p.m. +0200 - Build 4367

1. Couple refinements 4366.

drkns 05.06.2015 4:39:28 p.m. +0200 - Build 4366

1. Forum: Auto-completion of environment variables in anyone. line

2. far: config: option Editor.WordDiv renamed System.WordDiv.

3. Refactoring.

drkns 5/4/2015 14:51:59 +0200 - Build 4365

1. Clarification 4364.

drkns 05.04.2015 14:42:35 +0200 - Build 4364

1. Forum: Fall in the editor when calling replacing text as [x ] Pick up the word
   in passing slightly altered the logic of the search word in the line.

drkns 5/1/2015 21:11:56 +0200 - Build 4363

1. Refactoring.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2015, 20:15
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities


+ New: SumatraPDF integrated for viewing of eBooks (.epub, .mobi, .fb2, ...), of pdf, of comicbooks (.crb, .cbz, ...), of (o)xps, of djvu, ...
+ New: Support of operations on System32 on 64bits. System32 is handled now as a virtual folder
+ New: Added "New instance of FileVoyager as Admin" in File menu
+ New: When FV 32bits is running on 64bits, ControlPanel is not browsable in depth. Items are now opened outside FV
~ Chg: Removed drag source capability of TabFolders as it was not working correctly
~ Chg: Removed usage of system column sizes when in virtual folders. System sizes were not satisfying
~ Chg: Russian translation improved by muadib
~ Chg: Russian translation Locale Identifier value corrected
~ Chg: Translation file naming pattern now contain language name translated and language name in English. e.g: "Français (French).lng";
~ Chg: Blog feed is now updated at program startup and then, once a day
~ Chg: Links in aboutbox\credits are now clickable
- Fix: Suppression of a memory leak
- Fix: When in PEInfo mode, "File\Export to HTML" was wrongly enabled
- Fix: Repaired copy/move to '..'. When setting .. as destination folder, the operation was failing

Titel: Netdrive 2.5.2 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2015, 21:00
Whats new: >>

FIXED: WebDAV Issue with mydrive.ch
FiXED: WebDAV Issue with t-online.de
FIXED: WebDAV Issue with BaracudaDrive
FIXED: WebDAV Issue with listing files on some WebDAV server
FIXED: FTP Issue with proxy
NEW: SFTP now support proxy

Titel: Netdrive 2.5.2 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2015, 05:45
Whats new: >>

FIXED: Stability issue

Titel: Double Commander 0.6.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2015, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

- 0000693: [Plugins] FTP plugin: incorrect implementation UFT8 charset under Windows (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000965: [File operations] ftp: password is always requested though the connection is marked "anonymous" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001063: [Language translation] Орфографические ошибки в русском переводе (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000906: [Plugins] progress bar not showing progress of ftp transfer (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000812: [File operations] Stuck & crash when trying to transfer large file from FTP (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000831: [File operations] When deleting last file, cursor becomes moved to the top of the folder (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001038: [Graphical user interface] Deleting a file does not update the flat view (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001040: [File operations] Synchronize Directory give a blocking error of "Access Violation" when try to Synchronize with network folder (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000583: [Default] Toolbar hotkeys didn't work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000704: [Graphical user interface] кнопки дисков наезжают друг на друга (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001083: [Graphical user interface] Flat control panel buttons checkbox (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001081: [Plugins] DC падает при попытке настроить плагин FTP (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Netdrive 2.5.2 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2015, 05:30
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Character encoding problem
FIXED: Issue with shutting down.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.5.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2015, 16:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Support: Custom draw

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2015, 12:19
Whats new:>>

NEW: SFTP now support proxy
FIXED: WebDAV Issue with mydrive.ch
FiXED: WebDAV Issue with t-online.de
FIXED: WebDAV Issue with BarracudaDrive
FIXED: WebDAV Issue when listing files on some WebDAV server
FIXED: WebDAV Issue with URL encoding (ownCloud)
FIXED: FTP Issue with proxy
FIXED: Issue with shutting down NetDrive
FIXED: Character encoding problem
FIXED: Minor issues
NOTE: If you experience crash after upgrading to 2.5.x, please stick to previous version 2.4.4 until we release a fix

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.3 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2015, 06:53
Whats new:>>

FIXED: WebDAV timestamp handling
FIXED: Installation issue with Vista/Windows 7 VirtualStore
FIXED: Issue with cache when there is less than specified cache space
FIXED: Issue when handling files with same full path on different drives
FIXED: WebDAV issue with file name handling

Titel: Commander 1.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2015, 20:30
Datei-Manager im Split-Screen-Modus mit integriertem Bild-Betrachter; erhältlich auch als portable Version zum Starten vom USB-Stick; der Autor des Programms bittet um eine Spende.


Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2015, 09:12
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.
In a rare situation only the first symbolic link of a smart-copy was linked incorrectly.
The Auto Rename functionality didn't work in rare situations. Fixed for XP and Windows7/8/10
Adaptions for Windows 10 Tech Preview 9841/9926.
Fixed a crash, when files were dropped from Bandzip to the desktop.
Added localization for Korean. Thanks to Mireado from Korea!

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.5.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2015, 17:40
Whats new:>>

Some bugs were fixed
Added: Customizing Size format

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2015, 05:20
Whats new:>>

- Drop Stacks. It will take you no more than 30 seconds to create a drop stack in the toolbar, a 24x24 pixel landing place where you can drop files to virtual folders. Extremely handy. And you can have many of them. (Pro Edition Only)
- Thumbnail Files. Now you can save the thumbnails of images as files. So you can actually do something with those thumbnails beyond just staring at them. (Pro Edition Only)
- Auto-Select First Item. Now you can have the first list item auto-selected when entering a new folder. Some cannot live without this
- Link View. Quickly check what a shortcut points to before you open it
- Network Speed. Enjoy speed improvements and smoother handling of unavailable network locations

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2015, 16:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.3 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2015, 05:20
Whats new:>>

ADDED: More debug info when mounting drives
SDK: Client id and redirect_url can be set to OneDrive for Business
ADDED: Log rotation (max. 2 files each 10MB)
CHANGE: Download buffer size increased to 512K
FIXED: Issue with anti-virus softwares when uploading
ADDED: Preserve file timestamp when using FTP server which supports MFMT command
FIXED: Issue with cache folder which having non-alphanumeric characters

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2015, 09:15
Whats new:>>

ADDED: Preserve file timestamp when using FTP server which supports MFMT command
ADDED: Log rotation (max. 2 files each 10MB)
ADDED: More debug info when mounting drives
CHANGED: Download buffer size increased to 512K

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2015, 20:49
DOSZIP is a Norton Commander clone written in Borland C/C++ 3.1.

License:  Open Source

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.25.50525
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2015, 16:45
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.4 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2015, 20:45
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Removed speed limit of AirDrive
FIXED: SSL handshaking
FIXED: Google Drive file listing issue with files shared with me

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.5.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 05:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Customizing Size format
Fix minor bugs

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.5.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2015, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Mouse gesture, Command line

Titel: XYplorerFree v15.20.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2015, 21:56
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.4 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2015, 06:15
Whats new:>>

FIXED: WebDAV Issue when connect with no password
ADDED: Windows Firewall exception
FIXED: Issue when upload fails
FIXED: File timestamp issue when creating new file
FIXED: Minor bugs

Titel: Ant Commander 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2015, 11:00
Ant Commander is a fully configurable file manager. Several file systems are suported: file, zip, ftp, webdav, etc. Several kinds of panels are available: directory table; directory tree, text editor, image viewer, html viewer, command line, etc. You can configure the menu, the toolbars, the panels, the actions, etc. And more: skinnable, OS independant, bookmarks, historic, external plug-ins, a lot of file operations, etc.


Improved detection of current folder to load application external files
Upgraded to Ant 1.9.4
Improved drawing the sort arrows
More errors are logged in the Ant Console.
Added compare by size in directory
Added compare 2 directories by file size
Toolbar for Directory panels improved with parents, bookmarks, history, selection menu, home button
Added Edit as text to HTML viewer (in panel menu)
Added explore directory to image viewer
Includes now Java 8 for Windows installer

Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2015, 14:00
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Folder view engine

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2015, 05:00
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


  - NEW Property Handler Component
  - Property Handler completely rewritten in C++
  - Added support for Speex, TrueAudio, and OptimFROG properties
  - No .NET dependency or any other depencies
  - Fixed .NET error in event log while indexing properties (Message ID: 0x2509)
  - Fixed crash in Metro File Picker
  - Fixed property indexing on Windows 8+
  - Fixed handling of AVI properties on Windows 8+
  - Fixed handling of MKV properties on Windows 10
  - Improved registration of property handler
  - Can now read and manage multiple tags in files
  - Improved many of the parsers
  - Now fully conforms to MS guidelines

- Added H264 parser to extract more properties from files with H264 streams
- Added support for displaying covers in quicktime (MOV) files
- Added 'estimate duration from bitrate' functionality for files with no duration info present
- Added support for legacy OGG cover art
- Icaros now prefers front covers in music files with mulitple embedded covers
- Made rm, rmvb, spx, tta, ofr, ofs, wav, xvid, divx default thumbnail filetypes (to match the property filetypes)
- Made xvid and divx default property filetypes
- Improved parsing of WavPack thumbnails and properties
- Fixed crash with certain RM files
- Fixed parsing of covers in files with ApeTags + ID3v1 tags
- Fixed parsing of unicode properties in ID3v1 tags
- Fixed a couple of file specific crashes
- Fixed rare crash with WMP
- Fixed donation link
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Updated Readme file
- Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2015, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Improved: Rocker gestures

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2015, 12:18
ADDED: Windows Firewall exception
ADDED: Build number in About panel
FIXED: Google Drive file listing issue with files shared with me
FIXED: WebDAV Issue when connect with no password
FIXED: Removed speed limit of AirDrive in trial version
FIXED: Error handling when upload fails
FIXED: File timestamp issue when creating new file
FIXED: Issue with backup using Crashplan
FIXED: SSL handshaking
FIXED: Issue when creating file on read-only folder
FIXED: Issue with pending authentication dialog
FIXED: OneDrive for Business. Issue with listing more than 200 files.
FIXED: FTP/SFTP/FTPS handling special characters in file/folder name

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4384 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2015, 08:40
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

zg 29.05.2015 23:39:54 +0200 - build 4384

1. 0002997: Improper sorting after Compare Folders.

zg 29.05.2015 19:12:18 +0200 - build 4383

1. FARLANG is assigned an empty value for a clean profile.

svs 21.05.2015 07:33:01 +0300 - build 4382

1. SQLite

drkns 18.05.2015 22:39:06 +0200 - build 4381

1. Warnings mix:
   - for vc, suppression of warnings moved to a separate file
   - -Wextra for gcc.

2. Refactoring.

zg 16.05.2015 04:38:48 +0200 - build 4380

1. 0002994: GUID for User Menu dialogs invoked with !?<title>?<init>!.

drkns 15.05.2015 21:52:32 +0200 - build 4379

1. Correction of 4376.

2. Minor issues.

drkns 15.05.2015 00:03:45 +0200 - build 4378

1. Refactoring.

drkns 14.05.2015 08:41:28 +0200 - build 4377

1. Correction of 4364.

drkns 14.05.2015 00:00:00 +0200 - build 4376

1. Refactoring.

zg 10.05.2015 02:14:51 +0200 - build 4375

1. 0002991: Dynamic selection mark in panels.

svs 09.05.2015 23:17:24 +0300 - build 4374

1. SQLite

drkns 08.05.2015 18:51:45 +0200 - build 4373

1. Error in file size calculation at copying with ADS taken into account.

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.5 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2015, 20:30
Whats new:>>

ADDED: Now you can change log level without reboot
FIXED: FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Prevent creating files in read-only folder.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2015, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs
Adjusted: Network

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4391 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2015, 05:45

drkns 09.06.2015 00:59:20 +0200 - build 4391

The menu additions mouse click does not work as pressing Enter.

drkns 06.06.2015 23:50:38 +0200 - build 4390

1. More correct solution for 4388.

drkns 05.06.2015 00:28:50 +0200 - build 4389

1. Correction of 4387.3.

drkns 04.06.2015 23:42:07 +0200 - build 4388

1. VC10.

drkns 04.06.2015 21:34:47 +0200 - build 4387

1. More paranoid settings for gcc warnings.

2. In some previous version there was broken check for presence of certain functions in OS. It could influence other parts.

3. Refactoring.

zg 03.06.2015 21:49:26 +0200 - build 4386

1. 0003001: BookmarkManager script functionality broken in nightly builds.

drkns 03.06.2015 20:24:43 +0200 - build 4385

1. 0003000: problem with copying screen with /ag key

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.5 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2015, 05:46
Whats new:>>

ADDED: Clear cache. If NetDrive crashes or quit without cleanup, there are many files left in cache.
FIXED: Move file with new file name did not work correctly
FIXED: S3. Listing more than 1000 files.
FIXED: Amazon Cloud Drive. When there are files with same name, uploading was failed with HTTP 409 Conflict.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2015, 13:10
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


[NEW] Brand new modern GUI with advanced customization
[NEW] Icaros Cache: an internal cache to help speed up thumbnailing
Dynamic localization of GUI and Icaros Property labels in Windows Explorer
All settings are now edittable, even when Icaros is activated!
UI is now resolution-independent, which allows better dpi awareness
GUI will now save Window position, size and UI settings on exit
Settings are now placed in appropriate pages
Added thumbnail offset timestamp option
It is now possible to register thumbnail provider and property handler seperately

Added 4 different ways to add new thumbnail filetypes to Icaros:

Default editting, Presets, Open File Dialog, and Drag n Drop; Last two automatically checks if the filetype is compatible with Icaros

Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2015, 17:30
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Titel: Double Commander 0.6.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2015, 14:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new:>>

[Default] Select newly created directory automatically. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Зависание на выборе атрибутов при создании шаблона (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] After renaming, selection moves one position down (or up) (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2015, 18:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities


- Fix: Now permanently deleting or moving a Reparse Point (junctions, Symbolic link, ...) doesn't impacts the target items anymore
- Fix: When items are sent to the Recycle Bin, the user is now warned if the Recycle Bin is disabled on the parent volume of the Items
+ New: Now FV is more adapted to handle DPI variations and font change (all forms have been reingeneerd)
- Fix: Fixed copy and move issue when destination folder doesn't exist
+ New: Added parameter to enable/disable theming of the Shell Context menu (disabled by default)
+ New: Added parameter to enable/disable the underlining of the folders
+ New: Extended detection of supported Audio/Video formats to VLC supported formats
+ New: Now Last Accessed, Creation Date and Attributes columns are optional (hidden by default)
~ Chg: Now drag items over any empty space of the list is interpreted as a drag over the parent folder
+ New: Now context menu from background of the list shows the parent folder' shell menu
- Fix: Resolved issue with icons in treeview
- Fix: Resolved some display issues with UNICODE
- Fix: Made uniform the behaviour with Control Panel for 32bits app running on 64bits system (among Explorer list, Treeview and Crumbbar)
~ Chg: When copying selected items name/path/dir and no item was selected, the focused item was not taken into account resulting in nothing copied
- Fix: Enable/disable buttons in ribbon according to focused item and current path
~ Chg: Renamed second search column from 'Folder' to 'Full path'
~ Chg: View mode buttons are now of variable size, resulting in a more compact toolbar

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2015, 18:45
Show Cached Thumbnails Only:

Now you can browse your system in thumbnails view without any delays caused by new thumbnails being created.

Paste and Find:

Quickly jump to a file pasting its name directly into the file list.

Age Display Limit:

Now you can define when to show the age or the absolute date of files. You will love it when you see it.

Zoom By Wheel:

Zooming fonts by mouse wheel now is optional. Turning it off is better when running XY on tablets.

Custom Toolbar Buttons:

Now PNG, JPG, GIF, BMP, and TIF images can be used for the button graphics. (Pro Edition Only)


Added support for Hungarian (Magyar).

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2015, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 6.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2015, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Kleine Anpassungen, Verbesserungen und eine neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Estnische Sprache (Eesti)

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.5 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2015, 13:32
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Move file with new file name did not work correctly
FIXED: FTP/SFTP/FTPS. Prevent creating files in read-only folder.
FIXED: SFTP. Display file time in local time rather time UTC
FIXED: Dropbox. There was a bug when moving files between folders.
FIXED: Amazon Cloud Drive. When there are files with same name, uploading was failed with HTTP 409 Conflict.
FIXED: S3. Listing more than 1000 files.
FIXED: Google Cloud Storage project_id handling
FIXED: Issue displaying alert dialog 'Please enter only numbers'
ADDED: Now you can change log level without reboot
ADDED: Clear cache. If NetDrive crashes or quit without cleanup, there are many files left in cache.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Vista
Added Italian language file. Special thanks to Michele Pezza.
Fix minor bugs

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.5 Update 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2015, 13:42
Whats new:>>

(Update1) FIXED: FTP. Timestamp issue
If you installed 2.5.5 build 149 and use FTP, update to this version
You can quit currently running NetDrive from Windows tray

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.6 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2015, 19:30
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with FTP charset handling

Titel: Cloud Storage Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2015, 05:20
Mit dem Cloud Storage Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live OneDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden. Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden. Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Unterstützt wird Windows XP, Vista, Server 2003, 2008, 7 und 8.1


Titel: XYplorer Free 15.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2015, 18:15
User-Defined Functions. Finally scripting brings you the biggest fun in programming: You can roll your own functions now. (Pro Edition Only)

A user-defined function (or simply "user function") is a block of statements that can be used repeatedly in a program. It can return a value (using the command "return"). The function declaration starts with the word "function", then a space, then the name of the function.

General form:

function functionName(arguments) { code to be executed; }
Example with two arguments and a return value:

function min($x, $y) { if ($x < $y) { return $x; } else { return $y; } }
You would call the above min() function like this:

echo min(42, 23); //returns 23
here is a lot you can do with user functions. It opens a whole new dimension to automated file management. See the Help file for details, options, and examples. Check out the User Functions Exchange in the User Forum.

Scripting with Include. The new include statement enables you to include function libraries or whatever other files into the executing script. (Pro Edition Only)

Together with user functions the include statement allows you to build up function libraries that are easily shared between your scripts.

Example (loaded script):

include "math.inc"; echo multiply(3, 4) + divide(9, 3); // 12 + 3 = 15
Example (included library "math.inc"):

// math.inc function sum($x, $y) { return $x + $y; } function diff($x, $y) { return $x - $y; } function multiply($x, $y) { return $x * $y; } function divide($x, $y) { return $x / $y; }
Include statements can be nested (included files can themselves include other files). The maximum nesting level for Include statements is 100 (one hundred). You will get an error if you go beyond. Beware of recursion: A file must not include itself or any file by which it has been included, else you will reach the maximum nesting level within the next millisecond...
Variant: include_once

The include_once statement is identical to the include statement, with the only difference being that if the code from a file has already been included, it will not be included again. There are no errors or messages. Trying to include_once an already included file will simply ignore the statement and continue.

Copy File Size. Quickly copy a file's size in various formats.

Now when you hold CTRL and right-click a cell in the Size column the cell's context menu shows a number of common size display formats (RAW, Bytes, KB, MB, GB) of the file's size, ready to be copied to the clipboard.

Click to copy the file size to the clipboard.

Don't know about your time, but it will surely save some of mine.

Age Display Limit. Now you can show the age for today's files, the absolute date for all other files.

Simply enter "d" (w/o the quotes) into Configuration | Styles | Show Age maximum hours.


Not hard to spot the recently modified file. (Click to Zoom)

Other possible values: h (hour), w (week), m (month), q (quarter), y (year).
Tip: Right-click any of the date columns to toggle Show Age from the popup menu.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.850
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2015, 19:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Bugfix for rename dialog, if manual edit is selected

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2015, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2015, 16:40
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with FTP charset handling
FIXED: Issue with Auth dialog on Windows XP
FIXED: Issue when canceling OAuth
FIXED: Issue with unmount failure

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2015, 13:33
Whats new:>>

FIXED: issue with handling i18n file names (causes NetDrive to crash)
FIXED: Change to ignore case-sensitivity
FIXED: WebDAV issue with unicode user name
FIXED: WebDAV issue with handling time zone

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2015, 18:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Color

Titel: Linux Reader 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2015, 18:15
Mit Linux Reader hat man von Windows aus die Möglichkeit, lesend auf Linux- und Mac-Partitionen zugreifen zu können. Dabei können Dateien dann unter Windows gesichert werden.

Folgende Dateisysteme können gelesen werden:

Ext 2/3/4
ReiserFS, Reiser4

Zusätzlich können virtuelle Maschinen gemountet werden (vmdk, VHD, .vdi und .hds).


Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.855
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2015, 15:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileShredder 1.621 added
Default settings changed
GUI bugfixes for folder label, size label

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.27.50627
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2015, 18:45
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Fix problems caused by latest speed up include YouTube player can't show corrent icon, some system can't create review, sign file window can't show website address etc.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2015, 09:16
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


FIXED - Crash caused when starting a Move operation

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2015, 13:19
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue of invisible mounted drive from Windows Explorer
ADDED: Support Total Commander
FIXED: Lower case file name Issue with Google Drive when moving files with F6

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2015, 16:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.6 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2015, 16:15
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with FTP charset handling
FIXED: Issue with Auth dialog on Windows XP
FIXED: Issue when canceling OAuth
FIXED: Issue with unmount failure
FIXED: issue with handling i18n file names (causes NetDrive to crash)
FIXED: Change to ignore case-sensitivity
FIXED: WebDAV issue with unicode user name
FIXED: WebDAV issue with handling time zone
FIXED: Issue of invisible mounted drive from Windows Explorer
FIXED: Lower case file name Issue with Google Drive when moving files with F6
FIXED: Skip file/folder names with invalid encoding

Titel: FileMenu Tools 6.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2015, 17:00
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Fixed crashes on Windows 10 Technical Preview

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2015, 15:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Folder view engine
Adjusted: Control panel

Titel: Q-Dir 6.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2015, 12:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Kleine Änderungen, Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen sowie bug - fix in der Listenansicht beim starten von Q-Dir.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 06:15
ADDED - MC.Explorer.NewBrowser / MC.Explorer.Goto now support "FLAT" option to open path in flat mode
ADDED - Ask user if folder structure should be kept when copy/move multiple files from different subfolders from a flat view.
FIXED - Will no longer do availible space check for move operations on same drive.
FIXED - Refresh of ColorRules now works on panels that are showing a path as Flat
FIXED - Copy a symlink to a file so that it creates a new symlink now work again.
FIXED - Flat view will now clean up correct and not hold memory when not needed
FIXED - 2 rare crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 09:11
Whats new:>>

FIXED - Updated language packs was missing

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4399 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 19:40
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

drkns 05.07.2015 19:19:57 +0200 - build 4399

1. Refactoring.

drkns 04.07.2015 21:54:54 +0200 - build 4398

1. After 4394.1, the search dialog crashed in some cases.
   Also, please do not use one- and two-character names for variables in source code for anything but indices.

drkns 02.07.2015 23:37:09 +0200 - build 4397

1. Forum: Strange behavior of F7/Shift-F7 search in editor

2. Warnings.

zg 28.06.2015 02:50:26 +0200 - build 4396

1. ACTL_SETCURRENTWINDOW, VCTL_QUIT and ECTL_QUIT are executed immediately.

2. ACTL_COMMIT does nothing and is left for compatibility reasons.

w17 26.06.2015 18:43:53 +0300 - build 4395

1. Cosmetic changes.

w17 25.06.2015 13:28:40 +0300 - build 4394

1. Items with DIF_CENTERGROUP|DIF_HIDDEN shall not take space in dialogs.

2. Continuation of 4392 -- when tree is switched off then its menu items and dialog buttons are not shown.

3. New far:config setting -- Editor.NewFileUnixEOL
   If True then new files use Unix line endings <LF>.

drkns 24.06.2015 22:13:33 +0200 - build 4393

1. Refactoring.

w17 15.06.2015 16:31:15 +0300 - build 4392

1. M#2951: Remove everything tree-related from far3
   Not dropped yet, just turned off by default.
   Tree fans can use Panel.Tree.TurnOffCompletely = False in far:config.

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 21:00
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Lower case file name Issue with Google Drive when moving files with F6
FIXED: issue with handling i18n file names (causes NetDrive to crash)
FIXED: Issue of invisible mounted drive from Windows Explorer
FIXED: WebDAV issue with unicode user name
FIXED: WebDAV issue with handling time zone
FIXED: WebDAV now supports NTLM auth
FIXED: Issue with FTP charset handling
FIXED: Issue with Auth dialog on Windows XP
FIXED: Issue when canceling OAuth
FIXED: Issue with unmount failure
FIXED: Change to ignore case-sensitivity
FIXED: Skip file/folder names with invalid encoding

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2015, 21:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.7 Update 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2015, 15:51
Whats new:>>

        FIXED: Issue with Windows XP/Vista when starting NetDrive
        FIXED: WebDAV issue with parsing and converting last modified time

Titel: Double Commander 0.6.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2015, 14:05
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new:>>

[Graphical user interface] Invalid encoding in message dialogs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Second image is not resized to fit windows (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] do not reset column-width after "Mark / Compare Directories" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Cannot open file with space, [ or ] characters in directory name (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Cannot change owner/group under root user (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.27.50715
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2015, 16:50
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Fix portable version cannot play YouTube video bug;
[!]Improved Dual Explorer;

Titel: AudioShell 2.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2015, 05:30
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

fixed bug in ID3v2 multiple cover arts in tag support
minor changes in WAV tagging
minor fixes

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2015, 13:45
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


ADDED - Audio Tool - Create Playlist (M3U/PLS) with support for advanced filtering
 ADDED - Translation help, Too easier see where texts are used.
         A tag/langId can be shown infront of all text in the UI type ":langtext" in commandline field.
 ADDED - Can now select/unselect files/folder with same color rule set Ctrl+Shift+(Num+) / Ctrl+Shift+(Num-)
 ADDED - Custom Command MC.Explorer.Selection.SelectByColor / MC.Explorer.Selection.UnselectByColor
 FIXED - ContextMenu (Right click menu) works better in flat filesystem view
 FIXED - Copy/Paste using Windows Shell (Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V) works better in flat filesystem view
 FIXED - 1 rare crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2015, 05:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Swedish language added
All tools updated
Bugfix in installer

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2015, 14:21
ADDED - MultiScript function for setting selected items in a view ( SetSourceSelected()/SetTargetSelect() )
 ADDED - MultiScript function for getting all items in a view ( GetSourceItems()/GetTargetItems() )
 ADDED - Going to next/prev in QuickSearch will now loop around.
 ADDED - MultiRename - Find and Replace now support unlimited pairs and easier to edit many find/replace pairs
 ADDED - When entering File FileSystem View the Path column will now automatically be added. And removed when leaving. (Optional)
 ADDED - Folders can now be included/excluded from Flat FileSystem View in settings.
 FIXED - File FileSystem View will now be turned off if option is selected when already active.
 FIXED - 1 rare crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Titel: AudioShell 2.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2015, 20:30
Latest Changes

fixed bug in mp4 files support on 64bit systems

Titel: Q-Dir 6.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2015, 12:38
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Full functionality of the file manager Q-Dir on Windows 10 tested with Build 10162.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2015, 09:05
UPDATE - Update of Language Packs.
FIXED - Dropbox location found again.( New installation of DropBox stored location in another place )
FIXED - MultiRename - Find and Replace now strips away quote character.
FIXED - MultiScript command "GetFileProp(...) now support a 3rd paramter (optional).

Titel: Folders Popup 5.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2015, 12:23
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Fix a bug for FPconnect users preventing the middle-mouse-button click to be recognized by FPconnected file manager (see: FPconnect support page).
Improve group load error handling.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2015, 12:15
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added auto-rotation of MP4/MOV thumbnails with orientation metadata embedded
Fixed the cache indexer/build functionality (it didn't work as intended in Beta 1)
Fixed crash caused by the new Cache implementation
Improved exception handling in the cache indexer
Fixed a few typos and missing translations
Fixed a couple of bugs which may have caused some users issues

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.7.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2015, 17:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: NetDrive 2.5.8 Build 206
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2015, 18:15
Whats new:>>

SECURITY UPDATE: OpenSSL DLLs updated to 1.0.2d. Please refer to https://www.openssl.org/news/vulnerabilities.html
FIXED: Bug in cache management. This issue causes error when reading files right after writing files to server
FIXED: Improved SSL thread-safety with parallel file transfer
FIXED:(OneDrive) Issue when rename/move files and move directories
FIXED:(OneDrive for Business) Issue when rename/move files and move directories
FIXED:(Amazon Cloud Drive) Issue when rename/move files and move directories
ADDED: (Amazon Cloud Drive) Back off algorithm added

Titel: QT TabBar 1026
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2015, 05:10
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.




View border color option for Windows 8.x/10. (Options->Folder View)
High-DPI supports - breadcrumb bar of Extra Views and other buttons.
SetReturn method is added to Scripting object. Now script file can return a value that can be used in Command Bar Buttons.
Command Bars ask if it's OK when multiple files and folders are dropped.
File Command Button now can be dropped to folder or application file buttons.
Preview - command to play next / previous track now loops in items in the folder view.
Choose-tab dialog includes tabs in Extra Views. Now it also allows to add target folders.
Built-in keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + 1,2,…,0 which activate 1st-10th tab) are now removed.
"Open in other view" command in context menu of folders on desktop.
"Help" connects to the web document, which is still under construction though.

Fixed in 1026:

Preview window steals key inputs.
Fullscreen Preview window passes through keys such as DEL key and arrow keys to folder view.
Preview thread freezes.
Text label position of Command Bar 1 reverts to "Icon before label" after explorer restarts.
Error message is displayed when starting games in Game Explorer.
Error message is displayed when icon size of Command Bar changed in High-DPI environments.
RTL supports - now Extra Views work some better in Right-to-Left environments.
RTL supports - menus, command bars, drop helper windows, etc.
Group colors are not included in setting export.
Group colors are now drawn much better.
Tab group colors are not drawn in "classic" mode.
Tooltips flicker due to mouse cursor especially around the edges of monitors.
EmptyRecycleBin command does not work.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown probably due to thread contentions.
Tabs in Extra Views ignore lock.
"Do not show me this dialog" checkbox in confirmation dialogs sometimes do not work.
After a folder created by Ctrl + Shift + N, the file list scrolls and the new item might go out of view in Compatible mode.
Desktop tool displays menu in wrong position in High-DPI environments because QTPopup.exe used auto-scaled coordinate space.
Scripting features won't work at all in some environments. This is because it tried to obtain list of named pipes in the wrong way.

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2015, 13:26
Smart Right Click:

Enjoy smart context menus on Name, Size, and Date columns.

Date Picker:

Finally there is an easier way to enter dates into the find-by-date interface.

Photo Data:

Now Exposure Program and Exposure Bias are displayed in the photo data.
Histogram. The image preview now features an optional luminosity histogram.
Invert and Grayscale. Images can now be previewed inverted (negative) and/or converted to grayscale.


Quickly obfuscate all sensitive information in the interface.

Titel: Multi Commander v5.5.0 (Build 1975)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2015, 21:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



    New Language: Lithuanian.
    Explorer Panel now has Experimental Support for "Flat Filesystem View" (Press View mode button or Shift+Ctrl+B).
    Path property/column added, Can be used in Flat view to show relative path.
    Going to next/prev in QuickSearch will now loop around.
    Can now select/unselect files/folder with same color rule set Ctrl+Shift+(Num+) / Ctrl+Shift+(Num-).
    MultiRename - Find and Replace now support unlimited pairs and easier to edit many find/replace pairs.
    Tabs Layout can now be saved/loaded to/from file.
    Audio Tool - Create Playlist (M3U/PLS) with support for advanced filtering.
    SFV Tool can now creates CRC/MD5 files that are encoded in UTF8 or Unicode.
    Favorites Window will reset its view filter when shown next time. (Also added option to turn that off).
    CustomCommand MC.Explorer.NewBrowser / MC.Explorer.Goto now support "FLAT" option to open path in flat mode.
    CustomCommand MC.CheckSum.Create for starting/creating checksums.
    CustomCommand MC.LoadTabs and MC.SaveTabs to Load/Save tabs from script.
    CustomCommand MC.LoadButtonPanelLayout that will load a new button panel layout from script.
    Custom Command MC.Explorer.Selection.SelectByColor / MC.Explorer.Selection.UnselectByColor.
    MultiScript function for setting selected items in a view ( SetSourceSelected()/SetTargetSelect() ).
    MultiScript function for getting all items in a view ( GetSourceItems()/GetTargetItems() ).


    MultiScript command "GetFileProp(...) now support a 3rd paramter (optional). If it is "1",
    Then the returned value will be the display value, (else the RAW value is returned).
    Will no longer check for availible free space for move operations on same drive.
    Copy a 'symlink to a file' Copy/Move Links option active will now creates a new symlink.
    Fixed issue with creating .gz files.
    MultiFileViewer did not load settings correct when opened from search panel.
    12 Rare stability issues.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Timeout, Shortcut

Titel: FileMenu Tools v6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2015, 21:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Added hotkeys to the commands of FileMenu Tools in order to run the commands from the keyboard. If you press Shift+F10, then the context menu will display the commands with a underlined character. If you press this character, then the command will be run.
Copy/Move to: if you active the option "Open target folder after copying", then the copied elements are selected in the new window.
Calculate and verify checksums: added new algorithms: CRC32, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.
Advanced renamer: new variables to add checksums (MD5, SHA1, etc) to the file name.
Bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Attribute Changer 8.0a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2015, 09:20
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


· Unable to add and modify filename filters
· Unable to add and modify foldername filters
· Advanced Mode for folders not correctly working
· Fixed EXIF crash when photo contains corrupt XMP section
· Small layout changes in help file
· Added Turkish translation

Titel: QT TabBar 1027
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2015, 09:30


- Extra Views follow window resize. Options -> Extra View
- Tabs in Extra Views now can be placed above the view.
- A option to fix position of Tab Bar (top) at the left of Default View.
- Tab Bar (top) is now aligned in the bottom when other toolbars exist in the row.
- Tabs and toolbars accept right drag & drop and show menu.
- Tab switcher window works in the Extra Views.
- Commands interpret double-quoted and space-separated string as multiple file paths. This means that keywords such as %f% can be used by commands such as NewTab that take files and folders as arguments.
- New option of File Commands to wait until script process terminates.
- New Scripting Commands: OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog, FolderBrowserDialog.
- Arguments of DeleteFile command has changed. Old style is still supported.
- Correct explanations of Tab background and text rendering modes in the option window.
- Options -> Appearance -> Tab -> Tab icon offsets.
- (Experimental) Option to copy files and folders without changing their time stamps (Date created). Options -> Misc -> Shell

(Fixed in 1027)

- Mouse wheels and keyboard shortcuts are eaten by Control Panel window when displayed in Extra Views.
- Windows are captured even if configured not to do so.
- IFilter, IFilterCore, and IEncodingDetector plugins are unloaded after options are saved.
- Toolbar background image was drawn for invisible toolbars when "Stretch on each band".
- Toolbar positions are sometimes cleared depending on the order of activation of toolbars.
- Script files that are executed on the Command Bar takes longer time than suspected because of a bug of a new feature introduced in 1026 (SetReturn)
- Uninstaller forgets to delete a registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Folder\shell\QTTabBar.openInView
- In Windows8 and 10, view borders caused rendering garbages when scrolled.


Titel: Total Commander 8.52 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 14:00
Fixed: Windows 10: Loading drive buttonbar hanging on some devices (e.g. Surface Pro 3) when SD-Card was in internal card reader (problem with floppy disk check function) (32/64)
Fixed: Main icon didn't include 24x24 pixel image, which is the new default size in the Windows 10 task bar (but unfortunately Windows 10 seems to ignore the 24x24 icon for now) (32/64)
Fixed: Pack selected folders to separate archives, do not store base directory name -> skip empty dirs, show warning at end (32/64)
Fixed: Search history: Put saved string in double quotes when saving also when string starts or ends with a TAB (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: BACKSPACE in target panel during drag now switches to parent in target panel (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: BACKSPACE in source panel switched dir to parent, broke drag because source dir was changed (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop: ENTER on subdir in target panel during drag switched to subdir, but drag cursor was lost (64)
Fixed: Long names from TAR not handled if additional 'x' header was between the name ('L' header) and the actual file (32/64)
Fixed: Noclose.exe: Put entire parameter to cmd /K in double quotes (32/64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: Add zip64 central directory record if number of files >= 2^16 (65536), otherwise Explorer wouldn't show all the files (32/64)
Fixed: FTP over SSL, remote copy with Shift+F5: Make sure we login securely also to the second connection (32/64)
Fixed: Lister plugins: WM_MEASUREITEM message wasn't passed to Lister by the library, so Lister couldn't pass it to the plugin (64)
Fixed: The following command from cmd.exe would cause TC to hang: TCFS2 /ef "tcd(`|*`)" (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Could not change timestamp of symbolic links/reparse points (directly or via 'tc' plugin). Instead, the link target timestamp was changed (32/64)
Fixed: Remove right to left markers from file names (used almost exclusively by viruses/worms) before displaying them in file lists (32/64)
Fixed: Hint window text is sometimes not fitting in the hint, because DrawText(..,DT_CALCRECT) returns 1 pixel less than required by theme.DrawText (problem in Lazarus library) (64)
Fixed: FTP, upload: Treat code 4xx as an error, e.g. 452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system. (32/64)
Fixed: Could not load selection from clipboard or file when the name started with Chinese character "one" (horizontal line) because the first byte is a 0 (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Prevent crash when Windows reports 0 for average character width (32/64)
Fixed: Show error message if QueryContextMenu causes access violation (32/64)
Fixed: Crash opening recycle bin virtual folder, GetDisplayNameOf can sometimes return null pointer (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+F - Edit connection, second tab: Encoding wasn't displayed when using language other than Endlish and encoding 1250 or below in the list (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar containing button which opens the _same_ bar as a menu -> icons were displaced by 1 because the link to itself was removed (32/64)
Fixed: Run tcmadmin.exe with current directory set to TC program dir, not the current panel directory (XP) or drive c (after XP) (32/64)
Fixed: Linux: GetCurrentDirectory returns UNC/server/share instead of //server/share for UNC paths linked under ~/.wine/dosdevices/unc (32/64)
Fixed: Command line parameter FTPOPEN:Connection_name only worked for left panel, not for right panel (e.g. via /R=) (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Replace characters (received from plugins) with code restore previous view mode for new tab (e.g. brief view) (32/64)
Fixed: Date/Time picker in "Change attributes": Time wrong by 1 hour if the date to be set is in daylight saving time and the current date isn't, or vice versa (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: Remove timeout for FxP (server to server) data transfers, so large files can be sent too (32/64)
Fixed: Crash/hang when showing tooltip window with very long lines (problem with automatic line breaking code) (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu texts not visible to screen reader in 64-bit version only (64)
Fixed: Pack dialog (Alt+F5): Packer prefix lost when packing to same dir and clicking on "Create separate archives" for packer with 5 or more characters (e.g. bzip2) (32/64)
Fixed: Compatibility flags for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 in manifest (32/64)
Fixed: Delete function: Do not count files in file system links (reparse points, hard links, soft links) within the selected subdirs (32/64)
Fixed: Newest unrar.dll not running on Windows 2000 -> use unrar9x.dll on Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000 (32)
Fixed: Alt+F7 search on FTP server, change search start path manually -> current dir was there after closing search dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Find files: Clear result list when user aborts search for duplicate files (otherwise non-dupes may be in the list) (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F8, go to old command line, press right arrow -> command line was selected by mistake only while in brief view (64)
Fixed: Lister: Recognize html tags , and without a space before the slash (32/64)
Fixed: TC 32-bit was preventing screen saver from starting (32)
Fixed: When unpacking archives with Alt+F9 and no target path is given, unpack to the directory of the archive also in branch view and search - feed to listbox (32/64)
Fixed: Drag&Drop from virtual folders like the desktop to external programs not working any more (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Load names in external editor would sometimes not pass all names to the editor with many files and characters from different codepage in one of them (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy: CopyAllTimes=1 not working with names longer than 259 characters when using default copy method (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Result list not updated when: Typing first letters of saved rename string, pressing Alt+Down, Enter (reason: changed event not sent by Windows) (32/64)
Fixed: Memory leak in Uniscribe number draw function (32/64)
Fixed: RDP drive (tsclient) was not selected in combobox when changing it via drive buttonbar (upper/lowercase problem) (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS was no longer detected, so the option to upload file timestamp was no longer shown (32/64)

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 (Build 1091)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 18:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2015, 19:20
Whats new:>>

- MAINTENANCE RELEASE. Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2015, 12:01
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added new Tools page to IcarosConfig
Added Portuguese Localization
Finished theming code (a guide will be posted soon)
Fixed crash when parsing invalid AVC tracks
Fixed crash when reading PCM tracks in MKV files on 32-bit systems
Fixed crash when parsing certain invalid AVI files
Improved logic to determine the default Icaros cache location
fixes cache not working in some instances)
Improved checks on user selected cache locations
Improved track info displayed for FLV files
Updated Compilers (GCC 5.2 & VS2015)
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: QT TabBar 1028
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2015, 20:45


Enhanced incremental search in view. You can select files by typing some characters of middle of file names. IFilter plug-in can be used in incremental search in view. It might be useful if an IFilter plugin is installed that translates alphabetical inputs into Chinese/Japanese/Korean regular expressions.
Windows 10 style menu


Original right-button drag-and-drop menu is now abandoned.
Nothing happens when files are dropped onto executables in Command Bar.
Fails to open a folder in Quick access of Windows10 when its name contains a comma.
Menu renderer problems in RTL and High-DPI environments.
Now uses CurrentUICulture (UI Language) instead of CurrentCulture (Region) to detect RTL environment.
Window flickers on opening.
Drop helper won't work when target is a link.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2015, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Start-up, Network

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.0b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2015, 16:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


· Internal changes in shell extension ( now listed correctly in ShellExView from NirSoft )
· Optimized locking mechanism to prevent unnecessary failed actions
· Fixed column ‘Name – N’ to only display foldername, not complete path
· Fixed option ‘Picture date and time from JPEG’ to keep existing date and time if no EXIF data is detected.
· Fixed wrong tab selection in ‘Detailed Reporting’ window

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2015, 19:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Network

Titel: Double Commander 0.6.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2015, 10:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

Whats new:>>

[Default] Empty variables %Dl and %Dr for the root directory (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Copying a directory to FTP and it already exists displays "Unknown error" message (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Add support for PSD (Photoshop) files when viewing files as thumbnails in the file view panels (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Samba: Copying error (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2015, 11:00
Mit Linux Reader hat man von Windows aus die Möglichkeit, lesend auf Linux- und Mac-Partitionen zugreifen zu können. Dabei können Dateien dann unter Windows gesichert werden.

Folgende Dateisysteme können gelesen werden:

Ext 2/3/4
ReiserFS, Reiser4

Zusätzlich können virtuelle Maschinen gemountet werden (vmdk, VHD, .vdi und .hds).


Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2015, 09:17
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


CHANGE - Upgrade built environment, Everything is not built using VS2015
ADDED - MultiRename - Find/Replace will now automatically add quotes if needed
ADDED - MultiRename - Minor UI layout changes.
CHANGE- The Profiles/Configuration system in MultiFileViewer has change.
FIXED - Issue when creating MD5 checksum files
FIXED - Copy registry value to new location will now copy "(default)" value correct.
FIXED - 1 Rare issue when using standard property data tags in MultiRename tool.
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues with script engine.

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2015, 13:21
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with Windows 10 (Please give us feedback if you use Windows 10)
FIXED: Prevent deleting drive item while it is being connected
FIXED: Convert file time to local time
FIXED: Error occurs while logoff or shutdown in some windows machine

Titel: Easy Context Menu 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2015, 21:00
This simple to use application offers you the possibility to select various shortcuts that you want to be displayed when you access the context menu.


Whats new:>>

[Fixed] – Windows 10 Registry writing Problem
[Fixed] – Restricted user permission issues
[Fixed] – If you change A Gorup name on List editor , target combo menu doesn’t update itself
[Fixed] – Block Keyboard Need Admin permission
[Fixed] – Tooltip doesn’t work Properly
[Fixed] – Attrib screen is narrow
[Fixed] – Command Prompt bug and Some minor Translate errors
[Added] – Load saved settings icon

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.8.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2015, 04:52
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menus

Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.910
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2015, 17:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Arabic translation by lculator zaloom
All additional toosl updated
Installer correction (Windows 10)
Bugfix for language selection in portable mode

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2015, 21:15
Whats new:>>

- Ghost Filter. The Ghost Filter lets you globally hide particular files and folders. E.g. the stuff you almost never want to see anywhere, like those desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files, or items beginning with a dot. Or the stuff you don't want to see just no
- Access Control. And here's the Ghost Filter for the boss. As admin you now can completely hide particular items from the users, on a per-user basis. Might add some safety to your company. (Pro Edition Only)
- QuickSearch. The new QuickSearch function connects scripting with XYplorer's powerful search engine. (Pro Edition Only)
- Floating Preview. Now you can navigate your photos by left mouse click
- Lock Zoom Position. Optionally keep the zoom position when switching images in the preview. Useful when comparing details of different versions of the same image

Titel: Total Commander 8.52 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2015, 05:30
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker "" couldn't be stored in search history (32/64)
Fixed: drag&drop from file system plugin to archive subdirectory failed with error (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy from file system plugin to archive subdirectory packed to root of ZIP (32/64)
Fixed: FTP download from list, http links, target already exists -> TC was hanging when "Rename" was chosen (32/64)
Fixed: Branch view, pack files to plugin with option "Create separate archives" -> no backslash was appended to the path passed to the plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Show target name with correct upper-/lowercase also if it differs from the source name (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Creation of upper-/lowercase extension wasn't correct. Only use uppercase if all characters of the original name were uppercase and contained at least one character (32/64)
Fixed: Wrong version number in EXE properties (version resources) (32)
Fixed: Combined 32+64bit installer could not terminate already running 64-bit version of TC (because GetModuleFileNameEx didn't work for 64-bit programs from 32-bit installer) (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - System information didn't show Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32/64)

Titel: Moo0 RightClicker 1.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2015, 16:15
Moo0 RightClicker erweitert das Windows-Kontextmenü um einige nützliche Funktionen. Die Freeware ermöglicht unter anderem das schnelle Kopieren oder Verschieben von Dateien in vordefinierte Ordner.

Moo0 RightClicker fügt dem Kontextmenü diverse weitere Einträge und Befehle hinzu. Nützlich ist beispielsweise das Duplizieren aktuell geöffneter Fenster oder das Verbergen des Standard-Kontextmenüs. Dateien lassen sich mit einem Klick löschen, ganz ohne den Umweg über den Papierkorb.

Das Menü kann dabei ganz an die eigenen Wünsche angepasst und nicht benötigte Funktionen versteckt werden. Moo0 RightClicker steht in einer kostenfreien Free-Version zur Verfügung. Beim Hersteller ist außerdem mit RightClicker Pro eine erweiterte, kostenpflichtige Shareware-Fassung erhältlich.

Mit einem Rechtsklick hat der Anwender dank Moo0 RightClicker Zugriff auf zahlreiche zusätzliche Funktionen, die das Arbeiten unter Windows erheblich vereinfachen und Operationen beschleunigen. Die gewohnten Standardfunktionen sind weiter verfügbar.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2015, 05:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Fixed corrupted 'Windows 10 Apps' taskbar icons
Fixed width/height properties in some files with H264 streams
Fixed thumbnails of some rare image formats
Added button to open the Windows Cache directory (on Tools page)
Added German localization
Updated Russian localization
Updated Chinese localization
Improved the permissions check when setting the IcarosCache location
Improved page animations (for some systems) in IcarosConfig
Some minor GUI improvements
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Toggle IT
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2015, 15:45
Toggle IT is a lightweight context menu enhancement tweak used to toggle hidden files, thumbnail views in Explorer and navigation panes on or off.

This standalone program was originally designed as a system shell and tweak application for Windows. It's main purpose is for the user to create context menu entries i.e. like right clicking on a folder item or the background inside an open window or the desktop. This is not a program that will be used on a daily basis. The settings can be applied at the initial run of the program and then left to be...Just like a tweaking application.



Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2015, 09:14
ADDED - MultiRename - Find/Replace Dlg can now store content in quick storage (Load with F1-F10, Hold Shift to Save)
ADDED - MultiRename - Find/Replace Dlg can now load content from file dropped in text area
FIXED - MultiRename - Find/Replace did sometimes fail to auto add quotes
FIXED - MultiRename - Find/Replace Dlg Window will now be right aligned to the MultiRename Window.
FIXED - Issue when Copying "(Default)" registry value using Admin Helper
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Highlight colors can now be configured
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues.

Titel: Total Commander 8.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2015, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed: 24x24 icon missing in 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Crash caused by invalid TC start menu item OPENCUSTOMVIEW1 somename (note the '1' at the end) (32)
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker "" couldn't be stored in search history when using cyrillic or other non-latin locale (32/64)

Titel: QT TabBar 1029
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2015, 05:20
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.




Now captures windows that are opened by Start menu and jumplist of Windows 10; looking for a better way to capture Win+E in Windows 10
Reformed Extended renaming feature - supports renaming multiple files and folders using a list of new names
Now Application Launcher button accepts drops to register files
New keywords in Command Button – %tab% and %tabpath% that are substituted by Tab object and path string of tab when used in Tab events
Keywords that represent selections such as %f% are now substituted by selection paths in the view owned by the tab, when used in Tab events
New option 'Blend with custom color" in Selected column bg color of Compatible View
Added a few Scripting commands – EnsureItemVisible, RenameMultiple, SetExtraViewSize


Option "No capture from Desktop" is ignored
Extra View size is not restored after a maximized window is closed
Folder window flickers on opening, especially when Extra Views are enabled
Option window can freeze when menu style has changed
Continuous renaming files by Tab and Shift + Tab key is now available in Compatible View too
Desktop Tool menu pops up at wrong position in Right-to-Left environments
Desktop Tool fails to initialize when the computer is under a heavy load situation such as cold start
Desktop Tool menu is turned off after menu titles are rearranged
Command MoveTabToView does not work


Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.920
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2015, 17:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileMove updated

Titel: FoldersPopup 5.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2015, 15:45
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix description label errors when changing a hotkey in Options, Other hotkeys“.
When the Explorer extension Clover is installed, support folder navigation in the current tab instead of opening a new tab.

Titel: ShellFolderFix 1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2015, 18:45
ShellFolderFix is the solution to Windows not remembering their size and position and also includes additional tweaks and shell enhancements.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 12:24
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Kleine Änderungen und Verbesserungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir für Windows 10.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 13:42
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


FIXED - Various UI issues with Color Syntax formatting editor.
ADDED - Added color syntax formatting for C/C++,PHP,JAVA,JavaScript,XML,SQL into the default config file
ADDED - (Delete ColorFormatting.xml from user config folder to get the default file, for portable replace it with the *.tpl file)

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2015, 19:50
XYplorer is a tabbed file manager for Windows. It features a powerful file search, a versatile preview, a highly customizable interface, optional dual pane, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. It's fast and light, it's innovative, and it's portable.


Latest Changes

- Flatten Folder. Now you can flatten a multi-level folder structure via the folder's right-click menu. Simply click "Flatten Folder". It's easy, quick, and safe. And you can even reverse it by clicking Undo
- Drag and Drop. Now you can change the default drag and drop behavior (which is Move on same drive, Copy on different drive), and e.g. always Move or always Copy. Might save you a headache

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.8.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2015, 05:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menus, Network

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2015, 13:16
Latest Changes

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2015, 09:07

FIXED - MultiFileViewer - Various UI issued with Color Syntax editor.
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - All Color themes and Color syntax formatting are listed in menu for easy switching.
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - ColorSyntax Formatting can now use a Theme defined color
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Color Theme Configuration can now also configure Syntax Colors
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Theme and Syntax are now stored in a different way.
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Added more and change existing Default Color Themes and Default Syntax Coloring. If you configured ThemeColors or SyntaxColor since build 1992 they will be lost.

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1098
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2015, 19:16
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2015, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Environment

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4413 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2015, 21:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

drkns 04.09.2015 21:47:21 +0200 - build 4413


shmuel 04.09.2015 13:40:29 +0200 - build 4412

1. M#3083: Content column is not updated when switching modes panel

drkns 02.09.2015 21:13:07 +0200 - build 4411

1. 0003080: Alternate editor/viewer in FindFile results

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.28.50908
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2015, 05:50
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Remove Featured Window
Regulate fonts
Some other small improvements

Titel: Multi Commander RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2015, 16:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


FIXED - MultiFileViewer - Various UI issued with Color Syntax editor and ColorThemes editor
FIXED - MultiFileViewer - Various MultiLanguage issues Color Syntax editor and ColorThemes editor
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Added a "none" item to the SyntaxColoring menu list.
ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Can now be configured to Auto copy selection to clipboard. ( Menu > Options > Options )
ADDED - ExplorerPanel can now disable Auto fade of selection when panel is inactive in WinExplorer mode.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4414 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2015, 16:47
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

We remove traces of tree menu commands

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2015, 13:29
Whats new:>>

CHANGE: Amazon Cloud Drive timeout extended to 60 seconds
FIXED: Issue with Windows 10 (Please give us feedback if you use Windows 10)
FIXED: Issue with Windows XP (nd2svc not started)
FIXED: Prevent deleting drive item while it is being connected
FIXED: Convert file time to local time
FIXED: Issue with handling xlsx files
FIXED: Error occurs while logoff or shutdown in some windows machine
FIXED: Issue with Dropbox file rename / move
FIXED: Issue with file time setting (FTP, WebDAV)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.9.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2015, 17:21
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Environment

Titel: Total Commander 8.52a RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2015, 18:15
Fixed: "Connecting" dialog not removed when: Testing big RAR (Alt+Shift+F9), Background, switch to currently inaccessible drive (e.g. network), RAR test ends after "Connecting" dialog appears (32/64)
Fixed: Didn't use abs() when calculating timeouts from GetTickCount() in some places, might cause problems after 25 days of uptime (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Close running Total Commander also when we cannot determine its path (32)
Fixed: Button bar: put parameter %P%N in double quotes not only when the name contains a space, but also for '&' (needed for cmd.exe) (32/64)
Fixed: cm_FocusCmdLine didn't show the command line if it was hidden via settings (64)
Fixed: 32-bit uninstaller was shown as "Remove TC 64-bit" (German only) (32)
Fixed: Handle invalid ZIP files where the attribute flags are set to 255, so all files appear as folders (32/64)
Fixed: Crash unpacking ZIPs packed with LZMA compression (wrong tcmdlzma.dll included) (32)
Fixed: Crash when entering more than ~300 characters in Files - Change attributes - "time" field, may be a possible security hole (32/64)

Titel: Alternate Archiver 2.940
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2015, 09:06
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Bugfix for language selection

Titel: Q-Dir 6.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2015, 13:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir unter Windows 10.

Titel: Total Commander 8.52a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2015, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Compare by content was hanging on Linux/Wine when file was changed outside of the compare tool (32/64)
Fixed: Handle crash in FindFirstFile function, could lead to hanging directory read function (32/64)

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.0 Build 2000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2015, 15:30
Whats new:>>

Around 165+ changes since v5.5

Mostly fixes for MultiRename and new changes in the MultiFileViewer

    MultiRename - Minor UI Changes and Find/Replace changes
    MultiFileViewer - Now has a new Color Themes System
    MultiFileViewer Color Syntax formatting are now easier to configure and use
    Issue with creating MD5 checksum files is fixed
    Go to root command will go to the locked root path if tab is locked.
    7 rare stability issues fixed
    + a lot more

CHANGE- Upgrade built environment, Everything is now built using VS2015
   ADDED - MultiRename - Find/Replace Changed now works better
   ADDED - MultiRename - Minor UI layout changes.
   ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Profiles have changed, Now using Color Themes configuration for colors
   ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Can now easier configure Syntax Coloring
   ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Added a couple of default Syntax Color formatting for common file formats
   ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Color syntax formatting for common file formats
   ADDED - MultiFileViewer - Can now be configured to Auto copy selection to clipboard. ( Menu > Options > Options )
   ADDED - ExplorerPanel can now disable Auto fade of selection when panel is inactive in WinExplorer mode.
   FIXED - Auto ReSort after rename of folder did not always work
   FIXED - Go to Root will now on locked tabs (with allow subpath change) go to the root of the locked location.
   FIXED - Issue when creating MD5 checksum files
   FIXED - Copy registry value to new location will now copy "(default)" value correct.
   FIXED - 5 Rare stability issues.
   FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues with script engine.

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2015, 18:45
Global Visual Filters:

Global Visual Filters can visually reduce your file system to the stuff you created this year, this month, this week, today. Or to JPEGs only. Or to everything you tagged as "Important". Or whatever criteria you want to apply. Filter and conquer. Only show what you need to see. Global Visual Filters might change the way you manage your files.

Visual Filters by Tags:

Now you can show just those items with certain labels, tags, and comments, and hide all others.

Color Filters by Tags:

Now you can color-code items depending on their labels, tags, and comments.

Search In List:

Now you can run a search over a list of items, instead of just searching one or more locations. This can be an arbitrary list compiled in a file or in the clipboard, or the currently listed items, or the currently selected items. So you now can easily run a search over the current search results, again and again.

Dupes By Basename:

Now you can find groups of files with the same basename, regardless of their extensions.

Find By Count:

Now you can find folders by the number of the contained items.

Multilingual Support:

Added support for Klingon. [Qapla', Donald!]

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.9.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2015, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Add type: Load layout & Save layout

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2015, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2015, 16:45
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with writing files on remote storage (especially with MS Office)
FIXED: Issue with file name encoding on Dropbox
CHANGED: GCS, S3 now reports free space as 10 TB

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2015, 11:50
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added 'Export/Import/Reset All Settings' functionality (on the UI settings page)
Added French localization
Added Greek localization
Added Spanish localization
Added new cli commands to IC (check -?/-help to view them all)
Added 'Special Thanks To' section on About page
Improved thumbnailing of incomplete and unseekable files
Fixed gray thumbnails for TS files with HEVC
Fixed thumbnailing of some rare formats
Fixed possible cache crash
Fixed registration of thumbnail provider when no filetypes are set
Fixed a couple of memory leaks in IcarosConfig
Show a status on the Cache activation button, while the cache is indexing
Updated existing localizations
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.29.50926
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2015, 06:13
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

​[!]Fix can't link to CSC bug;

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2015, 12:25
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.
In a rare situation only the first symbolic link of a smart-copy was linked incorrectly.
The Auto Rename functionality didn't work in rare situations. Fixed for XP and Windows7/8/10
Adaptions for Windows 10 Tech Preview 9841/9926.
Fixed a crash, when files were dropped from Bandzip to the desktop.
Added localization for Korean. Thanks to Mireado from Korea!
Fixed a crash in W10 when closing the properties dialog on junctions/symlinks.

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 Build 1101
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2015, 18:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Nomad.NET Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2015, 21:15
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.



- Archives: Added support for rar 5.0 archives (using unrar.dll for view and extract rar archives)
- VirusTotalPlugin: VirusTotal.com plugin added with ability to check suspicious files online
- FTP: Differrent time zones support added
- Archives: Added ability to detect oem encoding for some zip files
- Archives: Ability to create and update Wim archives unblocked
- Archives: Added ability to update file date, time and attributes inside archives (7z at the moment)
- Archives: Added ability to rename files inside archives (7z at the moment)
- Plugins: Many new internal interfaces published for custom plugins developers
- Plugins: Custom plugins can declare other plugins dependencies now
- Plugins: Added ability to show custom plugin option sections in options dialog
- Plugins: Saving plugin setting with other application settings
- Plugins: Added ability to configure plugins with separate .config file
- File copying: Elevation support when copying NTFS security permissions
- File copying: No buffering support for sync and async modes file copy
- File copying: Verify support for append and resume
- Folder comparison options now preserved
- Unix permissions property added
- Ability to login to network shares with credentials other than default windows credentials
- Custom plugin dependencies support in options dialog
- New option - Open new tab right after active tab
- Czech localization added (thanks to Jakub Vít)
- Show external plugin files as links in options dialog
- Show tooltips for plug-in assemblies and file dependencies in options dialog
- Switch to ftps when plain ftp is prohibited by server
- CmdLinePlugin: Persistent combo box history added
- CmdLinePlugin: Showing how to use configure plug-in functionality
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Added ability to interrupt long execution with ctrl+c
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Command prompt tabs persist between runs and can be bookmarked now
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Settings with visible section in options dialog added
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Text selection support in command prompt
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Files and folders substitution via Tab press
- Archives: SevenZip support updated to the latest version (9.32)
- Archives: Improved elevating support for SevenZip archives
- Archives: Massive pack improvements for non-local files, it is possible to pack file from one archive to another
- File copying: a lot of internal changes and optimizations
- Comparing folders improved with more options and in general it is more reliable now
- Ejecting volumes via shell context menus no longer blocked
- Restore selection from clipboard improved (wildcards support, for example)
- Keyboard layout indication in password text boxes now working properly in Win8+
- Pasting images, text and html formats from clipboard improved
- Select folder dialog improved with many small changes and now is more usable
- TotalCmd archive plugins (*.wcx) support refactored to use plugins infrastructure
- TotalCmd plug-ins (*.w?x) installation improved
- Populating wfx plugins via plugins framework (ability to enable and disable wfx plugins in options)
- Available wdx plugins populating improved greatly
- Check for updates dialog now flashes when in background
- Using new online GetVersionService in check for updates dialog
- Removed unwanted tooltips popup after focusing item
- Tooltip hiding in list view improved (less frequent hide calls and respect mouse wheel)
- Navigation Link now also focus corresponding item in far panel
- Shell file system support improved
- Using STA background thread to get item tooltips now (good for some specific shell namespace items)
- Tab bookmark storing reworked to remember custom plugin tabs in future
- Icon extraction in improved yet again to be more compatible (using previous algorithm first)
- Icons and thumbnail extraction queue optimized, always trying to extract currently visible items first
- Exact-fit items removed from auto-complete lists
- Quick find and highlighting found items improved in list view
- Name filters parsing improved (*, **, etc)
- Right-click selection improved (do not skip items with fast cursor move)
- Always select previous tab wneh newly added tab closed (even for tabs created by plug-ins)
- Using physical sector size instead of cluster size when wiping files
- Home and End keys behavior changed
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Command prompt window is almost flicker-free now
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Processing console input improved greatly and more consistent now
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Displaying console output improved greatly with encodings support, unicode and more
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Pasting from clipboard improve
- Bug fix: Initial setup dialog won't appear on clean machine
- Bug fix: Rare InvalidCastException exception when opening options with non-standard theme set
- Bug fix: InvalidOperationException when trying to browse FTP through HTTP proxy
- Bug fix: Workaround for "The remote server returned an error: 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,x,x,x)" error
- Bug fix: Rare ArgumentNullException when starting external tool
- Bug fix: Updating attributes of file with RO attribute set can reset attributes instead in some conditions
- Bug fix: & symbol missing in the last folder breadcrumb part after folder refresh
- Bug fix: Thumbnail images mirrored vertically on some machines
- Bug fix: Exception when opening bookmark and option dialogs when there is no valid IconSet.resources file
- Bug fix: InvalidEnumException when skipping file that cannot be opened for packing
- Bug fix: Infinite search when using IFilter and one of the files can only be partially filtered
- Bug fix: Unable to create Tar archives with folders
- Bug fix: Unable to delete from wcx archives, when wcx plugin in unicode
- Bug fix: Exception on start when registry.wfx plugin disabled in options
- Bug fix: "Access denied" exception when closing command processor tab
- Bug fix: Silent crash when using drag-n-drop or clipboard for copying and moving files on some systems
- Bug fix: NullReferenceException when browsing some specific shell namespace folders
- Bug fix: ArgumentException when trying to initialize some IFilter with specific files
- Bug fix: Very rare "Unable to cast object of type 'Byte[]' to type 'String'" when creating a new file
- Bug fix: Very rare "The data area passed to a system call is too small" when trying to update volume free space
- Bug fix: Rare ArgumentOutOfRange exception when extracting icons
- Bug fix: Unhandled exception when trying to go to some folders via select folder dialog
- Bug fix: Very rare ArgumentOutOfRange error when opening item context menu
- Bug fix: Unhandled exception dialog is shown when invalid regular expression entered in filter dialog
- Bug fix: Unhandled exception dialog is shown when invalid regular expression entered in search dialog
- Bug fix: DDE error when clicking on "Get more icon packs" link on some machines
- Bug fix: Crash on application second instance exit when plug-ins configuration changed
- Bug fix: Rare NullReferenceException error when renaming folder in tree view
- Bug fix: Item tooltip disappear right after displaying when panel content is changing
- Bug fix: Rare InvalidOperationException when folder content changed right after tab closed
- Bug fix: Incorrect property provider traverse order (important for thumbnails extraction)
- Bug fix: Incorrect thumbnail rotation (from image exif metadata) in image property provider
- Bug fix: Very rare "An item with the same key has already been added" error while in thumbnail mode
- Bug fix: Exception when retrieving default icon for wfx item with invalid characters in name
- Bug fix: FilterReader doesn't fail when FILTER_E_UNKNOWNFORMAT exception raised
- Bug fix: Correct drives sort for shell file system in tree
- Bug fix: Drive free space is not refreshed in tooltips
- Bug fix: Placing shell file system folders into clipboard is very slow
- Bug fix: Rare errors when closing command processor tab
- Regression bug fix: "The configuration file has been changed by another program" error on initial program start
- Bug fix: Rare "Thread was being aborted" error, when browsing asynchronous folders (network, ftp, etc)
- Bug fix: Rare "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when trying to justify toolbar buttons
- Bug fix: "The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly" error when trying to open plug-ins options
- Bug fix: Error when searching by content and some files in folder cannot be opened for read
- Bug fix: Troubles with displaying icons for external tools after tool's display style change
- Bug fix: Executing shell namespace files does not work under x64 OS
- Other small and not so small unlisted bug fixes


Titel: Context Menu Editor v1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2015, 04:50
Context Menu Editor can view and delete links to programs present in folders or Internet Explorer right-click menu. This is useful for programs you don't use or tools that didn't ask to be added to the context menu.

Note that menu links cannot be undone and may require a reinstall to replace.


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.30.51008
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2015, 05:40
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Improve Sanwhole Store

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.10.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2015, 06:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

15.10.5   Adjusted: Tree view, Column header

Titel: Double Commander 0.6.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2015, 10:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source

[Language translation] Japanese Translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Infinite thumbnails creation when switching to thumbnails view at %LOCALAPPDATA%\doublecmd\thumbnails (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Logic] CRC-file not found due to case sensitivity error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] 'Test Archive', don't show an error message (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Archiv Test raises error (wrong extension) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] sevenzip configure don't work as expected (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Directory color highlight (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] no refresh the file/directory-list (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] 'overwrite all' user interaction dialog keep requesting permission (sync folder) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Panel of operations doesn't signal messages (questions) to the user / Не всплывает окно подтверждения - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Time not displayed in datetime column (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] No feedback about missing access right (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Column width settings are not preserved when restarted (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2015, 13:32
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Bugfix in der Q-Dir Portable-Version, beim Speichern einiger Einstellungen in der Q-Dir.ini Datei!

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2015, 20:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


Added Traditional Chinese localization
Added TotalBitrate property to the 'Details Pane' in Explorer
Added some new filetypes to the 'Most Known' preset
Fixed property issues after upgrading or resetting Windows 8/10
Fixed some bugs in the manual registration of filetypes in IcarosConfig
Improved filetype registration logic
Improved 'Reset native filetypes' logic
Improved preset logic
Fixed another few possible bugs/inconsistencies

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2015, 17:19
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken.
Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10

Titel: Q-Dir 6.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2015, 12:15
Was ist neu :>>

Bug-Fix in der Q-Dir Export-Funktion!
Im Übersetzungstool kann man jetzt Deutsch oder Englisch als Basissprache auswählen
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.10.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2015, 17:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Focus item

Titel: Nomad.NET Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2015, 18:15

- FTP: Added ability to update create and modify times on remote servers (via MFCT and MFMT commands)
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Output processing in CommandProcessorController improved
- Bug fix: ArgumentNullException when extracting one file from zip archives with non-latin file names
- Bug fix: ArgumentOutOfRangeException when displaying some malformed icons
- Bug fix: Very rare InvalidOperationException when refreshing folder contents
- Regression bug fix: Rare NotSupportedException while checking drive readiness
- Bug fix: CmdPromptTabPlugin does not work on 32-bit OSes
- Bug fix: Exception on opening Options dialog when Themes folder absent
- Regression bug fix: Constant NetworkException when icon overlays enabled and "Server" service is not started
- Bug fix: Dead-lock after in-place renaming folder in folders tree


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.31.51020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2015, 13:51
Whats new: >>

Titel: CarotDAV v1.12.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2015, 19:40
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2015 Build 700 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2015, 10:00
freeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIp and CAB files, and open RAR files as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.


- - Implemented: New option for quick filters - 'Predefined quick filters'
- - Implemented: New actions for predefined quick filters - for example: Show popup menu for quick filters
- - Implemented: New option to define in the freecommander.ini - 'PrefixForBackupSubfolderNames', the default value is 'Bkp_Settings_'
- - Implemented: New favorite tool option - 'Delimiter character for selected items - space is default' and 'Enclose each selected item with "'
- - Implemented: New favorite tool parameter 'Selected items as drag&drop' - %ActivSelAsDrag&Drop%
- - Implemented: New option to define in the freecommander.ini in the Section [dlgInputBox]: AutoComplete=0. With AutoComplete=1 will be auto completion activated in e.g. "Go to folder", "New folder" dialogs
- - Implemented: DOS-Prompt specification - now %ActivDir% variable is enabled
- - Implemented: Default column profile works with network shares too
- - Implemented: All history sections transfered to the new freecommander.hist.ini
- - Implemented: "Make folder/file list" function implemented
- - Implemented: Start filter mask with "-[]:" if you want use [] as literals http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6521
- - Implemented: Define "RightClickEmptySpaceFcMenu=0" in the freecommander.ini [Form] section, if you like show the default context menu on free space right click
- - Implemented: New option added; Customize toolbars - General options: Use flat symbols
- - Implemented: Basic long path support
- - Implemented: "Windows preview" mode in the internal viewer added (no plugins needed for pdf and all office documents). It works starting with Vista
- - Implemented: "Download" folder added to S-button (Vista+)
- - Implemented: New address bar option added "Show history popup menu on free area click"
- - Implemented: Action "Show/hide folders" added http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6675
- - Implemented: New column for using in detail view added: Length of the path
- - Implemented: Synchronize folders - for "Site backup": New Option added "copy - rename target item"
- - Implemented: Synchronize folders - hotkeys for changing of the copy status added
- - Implemented: File rename possible if quick viewer open
- - Implemented: new option "GoUpFromDriveEnabled"; default value is 1 (true). Set the value to 0 if you do not want go to parent from the drive root
- - Implemented: favorite tool option 'Enclose each selected item with "' for %InactivDir% %ActivDir% http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6871
- - Implemented: "Unpack in subfolder" option is saved now
- - Implemented: Drag&drop to drive bar start copy operation to root folder of the drive
- - Implemented: Drag&Drop to folder as favorite tool start copy operation to the folder
- - Implemented: Drag&drop to favorite folder in the tree start copy operation to the folder
- - Implemented: New option for text thumbnails - Font Size
- - Changed: The default sort direction for date and size (started per hotkey Ctrl+F5, Ctrl+F6) changed to descending
- - Changed: Attributes/Timestamp dialog - 'Move timestamp' editing changed
- - Changed: Converter in viewer - target file extension is now definable
- - Changed: "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog layout changed
- - Bug fix: Display issue if Windows font size changed to bigger as 100% http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6439
- - Bug fix: Pack files function fails if the source or target path is the desktop
- - Bug fix: Filter for "attributes off" works not properly http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6444
- - Bug fix: Synchronize - option for "delete empty folders" no more available
- - Bug fix: "Go to folder" - selected folder is appended to the existing text http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6481
- - Bug fix: New file created with Shift+ctrl+N is not selected automatically http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6491
- - Bug fix: "Make folder/file list" dialog can not be closed http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6499
- - Bug fix: Wrong dialog title for move operation http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6498
- - Bug fix: "Use FreeCommander" option for move operation may be ignored http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6497
- - Bug fix: Command line parameter with the switch "/" may not work properly, the switch "-" works ok
- - Bug fix: Multiple Selection is wrong after sorting selected list http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6504
- - Bug fix: "Define shortcuts" dialog can not be opened (exception)
- - Bug fix: Status bar fields - incorrect folder count on selection http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6535
- - Bug fix: Multi-rename search and replace always excludes extension : http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6540
- - Bug fix: "Auto rename copied files" option not working http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6595
- - Bug fix: Selected item position will be changed after refresh in the file list with detail view http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6613
- - Bug fix: Directory loading can be cancelled with ESC if the application is not active
- - Bug fix: New folder from empty space context menu can create wrong folder: http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6659
- - Bug fix: Tab - Context menu lost http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6674&sid=c550fd5c361aa2d61c6e16def009009c
- - Bug fix: "My Documents" shows twice in the S-button http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=21294#p21294
- - Bug fix: Exception on program start possible (not all PCs)
- - Bug fix: Snchronization on Network Share does not work if Network option "Use Windows for loading network" is active
- - Bug fix: Space bar opens always next file in viewer http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6745
- - Bug fix: "Use current folder" option is not active if archive file is open in the target site http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6358
- - Bug fix: Favorites tree font size grows if settings are saved - only if Windows font is set to value > 100% http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6707&p=21605#p21605
- - Bug fix: Synchronize folders - exception "List index out of bounds" possible if option for empty folder is active
- - Bug fix: Copy and paste in textbox of address bar may not work http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6819
- - Bug fix: Exception in viewer for jpg files with size 0
- - Bug fix: Selection problem in the NC-Mode http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6798
- - Bug fix: Some check boxes and radio buttons broken in Settings in the release 694 http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6813
- - Bug fix: Copy/move folder does not work if the tree has focus
- - Bug fix: Favorites tree - icons are not displayed for items with placeholder in the path http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=6861
- - Bug fix: Option "auto rename target item" in the synchronize dialog doeas not work http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6835&p=21974#p21974
- - Bug fix: File selection problem in NC-mode http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=6870
- - Bug fix: Multi rename may not work properly if files and folders should be renamed in one step http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6880
- - Bug fix: Layout of the delete dialog is faulty http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6884
- - Bug fix: Tools - Settings - Programs: bottom scroller is partially cutted out on all tabs http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6884
- - Bug fix: Quick filter field not correctly displayed on high dpi monitor http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6892
- - Bug fix: Quick starter search text input field not correctly displayed on high dpi monitor http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6895
- - Bug fix: Unpack dialog - status bar not correctly displayed on high dpi monitor http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6900
- - Bug fix: Search dialog - delete key deletes converter instead of text http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6912
- - Bug fix: "Right align extension" option may not work http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6917
- - Bug fix: Unpack operation does not work when not allowed characters exist in the path http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6904
- - Bug fix: Font color of selected node in the tree broken http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6932

Titel: Unreal Commander v2.02 beta 1102
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2015, 18:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.80.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2015, 18:45
Whats new:>>

- MAINTENANCE RELEASE: Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.1 Build 2021 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2015, 06:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

ADDED - FilterEditor has some UI changes, when setting the date/time range
ADDED - FilterEditor also show the FilterID. This is used if filter is referenced by in script
FIXED - UI issues in FilterEditor
FIXED - QuickLaunchBar will now remember the Right click options for AllowInsertByDrop/AllowRearrange

Titel: Q-Dir 6.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2015, 10:25
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Bug-Fix in Q-Dir, unter Windows 10 beim Öffnen von diversen Dateitypen (*.jpg, *.zip usw.) durch ein Doppelklick oder ENTER.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.10.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2015, 17:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Column, DLL

Titel: QT TabBar 1033
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2015, 15:15
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Whats new:>>


Size of Extra view is not saved in some languages.
Condition "Location" of Custom color is ignored and colors are applied to desktop.
Icon picker dialog fails to get an icon from ".ico" files!
Preview for ".ico" files - the largest icon in the file.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.1 Build 2025 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2015, 12:14
Whats new:>>

ADDED - The View Filter popup menu how also list the global advanced filters
ADDED - View Filter can now also use the advanced filters
ADDED - From the view filter popup menu it is now possible to define a advanced filter to be used
FIXED - Filename matching using Contins,BeginWith,EndWith in Advanced filters now work

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2015, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Results folder

Titel: XYplorer Free 15.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2015, 05:25
Whats new:>>

Thumbnails Speed. New "High Speed" mode generates thumbnails 3 to 5 times faster than before.

Not much to show or explain here. Just select "High Speed" in Configuration | Thumbnails | Quality and enjoy. Just one thing: Vista or later is needed to get the new speed.

To give you something colorful to look at, here is a picture wall done with XYplorer's thumbnails view (small thumbnails size, no caption, zoom to fill, padding 1 pixel):

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.1 Build 2026 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2015, 09:04
Whats new:>>

FIXED - UI Issues with View Filter field
FIXED - View Filter toggle on/off when advanced filter was set

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2015, 09:01
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.


- Added welcome screen on first time use
- Added Armenian localization (Thanks Aram!)
- Fixed wrong 'data rate' properties in certain AVI files
- Fixed bug where WMP would no longer add AVI files when Icaros was handling the properties
- Fixed thumbnailing of certain FLV files
- Fixed IC crash when using the 'Display overlay icons' feature
- Fixed IC crash when refreshing the thumbs of files that are in use
- Fixed the highlight on checkboxes and colorboxes in IC on Win 8+
- Fixed douple-clicking the very top of the window when IC is maximized
- Fixed hang in Flac cover parser when parsing rare invalid flac files
- Improved general cover parsing code
- Localizations are now sorted in alphabetical order
- Changed the default 'thumb page' color
- Updated existing localizations
- Updated FFmpeg

Titel: CarotDAV v1.12.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2015, 18:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.2 Build 698
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2015, 19:30
Whats new:>>

ADDED: S3. Setting proper mime-type when upload files
FIXED: Amazon Cloud Drive. Fixed error when download large file (>9GB)
FIXED: Improved stability when appending data to existing files
FIXED: Minor bugs

Titel: QTTabBar 1034
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2015, 05:20
Whats new:>>

- Supports virtual desktop of Windows10.
- An option to enable / disable blue focus rectangle in Compatible View.
- Dynamic custom color of Compatible View.
- Fixed the issue of background color of focused item on Desktop.
- Fixed a bug: new group can overwrite with a name that is different only in letter case.
- Added a tool named "ExplorerSafeMode.exe".
- Built using Visual Studio 2015 on Windows10.
- Advance notice: Update of requirements is scheduled.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.1 Build 2030 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2015, 17:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

  ADDED - Explorer panel settings for Column sortby and sort order for new tabs.
  ADDED - Custom Command MC.Explorer.SetFilter now has as parameter FILTERID, that can be used to set an existing advanced filter
  ADDED - Explorer Panel Tweak settings for enable/disable for context menu for current location should be shown on ".."
  ADDED - FSFTP bookmark now has an option if the log windows should be shown or not when connecting.
  FIXED - DuplicateTab will now duplicate most tab/explorer panel settings.
  FIXED - Filter window will now ask to save modified filter.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.32.51111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2015, 19:30
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Titel: Multi Commander 5.6.1 Build 2032 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2015, 12:26
Whats new:>>

 ADDED - Explorer panel settings for default path for new tabs
  ADDED - Custom Command MC.Explorer.Selection.Select now has a "FILTERID" parameter
  FIXED - MultiFileViewer can now find text part backwards (up) in Unicode text files again

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4455 Stable
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2015, 17:04
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

svs 07.11.2015 00:28:32 +0300 - build 4454

1. SQLite 3.9.2

drkns 01.11.2015 19:04:35 +0200 - build 4453

1. Refactoring, VS15 warnings and other issues.

drkns 01.11.2015 18:59:48 +0200 - build 4452

1. For the future: split FindFiles into two separate classes: UI and search.

drkns 31.10.2015 13:07:10 +0200 - build 4451

1. 0003077: Exception in search in alternate streams

shmuel 28.10.2015 19:12:06 +0200 - build 4450

1. Minor refactoring in macro system.

w17 27.10.2015 19:36:48 +0300 - build 4449

1. Continuation of 4448. Do not crash in STACK_OVERFLOW handler, minidump shows the correct place of stack overflow.

w17 27.10.2015 17:39:42 +0300 - build 4448

1. Experimental: Minidump save button (%FARPROFILE%\Far.mdmp) in processing of SEHException.

drkns 27.10.2015 01:26:44 +0200 - build 4447

1. 0003026: FindFiles access violation exception

drkns 26.10.2015 09:25:44 +0200 - build 4446

1. Status line format string moved to lng.

drkns 24.10.2015 11:59:47 +0200 - build 4445

1. 0003053: Highlighting of files with >1 hard links slows down the panels on network volumes
   Add checking of FS name for OS which do not support FILE_SUPPORTS_HARD_LINKS.

drkns 24.10.2015 02:29:09 +0200 - build 4444

1. 0002520: Incorrect text of system error

2. 0003089: Minor edits in info panel (Ctrl+L) (partially).

drkns 24.10.2015 01:21:54 +0200 - build 4443

1. Some renamings to fix VS2015 warnings.

drkns 24.10.2015 00:04:08 +0200 - build 4442

1. Forum: show the number of folders in current panel.

2. Warnings.

w17 20.10.2015 16:21:53 +0300 - build 4441

1. M#3100: Crash on search in invalid ZIP archive
   Treatment for symptoms.

svs 19.10.2015 10:31:45 +0300 - build 4440

1. SQLite 3.9.1

drkns 18.10.2015 13:18:18 +0200 - build 4439

1. Carriage return was incorrectly processed in editor for codepages where it differed from 0x0d / 0x0a (EBCDIC etc.)

drkns 17.10.2015 14:35:10 +0200 - build 4438

1. Refactoring.

svs 16.10.2015 12:33:02 +0300 - build 4437

1. Mantis#0003062: FSF.CopyToClipboard+FCT_COLUMN desynchronizes clipboard
   For FCT_STREAM SetClipboard is used which clears the clipboard by itself.
   For FCT_COLUMN SetClipboardFormat(FCF_VERTICALBLOCK_UNICODE) is used which does not clear the clipboard and adds the data instead, so OEM is left intact.

      SetClipboardFormat just adds the vertical block data to an existing content.

svs 15.10.2015 16:40:58 +0300 - build 4436

1. Mantis#0003061: FSF.CopyToClipboard + FCT_COLUMN: vertical blocks compatible with third-party applications
   Support for vertical blocks "Borland IDE Block Type" and "MSDEVColumnSelect" along with "FAR_VerticalBlock_Unicode".

   FAR adds new types to clipboard only for copying a vertical block.
   In clipboard:
     "FAR_VerticalBlock_Unicode" "native" FAR block
     "Borland IDE Block Type" block contains 1 byte 0x02
     "MSDEVColumnSelect"      block contains 0 bytes.
     The data itself is contained in "CF_UNICODETEXT".

   FAR accepts these types when pasting into the editor so it inserts vertical block.

svs 15.10.2015 13:15:19 +0300 - build 4435

1. Mantis#0003070: DI_EDIT+DIF_EDITEXPAND: variables are expanded too early
   "Expansion" takes place only if dialog procedure has returned TRUE.

svs 14.10.2015 17:41:39 +0300 - build 4434

1. SQLite 3.9.0

2. Mantis#0003033: Defect in drawing a frame in DI_TEXT+DIF_SEPARATORUSER

drkns 12.10.2015 18:26:07 +0200 - build 4433

1. another correction of 4431.

w17 12.10.2015 14:00:11 +0300 - build 4432

1. correction of 4431.

drkns 11.10.2015 16:04:27 +0200 - build 4431

1. Refactoring.

drkns 02.10.2015 09:36:40 +0200 - build 4430

1. 0003080: Alternate editor/viewer in FindFile results: temporary files will be deleted on FindFile closing. This should give enough time for external editor to open temporary file.

drkns 29.09.2015 21:44:11 +0200 - build 4429

1. Forum: "Something has happened to network volume deletion messages after 4424"

2. The path is displayed in subst volume disconnection confirmation dialog.

3. Minor fixes.

drkns 29.09.2015 09:06:03 +0200 - build 4428

1. gcc build fix

2. Refactoring.

drkns 26.09.2015 21:44:35 +0200 - build 4427

1. 0003093: "Drive" dialog (Alt-F1,Alt-F2) is not closed on Esc key press if the current panel directory is UNC path

2. Refactoring.

drkns 24.09.2015 22:50:09 +0200 - build 4426

1. Do not lose entered text when scrolling through history in command line.

2. Refactoring.

3. Warnings.

drkns 23.09.2015 02:45:20 +0200 - build 4425

1. Refactoring.

drkns 21.09.2015 19:19:19 +0200 - build 4424

1. Correction of 4423.1.

drkns 18.09.2015 22:40:33 +0200 - build 4423

1. Now we accept //these/paths too.

2. GCC build fix

3. Refactoring.

drkns 17.09.2015 22:04:20 +0200 - build 4422

1. Refactoring.

drkns 17.09.2015 20:59:50 +0200 - build 4421

1. Correction and simplification of environment variables auto-update logic.

svs 17.09.2015 19:11:41 +0300 - build 4420

1. Correction of build 4419 to match the planned logic (see the help)

svs 17.09.2015 19:04:05 +0300 - build 4419

1. Mantis#0003078: Configuration editor *marks some parameters as modified even in a new profile
   Only about "System.CopyBufferSize".

svs 10.09.2015 10:31:11 +0300 - build 4418

1. Mantis#0003055: ID missing for file deletion dialog, unable to check.

    DeleteWipeId                     = {9C054039-5C7E-4B04-96CD-3585228C916F}  --> Dlg.Id
    Main dialog for wiping of files/folders

    DeleteRecycleId                  = {85A5F779-A881-4B0B-ACEE-6D05653AE0EB}  --> Dlg.Id
    Main dialog for deleting of files/folders to recycle bin

    DeleteFileFolderId               = {85A5F779-A881-4B0B-ACEE-6D05653AE0EB}  --> Dlg.Id
    Main dialog for deleting of files/folders

    The next ones are various warnings on removing/wiping:

    DeleteLinkId                     = {B1099BC3-14BD-4B22-87AC-44770D4189A3}  --> Dlg.Id
    "Remove link" dialog

    DeleteFolderId                   = {4E714029-11BF-476F-9B17-9E47AA0DA8EA}  --> Dlg.Id
    Folder removal dialog
    (System.DeleteToRecycleBin = false)

    DeleteFolderRecycleId            = {A318CBDC-DBA9-49E9-A248-E6A9FF8EC849}  --> Dlg.Id
    Dialog for deleting a folder to recycle bin
    (System.DeleteToRecycleBin = true)

    WipeFolderId                     = {E23BB390-036E-4A30-A9E6-DC621617C7F5}  --> Dlg.Id
    Dialog for wiping a folder

    DeleteAskDeleteROId              = {8D4E84B3-08F6-47DF-8C40-7130CD31D0E6}  --> Dlg.Id
    ReadOnly file deletion confirmation

    DeleteAskWipeROId                = {6792A975-57C5-4110-8129-2D8045120964}  --> Dlg.Id
    ReadOnly file wiping confirmation

    WipeHardLinkId                   = {5297DDFE-0A37-4465-85EF-CBF9006D65C6}  --> Dlg.Id
    Warning on wiping a file with multiple hard links

    RecycleFolderConfirmDeleteLinkId = {26A7AB9F-51F5-40F7-9061-1AE6E2FBD00A}  --> Dlg.Id
    Warning on a folder containing symbolic links and data loss after cleaning the recycle bin
    so the links have to be deleted (см. MRecycleFolderConfirmDeleteLink?)

    CannotRecycleFileId              = {52CEB5A5-06FA-43DD-B37C-239C02652C99}  --> Dlg.Id
    Could not delete file to recycle bin

    CannotRecycleFolderId            = {BBD9B7AE-9F6B-4444-89BF-C6124A5A83A4}  --> Dlg.Id
    Could not delete folder to recycle bin

svs 08.09.2015 17:50:24 +0300 - build 4417

1. Mantis#0002905: Assign GUID to "Apply command" dialog (CtrlG)

    ApplyCommandId                   = {044EF83E-8146-41B2-97F0-404C2F4C7B69}  --> Dlg.Id
    "Apply command" dialog (CtrlG)

w17 08.09.2015 16:09:18 +0300 - build 4416

1. Correction of 4414 -typo

w17 08.09.2015 12:29:00 +0300 - build 4415

1. Continuation of 4392, 4394 (M#2951)
   Remove traces of Tree from command menu and keybar.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.11.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2015, 21:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

15.11.15   Fix minor bugs
15.11.8   Fix minor bugs
15.11.2   Adjusted: Results folder

Titel: Q-Dir 6.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2015, 13:52
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Einige Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 10 und aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir..

Titel: Folders Popup v5.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2015, 21:20
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

Windows 10 compatibility update:

- Update special folders initialization.
- Adjust menu icons to Windows 10 icon files.
- Shorten application description in executable file (used in Tray menus).
- Shorten notification tray tip texts for better display.
 - Disable beep on some Tray tips.

Fix bug with favorite application parameters, letting user enclose parameters with double-quotes only if required.
German and French language updates.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.8.0 Build 2036 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2015, 19:30
Whats new:>>

ADDED - Hold CTRL while pressing return/OK button in MakeDir dialog and the ExplorerPanel will enter that folder
ADDED - Custom command MC.Explorer.Makedir has a new parameter "GOTO" that will make the Explorer Panel to enter the new folder
ADDED - Advanced filter now support RegEx matching of filename
CHANGE- Filter Editor will now use space as separator when entering multiple values to look for. (before it was | )
FIXED - Various fixes in Filter Editor

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.32.51115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2015, 19:20
Whats new: >>

[!]Fix Cart,Pay Now small bugs;
[!]Decrease installer size;
​[!]Update Helper;

Titel: QT TabBar 1035
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2015, 10:30
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Whats new:>>


Desktop tool crashes
Toolbar names are garbled in Japanese environments

Titel: XYplorerFree v16.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2015, 15:20
Image Tagging: A new Tag Bar allows for tagging and commenting images right from the Floating Preview.
Image File Processing: Now you can run a custom script directly from the Floating Preview.
Fujifilm Photos: Added support for the maker notes in Fujifilm JPEGs.
Autosave Settings: Added the option to automatically save settings after a certain time.
Breadcrumb Bars: Now you can drop stuff onto the Breadcrumb Bars.
Advanced Hex Search: Now you can find files with particular byte patterns at particular positions.
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.8.0 Build 2040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2015, 18:00
Around 135+ changes since v5.6

Biggest new feature are the new Advanced Filters. This filters can be used for selections and ViewFiltering.
In the future this filers will also be able to be used in search and filecoloring

    Advanced Filters - Can be used in Selection and ViewFiltering
    Advanced Folder Compare - That allows multiple rules for comparing folders and selecting files/folders
    In MakeDir window, Hold the CTRL key when pressing OK or return key, It will make the Explorer Panel enter the new folder
    Lots of fixes
    + a lot more

ADDED - Advanced Filters, This filters can be used in Selection and View Filters (
           Search and FileColoring will also use them in future release)
   ADDED - Custom Command MC.Explorer.Selection.Select now has a "FILTERID" parameter,
           Use it to select a Advanced filter
   ADDED - Custom Command MC.Explorer.SetFilter now has as parameter FILTERID,
           that can be used to set an existing advanced filter
   ADDED - Custom command MC.Explorer.Makedir has a new parameter "GOTO" that will make the Explorer Panel
           to enter the new folder
   ADDED - Hold CTRL while pressing return/OK button in MakeDir dialog and the ExplorerPanel will enter that folder
   ADDED - Explorer panel settings for default path for new tabs
   ADDED - Explorer panel settings for column sortby and sort order for new tabs.
   ADDED - Explorer Panel tweak settings for enable/disable of context menu for current location should be shown on ".."
   ADDED - File Operation progress now show progress of queuing items for internal plugin operations.
   ADDED - Menu > Edit > Compare Folders Advanced - For advanced compare of the source/target folders for selections.
   ADDED - FSFTP bookmark now has an option if the log windows should be shown or not when connecting.
   ADDED - FSFTP will now log data connections errors better.
   FIXED - DuplicateTab will now duplicate most tab/explorer panel settings.
   FIXED - QuickLaunchBar will now remember the Right click options for AllowInsertByDrop/AllowRearrange
   FIXED - Fixad issue when unpacking large zip with duplicated files in archive.
   FIXED - FSZip issue when overwriting existing files
   FIXED - FSFTP now send "AUTH TLS" instead of "AUTH TLS-P" for protected login
   FIXED - SetFolderDateTime tool can cause a crash.
   FIXED - Icon Override Setup is no longer case sensitive
   FIXED - MultiFileViewer - Highlighting was sometimes not shown. Was overdrawn by Syntax Coloring
   FIXED - MultiFileViewer - RegEx syntax coloring rule could sometimes cause a crash
   FIXED - MultiFileViewer - Can now find text part backwards (up) in Unicode text files again

Titel: Multi Commander 5.8.1 Build 2042
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2015, 06:00
Whats new:>>

- Some language packs are updated 
- Fixed some minor annoying bugs

Titel: Q-Dir 6.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2015, 13:11
Was ist neu :>>

Korrekturen und Verbesserungen für Windows 7, 8.1 und Windows 10, plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.33.51122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2015, 19:30
Whats new: >>

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.010
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2015, 21:00
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Greek translation updated
Properties dialog extension
Internal restructuring
Bugfix for renaming folders
F2 key for direct editing, thumbnails F7
Correction/extension of filetypes
Help files updated

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2015, 21:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.
In a rare situation only the first symbolic link of a smart-copy was linked incorrectly.
The Auto Rename functionality didn't work in rare situations. Fixed for XP and Windows7/8/10
Adaptions for Windows 10 Tech Preview 9841/9926.
Fixed a crash, when files were dropped from Bandzip to the desktop.
Added localization for Korean. Thanks to Mireado from Korea!
Fixed a crash in W10 when closing the properties dialog on junctions/symlinks.
On Windows10 systems which have been upgraded from Windows7 the enumeration of hardlinks siblings via the property page takes very long.

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2015, 05:20
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Update : Enable/disable additional context menu items
Update : OK button closes application if no changes are pending
Update : Simulation mode added to confirmation dialog
Update : Updated user guide

Titel: Folders Popup 5.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2015, 05:50
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source

Whats new:>>

Italian and French language updates
Fix an error in link for setup file in v5.2.1

Titel: QT TabBar 1036
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2015, 12:21
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Whats new:>>

Improved support for Per-monitor DPI of Windows8.1 and 10.
Added new commands: GetSystemDPi, GetWindowDpi, GetDpiFromPoint. New property of Window object: Window.Dpi.
Update "Window Manager" plug-in to support Per-monitor DPI environments. Go Plug-ins
Option to do File Search by filter box of Extra views.
Tune of timing that triggers the event "Window is opened"
Scripting commands after "Cut" now work with focused view.
option to enable hardware rendering of H.264 videos on sub monitors. Default value is 'On'. Formerly 'Off' and no option.
Corrected hiding other application windows by mouse move on folder view.
Corrected return values of commands - ScrollView, GetColumnWidth.
Invoking undefined commands now causes no error.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.34.51204
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2015, 13:20
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

built-in review;
built-in discuss;
build-in blog;
built-in forum;
built-in rating;

Titel: AudioShell 2.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2015, 16:00
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

added support for Xtra atom in mp4 files (this atom used by Windows Explorer and Windows Media Player)
minor fixes

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.031
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2015, 13:58
Whats new:>>

Bugfix for properties dialog
Bugfix for lower buttons
Added option to display path of file(s)
Options dialog rearranged
Filesizes optimized

Titel: QT TabBar 1038
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2015, 16:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed in 1038:

Error of Option window when Visual Style is disabled on Windows7

Titel: CarotDAV v1.12.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2015, 20:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.35.51212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2015, 04:40
Whats new: >>

Built-in Vmail - A private conversation with vendor like email;

Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.0 Build 2050 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2015, 12:21
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

ADDED - Advanced Filters now starting to support extended file properties.
CHANGE- Change default mode of button panel
FIXED - Issue when reading default path
FIXED - Crash issue for very long network path.
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues.

Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 SVN 687 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2015, 05:20
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.

Added GUI support for setting buffer count (used with async read/write),
Binary files are now built using Visual Studio 2015 Update 1,
Bugfix: fast move sometimes performed copy+delete instead of content-less moving,
Bugfix: resuming copying caused file to be rewritten from the beginning,
Bugfix: crash at the end of copying when storing last task state to sqlite database,
Bugfix: shell extension "Copy To" -> "Choose location" did not display dialog with locations,
Bugfix: amount of tasks running concurrently were not properly counted when limit was already exceeded by manual user resume,
Bugfix: buffer changes were not stored in the database,
Bugfix: changing buffer size while task was running causes task to fail,
Dev: updated sqlite3, boost to newer versions,

Titel: XYplorerFree 16.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2015, 18:45


Completely revised the preview engine. Now you can preview Office, Audio, and Video files using the available preview handlers. A huge improvement over previous versions, notably for Office files and document formats like RTF, PDF, and XPS.

Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview:

Now it supports previewing Office, PDF, Audio and Video, Font, and Icon files. And, of course, you still can view your photos with it.

Batch Move:

This feature allows you to automatically distribute a large number of files by certain criteria to automatically created folders, in one go. A neat freak's dream.

Multilingual Support:

Added support for Finnish.


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.36.51216
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2015, 21:45
Whats new: >>

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2015, 16:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Added option to export file list as CSV

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 15.12.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2015, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix single line tab, context menu

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2015, 10:31
Whats new:>>

FIXED (Amazon Cloud Drive): Reduced 302 Redirect Traffics
FIXED (Amazon Cloud Drive): Use changes API when browsing folders
FIXED: Daylight saving time issues
FIXED: Clear cache folder when starting NetDrive
FIXED: Abnormal Termination of NetDrive when shutting down or rebooting Windows
NOTE for Amazon Cloud Drive users: Please update to this version. As we noted before previous versions of NetDrive including 2.6.2 will stop working with Amazon Cloud Drive.
You can quit currently running NetDrive from tray menu. Right click on NetDrive icon and select quit.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2015, 09:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Improved the appareance of the icons of FileMenu Tools, similar to the icons of Windows 10.
Added hotkey to submenu FileMenu Tools.
Improved Find and replace: it could take a long time to respond the window at the beginning of the search if the folder had a lot of subfolders.
Fixed bug in Create new folder: the folder name was limited in length.
The option "Convert paths to URL format" of the custom commands now works also with variables %FILENAME1%, %FILETITLE1%, etc.
Delete empty folders: you can choose the folders to delete.
Fixed bug in Advanced renamer: it may fail when renaming folders recursively.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 SVN 704 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2015, 15:15
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


[CH-165] - Soft freeze when file is 'Access is denied' and 'Apply to all items' + 'Retry' is choosen
[CH-189] - Random size stats errors when copying data
[CH-190] - Build tools cannot be run on machines with only VS2015 installed
[CH-191] - Task serialization might fail when restarting task
[CH-192] - Setting attributes not always done using filesystem layer
[CH-194] - Wrong handling of paths longer than 260 chars

Other changes:

[CH-193] - Refactoring: remove use of icpf::circular_buffer
[CH-195] - Optimize searching for files subtask
[CH-196] - Unify retrieving file/dir attributes when file handle is open

Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2015, 12:15
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf den von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten Speicherplatz zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Whats new: >>

The problem of files downloading has been fixed

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: NetDrive 2.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2015, 15:30
Whats new:>>

FIXED (Amazon Cloud Drive): Issue with listing duplicated folders after uploading files
FIXED: Issue with handling temp file of MS Office
NOTE: For Amazon Cloud Drive users: Please update to this version. As we noted before previous versions of NetDrive including 2.6.2 will stop working with Amazon Cloud Drive.
NOTE: If you have problem updating NetDrive, please uninstall and install again. Some users have problems while updating NetDrive.
NOTE: You can quit currently running NetDrive from tray menu. Right click on NetDrive icon and select quit.:
NOTE: If you have problem updating NetDrive, please uninstall and install again. Some users have problems while updating NetDrive.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.37.51223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2015, 17:20
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2015, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2015, 22:30
Whats new:>>

To celebrate that anniversary, I'm releasing the first release candidate of Copy Handler 1.40.
This release includes fixes for various bugs found in the beta versions.

Titel: FileMenu Tools v7.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2015, 10:15
Whats new:>>

Bug fixes:

    Issue with Total Commander: The copy window was showed always when running any command of FMT.
    Crash when right-clicking on Library icon of Windows Explorer.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.0 Build 2054 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2015, 17:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

FIXED - UI and Language fixes for Advanced filters
  FIXED - Extended File properties in Advanced filters works a lot better.
  FIXED - Minor FTP / Network logging improvements for better diagnostic when failure happens
  FIXED - 1 Rare stability issue

Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.0 Build 2057 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2015, 19:00
Whats new:>>

  FIXED - PageUp/PageDown navigation sometimes jump to far and missed some items.
  FIXED - List ViewMode and ThumbList ViewMode sometimes failed if first column was not filename
  ADDED - Dynamic Column Properties for showing line number. (Can't be used in Filters or MultiRename)
  ADDED - Copy path to clipboard will append trailing slash for folders.
  ADDED - Option to show history popup as sorted or not.
  ADDED - Command to show the Panel specific Recent (Back button) Popup. Can now customize key to show popup
  ADDED - Settings to change how Rename Similar works.  Ask/No/Always

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.10.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2015, 05:30
Latest Changes

- Multilingual Support. Added support for Catalan
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2016 Build 706 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2016, 11:30
freeCommander is a dual-panel file explorer with many features. In addition to the standard file management features, it can be used to compare directories, display folder sizes, synchronize folders and more. The program can also open/create ZIp and CAB files, and open RAR files as well as search inside those archives. You can set view filters, create folder list (for printing), change file attributes, launch a command prompt, take a desktop screenshot and more.


- Bug fix: Right align extension problem http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6938
- Bug fix: Exception on drop operation on favorite toolbar http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=6947
- Bug fix: Rename problem in the tree http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7019
- Bug fix: Target file name can not be changed if pack one file http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7026
- Bug fix: Layout with the tree does not set the proper width of the tree
- Implemented: Right click with the pressed control key changes the meaning of the option RightClickEmptySpaceFcMenu
- Implemented: Option "OpenItemsWarningItemsCount=2" to define in the [Form] section of the freecommander.ini (default value 2)
- If you do not like the warning message for opening of multiple files, then increase the value
- Implemented: Last used plugin for the pack operation will be saved
- Implemented: New option added, Settings->View: Change splitter color if content is not visible
- Implemented: FTP functions added
- Implemented: AND operator for quick filter implemented: \&
- Implemented: Full screen state (F11) will be saved
- Implemented: New command added - actViewQuickViewSetFocus: Set focus to quick view panel; Activate quick view panel
- Implemented: New sorting commands added (site specific) - now you can use sorting buttons in address bar and they show proper state; You should use the normal sorting commands - without "left" or "right" suffix
- Changed: Options for subfolder filter in the search dialog

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.37.51227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2016, 14:45
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Reduce installer size;
[!]Fix installer need .NET 3.5 bug;
[!]Fix 32bits system cannot privew .docx bug;
[!]Update Helper;

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2016, 14:23
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

DPI bugfix: dpiAware
Correction for window positions
UnInstCleanup V1.220 added
Tools updated: Directory V3.390,
llAnalyzer V1.380, ExePacker V1.860,
FileShredder V1.780, FileMove V1.590

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2016 Build 707 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2016, 19:45
Whats new:>>

- Bug fix: FTP upload broken

Titel: FileMenu Tools v7.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2016, 05:50
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed memory leak that may cause instability in Windows Explorer.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2016, 05:40
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug in column sorting for non-English systems.
Fixed bug where non-English systems showed the wrong separator character for numbers.
Fixed bug in export to csv for non-English systems where number separator wasn't being removed.
Improved stability and speed of folder size calculation.
Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.0 Build 2060 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2016, 16:51
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

ADDED - MultiLine text editor used by Advanced Filters now support Ctrl+A to select all text
FIXED - Advanced Filters now using large text buffer allowing for large text filters to be entered
FIXED - FSFTP will now log what cipher suite that is used better (If doing FTP-SSL/TLS)
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issue

Titel: Q-Dir 6.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2016, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Kleine Änderungen, Verbesserungen und Fehlerbehebungen für x64-Betriebssysteme
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.10a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2016, 20:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


· Internal changes in shell extension ( now listed correctly in ShellExView from NirSoft )
· Optimized locking mechanism to prevent unnecessary failed actions
· Fixed column ‘Name – N’ to only display foldername, not complete path
· Fixed option ‘Picture date and time from JPEG’ to keep existing date and time if no EXIF data is detected.
· Fixed wrong tab selection in ‘Detailed Reporting’ window

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 Build 1105
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2016, 21:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.38.60106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2016, 12:15
Whats new: >>

Add Leisure module
Add Game module
Add Task module
Add using exchange coins
Update Helper

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2016, 06:15
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities


New view modes

Now FileVoyager provides 3 additional ways to display the files and folder listings. Those are not killer features but will probably be welcome by the users.

An Information pane in the Viewer

With this new feature, you will be able to visualize a lot of information about the file you are viewing.The visibility of the Information pane can be toggled by pressing the “i” button in the main menu of the viewer.

My own preferred feature is the one that shows the map when you are viewing photos that contains a geolocation.
When you click the map, it opens the full featured map in Google Maps

Of course, I’ve also made some bug fixing and stabilization everywhere in the program.

I’ve also made available an installer and a portable version that don’t contain the VLC codecs.
This reduced by four the weight of the download package.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2016, 16:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Regular expression

Titel: Hardlink Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2016, 18:45
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Files with a size beeing a multiple of 16777216 were copied properly, but in the logfile generated an error message even if there was none.
The progress bar didn't increase properly during Smartmirror if the files were the same.
In a rare situation only the first symbolic link of a smart-copy was linked incorrectly.
The Auto Rename functionality didn't work in rare situations. Fixed for XP and Windows7/8/10
Adaptions for Windows 10 Tech Preview 9841/9926.
Fixed a crash, when files were dropped from Bandzip to the desktop.
Added localization for Korean. Thanks to Mireado from Korea!
Fixed a crash in W10 when closing the properties dialog on junctions/symlinks.
On Windows10 systems which have been upgraded from Windows7 the enumeration of hardlinks siblings via the property page takes very long.
Prerequisites install not needed with Windows 10, thus do not check for prerequisites under Windows 10.
Prerequisites still checked by installer with Windows10.

Titel: Multi Commander v5.9.0 (Build 2062)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2016, 05:50


    Advanced Filters now support extended file properties.
    Workaround for faulty zip archive created by OneDrive Web (Download multiple files from OneDrive Web)
    Dynamic column properties for showing line number. (Can't be used in Filters or MultiRename)
    Copy path to clipboard will append trailing slash for folders.
    Option to show history popup as sorted or not.
    Command to show the Panel specific Recent (Back button) Popup. Can now customize key to show popup
    Settings to change how Rename Similar works. Ask/No/Always


    FSFTP will now log what cipher suite that is used better (If doing FTP-SSL/TLS)
    PageUp/PageDown navigation sometimes jump to far and missed some items.
    List ViewMode and ThumbList ViewMode sometimes failed if first column was not filename
    Issue when reading default path for new explorer panels.
    Crash issue for very long network path.
    5 Rare stability issues.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.01.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2016, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Commander 1.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2016, 20:45
Datei-Manager im Split-Screen-Modus mit integriertem Bild-Betrachter; erhältlich auch als portable Version zum Starten vom USB-Stick; der Autor des Programms bittet um eine Spende.



Copy progress bar bugfix
  Support for reverse column sorting
  Improved support for Windows large fonts setting / high DPI monitors
  Black theme for image browsing
Changes in version 1.37 (2015-05-16):
  Bottom bar buttons changes when Shift/Ctrl/Alt pressed
  Support for more ICO file formats
  Edit menu
  "Only show filter matches" option
  Moving directories is faster
  Explorer file search can now be opened
  .shortcut files can now be of the format "tool.exe" %1 %2
  Shortcut menu is grouped in subdirectories
  UTF8 format option in text view right click menu
  Unzip file with directories bugfix


Titel: XYplorer Free 16.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2016, 17:22
Latest Changes

Global Visual Filters:

One of the best features of XYplorer got even better. All previous limits have been stripped from Global Visual Filters. Global filtering now is totally easy to do and more powerful at the same time. No extra rules to learn, it just works as you expect it to work.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.38.60115
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2016, 21:15
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2016, 04:30
Whats new:>>

ADDED: MS Office MIME type support for Google Drive
ADDED: Debug log for cache settings
FIXED: Unmount issue on Windows 10
FIXED: Issue with handling files on Amazon Cloud Drive
FIXED: Issue when uploading files which removed on server but remains in local cache
FIXED: Issue with trial version which expires prematurely before 30days passed
FIXED: Setup issue with earlier version of Windows
NOTE: You can quit currently running NetDrive from tray menu. Right click on NetDrive icon and select quit.

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2016, 15:42
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2016, 07:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Installation updated
GUI rearrangements
Installation updated
UnInstCleanup V1.300 added
Info dialog updated
Tools updated: Directory V3.400,
DllAnalyzer 1.380, ExePacker 1.880,
FileShredder 1.810, FileMove 1.610

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4510 Stable
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2016, 16:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Non-system copy function worked incorrectly on sparse files with block size more than 4 GB.

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2016, 17:40
Latest Changes

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Batch Move:

Now also RegExp Rename supports Batch Move.

Hide protected operating system files:

Now you can easily hide items that are both HIDDEN and SYSTEM.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2016, 06:15
Whats new:>>

Correction in rename dialog

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2016, 21:20
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities



+ New: Added possibility to disable RSS newsfeed showing at the top of the main window
+ New: Added possibility to never check for update
~ Chg: Removed the AcidSpunk audio visualisation because it writes data in the registry and it's not possible to disable that
- Fix: Removed the creation of a "vis.ini" file that was accidentally put in c:\windows folder
- Fix: A bug in the metadata pane of the viewer that was repeating a line each time the file was scrolled (only in Syntax highlighting mode)


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2016 Build 715
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2016, 05:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

- Bug fix: Exception on program start if program was closed with only right panel
- Bug fix: Locked tab will be unlocked if the locked path is not available
- Bug fix: FTP - TLS can not be defined
- Bug fix: Save current layout broken
- Bug fix: Exception by Alt+V if "Compare folders" option "Show dialog with options" is active and Windows font is set to 200%
- Changed: Search dialog - "Use for full subfolder path (otherwise only for subfolder name)" possible for folder filter
- Implemented: Search dialog - fast attribute filter is possible in field "File name:" (see the hint to the field)
- Implemented: Search dialog - selected items are preserved when sorting

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2016, 05:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: High DPI

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2016, 06:15
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Realtive symbolic links on absolute symbolic links to a different drive, were not created properly.
Added Greek localization. Thanks to George Malamas!
SmartMove didn't work when Backup Mode was enabled.
Runs again with Windows 2000 (Flaw introduced with
The Vcredist check is back by default, but can be skipped by passing /noredist during install via commandline.
Relative symbolic links on UNC path were recreated with wrong target during SmartCopy.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2016, 09:17
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed bug in Calculate and Verify Checksums: CRC32 checksum was not generated correctly.
Fixed bug: sometimes the separators was not displayed in the context menu.
Fixed bug: in Windows 7 with the classic theme the submenu Attributes was not displayed correctly.
Fixed bug: custom commands could not be enabled/disabled.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: XYplorer Free 16.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 20:40
Latest Changes

- Hide protected operating system files. A new toolbar button allows you to quickly show/hide those Desktop.ini and Thumbs.db files
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Konvertor 5.04.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2016, 21:30
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shallow learning curve, which gives users of all levels of expertise the ability to process and alter files quickly an efficiently.


Titel: Konvertor 5.04.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2016, 15:05


    3 new text formats


    Portable install fixed (Konvertor could not read its initialization files)

Konvertor v5.04 Build 2


    15 new text formats
    6 new image formats
    7 new audio formats
    1 new archive format
    2 new video formats


    Added a Quickview panel for texts, images, music and videos


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2016, 13:33
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Second correction for rename dialog
New FileShredder 1.820 added

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.2.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2016, 16:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Minor changes

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4545
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2016, 17:40
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.5 Build 2075 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2016, 12:31
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

ADDED - File Coloring engine is now using the Advanced Filter system for file coloring
CHANGE- File Coloring Rules Editor change to use the advanced filtering system
FIXED - Copy Progress bar issues when copying more then 4TB or data
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues

Titel: Q-Dir 6.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2016, 13:51
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Drag and Drop Bug-Fix für Windows-10 und Windows-Server 2016!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: 7z NSE 1.201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2016, 05:13
7z NSE is a shell namespace extension that makes compressed archive files browsable as folders in windows explorer and compatible file managers. List includes archives lile 7Z, RAR, ARJ, GZIP as well as image files ISO, IMG, etc.


Latest Changes

- Added support for windows XP and password protected archives

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2016, 06:10
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Update : Enable/disable confirmation dialog
Update : Re-add simulation mode to main window
Update : Updated user guide

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.130
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2016, 13:33
Whats new:>>

Installation updated: UnInstCleanup V1.420 added
Tools updated: Directory V3.410, DllAnalyzer 1.390, ExePacker 1.890, FileShredder 1.830, FileMove 1.620

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2016, 19:30
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities



+ New: Czech translation (65% completed) - thanks to Vozdecky Vlastimil
~ Chg: Slovak translation (80% completed) - thanks to Martin Machara
- Fix: Fixed a few English language errors


Titel: XYplorer Free 16.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2016, 04:51
Latest Changes

Color Histogram:

The Floating Preview now sports an optional color histogram. Lets you check out your photos' color channels in a blink.

Thumbs Gallery:

Now it's easy to quickly toggle between normal thumbnails and a hardcore gallery mode without captions, padding, or white space. The classic wall of pictures.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.12.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2016, 19:40
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2016, 19:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed bug: sometimes the separators was not enabled.
Fixed bug in Calculate and verify checksums: the calculated checksum field was not updated when calculating a new checksum.
Fixed bug in Advanced renamer: the preview was not updated when changing the selected item of combo boxes with mouse or keyboard.
Minor bug fixes.

Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.140
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 05:10
Whats new:>>

- Greek help file added
- Help files updated
- Tools updated
- Installation updated

Titel: Q-Dir 6.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 14:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

In Q-Dir können jetzt beide Adressleisten angezeigt werden.
Neu: Button Aktualisieren, kann aber über Extras, Adressleiste deaktiviert werden
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Open Command Prompt Here
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 19:20
Launch the Command Prompt with or without administrative rights directly at any folder from Windows Explorer.Open Command Prompt Here is a free shell extension to the right click menu of Windows Explorer that adds a menu item to the right click context menu that opens the command prompt at the selected folder with or without admin rights. Both Windows 32bit and Windows 64bit are supported.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.2.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2016, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Drop target

Titel: Unreal Commander 2.02 Build 1111
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2016, 16:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


kein Changelog verfügbar

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2016, 21:20
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10


Whats new:>>

Fixed bug which caused FSE to open as small blank window when user config settings became corrupted.
Add the ability to start FSE in a specific directory by adding a path as a command line parameter.
Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2016, 13:12
Was ist neu :>>

Bug-Fix beim Button Aktualisieren unter Windows XP und Server 2003

Titel: Q-Dir 6.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2016, 09:30
Was ist neu :>>

Bugfix: falsche Fehlermeldung beim Klick auf das Arbeitsplatz-Symbol!
Bugfix: Ordner Markierung beim Navigieren via nach oben Button, und im Verlauf, ordner wurden nicht Markiert.
Bugfix: beim Navigieren über die Adressleiste

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2016, 18:15
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Browsing of disks, folders (real or virtual), shares, archives and FTP/FTPS in one unified way
Browsing can be done in various modes (like report or thumbnail modes)
Allowing usual file operations (rename, copy, move, link, delete, recycle) in the containers listed above and even between them
Packing and unpacking of ZIP, 7Zip, GZip, BZip2, XZ, Tar and WIM formats (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Unpacking of ARJ, CAB, XAR, Z, RAR, LZH, LZMA, ISO, WIM and many others (FileVoyager wraps 7-zip)
Playing of virtually any Audio or Video formats (FileVoyager relies at once on installed codecs, on WMP and on VLC)
Offering quick preview capability for any file format with:
Rendering of multimedia files (including M3U, PLS, ASX, WPL, MPCPL and XSPF playlist formats)
Syntax highlighting for virtually any source code language/format (Powered by Scintilla)
Rendering final view for formats supported by Preview Handlers (like Office files, PDF, pictures, …)
Support of many character encodings (SBCS including various ANSI implementations, UTF-8, UTF-16, EBCDIC)
Displaying in flat or hexadecimal for any format
And many others tools and functionalities



+ New: Implemented 64 bits stub for context menu. Now FV displays the 64 bits context menu of the Shell (if running on 64 bits system of course)
~ Chg: Czech translation almost completed (99.9%) thanks to Vlastimil Vozdecky
- Fix: Drag & Drop - Resolved issue when dragdropping an item from winrt (win10) into FV
- Fix: Resolved conflict of ssleay and libeay dlls when an incompatible version is in a registered path of the running system. Solution is to put the dlls in the app folder


Titel: XYplorer Free 16.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2016, 17:20
Latest Changes

Preview Pane:

A vertical preview pane

Zoom To Fill:

Now the SaveThumb command can create thumbnail files that are zoomed to fill

Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2016, 13:13
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


Feature request

    [CH-25] - Allow drag & drop or multi-folder select (sf.net)


    [CH-104] - Scanning for files - inconsistent information in status dialog
    [CH-210] - CH internal tool rc2lng wrongly processes rc files
    [CH-211] - Wrong parsing of string table in rc file
    [CH-212] - Show source names in waiting tasks
    [CH-218] - Wrong numericals displayed in options list
    [CH-220] - Crash when using exclude filters
    [CH-221] - Feedback replace dialog contains partially unreadable file info
    [CH-222] - Task enters error state when appending to larger file
    [CH-227] - Wrong calculation of 64bit divide
    [CH-228] - Wrong progress data after restarting CH
    [CH-229] - Source path is "empty" after operation finishes
    [CH-230] - Rare CH crash when interacting with shell extension
    [CH-232] - Wrong estimated time calculation when no size data were processed
    [CH-233] - Restarting fast-move operation succeeds when no source data are present
    [CH-234] - Installers' "Start with system" does not work
    [CH-235] - Language change is not applied until after restart


    [CH-209] - Checking for updates using xml response
    [CH-216] - Reduce errors and warnings reported by cppcheck
    [CH-217] - Get rid of libicpf
    [CH-219] - Improve exception handling in libchcore
    [CH-223] - Enforcing ordering of tasks' execution with prescanning and fast move enabled
    [CH-226] - Update sqlite to 3.11.1
    [CH-236] - Code cleanups


Titel: Q-Dir 6.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2016, 20:00
Was ist neu :>>

Bugfix: bei /silent oder /s Parameter für die stille Installation z.B. für Administratoren.
Und Korrekturen in Installation und Deinstallations Routine.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2016, 05:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

3rd correction in renamed dialog

Titel: Double Commander 0.7.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2016, 15:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0001306: [Graphical user interface] GUI: problem with the controls positions in "Custom columns" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001291: [Default] Scrolling through files with long names is slow (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001296: [Graphical user interface] Sorting by file type cannot be reversed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001280: [Default] Отсутствуют GetFileComment (комментарии) в панели после "Поиск Файлов" - "Файлы на панель" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001274: [Graphical user interface] Icons in main menu disappear after hitting Save/Apply in Options (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001051: [Graphical user interface] Show MessageBox if compared files are identical (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001220: [File operations] Swapping the panels (ctrl+U) loses the file selection (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000636: [Logic] Undetermined result in function TWFXModule.WfxFindNext (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001279: [Default] Не обновляются GetFileComment (комментарии) в панели после редактирования(Ctrl+Z) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001277: [Default] Not all disconnected network drives listed in drive list (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001144: [Viewer] Add option in the viewer to center images (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000883: [Plugins] SFTP plugin: "Error reading from file" during copy or view (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000860: [Plugins] WFX plugin error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000962: [Default] Cannot disable tool tips / Не отключаются всплывающие подсказки (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001190: [Graphical user interface] Drive buttons behave wrong when one drive's label is a substring of other drive's label (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001116: [Language translation] Cannot change language of column names in panel (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001206: [Default] Network location "\\" lost after restart (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001214: [File operations] Drag & Drop a file to the same source (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000828: [Default] Drap and Drop URL short cuts - resolved.
- 0000912: [File operations] drag and drop the url from Chrome browser does not create the .url file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001265: [Graphical user interface] .cur icons not cached correctly (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001251: [File operations] FTP - some characters with diacritics in filenames generates errors. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001177: [Plugins] Additional characters not displayed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000939: [Plugins] wfx ftp plugin does not support unicode filenames (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001269: [File operations] Access violation when trying to open certain zip file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001209: [Graphical user interface] Choosing a drive using the keyboard doesn't work if the active language is not English or CAPS LOCK is off (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001222: [File operations] Cannot unzip file, if I type folder "nnn" or "./nnn" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000221: [Default] I need a separate tree in the double command (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000584: [Graphical user interface] Ошибка при открытии файла (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001189: [File operations] Add option to find files/text in files inside archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000489: [Plugins] Реализовать правку файла по F4 прямо в архиве (с поддержкой сторонних плагинов) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001026: [Graphical user interface] cm_QuickFilter, filter=toggle does not toggle - resolved.
- 0001025: [Graphical user interface] Added command cm_CurrentOpenDrives which behaves like cm_LeftOpenDrives but for the currently active panel. - resolved.
- 0001170: [Editor] Editor should support Unicode (Alexx2000) - closed.


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2016, 13:54
Whats new:>>

+ New: It's possible now to switch between the Ribbon UI and the Classic UI
+ New: AppBar can now be displayed with big 32x32 icons
+ New: It's possible to navigate using single-click
~ Chg: Author news combo is more compact now

Titel: Q-Dir 6.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2016, 21:00
Was ist neu :>>

Neu: Senden per Email Funktion um z.B. Bilder schnell per Email zu verschicken.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir und kleinere Verbesserungen.

Titel: One Commander v2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2016, 05:30
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Titel: XYplorer Free 16.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2016, 05:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Downloads and Links. Now the virtual folders "Downloads" and "Links" are shown in the folder tree.
The Downloads folders is a standard folder in File Explorer since Vista. It has been added to XYplorer for completeness.
The Links folders is a standard folder as well, but it’s much more interesting.
You can add links by dragging items right onto the Links folder. This can be locations, or files (documents, photos, etc), or programs. The screenshot below has some examples.
You can click links to jump to the linked location or file, or in case of program links, to open the linked program.
You can as well drop items onto location links (item is copied or moved to the location) and program links (item is opened by the program).

See the Downloads and Links in the tree view:

You could now for example open a photo in Lightroom simply by dropping it onto the lightroom.exe link.


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.41.60312
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2016, 16:15
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Support latest VMC multimedia library

Titel: XYplorer 16.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2016, 13:37
Latest Changes

- Downloads and Links. Now the virtual folders "Downloads" and "Links" are shown in the folder tree

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2016, 15:45
Latest Changes

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2016, 18:45
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.


Whats new: >>

The sign-in issues with some user accounts have been fixed.

Hersteller: http://skydriveexplorer.com/index.php
Titel: Q-Dir 6.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2016, 15:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung (Trojan:Win32/Spallowz.A!plock)
durch Windows-Defender Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.8 Build 2096 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2016, 18:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new:>>

ADDED - New FindFiles Dialog. Dialog is now split into two, One for simple searches and for advanced file searches.
ADDED - New File search engine. Is now using the advanced filter engine to match files.
FIXED - Changing registry values that was longer then 255 char failed.
FIXED - Fixed a leap year issue.
FIXED - 1 Rare stability issues.

Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2016, 20:30
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.



[CH-237] - MiniStatus shows black 100% filled progress bar for waiting tasks
[CH-238] - Task hangs when retrying write errors
[CH-239] - Copy Handler does not launch on some old hardware running Windows XP
[CH-240] - Directory modified time not preserved when there are files inside
[CH-241] - Checking for updates fails on Windows XP
[CH-242] - Cleanup language files


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0 RC 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2016, 21:00
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Improved IcarosCache to work on Windows 10 (not completely though)
Added Italian localization
Added custom style context menu to IcarosConfig
Made BitDepth property localizable
Disabled minidump reports by default (can be enabled if required)
Fixed two bugs that broke the timestamp offset function
Fixed rare crash in IcarosConfig
Fixed a bunch of minor bugs
Updated Simplified Chinese localization
Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Nomad.NET Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2016, 19:30
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.



- Nomad is now HighDPI aware
- Archives: Preseve "Zone.Identifier" alternate data stream when extracting from archive
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Right-click console output selection and context menu with corresponding actions added
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Auto-suggest from history and current directory added
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Commands history added
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Standard actions processing added
- CmdPromptTabPlugin: Substitution and suggestion rewritten. Now supports multiple substitutions (cycle with Tab)
- Plugins: Standard actions (Cut, Copy, Paste, etc) filtering for UI plugins
- Bug fix: Rare "An item with the same key has already been added" exception while searching
- Bug fix: Very rare NullReferenceException when browsing folders in details view
- Bug fix: Rare DirectoryNotFoundException when calculating folder size of already deleted folder
- Bug fix: Rare DirectoryNotFoundException when populating already deleted folder in folder tree
- Bug fix: Deadlock when deleting current open folder from outside console
- Bug fix: Very rare InvalidOperationException when updating CmdPromptTabPlugin tab caption
- Bug fix: Very rare NullReferenceException when closing cmd.exe via Task Manager
- Bug fix: Native plugins won't load when only version 4 of .net framework installed
- Bug fix: LF-only line breaks processed incorrectly in CmdPromptTabPlugin
- Bug #157 finally fixed (Very rare threading issue when opening archive on machine with 4 cores)


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2016, 16:45

Common: Improved transfer speed issue with some network interface card
Common: Improved cache handling (Some fixes included)
Common: Fixed issue of unnecessary file uploads when moving files
Common: Fixed issue when moving files to root directory (Cloud services)
Common: MS Office temporary files will be ignored
WebDAV, FTP, SFTP: Added option to use server timestamp
WebDAV: Fixed issue with HTTP error 417
WebDAV: Improved exception handling for auth
FTP, FTPS: Fixed issue with vsftpd when using chroot option
Google Drive: Fixed issues with percent symbol in file name
Google Drive: Added back-off algorithm when rate limit exceeded
Google Drive: Fixed issue with continuous read attempts
OneDrive for Business: API updated to v2.0
OneDrive: Extended timeout for listing files
Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed issue on slow startup
Amazon Cloud Drive: Extended timeout for listing files
Amazon Cloud Drive, Google Cloud Drive, S3, Swift and Hubic: changed not to cache files when copying files using Windows Explorer
Swift: Refresh auth token before expiration
Hubic: Fixed issues caused by slow server response
Crashplan client will not work with this version


Titel: Multi Commander 5.9.8 Build 2098 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2016, 17:00
Whats new:>>

FIXED - Lots of fixes for the New FindFilesDialog, Most options now work.

Titel: Double Commander 0.7.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2016, 12:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0001335: [File operations] Random crashes when searching (Alt-F7). 'Can't focus' error (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000407: [Language translation] Updated Slovenian translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001322: [File operations] Error while Search Text in files (ALT+F7) if using UCS (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001332: [Graphical user interface] Ukrainian translation of selected files count (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001323: [Graphical user interface] GUI stops responding to mouse input after overriding file over ftp (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001324: [Language translation] Translating the pop-up comment on the shortcut (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001316: [Default] doublecmd.desktop "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated value "Application" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001320: [Language translation] updates greek translation, DC .7.0 beta compatibility (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001321: [Language translation] german translation against 0.70 latest beta (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001315: [Default] doublecmd FTBFS on arm64 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001325: [File operations] Clicking on "Go to file" button when search in progress causes doublecmd crash (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Titel: ln.exe
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2016, 17:46
Tool zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks über die Kommandozeile; diese Funktionen der Link Shell Extension lassen sich so in Skripten verwenden.


Whats new:>>

Avoids fragmentation during copy operations.

Titel: CarotDAV v1.12.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2016, 20:30
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: Multi Commander v6.0 (Build 2118)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2016, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.




    File Coloring engine and Editor is now using the Advanced Filter system for file coloring.
    New File search engine. Is now using the advanced filter engine to match files.
    New Find Files dialog. Dialog is now split in two. Some simpler one advanced.
    Dropping file with "create link" action will show drop popup instead.
    Drop popup now has "Copy and Replace" / "Move and Replace" command if only 1 file was dropped.
    Custom command MC.DataViewer.View now have the option "AUTORELOAD" to enable the autoreload option.
    Commandline field command ":title (text)" that will change caption tag.
    Commandline field command ":autorefresh (0/1)" that will change setting to enable/disable folder refresh.


    AppIcon to match Website logo.


    Copy Progressbar issues when copying more then 4TB or data.
    Updated 3rd party 7-Zip components to v15.14.
    A leap year issue.
    FSReg failed to change registry values that was longer then 255 characters.
    Lots of internal changes.
    6 Rare stability issues.


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.43.60330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2016, 19:20
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Support latest VMC multimedia library

Titel: Copy Handler 1.40 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2016, 21:00
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


The major changes since the last stable release (1.32)

    Move from serialized to overlapped IO resulting in significant performance improvements,
    Basic, experimental command-line support,
    Better check for updates functionality,
    Shell extension improvements,
    Both installer and executables and now signed, so now it will be obvious if the downloaded version is original,
    More stats available in Copy Handler status window,
    Lots of under-the-hood changes:
        Changed storage backed to sqlite database for improved stability,
        Upgraded development environment to Visual Studio 2013,
        Migrated source code from subversion hosted at sourceforge.net to a git repository hosted at the same place website is hosted,
        Really huge refactoring of code that significantly reduced the technical debt and will allow easier program extending in the future.

Changes since the 1.40 rc3


    [CH-243] - Installer does not remove all files after restart
    [CH-244] - Shell extension shows empty bars when icons are enabled
    [CH-246] - Program hangs when importing command line task while another tasks are running


    [CH-245] - Buffer size rough tuning


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2016, 16:40
Mit Linux Reader hat man von Windows aus die Möglichkeit, lesend auf Linux- und Mac-Partitionen zugreifen zu können. Dabei können Dateien dann unter Windows gesichert werden.

Folgende Dateisysteme können gelesen werden:

Ext 2/3/4
ReiserFS, Reiser4

Zusätzlich können virtuelle Maschinen gemountet werden (vmdk, VHD, .vdi und .hds).


Titel: SDExplorer Base
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2016, 19:00
Mit dem SkyDrive Explorer kann bequem auf die von Microsoft mittels Live SkyDrive zur Verfügung gestellten 25GB zugegriffen werden.Der Onlinespeicher wird wie ein Laufwerk im Explorer eingehangen und es können Dateien bequem hoch- oder runtergeladen werden.Dateien umbenennen, Ordner erstellen.... alles was man auf einem normalen Laufwerk machen kann, ist hier auch möglich.

Whats new: >>

The sign-in issues have been fixed.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.3.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2016, 19:40
User Note: the developer(s) didn't release a changelog but it looks like there were some updates to the base program as well as image and another preview library

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2016, 05:45
Whats new:>>

Common: Local drive mount as non-removable type
Common: Fixed issue with date and time handling
Google Drive: Fixed listing issue when there is more than 200 files/folders
WebDAV: Added support for VxWorks FTP Server
WebDAV: Fixed issue with international characters
WebDAV: Improved Move operation
Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed initial loading issue when there are large number of files
Ucloudbiz: New drive type added

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2016, 20:15
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source


fixed bug in _time() function -- day miscalculation
after Feb current day dec: 04/05/16 --> 04/07/16
fixed bug on missing %TEMP% --
  • CMD Compatible Mode

fixed bug in Text view -- CR/LF problem
added Produce Hex output to Copy (F5) in Text view
added Save and Load Environment to Shift-F6


Titel: Multi Commander 6.1 Build 2124
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2016, 21:00

        ADDED - Language Updates
   ADDED - FindFiles now log to FileOperation log what it does.
   FIXED - Couple of HighDPI issues fixed
   FIXED - FindFiles text content matching could in some situation get stuck on files with weird mixes of linefeed characters
   FIXED - FindFiles hex content matching could get stuck if lots of 0x00 matches was found at the end of the file.
   FIXED - FindFiles Content search for ascii in binary files now works.
   FIXED - FindFiles Content search with case sensitive for ascii in binary files now works.
   FIXED - FindFiles Dialogs - Content options now enable/disable them self correctly
   FIXED - Advanced FindFiles filter could fail if user did not enter matching data correct.
   FIXED - Minor memory leak with copy operations.
   FIXED - Items added to queue even if user selected skip on free space check.
   FIXED - Commandline field now support ..\ relative path better. (relative to path of active panel)
   FIXED - CustomCommand MC.RUN will now assume SHELL option when using ADMIN option.
   CHANGE- Some Internal changes on how delete works.


Titel: Multi Commander 6.1 Build 2125
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2016, 15:01
Infos hierzu -> http://forum.multicommander.com/forum/index.php/topic,1689.0.html

Titel: Q-Dir 6.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2016, 12:13
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Einige Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 10 und Server 2016 und aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir..

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2016, 17:39
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Permanent Custom Sort Order:

For many years XYplorer supports creating custom sort orders by dragging items to new positions in Manual Sorting mode. Now those custom sort orders are remembered per tab, across tab switches, and across sessions. You don’t need to know or do anything, it just works.

Titel: ln.exe
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2016, 10:15
Tool zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks über die Kommandozeile; diese Funktionen der Link Shell Extension lassen sich so in Skripten verwenden.


Whats new:>>

Avoids fragmentation during copy operations.
With --progress ln.exe could crash due to progress calculation.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2016, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.20a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2016, 05:50
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update : Enable/disable confirmation dialog
Update : Updated user guide

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2016, 05:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Realtive symbolic links on absolute symbolic links to a different drive, were not created properly.
Added Greek localization. Thanks to George Malamas!
SmartMove didn't work when Backup Mode was enabled.
Runs again with Windows 2000 (Flaw introduced with
The Vcredist check is back by default, but can be skipped by passing /noredist during install via commandline.
Relative symbolic links on UNC path were recreated with wrong target during SmartCopy.
NTFS filesystem fragmentation decreased and thus copying should be faster
Cancel works when pressed during copying of (large) files.
Creation of hardlinks in UAC protected folders caused an error message, even if the hardlink was created.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.45.60418
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2016, 16:45
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Preview for OpenOffice and LibreOffice .odt doc and SoftMaker .tmd doc.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2016, 16:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 10 und aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir..

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.60.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2016, 05:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

- Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2016, 20:45
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



 Folder Size Explorer full non-beta version released.
 Added the ability to search files and folders by size.
 Added new graphic showing the disk space used and free for the current drive.
 Added the option to export file and folder listing to tab seperated values files.
 Added the option to export file and folder listing to semi-colon seperated values files.
 Added the option to export file and folder listing to pipe seperated values files.
 Added the option to export file and folder listing to tilde seperated values files.
 Added help to the settings button drop-down menu in the toolbar. Added help page to the website.
Added new toolbar background images.
 Changed the progress bar so that it increases between folder calculations.
 Changed the "Up" toolbar button so that it also affects the selected folder in the left pane.
 Changed the licence agreement. Folder Size Explorer is now free for non-commercial and personal use only.
Checksums on some systems may not calculate - see https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/811833
 Improved stability and speed of folder size calculation.
 Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.170
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2016, 13:18
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated
- Extension of properties dialog

Titel: Nomad.NET RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2016, 18:30
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.



- Added ShowGridLines option for displaying grid lines in list views (no configuration UI)
- Plugins: Display commands marked with Browsable attribute in Tools menu
- VirusTotalPlugin: Place AnalyseSuspiciousFileCommand in Tools menu
- Themes: Added ability to change text color in menus, main window and dialogs
- HighDPI support improved
- Working with unreadable local file system items improved
- Layout improvements in several dialogs
- Archive: Archives opening and formats handling improved
- FTP: Ftp human readable (unix and dos) directory listing parsing improved
- Themes: Bottom toolbars are now painted using statusbar colors as expected
- Localization: Czech localization updated (thanks to Jakub Vit)
- Localization: Dutch localization updated (thanks to Martijn Weisbeek)
- Localization: French localization updated (thanks to Guy Pouliot)
- Localization: German localization updated (thanks to Sven Knurr)
- Localization: Italian localization updated (thanks to Claudio Vicari)
- Localization: Ukrainian localization updated (thanks to Igor Kovalenko)
- Bug fix: Do not show ( when there is no file (product) version available
- Bug fix: CheckForUpdatesDialog now displays error as expected when something goes wrong
- Bug fix: OverflowException when opening some ftp folders with very big files (> 2M in size)
- Bug fix: Creating archive highlighter during initial application setup always fail
- Bug fix: Very rare ArgumentNullException when executing external tool with parameters
- Bug fix: Incorrect drive icons on some 64-bit os
- Bug fix: Very rare InvalidOperationException while performing search
- Bug fix: InvalidCastException when trying to initialize invalid shell icon overlay identifier
- Bug fix: Rare NullReferenceException in CommandProcessor when underlying cmd.exe closed right after start
- Bug fix: Invalid filter recent folders check-box text in change folder dialog when there no recent folders yet
- Bug fix: HSplit cursor do not shown when resizing columns on list view header in details view
- Bug fix: ExternalException when trying to open context menu on file with specific shell context menu handlers
- Other small and not so small unlisted bug fixes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.4.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2016, 20:31
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2016, 05:00
Whats new:>>

- What's on the pizza? A new toolbar button lets you quickly toggle the display of folder sizes
- View and Edit the Clipboard. A new toolbar button serves as a quick and basic clipboard viewer. Simply hover it to show any text or file items currently in the clipboard. Click it to edit those clipboard contents
- Paste and Go. Now you can paste a file or folder path directly into the tree or the list and XYplorer will go to it right away
- Color Filters. Now you can define whether a filter is applied to the Tree, or to the List, or to both, for each filter individually
- Rename Special. Now it's also supported in the folder tree

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2016, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed bug in drive space bar graphic. Text was showing incorrect percentage value.
Fixed bug in drive space bar graphic. Bar disappeared when minimizing or resizing FSE.
Minor fixes, changes and code optimisations.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2016, 21:00
Was ist neu :>>

Verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir.

Titel: Konvertor 5.04 Build 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2016, 21:17
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shallow learning curve, which gives users of all levels of expertise the ability to process and alter files quickly an efficiently.


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2016, 18:45
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Whats new:>>

added [FileColor] to DZ.INI

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2016, 18:15

Added the option to show 14 additional columns of information for files and folders.
Added Columns: date created, date accessed, attributes, owner, company, file description & version.
Added Columns: shared, folder path, folder, path, sharing status, product name & version.
Added the ability to open FSE logs from the settings menu.
Fixed some bugs that occurred when running FSE on non-English systems.
Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.


Titel: Multi Commander 6.2 ( Build 2147)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2016, 19:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



        ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.CloseAllTabs" have a new option parameter : "DONOTASK", This will prevent confirm dialog for locked tabs.
   ADDED - Unpacking Zip file with wrong password will now ask again for password
   ADDED - MultiScript functions for using the Advanced Filter engine from script.
   CHANGE- Major rewrite how Copy/Move file operation are initialized
   CHANGE- Drag on Drop to same location will show the drop popup menu
   FIXED - Issue with loading favorites that have duplicated names.
   FIXED - Unpacking password protected 7Zip from script now works better
   FIXED - FindFiles with content search will stop searching faster if stop command is issued
   FIXED - FindFiles with content search could crash in some very rare situations.
   FIXED - Holding ctrl and starting a drag/drop operation now works better.
   FIXED - MultiScript handles arrays better
   FIXED - 4 Rare stability issues.
   FIXED - Many internal changes.


Titel: Folders Popup v5.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2016, 09:17
Folders Popup lets you move like a breeze between your frequently used folders! All your favorite folders at your finger tip – press the middle mouse button to popup your personalized menu.

License:    Freeware/Open Source


Display clearer message when prompting for upgrade from FoldersPopup to Quick Access Popup (prompt displayed only for QAP releases with new features).
Add the auto-detection of .ahk and .vbs extensions when user add a favorite using drag-and-drop to the Settings window.
Stop launching Directory Opus when refreshing the list of open folders in listers if Directory Opus is not running.
French, Sweeden and German language files update.
New runtime v1.1.23.5 from AHK.


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2016, 13:31
Whats new:>>

        Common: Extended default time to 60 seconds when read files from remote server
        Common: Fixed issue with read failure when creating writable cache
        Common: Log process id when the process has no name
        WebDAV: Option added to use server time
        WebDAV: Option added to force UTF-8 encoding
        WebDAV: Skip files and folders with non-OK response
        WebDAV: Fixed issue with move operation when root path exists
        FTP: Option added to use server time
        FTP: Fixed issue when creating folder
        Amazon Cloud Drive: Fixed issue with backoff algorithm which causes crash on heavy load
        OneDrive: Use email when there is no user name

Titel: CarotDAV v1.12.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2016, 18:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>> (google translation)

 In OneDrive, fix the problem that has not been displayed in the case where there is the object of more than 400 pieces.
Modify the default port was wrong problem of FTPS.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2016, 13:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Japanese translation added
- Tools updated

Titel: ln.exe
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2016, 09:07
Tool zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks über die Kommandozeile; diese Funktionen der Link Shell Extension lassen sich so in Skripten verwenden.


Whats new:>>

Avoids fragmentation during copy operations.
With --progress ln.exe could crash due to bogus progress calculation.
The --merge option can now merge delorean backup sets.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2016, 12:25
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Only a few changes since RC4 in this release:

Updated Simplified Chinese and Russian localization (Thanks danei and Ligre!)
Fixed IcarosConfig crash
Improved compression of the portable build (saved almost 2MB)
Improved debug logging


Titel: AudioShell 2.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2016, 06:00
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

- Improved ID3v2 support
- Improved mp4 support
- Improved aiff support
- Added support for PCM float uncompressed wav files properties

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2016, 21:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

- Folder Size Caching. Calculating folder sizes takes time. Now the results can be cached. Makes showing folder sizes extremely fast. (Pro Edition Only)
- Undo/Redo. The number of undoable actions has been raised from 100 to 256
- Copy Path. The white space context menu now features the shortest way to the popular Copy Path command
- Reporting. The scripting command folderreport() now can generate a rich tree-shaped recursive report on any folder. (Pro Edition Only)

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2016, 20:50
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source


Changes in 3.47 - 15 May 2016

- added Ctrl-C to the edit help menu for the Transfer dialog...

Changes in 3.46 - 15 May 2016

- added Transfer to program dialog to editor
- added %DZDRIVE% to simplify configuration of tools
- added multi command to transfer keys, same as [Filetype]:

  ; The first command creates an .EXE from the .ASM file;
  ; the second execute the .EXE file and the last
  ; command pause to view the output before returning
  ; to the editor
  asm = asmc -pe !.!, !.exe, pause

- updated/fixed colours in some dialogs
- fixed bug in cursor after execute -- menus line overwritten
- fixed bug in .ERR handle in editor -- multiple copies of the same file
  The editor search for an .ERR file after transfer and display the line
  of the file where the error occurs if found. The Open Watcom tools,
  JWasm, and Asmc create these files. In order to use this on other tools,
  like Masm, use the following format:

  ; Using the full path name here in case the file is not
  ; in the current directory
  asm = ml -c !:\!\\!.! > !.err


Titel: Double Commander 0.7.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2016, 23:35
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0001353: [Language translation] spelling and grammar errors (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001354: [File operations] Cannot unzip n files to current dir (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001350: [File operations] quick search does not work with dot "." as the first character (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001363: [Plugins] DC get freezing on openig multipart RAR archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001360: [Graphical user interface] Can't type numbers on file name on copy/move dialog (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001314: [Plugins] Plugin including the Interfaces unit crashes DC when unloading the module (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000628: [File operations] Many unnecessary windows (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001357: [Graphical user interface] List index (0) out of bounds (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001356: [File operations] Unhandled exception: Exception: No files selected. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001338: [Default] Crash on Start Application. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001341: [Plugins] FTPS Implicit not supported (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2016, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Amazon Cloud Drive: Handle improper 401 Unauthorized response from Amazon Cloud Drive server. You need to update if you recently experienced unstable file operation with Amazon Cloud Drive.
WebDAV: Improved Move operation
FTP: Now supports implicit FTPS
S3: Improved error handling with wrong regions
Swift, Hubic: Extended timeout to 60 seconds per operation

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.5.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2016, 21:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: CarotDAV v1.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2016, 05:20
Whats new:>> (google translation)

Corresponding to the OpenStack Swift.
Corresponding to HubiC.
In WebDAV, reduce the number of PROPFIND request at the time of upload.
In AmazonCloudDrive, modify the code was still a problem for debugging.
In FTPS, Secure Yet Warning and fix that have the problem that is determined.
In OneDrive, failure to respond to the file name can not be ResumableUpload when more than 134 characters in UTF-8.
When you drag-and-drop, modified to re-acquire the file information just before.
Modification of other fine points.

Titel: XYplorer Free 16.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2016, 18:15
Release Notes

Tree Structured Report. Create a one-click easy-to-read and easy-to-process recursive report on the current directory.

The interface to create reports is found in the Report tab on the Info Panel (F12). Select the "Current Folder" tab and the "Tree Structure" option, then tick the "Include Subfolders" checkbox. Then click one of the four buttons depending on the desired target of your report.

After clicking the "To Popup" button, subfolders and contained files are neatly listed with basic file information (exact size in bytes; modified date). For easier recognition folders are prefixed by a backslash:

Collision Prompt. New quick action buttons Overwrite and Skip.

The Custom Copy collision prompt always featured a dropdown list with various options of handling the name collision. Now the most common options are available as buttons.

To enable Custom Copy tick this: Configuration | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Use Custom Copy.


Titel: AudioShell 2.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2016, 19:40
AudioShell is a free MS Windows Explorer shell extension pluggin which allow you to view and edit music files tags directly in Windows Explorer. It support mp3 (all ID3v2 tag versions), wma, asf and wmv, Apple iTunes aac (m4a and m4p) and mp4 files, ogg, flac (vorbis comment tags), mpc , mp+, monkey's audio, wav pack, optim frog (APE and APEv2 tags). The add tag editor and viewer tabs to music files properties page, detailed music files hint with tag and file information and additional columns in Explorer files list. It include full Unicode support.


Latest Changes

fixed bug in ID3v2.4 Unicode tags support

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2016, 04:45

Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1011/1012 to get index of first file in list (-1 if there are no files) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1009/1010 to get index of first item (0 if there is no updir, 1 otherwise) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1007/1008 to get index of current item (caret) (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1005/1006 to get total number of selected items (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1003/1004 to get total number of items (including those hidden by quick filter (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1001/1002 to get number of items in left/right list (32/
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam set to 1000 to get active panel: 1=left, 2=right (32/
Added: Ctrl+Q: Only enable viewing of readme files in archives which have default extensions (e.g. .zip): wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickViewUnzipReadMe=-1 (32/64)
Added: Compatibility with TWinkey plugin: Turn off tab icons in Configuration - Options - Folder tabs if you want to use the tab coloring from TWinkey (32/64)
Added: Send WM_USER+50 with wparam=1..29 -> returns window handle of control. Controls are: 1=leftlist, 2=rightlist, 3=active list, 4=inactive list, 5=leftheader, 6=rightheader, 7=leftsize, 8=rightsize, 9=leftpath, 10=rightpath, 11=leftinfo, 12=rightinfo, 13=leftdrives, 14=rightdrives, 15=leftpanel, 16=rightpanel, 17=bottompanel, 18=lefttree, 19=righttree, 20=cmdline, 21=curdirpanel, 22=inplaceedit, 23=splitpanel, 24=leftdrivepanel, 25=rightdrivepanel, 26=lefttabs, 27=righttabs, 28=buttonbar, 29=buttonbarvertical (32/64)
Added: Synchronize dirs: Press SPACE or Shift+SPACE when multiple files are selected -> works as if it was pressed for each file separately (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_UpdateQuickView to force reload the quick view panel or separate quick view (32/64)
Added: Search files, duplicate file finder: use MD5 function from crypto API for quicker MD5 calculation (32/64)
Added: Dialog box to choose default icon library for button bar and main menu, also supports third party libraries (32/64)
Fixed: No more icons shown for Computer, Documents, Nethood on Windows 9x/ME (32)
Fixed: Search for updates not working on some computers because WSAStartup wasn't called (32/64)
Fixed: Reload button bar when a different version of the wcmicons.dll is detected, and the dll is used in a button bar (32/64)
Fixed: Changing separator between left and right panel sometimes didn't update the position of the vertical buttonbar (32/64)
Added: Warn user when entering a virtual folder (e.g. a phone via MTP) where extensions are hidden, and let the user enable them (32/64)
Added: Configure extra space above/below and to the left/right of the icons via Configuration - Options - Icons. Default is 2 and 1 pixel (32/64)
Fixed: Better default column widths for higher resolutions (32/64)
Fixed: Better default window size adapted also to high DPI screens (32/64)
Added: Default font is now "Segoe UI regular", no longer "Segoe UI semibold" (32/64)
Fixed: 64-bit TC8.52a and older couldn't be closed by installer with MinimizeOnClose set (64)
Fixed: ZIP packer, progress dialog: Name on second line was wrong when packing names as UTF-8 (32/64)
Added: Unzip: Use NTFS timestamp from extra header if available, e.g. for ZIPs created with WinRAR (32/64)
Added: Unzip: Use timestamp from central directory and not from local header when unpacking (32/64)
Fixed: Automatic mode change: Sort order and additional sort orders were not set (32/64)
Added: Speed up hash check of MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 by using Microsoft Crypto API functions (if PROV_RSA_AES is available) (32/64)
Fixed: Detect TAR files with UTF-8 encoding (created on Linux system with default UTF-8 encoding), they don't have any UTF-8 headers (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_EditFileMenu to show 'New' submenu from the right click context menu, to create new files other than plain text (32/64)
Added: New internal commands to open separate quick view window: cm_SeparateQuickView, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly (32/64)
Fixed: Search result, feed in listbox, Ctrl+Q quick view, delete file(s) -> quick view wasn't updated (32/64)
Fixed: Unpacker, invalid names in archive: Replace tab by space, other characters below space like line breaks by underscore '_' (32/64)
Added: Verify and create additional checksum types: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3_224, SHA3_256, SHA3_384, SHA3_512, code from wolfgang-ehrhardt.de (32/64)
Added: New internal command cm_GoToFirstEntry place cursor on first folder or file in the list (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Deleting files (not folders!) from multiple subdirs seems to work now on Windows 7 without deleting other files, need test on other Windows versions too (32/
Fixed: F8 delete to recycle bin: re-use delete thread(s) for VistaDelete function, because it could hang on close on some Windows 10 systems (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu: Open menu item with Alt+Letter, cycle through main menu with cursor left -> focus was not removed from older items (64)
Fixed: Search while on tab with directory changes allowed, feed to listbox, switch to different tab and back -> F3 no longer worked, because base dir was changed back to locked tab (32/64)
Fixed: F5, Shift+5, new combobox: Neither ESC nor ENTER worked to close dropdown list (32)
Added: Lister, HTML-Viewer: Support '&ldquo' and '&bdquo', translate to normal double quotes: " (32/64)
Added: FTPOPEN sessionname|*/subdir opens session in active panel, even if a different panel is set as the default ftp side (32/64)
Fixed: FTPOPEN sessionname|/subdir changes to /subdir if session is already open, otherwise connects to sessionname and then goes to /subdir (in preferred ftp side) (32/64)
Fixed: Progress dialog (e.g. for F5 copy) wasn't correctly centered over main window (64)
Added: Main menu: Submenu in "Show" menu to configure and manually switch view modes (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool, click on [N#-#]: Show preview of selected range in lower left (32/64)
Fixed: ZIP packer: Problems storing files containing characters ‹›«» which are not part of the OEM charset. Do not store them as because the Explorer cannot see them (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Compare by content with md5 or sha checksums failed if the server returned both the checksum and the file name, and the name was too long (32/64)
Fixed: F4 in search results (in search dialog directly) on file in subdir, save, re-upload, same for file in base dir -> file re-uploaded to wrong folder (32/64)
Fixed: Directory history: Problems with remembering position in file list when using "go back" (Alt+Cursor left) (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OpenUrls=0 turns off new feature to follow .url files to folders with TC (32/64)
Added: Follow .url files pointing to directrories within Total Commander. Format: [InternetShortcut]URL=file://c:/path or URL=c:\path (32/64)
Added: Custom columns view, sort by custom column: Do not pre-load fields for directories when sorting by a column, but directories are sorted by name (32/64)
Fixed: Drive dropdown list: Re-open with new drive when drive is added while the list is open (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10: Hide drive letters like "X:" on desktop (in file list, tree, breadcrumb bar etc) (32/64)
Fixed: Do not actively close HTML help (.chm) when closing TC, it crashes on Vista/8/8.1/10 when user chooses "Close group". Windows closes the window by itself (32/64)
Fixed: Unpack files with F5 from ZIP, option 'Unpack path names if stored with files'' NOT checked -> only unpack files, not the empty folders themselves (32/64)
Fixed: Internal associations: Allow to override also internal unpackers with **packerplugin, e.g. for 7z, not only define additional extensions (32/64)
Fixed: English version: Replaced "Less rules" by "Fewer rules" (grammar error) in search dialog, also "Fewer attributes" in attributes dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Connection progress dialog: Limit size of this dialog to the size of the main Total Commander window (32/64)
Fixed: Connection progress dialog: Lines too low for large text when using OverrideDpi (32)
Added: New internal commands cm_FocusLeftTree, cm_FocusRightTree, cm_FocusSrcTree, cm_FocusTrgTree to focus separate tree. Does nothing if no tree is visible (32/64)
Added: New internal commands cm_FocusSrc and cm_FocusTrg to put cursor in source/target panel (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RenameUpDown=0 turns off jumping to previous/next file in the list with cursor up/down while renaming (32/64)
Fixed: Auto view-mode switch: always reload view mode when TC is restarted, even when user has set view mode manually (32/64)
Added: Lister, HTML viewer: Detect UTF-8 encoding also with this tag: (32/64)
Added: New internal commands: cm_Select, cm_Unselect, cm_Reverse: Select/Remove selection/Invert selection of current file, jump to next (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ListOnly: view single file with plugins/multimedia, cm_ListMulti: same but for selected files (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ListInternalMulti like cm_ListInternalOnly: view selected files without plugins/multimedia (32/64)
Added: New internal commands: cm_EditNewFile (ask for name, create new text file, open in editor), cm_EditExistingFile (open file under cursor in editor) (32/64)
Fixed: Archive browser: Use also creation time to detect when an archive was changed, not only size and modification time (32/64)
Fixed: The first FTP connection button had wrong tooltip "CD-ROM" if drive P: was a CD-ROM drive (32/64)
Fixed: Ignore Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X in file system plugins and on ftp servers, otherwise there may be an OLE error (32/64)
Fixed: Do not switch to invisible panel (separator moved to the far left/right) on Tab, problem was only in 64-bit version (64)
Added: FTP via HTTP proxy: Send both "Pragma: no-cache" and "Cache-Control: no-cache" headers for HTTP 1.1 and 1.0 (32/64)
Fixed: FTP via HTTP proxy: Send "no cache" header also after deleting a file (32/64)
Fixed: Support recycle bin on drives created with SUBST command (32/64)
Fixed: Unzip: unpack trailing spaces in directory names, otherwise files inside them cannot be unpacked (32/64)
Fixed: Adjust panels to tab control height after setting/removing tab icon (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (utf-16)] to replace UTF-16 encoded html strings by characters (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (utf-8)] to replace UTF-8 encoded html strings by characters (32/64)
Added: New internal plugin option [=tc.decode html characters (text)] to replace html strings by characters, e.g. by a space etc. (32/64)
Added: Compare by content, edit mode: triple click now selects entire line, just as in Lister (32/64)
Added: Compare by content, show only differences: Support copy+paste, jump to next/previous difference (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: edit text even when showing only differences, with some restrictions (no modifications across hidden text) (32/64)
Fixed: Do not show exception error when closing down (e.g. because Semaphore object was deleted) (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: Show only differences even after modifying the file(s) (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: Option to show only differences (with 2 additional lines above and below the difference) (32/64)
Added: Use Windows certificate stores "ROOT" and "CA" to verify purchased server certificates without wincmd.pem file (32/64)
Added: Connections via https/ftps: Send server name to host for servers with multiple names per IP address (Server Name Indication, SNI) (32/64)
Fixed: Various problems with view modes and folder tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Tab locked with dir changes allowed, go to different dir with other view mode, close and re-open program -> view mode was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content, left file is ACE archive, right side any archive -> progress dialog didn't close after comparing (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Changed command to sleep for x milliseconds from sleep x to sleep: x. Reason: it prevented download of files starting with "sleep". Note: "sleep: x" already worked in older versions (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Colors: Choose custom color from dropdown combo, then change via >> button changed color only in preview, not in combobox (64)
Added: Adjust view modes using custom columns when moving or deleting custom columns configurations (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when using quick search filter in network neighborhood, and notification about new server came in (32/64)
Added: GUI to auto-switch view modes by directory, type of directory, or files (32/64)
Fixed: OpenSSL dlls 1.0.2g and newer could no longer be used because the function SSLv2_client_method wasn't exported any more (32/64)
Fixed: Locked tab with dir changes allowed: Go to different dir with other view mode, switch to different tab and back -> view mode was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Disconnect from FTP -> panel colors were not restored if FTP had a custom background color (32/64)
Fixed: Connect to FTP -> panel colors were not restored if FTP had a custom background color (32/64)
Added: Set view modes by directory, type of directory, or files (32/64)
Fixed: Switch away from locked tab -> we need to update the icon of the tab because the folder is reverted to the locked folder (32/64)
Fixed: cm_dirmatch is now much faster when comparing directories with several 1000 files each (32/64)
Fixed: cm_comparedirswithsubdirs and cm_comparedirs are now much faster when comparing directories with several 1000 files each (32/64)
Fixed: Inplace rename: Do not react to single click on file after changing directories or tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Prevent stack overflow when user holds down ENTER keys on certain file types (e.g. OpenOffice) which take long to load (32/64)
Fixed: There was no progress dialog when unpacking folder timestamps from ZIP at the end of the unpack operation (32/64)
Fixed: Unpacking folder timestamps from ZIP slow when there are many folders (32/64)
Fixed: Open certain ZIP archives >4GB created on MacOS with invalid headers (all size fields are the rest when dividing by 4G) (32/64)
Fixed: Increased width around separator in sorting header where it is possible to resize the header, mainly for high DPI devices (32/64)
Fixed: Support recycle bin on network drives (with drive letter) if enabled via registry. Search for "{9147E464-33A6-48E2-A3C9-361EFD417DEF}" to get instructions (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Line height in Listbox wasn't updated when changing font in Configuration - Options - Fonts. Note: DPI settings have no effect on this dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Line height in Listbox was wrong on Windows 10 with old style high DPI settings (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 were not supported (Note: The openssl libs in the libcurl package do not support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2) (32/64)
Fixed: Delete to recycle bin using new method (VistaDelete): Close thread with delay, it could prevent hang for some users on Windows 10 (32/64)
Fixed: Unzip: Show progress bar also for files where the packed size isn't stored in the local ZIP header (use unpacked size from central directory) (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_ShrinkSelectionCurrentExt: Show "Unselect files" dialog, pre-load extension of file under cursor (32/64)
Added: New internal command: cm_SpreadSelectionCurrentExt: Show "Select files" dialog, pre-load extension of file under cursor (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SizeStyle1000=1 Show sizes with 1k=1000 byes, 1M=1000k etc. instead of 1k=1024b, 1M=1024k etc. Note: This doesn't affect the Properties dialog (Alt+Enter) because it's created by Explorer (32/64)
Added: 4 new modes to show numbers: k/M/G/T add Terabytes. There are also two new modes to show 2 digits after the decimal point, e.g. 101.52 M (32/64)
Added: Disable overwrite confirmation in sync: wincmd.ini [Confirmation] SyncConfirmOverwrite=0 (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Shift+Q: Return focus to Total Commander if separate Lister window steals it, e.g. when loading a plugin (32/64)
Added: Ctrl+Shift+Q: Opens Quick View in separate Lister window, updates contents when going to other file (32/64)
Added: Set scaling of dialog boxes (OverrideDPI) via main settings - fonts (32/64)
Added: New environment variable %COMMANDER_INSTANCE% set to the number shown in the TC title bar (first running=1) (32/64)
Added: Automatic update check (experimental): wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheck=1 (all updates, or 2: no beta versions) (32/64)
Added: Manual update check via menu Help - Check for updates now, using DNS lookup (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: Move dropdown combobox list (saved settings) to the left if it would not fully fit on the screen (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: Dialog box to select range of characters now allows to return character positions from the end of the string, and selection length (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New button to add range of characters from other default fields (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New button to add other default fields like parent directory name [P] (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: do not try to show preview of names with plugin fields in a virtual folder (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: If there are duplicate names, or names that already exist, offer to auto-rename to "name (2).ext", "name (3).ext" etc. (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �..�: Selected files Nr. 3..9, empty if not as many selected (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �, �: Same as �, �, but with alternate 8.3 paths and names (DOS names) (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu parameters �, �: Compare parameters as in "Compare by content": First two selected files (with full path), or selected in source+target panel, or source file+same name in target panel (32/64)
Added: Shift+F4: Suggest user-defined name when cursor stands on a folder: wincmd.ini [Configuration] EditNewName= (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoPluginFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types with a plugin, except when explictily choosing Options - 4 (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] NoMediaFileTypes=*.jpg *.avi Do not load the specified file types as video, audio, image, or with plugin, except when explictily choosing Options - 4 (32/64)
Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MediaRemote=-1 ignore keys received via WM_APPCOMMAND, even the browser buttons backward, forward, refresh, stop, favorites (32/64)
Added: Shift+F5/F5 Copy/Move in place: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the source panel (32/64)
Added: F5 Copy/F6 Move: Show combobox with all open tabs and all subdirectories in the target panel (32/64)
Added: Ctrl+B in search result now works like Ctrl+B while in branch view: Go to directory of file under cursor (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Status bar showed & characters as underlines when unpacking to temp (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't read multiple comments from descript.ion files with Unix style line breaks (32/64)
Added: Configure whether to see the 3 external devices: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowExtraDrives=4 in addition to 1 (My Computer) and 2 (My Documents) (32/64)
Added: Show up to 3 external devices without drive letter (e.g. Android or Windows Phone) in Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown list (32/64)
Added: Support screen readers in dialogs "Change start menu" and Directory hotlist - "Configure" (32/64)
Added: Read virtual folders like the Network Neighborhood with "async" option, so we get a list of known folders more quickly (32/64)
Added: Main settings: Let the user choose the preferred encoding for descript.ion files. Default is plain text, with UTF-16 Unicode if needed (32/64)
Added: Convert plain text to Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files depending on the user's preferences if the file name or comments contains Unicode (32/64)
Added: Create Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files depending on the user's preferences (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't unpack AES-encrypted ZIP archives created by TC for Android directly on external SD (inclomplete header) (32/64)
Added: Read comments from Unicode (UTF-16le, UTF-16be and UTF-8) descript.ion files (32/64)
Fixed: CAB unpacker: Couldn't abort request for next archive (function expected 64-bit return value) (64)
Fixed: FTP, file system plugins: Move (Shift+F6) multiple files -> change entered string from .. to ../*.*, ../ to ../*.* too (32/64)
Fixed: File system plugins: Couldn't move multiple files with Shift+F6 to other directories, e.g. to the parent with ..\*.* (32/64)
Fixed: Switching from a plugin to html view could switch to UTF-8 view instead, if the html files was detected as bing utf-8 encided (32/64)
Fixed: Unicode text encoded as UTF-8 couldn't be loaded from ini files converted from ANSI to UTF-16, except in Western locale. It cannot work in multi-byte locales like Korean (32/64)
Fixed: Unicode text from different code page was incorrectly saved in UTF16 ini files (with UTF8 BOM) (32/64)
Fixed: Search function, list of stored searches: Preview below the list incorrect for Unicode stored in ANSI file (32)
Fixed: When deleting to recycle bin, the progress would sometimes show twice the number of files than are really deleted (32/64)
Added: Button bar, start menu: Put ** in front of program name to launch as different user on Windows Vista or newer (32/64)
Added: Properties of packed files: Show compression strength (AES128, AES192, AES256, ZIP20) and actual compression used, e.g. AES256, deflated (32/64)
Added: Scale FTP toolbar (only shown during FTP connections) to higher DPI screens (32/64)
Added: Use larger icons for directory history and hotlist (bookmarks) on high DPI devices (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Crash trying to copy text from invalid UTF-8 text (partial UTF-8 code at the end of the selection) (32/64)
Fixed: Copy in background (F5-F2) could sometimes not be aborted when copying many small files (32/64)
Fixed: 32-bit version crashed when passing command line parameter longer than 255 characters (bug in system.pas unit) (32)
Fixed: Shift+Enter on a program not working on Windows 9x/ME (32)
Fixed: UnRAR: Do not delete target file when overwriting, to preserve special attributes and streams (32/64)
Fixed: Copy file system links (Junctions, hard links) with option CopyLinks=2 (adjust link target) sometimes created invalid target links (32/64)
Added: Re-use threads to load hints and ID-Lists if possible (32/64)
Fixed: Could not unpack ZIP files created by Copy.com cloud service due to invalid ZIP header (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: If connection is lost when using "keep alive" ('Offline' appears in log), trying to change directory will go to wrong subdirectory (32/64)
Fixed: Search in an archive, feed to listbox, unpack a file from search results to other panel -> search results were lost (32/64)
Fixed: Catch crash when printer=null, reason unknown (32/64)
Fixed: Search function (not maximized): Click on "Drives", move to far left, close, maximize search dialog, click on "Drives" -> Drives dialog was off screen (32/64)
Fixed: TC switched from network drive to c:\ when a USB disk was attached or removed, and the user couldn't access the root of that drive (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: On 64-bit Windows, read/write both 32-bit and 64-bit branch of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE from both installers (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content was hanging on Linux/Wine when file was changed outside of the compare tool (32/64)
Fixed: TC switched from network drive to c:\ when launching, and the user couldn't access the root of that drive (32/64)
Fixed: Handle crash in FindFirstFile function, could lead to hanging directory read function (32/64)
Fixed: "Connecting" dialog not removed when: Testing big RAR (Alt+Shift+F9), Background, switch to currently inaccessible drive (e.g. network), RAR test ends after "Connecting" dialog appears (32/64)
Fixed: Didn't use abs() when calculating timeouts from GetTickCount() in some places, might cause problems after 25 days of uptime (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Close running Total Commander also when we cannot determine its path (32)
Fixed: Button bar: put parameter %P%N in double quotes not only when the name contains a space, but also for '&' (needed for cmd.exe) (32/64)
Fixed: cm_FocusCmdLine didn't show the command line if it was hidden via settings (64)
Fixed: 32-bit uninstaller was shown as "Remove TC 64-bit" (German only) (32)
Fixed: Handle invalid ZIP files where the attribute flags are set to 255, so all files appear as folders (32/64)
Fixed: Crash unpacking ZIPs packed with LZMA compression (wrong tcmdlzma.dll included) (32)
Fixed: Crash when entering more than ~300 characters in Files - Change attributes - "time" field, may be a possible security hole (32/64)
Fixed: Crash caused by invalid TC start menu item OPENCUSTOMVIEW1 somename (note the '1' at the end) (32)
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker couldn't be stored in search history when using Cyrillic or other non-Latin locale (32/64)
Fixed: Search function: Searching for UTF-8 byte order marker couldn't be stored in search history (32/64)
Fixed: F5 copy from file system plugin to archive subdirectory packed to root of ZIP (32/64)
Fixed: FTP download from list, http links, target already exists -> TC was hanging when "Rename" was chosen (32/64)
Fixed: Branch view, pack files to plugin with option "Create separate archives" -> no backslash was appended to the path passed to the plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Overwrite dialog: Show target name with correct upper-/lowercase also if it differs from the source name (32/64)
Fixed: Alt+F5 pack: Creation of upper-/lowercase extension wasn't correct. Only use uppercase if all characters of the original name were uppercase and contained at least one character (32/64)
Fixed: Combined 32+64bit installer could not terminate already running 64-bit version of TC (because GetModuleFileNameEx didn't work for 64-bit programs from 32-bit installer) (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - System information didn't show Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 (32/64)


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.4700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2016, 17:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Elyse 4.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2016, 17:40
Elyse is a tag-based file management system designed to solve the traditional methods of managing files by eliminating the need to decide where to store or find them.

What that means is folders and directories are conveniently replaced by tag nodes which are not unlike a saved search but much more flexible and powerful. Nodes are arranged in trees and give a similar effect to that of folders and directories - just more personalized to your way of thinking.


Limitations: Elyse is free for use with up to 30 tags

Whats new:>>

- Browsing Tree sorting
- Multi-user server based option using PostgreSQL
- Various bug fixes

Titel: Nomad.NET
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2016, 05:30
Nomad.NET is the successor of Nomad, a powerful file manager written a couple of years ago. It is completely rewritten using best ideas and algorithms and implementing everything in a completely new way. It has almost all features required by modern file manages and several unique ones. All this features packed with easy and clean UI.



- Italian localization updated
- Show full version info when available (not only numbers but text too)
- Show Shield icon in Make Link Dialog when symbolic link selected and current account is limited
- Draw submenu arrows with corresponding theme color (instead of black)
- Bug fix: Use theme MenuText color in history and columns drop down menus
- Bug fix: Unable to delete unauthorized folder even after elevation (IOException thrown)
- Bug fix: Cannot load System.Design exception when opening Tools menu on machines with .net 4 client profile installed
- Bug fix: Unable to create symbolic link when application running under limited account (no elevation happen)
- Bug fix: Do not open bookmarks with shortcut key with Alt modifier in far panel
- Bug fix: Rare "An item with the same key has already been added" exception when using folder tree
- Bug fix: Do not show tooltips in tree view when item tooltips disabled in options
- Bug fix: Do not extract extensions from ftp folders with dot (i.e. folder.name)
- Bug fix: Bookmarks and tools bot copied to a user defined config folder during initial setup
- Bug fix: CmdPromptTabPlugin not working in Windows Vista and 7
- Regression bug fix: Location column is empty on folders found during search
- Other small and not so small unlisted bug fixes


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2016, 09:00

15.06.16 Fixed: Trying to fix problem where users get request for next disk in sync tool (unreproduced error) (32/64)
15.06.16 Fixed: Create checksums: New SHA3 and SHA2-224 could sometimes return wrong checksum (for 0 byte file) when creating a lot of checksums (32/64)
15.06.16 Fixed: Add or remove custom view mode(s) -> list of view modes in main manu wasn't updated until the program was restarted (32/64)
15.06.16 Fixed: Access violation after copying a lot of files with "Verify" option (64)
15.06.16 Fixed: FTP Upload/Download confirmation dialog: Tab from edit box to first checkbox sometimes not working (64)
15.06.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Dropdown list of configured hotkey didn't support Unicode (32/64)
15.06.16 Fixed: Hotkeys not working in various locations of the main settings dialog, where options changed (32/64)
15.06.16 Added: Command cm_SearchForInCurdir opens search with directory under cursor. Accepts drive letter as parameter to search on that drive. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
15.06.16 Added: The following internal commands now support a drive letter (A-Z) or /=root, .=parent, [=nethood as parameter: CM_SRCOPENDRIVES , CM_LEFTOPENDRIVES , CM_RIGHTOPENDRIVES. Use the character code for scripting, e.g. A=65 (32/64)
15.06.16 Added: Show state for commands cm_FocusSrc, cm_FocusLeftTree, cm_FocusRightTree, cm_FocusSrcTree, cm_FocusTrgTree. Also update button state when entering tree panel (32/64)
15.06.16 Added: Configuration - Options, left list panel: Show "Autom mode swich" more to the right than "View modes" (32/64)
14.06.16 Added: Commands with numerical parameters like CM_SELECT now support ? or ?number as parameter, to get dialog box with value request (32/64)
14.06.16 Added: Multi-rename tool, "#" button submenu: New entry [?#-#] to open plugins dialog and let user choose range from sample plugin field (32/64)
14.06.16 Added: Support environment variables like %commander_path% in paths for auto-switch view modes (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: Some problems with high DPI devices: Files - Associate dialog much too small; Icon picker in Associate - Edit type - Change icon was wrapping icons to 2 lines (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: Icons on folder tabs: Draw icon on active tab 2 pixels higher than the other icons, since the offset of the text cannot be determined (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: View mode configuration: Do not switch to changed view mode in main window when clicking "Apply" (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: In completely empty file list (e.g. after search - feed to listbox - delete all) the top item in the list and footer were completely black (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: Unpacker: Also offer "Retry" when the target file exists and is locked by another program (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: Reduced list of commands supporting a numeric parameter (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: cm_leftswitchtothiscustomview/cm_rightswitchtothiscustomview missing from totalcmd.inc. Commands are used for scripting, set lparam=custom columns view, 1 based (32/64)
14.06.16 Fixed: Search for new field ft_fulltextw not fully working, especially with longer texts (32/64)
13.06.16 Added: Use icon from zipfldr.dll for archives if available (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: No icons for devices without drive letter when disabling the new drive icons via OldDriveIcons=1/2 (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Load Toolhelp functions dynamically because Thread32First seems to be missing on Windows NT4 (32)
13.06.16 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment in Unicode descript.ion file: comments could be lost when changing/deleting existing comments due to incorrect file size calculation (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Alt+F1/Alt+F2 drive list: Hotkeys '.' and ',' for second/third USB device (e.g. smartphone) were not working (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Themed text cursor disabled by default if user had set inverse cursor in previous version. Can still be enabled together manually (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Draw themed text cursor with style LVGH_CLOSESELECTEDHOT instead of LVGH_OPENSELECTEDHOT, better visible (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Command line parameters: Accept path+file name longer than 259 characters (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Configuration: View mode - "Auto-run commands": Put * in front of commands to execute them on each directory change, not only when view mode changes (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Configuration: View mode - "Auto-run commands" wasn't implemented yet. Supports cm_x and em_y commands only (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Error unpacking RAR archives with subdirs. Reason: Incomplete implementation of deduplicated file unpacking (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: User may get "Configure custom columns view" at program start when using a view mode where the view is set to "unchanged" (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: When rubberband selection ended, inplace rename would sometimes start (32/64)
13.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection couldn't be fully disabled, it still worked when starting it below the name list (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Lister or Ctrl+Q could sometimes lock image files, so they couldn't be deleted (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Reading network neighborhood was slow when using NethoodStyle=2 (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Alternate icon library wasn't used for the main menu (64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Configuration, view modes: Color and icon settings must be disabled for default view mode (64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Slight misalignment of new option to set DPI (64)
12.06.16 Fixed: cm_CheckForUpdates was missing in totalcmd.inc (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Custom columns configuration, choose plugin field -> "]" at the end wasn't cut off when creating column title (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Alt+F1/Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: Do not handle Num+"-" for selection, it's used to switch to devices without drive letters (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, range picker dialog: Range was lost when closing dialog with ENTER (64)
12.06.16 Fixed: cm_visButtonbar2 didn't have a checkmark in main menu / pressed button in horizontal buttonbar when vertical bar was visible (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Start selecting below last file while some files were already selected -> selection wasn't removed (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Full view, moving mouse cursor sideways out of panel -> rubberband still drawn, but nothing more selected (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Number of selected files/folders (footer) wasn't updated (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Find files, second tab, "Older than" edit box was enabled eben when checkbox wasn't (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Auto-switch view modes to comments view not working if comment view was already active (would turn it off) (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: "Show admin shares" was no longer working (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Sometimes it wasn't possible to return from search results (feed to listbox) to normal view via ".." or "\" buttons (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Show background of file list (where there are no files) with user-defined color, except in thumbs mode (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Compare by content: Binary compare showed extra dark lines when using "show only differences" with 0 extra lines (32/64)
12.06.16 Fixed: Compare by content: Binary compare didn't always work with "show only differences" (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: Automatically uncheck "Use themed cursor" when user changes the cursor color (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: cm_ConfigViewModes and cm_ConfigViewModeSwitch were not working (incorrectly defined in totalcmd.inc (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Options were not saved when only changing the colors via dropdown combobox (64)
10.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Internal commands to switch view modes werde defined incorrectly in totalcmd.inc (wrong numbers) (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: View modes: The default view mode was set by default to "brief view" instead of "unchanged" (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Couldn't apply just different sort order without setting the view mode (brief, full etc) too (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: Triple click on text in compare by content didn't always select the entire line (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: Remove flickering of main window when closing search dialog with ESC or Cancel button (64)
10.06.16 Fixed: File listboxes had no border when disabling all elements above them (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: Inplace rename, use up/down to go to previous/next file: delay re-loading directory until rename is closed (32/64)
10.06.16 Added: Use drive icons from TC 8.x and older: wincmd.ini [Configuration] OldDriveIcons=2 Note: this disables drive icons in the tab titles (32/64)
10.06.16 Fixed: Folder icons and default file icons didn't have overlay icons when using the icons from Explorer (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: No help was opened for Settings pages "View modes" and "Auto switch mode" (64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Command cm_Confirmation (open configuration with last page) causing error/crash due to insufficient items in category list (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Define colors by file type: Dialog sometimes had wrong background colors (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Context menu for entire bar was shown at the wrong position (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Changed checkbox "Reversed" to "Descending" (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: File context menu (Shift+F10): Hotkeys were missing "+", e.g. between "Ctrl" and "F8", when using English language only (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Stop selecting when switching away from program with Alt+Tab (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Don't show inactive title of main window when selection starts (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: Listbox didn't auto-scroll when moving cursor above/below the list (64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Rubberband selection: An additional icon appeared in the taskbar during selection -> we need to set a window parent (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: "Function not implemented" was shown when creating new view mode with fresh wincmd.ini (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Set default font size to 9, not 8 (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Changed German translation of view mode in main menu (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Couldn't disable vertical button bar via right click menu, 64-bit only (64)
09.06.16 Added: New commands OPENBAR1 and OPENBAR2 to open new button bar file in horizontal/vertical button bar. OPENBAR opens the file in the current bar if called from within a button bar (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Search with "Everything" was hanging TC when TC was run as administrator -> call ChangeWindowMessageFilter to allow WM_COPYDATA to search window (it's only used for "everything") (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Search with "Everything" wasn't working, because Everything32.dll/Everything64.dll wasn't included (32/64)
09.06.16 Fixed: New command cm_UpdateQuickView was missing in 64-bit version (64)
09.06.16 Fixed: Internal "tc" content plugin. Commands "decode html characters (x)" couldn't be translated (32/64)


Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2016, 20:00
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



Added automatic updating of the directory sizes when deleting files and folders.
The recycle bin still needs to be emptied via the toolbar icon to update the free space shown on the drive.
Added a recycle bin that now automatically detects whether to show a full or empty icon.
Added a timestamp to the directory status strip.
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused message windows to pop up with errors.
Fixed a bug which could cause a long timeout when a network drive was unreachable.
Fixed a bug which reduced the thread limit when 'path to long' IO exception occurred.
Changed the style of a few of the main window components.
Changed thread limit to auto reduce itself by 2 each time it detects network timeouts (reverts when calc completes).
Changed the position of the Recycle Bin icon in the tool bar to make it a little more accessible.
Changed licence check to always look for valid 'commercial use' licences in \ProgramData\FolderSizeExplorer\*
Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2016, 18:00

22.06.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 3 (32/64)
22.06.16 Fixed: Rename file with Shift+F6, go to next with cursor up/down, then just press ENTER (no change) -> list was not sorted as it should be (32/64)
22.06.16 Added: Run "Everything" when the user checks the checkbox and it's not running but located in the Total Commander directory, e.g. for portable applications (32/64)
22.06.16 Fixed: Fixed alignment of controls with and without themes, and with and without flat interface (32/64)
22.06.16 Fixed: Re-added listbox borders when themes are disabled (32/64)
22.06.16 Fixed: Separate tree has sometimes getting the background color from the current view mode (32/64)
22.06.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Should no longer ask for next disk/zip part when unpacking single part ZIP files (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Changed panel separator menu from "Edit.." to "Show vertical button bar" (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Auto view mode switch: Option "at least 50% match" didn't always work correctly due to rounding errors (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Lines in tree were almost invisible with some background colors. Note that the custom color can always be set via [Colors] TreeLineColor (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Execute multiple commands, e.g. from a button: Use SendMessage to execute them, otherwise they can get out of order when mixing with em_xx commands (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Tabstop header (name, ext. etc.): Moved to the left by 1 pixel when switching from full to custom columns view or back (64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Custom Columns Editor: the width of the "name" column changed incorrectly on "Apply" (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: OPENBAR command didn't resize button bar if the new bar had more/less lines than the previous bar (64)
21.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Allow to set the secondary background color (the one on even line numbers) even when the primary color is set to "default" (32/64)
21.06.16 Fixed: Auto switch mode: "AND" and "OR" were not translated (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: cm_reloadBarIcons switched back to main button bar when a subbar was shown (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Sample wasn't updated when going to next/previous field with cursor keys while cursor in quick search (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Plugin field selection dialog: Crash when scrolling with cursor from plugin "tc" up to "All" and back to "tc" very quickly (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed wrong icons and hints when DriveTipDelay was set (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Windows 10: Alt+F1 drive dropdown list showed extra multimedia devices in addition to the (wanted) USB devices like phones (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Old drive icons were not loaded correctly on high dpi devices (64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Auto-switch view modes: Switch from thumbs view to brief view -> columns were too narrow (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Changing to plugin quickly after opening nethood could show servers in the plugin by mistake (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Auto view mode change didn't work when a directory currently shown in TC was deleted, causing a directory change (32/64)
20.06.16 Fixed: Inplace edit of current path: Prevent cursor up/down to jump into the file list (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: SAVETABS2R didn't work (32/64)
19.06.16 Added: Use WM_COPYDATA to also send cm_commands with parameters to TC, with command used to send em_commands (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Run view mode command with a delay (via PostMessage), so TC can change directory first (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Show different message when user choose new button bar file and saves it (32/64)
19.06.16 Added: New internal commands cm_SrcViewModeList, cm_LeftViewModeList, cm_RightViewModeList to open list of available view modes (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Hidden files were still shown dimmed in 64-bit version even when using external icon library (64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Shared folder overlays were not shown in 64-bit version (64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Hotkey not working in multi-rename - select character range (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: View modes: Color of left file panel was also used in drive dropdown combobox by mistake (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Show translated text when deleting to recycle bin (title and changed body) (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: View modes, define two modes with tab colors set to a color NOT in the standard list -> switching between the two mode configurations didn't update the colors until hovering over it with the mouse (64)
19.06.16 Added: Included latest unrar.dll from www.rarlab.com (32/64)
19.06.16 Added: Network Neighborhood: Open context menu for virtual folders which cannot be entered, like DLNA servers (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Thumbnails view: 48x48 icons were not sharp (scaled up from32x32) even if the icon file contained 48x48 or larger icon images (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Do not load any network servers in nethood when using NethoodStyle=2 (32/64)
19.06.16 Fixed: Breadcrumb dropdown list (Alt+F11/F11, cursor down): used new folder icons even when iconlib=some.dll was set. Note that this list always used the Windows drive icons. (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Internal "tc" content plugin: Commands "decode html characters (x)" still not translated (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Hotkeys in file context menu: Remove extra space before "+" (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Added cm_FocusLeftTree and cm_FocusRightTree to same radio button group as cm_FocusLeft/cm_FocusRight, to see a dot instead of checkmark in main menu (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Alt+F3 external viewer associations no longer working when the path contained spaces and wasn't correctly quoted (32/64)
17.06.16 Added: Update checker: Allow to disable automatic update checks via "Check for updates now" dialog when there are no updates (32/64)
17.06.16 Added: Multi-rename tool: Hotkey "1" for "1x" option (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: No help in range picker dialog, open multi-rename tool page (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: Dialog title of dialog to change default icon library couldn't be translated (32/64)
17.06.16 Added: Update checker: Use DNS TXT record if available, lookup of A record only if TXT record lookup fails (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: TC was starting with Microsoft Sans Serif 9 instead of 8 by mistake in older installations (32/64)
17.06.16 Fixed: TC was starting with black inverted text cursor instead of themed cursor with fresh wincmd.ini (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 6.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2016, 17:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Kleine Änderungen, Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 10 und Windows Server 2016 plus aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir..

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2016, 11:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Correction for home folder
GUI corrections
Tools updated: Directory 3.450,
Dll Analyzer 1.450, Exe Packer 1.940,
File Move 1.710, File Shredder 1.910

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.6.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2016, 21:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.46.60625
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2016, 18:45
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Titel: Double Commander 0.7.3 beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2016, 21:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0001182: [Default] Name cannot have directory separators: (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001436: [File operations] Периодические ошибки при входе и выходе в любой архив. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001329: [File operations] shift enter to confirm delete dialog (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001389: [Language translation] Untranslated string in Russian translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001031: [Default] Invalid selection on compare by content (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000887: [Graphical user interface] & (ampersand) characters are wrongly displayed on dialogs (denisbisson) - resolved.
- 0001423: [Editor] Клавиша "DEL" не работает должным образом в редакторе (Qt4) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001399: [Graphical user interface] Can't use Ctrl+Z for undo when renaming a file, "Edit comment" window is opened instead (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001444: [Language translation] Update german translation doublecmd.de.po 0.7.2 beta (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000904: [File operations] Can't list files on FTP server in dir which contains space in dir name - resolved.
- 0001364: [Default] EAccessViolation if both panel have many file with description (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001339: [Graphical user interface] Option Frame Cursor no longer works (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001353: [Language translation] spelling and grammar errors (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001394: [Graphical user interface] "Дополнительные настройки вкладок каталогов изменены." (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001406: [Graphical user interface] При переходе в режим "Эскизы", если курсор установлен на элемент, который будет последним в ряду, первый столбец не показывается (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001411: [Language translation] Update german translation doublecmd.de.po (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001384: [Graphical user interface] Направление сортировки по умолчанию для столбцов "Размер" и "Дата" должно быть обратным везде (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000946: [File operations] File copy fails with "Can't create file" message when overwritting file with hidden attribute (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001378: [Graphical user interface] Крэш при сворачивании окна временной распаковки файла (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001271: [Graphical user interface] Sorting not consistent with displayed sorting order (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2016, 20:15
Whats new:>>

- File Move updated

Titel: Q-Dir 6.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2016, 13:17
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Was ist neu :>>

Bugfix in Q-Dir, beim ausführen bzw Öffnen von Dateien in der Listenansicht unter Windows-10.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2016, 20:41
Beta 4 korrigiert vor allem Fehler. Falls Sie Fehler für Beta 1/2 gemeldet haben, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob diese korrigiert wurden.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2016, 05:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

File Shredder 1.930 added

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2016, 17:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Live Filter Box:

The most desired feature since Dual Pane. Now it’s here. Filter as you type.

Content Search:

Now you can run a content search via inline switch.

Stronger Tree Lines:

Optionally have lines drawn solid instead of dotted.

Precise Obfuscation:

Define the strings you want to obfuscate. Can also help in severe cases of umlaut-phobia.


Titel: Attribute Changer 8.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2016, 05:50
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Release Notes

A new release of Attribute Changer is available and it features a complete 64-bit build. If the setup is launched on a 64-bit Windows, Attribute Changer will do the following actions:

· Install a complete 64-bit build of Attribute Changer on your machine
· Upgrades an existing 32-bit installation of Attribute Changer to 64-bit.

The following modifications were made in Attribute Changer :

· Attribute Changer now available in 64-bit
· Fixed incorrect Simulation checkbox state in a rare condition
· Installer includes 32 and 64-bit binaries
· 32-bit installation automatically upgraded to 64-bit on Windows x64


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2016, 05:20

13.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 5 (32/64)
13.07.16 Added: Experimental, not yet documented in help: Pass search parameters directly to "Everything" with prefix ev:, e.g. ev:<c:|d:> *.mp3 Note: All other search parameters except for the path field will still be applied to the results (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Search function, search text in plugins: Incorrect results with "whole words" and any other encoding that "Unicode UTF16" checked (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Windows classic theme: Use unified color (button shadow) for lines above function buttons and command line - overdraw lower tab delimiter (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Shift+F6 on [..] (change current path): Confirmation button appeared only for a short time, then disappeared (Tab background redraw problem) (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Allow inplace rename also by clicking behind file name even when using rubberband selection, unless the selection has already selected something (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: Show correct drive icons in tabs also when using OldDriveIcons=1 or 2, or DriveLib=dllname (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: Default Zip icon was shown on tabs for archives with read only, hidden, or system attribute (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: ZIP packer: Don't pack each file to TEMP when packing to RAM disks, only when packing to removable disks and CD-RW (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Unrar multi-part RAR archive when first part not available -> wrong file content unpacked (due to partial file at start), only affects beta version (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: When "Open files and directories with a single click" was set, the cursor could move after choosing a command from a dropdown buttonbar menu, but before the command was executed (32/64)
13.07.16 Added: Auto view mode change configuration: when adding a new ruleset, do not preset the mode to be set. Instead, open the combobox when the user forgets to set the mode and goes elsewhere (32/64)
13.07.16 Fixed: Draw shared folder overlay also on custom folder icons defined via desktop.ini when not using an external icon file (32/64)
12.07.16 Fixed: Configuration dialog didn't have an icon in the title bar (32)
12.07.16 Fixed: Right click on folder tabs: Only show view modes when right clicking on the current tab, not on inactive tabs (32/64)
12.07.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: No accents shown in popup menu for "+" and "#" buttons when using Windows Classic theme (64)
12.07.16 Fixed: Tab key stopped working in comboboxes which used auto-complete after 7 combobox creations in some dialogs, e.g. Shift+F5 (problem with subclassing) (64)
12.07.16 Fixed: Hotkeys (via &) were not removed from strings Strg+, Alt+ etc. when used in popup menu (32/64)
12.07.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Click on [N#-#], then on OK without changing anything inserted [N1] instead of the default range (64)
10.07.16 Fixed: File size "Dynamic x k/M" was wrong in 64-bit only (64)
10.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Empty on XP with NethoodStyle=2 (fix also removed German Entire network title) (32/64)
10.07.16 Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Do not show "Refresh.lnk" entry on Windows XP or older (32/64)
10.07.16 Fixed: wciconex.dll was ignored even when DefaultLib wasn't set in wincmd.ini. Will be used if DefaultLib empty or DefaultLib=wcmicons.dll (32/64)
10.07.16 Added: Allow to define a tab icon for the default view mode (32/64)
10.07.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Show different confirmation when user tries to delete to recycle bin, warn if the file would be deleted directly (32/64)
10.07.16 Fixed: "Do you really want to delete the selected element?" wasn't used in 64-bit version (64)
10.07.16 Added: When deleting to recycle bin and a file can only be deleted directly, warn the user and let him choose to delete it directly or not (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Separate search dialog: Search in selected files/folders in file system plugins didn't work (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Auto mode change: UNC path: \Server was missing a backslash (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Icon was drawn over focus rectangle with themed or inverted cursor disabled when it was loaded in the background (32)
08.07.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Overflow button was drawn as pressed when moving the mouse over it, or when the item which should be there was pressed too (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Vertical button bar: Crash when hovering over overflow button (when bar is too long) with some bar settings (32/64)
08.07.16 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] VerifyCerts=1 control verification of certificates: VerifyCerts=1 on, VerifyCerts=0 off, VerifyCerts=-1 only when wincmd.pem exists, VerifyCerts=-2: like -1, but do not user windows cert store (like older TC versions) (32/64)
08.07.16 Added: FTPS: Always verify certificates now, even when wincmd.pem is missing, since we use the root certs from Internet Explorer now (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: tcmdx32.exe had invalid manifest resource since beta 4 (64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Standalone synchronize dirs: Crash in overwrite dialog if preview was enabled (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were not updated (32/64)
08.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Custom columns: View modes with no title were not shown in the combobox (32/64)
07.07.16 Fixed: Everything.exe wasn't started with -startup parameter in 64-bit version (64)


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2016, 13:11
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2016, 13:09
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Issue with files without 'name' field in response (Amazon Drive)
FIXED: Bug on file size when file is truncated
FIXED: Issue when file name has trailing slash (FTP)
FIXED: Bug on handling checkpoint of changes (Amazon Drive)
IMPROVED: Filesystem stability when handling incorrect response from server
ADDED: Support diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (SFTP)
CHANGED: Amazon Cloud Drive has changed name to Amazon Drive

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2016, 05:50

Fixed: Re-apply auto-switch view mode filters after Ctrl+U, but do not swap view modes themselves (32/64)
Added: Set color of currently active tab, overrides any view mode tab colors: wincmdini [Colors] ActiveTabColor=RGB value (32/64)
Fixed: Duplicate folder tab via right click menu -> copy also view mode, icon, and colors (32/64)
Fixed: Button with command other than exe (eg vbs) and parameter %S not working with spaces in the program name (reason: CreateProcess used instead of ShellExecuteEx, to allow longer command line) (32/64)
Fixed: Icons in folder tabs (to which the user switches) are lost after using cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch while no view mode switch rules are defined (32/64)
Fixed: Leave archive with F2/Ctrl+R -> view modes were still not updated in 64-bit only (64)
Fixed: Search with "ev:" prefix: ignore results in the form "c:", "c:", "\server", "\servershare" (32/64)
Fixed: When reading from a network directory, do not refresh the file list when TC loses focus when wait dialog is up, and user switches back when reading complete (32/64)
Fixed: Don't pack each file to TEMP when TEMP folder is on the same drive as target folder (32/64)
Fixed: Search via 'Everything': When not using the ev: prefix, call Everything_SetMatchPath(true); Everything_SetMatchCase(false); Everything_SetMatchWholeWord(false); before each search to get correct results (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to Text+UTF-8, and a plain text comment file with line breaks n exists, and user enters Unicode comment, the comment extra info wasn't handled correctly when codepage wasn't Western (1252) (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If comment type is set to UTF-8, make sure the comment isn't cut in the middle of an UTF-8 multi-byte character when it is too long (32/64)
Fixed: Slightly increased with for text Search - Plugins tab - "Combine with" (32/64)
Fixed: Content plugin, full unicode text field, text search: Results wrong in 64-bit due to wrong buffer size reported to plugins (64)
Fixed: Network Neighborhood, Windows XP or older: Total number of files/folders in footer was wrong (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view, edit file, save it -> file list was updated, but quick view wasn't (32/64)
Fixed: Menu "Start": User-defined hotkeys were not translated, also not in "Change start menu" dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Right click on current tab in inactive panel -> wrong current view mode was checked, and chosen mode was applied to active panel instead (32/64)
Added: Configuration dialog: When clicking OK or Apply while on "View modes" page, and automatic view mode changes are off, apply the current view mode to the file lists (32/64)
Fixed: CopyLinks>0 -> comments of hard links/junctions were not copied with the links (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, execute commands: When starting TC, we need to set the current panel to the target when executing a command there like cm_dirbranch Otherwise it would be executed in the wrong panel (32/64)
Fixed: Remove hotkey (&) from string 6402 in second location in server type definition dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Show description in "Set default icon library" also for file wcmicon2dll (32/64)
Fixed: Help, SizeFooter description was not updated to the new 2 digit and terabyte styles (32/64)
Fixed: Manifest resource in 64-bit installer (64)
Fixed: Edit box for "File types" in "Auto mode change" was too wide (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.0 Build 2208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2016, 12:15
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



FIXED - Horizontal scrollbar was not restored correctly when coming back from message, when filesystem scanning took a long time
FIXED - Focus is restored to ExplorerPanel after changing view mode
FIXED - There is now less of a risk that something will interfere with Explorer Panel between when filesystem is scanned and UI is updated.
FIXES - Internal code cleanup and for all the latest changes..


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.0 Build 2211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2016, 09:27
Whats new :>>

FIXED - FindFiles dialogs will now auto switch to wildcard/contains if incorrect data entered. And add * if no LookFor content is entered
FIXED - Searching 2 character folders where first character was "." was not entered correct. (eg ".F" )
FIXED - Custom Command MC.FileSearch.Search did not handle Multiple "LookFor" matches in "SEARCHFOR" correct
FIXED - Fileoperation plugin 'CopyContent' works again
FIXED - Packing with filters so all items in a folders are excluded, The empty folder will now be added

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2016, 20:30
Whats new:>>

File Move 1.740 added
Correction for ID3 tags

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2016, 13:44
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2016, 18:15
Whats new :>>

· Fixed:The collapse problem caused by the compatibility of Win8 system
· Fixed:The collapse problem caused by the compatibility of Win10 system
· Fixed: Exit exception problem of WinXP2 system

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2016, 05:00

27.07.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 7 (32/64)
27.07.16 Fixed: If a plugin shows a MessageBox while the 1-2-3-nag dialog is up, bring the MessageBox to the foreground so the user can close it (64)
27.07.16 Added: Don't reset view mode when loading locked tabs (also with directory changes allowed) (32/64)
27.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs: When using tabs of same width, the text and icon could overlap (but only in the right tab header!) (32/64)
27.07.16 Fixed: * in front of commands in View mode (execute in each dir, not just when the mode changes) didn't work any more (32/64)
27.07.16 Fixed: Crash/malfunction using button parameter %C3-%C9 or higher (32/64)
27.07.16 Fixed: When adding a tab with Ctrl+T when no tabs are shown, the buttons for history and bookmarks could be shown too high with some themes like Windows 10 (32/64)
27.07.16 Added: Windows 10: re-added separator between tab headers and file list because it's missing from the theme (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: Folder tabs layout of right panel could be wrong (e.g. path panel too high, top of hotlist+history list too high) with certain themes and fonts (32)
26.07.16 Fixed: descript.ion file with line breaks converted incorrectly from OEM/DOS font to Unicode (line breaks were lost) (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: Buttons in button bar were not centered vertically between upper and lower line when using flat or themed buttons (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: Switch theme off (classic theme) or on (default theme) -> Tab key stopped working, couldn't focus other panel (64)
26.07.16 Fixed: ActiveTabColor could become sticky on tabs when not using automatic view mode changes (Note: To remove color, set view mode to default via right click on the tab) (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: USB devices like phones didn't have an icon when using drivelib=some dll (32/64)
26.07.16 Added: Configuration - Options - Auto switch mode: Show & and | instead of |& and || (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: User-chosen view mode could be reset after renaming when using auto view mode change (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: Files - Split File, Files - Encode File: Textbox with file name could wrap to 2 or more lines for long names, adjust dialog box accordingly (the width will not be adjusted) (32/64)
26.07.16 Fixed: No tooltips from Explorer were shown when not using "All+EXE/LNK" and/or overlay icons (because the idlist for the directory wasn't loaded) (32/64)
26.07.16 Added: When using external icon library with iconlib= option, use separated "shared folder" overlay icons on folders with special icons (desktop.ini) (32/64)
25.07.16 Fixed: Update checker was broken, will take until beta 8 to work again (32/64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font: 64-bit version showed different examples (with Latin accents) than 32-bit version (64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Always try to load newer unrar.dll. Only try unrar9x.dll when the former fails (32)
24.07.16 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Folder icon with shared icon overlay: Folder icon was shown wrong (16x16 icon scaled up to 48x48) (32/64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Shift+F6  on [..]: Change icon to OK sign before displaying the button (for slow screens) (32/64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Everything search: Everything_SetMatchPath must be set to false, not true, otherwise strings like name*.ext will not be found (32/64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Crash trying to set ANSI comment in Unicode comment file (or vice versa) if the old comment had no line breaks (32/64)
24.07.16 Fixed: Crash trying to read description from UTF-16 Unicode descript.ion file >64kBytes (32/64)
22.07.16 Fixed: Different Icons in Drive Buttons and Drive Combobox for USB harddisks - try to update icons later (32/64)
22.07.16 Fixed: Show - Vertical arrangement: Bottom drive buttonbar was overlapping with vertical buttonbar (64)
22.07.16 Fixed: Double click on splitter panel not always working when using vertical arrangement, because the control sizes have changed (32/64)
22.07.16 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Custom columns: Top combobox didn't support accents in user-defined plugin names (64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.7.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2016, 04:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.0 Build 2215 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2016, 19:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new :>>

   FIXED - Very rare filesystem scanning timing issue if multiple scans was started at the same time during startup
   FIXED - File system scanning thread should lockup in very rare situation if two or more file system scanning request was less then 5ms apart
   ADDED - MultiUpdate tool now support XP edition of MultiCommander. If run on XP it will check for and upgrade to the XP edition of MC when it exists.
   FIXED - MultiUpdate cleaned up and removed unused settings and code.

Titel: Multi Commander v6.4 (Build 2222)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2016, 22:00
Whats new :>>

New filesystem scanning engine.
Lots of fixes for File Search.
File operation plugin "CopyContent" now works again.
And lots of fixes and internal changes.

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.1 Build 2225
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2016, 16:30
Whats new :>>

FIXED - When creating Folder/File from Context Menu, The Rename mode for that item was not entered.
FIXED - MC Failed to show a subpath to a virtual path like REG: at startup
FIXED - Folder tree did not update correct after rename/delete
ADDED - Improved error logging in a couple of places
FIXED - If column setup was never saved so default was used. And MC started to fast. The columns sizes was auto sized wrong.
FIXED - Wordwrap in FileViewer did not trigger until after scrolled/resized.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2016, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added Russian language file.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4747
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2016, 05:47
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2016, 21:30

Fixed: ZIP packer: Accented characters were not shown correctly in progress dialog when packing names as plain text (not Unicode) (32/64)
Fixed: If a plugin shows a MessageBox while the 1-2-3-nag dialog is up, try closing it directly (64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager: Second percent bar wasn't reset to 0 once copying was done (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not use auto-rename to "name (1).ext" if the old and new name are the same or differ only in upper/lowercase (32/64)
Fixed: Comment editor (Ctrl+Z): Comment shown incorrectly from UTF-8-encoded descript.ion file if "DOS charset" was also checked (32/64)
Fixed: Right to left languages: Auto view mode switch configuration, list of rules must not be mirrored! (32/64)
Fixed: Right to left languages: View mode configuration, button for choosing icon was overlapping button to choose color (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu and Lister menu not shown correctly when using right to left languages (note: due to a bug in Windows, only single line right to left menu works) (64)
Fixed: Initial compare by content (progress bar in main TC) was aborted by ESC in Lister (32/64)
Added: Support Shift+Home/End in cm_commandbrowser (32/64)
Fixed: No overlay icon was shown for .lnk files in virtual folders pointing to files with no association, and to folders with default folder icon (32/64)
Fixed: Show .lnk files pointing to files without association as files, not folders (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter � wasn't same as in compare by content when there was 1 file selected in the source, and the cursor was on another file (32/64)
Fixed: Using icons >48x48 in file lists could result in tiny 16x16 icons in upper left of the icon (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Could not remove user-defined hotkeys via "X" button after choosing them from dropdown list (64)
Fixed: Still different Icons in Drive Buttons and Drive Combobox for USB harddisks under special conditions: Fresh ini, OldDriveIcons=1 or 2 (32/64)
Fixed: Show - Vertical arrangement: Bottom drive buttonbar was overlapping with vertical buttonbar after inserting new (USB) drive (32/64)
Fixed: Vertical button bar: Fixed redrawing of buttons on XP with themes enabled, and tooltips partially obscure the buttons (32/64)
Added: One more parameter added to installer: /K installs wincmd.key file located in same directory as the installer. Note: All parameters MUST be passed in one group after a single slash (32/64)
Added: Installer now accepts the following parameters /AHLMGDU A=Auto, H=Hidden, L=Language number, M=Multi-language, G=Create group, D=Create desktop icon, U=Update if target exists. All options accept parameters 1 or 0, e.g. G0 or G1. L accepts language Nr. from install.inf, e.g. L18=Romanian (32/64)
Added: Installer: new key [Auto] Update=1 perform update installation if target already exists: Do not change language and other ini settings, do not create desktop ans start menu icons (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Copyright sign not shown in some languages like Korean (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: removed "(default)" from Windows directory option, it's no longer the default (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, right click on button: Menu item "cd c:path of exe" missing when * was put in front of the command (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, additional sort orders: '2' was added twice to the context menu (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.2 Build 2229
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2016, 05:10
Whats new :>>

ADDED - Improved error logging and error handling in a couple of places
FIXED - Context Menu - New Folder now works better both in FolderTree and FileList
FIXED - FolderTree did not always redraw correct after folder was added/removed
FIXED - Issue with RegEx search from Simple FindFiles Window
FIXED - 3 very rare/possible stability issues

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.3 ( Build 2232 )
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2016, 16:30
Whats new :>>

FIXED - Sometimes the filesystem was refreshed twice when Creating folder causing them to come in conflict of each other
FIXED - Create folder could in some situation cause issue where view was not updated
FIXED - Focus was sometimes lost if it was changed while view was being updated after a filesystem scan.
FIXED - 1 very stability issue

Titel: trolCommander 0.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2016, 10:45
trolCommander - fork of the free and opensource (GPL) filemanager muCommander. It is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface with tabbed navigation and rich functionality. The application runs on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris). It supports multiple virtual systems - FTP, SFTP, SMB, NFS, HTTP, Amazon S3, Hadoop HDFS, Bonjour and can browse, create and uncompress ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb and LST archives

License: GPL


New features

    Text viewer/editor: new Find and Replace dialogs
    Alt-TAB to switch current file in text viewer/editor
    Added window list button to statusbar in file-manager-, text-, hex- and image-viewers
    Added compare text files command (Mac OS X only)
    Added tips for AVR microcontrollers command in texteditor
    Code folding in text editor and viewer
    Added single panel mode
    Added “Eject” command for mounted items in /Volumes/ directory (Mac OS X only)
    Added new menu item: Tools -> Eject drive (Mac OS X only)
    Fixed working with adb/Android (added new config file - env.properties with environment options. if adb not found, define ANDROID_HOME variable in this file


    Bookmarks: add possibility for cyclic bypass via arrow keys
    If bookmark's name is `-` treat it as a separator
    Increased height for quick-lists windows
    Better error message when copying to readonly archive
    Improved delete file dialog for single file case
    Server connection dialog: default value of path to ssh private key in unix-based OS
    Improved German GUI translation
    Added progress indicator for directory size calculation worker
    FindFile improvements
    Increased the startup speed

Bug fixes

    Fixed "sticky" cursor issue
    Fixed "Open with" context menu issues
    Fixed 7z reading on Windows (directory structure was missing due to path separator issue)
    Fixed theme selection and saving
    Fixed drives popup delay on Windows
    Fixed/avoid JVM crash when opening viewer under OSX as vmWare guest
    Fixed for KDE startup
    Fixed Preferences Shortcut Search Filter (Filter failed to find shortcuts that have been changed but not applied yet. This fix searches through the current shortcuts in the table instead of the global preferences)


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.5 Build 2239 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2016, 16:00

    FIXED - Ctrl+Return in CreateFolder dialog now works again. (Goto created folder)
    FIXED - New Folders now show up faster when creating new folders. (From Create folder dialog)
    FIXED - 1 rare stability issue

New in Multi Commander 6.4.5 Build 2237 Beta

    FIXED - Focus moved to ".." when current focus item was lost. Now it works as before and moves to next or previous item
    FIXED - If tab was locked and option to open new tabs was not active. In some situation did not update.
    FIXED - In some situation filesystem change monitoring was removed, even if there was more ExplorerPanels (other tabs) active for that path
    FIXED - Possible buffer overrun in MCAudioTools extension
    FIXED - 1 very rare stability issue


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.5 Build 2242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2016, 21:30

FIXED - Tab with a LockPath, and the locked location was deleted by anohter program, resulted in new tabs opening up
   FIXED - During startup if a tab had a lockpath to a location that did not exists anymore. The tab was still locked and behaved bad.
   FIXED - Watching a folder and that folder was deleted, MC would fallback to closest path, but the removed folder would still be shown. (Since Windows told MC it still existed)
   FIXED - Ctrl+Return in CreateFolder dialog now works again. (Goto created folder)
   FIXED - New Folders now show up faster.
   FIXED - Focus moved to ".." when current focus item was lost. Now it works as before and moves to next or previous item
   FIXED - If tab was locked and option to open new tabs was not active. In some situation did not update.
   FIXED - In some situation filesystem change monitoring was removed, even if there was more ExplorerPanels (other tabs) active for that path
   FIXED - Possible buffer overrun in MCAudioTools extension
   FIXED - 2 stability issue


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2016, 09:00

10.08.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 9 (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowHiddenSystemOverlay=1/0 show exclamation mark overlay for hidden and system files/folders (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowHiddenDimmed=1/0 show hidden files/folders with dimmed icon (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: Show hidden and system files with exclamation mark overlay (configurable) (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: View modes: New checkbox "Priority": If checked, the view mode icon takes priority over all other icons, e.g. if the folder has an icon from desktop.ini (32/64)
10.08.16 Added: Files - Create CRC checksums: New option to create checksum file in each directory. Use name of directory as checksum name by default (32/64)
09.08.16 Fixed: Removed hotkeys from context menu added on 13.02.15 - people in the forum didn't like them, and they removed the shield icon from some menu entries (32/64)
09.08.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MultiRenameUndoHistoryLen=20 set number of Undo steps in multi-rename too. =0 disables Undo (32/64)
09.08.16 Added: Multi-rename tool: Undo now supports multiple undo steps. By default, the last 20 multi-rename operations can be undone (32/64)
07.08.16 Fixed: "Change start menu" was hanging after closing the dialog, but only on Windows 10 (problem with menu library) (64)
07.08.16 Fixed: Devices with no drive letter (e.g. phones) sometimes still had no icon when using DriveLib= option (32/64)
07.08.16 Fixed: totalcmd64.exe was missing 24x24 pixel icon. Also 16x16 icons didn't have '64' number on them, and '64' text was too small in 48x48 icon (64)
07.08.16 Fixed: Everything search: Do not call Everything_SetMatchPath at all. Instead, use path: and nopath: prefix, e.g. path:c:\windows\ nopath:<note*.exe> (32/64)
07.08.16 Fixed: Locked tab: Keep view mode set by user also on active tab (it was preserved only on inactive tabs by mistake) (32/64)
05.08.16 Fixed: Microsoft has brought back a bug they fixed long ago in IE10: ShellExecuteEx fails if the launched EXE is in a path containing relative links -> use old workaround to resolve path ourselves (32/64)
05.08.16 Fixed: Quick search dialog was closed when searching while quick view was open (32/64)
05.08.16 Added: Allow to re-apply the current view mode via tab right click menu, e.g. because the sort order was changed manually by the user (32/64)
05.08.16 Added: Support Shift+Home/End in content plugin selection dialog (e.g. button "[=?] Plugin" in multi-rename tool) (32/64)
05.08.16 Fixed: Beep sound was played when renaming and ESC was pressed with a single space in the edit box (32/64)


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2016, 10:45
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.



New Function:Setting - Other(New tab page when you click the mouse wheel、Double-click on folders in the blank space to the upper directory、Double-click on the tag title when closing the current Tab、Use the mouse wheel on the tab bar to switch tabs.)
New Function:Setting - Bookmark Manager(Import bookmarks from HTML file、Export bookmarks to HTML file)
Fixed:New Function:Multi language version(Support:English / 简体中文 / 繁體中文 / 日本語 / Français / Español / Russian / Deutsch / Nederlands / Português)
Improved: Crash problem caused by system compatibility
Fixed:Cancel check "display bookmarks bar", re start the bookmark bar is still displayed


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.8.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2016, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: WebDAV, Result Folder, Lock

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2016, 06:30

Fixed: Removed all user-added hotkeys from right click context menu (32/64)
Fixed: Write SetEncoding=äödonotremove to wincmdini [Configuration] on load, to prevent notepad from opening/saving the file as UTF-8 when it contains UTF-8 encoded parts (32/64)
Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: when a file/folder icon library is set and the user checks to use the drive icons from Explorer, move library to iconlibbak Restore library name when user unchecks the option (32/64)
Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: when a drive icon library is set and the user checks to use the drive icons from Explorer, move library to drivelibbak Restore library name when user unchecks the option (32/64)
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Multi-step undo stops working when a rename operation gave 0 results (no names changed) (32/64)
Added: Drive bar, drive dropdown list: re-read drive icons when TC gets the focus (32/64)
Added: Configuration - Options - Icons: configure old/new default file/folder icons, old/new drive icons, "!" overlay, dimmed hidden files (32/64)
Added: New option OldListIcons: set to 1 to use file/folder icons from TC 8x, except when iconlib= is set (32/64)
Fixed: Use dimmed icons by default only on Windows XP or newer, because ImageList_DrawEx(ILD_BLEND50) looks horrible on old Windows versions (32/64)
Added: Re-added horizontal border between listbox and footer when using themes, using top line of tab control (32/64)
Fixed: Do not use bold font when text color and selection color are the same, but inverse selection is chosen (32/64)
Fixed: Dialog box "Define server type" (Alt+Shift+Enter during FTP connection) had no icon in 32-bit version (32)
Fixed: Locked tab: View mode set by user on locked tab was not preserved in 64-bit version (64)
Added: Detect when a drive is locked by bitlocker, and offer to unlock it (32/64)
Added: Re-apply view mode also when using cm_SrcViewMode0, cm_TrgViewMode0 etc when the same view mode is already set (32/64)
Added: 40x40 icon to TC 32-bit and TC 64-bit Also re-added 24x24 icon to 64bit, it was lost somehow (32/64)
Fixed: Sometimes the start menu or directory menu could get filled with strange characters, or hang when closed (error in MyListbox component, GetTextW) (64)


Titel: Double Commander 0.7.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2016, 16:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0001491: [Graphical user interface] built in Editor Search Dialog Size (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001489: [Language translation] Update german translation doublecmd.de.po 0.7.3 beta build 6979 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001483: [File operations] Ghost folders on 7z archives viewed with 7zFM (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001480: [File operations] Taking screenshots w PicPick causes unhandled exception in DC when it's in Thumbnails view (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001124: [File operations] Incorrect Drag 'n' Drop from external arc apps (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001478: [Graphical user interface] Current directory displayed improperly after "cd .." command (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001446: [Plugins] Getting folder size in FTP client is not implemented (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001460: [Default] Internal Diff tool does not respect custom font (size, type, ...) as defined in DC (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001074: [File operations] CTRL+V and CTRL+C do not work acrsoss Remote Desktop (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001447: [Graphical user interface] Assign 'Up' and 'Down' keys in the MessageBox form to move the selected button upwards and downwards instead of left and right (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001431: [File operations] Option to silent open files inside ZIPs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001455: [File operations] Crash on editing file inside ZIP and packing (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.50.60818
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2016, 18:15
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Update VoHelp;
[!]some bugs fixed;
[!]Support latest VMC;

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.6 Build 2246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2016, 06:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Whats new :>>

FIXED - Start with a ExplorerPanel showing the root of REG: now works again
FIXED - Items sometimes got selected when activating application.
FIXED - Focus was sometimes lost if focus was changed during filesystem scan
FIXED - Crash that could happen if item was removed after filesystem scan, But before UI had refreshed.
FIXED - 1 stability issue<

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2016, 10:00
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Amazone Drive Large file issue (>9GB)
FIXED: Google Drive issue in renaming file with same name but using different case
FIXED: S3 issue with listing folders with spaces in their name
FIXED: Issues which occur irregularly when unmounting drives
UPDATED: OneDrive API updated

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2016, 09:20

Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Priority" checkbox could overlap with tab icon preview on higher DPI devices (32/64)
Fixed: Show dimmed icons by default only on Windows XP or newer, they look ugly on older Windows versions (32/64)
Fixed: When themes are disabled, icons in the current tab context menu need to be scaled down to the actual menu size (usually 15x15) because the menu isn't enlarged for larger icons (32/64)
Fixed: Re-added line between sorting header and listbox when using themes, but TabHeaderThemed=0 was set under [Layout] (32/64)
Fixed: The installer could not install over TC 64-bit if the 64-bit standalone help window or other standalone dialogs were open (64)
Fixed: Dialog with 1-3 checkboxes could sometimes be too small when using larger font (32)
Added: Alt+F10 tree: Changed static text "F2 re-scan" to speed button, so it can be used with a mouse too (32/64)
Fixed: Search dialog: Move 'Everything' checkbox to the right of the packer checkbox if it doesn't have enough space (32/64)
Fixed: Breadcrumb bar: The dropdown folder list wasn't closed when switching away (Alt+Tab) from TC (64)
Added: Show view mode tab colors and icons in main menu - Show - Custom View Modes (with same icon size as on folder tabs) (32/64)
Added: Show view mode tab colors and icons in current tab context menu (32/64)
Added: When user changes the view mode manually while automatic view mode switching is enabled, keep that view mode until the directory changes to a location with a different view mode rule>0 (32/64)
Fixed: When using external icon library (via iconlib=) for files/folders, do not use '!' overlay (from TC) if the icon library does not contain any '!' overlay. Use method from TC 8.x instead: separate icon for hidden/system (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 anniversary update bug: Double click on inaccessible share (e.g. DVD drive with no disk) would hang forever. Must call in background thread (32/64)
Fixed: Show legacy file folder icons with '!' when checking "Show '!' on hidden/system" and using icon library or old internal icons. Show '!' overlay for files/folders with special icon (32/64)
Fixed: Do not show any icons with "!" (not even default icons) when unchecking "Show '!' on hidden/system" (32/64)
Fixed: Use internal function to convert from ANSI to Unicode for codepage 1252 (Western), for users who replace C_1252.NLS (e.g. to use Cyrillic in Western only programs) (32/64)
Fixed: Icons from internal associations disappeared when changing from/to file/folder icons from Explorer (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.7 Build 2250 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2016, 06:30

FIXED - Some Internal cleanup and refactoring, and preparation for future features.
FIXED - Explorer Panel lost focused item in some situations when refreshed
FIXED - Copy progress dialog will now show estimated time to complete with hours and minutes if minutes to complete is more then 60
FIXED - Issue when checking if path exists for a path to a FileSystem Plugin that was closed.
FIXED - Fixed issue where it lost contact with portable device, So that a manual refresh was needed to. This is now done automatic (is most cases)
FIXED - Explorer Panel was not always refreshed automatic if folder was created in virtual location. like REG:
FIXED - 1 stability issue


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2016, 13:45
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.



New Function: Drag files / folders to move between tags and Tags
New Function: Drag files / folders to bookmarks
Improved: Multi language translation
Fixed: WinXP, Double click the icon appears two clover window
Fixed: Win7, After the installation is complete, the start menu in the presence of two shortcut icon


Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.7 Build 2253 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2016, 09:30
Whats new:>>

FIXED - GotoNextSiblingFolder/GotoPreviousSiblingFolder something changes the tab.
FIXED - Possible crash issue if File system was refresh before UI was updated from previous scan.
FIXED - Will now only redraw and revalidates file colors if a subfolder was modified. Was doing a full rescanning. Not needed

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.270
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2016, 16:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: muCommander 0.9.1 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2016, 09:44
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

Titel: FilerFrog 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2016, 17:41
FilerFrog is a new and innovative way of manipulating files in windows explorer. It integrates with Windows Explorer as a shell extension so it can provide you with tools to perform your every day file manipulation actions easily and efficiently. It helps both advanced and novice users to perform file manipulation functions easier and more efficiently. Provides you with the ability to perform your actions quicker by giving you the appropriate tool in the appropriate places. It helps makes your business more productive by allowing your workers do their every day file handling operations easier.


Latest Changes

- Bug fixes
- Rename replace space bug
+ Image resize UI bug

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2016, 09:05

New Function: Drag files / folders to move between tags and Tags
New Function: Drag files / folders to bookmarks
Improved: Multi language translation
Fixed: WinXP, Double click the icon appears two clover window
Fixed: Win7, After the installation is complete, the start menu in the presence of two shortcut icon


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2016, 18:18

Fixed: Ignore keyboard input sent to TC while a modal dialog is up, eg F5 copy dialog Workaround to Windows bug where TC can get focus while disabled (hover over taskbar icon until preview shows up, right click on preview) (32/64)
Fixed: Refresh only active panel after deleting file via right click context menu, and the other panel showed a different drive (32/64)
Fixed: The line between listbox and status bar wasn't drawn in brief view (32/64)
Fixed: Some resized icons would appear too dark when using a custom icon size (32/64)
Fixed: Increased text height in background transfer manager and background progress dialog slightly to handle 10pt fonts (32/64)
Fixed: Drive combobox could be too narrow on higher DPI devices using larger icon size (32/64)
Fixed: Increased textbox height in dialog which appears when editing multiple files from ZIP with F4 with multiple document editor (32/64)
Fixed: F5-F6 repeatedly doesn't work any more with CHS file names (32)
Fixed: Thumbnails view: View mode background wasn't used Note that thumbnails view only uses the first background color (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration, click "Apply": Do not try to apply auto view mode change rules unless they were actually changed, just apply the changed view mode (32/64)
Fixed: Sorting headers (Name/Ext etc): Removed extra line on the left when using HeaderThemed=0 (64)
Fixed: View mode and view mode switch configurations: Comboboxes were not translated when changing languages and clicking Apply without closing the dialog (32/64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] CountMarkedBackground=0 disables second progress bar in background transfer manager (32/64)
Fixed: Exit button was too far to the right (only beta 11) (32)
Fixed: When the user changed the view mode manually while auto view mode changes were enabled, it was not preserved when not using tabs (32/64)
Fixed: Update bitlocker drive icon in drive bar and drive dropdown combobox when unlocking bitlocker drive from within TC (32/64)
Fixed: After unlocking a bitlocker drive, trying to switch to it may return a different error while the drive is unlocked but not yet accessible (32/64)
Fixed: Do not show green open arrow overlay when using old archive icons (32/64)
Added: Also show old archive icon when unchecking "Show default folder/file icons from Explorer" (32/64)
Fixed: When an external icon library (via iconlib=) contains separate "!" overlay icons, use these always instead of the dedicated file+! and folder+! icons (32/64)
Fixed: Crash trying to enter directory longer than 1023 characters (Reason: directory history storing both path+name under cursor) (32/64)
Fixed: Search dialog: Only handle F4 for edit when the focus is not in a combobox, because F4 is already used by Windows to open a dropdown combobox (32/64)
Fixed: When using drive icons from Explorer, re-read network drive icon when switching from elsewhere to it, to remove red 'x' if the drive was reconnected (32/64)
Fixed: Menu bar theme background wasn't drawn when maximized on secondary screen, AND that screen ended with x-coordinate 0 (shown to the left of the main screen) (64)
Fixed: 24x24 icon in 32-bit version was replaced by a resized 32x32 icon by mistake (32)


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.1 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2016, 20:45
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Added new commandline options (see notes)
Added notifier to thumbnail page that shows results of drag n drop operations (see notes)
Added 'Video Only' and 'Audio Only' presets
Added Polish localization
Added Turkish localization
Fixed Optimfrog thumbnailing
Fixed Optimfrog bitrate values
Made EPUB a default filetype
Updated Danish, Portuguese and Russian localization
Improved donation links (labels and extra info)
Fixed a handful of minor bugs


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4774
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2016, 16:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.7 Build 2255
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2016, 15:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.


Release Notes

This is a minor update to 6.4.x It has 24 additional changes. All bugs fixes and stability changes.

See changelog for info about change in this minor update.

Over 250+ changes since v6.2

New in 6.4

Major new feature is the total redesign and file system scanning. It now always run in background. That will make block the UI less. Improves flat filesystem scanning a lot. Better abort of filesystem scanning, better startup time with lots of tabs.

If you have issue with file system scanning. please send a message. (Help menu > Send feedback)
You can also activate the old file system scanning engine in Explorer Panel settings


    New filesystem scanning engine
    Lots of fixes for File Search
    File operation plugin "CopyContent" now works again
    And lots of fixes and internal changes


Titel: Q-Dir 6.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 13:48
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug-Fix: gelegentlicher Absturz unter Windows 10 bei einigen Systemkonfigurationen.

Titel: XYplorer 17.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2016, 20:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Audio Tags. Now Vorbis comments in FLAC and OGG files are supported. They can be shown in columns, in reports, and on mouse hover. And you can use them in file search and scripts.
Safety Belts. Added an optional native delete confirmtion prompt including deep stats.
Custom Columns. Raised the number of possible custom column definitions from 32 to 64. (Pro Edition Only)
Thumbnail Files. XYplorer lets you save thumbnails of images as files. Now you can pass the desired JPG quality value. (Pro Edition Only)
Portable Tags. Advanced storage options allow you to keep the tags database together with the tagged items. Finally a perfect solution for backing up tagged items. (Pro Edition Only)


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2016, 12:25
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.



New Function:Keyboard Shortcuts "Ctrl+N", Open a new Clover window.
New Function:Keyboard Shortcuts "Ctrl+Shift+T",Re-open last closed tab.
New Function:Prompt before exit (close tabs)
Improved: The translation of multi language version
Fixed:Crash problem caused by the delete bookmark


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2016, 05:00

07.09.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 beta 13 (32/64)
07.09.16 Fixed: Configuration dialog, apply view modes: Only reset view modes when they were not set manually, or when a view mode was deleted (32/64)
07.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PopupDelay=500 delay in milliseconds after pressing right mouse button until context menu is shown (shorter right click or click+drag just selects file) (32/64)
06.09.16 Fixed: Copy in background with F5-F2: Keep TC enabled while counting files (no window freezing) (32/64)
06.09.16 Fixed: Help file: Link to asp-software was still pointing to asp-shareware (32/64)
06.09.16 Fixed: Unmount USB flash drive which was displayed in TC -> drive was changed to C: but the view mode wasn't updated (32/64)
06.09.16 Fixed: Drive button bar: Drive icons were flickering when returning to TC and not using Explorer drive icons (32/64)
05.09.16 Fixed: Bitlocker drive wasn't shown when using HideRemovableNoMedia key to hide card readers with no medium (32/64)
05.09.16 Fixed: Bitlocker drive wasn't recognized on Windows 7 (32/64)
05.09.16 Fixed: Search window couldn't be maximized to full width on Windows 10 due to Win10 bug (32/64)
05.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ReplacePhotoApp=0 turns off replacement of photo app by Windows Photo Viewer (32/64)
05.09.16 Fixed: Windows 10: Instead of the useless photo app, open the old Windows Photo Viewer if it is installed. It allows to switch through all images in a folder even when called from other programs than the Explorer (32/64)
04.09.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BitlockerAlwaysDecrypt=1 always shows Bitlocker password dialog when trying to access a bitlocker-encrypted drive (32/64)
04.09.16 Added: Still react to Windows messages while reading long directory, just ignore mouse and keyboard messages (32/64)
02.09.16 Fixed: With "Show icons for special folders: Normal file system" disabled, share icon overlays were not shown for folders with icon from descript.ion (32/64)
02.09.16 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not show popup menu when there is no result list, otherwise some menu items could cause an access violation (32/64)
02.09.16 Fixed: em_commands can now contain other em_commands also as the first command - added better detection of recursion where a command would call itself (32/64)
02.09.16 Added: 32-bit true color icons also in 32-bit version, otherwise Windows 10 doesn't pick the right size icons (32)
02.09.16 Fixed: Horizontal and vertical split cursor (on separator between left and right panel) were too small on high DPI devices (64)


Titel: Double Commander 0.7.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2016, 21:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Language translation] Completely revised Dutch translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Find files. No need both "utf8"/"utf8 with bom" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Some files are invisible (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] DoublCmd splash screen does not pick up GTK dark theme (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Division by zero при просмотре файла .jpg нулевого размера (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] "Git bash here" does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Same configuration with sevenzip plugin - different results when compressing the same files in Explorer or doublecmd (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Konvertor 5.04 Build 16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2016, 05:00
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shallow learning curve, which gives users of all levels of expertise the ability to process and alter files quickly an efficiently.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v16.9.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2016, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs.

Titel: Copy Handler 1.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2016, 05:30
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


Feature request

    [CH-182] - Add copy-of names configuration to ch.xml


    [CH-247] - Error while trying to copy entire drive
    [CH-248] - File error dialog does not display error message
    [CH-249] - Reduce high-priority issues reported by Coverity Scan
    [CH-250] - Wrong task count when copying with filtering
    [CH-251] - Crash in miniview refresh method
    [CH-252] - CH crashes when task data cannot be stored in sqlite database
    [CH-254] - Crash when saving CH options with non-ascii paths


    [CH-255] - Update SQLite package do 3.14.1
    [CH-256] - Update googletest framework to 1.8
    [CH-257] - Update unit tests runner to support running with ReSharper
    [CH-258] - Fix malformed html files in the chm manuals
    [CH-259] - Apply various fixes for code issues reported by R#


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.280
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2016, 09:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Installation updated for "send to"
FileShredder 1.970 added

Titel: Multi Commander 6.4.8 Build 2265
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2016, 23:00

FIXED - Find Files - Matching file content in UTF8 failed sometimes.
FIXED - Find Files - Matching file content will now use current language settings for doing a compare with ignore case options on.
FIXED - Find Files - Forcing FileContent matching as Unicode could make MC lock up if the data was not unicode
FIXED - FileSystem scan can in some very rare and weird situation cause a crash. This should now be fixed.
FIXED - Flat FileSystem view is now a little bit faster
FIXED - Flat FileSystem view now updates its view correctly if files are deleted
FIXED - 2 stability issue


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2016, 07:00

Beta 14 korrigiert vor allem Fehler. Falls Sie Fehler für Beta 1/2 gemeldet haben, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob diese korrigiert wurden.

Es gibt auch ein paar neue Funktionen:
- Sicheres FTP (FTPS) und HTTP (HTTPS) funktioniert nun auch ohne die OpenSSL-DLLs! Beta 14 verwendet dafür Funktionen von Windows aus der Datei Secur32.dll.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2016, 11:30
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2016, 11:15
Whats new:>>

- Correction for properties dialog
- Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 17.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2016, 20:15

Single File Search:

Quickly list a single file at any given location without tediously expanding the folder tree and browsing the whole directory first. It’s like a wormhole to any point in your file system.

Type Stats and Filter:

Lost track of what you have selected? Type Stats gives you the numbers. Filter lets you narrow things down.

Custom Copy:

Now you have a Retry button in case of failure. There’s always a second chance.

Custom Vorbis Tags:

Now you can display, search, or color code whatever custom tags you might expect in your FLAC and OGG files.

Audio Tags:

Now the Composer tag in Vorbis Comments (FLAC and OGG) is natively supported additionally to Album, Artist, Comments, Composer, Genre, Title, Track, and Year.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2016, 18:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Erneute verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir für Windows 10.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2016, 05:30

Fixed: View modes: Commands defined in view modes were always applied to the left panel only (release beta 15 rev a)
Fixed: Do not watch notifications for network drives, it can hang the watch directory thread
Fixed: Re-signed all included EXE/DLL files with separate SHA-1 (re-issued) and SHA256 certificates
Added: Message dialog with checkbox (e.g. shown on multi-rename name collisions): Show icon, make it look more like the standard MessageBox dialog
Added: For the sorting commands like CM_SRCBYNAME, add parameter 4 to sort by additional columns, e.g. CM_SRCBYSIZE 5 adds sort by size, ascending
Added: The following internal commands now accept parameters 0 (toggle, default), 1 (true), and 2 (false), except in main menu (* stands for LEFT, RIGHT, and SRC): CM_VERTICALPANELS,CM_*THUMBS,CM_*BYNAME,CM_*BYEXT,CM_*BYSIZE,CM_*BYDATETIME,CM_*UNSORTED,CM_*NEGORDER
Fixed: Make sure that when rubberband selection starts in one file panel, it will remain there
Fixed: FTP: avoid infinite retries if both PASV and PORT mode fail due to server misconfiguration
Fixed: Auto-switching to thumbnails view in directory with images -> one of the images would sometimes not get a thumbnail
Added: Execute view mode commands also when switching between 2 tabs with different view modes
Added: Define view mode commands when switching away from a view mode to a different mode. Separate by | (vertical line), e.g. cm_100percent|cm_50percent
Added: Support Ctrl+Q (quick view panel) also during quick search. May cause problems like lost cursor with some plugins
Fixed: Open background transfer manager without starting any operation in it, then close TC -> warning about running background operations
Fixed: Number of folders wasn't updated in footer when network shares were added after reading the network neighborhood (delayed reporting)
Fixed: Do not show any network shares in Network Neighborhood (as in TC 8.x) when Allowed= doesn't contain the backslash
Fixed: Look of horizontal separators in Configuration - Options - Fonts
Added: Multi-rename tool: On Windows NT-based systems, the new placeholder at the start of the new name field converts all composite characters (e.g. separate a and ^) to precomposed characters (a with accent)
Fixed: Disable themed caret (cursor in listboxes) by default if WindowBlinds is running. Otherwise no cursor at all may be shown
Fixed: Free space on drive was shown delayed on startup
Fixed: Lister: Viewing file with BOM (UTF-16 or UTF-8): Cursor would sometimes not show up at all until it is moved, e.g. until a cursor key is pressed
Fixed: HTTPS downloads could hang at the end when not using OpenSSL (due to incorrect error handling)
Added: New SSL/TLS implementation: support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, and report the protocol in the connection log


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2016, 05:50
Whats new:>>

libcurl updated to improve speed on some network devices
FIXED: OneDrive shared folder listing
FIXED: Hubic reauthentication when auth expired
FIXED: Amazon Drive issue with file listing
CHANGED: Amazon Drive now limits number of getChanges call

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2016, 05:20
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



Added the option to show file sizes grouped by file extensions in a new window pane.
Added the option to automatically run a search if any of the above file extensions are double clicked.
Added the option to add or remove icons and features from the main toolbar.
Added the option to show file sizes in Terabytes (TB).
Added the option to calculate SHA-512 checksums.
Changed the thread limit implementation and drop-down options to improve accuracy and control.
Changed the size of the disk space graphic in the bottom status bar to improve visibility.
Changed the look and position of a few items in the bottom status bar.
Changed FSE status updates during calculation from 200 to 250 milliseconds.
Changed FSE status updates to also occur during access denied errors.
Digitally signed FSE files with the latest SHA-256 code signing certificate from Symantec.
See https://www.symantec.com/code-signing/ for code signing overview.
Fixed bug that changed column order when selecting "refresh all items" in context menu while calculating.
Fixed bug that could cause incorrect size calculations if file or folders deleted while calculating.
Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.9.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2016, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Add-ons URL moved to tablacus.github.io.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2016, 05:15

Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if a mode was deleted or inserted before that mode (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if number higher than available view modes (32/64)
Fixed: Crash in quick search when trying to enter a search text while TC was frozen (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 bug: Alt+Tab away from Configuration - Options - Misc after clicking on a disabled control in that dialog caused redraw errors (64)
Fixed: Change Attribute dialog: Accept date and time where there is more than one separator between each value, eg 10//22////2016 (32/64)
Fixed: Do not use semi-transparent bitmaps with alpha channel on Windows 2000 when resizing, otherwise the icons could get a black background (32/64)
Fixed: Use 16-bit colors for icons on Windows 9x/ME/2000, otherwise dimmed icons look ugly, dithered with white instead of dimmed (32/64)
Fixed: File list icons could have black background on Windows 2000, need to use old scaling method without alpha blending (32/64)
Fixed: Do not open notification about new version while the startup screen or settings dialog are open (32/64)
Fixed: Starting TC with locked bitlocker drive on current tab and BitlockerAlwaysDecrypt=1 option could lead to infinite asking for password if user didn't enter it (note that 32-bit works differently, it switches to c:) (64)
Fixed: Vertical button bar: Show icons centered also when button size tab color was restored to the locked root, but not the tab icon (32/64)
Added: cm_100percent now accepts a parameter: If >0, it sets the panel width (in percent) of the active panel If


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2016, 15:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function : Drag tab to split and merge windows
Improved:  Simplify “About Clover”pop interface, remove duplicate invalid keys
Improved: Crash problem caused by system compatibility
Fixed:Unable to use shortcut keys "Ctrl+Shift+T" to open the closed tabs continuously

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2016, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: TreeView, ListView

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2016, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Icon

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2016, 05:58
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Russian translation
Tools updated: File Shredder 2.030, Dll Analyzer 1.470, Directory 3.480, Exe Packer 1.960, File Move 1.820

Titel: CopyToTabs v14.9.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2016, 20:15
CopyToTabs uses "Backup Projects" that either you create manually, or are automatically created (with Total Commander's help) in order to copy several files/directories to any number of destinations.

License:    Freeware

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Beta 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2016, 05:30

Fixed: When entering large directories, wait with handling messages for up to 1.9 seconds - still safe to avoid freezing, but keeps keyboard input made by user
Fixed: Do not watch for changes in "Computer" virtual folder when ShowExtraDrives doesn't have value 4 added (show drives with no drive letters like phones)
Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Show shared drives when connecting, hide them when disconnecting
Fixed: Remote desktop connection: Local drives shared via "Local resources" options were not visible in TC (WNetOpenEnum failed)
Fixed: Don't try to show the bitlocker unlock dialog while the registration screen is still up (switch to local drive instead, as TC 8.x)
Fixed: Button F3, F4 etc. in bottom bar could wrap to two lines when button too narrow
Fixed: Quick search filter was lost after using file context menu, causing a full refresh by mistake
Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from UTF-8-encoded comment file to OEM-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252
Fixed: Comments: Problems copying comment from OEM-encoded comment file to UTF-8-encoded comment file on systems with codepage other than 1252 (comment not visible, line breaks lost)
Fixed: Comments: Default type set to one of the Unicode types, enter non-Unicode comment via Ctrl+Z -> last character was cut
Fixed: Move file (F6) which is currently opened and locked by a program will copy the file, but deleting the original will fail -> show different error dialog
Fixed: Hold down space on a file, then press Tab while space is still down -> the footer could be wrong
Fixed: Missing identifiers for new commands in WCMICONS.INC
Fixed: For consistency with the 32-bit version, don't drive drive icons from icon lib dimmed when hovering over them
Fixed: Search dialog: Save "Search for" combobox when starting a search and the string has changed, not only when closing the dialog
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if a mode was deleted or inserted before that mode
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View mode, Apply after deleting a mode -> revert view modes on tab to 0 (default) if number higher than available view modes
Fixed: Folder tabs: Default view mode, toggle "Priority", click "Apply" -> icons for default view mode tabs were only changed when switching to these tabs
Fixed: Folder tabs: When disabling folder tab icons, an empty placeholder was shown on tabs where a user mode icon with priority option was defined
Fixed: Abort counting space in file system plugin subdirs (Alt+Shift+Enter or Spacebar) when disconnecting or closing the program
Fixed: Windows 10 bug: Alt+Tab away from Configuration - Options - Misc after clicking on a disabled control in that dialog still caused redraw errors -> we need to focus a different control (list of pages)
Added: Updated tc7z.dll and tc7z64.dll with latest dlls from 7z1603-extra.7z (7zxa.dll and x647zxa.dll )
Fixed: FTPS: Suggest to use OpenSSL dlls in the log window when connection fails because the operating system doesn't support session re-use (e.g. Linux with Wine)
Fixed: FTP connection dialog: Automatically check passive mode option when checking SSL/TLS, it doesn't work with active mode


Titel: CarotDAV 1.13.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2016, 20:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


Modify the update frequency of the end point was higher problem in AmazonCloudDrive.
Corresponding to DropBox v2 API.
The Copy to non-compliant.
Additional create or delete ShareLink, the ability to upload in the URL specified in the DropBox.
OneDrive, Fixed an issue where extra Authorization header was on in the Box.
Modify the display was funny problem when copying between CarotDAV.
Fixed an issue where the skip can not be well in the case of duplicate during the copy in WebDAV.
Fixed an issue where the file during the copy looks to split the file in the WebDAV.
Improvement to perform efficiently the information acquisition of the file in the DragDrop.
Improvements so that the fast can be selected even when a large number of files.
It improved to display the number of the number of files folder at the time of transmission and reception.
Modification of other fine points.


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2016, 09:18
Whats new:>>

New Function:Drag tab to split and merge windows
Improved:Simplify “About Clover”pop interface, remove duplicate invalid keys
Improved: Crash problem caused by system compatibility
Fixed:Unable to use shortcut keys "Ctrl+Shift+T" to open the closed tabs continuously

Titel: Copy Handler v1.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2016, 09:12
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


Feature request

    [CH-260] - Include CH icon in Options and Status dialogs


    [CH-263] - Copy Handler is being signed with SHA1 instead of SHA256
    [CH-264] - Copy-of name does not handle extensions properly
    [CH-267] - Task "hangs" when retrying failed operation
    [CH-269] - File error dialog displays empty error message


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2016, 17:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tabs, TreeView

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2016, 13:46
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function: Drag tab to split and merge windows
Improved: Simplify “About Clover”pop interface, remove duplicate invalid keys
Improved: Crash problem caused by system compatibility
Fixed:Unable to use shortcut keys "Ctrl+Shift+T" to open the closed tabs continuously

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2016, 09:04

Fixed: Show list of local drives when connecting via RDP (remote desktop) - use WTSRegisterSessionNotification to be notified when remote desktop connection starts/ends
Fixed: Resizing main window could cause half-drawn icons in vertical button bar with icon size=button size
Fixed: Abort running commands from view modes when holding down ESC key
Added: Lister: Store position separately for separate quick view (Ctrl Shift Q): wincmd.ini [Lister] QuickX,QuickY,QuickDx,QuickDy, QuickMaximized
Fixed: Crash showing certain dialogs when changing locale while TC is running, and ANSI sort order is different (e.g. Czech: CH sorted after H -> resource order changes) (64)
Fixed: Folders in search results were not sorted by the natural sorting method e.g. 'CH' after 'H' in Czech
Fixed: Multi-rename tool: New option to auto-rename to "name (2).ext" etc. didn't work if one of the renamed names was the same as an existing file name not changed by the rename options (e.g. test_a_.txt test_b_.txt, replace _a_ by _b_)
Fixed: Auto view mode switch set for a dir with subdirs (e.g. c:dir*), go to c:dir, locked but directory changes allowed, go to subdir, switch to different tab -> view mode was lost
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Comparing 2 RAR archives by content was no longer working correctly
Added: Bitlocker dialog: Checkbox to not show that message again. If the user then clicks Yes, the bitlocker password dialog will always be shown, otherwise never (fails with an error)
Fixed: Bitlocker dialog and registration screen could still interfere in full version
Fixed: cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip copied extra #1 character when using custom columns with [=tc.comment] column, and the comment file was Unicode
Fixed: Allow to view, rename and delete files ending with a dot, e.g. "test.txt .". These names are not allowed in Windows functions, but can still be created on NTFS with \? prefix
Fixed: Display trailing dot(s) in file list for file names ending with a dot (which isn't allowed in Windows functions , but can still be created on NTFS with \? prefix)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2016, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: ListView, TreeView

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2016, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: ListView

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.50a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2016, 20:00
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update : Change case to lowercase and uppercase did not modify accent characters

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2016, 11:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



+ New: Folder Sync between panes, even between archive, FTP, ...
+ New: New tools: Compare and Sync for files and folders
+ New: Video rotation detection. If video rotated, switch automatically to embedded VLC (because it supports auto-rotation)
+ New: Thumbs in Thumb Flow are now clickable
+ New: Possibility to put the display of the folder tabs on top or bottom
+ New: Added 'Close to tray' feature
+ New: It possible to use FileVoyager as an independant viewer using -FVViewer parameter. Syntax: {PathToFV}\FileVoyager.exe -FVViewer {PathOfFileToView}. Where PathToFV is the path of FileVoyager's folder, and {PathOfFileToView} is the path of the file, well... to view
~ Chg: Made 'Show Hide App Bar' available from the Classic UI's menu
- Chg: Disabled the theming of the shell's contextmenu as it's completely broken under Windows 10 and had too many bugs
- Chg: VLC codecs updated to 2.2.0
- Chg: Swapped Tools and Navigate menus in Classic UI toolbar
- Fix: Choice to show AppBar with 32x32 icons was not restored on restart
- Fix: Corrected a bug in the single-click for thumbnails. The last hovered item was selected even if mouse didn't last on it
- Fix: In the Colors options (preferences window), the preview of the color choices is restored
- Fix: In Viewer's Info Pane, the Rotation info of videos was not shown (must be hidden for non rotated video, but shown otherwise)
- Fix: In forlder lists, pressing SPACE to toggle the selection was not working for files anymore


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2016, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Cut

Titel: Clover 3.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2016, 04:40
Whats new:>>

New Function: Copy tab page.
New Function: Ctrl+B”Show or hide the bookmarks bar.
Improved: Improve the right-click tab menu.
Improved: Replace the upgrade UI and enable the detection update mechanism.
Fixed: Defects due to system compatibility.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2016, 06:10

This version mainly fixes bugs, but also includes the new icon library for button bar and main menu in 48x48 resolution for high DPI screens. You can choose the library during the first start, or later via right click on one of the button bars.


Titel: Clover 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2016, 20:30
Whats new:>>

New Function: Copy tab page.
New Function: Ctrl+B”Show or hide the bookmarks bar.
Improved: Improve the right-click tab menu.
Improved: Replace the upgrade UI and enable the detection update mechanism.
Fixed: Defects due to system compatibility.

Titel: One Commander v2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2016, 18:15
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Whats new:>>

AlphaFS dll updated to the latest version
Magick.NET dll updated to the latest version
White theme is now default (“Light” and “Dark” are still available)
Several bugs fixed

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.55.61016
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2016, 16:20
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Save and restore explorers user setting
Dual Explorer C
Fix fashion explorer no response bug
Update voHelp
Support latest VMC library

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2016 Build 730 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 05:20
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware


- Bug fix: Search profile doesn't retain Timestamp "Not older option" http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7108

- Bug fix: Main window is always hidden if starting FreeCommander with the options "Minimize to system tray" and "Start minimized"

- Bug fix: '[' and ']' does not works in quick filter

- Bug fix: Invert selection - the first element of the list is not selected if no parent folder '..' is visible in the file list

- Bug fix: The column titles may be not translated if the option "Start minimized" is active

- Bug fix: Locked tab "D:\My Folder" with "Navigation to subfolders" - navigation is possible to "D:\My Folder is locked"

- Bug fix: On some PCs all timestamps shows as 1899.12.30 00:00 http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7197#p23091

- Bug fix: Active layout is not checked in menu if more as 10 layouts defined

- Bug fix: Settings->General "Start minimized" option broken

- Bug fix: Selection problem fixed http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7073

- Bug fix: Checked state is initial not visible on splitter button http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7249

- Bug fix: FTP connections are not listed if connection name has special chacter (e.g. German ö,ä,ü,...)

- Bug fix: When changing folders in network shares, when you go back one level up, the cursor jumps to the top http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7270

- Bug fix: Drop folder to Deskop button - the content of the folder is dropped but not the folder self

- Bug fix: Customized button caption (toolbar buttons) is ignored for layouts and favorites http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7282

- Bug fix: Splitter position is not restored after hiding/opening inactive panel (F10) http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7292

- Bug fix: The state of "go to the next history item" toolbar botton is not changed http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7291

- Bug fix: Item list Icons do not follow Item list Names upon change of sort type http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7317

- Bug fix: Actions "Set active panel to X%" broken

- Bug fix: Plain views icons do not toggle when in address bar http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7345

- Bug fix: Selection in NC-Mode broken http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7390

- Bug fix: Folder size consolidation toggle ("KB") unpredictable state http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7080

- Bug fix: Del key issue with rename in "Favorites - edit..." http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7408

- Bug fix: Search result: Open location shortcut changed to original value - Space (Shift+Space supported too) http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7400

- Bug fix: Linked browsing broken on the way "up" http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7410

- Bug fix: The main window opens on the primary monitor although closed on the second monitor - only if maximized

- Bug fix: Folder synchronize problems http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7445

- Bug fix: Unwanted selection in NC-Mode http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7362

- Bug fix: "Auto add wildcards" option in quick filter is broken http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7360

- Bug fix: New folder should allow path with more than one directory http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6969

- Bug fix: "Quick viewer size by file type" option broken for jpg files

- Bug fix: Thumbnails may be false if using refresh function or if switching tabs with thumbnails view

- Bug fix: Multirename dialog - not correctly displayed for bigger fonts (150%) if profiles defined

- Bug fix: Compare folders is broken if UNC path is used

- Bug fix: Toolbar position is not saved if using "Tools->Save settings"

- Bug fix: Wrong tab order in "Define favorite toolbars" dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7499

- Bug fix: Delete button not working in Laouts edit dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7500

- Bug fix: Maximized/normal state of the main window not correctly restored in layouts http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7496

- Bug fix: Popup menu is not showing by drop on address bar although the setting for showing popup menu is active http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7507

- Bug fix: Show/hide main menu in the status bar context menu doesn't work always http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7518

- Bug fix: Exception on closing of the layout dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7497

- Bug fix: Incorrect file name suggested in Pack files dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7204

- Bug fix: Favorites set dialog - rename does not work

- Bug fix: FTP - set timestamp for the uploaded file does not work

- Bug fix: File container - many problems solved http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7549

- Bug fix: Tree position is not correct restored when "Show menu as toolbar" active is (only if main window is maximized)

- Bug fix: Tree is not refreshed if context menu delete command is used

- Implemented: It is possible now to add: Layouts, Favorite tools, Favorites and Drives to action toolbars. Only items with assigned shortcut works in action toolbar

- Implemented: New method Copy/Move operation performed by FC added (Vista+ only)

- Implemeneted: New tree option "Keep expanded nodes if tree per Tab"

- Implemented: Sorting by Windows columns improved ("Data type" added to the column definition )

- Implemented: Elevation prompt (admin rights) will be showed for unpack operation if needed

- Implemented: New Option in search dialog - Run in external process

- Implemented: Middle button click on favorite item in toolbar opens favorite target folder in new tab http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7174

- Implemented: Delete operation improved; option "Use Vista+ delete method" added

- Implemented: Loading of network shares improved http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6288

- Implemented: New command line option added -StartMinimized

- Implemented: Address bar edit field - accept button added

- Implemented: FTP - unicode support added http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7041

- Implemented: New option in the search form - Use left/right for "Open location"

- Implemented: Attributes/Timestamp dialog - new options for "Set timestamp as in target folder" added: "Created from Modified" and "Modified from Created"

- Implemented: Favorite items edit dialog - shortcuts for rename, delete, up, down added

- Implemented: Icons for favorite tools now loaded in background (important for not existend or slow network paths )

- Implemented: Click on button with the folder in the favorite tools toolbar - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab), Alt+Click (open folder in the opposite pane), Ctrl+Alt+Click (open folder in new tab in the opposite pane)

- Implemented: Click on folder in the favorite folders tree - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab), Alt+Click (open folder in the opposite pane), Ctrl+Alt+Click (open folder in new tab in the opposite pane)

- Implemented: Click on folder in system folder popup menu - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab) http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7283

- Implemented: New options for "Select with mouse pointer" added - Action by click on free space in label, action by click on item icon (these options was till now available only in freecommander.ini )

- Implemented: Left click in the free area of the address bar start the editing if the option "Show history popup menu on free area click" is not set

- Implemented: Additional option for auto size of the 'Name' column - Fill remaining space

- Implemented: Operations queue for operations ("Use FreeCommander" operations)

- Implemented: New action added "Paste address from clipboard and reload" Shift+Alt+G

- Implemented: Main menu item added Edit->Address bar

- Implemented: Mouse "Snap to" implemented

- Implemented: Searching in the office files (docx, xlsx, odt)

- Implemented: Option to set in the freecommander.ini: CopyFullPath_AddLastDelimiter=0 - set the value to 1 if you want to add trailing backslash if copy folder paths to clipboard

- Implemented: New action added "Toggle toolbars visibility"

- Implemented: Favorite folder sets

- Implemented: New option added "Always perform copy operation for left button drag&drop"

- Implemented: Last position of the layout dialog will be saved

- Implemented: Doubleclick on the line in the layout dialog perform "Apply" command

- Implemented: 'Settings->Shell Menu' - options for adding "Open with Freecommander" item to shell context menu

- Implemented: Internal manifest file with "DPI aware" added - activating the property "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" is no more necessary http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=23846#p23846

- Changed: Last selected layout is marked as checked (till now - only if "Auto save current layot" was active)

- Changed: Deley befor opening of the rename dialog removed http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7287

- Changed: Multirename - mouse scrolling in the fields is allowed now only if the mouse cursor is in the filed http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7301

- Changed: Settings dialog - OK, Cancel, Apply buttons moved to the right site of the dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7421

- Changed: Quick search support special characters http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7414

- Changed: Splitter toolbar should be visible if hot spot buttons are used http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7516

- Changed: Mouse wheel scroll for details view follows now Windows settings


Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2016, 20:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - New Language - Korean - Created by pCsOrI
ADDED - ExplorerPanel settings for not saving none locked tabs on exit (Only keep locked tabs)
ADDED - Popup menu on Tabs now have command to "Close all none locked tabs"
ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.CloseAllTabs" now have the option "KEEPLOCKED", that will close all tabs except locked.
ADDED - Tweak settings for ExplorerPanel : "Send file to commandline field also takes the input focus"
ADDED - ExplorerPanel send current item to command line field (Ctrl+Return / Ctrl+Shift+Return) will now add trailing slash to folders and only quote characters if it have spaces
ADDED - Change DateTime/Attribute dialog now got "*" buttons next to the Modified/LastAccess dates, Pressing this will sync the datetime with value in modified
CHANGE- Change some default for new installation (Colors and some default options)
FIXED - Sometimes when input focus was returned to MC an not needed refresh was done causing strange jump of item in focus
FIXED - Fixed issue with unpacking rar created on linux
FIXED - Fixed issue with unpacking zip archive created by google drive
FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: muCommander 0.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2016, 04:39
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.

Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2016, 05:15
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



Changed the search status summary information to make it more concise.
Changed link folders so that they are not included in folder size calculations.
Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 05:00

Fixed: Close quick search dialog when user presses Ctrl+Q, otherwise some plugins like SLister can hang Total Commander (32/64)
Fixed: Use old file list icons from TC8x when wincmdini contains IconLib=filenamedll even if the linked name is invalid, otherwise the user cannot switch between old and new icons via settings (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Click on buttons etc not working after double clicking on path in main window to open directory hotlist (64)
Fixed: Hide "Everything" search option on Windows NT4/9x/ME because Everythingexe doesn't work on these Windows versions (32)
Fixed: Recompiled 32-bit 7zip dll with Visual C++ 60 to make it work also on Windows 9x/ME (32)
Fixed: Unpack 7zip files: new 7zip unpacker dll could cause TC to hang in overwrite dialog if the callback was called from a background thread Also updated 7zip dlls to 16400 (32/64)
Fixed: Crash in synchronize dirs after edit, re-compare (with save), edit, then "recompare from here" (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Extra line combobox must be disabled initially, because "show only differences" is unchecked (32/64)
Fixed: "LastSearchOptions" was still saved to wincmdini when TC was closed, it should only be saved when the search dialog is closed (64)
Added: Main icon: Made text "64" on the 16x16 pixel icon larger, better readable (64)
Fixed: Create checksums: Sort files differently (by directory, then by name) when creating checksums in branch view (32/64)
Fixed: Create checksums: Overwrite dialog was shown by mistake when getting checksums of several files in same folder with option "separate checksum files for each directory" (32/64)
Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList didn't accept view mode names as parameter, only view mode numbers (32/64)
Fixed: Show context menu item to show vertical button bar also when right clicking on splitter panel between 2 file panels above each other (32/64)
Fixed: Splitter panel between the two panels: Make double click easier by not moving it on the first mouse down (32/64)
Fixed: Auto update check function: Added possibility to disable auto update checks, or set longer interval via auto-update server response (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: Hovered button was 1 pixel too low when not using themed buttons (32/64)


Titel: Just Manager v0.1 Alpha 54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 19:20
Just Manager is a feature packed, versatile, multi-tabbed multi-pane file manager for the Windows operating system. It is available in both x86 and x64 versions. Despite its many features it is relatively small and efficient.


- Multi-pane interface (1 to 16 panes)
- Multi-tabbed (1 to n tabs)
- Supports all modern versions of Windows with both x86 and x64 versions
- Drag & Drop operations
- Color and font highlighting for file/folder extension and attributes
- Standard file operations (move, copy, shortcut)
- Map and disconnect network drives
- Favorite and system folders support
- Built in FTP client
- Fully customizable interface
- UNICODE support
- Multi-lingual support
- 100% free

License:    Freeware

Whats new:>>

1. Added correct handling of locked file delete situation.
2. IThumbnailProvider interface support added.
3. %INACTIVE_PATH% parameter added for custom commands.
4. Folder update monitoring improved.
5. Thumbnails crash fixed.
6. Incorrect system folders names under Win XP - fixed.
7. file:\\ prefix handling added.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.55.61026
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2016, 20:41
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

Share favourites between explorers and scenes in Multi-Process mode;
Fix some bugs;
Support latest VMC library;

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.10.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2016, 21:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: ListView

Titel: Double Commander 0.7.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2016, 20:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Default] cm_LeftOpenDrives fails on fuse mounts (tested with sshfs and smbnetfs) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] DC will not open when Language is set to "Japanese" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Difference .7z archives size result at compression level ultra - normal - max between Double Commander vs 7z Archiver (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Options dlg: scroll left list (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Close the Syncronize directories window while compare is running (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Directory Hotlist is not working from within archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] File and directory with the same name (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Out of memory при сравнении большого бинарного файла с маленьким текстовым (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] WDX: Encode path components in 8.3 format, if possible (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] edit remote files (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] MTP file transfer doesn't update overall progress (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Drives buttons and drives list should not show duplicates for volumes mounted via GPT's PARTUUID of PARTLABEL in fstab (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Verify checksum doesn't accept checksums by cksfv (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Provide high-res icon for use in the window switcher (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] New improvements for Dutch translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Backspace and Delete broken while renaming file (Alexx2000) - closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2016, 06:10
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Creating SFV/MD5 from CheckSum Menu it can now remember the selected text encoding and will not ask again. (Force show the Ask dialog by Hold Ctrl when starting checksum)
ADDED - Commandline field command ":doc" will take active explorer panel to the documents folders.
ADDED - Search will no longer cache all scanned items, Making search use less memory
ADDED - Garbage collection of objects not used anymore will now be processed faster
ADDED - Simple FindFiles dialog can now save filter to a quickload slots using Ctrl + (F1 to F12)
ADDED - Simple and Advanced FindFiles dialog can now load quick filters using F-Keys
ADDED - Advanced FindFiles dialog can reassign quick load key for filters.
ADDED - Settings for Favorites windows to show path instead of name
ADDED - Popup in favorite window now got an option submenu where showpath option can be toggled
CHANGE- FindFiles - Content matching option "Case Sensative" have change to "Ignore Case", This may break some saved filters
CHANGE- Simple FindFiles dialog got some UI changes.
FIXED - Resized Change DateTime/Attributes dialog so am/pm will fit in time fields.
FIXED - 3 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: OldNewExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2016, 17:45
Mit der Freeware OldNewExplorer werfen Sie das Ribbon im Windows-8- und Windows-10-Explorer über Bord und holen sich den Look aus Windows 7 zurück.

Der Explorer in Windows 8.1 und Windows 10 stößt nicht bei allen Usern auf Gegenliebe. Mit der Freeware OldNewExplorer werfen Sie deshalb das Ribbon-Menüband über Bord und sorgen so für den bekannten Windows-7-Look. Auf Komfort-Features wie kontextsensitive Aktionen müssen Sie trotzdem nicht verzichten.

Nach dem Download des OldNewExplorer entpacken Sie das Archiv, starten die Datei "OldNewExplorerCfg.exe" und klicken auf "Install". Anschließend setzen Sie noch die Haken bei "Use classical drive grouping in This PC" und "Use command bar instead of Ribbon" samt den vier Unterhaken. Schließen Sie dann alle Explorer-Fenster und öffnen Sie ein neues, ist das Ribbon verschwunden.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2016, 09:21
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Extension of options and properties dialog

Titel: Q-Dir 6.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2016, 12:19
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Optimierung und diverse Bugfixes.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.11.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2016, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Change notify

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2016, 05:00

Fixed: Compare by content: "Only show differences" must be disabled before recomparing, eg when file was changed externally, or user chooses different file encoding (32/64)
Fixed: Opening files/programs with ENTER: Do not resolve links/reparse points pointing to complete paths (only to relative paths, except when faulty IE10 is installed), otherwise the file may no open (32/64)
Fixed: Default icon library for button bar was set to other than wcmiconsdll -> revert to wcmiconsdll when the other dll is no longer available (32/64)
Fixed: Update quick view window while quick search is up -> temporarily set focus in active panel to prevent hang in plugin SLister Closing quick search on Ctrl+Q no longer needed! (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmiconsinc for the entire main menu (32/64)
Added: Configuration - Button bar: additional icon dlls can now have their own inc file If the index differs from the wcmiconsinc file, the icon will be locked to that dll (doesn't change automatically when switching to other dll) (32/64)
Fixed: Move view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
Fixed: Delete view mode -> view modes assigned to tabs below that position were reverted to default only in active panel (32/64)
Fixed: Delete view mode active in current tab, click on "Default" view mode, then "Apply" -> current tab view mode was sometimes not reverted to the default (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+PageDown could no longer be used to enter archives with no extension (32/64)
Added: Get file details (size, time, attributes) from Everything 14 or newer via new RPC call if available (32/64)
Fixed: Everything dlls are no longer needed, replaced by internal code calling the Everything service directly Necessary because the dlls didn't support the new Everything 14 functions yet (32/64)
Fixed: Open archive below a junction/reparse point -> the path changed to the junction target, which would only be needed for opening files/folders externally (32/64)
Fixed: Updated to latest unrardll from wwwrarlabcom, the included one was still a beta version (540 beta 2 -> final) (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Draw grayed text in comboboxes if they are disabled (32/64)
Fixed: Also disable (draw grayed) the labels in Configuration - Options - View modes for disabled comboboxes (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Click on buttons etc sometimes still not working after double clicking on path in main window to open directory hotlist -> open hotlist only on mouse up event (64)


Titel: Q-Dir 6.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2016, 17:40
What's new: >>

Und wieder Verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir für Windows 10.
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.11.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2016, 05:25
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menu Icon

Titel: One Commander v2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2016, 20:45
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Whats new:>>

New First-Start screen for choosing theme with preview
Fixed settings upgrade and transfer of the Favorites
Option to display notification on Window Title Bar instead of the sliding panel (enable in settings>Experimental); Please report if there are any bugs
GUI edits, pixel pushing
New program icon

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.30.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2016, 13:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Some cool additions for advanced users like nested popup menus, numbered arguments, and the switch() statement.


Titel: Copy Handler 1.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2016, 21:50
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


Feature request

    [CH-277] - Pre-select task in status window


    [CH-270] - Multiple retries required when reading multiple data chunks at once fails
    [CH-275] - Problem initializing COM with error 0x80010106
    [CH-279] - Options - buffer size dialog fails to display/update buffer count properly
    [CH-281] - Shell extension fails to retrieve menu configuration when user too fast
    [CH-290] - Status window title shows different percentage than the single running task
    [CH-291] - Pause/resume fails to silently resume tasks


    [CH-206] - Replace logging system with async logger
    [CH-272] - Fix issues reported by cppcheck and coverity scan
    [CH-273] - Code cleanups
    [CH-274] - Removing task should remove also rotated files
    [CH-280] - Update sqlite package to 3.15.1
    [CH-283] - Enable /MP compilation
    [CH-284] - Make explorer not block when debugging Copy Handler
    [CH-285] - Allow non-elevated shell extension to communicate with elevated CH
    [CH-286] - Register 32bit shell extension also for 64bit Windows
    [CH-287] - Update version info in CH binaries
    [CH-288] - CH shows dialog boxes in strange places
    [CH-289] - Show taskbar progress when status window is open


Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2016, 05:20

Fixed: Reduced automatic update checks to once per day, ramdomly after 0h9h morning to better distribute the server load (32/64)
Fixed: Various problems watching for mobile device arrivals/removals, eg USB devices disappearing from Alt+F1 list, wrong labels etc (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize with certain archives, option "Only selected" checked -> recompare after sync gave empty results because the selection was lost (32/64)
Fixed: Further reduced CPU usage of main thread, caused by a timer which shouldn't always be running (32/64)
Fixed: Archive where deeper directories are stored before others, eg /dir1/dir2 before /dir1 -> timestamp for /dir1 was shown incorrectly (32/64)
Fixed: Automatically changed view mode was lost on tab with "locked but dir changes allowed" after 2 or more directory changes and restarting TC (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Never apply current view mode in configuration dialog to target panel, only to source panel (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Only apply auto view mode filter to current tab when on "Auto Switch Mode" page (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - View modes: Try to preserve previous view modes on tabs even when deleting or re-ordering view modes (32/64)
Fixed: Directory hotlist, choose item with dirs for both sides -> separate tree for inactive panel wasn't updated when using 2 separate trees (32/64)
Fixed: Context menu for file, press hotkey which doesn't exist in the menu -> close the context menu, as in TC 32-bit (64)
Fixed: Catch exception "Printer selected is not valid" in "Print" - "File list" dialog box (32/64)
Fixed: Search via "Everything" 13x and older 14x caused access violation when no file/folder was found with the given search string (32/64)
Fixed: Themed listbox cursor was drawn in footer (directly below file list) during quick search (32)
Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view in archive on pdf file not showing anything while quick search dialog was open (32/64)
Fixed: Quick view in archive not working when invoking cm_SrcQuickview with mouse (OK via command line or hotkey) (32/64)
Fixed: Shift+F4 always created a new file when entering a name without extension, even when the file already existed (32/64)
Fixed: The following option didn't work in 64-bit: Main menu: When additional icon dlls have their own inc file, it will be used instead of wcmiconsinc for the entire main menu (64)


Titel: Attribute Changer 8.50b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2016, 06:00
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

The fonts in the Filter dialog boxes for files and folders were oversized when large fonts are enabled in Windows.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.320
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2016, 18:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Russian translation updated
Correction for missing translations in mail dialog
Correction for deleting files/folders to recycle bin
Tools updated: File Shredder 2.040, Dll Analyzer 1.480, Directory 3.490, Exe Packer 1.970, File Move 1.830

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.1 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2016, 05:55
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Added Ukrainian localization
Fixed duration/bitrate/channel properties for certain MP3 files
Improved duration precision for some MP3 files
Recognize WEBP as an image format
Update Russian localization
Update German localization
Updated to GCC 6.2
Updated FFmpeg


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.30.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2016, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 RC6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2016, 05:00

16.11.16 Release Total Commander 9.0 release candidate 6 (RC6) (32/64)
16.11.16 Added: Update check function now sends user to www.ghisler.com/update when there is a new version (32/64)
16.11.16 Fixed: Reduced maximum width for maximized lister window to 29900 pixel (64-bit)/16000 pixel (32-bit) in the hope to fix a (not reproduced) bug in "snap to top" function (32/64)
16.11.16 Fixed: Catch floating point exceptions also when loading Lister plugins, to fix crash in Imagine (32/64)
15.11.16 Fixed: Current tab color was sometimes saved incorrectly when closing TC (32/64)
15.11.16 Fixed: Crash in function cm_ShowFileUser when releasing a buffer. Note: Function requires that TC is run as administrator (32/64)
15.11.16 Fixed: Environment variables were not working in [buttonbar] DefaultLib entry (32/64)
15.11.16 Fixed: Properties of files inside a ZIP archive: Show method 95 as "LZMA(XZ)" instead of just 95 (32/64)
15.11.16 Added: New tcmdlzma.dll and tclzma64.dll version, compiled from official 7zip sources, used for lzma compressed ZIP files (32/64)
15.11.16 Added: New method to download key directly to TC directory (32/64)
15.11.16 Fixed: Ctrl+N, https download was not working with new sChannel library when using a http proxy (32/64)


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2016, 18:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function:Display the preview widget when drag the tab to splitting / merging the window.
New Function:"Clover"Button RBI statistics and background.
Fixed:The bookmark bar shows blank bars and partially obscured.
Fixed:Copy the tabbed page that opens from the Bookmark bar to display a blank page.
Fixed:Shortcut "Ctrl + Shift + T" to open the closed tab page sequence error.
Fixed:When the focus is not on the tab bar, the shortcut key "Ctrl + B" is invalid.

Titel: Copy Handler 1.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2016, 16:45

Feature request

    [CH-266] - Integration with other software


    [CH-294] - Update Turkish translation of CH


    [CH-292] - Wrong error message presented on error 34
    [CH-293] - Invalid current speed reported for subtask/task and global stats
    [CH-296] - Crash when using shell extension on explorer showing network path
    [CH-297] - Retrying write failures does not try to write to disk
    [CH-299] - List of Copy-To paths are not updated after adding favorite path in "Choose directory" dialog
    [CH-300] - CH moves file instead of copying when using ctrl+c and ctrl+v
    [CH-301] - Fix issues reported by coverity scan
    [CH-302] - Skipping file when file is being opened does not update task stats


    [CH-197] - Retrying on certain failures should re-open the source and destination files


Titel: One Commander v2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2016, 10:03

Changes in

    Fixed a bug with installer requesting wrong version of .NET
    Fixed a bug in picture preview

Changes in

    Added a button to open Favorite path in right file browser (shown on hover)
    On delete, selection moves to the next file in list
    Preview button added and fixed preview crash on no access
    Fixed Outlook mail drop
    Feedback button is now in About dialog
    Fixed selection rectangle with Middle-Mouse-Button
    Other small GUI changes and bug fixes


Titel: SKTimeStamp 1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2016, 18:45
SKTimeStamp is a very simple shell extension which adds a new tab to the Windows Explorer properties dialog. On that new tab, you can change the file/folder date and time.


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2016, 19:20

    Content Search:

    Now multi-field search supports content. So you can search for files that contain "Country" OR "Western".

    Self Update:

    Finally XYplorer can update itself. Simply click "Check for Updates" and you are offered to download and install the update right away if there is one.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2016, 12:29
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

GUI correction

Titel: Total Commander 9.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2016, 05:10

Fixed: Internal function cm_SearchForInCurDir tried to search in curdir instead of current dir with cursor on [] (64)
Fixed: Search in separate process: List file containing selected file names wasn't deleted (32)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameter %p%s in branch view added path relative to current dir twice (32/64)
Fixed: Left panel: Search result within archive; Right panel: Create file with Shift+F4, then rename it -> search result was lost (32/64)
Fixed: Allow to open files even if they contain right to left markers, but only if they also contain real right to left text (eg Arabic) (32/64)
Fixed: Do not remove right to left markers from file names in list when using aligned extensions (separate column) (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: The new checkboxes (eg for dimmed icons) were not disabled when checking "no icons" (32/64)
Added: RestrictInterface=1024: Disable manual and automatic update checks, and hide update function from menu (eg for companies) (32/64)
Fixed: TC could cause high CPU load when minimized with option "Auto-refresh" set to "Don't react to updates while in the background" when files were changed while minimized (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.11.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2016, 21:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: XYplorer Free v17.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2016, 17:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2016, 21:20
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



+ New: Navigation Panes: User can use checkboxes to select items
+ New: Navigation Panes: User can use a "Rectangle Marquee" by dragging from an empty area
~ Chg: General: Removed many pre-creation of secondary forms to speed up the starting
~ Chg: FTP(S): Upgraded OpenSSL dll to 1.0.2j and Synapse to support TLS 1.2 and the latest security levels
- Fix: Navigation Panes: Corrected a bug that caused a selection to be changed after a Refresh
- Fix: Navigation Panes: Resolved a bug causing item to be dragged even when they were not under drag beginning
- Fix: General: Removed a deprecated parameter that was causing FV to always start in maximized state, discarding the last window position


Titel: EasyFile Beta: Der etwas andere Dateimanager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2016, 20:40
EasyFile hilft dir, deine Dateien schneller aufzufinden, zu verwalten und zu sichern. Mit der pfeilschnellen Navigation, einer leistungsstarken Suche und umfassenden Filtermöglichkeiten findest du jede Datei in wenigen Sekunden. Mit EasyFile kannst du deine Dateien verwalten, deine Bilder umwandeln und skalieren, Ordner aufräumen und vieles mehr.


Titel: Konvertor 5.04 Build 17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2016, 17:20
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shallow learning curve, which gives users of all levels of expertise the ability to process and alter files quickly an efficiently.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2016, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1. Kleiner Bug-Fix bei der Installation unter Windows-10, aktualisieren der Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien.
2. Die Installation kann jetzt ohne Adminrechte ausgeführt werden.
3. Anpassungen und Vorbereitung für weitere Erweiterungen in Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2016, 21:00
What's new: >>

Optimierung und diverse Fixes bei der Installation von Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.45.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2016, 13:49
What's new: >>

Korrekturen in der Verzeichnisstruktur für Win 7 und 10 Fixes bei der Installation von Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.45.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2016, 09:11
What's new: >>

Bugfix: Die wiederkehrende Lizenzabfrage, vor allem bei der Portablen version von Q-Dir
Falls Q-Dir nicht Deinstalliert wurde, wird der zuletzte verwendete Installationspfad von der Installation verwendet.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0a RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2016, 16:52

Fixed: Left side in archive, rename that archive in other panel -> returned to directory of the archive, but the auto switch mode rules were not applied (32/64)
Fixed: Some overlays (eg on default folder icons) could be drawn twice (32/64)
Fixed: Shield overlay icon was pixelated in thumbnails view if it was loaded while in normal view (32/64)
Added: Name of icon library for cached button bar is now stored in separate section [ButtonbarCache] instead of [Buttonbar] (but it's read from both) (32/64)
Fixed: Language in TC could partially switch back to English when moving multiple file operations to the background (running there at the same time) (32/64)
Fixed: Themed caret (cursor in listboxes) was not disabled by default if WindowBlinds is running in x64 only because the module name is wblind64 not wblind (64)
Fixed: FTP connection, search, feed to listbox, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> sometimes the text "Search result" remained on tab (32/64)
Fixed: FTP connection, connection lost, user denies to reconnect -> view mode was not applied to local directory (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Options - Auto switch mode: Crash trying to load a rule with more than 50 sub-rules (created manually) also increased maximum to 100 (32/64)
Added: Search function: Use prefix ed: instead of ev: for unfiltered Everything search in the location(s) given by "Search in" field Also supports the "limit depth" option (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Position at start differed by 1 pixel from previously saved position (32/64)
Fixed: Could no longer open archives without extension with Enter (only with Ctrl+PageDown) (32/64)
Fixed: Could not load saved synchronize dirs option with files from list file if there were previous selections (32/64)
Added: Everything: Support named instances (Everythingexe -instance "somename"): wincmdini [Configuration] UseEverythingInstance=somename (32/64)
Fixed: Could not use 7zip plugin (eg Total7zip) in synchronize dirs with self-extracting exe files, TC always used internal 7zip (32/64)
Fixed: F3 on large directory (eg Windows) -> counting directory size couldn't be aborted by closing lister with X button, only with ESC (32/64)
Fixed: Do not open associated files with Ctrl+PageDown if "Treat archives like directories" is disabled (32/64)
Fixed: Commands - Target=Source didn't apply Auto Switch Mode rules to the target panel (32/64)
Fixed: FTP, search function: File sizes >2GB would not be handled correctly (32/64)
Fixed: Main menu: Submenu indicator (black triangle) could overlay menu text on high dpi screens (32/64)
Fixed: Windows classic theme: Reduce flickering of status bar (footer) by not updating it when the content stays the same, eg when clicking on a different file in full mode (32/64)
Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Sometimes servers which should appear there are shown in a file system plugin which is opened from there (although the function is disabled when leaving Network Neighborhood) (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 6.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2016, 21:30
What's new: >>

1. Bug-Fix in Q-Dir, unter Windows-10 beim Öffnen von diversen Batch-Dateien mit korrektem Arbeitsverzeichnis.
2. Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
3. Optionales definieren des Arbeitsverzeichnisses in Quick-Links

Titel: CarotDAV 1.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2016, 18:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


Add the CUI version.
It adds the ability to acquire and discard the ViewLink and EditLink in OneDrive.
In the GUI version, correct the problem that too much of the CPU and there are still debugging code.
HostSpecificFile (file: //), a rare correct the error may appear a problem depending on the environment.
Fixed an issue where the copy of SharedLink there was a case that can not be well with DropBox.
Fixed an issue where the creation date of the file there was a case of becoming to update the date and time at the time of download.
Fixed the problem that if there was to get an error when the date and time change of the directory.
Fixed an issue that was broken png format installer version of the icon.
Modification of other fine points.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2016, 17:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.



64-bit version of the program
New Packer module (with Unicode support and 7z)
Elevation of privilege
Built-in mini-utility for downloading files (Tools → Files downloading)
Built-in backup mini-utility (Tools → Backup utility)
Function of quick change icons of directories (Commands → Assign directory icon)
Action after the completion queues (Sleep mode, Hibernate, Turn Off the computer)
Sending tasks to a new queue from an existing
The ability to do task "closed"
"Keep symbolic links" mode (used for copying and moving files)
and a large number of small additions


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2016, 04:46
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

 Tools updated

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2016, 06:16
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


Removed third-party software (OpenCandy) from the installer of FileMenu Tools. This had many drawbacks, with several antivirus software detecting the installer as adware or malware. Therefore I finally made the decision of remove OpenCandy and convert FMT in shareware. Now you can use FMT free of charge with two limitations: you can't use custom commands and the commands only run with up 20 files/folders. If you want unlock these limitations, then you must purchase a license. This change will help me to continue improving the software and pay for the manteanance of the servers. If you donated in the past, then you can request a license free of charge (send mail to sales@lopesoft.com).
Added: now you can add variables to the menu name of custom commands (for example to include the extension of selected files).
Fixed: some properties of submenus was repeated twice.
Fixed: the icons were too small at high resolutions screens.
Fixed: arguments buffer was too small (2048 bytes). Now it is 8192 bytes, the maximum buffer supported by Windows.
Fixed minor bugs.


Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Total Commander 9.0a RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 05:23

05.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 2 (32/64)
05.12.16 Fixed: Multi-rename tool retried with 10000 different target names if the source file was locked by another app, slowing down the rename function (32/64)
05.12.16 Fixed: Lister, search function: Allow to search for OEM-specific characters like the line drawing characters in OEM/DOS mode (32/64)
05.12.16 Fixed: Internal associations could not longer be defined for *.url files (32/64)
05.12.16 Fixed: Configuration - button bar: Upper preview window (entire bar) didn't show icon if the icon file name was given in double quotes (32/64)
05.12.16 Added: Content plugins: "size" field now supports 4 additional types: bkMGT, bkMGT2, bkMG3, bkMGT3: T is with Terabytes, 3 is 2 digits after the decimal point (and at least 1 before it) (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Content plugin field selection dialog: Right click on plugin field - "Copy to clipboard" was not working (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Brief view: Extension could switch from aligned to attached to file name when making window smaller (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Quick search filter was lost when deleting files from archive (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Faster loading of directories (especially on network shares) with option "Overlay icons" enabled, by moving the name parsing to the background thread (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Lister: could not copy OEM text to clipboard in binary and hex mode, it was copied as ANSI text (32/64)
04.12.16 Fixed: Hex search in Lister not always working with OEM font set, and "Respect case" not checked (32/64)
03.12.16 Added: The replacement of the Photos app with Windows Image Viewer can now be disabled in Files - Associate With..., the option is only shown for affected extensions like jpg (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Detect versions older than 1.3 and warn user that version 1.3 or newer is needed (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Dialog box for choosing the default icon library: Automatically check second radio button (lower icon lib) when user chooses library from dropdown combobox (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Dialog box "Drive not found" was using a very small font size on high DPI devices (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Trying to drag files from Windows\Fonts to other program made TC unresponsive to mouse clicks; the actual drag problem cannot be fixed because Fonts stores the files for a virtual folder (64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Do not remember position of separator between the two file panels when closing separate quick view window (32/64)
02.12.16 Added: wincmd.ini, UseEverythingInstance option now supports environment variables (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: Classic theme: Multi-rename tool buttons "+" and "#" did not show cyrillic characters, just ???? (64)
02.12.16 Fixed: FTP connection on tab: When drive letters are shown on the tab, change # to connection number when the connection on that tab is established (32/64)
02.12.16 Fixed: FTP connection on locked tab (with dir changes allowed) not working: Couldn't switch to that tab with mouse click, click on "\" didn't go to locked dir, restarting TC with that tab in foreground changed title. Note: after restarting, click on tab title to reconnect (32/64)
01.12.16 Fixed: Reload shield overlay icon when user changes icon size in file list (32/64)


Titel: Clover 3.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2016, 13:53
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function:Bottom status bar.
Improved:Optimize compatibility and improve stability.
Fixed:Unplug the USB disk and the tab page will be blank.
Fixed:WinXP,can not display the preview widget when drag the tab to splitting / merging the window.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.46.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2016, 12:19
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1.Bug-Fix in Q-Dir, unter Windows-10 beim Öffnen von diversen Batch-Dateien mit korrektem Arbeitsverzeichnis.
2. Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
3. Optionales definieren des Arbeitsverzeichnisses in Quick-Links

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2016, 21:15
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Total Commander 9.0a RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2016, 04:30

08.12.16 Release Total Commander 9.0a release candidate 3 (32/64)
08.12.16 Fixed: Dimmed icons (for hidden files) were drawn incorrectly on Windows 2000 and older if the background color wasn't white (32)
08.12.16 Fixed: Lister, html view: <META content="text/html; charset=utf-8; encoding=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> was not recognized as UTF-8 encoding header (32/64)
08.12.16 Fixed: Search function: When saving search and overwriting an existing search with different upper-/lowercase characters, there was a (correct) overwrite warning, but the search appeared twice in the list (64)
08.12.16 Fixed: When preloading icons from system image list, draw the icon already in the background thread (hidden), because the icon seems to be loaded only when drawn (32/64)
07.12.16 Fixed: F6 move: Skipping empty dirs by appending |**\ to second input line didn't work when moving within the same drive (32/64)
07.12.16 Fixed: Hide "Themed cursor" checkbox in configuration dialog on systems older than Windows XP (32/64)
07.12.16 Fixed: Separate quick view window was closed when choosing directory from directory hotlist or history in other panel (32/64)
07.12.16 Fixed: Drag&Drop to other file panel not possible while separate quick view window was shown (32/64)
07.12.16 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack dialog was shown on wrong (primary) screen when the last used packer was a plugin (caused by focus change) (64)
07.12.16 Fixed: Content plugin field selection dialog: extra text (x.xx) after size field units wasn't removed when adding a field (64)
06.12.16 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SkippedFileCopy=100 or more: Option to set a different delay (in ms) at start of a file operation during which a user can be asked whether he wants to overwrite a file (32/64)
06.12.16 Fixed: Delay-load Windows drive icons when not using the drive buttonbar. Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] LoadDriveIconsInBackground=0 (32/64)
06.12.16 Fixed: Internal command SELECTFILES (and also SELECTFILESB, SELECTFILESD etc.) didn't work with saved selections in the form >Saved_selection any more (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 16.12.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2016, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: FileVoyager v16.12.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2016, 07:30
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.


Whats new:>>

 New: Language: Added Spanish (Translation created by myself, so probably not as good as if a perfect spanish speaking one had done it)

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2016, 05:46
Whats new:>>

•Fixed: sometimes the license was not verified correctly if volume drives was changed. If you have problems with the license verification, then please active again the license with version 7.1.1.

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2016, 13:46
Whats new:>>

New Function: Bottom status bar.
Improved: Optimize compatibility and improve stability.
Improved: Open the bookmark in the current browser.
Fixed: Unplug the USB disk and the tab page will be blank.
Fixed: WinXP,can not display the preview widget when drag the tab to splitting /
merging the window.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2016, 04:17
Whats new:>>

Fixed: sometimes the license was not verified correctly in some systems. If you have problems with the license verification, then please active again the license with version 7.1.2.

Titel: Total Commander 9.0a Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2016, 04:50

Fixed: Mapped USB drives or network drives added after starting TC would show up with internal icon/as disconnected when using Explorer icons and no drive buttonbar
Fixed: Network Neighborhood: Entries which appeared with a delay were sometimes shown as files, not folders
Fixed: Standalone install64.exe ignored UserName= line in install.inf when auto-installing. Furthermore, the line userforicons= was unused
Fixed: Clear pending numeric coprocessor exceptions also before dispatching Windows messages to reduce problems with C/C++ plugins and extensions
Fixed: Unpack files with forbidden characters ?*| also from 7zip and rar archives, partial support for packer plugins too
Fixed: Disabled the fix "Support invalid ZIP archives with UTF-8-encoded names but missing UTF-8 flag (created by Dropbox)" on systems with double byte charsets like Chinese, because some valid Chinese double byte characters would be detected as UTF-8
Fixed: Alt+F5 re-pack files from within an archive, no target path given (e.g. rar:newfile.rar) -> archive was created in TEMP dir, need to insert current directory
Fixed: Lister (F3): Search for regular expressions in UTF-8 and UTF-16 modes didn't handle backslashes correctly, had to enter \ instead of \ to find a single backslash
Fixed: Auto switch mode: sort order was lost when restarting TC while in an archive, and view mode of parent directory had sort order set to "unchanged"
Fixed: Reduced flickering when pressing ESC while not in command line
Fixed: Quick filter: Filter icon was drawn 1 pixel too high, separator line was overdrawn
Fixed: Brief view, select all, select nothing, select all -> total number of files was no longer shown in footer
Fixed: In rare cases, TC may start with empy file panels. To fix, add to wincmd.ini [Configuration] FixEmptyPanel=1


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.40.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2016, 20:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Audio Tags:

Now scripting supports reading and writing ID3 tags.

Multilingual Support:

Added support for Serbian.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2016, 21:20
Whats new:>>

The license can be activated manually if the system doesn't have Internet access or firewall/antivirus is blocking Internet access.
Fixed: sometimes the license was not verified correctly in some systems. If you have problems with the license verification, then please active again the license with version 7.1.3.

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2016, 21:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



FIXED - Forward button on toolbar now works again
FIXED - Create registry key from context menu now works again.
FIXED - Some Multi Language issues
FIXED - 2 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Multi Commander 6.9.0 Build 2303
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2016, 13:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



Over 200+ Changes have gone into the release since 6.4.8

    Tab Sessions
    Korean translations provided by pCsOrI
    FindFiles windows can load quick setup using Fn-keys
    FindFiles windows can save quick setup using Ctrl+Fn-keys
    Added option "Remember what item is in focus when changing path"
    3rd party audio library updated, More audio formats should be supported
    Many default options and colors have been change. Only valid for new installs
    Lots of fixes
    And much more


Titel: Double Commander 0.7.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2016, 12:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


 [Default] Double commander causes Dual-GPU MacBook Pro to switch to high-performance graphics (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [Graphical user interface] Search dialog doesn't find anything if it's shown for the first time (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [File operations] After cancelling rar unpacking, the .rar file remains locked (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [File operations] After cancelling extraction from paused state, the partially extracted file is locked, and thus cannot be deleted or overwritten (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [Default] Start exe from command line should not inherit cashed PATH variable (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [File operations] It's not possible to read some files (file names) from FTP destination . (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [Graphical user interface] После повторного выбора вида "Эскизы" переключается на "Подробный" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [File operations] Moving directory does not preserve the directory timestamps (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Q-Dir 6.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2016, 16:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

BugFix bei /silent -install für unbeaufsichtigte Installation z.B. für Administratoren.

Titel: Multi Commander 6.9.1 Build 2306
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2016, 16:00

Tab Sessions
Korean translations provided by pCsOrI
FindFiles windows can load quick setup using Fn-keys
FindFiles windows can save quick setup using Ctrl+Fn-keys
Added option „Remember what item is in focus when changing path“
3rd party audio library updated, More audio formats should be supported
Many default options and colors have been change. Only valid for new installs
Lots of fixes
And much more


Titel: Attribute Changer 8.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2016, 22:00
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

· Update : Make application icons DPI aware
· Update : Make context menu icon DPI aware
· Update : Minor user interface changes
· Update : Updated user guide

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v16.12.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2017, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs.

Titel: FileVoyager v17.01.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2017, 16:45
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.




    Added Swedish language.


    Licensing of FileVoyager changed from Creative Commons to Freeware EULA.
    When using custom colors for folder listing, the Selection background color is now used prior to the Odd background color.


    When system context menu, for file or folder, is trigger through keyboard, the menu did not had the keyboard focus.
    When showing, the operation confirmation window was topmost, even when FV was deactivated. Now it's topmost to FV only.
    Comparison window's position and size are now restored.
    Autoupdate doesn't download the installer when in Portable version.
    When Ribbon was collapsed, any change in the preferences made the Ribbon expanded again.
    Preferences dialog is now closable using ESC.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2017, 20:45
What's new: >>

Bug-Fix bei der Benutzung der Pfeiltasten in der Listenansicht zum Umbenennen der Dateien und/oder Ordner.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2017, 13:15
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


Fixed (custom commands): relative paths was not handled correctly.
Fixed (custom commands): sometimes browse for executable file or browse for icon file didn't work correctly.
Fixed (Change Icon): sometimes browse for icon file didn't work correctly.
Minor bug fixes.


Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2017, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Countermeasure for Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14986 & 15002.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.48.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2017, 18:00
What's new: >>

Bugfix bei Verwendung der q-dir-Installation und der Auto-Start Option.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.48.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2017, 13:42
What's new: >>

Menü > Extras > Autostart um Q-Dir aus dem Windows-Autostart zu entfernen oder hinzuzufügen.
Erneute verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir für Windows 10.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2017, 05:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function: User account system.
New Function: VIP system, VIP can enjoy the advertising experience.
Improved: Open the bookmark in the current browser.
Fixed: Crash problems caused by large import / export bookmarks.

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2017, 18:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Quick Audio Preview:

Mouse down on the file icon to hear the sound. Mouse move to scroll. Mouse up to stop. MP3, WAV, FLAC, OGG... you name it. With interactive progress bar. Probably the most convenient audio file previewer on the planet.

Support of Filenames Ending With Dot or Space:

Those filenames are invalid in the Windows name space and the shell cannot do anything with them. Delete, rename, move, it all fails with the standard File Explorer. XYplorer now can handle them.

Extra Large Toolbar:

Now you can have extra large buttons (48x48 pixels). Increases toolbar usability on high-resolution screens.


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2017 Build 740
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2017, 20:00
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware


- Bug fix: Search profile doesn't retain Timestamp "Not older option" forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7108
- Bug fix: Main window is always hidden if starting FreeCommander with the options "Minimize to system tray" and "Start minimized"
- Bug fix: '[' and ']' does not works in quick filter
- Bug fix: Invert selection - the first element of the list is not selected if no parent folder '..' is visible in the file list
- Bug fix: The column titles may be not translated if the option "Start minimized" is active
- Bug fix: Locked tab "D:\My Folder" with "Navigation to subfolders" - navigation is possible to "D:\My Folder is locked"
- Bug fix: "Save container to file..." broken forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7160
- Bug fix: On some PCs all timestamps shows as 1899.12.30 00:00 forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7197#p23091
- Bug fix: Active layout is not checked in menu if more as 10 layouts defined
- Bug fix: Settings->General "Start minimized" option broken
- Bug fix: Selection problem fixed forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7073
- Bug fix: Checked state is initial not visible on splitter button forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7249
- Bug fix: FTP connections are not listed if connection name has special chacter (e.g. German ö,ä,ü,...)
- Bug fix: When changing folders in network shares, when you go back one level up, the cursor jumps to the top forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7270
- Bug fix: Drop folder to Deskop button - the content of the folder is dropped but not the folder self
- Bug fix: Customized button caption (toolbar buttons) is ignored for layouts and favorites forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7282
- Bug fix: Splitter position is not restored after hiding/opening inactive panel (F10) forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7292
- Bug fix: The state of "go to the next history item" toolbar botton is not changed forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7291
- Bug fix: Item list Icons do not follow Item list Names upon change of sort type forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7317
- Bug fix: Actions "Set active panel to X%" broken
- Bug fix: Plain views icons do not toggle when in address bar forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7345
- Bug fix: Selection in NC-Mode broken forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7390
- Bug fix: Folder size consolidation toggle ("KB") unpredictable state forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7080
- Bug fix: Del key issue with rename in "Favorites - edit..." forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7408
- Bug fix: Search result: Open location shortcut changed to original value - Space (Shift+Space supported too) forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7400
- Bug fix: Linked browsing broken on the way "up" forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7410
- Bug fix: The main window opens on the primary monitor although closed on the second monitor - only if maximized
- Bug fix: Folder synchronize problems forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7445
- Bug fix: Unwanted selection in NC-Mode forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7362
- Bug fix: "Auto add wildcards" option in quick filter is broken forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7360
- Bug fix: New folder should allow path with more than one directory forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=6969
- Bug fix: "Quick viewer size by file type" option broken for jpg files
- Bug fix: Thumbnails may be false if using refresh function or if switching tabs with thumbnails view
- Bug fix: Multirename dialog - not correctly displayed for bigger fonts (150%) if profiles defined
- Bug fix: Compare folders is broken if UNC path is used
- Bug fix: Toolbar position is not saved if using "Tools->Save settings"
- Bug fix: Wrong tab order in "Define favorite toolbars" dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7499
- Bug fix: Delete button not working in Laouts edit dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7500
- Bug fix: Maximized/normal state of the main window not correctly restored in layouts forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7496
- Bug fix: Popup menu is not showing by drop on address bar although the setting for showing popup menu is active forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7507
- Bug fix: Show/hide main menu in the status bar context menu doesn't work always forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7518
- Bug fix: Exception on closing of the layout dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7497
- Bug fix: Incorrect file name suggested in Pack files dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7204
- Bug fix: Favorites set dialog - rename does not work
- Bug fix: FTP - set timestamp for the uploaded file does not work
- Bug fix: File container - many problems solved forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7549
- Bug fix: Tree position is not correct restored when "Show menu as toolbar" active is (only if main window is maximized)
- Bug fix: Tree is not refreshed if context menu delete command is used
- Bug fix: View option for favorite folder does not work always forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=24465#p24465
- Bug fix: Toggle betwwen current and thumbnail view (Ctrl+I) does not work properly if folder was changed forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7609
- Bug fix: Exception if you try to open folder in the file container but the folder does not exist forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=24456#p24456
- Bug fix: Quick viewer resize problem if "top" is used for "Align in panel" forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7641
- Bug fix: Exception on some PCs, e.g. on usb drive add/remove (introduced in 731)
- Bug fix: Deleting the folder in the tree causes error messages forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=24730#p24730
- Bug fix: File names may be not fully visible on high DPI screen forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7622
- Bug fix: Command line option "-Layout=" does not work if one instance option is active
- Bug fix: Color items by predefined filter does not work properly forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7727

- Implemented: It is possible now to add: Layouts, Favorite tools, Favorites and Drives to action toolbars. Only items with assigned shortcut works in action toolbar.
- Implemented: New method Copy/Move operation performed by FC added (Vista+ only)
- Implemeneted: New tree option "Keep expanded nodes if tree per Tab"
- Implemented: Sorting by Windows columns improved ("Data type" added to the column definition )
- Implemented: Elevation prompt (admin rights) will be showed for unpack operation if needed
- Implemented: New Option in search dialog - Run in external process
- Implemented: Middle button click on favorite item in toolbar opens favorite target folder in new tab forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7174
- Implemented: Delete operation improved; option "Use Vista+ delete method" added
- Implemented: Loading of network shares improved forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6288
- Implemented: New command line option added -StartMinimized
- Implemented: Address bar edit field - accept button added
- Implemented: FTP - unicode support added forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7041
- Implemented: New option in the search form - Use left/right for "Open location"
- Implemented: Attributes/Timestamp dialog - new options for "Set timestamp as in target folder" added: "Created from Modified" and "Modified from Created"
- Implemented: Favorite items edit dialog - shortcuts for rename, delete, up, down added
- Implemented: Icons for favorite tools now loaded in background (important for not existend or slow network paths )
- Implemented: Click on button with the folder in the favorite tools toolbar - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab), Alt+Click (open folder in the opposite pane), Ctrl+Alt+Click (open folder in new tab in the opposite pane)
- Implemented: Click on folder in the favorite folders tree - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab), Alt+Click (open folder in the opposite pane), Ctrl+Alt+Click (open folder in new tab in the opposite pane)
- Implemented: Click on folder in system folder popup menu - added Ctrl+Click (open folder in new tab) forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7283
- Implemented: New options for "Select with mouse pointer" added - Action by click on free space in label, action by click on item icon (these options was till now available only in freecommander.ini )
- Implemented: Left click in the free area of the address bar start the editing if the option "Show history popup menu on free area click" is not set
- Implemented: Additional option for auto size of the 'Name' column - Fill remaining space
- Implemented: Operations queue for operations ("Use FreeCommander" operations)
- Implemented: New action added "Paste address from clipboard and reload" Shift+Alt+G
- Implemented: Main menu item added Edit->Address bar
- Implemented: Mouse "Snap to" implemented
- Implemented: Searching in the office files (docx, xlsx, odt)
- Implemented: Option to set in the freecommander.ini: CopyFullPath_AddLastDelimiter=0 - set the value to 1 if you want to add trailing backslash if copy folder paths to clipboard
- Implemented: New action added "Toggle toolbars visibility"
- Implemented: Favorite folder sets
- Implemented: New option added "Always perform copy operation for left button drag&drop"
- Implemented: Last position of the layout dialog will be saved
- Implemented: Doubleclick on the line in the layout dialog perform "Apply" command
- Implemented: 'Settings->Shell Menu' - options for adding "Open with Freecommander" item to shell context menu
- Implemented: New option "Show basket icon" for splitter toolbar added
- Implemented: New command line option added (set active panel to left/top or right/bottom) "-Panel=L" or "-Panel=R"
- Implemented: New thumbnail size added (512)

- Changed: Last selected layout is marked as checked (till now - only if "Auto save current layot" was active)
- Changed: Deley befor opening of the rename dialog removed forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7287
- Changed: Multirename - mouse scrolling in the fields is allowed now only if the mouse cursor is in the filed forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7301
- Changed: Settings dialog - OK, Cancel, Apply buttons moved to the right site of the dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7421
- Changed: Quick search support special characters forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7414
- Changed: Splitter toolbar should be visible if hot spot buttons are used forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7516
- Changed: Mouse wheel scroll for details view follows now Windows settings
- Changed: Click on basket icon in splitter loads the Bin Tray in the active panel
- Changed: Subfolder filter in search dialog simplified
- Changed: Modifications for high resolution screens
- Changed: Suppress message when global shortcut can not be registered (only if second or further program instance is started)
- Changed: Redirect Win+E to FreeCommander now permanent and not only per sesion


Titel: Copy Handler 1.45 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2017, 06:00
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.


•[CH-315] – Closing overwrite dialog with X causes file to be overwritten
•[CH-322] – High CPU usage of logger
•[CH-324] – Changing log levels does not work until CH restarts

•[CH-114] – Engine-wide logging support
•[CH-200] – Use SetFileInformationByHandle to finalize file
•[CH-303] – Update code signing certificate
•[CH-304] – File already exists dialog shows paths with \? prefix
•[CH-307] – Increase isolation between file reader and file writer
•[CH-310] – Improvements in silent resume
•[CH-311] – Optimize removing entries from database tables
•[CH-312] – Normalize line endings handling for source code
•[CH-314] – Disable reporting of false-positive memort leaks
•[CH-317] – Limit maximum concurrent reads/writes per file
•[CH-318] – Reduce code smells reported by ReSharper
•[CH-319] – Split libchcore to more specialized libraries
•[CH-320] – Update helper projects to build properly
•[CH-321] – Update sqlite package to 3.16
•[CH-323] – View log asks to create the log file
•[CH-325] – Update Polish translation
•[CH-326] – Unit tests coverage improvements
•[CH-327] – Refactoring of exported collections
•[CH-328] – Update default buffer sizes
•[CH-329] – Adjust logging of serialization to include real column numbers


Titel: Q-Dir 6.48.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2017, 11:26
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bugfix in Q-Dir beim Drucken der Listen-Ansicht im Querformat!

Titel: Q-Dir 6.49.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2017, 16:30
What's new: >>

Neue Option: Hauptmenü / Extras / Dateioperationen / L-Maus: Datei verschieben bestätigen, hilft bei Ausrutschern am Touchscreen.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2017, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

- Added: Progress Dialog

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.1 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2017, 20:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Added support for Comic Book files (CBZ, CBR, CB7, EPUB)
- Comic Book files can contain any kind of image format (jpg, png, gif, webp etc)
- Added new commandline options (use -help/-? to view them)
- Added notifier to thumbnail page that shows results of drag n drop operations (see notes)
- Added 'Video Only' and 'Audio Only' presets
- Added option to enable/disable video reel thumbnail border

- Added Polish localization (Thank you Xyzzy!)
- Added Turkish localization (Thank you Torelafes!)
- Added Ukrainian localization (Thank you Darko!)
- Added Japanese localization (Thank you Donkichirou!)
- Updated Danish, German, Portuguese and Russian localization

- Fixed Optimfrog thumbnailing
- Fixed Optimfrog bitrate values
- Fixed duration/bitrate/channel properties for certain MP3 files
- Improved duration precision for some MP3 files
- Improved mkv handling slightly
- Improved donation links (labels and extra info)
- Improved -unlock command (will now perform a much cleaner unlock of Icaros)
- Recognize WEBP as an image format
- Fixed a handful of minor bugs
- Updated GCC to 6.2
- Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.0.2 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2017, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Replaced libarchive with libunarr for even better Comic Book file support
Added Hungarian localization
Fixed artefacts showing in thumbnails of certain filetype/format combinations
Fixed some names from getting 'cut off' in the contributor section on the about page
Improved the Icaros cache location folder permission check
Updated copyright to 2017
Updated FFmpeg

Titel: Q-Dir 6.49.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2017, 17:30
What's new: >>

1. Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung (Trojan:Win32/BlaBla.A!BlaBla)
durch Windows-Defender Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
2. Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir plus Korrekturen und Verbesserungen für Windows-10.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2017, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Changed the compiler to Visual C++ 2010 Express Edition.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2017, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Results folder

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2017, 17:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Options(Position)

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2017, 18:00
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Fixed: Logon Defects.
Fixed: Not compatible with office2016.
Fixed: Drag the page bookmark to open the tab page error.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.350
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2017, 10:00
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

File Shredder updated (V2.060)

Titel: CarotDAV v1.13.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2017, 10:30
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


Fixed an issue which was displayed when Encrypt or Split was done with DropBox or OneDrive but shared link could not be acquired.
Added ability to retrieve tempLink with AmazonCloudDrive.
Mitigate the problem of becoming a Too Many Request in AmazonCloudDrive.
Added a function to record update date and creation date with AmazonCloudDrive.
GoogleDrive supports v3 API.
Added ability to create shared links with GoogleDrive.
Added function to record update date, creation date, access date and time with GoogleDrive.
Added function to acquire / delete SharedLink in Box.
Added function to record update date and creation date and time with Box.
Fix to get properties when changing files with SugarSync.
Fix other minor points.


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2017, 15:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


•New actions to expand or collapse all submenus.
•New action to test the selected command and to check if it runs correctly with the configured options.
•Improvements in custom commands: ◦You can add custom commands automatically by dragging and dropping either executable files or shortcuts to FileMenu Tools window.
◦When the custom command is displayed with specific folders, all child folders can be also included.
◦Included new option in variables menu to include system environment variables (for example APPDATA, ProgramFiles, SystemRoot, etc).
◦Now you can specify line breaks with n in the variable @message@.
•Minor bug fixes.


Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2017, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: TreeView

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2017, 17:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix minor bugs

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2017, 11:03
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Fixed: Logon Defects.
Fixed: Not compatible with office2016.
Fixed: Drag the page bookmark to open the tab page error.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.49.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2017, 17:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, Windows-10 Fixes in Q-Dir.
Die Q-Dir.exe wird in Zukunft als Unicode erstellt, die Unicode Version ist unter Windows stabiler und kompatibler.
Wer noch mit Win-98 arbeitet, kann die Q-Dir_Win98.exe Verwenden.

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2017, 21:40
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source


added Advansed Settings to Compare Directories -- Shift-F5
added Desktop Size -- Alt-Z
removed dz.cfg --> moved to dz.ini
added key F7 to Toggle Edit Panel/Full Screen
fixed bug in Save Session -- one file short
fixed bug in reading Unix .INI files -- LF / CR, LF


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2017, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Splitter

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.360
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2017, 12:28
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

File Shredder 2.070, File Move 1.850, Exe Packer 2.000 added

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2017, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Find Files by Path. Now you can find items by the name of their parent folder or full path, using a simple inline switch.
New Overwrite Prompt. Redesigned the dialog for clarity and usability.
Audio Properties. Now the basic audio properties (Bit Rate, Sample Rate, Channels, Length) are shown right in the Large Tiles view. Allows for a quick glance without displaying any spacy extra columns.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 4900 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2017, 21:10
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2017, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Replaced GDI+ to WIC(Windows Imaging Component)

Titel: Double Commander 0.7.8 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2017, 12:25
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Plugins] 7z Archiver can not handle locked files - resolved
[Graphical user interface] Hide drives with numbers only label corresponding to installed snap packages in Ubuntu - resolved
[Graphical user interface] The dialog doesn't have Abort option File ... is marked as read-only/hiden/system. Delete it? - resolved
[Default] Search in archives by content fails on zip archives with a comment, including any master.zip downloaded from GitHub - resolved
[Graphical user interface] List filenames of selected files that are going to be deleted when asking for confirmation - resolved
[Graphical user interface] Pressing the menu key moves mouse to "Actions" submenu item - resolved
[Default] EListError List index (-1) out of bounds after pressing a menu key with an empty file list - resolved
[File operations] Control+left/right arrow as in Total Commander - resolved
[Default] Support free pascal >= 3.0.1 - resolved
[Default] File comparison reports that files are identical when trailing bytes are different - resolved
Confusing button focus order in the file deletion confirmation dialog - resolved


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2017, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Added Turkish language file.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.2.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2017, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2017, 09:17
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - When checking for new version, and no new version is found, it will check if new language pack is available.
ADDED - Added so alternative LangPack can be downloaded and loaded.
ADDED - Server work to make it possible to download and manage lang pack versioning
ADDED - Custom Context Menu that show internal command as submenu to the Shell Context Menu.
ADDED - Custom Context Menu can be customized (But no UI yet, manuel edit of file required for now) (generate default file with ":savecustomcontextmenu" )
ADDED - MultiScript function GetFSLinkType(..), GetLinkTarget(..), GetShortcutTarget(..) o get info and path of Filesystem links
ADDED - Minor change to allow MultiCommander SE to pass windows store certification
CHANGE- Language version mismatch dialog is redesigned and it is now possible to remove all unpacked language files from it.
CHANGE- Calculate folder size background thread will now run even if other background thread are running
CHANGE- Background thread that extract extra data can now be aborted easier.
CHANGE- Code cleanup and refactoring and preparation for new features
FIXED - 3 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2017, 17:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.49.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2017, 13:56
What's new: >>

1. Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung (Trojan:Win32/Buu.A!TruLaLa)
durch Windows-Defender Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
2. Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.370
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2017, 05:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Directory updated to 3.500
Bugfix for english translation

Titel: Konvertor 5.04 Build 18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2017, 16:30
Konvertor is a fast and reliable two-panel, multi-tabs file manager for Windows. It offers different viewers for popular, uncommon and rare file formats. The app has an intuitive interface and a shallow learning curve, which gives users of all levels of expertise the ability to process and alter files quickly an efficiently.


Whats new:>>


    49 new formats
    New initialization files

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2017, 05:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved: The tab bar menu operation.
Improved: The tab drag function optimization.
Improved: Optimized window folder display.
Fixed: Update packet detect update exception.

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.58.7031
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2017, 18:15
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new: >>

[!]Fix Version History and Customer Service Center missing bug;
[!]Support latest VMC library;

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2017, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: About dialog

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2017, 20:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Hover Box. When hovering a file icon or caption of an image file a popup shows a thumbnail and basic file, image, and photo information. A highly addictive zero click preview.
Keyboard Navigation. Now you can navigate the list and open files and folders right from the Live Filter Box. Productivity boost for typers.
Live Filter Box. Now you can type a space to see only those items with at least one space in their name. Sounds lame but File Explorer can’t do it.


Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2017, 13:42
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


Added function to save file attributes.
Added ability to change attributes from property form.
Added a function to update at the same time in the case of storage that can set properties at the same time when uploading.
Added a function to save last update date with OneDrive.
GoogleDrive adds the option to set property availability optional.
Added the ability to set property availability optional with AmazonCloudDrive.
Fixed an issue that did not work when CarotDAVC included "#" or "?" In file name.
Fixed an issue that could not be seen when there were over 100 files on GoogleDrive.
Fixed an issue where downloading / uploading was not possible in Box.
Fixed an issue where folders could not be renamed with FTP.
Amazon CloudDrive returned Too Many Request
Fixed a problem that can not be recovered from write error when using NTLM, Kerberos, Negotiate authentication with WebDAV.
Fix other minor points.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Update

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2017, 04:41
Whats new:>>

NEW: Google Drive. You can now use your own Google Drive API client id and secret key when accessing Google Drive. If you experiences frequent errors and delays please use your own API client id and secret key. Follow the instructions on our support site.
CHANGED: Amazon Drive drive size set to used bytes plus 100 TB
FIXED: Bug in WebDAV when handling HTTP error messages
FIXED: OneDrive for Business issue which causes connection error and forceful logout every 14 days
FIXED: Improved security in NetDrive system service (nd2svc)

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2017, 05:20
Whats new:>>

Improved:System shortcut key function optimization.
IFixed:Unable to copy and paste the file.
IFixed:Folder name display exception.
IFixed:Double click the blank not on a return.

Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2017, 21:15
Whats new:>>

2017/3/9 Ver. 1.14.2

When downloading by drag drop, the problem that the file was destroyed when it fell on server or line error and retried was fixed.

2017/3/8 Ver. 1.14.1

Fixed a problem that folder properties could not be updated and stopped.

Titel: StExBar 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2017, 21:30
StExBar will extend the usefulness of the Windows Explorer with useful preset and custom commands. You will be able to add numerous commands to make your day to day work a breeze and have better control over your files and folders. The commands are available from the toolbar, hotkeys and via the context menu.

StExBar will also help you when renaming multiple files at once and uses Regular Expression strings to achieve this. You also have the option to add your own commands to StExBar and define specific hotkeys for them.

License: Open Source

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1201
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2017, 19:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2017, 20:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - CustomContextMenu editor that allow user to edit and customize the custom popup menu (found under Menu > Configuration)
CHANGE- internal changes on how the automatic UI binding system work. This may have affected how the UI in the TabSession Manager dialog works


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.380
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2017, 13:48
Whats new:>>

- French translation updated
- Tools updated

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.3.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2017, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: XP

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v17.3.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2017, 04:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Add-ons.

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2017, 21:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Icons in Custom Columns. Now you can create your own columns and have them display icons of your choice. E.g. you could create a column that shows a special camera icon for all photos that were shot with a Nikon. Make stand out what’s important to you, and do it in a way that works best for you and your eyes.
Circles in Custom Columns. Now you can decorate your files with colorful circles. Brings back a long-missed psychedelic kindergarten vibe to file management.
Scroll Margin. Introducing a smart little usability enhancer that gives some context to your cursor when moving up or down the list with the arrow keys. Lets you see where you are going before you go there. Relaxing.
Ad-Free. Now that Microsoft is showing ads within File Explorer it might be worthwhile to mention that XYplorer provides an ad-free experience. Explore files without an adblocker!


Titel: Multi Commander Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2017, 04:37
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Custom ContextMenu Editor is now using multilanguge system
CHANGE- Change the list of what commands are shown in the default custom context menu. (Delete 'ContextMenu.xml' to see the new default)
ADDED - Fixed issue in Custom ContextMenu editor that items was not always saved correct if items was rearrange


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.3.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2017, 17:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Add-ons, 32bit

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2017, 05:30
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: FileVoyager v17.03.25.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2017, 11:01
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.




    Globally: Complete rework of the various visual components to be DPI aware.
    Navigation: Many issues due to the bad DPI awareness are now solved (eg: Shell Contextmenu unresponsive outside 96 dpi).
    Viewer: "Banned" the Blob audio visualization as it makes Win 10 crash (and maybe other versions too).


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Sporadically occurred BSOD during file closing.
FIXED: Opening images through MS's Photos built-in app didn't work on Windows 10.
FIXED: Saving a file in Word 2013 sometimes failed.
FIXED: Compatibility issue when previous version of file system driver also installed.
FIXED: SFTP. Path handling issue on some SFTP server.
NOTE: Please ignore security warning from Windows Smart Screen. Recently we renewed code-signing certificates.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1205
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2017, 19:10
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: HashCheck Shell Extension 2.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2017, 19:40
HashCheck can process and verify the checksums/hashes stored in checksum files--these are files with a .sfv, .md4, .md5, or .sha1 file extension. Just double-click on the checksum file, and HashCheck will check the actual checksums of the listed files against those specified in the checksum file. HashCheck can also be used to view the checksums of files and to create checksum files.

Open Source


- Added SHA3-256 and SHA3-512 support (via the Keccak Code Package)
- New option to select which hashes to calculate & display in the file properties sheet (MD5 and SHA3 are disabled by default)
- Checksum file creation & verification are now multithreaded on solid state drives (Windows 7+ only)
- All release binaries starting with this version will be digitally signed, and will display "Open Source Developer, Christopher Gurnee" as the verified publisher
- Safety/consistency improvements:
- Never saves a partial Checksum file—it's either completed or it's deleted
- Better visibility of file read errors during Checksum file creation
- Installer/uninstaller updates (primarily for Windows 10)
- Automatic CI builds on Appveyor thanks to @Chocobo1
- Initial unit tests (including Appveyor support) for Checksum verification (based on NIST test vectors) and the file properties sheet
- Updated Catalan translation thanks to @Hiro5
- Updated Traditional Chinese translation thanks to @Chocobo1
- Updated Italian translation thanks to @Scara
- Many other minor fixes, speed improvements, and GUI updates


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.3.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2017, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Network (HTTPS)

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2017, 04:30

- Size Graphics. Now the size column can have graphical representations of the byte counts right in the column. Simply right-click the size column header and choose between three options: No Graphics, Circles, Bars

- Size Tooltips. The size column now always shows a tooltip (even if the text is not cropped) with the exact byte count of the hovered item. Saves lots of clicks when you are interested in exact numbers

- Live Filtering. Now you can filter-as-you-type right in the file list. Try it and you will love it. A brilliant way to tame long file lists and focus on what's important now

- Icon Lists. Now you can specify a list of icons that are shown side by side for each item in custom columns. Write a script to determine which icons are shown for each particular file. This lets you present file information in a visually catchy way


Titel: Multi Commander RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2017, 20:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - MultiScript function min/max/IsAllTrue/IsAnyTrue (also supports array support)
ADDED - MultiScript function mod/FormatDateTime/GetTimeInfo/GetRandomValue
CHANGE- MultiScript change, compare two string using == will now return a boolean, not a diff values
FIXED - MultiScript debugger sometimes caused a crash if closed before script was stopped
ADDED - QuickLaunchBar now has a "Run as Admin" options
FIXED - Fixed an issue with the "Find and Replace" and when doing ignoring case on 32bit builds
FIXED - "Replace all older" when moving on same volume works again
FIXED - Some default settings was wrong on fresh install
ADDED - Renaming read only files using MultiRename, the confirm dialog about that now have a "Do this for all read only files" checkbox
FIXED - When resizing thumbnail size using mouse wheel, The scrollbar was not updated correct
FIXED - Recent history path was in some situation corrupted
ADDED - Hotkey for the start of MultiRename can now be customized
ADDED - MultiRename is added to the CustomContextMenu as a default command
FIXED - Memory leak with CustomContextMenu was shown
FIXED - Fixed some text issue and minor layout issues in the CustomContextMenuEditor


Titel: FileVoyager v17.4.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2017, 10:16
Whats new:>>

FileVoyager now contains a Hash tool.

Titel: FolderViewer 5.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2017, 04:15
Manage and organize your folders / files in a dual-pane interface, with features for listing, printing, (un)packing, renaming, or distributing contact.



Video Library records can now contain Online Videos
Play online Videos straight from the Library
Create YouTube playlists using the Video Library as a source
Print the Notes attached to Library records
The Websites Visited Database is now grouped on Date by default
Dynamic Drive List added to the File Explorer
None of the MicroSoft Advertisements will be displayed inyour File Explorer
Folderviewer has now become donorware to Save the Children
Go to the CONFIG tab and select Save the Children to donate any amount you like.
FolderViewer will be free for you to use and share.
Every user will receive lifelong Updates and Support.


Titel: Multi Commander 7.0.0 Build 2340
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2017, 05:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



  250+ Changes, Major new addition are

                CustomContext Menu that allows for custom and internal command in context menu,
                And Language Pack can now be downloaded when new updates for them are available.
                Also many more quick rename options, Many new MultiScript functions
                And lots of fixes

   ADDED - CustomContextMenu - Internal and custom commands can now be shown in the context popup menu. (right click)
   ADDED - Can now disable the Windows Shell and only show the custom context menu
   ADDED - Added so updated language packs can be download when updated. (Check for when new version check is done)
   ADDED - MultiScript function min/max (also supports array support) , return min or max value of all provided
   ADDED - MultiScript function IsAllTrue/IsAnyTrue (also supports array support) - return 1/0 if all provided value are true and any of them are true
   ADDED - MultiScript function mod( x, y) - Math function modulo
   ADDED - MultiScript function GetRandomValue(min , max) - return a random value between min and max
   ADDED - MultiScript function FormatDateTime/GetTimeInfo - Format datetime, and return time value as an array of its parts
   ADDED - MultiScript function GetFSLinkType(..), GetLinkTarget(..), GetShortcutTarget(..) will return paths of filesystem links
   CHANGE- MultiScript change, Compare of two string using == will now return a boolean ( 1 or 0 ), not a diff values.
   ADDED - QuickLaunchBar now has a "Run as Admin" options.
   ADDED - If Rename hotkey is pressed in Inline rename, It will toggle the selection part of filename/extension
   ADDED - Added many more rename option to the Rename submenu in menubar and context menu
   ADDED - Hotkey for the start of MultiRename can now be customized
   ADDED - Minor change to allow MultiCommander SE to pass windows store certification
   FIXED - Store Edition did not show thumbnails
   FIXED - Store Edition did not launch MCAdmin helper process correct
   FIXED - MultiScript debugger sometimes caused a crash if closed before script was stopped
   FIXED - Fixed an issue with the "Find and Replace" and when doing ignoring case on 32bit builds
   FIXED - Some default settings was wrong on fresh install
   FIXED - "Replace all older" when moving on same volume works again
   FIXED - "Retry as admin" option was sometimes shown even if option of this was disabled
   ADDED - Renaming read only files using MultiRename, the confirm dialog about that now have a "Do this for all read only files" checkbox
   FIXED - When resizing thumbnail size using mouse wheel, The scrollbar was not updated correct.
   FIXED - Recent history path was in some situation corrupted.
   CHANGE- Calculate folder size background thread will now run even if other background thread are running
   CHANGE- Background thread that extract extra data can now be aborted easier.
   FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Q-Dir 6.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2017, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Und wieder Verbesserungen und kleine Anpassungen im Dateimanager Q-Dir für Windows 10.
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
** Bitte um Geduld wegen Windows 10 creators update (http://www.softwareok.de/?seite=faq-Windows-10).

Titel: Shell Extensions 3.0.2 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2017, 20:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Fixed Comic Book cover selection (didn't always select the right cover image)
Fixed some rendering bugs in IcarosConfig
Added Finnish localization
Updated Danish, Italian and Turkish localizations
Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2017, 09:18
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved:VIP member experience.
Improved:Member points conversion function.
Fixed:Member login information abnormal.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2017, 05:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


Now the icon field for custom commands is editable in Properties panel. You can specify relative paths and environment variables for the icon file.
Minor bug fixes.


Hersteller: http://www.lopesoft.com/en/
Titel: CarotDAV 1.14.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2017, 21:10
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Titel: TC4Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2017, 10:15
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Titel: My Commander 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2017, 21:15
My Commander enables you to perform various operations on the your files and folders, including copy, paste, delete and compress. This software also offers you a built-in file viewer to display files in hex, binary or text and a built-in archive handling: ZIP, 7Z, TAR reading and writing.

License: BSD License

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2017, 17:10
Whats new:>>

FIXED: OneDrive for Business. Refresh token expiration issue.
FIXED: File corruption issue when editing files on the fly. Fixes issue of PDF editing using Adobe Acrobat.
FIXED: Amazon Drive. Changed saving location of GetChanges checkpoint. Checkpoint now works on Remote Sessions.
UPDATED: Certificate Authority DB (Let's Encrypt)

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2017, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Improved: TabHepler optimization problem Caton.
Fixed: Add URL bookmark exception.
Fixed: Loss of key shortcuts.

Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2017, 05:10
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue in AmazonCloudDrive where settings could not be saved.
Corrected automatic retry time of error dialog and conflict dialog short.
Fix other minor points.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1212
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2017, 17:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.4.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2017, 19:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Countermeasure for Windows 10 Creators Update

Titel: Multi Commander 7.1.0 Build 2344 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2017, 20:00

ADDED - Added Command that canbe assigned to hotkeys that will move active tab back/forward position in the same panel
ADDED - The new Rename command are now added to the menu shown when right clicking on rename button on toolbar
ADDED - MultiScript -= operator now works
ADDED - MultiScript accessing array value as right part of an operator now works ( eg: @var $x = $a + $b[$idx]; )
ADDED - MultiScript Adding array item with a value to the right now works ( eg: @var $x = $b[$idx] + $val; )
CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window will now replace none breaking space with normal space (Can happen if you copy/paste script from some web browser)
CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window, The Tab size is now half. Looks better
FIXED - Copy single file and selecting ".." in the CopyTo Dialog to pick folder will now keep the filename in the dialog
FIXED - Volume specific ContextMenu item was not shown for virtual devices like REG:


Titel: Folder Size Explorer 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2017, 21:20
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



Added "Open containing folder" to right click popup menu in search pane.
Added tooltip popup to drive bar graph that shows the drives usage stats when you hover the mouse over it.
Added additional status text when waiting for network folder to open.
Added "Feedback" to options menu on main toolbar.
Fixed a bug that could cause a long delay when the stop button was pressed during search.
Fixed a bug that caused columns to change order if "right click refresh" was selected during size calculation.
Fixed tooltip popups for the bottom status strip which were showing off screen when FSE was maximized.
Minor bug fixes, changes and optimisations.


Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2017, 13:30
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue that could not be retried when an error occurred during uploading.

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2017, 14:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Full Screen Preview: Deleting an image in full screen view caused the appearance of the title bar of the viewing window. Fixed.

Titel: SageThumbs
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2017, 20:45
SageThumbs is a powerful shell extension allowing to preview enormous amount of image formats directly in Windows Explorer.

Features :

- Extended thumbnail image view of Explorer folder
- Thumbnail image in explorer context menu (right-click menu)
- Extended info tips
- Support 162 image formats (224 extensions) via GFL Library
- Support additional 26 image formats via XnView plugins (if installed)
- Send by mail support
- One-click conversion to popular image formats support
- Wallpaper selection support
- Copy to clipboard support


Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2017, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2017, 09:17
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved:Login window interface optimization.
Improved:Set the window added shortcut key module.
Fixed:Copy tag failure.
Fixed:Support Windows server2012.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.1.0 Build 2347
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2017, 18:45
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



35+ Changes

   ADDED - Name generate for quick copy will now keep file extension intact and only change name part
   ADDED - Name shown in CopyTo dialog duing quick copy will now have the generated name part selected for easy changing
   FIXED - Switching between advanced and simple mode, The Simple part sometimes used the wrong text for the matching part.
   ADDED - Added Command that canbe assigned to hotkeys that will move active tab back/forward position in the same panel
   ADDED - The new Rename command are now added to the menu shown when right clicking on rename button on toolbar
   ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.Explorer.Makedir" now support the quick create folder tags in the FOLDERNAME parameter
   ADDED - MultiScript -= operator now works
   ADDED - MultiScript accessing array value as right part of an operator now works ( eg: @var $x = $a + $b[$idx]; )
   ADDED - MultiScript Adding array item with a value to the right now works  ( eg: @var $x = $b[$idx] + $val; )
   CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window will now replace none breaking space with normal space (Can happen if you copy/paste script from some web browser)
   CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window, The Tab size is now half. Looks better
   FIXED - Copy single file and selecting ".." in the CopyTo Dialog to pick folder will now keep the filename in the dialog
   FIXED - Volume specific ContextMenu item was not shown for virtual devices like REG:


Titel: Q-Dir 6.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2017, 13:34
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Verbesserungen wegen Windows 10 creators update.
Bugfix: Langsames Öffnen von Verzeichnissen und das Verschwinden der Scroll-Leiste in der Listenansicht
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2017, 17:15
Whats new:>>

Maintenance release:

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2017, 13:32
Release Notes

Preview: Yesterday's move did not work out. So here is another one. Added tweak CustomPreviewHandlerFallback (for now, can do something better later) to specify a "fallback" preview handler GUID. This will care for all filetypes for which no preview handler is registered, and throw the specified GUID onto them. For Quick View Plus, for example, this GUID is {8B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17}. So you would tweak like this to preview EXE file using QVP: CustomPreviewHandlerFallback={8B1E92F5-AC8E-4DAB-9804-3C01AA112F17} Of course, Quick View Plus has be installed on the system. And you still need to manually add EXE to the previewed formats in category "Office Files" to make this work. This can be stream-lined later.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.5.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2017, 16:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix a clipboard bug.

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2017, 11:15
Whats new:>>

NOTE: From this version you need to use system default web browser to login your cloud service. We made this change following updated authentication policies of cloud service companies like Google, Microsoft, Dropbox, etc.

FIXED: Google Cloud Storage authentication issue.
FIXED: OneDrive for Business. Refresh token expiration issue.
FIXED: Issue when you pause and resume uploading files. Now NetDrive will report error when you pause file uploading.
FIXED: Issue which caused high CPU load when you use NetDrive on virtual machines
FIXED: WebDAV issue which happens when you use a slash at the end of server URI

Titel: Q-Dir 6.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2017, 06:11
What's new: >>

Erneut Korrekturen wegen Windows 10 creators update.
Bugfix: Markierung der Objekte in der Listenansicht
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.5.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2017, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Update, Tab

Titel: TC4Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2017, 05:10
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2017, 05:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


Added a command line tool to run the commands of FileMenu Tools from command line. So you can create automated tasks to run any command of FileMenu Tools from scripts, bat files, shortcuts, scheduled tasks, etc. For 32bit systems the tool is named "cmdfmt.exe" and for 64bit systems the tool is named "cmdfmt64.exe". You can generate easily the arguments for this tool from "Tools->Run From Command Line" or by running cmdfmt.exe/cmdfmt64.exe with no arguments.
Improved Split Files. Now the files may be also splitted without adding additional data to the files and they don't need to be joined later. This is useful for example to open in memory portions of very large files with a text editor.
The commands can be tested directly with double-clicking.
When application crash occurs, allow to send the crashdump with data to be analyzed by the developer and fix the issue sooner possible.
Minor bug fixes.


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2017, 05:50
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Stability Issue which happens when user canceled login procesure on system web browser
FIXED: Issue with multiple OneDrive for Business
IMPROVED: Check and warn user about drive name if it contains inadequate characters for drive name

Titel: XYplorer Free 17.90.0403 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2017, 13:37
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Hover Box: The thumbnail handler in Win7 and earlier apparently does not auto-rotate JPEGs (and other formats with EXIF orientation metadata), which also affected the display in the Hover Box. Fixed. The thumbnail handler is not used anymore under these conditions.
List: Selection lost after rename of New Folder in drive C. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2017, 13:24
Whats new:>>

Persistent Live Filters. Now optionally Live Filters persist across folders, and are remembered across tab switches and across sessions.
User-Defined Preview Handlers. Now you can freely associate particular file types with particular preview handlers. This means full preview control without touching the registry.

Titel: Doszip Commander 3.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2017, 16:15
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source


added Edit/Add to Transfer dialog
removed memory restriction in panels -- max file count
fixed bug edit.style() -- buffer overflow
fixed memory leak in unzip functions
fixed memory leak file panels
fixed bug in [Path] -- failed to updated panels
fixed bug in editor using Auto Indent with no Tabs


Titel: muCommander v0.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2017, 21:30
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


New features:
- Enable the execution of file operations in the background (non-blocking mode).
- Introduce "Open as" menu for opening archive files whose name does not end with their typical file extension.
- Add support for OVA (virtual appliance) files. They are treated as tar files.
- Add a keyboard shortcut for displaying context menu for the selected file. It is mapped by default to the context menu key.

- Add the 'new tab' action to the toolbar and menu bar.
- The icons of the referenced files are now shown while exploring bookmarks.
- Use the name of the currently selected file as the default name in make file and make directory dialogs (as it was before 0.9.1).

Bug fixes:
- Error message is now shown when attempting to browse local folders that cannot be read rather than showing them as empty.
- Renaming a symbolic link no longer deletes it.
- Fix a failure in opening bookmarks that refer to remote files.
- Fix switching to a particular window using a keyboard shortcut.
- Files are launched according to the native file association in Gnome (regression introduced in 0.9.1).
- Local copy now works when the target filename starts with a tilde.
- Fix issues in moving files to trash on Windows.
- Fix the selection of Ukraine translation.
- Fix the selection of English translation in non-English systems.
- Fix the wrong initial language selection in some systems.
- Fix user authentication with keyboard-interactive for sftp (regression introduced in 0.9.1).
- Changing the case of a filename over SMB no longer removes it.

Known issues:
- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
  up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server (see ticket #76).
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
  sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:
- Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
- Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.00.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2017, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Tweak TabIPVisualStyle got a new style/value 3: TabIPVisualStyle=3 It's identical to value 2 apart from a horizontal line at the top that marks the position of the splitter you use to modify the height of the Info Panel.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0102.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.3.0 Build 2352 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2017, 19:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Tab session can now be set to Autoload at startup
ADDED - Can now remember last used tab session and autoload that on startup
ADDED - DeviceToolbar inside explorer panel now shown a popup with device type to show. (Feature in progress. Not complete yet)
ADDED - FS7Zip - When creating a 7zip archive, A retry dialog is now shown if the file it wants to pack is used from another program
ADDED - Creating symlinks as normal user is now possible if running Win10 (1703) och if Developer mode in windows is enabled.
ADDED - Makedir (Custom command and dialog) now support the date tags used when creating quick create folder commands
ADDED - Delete can now do a special verify and check if delete actually happens. (Workaround for Samba on linux that can report that items was deleted when they was not)
FIXED - Column sizing issue when the vertical scrollbar was visible
FIXED - Sort was not always triggerd when doing inline rename
FIXED - Advanced filter now support extended propery field "core.attrib"
FIXED - Tabs was not always loaded into the correct order, If they was moved around
FIXED - Various minor issues and code cleanup


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2017, 05:40
Whats new:>>

fixed bug in Confirm Copy -- target deleted on Cancel..
fixed bug in FindFile -- memory leak..

Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2017, 13:53
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved: Add Bookmark Manager function.
Fixed: Bookmark icon get abnormal.
Fixed: User login program exception.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2017, 17:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Shallot 0.97.2637
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2017, 16:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2017, 20:00
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed some crashes.

Titel: TC4Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2017, 09:12
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.00.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2017, 18:45

Configuration | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path: Now you can state a dual startup path, i.e. a startup path for each pane individually. Both paths should be separated by a double pipe (||).

General Syntax:

Startup Path Pane 1||Startup Path Pane 2
Both parts are optional.


C:||D: Pane 1 -> C:; Pane 2 -> D:
||D: Pane 1 -> (keep last path); Pane 2 -> D:
C:|| Pane 1 -> C:; Pane 2 -> (keep last path)


Also the command line supports the new syntax.
Startup path handling has been rewritten from scratch to make this possible.
Remember that a conventional single permanent startup path will always overwrite the last path of the *active* pane (which can be pane 1 or pane 2).


Titel: FileMenu Tools
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2017, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Fixed crash on Sync Folders.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2017, 17:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung (Trojan:Win32/KatuA!TuruLuLu)
durch Windows-Defender Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.00.0014 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2017, 13:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Breadcrumbs: Improved drawing of navigation buttons on high-DPI devices.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.00.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Reconnect mapped network drives on startup: Note that this can slow down startup extremely (like 30 seconds) if the network is unavailable! Just a reminder...
Zip Preview: Scrollbar drawing glitch. Fixed.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.3.0 Build 2354 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2017, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



REMOVED- Verify delete. Did not work well. Windows and Network stack is caching result. And it is not possible to by pass it in a good way
ADDED - Added options for Device Filtering for GlobalDeviceToolbar / ExplorerPanelDeviceToolbar / DeviceDropDown and FolderTree
ADDED - MultiTag ${mcinstallroot} and ${mcinstalldevice}
ADDED - When WM_COPYDATA windows message is recieved, It it logged to app log if debug loglevel is active
FIXED - Crash happend sometimes when MultiRename windows was closed
FIXED - MultiRename will now force column autosize


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2017, 16:15
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed crash on Sync Folders.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2017, 05:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: New file, Rename

Titel: Multi Commander 7.3.0 Build 2358 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2017, 13:52

ADDED - ContextMenu on DeviceToolbar can now save it setup from the context menu.
ADDED - Device filtering settings now set the device filter for device toolbar and device dropdown
FIXED - Toggle FolderTree On/Off will if you have AutoResizeColumns on trigger a resize of the columns.
FIXED - Backup/Restore did not backup UserData content. (Like Saved MultiRename profiles, Search Profiles, FTP Bookmarks)
FIXED - 2 stability issue reported by crash report system
FIXED - Better error handling when doing flat filesystem scanning.
SDK - SDK and Samples Updated


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2017, 13:52
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

New Function:Open bookmarks in new windows.
Improved:Realize login function through the return key.
Fixed:Fail to add bookmark through dragging file/folder.
Fixed:Unexpected crashes occur after dragging bookmarks.
New Function:Open bookmarks in new windows. Improved:Realize login function through the return key. Fixed:Fail to add bookmark through dragging file/folder. Fixed:Unexpected crashes occur after dragging bookmarks.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.3.0 Build 2360
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2017, 19:00

 90+ Changes
   ADDED - Ctrl+Space will toggle selection, Start Folder calculation of the folder and move focus one step down (Key can be customized to other key)
   ADDED - Added setting for Device Filtering that override other settings for the GlobalDeviceToolbar / ExplorerPanelDeviceToolbar / DeviceDropDown and FolderTree
   ADDED - DeviceToolbar inside explorer panel and main UI now shown a popup with device type to show.
   ADDED - MultiTag ${mcinstallroot} and ${mcinstalldevice}
   ADDED - When WM_COPYDATA windows message is recieved, It it logged to app log if debug loglevel is active
   ADDED - Tab session can now be set to Autoload at startup
   ADDED - Can now remember last used tab session and autoload that on startup
   ADDED - FS7Zip - When creating a 7zip archive, A retry dialog is now shown if the file it wants to pack is used from another program
   ADDED - Creating symlinks as normal user is now possible if running Win10 (1703) och if Developer mode in windows is enabled.
   ADDED - Makedir (Custom command and dialog) now support the date tags used when creating quick create folder commands
   FIXED - Natural sorting fails if the numbers was 14digits or more
   FIXED - Entring subpaths in the CreateFolder dialog and pressing ctrl+Return. The browse did not go to the created folder.
   FIXED - Horizontal scrolling issues with MultiRename
   FIXED - MultiRename will now force column autosize.
   FIXED - Toggle FolderTree On/Off will if you have AutoResizeColumns on trigger a resize of the columns.
   FIXED - Backup/Restore did not backup UserData content. (Like Saved MultiRename profiles, Search Profiles, FTP Bookmarks)
   FIXED - Better error handling when doing flat filesystem scanning.
   FIXED - Crash happen sometimes when MultiRename windows was closed
   FIXED - Column sizing issue when the vertical scrollbar was visible
   FIXED - Sort was not always triggered when doing inline rename
   FIXED - Advanced filter now support extended property field "core.attrib"
   FIXED - Tabs was not always loaded into the correct order, If they was moved around
   FIXED - Various minor issues and code cleanup
   SDK   - SDK and Samples Updated
   FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1222
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2017, 04:42
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2017, 16:45

Hamburger at the Breadcrumbs:

A new button brings some often used commands closer to the mouse. Actually we should have made it a Cheeseburger to attract the mouse even more. The button pops a menu that is fully customizable. However, you need to acquaint yourself with light programming skills to make it happen. No worries, even the default commands will likely streamline your workflow.

Dual Pane Commands:

Added commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" to the context menu of any selected items.

Dual Permanent Startup Path:

Now can define a permanent startup path for each pane. Use the field Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path and enter both paths separated by a double pipe (||). For example, to open pane 1 always in C:, and pane 2 always in D:, enter C:||D:.

Toolbar Goes Nuts:

New buttons "Move to Recent Locations" and "Copy to Recent Locations" drop the list of recent locations as targets to move/copy the currently selected items to. Use command Tools | Customize Toolbar... (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to add the button(s) to your toolbar. BTW, the icon is an acorn, typically collected by squirrels in their storage locations. Well, that's the idea, collecting stuff in known places. The Copy acorn is blue as in blueprint (= copy).


Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2017, 21:00

Bug Fixes:

Commit window unclosable after clicking "No" and "do not ask again".
Doing Add on repository root fails with libgit2 returned "invalid path".
Start Bisect UI incomplete.
Update PuTTY to 0.68.
Icon overlay not shown for files on network UNC paths.
Fix possible crash in TortoiseGitMerge when applying patch.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2017, 13:20
What's new: >>

Kleine Korrekturen und allgemeine Revision plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Qdir dem alternativen Dateimanager für Windows

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2017, 12:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

DLL Analyzer 1.520 added
GUI corrections in options dialog
Added option to export folder contents as plain text
Added option to select CSV separator

Titel: FolderViewer 5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2017, 20:45
Manage and organize your folders / files in a dual-pane interface, with features for listing, printing, (un)packing, renaming, or distributing contact.



Slide Show problems fixed on some computers
Bug fixes
Speed improvement listing files


Titel: FolderViewer 5.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2017, 05:00
Manage and organize your folders / files in a dual-pane interface, with features for listing, printing, (un)packing, renaming, or distributing contact.


Whats new:>>

Added All Configurations ("GodMode") option in the System Tools

Titel: Q-Dir 6.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2017, 06:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

1. Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung (Trojan:Win32/Spurp.A!LaLa)
durch Windows-Defender Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
2. Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.7.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2017, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

   Some fix

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2017, 19:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Age Circles. Little visual helpers that let you instantly grasp the rough age of a file. No more brain power wasted on deciphering date strings. Addictive killer feature of the year so far.
Age Tips. Now when you hover any cell in any date column the corresponding age is displayed in a tooltip.

Titel: Attribute Changer 8.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2017, 10:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update : Fixed issue with Apply button triggering Reporting tab to appear when ‘Always display Processing Report’ setting is unchecked
Update : Updated user guide
New : Make use of masks for Offset modifications on date and time
New : Make use of masks for Randomization on date and time

Titel: Q-Dir 6.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2017, 18:00
What's new: >>

Bugfix: Markierung der Objekte in der Listenansicht unter Windows-10 und Server 2016
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1223
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2017, 19:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Multi Commander 7.4.0 Build 2368 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2017, 17:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



FIXED - MultiDataViewer will now format hyper links with https: as clickable links
FIXED - FSFTP caused a crash if the server return incorrect information from a PASV/PORT call
FIXED - Tweaked column autosizing when new tab is show the first time.
ADDED - Language Aware sorting (Slower, but some language will get a more correct sorting)
ADDED - Settings might be saved if external program closes MultiCommander while being minimized to tray


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Tree and List | Shell Context Menu: Now you can force the 32-bit shell context menu by Shift+Menu Key.

These are your 3 options now:

Menu Key: 32-bit or 64-bit Context Menu (depends on setting in Configuration | Shell Integration)
Shift+Menu Key: 32-bit Context Menu
Ctrl+Menu Key: 64-bit Context Menu

Shell Context Menu: The Shift+F10 alternative to the Menu key has 2 options now:

Shift+F10: 32-bit Context Menu
Ctrl+Shift+F10: 64-bit Context Menu
Note that this only works if Shift+F10 / Ctrl+Shift+F10 are not assigned as a Custom Keyboard Shortcut.

Titel: TortoiseGit
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2017, 20:30


Make "ChangeList" grids in "Git synchronization" multi-selectable.
Update Scintilla to 3.7.5.
Don't hide "Show log" button when fetch/pull was not successful.
Add basic support for "git worktree".
Do not need to confirm cancel out of commit when there are no changes left.
Cloning a repository with many files tracked by git-lfs is extremely slow.
Various High DPI optimizations.
Update libgit to 2.13.1.
Update zlib to 1.2.11.
Update apr and apr-util.
Add `Show/hide ignore local changes flagged files` in Log Dialog.
Log dialog: Copy tag to clipboard.
Blame: gloss over per-line commit reference if duplicated.
"Abort merge" should allow to select "git reset --merge".
TortoiseGitBlame: Line Wrapping.
Search functionality on message in the RefLog window.
CTRL+F and F3 already opened a search dialog, now there also is a search button.
Confusing titles when resolving a rebase or a merge conflict.
Allow to push individual tags.
Allow to compare local and remote tags using SyncDlg.
Fetch And Rebase doesn't rebase if nothing is fetched.
It's configurable now whether opening the rebase dialog is skipped if nothing was fetched or current HEAD is up2date or newer.
Add context menus to the header views in three way diff mode to open TMerge again with the diff shown in the corresponding file.
Since TortoiseGit 2.4.0 the icon overlays are case sensitive. if you really want to change this default, you can disable the advanced setting "OverlaysCaseSensitive". This is, however, not the default and not recommended as some git tools such as "git log" are case sensitive on paths and might show an incomplete history.
Allow to use alternative diff tool by pressing Shift.
Allow to view diff on Delete/Modified conflicts.
Sync smart tab detection code with TortoiseSVN.
Ask before pushing all local branches to a remote.
TGitBlame: Allow to search both directions.
LogDlg and CommitDlg: Provide more copy options.
GitStatusListCtrl: Use logical (stable) sort if enabled.

Bug Fixes:

Commit window unclosable after clicking "No" and "do not ask again".
Doing Add on repository root fails with libgit2 returned invalid path".
Start Bisect UI incomplete.
Update PuTTY to 0.70.
Icon overlay not shown for files on network UNC paths.
Fix possible crash in TortoiseGitMerge when applying patch.
Can't update Remote Branch of Pull dialog with Browse references dialog.
Graphics corruption on taskbar overlay with UI scaling.
Rebase dialog should remember the last position of the divider.
Reinitializing a repository using "git init --separate-git-dir" turns all overlay icons to added.
Allow snippets to include new lines (using "\n" notation).
Spell checker wrongly marked styled words as misspelled (e.g. _example_).
libgit2 fails to resolve absolute symlinks.
Rebase dialog does not change "Start (FastFwd)" button during rebase process.
Active urls in output windows opened when hitting ESC.
TortoiseGit hangs when prematurely double clicking on "Please wait...".
gitignore patterns are always treated case sensitively for overlay icons.
Resizing dialogs might lead to extension of clickable checkox area.
Significant TGitCache rewrite which reduces disk access and fixes other issues:
TGitCache: Significantly reduce refresh requests send to Windows Explorer (causing Explorer to freeze).
TGitCache: Icon Overlay might show ignored files as non-versioned.
TGitCache: overlays sometimes blink in and out of existance for several minutes at a time.
TGitCache might fall into an (endless) refresh loop.
Symlinks are not shown as modified any more.
Missing index is not an error condition, but need to be handled like an empty index.
Shell overlay cache: Don't show .git file with unversioned icon.
Push underlined hotkey is missing in log window.
TortoiseGit does not support cloning local svn repositories.
Clone: --bare and --origin options are incompatible.
Error message if remote Git output contains non-ASCII chars.
MergeDlg: Commit dialog is opened instead of resovle dialog after resolve button pressed.
Don't report an error for invalid remote symbolic references.
LogDlg: infinite line to parent when initial commit is branched.
Spaces at the beginning of the URL breaks pushes.
Autocomplete for Remote URL box in Sync screen doesn't work.
After setting the config `include.path` key, can't delete the branch which is tracking the remote branch.
Fix possible crash if "git.exe diff-index" exits with an exit-code != 0, but no error message.
Do not append empty pathspec to "git clean".
TGitBlame: Implement double buffering.
LogDlg: Remember scroll position when refreshing working tree status.
Error when using TortoiseGit cli diff command with new added file in commit.
/startrev: and /endrev: parameters of /command:diff are no longer mixed up.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2017, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Toolbar | Open With: Added toggle "Resolve Shortcuts before Matching" to the button's context menu. Tick it to resolve LNK-files before matching them to your Portable File Associations. The factory default is ON. Note that before, the hard-coded behavior was OFF. So now you can turn it on, and I even made it the factory default because I think it's the expected behavior
Recycle Bin: If Windows File Explorer was set to "Hide known extensions" then the Recycle Bin view in XYplorer would hide the extensions as well. This is not desired though. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2017, 13:28
Whats new:>>

Info Panel | Properties: Undid change from v18.20.0005 - 2017-07-30 19:24.
Now the file dates are shown in full 7 places precision if Show
Milliseconds is on, regardless of the precision set by SC msecs.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2017, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.4.0 Build 2377 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2017, 09:00
Whats new:>>

FIXED - Sometimes when clicking on a item in Multi Commander window when focus was another app and filesystem slow, the wrong item was set as focus
FIXED - Sometimes when doing force refresh the file coloring did not reapply
ADDED - Settings for Device Dropdown if it should remember last used path or not
ADDED - Holding CTRL while confirming an option in the custom create folder popup (Ctrl+Shift+F7), It will now enter that folder after creating it


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2017, 20:00
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved:clover's start-up speed.
Fixed:False positives announced by software steward.
Fixed:Bookmark crashes occur in Win 10 system.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v17.8.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2017, 06:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Change the compiler optimization to minimize size (/O1).

Titel: Multi Commander 7.5.0 Build 2381
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2017, 18:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - Language Aware sorting (Slower, but some language will get a more correct sorting)
ADDED - Checksum tool now support SHA256/512
ADDED - Settings for Device Dropdown if it should remember last used path or not
ADDED - FolderTree will now show folder with the same colors rules as the normal list view. (Can be turned off)
ADDED - Holding CTRL while confirming an option in the custom create folder popup (Ctrl+Shift+F7), It will now enter that folder after creating it
ADDED - MultiDataViewer will now toggle WordWrap with Ctrl+W
ADDED - CommandLine parameter /Instance=NAME , Will load/save config/userdata/log under its own instance name so you can run Multiple instances with separate config
ADDED - ToClipboard > FileContentAsText menu option is now enabled and works
ADDED - Fixed issue with MultiScript function "SetClipboardText" Can now set clipboard data that are larger
ADDED - Wheelzoom to change Thumbnail size now support larger sizes
ADDED - When folder sizing is completed a resort is done if sort column is size
FIXED - Issue with corrupted columnsets
FIXED - Tweaked column autosizing when new tab is show the first time.
FIXED - MultiDataViewer will now format hyper links with https: as clickable links
FIXED - FSFTP caused a crash if the server return incorrect information from a PASV/PORT call
FIXED - Settings might be saved if external program closes MultiCommander while being minimized to tray
FIXED - Fixed rare crash issue with MultiRename
FIXED - Sometimes when clicking on a item in Multi Commander window when focus was another app and filesystem slow, the wrong item was set as focus
FIXED - Some OneDrive sync ondemand issues. (Only on Windows Insider edition) (Some still left)
FIXED - Fixed issues when Windows returned an invalid icon overlay ( Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update) )
FIXED - Overwrite all issue when unpacking 7zip archives
CHANGE- Major internal change to avoid conflict with new FileSystem changes in Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update)
FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Icaros v.3.0.3 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2017, 20:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Switched to the new FFmpeg decoding API
- Added prompt if IcarosConfig is closed while the cache indeder is running
- IcarosConfig now shows the filename of the file that is currently being processed by the cache indexer
- Fixed parsing of subdirectories if a root (e.g. C:\) is added to the Cache Locations
- Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.8.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Change the compiler optimization to maximize speed

Titel: Q-Dir 6.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2017, 16:04
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bugfix: Automatisches Ausklappen der Ordner im Navigationsbereich unter Windows-10
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2017, 16:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Vifm 0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2017, 18:00
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


Main changes

    Introduced tree-like representation of files.
    Added directory comparison facilities.
    Added ability to restore last navigation menu.
    Background operations and programs can now be cancelled.
    Dismissed error output of external programs can now be queried.
    Added shell completion for bash and zsh.
    Now it's possible to configure mappings in dialogs.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v17.8.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2017, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2017, 10:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Configuration | Tags | Toggle Labels by Label column click: Experimentally. This setting now also applies to Tags in the Tags column, and to Comments in the Comments column. The caption of the setting will be adjusted later if the experiment is successful.
Click and Search: Now when you click an item in a "Click and Search" category any switches in the category are combined with any switches in the item. Before, switches in the item were ignored when switches were present in the category.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2017, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Tags: Now the last used Comment is stored between sessions. This had already been done for the last used Labels and Tags
Locale related errors when reading binary files because in some contexts there still were some non-binary-safe conversions. As far as I see only East-Asian locales were affected by this bug. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2017, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Tags | Toggle Labels by Label column click: Renamed the setting to "Toggle tags by column click" matching the new functionality added in v18.20.0202.
Info Panel | Tags: Now the "Edit Text" font (Configuration | Fonts | Edit Text) is used where tags or comments can be typed in. This is consistent with other interfaces where tags or comments can be edited.
Tags: Deleting several tagged files at once, or folder containing several tagged files, could lead to a crash if those files were at the very end of the alphabetically sorted list of all tagged items. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2017, 13:15
Whats new:>>

SC ReadFile enhanced by new "raw bytes" mode which allows a binary-safe reading of bytes without any codepage-related conversion.
File | To Clipboard | Text: The copied the raw bytes to the clipboard when in fact it should have copied the interpreted bytes, e.g. decoded UTF-8 etc. Fixed.
The locale related fix in v18.20.0203 has gone too far. The preview of normal texts did not use the default codepage, e.g. Arabic, anymore. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2017, 17:20
Whats new:>>

Tweak TouchScreenMode: Experimentally added a tweak to force bigger icons in Tree, List, and Catalog. Big enough to be touched with big fingers:

TouchScreenMode=0 'normal (usually 16x16 at 100% screen resolution)
TouchScreenMode=1 '32x32
TouchScreenMode=2 '48x48
This allows you to carry XY on a stick to any touchscreen system and still use it without changing the host system display settings or bringing a mouse. Drives did not auto-refresh after mapping a network drive (Win 10 only). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2017, 13:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0303 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2017, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Toolbar | Touchscreen Mode: Now "Scale Font" is always available, also when in Touchscreen Mode.
Toolbar | Touchscreen Mode: Now List columns are autosized as needed.
SC Text: Increased default width from 600 to 800.
SC HexDump enhanced: The "unicode" argument has more values now.
SC ReadFile: The recently added "r" mode is now called "ru". The "r" mode was changed to keep the original number of bytes. Only then it really corresponds to SC writefile "r" mode.
SC WriteFile: Added an "ru" mode corresponding to "ru" in SC ReadFile.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2017, 05:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

SC input: Increased default width from 600 to 800
SC inputselect: Increased default width from 600 to 800
View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree From Recent: Changed the default number of paths used from the recent history from 4 to 12. The change only affects fresh installations. FYI, this number can be tweaked here: MiniTreeHistoryDepth=12
Updated the help file

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.20.0307 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2017, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Find Files: The /types switch now supports wildcards. This gives you nice options when looking for items by their extensions:

/types=????* Find all files with extensions of length 4 or more
/types=??;???? Find all files with extensions of length 2 or 4
/types=i*;j* Find all files with extensions beginning with i or j
Find Files: The /types switch was case-sensitive. E.g. /types=JPG did not match *.jpg files. Fixed.
Touchscreen Mode: Tree drawing glitch. Fixed.
Touchscreen Mode: Crash when running it in Drives listing. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2017, 13:26
Whats new:>>

Touchscreen Mode. Bigger icons are just a click away now. Big enough to be touched with big fingers. The fonts get bigger, too. Easier to read in harsh lighting conditions.
Time Stamping. Now you can edit file dates right from the list column. You can even paste a file date from the clipboard directly into the column. Multiple files can be stamped in one go.
Age Display. The unit "week" has been replaced by "month". Easier to process for most brains assumingly.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.67.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2017, 16:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

F5 Bug-Fix: Beim Aktualisieren der Dateiliste unter Windows-10 ab Creators update.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2017, 22:15
Whats new:>>

Toolbar | Touchscreen Mode: Now also the toolbar can be scaled in Touchscreen Mode. Toggle it via the new option "Scale Toolbar" in the right-click menu of the button. Small buttons become large, large buttons become extra large (by 2x zoom).
! View | Mini Tree | Minimize Tree: Would add current Paper Folder to Mini Tree. Should not happen. Fixed. Same fix for View | Mini Tree | Mini Tree From Recent.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.430
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2017, 22:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Hungarian translation added
- Installation updated
- Tools updated

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1235
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2017, 18:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.440
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2017, 05:30
Whats new:>>

- Extension of options dialog

Titel: Shallot 0.97.2675
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2017, 20:45
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2017, 17:45

Added Sync Folders, available here:

Menu command: Panes | Sync Folders...
Toolbar Button: Sync Folders


SC sync (description coming later). It's a one-way sync, aka mirror sync. After the operation the target folder will be identical to the source folder (depending on the configuration).

This is achieved by the following sub operations:

Items that are only in source are copied to target.
Items that are in source and target are overwritten in target.
Items that are only in target are deleted from target. Some properties can be configured (the Sync Folders Configuration dialog is shown invariably before every sync operation), and are remembered between calls and between sessions.

Copy items from source to target:

Tick it to have any items copied at all. Otherwise there will be only deletions in the target.
On name collisions: Decide how to handle name collisions. Ask, Overwrite if newer, Overwrite if different size or date, Overwrite, Skip.
Delete items in target that have no matches in source: Tick it to get any deletions in target at all. Otherwise there will be only copying to the target.
Delete to recycle bin (if possible): Note that on UNC paths, on removable drives, and where the Recycle Bin is turned off by Windows settings all deletions will be permanent (not to Recycle Bin) even if the checkmark is set!
Prompt before delete: Highly recommended.
Preview mode: If ticked then nothing actually happens, you just get a detailed report of what would happen in real mode.
Note: The Preview Mode assumes that everything works as planned (items to be deleted *can* be deleted, items to be overwritten *can* be overwritten). There is only one way to find out if it really works as planned.

Some properties are hard-coded:

Preserve all item dates: YES
Skip junctions: YES
Safe overwrite: YES
Show progress dialog: YES
Keep progress dialog open: YES
In the final progress dialog you can show a detailed report listing each file copied and each item deleted.

Further Remarks:

Sync Folders does not support Undo/Redo (just like Backup). Pretty obvious since overwriting is the core element of it and this cannot be undone.
Sync Folders does not support Paper Folders.
Readonly files to be deleted will be deleted without extra asking.
Sync Folders is backgroundable and queueable.
Cf. Configuration | File Operations | Background Processing | Enable background processing
However, when triggered via SC sync it's always running in the foreground. Seems better for scripting.
BE CAREFUL! Sync Folders can really shake up the target folder.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0104.
MLS: Internally updated to version 8.93.
TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.93.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648

Audio Properties:

I could make retrieving audio properties much faster.
I did various things to achieve this. One of them (the most effective) involves that some properties might not be retrieved anymore for some files, e.g. the Bit Depth for MP3 files.
To go back to the more complete but much slower previous way, you can use this new tweak: AudioPropsSecondTries=1
FYI, it was this addition from v14.80.0236 - 2015-02-18 15:03 that added a lot of slowness.

In exchange for only very few gains:

Special Properties | Audio: Now the Windows canonical properties are exploited where XYplorer's own faster methods fail.
Toolbar: Drawing glitch when scrolling the bar after increasing the button size in Touchscreen Mode. Fixed.
DF Preview: Experimentally when you manually add PDF to Text Files (in
Configuration | Previewed Formats | Categories) the PDF preview will now show the extracted text (if possible). Before, the raw bytes were shown.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2017, 16:45

Scripting got a new command.
Name: Sync
Action: Synchronizes two folders.
Syntax: sync source, target, [copy_items], [on_collision], [delete_items], [preview], [flags], [logfile]
source: Source folder.
target: Target folder. The contents of this folder will be made identical to those of the source folder (depending on the other arguments).


0 = Do not copy any items to target.
1 = Copy items to target.
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used.


-1 = Ask
0 = Overwrite if newer
1 = Overwrite if different size or date
3 = Overwrite
4 = Skip
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used. delete_items: (bit field)
1 = Delete items to target.
2 = Delete to recycle bin (if possible).
4 = Prompt before delete.
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used.


0 = Real Mode: Folders will be created, files overwritten, items deleted.
1 = Preview Mode: Nothing actually happens, you just get a detailed report of what would happen in real mode.
If missing the current setting in the Sync Folders configuration dialog is used. flags: (bit field)
1 = Show Sync Folders configuration dialog before start, initialized to the settings as passed with this command.
Any subsequent changes to the settings in the dialog only affect *this* job. They do *not* affect the settings of the GUI Sync
Folders function.
2 = Reverse direction (target > source).


Optionally pass the name (full path/file, native and environment variables allowed) of a logfile to which the full report of the operation will be written when it's completed. If the file already exists then the report is appended to it. No logfile is written in Preview Mode.


sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 6:=1; //show config
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 1, 0, 1, 1, 1; //perm delete, no prompt; preview; config
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 7:="<xydata>LogSync_<date yyyy-mm-dd>.txt"; //log

Backup, Custom Copy/Move, Sync Folders: Revised the reporting. Now a "Full Report" (previously called "All Files") contains:

Processed files (new, overwrite, skip)
Created folders
Deleted items
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0105.
Time Stamping: The smart context menu of the menu columns
(Ctrl+Right-click in the column) now features a "Touch" command for each of the three file dates. Use it to set the file date to the current date/time.
Quick File View: Did not show the expected hex view for binary files anymore since 20170822. Fixed.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2017, 20:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


When --vim option provided, or configuration parameter vim set, next hot keys become available:

Key Operation
j navigate to next file
k navigate to previous file
dd remove current file
G navigate to bottom file
gg navigate to top file
v visual mode
y copy (selected in visual mode files)
p paste files
Esc unselect all

Commands can be joined, for example:

5j will navigate 5 files below current;
d5j will remove next 5 files;
dG will remove all files from current to bottom;


(vim) add hot keys
(key) add ability to extract archives with Alt + F9
(key) add ability to pack files with Alt + F5


fullstore v1.1.0


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2017, 11:15


(config) vim: "false" -> false



    (config) vim enabled by default
    (cloudcmd) --vim


    electron v1.7.6


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2017, 18:45

Scripting got a new command.
Name: ReThumb
Action: Recreates image files from the thumbnails cache.
Syntax: rethumb cachepath, cachetitle, targetpath, [flags]
cachepath: Location of cache files (dbits and dat2 file).
You find this path here: Configuration | Thumbnails | Cache thumbnails on disk
cachetitle: Title of the cache files pair (dbits and dat2 file; both are needed!).
It's always 32 character GUID, e.g. "fc2a2b5e9d46239340b1f1e88023bc32". The file "XYThumbs.txt" in cachepath will help you to find the right GUID. I kept this as a homework for you to ensure this wonderful command comes with a satisfying degree of nerdiness.
targetpath: Target folder where the images files are to be created. It's recommended to use an empty folder.
fags: (bit field)
1 = Overwrite prompt (when creating the image files). Otherwise same-named files are overwritten without asking.


The main use of this command is to retrieve thumbnail versions of any lost original image files from XYplorer's thumbnails cache.
Note that XYplorer's thumbnails cache can contain also older images that had been long removed from the original folder. So you should get all your lost images and maybe even some more.
Each found thumbnail is stored as a separate image file under the original file name.
Image files are all saved in PNG format to ensure a lossless quality.
The PNG extension is appended (in CAPS) to the original filename, e.g.: GLB-PAR31889_2048x.jpg.PNG
This allows you to see how the original file was called.


rethumb "E:XYThumbs", "fc2a2b5e9d46239340b1f1e88023bc32","E:TestreThumbed";
Sync Folders Dialog: You now see in the title bar whether the dialog is called by script ("Script") or by GUI.
Sync Folders Dialog: Replaced the "Preview mode" checkbox by a "Preview" button.
SC sync: Removed the [preview] argument and changed the [flags] bit field to [switches] (using letters).
Syntax: sync source, target, [copy_items], [on_collision], [delete_items], [switches], [logfile]
switches: lower case letters in any order
c = Show Sync Folders configuration dialog before start, initialized to the settings as passed with this command. Any subsequent changes to the settings in the dialog only affect *this* job. They do *not* affect the settings of the GUI Sync Folders function.
k = Keep progress dialog open after job is completed. Note that the default (when no switches are passed) is now to NOT keep the dialog open.
p = Preview Mode: Nothing actually happens, you just get a detailed report of what would happen in real mode.
Note: When you also pass switch "c" then this flag is ignored apart from the fact that the Preview button is pre-focused. The button you choose decides whether it's a preview or the real thing.
r = Reverse direction (target > source).


sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 5:="c"; //show config
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 5:="p"; //preview mode
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 5:="k"; //keep progress open
//copy, overwrite if newer; perm delete, no prompt; preview; config:
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 1, 0, 1, "cp";
sync "E:TestSyncSource", "E:TestSyncTarget", 6:="<xydata>LogSync_<date yyyy-mm-dd>.txt"; //log
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0106.


Titel: TC4Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2017, 05:00
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2017, 09:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Configuration | Tags | Copy tags on backup operations: Did not copy tags in folders where all items were skipped. Fixed. Now all tags are copied even if all items were skipped.
Configuration | Tags | Copy tags on backup operations: This setting now also controls sync operations. Renamed it to "Copy tags on backup and sync operations".
Copying tags (Copy, Backup, Sync): In copied subfolders tags were not removed from target item when the source item was completely without any tags. Fixed.
Touchscreen Mode: Scaling the Toolbar permanently altered the original value of ToolbarZoom. Fixed.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0109.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2017, 12:31
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

Bug-Fix: in der Q-Dir Listenansicht unter Windows 10 / 8.1!
Neu: Die Sprache kann bei der Installation definiert werden und Stille Installation!

Titel: Q-Dir 6.69.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2017, 21:00
What's new: >>

Bug-Fix: Windows 10 die Funktion Listen Ansicht - Kleine Symbole funktioniert nicht mehr ist behoben!

Titel: NetDrive 2.6.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2017, 06:00
Whats new:>>

FIXED issue with SFTP when handling symbolic links

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2017, 10:45

Toolbar | Paste: Just like the "Edit Clipboard" button the "Paste" button now serves as a quick and basic clipboard viewer when you hover it. It shows text and file items contained in the clipboard (cropped after 2048 characters, or after 32 lines, whatever comes sooner), i.e. the stuff that will be pasted íf you click the button.
SC msg enhanced. Now you can specify the icon.
Syntax: msg text, [buttons_icons], [linebreaker="
"] buttons_icons: (bit field)

Defines what buttons and icons to show in the dialog:

0: [Default] Only one button, "Ok".
1: Two buttons, "Ok" and "Cancel".
When you press "Cancel", the script execution will end there (useful for confirmations).
16: Critical
32: Question
48: Exclamation (sic: 16 + 32, MS invented that)
64: [Default] Information


msg "Exclamation with OK and Cancel!", 48 + 1;
Configuration | Tags | Toggle tags by column click: Did not work for Tags and Comment if Full Row Select was enabled. Fixed.
Auto-Refresh: The inactive pane was not refreshed when its folder was deleted in the active pane or in the tree. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2017, 11:15
Whats new:>>

Sync Folders and Backup: Again a bit faster
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0111
Sync Folders: Delete items ignored the Skip Junctions flag. Fixed
Junctions/Symlinks are not copied to the target, nor deleted from the target.
This fix eats a little of the above speed gains, argh

Titel: NetDrive 3.1.198
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2017, 13:40
Whats new:>>


OneDrive / OneDrive for Business - supports Shared With Me files and folders


OneDrive - Fixed issues when refreshing access token
WebDAV - Fixed issue with available and total spaces on some servers
Minor fixes on User Interface

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0019 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2017, 17:15

Configuration | File Info Tips | Show image info and preview: Now you can logically invert this setting by holding CTRL while you hover the file.
Lets you force a File Info Tip over a Hover Box and vice versa.
Full Screen Preview: Does not always cover the taskbar in Win 10. Try fix.
Custom Copy, Backup: Skip Junctions was ignored for any junctions immediately among the selected folders (it was only honored for any junctions inside the selected folders).
Sync Folders: Skip Junctions was ignored for any junctions among the immediate child folders (it was only honored for any junctions inside the child folders).
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0112.
Floating Preview: Since 20160522(!) files that could not be previewed in any better way would not be shown in hex view anymore. Fixed.
Live Filter Box: Undid the following change (v17.90.0003 - 2017-04-08 10:55). If the focused list item is not selected then pressing Space should by all means select it.
Live Filter Box: Now if "Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type
Ahead Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter Box" is enabled then pressing
Space in the list does not select the focused file but sends the Space key to the Live Filter Box.
Titlebar Template and Quick Search: The <folder> variable was wrongly resolved. Fixed.


Titel: FolderViewer 5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2017, 09:40
Manage and organize your folders / files in a dual-pane interface, with features for listing, printing, (un)packing, renaming, or distributing contact.



New in FolderViewer 5.15:

Browser: Advanced History added; with filtering and searching
Browser: History of searches sorted ascending
Browser: Tabs visible


Browser: Executing Search in Addressbar fixed
Browser: Rating Sites Visited: 1-5


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0020 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2017, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Symbolic Links: The file type of Symbolic Links is now shown like e.g. "JPEG-Image (.symlink)". Before, it was just shown as ".symlink", or in some contexts just as "JPEG-Image".
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0113.
Full Screen Preview: Does not always cover the taskbar in Win 10. Try fix #2.
List | Auto-Refresh: A search results list from a combination of Quick Search and Flat View would allow to be auto-refreshed. Should not. Fixed.

Titel: Shallot 1.0.2708
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2017, 11:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.9.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2017, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Custom Date and Time Format

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 13:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(operation) RESTful.remove -> RESTful.delete (#132)


(package) babel-preset-2015 -> babel-preset-env


copymitter v2.1.0
fs-copy-file v1.0.2


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.30.0021 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.
Symbolic Links: Showing the file type as e.g. "JPEG-Image (.symlink)" did not work for all Windows versions yet. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2017, 09:14

Sync Folders:
Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It's a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it's just a toolbar button away.
Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for
frequently recurring sync tasks.
Time Stamping:
Now you can easily "touch" files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu.
Know Your Clipboard:
The Paste toolbar button now shows what's in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button.
Backup Speed:
Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups.


Titel: NetDrive 3.1.205
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2017, 13:49


Amazon Drive - Improved to handle huge file list
UI - Automatic URL handling of secure protocols


Installation - Fixed device authorization issue after fresh install on some computers
Proxy - Fixed issue with proxy configuration
Hubic - Fixed issue of empty file list on some case
Google Drive - Fixed issue related to Shared / TeamDrive option
Other minor fixes


Titel: Total Commander 9.10 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2017, 13:12

User interface:

Support for multiple screens with different densities (DPI) per screen on Windows 10 (requires latest release version, "Creators Update", or newer).
Support for Windows 10 fall Creators Update, mainly OneDrive online only file support
Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off)
Support new pseudo environment variables from values described here - just leave out the FOLDERID_ prefix, e.g. %$AccountPictures%

File operations:

"New folder" (F7) can now use the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool (e.g. date+time), and create multiple directories in one step using a counter
"New text file" (Shift+F4) now supports the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool
"New text file" (Shift+F4) now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins
Option to use latest "Everything" tool in Alt+Shift+Enter/Spacebar free space calculations
Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking


Support touch screen scrolling+text selection
Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview)

Compare by content:

Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes

Multi-rename tool:

New placeholders for inserting current date+time


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2017, 18:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Toolbar: Now you can have captions with the buttons. Toggle them in Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options | Show Button Captions.

The captions are printed in font size 8.25, and the buttons are widened by 50 pixels to make space for the text. Still many longer captions won't fit completely and you will see ellipses. If you don't like that read on:

By default you get one caption line. You can get more by tweaking, e.g.: ToolbarCaptionLines=2 (legal values: 1 to 4). Tip: If you opt for captions is recommendable to also tick "Scrollable Toolbar" else many buttons can only be reached via the overflow popup at the right end of the toolbar.
Toolbar: Totally rewrote the drawing of the toolbar. The default style now called "XYplorer Classic") is flatter (no gradients anymore) and IMO clearer. And you get an alternative style (see next paragraph).
Tools | Customize Toolbar: Now can configure the theme used to draw the main toolbar. The Options button's popup menu features these new items: XYplorer Classic (factory default), Windows Themes
Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options: Renamed "Toolbar can be Scrolled" to "Scrollable Toolbar".
You now can close the app while folder sizes are still being calculated. Before, you got a message "Abort Unfinished Operations?".
Scripting | Load Selected Script File: Did not decode BOM-less
UTF8-encoded script files when "Configuration | Preview | Text preview |
UTF-8 auto-detection" was ON. Fixed.
Scripting: In a two-item multi-script where the 2nd script was made invisible by a prefixed underscore, the 2nd script was executed instead of the first. Fixed.
Locked Tabs: Overwriting the lock by holding Ctrl+Alt while selecting the new location (e.g. in Tree or in Breadcrumb, or via history Back) did not work anymore. Fixed.
File Lengths: Since 20170914 an optimized mechanism to determine file lengths has been implemented. However, it turns out that this mechanism does not work correctly for TIB files (Acronis True Image Backup Archive).
Total mystery why that is, but now it's handled correctly for TIB files too. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2017, 09:12
Whats new:>>

File Lengths: The last fix did not cut it. Actually the problem had nothing to do with TIB files but with all files of similar sizes (> 2 GB) since 20170914. Now really fixed
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0114
Lock Home Zone: The lock didn't stay in the zone when the new folder name was a partial match of the home folder name. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2017, 17:45

SC getkey: Now it optionally supports reading UTF-8 encoded INI-files, with or without BOM.
Syntax: getkey(key, section, [INIfile], [flags])
flags (bitfield)
1: Use XYplorer's native algorithm.
2: Decode UTF-8 if there is any.
Only works in combination with flag 1!


text getkey("key_var_group", "menus", <focitem>, 3);
! MP3 Audio Properties | Sample Rate: Incorrect 26.000 Hz was given for MPEG 2.0 MP3s where 16.000 Hz would have been correct. Fixed.
! Custom Copy: The Overwrite prompt was positioned on the wrong monitor under certain conditions. Fixed.
! Custom Copy: The Overwrite prompt displayed the target name with the same capitalization as the source name even if it differed in reality. Fixed.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0115.
Live Filter Box: Since v18.30.0019 - 2017-09-15 12:26 the LFB would not accept a space even as non-first character if the focused file in the list


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2017, 10:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(bower) smalltalk v2.4.2


spero v2.0.5
ishtar v2.0.4
deepword v2.0.4


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2017 Build 760 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2017, 19:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware


Important changes and bug fixes in the release 760 compared to 740

- Bug fix: Some russian chars does not work in quick search http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7750
- Bug fix: '\&' operator in quick filter does not work
- Bug fix: Using ENTER while editing the options in "Settings -> Programs" closes the entire dialog http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7740
- Bug fix: View->Swap function may cause exception
- Bug fix: Favorite tool icon is not visible if favorite tool is integrated in splitter toolbar
- Bug fix: "Windows preview" icon is not created in the default viewer toolbar
- Bug fix: Using ENTER while editing the options in "Column Profiles" or "Status Bar" closes the entire dialog  http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=25041#p25041
- Bug fix: Selection problem if extension not showed in the Name column http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7231
- Bug fix: Wrong file highlighting when NC-style selection is enabled http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7810
- Bug fix: Selection duplicated in other tabs http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7809
- Bug fix: Favorites command "Open all in tabs" may fail http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7797
- Bug fix: Plain view - Opening multiple selected files does not always work http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5887
- Bug fix: Program may crash if base folder tree is set to drive and a DVD drive without disk will be selected
- Bug fix: Column profiles "File container <cart>" issue http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7848
- Bug fix: Open default program broken http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7859
- Bug fix: Copy files from nested archive broken
- Bug fix: Loading the toolbar icons at the program start can lead to the endless loop.
- Bug fix: Searching for Zero Byte Files does not work http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7869
- Bug fix: After deleting the last element in the list, the cursor jumps to the first element http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7851
- Bug fix: Current folder is not used if perform default action http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7882
- Bug fix: Prefered sort direction (column definition in the detail view) is not used if sorting started with toolbar button or shortcut http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7899
- Bug fix: Quick viewer - wrong panel focused http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7894
- Bug fix: Quick viewer zoom state lost http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7893
- Bug fix: Quick viewer does not show file if already open on program start
- Bug fix: Font color for quick starter is not used
- Bug fix: Maximized start is not possible if the option "Handle closing as minimization" is active
- Bug fix: File container favorite does not open at container contents http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7979 
- Bug fix: Locked path of MTP device is lost when device is not connected http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7968
- Bug fix: Second favorites sets' items cannot be opened from pulldown http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7986
- Bug fix: It is possible to define duplicate keyboard shortcut http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7966
- Bug fix: Tree option "Show Windows archive files" broken
- Bug fix: Search history is not always saved http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7995
- Bug fix: Exception in Folder Synchronize dialog if 'Empty folders' option is active
- Bug fix: FTP is not case sensitive
- Bug fix: "Use Vista+ delete method" option broken on Windows 10 http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8101
- Bug fix: Using of the large icons in the favorite toolbar broken http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8116
- Bug fix: "Go To Folder" history always empty http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8114
- Bug fix: The width of the tree pane is not correctly restored on start
- Bug fix: Folder size can be not correctly if contains files > 4 GB
- Bug fix: Multirename not working when making consecutive rename operations http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8019
- Bug fix: Synchronize folder dialog - filter fields does not accept space character

- Changed: Multirename - negative value for counter "Start at" allowed again   
- Changed: Select item options: "By click on extension..." and "By click on item icon" now separated for Windows-mode and NC-mode
- Changed: Color by attributes - now any set of attributes is possible
- Changed: Copy/Paste operation is now performed asynchronously (set CopyPasteInThread=0 for old behavior)
- Changed: Font color is not changed now if "Only border" for focused item is active in NC-Mode http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7853
- Changed: "Define filter" dialog - option for "Older than" added
- Changed: Temporary filter in "Set filter" dialog extended by condition for date modified
- Changed: Due to a bug in Windows 10 1607 the operations on portable devices was broken.
    The internal treatment of these devices has been revised. Now the basic functions works with the portable devices (from Windows 7).
- Changed: Better performace for copy operation in network (FreeCommander method)

- Implemented: Report missing files for "Verify MD5-checksums"  http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7755   
- Implemented: New system tree option for excluding some nodes from the tree
- Implemented: Status bar - File Container filter http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7847
- Implemented: Split file command
- Implemented: Combine files command
- Implemented: Action toolbar for the left and right border of the main window
- Implemented: New thumbnail option "No thumbnails for the files:"
- Implemented: Option "Color by attributes" extended to "Color by attributes and timestamp"
- Implemented: New property "Font color" added for favorite folder
- Implemented: In viewer: Multiframe images (tiff, ico, avi), EXIF info can be showed, Saving images in many formats (popup menu), Print preview for images (popup menu)
- Implemented: Search dialog - time interval filter accept multiplier now; e.g. |day*4, |hour*2, |month*3, -|week*5, -|year*2
- Implemented: The width of the input dialog (e.g. for new folder F7) is changeable now
- Implemented: VLC media player (videolan.org) integrated in viewer and quick viewer
- Implemented: Checksum dialog - new sum methods added (SHA1, SHA2)
- Implemented: Completion of renaming operation with TAB key opens the next item ready for renaming


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2017, 19:45

Sync Folders. Finally XYplorer lets you synchronize two folders. It’s a one-way sync, also known as mirror sync: The target folder is made to be like the source folder. Now it’s just a toolbar button away. Advanced Users: Scripting support lets you create buttons or batches for frequently recurring sync tasks.
Time Stamping. Now you can easily “touch” files (set the filetime to now) via the context menu.
Know Your Clipboard. The Paste toolbar button now shows what’s in the clipboard, i.e. the stuff that will be pasted if you click the button.
Backup Speed. Backup operations are much faster now when most items are skipped, which is the common case in large incremental backups.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2017, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Filetimes: Turns out that DST support (added in v14.80.0217 - 2015-01-28 14:42) heavily slowed down filetime related functions in XYplorer on Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2003 SP2. Therefore I withdraw XYplorer's DST support under those OSs.
Filetimes: Slight overall speedup (all Windows versions).

Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2017, 18:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where the original file was deleted when an error occurred by drag drop or cut & paste.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2017, 16:46
Whats new:>>

SC sync enhanced: New switch "n" allows you to pass a new not-yet-existing target folder to the function.
Syntax: sync source, target, [copy_items], [on_collision], [delete_items], [switches], [logfile]
switches: lower case letters in any order; n = The target folder will be silently created if it does not exist yet. Such a target folder is shown in blue color in the sync dialog.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0117.

Titel: Shallot 1.0.2828
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2017, 20:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 04:45
Whats new:>>

Sync Caps: Now Custom Copy, Backup, and Sync operations will automatically synchronize the capitalization of all overwritten target item names with that of the matching source items names, and of all target folder names with that of the matching source folder names
Sync Folders: Now the Sync Folders dialog stays up when you run the Preview from there. No need to open it again to do the real job
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0118

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 05:40


(listeners) add ability to move files via shift + drag


electron v1.7.8


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2017, 13:35
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved:Bookmark management interface.
Fixed:Crash occurs when renaming bookmark.
Fixed:Abnormal display of some icons.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2017, 05:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


    Configuration | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons: Added "Show shortcut overlays". Factory default ON. But now you can turn it off.
    Includes overlay for junctions in Tree and List.
    Configuration | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons: Added "Show shared folder overlays". Factory default ON. But now you can turn it off.
    Tweak NoSharedFolderOverlays has been removed. It's replaced by the above.
    Custom Copy: Error "FAIL (clone filetimes)" could falsely be reported when copying Symbolic Links and "Preserve all item dates" enabled. Fixed.


Titel: Total Commander 9.10 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2017, 19:00

27.09.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 beta 2 (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Couldn't delete an NTFS link in a protected directory like "Program files" pointing to a file if the target file was deleted (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Compare by content: "Save as" dialog had wrong size on secondary screen with different DPI (32)
27.09.17 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Fixed problems with font sizes when moving dialog box between different dpi screens (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with wrong font size on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Lister (F3) could start with tiny window on Windows 10 Creators Update when its position wasn't saved by the user yet (32)
27.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives could sometimes cause a crash, depending on the searched office file contents (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Search for office xml in archives -> zip file containing .docx/.xlsx/etc. files would remain opened/locked after the search ended (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Right/Left arrow no longer jumped to file under the cursor in the target window (32/64)
27.09.17 Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Allow to create numbered folders/files also in specified path, e.g. <1-5>c:\dir\test[C] or <1-5>[%temp%]\test[C] (32/64)
27.09.17 Added: Environment variable placeholders: Append backslash to paste only last part of path, other char to replace \ with, e.g. [%TEMP%\] -> temp, [%TEMP%_] -> c_temp
26.09.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Icons on directional buttons and checkboxes between the two sides were not scaled on higher dpi screens (32/64)
26.09.17 Fixed: Updated the frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the help file (32/64)
25.09.17 Fixed: Only use user-defined font for groupbox top position calculation on secondary screen with different dpi than main screen (64)
25.09.17 Fixed: Limit width of custom message dialog (e.g. when showing disk full error) to 2/3 of the current screen width - break longer lines in the middle at spaces or backslashes (32/64)
25.09.17 Fixed: Search with ev: prefix (Everything unfiltered search): ignore the current directory even when a backslash is present, e.g. "ev:tv/ artist" to find files containing "artist" in dirs ending with "tv" (32/64)
25.09.17 Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker (no 7zip plugin installed) via menu or Alt+F9 -> no "Background" button was shown (32/64)
24.09.17 Fixed: Decode MIME-Encoded files: Still problems with nested boundaries in MIME files (32/64)
24.09.17 Fixed: Standalone Synchronize dirs (started via /S=S parameter): tab headers were not themed (64)
24.09.17 Fixed: Copying subdirs from OneDrive not working with IgnoreLinks option set on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
24.09.17 Fixed: Deleting non-empty subdirs from OneDrive not working on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (32/64)
24.09.17 Added: Help for F7 and Shift+F4: Examples for placeholders, especially for multi-item creation like <1-10>[C:2]  (32/64)
22.09.17 Added: Support environment variables in multi-rename tool, F7 and Shift+F4: [%USERNAME%] or [%USERNAME%1-5] (32/64)
22.09.17 Fixed: Position and size of standalone compare dialog wasn't saved on exit (64)
22.09.17 Fixed: Position and size of standalone search/sync/compare dialog was wrong on high DPI screens (32)
22.09.17 Fixed: Font in hint window (tooltip) for files and buttons too small on Windows 10 Creators Update, on main screen only (64)
22.09.17 Fixed: Main settings dialog: Line height in list on the left (list of settings pages) not correct after changing DPI (32)
22.09.17 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Fonts: DPI value wasn't stored correctly any more on Windows versions older than Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
21.09.17 Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was badly aligned with combobox (it's not possible to align it 100% correctly for all fonts) (64)
21.09.17 Fixed: "Compare by content": Label "bytes" was not translated - use string 1330 (32/64)
21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: checkboxes were missing (32/64)
21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog, list of text search plugins: lines too high (64)
21.09.17 Fixed: "Search in separate process" dialog: Lines in  search results were too high (32/64)
21.09.17 Fixed: cm_switchlongnames not working with wincmd.ini set to read only (32/64)
21.09.17 Fixed: New help topic "Environment variables" had some problems with line breaks (32/64)
20.09.17 Fixed: Auto update check function would report beta versions even with AutoUpdateCheck=2, which should report only release versions (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 6.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2017, 17:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Und immer wieder Bug-Fix: in der Q-Dir Listenansicht unter Windows 10 / 8.1!

ENTSCHULDIGUNG der W10 Creators Update ist nicht so gut für Q-Dir :(

Titel: XYplorer 18.40.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2017, 09:18

SC sync enhanced: Now you can filter the operation by passing an include list and/or an exclude list.
Syntax: sync source, target, [copy_items], [on_collision], [delete_items], _[switches], [logfile], [incl], [excl]

List of patterns, separated by "|", to include. At least one pattern has to be matched for an item to pass the filter.
Wildcards * and ? are supported. If a pattern has no wildcards at all it is auto-surrounded by asterisks.
Folders are passed to the filter with a trailing backslash.


List of patterns, separated by "|", to exclude. None of the patterns should be matched for an item to pass the
filter. See "incl" above for other props.


Logic if both lists are passed: An ttem is processed if it matches at least one pattern of the include list AND no pattern of the exclude
list. Formula: Pass = (i1 OR i2 OR ...) AND NOT (e1 OR e2 OR ...). The filter also affects deletions in target, sync caps, preserve all item dates. If a folder does not pass the filter, the whole branch is out. Include/Exclude lists are shown at the bottom of the Sync config dialog and in the reports. The feature is not yet implemented in XYcopy (background processing)!
Added tweak to limit the number of bytes previewed of a text file in the Preview tab. If set to 0 the value defaults to 5242880 (=5MB). MaxBytesTextPreview=5242880
List | Smart Right Click: Could crash on date columns depending on what's in the clipboard as long as it ended in " AM". Fixed.


Titel: NetDrive 3.1.218
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2017, 13:50


Google - Team Drive and Shared Files / Folders Option default to ON
OneDrive for Business - Shared Files / Folders Option default to ON
UI - Minor changes on Add Drive window


Installation - Fixed installation issue of Explorer extension
OAuth login - Fixed issue when user quits while OAuth login
Hubic - Fixed issues related to pseudo directories
Other minor fixes


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2017, 09:30

SC sync: Completely rewrote filtered sync. Now it's one argument for both include and exclude, and it's much more powerful and faster.
SC tab enhanced: New argument ID lets you refer to the tab by a stable identifier as opposed to index which changes when the tab is moved.
SC tab enhanced: The operation "get" got a new data parameter "ID": text tab("get", "ID", [index]); //tab ID. Returns the ID of the tab referred to by index. The ID is a unique and stable identifier for a tab that never changes as long as the tab lives. The smallest possible ID is 1.
SC popupMainMenu enhanced: Now you can pass the X and Y position.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 7.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2017, 20:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(cloudcmd) add --confirm-move
(cloudcmd) add --confirm-copy
(template) add: read all templates on start
(package) sinon v4.0.0


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.40.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2017, 11:45
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file. (Forgot to pack it yesterday.)

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2017, 19:00

Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

    Toolbar Captions
    Sync Caps
    Filtered Sync
    Shortcut Overlays

    Toolbar Captions. Finally XYplorer’s newbie-friendliness extends to the toolbar. If you ever wanted to know what those colorful toolbar buttons actually do, this version comes with optional captions.

    Sync Caps. Now Sync Folders ensures that the capitalization (lower/upper case letters in the item names) of the target files and folders exactly matches that of the source items.

    Filtered Sync. Now you can explicitly include and exclude files and folders from Sync Folders by passing a list of patterns to the job. Wildcards supported. Scripting abilities needed.

    Shortcut Overlays. Now you can say no to shortcut overlays.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2017, 19:45
Whats new:>>


(package) get back file-loader

Titel: Total Commander 9.10 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2017, 20:30

Fixed: Lister: menu line spacing wrong when using OverrideDPI options (64)
Fixed: Comments didn't work for file names longer than 127 characters from UTF-16 Unicode files (32/64)
Fixed: Icons in tabs: Icons from desktopini and from custom view modes different when using 32x32 icons in file list (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Icon wrong for buttons other than the current one when icon name didn't have extension (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Internal associations: Only standard icon was shown for programs with no extension, eg cmd /c instead of cmdexe /c (32/64)
Fixed: Always show link overlay for junctions (also pseudo OneDrive junctions) even when overlays are disabled (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Didn't work with directories in OneDrive folder on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update preview (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Load also larger (24x24 and 32x32) custom equal icons if available from content plugins (32/64)
Fixed: Unpack 7zip file with internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't pause operation when in background (32/64)
Fixed: Help file: Column alignment in samples in help for F7/Shift+F4 (32/64)
Fixed: Scaling of fonts in file hints was different from 32-bit version (64)
Fixed: F7 and Shift+F4: Combobox in 32-bit and 64-bit versions was set to different dropdown count (10 and 100) Set to 30 for both (32/64)
Fixed: FTP toolbar: Wrong font size in FTP log list when using a different encoding than "Western" for dialog font (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: icons for unequal [=/=] and unknown [?] were shown incorrectly (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2017, 17:15
Whats new:>>

Info Panel | Meta: Now the targets of junctions and symbolic links are shown.
Junction Target: Would not show the Junction Target of relative symbolic links. Fixed.
Special Property Columns: "Junction Target" and "Shortcut Target" were right-aligned instead of left-aligned. Fixed.

Titel: Shallot 1.0.2957
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2017, 16:45
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: XYplorer 18.50.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2017, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Variable <get trigger> enhanced: Now it can return the combined shift button value at the moment the last popup menu item was clicked. To return this info set the "mode" parameter to "menushift"
Junction Target: Now in tooltips and the "Junction Target" special column relative targets are shown unresolved (not translated to an absolute path).
Junction Target: Would not show the Junction Target of relative symbolic links. Fix #2.
SC renameitem: Could fail ("Access denied") on folders if an item was being previewed in the folder to be renamed. Fixed.
Portable Devices: Support broken under Windows 10 version 1703 (Creators Update). Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2017, 20:40

Tweak SetFocusTo enhanced:

SetFocusTo=(bit field)
1 = Tree > List
2 = Catalog > List
4 = Address Bar > List
8 = Favorite Folders > List (this one is NEW)
Configuration | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path: Initialized to the last-folder-before-close and only then to permanent startup path since 20170623). Fixed.
Preview Tab and Preview Pane: An unticked PDF entry in "Previewed Formats Categories | Text Files" would overwrite a ticked entry in "Previewed Formats | Categories | Office Files". Fixed
FYI, Visual Filters of type "size" don't support directories, only files


Titel: Total Commander 9.10 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2017, 12:26

User interface:

Support for multiple screens with different densities (DPI) per screen on Windows 10 (requires latest release version, "Creators Update", or newer).
Support for Windows 10 fall Creators Update, mainly OneDrive online only file support
Set font quality (e.g. force antialiasing on/off)
Support new pseudo environment variables from values described here - just leave out the FOLDERID_ prefix, e.g. %$AccountPictures%

File operations:

"New folder" (F7) can now use the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool (e.g. date+time), and create multiple directories in one step using a counter
"New text file" (Shift+F4) now supports the same placeholders as the multi-rename tool
"New text file" (Shift+F4) now also works in archives, on FTP servers, and with file system plugins
Option to use latest "Everything" tool in Alt+Shift+Enter/Spacebar free space calculations
Internal 7zip unpacker: Support background unpacking


Support touch screen scrolling+text selection
Support Unicode names when loading images via Irfanview (needs new Unicode version of Irfanview)

Compare by content:

Set width in binary mode to 8, 16, 24 or 32 bytes

Multi-rename tool:

New placeholders for inserting current date+time


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2017, 21:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Configuration | Previewed Formats | Categories: More improvements to the interface.
Configuration | Startup & Exit | Permanent startup path: Didn't honor any
Folder View Settings assigned to the startup path. Fixed.


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2017, 13:51
Whats new:>>

FIXED: Dropbox connectivity issue.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2017, 05:00
Whats new:>>

List: Didn't like the new top distance the way it was done. Got a better idea: Now the distance is only done when the list is scrolled to the top or has no scrollbar at all). Feels more natural that way, and gives a cool subtle snap-in effect when scrolling to the top.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2017, 20:15

List | Headroom: You now get a general 2 pixels headroom in the file list whether it's scrolled to top or not.
List: Downgraded the recent top distance property (now called Headroom) to a tweak. Reason: It's probably too weird for the majority of users though I really like it).
Example: ListTopHeadroom=10 //legal values: 0 - 64. This ListTopHeadroom is applied only to the top of the list (when it's totally scrolled up and has no scrollbar at all). The value is added to the general headroom of 2 pixels.
List | Headroom: Fixed some drawing glitches.
Tree | Headroom: Changed from 5 to 2 pixels.
Age Circles: Now scrolling the list with Age Circles on is much smoother. You will note it on slow machines and/or large monitors (= high lists).


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2017, 10:15
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Whats new:>>

added HexEdit (Ctrl-F4)

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2017, 11:20

Removed tweak ListTopHeadroom. Ultimately there were too many complications. Not worth the trouble.
List: Column headers did not release mouse capture when moving the mouse over to the scrollbar. Fixed.
User-defined Preview Handlers: Could get confused if you had several handlers defined for the same extension, and the first one was not ticked. Fixed.


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 04:47
Whats new:>>

fixed a few bugs in TextView (F3)

Titel: XYplorer 18.50.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 04:56
Whats new:>>

OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Could not browse it. Fix #1.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 13:50
Whats new:>>

OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Could not browse it. Fix #2.

Titel: Total Commander 9.10 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 14:00

16.10.17 Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 2 (32/64)
16.10.17 Fixed: Disable per screen scaling on Windows 10 if the user changed the scaling of the primary screen, resulting in faulty scaling until the user logged out and back in (32/64)
16.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When a path isn't accessible and the user doesn't pick a different drive, remaining in the same directory, then swap the current and previous path in the history (32/64)
16.10.17 Fixed: Increased maximum stack size from 512k to 640k due to a stack exhaustion error (0xC00000FD) one user had (32)
15.10.17 Fixed: F5 - F2 or add files to queue: Use message above WM_USER to send names to the dialog instead of WM_COMMAND (32/64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Button bar: couldn't set icon size smaller than 16x16 any longer (32/64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When a network path isn't accessible and the user picks a different drive, replace the network path with that drive in the history (32/64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Go back in history: When using a (separate) tree, update it with the real directory if we couldn't go to the dir in the history (32/64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: Couldn't load images via Irfanview when started as a standalone program with /S=L parameter (64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: Window size could change when switching between files with 'n' and 'p' keys (64)
13.10.17 Fixed: Lister: No horizontal scrollbar for images larger than the window (64)
12.10.17 Fixed: History and hotlist buttons were sometimes (partially or fully) hidden after switching button bars with different lines (64)
12.10.17 Fixed: Hints for history and hotlist were interchanged after recent fix regarding hint font size (64)
12.10.17 Fixed: Option autocompletetab>0 not working in 64-bit version only (64)
12.10.17 Fixed: Auto-complete no longer worked in Shift+F4 (32/64)
12.10.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows no longer stopped at dots in names in F7 or Shift+F4 (32/64)
12.10.17 Fixed: Search with 'Everything': Escape the character '!' at the start of the search string with double quotes instead of a backslash, e.g. !test.txt -> "!"test.txt, otherwise the text will not be found in the middle of a name (32/64)


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2017, 20:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

· Recurse folders doesn’t scan files anymore if no settings are selected on File Properties tab
· Redate feature did not work in non-recursive mode
· Added Danish, French, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish translations
· Minor changes in user guide

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2017, 13:46
Whats new:>>

Startup Path: Since v18.50.0005 - 2017-10-09 17:54 you could not pass a startup path by command line anymore. This also screwed opening a folder with default file manager XYplorer. Fixed.
OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Could not browse it. Fix #3.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0121.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2017, 13:36
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: Total Commander 9.10 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2017, 16:00

Fixed: Windows 10 Creators Update and Fall Creators Update: when changing scaling (e.g. 100%->150%) in Windows, limit window size to current screen user area (32/64)
Fixed: Abort sorting manually by custom column with ESC if it hangs for more than 2 seconds (32/64)
Fixed: The option QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 didn't work in the 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Dialog boxes wouldn't correctly restore their position on Windows 10 Creators Update after the user changed the scaling of the primary screen (without logging out and back in) (32/64)


Titel: Total Commander 9.10 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2017, 19:00

Fixed: GDI memory leak when using inverted cursor, and alternating background colors via a view mode (64)
Fixed: Some OneDrive fixes for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update didn't work in 64-bit version only (64)
Fixed: F5 copy - Enter -Background -> dialog box wasn't scaled correctly on secondary screen (Windows 10 Creators Update) (32/64)
Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: When copying a template file, set its date+time to current date+time (32/64)
Fixed: Right click menu - "New" submenu: In some rare cases, a different menu item than chosen by the user could be invoked (32/64)
Release Total Commander 9.10 release candidate 3 (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10 Creators Update and Fall Creators Update: when changing scaling (e.g. 100%->150%) in Windows, limit window size to current screen user area (32/64)
Fixed: Abort sorting manually by custom column with ESC if it hangs for more than 2 seconds (32/64)
Fixed: The option QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 didn't work in the 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: Dialog boxes wouldn't correctly restore their position on Windows 10 Creators Update after the user changed the scaling of the primary screen (without logging out and back in) (32/64)


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2017, 09:30
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Whats new:>>

added Class Edit to HexEdit (Ctrl-F4)

Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2017, 18:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed a problem that the configuration file was included in the portable version package.
We respond to problems with characters that GoogleDrive can not successfully search.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2017, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


C inputselect enhanced: Now you can show large (32x32) icons in the list.
Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [separator="|"], [style=1], _ [cancel], [width=800], [height=400], [windowcaption], [preselect]) style: 256 = Show large (32x32) icons.
Note that style bit 1 must be set as well (to show icons at all).


goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:",, 1); //small icons
goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:",, 1+256); //large icons
SC sysicons: After using the undocumented SC sysicons with a larger icon size, e.g.
sysicons, 0; //show all system image list icons in size 32x32... this icon size got stuck in the dialog containing the list and was also used in all other contexts using such a dialog, e.g. "Go | Recent Locations...". Fixed.
Quitting the trial version welcome dialog generated an "Error 91" in a log file in app data path. Fixed.
Portable Devices: In a visual-filtered list that turned out completely empty the message about non-matching items was missing ("7 items don't match the current filter."). Fixed.
Tree: Hard-to-reproduce "drives appear twice" issue with some users. Attempted fix.


Titel: Icaros v.3.0.3 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2017, 20:45
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Fixed decoding of H264 444 files (no more gray frames)
- Added some additional error checks to the Icaros Cache Indexer
- Updated default page colors
- Updated to VS 2017
- Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1242
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2017, 04:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2017, 13:17
Whats new:>>

Configuration Dialog: Now you get two more options when you Ctrl+RightClick a setting.
Tree: "Drives appear twice" issue. Added some debug logging.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2017, 19:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Release Notes

A new Beta of Attribute Changer 9 is available and includes the latest translations as well as some minor changes in the application and user guide.

No bugs were reported since Beta 3 and I’m still doing extensive testing of the new release. So far, it seems to be quite stable.

Attribute Changer 9 is now available in Czech, Danish, English, French, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Romanian, Spanish and Turkish. Many thanks to all the translators for their work !


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2017, 05:45
Whats new:>>

! Tree: "Drives appear twice" issue. Attempted fix #3.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2017, 13:21
Whats new:>>

Tree: "Drives appear twice" issue. Attempted fix #4.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Tree: "Drives appear twice" issue. Attempted fix #6.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 13:45
Whats new:>>

Tree: "Drives appear twice" issue. Attempted fix #9.

Titel: NetDrive 3.1.234
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 16:30
Whats new:>>


Updated OpenSSL library to latest version


Hubic - File listing bug
Google Drive - Rename bug when using Team Drive
Swift - you can use https now
Dropbox - limited file listing issue
Issue when changing cache folder
Minor issues with UI

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 20:30
Whats new:>>

OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Hoverbox failed on OneDrive items
if Files On Demand was on. Fixed.
Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | On middle-click: Would select the
middle-clicked tab before performing the action on it. A possible
consequence could be that closing a non-current tab by middle-click would
put the current tab in the background. Bug since 20170202. Fixed.
Locked Mini Tree: Forgot the scroll position between sessions. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 9.11 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2017, 21:30

Fixed: Get icon for file system plugin from wfx64 file if wfx file is missing (64)
Fixed: Create checksums, separate for each directory -> skip checksum creation for checksum file itself if it was already there (32/64)
Fixed: Moving entries in F7 - Text Search - Plugins list didn't move the plugin fields (32/64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] IconOverlaysOneDrive=1/0: Enable/disable cloud overlay icons for OneDrive files which are only available online (32/64)
Added: Windows 10: Show cloud icon for files on OneDrive which are only available online (not offline on this computer) (32/64)
Fixed: Make some plausibility checks of the bitmap header before calling CreateIconFromResourceEx, eg when loading a button bar (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10: ReplacePhotoApp option didn't work when using an internal association with ** set as program name (32/64)
Fixed: Use ShellExecuteEx instead of WinExec to open command prompt via menu Commands - Open command prompt window (32/64)
Fixed: The icon size in the button bar was wrong when starting with a fresh wincmdini, and saving TC position on secondary screen with different DPI without ever setting the button bar size (32/64)
Fixed: The icon size in the file lists was wrong after moving Total Commander between two screens with different DPI (64)
Fixed: The width of the main menu items could be wrong after moving Total Commander between two screens with different DPI (64)
Fixed: GDI leak in drawing colored tab headers (32/64)
Fixed: Cancel button in copy progress dialog stopped working in RC2 for small files (still worked with bigger files), same for delete progress dialog (32)
Fixed: Nag dialog: Font size wrong on high DPI screens on page shown when using a blocked key (64)
Fixed: Uninstaller: Font too small for some dialog items on high DPI screens (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2017, 18:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.
SC filetype: Wrong returns since 20170822. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0116 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2017, 06:10

Portable File Associations: Now you can use toolbar graphics as icons. They are referred to by the usual syntax: Prefix ":" to the button key. For example, using the "Home" button icon:|"Append modified date|:home" ;*>::rename , '*-<datem yyyymmdd>'
Portable File Associations: Now the icon path defaults to <xyicon>, so you don't need to state a path for icons located in that folder. BEFORE: |"Append modified date|<xydata>IconsKiss.ico" ;*>::rename , '*-<datem yyyymmdd>'. NOW ALSO: |"Append modified date|Kiss.ico" ;*>::rename , '*-<datem yyyymmdd>'
Command Line Switches: This change from v18.50.0107 - 2017-10-26 17:40 had to be withdrawn because of undesired side effects: /script="::run quote("E:TestHas Space.txt");" Now this works as well: /script="::run quote("E:TestHas Space.txt");" No, you cannot have double-quotes inside a double-quoted script in this context. Only these ways are okay: /script="::run quote('E:TestHas Space.txt');" or /script="::runq 'E:TestHas Space.txt';"


Titel: Q-Dir 6.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2017, 21:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen für Windows 7 x64 und x32!

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0120 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2017, 05:15

    Network: Might be a wrongly defined API call prevented logon popups since
    v18.50.0003 - 2017-10-06 17:51. Might be fixed.

XYplorer Free 18.50.0118 Beta

    OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Could not copy/move items anywhere from OneDrive location using Custom Copy. Fixed. Now shell copy is used or the job.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2017, 20:45

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

XYplorer 18.50.0121 Beta

    Help | Online Support | Check for Updates: Hold CTRL to update to the latest beta version.


Titel: Total Commander 9.12 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2017, 19:30

03.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 2 (32/64)
02.11.17 Fixed: Call extra invalidate function for main window and listboxes when moving between windows with different DPI (32/64)
02.11.17 Fixed: Changed version from 9.11 to 9.12, for obvious reasons (9/11) (32/64)
02.11.17 Fixed: Get icon for file system plugin from uwfx file if wfx file is missing (32)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not move window to saved position when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE message but the display size didn't actually change (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not dim regular overlays like link overlay, cloud overlays or tortoise svn overlays on hidden files/folders (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: Do not draw two icon overlays on file system links, prefer the overlay from Windows when available (32/64)
01.11.17 Fixed: The "!" icon overlay wasn't dimmed when icons for hidden files/folders were set to dimmed in the configuration (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive, edit with F4 -> file not repacked when changed, or deleted when unchanged, when file in archive subdirectory (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: wincmd.ini, resolution-specific section: FontSizeTip was ignored on Windows 10 creators update (64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Search function, start search: The search window was expanded only minimally the first time it was used (position not stored yet) (32/64)
31.10.17 Fixed: Open archive, ENTER, "Unpack all and execute" -> "OK" button in wait dialog changed to Cancel. Reason: Apparently the buttonID changes from IDOK to IDCANCEL (!) (32/64)


Titel: Total Commander 9.12 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2017, 18:00

09.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 3 (32/64)
09.11.17 Fixed: Help file: Removed redundant references to history.txt from "what's new" section (32/64)
09.11.17 Fixed: Do not clear selection after right clicking on F8 button or drive buttons (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Re-apply view modes to current panels for commands cm_Exchange and cm_ExchangeWithTabs (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: View modes: Icons on tabs were lost after cm_ExchangeWithTabs command (32/64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Division by zero error when printing RTF file in Lister (64)
08.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: Window position not loaded correctly on third screen with this arrangement: 1:125%, 2:100%, 3:125%, because 1 and 3 have the same scale factor (32/64)
07.11.17 Fixed: Ctrl+Left/Right arrows in F7 now works again as in TC 9.0a (no stop at dots, but stops at some braces) (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Clicking in the 'Show' section (not on a button) only refreshed the results in the 32-bit version (64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Do not call SetFileAttributes after renaming when user has set option SetArchiveBitOnRename=0. Also ignore all errors in SetFileAttributes (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Don't react to Ctrl+F3 hotkey on lines with directories (32/64)
05.11.17 Fixed: 64-bit: Prevent plugins writting in Lazarus from crashing by changing the name for GetProp/SetProp to store control data from 'WinControl' to 'WinControlTC'. Changed plugin interface version reported by ListSetDefaultParams to 2.11 (64)


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2017, 19:15
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Release Notes

A new Beta 5 of Attribute Changer 9 is available and fixes a critical bug in the application.

In Advanced mode, if date and time synchronisation was selected, EXIF date and time was falsley changed.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2017, 18:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.54
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2017, 20:00
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Whats new:>>

fixed bug in compression engine. Compression level was set incorrectly from v3.48 and potentially leaving some archives created with Doszip up to version 3.53 corrupted. The bug mostly effected large files.
fixed bug in Compare Directory (Shift-F6)
fixed a few bugs in HexEdit..

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v17.11.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2017, 11:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Divide Windows 10 Creators Update (RS2) bug fixes to outside.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2017, 13:11
Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Optimierung und diverse Bugfixes.

Titel: XYplorer 18.50.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2017, 18:45

Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for updates on startup:

Experimentally now the same interface is loaded as if you you clicked "Help | Online Support | Check for Updates". In case of an available update you get a simple message box like this one: "There is a new official version (18.50.0200) available for download. Click OK to update now."

Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Check for updates on startup:

Would not trigger if on startup the mouse pointer was over anything triggering a tooltip. Fixed.

Info Panel | Report | Current List:

When you pressed ESC right before generating a report the line "*** Job terminated by user. ***" was falsely printed to the top of the report. Fixed.
Image Aspect Ratio: A ratio of 3:1 was shown as 6:2. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 18.50.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2017, 21:15

    App Exit: Now when anything goes wrong on save settings you are prompted whether you want to exit the app (any maybe lose any changes in your configuration) or keep it running (to keep your configuration alive, check what went wrong, and maybe fix it, e.g. by removing a ReadOnly flag or by regaining necessary disk space).

    This is the message:

    Errors on Save Settings!
    Some settings might not have been saved to disk.
    Click OK to exit XYplorer anyway.
    Click Cancel to keep XYplorer running.
    List: Now middle-click on LNK files behaves like Shift+Dbl-Click on LNK
    files: The link target is opened in a new tab.
    Configuration | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter Box: Now it handles dead keys that are copied to the keyboard buffer. So you can type the accent key and then "a" to get "á". For this to work, the Live Filter Box gets the input focus once a dead key is pressed.


Titel: XYplorer 18.50.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2017, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Issues with "OneDrive for
    Business". Fixed.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.6.0 Build 2390 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2017, 06:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



    ADDED - NEW Conflict dialog when copy/move files and file already exists. The new window have support for thumbnails are more options (And more will be added to it)
    ADDED - Settings if FocusItem should be saved on exit or not
    ADDED - MultiDataFileViewer got more default setups (thanks to pncdaspropagandas )
    ADDED - Added workaround for issue that if network mounted device got unmounted and remounted it got the same name since Windows Cached it.
    FIXED - Issue with range selection in WinExplorer setup
    FIXED - Issue with tab stealing focus when MultiRename window closes
    FIXED - 3 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Total Commander 9.12 RC4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2017, 18:00

16.11.17 Release Total Commander 9.12 release candidate 4 (32/64)
15.11.17 Fixed: Close and restart Total Commander when starting remote desktop session causing Windows 10 main menu bug (local PC is set to custom scale factor) (64)
15.11.17 Fixed: 7zip: Partial support for 7zip archives with different password for file names and file content. Multiple files with different content passwords can only be unpacked separately, though (32/64)
15.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10: Lister opening with caret (text cursor) visible, move cursor with keyboard -> cursor bar also remained in top left position (64)
14.11.17 Fixed: Alt+F5 pack dialog: "Encrypt" checkbox wasn't disabled when opening the dialog with a plugin as default packer which doesn't report encrypt option in packer capabilities (64)
14.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 terminal server session to other Windows 10, local PC is set to custom scale factor, e.g. 120% -> Windows bug in displaying menus -> disable dpi per screen scaling when starting (32/64)
13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoUpdateCheckBeta=1: If set together with AutoUpdateCheck=1, new beta versions will be reported even when using a final version (32/64)
13.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] RestoreSize=0 prevents TC from restoring to saved size when receiving WM_DISPLAYCHANGE or WM_DPICHANGED message (32/64)
13.11.17 Fixed: Windows 10 creators update: mp4 video would play outside of Lister window, unless DpiPerScreen=0 was set (reason: it was creating a playback window in a separate thread) (32/64)
12.11.17 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker didn't show 'e' in attributes column for encrypted files (32/64)
12.11.17 Fixed: Search in office xml files would sometimes fail (32/64)
10.11.17 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] useshellconnect=-1 uses own user name and password dialogs for PCs where WNetAddConnection3 crashes (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.11.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2017, 19:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fix: Drag and drop (MTP) etc.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2017, 04:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | Tags: Added option "Save changes to disk immediately". Tick it to immediately update the tag database file (usually "tag.dat") on each tag change
    List: When renaming fails (e.g. "Access Denied") the rename mode is closed now automatically. No need to press ESC anymore
    Catalog: Dropping on Catalog items did not support environment variables. Fixed

Titel: Multi Commander 7.6.0 Build 2391 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2017, 06:15
Whats new:>>

    FIXED - Fixed crash issue with range selection
    FIXED - Wrong thumbnail was shown for target file
    FIXED - Crash if dialog was shown for file inside archive.. No crash anymore. but info shown in empty for now

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2017, 17:45
Whats new:>>

OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: More issues with "OneDrive for Business". Fixed.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2017, 10:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


    The commands can be sorted alphabetically.
    Fixed issues with very high resolution displays with high DPI.
    Custom commands: changed property "Only one element" by "Number of elements". Now you can specify the number of elements that must be selected in Windows Explorer to show the command in context menu.
    Custom commands: when testing a custom command of type "Program", a window will be showed to see the arguments to be passed to the program.
    Advanced Renamer: increased the number the batch items from 5 to 10.
    Fixed: the icon of "Send To..." commands could not be set correctly.
    Minor bug fixes.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1255
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2017, 17:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 17.11.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 19:15

Scripting got a new command:

Name: sysdebug. Action: Sends a string to the system debugger via API OutputDebugString. Syntax: sysdebug string; Example: sysdebug "any string"; SysInternals has a tool "DebugView" to view the system debugger. It will show the sent strings in real time in a list. Unicode characters are not supported due to an age old Windows bug. They are shown as "?". This command is not officially supported (no mention in help).
Color Filters: Just to make sure (it has never been claimed otherwise), patterns with groups, e.g. "[a-z]" are not allowed in Color Filters, only wildcards *, ?, #.
Color Filters: Filters with invalid patterns could crash the app. Fix #2.

XYplorer Free 18.50.0209 Beta

MLS: Internally updated to version 8.95.
TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.95.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648
Color Filters: Filters with invalid patterns could crash the app. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2017, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

1. Test on Windows 10 1709 16299 Case Creators Update (Redstone 3)
1a. With Windows 10 1709 Q-Dir works better
2. Optimization and various bugfixes.
3. Updating the language files in Q-Dir.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.76.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2017, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: unter Windows 10 1709 bei der Auswahl der Datei mit der Maus.

Titel: Total Commander 9.12 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2017, 13:30

Fixed: Get \tsclient shares during remote desktop session using Unicode functions (64)
Fixed: Position and size of background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) could be wrong on Windows 10 Creators Update (32/64)
Fixed: Drag the copy progress dialog (F5-Enter) to secondary screen with different DPI -> size wasn't changed (64)
Fixed: If the option EditNewName=name was set to a placeholder string, eg EditNewName=<[YMD]txt, the placeholders were not resolved on Shift+F4 (32/64)
Fixed: 32-bit color drive icons with transparency still used the first pixel as transparent color for the drive buttonbar (64)
Fixed: Printing didn't work when starting TC with command line parameters starting with / (eg /i=ini file) (64)
Fixed: The initial window size of resizable dialogs (eg synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool etc) was too small on high dpi screens (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs, copy attributes (via right click menu): Couldn't copy timestamp if target had read only attribute (32/64)
Fixed: Internal associations pointing to different packers didn't work any more, eg *exe -> "7zip packer", **7z (32/64)


Titel: JFileProcessor 1.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2017, 18:45
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

fixes-stop watchDir on copy and delete also. if cp to link which is same path, do not cp. flag cannot copy parent into child. adds-on copy, skip instead of stop on inaccessible file; show if all files copied. show inaccessible folders. show filetype other. start new windows in process in daemon thread (better). open folder containing file button.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.14.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2017, 19:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Changed the folder structure of SugarSync to the same as the Web.
Fixed an issue where it took time to upload or an error occurred when the shell was restarted halfway.
Fixed an issue that could not be cut or moved within the same storage.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2017, 20:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


(operation) update panel after error on delete files
(operation) noFilesCheck: false positive: files selected but current is ".."


Titel: Q-Dir 6.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2017, 10:05
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: List-View verliert den Tastatur Focus
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2017, 18:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: More issues with "OneDrive for Business". Search did not recurse subfolders. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2017, 20:20

List: This change from v17.60.0006 - 2017-02-26 16:13 was really badly implemented: "In Search Results & Branch View, dragging a non-root file onto another non-root file moved file to root folder of search/branch. This was rather confusing. It will not happen anymore. Now for moving a file to the root you have to drag it onto the empty space."
It only applied to non-first items in the target list.
It also applied to modes other than Search Results and Branch View.
It only applied when source and target were on the same drive.
Gosh, that wasn't my best day. Anyway, it's all fixed now.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2017, 13:49
Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Optimierung und diverse Bugfixes.

Titel: NetDrive 3.1.284
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2017, 14:00


Supports team license on multi-user operating system
Display team name for team licenses
Supports multi user on Windows Terminal Server


Improved file listing by removing unnecessary file listing operations
Improved back-off procedures when server busy or returns error
Improved stability of NetDrive system services


FTP, SFTP - Fixed proxy issue which ignores proxy settings
Swift - Fixed free space issue which limits max free space at 10TB
S3 - Fixed file listing bug
Fixed installation issue when Firewall service is stopped
Fixed installation issue when component registration fails
Fixed installation issue on some PC when retrieving device ID from system
Fixed issue which caused pending login screen
Fixed issue with auto login at boot
Fixed crash issue which happens when parent directory removed while deleting files in the directory
Fixed issue when changing local cache location
Fixed issue while refreshing token for cloud services
Hubic - Fixed file listing issue when root returned as subdir
Fixed issue with drive configurations when using both Windows and Mac version
Fixed minor issues on UI


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0304 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2017, 12:20

Configuration | Preview | Image preview | Transparency grid: Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors. Color 1 is the first top-left checker field. As usual in XY, left-clicking the color field opens the Choose Color dialog, right-clicking resets to the factory default color. Factory defaults: GridColor1=16777215 '= 0xFFFFFF, GridColor2=14540253 '= 0xDDDDDD. Note: The colors are also used for the transparency grid shown for thumbnails (Configuration | Thumbnails | Show transparency grid). Tip: If you don't want the checkerboard grid but just one particular color simply set both colors to that same value.


Titel: FolderViewer 5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2017, 16:00
FolderViewer is a full-service Windows Explorer replacement.

You will enjoy the dual pane layout that incorporates and extends many familiar features like the ability to quickly browse through folder content, manage and organize Microsoft Office documents, photos, media files and more. It seamlessly integrates with Internet Explorer allowing access to a text editor, media player, image viewer, single Music Library Database for printing and searching lyrics. The layout of FolderViewer lends itself to efficient file and folder management but has enough extras and quick access tools to appeal to even the most demanding of workloads.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2017, 13:12

Touchscreen Mode: Icons in Custom Columns did not scale yet. Fixed.
Uninstall: Registry settings made through "Configuration | Shell Integration | Default File Manager" were not auto-removed on uninstall when XYplorer was started it with admin permissions and "Configuration | Shell Integration | Default File Manager | Scope" was set to "For all users of this computer". Fixed.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1260
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2017, 13:24
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: fman 0.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2017, 19:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


    Since release 0.7.0, fman failed to start on Ubuntu versions < 16.04. This is now fixed.
    Some Mac users were unable to use fman's new Zip functionality (Zip files appeared empty, Packing files resulted in an error). This should now hopefully be fixed.
    When going up to the parent directory, the cursor briefly appeared on the first folder in the parent dir before being placed at the (child) directory you came from. This unnecessary flickering effect is now avoided.
    fman's InstallPlugin command for installing plugins did not properly extract executable files in the respective plugin. (It failed to set the executable bit on Mac and Linux, which lead to the plugin not being able to run its own executables). This is now fixed.


Titel: TC4Shell 17.12.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2017, 06:05
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

Critical bug in property store handler fixed.
"Pack to" menu improved.
Creation of hash files improved.
Compression to Lzip added.
Support of Asar format added.
Global internal changes - all previously created presets must be recreated :(

Titel: NetDrive 3.1.286
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2017, 19:30

There was a critical issue in 3.1.277 which caused drive items being disappeared from your list. Please update to this version if you have the issue.


Supports team license on multi-user operating system
Display team name for team licenses
Supports multi user on Windows Terminal Server


Improved file listing by removing unnecessary file listing operations
Improved back-off procedures when server busy or returns error
Improved stability of NetDrive system services


FTP, SFTP - Fixed proxy issue which ignores proxy settings
Swift - Fixed free space issue which limits max free space at 10TB
S3 - Fixed file listing bug
Fixed installation issue when Firewall service is stopped
Fixed installation issue when component registration fails
Fixed installation issue on some PC when retrieving device ID from system
Fixed issue which caused pending login screen
Fixed issue with auto login at boot
Fixed crash issue which happens when parent directory removed while deleting files in the directory
Fixed issue when changing local cache location
Fixed issue while refreshing token for cloud services
Hubic - Fixed file listing issue when root returned as subdir
Fixed issue with drive configurations when using both Windows and Mac version
Fixed minor issues on UI


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0306 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2017, 21:15

Tweak to enable support for the Scroll Lock key: MindScrollLock=1. Support for the Scroll Lock key had been experimentally implemented in v17.20.0103 - 2016-10-05 11:08 and hard-set to ON. Now it's OFF by default and you can tweak it on.
Custom Columns: Icons in Custom Columns would draw over the next column without mercy. Now the drawing is clipped if the icon column is too narrow.
Scripting: Parsing issue with block comments after NOWDOCs. Fixed


Titel: fman 0.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2017, 05:50
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

The last version introduced a regression on Mac where opening fman again when it was already running would not bring its (existing) window to the foreground. This is now fixed again.
There was an unnecessary "command" in the Command Palette. This implementation artifact now no longer appears.
A few tiny and non-breaking improvements to the API.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2017, 21:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(view) Info.files -> Info
(config) patch
(fancybox) _afterZoomIn: hide


(edit-file-vim) setOption -> setKeyMap
(package) stylelint-config-standard v18.0.0
(package) nsp v3.1.0


dword v6.1.0
edward v6.1.0


Titel: fman 0.7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2017, 06:31
Whats new:>>

The built-in InstallPlugin command for installing plugins was broken for first-time users. This is now fixed.
Fixed a small behind-the-scenes exception.

Titel: Double Commander 0.8.0 Build 7906M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2017, 06:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Viewer] Drag and drop delay causes for wrong file selection - resolved.
[Language translation] Update on greek translation - resolved.
[Default] Infinite loop caused by TCustomGrid - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Support DPI scaling - resolved.
[File operations] DC doesn't update descript.ion on file rename - resolved.
[Plugins] Please provide an SFTP plugin for Mac OS X 64-bit - resolved.
[File operations] in checksum - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Root [..] should always be the topmost entry - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Find files. No need "ansi" encoding - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] [Patch] Most icons doesn't look right on Mac OS X - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] MacOS-style Hotkeys to search text in viewer - resolved.
[Viewer] Standard Mac OS shortcuts for doesn't work in Viewer - resolved.
[File operations] File type converter for viewer not working - resolved.
[File operations] Creating new folder from context menu fails - resolved.
[File operations] Opening terminal while moving file keeps the file open on source drive - resolved.
[Default] http://doublecmd.github.io/doc/en/Variables.html [^] not found from Help in DC - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] When you type an address in the address bar and got it wrong, you don't have a chance to correct the typo - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Disks are duplicated in the tree view panel if it was not opened at start - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Escape to cancel editing of fields in Custom columns settings - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Renaming from quick search displays text field over the wrong file - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] The long name of a file or folder is truncated when it is the only file/folder on the drive - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Do not close the rename field if the rename has failed - resolved.
[File operations] Directory symlink is NTFS junction - resolved.
[File operations] Filenames not passed on correctly to MP3Tag - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Btn in the bottom panel, on scale 200% - resolved.
[Default] Replace by in the Find files dialog should understand Regexp (, 1, r, n) when the appropriate checkbox is set - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Rename field has bad size and position in columns view with horizontal scrolling or with name column not in the first position - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] DoubleCommander in taskbar on second monitor not visible - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Clicking on search result should bring main window to front - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Drag-n-Drop?? ???????? ?????? ???? ??? ???????/?????????? Shift, ???? ?? ??????? ?????? - resolved.
[Default] Auto refresh and recent files coloration - resolved.
[Default] Command of View Action in File associations runs multiple times when multiple files are selected - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] ErrorPack to file ... - Function aborted by user - resolved.
[Default] ErrorExtract file - data is bad, but unpacks successfully after Skip (zip archive) - resolved.
[Default] SVG support in Viewer and thumbnails - resolved.
[Default] Access violation when changing the language, no crash followed - resolved.
[File operations] Wrong estimated remaining time, if total amount of time is greather than 24 hours - resolved.
[Viewer] Keyboard shortcuts to change encoding in Viewer - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Hi-dpiCopy - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Hi-dpi DefTemplate dlg - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Warn before start in multi-rename tool if there is a name conflict - resolved.
[Default] Duplicate rows in multi-rename tool after file overwrite in name conflict situation - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] MultiRename tool should use the overwrite dialog that is shown when copying files - resolved.
[Viewer] When opening a search window in the viewer, search field should be filled with currently selected text - resolved.
[Default] Cannot delete file/directory that is already deleted - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Interface partially covered and 5th line always selected - resolved.
[Editor] Syntax Highlighter - Built in Editor (F4) - resolved.
[Default] Rename a directory. Merge? Yes. Cannot rename file c:folder1 to folder2 - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Sorting direction arrow is missing when switching from Full view to Brief view. - resolved.
[Plugins] ftp.wfxcannot enter the plugin menu after adding an entry with empty name - resolved.
[File operations] Context menu commands run with wrong current directory - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] 22x22 should be 24x24 - resolved.
[Logic] Macmust use hotkeys Meta+C/ V/ X - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Add option"Single Click To Open Files" - resolved.
[Default] LuaError to use internal environment variables from parent DC - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Wishoption "show icons on buttons" - resolved.
[File operations] option to copy network filenames as UNC path - resolved.
[Default] Comments of folders are not processing when copying and moving folders - resolved.
[File operations] Please support paths longer than 259 chars on Windows - resolved.
[Default] Add an option to copy the working directory name to the clipboard where the cursor is at the first row in the file view panel - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Add an option to change to parent folder upon double-clicking empty part of file list - resolved.
[Language translation] Updated Czech translation - resolved.
[File operations] Multi rename - names from txt file - resolved.
[Default] Ctrl + side arrow on an archive opens an empty temp directory in the other panel when an archive is already opened there - closed.
[Graphical user interface] Extend filenames without extension to the max - closed.
[Graphical user interface] Size is padding with extra spaces at the left - closed.
[Viewer] Files without read permission appears like empty files - closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1265
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2017, 13:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.50.0307 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2017, 04:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Updated the help file
Tip: This has to be ticked if you want to show (Tree and List) the
OneDrive folder in Windows 10 Creators Update
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show junctions

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2017, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Self Update:

Now the updated app will auto-run after self-update.

Transparency Grid:

Now you can customize the two checkerboard grid colors.
Numerous Small Improvements and Fixes

Titel: fman 0.7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2017, 13:09
Whats new:>>

Previously, in dialogs prompting you to enter a file path, the entire path was selected. In most cases however, you only want to edit the file name without the extension. To make this easier for you, fman now selects only the relevant part. The API was expanded so your plugins can do the same
Similarly to the previous point, when you rename a file by pressing Shift+F6, fman now only selects the file name without the extension. Here too, the existing API was expanded so your plugins can do this as well.
Fixed a few further small behind-the-scenes exceptions.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.6.0 Build 2398 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2017, 18:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - New AlreadyExistsDialog - now got a "More" button that allows for more options (Options do not work yet)
ADDED - New AlreadyExistsDialog - Now shows a tooltip when hovering over filename
FIXED - New AlreadyExistsDialog - Tweaked the arrow navigation in the dialog


Titel: Shallot 1.0.2965
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2017, 04:50
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: CarotDAV v1.14.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2017, 05:20
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where an error occurs when copying and pasting to a different site in the same process when running on .Net 4.0.
Fixed the problem that characters can not be seen with the about form if background color is set.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2017, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Kleine Anpassungen, Verbesserungen W10 und eine neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Spanisch (Español)

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 04:55
Whats new:>>

Tabs: Switching to a Find tab did not immediately fill the list with the incoming search results (as it's done when triggering the same search right from the tab). This had been done so in 20120612 apparently for a smoother tab switch, but now I think it's rather confusing so I changed it. Results are now shown as they stream in Help | Online Support | Check for Updates: Improved a slightly misleading message when checking for new beta versions (by holding CTRL)
Catalog: Tooltips would not vanish when over scrollbar. Fixed
Quick Search: Window title "Quick Search: <search term> ..." remained after removing the Quick Search or changing to a non-search tab. Since 20170915. Fixed

Titel: fman 0.7.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 05:40

Added support for .tar and .7z archives!
Hugely improved the performance of all archive-related features.
fman now treats .zipx, .jar, .xpi files as Zip archives.
fman previously didn't recognise archives with an upper-case extension (eg. .ZIP instead of .zip). This works now.

When you extracted a file from a Zip archive on Windows, and chose to overwrite an existing file, an error occurred:

Error when trying to extract a file from a Zip archive in fman.
This bug is now fixed.

The previous version inadvertently changed the formatting of the label in (eg.) the Copy and Move dialogs.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2017, 09:05
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: U.S. Englisch statt U.K. Englisch
Bugfix: Die Spaltenüberschriften werden nicht mehr gespeichert
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v17.12.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2017, 11:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: Multi Commander 7.6.0 Build 2400 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2017, 12:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - New AlreadyExistsDialog - Overwrite Larger/Small options now works
ADDED - New AlreadyExistsDialog - Minor UI Tweaks
ADDED - Improved logging in some places
ADDED - Unpack Zip/7Zip now support IfSizeDiffer, IsLarger,IsSmaller overwrite options
FIXED - 2 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2017, 18:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Configuration | Startup & Exit: Added option "Save changes to disk immediately". Tick it to immediately write settings to disk in the moment they are changed. Under the adjacent "Apply To..." button you can define which changes are saved to disk. These options are available:

Folder View Settings
Keyboard Shortcuts
User-Defined Commands


The assumption here is that changes in these categories are usually meant to be permanent across sessions, and/or are something you would not like to lose by hazard. Note, however, that the feature has advantages and disadvantages:

Advantage: Your changes are fixed to disk and protected from loss by crash.
Disadvantage: If you make a mistake your previous good settings are overwritten and nothing can bring them back (unless you still find a good backup).
The "Favorites" option includes Favorite Folders and Favorite Files. And since there is no separate disk file for Favorites but they are kept in XYplorer.ini, XYplorer.ini will be written on changing a favorite. I personally would not use this feature since I'm a control freak and have automato-phobia. I just like to decide myself when to save what. But I can see that not everybody is like me, hence I added it. :)
Configuration | Information | Tags: Removed option "Save changes to disk immediately" (added v18.50.0204 - 2017-11-16 18:45). It's replaced now by the sub-option "Tags" in "Configuration | Startup & Exit | Save changes to disk immediately".
Self Update: Now any errors when calling the installer are handled/shown and the app is closed only when the installer is called successfully.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1267
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2017, 18:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2017, 20:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Standardsprache in der portablen Version
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2017, 21:30

ContextMenu64: Now holding the SHIFT key while triggering the menu will pop the "extended" 64-bit context menu (using the CMF_EXTENDEDVERBS flag).
FYI, the same always worked with the 32-bit context menu.
ContextMenu64: New version

SC quicksearch: Now it ignores any of the following settings that may hide stuff from the list. They cannot hide anything from SC quicksearch anypore:

Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show hidden files and folders
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show system files and folders
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Hide protected operating system files
Configuration | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show junctions
View | Show Items | Show Folders in List
Configuration | Startup & Exit | Save changes to disk immediately: Added option "Configuration" to the "Apply To..." button. Will save the INI file to disk after you OK the Configuration dialog.
Configuration | Startup & Exit: Removed option "Autosave settings after this many minutes". It has been replaced by the more powerful and easier to understand "Save changes to disk immediately".


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 04:45

Configuration | Startup & Exit | Save Settings (Disk) | Apply to...: Now the filenames of the files to be updated are shown.
MLS: Internally updated to version 8.96. >TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.96.lng is uploaded.


Titel: FolderViewer 5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2017, 05:45
FolderViewer is a full-service Windows Explorer replacement.

You will enjoy the dual pane layout that incorporates and extends many familiar features like the ability to quickly browse through folder content, manage and organize Microsoft Office documents, photos, media files and more. It seamlessly integrates with Internet Explorer allowing access to a text editor, media player, image viewer, single Music Library Database for printing and searching lyrics. The layout of FolderViewer lends itself to efficient file and folder management but has enough extras and quick access tools to appeal to even the most demanding of workloads.



Copy selected Filenames to Clipboard in TXT or HTML code
Toggle Hidden Files/Folders on/off
History panel added to Explorer to select files using a calendar and filesystem dates created, modified and opened
History panel added to Document Library to select documents using a calendar and the date the content was created or last saved
History panel added to Picture Library to select pictures using a calendar and the date the picture was taken
Thumb option added to Searchpanel. Now you can print an advanced contactsheet from your searchresults.
Netflix searchengine added to the Browser


Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2017, 04:30
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)



Connect to network drives button
Mount Network Drives button
Swap columns button
Copy as Path in context menu and as shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C
Taskmaster can save log of copy/move errors
Create new theme in any directory and set it in settings (experimental tab)
Settings reorganized
Make drag&drop behave as in Windows
Ctrl+1/2/3 to switch between panel and columns modes
Alt+D or “” to open address bar
Several bug fixes and other improvements


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2017, 18:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Release Notes

Includes the official german translation.
An updated algorithm for the new Capitalization feature and some minor adjustments.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2017, 22:50

Find Files: Stating no pattern was ever since equivalent to stating * as pattern (match all). Now this auto-wildcard is also shown in the Search Information Bar in the List, and in the <get find_queryparsed> variable.
Hover Box: Would sometimes pop when cursor had already left the list. Fixed.
Thumbnails: Wouldn't create TIF thumbnails in quality "Smooth" if "Show thumbnails for RAW files" was OFF. Fixed.


Titel: Image Resizer for Windows 3.1.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2017, 13:30
Lets you resize images by right-clicking. After installing it, right-click on one or more selected picture files in File Explorer, then select Resize pictures.

Open Source


Changelog (since beta1)

    Fixed: Possible wrong height when using ignore the orientation of pictures (thanks @znlgis)
    Custom is now selected when it changes
    New filename parameters: Actual with and height
    New translations: (thanks everyone)
        Norwegian Bokmål

Changelog (since 3.0)

    New fill mode—scales and crops images to the specified dimensions
    Scale to has been renamed to fit
    Advanced options
        Custom default sizes
        File options
            Use original date modified
            Custom filename format
            Don't send replaced files to recycle bin
        Encoder options
            Fallback encoder—used for read-only codecs
            JPEG quality level
            PNG interlacing
            TIFF compression
        About page—shows what version is installed
    UI enhancements
        Time remaining
        Progress on the task bar
        Custom is selected when it changes
        Signed binaries—no more unknown publisher
        Additional translations


Titel: Shallot 1.1.3106
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2017, 11:45
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Multi Commander 7.7.0 Build 2404
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2017, 19:00

File Already Exists window do now show thumbnail, new layout and more overwrite options
Fixed crash issue with range selection
Fixed issue when a tab stole focus from active tab when MultiRename window closed
Copy/Unpacking files from FTP and 7Zip did not always keep the datetime if option for it was enabled.
Lots of stability fixes
Lots of other fixes


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1270
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 17:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Double Commander 0.8.1 Build 7950M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2017, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Default] Infinite loop caused by TCustomGrid (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Wrong encoding of the system error message in network locations (regression in 0.8) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] cm_ChangeDir with additional parameters and spaces is fail (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Long loading time on Windows (delay on splash screen, regression in 0.8) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Unpack all and execute doesn't work on Windows anymore (regression in 0.8) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Verify after copy does not work when logging disabled (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Incorrect use of i386 assembly (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Crash by clicking Recycle Bin menu items from button (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] After quitting Flat view DC should switch to the directory with the file under cursor (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Leftovers of the last selected internal command after the list has been filtered to 0 results (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2017, 06:40
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Fix links. delete does not follow links (just deletes links not files).
Copy walkFileTree had to not traverse links if you said to not follow links too.
Open terminals for all files selected to parent folder. change watchDir again. Added a thread to trigger search afterwards if needed. got rid of many static vars and methods for find.
Move find fileVisitor to its own class. do not watchDir if in search mode list.

Titel: Shallot 1.1.3227
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2017, 21:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: JFileProcessor 1.5.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2017, 09:31
Whats new:>>

Windows problems deleting folders with hidden files and clash with rights of files in trash. give helpful error messages for windows and posix.

Titel: fman 0.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2017, 22:00
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


The Size column displayed file sizes less than 1 KB as "123 bytes":

fman's Size column displaying bytes

A licensed user pointed out that this unnecessarily takes up too much visual space. fman now displays "123 B" instead:

fman's Size column displaying bytes as an upper case B
Another licensed user complained that fman kept crashing on Mac. The crash occurred in the Sparkle framework, which fman uses to update itself. The library was updated to the latest version. Hopefully this will fix the problem.


Titel: TC4Shell 17.12.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2017, 10:45
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

High DPI support improved.
.propdesc file regisration bug fixed.
Korean language added
Japanese language added
Polish language updated
German language updated
FAR3 plugin support improved.
Some minor bugs fixed.

Titel: fman 0.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2018, 18:15
Whats new:>>

A first-time fman (and since licensed) user found it confusing that the Tab shortcut for switching panes is not displayed in the Command Palette.
A user asked to be able to switch panes not with Tab but with the Arrow keys. A plugin was written to allow this.
Another user asked for the drive names to be displayed on Windows.
Opening a directory for which you do not have permissions raised an ugly error.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.82.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2018, 10:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fehlerbehebung: Schnellzugriffsordner in Q-Dir werden nicht angezeigt!
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2018, 05:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


View | Show Items | Hide Protected Operating System Files: Toggling it did not have immediate effect anymore. Fixed.
Find Files: The change in v18.60.0005 had the undesired side effect that toggling to Branch View would also invoke a Quick Search for "*". Fixed.
Tabs: A locked startup tab was overwritten by a command line startup path if the Tree was locked as well. Fixed: A new tab is opened.
Tabs: A startup tab was overwritten by a command line startup path if the Tree was locked, even if "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Open command line start path in new tab" was enabled. Fixed: A new tab is opened.


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2018, 12:30
Whats new:>>

Find Files: Auto-syncing the find location box did not work for startup paths passed by command line. Fixed.
Tabs: The fixes in v18.60.0006 only applied to the Mini Tree. Now it's also fixed for the Maxi Tree.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2018, 18:15

Custom Copy: Attempt to improve the estimation of the remaining time.
Quick Audio Preview: Little drawing glitch with fonts that have variable digit widths. Fixed.
Custom Copy: With "On name collisions" set to "Suffix increment to existing" or "Affix current date to existing" or "Affix modified date to existing" (all 3 result in a rename of the source file) the copy did not happen when source and target file were identical, i.e. when you attempted to duplicate a file in the original location. Just the rename happened.
Fixed. Now the file is first renamed, then the renamed file copied back to its original name.
Rename: Since Win8 mapped drives cannot be renamed anymore (i.e. the previous method stopped working and nothing else is in sight). But you still could enter rename mode. Fixed.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0122.


Titel: NetDrive 3.2.324
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2018, 09:40


Improved auto-mount to mount drives on parallel
Added VERBOSE log level


Fixed issue which prevents proper saving of MS Office files
Fixed some issue on user interface
Fixed issue on filesystem which causes invalid file size on some case
Fixed issue on filesystem to prevent overwriting local file information from remote while local has more recent information
Fixed issue which caused crash when quitting UI on some case
Fixed issue which caused mounted drive not shown on Explorer
Fixed to prevent changing protocol while connecting remote storage on add item screen
Google Drive - Fixed issue on file renaming
OneDrive - file listing bug when using show shared option
SFTP - Fixed issue when setting home directory
Amazon Drive - Fixed issue which caused failure on overwriting remote file
Hubic - Fixed issue on refreshing access token
S3 - Fixed issue on handling special characters in file name like ampersands and equal
S3 - Fixed issue on folder renaming and moving


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2018, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Custom Copy: I always found it a bit off-putting that, if only one item was copied/moved, the final dialog did not show the filename of that one copied/moved/skipped file. Now it does.
Custom Copy: Estimation of the remaining time is now only shown from 25% of total bytes and 100 files onwards. Earlier guessing simply doesn't cut it.
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0123.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2018, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Folder Thumbs: Now you can tweak the background coloring of folder thumbnails. It's a vertical gradient, the 1st color is the top, the 2nd color is the bottom. This e.g. would be a light grey gradient: clrFolderThumbs1=15461355, clrFolderThumbs2=15132390. Those numbers are color decimals. Tip: To convert HTML #RRGGBB colors to color decimals use this formula: echo 0xBBGGRR. If both of those values are 0 then the default colors are used (the crass traditional yellow)
Custom Copy: Estimation of the remaining time improved
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0124

Titel: fman 0.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2018, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Unfortunately, the update mechanism on Mac was broken in fman 0.8.2 and 0.8.3. This release fixes the problem. If you are on one of the two affected versions, please download and re-install fman. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2018, 13:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2018, 20:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

It corresponds to SFTP.
Fixed an issue in AmazonCloudDrive that hash confirmation settings were not reflected.

Titel: fman 0.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2018, 04:50
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


When you start fman, it re-opens the directories you had hopen in the last session. When one of the directories was removed and you started fman, you received an ugly error message in recent versions:

This is now fixed. (fman goes to the first existing parent directory.)
Drag and drop was broken since version 0.8.3 from two days ago. This is now fixed.
Made several small improvements to the built-in tutorial.
The drives:// file system on Windows was displaying drive URLs instead of names:

This is fixed and the correct names are displayed again:

Several other small behind-the-scenes bug fixes and stability improvements.


Titel: CarotDAV v1.15.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2018, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Fixed incorrect version notation

Titel: Q-Dir 6.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2018, 17:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Optimierung und diverse Bugfixes.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2018, 13:00
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Release Notes

New : Capitalize Name / Extension / Name and extension
New : Redate folder date based on oldest file
New : Redate folder date based on newest file
New : Enable/disable strict mode for randomization of dates
New : Modify symbolic links and junctions ( not target )
Update : Dialog boxes and windows are now initially centered on screen
Update : Updated user guide
Update : Dropped support for Windows XP and Vista
Update : Fixed ambiguous context menu entries for date and time fields
Update : Fixed Strict Randomization Mode not always using date range


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2018, 05:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(config) showConfig
(now) add quotes


(config) username, password: add autocomplete
(config) div -> form
(package) mock-require v3.0.1


dword v6.0.11
gritty v1.4.25: speed up terminal


Titel: NetDrive 3.2.332
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2018, 09:13
Whats new:>>


FTP/SFTP - Added option to limit max current sessions


Fixed issue when saving files from Atom.io and Visual Studio Code.
Fixed UI issue which causes unexpected view switching to drive list

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.0a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2018, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Update : Fixed Reporting tab not shown for locked files when using OK button

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2018, 05:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2018, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Fix: Wildcard.

Titel: Shallot 1.1.3140
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2018, 16:30
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: XYplorer 18.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2018, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Filename Length InfoNow you can have a little info bar at the right end of the inline rename box showing the current length of the filename and also (in parentheses) the length of the full pathThe bar turns red when the item name is overlong (longer than 259 characters) and warns you if you enter characters that are not valid in a filename.
Find Text in Text BoxesNow all text boxes support a basic find dialog that lets you search for strings inside the text.
More LabelsRaised the maximum number from 16 to 32, so now you can label your files with up to 32 color labels.
Hover BoxNow it supports previewing cursor files.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2018, 13:24


(operation) paste files when current file is ".." (#142)


(bower) jquery v3.3.1


Titel: fman 0.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2018, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Several improvements to the (as yet unpublished) new file system API. Using it, it's already possible to write a plugin for managing the programs running on your computer. Or a (very basic) SFTP plugin. What's great is how little code is required to write such plugins (~100 and 75 lines, respectively).
Fixed a few small behind-the-scenes exceptions, for instance to do with the sorting of files.

Titel: FreeCommander XE v2018 Build 770
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2018, 06:05
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware


- Bug fix: Some russian chars does not work in quick search forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7750
- Bug fix: '\&' operator in quick filter does not work
- Bug fix: Using ENTER while editing the options in "Settings -> Programs" closes the entire dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7740
- Bug fix: View->Swap function may cause exception
- Bug fix: Favorite tool icon is not visible if favorite tool is integrated in splitter toolbar
- Bug fix: "Windows preview" icon is not created in the default viewer toolbar
- Bug fix: Using ENTER while editing the options in "Column Profiles" or "Status Bar" closes the entire dialog forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?p=25041#p25041
- Bug fix: Selection problem if extension not showed in the Name column forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7231
- Bug fix: Wrong file highlighting when NC-style selection is enabled forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7810
- Bug fix: Selection duplicated in other tabs forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7809
- Bug fix: Favorites command "Open all in tabs" may fail forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7797
- Bug fix: Plain view - Opening multiple selected files does not always work forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=5887
- Bug fix: Program may crash if base folder tree is set to drive and a DVD drive without disk will be selected
- Bug fix: Column profiles "File container <cart>" issue forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7848
- Bug fix: Open default program broken forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7859
- Bug fix: Copy files from nested archive broken
- Bug fix: Loading the toolbar icons at the program start can lead to the endless loop.
- Bug fix: Searching for Zero Byte Files does not work forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7869
- Bug fix: After deleting the last element in the list, the cursor jumps to the first element forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7851
- Bug fix: Current folder is not used if perform default action forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7882
- Bug fix: Prefered sort direction (column definition in the detail view) is not used if sorting started with toolbar button or shortcut forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7899
- Bug fix: Quick viewer - wrong panel focused forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7894
- Bug fix: Quick viewer zoom state lost forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7893
- Bug fix: Quick viewer does not show file if already open on program start
- Bug fix: Font color for quick starter is not used
- Bug fix: Maximized start is not possible if the option "Handle closing as minimization" is active
- Bug fix: File container favorite does not open at container contents forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7979
- Bug fix: Locked path of MTP device is lost when device is not connected forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7968
- Bug fix: Second favorites sets' items cannot be opened from pulldown forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7986
- Bug fix: It is possible to define duplicate keyboard shortcut forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7966
- Bug fix: Tree option "Show Windows archive files" broken
- Bug fix: Search history is not always saved forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7995
- Bug fix: Exception in Folder Synchronize dialog if 'Empty folders' option is active
- Bug fix: FTP is not case sensitive
- Bug fix: "Use Vista+ delete method" option broken on Windows 10 forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8101
- Bug fix: Using of the large icons in the favorite toolbar broken forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8116
- Bug fix: "Go To Folder" history always empty forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8114
- Bug fix: The width of the tree pane is not correctly restored on start
- Bug fix: Folder size can be not correctly if contains files > 4 GB
- Bug fix: Multirename not working when making consecutive rename operations forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8019
- Bug fix: Synchronize folder dialog - filter fields does not accept space character
- Bug fix: Renaming operation may fail for some languages forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8204
- Bug fix: Exception on program start if last used view was "Thumbnails"
- Bug fix: Favorite tool shortcut for changing location fail in some cases forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8318
- Bug fix: Switching from layout with one pane to layout with two panes fail forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8348
- Bug fix: Copy file from the disk folder to the smartphone card with Shift+F5 fail - copied file ends up in desktop folder.
- Bug fix: Possible exception in the search dialog when quick view is switched off.
- Bug fix: Quick filter option (only in freecommander.ini) "QuickFilterFolderNamesToo" broken if set to "0"
- Bug fix: Possible exception in the search dialog when quick view is switched off.
- Bug fix: "Folder - > Synchronize..." same files can be marked as unresolved
- Bug fix: Filter in the plain view can fail

- Changed: Multirename - negative value for counter "Start at" allowed again
- Changed: Select item options: "By click on extension..." and "By click on item icon" now separated for Windows-mode and NC-mode
- Changed: Color by attributes - now any set of attributes is possible
- Changed: Copy/Paste operation is now performed asynchronously (set CopyPasteInThread=0 for old behavior)
- Changed: Font color is not changed now if "Only border" for focused item is active in NC-Mode forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7853
- Changed: "Define filter" dialog - option for "Older than" added
- Changed: Temporary filter in "Set filter" dialog extended by condition for date modified
- Changed: Due to a bug in Windows 10 1607 the operations on portable devices was broken.
The internal treatment of these devices has been revised. Now the basic functions works with the portable devices (from Windows 7).
- Changed: Better performace for copy operation in network (FreeCommander method)
- Changed: Menu "Tools -> View style" moved to "View -> View style"

- Implemented: Report missing files for "Verify MD5-checksums" forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=7755
- Implemented: New system tree option for excluding some nodes from the tree
- Implemented: Status bar - File Container filter forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7847
- Implemented: Split file command
- Implemented: Combine files command
- Implemented: Action toolbar for the left and right border of the main window
- Implemented: New thumbnail option "No thumbnails for the files:"
- Implemented: Option "Color by attributes" extended to "Color by attributes and timestamp"
- Implemented: New property "Font color" added for favorite folder
- Implemented: In viewer: Multiframe images (tiff, ico, avi), EXIF info can be showed, Saving images in many formats (popup menu), Print preview for images (popup menu)
- Implemented: Search dialog - time interval filter accept multiplier now; e.g. |day*4, |hour*2, |month*3, -|week*5, -|year*2
- Implemented: The width of the input dialog (e.g. for new folder F7) is changeable now
- Implemented: VLC media player (videolan.org) integrated in viewer and quick viewer
- Implemented: Checksum dialog - new sum methods added (SHA1, SHA2)
- Implemented: Completion of renaming operation with TAB key opens the next item ready for renaming
- Implemented: Color schema can be saved and restored View->Color schemas
- Implemented: Color schema can be saved with layout too
- Implemented: Loading drive icons in background - program start may be faster
- Implemented: Custom style dialog - definition for menu added
- Implemented: "Settings -> Folder Tabs" more colors for tabs added
- Implemented: Font color for quick filter
- Implemented: "Only border" option added for "Focused item inactive list"
- Implemented: Restore last used color schema
- Implemented: Color schemas saved in settings backup
- Implemented: "Exposure time" added to EXIF info (multirename and status row)
- Implemented: New options for the tree added: "Full rows select", "Theme off"
- Implemented: Option to define in the [Form] section of the freecommander.ini: LayoutsIgnoreMainWindowSize; 1 - in layout saved window size is ignored; 0 - in layout saved window size is used
- Implemented: "Check for update" option defined under Tools->Settings->General


Titel: MenuTools 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2018, 13:40
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Titel: fman 0.8.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2018, 05:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


Fman's new file system API is out! See today's blog post for an example.

The API function DirectoryPane.get_columns() now uses fully qualified names core.Name instead of just Name.
Since version 0.7.7, fman selected only the file name without extension in various dialogs. This first implementation however didn't handle file names containing a dot well. For instance, if the file was called fman 0.8.7.zip, then only "fman 0" was selected:

Fman renaming a file, but not pre-selecting the correct part of the file name.
Fman is now more clever about selecting the file name:

Fman renaming a file, correctly pre-selecting the file name without the extension.

Improved the signature of the get_tab_completion parameter in the show_quicksearch(...) API function.
On Windows, opening a .bat file with fman did not run the file in the correct directory. (To be precise, it was run in the context of fman's installation directory instead of its containing directory.) This is now fixed so running .bat files should work as expected again.


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2018, 09:04
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Improved:Blurry display on high DPI.
Fixed:VIP members recieve ads.
Fixed:Other known bugs.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2018, 18:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2018, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Schriftgröße im Text-Edit der Explore-Ansicht in Q-Dir.
Kleine Anpassungen und Verbesserungen für W10.
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: NetDrive 3.3.349
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2018, 10:10
Whats new:>>


FTP/SFTP - Added option to limit max concurrent sessions
Hubic: Support large file objects (>5GB) using SLO


Fixed issue when saving files from Atom.io and Visual Studio Code.
Fixed UI issue which causes unexpected view switching to drive list
Fixed issue in cache handling which caused problem saving MS Office files
Minor issue in Windows installer which displays failure message
Minor bug fixes

Titel: XYplorer Free 18.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2018, 04:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Shallot 1.1.3228
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2018, 04:45
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2018, 19:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


Fixed memory leak that might cause crashes or instability on Windows Explorer.
New command: Copy Title, which allows copy to the clipboard the name without the extension of the selected files.
Improvement in Unpack Folder: can be run recursively if a key modifier is pressed (ALT, CONTROL, SHIFT)
Improvement in Copy To/Move To: added new properties to these commands to enable a submenu in the context menu with the favorites and recently used folders.
Minor bug fixes.


Titel: fman 0.8.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2018, 21:20

On Mac, the shortcut Cmd+M commonly minimizes applications. This didn't work for fman.

When you purchase a license, you receive a license key file. fman now more gracefully handles the case when this file gets corrupted somehow.
Since version 0.7.0, fman cleverly resizes columns to fit their contents. The logic responsible for this didn't consider the case when the column header required more space than the column's contents. This lead to the headers sometimes being cut off. The new version fixes this problem.

fman's built-in command for reloading plugins has been broken since last week's release. This is now fixed.
Added several helpful error messages for plugin developers who implement custom file systems. The idea is to identify common points of confusion and give helpful advice in each case.

Fixed a few small behind-the-scenes exceptions.


Titel: TC4Shell 18.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2018, 05:00
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.



Chinese (Simplified) language added - thanks to Zhang Hongyu.
French language added - thanks to Chabloz Régis.
Turkish language added - thanks to The A.i.D.
WFX plugin support added (beta mode).
Extract menu improved.
Ability to select the encoding of file names in zip archives added.
Creating 7z sxf archives improved (icon, file properties, manifest).
Memory using optimization added.


Titel: fman 0.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2018, 09:03

Consider two directories, source and target, with the following contents: source/dir1/dir2/file.txt and target/dir1/. Previously, when you tried to copy or move dir1 from source over the folder with the same name in target, you received an error. This was a bug and is now fixed.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2018, 11:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2018, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Explorer-View Spalten Transfer in Q-Dir.
Neu: In der Adressleiste ist am Ende ein Backslash '\' am Ende der Pfadzeichenfolge!
Diverse Verbesserungen und Optimierung

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.2.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2018, 06:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: CmdShow.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.2.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2018, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2018, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Switching Explorer browser

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2018, 04:40
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(directory) upload files with help of dragndrop when root directory is empty (#145)


(package) stylelint v9.0.0
(package) squad v2.0.0
(package) sinon-called-with-diff v2.0.0
(package) tryrequire v2.0.1
(package) try-catch v2.0.0
(package) eslint-plugin-node v6.0.0
(package) es6-promisify v6.0.0
(package) style-loader v0.20.1


Titel: NetDrive 2.6.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2018, 13:10
Whats new:>>

FIXED issue with OneDrive (Microsoft changed API)
Minor fixes

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2018, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Library path

Titel: fman 0.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2018, 04:50
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


The Name column didn't take numbers in file names into account. For example, a file called 2.csv was sorted below 10.csv. This is now fixed. This has been one of fman's oldest requested features. It's great it's now implemented.
Since version 0.7.0, fman features a Pack command. The problem was, it didn't appear when you entered zip, archive, tar or 7z in the Command Palette. The command was given an alias so it now appears for each of the above search terms.
The Quit command froze fman on Windows. This is now fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2018, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Added: Options -> List -> View -> Auto

Titel: Double Commander 0.8.2 Build 8010M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2018, 18:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Default] Changing DC website URL in the "About" window
[Graphical user interface] mounting folders with autofs shows double entries for each drive letter
[File operations] Pressing Enter in the Search dialog no longer works
[Logic] Natural sorting order is unconventional
[Graphical user interface] Misleading tooltip to quote files and paths in the File Associations dialog
[File operations] The "Quick Search" function for first letter of Chinese PinYin is not working in 0.8.1 version while it's work fine in 0.7.8
[Plugins] FTP plugin and master password issues
[Language translation] Typo in German Translation makes natural sorting method in "File view"-settings unselectable
[Viewer] Viewer search next/previous fault
[Plugins] Deleting a file from the root of a zip archive
[Viewer] "Unable to create file" when trying to save an image in Viewer has an option to abort the whole program
[Graphical user interface] Differ fixed width of line numbers column
[Plugins] Double commander crashed by wlxmplayer when viewing avi file


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.2.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2018, 08:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Frame, Status text.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1291
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2018, 11:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 6.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2018, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix in: Sichtbarkeit der Tabs für Tabbed Browsing
Verschiedene Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für Windows 10
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2018, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: French (Special thanks to BaesFr)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2018, 17:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Total file size

Titel: fman 0.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2018, 20:30

Improved fman's command for opening files (ie. what happens when you press Enter) to support Cryptomator vaults / drives on Windows.

On Mac, when you open fman's menu while a dialog such as the splash screen is open, the Quit fman entry is disabled:
The menu in fman on Mac; The splash screen is in the background. The Quit entry in the menu is disabled.

That's fair enough for a modal dialog. The problem is, the entry stays disabled even after the dialog is closed:

The menu in fman on Mac; The Quit entry is disabled.
What was even worse that in this case (you clicked on the menu while a dialog was open), the shortcut Cmd+Q for fman no longer worked.
The problem is likely caused by a bug in the Qt framework, which fman uses to display its GUI. As a first step towards fixing it, some logic was added so that at least the shortcut Cmd+Q works again.

On Mac, when you drag a file from Finder into fman, the file should be moved. Instead, since version 0.7.2, fman asked where you wanted to copy the file:

This is fixed so fman now again moves the file.
The InstallPlugin command did not work on some users' macOS systems. (It gave an error TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION.) This is now fixed.
fman's Python version was updated from 3.5 to 3.6. This in particular fixes the previous bug, and the next one below. But, as an unfortunate consequence, previous versions of the ProcessFS stop working with ImportError: cannot import name '_psutil_osx'. If you have this plugin installed, please re-install it.
fman now supports BoxCryptor virtual drives. It had previously raised a FileNotFoundError when you tried to navigate to them


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.2.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 18:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Total file size, Update

Titel: fman 0.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 19:20
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


Version 0.9.3

    Fixed an error affecting the MoveToTrash command for some Windows users.

Version 0.9.2

    The previous version 0.9.1 failed to start on some Mac users' systems. This is now fixed. Unfortunately, the only solution was to downgrade fman's Python version to 3.5 again.
    fman now supports the very ubiquitous shortcut Alt/Cmd+↑ for going to the parent directory.

Version 0.9.1


Titel: Clover
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2018, 20:50
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Added: User feedback entrance.
Improved:Blurry display on high DPI.
Fixed:Other known bugs.

Titel: Q-Dir 6.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2018, 06:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Wichtiger Bug-Fix in Q-Dir x64 und Optimierung!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Link Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 19:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

The Overlay icons didn't show up under 32bit applications.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2018, 21:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(route) buildIndex: getIndexPath
(listeners) pop: change #hash


(cloudcmd) --columns: add ability to set visible columns (#146)
(package) html-webpack-plugin v3.0.4
(package) limier v2.0.0
(package) webpack v4.0.0
(package) rm jscs, jshint
(package) jonny v2.0.3
(package) flop v4.0.0
(package) add mock-require, clear-module


Titel: NetDrive 3.4.369
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2018, 12:26


Added support for S3 compatible services like Wasabi


Changed to apply Settings immediately
OpenSSL version updated to 1.0.2n
Improved global agent launcher for running services on Mac


Box - Fixed Issue with file listing
Google Drive - Fixed issue with links to Google Docs on Mac
SFTP - Fixed issue which blocks creating folders at root
FTP - Fixed issue with duplicated slashes in path
SFTP - Fixed issue on handling paths
Fixed issue in searching available drive letters with network drives


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2018, 18:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Open Throw Away Clone. Now you can open a clone of the current XYplorer instance in read-only mode. You can use such a clone for quick in-between jobs that should not affect your main configuration. Highly useful.
Selection Colors. Now you can customize the text and background colors of selected items. Offers you a break from the age-old white-on-blue without messing with the Windows system-wide color settings.
Vertical Grid. Now you can have vertical grid lines in the details view.
Live Filter Highlights. Now the matching parts can be highlighted.
Filename Length Info. Now a yellow warning icon is shown in the box when the new filename would trigger a move-on-rename.
Toolbar Captions. Now you can customize the number of caption lines. The more lines you use the less horizontal space is taken by each button.
Scripting. Added Compound Assignment Operators .=, +=, -=, *=, /=, =.


Titel: Folder Size Explorer 2.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2018, 18:45
Mit dem Folder Size Explorer sieht man schnell, wo sich große Mengen an Daten auf der Festplatte oder Netzlaufwerken verstecken. Es können Checksummen berechnet werden (MD-5, SHA-1 und SHA-256), ebenso können die Ansichten in csv-Dateien exportiert werden.

Unterstütz wird Windows XP - 10



New: Summary pane which can summarise files by extension, date created, modified or accessed.
New: Summary pane which groups files into dates by month and year.
New: Double click any summary pane item to start a filtered search on that item.
New: Search filters for date modified, date created and date accessed.
New: Search filters for comparison operators - greater than, less than and equal too.
New: Improved performance when searching files.
New: Improved performance when calculating folder sizes.
New: Improved performance when sorting items by size.
New: Upgraded Folder Size Explorer from .Net Framework 4.0 to 4.6.
New: Option to use generic icons when browsing folders to improve performance (enabled by default).
New: Option to show 'Drive % free' instead of 'Drive % used' in the bottom status bar.
New: Scroll to the current folder being calculated by double clicking the status bar progress label.
New: Splash screen while Folder Size Explorer is loading drives.
New: Automatic throttling of IO requests to the file system if the item processing rate drops too low.
New: 'Refresh Subitems' item added to Folderview pane context menu (right click menu).
New: 'Select All' and 'Select Inverse' items added to Fileview context menu.
New: Custom message box created to replace the default Windows message box.
New: Status column showing drive usage percentage for all drives at startup or when selecting the computer node.
New: Sort progress status text when a large number of items listed in search results and column header clicked.
New: Improved error logging window that lists errors much faster.
New: Progress status text showing exactly what FSE is working on at all times.
New: Text file logging. Moved to ProgramDataFolderSizeExplorerFSE-log.txt
New: File searches that are cancelled prematurely will still process items found up to that point.
New: Main icon used for the desktop and the taskbar.
Change: Windows XP & 2003 are no longer supported. Mapped network drives to these systems are still supported.
Change: DigiCert 2 year SHA-256 Digital certificate used to sign FSE program files. (previously Symantec).
Change: Bottom status bar shows elapsed time in minutes not secs if processing time is greater than 5 mins.
Change: Status timer now starts from the moment folder is first selected rather than when size calculation starts.
Change: 1.x Pro licences are valid for version 2.0. allowing free upgrade.
Change: Colour used for 'disk space used' graphic in the bottom status bar.
Change: Vertical spacing of items in the Folder view pane - 2 pixels per item.
Change: Reduced the frequency of status updates from 250 to 333 milliseconds when calculating items.
Change: Reduced the frequency of status updates when FSE is minimized to the taskbar.
Change: Reduced the delay when browsing through folders while folder size calculation is in progress.
Change: Normal Window state location,size and splitter distance is now remembered even if closed while maximised.
Change: Timeout for a slow responding network folder is now 30 seconds.
Change: All URLs pointing to folder-size-explorer.com now use https.
Change: Toolbar icons cleaned up to improve appearance.
Fix: Bug that could cause Folder Size Explorer to crash unexpectedly.
Fix: Bug that caused the status bar disk usage graphic to disappear when FSE minimized or covered by window.
Fix: Bug that caused the elapsed time in the status bar changed to 0 secs if FSE was minimized.
Fix: Bug that caused the elapsed time in the status bar displayed 0 secs if processing was more than an hour.
Fix: Bug that caused the folder/file count to sometimes display -1 at the start of the sizing process.
Fix: Bug that caused the folder/file status to show negative if processing was cancelled before finishing.
Fix: Bug that caused the selected items in the Foldview pane not to copy, delete or update correctly.
Fix: Bug that caused the bottom status bar to redraw incorrectly if items being added while main window resized.
Fix: Bug that caused the selected drive to change when it was right clicked and properties selected.
Fix: Bug that caused the right click Fileview menu to prompt with an error if no items were listed.
Fix: Bug that caused the incorrect path to be displayed in the title of the access error log window.


Titel: fman 0.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2018, 04:40

People have long asked for the address bars in fman to be editable. After some discussion with users, we settled on simply opening fman's GoTo dialog when you click them:

The MoveToTrash command on Windows had no effect. This is now fixed.

Simplified the process of installing license keys: You can now simply open the license key file in fman and it will automatically be installed
fman now displays a status message when you press F11 to copy a file's path to the clipboard.

fman 0.9.4

    Some Mac users on early macOS versions were still experiencing crashes. This should now finally be fixed. Please see today's blog post for details


Titel: CarotDAV v1.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2018, 10:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue where the menu was not updated when connecting.
Added a function to display the version of .NetFramework that is running on About.

Titel: Shallot 1.1.3238
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2018, 20:30
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.3.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2018, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: NetDrive 3.4.384
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2018, 13:12


Added support for S3 compatible services like Wasabi.


Changed to apply Settings immediately
OpenSSL version updated to 1.0.2n
Improved global agent launcher for running services on Mac


Box - Fixed Issue with file listing
Google Drive - Fixed issue with links to Google Docs on Mac
SFTP - Fixed issue which blocks creating folders at root.
FTP - Fixed issue with duplicated slashes in path
SFTP - Fixed issue on handling paths
Fixed issue in searching available drive letters with network drives
Fixed issue of uploading with rename and move operation


Titel: Q-Dir 6.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2018, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Kleine Korrekturen und Neuaufbau / Kompilieren von Q-Dir wegen positivem falschem Virenalarm unter Windows 10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: fman 0.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2018, 21:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


fman failed to display some file names with Unicode characters in Zip/7-Zip/Tar archives. This is now fixed.
fman sometimes didn't display some directories in archives. This too is now fixed.
The SortByColumn command displayed the text CommandWrapper three times instead of the actual column names.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2018, 05:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


In Cloud Commander v8.4.0 process of adding new columns style simplified drastically 😎.

All you need to do is:

create file in css/columns directory
.owner {
display: none;
add new option with a name of css file in tmpl/config.tmpl
<select data-name="js-columns" class="form-control full-width" title="Columns">
<option {{ new-name-size-selected }}>new-name-size</option>
add require of css file in client/cloudcmd.js
create commit with your changes
push changes to fork of cloudcmd in your namespace
create pull ruquest
This should be enough to add new columns style to Cloud Commander 😉.


(name-size-date) improve view
(columns) add name-size (#139)
(package) redrun v6.0.0
(package) url-loader v1.0.1


Titel: Shallot 1.1.3239
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2018, 17:45
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: fman 0.9.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2018, 05:00
Whats new:>>

Trying to open a file in a Zip archive resulted in an error dialog. This is now fixed.
When the user clicks the location bar, fman gives a hint that (s)he should use Ctrl/Cmd+P instead to launch the GoTo dialog. Improved the wording in this hint.
Added a new command Cleanup guide to help new users clean up their files with fman

Titel: NetDrive 3.4.393
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2018, 13:45


Added support for S3 compatible services like Wasabi.
Added an option to reload file list from server for every request


Changed to apply Settings immediately
Improved global agent launcher for running services on Mac
OpenSSL version updated to 1.0.2n for SSH
Setup now detects version of shell extension to minimize reboot after upgrade


Box - Fixed Issue with file listing
Google Drive - Fixed issue with links to Google Docs on Mac
SFTP - Fixed issue which blocks creating folders at root.
FTP - Fixed issue with duplicated slashes in path
SFTP - Fixed issue on handling paths
Fixed issue in searching available drive letters with network drives
Fixed issue of uploading with rename and move operation
Fixed issue when canceling async jobs
FTP - Fixed issue which caused crash when it fails to create a new connection to server while mounted


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.3.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2018, 10:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Event

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.3.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2018, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Language

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 06:10


(rest) moveFiles: could not rename (#150)


deepword v2.0.12
restafary v3.1.0


Titel: XYplorer Free 18.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 13:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.

License: Freeware


Drag Status Box. The Drag Status Box™ is a color-coded information box shown at the mouse pointer when hovering over a drop target.
You turn it on/off here: Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Show drag status box. That’s all you need to know. The rest is plug and play as they used to say many moons ago. Nothing to learn, nothing to know. It just works in a natural self-explaining way in full harmony with the universe.
The Drag Status Box moves with the mouse while dragging 5 items from the file list to the folder tree.
Prevent Unwanted Dragging. Now you can disallow dragging from folder tree and file list independently. Lets you for example protect the tree from potentially disastrous drag-and-drop mistakes while keeping the list drag-ready to rock.

These are the options you want to play with for better drag-disaster protection:

Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from folder tree
Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Safety | Safety Belts | Disallow left-dragging from file list
Drag-disaster protection here.
Toolbar Font Size. Now Ctrl+Wheel over the Toolbar changes the button captions font size on the fly and with high granularity.
This only works when toolbar button captions are turned on. Do it here: Tools | Customize Toolbar (Ctrl+Shift+F9), then Options | Show Button Captions.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 16:35

ync Console Path:

Add ability to sync path of console and opened directory.


(rest) jonny: node v4 support


(cloudcmd) add --sync-console-path
(package) console-io v6.0.1
(package) html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin v0.0.6
(package) html-webpack-plugin v3.0.7
(cloudcmd) add emitter
(package) os-homedir -> os.homedir


console-io v6.0.0


Titel: fman 0.9.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 17:00
Whats new:>>

fman now supports network shares on Windows!
Network... entry in fman's overview of driveson Windows
For more information, please see today's blog post.
When the directory you are in was deleted, fman went to null:// instead of the first existing parent directory. This is now fixed.
fman didn't show the tutorial on first start. This too is now fixed.
Fixed several behind-the-scenes exceptions.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.3.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2018, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Multithreaded script

Titel: NetDrive 3.4.398
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2018, 09:03


Added support for S3 compatible services like Wasabi.
Added an option to reload file list from server for every request


Changed to apply Settings immediately
Improved global agent launcher for running services on Mac
OpenSSL version updated to 1.0.2n for SSH
Setup now detects version of shell extension to minimize reboot after upgrade


Box - Fixed Issue with file listing
Google Drive - Fixed issue with links to Google Docs on Mac
SFTP - Fixed issue which blocks creating folders at root.
FTP - Fixed issue with duplicated slashes in path
SFTP - Fixed issue on handling paths
Fixed issue in searching available drive letters with network drives
Fixed issue of uploading with rename and move operation
Fixed issue when canceling async jobs
FTP - Fixed issue which caused crash when it fails to create a new connection to server while mounted
Fixed issue of handling read cache


Titel: XYplorer 18.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2018, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 8.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2018, 17:15
Whats new:>>

(cloudcmd) rm redundant dir 1

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.3.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2018, 05:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.1.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 05:09
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Added new Dark theme (UI settings page)
Added "Test mode" on thumbnailing page (See developer notes below)
Improved Icaros Cache so it now returns a resized thumbnail if a larger sized version of that thumbnail has already been cached
Fixed several Icaros Cache Indexer issues
Fixed file count limit shown in IcarosConfig while running the cache indexer
Fixed metadata parsing in some AVI files
Fixed some minor GUI inconsistencies in IcarosConfig
Refactored a good amount of libav code (watch out for regressions!)
Discontinued support for Windows XP (See developer notes below. Use Icaros 3.0.3 for XP support)
Icaros now outputs some more comprehensive minidumps (while hopefully not increasing the size too much)
Improved compilation of FFmpeg
Updated localizations
Updated GCC to 7.3
Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Multi Commander 7.9.0 Build 2430 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 05:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



ADDED - MultiScript function to work with tabs. (TabActivePanelSide/TabActiveTab/TabCount/TabGetPath/TabLoadTabSession)
ADDED - Option to turn thumbnail on/off in AlreadyExistsDialog
ADDED - Overwrite both works for files copied to/from normal file system
CHANGE- Major internal change for handling of options of overwrite of files.
FIXED - FSRAR,7Zip, FSZip, FSBZip2 now support now file overwrite options better
FIXED - 2 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Q-Dir 6.98.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2018, 13:35
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen In der Datei-Vorschaufunktion und Integration des Vorschau-Fensters wie im MS-Explorer.
Weitere Installations Programmargumente für Q-Dir
Buf-Fix: Baumansicht im Dunklem Farben-Design unter Windows 10.
Kleine Anpassungen, Verbesserungen W10 und eine neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Norwegisch

Titel: fman 0.9.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 08:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


The Tutorial entry in fman's Help menu on Mac had no effect - This is now fixed.
fman sometimes didn't "see" all files in certain Zip files. This too is now fixed.
Improved support for the MoveToTrash command on elementaryOS. In particular, you can now delete contents of your Keybase folder.
fman's API has a method set_sort_column(...) that lets you change the sort order. This function takes a parameter for identifying which column you want to sort by. This used to be a number; For example, set_sort_column(2) would sort by the third column. The parameter was changed to now be the name of the column: set_sort_column('core.Modified'). The function get_sort_column() was updated accordingly.
Many small stability improvements.
Several changes in preparation for significant performance improvements in fman 1.0.0.


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10 Build 2018.3.29 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2018, 12:45
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



New : Migrated application from Delphi to Lazarus/Freepascal
New : Option to reset user settings to default values
New : Context menu entry to paste selected date/time to all other fields
New : Localized button captions in dialog boxes
Update : Better warning messages for invalid user entries in input fields
Update : Updated user manual


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2018, 19:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


Speed up loading of operations:

A long time ago websockets hasn't used heavily, and all file operations were doing through ajax requests. There are several shortcomings with it. One of them is observing the progress an operation. And here is where spero, omnes, ishtar, salam and remedy began to shine. Whenever you copy file, pack zip or tar or extract archive, or remove files. You will see the progress of the operation.
These modules helped a lot. And it is hard to underestimate they income on Cloud Commanders evolution. But they also have bad sides, and one of them is loading . Whenever you want copy, or remove files you should download files for all cases, initiate the connection, authorize each of them.
So the time is come to change them with another approach: fileop.
This module includes all the same features of the previous making a composition of them.

Under the hood everything is the same:

copymitter for copying
jaguar for tarring
onezip for zipping
remy for removing
inly for unpacking
But all of them in new wrapping with tests and revised APIs.
So now I can concentrate and you can download only 1 file instead of 5

Gritty v2:

While I worked on fileop a lot of decisions came into my mind, and one of them is to simplify API of authorization. It touched gritty as well. Starting from Cloud Commander v9 you should use gritty >= v2. Older versions of Cloud Commander will work with new gritty as usual. Please install the latest version with:

npm i gritty -g

Keys Panel:

Last and not least big change for today is renaming config option showKeysPanel -> keysPanel and adding new command line and environment options: --key-panel and CLOUDCMD_KEYS_PANEL.
edward v7.0.0
dword v7.0.0
deepwrod v3.0.0
console-io v7.0.0
gritty v2.0.0


(cloudcmd) --no-prefix
(client) goToParentDir
(query) portrait on iphone 6 firefox


(cloudcmd) showKeysPanel -> keysPanel
(package) dword v7.0.0
(package) deepword v3.0.0
(package) edward v7.0.0
(package) console-io v7.0.0
(cloudcmd) drop support of gritty < v2
(config) auth
(cloudcmd) spero, ishtar, salam, remedy, omnes -> fileop
(for-each-key) add
(package) html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin v0.0.7
(query) add support if iphone 6 landscape


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1292
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2018, 10:10
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2018, 21:50
Whats new:>>


(client) authCheck: can not connect via web sockets when auth disabled (#160)


(cloudcmd) add --cache cli option

Titel: TC4Shell 18.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2018, 15:30
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.



Drag&Drop algorithm fully redesigned.
CCD/IMG, CDI, CSO disc image formats support added.
Some memory leaks fixed.
Some internal optimization.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2018, 23:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Timer

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2018, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Results folder

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2018, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Results folder

Titel: Context Menu Editor 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2018, 17:15
Context Menu Editor enables simple right-click context menu management.

With Context Menu Editor you can quickly add/delete shortcuts to your apps, Win32 commands, files, and website URLs. You will need to run this tool as an Administrator for it to function correctly. Once you have it opened, it is pretty self-explanatory. The interface is broken into two areas; one is for apps and commands, the other is for URLs. At the top of the interface there are two main tabs - add and remove. The remove screen gives a listing of all the menu items that have been added as well as the command and the Extended property. From there it allows you to delete an entry by hitting the delete key on the keyboard or by right-clicking it and pressing delete.

Context Menu Editor is a super simple way to have what you need residing in the context-menu making your time spent on your PC as efficient as possible by having your frequently used items quickly accessible.

License: Freeware

Titel: Clover 3.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2018, 18:10
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Added: CTRL+K to duplicate tabs.
Fixed: fail to export bookmarks.
Fixed:explorer breakdown.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2018, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tabs

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2018, 17:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(columns) name-size in firefox (#162)


(package) add for-each-key from npm
(modules) socket.io v2.1.0


electron v1.8.4


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2018, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Add-ons

Titel: Q-Dir 6.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2018, 12:34
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix in der Installation, anpassungen und Vorbereitung für weitere Erweiterungen in Q-Dir und Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2018, 13:30
Whats new:>>


(operations) for-each-key v1.0.1: update file list after removing file


(webpack) deepmerge -> webpack-merge
(webpack) split config to: js, html and css

Titel: Windows File Manager 10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2018, 20:30
Check out the original Windows File Manager with the XP style, now with enhancements to adapt to all OS versions, including Windows 10.

MIT License


OLE drag/drop support
control characters (e.g., ctrl+C) map to current short cut (e.g., ctrl+c -> copy) instead of changing drives
cut (ctrl+X) followed by paste (ctrl+V) translates into a file move as one would expect
left and right arrows in the tree view expand and collapse folders like in the Explorer
added context menus in both panes
improved the means by which icons are displayed for files
F12 runs notepad or notepad++ on the selected file
moved the ini file location to %AppData%RoamingMicrosoftWinFile
File.Search can include a date which limits the files returned to those after the date provided; the output is also sorted by the date instead of by the name
File.Search includes an option as to whether to include sub-directories
ctrl+K starts a command shell (ConEmu if installed) in the current directory; shift+ctrl+K starts an elevated command shell (cmd.exe only)
File.Goto (ctrl+G) enables one to type a few words of a path and get a list of directories; selecting one changes to that directory. Only drive c: is indexed.
UI shows reparse points (e.g., Junction points) as such
added simple forward / back navigation (probably needs to be improved)
View command has a new option to sort by date forward (oldest on top); normal date sorting is newest on top


Titel: TC4Shell 18.4.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2018, 20:00
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.



Critical memory leak fixed.
Memory using optimization.


Titel: NetDrive 3.4.415 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2018, 09:18


Backblaze B2 storage type added


Display error message when there is no Internet
Google Drive - Display top folder name in user's language
Google Drive - Changed to read folder's date from server


Common - Fixed memory leak in some case
Common - Fixed unmount issue on Mac
Common - Internal logic changed to fix social account login
OneDrive - Fixed issue with shared folder


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2018, 14:00
Whats new:>>


(view) showImage: left key button in image view (#164)
(edit-file-vim) Shift + Esc: task manager

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2018, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Folder menu

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.450
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 12:17
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Turkish translation added by Ahmet, many thanks :)
Dll Analyzer 1.560, Exe Packer 2.070, File Shredder 2.260,
Directory 3.570, File Move 1.910

Titel: Q-Dir 6.99.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix in der Datei-Vorschaufunktion der letzte Vorschau-Fensters-Typ wurde nicht gespeichert.

Titel: ShellFolderFix 1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2018, 21:10
ShellFolderFix is the solution to Windows not remembering their size and position and also includes additional tweaks and shell enhancements.



added option to prompt user if currently open windows should be closed when restoring a workspace (the default behavior is to always close windows)
added option to maintain a "last used" workspace, a workspace that is saved each time the database is saved
added option to not save database (except windows restored on startup), iow folders are not remembered between sessions
added option to keep a ".BAK" files of the databases (db / workspace db / desktop icon db)
updated the small app icon, typically used as tray icon, to a more crisp one rather than the old blurry excessively downsized version
fixed bug where some windows occasionally ended up with small size in the top left corner of the desktop, after app startup if "Temporarily use window as is" was set


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2018, 06:05
Whats new:>>


(download) download files with "#" in name (#80)


deepwrod v3.0.2

Titel: fman 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2018, 04:50
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


fman now opens folders ten times faster than version 0.9.8!

The "create new folder" dialog is now pre-filled with the name of the file/folder currently under the cursor:

fman's New Folder dialog suggesting the name of the selected file in the background.
Like many other improvements, this was suggested by a user.

On Mac, fman's installer used to show the Applications icon on the left and fman's icon on the right:

fman's installer. The Applications icon is on the left and fman's icon is on the right.

A user rightly pointed out that the more natural order would be fman on the left and Applications on the right. This is now implemented:

fman's installer. fman's icon is on the left and the Applications icon is on the right.
fman features a plugin system that (among other things) lets you implement custom file systems such as Dropbox. Some file systems such as the FlatView plugin actually display local files. In previous versions, it was not possible to open these files while within the custom file system. Now, it is possible. This will be useful for instance when a search:// file system is implemented where you can then simply open files from the respective search result.
Added new API function resolve(...) to implement the previous point.

fman didn't correctly sort files with a number in the name in relation to files without one. For example, file1.txt appeared above file.txt:

file.txt appearing below file1.txt in fman

This is now fixed:

file.txt appearing above file1.txt in fman
Fixed a bug affecting the Move command in conjunction with folders.
On Ubuntu, deleted files did appear in the Trash, but could not be "restored" in the usual way. (You had to manually move them from the Trash to their previous location.) This bug is now fixed.
When you pressed Cmd/Alt+Left to go back in history immediately after starting fman, the empty location null:// was displayed. This is now fixed. (When you try to go back now in this case, simply nothing happens.)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2018, 19:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(terminal) rows and cols
(wepback) js: devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate
(now) files: add .webpack


(package) style-loader v0.21.0
(travis) node_js: rm 6


gritty v2.1.0


Titel: fman 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2018, 10:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source


Several users saw error messages mentioning the Name column. This is now fixed.
Creating a file with a % sign in the name produced an error. This too is now fixed.
On Windows, opening a file whose name contains an ampersand & resulted in an error. Also this is now fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2018, 05:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2018, 06:10
Whats new:>>


(cloudfunc) XSS vulnerability: html in file name: allows executing malicious javascript code in the user's browser


(entity) add "
(package) add prewisdom

Titel: TC4Shell 18.4.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2018, 19:45
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

Critical bug in 7z.dll handling fixed

Titel: Q-Dir 6.99.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2018, 12:27
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Kleine Anpassungen, Verbesserungen, aktuallisierung der Sprachdateien und eine neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Serbisch

Titel: fman 1.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2018, 16:30

fman now has an Open With command! This has been the fifth most-requested feature for a while. For more details, please see today's blog post.
On Windows, fman had trouble opening files with spaces in their name. This is now fixed.

Users who upgraded from very old versions of fman saw an error:

Error dialog in fman saying 'Command GoTo raised error ... ValueError: Size is not in list'.
This is now fixed.
On some users' systems, fman did not display the contents of Zip files whose members contained Unicode characters in their file names. This too is now fixed.

fman features multiple (as it calls them) Quicksearch dialogs. The most prominent is GoTo:

It is now possible to click on the suggestions in this dialog with the mouse.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2018, 12:29
Whats new:>>


(client) when password changed console and terminal can not authenticate when auth enabled

(cloudcmd) add ability to use not only alphabet and number symbols (#167)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.4.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2018, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view

Titel: Multi Commander 7.9.0 Build 2444 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2018, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



DDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy/Move now support SKIPEMPTYFOLDERS
FIXED - Issue with single instace and show tray icon
FIXED - Issue with minimize to tray icon and but Keep taskbar icon setting
FIXED - New 7Zip SDK broke FS7Zip so password protected archive fail to open. Now works again


Titel: Multi Commander 7.9.0 Build 2446 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2018, 12:22
Whats new:>>

ADDED - FolderTree now support rename
FIXED - FolderTree failed to expand virtual device in the tree correct
FIXED - Overwrite options was reset if unpacker copy plugin was used with zip archives, and if there was multiple zip files.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2018, 10:40
Whats new:>>


(package) smalltalk: bower -> npm
(modules) menu-io -> supermenu
(package) rendy v2.0.0


smalltalk v3.0.0
supermenu v2.0.0

Titel: fman 1.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2018, 18:10

A user did not know that Backspace goes up a directory. He used Cmd/Alt+Left instead to go back in history. This did not select the directory you just came from: When you went "back" from C:Windows to C:, your Windows folder was not selected. Now it is.
Managed to make displaying folders with several thousand files a few more hundred milliseconds faster.
fman was unable to copy files to the root of drives (or / on Mac/Linux). This was most visible when copying files to a removable drive.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1296
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2018, 18:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix im Hauptmenü, code signing certificate und aktuallisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Explorer!

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.460
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2018, 11:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Installation bugfix
GUI bugfixes

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions v.3.0.3 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2018, 18:15
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Fixed decoding of H264 444 files (no more gray frames)
- Added some additional error checks to the Icaros Cache Indexer
- Updated default page colors
- Updated to VS 2017
- Updated FFmpeg


Qiuelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-0-3-Beta-2

Titel: Multi Commander 8.0.0 Build 2450
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2018, 18:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



   ADDED - FS7Zip extension is now build using 7Zip SDK 18.01
   ADDED - FolderTree now support rename
   ADDED - Core Settings to start MultiCommnder minimized
   ADDED - Added Command line settings /MINIMIZED to force MultiCommander to start minimized
   ADDED - FolderTree can now show smart expand boxes, That only show the
  • expand box if folder have subfolders.

         (However it can cause performance issuse since it must scan all folders, Enable settings in Explorer Panel Settings)
   ADDED - Copy/Move option to skip copy or move of empty folders
         (Moving on same drive with this option will be slower, since optimzied move cant be used)
   ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy/Move now support SKIPEMPTYFOLDERS
   ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy/Move Now support overwrite options OVERWRITE_IFNEWER / OVERWRITE_IFSIZEDIFF / OVERWRITE_IFSIZELARGER /
   ADDED - MultiScript function to work with tabs. (TabActivePanelSide/TabActiveTab/TabCount/TabGetPath/TabLoadTabSession)
   ADDED - Option to turn thumbnail on/off in AlreadyExistsDialog
   ADDED - Overwrite 'both' works for files copied to/from normal file system
   ADDED - Pressing F4 in the Overwrite dialog will change 'Append' button to a 'Resume' button
   ADDED - AlreadyExistsDialog shown for virtual filesystems like archive (zip,7zip) will now support the new overwrite states.
   CHANGE- Major internal change for handling of options of overwrite of files.
   FIXED - Changed how MultiCommand detects shutdown/restart of Windows 10. So it should no longer hang around when restarting Windows 10
   FIXED - Issue with single instace and show tray icon
   FIXED - Issue with minimize to tray icon and but Keep taskbar icon setting
   FIXED - Misc uncommon issues with copy overwrite options.
   FIXED - AlreadyExistsDialog , Overwrite option now works for Portable device (WPD)
   FIXED - Selecting AlreadyExistsDialog Append/Rename for single file in dialog now works.
   FIXED - New AlreadyExists dialog now works with drag/drop of Stream data (eg Office Outlook)
   FIXED - FSRAR,7Zip, FSZip, FSBZip2 now support now file overwrite options better
   FIXED - 4 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2018, 19:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Total file size

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2018, 09:15
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


(cloudcmd) cyrillic symbols in names
(operation) update file list after error on copy


(package) clean-css-loader v1.0.1
(package) copymitter v3.0.0: improved copy accuracy (#157)


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1297
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2018, 16:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: fman 1.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2018, 05:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://fman.io/changelog

Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2018, 04:30

Fixed: F7 new folder: Placeholder <[d] inserted the date from the file timestamp instead of the current date as documented Use <[T1][d] to insert the file date (32/64)
Fixed: Crash on program start when entering very long command line (eg 1000 characters) in TC "Start" menu (32/64)
Fixed: Verify checksums: Detect UTF-8-encoded checksum file even without byte order marker (32/64)
Fixed: Use GetTickCount64 on Windows Vista or newer to show system up time >49 days (32/64)
Fixed: Improved system info dialog: Show CPU details from registry, Windows 10 ProductId, Windows type (Home, Professional, Ultimate etc), get SystemBiosVersion if SystemBiosDate is missing (32/64)
Fixed: Drag tab to other panel with no tabs -> tab was added also for current directory of that panel, but without icon (32/64)
Fixed: FTP client: Automatically use sChannel (even with OpenSSL present) on Vista or newer when using a client certificate (32/64)
Added: FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store Only works with sChannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl (32/64)
Fixed: Create CRC checksums, SFV format: The "beta" character in beta versions wasn't stored correctly in UTF-8-encoded sfv files (32/64)
Fixed: File system links (junctions, reparse points): Do not draw 2 link overlays (internal and from Windows itself), it results in a double border on Windows 10 (32/64)
Fixed: Removed flickering caused by functions added to handle switching from/to high contrast mode (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: parameter %O was appended with limit of 1023 characters, so it could be cut if the command line was longer (32/64)
Added: If we cannot access a directory when TC starts, show <Read error!> even if IgnoreDirErrors=1 isn't set (32/64)
Added: Changing to directory via history or by switching tab -> ask for admin rights if we get error 5 (access denied), eg for C:WindowsSystem32config (32/64)
Added: Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi), eg for 4k screen and full hd screen (32/64)
Fixed: Windows 10, switch from/to high contrast mode -> text and background colors of various buttons were wrong (32/64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] AutoRenameMode=3: Determines how files are auto-renamed when copying or in multi-rename tool Sum of: 1: append number (x) separated by space, 2: start number at (2), not (1) (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when viewing file with cudalister plugin, modifying the file, and closing lister without saving (32)
Added: Button bar, start menu: Add quotes around name inserted with %p%n too if it contains spaces or '&' character (32/64)
Added: When searching in virtual folder \Desktop (Alt+F7 or Alt+Shift+F7), search both in user directory and common directory (32/64)
Added: Trying to create a subdirectory in non-existent directory with F7 or via command line (md dir) will now create the missing parent directory too (32/64)
Added: Double click on <Read error!> entry in unreadable directories lets TC retry to read the directory (32/64)
Fixed: Some content plugins could crash the plugin picker dialog (eg click on [=? Plugin] in multi-rename tool) when the user closed the dialog while the plugin sample value was still being loaded (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: in rare cases, the wrong icon was still shown after closing/re-opening the dialog (bug in LoadIconWithScaleDown function) (32/64)
Fixed: cd c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue caused unnecessary elevation prompt (32/64)
Fixed: Copying to t: fails if it's substed drive for dirs with write access for which SetCurrentDirectory didn't work, like c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue on Windows 10 (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+R in c:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue caused unneccessary elevation prompt (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, paste button from clipboard: Remove all trailing spaces, they are often added when copying button bar data from a Web browser (32/64)
Fixed: Lister: Couldn't find Cyrillic text under special conditions: language for non-Unicode programs=Russian, encoding=Ansi (0), default font was changed (32/64)
Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: password dialog for encrypted file names was sometimes not modal (user could still go back to TC) (32/64)
Fixed: Separate search dialog: only use second file name as list file name (selected files) if the name ends with tmp (32/64)
Fixed: Couldn't copy to certain directories with F5-F2, eg to C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
Fixed: Starting a search in certain directories failed with error "Search path not found!", eg in C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsWERReportQueue, because SetCurrentDirectory failed (32/64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead (32/64)
Added: New button bar parameter %Y anywhere in the parameter list: Allow empty lists when nothing is selected for parameters %S, %R, %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL and %UF (32/64)
Fixed: Standalone search via Alt+Shift+F7: Use real path for virtual folders, eg "Desktop" -> C:Users<username>Desktop, show error if not available (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs with compare by content: Show "?" and not "unequal" when there is a read error in the middle of a file (32/64)
Fixed: Delete to recycle bin: Always divide the reported numbers by 2, since the reported estimates are mostly twice the number of files deleted (32/64)
Fixed: Switch between two directories with exactly the same content, eg a directory and a junction/reparse point to the same directory -> view modes were not updated (32/64)
Fixed: Drag URL from Chrome or Firefox to Total Commander: Disallow drop to file system plugin (32/64)
Fixed: Copying files, background transfer manager: Speed limit didn't work any more for the second file and below (32/64)
Fixed: Copying files, option "Auto-rename target": The renaming of the existing target files to eg "file (2)ext" wasn't logged (32/64)
Fixed: Copying files: reset speed calculations when overwrite confirmation dialog is shown (32/64)
Added: Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (eg for *rar) (32/64)
Fixed: "x32" submenu in file right click context menu (only displayed with X64menu=1 in [Configuration]): menu item "Configure" not working (64)
Fixed: Compare by content, binary mode: Problems with files >2GB: no progress bar within compare results to count differences, sometimes crashes, no "show only selected" (64)
Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %P, %p, %N, %n, %T, %t, %M, %m wrong in archive branch view: The name parameters need to contain the relative path (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %L, %l, %F, %f, %D, %d, %WL, %WF, %UL, %UF didn't put local paths in list for file system plugins like virtual panel (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %C1, %C2, %c1, %c2 etc didn't work with file system plugins returning local path like virtual panel (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar button: Parameters %c1, %c2, %n, %m were not using 83 names any more (32/64)
Fixed: Command line parameters: Always treat file with extension tab as a directory tab file, even when a packer plugin claims the extension for itself (32/64)
Fixed: FTP: no second progress bar was shown when uploading subdirectories (32/64)
Fixed: FTP, edit two text files (with F4) from two different directories, save both within 1-2 seconds -> re-upload errors (32/64)
Fixed: cm_GotoNextDrive, cm_GotoPreviousDrive: skip drives with no media when HideRemovableNoMedia!=0 (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs with FTP server: Download, "Resume all" didn't work (it re-downloaded from the start), "Resume" worked (32/64)
Fixed: Non-Unicode SunOS-compatible TAR archives (long name stored within same header): Long paths were cut at 155 characters (32/64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+F3 (compare left and right) tried to compare empty directory only present on one side (32/64)
Added: Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel, labeled LEFT or RIGHT (hotkey: Alt+2) (32/64)
Fixed: Delete file from ZIP subdir -> file list wasn't refreshed if the subdir wasn't by itself stored in the zip, just the file with relative name (32/64)
Fixed: Do not beep in compare by content when copying a line which wasn't selected between the panels (Alt+Left or Alt+Right), only when copying from the inactive to the active panel (32/64)
Fixed: GZip unpacker: Couldn't unpack GZ file with very large extra field >8kBytes (32/64)
Fixed: GZip unpacker: Only first stream of multi-stream gz file was unpacked when it had the same CRC as the last stream (32/64)
Fixed: File system plugins with custom icons: icons were not refreshed when changing icon size in configuration and just entering the plugin root (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Change attributes - Add - Comment - ">>" (Edit comment) -> the buttons were not visible (64)
Added: Command line parameters: Support switching to virtual folders via GUID, eg for drive list, use /L=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
Added: Command line: support switching to virtual folders via GUID, eg for drive list, use cd ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} (32/64)
Added: Button bar: support shell GUIDs, eg to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99} (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Pack files: Dropdown list of packer plugins only showed up to 8 plugins without scrolling, increased to 30 (64)
Fixed: Configuration - Button bar: Couldn't delete exe/dll files used for icons in the bar after closing the dialog (they still stay locked while the dialog is up) (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Split files: Last used size wasn't remembered as default Now saved in wincmdini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFile (32/64)
Fixed: Compare by content: Clear last search result (underlined text) when changing the text or re-comparing from current line (32/64)
Fixed: View mode with custom columns view: Additional sort orders defined in the view mode were not applied (32/64)
Fixed: View modes, auto switch mode: "Must match" option didn't work with FTP paths, eg *public_html* matches folder named "public_html" and all subfolders Must use backslashes in pattern (32/64)
Fixed: Files - Encode files: Options were not remembered when closing Total Commander Store in wincmdini [Configuration] EncodeMethod=02 and EncodeLinesPerFile (32/64)
Fixed: Trying to close locked tab with middle mouse click (wheel) or ctrl+left click -> show tab title in confirmation dialog (32/64)
Fixed: Ctrl+Click on inactive tab now closes the tab without switching to it first (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar: When shown as dropdown menu, items without an icon are not displayed as pressed (eg sort by name button when list sorted by name) (32/64)
Fixed: Crash when switching to different tab with mouse when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
Fixed: No drive icons from Explorer were shown when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
Fixed: Copying in foreground, then clicking on background button crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
Fixed: Background transfer manager crashed when using Windows 10 exploits protections (due to handle values > 4GB) (64)
Fixed: Synchronize dirs, internal compare plugin (compare as text) may hang with 2 files of different size, multiple of 32kBytes (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration - button bar: icons were sometimes wrong (32/64)
Added: Show warning in log when upload to Micrsoft IIS FTP server via TLSv12 fails Search for KB2888853 for a hotfix (32/64)


Titel: NetDrive 3.5.431 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2018, 09:11


Backblaze B2 storage type added


Google Drive - Display top folder name in user's language
Google Drive - Changed to read folder's date from server
S3 - Now supports uploading large files > 5GB
Display error message when there is no Internet
OpenSSL updated to 1.1
libSSH2 updated to 1.8
libcurl updated to 7.59.0


SFTP - Apply option changes immediately to connections
OneDrive - Fixed issue with shared folder
S3 - Fixed issue with S3 compatible services
Common - nd3svc process remains after un-mounting a drive.
Common - Fixed memory leak in some case
Common - Fixed unmount issue on Mac
Common - Internal logic changed to fix social account login
Common - Fixed issue with assigning drive letter when there exist network paths
Common - Fixed issue with drive letter when mounting a drive item which is created on Mac
Common - Fixed crash issue with some applications which opens file dialog


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2018, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Refresh on result folder

Titel: TC4Shell 18.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2018, 19:30
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

ZSTD, BROTLI, LZ4, LZ5, LIZARD support improved.
Fast-LZMA2 encoder added.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v2.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2018, 20:40
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir 7.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2018, 13:52
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2018, 06:00


(name-size) margin-right: 0


(cloudcmd) deprecate --one-panel-mode in favour --one-file-panel
(cloudcmd) add ability to show progress on move (#157)
(package) rm checkup
(package) wraptile v2.0.0
(package) ponse v2.0.0
(package) onezip v2.0.0
(package) jaguar v4.0.0
(package) files-io v2.0.0
(package) inly v2.0.0


Titel: fman 1.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2018, 09:12
Whats new:>>

Version 1.0.5 unfortunately broke the Core plugin on Windows: This is now fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2018, 09:30

The update to 9.20 fixes a few problems found after the release of Total Commander 9.12.

There are also some new functions:

Button bar, command line: support shell GUIDs, e.g. to go to Explorer's recent dirs, use
cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
Files - change attributes: Button to load attributes from file under cursor in target panel
Icon from internal association takes precedence over internal packer icon (e.g. for *.rar)
wincmd.ini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 allows to switch to inaccessible or non-existent directories, shows <Read error!> in file list instead
Button bar: Button size and small icon size can now be set separately for each screen scale (dpi)
FTP client: Support for client certificates for ftps (ftp over ssl/tls) from Windows certificate store. Only works with schannel library on Vista or newer, not openssl


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2018, 09:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Drag and drop

Titel: Multi Commander 8.1.0 Build 2452
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2018, 16:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the very popular and efficient dual-panel layout. Multi Commander has a everything you need in your daily works with files to make your work fast and efficient.

It has all the standard features like a file manager has like copy, move, rename, view. But Multi Commanders big strength is the special features that allow you to do advanced task with ease. Like Auto-unpacking, Auto-sorting, Browse inside archives, Workspace support, Scripting, Searching and a lot more. And it allows you to do everything from the keyboard.



FIXED - Sometimes overwrite of readonly files failed
FIXED - Showing second dialog page in MP3 Info dialog (ctrl+y) caused a crash
FIXED - AudioTool - Create Mp3 Playlist can cause a crash if filter used mp3 genre matching
FIXED - Crash when trying to replace a file inside a zip archive
FIXED - FSBZip2 extension now support new overwrite system when extracing multile files from .tar.bz2 file
FIXED - 3 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: NetDrive 3.5.433 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2018, 10:30
Whats new:>>


Common - Garbage prefix added to the front of files when downloading causes 429 Too Many Requests

Titel: Q-Dir 7.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2018, 13:06
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Test unter Windows 10 Update Build 1804 - 17134 (Redstone 4)
Kleine Korrekturen und Neuerstellung (Kompilieren ) sowie Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2018, 18:10
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Fixes and enhancements :

New : Shell extension now developed in Lazarus/FreePascal.
New : ‘Paste Attributes’ button action now includes ‘Change name’ listbox.
Update : Fixed an issue with Non-Western filenames.
Update : Fixed an issue with 24/12H formatting.
Update : Log export now autogenerates filenames with date and time stamp.


Titel: fman 1.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2018, 05:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman remembers the sort order of your directories: For instance, many people like to sort their Downloads folder by the Modified date. When you leave the folder and open it again, it will automatically be sorted by the Modified column.
This feature (of remembering the sort order) did not work when you were viewing the contents of a Zip archive and went up to the folder containing the archive: The folder was always sorted by Name instead of eg. the Modified column. This was a bug and is now fixed.
Some Windows users were still seeing errors that the Core plugin failed to load (see version 1.0.6 below). This is now fixed, though they may still see an error when invoking the ShowExplorerProperties command. Further research is necessary.
fman internally uses 7-Zip to pack and unpack archives (.zip, .7z, ...). Last week, a security vulnerability was found in 7-Zip. fman's version of 7-Zip was updated on Windows to fix the issue. On Linux and Mac, an official fix by the 7-Zip developers is still pending and will be incorporated into fman as soon as it is out.
Fixed several small behind-the-scenes exceptions.
fman lets you customize your keyboard shortcuts via a settings file. It now gives more informative error messages when there is a mistake in the file.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2018, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Folder menu, Filter

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2018, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Total file size

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2018, 21:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(server) mv: rename file
(cloudcmd) choose
(konsole) Ctrl + P: paste current directory path
(operation) set moveFn to RESTful.mv on disconnect


(cloudcmd) deprecate localStorage
(key) add ability to copy path with help of Ctrl + p
(env) return boolean only
(cloudcmd) move out dist from route


edward v7.0.4
dword v7.0.6
electron v2.0.0

new modules:



Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2018, 04:40

Fixed: Only standard icons were shown for files with only "PerceivedType" set (32/64)
Fixed: Changed how the following dialogs are minimized: Custom Columns, FTP connection progress, Plugin field picker, Print preview, Configure file system/lister/content plugins (32/64)
Fixed: Add flag WS_POPUP for all resizable dialog boxes, otherwise GetParent() would return 0 (32/64)
Added: Compare by content: Select all with Ctrl+A both in read only mode and editor mode (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [f] for option "First of each word uppercase (English in Titles)", also support in F7 and Shift+F4, eg <[f][N] (32/64)
Fixed: Error <Read error!> was shown by mistake on disks with just hidden/system files/folders (eg System Volume Information) when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 and hidden/system files not shown (32/64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] IgnoreDirErrors=-1 turns off <Read error!> also on TC start when a directory is unavailable (32/64)
Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=0 (default) and directory doesn't exist, only show <Read error!> on TC start when the active tab was locked Otherwise switch to parent directory (32/64)
Fixed: Installer: Call QueryFullProcessImageName if GetModuleFileNameEx fails, now also in 64-bit version (64)
Fixed: When using PreloadThumbnails=1 or 2, resume pre-loading thumbnails for the entire directory after changing sort order (32/64)
Fixed: Garbled lines in wincmdini (for size per dpi) when saving button bar (fpc bug) (64)
Added: wincmdini [Configuration] LowercaseStrings=English:a,an,the,at,by,for,in,of,on,to,from,up,and,as,but,or,nor,yet,so,vs set title and excepted words for "First of each word uppercase" (32/64)
Added: Multi-rename tool: New upper/lowercase option "First of each word uppercase (English in Titles)" which doesn't uppercase words like "a", "an", "the" etc, except at the start or end (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Show error message when user enters invalid date or time also in date/time-specific plugin field(s) (32/64)
Fixed: Copy/move/rename file with long name >259 characters: warning about the last part longer than 256 characters was wrong by 1 character, should be max 255 (32/64)
Fixed: Still range check errors in some cases when resizing controls (problem was that the Lazarus library was compiled with range check on due to missing miscellaneousoptionsxml file) (64)
Fixed: Loading of thumbnails didn't resume after changing sort order (64)
Fixed: Increased combobox dropdown count to 30 in various dialogs: Multi-rename tool: Load/save settings, Change attributes: Load/save settings, Associate: All files with extension, Split file: Bytes for file, Configuration - Color: Others, Configuration - Misc: Redefine hotkeys (64)
Fixed: FTP connection details: Hotkey for new option "Client certificate" didn't work (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes dialog: Show error message when user enters invalid date or time (32/64)
Fixed: Button bar, start menu: %N parameter would pass '' to program when cursor was standing on "go to parent" directory entry (32/64)
Fixed: Log files (normal or ftp) >4GB didn't work (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2018, 18:11
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Sub window

Titel: Q-Dir 7.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2018, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Verschiedene Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für Windows 10 Update Build 1804 (Redstone 4)
Kleine Korrekturen in Explorer-Listenansicht, Kontextmenü und Dateihandle, zB Foto-Vorschau

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2018, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Key

Titel: NetDrive 3.5.434
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 09:08


Backblaze B2 storage type added


Google Drive - Display top folder name in user's language
Google Drive - Changed to read folder's date from server
S3 - Now supports uploading large files > 5GB
Read-ahead block size increased
Display error message when there is no Internet
OpenSSL updated to 1.1
libSSH2 updated to 1.8
libcurl updated to 7.59.0


SFTP - Apply option changes immediately to connections
OneDrive - Fixed issue with shared folder
S3 - Fixed issue with S3 compatible services
Common - nd3svc process remains after un-mounting a drive.
Common - Garbage prefix added to the front of files when downloading causes 429 Too Many Requests
Common - Fixed memory leak in some case
Common - Fixed unmount issue on Mac
Common - Internal logic changed to fix social account login
Common - Fixed issue with assigning drive letter when there exist network paths
Common - Fixed issue with drive letter when mounting a drive item which is created on Mac
Common - Fixed crash issue with some applications which opens file dialog


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 19:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Parsing libraries path

Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2018, 19:30

23.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 4 (32/64)
23.05.18 Fixed: TC main window didn't flash when clicking on it when a dialog box was open (32)
23.05.18 Fixed: Update of OneDrive overlay icon (cloud) for files available only online didn't always work (64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Compare by content: After clicking on "Next difference" in binary mode, restore status bar to "X differences found" (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Wrong icon was shown for files with no chosen associated program: Instead of "PerceivedType", use first entry from "OpenWithProgIDs" subkey (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: New string "Invalid input!" in attributes dialog wasn't used with internal English language (32/64)
22.05.18 Added: FTP: Allow to choose connection method via prefix: ftpes:// forces explicit ssl (AUTH TLS), while ftpis:// fources implicit ssl (encrypted from the start) (32/64)
22.05.18 Fixed: Command line edit control: cd path\filename didn't place cursor on file, but showed read error instead with IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
21.05.18 Added: Use Shift+F7 to create directory in target panel, using the name under the cursor from the source panel as the default (32/64)
21.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Couldn't enter a time with 59 minutes, e.g. 23:59 (32/64)
21.05.18 Fixed: When copying/moving/renaming a file, show "Invalid name" error when Windows reports an invalid name or path (error 123 or 161) (32/64)
20.05.18 Fixed: Incorrect decoding of multi-part MIME file where the individual file header "Content-Transfer-Encoding" came before the header "Content-Type" (32/64)
20.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Also report a time like 24:30 as an error. Allowed are 00:00:00-23:59:59 plus 5:00a/p or am/pm (am/pm is ignored for times >=13:00) (32/64)
18.05.18 Added: Multi-rename tool: Include [f] option also in dropdown list (Alt+"+") (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Translation of "English in Titles" wasn't changed when changing language, only after restarting TC (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: FTP, edit two or more text files (with F4) from two or more different directories, save all within less than 1 second -> sometimes one was still re-uploaded to wrong directory, with error that server is busy (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Create CRC checksums, no options checked: CRC for existing checksum file wasn't created when the user changed the name in the overwrite confirmation dialog (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: No overwrite confirmation when copying a file which can only be read as administrator (elevated) from a directory which can be read without admin rights (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: cm_RenameOnly would rename the file under the cursor instead of the selection when only a single file was selected (32/64)
18.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Load from target file could only be invoked via hotkey, not via click on the button (32/64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.470
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2018, 16:41
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2018, 18:40
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

The overlay icons didn't show up under 32bit applications.
With Windows 10 LSE shows flat icons for symlinks, hardlinks and junctions. Thx to Yaroslav for the icons.
The overlay icon for Junctions didn't show up at all with Windows 7.
Symbolic Link creation is now possible unelevated for Windows 10/14972 when in developer mode.
The property dialog for hardlinks when used on substituted drives showed wrong path for the siblings.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 9.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2018, 19:45
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(docker) node v10.1
(current-file) getParrentDirPath: path contains "+++"


(cloudcmd) rm global window.exec
(package) rm vulnerable fresh-require
(package) rm vulnerable nsp
(terminal) set fontFamily
(modules) socket.io v2.1.1


gritty v2.2.0
dword v7.0.8
edward v7.0.5


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.5.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2018, 11:10
Whats new:>>

Parsing path

Titel: fman 1.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2018, 19:10
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

fman now has a context menu!

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2018, 20:30

The time is come to introduce a new version of Cloud Commander tada . This is a cleanup release. Some options changed their names, some were removed. Let's begin.

Goodbye Cache, hello Service Workers!

The cache option enabled by default brought a lot of problems to our users.
So was decided to use Service Workers instead. Every new build will generate new service worker which will clean all old cache, so the problem with cache should go away smiley .

One File Panel

--one-panel-mode was deprecated and replaced with --one-file-panel. The same with envaronment variables: CLOUDCMD_ONE_PANEL_MODE was replace with CLOUDCMD_ONE_FILE_PANEL.

Local Storage

LocalStorage now not so new technology as it was a couple years ago, so there is no need to enable or disable it from options.

It is used to:

    store directories
    store file contants for patches
    as a buffer for copy and paste

I do not think you ever change this option, so to clean code and simplify configuration this option was removed.

HTML Dialogs

A long time ago all dialogs was done with built-in alert, confirm and prompt. Some time ago this functions was reimplemented with promise-based library smalltalk. HTML-based dialogs works well enaught so there is no need to disable it.

Clipboard path copy

For a long time there was a clear storage button screen shot 2018-05-25 at 5 40 04 pm near directory path. I do not think you use it a lot, and as I see there is a need to copy current path. So this button was replaced with copy path button screen shot 2018-05-25 at 5 38 57 pm. You can still clear localStorage with Ctrl+D combination. And copy path with Ctrl+P.

If you are using some of the removed options please create an issue and we will thing how to fix things up smiley.


    (cloudcmd) --one-panel-mode -> --one-file-panel
    (cloudcmd) clear storage -> copy path (#173)
    (config) rm option: htmlDialogs
    (cloudcmd) add service worker
    (config) rm option: cache
    (cloudcmd) rm option: localStorage


    electron v2.0.2
    remy v3.0.2


Titel: Q-Dir 7.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2018, 13:52
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Diverse Verbesserungen bei Windows 10, 8.1, 7.0
Kleine Korrekturen in Hauptmenü und Kontextmenü
Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes.
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2018, 12:25

    (listeners) copyPath
    (font) copy path

New in Cloud Commander Desktop 10.0.1

    (font) terminal icon


Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2018, 05:00

30.05.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 5 (32/64)
30.05.18 Added: Recognize .t7z extension as internal packer extension, show with archive icon (32/64)
30.05.18 Fixed: "Auto-rename copied" option not working properly when copying a file which can only be read as administrator (elevated) from a directory which can be read without admin rights (32/64)
30.05.18 Fixed: Drive selection dialog in search function, Plugin field picker in multi-rename tool: Disable minimize button when the parent dialog was maximized (64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Maximize, minimize, restore dialog -> dialog was no longer maximized: Custom Columns, FTP connection progress, Multi-rename tool, Plugin field picker, Print preview, Drive selection dialog, Configure file system/lister/content plugins (64)
29.05.18 Added: Decoding of MIME files where the name wasn't given -> use .txt extension for TEXT/PLAIN fields, and .htm for TEXT/HTML instead of .bin (32/64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Changed how the Drive selection dialog in the search function was minimized (32/64)
29.05.18 Fixed: Do not open 32-bit version when 64-bit version is already running and option "Allow only 1 copy of Total Commander at a time" was set (32)
29.05.18 Fixed: Disabled or removed some options like 'Everything' on older Windows versions when not available (32)
28.05.18 Fixed: crash when comma is used after cm_command with parameter, e.g. "cm_SrcByDateTime 1," -> detect it as an error (32/64)
28.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Don't show error for default date/time field placeholders, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy, when the user didn't change them (32/64)
28.05.18 Added: Support Unicode in names of saved searches when the wincmd.ini (or the redirected ini for [searches] section) is stored with Unicode UTF-16 (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Changed all URLs to ghisler.com to https, e.g. when using the auto update check, or Help - Vistit Totalcmd's Web site (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Internal 7zip unpacker: Open .t7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header, set name of file inside to archivename.tar (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: When going to the root of a drive or share, e.g. via Ctrl+< or "\" button, place cursor on the directory which was part of the path, e.g. go to root from c:\Windows\System32 -> put cursor on "Windows" (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6 or Shift+Click on F6 button (invoking cm_renmov): If a single file is selected, rename that file instead of the file under the cursor (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Other windows didn't flash when clicking on their parent, e.g. in Lister, main settings while a dialog box was open etc. (32)
27.05.18 Fixed: Auto-update check: Do not show Update information while TC is minimized or in the background, to not interfere with installing a new version (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: Couldn't unpack .tar.7z archives where the file name wasn't stored in the 7z file header. Use base name from archive, e.g. test.tar.7z -> test.tar (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Error dialog didn't correctly display invalid Unicode input in date/time fields (32/64)
27.05.18 Fixed: With option CtrlArrowOpenArchive=4, TC was still looking for packer plugins which could open the file (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: Shift+F7 new folder in target panel: Return to source panel when the user cancels the input of the new name (32/64)
27.05.18 Added: F7/Shift+F7 new folder: Show dialog box over the panel where the directory will be created (32/64)
25.05.18 Fixed: No smart screen warning was shown for files protected by Windows smart screen filter in Windows 10 Spring creators update (2018), worked fine in older versions (reason: flag SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI) (32/64)
24.05.18 Added: F7 new folder/Shift+F4 new file: Include [f] option also in dropdown list (Alt+"+") (32/64)
24.05.18 Added: Pass parameter FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS to FormatMessage for errors when starting a program fails (32/64)


Titel: fman 1.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2018, 17:45

The folder and file icons sometimes flickered when entering a directory:

File icons flickering in fman
This is now fixed.
It's now possible to select files by mouse: Hold Shift to select a range of items, or Ctrl/Cmd to toggle individual files.
A few files being selected with the mouse in fman
Fixed an old error message when opening virtual drives on Windows.

On some users' Windows systems, the file icons were so large that they almost overlapped.The padding between rows is now larger to prevent this.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2018, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menus, Custom draw

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.1.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2018, 10:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Fixed framerate property not displaying fragments in Explorer (only works on latest Win 10 builds)
- Fixed crash when decoding HEVC on newer CPUs
- Fixed thumbnailing of certain MP4 files
- Installer now installs 32-bit components by default on Win 64 systems
- Added the extensions: mpv4, hdmov, f4v to 'video only' and 'most known' presets
- Tweaked minidumps to be about half as large in size (see notes below)
- The "test mode" in IcarosConfig will now always produce a minidump in case of a crash
- Made time elapsed label on indexing page translatable
- Updated Russian and German localizations (Thank you Ligre and Mike! ^__^)
- Updated FFmpeg


Qiuelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-1-0-Beta-2

Titel: Q-Dir 7.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2018, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Viruswarnung
durch Norton Antivirus unter Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: Shallot 1.1.3241
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2018, 18:20
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Double Commander 0.8.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2018, 18:40
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Graphical user interface] HiDPI: Font size is not taken into account to draw rows in File List (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] List index (68) out of bounds when viewing multiple graphics files and deleting as I go (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] FTP download operation does not finish properly (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] List index out of bound in Viewer under Windows 10. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Drag and Drop didn't work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] font in path view too big and not possible to change, highdpi trouble (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] HiDPI: incorrect scaling of certain controls (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] High CPU load and hanged move operation after retrying (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Part of a folder name should not be considered as an extension (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Horizontal scrolling stops working after window resize despite the scroll position is not at the start (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] Update german translation doublecmd.de.po 0.8.2 beta build 8010 (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2018, 12:24
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(index) zoom on tap
(client) logout: servicer worker: unregister


(package) webpack-cli v3.0.1
(rest) add memory info
(package) babel v7
(package) nyc v12.0.1
(cloudcmd) pullout/legacy -> pullout
(package) nomine v2.0.0


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5225.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2018, 21:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source


1. Naive logic "if the file contains ASCII only then open it with default codepage" would not take
   into account that user could set the default codepage to UTF-16.
   Also, simplify the codepage guessing logic.

2. Continuation of 5215, 5205, 5141 : date/time parsing in attributes/filters dialogs does not look for
   separators - we have got the input mask and know exactly what to search and where.

3. If editor settings have "
  • Allow editing files opened for writing" set then append FILE_SHARE_DELETE.

4. Correct the UTF-8 recognition algorithm.

5. Refactoring.


Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2018, 19:30

06.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 beta 6 (32/64)
06.06.18 Fixed: Couldn't create more archives of type .tar.plugin if files with that extension already existed, and "Create separate archives..." was checked (32/64)
06.06.18 Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: do not use auto-append here even if it's enabled by the user - only use auto-complete dropdown (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Do not apply sort order from automatic view mode switch when using Search - Advanced - Find duplicate files - Feed to listbox (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Update file/folder list in virtual folder "Computer" when a drive is removed (32/64)
05.06.18 Fixed: Launch programs/open files: Use GetLastError for FormatMessage error instead of error returned in hInstApp when showing launch error (32/64)
04.06.18 Fixed: Change Attributes dialog: Button placement wrong for right to left languages (32/64)
04.06.18 Fixed: Made Change Attributes dialog a bit larger to give more room for Russian and other languages (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Decoding of MIME files: Detect multi-line names and named with different encodings, e.g. name*0*=UTF-8''part1  name*1*=part2.txt -> part1part2.txt (32/64)
03.06.18 Added: Option to show/hide speed info in background thread: wincmd.ini [Configuration] BackgroundSpeed=2 : 0=name, 1=speed when available, 2=alternating (32/64)
03.06.18 Added: Option to disable the centering of the F7/Shift+F7 dialog over the active panel: wincmd.ini [Configuration] NewFolderOverPanel=0 (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: F7/Shift+F7 dialog: Center dialog over top/bottom file panel when using vertical arrangement (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes, "Load from file under cursor": Couldn't read attributes from file with access denied like c:\pagefile.sys (32/64)
03.06.18 Fixed: Automatic log rotation by date no longer worked (due to the fix for log files >4GB) (32/64)
31.05.18 Fixed: Multiple chained cm_xyz commands, e.g. cm_selectall,cm_copy on a button -> the last command was no longer executed (32/64)


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10 Build 2018.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2018, 09:03
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



New : Migrated application from Delphi to Lazarus/Freepascal
New : Migrated shell extension from C++ to Lazarus/Freepascal
New : Option to reset user settings to default values
New : Context menu entry to paste selected date/time to all other date/time fields
New : Localized button captions in dialog boxes
New : ‘Paste Attributes’ button action now includes ‘Change name’ listbox
Update : Log export now autogenerates filenames with date and time stamp
Update : Warning dialog boxes now use localized button captions
Update : More detailed messages for invalid user entries in input fields
Update : Updated user guide


Titel: fman 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2018, 12:18
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

fman's command ReloadPlugins sometimes produced an error. This was a bug and is now fixed.
Improved the layout of fman's GUI elements on high DPI displays on Windows.
Slightly improved fman's onboarding for new users

Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2018, 18:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


It corresponds to iCloud Drive.
Added function to chmod to FTP / FTPS / SFTP.
Responding to a problem outputting an error in DAV property of RFC 4331 at NextCloud.
Fixed an issue where adding errors when uploading adds errors.
Supports TLS 1.2 support in .Net 2.0.
Changed to save the position selected when moving with "Back" "Forward" key.
Other minor fixes.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2018, 18:50


    (dom) saveDataToStorage, getDataFromStorage: localStorage option check (#177)



    (menu) initial position



(operation) deleteSilent: refresh: on error -> always
(edit-file-vim) check is file changed on close
(sw) "only-if-cached" can be set only with "same-origin" mode


(edit-names-vim) add
(package) pullout v2.0.0


Move-files v1.0.1
Redrun v6.0.5


Titel: JFileProcessor 1.6.0 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2018, 16:45
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

groovy script fixes. have os specific scripts. do not split exec command starting with quotes. get hostAddress and use instead of localhost. setFileSysType in connUserInfo also when disconnect. CodeProcessorPanel fix so works when not open but run from menu-scripts. Let user save startConsoleCmd and MyEditorCmd. MAC needs testing. I have not had one available for a while.

Titel: XYplorer 19.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2018, 20:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2018, 05:30


    (cloudcmd) add ability to set current file closer to removed files
    (client) add ability to clear localStorage on logOut
    (package) sinon v6.0.0


Titel: Total Commander 9.20 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2018, 05:00

Fixed: Windows 10, main menu: Change screen scaling from 100% to 125% and back -> icons were too big (24x24 instead of 16x16) (32/64)
Fixed: Switch from search result (from "feed to listbox") to Network Neighborhood or other virtual folder -> the tab title still displayed "Search result:" (32/64)
Fixed: Search: Show "Search path not found!" not just for first invalid search location, but for all locations (up to 20), also when using list file (32/64)
Added: Windows XP and newer: Restore stored per monitor window size also when dragging Total Commander between monitors (32/64)
Added: Windows 7 and newer: restore saved position on Win+Shift+Cursor left/right, can be prevented with RestoreSize=0 (32/64)
Added: Windows XP and newer: save position separately for each monitor and dpi, in the form: monitor(x,y,w,h,dpi)=x,y,w,h (the last saved position remains the default) (32/64)
Fixed: Search: When specifying multiple search locations, the search was aborted when the first location couldn't be accessed, eg z:;c: (32/64)
Fixed: Change attributes: Ignore leading and trailing spaces in date and time fields (32/64)
Fixed: FTP couldn't connect with implicit SSL via sChannel when the server sent a long banner message (32/64)
Fixed: Open files: Replace %1 with file name (if available) in FormatMessage error when available (32/64)
Fixed: Virtual folder "Computer" wasn't always updated when a drive was removed, eg for mounted ISO files (32/64)
Fixed: Don't inform user about new version twice if he checked manually immediately after starting TC with auto update checks enabled (32/64)
Fixed: Configuration-Options-View mode: too many custom columns listed in "Columns view" when the page "Custom columns" wasn't opened before (32/64)
Fixed: Reload theme data also when receiving WM_DPICHANGED, otherwise buttons in button bar may have black background until they are reloaded (32/64)
Fixed: Reduce redrawing of main window/flickering when receiving WM_THEMECHANGED message after WM_DPICHANGED (the theme wasn't actually changed) (32/64)
Fixed: Changed background color of parent/root buttons to button face color also on folder tabs (64)
Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, and switching to a drive via drive bar or dropdown list, and a directory cannot be opened (eg because it was deleted), go to parent until the drive root (32/64)
Fixed: Auto-complete/Auto-append in Shift+F4: auto-append was only changed to auto-complete when auto-complete itself was turned off (32/64)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2018, 20:30


(config) set file mode permissions to readable only by current user (#61)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2018, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-FIX: Q-Dir add to Shell menu. Q-Dir also does not appear in the Explorer context menu.
General revision of Quad-Exolorer and update of language files

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.6.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2018, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: fman 1.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2018, 05:10
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

Some users received an ugly error when invoking the built-in InstallPlugin command. This should now be fixed.
Navigating back to a folder that no longer exists via Cmd/Ctrl+Left raised an error. This is now fixed.
On Windows, copying a file to the root of a removable or virtual produced an error access is denied. This too is now fixed.
Depending on the clipboard contents, fman's Command Palette failed to open for some users on Windows 10. This is now fixed.
Fixed a few other small behind-the-scenes exceptions

Titel: Total Commander 9.20 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2018, 05:00

20.06.18 Release Total Commander 9.20 release candidate 2 (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Client certificates: For the chosen certificate, store the SHA1 digest in addition to the serial number, because the latter isn't unique (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent thread watching for directory changes (Configuration-Options-Refresh-Auto-refresh when the file system changes) from hanging the main thread (32/64)
20.06.18 Fixed: Prevent blinking when opening main configuration dialog (caused by LockWindowUpdate) (32)
20.06.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc, hotkey dropdown combobox: Handling of ENTER, ESC and TAB keys was different in 32-bit and 64-bit (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: WM_DEVICECHANGE: Also react to DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED notification to get correct drive icons (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Ctrl+Q didn't work in virtual folders for files in the file system where the parent folder wasn't a file system directory, e.g. in libraries (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Set new optimized default position and size on Windows XP or newer: Right aligned, width enough to show at least 84 characters (32/64)
19.06.18 Fixed: Windows 10 developer preview, build 17686: Open the windows for Lister, Verify Checksums, and Compare by Content in separate windows, not on extra tabs (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: %t now also inserts the URL of the directory for FTP connections, just like %p (32/64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Lister: Switching between view options 4 and 5 could switch focus to main TC when using Alt+Letters for quick search (64)
18.06.18 Fixed: Inplace rename (Shift+F6): Moving to the previous/next file with cursor up/down could leave parts of the apply button on the previous line, e.g. on Windows XP (32)
18.06.18 Fixed: Removed error beep when user right clicked on drive button while context menu for folder tab or sorting header was already open (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: Do not re-load file lists showing custom columns when moving window between screens with different DPI. Instead, only adjust the column widths (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: New per monitor window sizes not used when using option ResolutionSpecific=0 in wincmd.ini (32/64)
17.06.18 Fixed: When using IgnoreDirErrors=1, switching to non-existent parent directory didn't work by double clicking on [..] entry (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Date conversion only supported lowercase am/pm (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Search function, find files in archive: "Search path not found" was shown by mistake (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %T and %t contained 0: prefix when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Parameters %M and %m contained full path when the target directory was an FTP connection (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Change attributes: Prevent beep when using hotkey for "Load from file under cursor" groupbox (32)
15.06.18 Fixed: Lister, RTF view: Prevent crash when trying to print when the chosen printer is invalid (32/64)
15.06.18 Fixed: Load old searches from wincmd.ini: Not all searches were loaded from ANSI ini file if the total size of the names was >4095 characters (32/64)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2018, 06:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(cloudcmd) env variables override (#179)
(sw) register when prefix changed


(upload-files) add ability to show error message
(gitignore) add jquery-mouse-wheel


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2018, 11:20

Modules Format:

In this release of Cloud Commander modules format was improved.


(operation) set next file current when cannot delete


(webpack) minimize service worker size
(terminal) move out terminal.css from view.css
(package) fast-async v7.0.6
(cloudcmd) import -> load.js
(load-module) add


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2018, 18:30
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2018, 19:00


(npmignore) rm dist*/modules


(package) eslint v5.0.0


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 06:10
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Update : Fixed Explorer crash related to UTF8 encoding
Update : Fixed Explorer crash with very long filenames
Update : Missing date information in detailed reporting
Update : ‘Change attributes / Use current’ does not always work


Titel: Total Commander 9.20 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 12:25

Fixed: Skip internal associations in virtual folders where we can't get a local path for the file, e.g. a phone connected via MTP (32/64)
Fixed: DrivesShowUpcase=0 was ignored in %t parameter, always used uppercase drive letter (32/64)
Fixed: Prevent crash when reloading list of shared folders (e.g. to show shared overlay) (32/64)
Fixed: Lister crash on Windows 8.1 64-bit only, happened after opening Lister multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
Fixed: Moving separator between main panels wrong when showing two separate tree panels (32/64)
Fixed: Directory handle leaking in watchdir thread, preventing the ejection of USB sticks, and sometimes the closing of the program (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2018, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Einige Fehlerkorrekturen in den einzelne 4 Explorer Listen Ansichten unter Windows 10 und Server 2016!
Korrektur in der klassischen Adressleiste z.B. bei SMB Laufwerken
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.6.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2018, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Window

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1299
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2018, 08:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2018, 19:30


(terminal) prevent init when config disabled
(operation) next current file after delete
(key) vim: do not react on navigation after view hide


(package) codegen.macro v3.0.0


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2018, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Total Commander 9.20 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2018, 18:00
Release Notes

Hier eine Liste der wichtigsten Neuerungen in 9.20:


    Bei mehreren Monitoren kann die Position und Größe neu für jeden Monitor separat gespeichert werden (Wechseln mit Win+Umsch+Pfeil links/rechts)
    Buttonleiste: Buttongröße und kleine Symbolgröße können nun für jeden Bildschirmmaßstab (dpi) separat eingestellt werden
    Symbol aus interner Verknüpfung hat Vorrang vor internem Packersymbol (z. B. für * .rar)
    wincmd.ini [Konfiguration] IgnoreDirErrors=1 erlaubt es in unzugängliche oder nicht existierende Verzeichnisse zu wechseln, zeigt stattdessen <Fehler beim Lesen!> in der Dateiliste an


    Umschalt+F7 erzeugt Verzeichnis im Zielfenster
    Buttonbar, Befehlszeile: Unterstützungs von Shell-GUIDs, z.B. um zu den letzten Verzeichnissen des Explorers zu gelangen:
    cd ::{22877a6d-37a1-461a-91b0-dbda5aaebc99}
    Dateien - Attribute ändern: Schaltfläche zum Laden von Attributen aus der Datei unter dem Cursor im Zielfenster


    Unterstützung für Client-Zertifikate für ftps (ftp über ssl/tls) aus dem Windows-Zertifikatspeicher. Funktioniert nur mit der schannel-Library unter Windows Vista oder neuer, nicht mit openssl
    Angabe des FTPS-Modus via Präfix: ftpes:// = explizit (MODE TLS), ftpis:// = implizit (von Anfang an verschlüsselt)

Vergleich nach Inhalt:

    Alles markieren mit Strg+A


    Neuer Platzhalter [f] für "Erster pro Wort groß (Englisch in Überschriften)": Bestimmte Wörter wie "a", "an" und "the" werden klein geschrieben

Eine komplette Liste aller Fehlerkorrekturen finden Sie wie üblich in der Datei history920.txt (https://www.ghisler.com/history920.txt) (in englischer Sprache).


Titel: XYplorer 19.00.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2018, 05:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: SafeFileManager 1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2018, 16:40
Java-based file manager with multiple panes that can perform basic file operations, limit the transfer speed, preserve last modification dates, and verify data.


Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2018, 13:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


It supports Brotli transfer.
Fixed an issue where hash check invalid function was not working properly in DropBox / Box.
Fixed a problem that GoogleDrive was unable to transfer certain types of files and files of size 0.
Fixed an issue not displayed when there are more than 100 files in Box.
Other minor fixes.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2018, 12:26
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Diverse Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für MS Web Server 2016 und Windows 10 - Redstone 4
Korrektur und diverse Änderungen in Q-Dir x64 plus Update der Sprachdateien.

Titel: XYplorer 19.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2018, 13:40
Whats new:>>

This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. A major Windows 10 related issue regarding XYplorer’s portable devices support has been finally resolved, and there have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 19.00.

Titel: fman 1.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2018, 09:08
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman now show progress feedback for file operations:

Please see the associated blog post for details.

Added visual separators between columns:

This was requested by users to make it easier to see where you can drag them. Also, it makes it somewhat clearer which column the triangular sort indicator belongs to.

Fixed error SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED in fman's InstallPlugin command for some users on macOS.
When you had no active internet connection and invoked the InstallPlugin command, fman showed a pretty horrendous error dialog. It now displays a nicer message instead:

Several API changes.


Titel: MenuTools 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2018, 19:15
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Titel: fman 1.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2018, 05:10
Whats new:>>

fman's Arch Linux distribution failed to start with error No module named 'PyQt5.sip'. This is now fixed.
You can now define keyboard shortcuts to open the current file with a given (fixed) app

Titel: Clover 3.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2018, 12:20
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Added: Entrance of canceling associate Clover.
Fixed: Clover windows seperate when switching lables.
Fixed:Several processes activated sometimes.

Titel: XYplorer 19.10.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2018, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: TC4Shell 18.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2018, 20:00
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

Dutch language added - thanks to Iemand.
New 7z compression method WavPack.
Minor UI changes.
Minor internal improvements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2018, 21:20
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(sw) cache of 401
(polyfill) scrollIntoViewIfNeeded in firefox


(package) engines: node v4.5.0
(package) eslint-plugin-node v7.0.0
(package) @cloudcmd/clipboard v1.0.2
(package) rm unused html-webpack-exclude-assets-plugin
(package) gritty v3.0.0
(package) optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin v5.0.0
(package) @cloudcmd/clipboard v1.0.1
(package) clear-module v3.0.0
(package) smalltalk v3.1.0
(package) css-loader v1.0.0
(Dockerfile) mhart/alpine-node -> node:alpine


Electron v2.0.4
Restafary v3.2.0


Titel: fman 1.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2018, 09:03

fman was unable to open files with an ampersand & on Windows:

This is now fixed.
Fixed another problem with opening files on Windows.
On Mac, when copying text in fman and pasting it into some other applications such as PyCharm, a few "invisible characters" were prepended to the text. This was caused by a bug in Qt. A workaround was implemented in fman to avoid this.
fman's built-in command for reloading plugins did not reload commands. This is now fixed.
It's now possible to operate fman's dialogs with the keyboard on Mac. For instance, in the following dialog, you can use Y to say that Yes, the file should be overwritten.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2018, 19:45
Whats new:>>


(img) loading: svg minify

Titel: Q-Dir 7.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2018, 11:22
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bugfix in der Q-Dir Portable-Version, Verbesserungen in den einzelne 4 Explorer Listen Ansichten!
Einige kleinere Anpassungen in Q-Dir Plus Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.58 Build 1308
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2018, 18:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Clover 3.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2018, 16:10
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Fixed: Clover crash on Win10.
Fixed:Bug about logging in.

Titel: Total Commander 9.21 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2018, 17:30

25.07.18 Added: Use smaller 16x16 link overlay icon (32/64)
25.07.18 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreventScrollbarCrash= enable function to prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times manually (32/64)
25.07.18 Fixed: Prevent crash when loading Lister multiple times also on Windows Server 2016 (32/64)
24.07.18 Added: wcx_ftp.ini [General] ReturnToReUploadDir=0 Set to 1 to automatically return to the directory to which an edited remote file was re-uploaded when saved (32/64)
20.07.18 Fixed: Crash in FTP connection details (Ctrl+F - Edit) in case of problems with user certificate store (32/64)
18.07.18 Added: Also show png images in addition to icons from ico/dll/exe files defined in file associations (32/64)
18.07.18 Fixed: All combobox controls: When entering Korean text and the last entered character is incomplete, clicking on another control inserted that character at the start of the control (32/64)
17.07.18 Fixed: Prevent flickering about 1 second after starting on Windows 7 (which was sending a WM_THEMECHANGED notification although the theme didn't change) (32)
17.07.18 Fixed: With option "Select only the filename when renaming" set, the name+extension were still selected when pressing down arrow on last file in list (32/64)
17.07.18 Fixed: Shift+F7 while the Quick View panel was shown -> other file operations like F5 stopped working (32/64)
16.07.18 Fixed: Reading directories with FindFirstFile/FindNextFile: Ignore empty names (0 length) returned by certain SMB servers (32/64)
16.07.18 Fixed: Alt+F1/F2 drive dropdown combobox: Show context menu also for Computer, Documents, Network Neighborhood, and connected devices. Opens location in Explorer (32/64)
15.07.18 Fixed: Always show internal link overlay icons for file system links (junctions, reparse points) (32/64)
15.07.18 Fixed: Lister: View RTF file with F3, press 1 then 4 -> two scrollbars were visible (64)
08.07.18 Fixed: Font in copy/pack progress bar wrong when using NewStyleProgress=0 -> use dialog box font, changed to bold (32/64)
08.07.18 Fixed: Default window position and size wrong when starting TC after changing scale factor in Windows 10 without logging out and back in (32/64)
08.07.18 Fixed: Empty directory panels when OldStyleDir=1 was set (it took precedence over IgnoreDirErrors) (32/64)
08.07.18 Fixed: Commands - Search -Load/Save, double click on saved item -> default focus was not set to start button (64)
08.07.18 Fixed: There was no more beep when foreground file operation ended while the main window was in the background (e.g. re-upload when editing) (32/64)
06.07.18 Fixed: Compare by content and Synchronize dirs also crashed on Windows 8.1 64-bit, happened after opening them multiple times (solution: keep hidden Lister open in the background) (64)
06.07.18 Added: Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap: wincmd.ini [Lister] unwrapwidth=1024 (uses more RAM for buffer for bigger numbers. Max. 16384) (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.7.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2018, 20:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Q-Dir 7.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2018, 13:30
Whats new:>>

Wichtige Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für Windows 10 / MS Server 2016
Allgemeine Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.7.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2018, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: DPI

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.498
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2018, 12:06


SFTP - Added an option to set file permissions when uploading new files


Changed to check version updates while user logged in
Changed to warn user when cache path is invalid
Mac - Volume icon added
CURL library updated to 7.61


Fixed to clear last login error message when login succeeded
Fixed a bug which caused problems when loading NetDrive at boot time
S3 - Fixed to add Content-Type when uploading files
B2 - Minor bug fixed
SFTP - Fixed to follow symbolic links
WebDAV - Fixed a bug which caused crashes on some conditions
OneDrive and OneDrive for Business - Fixed a bug which caused incorrect file meta data
Mac - Bug fixed to preserve user settings.
Mac - Fixed to remove previous dylib files which caused unstabilities


Titel: fman 1.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2018, 17:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Improved performance for directories with several thousand files.
Improved fman's startup performance.
When opening a symbolic link to a directory, fman used to display the link's destination in the navigation bar. The classical example of this is C:WindowsSystem32: When you open it, fman used to display C:WindowsSysWOW64 in the location bar instead. This is now fixed.
When you opened a .exe with a UAC prompt on Windows


Titel: Total Commander 9.21 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2018, 20:00

01.08.18 Fixed: Moved DPI dependent main menu icon sizes from [Configuration] to resolution-specific section for full multiple screen support, e.g. to [1920x1080 (16x20)] (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: Button bar, start menu parameters: %M added .. for updir item, but only when used in combination with %T (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while uploading recursively (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: ESC now keeps the last chosen hotkey also on Windows 7 (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc - Hotkey dropdown combobox: Do not open help on F1 (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: FTP: Auto-reconnect when the connection is lost while reading a subdirectory when downloading recursively (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: FTP: Dialog box "Not connected!" was shown as independent window without parent when TC wasn't in the foreground (32/64)
01.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+Q: Focus went from active panel to quick view panel after switching away from TC and back, but only when ActiveTitle was set in wincmd.ini (32/64)
31.07.18 Fixed: Handle structured exceptions within wcmzip64.dll to prevent crashes with thumbnail packing (64)
30.07.18 Fixed: Problems with descript.ion files using UTF-8: Upper/lowercase conversion was incorrect, so comments were not picked up when accented characters had different case. Also caused problems with special characters on Chinese locale (32/64)
29.07.18 Fixed: Search with "Everything": Put regular expressions in double quotes, e.g. user enters ^(ABC|BCD) and checks "RegEx" and "Everything" -> send regex:"^(ABC|BCD)" (32/64)
29.07.18 Fixed: When closing some dialogs with ESC, e.g. FTP connection details, the dialog would disappear, and briefly re-appear before disappearing again (64)
29.07.18 Fixed: Distinguish between empty environment variables and non-existing environment variables. Replace %variable% with empty string in the first case (32/64)


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5254.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2018, 18:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

drkns 25.07.2018 00:21:37 +0100 - build 5247

1. Correction of 5240.

2. Refactoring.

drkns 23.07.2018 23:54:41 +0100 - build 5246

1. Continuation of 5211.1. Associations !.! must be working again in archives.

zg 24.07.2018 00:57:09 +0300 - build 5245

1. correction of 5242.1 if the panel is closed in GetFindDataW.

drkns 23.07.2018 20:05:28 +0100 - build 5244

1. Refactoring of strings and string literals.

drkns 22.07.2018 23:02:33 +0100 - build 5243

1. Adapter UUID is checked on load, duplicates are ignored.

2. clang & gcc warnings.

3. Some renaming.

zg 22.07.2018 16:11:54 +0300 - build 5242

1. FCTL_CLOSEPANEL closes panel synchronously.

2. gcc warnings.

drkns 21.07.2018 18:41:29 +0100 - build 5241

1. Null character could not be entered in command line for some reason.

2. Strings containing null characters would be correctly added to db and incorrectly read.

drkns 20.07.2018 23:07:50 +0100 - build 5240

1. Fix obtaining strings with winapi functions.

drkns 16.07.2018 18:30:13 +0100 - build 5239

1. Correction of 5238.2.

drkns 15.07.2018 14:42:42 +0100 - build 5238

1. New versions of tinyxml2 and fmt.

2. Adapters are shown in far:about.

drkns 14.07.2018 20:45:49 +0100 - build 5237

1. Clang warnings.

2. Compiler is shown in far:about.

drkns 08.07.2018 14:29:41 +0100 - build 5236

1. Improve exceptions processing.

2. Refactoring.

drkns 07.07.2018 14:31:27 +0100 - build 5235

1. Correction of 5215.

drkns 29.06.2018 20:49:29 +0100 - build 5234

1. #54: Far crashes when trying to free up memory used to store Descript.ion file records

drkns 27.06.2018 22:31:19 +0100 - build 5233

1. Continuation of 5068: remove storing filters and coloring/sorting groups in the old format.

2. Refactoring.

zg 27.06.2018 13:41:38 +0300 - build 5232

1. correction of 5222.

drkns 22.06.2018 19:39:48 +0100 - build 5231

1. Correction of 5230.2.

drkns 21.06.2018 22:26:50 +0100 - build 5230

1. 0003531: Sort far:config entries.

2. "Eat Your Own Dog Food" - implementation of #1 revealed inconveniences in Dialog API.
   FarListItem now contains intptr_t UserData in order to bind data to the list item
   not fiddling with sending messages (unrelated to DM_LIST<G|S>ETDATA, there's other data).

drkns 21.06.2018 18:53:53 +0100 - build 5229

1. 0003621: It would be good to show "volume label" for network devices.

w17 20.06.2018 17:40:35 +0300 - build 5228

1. M#3614: arclite does not update sizes of files inside archive if external editor is used

svs 09.06.2018 18:11:19 +0300 - build 5227

1. SQLite 3.24.0

zg 05.06.2018 12:47:24 +0300 - build 5226

1. do not sort panel while receiving file list from plugin.


Titel: Multi Commander 8.3.0 Build 2469
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2018, 12:31
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



ADDED - Executing generate bat script can now accept parameters from commandline field
ADDED - Can now select Skip All when error is SOURCE and TARGET is same path
ADDED - Create new shell item will now logout what is happening. Some users have issue with this, and this might solve why
FIXED - Invert selection now works better in Windows Explorer Mode
FIXED - Image library failed on PSD files.. remove PSD support since it was very buggy
FIXED - Now support more then 300 UserDefinedCommand, New limit is 600
FIXED - 2 Stability issue reported by crash report system


Titel: fman 1.1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2018, 13:13
Whats new:>>

Opening directories with a few thousands files is now 40% faster!
There was a bug where fman did not remember the sort settings for a folder (eg. "Sort by Modified") when you set the sort order by clicking on the respective column header. This is now fixed.
Improved the size of Quicksearch dialogs (eg. GoTo and the Command prompt) on Windows.
Made prompts such as for when moving files larger. Too small to really see the full path, or even file name. Now they're larger.
When a Zip archive was deleted while you were browsing its contents, fman froze. This is now fixed.

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.507 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2018, 19:45


SFTP - Added an option to set file permissions when uploading new files


Changed to check version updates while user logged in
Changed to warn user when cache path is invalid
Mac - Volume icon added
CURL library updated to 7.61


Fixed to clear last login error message when login succeeded
Fixed a bug which caused problems when loading NetDrive at boot time
S3 - Fixed to add Content-Type when uploading files
B2 - Minor bug fixed
SFTP - Fixed to follow symbolic links
WebDAV - Fixed a bug which caused crashes on some conditions
OneDrive and OneDrive for Business - Fixed a bug which caused incorrect file meta data
Mac - Bug fixed to preserve user settings.
Mac - Fixed to remove previous dylib files which caused instabilities


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2018 Build 780
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 05:45
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware


Important changes and bug fixes in the release 780 compared to 770
- Bug fix: "Check for updates" drop list items are duplicated after changing of the language http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8428
- Bug fix: Possible exception if editing viewer settings from general settings dialog
- Bug fix: Search dialog - "Attribute/Timestamp..." dialog can not be opened
- Bug fix: Full path is showed for  "Network shortcut" http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8432
- Bug fix: Define toolbar items dialog - dialog is opened for the false item if the list of toolbar items was scrolled. http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8496
- Bug fix: Drive buttons in toolbar have no icons on program start
- Bug fix: If the Explorer option "Hide extensions for known types" is active, then files can not be deleted from the desktop (FC Method).
- Bug fix: Command line does not work if current tab is ::Computer http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8518#p27282
- Bug fix: Unpacking multiple archive files at once - if the destination path is empty, the folder of the first file will always be used as destination. http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8515
- Bug fix: Viewer - searching in hex mode does not work for properly
- Bug fix: "Make folder/file list.."  dialog - selected predefined filter is ignored
- Bug fix: Auto save settings broken
- Bug fix: Rename on smartphons broken for current Windows 10
- Bug fix: Some tab icons are not displayed correctly http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8545
- Bug fix: Refresh of 'Network' goes to 'Desktop' http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8530
- Bug fix: Zip naming issue http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8596
- Bug fix: Search function - size filter is ignored sometimes https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8650
- Bug fix: View of the PDF files does not work for some installed PDF programs
- Bug fix: Quick filter - exclude multiple extensions does not work https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8654
- Bug fix: Building of the zip file name broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8662
- Bug fix: Internal viewer - the option "Enable adjust orientation" does not work correctly if "Show Exif" is switched on/off
- Bug fix: Main menu disappear if defined as "Show menu as toolbar" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8715
- Bug fix: Queue button is always default for pack operation

- Changed: "Color schema" changed to "Color scheme"
- Changed: Hotkeys (Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down) for changing search result splitter changed to Alt+Down, Alt+Up http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8446
- Changed: Handling of the favorites LNK files changed. Now target path will be handled. 
- Changed: The drop-down menu for the Desktop button in the toolbar has been changed. Now no submenus are loaded. This avoids delays in starting of the program.
- Changed: Quick starter repository files now saved in UTF8 format

- Implemented: New option in copy dialog "Use last overwrite options"
- Implemented: New drag&drop option "Start dragging on label or icon only"
- Implemented: Option for search dialog to define in the section [fcSearchForm] of the file FreeCommander.find.ini:   OpenLocationChangeShortcut=1 if the shortcut should be changed from Ctrl+Space to Alt+Space
- Implemented: New action added "Collapse all nodes, except selected node, in the tree view"
- Implemented: NOT operator for quick filter: \~
- Implemented: Multirename - pattern for parent folder (level 1 to 9) added
- Implemented: "Customize action toolbars" dialog - quick filter added
- Implemented: Column profile definition - new option added: 'All subfolder levels for columns:  Files, Items, Folders'
- Implemented: Internal viewer - basic functions for image editing added
- Implemented: Favorite tools - if folder is defined as favorite tool, than parameters %RightDir%, %LeftDir%, %InactivDir% can be used if you want to open the folder not in the active pane
- Implemented: Quick filter popup menu - new item added: Clear edit field
- Implemented: Quick filter - click on quick filter button with pressed CTRL key: edit field will be cleared
- Implemented: Quick starter - context menu for the line added
- Implemented: Version checker form - frequency of checking can be set here too
- Implemented: Quick filter field - select all with Ctrl+A is now possible https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8612
- Implemented: New action added "Copy name without extension as text"
- Implemented: Delete operation (Windows) non blocking now
- Implemented: Viewer settings - ignore list added
- Implemented: Action for reverse quick filter added
- Implemented: Layout option "Ignore main window size and position" now is defined per layout and not global https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8369
- Implemented: "Settings - Shell menu" new option added "Apply to: Current user, All users"
- Implemented: Quick starter - quick filter field use the settings color now
- Implemented: New action added - Close duplicate Tabs
- Implemented: "Define favorite toolbars" dialog - "Duplicate" function added; Drag&drop for moving to another toolbar


Titel: NetDrive 3.6.510 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed issue of 3.6.498 beta when handling Microsoft Office files.

Titel: Total Commander 9.21 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap (via wincmd.ini)
Configure via wcx_ftp.ini whether the current directory should switch back to a re-uploaded file after editing/saving a remote file

Titel: fman 1.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2018, 19:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

Fixed fman's broken Arch Linux package.

Titel: fman 1.1.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2018, 17:30

Some users on Windows 10 received an error when using fman's InstallPlugin to install a plugin:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "fman\impl\plugins\command_registry.py", line 52, in _execute_command File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\commands\__init__.py", line 1543, in __call__ plugin_dir = self._install_plugin(repo.name, zipball_contents) File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\commands\__init__.py", line 1579, in _install_plugin copy(join(zip_url, dir_in_zip), dest_dir_url) File "fman\fs.py", line 48, in copy File "fman\impl\plugins\mother_fs.py", line 129, in copy File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\fs\zip.py", line 95, in copy task() File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\fs\zip.py", line 335, in __call__ _run_7zip(args) File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\fs\zip.py", line 415, in _run_7zip pass File "C:\...\fman\Versions\1.1.7\Plugins\Core\core\fs\zip.py", line 461, in __exit__ exit_code, self._args, ''.join(self._stdout_lines) core.fs.zip._7zipError: 7-Zip with args ['x', 'C:/.../AppData/Local/Temp/tmp9h8jui66/plugin.zip', 'raguay-favorites-a80312b', '-o.\\qxygtqs2.tmp'] returned non-zero exit status 2

This is now fixed.

fman still failed to start on some Arch Linux users' systems. This too should now be fixed.


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2018, 17:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update : Recursive modifications may happen despite an unchecked ‘Include sub-folders’ checkbox

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2018, 09:30
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Enhancements like add sftp/https plus fixes

Titel: Total Commander 9.21 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2018, 13:31

15.08.18 Fixed: Search in background: click on "Go to file" not going to files inside archives (64)
14.08.18 Fixed: FTP/FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Always send server name instead of IP address to proxy, also for data connections (can be overridden with SpecialFlags=1024) (32/64)
14.08.18 Fixed: Link overlay icons were shown for custom icons in file system plugin, e.g. for connections in SFTP (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: Crash in Lister when aborting text search with ESC (32)
13.08.18 Fixed: FTPS via HTTP CONNECT proxy: Reading directory not working after uploading a file (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: FTP/file system plugins: Log function could suddenly stop logging (32/64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Alt+F1, Alt+F2 drive dropdown combobox: No drive was shown after closing list with ESC (problem caused by Korean text input fix - needs to be applied to editable comboboxes only) (64)
10.08.18 Fixed: Any tree view: Icons to expand/collapse tree branches were wrong on some high DPI devices (32)
10.08.18 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections: Folder icons were not displayed on high DPI screens when the file list icon size was changed (e.g. to 24x24) (32/64)
09.08.18 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Applying "Show drive icons from Explorer" didn't update Network Neighborhood, Computer and My Documents icons until after restarting TC (32/64)


Titel: CarotDAV v1.15.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2018, 16:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware


Responding to the problem of using Deflate when running on Net 4.0.
Responding to problems that iCloud no longer works.
We respond to problems where content was not visible when error reply was compressed by WebDAV.
Other minor fixes.


Titel: Double Commander 0.8.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2018, 18:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Plugins] The STFP plugin reproducably crashes (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Access violation при сравнении некоторых больших файлов (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Entering path wfx://FTP\name\ causes Access Violation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] FTP plugin and master password issues (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Delete Operation Resets Cursor Position in the Navigation Pane (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Unsupported viewer encoding при просмотре (F3) большого архива 7z (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Logic] Дублирующиеся (лишние) результаты поиска (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] zip.wcx doesn't show currently tested filename during Test Archive operation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Closing takes a long time (crashes on exit) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Error when select folder in Quick View mode (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Symbolic links not copied in Windows (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.527 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2018, 13:15


SFTP - Added an option to set file permissions when uploading new files


Changed to check version updates while user logged in
Changed to warn user when cache path is invalid
Mac - Volume icon added
CURL library updated to 7.61


Fixed to clear last login error message when login succeeded
Fixed a bug which caused problems when loading NetDrive at boot time
S3 - Fixed to add Content-Type when uploading files
B2 - Minor bug fixed
SFTP - Fixed to follow symbolic links
WebDAV - Fixed a bug which caused crashes on some conditions
OneDrive and OneDrive for Business - Fixed a bug which caused incorrect file meta data
Mac - Bug fixed to preserve user settings.
Mac - Fixed to remove previous dylib files which caused instabilities


Titel: Total Commander 9.21a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2018, 15:00
Whats new:>>

Lister: Allow to set maximum line length for text when not using word wrap (via wincmd.ini)
Configure via wcx_ftp.ini whether the current directory should switch back to a re-uploaded file after editing/saving a remote file

Titel: fman 1.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2018, 17:15

fman was unable to open some network drives on Windows. This is now fixed.
Improved support for UNC paths in GoTo on Windows. GoTo is not yet able to auto-suggest all network drives. You can however type the full path \serverfolder to a network folder. Even though GoTo doesn't autocomplete it, when you press Enter it is still opened.
The problem was when you had previously visited \other-serverfolder. Then GoTo suggested this other server. When you then pressed Enter, GoTo opened other-server. Now, it opens server instead (if it exists).
fman's built-in command for reloading plugins sometimes raised an error. This is now fixed.
Fixed a behind-the-scenes exception when you pressed F2 in an empty directory.


Titel: TC4Shell 18.8.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2018, 19:15
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

CRITICAL BUG FIXED! (Windows explorer sometimes crashes) It is highly recommended to upgrade!
Loading optimization.

Titel: fman 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2018, 12:30

    When your current directory was deleted from outside fman, an ugly error message was shown. fman now handles this case more gracefully and simply goes to the first existing parent directory.

New in fman 1.2.0

    Fixed a bug in fman's GoTo command where you could endup at relative path. Note how the location inthe following screenshot is just bin instead of /home/michael/bin
    Improved the robustness of fman's built-in command for installing plugins.


Titel: fman 1.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2018, 20:45

When you buy fman, you can optionally choose to subscribe to updates. If you don't, then your license is only valid for the current version of fman.

Most people opt for the update subscription. But of those who didn't, some were (understandably) confused when fman started displaying the splash screen again even though they had a license key installed.

When you have a license key installed, but it's not valid for the current version, then fman now shows a better message.


In some cases, clicking or selecting the second suggestion in GoTo had no effect. This was a bug that was introduced in version 1.1.9.
On Windows, when you open an executable (eg. .bat) in fman, the working directory is now first set to the folder containing it. This is required to run some scripts (/applications).
Fixed a few behind-the-scenes exceptions.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2018, 10:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(edit-file) multiple f4
(config) init: load when configDialog disabled
(name-size-date) .name width
(listeners) isNoCurrent: can not go to root when root is empty
(client) parallel -> series: route


(distribute) add ability to import config from remote export server
(package) file-loader v2.0.0
(package) watch:lint:server
(package) add watch:test:server
(package) yaspeller v5.0.0
(package) style-loader v0.22.0
(package) serviceworker-webpack-plugin v1.0.1


Titel: Pc Viewer 1.07.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2018, 17:30
An advanced explorer for the files and folders with tabs and some more useful things like a fast search and an operations administrator.

License: GPL

Titel: fman 1.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2018, 21:00
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman failed to start on some users' Windows system, because of a font-related error
This is now fixed. As a side effect, fman's installation size was decreased by a few hundred KB.
The SwapPanels plugin lets you quickly swap the directories shown in fman's left and right panes. In recent fman versions, executing this functionality sometimes caused fman to freeze. This is now fixed.
fman lets you edit the currently selected file with the shortcut F4. The first time you use it, fman asks you to configure which application should be used as the editor
The problem was, if the editor you selected was removed (eg. because you uninstalled it), then pressing F4 in fman resulted in an uninformative error message. This was improved so you now get a better explanation of what went wrong
Fixed a few behind-the-scenes exceptions.


Titel: fman 1.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2018, 19:45
Changelog -> https://fman.io/changelog

Titel: fman 1.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2018, 19:45

    fman failed to start on some users' Windows systems:

    This is now fixed

New in fman 1.2.7

    Fixed an ugly error message when renaming files on Mac and Linux:


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.480
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2018, 16:00
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Dll Analyzer V1.570 added
Menu structure rearrangement

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.548
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2018, 09:20


SFTP - Added an option to set file permissions when uploading new files


Changed to check version updates while user logged in
Changed to warn user when cache path is invalid
Mac - Volume icon added
CURL library updated to 7.61
Mac - Executable attributes for files. Now you can run executables on mounted drive.


Fixed to clear last login error message when login succeeded
Fixed a bug which caused problems when loading NetDrive at boot time
Fixed cache issue which happens when handling extremely large number of files
Fixed issue which causes crash when file date is set beyond year 2050
S3 - Fixed to add Content-Type when uploading files
B2 - Minor bug fixed
SFTP - Fixed to follow symbolic links
WebDAV - Fixed a bug which caused crashes on some conditions
OneDrive and OneDrive for Business - Fixed a bug which caused incorrect file meta data
Mac - Bug fixed to preserve user settings.
Mac - Fixed to remove previous dylib files which caused instabilities
Mac - Fixed issue which sets log level to VERBOSE at start


Titel: Q-Dir 7.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2018, 12:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen . Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop ,alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Einige Korrektur in den Explorer Listenansichten und diverse Verbesserungen.
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2018, 20:45
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Add Move if can for cut/paste.
Fix logging on server side.
Fix desktop my edit on remote files

Titel: fman 1.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2018, 20:20
Release Notes

On every major OS, the clipboard has several "departments" (technically, MIME types). For instance, when you copy a picture, the "image data" department might contain the picture's pixels while the "file path" department might contain the image's file path.
When you copied a file, fman used to overwrite two departments: the "file path" and the "plain text". This way, when you pasted in a text editor, the file' path would appear.
A user pointed out that the plain text part should not be overwritten when copying a file in fman. This makes it easier to copy/paste a file and then rename it to a (copied) part of another file's name. To accomodate this, fman now only overwrites the "file path" part of the clipboard when you copy a file. The "plain text" is left intact.
fman did not show symbolic links pointing to non-existing targets. This is now fixed.
On macOS, applications are technically directories with the extension .app. When you "open" them in Finder, it launches the app instead of showing its directory's contents.

Because fman is more targeted at developers, its default behaviour is to display the folder contents instead. However, this confused users who expected fman to behave in the same way as Finder. To avoid this, fman now shows a quick note about this the first time you open a .app:


Titel: fman 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2018, 10:40

    Dragging a file from your Desktop onto fman was broken on Windows in two ways:

    Explorer by default moves files, except when you press Shift. In that case, it copies them. fman had this the other way around, which clashed with a little symbol that's displayed when you drag the file.
    When you pressed Shift and dropped the file onto fman, it was actually moved to the Recycle Bin, not to the target directory. Obviously, fman itself does not "accidentally" delete your files when it is supposed to either move or copy them. This was caused by a bug in Qt.

    Since the previous release, fman treated symbolic links to directories as files. Note how in the following screenshot, the symlink has a size and is shown among the list of files, not at the top with the directories:


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2018, 10:30


    (webpack) css: font resource ignores prefix setting (#185)
    (sw) no auth dialog when serve by service worker
    (sw) http auth


    (package) babel-loader v8.0.0
    (package) babel v7.0.0
    (package) table v5.0.2
    (package) style-loader v0.23.0
    (package) nyc v13.0.1
    (package) babel-eslint v9.0.0


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.9.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2018, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2018, 05:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Commander Desktop 10.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2018, 12:22


(view) title: xss
(sw) navigation error


(events) add an ability to remove all added listeners
(cloudcmd) add ability update cloudcmd without page reload
(cloudcmd) add --show-file-name to add file name title in view and edit (#183)


Titel: fman 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2018, 09:03
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Implemented three of the top 10 most-requested features:

Filter files as you type.
Display what is being typed while jumping to a file/directory.
Make it possible to filter files by wildcards such as *.jpg.


Titel: NetDrive 3.6.571 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2018, 11:10


    Shows more information when server connection failed
    Added an option to turn on/off removable device flag (Windows)
    Added dependency of TCP/IP stack to NetDrive services (Windows)


    Fixed issue which prevents cache storage from being cleaned
    Fixed issue of incorrect file uploading status
    Fixed bug in 3.6.569 which causes CPU comsumption after unmount.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2018, 19:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    Fancybox is a pretty good library for modal windows and it was used for a long time in Cloud Commander for all modals that you can see when: view file, edit file, open console or config window. But there are a couple things that disturb me for a long time about this library:

    Has not tests
    Uses jquery
    Big (30kb of jquery + 13kb = 43kb against 23kb of modal)
    Does not support common.js, esm etc
    License not compatible with MIT
    Cannot be installed with help of npm
    Most features of fancybox were not used and some wrap used to fix some behavior.
    Also, it can contain vulnerabilities which would not be fixed because fancybox v2 is deprecated and fancybox v3 has different look and API and it also depends on jquery.

    All this influenced the decision to write modal simplest implementation with compatible API. It has such advantages as:

    Written on vanilla js
    Has no extra dependencies
    Has full test coverage
    Does most stuff using css
    Can be installed using npm
    Supports common.js, esm
    It much smaller and bundled in cloudcmd.common.js so all modals will open much faster :).
    If you find some incorrect behaviour let me know and I will think how to deal with it. This library can and should be used in any project that can't upgrade to fancybox v3 but want to use library that looks and works in a similar way as fancybox v2 and receive support.
    (cloudcmd) onUpdateFound: doubled prefix for cloudcmd.common.js (#188)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2018, 12:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug Fix bei Zugriff auf Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, ... auf Windows 10, speziell auf x64 OS.
Einige Korrekturen in den Drag & Drop-Aktionen aus den interne Exploreransichten in Q-Dir zum MS Datei Explorer.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2018, 13:05
Whats new:>>

Aktualisieren, wegen falscher Virusmeldung, Kompilieren oder Neu-Erstellen der Q-Dir.exe
Nur aus Sicherheitsgründen, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: Deep Explorer 1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2018, 05:45

Deep Explorer is a tool very similar to the Windows Explorer, but it allows you to view and operate on paths much longer than canonical 260 characters of Windows. The length limit of the paths, which is normally limited to 260 characters, goes up to 32,000 characters.

DExplorer allows you to recover, move and delete files and folders at this level of depth that is not accessible or erasable neither from Explorer nor from the Command Shell, which do not support this depth.

Another interesting function is the Hard Delete which allows to gain a complete non-recoverable deletion even with undelete tools since both name and contents of files are overwritten with random data.


Titel: Shallot 1.1.3246
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2018, 12:09
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.490
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2018, 13:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Turkish translation updated by Ahmet, many thanks :)
    Bugfixes in english/german translation/help files
    Tools updated: EXE Packer 2.100, File Move 1.950, DLL Analyzer 1.580

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2018, 12:18
Whats new:>>


(package) load -> load.js + @cloudcmd/create/element
(cloudcmd) rm jquery


Electron v3.0.0

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2018, 16:30
Whats new:>>


    (view) change elements position when open image


    Pipe-io v3.0.6
    Dword v7.0.14

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.9.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2018, 11:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 10.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2018, 21:30
Whats new:>>


(distribute) export: config
(sw) register: null -> stub

Titel: Q-Dir 7.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2018, 12:28
Whats new:>>

Neu: Speichern der Farbeinstellung Farb-Thema in den Q-Dir Favoriten!
Neu: Klassische und Moderne Adressleiste für Windows, oder beide zusammen verwenden!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir und weitere Feinschliffe.

Titel: XYplorer 19.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2018, 17:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Release Notes

Mouse Up Show Down. What about a mouse-driven instant non-invasive Folder Contents Preview that lets you look into a folder without opening it? You can jump into subfolders or open files right from the preview. You will get hooked to this amazing speed booster in a second and never look back.
Tab Colors. Now you can have the selected tab auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. So what? Well, try it. It makes a lot of sense in terms of user guidance and interface balance.
Tree Path Colors. Just like with tabs you now can also have the "Tree Path Tracing" auto-match the color of the breadcrumb bar of each pane. It’s a small thing but it makes everything look better.
Drag and Clone. In all small lists where you can drag items to a new position you now can drag-and-clone an item by Ctrl+Drag.
Remove Search and Filters. The context menu of the Search Information Bar and Filter Information Bar now tells you what you can do with a double click: Remove the search, or the filter. You always could, but now you know.


Titel: One Commander 2.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2018, 21:00
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Release Notes

Due to a bug with Store Apps and ActiveX components, this update doesn’t use ActiveX in File Preview (Space bar). If the Windows has appropriate Shell Extension for generating thumbnails for a certain file type, an image preview will be generated. For example, in case of PDF files, user will not be able to flip through pages within Preview, but will be presented with only the first page of the file (Acrobat Reader or other PDF reader needs to be installed and thumbnail option enabled in settings). The Portable and ClickOnce versions of One Commander from this page still support ActiveX. Once Microsoft resolves this issue, the ActiveX preview will be reenabled.
Program Messages are by default now shown in TitleBar instead of slide-down message. Due to unknown WPF rendering framework crashing while displaying information in this panel on some computers, messages have been moved to Title Bar, but these can be reenabled in program Settings.
Other various small bug-fixes have been made, and small UI tweaks and element alignment.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2018, 12:29
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


Dropped support of node < 8
Removed support of VCAP_APP_PORT


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.9.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2018, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Wheel click selection

Titel: fman 1.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2018, 09:10
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



The filter bar used to be displayed in the lower left corner:

This could lead to the file names being obscured. Now it's shown in the lower right corner:

fman's filter bar
When you pressed Escape when the filter bar was visible, it disappeared but the files were still being filtered. There was no visual indication that this was the case. Now, the filter bar is always visible when filtering takes place.
To clear the current file filter, you had to press Escape twice: The first stroke hid the filter bar, the second actually cleared the filter. Now, a single stroke hides the bar and clears it at the same time.
Files used to be filtered by a prefix match: When you had the files A.txt and Project A and you pressed A, only the first file remained. Now, both files remain.
fman now supports permanently deleting read-only files.


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions v.3.1.0 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2018, 10:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



Here are the changes since last beta:

- Added support for AV1/AOM decoding
- Added Dutch (Netherlands) localization (Thank you mavanmanen! ^__^)
- Added support for cover art embedded in MKV by TagLib#
- Fixed crash for audio files with corrupt album/cover art
- Updated FFmpeg

And here is the full changelog of 3.1.0:

[Icaros v.3.1.0 Final]

- Added new Dark theme (UI settings page)
- Added support for AV1/AOM decoding
- Added "test mode" on thumbnailing page
- Added Dutch (Netherlands) localization (Thank you mavanmanen! ^__^)
- Added support for cover art embedded in MKV by TagLib#
- Added the extensions: mpv4, hdmov, f4v to 'video only' and 'most known' presets
- Improved Icaros Cache so it now returns a resized thumbnail if a larger version of that thumbnail has been cached already
- Fixed crash for audio files with corrupt album/cover art
- Fixed framerate property not displaying fragments (only works on latest Win 10 builds)
- Fixed crash when decoding HEVC on newer CPUs
- Fixed thumbnailing of certain MP4 files
- Fixed several Icaros Cache Indexer issues
- Fixed file count limit shown in IcarosConfig while running the indexer
- Fixed metadata parsing in some AVI files
- Fixed some minor GUI inconsistencies in IcarosConfig
- Installer now installs 32-bit components by default on Win 64 systems
- Made time elapsed label on indexing page translatable
- Refactored a good amount of libav code
- Discontinued support for Windows XP (check developer notes below. Use Icaros 3.0.3 for XP support)
- Icaros now outputs some more comprehensive minidumps (while hopefully not increasing the size too much)
- Improved compilation of FFmpeg
- Updated localizations
- Updated GCC to 7.3
- Updated FFmpeg


Qiuelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-1-0-FINAL

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2018, 11:00


    (cloudcmd) prefix with leading slash (#195)

Cloud Commander Desktop 11.2.1


    (sw) cache favicon.ico from root (#194)


    (package) onezip v3.0.0


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2018, 11:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Q-Dir 7.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2018, 21:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Das Einfügen und Kopieren von Zip- oder Rar-Archiven funktioniert nach dem Windows 10-Oktober-Update nicht.
Update der Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien und Feinabstimmung für das neue Windows 10 Oktober Update!

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.571 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2018, 21:40


Shows more information when server connection failed
Added an option to turn on/off removable device flag (Windows)
Added dependency of TCP/IP stack to NetDrive services (Windows)


Fixed issue which prevents cache storage from being cleaned
Fixed issue of incorrect file uploading status
Fixed bug in 3.6.569 which causes CPU comsumption after unmount.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2018, 05:10


(package) rm unused join-io
(package) apart v2.0.0
(server) callback -> await


pipe-io v3.0.9
onezip v3.1.0
shinju v1.0.0


Titel: fman 1.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2018, 13:29
Changelog -> https://fman.io/changelog

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2018, 09:02
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Extension of ID3 tag form
Bugfix in ID3 menu selection
Next bugfixes in english/german translations

Titel: Shallot 1.2.3446
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2018, 16:20
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.10.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2018, 16:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: fman 1.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2018, 19:15

The shortcut F11 copies the paths of the currently selected files to the clipboard. This is useful, for instance when you want to paste these paths into a Terminal for further processing.
Up until now, pressing F11 while inside an empty directory resulted in a not very helpful alert. At the suggestion of a user, fman now instead copies the path of the empty directory.
Fixed a small but crucial bug in the Tutorial: It did not notice when you had successfully invoked GoTo. This meant that many new users have been unable to complete the tutorial.
Made the first behind-the-scenes changes for an upcoming release of fman on Fedora Linux.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2018, 09:40
Whats new:>>

(cloudcmd) add env variable CLOUDCMD_OPEN

Titel: QT TabBar 1039
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2018, 11:15
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.




Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views
Multiple-language support by contributors
for Windows7 & Windows8 & Windows8.1 & Windows10 (32bit/64bit) + .net Framework 4.0


Errors on Windows 10 October 2018 Update and Insider Preview versions.
Supports Explorer dark mode (Windows10).
We got struck by lightnings this summer and disk crashed on dev PC.
Fortunately main source codes were rescued, though installer codes and other tools have been lost.
This is a difference update to be applied to QTTabBar version 1038.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2018, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verschiedene Verbesserungen und für Windows 10, 8.1, 7.0 und Server 2012, 2016
Kleine Korrekturen in der Listenansicht und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.520
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2018, 19:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Correction for properties-dialog
- Tools updated

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2018, 21:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


Authentication change in config:

Added ability to remove from config inputs for changing auth data.


Titel: fman 1.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2018, 05:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman is now available on Fedora Linux! Please see today's blog post for details.
Improved the accessibility of quicksearch dialogs suchas GoTo and the Command Palette: Previously, screenreaders only read out "Row 1", "Row 2" etc. for thesuggestions in the dialog. Now they read out the actualitem text. Eg., in the following GoTo dialog: The screen reader will now read out "Downloads" insteadof "Row 1".
When you drag a file, the operating system displayseither a "+" to indicate that it will be copied, or adifferent symbol to indicate that it will be moved.Which of the two operations is performed depends on thekeys you press (if any) while dragging the file. OnLinux, Control and Alt switchfrom the default behaviour of moving to copying.
fman had the default behaviour wrong on Linux. (Itcopied by default and moved when you pressed Shift.)This is now corrected.
•When you copy or move a directory over an existingfolder with the same name, fman asks for each filewhether you want to overwrite it. In some cases, the Abort button had no effect(fman kept showing you the above dialog for furtherfiles.) This is now fixed.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2018, 05:50
Whats new:>>


(contact) load


(olark) bower -> npm

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.530
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2018, 18:45
Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2018, 21:30
Whats new:>>

(server) open error: exit -> warning

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2018, 10:45
Whats new:>>


(npmignore) add fixture


(package) console-io v9.0.0
(npmignore) add fixture

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.10.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2018, 06:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: fman 1.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2018, 16:10
Whats new:>>

You can now create multiple recursive directories in fman's dialog for folder creation (F7)

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2018, 17:30
Whats new:>>


(cloudcmd) add support of express mounting point (#200)


Remy v4.1.0
Edward v8.0.9
Dword v8.7.0
Console-io v9.1.0

Titel: mp3infp 2.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2018, 18:40
mp3infp uses the shell extension function of Windows to add a tag reference and edit function to Explorer.
This compact application supports the most common audio formats and their corresponding tag types.

For instance, the tag formats for MP1, MP2, MP3 and RMP are ID3 v1, v1.1, v2.2, v.2.3, and v.2.4.

The RMP3 format used in Japan is also supported. For TwinVQ, WAV and AVI, mp3infp supports AVI 1.0 (Video for Windows) and AVI 2.0 (OpenDML).

Other formats that mp3infp can handle too are Windows Media (WMA, WMV, ASF), Winamp 2.xx and 5.xx and Media Player playlist (M3U), Monkey’s Audio (APE tags v1 and v2), Ogg Vorbis (OGG), and MP4 (MP4, M4A, M4V, 3GP, 3G2).


Titel: fman 1.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2018, 04:30
Whats new:>>

fman filters files as you type. Initially, it only displayed files that begin with what you typed. So for example when you typed project, it displayed Project/ but not Another Project/. Some users strongly disliked this behaviour (they want Another Project to be displayed as well).
But then, another user rightly pointed out that when you type project, you usually want to open Project and not Another Project. fman now accommodates this by placing the cursor at the first prefix match in the remaining files.

Titel: TC4Shell 18.10.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2018, 16:15
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

GDI leaks fixed.
UI performance optimizations.
Minor internal improvements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2018, 05:40
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


Feature(cloudcmd) add ability to set prefix for web sockets connections with --prefix-socket (#200)


(cloudcmd) add ability to set prefix for web sockets connections with --prefix-socket (#200)
(package) deepword v5.0.0
(package) dword v9.0.0
(package) edward v9.0.0
(package) console-io v10.0.0
(package) ponse v3.0.0
(package) files-io v3.0.0

Titel: Q-Dir 7.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 12:21
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Einige Fehlerkorrekturen in den einzelne Explorer Ansichten.
Korrektur und Verbesserungen in den Explorer-Adressleisten
Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 12:26
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Latest Changes

Reduce transactions lifetime in HierarchicalConfigDb for internal databases. For plugins everything is the same as before for now.


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2018 Build 786 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2018, 16:40
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

- Bug fix: Compare folders - takes a long time if there are several thousand files in folders.
- Bug fix: Tree view is not updated when deleting a folder in the file list via context menu.
- Bug fix: Quick starter - In order to search with quick filter first focus must be set in the field. That was not necessary in the old version.
- Bug fix: Automatic views - few minor bugs fixed https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8838
- Bug fix: Different behavior of selected items when deleting with the Windows method https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=28073#p28073
- Bug fix: Exception on program start if thumbnail view is active in one pane
- Bug fix: Exception on drives reload if drive button was added to toolbar
- Bug fix: Rename with slow double click does not work if the option "Hot track only" is active
- Bug fix: Sorting on shell columns does not work properly
- Bug fix: Searching for the hex string does not work properly (viewer and search dialog)
- Bug fix: Option "Keep expanded nodes per Tab" broken
- Bug fix: RAR files created on Android can not be extracted
- Bug fix: Column profiles - added Windows column can get wrong title
- Bug fix: Message "The system cannot find the path specified" can be showed twice https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9004
- Bug fix: Drive icons may be not correctly displayed in toolbars https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28430#p28430
- Changed: Tab caption - UNC-paths are displayed with "1:" instead of the server name https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7244
- Changed: Freecommander.ini option "ThumbsNoClipCaption" can be defined now in the settings dialog: "Draw caption without clipping"
- Implemented: Quick starter settings - item colors by file type
- Implemented: Quick starter -  in "Repository -> Reorganize" function you will be asked, if non existing elements should be removed.
- Implemented: Switch view mode automatically on folder change - "Settings -> Column profiles/Automatic views"
- Implemented: If the favorite tree option "Full row select" is active, the double click (or click) will also work if the mouse is not over the name
- Implemented: Currently we can switch to the desired drive with Shift+drive-letter. If no root folder is active after switching, then using again Shift+drive-letter will switch to the root folder.
- Implemented: Quick starter settings - selection color added
- Implemented: Main menu items added "Edit -> Save selection" and "Edit -> Restore selection"
- Implemented: When navigating in the folder history (Alt + Left, Alt + Right), non-existent folders are ignored.
- Implemented: Searching duplicates
- Implemented: Multirename - new options for case processing "Upper first letter following any of defined characters:", "Keep current case"


Titel: XYplorer 19.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2018, 04:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Release Notes

Folder Contents Preview:

Now you can get a folder contents preview in the Hover Box. Simply hover a folder and see its top 20 items instantly listed in a small popup. Works in the folder tree and the file list. Addictive is an understatement. This will change the way you work. Your file management will become smooth and silent through a reduction of futile clicks.

Mouse Up Show Down:

Now it’s available also in the folder tree. Like in the List it works on mouse up on the folder icons. Lets you quickly peek into folders without leaving the current location. Lets you even list and open files right from the tree.

Canvas Color Toggle:

Now you can quickly toggle the background color of the Hover Box for images. Cool feature for photographers.

Invalid Filename Warning:

Now you get a warning in the status bar when a file or folder with an invalid filename (invalid in the Windows shell, not in NTFS) is selected in the file list. Leading or trailing spaces are made visible by a replacement character.

Horizontal Scrolling:

Now Shift+Wheel horizontally scrolls folder tree and file list.


Titel: fman 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2018, 17:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Fman now has a full-screen mode! Toggle it via the Command Palette:

Toggle full
Toggle fullscreen or via the standard shortcut Cmd+Ctrl+F on Mac.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2018, 17:00


(cloudcmd) register service worker on http connection (#203)


(package) criton v2.0.0
(package) eslint-plugin-node v8.0.0


smalltalk v3.2.2
ponse v3.2.0


Titel: fman 1.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2018, 17:30

When you define a custom keyboard shortcut in fman, it does not overwrite any old shortcuts. For example: On Mac, Enter opens the current file. If you add Cmd+O as a shortcut for that action, then Enter still works.

Throughout fman's history, some people did not want the old shortcut to remain active. To address this, there is now a new command called none. To deactivate a shortcut, simply bind it to this command. Eg., to deactivate Enter, add the following to Key Bindings.json:

{ "keys": ["Enter"], "command": "none" }
Added the missing description to fman's installer on the Arch User Repository.


Titel: MyFolders 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2018, 20:45
The MyFolders Windows Explorer Shell Extension saves you time by placing any folder at your fingertips. Copy/Move files or Open any folder with just a few clicks!

MyFolders enhances Explorer's right-click menu with several convenient utilities to access folders:


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.11.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2018, 21:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: fman 1.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2018, 13:40
Whats new:>>

fman is now available on CentOS

Titel: One Commander 2.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2018, 18:15
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Titel: fman 1.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2018, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Fedora 29 just came out. Previous releases of fman failed to start on it. Now it works, with one exception: The built-in InstallPlugin command raises an error. This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.11.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2018, 18:33
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Focused item

Titel: Shallot 1.2.3503
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2018, 20:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2018, 10:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


(dialog) noFiles: reject on close


(package) add dropbox support
(server) add graceful shutdown
(package) sinon-called-with-diff v3.0.0

Titel: Vifm 0.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2018, 05:50
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


Added tabs which either operate on the level of layout or level of individual panes
Added ability to synchronize contents of registers among multiple instances
Added menu for managing media (relies on helper that does the managing)
Improved cursor positioning and control over it
Ability to colorize statusline


Titel: fman 1.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2018, 17:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Added a new command Compare Directories. It compares the left and right panes and selects the files not present in the respectively opposite pane. To clarify this, it shows a dialog with the results.
Fixed a bug where creating a new directory did not place the cursor on it. It for instance occurred when you created a folder in a subdirectory of /Volumes on MacOS.
Updated the version of PyInstaller, the library which is used to compile fman's source code into a standalone executable, from 3.3 to 3.4. This is in preparation of an upcoming release, which will update the Python version of fman's plugin API from 3.5 to 3.6.


Titel: Shallot 1.2.3552
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2018, 13:16
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.11.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2018, 21:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: XP

Titel: muCommander 0.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2018, 21:30
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


New features:

Add dark and light solarized themes.


The last setting of single panel view for each window is now restored on startup.
Enable compilation with Java 9 and Java 10.
Select the whole text within the location text-field when the latter gains focus.


Bug fixes:

The application no longer crashes when listing directories with special system files (e.g., pagefile.sys) on Windows.
Files can move to trash on Windows.
If custom folders are set, they are always loaded on startup.
The month value used during batch rename is now 1-based rather than 0-based.

Known issues:

Mac OS X: "muCommander damaged and cannot be opened" may appear after downloading muCommander from the browser. This
can be solved by executing: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <jar_name>.jar
Some translations may not be up-to-date.
Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
Executable permissions on local files are not properly preserved when running a unix-based OS with Java 1.5.
SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server (see ticket #76).
Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.

Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:

Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
Version 5.0 of RAR is not supported. Such archives would appear empty.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2018, 13:47
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


(validate) corruption of config when root not found


(package) pullout v3.0.0
(validate) root: do not validate dropbox root

Titel: Q-Dir 7.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2018, 12:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Einige Korrektur und Verbesserungen im Datei Manager
Aktualisierung der Q-Dir Sprachdateien und diverse Feinschliffe 

Titel: XYplorer 19.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2018, 19:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Release Notes

Archive Contents Preview. Now you can preview the contents of archives just by hovering the file icon. No clicks required. Works for ZIP and, if WinRAR and/or 7-Zip is installed, for RAR, TAR, GZ, 7Z, and many other archive formats.
Live Filter Box. Now you can choose the position of the Live Filter Box. Either it is shown right of the Address Bar, or in the left end of the Status Bar.
Hover Box Icon. Now you can toggle the visibility of the file icon in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "I".
Hover Box Status. Now you can cycle the amount of information shown in the status section of the Hover Box: Simply press key "S".
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Khruangbin.


Titel: FilePropsMan 1.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2018, 21:10
FilePropsMan is a Windows Explorer shell extension, which adds a two tab's to the Window Explorer file properties: "Extended Version Information" and the "File Hash Information". Extended File Information contains information about executable file with developer-defined version records, such as E-mail, BuildDate etc. And File Hash Information tab contains common hashes that are used to verify and authenticity of files: CRC-32, MD5 and SHA1 file hashes.


Titel: fman 1.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2018, 04:45

Added the new API function normalize(...). It is used to fix the Create Directory bug below.
Some Qt-based applications failed to launch from fman. For instance, when you associated .png files with XnViewMP and opened such a file from fman, nothing happened. This is now fixed.
Some heavy fman users reported that GoTo became slow over time. To prevent this, fman now limits the number of entries in its GoTo-database (a.k.a. Visited Paths.json) to 500. This should preserve the speed, while not sacrificing much of GoTo's accuracy.
As mentioned below, the InstallPlugin command didn't work on the newly released Fedora 29. This is now fixed.
Updated fman's Python version from 3.5 to 3.6.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2018, 21:00


(Dockerfile) WORKDIR (#182)


pipe-io v3.0.11: fixes creating of a file when there is no permissions for this
edward v9.1.1
deepword v5.1.2


Titel: nnn 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2018, 04:30
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


What's in?

    Inclusion in several distros including Arch Linux official repo
    Multiple contexts (aka tabs aka workspaces) [max 4]
    Copy, move, remove selected files, remove current file
    Leader key (like vim)
    In-built GUI app launcher with up to 2 arguments (key o)
    List copy selection (key y)
    Env var NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT to disable dir auto-select
    Key Esc exits prompt, ^L clears prompt
    Program runtime help revamped
    Static code analysis integration
    gcc-8 warnings fixed
    Remapped keys:
        ^W - go to pinned dir
        ^X - delete current entry
        ^Q - quit program

What's out?

    nlay is retired (functionality built into nnn)
    chdir prompt is retired
    Env var NNN_NO_X retired, selection now works out of the box
    Only single-char bookmark keys (to work with Leader key)


Titel: XYplorer 19.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2018, 12:22

Hover Box Size. Now you can scale the size of the image shown in the Hover Box. Simply press keys "Numpad Add" or "Numpad Subtract".
Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Colter Wall.


Titel: fman 1.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2018, 21:20
Whats new:>>

The previous release introduced a bug in the ToggleSelection command
Improved the status message that gets shown when you cut or copy a file via Ctrl+C/V

Titel: fman 1.4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2018, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed the broken CopyPathsToClipboard command:

Improved support for Cryptomator drives containing folders with special (Danish) characters.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.11.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2018, 05:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Replacing columns

Titel: fman 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2018, 18:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a small problem with fman's auto-update mechanism on Arch and Fedora Linux.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2018, 21:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in den Q-Dir Explorer Listen Ansichten
Kleine Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2018, 12:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

The overlay icons didn't show up under 32bit applications.
With Windows 10 LSE shows flat icons for symlinks, hardlinks and junctions. Thx to Yaroslav for the icons.
The overlay icon for Junctions didn't show up at all with Windows 7.
Symbolic Link creation is now possible unelevated for Windows 10/14972 when in developer mode.
The property dialog for hardlinks, when used on substituted drives, showed wrong path for the siblings.
Third party filesystems can be configured.

Titel: Change Letter 1.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2018, 19:40
Change Letter is a handy little utility that permits you to change drive letters via the right-click context menu.

Once you have deployed Letter Changer it will save you a trip to your machine's Disk Managment. All you need to do is choose the drive, open up the context menu, and select Change Letter. If you are allowed to change the drive name a thru z will be available in the drop-down. Additionally, you can hide or totally remove a drive as well.

Change Letter gives you the freedom to letter your drives the way you want; S for DVD RW Drive? No problem. It is also available in portable so you can load it on a USB flash drive and have it with you no matter where you happen to be. If you have VHD Attach installed, you will not even get UAC prompt.


Titel: Freeman 0.9.0 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2018, 05:10
Elegant and seemingly simplistic dual-pane file manager that actually has built-in terminals for power users to enhance its functionality.

License: GPLv3

Titel: NirExt 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2018, 18:45
NirExt adds three useful context menu extensions to your Windows Explorer environment.

They include:

Folder Properties: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on a folder in your file system. It allows you to change the icon of any folder you want, and change the text that appears when the mouse cursor moves over the folder.

Advanced Run: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on an executable file (*.EXE). It allows you to run an application with command-line and some other options instantly.

Create Shortcut+: This option is available in the context menu when you right-click on any file in your system. It allows you to instantly create a shortcut and drop it into one of the following folders: Desktop, Start Menu, Programs folder under Start Menu, Common Desktop (for all users), Common Start Menu (for all users), and Common Programs folder (for all users) under Start Menu.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2018, 12:23
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(edit)prefix (#207)


(modules) socket.io v2.2.0
(package) clear-module -> mock-require
(package) auto-globals v1.7.0
(package) add eslint-remove-line
(cloudcmd) sinon, sinon-called-with-diff -> @cloudcmd/stub


Titel: JFileProcessor 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2018, 18:45
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

handle inaccessible folders better, sftp.touch, new file, copy and move not stop on errors, ui tweaks

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1378
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2018, 19:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Vole Windows Expedition 3.85.8122
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2018, 21:15
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2018, 13:50
Whats new:>>

In FTP-Ordnern und anderen nicht standardmäßigen Ordnern:
Dateigröße in Bytes, KB, MB, ... und die Dateierweiterung in der internen Q-Dir-Dateigröße anzeigen.
Kleine Feinabstimmung und weitere allgemeine Verbesserungen.
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien in Q-dir.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.12.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2018, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Changed: config file - window.xml to window.xml and window1.xml (, window2.xml, window3.xml... when multiple executions).

Titel: fman 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2018, 04:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed the following error when you invoked ToggleHiddenFiles, ReloadPlugins and then ToggleHiddenFiles again

Titel: Q-Dir 7.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2018, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Neu: Führen Sie wie im MS-Explorer Befehle aus der Explorer-Adresseleiste aus plus Extras
Verbesserungen bei den Adressleistenregeln und Pfadinterpretation für die Explorer Ansichten
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien in Q-dir.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2018, 05:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Kleine Anpassungen, Verbesserungen W10 und eine neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Spanisch (Español Latinoamérica Colombia)

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2018 Build 790
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2018, 11:00
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

Bug fix: "Check for updates" drop list items are duplicated after changing of the language http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8428
Bug fix: Possible exception if editing viewer settings from general settings dialog
Bug fix: Search dialog - "Attribute/Timestamp..." dialog can not be opened
Bug fix: Full path is showed for "Network shortcut" http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=8432
Bug fix: Define toolbar items dialog - dialog is opened for the false item if the list of toolbar items was scrolled. http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8496
Bug fix: Drive buttons in toolbar have no icons on program start
Bug fix: If the Explorer option "Hide extensions for known types" is active, then files can not be deleted from the desktop (FC Method).
Bug fix: Command line does not work if current tab is ::Computer http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8518#p27282
Bug fix: Unpacking multiple archive files at once - if the destination path is empty, the folder of the first file will always be used as destination. http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=8515
Bug fix: Viewer - searching in hex mode does not work for properly
Bug fix: "Make folder/file list.." dialog - selected predefined filter is ignored
Bug fix: Auto save settings broken
Bug fix: Rename on smartphons broken for current Windows 10
Bug fix: Some tab icons are not displayed correctly http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8545
Bug fix: Refresh of 'Network' goes to 'Desktop' http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8530
Bug fix: Zip naming issue http://forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8596
Bug fix: Search function - size filter is ignored sometimes https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8650
Bug fix: View of the PDF files does not work for some installed PDF programs
Bug fix: Quick filter - exclude multiple extensions does not work https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8654
Bug fix: Building of the zip file name broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8662
Bug fix: Internal viewer - the option "Enable adjust orientation" does not work correctly if "Show Exif" is switched on/off
Bug fix: Main menu disappear if defined as "Show menu as toolbar" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8715
Bug fix: Queue button is always default for pack operation
Bug fix: Compare folders - takes a long time if there are several thousand files in folders.
Bug fix: Tree view is not updated when deleting a folder in the file list via context menu.
Bug fix: Quick starter - In order to search with quick filter first focus must be set in the field. That was not necessary in the old version.
Bug fix: Automatic views - few minor bugs fixed https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8838
Bug fix: Different behavior of selected items when deleting with the Windows method https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=28073#p28073
Bug fix: Exception on program start if thumbnail view is active in one pane
Bug fix: Exception on drives reload if drive button was added to toolbar
Bug fix: Rename with slow double click does not work if the option "Hot track only" is active
Bug fix: Sorting on shell columns does not work properly
Bug fix: Searching for the hex string does not work properly (viewer and search dialog)
Bug fix: Option "Keep expanded nodes per Tab" broken
Bug fix: RAR files created on Android can not be extracted
Bug fix: Column profiles - added Windows column can get wrong title
Bug fix: Message "The system cannot find the path specified" can be showed twice https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9004
Bug fix: Drive icons may be not correctly displayed in toolbars https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28430#p28430
Bug fix: Copy&paste in the tree does not refresh the tree
Bug fix: An internal error in the thumbnail display may slow down the display, especially from the network.
Bug fix: Multi rename option "Activate profiles combo box first" is broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9025
Bug fix: Plain View does not remember selection after switching to another tab
Bug fix: Quick filter does not see some country-specific uppercase letters https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=9022
Bug fix: Drag&drop operation fails if it was started from plain view and some country-specific letters exist in the file name
Bug fix: Color schemes saving is broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9054
Bug fix: Folder synchronize (with compare by content) may stops after comparing the very last file
Bug fix: File/folder selection is lost when cancel delete operation (NC-Selection and "Use Freecommander" for delete)
Bug fix: Screenshot in systems with multiple monitors and different resolutions is faulty.
Bug fix: The file name extension is always showed in lower case letters, if it is in the separated column.
Bug fix: Desktop folder is not refreshing after delete operation (if defined as "Use Windows") https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9113
Bug fix: Unpack archive zip file into "Program files" folder is broken
Changed: "Color schema" changed to "Color scheme"
Changed: Hotkeys (Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down) for changing search result splitter changed to Alt+Down, Alt+Up http://www.forum.freecommander.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8446
Changed: Handling of the favorites LNK files changed. Now target path will be handled.
Changed: The drop-down menu for the Desktop button in the toolbar has been changed. Now no submenus are loaded. This avoids delays in starting of the program.
Changed: Quick starter repository files now saved in UTF8 format
Changed: Tab caption - UNC-paths are displayed with "1:" instead of the server name https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7244
Changed: Freecommander.ini option "ThumbsNoClipCaption" can be defined now in the settings dialog: "Draw caption without clipping"
Changed: Delete/Copy/Move with the option "Use Windows": the message "The operation was canceled by user" is no more showed
Implemented: New option in copy dialog "Use last overwrite options"
Implemented: New drag&drop option "Start dragging on label or icon only"
Implemented: Option for search dialog to define in the section [fcSearchForm] of the file FreeCommander.find.ini: OpenLocationChangeShortcut=1 if the shortcut should be changed from Ctrl+Space to Alt+Space
Implemented: New action added "Collapse all nodes, except selected node, in the tree view"
Implemented: NOT operator for quick filter: ~
Implemented: Multirename - pattern for parent folder (level 1 to 9) added
Implemented: "Customize action toolbars" dialog - quick filter added
Implemented: Column profile definition - new option added: 'All subfolder levels for columns: Files, Items, Folders'
Implemented: Internal viewer - basic functions for image editing added
Implemented: Favorite tools - if folder is defined as favorite tool, than parameters %RightDir%, %LeftDir%, %InactivDir% can be used if you want to open the folder not in the active pane
Implemented: Quick filter popup menu - new item added: Clear edit field
Implemented: Quick filter - click on quick filter button with pressed CTRL key: edit field will be cleared
Implemented: Quick starter - context menu for the line added
Implemented: Version checker form - frequency of checking can be set here too
Implemented: Quick filter field - select all with Ctrl+A is now possible https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8612
Implemented: New action added "Copy name without extension as text"
Implemented: Delete operation (Windows) non blocking now
Implemented: Viewer settings - ignore list added
Implemented: Action for reverse quick filter added
Implemented: Layout option "Ignore main window size and position" now is defined per layout and not global https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=8369
Implemented: "Settings - Shell menu" new option added "Apply to: Current user, All users"
Implemented: Quick starter - quick filter field use the settings color now
Implemented: New action added - Close duplicate Tabs
Implemented: "Define favorite toolbars" dialog - "Duplicate" function added; Drag&drop for moving to another toolbar
Implemented: Quick starter settings - item colors by file type
Implemented: Quick starter - in "Repository -> Reorganize" function you will be asked, if non existing elements should be removed.
Implemented: Switch view mode automatically on folder change - "Settings -> Column profiles/Automatic views"
Implemented: If the favorite tree option "Full row select" is active, the double click (or click) will also work if the mouse is not over the name
Implemented: Currently we can switch to the desired drive with Shift+drive-letter. If no root folder is active after switching, then using again Shift+drive-letter will switch to the root folder.
Implemented: Quick starter settings - selection color added
Implemented: Main menu items added "Edit -> Save selection" and "Edit -> Restore selection"
Implemented: When navigating in the folder history (Alt + Left, Alt + Right), non-existent folders are ignored.
Implemented: Searching duplicates
Implemented: Multirename - new options for case processing "Upper first letter following any of defined characters:", "Keep current case"
Implemented: Possibility to define text label in the favorite toolbar
Implemented: Search dialog - new option added "Open first profile on start"
Implemented: Viewer - new option for images added "Show frames" (in the context menu of the picture)
Implemented: Quick filter option now available in the settings dialog "Also use for folder names"


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.12.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2018, 22:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view

Titel: XYplorer 19.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2018, 10:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Release Notes

Dark Mode. Now XYplorer offers a portable, smart, instant dark mode. Just one click and the app turns dark in the blink of an eye. You can control the levels of darkness and text contrast to adjust the dark mode to your needs and likings. Works in each Windows version from XP onwards.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.540
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2018, 10:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Installation updated

Titel: fman 1.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2018, 16:20
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Some users complained that GoTo was slow, especially when network folders were in the history of visited paths.
The reason for this was that GoTo used to check all suggested directories for existence before bringing up the dialog. If the list of suggestions contained a network share, this check took a long time and thus also the dialog took long to respond.
Now, fman continuously removes directories that are no longer available from GoTo's suggestions in the background. This makes GoTo much faster


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 18.12.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2018, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menus

Titel: fman 1.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2018, 18:10
Whats new:>>

fman's Move and Copy commands let you manually edit the destination path:

Previously, when you entered a non-existing directory as the destination, you received an ugly error:

This is now fixed: fman creates the destination directory if it doesn't exist.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2018, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix in: Übersetzungswerkzeug von Q-Dir
Kleine Tuning und andere allgemeine Verbesserungen und einige Korrekturen.
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien in Q-dir.

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2018, 10:15
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Fixed crash in LSEConfig when it replaced the texts upon startup
Removed vcredist-vs2005 check from installer
[Internal] but important change from VS2005 (sic) to VS2017. Basically everything compiled smoothly except for the heap, thus...
[Internal] Removed the Rockall fast heap. This was neccessary, but also a big performance gain. Memory allocation is 2 times faster, and memory deletion is 10 times faster. Memory allocation is crucial for the core of ln.exe and LSE.
[Internal] Dropped Itanium configuration, since VS2017 does not support it anymore, and I am sure there is no Itanium hardware out in the wild anymore.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v18.12.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2018, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: XYplorer 19.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2018, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10c
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2018, 21:45
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update: Unable to modify EXIF date and time for big-endian JPEG file with thumbnail

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2018, 12:45
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: nnn 2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2019, 10:45
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


(neo)vim plugin nnn.vim
macOS fixes

    Fix issues with file copy, move, remove
    Handle Del in rename prompt
    Pass correct file option to identify mime

Support selection across directories and contexts
Offer option force before file remove
Keys Tab, ^I to go to next active context
Per-context directory color specified by $NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS

    Option -c is removed

Option -C to disable colors
Choose script to run from a script directory
Run a command (or launch an application)
Run file as executable (key C)
Documentation on lftp integration for remote file transfers
Support a combined set of arguments to $EDITOR, $PAGER and $SHELL
Handle > 2 GB files on 32-bit ARM
Env var $DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV to disable file open on Right or l
NUL-terminated file paths in selection list instead of LF
Better support for Termux and Cygwin environments
Remapped keys

    ^I - go to next active context
    ^T - toggle navigate-as-you-type


Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2019, 20:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Changed the compiler to "Visual Studio Express 2017 for Windows Desktop".

Titel: FreeCommander XE v2019 Build 790a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2019, 05:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

- Bug fix: If thumbnail view is active before closing the program, then an error message will appear on the next startup
- Bug fix: NC-Mode (sticky selection) with the active option "Select with right mouse button" - File selection under cursor is lost if using right mouse button for context menu


Titel: Windows File Manager (WinFile) 10.0.1901.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2019, 05:00
The Windows File Manager lives again and runs as a native x86 and x64 desktop app on all currently supported version of Windows, including Windows 10. I welcome your thoughts, comments and suggestions.

License: Open Source


Fix issue #164: toolbar customizations are restored properly
Fix issue #192: calling convention for WNet function pointers
Fix issue #194: Stack overflow while building goto cache ...
Fix issue #198: Add missing Polish translations and fix original translation encoding
Old rc files are now available in master
Prepare and make initial submission for Microsoft Store release.
Fix overflow bug in wfdrives.c and uninitialized variable in wfcopy.c
New Feature: add ^w as short cut for windows close


Titel: fman 1.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2019, 17:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



When you drag a file, the operating system displays either a "+" to indicate that it will be copied, or a different symbol to indicate that it will be moved. Which of the two operations is performed depends on the keys you press (if any). On Windows, the default operation is to move (unless the destination is on a different volume), and copy if you press Control. fman previously had this wrong (it copied by default and moved when you pressed Shift). This is now fixed


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2019, 18:30
Latest Changes:>>

Adjusted: Tree view
Some fix

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.550
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2019, 09:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileMove 2.000, FileShredder 2.320, ExePacker 2.200 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2019, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Beim öffnen von Verzeichnissen per Programm-Argumente
Bug-Fix: Im Q-Dir Ausdruck bei einigen Druckern mit hoher DPI (Auflösung)
Kleine Anpassungen und Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien in Q-dir.

Titel: XYplorer 19.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2019, 20:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2019, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Fehlerbehebung: Batchdateien in Favoriten können seit der letzten Version nicht mehr gestartet werden
Allgemeine Einstellungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-dir.

Titel: fman 1.5.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2019, 12:18
Whats new:>>

fman sometimes prevented external (USB) drives from being ejected on Windows. This is now fixed.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2019, 09:07
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: TC4Shell 19.1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2019, 16:30
Open any kind of archive as a regular folder on your computer by turning to this lightweight, yet powerful app that features Explorer integration.


Whats new:>>

New Preferences dialog (Start/TC4Shell/Preferences).
Support of forensic disc images (S01, E01, Ex01, L01, Lx01, AFF, AD1) added.
Minor optimizations.

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.662 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2019, 18:10


Now NetDrive supports OS X 10.14 Mojave.
Added an option for mounting as a removable drive type.
Now you can choose not to enter credential information for WebDAV, FTP and SFTP.
You can quickly add a new drive item by duplicating an item.
Added an option to treat files and folders starting with a dot as hidden.


Added cancel button on login screen.
Added status message in splash window.
Added tooltip on tray icon (Windows)
Clear file list on UPLOADINGS when it's drive disconnected.
Improved auto-login when boot up.
You can change drive settings even when you cannot connect to the server.
Use maximum storage size for unlimited storages and storages which does not provide quota information.
Improved unmount process when user logouts or quit NetDrive.


Fixed infinite loop problem of unmounting in some condition.
Fixed an issue when uploading files if there are paths in drive settings URL (FTP, SFTP)
Fixed an issue with cache truncation on OS X.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5354
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2019, 20:15
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.570
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2019, 09:15
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1383
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2019, 10:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10d
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2019, 18:50
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update: Rare crash of Windows Explorer when right-clicking

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.580
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2019, 09:12
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Directory 3.630 added

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2019, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Change Compiler option Minimum size to Maximum speed

Titel: Q-Dir 7.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2019, 21:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Neu: Optional Autoupdate-Service über https (ssl) für portable und nicht portable Version.
Neu: Optional, automatische Benachrichtigung wenn neuer Version verfügbar ist.
Kleine Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung in Q-Dir.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Autoupdate-Service ist deaktivierbar z.B. wenn Q-Dir im Firmennetzwerk installiert ist.

Titel: CopyPathMenu 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2019, 20:40
CopyPathMenu allows you to copy a file path with options from the right-click context menu.

This utility permits you to copy the path of a file to the clipboard. And then depending on the settings, the path can be copied in different ways, for instance, you can send it as a clickable link in an email.

CopyPathMenu setup is straightforward and will be a useful addition for any user wishing to cut a few steps out of path copying while gaining some beneficial options.


Whats new:>>

Version 4.0 can now be used on 64bit operating systems. There is better support for multi language Windows systems. Resulting file lists are now ordered.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.1.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2019, 04:45
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.670 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2019, 09:13


Added an option for mounting as a removable drive type.
Now you can choose not to enter credential information for WebDAV, FTP and SFTP.
You can quickly add a new drive item by duplicating an item.
Added an option to treat files and folders starting with a dot as hidden.


Added cancel button on login screen.
Added status message in splash window.
Added tooltip on tray icon (Windows)
Clear file list on UPLOADINGS when it's drive disconnected.
Improved auto-login when boot up.
You can change drive settings even when you cannot connect to the server.
Use maximum storage size for unlimited storages and storages which does not provide quota information.
Improved unmount process when user logouts or quit NetDrive.
Mac - Mount path changes to /Volumes/username/drivename for multi-NetDrive user environment


Fixed infinite loop problem of unmounting in some condition.
Fixed an issue when uploading files if there are paths in drive settings URL (FTP, SFTP)
Fixed an issue with cache truncation on OS X.
Amazon Drive - Fixed to use latest check point of changes to reduce config connection time.


Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2019, 10:01
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar and introduced the Windows7 progress dialog

Titel: XYplorer 19.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2019, 09:08
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Maintenance. This is primarily a maintenance release with lots of bug fixes and small improvements, especially concerning the new Dark Mode.
Disallow Delete By Key. Now you can prevent accidental deletions-by-key in the folder tree.
Confirm Delete. The Confirm Delete prompt has been much improved.
Selection Stats. The Selection Stats dialog prompt has been much improved.
Random Rename. For what it's worth, now you can rename any number of files to random strings. Might come in handy if you make your money as a spy.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Larkin Poe.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2019, 12:16
Whats new:>>

Einige Korrekturen und Verbesserungen im alternativen Dateimanager.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-dir und allgemeine Anpassungen.

Titel: fman 1.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2019, 18:16
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



On Windows, when you opened a shortcut (i.e. a .lnk file) pointing to a directory in fman, it was opened in Explorer instead of in fman. This is now fixed


Titel: XYplorer 19.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 09:40
Whats new: >>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Shallot 1.2.4135
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 10:20
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.0 Build 8649M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2019, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


0002219: [File operations] Only absolute path works in Pack Files dialog (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002055: [File operations] Allow compressing selected file(s) to current directory (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001966: [File operations] Wrong file is renamed if the original file was deleted after the start of rename (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001167: [Graphical user interface] Multi file selection in Syncronize dirs (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001691: [Graphical user interface] The "synchronize directory" operation does not show the progress of the operation... (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001725: [Viewer] Selecting a text in viewer by mouse has problems with X coordinate (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002088: [File operations] Can't rename file with leading blank (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000990: [File operations] Creation of shortcuts *.lnk in addition to symbolic links (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002067: [Graphical user interface] sync directory dialog forgets checked 'asymetric' checkbox (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001731: [Graphical user interface] Feature request: counter of files while moving/copying them (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001992: [Graphical user interface] Garbage lines on resizing, when flat mode is enabled (default) (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002083: [Graphical user interface] Updating URL in the "About" window to HTTPS (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000836: [Graphical user interface] [patch] Restore scroll position after file list refresh (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001536: [Graphical user interface] Добавить "Сравнить" в диалог "Заменить ... файлом ...?" (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001481: [Default] Added 3 commands (cm_ActivateTabByIndex, cm_OpenDriveByIndex, cm_MaximizePanel) (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002182: [Graphical user interface] Can't symlink file paths to clipboard from the File Properties dialog (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002180: [Default] Crash on sorting by creation date (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000375: [Graphical user interface] GUI improvement: Making the simplification of free-disk-space figure independent from "short file size" resolved.
0000270: [File operations] Панель файлов: Сделать настраиваемое отображение размера файлов (bKbMb) resolved.
0000955: [Language translation] Неправильный перевод формата размера файлов resolved.
0002073: [Default] No scroll delay when using drag and drop outside double commander (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002143: [Logic] Renaming file as the overwrite dialog action may overwrite existing files without confirmation (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001137: [Plugins] Sorting by content-plugin columns (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002140: [File operations] Cancelling Wipe operation leaves a subdirectory locked (undeletable) (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002152: [Graphical user interface] Middle click on empty space should be ignored (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001344: [Default] Separate UseConfigInProgramDir from all other settings (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001598: [Logic] После отмены распаковки файла просмотрщик/редактор все равно открывается с аргументом-путем к несуществующему временному файлу (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002012: [Default] Wrong time of JPG files (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002174: [File operations] Find and replace in files search may overwrite the wrong part of file (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002172: [Default] "Horizontal Panels Mode" does not work if the "Show drive buttons" is set to off (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001837: [Logic] Freeze on entering unreachable network paths (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002159: [Graphical user interface] Inactive Sel Frame Cursor doesn't work in Brief view and Thumbnails (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002149: [Default] doc/INSTALL.txt: mistake in instructions and small fixes (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001762: [File operations] Show the processes, which lock the file from deletion. (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002141: [Default] Link failure on ARM (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000705: [Default] Tries to open BitLocker ecrypted drive (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002138: [File operations] Synchronize dirs has problems with mixed case filenames (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002148: [Graphical user interface] Item in Directory Hotlist changes to Command when importing bookmark with prefix "ccm_" (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001254: [Graphical user interface] Hidden files: Show with half-transparent icons (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002133: [File operations] Compare by contents when I delete more than one row in one text file and then hit Compare button then I get error (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002041: [File operations] Checksum generation overwrites existing checksum file without asking for such permission + other issues with this function (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001109: [Graphical user interface] Tabcontrol instead of PageControl, to be flat like TC (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000480: [Graphical user interface] Blinking of file list panel while switching tabs (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002072: [Default] Wrong panel scrolling when using drag and drop inside double commander (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001612: [Viewer] Viewer is Slow When Lines are Long (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001941: [Viewer] Allow to change default tab stop value in settings (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001960: [Default] Add BLAKE2b, BLAKE2bp hash sum algorithms (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002060: [Graphical user interface] Sync dirs: weird focus causes unfortunate situations (Alexx2000) resolved.
0002061: [Graphical user interface] Sync dirs: space to cycle through file marking (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000197: [Plugins] ssh support (Alexx2000) resolved.
0000230: [File operations] Please provide SCP, SFTP functionality (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001719: [Plugins] FTP shows ".." parent directory entry without access rights (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001300: [File operations] Synchronize Dirs please activate "Only Selected"" (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001943: [Graphical user interface] Меняется позиция курсора при смене панели мышкой (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001620: [File operations] Create relative symlink (Alexx2000) resolved.
0001004: [Graphical user interface] Sorting WCX plugins using Drag&Drop issue closed.
0002158: [File operations] Sync dir on network drive cause popup messages (Alexx2000) closed.
0001750: [Logic] Show command line after add path / filename (Alexx2000) closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1391
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2019, 18:10
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Desktop Restore 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2019, 04:30
"Desktop Restore" speichert die Position Ihrer Icons auf dem Desktop, damit beim Wechseln der Auflösung nichts zerstört wird.

Wer oft seine Bildschirmauflösung ändert, wird dieses Problem kennen: Die sorgfältig sortierten Desktop-Icons sortieren sich komplett neu und die ganze Arbeit war umsonst. Hier hilft "Desktop Restore" weiter.

"Desktop Restore" installiert sich als Shell-Erweiterung. Das Kontextmenü, welches beim Rechtsklick auf den Desktop erscheint, wird um drei neue Funktionen erweitert: Save, Restore und Custom. So können Sie mehrere Profile gleichzeitig anlegen.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.2.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2019, 13:04
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted for Chocolatey

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.600
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2019, 06:06
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Ported to Unicode
Dialogs simplified, old stuff removed
Tools updated: Dll Analyzer 1.650, Directory 3.680, Exe Packer 2.240, File Shredder 2.330

Titel: NetDrive 3.6.687 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2019, 13:45


Added an option for mounting as a removable drive type.
Now you can choose not to enter credential information for WebDAV, FTP and SFTP.
You can quickly add a new drive item by duplicating an item.
Added an option to treat files and folders starting with a dot as hidden.


Added cancel button on login screen.
Added status message in splash window.
Added tooltip on tray icon (Windows)
Clear file list on UPLOADINGS when it's drive disconnected.
Improved auto-login when boot up.
You can change drive settings even when you cannot connect to the server.
Use maximum storage size for unlimited storages and storages which does not provide quota information.
Improved unmount process when user logouts or quit NetDrive.
Mac - Mount path changes to /Volumes/username/drivename for multi-NetDrive user environment


Fixed infinite loop problem of unmounting in some condition.
Fixed an issue when uploading files if there are paths in drive settings URL (FTP, SFTP)
Fixed an issue with cache truncation on OS X.
Amazon Drive - Fixed to use latest check point of changes to reduce config connection time.


Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2019, 20:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

SmartMirror in LSE had problem with nested reparse points
The symbolic replacement mechansism was broken for the elevated use-case. Caused by
Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar and introduced the Windows7 progress dialog

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2019, 09:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(terminal) chrome does not display anything on first open (#214)
(rest) can not read ###files (#223)
(help) add --terminal-auto-restart
(cloudcmd) read root from custom config (#224)
refactor(view) viewImage: href, prefixURL -> prefixURL
docs(help) improve English translation of HELP.md (#211)


(package) tar-stream v2.0.0
(package) redrun -> madrun
(package) unionfs v4.0.0
(package) package-json v6.0.0
(package) add @putout/eslint-config
(package) tape -> supertape
(package) add putout
(package) add eslint-plugin-tape
(package) file-loader v3.0.1
(package) css-loader v2.0.1
(package) kebabToCamelCase -> just-pascal-case
(package) deepmerge v3.0.0


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2019, 20:45
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Graphical user interface] Ошибка при настройке цветов для типов файлов (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] FTP plugin: SCP copies 1 Byte too much (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Moving from NTFS USB stick aborted with EDateOutOfRange (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Pressing F2 on '..' causes an exception (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Verify data integrity after copy/move always show error (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Q-Dir 7.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2019, 11:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Erneut korrekturen für den aktuelle Windows 10 Build plus Verbesserungen
Allgemeine Anpassungen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.610
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2019, 06:10
Whats new:>>

French updated by rico-sos, many thanks :)
Added tags dialog (OGG/MP3) (former Id3 tags)
GUI bugfixes
Added Splitter as tools
Tools updated: Directory 3.690, ExePacker 2.250,

Titel: nnn 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2019, 19:10
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


user-contributed scripts repository
substring search for filters (option -s)
version sort (option -n)
key N (1 <= N <= 4) to switch to context N
disk usage calculation abort with ^C
create sym/hard link(s) to files in selection
archiving of selection
show dir symlinks along with dirs in top
use nnn as a file picker with picker.sh
fixed CJK character handling at prompts
bring back NNN_OPENER to specify file opener
env var NNN_NOTE and keybind ^N for quick notes
handle multiple arguments in VISUAL/EDITOR
show the current directory being scanned in du mode
select all files with Y
remap key to show command prompt to ^P
key , replaces ` as alternative Leader Key
keybind for visit pinned directory is now ^B
additional key ^V to run or select custom script
use libreadline for command prompt
reduce delay on Esc press
config option to avoid unexpected behaviour on 0-byte file open (see #187)
keys removed - $, ^, Backspace, ^H, ^P, ^M, ^W, `


Titel: NetDrive 3.7.687
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2019, 13:40


Added an option for mounting as a removable drive type.
Now you can choose not to enter credential information for WebDAV, FTP and SFTP.
You can quickly add a new drive item by duplicating an item.
Added an option to treat files and folders starting with a dot as hidden.


Added cancel button on login screen.
Added status message in splash window.
Added tooltip on tray icon (Windows)
Clear file list on UPLOADINGS when it's drive disconnected.
Improved auto-login when boot up.
You can change drive settings even when you cannot connect to the server.
Use maximum storage size for unlimited storages and storages which does not provide quota information.
Improved unmount process when user logouts or quit NetDrive.
Mac - Mount path changes to /Volumes/username/drivename for multi-NetDrive user environment


Fixed infinite loop problem of unmounting in some condition.
Fixed an issue when uploading files if there are paths in drive settings URL (FTP, SFTP)
Fixed an issue with cache truncation on OS X.
Amazon Drive - Fixed to use latest check point of changes to reduce config connection time.


Titel: XYplorer 19.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2019, 17:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



File Tagging. Now you have sixteen freely definable Extra Columns, sixteen user fields for each file and folder, fields that you can fill, display, sort by, search for, carry around on a stick, and share with your team.
Quick Jump. Now double-clicking a cell in the Path column will open that path and auto-select the double-clicked item.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kurt Vile.


Titel: Shallot 1.2.4359
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2019, 13:43
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: fman 1.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 05:10
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



When you press Enter on Mac, fman by default only opens the file under the cursor. To open multiple (selected) files, you can press Cmd+Enter.

This however opened the files sequentially. So for instance, when opening a few .jpg files, an individual Preview window would open for each one. When you now press Cmd+Enter, fman opens all files "at once". This is also useful for instance for queueing .mp3 files for VLC.
fman now gives more (better) suggestions when you invoke GoTo for the first time. In particular, it suggests folders in your file system root (C:\ on Windows and / on Linux / Mac). This aims to improve the workflow for users who started typing Users on Mac and expected /Users to appear.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2019, 13:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Kleine Korrektur beim start von Q-Dir als Portable Anwendung in Netzwerkpfaden
Generäle Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.2.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2019, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Global keyboard

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1401
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2019, 04:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.620
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2019, 09:21
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- French translation updated
- Tools updated
- Error correction for print preview

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.630
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2019, 09:03
Whats new:>>

- GUI correction

Titel: Total Commander 9.22 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2019, 18:30

27.02.19 Release Total Commander 9.22 release candidate 1 (32/64)
27.02.19 Fixed: String "Search result:" in drive label field wasn't updated when changing language (the fix also updates the current tab, but not other tabs) (32/64)
27.02.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Do not warn if local dir contains 2 identical names with different case, e.g. a.txt and A.txt. However, sync functions are limited in this case (32/64)
27.02.19 Fixed: Ctrl+D, add directory to subfolder containing nested subfolders -> it wasn't added at the end of the subfolder, but before the first nested subfolder (32/64)
26.02.19 Fixed: Accessing tab with inaccessible network path can cause a hang when using IgnoreDirErrors=1 (32/64)
26.02.19 Fixed: After uploading zip file to virtual path (e.g. Android device), it could sometimes be opened internally by mistake (32/64)
26.02.19 Added: Included latest unrar dll 5.70.0 from www.rarlab.com (32/64)
22.02.19 Fixed: Handle directory traversal bug in unacev2.dll, affecting only the "unpack all" (Alt+F9) function (32)
17.02.19 Fixed: Shift+F4 dialog: Buttons "Tree" and "Cancel" were incorrect when using Cyrillic translation on English locale (32)
01.02.19 Fixed: Search: Detection of infinite loops in hard links/junctions/reparse points didn't always work (32/64)
23.01.19 Fixed: Couldn't drag directory from separate tree to empty space in tab header to add it (32/64)
21.01.19 Added: Always look in registry for key if no wincmd.key file is found in the supported locations (32/64)
21.01.19 Fixed: ZIP packer: ???? were shown instead of the name when packing to Unicode extra field, and verifying any Unicode mode (32/64)
14.01.19 Fixed: Directory history with shift+mouse wheel not working (64)
14.01.19 Fixed: Lister (F3), internal media player: Window size too small when viewing a lot of mp3 files, so the menu is broken into 2 lines (64)
14.01.19 Fixed: Lister (F3) was ticking the wrong codepage in the "Encoding" menu when opened (64)
14.01.19 Fixed: Folder tabs: when not using multiple lines for tabs, drag & drop of a tab to the opposite panel would add it to the source panel if it had hidden (scrolled) tabs under that position (32/64)
14.01.19 Fixed: Ignore X64Menu option on 32-bit Windows (32)
14.01.19 Fixed: When using X64Menu=1 in 64-bit version, the dialog in context menu - X32 - Configure was very small (64)
12.11.18 Fixed: ZIP packer: An incompressible file slightly smaller than 4GB, resulting in a compressed file >4GB appeared with a size of -1 in the created ZIP (but could still be unpacked) (32/64)
11.11.18 Fixed: Re-upload to FTP after editing now also works when the FTP connection is not displayed in one of the two panels, but still active (32/64)
11.11.18 Fixed: Compare by content, 2 files on the same FTP server but different user names -> edited file could be re-uploaded to the wrong server (32/64)
04.11.18 Fixed: Select all, switch between full and brief view mode: Entire list was scrolled slowly (64)
04.11.18 Fixed: FTP Upload/Download: Selection wasn't cleared when adding files to already opened background transfer manager with F5 - F2 (32/64)
04.11.18 Fixed: Header-encrypted RAR: Open archive, minimize+restore TC, try to unpack file, enter wrong password (remember password checked) -> user isn't asked again for the correct password (32/64)
30.10.18 Fixed: Dual screen, TC on the right screen: Search in separate process, maximize, minimize, restore -> search window had 0*0 pixel size (32/64)
01.10.18 Fixed: FTP error "Command in progress" in special case: Synchronize dirs, compare local dir with ftp, compare by content, edit remote file, save file, close compare tool, re-upload (32/64)
01.10.18 Fixed: Function to check file system links (junctions, reparse points) for infinite loops didn't handle relative paths created e.g. via "mklink /D MyDirLink ..\MyDir" while in directory "C:\MyDir" (32/64)
25.09.18 Fixed: Button bar: cd *.ext (to set custom filter) didn't support Unicode when using separate Left/Right menus (32/64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: [f] option didn't work for manually entered text, only for placeholders like [N] -> [f] is now applied for the entire text until the end or the next upper-/lowercase placeholder (32/64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2, but only if it was already the active tab (32)
24.09.18 Fixed: Click on locked tab (directory changes not allowed) showed message about new tab when using TabEnterDirChange=2 (64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Crash when starting external sync tool with /S=S parameter when PreventScrollbarCrash=1 was set (the default on Windows 8.1) (64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys while the combobox was closed, the "RegEx" checkmark was only set, not removed (32/64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Search function: when going through list of old searches with up/down keys, the index reverted to the first item when a search with regular expression was encountered (64)
24.09.18 Fixed: Open archive with alternate packer via right click menu (internal association: **ext), then press Ctrl+B -> the default packer was now used (32/64)
23.09.18 Fixed: Crash viewing ICO files containing multiple PNG images (the problem seems to be re-using the TLazReaderPNG) (64)
23.09.18 Fixed: Search in archives by size wouldn't reliably find files >=2GBytes (32/64)
23.09.18 Fixed: Crash unpacking xz-packed zipx archives (because the necessary functions were missing from newer TCMDLZMA.DLL / TCLZMA64.DLL files) (32/64)


Titel: Shallot 1.2.4555
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2019, 20:20
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Q-Dir 7.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Generäle Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Q-Dir Programmgröße Optimierung bei der x64 exe

Titel: Shallot 1.2.4621
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2019, 13:10
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.4.0.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2019, 20:15
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Total Commander 9.22 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2019, 17:30

Diese Version behebt hauptsächlich eine Sicherheitslücke in unacev2.dll, die zum Entpacken von ACE-Archiven verwendet wird. In RC2 wird dieser Patch noch etwas verbessert, so dass auch keine leeren Verzeichnisse im Root mehr angelegt werden.


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2019, 10:00
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware


New type of custom command: Batch Command. This command allows you to run two or more custom commands, either sequentially or simultaneously.
Size of Folders: added buttom to refresh the window.
Advanced Renamer: added new option to remove a fragment by specifying both the position and the length.
Renamer custom command: added new option to close the window automatically after renaming.
Custom commands: new option to show the command in the menu with all file types except the specified file types.
Program custom command: new option to set the priority of the new process.
Calculate and verify checksums: you can set the default algorithm and if to start automatically the checksum calculation.
Minor bug fixes.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.3.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2019, 04:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.640
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2019, 09:06
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

GUI bugfix for message box
Directory 3.720, Splitter 1.590 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.47
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2019, 12:26
Whats new:>>

Wichtig: Bug-Fix in der x64 Version wegen falscher Kompiler Einstellung
Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Fehlfunktionen
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 19.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2019, 17:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Multi-User-Tagging. The concept of Multi-User-Tagging, i.e. sharing file tags within a networked team, is around for quite a while in XYplorer, but the first implementation lacked power, comfort, and elegance. Not anymore.

If you are looking for a way to implement a shared tagging system, you found it. Easy setup, fast automatic real-time synchronization, access control, and a large number of independent fields (Label, Tags, Comment, and 16 freely definable Extra Tags) for each file.

Give it a try, annotate a file and have all your team members see your notes in real-time in their file manager. And see their comments in your file manager. Your team is fully connected.
Status Log. Now the last 1000 changes in the Status Bar are permanently logged. It might be interesting to see what those rapidly changing Status Bar messages actually said, or what exactly you were doing 15 minutes ago. Now you can find out.


Titel: Shallot 1.2.4642
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2019, 13:40
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Total Commander 9.22 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2019, 18:30

12.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with older default method (standard unchecked) -> no overwrite warning for hidden/system files for which the normal overwrite dialog was shown (32/64)
12.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only confirmation dialog may be shown in the middle of copying instead of at the end (32/64)
11.03.19 Fixed: Overwrite read only file while warning for read only was disabled but for hidden/system enabled -> still read only warning when using the expanded overwrite dialog (32/64)
11.03.19 Fixed: Thumbnail cache: Don't try to save uncompressed thumbnails when saving compressed fails (32/64)
10.03.19 Fixed: Copy hidden or system file with standard method (CopyFileEx) -> no overwrite warning, except when it also had the read only attribute. Can be overridden with OverwriteHidSysNotReadonly=1 (32/64)
08.03.19 Fixed: Possible crash in compiler library when window handle becomes invalid in main window message handler (64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.650
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2019, 09:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

DPI bugfix for crashing on startup

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1405
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2019, 18:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.3.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2019, 19:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tab

Titel: Freeman 0.9.1 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2019, 09:30
Elegant and seemingly simplistic dual-pane file manager that actually has built-in terminals for power users to enhance its functionality.

License: GPLv3

Titel: nnn 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2019, 05:45
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


What's in?

    Tinier and lighter!
    FreeDesktop.org compliant trashing
    mark selected entries with +
    wild mode (option -w, key ^W) for nav-as-you-type
    POSIX-compliant GUI app launcher with drop-down menu (key =)
    new scripts:
        upload image to imgur
        send selection to Android using kdeconnect-cli
    show permissions in detail mode
    cp, mv progress bar on Linux (needs advcpmv) [BSD, macOS shows on ^T]
    make libreadline an optional dep (reduces memory usage)
    minimize the number of redraws
    handle screen resize gracefully
    option -d to show hidden files (NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN is removed)
    additional key K to toggle selection
    change visit start dir key to @
    option -C to disable colors removed
    per-context initial directory replaced by program start dir
    marker msg when spawning new shell removed
    rename debug file to nnndbg


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2019, 05:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Lizenz: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed: Attributes submenu was not working.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.660
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2019, 05:50
Whats new:>>

- Error correction for printing

Titel: QT TabBar 1040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2019, 21:40
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.



Supports Explorer dark mode (Windows10).
Fixed some bugs


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 11.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2019, 04:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(operation) progress
(terminal) rm IntersectionObserver handling (xtermjs/xterm.js#1929)


(package) opn -> open v6.0.0
(package) remove @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread


Titel: Total Commander 9.22a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2019, 19:30
Diese Version behebt kleinere Fehler, die nach dem Release von Total Commander 9.22 gefunden wurden. Version 9.22 korrigiert hauptsächlich eine Sicherheitslücke in unacev2.dll, die zum Entpacken von ACE-Archiven verwendet wird.

Ich habe auch die meisten Bugfixes der geplanten nächsten Hauptversion auf 9.22 zurückportiert.

Titel: Double Commander 0.9.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2019, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Default] Using Enter to save Directory Hotlist crashes DC (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Default] Compatibility with Lua 5.2 and 5.3 fileread() doesn't work (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Language translation] Update on Greek translation (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Show icons for WFX plugins WFX (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Plugins] Services2 WFX plugin fails to import (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Graphical user interface] On remote desktop is bottom inform line (Selected files count etc) becomes unreadable due to invalid redraw (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Blank OneDrive icon overlay (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Crashes after disabling tabstop headers (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Default] Log window does not hide after disconnect in the WebDAV plugin (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Logic] Crash when exit from quick view mode after file view mode change (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Plugins] WFX plugins Access violation (Alexx2000) resolved.
[File operations] Crash on rename file from quick search/filter (Alexx2000) resolved.
[Default] Crash when add custom columns from WFX plugins (Alexx2000) resolved.
[File operations] "Can not set permissions for…" message when moving a file to another FS (Alexx2000) resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2019, 20:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.

Whats new:>>

Attributes: submenu "Change in subfolders" was not working.
Attributes: both Compressed and Encrypted attributes worked as read-only. Now these attributes also can be changed in order to either compress or encrypt files or folders.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2019, 05:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(cloudcmd) drop support of beautify, minify
(cloudcmd) improved progress of file operations
(cloudcmd) split prefix and prefixSocket finally
(cloudcmd) view file on double click or enter
(cloudcmd) add ability to change directory using F3


smalltalk v3.3.0
restafary v6.0.0
dword v10.0.0
edward v10.0.0
deepword v6.0.0


Titel: Doszip Commander 3.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2019, 16:50
The Doszip Commander is an LFN-aware TUI file manager (NC clone) with built-in Zip and UnZip for DOS and Windows.

License:  Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fixed bug in delete - stack fault in _rmdir()
Fixed bug %edit% command - failed if panel not visible.
Fixed bug in Text-View. Long lines in large files error.
Fixed mouse-lock in dialogs when check box active..
Fixed zip error: compression method

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2019, 22:00
Whats new:>>


(listeners) any touch open file

Titel: XYplorer 19.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2019, 05:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Clipboard Viewer:

What’s in the clipboard? What will happen when I paste now? Curious? Need to know for sure? Well, just hover the "Edit Clipboard" or "Paste" button in the toolbar for an instant preview of the current clipboard contents. No clicks required. And it even works for images.

Paste Text As Item:

Now you can paste a copy of the item(s) referred to by textual clipboard contents. Works with local paths and even with web addresses. Which means you can download a file to the current folder right from an http path in the clipboard.

Dropped Messages From Thunderbird:

Now, additional to Outlook, also emails dropped from Thunderbird are processed along the your settings for dropped messages.

Editing Dropped Messages:

Now you can trigger an edit prompt for each field you please (From, To, Subject, Date Sent). Helps when archiving emails.

Transparent Images Preview:

Now you have four options for how to display the transparent areas in images: Neutral, Grid, White, Black.

Hover Box With Transparency:

Now it supports the user-selected transparency background (Neutral, Grid, White, Black), and you can easily change it on-the-fly while the Hover Box is shown.

Compilation Soundtrack:

Compiled to the music of Mike Doughty.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.4.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Explorer browser

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2019, 04:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.


Whats new: >>

Introduce Copy Symbolic Link/Junction/Mountpoint
Changes of non-admin users to e.g. symlink relativ/absolute had no effect. Fixed the misconception. What a mess
LSE is on gitlab.com. For now only private, but hope to change this soon.
SmartMirror in LSE had problem with nested reparse points
The symbolic replacement mechansism was broken for the elevated use-case. Caused by
Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar and introduced the Windows7 progress dialog

Titel: XYplorer 19.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2019, 11:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2019, 18:30


(heroku) app: add "}" (#236)


(edit-names) add bulk rename (#231)
(package) stylelint v10.0.0


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.4.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2019, 20:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Q-Dir 7.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2019, 20:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Generäle Optimierung und allgemeine Verbesserungen sowie Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1412
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2019, 10:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.1.1 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2019, 18:45
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Added WEBP properties and better thumbnailing
- Added new "Use any Cover Art" option to allow Icaros to use any embedded image as a cover
- Added special handling of LNK (shortcut) files during registration via IcarosConfig
- Added Urdu localization (Thank you Black Gold! ^_^)
- Added WEBP and AIFF to the "Most known" preset
- Added some navigational keyboard shortcuts in IcarosConfig
  - Ctrl + Tab: Cycle between pages
- Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Reverse cycle between pages

  - Ctrl + Q: Toggle settings page
- Heavily improved keyboard focus in IcarosConfig
- Improved property schema registration
- Made "Reset Thumbnail Filetypes" fix LNK files as well
- Fixed a large number of edge case bugs (bugs that may have affected some users, but most would have been unaffected by them)
- Fixed wrong property values in some TAK files
- Fixed some AIFF and WAV thumbnailing
- Fixed some numbers in IcarosConfig not being localized
- Fixed "Export Settings" function not always exporting all settings
- Fixed some cases where existing thumbnail provider keys was not properly backed up by IC
- Updated localizations
- Updated GCC to 8.3
- Updated to VS 2019
- Updated copyright to 2019
- Updated FFmpeg


Qiuelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-1-1-Beta-1

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.4.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2019, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Get icon

Titel: MenuTools 5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2019, 21:10
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Windows will warn you about unknown publisher when you download this and try to install it. Just ignore it and install. I cannot afford a publishers license at this time.
Fixed a few minor bugs.

Titel: fman 1.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2019, 12:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman failed to run some .bat files that lie on drives (eg. Z:/) mapped to UNC paths such as // This is now fixed.


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10e
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2019, 10:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update: Resolve EXIF compatibility issue with some EXIF viewers

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2019, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Cross Drive Drops didn't work. Introduced with 3921

Titel: fman 1.5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2019, 11:30
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



A Linux user reported that fman sometimes loses data when moving files to read-only mounted file systems (!) This critical issue is now fixed.


Titel: FileVoyager v19.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2019, 09:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



- New: Hash: Integration with VirusTotal.com to get scan reports or make files submission to the web service
- New: Language: Added German (Translation by Andreas Ohlmann)
- New: Hash and VirusTotal tool can be invoked from the context menu (right click) of a file or folder
- New: Navigation: File/folder attributes are now displaying the extended NTFS attributes
- New: Setup: Language chosen is Setup is now used as startup language of FileFoyager
- Fix: Navigation: Corrected the wrong position of the crumb navigation menu on a multi-display setup
- Fix: FV used to rely a lot on GetShortPathName. On systems where GetShortPathName is not supported by a disk partition, FV behavior was downgraded. Now FV will work even if GetShortPathName is not supported
- Fix: Corrected an issue when a double click on MS office files opened them in archive mode instead of launching them with their associated applications
- Fix: Lateral drive pane was not updated in case of language change
- Fix: Size of components (buttons and labels) is adapted better to support languages that need more space
- Fix: Solved the web update check for new version


Titel: Shallot 1.2.4660
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2019, 18:15
Shallot is a file manager with the maximum degree of flexibility and customizability.

Some features:

    Unlimited number of file panels
    Lots of customization options, e.g.
        directory tree can be hidden and is flexible in behavior
        lots of view options
        program behavior
        while conserving a good usability
    It nicely works with convoluted file systems, like editing an image in an archive in another archive on a network drive.
    It has a plugin interface which allows one to implement many additional functionality (like new filesystems) with Python scripting, without any compiler hassles.
    It is Qt5 based and plays nicely with modern Linux desktops. See the downloads which other operating systems are supported (maybe with a few slight limitations).


Titel: Q-Dir 7.52
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2019, 13:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien im Quad-Explorer
• Kleine Korrekturen in Q-Dir sowie Verbesserungen

Titel: One Commander 2.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2019, 09:08
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2019, 16:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Window settings

Titel: Commander 1.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2019, 18:30
Datei-Manager im Split-Screen-Modus mit integriertem Bild-Betrachter; erhältlich auch als portable Version zum Starten vom USB-Stick; der Autor des Programms bittet um eine Spende.



Faster image preview Lossless JPEG cropping Improved mask renaming Canon CR3 raw image preview Canon CR2 exif information display in image preview


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2019, 12:27
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



feature(npmignore) add fixture.json
operation) set-listeners: alert: noCancel -> cancel
cloudcmd) different title


key) add ability to rename file with Shift + F6
user-menu) add (#221)
package) clean-css-loader v2.0.0
package) edward v11.0.0
npmignore) add fixture.json
package) dword v11.0.0
package) smalltalk v3.4.0
package) eslint v6.0.0-alpha
package) eslint-plugin-node v9.0.1
config) speed up load: series -> parallel
cloudcmd) avoid service worker reoload scripts in dev mode
package) putout v4.23.0
package) nyc v14.0.0


Titel: Q-Dir 7.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Kleine Optimierungen und andere allgemeine Verbesserungen sowie einige Korrekturen.
Wichtige Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für Windows 10

Titel: Vole Windows Expedition Free Edition 3.92.9051
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2019, 13:42
Vole Windows Expedition is a Page-Reproduce, massive space and dockable file manager. An easily customized and more graceful way to manage your documents. Totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.

We call document preview page collection and directory list collection as Vole Explorer, Vole Explorer collection as Explorer Project, Explorer Project collection as Vole Windows Expedition. We call all pages and page docking positions reproduce as Scene Reproduce. We call find, download and preview VMC media library in any web page as VMC Discovery. Search for Vole Media CHM for more detail.

Vole Windows Expedition is a universal file manager, totally compatible with Microsoft file Explorer.


Whats new:>>

Support .NET 4.8 (Windows 10 1903)

Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2019, 12:29
Whats new:>>

Backup strategy in case upgrading settings fails
Additional option to backup favorites into a file on each close (Settings>Debug)
Detects if there is a faulty drive causing slowdown. Shows message and tries to recover
History Panel Resizing Fix
Fixed a few small bugs

Titel: fman 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2019, 20:50

    Opening directories whose name end with .tar showed no contents. This is now fixed.
    fman now respects the QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable. This lets some users fix an issue where fman only displayed very generic file icons.


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2019, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


    [Graphical user interface] Mounts to hidden folders must not be shown in the "drive buttons" bar (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] QuickView bug with file deletion and pictures (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] QuickView and Feed to listbox (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] Ubuntu snapd produce unnecessary information at drives list. (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] Content window of Tab bugged after moving it to the most right one (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] Tabs disappear after closereopen DC (when Tree Panelview) resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] Blinking of file list panel while switching tabs (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Default] insecure use of /tmp (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [Viewer] Viewer Causes crash when using Copy To Clipboard Formatted (Alexx2000) resolved.
    "Range check error" when entering a directory (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [File operations] Symbol # at the beginning of dir name LOOPS with trying to view Win shares smb//pcname/C$/#DirName/#DirName/#... etc (Alexx2000) resolved.
    [File operations] DC crashes when adding file to queue for delete on SMB share (Alexx2000) closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 20.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2019, 13:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Recent Location Pins. Navigating a huge folder tree is much easier with pins at your recently visited locations. One of those features you will never want to miss again.
    Custom Colored Tabs. Now tabs can be individually colored.
    Wheel Scroll Lines. Now you can customize the number of lines that are scrolled for each notch that the mouse wheel is rotated, independently of the host system settings.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Gillian Welch & David Rawlings.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2019, 12:27
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

As it turned out, XP x64 has everything we need so wrappers have been disabled for x64 (at least until they use something else in the CRT that isn't there).
A few minor changes.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.5.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2019, 20:17
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2019, 21:15
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (user-menu) F1 and F keys overlapping
    (select-by-pattern) crash


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1417
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2019, 18:00
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2019, 05:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug: Code Signing Zertifikat und Update der Sprachdateien Q-Dir
Q-Dir ist derzeit ohne dieses certificate weil es nur probleme macht

Titel: nnn 2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2019, 20:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    plugin support. 19 plugins added. Some are:
        pdfview: view a PDF in pager
        nmount: (un)mount a storage device
        ndiff: file and directory diff for selection
        hexview: view a file in hex
        imgresize: batch resize images to desktop resolution
        ipinfo: check your IP address and whois information
        transfer: upload a file to transfer.in
        pastebin: paste the contents of a text file to paste.ubuntu.com
        boom: play random music from a directory
        nwal: set an image as wallpaper using nitrogen
        pywal: set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme
        getplugs: update plugins
    SSHFS support
    support bsdtar, simplify patool integration
    native batch rename support (vidir dependency dropped)
    mouse support
    new location for config files - ~/.config/nnn
        plugin dir location: ~/.config/nnn/plugins
        selection file .nnncp is now ~/.config/nnn/.selection
    support configuration as the default file manager
    per-context detail/light mode
    case-insensitive version compare
    shortcut to visit / - ` (backtick)
    vim-like scrolloff support
    ^D & ^U: scroll half page, PgDn & PdUp: scroll full page
    fix selection across contexts
    recognize Home and End keys at prompt for editing
    fix broken program option -b
    POSIX-compliant user-scripts (wherever possible)
    NNN_SCRIPT is retired (replaced by plugins)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2019, 09:16


(terminal-run) resolve before close


(terminal-run) add ability to resolve exit code


Added User Menu CookBook


Titel: One Commander 2.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2019, 12:28
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)



Icons to switch to Column/Dual-pane mode and new Settings icon
Ability to move divider between Folder-Columns and current folder (Columns Mode)
Option to Minimize the program to System Tray, hiding it from the taskbar (PRO)
Preview for photos recognizes camera orientation from metadata
Double-Click path Breadcrumbs to edit path
Reorganized Settings
Gray-out items on Delete command
Fixed Taskmaster bug where it would wait for folders with Access Denied Status
Fixed listing of Drives when a drive would be too slow to respond
Fixed dragging of favorites to respect Windows drag-start distance
Fixed several other bugs


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2019, 05:11
Whats new:>>

(user-menu) add Compare Directories (#220)

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2019, 11:30
Whats new:>>

    (config-manager) add (#208)
    (package) add support of cwd in TerminalRun with help of gritty v4.7.0
    (user-menu) add ability to ignore private methods

Titel: XYplorer 20.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2019, 05:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Clipboard Markers. A new way of marking items that are currently in the clipboard, whether they are cut or copied.
Sorting. Now you can choose between three sort methods in folder tree and file list: Binary, Textual, Natural.
Recent Location Pins. Now you can customize the color and the number of the pins.
The first thing you do is turn them on: Simply click menu Tools | Customize Tree | Recent Location Pins. That’s all.
Reset Zoom. Now you can reset the font zoom to the startup values by pressing Ctrl+0.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Raconteurs.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2019, 12:15
Whats new:>>

Bugfix in der Q-Dir Installation
Kleine Anpassungen und Verbesserungen,
Update der Sprachdateien
Neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Schwedisch

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>


    (config) configManager: totally move away from singleton

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2019, 09:15
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License

Whats new:>>


    (cloudcmd) config: save -> write (#247)


    (package) remove file-loader
    (package) url-loader v2.0.0

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2019, 23:35
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Menu icon

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.670
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2019, 18:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Installation updated (.exe.config)
    Tools updated: Directory 3.740, Splitter 1.600, Dll Analyzer 1.670,
    ExePacker 2.260

Titel: fman 1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2019, 12:29
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



Version 1.6.1 broke fman on CentOS.This release fixes the problem.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.58
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2019, 05:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Neu: Animierte GIF-Unterstützung im Vorschaufenster
Bug-Fix: im optionalen Autoupdate-Dienst über https (ssl)
Kleine Abstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung im Quad Explorer.
Sprachdatei-Update in Q-Dir

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1420
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2019, 19:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: XYplorer 20.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2019, 19:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Append to Clipboard. The new Append command allows you to append files to the files that are currently in the clipboard. Hunt and collect.

    Clipboard Peek. Now the "Edit Clipboard" button provides a real-time indication of the current clipboard contents, so you always know whether there is something in the clipboard and of what kind it (text, image, files). The clipboard is no black box anymore.

    Restore Previous Clipboard. Ever accidentally lost some valuable clipboard contents? Argh! Relax. The previous state of the clipboard is now automatically stored whenever the clipboard changes, and you can toggle the current and the previous state by using the new Restore Previous Clipboard command.

    Nested Hamburger. Now the Hamburger menu in the Breadcrumb Bar ("Recently in the Breadcrumb Bar I asked for the Hamburger menu...") supports submenus.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Last Internationale.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.6.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2019, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Supported: Dark mode (Title bar, Menus, Columns)

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.680
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2019, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Info dialog updated
    Bugfix for window position
    Tools updated: Directory 3.750, Splitter 1.610, Dll Analyzer 1.690, ExePacker 2.270

Titel: Q-Dir 7.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: in Explorer Baumansicht automatisches Ausklappen beim Ziehen nach xx Sek
Wichtige Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für Windows 10 im Quad Explorer.
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: fman 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>

This release fixes a bug with moving folders across devices (eg. from your local disk to a network drive). The move was simply not performed in this case, even though it appeared so visually.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2019, 05:40
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Für jede Explorer Ansicht einen eigenen Verzeichnisbaum
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung im Quad Explorer.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2019, 09:15
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows Server 2000, ... Absturz bei Start x32 Version
Einige Verbesserungen für Windows 10 im Quad Explorer.
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.6.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2019, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2019, 17:50
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

fixes and enhancements: fixes-col width, package. adds-file assocs, start/stop war files using jfp Open/Run and Stop, help on renameFiles...

Titel: Q-Dir 7.65.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2019, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Korrektur im Adressleistenbaum
Einige Verbesserungen in den Listenansichten von Quad Explorer.
Vollständige Deaktivierung der Gruppierung. > Extras > Listenansicht > Deaktivieren
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.690
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 12:11
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Tools updated: Directory 3.760, Splitter 1.620, Dll Analyzer 1.700, ExePacker 2.280

Titel: Altap Salamander 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2019, 19:45
Altap Salamander is an efficient two-panel file manager that includes built-in FTP/SFTP clients and more.

Altap Salamander has an intuitive interface that incorporates viewers for all the popular file formats as well as support for standard archives. Make sure to run as administrator to ensure proper access to all features and files.


Titel: fman 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 05:20
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



A code signing certificate digitally signs fman's binaries, to prove to your operating system that they were not tampered with (eg. by a virus). In particular, it's required to avoid a warning by Windows when you first start fman that it's an "untrusted app". With the new release, this warning should not appear for another three years.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Options dialog extended
    Dll Analyzer 1.710 added

Titel: Clover 3.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 13:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

Fix: Blurring problem displayed on high score screen
Fix: window misalignment problem under high score screen
Fix: Partial bug fixes

Titel: XYplorer 20.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 20:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2019, 21:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Handle leak

Titel: Double Commander 0.9.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2019, 10:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


- 0002307: [Graphical user interface] Значение FixedRows не может превышать RowCount (cordylus) - resolved.
- 0001843: [Default] Text thumbnails do not display the last line of text (cordylus) - resolved.
- 0002085: [Graphical user interface] File selection with "INSERT" not working on filtered list (cordylus) - resolved.
- 0002298: [File operations] Ошибка Division by zero при удалении примонтированного *.iso (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002283: [Default] Double Commander hangs for ever on file operations if RabitVCS is installed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001097: [Graphical user interface] Show thumbnails loses Custom Columns (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001642: [Graphical user interface] Open &VFS list - literal & in the hint of the \\ button (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1425
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2019, 18:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2019, 21:30
Whats new:>>

[Default] Program cannot start - it is throwing an error (Alexx2000) - resolved.

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2019, 20:40
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Now works with Java 8 and 9+, double-click will use JFP file assoc first if one exists, added $JFP var and tweaked war start to use it.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.710
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 09:13
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Hungarian updated by LaMoLa
    Tools updated: File Shredder 2.340, File Move 2.010, Dll Analyzer 1.720, Splitter 1.620, Directory 3.770

Titel: Q-Dir 7.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Erneut Verbesserungen in den Listenansichten vom Quad Explorer für Windows.
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.7.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2019, 05:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.8.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2019, 19:30
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Fixed and enhanced JFP file associations.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2019, 04:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fehlerbehebung: Bewegen Sie sich mit den Tastaturpfeilen durch die Menüs (Datei, Bearbeiten, Anzeigen usw.)
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 20.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2019, 13:06
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.835
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 06:05


    File lock support for Microsoft Office files.
    Support dark mode of macOS (restart NetDrive after changing mode)
    You can choose not to save login credential for non-OAuth cloud services like S3, Swift, Backblaze B2.
    You can change connection time. Default is 10 seconds.
    Now you can mount your folder on local disk as a drive.
    Command line tool nd3cmd added. Now you can mount / unmount using command line tool.
    Now you can force refreshing folder using context menu of Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.


    NetDrive is now notarized by Apple Notary Service (macOS)
    Google Drive - Team drives renamed to Shared drives according to Google's recent change.
    OneDrive for Business - Fixed an issue which caused SSL validation problem.
    CA cert file updated to 2019-05-15 version.


    B2 - Fixed an issue which blocks user from deleting folder.
    Swift / Hubic - Fixed an issue which caused authentication problem.
    SFTP - File listing works on SFTP server which returns date string not in English.
    Fixed an issue which can cause duplicated mount when 'mount on login' or 'mount on boot' is configured.
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which caused HTTP 502 error on some conditions.
    S3 - Fixed an issue which caused error when reading files from S3 server.


Titel: JFileProcessor 1.8.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Fixes-file assoc handle files with a . in name. winos file assoc not matching exact files. adds-auto sync bookmark and file assoc changes to all windows.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.68
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2019, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Beim Schliessen vom Quad-Explorer verschwindet Q-Dir unnötig im To-Tray Bereich!
Erneut Update der Sprachdateien
Kleine Anpassungen in der Quad Explorer Installation

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.720
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2019, 09:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Italian updated by Vittorio
    Correction for textboxes
    Correction for window position
    Tools updated: File Shredder 2.350, File Move 2.020, Dll Analyzer 1.730, Splitter 1.640, Directory 3.780

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.730
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

- Italian translation updated

Titel: fman 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2019, 21:20
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



    fman's OpenWithEditor command, which you can launch with F4, opened your editor with the correct file, but in the wrong working directory on Windows. This lead to problems with gvim. This is now fixed.
    Moving nested folders across devices (eg. from your local HDD to a network drive) required multiple invocations of the Move command (F6). This too is now fixed.

    When entering a folder whose files have invalid modification timestamps on Windows, fman showed the following error:

    Column 'Modified' raised error.

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "fmanimplpluginsplugin.py", line 389, in get_str
    File "C:Users...AppDataLocalfmanVersions1.6.4PluginsCorecore__init__.py", line 99, in get_str
    mtime_qt = QDateTime.fromMSecsSinceEpoch(int(mtime.timestamp() * 1000))
    OSError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument
    The reason for this is that Python's datetime.timestamp() raises OSError on Windows if the date is close to (or before) January 1, 1970. Even datetime.min.timestamp() raises this exception. fman now works around this problem to avoid the ugly error message.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2019, 12:13
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Springe zu einem bestimmten Punkt im Explorer-Verlauf!
Verbesserungen in: Klassische und moderne Adressleiste für Windows 10, 8.1, ...
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2019, 13:50
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



UAChelper mixed up relative and absolute link creation. Introduced with 3920
Added Ukranian localization, Finish localisation for missing texts
Cross Drive Drops didn't work. Introduced with 3921
Properties Dialog could cause a crash on changing junction targets
Autorename had a flaw when having more than 9 files with same name in a directory
Backup mode was broken. Introduced with 3921
Introduce Copy Symbolic Link/Junction/Mountpoint
Changes of non-admin users to e.g. symlink relativ/absolute had no effect. Fixed the misconception. What a mess
LSE is on gitlab.com. For now only private, but hope to change this soon.
SmartMirror in LSE had problem with nested reparse points
The symbolic replacement mechansism was broken for the elevated use-case. Caused by
Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar and introduced the Windows7 progress dialog


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.740
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2019, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Greek updated by geogeo, many thanks :)
    Format bugfix for messages

Titel: Multi Commander 9.0.0 Build 2532
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2019, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - Redesign of how progress windows are show to get around Windows 10 bug
    ADDED - FileSearch is using the new VirtualDevice for search result
    ADDED - Google Drive is now detected and show in dropdown and device toolbar
    ADDED - Session Tab limit now 70
    ADDED - Added option to enable workaround for 7Zip drag and drop issue
    ADDED - Search can now have a result limit. So it stops when limit is reached.
    FIXED - Fixed issue when selected overwrite if newer when doing move operation in same disk
    FIXED - Fixed crash when aborting file copy during prepare phase
    FIXED - Many stability issues fixed


Titel: Vifm 0.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2019, 04:50
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


This version provides additions and improvements for media management feature, several enhancements related to text user interface, extra features to Vim plugin thanks to merging in neovim-vifm plugin and various small changes.

Thanks to everyone who tried out the beta.

Main changes

    Added file preview to miller mode
    Added preview macro to directly output to terminal, which enables use of Sixel graphics for previewing
    Added udisks2 backend to vifm-media script (bundled script for managing media) and version of the script for OS X
    Updated code to make use of large amount of color pairs when available
    Functionality of previously separate neovim-vifm plugin got merged into the main plugin
    Multiple improvements to :media menu
    Improved performance in several use cases (quickview, lots of unhighlighted files, unnecessary cursor updates and redraws)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2019, 05:40
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: wenn alle Datei-Explorer Views unter Windows 10 geklont wurden.
Verbesserungen in: Animierte GIF-Unterstützung im Vorschaufenster!
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: JFileProcessor 1.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2019, 19:45
JFileProcessor is a slightly unusual File Manager that besides its typical set of features, also provides you with a couple of useful features for file search and file count purposes.


Whats new:>>

Redesigned watch system, again. added groovy menu scripts to watch folders and act on new files.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2019, 04:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: im Hauptmemü und Quick-Link's
Kleine Verbesserungen
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 12.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2019, 14:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (operation) first copy after startup fails (close #251)
    (key) chrome keydown event double pass
    (client) load
    (cloudcmd) server start when importListen enabled


    (cloudcmd) simplify lint
    (package) markdown-it v9.0.0
    (package) deepmerge v4.0.0
    (package) yaspeller v6.0.0
    (package) css-loader v3.0.0
    (babel) remove unused @babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
    (cloudcmd) rm Promise polyfill
    (package) rm Object.assign polyfill


Titel: Q-Dir 7.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2019, 13:50
Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in den Möglichkeiten der Gruppierung im Quad-Explorer Q-Dir!
Kleine Anpassungen im Quad-Explorer für MS-Windows-10
Neue Sprache in Q-Dir: Bulgarisch

Titel: nnn 2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2019, 05:50
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    new plugins
        view image or browse a directory of images in terminal
        show image thumbnails
        PDF and text file reader
        calculate and verify checksum of selection or file
        append (and play) selection/dir/file music in MOC
        variable bitrate mp3 ringtone generator
        split current file or join selection
    better experience on Termux (and touch based devices)
        mouse scrolling support (with ncursesw6.0 and above)
        tap/left click to visit parent, toggle nav-as-you-type mode
    light mode set as default
    show status bar and use reverse video in light mode
    changed program options
        -d: detail mode
        -H: show hidden files
        -l is retired
    support XDG_CONFIG_HOME
    support / as an additional Leader key when filter is on
    sort by file extension
    use zip/unzip/tar if atool/bsdtar not found
    support duplicate file (key ^R, same as rename file)
    new config option NNN_SSHFS_OPTS to specify sshfs options
    restrict opening 0 byte files (NNN_RESTRICT_0B is obsolete)
    critical defects fixed
        fix #276 - crash with variable length inotify event handling
        fix #285 - hang after deleting/moving current directory
        fix #274 - a broken prompt on empty input with libreadline
        fix #304 - list selection from another instance
    cmatrix as locker fallback
    wait for user input after running a command from prompt
    scrolloff set to 3 from 5


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.750
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2019, 09:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Tools updated: File Shredder 2.360, File Move 2.030, Dll Analyzer 1.740, Directory 3.79, Exe Packer 2.310

Titel: NetDrive 3.8.855 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2019, 12:15


    File lock support for Microsoft Office files.
    Support dark mode of macOS (restart NetDrive after changing mode)
    You can choose not to save login credential for non-OAuth cloud services like S3, Swift, Backblaze B2.
    You can change connection time. Default is 10 seconds.
    Now you can mount your folder on local disk as a drive.
    Command line tool nd3cmd added. Now you can mount / unmount using command line tool.
    Now you can force refreshing folder using context menu of Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.


    NetDrive is now notarized by Apple Notary Service (macOS)
    Google Drive - Team drives renamed to Shared drives according to Google's recent change.
    OneDrive for Business - Fixed an issue which caused SSL validation problem.
    CA cert file updated to 2019-05-15 version.


    B2 - Fixed an issue which blocks user from deleting folder.
    Swift / Hubic - Fixed an issue which caused authentication problem.
    SFTP - File listing works on SFTP server which returns date string not in English.
    Fixed an issue which can cause duplicated mount when 'mount on login' or 'mount on boot' is configured.
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which caused HTTP 502 error on some conditions.
    S3 - Fixed an issue which caused error when reading files from S3 server.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5445
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2019, 17:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source


    Hex-viewer in UTF-16 mode shows hex as everywhere else - as bytes.
    The code page affects only the text part.
    Correction of 5441 - no need to request elevation when reading a directory.
    Move Grabber help to a separate topic.
    Load macros before the first panels update in order to immediately show content-columns defined in macro-files.
    Forum: F9 -> Options -> File panel modes -> Ins -> crash.
    It should be possible to pass access rights through elevation.


Titel: XYplorer 20.30.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2019, 20:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.20.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Kitty, Daisy & Lewis.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.760
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2019, 16:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Splitter 1.650 added, Directory 3.800 added
    Added option to drag folders into window

Titel: Q-Dir 7.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2019, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Korrekturen in Installation und Deinstallations Routine.
Bug-Fix: Fehlerhafte Fehlermeldung bei Programmende bzw wen Q-Dir geschlossen wird
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: NetDrive 3.8.862 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2019, 16:15


    Localization - Korean added


    Memory issue of some protocols


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2019, 20:45


    (set-listeners) can not continue first error operation error
    (view) getMediaElement: play video/audio


    (cloudcmd) only user menu on f2
    (cloudcmd) remove plugins
    (package) putout v5.2.1
    (package) style-loader v1.0.0


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.865 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2019, 20:20


    File lock support for Microsoft Office files.
    Support dark mode of macOS (restart NetDrive after changing mode)
    You can choose not to save login credential for non-OAuth cloud services like S3, Swift, Backblaze B2.
    You can change connection time. Default is 10 seconds.
    Now you can mount your folder on local disk as a drive.
    Command line tool nd3cmd added. Now you can mount / unmount using command line tool.
    Now you can force refreshing folder using context menu of Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.
    Localization - Korean, Italian added


    NetDrive is now notarized by Apple Notary Service (macOS)
    Google Drive - Team drives renamed to Shared drives according to Google's recent change.
    OneDrive for Business - Fixed an issue which caused SSL validation problem.
    CA cert file updated to 2019-05-15 version.


    B2 - Fixed an issue which blocks user from deleting folder.
    Swift / Hubic - Fixed an issue which caused authentication problem.
    SFTP - File listing works on SFTP server which returns date string not in English.
    Fixed an issue which can cause duplicated mount when 'mount on login' or 'mount on boot' is configured.
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which caused HTTP 502 error on some conditions.
    S3 - Fixed an issue which caused error when reading files from S3 server.
    Memory issue of some protocols


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2019, 21:00

    Worker Threads in User Menu parsing:

    Now you have more control over User Menu scripts, when you load one, it's parsed by putout, and check for an errors.
    So now you can use EcmaScript Modules format instead of CommonJS (both formats supported

    Here is how an error message looks like:

    Screen Shot 2019-08-16 at 2 51 07 PM

    You got file path and codeframe with an error, now developing User Menu will be little bit more pleasant.
    Under the hood It works on brand new worker_threads that is accessible on node v12 and node v10 with a flag
    --experimental-worker, on node v8 everything works without workers.
    So consider updating your node to v12, if you still not, it will became LTS in October
    All this made possible with help of thread-it which handles worker_threads like a charm.

    Cursor Memory:

    No when you refresh browser page, cursor will be on the same file, it was before reloading:
    (user-menu) hide load on error
    (key) keys block


    (cloudcmd) add ability to remember position of current file on reload
    (madrun) disable web workers, while testing
    (user-menu) speed up user menu parsing with help of worker threads
    (user-menu) add ability to used EcmaScript Modules, improve error handling
    (server) add compress: speed up client side load


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.866 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2019, 16:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue which caused problem when renaming or moving files especially with Microsoft Office files.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.50 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 17:00
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



· Redate folder date based on oldest folder
· Redate folder date based on newest folder
· Option to enable/disable the ‘Change Attributes’ context menu
· Detailed Reporting: Reorganised columns
· Detailed Reporting: Add After/Before labels to columns
· Detailed Reporting: Use Listview for failed actions
· Detailed Reporting: Create TAB separated export file for failed actions
· Detailed Reporting: Autosize panels if failed actions occur
· Retrieve common date and time values for selected files and folders
· Fixed main window not closing with ESC key
· Fixed Processing not canceled with ESC key


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.770
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2019, 18:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Polish translation added by Fresta
    Tools updated: Splitter 1.680, Directory 3.810, FileMove 2.040, Dll Analyzer 1.750, File move 2.040, File Shredder 2.370, ExePacker 2.320

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2019, 11:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (menu) autoplay on download in firefox
    (dom) getCurrentData


    (user-menu) improve error handling
    (package) eslint-plugin-putout v2.0.0


Titel: Q-Dir 7.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2019, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in: Quad Explorer mehrere Einstellungen unter allen Windows OS
Update der Sprachdateien
Allgemeine Optimierung und allgemeine Verbesserungen für den nächsten Windows 10 Build

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5454
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2019, 19:45
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source


    Minor optimisation of mapped network drives enumeration.
    More types in far.natvis.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2019, 11:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.1.1 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 09:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Fixed HEVC thumbnailing crash on newer CPUs (e.g. AMD Ryzen 9 3900X)
- Fixed thumbnailing when 'Prefer Timestamp' is enabled
- Fixed artifacts on HEVC thumbnails
- Fixed keyboard controls for the sliders on the UI settings page
- Fixed a handful of odd thumbnailing issues, where specific files didn't produce a thumbnail.
- Improved black/white frame detection. It should return better looking thumbnails more often now.
- Improved seeking to a prefered timestamp. Seeking accuracy should be much better now.
- Added 'AV1' codec id to Icaros Property Handler
- Icaros now adds the source filename to the crash dialog in case of a thumbnail related crash
- Updated Russian localization (Thank you Ligre! ^_^)
- Updated dav1d to 0.4.0
- Updated FFmpeg


Qiuelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-1-1-Beta-2

Titel: Q-Dir 7.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: TortoiseSVN Overlay Icons und ander werden wieder im Quad-Explorer unterstützt bzw angezeigt
Erneut kleine Anpassungen in Q-Dir für den nächsten Windows 10-Build
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.8.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2019, 21:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added (Latin American) Spanish language file.

Titel: NetDrive 3.8.879 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2019, 12:15

    API support for Amazon Drive is stopped by Amazon.


    File lock support for Microsoft Office files.
    Support dark mode of macOS (restart NetDrive after changing mode)
    You can choose not to save login credential for non-OAuth cloud services like S3, Swift, Backblaze B2.
    You can change connection time. Default is 10 seconds.
    Now you can mount your folder on local disk as a drive.
    Command line tool nd3cmd added. Now you can mount / unmount using command line tool.
    Now you can force refreshing folder using context menu of Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.
    Localization - Korean, Italian added
    Localization - Korean, Italian, Vietnamese added


    NetDrive is now notarized by Apple Notary Service (macOS)
    Google Drive - Team drives renamed to Shared drives according to Google's recent change.
    OneDrive for Business - Fixed an issue which caused SSL validation problem.
    CA cert file updated to 2019-05-15 version.


    Fixed an issue which caused problem when renaming or moving files especially with Microsoft Office files.
    Fixed an issue which can cause duplicated mount when 'mount on login' or 'mount on boot' is configured.
    Memory issue of some protocols
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which caused HTTP 502 error on some conditions.
    OneDrive - Fixed an issue of not initializing internal buffer at some case.
    SFTP - Fixed an issue of not setting folder permission.
    SFTP - File listing works on SFTP server which returns date string not in English.
    S3 - Fixed an issue which caused error when reading files from S3 server.
    Google Cloud Storage - Fixed issue of empty list of bucket
    B2 - Fixed an issue which blocks user from deleting folder.
    Swift / Hubic - Fixed an issue which caused authentication problem.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2019, 21:15


    Feature(client) remove legacy suffix, use modules as is
    (client) rm additional dialog
    (user-menu) putout path
    (edit-names) hide
    (vim) find


    (cloudcmd) decrease bundle size: disable convertion to es5
    (client) remove legacy suffix, use modules as is
    (package) es6-promisify v6.0.2
    (menu) rm mute: has no sense with new ponse headers
    (markdown) move out parse to worker


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.888
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2019, 13:45

    Includes fix for crashing when config Amazon Drive. Default file listing option of Google Drive change to fetch from server when user requested.


    Fixed to prevent crash when try to config Amazon Drive item


Titel: Q-Dir 7.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2019, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: im Dateilisten-Ausdruck und einrichten der Seitenränder
Programm-Stabilität-Tests und Verbesserungen im Quad Explorer
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Double Commander 0.9.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2019, 19:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Viewer] DC crashes after deleting file in Viewer with WLX plugins (in preview) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] Update german translation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Some icons of hidden files are not dimmed despite the setting (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Unhandled exception: EConvertError: 1980-0-0 is not a valid date specification (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Can't delete to the trash bin in symlinked directories on different volumes (partitions) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Thumbnails not shown correctly (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] when renaming a file, the filename will be printed twice in an overlapping way. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Logic] Synchronize directories: Crash after reverse copy direction (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Division by zero (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] re-compressing bz2 archive shows >100% (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] File multiselect with Mac command key does not work in Cocoa build (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Invalid floating point operation while closing tabs (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Error : List Index (4) out of bounds (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2019, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Q-Dir 7.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2019, 16:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Bugfix und Verbesserungen in: Vor- und Zurücknavigation und Auswahl beibehalten
Verbesserungen in: Starten mit der letzten Einstellung, ohne den Datei-Explorer zu verlieren
Verbesserungen in: Behalten Sie die Ordnergruppierung bei oder deaktivieren Sie sie

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2019, 06:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    (view) add support of pdf
    (package) madrun v3.0.1


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2019, 12:23

    FTP/SFTP - File listing issue which shows part of date as file name

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.9.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2019, 19:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added Ukrainian language file.

Titel: fman 1.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2019, 17:45
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



You can now use Themes to change the font color in the location bar


Titel: Q-Dir 7.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2019, 12:23
Whats new:>>

Einfacher: den Zugriff bei Ordner-Schutz unter Windows 10 gewähren!
Erneut Verbesserungen in: Ordnergruppierung und letzten Einstellung
Verbesserungen in der Quad-Explorer Datei-Vorschau
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien und generelle Optimierung
Titel: XYplorer 20.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2019, 04:57
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Content Search and Preview. Now both 64-bit and 32-bit IFilters are supported. This broadens the support for previewing and searching the textual contents of complex document formats (e.g. Office files).
    Quick Refresh List. The white space context menu of the file list now features the command "Refresh List". A little gesture towards heavy mouse users.
    Color Filters. Now you can optionally have Color Filters fill the whole column. Makes them more visible, especially with short-named files.
    Previewed Audio Formats. Added DSD and DSF files (Sony’s DSD Stream File) to the previewed audio files. Note that this format is ID3V2 compliant and thus XYplorer will show the tags in the Preview Panel and in the various ID3-Tag columns. Needs a matching CODEC installed, of course.
    Mouse Down Blow Up. The new "Fit width only" option is perfect for quickly previewing vertical images in best resolution for vertical-only panning.
    Mouse Down Blow Up on Thumbnails and Icons. Now the middle mouse button can be used. Frees left and right button to perform their traditional tasks.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Sanford Clark.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2019, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: Klonen von Explorer Ansicht zu Ansicht im Quad-Explorer
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien und generelle Optimierung
Titel: Q-Dir 7.82
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2019, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in: den Registerkarten der Explorer-Ansichten
Bug-Fix: im Hauptmenü beim Fokus-Setzen
Update der Sprachdateien und generelle Optimierung
Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1433
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2019, 21:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.780
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2019, 21:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Added FTP as tool (V2.520)
    Directory 3.820 added
    Bugfix for parameter transfer

Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2019, 09:07
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

         Fixed a problem that copying and deleting files did not work with SFTP.
        Added a function to display the expected transfer end time.
        Other minor corrections.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.790
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2019, 09:09
Whats new:>>

FTP updated (V2.530)

Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2019, 04:45
Whats new:>>

        Fixed an error when the estimated remaining time was too long.
        Other minor corrections.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 19:15
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Neu: Parameter /select wie im MS-Explorer um dateien zu markieren auswählen
Verbesserungen: in optionalem Autoupdate-Service
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung
Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2019, 20:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    (package) @cloudcmd/olark v3.0.0
    (package) format-io v2.0.0
    (package) limier v3.0.0
    (package) currify v4.0.0
    (package) limier v2.0.1
    (package) load.js v3.0.0
    (package) @cloudcmd/create-element v2.0.0
    (package) supermenu v3.0.0
    (package) smalltalk v4.0.0
    (package) @cloudcmd/modal v2.0.0
    (package) putout v6.0.0
    (package) stylelint-config-standard v19.0.0
    (package) stylelint v11.0.0
    (package) markdown-it v10.0.0
    (package) rm version-io
    (package) fullstore v2.0.2
    (package) wraptile v3.0.0
    (package) rendy v3.0.0
    (package) eslint-plugin-node v10.0.0
    (package) restafary v7.0.0


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.921
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2019, 18:10


    File lock support for Microsoft Office files.
    Support dark mode of macOS (restart NetDrive after changing mode)
    You can choose not to save login credential for non-OAuth cloud services like S3, Swift, Backblaze B2.
    You can change connection time. Default is 10 seconds.
    You can manually set total space of drive items which does not provide space information (BackBlaze B2, Google Cloud Storage, S3, FTP, SFTP, SWIFT, WebDAV)
    Now you can mount your folder on local disk as a drive.
    Command line tool nd3cmd added. Now you can mount / unmount using command line tool.
    Now you can force refreshing folder using context menu of Windows Explorer or macOS Finder.
    Localization - Korean, Italian added
    Localization - Korean, Italian, Vietnamese added


    NetDrive is now notarized by Apple Notary Service (macOS)
    Google Drive - Team drives renamed to Shared drives according to Google's recent change.
    OneDrive for Business - Fixed an issue which caused SSL validation problem.
    CA cert file updated to 2019-05-15 version.
    OneDrive and OneDrive for Business now supports Graph API. You need to create new drive item to use Graph API.


    OneDrive and OneDrive for Business - Fixed large file upload issue
    OneDrive - Fixed an issue of not initializing internal buffer at some case.
    FTP/SFTP - File listing issue which shows part of date as file name
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which caused HTTP 502 error on some conditions.
    SFTP - Fixed an issue of not setting folder permission.
    SFTP - File listing works on SFTP server which returns date string not in English.
    S3 - Fixed an issue which caused error when reading files from S3 server.
    Google Cloud Storage - Fixed issue of empty list of bucket
    B2 - Fixed an issue which blocks user from deleting folder.
    Swift / Hubic - Fixed an issue which caused authentication problem.
    Fixed an issue which caused problem when renaming or moving files especially with Microsoft Office files.
    Fixed an issue which can cause duplicated mount when 'mount on login' or 'mount on boot' is configured.
    Fixed to prevent crash when try to config Amazon Drive item
    Memory issue of some protocols


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 13.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2019, 11:30
Whats new:>>

Fix: (terminal) on -> onKey

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.800
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2019, 09:07
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Bugfix for file list
    Added shortcut keys to file list
    FTP 2.600 added

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2019, 12:17

    Droped support of node < 10
    Last time old node versions support was droped was in v11, bottom supported version was node v8, it will be depreceted in December 2019, so was decided to drop it now, anyways node v12 will became LTS in a month, and v10 is LTS now.

    According to statistics about node.js versions users use:

    v8 (21 issues)
    v9 (7 issues)
    v10 (20 issues)
    v11 (6 issues)
    What we have is 26 issues with node >= 10 . Last issue with node v8 was created in 22 March, more then hulf year ago. That's why I think this is a good time for dropping support of old versions. With this change I can use some new code constructions, which will simplify things drastically and makes more fun while working on Cloud Commander, so I can keep it's quality on a highest possible level :).
    No more progress option
    I think there is no need to enable or disable it for the most users (if I'm wrong create an issue :)) and even more, progressive enhancement produces more problems then solves. So from now all file operations that can show progress information, will show it even on a first use (had to do it earlier :)).
    If you have any idea, proposal or a feature in your mind you can always create an issue and we will try to to make everyone happy :).
    (operation) show progress bar on first operation (#253)
    (package) pullout v4.0.0
    (package) console-io v11.0.0
    (package) flop v7.0.0
    (package) restbox v2.0.0
    (package) restafary v8.0.0
    (package) nomine v4.0.0
    (cloudcmd) drop support of node < 10
    (cloudcmd) remove --progress option, make always enabled


Titel: Clover 3.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2019, 17:30
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

    Fix: XP SP3 does not open properly.
    Fix: WIN10 high score screen bug.
    Fix: Other known bugs.

Titel: OldNewExplorer 1.1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2019, 09:08
Mit der Freeware OldNewExplorer werfen Sie das Ribbon im Windows-8- und Windows-10-Explorer über Bord und holen sich den Look aus Windows 7 zurück.

Der Explorer in Windows 8.1 und Windows 10 stößt nicht bei allen Usern auf Gegenliebe. Mit der Freeware OldNewExplorer werfen Sie deshalb das Ribbon-Menüband über Bord und sorgen so für den bekannten Windows-7-Look. Auf Komfort-Features wie kontextsensitive Aktionen müssen Sie trotzdem nicht verzichten.

Nach dem Download des OldNewExplorer entpacken Sie das Archiv, starten die Datei "OldNewExplorerCfg.exe" und klicken auf "Install". Anschließend setzen Sie noch die Haken bei "Use classical drive grouping in This PC" und "Use command bar instead of Ribbon" samt den vier Unterhaken. Schließen Sie dann alle Explorer-Fenster und öffnen Sie ein neues, ist das Ribbon verschwunden.


Whats new:>>

    Support for disgusting dark mode
    Support for disgusting 19H2/20H1 search box

Titel: Q-Dir 7.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 09:06
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserung: bei markierten Datei und vollständige Ordner Pfade kopieren
Korrektur: Unscharfe Darstellung bei höheren DPI 125, 150 Werten unter Windows 10,..!
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.810
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 09:08
Whats new:>>

FTP 2.610, Directory 3.830 added

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 09:10


    (cloudcmd) wrong editor root on multi instance (#254)


    (package) deepword v7.0.0
    (cloudcmd) rm now (zeit/micro/issues/377)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2019, 19:15
Whats new:>>

(client) change directory with enabled dirStorage (#255)

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v3.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2019, 10:25
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v19.9.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2019, 20:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Hot key

Titel: Q-Dir 7.85
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2019, 16:30
Whats new:>>

Verbesserung: Unscharfe-Anzeige beim höherem DPI Wert
Verbesserung: *.qdr-Datei für einen benutzerdefinierten Start des Quad-Datei-Explorers
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>


    (view) add support of webm (#256)

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.820
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2019, 18:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated
- GUI corrections

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2019 Build 803 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2019, 19:50
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

    Bug fix: No auto refresh after deleting file from smartphone
    Bug fix: Exception in internal viewer https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28890#p28890
    Bug fix: If the options "One tree per panel" and "Keep expanded nodes per tab" are active: by switching between left and right pane - the expanded folders in the inactive tree are closed
    Bug fix: Layout switching may cause the exception
    Bug fix: Program start fail on Windows 2003 https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=29009#p29009
    Bug fix: Path change through DOS prompt writes the path to the address bar with trailing delimiter.
    Bug fix: After opening the zip file with the internal plugin fc_internal_zip, different unspecific exceptions can occur later.
    Bug fix: Exception on program start if small icons used in the splitter toolbar
    Bug fix: Opening multiple files causes a crash https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9317
    Bug fix: If the option "Quick filter bar always visible" is not active then exception appears on click in main menu
    Bug fix: Tree is not updated correctly after restart; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9444
    Bug fix: Multirename on smartphone works again
    Bug fix: Synchronize folders - the Quick Viewer does not follow the changes made to the selection in the file list.
    Bug fix: When using "Copy name without extension as text" to copy name of the folder with dot (e.g. aaa.bbbcccddd), only the first part is copied (e.g. aaa)
    Bug fix: Filenames that start with periods (e.g.: .config) are not displayed correctly if the "Right align extension ..." option is active.
    Bug fix: Toolbar buttons for List, Details, Thumbnails stay in down state if "Small icons" or "Large icons" is in menu selected
    Bug fix: Rename of the volume drive does not work if rename operation with dialog is defined
    Bug fix: Search files - Find duplicate files may provide false result https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9669
    Bug fix: Search for files/folders does not work with ";" in path. Use " to enclose path with ";" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9699
    Bug fix: Quick viewer close button does not work in multi rename dialog https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9707
    Bug fix: New added column profile is not visible on "Auto selectable views" tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9678
    Bug fix: Multi rename dialog - "Activate profiles combo box first" broken with quick view https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30211#p30211
    Bug fix: When using a toolbar button "Show main menu as popup menu" some submenus may not work (e.g. Color schemes, Favorite tools)
    Bug fix: Search files dialog - selecting files in the result list does not count selected (if Shift key is used) https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9717
    Bug fix: Favorite folder tree - drop on node with folder is broken
    Bug fix: Favorite folder dialog - active item color is unreadable https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9624
    Bug fix: Chosen custom column profile "A" changes to custom profile "B" when a file is moved https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30087#p30087
    Bug fix: Scrolling in the details view is slower as in the previous version https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=30356#p30356
    Bug fix: Sorting by any column in the search dialog changes the width of the columns https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30358#p30358
    Bug fix: Viewer - zoom with mouse wheel is broken
    Bug fix: Main menu minor issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9772
    Bug fix: Minor issue when using multi rename button/hotkey https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9789
    Bug fix: Create new folder tab from file container tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30437
    Implemented: New action "Set Quick Filter from clipboard"
    Implemented: New menu item "Edit -> Filter files with same ext." (Set quick filter to the extension of the focused item in the current panel )
    Implemented: Confirm overwrite dialog - file version info is showed now
    Implemented: Exif info in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected lines)
    Implemented: Folder view in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected text)
    Implemented: New option "Always open in new tab" for shell menu settings added
    Implemented: "Redirect Win+E to FreeCommander" function opens the program in the foreground
    Implemented: Create checksum - space characters are ignored in the field "Compare with the pattern sum"
    Implemented: "Make folder/file list..." now possible for archive files and SFTP folders
    Implemented: Thumbnails for epub files
    Implemented: New action for main splitter added "Split 0/100 %" and "Split 100/0%" (Compatibility with old version)
    Implemented: JPG as screenshot format added
    Implemented: Position of the settings dialog is saved
    Implemented: Unpacking the archive file from the desktop to another desktop folder is now possible.
    Implemented: New quick filter option added: Clear edit field when quick filter is deactivated
    Implemented: Color scheme menu icons can now be used https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9329
    Implemented: Now color scheme is used in Viewer and quick viewer
    Implemented: Two options in "Attributes/Timestamp" dialog added: 'Copy date "modified" to "created" for each file', 'Copy date "created" to "modified" for each file'
    Implemented: Option to define in the freecommander.ini for deactivating of the color scheme in viewer - "ViewerUseColorScheme=0"
    Implemented: Search dialog - file editing from archive file is possible now
    Implemented: Background color of the file list in the search dialog changes if searching is active; line "BusyColor=" in freecommander.find.ini
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - using substring (enclosed with ) for the option "Upper first letter following any of defined characters" is now possible
    Implemented: New command in multirename dialog added - "Copy old name"
    Implemented: New option for "File/folder list" added "Ignore size of link folder (reparse point)"; default value is false; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29686&sid=ebcde0131eafec4ccc9ada14c4a8b621#p29686
    Implemented: Quick viewer - close button in the title bar added
    Implemented: Additional options for "Close all folder tabs": Close locked tabs too, Apply for both panels
    Implemented: Tab property dialog - icon definition is possible now
    Implemented: Settings - new tab option "Use large images"
    Implemented: Setting for menu font size (Settings->View)
    Implemented: Search dialog - new options for searched text: As entered, Any term, All terms
    Implemented: Search in file container
    Implemented: Quick filter field - with Ctrl+Enter apply quick filter for both panels
    Implemented: Protection against "right to left override" characters in the file name. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2011/09/right-to-left-override-aids-email-attacks/
    Implemented: Drop operation (while holding down the SHIFT key) on a Folder button in the Favorite toolbar works as "Move".
    Implemented: New condition for "Automatic views": <newtab>; if defined is always active
    Implemented: Settings->Programs - define %AcceptOnlyFiles% as Parameter if you want to ignore the program start for folders
    Implemented: "Alt+Left Click" on folder or archive file opens new tab in other pane
    Implemented: Option "Ignore diacritical marks" added (quick filter, quick search, filter, multirename)
    Implemented: New command line parameters: -LQF (left quick filter, e.g. -LQF=*.png ), -RQF (right quick filter)
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - new command "Copy old name without extension" added
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - new option "Use big icons" added
    Implemented: Viewer, VLC Player - "Play loop" option added
    Changed: Multirename dialog - auto-completion disabled for date field
    Changed: Dos-Prompt field - auto-completion disabled
    Changed: "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog - "Copy Created -> Modified" changed as suggested https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9199#p29099
    Changed: Computing of folder Size - the size of the symbolic link folder is now always 0; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29616#p29616
    Changed: Buttons alignmet for left and right toolbar if buttons caption visible
    Changed: Active option "Open folder with one click" opens the link to folder too
    Changed: Tab properties dialog - now the field 'Tab name' is always empty unless you define your own tab name.
    Changed: Address bar alow input of the file URI as suggested https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&p=29991#p29991
    Changed: Loading of the favorite tools faster when many favorite tools (more than 100) are defined.
    Changed: Item colors are no longer set in the background but directly while loading of the file list.
    Changed: Drag&drop key modifier for move (favortite folders tree) changed from CTRL to SHIFT https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9795


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2019, 21:00
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


    Added new property in the configuration of the commands to sort the files before passing them to the command. They can be sorted by name, by extension, by creation time, by modification time and by file size. This property can be set to all commands, both custom commands and built-in commands.
    New command: Join folders. This command moves the contents of all selected folders into a new folder.
    New command: Encrypt Files. This command allows you to encrypt the selected files using a password. The encryption algorithm is AES of 256 bits. The .enc extension is added to the encrypted file and for this type of file a new command will be displayed in the menu named Decrypt File, which allows you to decrypt the file by entering the same password previously used to encrypt it.
    Change Time: added the ability to fill in the date and time from different sources: from a file in disk, from the earliest time of the selected files, from the oldest time of the selected files.
    Size of Folders: shows total number of folders.
    Custom commands: you can configure both the minimum and maximum number of files that must be selected in order for the command to be displayed in the menu.
    Minor bug fixes.


Titel: nnn 2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2019, 19:40
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    user requests/pain points addressed:
        plugins for image preview, image and video thumbnails
        redesigned simplified selection workflow
        drop path prefix of files in current dir for selection based archives
        custom direct keybinds for plugins
        libreadline .history file moved to nnn config directory
        export current entry as $NN at command prompt
        more informative status bar in light/detail modes
        auto-proceed on individual file selection
        path clipping for long paths
        several binary config vars are now program options to support aliasing
        completely revamped wiki
    new program options:
        -a to use file access time throughout the program
        -c to indicate cli-only opener
        -f to run filter as command on ^P
        -o replaces config NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN
        -t replaces config NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT
        -r replaces config NNN_OPS_PROG
    plugin changes:
        vidthumb - show video thumbnails in terminal
        mediainf - show media info (decoupled as a plugin)
        notes - open a quick notes file/dir in $EDITOR (decoupled as a plugin)
        dups - list duplicate files in the current directory
        oldbigfile - list large files by access time
        moclyrics - show lyrics of the track currently playing in MOC
        uidgid list uid and gid of files in directory
        mocplay - now detects if a track is playing or not
        organize - categorize files and move to respective directories
        pastebin - now uses ix.io paste service
        fzy-edit - merged into fzy-open
        viuimg - fix directory view
        checksum - fixed POSIX compliance issues
        boom - play music in MOC
    keybind changes:
        select entry: Space and ^J
        select range (or clear selection): m and ^K
        select all in dir: a
        list selection: M
        ^N replaces ^T to toggle nav-as-you-type
        Shift TAB to reverse context cycle
        ' to jump to first file in dir
        S for du, A for apparent du
        additional key : to run plugin
        additional key F2 to rename file
        additional key F5 to redraw
        quit context key Leadq is removed
    Leader key combinations:
        Lead' to jump to first file in dir
        Lead] go to next active context
        Lead[ go to prev active context
        Lead. toggle show hidden files
    improved duplicate file workflow
    improved batch rename workflow when a selection exists
    removed the wild load option (-w)
    removed quick notes (added plugin notes)
    fix #225 (thanks @KlzXS)
    fix tar/bsdtar always creating tar archives (and not by suffix)
    fix single mouse click to select file not working
    fix symlink to dir removed on batch rename
    fix detail mode not set with program option -S


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2019 Build 804 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2019, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Bug fix:

    Mouse double click may not work properly

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.50 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2019, 04:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Since the first Beta release in August, a bug has been fixed that prevented changing EXIF offsets on photos. All translations except French have been updated and are included in this Beta.2 release.

Titel: XYplorer 20.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2019, 05:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Filter By Properties. Now you can filter the file list by each of the hundreds of available item properties. E.g. you can show only those photos with a certain aspect ratio, or only those MP3s from a certain artist.
    Filter By Lengths. Now you can filter the file list by the item name lengths. E.g. you can show only those items with 12 or less characters in the name, or only items longer than 259 characters.
    Focus Next Selected Item. Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut of your choice to each of two new commands that move the focus to the next or previous selected item. Quite useful to quickly browse through the currently selected items while giving the mouse a rest.
    Full Name Column Select. Having a hard time hitting the name of a short named file? Now you have the option to use the full width of the name column as click target. Should increase your hits.
    Shuffle Your Files. There is a new dice shaped button on the toolbar. If you are feeling lucky and bored at the same time you can use it to shuffle your image, sound, or video collections.
    Fat Recent Location Pin. Now the current path pin is drawn fatter than the others. So you know where you are at a glance.
    Quick MIDI Preview. Now the Quick Audio Preview supports MIDI files.
    Set Extension. Now the dialog has a Most Recently Used (MRU) list.
    Flexible Size Format. This format has been improved to take even less horizontal space in the Size column.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Sweet.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.1.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2019, 05:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (package) @cloudcmd/fileop v3.0.0
    (package) @cloudcmd/move-files v3.0.0
    (package) copymitter v5.0.0


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.830
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2019, 09:05
Whats new:>>

FTP 2.630 added

Titel: XYplorer 20.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2019, 09:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 7.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2019, 10:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Neu: Ordner Gesamtspielzeit bei Medien in einer Explorer spalte anzeigen
Bug-Fix: Flaches designin ohne 3D Leisten unter Windows 10
Bug-Fix: Kontext-Menü Tools anpassung Drag und Drop
Bug-Fix: Explorer-Baumansicht und Bold-Font (Fette Schtrift)

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2019, 10:30

16.10.19 Fixed: System information: Some text was cut on high DPI screens (32/64)
16.10.19 Fixed: System information: Windows 10 Professional was reported as Enterprise due to bad values in 32-bit part of the registry (32)
11.10.19 Fixed: Line breaks in comments were lost when renaming a file with DOS-encoded descript.ion which was converted to UTF-16 (32/64)
07.10.19 Fixed: Lister, define which view method and plugin should be used when opened: Option 4i (internal image viewer) wasn't working (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6): Update quick view contents (Ctrl+Q) also when just switching between files with up/down arrow without renaming anything (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Lister Crash trying to view *.eml file with new mode 8 (64)
02.10.19 Fixed: FTP connect: When adding the FTP panel, the current file item could be scrolled out of the visual part of the file list (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Lister: Printing of images: Always limit size to paper size even when display isn't set to "Fit image to window". Smaller images will not be scaled up, though (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Lister: Printing of images other than BMP (e.g. JPG, GIF, PNG) didn't work (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Compare by content: Scroll horizontally when selecting with the mouse and moving the mouse cursor to the left/right of the compare window (32/64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Port connection server started via switch /S=P:portnr could be closed, but the program continued running in the background (64)
02.10.19 Fixed: Verify checksums: couldn't load files with very long path names if they used slashes instead of backslashes in the checksum file (32/64)
24.09.19 Added: Codepage menu for archives: Added OEM/DOS encoding option for each Windows encoding where applicable (32/64)
24.09.19 Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: skip entries with empty name (32/64)
24.09.19 Fixed: Right click context menu, "New" submenu: use "FriendlyTypeName" even if it only provides plain text (it doesn't start with @ linking to dll) (32/64)
24.09.19 Fixed: UTF-8 file comments not always correct on systems with dual byte characters (e.g. Chinese) (32/64)
17.09.19 Fixed: Unpack faulty ZIP files created by sync.com "Download all" function (32/64)
23.08.19 Fixed: Comments for network shares (shown in root of server) didn't support Unicode (32/64)
30.07.19 Added: Start working on dark mode support for Windows 10 1809 and later (32/64)
29.07.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryLenStored= set maximum number of entries in history to be stored to wincmd.ini [LeftHistory] and [RightHistory]. Default=200 on NT based systems, same as HistoryLen on 9x/ME due to limited max ini size (32/64)
24.07.19 Added: Custom codepage in Lister, FTP connection settings or archive: list all installed codepages in dropdown combobox (32/64)
22.07.19 Added: Quick search/Quick filter dialog: Clear search with Ctrl+Y (like in the command line) (32/64)
22.07.19 Added: Search with 'Everything': Show percent of the search results transferred to Total Commander and added to the result list (Everything reports the total number of found files) (32/64)
22.07.19 Added: Search with 'Everything': Show command sent to 'Everything' in search status bar. Repeated calls are shown with the file numbers requested, e.g. 10000- (32/64)
22.07.19 Added: Right click on directory tab -> "Recently closed tabs": Hold down Shift to open restored tab in background (do not activate it) (32/64)
19.07.19 Fixed: OneDrive: On Windows 10 1803 or newer, do not load thumbnails for files which are available online only, to not force their download (32/64)
19.07.19 Fixed: OneDrive: Folders appearing as file system links (fake reparse points) were not included in many functions, e.g. packing, synchronizing (32/64)
19.07.19 Added: Search via 'Everything': Show percentage done verifying the returned search results (32/64)
19.07.19 Added: Search via 'Everything': Request results in chunks of 10000 files so it can be aborted when accidentally finding too many files (32/64)
17.07.19 Fixed: Internal content plugin: Do not load version info fields if the file is a OneDrive online only file (not available offline), attribute contains 0x400000 (32/64)
17.07.19 Added: Increased directory history length to 200, otherwise not many entries may remain when doing history thinning. The actual number of items shown is set by HistoryLen in wincmd.ini (32/64)
16.07.19 Added: Find files: Automatically check 'Everything' option when using prefix ev: or ed: in search field (32/64)
16.07.19 Fixed: Compare by content: when comparing 2 files, and a file loaded in memory was deleted, saving the file failed because no .bak file could be created (32/64)
16.07.19 Added: Compare by content: wincmd.ini [Configuration] MaxCompareSizeInMem=1048576 size limit for files which are loaded completely in memory for comparison. Larger files are mapped into memory (file mapping) (32/64)
15.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1, HistoryThinningDelta=0 enables thinning only when user starts some operation in the directory, not by timeout (32/64)
15.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinning=1/0 turns thinning on and off without changing the value of the timeout (32/64)
14.07.19 Added: Directory history: When going to previous entry via Alt+Left arrow, and then manually changing to a different directory, append that directory to the END of the history (32/64)
14.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: Alt+Shift+Down arrow or new command cm_DirectoryHistoryNoThinning shows history list without thinning (32/64)
14.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: Keep normal history (Alt+Left/Right arrow) unchanged, only apply to history menu (Alt+Down arrow) (32/64)
09.07.19 Added: Drive dropdown list, drive buttonbar: Show "eject" overlay over drive icon from Explorer for external USB harddisks. Enable/Disable via wincmd.ini [Configuration] CheckUsbHdd=1/0 (32/64)
08.07.19 Added: Windows XP and newer: Call SetThreadStackGuarantee to have a minimum of 16kBytes stack left when getting into an infinite loop, so the exception handler can handle it (32/64)
08.07.19 Added: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation: Extra lines below cursor. Sets both ScrollingTopMargin and ScrollingBottomMargin (32/64)
08.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: New configuration option shown in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
08.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryThinningDelta=5000 defaults to 5 seconds the user must stay in a directory to keep it in the history (32/64)
08.07.19 Added: Directory history thinning: Only add directory to history if the user stayed there for x seconds, or performed any file operation in that location (32/64)
05.07.19 Added: Right click on directory tab -> show submenu "Recently closed tabs" to restore closed tabs. Not remembered when program is closed (32/64)
03.07.19 Fixed: Drag from TC running with normal user rights to program with elevated (administrator) rights via taskbar icon or Alt+Tab -> drag was cancelled (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) returned "not pressed") (32/64)
28.06.19 Fixed: Drag currently not selected folder from tree -> that folder received the "open" indicator, although the previous folder was still open in the file panel (32/64)
28.06.19 Fixed: Do not clear icons when changing file list colors, because icons in file system plugins were lost (32/64)
28.06.19 Added: Menu item "Paste shortcut" below "Paste" in right click context menu on Windows versions where this menu item is missing (32/64)
26.06.19 Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: allow to drop files to read-only folder requiring elevation, e.g. c:\Program Files (32/64)
26.06.19 Fixed: Drag&Drop from other program: data type HGLOBAL wasn't always accepted (64)
25.06.19 Fixed: Windows 10, 2 monitors with different DPI: Right mouse button drag from Explorer to TC showed inaccessible drop menu -> call SetThreadDpiAwarenessContext (32/64)
24.06.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] InheritCaseSensitiveDir=1: If a folder has "case sensitive names" option set, inherit it when creating new folder inside. 0=off, 1=on, 2=on also when needing admin rights (tcmadmin) (32/64)
24.06.19 Added: New internal function [=tc.case sensitive in folder] to check whether a folder is set to case sensitive mode for the files inside. Returns false for files, they cannot contain other files (32/64)
24.06.19 Added: New internal function [=tc.case sensitive name] to check whether a file/folder name is case sensitive or not. Per folder case sensitivity requires Windows 10 1803 or newer (32/64)
24.06.19 Added: New internal function [=tc.path length] to get the current path length (folder+file name). Uses Unicode on NT-based systems, ANSI otherwise (32/64)
23.06.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Improvements when comparing two case sensitive folders (Windows 10 1803 or newer): now supports 2 or more files where the name only differs in case, but not folders (32/64)
23.06.19 Fixed: Installer: Add fields InstallLocation and EstimatedSize to the registry (32/64)
23.06.19 Fixed: Search result, feed to listbox, Show - Comments, Show - Full -> names were still truncated (32/64)
21.06.19 Fixed: Numbers with thousands separators: support sizes > 1000TByte (32/64)
21.06.19 Fixed: File associations: Also look for icon in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ext\DefaultIcon if all other locations are missing (32/64)
21.06.19 Fixed: Lister: In some cases, "Cannot focus inactive control" error was shown in Ctrl+Q when pressing '4' (32/64)
21.06.19 Fixed: FTP: Auto detect MLSD/MLST support also when the server sends 211-MLST in reply to "FEAT" command (32/64)
21.06.19 Added: Find files, text search, Office XML, plus Lister, view HTML: When removing XML tags from Office XML, add line breaks for </w:p> and </text:p> paragraph end tags (32/64)
21.06.19 Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: When removing XML tags, replace entities like "&lt;" -> "<" (32/64)
20.06.19 Added: Find files, text search, Office XML: Search the xml files both unmodified and with all XML tags removed, e.g. to find text with some characters set to attributes like bold (32/64)
20.06.19 Fixed: Preserve attribute "not content indexed" (Can be set via Properties - Advanced) when renaming files (32/64)
19.06.19 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c3]: The last value of the counter defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
19.06.19 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c2]: Like [c] but with the number of digits defined in the Define counter field (32/64)
19.06.19 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholders [c1] or [c]: Number of files/folders in the file list, e.g. "File [C] of [c]" -> "File 1 of 101" etc. (32/64)
19.06.19 Fixed: Find files: Search for UTF-8 may not find a file when looking for the string by which the file ends, e.g. </html>, and there is no line break after it (32/64)
19.06.19 Added: 256x256pixel icon (only to 64-bit version, 32-bit fails to compile - new icon must be replaced manually, e.g. with resource hacker) (64)


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1437
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2019, 11:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Q-Dir 7.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Oktober, 2019, 21:12
Whats new:>>

Neu: Benutzerdefinierten Spaltensatz plus Ansichtseinstellung des Datei-Explorers speichern, z. B. die Medienspalten
Fehlerbehebung: Farbfiltereinstellungen für das Hervorheben von Dateien
Verbesserungen in: Gesamtzeit des Ordners in einer Explorer-Spalte
Kleine Fehlerbehebungen und Vorbereitungen für zukünftige Verbesserungen
Update der Sprachdateien danke an maboroshin aus Japan

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2019, 17:30

21.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 2
21.10.19 Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6): Quick view contents (Ctrl+Q) were sometimes not updated when actually changing the name of a file (32/64)
21.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Rename file in place (Shift+F6) -> OK button had wrong background color (64)
21.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Standalone search dialog didn't have the correct colors (32/64)
21.10.19 Added: Dark mode: show hover effect for folder tabs and sorting headers (32/64)
21.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Crash when repeatedly clicking on up/down buttons in search dialog (64)
20.10.19 Added: Auto-installer: Option to load a second inf file from the net, e.g. for older beta versions (32)
20.10.19 Fixed: Help: Added descriptions for various fields, and the missing section [ColorsDark], corrected some errors (32/64)
20.10.19 Fixed: Lister, view mode by file type: Deleting or sorting entries mixed up the "file type -> mode" associations (32/64)
20.10.19 Fixed: Lister: Window flickers when closing lister configuration dialog (problem with OnClose) (64)
20.10.19 Added: Missing entry 476=34 to WCMICONS.INC, fixed sort order (32/64)
20.10.19 Fixed: Explorer Preview couldn't be loaded from command line via switch /S=L:T8 <filename> (32/64)
20.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Show Lister main menu items as grayed when window doesn't have the focus (32)
20.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Make Lister main menu top items fully owner drawn, otherwise the grayed item "Encoding" wasn't shown (32)
20.10.19 Fixed: Context menu: Add missing menu item "Paste shortcut" below "Paste" also on Windows XP and Vista (32/64)
20.10.19 Fixed: \\tsclient shared drives were not displayed (64)
20.10.19 Fixed: Various missing translations, e.g. "Dark<>Normal" button in "Define colors by file type", and new internal commands (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: When changing from dark to light mode, the title bar color of the individual settings page was wrong (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Support ScrollingTopMargin and ScrollingBottomMargin also in brief view, scrolls sideways when less than the given number of lines is visible above/below (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Don't put cursor on OK button when user presses Ctrl+D (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D) in F5 copy dialog didn't support entries with environment variables, e.g. cd %commander_path% (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Custom columns dialog: Program was hanging when clicking behind custom column options (64bit). Solution: Set up/down button already when just moving the mouse, not when clicking (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Change dark mode background color during light mode, then switch to dark mode -> color wasn't applied to all dialog box elements (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Find files: "F2 Search in found files" not working if search text had prefix ed: or ev: (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Button bar: remove second bright line above button bar in dark mode (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Alt+F10 tree: Show progress dialog while 'Everything' tool is busy (e.g. updating its database on startup) (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Define colors by file type - Cancel - Cancel -> main window file list got dark background (32)
18.10.19 Fixed: Find files: Access violation when start directory doesn't exist, because it couldn0t be added to the new search result history (32/64)
18.10.19 Fixed: Defining color filters didn't work while in dark mode (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Windows XP/7, classic theme: Drive buttons had invisible drive letters (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode, drive combobox not shown -> incorrect coloring of parent/root buttons, volume label and free and total space (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode combobox options in Configuration - Options - Color were not translated (64)
17.10.19 Fixed: descript.ion file didn't contain info about TCshareWin10.dll and TCshareWin10x64.dll, which are used to show the Windows 10 "Share" menu (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Tabstop headers, "name" section: field [encoding] didn't support accented characters when showing custom archive encoding (64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Lister: Configuration - "View methods by file type": view method dropdown list didn't support accented characters (64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Couldn't set top/bottom margin for scrolling in file lists via Configuration - Options - Operation, only via wincmd.ini (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Switch from light to dark mode: Text in right directory tabs still had the wrong dark color (64)
17.10.19 Fixed: High DPI display: use larger icons for command browser (button change dialog, main settings) and list of existing hotkeys (32/64)
17.10.19 Fixed: Crash when using quick search with search window on high DPI display (64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.840
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2019, 09:07
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FTP 2.640 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2019, 14:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in: Klassische und moderne Adressleiste für Windows 10, 8.1, ...
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung

Titel: Q-Dir 7.91.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2019, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Bug-Fix: Absturz unter XP und einigen W10 OS beim Quad-Explorer Start

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2019, 20:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    On non NTFS drive files, could no be selected as Link Source. Introduced with 3921
    Unmount volume did not work, when elevation was needed.
    New Windows 10 screenshots for docu and docu streamlining.
    Signed with a code sign certificate
    During Replace Junction/Symbolic Link/Mountpoint the original attributes got lost
    The Link Properties Tab showed relative symbolic link dirs as absolute
    The Link Properties Tab did not show up on dangling Junctions
    Creation of file symbolic links didn't work in protected folders like 'Program Files' with Developer Mode on.
    Replacement Junction/Symbolic Link didn't work on dangling Junction/Symbolic Link.
    UAChelper mixed up relative and absolute link creation. Introduced with 3920
    Added Ukranian localization, Finish localisation for missing texts
    Cross Drive Drops didn't work. Introduced with 3921
    Properties Dialog could cause a crash on changing junction targets
    Autorename had a flaw when having more than 9 files with same name in a directory
    Backup mode was broken. Introduced with 3921
    Introduce Copy Symbolic Link/Junction/Mountpoint
    Changes of non-admin users to e.g. symlink relativ/absolute had no effect. Fixed the misconception. What a mess
    LSE is on gitlab.com. For now only private, but hope to change this soon.
    SmartMirror in LSE had problem with nested reparse points
    The symbolic replacement mechansism was broken for the elevated use-case. Caused by
    Improved the progress estimation for the progressbar and introduced the Windows7 progress dialog


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.850
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2019, 09:06
Whats new:>>

    Bugfixes in german and english translation
    FTP 2.650 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2019, 12:11
Whats new:>>

Anpassungen wegen Windows XP
Testen und Überprüfen für Windows 10 November 2019 Update Build 18362
Wichtige aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Explorer

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2019, 21:30

30.10.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 3

30.10.19 Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Ctrl+Shift+C on a command didn't always correctly copy non-English characters (32/64)
30.10.19 Fixed: Filter icon in main window and synchronize dirs (on the right side of the status bar) wasn't scaled for high DPI displays (32/64)
30.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Moving main window between screens with different DPI changed scroll bars to bright on Windows 10 1809 or newer (32/64)
30.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Filter icon in lower right (when files were hidden) had white background, and wasn't always displayed (32/64)
30.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode, Alt+F10 Tree: Entries in listbox were not high enough on high resolution displays (32/64)
30.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode, Configuration - button bar: Scaled icons had white background, e.g. on 4k displays with 200% scale (32/64)
29.10.19 Fixed: File list numbers drawn with Uniscribe (e.g. for Segoe UI Semibold) had wrong spacing after moving main window between screens with different DPI (64)
29.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Moving main window between screens with different DPI showed buttons F3..Alt+F4 and text near drive combobox in wrong font size (32/64)
29.10.19 Added: File open dialog: Default to current directory in active panel when adding plugins manually (32/64)
29.10.19 Added: Dark mode: Enable dark mode options by default also on Windows XP and newer (32/64)
29.10.19 Added: Dark mode: Partial support for dark scrollbars in listboxes on older Windows versions (only when scrolling with the keyboard) (32/64)
28.10.19 Fixed: Drag&Drop to ZIP or folder didn't work if it was the last item in the list, and the list was longer than the displayed file window (32/64)
28.10.19 Fixed: Compare by content: Background color below last line wasn't adjusted to dark mode (32)
28.10.19 Fixed: Main window flickered when closing various dialogs via X button, e.g. CRC create (problem with OnClose) (64)
28.10.19 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 5.80.3 (32/64)
28.10.19 Fixed: Find files: Show error when user combines option "F2 Search in found files" or "Only search in selected directories/files" with prefix "ed:" or "ev:" (32/64)
28.10.19 Added: New option in wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryCut=1 Cuts history after current entry when in the middle of the history and the user goes to a different directory (32/64)
27.10.19 Fixed: When using "Extra lines below cursor" with SingleClickStart=1, do not auto scroll list when moving cursor with the mouse, only when moving it with the keyboard (32/64)
27.10.19 Fixed: Do not show tooltip for drive buttons with no label (32/64)
25.10.19 Added: Dark mode: Highlight frame and opening indicator in combobox when hovering with the mouse over it (32/64)
25.10.19 Fixed: ZIP archive, right click on [Auto], choose entry: Added missing translations for Japanese and the various ASCII/DOS encodings (32/64)
25.10.19 Added: Find files: For test purposes, when searching with option ed:, put the used start path in the "Search in:" field when the field was empty (32/64)
24.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Button bar: Draw "down" state like pressed button with highlight color (32/64)
23.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: In main menu, lister menu, and button bar as menu, overdraw white frame with own dark frame (32/64)
23.10.19 Added: Save new dark mode option set via cm_SwitchDarkmode/cm_EnableDarkmode/cm_DisableDarkmode to wincmd.ini, except when the default was "Only when enabled for Windows 10 apps" (32/64)
23.10.19 Added: Three new internal commands: cm_SwitchDarkmode to switch dark mode on/off, cm_EnableDarkmode to switch it on and cm_DisableDarkmode to switch it off (useful e.g. for time controlled dark mode) (32/64)
23.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Make main menu owner drawn even without icons in the menu, otherwise the menu isn't dark (32)
23.10.19 Added: When enabling option "Extra lines below cursor" without changing the value, use the values previously stored as negative numbers (32/64)
23.10.19 Added: When disabling option "Extra lines below cursor", store previous values as negative numbers in ScrollingTopMargin and ScrollingBottomMargin (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Moved new USB drive overlay icon to upper left, so it doesn't overlay the encrypted drive lock icon (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Handle incomplete paths passed to SAVESELECTION and SAVEDETAILS, e.g. just the file name -> save to current directory (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Colors by file type were sometimes ignored in dark mode (32/64)
22.10.19 Added: Show <Explorer> in Lister title bar when using Explorer preview handler (but not thumbnail viewer) (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: When launching Lister with Explorer preview via switch /S=L:T8 <filename>, the option '8' wasn't selected for some file types like .htm (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Remove entry from "Recently closed tabs" list when re-opening that tab via that list (32/64)
22.10.19 Added: SELECTFILES command: Support list up to 32767 characters long, e.g. SELECTFILESBTS with parameter %Z%Y%S (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Dark mode: When Manually checking for updates, the dialog box to enable/disable automatic update had "Yes" as the default instead of "No" as in normal mode (32/64)
22.10.19 Fixed: Folder tabs randomly disappeared in dark mode when using tabs on multiple lines (32/64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.860
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2019, 09:04
Whats new:>>

    Bugfix for changing file tags
    FTP 2.660 added

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2019, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Removed 'Delete Junction' from main menu.
Improved menu hydraulics, e.g. once can not create Smart Copies of Symbolic Link Files.
Adapted check for Redistributables to VS2017 and Windows 10.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.870
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2019, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Directory 3.840 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2019, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Verschiedene Geschwindigkeitsoptimierungen, zB beim Start von Q-Dir.
Bessere Verarbeitung für relative Pfadinformationen
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2019, 04:40
Whats new:>>

Lots of strings very wrong. Introduced with

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2019, 19:00

06.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 4
06.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Draw focused directory with dark text on white background (32/64)
06.11.19 Fixed: cm_gotofirstentry and cm_gotofirstfile didn't update inactive cursor position (with SelectionFocus!=0) when Total Commander didn't have the focus (32/64)
06.11.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Empty dirs were sometimes not shown when there was a hidden directory elsewhere in the compared directories (32/64)
06.11.19 Fixed: The dialogs of some plugins (e.g. SFTP: Properties) had garbled text in the title bar (reason: subclassing of dialog box class to intercept Ctrl+C from MessageBox) (32/64)
05.11.19 Added: Find files: "F2 search in found files" now also searches in previously found folders (32/64)
05.11.19 Fixed: Right click context menu on file in archive didn't support verbs from multiple internal associations (32/64)
05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Corrected look of sorting headers with themes disabled (64)
05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons F3, F4 etc. looked different with flat buttons disabled and highlight color changed (32)
05.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, File lists: thumb box was too high with classic theme when there were a lot of items in the list (32/64)
05.11.19 Fixed: FTP direct server to server transfers (FxP): Copying the timestamp could fail because it was sent to the wrong server (32/64)
05.11.19 Fixed: Added: Allow to check both "Show square brackets [] around directories" and "Append \" if the second one is checked first (DirBrackets=3 in wincmd.ini) (32/64)
05.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Couldn't go back to previous searches when the search parameters were invalid, e.g. the start path didn't exist (32/64)
04.11.19 Added: When adding new colors by file type, set the color for the other mode (dark/normal) too. Can be changed afterwards via Dark<>Normal button (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Draw breadcrumb bar dropdown list with thin 1 pixel border (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): use plain text connection via PROT C if the user has defined it in "Send commands" for the connection (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Internal command LOADSELECTION now looks for list file in active panel if no path is specified (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options: Set current directory to left path when opening configuration dialog (also in associate, internal associations, multi-rename, compare by content, user menu), for various file open dialogs (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Apply settings with VerifyEnabled=0 -> Option "Use Explorer delete" disappeared (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Alt+Tab during drag&drop no longer worked, the drag operation was aborted (32/64)
04.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister main menu didn't switch from dark to normal mode after cm_SwitchDarkmode and activating lister (32/64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed panel border also when there are no tabs (32/64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Folder tabs: Only use highlight color for active tab borders, not for inactive tab borders (32/64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Printing: Catch error "Access denied" (64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Lister: "Define view method by file type" took precedence over command line paramter /S=L:Pplugin (32/64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Right click on button bar shown as menu no longer opened the button context menu (32/64)
03.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: 2 buttons in "Change attributes" were not translated, as well as the buttons F3 and F4 in "Find files" (64)
01.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Button bar had wrong width for items in the upper list if there were too few items in the bar (32)
01.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Uncheck option "F2 search in search results" when user clicks on "New search" (32/64)
01.11.19 Added: FTP, Shift+F5 copy file within server: Support options "Copy via local PC" and "Preserve file dates" (32/64)
01.11.19 Fixed: FTP server to server copy (FxP): Couldn't copy files between FTPS servers if they didn't support SSCN -> use plain text connection via PROT C (32/64)
01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Drive combobox had white background after connecting to FTP server (64)
01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister buttons in search and settings were not themed when Lister was started as a separate process via Totalcmd.exe /S=L <filename> (32)
01.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Crash when opening sub-menu in the main menu and not choosing any command (64)


Titel: XYplorer 20.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2019, 04:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.880
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2019, 12:27
Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: Q-Dir 7.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2019, 17:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in: Explorer-Dateivorschau
Fehlerbehebung: Absturz beim Öffnen von Favoriten und Aktualisierung mit F5
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2019, 19:50
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



For non Admin users under Windows 10, the explorer did not restart after install
During custom icon change one was asked to close lots of dependant apps, which is uneccessary. Reboot Explorer.exe is enough.


Titel: Multi Commander 9.2 ( Build 2555 )
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2019, 20:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



   ADDED - WebDownload features. Use from Tools menu or type ":wget " in command line field
   ADDED - Added option for FolderTree if auto adjust horizontal scrollbar should be used
   ADDED - Internal command and Menu command to restart current instance as Admin
   ADDED - Internal Command to save layout (Just as it is when exiting but without exiting) (Core.1130) (To be used from own script)
   ADDED - Option to sort files so files are shown before folders
   ADDED - VirtualDevice created from search will now preset search string for viewed files if search used content matching
   ADDED - MultiScript command "StrToCamel" that convert string to 'Camel Case'
   ADDED - Change order of some of the commands sent when connection to FTP using SSL/TLS, Some FTP server that did not like previous order
   ADDED - When renaming folder to already existing folder. You can now selected to merge content.
   ADDED - Toolbar inside FolderTree with Collapse all command
   ADDED - Commandline field command ":qexit" That will exits MC quickly without save cleanup
   ADDED - Internal command to launch internal text or picture viewer even if anohter viewer is configured
   ADDED - Extended logging to startup and shutdown proceess, Only active if loglevel DEBUG is set for Application log
   FIXED - SortFolderByName option now works again
   FIXED - QuickLaunchbar Icon for local icon works again
   FIXED - Added workaround in MultiDataViewer to avoid weird scroll behavior
   FIXED - Crash when using Env variables that no longer is valid in QuickLunchBar
   FIXED - Using UserDefinedCommands in CustomContextMenu would mess up if you removed some UserDefinedCommands.
   FIXED - Change how Secure FTP (SSL/TLS) communication works.
   FIXED - Possible hang issue when expanding FolderTree
   FIXED - Sometimes removable devices was added twice to the FolderTreeView
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer user profiles could sometimes not be removed
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer user profiles with forced view mode did not always load correct
   FIXED - Ctrl+Return now works in VirtualDevice (RESx:)
   FIXED - Calculate checksum now shows the CRC32 value in the correct way
   FIXED - Progress dialog when using 'Correct folder date/time'
   FIXED - Using 'Find And Replace in file' on file in virtual device (ex RESx:)
   FIXED - 15 Stability issues


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.890
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2019, 21:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Directory 3.860 added
    FTP 2.670 added

Titel: XYplorer 20.50.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2019, 19:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2019, 05:10

13.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 5
13.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Text thumbnails were not drawn with darker background (64)
13.11.19 Added: Dark mode: Show border around file panels when not using the option "Flat user interface" (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] ScrollingMarginFlags=3 determines whether: 1: vertical lists (e.g. Full view), or 2: horizontal lists (Brief view) should be scrolled automatically, or both (32/64)
13.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox (64)
13.11.19 Added: FTP, send commands: Allow to send semicolons within a command by duplicating it, e.g. CWD /test/a;;b;;c;PWD sends commands CWD /test/a;b;c and PWD  (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Add dark mode for scrollbars in the listbox part of comboboxes (e.g. Configuration - Button bar) (32/64)
13.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Listboxes with horizontal scrolling (e.g. button bar change dialog, icon library selection) had light scrollbars (323)
13.11.19 Fixed: Shift+F5 in FTP connection (server to server transfer) dialog didn't work properly, e.g. copy to other server no longer worked (32/64)
13.11.19 Added: Upload from archive directly to FTP: Option to preserve timestamps if the server supports it (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: In "Unpack Specific Files" (Alt+F9), the edit box sometimes became white when one of the comboboxes opened upwards (dialog at the bottom) (32/64
12.11.19 Added: Dark mode: Always show border around current path, also when using tabs (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dialog "System information" was scaled twice on high DPI screens, so some fields were overlapping (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not show vertical scrollbar in dark mode (32/64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Configure custom columns: Placement of up/down button was wrong if there were many columns and the list was scrolled down (64)
12.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Tooltips in main window and dialogs like multi-rename were not dark (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: F5 copy, click on "Options", then on disk icon: added new translation for confirmation dialog (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: FTP toolbar: Background color of text inside the bar wrong after switching from dark to normal mode (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Lister: In mode 8 (Explorer preview mode), make text "Explorer" translatable (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: scrollbar to jump to next/previous error not dark themed (64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, main menu: Menu items not drawn correctly when menu was higher than the screen (32/64)
11.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Resizing the cm_CommandBrowser window would make scrollbars and edit box white -> redraw with a timer (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, apply new language in main settings dialog: Some buttons were not shown dark (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme, flat user interface disabled: Draw frames around free/total disk space and status line in dark frame color (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Windows Vista, classic theme: Main menu background remained black after switching to dark mode and back (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel: Do not show error when viewing a LNK file which cannot be resolved. Show link content instead (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: FTP remote copy with Shift+F5 didn't work if the server supports SSCN but the user set PROT C in "Send commands" (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Crash when opening main menu with icons in menu enabled, but wcmicon*.* files missing (64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Find files: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" wasn't enabled when only folders were found (32/64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Context menu for choosing archive encoding didn't have black border (the menu is always bright in 32-bit) (64)
10.11.19 Fixed: Overlay for USB drive didn't have transparent background in drive dropdown combobox (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Standalone search would not start searching in the current directory when started without parameter (when there was a separate help file for that language in the language directory) (32)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Items were not drawn correctly on the line with the focus (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, thumbnail view: Font was wrong (32)
08.11.19 Fixed: Main menu: Checked items were no longer shown with a separate checkmark (when not showing them as pressed buttons) (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Alt+Tab to other program during drag, then Alt+Tab back -> wrong cursor shown (64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+Q Quick View panel didn't switch text and background color from/to dark mode (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Shift+Double click on a command/Shift+Click OK didn't always correctly copy non-English characters (32/64)
08.11.19 Fixed: Context menu hanging when using internal associations with option "Load extra commands from all matching types" and one of the "open" commands wasn't * or ** (32/64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2019, 05:15
Whats new:>>

    Flickering in ListViews reduced
    Directory 3.870 added
    FTP 2.680 added
    Splitter 1.670 added

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2019, 21:20
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(cloudcmd) add CLOUDCMD_PREFIX
(package) chalk v3.0.0
(package) eslint-plugin-putout v3.0.0
(package) madrun v5.0.0
(package) putout v7.0.0
(package) madrun v4.0.0
(package) try-to-catch v2.0.0


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.910
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2019, 12:10
Whats new:>>

Directory 3.880 added

Titel: Q-Dir 7.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2019, 09:11
Whats new:>>

Neue Anpassungen und Verbesserungen für das Windows 10 Update November 2019 Version 1909
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5511
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2019, 19:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source


    Continuation of 1771.2 or 9 years later: second attempt to fix Backspace/Del madness in DIF_MASKEDIT.
    A few minor changes.


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2019, 19:45

20.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 6
20.11.19 Fixed: Delete file(s) from archive: Preserve selection in opposite window (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: (Experimental) Configuration-Options-Font: On system locales other than Western, e.g. Cyrillic, when choosing Western encoding for a font, it wasn't saved (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+C in message box added extra lines by mistake (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Move dialog box with edit box outside the screen and back: The edit box became white (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: On Windows 10 build 18875 and newer, a new function SetWindowCompositionAttribute needs to be called to set a dark title bar (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: Directory hotlist in F5 copy dialog: Relative paths were ignored (32/64)
20.11.19 Fixed: FTP download file (F5): The confirmation dialog had wrong title "Upload" (32/64)
19.11.19 Fixed: Set DPI scale factor to 72 -> dialog boxes were not scaled, although the fonts were scaled (32)
19.11.19 Added: Configuration - Options - Color: Show preview (example output) also for Lister, Compare by contents, title bars, hint windows, and dark mode (32/64)
19.11.19 Added: Configuration - Options - Color: Added translations for color preview (32/64)
19.11.19 Added: Configure hint border color (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Use dark mode for scroll bars in "Compare by content" on Windows 10 1809 or newer (not on older versions) (32/64)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, verify checksums dialog: Listbox scrollbar not dark themed on Windows 10 1809 or newer when line height changed from default (32)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Checkboxes in various dialogs (edit box plus 1-3 checkboxes), e.g. in Ctrl+D, Add current directory had black text (32)
18.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Checkboxes in Shift+F5 dialog had black text (32/64)
18.11.19 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, F7 new folder: New placeholders like [C] were not inserted at the cursor position on dual byte language windows (e.g. Chinese) (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Default dark mode background color is now a bit brigher (RGB=32,32,32), the same as in the Explorer (32/64)
18.11.19 Added: Hint foreground and background color are now configurable, both in normal and in dark mode (32/64)
17.11.19 Fixed: ScrollingBottomMargin didn't always work correctly in the right panel with brief view (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Color comboboxes were not high enough on high DPI screens on Windows 10 1809 and newer (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: ZIP file encoding shown in tab header wasn't translated immediately when changing language (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The scrollbar in print file list dialog still had light scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The cm_CommandBrowser window still had light scrollbars on windows 10 1809 and newer (32)
15.11.19 Fixed: Nag dialog: The two "About" buttons were not bold (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Starting with fresh wincmd.ini set to dark mode and empty startup directories -> line with updir item wasn't drawn (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Find files in separate process: No longer add start path in the "Search in:" field when the field was empty and searching with ed: prefix (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: The system menu (Alt+Space) had white background with dark borders (32/64)
15.11.19 Fixed: The nag dialog (1-2-3) always requested the same number 1 (64)
15.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Some more listboxes were not dark, in: Files->Associate->Edit type->Change icon, Context menu->X64->Configure, FTP connection->Define host (Alt+Shift+Enter), Search->Drives (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 20.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2019, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Highlight Hovered Items. Now hovered items are optionally highlighted everywhere in the app. Huge usability boost.
Custom Tab Bar Height. Now you can modify the height of the tab bars on-the-fly by Ctrl+Shift+Wheel over any of them. Makes a larger click and drop target, and a lighter look.
Volume Labels In Folder View Settings. Now you can use volume labels instead of drive letters to specify the drive or folder to apply the settings to. Lets you store individual settings for your removable drives independently of ever-changing drive letters.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Marc Bolan.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.10f
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2019, 19:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.


Whats new:>>

Update: Resolve EXIF issue with JFIF extension APP0 marker segment

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2019, 11:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed crash when username was > 20 chars as non-admin during symbolic link drop.
Link ShellExtension now maintains its chocolatey package.
Link ShellExtension is public on gitlab.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.920
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2019, 20:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- GUI extensions
- Tools updated

Titel: Q-Dir 7.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2019, 12:24
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen: Drag & Drop aus anderen Programmen sowie Dateimanagern
Allgemeine Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 20.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2019, 19:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2019, 05:00

27.11.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 7
27.11.19 Fixed: With RestrictInterface=6144, show translated "Plugins are disabled" in groupbox with not title (32/64)
27.11.19 Fixed: Copy or pack large files, click on "Background" -> background progress dialog could be outside of visible screen when using multiple monitors (32/64)
27.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: "Edit comment" dialog called from "Change attributes" had bright title bar and scrollbar on Windows 10 1903 (32)
27.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: icons in message box were not scaled on high DPI screens (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: Always show borders around file lists in dark mode. Can be disabled via wincmd.ini [Layout] DarkListBorders=0 (not used for classic theme) (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] DriveBarHide=; hides USB devices without drive letter from drive button bar (32/64)
26.11.19 Added: Show up to 3 connected USB devices without drive letter (e.g. phones, tablets) also in drive buttonbar (32/64)
25.11.19 Added: New string for title in Configuration - Options - Color - Define colors by file type - Add... (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: Ctrl+C in dark mode message box didn't beep (32/64)
25.11.19 Added: Support substrings from environment variables, e.g. %variable:~2,3% skips 2 characters and then keeps 3. Negative variables are counted from the back of the string (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList with parameter 0 didn't switch to default view mode (32/64)
25.11.19 Fixed: cm_SrcViewModeList with parameter did not work on command line (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Plugins - Lister plugins: List was sorted by mistake since beta 6 (32)
24.11.19 Fixed: Alt+F7 search: Put brackets [] around directories even if both brackets and appending a backslash were disabled in settings (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: F7 new folder: Adding placeholders like [N] always put them at the end when the "<" character was already there (32/64)
24.11.19 Added: Load "!" overlay icon from EXE if missing in external icon library, e.g. flat_FileIcons.dll (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: WCMICONS.DLL: Updated so all icons are fully visible in normal and dark mode (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: FTP resume upload: Use command REST <size> if the server responds with an error to APPE command, and REST STREAM is returned to FEAT command (32/64)
24.11.19 Fixed: F3 on icon file with extension .bmp caused program to disappear (due to exception EInvalidGraphic, tried to delete object twice) (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: The preview didn't have an inner border (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Improved preview of active and inactive title bars (higher, draw frame) (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Use file list font for color preview (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: F5 upload from archive to FTP: Labels of the options "Preserve file dates" and "Convert file names to lowercase" were reversed (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Some texts in "Select duplicate files" dialog were clipped with some fonts (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Changing scrolling margins in "Extra lines below cursor" to a new value and back to the previous one didn't work (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: F5 Copy: Use different title and Yes-No-Cancel buttons in F5 copy dialog for saving default overwrite options (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Use larger borders in F5 copy dialog (32/64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Text "Example:" no longer shown in Configuration-Options-Color (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: ScrollingBottomMargin was ignored when selecting files with Insert key (64)
22.11.19 Fixed: Find files: When searching in search results failed due to bad search parameters (e.g. ed: prefix), the same search without this option also failed, even after clicking "New search" (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 09:08
Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen: beim Starten von Q-Dir
Verbesserungen: beim verwenden 120%, ... Schriftart in den Datei Explorer
Wichtige Feinabstimmungen beim Zugriff auf SMB, FTP, ... Laufwerken im Quad-Explorer

Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 18:30
The MyFolders Windows Explorer Shell Extension saves you time by placing any folder at your fingertips. Copy/Move files or Open any folder with just a few clicks!

MyFolders enhances Explorer's right-click menu with several convenient utilities to access folders:



    New features:

    Added the ability to copy folder paths to the Windows clipboard.

    Fixes & Improvements:

    Small technical enhancements for Windows Server 2019.
    Improved support for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
    Executable components are now signed with a SHA-256 certificate.


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 18:50
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Titel: XYplorer 20.60.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tabbed Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2019, 20:20
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.


Titel: NDN (Necromancer's Dos Navigator) 3.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2019, 19:45
Necromancer's Dos Navigator [NDN] is a clone of the famous "Norton Commander". It uses an easy to use and learn text-mode interface, is highly customizable, and has a lot of features.



  fix: linux: execute OS command
  new: linux: filepanel driveline use pallete's color for cd\lan\vfs\usb
  new: linux: NDN can detect 109 types of Filesystem
  fix: linux: some parts of "keyboard driver" fixed
  fix: linux: windows borders and some GUI
  new: linux: FilePanel filter (Alt-S) can use Fileattributes
  new: linux: file Attributes change (Ctrl-A\Alt-E)
  new: now NDN can detect ReactOS at start
  fix: term: xterm-256color detection fix
  new: linux XFS\Ext2,Ext3,Ext4\minix\bttrfs FileSystem detection in Alt-F1\F2 menu
  new: linux tty detection at startup message
  fix: linux: fix filepanel file info lines
  fix: now Alt-Left/Right in the editor works as before
  fix: NDN crashed when trying to open Decoder with nonexistent file
  fix: a little improvement exception report
  new: added possible define command line prompt format
  new: task list for Windows version
  new: remember/restore selected files in panel [CTRL-ALT-GRAY-"*"/"/"]
  new: new menu button in win version - fast open a new command prompt window
  new: optionally in history you can see the date of the operation
  new: the Panel->Selections menu has been extended with additional buttons for computers without a numeric keypad
  new: added goto first/last selected file in panel [CTRL-ALT-HOME/END]
  new: horizontal breakdown in manager [CTRL-ATL-H]
  new: new hotkey, set maximal video mode [CTRL-ATL-M]
  new: optionally allow to run only one copy of NDN in windows (restart needed)
  new: auto maximize console window option in Options->Configuration->Startup/Shutdown
  new: option to exclude path from file search in FindFile.Advanced
  new: switchable extened search and inputline in histories
  new: possible check symbol defines in Help Compiler like in RCP
  new: calculator in RCP, possible math expressions instead of constants in resources
  fix: added a few new hashes calculation
  fix: now NDN reads all screen from OS when buffer is greater than 32K
  new: NDN can import NG, VP, BP and OS2 help files


Titel: fman 1.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2019, 04:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman is now notarized on macOS, which avoids ugly warnings by the operating system when you first start it on macOS Catalina and later versions.


Titel: nnn 2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2019, 05:25
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    sessions (thanks @annagrram)
    rclone support for remote access (mount any cloud storage!!!)
    toggle selection with Space or ^J
    ignore events during selection so the + symbol is not lost
    run custom (non-shell-interpreted) commands like plugins
    configure cd-on-quit as the default behaviour
    create parent dirs for new files and dirs, duplicate a file/dir anywhere
    copy/move as workflow (thanks @KlzXS)
    edit , flush selection buffer (thanks @KlzXS)
    support xargs with minimal options (as in BusyBox) (thanks @KlzXS)
    changed the key to size sort to z
    additional key ] to show command prompt
    mount archives using archivemount
    smoother double click handling
    program option -R to disable rollover at edges
    keybind collision checker (for custom keybind config) (thanks @annagrram)
    show size of file in bytes in status bar in disk usage mode
    pass unresolved path as second argument ($2) to plugin
    mechanism for plugins to control active directory
    all binary questions are confirmed by y or Y
    plugin changes
        some plugins renamed
        integrated shellcheck in CI, POSIX-compliance fixes (thanks @koalaman)
        getplugs - detect modifications in exiting plugin file (thanks @KlzXS)
        drag-file & drop-file: drag & drop files using dragon
        gutenread: browse, download and read from Project Gutenberg
        suedit - edit file with superuser permissions
        fzhist - fuzzy select commands from history, edit and run
        fzcd - change to a fuzzy-searched directory
        rename - batch rename directory or selection using qmv or vidir
        pskill - fuzzy list a process or zombies by name and kill
        exetoggle - toggle executable status of hovered file
        treeview - informative tree output with file permissions and size
        chksum - recursively calculate checksum for files in hovered directory
        fzopen renamed to fzopen
        imgsxiv instructions added to browse and rename images
    create link to current file
    additional key ; to execute plugin
    more explicit force removal message
    force non-detachable internal edits in $EDITOR (option -E)
    export current file as $nnn (instead of $NN)
    fix file open failure from browser when configured as default FM


Titel: fman 1.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2019, 12:16

    This release fixes multiple issues with Google Drive File Stream on Windows:

    Trying to copy files from one GDrive location to another result in the error "You cannot copy a file to itself". This is now fixed.
    Moving a folder from one GDrive location to another resulted in all contents of the target folder being deleted (!) and replaced by the contents of the folder being moved. This too is now fixed.


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2019, 21:10

04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Use dark scrollbars in background transfer manager on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: USB drives without drive letters were not updated on newer Windows 10 versions due to a bug in SHChangeNotifyRegister (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: When starting with a virtual folder in one of the panels, the drive combobox was white (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: CM_LISTINTERNALONLY and CM_LIST didn't accept path in double quotes (32/64)
04.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Dark scrollbars were lost on Windows 10 1809 and newer when switching between brief, full, and thumbnails view, or changing DPI, which recreated the listbox (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Right click menu (and middle click open) on USB drive without drive letter in drive buttonbar didn't work (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: FTP auto-reconnect on connection loss didn't send TYPE I before requesting the remote file size (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Files - Internal associations - Edit - ">>" had the same title and text (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Files - Internal associations - "Edit" had some remaining white dialog elements (32/64)
03.12.19 Fixed: Alt+Tab while Total Commander is in system tray -> show instance number in task switcher (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Do not show any scrollbars for "Ignore list" edit box on older Windows versions (32/64)
02.12.19 Added: Dark mode: Add bottom line to listbox, and top line when not showing current path (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Buttons had bright background when not using flat buttons, and the icon size was unusual, e.g. 19x19 pixels (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Auto-installing plugins via pluginst.inf didn't work when archive was opened via internal association (32/64)
02.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Show preview also for synchronize dirs (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Made items in the various color previews a bit higher (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: The buttonbar icon cache was always reloaded when using the older style icons from wcmicons.dll, and a line like IconDll_DEFAULT.BAR=TCNewLib1 was in [buttonbar] section from previous TC versions (32/64)
01.12.19 Fixed: Option "F2 search in found files/folders" would find a file twice if both the file and one of its parent folders were in the previous search results (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Dark mode: "Edit comment" dialog called from "Change attributes" always had empty comment field on Windows 10 1903 (32)
29.11.19 Fixed: Drive button bar: USB drives with no drive letter had no icon with Explorer icons disabled (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Drive button bar: Make buttons larger when the text doesn't fit, e.g. for USB drives or tsclient drives with some fonts (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: F5 Copy: Remove '&' underline symbol from title in F5 copy: dialog for saving default overwrite options (32/64)
29.11.19 Fixed: Support parameter 0 also for cm_LeftViewModeList and cm_RightViewModeList (32/64)
29.11.19 Added: Command line parameter support for command CM_LISTINTERNALONLY in button bar and command line (32/64)


Titel: nnn 2.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2019, 05:25
Whats new:>>

    Fix always archiving current file
    More elaborate docs on selection changes

Titel: Q-Dir 7.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2019, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen: Hintergrundfarbe und Auswahl im Explorer und in der Baumansicht
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir
Verbesserungen am Windows-10 1909

Titel: fman 1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2019, 12:17
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



fman also wouldn't start on macOS Catalina, because of Apple's new Notarization requirements. This should now be fixed.


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2019, 19:30

11.12.19 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 9
11.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: focus rectangles on buttons were not dotted but dashed (bug in function CreatePen) (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Configuration - Options - Ignore list still had white scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: When using "current dir only", found folders were also counted as files (32/64)
11.12.19 Fixed: NOCLOSE.EXE: Do not quote command after /K when using command.com (32)
11.12.19 Fixed: Find files - Load/Save: The list was no longer sorted alphabetically, and therefore had reduced quick search (32)
10.12.19 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Drive icons could be invisible when they had to be scaled for higher DPI (32)
10.12.19 Fixed: In place rename (Shift+F6) was closed by mistake when pressing cursor left at leftmost position, and quick view was open (64)
10.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: Going to next/previous difference may skip results when only showing differences with 0 extra lines (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: FTP connect: If AUTH TLS/SSL fails, retry with it enabled if the user confirms to retry (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: Combobox "View mode" showed modes from file system plugins while in a plugin, although they cannot be set this way (32/64)
09.12.19 Fixed: FTP upload in background would send file to wrong directory if "Send commands" contained a command to change directory (32/64)
09.12.19 Added: Auto-convert sharepoint URLs like https://intranet/projects/123/ABCD/Documents/... to \\intranet\DavWWWRoot\projects\123\ABCD\Documents\... in button bar, command line etc. (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Preview for synchronize dirs used wrong background color if the file list background wasn't the default (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: FTP log panel didn't have dark scrollbars on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Made buttons for USB drives without drive letter 2 pixels wider (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Preview: Reduce font size for file lists and title bars if the list/main window font was set very large (32/64)
08.12.19 Added: cm_rereadsource: Parameter 1 forces refresh even if nothing has changed in that directory, e.g. to re-load icons and overlays (32/64)
08.12.19 Fixed: USB drives without drive letters: button could get focused when clicking on it twice (32/64)
06.12.19 Fixed: Find files - Duplicates - Feed to listbox - Select files: Second tab had different upper and lower part colors (64)
06.12.19 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar button to open dropdown list sometimes had wrong colors, e.g. after switching between normal and dark mode (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 7.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2019, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in: Drucken was Sie in den Datei Explorer Ansichten sehen
Verbesserungen bei: Darstellung bei höheren DPI Werten auf Windows 10
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2019, 21:30

18.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled, but another window was in the foreground (32/64)
18.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Apply new dark/normal mode also to currently open background transfer manager and background copy dialogs (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: When program was started with dark mode and later switched to light mode, don't show dark context menus on Windows 10 1809 and newer in various places, mainly the file context menu (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Lister had dark submenus on windows 10 1809 and newer when TC was started with dark mode and later switched to normal mode (32)
17.12.19 Fixed: Show fake OneDrive reparse points as <DIR> instead of <LNK>, by checking with FindFirstFile whether the value of dwReserved0 equals one of the cloud values 0x9000101A..0x9000F01A (32/64)
17.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed duplicate lines to the left/right of the current path when using folder tabs (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Help: Added descriptions for various fields in [layout] section (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Sorting by additional custom columns didn't work (click on first column, ctrl+click on second) (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Define colors by file type: Adding a new color didn't move down the previously defined colors for dark mode (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (region) in Configuration - Options - Color when drawing color comboboxes (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Tab order was wrong (64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Classic theme: Turning off dark mode kept dark background in main menu when using internal English menu without icons (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Use COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT for "default" text in comboboxes with focus (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode: focus rectangles on buttons were still dashed (not dotted) in background transfer manager and copy in background (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: FTP connection toolbar had dark scrollbar in normal mode when connecting in normal mode (but not when switching from dark to normal mode after connecting) (32/64)
16.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Explicitly refresh color combobox when choosing item from "Others" combobox also in not dark mode (64)
13.12.19 Fixed: User choice of unpacker (e.g. via context menu from internal association) was ignored in plugin auto-installer, using the default unpacker for that extension (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: "Edit comment" dialog had dark scrollbars in normal mode on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32)
13.12.19 Added: cm_rereadsource 2 re-applies automatic view mode change to current directory (cm_rereadsource 3 also forces a refresh if nothing has changed) (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Opening *.url files pointing to https urls no longer worked (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color - Preview: Synchronize dirs preview wrong (e.g. black on dark background) for selected equal files (32/64)
13.12.19 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Equal sign color wrong (black instead of white) when using dark custom selection background color (32/64)
12.12.19 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 5.80.0 (5.80.3 was a pre-release version) (32/64)


Titel: NetDrive 3.8.975 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2019, 13:25


    Updated ZeroMQ to 4.3.2 (Older version caused problem on recent Windows)
    Fixed issue on macOS which prevents displaying drive icon on Desktop and Locations of Finder
    Fixed issue on Windows which caused crash when leaving debug log on some condition
    FTP - Fixed crash issue on macOS when processing dot files


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 19.12.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2019, 19:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2019, 22:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (package) for-each-key v2.0.0
    (package) jonny v3.0.0
    (package) jaguar v6.0.0
    (package) ponse v4.0.0
    (package) ponse v3.5.1
    (package) memfs v3.0.1
    (package) url-loader v3.0.0
    (package) nodemon v2.0.1
    (package) stylelint v12.0.0


Titel: NDN (Necromancer's Dos Navigator) 3.00.0001
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2019, 19:20
Necromancer's Dos Navigator [NDN] is a clone of the famous "Norton Commander". It uses an easy to use and learn text-mode interface, is highly customizable, and has a lot of features.



 new: Highlite file dialog change
  new: Change InfoPanel memory info style
  fix: InfoPanel size change
  fix: linux: l64 fix link show in FilePanel
  new: Alt-F6 on symlink\junction show link source in rename dialog
  new: windows: [ALT-CTRL-SHIFT-INSERT] = copy link\junction path to clipboard
  fix: support archive with space in filename and spaces in unpacker path
  new: archive .CPIO and SquashFS(VHD) detecrion via 7-zip (path like .\usr\lib\)
  fix: better Windows 10\Server 2016\2019 version detection
  new: linux: add hotkey to quick change fileattributes in file attributes dialog [Ctl-A]
  fix: calc: store to history valuea befor and after calculate
  add: new cpu instructions in build decoder & assembler
  fix: [Ctrl-Shift-Left] and [Ctrl-Shift-Rigth] in file panel work again (resize Name columnin in current panel)
  fix: linux: now work [Alt-Shift-Left] and [Alt-Shift-Right]
  add: some options in Panel otions dialog
  new: linux: NDN can change volume label on mounted volume fat12\16\32 and btrfs
  new: linux: new option to hide pseudofilesystem from driveline and Drive menu Options->Configuration->Interface->Driveinfo
  fix: driveline color(with disabled option show DriveType) thx WAJIM
  fix: AMD/VIA cpu cache detection
  fix: FilePanel Qiucksearch activated only by single Hotkey
  fix: linux: l64 fixed FTP connection
  new: linux: XFS volume label detection
  new: linux: [Alt-E] - change File Flags [Ctrl-A] - cahnge file Attributes
  new: linux: new FilePanel column 'Y' - Linux File Flags
  fix: linux: show filesystem of current folder (Ctrl-L)
  new: linux: new option "File Flags on separator" at Panel options (Alt-S)
  fix: some Dialog element fixes
  fix: linux: erase progress bar fix


Titel: Image Resizer for Windows 3.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2019, 10:40
Lets you resize images by right-clicking. After installing it, right-click on one or more selected picture files in File Explorer, then select Resize pictures.

Open Source


    The settings of the previous version are now preserved after upgrading
    Using directories in the filename format works now

    Some new translations were added:

        Chinese (Simplified)

    Some translations got updated:

        Portuguese (BR)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.930
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2019, 11:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Correction for scanning files
    Internal restructuring
    Tools updated: Directory 3.920, Splitter 1.680, ExePacker 2.330,
    FTP 2.700, File Shredder 2.480, File Move 2.100

Titel: FileVoyager v19.12.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2019, 10:45
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



- New: Language: Added Hungarian (Translation by Lajos Nagyvati aka LaMoLa)
- New: Viewer: Support of the Keyboard Multimedia keys (Play, Pause, Stop, Previous track and Next Track)
- New: Navigation Lists: Support of the Backward and Forward buttons of mouses
- New: Navigation Lists: A button with a funnel icon is now displayed on the CrumbBar when the list is filtered
- New: Command line: Possibility to start FileVoyager with left and right folder passed in the command line (FileVoyager.exe -FVLeft "pathtoleftfolder" - FVRight "pathtorighfolder")
- New: Diff: Possibility to use an external Diff tool
- New: Diff: Possibility to define custom colors for internal Diff tool highlighting
- New: Diff: Possibility to choose whether to show or not thumbnails in the infotips
- New: Diff: In the folder comparison, it's now possible to show only the different item, hiding the unchanged ones
- New: Diff: In the file comparison, it's now possible to jump from diff to diff. In previous versions of FV, the button were present but no code behind them
- New: Navigation Trees: Treeview now show the overlays on icons
~ Chg: Filter: Added a button to reset the form fields
~ Chg: MainForm: Added the Splitter menu in the Ribbon (View\[Customize Pane]\Splitter) and the Classic menu (View\Splitter)
~ Chg: MainForm: The classic menu, if used, is now dockable to any side of the MainForm
~ Chg: Navigation Lists: In the 'Attributes' column, the property FILE_ATTRIBUTE_RECALL_ON_DATA_ACCESS is now shown as 'M' instead of 'R'
- Fix: AboutBox: The links to websites of the credits were opening inside the AboutBox. Now they open in the default browser
- Fix: Diff: In the folder comparison, it was impossible to collapse a node if a child was folcused
- Fix: Check for updates: The functionality was broken


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2019, 11:50
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.950
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2019, 19:30
Whats new:>>

File Move 2.110 added

Titel: XYplorer 20.60.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2019, 20:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2019, 10:30
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: NetDrive 3.8.987 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2019, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Fixed issue of 3.8.975 which caused delay on mounting

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2019, 21:00

30.12.19 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Moving mouse cursor away from combobox sometimes didn't change the border from focused to normal (32/64)
30.12.19 Fixed: ESC in F5 copy dialog caused an unwanted beep from Windows 10 1909 (64)
30.12.19 Fixed: Internal associations: when using **internal_sha as "open" command, also allow the extension in menu Files - Verify checksums (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unpacking RAR with Alt+F9 didn't unpack directory attributes like "hidden", which worked when unpacking with F5 from open archive (32/64)
29.12.19 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> change tab header to that new directory name (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Some buttons like F7/F8 buttons in copy dialog (F5) were still dark after starting with dark mode, using F5 once, and then switching to normal mode (Windows 10 1903) (32/64)
24.12.19 Fixed: Find files, F2 search in found files/folders: 'Everything' option must be ignored, it could lead to duplicate search results when nested directories were in the previous results (32/64)
23.12.19 Fixed: GDI leak (font) when opening and closing any dialog with comboboxes to which WM_SETFONT was sent (bug in Windows 10 1909 but not 1803) -> explicitly delete the edit box part with DestroyWindow (64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color, Windows 7, default theme: Preview of synchronize dirs selection text color for equal items was wrong, should be white on blue (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Wrong color of "default" item when the list was open but the "default" item wasn't focused (32/64)
22.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Edit/View: Don't draw vertical separator as line, instead draw two overlapping boxes side by side to fix overlapping lines (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Configuration - Options - View Mode: "Additional sort orders" picker added wrong numbers 3, 4 etc. for custom columns instead of 101, 102 etc. (32/64)
20.12.19 Fixed: Compare by content: results still couldn't be scrolled with the mouse wheel when using the option "Scroll inactive windows when I hover them" was enabled while Total Commander's main window was in the foreground (32)
20.12.19 Fixed: cm_RereadSource with parameter didn't work combined with other commands, e.g. cm_FocusTrg,cm_RereadSource 2  in internal command (32/64)
20.12.19 Added: Internal associations: **internal_sha uses internal "Verify checksums" function for user-defined types, e.g. for *.sha256sum (context menu: only first selected) (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 9.5.0 Build 2570
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2019, 12:45
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - Possible to customzie the font that the tabs will use
    ADDED - Possible to limit tab size is with by size
    ADDED - Possible to limit tab size is with by characters
    ADDED - Video Properties for length,width,size,FPS,BR,FourCC (Using Windows Shell)
    ADDED - Customze Column list now support double click to remove or add items
    ADDED - Create MD5/SFV files now support subfolders, however if used, it will make them incompatible with most other checkers
    ADDED - New Language Ukrainian, Created by Bohdan Kalynyak
    ADDED - MultiScript - ArrayToString(arr, delimiter, escape yn) that take an array of string and combine them to a string with delimiters.
    FIXED - FindFiles windows enabled/disabled in another way so should work better for all now
    FIXED - Correct MCIcons.dll files so icons are now correct again.
    FIXED - 5 Stability Issues


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.960
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2020, 09:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FTP 2.710 added

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2020, 11:45
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

    Add: Context menu dark theme
    Add: Classic font style
    Remove: Show ribbon menu

Titel: Tabbed Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2020, 16:10
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.


Whats new:>>

    Add: Favourites
    Add: Open directory as new tab
    Add: Reorder tabs
    Add: Context menu dark theme
    Add: Classic font style

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2020 Build 810
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2020, 17:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Latest Changes

    Bug fix: No auto refresh after deleting file from smartphone
    Bug fix: Exception in internal viewer https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=28890#p28890
    Bug fix: If the options "One tree per panel" and "Keep expanded nodes per tab" are active: by switching between left and right pane - the expanded folders in the inactive tree are closed
    Bug fix: Layout switching may cause the exception
    Bug fix: Program start fail on Windows 2003 https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=29009#p29009
    Bug fix: Path change through DOS prompt writes the path to the address bar with trailing delimiter.
    Bug fix: After opening the zip file with the internal plugin fc_internal_zip, different unspecific exceptions can occur later.
    Bug fix: Exception on program start if small icons used in the splitter toolbar
    Bug fix: Opening multiple files causes a crash https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9317
    Bug fix: If the option "Quick filter bar always visible" is not active then exception appears on click in main menu
    Bug fix: Tree is not updated correctly after restart; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9444
    Bug fix: Multirename on smartphone works again
    Bug fix: Synchronize folders - the Quick Viewer does not follow the changes made to the selection in the file list.
    Bug fix: When using "Copy name without extension as text" to copy name of the folder with dot (e.g. aaa.bbbcccddd), only the first part is copied (e.g. aaa)
    Bug fix: Filenames that start with periods (e.g.: .config) are not displayed correctly if the "Right align extension ..." option is active.
    Bug fix: Toolbar buttons for List, Details, Thumbnails stay in down state if "Small icons" or "Large icons" is in menu selected
    Bug fix: Rename of the volume drive does not work if rename operation with dialog is defined
    Bug fix: Search files - Find duplicate files may provide false result https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9669
    Bug fix: Search for files/folders does not work with ";" in path. Use " to enclose path with ";" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9699
    Bug fix: Quick viewer close button does not work in multi rename dialog https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9707
    Bug fix: New added column profile is not visible on "Auto selectable views" tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9678
    Bug fix: Multi rename dialog - "Activate profiles combo box first" broken with quick view https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30211#p30211
    Bug fix: When using a toolbar button "Show main menu as popup menu" some submenus may not work (e.g. Color schemes, Favorite tools)
    Bug fix: Search files dialog - selecting files in the result list does not count selected (if Shift key is used) https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9717
    Bug fix: Favorite folder tree - drop on node with folder is broken
    Bug fix: Favorite folder dialog - active item color is unreadable https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9624
    Bug fix: Chosen custom column profile "A" changes to custom profile "B" when a file is moved https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30087#p30087
    Bug fix: Scrolling in the details view is slower as in the previous version https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=30356#p30356
    Bug fix: Sorting by any column in the search dialog changes the width of the columns https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30358#p30358
    Bug fix: Viewer - zoom with mouse wheel is broken
    Bug fix: Main menu minor issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9772
    Bug fix: Minor issue when using multi rename button/hotkey https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9789
    Bug fix: Create new folder tab from file container tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=30437
    Bug fix: Selecting files via commandline may not work for network paths https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30622#p30622
    Bug fix: Deleting a file in the rename dialog from the context menu doesn't remove it from the list https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30631#p30631
    Bug fix: Deleting a file in the search dialog from the context menu doesn't remove it from the list
    Bug fix: Search dialog list - multiple items delete issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9909
    Bug fix: Sorting broken on delete https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9926
    Bug fix: Layout definition - the option 'Ignore main window size and position' will be unchecked if "Auto save current layout" is used.https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=30814#p30814
    Bug fix: Multirename dialog - deleting a file in quick viewer doesn't remove it from the list
    Bug fix: Search dialog - deleting a file in quick viewer doesn't remove it from the list
    Bug fix: Thumbnails view doesn't work with "Auto selectable views" + Plain view https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10000
    Bug fix: Plain view mode - deleteing a file from context menu doesn't remove it from the list https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9972
    Bug fix: A slow double click on a folder in the tree view allows the renaming of the folder even though the option "Allow rename on slow double click" is not set
    Bug fix: "Keep expanded nodes per Tab": does not work when closing a tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=10012
    Bug fix: Multi rename dialog, "Search for" field - the help after klick on "?" picture is wrong
    Bug fix: Adding a profile to a search filter doesn't immediately show paths https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10057
    Bug fix: Sorting by "Bit rate" may be wrong https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10049
    Bug fix: Lock view issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10041
    Bug fix: Auto selectable views - minor sorting issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9983
    Bug fix: Plain view is lost if used with quick filter on tab switch https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10066
    Bug fix: Recycle Bin panel switch issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10070
    Bug fix: Recycle Bin refresh issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10071
    Bug fix: Quick viewer focus issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10073
    Bug fix: Rename in the tree: DEL key want delete the renamed folder
    Bug fix: Option "Show drives as button bar - Use large icons" does not work if the option "Show drive bar per panel" is not active
    Implemented: New action "Set Quick Filter from clipboard"
    Implemented: New menu item "Edit -> Filter files with same ext." (Set quick filter to the extension of the focused item in the current panel )
    Implemented: Confirm overwrite dialog - file version info is showed now
    Implemented: Exif info in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected lines)
    Implemented: Folder view in viewer - Context menu "Copy to clipboard" (selected text)
    Implemented: New option "Always open in new tab" for shell menu settings added
    Implemented: "Redirect Win+E to FreeCommander" function opens the program in the foreground
    Implemented: Create checksum - space characters are ignored in the field "Compare with the pattern sum"
    Implemented: "Make folder/file list..." now possible for archive files and SFTP folders
    Implemented: Thumbnails for epub files
    Implemented: New action for main splitter added "Split 0/100 %" and "Split 100/0%" (Compatibility with old version)
    Implemented: JPG as screenshot format added
    Implemented: Position of the settings dialog is saved
    Implemented: Unpacking the archive file from the desktop to another desktop folder is now possible.
    Implemented: New quick filter option added: Clear edit field when quick filter is deactivated
    Implemented: Color scheme menu icons can now be used https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=9329
    Implemented: Now color scheme is used in Viewer and quick viewer
    Implemented: Two options in "Attributes/Timestamp" dialog added: 'Copy date "modified" to "created" for each file', 'Copy date "created" to "modified" for each file'
    Implemented: Option to define in the freecommander.ini for deactivating of the color scheme in viewer - "ViewerUseColorScheme=0"
    Implemented: Search dialog - file editing from archive file is possible now
    Implemented: Background color of the file list in the search dialog changes if searching is active; line "BusyColor=" in freecommander.find.ini
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - using substring (enclosed with ) for the option "Upper first letter following any of defined characters" is now possible
    Implemented: New command in multirename dialog added - "Copy old name"
    Implemented: New option for "File/folder list" added "Ignore size of link folder (reparse point)"; default value is false; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29686&sid=ebcde0131eafec4ccc9ada14c4a8b621#p29686
    Implemented: Quick viewer - close button in the title bar added
    Implemented: Additional options for "Close all folder tabs": Close locked tabs too, Apply for both panels
    Implemented: Tab property dialog - icon definition is possible now
    Implemented: Settings - new tab option "Use large images"
    Implemented: Setting for menu font size (Settings->View)
    Implemented: Search dialog - new options for searched text: As entered, Any term, All terms
    Implemented: Search in file container
    Implemented: Quick filter field - with Ctrl+Enter apply quick filter for both panels
    Implemented: Protection against "right to left override" characters in the file name. https://krebsonsecurity.com/2011/09/right-to-left-override-aids-email-attacks/
    Implemented: Drop operation (while holding down the SHIFT key) on a Folder button in the Favorite toolbar works as "Move".
    Implemented: New condition for "Automatic views": <newtab>; if defined is always active
    Implemented: Settings->Programs - define %AcceptOnlyFiles% as Parameter if you want to ignore the program start for folders
    Implemented: "Alt+Left Click" on folder or archive file opens new tab in other pane
    Implemented: Option "Ignore diacritical marks" added (quick filter, quick search, filter, multirename)
    Implemented: New command line parameters: -LQF (left quick filter, e.g. -LQF=*.png ), -RQF (right quick filter)
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - new command "Copy old name without extension" added
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - new option "Use big icons" added
    Implemented: Viewer, VLC Player - "Play loop" option added
    Implemented: New action added - "Select all folders"
    Implemented: New action added - "Lock view ; Locks view and disable automatic views"
    Implemented: Search dialog - new option added: "Use big icons"
    Implemented: Multirename dialog - "Options->Select columns" added
    Implemented: "Tools->Settings->Programs->Default action" - %InternalViewer% can be used as program for default acion (double click; Enter key)
    Changed: Multirename dialog - auto-completion disabled for date field
    Changed: Dos-Prompt field - auto-completion disabled
    Changed: "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog - "Copy Created -> Modified" changed as suggested https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9199#p29099
    Changed: Computing of folder Size - the size of the symbolic link folder is now always 0; https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=29616#p29616
    Changed: Buttons alignmet for left and right toolbar if buttons caption visible
    Changed: Active option "Open folder with one click" opens the link to folder too
    Changed: Tab properties dialog - now the field 'Tab name' is always empty unless you define your own tab name.
    Changed: Address bar alow input of the file URI as suggested https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&p=29991#p29991
    Changed: Loading of the favorite tools faster when many favorite tools (more than 100) are defined.
    Changed: Item colors are no longer set in the background but directly while loading of the file list.
    Changed: Drag&drop key modifier for move (favortite folders tree) changed from CTRL to SHIFT https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=9795
    Changed: Define columns dialog - default button changed from Cancel to OK https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10023


Titel: Attribute Changer 9.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2020, 11:45
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



New : Redate folder date based on oldest subfolder
New : Redate folder date based on newest subfolder
New : Option to enable/disable the ‘Change Attributes’ context menu
Update : Detailed Reporting: Reorganised columns
Update : Detailed Reporting: Use Listview for failed actions
Update : Detailed Reporting: Create TAB separated export file for failed actions
Update : Detailed Reporting: Autosize panels if failed actions occur
Update : Retrieve common date and time values for selected files and folders
Update : Unchecked ‘Include sub-folders and files’ does not process files in folder anymore
Update : File properties tab is hidden if no action is requested
Update : Remove context menu from drives
Update : Fixed main window not closing with ESC key
Update : Fixed Processing not canceled with ESC key


Titel: One Commander 2.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2020, 13:00
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)



    New licensing system
    Portable version and ClickOnce don’t have premium features for free anymore since now it is on par with Store version. If you update you will get new functionality but loose some premium features that you used to get without the license (license is $5 for single machine). ClickOnce version will not auto update to this paid version so you can have the choice, but there is no support for old version. It uses new new paypal purchasing system. It is still manual, where you need to send anonimized hardware ID (my pressing on key icon), pay on paypal, and receive activation code via email. It should be robust enough that it won’t deactivate if you change a graphic card or disk. This one is per machine basis, so Microsoft Store version is still preferred: smoother purchasing process and it works with up to 8 computers with one license (you need to be logged in with same user account). The license is not transferable between Microsoft Store version and the Portable/ClickOnce versions to respect the Microsoft Store policy.
    Added PDF, AI Thumbnail and Preview reader
    Adobe has dropped support for thumbnails, so instead of asking you to install Foxit, this version has built in thumbnail handler for PDF and AI. It also supports preview for these without using ActiveX. Future update will make the thumbnails less aliased.
    Added support for QuickLook (enable in Settings)
    If you have QuickLook and prefer it over built-in preview, you will be able to turn it on in settings. You will need non-store version of the QuickLook for it to work.
    New folder change monitor (enable in Experimental Settings)
    Some computers have issues with reporting changes in folder, forcing you to F5 refresh to see changes. This will use new system for monitoring for changes, but note that the browsing folder will be delayed by 0.3 seconds while the watcher initializes on folder change. This needs to be enabled manually in settings.
    Improved directory monitor – Radar
    This one uses the previously mentioned new folder change monitor. You can also let it report on deleted files, which previous one could not, and it also can monitor network folders.
    Drag Folders from Columns implemented
    You can now draw folders from the Columns to copy/move them
    Click twice to rename
    This should behave like the Windows File manager: If you double-click file it will open it, but if you click file twice, slower and don’t move mouse much it will initiate rename.
    Now saving settings in C:\Users\YourName\ to prevent issues with permissions
    Store version has it by default. Windows Store manages program settings and it sometimes prevents programs writing in their own Appdata (weird redirecting going on), especially after a Windows Update, so we have to save settings outside of Appdata folder. The Portable/ClickOnce version will save in program folder if there is access to it, otherwise it saves to Users/Yourname folder.
    Fixed saving window state and position between sessions and fixed Minimize to Tray
    Now all the issues with multimonitor window position state and size should be saved correctly. If not, share what setup you have and I’ll try to reproduce the issue
    Other bugfixes
    – Fixed MiddleMouseButton selection rectangle
    – Fixed drag taking 2 items
    – Fixed High Contrast, GIF preview loop, F2/Rename on multiple items… and more
    – Open multiple items at a time
    – Thumbnail Blacklist for some filetypes
    If you don’t like thumbnails for mp3 files or something else, you can add it to the list and program will not generate thumbnail
    … and more.


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.7 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2020, 16:34
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Plugins] DC failed to extract and open ACE Archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Unhandled exception: EAccessViolation: Access violation (when comparing same file in zip archive) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Reading from tar files fails for path names longer than 100 characters (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] If DC runs slowly, and 2nd instances runs-- crash because of "cannot read pixmap file" (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Error on "Resave on the last favorite tabs..." (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] refusal to make a copy (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] root ("/") in the directory hotlist is deleted between sessions (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] The first letter of quick search is selected by default (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Graphical user interface] Double Commander does not support Dark Mode in macOS 10.14 Mojave (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Removable drives don't show up automatically (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] access violation after swapping panels whilst quickview is open (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Symlink creation of files does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2020, 20:00

08.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Ctrl+C in message box now handled in "key down" event instead of "key up" event (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Combobox with no item selected (e.g. drive combobox after "Feed to listbox") not dark (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Main window closed when aborting FTP connection to not responding server by pressing ESC twice (64)
08.01.20 Added: Further improved speed of switching between directories within a large archive (32/64)
08.01.20 Fixed: Going back to a different directory within an archive via history was re-reading the entire archive (32/64)
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=2: Same as 3, but use dark title bar (32/64)
07.01.20 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ForceDarkModeOptions=3 disables Windows 10-specific dark mode functions and uses compatibility mode from older versions (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, Windows 10 1809 or newer: Turn on separate tree, switch from ligh to dark mode -> scrollbars were not changed to dark (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Tooltips for very long file names (option "Win32 style tips disabled") had wrong font size on high DPI screens (64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: When using option "Only when enabled for Windows 10 apps" and changing the color with cm_SwitchDarkMode, any settings change in Control Panel like in regional settings switched back to the default app color (32/64)
07.01.20 Fixed: Parameters /O /P=R didn't put focus on right panel if the already running copy of Total Commander was minimized (64)
06.01.20 Fixed: Do not show an exception "WMSize loop detected" when resizing a control fails, e.g. when moving the main window between two screens with different DPI (64)
06.01.20 Fixed: Unlock or permanently lock tab which was set to "locked with directory changes allowed" in a different directory -> only change tab header to that new directory name if the tab didn't have a custom title (32/64)
05.01.20 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Quick search in left list of categories no longer worked as in older versions (32)
05.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Separate tree was using the wrong background color (main window background instead of file list background (32/64)
03.01.20 Fixed: Menu bar color wrong (missing theme background) on Windows XP after switching from dark mode to normal mode (32/64)
03.01.20 Fixed: Font leak in Configuration - Options - Color - Others, in the title bar preview (64)
31.12.19 Added: Faster loading of large archives, and faster switching between directories within that archive (32/64)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.970
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2020, 09:04
Whats new:>>

    FileShredder 2.500 added
    Internal corrections

Titel: Hardlink Shell Extension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2020, 20:30
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



Progress bar prediction has been improved.
Fixed crash when username was > 20 chars as non-admin during symbolic link drop.
Link ShellExtension now maintains its chocolatey package.
Link ShellExtension is public on gitlab.


Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2020, 17:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fixed the problem that GoogleDrive could not authenticate.

Titel: Multi Commander 9.5.3 Build 2578
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2020, 21:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



Around 15+ changes since 9.5

This is the last version that will run on XP, There might be minor updates to this version.
But new feature will require Win7+

Around 15 stability fixes included in this version

Change in 9.5.0 was

    Video properties in columns
    Customize Tab font and width
    New Languge. Ukrainian. Created by Bohdan Kalynyak
    New MultiScript function ArrayToString(..)
    Fixed Icons issue
    5 Stability issues fixed and some other fixes


Titel: nnn 2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2020, 18:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    Greatly improved help screen readability
    Nuke: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin
    Fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks @annagrram)
    Auto archive handling by extension (see config NNN_ARCHIVE)
    Lead key simplified to bookmark key (b or ^/)
    Single key to toggle order (t or ^T)
    Indicate range selection mode with *
    List keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts
    Visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by ,)
    Toggle executable (key *)
    Show mime along with file details
    Retain filter on Esc, Up, Down
    Show filter details when filter is on
    Remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive)
    ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar
    Ported to Haiku OS (thanks @annagrram)
    Sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh)
    Fix getplugs to install hidden files
    Fix several selection issues (see #400)
    Fix detail mode not restored on loading session
    Fix symlink to directory not auto-selected
    Fix regex error on partial regex patterns
    Fix symlink not shown if stat(2) on target fails
    Fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM
    Fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for dirent.d_type)
    Fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session
    Signed source distribution on release
    Simplified debugging with line numbers in logs
    All keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422):
    Reduced number of keybinds


    .cbcp: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option -x)
    .ntfy: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option -x)
    Autojump: navigate using autojump
    Upload: paste text files to http://ix.io, upload rest to https://file.io
    All fuzzy plugins modified to support both fzf and fzy

    More control on plugins:

    Prefix - to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin
    Suffix * to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin
    More special keys at empty filter prompt:
    Apply the last filter (^L)
    Toggle between string and regex (/)
    Toggle case-sensitivity (:)

    Program options:

    Option -x: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard
    Option -g: regex filters (string filter is default now)
    Option -Q: quit program without confirmation
    Option -s: load session
    Option -n: start in nav-as-you-type mode
    Option -v: version sort
    Option -V: show program version
    Option -A: disable dir auto-select


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Beta 13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2020, 05:30

15.01.20 Fixed: Use simulated dark mode also on Windows 10 1809 and later if scrollbars with theme "DarkMode_Explorer" aren't dark, otherwise we will sometimes get white on white context menus (32)
15.01.20 Fixed: Icons defined via internal associations were lost when changing any color settings or switching between dark and normal mode (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Added a second, shorter timer for overdrawing listbox scrollbar (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Ctrl+Alt+Q in quick search dialog closed it (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "By content" option didn't work with internal 7zip unpacker, only with 7zip plugins (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Disable themed cursor by default on Windows XP, because it would show light gray text on white background (32/64)
15.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Listbox scrollbars couldn't be used on 32-bit Windows XP (32)
14.01.20 Fixed: High DPI screen with 200% scale: Some menus had wrong font size or line spacing, e.g. list of redefined hotkeys in Configuration - Options - Misc, or Change>> options in button bar dialog (64)
13.01.20 Fixed: UnRAR: Ignore codepage override options if the archive contained Unicode names (32/64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Drag&Drop to breadcrumb bar, move cursor outside of dropdown panel, release mouse button -> forbidden cursor remained (64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: HTTP download in background (via Ctrl+N, paste URL) had some non-dark elements (32/64)
13.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, drive combobox disabled, non-flat drive buttons: Border around label and free/total space on drive wasn't drawn until the window was resized (64)
12.01.20 Fixed: With overlay icons enabled, some .lnk files in archives didn't have the link icon (32/64)
12.01.20 Fixed: Option TreeTriangles in section [Colors] was ignored after recent fix (Show
  • icons to expand tree nodes). Note: TreeTriangles in [ColorsDark] is only used in Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)

12.01.20 Added: Lister: RTF files: Allow to also switch to internal RTF viewer by pressing '4' in a lister plugin (32/64)
12.01.20 Fixed: Folders in archive subdirs sometimes had refresh icon instead of normal folder icon (32/64)
12.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with archives (e.g. 7zip): Compare by content no longer worked in at least partially uppercase subdirectories (32/64)
10.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: some checkboxes in "Create checksum file(s)" had black text on black background when using classic theme (32/64)

10.01.20 Release Total Commander 9.50 beta 12a
10.01.20 Fixed: Separate tree: Do not focus line when just clicking on expand or collapse icon (64)
10.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, tree view: Show
  • icons to expand tree nodes instead of triangles ">", also after switching from normal to dark mode (32/64)

09.01.20 Added: Tell lister plugins with parameter lcp_darkmode=128 when using dark mode, changed plugin interface version to 2.12 (32/64)
09.01.20 Fixed: Files in archive subdirectories were not shown in some cases where files in the archive root were stored after files in subdirectories (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 9.6.0 Build 2580
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2020, 19:30
Release Notes

Around 5+ changes since 9.5, this is a Fix release for issue that was found in 9.5

This is the last version that will run on XP, There might be minor updates to this version.

But new feature will require Win7+

Around 5 stability fixes included in this version

Change in 9.6.0 was

    Fixed 3 crash issues
    Fixed build system, Some modules was not build correct.

Change in 9.5.x was

    Video properties in columns
    Customize Tab font and width
    New Language. Ukrainian. Created by Bohdan Kalynyak
    New MultiScript function ArrayToString(..)
    Fixed Icons issue
    15 Stability issues fixed and some other fixes


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2020, 21:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



+ New: Language: Added Italian (Translation by Roberto Scassellati)
+ New: Language: Added Slovenian (Translation by Jadran Rudec)
~ Chg: Language: German translation updated (by Andras Ohlmann)
~ Chg: Language: Spanish translation updated (by Calebs)
~ Chg: Language: Russian translation updated (by Bonvivant)
- Fix: Diff: In TextDiff, an issue was randomly flagging lines as "modified"
- Fix: Viewer: The syntax highlighting was failing to load files with some unicode characters in the path
- Fix: Viewer: The map displayed for images with GPS Coordinates stopped working after Google change the access permissions to the API. FV uses now the OpenStreetMap.org API.
- Fix: Language: Some labels were not multilangual
- Fix: Navigation: Files/Folders dropped on FileVoyager from another application were handled as if they were virtual items (transitting by the Temp folder first)


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2020 Build 810a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2020, 18:00
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License:    Freeware

Whats new:>>

In dem Build wurde ein Bug behoben: Absturz beim Speichern der Einstellungen, wenn nur ein Dateifenster ist sichtbar.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2020, 05:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)

License:    Freeware

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.1.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2020, 19:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Asynchronous processing of images

Titel: XYplorer 20.60.0400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2020, 21:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Total Commander 9.50 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2020, 05:00

22.01.20 Fixed: Mouse cursor didn't jump to default button when this option was enabled in control panel - mouse (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Lister: When using "Define view method by file type" to assign *.txt to text mode (1), switching to next/previous file also showed image files as text (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Hovering with mouse over "Files" menu didn't highlight it (32)
22.01.20 Fixed: Find files: Allow to start search in a directory where SetCurrentDirectory fails (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Pack files (Alt+F5) resulted in a CRC error when the entered archive name ended with a space (32/64)s
22.01.20 Fixed: Tree button was not shown in FTP download dialog (32/64)
22.01.20 Fixed: Tree button was shown in FTP upload dialog for some servers (32/64)
22.01.20 Added: Tell lister plugins with ListSendCommand also when switching between dark and normal mode (32/64)
21.01.20 Fixed: Uploading to file system plugin (e.g. cloud) in the background: refresh after upload was stealing focus from active popup window (32/64)
20.01.20 Added: Menu item "Dark<->Normal" to "Configuration" menu, hidden if dark mode is disabled (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: Crash when downloading files >16kBytes from certain proftpd versions, which initially sent more data than the schannel sample code could handle (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: External search with Alt+Shift+F7: "Only search in selected files/directories" only worked for first search (32/64)
20.01.20 Fixed: Couldn't switch to plugins with '4' key when viewing RTF file with Alt+Shift+F3 (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Access violation when moving Alt+F10 tree dialog between screens with different DPI, or opening it on secondary screen with different DPI (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Switch /A (don't open archives) together with /O (open in running program) only worked with one archive parameter (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "By content" option still didn't work with internal 7zip unpacker with the archive in the right panel. Also detect solid 7zip archives (32/64)
19.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Don't turn off tree triangles when setting ForceDarkModeOptions=2 (32/64)
17.01.20 Fixed: Windows 10 1809 and newer: Change context menus drawn by Windows (e.g. file properties) between light and dark mode: call FlushMenuThemes(), function without parameters (index 136) from UxTheme.dll (note: on Windows 10 1809, dark context menus only work when apps are set to dark mode) (32/64)
15.01.20 Added: Tell lister plugins with parameter lcp_darkmodenative=256 when using native dark mode (in addition to lcp_darkmode=128) (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.1.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2020, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2020, 20:20
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



    During Hardlink/Symbolic Link Clone pressing Cancel didn't have an impact.
    Progress bar prediction has been improved.
    Fixed crash when username was > 20 chars as non-admin during symbolic link drop.
    Link ShellExtension now maintains its chocolatey package.
    Link ShellExtension is public on gitlab.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.980
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2020, 20:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Installation update: UnInstCleanup V1.520 added
    Internal corrections
    Tools updated: Directory 3.940, Dll Analyzer 1.770, Exe Packer 2.340,
    File Move 2.120, File Shredder 2.520, FTP 2.720, Splitter 1.690

Titel: Q-Dir 8.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2020, 16:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
Update der Sprachdateien
Q-Dir Anpassungen für den nächsten Win 10 Build

Titel: Multi Commander 9.6.1 Build 2582
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2020, 13:30
Whats new:>>

    ADDED - Last 10 matches from findfiles shown in list during search
    FIXED - Issue with findfiles dialog that stayed disabled after search sometimes
    FIXED - Command "Copy path to clipboard" failed for items in ResX:
    FIXED - 2 Stability Issues

Titel: XYplorer 20.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2020, 04:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 20.60.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Blackberry Smoke.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2020, 13:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (Listeners) improve file select with ctrl + click (#269)
    (Docker) add Dockerfile for arm based clients such as rpi (#268)
    (Package) @cloudcmd/clipboard v2.0.0
    (Package) stylelint v13.0.0
    (Package) emitify v4.0.1
    (Package) nyc v15.0.0
    (Package) eslint-plugin-node v11.0.0


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2020, 20:30

28.01.20 Fixed: uc2: when listing content of archives, a file u$~reslt.ok was created in the current directory (not necessarily the one of the archive) (32)
28.01.20 Fixed: If the display has 256 or less colors, set default dark mode background color to black (0,0,0) (32/64)
28.01.20 Fixed: Windows 7: Background transfer got distorted when resized from the top window border (32/64)
28.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Pause copying with ENTER on Pause button showed normal (not dark) pause/start button (32/64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode crashing on Windows 9x/ME (problem with main menu subclassing), some controls not showing text (32)
27.01.20 Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Some radio buttons were overlapping with the surrounding frame with classic theme (64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Compare by content: Couldn't scroll with mouse wheel when the cursor was not in one of the two file lists (64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Couldn't remove unwanted entries from filter combobox whith Shift+Delete (32/64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Unpack specific files (Alt+F9): Couldn't remove unwanted entries from "Files to unpack" with Shift+Delete (32/64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Archive open, right click on [auto] -> choosing codepage from list didn't work (64)
27.01.20 Fixed: F5 copy: Do not move copy dialog up when clicking on Options button (64)
27.01.20 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Changed button "Less attributes to "Fewer attributes" for consistency with 64-bit version (32)
27.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Reduced flickering of main window border by using CBT hook and reacting to WM_PRINT message (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker: extract directory timestamps if CopyDirTimeStamp is set (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Also tell plugins in quick view panel (Ctrl+Q) when switching between dark and normal mode (standalone quick view is only updated when activated) (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, standalone (Totalcmd.exe /S=S), load stored options with FTP on one side while other FTP server open -> disconnect caused access violation (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, load stored options with FTP on one side -> time options were not available (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: FTP connect to stored connection: ignore any trailing slashes or backslashes, e.g. when the user entered ftp.servername.com/ (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Custom columns: Columns were not scaled on higher DPI screens (64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Scrollbar in Configuration - Options - Custom columns wasn't dark on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32)
26.01.20 Fixed: Show all dark mode menu items as disabled instead of hiding them when ForceDarkModeOptions=0 (which is the default on Windows versions older than XP) (32/64)
26.01.20 Fixed: Dark mode menu item wasn't documented in the help (32/64)


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.8 Build 9296M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2020, 20:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


    [Default] Open terminal (F9) does not work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Default] rabbitvcs integration not working with qt5 (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Graphical user interface] Brief View - Mouse Click on Empty Space Does Not Change Panes (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Default] app not starting if rabbitvcs installed (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [File operations] Quickview crashs by scrolling through zip archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Default] When dragging files away from Double Commander, the cursor moves to a different file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Plugins] DC can't unpack SFX archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2020, 04:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Asynchronous processing of images in the archive.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2020, 13:05
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Total Commander 9.50 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2020, 21:20

Neue Funktionen in Total Commander 9.50:


    Dunkelmodus ab Windows 10 1809 (Herbst 2018), inoffiziell auch bei älteren Versionen (ForceDarkModeOptions=1)
    Mauszeiger springt auf Standardknopf, falls diese Option in der Systemsteuerung unter "Maus" aktiviert ist
    Anzeige von bis zu 3 angeschlossenen USB-Geräten ohne Laufwerksbuchstaben (z. B. Telefone, Tablets) auch im Laufwerksbuttonbar
    Länge des Verzeichnisverlaufs auf 200 erhöht (über HistoryLenStored konfigurierbar)
    Verlauf: Nur Verzeichnisse anzeigen, in denen der Benutzer eine Operation ausgeführt hat (konfigurierbar). Alt+Umschalt+Abwärtspfeil zeigt den vollständigen Verlauf an
    Laufwerks-Liste, Laufwerks-Symbolleiste: Bei USB-Festplatten ein Symbol für Auswerfen des Laufwerks anzeigen.
    Beim Blättern durch Dateilisten mit der Tastatur einen Rand von 4 Zeilen über / unter der aktuellen Position anzeigen (konfigurierbar)
    Verzeichnisfenster: Anzeigen von <LINK> für Hardlinks / Softlinks zu Dateien anstelle der Größe 0
    Strg+Q-Schnellansicht: Inhalt des Link-Ziels anstelle des Inhalts der LNK-Datei anzeigen
    Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Ansicht: Neue Option "\ anhängen", um Ordner als Ordner\ anstelle von [Ordner] anzuzeigen
    Interne Verknüpfungen: Optional: Zusätzliche Verben aus ALLEN übereinstimmenden Filtern hinzufügem. Die Standardoperation "Öffnen" nur von der ersten Übereinstimmung
    Das Untermenü "Neu" auch im Kontextmenü für den Eintrag [..] anzeigen, um eine neue Datei im aktuellen Verzeichnis zu erstellen
    Windows 10, Kontextmenü: Menüpunkt "Teilen" hat nichts gemacht -> intern behandeln
    Schnellsuchdialog: Suchtext mit Strg + Y löschen
    Rechtsklick auf die Registerkarte "Verzeichnis" -> "Kürzlich geschlossene Registerkarten" anzeigen
    Den Speicherort der Total Commander EXE-Datei in der Infobox anzeigen


    Archive: Beim Entpacken Codierung der Dateinamen wählen, z.B. um Dateien mit kyrillischen Zeichen zu entpacken
    OneDrive-Ordner: Behandelt Ordner, die als Dateisystemverknüpfungen angezeigt werden
    F5-Kopierdialog: Lesezeichen anzeigen (Strg + D)
    CRC-Prüfsummen erstellen: Neue Optionen zur Verwendung des Unix-Formats und zur Verwendung von UTF-8
    Unterstützung von Teilzeichenfolgen von Umgebungsvariablen, z.B. %Variable:~2,3%

FTP / Dateisystem-Plugins:

    Transfer von FTP-Server zu FTP-Server mit F5: Option zum Kopieren über lokalen PC
    Übertragung von/zu FTP/FS-Plugins: Unterstützung von Kopierfiltern wie bei der lokalen Dateikopierfunktion, z.B. *.txt | ausschliessen\
    FTP, Upload/Download mit F5-F2 im Hintergrund: Unterstützung für Client-Zertifikat
    RestrictInterface=6144: Alle Plugins verbieten, oder 4096: Nur Plugins mit gültiger digitaler Unterschrift


    Neuer Platzhalter [ c ] = Anzahl der Dateien in der Liste
    Neuer Platzhalter [ S ] = Dateigröße

Alt+F10 Baum:

    Option zum Laden des Baums mit 'Everything'
    Combobox zum Wechseln des Laufwerks, öffnen mit Alt+F1 oder Alt+F2


    Suchen mit 'Everything': Zeigt den Prozentsatz der Suchergebnisse an, die an Total Commander übertragen wurden
    Verbesserte Suche in Office-XML-Dateien (z.B. .docx, .ods usw.): Suchen nach Zeichen mit Akzenten
    Die Option 'Everything' automatisch aktivieren, wenn das Präfix "ev:" oder "ed:" im Suchfeld verwendet wird
    Option, nur in Suchergebnissen zu suchen
    Vorherige Suchergebnisse anzeigen

Lister (F3):

    Festlegen, welche Ansichtsmethode und welches Plugin beim Öffnen verwendet werden sollen, getrennt nach Dateityp, z.B. alle JPG-Dateien mit internem Bildbetrachter öffnen
    '8' drücken um die Vorschau wie im Explorer anzuzeigen (nutzt IPreviewHandler oder IThumbnailProvider, falls Ersterer nicht verfügbar ist)
    Unterstützt das Drucken von JPG/PNG/GIF im Lister mit dem internen Bildbetrachter

Vergleich nach Inhalt:

    Die Farbe für unterstrichene Suchergebnisse festlegen

Verzeichnisse synchronisieren:

    Verwenden von Strg+BildAuf/BildAb, um zum nächsten/vorherigen Verzeichnis zu springen

Interne Befehle:

    Neue interne Befehle mit Parametern: LOADSELECTION, SAVESELECTION, SAVEDETAILS plus ANSI/Unicode-Versionen
    cm_ModernShare Ermöglicht die direkte Verwendung des neuen Windows 10-Kontextmenüpunkts "Freigeben"
    cm_ChangeArchiveEncoding zum Öffnen des Popup-Menüs für die Archivkodierung
    cm_MoveTabLeft und cm_MoveTabRight zum manuellen Verschieben der aktuellen Registerkarte

Das Update ist für alle registrierten Benutzer gratis (auch des älteren Windows Commander) - einfach die neue Version über die vorhandene Vollversioninstallieren.

Komplette Liste hier (Englisch) -> https://www.ghisler.com/history950.txt

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2020, 18:31
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: about:blank

Titel: MenuTools
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2020, 05:15
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5555
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2020, 10:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source


New versions of fmt and Catch2.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2020, 05:20
Whats new:>>

Duplicate Image Finder. Now you can find image dupes, and fast. Quite handy when sweeping your photo collection. You can even sort images by visual similarity, an interesting feature and hard to find elsewhere.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Skip James.

Titel: nnn 3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2020, 12:46
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    take list of files as input and show
    option -e replaces NNN_USE_EDITOR
    option -t replaces NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT
    PCRE support
    more readline bindings for native prompts
    run GUI app as plugin
    attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails
    fix unmount on macOS: use umount
    detect sshfs and rclone to prompt intelligently
    auto-proceed on file open (toggle key +)
    quit with error code on Q
    additional key F5 to toggle hidden
    key e to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests)
    option to edit list of files in selection is changed to E
    do not end selection on redraw
    nuke: glow as Markdown viewer
    nuke: refactor, handle some common video types by extension
    file name removed from status bar
    static Makefile target
    generate, upload static package on release
    fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down
    fix keypresses lost when showing message
    fix #227: nnn creates xdg-open zombies


Titel: Total Commander 9.50a RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2020, 05:40

    Fixed: FTP server: Support longer Unicode names, especially for Asian languages with multiple bytes per character (32/64)
    Fixed: Access violation accessing drives mounted via RaiDrive pointing to a WebDAV server, the drive reported an impossibly large free/total space (32)
    Added: Dark mode: Open help file named totalcmddark.chm if it exists in the same location as totalcmd.chm (32/64)
    Fixed: Changing dark mode colors via main settings sometimes lost border around main window file lists (32/64)
    Fixed: Search in 7z archives with internal 7zip unpacker was much slower than extracting the same archive (32/64)
    Fixed: Changed default of HistoryCut option from 0 to 1 until a better solution is found (32/64)
    Fixed: "Mark newer, hide same files": Access violation when using this function while a quick search filter was active (32/64)
    Added: "Visit Totalcmd's Website" now directly goes to the German/French localized Web pages (32/64)
    Fixed: Installer couldn't write to "c:Program files" or other privileged locations for users with limited accounts, even when requesting admin rights (32/64)
    Fixed: Directory history wasn't stored correctly when HistoryLenStored was set (32/64)
    Fixed: Dark mode, auto-complete: Make scrollbar dark on Windows 10 1809 and newer (32/64)
    Fixed: Dark mode: Auto-complete was flickering heavily on Windows XP (32)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown to jump to next/previous directory didn't set focus on header (32/64)
    Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Do not add UTF-8 byte order marker to beginning of checksum file when using "Unix format" (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Explorer method (8) didn't work with Adobe Acrobat Reader, fixed for 64-bit only so far (64)
    Fixed: Main configuration dialog no longer had an icon in the title bar after changing language to English (internal) and clicking on Apply (32)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Q on lnk file: Only follow the link if it points to a file, not to a directory (32/64)
    Fixed: Couldn't go to subfolders in archives where the file name was stored with full path and drive letter, e.g. c:pathfile.txt (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Attribute Changer 9.50a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2020, 21:29
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Fixed : ‘Date and time from file/folder tab’ advanced option not using checkbox state.


Titel: OpenHashTab 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2020, 18:15
OpenHashTab is an Open Source shell extension for conveniently calculating and checking file hashes from file properties.

OpenHashTab is designed to facilitate the efficient calculation and verification of hashes integrating within the Properties section of the right-click context menu. Most of the included actions are straightforward and obvious. OpenHashTab's hash list supports the following:

Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sum file format
Select (possibly multiple) then right-click to copy all columns separated by tabs
The counters next to the status text are in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Enabled optimization (for some reason it was disabled on release builds)
    Fixed a resource leak (win 8.1+) or crash (win 7) when closing while still processing

Titel: fman 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2020, 04:50
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.



On first start, if you are on macOS Catalina or later, fman now opens a new documentation page with instructions for how you can configure fman for your system:


Titel: Total Commander 9.51 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2020, 21:00

19.02.20 Fixed: Renamed release from 9.50a to 9.51, because the beta test is taking longer (32/64)
19.02.20 Fixed: Custom columns view: when not using folder tabs, the column headers had no left border (64)
19.02.20 Fixed: F5 copy, click on "Background": 0% had wrong font as long as it stayed at 0 (32/64)
18.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Border around tab control in search or system information had wrong color (highlight instead of line color) (64)
18.02.20 Fixed: Attribute 0x80000 used by OneDrive for files always kept on that computer was lost when renaming (32/64)
18.02.20 Fixed: Quick search in a listbox (e.g. main settings): no more timeout for typed search string (32)
18.02.20 Fixed: Help file would get locked when opened with a page other than the main index (e.g. Keyboard shortcuts) -> use HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC instead of HH_HELP_CONTEXT (32/64)
17.02.20 Fixed: Access violation in main menu/folder tabs/uninstaller if program was loaded above 4GB limit in memory (64)
17.02.20 Fixed: Updated tc7z.dll/tc7z64.dll and tcmdLZMA.dll/TCLZMA64.DLL to 7zip/lzma version 1900. The former is used for unpacking 7z archives, the latter for lzma+xz-packed ZIP files (32/64)
17.02.20 Fixed: Some rare zip archives packed with "shrink" method couldn't be unpacked correctly, resulting in a CRC error (32/64)
17.02.20 Fixed: Search files, Feed to Listbox, switch to Brief mode -> division by zero when scrolling through list (32/64)
17.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Try to not show white background in resizeable dialogs (e.g. multi-rename tool) while they are loading (32/64)
16.02.20 Added: New USB drive overlay icons for 125% and 150% scale (32/64)
16.02.20 Fixed: Scaling of USB drive overlay wrong when using uneven scaling factor like 125% (64)
16.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: font color of inplace rename edit box wrong (32/64)
16.02.20 Fixed: Windows 10, context menu: "Share" menu item didn't work in search results (32/64)
16.02.20 Fixed: Couldn't enter subdirectories in archives storing entire URLs, e.g. https://www.ghisler.com/index.htm (reason: dual slashes) (32/64)
14.02.20 Fixed: New field (File size) only worked in multi-rename tool, not in F7 new folder and Shift+F4 new file (32/64)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2020, 18:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    (package) serve-once v2.0.0
    (package) edward v12.0.0
    (package) dword v12.0.0
    (package) ponse v5.0.0



    (Package) supermenu v4.0.1
    (Package) stylelint-config-standard v20.0.0
    (Package) http-auth v4.1.2


Titel: Tagging for Windows 2.0.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2020, 19:15
Tag the files on your system so that you can easily file them within the Windows Explorer when you need them via this simple application.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1452
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2020, 09:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2020, 20:10
Whats new:>>

(key) vim: split DOM and vim

Titel: Total Commander 9.51 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2020, 21:31

26.02.20 Release Total Commander 9.51 release candidate 3 (RC3)
26.02.20 Fixed: Find files, load old search via LOADSEARCH <saved name> which didn't contain a stored directory -> set start directory to current directory (64)
26.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Access violation in various dialogs using custom checkbox controls if program was loaded above 4GB limit in memory (64)
26.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode, classic theme: Find files, plugin fields had wrong font (32)
25.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode, FTP connect: wrong background color of focused item when using classic theme (64)
25.02.20 Fixed: Compare by content: keyboard shortcuts in context menu were not working any more (64)
25.02.20 Added: Lister: Use Uniscribe for all languages, even when not needed, by setting wincmd.ini [Lister] Uniscribe=2 (32/64)
24.02.20 Fixed: ESC and TAB didn't work in Lister with Explorer preview, use tckeyhandler.dll/tckeyhandler64.dll for temporary WH_KEYBOARD hook. A global hook is used only when the preview is loaded in a separate process (32/64)
24.02.20 Fixed: Still access violation in main menu/folder tabs if program was loaded above 4GB limit in memory (64)
24.02.20 Fixed: Search function, load previous search parameters: No preview for "compressed" and "encrypted" options (32/64)
24.02.20 Fixed: ZIP packer: Attributes "pinned" and "not content indexed" were not preserved when modifying a ZIP archive (32/64)
23.02.20 Fixed: Search filter dialog (e.g. for colors by file type): When loading existing filter, the plugin edit box was either invisible or too small (32/64)
23.02.20 Fixed: Dark mode, Lister: wrong background color (except behind text) when it was different from the default (32/64)
23.02.20 Fixed: cm_commandbrowser: Shift+Double click or Ctrl+Shift+C on a command/Shift+Click OK no longer worked on Windows 9x/ME (32)
23.02.20 Fixed: No focus rectangle was drawn in various listboxes (colors by file type, languages, multi-rename tool, FTP connect) (64)


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.57
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Februar, 2020, 19:45
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 3.990
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2020, 09:08
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Installation updated
    Tools updated: Directory 3.950, Dll Analyzer 1.780, Exe Packer 2.350, FileMove 2.140, FileShredder 2.530, FTP 2.730, Spliter 1.700

Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2020, 13:24
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Corb Lund.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2020, 14:00
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (package) readjson v2.0.1
    (package) tryrequire v3.0.0
    (package) flop v8.0.0
    (package) writejson v3.0.0
    (package) try-to-catch v3.0.0
    (package) try-catch v3.0.0


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 20:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Total Commander 9.51 RC4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2020, 21:00

04.03.20 Fixed: Find files: Using a list file wouldn't find all files any more when each line of the list contained a file name with wildcards (32/64)
04.03.20 Fixed: Find files: Regular expressions+DOS charset+ignore case didn't work (32/64)
04.03.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Redraw buttons when user presses a key in a dialog box while quick access letters aren't underlined (32/64)
04.03.20 Fixed: New option in regional settings "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support": Read both UTF-8 and ANSI values from wincmd.ini (32/64)
03.03.20 Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Use IPreviewHandlerVisuals to set foreground and background colors of some preview handlers like font preview (32/64)
03.03.20 Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Improved stability, especially out of process like PDF (32/64)
03.03.20 Fixed: Overlapping components in FTP connection details dialog (64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Right to left language: Make all edit boxes and editable comboboxes left-aligned like in the 32-bit version (64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Right to left language: Show size unit to the left of the size field when it's not using English abbreviations (32/64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Right to left language, dark mode: Comboboxes with no edit part must be mirrored too (64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Right to left language: Some dialogs not mirrored correctly: Compare by content, Folder tabs - Show icons on tabs, Change button bar (upper listbox must not be mirrored!) (32/64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Quick search: Do not scale icon and text with DPI set by user in Configuration - Options - Font (32/64)
02.03.20 Fixed: MessageBox dialogs (e.g. shown on Shift+F8) were not mirrored for right to left languages (32/64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Problems caused by new option in regional settings "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support": No more ANSI/OEM text support in compare by content, search function (32/64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Access violation in background transfer manager and background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background) if program data was loaded above 4GB limit in memory (64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Mouse wheel no longer worked in path panel -> breadcrumb dropdown list (32)
02.03.20 Fixed: Configure custom columns: Only the dialog size was restored, not the position (64)
02.03.20 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons - Vertical: Don't select value of zero (32)
02.03.20 Fixed: Tab order in overwrite confirmation dialog incorrect (32)
01.03.20 Fixed: Ctrl+F FTP connections: Focus rectangle was drawn incorrectly with classic theme (64)
01.03.20 Fixed: Drag file from inside archive to Chrome would sometimes cause an access violation (64)
01.03.20 Fixed: Switch from dark to light mode while FTP connection was active -> combobox for transfer mode was still dark (32/64)
01.03.20 Fixed: Better automatic color conversion for colors by file type from light to dark mode (32/64)
28.02.20 Fixed: Problems caused by new option in regional settings "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support": No more ANSI/OEM text support in ZIP, FTP and Lister (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2020, 04:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Image Hash. App would freeze on hashing extremely narrow images where the height is much larger than the width. Fixed.

Titel: muCommander 0.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2020, 20:30
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


    New features:

    Uploading and downloading of virtual disk images to/from oVirt data centers.
    Browsing common virtual disk image formats (vmdk, qcow and qcow2) as writable archives (requires libguestfs).
    Added a binary viewer.
    Basic browsing and downloading of container images from a remote registry (requires skopeo).


    Restructured the application as OSGi modules.
    Support newer versions of Java. Java 11 is now the recommened version.
    Enable system notifications on macOS also when Growl is not installed, using the java.awt.SystemTray API.
    Various improvements for S3 support.
    Added textual filtering to the shotrcuts dialog.
    Upgraded various dependencies.
    Drag and drop action that was initiated from outside of the application defaults to 'COPY' rather than 'MOVE'.
    Enable pin-to-taskbar on Windows 7+.
    Assigned default keyboard shortcut for edit credentials dialog: ALT+CTRL+K.
    Display popup menu for parent folder rows.


    French translation is updated.

    Bug fixes:

    The application starts with the same window size and location from last run even when custom initial folders are set.
    Fixed triggering actions from the system tray.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1454
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2020, 18:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: IconViewer 3.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2020, 17:15
IconViewer is an easy-to-use Windows Explorer extension that allows you to view, copy, and save the icons contained within programs and libraries.

It is a straightforward extension explicitly designed to allow you to easily explore any icons present within a library as well as various file types. Once IconViewer is installed, you can open a file's Properties, select the new tab titled Icons. After that, you will be able to view the icons, if any, contained in the file as well as copy and save them for whatever reason.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.0.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2020, 05:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Total Commander 9.51 RC 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2020, 21:30

11.03.20 Fixed: If the current user profile directory contains characters from a different codepage and 8.3 names are disabled, set default ini file dir to c:\temp, with c the same drive as the user directory (32/64)
10.03.20 Fixed: Allow to install/uninstall/repair and use Total Commander even if the current user profile directory contains characters from a different codepage, as long as the disk has 8.3 names enabled (32/64)
09.03.20 Fixed: Intercept Ctrl+V and Shift+Insert to command line and current path edit when it doesn't contain plain text, to avoid crash due to a Windows bug (32/
09.03.20 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: button to load results for next step not adapted to dark mode or high DPI (32/64)
09.03.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Right click on vertical button bar: Dialog box to confirm hiding of vertical button bar not dark (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2020, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2020, 10:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: XYplorer 20.80.0500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2020, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2020, 04:45
Whats new:>>

Fix icon spacing on high-DPI

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2020, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Total Commander 9.51 RC6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2020, 21:20

18.03.20 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Packer: Some >> buttons had no bottom border on high DPI screens (64)
18.03.20 Fixed: Line breaks in comments were lost when changing an OEM/DOS descript.ion comment via Files - Change attributes (32/64)
18.03.20 Fixed: Internal 7zip unpacker would sometimes request the same password multiple times (32/64)
17.03.20 Fixed: Main program: Prevent privilege escalation by putting fake dll in program directory, via sspicli.dll (64-bit only), winsta.dll, version.dll, winmm.dll, mpr.dll, winspool.drv. Instead, load them via LoadLibrary directly from System32 (32/64)
17.03.20 Fixed: Installer: Prevent privilege escalation by putting fake dll in installer directory, via sspicli.dll (64-bit only), winsta.dll (Windows bug, the installer doesn't use these dlls directly) (32/64)
17.03.20 Fixed: Right to left language: Fixed alignment in custom columns (if left aligned) and free/total space shown in drive buttonbar (32/64)
17.03.20 Fixed: Regional settings, "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support": Configuration - Options - Font examples were wrong (32/64)
17.03.20 Fixed: Dark mode: Configuration - Options - Plugins - File system plugins - Configure: Line distance too narrow on higher DPI screens (64)
16.03.20 Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Support shortcut keys n, p and 1..8 (32/64)
16.03.20 Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Use WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook instead of WH_KEYBOARD, so tckeyhandler.dll/tckeyhandler64.dll is no longer needed (32/64)
16.03.20 Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Call SetRect immediately after SetWindow to handle bug in Microsoft Word preview handler sized incorrectly (32/64)
15.03.20 Fixed: Main window hanging when dragging URLs from Firefox to it. Reason: Firefox doesn't support synchronous drop -> implement asynchronous drop (32/64)
13.03.20 Fixed: Find files: Going through the list of stored searches without loading one reset the "Search in subdirectories" value to "all" (32/64)
13.03.20 Fixed: Name of settings files was changed incorrectly if the registry contained just the file name (e.g. just wincmd.ini) (32/64)
12.03.20 Fixed: Installer: The field "Product name" was not set (32/64)


Titel: OpenHashTab 2.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2020, 20:20
OpenHashTab is an Open Source shell extension for conveniently calculating and checking file hashes from file properties.

OpenHashTab is designed to facilitate the efficient calculation and verification of hashes integrating within the Properties section of the right-click context menu. Most of the included actions are straightforward and obvious. OpenHashTab's hash list supports the following:

Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sum file format
Select (possibly multiple) then right-click to copy all columns separated by tabs
The counters next to the status text are in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Fixed and updated Simplified Chinese translation
    Automatically detect and paste hashes on clipboard when opening tab
    Ability to double right-click to copy all in right-click format

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2020, 11:00
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    GUI updated: MsgBox images
    Tools updated: FileMove 2.150, Directory 3.960, File Shredder 2.540, FTP 2.740

Titel: Q-Dir 8.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2020, 05:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Verbesserungen sowie Aktualisierung der Q-Dir Sprachdateien
Kleine Korrekturen und erneute Tests für 2020 April Build von Windows-10

Titel: Q-Dir 8.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2020, 10:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Fehlerbehebung und Verbesserungen: im optionalen Autoupdate-Dienst
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2020, 20:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Dragging icon on/off (for Aero Lite)

Titel: Total Commander 9.51 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2020, 05:00

    Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: With some preview handlers, a minimized Lister couldn't be restored any more by clicking on its taskbar icon (32/64)
    Fixed: Edit comment (Ctrl+Z) didn't work with option "DOS charset" when the current encoding wasn't "Western" (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Disallow Explorer preview (mode '8') for font files due to a security hole in Windows font handler. Can be enabled manually after Microsoft releases a patch via wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontPreview=1 or FontPreview=2 for only Windows 10 1607 or newer, where fonts are loaded outside the kernel (32/64)
    Fixed: Find files: Ignore last (incorrect) semicolon in "Search in" field when searching in multiple paths, e.g. c:path1;d:path2; (32/64)
    Fixed: Files - Create Checksum File(s): When creating separate checksum files per file or folder, skip all files in subfolders which have the same extension as the created checksum, e.g. create sha256 checksum -> skip all with extension .sha256 (32/64)
    Fixed: Command line, CM_LIST and CM_LISTINTERNALONLY: Delete trailing spaces from name (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs with ZIP archive: Remove warning about stuck ESC key, which was shown when closing warning about read-only ZIP archive with ESC (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Preview could hang when holding down '8', 'n' or 'p' key (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Hotkey '8' invoked switch to Explorer preview twice (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open Quick view panel and separate Lister with Explorer preview each, close Lister so Quick view panel gets focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, Explorer preview: Open 2 Lister windows with Explorer preview, close one so the other gets the focus -> hotkeys like ESC no longer worked (32/64)


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2020, 18:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



(package) fullstore v3.0.0
(package) html-webpack-plugin v4.0.1
(package) codegen.macro v4.0.0
(package) url-loader v4.0.0


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2020, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Added: Hidden filter

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5577
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2020, 16:50
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

New versions of fmt, tinyxml2, Catch2.

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 11:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Middle Truncation. Now you get the option to truncate overflowing filenames in the middle instead of at the end. Useful because the end of the name often has interesting info bits like dates or serial numbers.
    Dark Mode with Adaptive Colors. Now you can control the retina-friendliness of the Dark Mode. It's your choice whether brighter colors (selections, filters, highlights, etc) are automatically dimmed down a bit to make them softer on the eye.
    Duplicate Image Finder. Now the hash is also generated for ICO and CUR files, so these image types will also be searched and found.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Bob Dylan.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.3.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Added: Autocomplete

Titel: fman 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2020, 21:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

    Fman displayed file sizes as KB, MB, GB but actually calculated KiB, MiB and GiB. These are almost but not quite the same (1,000 vs. 1,024). This is now fixed and fman calculates K/M/GB.
    Fixed a bug with copy/pasting: When you had Foo/test.txt and Bar/Foo/ and copy-pasted Foo/ into Bar/, then test.txt ended up at Bar/test.txt instead of Bar/Foo/test.txt. This too is now fixed.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2020, 06:30
W§hats nerw:>>

(cloudcmd) directoryStorage

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2020, 09:00
Whats new:>>


    (client) dom: getCurrentType


    (package) chalk v4.0.0

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1457
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2020, 11:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2020, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2020, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    (client) ajaxLoad: callback -> promise
    (get-json-from-file-table) mv out from client

Titel: Q-Dir 8.06
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2020, 10:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Korrekte bei Aktualisierung und Verbinden sowie Trennen der Netzlaufwerke.
Wichtige Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien
Tests unterr April/2020 Build Windows-10

Titel: NetDrive 3.8.1160 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2020, 16:10


    Team Drive - Team drive provides same drive configuration for all members. Team maintainer can configure and publish team drives.
    File Lock - Now you can lock all kind of files. Locked files cannot be deleted, renamed or removed by other users.
    File Browser - You can access your remote files without mounting your storages. File Browser provides easy and fast access to your files without overheads of Windows Explorer and macOS Finder.
    Support added for Yandex Disk.
    Support added for Dropbox Business.
    Changed max password length to 32767.


    Fixed file time inconsistencies between local and remote storage.
    Fixed issue of NetDrive crash when unmounting on some conditions.
    Fixed issue of incorrect file time with FTP server.


Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2020, 09:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2020, 20:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (docker) node -> node:lts (#280)
    (env) UPPER_CASE first, and then lower_case (#283)


    (cloudcmd) promise -> async


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2020, 19:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: nnn 3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2020, 17:40
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys
    status bar text in context color
    support config NO_COLOR to disable colors
    config NNN_OPTS to specify binary options to nnn
    config NNN_MCLICK to emulate configurable key
    toggle selection on right click
    ignore hard links when calculating disk usage
    dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has @)
    more special keys at empty filter prompt in type-to-nav
    key > to export file list
    option -F to show fortune in help and settings screen
    option -T to specify sort order (obsoletes -v)
    option to clear sort order
    key T to change time type (access/change/mod)
    .nmv - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin
    make var O_NOBATCH to disable native batch renamer
    nuke & imgview - open all images in directory sxiv
    nuke - open log files in vi
    plugin x2sel - system clipboard to selection copier
    plugin fzy - cd using z database
    plugin fzopen - support FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND
    create new context on TAB without prompt
    hover and connect by dir name (within config dir)
    move to next entry on current file delete
    on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file
    option -f to to use readline history file (off by default)
    use s in status bar to indicate selection in progress
    make var O_NOMOUSE to disable mouse support
    do not store NNN_TRASH and -Q in config/session
    add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs
    rename nav-as-you-type to type-to-nav mode
    fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search
    fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded
    fix static package generation
    fix broken abort message when started in du-mode
    fix filter lost on context switch in non type-to-nav mode
    fix broken readline prompt
    fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt
    fix NNNLVL not reset when spawned shell is exited


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.3.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2020, 21:20
Whats new:>>


    (util) getRegExp: multiple dots
    (cloudcmd) crash on check for update (#286)
    (package) yaspeller v7.0.0

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.010
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2020, 12:53
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Error correction for installation/renaming/archiving
- Tools updated

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.4.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2020, 16:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: DataObject

Titel: Clover 3.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2020, 16:50
Clover is a practical tool which changes the appearance of Windows Explorer and allows you to work with multiple folders in the same window. If you like the Explorer interface and want it to support multiple tabs, this application can help you implement the change.


Whats new:>>

    Added: Separate label switch, need to set without separation.
    Solved: Some problems such as Win10 cannot be closed.
    Fix: Other bug fixes.

Titel: Q-Dir 8.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2020, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Verbesserungen beim Durchsuchen von SMB-, FTP-, ... Laufwerken im Quad Explorer
Einige Korrekturen in den Aktionen vom MS File Explorer zu Q-Dir
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Q-Dir 8.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Neu: Der Administrator wird in der Titelleiste angezeigt, wenn Q-Dir im Verwaltungsmodus gestartet wird
Verbesserungen beim Kopieren / Einfügen von Aktionen in Explorer-Ansichten
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.4.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Q-Dir 8.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Verbesserung in: Ordner Gesamtspielzeit bei Medien in einer Explorer spalte anzeigen
Erneut Verbesserungen in: Ordnergruppierung und letzten Einstellung
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien und generelle Optimierung

Titel: NetDrive 3.9.1190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2020, 20:40


    Local Drive Item - Now you can store drive information only on your local PC/Mac
    Team Drive - Team drive provides same drive configuration for all members. Team maintainer can configure and publish team drives.
    File Lock - Now you can lock all kind of files. Locked files cannot be deleted, renamed or removed by other users.
    File Browser - You can access your remote files without mounting your storages. File Browser provides easy and fast access to your files without overheads of Windows Explorer and macOS Finder.
    Support added for Yandex Disk.


    Support added for Dropbox Business.
    Changed max password length to 32767.


    Fixed file time inconsistencies between local and remote storage.
    Fixed issue of NetDrive crash when unmounting on some conditions.
    Fixed issue of incorrect file time with FTP server.
    Fixed issue of frequent cpu wake on macOS.
    Fixed issue of repeated running under macOS parental control


Titel: Film.Strip.Explorer 0.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2020, 10:30
Film.Strip.Explorer ist ein Tool das es erlaubt durch die Ordner zu Navigieren in der Film Streifen Ansicht bekannt aus Windows XP jetzt auch in Windows 10!

Aber nicht nur das, eigentlich ist es ein vollwertiger Dateimanager, welcher auf der Basis vom Quad Explorer entwickelt wurde. Auf mehrfachen Anwender-Wunsch nach der Film Streifen Ansicht, kann man die Film Streifen Ansicht jetzt auch unter Windows 10 und 8.1 verwenden ohne das komplexe auseinandersetzen mit Q-Dir und absolut Kopfschmerzen frei auch für Einsteiger geeignet.


Titel: Multi Commander 9.7.0 Build 2590
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2020, 20:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - New Language - Slovenian , created by Jadran Rudec
    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Run will now set the exitcode to $__CMDRESULT if WAIT option was used.
    FIXED - Filesearch with date match had an UTC issue when comparing time
    FIXED - MultiScript command GetXXXXXXSelectedFileNames()/GetXXXXXSelectedPaths() functions now support the option "IGNORE_FOCUS" that ignore fouce item if no items are selected.
    FIXED - MultiScript command "NetWGET" tried to save to alternative when it should not.
    FIXED - Fixed crash issue with WPD (Portable)
    FIXED - Issue when copying from RESx/Flat view and selecting merge folders.
    FIXED - 6 Stability Issues


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2020, 09:08
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (user-menu) add ability to run selected items without showing dialog


Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2020, 20:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 8.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2020, 04:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen: beim Arbeiten mit MS OneDrive und Sonstigen Cloud Speichern
Kleine feinschliffe bei zugrif auf SMB, FTP und sonstigen Netzlaufwerke.
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: fman 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2020, 20:40
fman is a portable dual pane file manager primarily designed to be used with the keyboard.

On startup, you are offered to take a quick, 2-minute tour of the program, usually a good idea when trying out something new especially a program that wants you to use the keyboard over the mouse. CTRL-P, for example, is your GoTo dialogue. Once at the GoTodialouge, you can start typing to find folders. Another large keyboard shortcut is CTRL+SHIFT+P and that brings up the Command Palette. Command Palette is a searchable list of all the fman commands. If you don't see what you want right away, simply scroll down or type in what you're looking for.


Whats new:>>

man now lets you create symbolic links. To use this feature, press Shift+F5. You will see the following dialog:

Confirm with OK and the symbolic link will be created.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1461
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2020, 10:10
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2020, 04:40
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (user-menu) choose using Enter


    (package) eslint v7.0.0
    (package) eslint-plugin-putout v4.0.0
    (package) putout v8.0.0
    (package) madrun v6.0.0
    (client) directory: add abily to show progress dialog on upload


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.5.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2020, 19:45
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2020, 04:10
Whats new:>>


    (docker) alpine

Titel: MenuTools 5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2020, 13:07
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.5.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2020, 21:40
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.5.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2020, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Group with dark background

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.020
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2020, 09:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    GUI bugfix
    Installation updated

Titel: Q-Dir 8.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Kleine Korrekturen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.
Verbesserung der Adressleiste von Quad-Explorer sowohl klassisch als auch neu

Titel: MenuTools 5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2020, 04:20
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Open with notepad now opens using the default program for txt files meaning that if you prefer notepad++ then just make sure it's the default program for opening txt files.

Titel: MenuTools 5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2020, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Recent changes:

    Open with notepad: Uses the program set as default for opening .txt files.
    Added Windows Terminal to list of Command Lines in Directory Background

Titel: Q-Dir 8.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2020, 21:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Korrekturen an Parametern: -install /silent
Verbesserungen in den einzelnen Verzeichnisstrukturen
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2020, 11:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    (package) markdown-it v11.0.0
    (cloudcmd) client: add ability to handle existing file while rename (#289)
    (package) supertape v2.0.0
    (package) @cloudcmd/stub v3.0.0


Titel: MenuTools 5.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2020, 18:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed settings window: select all has no affect on system folders

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.030
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2020, 05:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Bugfix for font settings
    Tools Updated: Directory 3.980, Dll Analyzer 1.800, ExePacker 2.370,
    FileMove 2.170, FileShredder 2.560, FTP 2.760, Splitter 1.730

Titel: nnn 3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2020, 12:51
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    An official logo
    Persistent session option -S [for disk usage, run nnn -T d (see help)]
    Hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument
    Go to first file or match with ' (followed by ' or char)
    Config NNN_SEL to specify custom selection file
    Config NNN_LOCKER to specify locker program
    Dim file details in detail mode
    Call chdir() on directory change
    Option -l: number of lines to move on mouse scroll
    Graphical keybind map
    Let NNN_COLORS override NO_COLOR
    Fix broken screen on resize (see #520)
    Fix broken version sort (see #550)
    Fix list and pipe modes not working together
    Fix multiple issues with listing files
    Fix @ shown in detail mode for symlink to dir
    Fix listing files directly under /
    Move to -std=c11


    config NNN_FIFO to write hovered file paths a previewer can read
    plugin preview-tabbed: tabbed/xembed based file previewer
    plugin preview-tui: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm
    plugin preview-kitty: preview using kitty terminal's capabilities
    live preview configuration example

    Find & list:

    send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to nnn
    plugin finder: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in nnn
    Right or l on symlink in list dir takes to target file


    option -P: run plugin by key at start
    run plugins with Alt+key
    allow NNN_PIPE usage by commands run as plugin
    input format to NNN_PIPE: <ctxcode><opcode><data> (see plugins doc)
    set ctxcode to + for smart context usage (next inactive, else current)
    getplugs to fetch plugins by installed version of nnn
    plugin mimelist: list files by mime type in subtree
    plugin bookmarks: named bookmarks using symlinks
    plugin nbak: backup nnn config
    nuke adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer
    several plugin improvements


Titel: Camelot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 05:40
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.


Titel: Q-Dir 8.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 14:00
Whats new:>>

Kleiner Bug-Fix: in der Installation und Deinstallations Routine.
Allgemeine Verbesserungen in Q-Dir
Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.5.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2020, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.5.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    64-bit platform toolset back to v7.1


    64-bit platform toolset changed to v141

Titel: Q-Dir 8.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2020, 17:00
Whats new:>>

Sehr Wichtige Korrekturen im Quad Explorer für Windows
Kleine Korrekturen und erneute Tests auf Windows 10 Mai Update

Titel: Q-Dir 8.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2020, 19:00
Whats new:>>

Bugfix: Wenn die Standardsystemsprache für die Unterstützung mehrerer Sprachen erkannt wird
Allgemeine Verbesserungen in Q-Dir
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2020, 10:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Sorting and Grouping

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2020, 04:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Grouping, Color(Results folder)

Titel: Q-Dir 8.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 13:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserung in: Verschiedene Adressleistenregeln für Pfadeinträge und Adress-Verzeichnis-Baum
Verbesserung in: Zuletzt geöffnete Favoriten- und Explorer-Titelleiste
Bereiten Sie sich auf weitere Erweiterungen im Quad Explorer vor
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: NetDrive 3.10.145
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2020, 18:10


    Notifications for file lock / unlock events
    Translations - Dutch added


    NetDrive Helper updated to support File Browser list
    Now you can unlock multiple files at once from Locked Files List
    Dropbox - supports setting file time as original file (Windows only)
    Improved stablility of NetDrive system service - ndagent


    Fixed UI issue when you logout from NetDrive helper while adding a drive item
    Box - fixed timeout issue on real time updates
    4K UHD issue


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2020, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Titel: CarotDAV 1.15.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2020, 17:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Added the function to use shared drive with Google Drive.

Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2020, 19:30
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

    Added functions related to exclusion list
    Improved navigation toolbar and enhance user experience
    File list can now be exported to csv file
    Minor GUI improvements
    Minor bug fixes

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2020, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Selection order

Titel: Q-Dir 8.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2020, 13:50
Whats new:>>

Verbesserung in: Markieren von Dateien in der Datei Explorer Ansicht
Verbesserung in: Verzeichnisbaum in der Explorer Adressleiste verwenden!
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2020, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Auto refresh

Titel: Broot 0.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2020, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


It's now possible to use logical operators on patterns.

For example:

!/txt$/ : files whose name doesn't end in "txt"
carg|c/carg : files whose name or content has "carg"
(json|xml)&c/test : files containing "test" and whose name fuzzily contains either "json" or "xml"

The documentation contains other examples and precision.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1465
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2020, 11:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2020, 16:50
Whats new:>>

Added: Options -> List -> Style -> Style -> Library Filter

Titel: Broot 0.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2020, 04:05

    Major feature: keep broot open behind terminal editors
    If you now open vi or emacs from broot with leave_broot = false you should
    be back in broot after you quit the editor - Fix #34 - Fix #144 - Fix #158

    Minor changes:

    it's possible to define input edition shortcuts - Fix #235


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2020, 09:04
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2020, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw #302

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0600
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2020, 19:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Broot 0.18.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2020, 09:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Major change: Recursive last modified date computation:

    The date of directories is now the modification date of the last modified inner file, whatever its depth. This is computed in the background and doesn't slow your navigation.

    Major change: Sort mode:

    Size can now be displayed out of sort mode, which concerns either size or dates.

    There are new launch arguments:

    --sort-by-count : sort by number of files in directories
    --sort-by-date : sort by dates, taking content into account (make it easy to find deep recent files)
    --sort-by-size : sort by size
    --whale-spotting or -w : "whale spotting" mode (sort by size and show all files)
    The -s launch argument now works similarly to -d or -p : it doesn't activate a sort mode but activates showing the sizes. -s has been replaced with -w.

    Similarly new verbs have been defined:

    :toggle_counts, with shortcut counts shows the number of files in directories
    :toggle_sizes, with shortcut sizes shows the sizes of files and directories
    :sort_by_count has for shortcut sc
    :sort_by_date has for shortcut sd
    :sort_by_size has ss as shortcut
    :no_sort removes the current sort mode, if any


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.9 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2020, 20:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Plugins] DC silently produces broken ZIP when packing file of size >4G (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] DC falls down if try to view monochrome PNG image (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Can't access to WSL2 path (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Unable to visit www HomePage and/or copy URL web address. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] creating a new txt file by right click with the same name overwrites existing text file without asking per dialog box (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Ability to create directory with the dot at the end of the name - resolved.
[Default] Search panel is not refreshed after delete operation (Alexx2000) - resolved.
 [Viewer] Wrong line endings rendering in file comparison view for certain encodings (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Double commander allows trailing space filenames on NTFS (Alexx2000) - resolved.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2020, 18:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: api.GetProp

Titel: Camelot 0.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2020, 21:30
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    File and directory properties dialog added
    Open terminal operation is now supported
    Improved performance of file events processing: multiple events are merged into single one if possible, files update doesn't trigger full list reload anymore
    UI improvements and fixes (@u1035 fixed operations buttons style, @EdwOK moved all strings to resources)
    @CIRCULARKA added launch settings for VS Code
    A lot of bug fixes


Titel: Broot 0.18.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2020, 04:35
Whats new:>>

Column order is now configurable with the cols_order attribute of the configuration - Fix #127

Titel: Broot 0.18.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2020, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Remove flickering (happened on the flags and on all trees except the leftmost one when in multi-panel)

Titel: Broot 0.18.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2020, 13:45
Whats new:>>

Improve rendering speed on slow terminals

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.6.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Lock, Folder settings

Titel: Q-Dir 8.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2020, 13:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

Verbesserung in:

Trennen oder verbinden von Netzlaufwerken
Wenn Programm eine Datei in den Explorer-Ansichten öffnet

Kleine Korrekturen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2020, 17:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Switch Explorer browser, Switch pane, Lock

Titel: Broot 0.18.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2020, 18:45
Whats new:>>

    --git-status launch option
    fix rendering on windows

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 09:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: IE6 and 7, Split pane, Auto arrange(Refresh)

Titel: Broot 0.18.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2020, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Various minor fixes

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2020, 19:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Auto refresh, XP

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2020, 19:16
Whats new:>>

Some fix


Adjusted: Focus position after sorting, Avoid automatic sorting

Titel: Q-Dir 8.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2020, 13:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Neu: Beeinflussen / Ändern Sie den Auto Update-Server
Verbesserung: Quad-Explorer neuer und alter Windows-Navigationsbereich, Baumansicht!
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Broot 0.18.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2020, 20:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    [ext-colors] section in config
    a few minor fixes and changes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Added: Options -> Tree -> Enumeration -> Internet

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.040
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2020, 19:45
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileMove 2.180 added

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2020, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Added: Multiple tree root

Titel: Tablacus Explorer v20.7.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2020, 10:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed: Side tree (5ch#6-784)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2020, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Get property key from column name (special folder) #305

Titel: Freeman 0.9.1 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2020, 20:40
Elegant and seemingly simplistic dual-pane file manager that actually has built-in terminals for power users to enhance its functionality

License: GPLv3

Titel: nnn 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2020, 12:55
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    Subdir mounts for remote and archive mounts
    Remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive
    Show error and prompt user if cp/mv/rm operation fails
    Support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as
    Mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount
    Mark current path automatically on target file visit in find and list mode
    Option -C to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays
    Option -u to use selection (if available) and skip current/sel prompt
    Key Alt+Esc to clear filter prompt and redraw
    Support Esc to cancel remove operation
    Gpge & gpgd: encrypt and decrypt with GPG
    Blknew: create new files and directories in bulk
    Upload: send to Firefox Send if ffsend is found
    Hexview: add hx as alternative hex viewer
    Nuke and imgview: add imv as alternative image viewer
    Add find (with fd) and grep (with rg) examples in plugins doc
    Key Esc or left click to resend hovered file path to NNN_FIFO
    Show + instead of s in status bar on selection
    F5 removed (misfit for toggle hidden), ^S removed (often masked, redundant)
    Handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO
    Clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation
    Make option O_CTX8 for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts)
    Fix issue with child window resize (see #656)
    Fix issue with NNNLVL on macOS (see #639)
    Fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled


    Unified to support tmux/kitty/xterm/$TERMINAL
    Auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width
    Provision to use scope.sh and pistol
    Various other improvements


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2020, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Avoid automatic sorting

Titel: Broot 0.19.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2020, 04:15
Whats new:>>

    Major feature: the preview panel.
    Hit ctrl-right when a file is selected to get the preview

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.2.0 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2020, 04:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Added a new Debug page in IcarosConfig
    Allows users to run any number files through various thumbnail and property tests,
    seeing what results are returned, which files failed, timings, what shell extensions are used, etc.
    Can be located on the Tools page, under the Debug tab
    Can be accessed from anywhere in IcarosConfig using 'F2' keyboard shortcut
    Added Korean translation (Thank you jewani! ^__^)
    Added PSD as a default filetype and DDS as a common filetype
    Improved Welcome screen
    Welcome screen is now localized
    Has options to set language and theme
    Can be accessed at any point with 'F1' keyboard shortcut
    Improved EPUB/CBX parser with a much better cover detection algorithm
    Improved method used to refresh thumbnails in IcarosConfig
    Fixed a LARGE quantity of cache bugs and 1 cache crash
    Fixed alpha channel being incorrectly set in some files' thumbnails
    Fixed rare cases where the thumbnail returned was slightly larger than requested
    Fixed rare Wav property crash
    Fixed a lot of rendering and positioning problems in IcarosConfig (IC)
    Fixed IC being improperly sized/positioned when starting up in Maximized window state
    Fixed IC blocking the auto-hidden taskbar when in Maximized windows state
    Fixed IC being improperly positioned when the Windows Taskbar is positioned top or right on the screen
    Fixed glass not rendering correctly in certain conditions when IC is maximized
    Always center IC on the screen if IC window position is not saved but the window size is
    Updated GCC
    Updated dav1d to 0.6.0
    Updated FFmpeg
    Tons of minor fixes and improvements


Quelle & DL : http://shark007.net/forum/Thread-New-Release-3-2-0-Beta-1

Titel: Broot 0.19.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2020, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Force trimming root when searching (trimming root when not searching is no longer the default)

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1470
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2020, 18:45
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2020, 19:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Command line parsing In
Command Line Parsing (CommandLineToArgvW), if there is a \ before ", it will be treated as an escape and will be processed. (5ch#6-829)

Titel: Q-Dir 8.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2020, 09:02
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Kleine Fehlerbehebung: Automatischer Start in der Quad-Explorer-Installation
Allgemeine Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 10 und MS Server
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: FileRunner
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2020, 04:20
FileRunner is an easy to use and comprehensive file manager that features a built-in FTP client. FileRunner enables you to perform basic file management commands (copy, move, rename, delete, view, edit), sort files and directories. It comes with a fully customizable interface that includes two fixed windows, in order to ease your work.

License:  GPL

Whats new:>>

The fist of these adds new capability, primarily in windows, and also addresses problems handling file names containing blanks. Do see the change log for details.

The second addresses a foobar in the code where some characters were deleted (a mystery how) that caused the ftp code to not work.

Titel: NetDrive 3.11.204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2020, 06:05


    Support for Azure File Storage
    Support for Azure Blob Storage
    Support for Mega
    Support for macOS Big Sur (macOS)


    Removed OneDrive and OneDrive for Business drive items which use deprecated API
    File Browser - Confirm before deleting files


    Swift - Fixed to support brightbox.com
    UI - incorrect number of failed item
    UI - team member's drive item not removed and remains for short period of time when it's unpublished by team maintainer


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2020, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0800
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2020, 22:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 8.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2020, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Bugfix: im optionalen Auto Update Service über https (ssl)
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Broot 0.19.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2020, 05:30
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    "client-server" feature (see client-server.md)
    Preview's pattern is kept when changing file
    Selected line in preview, interesting when removing the pattern (to see what's around a match)
    Faster availability of huge files in preview
    Search in preview now interrupted by key events (just like the trees)
    A content search in a tree is propagated as a regex in a preview on :panel_right (ctrl-right)
    Syntax theme choice in conf.toml
    {line} in a verb execution pattern refers to the line number


Titel: Broot 0.19.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2020, 04:55
Whats new:>>

refined search in preview interaction

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2020, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Search in locked tabs

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Added: Nederlands language file. Special thanks to mlohnen.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2020, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view #Addons Issues 184

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.7.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2020, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Open add-on "Key" option.


Titel: Broot 0.19.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2020, 19:15
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    don't install the br shell function when --outcmd is set or $BR_INSTALL is "no" - Fix #265
    more relevant status hints - Fix #261

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2020, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view, Drag and drop

Titel: MenuTools 5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 04:20
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Updated MenuTools with the latest version of SharpShell.

Titel: Q-Dir 8.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 09:12
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Generelle Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
Wichtige aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Kleine Korrekturen in der Listenansicht der einzelnen Explorer

Titel: Attribute Changer 10.0 Build 2020.08.05 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 13:11
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    New : Redate folder for non-recursive operation
    New : Filter settings are applied to all features
    New : Add ‘Date Taken’ property to JPEG file if it does not exist.
    Update : Major code rewrite and cleanup
    Update : Make OK button the default
    Update : Photo tab is hidden if no JPEG file is selected
    Update : Use latest version of Innosetup
    Update : Simplified name exceptions management
    Fixed : Missing translated strings in Reporting window
    Fixed : Erroneous mousewheel scrolling in advanced options listbox


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Dark mode

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Locking and search folders

Titel: QT TabBar 1041
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2020, 20:40
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.



    More supports for Explorer night mode (Windows10).
    More supports for high-DPI environments
    Toolbar icons updated
    Many bugs
    Now packaged in a MSI stand-alone installer.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2020, 20:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (client) user menu: click on user menu title


    (cloudcmd) rest: add rename
    (rest) mv: improved user errors
    (client) io: promisify -> async
    (package) webpack-merge v5.0.8
    (package) eslint-plugin-putout v5.0.0
    (package) putout v9.0.0
    (package) madrun v7.0.0


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed (view) init config: copy

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2020, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Fixed: (client) key: F3: search appears

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2020, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw

Titel: Q-Dir 8.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2020, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Optimierung und wichtige Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
Kleine Korrekturen und Neuerstellung / Kompilierung von Q-Dir wegen Viruswarnung durch Norton Antivirus unter Windows-10, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.050
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2020, 19:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    FileShredder 2.570 added
    Bugfix in english translation

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw, Results folder, Open in Explorer

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2020, 10:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    New keys supported in Vim mode:

    Was added a couple new abilities of navigation using vim-mode:

    navigate to first file using $;
    navigate to last file using ^;
    navigate to next file using w;
    navigate to previous file using b;

    To the existing ones:

    j and k - next/previous;
    G and gg first/end file;


    (key) vim: add ability to navigate to next and previous using w and b
    (key) vim: add ability to navigate using to first and last file using ^ and $


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2020, 19:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2020, 20:30
Whats new:>>

(cloudcmd) add IO.createDirectory (coderaiser/putout@b54b548)

Titel: Broot 0.20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2020, 20:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    It's now possible to launch a terminal as sub process from broot (and be back to broot on exit)
    The selected directory is now the working directory for sub-process launched from broot
    Images are previewed as such: preview_binary, :preview_text, and :preview_image verbs allow the choice of previewing mode
    Fix a possible crash in previewed files on displaying fuzzy pattern matches

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0809 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2020, 10:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

SC inputselect: On flag 2048 (display filename only, not fullpath) pre-checking items using the "+" prefix did not work as expected. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Search

Titel: Camelot 0.1.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2020, 11:10
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    Added basic files search
    Macos builds and fixes
    Styling fixes and refactoring (separated styles, themes minimal support, fixes for colors and dialogs)
    Localization support was added by @EdwOK
    Russian localization was added by @EdwOK
    Fixed trash can bugs on all platforms
    For better testing Github actions and codecov were added. Now each push triggers build and test on all platforms and reports code coverage info.
    Significantly increased test coverage (88%) that allowed to catch many bugs
    Massive refactoring
    Bug fixes


Titel: Broot 0.20.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2020, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Completion of the "client-server" feature (see client-server.md)
    The tree tries to keep the selection when you remove a filter using the esc key
    :focus now has a shortcut for when a file is selected too: ctrl-f
    Show_selection_mark preference in config (mostly for cases the background isn't clear enough)
    Breaking change: The working directory of external processes launched by broot isn't set anymore by default.
    If you want it to be changed, add set_working_dir = true to the verb definition.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: View, Blank

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2020, 09:50
Whats new:>>

(cloudcmd) client: edit: json files (#294)

Titel: Broot 0.20.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2020, 17:45
Whats new:>>

fix esc key not removing the filter in text preview

Titel: XYplorer 20.90.0900
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2020, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: View, Tree view

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 14.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2020, 10:30
Whats new:>>


    (client) dom: buffer: get, set -> getJson, setJson (#295)


    (storage) rm unused removeMatch

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 11:00
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5656
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 11:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog_eng

Titel: Windows File Manager (WinFile)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2020, 19:00
Windows File Manager (WinFile) is a throwback to the original XP-style Windows File Manager that includes augmentations that allow it to accommodate all OS.

License: Open Source

Titel: Broot 0.20.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2020, 09:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    fix a few problems with tabulation rendering
    fix a few cases of files being called "huge" while they're only very big

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2020, 20:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Redraw, Drag-and-drop

Titel: Q-Dir 8.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2020, 16:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Allgemeine Optimierung für alle Windows 10-Betriebssysteme und MS Server 2019
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien
Fehlerbehebung: in der Quad Explorer-Dateilistenansicht

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2020, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted: Drag-and-drop
    Fixed the drag-and-drop tab problem that didn't work properly in TabPlus (Enbug 20.8.24) #318

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2020, 18:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Splitter 1.740 added
Corrections in English translation

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2020, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted: Tree view
    Fine adjustment of tree etc.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2020, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted: Focus
    Adjusted the focus to the list when switching with Ctrl+Tab etc.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1479
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2020, 18:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.8.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2020, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tabs, Compare IDs

Titel: Q-Dir 8.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2020, 13:20
Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen bei: Darstellung bei höheren DPI Werten auf Windows 10
Verbesserungen in: Drucken was Sie in den Datei Explorer Ansichten sehen
Verbesserungen bei: Animierte GIF-Unterstützung im Vorschaufenster
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Broot 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2020, 18:15
Whats new:>>

Nothing new... which is consistent with broot being stable enough to be called 1.0

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2020, 18:45
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted: Control panel
    Fixed: Current tab unexpectedly closes after opening a control panel category item #322

Titel: XYplorer 21.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2020, 05:25
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    64-bit Preview. Now XYplorer supports 64-bit preview handlers for Office files (MS Office, PDF, EML). No configuration necessary, it just works.
    Message Preview. Now you get a WYSIWYG preview for email files (EML and MSG). No configuration necessary, it just works.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Justin Townes Earle.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.070
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2020, 05:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Korean added

Titel: NetDrive 3.11.204
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2020, 09:07


    Support for Azure File Storage
    Support for Azure Blob Storage
    Support for Mega
    Support for macOS Big Sur (macOS)


    File Browser - Confirm before deleting files
    Removed drive item types which uses deprecated API


    Swift - Fixed to support brightbox.com
    UI - incorrect number of failed item
    UI - team member's drive item not removed and remains for short period of time when it's unpublished by team maintainer


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2020, 18:47
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Adjusted - Selected items:

    When "Sort: Display (Selected items)" is on, select an item, open the option, press OK, and then fix the problem that "Double click to move up" does not work (5ch #6-577)
    If you call SHDoDragDrop by yourself, the tool tip during dragging will not appear, so if "Sort: Display (selection item)" is on, at the start of dragging, the focus is moved to the first selected item and the default drag processing is left. (5ch#6-976-1); (It may be quite troublesome to handle tool tips while dragging, considering multiple languages).
    Recently the indentation of the Swicth sentence has changed The work of Visual Studio


Titel: QT TabBar 1042
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2020, 13:45
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.



    Changes in 1042:

    File/Folder history with time stamp.
    Drop helper window is removed.

    Fixed in 1042:

    Font error message is displayed.
    Crashes in Windows 7 by using unsupported API.
    Tool applications were rolled back to older versions unexpectedly.
    Tab visual collapses in flipped mode


Titel: Q-Dir 8.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2020, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Aktualisieren wegen falsche Virenmeldung auf W10
Nur aus Sicherheitsgründen, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.

Titel: NetDrive 3.12.231 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2020, 05:25


    GUI framework Qt updated to 5.12


    OneDrive: Fixed authentication issue.
    Mega: Fixed an stability issue of uploading large number of small files
    Minor bug fixes


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1483
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2020, 11:20
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5665
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2020, 19:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog_eng

Titel: Q-Dir 8.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2020, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Fehlerbehebung: im Windows-Favoritenordner beim Ziehen und Ablegen
Verbesserungen in: Explorer-Befehle aus der Explorer-Adresse-Leiste
Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 21.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2020, 04:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    64-bit Preview. Some file types, e.g. WebP graphic files (WEBP), SolidWorks files (SLDASM, SLDDRW, SLDPRT) or OpenOffice files (ODP, ODS, ODT), implement their preview not via preview handlers but via thumbnail providers. This has always been supported for 32-bit thumbnail providers. However, in some cases those thumbnail providers are only provided in the 64-bit flavor (e.g. SolidWorks). Those are supported now as well, so there are SolidWorks and many other previews now.
    Quick Find Files. The Quick Search dialog now offers a Quick Find Files mode where you can remote control the Find Files tab in the Info Panel (F12). That way you can quickly do a Find Files search without first opening that tab and without having it in the way of the search results listing.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Surfrajettes.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2020, 19:45

Adjusted: Focus, Blink project

    We are working on the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, which is undergoing a major overhaul. Please use 20.9.3 without updating if you don't have any problems.

    A major refurbishment is underway for the Tablacus Explorer Blink plan. If there is no problem, please use 20.9.3 without updating.

Focus: List-> Style-> Sort: When the display (selection item) is checked and the mouse-> drag and drop-> icon is not checked, the problem that Tablacus Explorer comes to the front when dragging is fixed. (5ch # 7-13)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2020, 20:40

Adjusted: Icon, Blink project

    We are working on the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, which is undergoing a major overhaul. Please use 20.9.3 without updating if you don't have any problems.
    A major refurbishment is underway for the Tablacus Explorer Blink plan. If there is no problem, please use 20.9.3 without updating.

Icon: In Windows 10 Insider 2004 (10.0.20201), many of the ieframe.dll icons (BITMAP) are missing, so if they are not there, a replacement icon (95 style) is replaced.
Other bug adjustments for Blink project (full passbar error) # 327


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2020, 09:45

Adjusted: Icon, Blink project

    We are working on the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, which is undergoing a major overhaul. Please use 20.9.3 without updating if you don't have any problems.
    A major refurbishment is underway for the Tablacus Explorer Blink plan. If you have no problem, please use 20.9.3 without updating.

Icon: Adjusted the sort icon on the add-on page.
Other adjustments related to the Blink project

For the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, see the GitHub repository tablacus / TablacusExplorerWebView2.


Titel: Attribute Changer 10.0 Build 2020.09.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2020, 10:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



· Lots of technical changes under the hood
· Fixed missing translated strings in Reporting window
· Fixed erroneous mousewheel scrolling in advanced options listbox
· Make OK button the default
· Photo tab is hidden if no JPEG file is selected
· Simplified name exceptions management
· Redate folder for non-recursive operation
· Filter settings are applied to all features
· Option to add ‘Date Taken’ if it does not exist.
· Updated installer


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2020, 21:20

Adjusted: Blink project

    We are working on the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, which is undergoing a major overhaul. Please use 20.9.3 without updating if you don't have any problems.
    A major refurbishment is underway for the Tablacus Explorer Blink plan. If you have no problem, please use 20.9.3 without updating.

Fixed an issue where FocusedItem was not working due to a fix. (5ch # 7-33)

For the Tablacus Explorer Blink project, see the GitHub repository tablacus / TablacusExplorerWebView2.


Titel: Q-Dir 8.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2020, 12:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Einige Verbesserungen im Verzeichnisbaum
Verbesserungen in den Explorer Adressleisten
Allgemeine Optimierung im Quad-Explorer Q-Dir
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2020, 20:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Added: Icon packs

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Blink project

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2020, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Blink project

Titel: Vifm 0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2020, 04:50
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


 Main changes

    Added persistent tabs
    Added sessions
    New format of vifminfo file (old version is imported on first run)
    Smarter merging of histories between runs that avoids dropping of new entries
    Version of default color scheme for 256-color terminals
    Customizable tab labels
    Keeping ratio of pane sizes constant on resizes, restarts and tab switching
    Various performance improvements

Demonstration of new features...
More detailed list of changes...
Normal and visual modes:

    Added gF normal mode key which acts like gf, but goes all the way to the ultimate target of the chain of symbolic links (thanks to Alexandre Viau).
    Improve navigation on gf key. Do fewer refreshes and disable filters to make target visible.


    More sensible merging of histories from multiple instances in vifminfo file (avoids dropping of new entries).
    Invalidate cached directory information (size or number of files) on inode change (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).
    Invalidate cached directory size when using it to compute size of some parent directory.
    Improve cursor positioning after file operations.
    Made it possible to escape commas in patterns (as usual, by doubling) (thanks to filterfalse).

Command-line mode:

    Added :tabo[nly] command that closes all tabs but the current one.
    Added :session and :delsession commands to manage sessions (thanks to Marcos Cruz).
    Added optional full parameter for the :restart command, which makes it discard essentially all context. This is useful with persistent tabs (thanks to Yusuf Aktepe).
    Don't reset histories of views in inactive tabs on :restart.
    Improve differentiation between association and list forms of :colorscheme command on startup. This is important if list contains name of color scheme that doesn't exist.

:set command and options:

    Added tabs value to 'vifminfo' option. It enables persistent tabs (thanks to Cosmin Popescu, a.k.a. cosminadrianpopescu, filterfalse and Neil Griffin, a.k.a. ngriffin7a).
    Added v flag to the 'tuioptions' option. It controls whether width of middle border is adjusted to equalize view sizes (thanks to Matthias Braun, a.k.a. mb720).
    Added 'sessionoptions' option, which is an alternative to 'vifminfo' for session files.
    Added 'tablabel' option that specifies format of a single tab's label when non-empty (thanks to aleksejrs).
    Added 'tabprefix' and 'tabsuffix' options that allow customizing tabline separators (thanks to CoreCube).
    Added treeleafsparent value to 'dotdirs' option (thanks to filterfalse and Melandel).
    Do not require dhistory to be present in 'vifminfo' for savedirs to work.

Menus and dialogs:

    Added rate and progress bar to progress dialog (patch by Alborz Jafari).
    Added real (fully resolved) path to the File Info dialog (thanks to Alexandre Viau).
    Added number of hard links to the File Info dialog.
    Abort menu, more or file information modes before processing remote commands (thanks to kangshugang).
    Deduplicate elements of the :file menu.
    Make displaying of spaces in mappings more intelligent by using <space> at the start or end of LHS or RHS.

File preview:

    Improve handling of long or unknown escape sequences in previews (thanks to bratekarate).
    Use global color scheme for preview on the other pane ignoring its directory-specific color scheme.
    Invalidate textual quickview cache if it contains fewer lines than window height and is incomplete.

TUI (Text User Interface):

    Try harder to preserve position of the splitter. Avoid its drift on terminal resizes and preserve ratio of windows on startup and tab switches (thanks to Shakil Akhtar).
    Prevent internally selected files (e.g., via a range of a :command) from appearing selected in user interface (thanks to filterfalse).
    Reduce width of top line when side borders are hidden (set tuioptions-=s) (thanks to Svyatoslav Mishyn, a.k.a. juef).
    Escape some characters as ^X in view and tab titles, custom menu titles, on statusline and in terminal title (thanks to filterfalse).
    Use the same label for :grep and :find custom lists as the one used for :grep and :find menus (thanks to filterfalse).
    Use unexpanded command for title of custom file lists produced using %u or %U macros and menus produced using %m or %M macros (thanks to filterfalse).
    Use name of user-defined command in titles of custom views and menus (thanks to filterfalse).
    Preserve more information in the title on turning custom view into tree using :tree (thanks to filterfalse).
    Limit length of custom file list title to 80 character positions (thanks to filterfalse).


    Detect being run under Wayland (relevant for :filextype commands) (thanks to mhdzli).
    Make 'title' option work in all terminals which contain tsl and fsl capabilities (thanks to m-kru).
    Update terminal title when in menus (thanks to filterfalse).

Color schemes:

    Added HardLink highlight group for regular files with more than one hard link (patch by Hans Bieshaar).
    Added LineNr highlight group for highlighting line number column of views (thanks to Anton Gepting).
    Added OddLine highlight group for highlighting every second entry line of a pane (thanks to iSeeU816).


    Added v:jobcount builtin variable that provides number of active jobs (number of lines in :jobs menu) (thanks to iSeeU816).
    Added v:session builtin variable that provides name of current session or is set to an empty string.


    Added three MC-like shortcuts to sample vifmrc files (Alt-I, Alt-O and Ctrl-U) (thanks to Hans Bieshaar).
    Added global Default-256 color scheme to be used in terminals that support 256-color palette (automatically in sample vifmrc) (thanks to Shakil Akhtar).
    Create $VIFM/colors directory with default color scheme only on the first run (thanks to ranousse).
    Use mime-types in associations in sample vifmrc (thanks to Shakil Akhtar).


    Significantly improved performance of adding files to registers that contain thousands of files. As a result contents of registers is sorted now (thanks to Typo).
    Significantly improved performance of adding files to trash that contains thousands of files. As a result contents of trash is sorted now (thanks to Typo).
    Significantly improved speed of sourcing files (includes processing configuration on startup and :restart).
    Significantly improved speed of handling typical globs (and therefore mime-type matchers) and reduced amount of memory they take up (thanks to yanzhang0219).
    Improve performance of mime-type detection by caching the results.
    Make comparing files by contents (:compare bycontents) somewhat faster (thanks to maxigaz).
    Don't force view reload after every :command that resets selection when there was non-empty selection. This might make metadata of files less up-to-date, but should increase overall performance (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).
    Avoid reloading source file list after copy or move operation when possible (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).


    Added :VifmCs command to the plugin for "converting" Vim's color scheme into a Vifm's one (patch by Roman Plášil, a.k.a. Quiark).
    Multiple improvements of syntax highlighting.


    Added references to "Menus and dialogs" section of documentation from :commands and keys which open menus and dialogs detailed there.
    Explicitly documented that macros are expanded in user defined commands (thanks to gcmt).
    Made documentation of :command more comprehensible.
    Document that user must disable netrw plugin on his own when enabling g:vifm_replace_netrw. Vifm's plugin can't do it, because it's loaded after plugins shipped with Vim.
    Documented how selection is handled on launching files (like on l or Enter keys).
    Improve documentation on bycontents of :compare (thanks to maxigaz).
    Somewhat improved documentation on 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' options (thanks to filterfalse).
    Fixed Vim version of the documentation lacking description of %p macro of 'findprg'.

Only on Windows:

    Added basic support for using PowerShell (pausing doesn't work) (thanks to Fang, a.k.a. peromage).
    Display targets of .lnk-files in file information dialog.
    Implemented capturing output of background applications (thanks to Gene Zharov).
    Follow targets of .lnk-files (thanks to Alexandre Viau).
    Fixed 'chaselinks' (symbolic links weren't resolved).
    Fixed creating symbolic links with 'syscalls' being turned on.
    Fixed creating symbolic links with spaces in source or target paths.
    Fixed Alt key combinations being broken since v0.9.
    Fixed running non-cmd shells being broken by adding 'shellcmdflag' in 0.10.1.
    Fixed issues with non-tiny 'shellcmdflag' (patch by Bas Bossink, a.k.a. basbossink).
    Fixed detecting presence of :file
  • type commands on Windows when backslashes are present in path (thanks to anonymous and n.e. at Vifm Q2A site).


    Avoid interposing system's reallocarray(), when it's present (thanks to Ben Boeckel, a.k.a. mathstuf).
    Install only one version of sample config and media script, the one which corresponds to operating system being used (thanks to Michael Vetter, a.k.a. jubalh and Ondrej Novy, a.k.a. onovy).
    Clean up tests directory on make clean in the top of the tree.

Important fixes:

    Fixed generation of :highlight command for OtherWin on writing $VIFM/colors/Default.vifm. The bug caused white background of inactive pane (thanks to Stas Malavin).
    Fixed :move subdir & renaming file in the process and doing weird stuff to multiple files (thanks to 45jqlakjrf87ayte7hy34ter4nguijauzl4eitk).
    Fixed graphics preview not being cleared on switching tabs or starting external applications (including on :shell).
    Fixed mapped keys being reinterpreted as builtin keys if RHS of the mapping failed at some point (e.g., contained an unmapped key) (thanks to Seok Won Lee, a.k.a. ijleesw).
    Fixed dialogs not being visible when UI updates are silenced via <silent> mappings.
    Fixed panic on some redraw operations mixing with file operations during terminal resizing (thanks to aca).


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1486
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2020, 10:40
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2020 Build 830 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2020, 11:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


    Bug fix: Viewer - mouse wheel zoom function is inverted
    Bug fix: New status bar item can not be created if program started with default settings parameter https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10993
    Bug fix: Minor Toolbars dialog filter vs icons issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10991
    Bug fix: Viewer - "fit to window" sometimes is broken
    Bug fix: The position of the scroll bar may be wrong after switching from detailed view to thumbnail view. https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=33408#p33408
    Bug fix: Temporary and not locked file container TAB not always removed on program closing
    Bug fix: Aborting the drag&drop operation with ESC can lead to an unwanted selection of files/folders (NC selection mode)
    Bug fix: Viewer form (F3) option "Stay on top" does not work correctly
    Bug fix: Exception on main window activating if only one pane visible and refresh option "Refresh when FreeCommander is activated" is checked
    Bug fix: Program start is faulty and program can not be closed - this behavior only appears when the program is started from a shortcut that has "Properties/Shortcut/Run: Maximized" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10838
    Bug fix: Manipulate files with emojis in their name is not possible https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=33397#p33397
    Bug fix: Default action issue with multiple files https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10797
    Bug fix: Function "Same folder Ctrl+E" sometime does not switch the folder properly
    Bug fix: Window size and position lost when exit from fullscreen https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10777
    Bug fix: Tabs drag&drop - always active tab is dropped if the option "With click on the active tab - change to the last active" is active
    Bug fix: Wrong data populating (right-shifted columns) after F10 (top/bottom split) https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10764
    Bug fix: Column width not remembered across close/re-open https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10763
    Bug fix: Recycle Bin panel switch issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10070
    Bug fix: The definition of the font size for dialogs (Tools->Settings->View) does not work for Settings dialog
    Bug fix: "Layouts edit" dialog - after deleting of the last layout the OK button is not active (it is not possible to delete all layouts)
    Bug fix: Mounted volume size is not properly shown in progress bar of the drive bar
    Bug fix: Search dialog doesn't find content of folder with semicolon in its name https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=10755
    Bug fix: Focus is lost if deleting a file in the thumb view mode https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=32735#p32735
    Bug fix: Next/previous tab shortcuts broken when using some context menu options https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=32727#p32727
    Bug fix: Tab name maybe not updated https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10628
    Bug fix: Tooltip for button in the action toolbar maybe wrong if custom icon is used
    Bug fix: Renaming a file that is open in Quick View can break the display in Quick View
    Bug fix: Status info for '..' item was never used
    Bug fix: Keyboard shortcuts maybe lost when using "Desktop Snapshot" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10595
    Bug fix: Sorting Windows columns of date type does not work properly for many timestamp formats (e.g. in recycle bin)
    Bug fix: Opening program links from the FreeCommander Desktop is broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=32684#p32684
    Bug fix: Keyboard shortcuts do not work in Quick View pane
    Bug fix: Exception possible if copy/move files from library
    Bug fix: Internal viewer issues after clicking buttons to change view https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10379
    Bug fix: Deleting/copying a file from the desktop can throw an exception
    Bug fix: Opening ftp/sftp path from favorite folders tree broken
    Bug fix: Context menu function "Rename" partially broken
    Bug fix: Empty favorite toolbar will be shown if all toolbar items are defined as visible only in menu
    Bug fix: Opened tree pane may slow down some operations
    Bug fix: Multirename form - tooltip always on top https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=31690#p31690
    Bug fix: Color issue in the setting dialog https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10328
    Bug fix: Tree pane - rename with F2 key is partially broken if the option "Allow rename on slow double click" is disabled https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=31854#p31854
    Bug fix: Thumbnail of the text file is blurry if dark background is used https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10357
    Bug fix: Text thumbnails with unicode format broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=31867#p31867
    Bug fix: Deleting the item '..' from context menu may cause freezing https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=31895#p31895
    Bug fix: Plain view is not preserved after FC restart on left panel https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=31793#p31793
    Bug fix: Problem with text color of the active tab https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&p=31915#p31915
    Bug fix: Customize favorite toolbars - Changing the order of the buttons has no effect if you add a separator https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10235
    Bug fix: Rar archives cannot be opened if encryption for file names has been activated. Workaround - first open an archive without encryption.
    Bug fix: Define action toolbars - option "Show drop down arrow only" is broken
    Bug fix: Search files/folders - The same file can exist several times in the result list if the search location is not correctly defined https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=31283#p31283
    Bug fix: Search files/folders - cancellation of the deletion dialog is not handled correctly https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10173
    Bug fix: Search files/folders - file selection in the result list maybe wrong after deleting of some files from the list https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10174
    Implemented: New action - focus newest file/item in the list (by last access timestamp)
    Implemented: New action - focus next/previous item in the list
    Implemented: Attributes/Timestamp dialog - set file timestamp from EXIF
    Implemented: Settings->Tree - new color can be defined "Selection - Inactive"
    Implemented: Settings->Tree - new color can be defined "Background - Inactive"
    Implemented: Viewer form (F3) - set window to foreground if already open and use last saved size/position if multiple window allowed.
    Implemented: Make folder/file list - timestamp format added on Settings tab
    Implemented: Drive panel - width of the volume name button is definable in the setting
    Implemented: Support for 4K monitors
    Implemented: Quick Viewer - Copy selected text to the clipboard with the shortcut Ctrl+C.
    Implemented: SFTP (64 bit only) - public key login is possible now
    Implemented: When started "As Admin": Warning symbol is added to the program icon - new option in Settings->View
    Implemented: New variable added %ActivSelOrDir% - same as %ActivSel% but return current path if nothing is selected in the file list (for example when selecting ".." in file list)
    Implemented: New action added - Close all tabs in both panels; Closes all not locked folder tabs in both panels
    Implemented: New action added - Close all tabs with confirmation; Closes all folder tabs with confirmation dialog
    Implemented: New action added - Select the first file / folder; Select first file (if currently focused item is a folder) or folder (if currently focused item is a file) in the list
    Implemented: When started "As Admin": Warning symbol is added to the program icon and the word "(Admin)" appears in the title bar.
    Implemented: Thumbnails for SVG files
    Implemented: SFTP - Symbolic links are properly handled now
    Implemented: "Attributes/Timestamp..." dialog - new attribute "Recall on data access" added (e.g. for not local OneDrive files)
    Implemented: "Settings->File/folder list - Items color" - definig color for attribute "Recall on data access" is possible now
    Implemented: Search dialog - the quick view pane is restored when the form is opened
    Implemented: "Define action toolbars" dialog - defined custom symbols are now visible in the list
    Implemented: Thumbnail view for .wmf and .emf files
    Implemented: The visibility of the favorite toolbars is now per Layout definable
    Implemented: New item added to the tab context menu: Close all not locked folder tabs; If clicked with CTRL key - close not locked tabs in both panels
    Implemented: "About" dialog resizeable; More paths info added
    Implemented: Overwrite dialog for copy/move FreeCommander operation - rename in place is now possible
    Implemented: Toolbar separator - details definable
    Implemented: "Tools -> Define keyboard shortcuts" - it is possible to define the second shortcut for each action
    Implemented: New column is posible "Relative path"
    Implemented: New columns category for pictures added: EXIF
    Implemented: Option available in the freecommander.ini file: TreeSortNodesType=X (0->like so far; 1->sort by path name; 2->sort by display name)
    Implemented: Quick filter accept '*.' for selecting items without dot
    Implemented: Compare folders - new option added "Ignore extension"
    Implemented: Search files/folders - menu item added "Edit -> Copy name without extension"
    Implemented: "Tools -> Dos box" selecting the item with pressed SHIFT key opens the dos box as admin
    Implemented: Address bar toolbar - big icons allowed
    Implemented: New option for viewer - Use mouse wheel for: zooming/switching files
    Implemented: New option to define in the [Form] section of the freecommander.ini - ThumbOpenAndSelectMode=1 ;
    When this line is defined, a click on the symbol opens the file / folder and a click on the label selects the file / folder.
    Implemented: Context menu in viewer (images) - new item added "Save - overwrite without confirmation"
    Implemented: Favorite tool button - new item added for context menu: Run - With "Run as" dialog
    Implemented: Define favorite tool - new placeholder parameter %ActivItemNoExt% added
    Implemented: Attributes/Timestamp dialog - "Save/Load timestamp" function added
    Implemented: Multirename - new EXIF property added: Focal length of lens in mm, Lens model name, Orientation of the camera
    Changed: Viewer settings - "Ignore list" changed to "Ignore files - filter list"
    Changed: Folder->Open focused->In the other pane (new Tab)/In the same pane (new Tab) - these functions are implemented now for several selected elements
    Changed: Long path support improved
    Changed: Address bar editing - spaces at the end of the path are removed now
    Changed: Folder synchronize - comparison with only two options "Name" and "Size" is now possible. Until now comparison with only these two options always provided "?" as a result.
    Changed: The unit "kB" will be no more shown in the column "Size kB"


Titel: Attribute Changer 10.0a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2020, 16:45
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Update : Add support for High Contrast themes
Fixed : Date and time context menu always displayed in English
Fixed : Paste date and time values from File Properties tab did not always work


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2020, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Split, Blink project

Titel: Q-Dir 8.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2020, 09:13
Whats new:>>

Kleine Anpassungen bei der Installation und Deinstallation
Weitere Verbesserungen im Quad Explorer Q-Dir für Windows
Wichtige Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien

Titel: NetDrive 3.12.246 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2020, 12:48
Whats new:>>

Fixed issue with macOS darkmode

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2020, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Blink project

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.9.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2020, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Blink project

Titel: Broot 1.0.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2020, 04:35
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    don't apply .gitignore files (including the global one) when not in a git repository - Fix #274
    the "clipboard" optional feature adds:
        the :copy_path verb which copies the selected path to the clipboard (mapped to alt-c)
        the :input_paste verb which inserts the clipboard content in the input (mapped to ctrl-v)
    it's now possible to define verbs executing sequences of commands - Fix #277
    fix opening of link of link - Fix #280
    broot is now compatible with Android, you can use it on Termux for example
    help page lists all optional features enabled at compilation
    list of verbs in help page is searchable


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.080
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2020, 05:25
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2020, 17:15
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Blink project

Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2020, 11:20
The MyFolders Windows Explorer Shell Extension saves you time by placing any folder at your fingertips. Copy/Move files or Open any folder with just a few clicks!

MyFolders enhances Explorer's right-click menu with several convenient utilities to access folders:



    New features:

    Added the ability to import and export settings to file.

    Fixes & Improvements:

    Improved support for Windows Server 2019.


Titel: Broot 1.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2020, 19:15
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Cr/ patterns search on file content with regular expressions
    Search modes and their prefixes listed in help


Titel: xMenuTools 7.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2020, 13:10
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Fixed adding a single file to the firewall silently errors #3 along with a few logging errors after incorporating logging for debugging.

Titel: Q-Dir 8.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2020, 13:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

Verbesserungen in den Adressleisten und Navigationsbereich
Korrekturen in der Explorer Ansicht Druckfunktion
Allgemeine Verbesserungen im Quad-Explore Q-Dir
Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.10.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2020, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Side bar, Blink project

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.10.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Tree view, Blink project:

Titel: Broot 1.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2020, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    change the syntax of cols_order in conf
    fix left key moving the cursor to start of input (instead of just one char left)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 20.10.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2020, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Get icon, Blink project


Adjusted: Get add-ons, Blink project.

Titel: xMenuTools 7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2020, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Added latest EasyLogger (Default logs moved to EasyLogger instead of Easy Logger)

    Added the latest version of SharpShell
    Open with notepad: Uses the program set as default for opening .txt files.
    Added Windows Terminal to list of Command Lines in Directory Background

Titel: xMenuTools 7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2020, 05:45
Whats new:>>

    Added the latest version of SharpShell
    Open with notepad: Uses the program set as default for opening .txt files.
    Added Windows Terminal to list of Command Lines in Directory Background
    Only Windows 10 supported
    Added an explanation for restarting Explorer upon uninstallation
    Made GUI's lighter

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.090
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2020, 06:05
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileShredder 2.590 added

Titel: Q-Dir 8.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2020, 12:30
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen bei Installation und Deinstallation von Quad-Explorer
• Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes.
• Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: Q-Dir 8.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2020, 16:59
Whats new:>>

• Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes.
• Kleine Korrekturen im Quad-Explorer für Windows
• Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: Q-Dir 8.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 08:40
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: in Quad-Explorer Details-List-View
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen für den Zugriff auf SMB-, FTP- und andere Netzwerklaufwerke
• Kleine Korrekturen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Broot 1.0.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 08:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Incase of IO error when previewing a file, display the error instead of quitting
    Fix regression related to display of texts with characters taking several columns
    Preview now supports opening system files with size 0 (eg /proc "files")


Titel: Q-Dir 8.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2020, 19:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Einige Fehlerbehebungen im Quad Explorer und allgemeine Verbesserungen
• Neu: Multiline-Tab und 64 Tabs pro Explorer-Ansicht
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Q-Dir 8.99.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2020, 19:40
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: beim aktivieren von Multiline-Tab in den Explorer-Ansicht für Windows
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Q-Dir 8.99.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2020, 20:20
Whats new:>>

• Erneut Bug-Fix: beim aktivieren von Multiline-Tab in den Explorer-Ansicht für Windows
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: NetDrive 3.13.281 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2020, 10:15


    Alert low disk space on cache volume.


    Back off added when calling NetDrive API server
    Improved OAuth token refresh procedure


    Fixed error when unmounting a drive while uploading files
    Fixed issue of unresponsive operating system due to failed token refresh
    File Browser - failed to rename some file names
    Fixed issue with macOS darkmode
    Fixed issue of renaming files on macOS
    Hubic - issue fixed which dupliates files in list
    Fixed minor issues of UI


Titel: Shell Tools 2.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2020, 20:40
Shell Tools adds these useful commands to right-click menus of files and directories in Windows Explorer:

Resize to JPEG*, Map directory to Windows Sandbox, Copy file size, Copy file path, Show hidden files, Show super hidden files, Show file extensions, File note, Refresh icons and Install/Uninstall/Load/Unload font.


Titel: ExplorerXP 1.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2020, 20:50
ExplorerXP is a tabbed file manager that supports supports groups, batch file rename, configurable keyboard shortcuts, recursive cleaning via extentions or wildcards, folder size cache, etc.

Free for personal use


Bug fixes:

    Fix tooltips
    Fix mouse click
    Crash on Sort column
    Wrong tooltips on date and time
    Tabs content menu
    Use windows custom updates
    Improved retrieving of the file icons
    Fix a bug when the main window wasn’t restored properly when minimized
    Sort date bug
    Rename Window too small on some configuration
    Converted to Visual Studio 2019
    Converted to C++ 17
    New Website based on Hugo
    Tree Control not working
    Fixed keyboard navigation


    Option not to show executable icons - speed
    Introduced a new tool Dupfind
    Selected as new panel on the statusbar bar
    Improved multi rename speed
    Added support for Windows 10


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2020, 11:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2020, 21:10
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


    The profiles window can be resized.

    Fixed the following bugs:

    When disabling FMT and enabling it again, the FMT commands was not displayed in the context menu.
    Crash in Shred Files when deleting into empty folders.
    Advanced Renamer: only 15 characters could be used in the text box of the basic options.
    Organize Into Folders: sometimes the OK button was not enabled.
    Organize Into Folders: recursive mode was not working correctly.
    Change File Time: the last modified time of the selected file was not filled properly.
    The %TEMPFILEPATHS% and %TEMPFILENAMES% variables did not working.
    Portable version: when updating to a new version, the standard installer was used instead of portable installer.


Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.8.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2020, 18:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Fixed bug: the custom commands with empty aguments was not run correctly with all selected file paths.


Titel: nnn 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2020, 18:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


compile-in Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro
Support Nerd Font patched icons [make O_NERD=1]
Auto-generate static binaries with icons support
Audit and adapt all plugins for macOS
Enhance plugin dups to delete duplicates interactively
Plugin autojump now supports jump and zoxide
Support gio trash to Trash [export NNN_TRASH=2] (#740)
Quit program on double Esc in normal mode (#775)
^Space replaces ^K for range selection/clear selection
Show selection symbol (+) next to filename in detail mode (#741)
Error & quit on Q if no selection, else pick to stdout
Repeat ^T to cycle sort by time, size and clear
Option -U to show user & group info in status bar
Option -J to disable auto-proceed on select (#713)
Option -D to show dirs in context color with NNN_FCOLORS
Honor option -C for context colors
Show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744)
Show missing utility name in flash msg (#753)
Exit preview-tabbed on ^C (#727)
Invoke GNU sed (gsed) on macOS (#728)
Fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735)
Fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743)
Fix input stream not listed with -s/-S (#777)
Fix locker not being invoked
Make target upx for additional binary compression
Compress auto-generated static binaries with upx
Make variable O_NOSSN to compile out sessions
Make variable O_NOUG to compile out user & group info


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2020, 20:10
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog_eng

Titel: Q-Dir 8.99.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2020, 08:10
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix in Quad-Explorer Uninstall Feature
• Update of the Q-Dir language files
• New languages: Filipino, Malay and Indonesian

Titel: Broot 1.0.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2020, 19:11

    optional icons, thanks to @asdf8dfafjk (@fiAtcBr on Miaou) - See https://dystroy.org/broot/icons
    dev.log renamed into broot.log
    line_up and :line_down accept an optional count as argument - Fix #301


Titel: Multi Commander 10.0.0 Build 2740
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2020, 12:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



This Release does not work on Windows XP anymore, Support for XP have been discontinued for version v10+.

Change in 10.0

    Dark mode/Dark Theme support on Windows 10 in most places (Require dark mode is activated in Windows 10)
    Various high DPI issues fixes
    Freespace field is auto scaled according to DPI scale settings. You might need to change this fontsize if you customized it before
    CopyTo/MoveTo Dialog how allows to fast set target path of another tab or favorite location
    FindFiles will no longer by default search binary files when doing content search, Check checkbox in FindFiles if you want to do it
    Fixes issue with dragging from RESx: virtual device
    Fixed tab focus issue when opening new tab from locked tab
    Lots more fixed over 100+ Changes
    6 Stability Issues fixed


Titel: XYplorer 21.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2020, 08:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Transparent Folders. Now the Folder Contents Preview supports the Hover Box which means you can preview the contents of files in folders before even opening those folders, just by moving the mouse over the items listed in the Folder Contents Preview. You can look into closed folders as if they were made of glass.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of AC/DC.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2020, 20:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Correction for form positions on multiple monitors (V2)
    Splitter 1.750, FTP 2.780, FileShredder 2.600, FileMove 2.200, Exe Packer 2.390, Dll Analyzer 1.820, Directory 4.000

Titel: Q-Dir 9.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2020, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen: in Drag & Drop, insbesondere in Q-Dir im selben Datei-Explorer
• Fehlerbehebung: im Hauptmenü
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Weitere Features in der Zukunft in 9.xx.

Titel: xMenuTools 7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2020, 21:10
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Default Installation path is now SystemDrive\Program Files\xMenuTools

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2020, 21:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Broot 1.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2020, 09:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Previous_same_depth and :next_same_depth internals
    In kitty terminal, image preview is high definition


Titel: Tablacus Explorer Pre-release 20.11.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2020, 21:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Adjusted: Blink project When
using Blink, I upgraded compatible JScript from IE jscript9.dll to Edge (non-Chromium) chakra.dll.
When I tried to use chakra.dll when using Trident, it failed. It seems that it is impossible to use chakra.dll with jscript9.dll or Trident.
Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Developer Edition is now available.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2020, 12:00
Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Verbesserungen und Korrekturen in den Q-Dir Datei-Explorers Ansichten
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Multi Commander 10.1.0 Build 2743
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2020, 20:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    UserDefinedCommand windows can now search and filter commands
    Various high DPI issues fixes
    2 Stability Issues fixed


Titel: Copy Handler 1.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2020, 19:10
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.



    [CH-355] - Incorrect sizing of replace file dialog
    [CH-359] - Wrong initial version of task db
    [CH-366] - String replace functionality corrupts memory


Titel: Q-Dir 9.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2020, 11:30
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: bei Windows 7 und Windows XP
• Verbesserungen im Quad Explorer
• Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.8.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2020, 11:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


    Improved the profiles window. You can set the default profile, and this profile will be loaded automatically. Added hotkeys (Enter to load selected profile, Ctrl + S to save a new profile, Del key to delete the selected profile, F2 to rename the selected profile and F12 to set the default profile).
    Fixed bug in Advanced Renamer: the preview was not updated when changing the text field in basic options.
    Fixed bug in Shred Files: the empty folders were not deleted.
    Fixed bug: the combo boxes in properties panel were not displayed correctly in secondary monitor.
    Fixed bug: the window to select the icon in custom commands didn't work.
    Fixed minor bugs.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 (Build 1495)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2020, 20:15
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.110
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2020, 13:50
Whats new:>>

    Tools updated: FTP 2.790, FileShredder 2.610, FileMove 2.210
    Rename dialog extended

Titel: NetDrive 3.14.309 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2020, 10:15


    macOS - Support Silicon Mac


    Mega - Support two factor authentication
    Google Drive - Change slashes in filename to fullwidth solidus unicode character


    Box - Fix not being able to refresh files removed from server in realtime
    Box - Share refresh tokens between mount service and file browser
    Hubic - Fix duplicated file listing in File Browser
    macOS - Fix distortion of NetDrive icon on menu bar when using multiple monitors
    Fixed minor issues


Titel: Multi Commander 10.2.0 Build 2745
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2020, 12:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    FIXED - SaveToFile in right click command in logview now works again
    FIXED - CheckSum extension now works again in None-Dark mode
    FIXED - Tweaked some margin in the new ComboBox
    FIXED - DeviceDropDown lost it font style sometimes.
    FIXED - Create new UserDefinedCommand did not show up in the list
    ADDED - Improved debug logging in some places
    FIXED - 2 stability issues


Titel: Q-Dir 9.07
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2020, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Verbesserungen in den MS Shell-Ordnermenüs
• Kleine Korrekturen für Drag und Drop Kopier-, Verschiebungs-, ... Aktionen
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Q-Dir-Sprachdateien

Titel: Copy Handler 1.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2020, 19:15
Copy Handler bohrt die Windows-Dateikopierfunktion auf. Mit dem kostenlosen Dateiwerkzeug beschleunigt man Kopier- und Verschiebevorgänge und pausiert sie.

Bis Windows 8 brachte das Betriebssystem keine Stoppfunktion für das Kopieren von Dateien mit. Dabei kann es vor allem beim Kopieren von großen Dateien nützlich sein, mal eine Pause zu machen, damit Systemressourcen frei werden. Copy Handler rüstet diese fehlende Pausenfunktion nach und schaufelt dank variabler Puffergröße auch gleich schneller Dateien zum Zielort. Mit wenigen Klicks pausiert man alle Kopiervorgänge und setzt sie wieder fort. Eine Pause legt man selbstverständlich auch beim Verschieben von Dateien und Ordnern ein.

Copy Handler rüstet die von vielen Anwendern herbeigesehnte Pausierfunktion nach. Durch die nahtlose Einbindung in Windows vergisst man fast, dass man mit einem separaten Tool arbeitet.



    [CH-369] - Shell extension fails to register on plain Win10
    [CH-370] - Shell extension 'Move to' performs copy instead of move


Titel: Copy Handler 1.50 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2020, 21:30

User feedback improvements:

    Added possibility to define automatic responses to user-feedback dialogs (file already exists, not enough space, error) for fully unattended operations
    Added possibility to rename file when file already exists

Better filtering support:

    Added regex-based file and path filtering options
    Added glob-based path filtering options


    Simplified task edit and user-feedback dialogs
    Adjusted the look of mini-view dialog
    Added context menus to both status dialog and mini-view
    Simplified status dialog and adjusted the way copy stats are calculated


    Task definition xml files now uses human-readable attribute values instead of numeric ones
    Fixed problem with tray icon being sometimes hidden by system due to tooltip changes

Breaking changes:

    Multiple filters are now separated with semicolon instead of vertical line
    Removed support for Windows XP and Windows Vista
    Removed support for outdated html help

Development changes:

    Updated toolsets used to build binaries - InnoSetup to 6.0, Visual Studio to 2019


Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2020, 21:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Tabs: Now the TabShowListButtonPos tweak can put the "New Tab" and "Tab. List" buttons to the right end of the tab bar:
    TabShowListButtonPos=0 flexible (default)
    TabShowListButtonPos=1 left
    TabShowListButtonPos=2 right
    TabShowListButtonPos=3 right end of the tab bar
    Open Throw Away Clone: Now the READ-ONLY instance *can* save settings via scripting: Use SC savesettings with the "ini" argument.
    Configuration: When pages had scrollbars due to higher DPI you could not wheel the scrollbar itself. Fixed.
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions: The column headers could become fat when the list was scrolled due to larger fonts. Fixed.

21.40.0004 Beta

    Rename Special | Batch Rename: The /cut switch now supports cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name. Simply pass a negative length value.


Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2020, 19:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.08
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2020, 11:55
Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen beim Laden von * .qdr-Dateien, den Quad Explorer-Favoriten ergo Einstellungen
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen und Korrekturen
• Aktualisierung der Q-Dir-Sprachdateien

Titel: Q-Dir 9.08.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2020, 21:45
Whats new:>>

• Fehlerbehebung: beim verwenden vom mehrzeiligen Registerkarten (Tabs)

Titel: FileVoyager 21.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2021, 11:30
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



+ New: General: Change from Ribbon to Simplified Ribbon. A more compact display wasting less space than the full Ribbon.
+ New: General: Dark theme is now available
+ New: General: Themes can be immersive (All the components will be themed when Immersive Theme is activated)
+ New: Navigation: Added Middle-click with mouse to close TabFolders
+ New: Viewer: Support display of HEIF pictures (.heic). Needs MS' HEIF Image Extensions) or a third party codec provider (e.g. CopyTrans HEIC for Windows)
+ New: Viewer: Now reacts to Keyboard's multimedia keys even if viewer window is not active
+ New: Navigation: By pressing the back button of the Mouse, the previous path is displayed. If it's a parent of the initial one, the initial folder will be focused
+ New: Language: Added partial Portuguese translation (21% of total) (Translation started by Nelson André Hofer de Carvalho)
~ Chg: Viewer: The map displayed for images location is now working. It allows the use of OpenStreetMap, Yandex.Maps, HERE Maps (API Key needed), Bing Maps (API Key needed) and Google Maps (API Key needed)
~ Chg: File Operations: Now the default button of the Operation Confirmation window is "Ok". It remains "Cancel" if the irrecoverable deletion is the chosen operation
~ Chg: AppBar: Cached icons are now named with the CRC32 hash of their path to avoid collision of two identical filenames having different icons
~ Chg: AppBar: Added more registry support to display more installed apps when clicking on "Add Programs..." in the contextmenu of the AppBar
- Fix: Navigation: Fixed an old bug when in thumbnail mode. The showing of thumbnail caused a memory leak. Showing a big number og thumbnails caused FV to crash. A refactoring of a big chunk of the app was necessary to fix the issue
- Fix: General: Removed a "debug" message that was showing when sending FV to system tray (minimize or close to tray)
- Fix: General: Some fixes to High DPI support
- Fix: Fixed various UI issues
- Fix: Navigation: Shift+Alt+Enter to calculate sizes of the folders was failing when a file was focused
- Fix: Navigation: Mouse scroll interact now with the hovered pane, not the focused one as previously
- Fix: AppBar: Fixed quality issue of the icons
- Fix: TextDiff: Confirmation dialog was not translated
- Fix: Diff: Main diff window was not themed


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2021, 11:50
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2021, 21:40

    Find Files and Quick Search: Added switch /i by which the search results are inverted, i.e. all items are shown that do NOT match the pattern. It corresponds to the Invert checkbox on Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location. Remark: The /types switch cannot be inverted by /i or by the Invert checkbox. For this use the new switch /itypes.
    Find Files and Quick Search: Added switch /itypes by which you define a list of file types (via extension) that shall NOT be returned by the search. In other words, it's the inverted version of the /types switch. Syntax and options are identical to the /types switch. If you use /types and /itypes in the same search the right-most one will win so there is no point in doing this.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters: Added option "Enable extended pattern matching". Tick it to allow ! for Boolean Not, and # for digits in Visual Filters. You can escape the ! by putting a before it. Remarks: This setting raises the tweak VFExtendedPatternMatching (v20.70.0018 - 2020-02-10 14:24) to the GUI. But other than the previous tweak now it only applies to Visual Filters, not to Live Filters (it gets its setting). The setting is also found in the right-click menu of the Visual Filter toolbar buttons. The factory default (and previously hard-coded behavior) is ON.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box: Added option "Enable extended pattern matching". Tick it to allow ! for Boolean Not, and # for digits in Live Filters. You can escape the ! by putting a before it. Remarks: This setting replaces the tweak VFExtendedPatternMatching (v20.70.0018 - 2020-02-10 14:24) which previously applied to Live Filters only. Now Visual Filters and Live Filters have separate settings here. The setting is also found in the right-click menu of the Live Filter Box icon. The factory default is OFF.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.127.
    Custom Copy: The Used Space bar tooltip now shows the path of the actually polled drive. In some contexts (junctions, mounted drives, network drives) this can be interesting.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0162.


Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2021, 19:15
Whats new:>>

    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0163.
    Custom Copy: Progress dialog did not support font size 11.25 very well. Fixed. Higher sizes will begin to break it. If you need higher sizes you should use the Windows display settings.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.120
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2021, 11:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Options extended
    Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Shell Context Menu: Since v21.30.0050 - 2020-12-20 15:57 it's not shown Anymore for the targets of links (shortcuts) to network locations.
From Now on, this is only in effect if the tweak NetworkPrecheckServers is set To 1.

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2021, 18:40

    Hover Box | Text Files: Now you can keyboard-scroll the text within a
    Hover Box if there is more text than fits in the box.
    Supported keys: Down, Up, PageDown, PageUp, End, Home.
    PageDown/PageUp scroll by 12 lines.
    If the file is larger than 200 KB you can scroll through the first 100 KB and the last 100 KB only (use End and Home to jump between those chunks). I think that's more than enough, after all Hover Box is just about a quick visual check.


    There is still an issue when the file has long lines that wrap. In that case you currently cannot scroll down enough to see the bottom of the file. Still thinking about this...
    Key input into the Hover Box does not work when the focus is in an edit box (it grabs all keys), eg in the Address Bar. However, you can use TAB while the Hover Box is open to escape the edit box, and then scroll.


Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2021, 20:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Decreased the chunk size to 32 KB. It's enough and speed matters as well.
    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: There was an issue with files that had long lines that would wrap. Fixed. This fix also makes scrolling faster.
    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Fixed various minor glitches.

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Width issue with other Hover Boxes. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Now it also works for Office files and Web files if the Hover Box shows the extracted text.
    Hover Box | Text: While the Hover Box is showing text you now can toggle word wrap by pressing the "W" key. Remembered across sessions.
    If word wrap is enabled (factory default) the maximum width of the box is about half the width of the screen.
    If word wrap is disabled (factory default) the maximum width of the box is about 2/3 the width of the screen.
    If word wrap is disabled longer lines will simply disappear at the right edge, without any ellipsis dots.
    On toggling word wrap the scroll position will jump back to top.
    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Fixed countless little bugs.

Titel: Broot 1.1.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2021, 09:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    fix handling of rules starting with '/' in the global gitignore - Fix #321
    alt-c now mapped to the new :copy_line verb which, when in tree, puts the selected path in the clipboard and, when in text preview, puts the selected text line in the clipboard - Fix #322
    it's possible to define verb execution patterns as arrays instead of simple strings, to avoid having to escape quotes - Fix #319


Titel: Q-Dir 9.09
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2021, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verschiedene Korrekturen und allgemeine Verbesserungen in Q-Dir
• Aktualisierung der Quad Explorer-Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0118 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box | Text Scrolling: Slightly changed the strategy. Now you can fully scroll through texts up to a size of 64 KB, in larger texts you can see the first 32 KB and the last 32 KB. In the latter case Down, Up, PageDown, and PageUp can now cross the border between the upper and the lower chunk.
    Hover Box | Scrolling: Now well visible on 4K screens.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.130
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2021, 11:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    French updated by rico-sos, many thanks :)
    Arabic updated by lculator zaloom, many thanks :)
    Tools updated: Directory 4.020, Dll Analyzer 1.840,
    Exe Packer 2.410, FileMove 2.230, FileShredder 2.630, FTP 2.810,
    Splitter 1.770

Titel: Double Commander 0.9.10 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2021, 19:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


[Default] Can't open new tabs in existing DC instance (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Viewer] Viewer - Search does not work in files more than 2 Gb (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] DEB_WDX plugin cannot show info about .deb package with data.tar.xz (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Creates corrupted .zipx archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Plugins] Wrong inner .cpio file name in the .rpm with Zstandard compression (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] SHA-224 - Buffer overflow (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Gzip file not showing all folders in archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] lua 5.4.0-2 gives an Access violation when running LUA scripts (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Default] Filenames in different language aren't shown (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[Language translation] Update german translation 0.9.9 beta build 9478 third update (Alexx2000) - resolved.
[File operations] Ошибка при создании архива (Alexx2000) - closed.
[Viewer] access violation (Alexx2000) - closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Commander 1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2021, 20:45
A handy file manager to quickly and easily organize the structure of your personal folders alongside some pretty helpful functions.


Whats new:>>

    Configurable default ratio for JPEG crop
    Copy folder to new name in same parent folder
    Improved Canon CR3 raw previw
    Thumbnails for video files
    Use Shell thumbnail loader option
    JPEG cropping improvements

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0123 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Open Throw Away Clone: Added another little pro trick: Hold CTRL+SHIFT while clicking the command to open a fully enabled (non-throw-away) clone of the current window. This means it's identical to a Throw Away Clone, but without READ-ONLY.

    You can achieve the same as above using the following new scripting command:

    NewWindow (action: Opens a path in a new window; syntax: newwindow [path])

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0126 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Configuration: Rewrote a section where wrong INI-values or translation mistakes could lead to unnecessary error messages when loading the config dialog because of invalid list indices

Titel: Broot 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    experimental "modal mode" (or "vim mode") in broot. See https://dystroy.org/broot/vim_mode/
    fix mouse staying captured during external app execution - Fix #325

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0127 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 21.40.0128 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2021, 09:15

    Custom Columns: Added variable <cc_overlay>. Returns the overlay index of the item's icon.
    Within e.g. Dropbox or Google Drive folders icon overlays may be used to reflect the sync state of an item. This new variable returns the index number of the overlay. Useless by itself, but it allows you to *sort* the list by this property, or to search items by this property.

    Usage: In a Custom Column of Type "Script" use this line in the Script field:

    return <cc_overlay>;

    To find all items with a value 7 use either of these search patterns if your Custom Column is #48 and called "Overlay Index":

    Overlay Index:7
    Note that it also works when "Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show icon overlays" is OFF.

    Custom Event Actions: Now you can temporarily turn off all "Changing Locations" CEAs for this session (= not remembered across sessions) using the scripting command tweak():

    tweak("SkipBrowseEvents", ""); //toggle
    tweak("SkipBrowseEvents", 1); //set
    tweak("SkipBrowseEvents", 0); //unset
    echo tweak("SkipBrowseEvents"); //get


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Januar, 2021, 08:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Hover Box Scrolling. Now you can keyboard-scroll and wheel-scroll the Folder Contents Preview, the Zip Contents Preview, and the Text Preview. You won’t get this degree of interface coolness anywhere else.

    Hover Box for Tabs. Now you can show a Hover Box with Folder Contents Preview for any tab simply by hovering the tab header icon. Saves you a click if you just want to quickly see what’s in the tab, or what has recently arrived in the tab. Even works for Paper Folders.

    Custom Copy with Free Space Status. Now the progress dialog shows the amount of used and free space on the target drive in real time, graphically and in numbers. Just gives you that soothing feeling that comes from knowing the consequences of your actions.

    Shorten Filenames. Now you can shorten the names of a whole bunch of files by cutting off a certain number of characters from the right end of the base name.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Hi-Jivers.


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2021, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Hover Box Scrolling: Now the wheel can scale images. Up = bigger, Down = smaller (10 pixels per notch). Same functionality as Numpad Add and Subtract. Hold SHIFT to double the impact. Cool
    Hover Box Scrolling: Now it honors wheel acceleration, i.e. you can scroll much faster by wheeling faster. Cool
    Hover Box: Since 20210105 the DEL key did not work anymore when the Hover Box was up. Fixed

Titel: HardLink ShellExtension
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2021, 21:00
Shell-Erweiterung, die den Windows Explorer um Kontextmenübefehle zum Anlegen von Hardlinks, Junctions/Reparse Points und Symlinks (unter Vista) erweitert; unterstützt Drag-and-Drop.



With SE_CREATE_SYMBOLICLINK assigned to a user, UAC dialog was raised anytime after second attempt.
German Translation of Documentation.
Pressing F1 in LSEConfig crashed it. Fixed.
During Hardlink/Symbolic Link Clone pressing Cancel didn't have an impact.
Progress bar prediction has been improved.
Fixed crash when username was > 20 chars as non-admin during symbolic link drop.
Link ShellExtension now maintains its chocolatey package.
Link ShellExtension is public on gitlab.


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box for Tabs: Did not work for iconized tabs. Fixed.
    Hover Box for Tabs: Did not work for tabs pointing to soft paths (<xydata>, %temp%, etc). Fixed.
    Hover Box Scrolling: Could not wheel-scale PDFs. Fixed.

    Rename Special | Batch Rename: Now /cut can keep a certain number of characters at the right end of the base:

    Syntax: /cut [start,]length[,keep]
    Remarks: You must state "start" as well if you want to use "keep".

Titel: Q-Dir 9.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2021, 11:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: Beim öffnen von über 16 Tabs pro Datei-Explorer
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Kleine Korrekturen in Q-Dir

Titel: NexusFile 5.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2021, 18:30
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.

License:  Freeware

What's new: >>

    Improved: Enable DEP.
    Fixed: All button in Change Attributes dialog didn't work.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box | Text: While the Hover Box is showing a text or an image, ie contents that are generally scrollable or scalable, you now can cycle the scrollability/scalability by pressing the "R" key (think "roll").
    Remembered across sessions. Factory default is 3 (= all enabled).
    If the scrollability/scalability is disabled then the navigation keys (Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown, Home, End) and the mouse wheel are not eaten by the box but passed through to the focused control.
    Scalability means scalability by wheel. If the scalability is OFF then images still can be scaled by Numpad Add and Numpad Subtract.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: Now it pops for "Tabs" even if "Folders" is off in "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Item Types...".

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box Image Scaling. Now you can scale images (and PDFs) on the fly using the mouse wheel. Surprisingly natural and totally addictive.
    Hover Box Scrolling and Scaling. Now the whole scrolling and scaling business can be turned off individually in case you prefer the old static mode.
    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2021, 09:30

    SC popupcontextmenu enhanced. Now you can pop a basic menu without any shell extensions (which is usually much faster):

    Syntax: popupcontextmenu [item], [bitness], [flags]
    flags: (bit field)
    1 = Hide shell extensions.


    The effect is identical to ticking "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hide shell extensions from shell context menu".


    popupcontextmenu , , 1; //pop a basic menu for selected items
    popupcontextmenu 2:=1; //the same, using the "numbered arguments" syntax
    This script in CEA "Left-click on status bar" will pop a basic menu on left-clicking the first section of the status bar:
    if (<CEA_ClickedItem> == 1) {popupcontextmenu 2:=1;}


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2021, 22:40
Whats new:>>

Custom Event Actions: The last version had a little problem so I had to remove the new feature for now. Update tomorrow.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2021, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    Custom Event Actions: Added a new section "Clicking on Line Numbers" with four events (D/L/M/R-click) and a number of interesting actions. Obviously, these events are only available in the Details View (including Details with Thumbnails), which is the only view with line numbers.

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Line number selection:

    Removed that option. It's fully replaced by CEA "Clicking on Line Numbers > L/M/R-click > Sticky selection".

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2021, 18:15
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: xMenuTools 7.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2021, 21:45
The Windows context menu isn’t cluttered with a wide range of options, which is understandable, as many users would not have need of them. However, it can be extended if you have the right program at your disposal.

MenuTools is one of the applications you can turn to, an open-source utility that can add a bunch of new options to the context menu, enabling you to perform various actions with much less effort.

MIT License

Whats new:>>

Added copy long path and copy as url. Fixed some minor issues. Fixed path name when opening file in text editor.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2021, 13:40
Whats new:>>

Custom Event Actions | Left-click on line number: If set to "Sticky selection" you could not dbl-click the Line Numbers column header anymore to autosize the columns. Fixed

Titel: Broot 1.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2021, 22:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    allow dashes instead of underscores in conf property names. This fixes a regression as "special-paths", "ext-colors" and "search-modes" were defined with a dash up to version 1.0.7. Now both spellings are OK - Fix #330
    fix some problems with paths containing spaces (regression since 1.1.11)- Fix #329


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2021, 06:50
Whats new:>>

    MDBUZ: Does not work for animated GIFs (they are always shown in 100%).
    Floating Preview: Zoom in did not work anymore since v21.50.0106. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0123 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2021, 07:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Hover Box | Images: While the Hover Box is showing an image you now reset the scale to factory default (500 x 500 pixels bounding box) by pressing the "D" key. Remembered across sessions.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2021, 08:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserung bei Zugriff auf diverse Speichermedien und Netzwerk
• Verbesserung bei Speichern der Spalteneinstellungen, bzw. Ansichtseinstellungen
• Update der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0124 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

    Find Files and Quick Search: Added switch /P by which the full path of each item is matched against the search pattern. It corresponds to the Path checkbox on Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location.
    Quick Find Files: The fix from v21.10.0030 - 2020-10-02 12:11 totally destroyed the Quick Find Files feature (Find Files from Quick Search dialog). Fixed.
    Quick Find Files: When turned on then Branch View would not work anymore as expected (it would actually run a search instead of a Branch View). Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0125 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Visual Filters and Live Filter Box: Added new selector "path:". Use it to compare the pattern with the path of each item (i.e. the full path excluding the item name itself). This can be useful when you want to filter search results that contain items of different locations. Note that the following settings apply to the "path:" matching behavior in Visual Filters and Live Filter Box:

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Match case
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual

Titel: Multi Commander 11.0.0 Build 2768 RC
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2021, 11:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    FIXED - Backup/Restore now also include the new Script files
    FIXED - MultiUpdate update log is now more detailed
    FIXED - MultiUpdate will show crashreport dialog if crashed
    ADDED - MC.Explorer.Goto support ItemFocus= parameter to set focus after scan
    ADDED - Will show a message at startup if there are problem loading extension/modules (Failed to be upgraded?)


Titel: CarotDAV v1.15.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2021, 10:10
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

Added a function to use shared items (Shared with Me) on Google Drive.
Fixed an issue where IMAP couldn't download.
Added some shortcut keys.
Correction of other details.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

• Aus Sicherheitsgründen: aktualisieren wegen falsche Virenmeldung auf Windows 10
• Bug-Fix: im Hauptmenü beim Fokus-Setzen
• Update der Sprachdateien und generelle Optimierung

Titel: Q-Dir 9.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

• Hauptmenüverbesserungen: Menü Bearbeiten und Ansicht
• Die Befehle werden vom jeweiligen aktiven Explorer besser verarbeitet
• Verbeserungen in den Copy, Paste, ... Befehlen zwischen Q-Dir und dem Microsoft Datei Explorer
• Kleine Korrekturen im Qauad Explorer für MS Windows

Titel: Broot 1.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2021, 11:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Fix style characters being written in --no-style mode - Fix #346
    Replace --no-style with --color taking yes, no or auto, with detection of output being piped in auto mode (default). --no-style is still usable but it's not documented anymore - Fix #347
    Fix wrong version number written in log file - Fix #349
    By default the number of panels is now limited to 2 (can be changed in conf with max_panels_count). The goal is to improve the global ergonomics for the most common (universal?) use case - Fix #345


Titel: NexusFile v5.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2021, 18:30
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.

License:  Freeware

Titel: Multi Commander 11.0.0 Build 2770
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2021, 21:30

   ADDED - UserDefinedCommands file format changed.
   ADDED - UserDefinedCommands can now be loaded from zip
   ADDED - Old UserDefinedCommand scripts will be migrated to scripts/*.udc script files
   ADDED - Minor redesign to UserDefinedCommands dialog (TreeView and Icons and DarkMode Support)
   ADDED - Will show a message at startup if there are problem loading extension/modules (Failed to be upgraded?)
   ADDED - MultiScript with external ref can now be views or converted from MutliScript editor.
   ADDED - :SysInfo command now includes Monitor information and Windows 10 Release ID
   ADDED - New MultiTags  ${pid}, ${mctemp} , ${sourcefocusext}, ${targetfocusext}
   ADDED - MC.Explorer.Goto support ItemFocus= parameter to set focus after scan
   ADDED - Heigh of freespace field is now calculated better
   ADDED - Example script is included in release
   ADDED - MultiCommander.exe CommandLine command /OPEN now support more paramters  /PANEL=Left|Right|Active|Source|Target and /NONEWTAB is added
   ADDED - MultiCommander.exe CommandLine command /QUIT to exit current running instance
   FIXED - Backup/Restore now also include the new Script files
   FIXED - MultiUpdate update will now log everything it does during update to MultiUpdate_log.txt
   FIXED - Various DPI Scaling issue in FolderTree, CheckSum extension, MultiRename
   FIXED - FindFiles dialog now closes again when Escape key is pressed.
   FIXED - WindowsExplorer styled setup will now map F3 to search again.
   FIXED - Scaling issue with the width of items shown on statusbar
   FIXED - Toolbar still visible if all toolbars disabled in config
   FIXED - Fixed issue with wrong icons sizes used in 125% / 175% scaling, Will now be drawn in correct sizes and scaled if needed
   FIXED - Many icon scaling issues at 125%/175% scaling
   FIXED - Copy 1 folder, and it is empty. Datetime is now kept is option for that is enabled.
   FIXED - CommandLine field will now try to do auto complete on paths when starting to type.
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer - HyperLink in text that was formatted was not always clickable
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer - Text Formatting that formatted text to end on line. did not block formatting that was inside.
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer - Text with multiple formatting sometimes lost formatting when parts was selected
   FIXED - MultiDataViewer - Sometimes crashed if selection was done over part with multiple formats
   FIXED - Tweaked detection if file is binary during content search and file viewer
   FIXED - Minor tweak and code cleanup
   FIXED - 6 Stability Issues


Titel: Broot 1.2.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    clipboard features (copy and paste verbs) now work on Android/Termux (needs the Termux API to be installed)
    fix a compilation problem on non gnu windows - Thanks @Stargateur
    obey '--color no' even in standard application mode. In that case, automatically enable selection marks or you wouldn't know what line is selected

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0126 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Compressed Files Icons: In Win10 compressed files icons can be handled by a separate icon (at the same extension) instead of by an overlay. This had confused XY's internal icon cache. Air fixed.
    Find Files: On a start up with "Cache search results" enabled and a Live Filtered list, the filtered results were cached and reloaded but the Live Filter itself was forgotten (unless "Persistent live filters" was ON), so the shown list was confusing or even misleading.
    Fixed: Now the Live Filter persists in this case even if "Persistent live filters" is OFF.

Titel: Broot 1.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2021, 19:15
Whats new:>>

Don't ask again for installation if no sourcing file has been found

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0127 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Tabs: Right-clicking a tab icon could pop the context-menu on top of the Hover Box (if enabled for tabs). Fixed.
    Find Files: A Boolean search combining a Tag field and a Date or Age field yielded wrong results. For example:lbl:Orange AND ageM: < 6 m Fixed.
    Compressed Files Icons: In Win10 compressed files icons can be handled by a separate icon (at the same extension) that has some new type of overlay tech instead of the oldschool overlay we know since Win95. This had confused XY's internal icon cache. Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0128 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2021, 10:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Compressed Files Icons: Now the Win10 compressed files icons overlay is also shown for folder icons, and for Custom File Icons.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0129 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Configuration: Added an Apply button that allows you to apply any changed settings without closing the Configuration dialog.
    Obviously any settings that are applied using the Apply button cannot be undone anymore by the Cancel button.
    Settings that affect the Configuration dialog itself (e.g. Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Buttons and Labels) are not applied to the dialog. This needs a close and reopen of the dialog.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Branch View |
    Let folders pass all filters: If enabled then in a filtered branch view
    "Folders pass all filters" is shown in the information bar (Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Show filter information in list).

Titel: Q-Dir 9.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2021, 13:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Aktualisieren wegen falsche Virenmeldung auf MS Windows 10 OS
• Nur aus Sicherheitsgründen, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
• Sprachdateien-Update und generelle Optimierung

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0130 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2021, 09:36

    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename: Added option "Preselect name". Tick it (= factory default) to preselect the name in the edit box.


    This option was internally ON in all versions before.
    Preselecting the name is Windows standard ever since. But personally I find that 95% of the time when renaming a file I want to slightly modify the current name, and not replace it completely. So the current preselection is something I almost never need. Hence I made it optional.
    This option raises the RenameNoPreselect tweak (v21.20.0001 - 2020-10-17 14:36) to UI, but with reversed logic (new key "RenamePreselect").
    SC extracttext enhanced: Added parameters bitness and flags.
    Syntax: extracttext([file], [bitness], [flags])
    file: File to extract text from.
    Defaults to the current file.


    [empty]: Attempt extraction according to environment and these settings:
    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Use 64-bit IFilters for content search
    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Fall back to IFilters of the other bitness
    32: Attempt extraction using 32-bit IFilters.
    64: Attempt extraction using 64-bit IFilters.
    flags: (bit field)
    1 = Suppress IFilter errors (just return an empty string).
    return: Extracted text.


    text extracttext(<curitem>, , 1); //auto-bitness; suppress IFilter errors
    text extracttext(<curitem>, 32, 1); //32-bit; suppress IFilter errors
    text extracttext(<curitem>, 64, 1); //64-bit; suppress IFilter errors
    ! SC extracttext: Since 20190326 an error message in the "Stepping through a Script" dialog was broken into lines at the sequence "n". Fixed.
    ! Branch View: The list was updated twice when items were moved within the Branch View with Auto-Refresh on. Fixed. Now it's only updated once.
    ! SC rename: On passing flag 8 (increment on collision) a file renamed to itself was auto-incremented to avoid collision with itself. Obvious nonsense. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0131 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2021, 11:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration dialog: Reordered the buttons according to Windows standards. Good luck with reprogramming your muscle memory! It's good for your brain I hear.
    Undo/Redo: When copying and pasting items witin the same location, and with Custom Copy turned OFF (so Windows auto-appends its locale-aware "-Copy" affixes), the Undo of such an operation would get confused when more that one item had been copied. This bug existed probably since 20140210. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0132 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration dialog: Now you can trigger the Apply button by Ctrl+S (think "Save").
    Configuration dialog: Back to previous button order. The standard was not good enough.
    Paper Folders: From now on, Paper Folders are only saved to disk if necessary (= if modified). Before they were saved on each tab switch (when the PF tag was backgrounded) even if nothing had changed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0133 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2021, 22:10

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs: Added dropdown "Buttons position". Here you can choose where in the tab bar to show those "New Tab" and "Tab List" buttons. Factory default is "Flexible" which keeps them visible most of the time even if space becomes extremely scarce. This raises the tweak TabShowListButtonPos to GUI (v21.40.0006 - 2020-12-29 11:56). Note that the related INI key has been changed to "TabBarButtonsPos".
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs: Slightly rearranged the position of some checkboxes.
    Tab Bar Buttons: The flexible position swap from right to left now happens much later than before (when it came far too early).
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Flexible width: Renamed it to "Flexible tab width".
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Flexible tab width: Smoothened the width calculating algorithm. Before, it was a bit shaky due to some funny rounding effects (aka Banker's Rounding).
    Toolbar | Paper Folders: Added a new toggle to the right-click menu: Explicit Save Only. Tick it to suppress auto-save of the current Paper Folder on tab switch and on app exit.
    Notes: If ticked you can still explicitly save a Paper Folder using menu "View | Paper Folders | Save" or the Save command in the Toolbar button's dropdown menu. Even with this setting it's not possible at the moment to create a new Paper Folder without creating a Paper Folder source file first. So if you want to work with throw-away Paper Folders you need at least one file (it can be and stay totally empty).


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0134 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Paper Folders: Now Paper Folders named "
    The "Explicit Save Only" toggle from v21.50.0133 is now dysfunctional and will be totally removed if the above change proves to be successful.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0135 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    SC paperfolder enhanced: Now you can set and retrieve the five options that are currently only available in the right-click menu of the Paper Folders toolbar button.
    SC paperfolder: Returning the current contents did not work with "Explicit Save Only" because it read from the source file, not from the current list. text paperfolder(, , , "r");
    Paper Folders: Removed the "

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0136 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Paper Folders: Improved the "Explicit Save Only" mode. Less disk access
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Branch View | Persist across folders: When enabled then changing location from a Branch View directly into a Portable Device could result in a crash. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0137 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2021, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Tree: Now when you right-click a folder and hold CTRL you get the super-fast internal context menu instead of the slower shell context menu. Gives you quick access to XY's native menu commands.
    Paper Folders | Explicit Save Only: Fixed some glitches.

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0139 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Paper Folders | Explicit Save Only: Fixed another glitch.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5757
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 11:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog_eng

Titel: Q-Dir 9.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 12:50
Whats new:>>

• Erneut Verbesserung im Hauptmenü: Menü Bearbeiten und Ansicht
• Kleine Korrekturen unte MS W10 x64 Home und Pro
• Sprachdateien-Update und generelle Optimierung im Quad-Explorer für Windows

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0140 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Paper Folders | Explicit Save Only: Internally rewrote the whole thing in a more civilized way. Apparently it still works. You should not note any difference.
    Panes | Sync Folders...: In Preview mode the Used Space information was not updated (as a simulation). Fixed.
    Panes | Sync Folders...: In Preview mode a non-existing drive was assumed to exist. That was stretching the idea of simulation a little too far. Fixed. Now you are told when a drive does not exist (= is unavailable).
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0164.

Titel: Total Commander 10.00 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2021, 21:20


    Directories created by MacOS on ExFAT flash drives are now shown in TC. They were not shown because they had the invlid attribute 8: Volume label
    Always show hidden directory "AppData" in c:Users<user profile> even with hidden files disabled
    Allow user to install key file automatically when double clicking on it.
    Add a "Zone Transfer" data stream when downloading files via anonymous FTP (Ctrl+F), or HTTP (Ctrl+N) from outside the intranet, like web browsers
    When unpacking files internally or via plugins, copy "Zone Transfer" data stream from archive to unpacked files, just like the Explorer
    New zone transfer option can be disabled via WantZoneData=0
    Always look for key file also in c:totalcmd, even if Total Commander is installed elsewhere

    User interface:

    Allow to use "Windows Hello" on Windows 10 to securely store master password until TC is closed. Use fingerprint, face or pin to connect again
    Use mouse wheel to scroll through directory tabs (like in Firefox) when not using multi-line tabs
    Zoom thumbnails with Ctrl+Mouse wheel between 10% and 200% of the size configured in Configuration - Options - Thumbnails
    Load thumbnails from EXIF data (preview image) from JPG and various camera RAW formats: Canon RAW 1-3, DNG, Fuji, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Sony
    New option "Return to locked tab root directory on tab change" in Configuration - Options - Folder tabs
    Show "!" prefix when current dir differs from locked dir on tabs which are locked with directory changes allowed
    New option to only execute command line when it is focused (Configuration - Options - Layout)
    When closing TC while there are unpacked temporary files, show the user the first 3 file names and their origin
    Drop file from outside (e.g. virtual folder in Explorer) to read only directory (e.g. c:windows): Better dialogs to allow overwrite and copy as admin

    Saving settings:

    When user cannot save settings (e.g. in Configuration menu or main settings), offer to copy ini files to user profile
    For plugins in write protected directories, intercept calls to CreateFileA/W and all INI functions, and redirect write calls to %APPDATA%GHISLERredirect
    Disable redirection of plugins: Add 8192 to RestrictInterface in wincmd.ini or registry
    Specify different ini locations for specific plugins: wincmd.ini [ReplaceIniLocation] (see help)


    New DirectShow media player in Lister, replacing the old one based on Video for Windows (can still be chosen via configuration)
    Support full screen playback via double click or Alt+Enter, leave the same way or with ESC
    Change audio and subtitle streams via context menu
    Configure preferred DirectShow filters via Lister configuration (3rd Tab)
    Show chapters as tickmarks below seek bar, jump there with Ctrl+PageDown/Ctrl+PageUp
    Buttons to jump backward/forward by x seconds (default 10s and 60s, configurable via right click)
    Preload DirectVobSub filter if the source filter has a pin "Subtitle"
    Allow to use LAV filters and ffdshow filters without installing them, by putting them in subdir filter32 or filter64, respectively
    Save last playback position of the last played tracks longer than 10 minutes
    Keep sound pitch constant when changing playback speed, using custom DirectShow filter based on open source SoundTouch.dll

    Synchronize dirs:

    Allow to use regular expressions and saved searches, with options where to apply them, e.g. one side, both sides, etc. via button [1x]
    New context menu items to show file context menu and file properties, and to edit left/right file
    Show exclamation mark in button "Singles" or "Duplicates" if it isn't down when opening the dialog

    Compare by content:

    Show extra listbox with the two lines from the current cursor position for easier character by character comparison
    Show progress dialog when pasting large text buffer takes more than 2 seconds, allows to abort paste, but doesn't revert it


    Support for OpenSSL 1.1 and newer. The main dll must be named libssl-*_*.dll / libssl-*_*-x64.dll (with *_* the version number, e.g. 1_1), the libcrypto*.dll must NOT be renamed!

    Verify checksums:

    Support checksum created from a stream, showing up as "<checksum> -" (checksum followed by two spaces and a dash)
    In checksum files created by other programs, more OpenSSL format types are supported: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512

    Internal commands:

    LOADLIST listfilename loads list of files/folders from text file.
    cm_ZoomIn and cm_ZoomOut to zoom thumbnails (like Ctrl+Mouse wheel)
    cm_syncchangedir: Do not enter a directory when it doesn't exist on the other side. Only turn off cm_synchangedir when the user tries again
    Support parameters 0 (or none)=toggle, 1=set, 2(or -1)=reset for the following internal commands: cm_*Comments, cm_*DirBranch, cm_*DirBranchSel, cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch, cm_SyncChangeDir, cm_SwitchLongNames, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchHid, cm_SwitchSys, cm_Switch83Names, cm_FtpHiddenFiles, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchOverlayIcons, cm_SwitchWatchDirs, cm_SwitchIgnoreList, cm_SwitchX64Redirection, cm_Vis*
    Command LOADSEARCH <saved name> (e.g. on button): Put one equal sign = in front of name to start searching immediately, two == to start and feed to listbox after search
    Improved ZIPFROMLIST command: The file list name can now contain Unicode characters, and the content can be ANSI, UTF-16 (with byte order marker BOM) or UTF-8 (with or without BOM), and the archive name can now also be put in the parameters field.
    New commands to write file list with details and column headers to file/clipboard


    Default to c:Program Filestotalcmd on new systems. If the user fails to get admin rights, change to c:totalcmd
    When not installed in Program Files, allow to set permissions for authenticated users to read only, installing user to full control
    New parameter /W enables write protecting target folder: /W0 unchanged, /W1 give current user write rights, /W2 give only elevated users write rights
    Last parameter can be a target path, e.g. installername.exe /F "c:totalcmdnew"


Titel: Broot 1.2.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2021, 09:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    it's possible to define several key shortcuts for a verb, using the "keys" property
    improvements of fuzzy matching


Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0141 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2021, 09:50

    Find Files and Quick Search: From now on "Path" matching (ticked Path checkbox in Find Files, or /P switch) is implicitly turned on whenever the search term contains backslashes that are not just escapes for certain characters that would otherwise seen as special characters (e.g.: " !", "[", " (", "cat and dog", ...), i.e. when the search term looks like a (part of a) path: PNP //match all items under folder "PN" beginning with "P" PN\P /P //that's the old way (still works but DEPRECATED)

    Boolean works as well:

    PNP | PNQ //match all items under folder "PN" beginning with "P" or "Q" *backup?* //match all items under a folder "backup"

    The old doubled-slash syntax keeps on working (but is DEPRECATED), now even if "Path" is not explicitly ticked:

    PN\P //match all items under folder "PN" beginning with "P"
    PN\P | PN\Q //match all items under folder "PN" beginning with "P" or "Q" *\backup\?* //match all items under a folder "backup"

    Find Files and Quick Search: The example given (v21.50.0124 - 2021-02-17 15:10) for the new switch /P (full path of each item is matched against the search pattern was wrong. Backslashes had to be doubled at that point (in that version):

    *\backup\?* /P //match all items under a folder "backup" Well, since today it also works with single backslashes, so the historic errors auto-fixed and this is okay now:
    *backup?* /P //match all items under a folder "backup"
    *backup?* //even without the /P switch
    Folder View Settings: Could get confused when opening a background tab from a drives listing ("This PC"). On selecting that tab a FVS could be falsely applied to a location that should not have one. Fixed.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.150
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2021, 11:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Language corrections
    Tools updated: FTP 2.820, Dll Analyzer 1.860, Directory 4.030, Splitter 1.790, FileMove 2.240, FileShredder 2.640

Titel: XYplorer 21.50.0143 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 09:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Status Bar: Renamed right-click option "Smart Size Middle Section" to "Smart Section Sizing".
    Updated the help file.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 7.8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 18:30
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    Custom commands: you can add wildcard characters (* and ?) in "Element Types/Files/Extensions" property.
    Fixed bug in custom commands: the "Element Types/Folders/Specific Folders/Include child folders" property was not saved.
    Fixed bug in rename custom commands: if a default profile was set, then the configured profile in the custom command was not loaded.
    Fixed bug in "Copy to..." and "Move to...": part of the "OK" button in the window was hidden by another control.
    Fixed bug: the Export & Import Settings function was not working correctly. If you have created a backup of the settings, then you need to export again the configuration in order to import it correctly in the future.
    Fixed minor bugs.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 21:20

    Hover Box Wheel Scaling. Now the mouse wheel can scale images and PDF previews while the Hover Box (a zero-click preview that pops up by merely hovering the filename) is shown. So natural and so useful.
    Mouse Down Blow Up Zoomed. Ready for another game changer? Mouse Down Blow Up (a large preview that pops up on mouse down on a thumbnail or icon) now can zoom into the original by a freely configurable zoom factor. Got small images, large screens, and weak eyes? MDBUZ is your ticket.
    Find Files by Contained Characters. Now you can find files that contain certain characters or character ranges within their textual contents. Allows you to search for files containing any characters in the upper Unicode range, or any Mongolian characters, or whatever specific characters you are interested in.
    Apply Button in Configuration. Street pressure became unbearable so an Apply button was added that allows you to apply any changed settings to the main window without closing the Configuration dialog.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler.


Titel: nnn 3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2021, 21:30
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


 REPL command prompt (Esc or Enter to exit)
invert selection with A
option -u removed (always prefer selection to hovered)
visit start dir on @ when start path is a file
exit filter mode and redraw on ^L if no last filter
plugin fzcd now selects the chosen file (#876)
ueberzug support in plugin preview-tui
new plugin preview-tui-ext with extra preview support
clear selection after successful plugin invocation
add method to sync subshell $PWD in WIki
clear selection on single file deletion (#812)
copy between instances not working (#864)
plugin togglex to toggle exe mode of a selection (#813)
fix memccpy() buffer overlap fault on macOS (#786)
show 0 selected msg on cp/mv with empty selection (#855)
fix frozen terminal caused by opener (#858)
migrate macOS CI to GitHub workflows, retire Travis


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.160
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

GUI error correction

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Line spacing: Now you can tighten your line spacing down to -5. Was -1 before.
    Find Files and Quick Search: The search by Size became more tolerant about missing and superfluous spaces before and after the operator.
    Configuration Dialog: Made some layout adjustments to provide more space for languages that need more space.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.170
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2021, 08:40
Whats new:>>

    Correction for thumbnails
    Options extended

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2021, 21:20

    Edit | New | New Folders... / Edit | New | New Files...: Now you can paste data using Unix newline (LF) or Mac newline (CR). It will be auto-converted to Windows new line (CRLF). Actually this will work now in all small dialogs showing a multiline edit box where you can paste.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Line spacing: Now you can tighten your line spacing down to -9. Was -5 before. Useful at higher screen resolutions / larger font sizes.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Size #1/#2/#3: Now it can go down to 16 x 16 by factory settings. Allows you e.g. to have a very tight "Details with Thumbnails" view with the following additional settings:
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Style = Plain
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Padding = 0
    Upgraders: The new value is offered in the UI after upgrade to this version if you did not tweak the key "ThumbSizes".


Titel: Total Commander 10.00 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 10:50

    Fixed: Scrolling folder tabs with mouse wheel didn't work on Windows 7, because Windows tried to scroll the active panel instead (32)
    Fixed: Lister, switch from new internal media player to text and back to media player would show scrollbars by mistake (32764)
    Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If user pastes comment with Unix line breaks, convert them to Windows line breaks (32/64)
    Added: Ctrl+L on single file now also shows the ZoneIdentifier stream data for that file (32/64)
    Fixed: New command LOADLIST listfile didn't show an error if the list file was not found, or was empty (32/64)
    Added: Show a warning when the user tries to close a modal dialog which cannot be closed, eg when you open Total Commander, then Lister, then Lister configuration, then Total Commander configuration, then try to close Lister configuration first (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs, Copy file properties: Could not copy timestamp to symbolic link, instead it was copied to the target of the link (32/64)
    Fixed: Open directory in other panel with Ctrl+Arrow left/right, go back on that side -> cursor wasn't placed on the previous file (32/64)
    Added: Folder tabs: For locked tabs with directory changes allowed, show both the current directory and the locked directory if they are different (32/64)
    Fixed: Testing 7z archives with internal unpacker wasn't logged, and errors were not logged either (32/64)
    Added: Set name field for edit boxes and comboboxes in "Change attributes", "Custom columns" and "Find files" dialogs when clicking "More" buttons (32/64)
    Added: For accessibility, Set the name field of all edit boxes and comboboxes linked with a label control (32/64)
    Fixed: Open lnk file pointing to a directory, go back -> cursor wasn't placed on the link (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Quick search was opened with code 08 character when pressing backspace, when options QuickSearchAllowNoMatch=1 and AltSearch=1 were set (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, new media player: Ctrl+PageUp/PageDown to jump between chapters not working correctly (32)
    Fixed: Lister, new media player: Display track position also when resizing the window while not playing (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, new media player: Foreground color for player buttons were not changed to the user-defined lister foreground color (32/64)
    Added: New internal command OPENATTRIBUTES: With '=' as first parameter, apply attributes immediately and close dialog (32/64)
    Added: New internal command OPENATTRIBUTES <parameters> Change attributes: +s (subfolders), +a/-a +r/-r +h/-h +s/-s +dDate +tTime Plugin_settings (32/64)
    Added: Lister, new media player: Added filter graph to "Running Object Table" so it can be viewed in GraphEdit/GraphStudioNext via "ConnectToRemoteGraph" (needs registered proppagedll from Microsoft SDK) (32/64)
    Fixed: Made some dialog boxes with checkboxes a bit wider, eg the one in Multi-Rename tool when clicking on [N#-#] (32/64)
    Fixed: When unpacking files, remove ReferrerUrl from ZoneIdentifier stream data, and change HostUrl to server name only (32/64)
    Fixed: Crash installing plugins having a zone identifier from an untrusted domain (64)
    Fixed: Border overlapping in main configuration dialog on Windows 7, maybe also on other systems, on pages "Layout" and "Thumbnails" (32/64)
    Fixed: New command LOADLIST listfile didn't work with double quotes around the list file name (32/64)
    Fixed: New command LOADSEARCH=saved_search didn't work with "=" directly appended to LOADSEARCH, or with double quotes around the search name (32/64)
    Added: Support parameters 0=toggle, 1=set, 2(or -1)=reset also for: cm_SrcQuickview, cm_LeftQuickview, cm_RightQuickview, cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly, cm_LeftQuickInternalOnly, cm_RightQuickInternalOnly, cm_SeparateQuickview, cm_SeparateQuickInternalOnly (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: No context menu for video with subtitles not supported by XySubFilter (32/64)
    Fixed: Right click on current path or list background: "New" submenu was missing (64)
    Fixed: Alt+F10 tree, scan with F2, showed an error instead of the actual progress, but the tree was actually scanned (32)
    Fixed: When loading plugins, use function AccessCheck to check whether the plugin directory is writeable instead of creating a temporary file (32/64)
    Fixed: Some 16x16 pixel icons couldn't be loaded any more, so 32x32 were shown scaled (32/64)
    Fixed: Main window title bar icon could no longer be overridden via external icon library (IconLib=) (32/64)
    Added: Compare by content: It's now possible to focus the bottom 2 line compare list with TAB and scroll it with cursor left/right, page up/down, home/end, and the mouse wheel (32/64)
    Fixed: Double click on separator in column headers in custom columns view: Column too wide if the column definition contained text outside of the field definition (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Copy text from Unix UTF-8 or UTF-16 file -> do not convert trailing 0x10 to space (32/64)
    Added: Lister, IViewAdditionalTypes and MediaAdditionalTypes now also allow to exclude certain file types detected internally, eg |*mp3 to not play mp3 (32/64)
    Added: Lister, new option "Additional multimedia file types" allows to specify file types to be loaded with the internal multimedia viewer, stored in MediaAdditionalTypes (32/64)
    Added: Lister, new option "Additional Irfanview/Xnview file types" allows to configure IViewAdditionalTypes option (32/64)
    Added: wincmdini, section [ReplaceIniLocation]: entries didn't support environment variables like %commander_path% (32/64)
    Fixed: Standalone "Synchronize dirs": New option in context menu to show file properties not working (32/64)
    Fixed: Closing search in separate process took several seconds, waiting for a background thread to end (64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: New dialog opened from button [1x] was not fully translated (64)
    Fixed: Button bar: -2 for forced line break no longer worked (32/64)
    Fixed: Double click on separator in column headers in Full view: If there is space left in the panel, use that space for the name column (32/64)
    Fixed: Double click on separator in column headers: Limit maximum column width to panel width minus a few characters (32/64)
    Fixed: Double click on separator in column headers in Full and Brief view didn't work correctly for Name, Ext and Size columns, because they act as combined columns (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 9.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 11:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen für MS Windows Server 2019, 2016, ...
• Sprachdateien-Update im Quad-Explorer
• Generelle Optimierung im Q-Dir für Windows

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.3.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2021, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Various fixes:

    Fixed the problem that the cancellation of the default process did not work well when replacing the default process such as double click. (5ch # 7-864)
    Adjusted to open Explorer with "Open with Explorer" even when using Shell execute hook # Addons-252
    If you open Explorer with Create Process, it will not be intercepted by Shell execute hook because ShellExecute system is not used.
    % Current% is specified to be enclosed in "in the case of a path containing spaces, but if there is a" in front like "% Current% xxx", it is adjusted so that it is not enclosed.
    If you want to open the hierarchy above the current folder, you can just use ..
    Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Developer Edition is now available.
    Tablacus Explorer WebView2 developer version is now available.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2021, 10:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Stay up: Staying up Blow Ups of animated GIFs were not closeable by MouseDown or ESC. Found no better way to handle it than to exclude them from the Stay Up.
    List: Fixed some drawing glitches with very small thumbnails (16x16) and extra-tight line-spacing in "Details with Thumbnails" view.
    Paper Folders: After OK-ing the "Remove Invalid Entries?" prompt those entries were not removed anymore from the file on disk since about 20210312. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2021, 11:30
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Stay up: Since v20.50.0000 - 2019-10-08 staying-up Blow Ups of animated GIFs were not closeable anymore by MouseDown or ESC. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2021, 09:30

    Toolbar | Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: Now with "Allow Zombies" enabled you can add virtually anything to a Paper Folder: Drives, Servers, Shares, Special Folders (Desktop, [User]), Abstract Folders (This PC, Network, Recycle Bin), Environment Variables (%user%), XY native variables (<xydata>), relative paths (..backup) (relative to app path).
    This is kind of a semi-official power user feature because it has a couple of natural shortcomings:
    The Paper Folder list is made for files and folders, so many columns just don't make sense for those kind of "special" items.
    You usually cannot drag these items into a Paper Folder, so you have to manually edit the Paper Folder source file in a text editor, or add the items by scripting.
    For internal reasons and to make them recognizable as pseudo folders those items get the following fake file attributes: S for System,D for Directory, A for Archive
    So, what can you do with these items in the Paper Folder?
    See their contents in the Hover Box.
    MDBU on their contents (ATM not yet working for This PC and Network!)
    Open them.
    Floating Preview: Under certain conditions when switching from a browser-based preview (HTML) to a video preview, the browser-based preview remained visible. Fixed.
    SC inputselect: Filenames that began with certain AB prefixes (eg ! or @) in an inputselect had their generic filetype icon hijacked by special AB icons. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Apply zoom: When doing a text MDBU right after an image MDBU the text preview could come out weirdly distorted. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 März, 2021, 20:30

    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview: Now the version of the installed .NET Framework is checked on startup. It has to be at least v4.0.30319 for the 64-bit preview to work. There is a new tweak that allows you to skip this check: Preview64SkipVersionCheck=1 Might be useful when Microsoft suddenly changes the .NET version specification in unforeseeable ways.
    Toolbar | Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: Mouse Up Show Down did not work yet for "This PC" and "Network" items. Now it does.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Thumbnail widths and heights: The dropdown boxes now fully drop, no need to scroll.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show film strip overlay on video thumbnails: Now very small sprockets are drawn for very small thumbs.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: Now it's only done for thumbs 32x32 and larger.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Now it's only done for thumbs 32x32 and larger.
    Info Panel | Properties; Status Bar: The exact bytes for small files in the 1000-1023 byte size range were not shown anymore since 20190917. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    List: It turned out that the Windows message WM_TIMECHANGE is sent out quite often without any time zone or DST change happening (Windows bug?)! Each time it happens a refresh is performed of both panes. Not good! Hence this change (v17.40.0212 - 2017-01-18 22:07) has been undone now:
    Time Zone Changes: Now XY automatically adjusts the displayed filetimes on-the-fly to a newly selected time zone. No restart necessary.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Preview: A previewed PDF file was not always completely unlocked after closing the preview. Fixed.

Titel: Camelot 0.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 17:15
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    Following features were implemented in this version:

    Tabs improvements: drag and drop support, enhanced keyboard shortcuts, close tab on middle click, scroll tabs via wheel, arrows on tabs overflow, max tab size, duplicate on other panel option, open in new tab option via context menu or middle click
    Language loading improvements/fixes and new locales

    From tech side following was done:

    Builds for releases are now fully automated via github actions
    Camelot was added to weblate: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/camelot/ so everyone is able to add translations now
    UI automated tests were added. Now each push triggers build that includes UI tests. Avalonia Headless platform was used for testing.
    Bug fixes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.3.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 19:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix
    Adjust drawing related timing # 397
    Fixed the problem that IE10 or earlier could not start due to an error
    Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Developer Edition is now available.
    Tablacus Explorer WebView2 developer version is now available.


Titel: NetDrive 3.15.393 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 20:40


    Added S3 compatible storage minio


    S3 - Added https support
    Google Cloud Storage - Added MIME type support


    Fixes an issue which caused failure when adding a new drive item
    WebDAV - Fixed an issue which causes crash when added WebDAV with unsupported port on Synology NAS
    Fixes typo


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Show 'New Tab' button: Button could be shortly visible in certain situations even if unticked. Fixed.
    Preview: A previewed PDF file was not always completely unlocked after closing the preview. Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2021, 23:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.180
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2021, 11:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Installation updated
    Tools updated: FTP 2.830, Dll Analyzer 1.870, Directory 4.040, Splitter 1.800, FileMove 2.250, FileShreder 2.650, ExePacker 1.860

Titel: Total Commander 10.00 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2021, 21:30

25.03.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 3

25.03.21 Fixed: The correct codepage wasn't always detected when the system uses "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in regional settings (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Show registration name with accents correctly even when the system uses "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" in regional settings (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player to any text mode sometimes didn't repaint the background (32/64)
25.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player via numeric keypad caused an access violation (32/64)
25.03.21 Added: Lister: Write log file which DirectShow filters were loaded (32/64)
24.03.21 Added: 3 new internal fields: tc->ZoneId, tc->HostUrl and tc->ReferrerUrl read these fields from Zone.Identifier stream data. ZoneId is set to 0 if not present (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Support Unicode format in Zone.Identifier stream data (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: When using dialog box scaling in Configuration - Options - Font, the scale factor was lost when using the quick search window, but only on Windows older than 10 (64)
24.03.21 Added: Compare by content: Ctrl+Mouse wheel now scrolls the two line panel at the bottom even when the mouse isn't on it. Ctrl+Alt+Mouse Wheel still scrolls by page (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Bug in Windows 10 21337 (developer preview), there is no more HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew key, but the Explorer still shows an entry in the "New" context menu. Solution: Always add an entry for .txt files on Windows 10 (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Media player: The volume trackbar now also reacts to a click by going directly to the clicked position, like the track position trackbar (32/64)
24.03.21 Fixed: Media player: The mouse wheel direction was reversed on both the track position and volume trackbar, wheel up should increase the value (32/64)
24.03.21 Added: wincmd.ini [Lister] SavePositionLimit=600: From the specified length in seconds, the media player saves the last position of the track being played (audio or video). The default is 10 minutes (600 seconds). -1 switches off the saving of the position completely. [LastTracks] is not cleared when changing this option (32/64)
23.03.21 Added: Updated the internal regular expression library to latest version from https://github.com/andgineer/TRegExpr/ (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Scroll bottom 2 line compare list into view if the text is shorter than the available space, e.g. when resizing the window or jumping to a shorter line (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Lister, press '4' while music or video is playing: Wait for player thread to terminate when loading a plugin next (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Beta 2 no longer started on Windows 2000 due to the call to GetRunningObjectTable (allowing GraphEdit/GraphStudioNext to access it) (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Button bar: When opening a subbar, do not show link pointing back to main bar when OPENBAR command is used (it was already hidden when only using the bar file name) (32/64)
22.03.21 Fixed: Installer: Ignore unknown permissions, and do not check target folder permissions when started with parameter /W0 (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Lister, new media player: Playback volume was not preserved between tracks (32/64)
21.03.21 Added: Sort columns in Custom columns dialog (Configure this custom columns view) with Ctrl+PageUp/Ctrl+PageDown (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: If user pastes comment with multiple Unix line breaks to existing comment, extra characters could be stored behind the comment (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Closing modal dialog which was opened previously in another Total Commander window wasn't prevented when clicking on [X] button in the title bar (64)
21.03.21 Added: Set name field from static control also for listboxes (32/64)
21.03.21 Fixed: Main configuration dialog: Set name field for edit boxes and comboboxes for each tab page separately to load dialog more quickly (32/64)
20.03.21 Fixed: Dark mode only: Border overlapping in main configuration dialog on pages "View mode" and Zip Packer" (32/64)
20.03.21 Fixed: Lister: By default, disable Uniscribe on Windows 9x/ME for Unicode (32)
19.03.21 Added: Compiled unrar.dll from sources for Windows 9x/ME (Ansi, not Unicode) and Windows 2000 (missing functions) to replace old UNRAR9X.DLL (32)
19.03.21 Added: Compare by content: Directly jump from left panel to the bottom 2 line compare list (and back) with Ctrl+Tab (32/64)
19.03.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Limit width of bottom 2 line compare list to the longer of the two displayed lines only, not the maximum of all lines (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2021, 22:50

    Default branch view type: Added new Branch View type "Files and non-empty folders". Here any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the Branch View. Gives you a much cleaner view which is much more useful in most real world scenarios probably.
    The switch for this view is /flatnoempty.


    ? /flatnoempty
    ?*.jpg /flatnoempty
    Reminder: You can quickly switch between the now four different Branch
    View types via the right-click menu of the "Branch View" toolbar button.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio/Video preview: Increased the resolution of the loop timer on "Play Again".
    Removed the FindMixedSortPerLevel tweak (v10.50.0027 - 2011-11-17 20:47). The tiny speed gain was not worth 300 lines of code.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2021, 21:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Remember tree scroll position per
    tab: Did not work correctly when implicitly opening a new tab by changing
    locations in a locked tab. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2021, 11:50
Whats new:>>

    Find Files and Quick Search: Since v21.50.0141 - 2021-03-12 18:27 escaping [ and ] with did not work anymore as expected. Fixed. Now all of these patterns match items containing "[abc]", regardless of the setting of "Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Enable extended pattern matching":
    Whereas [abc] matches all items containing "a", "b", or "c" if "Enable extended pattern matching" in ON, and all items containing "[abc]" if "Enable extended pattern matching" is OFF.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors in distinctive shapes: Drew the wrong shape on "prop:" Color Filters in the Tree. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0115 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons: Added option "Seamless wave looping". Tick to play WAV files in a special way that allows perfect seamless looping. No progress feedback, no pausing, but perfect audio. Tweak MDBUaudioLoopTightWave (v21.60.0113) is hereby raised to GUI.
    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio/Video preview: Further and greatly improved seamless looping of all audio files (not only WAV) on "Play Again". Note: This is about standard looping. Has nothing to do with "Seamless Wave Looping" and is not as perfect, but pretty close now.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0116 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Added switch: b = Draw background colors as border (= 2 pixels wide bold frame)
    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio/Video preview: Even better.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.3.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2021, 21:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix:

    Adjusted the problem that became jerky while dragging the window of 21.3.27 because the Blink version had an adverse effect due to the influence of the countermeasure
    It doesn't make sense to delay the event when the explorer of 31.3.28 was created, so restore it.
    SHChangeNotifyRegister (Stop releasing the SHChangeNotifyEntry pidl after executing it.
    If you forget to release it, a memory leak will occur, but if you release it more than necessary, the symptoms will not appear immediately and it will often fall in a mysterious part.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2021, 19:45
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Q-Dir 9.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 21:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Tests und Anpassungen für das nächste MS Windows 10 Update
• Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien und Feinabstimmungen im Quad-Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0117 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2021, 21:40

    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio preview: Added "Seamless wave looping". Tick to play WAV files in a special way that allows perfect seamless looping.
    For technical reasons this mode has no progress feedback and no pausing (only full stop / back to zero), just perfect audio.
    WAV files will be looped regardless of the setting of "Configuration |
    Preview | Preview | Audio/Video preview". It does not have to be "Play Again".
    This setting also affects "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up |
    Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Audio preview".
    Analog to above, WAV files will be looped regardless of the setting of
    "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Loop".
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Seamless wave looping: Moved to "Configuration | Preview |
    Preview | Audio preview". See above.
    Preview Tab: The orange button dropdown menu now also has the "Seamless wave looping" toggle.
    Seamless Wave Looping: Did not obey to Configuration | Preview | Preview |
    Audio/Video preview | Autoplay. Fixed.
    Tree: The Space key worked as a Type Ahead Find key and jumped to the next folder downwards with a space in the name. IMO that's not anything expected and can be quite surprising. Removed that. The Space key is now dead in the tree.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0118 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Preview Tab: Modernized the look of the progress and volume controls.
    Preview Tab: Removed that old "Loading..." graphic (which was never translated because it was a picture).
    Find Files: Bogus error message "Access Denied" possible since 20210325. Fixed.
    Find Files: Crash on large deep recursive searches possible (overflow) since 20210325. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 21:40

01.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 4

01.04.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color dialog could hang when using some fonts when the preview box was too small (32/64)
01.04.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, click on "1x" button: "Define" button wasn't translated in dark mode (64)
01.04.21 Fixed: Opening a directory in an already running Total Commander via parameter /O was much slower than in previous versions (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: When cursor is in bottom 2 line compare list, show the line number as selected in both the bottom list and previously active list (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: Scroll main lists with cursor up/down also when focus is in bottom 2 line compare list (32/64)
01.04.21 Added: Compare by content: Ctrl+Tab now returns from the bottom 2 line compare list to the last active (left or right) compare list (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Find files, find text: If "RegEx (2)" is checked, accept empty text, and search as .* (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Find files, plugins tab: Couldn't save custom operators in search when using the new flag contflags_fieldsearch, e.g. for field tc->"partner file with other extension" (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: The new internal field tc->"partner file with other extension" now also accepts *.ext or .ext in addition to just "ext" (32/64)
31.03.21 Fixed: Installer didn't work when trying to install to a FAT-formatted target, e.g. a USB flash drive (32/64)
30.03.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Use easier to understand texts in new dialog opened from button [1x] (32/64)
30.03.21 Added: Find files: wincmd.ini [Configuration] WarnSearchText=1: 1=warn if search text cannot be converted to ANSI/ASCII, 0=no warning, -1=disable affected modes (like ANSI) and search with e.g. Unicode if it was checked, 2=combination of 1 and -1 (32/64)
30.03.21 Added: Find files: Warn user when he enters a text in "Find text" which cannot be converted to ANSI and/or ASCII (if cheched) (32/64)
30.03.21 Fixed: Lister: Switching away from new media player to any text mode still didn't repaint the background on some systems (32/64)
29.03.21 Fixed: Lister: When "Define view mode by file type" was set to 4i followed by a plugin (e.g. 4i,mmedia.wlx), switching from the plugin back to the internal viewer didn't work (32/64)
29.03.21 Fixed: On Windows 7, thumbnails were not drawn correctly in dark mode, they were displaced sideways (64)
29.03.21 Fixed: When drawing thumbnails, consider that on Windows 10 1709 (Fall 2017) and older Windows versions, the maximum item height in a listbox is limited to 255 pixels (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Lister, html viewer: Do not show text within "style" tag, even when inside <body>, it contains style sheet data (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Lister, html viewer: Support tag &zwnj; (Unicode 200C), Zero-width non-joiner, and the left to right and right to left marks &lrm; and &rlm; (32/64)
28.03.21 Fixed: Show Zone.Identifier stream data in Ctrl+L and custom columns even when the user set WantZoneData=0 (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Lister: changing "Define view method by file type" option via Configuration - Options - Edit/View - "Configure internal viewer" wasn't applied until the program was restarted (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Still no entry for .txt files in Context menu-New submenu on Windows 10 21337 (developer preview), because the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\txtfilelegacy was missing a (default) value = description (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Lister: New media player couldn't play tracks with name longer than 259 characters, need use prefix \\?\ or \\?\UNC\ (32/64)
26.03.21 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Allow to save custom fields like tc.comments with value containing line breaks (added via >> button) (32/64)
26.03.21 Added: New internal command OPENATTRIBUTES now also supports parameter +L or +L2 to load parameters from file under cursor in active/inactive panel (32/64)


Titel: Imperium 0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2021, 22:50
A minimalist, yet highly polished file manager that truly unleashes its power once you get familiarized with its supported hotkeys.




    Linux support
    TAR/GZ archive support
    Added symbolic link creation (Linux-only)
    Added travel-as-you-type
    Added smooth scrolling
    Added Zen mode
    Added tabs
    Added sidebar
    Added date indicators
    Added file size indicators
    Added file properties dialog


    Many UI changes and usability improvements
    Clean up non-existing entries in Jump Bar
    Simplified archive support


    Lots of bug fixes


Titel: Double Commander 0.9.10 Build 9640M Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2021, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


    [Default] Can't open new tabs in existing DC instance (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Viewer] Viewer - Search does not work in files more than 2 Gb (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Plugins] DEB_WDX plugin cannot show info about .deb package with data.tar.xz (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Plugins] Creates corrupted .zipx archives (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Plugins] Wrong inner .cpio file name in the .rpm with Zstandard compression (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [File operations] SHA-224 - Buffer overflow (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [File operations] Gzip file not showing all folders in archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Default] lua 5.4.0-2 gives an Access violation when running LUA scripts (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Default] Filenames in different language aren't shown (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [Language translation] Update german translation 0.9.9 beta build 9478 third update (Alexx2000) - resolved.
    [File operations] High cpu usage when open with from external program (wayland) - closed.
    [File operations] Ошибка при создании архива (Alexx2000) - closed.
    [Viewer] access violation (Alexx2000) - closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0120 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

Preview Tab | MP3 Info: Reduced the listed genres to the eighty defined in ID3v1. The crazy stuff in previous versions was from Winamp.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0121 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Help | List All Commands...: Now with default keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F1.
    Ignore diacritics: Wouldn't handle Polish "L with stroke". Fixed.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.190
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2021, 11:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Greek translation updated
    Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0122 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2021, 11:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Added new switch:

    p = Number plate style (frame with filled background)
    Has to be combined with switch f (frame) or b (bold frame).
    Portable Devices: Added some more error messages to failed file operations on Portable Devices. Just in case. (This time it even works.)
    Toolbar | Append: Would append items that were already in the clipboard, thus creating duplicates in the clipboard. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2021, 12:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix
    Adjusted because the processing when receiving FolderItems and IDataObject with 0 items was lax.
    A little review of the startup process


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0123 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 11:30
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Folder View Settings: Now the button is shown by factory default.
    Find List Item: Since v18.90.0119 - 2018-05-02 16:47 you got a command "Find..." in the context menu of all smaller lists throughout the interface. Now there's an additional command "Find Next (Shift+F4)", mostly to remind you that this function and keyboard shortcut exist.
    Quick Search (and similar dialogs): The dropdown lists had the "Find..." command in the context menu of the list items. Did not work well because it fell into the dark hole of recursion (dialog called itself). Removed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0124 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Status Bar | Smart Section Sizing: Less hyper-action with fast-changing status messages like "creating thumb...", which were hardly readable because of all the rapid smart sizing.

Titel: Imperium 0.9.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 19:50
A minimalist, yet highly polished file manager that truly unleashes its power once you get familiarized with its supported hotkeys.




    Fixed performance degradation with many tabs
    Fixed a bug that double-clicking a file item had no effect
    Fixed vertical tabs not updating, when tab was added/removed
    Removed the empty folder indicator, at least for now, since it was unreliable
    Few other minor fixes


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5775
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 20:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog_eng

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2021, 21:30
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Added a new Debug page in IcarosConfig
    Allows users to run any number files through various thumbnail and property tests,
    seeing what results are returned, which files failed, timings, what shell extensions are used, etc.
    Can be located on the Tools page, under the Debug tab
    Can be accessed from anywhere in IcarosConfig using 'F2' keyboard shortcut
    Added PSD as a default filetype and DDS as a common filetype
    Added OpenDocument (ODP, ODT, ODS) to the "Most Known" preset in IcarosConfig
    Added 'Channel Count' and 'Sample Rate' to Explorer detail pane for audio files (see notes below)
    Added Korean translation (Thank you jewani! ^__^)
    Improved Welcome screen
    Welcome screen is now localized
    Has options to set language and theme
    Can be accessed at any point with 'F1' keyboard shortcut
    Improved EPUB/CBX parser with a much better cover detection algorithm
    Improved method used to refresh thumbnails in IcarosConfig
    Shortcut thumbnails can now be refreshed in IcarosConfig
    Fixed properties not being generated in certain cases with files > 4GB
    Fixed "Clear Windows Cache" function on the Tools Page on Windows 10
    Fixed crash when thumbnailing files with rare dimensions (e.g. very small height, but long width etc.)
    Fixed Icaros creating corrupt minidumps in debug mode
    Fixed a LARGE quantity of cache bugs and 1 cache crash
    Fixed TAK thumbnailing
    Fixed 'Display icon overlay' option (inconsistent behaviour)
    Fixed alpha channel being incorrectly set in some files' thumbnails
    Fixed rare cases where the thumbnail returned was slightly larger than requested
    Fixed rare Wav property crash
    Fixed rare crash during Property Handler registration
    Fixed crash on Cache page if cache location no longer exists
    Fixed exception when trying to change the IcarosCache location, while it was in use
    Fixed Property Handler unregistering other property handlers that has overwritten Icaros
    Fixed DebugMode in Property Handler
    Fixed a lot of rendering and positioning problems in IcarosConfig (IC)
    Fixed IC being improperly sized/positioned when starting up in Maximized window state
    Fixed IC blocking the auto-hidden taskbar when in Maximized windows state
    Fixed IC being improperly positioned when the Windows Taskbar is positioned top or right on the screen
    Fixed glass not rendering correctly in certain conditions when IC is maximized
    Always center IC on the screen if IC window position is not saved but the window size is
    IC glass now updates properly in various cases (e.g. wallpaper change etc.)
    Updated localizations
    Updated GCC
    Updated dav1d to 0.6.0
    Updated FFmpeg
    Tons of minor fixes and improvements


Titel: Multi Commander 11.1.0 Build 2782 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 10:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



 -- Build 2782 ( 5 Apr-2021 )
  ADDED - If ExplorerPanel config is corrupt when starting a messagebox is now sown asking if it should reset that file.

-- Build 2781 ( 1-Apr-2021 )
  FIXED - ExplorerPanel corrupted config file and show dialog behind splash screen at startup halting startup
  FIXED - Saving config and tabs not updated because of delay update it lost their tab name.

-- Build 2780  ( 28-Mar-2021 )   
    ADDED - During startup MC verify extensions. This process is now done in parallel to improve startup speed.
    ADDED - So tabs can be have delayed update. So they are not updated during startup. This can be Disabled in settings. (In Release this settings might be OFF by default)
    ADDED - Add Warning and user settings to warn if multiple files are selected when doing edit operation.
    FIXED - Top margin for main toolbar is correct
    CHANGE- Did lots of code cleanup in reading the settings.
    ADDED - Holder for the FreeSpace Field and the icons after it are rebuilt. A ExplorerPanel tab UI will now be created faster. Look should be identical with before.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 20:15

Some fix

-Adjusted because an exception appears when trying to get GetFolder with FolderItem in the result folder.
-Set all add-on initial settings to Level 2 (Blink version compatible).
-Changed the folder to open when executing with an empty window such as the first execution to about: blank.
-Adjusted because it seems that the icon development does not go well.


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0125 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.129.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.129.lng is uploaded.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0126 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Remember tree scroll position per tab: Did not work yet for Find tabs and Paper Folder tabs. Fixed.

Titel: Camelot 0.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2021, 10:50
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    Recursive search
    Added suggestions for directory text box
    Added close search panel button
    Tooltips for search panel buttons
    Bug fixes
    Updated translations


Titel: XYplorer 21.60.0127 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Visual Filters and Live Filter Box: The selectors "ex1:" and "ex2:" did not work anymore since 20210213. Fixed
    MP3 Preview: The new genre selection dialog popped "The key '*' isn't found in the list." when typing into the filter box. Fixed

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2021, 20:45

If SVSI_SELECTIONMARK is included in Some fix / SelectItem, execute only SVSI_SELECTIONMARK and SVSI_NOTAKEFOCUS independently.
※ 21.4.4 failure of the check box associated with the measures in this is because I think it's ringleader measures 21.4.4 is removed (5Ch # 7-955)
· 21.4.3 of the processing at the time of start-up in the "new tab in a little review Measures to prevent the "Open" setting from being disabled (5ch # 7-960) -Adjustment
around the icon
-In the normal version, "Do not use the font specified on the web page" is checked in the Internet options. Adjusted so that the font icon can be used even if. (Becomes black and white)


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2021, 07:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Seamless Wave Looping. Just select a sample file and hear it spinning in a perfect seamless loop. Audio folks love it.

    Smart Branch View. A new branch view (aka flat view) type shows only files and non-empty folders, i.e. any folders that contain nothing or only empty folders (or, in case of a search, do not contain any files that match the search) are not listed in the branch view. Gives you a much cleaner and more useful view.

    Tree Scroll Position Remembered Per Tab. Optionally, each tab restores the tree position it was in when it was last exited. Many users have waited for this feature, not many file managers have it.

    Color-Code Empty Tree Folders. Finally color filters can be applied in the folder tree in a way that lets you spot all empty folders at a glance.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Elise LeGrow.


Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2021, 20:30

08.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 5

08.04.21 Fixed: Couldn't unpack files from RAR on Windows 9x/ME with characters from different codepage in the names -> convert them to underscores "_" (32)
08.04.21 Fixed: lzma- and xz-packed ZIP archives couldn't be unpacked on Windows 9x/ME, because tcmdlzma.dll couldn't be loaded due to missing functions (32)
07.04.21 Fixed: Parameters for internal commands like cm_SrcQuickview added on 15.03.21 and 21.10.20 could only be used separately, not together with other commands, e.g. cm_focusleft,cm_SrcQuickview 1 (32/64)
07.04.21 Fixed: CM_LISTONLY now accepts a file name as parameter just like CM_LIST (32/64)
07.04.21 Fixed: Configuration- Options - Thumbnails - Internal thumbnails for images checkbox state couldn't be saved (64)
07.04.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Correctly draw borders of listboxes (e.g. Configuration-Options-Language) and multi-line edit boxes (e.g. change comment) in user-chosen color (32/64)
06.04.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ignore key up events without corresponding key down events, e.g. when closing an editor/viewer with Alt+F4 and getting back focus (32/64)
06.04.21 Fixed: On Windows 9x/ME, unpacking files with accents from RAR archives only worked correctly with F5, not Alt+9 (32)
06.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Show line number with normal background color when the line as a whole is selected (e.g. not in edit mode) (32/64)
06.04.21 Fixed: FTPS, connect via schannel library: Do not include port number in client handshake (32/64)
05.04.21 Fixed: Lister, new media player: Autopitch filter didn't always work on Windows XP, where multi-channel audio files were decoded as 24-bit integer values (32/64)
05.04.21 Fixed: Lister, new media player: When changing playback speed and adding the autopitch filter fails, we may need to remove the audio output filter and render the audio pin again (32/64)
05.04.21 Fixed: Thumbnails loaded via Explorer method: Always request square images (except for folders) because non-square images can cause a crash with some image providers (32/64)
04.04.21 Added: Support Unicode format with byte order marker (FF, FE) in Zone.Identifier stream data (32/64)
02.04.21 Fixed: Problem with translation of internal content plugin if string 2061 ended with | (32/64)


Titel: Imperium 0.9.05
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2021, 22:50
A minimalist, yet highly polished file manager that truly unleashes its power once you get familiarized with its supported hotkeys.




    Preview is now displayed in a popup, when in dual-pane mode
    Added initial path for Copy To & Move To actions
    Several minor usability issues resolved


    Fixed selected files sometimes not showing as red
    Fixed Ctrl+click not deselecting a file
    Few other minor fixes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 11:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix
・ Fixed the problem that it may not be accepted when multiple items are specified in SelectItem ・ If there is a break immediately after wrapping or drawing a line in the menu, the wrapping system will be invalid, so on the contrary, the wrapping system Changed to delete the delimiter before and after. (5ch # 7-966)
* If you put a wrapping system in the menu, the theme will not work on the menu, so I feel that the wrapping system is not recommended for MS.
-Added the function to change the tab order of the tab bar in the API.


Titel: WinSetView 1.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 20:10
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Readme updated

Titel: NexusFile
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2021, 21:50
NexusFile is a dual-pane file manager. Features include advance rename, built-in ZIP/ARJ/RAR/ACE archive support, FTP client, file join/split, folder list export, folder comparison etc.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

    Change: http://xiles.net => https://xiles.app
    Fixed: Copy Path copies with double backslash

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix
    Changed the execution timing of layout events immediately after loading the add-on.
    Adjusted that an exception appears when trying to get GetFolder with FolderItem of 21.4.5, so the selection item plus does not work in the Blink version, so readjust (5ch # 7-977)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix
    If SelectItem is empty and other than SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS is specified, execution will fail. In that case, execute only with SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS (# Addons-180).

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Some fix
    Slightly review the processing at startup

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2021, 11:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FileShredder 2.680 added

Titel: nnn 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2021, 19:40
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917)
    do not clear selection on hovered file deletion
    resurrect 'c'urrent/'s'el prompt and option -u (#889)
    show only file name in reverse in detail mode
    more file/mime types supported in preview-tui-ext
    plugin mtpmount - (un)mount MTP devices
    plugin cleanfilename - more shell-friendly file names
    plugin rsynccp - copy-paste with visual progress
    replace $HOME by ~ in address bar
    show current path in terminal title on option -x (#911)
    total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar
    fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890)
    fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888)
    show symlink target in statusbar (#893)
    show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888)
    fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941)
    fix name col len with -C and icons compiled-in (#936)
    refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934)
    make option O_CKBOARD for checker board as indicator


Titel: Imperium 0.9.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2021, 22:50


    Added an option to toggle the visibility of horizontal tabs


    It is now possible to rearrange the vertical tabs by drag & drop
    Audio files are now auto-played, if the preview is not pinned
    Jump Bar is now a lot faster (apparent with many entries)
    Small optimization to folder loading


    Fixed an issue related to tab switching
    Few other bug fixes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: access using numbers in SelectItem did not work well (# Addons-270). Also, if you use SVSI_KEYBOARDSELECT, you cannot select it, so treat it the same as SVSI_SELECTIONMARK.
    Slightly review the processing at startup. It feels less flickering to make the window transparent and then opaque than to display it normally. (Easy to understand in dark mode)

Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2021, 20:20
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (New) A new -config command line flag is added to use a custom config file path (by @SPFabGerman).
    (New) Current working directory is now exported as PWD environment variable (by @SeerLite). Subshells in symlink directories should now start in their own paths properly.
    (New) Initial working directory is now exported as OLDPWD environment variable.
    (New) A new shellflag option is added to customize the shell flag used for passing commands (i.e. default -c for unix and /c for windows).
    (New) Command cmd-enter during find and find-back now jumps to the first match (by @gotroyb127).
    (New) A new waitmsg option is added to customize the prompt message after shell-wait commands (i.e. default Press any key to continue) (by @gotroyb127).
    (Fix) A regression bug is fixed to print a newline in the prompt message properly after shell-wait commands (by @gotroyb127).
    (Fix) A regression bug is fixed to avoid CPU stuck at 100% when the terminal is closed unexpectedly.
    (Fix) A regression bug is fixed to make shell commands use the alternate screen properly and keep the terminal history after quit.
    (Fix) Enter keypad terminfo sequence is now sent on startup so delete key should be recognized properly in st terminal.


Titel: Imperium 0.9.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Hotfix for performance degradation

Titel: Q-Dir 9.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2021, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Feinabstimmung im Quad-Explorer für das neue MS Windows 10-Update!
• Einige Korrekturen in den Explorer-Listenansichten und verschiedene Verbesserungen.
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2021, 11:30
Whats new:>>

    * Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead
      Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter Box: Undid this fix from v18.40.0003
      - 2017-09-22 12:23:
      ! Live Filter Box: Since v18.30.0019 - 2017-09-15 12:26 the LFB would not
        accept a space even as non-first character if the focused file in the list was not selected. Fixed.   
      Reason: Not intuitive. Space key should select focused item in this situation.
    ! Preview Tab | MP3 Info: Since v21.60.0120 - 2021-04-01 20:50, when a genre
      isn't set in a file but an ID3 tag is present, the genre return value is #255 but it should just return nothing instead. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2021, 21:50

15.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 6

15.04.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Crash in Configuration - Options - Plugins - Configure dialog, only on older Windows versions (32)
15.04.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Drawing error in groupboxes inside of tabs, e.g. in System information (64)
15.04.21 Added: Show native Windows error message also when copying or renaming, in addition to the generic "read error" or "write error" (32/64)
14.04.21 Fixed: Checking for infinite loops from hard links/junctions via GetFileInformationByHandleEx(..,FileIdInfo,..) not working on Windows 7 -> restrict to Windows 10 (32/64)
14.04.21 Fixed: New option "Return to locked tab root directory on tab change" wasn't visible on Windows 9x/ME (32)
14.04.21 Fixed: New option to use "Windows Hello" on Windows 10 to securely store master password didn't work unless it was used at least once in 32-bit (64)
14.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Couldn't choose a font not containing the local encoding on Windows with double byte languages like Chinese when choosing "Western". Note that Windows will still not set it to Western, but to local encoding (32/64)
13.04.21 Fixed: If copying with CopyFileEx fails with ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED, there may be a remaining target file -> delete it manually after a short delay, and show error if it's still there (32/64)
13.04.21 Fixed: Internal "tc" content plugin translation: Support string 1579 longer than 254 characters (32/64)
13.04.21 Added: Option to disable automatic dialog box scaling with larger fonts: Configuration - Options - Font - Automatically adjust dialog boxes to larger fonts (32/64)
13.04.21 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoSizeDialogs=0 turns off automatic dialog box scaling with larger fonts (32/64)
12.04.21 Fixed: Wrong window position saved when using two screens with different dpi, window on right screen, but upper left corner on left screen (32/64)
12.04.21 Added: Automatically scale dialog boxes with the chosen font if the font needs more space than the default font (32/64)
11.04.21 Added: Detect when CopyFileEx returns ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED, and report it as a read error (32/64)
09.04.21 Added: New internal command OPENATTRIBUTES now also supports parameter +c to load current date and time. Use e.g. +c +t to only change the date, not the time (32/64)
09.04.21 Fixed: Some more parameters for internal commands like cm_SrcQuickInternalOnly still could only be used separately, not together with other commands (32/64)
09.04.21 Fixed: Frame drawn around some multi-line edit boxes also in normal mode, e.g. in Ctrl+Z (should only be done in dark mode) (64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2021, 23:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Persistent live filters: When disabled and you closed and reopened the app on a live-filtered tab, that tab would initially be shown unfiltered as expected. But then when switching away and back to it, it would become live-filtered. Fixed.
    Live Filter Box: With larger font sizes there could emerge some graphical artifacts (aka pixel dirt) in the Live Filter Box. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Now all T:prop / B:prop color filters worked in the Tree as expected. Fixed.
    Now, for example, you can use these Color Filter definitions to color folders in the tree that have Labels (which are normally only shown in the list)

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.210
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2021, 20:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Bugfix in German translation
    Using custom backcolor for raw thumbnail mode
    FileShredder 2.690, FileMove 2.270 added

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Menu View | Paper Folders | Save: Now you'll see a short feedback in the status bar so you know it's saved.
    Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: Now this setting also affects the Hover Box listing Paper Folder contents when hovering a Paper Folder tab icon (see
    Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: Toggling the setting did not refresh the list if it happened to show a Paper Folder. Fixed. Now it reloads the current Paper Folder with or without zombies.
    Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: If enabled a Paper Folder listing a drive would show bogus file dates (Modified, Created) for that drive under certain conditions. Fixed.
    Paper Folders | Allow Zombies: Empty lines in Paper Folder source files were resolved to app path since 20210321. Fixed. Now they are just skipped.
    SC paperfolder: The following line did not load the chicken into the list if "Paper Folders | Explicit Save Only" was ticked paperfolder("chicken.txt", , , "l"); Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2021, 22:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix
    Adjusted # 407 because there was a problem that drawing was not performed on Windows 7 on 21.4.13.
    In Windows 7, it was useless to specify WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_EX_LAYERED when creating WC_STATIC with CreateWindowEx.


Titel: WinSetView 1.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2021, 10:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Added Keep "Apply to Folders" Views check box. This option allows for separate default views to be retained for Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos folder types. See Readme for details.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix
    Fixed the problem that the Resize event was not called in 21.4.15 (5ch # 8-19)
    Due to the influence, the side tree cannot be displayed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.19 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2021, 22:30

Adjusted: Corrected
the problem that the network folder may drop when using the network.
* I haven't had any problems in my environment, but I've heard a few stories about it falling when using the network, so I tested it by applying a pseudo load to all the parts that seemed to be suspicious with multithreading.
As a result of the test, I found a part that throws an exception, so I was able to take measures. -Menu
icon problem # 409
-Slightly adjust the processing at startup (5ch # 8-38)
* Shift the detransparency to a slightly later event. It is difficult to know which is the best because it is a trade-off with the speed of startup.
It feels quite different depending on the machine power.
After that, click the icon on the taskbar at startup to cancel the transparency.


Titel: Imperium 0.9.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 08:30
A minimalist, yet highly polished file manager that truly unleashes its power once you get familiarized with its supported hotkeys.




    Added Soft Locks: these locks allow changes to subfolders, and the tab title is also frozen upon locking. Regular locks are now known as Hard Locks.


    Minor UI changes


    Fixed scrolling slowdown introduced in previous updates, and improved scrolling speed a lot
    Other minor bugfixes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.18
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 09:50

Adjusted: Search
-Adjust search (standard search) related # 409 (5ch # 8-33)
* It is difficult to get the exact icon of the search folder when it is not open, so use an alternative icon (search-ms) :)
* It looks the same for Windows 7, but why is Windows 10 so different?
* In the case of standard search, since the method of opening the folder to be searched once and then starting the search is used, if "Lock" and "Duplicate tab prohibition" are used together, the folder to be searched once in a new tab (locked) Adjusted that it cannot be opened because it is prohibited (same as tab)
・ Fixed the problem that Shift + Tab does not work when using classic style + renaming (5ch # 8-35)
* Focus on header Immediately after the name change is completed, the header is disabled for a moment.

* I don't use standard search so much, so please tell me what it is useful for.
Currently, it is used properly as follows.
• From the open folder filter If you look at the file name
if the search for the file name from the whole -, (You can also reversed in settings) in the Shift + Enter if locate the folder following Everything add-on
folder with the contents of the text below If you are looking for it, use the add-on file search

Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Early Access Edition is now available. Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Early Access Edition is now available


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 20:20

Adjusted: Corrected
the problem that the network folder may drop when using the network.
* I haven't had any problems in my environment, but I've heard a few stories about it falling when using the network, so I tested it by applying a pseudo load to all the parts that seemed to be suspicious with multithreading.
As a result of the test, I found a part that throws an exception, so I was able to take measures. -Menu
icon problem # 409
-Slightly adjust the processing at startup (5ch # 8-38)
* Shift the detransparency to a slightly later event. It is difficult to know which is the best because it is a trade-off with the speed of startup.
It feels quite different depending on the machine power.
After that, click the icon on the taskbar at startup to cancel the transparency.


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

    Find List Item: Since v18.90.0119 - 2018-05-02 16:47 you got a command "Find..." in the context menu of all smaller lists throughout the interface. Added the keyboard shortcut (F4) to the menu item. Yep, it existed all the time but nobody knew.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Now when you use filters like T:prop:#Label:Orange>,EE9D2F the Tree is automatically redrawn with updated colors when you change a tag (Label, Tag, Comment, Extra).

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 10:40

    Some fix:
    Adjusted because an error occurred when closing multiple tabs in the Blink version.
    Menu icon problem # 409
    Fixed the problem of Windows 10 Enterprise when starting TE32 with Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version (5ch # 8-35)
    When I looked it up, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version For some reason, the registry that accesses with 32-bit says "Windows 10 Enterprise", so change the OS name acquisition from reading the registry to WMI. > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE WOW6432Node Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProductName


Titel: Camelot 0.2.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 18:50
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    Camelot v0.2.5 is a massive (almost 100 commits!) release with new features and bug fixes. In this release I added drag n drop, favorite directories, tabs history and many more features. Detailed changes list is below:

    Added files drag n drop. On some platforms even drag n drop from/into app is allowed!
    History support. Browse your tabs directories history.
    Favorite directories support. Mark directory as favorite and have quick access to it.
    Ctrl+Shift+T support. Closed tab accidentally? Reopen it like it's a browser tab!
    Ctrl+C Ctrl+V functionality on Windows was rewritten
    Grid splitter was added by @CreateLab
    Bug fixes including few major ones.
    Translations update
    UI tests new structure and more test cases


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 21:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix:
    Countermeasure for the problem that the window becomes small at the first startup # 411
    Fixed the problem that you cannot move with Enter when only the address bar is used (5ch # 8-51)


Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2021, 22:40

22.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 7

22.04.21 Fixed: Thumbnails view: When zooming out, load larger images if there is space, up to 48x48 pixels (32/64)
22.04.21 Fixed: AutoPitch.dll: Reduced audio lag when playing tracks with more than 2 channels (32/64)
22.04.21 Fixed: Switch from full to thumbnail view (144x144), zoom to 10%, switch back to full view -> icons of internal associations were lost (32/64)
22.04.21 Fixed: On Windows 10 older than 1709 (Fall 2017) and older Windows versions, scale thumbnails if the size entered by the user is larger than 240, so the line would become higher than 255 pixels (32/64)
22.04.21 Fixed: Lister: When searching again with F7 and the search string remains unchanged, make sure to not find again the already found result (32/64)
21.04.21 Added: New placeholder %Bt, %Bt1 etc:  Parent, grandparent directory of target folder (32/64)
21.04.21 Added: New placeholder %B for part of path (including branch view paths): %B or %B0 parent, %B1 grandparent etc. %B-, %B-1, %B-2 same but without branch view (32/64)
21.04.21 Fixed: Lister: Press '5' while a plugin was shown -> conversion to html was done twice because the key event was received twice (64)
20.04.21 Fixed: Lister, "Define view mode by file type": Problems with method 8 (Explorer view) when the file didn't have a preview handler, e.g. 8,4 for jpg couldn't switch to mode 4 (32/64)
20.04.21 Fixed: Lister, "Define view mode by file type": When a single value was set (e.g. 1 or 8), ignore it when the user presses '4', except for value 4i (32/64)
20.04.21 Fixed: AutoPitch.dll: Detect when the sample format changes, e.g. when the user switches from a 2 channel stereo stream to 6 channel surround in a TV recording (32/64)
20.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Double byte language fix from April 14 didn't fully work in 64-bit version only (64)
19.04.21 Fixed: AutoPitch.dll didn't accept 2 channel sound of type WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT(3), only PCM and WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE with MEDIASUBTYPE_IEEE_FLOAT (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: Quick view (inside the main window or separate) didn't delete temporarily unpacked videos because they were still open in the player (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: Separate quick view window (Ctrl+Shift+Q): Closing it while playing video continued to play the sound (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: File lists in main program were not refreshed after closing the dialog when it was opened via SYNCOPEN command (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: The main configuration dialog was no longer enlarged by 115% (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: Adjust columns for larger fonts in Configuration - Button bar, change single button via right click, and Set default icon library (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F): Lines weren't high enough with larger fonts (32/64)
19.04.21 Fixed: Lister: When trying to switch to Explorer view (8) fails, auto-detect plain text type (ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16) instead of always displaying ANSI (32/64)
18.04.21 Fixed: Some functions like packing with external packer didn't support partial environment variables like %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE:~3,2% (32/64)
18.04.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Configuration - Options - Font: Font names and upper groupbox borders not shown (64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2021, 11:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Image dimensions: Added WEBP (formats VP8, VP8L, VP8X) to the fast native image dimensions detector. Of course, XY could always determine those dimensions via shell extensions (preview handlers) but not that fast.


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Wrong dimensions shown for WEBP images. Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2021, 22:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: beim Verbinden sowie Trennen der Netzlaufwerke.
• Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien
• Aktualisieren wegen falsche Virenmeldung auf W10

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Hi-Res: On 200%+ screen resolution icon overlays (e.g. link arrow, dropbox overlays) were drawn much too large. Fixed.
    Hi-Res: On 200%+ screen resolution icons on thumbnails (Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail) were drawn too small. Fixed.
    Hi-Res: On 200%+ screen resolution icons in the "Large Icons" view were drawn too small. Fixed.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Highlight matches: Highlight was too shallow (the lower part of the characters was not highlighted) in Large Icons view. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Help | Various Information: Now it shows the .NET version, for example:

    OS: Windows 8.1 Professional, 64-bit, Build 6002, .NET v4.8.03761
    Note that it only checks for .NET 4 and higher.
    Updated the help file.
    Hi-Res: On 200%+ screen resolution icon overlays some status bar icons were shown too small. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 11:10
Whats new:>>

    Some fix
    Adjustment related to initialization, etc.

Titel: WinSetView 1.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 20:15
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


App made fully portable: Settings and backup files are now saved to an "AppData" folder within the script directory (if user has write-access).

GUI-less helper options added: Parameters from GUI are saved to WinSetViewParams.txt which can be dropped on WinSetView.vbs to run WinSetView.ps1 with those parameters.

Power user customization feature added: WinSetView.ps1 will now apply the registry file .\AppData\WinSetViewCustom.reg after applying all other settings. This allows for customizing the FolderTypes defaults beyond what the GUI provides. A simple example file (WinSetViewCustom.txt ) is provided.

Russian and Chinese language files added.

Fixed issue where WinSetView.ps1 failed to run if WinSetView.hta was launched from a folder with a space in the name.

Fixed issue that can cause the false-positive error "Safety settings on this computer prohibit accessing a data source on another domain" when running WinSetView.hta.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.25 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2021, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Some fix

・ Display-related adjustment # 413

Titel: Attribute Changer 10.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2021, 19:50
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Feature : Sequence mode for files and folders
Bugfix : Exif header without DateTime tags could remove GPS tags
Bugfix : XMP tag issues when saving EXIF modifications
Bugfix : Advanced mode for photos did not always work
Bugfix : Filter name exceptions were not saved


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

・ Left bar ・ Right bar related adjustment # 414
・ Suspend related adjustment

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

- Fixed the problem that the inactive result folder may not be opened properly at startup etc. # 415
- Adjustment of size column expansion

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2021, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Menu View | Sort By | Random Order: Now when a tab is in random sort order and go away from it and then come back, the previous order will be restored. Before, a new random order was created in that situation.
    The random sort order will now also survive an explicit refresh or auto refresh. So, to re-shuffle the items you have to call "View | Sort By |
    Random Order" again.
    ! Hi-Res: On 325%+ screen resolution icon overlays (e.g. link arrow, dropbox overlays) were drawn much too large. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2021, 18:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


Minor changes:

    modal mode: revert to command mode on command execution - Fix #372
    modal mode: when in command mode, '/' only enters input mode and is never appended to the input
    better handle failing external programs when not leaving broot

Major feature: staging area

You may add files to the staging area then apply a command on all of them. This new feature is described here (https://dystroy.org/broot/staging-area).
Several verbs have been added. Type "stag" in help to see them and their keyboard shortcuts.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.28 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2021, 22:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix

・ When the number of items in the filter becomes 0 in the network folder, the problem that the filter is cleared by the next filter is fixed. After that, since the item could not be acquired by updating after connecting, if the number of items is 0 in the network folder, when updating, the tab is suspended once and then acquired again. The effect of clearing the filter when suspending


Titel: BoarderZone FileBrowser 0.20 Build 805
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2021, 10:20
BoarderZone FileBrowser is a reliable software that you can use in order to view the contents of folders and handle several types of files. The software comes with a set of plugins that allow advanced users to manipulate the files contained within certain directories.





    Added action to set a read-only file back to writable
    Added action to toggle the executable state of a file
    Added support for customizing the content font size through dialog props

    FileHandler plugins:

    TableEditor: improved auto-detection of CSV content


    Added support for more Signal message types for group video calls
    Added option to suppress overwriting existing files older than a given limit


Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2021, 22:30

29.04.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 8

29.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Faster pasting of a lot of lines from the clipboard (32/64)
29.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Access violation (read error) when recomparing after pasting thousands of lines (32/64)
29.04.21 Fixed: Compare by content: Ctrl+A in large file could be very slow (32/64)
29.04.21 Added: Lister: Log all errors which occur when loading Explorer preview handler fails (32/64)
29.04.21 Added: Parameters %S, %R, %P%S and %T%R now support appended text for each file. The parameter must be in double quotes, e.g. "%P%S.bak" would append .bak to each name (32/64)
29.04.21 Added: Special partial parameter with start value -0: %N:~-0,20 copies the first 20 characters of the name without extension, %N:~-0,-20 the first 20 characters of the extension without the name (32/64)
28.04.21 Fixed: Search in separate process: Name field for edit boxes and comboboxes wasn't set (32/64)
28.04.21 Added: Ctrl+U and Ctrl+Shift+U now also swap the displayed file types if DirTabFilters=1, because they are part of the tab (32/64)
27.04.21 Added: Background transfer manager (F5-F2) may show empty lines at the start in some cases (timing problem) (64)
27.04.21 Added: Prevent screen saver and sleep mode while playing video. Re-enable while paused or stopped (32/64)
27.04.21 Fixed: Lister: Viewing icon files (.ico) didn't work with internal image viewer (64)
26.04.21 Fixed: Removing the current directory from directory hotlist Ctrl+D could mix up the items below it (32/64)
26.04.21 Added: All placeholders in button bar or start menu like %N, %P now support substring fields in the form :~start,end, e.g. %N:~2,5 (5 characters from the second) or %N:~-8,5 (5 from the 8-last) (32/64)
26.04.21 Added: New placeholder %B+ for part of path (including branch view paths), start counting from the beginning: %B+ drive with ":", %B+0 drive without ":", %B+1 first subdirectory, %B+2 second subdirectory etc. (32/64)
25.04.21 Added: Configure option to save displayed file types (e.g. *.txt) separately for each tab: Configuration - Options - Folder Tabs - Save displayed file types separately for each tab (32/64)
25.04.21 Added: Option to save displayed file types (e.g. *.txt) separately for each tab, or same for all tabs: wincmd.ini [Configure] DirTabFilters=1/0 (32/64)
23.04.21 Added: Save displayed file types (e.g. *.txt) separately for each tab (32/64)
23.04.21 Fixed: Lister: Press '5' while the new media player was shown -> conversion to html was done twice even when not aborted (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.29 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2021, 23:30
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Adjusted to open subfolders asynchronously in the folder menu etc.
    Fixed the problem that the path including "" <> | "etc. could not be opened properly in Everything or file search from history etc. # 416

Titel: Broot 1.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2021, 21:45
Whats new:>>

    fix :previous_match not jumping over indirect matches - Fix #377
    fix typing a prefixed pattern then emptying it while keeping the prefix doesn't remove filtering - Fix #379
    fix shifted matching chars highlighting with regex patterns when showing icons - Fix #376

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.4.30 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Countermeasures for flickering due to desynchronization when opening subfolders in the folder menu etc.
If there is a file operation dialog at the end, a confirmation dialog is displayed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.1 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2021, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Adjustment of the function to open subfolders asynchronously in the folder menu etc.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2021, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    File | File Special | Extract Here: Now it also supports RAR files (WinRAR has to be installed), and it will extract all selected files (not only the focused one). Note that you can extract ZIP and RAR files in one go, and they can be from different locations.
    Custom Context Menu | Zip: Now the commands "Extract Here" and "Extract to [folder]" will extract all selected files (not only the focused one). Note that you can extract ZIP and RAR files in one go, and they can be from different locations. If more than one file is selected the menu item caption "Extract to [folder]" is changed to "Extract Each Archive to Separate Folder".
    Edit | Paste Special | Paste Extracted: Now it also supports RAR files (WinRAR has to be installed), and it will extract all selected files (not only the focused one). Note that you can extract ZIP and RAR files in one go, and they can be from different locations.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.220
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2021, 18:30
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Replace defaults updated

Titel: Open with++ 3.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2021, 20:10
Open with++ is a shell extension that allows to add command line driven custom menu items to the Windows File Explorer context menu.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    GUI redesign
    Relative paths
    Regex filters
    Fix 'Show only when Ctrl key is pressed'
    Tab order fix

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Context Menu | Zip: The command "Extract Here" did not work yet within a Paper Folder. Fixed.
    Video Preview: Since 20210325 video formats that can also be just audio (eg mp4, asf) would not be previewed anymore under certain conditions. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Extracting Non-Zip Archives: Now additionally to WinRAR also 7-Zip can be used as extracting app, so you don't need WinRAR when you have 7-Zip.


    7-Zip does not seem to support Unicode in the archive name; well, it might just be my outdated version 9.20 from 2010.
    If you have both WinRAR and 7-Zip then WinRAR is used for extraction.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Abolished the key / mouse type "Browser"
    Since it does not work with the Blink version, it will be abolished.
    Button and menu pseudo-class: hover abolished # 405
    If the hover judgment does not work in the Trident version (moving the mouse cursor from the browser to the list, etc.), use only the script.
    The dark mode add-on has the same problem, so this version will be upgraded when it is officially released.
    Fixed the problem that the file system of the subfolder of the folder menu may fail to be sorted and not sorted. # 424
    In the case of NTFS, it can be acquired in order of name, so in the case of NTFS in order of name, sorting is omitted.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2021, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Dropped Messages: The format template was ignored under certain conditions. Fixed.
    Dropping Messages: Debug logging removed.
    Extracting Non-Zip Archives: Under certain conditions 7zFM.exe, the 7-Zip file manager was opened instead of the command line tool 7z.exe. Fixed.

21.70.0111 Beta

Dropping Messages: Added more debug logging used for an error hunt.

Titel: WinSetView 1.50
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2021, 21:40
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


File and folder path type column headings are now only applied to search results. For example, if "Folder path" is checked, that column will appear in Details view for any search results, but otherwise, will not be displayed.

The arrangement of the column heading choices have been changed to put file and folder path options first, as it makes sense to have a path option as the first column (after item name) in search results. The app default settings now include "Folder Path" as a selected heading.

Other minor code clean up.


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0114 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    List: Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character (Unicode U+2684) in the Name column header. It's hard to recognize in point 9 fonts but at least you can see the list not normally sorted and it's not manually sorted.
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Up on Folder Icons | Folder contents preview (aka Mouse Up Show Down): Now it supports the mouse wheel even when the mouse pointer is not over the popup list. Cool!
    Breadcrumb Bars: Same as above for the dropdown lists.
    Mouse Up Show Down: Now it pops upwards or downwards wherever there is more available space. Before, there was a preference for popping downwards. The goal here is to make the visible part of the list as large as possible.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0115 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    List: Now a manual sort order is indicated by a small "hand" character (Unicode U+270B) in the Name column header.
    SC get loadtimes: Improved logging concerning loading tree folders.
    Startup: Experimentally icon overlays in the tree are now loaded only after the app is shown. So you can already look at the situation while the icon work is being done.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2021, 21:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix

Adjusting the draggable attribute of the image # Addons-281
Drag-related adjustments
If you drop SHDoDragDrop from the script on the UI side in the Blink version, switching with the hover such as tabs will not work well, so countermeasures (add-on side also needs to support)


Titel: Total Commander 10.00 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2021, 23:10

06.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 9

06.05.01 Added: 256x256 pixel icon for very high resolution screen, e.g. 4k with 250% scale (64)
06.05.01 Fixed: Couldn't unpack 7zip archives with both names and content encrypted (64)
06.05.01 Fixed: When storing icon size in Iconsize32 for main screen, also save dpi at which it was saved in Iconsize32_dpi, otherwise changing dpi on Windows 10 causes unwanted scaling (32/64)
06.05.01 Fixed: Files - Change attributes - Change plugin attributes: Plugin fields of different type could only be handled for type string fields, or when followed by other data (32/64)
06.05.01 Fixed: Standalone search dialog could be scaled incorrectly on Windows 10 if OverrideDpi was set while using a main screen with different dpi (32/64)
06.05.01 Fixed: The following commands didn't support double quotes in the path directly in the command field: OPENTABS, OPENTABSL, OPENTABSR, APPENDTABS, APPENDTABSL, APPENDTABSR, SAVETABS, SAVETABSL, SAVETABSR, SAVETABS2, SAVETABS2L, SAVETABS2R, SELECTFILES, SAVESELECTION (32/64)
06.05.01 Fixed: After changing the configuration of a custom view mode, the icons and text in menu Show - Custom view modes could overlap (32/64)
05.05.01 Fixed: Lister: Store the DPI at which the font size was saved, so it can be scaled when the scaling factor of the main screen changes (32/64)
05.05.01 Fixed: Various resizeable dialog boxes were too small on high DPI screens, e.g. the file system plugins dialog, tree dialog, ftp connections etc. (32/64)
04.05.01 Added: Directory menu (Ctrl+D): Option to hide menu items which begin with a user-defined character, by default a question mark '?' (32/64)
03.05.01 Fixed: Dialog box elements in group boxes were shown too high on high DPI screens with font scaling enabled (64)
03.05.01 Fixed: Prevent screen saver and sleep mode while playing video didn't work on Windows 7 and older. Need to handle WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_SCREENSAVE message (32/64)
02.05.01 Fixed: Find files: Increased maximum length of size edit field to 19 characters, the maximum supported by 64-bit signed numbers (32/64)
02.05.01 Fixed: Compare by content: Ctrl+A sometimes didn't select the last line when the file didn't end with a line break, and the other file was shorter (32/64)
02.05.01 Fixed: Some parameters were not appended when empty, like %E (file extension). Instead, the command was truncated at that position (32/64)
01.05.01 Fixed: Silent access violation (in event viewer) when closing standalone search dialog, because OleUnInitialize was called while there were still some OLE objects (64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0117 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2021, 23:30
Whats new:>>

    Live Filter Box: Added Favorite Live Filters functionality. You'll find a new command "Toggle Favorite Live Filter" in the right-click menu of the "Filter"-icon. By this command you can add or remove the current Live Filter pattern to an array of Favorite Live Filters which is displayed at the bottom of that same menu. This array can hold up to 32 patterns. It's automatically sorted alphabetically. Clicking such a Favorite Live Filter will feed the pattern into the box and filter the list accordingly.
    Whether these Favorite Live Filters are saved in the INI-file is controlled by the same setting that controls the saving of the Visual Filters MRU: Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Include most-recently-used lists on save: Visual Filters. Note that the Favorite Live Filters are global (same list in all tabs), where the last used Live Filter (used by "Toggle Live Filter") is stored per tab.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0118 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Favorite Live Filters: Now you can remove a FLF by holding CTRL while you click on it in the right-click menu of the "Filter"-icon. This is a cooler alternative to yesterday's way: First select the LF and then click "Toggle Favorite Live Filter".

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0120 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Mai, 2021, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Live Filter Box: Now the "Filter"-icon tooltip shows the "Last Filter", the one you toggle when you left-click this icon.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Since there were many adverse effects of pointer-events: none; of css performed in 21.5.6, restore it # Addons-281
Fixed the problem that it does not work well if the environment variable is included in the path of the icon displayed in the address bar or tab # 428
Blink version related adjustments

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0121 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields:

    Added "Color Filters". Ever looked at a nicely color-coded file and thought "Okay, but what does this color mean again?"? The new "Color Filters" item in the File Info Tip will show you which color filter definition made the match for the hovered item. Tip: If Hover Box is enabled you can force the normal File Info Tip by holding CTRL while you hover the file (or file icon). Note: File Info Tips are available only in the list, not in the tree.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2021, 11:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix

-Fixed the problem that it does not work well if the path of the folder menu contains environment variables # Addons-282

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 00:00
Whats new:>>

    Turn off redraw suppression during dragging to prevent dragging from being interrupted # 405
    The data object created by Tablacus Exploer may not support the drag image, so it is supported.
    Supports tooltips for explanations while dragging (copying, moving, creating links, etc.)
    As a result of various investigations and trials, it was necessary to support with IDragSource :: GiveFeedback.
    I've been doing various things such as IDragSourceHelper2 and rewriting data objects from before.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 10:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen und Anpassungen für das neue MS Windows 10-Update
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer für Windows

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0122 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 20:40

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Added option "Show hover box only when hovering file icon". If you tick this and leave "Show info tips only when hovering file icon" unticked then you can have both Hover Box and File Info Tips in the list at the same time (without holding any keys), one over the icon, the other over the caption.

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields:

    Now the fields Label, Tags, Comment are only shown when they have contents.

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields:

    Now for "Hard Links" the error message is returned when counting the hard
    links fails. Usually this is "Access denied". Before, "-1" was returned in
    case of any error.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.10 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2021, 22:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

-Adjusted because the tooltip of the explanation during dragging did not appear in the case of the result folder etc.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0123 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 10:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show hover box only when hovering file icon: Now it works also the other way around: When this option is OFF and "Show info tips only when hovering file icon" is ON then you will see the File Info Tip on the icon and the Hover Box on the caption.

Titel: XYplorer 21.70.0124 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.130.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: Broot 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    the default (non prefixed) search is now "path fuzzy" instead of "name fuzzy". You can still change the default mode and mode bindings in the config. This was done after a survey in chat.
    new "unordered tokens" search type: t/ab,cd searches for tokens "ab" and "cd" in any order and case insensitive in the subpath, matches for example src/dcd/Bab.rs - Fix #378
    fix search modes configuration removing all default mappings - Fix #383
    conf / quit_on_last_cancel to allow quitting with esc when there's nothing to cancel - Fix #380
    new parent skin entry for the part of the sub-path before the file name (visible when you search on subpath)
    when a content search has been done, opening a file with a compatible command (like the standard :edit) opens on the first line with a match


Titel: Shell 1.0.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 21:40
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2021, 22:20

    Please select "Ignore" in "File is in operation" dialog on update Tablacus Explorer.
    Countermeasures for problems that check whether the file is being operated at the end and update the main unit are incompatible # 429 5ch # 8-184
    For the time being, up to this version, select "Ignore" in the "File is being operated" dialog when updating Tablacus Explorer.
    Fixed the problem of being canceled by switching tabs while dragging # 405
    For some reason, grfKeyState of QueryContinueDrag may not be pressed, so check the button status with GetKeyState (VK_LBUTTON).
    The method of realizing no icon while dragging is summarized in the processing on the drop side (IDropTarget side). (I want to leave the drag side to Explorer compatibility processing as much as possible)
    Generally, there is no icon unless you call DragEnter etc. in DropTargetHelper, but in the case of Tablacus Explorer, DragEnter etc. is probably called in DropTargetHelper in the compatibility processing part of Explorer, so dragEnter etc. in DropTargetHelper I had to cancel.


Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster.
    Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium).
    Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions.
    Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys.

Titel: Attribute Changer 10.10a
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2021, 21:50
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    Feature : Add German and Portuguese (Brazilian) translation
    Bugfix : ‘Picture date and time from JPEG’ feature did not work correctly
    Bugfix : Small visual glitch, tabs not aligned


Titel: Total Commander 10.0 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2021, 18:00

13.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 public beta 10

13.05.01 Fixed: After a forced view mode change at program start (e.g. saved custom columns view switched to full mode), the tabstop headers may show the wrong sort order (32/64)
13.05.01 Added: 256x256 pixel icon for very high resolution screen, e.g. 4k with 250% scale (32)
13.05.01 Fixed: Search in separate process (Alt+Shift+F7) while search result is shown: Do not pass list of found files to separate search unless some files are selected, to get the same behaviour as internal search. Press Ctrl+A before external search to get the old behaviour (32/64)
13.05.01 Fixed: If no custom button bar location is set, redirect default.bar/vertical.bar from "Program Files" to wincmd.ini directory even when running elevated as administrator, and the ini file in "Program Files" is unchanged. Ensures that we see the same button bar as when running as normal user (32/64)
12.05.01 Added: Ctrl+D change directory menu: Choose the character to hide menu entries via a small edit box directly in that dialog (32/64)
12.05.01 Added: View modes, Auto-run commands: Put '-' at the start of the command field to not execute commands on tab change, only on directory change (32/64)
11.05.01 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Some hotkeys like Ctrl+A no longer worked when the Ctrl key was released a short moment before the character key (32/64)
11.05.01 Fixed: Resize Find Files dialog before showing it also in 32-bit, so it doesn't flicker on load (32)
09.05.01 Fixed: Screen saver wasn't prevented on Windows XP when viewing a full screen video, or within Total Commander with Ctrl+Q (32/64)
07.05.01 Fixed: Custom columns with fields not applicable to a file would sometimes show random text (new in beta 9 caused by another bugfix) (32/64)
07.05.01 Fixed: Directory menu (Ctrl+D): A space could not be used for "Hide menu items starting with this character" (32/64)
07.05.01 Fixed: Directory menu (Ctrl+D): There was no default character when clicking on "Hide menu items starting with this character" (32/64)
07.05.01 Fixed: Directory menu (Ctrl+D): The new option to hide menu items which begin with a user-defined character also removed all separators instead of just the duplicates (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.13 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2021, 22:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Adjustment related to "Preferred Drop Effect"
Please select "Ignore" in "File is in operation" dialog on update Tablacus Explorer. (21.4.30 to 21.5.10)
Select "Ignore" in the "File is in operation" dialog when updating Tablacus Explorer. (21.4.30-21.5.10)
Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Early Access Edition is now available.
Tablacus Explorer WebView2 Early Access version is now available.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Since 20181210 you would not see the main icon of the dialog anymore when in Light Mode. Gasp! Fixed.
    File | File Special | Extract Here: Was still disabled when the current file was a RAR or other non-ZIP archive. Fixed.
    List | Sort Order Mark: Did not change from "dice" to "hand" when manually changing a random sort order. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.14 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted the problem that the standard search becomes strange when narrowing down columns
    Return drag from the result folder to your own

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2021, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    Configuration Dialog: Now the Apply button is dis/enabled as expected.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0165.
    Edit | Search Templates...: Disabled checkboxes need extra treatment in
    Dark Mode. The ones in this dialog still were lacking that. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.15 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 11:30
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted standard search related
    I feel that there are many mysterious specifications related to standard search.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Tools | List Management: Added "Favorite Live Filters...".
    Custom Context Menu | Zip: Added command "Extract to Other Pane".
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields: Now the field "Hard Links" is only shown when it is not "1" (which it is almost always). So it's only shown when it is interesting.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.131.> TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.131.lng is uploaded.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.16 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2021, 23:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix

-Adjusted standard search related-

There was a problem with the error dialog and retry when entering a non-existent path, so adjusted
-Fixed the problem that it could not be opened properly when multiple spaces continued on the command line at startup

Please select "Ignore" in "File is in operation" dialog on update Tablacus Explorer. (21.4.30 to 21.5.10) Select "Ignore" in the "File is in operation" dialog when updating Tablacus Explorer. .. (21.4.30-21.5.10)


Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2021, 18:40
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

     Minor GUI improvements
     Minor bug fixes

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2021, 20:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show custom file info tips: Now when this setting is OFF (which is also the factory default) a native version of the default tips is shown for files and folders, not the shell's default tips anymore. The native tips are better, faster, and safer (once again I suspect the presence of Adobe to cause crashes when popping the shell's file info tips on PDF files on some systems).
    Another advantage: The default File Info Tips are now in XYplorer's selected interface language, not in the system's language.
    List: Now the random sort order is indicated by another small "dice"

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Info Panel | Properties | [right-click file name] | Show Character Table: Now it supports Unicode Supplementary Characters.
    SC charview: Now it supports Unicode Supplementary Characters.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

・ Adjust standard search related # 431

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Info Panel | Raw View: More characters are shown in the right column of the hex view instead of being replaced by dots.
    Hi-Res: Since 20210427 icons with overlays were drawn much too large on resolutions > 100% when in thumbnail mode. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2021, 23:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5800
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 19:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Continuation of 5788: proper alpha blending.
    Available in files highlighting and editor selection colour.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Added option "Default to native file info tips". Tick it to show native file info tips when "Show custom file info tips" is unticked. Otherwise the shell version of the default file info tips is shown. This addition makes the changes in v21.80.0004 - 2021-05-17 12:49 optional.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Default to native file info tips: Now the 3 file dates are shown in the same format as in the file list. Before, they had been hardcoded to ISO 8601.
    Hi-Res: All the Hi-Res "fixes" of recent weeks were no good. Back to the state before v21.70.0007 - 2021-04-23 17:13.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 20:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekte bei Aktualisierung und Verbinden sowie Trennen der Netzlaufwerke.
• Wichtige aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Verschiedene Verbesserungen in Quad-Explorer für alle MS Windows 10

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.19 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

・ Adjust standard search related # 431

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 18:20

    Tools | List Management | Find Files: Name...: Since 20210515 (Favorite Live Filters) this item and all items below it were out of sync. Fixed.

21.80.0103 Beta

    File Info Tip: XYplorer's native tips now show dimensions and aspect ratio for images.
    onfiguration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Default to native file info tips: Renamed it to "Use standard shell file info tips" and reversed the logic accordingly. It will be unticked by default (because of suspected Adobe PDF issues), but ticked for upgraders (to continue the previous behavior).
    File Info Tips & Hover Box: Now the question what is shown over what (over icon, caption, or thumbnail) is answered in the same way in each view. In Tiles and Thumbs views the thumbnails are taken as icon in this regard.


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 22:50
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Added Cancel functionality to the Debug Page
    Fixed AV1 crash on x86 Windows and in x86 processes
    Fixed hang on x86 Windows mostly affecting UNC paths
    Fixed rare event log error in x86 processes
    Fixed Property Handler crash with some files that had a duration of 0
    Fixed Icaros Cache crash and reset (a proper fix will be included in next release)
    Fixed Cover Art not showing on Windows 7 and Vista
    Fixed Settings Import not working with unicode
    Fixed Windows Cache Size not showing the correct size on the Tools Page
    IcarosConfig now saves the size of the Activation Panel
    Updated LibDav1d to 0.8.2


Titel: Total Commander 10.0 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2021, 23:40

20.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 1

20.05.21 Fixed: Dark mode: Submenu indicator triangle was overlapping text in high DPI screen modes (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Windows 10 20H1 or newer: Use field "DisplayVersion" from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion if present (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Use new faster thumbnail extract method also for smaller JPG files without an embedded thumbnail image (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Couldn't activate different thumbnail in first row, the caret wasn't updated (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Thumbnails not displayed because of missing support for AlphaBlend function (32/64)
20.05.21 Fixed: Linux Mint with Wine 5.0: Main window elements have wrong size after changing main window or list font size (64)
18.05.21 Fixed: Ctrl+Q Quick View: Changing quickly between multiple videos may not play the one the cursor stopped on (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: Storing master password with Windows Hello didn't work on Windows 10 20H2 because it returned a different error code when the key didn't exist yet (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: View modes, Auto-run commands: '-' at start didn't prevent tab leave commands from running on tab change. Put '-' after | to prevent them, e.g. cm_srcexecs|-cm_srcallfiles (32/64)
18.05.21 Fixed: The option WarnTooBig=0 was only used for the zip packer, not for tar (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: When unpacking, only apply zone identifier to unpacked files, not to directories (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: Apply zone identifier stream after unpacking _all_ files for unpackers which unpack everything together when closing the archive, like the MultiArc plugin (32/64)
17.05.21 Fixed: Screen saver wasn't prevented on Windows XP/7 when switching to full screen video via double click (Alt+Enter worked) (32/64)
16.05.21 Fixed: Unpacking downloaded archives via MultiArc plugin would create 0 byte files (problem with zone identifier stream) (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2021, 10:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show custom file info tips: Renamed to "Show these fields".

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Custom fields:

    This list is disabled now when it has no relevance.

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields:

    This list is disabled now when it has no relevance.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Use standard shell file info tips: Unticked state did not pop the native tips when
    "Show these fields" was ticked. Fixed.
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2021, 11:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Favorite Live Filters. Now you can define up to 32 Favorite Live Filters for the Live Filter Box. Makes you filter faster.
Enhanced Archive Extraction. The various extraction commands now also support *.rar and other WinRAR formats and *.7z and other 7-Zip formats if those applications are present (even on a portable medium).
Permanent Random Sort Order. A randomized sort order now survives a list refresh and is remembered between tab switches and app sessions.

To randomize the list you use View | Sort By | Random Order (Ctrl+Alt+R), or the 5-dice-shaped toolbar button "Random Order". Now from this version onwards the random order stays fixed until you shuffle the list again.
Marked Custom Sort Orders. Now the random sort order is indicated by a small "dice" character in the Name column header, and the manual sort order by a small "hand" character. It’s the little things.

The "dice" and the "hand" character are hardly recognizable but at least they are distinguishable from each other and from the normal sort arrow. Does the job.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Black Keys.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2021, 19:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Adjusted standard search related
    Adjusted filter related # Addons-287
    Adjust the setting when the background color of the icon is not specified (for font icons)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.23 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix

・ Fixed the problem that the sort mark of the column is strange when the number of items is 0 in custom sort # 432
・ Adjusted the problem that the icon may become a little smaller 5ch # 8-222
・ Adjusted the customization of the size of the trash can folder 5ch # 8-223
・ A message can be inserted later in the update dialog of the main unit. -Adjusted
standard search related
* Until now, standard search was performed with IShellFolderViewDual3 :: FilterView, but it has been changed to the method using CLSID_SearchFolderItemFactory.
In the case of IShellFolderViewDual3 :: FilterView, it was necessary to open the search source folder once and then search, but the new method can open the search folder directly.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.24 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

・Added Serbian language file # 433
・ Fixed the problem that the number of add-on items did not work in 21.5.23 5ch # 8-226
・ Custom sort related adjustment # 432
・Adjusted standard search related # 409

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.25 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

-Adjustment related to custom sort # 432
-Fixed the problem that the path of the non-existent folder disappears and becomes Results Folder 5ch # 8-233

Titel: Total Commander 10.00 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2021, 20:30

27.05.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 2

27.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops: When switching from "directly after filename" to "aligned (with Tab), set a more reasonable position for the extension (32/64)
27.05.21 Fixed: Warning about modal dialog was shown in dark mode, F5 copy, click on "More options" -> "Compare" in overwrite dialog (32/64)
26.05.21 Fixed: Master password dialog: Uncheck Windows Hello option if the encryption of the password with Windows Hello fails (32/64)
24.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Plugins: Scale explaining texts also with larger dialog box fonts (32/64)
23.05.21 Fixed: Access violation trying to unpack subfolder from 7zip archive (internal 7zip unpacker only) after search - feed to listbox (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Thumbnails: Unchecking "Internal thumbnails for images" didn't disable the edit box for this option (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Find files, "Search in" field: List file option (@listfilename) only supported absolute paths (32/64)
21.05.21 Fixed: Master password dialog: Disable Windows Hello option if NCryptOpenKey returns error 0x80090016, which means that Windows Hello is not enabled (no fingerprint scanner, no camera, and no pin set) (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Custom sort related adjustment # 432
Measures related to automatic update 5ch # 8-238

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Some fixes

Countermeasures for the problem that the UNC path could not be searched 5ch # 8-249
The URL encoding of \ at the beginning of the UNC path does not work well, so change the UrlEcape option to URL_ESCAPE_SEGMENT_ONLY.
Fixed the problem that the scroll bar of the favorite bar appears 5ch # 8-250
Effect of 21.5.23 "Adjusted the problem that the icon may become a little smaller"

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Some fix

If the ITEM IDLIST acquisition of the search source of the search path is a normal path, use Simple IDLIST to speed up the acquisition. I think it is effective for network paths that do not exist.
In 21.5.29, the name of "library" was changed to @ comres.dll, -2004, which can be obtained even on XP, but it is said that it is strange in Chinese, so restore it # 434

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.8.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 19:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.5.31 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Network and virtual folder related adjustments
    Fixed the problem of not being able to put in a folder in a compressed file on the network using a compressed folder add-on.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted: Network, Search

・ Fixed the problem that the icon of the network path before opening with 21.5.31 becomes × 5ch # 8-266
・ Adjusted the problem that the search result is different from Explorer with the new method # 435
* Search It is a mystery that the initial setting of is complicated.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2021, 22:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in den Explorer Adressleisten
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Korrekturen in der Verzeichnisstruktur von Q-Dir.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Hi-Res: Icons with overlays were still drawn wrong on resolutions > 100% in various list modes. Fixed. Note that, at least under Win8.1, after a change in screen resolution (even when changing to 100%) the app sometimes needs two starts to get the display of icon overlays right. This is quite strange to put it mildly and points to Windows doing some weird ("smart") things in the background related to screen resolution.

Titel: nnn 4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 21:40
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    A patch management model for approved patches
    Multi-threaded disk usage calculation using pthreads and FTS
    Dynamic view update when calculating disk usage
    Bksp/Del at empty filter prompt to refresh dir
    Try to create new context with Shift-TAB, else reverse cycle
    Alt+Esc to quit context from filter prompt
    Fix zombies left behind after running plugins (#999)
    Named persistent sessions (mcchrish/nnn.vim#43)
    Consider nanosecond resolution when sorting by time (#978)
    Check external selection in 'c'urrent / 's'el prompt (#976)
    Show number of files selected in local selection buffer, if any
    Nnn & picker plugin (e.g. fzopen) sync (mcchrish/nnn.vim#82)
    Make batch rename interactive (#971)
    Cached uid/gid for performance improvement
    Fixes for nnn with netbsd-curses, musl-fts, musl (#998)
    Script to statically compile nnn with musl gcc on Ubuntu
    Restore hovered file when plugin is chosen from plugin dir
    Support QuickLook on WSL in preview-tui (#959)
    Toggle preview-tui with the same custom plugin key
    Smoother preview toggling in preview-tui (#966)
    Listen_on should be set in kitty.conf for preview-tui (#970)
    Minimal bat style in preview-tui, honors $BAT_STYLE
    Plugin preview-tui-ext supersedes preview-tui (#1033)
    Plugin fzcd can now fuzzy search multiple directories
    Plugin imgview supersedes imgthumb and vidthumb
    Plugin umounttree: unmount remote mntpoint from within
    Plugin xdgdefault: set the default app for hovered file type
    Plugin fzplug: fuzzy find, preview and run other plugins
    Plugin cmusq: queue/play music in cmus
    Plugin mocplay renamed to mocq
    Plugin cleanfilename renamed to fixname
    Go to last dir on ~ (HOME) or ` (ROOT) key repeat
    Ambiguous key ^Space to select/clear range dropped (#998)
    User wiki page for Themes
    Show selection mark (+) in reverse bold for improved visibility
    Reverse block replaces > to mark hovered entry in detail mode
    Make option O_CKBOARD removed
    Make option O_NOLOC renamed to O_NOLC
    Ignore O_NOLC if O_ICONS or O_NERD is specified (#1026)
    Unicode arrow indicators if O_ICONS or O_NERD is specified
    Make option NOX11: disable notis, sel-clipboard sync, xterm title
    Retain filter in nav-to-type mode after file open
    Fix no files picked with NNN_TMPFILE exported and q to quit
    Disable xterm title setting in picker mode (#974)


Titel: Broot 1.5.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2021, 22:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    new auto_exec verb property: a non-auto_exec verb isn't executed directly on a keyboard shortcut but fills the input so that it may be edited before execution on enter key
    add support for backtab key (by default it's bound to :previous_match)
    :rename built-in verb, best used with its keyboard shortcut F2
    new standard verb arguments: {file-stem}, {file-extension}, and {file-dot-extension},
    new :toggle_second_tree internal - Fix #388
    total size of staging area computed and displayed if sizes displayed elsewhere
    new file_sum_threads_count conf property to define the number of threads used for file summing (size, count, last modified). The goal is to more easily search what's the best value depending on the cpu, OS and disk type/speed
    :input_clear internal - Fix #24


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.2 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 08:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Virtual folder related adjustments
    Functionally almost unchanged

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 14:51
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Hi-Res: Icons with overlays were still not perfect. Fixed again.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0166.


Titel: Broot 1.5.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 22:03
Whats new:>>

fix a few problems with the :del_word_right internal

Titel: Total Commander 10.00 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2021, 22:09

03.06.21 Release Total Commander 10.00 release candidate 3

03.06.21 Fixed: Auto-install plugins: If the current language uses UTF-8 encoding, check whether the description in file the plugins.inf is UTF-8 too - otherwise use current codepage (CP1250 for Romanian, hard coded) (32/64)
03.06.21 Fixed: Main form: Left and right listbox didn't have a name (for visually impaired), use LEFT: and RIGHT: (32/64)
02.06.21 Fixed: Creating a directory in a ZIP archive with F7 didn't place the cursor on the directory, because multiple directories can be created via dir1|dir2|dir3 -> place cursor on last one (32/64)
01.06.21 Fixed: Thumbnails: Don't use new method "Internal thumbnails from images" for jpg images without thumbnail in metadata, except when all other methods fail (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops: When switching from "aligned (with Tab)" to "directly after filename", remember last tab position of file extension (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, external compare tool set via Comparetool=program: Using shift to open internal compare tool only worked with Ctrl+F3, not with double click or context menu (32/64)
30.05.21 Fixed: cm_SwitchX64Redirection menu item was enabled even when doing nothing, e.g. on 32-bit Windows or in the 64-bit version (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2021, 07:22
Whats new:>>

    Touchscreen Mode: The last version destroyed the extra large icon size in
    Touchscreen Mode in Details and other small icon views. Fixed.
    Touchscreen Mode: Toolbar buttons in Catalog did not support it yet. Fixed.
    Hi-Res: Icons with overlays were still not perfect. Fixed again.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2021, 13:09
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2021, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Reconnect mapped network drives on startup: Tried to speed it up a bit #2.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2021, 10:00
Whats new:>>

Internal Icon Overlays: Now the overlays for "Default Tab" (green/white rhombus), "Visual Filter" (blue/white rhombus), "Open Run" (yellow/green rhombus), and "Open With" (now blue/red/white rhombus) are "hand-drawn" instead of copied from fixed embedded bitmaps. I.e. they now can be and are adjusted to the current screen resolution / Touchscreen Mode.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Adjustments to reduce petit freezes related to folders that do not continue to exist

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.7 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Countermeasures for the problem that the filter did not work on the network 5ch8 # -286
    Fixed the problem of waiting an extra 10 seconds until the end of the program after deployment when using the add-on update in the Blink version with automatic update.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0304 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Added tweak to default all search results to be initially sorted by Path.


    Of course, old search results (refresh a search; startup on a search; tab switch) keep their last order and are not affected by this tweak.
    The resulting sort order will be exactily like the Branch View one when "Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Branch View | Default to tree-like sort order" is ticked.

21.80.0303 Beta

    Custom Display Scaling: Countless improvements to cope with custom scalings like 125%, 150%, 200%, 250% etc.
    Custom Columns: The "Click Trigger" icon is now a circle. It was a rectangle before.

Titel: XYplorer 21.80.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Custom Display Scaling: Further improvements.
    Scripting: Commands include / include_once did not support environment
    variables. Fixed.
    Tweak CatalogFlags: When bit 1 was set (auto-optimize) the newly expanded
    category was not always scrolled into view. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.8 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Standard search related # 435
    If there is "*" in the search string, turn off the auto wildcard setting.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2021, 22:40
Whats new:>>

This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 21.80.


Titel: LF - Terminal File Manager r23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 11:36
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (Breaking) There has been some changes in the server protocol. Make sure to kill the old server process when you update to avoid errors.
    (Breaking) Server load and save commands are now removed. Instead a local file is used to record file selections (e.g. ~/.local/share/lf/files). See the documentation for more information.
    (Breaking) Clients are now disconnected from server on quit. The old server quit command is renamed to quit! to act as a force quit by closing connected client connections first. A new quit command is added to only quit when there are no connected clients left.
    (New) A new autoquit option is added to automatically quit server when there are no connected clients left. This option is disabled by default to keep the old behavior. This is added as an option to avoid respawning server repeatedly when there is often a single client involved but more clients are spawned from time to time.
    (New) A new -single command line flag is added to avoid spawning and/or connecting to server on startup. Remote commands would not work in this case as the client does not connect to a server. Local versions of internal load and sync commands are implemented properly.
    (New) Errors for remote commands are now also shown in the output in addition to the server log file.
    (New) Bright ansi color escape codes (i.e. 90-97 and 100-107) are now supported.
    (Fix) Lookahead size for escape codes are increased to recognize longer escape codes used in some image previewers.
    (Fix) File preview cache is invalidated when the terminal height changes to fill the screen properly.
    (Fix) File preview cache is invalidated when drawbox option changes and true image previews should be triggered to be drawn at updated positions.
    (Fix) A crash scenario is fixed when hidden option is changed.
    (Fix) Pane widths should now be calculated properly when big numbers are used in ratios (by @kmarius).
    (Fix) Special bookmark ' is preserved properly after sync commands (by @kmarius).
    (Fix) On some platforms, a bug has been fixed on tcell side to avoid an extra key press after terminal suspend/resume and the tcell version used in lf is bumped accordingly to include the fix.
    (Fix) Prompt line should now scroll accordingly when the text is wider than the screen.
    (Fix) Text width in the prompt line should now be calculated properly when non-ascii characters are involved.
    (Fix) Erase line escape codes (i.e. 33[K) used in some command outputs should now be ignored properly.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.9 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 19:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix:

Standard search related # 435

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2021, 22:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Sorting Search Results: Now the context menu of the Search Information Bar features a toggle "Always Sort Search Results This Way". Tick it to initially sort all coming searches just like the list is sorted now. Untick it to reset the feature and use whatever sort order the list is in before each search.
    Note that column, direction and even secondary sorting is supported.
    FYI, the value is stored in key "FindSorting".
    To show the Search Information Bar tick this: Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Show search information in list.
    Tweak FindSortByPath: Replaced by the much more powerful toggle "Always Sort Search Results This Way".
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show icon overlays: Added suboption "In tree as well". The idea of this refined control is that polling the icon overlays can take a long time for a large tree and slow down startup considerably. But you might need those overlays only for the list. So now you can tick off the tree.


Titel: Total Commander 10.00 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2021, 19:30
Release Notes


    Von MacOS auf ExFAT-Flash-Laufwerken erstellte Verzeichnisse werden in Total Commander neu angezeigt. Dies ging bisher nicht, da sie das ungültige Attribut 8: Datenträgerbezeichnung hatten
    Das versteckte Verzeichnis "AppData" immer in c:\Users\<Benutzerprofil> anzeigen, auch wenn versteckte Dateien deaktiviert sind
    Schlüsseldatei per Doppelklick automatisch installieren.
    Einen Datenstrom "Zone Transfer" hinzufügen, wenn Dateien über anonymes FTP (Strg+F) oder HTTP (Strg+N) von außerhalb des Intranets heruntergeladen werden, z. B. Webbrowser
    Beim Entpacken von Dateien intern oder über Plugins den Datenstrom "Zone Transfer" vom Archiv auf die entpackten Dateien übertragen, genau wie im Explorer
    Die neue Zonenübertragungsoption kann über WantZoneData=0 deaktiviert werden
    Nach Schlüsseldateien immer auch in c:\totalcmd suchen, auch wenn Total Commander an anderer Stelle installiert ist


    Möglichkeit, "Windows Hello" unter Windows 10 zu benutzen, um das Hauptkennwort sicher zu speichern, bis TC geschlossen wird. Dazu können Fingerabdruck, Gesichterkennung oder Pincode verwendet werden
    Mausrad verwenden, um durch Verzeichnisregisterkarten (Tabs) zu scrollen (wie in Firefox), wenn keine mehrzeiligen Registerkarten verwendet werden
    Miniaturansichten mit Strg+Mausrad vergrößerm und verkleinern, zwischen 10% und 200% der unter Konfiguration - Optionen - Miniaturansichten konfigurierten Größe
    Miniaturansichten von EXIF-Daten (Vorschaubild) aus JPG und verschiedenen Kamera-RAW-Formaten laden: Canon RAW 1-3, DNG, Fuji, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Sony
    Neue Option "Zurück zum gesperrten Tab-Stammverzeichnis bei Tabwechsel" unter Konfiguration - Optionen - Ordner-Tabs (Register)
    "!"-Präfix anzeigen, wenn sich das aktuelle Verzeichnis vom gesperrten Verzeichnis auf Registerkarten unterscheidet, die mit der Option "Gesperrt aber Verzeichniswechsel erlaubt" gesperrt sind
    Neue Option, um die Befehlszeile nur dann auszuführen, wenn sie fokussiert ist (Konfigurieren - Optionen - Layout)
    Dem Benutzer beim Schließen von TC die ersten 3 Dateinamen und deren Herkunft anzeigen, wenn noch Dateien temporär zum Bearbeiten offen sind
    Beim Ablegen von Dateien von außerhalb (z. B. aus einem virtuellen Ordner im Explorer) auf ein Verzeichnis ohne Schreibrechte (z. B. c:\windows):
    Bessere Dialoge zum Überschreiben und Kopieren als Administrator

Einstellungen speichern:

    Wenn der Benutzer keine Einstellungen speichern kann (z.B. im Konfigurationsmenü oder im Einstellungsdialog): Anbieten, die INI-Dateien in das Benutzerprofil zu kopieren
    Für Plugins in schreibgeschützten Verzeichnissen, Aufrufe von CreateFileA/W und allen INI-Funktionen abfangen und die Schreibaufrufe an %APPDATA%\GHISLER\ umleiten
    Deaktivieren der Umleitung von Plugins: 8192 zu RestrictInterface in wincmd.ini oder der Registrierung hinzufügen
    Einen anderen Ort für die Einstellungen bestimmter Plugins angeben: wincmd.ini [ReplaceIniLocation]


    Neuer DirectShow Media Player im Lister, der den alten auf Basis von Video für Windows ersetzt (kann weiterhin über die Konfiguration ausgewählt werden)
    Unterstützt die Vollbildwiedergabe per Doppelklick oder Alt+Eingabetaste, Beenden auf die gleiche Weise oder mit ESC
    Audio- und Untertitel-Streams über das Kontextmenü ändern
    Bevorzugte DirectShow-Filter über die Lister-Konfiguration (3. Registerkarte) konfigurieren
    Kapitel als Häkchen unter der Suchleiste anzeigen und mit Strg+BildAb / Strg+BildAuf dorthin springen
    Tasten zum Zurück-/Vorwärtsspringen um x Sekunden (Standard 10s und 60s, konfigurierbar per Rechtsklick)
    DirectVobSub-Filter laden, wenn der Quellfilter einen Pin "Untertitel" hat.
    Die Verwendung von LAV-Filtern und ffdshow-Filtern laden, ohne sie zu installieren, indem man sie in das Unterverzeichnis filter32 bzw. filter64 kopiert
    Die letzte Wiedergabeposition der zuletzt gespielten Titel länger als 10 Minuten automatisch speichern
    Die Tonhöhe konstant halten, wenn Sie die Wiedergabegeschwindigkeit geändert wird. Dazu wird ein benutzerdefinierter DirectShow-Filter, der auf Open Source SoundTouch.dll basiert, benutzt

Verzeichnisse synchronisieren:

    Verwendung regulärer Ausdrücke und gespeicherter Suchvorgänge, und über den Knopf [1x] festlegen, wo diese angewendet werden sollen, z.B. auf einer Seite, beiden Seiten usw.
    Neue Kontextmenüelemente zum Anzeigen des Dateikontextmenüs und der Dateieigenschaften sowie zum Bearbeiten der linken/rechten Datei
    Ausrufezeichen in der Schaltfläche "Einzelne" oder "Doppelte" anzeigen, wenn die Option beim Öffnen des Dialogfelds nicht deaktiviert ist

Vergleich nach Inhalt:

    Ein zusätzliches Listenfeld mit den beiden Zeilen ab der aktuellen Cursorposition anzeigen, um den Vergleich von Zeichen zu Zeichen zu vereinfachen
    Dialog zum Anzeigen des Fortschritts beim Einfügen eines großen Textpuffers anzeigen, falls der Vorgang länger als 2 Sekunden dauert. Dies ermöglicht das Abbrechen des Einfügens, setzt die Änderung jedoch nicht zurück


    Unterstützung für OpenSSL 1.1 und neuer. Die Haupt-DLL muss libssl -*_*.DLL bzw. libssl-*_*- x64.dll heißen (mit *_* der Versionsnummer, z. B. 1_1), die libcrypto*.dll darf NICHT umbenannt werden!

Verifiziere Quersummen:

    Unterstützt aus einem Stream erstellte Prüfsumme, die als "<Prüfsumme> -" angezeigt wird (Prüfsumme gefolgt von zwei Leerzeichen und einem Bindestrich)
    In Prüfsummendateien, die von anderen Programmen erstellt wurden, werden weitere OpenSSL-Formattypen unterstützt: SHA224, SHA384, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512

Interne Befehle:

    LOADLIST listfilename lädt eine Liste von Dateien/Ordnern aus einer Textdatei.
    cm_ZoomIn und cm_ZoomOut zum Zoomen von Miniaturansichten (wie Strg+Mausrad)
    cm_syncchangedir: Ein Verzeichnis beim Drücken von ENTER nicht öffnen, wenn es auf der anderen Seite nicht vorhanden ist. cm_syncchangedir wird nur dann deaktiviert, wenn der Benutzer es erneut versucht
    Unterstützung der Parameter 0 (oder keine)=Umschalten, 1=Setzen, 2 (oder -1)=Zurücksetzen für die folgenden internen Befehle: m_*Comments, cm_*DirBranch, cm_*DirBranchSel, cm_ToggleAutoViewModeSwitch, cm_SyncChangeDir, cm_SwitchLongNames, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchHid, cm_SwitchSys, cm_Switch83Names, cm_FtpHiddenFiles, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchOverlayIcons, cm_SwitchWatchDirs, cm_SwitchIgnoreList, cm_SwitchX64Redirection, cm_Vis*
    Befehl LOADSEARCH <gespeicherter Name> (z. B. auf Schaltfläche): Ein Gleichheitszeichen = vor den Namen setzen, um die Suche sofort zu starten, zwei ==, um die Listbox zu starten und nach der Suche anzuwenden (Resultat im Total Commander anzeigen)
    Verbesserter Befehl ZIPFROMLIST: Der Name der Dateiliste kann jetzt Unicode-Zeichen enthalten, und der Inhalt kann ANSI, UTF-16 (mit Byte-Reihenfolge-Markierung BOM) oder UTF-8 (mit oder ohne Byte-Reihenfolge-Markierung) sein, und der Archivname kann jetzt auch ins Parameterfeld eingegeben werden.
    Neue Befehle zum Schreiben der Dateiliste mit Details und Spaltenüberschriften in Datei/Zwischenablage


    Standardmäßig auf neuen Systemen nach c:\ Program Files\totalcmd installieren. Wenn der Benutzer keine Administratorrechte erhält, zu c:\totalcmd wechseln
    Wenn nicht nach "Program Files" installiert wird, kann man festlegen, dass der Ordner für authentifizierte Benutzer schreibgeschützt sind, und nur dem installierenden Benutzer Schreibrechte gegeben werden
    Neuer Parameter /W aktiviert den schreibgeschützten Zielordner: /W0 unverändert, /W1 gibt aktuellen Benutzern Schreibrechte, /W2 gibt nur erhöhten Benutzern Schreibrechte
    Der letzte Parameter kann ein Zielpfad sein, z.B. installername.exe /F "c: \ totalcmdnew"


Changelog -> https://www.ghisler.com/history1000.txt

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Ignore diacritics: Wouldn't handle Persian character "Yeh with 2 dots". Fixed.
    Live Filter Box: This fix in v21.70.0002 - 2021-04-15 19:09 lead to a wrong alignment when the LFB was next to the Address Bar: With larger font sizes there could emerge some graphical artifacts (aka pixel dirt) in the Live Filter Box. Fixed.
    Removed the fix. Currently have no other one. Or maybe I do -
    Status Bar: Increased the height by 2 pixels. Gives a more relaxed look and en passant solves the LFB issue here above.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2021, 10:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Neu: Stellen Sie die zuletzt geschlossenen Registerkarten wieder her, indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Registerkartenleiste klicken.
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen, kleine Korrekturen. Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2021, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane: Added option "Sync Browse
    Auto-creates any missing folders". Does what it says without further
    Questions. When you dive into a folder that does not exist in the other
    Location it will be created as an empty folder and then you go into it.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane | Tab key: Had a nonsense
    Tooltip ("Used e.g. in "Copy Here" operations."). Removed.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane | Resizing the window: Had a
    Nonsense tooltip ("Used e.g. in "Copy Here" operations."). Removed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2021, 20:20

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs: Added option "Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels (0 = use defaults)" offering two input boxes. This replaces the old option "Maximum tab width in pixels (0 = use all space)". So the news is that you can now define a minimum width for tabs previously only possible via tweak TabWidthMin).


    While it says "pixels" the value is auto-adjusted to the screen scaling. E.g. on 150% a value of 80 will be internally converted to 120 pixels. The hard minimum value for both fields is internally set to 25. You cannot go below that. This is internally validated and silently corrected if necessary.
    Of course, the min value cannot be bigger than the max value. This is internally validated and silently corrected if necessary. If you set the same value to both fields the tabs will be totally fixed to that size.
    Named tabs will not shrink below the space needed to show the full name. FYI, this is a rule from v7.90.0251 - 2009-05-06 11:39, and currently I wonder if it is still a good rule...
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs: Removed option "Maximum tab width in pixels (0 = use all space)".

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane: Re-organized the page and renamed some options:

    Sync Select honors relative paths -> Sync Select | Honor relative paths
    Sync Browse auto-creates any missing folders -> Sync Browse | Auto-create any missing folders
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Dual Pane: Added an option that was only available in the context menu of the "Sync Browse" toolbar button before as "Auto-Sync Select"): Auto-select matching items. Tick it to auto-select any matching item in the other pane when you select an item in this pane.
    Toolbar | Sync Browse | Context Menu: Renamed "Auto-Sync Select" to "Auto-Select Matching Items".
    Toolbar | Sync Browse | Context Menu: Added option "Auto-Create Any Missing Folders".
    INI file: Changed key "AutoSyncSelect" to "SyncBrowseAutoSelectMatches" consistency obsession). Your previous setting goes to Nirvana, sorry.


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2021, 18:30

    Tab Bar: A Hover Box triggered from a Tab Bar icon would not disappear when moving the mouse to the adjacent New Tab or Tab List button or over the empty part of the Tab Bar. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Adaptive name column width: The situation was not always fully restored as it should across tab switches and sessions, sometimes leading to super-wide Name columns. Fixed.
    Menu View | Sort By | Random Order: Did reshuffle when you created a new item in a randomized list. Fixed. Now new items are appended to the bottom of a randomized list.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2021, 20:15
Whats new:>>

Some fix:

, drag and drop
, new ActiveXObject (adjusted to use with Blink version (for compatibility)

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2021, 23:30
Whats new:>>

Adaptive name column width: The recent bug fix lead to some transition difficulties (super-wide Name columns again in older tabs). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2021, 19:30

    Added tweak that allows you to spare named tabs from getting shrunk when
    the space is scarce, i.e. to restore the behavior from before v21.90.0006:

    Tab Bar Auto Scroll: The selected tab could disappear when space got
    smaller than the tab itself. Fixed.
    Custom Display Scaling: On certain settings certain Status Bar icons came
    out too small. Fixed.
    Catalog: With graphic-changing toolbar icons present in the Catalog you
    could get a phantom line at the top position of the Catalog under certain
    conditions. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Adaptive name
    column width: Still not good when toggling Branch View and changing the
    list width in between. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Adaptive Name Column Width: Found a smarter way to achieve the same as in v21.90.0008 with less drawing. What a tangled path to enlightenment!
    Branch View: When sorted by Name the implicit secondary sort field should be Path. Since 20130319 this was not the case when "Configuration |
    General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base" was ticked. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    View | Columns | Add Column: The newly added column was called "(Undefined)" initially since 20141216. Not very helpful to new users. How can you guess that the next step is to right-click that column header? This column header is now called "Right-click here...".
    Predefined Custom Columns: The special property columns Bit Depth, Bit Rate, Channels, Length, and Sample Rate had been limited to "wav;ogg;flac;mp3" via the "Item filter" field. This filter has been changed to "{:Media}" to make the columns work for more formats including videos. (Only affects fresh instances.)
    View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now: Did not work anymore for the Name column since v21.90.0009. Fixed.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.132. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.132.lng is uploaded.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

Custom Columns: Rearranged the factory default custom columns and added the first 9 of them (5 image props + 4 media props) to the default columns offered in the menu "View | Columns" for Browse and Find modes. Before, there were only 5 image prop default columns.The main reason for this change is to have the 4 most important media prop columns (Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate) at the user's hand right after unboxing. Whereas the rearrangement only affects fresh instances, all instances will have 4 more items in the Show Columns list now (39 instead of 35). Of course, you can add columns to that list (View | Columns | Add Column) but 39 is now the minimum number on display in this list.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2021, 20:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Find Files | Name & Location: Added option "Maximum depth". Check it to limit the recursion depth of the search. The adjacent dropdown offers 16 depth levels (plus level "0" which is identical to "do NOT recurse any
    subfolders). E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search the current location and 2 levels deeper.
    If the "Include subfolders" checkbox is off then the "Maximum depth" setting is ignored. This should be clear from the indenting. No need to castrate the user experience by additionally diabling the checkbox.

    The same functionality was already available as a Search Pattern Switch:

    /maxdepth (or short form /md). Now you have it in the GUI as well.
    Note that the / maxdepth switch, if present, overrides the GUI setting.
    Custom Copy: The progress dialog was allowed to overlap the right and bottom border of the screen by 50 pixels. Not anymore.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0167.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips | Show Hover Box | Select
    Context...: The option "Tiles and Thumbnails" apparently never worked for thumbnails views, only for tiles. Fixed. Now you will get a Hover Box over thumbnails if "Tiles and Thumbnails" is ticked.


Titel: Broot 1.6.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2021, 22:15
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    {root} argument (current tree root) can be used in verb patterns - Fix #395
    working_dir verb attribute - Fix #396
    client-server mode fixed, no longer feature-gated (but still only available on unix like systems)
    broot tries to keep same selection on option changes
    :tree_up and :tree_down internals, mapped to ctrl-up and ctrl-down - Fix #399
    better handling of auto color mode: two separate behaviors: for app running and for export when leaving - Fix #397
    remove the deprecated --no-style launch argument (use --color no instead)
    deprecate the --out argument (redirecting the output is the recommanded solution)
    fix a few minor bugs


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0017 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: When option "Tiles and Thumbnails" was off File Info Tips began to show over thumbnails in v21.90.0015. That was not really intended. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    List | Thumbnails Views: Experimentally you will get 96x96 system icons now (for those items that do not have a real thumbnail AND that have a Jumbo size system icon available) when the current thumbnail size is >= 96 and < 128. Before, those icons were 48x48. While the size is now like in File Explorer, the quality alas is not. Unfortunately, there is no documentation about the origin of those high quality 96x96 icons. They look like originals, whereas XY is forced to shrink them from the 256x256 jumbo versions.
    Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Changed the preselected button from Cancel to Pause. In this moment Pause is the default button anyway so having the focus on another button is simply wrong. Also the ENTER key should normally not cancel any operation.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0168.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0020 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    List: Some views did not have File Info Tips or Hover Box anymore since
    yesterday. Fixed.
    Dropdowns: Removed a flicker when dropping and undropping in Dark Mode.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.17
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2021, 08:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Adjustment when getting the registry list does not work 5ch # 8-303

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0023 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    List: Column-specific info tips were gone. Fixed.
    FYI, I did some radical rewrite in the File Info Tips section and things
    are taking a while to fall into places again.

Titel: LF - Terminal File Manager r24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2021, 20:30
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


(Fix) Data directory is automatically created before the selection file is written.
(Fix) An error is returned for remote commands when the given id is not connected to the server.
(Fix) Prompts longer than the width should not crash the program anymore.


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0027 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2021, 10:30

    Native Dropdowns:

    All of them, including the Address Bar, now support the sequence MouseDown, (dropdown drops), MouseMove on dropdown to hover the desired item, MouseUp to finally select this item. Just like a popup menu, totally natural and efficient. Saves a click compared to before.
    Note that the Windows standard dropdown cannot do this.

    Locked Dropdowns:

    Changed color from window background to button face.

    Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location | Type Filter:

    Removed the blue color used for non-default selections since 20140315 (not in change log).
    Did not like it anymore.

    Find Files | Name & Location | Mode:

    Replaced the Windows dropdown by a native dropdown. Works better, looks better, and is dark in Dark Mode.
    Find Files | Name & Loca
    Maximum depth: Replaced the Windows dropdown by a native dropdown.


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0030 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Custom Columns: Added one more media prop column, Channels, to the factory default custom columns, so now it's 5 photo props + 5 media props that are at the user's hand right after unboxing.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0031 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Added button "Column Sets". Pops a menu with 5 predefined column sets that you can load into the list by just one click. You can also customize each of the sets to suit your own needs (Set to Current Columns...). And you can go back to the factory defaults (Reset...). I can't find a better word for this than mind-blowing.
    Toolbar: The "Configuration" button got a new icon.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0034 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Tab Bar: Now you can drag a folder onto the empty part of the tab bar (or on any of the tab bar buttons), it will open as a new background tab at the right end of the current tabs.
    If you drag more than one folder only one of them will be added as tab. The Drag Status Box will tell you which.
    It also works when dragging from other apps into XYplorer.
    Configuration | Information | Tags | Coloring style: Renamed it to "Label style".
    Window | Arrangement | Wide Tabs: Renamed it to "Wide Tab Bar".

XYplorer 21.90.0032 Beta

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show audio info and tags: These tips have recently appeared on columns other than the Name column. Fixed.
    Catalog: Since 20210608 expanding a category would scroll its position to touch the bottom of the view port. Fixed.

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 19:50
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.



    Add: Korean language
    Add: Dutch language
    Add: French language
    Add: Simplified Chinese language
    Add: Italian language
    Add: Traditional Chinese language


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0036 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 20:30

    Toolbar | Column Sets: Complete redesign of the feature.
    Now a column set also defines the position of the invisible columns. That way the list can handle toggling Branch View and searches.
    Had to change the INI key because your old sets would not work anymore.
    Instead of "Reset..." you now have a choice between a user-defined set (eg "Photo Column Set") and a corresponding factory default set ("Default Set"), keeping both sets alive side by side.
    To update the user-defined set to the current columns you use "Update..." (previously called "Set to Current Columns...").
    Now you can load and update column sets into/from a Branch View or search results list. The visibility of the "Path" column is handled.
    The column sets now work across different screen resolutions.
    New icon.
    Columns: Removed the "Custom: " prefix from user-added columns in various column menus and lists. Overkill.
    Configuration | Information | Tags | Label style: The symbols are now horizontally centered in the column.
    Address Bar: Some icons were wrongly sized in 150% screen scaling. Fixed.

    Added one more set:

    Standard Column Set: What File Explorer offers by default.
    Extended Column Set: What XYplorer offers by default.


Titel: Broot 1.6.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2021, 21:45

    Fix compilation on freeBSD
    Fix :filesystems view not listing disks whose mount point has a space character
    Fix panic on searching cr/.* if a file starts with an empty line - Fix #406
    Fix preview of linux pseudo-files
    Identify "RAM" and "crypted" disks in :filesystems view


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0039 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 08:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



MP3 Info: ID3 tags and audio info of some MP3s (e.g. saved by VLC) could not be retrieved. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 18:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Neues Code-Sign-Zertifikat für Q-Dir.exe
• Verbesserung in: Verzeichnisbaum in der Explorer Adressleiste verwenden!
• Verbesserungen: beim Arbeiten mit MS OneDrive und Sonstigen Cloud Speichern
• Kleine feinschliffe im Quad-Explorer
• Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0040 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 18:50

    Toolbar | Column Sets: Renamed the button to "Column Layouts". Also down in the button menu "Column Layout" is used now instead of "Column Set".
    That way we have terminological consistency with "View | Columns | Load Column Layout..." and SC columnlayout() which all use exactly the same column definitions internally.
    Changed the button key from "colsets" to "cols". So it will disappear from your toolbar when upgrading to this version and you have to add it again.
    Changed the INI key again, this time for consistency.
    Hover Box: Was not showing above thumbnails in Detail with Thumbnails view when it should. Fixed.

    Appended clones of two related commands to the menu:

    View | Columns | Load Column Layout...
    View | Columns | Save Column Layout As...


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 20:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Fixed the problem that if the search character string is the same in the standard search with ILIsEqual, it will be judged as the same even if the search location is different # Addons-293

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0041 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 20:40

    Toolbar | Column Layouts: Added command "Reset to Previous" to the bottom of the menu. Brings you back to the previous layout. Can be used to toggle
    the last 2 layouts. Also works for Load Column Layout. Not stored across sessions.
    Columns: Removed the "Custom #: " and "Extra #: " prefixes from all column
    names in all column menus and lists (because it was overkill), with one exception: View | Columns | Show Columns... Here you get even more extra info than before: "Property:" for (Shell) Property Columns, "Special Property:" for Special Property Columns, and "User-Defined:" for scripted and other user-defined custom columns.
    Tree: Hidden folders have recently started to look bluish. Fixed.


Titel: muCommander 0.9.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2021, 20:50
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


New features:

- Add Dropbox as a file protocol (including browsing, uploading and downloading capabilities).
- Add an option to use a file viewer when failing to open a file.
- Support for KDE 5.


- Accelerate copying to remote servers using SFTP.
- Invert selection also applies to directories now.
- Set initial look and feel to "GTK+" on Linux as it better handles scaling for HiDPI.
- Non-browsable initial locations that are specified by command line arguments are selected on startup.
- Store user-files in '$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mucommander' if environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set on Linux.
- Create Felix cache directory within the system's temporary folder instead of within the installation folder.
- Write logs also to file in order to ease debugging.
- Local folders are automatically refreshed also on file systems in which their modification date doesn't
  change when their content changes, like USB folders on macOS.
- Detect Java versions 14 to 17.
- The initial width of the built-in text viewer/editor is better calculated for files that contain more than 10k lines.
- The visiblity of line numbers is persisted across invocations of the built-in text editor.
- Add the refresh action to the file table's context menu.
- When switching back to muCommander, the presented folders are immediately refreshed.


- Korean translation updated.

Bug fixes:

- File-search returns matches in the root folder of the search when search-subfolders is disabled.
- Fixed an issue that might cause file-search with case insensitive text search not to return all matches.
- The application can start by a non-admin user after it started by an admin user.
- The application can start with an inaccessible location at the right panel.
- Files are transferred properly when the destination folder is not presented in the other panel.
- Use the correct file viewer/editor when a warning is raised.

Known issues:

- Mac OS X: "muCommander damaged and cannot be opened" may appear after downloading muCommander from the browser. This
  can be solved by executing: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <jar_name>.jar
- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- Mac OS X: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
  up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Mac OS X: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
  sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:
- Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
- Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
- Version 5.0 of RAR is not supported. Such archives would appear empty.
- Issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads on macOS may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings.
  See https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki/Reset-Security-&-Privacy-Settings-on-macOS for more details.
- Mac OS X: muCommander may not be able to start on version <= 10.10 (OS X Yosemite) due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE.
  This can be solved by installing Java 8 and running '/Applications/muCommander.app/Contents/replace_jre.sh'.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0042 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2021, 18:20

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields: Added "Extra Tags". Shows all Extra Tags that are set for this item, each in one line along with the field name (= column caption).
    Custom Event Actions: Added new event "Switch Panes". It is fired after the pane is internally switched but before any painting is done.
    Small Lists with Checkboxes: Previously you could toggle the checkmark only by either clicking right into the checkmark box or by single- or double-clicking the caption of the currently focused item. Now also dbl-clicking the caption of any *non-focused* item will toggle that item's checkmark. Feels natural and makes you faster.
    URLs dropped from a browser now always receive the lowercase *.url extension, regardless of what the browser serves (*.URL in some cases).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Adjusted to temporarily stop drawing with WM_SETREDRAW and redraw when Page Up and Page Down 5ch # 8-318
The Explorer Browser does not draw strangely, but it can only be displayed in the same way as Explorer.
I wonder if the default is trying to scroll smoothly. I tried X-Finder and it looked the same. I wondered if it was useless to use ListView, and when I tried other software, there was no problem.
Adjust the left and right keys when displaying the list to temporarily stop drawing with the same WM_SETREDRAW as above and redraw.
I thought that the scrolling of the list display would be improved with the above settings, so I tried it. I feel that it has improved a little because there is no animation. However, it is faster to use the fast list view of add-ons.
SelectItem is also adjusted to temporarily stop drawing with the same WM_SETREDRAW as above and redraw.
Adjustment # Addoons-294 as it may not work if Ctrl is fixed when arranging multiple commands.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0043 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2021, 20:50

    Tab Bar: Now you can drag a folder into the gap between two tabs, it will open as a new background tab at that position. The hot zone (the "gap") is 24 pixels wide (at 100% screen scaling), 12 pixels of each tab header.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields: Now multi-line contents are shown multi-line in the tooltip. Non-first lines are indented by 4 spaces. Max number of shown lines per tag is 12.


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2021, 18:50
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.



Add: Polish language


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0044 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2021, 19:40

    Tab Bar Drop New Tab: Various changes and improvements:

    The small blue insertion arrow is shown where the tab will be inserted.
    You now can drag folders onto the inactive pane's tab bar.
    Smaller gap: 10 pixels (5 pixels of each tab header).

    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Double-click on line numbers header | Autosize columns now: Now when you hold CTRL while double-clicking the autosizing only applies to the visible rows. This neat little trick has two advantages:

    You don't get super-wide columns for something that's miles out of view.
    It's much faster for long lists.


Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0045 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields: Max number of shown lines per tag is now 5.
    Download Packages: Experimentally now with full version number.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0048 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Tab Bar Drop Add Tab: Now when you hold CTRL during the drag/drop the new
    Tab will be opened. (SHIFT did not work well.)
    ! Adaptive Name Column Width: Confused by tab switches since 20210621. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0169.

Titel: XYplorer 21.90.0049 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels (0 = use defaults): Now the defaults are 25/250. Before they were 25/25.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels (0 = use defaults): Renamed it to "Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels". The "(0 = use defaults)" part was just confusing.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.28 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

・ Fixed the problem that the shell extension created by .NET Framework may not work. # 446
* Once LoadLibrary ("mscoree.dll") is executed, it will work.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2021, 22:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



- Fix: Navigation: Fixed a theming issue where text of the list was written black on black background
- Fix: Navigation: The "Rename" entry of the context menu was not working anymore
- Fix: Diff: Fixed a loading of file issue due to a unicode error


Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2021, 19:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Column Layouts. Now you can load predefined and custom column layouts with just one click. Instead of laboriously collecting special columns, the photo column layout, for example, shows the date the photo was taken, dimensions, aspect ratio, exposure time, exposure compensation, F-stop, focal length, ISO sensitivity and camera model in no time at all. The audio column layout gives you length, sample rate, bit depth, bit rate and channels. You can adapt the column layouts to your particular needs.
    Maximum Depth. Now you can easily narrow the search recursion depth. E.g. maximum depth 2 means: Search at the current location and 2 levels deeper.
    Sorting Search Results. The new "Always sort search results this way" option lets you control exactly how all of your search results are initially sorted. Sorting column, sorting direction and even secondary sorting are supported.
    Add Tabs Using Drag & Drop. Now you can turn a folder into a new tab by simply dragging and dropping it onto the empty part of the tab bar or the gaps between two tabs.
    Autosize Columns Here. Now you can limit the automatic adjustment of the column sizes to the currently visible rows. This has two advantages: You don’t get super-wide columns for something that’s miles out of sight, and it’s much faster with long lists.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.29 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2021, 22:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

・ Adjust to temporarily stop drawing with WM_SETREDRAW with LVN_BEGINSCROLL and redraw with LVN_ENDSCROLL 5ch # 8-330
・ Stop drawing temporarily with WM_SETREDRAW of SelectItem

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.6.30 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

-Supports keyboard copy / paste (Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V) in the tree # 448
-Adjust command line processing # 449
-Fine adjustments related to redrawing

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Undo / Action Log: If you canceled the entire job at an overwrite prompt, the conflicting file in this overwrite prompt has been added to the action log as "done" (and therefore as something that could be undone). Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0170. ! Recent Location Pins: Under certain conditions, there were two fat pins instead of just one. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2021, 19:40

    File | Rename Special | Aaa Aa.aaa: For this command and other occasions where the so-called "title case" is applied you can now define exceptions using a new tweak. For example:


    These exceptions do not start with an uppercase letter, but instead start with a lowercase letter, unless they are in the first or last position (sic: The first word and last word in a title should always be capitalized) in the title. Using the example above, you would get this result:

    IN 1: the capitalization of the important words in the title
    OUT: The Capitalization of the Important Words in the Title
    For mp3-style captions " - " is recognized as title-separating:
    IN: the black keys - the lengths.mp3
    OUT: The Black Keys - The Lengths.mp3
    Also . : ? ! and ( are recognized as title-separating when followed by a space:
    IN: stones - tie you up (the pain of love).mp3
    OUT: Stones - Tie You Up (The Pain of Love).mp3

    Aspect Ratio:

    Now the famous and irrational ISO 216, aka the "Lichtenberg ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used across the world except in some parts of the American continent, is shown as 1:v2 or v2:1 (where v stands for the square root character just in this change log) in XYplorer when the ratio is +/- one percent close to the irrational number.

    Live Filter Box:

    It did not use the same font as the Address Bar, which could lead to a broken layout. Now it does.


    There were 7 unnecessary strings in the language file. Fixed in next MLS version.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.1 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

・ Fixed the problem that it may drop from 21.6.28 # 450
* Since only the LoadLibrary ("mscoree.dll") position has changed, it is assumed that it is dropped by LoadLbrary and surrounded by try-catch (in MS dll) What does it mean to fall ...)
* If it doesn't work , think of another method

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5843
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2021, 10:40
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Autocomplete-related fixes.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2021, 21:30

    Backup / Custom Copy / Custom Move / Sync Folders: Added a new condition for the behavior on name collisions: "Overwrite if different contents". The contents are compared by comparing the SHA256 hash of each file. There is currently no GUI-way to change this method of comparison, but you can tweak it if you feel the need (see next section).
    Added three tweaks to control the hashing method used by the content check in Custom Copy/Move, Backup, and Sync Folder. Each of them
    SC moveto, copyto, backupto: Added new value 11 (= Overwrite if different

    contents) to the on_collision parameter:

    SC sync: Added new value 4 (= Overwrite if different contents) to the on_collision parameter:

    New variables to return the unslashed path of each pane:

    echo <path a>; //active pane
    echo <path i>; //inactive pane
    Tweak RenameTitleCaseExceptions: The following words are now the factory default:
    They are also set for upgraders.

    Tweak RenameTitleCaseExceptions: Improved the algorithm to handle something like this correctly ("and" after hyphen lowercase; extensions lowercase):

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.133. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.133.lng is uploaded.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0171.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.2 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Since the countermeasure of 21.7.1 was not good, I changed to another method.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.3 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Since the countermeasure of 21.7.2 was not good, I stopped the shell extension countermeasure created by .NET Framework in 21.6.28 # 450
    If this works, create an add-on for shell extension measures created with .NET Framework # 446

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juli, 2021, 23:10

    Toolbar | Column Layouts: Added a little trick for power users. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking any of the column layout menu commands to display the column layout definition as text. Btw, all six "Update ..." commands display the same: the current column layout definition.
    If you've ever wondered how wide a column is in pixels, now you can find out. And you can use these definitions for SC column layout.
    Toolbar | Column Layouts: The layouts are graphics-aware now, i.e. the widths are saved and loaded without counting the width of any size or age graphics displayed in the column. To prevent breaking old layouts the graphics-aware widths are marked by a "/g" switch right after the width in the layout definition, for example, "+Size.68/g" and "+Modified.115/g".
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show audio info and tags: Since 20210624 These special tips were not shown for MP3s anymore when hovering icons. Fixed.
    Autosize Columns Here (Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Double-click on line numbers header | Autosize columns now): Ctrl+DblClick on the # column crashed the app if the list was shorter than the view port, i.e. ironically when using "Autosize Columns Here" was not necessary at all. Fixed.


Titel: Multi Commander 11.2.0 Build 2795
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2021, 09:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - Paste File/Folder name from clipboard into explorer panel and focus will move to that file/folder
    ADDED - Hold Ctrl while pressing Menu > File > Exit to suppress confirm dialog
    ADDED - MultiScript function StrRFind now support offset parameter, this parameter is at what position the reverse scan should start
    ADDED - Can now configure different gridlines colors for horizontal and vertical gridlines
    ADDED - New language Bulgarian, create by Lyuben Penchev
    ADDED - Added new command to open folder in new tab or in other panel
    ADDED - MultiCommander part in shell menu now show a command for "Open in New Tab" / "New Tab Other Panel"
    ADDED - If ExplorerPanel config is corrupt when starting a messagebox is now shown asking if it should reset that file.
    ADDED - During startup MC verify extensions. This process is now done in parallel to improve startup speed.
    ADDED - Tabs can be have delayed update. They are not updated during startup. This can be disabled in settings.
    ADDED - UI Panel for the FreeSpace Field and the icons after it are rebuilt. A ExplorerPanel tab UI will now be created faster. Look should be identical with before.
    ADDED - Add Warning and user settings to warn if multiple files are selected when doing edit operation.
    CHANGE - Internal changes to Explorer Panel status bar now it is build. Now using another UI panel.
    CHANGE - Did lots of code cleanup in reading the settings.
    FIXED - Problem browsing registry
    FIXED - Crash issue with VideoTool Extension
    FIXED - Connect to FTP bookmarks now works again
    FIXED - FTP Device now has icon on high dpi display again
    FIXED - Minor optimizations in various places
    FIXED - Missing updated language packas
    FIXED - Right click on Show/Hide Hidden files icon now works again
    FIXED - Get Filename of folder with dots sometimes cut of the last dot part, Like it was a file extension
    FIXED - Copy fileitems with date to clipboard the date was UTC and not local time
    FIXED - WPD: (Portable device) - Now works better when getting disconnected. Will to a refresh and clear view better
    FIXED - Top margin for main toolbar is correct
    FIXED - ExplorerPanel loading a corrupted config file showed error dialog behind splash screen at startup
    FIXED - 5 Stability Issues


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juli, 2021, 18:00
Whats new:>>

Some fix

・ Measured the problem that it may drop from 21.6.28 with the cooperation of those who have problems # 450
* There are too many good users of Tablacus Explorer
* After all, the part of NET framework shim was not relevant

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2021, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    List | Inline Rename: It is now ensured that the rename box does not disappear behind the left margin when pressing F2 while the list is scrolled horizontally.
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Hide extensions from rename edit box: On some systems the cursor was not placed correctly in the box when the box touched the right edge of the window. Probably fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2021, 18:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Select last used subfolder: Now it's limited to Up/Down and Back/Forward. The extended functionality (do it also when entering a folder via the list or the breadcrumb bar) is now bound to a tweak (bitfield: 1=via list, 2=via breadcrumb). To restore the previous behavior set it to 3: AutoSelectMRUSubfolderExtended=3 I changed the default behavior because it seemed unnatural to me.
    MDBU (Stay Up) and Quick Audio Preview: They stayed visible after switching panes. In case of the Quick Audio Preview this could even lead to a crash after a certain sequence of actions. Fixed. Now both a closed on switching panes.
    View | Columns | Load Column Layout...: When for whatever reason the path "<xydata>Columns" could not be created, the "Load Column Layout" dialog opened at the *last* path it was opened at. Now there will be an error message that will tell us why that path could not be created, and the "Load Column Layout" dialog will not be opened at all.


Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Edit | Paste Special | Paste As Symbolic Link(s): Did not show an error message on failure in Win10. Fixed.

Titel: WinSetView 2.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2021, 06:00
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


2.00: Major new release. Provides ability to set ALL Explorer view options for ALL folder types. Open/Save dialogs can be set to a unique view. Global settings are still supported and just as easy to apply as with v1. Works with Windows 11.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5844
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2021, 06:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    M#3877, M#3878, wrapper fixes, throttle down panel updates:

    Exit to archive root via cd breaks the panel title.
    Incorrect selection when the block is beyond the screen border.
    Several fixes in 1.x plugin wrapper related to colors processing.
    Throttle down file panel updates on FS changes to one per second at most.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2021, 20:50

    SC recase enhanced: Added parameter "title_case_exceptions".
    Syntax: recase(string, [mode], [flags], [title_case_exceptions])


    Missing: Use the global defaults (as stored at key RenameTitleCaseExceptions)
    Empty: Do not use any exceptions
    Else: Use this ";"-separated list of exceptions, e.g. "a;an;the"

    Examples for Title Case:

    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t"); //The Camel Bites the Horse. (factory default exceptions)
    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t", , ""); //The Camel Bites The Horse. (no exceptions)
    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "t", , "the;bites"); //The Camel bites the Horse. (custom exceptions)

    Examples for Camel Case:

    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c"); //The CaMel BITES the Horse. (factory default exceptions)
    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c", , ""); //The CaMel BITES The Horse. (no exceptions)
    Text recase("the caMel BITES the horse.", "c", , "the;bites"); //The CaMel bITES the Horse. (custom exceptions)
    View | Columns | Load Column Layout...: Would open at the wrong path under
    Certain conditions. Fixed.
    View | Columns | Save Column Layout As...: Would open at the wrong path
    Under certain conditions. Fixed.
    View | Columns | Add Column: The newly added column could end up at the
    Wrong position after a certain sequence of actions. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0021 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2021, 22:10

    Tools | Customize List | Size Column Format: Now the column width is automatically adjusted after the size format has been changed, just like it is already the case with the date columns.
    All internal upgrade code for versions prior to v15.00 (released 09-Mar-2015) has been removed. If you need to upgrade from versions earlier than v15.00, use v22.00.0015 or earlier.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0172.
    View | Columns | Load Column Layout...: Would open at the wrong path under certain conditions. Fix #3.
    View | Columns | Save Column Layout As...: Would open at the wrong path under certain conditions. Fix #3.
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Hide extensions from rename edit box: When you pressed Right or End to edit the extension, the box did not expand to the right margin as it should. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0022 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0173.
    List | Inline Rename: Under certain conditions the right end of the rename box was out of view. Fixed.

Titel: WinSetView 2.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

Windows Defender was incorrectly blocking downloads of 2.00.
Simply removing some unneeded semicolons from the HTA file eliminated the false positive.
Also minor updates to the German and Simplified Chinese translations.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0023 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

View | Columns | Load Column Layout...: Would open at the wrong path under certain conditions. Fix #4. Now the last loaded layout file (within the session) is remembered between calls of the dialog. This should finally fix the wrong-path-issue.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: in der Listenansicht bei Focus unter Windows 11 (es ist ein W11 System Bug)
• Verifizierung des Quad-Explorer auf MS Windows 11 OS
• Kleine Anpassungen für Windows 11
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0026 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juli, 2021, 22:00
Whats new:>>

    Window | Load Layout...: This command now also remembers the last used layout file (within the session), which means that the editing field of the dialog is prefilled with the name of the last loaded or saved file.
    Tabs: If you switched to a tab that points to an unavailable network location, you would get an error message, but the tab would list the contents of the previous tab. Fixed. Now the tab is blocked (i.e. it does
    not display any content, only the error e.g. "The network path was not found.").
    Startup to an unavailable network location has been accelerated by a factor of 2.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 09:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Chocolatey measures # 454
    If you installed in a folder to which you do not have access rights, the settings should have been saved in% AppData% as in Program Files, but since the promotion dialog was displayed, the config folder was created. Since the file could not be saved, if you have not checked the access right, adjust to enable the setting for% AppData%
    Changed the required version of Tablacus WebView 2 to 21.7.9
    Adjusted because there was a problem related to Safe array of Tablacus WebView2 when using WMI related to access rights. If the version of Tablacus WebView2 is old, the Blink version will not work and the standard Trident version will work.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5845
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 10:40

    Correctly show delete indicator if the directory scan before it was cancelled.
    A few more fullwidth-related improvements.
    Workaround for a conhost bug in DirectX mode.
    Properly update Find File status bar.
    Properly discard previous Find File results in all cases.
    Speed up Find File by removing a few quadratic algorithms from the listbox / menu implementation.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.78
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juli, 2021, 18:00
Whats new:>>

• Anpassungen für MS Windows 11 OS
• Bitte warten Sie, Windows 11 selbst hat eine Reihe von BUGs und ist derzeit nicht von MS freigegeben, sondern nur zum Testen

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0029 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Folder View Settings: An FVS-induced sort order was not applied when a new background tab was opened for an FVS location. Fixed.
    Folder View Settings: An FVS-induced visual filter was not applied when a new background tab was opened for an FVS location. Fixed.

Titel: WinSetView 2.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 18:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Trivial change to try to prevent Windows Defender false positive.


Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0031 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 20:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Hover Box: If the Hover Box now shows text or folder contents that cannot be scrolled (no scrollbar is displayed in the box), then the box does not
    eat the mouse wheel so that you can wheel-scroll the list
    Updated the help file

22.00.0030 Beta

    SC paperfolder: The following line did not load item "<xy>" into the list within PF "TEMP" if "Paper Folders | Explicit Save Only" was ticked: paperfolder("TEMP", <xy>); Fixed.
    View | Tab | Relocate Tab...: Did not apply any Folder View Settings when a background tab was relocated. Fixed.
    List: Increased smoothness when changing location by reducing the number of repaints.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.12 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2021, 21:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix

・ Because there is a problem with the network folder and removable drive related to the access right performed in 21.7.9, adjustment
・ If the tree also expands the item, if the item increases, if it is deleted, it will be drawn temporarily Try to stop # 456
* It looks like a tree version of what I did in 21.6.25 in the list


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5848
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 20:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Render real shadows when possible.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Since the access right check is incomplete, return to the one that does not perform the access right check before 21.7.4.

Titel: XYplorer 22.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juli, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

22.00.0032 Beta

    Scripting got a new function.
    The command does not change any selections or the focus.
    SC tab("relocate"): Did not apply any Folder View Settings when a
    background tab was relocated. Fixed.
    Tabs: When moving tabs on the tab bar to the right, the dragged tab moves
    one tab further to the right than what is indicated (since 20210626). Fixed.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5849
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Preserve the locked state when reopening editor from history.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juli, 2021, 22:15

    Extra Safety on Name Collisions:

    The new condition "Overwrite if different contents", in which the contents are compared by comparing the SHA-256 hash of each file, offers additional security for your backup, copy and synchronization jobs.

    Converting Filenames to Title Case:

    The bulk renamer will now recognize words that are excluded from conversion to upper case. This way, your song and photo collections will look more natural with just a single click. The list of exclusions can of course be edited.

    Irrational Aspect Ratio:

    Now ISO 216, also known as the "Lichtenberg Ratio", an international standard for paper sizes used around the world except in some parts of the Americas, is shown in XYplorer as 1:√2 or √2:1, for images whose aspect ratio is close enough to the irrational number. A little nerd honey ...

    Compilation Soundtrack:

    Compiled to music by Joe Strummer.


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2021, 22:15
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.



    Add: Slovenian language
    Bugfix: "Custom language" menu


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Add: German language.

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Add: Hebrew language

Titel: Q-Dir 9.79
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2021, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Update wegen falscher Virenmeldung auf MS Windows 11 OS
• Nur aus Sicherheitsgründen, obwohl kein Virus vorhanden war.
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung in Quad Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2021, 21:20

    SC input enhanced: Added parameter "items". Lets you turn the input field
    Into a combobox where you can select items from a dropdown.
    Syntax: input(topic, [notes], [default], [style=s|m|w], [cancel], [width=800], [height=400], [items])
    Items: A pipe or <CRLF> separated list of item(s) for the combo-box
    Entries. If CRLF is present then CRLF is used, else pipe is used.


    Echo input("Enter Greeting","Try to be nice..." ,'Hi!', e, 7:="Hello|Konbanwa|Go away|WTF");
    ! Audio Tags: Audio tags of some FLAC files were not displayed. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    SC input enhanced: Added parameter "icon". Lets you add an icon to the dialog.
    Syntax: input(topic, [notes], [default], [style=s|e|m|w], [cancel], [width=800], [height=400], [items], [icon]), icon: the key to a toolbar icon, e.g. "dice"
    SC input: First item in items was not displayed. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: It now tolerates (and ignores) leading and trailing spaces in
    Locked Tabs: If you changed the location of a locked tab while creating
    thumbnails or calculating folder sizes, the location of the locked tab may
    actually have been overwritten by the new location. Fixed.
    Renamed Tabs: Tabs that had a custom icon but no custom name defined did
    not always update their header when they changed locations. Fixed.

Titel: nnn 4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 21:10
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


 NNN_PLUG indicator symbol interpretation has changed:

    ! - run-cmd-as-plugin (earlier _)
    & - run-gui-cmd-as-plugin (earlier |)
    | (new) - page noninteractive run-cmd-as-plugin output

persistent selection markers (#1086)
option extract to... for archives
mount remote and mount/extract archive to a smart context
confirm file trashing to avoid accidental press of x (#1101)
insert the last cmd executed at native prompt on Up or Down
insert the current file name at empty native prompt on TAB
handle redraw issue on missed KEY_RESIZE (#1067)
add force-tty capability to spawn and set pagers to it (#1064)
clear selection mode on deselecting last selected file (#1098)
remove selected hovered entry from selection on deletion
disable filtering in empty directories
ignore last pressed filter character when no matches
fix broken screen on resize while paging (#1072)
fix archive not hovered on creation
remove libgit2 dependency in gitstatus patch (#1095)
add -G flag for gitstatus patch
option -X for explorer (persistent picker) mode
option -F decommissioned in favour of config NNN_HELP
-F redefined to multiplex NNN_FIFO to preview or explore
support paging noninterative run-cmd-as-plugin output
nuke - add option to execute binaries (#1111)
plugin fzopen - call open on macOS, add option to use nuke
plugin fzcd will not modify selection
plugin suedit - preserve environment
several preview-tui fixes
plugin wall renamed to wallpaper
remove plugin fzz - merged into plugin autojump
remove plugin upgrade - packaging is on OBS now
remove plugin treeview - needs minor preview-tui tweak
remove plugin picker - nnn -p - does the same
remove plugin pdfview - needs simple change in pdfread
remove plugin uidgid - use program option -U
remove plugins mediainf, hexview - simple one-liners


Titel: Camelot 0.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 21:20
A cross-platform file manager written in C# that helps you explore your folders, as well as copy or move your files to other locations.

License: GPLv3


    Following features were implemented in this version:

    Operations list progress bar and UI improvements
    Minimal command line arguments support, run with --incognito to create separate incognito Camelot instance
    Error dialog if there is no access to selected directory
    Inner files/dirs count is shown on properties dialog
    Tabs UI improvements
    Data grid context menu added
    More keyboard shortcuts added
    More translations added

    From tech side following was done:

    Travis support was dropped
    Fixed many bugs
    Covered huge part of UI by automated tests


Titel: QT TabBar 2048 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2021, 21:45
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.



    .net framework 4.8 is required.
    Uses more threads to retrieve icons if equipped with CPU with many many cores.
    Some useless options are removed.
    "Desktop Tool" as taskbar toolbar is removed. Its functionalities are still available though.
    XxHash algorithm added.
    New event: middle click on file icon (not Folder).
    Opening excluded folder leads to process hang.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2021, 21:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    * SC input: In order to refer to internal symbols via the key, the key must
      be preceded by a ":" as elsewhere in the app. For example:
        echo input("Enter Greeting","Try to be nice..." ,'Hi!', e, 7:="Hello|Konbanwa|Go away|WTF", 8:=":dark");
    ! Find Files | Dupes: Dupe group sorting got confused when number of groups
      raised above 9999. Fixed.
    ! Toolbar: Some icons were not drawn right since v22.10.0004. Fixed.

22.10.0004 Beta

    SC input enhanced: Now the icon parameter also accepts an image file (GIF,
    JPG, PNG). It can be a full path, or just a filename (auto-resolved
    To the default icons path <xyicons>).
    Catalog: Now you can also state an image file (GIF, JPG, PNG) for the
    Custom item icon (defined in the Caption field, appended to the caption
    Separated by |). It can be a full path, or just a filename (auto-resolved
    To the default icons path <xyicons>).
    Note that there is no caching. So if you use a large file for this image,
    There will be delays even if you hover over the item.


Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2021, 11:10
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.


Whats new:>>

Fix some bugs

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Various internal input dialogs: Missing icon (since v22.10.0005). Fixed.
    SC input: Wrong alignement if no icon (since v22.10.0005). Fixed.
    Rename: Incorrect error message when trying to rename a folder that is locked by another process. Fixed.
    At higher screen resolutions there was some pixel dirt with certain icons that needed to be stretched. Fixed.
    Catalog: Icons from image files (GIF, JPG, PNG) did not yet honor Touchscreen Mode. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.7.23
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2021, 20:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Fixed the problem that a script error may occur when acquiring the menu icon.

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2021, 06:40
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.




    Russian language


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2021, 06:50

    Tabs: Now you can freely choose almost anything for a tab's icon. In "View | Tab | Rename Tab..." you can state an image file (GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO) or non-image file (its system icon will be used) for the custom item icon (appended to the name, separated by |). It can be a full path, or just a filename (auto-resolved to the default icons path <xyicons>). Or you can still specify an internal icon prefixed by ":", e.g. :dark.
    SC inputselect enhanced: Added parameter "icon". Lets you add an icon to the dialog's top section left of the dialog title. The icon spec can point to an internal icon (eg ":dark"), to an image file (GIF, JPG, PNG, ICO), or to any non-image file with a system icon you find useful (e.g. an EXE); paths are auto-resolved to the default icons path <xyicons>.
    Syntax: inputselect(header, listdata, [separator="|"], [style=1], [cancel], _
    [width=800], [height=400], [windowcaption], [preselect], [icon])


    Goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:", 9:="rock.ico");
    Goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:", 9:="rain.jpg");
    Goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:", 9:="D:picsrain.jpg");
    Goto inputselect("Select Destination", "C:|D:|E:", 9:=":dice");
    Rename Preview Dialog | Top Section: Now in patterns with flanking spaces the spaces are replaced by a visible character, Unicode Character 'OPEN BOX' (U+2423). That way you can actually see what's going on.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.230
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2021, 07:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2021, 11:53

    SC popupmenu/popupnested enhanced: Experimentally now you can add custom icons to script items in your scripted menu, at the second position and identified by / as icon marker.

    That makes 3 possible syntaxes for script items (here assuming sep_item=";"):

    ::Script (here Script is also used as Caption)


    popupmenu("::Caption for a script;/:sync;e 'Hello'");
    Icons in various places: Fixed various glitches that came with the new total icon support.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2021, 11:30

    Age Syntax: Up to now the rule was "The unit selectors must be separated from the unit number or range by at least one space." From now on it's tolerated to drop this space. Examples:
    Syntax 1 | Syntax 2 | Meaning
    ageM: < 5 n | ageM: < 5n | modified less than 5 minutes ago
    ageM: >= 3 h | ageM: >= 3h | modified 3 or more hours ago
    ageM: 1 w | ageM: 1w | modified last week (previous Monday - Sunday)
    ageM: 1 d | ageM: 1d | modified yesterday
    ageM: -1 d | ageM: -1d | modified tomorrow


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2021, 18:20

    Added tweak to always autosize the Size column. This is the column with
    the most variable contents, the one that's typically always either too
    wide or too narrow. This tweak will autosize the Size column when changing
    locations or switching tabs.
    If Autosize Columns is enabled for the current list the tweak is ignored.
    If it proves successful the tweak will be added to Configuration later.
    Tab Icons: Did not support native and environment variables in the icon
    spec anymore since the new total icon support. Fixed.
    Configuration | Information | Tags | Options... | Database Check...: Since
    v19.70.0112 - 2019-02-27 19:12 dupes were not removed correctly. Fixed.
    SC tab("move"): Position could end up one off since 20210713. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2021, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• BUGs beseitigung unter Windows 11
• Diverse Korrekturren und anpassungen, sowie weitere tests unter Windows 11
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2021, 07:45
Whats new:>>

Fixed a mini bug where SC AutomaxColumn did not honor the possible presence of a vertical scrollbar.

Titel: Broot v1.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2021, 20:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    broot reads now both the TERM and TERMINAL env variables to try determine whether the terminal is Kitty
    using :toggle_device_id, you can display the device id of files (unix only)
    fix a few problems with filesystems analysis by upgrading lfs-core to 0.4.2 - Fix #420
    a few minor rendering improvements


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Juli, 2021, 21:34
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Added a tweak to automatically adjust the width of the Name column so that it takes up all of the space not used by the other columns:

    The feature automatically adjusts the width of the name column when you change locations or switch tabs or change the size of the list area.

    Along with it comes another tweak where you can define a minimum width for the Name column (factory default is 175 pixels):

    When this minimum width is reached a horizontal scrollbar will appear when the other columns take more space or the list width is reduced.
    Quite likely, this tweak will be carried over to the GUI soon.

    SC automaxcolumn: Now you can also pass the currently shown column name in the "column" argument. That's the localized name if you use a non-English interface language, e.g.:

    Automaxcolumn "Nombre";

    SC autosizecolumns: Now you can also pass the currently shown column names in the "columns" argument. That's the localized names if you use a non-English interface language, e.g.:

    Autosizecolumns "Nombre,Tamaño";


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5863
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2021, 19:10
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2021, 08:00

    Tweak ListAutoMaxNameColumn: Now it also adjusts the width of the Name column when you load a Column Layout via "View | Columns | Load Column
    Layout..." or "Toolbar | Column Layouts".
    Tweak ListAutoSizeSizeColumn: Now it also adjusts the width of the Size column when you load a Column Layout via "View | Columns | Load Column
    Layout..." or "Toolbar | Column Layouts".
    ! SC paperfolder: Adding items to a non-existing Paper Folder did not work anymore since 20210310. For example: paperfolder("xy-20210801", "%windir%notepad.exe", , "a");


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0014 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2021, 12:20

    SC automaxcolumn enhanced: Added parameter "keepempty". It allows you to keep some pixels empty right of the last column. Can be useful e.g. to enable lasso selection from the right when Full Row Select is enabled.
    Syntax: automaxcolumn [column], [switches], [minwidth=64], [keepempty], [pane=a]
    keepempty: Number of pixels to keep empty on the right.
    Example: automaxcolumn "name", , 175, 20; //max Name, min width 175, keep empty 20


Titel: Broot 1.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2021, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Hjson config: fix bad parsing on tab before colon.
    Now checks all args of externals are set, doesn't use the raw {arg}.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: WinSetView 2.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2021, 22:10
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Added option "Use General Items view for connected devices".
    Added option to enter column widths in pixels.
    Fixed scroll position when returning from Options menu.
    Screen scaling above 150% now handled correctly.
    Included INI file now has only a few column headings pre-checked.


Titel: Explorer++ 1.4.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2021, 10:40
Explorer++ is a multi-tab Windows Explorer replacement, featuring image preview, keyboard shortcuts, customizable user interface and advanced file operations (merging, splitting) etc..

License: GPLv3


    Bug fixes:

    In certain situations, the application could crash when closing a tab. See #252.
    If the main toolbar was moved below the address bar, the application would crash when selecting the address bar.
    A column present in version 1.3.5 was removed in an earlier development version. If a user ran version 1.3.5 and then updated to 1.4 beta 1, the application could crash when opening the "This PC" folder (due to the removed column no longer being valid).
    A large number of memory leaks in the XML load/save code have been fixed.
    Previously, not all columns were being saved to the XML config file properly.
    Some thumbnails weren't being retrieved correctly (e.g. PDF thumbnails).
    The set default columns dialog wasn't saving changes that were made. See #215.
    The "New Tab" jumplist item wasn't working correctly.
    Paths ending in backslashes weren't being parsed correctly when passed via the command line. See #202.
    The display window size was sometimes set incorrectly when resizing it. See #233.
    The text for a column wasn't always being retrieved correctly.
    Previously, even if another column was moved into the first position, the first column would still always have its text to to the name of each item. See #194.
    The 48x48 move to icon wasn't being displayed correctly.
    The size of the 48x48 refresh icon wasn't correct.


    Seconds are now shown again when displaying dates. See #149.
    An error message is now displayed when opening an item on the application toolbar fails. See #145.
    Due to the way in which listview items were deleted when navigating away from a folder, navigations away from large folders could be slow. This process should now be quicker. See #273.


Titel: WinSetView 2.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Indirect launching now supported. For example, you can now find the script via "Type here to search" and click the link shown to run it.
    Some translation corrections.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.8.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 August, 2021, 10:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the problem of GetParentFolderName

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.8.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2021, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Maybe the problem that the setting is wrong and an error occurs is adjusted # 465

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.8.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix

・ Some fr.xml adaptations # 466
・ Adjusted the problem that the division may not work well in the Blink version (results folder at startup, etc.)

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2021, 21:40

    Toolbar | Column Layouts: Now you can show the column widths in true
    pixels (as opposed to DPI-aware values) when you hold CTRL+SHIFT while
    clicking any of the "Update..." items in the button's menu. Additionally
    this mode will return only the visible columns, and the Size column will
    return its actual width without graphic awareness (/g switch).
    FYI, internally the Column Layouts are based on DPI-aware values that work
    the same across different screen resolutions.
    Breadcrumb Bars: Navigating within a junction jumped to the junction
    target when "Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous |
    Resolve junctions" was ticked. Fixed. Now, regardless of this setting, it
    always remains within the junction folder structure, just as it is
    naturally expected.
    List Management dialogs: Moving an item past the top in a filtered list
    crashed the app. Fixed.
    Tab Icons: Slightly wrong positions at higher screen resolutions. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.84
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2021, 10:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Wieder diverse Korrekturen und Anpassungen unter Windows 11
• Bitte verwenden Sie immer die neueste Windows 11 OS Version

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2021, 19:50

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find | Redirect typing to Live Filter Box: Undid the undoing of v21.70.0001 - 2021-04-14 15:39. So now space keys are again treated like other keys and are redirected to the Live Filter Box (however they cannot be the first character of a filter pattern). If you prefer not to redirect space keys you can use this tweak now:

    List | Tiles Views: With checkboxes enabled, mouse clicks or hovers on items in the non-first columns were out of sync with reality since 20170719 (!), with the result that the checkboxes could not be checked, and various click and hover effects would not happen when they should. Fixed.
    Tabs: The tab icon was not always updated immediately when a tab was turned into a Paper Folder (since 20210712). Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.8.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2021, 21:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Re-adjusted the issue of GetParentFolderName in 21.8.11 because it was embuged as a countermeasure.
    It didn't work well with the UNC path.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2021, 21:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Tree and List: Revised the changes from v21.60.0119 - 2021-04-01 13:15. Now the Space key works again as a Type Ahead Find key also in the first position of the filter/search pattern. If you prefer not to redirect the Space key you can use this tweak now: TAFgoLFBSkipSpaces=1. Might raise this tweak to Configuration later.
    Tweak TAFgoLFBSkipSpaces: Now it works independently of the current selection state (which was just too complex a condition for muscle memory). BEFORE: don't redirect the Space key if it can select an item. NOW: don't redirect the Space key to the Live Filter Box
    Type Ahead Find (Tree and List): Now a single Space key will work in TAF just like any other key. To suppress this new behavior and go back to the old one, you can use this tweak: TAFSkipSingleSpaces=1
    List: If you want to select the currently focused item by keyboard and Space would be redirected to the LFB or used in TAF, you can use Ctrl+Space (which actually toggles the selection of the currently focused item).
    Configuration: The undocumented Ctrl+Right-Click function to display breadcrumb paths to each option has received some minor bugs recently. Fixed.
    Configuration Dialog: In a multi-monitor setup the dialog's size didn't adjust to the monitor size if the dialog was positioned on a different and smaller monitor than the main window. Fixed.
    Thumbnails and Tiles: Hovering the checkbox (in checkbox mode) was processed as hovering the thumbnail. Not anymore. Now you won't get a Hover Box in that moment.
    Thumbnails and Tiles: Hovering the Age Circle (if any) was processed as hovering the thumbnail. Not anymore. Now you get the expected tooltip with age information.
    Image Preview: When previewing images with more than 40 MB square pixels you were getting black areas and a preview smaller than necessary. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

List: In non-Details views on multi-selecting items using Shift + Up / Down / Left / Right not all selected items were immediately drawn as being selected. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

XYplorer 22.10.0105 Beta

    List: Switching to List view ended up in a half empty list pane when the
    focused item was near the end of the list. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Thumbnail widths and heights: 192
    was out of order in the thumbnail size drop down menu. Fixed for fresh
    instances and for upgraders that did not tweak the sizes.
    Configuration: The undocumented Ctrl+Right-Click function to display
    breadcrumb paths to each option has received some minor bugs recently.
    Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Reverted this change from v21.50.0115 - 2021-02-08 13:45:

    List: From now on, the Path column is used as 2ndary sort field (ascending order) in Find mode (incl. Branch View). Before, the Name column was used.

    List: Added tweak to re-enable the change that has been reverted above:

    So, you set this to 1 if you want to secondary-sort your search results (incl. Branch View) by Path instead of by Name.
    List: Added tweak to show the implicit secondary sort order (if any) by a very light small sort arrow. SortSecondaryShowAlways=1
    Pretty useful IMO. Might add to Configuration later.

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2021, 22:55
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added option "Always autosize the Size column". The Size column is the one with the most variable contents, the one that's typically always either too wide or too narrow. This option will autosize the Size column when changing locations or
    switching tabs or when a new column layout is loaded. FYI, this option raises tweak ListAutoSizeSizeColumn to UI.
    Tab Bars: Added tweak to always keep some pixels empty at the right end of each tab bar (if possible), e.g. 20 pixels: TabBarKeepEmpty=20
    That way you always have a target available for the "Double-click on white in tab bar" and "Middle-click on white in tab bar" Custom Event Actions.
    Help | Various Information: Now in line 8 the Windows UI language is shown, e.g. "UI Language: English". Just in case you don't know. :)

Titel: WinSetView 2.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2021, 09:50
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Added option to keep PowerShell console window on screen by holding Alt key when clicking Submit.

Fixed incorrect display of Group By and Sort By columns when moving from one folder type to another that have different group by or sort by options set.

Minor changes to ensure correct display on some older Windows builds.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2021, 19:55
Whats new:>>

    Floating Preview: The right-click menu of the Floating Preview's status bar now has a toggle "Left-Align Status Text". Does what it says.
    SC input() enhanced: Now the "width" parameter is used with style "s" (default style) when you pass it. echo input("Test", 5:=1000); Also the "notes" parameter is not limited internally to 20 lines anymore but can go up to 64 lines (if screen space allows).

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added option "Autofit the width of the Name column". Tick it to let the Name column take up all of the space not used by the other columns. FYI, this option raises tweak ListAutoMaxNameColumn to UI.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Adaptive name column width: Removed that feature. It finally worked well (after an initial time of problems) but the whole concept was not really intuitive and unnecessarily complex. The new "Autofit the width of the Name column" achieves basically the same with a simpler approach and, by the way, much less code.
    Configuration: The undocumented Ctrl+Right-Click function to display breadcrumb paths to each option has received some minor bugs recently. Fix #3.

Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2802 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2021, 22:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    CHANGE - Copy/Move Progress dialog changed. Can now show Read/Write speed separately and some other changed.
    ADDED - Option to prevent Windows from autoscaling in MultiMontor setup with different monitor scaling.
    ADDED - Setting for gridline line type.
    ADDED - Mouse command 'Go to parent folder' for Mouse configuration
    FIXED - Changing Attributes/Datetime on items in RESx: virtual device now works.
    FIXED - Improved navigation when filelist is in ListView mode.
    FIXED - Home/End keys issue in some edit fields.
    FIXED - Overwrite Readonly files issue when upacking zip archive
    FIXED - 4 Stability issues


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort: Added option "Show implicit secondary sort order arrow". Tick it to show the implicit secondary sort order (if any) by a very light small sort arrow.
    FYI, this option raises tweak SortSecondaryShowAlways to UI.
    MSG files have been excluded from the 64-bit preview in v20.90.0917 - 2020-08-31 13:26 because it just did not work. Experimentally this exclusion has now been removed.
    MSG Preview: Improved the speed of the 32-bit MSG Preview.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels: Since 20210628 the maximum could not go below 250. Fixed. The limit for both fields is 25; the defaults are 25 / 250.

Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1496
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 10:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: WinSetView 2.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 18:00
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Previous update to add Alt-Submit broke the Restore option. Restore is now working again.
    Discovered that PowerShell has issues running from a folder with square brackets in its name. A check has been added for this.
    Note: This tool is a script, so the source code is the program.


Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2021, 21:40

    SC get("previewhandler"): Added a little debugging thing to learn about the currently active preview handler. When you don't pass the "extension" parameter, some lines of information are now returned.


    text get("previewhandler"); //while a preview is shown

    Example return #1:

    Previewed extension: msg
    Preview handler bitness: 32-bit
    Preview handler: Outlook MAPI Mail Previewer
    Preview handler GUID: {435FDBA0-964C-43A7-8AFF-CC94E21B2249}


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5885
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2021, 18:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: XYplorer 22.10.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2021, 19:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    List | Attr Column: Now the file attributes are displayed by default in a modern narrow style (without all those hyphens). For example:

    BEFORE: ----A-----I----
    NOW: AI
    You can toggle the display style (go back to the old DOS Attributes style) by Ctrl+Right-clicking any item in the Attr column. Then click "Show Attributes in DOS Style". This setting is global for all modes, tabs, panes, and reports.
    UPGRADERS: Upgraders can use this toggle to turn on the new style.
    List | Attr Column: Now the N ("Normal") attribute is suppressed (not shown) by default. This is because this attribute is totally pointless: It *always and only* shows when an item has none of the other attributes.The suppression of Normal is done by setting the new key "AttrSuppressed" to 128 which happens to be the value for FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL. AttrSuppressed=128
    It's a bit field, so you can add values if you want to suppress other attributes. E.g. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY is 16, and
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE is 32. To hide D, A, and N do this (16+32+128): AttrSuppressed=176. Look up these values by searching the web for "File Attribute Constants".
    BTW, to suppress nothing do this: AttrSuppressed=0
    UPGRADERS: While the new factory default is 128, upgraders have to manually tweak the value.
    Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Find...: Now the dialog will open on Ctrl+F3. It will also open on Shift+F3 if it has not been opened and used before within this Configuration session. After a search has been done Shift+F3 will repeat that search.

    Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Find...: Now you get a message when a repeated search (Shift+F3) doesn't find any other match, e.g.:

    No other matches found for "pdf". When there is more than one match the search cycles through the hits.

    Find List Item: Now, in all small lists, you get a message when a repeated search (Shift+F4) doesn't find any other match, e.g.:

    No other matches found for "Terminator". When there is more than one match the search cycles through the hits.
    MSG Preview: Didn't work anymore for some users since v22.10.0206. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2021, 20:30

    Autofit the Name Column. Now you can let the Name column automatically take up all of the space not used by the other columns. A simple check mark saves you a lot of scrolling and dragging. So useful that you’ll stick with it forever.
    Autosize the Size Column. The Size column is the one with the most variable content, the one that’s typically always either too wide or too narrow. With this option, the width of the Size column is automatically adjusted when positions are changed or tabs are switched or when a new column layout is loaded.
    Secondary Sort Order Arrow. Now you can indicate the implicit secondary sort order by a very light little sort arrow. You’ll love it if you’re nerd enough.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to music by Cedric Burnside.

XYplorer 22.10.0209 Beta

    SC get("previewhandler"): Reorganized the return. Now it might look like this:

    Previewed Extension: msg
    Preview Handler: Outlook MAPI Mail Previewer [32-bit]
    Display Name: @C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MAPISHELL.DLL,-127
    GUID: {435FDBA0-964C-43A7-8AFF-CC94E21B2249}
    Initialization: IInitializeWithItem
    Or like this when previewed via XY64.exe;
    Previewed Extension: docx
    Preview Handler: Microsoft Word-Vorschau [64-bit]
    Display Name: Microsoft Word-Vorschau
    GUID: {84f66100-ff7c-4fb4-b0c0-02cd7fb668fe}
    Initialization: IInitializeWithFile
    As you see, due to the lacking Windows documentation every Preview Handler
    just registers more or less as it feels like. We're in outlaw zone.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.134. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.134.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2021, 19:50

    List: Added a tweak to ignore the column header on autosize:

    Tools | Customize List | Autosize Columns: Now when you turn it on,
    "Autofit the width of the Name column" is applied right away as well if
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Show implicit secondary
    sort order arrow: Did not work if "Keep folders on top" was disabled. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autofit the width
    of the Name column: Did not work correctly if "Configuration | Colors and
    Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Borders" was set to any value but
    "Windows Classic Style" or "No border". Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autofit the width
    of the Name column: Did not work correctly if " Tools | Customize List |
    Show Folder Sizes" was enabled. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2021, 20:40

    Panes | Sync Select...: Added option "Select Different Content" to select
    all name matches with a different content.
    By default the content is compared using SHA-256 hashing.
    Added a tweak to control the hashing method used by "Panes | Sync Select |
    Select Different Content". It factory defaults to 4 (SHA-256), and any

    value different from 1-5 falls back to 4 (SHA-256):

    SelSpecContentCheck=4 '1=ByteToByte, 2=MD5, 3=SHA-1, 4=SHA-256, 5=SHA-512
    Added a tweak to fiddle with the fatness of the primary and secondary sort

    arrows (sorry, I was bored):

    SortArrowFat=1 'make them 1 pixel fatter than normal
    SortArrowFat=2 'make them 1 pixels fatter than normal
    ... etc ...
    XYcopy: Pseudo error 91 possible under certain conditions since
    v22.00.0004 - 2021-07-02 15:39. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0174.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements

Titel: WinSetView 2.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2021, 18:30
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Cosmetic fix: Corrected scaling of one of the Option checkboxes.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2021, 09:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Anpassungen für das Windows 10 Update und Windows 11
• Diverse Korrekturen in den einzelnen Datei Explorer Listenansicht
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Explorer Q-Dir

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2021, 18:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix

Compatible with Windows 11 font icons Segoe Fluent Icons
For folders that cannot be updated automatically, I tried to update when creating a new file or new folder. # 471

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2021, 20:20

    User-defined Preview Handlers: Now you can force the bitness (32 or 64) of the process that attempts to employ the preview handler. This is useful if you know that the handler only exists in a particular bitness, so trying the other bitness would just be a waste of time and energy. Another advantage is that this setting overrides the global settings "Use 64-bit preview handlers for preview" and "Fall back to preview handlers of the other bitness" so that you have finer control over the bitness now.
    Startup became slow if any of the boxes under "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers" was ticked and the clipboard contained many items (> 4000). Now Clipboard Markers are not shown on startup when more than 4000 items are in the clipboard.
    Speed Tip: Copying many items (say > 4000) to the clipboard is much faster if you untick the checkboxes under "Configuration | Colors and styles | Styles | Clipboard markers".
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Always autosize the Size column: Did not work if the list was showing folder sizes. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.89
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Update wegen falscher / unkorrekter Virenmeldung auf MS Windows 11 und 10
Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien
Verbesserter Zugriff auf verschiedene SD-Karten, Medien und Netzwerk

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2021, 22:10

    Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: [...]: Now a double-click on an item will open the "Edit..." dialog if the "Edit..." button is enabled
    64-bit Preview: Removed a useless error message that occurred with a specific MSG preview handler
    XY64: Updated to
    Preview of Animated GIF Files: Since Win8.1 the animation did not happen in the Preview Tab or Preview Pane or Floating Preview *IF* the file path contained any Unicode characters. Fixed
    Preview of Embedded Thumbnails in PSD Files: Same problem with Unicode characters as above. Fixed


Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2810 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2021, 22:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Whats new:>>

FIXED - Hang during startup on some systems

Titel: WinSetView 2.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed incorrect icon size when option "Set views for Open and Save dialogs" is set to icons.
    Fixed interface hide/unhide issues when one or more folder types are unchecked.
    Fixed incorrect default folder view when General Items is unchecked.

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2021, 11:30

    Hover Box | Image: While the Hover Box is showing an image you now can toggle whether photo data are shown in the Hover Box status by pressing the "P" key. Remembered across sessions.
    The same setting is also found here: Configuration | Information |
    Report & Data | Photo Data | Show photo data in the Hover Box.
    Photo Data include Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time,
    Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken.
    FYI, before this setting was controlled by the "Show Photo Data" setting in the Large Tiles view.
    Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Photo Data: Added option "Show photo data in the Hover Box". Tick it to show photo data in the Hover Box status.
    Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Photo Data: Added option "Show photo data in the Large Tiles view". Tick it to show photo data in the Large Tiles view.
    The same setting is also found as "Show Photo Data" in the CTRL+Right-click menu of the text area of each tile in the Large Tiles view.
    Configuration | Information | Report: Renamed it to "Report & Data".


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2021, 19:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now if none of initial strategies find a thumbnail ("Desktop.ini"; "folder.jpg", "folder.png"; any JPEG or PNG) the first image or video file is used for the thumbnail.
    + Scripting got a new function.
    Name: PosAtPos
    Action: Returns the item position index within a control at a certain screen position.
    Syntax: posatpos(
  • , [y], [flags]) (same as SC ItemAtPos)

    return: Position index. First position is "1". Returns "0" if the X/Y coordinates do not point any item.


    Supported controls are:
    Tree (position of hovered item)
    Catalog (position of hovered item)
    List (position of hovered item)
    Toolbar (position of hovered button)
    Tab Bar (position of hovered tab)
    Status Bar (position of hovered section)


    echo posatpos(); //item position at current mouse position on screen
    echo posatpos(592, 662); //item position at arbitrary mouse position on screen
    echo posatpos(73, 108, 1); //item position at arbitrary mouse position on XYplorer
    Configuration: Simplified and reorganized the return of the undocumented
    Ctrl+Right-Click function to display breadcrumb paths to each option.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 09:30

    Scripting got a new function:

    Name: IndexAtPos
    Action: Returns the fixed internal item index within a control at a certain screen position.

    Syntax: indexatpos(
  • , [y], [flags]) (same as SC ItemAtPos) return: Item index:

    The index is usually 0-based, i.e. the first index is "0".
    Returns "-1" if the X/Y coordinates do not point to any item.


    Supported controls are:

    Tree (index of hovered item)
    Catalog (index of hovered item)
    List (index of hovered item)
    Toolbar (index of hovered button)
    Tab Bar (index of hovered tab)
    With Breadcrumb Bar and Status Bar, the Index value is meaningless (it's always 1 less than the position index).
    SC catalogreport enhanced: Added {Index} to the variables supported in template_category and

    Action: Creates a report on the Catalog.
    Syntax: catalogreport(template_category, template_item, [currentcategory=0]) template_category: Template for categories.

    The following variables are supported:

    {Caption} = Caption field.
    {Index} = Item index (a fixed numeric ID, independent of the position).
    {Location} = Location field ("Description" in Categories)
    {RGB Text} = Text color in RRGGBB format.
    {RGB Back} = Background color in RRGGBB format.


    Variables see template_category above.


    0: [Default] Report on whole catalog.
    1: Report on current category.
    return: The report.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2021, 21:30

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations: Added option "Check beforehand whether there is enough space".
    Tick it check beforehand whether there is enough space.
    Before, it was hard-coded to "Yes". So now you have the option to turn it off, which can be useful sometimes.
    This setting applies to Custom Copy/Move and also to Backup operations.
    Intra-volume moves do not check space anyway since this version so here the setting is irrelevant.
    BTW, also the setting "Default to repeat action on collisions" applies to Custom Copy/Move and also to Backup operations.
    File | Quick File View: Now if a LNK file is viewed, the Quick File View will show the target file, not the LNK file.
    Custom Copy: Free space check is completely skipped now for move operations in the same drive (aka intra-volume moves) because a better API was employed to do the move job.
    If overwrites are involved intra-volume moves are also faster now.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0175.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2021, 20:30

    Custom Event Actions: Added new event "Exit". It is fired right before the automatic save settings on exit (if any).
    SC catalogreport: If the Catalog wasn't shown on startup and still hidden when calling SC catalogreport the report didn't cover the complete
    Catalog because at that point it wasn't yet fully loaded internally. Fixed.
    Time-Stamping: FYI, the earliest possible file date you can set in XY is this: 1601-01-01 00:00:00.0000001Z (Z for Zulu = UTC = Coordinated Universal Time)
    It is not possible to set the file date to the absolute low (which would be shown as "(unknown)"): 1601-01-01 00:00:00Z (= 1601-01-01 00:00:00.0000000Z). This is because the SetFileTime API interprets a 0 value as "Do not change the current timestamp". BTW, the latest possible file date you can set in XY is this: 9999-12-31 23:59:59.9999999Z


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2021, 18:50

    Small Audio Preview: If the Preview Pane is visible an audio-only preview shows its progress in the Status Bar (just like the Quick Audio Preview on MDBU) -- this is called "Small Audio Preview" now.
    Small Audio Preview: Stopping this preview (and hiding the progress bar) by unselecting the previewed file did not work anymore since 20210329. Fixed.

    Small Audio Preview: Now it supports the following keys (apart from ESC these keys work the same way in the Preview Tab ever since):

    Space = toggle Play/Pause
    Shift+Space = Stop (Pause and Rewind)
    ESC = End Preview


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0209 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2021, 21:30

    Visual Filters and Live Filters: Now you can filter lists by the data shown in Custom Columns. Awesome.
    You can reference the columns by their canonic name and also by their caption (the latter can be ambiguous).
    Like with other filters you can use numeric operators (>=, <, ==, etc) and wildcards (*, ?). What makes sense when, only you can know since you wrote the Custom Columns.
    Note that the filtering also works for columns that are not currently present in the list. So you now have handy shortcuts to ever-so-complex filters. Mega awesome.
    List: Experimentally added a new command "Set as Live Filter" (another possible caption would be "Filter by This Property") to the Ctrl+Right-Click menu of each cell in Details view. It seems to work well with Custom Columns, but not with some of the other columns. Work in progress...
    Preview: Previewing very large text files could lead to Error 6 (Overflow). Fixed.
    Content Search: A RegExp search of very large text files could lead to Error 7 (Out of Memory). Fixed.
    Find Files: When searching by a Custom Column and this column returned a date and the Format was set to "Age", the matching was falsely done by the absolute date, not by the age term shown in the column. Fixed.


Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2021, 10:10
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.


Whats new:>>

    Add a new UI to manage registration.
    Bug fixes Thanks (Tomasz Tomasik, Matthias Derntl).

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2021, 22:30

    Find Files by Size: Now you can pass file sizes with units in the search term. Also local thousand separators are handled now.
    Find Files by Columns: Now you can prefix any column header (canonic name or current caption) to the search term (separated by :).
    Visual Filters and Live Filters: All columns (apart from "Index") are supported now.
    Note that the "Index" column contains an internal value that cannot be searched or filtered. All other columns should work now.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Visual Filters and Live Filters: Filtering by Size did not work yet where
    Thousand separators were combined with units, e.g. "Size: 5,318 KB". Fixed.
    Note that handling thousand separators only works when they are commas.

Titel: Far Manager 3.0.5888
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2021, 20:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: QT TabBar 2048 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2021, 09:50
QT TabBar is a simple utility that will enable you to create tab bar for Windows Explorer. QT TabBar will allow you to operate files and folders like tab browser folder grouping, histories, etc. QT TabBar can optimize your operating system, by creating tabs for Windows Explorer, which hive you instant access to multiple folders at once.


Whats new:>>

Fixed GDI object leak

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0213 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Batch Rename: Now it has progress feedback in the status bar.

    % Clipboard Markers: Turned out that the Clipboard Markers were poorly implemented and caused heavy delays when the number of items in the clipboard was high. Improved in 2 ways:

    Now when both of these settings are OFF...
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Dimmed icons
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Colored lines
    ... no work related to the markers is done anymore.
    There is a limit now up to which Clipboard Markers are processed and shown. The factory default is 1000 (= up to 1000 items in the clipboard).

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0214 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2021, 21:50

    Find Files and Quick Search: Now you can find files by their Shell Properties even when such a column is currently not present in the list. These are the properties that are available in the "Property Columns". You find a list of them here: Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show these fields
    Find Files and Quick Search: Now you can find files by their Special Properties even when such a column is currently not present in the list. Simply use the Special Property name (as you seeFind Files and Quick Search: Now you can find files by their Shell Properties even when such a column is currently not present in the list. These are the properties that are available in the "Property Columns". You find a list of them here: Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show these fields
    Find Files and Quick Search: Now you can find files by their Special Properties even when such a column is currently not present in the list. Simply use the Special Property name (as you see it in the "Select Special Property" dialog that you can show when you right-click a such a column header) as selector. Alternatively you can use the internal selector (if you know it). It is locale independent and pretty safe against ambiguities (the user could have one or more Custom Columns named "MD5" which would make the actual outcome of the simple forms above unpredictable). Note that the old way still works. It is more clumsy and harder to remember but even more safe against ambiguities. There aren't any notable speed difference between the alternatives.
    Now you can show the internal Special Property selectors (e.g. "hash.md5") in the "Select Special Property" dialog if you hold CTRL down while opening the dialog. They are canonic, i.e. locale independent.
    Live Filter Box: Now Shell Properties and Special Properties are supported. Works independently of any currently visible columns. Patterns are identical to the ones used in Find Files.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Always autosize the Size column: Less flicker when changing locations while Show Folder Sizes is enabled.
    Set as Live Filter: Did not work yet for the Type column. Fixed. it in the "Select Special Property" dialog that you can show when you right-click a such a column header) as selector. Alternatively you can use the internal selector (if you know it). It is locale independent and pretty safe against ambiguities (the user could have one or more Custom Columns named "MD5" which would make the actual outcome of the simple forms above unpredictable). Note that the old way still works. It is more clumsy and harder to remember but even more safe against ambiguities. There aren't any notable speed difference between the alternatives.
    Now you can show the internal Special Property selectors (e.g. "hash.md5") in the "Select Special Property" dialog if you hold CTRL down while opening the dialog. They are canonic, i.e. locale independent.
    Live Filter Box: Now Shell Properties and Special Properties are supported. Works independently of any currently visible columns. Patterns are identical to the ones used in Find Files.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Always autosize the Size column: Less flicker when changing locations while Show Folder Sizes is enabled.
    Set as Live Filter: Did not work yet for the Type column. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0216 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

List: Column headers were destroyed on tab change in the last beta. Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2021, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für MS Windows 11 OS
• Kleine Optimierungen und andere allgemeine Verbesserungen sowie einige Korrekturen.

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0217 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2021, 22:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Cell Context Menu: Added command "Quick Search". Will run a Quick Search looking for that property.
    Cell Context Menu | Set as Live Filter: Renamed it to "Live Filter".
    Cell Context Menu: Moved "Live Filter" and "Quick Search" to the top.
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus: Added option "Hold Ctrl to show cell context menu" (default is ON). Untick to pop the Cell Context Menu by a simple right-click without holding CTRL.
    That way the new cell-oriented functions are more easily accessible.
    If unticked you still can pop the standard Edit context menu by holding CTRL (or by "rocker-click"). So this setting swaps the need for CTRL between the two possible context menus.
    Set as Live Filter: Did not work yet for some columns with a space in the name. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0218 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2021, 19:45

    List | Information Bars: Experimentally added a single-click way to close the bar and the related function. You'll see a little cross at the right end of the bar. If you click that right-end square marked by the cross the bar will close (more exactly: will do the same that a double-click would do). It's totally basic, no hover-effect, no tooltip.
    Live Filter Box: Now when filled programmatically (not by typing, but e.g. by toggling) the beginning of the pattern is visible (not scrolled out of view) even if the pattern is longer than the box. That way you can always see the selector.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0219 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Added debug logging to fix a freezing problem.

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0221 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2021, 20:20

    Tree: Freeze on auto-refreshing a network drive. Fixed.

22.20.0220 Beta

    Visual Filters: Now Boolean AND can also be written as " & ". Before, only " AND " (case-insensitive) worked.
    Visual Filters: Now Boolean OR can also be written as " OR " (case-insensitive). Before, only "|" and ";" worked.
    Visual Filters: Removed a singular inconsisteny with Visual Filters and Live Filters. They were the only places where surrounding spaces for | (for Boolean OR) were not mandatory. Now they are mandatory. This change might break some of your code but consistency pays off in the long run. If you want to preserve the old state, here's a tweak: VFAllowSinglePipeOR=1. For upgraders the tweak is set automatically (XY never breaks old code). But it's recommended to set it to 0 so you are guided to full consistency and can safely share patterns with new users for whom surrounding spaces are mandatory.
    Color Filters: Now Boolean AND can also be written as " & ". Before, only " AND " (case-insensitive) worked.
    Color Filters: Now Boolean OR can also be written as " OR " (case-insensitive) and " | " (surrounding spaces needed). Before, only ";" worked.
    Apart from ";" all Boolean operators have to be surrounded by spaces.
    Both AND and OR are case-insensitive everywhere, i.e. "and" and "or" work as well.

    Summary of available binary Boolean operators:

    AND OR Notes
    Visual Filters AND & OR | ;
    Live Filters AND & OR | ; always 100% identical to Visual Filters
    Color Filters AND & OR | ; not all selectors are supported yet
    Quick Search AND & OR | ;
    Find Files Name AND & OR | ; always 100% identical to Quick Search


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0222 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 September, 2021, 20:50

    Reorganized the options in two sections, "Method" and "Scope".
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh | Auto-refresh: Renamed it to "Watch the current location". Tick it to
    automatically refresh Tree and List on file system changes in the current location.
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Method: Added option "Listen to file system notifications". Tick it to automatically refresh
    Tree and List on file system changes anywhere. Depending on your system this can lead to more refresh events than you might like or need. Hence you now have the option to turn it off. FYI, this option raises tweak DisableSHChangeNotifyRegister to UI (with inverted logic).
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Scope: The settings here apply to both methods.

    Visual Filters and Live Filters: Now, by factory default, you can invert a whole Boolean expression ("master-invert") by wrapping it into parentheses and prefixing a !:

    UPGRADERS: To prevent breaking old code a tweak is auto-set for upgraders that keeps it as it was before:

    Aliases: The nesting of aliases using <get ...> was limited. It's not anymore. Now you can do this:

    Define (via Address Bar) a deeply nested alias in e.g. 3 steps (any number of steps are possible):

    @dir2=<get alias dir1>SubLevel1
    @dir3=<get alias dir2>SubLevel2

    Removed these main menu commands:

    #356 - View | Tab | Filter By Selected Extension(s) (Ctrl+Alt+J) (added in v5.40.0023 - 2006-11-20 10:30)
    #357 - View | Tab | Filter Out Selected Extension(s) (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+J) (added in v6.10.0048 - 2007-06-22 10:02)
    Reason: Not needed anymore. The functionality is now covered by other functions, or can be scripted.


Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0223 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2021, 18:30

    Cell Context Menu: Now you can modify by keyboard what happens when you click "Live Filter".Click => Filter list by the selected property (replace any current filter)
    Ctrl+Click => Boolean AND the selected property to the current filter (if any)
    Shift+Click => Boolean OR the selected property to the current filter (if any)
    No smartness built in. It just appends " & [selected property]" or " | [selected property]" to whatever is in the box.
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh | Watch the current location: Renamed it back to "Auto-Refresh". Needs to be consistent with the main menu "View | Auto-Refresh".
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh | Listen to file system notifications: Renamed it to "Respond to file system notifications".
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh: Removed sections "Method" and "Scope". Unnecessary.
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh: Revised the logic. The checkbox "Auto-refresh" is the main switch again.
    Speed: Browsing, searching and calculating folder sizes all got a little bit faster. Removed an unnecessary operation that was triggered *very often* for nothing.


Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2816 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2021, 10:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Whats new:>>

    ADDED - CustomConfigPath now support environment tags like %USERNAME%, %APPDATA% and so on
    CHANGED - Core cleanup
    FIXED - Startup fixes, More things is run in parallel during startup, Faster startup.

Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2817 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>


    Changed in what order some things are initialized during the parallel startup.
    2 Stability issues

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0225 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    XY64: Updated to
    Office Preview: Tried to fix an alignment issue with the 64-bit preview of Office files in some systems.
    SC tag, SC tagitems: Did not yet support Extra Columns beyond "ex5" in the "type" or "field" parameter. Fixed. Now they support "ex1" - "ex16".

Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2818 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    FIXED - Code cleanup
    FIXED - 2 Stability issues

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0226 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2021, 11:50
Whats new:>>

    Updated the help file.
    Floating Preview: "Navigate by Category" didn't see WEBP files as images because internally they are in a different category (Preview as Thumbnail). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.20.0227 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

MLS: Minor error in one caption. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 08:30

    NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release:

    Live Filter via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to filter the list for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Unprecedented and addictive usability booster. And the learning curve is a dot.
    Quick Search via Cell Context Menu. Now it's just a click to search the current location including its subfolders for a specific property. And that's any property, including the standard columns, tags, comments, extended shell properties, and even your own user-defined custom columns. Just wow.
    Photo Data in the Hover Box. See Camera Model, Focal Length, F-Stop, Exposure Time, Exposure Bias, ISO Speed, and Date Taken, and of course an image preview by simply moving the mouse over the photo file.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the groove of Charlie Watts.


Titel: Vifm 0.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 20:10
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


 Main changes

    Color schemes and preview now support 24-bit colors.
    Depth of tree-view can now be limited and directories in it can be folded.
    Textual preview of files is now done asynchronously.
    List of files can now be directly piped to programs via new macros.
    External editing now asks for a re-edit after a failure.
    Status line can now take up several lines.
    Vifm has received a more advanced, but currently experimental, extension interface in a form of Lua plugins.
    New keys for controlling viewer while in view mode.
    View column separators.
    New logo.

▸ Demonstration of new features...
▾ More detailed list of changes...

    Added experimental Lua plugins support.
    Added interactive re-editing of file names in external editor. Format now supports comments for displaying last error and original file names (thanks to Jose Riha (a.k.a. jose1711) and Diogo Lemos (a.k.a. dmlemos)).
    Started using quickview's cache in view mode.
    Extended cache of viewer's output to contain multiple entries (initial version of the cache was added to skip redrawing graphics).
    Run background programs detached from a terminal (thanks to Miguel Madrid Mencía, a.k.a. mimame).

File operations:

    Added periodic forced flushing of data on copying data when 'syscalls' is set (thanks to Matthias Braun, a.k.a. mb720).


    Don't list inaccessible instances on --server-list.

Important fixes:

    Fixed losing files as a result of executing :copy! & or :move! & when both panes show the same directory (thanks to Hans Bieshaar).
    Fixed copying of executable files not working on FreeBSD (thanks to makijato).
    Fixed inability to map escape sequences due to extended keys in terminfo database (patch by M Kelly).
    Fixed hang on using previewer that takes over control over the terminal (like 7z does to read password) (thanks to PRESFIL).
    Fixed vifm-convert-dircolors dropping copies of entries that differ only by case (thanks to flux242).

Normal and visual modes:

    Added zx normal mode key to fold/unfold directories in tree views. The implementation is not optimal at this moment though (thanks to filterfalse, Ben Lu (a.k.a. ayroblu), RR0925 and Alexandre Viau).

Key bindings:

    Added a and A view mode keys that switch to next and previous viewer of current file correspondingly (thanks to j-xella).
    Added i view mode key that toggles raw mode (ignoring of defined viewers) (thanks to j-xella).

Command-line mode:

    Added :plugins command that opens plugins menu.
    Added :plugin command that manages plugins.
    Added :st[op] command what behaves like Ctrl-Z. It's to be used in mappings (thanks to GummyGun).
    Added depth=N parameter to the :tree command (thanks to filterfalse).
    Added combine pseudo-attribute to cterm parameter of :highlight command. It changes behaviour from overwriting attributes of a parent highlight group (within their hierarchy) to appending to it (thanks to Andrew Savchenko).
    Added gui, guifg and guibg parameters to :highlight command.
    Added network mount and subst targets to :volumes menu (patch by Phil Runninger).
    Made :compare obey file name filters (patch by qsmodo).
    Allow user-defined commands to include numbers in their names (thanks to anonymous at Vifm Q2A site).

:set command and options:

    Added %P macro to 'rulerformat' (and thus to 'statusline'), which expands to All, Top, xx% or Bot to indicate position within the view (thanks to iSeeU816).
    Added 'previewoptions' option to allow tweaking graphics preview a bit (thanks to Joshua Jensch (a.k.a. patroclos) and flux242).
    Added toptreestats value to 'previewoptions' option, which makes stats appear before the tree (patch by qsmodo).
    Added literal values to 'viewcolumns' option (thanks to Jose Riha (a.k.a. jose1711), chelovechishko, DieSpinne and rwtallant13).
    Added %N macro to 'statusline' option, which adds a line break and increases height of the status line (thanks to Jose Riha (a.k.a. jose1711), qsmodo and jcarreja).
    Added l and r flags to the 'tuioptions' option. It controls truncation of view titles (patch by qsmodo).
    Added %c 'statusline' macro that displays size of current file-system (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).


    Added %Pl and %Pz macros for redirecting list of files to standard input of commands (thanks to PRESFIL).
    Added %v macro for vertical splitting in terminal multiplexers (patch by qsmodo).

File preview:

    Allow exploring empty files or output of viewers (thanks to Andrew Savchenko).
    Implemented asynchronous previewing for textual and pass-through (think sixel) viewers (thanks to StillSteal, laur89, Joshua Jensch (a.k.a. patroclos) and p-kolacz).
    Detect broken links on preview and report them as such.

Color schemes:

    Changed semantics of light* color groups to add bold attribute only for terminals with less than 16 colors. Aligns the behaviour with Vim. Affects you only if you relied on that implicit bold attribute (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).

Menus and dialogs:

    Added shortcuts for toggling flags in permissions dialog on *nix (patch by qsmodo).
    Added some additional information about instance to the :version/:vifm menu.
    Made contents of map menus easier to comprehend by adding captions.
    Include shortcut prefix in title of map menus.
    Always display UID/GID in numeric form in File Info dialog (in parenthesis if the id was resolved to a string).

TUI (Text User Interface):

    Added support for direct/"true"/24-bit colors for ncurses 6.0 or later (thanks to Anton Kochkov (a.k.a. XVilka) and IvanBarsukov).
    Added progress indication to the ruler of the view mode (corresponds to new %P macro of 'rulerformat') (thanks to iSeeU816).


    Document how %i macro affects background jobs.

Only on Windows:

    Fixed :goto not working with backslashes (thanks to Grueslayer).
    Fixed processing of keypad keys (thanks to Roland).
    Fixed :empty leaving empty directories (thanks to Grueslayer).


    Made it possible to build AppImage for Vifm (patch by michaellee8).
    Fixed running tests as root user (thanks to Michka Popoff, a.k.a. iMichka).
    Fixed an issue with packaging on one system (Linux in this case) and building on the other (OS X) (thanks to chenrui333).


    Made :VifmCs of the plugin handle 24-bit colors.

Other changes:

    Updated logo of the project (thanks to Hescalalu for making it).


Titel: nnn 4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 20:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    Cool ASCII art logo in the help screen
    Add bookmarks directory for flexible symlinked bookmarks
    New key B to add a symlinked bookmark for current dir
    Special variables $dN, $fN available for plugins/prompt/shell to access context dir/hovered file
    Config NNN_ORDER to set directory-specific ordering
    Show/hide hidden files as per context state in plugin based batch rename
    Retain search filter history for plugin finder
    Sync multiple instances of nnn after operation on selection
    Signal CWD change to terminal via OSC-7 (#1147)
    Save complete per-context filter when saving sessions
    Disable symlink resolution for paths in NNN_BMS and arg PATH
    Do not end selection mode on running plugins/prompt/shell
    Plugin bookmarks replaced by symlinked bookmarks support
    List open locations in active contexts in help page
    Make option O_MATCHFLTR to discard filter key if no match
    Configurable NNN_TMPFILE to cd on quit
    Disable auto marking directories (use -)
    No redraw during du calculation, show processed dir name
    Plugin xdgdefault: add dmenu support
    User patch restorepreview: close/restore preview-tui for internal edits

    Picker mode improvements:

    Open tty for input if STDIN is non-tty
    Truncate output file before writing
    Do not double select a file on Enter


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2021, 22:45
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Preview and Thumbnails: Added XAR to the supported factory defaults.
    * Quick Find Files: From now on the "Find Files" button in the Quick Search
    dialog *only* affects searches triggered from this dialog. Other Quick
    Searches are not affected and run normally.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 10:45
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2021, 21:20

    Visual Filters and Live Filters: The verbal NOT-operator "NOT " (or "not ", or "Not ", it's case-insensitive) was not yet supported. Now it is:

    Size: 529 KB or not Ext: txt
    not Size: 529 KB or Ext: txt
    not (Size: 529 KB or not Ext: txt)
    dateM:NOT dw 6-7
    dateM: NOT dw 6-7
    NOT dateM:dw 6-7
    NOT dateM: dw 6-7

    Visual Filters and Live Filters:

    dateM:dw 6-7 OK
    dateM: dw 6-7 OK
    dateM:!dw 6-7 OK
    dateM:! dw 6-7 OK
    dateM: !dw 6-7 FAIL!
    Fixed. Now all work.

    Color Filters: Now the verbal NOT-operator "NOT " (case-insensitive) is supported:

    dateM:NOT dw 6-7
    dateM: NOT dw 6-7
    NOT dateM:dw 6-7
    NOT dateM: dw 6-7

    Color Filters: Logical inversion failed when done at the value:

    !dateM:dw 6-7 OK
    ! dateM:dw 6-7 OK
    dateM:!dw 6-7 FAIL!
    dateM:! dw 6-7 FAIL!
    dateM: !dw 6-7 FAIL!
    Fixed. Now all work.

    Custom File Associations:

    When opening a LNK file with "Toolbar | Open With | Resolve Shortcuts before Matching" enabled, any "Run Maximized" in the LNK settings was ignored. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.9.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2021, 19:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Changed to select the sort of add-ons from the menu (for convenience of font icons)
    If the file is being processed by the check at the end, try again (stop the dialog display).

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

    Cell Context Menu | Live Filter / Quick Search: If you're adventurous enough to call your columns "Not OK" or "Birds and Feathers" (i.e. with Boolean operators in the name) they will survive Boolean parsing only with escapes (""). Now such escapes are automatically added where necessary, e.g. "Not OK" or "Birds and Feathers".
    SC get("rs"): Got stuck in endless loop since 20210924. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.6.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2021, 22:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    better scrolling behaviors - Fix #419
    fix special-path::Enter for symlinks - Fix #448


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2021, 19:30

    Live Filter Box: Now you can adjust the width of the box in a snap by
    hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over the box. The width is increased or decreased
    in steps of 10 pixels. Minimum is 40 pixels, maximum is screen width.

    In case you don't have a mouse with a wheel, you can tweak the value here:

    Live Filter Box: Now the factory default width depends on the screen width
    and is defined as Max(140, screenWidth / 12). Before it was hard-coded to
    140. So with screens wider than 1680 the box will be wider than before.
    Once you set the width by Shift+Alt+Wheel the factory default is
    irrelevant, of course.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.240
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2021, 11:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Selected date type (creation, last access, last write, date taken) can now be also used within renaming and archiving
    Bugfix for app crash on changing format string in archiving dialog

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Oktober, 2021, 20:30

    Cell Context Menu | Live Filter / Quick Search: Now if the pattern contains any Boolean characters or backslashes the pattern is automatically quoted to avoid any parsing ambiguities. Examples:

    Owner: "VegaDonald"
    Comment: "cat & dog"
    Tags: "!Okay!"

    FYI, alternatively to quoting you can escape such operators (since this feature is fixed, see below):

    Owner: Vega\Donald
    Comment: cat & dog
    Tags: !Okay!

    Find Files and Quick Search: Escaping boolean operators with "" did not work anymore since 20210312. Fixed. Examples:

    Pattern Match
    cat & dog "cat & dog"
    cat and dog "cat and dog"
    !cat "!cat"
    !!cat NOT "!cat"

    Thumbnails: New factory defaults for the sizes offered in "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Thumbnail widths and heights". Rounder and larger numbers:

    OLD: 16,32,64,96,128,192,200,300,450,512,675
    NEW: 16,32,64,96,128,192,200,300,400,600,800,1200,1600
    Nothing changes for upgraders. You can always tweak the "ThumbSizes" key.


Titel: Files 2.0.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2021, 11:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    New Features:

    Added support for dropping to pin folders to the favorites section on the sidebar (#6129)

    Bug Fixes:

    Fixed an issue where extracting files from a zipped archive would result in corrupted files (#6099)
    Fixed an issue preventing copy and paste from working with shortcuts & hidden items (#6109)
    Avoid blocking the UI when loading icons for the conflict dialog (dialog open faster when deleting many items) (#6109)
    Fixed an issue where the wrong items would be displayed in the "Today" and "Yesterday" section when grouping by date (#6134)
    Fix issue where the image preview in the preview pane wasn't displaying correctly (#6144)
    Fixed an issue where Files was crashing when opening folders on Windows 10 (1809) (#6180)


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2021, 18:10

    Live Filter Box: You could already use the Backspace key to remove the last character in the LFB when the focus was in the file list and the LFB contained anything. Now you can use Ctrl+Backspace to remove the last *word* in the LFB.

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Slightly changed the order of precedence when asked which file is used for the folder's thumbnail:

    Live Filter: Exact match via quotes did not work with the Name selector.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Minimum / Maximum tab width in pixels: Since 20210628 the maximum could not go below 250. Fix #2. The v22.10.0206 - 2021-08-28 16:08 fix was not complete.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.92
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2021, 10:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige anpassungen für MS Windows 11 OS
• Kleine Optimierungen für das Windows 10 im Quad-Explorer Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2021, 20:10

    Quick Search and Find Files:

    Parsing issues when a pattern ended with !. Fixed.
    Pattern Match (case-insensitive)
    Rock! Name: "*rock!*"
    !Rock! NOT Name: "*rock!*"
    !Rock! Name: "*!rock!*"
    Rock! & Jazz Name: "*rock!*" AND Name: "*jazz*"
    !Rock! & Jazz (NOT Name: "*rock!*") AND Name: "*jazz*"
    !Rock & Jazz Name: "*!rock*" AND Name: "*jazz*"

    Color Filters:

    Since 20210930 Color Filters support Boolean NOT operators (! and NOT). However, escaping those operators didn't work yet with Color Filters. Fixed.
    Pattern Match
    !~! NOT Name: "*~!*"
    !~! Name: "*!~!*"

    List Inline Rename:

    Since v22.10.0006 - 2021-07-24 14:20 there wasn't any grace time anymore when trying to rename a file in use. Now it's back.


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2021, 08:50

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Added option "Show hover box only while the shift key is held down". Before, this
    functionality was covered by "Show info tips only while the shift key is held down". Now the settings are separate, which gives you more setting
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Reorganized the whole page. Settings that apply to both File Info Tips and Hover Box are now listed in a separate section named "File Info Tips and Hover Box".
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show tips for clipped tree and list items: Those tips are not shown anymore when the
    mouse is over a thumbnail.
    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Open command line start path in new tab: The unticked state was not completely honored. Fixed. Now when unticked the current tab is overwritten by the command line start path unless the tab is locked.
    SC quicksearch: Lost its ability to search Paper Folders when "Explicit Save Only" was introduced in v21.50.0133 - 2021-03-08 16:23. Fixed. Now
    you can do things like this again (no need to load that Paper Folder into the list): text quicksearch("egg*.txt /n", "paper:chicken");


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Glitches fixed.
    Tab Bars | 'Tab List' button: The menu did not show all sorts of custom tab icons anymore since about v22.10.0007 - 2021-07-25 13:41. Fixed.
    Added debug logging to investigate a "Location currently not available" issue

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.10.7 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Oktober, 2021, 23:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that the display / non-display of "Up" and "Down" on the option screen may be strange in 21.9.29.
    Adjusted to iconize some buttons when the add-on "Segoe Fluent Icons" is enabled.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2021, 21:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Added SC get("find_queryparsed_last"): The old SC get("find_queryparsed") always returns the last-used query in a friendly way, but that's the last-used query of the current list pane. This does not include any searches via SC quicksearch() which bypass the GUI and hence the list panes.
    To look at a friendly version of the very last search query including any quicksearch() you can now use this argument -
    text get("find_queryparsed_last");
    text <get find_queryparsed_last>; //alternate syntax for SC get
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: More glitches fixed.
    Worked on the "Location currently not available" issue. Tried a fix.
    Tab Bars | 'Tab List' button: The menu did not show all sorts of custom tab icons correctly in all resolutions. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Icons in Popup Menus: Full rewrite to better support all resolutions.
    Tabs: Some types of custom tab icons are now better sized and/or positioned in higher resolutions.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Even more glitches fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Oktober, 2021, 20:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: Absturz unter Windows 7 und XP im Quad Explorer 32-Bit Version
• Kleine Optimierungen in Q-Dir für Win 11

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Info Panel | Find Files | Reset Filters: Now you get an "Are you sure?" prompt before the filters are reset.
    Auto-Refresh: Auto-refresh was not working in the inactive pane on deletions in the active pane. Fixed.
    Tools | Customize Tree | Show Expansion Icons: With the checkmark unchecked, you could still click the area where the extension icon is usually located and toggle the extension. Fixed.
    View | Tab | Filter By Selection(s): Did not work anymore with more than one selection since v22.20.0220 - 2021-09-23 14:47. Fixed.
    SC popupmainmenu: Popped relative to main window when "submenu" was specified, but relative to screen otherwise. Fixed. Now it always pops relative to screen.
    Hover Box: Did not show contents of JAR-archives. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.10.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 11:50
Whats new:>>

Adjusted because there was a problem related to iconizing the part button

Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 20:50
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (New) A new dironly option is added to only show directories and hide regular files (by @mtoohey31).
    (New) A new dircache option is added to disable caching of directories (by @sigasigasiga).
    (New) Two new commands filter and setfilter is added along with a new option incfilter and a promptfmt expansion %F to implement directory filtering feature (by @SPFabGerman).
    (New) A new special command pre-cd is added to run a command before a directory is changed (by @SPFabGerman).
    (New) cmap command now accepts all expressions similar to map (by @SPFabGerman).
    (Fix) Marking a symlink directory should now save the symlink path instead of the target path (by @SeerLite).
    (Fix) A number of crashes have been fixed when hidden option is changed (by @kmarius).


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2021, 22:20

    Live Filter Box | Context Menu:

    Added three settings that are shared by Visual Filters and Live Filters:

    Apply to Files Only
    Match Case
    Ignore Diacritics

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find:

    Reorganized the page by combining three shared settings in a new section "Visual Filters and Live Filter Box".

    Cell Context Menu | Live Filter:

    For some columns the "Match Case" setting was ignored. Fixed.
    Note that "Match Case" for Live Filters is controlled here: Configuration
    Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters | Match case.

    Locked Mini Tree:

    Newly created folders were auto-added to the tree.
    That's okay with the Locked Maxi Tree (see v8.80.0016 - 2010-01-13 15:15) but not with the Locked Mini Tree. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.10.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix:

Display-related adjustments in Chinese environment # 476

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.0 Build 9940 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2021, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


    UPD: Version number
    ADD: Refresh panel after new file creation from "New" menu
    FIX: Scripts create_packages.* (use git)
    FIX: Script create_packages.bat (use git)
    FIX: Crash with cm_ToggleFullscreenConsole action when console disabled (fixes #186)
    UPD: Hungarian translation
    FIX: Tooltip boolean value localization
    UPD: SevenZip - version number
    FIX: SevenZip - protect cache access
    FIX: Free Pascal 3.2.2 compatibility


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Multi Commander 11.3.0 Build 2822
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2021, 10:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    CHANGE - Copy/Move Progress dialog changed. Can now show Read/Write speed separately and some other changed.
    ADDED - Some parts of Startup is now run in parallel.
    ADDED - Support for Changing Config/Log/Userdata path from a special file
    ADDED - Support for redirecting some config files to another locations from a from a special file
    ADDED - FileType setup now support the Windows verb 'Enqueue'
    ADDED - Path sent as parameter to multicommander now support "." for current folder
    ADDED - Some part of startup process is now run in parallel.
    ADDED - Option to prevent Windows from autoscaling in MultiMontor setup with different monitor scaling.
    ADDED - Option to tweak how fast a refresh of the filesystem should happen when filesystem is changed
    ADDED - Setting for gridline line type.
    ADDED - Mouse command 'Go to parent folder' for Mouse configuration
    FIXED - Changing Attributes/Datetime on items in RESx: virtual device now works.
    FIXED - Improved navigation when filelist is in ListView mode.
    FIXED - Home/End keys issue in some edit fields.
    FIXED - Overwrite Readonly files issue when unpacking zip archive
    FIXED - 10 Stability issues


Titel: Q-Dir 9.94.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Oktober, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: Smartphones z.B Samsung mit Android 11 über USB-Kabel Vorschau wird nicht angezeigt


• Erneut anpassungen Windows 7 x64 und XP 2005 x64 / 64-Bit Version
• Verbesserungen in Q-Dir für Windows 11

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2021, 18:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


- 0001009: [Graphical user interface] Deleting feature in the synchronize directories window (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002132: [Graphical user interface] "Two files are identical" window is invisible (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001268: [Graphical user interface] Add option for more helpful title bar (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002574: [File operations] Uses temp file on local tree to compress to tar (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002659: Save config on SIGTERM (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002519: [File operations] Server side copy over the network (SMB2 FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK support) (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002602: [Logic] Compare by Contents: When comparing identical binary files, DC will show the Diff tool at the same time (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002653: [Editor] Включить галку в окне "заменить" - resolved.
- 0001128: [Graphical user interface] Long file names in "Synchronize directories" window overlap "Date" columns (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002661: [Viewer] Error: [TCustomForm.SetFocus] frmFindView:TfrmFindView Can not focus (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002652: [Default] Files not selected in file panel in quickview mode (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002640: [Graphical user interface] Quick View Panel menu item stays unchecked (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002601: [File operations] Option to synchronize directory changes between panels (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001370: [Graphical user interface] Custom icon gfx uses wrong size sub-image. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000047: [File operations] Moving on same Harddisk tooks much time (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002646: [File operations] Incorrect total file copy progress (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002527: [File operations] Individual files deleted to trash remain in original folder (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002607: [File operations] Named pipes creation error in FreeBSD (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002645: [File operations] Cannot directly zip file from rar or zip archive (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002638: [File operations] Select a Group editor not recalling RegEx settings (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002631: [Graphical user interface] Mounted .dmg images should be shown in the drives list (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001223: [File operations] Access Violation when typing path manually in a large remote directory (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002618: [Language translation] Missing PO messages (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002616: [File operations] Internal diff tool changes line endings on save (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002619: [Default] Can't sort file list by [DC().GETFILECOMMENT{}] column (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002614: [Plugins] File size is most probably signed int32, should be unsigned and/or widere than 32bit (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001126: [File operations] Copy NTFS attributes (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002086: [File operations] Wrong progress info for copy operation to netword device (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002098: [File operations] An encrypted file is copied as decrypted (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002484: [File operations] NTFS Alternate Data Streams not copied (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001735: [Editor] It does not ask for confirmation when closing the main window and there are unsaved changes in a background editor (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002199: [File operations] slow copying of files to an external USB disk (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002084: [File operations] Double Commander loses xattrs on file copy (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002095: [File operations] In Place File Copy - Clipped File Name (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002595: [Graphical user interface] Selection "By clicking on icon" in Single click mode doesn't work (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000193: [Logic] Root mode (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002102: [Viewer] Падение при просмотре текстовых файлов (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001017: [Graphical user interface] Entries in Directory Hotlist have no auto-shortcut any more (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002539: [Graphical user interface] Сделать настройку цвета фона и текста контрола с текущим путём (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002569: [Default] Crash if Show Desktop is used (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001001: [File operations] Overwrite dialog could provide option to rename and auto-rename (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000750: [Graphical user interface] Open VFS List from Left/Right Drive List (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001710: [Viewer] При новом поиске курсор переходит в начало - resolved.
- 0002232: [Graphical user interface] FIle panel columns autosize bug with Russian filename (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002256: [Graphical user interface] Feature request: add path tooltips to moving/copying files window (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000110: [Default] Get needed access under Vista (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001418: [Logic] Natural sorting order is unconventional (cordylus) - resolved.
- 0000694: [File operations] Search for duplicates (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001685: [File operations] При перемещении папок с недостаточными правами не запрашиваются права администратора - resolved.
- 0002485: [File operations] Description comments not updated during re-fresh (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001959: [Default] Double Commander doesn't show icons for *.directory files (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001326: [File operations] You cannot search inside archive file from inside archive file (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000910: [File operations] Unable to remove only spaces in the front of file name (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002395: [Default] buffered content of 7z archieve is obsolete (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001815: [Graphical user interface] After deleting a file in the flat view, the cursor goes to the first position (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000417: [Graphical user interface] middle click on drive button (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000959: [Viewer] Viewer doesn't get the "Case Sensitive" flag from Find Files (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002446: [Plugins] Macos cocoa build miss cpio plugin (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002188: [File operations] [enhancement] flat view of selected folders only (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001348: [Viewer] No horizontal scroll via mouse horizontal wheel in the text viewer. (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002238: [Graphical user interface] Treeview sorting different from file view panel (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0001649: [Viewer] Viewer - search regex (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002357: [Graphical user interface] Add delete actions is Syncronize directories dialog (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002362: [Language translation] Belarusian language file for FTP plugin configuration (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002358: [Graphical user interface] Add copy to clipboard is Syncronize directories dialog (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000154: [Graphical user interface] Drag & Drop file(s) directly on tab to start copying (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002267: [File operations] [Patch] Multi Rename - Avoid collisions with OldFiles (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0000190: [Graphical user interface] Multiple rename - posibility to replace more patterns at the same time (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002242: [Editor] Custom ruler position (Alexx2000) - resolved.
- 0002528: [File operations] Выделение файлов мышью (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0002451: [File operations] Double Commander freezes Linux desktop when appropriate polkit backend is not installed (Alexx2000) - closed.
- 0001070: [Graphical user interface] Автопрокручивание списка в файловой панели при восстановлении из трея - closed.


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2021, 19:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.250
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2021, 10:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Options extended

Titel: Q-Dir 9.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 12:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Erneut Verbesserungen: bei Smartphones, iPhones, ... verbindungen über USB-Kabel
• Feinschliffe im Quad-Explorer auf Windows 11 und 10
• Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show
    portable devices: When checking this box, an explicit warning is shown
    now: "Warning: Microsoft's Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is known to be
    unreliable and can cause data loss. Use caution when performing file
    operations to or from portable devices!"
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight
    hovered items: In the file list the hover effect was removed on mouse up.
    I find this strange now and have decided to leave the hover effect.
    Also, when a mouse down (any button) implicitly closes a context menu,
    the hover effect is updated now to the item the mouse is downed on.
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Draw selected
    list icons dimmed: The dimming effect was wrong. Fixed.
    Hover Box: Did not work anymore in the Folder Contents Preview since the
    recent changes in File Info Tips & Hover Box. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.10.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2021, 22:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Adjustment / examination for exe and dll separation:

    If you are thinking of separating into exe and dll, there is a third party extension that will be dropped in the 64bit version if you use the SDK newer than Windows SDK v7.1, but only exe is in Windows SDK v7.1 If so, the dll SDK will not drop even if it is new.

Titel: Broot 1.6.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2021, 11:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    improve decision on whether to trim root - Fix #434
    better make the selected line visible


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "Resolve cache path from current folder". Enable it to make a softly defined cache path location (i.e. one that is not a hard path) dependent on the current folder instead of the XYplorer app data path. The current folder is the folder for which you are currently showing thumbnails.
    Added tweak to create thumbnails for certain extension that usually don't have thumbnails. List the extensions separated by a dot, for example for archive files: ThumbsExtraExtensions=cab.rar.zip
    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Draw selected list icons dimmed: The recent fix did not work well with thumbnails views. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2021, 19:40

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Resolve cache path from current
    folder: Now the soft path is also used to create the cache reference

    strings, I mean these beasts:

    This means if your cache path is a subfolder of the current folder, you

    can now do the following:

    move the cache along with the original files
    rename the folder of the original files
    make a copy of the folder of the original files (incl the cache
    subfolder) in any location
    No new thumbnails will be created, the cache will not get stale, the
    copied cache will just work. Even if you do the above with an external
    program while XYplorer is closed!
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Include removable media: Renamed it to "Include removable media and network locations" because that's what it does.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Reuse existing tabs when changing the location: Now it also re-uses existing tabs when going by tree, list, breadcrumb bar, and whatever other way.
    Removed tweak TabReuseTabsRadical.
    Paper Folders: When you renamed an item within a Paper Folder, that change was not auto-saved to the Paper Folder when leaving it. Fixed (only
    applies to "Explicit Save Only" = False).
    SC extracttext: Did not handle a fallback to 64-bit IFilters. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.10.22 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Adjustment / examination for exe and dll separation
    Fixed Blink auto-update related issues on 21.10.20

Titel: Broot 1.6.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2021, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Make it possible to rebind left and right arrow keys without breaking usage in input - Fix #438

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2021, 22:30

    Info Panel | Tags | Apply: Now when you right-click the "Apply" button, a toggle "Apply Changed Tags Automatically" appears. Tick it to have changes to tags applied automatically when another file is focused, without the "Apply Changed Tags?" prompt. FYI, this option raises tweak TagsAutoApply to UI.
    Tree and various menus: Now the Network node is shown after the Recycle Bin node. Both swapped places.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: A glitch concerning the right-click menu and related to the tweak CTBNoRClickDefaultCommands was introduced in v14.80.0235 - 2015-02-14 12:26. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Resolve cache path from current folder: Did not work with Paper Folders. No caching happened at all. Fixed. Now with a Paper Folder the cache path is always resolved relative to the XYplorer app data path. There is no other reference available. So there is no thumb cache portability possible with Paper Folders.


Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Oktober, 2021, 22:50
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

(Fix) On windows, input handling is properly resumed after shell commands.

Titel: WinSetView 2.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2021, 11:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Separate view settings for "This PC" and "Network".
    Can be run from Program Files (or Program Files (x86)) for non-admin users.


Titel: Multi Commander 11.4.0 Build 2831
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 09:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - MultiScript function "GetApplicationArch()" that return the Application architecture 32 or 64
    ADDED - MultiScript function "GetSystemArch()" that return the OS architecture 32 or 64
    CHANGE- Ignore case is on by default for find content search
    FIXED - Filter/Advanced search option for matching extneded attributes like Symlink/Junction
    FIXED - Settings for Sort order for new tabs work now even if column order is customized
    FIXED - Fixed Parallell startup issue that happend rarly in some situations
    FIXED - Code cleanup and minor fixes
    FIXED - 15 Stability issues


Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

Tree: Experimentally the Network node is now a sibling of the This PC node, not a child anymore. Minor issues may arise, but so far it seems to be working.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Tree: Fixed some issues that arose from the new tree layout.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Oktober, 2021, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Portable Thumbs Cache: The ?:XYThumbs pattern did not work alright yet for UNC paths. Fixed. For UNC paths, "?:" is now replaced by the current share ("\ServerShare")

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2021, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    View | Show Items | Show Folders in List: Now you get a status icon in the left section of the Status Bar when folders are hidden from the list.
    CEA: Fixed a possible recursion issue with scripts under "Changing Locations".
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.136.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Scripting: Now any "_Initialize" script is processed exactly when it is found in a multi-script resource (which is scanned from top to bottom).
    That way you can modify even captions and icons of the following scripts in the "_Initialize" script. Before, the captions and icons were processed first, then the "_Initialize" script, then all other scripts, finally any
    "_Terminate" script.

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0212 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 18:40
Whats new:>>

MLS: Internally updated to version 8.137.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 19:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle M?glichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen ?bersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu m?ssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

? Kleine Korrekturen in den Datei Explorer Adressleisten
? Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien
? Weitere kleine verbesserungen f?r Windows 11 und 10

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r9962 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2021, 20:10
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso m?glich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Lizenz: Open Source


    FIX: Ignore floating point division by zero (fixes #224)
    UPD: Default title style
    DEL: KDE4 specific code
    UPD: Default fonts size
    UPD: Optimization
    FIX: Sort order in "Synchronize dirs" (fixes #173)


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.30.0213 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2021, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box: Now TGA images are natively supported, no CODEC necessary.
    Special Property | Dimensions: Now TGA images are natively supported, no CODEC necessary.
    Preview: Compressed 32-bit TGA images raised error 7 (Out of memory) when they were larger than 5000x5000 pixels. Kind of fixed. No error anymore, but also no native preview (or thumbnails) for those biggies. If you have CODECs for TGA you still should get a preview (or thumbnails), of course.
    Live Filter Box: Too many & in the commands, too few & in the Favorite
    Live Filters. Fixed.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2021, 20:10

    Two Branch Tree Layout:

    Now the folder tree has two separate main branches, This PC and Network. This allows you to hide everything online or offline depending on your current focus.
    No setting involved. You don?t have to do anything. It?s just there and works.

    Portable Thumbnail Cache:

    Now you can have your thumbnail cache portable, moveable, and copyable. Go away with your photos and take your thumbnails with you!
    With the Portable Thumbnail Cache enabled a softly defined cache path location (i.e. one that is not a hard path) is dependent on the current folder instead of the XYplorer app data path. The current folder is the folder for which you are currently showing thumbnails.

    Live Filter Box Width:

    Now you can adjust the width of the box in a snap by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over the box.


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r9964 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    FIX: Autorename source and target shortcut key conflict (fixes #223)
    FIX: Push correct window handle to plugins (Qt5)

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Oktober, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

    Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on
    double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in various text boxes including
    Address Bar and script boxes.
    SC listfolder: Flag 64 (return special paths) could return the wrong
    special paths if there was more than one theoretical option. Fixed.
    Live Filter Box: Making the factory default width dependent on the screen
    width (v22.30.0004 - 2021-10-02 12:01) was a mistake. Fixed. Now it's back
    to a hard 140 pixels (at 100% resolution) initially.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2021, 20:50

    Tree Path Tracing: Now it's either in the "This PC" branch or in the
    "Network" branch.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Reuse existing tabs when changing
    the location: Exceptions are now made both when going "up" and "down" to
    stay on the current tab.
    Audio Properties | Sample Rate: Some file types had a thousand separator,
    others didn't. Fixed. Now there is always a thousand separator.

22.40.0002 Beta

    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Reuse existing tabs when changing the location: Now exceptions are made for both "back" and "forward" actions to stay at current tab.
    Mini Tree: You could not hide the Network node or any of its children (servers) by editing the Mini Tree (Tools | List Management | Mini Tree...). Fixed.
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions: Since 20211025 a click on the header popped a weird kind of menu from hell. Fixed.
    SC input: Did not show an icon with style "w" or "m". Fixed. FYI, works with toolbar icon keys (":dark") and also with image specs: input("All About Me", 3:=w, 8:="Selfie.jpg");
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0176.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Remember state of tree:

    Did not remember the expansion state of the "This PC" node. Fixed.
    Mini Tree: Could not open the "This PC" node anymore when it was closed after startup. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2021, 21:20

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autofit the width of the Name column: Now renaming a file does not temporarily adjust the
    Name column anymore when "Tools | Customize List | Autosize Columns" is also enabled.
    SC replacelist: A script like this made XY hang forever:
    echo replacelist("abca", "ab|", , "|"); Fixed.

22.40.0005 Beta

    Tree: Full collapse by CTRL+Click-on-Minus now also works on "This PC" and "Network". FYI, CTRL+Click-on-Plus on these nodes will only normal-expand (full expand would take too long).
    Find Files and Quick Search: The /types flag (e.g. /types={:Video}) was implemented in a stupid way that totally wasted its speed-gaining potential. Fixed. A search like this will now be MUCH faster when done over many files with only some videos among them (#301 stands for FrameWidth here, but that depends on the Windows version: prop:#301: >= 240 /types={:Video}
    Find Files and Quick Search: A simple native-selector-based search like "prop:#301: >= 720" or "prop:#AspectRatio: 16:9" did not work anymore since 20210920. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2021, 18:15
Whats new:>>

    Mini Tree: A small optimization in v22.40.0005 had less optimal consequences for the Mini Tree (double nodes, automatically expanded nodes and more). Fixed.
    Instant Color Filters: "Files Shaded by Size" did not work correctly anymore, probably since 20210918. Fixed.

Titel: broot v1.7.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2021, 20:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    "clipboard" feature now default (can still be removed at compilation with --no-default-features)
    fix clipboard features not working on some recent linux distributions
    you can now select part of the input with shift arrows or by dragging the mouse cursor
    new internals: input_selection_cut and input_selection_copy (not bound by default)


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2021, 21:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Oktober, 2021, 18:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.0.0 release.
Read the latest release changelog (https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/milestone/1?closed=1) for more details about fixed bugs.

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2021, 19:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

? Adjustment / examination for separation of exe and dll ?
Replacement related to French ( # 466 )

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 November, 2021, 19:20

    SC get got a new named argument "selext". Use it to return a list of all currently selected file extensions in the common format "*.aaa;*.bbb;*.ccc". Syntax: get("selext", [separator=";"])


    echo get("selext"); //*.eml;*.epfxg;*.eps;*.exe;*.flv;*.gif
    echo get("selext", " | "); //*.eml | *.epfxg | *.eps | *.exe | *.flv | *.gif

    Variable-style syntax:

    echo <get selext>; //*.eml;*.epfxg;*.eps;*.exe;*.flv;*.gif
    echo <get selext " | ">; //*.eml | *.epfxg | *.eps | *.exe | *.flv | *.gif


    For files without extension the pattern "*." is returned.
    Selected folders are ignored. If only folders are selected then nothing
    is returned.
    You can use it to revive the recently dropped command "View | Tab |

    Filter By Selected Extension(s)" by using this Visual Filter definition:

    |<get selext>
    Tip: Add it to the Power Filters via Tools | List Management | Power


    "Selected Extension(s)" <get selext>
    Tweak LargePlusMinus now defaults to 22. Was 21 before. This change will
    only affect fresh installations.
    ! Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Open command line start path in
    new tab: On a locked tree it opened a new tab even when tabs were not
    remembered from the previous session. That was not the idea of the
    setting. Fixed.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.97
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 11:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle M?glichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen ?bersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu m?ssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen in der Datei Explorer Ansicht und der Druckfunktion
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen im Quad-Explore Q-Dir
• Aktualisieren der Sprachdateien

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2021 Build 856 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 11:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


Important changes and bug fixes in the release 856 compared to 840:

Bug fix: Verify checksums does not work if source file is on the Desktop
Bug fix: Search form: "copy" from context menu in the result list and then paste in some folder may not work
Bug fix: If the Name column is not the first, columns to the left of the Name column are empty (only if "Use Windows colors" is false)
Bug fix: Occupied space progress bar maybe wrong after some file operations https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11429
Bug fix: Right click on the free area in the file list - submenu "New" has sometimes wrong icons
Bug fix: Favorite tool - %ActivSelName% is not resolved if "Separate for each selected item" is used
Bug fix: Exception on switch to FTP if the pane width is small
Bug fix: QuickStarter - ":" allowed now for quick filter https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11404
Bug fix: Delete from container (FC) - request Admin rights
Bug fix: Item focus lost after error dialog https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11426
Bug fix: Status bar tooltip for size don't show units "kB" and "MB" https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11424
Bug fix: Set filter (Alt+Y) dialog - "Not older than" and "Older then" options can't be clicked https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11430
Bug fix: Quick starter settings - editing the name of a 'color by' item erroneously creates a new item https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11406
Bug fix: Multi rename - Stay on top issue with Viewer/Search https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11437
Bug fix: Add plugin dialog issue, if using Stay on top option in viewer https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11436
Bug fix: CopyFullPath_AddLastDelimiter=1 ini option issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11440
Bug fix: New item in the dark favorite toolbar has unreadable font color https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11444
Bug fix: Compute checksums shows "0 Error(s)" even if error is found https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11427
Bug fix: Search window focus issue, if stay on top option is used https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11432
Bug fix: Delete confirmation dialog from file container - Esc doesn't work https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11438
Bug fix: Rename of the favorite tools category may generate exception https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11464
Bug fix: Viewer settings color/text issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11466
Bug fix: Command line -size= parameter does not work if using without -NewIni= parameter https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11434
Bug fix: "Folder->Open focused/selected" does not work if only file is selected https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=35168#p35168
Bug fix: "Left -> Right" / "Right -> Left" hidden buttons right click issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=35169#p35169
Bug fix: Packing multiple files with "Create one archive per file" wrong path issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11501
Bug fix: Invalid character issue when creating new folder https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11442
Bug fix: Selection problem if options for "hot track" and "open with single click" are active https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=35212#p35212
Bug fix: Activating of the quick filter with Ctrl+Enter may not work https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=35263#p35263
Bug fix: Thumbs for PSD files broken in the 64 bit version
Bug fix: Viewer settings opened from Tools-Settings dialog are not saved when quick viewer is open https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=35451#p35451
Bug fix: Quick search - up arrow does not work with special characters https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=35447#p35447
Bug fix: Lines overlap when scrolling quickly with the mouse wheel
Bug fix: Defined color for inactive file container tab is not used
Bug fix: Exception when opening favorites tree if "Use big icons" option is active
Bug fix: Thumbnails for pdf files (if Adobe Reader as default pdf program is installed) maybe not showed in the 64 bit version
Bug fix: Some thumbnails have wrong background color https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11609 https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11608
Bug fix: Customize favorite toolbars > New item > File > Seek icon file: the file select dialog is hidden behind other windows http://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=34914
Bug fix: Selection of the last item with Shift+Right in thumbnail view maybe wrong https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11433
Bug fix: Option "Keep filter on tab changed" is not saved in the freecommander.ini (you can change the option manually QuickFilterKeepOnTabChange)
Bug fix: Draw caption without clipping wrong after refresh https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&p=35691#p35691
Bug fix: Total progress bar in copy dialog broken
Bug fix: Multi rename dialog - multiple fields are highlighted on start https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=35984#p35984
Bug fix: Start folder from command line is not set for folders defined as e.g. -L=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Bug fix: File container - selection is lost on tab change
Bug fix: Progress bar for SFTP download and upload is broken
Bug fix: Option "Tab Sequence: Reverse" is broken
Bug fix: The option "Show confirmation dialog on exit" is ignored if the program is closed via the context menu from the symbol in system tray
Bug fix: Wrong numbering of the favorite tools https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11955
Bug fix: Tree visibility is broken if first tab is created https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=11959
Bug fix: "Linked browsing" does not work in detail view mode if extension is not showed
Bug fix: Exception in internal viewer if quickly F3 and ESC pressed
Bug fix: Automatic views doesn't work with favorites https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&p=36931#p36931
Bug fix: Tree setting "Make selected node automatically visible" maybe broken
Bug fix: Path-link in address bar may open wrong folder https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12187
Bug fix: When opening the ZIP files, an exception can occur if additional columns have been defined in the display
Bug fix: When double clicking the bottom row in detailed view, the item below may be opened https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12320
Bug fix: Pressing ESC while multi rename dialog is opened can throw an exception
Changed: Creating of the default names for the favorite tools categories https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=11463
Changed: Overlay icons in the tree are loaded now in background
Changed: Default value for the option "Keep filter on tab changed" changed to TRUE
Changed: Quick filter option "Deactivate filter on folder change" changed to "Keep filter on folder change"; default value FALSE
Changed: File and folder timestamp: daylight saving time is taken into account (as in Windows Explorer)
Changed: The old, not flat icons are no more available
Changed: Viewer - quality for JPEG file is now preserved when saving a file
Changed: Viewer - when saving image as JPEG the extension jpg is now used
Implemented: Search form - column widths of the result list are saved now
Implemented: New checksum type added CRC32
Implemented: New option "Copy folder structure only" added in the copy dialog; only for "Use FreeCommander method"
Implemented: Viewer settings - possibility to using of exiftool.exe for showing file metadata https://exiftool.org/
Implemented: Multirename - metadata from exiftool can be used
Implemented: New option for quick filter - "Show in the right panel on the left"
Implemented: For "Queue status bar visible" option "Only if any operation exists" is defined delay time for closing: OperationQueuePanelClosingTimeSec=8
Implemented: Multi rename dialog - Ctrl+P hotkey for opening of the profiles selection list
Implemented: Multi rename dialog - the auto preview timer slows down when the progress dialog box appears
Implemented: New icons set is available "Flat Pro"
Implemented: Tools->Settings->View - new tab "Icons sets" is available. Here can be selected the used icon set.
Implemented: Using of the old icons is possible after adding in the [Icons] section of the freecommander.ini: UseOutdatedBmps=1
Implemented: Renaming file in viewer is possible now
Implemented: Layouts dialog - quick filter field added
Implemented: Internal viewer for PDF files (64 bit only). No more extra software needed for showing pdf files.
Implemented: Searching for content in PDF files is now without converter possible (64 bit only)
Implemented: Thumbnails view for ai (Adobe Illustrator) files
Implemented: Favorite tools - up to 3 prompt parameters are possible https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&p=36926#p36926
Implemented: New command line parameter added "-ColorScheme="
Implemented: Settings dialog is no more modal
Implemented: File container file (*.fcc) can be opened from favorite tools toolbar and from favorites tree https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&p=37093#p37093
Implemented: SFTP - new login type: Interactiv
Implemented: New color scheme "FreeCommander_Light", all dialogs have the colors too (64 bit only)


Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 19:15
Straightforward application which enables you to manage files and folders more efficiently by creating an entry in the context menu.



Fixes & Improvements:

Fixed a problem with folders containing an ampersand (&) not showing up properly.
Various fixes for the handling for Unicode strings.
Enabled the creation of new folders from the "Browse for Folder" window.
Re-enabled installation on Windows 7 (SP1 and later).
Small tweaks for Windows 11.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 November, 2021, 20:40

List | Size Column Context Menu: Added command "Refresh Folder Sizes". Use this command to calculate the actual folder sizes for the current list and refresh the cache (if caching is enabled). It's like "Calculate Folder Sizes" but without using the cache.
View | Calculate Folder Sizes: This command now pulls the folder sizes from the cache, if any. To get fresh folder sizes, now use the new "Update Folder Sizes" command (see above).
Folder Sizes: The status message "getting folder size for <$path>... (ESC to stop)" is now only shown for non-cached folders. Saves time.
Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show Recycle Bin folder: If turned off then in Maxi Tree the dotted line between drives was not displayed. Fixed.
Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing | Queue file operations: It is possible that a completed delete operation could trigger the next job in the queue, even though a previous job was not yet completed. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2021, 18:50

    Scripting got a new command:

    Name: SetThumb
    Action: Sets a specific thumbnail to all selected files.
    Syntax: setthumb source
    source: Full path to the file to be used as thumbnail.


    The list has to be in a view with thumbnails for this command to work.
    The injected thumbnails will also be remembered in the cache (but only for this particular thumbnails size).
    The injected thumbnails will not survive a "Refresh Thumbnails".
    You can use this command on files (or folders) that you need a different thumbnail for, or files (or folders) that for some reason don't get a thumbnail at all.
    Folder Size Cache: FYI, with the new "Refresh Folder Sizes" you can update individual folder sizes when you select these folders in the list.
    View | Calculate Folder Sizes: Renamed to "Show Folder Sizes Now".
    Folder Sizes: The status message "getting folder size for <$path>... (ESC to stop)" is now also displayed for all recursive subfolders. That way it does not seem to hang on a very deeply nested and large folder.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.138.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2021, 18:40

    Custom Event Actions: Added new event "Switch Tabs" with 3 actions: None, Optimize tree, Run script. It is fired after the switching of tabs is fully completed.
    SC setthumb enhanced: Now you can pass a specific item to set the thumbnail for.
    Syntax: setthumb source, [item]
    source: Full path to the file to be used as thumbnail.
    item: Item to set the thumbnail for.
    If you omit the full path, the current list path is assumed. Note: This item has to be present in the current list.
    Tools | Customize List | Show Folder Sizes (= List | Size Column Context Menu | Show Folder Sizes): Switching off this value now works faster and more smoothly (no more flickering in the file list).
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Reuse existing tabs when changing the location: Under certain conditions the list style and other properties (eg any Visual Filter) in the reused tab were lost. Fixed.


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2021, 22:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    New Features:

    Added Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut to copy file path (#6245)
    Added an option to set Files as the default file manager (#6107)
    Show file operation progress on taskbar & continue operations when minimized (#6273)
    Added individual options for amount of clicks to open files and folders (#6441)
    Added group by path option for libraries (#6450)
    Respect default app for zip files (#6457)
    Use proper tab name on the home page (#6477)
    Added caching to load thumbnails faster (#6484)
    Added options to import/export settings (#6542)
    Improved reliability of the search experience (#6671)
    Added support for choosing custom icons (#6639)

    Bug Fixes:

    Fixed a crash that would occur when going up from a network root path (#6204)
    Fixed an issue where the edit tags & edit terminals buttons weren't working (#6236)
    Fixed an issue where the OneDrive sync status wasn't updating (#6248)
    Fixed issue where preview pane would be shown unexpectedly when quickly selecting then unselecting a file (#6297)
    Fixed drag and drop from 7zip (#6387)
    Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working in the column layout (#6446)
    Fixed an issue where the context menu had the wrong height (#6483)
    Switch quicklook preview on selection change (#6543)
    Fixed an issue where env variables didn't refresh when launching terminal (#6663)


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 08:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing:
    Added some debug logging while investigating the cause of stranded XYcopy instances.

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2021 Build 857 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

Bug fix: An exception is thrown when double-clicking in the free space of the file list.

Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 19:20

    New features:

    Added the ability to re-enable the "full" Explorer right-click/context menu on Windows 11.

    Fixes & Improvements:

    Fixed an issue where the menu entry did not always appear on Windows 11.
    Various fixes for the handling for Unicode strings.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0209 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2021, 20:50

    SC setthumb rewritten from scratch.
    Action: Sets a specific thumbnail for one or more currently listed items.
    Syntax: setthumb [item], [thumb], [mapfile]
    item: Item to set the thumbnail for.
    The path defaults to the current list path.
    This item has to be present in the current list.
    If omitted then the thumbnail is set for all currently selected items.
    thumb: File to be used as thumbnail.
    The path defaults to <xyicons>.
    mapfile: File with a list of "item > thumb" mappings.
    The path defaults to <xydata>.

    Remarks on the mapfile:

    By setting a mapfile you can permanently patch the thumbnails of any items on your system. This includes setting thumbnails for items that otherwise would have none.
    Syntax: One mapping per line, generic format: item > thumb. "item" can be full path, a mere filename, or a wildcard pattern. The lines are processed from top to bottom. First match wins.

    Updating the map file does not automatically update the thumbnails cache nor the currently shown thumbnails. If you want to see an immediate effect you have to call #510 (View | Caches | Refresh Thumbnails):

    setthumb 2:="XYthumbsMap.txt"; #501; //set map file + refresh thumbnails
    setthumb 2:=""; #501; //reset map file + refresh thumbnails
    Startup: Experimentally, there is now a small loading screen. Something to look at while the app is loading, centered on where the app will be.


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2021, 19:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Added a warning to the option to set Files as the default file manager

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2021, 21:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Splash Screen: Fixed a mistake that could result in a crash.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0212 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Toolbar | Random Order: New dice icon.
Removed debug logging from the splash screen.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0213 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

View | Calculate Folder Sizes: Reverted the last changes. The command has its old name and functionality back.
List | Size Column | Context Menu: Added toggle "Use Cache on Calculate Folder Sizes". Tick it to make "View | Calculate Folder Sizes" pull the folder size data from the cache. FYI, the INI key is CachedFolderSizesOnCalc. SC loadtree enhanced: Added "flags" parameter. Syntax: loadtree [pathlist], [modify], [flags] flags: (bit field)
NoSelect (= do not trigger browsing the selected path after the tree is loaded)
Remarks: Can be useful to avoid race conditions when loading a tree via a CEA script. Added debug logging to the splash screen. :)

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0215 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration: Buttons of the "Apply To..." type are now always enabled regardless of the super-setting. The ability to always look into a button is more important than a redundant visual feedback.
    Splash Screen: It was not centered in screen when the XY window was maximized. Fixed.

22.40.0214 Beta

    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately | Apply to...: Added option "Tabs". Tick it to automatically save XYplorer.ini (which contains the tabs settings) to disk when you create tabs, close tabs, move tabs, rename tabs, iconize tabs, etc.
    SC loadtree: That new flag was not working perfectly yet. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2021, 20:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Adjusted because the automatic option for displaying the list (automatically determines the display mode based on the contents of the folder) did not work properly.
Separate exe and dll
If you run it with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: Q-Dir 9.98
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleines Update und Feinschliffe in Q-Dir
• Einige Korrekturen und Optimierungen
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien.

Titel: Broot 1.7.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 18:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix clipboard filled with dummy value on launch on X11

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0216 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2021, 20:10

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show audio info and tags: Now you can hold CTRL to force the normal file info tip instead of the special audio tip when hovering a FLAC, MP3, or OGG file.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Removed an inconsistency in Tiles views where the Hover Box appeared over the properties data area, but the File Info Tips did not. Now for both, HB and FIT, this behavior is tied to the setting of "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select".
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select: Now it affects the hot zone of File Info Tips & Hover Box. When this option is enabled, this zone is not limited to the label itself, but includes the entire width and height of the Name cell.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show audio info and tags: Did not simply replace the normal file info tip anymore (since about a month ago) when hovering a FLAC, MP3, or OGG file. Fixed.
    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing: Stranded XYcopy instances after backgrounded Delete operations. Tried a fix.
    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing: Added some more debug logging while investigating the cause of stranded XYcopy instances.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autofit the width of the Name column: When switching between Details views and non-Details views (List, Small Icons, Small Tiles, Large Tiles) within a tab, the autofitted Name column width was inherited by the non-Details views. Fixed. Now those non-Details views remember their own Name column width per tab.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0217 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2021, 08:40
Whats new:>>

List: v22.40.0216 could crash on switching views. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0218 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2021, 19:30

    SC get got a new named argument "box". Use it to find out whether a tree folder is boxed and what's the background color.
    Syntax: get("box", [path])
    path: If missing the current tree path is used.
    return: If boxed: the background color in RRGGBB
    Else: nothing


    In dark mode it still returns the color it would have in light mode. That's the value you can use for SC box.
    It does not return a color for a node within a box, just for the boxed node itself.


    echo get("box"); //eg "F7F7F4"
    echo get("box", "E:XY");
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: The icon is now shown in the top left corner of the thumbnail. Before, it was shown in the bottom left corner of the thumbnail bounding box.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: Now it also affects Tiles views.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnaill: Now it also affects Tiles views.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0219 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2021, 22:20

    Hover Box: Now you can press "F1" while the Hover Box is displayed to show a message box with all of the associated keyboard shortcuts.
    The same message box is also reached by "Toolbar | Hover Box | Context Menu | Help...".
    Hover Box | Image: Now you can press "F" (frame) while the Hover Box is showing an image to quickly cycle the width of the image frame between
    three values: 0, 12, 24 pixels. The new factory default (also the value for upgraders) is 0.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix

    Adjusted so that the path slash delimiter can be converted to backslash (c: / windows ? c: windows) and moved. Also supports Git Bash format (/ c / windows ? c: windows)
    If you run it with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
    rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
    If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0220 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2021, 20:20

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: The icon is now shown in the top *right* corner of the thumbnail Before, it was shown in the top left corner where it got in the way of age circle and checkbox
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path: Now when you change the path while thumbnails are showing, the thumbnails will not be re-created from scratch but the data in memory are just copied to the new path
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Resolve cache path from current folder: Same as above
    Toolbar: The "Save Settings" button icon was not always updated after "Save Settings" when tabs or favorites had been changed Fixed
    Tools | Customize List | Checkbox Selection: This style affected the calculated column width in Tiles views and thereby the number of columns shown Wrong Fixed


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0221 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: It was not possible to show the File Info Tip over the icon and the Hover Box over the caption. Now you can achieve it by ticking "Show info tips only when hovering file icon" and unticking "Show hover box only when hovering file icon".
Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Holding CTRL would not always replace a Hover Box by a File Info Tip. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0222 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2021, 19:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Reorganized it again to have more options. Also renamed some of the old options. Now we have this:
Show file info tips
When hovering the icon. Renamed from "Show info tips only when hovering file icon".
When hovering the caption. New.
Only while the shift key is held down. Renamed from "Show info tips only while the shift key is held down".
Note: To show the File Info Tips over icon AND caption, you can either tick both "When hovering the icon" and "When hovering the caption" or untick both, no difference.
Show Hover Box (Same as above)
Note: When the File Info Tips and the Hover Box compete for the same place, the Hover Box always wins.
Favorite Live Filters: The first favorite wasn't selectable in the menu. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0223 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 November, 2021, 21:40

Added an experimental tweak that allows you to add Paper Folders to the Mini Tree (they will end up as the last children of "This PC"):


Then you can do, for example, this:

loadtree("paper:Pictures", 1);
Note: Don't start reporting bugs here! This is completely unfinished.

Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Minor rename, now it's:

When hovering over the icon
When hovering over the filename
List: Since v22.40.0216 This PC could inherit the Name column width from other list modes. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0224 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2021, 10:10

Preview and Thumbnails: In order to avoid the annoying "Switch to / Repeat" Windows dialog as much as possible, I have experimentally rearranged the order of various methods of image extraction. This is a radical change that affects practically anything with images. The effect on the quality and speed of the image extraction is difficult to predict and will vary from system to system.
Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories | Preview as Thumbnail: Items that were listed here but not ticked were excluded from showing a thumbnail. That was not the idea. Fixed.
SC loadtree: The Network node was lost when adding or removing paths (modify=1 or modify=2). Since 20211028. Fixed.
Floating Preview: When panning a cropped preview with the right mouse button you could get an undesired popup menu on mouse up. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0228 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Toolbar: Slightly improved the context menu of the view-related buttons ("views", "viewdetails", "viewlist", "viewthumbs", "dark") when thumbnails are shown. Especially you now have direct access to "Refresh Thumbnails" (that's all currently listed thumbnails, regardless of what's selected).
List: The Name column width could still be inherited across list modes and tabs. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0229 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2021, 19:50

Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Show item count with
folder sizes: Removed that redundant word "items" from the Size column cells:

BEFORE: [56 items] 3,290 KB
NOW: [56] 3,290 KB
To compensate for this, you will find further information in the tooltip

when you move the mouse over such a cell:


3,368,196 bytes
3.21 MB


3,368,196 bytes
3.21 MB

56 items (52 files, 4 folders)
This information is also shown when "Show item count with folder sizes" is disabled.
Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: Now
the icon is placed a little outside the picture if there is space.


Titel: Q-Dir 9.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 08:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bugfix: Windows 11 bei 4K-Bildschirm und hohen Bildschirm skalierung bzw. DPI-Einstellungen
• Kleine Feinschliffe und Optimierungen
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0230 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

List: Removed the experimental gesture feature introduced in v10.40.0106 - 2011-10-18 20:27.
Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing: Removed the recent debug logging.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.15 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 19:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

Fixed the problem that the mouse cursor automatically scrolls when the wheel is clicked on the Blink version.
If you run it with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
Rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.270
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 November, 2021, 21:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

File Shredder 2.710, File Move 2.280 added

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0231 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 November, 2021, 20:50

Status Bar: Now when you hold CTRL and right-click a section you get a
mini menu with one command "Copy Status to Clipboard". Lets you collect
this data.
SC get got a new named argument "thumbs_cache". Returns the full path of
the currently used thumbnails cache file if any.
Syntax: get("thumbs_cache")


echo get("thumbs_cache"); //e.g. "E:XYThumbs0aa5de8b596e9448481100523751227.dbits"
Batch Rename: The progress feedback in the Status Bar (v22.20.0213 -
2021-09-19 17:44) came too early, during the preparation instead of during the rename. Fixed.
Tools | Customize List | Size Column Format | KB (Rounded Up): The value was not uprounded for sizes > 2 GB. So a file with 4,294,967,300 bytes was wrongly shown as "4,194,304 KB" in XYplorer whereas it's shown as "4,194,305 KB" in File Explorer. Fixed.
Visual Filters / Live Filters: When passing a size unit to the filter, eg
"Size: < 1 gb", the sizes of the files were internally *uprounded* before the matching happened, so all files > 0 and < 1 GB would come out as
having "1 GB" and not match that filter. Fixed.
Visual Filters / Live Filters: A filter "Size: 4.00 GB" would not match
files that show "4.00 GB" in the Size column on Size Column Format "GB".


Cell Context Menu | Live Filter / Quick Search: Holy Moly, this returned the localized column name (e.g. "Taille") instead of the canonic column name ("Size"), and localized units (e.g. "Ko" or "KB"). So it never worked for
non-English language setups. Never. Nobody noticed that yet?! Do you
MLS-users even use these nice features??? Fixed!
BTW, this also means that filter and search patterns can now be shared across language barriers. Not bad.
The Klingon language files are no longer updated. Not a single Klingon has ever thanked me for this extra work. That's how they are, I know. Now is the time for them to see who they are dealing with.
Show Character Table: The change from v22.30.0001 - 2021-09-29 20:32 wasn't so clever. It can lead to mergers (depending on your active code page) where two Unicode chars map to the same ANSI char, which unfortunately happens e.g. with Turkish dotless i which is mapped to the Latin dotted i.


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0232 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2021, 18:20

Quick Search and Visual Filters / Live Filters: Better support for local column names (aka field selectors).

These kind of patterns should work now:

Création: 2021-11-16 16:11:50
Tipo: TXT File
Tamaño: 1 KB
Taille: 1 KB
???: 1 KB
Even local size units are now supported (I haven't tested all languages, though; it is assumed that the unit is appended to the number separated by a space): Taille: 1 Ko
BTW, to show the Japanese example above I had to convert this file to UTF-16L, which doubled its size.
Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability: New section "Cell Context Menu" with a new option "Use localized search and filter patterns". Tick it to use localized terms (eg "Taille: 1 Ko" instead of "Size: 1 KB") when triggering a Live Filter or Quick Search from the cell context menu. The above enhancements make it possible.
Of course, you only need to worry about localized terms if you are using a non-English setup for XYplorer. Factory default is "on". This feature could actually be seen as a bug fix since it was supposed to work like this at least since v22.20.0209.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.17 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 November, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix

Freeze problem when Options-> List-> Style-> Arrange icons at equal intervals is not checked
Folders with many items are displayed with large icons, etc.
Move items by dragging and dropping in the folder
Create a new file in that folder with another app such as Paint
I found that the above operation freezes for a long time.
Since it is harmful, I abolished this option and made sure to check the icons at regular intervals internally.
Also, the No browser view state has been abolished as it seems meaningless in Tablacus Explorer.
Changed to get part of the optional string from Windows resources

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0233 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2021, 10:30

Save Settings: Now there is a check of the free space. If there is not enough free space on the drive where the add data are stored, you will receive a warning. This is a very good idea as your data is likely to be corrupted and lost forever if saving data breaks down in the middle of the process. If you see this new message, you can cancel saving settings, then create the required free space on the drive, and then try to save the settings again. What is enough free space? Currently, it's defined by this formula: 10 MB + the size of tags.dat. The will probably be refined later.

Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | No progress dialog on duplications: Today one year ago (v21.20.0222 - 2020-11-17 13:58) I added a tweak to define a bytes threshold for showing a progress dialog that would not be shown for smaller byte counts. This, for example, would set the threshold to 100 MB:

From now on, when this tweak is NOT set, there is a hard internal threshold of 10 MB from which onwards a progress dialog is shown regardless of the setting of "No progress dialog on duplications".
Custom Copy Progress: The "Used space" bar and data were not updated while a large file was being copied. Fixed.
Thumbnails: Now you get an error message when the temporary thumbnails stream file (which is always created, even without Thumbnails caching) cannot be created for whatever reason (the reason will be shown in the message). This failure can be the cause for white thumbnails.
Thumbnails cache: On exit without saving, the thumbnails cache was written when there were unsaved thumbnails in memory. Not anymore.
List | Drives Listing: Now the Free Space is displayed with flexible size units, regardless of the setting of "Tools | Customize List | Size Column Format", so that you see meaningful information, eg "2.34 MB" instead of "0.00 GB".
XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0177.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix

?Fixed the problem that the first startup did not work well # 488
Adjusted because nCmdShow was unsuccessful with a small exe

When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder

rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll,RunDLL

If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit te32.dll.

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.02334 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2021, 20:20

SC setthumb enhanced: Now you can use it this way to reset a previously set thumbnail:

setthumb , ""; //reset to original thumbnail

Favorite Live Filters: Now only the captions are shown in the menu for Live Filters that have one, not the whole definition, e.g.:

"Text|Text Files" {:Text} ---> Text Files

FYI, the general syntax here gives you two options (short caption for tabs, long caption for menus):

"caption" pattern
"shortcaption|longcaption" pattern
Favorite Live Filters: When adding a new one (Toggle Favorite Live Filter) it's now added to the top of the list, like in an MRU list. Before, the list was auto-sorted.
Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | In tree as well: If ticked startup will be faster now than before.

Icon Overlays: Added a tweak to limit the amount of items that are checked for having an icon overlay (which takes a while). This, for example, would limit icon overlays to drive C:


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.02335 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2021, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Thumbnails: Now you will get an error message when the temporary thumbnail
Stream file becomes larger than the available space. This event caused
White thumbnails in earlier versions. Not anymore.
Compilation: Some parameters were temporarily changed in order to generate
Better error messages for a specific problem.

Titel: Broot 1.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2021, 11:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Include more syntaxes for preview of code files (using the list from the bat project) - Fix #464

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0237 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2021, 19:30

Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show icon overlays: Now when an item takes > 50 ms to retrieve the overlay icon, it will be added to the startup loadtimes list (text <get loadtimes>;). This is a temporary debugging service that will be removed soon.

 22.40.02336 Beta

Icon Overlays: The ShowIconOverlayFilter tweak now supports lists of patterns, separated by ";": ShowIconOverlayFilter=C:*;D:*;*.txt
BTW, the patterns will be auto-lowercased on next save, don't worry about it: ShowIconOverlayFilter=c:*;d:*;*.txt
Preview and Thumbnails: Still trying to generate better error messages for a specific problem with video files.


Titel: Broot 1.7.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Fix rendering artefacts on Windows, like a duplicate input line

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0238 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Variable <xythumbs> did not yet honor the new "Configuration | Preview |
Thumbnails | Resolve cache path from current folder". Fixed.
Find Files and Quick Search: A Boolean term
Name:(*A* & *B*) OR tags:(*A* & *B*)
Did not find items matching name:(*A* & *B*) if they were untagged. Fixed.
> Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show icon
Overlays: Lowered the threshold from 50 to 10 ms.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.19 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 09:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix

MessageBox supports dark mode
I finally finished it! !! !!
MessageBox corresponds to the darkness of the OS app.
Use SetWindowsHookEx (WH_CBT,… to identify the MessageBox window and put the button in dark mode.
Subclass with SetWindowSubclass and hook WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC, WM_ERASEBKGND, WM_PAINT
However, it would be nice if the MessageBox rank could be supported in the dark mode of the OS even if the application side does not support it ...
Adjustment related to error messages

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2021 Build 858 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 11:00
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


Bug fix: When double clicking the bottom row in detailed view, the item below may be opened https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12320
Bug fix: Pressing ESC while multi rename dialog is opened can throw an exception
Bug fix: Swap panel with the same path issues https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12332
Implemented: Jump list on taskbar icon
Implemented: New option added Settings->General: Clear Jump List on close
Implemented: Multirename - new option added: "Resolve duplicates with auto counter"
Implemented: Multiirename - new action added: "Rename using text editor"
Implemented: Synchronize - unequal files can now be selected for copying in the Synchronize dialog
Implemented: New color scheme "FreeCommander_Dark", all dialogs have the colors too (64 bit only)


Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0239 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 19:50

SC setthumb enhanced: Now it can control deep injection. Syntax: setthumb [item], [source], [mapfile], [deep] deep:

0: deep injection OFF
1: deep injection ON


On deep injection the thumbnails injected via setthumb or thumbnails mapfile behave more like original thumbnails: They support HoverBox and MDBU (but both only over the thumbnails, not over the file icons), i.e. those features will show the injected image (if any), not the original image of the hovered/clicked file.
Deep injection is remembered across sessions.
SC setthumb: FYI, the path of the injected thumbnails is now stored in the cache (not just the pixels as before). This is needed to enable deep injection.
Preview and Thumbnails: Still trying to generate better error messages for a specific problem with video files.


Titel: Unreal Commander 3.57 Build 1497
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 20:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2021, 20:45
Whats new:>>

Dialog-related dark mode support
Good feeling: MessageBox, color dialog, prompt (IE), MsgBox (VBS), InputBox (VBS)
A little more: Font selection dialog
Still more: Old file selection dialog (you can also select a folder), folder selection dialog
No: File operation, file deletion confirmation, progress dialog, wsh.Popup
Thinking about network-related things, I tried to revive the shell browser even after Vista.
Adjustment related to error messages

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0240 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

Preview and Thumbnails: The big change from v22.40.0224 - 2021-11-13 09:36 didn't work well for video files on some systems (oddly enough). That's
why I've excluded them from the change for the time being.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.21 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2021, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

-Fixed the problem that an error occurred at startup in the add-on "Favorites Bar" and "Preview" 5ch # 8-663,668 # 490
- Changed to recreate the frame when moving from the result folder to the normal folder when using the frame. ..
When I open the result folder, the frame is not compatible with dark mode, and the characters are white even in light mode.
-Dialog-related dark mode support (execute by specifying a file name)
-Message box-related (function to replace button names)

Titel: XYplorer 22.40.0245 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2021, 19:40

    Save Settings: What is enough free space? New formula: 10 MB + the sizes of tag.dat, fsc.dat, and action.dat.
    SC tab: tab ("get", "path") returned a drive root path with a trailing backslash. Fixed. All paths returned here should be without a trailing backslash.
    Updated the help file.

XYplorer 22.40.0244 Beta

    Scripting got a new function.
    Name: PathReal
    Action: Returns the real path for a given path.
    Syntax: pathreal([path])
    path: Full real or virtual path to an item.
    Defaults to the currently focused list item.


    Some paths support to be referred to by a shortened path spec, the
    so-called virtual path. In XYplorer these paths are Desktop,
    Documents, Downloads, Links, and <user> (there might be more in the
    future). So these paths have at least two ways to be referred to,
    mostly even three because all but <user> are contained within <user>.
    Scripting: The message "Script terminated by ESC." now appears in the
    status bar instead of in a message box.
    SC IndexAtPos: Did not return the correct tab index (instead it returned
    an internal tab ID which is independent of the tab position). Fixed.

22.40.0243 Beta

    SC itematpos enhanced: Added flag that will return a path in its virtual form when it's currently used that way in Tree, List, Tabs, or Crumb. Syntax: itematpos(
  • , [y], [flags]).


    0: If x and y are passed, they are the position on screen.
    1: If x and y are passed, they are the position on XYplorer.
    2: Return virtual path if it is one (else always convert to real path).


    An example to show the difference and relation between virtual and real path:

    Virtual path: DonaldDropboxPics
    Real path: C:UsersDonaldDropboxPics
    Locked Tree: Current location could get out of sync in the context of a CEA script. Fixed.
    Contents and Index: Could crash on virgin installations. Tried a fix.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.280
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2021, 19:50
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

- Tools updated

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.22 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2021, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix

? Countermeasures for the problem that resizing-related processing became strange in 21.11.21
-The file selection dialog was hooked so that the folder could be selected, but in that case, IFileOpenDialog was used to use the folder selection dialog.
Hooking will result in a dialog that doesn't support the old Dark Mode. The new one supports dark mode without doing anything.
-When using frames, the CD Burn folder is now opened secretly before opening the result folder.
This process eliminates the dark mode problem with frames in the results folder.
-Adjusted the problem that the network password input dialog does not appear.
-Stop using the shell browser on Vista or later

Titel: Q-Dir 10.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Nochmals Verbesserungen bei hohen Bildschirm skalierung bzw. DPI-Einstellungen
• Kleine Fehlerkorekturen bei Kontrast-Designs in Windows 11 un 10
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Weitere Verbesserungen und Erweiterungen Folgen in der Versionen 10.XX

Titel: nnn 4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 20:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    support macOS iterm2 in plugin preview-tui (#1196)
    use selection at native command prompt with %j and %J (docs)
    scroll strings longer than columns in rename/new prompts (#1213, #279)
    batch rename symlink targets in listing mode (#1214)
    option for recursive rename in plugin .nmv (#1186)
    more frequent checks for cancellation during du (#1236)
    picker mode: enable auto-proceed
    picker mode: don't pick hovered file on Enter if selection exists
    picker mode: fix issue in plugin fzopen when used to pick files
    send file to explorer FIFO on double left click instead of opening it
    new neovim plugin nnn.nvim featuring explorer mode
    explorer mode for nnn.vim
    remove option -w: always place HW cursor on current entry
    accept link name when linking a single target (#1201)
    option -i to show current file information in info bar
    force GNU sed on *BSD and Solaris
    add nsxiv support to nuke, preview-tabbed and imgview (#1230)
    fix preview-tui without -a (#1208)
    pass pts in env var for preview-tui to use in tput (#1235)
    disable editing file in picker mode (#1183)
    save session in picker mode (#1190)
    use nerd icons for gitstatus patch (#1220)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.23 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2021, 21:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Supports dark mode for tooltips
    Supports dark mode in the font selection dialog
    Supports dark mode in the folder reference dialog
    Return the file selection dialog to the method that does not use IFileOpenDialog.
    There was a way to select a folder without hooking, so use that.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2021, 08:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

This Is A BIG Maintenance Release. There have been numerous minor fixes and enhancements since 22.40

Further details of this release... (https://www.xyplorer.com/release_22.50.php)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.24 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted the problem that the network password input dialog of 21.11.22 did not appear. Corrected the problem that the result folder related may not work properly due to the effect.
    The color item in the font selection dialog does not work with color inversion + grayscale of 21.11.22, so change to another method

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2021, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Breadcrumb Bars: In the case of a Paper Folder, if "Check for Subfolders" was deactivated, you could see the contents of the Paper Folder in the drop-down on the far right. Fixed.
    Preview and Thumbnails: Error 429 (ActiveX component can't create object)
    possible on some systems on certain file types since v22.40.0224 - 2021-11-13 09:36. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

 22.50.0002 Beta

    SC pathvirtual: It now always checks whether the top node of the shortest
    possible virtual path (eg "Downloads") is currently visible in the folder
    tree. Otherwise, if <user> is currently visible, the return will be a
    subfolder of <user> (eg "DonaldDownloads"). Otherwise it will be a real
    path (eg "C:UsersDonaldDownloads").

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.25 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that an error occurs when using the alphabet with accent marks used in French etc.
    It is a letter with a symbol in the alphabet like "Pokémon".
    It was OK if it was decodeURIComponent of JavaScript and it was unescape.
    Please update the filter, search bar, etc. as they have the same problem.
    -Adjusted dark mode related dialogs with different threads.
    Hooked with DLL_THREAD_ATTACH of DllMain.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Enumerating Network Servers: Added debug logging. If anything goes wrong you can check the log by running this through the address bar: dlog;
    List: When listing servers the UNC slashes "\" are no shown anymore in the list. Also in the Hover Box status and in tab caption those slashes are history.
    Find Files: When switching to a Find Files tab the Address Bar was not updated to the new tree location when the focus was in the list. Fixed.
    Paper Folders In Tree: MUSD did not work. Fixed. (Silently improving PFIT, currently only available on tweak PFAllowInTree=1.)
    Help | Various Information: Did not show a scrollbar when necessary due to larger fonts. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.26 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2021, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix

-It was compatible with dark mode such as dialogs, and the property was also compatible with dark mode to some extent, but countermeasures for the problem that properties ? attributes ? detailed settings could not be operated
Return 1 was not good in the subclass WM_PAINT. I put this in MessageBox etc. to erase the light gray bar.
-The character string such as the check box in dark mode is imaged (BITMAP) and the button style is set to BS_BITMAP so that the character can be read as an image.
-In 21.11.25, the decoding related alphabet problem with accent marks was changed from decodeURI to unescape.
Because of that, I was suspected by multiple vendors on VirusTotal, so I adjusted it not to use unescape as well.

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r9995 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2021, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

FIX: Error when sending search results of duplicate files to the listbox (fixes #273)

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2021, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Cut and Paste: Now when doing a large number of items (> 1000) you will get more progress feedback and speed. Especially moving many items to an empty location on the same drive is MUCH faster now.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0178.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2021, 20:15
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in Deaktivieren der Autosortierung beim Umbenennen oder Kopieren von Elementen
• Bug-Fix: Stabilisierung der seltenen Abstürze beim Kopieren der Dateien und Ordner
• Korrekturen bei der Automatischen Aktualisierung der Datei-Explorer Fenster
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2021, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Custom Move: Intra-volume moves with large numbers of files are MUCH faster now also to *non-empty* locations. Ha. Custom Copy and cross-volume moves are also faster now, but it won't be as noticeable because byte copying is also done and takes its time
    Batch Rename: Doing a batch rename with an incremental suffix for many files (> 1000), example pattern: file-<#0001>, is much faster now. How: The uniqueness of each new name is not checked anymore against the already created new names when > 1000 items are renamed
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0181

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Added a tweak that makes heavy clipboard operations much faster.
    Edit menu: Opens much faster now when the clipboard is crowded with files.
    Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log | Clipboard | Log clipboard contents and enable restore: Now a clipboard full of files is only stored if it has 1000 or less files. Larger numbers are just too slow and too heavy on memory.
    Restore Previous Clipboard: Now there is some feedback in the status bar.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.28 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2021, 19:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

-Start splitting the source into several files The file size has been reduced. Maybe it's a little human pillar version
-Dialog-related dark mode makes tabs dark mode

When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder

rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll,RunDLL

If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit te32.dll.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 09:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Copy and Paste: Further speed improvements when working with a large number of files.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 19:30

Status Bar: Added a tweak to have the StatusBar3OnFile tweak update on each change of location or selections, i.e. whenever the listed/selected byte count is updated in the Status Bar: StatusBar3OnFileUpdateOnChange=1

22.50.0110 Beta

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Now inverting show/hide via holding CTRL is bound to a tweak (later it will be a UI setting), factory default and upgrades = OFF: InfoTipInvertOnCTRL=1
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Now inverting show/hide via holding CTRL will not overwrite the general settings "Show file info tips" and "Show Hover Box".
    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Configure...: Now when "On failures" is set to "Continue" and you get failures during a background job, the final status bar message will tell you about it.
    SC paperfolder: The v22.50.0107 fix was not good enough. Fixed again.
    Copy / Cut to clipboard: Could crash the app since yesterday. Fixed.
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Cell Context Menu | Use localized search and filter patterns: If unticked then wrong, dysfunctional selectors (eg ":n-27") were inserted into the Live Filter Box (or Quick Search) when the Cell Context Menu was used on Property or Special Property or Custom Columns. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.29 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Old tabs also support dark mode
    The old tab and property tab have been subclassed to support dark mode.
    When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
    rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
    If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2021, 22:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 09:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bugfix: im Datei-Explorer Fenster Kontextmenü
• Allgemeine Korrekturen im Programm Hauptmenü
• Aktualisierung der Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 17:40

    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | Drag and Drop: Added option "Extended compatibility for clipboard and drag and drop". The Windows Clipboard and Drag-and-drop functionality share the same data structures, and many years ago someone clearly not into speed invented a clumsy thing called the "Shell IDList Array". It is supposed to enable a number of more or less documented things that are not possible with mere filenames, e.g. the handling of virtual folders. Now, in my humble experience, these extras are not used most of the times, but take away speed all of the times which is very noticeable when there are a lot of files involved. So here's an option to turn that off. Actually it is now turned off by factory default and also for upgraders.
    This setting only affects outgoing cross-app Clipboard and Drag-and-drop. Within XYplorer "Shell IDList Array" is not used anyway.
    Drag-and-drop is only affected if "Use standard shell drag and drop" is not ticked. The standard shell drag and drop adds the "Shell IDList Array" automatically.
    The recently added ClipboardSkipShidFrom tweak only kicks in when this option is enabled.
    To summarize: If you frequently press Ctrl+C / Ctrl+X or drag large numbers of files, leave this option unticked to get a ton of speed.
    Status Bar: Now the width of the sections 1 and 2 adjusts to the font size (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Buttons and Labels, or Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar). It's not on-the-fly this time but needs a restart.
    Live Filters and Visual Filters: Comparison operators did not work well with certain length values, e.g. "Length: >= 00:03:29". Fixed.


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r9999 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 22:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    ADD: FTP - don't show time for connections
    FIX: Wfx-plugins - don't show file time for files which don't have a time
    UPD: Korean translation (#279)

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2021, 23:10
Whats new:>>

App became unresponsive when pasting a large number of files. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.11.30 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2021, 08:30

    Adjusted because there was a problem with drag and drop due to the division of the source.
    · A serious problem with cloud storage. Since it seems that the cause is related to preview, put a function to check whether it is cloud or not in the main body.
    As a result of the investigation, it seems good to check the attributes of the file.
    OneDrive: O
    Google Drive: N
    Box: O
    Dropbox: Unknown (Free version has files locally for mirroring)
    OneDrive and Box are flagged as O (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE), and in the case of Google Drive streaming, N (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) is flagged, so for the time being, it is determined by this. The only thing you can put in the main unit is to adjust here if there are any additional changes.
    In particular, "Tooltip Preview" and "Thumbnail Plus", which are likely to cause catching, will be dealt with individually for the time being. Other previews will be supported later after the main unit stabilizes.
    Probably, when loading the file in the preview, it is not local, so downloading from the cloud is a heavy cause.
    In the case of the cloud, cancel these image loadings.
    If OneDrive and Box have already read the file locally, the "O" disappears, so only the file that is locally reads the image.
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL on Google Drive is a mystery, but I don't think FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL will stand anywhere else ...
    Usually A (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) or empty
    If you are using another cloud storage, I would appreciate it if you could tell me what the attributes of the files in that cloud storage are. The paid version of Dropbox ...
    There was no problem when the Explorer browser was on because neither "Tooltip Preview" nor "Thumbnail Plus" worked when the Explorer Browser was on.


Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2021, 19:50

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Miscellaneous: Added option "Recreate source folder structure". Here you can decide whether the relative folder structure present in the source items should be recreated in the target location, aka Rich Copy/Move. The dropdown offers three choices: Ask, Always, and Never. Factory default is Ask.
    "Rich sources" typically come from recursive search results or branch views.
    Hereby the tweak AutoRichFileOps (v17.00.0105 - 2016-08-15 18:02) is raised to UI.
    Pasting lots of files: Now you can ESC the process while the clipboard is being retrieved.
    Pasting lots of files: The app seemed to freeze if you did things while the clipboard was being retrieved. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0182.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.139.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.139.lng is uploaded.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.01 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix

-Countermeasure for the problem that it cannot be started from QAP # 494
-Added the case where the attribute is "DI" to determine the cloud storage.
? Source division
? Adjustment of position adjustment by dragging at the time of division (may not have changed so much)

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2021, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Custom Copy: When the target location was a junction pointing to another drive, the free space was not calculated for that drive, but for the drive of the junction. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0183.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2021, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Catalog: For performance reasons it did not resolve icons for network locations on startup. From now on, this behavior is tied to the setting of "Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | No network browsing on startup". If that is not ticked then you will see your network icons right away.
    SC status: The icon did not survive a Dark/Light mode swap. Fixed. Example: status "It's <date hh:nn:ss.fff> now.";
    Mini Tree: On startup it didn't show special icons for locations on a mapped drive if "Allow zombies in the Mini Tree" was OFF. Fixed.
    Tree: The Links and Downloads top special folders weren't localized. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.7.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2021, 20:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix the hex preview sometimes missing 1 or 2 characters in the right ASCII column

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.02 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2021, 21:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Adjusted dialog buttons and edits in dark mode
    When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
    rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
    If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0209 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    + Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates: Added section "Status Bar"
      with a text box where you can define a template for the 3rd section of the
      status bar.
      FYI, the tweak StatusBar3OnFile from v7.20.0010 - 2008-06-18 12:22 (!) is
      hereby raised to UI. It just became too good to be hidden in the dark.
    + SC get(bytesselected): Now (well, since 20211130) you can pass a flag to
      show thousand separators in the return:
      Syntax: get("BytesSelected", [pane=a], [flags])
        flags: 1=show thousand separators
    + SC get got a new named argument "LengthsSelected". Returns the sum for the
      durations of all selected media files.
      Syntax: get("LengthsSelected", [pane=a], [flags])
        flags: 1=show milliseconds
        return: Sum of durations in format [hh:]nn:ss[.fff].
        It's not necessary that a Length column is shown. The values are pulled
        directly from the files, not from a column.
        text <get 'LengthsSelected'>;       //hide msecs
        text <get 'LengthsSelected' '' 1>;  //show msecs

22.50.0208 Beta

Live Filters and Visual Filters: Comparison operators did not work well when comparing the duration of shorter media with those >= 1 hour because their duration strings differ in length at the beginning (eg: 42:26.000 vs 01:12:64.000) because of lacking left-padding, which BTW is okay because


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.03 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2021, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Added the function to download language files from the net like add-ons and icon packs.
    Adjusted because double-clicking the margins suddenly occurs in the Explorer browser.
    Adjusted the switching function between the shell browser and the explorer browser in the display mode.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2021, 19:15
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

        Added the function to search files from the list.
        Added the function to copy the URL at the time of Outh.
        Confirmed operation on Windows 11.
        Correction of other details.

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r10004 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2021, 20:15
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    ADD: HEIC image format support (via libheif)
    ADD: FsContentGetDefaultView - 'size' field units support
    FIX: Command cm_SrcOpenDrives does not work
    ADD: FsContentGetDefaultView - 'writetime' field support
    FIX: Bad icon rendering

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2021, 09:01

    SC StatusBarTemplate enhanced:

    Syntax: statusbartemplate([template], [use])


    2 = toggle


    statusbartemplate(, -2); //toggle the state
    Custom Status Bar Info: Fixed a couple of glitches.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.04 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2021, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that an error occurs in "Get Icon" on 21.12.3 # 495
    Countermeasure for the problem that the selection is incorrect when deleting # 496
    Adjusted the function to switch between shell browser and explorer browser in display mode
    Adjusted to quickly turn off the progress dialog
    When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
    rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
    If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: CarotDAV 1.16.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2021, 10:50
Whats new:>>

        Fixed an issue where case comparison was incorrect.
        Fixed an issue where some URLs could not connect.
        Fixed an issue where a connection could not be made due to the connection name.
        Correction of other details.

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r10006 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2021, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    FIX: Wrong data size when drag & drop text to file panel
    ADD: Command cm_LoadList
    ADD: HEIC image format support (via libheif)
    ADD: FsContentGetDefaultView - 'size' field units support
    FIX: Command cm_SrcOpenDrives does not work
    ADD: FsContentGetDefaultView - 'writetime' field support
    FIX: Bad icon rendering
    ADD: FTP - don't show time for connections
    FIX: Wfx-plugins - don't show file time for files which don't have a time
    UPD: Korean translation (#279)

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.05 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Added column related structure # 497
    You will be able to specify the minimum width of the column. However, MS does not want to change the minimum width of the column, so the minimum width will be restored immediately.
    Fixed the problem that check boxes etc. may not be drawn well in dark mode when executed via rundll32 of trick

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0217 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 10:30

    + SC get("LengthsSelected") enhanced. Added some more flags.
    Syntax: get("LengthsSelected", [pane=a], [flags])
    flags: (bit field)
    1 = Show milliseconds.
    2 = Return value only if the Length column is visible (i.e. if it can be pulled from that column).
    4 = Use the shell property "Length" (otherwise use XY's native and more exact special property "audio.length").


    text <get LengthsSelected a 3>; //show msecs, pull from special property column
    text <get LengthsSelected a 6>; //no msecs, pull shell property from column


Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0219 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 19:45

    Custom Status Bar Info: Fixed a glitch with multi-selections.
    Folder Size Calculation: Since v22.50.0218 there were a little too few
    progress updates in the Status Bar. Fixed.

XYplorer 22.50.0218 Beta

    Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log: Added option "Allowed number of items per logged action (0 = unlimited)". Here you can limit the size of the jobs that are added to the action log (and that can be undone). If a job is larger than the limit it is not added to the log at all. Purpose: If you frequently process large numbers of files the action log can become quite large (and it's completed loaded into memory on each startup). This setting allows you to set a limit to this. Factory default is 0 (unlimited).
    Folder Size Caching: Some of the recent changes actually slowed down the overall process. There was too much status bar action, taking noticeable time on huge jobs. Now it should be as fast as before again.
    SC get("LengthsSelected"): Flag 4 didn't work with non-English locales. Fixed.
    Folder Size Caching: The following change from v16.80.0010 - 2016-05-27 22:13 has been removed:
    Folders with "0 bytes" are generally not cached. From now on, however, folders with "0 bytes" *will* be cached if they contain 256 or more items. Otherwise the performance impact would be too great.
    From now on, folders that have "0 bytes" but contain (empty) files or folders are cached.
    Remember that "0 bytes" is not the same as "empty". Empty folders are still not cached (for safety reasons: emptiness is a claim that should always be fresh).


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.06 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2021, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Fixed dark mode related bugs in dialogs (same as Tablacus Dark 21.12.6)
Temporarily adjust the column to be smaller than it is now
You can make columns smaller than they are now with the mouse, but folder setting add-ons can't get or set numbers smaller than the minimum.
Even if multiple columns are made smaller than the minimum value, they are restored by the order in which they are done.

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0220 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info: Now only the part right of "|s|" will be used and updated on each selection change.
    Special Properties: The hash properties, eg <prop #hash.md5>, showed a feedback in the status bar. Not anymore.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2021, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Fixed dark mode related bugs in dialogs (same as Tablacus Dark 21.12.6)
    Temporarily adjust the column to be smaller than it is now
    You can make columns smaller than they are now with the mouse, but folder setting add-ons can't get or set numbers smaller than the minimum.
    Even if multiple columns are made smaller than the minimum value, they are restored by the order in which they are done.
    FV.Columns ='Name 30';
    The value is increased to the minimum value (80th place depending on the environment).
    When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder
    rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll, RunDLL
    If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit it is te32.dll.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.7 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2021, 09:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix:

    Automate by removing the column highlighting option and turning it off if the background color is dark
    Adjusted the wording around the option to make it easier to translate # 466
    Make fullscreenchange lowercase # 500
    Fixed the problem that the language file could not be downloaded in WebView2 version
    I forgot that the WebView2 version was designed to read only .zip and .nupkg as binaries.
    Deleted the custom draw related processing of the dialog tab.

When executing with rundll32 as a trick, from the extracted folder

rundll32 ./lib/te64.dll,RunDLL

If you specify the dll with the full path, the current folder can be anywhere. For 32-bit te32.dllis.


Titel: Q-Dir 10.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Weitere Verbesserungen in der Darstellung bei geänderten DPI-Einstellungen
• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen
• Update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.50.0224 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2021, 19:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Hover Box: Files with text file extensions but binary contents (e.g. *.dat files can usually have any type of content) are now shown in a more readable form.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2021, 22:45
Whats new:>>

Custom Status Bar Info. Now you can freely define what you would like to see in the 3rd section of the status bar when a file is focused or the current file selection changes. This is a quick way to get additional information without adding an entire extra column or showing a file info tip. This can be, for example, the dimensions of the currently selected photo, or the sample rate of the currently selected song. You can even get information not available anywhere else, like the total length of all currently selected media files..

Further details of this release... (https://www.xyplorer.com/release_22.60.php)

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Dezember, 2021, 20:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2021, 09:50

    Custom Status Bar Info / Property Variables: Now you can optionally prefix a name of your choice (it can even have spaces) to the property selector, separated by ":". It will be prefixed to the result (only if there is a result, that's the cool part) separated by colon-space
    <prop Size:#image.dimensions> --> Size: 123 x 456
    <prop The Size:#image.dimensions> --> The Size: 123 x 456

    Alternatively you can pass the "n" switch to return the original name of that property:

    For numbered shell properties it works just the same:

    <prop Boss:#10> --> Boss: Donald
    SC get: Now you can optionally prefix a name of your choice (it can even have spaces) to the info selector, separated by ":". It will be prefixed to the result (only if there is a result, that's the cool part) separated by colon-space
    Mini Tree: After fully collapsing "This PC" by Ctrl+Click on the expansion symbol you could no longer expand it. Fixed.
    Custom Status Bar Info: Did not work for the selected item(s) on tab switch. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2021, 19:30

    SC get: The recent changes (v22.60.0001) have been replaced by something better. You now can pass an optional format template in the argument after the property selector. The * is a place holder for the value (if missing the value is simply appended to the template).
    Must be wrapped in single or double quotes if a space is included -
    echo <get BytesSelected a 1 'Bytes: *'>; //Bytes: 1,436,919
    echo <get BytesSelected a 1 '* Bytes'>; //1,436,919 Bytes
    echo <get LengthsSelected a 4 'Duration
  • '>; //Duration [01:00:52]

    echo <get LengthsSelected a 4 'Duration: '>; //Duration: 01:00:52
    Custom Status Bar Info / Property Variables: The recent changes (v22.60.0001) still work, but there is a better alternative now. You can pass an optional format template in the argument after the property selector. The * is a place holder for the value (if missing the value is simply appended to the template).
    Must be wrapped in single or double quotes if a space is included -
    echo <prop #image.dimensions 'Size: * px'>; //Size: 1024 x 460 px
    echo <prop #image.dimensions "Size: * px">; //Size: 1024 x 460 px
    echo <prop #image.dimensions "Size: ">; //Size: 1024 x 460
    Custom Status Bar Info: The append-to-default syntax was not yet correctly supported, for example: * - <s:duration>. Fixed.
    Crash on Overflow: XY uses the timeGetTime function in various contexts. It returns the system time in milliseconds. Now the value returned by the timeGetTime function is a DWORD value and necessarily wraps around to 0 every 2^32 milliseconds, which is about 49.71 days. Today I was lucky enough to start the app right before that happened and could nail an otherwise impossible to catch crash condition. And fix it.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0184.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.10 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Added an internal bottom bar.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2021, 19:30

Configuration dialog: Added some debug logging.

22.60.0003 Beta

    SC get(): Now get("curitem", "drive") can be used to return the drive (unslashed). echo get("curitem", "drive"); //eg "E:" or "\VEGAUsers"
    The same works for the <get ...> variable and for curitemprev: echo <get curitemprev drive>;
    Variable <curitemprev>: Since a silent fix of 20211205 (<curitem> was not reset when switching to another tab that had no own selection) the <curitemprev> variable was not always updated correctly anymore. Fixed.
    Hover Box: You could not wheel through the contents while the focus was in Address Bar or Live Filter Box. Fixed.


Titel: Multi Commander 11.5.0 Build 2333 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2021, 20:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    CHANGE- Upgrade build process to VS2022
    FIXED - Issue with MultiScript CopyFile(..) , Progress dialog was not able to be shown.
    FIXED - Issue when open path from locked tab, Some configuration option resulted in 2 new tabs opening instead of 1
    FIXED - Never hide ".." folder even if file attribute say so
    REMOVE- Lots of unused code that was not used anymore since it was rewritten.
    FIXED - 6 Stability Issues


Titel: Double Commander 1.0.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2021, 22:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

Change icons to SVG instead of PNG
Copy window size wrong on Linux
Error when sending search results of duplicate files to the listbox
Changing the icons theme does not work on doublecmd-qt5 in archlinux
Doublecmd Freeze when copying files with Long names and other Languages.
Erratic behaviour with cm_syncchangedir in toolbar

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2021, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Apply zoom: Now it is also supported with animated GIF files.
    Configuration dialog: Removed the debug logging.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Organizing translation files
We have sorted out things that have the same words depending on the language, such as location and position, and things that were covered, such as "Show selection always".

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box Zooming (by wheel or keys): Now you can hold CTRL to make it super-fine: 1 pixel per step.
    Hover Box Zooming (by wheel or keys): Now holding SHIFT makes it 10x faster than normal (before 2x), i.e. 100 pixels per step.
    Mouse Down Blow Up: "Use whole screen" + "Shrink to fit" always forced the image onto the primary screen. Now it uses the screen that XYplorer is currently on.
    Hover Box Zooming by Keys: Had stopped working since 20211211: Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2021, 11:45
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in: Explorer-Dateivorschau
• Update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien
• Allgemeine Korrekturen für Win 11 und kleine Feinabstimmungen

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2021, 19:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Up on Folder Icons: It also worked on folder thumbnails. Not anymore, not by factory default. However, you can tweak it back (and for upgraders the tweak will be auto-set, so if you upgrade and don't want it then you have to tweak it off): MUSDonthumbs=1
    MDBU: Strange trigger area in thumbnails view. You could get a blow up when clicking somewhere near the caption. Fixed.

22.60.0007 Beta

    Variable <prop ...>: Now there is an alternative form <propt ...> which will retrieve the properties from the link target if there is any.
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on Line Numbers | Left-click on line number: Doesn't wait on possible dbl-click anymore.


Titel: BoarderZone FileBrowser 0.21 Build 823
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 08:50
BoarderZone FileBrowser is a reliable software that you can use in order to view the contents of folders and handle several types of files. The software comes with a set of plugins that allow advanced users to manipulate the files contained within certain directories.



    Migrated to servlet API 3.1
    Added protection against Log4Shell vulnerability


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 19:20

    MDBU: Blow-up appears on the wrong monitor. Fix #2.

22.60.0010 Beta

    > MDBU: Blow-up appears on the wrong monitor. Added debug logging.
    ! Status Bar: Since v22.50.0207 - 2021-12-02 14:19 you could get a wrong
      (outdated) icon in section 2 under certain conditions. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails
      and Icons | Allow dragging items by the thumbnail: You could not get the
      context menu of a non-selected item. Fixed.


    + Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails
      and Icons | Allow dragging items by the thumbnail: Now if this is ticked a
      quick right-mouse-down-mouse-up on a thumbnail will show the shell context
      FYI, this is consistent with the ability to select an item by quick
      left-mouse-down-mouse-up on a thumbnail if "Allow dragging items by the
      thumbnail" is ticked.
    ! MDBU: Might have fixed an issue where the blow-up appeared on the wrong
    ! MDBU: Strange trigger area in thumbnails view. You could get a blow up
      when clicking somewhere near the caption. Fixed again. (The last fix was
      no good in some views.)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.15 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2021, 22:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



    Some fix:

    Fixed the problem that the option did not open in Blink version (WebView2) on 21.12.14
    Fixed the problem that the detail button does not respond when sorting on the add-on screen # 509
    Measures for menu position problems instead of dialogs # 511
    Alleviating the problem that the selection is incorrect when deleting after selectingItem SVSI_SELECT in the Recycle Bin # 496
    When SVSI_SELECT and SVSI_DESELECT are repeated, something is retained internally and it seems that it will be restored strangely at the time of update.
    For now, the only mitigation method is to roughly deselect SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS.
    The problem of Shift + Click does not occur here, so I have not been able to fix it.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 11:20
Whats new:>>

MDBU: Blow-up appears on the wrong monitor. Fix #3

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.16 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

    Search box & button installed in add-on
    If you right-click the search button with characters in the search box, a menu will appear, and you can clear it by pressing "Clear".
    Added to save add-on sort. Are you there?
    "Obtaining language files" is now displayed as "Updated".

Titel: Broot 1.7.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2021, 21:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Make the "clipboard" feature non default again, as it proves to make compilation harder on some platform.
You can still try the compilation with cargo install broot --features "clipboard"
And the released archive on GitHub or on my server are still compiled with the "clipboard" feature when available.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2021, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bugfix: beim ausführen der Befehle über die Datei-Explorer Kontextmenü
• Wichtiges update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien
• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.17 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Fixed the problem that the location information of the internal toolbar etc. disappears # 507
I couldn't find it easily because it doesn't occur in Japanese.
If you can't reproduce it here, I don't need any annoying opinions, but I would like more information.
If it doesn't occur, I've tried various things, but without the information, it's really a detour, so it can't be helped anymore.
Even so, rewriting innerHTML is quite troublesome. Information such as whether it is selected is not inherited.
Fixed the problem that the selection disappears unexpectedly # 512
There is no problem here, but since there is information on the boundary of the version that occurs at pinpoint, it seems that the mitigation measures for # 496 are outbursts from the difference in the source there, so the part that was taken in 21.12.4 Deleted.
# 496 Countermeasures are not perfect, but somehow with the mitigation measures of 21.12.15.

Titel: FreeCommander XE 2022 Build 860
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2021, 11:30
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


    Bug fix: Exception on swap panels if option "Quick filter bar always visible" is not active
    Bug fix: Navigation through the history is broken if the file path contains the '=' character
    Bug fix: Internal PDF quick viewer - using Backspace or Delete key in the search field perform actions in main window
    Bug fix: Internal PDF quick viewer - previous/next buttons issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12352
    Bug fix: Selected item color issue https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12349
    Bug fix: Restored layout does not set the main window in the proper position on the screen
    Bug fix: The TAB context menu that is called up with a key combination does not contain all elements
    Implemented: New action added - Edit -> Select same files in both panels
    Implemented: New action added - View -> Only selected in both panels
    Implemented: New color scheme "FreeCommander_Dark_Blue", all dialogs have the colors too (64 bit only)
    Implemented: New color scheme "FreeCommander_Solarized", all dialogs have the colors too (64 bit only)


Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2021, 19:20
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.


Whats new:>>

Fully customize appearance

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2021, 19:30

    SC showstatus: Added SC colorfilter() to the affected commands.

    File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: From now on when you just enter a pattern without any numeric increment template (like -<#01>) e.g. "new" then *all* new names are affixed with the default increment affix. e.g.:


    Before you got this instead:


    ! Configuration | General | Menus Mouse Usability | Mouse | On the icon only: Since 20211215 it did not work anymore if "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails and Icons | Enable blow ups on file icons as well" was also enabled. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: User-Defined Preview Handlers: If the bitness was stated the list item lacked the human-friendly preview handler name. Fixed.
    ! List: Drives listing was not refreshed after ejecting a drive through the drive's context menu command "Eject". Fixed.
    ! Custom Status Bar Info: The default template was not initialized right away in a fresh installation. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2021, 19:30

    The following bug fix (v18.50.0118 - 2017-10-30 12:40) is not necessary anymore and has been removed:

    OneDrive in Windows 10 Creators Update: Could not copy/move items anywhere from OneDrive location using Custom Copy. Fixed. Now shell copy is used for the job.
    So the OneDrive folder now behaves like any other folder.

    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Shrink to fit:

    Since 20211213, the taskbar was no longer included in the permitted area.
    Now the taskbar is included again.
    List: Undid the recent "Eject" fix. Needs deeper fixing.
    PDF Preview: On a custom scaling > 100% and Windows >= 10 you could get a weird alignment issue with 64-bit PDF previews. Fixed.
    XY64: Updated to


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.19 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2021, 20:50

Some fix

    The icon part of the menu also supports colored pictograms.
    The part drawn by the browser is automatically colored and pictograms are displayed, so I thought that the menu would be nice ...
    Colored pictograms are displayed using Direct2D, but most of the published sources only display colored pictograms on the screen.
    Tablacus Explorer doesn't display the menu icon on its own, so what I want is a way to have the bitmap draw colored emoji.
    Direct2D seems to be used in combination with WIC, so when I looked it up from that direction, I found ID2d1Factory-> CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget.
    If I could get the Render Target, I should have written it in the same way as what is displayed on the screen, but for some reason the Render Target fails to get.
    As a result of various trials, GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGRA was not supported, so I converted it to GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA and it was successfully obtained.
    GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGR was OK, so if you want to use an image with an alpha channel, you need a multiplied alpha.
    To be on the safe side, the support for colored emojis in the menu is limited to Windows 8.1 and later, which have colored emojis.
    Adjusted add-on related configuration file related for Blink version (WebView2)


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info: Now drives in the drives listing ("This PC") fully support CSBI.
    Cell Context Menu | Live Filter / Quick Search: On the Path column the path was returned within quotes which prevented any match with a real path. Fixed.
    Cell Context Menu | Live Filter / Quick Search: A relative path 'rock' would also match the path 'Shamrock'. Fixed. Now relative paths are returned with a leading backslash: 'rock'.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2021, 20:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Fixed the problem that the tooltip is not displayed in the browser (Trident version only) and the tree when OK or reloading the customization on the option screen. # 515 5ch # 8-787
There was a report from another person in the browser and tree on the same day, but the cause is probably the same.
I accidentally closed the tooltip window when reloading the customization.
Fixed the problem that the virtual folder could not be opened properly when tracing from the PC # 514

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2021, 21:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    SC get got a new named argument "FileSystem". Returns the file system (NTFS, FAT32 ...) for the current or the specified path. Syntax: get("FileSystem", [path])


    echo <get FileSystem>;
    echo <get FileSystem J:>;
    echo <get FileSystem "J:rocky 3.jpg">;
    echo <get FileSystem "J:non-existing-path-or-file.foo">; //works anyway
    Thumbnails: Added support for 64-bit C4D thumbnails (provided you have the 64-bit C4D thumbnail handlers).
    Custom Status Bar Info: Now the drives support for CSBI is limited to the presense of a new switch: Everything right of |d| is used for drives, everything left of it for other items. If |d| is missing then the template is not used for drives at all.


    |s|<get BytesSelected '' 3>|d|<get FileSystem>
    |s|<get BytesSelected '' 3>|d|* - <get FileSystem>
    |d|* (<get FileSystem>) |s|<get BytesSelected '' 3>

    ! Status Bar: It was not always updated when switching tabs that had the same number of items in the file list. Fixed.
    % Configuration Dialog: Apply and Cancel button widths now adjust to the interface font size (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Buttons and Labels).
    Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts | Treat portable devices as read-only: Now this option is on by factory default and you get a warning when you turn it off. When it's off you'll also get an alert when you initiate a move to or from a portable device. You can disable this additional warning.
    Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and List | Show portable devices: Now this option is on by default and there will be no more warning if you turn it off.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.140.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.140.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:



Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.21 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2021, 22:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

Fixed the problem that sometimes dropped when opening a folder that does not exist at startup etc.
Since Google Drive is so when determining the cloud folder, I stopped using attribute N to determine whether it is a cloud or not based on the volume label. # Addons-307
It is possible that attribute N is the cause of some images that cannot be seen in the tooltip preview such as 5ch # 8-730.
* Please also update the tooltip preview of the add-on.
Fixed the problem that the add-on was empty and the initial add-on was not turned on when installing newly # 517 5ch # 8-790
When other Tablacus Explorer is running at the end, the temporary folder is not deleted.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2021, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Status Bar: Wasn't happy with v22.60.0106. Now "used" is always the first value, then comes "free" or "capacity". This is how the used-bytes-bars are organized as well.
    Custom Status Bar Info: Fixed some minor glitches.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2021, 21:30

    SC property: To use the new format template (known from <prop ...>) simply

    suffix it within single quotes to the property name argument:

    echo property("#image.dimensions 'Size: * px'");
    echo property("CameraModel 'Camera: *'");
    Updated the help file.
    Property variable: The field prefix was not returned:
    echo <prop Camera:CameraModel>;


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.22 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2021, 21:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix:

FTP-related bug countermeasures # 518
The lack of the last "Folder path" is the Windows FTP specification

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2021, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    SC get("freespace") and get("usedspace"): Added more formatting flags.
    Syntax: get("freespace", [item], [flags])
    0: Flexible format (unit depends on size,

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2021, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Dezember, 2021, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Changed to set network timeout when checking the free space of the drive.
    Windows timeout is too long
    FTP-related bug countermeasures # 518
    If you are asked about viruses, there is no way to answer them, so please contact your security vendor directly.
    I have released the software so far, but I have never been infected with a virus. There have been many false positives.

Titel: Broot 1.8.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2021, 18:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    alt-i bound to toggle_git_ignore
    alt-h bound to toggle_hidden
    text previews switches to hexa when there are not printable chars (eg escape sequences)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.26 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Windows 10 (* Normal version other than LTSB / LTSC) MSHTML engine (Trident) Until October 2025.
    So, by that time, I'm planning to bundle tewv32.dll / tewv64.dll and make the Blink (WebView2) version the standard.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: The recent change from v22.60.0101 - 2021-12-18 16:43 resulted in redundant increment suffixes, e.g. when renaming items with different extensions. Improved.
    Multi-Monitor Setup: The current monitor was not always detected correctly right after start-up. Fixed.
    Folder Thumbnails: Since the recent changes in thumbnails creation they got a black background when the FolderThumbsShell tweak was set to 1. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.27 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2021, 21:10

Some fix

    It seems that download related may not be possible with Blink (WebView2) version, so adjust 5ch # 8-837
    In the Blink version, we will wait only onload for the double standby of onload and onreadystatechange.
    There is no problem in this environment, so if this does not work, please enable "Download" of the included add-on.
    PowerShell or cURL is recommended.
    Fixed add-on search box issue # 521
    This also does not cause any problems in this environment, so adjust by intuition
    Changed to be able to pass VT_DATE objects in Blink (WebView2) version (shouldSerializeDates)
    Why is this not turned on by default? Is there any disadvantage?


Titel: Multi Commander 11.5.0 Build 2338 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 11:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - MultiRename window can now be started from MultiScript with a list of files/folders and what profile to autoload
    ADDED - New MultiRename Tag U = upper case, L = Lower case, n = Normal case
    CHANGE- Changed how MultiRename profiles created/saved/removed
    FIXED - High dpi issue with MultiRename window
    ADDED - RestartAndRecovery now save recovery data when application is forced down by restart because of Windows update
    ADDED - When option to show Close button on TabPanel is on, the close button now supports dark mode
    FIXED - 4 Stability issues


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2021, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): Did not work correctly with RTL (Right-To-Left) languages (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew). Semi-fixed: The position of the hightlighted parts is now correctly determined but since the width of the letters depends on the context the position of the highlight can still be off by some pixels. That will be fixed later.
    This fix made it necessary to print the text *after* the highlighting was painted, with the side effect that for selected items the highlighting is only drawn as a thick underline and does not cover the full height of the letter.


Titel: Broot 1.8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

fix regex pattern automatically built from content pattern when going from a tree search to a file preview isn't escaped - Fix #472

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
Whats new:>>

File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: The recent change from v22.60.0101 - 2021-12-18 16:43 still resulted in redundant increment suffixes, e.g. when renaming items in different locations. Improved again.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 08:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Fixed the problem that dust is generated when adjusting the digital certification column of the property 5ch # 8-847

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Panes | Move Tab to Other Pane: Visual glitch on the current tab bar (tab bar not fully reflecting the new state) after moving a tab to an invisible other pane and toggling back to this pane. Fixed.
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Switch panes: When switching panes in single pane mode the CEA script was triggered too early (before the new pane was actually visible and focused). Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen in Q-Dir
• Wichtiges update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien für MS Windows OS
• Verbesserungen für Windows 11 und 10

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): The last fix did not work in Dark Mode
    (highlights were not readable anymore). Tried a new one. BTW, the
    highlighting is now back to full letter height even in selected items.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.30 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 10:50

    Create an additional one using DOMParser for reading XML and XMLSerializer for writing
    The aim is to speed up the Blink (WebView2) version, but since it is the basis of reading and writing settings, it is recommended to back up the settings file before updating.
    Differences between DOMParser and Msxml2.DOMDocument
    The text in Msxml2.DOMDocument is now textContent in DOMParser.
    Fixed an issue where files were locked and could not be deleted when previewing tooltips in the Blink version # 861
    SHCreateStreamOnFileEx: OK, BindToStorage: is not good when creating IStream, so if SHCreateStreamOnFileEx is not good (zip folder etc.), use BindToStorage. In the case of zip, there is no problem with BindToStorage.
    Narrow your add-on search to Name and Descprition # 521
    Fixed the problem that renaming of FTP context menu does not work # 524
    I think that {F2} is a specification because Explorer also makes a sound.
    I feel that the FTP function is about to disappear with the end of Internet Explorer.
    Fixed the problem that may fail due to script error
    I decided to omit the XML declaration.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Highlight Matches in RTL languages: Even if it's not yet perfect, the special support for highlighting matches in RTL languages takes (a little) time. So I made it optional (the special support, not the highlighting) through this tweak: RTLHighlightSupport=1. Currently it's on by default (also for upgraders), and later I will raise it to UI. If maximum speed is your main concern and you never highlight
    matches in RTL languages you should turn if off to save some nanoseconds.
    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): Fixed another problem with highlighting Arabic matches.
    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): Fixed some problems with Hebrew.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.12.31 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2021, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Add-on Search-Related Tweaks #521
    FTP-related renaming adjustment #524
    The initial configuration file in 21.12.30 was a bit rewinded, so fixed it

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.1 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Adjusted the part where an error occurs in IE8

    Please make a backup before updating the preview release version.
    For the time being, I'm relieved that there is no report that the configuration file is corrupted on 21.12.30.

Future plans

    Windows 10 (* Normal version other than LTSB / LTSC) MSHTML engine (Trident) Until October 2025

So, by that time, I'm planning to bundle tewv32.dll / tewv64.dll and make the Blink (WebView2) version the standard.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2022, 09:30

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability: Added option "Show verbatim tooltips". Tick it to show what the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers that are reading tooltips aloud. It's a radical setting that overwrites all other settings relating to mouse pointing in Tree, List, and Toolbar. If it is enabled, for example, no more Hover Box is displayed.

    This is shown in the tooltips for the supported controls:

    In the file list, the contents of the hovered cell are shown, prefixed by the column name (unless it is the Name column). There are also tooltips for hovered column headers.
    In the folder tree, the folder name is shown when the caption is hovered, the full path is shown when the icon is hovered.
    In the toolbar, the button name is shown. When moving between buttons, the tooltip is reset so the next one is read again.
    In the breadcrumb bars, a tip is shown for each hovered path component.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Tabs: when the tooltip over icon and caption is the same it is not redrawn at a new postion anymore when moving the mouse between icon and caption.
    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): Fixed more problems with RTL languages.

Titel: PerigeeCopy 1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Januar, 2022, 20:20
Copy, move and delete files using this advanced tool that gets integrated into the right-click menu and offers enhanced functionality.

License: GPL

Whats new:>>

Fix crash on 32-bit Win7/8 systems

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Show verbatim tooltips: Now (if ticked) keyboard selection in Tree and List will pop a tooltip at the mouse if the mouse is over the control area.
    Added a tweak that allows you to zoom up the tooltips in the main window. Coding for screen reader support put me in an accessibility flow. This tweak can turn a tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass.
    Allowed values are 1 through 4. Fractions are okay.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability: Added
    "Tooltip zoom (%)". Enter a percentage (100 - 400) that will be applied to
    most tooltips (not the small ones e.g. on labels in Configuration). Can
    turn a tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass.
    Raises tweak TooltipZoom to UI.
    ! Tabs: Fixed a little glitch from v22.60.0208.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.3 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Januar, 2022, 20:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that the initial setting of add-on options may not work in the Blink version.
    Raise Visible / Resize event by showing / hiding the tree 5ch # 8-885
    Fixed falling issue when Sagoe Fluent Icons is off # 525
    Since it is a problem that does not occur at all here, I adjusted the suspicious part from the result of the test

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0212 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2022, 08:40
Whats new:>>

    Highlight Matches (TAF and LFB): Alphablend is now used when highlighting Arabic matches to mitigate the effects of incorrect measurements caused by contextually variable letter widths. This is not necessary for Hebrew.
    Environment: The app could not cope well with a situation where no fixed drives are found at all (possible when run on a server with restricted user rights). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0213 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Januar, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Columns: Added variable <cc_isselected>. Returns the selected state of the item: "1" = selected, "0" = not selected.
    It only works if Trigger is set to "List" (in Configure Custom Column).
    The column is not auto-updated just by changing selections, it needs a column refresh or list refresh to get in sync.
    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Backup settings on save: Now ks.dat (keyboard shortcuts) and server.dat (cached servers) are also backed up.
    SC sync: A "filter" argument with more than one component did not match anything and was hence completely ignored. For example: [...] 7:="-appdataThumbnails". Fixed. Now this will match all branches "*appdataThumbnails*".

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0214 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 18:50

    SC ThumbsConf enhanced. Added field "Transparency" to the "settings" argument:

    Syntax: thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency"], [separator=","])


    Transparency: 0 = neutral, 1 = grid, 2 = white, 3 = black
    ! = toggle 0/1


    Corresponds to Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Transparency.
    All thumbnails in the current pane are re-created right away if this setting is changed.
    Hover Box: While the Hover Box was showing a key combo like Ctrl+P (for "copy path") was eaten by the box (doing "show photo data disabled / enabled"). Fixed. Those special Hover Box keys now only work without any modifier key pressed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended)
    Fixed the problem that the submenu may be closed and the display may be strange when scrolling with the mouse click when there is scrolling in the submenu.

Titel: Multi Commander 11.5.0 Build 2842
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - MultiScript function for MultiRename to start a MultiRename with list of files and a profile without showing UI
    ADDED - Fixed Name conflict issue when items from different path but had same name was being renamed
    ADDED - MultiRename window can now be started from MultiScript with a list of files/folders and what profile to autoload
    ADDED - New MultiRename Tag upper case, [L] Lower case [n] Normal case
    ADDED - RestartAndRecovery now save recovery data when application is forced down by restart because of Windows update
    ADDED - When option to show Close button on TabPanel is on, the close button now supports dark mode
    ADDED - Support for Application Restart and Recovery, Restarts MC on Crash / Reboot becuse of Windows Update, Remembering most things as as it was.
    CHANGE- Rename, Replace text part in name does now ignore case for find part
    CHANGE- Rename, Replace text part in name does now keep dialog open until close is pressed
    CHANGE- How Inline rename works. When pressing left/right arrow key (and also Ctrl+Arrow)
    CHANGE- Changed how MultiRename profiles created/saved/removed
    FIXED - High dpi issue with MultiRename window
    FIXED - Issue where Crash dumps was not created, Workaround added because of bug in Google Drive ShellExtension
    FIXED - Issue when copying files to extra long path
    FIXED - Issue with MultiScript CopyFile(..) , Progress dialog was not able to be shown.
    FIXED - Issue when open path from locked tab, Some configuration option resulted in 2 new tabs opening instead of 1
    FIXED - Never hide ".." folder even if file attribute say so (Win11 sometimes have .. folder as hidden)
    FIXED - 14 Stability Issues
    REMOVE- Lots of unused code that was not used anymore since it was rewritten.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.5 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Januar, 2022, 21:20

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Revive FWF_NOBROWSERVIEWSTATE (List-> Style-> Explorer Options) #twitter
    I abolished FWF_NOBROWSERVIEWSTATE because I thought it was a meaningless option, but I didn't think it was related to explorer column takeover.
    Fixed the problem that "Version x is required" disappeared # 528
    Then change from "is required." To "% s is required.". Since "version x.x.x" is entered in the% s part, the position can be changed depending on the language.
    For the time being, if there is no "% s" for the time being, add "% s" in front to maintain compatibility.
    Click on the internal toolbar to focus on that pane # 529
    Adjusted ActiveScript error handling


Titel: Q-Dir 10.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 17:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen im Datei-Explorer Kontextmenü
• Kleine Feinschliffe und Optimierungen
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0215 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Admin Settings: Added an alternative way to enable the Read-Only Mode: eAP_ReadOnlyMode = 8192. This allows an administrator to directly enforce read-only mode (without using the / readonly switch). In the "Admin.ini" file (located where "XYplorer.exe" is) add the following: [Settings] Profile=8192
    Read-Only Mode (command line switch /readonly): It was not 100% tight. At startup some app data folders were created and a file (tag.dat), and using Find Files lead to the creation of files like "<xydata>Panes1tab_3.ini". Now none of this happens anymore.
    Hi-Res: In some dialogs the main headings were drawn in the wrong position. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0185.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.6 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Adjusting the ability to focus on the pane when you click the internal toolbar # 529

Titel: broot 1.9.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Januar, 2022, 23:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    total search (launched with ctrl-s) shows all matches - This is experimental and might be reversed, opinions welcome
    kitty graphics protocol used for high definition image rendering on recent enough versions of WezTerm - Fix #473
    fix syntaxic preview of Python files broken by comments - Fix #477
    home key bound to :input_go_to_start, end key bound to :input_go_to_end - Fix #475

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.3 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2022, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>


Deleting a Favorite can produce a "is not a valid GUID value"
Zero-length file comparison does not end bug

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Fixed the problem that the link file (* .lnk) of the folder on the network folder cannot be opened 5ch # 8-916,917

Titel: Broot 1.9.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

Better manage when to draw/erase/keep Kitty Graphics Protocol images for better speed when background tasks run. Also fix background not erased behind kitty images in some cases.

Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0217 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Januar, 2022, 20:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now you can define a separate script that's
    triggered by the middle button.

22.60.0216 Beta

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: The icon is now shown in the top-right corner of the thumbnail for Tiles views, and in the bottom-left corner for thumbnails views. The idea is to put the icon near the caption.
    ! List: Refreshing a Property column via "Right-click menu | Refresh Column" could crash the app. Fixed.

    ! View | Tab | Filter By Selection(s): Did not work if this backward compatibility tweak was set:

    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0186.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0218 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Januar, 2022, 20:30

    Drag and Drop: Now the app is ensured to be foregrounded after a drop from
    other programs, and the dropped items are auto-selected in the list.
    Generic File Types: Now unticking types in Configuration | Preview |
    Previewed Formats will also remove them from the {:[filetype]} variable
    This has already been done in Visual Filters and Live Filters for years,

    and now it's also done in:

    Find Files (Name)
    Custom File Associations
    Custom File Icons
    echo <get genericfiletype '{:Text}'>;
    Menu View | Folder View Settings | Manage Folder Views: Now after any
    deletion the OK button just OKs it and doesn't go into edit mode.
    Read-Only Mode: The changes in v22.60.0215 made the app start without
    knowing about some important app data paths which resulted in an almost
    fresh instance. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0219 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Scripting got a new function:

    Name: SelectThumbs
    Action: Selects items according to properties of their thumbnails.

    Mouse Down Blow Up:

    Added tweaks to use a virtual monitor size on "Use whole screen" and "Shrink to fit". The first tweak enables using the virtual monitor size, the second one defines it (Width,Height).

Titel: Files 2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 10:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3



    Added a hotkey for playing audio and video in the preview pane by @TomaszSteblik in #6690
    Added a toolbar button to empty recycle bin by @cinqmilleans in #6693
    Set window title to be the same as the selected tab name by @gave92 in #6762
    Added compatibility section to the properties window by @gave92 in #6691
    Increased Native Read > 4096 limit by @d2dyno1 in #6852
    Added native ARM64 Support by @gus33000 in #6901
    Added support for Nextcloud by @gave92 in #7401
    Detect Yandex.Disk cloud drive by @gave92 in #7406
    Redesigned the properties window @yaichenbaum in #7416
    Redesigned the settings dialog by @yaichenbaum in #6930
    Increased icon size in the customization properties page by @timwenger in #7021
    Added support for symbolic file links by @gave92 in #7006
    Added clear all button to the ongoing tasks flyout by @petrjancar in #7025
    Open new columns in the column layout on a single click by @yaichenbaum in #7470
    Added keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+H) to show/hide hidden files by @guillaume-nizet in #7106
    Import/export all settings into a zipped archive by @gave92 in #7078
    Made active ongoing tasks appear at the top of the ongoing tasks flyout by @petrjancar in #7022
    Remove delay of loading sidebar items and other services on startup by @winston-de in #7104
    Mousewheel click opens new tab at selected path by @Raithlin in #7126
    Open recycle bin & this pc in Files when set as the default file manager @gave92 in #7408
    Open control panel in existing window when Files is set as the default file manager by @gave92 in #7456
    Added experimental option to show folder sizes by @cinqmilleans in #7244
    Add action on label click to change layout by @cinqmilleans in #7191
    Show basic preview for recycle bin items by @winston-de in #7203
    Added support for collapsing widgets on the homepage by @yaichenbaum in #7285
    Extended click area to whole settings block by @d2dyno1 in #7336
    Update tab titles using current navigation arguments by @jiejasonliu in #7333
    Added subtle listview animation by @yaichenbaum in #7311
    Added option to open Files on Windows startup by @esibruti in #7309
    Improved the behavior when installing fonts by @gave92 in #7394
    Improved keyboard navigation in the details layout by @gave92 in #7390
    Improved keyboard navigation in the column layout by @gave92 in #7425
    Improved the behavior of the taskbar jumplist by @Jaiganeshkumaran in #7141
    Extended the rename textbox width in the details layout by @duke7553 in #7445
    Do not block UI while loading drive properties by @gave92 in #7464
    Properly toggle "permanent delete" check in confirmation dialog by @gave92 in #7500

Bug Fixes

    Fixed a crash that would occur when dropping a shortcut over an executable file by @gave92 in #6696
    Fixed copying shortcuts, small changes to ftp by @gave92 in #6703
    Fixed an issue where the option to reset the default file explorer wouldn't work after reinstalling Files by @gave92 in #6769
    Fixed an issue where changing the sort option would create a hidden file by @gave92 in #6741
    Fixed an issue where grouping by date might include files from previous week by @SHADOW-XIII in #6898
    Fixed an issue where restoring items from recycle bin would remove the file extension by @d2dyno1 in #6985
    Fixes an issue causing the file tags list to be serialized wrong by @gave92 in #7017
    Fixed an issue where file extensions would sometimes get removed when renaming items by @gave92 in #7015
    Fixed invalid items from being added to bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7119
    Fixed search button on home page by @cinqmilleans in #7118
    Fixed inner toolbar state on startup by @cinqmilleans in #7166
    Show network shortcuts on the sidebar by @gave92 in #7185
    Workaround for copying to MTP by @gave92 in #7212
    Avoid reading the whole file into memory when adding a file to a .zip archive by @gave92 in #7123
    Fixed an issue where clicking the okay button in the properties window sometimes wouldn't work by @gave92 in #7201
    Prevent repetitive viewport analysis in PointerMoved by @duke7553 in #7366
    Fixed right pane being always loaded by @gave92 in #7376
    Fixed an issue where some buttons didn't have text by @gave92 in #7381
    Fixed folder shortcuts opening in explorer by @gave92 in #7391
    Fixed text selection when renaming by @gave92 in #7455
    Fixed advanced properties opening in the wrong window by @gave92 in #7439


Titel: XYplorer 22.60.0220 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Removed tweak RTLHighlightSupport. It is no longer needed, the RTL highlighting function is fast enough now to just be active unconditionally.
    Updated the help file.
    The PDF went down from 6.27 MB to 2.07 MB (embedding fonts was not necessary).
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.141.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.141.lng is uploaded.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.10 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Januar, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Adjusted the warning sound with the key while pressing Alt on the key input setting screen # 532
    There was no problem with the Blink (WebView2) version with only the standard Trident version.
    Stop tricks when loading submenu folders # 533
    The menu was transparent while loading.
    For the first issue, please update the main menu add-on.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2022, 19:10

    Custom Toolbar Buttons Support Middle Click. Now you can define a separate script that will be triggered by the middle button. That gives you 64 more possible scripts to make your life easier.
    Tooltip Zoom. Now you can enlarge the tooltips by up to 400%, which turns each tooltip into a kind of magnifying glass. Relaxes the eyes and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
    Verbatim Tooltips. Now you can optionally display whatever the mouse is pointing at in a tooltip. This option is aimed directly at screen readers who read tooltips aloud and makes the file manager easier to use for users with visual impairments.
    Hover Box Zooming. Now you can hold down the CTRL key to make it super fine: 1 pixel per step. And if you hold SHIFT, it's 10x faster than normal: 100 pixels per step.

XYplorer 22.60.0221 Beta

    SelectThumbs: Revised.
    Syntax: selectthumbs([mode=1])
    mode: 0: Select all items without thumbnails.
    1: [default] Select all items with good thumbnails.
    2: Select all items with bad thumbnails. ("Can't decode" etc).
    3: Select all items with thumbnails.
    return: Number of selected items.
    -1 if not in thumbnails mode.


Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2022, 19:40
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

     Minor GUI improvements
     Minor bug fixes

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.11 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Januar, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Fixed the problem that dialog related key input became impossible due to embug of # 532 # 534
    This is also only the standard Trident version, and there was no problem with the Blink (WebView2) version.
    It felt like I couldn't stand if I stood there.
    Adjustment for main menu related 5ch # 8-926

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.12 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Januar, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    In Blink (WebView2) version, the update by Ctrl + R was suppressed in the dialog. 5ch # 8-938

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0014 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Januar, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: The icon now shows the current contents in a tooltip.
    Word Break Style: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in the rename text boxes of all small lists.
    Thumbnails: In the case of failed thumbnails (no thumbnail could be extracted) the icons are now drawn. Before that, a text like "Can't decode" was printed. If you prefer to see the text, use this tweak: ThumbsShowFailure=1
    Tooltip Zoom: The zoom did not survive Dark Mode switch, theme switch or hibernation. Fixed.
    Highlighting Matches: Since 20220102 a highlight could overlap into the adjacent column. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.1.14 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Januar, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Fixed the problem that the function to move to the path and focus on the item may not work well with "Prohibit duplicate tabs" and "Open if there is the same locked tab".
    C:\Windows\explorer.exe\.. and C:\WindowsOpen explorer.exe Choose.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.1.15 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Download related adjustments
    When using add-on download in the standard Trident version, getting the list fails when getting the add-on.
    Changed to download language files in binary

Titel: Multi Commander 11.6.0 Build 2844
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Januar, 2022, 22:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    Really 11.5.1 but for technical reason it has to be 11.6
    FIXED - 12 Stability fixed


Titel: Files 2.1.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 19:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    What's Changed:

    Added properties button to the toolbar by @AJLeuer in #7566
    Added ability to set tags on read-only folders by @gave92 in #7558
    When multiple files are selected, open them together by @gave92 in #7557
    Changed default dual pane width to 50% by @BlairCurrey in #7619
    Bundled themes inside of the app by @yaichenbaum in #7616

    Bug Fixes:

    Fixed folder size visibility in properties for hidden folders by @cinqmilleans in #7538
    Fixed an issue where the add item option was sometimes disabled in empty bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7569
    Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when emptying recycle bin by @gave92 in #7555
    Fixed copy & paste when 2 instances of the app were open by @gave92 in #7556
    Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when checking cloud sync status by @gave92 in #7483
    Fixed issues with back/forward and pathbar navigation in ColumnView by @gave92 in #7504
    Fixed inconsistencies between file creation flyouts by @petrjancar in #7618

    New Contributors:

    @JordyEGNL made their first contribution in #7545
    @AJLeuer made their first contribution in #7566
    @BlairCurrey made their first contribution in #7570
    @h1g0 made their first contribution in #7649
    @inductor made their first contribution in #7632
    @akihironagai made their first contribution in #7697
    @anas-Elgarhy made their first contribution in #7653
    @Daxxxis made their first contribution in #7711


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0016 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Januar, 2022, 20:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    SC get got a new named argument "properties" by which you can retrieve all available properties of an item.
    Syntax: get("properties", [flags=14], [item])
    flags: (bit field)
    1: Show empty properties as well.
    2: Show XY Special Properties.
    4: Show Shell Properties.
    8: Show System Properties (see Notes!).
    Defaults to 14 (2+4+8).
    item: Full path to an item.
    If missing the currently focused item is used.
    return: The properties in form of a block of text.
    SC savethumb: Now it also works for PDF files.
    Info Panel | Meta: Video files now show more data, e.g. bit rate, frame width, frame height, frame rate and others.
    Thumbnails: Since about v22.60.0219 there was a problem with video thumbnails. Fixed.
    Menus: Some context menus did not handle ampersands in filenames correctly (they disappeared). Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0017 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2022, 17:50
Whats new:>>

    Thumbnails: Some JPEGs created by Adobe Photoshop had an unusual format that caused thumbnail creation to fail. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Categories: The content of the "Preview as Thumbnail" category had some influence on the thumbnail creation. Which of course doesn't make sense. Fixed.
    Hover Box: Did not appear above the main window if it was set to "top-most" by a window manager. Probably fixed (air code).

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2022, 22:10

    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails
    and Icons | Enable blow ups on file icons as well: Now when you move the
    blow up by moving the mouse, the new position (relative to the default
    (centered) position and relative to the image size) is stored and later
    restored with the next blow up.
    These values (X and Y) are not remembered across sessions.
    * MDBU on file icons: Now the exact position of the mouse down is not
    relevant anymore to the initial position of the blow up.

    + Configuration | Preview | Preview | Text preview | Display Tabs as spaces:

    Now this setting also affects texts in Hover Box and Mouse Down Blow Up.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Januar, 2022, 22:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Stop WM_SETTINGCHANGE in list view when reloading customization (when resetting options)
    Because the result folder may become 0 items in some cases

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0019 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2022, 20:30

    Locked MDBU Location: Wasn't happy with yesterday's algorithm and changed it:

    The location is only locked (= stored and remembered) if the blow up is
    Beyond (not covering) the point of the mousedown.
    The locked position is restored to the absolute distance from the mouse
    Pointer. It is therefore always exactly the same, regardless of the size
    Of the blow up.
    The locking is done for both dimensions independently: e.g. you can lock
    The horizontal position to an absolute distance from the mousedown (by
    Dragging the left (right) border of the blow up to the right (left) of
    The mousedown) while the vertical position is still centered over the
    Mousedown (by keeping the upper and lower border of the blow up above
    And below the mousedown).
    Consequently, you can stop any locking by dragging the current blow up
    Over the mousedown.
    If the locked position is completely outside the screen it is ensured
    That some part of the next blow up is visible in screen.
    If "Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Shrink to
    Fit" is enabled then "Allow panning" is internally ON if the blow up is
    In a locked position. This is allows you to change the position if you
    Are not happy with it.
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Serial rename by Up
    And Down keys: Now in thumbnails views with more than one caption line you
    Can use PageUp/PageDown for serial rename.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.19 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Januar, 2022, 21:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Changed a non-existent folder from a results folder to a fictitious search folder.
    The result folder doesn't support dark mode in explorer.
    I hope # Addons-319 is fixed. * Due to the lack of information, it will not be reproduced here.
    Expanded column narrowing support to other columns with labels and total file size supported in 21.12.23. # 540
    This also uses the deprecated IFolderView2 :: SetViewProperty

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0022 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2022, 19:40

    Thumbnails Cache: Now the list does not have to be completely empty (see v22.70.0021), it just has to have no items with thumbnails to get the thumbnail cache files permanently deleted on "View | Caches | Refresh Thumbnails".
    View | Calculate Folder Sizes: Now when one or more folders are selected and these folders show their cached folder sizes then this command will always refresh the displayed folder sizes from reality, no matter the setting of the CachedFolderSizesOnCalc tweak.

22.70.0021 Beta

    MDBU | Remember Position: Now it is optional and off by default. Currently it can be enabled only by a tweak (UI setting will come later):


    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Extra fields:
    Now "Shortcut Target" shows any existing command line switches in the tooltip.
    Meta Tab: Also here the Shortcut Target info now shows any existing command line switches.
    Resolving Shortcuts: A long-standing issue with bitness-dependent shortcut targets could probably be fixed. I found a way to determine whether an alleged "C:Program Files (x86)" should rather be "C:Program Files": I simply check which of the targets actually exist. In many real world cases this will make it return the correct target.
    Thumbnails Cache: When a list is completely empty but a pair of thumbnail cache files for it still exists (for images that are not here anymore) calling "View | Caches | Refresh Thumbnails" (only possible in a view with (thumbnails) will now permanently delete those thumbnail cache files.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Asynchronous path analysis function adjustment
    When opening a path that may take time such as a network, while analyzing the path asynchronously, we open a temporary path for the time being and open it with the correct path if the background analysis process can be done. ..
    While navigating the tentative path, it turned out that the analysis might end and try to open with the correct path, so in that case I waited until the end of the navigation.
    probably # 540 the cause of the fall of

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Courtney Barnett.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2022, 18:30

    Scripting got a new command.
    Name: LLog
    Action: Pops a dialog showing the current load log (aka load times).
    Syntax: llog


    It's basically a shorthand for:

    text get("loadtimes");
    but with a little more information in the header.


    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Down on Thumbnails
    and Icons: Added option "Remember position". Tick it to remember the
    position of the blow ups on file icons.
    The position is now remembered across sessions.
    Raises tweak MDBURememberPosition to UI.
    * Tools | Customize List | Size Column Format: Renamed "Show Space Used" to
    "Show Size on Disk". It shows the actual disk space used (based on
    required clusters and accounting for compression), not the size of the
    Note that the Status Bar always shows the real uncompressed size of the
    selected files.
    > List Columns | Size on Disk | Cell Context Menu: Live Filter and Quick
    Search currently don't work with this column. Later...
    * Info Panel | Properties: Renamed "Space used:" to "Size on disk:" and also
    modified its meaning: Now it takes any existing compression into account,
    for individual file sizes as well as for folder sizes.
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.142.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.142.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:



Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    If you use DOMParser for reading XML from 21.12.30 and XMLSerializer for writing, the attribute will be converted to a space without line breaks, so adjust so that add-ons can handle that area in the future.
    Since line breaks are included in the text, we plan to adjust the corresponding add-on by inserting it in the text or converting it.
    Fixed the problem that the FTP site and search folder could not be retrieved as a selection item # 540
    It seems that FTP sites and search folders cannot be extracted as IDataObject with IShellView :: GetItemObject.
    Utilize the item extraction function used for the pseudo result folder using the search folder of XP

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 12:10
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box: The Hover Box didn't display EMF and WMF files. Fixed.
    Preview: EMF and WMF files did not show a transparency grid when they should. Fixed.
    Thumbnails: EMF and WMF files did not show thumbnails. Fixed.
    Thumbnails: Found yet another way to meet white thumbnails. Fixed.
    Custom Columns: Trigger "Click" did not work anymore for the internal first 10 Custom Columns since 20220107. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: The recent change from v22.60.0101 - 2021-12-18 16:43 still resulted in redundant increment suffixes, e.g. when renaming items using file specific variables (eg <datem yyyymmdd>-<prop size>/i) in the pattern. Improved again.
    SC ThumbsConf: Always refreshed the thumbnails if the "Transparency" flag was passed, even if it did not change the current value. Fixed.
    Verbatim Tooltips: The tips on key-up did not work in the This PC list. Fixed.

Titel: broot v1.9.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 20:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    instead of crashing on syntect panic in code preview, fall back to unstyled text - Fix #485
    fix files in worktree missing from git statuses - Fix #428

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.23 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2022, 21:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Fixed the problem that the initial scroll position becomes a medium icon and shifts when the icon size is large or larger. # 544
    Sort-related adjustments
    Adjusted to call event Sorting when sorting from the View (V) menu or the sorting of the background context menu (O) or sorting column clicks.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.56
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen im klassischen Design unter Windows 7, XP, 99
• Kleines Feintuning unter Windows 11 und MS Windows 10
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    SC get("bytesselected"): More flags:
    Syntax: get("bytesselected", [pane=a], [flags])
    flags: 1 = Show thousand separators.
    On combi with flag 2: Show exact size as well.
    2 = Friendly format.
    4 = Size on disk.
    Example: status <get 'BytesSelected' '' 7>; //Friendly size on disk with exact size % List: Faster byte count.

22.70.0105 Beta

    Added a tweak to define a list of extensions for file types that only have 64-bit thumbnail providers. This is the factory default: Thumbs64Ext=afphoto.afdesign.afpub.c4d.sldasm.slddrw.sldprt.xar. FYI, this tweak exists since 20210402 but was never mentioned in the change log.
    Size on Disk: Now it also does it correctly for sparse files.
    Thumbnails: Many less common file types have not received thumbnails since some changes on 20220109. Fixed.
    File Info Tips: The tips for items in "C:WindowsSystem32" actually showed the information for the mirror items in "C:WindowsSysWOW64" if they existed. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 21:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    If the icon size is larger than the large icon, adjust the collision detection when dragging and dropping # 545
    I can't understand that the collision detection at the time of drag and drop is different from LVM_HITTEST. Create a common collision detection function so that it can be used from each add-on.
    Adjusting the existence judgment of folders

Titel: Multi Commander 11.6.0 Build 2845
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2022, 22:20
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.


Whats new:>>

FIXED - 2 Stability issues fixed

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

22.70.0107 Beta

    SC folderreport: The "depth" parameter did not work correctly when > 0. Fixed.
    Preview and Hover Box: Fixed some transparency grid issues in WMF/EMF files.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Fixed the problem that the result folder may be corrupted if the same folder is opened consecutively from the locked result folder.
Changed to apply rotation of exif information when opening an image in the background. 5ch # 8-993

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Load Log: Added some items (debugging a particular issue).
    Address Bar: Items selected from the MRU dropdown were not moved to the top of the MRU list anymore since 20201006. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.26 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2022, 21:15
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    The menu can be scrolled in a pseudo manner with the wheel.
    I got the information that I can get the wheel of the menu with WM_INPUT, so I sent the up key to the menu on the wheel and the down key down.
    Since WM_MOUSEMOVE is ignored for 0.5 seconds by turning the wheel, it is okay to move the mouse a little while turning the wheel.
    It would have been best if the menu scrolled with WM_VSCROLL etc ...

Titel: CarotDAV 1.16.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2022, 21:45
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

        Fixed an issue where the DAV server could not start.
        Fixed an issue where the .Net Version specification was incorrect.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2022, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | No network browsing on startup: Mapped network drives were still accessed when starting up on "This PC" which could lead to long delays when they were not available. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0220 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2022, 20:50

    Dark Mode: Had a little epiphany this morning. Now these controls are dark if XY is dark (even if Windows itself is not in Dark Mode!):

    Caveat: You need Win 10 or higher.
    Still missing: Title Bar, Menu Bar, and (weirdly) native Combo Boxes that just don't want to behave. Working on it...
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Movement: Added tweak MDBULoupeSpeed. Factory default is 100 (percent). This, for example, would make it half as fast: MDBULoupeSpeed=50. Note that only with value 100 the mouse up on the moved, blown up original (and thereby closing it) will end up at the exact same point on the thumbnail.
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | General | Movement: The loupe speed for MDBU on icons is now half as fast as before.
    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | No network browsing on startup: Probably found a better fix (see v22.70.0204). Now the correct drive icon and name should be shown for unavailable network drives, without any delays.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.27 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Changed to apply rotation of exif information when opening an image. (Even if not in the background) # 549
    For previews and window previews, I basically leave it to the browser, but the current standard Trident version (IE engine) does not rotate, so
    Item.ExtendedProperty ("{14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99} 274")> Adjusted on the add-on side to determine if it is rotating at 1 and process it.
    Blink version (WebView2) rotates, so it is as it is
    {14B81DA1-0135-4D31-96D9-6CBFC9671A99} 274 is the column orientation (System.Photo.Orientation) and the rotation direction is stored numerically.
    Adjusted that FTP site items in the results folder are no longer recognized as selections # 548

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0245 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 09:50

    Dark Mode: Now the title bar and window borders are dark if XY is in Dark Mode.
    Actually "dark" is pitch black, currently I see no way to customize this blackness within XY. Of course, you can always customize the title bar and border colors via Windows display settings.
    You need Win 10 release 2004 (May 2020) or higher.
    Dark Mode: Now the popup menus (also from the main menu, but unfortunately not the main menu bar itself) are dark if Windows itself is in Dark Mode. Yes, this color apparently (or should I say "currently"? -- MS's implementation of Dark Mode in Windows is still work in progress) cannot be controlled by XY's own Dark Mode.
    You need Win 10 release 2004 (May 2020) or higher.If Windows itself is in Dark (Light) Mode then XYplorer should be in Dark (Light) Mode as well already on start up. Only then the icons in popup menus are drawn
    with the right background color. (This limitation will probably disappear in the future.)


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0262 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Dark Mode | Multiline Text Boxes: Now also here the scrollbars are dark.
    Dark Mode | Address Bar (and other dropdowns): Now also here the scrollbars are dark right away when starting in dark mode. % Dark Mode | Popup Menus: Now the app correctly detects Windows dark mode at startup so that the menu icons are always drawn with the right background color. No need anymore to sync Windows and XY dark mode. The v22.70.0245 limitation is gone.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.28 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2022, 21:40

    Fixed the problem of the shortcut file "Locked tab first" # 550
    A bug was exposed in the part where the shortcut was analyzed in the background. This time I'll probably fix the root cause.
    The rotation of exif information is also applied for icons. # 549
    The current standard Trident version (IE engine) does not support rotation, so try to use rotated images as much as possible in the Trident version.
    However, I feel that I rarely use jpeg images that are rotated to icons.
    In Explorer, it seems that it supports rotation of exif from Windows 8, and the "width" and "height" are swapped in the image that is swapped vertically and horizontally, but
    In Windows 7, "width" and "height" are not interchanged even if they are rotated vertically and horizontally, so be careful in the future.
    When rotating with CSS, transform: rotateZ (90deg); / transform: scale (-1, 1); seems to be usable
    In older versions filter: progid: DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage (Rotation = 1) / filter: FlipV;


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0281 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Dark Mode | Dropdowns: Managed to make them dark! But since there is no real Windows support for this (I hope they are still working on it) I had to use a dirty hack. The result looks a bit retro-futuristic but you will get used to it. Better than white. You need Win 10 release 2004 (May 2020) or higher.
    Labels: In many list views, a label's background color was not visible when the file was selected (because it was completely covered by the selection color). Now it is ensured that some of the label color is always visible. While at it I made that visible mininum 5 pixels wider.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0282 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 09:34
Whats new:>>

Custom Copy | Progress Dialog: Since 20220108 the final dialog would disappear behind the main form if the operation was triggered by drag and drop. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0283 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: Experimentally you can now drop the dropdown by wheel down anywhere on the Address Bar.
    Dark Mode | Dropdowns: Now the hovered dropdown button is dark.
    Labels: Decided to go back a bit to 6 pixels, the 9 pixels did not play too well with other stuff.

Titel: Files 2.1.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2022, 21:15
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    What's Changed:

    Added access keys to the toolbar
    Detect Jottacloud cloud drive
    Reduced minimum sidebar width from 250 to 180
    Added run script button to toolbar
    Select newly created files or folders
    Added support for Segoe UI Variable on Windows 11
    Added extract archive button to toolbar
    Added info bar to clarify the risks for the option to set Files as the default file manager
    Added set as background button to toolbar when selecting an image file
    Removed duplicate options to open terminal
    Added support for opening applications from the pathbox
    Added ctrl+shift+k shortcut to duplicate tab
    Added install button to toolbar when selecting a font file
    Added rotate left/right button on toolbar when selecting images
    Adjusted padding of TabViewScrollButtons
    Added install button to toolbar when selecting an inf file
    Added support for expanding the preview pane further than 400px
    Added "Close tabs to the left" and "Close others" to tab context menu

    Bug fixes:

    Fixed an issue preventing users from creating multiple bundles
    Fixed Nextcloud detection
    Fixed loading of items under network
    Fixed crash that would occur when repeatedly clicking the restore default button
    Fixed an issue where switching layouts would hide the text in empty directories
    Fixed the focus issues in the delete confirmation dialog issue
    Fixed an issue where folders weren't removed from the JumpList
    Fixed image thumbnails not appearing


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.1.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 10:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.



Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Corrected a mistake in determining the rotation information of EXIF ??information when acquiring an icon.
    Undefined magnitude comparison in JavaScript is always false
    When the icon is acquired by Data URI and the extension is jpeg / jpe / jpeg, JPEG is encoded and output when outputting.
    Normally, it encodes a reversible PNG.
    It is irreversible, but I expect JPEG to be more compact in size, mainly for large files that are rotated by EXIF.
    I tried the image rotation with CSS written in 22.1.28, but in the case of rotation where the vertical and horizontal are switched, it was a little subtle because there were gaps and the image was cut off.
    I'll try to find out if there is a better way, but I don't think it's necessary in the Blink / WebView2 version in the first place, so I think this is all right.


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0284 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Mouse Down Blow Up: Improved the initial position of the blow up for non-images (on icons and thumbnails) so that as much as possible is within the viewport.
    Audio Preview: Retrieving the tooltip on a misformed OGG-file could raise an error and lock the file till app exit. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 21.1.31 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2022, 21:30

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Menu wheel scroll related adjustments
    Adjustment when the amount of wheel movement is not 120
    It seems that there is an environment where WM_INPUT comes twice when you turn the wheel once, so if you come twice in a row, adjust the amount of movement of the second time by half to the next time 5ch # 9-35
    Feeling that WM_INPUT has a greater influence depending on the environment.
    Personally, I don't need to select the wheel scroll of the menu precisely, but I want the acceleration function by roughly scrolling.
    Shortcut related adjustments
    I checked if the shortcut can be opened immediately like the network, and if it can be opened immediately, it will be opened immediately. # 550
    The shortcut image can also be opened with From File of WIC Bitmap.
    Adjusting multithreaded processing for image loading
    Since it stopped working in Blink / WebView2 version before I knew it, I made it possible to output even Data URI.


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0285 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Added the first slim button (takes 18 horizontal pixels instead of 30), "Show Menu": Let's you toggle the main menu. More slim buttons will follow. For the price of a smaller target you gain more space and more targets. Upgraders will have to add the button via Tools | Customize Toolbar...
    Variable <get [Command ID] [ReturnOnTrue = 1] [ReturnOnFalse = 0]> now also supports this: #481 = View | Suspend Auto-Refresh (True if Auto-Refresh is off or suspended)
    File | To Clipboard | Item Name(s) (Ctrl+Shift+P): Now if the focus is in the list but no items are selected the current folder name is copied to the clipboard. Before, an empty string was copied, i.e. the clipboard was emptied.
    Dark Mode: An invisible tab bar was not redrawn on Dark/Light Mode switch leading to an apparently empty bar (scary!) when shown later. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0286 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Fixed a minor drawing glitch from v22.70.0285.
    SC snippet [undocumented]: Did not process the new middle click script in user buttons yet. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0287 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2022, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    + Address Bar: Added toggle "Selection by Path Components" to the icon's right-click menu. Tick it to recognize only path component separators (\/?|) as word boundaries  when double-clicking the Address Bar contents, when moving the cursor by
      Ctrl+Arrows, or when deleting words by Ctrl+Backspace.
      The new factory default is ON (since File Explorer does it, too).

Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 5959
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2022, 18:50
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2022, 21:10

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Adjusting multithreaded image loading
    If you pass an object, it may become unusable when the original thread ends, so pass it as a stream.
    Also added bitmap handle passing in addition to Data URI.
    It was troublesome to balance EXIF rotation and GIF animation in the Trident version.
    Related add-ons will be updated after this version becomes the regular version


Titel: XYplorer 22.70.0288 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2022, 22:40
Whats new:>>

    Dark Mode. Much improved. Everything is dark now, at least if you are using Windows 10 Release 2004 (May 2020) or later. Only the menu bar is still white, but hey, you now have a button to toggle it on and off quickly.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jenny Lewis.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2022, 19:40

    Go | Tablist...: Now the full path (in square brackets) is not shown anymore in the
    tab list by default. Too much information. Instead the full path is now shown in the
    status bar when you hover the popup menu items.

    If you need it the old way you can opt in via a tweak:

    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons | Vertical Popup Toolbars: Popped in the wrong place when
    triggered by right or middle button. Fixed.
    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons | Vertical Popup Toolbars: Removed a 2nd popup when triggered
    by right button.
    > Custom Toolbar Buttons | Vertical Popup Toolbars: To get to the "Edit..." command
    you have to hold CTRL while right-clicking.
    ! Toolbar: Slim buttons weren't always horizontally centered when they should. Fixed.
    ! Toolbar: Some arrow overlays were wrongly placed in zoomed toolbars or with Extra
    Large Buttons. Fixed.

XYplorer 22.80.0001 Beta

    Custom Toolbar Buttons:

    Now the Hamburger syntax you already know from the Breadcrumbs menu button also works in Custom Toolbar Buttons. This makes it totally easy to create buttons that pop "vertical toolbars" (which actually are popup menus of course) by just setting up a list of button keys prefixed by ":". For example, simply paste this (via the Edit button) into the "On left-click" fieldof the "Edit User Button" dialog (ensure it's totally left-aligned): dpmoveto, dpcopyto, newfolder, copypath, showfolders, pp


    More complex definitions are possible as well, including scripts and nested submenus (see Breadcrumb Bars | Customizing the Hamburger in the Help). There is one important condition: The definition has to start with a single colon ":". That's a safe way to distinguish a Hamburger definition from a conventional multi-script definition (which needs a different parser). Tick "Fire click on mousedown" for the smoothest experience The beauty of this feature is that it adds a 2nd dimension to the toolbar. With very little work you can create buttons that pop vertical toolbars right from the main horizontal toolbar


    Show Menu: Changed graphics from dots to stripes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2022, 19:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed a problem that opening the search tab when using "Locked tab first" does not work # 551
    The remnant code from the old search was bad.
    Fixed the problem that "Folder error expansion cannot be completed" when trying to open the image file in the zip file with the Blink version 5ch # 9-50,52
    It seems that there is a timing problem because it seems that it can not be shared and read when acquiring thumbnail images etc. ZIP etc. duplicates the stream and reads the image.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2022, 20:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.0.3 release:

    Changing the case in FAT32 filesystem
    Bug: Wrong file selected after rename
    cm_ReloadFavoriteTabs Crash
    Different rightclick behaviour 0.9.10 and 1.0.0 alpha

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.5 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Full screen mode support

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2022, 22:15
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Tags: Added a tweak to define a separator between a short display form and a long form of each tag. For example:


    Now if you add a tag "cf:chicken farm" to a file, only "cf" will be displayed in the Tags column. In all other contexts you will see the whole tag "cf:chicken farm". So the idea behind this is to fit more information in the Tags column. Note that if TagsShortSep is defined then the cell tooltip will always show the whole tags.

    Air: Here's a tweak I already added 20170226 but never really finished. Now I found the time. It will pump some air into everything on the main window. More air will make it look a less crammed. Allowed values are -4 to 12. Example:


    Yes, you can also let air out if you want to pack even more stuff into the screen:


    Go | Tablist...: Also moved the tab indices from the menu to the status bar. If you need it the old way you can opt in via a tweak (which is now a bit field):



Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.6 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2022, 18:30

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Changed to draw the color without SVG specification in the same color as the text color.
    I made it inline SVG and specified it in CSS as follows.

svg  {
   fill :  currentColor;

When you create an icon in SVG, the color will change in dark mode, just like a font icon.
IE8 and below do not support SVG, so please create it in PNG.


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2022, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Added support for "text buttons", i.e. buttons that display a text instead of an icon, and added thirteen of such buttons. They can be used to emulate the main menubar in the toolbar: File, Edit, View, Go ... etc., each pops one of the main menus on mousedown.
    FYI, still working on paging through opened menus by moving the mouse over to the next button. Turns out to be surprisingly tricky.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2022, 22:30
Whats new:>>

Toolbar: Fixed various glitches around the recent new stuff.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

22.80.0006 Beta

    Toolbar | Show Menu: Now the right-click pops all top menu items.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: There is a special dark mode version for a few icons. Now the CTBs smartly use such a version. For example, if you define a CTB as ":paper", Dark Mode will automatically use the ":paperdark" version.
    Miscellaneous | General Functions | Toggle Main Menu: Didn't toggle the "Show Menu" button. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.7 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2022, 21:20

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Full screen mode adjustment
    In full screen mode, the title bar was turned off and maximized, but it seems that it is not maximized in other software, so I adjusted it.

    After installing PowerToys, SVG can be thumbnailed on the thumbnail screen, but when using the tooltip preview or preview in the background, Tablacus Explorer crashes.
    Apparently, GetThumbnail of IThumbnailProvider of SVG in the thumbnail engine of the add-on seems to be useless and tries-catch.
    After investigating, it is said that IShellItemImageFactory can be used instead of IThumbnailProvider in the client application, so I added a function to acquire an image using IShellItemImageFactory in the thumbnail engine.
    It seems that IShellItemImageFactory includes IThumbnailProvider and IExtractImage, so it may be okay to turn off IThumbnailProvider and IExtractImage of the thumbnail engine.
    In PowerToys SVG image acquisition, the background color is white and the fill color that is not specified seems to be black.


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Toolbar: Menu buttons back in.

Titel: Files 2.1.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2022, 05:15
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    What's Changed:

    Improved performance of the delete confirmation dialog by @gave92 in #8041
    Improved UI responsiveness for file operations with many items by @gave92 in #8046
    Added update button to the toolbar by @puppetsw in #8054
    Stop loading icons when the conflict dialog is closed by @gave92 in #8042
    Added an option to hide files dot files by @manfromarce in #8169
    Added a shortcut to collapse the sidebar by @aleksanderlukasiewicz in #8157
    Show progress in status center while preparing items for copy, cut and drag by @gave92 in #8047

    Bug Fixes:

    Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when closing the properties window by @gave92 in #8016
    Fixed breadcrumb hit target by @yaichenbaum in #8098
    Fixed an issue where the tab title was missing in the document's library by @puppetsw in #8107
    Fixed an issue where symlinks weren't displaying properly by @acesyde in #8145
    Fixed a crash that would occur when renaming items in the tile's layout by @szabolcstarnai in #8189
    Fixed moving items from PC to MTP (phone) storage by @gave92 in #8044


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2022, 05:40
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

Better compatibility check

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2022, 16:01
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Now the toolbar knows two separate fonts/sizes, one for the text buttons and one for the button captions. For some years now Ctrl+Wheel modifies the button captions font size if captions are shown. Now, Ctrl+Wheel modifies the text buttons font size if the button captions are NOT shown (this now also includes the font size for labels in user buttons).
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts: Added an extra control for the toolbar text buttons.
    Toolbar: The combination of text buttons with button captions revealed numerous problems. Fixed.
    Configuration: Longer topic headings have been truncated since 20220129. Fixed.

Titel: Tabbed Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 06:40
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.


Whats new:>>

Better compatibility check

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 09:24
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Added button group "All Menus (Group)". It will add all main menus as buttons to the toolbar in one go.
    Toolbar: Now the new menu buttons are multi-lingual.
    Toolbar: Unless "Show verbatim tooltips" is enabled or you hold CTRL, the text
    buttons don't show any tooltips anymore (because they are totally redundant).
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.143.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.143.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:

    Dark Mode: Since 22.70.0245 the app could crash on startup on Windows 10 if the build was < 19041. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 16:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: Now a right-click pops all top menu items.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: Changed the button keys to more future-safe and user-friendly ones. What was "men_0" before is now "men_file". This means, of course, that you have to reconfigure your menu buttons. Well, it's work in progress aka beta.
    Tools | Customize Toolbar...: Now the toolbar fonts can be configured in this dialog. You find the commands within the "Options..." button.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts: Removed the toolbar fonts.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: Didn't honor Configuration | Other | Features. Fixed.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: Fixed a couple of other glitches.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 20:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Sort adjustment
    Measures for problems that could not be sorted properly in columns such as albums
    It seems that the album did not work well because the sorting of the album was not "System.Music.AlbumTitle" but "prop: System.Music.AlbumTitle; System.Music.TrackNumber; System.ItemNameDisplay;".
    Icon pack also supports SVG
    He creates an icon in SVG with the "ext" item in config.json as ".svg".

Titel: Files 2.1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2022, 21:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent users from changing the layout by @cinqmilleans in #8255

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2022, 06:51
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now you can make your own text buttons. Simply prefix "text:" to the Name, e.g. "text:Nicotine". Sure, they usually take up more space than an icon, but if you don't have a suitable icon handy, you can type your button now.
    FYI, if no script is defined for the CTB left-click, the text is treated as a (absolute, or relative to app path) location, e.g. "text:C:". Clicking the button will attempt to go there, or to open it if it is a file.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: Now on-the-fly menu flip is supported. While a menu is displayed, you can mouse over the next menu button and its menu will automatically appear. FYI, it took me about 10 years to get this working.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: The menus popped by these buttons have no item icons when the main menu is hidden. An unfortunate and mysterious fact that simply has to be accepted at this time.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons | Text: Changed the behavior described in v22.80.0106. The caption is NOT used as location anymore. This means you have to put something into the "On left-click" field.
    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons | Text: Drawing meltdown when icon was not defined. Fixed.
    ! List | Label column | Cell Context Menu: Menu item icons defect after startup with a hidden main menu bar. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.10 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    SVG related adjustments
    Set stroke to currentColor with CSS
    In case of IE8 or less, SVG is drawn with embed tag.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2022, 06:40
Whats new:>>

Toolbar: Now there are two separate toolbar definitions that you can switch between using Shift+Wheel over the toolbar. The 2nd one factory-defaults to the menu buttons ({menus_all}). Both toolbars can be customized completely independently.

Titel: Unreal Commander 4.21 Build 1555 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2022, 11:53
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.




    The program is adapted for 4K monitors
    Thumbnail mode and other modes are now applicable for search results
    Ability to use filename templates in the file/directory creation function
    Improved the function of displaying the amount of free space
    Automatic numbering mode has been added to the file renaming dialog displayed when copying
    Skin change is now possible on-the-fly
    Optional display of the file system name in the field with the disk label and free space information
    Added Everything support for the search window
    Added the ability to sort the list by clicking on the column header in the multi-rename tool
    Added copy/paste toolbar button function
    Notification window changed
    Added space interpretation mode (as a logical AND or as a logical OR) in the search window
    Hash verification task can now be sent to a specific queue (not just a new one)
    Added the ability to switch the copy/transfer mode to the opposite in the copy request window
    and many cosmetic improvements


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.11 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Adjusting double-click processing in Explorer Browser
    For some reason, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK does not come only in the background. This time, fine adjustment is made so that adjustment is performed only when there is no selection.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 06:30

    Window | Arrangement: Added command "Switch Toolbar Button Set". Does the same as Shift+Wheel over the Toolbar: Cycles through the button sets. But now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
    You also get a Status Bar message now, e.g. "switched to button set #3".
    The number of button sets can be set now in Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options.
    Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options: Added toggle "Allow Button Set Switching". Tick if you actually want all that new button set switching. > It's on by factory default but upgraders have to actively tick it.
    Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options: Added options field "Number of Button Sets". So now you can have up to 4 different button sets.
    Tools | Customize Toolbar | Options: When "Scrollable Toolbar" is OFF, you don't need to hold down the SHIFT key to switch button sets by the wheel (assuming "Allow Button Set Switching" is ON).
    Tools | Customize Toolbar...: Now the index of the current button set is shown in the dialog title, e.g. "Customize Toolbar - Button Set #2". % Word Breaking: Improved the automatic word boundary recognition (on double-click, Ctrl+Arrow, Ctrl+BackSpace) in the rename text boxes of all small lists.
    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons: Drawing glitch after switching from an image file icon (nicotine.png) to an internal icon with a smaller width (:menu). Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 18:37
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Added button "Switch Toolbar Button Set". Does what "Window | Arrangement |
    Switch Toolbar Button Set" does.
    * Switch Toolbar Button Set: Now WheelUp goes up to the last set, WheelDown goes down
    to the first set.
    ! Wheel: Apparently in Win10 and higher the wheel could by used on the backgrounded
    main form while a modal dialog was shown. Not anymore.

Titel: WinSetView 2.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 19:50
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Added a Help button (links to web page with tutorials).
    Added Standard/Advanced interface selection.
    Added en-GB language.


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 20:30

    Scripting got a new function:

    Name: ButtonSet
    Action: Sets or gets the current toolbar button set.
    Syntax: buttonset([index])
    index: 1-4: Index of the set to switch to.
    -1: Cycle the sets.
    Other values: No switch happens.
    Missing: No switch happens.
    return: Index of the current set (before any switch).


    You can switch to a set that is not reachable via UI, e.g. to set #4 while "Number of Button Sets" is set to 3. The power of scripting.
    Wheel | Switch Toolbar Button Set: Reversed the direction: Now WheelDown goes on to the next set till the last, WheelUp goes to the previous set till the first.
    Help | Keyboard Shortcuts on Menu: Was not honored by "Custom Toolbar Buttons | Vertical Popup Toolbars" and "Breadcrumbs | Menu Button". Fixed.


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2022 Build 861
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2022, 21:50
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


    Bug fix: Settings - definition of the new items for column profiles, automatic views and status bar is broken
    Bug fix: Exception is possible when switching from dual panel to one panel and quick viewer is open
    Bug fix: Starting with parameters (e.g. /N /L=D:) does not update the tree and tab caption
    Bug fix: Unpacking bigger (> 4GB) files from zip archive is not possible
    Bug fix: Folder size value directly after program start maybe wrong (e.g. folder c:windows)


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 19:30

    Toolbar: Now when button captions are shown, Ctrl+Wheel in the upper half of the toolbar changes the button text font size, Ctrl+Wheel in the lower half of the toolbar changes the button captions font size.
    Wheel: Removed that fix from v22.80.0111 - 2022-02-12 12:12. If Win10 allows the wheel to break modality this can be seen and used as a feature. > This feature from v9.40.0103 - 2010-08-14 15:43 stopped working somewhere along the
    Menu Go: All commands concerned with going to a new location now support Ctrl+Shift+Click to use the inactive pane, even the "Go to Last Target" (incl. selecting the target files) command. In the "Go to" dialog you can hold Ctrl+Shift while clicking OK. It cannot be restored, so I'll just remove it from the Help file.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: The menus popped at the wrong location when the toolbar was not left-aligned in the window. Fixed.


Titel: Attribute Changer 11.00 Build 2022.02.12 RC 3 February 13, 2022
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 19:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    Feature: New, simplified user interface
    Feature: Merge file and folder properties/filters
    Feature: Simplified user guide
    Feature: Main window opens near mouse pointer
    Feature: /F /D and /T options in name filters to tag specific items
    Feature: Use of comments in name filters
    Feature: New advanced option ‘Date and time Now’
    Feature: Unsorted list of name filters
    Feature: Add GByte unit to filters
    Bugfix: Resolve flickering issues
    Bugfix: Junctions and symlinks were resolved in recursive mode
    Bugfix: High DPI scaling issues during application startup
    Bugfix: Randomize tab not shown for Photos


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 19:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    When getting the name of the item fails, an empty string is returned. # 563
    When I locked the result folder and clicked the frame tree, it was locked. Fixed the problem that it was not locked properly 5ch # 9-136
    Stopped support for embed tags under IE8.
    Apparently there is no SVG plugin before IE8. I think Susie's SVG plugin is more realistic than IE's SVG plugin for installation.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0118 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2022, 22:25
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Show Menu: Renamed it to "Show Menu Bar"
    Wheel | Switch Toolbar Button Set: If there are only 2 sets the wheel will cycle them in each direction
    Thumbnails: Certain JPEGs (those having an "XPComment") didn't show a thumbnail anymore since some weeks ago. Fixed
    Find Files | Contents | It's a hex string: Didn't work if Type wasn't set to "Binary". Fixed. Now the setting of Type is irrelevant
    Find Files | Contents | It's a hex string: Didn't work if the active code page wasn't Windows-1252 (ANSI) (probably since v16.50.0215 - 2016-04-10 20:57). Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0120 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Updated the help file.

22.80.0119 Beta

    Catalog | Context Menu | Open...: Would open at the wrong path under certain, very rare conditions. Fixed. Now the last loaded catalog file (within the session) is remembered between calls of the dialog.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Tree-related adjustment 5ch # 9-140
    In the case of a tree, adjust to expand what is selected in the tree with the type selection item and the environment variable% Selected%.
    Traditionally, the environment variable was% TreeSelected%, which is dedicated to the tree.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0121 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2022, 11:55
Whats new:>>

    Tabs: Dragging tabs across panes had a problem with vertical panes. Fixed.
    Customize Toolbar: Since in Win10 and higher the mouse wheel works over the parent window of a modal dialog (a radical change to all prior Windows versions), the Customize Toolbar dialog could get out of sync by wheeling the toolbar in the background and end up modifying the wrong button set. Fixed. Now it's always changing the button set on which the dialog was launched (and whose index is shown in the title bar).
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: The on-the-fly menu flip was a bit shaky in Win10. Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.59
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2022, 17:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in den Explorer Adressleisten
• Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes für alle MS Windows OS
• Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.15 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2022, 19:00
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Fixed an issue where the icon packs were out of order

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0122 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Customize Toolbar: The new settings "Allow Button Set Switching" and "Number of Button Sets" couldn't be undone by Cancel. Fixed.
    Dark Mode: This change from v22.80.0103 - 2022-02-08 19:27 could be relaxed a bit: Since 22.70.0245 the app could crash on startup on Windows 10 if the build was < 19041. Fixed. It seems to be enough to limit it to Windows 10 Version 1903 (OS build 18362) and later.

Titel: Broot 1.9.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2022, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    keep same line visible in preview when resizing
    :previous_dir and :next_dir internals - Fix #502

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0123 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2022, 12:31
Whats new:>>

Image Preview: Transparent WEBP images were shown wrongly. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0124 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2022, 17:10

    Rename: In Win10 and higher, File Explorer cannot change the case of the letters in a filename on a FAT drive (FAT, FAT32, exFAT) when this is the only thing that's changed. Now this known Win10 FAT rename bug is silently fixed in XYplorer.
    List | Date Columns: File Explorer displays nothing (an empty cell) if a file date is before 1/1/1980. Now there is a tweak that makes XYplorer behave the same: BlankDatesBefore1980=1. The tooltip still shows the now invisible date.

    Command Line: Since 20211222 you could no longer pass these GUIDs as the launch path (they opened in Explorer instead of XYplorer):

    ::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} '= This PC
    ::{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C} '= Network
    ::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} '= Recycler
    Works again.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.16 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Image loading related adjustment # 565
    Apparently holding an interface to read meta information seems to lock the file.
    I think this is also the root cause of the problem that "Folder error expansion cannot be completed" when trying to open an image file in a zip file with the Blink version of 22.2.3.
    I tried to remove the operation of 22.2.3.
    GetMetadataWas abolished at this time because the data could not be read
    When reading meta information GetFrameMetadataIs used.
    Icon pack related adjustments

Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0125 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2022, 06:25

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Thumbnails View Background: Now the background color is set to the list *before* the thumbnails are created so that the "Neutral" setting of "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Transparency" actually works as desired when switching to thumbnails view and new thumbnails are created.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Thumbnails View Background: ICO and CUR files did not use this color when "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Transparency" was set to "Neutral". Fixed.
    Info Panel: Since 20201211 the hidden Info Panel's tab headers were not drawn on Dark Mode switch. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.80.0127 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2022, 13:52
Whats new:>>

Thumbnails: Certain JPEGs didn't show a thumbnail anymore since some weeks ago.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2022, 20:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Button Sets. Now you can quickly switch between up to four sets of toolbar buttons with just a single click, key combination, or notch of the mouse wheel.
    Menu Buttons. Now the toolbar can fully replicate and replace the main menu bar.
    Text Buttons. Now you can add custom buttons to the toolbar that display a text of your choosing instead of an icon.
    Windows 10 Rename Bug Fix. File Explorer on Windows 10 and later cannot change the case of file names on FAT32 drives (usually USB drives and flash cards). XYplorer can.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Fatoumata Diawara.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.17 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2022, 20:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Button icons can now be replaced with images in the Misc folder of the Icon Pack.
    Focus frame when reloading # Addons-325

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2022, 20:10

    Time-Stamping: Now you can use the pseudo time 0 (zero) to set a file time to the lowest possible value. This works wherever you can timestamp in the UI, and also in scripting, for example: timestamp "m" , "0"; //set modified time to the lowest possible value

    Here's some background info:

    - For NTFS drives, the earliest possible file time you can set using standard API is this:

    1601-01-01 00:00:00.0000001Z (Z for Zulu = UTC = Coordinated Universal Time)
    One nanosecond (or more) earlier: 1601-01-01 00:00:00Z -> File times are not changed.
    - For FAT (FAT, FAT32, exFAT) drives (typically USB drives and flash cards) the earliest possible file time you can set using standard API is this: 1979-12-31 00:00:00 (local time, not UTC!)
    One nanosecond (or more) earlier: 1979-12-30 23:59:59.9999999 -> ERROR!
    > Surprisingly (tested only on FAT32 with Win8.1) all time-stamps from
    1979-12-31 00:00:00.0000000 to 1979-12-31 23:59:59.9999999

    will work without error, but they all set the file time to the same value (!):

    1980-01-01 00:00:00.0000000.
    This 24-hour tolerance range was obviously implemented to deal with time zones around the world.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2022, 22:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Adjusted because the setting to hide the file name is turned off immediately
An icon pack of Vector icons (SVG) has been released.
It's a Vector icon, so it's beautiful even if you enlarge it! It looks good in both light and dark modes. It is an icon pack called Tablacus Vector.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2022, 19:30

    Hamburger: Now the Hamburger also supports items defined by a simple path (or a variable that resolves into one). On click, paths to executables will run them, paths to files will open them with the associated application, paths to folders will go there in XYplorer. As a reminder, the Hamburger syntax supports multi-nesting by indenting and can be used here:

    in the click events of Custom Toolbar Buttons
    the Breadcrumb Bar's Hamburger
    SC popupmenu / popupnested

    The Hamburger now supports 4 types of items (plus "-" as separator line). They can be freely mixed and the Hamburger definition can start now with any of them:

    one-line scripts, eg: ::Hi;echo "hi!";
    toolbar button keys, eg: :dice
    main menu command IDs, eg: #603
    paths, eg: C: or D:Test.txt or %user% or <xydata>

    Example with nesting:

    ::Hi;echo "hi!";
    More Locations
    C:Program FilesNotepad++notepad++.exe
    So it's easy now to build nested multi-location hubs that pop from a Custom Toolbar Button. Pretty cool!
    ! BlankDatesBefore1980 tweak: Did not work in Win10 and higher in time zones earlier than GMT. Fixed.


Titel: VT Hash Check 1.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Februar, 2022, 22:20
VT Hash Check adds a Windows Explorer context menu that allows you to query the Virus Total file database, view and comment on database results, and optionally upload new files for analysis. Results may be saved in plain text, CSV, or JSON. VT Hash Check comes with TrID built-in for identifying unknown files.

License:GNU GPL v3

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Help: Fixed another circular reference.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Since v22.90.0003 various types of definitions were falselydirected into the Hamburger. Fixed.
    SC popupmenu / popupnested: v22.90.0003 broke the use of paths in the itemlist. Fixed.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.0.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 19:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (cloudcmd) drop support of node < 16
    (package) supertape v7.1.0
    (package) eslint-plugin-putout v13.11.0
    (package) madrun v9.0.0
    (package) putout v25.0.1


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2022, 21:00
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Fixed the problem that the folder could not be created by pressing the [Enter] key from the folder creation dialog of the Blink version.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 06:40
Whats new:>>

    Tab Bar: Probably since 20201211 adding tabs to a hidden tab bar in single pane mode lacked a necessary redraw. Fixed.
    Ignore Diacritics: Certain characters could destroy the comparison. Fixed.

Titel: VT Hash Check 1.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 17:10
Whats new:>>

Fix the trid analysis feature which stopped working in 1.63

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 17:55
Whats new:>>

Added: Korean language file

# The icon pack for Vector icons (SVG) has been released.
It's a Vector icon, so it's beautiful even if you enlarge it! It looks good in both light and dark modes. It is an icon pack called Tablacus Vector.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    SC popupmenu/popupnested enhanced: Added flags 2 and 4 to process paths and cut away paths.
    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons: Fixed various things concerning Hamburger support.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2022, 19:40

    Customize Toolbar Dialog: Now Custom Toolbar Buttons show (parts of) the script in the tooltip so you get an idea of what's inside. You can even hold CTRL to show extra info about keys and images. If the list has input focus pressing the CTRL key will alter/show the tooltip right away.
    Hamburger: Now it also recognizes URLs without further ado.
    Hamburger: Now toolbar buttons with a pressed state show "[On]" in the menu if they are currently pressed.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Editing scripts got a nicer interface (similar to the Hamburger editor in the Breadcrumb Bar).
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now they always show (parts of) the script in the tooltip. Before, this was only done if they had no Name defined (otherwise just the Name was shown in the tooltip).
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Fixed various things concerning Hamburger support.
    Toolbar | Text Buttons: Neighboring buttons did not get a tooltip. Fixed.
    Customize Toolbar Dialog: The button lists totally ignored the font set in Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Buttons and Labels. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Customize Toolbar Dialog: The new tooltips could get stuck in the air. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.22
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2022, 21:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Adjusted so that it can be displayed even if svg and png are mixed in the icon pack
    Re-adjusted the problem that the folder may not be created by pressing the [Enter] key from the Blink version of the folder creation dialog.
    The icon pack for Vector icons (SVG) has been released.
    It's a Vector icon, so it's beautiful even if you enlarge it! It looks good in both light and dark modes. It is an icon pack called Tablacus Vector.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2022, 17:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions: The "Switch tabs" event is now also triggered on creating a new foreground tab. It's only logical.
    Toolbar | Menu Buttons: If the main menu bar was hidden the checkmarks in the menus were not updated as necessary. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.23 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended)

You can now display add-on icons in the list of add-ons.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2022, 12:23
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Since they support two different kinds of definitions, the Hamburger and the Multiline Script(s), the parser first has to decide which way to go. It got pretty smart at this but probably not perfect. So I added a way to mark the definitions explicitly by putting these 3 characters (and nothing else) on the first line -
    First Line Meaning
    //H it's a Hamburger
    //S it's a Script
    Hamburger: Fixed various glitches concerning comments, custom captions, and status bar messages.

Titel: Files 2.1.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2022, 12:38
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


Removed option to set default file manager from the store version of Files (#8474)


Titel: Q-Dir 10.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2022, 19:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen bei verwenden der Administratorrechte für Datei und Ordner Zugriffe
• Drag & Drop verbesserungen beim selben Datei-Explorer
• Update der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2022, 17:30
Whats new:>>

Hamburger / SC popupmenu/popupnested: Fixed a glitch with accelerators.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Februar, 2022, 22:20

  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v22.90.0013 Beta

    + Now you can tweak the set of word breakers, aka word boundaries or word
      delimiters... used e.g. to determine which part is selected when you double-click a
      string. The factory default is this:
        .:,; _-~(){}[]<>|/\^°*"?!§$%&=+#
      And this is the key where you can tweak them (the word breakers are within
      double-quotes to allow passing a space as first or last character):
        WordBreakers=".:,; _-~(){}[]<>|/\^°*?"!§$%&=+#"


Titel: SHELL 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Februar, 2022, 19:10
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.




        Performance improvements
        Appearance improvements


        A lot of stability changes and minor bug fixes.
        Fixed an issue io.dir.create.
        Fix current directory location.
        Fix crash when right-click Taskbar on Windows 11.
        Register issue fixed for Windows 11.

    New functions

        appx, appx.name, appx.id, appx.path, appx.family, appx.shell
        color.rgb, color.random


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2022, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    Custom File Associations: Now you can define which browser should open a URL. Affects open via Address Bar, via Hamburger, via SC open, well everywhere.
    User-defined Preview Handlers: Now you can add a comment to your definition, separated by //, for example: pdf>{3A84F9C2-6164-485C-A7D9-4B27F8AC009E}>64 //Edge
    Hamburger | Paths: Since 20220221 a path defined as special path would go to the real path. E.g. "Desktop" would go to "C:Users<user>Desktop". Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.2.27 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Februar, 2022, 06:50
Whats new:>>

    An icon pack of Vector icons (SVG) has been released.
    It's a Vector icon, so it's beautiful even if you enlarge it! It looks good in both light and dark modes. It is an icon pack called Tablacus Vector.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.2 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2022, 20:10
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    When you enter something other than a folder in the address bar, it will be executed as a command. 5ch # 9-221
    For example in the address bar cmdWill run the command prompt.
    notepad %Selected%Open the selection in Notepad with. (Environment variables can also be used)
    C:\bin\te\readme.txtIf you enter a file path name that actually exists, it will open in the association.
    Tablacus Explorer Options-> Menu-> Default settings, if any, take precedence.

Titel: VT Hash Check 1.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2022, 20:20
VT Hash Check adds a Windows Explorer context menu that allows you to query the Virus Total file database, view and comment on database results, and optionally upload new files for analysis. Results may be saved in plain text, CSV, or JSON. VT Hash Check comes with TrID built-in for identifying unknown files.

License: GPL v3

Whats new:>>

Fix blank dangerousness meter on results window
Scanners reporting no result are now left-aligned with those that do in the list
Update default CA list
File submit window now shows the estimate time remaining
Minor cleanup

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now they show (parts of) the script in the tooltip only if CTRL is held down
    Updated the help file

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2022, 19:20

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.144.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.144.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:

    ! User | Manage Commands...: The Options button menu didn't pop when the Manage
    User-Defined Commands dialog was opened via a menu button of the toolbar. Fixed.
    ! Tools | Customize Keyboard Shortcuts...: The Options button menu didn't pop when the
    Dialog was opened via a menu button of the toolbar. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2022, 12:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Menu Tags | Tags: Added command "Find by Tags...". This interface had been reachable only via the toolbar button "Find by Tags" (popup menu item "Find by Tags..."). Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it. Note that the scope of the search (Everywhere, This Branch, Here) still can only be set via the toolbar button "Find by Tags" at the moment.
    Menu Tags | Tags: Added command "Find by Tag List...". This interface had been reachable only via the toolbar button "Find by Tags" (popup menu item "Tag List...", now renamed to "Find by Tag List..."). Now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it. Note that the scope of the search (Everywhere, This Branch, Here) still can only be set via the toolbar button "Find by Tags" at the moment.


Titel: WinSetView 2.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2022, 17:10
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Windows version check logic changed to allow script to run on Windows Server
    Advanced interface now stays on after using Load Settings even if Standard interface is set in INI file
    Updated FileDialog.exe to use .Net Framework 4.x instead of 3.5 to prevent unnecessary install of old version
    F5, Ctrl-F5, and context menu are now disabled to prevent inadvertent loss of settings
    Fixed: Load Settings not showing new settings when no language specified in INI file


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 März, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Now the right-click popup menu (if defined) always features the commands "Edit..." and "Customize Toolbar..." at the bottom. I got tired of holding CTRL to achieve that and telling users to do it.
    Hamburger: The icons of menu commands covered any checked state ticks. Fixed. No more icons for menu commands.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2022, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Fixed an issue where the OK and Cancel buttons disappeared in the add-on folder settings # Addons-331

Titel: Q-Dir 10.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2022, 17:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen im Quad-Explorer für Windows 11 und 10
• Allgemeine Optimierung in Q-Dir für Windows

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2022, 17:50

    SC get("sort") enhanced. Now you can state whether you want to know about primary or secondary sort order -
    Syntax: get("sort", [pane=a], [dimension=1])
    dimension: 1 (default) or 2 for primary or secondary sort order.
    return: Sorted column name and order.

    Examples :

    text get ("sort"); //primary
    text get ("sort", , 1); //primary
    text get ("sort", , 2); //secondary
    Tabs: If you dragged a folder to the second pane tab bar (to have it open it), if the active tab on the second pane had a visual filter, the dragged folder that opened in a new background tab inherited the visual filter. Fixed. The new tab is created without any filter.
    Hamburger / SC popupmenu/popupnested: Some checkmarks were not set on menu items that are toggles. Fixed.
    Floating Preview: "Navigate by Category" didn't see WEBP files as images because internally they are in a different category (Preview as Thumbnail). Fixed again (see v22.20.0225 - 2021-09-27 14:59).
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Certain older scripts stopped working due to the recent enhancements. Fixed.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2022, 19:45
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Enabled to translate "Get ?? ..." to "Get ?? ...". # Addons-333
    Bug adjustment during multi-process execution # 574

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 März, 2022, 13:51

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added field "Autosize Name column minimum width (0 = unlimited)". Here you can define a minimum width for the autosized Name column. It won't get smaller than this. Set it to 0 to not enforce a minimum width. Factory default is 200.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: A single-line definition consisting of just one CID without a trailing ; (e.g. #101) would pop a single-item menu instead of triggering the command right away. Fixed.
    Hamburger / SC popupmenu/popupnested: Some checkmarks were not set on menu items that are toggles. Fixed more.


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added an option to define a maximum width for the auto-fitted Name column. Can be useful if the list is very wide and has only a few columns. The setting is now called "Minimum / Maximum Name column width" and has two fields, one for the minimum and one for the maximum width. Use the value 0 (zero) for "unlimited / ignore"
    Updated the help file

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 März, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: The edit box now remembers the Word Wrap setting.
    Breadcrumbs | Customize Menu: The edit box now remembers the Word Wrap setting.
    List: The manual sort order was lost under certain conditions on auto-refresh. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Toolbar Buttons: The icon for "Invalid path" (a grey question mark) was drawn in the wrong position depending on the toolbar scaling. Fixed
    Customize Toolbar Dialog: The icon for "Invalid path" (a grey question mark) was not drawn at all. Fixed
    Toolbar: Label texts were misaligned and scaled incorrectly in the overflow menu. Fixed
    List | Extra columns | Cell Context Menu: If "Configuration | General | Menus
    Mouse, Usability | Cell Context Menu | Use localized search and filter patterns" was OFF then the used generic column selector "Extra 1", "Extra 2" etc did not work. Fixed
    List: The manual sort order was lost under certain conditions. Fix #2

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0187.
    File | Quick File View: Under certain conditions pressing ESC in the Quick File View dialog could put the main XYplorer window in the background and switch to the next window in the Z-order. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.9.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2022, 19:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

don't query size of remote filesystems anymore. This fixes some 10 seconds hangs in some cases (e.g. filesystem screen) when a remote filesystem is unreachable

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader v4.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2022, 19:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2022, 19:30

    Address Bar: Now you can paste URL-encoded paths from the browser and they will be correctly auto-converted to standard file paths.
    Also works for location specs in other contexts, including "Paste and Go"
    (controlled by "Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type
    Ahead Find | Paste and find").

    Quick Search: Soft search terms (terms containing variables) are now kept in the soft form between tab switches and sessions. Previously, they were kept in their resolved form. For example:

    <get list_recentlyopenedfiles>?/silent=1 //Recently Opened Files
    Tabsets | Save As... and SC tabset("saveas"): The Save As operation also updated the original tabset (probably since 20190330). Fixed. Now any unsaved changes in the original tabset are preserved in the new tabset but not in the original tabset.
    Classic Save As behavior.


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    List: The transition from non-thumbs to thumbs views could show some ugly
    intermediate states when creating thumbs took longer than normal. Now the list is completely emptied before thumbs creation begins.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: Better icon
    Thumbnails: NEF files of type "TIFF file, ver 42, Motorola" had no thumbnails since some weeks ago. Fixed.
    Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts | Confirm drag and drop: Was not applied to drops on archives. Fixed.


Titel: CopyFilenames 3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2022, 21:45
CopyFilenames is an extension for Windows File Explorer. It cannot be run as a standalone application. After installing CopyFilenames, right click on one or more files or folders in Windows File Explorer and you will see the extra commands added by CopyFilenames.


Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0114 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail: Still better
    icon position.
    Thumbnails: File types for which no thumbnail could be created sometimes showed nothing at all instead, not even an icon. Fixed.
    Color Filters: Color Filters were sometimes not visible behind Labels in non-Details views. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0115 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Custom Event Actions: "Middle-click on file" set to "None" opened new tab when "Middle-click on folder" was set "Open in new foreground tab" and a folder was selected in the list. Fixed.
    Quick Search: Since v22.90.0112 - 2022-03-14 16:31 a standard Quick Search would create an unusable tab (infinite loop, app must be killed). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0116 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    List: Now when you hold SHIFT, right-click on empty will pop the "Tools | Customize List..." menu. Gives you quick access to these settings.
    So holding SHIFT overrides "Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on White | Right-click on white in file list".
    Drag Status Box: Now dragging items onto a file gets its own wording ("Drop onto" instead of "Copy to") and color (by default grey instead of blue).
    Quick Search: Since v22.90.0112 - 2022-03-14 16:31 the search pattern was not shown in the Address Bar anymore after switching to a QS tab. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2022, 21:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

Adjusted the problem that dialog etc. are not decided by [Enter] in Blink version 5ch # 9-270
Is it due to the version of WebView2 or Edge that OnClose is processing at the end? ?? I feel like the window is closed before the asynchronous termination process is finished.

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0117 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2022, 11:30
Whats new:>>

    List: Shift+Right-click will only pop the "Customize List..." submenu if CEA
    "Right-click on white in file list" is not set to "Run script". Reason: Scripts
    might want to make use of that modifier key.
    % Info Panel: Improved support for "Buttons and Labels" font sizes up to 10.5.
    % Live Filter box: When placed in the Status Bar, care is now taken that the LFB does not grow too high on changing the font size.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

It seems that it was embraced on 22.3.18, so I changed it to Plan B and readjusted it 5ch # 9-273

Titel: XYplorer 22.90.0118 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Live Filter box: When placed in the Status Bar, care is now taken that the LFB does not bleed into the list when the font size gets higher.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.20 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2022, 22:00
Whats new:>>

    Fixed an issue where focus was lost from the list when "NO" was selected for removal when using add-on multithreading # 576
    I think it's multi-threaded, but it may be different because I haven't written any information.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 12:53
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



    New: Search: Added the possibility to preview a search result in the opposite panel
    New: General: Basic support of Windows 11
    New: Navigation: The infotip can be deactivated from the Preferences
    New: Viewer: It's now possible to rename or delete a file while it's previewing in the Viewer
    Fix: General: Several fixes for high DPI rendering
    Fix: Navigation: Fixed an issue breaking folders renaming in the Tree view
    Fix: Viewer: Pictures were not rotated (if needed) when the Metadata panel was not displayed
    Fix: Viewer: The search in the Viewer was not working with non-Latin filenames
    Fix: Navigation: Fixed another theming issue where text of the list was written black on black background
    Fix: Navigation: Fixed the unreadable transaction log of the FTP(s) when in Dark mode
    Chg: General: German translation updated
    Chg: AppBar: Added item's name in deletion confirmation dialog (when it was not the case, it was impossible to know which was about to be deleted)
    Chg: General: Replaced the old "Browse For Folders" dialog with the new Windows experience (Normal Open File dialog + Select Folder button)


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 17:40
Whats new:>>

    The Hamburger. Now you can cram all sorts of ingredients into a single hamburger menu: Menu commands, toolbar buttons, scripts, paths, URLs. The syntax couldn’t be simpler, and before long you’ll be creating custom pop-up menus that serve as mighty power hubs tailored to your exact needs.
    Ads. Still none.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Beatles.

XYplorer 22.90.0119 Beta

Live Filter Box: Undid the recent changes. Weren't really working well.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.21 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 März, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Fixed an issue that didn't work with quotes in the add-on list # 578

Titel: Q-Dir 10.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2022, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Anpassungen in der Listenansicht der einzelnen Explorer
• Generelle Feinabstimmung und allgemeine Optimierung.
• Wichtige aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.24 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2022, 22:00
Whats new:>>

Fine adjustments related to add-on dialogs, etc.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 März, 2022, 10:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Hamburger / SC popupmenu/popupnested: The previously working item syntax
    "caption;command;icon;state" had stopped working in favor of the new sequence "command;caption;icon;state". Fixed. Now both work.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.3.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 18:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Focus-related adjustments, etc. # 576

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info: Now you can prefix various switches to the template, separated by ||, to modify the appearance of the info. The order of the switches is irrelevant. Currently there are two:

    i = use file icon (instead of the generic "i" icon)
    c = use marked color (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Marked Text 1)
    Portable Devices: Copying items to the clipboard is now much faster (factor 5 to 10).

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2022, 13:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info: Regardless of the "i" switch you will always get the "i" icon when the CSBI is triggered by lasso select.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Certain multi-line scripts were falsely fed into the Hamburger parser. Fixed.

Titel: Broot v1.10.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2022, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    verb filtering on file extension - Fix #508
    don't quit on tiny terminals - Fix #511
    fix the capture_mouse config item which was described in documentation but not usable (the non documented disable_mouse_capture argument was working and is kept for compatibility)

Titel: Attribute Changer 11.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2022, 06:10
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Feature: New, simplified user interface
Feature: Merge file and folder properties/filters
Feature: Simplified user guide
Feature: Main window opens near mouse pointer
Feature: /F /D and /T options in name filters to tag specific items
Feature: Use of comments in name filters
Feature: New advanced option ‘Date and time Now’
Feature: Unsorted list of name filters
Feature: Add GByte unit to filters
Bugfix: Case changes failed for UNC paths
Bugfix: Resolve flickering issues
Bugfix: Junctions and symlinks were resolved in recursive mode
Bugfix: High DPI scaling issues during application startup
Bugfix: Randomize tab not shown for Photos


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info: Templates using "|d||s|" stopped working since v23.00.0002. Fixed.
    Catalog: Middle-clicking (which opens a new tab) a Catalog item that triggered a Search or a Branch View also affected the current tab's location, caption, and icon. Fixed.

Titel: NetDrive 3.16.589 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2022, 18:20


    Support for Google Photo
    Support for pCloud
    Support for SharePoint
    Option for setting your mounted drive visible to all users on same machine (Team License, Windows)
    FileBrowser - upload progress


    Cache size option added (100GB, 200GB, 500GB, 1TB)
    S3 - can set remote path without using browse button
    Languages - use system default when no default languages set.
    Get changes for supporting cloud services (Box, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive)


    Dropbox, Dropbox Business - Fixed token refresh issue
    FileBrowser - cancel uploading
    Push server library installation problem on 32 bit machines.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2022, 20:10

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse: Added option "Use
    Ctrl+mouse wheel to scroll through the list views". Tick it to cycle the views
    (Details thru Thumbnails #3) of the active pane by Ctrl+Wheel over the active pane's list (WheelDown=Next View, WheelUp=Previous View).


    Changing the views of the inactive pane is currently not supported.
    If this new option is enabled then logically "Configuration | Colors and Styles |
    Fonts | Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel" won't work over the active pane's list anymore.
    Menu View | Views: Moved the view "Details with Thumbnails #1" from the 2nd to the last position. That way you can now (using Ctrl+Wheel) quickly move back and forth between the popular views "Details" and "List" without crossing a view that triggers thumbnails generation.
    ! List: Could get an "out of memory" error while or after deleting huge amounts of files. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2022, 15:30
Whats new:>>

    Scrolling through the list views: Polished the status feedback a bit.
    Dual Pane: A file operation in the active pane could cause a long delay when the current tab of the inactive pane pointed to an unavailable network path, even if the inactive pane wasn't visible. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.11.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2022, 10:20
Whats new:>>

sorting by type, with 3 new internals: :sort_by_type_dirs_first, :sort_by_type_dirs_last, and :sort_by_type. The last one lets you toggle between no sort, sorting by type with directories first, and sorting by type with directories last. - Fix #467

Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2022, 18:30
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (Breaking) Creation of log files are now disabled by default (with @desbma). Instead, a new command line option -log is provided.
    (Breaking) Copy selections are now kept after paste (by @laktak). You can use map p :paste; clear to get the old behavior.
    (Breaking) Socket file is now created in XDG_RUNTIME_DIR when set with a fall back to the temporary directory otherwise (with @desbma).
    (Breaking) Directory counting with dircounts option is moved from ui drawing to directory reading to be run asynchronously without locking the ui. With this change, manual reload commands might be necessary when dircounts is changed at runtime. Indicators for errors are changed to ! instead of ? to distinguish them from missing values.
    (Breaking) The default icons are now replaced with ascii characters to avoid font issues.
    (New) Files and options are now exported for previewer and cleaner scripts (with @lucas-mior). For cleaner scripts, this can be used to detect if the file selection is changed or not (e.g. $1 == $f) and act accordingly (e.g. skip cleaning).
    (New) A new tempmarks option is added to set some marks as temporary (by @laktak).
    (New) Pattern *filename is added for colors and icons (by @lmburns).
    (New) A new calcdirsize command is added to calculate directory sizes (by @laktak).
    (New) Two new options infotimefmtnew and infotimefmtold are added to configure the time format used in info (by @maicher and @laktak).
    (New) Two new commands jump-next (default ]) and jump-prev (default [) are added to navigate the jumplist (by @laktak).
    (New) Colors and icons file support is now added to be able to configure without environment variables. Example colors and icons files are added to the repository under etc directory. See the documentation for more information.
    (New) For Windows, an example open command in now provided in the powershell example configuration (by @seantwie03).
    (New) Two new commands scroll-up (default <c-y>) and scroll-down (default <c-e>) are added to be able to scroll the file list without moving (by @sbinnee).
    (New) A new special command on-quit is added to be able to run a command before quitting.
    (New) Two new commands tag and tag-toggle (default t) are now added to be able to tag files (by @sant0s12).
    (Fix) Chmod calls in the codebase are now removed to avoid TOC/TOU exploits (with @desbma). Instead, file permissions are now set at file creations.
    (Fix) Socket and log files are now created with only user permissions (with @desbma).
    (Fix) On Windows, PWD variable is not quoted properly.
    (Fix) Shell commands % and & are now run in a separate process group (by @laktak).
    (Fix) Navigation initialization is now delayed after the evaluation of configuration files to avoid startup races and redundant loadings (with @laktak).
    (Fix) The error message shown when the current working directory does not exist at startup is made more clear.
    (Fix) Trailing slashes in PWD variable are now handled properly.
    (Fix) Files with stat errors are now skipped while reading directories.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2022, 19:30

    Scrolling through the list views: Added a tweak to modify the feature.

    General form:


    The views are identified by these indices, separated by a comma:

    0 = Details
    1 = List
    2 = SmallIcons
    3 = LargeIcons
    4 = Tiles
    5 = TilesLarge


Titel: Q-Dir 10.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2022, 09:12
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Erneut Korrekturen in der Listenansicht auf Win 11
• Wichtiges Update der Sprachdateien im OK Quattro Explorer für alle MS Windows OS

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2022, 19:30

    Scripting got a new function:

    Name: View
    Action: Sets or gets the current list view.
    Syntax: view([index], [switches])

    index (optional):

    0-9: Index of the view to switch to.
    -1: Set the next view.
    Missing: No switch happens.

    switches (optional):

    t: Toggle view with Details view.
    o: Loop (if index = -1).
    r: Reverse direction (if index = -1).
    return: Index of the current view (before any switch).


    - These are the indices of the views (note that they do NOT correspond to the
    positions in the Views menu):

    0 = Details
    1 = Details with Thumbnails #1
    2 = List
    3 = Small Icons
    4 = Thumbnails #1
    5 = Thumbnails #2
    6 = Thumbnails #3
    7 = Large Icons
    8 = Small Tiles
    9 = Large Tiles

    - Index -1 (Set the next view) honors the CycleListViewsProps tweak. If the tweak is set, it overwrites any switches passed with SC view().
    Tweak CycleListViewsByWheelProps: Changed the name to CycleListViewsProps.

    CycleListViewsProps: It was a dumb idea to use the menu indices to refer to the views, because, as we've just seen, menu positions can change. So now, the never-changing internal indices are used in this tweak, as they are already used for years by SC get("view"):

    0 = Details
    1 = Details with Thumbnails #1
    2 = List
    3 = Small Icons
    4 = Thumbnails #1
    5 = Thumbnails #2
    6 = Thumbnails #3
    7 = Large Icons
    8 = Small Tiles
    9 = Large Tiles


Titel: Broot 1.11.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2022, 10:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix broot not being usable while an image is being opened by hitting enter on linux - Fix #530

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2022, 20:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Custom File Icons: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm). For example: jpg>C:WINDOWSsystem32shell32.dll /163, png>C:WindowsSystem32imageres.dll /222)
    Updated the help file.
    Permanent Custom Sort Order: The custom sort order got lost after creating a file or folder in the list. Fixed.

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2022, 21:10
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

    Add: 10/90 and 90/10 proportions
    Add: "View - Refresh" menu shortcut
    Add: "Proportions - Default and Refresh" menu

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2022, 13:07
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box: Smoother transition between two Hover Boxes with slow-loading contents (e.g. WEBP images typically load a bit slower).
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.145. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.145.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: Now the toggle "Open Files from Address Bar" is also available in the context menu of files in the Address Bar (right-click the file icon). Before, it was only available in the context menu of folders, where it makes less sense.
    URL Drop: Didn't work for URLs with titles > 251 characters. Fixed. Now, in such a case, the title is truncated to make it work.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: With "Fire click on mousedown" a middle-click was processed two times, on mousedown and also (falsely) on mouseup. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 06:10
Whats new:>>

Address Bar: Now the context menu (right-click the file/folder icon) fully supports double-quoted items. So you can e.g. paste a path in double-quotes and everything works as if it wasn't quoted.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 19:30

Large Icons: Made the cell width a fair bit smaller.

XYplorer 23.00.0014 Beta

    Custom Copy: The Custom Copy Blacklist now supports comments, e.g.:

    ProgramFiles(x86)% //needed for 64-bit Windows only
    List: A manually sorted list could flash (due to an overzealous auto-refresh) while a file was downloading into it. Fixed.
    Custom File Icons: Fixed some glitches with the new extracted icons.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2022, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: WinSetView 2.40
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2022, 10:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    New option (under Advanced interface): Disable folder thumbnails

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 April, 2022, 19:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.0.4 release:

A non-Latin folder name is not shown correctly in the title bar
Application version missing in the registry
Poorly adjusted columns in Synchronize Directories
OS detection is unaware of Windows 11
Powertoys Rename error message

Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.290
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2022, 05:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Tools updated
    Language corrections

Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2022, 18:15
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.



    Internal fixes and improvements
    Fix the issue of returning to default in Windows 11
    Improve Windows 11 support
    Improve appearance
    New image functions (image.default, image.segoe, image,fluent, image.mdl)
    New visibility options (lable, static)
    New hotkeys to enable/disable Shell (Ctrl, Win, Ctrl+Win)
    New functions (this.length, this.taskbar, this.desktop, this.explorer, this.nav)
    New functions (image.segoe, image.fluent, image.mdl)
    New functions under scope id (id.???, id.???.icon, id.???.title)
    New property "keys" applied to static and dynamic items
    Assign icons to system menu items by default


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2022, 22:30
Release Notes


    Dateien - Erzeuge Prüfsummen: Unterstützung für den sehr schnellen BLAKE3-Hash-Algorithmus
    Neue Option "Aktuelle Datei noch zu Ende kopieren" beim Abbruch des Kopierens mitten in einer Datei
    Der neue Befehlszeilenparameter /P öffnet den übergeordneten Ordner des übergebenen Pfads und setzt den Cursor auf das letzte Verzeichnis
    Internes Inhaltsplugin (tc): Neue Felder aus id3v1/id3v2/ape/flac/wav/ogg/m4a Metadaten-Tags, wie Titel, Künstler usw.
    Entpacken Sie ZIP-Dateien mit Brotli-Komprimierung (von Google), die hauptsächlich in XPI-Dateien verwendet wird
    Verzeichnisse synchronisieren: Fortschritt beim Vergleichen nach Inhalt auch im Taskleistensymbol anzeigen
    FTPS/HTTPS: Unterstützung für OpenSSL 3.0
    wincmd.ini [Configuration] ExecUseContextMenu: auf 1 setzen, um Dateien so zu öffnen, als ob der Benutzer mit der rechten Maustaste darauf geklickt und auf das standardmäßige Kontextmenüelement geklickt hätte
    wincmd.ini [Configuration] AlwaysShowAppdata=0 versteckt Ordner Appdata wenn versteckte Dateien nicht angezeigt werden


    Option, Verzeichnisgrößen nach einem Verzeichniswechsel immer zu laden, entweder intern oder über das Tool 'Everything'
    Option zum Festlegen eines benutzerdefinierten Datums-/Zeitformats und von Trennzeichen (Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Tabulatoren)
    Anzeigen der gesamten zu kopierenden Bytes, Dateien und Ordner bereits im F5-Kopierdialog
    Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit mit gemischten Einheiten anzeigen (z. B. x.xx b/M/G/T), konfiguriert über [Konfiguration] SizeTransfer, standardmäßig derselbe Wert wie bei der Fußzeile
    Zusätzlichen Platz um die Symbole der Laufwerksbuttons festlegen, via Konfigurieren - Einstellungen - Symbole (Icons)
    Dunkelmodus: Option zum Konfigurieren der Rahmenfarbe (Linien zwischen den Steuerelementen)
    Buttonbar: Das Feld "Tooltip" auf ein einzelnes Leerzeichen setzen, um den Tooltip zu deaktivieren
    Menü Dateien - Drucken - Dateiinhalt druckt jetzt alle ausgewählten Dateien (nach einer Warnung)
    Unter Windows 10 älter als 1709 (Herbst 2017) und älteren Windows-Versionen werden Miniaturansichten unterstützt, die höher als 240 Bildpunkte sind


    Zusätzlicher Hauptmenüpunkt "Plugins", um direkt ein Lister-Plugin auszuwählen
    Schnellansicht: Verwendetes Plugin im Titel (normalerweise als Pfad verwendet) hinter dem Dateinamen anzeigen

Lister, interne Bildanzeige:

    Bilder mit Strg+Mausrad oder +/- auf dem Ziffernblock zoomen, oder per Klick auf Prozentwert im Menü
    Umsch+Pfeil links/rechts verwenden, um Bilder in kleineren Schritten zu scrollen als Pfeil links/rechts

Lister, interne Medienwiedergabe:

    Titelnamen und Künstler aus den Tags eines Titels anzeigen (id3v1, id3v2.2, id3v2.3/2.4, ape, flac, wav, ogg und m4a)
    Titelbild aus den Tags eines Tracks anzeigen, oder aus einer Datei namens cover.jpg, folder.jpg, cover.png oder folder.png im selben Ordner
    Schaltfläche zum Ein-/Ausblenden des Titelbilds
    Titelpositionen und -namen aus einer .cue-Datei mit demselben Namen wie die geöffnete Mediendatei laden, z.B. zum Suchen in langen Zusammenstellungen
    Einzelschritt funktioniert jetzt auch nur für Audio (1/10-Sekunden-Schritte)
    Neue Hotkeys im Multimedia-Modus: M=Stumm, E=Einzelschritt, C=Coverbild, Strg/Umschalt+Pfeiltasten zum Vor-/Zurückspulen
    DirectShow-Filter aus dem Unterverzeichnis filter32/64 bevorzugen, sofern vorhanden, auch wenn eine andere Version dieses Filters im System registriert ist. Deaktivieren über wincmd.ini [Lister] PreferFiltersFromFile=0

Dateiattribute ändern:

    Teile des Datum und/oder der Uhrzeit einstellen, indem Buchstaben anstelle der unveränderten Teile angegeben werden, z.B. 10:mm:ss, um nur die Stunden zu ändern. Die tatsächlichen Zeichen spielen keine Rolle, 10:xx:xx wird auch funktionieren.

Vergleich nach Inhalt:

    Neuer Hotkey F2 im Editiermodus springt zum nächsten Unterschied innerhalb einer Zeile, Umsch+F2 zum vorherigen Unterschied
    Übernehmen von einem oder zwei Dateinamen per Drag&Drop in die Pfadeingabefelder
    Schaltfläche "Sync", um die Methode zum erneuten Synchronisieren innerhalb einer Zeile auszuwählen, z.B. um nur nach einem Leerzeichen nach gleichen Zeichen zu suchen


    Option, Dateien auch beim Verschieben in Unterverzeichnisse automatisch umzubenennen, wenn eine Datei mit demselben Namen bereits im Zielverzeichnis existiert
    Neue Platzhalter [B0]..[B9] Eltern-, Großeltern-, Urgroßeltern-Ordner usw. aus dem Pfad einfügen
    Neue Platzhalter [B+0]..[B+9] Laufwerksbuchstabe, erster Ordner, zweiter Ordner usw. aus dem Pfad einfügen
    Das neue Feld [T4] verwendet das EXIF-Datum (Aufnahmedatum von Fotos) für alle Datumsfelder nach diesem Platzhalter
    Die Felder [T1] bis [T4] unterstützen jetzt einen Zeitversatz in der Form [T1+60m] oder [T1-10h]

Interne Befehle:

    cm_ReloadFileIcons zum Neuladen aller Symbole und Symbol-Overlays ohne erneutes Einlesen der Dateilisten
    cm_CloseDuplicateTabs, um alle doppelten Tabs im aktuellen Panel zu schließen
    cm_SwitchColorsByFileType, um Farben nach Dateityp ein-/auszuschalten
    cm_SwitchFileTipWindows zum Aktivieren/Deaktivieren der Anzeige von Tooltips (Hinweisen) für Dateien
    cm_CopyToArchive/cm_MoveToArchive zum Öffnen des Packdialogs mit deaktivierter/aktivierter Option "Verschieben"
    cm_CloseCurrentTab, cm_CloseAllTabs, cm_UnloadPlugins, cm_CopyFileDetailsToClip, cm_CopyHdrFileDetailsToClip usw. unterstützen jetzt Parameter, siehe Beschreibung
    Befehl cd "Pfad" kann jetzt mit internen Befehlen kombiniert werden, wobei der Pfad in doppelten Anführungszeichen stehen muss
    MULTIRENAME=<Einstellungen> beginnt sofort mit der Umbenennung mit den angegebenen gespeicherten Einstellungen, zwei Gleichheitszeichen schließen den Dialog danach


Changelog -> https://www.ghisler.com/history1050.txt

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.4.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 April, 2022, 20:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Adjusted when the tab context menu does not appear in the Blink version 5ch # 9-319

Titel: muCommander 1.0.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2022, 18:50
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


New features:

- Support compression and decompression of XZ archives.
- Added file size conditions to file search.
- Added 'Show in enclosing folder' action for a file search result that opens a new tab with its enclosing folder and selects the result.
- Pressing Tab key when editing a file name renames the selected file and the name of the next file automatically becomes editable.


- Mouse clicks on the headers of a file table (e.g., NAME, SIZE, DATE) are better detected.
- Require non-headless Java when installing from RPM.
- Use absolute path rather than canonical path in bookmarks to avoid resolving symbolic links.
- Tar archives with headers in the pax format are now supported.
- The free space indicator in the status bar is updated right after relevant events like switching to the application.
- Symbolic links are unpacked from tar archives.
- The portable version stores preferences files in the installation directory.
- It is now possible to change the modification date of multiple search results.
- Prevention of ZipSlip (https://snyk.io/research/zip-slip-vulnerability).
- An informative error dialog is displayed when failing to change directory while browsing an ftp server.
- Setting the default file drag and drop action to 'COPY' (rather than 'MOVE') is now configurable.
- Support "Open natively" operation for files from UNC paths.
- Add an option to follow symbolic links in file search. This option is disabled by default.
- Enable filtering out folders, hidden files, archive files or symlinks from file search results.
- Limit the amount of threads used for file searching to two. This can be overridden per-search.
- 'Find next' opens the 'Find' dialog on text editor/viewer when invoked for the first time.
- The search string that is used by 'Find next/previous' is preserved across text editors/viewers.
- Operations on the presented location (e.g., make directory) are disabled when presenting file search.
- Enable renaming a file search result.
- File search is case insensitive by default.


- Russian translation updated.
- Korean translation updated.

Bug fixes:

- Fix installation using GDebi Package Installer.
- Permanent deletion of symbolic links on Windows no longer deletes their linked content.
- Restore file table configuration (column visibility, width and position) on startup also when custom folders are set.
- The default keyboard shortcut for packing files (CTRL+I) opens the 'Pack files' dialog on macOS.
- File search works with search strings that resemble a path to an archive file, e.g., find:///home/*.zip.
- When selection changes in the tree view and the presented tab is locked, the selected location is opened in a new tab.
- Fix the execution of Windows executable files whose name contains parentheses characters.
- 'Reveal in Finder' action reveals the selected file in the Finder instead of opening it on macOS.
- Fix 'Reveal in Explorer' on Windows.
- Fix trancated file search results when searching the root folder.

Known issues:

- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
  sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:
- Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
- Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
- Version 5.0 of RAR is not supported. Such archives would appear empty.
- macOS: issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings.
  See https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki/Reset-Security-&-Privacy-Settings-on-macOS for more details.
- macOS: muCommander may not be able to start on version <= 10.10 (OS X Yosemite) due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE.
  This can be solved by installing Java 8 and running '/Applications/muCommander.app/Contents/replace_jre.sh'.
- macOS: "muCommander damaged and cannot be opened" may appear after downloading muCommander from the browser. This
  can be solved by executing: xattr -d com.apple.quarantine <jar_name>.jar
- macOS: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
  up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- macOS: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.


Titel: Q-Dir 10.67
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2022, 12:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Erneut Anpassungen bei Zugriff auf Smartphones z.B Samsung mit Android 11 über USB-Kabel
• Sprachdateien-Aktualisierung im Quattro Explorer für MS Windows OS

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2022, 09:50

20.04.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 2

20.04.22 Fixed: MULTIRENAME command didn't support = and == prefix in "parameters" field of the button bar/start menu (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: Open multi-rename tool a bit faster when there are many items in the rename, search and replace histories (64)
20.04.22 Fixed: Lister, dark mode: Viewing a binary (mode 2) file would briefly show a white background, caused by a change to reduce flickering when zooming images (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: Portrait or upside down videos rotated with vmr9rotator.dll had white instead of black bars (as regular videos have) (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: Files - Change attributes not working when using 12 hour AM/PM time format (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: F5 copy dialog didn't display the number of selected files/folders and their sizes if a previous file operation was aborted before (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: When not using tabs, one file panel could be 2 pixels more wide than the other at 50:50 split (32/64)
20.04.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CountMarkedInDialog=0 turns off the memory requirement determination in the F5 copy dialog (32/64)
20.04.22 Fixed: Turning off "Calculate space occupied by subdirectories" - "before copying/deleting" now also disables space calculation (size, number of files and folders) in the F5 copy dialog (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Compare by content, binary mode: The "8-16-24-32 bytes" combobox was in wrong tab order (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: The new parameter /P to go to the parent of the path parameter(s) and focus the last folder part didn't always work for folders in the root of a drive (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2 tags: Support multiple genres both as numeric and as text, also mixed (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2.3 and Id3v2.4 tags: Support TDRC tag for recording year in addition to TYER tag (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2.3 and Id3v2.4 tags: Support desynchonization (replacement of FF with FF 00 in headers) (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: FLAC tags: Only the first genre was shown, now show them all separated by a semicolon (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2 tags: Prefer first cover image if a track contains multiple (32/64)
19.04.22 Fixed: Lister: Use fixed zoom factors when enlarging/reducing the image size instead of multiplying with/dividing by 1.1 (32/64)
18.04.22 Fixed: "Drive not found!" dialog (e.g. when choosing a disconnected drive from history): Don't show drive letter behind the warning if it's a backslash (network drive) or space (repeated failure) (32/64)
18.04.22 Fixed: Lister: When switching from a track without album art to a track with it, re-size the window to its previous size if it was made smaller (32/64)
17.04.22 Fixed: Packing with external packer to directory with accents no longer worked (problem with ioresult not being reset) (64)
17.04.22 Fixed: Change attributes: Setting the date of a folder while leaving the time field empty no longer worked (32/64)
17.04.22 Added: Ctrl+Z on [..] now allows to edit the comment of the folder itself (32/64)
17.04.22 Fixed: Find files, load configuration: The current tab was always set to the plugins tab (32/64)
17.04.22 Fixed: Windows 7 with classic theme: Switching to dark mode and back was showing the free+total space in the drive buttonbar with a black background when the drive dropdown list was disabled (32)
17.04.22 Fixed: MULTIRENAME configured_settings: Do not show warning if configured_settings don't exist, only when using = or == autostart options (32/64)
17.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font: displayed font name wrong if it contained any accents or other non-English characters (64)
15.04.22 Fixed: Copy with F5-F2 with "Only files of this type" set to a not existing type would hang in dark mode -> show error dialog as child of the main window (32/64)
15.04.22 Fixed: Quick search with option "Letters - with search dialog" still not working properly with Traditional Chinese when choosing an English word in the IME-> react to WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION (64)
15.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Language: The language list was no longer sorted alphabetically due to a change in the listbox control (64)
15.04.22 Fixed: Folder tabs, locked with directory changes allowed: Exclamation mark "!" was always shown for locked virtual folders (e.g. the Desktop), not only when going to a different location (32/64)
15.04.22 Fixed: Search text in menu Commands-Search... and Lister: Do not limit Unicode search to 127 characters when searching with regular expressions, they can handle far longer search strings (32/64)
14.04.22 Fixed: Id3 tags: Cyrillic with invalid ANSI encoding was only fixed when the file had a cyrillic file name too. Now it's also handled when the default Windows encoding is Cyrillic (32/64)
14.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2 tags: Instead of the comment, only the comment language was shown (32/64)
14.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2 tags: Only the first genre was shown, now show them all separated by a semicolon if the tag contains multiple (32/64)
14.04.22 Fixed: Button bar: When setting the tooltip to a single space to hide the tip, the text in the right click menu was also empty (32/64)
14.04.22 Fixed: String 2112 (separate) was not found in 64-bit executable (opening separate search with internal English language) (64)
14.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops: Changing the date format from a custom format to default wasn't applied immediately after clicking on "Apply" (32/64)
13.04.22 Fixed: Warn user when he chooses the new option "Automatic, only with 'Everything'" in Configuration - Options - Operation when 'Everything' isn't installed or not set to index folder sizes (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2022, 19:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Status Bar: Now, when "Show Folder Sizes" is enabled, the number of files and
    Folders contained in the total or selected folders is shown in square brackets.
    Tweak StatusBarDeepStatus: Removed as fully covered by the addition above.
    Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Show item count with folder sizes:
    The number is now displayed with thousands separators if necessary.
    List | Size Column: Slightly changed the layout of the tooltip. Now the bytes count is shown in one line in the "flexible (exact)" format.
    Custom Copy: The tweak CustomCopyNoLog is now set to 1,000,000 by factory default, which means you will not get a final report if you copy or move 1 million files or more. Few mortals will ever hit this wall, but it will protect them from the "Out of string space" error.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Info Panel | Find Files: Now you can reach the Search Templates dialog via the
    context menu of the Find Files button.
    File | Rename Special | UTF-8 to Unicode: Didn't cope with all types of input. Fixed.
    SC utf8decode: Didn't cope with all types of input. Fixed.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.1.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2022, 19:15
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


Improve support of NBSP.


Titel: Q-Dir 10.69
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 April, 2022, 18:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen im Hauptmenü und in den Explorer-Dateilisten für alle MS Windows-Betriebssysteme
• Feintuning im Quad Explorer für das nächste MS Windows 11 Update!
• Für Verbesserungsvorschläge bin ich immer offen

Titel: nnn 4.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2022, 18:40
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


     disable filter info if file details (option -i) enabled
    open previous active context on context quit
    switch ^J and + functionality:
        +: toggle file selection
        ^J: toggle auto-jump on file open
    allow symlink creation with name @ to a single file ( #1345 )
    clear selection on successful operation at native prompt with "%j" ( #1330 )
    reverse timestamps of entries modified/created within 5 minutes
    avoid using non-portable xargs flags on macOS ( #1299 )
    quitcd script for Elvish shell > 0.17.0 ( #1344 )
    plugin openall to open selected files together ( #1333 )
    plugin gitroot to jump to git root directory from a subtree
    plugin gsconnect to send the selected files to Android using gsconnect
    icon for opus and webp files
    preview-tui - fix gif conversion and whitespace name
    preview-tui - add support for windows terminal split
    preview-tui - djvu file previews
    nuke - add support for imv when named imv
    gsconnect - support connection to multiple devices
    export NNN_INCLUDE_HIDDEN to plugins ( #1308 )
    respect NNN_TRASHin .nmv( #1306 )
    add GNU sed as a dependency with support for env var SED
    use bold > to point at current entry in detail mode
    add 2 spaces after icons for better visibility
    documentation refresh
    make option O_NOSORT to load directories unsorted on entry


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    SC filetype: Files with non-UTF-8-like extensions were not checked for UTF-8.
    Fixed. Now every file is checked for UTF-8 regardless of its name.
    File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: Renaming a bunch a files to some stem plus incremental suffix would create a sequence with holes in it if files with the same name pattern already existed in that folder. Fixed. It works better now, but you have to take care that the list is sorted by Name, ascending, otherwise problems still can arise.

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2022, 21:30

27.04.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 3

27.04.22 Fixed: Id3 tags: Cyrillic with Unicode encoding was sometimes incorrectly changed as if the code page was wrong. Now tags with a mix of Unicode and ANSI are supported (32/64)
27.04.22 Fixed: When automatically getting folder sizes via option "Automatic, only with 'Everything'", some folders had no size because the list returned by 'Everything' used a different sort order than lowercase Unicode (32/64)
27.04.22 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel used larger border than the 32-bit version (64)
27.04.22 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel didn't switch between normal and dark mode when switching the main window (32/64)
27.04.22 Fixed: Ctrl+Q quick view panel was not using dark scroll bars in dark mode (only on Windows 10 1809 and newer) (32)
26.04.22 Added: Lister: When closing, remember "Fit to window" image option chosen before zooming, so the next time Lister gets opened the file is again fitted to the window (32/64)
26.04.22 Added: Numeric id3 genre tag: Support all 192 genres documented in Wikipedia (80 from the id3 standard plus 112 WinAmp extensions) (32/64)
26.04.22 Added: Read APE tags from end of musepack (.mpc) files (32/64)
25.04.22 Fixed: Updated regular expression library to latest code from GitHub https://github.com/andgineer/TRegExpr (32/64)
25.04.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontSampleText= set sample text for Configuration - Options - Font. Empty text= use default (32/64)
25.04.22 Added: Dark mode: Better looking scroll box control with thin borders in Change attributes, Find files (plugins), Settings (Auto Switch Mode), Custom column configuration, Print preview (32/64)
25.04.22 Fixed: iso files which started with at least 512 zero bytes were incorrectly detected as empty tar archives (32/64)
25.04.22 Added: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): wincmd.ini [Configuration] DirMenuHotkeys=0 uses again the hotkeys from the translations (32/64)
25.04.22 Added: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): For add/remove button and Configure, use hotkeys +, - and * instead of those defined in the translations (32/64)
25.04.22 Fixed: Button bar: When setting the tooltip to a single space to hide the tip, the button description in the delete button confirmation dialog was empty (32/64)
25.04.22 Fixed: Most tags: Use the first tag if there are multiple tags of the same type (except for genre), e.g. multiple artists (32/64)
25.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2 tags: Genre=0 was not detected as valid, although it's used for Blues. However, ignore genre=0 in id3v1 tag if incomplete id3v2 tag doesn't contain genre (32/64)
24.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font: Non-English font names (e.g. with accents or Chinese/Korean/Japanese names) were still displayed incorrectly (32/64)
24.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Value '0' in comboboxes appeared as selected even when the combobox did not have the focus (32)
22.04.22 Fixed: The copy function may hang when using F5-Enter very quickly (32/64)
22.04.22 Fixed: Dark mode, button bar: Click on button which opens sub-bar as menu, close with ESC or second click -> icon disappeared (32/64)
22.04.22 Fixed: Dialog box Configuration - Options: Clicking on "View mode" activated the page "Custom columns" by mistake in dark mode (32)
22.04.22 Fixed: Removed warning "No files selected" after F5-F2 because it could still hang the program (32/64)
22.04.22 Fixed: F5 copy dialog: Use same icons for files and folders as in the main program file lists (32/64)
21.04.22 Added: Read missing metadata from id3v1 tag if album, artist, track name or year in other tag were empty (32/64)
21.04.22 Fixed: Id3v2.4 tags: cover image was not loaded when the image description was using Unicode encoding, because the MIME type did not use Unicode in this case (32/64)
21.04.22 Added: Read tags from end of wavpack (.wp) files (id3v1) (32/64)
21.04.22 Fixed: Getting the directory sizes in a directory with many 1000 subdirectories like Windows\WinSxS could be very slow and block the user interface (32/64)
21.04.22 Fixed: When automatically getting directory sizes, resume it after changing the sort order (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 April, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Added tweak to control whether folder sizes are shown for removable drives:

    This allows you to skip removable drives when "Show folder sizes" is enabled.
    Factory default is ON.
    ! Action Log and Undo Button Dropdowns: Operations triggered via script using a non-current path would be shown with the wrong path. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2022, 12:52
Whats new:>>

    SC runret: The UTF-8 related changes in v23.00.0102 - 2022-04-22 15:24 had an
    undesired side-effect in SC runret. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders. Now "\vmware-host" is assumed to be an existing server name without further testing.
    Info Panel | Find Files | Auto sync: If disabled the Location field was still updated when switching to a Quick Search tab. Fixed.
    List | Tiles Views: The "Copy Data" menu would appear when you right-clicked the tiny gap between two tiles. But it should only appear on Ctrl+Right-Click. Fixed.

Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 06:20
Straightforward application which enables you to manage files and folders more efficiently by creating an entry in the context menu.



    New features:

    Added the ability to open an elevated/admin prompt in any of your favorite folders.

    Fixes & Improvements:

    Fixed an error copying non-English paths to the clipboard.
    Widended the Settings window to show more of long paths.
    Show the full path in the Settings window.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2022, 12:38
Whats new:>>

    View | Mini Tree: Added command "Hide Siblings". Hides the current folder's siblings from the Mini Tree.
    This command has been available ever since in each tree folder's context menu (if ticked in Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Folder Tree...), but now you can assign a keyboard shortcut to it.
    It's also found now in the context menu of the toolbar button "Mini Tree".
    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders, attempt #2.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.146.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.146.lng is uploaded.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2022, 05:40
Whats new:>>

    Custom Status Bar Info / Property Variables: Now you can add formatting instructions to the value placeholder. Remember that the template must be enclosed in single or double quotes if a space is included:

    Echo <prop System.Video.TotalBitrate 'Bitrate: *'>; //Bitrate: 409600 (no formatting)
    Echo <prop System.Video.TotalBitrate 'Bitrate: *n'>; //Bitrate: 409,600 (number formatting)
    Echo <prop System.Video.TotalBitrate 'Bitrate: *b'>; //Bitrate: 400.00 KB (bytes formatting)
    Echo <prop System.Video.TotalBitrate 'Bitrate: *kbps'>; //Bitrate: 462kbps (kb per sec formatting)
    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders, attempt #3.
    Paper Folders: Now the PF source files can be UTF-8 encoded.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2022, 09:05
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Neu: In der Verzeichnisstruktur können verschiedene Ordner ausgeschlossen oder angezeigt werden
• Unterstützung für dunkle Themen/Dunkle Modi im Quad Explorer für die Betriebssysteme MS Windows 11 und 10
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir für alle MS Windows-Betriebssysteme

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Network: Implemented a fallback method for all servers where the default method doesn't return any shares.
    Added various debug logs.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2022, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders. Auto-refresh should work better now.
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Resort list immediately after rename: Disabling this was not honored on network paths in Win 10 and later. Tried a fix.

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2022, 20:30

04.05.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 4

04.05.22 Fixed: Id3v1 tags: If the genre tag is 255, interpret it as "unknown" and leave the field empty (32/64)
04.05.22 Fixed: (Wasn't working in 64-bit) Lister: When closing, remember "Fit to window" image option chosen before zooming, so the next time Lister gets opened the file is again fitted to the window (64)
04.05.22 Fixed: Compare by content, Synchronize dirs: Use thin border around listboxes, it looks better in dark mode (but still uses default colors) (32/64)
04.05.22 Fixed: Drag&Drop: Reduce heavy flickering when dragging a file while the target panel showed a directory tree, e.g. when using a view mode with background color (32/64)
03.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Some small display problems in Configuration - Options - Icons (64)
03.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Changed thick divider lines to thin lines in various dialogs (Find files, Print file list, Synchronize directories confirmation, Associations: edit type and action, FTP: chmod, Packed file properties (32/64)
03.05.22 Fixed: Change attributes, plugin fields, choose date field and click on "+" to pick a plugin -> some plugin fields were skipped by mistake (32/64)
03.05.22 Fixed: Division by zero when opening Directory hotlist configure dialog (not reproduced) (32/64)
02.05.22 Fixed: Access violation when choosing a color from the dropdown combobox for a view mode (Configuration - Options - View mode) (64)
02.05.22 Fixed: Separate tree: Dragging a file above/below a file list could cause both that file list and the separate tree to scroll simultaneously (32/64)
02.05.22 Fixed: Trim any trailing spaces from id3v1 tags (32/64)
02.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Wrong color used for separator line to the left of \ .. in the header with the drive combobox (32/64)
02.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: When showing a button bar as a dropdown menu and right clicking on a button, the dropdown menu of that button looked wrong (64)
01.05.22 Fixed: Folder tab panel bottom border drawn incorrectly in dark mode when moving the window out of the visual screen area and back (64)
01.05.22 Fixed: Increased supported APE tag size from 1 MB to 4 MB to handle very large cover images (32/64)
01.05.22 Fixed: cm_50percent: Right panel was 1 pixel too wide when not using folder tabs in the right panel (32/64)
01.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Overdraw white line under the main menu with dark mode border color, configurable via Configuration-Options-Color (32/64)
01.05.22 Added: F5 copy dialog: Show '?' in front of file/folder counts and total file size while still counting (32/64)
01.05.22 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Files with thumbnails had their displayed size reset to zero by mistake (32/64)
29.04.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Icons: Labels H and V not translated correctly immediately after switching languages with "Apply" (32/64)
29.04.22 Added: Set foreground and background color of Lister media player controls via Configuration-Options-Color (32/64)
29.04.22 Added: Set foreground and background color of Lister media player controls separately: wincmd.ini [Lister]/[ListerDark] MediaFgColor/MediaBgColor=RGB value (32/64)
29.04.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: The main Total Commander window could disappear for a fraction of a second when closing the dialog via Alt+F4 or "X" button (64)
28.04.22 Fixed: Updated regular expression library to latest code from GitHub https://github.com/andgineer/TRegExpr to fix a bug introduced by the update in beta 2 (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.5.04
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2022, 21:20
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Fixed the problem that focus cannot be achieved when border-radius is included in the Input tag.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2022, 05:50
Whats new:>>

    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders. Auto-refresh should work better now. #2.
    Removed various debug logs.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Catalog: A location ".." was by default resolved relative to app path. Nobody needs this. Now it is resolved relative to the current path.
    A relative path "E:.." is now resolved to "This PC". Before, it was resolved to "E:".
    Address Bar: Double dot ("..") did not go up to "This PC" when the current path is a drive. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    New variable: <xyparent> = parent of XYplorer app path (unslashed). Points to "<xypath>..".
    SC getpathcomponent(), gpc(): Added component value "dos" to convert a long path spec to DOS format (aka 8.3 format).


    - Yes, that's a bit of an abuse of this function, but tolerable I think.
    - Only the valid (existing) part of the input path is returned.
    - The return is always without trailing backslash, even if the input had one.
    - Note that in Windows the 8.3 file naming can be enabled/disabled per drive. If it is disabled then this function returns the (valid part of the) input unchanged (apart from removing any trailing backslash).

Titel: Broot 1.12.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2022, 19:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Internal, adding to the staging area all the files verifying the current pattern. Mapped by default to ctrl-a.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2022, 09:14
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen im dunkle Themen/Dunkle Modi auf MS Windows 11
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir
• Allgemeine Optimierung im Quad-Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations |
    Configure...: Renamed "Skip verification on hard disks" to "Skip verification on
    local hard disks". Copying across network is usually also between hard disks, so the word *local* here makes the important difference.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0188.
    ! Tools | Customize File Icons...: Fixed a rare drawing glitch related to extracted icons.
    ! Since v23.00.0207 - 2022-05-05 13:06 folders with invalid names ending in two or more dots could not be deleted anymore. Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.73.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: in den Quick-Links Menü

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Factory Defaults: The date columns now start wider (137 instead of 115 pixels) to match the standard US date style, e.g. "10/20/2021 11:37:43 AM".
    Custom Copy: Improved the prompt you see when source folders could not be removed (due to being locked by another process) after their contents were moved. Now you get a chance to retry the removal.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0189.
    ! Tags: After moving a folder, where the operation fails to remove the source folder after all of the contents have been moved (due to being locked by another process), the tags of the moved items were lost (not moved along). Fixed.
    ! Deletion while thumbnails are being generated: You could get an error 10 here, harmless but still not nice to have. Fixed. Won't happen anymore.

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2022, 18:30

11.05.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 5

11.05.22 Fixed: Updated TCMDLZMA.DLL and TCLZMA64.DLL to LZMA SDK 21.7 (32/64)
11.05.22 Fixed: Find files, search text: 0 byte files were not found by regular expressions matching empty text (32/64)
11.05.22 Fixed: Print file list or tree: Couldn't scroll the preview with the mouse when the cursor was over the text area (32)
10.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Deadlock when copying with F5-F2 when the target is set to a single name, the error dialog cannot be shown because the main window is busy (32/64)
10.05.22 Added: Synchronize dirs: Much faster initial loading of result listbox and switching between filters (arrow buttons, singles, duplicates) when not using a screen reader (32/64)
10.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: React to user input while loading results to listbox to avoid freezing of the user interface (32/64)
10.05.22 Fixed: Problems with full screen Lister (Alt+Enter) when invoked while maximized when the task bar was set to auto-hide (32/64)
09.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration], two new values SelectionFocusDark and InactiveFocusDark: As SelectionFocus and InactiveFocus, but for dark mode. Use the value from normal mode when not set (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Ctrl+A in edit controls or the edit box part of comboboxes would clear the edit box when using auto-append for that edit box, e.g. in the F5 copy dialog (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Get directory sizes with 'Everything': Do not disable the option when 'Everything' is still busy creating/loading its index, only disable it when it's not installed, or the directory index isn't enabled (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Right click on item in separate tree while using "Mouse selection mode" - "Left mouse button": The focus needs to be set on that item, otherwise some context menu commands may be applied to the wrong item (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Ctrl+Q on music file (played with internal media player), Tab to quick view panel, pressing '1' -> quick view panel was shown with window title bar and border (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Button bar: Parameter %Z%T%M added only the file name without path for files in a subdirectory of an archive (32/64)
08.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Overdraw listbox borders while moving windows to get rid of white border (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: When determining the directory sizes and all folders were empty, the footer would keep showing a question mark when done (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Getting directory sizes without the tool 'Everything' would return a size 1 less than the real value (only since TC 10.50 beta) (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Lister: Only check menu item "Internal" in "Plugins" menu when viewing file with internal multimedia player or RTF viewer (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Setting foreground and background color of Lister media player controls via Configuration-Options-Color didn't work with Windows classic theme (32)
06.05.22 Fixed: Folder tabs, dark mode: Moved text in tab header 2 pixels to the right to match position in light mode, and exclamation mark 1 pixel to the right (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Color preview was wrong when a non-standard color was chosen via >> button (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Configuration dialog: Jumping directly to Colors page would activate "Apply" by mistake (32/64)
06.05.22 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: Show 4 digit year placeholder yyyy instead of yy when opening the dialog with a directory focused (32/64)
06.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] FontSampleText= now supports \n (line break) and \t (tabstop) characters (31/64)
06.05.22 Added: Improved viewer configuration in Configuration - Options - Edit/View (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 10.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2022, 19:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Diverse Bug-Fixe in den Menüs und Verbesserungen in Q-Dir
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen in den Adressleisten und Navigationsbereich

Titel: WinSetView 2.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2022, 12:48
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Vietnamese language added

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0308 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows: Added option "Open files from 64-bit process". Enable it to always open files from a 64-bit process instead of a 32-bit process. This affects how some environment variables are resolved.


    Affects all sorts of open, e.g. by menu "File | Open", by "File | Open with...", by
    Enter, or by Double-click on a file.
    PFA (Portable File Associations) is supported.
    Technically, this is done by passing the open command through a 64-bit helper app.
    Of course, the setting is ignored on a 32-bit Windows edition.
    SC open64 (opens files from 64-bit process; not yet officially documented): Added a parameter to pass an Open-With-Application.
    Syntax: open64 [file_to_open], [app_to_open_file_with]
    File_to_open: Full path to file to be opened.
    Defaults to focused and selected item.
    App_to_open_file_with: Full path to application to open the file with.
    If omitted then the OS-associated app is used if any. If there is no
    OS-associated app you will end up with an error message.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.1.1 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2022, 21:15
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (package) edward v14.0.0
    (package) putout v26.0.1


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0309 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2022, 19:20

    Find Files and Quick Search: Added switch /V by which only visible subfolders of the search location are traversed recursively, i.e. subfolders with the HIDDEN attribute are not searched IF "Configuration | General | Tree and List | Items in Tree and

    List | Show hidden files and folders" is OFF. Example:

    *.ini /V
    % Browsing and many other things should be slightly faster due to the implementation
    of a small labor-saving flag in one of the most frequented places in the code.
    % Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Show the 64-bit context menu: The menu opens even faster now and doesn't need any temp file anymore.
    * XY64ctxmenu: Updated to 1.2.8.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0310 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2022, 09:30

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files: Added
    option "Persist quick search across folders". Tick it to directly repeat the same
    quick search on the next folder you go to within the current tab.


    If you click the current folder again in the tree the quick search mode is ended.
    The setting is also available in the context menu of the search information bar in the file list.

    FYI, this functionality existed already prior to v4.00.0008 - 2005-04-05 16:09 but then was dropped with the following note:

    Dropped "Automatic File Find when Browsing" (under menu Tools).
    The functionality might be reintroduced later, this time by tab.
    17 years later it was about time!
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: Now the bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is shown at the end of the tooltip for all DLL and EXE files.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0311 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2022, 20:45

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files: Added option "Skip invisible subfolders". Enable it to not scan folders not shown by current settings (i.e. HIDDEN folders if "Show hidden files and folders" is OFF, and SYSTEM folders if "Show system files and folders" is OFF). The effect is identical to using the new /V switch.

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: Now the bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is shown at the end of the tooltip for the following file types:

    Bitness can only be determined for MZ executables. If the bitness cannot be determined, nothing is returned.
    Quick Search: Broken in v23.00.0310 due to some "optimization". Fixed.
    Quick Search: A search pattern "%TEMP%;<xypath>? /fn" would not survive a tab
    switch. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0313 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Mai, 2022, 09:01

    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box: Packed the two field lists into buttons "Select Standard Fields..." and "Select Extra Fields...". Relaxes the page and has the great advantage that the pop-up lists can be filtered, which is a blessing with more than 300 entries.


    The line numbers in "Select Standard Fields..." are 0-based because that's how
    the Windows properties indices work internally and it's easier for coders this
    way. Just for symmetry, the same is done in "Select Extra Fields...".
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Follow
    junctions: Applying a change in this setting will now automatically repeat all open searches to reflect any consequences.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Skip
    invisible subfolders: Applying a change in this setting will now automatically
    repeat all open searches to reflect any consequences.


Titel: Q-Dir 10.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2022, 09:04
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in der Adressleiste für Auto-Hotkeys
• Allgemeine verbesserungen in den Einstellungen und Darstellung
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0314 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Mai, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Open files from 64-bit process: Did not work with Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | External Copy Handlers. Fixed.
    Quick Search: A search pattern "e:test|e:temp? /fn" would not survive a tab switch. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0315 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    Catalog: Added another value to tweak CatalogFlags (bit field): 8: Trigger action on double-left-click instead of single-left-click.
    Tabs: Fixed a couple of glitches related to switching find tabs, find results caching, multi-location searches, and tab relocation.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0316 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2022, 10:10

    SC property enhanced: Added argument #NoSubs to return whether a folder has subfolders or not.

    The #NoSubs and #Empty return values mean the same with two exceptions:

    #Empty: The return value 2 means "this is a folder without contents".
    The return value 6 means "this is a folder with contents".
    NoSubs: The return value 2 means "this is a folder without subfolders".
    The return value 6 means "this is a folder with subfolders".
    For example, if you define Color Filter definitions in this order...

    ... then totally empty folders will be pink, and folders without subfolders will be violet. This definition would color folders *with* subfolders:

    Note the "L" scope with #NoSubs. This Color Filter is not necessary in the tree because there you already have the expansion icons with the same meaning.


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2022, 19:30

18.05.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 6

18.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Clicking on the album art icon didn't make the player small again when the image was no longer shown (64)
18.05.22 Fixed: Rearranged dialog box items again in Configuration - Options - Edit/View, removed spaces from hotkeys (32/64)
17.05.22 Added: Internal Media Player: Read album cover image in GIF/JPEG/PNG format from m4a (mpeg 4) 'covr' tags (32/64)
17.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize Dirs: Alt+F4 or click on "X" during an active comparison now immediately stops the comparison without closing the window (32/64)
17.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] FileTipWindowsOnIcon=0, set to 1 to show tooltips only when the cursor is over the icon, or where it would be when icons are disabled. Does not affect thumbs view (32/64)
15.05.22 Fixed: Read fields from id3v2.3 tag with desynchronization applied (32/64)
15.05.22 Fixed: Read album cover image in GIF format from id3v2 tags (32/64)
15.05.22 Fixed: Some album cover images from id3v2.4 tag were not shown (32/64)
15.05.22 Fixed: Tab header, locked with directory changes allowed: The "!" when in a different folder was sometimes too close to the tab text (32/64)
15.05.22 Fixed: cm_SwitchFileTipWindows: New value of FileTipWindows wasn't saved to wincmd.ini (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Print file list or tree: It was possible to scroll the list just up when there was no scrollbar, or one with a very limited range (64)
13.05.22 Added: Load album cover images also from FLAC files (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Memory leak when a track contained multiple images, and the one used was not the first and replaced one earlier in the file (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: FLAC file tags: If the genre field contains multiple entries separated by line breaks, replace the breaks with ";" (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Reduced flickering when dragging file(s) from one panel to another, or within the same panel (32/64)
13.05.22 Added: Button bar: Set window title of the bar to the name of the bar file (without path) (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Dark mode, Configuration - Options - Color: An extra frame was drawn in the top-left corner of the dialog box instead of the preview panel (64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Copying in background transfer manager (F5-F2) no longer worked when using "Only files of this type" (32/64)
13.05.22 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: After choosing "<default>" from the dropdown combobox, adding new strings via buttons could sometimes insert unwanted random characters (64)
13.05.22 Added: Multi-rename tool, "Upper-/lowercase" combobox, "First of each word uppercase (English)": When configured via LowercaseStrings option in wincmd.ini, end the description with ! to allow that the last word can be all lowercase (32/64)
12.05.22 Fixed: Updated TC7Z.DLL and TC7Z64.DLL to LZMA SDK 21.7 (32/64)
12.05.22 Fixed: Corrected some glitches in Configuration - Options - Edit/View (unwanted '&' characters, switching between languages) (32/64)
12.05.22 Fixed: wincmd.ini [Configuration], the two new values SelectionFocusDark and InactiveFocusDark didn't use the values of SelectionFocus and InactiveFocus as the default (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0317 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0319 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2022, 12:55
Whats new:>>

Read-Only instance: Crashed on startup since v23.00.0318. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.00.0321 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2022, 20:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>


    Now a horizontally scrolled list maintains its scrolling position when the content changes in the same location, usually through filtering. Previously, the list was scrolled all the way to the left when the number of items got smaller than before (but not when it got larger than before, pfff...).

Titel: Q-Dir 10.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2022, 12:41
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Bug-Fix: wenn Datei verschlüsselt ist, z. B. bei Auswahl verschlüsselter PDF-Dateien
• Tests auf dem nächtem MS Windows 11 Build
• Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2022, 18:50

  +++ Wheel Through The List Views. Now you can scroll through the available 10 list views
      with the wheel, Ctrl+Wheel to be precise.
  +++ Auto-repeat Search At Next Location. Now you can automatically repeat the current
      search for the next selected location. No more browse-then-search,
      browse-then-search, browse-then-search, but just search, search, search.
  +++ Skip Invisible Subfolders. Now you can control whether invisible subfolders are
      included in a recursive search.
  +++ Transparent Folders Through Color Filters. Now you get advanced folder color filters
      that show the type of folder content right in the file list. Saves you a lot of
      guessing and opening.
  +++ Show Bitness In Tooltip. The bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) is now displayed at the end
      of the tooltip for all file types where it makes sense (EXE, DLL, DRV, TLB, etc).
  +++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Obongjayar.


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.0 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2022, 10:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Upgraded all cache logic to 64bit
    Heavily improved all cache logic
    Cache no longer has a size limit where it stops working
    Added several new thumbnail cache sizes
    Fixed multiple potential cache crashes
    Fixed caching of folder thumbnails on Windows 10+
    Fixed cache indexer not using the thumbnail timestamp when enabled
    Fixed issue where cache didn't always return a valid thumbnail even though one was available
    Improved automatic thumbnail size detection for certain filetypes


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.5.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Mai, 2022, 20:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Supports optional border on / off even when displaying frames.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2022, 21:30

    Variables: Now permanent variables can be accessed from anywhere in the app using the new <perm ...> meta variable. Example:

    perm $xy = "XYplorer"; echo "Perm test: <perm xy>."; //Perm test: XYplorer.

    Once the permanent variable is defined you can always access it wherever XY native variables are supported, e.g. as path in the address bar:

    C:Users%user%AppDataRoaming<perm xy>
    If a permanent variable does not exist, <perm ...> is not resolved: echo "Perm test: <perm grrg>."; //Perm test: <perm grrg>. So you now can have user defined global variables that persist across sessions.
    Tip: You can review and change your permanent variables at any time using the "Scripting | Permanent Variables" command.
    Reading Text Files: In some contexts, including scripting, text files with mixed EOL characters were not correctly parsed into lines. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2022, 19:30

    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box |
    Persistent live filters: From now on, Live Filters will not persist anymore on automatic tab switches (i.e. location change while being on a locked tab).
    Permanent Variables: They were loaded a bit too late for all possible contexts of the new <perm ...>. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Dimmed icons: The combination Cut-Dimmed + Selected-Dimmed lead to some small white areas around some icons, mostly visible over thumbnails. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2022, 10:30

    List Columns | Aspect Ratio: Now the column is correctly sorted by the actualquotient (eg 0.5), not by the term of the quotient (eg 1:2).
    Special Property | Aspect Ratio: Now the actual quotient (eg 0.5) is searched and filtered, not the term of the quotient (eg 1:2). For example, this will give you all images equal to or wider than 2:1:prop:#AspectRatio: >= 2:1

    Wider than DIN 476 (aka Din A) landscape:

    prop:#AspectRatio: > ?2:1
    Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location | Find hidden: Accelerator changed from d to n. This frees Alt+D for "Focus Address Bar".


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2022, 19:50

25.05.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 7
25.05.22 Fixed: Trim of trailing spaces from id3v1 tags didn't work if the tag was filled to the end with spaces (32/64)
25.05.22 Added: New parameters 8 and 9 for all internal commands cm_srcby*, e.g. cm_srcbyname 8 saves the current sort order internally, cm_srcbyname 9 restores it (32/64)
25.05.22 Fixed: msimg32.dll was loaded from the program directory by the Lazarus libraries by mistake, which is a possible security risk (64)
25.05.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Preview color for dark mode border was wrong (32/64)
25.05.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Color: Preview text for hint window was wrong (32/64)
25.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Date/time for the files on the right side were not shown in Windows 9x (32)
24.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Read meta data and album cover image in GIF/JPEG/PNG format from m4a (mpeg 4) files also when stored at the END of the file (32/64)
24.05.22 Added: The internal commands cm_list, cm_listInternalOnly, cm_listInternalMulti, cm_listOnly, cm_listMulti now support the same parameters as via command line, with switch / at the start, e.g. cm_list /T1 filename (32/64)
24.05.22 Added: Command line parameter /S=L to open a separate Lister window: New sub-parameter F to open Lister in full screen view, e.g. /S=L:F filename (32/64)
24.05.22 Fixed: Lister, new internal media player: Ctrl+V now also switches to full screen as with the old player, in addition to Alt+Enter (32/64)
24.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] FileTipWindowsOnIcon=2 shows Win32-style tip on icon, full name on shortened name, but only when Win32 style tips are enabled in settings (32/64)
23.05.22 Fixed: Find files: Close standalone search with a small delay after receiving WM_CLOSE (e.g. from AutoHotkey) to avoid access violation (64)
23.05.22 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Refresh search and replace comboboxes manually, they aren't fully redrawn after adding items to their dropdown list with refresh disabled (64)
23.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Album art wasn't found in some id3v2.4 tags which were using an extra "Data length indicator" field (32/64)
23.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Some subfolders were found as missing when a file was stored in an archive with a relative path a\b\filename without the folders themselves (32764)
23.05.22 Fixed: Compare by content, right to left language: The new "Sync" button was overlapping text (32/64)
22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Added some small distance between all the player controls (32/64)
22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: The player controls didn't show up when moving the mouse to the bottom while paused/stopped in full screen mode (32/64)
22.05.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Play/Pause didn't work by clicking on the album art image, only by clicking on the player background (32/64)
22.05.22 Fixed: When using the new parameter /P to position the cursor on the last part of the passed path, the view mode was not updated to the new directory (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Thumbnails view, only about 1+1/2 rows visible, press left arrow in last line on first item -> cursor was not jumping to the last item in the previous row (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Id3v1 tags: Ignore genre=0 in id3v1 tag if incomplete id3v2 tag doesn't contain genre, and don't set genre field to 0 (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Compare by content: Use different dialog box title for "Edit user-defined separators" (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Tooltips (not the win32 style) were not shown correctly when using duplicate file finder - feed to listbox (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Button bar: When setting the tooltip to a single space to hide the tip, an empty tip was still shown for a button opening another button as a menu (after closing the menu) (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Rearranged dialog box items AGAIN in Configuration - Options - Edit/View (32/64)
20.05.22 Fixed: Lister: Always check menu item "Internal" in "Plugins" menu when viewing file with mode '4' (Multimedia) and no plugin is used (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Mai, 2022, 20:30

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations |
    Configure...: Now when "Preserve all item dates" is OFF the Created and Accessed dates of files *moved across volumes* are preserved anyway. Before they had been set to now. This change conforms to the default behavior of File Explorer.
    Undo: Also undoing a cross-volume move now preserves the Created and Accessed dates.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0190.


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Special Property | Aspect Ratio: Now also other ways to refer to an Aspect Ratio column or property will work on the actual quotient in Search and Filters:

    Prop:#AspectRatio: >= 2:1
    AspectRatio: >= 2:1
    Aspect Ratio: >= 2:1
    Aspect Ratio Custom Column: >= 2:1
    Message Drop: Now Outlook365 external senders are recognized by the <from> field.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Special Property | Aspect Ratio: Completely rewrote the whole thing. It now needs less code, less energy, and less time for sorting, filtering, and searching.
    The speed comes at a small price: aspect ratios are only differentiated between 1:99 and 99:1. More extreme ratios are simply subsumed under 1:99 or 99:1.
    Hover Box: Now images that are not as wide as the box are centered horizontally in the box. Previously, they were left-aligned.
    Background Activity: Clipboard manipulation while XY was in the background could result in larger tree and list refresh operations. I decided that this should probably not happen.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Mai, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations |
    Configure...: Now when "Preserve all item dates" is OFF the Modified dates of empty folders copied within or across volumes are preserved nevertheless. Previously, they had been set to now. This change conforms to the default behavior of File Explorer.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0191.
    ! Visual and Live Filters: Boolean terms combining quoted strings (e.g.: "xycopy.exe"
    OR "xyplorer.exe") were not always parsed correctly. Fixed.
    ! System icons for *.CATdrawing and *.CATproduct files were not shown. Fixed.
    ! Color Filters: Tried to fix a little slowdown issue with filter "B:prop:#empty:2".

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    System icons for *.CATdrawing and *.CATproduct files were not shown. Fix #2.
    MP3 Tags: Decoding issue with Greek, Chinese, and other tag languages. Fix #2.

Titel: Broot 1.13.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Mai, 2022, 20:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    close the staging area when it's emptied with a verb (e.g. on :rm)
    format files counts with thousands separator - Fix #549
    try verbs in order allowing some with filters before one without - Fix #552

Titel: SHELL 1.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 06:15
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.



- Internal fixes and improvements
- New functions (io.datetime, io.datetime.created, io.datetime.modified, io.datetime.accessed)
- New hotkeys to reload config file (right-click + left-click)
- New feature "showdelay" to change the menu show delay time
- New property "tip" with customize the colors and appear time
- Enable the dynamic items to be combined with static items through the parent property


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 06:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0193.
    MP3 Tags: Decoding issue with Greek, Chinese, and other tag languages. Fixed again
    (I hope) with less and faster code.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0016 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 12:45

    List: Now the Special Property column Dimensions is sorted by the image area (width * height). Previously, it was sorted by the width only (like it's done in File Eplorer, for eample).
    Note: This works only for the *Special* Property column Dimensions, not for the Property column Dimensions. The latter uses data provided by the Windows Shell and sorts them identically to the Dimensions column in File Eplorer.
    List: When you hold CTRL and hover a column header you get a tooltip showing some info about the nature of this column and its current width in piels.
    Custom Columns: Recently, a column with the special property "Dimensions" was incorrectly displayed as an aspect ratio in the list under certain conditions. Fied.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Bo | Show file info tips | Show audio info and tags: These tips were incorrectly appearing across the entire
    row when they should only appear above the caption. Fied.


Titel: Broot 1.13.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 20:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix a regression added in 1.13.0: alt-enter was failing to cd to the selected directory

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0017 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Mai, 2022, 20:40

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added option "Lighter text in detail columns". Activate it to lighten the text of all columns in Details view except the Name column. This is the way File Explorer looks currently.
    Note that only lines are affected that are not colored by any color filter.
    ! SC RenameItem: Renaming an item to its own name, did nothing (correct) but removed it from the tags database (incorrect). Fixed.
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.147.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.147.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:



Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2022, 18:50

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Added option "Apply text colors to the Name column only". Tick it to apply the text color of a Color Filter only to the Name column. Affects only text-color-only filters since filters with back colors are only applied to the Name column anyway. Since File Explorer works like this ever since I made the new factory default.
    Raises tweak ColorFilterNameOnly to UI.
    Note: If this is ticked then "Lighter text in details columns" applies also to items colored by a color filter.
    % Dark Mode: Switching between dark and light modes is now even smoother as some (hopefully) superfluous activities are now skipped.
    * List: Now the Special Property columns for image properties (Dimensions, Aspect Ratio...) and Custom Columns using those Special Properties will also return the data for the image targets of LNK files (if LNK is not filtered out in the Custom Column definition). This is consistent with the fact that Preview and Hover Box also work for LNK files.
    - Custom Copy: Removed the "Pause Processing" dialogue added in v11.70.0113 - 2012-11-17 14:06. It's overkill after all and also confusing.
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0194.


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0020 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 11:10
Whats new:>>

    Custom Columns | Special Property:

    The new internal formatting of the Aspect Ratio and Dimensions columns was not correctly processed in all contexts. Fixed.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.81
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien und allgemeine Optimierung in Q-Dir für Windows
• Wichtige Anpassungen im Quad-Explorer für MS Windows 11

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juni, 2022, 19:30

01.06.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 beta 8

01.06.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Enable and immediately disable dark mode again, then switch to Font page -> buttons were missing (64)
01.06.22 Added: cm_*UserSpec commands now support 2 parameters: 8: remember current file filter (including "All Files" and "Programs"), 9: restore previously remembered file filter (32/64)
01.06.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data formats: Revert the displayed choice to <Default> when the user chooses a character or number as a separator (32/64)
01.06.22 Fixed: Button bar: A negative number in the command field like -27 was shown with a hint for the corresponding command with parameters when using external language files (32/64)
01.06.22 Fixed: The last user command 899 (700+199) could not be executed from a button (32/64)
01.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode: The text in checkboxes started too far to the right compared to normal mode. The exact value used by Windows is unknown, so 1/2 of the with of the number '0' will now be used (32/64)
31.05.22 Fixed: The internal commands cm_list* now work with parameters even when the /S=L: part isn't removed (32/64)
31.05.22 Fixed: Updated the TRegExpr library to version 158 to handle a combination of recursion and back references, e.g. ([a-z])(?R)?\1 to match e.g. abccba (32/64)
31.05.22 Fixed: Mark newer, hide same files: The first character of the text "Comparison:" was converted to lowercase by mistake (due to DrivesShowUpcase) (32/64)
30.05.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] PreferUtf8ForZip=1/0 when a ZIP file does not have the UTF-8 flag set, but all characters are valid UTF-8, prefer UTF-8 over ANSI (enabled by default except for double byte languages like Chinese) (32/64)
30.05.22 Fixed: Master password dialog: Ctrl+V not working when disabling the keyboard hook (AllowHook=0 in wcx_ftp.ini) (32/64)
30.05.22 Fixed: cm_list* commands with parameters: /N (no plugins) and /Spluginame now take precedence over cm_list vs cm_listInternalOnly (32/64)
30.05.22 Added: Support FileTipWindowsOnIcon=2 also in thumbnails view: The image part (with frame) is considered the icon where the Win32 style tip is shown, while the tip for the shortened name is shown below (32/64)
30.05.22 Fixed: FileTipWindowsOnIcon=2 didn't work properly in brief view, only in the first column (32/64)
30.05.22 Fixed: Two screens with different DPI, main window on second screen -> background pack/unpack/copy dialogs were placed incorrectly (background transfer manager was correct) (32/64)
29.05.22 Fixed: When closing multiple Lister windows with media playback at once, e.g. by closing Total Commander or shutting down Windows, store all positions in [LastTracks] by increasing the seconds by one for each additional file (32/64)
29.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Print preview in dark mode had wrong color directories (32/64)
29.05.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Some subfolders were still found as missing when using filters like *.txt and a file was stored in an archive with a relative path a\b\filename without the folders themselves (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0024 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2022, 06:40
Whats new:>>

Aspect Ratio and Dimensions: Non-images passed the filters. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0025 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2022, 21:50
Whats new:>>

    Live Filter and Quick Search | Dimensions: Now also the shell property "Dimensions" is supported, and the Property column "Dimensions" sorts by area. So all holes are plugged now.
    * Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0028 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

Aspect Ratio and Dimensions: Fixed some rounding-related glitches.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0029 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 19:20

    Live Filter and Quick Search | Aspect Ratio: Now you can also specify the ratio
    directly instead of using the "3:2" format.
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Search
    results inherit current columns: Improved list property inheritance when switching
    between Browse and Find modes. Now any styles (e.g. Checkboxes) you set in Find mode
    are remembered next time you switch to Find mode.
    The same is now true for "Branch View inherits current columns" (which can be
    toggled in the context menu of the Branch View toolbar button).
    * Configuration | Find and Filter | Find Files & Branch View | Find Files | Persist
    quick search across folders: Now a quick search will not persist when you change
    locations via an item's Context Menu | Go to Focused Item.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.6.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Juni, 2022, 21:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

I feel that some of the deprecated system colors can no longer be used in the blink version, so I specified RGB.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0030 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2022, 10:40
Whats new:>>

    Quick Search | Aspect Ratio: A wildcard pattern like "Aspect Ratio: 1:*" did not work (anymore) without any visible "Aspect Ratio" column. Fixed.
    Hover Box: Since about 20220523 the Hover Box for 1-character texts would be empty. Fixed
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Show audio info and tags: Didn't always show up when it should. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0031 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Juni, 2022, 23:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    List | Tiles and Thumbs views: Stopped liking the way icons were positioned near to the image. It looks more relaxed when all icons are in the same relative place.
    List: A horizontally scrolled list maintained its scrolling position but lost the scrollbar after maximizing the window (since v23.00.0321 - 2022-05-19 16:37). Fixed.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juni, 2022, 10:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.0.5 release:

    About dialog - icon
    sha256 checksum file requires an extra space for checking
    Reset filter string on lost focus / do not append new characters when filtering
    Archive file attributes


Download hier : https://sourceforge.net/projects/doublecmd/files/

Titel: Q-Dir 10.83
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2022, 10:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Verbesserungen in der Dunkle Modus Darstellung auf MS Windows OS
• Verbesserungen beim Dateiaktionen zwischen den einzelnen Datei-Explorer
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0032 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juni, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Aspect Ratio: Better formula, faster and nicer results.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0046 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Text Boxes: Now CTRL+A selects all text.
    XY64: Updated to
    Toolbar: Dropdown arrows were misplaced when button captions were shown. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.10.0057 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

PDF Preview: In Win 10 and later, with a screen scaling of more than 100%, the PDF preview was wrongly aligned, with larger parts being hidden. This can also depend on the preview handler, but appears to be solved for the more frequent cases.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juni, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Main developments since last release:

    Filter Images By Aspect Ratio. You can now filter or find all images that are equal to or wider than 3:2, for example.
    Sort Images By Aspect Ratio. You can also sort your image folders by aspect ratio, for example from tall and narrow (portrait) to wide and flat (landscape).
    Filter Images By Area. You can now filter or find all images larger than a million square pixels, for example.
    Sort Images By Area. You can as well sort your image folders by the area covered by the images.
    Make The Name Column Stand Out. Now you can dim the other columns slightly to highlight the name column. A helpful feature for column messies.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of The Brothers Comatose.

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2022, 09:20

08.06.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 release candidate 1 (RC1)

08.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content: The bottom 2 line compare list wasn't refreshed when changing an option via "Sync" button
08.06.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Added some more distance between all the player controls because Windows controls were taking space outside (32/64)
08.06.22 Fixed: Updated unrar9x.dll for Windows 9x/ME/2000 to version 6.12.0 from official unrar sources unrarsrc-6.1.7.tar.gz dated 2022-05-04 (32)
08.06.22 Added: The following commands now work without a file name as a parameter, will ask user: SAVETABS, SAVETABSL, SAVETABSR, SAVETABS2, SAVETABS2L, SAVETABS2R (32/64)
08.06.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font used wrong font preview when the font encoding wasn't set to Western (64)
08.06.22 Fixed: When copying folders to protected locations like "Program Files", the option "As Administrator" now confirms the entire folder with all items in it, even if some need to be copied later in a second pass (32/64)
07.06.22 Fixed: wincmd.ini [Packer] PreferUtf8ForZip=1 is now the default also on Asian language Windows versions (32/64)
07.06.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Font: Always draw separator lines manually, not only in dark mode (64)
06.06.22 Fixed: Tooltips for button bar and drive bar used wrong font when the font name contained non-English character(s), e.g. Chinese font name on Chinese Windows (64)
06.06.22 Fixed: Lister: When switching from Explorer view (mode 8) to plain text view (mode 1), do not perform ASCII encoding detection if the file is Unicode (32/64)
06.06.22 Fixed: Titles in totalcmd.inc are now more consistent, but they will not get translated with older versions of Total Commander (32/64)
05.06.22 Fixed: Lister: Double click on album art image didn't make the window full screen. Double clicking on a jpg/gif/png/bmp will also make the window full screen (32/64)
05.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content: Increased maximum line length for character by character comparison from 4096 to 32768 characters, edit mode from 16350 to 32768 characters (32/64)
05.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content: F2 didn't jump to the right location of the differences in edit mode when comparing UTF-8 files (32/64)
05.06.22 Fixed: Internal Media Player: Cover image in OGG file meta data was ignored with MIME type image/jpg instead of image/jpeg (32/64)
05.06.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] CompareF2Mode=1 controls how F2 finds new strings in Compare by content: 0: just within the current line, 1: go to next line after last match, 2: restart in the current line (wrap around) after last match (32/64)
05.06.22 Fixed: When copying folders to protected locations like "Program Files", the folder timestamp couldn't be copied (32/64)
03.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content, "Sync" option 3: Handle special case where the two matching separators (left and right file) are the same -> they need to be drawn as part of the identical text (32/64)
03.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content, "Sync" button: When the user changes the user-defined separators, switch to mode 3 which uses them and re-display the lines (32/64)
03.06.22 Fixed: Print preview: Intercept cursor movement and page up/down when there are no scrollbars to prevent unwanted scrolling (64)
02.06.22 Fixed: cm_*UserSpec commands with parameters didn't work when combined with other commands in the button bar or start menu (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juni, 2022, 22:40

    Preview Pane: Experimentally added the option to show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list instead of to the right. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the Name column, which is where you usually look and click.
    To toggle the position hold CTRL while using the command "Window | Arrangement | Live Filter Box in Status Bar". Later it will get its own command, of course.
    SC get got a new named argument "dimensions" by which you can retrieve the dimensions and/or aspect ratio of an image or video file.
    Syntax: get("dimensions", [file], [template="%w% x %h%"])
    file: The file.
    Defaults to the currently focused file.

    template: Format of the returned string. Supports the following variables:

    w% = width, %h% = height, %a% = aspectratio.
    Defaults to "%w% x %h%".
    return: Dimensions and/or aspect ratio, depending on the template.

    Examples, using variable syntax:

    text <get dimensions>; //720 x 480
    note the two spaces where the "file" argument is omitted!
    text <get dimensions "%w% x %h% [%a%]">; //720 x 480 [3:2]

    Examples, using script syntax:

    text get("dimensions"); //720 x 480
    text get("dimensions", , "%w% x %h% [%a%]"); //720 x 480 [3:2]
    Tabs: Smoother switch to a tab where the focused file will be previewed. Now the list is first painted, then the preview is fired.
    Changed the factory default behavior introduced in v22.10.0103 - 2021-08-19 13:27
    Type Ahead Find: Now a single Space will by factory default select the focused list item. To make Space work in TAF just like any other key, use this tweak: TAFSkipSingleSpaces=0
    FYI, this changes the default behavior introduced in v22.10.0103 - 2021-08-19 13:27.
    I decided to go with the expected standard. Muscle memory rules.
    Live Filters and Visual Filters: Since 20220527 any trailing or leading spaces in filter patterns were simply ignored. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2022, 18:45
Whats new:>>

Preview Pane: Fixed some layout glitches with the new position.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2022, 21:50
Whats new:>>

    Preview Pane: Fixed some more layout glitches with the new position.
    Tweak UnitBytes had stopped working around 20211116. Fixed.
    Mouse Down Blow Up: Could make the app hang when done an archive file. Fixed. Now
    MDBU shows the beginning of the file in hex format.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2022, 19:30

    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Djo Music.

23.20.0005 Beta

    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Text preview | Display Tabs as spaces: Now if you select a number other than 0, the TAB characters will not simply be replaced with that number of spaces, they will be expanded in the correct way to form vertically aligned columns.

    Xample for tab width = 4:

    Input (> = TAB): >a>ab>abc>abcd>abcde>abcdef>abcdefg
    Columns: 1---2---3---4---5---6---7---8---9---A---B---C---
    Output (. = SPACE): ....a...ab..abc.abcd....abcde...abcdef..abcdefg


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.6.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Juni, 2022, 21:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

Adjusted because an error may occur when opening the options of some add-ons.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2022, 21:10

    Help | List All Commands...: Now there are column headers and a grid.

    SC get("dimensions"): Changed and enhanced. Now the following placeholders are supported in the template:

    Syntax: get("dimensions", [file], [template="%w% x %h%"])

    template: Format of the returned string. Supports the following variables:

    %w% = width
    %h% = height
    %r% = aspect ratio term, e.g. "1:2" (CHANGED, was %a% before!)
    %rq% = aspect ratio quotient, e.g. "0.5"
    %a% = area raw, e.g. "1048576"


Titel: Q-Dir 10.86
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2022, 09:04
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Weitere Verbesserungen in Usability und Elementen Fokusoptimierung
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer
• Verbesserungen in Dark Mode

Titel: OpenHashTab 3.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2022, 18:10
OpenHashTab is an Open Source shell extension for conveniently calculating and checking file hashes from file properties.

OpenHashTab is designed to facilitate the efficient calculation and verification of hashes integrating within the Properties section of the right-click context menu. Most of the included actions are straightforward and obvious. OpenHashTab's hash list supports the following:

Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sum file format
Select (possibly multiple) then right-click to copy all columns separated by tabs
The counters next to the status text are in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)

License: Open Source


    New features:

    Shift click "Export" to instantly save file instead of prompt (#59)
    New settings including colors (too much to list)
    Strict mode for "compare against" field (#58)
    More lenient non-strict mode for "compare against" field (#100)
    Option to only calculate the necessary hashes when in verify mode (#55)
    Add GOST R 34.11-2012 (russian standard hash) (#67)
    Add KangarooTwelve 256 and 512 bits (#65)
    Add BLAKE3-512 (#56)
    Add CRC64 (xz flavor) (#85)
    Add QuickXorHash (#111)
    Single installer for User and System installs (#77)
    Registry key to override language (#102)
    Registry key to force disable VirusTotal integration (#109)
    Windows Vista is no longer supported
    Branding and version info in settings (#66 #104)


    Fix standalone mode on 32 bit OSes (#61)
    Add association for SFV files too
    Batch window messages to reduce freezing (#76)
    Support arbitrary long sumfiles (#97)
    Fix spanish translations not applying (#98)
    Uninstaller now has an icon (#107)


Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2022, 19:40
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

    Optimized Disk Analysis: optimized scanning algorithm to improve user experience
    Minor GUI improvements
    Minor bug fixes

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2022, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Edit | Select | Toggle Selection: Whoops, bug. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2022, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters: Now the effects of the switches f (frame) and b (bold frame) are implemented in the filter listing. A little WYSIWYG.
    ! List: If there is more than one selection, the focused should be a bit brighter than the others. This did not work anymore in all contexts. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 10.50 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2022, 06:40

15.06.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 release candidate 2 (RC2)

15.06.22 Fixed: Shift+Tab didn't switch between file list panel and separate tree panel when the other panel was used for quick view (64)
15.06.22 Fixed: Windows 11: Error when moving Lister window between two screens with different DPI due to snap function interfering (64)
15.06.22 Fixed: Windows 11: Wrong menu item size in menu bar after moving main window or lister to secondary screen with Win+Shift+Cursor left/right (64)
15.06.22 Fixed: Find files: Manually resize checkboxes ANSI, ASCII etc. so they don't overlap the right border in dark mode (64)
14.06.22 Fixed: Drive buttonbar: Align the leftmost button of the right drive bar to the right file panel when using 50:50 percent split (32/64)
14.06.22 Fixed: Windows 10, dark mode, main configuration: The category list on the left had a white scrollbar (only when using a font too large for the dialog, and autoscale disabled) (32/64)
14.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode, Alt+F10 tree: The combobox font background was overdrawing the combobox border in some higher DPI resolutions (32/64)
13.06.22 Fixed: Lister, internal media player: Mouse wheel only changed volume when the cursor was above the volume slider (32/64)
13.06.22 Fixed: Lister was no longer showing percentage in its menu bar for lister plugins which supported it (32/64)
12.06.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Font: Font preview was wrong when the font name contained non-English character(s), e.g. Chinese font name on Chinese Windows (64)
12.06.22 Fixed: Lister: The buttons of the internal media player had invalid icons when using yellow or red as the text color (32/64)
12.06.22 Fixed: File system plugin, find files, feed to listbox, F5 copy -> the option to preserve relative paths was missing after TC 9.22a (32/64)
10.06.22 Fixed: Lister: Do not remember ASCII override set via parameter cm_list /S, it was used in all later opened listers too (32/64)
09.06.22 Fixed: Returned to old Free Pascal (fpc) compiler 2.5.1 because some users experienced access violations at program start with newer compiler (64)
09.06.22 Fixed: Print preview: Intercept also left/right cursor movement when there is no horizontal scrollbar to prevent unwanted scrolling (64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 13:17
Whats new:>>

Duplicate File Finder: Added option "Ignore numbers", mainly meant to ignore serial numbers when searching for Dupes by Name. This first experimental approach to the problem will simply ignore all numbers (0 - 9) in a filename when comparing it to the other filenames. As a result, for example, the files "Fred(1).txt" and "Fred(2).txt" are seen as dupes, but also "1979.png" and "20200103015144244.png". I personally find the results surprisingly meaningful.

Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.2.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2022, 21:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    (package) markdown-it v13.0.1
    (cloudcmd) server: convert to ESM
    (package) thread-it v2.0.0


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2022, 08:20

    + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find: Added option "Skip single spaces". Enable it (it's actually the factory default) to keep the default functionality of the spacebar in the List: to select the currently focused item when it is not selected. To make the spacebar work like any other key in Type Ahead Find, uncheck the option.
    As the name suggests, it only affects single spaces. Within a fast-typed string of letters, spaces work like any other key, e.g. "y " or " y".
    FYI, this raises tweak TAFSkipSingleSpaces to GUI.
    ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Type Ahead Find |
    Enable type ahead find: If disabled selecting the currently focused item with the
    spacebar did not work. Fixed.


Titel: Broot 1.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juni, 2022, 19:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Advice to hit alt-i and|or alt-h when no file is visible
    Examples on search modes in help screen
    List of syntactic themes in default conf
    The --file-export-path launch argument which was deprecated since broot 1.6 has been removed (redirect the output of broot instead)
    Better built-in verbs for Windows
    Take the .git/info/exclude file into account for ignoring
    The released archive doesn't include an Android build


Titel: Broot 1.13.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

Fix default_flags in conf not working anymore

Titel: Multi Commander 12.0 Build 2880 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2022, 06:40
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - Default DataPreviewTemplates have been tweaked a bit
    ADDED - Data Preview templates can now define a default margin for columns or rows
    CHANGE- UI rendering of Data Preview that showing folder content changed
    FIXED - Improved error logging if WindowsPreview handler fails to show anything.
    FIXED - "NOPROGRESS" parameter for MultiScript function CopyFile/MoveFile now works again
    FIXED - Some places did not just multi langauge texts.
    FIXED - MultiText for a text for FSZip extension used duplicated text id


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0107 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2022, 19:20

    + SC EditConf: Now it also handles files with newlines other than CRLF.
    ! List: Extended multi-selection by keyboard did not work as in File Explorer. Fixed.

    Now it works like this (pivot is the last explicitly selected single item by
    Ctrl+Click or Ctrl+Space):

    - Shift+Space: Select all from the last pivot to here; remove all other selections.
    - Ctrl+Shift+Space: Select all from the last pivot to here; keep all other selections.
    ! SC inputselect: Since 20220609 the Live Filter Box partially covered the OK button
    in very narrow windows. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | General | Controls & More | Miscellaneous | Resolve junctions: Did
    not work for special paths (aka virtual paths), e.g. "[user]OneDrive". Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu: Added option "Resolve Junctions". Tick it to resolve junctions when navigating via Breadcrumb Bars. Then when you click a path component that is a junction, or go to one via one of the arrow dropdowns, you will be taken to the target of that junction.
    FYI, this makes optional what was hard-changed in v22.10.0101 - 2021-08-17 13:43.
    Breadcrumb Bars | Context Menu of Components: Now if the component is a junction, the menu offers the command "Copy Junction Target".
    List: Extended multi-selection by keyboard. Fixed another glitch.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0109 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2022, 19:10

    Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format: Added "Ordinal Date" as a new date format option. Today would be "2022-173" ([year]-[number of day of the year]).
    Eliminates the moon from the equation (or the months, which are just pseudo-moons anyway) and makes it easier to estimate the date difference at a glance.
    The format "yyyy-ddd" is actually part of ISO 8601. It seems to be used by the military in some contexts, so it's safe to assume it has its uses.
    List | Extended Multi-Selection By Keyboard: Revised and simplified the code. Should work just like before.
    List | Size Column | Circles / Bars: Improved visibility in selected items on Full Row Select with "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections" set to "XYplorer Classic Style".
    Duplicate File Finder | Ignore numbers: The previous logic returned too many dupes.
    Now the amount of digits is also important.
    "Fred(1).txt" and "Fred(2).txt" -> dupes
    "1979.png" and "2022.png" -> dupes
    "1979.png" and "20200103015144244.png" -> NOT dupes
    Duplicate File Finder: A cached dupes search did not show the correct number of groups in the status bar. Fixed.


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juni, 2022, 21:00

22.06.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 release candidate 3 (RC3)

22.06.22 Fixed: Quick view panel (Ctrl+Q): The background color was not set to the user-defined background color when playing audio (32)
22.06.22 Fixed: Quick view panel (Ctrl+Q): The panel didn't have a border, only after going to the next/previous file (64)
22.06.22 Fixed: Prevent the loading of more buttons from .bar files than the current limit (now increased to 1000 buttons) (32/64)
22.06.22 Fixed: Button bar: Increased maximum number of buttons from 500 to 1000 (64k limit for .bar file still applies) (32/64)
22.06.22 Fixed: Files - Change attributes: When multiple files are selected, pre-load the last used date only if the date format wasn't changed in the meantime (32/64)
21.06.22 Fixed: Create CRC checksums: Invalid line breaks added to SFV files (CRC) when using "Create separate checksum files for each file" (32/64)
21.06.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Set minimum size so the buttons on the left don't overlap the "Show" groupbox (32/64)
21.06.22 Fixed: For security reasons, clear all passwords of currently active FTP connections when Total Commander gets minimized or the screen saver starts, same as with the master password (32/64)
21.06.22 Fixed: cm_UpdateQuickView didn't work if the file list wasn't updated via auto-refresh (32/64)
20.06.22 Fixed: Optionally use string 5929 for internal plugins in Lister (plugins menu) and for description of 4i internal option instead of 1726 (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content, edit file, F2 jump to next match within a line: Blinking cursor may not be shown when F2 continues in the next line (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Button "Synchronize..." too narrow for some languages, make wider when the dialog box is large enough (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Configuration-Options-Custom columns: The option chosen in "Configure columns for file system" was lost when changing language, resulting in an empty list of configurations (32)
17.06.22 Fixed: Copy/Move with background transfer manager (F5-F2): Aborting a long file would show a dialog box which couldn't be accessed, but only on Windows 7/8/8.1 (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Lister: Disable zoom of album cover also when clicking on 100% menu item (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: After hovering over an URL in Lister (html view), the "drop forbidden" cursor during Drag&drop changed to the URL cursor (64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Copy/Move with background transfer manager (F5-F2): Removed colon ":" from name of operation (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Tab headers not redrawn correctly when changing tabs via cursor keys when focused, e.g. in Find files dialog (64)
17.06.22 Fixed: When using the option "Select only the file name when renaming", the wrong part of the name would get selected in branch view or search results on cursor up/down (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: Print preview (File - Print - File list): The list of fonts in the dropdown combobox was unsorted (32)
17.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode: The "i" icon wasn't supported in the custom message box, e.g. when pressing F8 (delete) on ".." (32/64)
17.06.22 Fixed: The new "Sync" button in "Compare by content" didn't support Unicode (32)
17.06.22 Fixed: The new controls in Configuration - Options - Tabstops/Data Formats didn't support Unicode (32)


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.0 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2022, 05:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Added AIF/AIFF/AIFC property support
    Made the [Und] track language tag optional, and hidden by default
    Fixed and improved the WAV property and tag parser
    Fixed properties of several different types of MP4/MOV files
    Fixed hang when generating properties for certain MP4 files
    Fixed OGA, WEBMA, WEBMV not showing thier properties in File Explorer
    Fixed thumbnailing of certain PAL8 files
    Fixed crash if the current Icaros Cache Location had suddenly gotten restrictive permissions applied to the folder
    IcarosConfig now performs a permission check on the current Icaros Cache Location, when going to the Cache Page. If the check fails, an option has been added to attempt to fix the permission issues.
    When opening IcarosConfig for the first time, the default theme will now match the current Windows App theme
    Improved Debug Mode: Icaros should now catch far fewer crashes caused by other software loaded in the same process as Icaros


Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juni, 2022, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Duplicate File Finder: Now the dupe groups in the results list are distinguished by slightly different, alternating background colors.
    List | Extended Multi-Selection By Keyboard: Fixed another inconsistency with File Explorer.
    File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: The Rename Preview could crash if in rename was done in Branch View. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2022, 06:45
Whats new:>>

Duplicate File Finder: Alternate group coloring was not perfect yet in dark mode. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0112 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2022, 12:30

    Duplicate File Finder | Ignore Numbers: Now it also ignores strings that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place, e.g. "Copy of " or " - Copy". It also ignores any accompanying serial numbers, e.g. "Copy (3) of " or " - Copy (3)".
    FYI, these templates apparently can be modified here (probably from Win 7 onwards)(did not try):
    However, currently XY does not read this registry setting but works with the Windows defaults (in English, German, French, Spanish; more on request).

    For example, all of these names are considered identical, namely "Fred.vcf":

    Copy (2) of Fred.vcf
    Copy of Fred.vcf
    Fred - Copy (2).vcf
    Fred - Copy (3).vcf
    Fred - Copy (99999).vcf
    Fred - Copy.vcf
    Fred - Kopie (4).vcf
    Fred(1) - Copy.vcf
    Fred(2) - Copy.vcf
    Fred(3) - Copy.vcf
    Fred(4) - Copy.vcf
    Kopie (2) von Fred.vcf

    Note that the presence of the word "copy" is not mandatory for extended ignore; also these are now considered identical (which is really nice):
    Gustavo (1).zip

    And these:



Titel: Q-Dir 10.88
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juni, 2022, 18:45
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen in Q-Dir für ältere MS Windows NT Betriebssysteme
• Kleine Korrekturen Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | (Zodiac): Removed the Zodiac date format added in v3.60.0024 - 2004-09-04 12:44. I've never heard of anyone using it anyway. Which is a good sign (pun intended).
    CEA: The "Changing Locations | After painting the file list" event was not fired on creating a new tab from a Search Results or Branch View tab whereas it was fired when doing this from a normal tab. Fixed. Now it's fired on all of those events.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0114 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Tree: Now the lines color auto-adjusts to changes of the tree background color to ensure that the lines are always discernible.
    Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane Left: Renamed it to "Preview Pane to the Left".
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0116 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>

Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format | Show Weekday: Did not work well together with "Ordinal Date". Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0117 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Scripting got a new function

Titel: XYplorer 23.20.0119 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2022, 18:50

    Status Bar: Just like with the Breadcrumb Bars, you can now independently customize the font size of the Status Bar by Ctrl+Wheel over the Status Bar.
    In case you don't have a mouse wheel (or if "Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel

    (Fonts)" is disabled) you can tweak it here (note that this value is the actual font size multiplied by 1000):


    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel: Now Ctrl+Wheel anywhere over the Info Panel will modify the "Buttons and Labels" font size. Previously, this modified the "Main Contents" font size.
    ! Shell Properties: The "File version" property (and hence the "File version" column) did not work in Win10 and later. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2022, 09:35

    The new Ordinal Date option for the date format eliminates the months from the equation and only displays years and days. This makes it easier to estimate a date difference at a glance. For example, today would be "2022-179" (year 2022, day 179). The Ordinal Date format is used by the military in some contexts, so it’s safe to assume it has its uses.
    To switch to Ordinal Date right-click any of the date column headers, e.g. "Modified", and select Ordinal Date from the popup menu.

    Preview Pane to the Left:

    Now you can show the Preview Pane to the left of the file list. The obvious advantage is that the previews then are nearer to the name column, which is where you usually look and click.
    To toggle the Preview Pane position use menu Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left.

    Duplicate File Finder Can Ignore Numbers:

    Now it can optionally ignore serial numbers and strings like "Copy of" that are auto-attached by Windows to the name of a file copied in the same place. If "Ignore numbers" is enabled, the file names "Fred.txt", "Fred (1).txt", "Fred (2).txt" and "Fred - Copy (2).txt" are considered duplicates.

    Compilation Soundtrack:

    Compiled to "(I’m) Stranded" of The Saints.


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 RC4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juni, 2022, 20:30

29.06.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 release candidate 4 (RC4)

29.06.22 Fixed: Detect when "Everything" returns the same file twice in search results, and only show it once (32/64)
29.06.22 Fixed: Lister, internal media player: Couldn't use cursor left/right to scroll through the track while maximized and no player controls visible (shows controls for 2 seconds) (32/64)
29.06.22 Fixed: Lister, internal media player: Set focus to the track position trackbar when (re-)showing the player controls (32/64)
29.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Dropdown button triangle in owner-drawn comboboxes was drawn too high (32/64)
29.06.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Color: Draw strings for file list example centered, not bottom or top aligned (32/64)
28.06.22 Fixed: Rename with Shift+F6, go to next/previous file with cursor keys: Footer wasn't updated, e.g. in brief view or branch view (32/64)
27.06.22 Fixed: When changing between normal and dark mode, keep the main menu translation unchanged even if the user changed the language in another instance of the program (32/64)
27.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode, Configuration - Options - Color - Others: When no color was set, a click on >> used the default color from light mode (32/64)
26.06.22 Fixed: Compare by content: Very long lines over 10000 characters could result in overlapping text (32/64)
26.06.22 Fixed: Could no longer copy a single file to multiple selected folders (F5 - Options - Copy to all selected...) (32/64)
24.06.22 Fixed: When using the option "Select only the file name when renaming", the whole relative path+name was selected when they didn't contain any dots (32/64)
24.06.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Result list could show garbage (on Windows versions not supporting LB_SETCOUNT) while items were still added to the list (64)
23.06.22 Fixed: Button bar: Hint texts (in tooltips) were not always translated any more due to switch to older compiler (64)
23.06.22 Fixed: Dark mode: The background of the dark mode MessageBox replacement (e.g. error when trying to delete '..') wasn't two colors as in 32-bit (64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items: Now the highlight starts 1 pixel from the left edge. Just looks better.
    Find Files: Error 94 (and some internal flags not reset) when searching for generic file type {:Executable} and some others. Fixed.
    Tools | Customize List: The menu disappeared from the menu Tools after being called with Shift+RMB if the main menu was hidden at that moment. Fixed.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.6.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 20:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT is not processed when there is no check for automatic alignment (update). (5ch # 9-556)
    Even if I check SHCNE_EXTENDED_EVENT, it says "not used" and it is a mystery what is being done.
    For the time being, get rid of this error # 608

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juni, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: Since 20220620, special paths entered via the address bar have been unconditionally and unnecessarily converted to real paths. Fixed.
    Tree: since 20220625, the Locked Tree background color could get stuck after unlocking the tree. Fixed.

Titel: muCommander 1.0.1-1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 05:40
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


    New features:

    - Added new looks and feels: FlatLaf Light, FlatLaf IntelliJ, FlatLaf Dark, FlatLaf Darcula, VAqua
    - Added an option to overwrite files only if size differs
    - Added the 'Desktop' folder to the drive menu


    - Added a keyboard shortcut (ALT+DELETE) to Open Trash action
    - Added a keyboard shortcut (CTRL+SPACE) to file contextual menu
    - Contextual menu is available for file search results
    - Local file search results can now be revealed in the native Desktop's file manager
    - Added back the 'Go to forums' action that now points to the GitHub discussions page
    - Speed up collecting file-system roots when Windows network shares disconnect
    - Added an option to use system file icons only for folders
    - Sort criterion/column and sort order are presented on file tables when using a non-native look and feel on macOS
    - Added the 'Paste file(s)' action, when enabled, to the context menu of file tables
    - Changed the rendering of the text field which is used when renaming a file/folder through the file table
    - When searching a file that contains specified text, that text would be used by following 'Find next/previous' action within a text viewer/editor
    - The tab headers within the Preferences dialog are placed at the left side (instead of top) of the dialog on Windows and Linux
    - File search results can be deleted (or moved to trash when applicable)
    - The size of non-empty files that are smaller than 1 KB is no longer rounded to 1 KB when 'Round displayed file sizes' is set


    - Korean translation updated

    Bug fixes:

    - Fixed broken links to: 'Online documentation', 'Report a bug' and 'Make a donation'
    - If 'open -a Finder $f' is found in commands.xml, it is replaced with 'open -R $f' to preserve the behavior of 'Reveal in Finder' action
    - Make folder operation creates the folder within the correct path rather than always within the root folder of Google Drive
    - Fixed copying multiple files to Google Drive
    - Fixed opening the authentication page for Google Drive in latest Chrome on Linux
    - The headers of the file table(s) are now translated and no longer appear in uppercase letters
    - Fixed possible IndexOutOfBoundsException that could have prevented file search from being completed
    - File search with 'Search in subfolders' and 'Search in archive files' disabled no longer searches outside of the root folder

    Known issues:

    - Some translations may not be up-to-date.
    - SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
    - 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
    - Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
    - Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
    - Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
    sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:
    - Unpacking files from 7z archive files can be slow.
    - Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
    - Version 5.0 of RAR is not supported. Such archives would appear empty.
    - macOS: issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings.
    See https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki/Reset-Security-&-Privacy-Settings-on-macOS for more details.
    - macOS: muCommander may not start on older versions of macOS due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE.
    - macOS: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
    up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted, when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
    - macOS: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 06:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Startup: Since v22.30.0210 - 2021-10-25 12:05, the combination of unticked "View | Show Items | Show Folders in List" AND ticked "View | Lock Tree" would lead to a complete startup failure without any error message. Fixed.

Titel: NetDrive 3.16.667 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 12:48


    SharePoint - support quota
    Google Photos - support user specified quota
    More translations including protocol options and netdrive_helper


    WebDAV - changes to support duplicate quota response on some WebDAV server
    S3 - added support for path-style urls
    Uninstaller - minor fixes for macOS
    Dropbox Biz - error handling for http 409, 429
    pCloud - support EU server


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2022, 12:55
Whats new:>>

Startup: Implemented a better fix for the v23.30.0004 issue.

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juli, 2022, 09:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.91
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2022, 09:08
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen in den Quad Explorer Hauptmenüs und Kontextmenüs
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quattro Explorer für MS Windows OS

Titel: Context Menu Manager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2022, 20:45
Context Menu Manager is an Open Source app that allows you to manage the right-click context menu easily.

With Context Menu Manager you can Enable and disable context menu options for files, folders, submenus (i.e., open, send to), Internet Explorer, and Win+X. It also allows you to modify menu names/icons, delete context menu entries, navigate menus in the registry or File Explorer, and add custom menu items and commands. The interface is easy to navigate; selections can be made from the left-side menu. From there, you can add/remove features by toggling the target feature.

The default language is Chinese, but the app will prompt you to change it on the first run (app restart required).

License: Open Source

Titel: Broot 1.14.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Juli, 2022, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Major Feature: imports:

    A configuration file can now import one or several other ones.
    An import can have a condition on the terminal's background color, which makes it possible to import either a dark or a light theme depending on the current terminal settings.
    You're also encouraged to split your configuration in several files, as is now done for the default configuration.

    Minor changes:

    fix --cmd not working (it was accidentaly renamed in --commands, -c was still working) - Fix #570


Titel: Total Commander 10.50 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2022, 21:00

06.07.22 Release Total Commander 10.50 final

06.07.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Comboboxes in Commands-Search-Plugins not high enough for larger fonts (32)
05.07.22 Fixed: F2 in compare by content (edit mode): When using CompareF2Mode=1, searching for the next difference could get stuck at empty lines (32/64)
05.07.22 Fixed: Find files: Searching with "Everything" could fail in Windows 7 in a virtual machine (64)
04.07.22 Fixed: F2 in compare by content (edit mode): When using CompareF2Mode=2, don't jump to different line if current line doesn't contain any differences (32/64)
04.07.22 Fixed: Lister/Quick view panel: Viewing an image with the built-in viewer (no plugins) didn't always use the configured background color (32)
04.07.22 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Resource leak when displaying icons with a size of 256x256 pixels from some (e.g. .exe) files (32764)
03.07.22 Fixed: Compare by content: F2 didn't jump to zero length differences: positions where text was added to the other file (32/64)
03.07.22 Fixed: Thumbnails view: Reduce flickering when displaying freshly loaded icons and/or thumbnails (32/64)
30.06.22 Fixed: Find files: Searching for *|*\ didn't return the same results with and without "Everything" (32/64)
29.06.22 Fixed: Switching from normal to dark mode or starting the program directly in dark mode lost the menu translation (64)


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juli, 2022, 22:05
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Broot 1.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Juli, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Due to a technical problem, background color based skin selection is disabled on non linux systems.

Titel: Files 2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2022, 09:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in #8248
    Corrected the Arabic translation by @FilopateerMaged in #8258
    Update Files.tr-TR.xlf by @slorixsh in #8260
    Update Files.en-GB.xlf by @Wtcheesecakes in #8278
    Update Japasese translations & Fix weird translations by @pklion in #8272
    Updated Files.zh-Hant.xlf by @elvistkf in #8261
    Update Files.zh-Hans.xlf by @SudaCat in #8226
    Updated colored icon font by @yaichenbaum in #8247
    Added a shortcut to open folders in Terminal by @puppetsw in #8268
    Removed the minimize and maximize buttons from the Properties window when using AppWindow by @ahmed605 in #8245
    Fixed duplicate drives added to the sidebar by @gave92 in #8325
    Reverted changes from @piotrulos by @yaichenbaum in #8340
    Reverted changes from @kaavi98 by @yaichenbaum in #8341
    Add missing Polish translations by @Daxxxis in #8342
    Updated es-ES translation by @oxixes in #8359
    Fix warnings (continuation) by @cinqmilleans in #8210
    Update capitalization in nav pane en-GB & en-US by @michalmrowiec in #8357
    Removed extra resources by @yaichenbaum in #8143
    Improve JumpString behavior by @gave92 in #8324
    Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0 by @dependabot in #8393
    Fixed an issue where the toolbar height would sometimes change by @yaichenbaum in #8404
    Show error banner if copy or move fails by @gave92 in #8322
    Fixed crash that would occur when scrolling down in the properties window by @yaichenbaum in #8403
    Added animated visuals by @yaichenbaum in #8402
    Update Files.el.xlf by @tsakalerisk in #8407
    Fix translation error in Files.zh-Hant.xlf by @elvistkf in #8426
    Better italian translation by @THEBOSSMAGNUS in #8152
    Fix crash when deleting files by @gave92 in #8438
    Remove RegistryToJsonSettingsMerger class by @gave92 in #8437
    Added tags section to the sidebar by @gave92 in #8435
    Fixed issue that causes a window to close when a tab is torn off by @manfromarce in #8433
    Added context menu to hide sidebar sections by @oleklukasiewicz in #8317
    Auto select primary button in empty recycle bin dialog by @mafra99 in #8442
    Revert changes by @yaichenbaum in #8444
    Fix SearchBox height by @cinqmilleans in #8452
    Update FR-fr by @cinqmilleans in #8450
    Improves MultiPanes by @cinqmilleans in #8321
    Add c# functionality "init" and "record" by @cinqmilleans in #8421
    Properly dispose event in FolderSizeProvider by @yaichenbaum in #8454
    Fix wrong foreground text color in zoomed-out Group headers by @gave92 in #8457
    Fixed tags section in the context menu by @oleklukasiewicz in #8460
    [infrastructure] Changed project structure by @d2dyno1 in #8464
    Removed unused resources by @yaichenbaum in #8456
    Moved settings services to Files.Backend by @d2dyno1 in #8479
    Revert prs for MIT by @yaichenbaum in #8487
    Added required individual components of VS to readme by @konradsikorski in #8480
    Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0-preview1 by @dependabot in #8488
    Fix config x64 (Backend/Shared) by @cinqmilleans in #8494
    fix: Remove unneeded solution configs, correct namespace references by @lukeblevins in #8499
    Updated ru-RU by @xlifi in #8525
    Updated ko-KR by @somnisomni in #8541
    [infrastructure] Implemented IDialogService by @d2dyno1 in #8483
    Toolbar buttons in recycle bin by @puppetsw in #8545
    Select next item after deletion and reduce code complexity by @jiejasonliu in #8503
    Updated appinstaller url to point to the new cdn by @yaichenbaum in #8558
    Removed behavior of auto resizing columns by @yaichenbaum in #8589
    Added ILogger interface by @cinqmilleans in #8594
    chore: Remove, ungroup various enums by @lukeblevins in #8580
    Fixed the close pane icon by @bebeyaco in #8513
    Fix FilesystemTasks error code by @cinqmilleans in #8604
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 by @dependabot in #8608
    Added pull to refresh gesture by @yaichenbaum in #8600
    Update Id-ID by @shiazza in #8611
    Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0-preview1 to 8.0.0-preview2 by @dependabot in #8629
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.3.15 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #8665
    Update Chinese language by @SudaCat in #8666
    Added a debounce for image rotation command. by @devovercome in #8682
    Show more file types in "New" context menu by @manfromarce in #8598
    Fix broken ta translation by @onein528 in #8710
    Use external launcher to set Files as default explorer by @gave92 in #8684
    Improved behavior when entering restricted characters by @szabolcstarnai in #8204
    Copy launcher to output directory by @gave92 in #8717
    Fixed release pipeline by @yaichenbaum in #8718
    Update id-ID by @shiazza in #8723
    Notify when pinned items config changes by @jiejasonliu in #8712
    Reduced sidebar items height to match default ListViewItem by @yaichenbaum in #8745
    Implemented connected tab styles by @yaichenbaum in #8740
    Compact spacing for the details layout by @yaichenbaum in #8751
    Increased padding on Pathbar by @puppetsw in #8758
    Added chevron to pathbar to match design spec by @yaichenbaum in #8764
    Moved Linq extensions to Files.Shared by @cinqmilleans in #8761
    Update Files.de-DE.xlf by @R3voA3 in #8773
    Fix MainPage adaptive triggers by @gave92 in #8778
    Fix crash when "show folder sizes" is enabled by @gave92 in #8716
    Fix default & build in case of usernames with spaces by @gave92 in #8779
    Updated themes to work with new tab design by @yaichenbaum in #8782
    Fix new/rename dialog processing stale text by @jiejasonliu in #8783
    Remove each x:uid by @cinqmilleans in #8792
    Update pt-PT language by @esibruti in #8790
    Auto select first item in user list for permissions by @yaichenbaum in #8794
    Add support for creating google docs files from the "new" menu by @gave92 in #8784
    Reset dual pane layout when double clicking the grid splitter by @puppetsw in #8801
    Update Files.pt-BR.xlf by @marciozomb13 in #8804
    Fix box drive by @gave92 in #8808
    Codebase: Fixing UpdateService by @puppetsw in #8812
    Added compact mode support to the sidebar by @yaichenbaum in #8820
    Invalid favorites are no longer removed from the sidebar by @AaronKatzin in #8767
    Moved Sidebar item context menu options from SidebarControl.xaml.cs into INavigationControlItem by @oleklukasiewicz in #8506
    Fix crash when using "apply to all" menu item in conflicts dialog by @gave92 in #8836
    Fixed an issue where the properties window used the wrong theme by @CarJem in #8837
    Fix crash when favorites section is hidden by @gave92 in #8833
    Statically link VC runtime by @gave92 in #8829
    Fix crash when previewing XML files by @gave92 in #8828
    Show which process is locking a file by @gave92 in #8809
    Possibly fix app hung on start by @gave92 in #8847
    Fix for pasting in search box by @puppetsw in #8811
    feat(widgets): Reduce default padding by @lukeblevins in #8851
    Fixed Disconnect Drive Icon by @esibruti in #8854
    Fix Ctrl+L on homepage by @gave92 in #8861
    Moved FileSystemDialog to Files.Backend by @d2dyno1 in #8857
    Avoid throwing NRE when getting path suggestions on Home by @gave92 in #8871
    Fixed conflicts dialog by @d2dyno1 in #8876
    Add double click to go up gesture by @gave92 in #8878
    Auto refresh file list in network shares by @gave92 in #8831
    Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0-preview2 to 8.0.0-preview3 by @dependabot in #8879
    Improves Setting DateFormat by @cinqmilleans in #8875
    Remember sidebar items state when sidebar is collapsed/extended by @gave92 in #8886
    Clean IStorageItemWithPath by @cinqmilleans in #8889
    Change preview pane play media toggle to 'ctrl + space' by @jiejasonliu in #8893
    Bump MSTest.TestAdapter from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 by @dependabot in #8895
    Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 by @dependabot in #8894
    Setting Show the thumbnails for media files by @cinqmilleans in #8888
    MVVM: Changed namespace Files to Files.Uwp in Files.Uwp.csproj by @devovercome in #8898
    Fix refresh in mapped network drives by @gave92 in #8897
    Fixed an issue preventing drag and drop from working by @devovercome in #8891
    Add archive name when extracting by @itsWindows11 in #8900
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.3 to 6.0.4 by @dependabot in #8901
    Bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.0-prerelease.220118001 to 2.8.0-prerelease.220413001 by @dependabot in #8921
    Fix crash when setting compact style on app start by @gave92 in #8923
    Fix issue where clear all properties button wouldn't show any text by @winston-de in #8931
    Improves storage (next) by @cinqmilleans in #8928
    CleanUp of BaseStorageItem by @cinqmilleans in #8919
    Use correct resource for "show item type column" menu item in Details view by @gave92 in #8927
    Fr-fr update by @cinqmilleans in #8945
    Disable Move operation on folders when using StorageFile APIs by @gave92 in #8960
    Fix create folder with selection by @gave92 in #8929
    Codebase: Rename NavigationToolbar to AddressToolbar by @puppetsw in #8903
    Do not change file date modified when setting tag by @gave92 in #8967
    Refactor FtpStorage by @cinqmilleans in #8958
    Refactor Storage History by @cinqmilleans in #8959
    Fixed an issue where the tab control had the wrong color by @yaichenbaum in #8971
    "File in use" dialog improvements by @gave92 in #8925
    Fixes an issue for which settings are not imported by @gave92 in #8970
    [Refactor] Decouple *Manager classes from the Sidebar by @gave92 in #8952
    Fix copy/move to zip file by @gave92 in #8930
    Fixes for item context menu in search page by @gave92 in #8987
    Update Traditional Chinese translation by @SiderealArt in #8993
    Updated Simplified Chinese Translation by @imhe6 in #8996
    Fix spacing in status bar by @gave92 in #8999
    Fixed format and grammar issue in Simplified Chinese translation by @imhe6 in #9001
    Eureka? by @gave92 in #9004
    Fix crash due to concurrent edits of sidebar lists by @gave92 in #9002
    [Refactor] Decouple FolderSizeProvider from UI by @gave92 in #8997
    Bump MSTest.TestAdapter from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10 by @dependabot in #9016
    Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 2.2.9 to 2.2.10 by @dependabot in #9017
    Fix Empty Tooltip Text on preview pane button by @Attacktive in #9028
    Improved drag and drop with virtual storage items by @lukeblevins in #9014
    Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 by @dependabot in #9038
    Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1 by @dependabot in #9037
    Execute Files by protocol in launcher by @gave92 in #9010
    Rename project Files.Launcher to Files.FullTrust by @gave92 in #9040
    Minor tweaks to settings dialog by @yaichenbaum in #9008
    feat(VirtualStorageItem): instantiation from filesystem path by @lukeblevins in #9048
    Created navigation test by @yaichenbaum in #7552
    Redesigned conflicts dialog by @d2dyno1 in #8914
    Apply "Show Dot files" option in WSL/network folders by @gave92 in #9064
    Fix dropping from 7zip to folder by @gave92 in #9063
    Fix copying a zip file not using Shell file operations by @gave92 in #9062
    Avoid favorite sidebar constant reloading by @gave92 in #9065
    Updated LV translation by @CanPotate in #9045
    Remove invalid characters in conflicts dialog by @d2dyno1 in #9068
    ByteSize class by @cinqmilleans in #9039
    Fix the label of groupings by date by @cinqmilleans in #9069
    Fix Missing Cancellation Button on Archive Extraction Dialog. by @Attacktive in #9071
    Refactor FileSystem by @cinqmilleans in #9030
    Added parameters to the release pipeline by @yaichenbaum in #9078
    Fixed an issue where the confirm delete dialog didn't display when dragging an item to recycle bin by @cinqmilleans in #9081
    Fix path for setting files as default by @gave92 in #9085
    Fix EmptyRecycleBinButton state by @cinqmilleans in #9087
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 by @dependabot in #9092
    Add support for browsing shell folders by @gave92 in #9089
    PT-PT Update by @esibruti in #9111
    fix(sidebar): add items to favorites in a consistent order by @jiejasonliu in #9113
    Fix folder size not shown for some items by @gave92 in #9117
    Fix crash when copy/move operation fails by @gave92 in #9116
    Add missing quick access by @cinqmilleans in #9121
    Refactor EnumerateDrives by @cinqmilleans in #9082
    Fixed an issue where the preview pane grid splitter sometimes used the wrong cursor by @cinqmilleans in #9127
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.4 to 6.0.5 by @dependabot in #9142
    Automatically focus new pane by @puppetsw in #9144
    Updated FR-fr by @cinqmilleans in #9146
    fix(recent-files): make recent files not reverse itself when loaded by @jiejasonliu in #9153
    Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.1.0 to 17.2.0 by @dependabot in #9154
    feat(details-view): add option to size all columns to fit by @jiejasonliu in #9090
    Removed check for update on app startup by @yaichenbaum in #9155
    Implement folder setting to sort directories and files together and add option to toolbar sort flyout by @manfromarce in #9098
    fix: file list randomly scrolling to top by @jiejasonliu in #9130
    Fixes shortcuts not appearing in recycle bin by @gave92 in #9156
    Fix: Fixed title bar drag area by @yaichenbaum in #9157
    Avoid crash when creating a library by @gave92 in #9158
    Show failed banner if any items failed in a file operation by @gave92 in #9162
    Hide triple-dot button from empty space context menu by @gave92 in #9171
    Fix crash due to multiple dialogs opening by @gave92 in #9173
    Service IDateTimeFormatter by @cinqmilleans in #9053
    Move default SortDirectoriesAlongsideFiles to LayoutSettingsService by @gave92 in #9179
    Move the Home item outside the favorites section by @cinqmilleans in #9176
    Update Indonesian by @shiazza in #9182
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 by @dependabot in #9183
    pt-PT update by @esibruti in #9186
    Hoist TaskCompletionSource outside the loop by @hez2010 in #9194
    Update FR by @cinqmilleans in #9209
    Added list of contributors for v2.3 by @yaichenbaum in #9201
    Updated sidebar icons by @yaichenbaum in #9214
    Fix up button by @cinqmilleans in #9228
    Improve cloud drives detection speed by @gave92 in #9230
    Forward slash path input fix by @puppetsw in #9229
    Enable refresh button on homepage by @gave92 in #9235
    Fixes an issue preventing icon for MTP device from appearing on Drives Widget by @gave92 in #9236
    Created sideload build with custom directive by @yaichenbaum in #9211
    V2.2.52 by @yaichenbaum in #9238
    Fix for sideload version check by @puppetsw in #9239
    Added logging to sideload update service. by @puppetsw in #9244
    Sideload build configuration by @puppetsw in #9245
    Update logging by @puppetsw in #9247
    Default.rd.xml Update by @puppetsw in #9249
    Bump SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green from 2.0.7 to 2.1.0 by @dependabot in #9246
    [Post 2.3] Add Nightshade V2 by @DeveloperWOW64 in #9216
    Sideload UpdateService Download fix by @puppetsw in #9254
    Fixed URI download path. by @puppetsw in #9255
    Set downloads folder to group by date by @esibruti in #9248
    Do not load quick access icon by @gave92 in #9265
    Fix show open as admin on CMD files by @gave92 in #9268
    Use OPEN_EXISTING when opening a file for read by @gave92 in #9273


Titel: Broot 1.14.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2022, 05:10
Whats new:>>

    Terminal background luma determination now works on all tested unixes, including MacOS - Fix #575
    Allow :focus based verbs to take a pattern - Fix #389

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2022, 20:50

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Dropped Messages | Auto-increment filenames on collision: Now this setting is also honored when you copy-n-paste
    messages, not just when you drag-n-drop them.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0196.
    Custom Copy: Clicking the X close button during a copy operation crashed the app with error 91. Fixed.
    Paper Folders: With "Explicit Save Only" enabled, on saving a Paper Folder after renaming an item in it, that item was shown with its previous name (or disappeared
    from the list if Allow Zombies was off). Fixed.
    It's upload #5555 :)


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juli, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Paper Folders In Tree: Some minor improvements to the upcoming but still unofficial and incomplete feature.
    View | Tab | Type Stats and Filter...: The popup could get stale on a tab with the same location but different Visual Filter than the previous tab. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Scripting got a new function:

    Name: FileTime
    Action: Retrieves any of the three filetimes of the specified file.
    Syntax: filetime([filename], [type="m"])
    filename: Full path/name, or relative to current path.
    Defaults to the current file.
    type: m: Modified [Default]
    c: Created
    a: Accessed
    return: File date/time in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss).


    echo filetime(); //modified date of current file
    echo filetime("C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe", "c");

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now image files with the same name as the folder are used for the thumbnail (if no other file wins the bid). This is now the order of precedence when asked which file from within the folder is used for the folder's thumbnail:

    1. desktop.ini
    Logo=[this file]
    2. folder.jpg, folder.jpeg, folder.png, or folder.gif (in that order).
    3. <foldername>.jpg, <foldername>.jpeg, <foldername>.png, or <foldername>.gif (in that order).
    4. The first image file among the alphabetically first 50 files.
    5. The first video file among the alphabetically first 50 files.
    The limitation of only checking 50 files is due to performance reasons (imagine a folder of 50,000 TXT files, we don't want to waste too much time on this).
    Action Log and Undo Button Dropdowns: Some operations would be shown with the wrong path. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2022, 06:10
Whats new:>>

    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Hollie Cook.

Titel: Q-Dir 10.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2022, 13:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen in dem Quad Explorer für ältere MS Windows NT Betriebssysteme
• Kleine Korrekturen Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers | Colored lines:

    Added a tweak to customize the items indent, e.g. set it to zero (no indent): ClipboardMarkersIndent=0
    Allowed range is 0 to 16.
    The new factory default is 5 (pixels); before it was hard 7.
    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Expand in tree: This option should even work on a locked tree but recently stopped doing so. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2022, 17:40
Whats new:>>

    List | Special Property Column "Length": The list was not sorted correctly for media with a length >= 1 hour. Fixed.
    Toolbar: Since 20220626, the tooltip of the clipboard buttons "Edit clipboard" and "Paste" no longer showed files on the clipboard. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Clipboard Markers: Since v23.10.0006, when using the 64-bit context menu, clipboard markers were not updated until you refreshed (F5). The graphics of the clipboard toolbar buttons didn't update at all. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2022, 12:46

    Scripting got a new command.
    Name: SkipUndo
    Action: Skips adding actions to the Action Log.
    Syntax: skipundo [skip=1]
    skip: 0=don't skip
    1=skip [Default]


    While set to skip, nothing will be added to the Action Log while the script is running.
    An action that's not in the Action Log cannot be undone.
    It's automatically reset to "don't skip" when the script is done.

    If this user setting is OFF then SkipUndo has no effect:

    Configuration | File Operations | Undo & Action Log | Log actions and enable undo/redo


    skipundo; //skip Action Log from now on
    skipundo 1; //skip Action Log from now on
    skipundo 0; //stop skipping Action Log from now on
    ! File | Rename Special | Batch Rename...: Renaming files in different locations to a simple name, e.g. "cover.jpg", resulted in excessive incremental affixes. Fixed.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.4.1 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2022, 19:30
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License



    (package) eslint-plugin-n v15.2.4
    (package) putout v27.0.1
    (package) eslint-plugin-putout v16.0.0


Titel: BoarderZone FileBrowser 0.21 Build 825
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2022, 20:20
BoarderZone FileBrowser is a reliable software that you can use in order to view the contents of folders and handle several types of files. The software comes with a set of plugins that allow advanced users to manipulate the files contained within certain directories.



    Log4j update

    FileHandler plugins:


    Extended to show many more flag meanings
    Added new tab to modify the fields related to RA requirements
    Made layout of general tab more compact


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2022, 19:15

    Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Cache folder sizes: Added a tweak that allows you to avoid automatic folder size calculation.
    You still can explicitly trigger a calculation by View | Calculate Folder Sizes (Shift+F5) or by "Refresh Folder Sizes" from the Size Column Context Menu.
    If successful the setting will be added to the UI later.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now the yellow margin is fatter to clearly distinguish a folder thumb from a file thumb. This is expecially helpful where the thumbnail is a perfect square.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Slightly changed the yellow color.
    Batch Rename Preview: Now the full path of the original items is shown if they are from different locations.
    SC recase: Title Case was not applied to the component after the last dot even if the "set extensions to lower case" bit was not set. Fixed.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.6000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2022, 18:00
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Juli, 2022, 20:45

    Configuration | General | Tree and List: Added option "Show cached folder sizes only". Tick it to avoid automatic folder size calculation. Only folder sizes already present in the cache are displayed in the list, no automatic (and probably time-consuming) calculation will kick in.
    You still can explicitly trigger a calculation by View | Calculate Folder
    Sizes (Shift+F5) or by "Refresh Folder Sizes" from the Size Column Context Menu.
    The freshly calculated sizes are then added to the cache.
    The setting only takes effect if "Configuration | General | tree and list | list |
    Cache Folder Sizes" is checked.
    FYI, this raises tweak CachedFolderSizesShowCachedOnly to UI.

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Added tweak to
    control the extra border width for folder thumbnails:

    Factory default is 8 (pixels). On upgrading though it's set to 1 to keep things as
    they were.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Removed the hard 1-pixel border. Now all is controlled by above new tweak. If you want the 1 pixel margin back, set the tweak to 1.
    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Video preview | Preview static frame, skip: If checked it now overrides "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Audio/Video preview |
    Autoplay", i.e. videos will show a static frame even if Autoplay is checked.

    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Video preview | Preview static frame, skip:

    Split it into two separate options: "Preview as thumbnail" and "Skip: ...
    milliseconds". "Preview as thumbnail" alone works very fast, whereas with "Skip" the video has to be loaded, forwarded, and paused, which is slower, of course.
    Note that Skip is supported only in the Preview Tab. Preview Pane and Floating
    Preview will show the shell preview in paused state.

    Removed this setting from v22.40.0213 - 2021-11-07 18:17. It's not really needed anymore, rather confusing, and also dysfunctional since 20220120:

    List | Size Column | Context Menu: Added toggle "Use Cache on Calculate
    Folder Sizes". Tick it to make "View | Calculate Folder Sizes" pull the
    folder size data from the cache. FYI, the INI key is CachedFolderSizesOnCalc.
    List | Size Column | Context Menu: Renamed "Refresh Folder Sizes" to "Calculate Folder Sizes", because this command here is now actually a perfect mirror of "View
    Calculate Folder Sizes". Note that this applies to all selected folders, or all
    folders if none are selected.
    List | Size Column | Context Menu: Added command "Clear Folder Size Cache Here". It will remove the current list path and all its subfolders (i.e. the complete current branch) from the Folder Size Cache.
    List | Size Column | Context Menu: Renamed "Clear Folder Size Cache..." to "Clear Folder Size Cache Everywhere...". It's clearer in terms of impact.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.149.
    > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.149.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:



Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Folder Thumbnails: Back to the 1-pixel fixed outer margin (the way it was all the years before). The clrFolderThumbsBorderWidth tweak is added to that (as inner margin). There's also something new here: Set tweak clrFolderThumbsBorderWidth to -1 to suppress that outer border. Folder thumbnails are then completely unmarked and look exactly like file thumbnails.
    Branch View: On Show Folder Sizes, the byte count of selected folders was not shown (or, worse, shown as zero/empty) in the Status Bar when *only* folders were selected or listed. Fixed. Now the byte count of folders is only ignored if also files are selected or listed; this is done to avoid double counts.
    Status Bar: Ctrl+Wheel could raise error 380 since 20220630. Fixed.

Titel: VT Hash Check 1.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2022, 09:08
VT Hash Check adds a Windows Explorer context menu that allows you to query the Virus Total file database, view and comment on database results, and optionally upload new files for analysis. Results may be saved in plain text, CSV, or JSON. VT Hash Check comes with TrID built-in for identifying unknown files.

License: GPL v3

Whats new:>>

eorganized settings window
Enlarged hashing window
Hashing window: cancel button now works
Hashing window: add pause button
Hashing window: fix progress bar
Hashing window: add taskbar progress indicator

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2022, 12:51

    List | Column Headers | Ctrl+Right-Click Menu: Added command "Autosize Column".
    Resizes the column to fit its content. It does exactly the same as if you
    double-clicked the right column splitter (which sometimes is out of reach).
    Note that the menu can be opened one-handedly using the "rocker-click"
    (Left-Mouse-Down + Right-Mouse-Click).
    List | Column Headers | Ctrl+Right-Click Menu: Added command "Autosize All Columns".
    Resizes all columns to fit their contents. It does the same as if you double-clicked the Line Numbers column header ("#"), or if you used "View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now".
    Network: Improved the support for VmWare Shared Folders on mapped drives.
    Auto-refresh should work better now.
    ! Folder Thumbnails: Non-square thumbs were shrunk disproportionally when tweak
    clrFolderThumbsBorderWidth was set to a higher value. Fixed.
    ! Folder Thumbnails: Obeyed to "Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Align to bottom" but should not. Fixed.


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 05:40
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

Accepts extended [3 years] activation key

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Rocker-Click: Now it also works on Tree nodes (pops reduced/fast context menu) and Status Bar (pops "Copy Status to Clipboard").
    Tree: Added a tweak to completely disable expanding/collapsing nodes in the Tree: LockTreeNodes=1
    It affects all sorts of clicking and keyboard actions in the tree, including context menu commands related to expansion. Can be useful as a radicalization of View | Lock Tree.

    Configuration | General | Tree and List | List | Show item count with folder sizes:

    Non-calculated folders were wrongly shown as "empty" in the status bar when selected and focused. Fixed.
    View | Views | Details with Thumbnails: There was a blind spot between "Thumbs" and "Name" column where Hover Highlighting disappeared. Fixed.


Titel: nnn 4.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2022, 20:20
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


icon handling overhaul for better performance, memory usage and reduced binary size ( #1432 , #1436 )
emoji support for supporting distros and terminals ( #1346 )
open the target directory of symlinked bookmarks ( #1353 )
enable show hidden when a hidden file is passed as argument
add Colemak-DH layout keybinds to patch framework ( #1421 )
set bsdtar as the default archive utility
support 4 byte unicode keybinds ( #1428 )
enable directory auto-enter during filter operation ( -A to disable)
enable filter prompt inside the bookmark/plugin dirs
show volume usage information in help
add Elixir icons ( #1437 )
add new icon colors for mp4 and flac files
use stat -x for file details on *BSD and macOS ( #1389 )
interpret suffix $nnn when paging ( #1355 )
disable key e (edit file) in explorer mode ( #1394 )
fix double order chars on filter case match change
.cbcp: more verbose message on paste without a selection
plugin preview-tui: scale-up kitty previews
plugin preview-tui: account for coating offset
plugin preview-tui: support SPLIT_SIZE for preview pane ( #1431 )
plugin autojump: support z.lua
new Makefile target shellcheck to verify plugins


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juli, 2022, 20:40

    Tools | Customize Tree: Added toggle "Lock Expansion State". Tick it to completely disable expanding/collapsing nodes in the Tree.
    Lock Expansion State: The logical binding to Lock Tree added this morning has been removed.
    Tree | Expansion Icons: Removed the new context menu items added this morning.
    Removed tweak LockTreeNodes. Now it's handled by Tools | Customize Tree | Lock Expansion State.
    Updated the help file.

23.30.0209 Beta

    Tree | Expansion Icons: Their Ctrl+Right-Click context menu now features the "Lock Tree" toggle (same as "View | Lock Tree") and the new "Lock Expansion State" toggle, which raises tweak LockTreeNodes to UI.
    Lock Expansion State (previously tweak LockTreeNodes): Now this setting only takes effect if "Lock Tree" is enabled as well, so it only works as a radicalization of "Lock Tree".
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0212 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juli, 2022, 12:43

    SC ThumbsConf enhanced. Added fields "ShowIcon" and "ShowDimensions" to the "settings" argument:
thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency,ShowIcon,ShowDimensions"], [separator=","])


    ShowIcon: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1)
    = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show file icon on thumbnail
    ShowDimensions: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1)
    = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail


    thumbsconf(",,,,,0"); //ShowIcon off
    thumbsconf(",,,,,1"); //ShowIcon on
    thumbsconf(",,,,,!"); //toggle ShowIcon
    thumbsconf(",,,,,,0"); //ShowDimensions off
    thumbsconf(",,,,,,1"); //ShowDimensions on
    thumbsconf(",,,,,,!"); //toggle ShowDimensions

    Note that thumbsconf() now returns 7 values, e.g.:

    echo thumbsconf(); //1,0,0,4,0,0,0
    Tools | Customize Tree | Lock Expansion State: Now the Expansion Icons take a special form if the expansion state is locked.
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0213 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 06:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Folder Tree...:

    The expansion altering commands in the "Expansion" submenu now even work on LES (Lock
    Expansion State), but only when called via this menu. So you have a chance to alter a locked expansion state without unlocking it first.
    And I added (unfortunately after releasing MLS 8.149) the simple "Toggle Expansion" command which does the same as clicking an expansion icon.

Titel: XYplorer 23.30.0214 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Tree: Now when you hold SHIFT, right-click on empty will pop the "Tools | Customize Tree..." menu. Gives you quick access to these settings.
    This is done only if CEA "Right-click on white in folder tree" is not set to "Run script". Reason: Scripts might want to make use of that modifier key.

Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Indestructible Tree. Currently not interested in collapsing or expanding? Now you can lock the nodes to fix your folder tree in its current expanded state.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the voice of Nico.

Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Juli, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Paste and Go: Now you can also paste relative paths. They will be resolved relative to the current list path.
    Note, however, that the relative path must contain at least one backslash or forward slash to ensure it is a path and not a "Paste and Find" pattern.
    Folder Thumbnails: Since 20220718 getting a thumbnail for a folder named e.g. "[_AV" (opening square bracket without a closing square bracket) would raise error 93 (Invalid pattern string). Fixed.
    MLS: Probably since 20220201 the on-the-fly language switch did not work for all toolbar buttons anymore. Fixed.

Titel: BoarderZone FileBrowser 0.21 Build 826
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 12:42
BoarderZone FileBrowser is a reliable software that you can use in order to view the contents of folders and handle several types of files. The software comes with a set of plugins that allow advanced users to manipulate the files contained within certain directories.




    FileHandler plugins:

    JceCertViewer (and all which make use of it):
    New buttons for copying the subject/issuer DNs in the overview tab


    Added support for own extensions in wizard upon PKCS#10 creation


    Updated flag descriptions to cover latest changes in MS specification
    Added support for editing the hash algorithm OID
    Added support for the new MS CA Security Extension with ObjectSID content
    (=> usable in all places where certificate extensions are handled)
    ProcessRunner: added convenience button to press ENTER
    TextLineViewer: changed to use UTF-8 as default encoding when no BOM is present


Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 August, 2022, 22:10
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.



    Internal fixes and improvements
    Fixed compatibility issue working with Windows 7
    Fixed scaling
    Support ARM64 Processor
    Improve syntax for default section
    New options for static items to disable/enable auto group and image
    Support RTL Middle East language. Languages that read from right to left, such as Arabic/Urdu/Hebrew
    New option 'RTL' to force layout to RTL or LTR
    Setup installer added
    Digital signature added


Titel: Sigma file manager 1.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 12:50
Free-to-use and open-source file manager with a modern design and an intuitive interface, allowing users to more handily manage the files on their system.

Donationware  /  GPLv3


    New major features:

    574787c: Feature: added support for cloud drives (OneDrive, Google Drive, etc.).
    Edit: If you have millions of files on OneDrive, the app will have high CPU usage and might stuck on the start screen. The issue will be fixed in the next update.

    New minor features:

    8401af7: UX: new setting: the date format can now be customized. Currently available numeric: 23.05.2021 and short format: 23 May 2021. It adapts to the local format automatically. For example, in Japan it will be displayed as 2021/5/23 or 2021?5?23?

    Big improvements:

    92a6fd5: UX / optimization: the background manager for home banner will now display small artwork previews instead of loading original images. This reduced memory usage peaks from 700 MB to 150 MB,

    Other improvements:

    0d09def: UX: Window transparency effect can now be customized for every page independently.
    ec1e54e: UX: Window transparency effect: added settings to control parallax effect.
    ea1c8e9: UI: Window transparency effect: added 2 settings to control effect visibility
    621c886: UI: Home banner: added "glow" effect.
    9b2faf8: UX: Upgrade video downloader. It can now extract more video URLs.
    520789d: UI: Info panel: improved performance, added visual improvements, added file status (if offline) and file mime.
    4b3dd1b: UX: Drive cards will now display drive memory type (SSD or HDD).
    ec3f1a4: UI: Added new artwork "Slum by Vladimir Manyukhin (animated by Aleksey Hoffman)".
    7084aae: UI: Added new artwork "INCREASE by Sweeper3d (Austin Richey)".
    b9b0664: UI: Added new artwork "Cyber Neon City by Laury Guintrand".
    b9b0664: UI: Added new artwork "Lip Sync by Han Yang".
    7802ac8, 5a657e4: UI: Slightly improved notifications.
    590fb02: UI: Inaccessible files will now display at least basic info like size and date it was modified and created.
    05d1786: UX: the time of file creation / change will now be displayed along with the date.
    05d1786: UX: the date and time of file creation / change will now be displayed in local format:
    Japan: 2021?5?23? 23:16
    USA: May 23, 2021, 11:16 PM
    Russia: 23 ??? 2021 ?., 23:16
    Germany: 23. Mai 2021, 23:16
    b2e210a: UX: the app will now show permissions dialog before activating the local share feature for the first time to make sure user understands why the app is asking network permissions.
    ce9a70e: Update dependencies (security fixes)
    A few other small improvements

    Big fixes:

    99f5792: Fix: Local network sharing feature is now working properly.
    4b3dd1b: Fix: Drive labels containing non-ASCII characters are now displayed properly.
    195d683: Fix: Window transparency effect now works on all screen sizes.
    6281a45: Fix: the "get size" button in the info panel will now work properly and show the directory size.

    Other fixes:

    28766c1: Fix: the error during launch where the app couldn't get the paths to user directories (~/pictures, ~/documents, etc).
    728a1b2: Fix: the page scroll position will now be restored on all pages.
    1176d7d: Fix: Linux: tray icon will no longer duplicate on every page reload and tray menu update.
    A few other small fixes


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2022, 20:40

    Hamburger, SC popupmenu, SC popupnested: A new alternative item syntax is supported, where you can define the item separator per item, and have script items with a custom caption, icon, and mouse-over-status. Defining the separator: If the second character of the item definition is ">" then the first character is the separator.

    The icon and status fields are optional. Theses are the three general forms:

    Definition Default values for non-defined fields
    |>caption|::script icon = script icon; status = the script
    |>caption|::script|icon status = the script

    Or using e.g. / as separator:


    Example definitions as used in Hamburger:

    |>Green|::tag 4
    |>Blue|::tag 5|:labels
    |>Purple|::tag 6|:labels|make it purple

    Example for popupnested (here you can pass the separator, no need to prefix it):

    $menu = <<<MENU
    Green|::tag 4|kiss.ico
    Blue|::tag 5|heart.ico
    $command = popupnested($menu,,,,,,,|);
    + List: Added tweak to control whether the focused element within a multi-selection is drawn slightly lighter to make it stand out. ListHighlightFocusedSelection=1
    By factory default and for upgraders it is set to 1. So nothing will change for anybody unless you actively tweak it.


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 August, 2022, 08:40

    Cache Folder Sizes: Added a tweak to control which subfolder sizes are automatically added to the cache while a folder size is calculated.
    CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=256 //auto-add subfolders containing at least 256 items
    CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=0 //auto-add all subfolders
    CacheFolderSizesAutoAddFrom=-1 //do NOT auto-add any subfolders


    This tweak only concerns the levels beyond the first sublevel of the folder being calculated. Subfolders directly below the folder being calculated are always auto-added.
    Empty subfolders are never auto-added.
    The previously hard-coded value of 256 is now the factory default (and the value for upgraders). The idea here is to limit the size of the cache by only auto-caching larger folders that are actually worth caching.
    View | Sort By | Random Order: Now, experimentally, if "Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort folders apart" is enabled then only the order of the files is randomized whereas the other items (folders or drives) are kept on top in alphabetically ascending order.
    Special Columns for Hash: These calculations can take a while when dealing with huge files. Now the app will be more responsive while the calculations are in progress and you can stop them instantly at any time by pressing ESC.
    Hamburger: The new prefixed separator syntax failed when it was used in the very first item. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 August, 2022, 12:37

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Previously the dimensions were not shown for thumbs that were smaller than 32 pixels in any dimensions. Now the dimensions are shown for all thumbs, no matter how small.
    Also improved the placement of the dimensions label.
    Color Filters: Property-driven color filters (eg B:prop:#empty:2|s) were not always auto-updated in Tree when necessary. Fixed.
    SC renameitem: Overwriting with flag 8 (Silent overwrite on name collision) did not work for folders, just for files. Fixed. Now it works, but only if the overwritten folder is empty. For example, this will work if the folder "ExistingFolder" is empty: renameitem("ExistingFolder", , 8); //rename selected folder to "ExistingFolder"


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2022, 12:48
Whats new:>>

    32-bit Shell Context Menu: Since 20220729 you could not select a menu item by right-click anymore. Didn't think anyone would care. Well, it's back. Mysteriously (it's clearly not a Windows standard) many users seem to love it.
    64-bit Shell Context Menu: Now also this menu supports right-click selection. That was never possible before.

Titel: WExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2022, 09:40
WExplorer is a small, easy to use and straight-forward alternative to Windows Explorer. It has a simple, comprehensive interface that gives you quick access to all its features.

Users can create pie-charts of occupied folder space and open a command prompt from selected folders using the context menu.


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2022, 09:55

    SC property enhanced: Added argument #contains.[pattern] to return whether a folder contains files matching a simple wildcard pattern. Contains here means: in the 1st level, not within any subfolders. The pattern can contain the wildcards * and ?.

    Return values:

    Folder does not contain matching files: 0
    Folder contains matching files: 1
    Item is not a folder: 2

    For example, this would be a Color Filter definition to match all folders in Tree and List that contain a file "desktop.ini" (yes, the pattern can be without wildcards):


    And this would match all folders containing any JPG files:


    And this would match all folders NOT containing any JPG files:


    Note that you cannot have sequences of patterns:

    B:prop:#contains.*.jpg;*.png:1 //NOPE, DOES NOT WORK!

    Instead you have to do it this way:

    B:prop:#contains.*.jpg:1;B:prop:#contains.*.png:1 //works

    Of course, it does not have to be Color Filters. In a Quick Search, e.g., this will find all folders containing TXT files:

    And so on. Find Files, Live Filter Box, Visual Filters, Instant Color Filters ...


Titel: Files 2.3.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2022, 18:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Add support for folder shortcuts in shell folders by @gave92 in #9163
    Struct VolumeInfo by @cinqmilleans in #9226
    Show Google drive under Cloud section by @gave92 in #9165
    Download updates in background by @puppetsw in #9276
    After pasting, focus all pasted files/folders instead of just one by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9299
    Fix main branch by @cinqmilleans in #9303
    Revert "After pasting, focus all pasted files/folders instead of just one" by @yaichenbaum in #9304
    Add support for Synology Drive Client by @BanCrash in #9188
    Manually get folder name in case of network share folder or drive by @Bayrem00 in #9056
    Fix string resources for jump list by @gave92 in #9326
    fix: BulkConcurrentObservableCollection::Remove returns false if item not found by @jiejasonliu in #9345
    Removed "Uninstalling Files will not undo these changes" in some languages by @Josh-65 in #9327
    Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0-preview3 to 8.0.0-preview4 by @dependabot in #9368
    Bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.0-prerelease.220413001 to 2.8.0-prerelease.220601001 by @dependabot in #9320
    Fix refresh not working when doing some files operations in network drives by @gave92 in #9297
    Disabled dragging in recycle bin by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9323
    Fixes duplicated themes when opening new tab using win + e by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9317
    Refactor service ISizeProvider to Backend by @cinqmilleans in #9288
    [Post v2.3] Improves pinned RecycleBin by @cinqmilleans in #9207
    Show Adaptive Layout as a separate layout in toolbar by @gave92 in #9132
    Expand drag area spacing in details view columns by @itsWindows11 in #8947
    Formatted Storage (again) by @cinqmilleans in #8963
    Properties window is now shown near mouse cursor position by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9391
    Allow to set file tags from command line by @gave92 in #9115
    Rotate multiple images by @puppetsw in #9150
    Allow to pin executables to start menu by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9374
    Fixed an issue preventing to drag&drop a link from a browser addressbar to Files by @gave92 in #9388
    Bump Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform from 6.2.13 to 6.2.14 by @dependabot in #9401
    Update Crowdin configuration file by @yaichenbaum in #9406
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9408
    Added Crowdin badge to readme by @yaichenbaum in #9409
    Added proper mapping for translations by @yaichenbaum in #9411
    Fix Crowdin languages_mapping by @andrii-bodnar in #9412
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9417
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 by @dependabot in #9418
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 by @dependabot in #9420
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9421
    Allow to pin drives to favorites by @IgorKordiukiewicz in #9380
    Removed code to handle GenerateUniqueName bug by @puppetsw in #9397
    Fix issues with drag&drop from special locations by @gave92 in #9435
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9430
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9436
    Add support for alternate streams by @gave92 in #9234
    Feat(recent-items): sync recent items with file explorer by @jiejasonliu in #9291
    Refactor PreviewViewModel by @cinqmilleans in #9379
    Refactor Cloud by @cinqmilleans in #9427
    Start allowing multiple file-tags by @zzjrzz in #9442
    Fix issues with Sideload solution config by @gave92 in #9469
    Use database to store layout preferences by @gave92 in #9437
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9450
    Simplifies PaneControl code by removing unnecessary dynamic xaml. by @cinqmilleans in #9120
    Bump Appium.WebDriver from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 by @dependabot in #9493
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4 by @dependabot in #9501
    Feature: Prompt users to review Files by @yaichenbaum in #9475
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9482
    Enable shared connection for layout prefs DB by @gave92 in #9550
    Bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.0-prerelease.220601001 to 2.8.0-prerelease.220712001 by @dependabot in #9555
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.6 to 6.0.7 by @dependabot in #9553
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9540
    Add exception handling to TerminateProcess by @gave92 in #9573
    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.4 to 3.4.5 by @dependabot in #9577
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9567
    Fix fulltrust process sometimes exiting on start by @gave92 in #9580
    Bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.0-prerelease.220712001 to 2.8.0 by @dependabot in #9581
    Adds chevron to folder in column view by @cinqmilleans in #9549
    Feature: Tweaked tag design by @yaichenbaum in #9583
    Fix preview size by @cinqmilleans in #9126
    Fix: Added text wrapping to custom icon page by @yaichenbaum in #9590
    Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics from 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 by @dependabot in #9606
    Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes from 4.5.1 to 4.5.3 by @dependabot in #9607
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9579
    Fixed properties window in sideload preview by @yaichenbaum in #9601
    Optimized RD file by @yaichenbaum in #9477
    Optimized rd.xml by @yaichenbaum in #9640
    Add support for more archive types using 7zip by @gave92 in #9633
    Fix folders sometimes using wrong grouping option by @gave92 in #9653
    Release: v2.3.5 by @yaichenbaum in #9660


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2022, 10:30

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Now it's also done for videos.
    + Thumbnails: Added a tweak to customize the subtitle and dimensions overlays. You can define the text color (RRGGBB), the back color (RRGGBB), and opaqueness (0-255), where 0 is fully transparent and 255 is fully opaque.

    Example for a dark-grey on semi-transparent white overlay:

    The current factory default is FFFFF,000000,80, but you won't see it in the tweak.
    It is used for each field that's missing in the tweak.

    More examples:

    ThumbsOverlaySpecs=,FF0000, //just make the background red
    ThumbsOverlaySpecs=,,0 //just completely remove the background
    Experimentally reduced paint work in the list and hence an erratic flicker when switching list views or using SC thumbsconf.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.5.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2022, 19:20
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    client: add Command Line
    package: add funding
    (package) gritty v7.0.0


Titel: XYplorer 23.40.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 August, 2022, 20:30

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "Overlay caption". Enable it to display the caption on the thumbnail instead of underneath it. This is was yesterday was called "subtitles".
    Tip: Ctrl+Numpad Add toggles "Show Caption" in thumbnails.
    Thumbnail Overlays: Now the overlaid filenames obey to obfuscation level 1 (SC obfuscate).
    Folder Sizes: Now you get a final feedback in the Status Bar, e.g. "folder sizes done in 52.5 ms (scanned 22 folders with 64 files)". These stats exclude any cached values, so if everything was cached there will just the time.

    List: Since v23.40.0002 - 2022-08-02 12:15 there is a tweak to control whether the focused element within a multi-selection is drawn slightly lighter to make it stand out:

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.150.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.150.lng is uploaded.


Titel: Files 2.3.6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0-preview4 to 8.0.0 by @dependabot in #9657
Appcenter fixes for 2.3.5 by @gave92 in #9667
Add indicator spacing in properties page & make security icon use up to date font by @itsWindows11 in #9661
Added CTRL+H shortcut to toggle hidden folder visibility. (#6867) by @QuaintMako in #9648
Fix issue causing user settings to be repeatedly reloaded from file in some cases by @gave92 in #9669
v2.3.6 release by @yaichenbaum in #9668

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2022, 20:40

    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release:
  +++ Overlaid Thumbnail Captions. Thumbnail captions can now be superimposed over the
      image like subtitles in a movie. Saves space and looks cool.
  +++ Color-Code Folders by Content. Now color filters can be applied to folders in tree
      and list depending on what items they contain.

XYplorer 23.40.0013 Beta

    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Selections: Now "XYplorer Classic Style" is the factory default.
    List: Undid the change from v23.40.0011. Now tweak ListHighlightFocusedSelection is NOT bound anymore to the setting of "Tools | Customize List | Highlight Focused Item".
    % Thumbnails: The list does not change the scroll position anymore when you just toggle "Show Captions" (Ctrl+Numpad Add).


Titel: BoarderZone FileBrowser 0.21 Build 827
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2022, 21:45
BoarderZone FileBrowser is a reliable software that you can use in order to view the contents of folders and handle several types of files. The software comes with a set of plugins that allow advanced users to manipulate the files contained within certain directories.




    General ASN.1: added more OID mappings for well known extended key usages


    Added support for displaying the SHA-256 fingerprint of entries
    Added display of validity duration in verbose mode

    FileHandler plugins:

    JceCertViewer (and all which make use of it):

    Added display of validity duration in details tab


    Added display of resulting validity duration in issuance wizard step
    Added support for wildcard DNS SANs in CSR and certificate creation


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 10:50

    Status Bar: Now you can left-button-drag the Status Bar up/down to open/close the Info Panel. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels vertically.
    Status Bar: Now you can left-button-drag the Status Bar left/right to open/close the Preview Pane. The action is fired when you drag more than 8 pixels horizontally.
    If "Window | Arrangement | Preview Pane to the Left" is ticked then of course you drag to the right to open the pane, and to the left to close it.
    You can undo/redo the last action while the mouse is held down, so you can quickly open and close the Preview Pane by a slick mouse move (or finger move if you have a touch screen).
    Status Bar Dragging: The first direction that triggers an action automatically (and intentionally) disables the other direction, so you can't do both actions in one diagonal move. It's better like this, I made lots of tests.
    Configuration: Various color labels and textboxes will not increase the font size
    Anymore beyond 9 point, especially those on Configuration | Colors and Styles |
    Colors. The larger sizes just looked ugly and broke the layout.


Titel: Multi Commander 12.0.0 Build 2903
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 18:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



  ADDED - Hover data preview - Toggled on/off with Alt+Q or click on Talk-Bubble button on toolbar
  ADDED - Menubar now support darkmode.
  ADDED - Device dropdown can now show free space on device.
  ADDED - Added support for AES-256 encryption for unzip
  ADDED - Added support for creating zip archive with encryption PKCrypt or AES-256
  ADDED - NODIALOG option to MC.FileSystem.Delete by default it shows dialog
  ADDED - FSZip profile can now configure encoding (Like UTF8 or other)
  ADDED - Zip now support LZMA/LZMA2 compression method for zip and unzip
  ADDED - Fixed DPI Aware issue with error dialog in file operations.
  ADDED - Added more and better logging for when some errors happens
  ADDED - Custom command "MC.FileSystem.Delete" now works again
  ADDED - Ask if entire archive should be unpack when executing file from within a archive.
  ADDED - Custom tab color can now be configured with a color for when the tab is both active and inactive.
  UPDATE - Zlib 3rd party library
  UPDATE - Zip source updated and rewrites in MC Zip extension because of major zip api changes.
  UPDATE - 7-Zip code to v21.07
  UPDATE - Updated unrar source to v6.10.3
  UPDATE - Updated 3rd party xml code library
  CHANGE- FSZip will by default use UTF8 encoding of filenames
  FIXED - Better error handling of volume that require password is opened for browsing. but Cancelled by user in pwd dialog
  FIXED - Better handling when accessing network resources and need to ask for login.
  FIXED - Changing Hotkey was not saved if change was done from the User Defined Command dialog.
  FIXED - Progress dialog will no longer show +1 item when done.
  FIXED - Progress dialog elapsed calculation is now better.
  FIXED - Thread timing issue that made it fail to get icons at startup
  FIXED - Formatter for size will now always show TB size with 1 decimal.
  FIXED - Issue when pressing cancel in 7z password dialog
  FIXED - Issue when viewing embedded file inside 7z archive
  FIXED - Crash issue when pressing abort in copy/move dialog just when file operation finish.
  FIXED - Fixed option "Only auto close on short processes" for Copy/Move file operations
  FIXED - FileProperties (Columns) that should be fetched in the background was not always fetched in the background.
  FIXED - Thread memory leak. Changed the parallel startup to use another thread method.
  FIXED - Overwrite option issue when unpacking multiple zip files.
  FIXED - MultiText for a text for FSZip extension used duplicated text id
  FIXED - In some rare situation the default icons was not loaded during startup.
  FIXED - Moving files via Symlink on other volume that points back to source volume
  FIXED - If custom tab color is used but inactive color is not set. It will now used the same color for both active / inactive
  FIXED - Copy Unpack file operations pluging now detects first rar volume of RAR5 files correct.
  FIXED - Filter button below filelist sometimes lost dark mode style
  CHANGE- Massive code restructuring of core parts.
  FIXED - 12 Stability issues


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 19:40

    Status Bar: Reordered the right-click menu and added two toggles:

    Horizontal Swipe Toggles the Preview Pane
    Vertical Swipe Toggles the Info Panel
    So these recently added mouse functions can now be deactivated at will.
    The factory default is ON for both, but upgraders need to turn them on themselves.
    View | Columns | Grow Name Column (Ctrl+Shift+Numpad Add): In thumbnails, this command now toggles "Overlay Captions". Maybe not very logical given the command's name, but since Autosize Columns Now (Ctrl+Numpad Add) is abused in a similar way (since v14.50.0308 - 2014-11-17), it's easy to remember.
    Previously, this command just did nothing when used in Thumbnails views.

    Tree: Added tweak to show standard shell file info tips for tree folders when you
    hover the caption:

    The contents are controlled by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Select Standard Fields..." just like in the file list.
    Will add Color Filter info later, which is the main reason for adding this.
    Setting will go to UI later.
    Overlaid Thumbnail Captions: Links to folders showed the thumbnail filename instead of the folder name as the caption. Fixed.
    Status Bar: After a swipe a Status Bar CEA "Left-click on status bar" could be
    triggered. Fixed. After a swipe nothing else should happen on MouseUp.


Titel: Total Commander 10.51 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 August, 2022, 19:50

10.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 1 (RC1)

10.08.22 Fixed: Search, use list file in "Search in", e.g. @c:\totalcmd\list.txt containing wildcards like *.dll: "Search in subdirectories" was off by 1, e.g. "1 levels" only searched the base directory (32/64)
09.08.22 Fixed: The uninstaller didn't remove the "Total Commander" link from the "common desktop" (installed for all users) location (32/64)
08.08.22 Fixed: When reading directory sizes from "Everything" became too fast in very large folders, some folders didn't receive the size due to message queue overflow (32/64)
08.08.22 Added: Lister, Compare by content: Support side scrolling by tilting mouse wheel left/right (only supported by some mice). Faster with Ctrl pressed (32/64)
07.08.22 Added: Search, second tab, and Change attributes: In the date/time picker, use the same date and time formats as chosen by the user for the file lists (32/64)
07.08.22 Added: Configuration-Options-Tabstops/Data formats: Immediately show the separator chosen in the field "Date" in the field "Date format" (32/64)
04.08.22 Fixed: OneDrive folder: When overlay icons were disabled, OneDrive overlay icons were only shown for EXE/LNK files, although there is a separate option IconOverlaysOneDrive (32/64)
04.08.22 Added: OneDrive folder: Show green circle overlay icon with checkmark for files which are marked for always being available offline ("pinned") (32/64)
04.08.22 Fixed: The default position and size of Lister was outside the current screen when showing the taskbar at the left or top of the screen (32/64)
03.08.22 Added: Multi-rename tool: Added the new placeholder [X] to the dropdown menu of the "+" and "#" buttons, shows actual clipboard content as description. Only shown when the clipboard contains text (32/64)
03.08.22 Fixed: The delete temporary file dialog, shown when editing multiple files from an archive in the same multiple document editor like PFE, didn't support dark mode, and wasn't adjusted to larger font sizes (32/64)
03.08.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Clicking OK in "Change attributes" dialog with invalid input in date or time field showed error that the dialog box couldn't be closed (32/64)
03.08.22 Fixed: Password prompt was cut when entering a RAR archive with a very long path containing encrypted file names, because the displayed name wasn't shortened (32/64)
03.08.22 Fixed: 7zip: Opening multi-part 7zip archive would leave the first file 7z.001 opened (64)
01.08.22 Added: Verify checksums: Support blake3 hashes of arbitrary length between 8 and 2048 bit (2 to 512 characters in hexadecimal format, equal number of characters) (32/64)
01.08.22 Added: Verify checksums: Support extension .bk3 (in addition to .blake3) for Blake 3 hash files (32/64)
01.08.22 Fixed: Increased maximum displayable year from 2559 to 9999 (32/64)
18.07.22 Fixed: When trying to copy a file with F5-F2 and a folder with the same name already existed, the user was asked twice whether he wanted to copy the file to that folder instead (32/64)
18.07.22 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show yellow progress color in task bar when done and the comparison took longer than 10 seconds (32/64)
15.07.22 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder [X] inserts text from the clipboard. The value is cached until the name field is changed, or the +/# button is pressed. Replaces forbidden characters *?:|"<> with underscores (32/64)
15.07.22 Added: Button bar, start menu: New parameter %Q turns off automatic quotation marks around certain parameter combinations when the name contains a space, e.g. %Q%P%N. The user will have to add his own quotation marks (32/64)
15.07.22 Fixed: WindowsCodecs.dll was loaded indirectly from the program directory by the Lazarus libraries by mistake, which is a possible security risk (64)
13.07.22 Fixed: FTP: Re-request master password if the password (stored with master password) was cleared by minimizing and the connection was lost (32/64)
13.07.22 Fixed: FTP: Do not clear password of active connection when minimizing if the password was stored without master password (32/64)
13.07.22 Fixed: Lister: Drive letter in title bar was sometimes shown in uppercase even with DrivesShowUpcase=0 set, e.g. when starting Lister via /S=L C:\path\file.ext. Now defaults to lowercase (32/64)
13.07.22 Fixed: Lister could not zoom icon files (.ico) (32)
13.07.22 Fixed: Removed extra spaces from totalcmd.inc from sections "Sorting" and "Custom Column Views", and made some other small changes (32/64)
13.07.22 Fixed: Unicode characters outside of the basic multilingual plane (low/high surrogates) could not be entered. e.g. emoji via Win+"." (64)
13.07.22 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog: Prevent the accidental creation of more than one quick search window (32/64)
12.07.22 Fixed: Faster reading of directory sizes from "Everything" in very large folders (32/64)
12.07.22 Fixed: Tags from FLAC files were not read when stored in the last metadata block (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 August, 2022, 18:20

    Admin Settings: Added a way to completely fix the last saved Mini Tree to its current state:


    These are the effects of this setting:

    The tree will be the last saved Mini Tree, and cannot be turned to a Maxi Tree.
    It is locked and the expansion state is locked, both cannot be unlocked.
    You cannot drag anything from the tree.
    You cannot rename anything in the tree.
    View | Mini Tree | - submenu - is gone.
    Tools | List Management | Mini Tree... is gone.
    Tree changing commands like "Hide Folder from Mini Tree" or "Flatten Folder" are not available anymore.
    The "Mini Tree" toolbar button is gone.
    SC button "minitree" does not work anymore.
    SC loadtree does not work anymore.
    The Fixed Mini Tree is only useful for picking a location or dropping items in a location.
    Info Tips in Tree: Didn't work correctly on items on Links folder and some other
    special items (This PC, etc). Fixed.
    Info Tips in Tree: Only worked if "Show tips for clipped tree and list items" was ticked. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2022, 09:55

    Scripting: Started adding arrays. It already seems to be working at a basic level:

    $a[2]="cat"; $b=1; echo $a[$b+$b]; //cat
    SC property #Empty and #NoSubs: Now on "Accessed Denied" the return value is "X".
    Previously, such folders returned the same values as if they were empty.
    SC property #Empty and #NoSubs: Did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as empty). Fixed. Now the returns refer to the target paths of the junctions.
    Hard Links: Retrieving the number of Hard Links did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as having zero Hard Links). Now the returns refer to the number of Hard Links of the target paths of the junctions.
    Color Filters: Two separate issues related to the p and f switches resulted in wrong colors in dark mode. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode: Removed the option "Enable dark mode". Putting it here was a design flaw. The functionality is already present in the main window (View | Views | Dark Mode, and Toolbar button Dark Mode), and that's where it belongs.
    Configuration | Apply button: Did not work well with changing Dark Mode settings. Removing "Enable dark mode" from Configuration fixed that.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2022, 19:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Admin Settings | Fixed Mini Tree: Now, if bit 2 of FixedMiniTree is set, the loaded Mini Tree auto-adjusts to the allowed locations as specified in AllowedDirs
    For example, on this setup in Admin.ini AllowedDirs=C:|E:Test|X FixedMiniTree=3 all paths that are not within the allowed branches ("C:", "E:Test", and "X:") are removed from the Mini Tree and it is ensured that the allowed branches are part of the Mini Tree

    Scripting | Arrays: Now associative arrays are supported. The named keys have to be put in single quotes:

    a['pussy']="cat"; $b="pussy"; echo $a[$b]; //cat
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original image on thumbnail: Renamed it to "Show dimensions of original", to save some space, and it makes more sense since also videos are included
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails: Added option "For videos as well" as a suboption of "Show dimensions of original". The main reason to turn it off speed
    Retrieving this info can take time
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show dimensions of original: Worked for videos only if "Overlay caption" was enabled. Fixed. Now it works independently of that
    Color Filters: Fixed another readability issue related to the p and f switches in selected thumbnails. Fixed
    Video Thumbnails: Error 6 could happen on some systems since 20220806. Tried a fix Hover Box: Photo Data (if you don't see them: press P while the box is showing) were shown without any space since 20211130. Fixed


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 August, 2022, 21:45

    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Backup settings on save:

    This feature was poorly designed and ultimately buggy. The idea was to always have a backup that is at least 24 hours old (to be able to recover from today's errors).
    However, what actually happened was that the backup files were overwritten (and therefore lost) by the current fresh data when they were determined to be 24 hours or older.
    Fixed: Now a backup of every file that is at least 24 hours old is kept in the "24" subfolder of the AutoBackup folder (<xydata>AutoBackup24).


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0011 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2022, 19:30

    Admin Settings: Added a way to define a default profile path in Admin.ini, e.g.

    (final backslash is optional):

    Now, when XY starts and does not find a file XYplorer.ini in its app data path, then the complete contents of C:XYplorerVirginSetup are copied to XY's app data path (it is debug-logged). No questions will be asked on collisions. Then, right after defloration, XY starts with these prepared settings.
    This function can be very useful in companies. It lets the administrator cleanly
    define how XYplorer is first launched, and this ability extends to ALL settings out there (even the thumbnail cache could be prefilled). And as you know, there are many.
    Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Fixed various glitches.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | For videos as well: Wrong dimensions shown for videos where the dimensions could not be retrieved. Tried an air fix.


Titel: Open with++ 4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 August, 2022, 20:40
Open with++ is a shell extension that allows to add command line driven custom menu items to the Windows File Explorer context menu.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Fix issue that happened using paths containing '%' character.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 07:50
Whats new:>>

Thumbnails Cache: Fixed some minor things with the recent change.

Titel: Files 2.3.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 19:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.5 to 3.4.6 by @dependabot in #9674
    Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.7 to 6.0.8 by @dependabot in #9689
    Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.2.0 to 17.3.0 by @dependabot in #9699
    Introduce abstract storage layer by @d2dyno1 in #9544
    New Crowdin updates by @yaichenbaum in #9611
    Folder path is now displayed when hovering a tab. ( #6808 ) by @QuaintMako in #9700
    Fix google drive detection by @gave92 in #9716
    Fix archive extraction by @gave92 in #9726
    Version v2.3.7 by @yaichenbaum in #9728


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 19:30

    Scripting | Arrays: No new features, but completely rewritten with scalabililty and future in mind. Some rules emerged along the way:

    Array elements also work within quotes: $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[0]!"; //It is a cat!
    If the index or key is invalid the variable is seen just as a bit of text:
    $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[1]!"; //It is a $a[1]!
    $a["pussy"] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a['fussy']!"; //It is a $a['fussy']!

    Also a missing key makes the variable invalid:

    $a[0] ="cat"; echo "It is a $a[]!"; //It is a $a[]!
    Allowed range of elements per array: 0 to 32767 (= 32768 max for assoc arrays). This limit is arbitrary. I just had to give it some limit.

    Array variables and normal variables with the same base name can be used side by side like different variables:

    $a ="cat"; $a[0] = "dog"; echo $a; echo $a[0]; //"cat", "dog"
    $a[0] ="cat"; $a = "dog"; echo $a[0]; echo $a; //"cat", "dog"
    But they share the same perm/global properties, so think of this $a as $a[-1], as just one more place to store a value in.

    If you assign a non-first element in a new or smaller indexed array, all previous elements starting with
  • are automatically created (with value ""):

    $a[1] ="cat"; echo $a[0]; //"" ($a[0] is implicitly created and set to "")
    $a[0] ="cat"; echo $a[1]; //$a[1] ($a[1] does not exist as variable)

    The global command is supported by arrays. Just like with normal variables the global command must be used in the source and the target location (it's weird but I copied that from PHP years ago):

    global $a[0] = "Hi!";
    global $a[1] = "Bye!";
    $a[2] = "Uhm"; //not global, won't work below
    "Say Hi"
    global $a[0];
    echo $a[0]; //"Hi!"
    "Say Bye"
    global $a[1];
    echo $a[1]; //"Bye!"
    "Say Uhm 1"
    global $a[2];
    echo $a[2]; //""
    "Say Uhm 2"
    echo $a[2]; //$a[2]
    global $a[1];
    echo $a[1]; //"Bye!"
    The perm command is not supported by arrays but is simply ignored: Arrays cannot be permanent.
    No performance tests have been done yet, but I wouldn't expect miracles. Larger arrays will likely be damn slow.
    >>> There have been some RADICAL CHANGES in scripting related code. Test with CARE!


Titel: Q-Dir 10.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2022, 22:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen für MS Windows 11
• Sprachdateien-Update im Quad-Explorer für alle Windows OS

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0016 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 August, 2022, 20:10

    Scripting | Arrays: Globals arrays were poorly done. Revised version:

    Global $a[];
    $a = "I am Groot!"; //root variable
    $a[0] = "Hi!";
    $a[1] = "Bye!";
    "Say Hi"
    Global $a[];
    Echo $a[0];
    "Say Bye"
    Global $a[];
    Echo $a[1];
    Global $a[];
    Echo $a;
    Scripting: Added special function array() to populate arrays. Non-existing arrays are created, dimensioned and populated, existing arrays are redimensioned and overwritten.
    $a = array("cat", "dog"); echo $a[0]; $a = array("dog"); echo $a[0]; //cat, dog


    You can only pass literal strings as values, not variables. Values are separated by commas.
    The values can be in double quotes (which will be removed), or also without quotes
    (fine if you are not using any commas or flanking spaces within the values):
    $a = array(cat, dog); echo $a[0];
    The values can also be in single quotes but those will not be removed.

    If you like you can append [] to the variable, it makes no difference:

    $a[] = array("cat", "dog"); echo $a[0];
    The values are added to the array in the order they are listed, starting with element
  • .

    So far the indexed arrays, but you can also populate associative arrays using array():
    $name = array("cat" => "pussy", "dog" => "rex"); echo $name["cat"]; //pussy

    General syntax:

    ... = array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")
    Again, you can get away with stripping the quotes and the spaces: $name = array(cat=>pussy,dog=>rex); echo $name["dog"]; //rex
    Scripting got a new function.
    Name: array_count
    Action: Retrieves the number of elements of an array.
    Syntax: array_count(variable)
    Variable: Bare variable name of the array.


    If the variable is no array, the function returns "no array".
    If the variable does not exist, the function returns "no variable".


    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($a); //3
    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($b); //no array
    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo array_count($c); //no variable
    $a[5] ="cat"; echo array_count($a); //6 (they first 5 elements have been silently created)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0017 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 09:40

    Scripting | Arrays: Now the foreach loop supports arrays. The syntax is a bit different from the old token-list loop syntax:

    General form token-list:

    foreach($variable, ListOfTokens, [separator="|"], [flags], [MsgOnEmpty]) {statement(s) using $variable;


    // foreach token in list
    foreach($token, "moon,sun,venus", ",") {echo $token;

    The new value-array loop is closer to how it's done in PHP:

    General form value-array:

    foreach($array as $value, [flags]) {statement(s) using $value;


    // foreach value in array
    $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat");
    foreach($a as $value) {
    echo $value;
    Reversing the order is supported:
    // foreach value in array, reversed order
    $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat");
    foreach($a as $value, "r") {
    echo $value;

    Skipping empty items is also supported:

    // foreach value in array, reversed order and skipping empty items
    $a = array("cat", "", "bat");
    foreach($a as $value, "re") {
    echo $value;
    + Scripting | Arrays: Now the index can be a complex expression:
    $n = 4; $a[$n+4] = $n * 4; echo $a[$n+4]; //16
    $b[0] = "pus"; $b[1] = "sy"; $a[$b[0] . $b[1]] = "cat"; echo $a[$b[0] . $b[1]]; //cat
    % Scripting: Had an idea for a little performance booster. Especially notable with arrays.


Titel: Total Commander 10.51 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 18:00

17.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 2 (RC2)

16.08.22 Fixed: Ignore commands CM_*BYNAME, CM*BYSIZE etc. when the parameter passed to it is negative (32/64)
15.08.22 Fixed: Updated TCMDLZMA.DLL and TCLZMA64.DLL to LZMA SDK 22.01 (32/64)
15.08.22 Fixed: Updated TC7Z.DLL and TC7Z64.DLL to LZMA SDK 22.01 (32/64)
15.08.22 Fixed: Verify checksums: Blake3 library could cause an access violation (32/64)
12.08.22 Fixed: The delete temporary file dialog, shown when editing multiple files from an archive in the same multiple document editor like PFE, could have dark background but light buttons when not focused (32/64)
12.08.22 Fixed: When using a language file with a custom name like wcmd_test_deu.lng, also look for help file wcmd_test_deu.chm in the same directory before looking for wcmd_deu.chm and totalcmd.chm (32/64)
12.08.22 Fixed: When clicking on ".." above the inactive (target) panel, activate the panel first before changing directories, otherwise the last used directory of that drive isn't remembered (32/64)
12.08.22 Fixed: Lister: Drive letter in title bar was still shown in uppercase in some cases even with DrivesShowUpcase=0 set, e.g. when viewing files from archives (32/64)
11.08.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Cursor position was lost instead of staying on the file when clicking on one of the directional buttons or duplicates/singles (32/64)
11.08.22 Fixed: Print preview didn't support emoji in file names (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 August, 2022, 20:50

    Scripting | Arrays: Now the foreach loop supports associative arrays.

    General form:

    foreach($array as $key => $value, [flags]) {
    statement(s) using $key and $value;


    Flag "r" (reverse order) is supported.
    Flag "e" (skip empty) is not supported (it is ignored) else keys and values could go out of sync, because keys are never empty.


    // make associative array
    $freelancer = array(
    "name" => "Eric",
    "email" => "Eric@gmail.com",
    "age" => 22,
    "gender" => "male"
    // loop through array
    foreach($freelancer as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key: $value";


    If you do it with a non-associative array the key variable is not set in foreach but remains whatever it is:
    $key="KEY"; $a = array("cat", "dog", "bat"); foreach($a as $key => $value) {echo "$key: $value";};

    Scripting | Arrays: You can use array() without any values to completely reset an array:

    $a = array("cat", "dog"); $a = array(); echo $a[0]; //$a[0]

    After "$a = array();" the variable $a is an array with zero elements:

    $a = array("cat", "dog"); $a = array(); echo count($a); //0

    The root variable is not affected:

    $a = "I am Groot!"; $a = array(); echo $a; //I am Groot!
    SC array_count: Renamed it to count. Just more standard.
    Changed the return values for "no array" and "no variable" to something that's probably easier to code and more international.
    Name: count
    Action: Retrieves the number of elements of an array.
    Syntax: count(variable)
    variable: Bare variable name of the array (no square brackets).
    return: Count of elements.
    If variable is no array: -1.
    If variable does not exist: -2.


    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($a); //3
    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($b); //-1 (no array)
    $a = array("Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"); $b = "b"; echo count($c); //-2 (no variable)
    $a[5] ="cat"; echo count($a); //6 (they first 5 elements have been silently created)

    Scripting | Arrays: Now you can refer to an element in an associative array also by
    its index if you happen to know it:

    $a["pussy"]="cat"; echo $a[0]; //cat
    To update to this BETA version from XYplorer, hold down the CTRL key while you click Help | Online Support | Check for Updates. To download it, choose a package: (1) Installer Package, (2) No-Install Package.
    Note that BETA versions are work in progress and might contain fresh bugs. You have been warned. It's a good idea to backup your complete XYplorer settings (menu File | Settings Special | Backup Application Data Folder...) before running a new BETA version. This will also help in fixing any fresh bugs.
    FAQ | XY News RSS | XY Twitter


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0020 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Scripting | Foreach: The normal Foreach loop did not work anymore since v23.50.0019. Fixed.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.13.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2022, 17:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0022 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 August, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    Scripting | Foreach: Now Flag "e" (skip empty) is also supported when looping associative arrays.
    List | Information Bars | Context Menu: Normalized the command captions. Now they are the same as in the main menu
    Configuration | General | Safety Belts, Network | Safety Belts | Confirm delete operations: Showed a misleading prompt when deleting a junction. In more recent Windows version (probably from Win8 onwards), deleting junction (thankfully!) does not delete the junction target anymore. Fixed: The new prompt reflects that new behavior
    Buttons In Catalog: Since 20220206 if a Custom Toolbar Button popped a menu it showed up at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed
    Buttons In Catalog: Right-clicking the icon of a Button In Catalog showed the menu at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed
    Buttons In Catalog: A Custom Toolbar Button with a text icon did not work from the Catalog. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0024 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2022, 10:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    List | Color Filters: Now the List colors derived from Color Filters are cached (in memory). Depending on your color filters (shell properties and folder contents are particularly heavy) this will reduce the work drastically (energy, time, and wear), especially noticeable when scrolling large lists, in some cases even when moving the mouse across the list, in fact every time the list is drawn (and that happens a lot).
    Now caching is a risky business as the cache needs to be aware of changes in order not to become stale. Might take a little while until it's all perfect.
    FYI, the Tree has been doing this type of caching for 9 years now.
    Preview Pane: In a specific layout, resizing the preview pane by dragging the splitter also resized the catalog pane (since 20220610). Fixed.
    Folder Thumbnails: Did not work as they should when the candidate files had upper case extensions. Fixed.
    Buttons In Catalog: Left-clicking a Button In Catalog that pops a menu showed the menu at the toolbar button instead of at the mouse position. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0025 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 August, 2022, 18:50

    + Admin Settings: Added a way to read the admin settings from a file other than
      Admin.ini. Add this section to the beginning of Admin.ini (the path is an example):



      If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this
      Admin.ini file is ignored and all admin settings are read from the new file.
      This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central location.
    + Startup Settings: Added a way to read the startup settings from a file other than
      Startup.ini. Add this section to the beginning of Startup.ini (the path is an example):



      If this key is found, and if the file exists and can be read, the rest of this
      Startup.ini file is ignored and all startup settings are read from the new file.
      This allows managing a multi-user setup from one central location.

    + Admin Settings: Added a way to hide and disallow updating (and checking for updates)
      to a new version from within the app:

        eAPDisallow_Update = 32768

      In the "Admin.ini" file (located where "XYplorer.exe" is) add the following:



      It will also hide and ignore the setting of "Configuration | General | Startup &
      Exit | Check for updates on startup".
    * Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Some "Custom items in shell context menu", e.g. "Hide
      Folder from Tree", are now available for those items that are allowed.
    ! Admin Settings | Managed Tree: If none of the allowed locations are actually
      available, the Tree could be fully expanded (although none of the locations could be
      listed in the file list). Fixed. Now the tree is not expandable in that case.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0026 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

    Admin Settings | Managed Tree: Some "Custom items in shell context menu", e.g. "Hide Folder from Tree", should only be available for items *below* those items that are allowed. Done.
    Scripting: Constants (true, false), hex numbers (0xABCEDF12) and binary numbers (0b11111111) stopped cooperating since 20220816. Fixed.
    List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: It could get lost after dropping items on a ZIP file. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0027 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2022, 21:20

    SC sysicons enhanced (not in Help because it's just for debugging and curiosity):

    Now it can get and display system icons for a specific file item in different ways.

    You can pass a specific file:

    sysicons "E:TextText.txt", 1, 1;
    sysicons <curitem>, 1, 1;

    You can also pass a generic file spec:

    sysicons "*.txt", 1, 1;
    The first three points are always the same because otherwise they are difficult to reference.
    CFI are turned off and on during the process. Original state is restored.
    FYI, the 2nd parameter controls the icon size in the returned listing. The 3rd parameter just turns on this new feature.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0028 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2022, 09:30

    SC ThumbsConf enhanced. Added field "FolderThumbs" to the "settings" argument:

    Syntax: thumbsconf([settings="ShowCaption,ZoomToFill,Style,Padding,Transparency, _
    ShowIcon,ShowDimensions,OverlayCaption,FolderThumbs"], [separator=","])


    FolderThumbs: 0 or 1 or ! (toggle 0/1)
    = Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails


    Thumbsconf(",,,,,,,,!"); //toggle FolderThumbs
    Tab Bars | Context Menu: The right-click on empty menu now features a command "Close this pane". Does what it says.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0029 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 August, 2022, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    SC property #contains: Now on "Accessed Denied" the return value is "X". Example: text property("#contains.*.jpg", "C:System Volume Information"); Previously, such folders returned the same values as if they contained no match.
    SC property #contains: Did not work correctly with junctions (they were always shown as if they contained no match). Fixed. Now the returns refer to the target paths of the junctions.
    Thumbnails: In Win 10 (and probably later) folder links showed some pixel dirt below the folder thumbnails. That dirt semmed from the link arrow overlay. Should be cleaned now.
    Updated the help file (apart from Admin Settings and Scripting Arrays which are still in progress).

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2022, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2022, 20:30

    SC hash enhanced. Now you can have Unicode strings converted to UTF8 first. This should be the way to go for Unicode strings, although it's difficult to find
    authoritative information about it.
    Syntax: hash([algo=md5], [string], [flags]) flags: (binary field)
    4: Convert Unicode strings to UTF8 before hashing.
    Remarks: While Flag 4 is probably the way to go, it's not being made the default
    because it would break old code.

 23.50.0101 Beta

    Hover Box: Now "Files: " is prefixed to the byte count in a Hover Box on folders. Previously, the bytes info was potentially misleading.
    Thumbnails: The pixel dirt fix from v23.50.0029 lead to unnecessarily small icons under some conditions. Fixed.
    UTF8: The v23.50.0019 fix invalidated some user licenses with Unicode characters in their names. Fixed.
    List: Icon overlays were not shown for encrypted folders (e.g. the EFS padlock icon overlay). Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 August, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v23.50.0103  Beta

    ! List | Color Filters: Since caching the color was not immediately refreshed after a
      rename. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 10.51 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2022, 18:30

24.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 3 (RC3)

24.08.22 Fixed: Button bar, show button as menu: Always show buttons with empty command field as separators, even if they have an icon or hint text, hide when at the start of the bar (32/64)
24.08.22 Fixed: The ZIPFROMLIST command could fail when called once with the zip name in the parameters field and once with the zip name in the command field (32/64)
24.08.22 Fixed: With option QuickSearchExactMatch=1, quick search didn't always find the extension when starting the search with a dot only (using *. worked) (32/64)
24.08.22 Fixed: Prevent the command LOADLIST from trying to read regular expressions, they are currently not supported (32/64)
24.08.22 Fixed: When changing the directory of the inactive (target) panel via directory hotlist (Target dir field) or cm_SyncChangeDir, the last used directory of that drive wasn't remembered (only relevant when the two panels show different drives) (32/64)
23.08.22 Fixed: When switching from to a view mode with a different window width set via auto-run commands, e.g. cm_100Percent 70|cm_50Percent, the file under the cursor could be moved out of the visible area (32764)
23.08.22 Fixed: When switching from a view mode with thumbnail view to another one with thumbnail view, the cursor position was lost (32/64)
23.08.22 Fixed: Installer: Running auto-install with parameter /A on a system with no previous installation didn't write the ini locations to the registry (32/64)
22.08.22 Fixed: Unpack from 7zip archive with ZoneId set, using Total7zip plugin, rename during unpacking -> the Zone ID was not set to the unpacked file with the changed name, but to the not overwritten file with the original name (32/64)
22.08.22 Fixed: Compare by content, compare with file in encrypted 7z archive on one side: internal 7zip unpacker didn't ask again for the password if the user entered the wrong one (32/64)
22.08.22 Fixed: Search, use list file in "Search in", e.g. @c:\totalcmd\list.txt: Ignore lines containing wildcards like *.dll when search depth is set to "current dir only" (32/64)
21.08.22 Fixed: Installer: Copy the registry values IniFileName and FtpIniName from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander to the same key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER if they don't exist there yet (32/64)
19.08.22 Fixed: When clicking on "\" above the inactive (target) panel, activate the panel first before changing directories, otherwise the last used directory of that drive isn't remembered (32/64)
19.08.22 Fixed: Do not show our own OneDrive green circle overlay icons when OneDrive isn't in On Demand mode (all files are always available offline) (32/64)
19.08.22 Fixed: The OneDrive green circle overlay icons couldn't be turned on/off separately. IconOverlaysOneDrive now supports three values: 1=cloud icons, 2=checkmark icons, 3=both (32/64)
19.08.22 Fixed: Only show the OneDrive green circle overlay icons below the OneDrive base directory, because copy&paste copies the attribute to other directories (32/64)
18.08.22 Fixed: Improved look of OneDrive green circle overlay icons by using resampled icons (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

List Icons: Icons no longer work in the latest Win 11 versions. Now it should also be fixed for files. Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    SC unset: Since 20220815, unsetting a variable that didn't exist (so unset was totally unnecessary) resulted in that variable actually being created. Fixed.
    Floating Preview: "Zoom to Fit" did not work anymore. Fixed.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Status Bar: Fixed various issues.
    List Icons: Looks like they fixed it. Undid my own fix attempts.
    SC exists: Did not support items on portable devices. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2022, 10:30
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Random Order: Now the button's context menu features the toggle "Include Folders". Tick it to also shuffle the folders.
    List Icons: Re-did and improved my own fix attempts.

Titel: Files 2.3.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2022, 11:50
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1
    5275 set multiple images as desktop background
    (Manually) Bump FluentFTP from 36.1.0 to 39.3.0 dependencies
    Fix for hardcoded OS drives
    Fixed missing icon for network folder
    Feature: Enabled tags by default and removed option to turn them off
    Removed x86 build from pipeline
    Fix - Selecting a tag on the sidebar doesn't highlight it
    Added option to set current directory setup as the default
    Show selected items size details when selecting by dragging the mouse
    Feature: Added an option to set default columns
    Removed vertical tab flyout
    Feature: Display uncompressed size when viewing properties for archives
    Move tags to a sub menu flyout
    Feature: Redid set as background flyout
    Added button to reset layout preferences in settings
    Fix settings export
    Preview build V2.3.10
    New Crowdin updatesd
    Bump FluentFTP from 39.3.0 to 39.4.0
    Add cast from IDictionary to ConcurrentDictionary
    v2.3.11 release


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 August, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Catalog: Added another value to tweak CatalogFlags (bit field):16: Left single-click expands/collapses categories.
    Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location | Find hidden: Now it also ignores any active Ghost Filter.
    Encrypted Items Icon Overlays: Now the overlays are also shown for Custom File Icons (Win 10 and later).

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 08:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    SC property enhanced: Added argument "#Attr" to return the file attributes of an item in the usual letter format.

    Undid this change from v23.50.0006 - 2022-08-11 21:10:

    Hard Links: Retrieving the number of Hard Links did not work correctly with
    junctions (they were always shown as having zero Hard Links). Now the returns refer to the number of Hard Links of the target paths of the junctions.
    Shitty idea, and the statement is wrong too. Forget it.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0210 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Floating Preview | Context Menu: Added toggle "Zoom by Wheel" (Y).
    If ticked then Wheel zooms in and out, and Ctrl+Wheel browses through the files.
    If unticked then Ctrl+Wheel zooms in and out, and Wheel browses through the files.
    The new factory default (not for upgraders) is ticked. The Windows image preview does it, too.
    Floating Preview: LMB-panning an enlarged preview did not work anymore with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed.
    Extended Shell Properties: Could trigger an unwanted error message. Fixed.
    Custom Toolbar Buttons: Since 20220818 SC button would not work anymore from a CTB. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0211 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box: Added tweak to exclude certain file types (identified by extension) from the Hover Box. Extensions are separated by . (dot), for example:

    Hover Box: Since 20220806, text content could skip a line when word wrapping was enabled. Fixed.
    Floating Preview: Toggle Zoom (G) did not work with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed.
    SC zip_list2: Returned superfluous <tab> prefixes on filenames. Fixed.

    SC zip_extract: When WinRAR/7z is used as extractor and a single item filename with spaces is passed it needed to be extra-quoted:

    zip_extract(<curitem>, , """a b.txt""");

    Fixed. No more extra-quotes needed:

    zip_extract(<curitem>, , "a b.txt"); //OK with both rar/7z and zipfldr

Titel: Q-Dir 10.99
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 09:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in den Explorer-Dateilisten und Verzeichnisstruktur
• Allgemeine Optimierung und Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien-Update

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0212 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 12:38
Whats new:>>

    Hover Box: When viewing text content, the status area now shows a "Leftwards Arrow with Hook" (U+21A9) in the right bottom corner when word wrap is enabled.
    Windows Version: Version detection for Windows 10 and later was out of sync with
    Microsoft's crazy development of a versioning system that's as messy as possible.

    Fixed. For example:

    OLD: Windows 10 Professional, 64-bit, Release 2009, Build 17134.1706 (6.4), .NET v4.8.04084
    NEW: Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit, Version 21H1, Build 19043.1706 (6.4), .NET v4.8.04084

Titel: Total Commander 10.51 RC 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 18:00

29.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 4 (RC4)

29.08.22 Fixed: Treat missing WCMICON*.DLL the same as icons in main menu turned off, otherwise there were glitches in the displayed menus (32/64)
28.08.22 Fixed: Button bar, show button as menu: Show entries with no icon but with command and a hint as text (32/64)
28.08.22 Fixed: Button bar, show button as menu: Show entries with no command but with a hint text as text, ignore the icon field (32/64)
28.08.22 Fixed: Separate tree: The path of the target panel could be shown as active in the tree when using a view mode with auto-run commands (32/64)
28.08.22 Fixed: Compare by content: When started for the first time on 800x600 screen, moving the dialog also changed the separator position (64)
28.08.22 Fixed: Compare by content, binary mode: Underlines for found text were shown in the wrong location when using a horizontal scrollbar (32/64)
26.08.22 Fixed: Verify checksums: Only skip 2 spaces between checksum and file name (unless the name starts with *) and consider the rest as being part of the file name (32/64)
25.08.22 Fixed: The backup name in compare by content was wrong when comparing file.ext with file.ext.bak (32/64)
25.08.22 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Set width of "k" text field behind size dynamically to available width, some users had overlaps of the field with the line to the right (32/64)
25.08.22 Fixed: When LOADLIST is called in a search results directory or a list previously loaded with LOADLIST, set the search base directory to the previous search/LOADLIST base directory (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 August, 2022, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Scripting: Added experimental support for For loops. For loops can be thought of as shorthand for While loops, and that's how they're supported now: For loops are internally converted to While loops. If you step through your scripts, you'll see that.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path | Clear...: Did not kill the new *.ini files yet. Did not kill "XYThumbs.txt" yet. Raised error 70 (Permission
    denied) when the cache was currently active (thumbnails showing). All fixed.
    Info Panel | Find Files | Dupes: The captions of the bold checkboxes were chopped off on certain font settings. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2022, 10:50

    Scripting | For Loops: Now nested For loops are supported:

    For example, these nested For loops:
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
    for ($j = 1; $j <= 3; $j++) {
    echo "$i.$j";

    ... are internally converted to these nested While loops:

    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= 3) {
    $j = 1;
    while ($j <= 3) {
    echo "$i.$j";

    + Scripting | For Loops: Now the For loops can contain other control structures, for

    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    if ($i % 2 == 0) {
    echo $i;


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0303 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 August, 2022, 19:20

    SC WriteFile: Added two parameters to control the position and length of the data written to the file.
    Syntax: writefile(filename, data, [on_exist], [mode], [start=1], [numbytes=-1])
    start: Start writing at this byte position.
    Defaults to 1 which is the very beginning.
    numbytes: Write this number of bytes.
    Defaults to -1 which means: write everything passed in the data argument.


    writefile(, "abc", , , 3, 2); //writes "ab" at pos 3 to the currently selected file
    Searching for Date Properties: Now the comparison got smarter. When the pattern has no time part then only the day part is compared, when the pattern has no seconds then only the minutes are compared. Also the pattern now can be stated in the local date format, or in ISO 8601.

    Here are some Quick Search terms:

    prop:#image.datetaken:2005-06-28 //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other time on that day)
    prop:#image.datetaken:6/28/2005 //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other time on that day)
    prop:#image.datetaken:6/28/2005 07:51 PM //will match 2005-06-28 19:51:58 (and any other second in that minute)
    ! Special Properties: On AM/PM systems the special property #image.datetaken returned ISO format for PM times, and the regional format for AM times. Fixed: Now
    image.datetaken returns ISO format for all times, and regardless of the regional date settings. This greatly simplifies handling in scripting. Example:
    echo <prop #image.DateTaken>; //returns ISO format, e.g. 2010-07-03 02:02:27
    ! Paper Folders: Duplicate items were possible due to different letter case. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0304 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 05:20

    Special Properties | #image.datetaken: Now it supports comparison operators (>, >=, <=, >), which means you can define date ranges in your searches. Examples:

    prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 //match all photos taken on or after that date
    prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 //match all photos taken on or before that date

    //match all photos taken between those two dates:

    prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 AND prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Custom items in shell context menu: Now the descriptions that appear in the status bar when you hover over the menu items are shown with the first letter in upper case and with a trailing period.


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 17:40
Whats new:>>

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.152.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.152.lng is uploaded.

    You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:

    Updated the help file.
    Color Filters: Text color not drawn in sub details columns on switches f and b.

Titel: Total Commander 10.51 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2022, 18:30

01.09.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 final

01.09.22 Fixed: Installer: Parameter /K made the installer look for the key in the current directory instead of the installer directory (32/64)
01.09.22 Fixed: Tree panel wasn't updated when changing directories via Search - Go to file or via command line parameters with /O parameter (32/64)
31.08.22 Fixed: LOADLIST didn't show error for non existing files with paths with prefix \\?\, e.g. \\?\c:\nofilehere.txt (32/64)

31.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 4b (RC4b), private release

31.08.22 Fixed: LOADLIST didn't work when called again in a list previously loaded with LOADLIST when not using folder tabs (32/64)

31.08.22 Release Total Commander 10.51 release candidate 4a (RC4a), private release

31.08.22 Fixed: The backup name in compare by content was still wrong in 64-bit only when comparing file.ext with file.ext.bak (64)
30.08.22 Fixed: Prevent DLL injection in installer (and TC) by preloading TextShaping.dll, loaded by Windows itself when using certain Windows functions (32/64)
30.08.22 Fixed: OneDrive green circle overlay icons were not shown in the OneDrive for business folders. Experimental, add 4 to IconOverlaysOneDrive to enable (32/64)
30.08.22 Fixed: LOADLIST didn't correctly handle paths with prefix \\?\, treated them as wildcards (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0306 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2022, 06:10
Whats new:>>

    Thumbnails: Error 13 (Type mismatch) possible. Reasons still vague. Might be fixed. If not then the next error message will help.
    ! Locked Mini Tree: Under certain conditions the startup path could become part of a locked Mini Tree. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base: If ticked the sort order of folders and files with the same base could be undefined (almost chaotic). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.50.0307 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

    Tree and List: Now you can activate the app (bring it to the foreground) by clicking onto selected item *without* triggering a slow double-click (which usually opens the inline rename box).
    Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Sort | Sort filenames by base: Fix #2.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2022, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    This is a BIG maintenance release. Numerous minor fixes and improvements have been made since the last major release.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of PJ Harvey.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2022, 12:44
Whats new:>>

    File Attributes: Added 4 new file attributes to the attributes that can be shown in the "Attr" column, and filtered/searched using the "attr:" and "attrlist:" selectors, and returned by <prop #attr>.
    Hover Box: Now it will attempt to show the textual contents of any file that appears to be a text file, regardless of the file name.
    Tree and List: Now you can activate the app (bring it to the foreground) by clicking onto selected item *without* triggering a slow double-click (which usually opens the inline rename box). Solution #2. Better.

    Special Properties | #image.datetaken: A Boolean expression like this:

    prop:#image.datetaken: >= 4/9/2007 AND prop:#image.datetaken: <= 4/9/2012 ... could fail with error 13 (Type Mismatch). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 September, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0198.
    Paper Folders: Visual glitch after info bar context menu call. Fixed.
    Custom Copy: After canceling a single-item job at the overwrite prompt, the final dialog reported "Custom Copy Completed" instead of "Custom Copy Canceled". Fixed.
    Custom Copy: If you have a tagged file and you move it and there is a collision, if you apply one of the affix/suffixes in the dialog, the tags still get moved over to the original destination filename. Since 20211127. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    SC delete: Now it behaves like pressing DEL on Paper Folders. When the List is a showing Paper Folder and "On Delete Remove Items from Paper Folder" is ON these will behave like pressing DEL now and remove the selected items from the Paper Folder
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Fonts | Main Contents: Fonts like "Segoe UI Semibold" could not be preselected, it only worked for the weights "Regular" and "Bold". Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 September, 2022, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Floating Preview: The right-click menu of the Floating Preview's status bar now has a toggle "Place Status Bar Over Image". If ticked the image preview is not shrunk/moved upwards anymore to make space for the status bar. Logically the bottom of large previews will be convered by the status bar.
    SC confirm: Since yesterday the return was always 0 (zero). Fixed.
    This beta version was compiled with special debug code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps tracking down a crash bug.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

    Native Variables:

    Added <curvers> and <srcvers> to return the so-called "string file version" (eg "23.60.0005") as opposed to <curver> and <srcver> which return the so-called "fixed file version" (eg "")

    Live Filter Box:

    Now when the filter is removed, the last scroll position of the unfiltered list is restored (it's even remembered across tab switches and sessions).
    Exception: If an item is focused AND selected at the moment the filter is removed, that item will be scrolled into view.
    Under certain conditions a random item in a freshly live-filtered list was auto-selected. Fixed: No more auto-selections here, unless you tick
    Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box | Auto-select first match.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 September, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

    SC selectitems enhanced. Now you can toggle the selection state of the items.
    Syntax: selectitems itemlist, [flags], [focusfirst=1], [mode], [pane] mode
    Live Filter Box: Now when a list is filtered and no items are selected and
    "Auto-select first match" is off then the first item gets the focus. Previously, it
    was some random item (depending on which item has the focus in the list before this filter).
    Tabsets: Now when you (re)open the tabset that's currently in use in this pane, then it is reverted to its saved state without further questions. I think this is the expected behavior. Previously, this move just resulted in a status bar message "tabset already opened".
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0199.
    List: Click on empty while context menu was showing did not deselect the current selections anymore (since v23.60.0001). Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 September, 2022, 18:50

    Custom Event Actions (CEA): Similar to <newpath> there is now a new variable <oldpath> that can be used in a CEA script on changing locations.
    SC selfilter enhanced: Now it can also remove items from the current selection, and toggle the current selection state. The parameter "add" is now called "mode", and in analogy to SC selectitems it also accepts letters as alternative to numbers.
    SC get got a new named argument "itemspathnamesslashed". Identical to
    "itemspathnames" but returned folders come with a trailing backslash.
    Syntax 1: get("itemspathnamesslashed", [separator=CRLF], [pane])
    Syntax 1: <get itemspathnamesslashed [separator=CRLF] [pane]>
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on Line Numbers
    | Left-click on line number: Doesn't wait on possible dbl-click anymore since
    v22.60.0007 - 2021-12-14 14:06. But now I think it should wait IF a dbl-click action (Double-click on line number) is defined. Changed it like this.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: For certain rare EXE files attempting to retrieve the bitness resulted in a full app crash. Fixed.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.14.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2022, 11:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>


    Focusing the list by clicking one of many selected items now preserves that multiple selection. Previously only the clicked element was selected, the other selections were lost. The new behavior is broadly the same as in File Explorer.
    Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions | Clicking on Line Numbers |Double-click on line number:

    The "Like White" action was not processed correctly when "Left-click on line number" was not "None". Fixed.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 21:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/milestone/7?closed=1

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0010 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered items: If unticked you could not multi-select list items using Ctrl+Click anymore since v23.60.0009. Fixed.
    Apparently in Win 10 and higher this issue lived independently of that highlight setting. Should be fixed there as well.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2022, 09:12
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen und Verbesserungen des Quad-Explorer auf Windows 11
• Allgemeine Optimierung und Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien-Update
• Neue Sprachen in Q-Dir: Persisch

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2022, 19:40

    Thumbnails Cache: v23.60.0011 went a bit too far with the fixing. Unfixed.
    List: Click on inactive pane in backgrounded app did not select item. Fixed.

23.60.0011 Beta

    List: Minor changes, now we have this picture:

    State Action Selections Item Focus
    Popup Menu Shown Click Selected Unchanged Unchanged
    Click Unselected Unchanged Unchanged
    Click White Unchanged Unchanged
    Focus In Other Control Click Selected Unchanged Clicked One
    Click Unselected Clicked One Clicked One
    Click White Unchanged Unchanged
    Focus In Other App (same as Focus In Other Control)
    List Context Menu Shown Click Selected Clicked One Clicked One
    Click Unselected Clicked One Clicked One
    Click White Lost Unchanged
    Focus In List (same as List Context Menu Shown)
    Attribute Pinned: For some days FILE_ATTRIBUTE_PINNED was wrongly shown (or not shown) because of an error in a typelib. Fixed in v23.60.0009, forgot to mention.
    Edit | Select | Select By Selected Type(s): Since v23.60.0007 it toggled the selections. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Cache path | Resolve cache path from current folder: The portability of relative caches was not where it should be due to a stupid bug from 20211111. Fixed. Now you can actually move those thumb folders around without any recreation of thumbnails.

    Thumbnails Cache: The INI file has a new key "SoftPath" just for your eyes (the app doesn't need it). Here you can see which path is actually used for the file hash. It can even be totally empty if the cache is right where the files are. FYI, the size is also used in the (MD5) hash, separated by an asterisk, so it's eg:

    MD5("SoftPath*96x96"), or MD5("SoftPath*96x96z") for ZoomToFill.
    List: Pressing Ctrl+Alt+M and other shortcuts using the Alt key created a situation where a selection was not removable by the first click on white. This uncovered a weird Windows anomaly concerning the Alt key, which could be worked around now.


Titel: Broot 1.14.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 12:55
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


fix crash with token searches - Fix #504


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 18:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    List | Size Column: The setting "Show Cached Folder Sizes Only" is now also shown in the column header's context menu. Might give you an idea why some of your folder sizes are not shown. ;)
    Tree and List: Now dragging works as expected (as in File Explorer) when coming from states "Popup Menu Shown" (dragging not allowed) and "Focus In Other App" (dragging allowed).
    Tree and List: Rewrote everything related to focus, click and selection. Needed a more thorough approach. Fixes some remaining issues.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0014 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

    Tree and List Clicking: Fixed some glitches after today's rewrite.
    Tree and List Clicking: Generally speaking, if "Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Ease of Use | Ease of Use | Highlight Hovered Items" is checked, I should get it all pretty watertight. If unchecked then there are ways for the mouse to subvert the "Popup Menu Shown" handling (all the rest should work fine). Of course that could be fixed as well, but it's a can full of worms I don't have time for right now.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 September, 2022, 21:50

    Catalog | Right-Click Menu | Insert As New Category Here | Tabs: Now all tabs are added (also locked tabs and search tabs). Custom tab captions and icons are carried over now. And when you click an item in the Tabs category, it tries and usually succeeds in opening the correct tab. So there you have it: Vertical Tabs. :)
    Note that the "Tabs" category does not smartly react on any changes in the tabs: it's just a snapshot in case you quickly need vertical tabs. If a tab's location or position has changed, the tab that is now in this position will be selected no matter which location it is pointing to. So it's the *position* in the "Tabs" category that controls which tab is selected, not the path. That gives you a chance to manually adapt the category to any changes if you have the time.
    You cannot manually create a "Tabs" category with the same functionality. Some internal flags are set only when going via "Insert As New Category Here | Tabs".
    Color Filters: Filter "size:0" didn't work reliably anymore for folders (on Show Folder Sizes) since Color Filters are cached (v23.50.0024 - 2022-08-18 17:40). Fixed.
    Menu View: Removed toggle "Lock Tree" (see below).
    + Menu Tools | Customize Tree: Added toggle "Lock Tree". Replaces the old "View | Lock Tree" that was a bit out of place in this menu.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.153.

    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.153.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:

    Scripting | Arrays: The parser shockingly failed at this line: $n = 4; $a[$n+4] = $n * 4; $temp = $a[$n+4]; echo $temp;


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0016 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    Catalog | Tabs Category: Now its right-click menu offers the command "Update Category". It will re-sync the category with the reality of the current tab bar
    Catalog | Tabs Category: Now when you select a category item and the tab at the selected position does not match the original path anymore (as stored in the Catalog), it is looked for (and selected) at the other positions, and if still not found, it is created as a new tab
    Thumbnail Creation: Experimentally use the flag SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK now. The documentation is mysterious. I'm hunting a long-standing issue with the infamous
    "This action cannot be completed because the other application is busy." dialog which is haunting Win 10 and 11
    Startup: App could crash on startup (error 11 - "Division by zero") when selecting a file via command line while the list was in view "List". Fixed
    File | File Special | Extract Here: Could result in a crash since 20220828. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2022, 22:10
Whats new:>>

Toolbar Menu: Vanished when overlapping the toolbar itself and moving the mouse over that overlap. Fixed.

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2022, 05:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



+ New: Viewer: Upgrade to last Scintilla 5.3 brought syntax highlighting for: asciidoc, asl, cil, CoffeeScript, DataFlex, FSharp, JSON, LateX, MarkDown, Maxima, Nim, Raku, Registry, Rust, SAS, Swift, VisualProlog
+ New: Viewer: Upgrade to last SumatraPDF 3.4.1 brought support for annotations (add/remove/edit), High DPI support, rotation tools, command palette (press Ctrl+K), color inversion (can be used as Dark Mode - Press i)
+ New: Viewer: Support for Groove (.zpl) playlists
+ New: Viewer: Support for iTunes (.xml) playlists
+ New: FTP: Migrated from OpenSSL 1.0.2 to OpenSSL 3
+ New: FTP: Added support of MLSD commands
+ New: FTP: Added support to TLS 1.3
- Fix: Language: Completed Slovenian (Translation by Jadran Rudec)
- Fix: FTP: In some situations, an overwrite of an FTP file didn't raise a confirmation dialog
- Fix: Preferences: Fixed some high DPI incompatibilities
- Fix: General: Several minor bugfixes and code cleanup
~ Chg: Navigation: Drive panel now displays the drive names on the buttons
~ Chg: Preferences: Refactored the file colorization panel that was bugged


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 September, 2022, 12:45
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 September, 2022, 20:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.0.x?since=2022-09-11&until=2022-09-18

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2022, 12:42
Whats new:>>

    App Icon: New ("BlueBox"). The old one ("BlackOrange") was from 2010-04-16. Time for change
    Catalog | Tabs Category: Clicking on an item here will now open the tab in that position on the first click (if not open already), and go to the location (as it is stored in the Catalog item) on the second click (if not there already)
    Tip: To open a Tabs Category item in a new tab, just do Shift+Click
    This beta version was compiled with special debug code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps tracking down a crash bug

Titel: Q-Dir 11.02
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 September, 2022, 17:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Optimierung in Q-Dir für Windows 11
• Wichtige Anpassungen und Verbesserungen in den Datei-Explorer-Ansichten auf allen Windows-Betriebssystemen

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

App Icon: The "BlueBox" was too blue. Now the front is red. Also corrected some minor pixel inaccuracies.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.03
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen in Menüs bei unterstützung der asiatischen, arabischen, hebräischen, ... Schriften.
• Allgemeine Optimierung und Feinschliffe in Quad-Explorer für Windows

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 September, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Updated the help file
    Filters: Selectors attr: and attrlist: did not know yet about the recent letter change
    FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT is now "L" (Junction / Link)


    SC thumbsconf: The setting for FolderThumbs was not present in the return string yet. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0108 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 September, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Hover Blacklist: Wasn't working yet. Fixed.

23.60.0107 Beta

    File Info Tips and Hover Box: Now you can specify a "Hover Blacklist" containing any number of target paths to be excluded from the File Info Tips and Hover Box, i.e.
    excluded from file access on mouse hover. Usually you want to exclude slow paths, e.g. cloud folders.
    Catalog: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm).
    App Icon: Now also embedded the previous icon in 32-bit color depth.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0200. New icon, here it's the all-blue version. Also embedded the previous icon in 32-bit color depth.
    Lock Tree: Upgrading from a version older than v23.60.0015 (where the "Lock Tree" toggle moved to menu Tools | Customize Tree) the Lock Tree setting was lost. Fixed.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2022, 06:20
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Tools updated

Titel: Files 2.3.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2022, 06:45
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Fixed issue where thumbnails had the wrong aspect ratio in the grid layout
    Fixed an issue where folder thumbnails sometimes had a black background
    Fixed an issue where thumbnail previews wouldn't work for certain applications in the grid layout


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0110 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2022, 20:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Hover Blacklist: Improved (empowered and simplified) the syntax. Now you can use wildcards in the standard way for whole paths (identified by the presence of / or : in the resolved pattern) or just item names.
    App Icon: Polished some pixels in the 16x16 version. And generally improved the adjustment of the app icon to various screen resolutions. The latter is yet to be done for XYcopy.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0201.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0111 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2022, 09:00
Whats new:>>

    Preview Tab and Preview Pane | Icon Preview and Font Preview: Now you can scroll the preview using the mouse wheel (if there is something to scroll, ie if scrollbars are visible). The horizontal wheel is supported as well, and horizontal scrolling can be enforced by holding SHIFT while wheeling over the preview pane.
    Catalog: Now when you click on a catalog item, the icon is updated automatically. Indicates whether a file has been deleted in the meantime (icon changes to a question mark) or restored. Keeps the icon of used items fresh without having to manually update catalog icons completely.
    App Icon: Polished some more pixels in the 16x16 version.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0202.
    Help | About XYplorer: The copyright sign © did not work with the Chinese and some other code pages; it just showed as ?. Fixed.
    Status Bar | Vertical Swipe Toggles the Info Panel: Up-swipe did not work well when the Info Panel was showing the Preview or the Raw View tab. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0113 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Tweak IconFile: Now you can specify the selector for the embedded icon resource. The default is "AAA", but now you can tweak it to "BBB" to use the old BlackOrange icon within the app interface (i.e. mainly in all the window title bars; it won't change the icon associated with the executable file when seen from the outside; however, at least in Win 8.1, the alternative icon is also inherited by the task bar). IconFile=BBB
    Fonts: Fixed some display and configuration bugs related to bold, semibold, and regular fonts and switching between them.

Titel: Broot 1.15.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 September, 2022, 20:15
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    with show_matching_characters_on_path_searches: false, it's possible to show only file names even when searching paths - Fix #490
    --sort-by-type-dirs-first and --sort-by-type-dirs-last - Fix #602
    modal: in intput mode, uppercase letters don't trigger verbs anymore - Fix #604
    fix :line_down_no_cycle which was cycling - Fix #603
    selecting lines up or down with the mouse wheel now wraps in both direction (ie going up when your on top brings you to the bottom, and vice-versa)
    :select internal, which can be used to select a visible file when given a path as argument. Experimental


Titel: WExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 05:20
WExplorer is a small, easy to use and straight-forward alternative to Windows Explorer. It has a simple, comprehensive interface that gives you quick access to all its features.

Users can create pie-charts of occupied folder space and open a command prompt from selected folders using the context menu.


Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0115 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 05:50

    Scripting got a new command.
    Name: AppIcon
    Action: Lets you pick the app icon on the fly.

    Syntax: appicon [selector] selector:

    "BBB": use the alternative icon (the old icon)
    "AAA" or anything else: use the standard icon (the new icon)
    missing: pop a dialog showing the choices


    You have a choice between the old and the new icon. Both are icon resources
    embedded in the executable.
    The choice is remembered across sessions.
    This setting uses the INI key "IconFile".


    appicon; //pop a dialog showing the choices
    appicon "AAA"; //select new icon
    appicon "BBB"; //select old icon
    Tweak IconFile: Now used by the above resource selector. You can still use it in the old way (state a file spec, cf v9.00.0017 - 2010-04-16 16:00), but it will be overwritten if you OK SC appicon.


Titel: Q-Dir 11.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 09:12
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verifizierung und Test des Quad Explorers Q-Dir auf Windows 11 22H2
• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feineinstellungen in den einzelnen Datei-Explorern von Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 23.60.0117 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 12:51
Whats new:>>

    Color Filters: Since 20220921 the filter attr:junction did not work anymore. Fixed. This was related to the change of the letter from J to L. Now it works again with "junction" or any word starting with L (or l). :)
    Removed special debug code.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 September, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    App Icon. New.
    App Icon. Old. In case you feel an unbearably strong emotional attachment to the old icon, you can either go to your shrink or switch back to the old icon through a handy little dialogue.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Starcrawler (again).

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2022, 18:40

    App Icon: Now also the blue version of the new icon is embedded in the exe.
    SC appicon: Added the blue version of the new icon.
    Syntax: appicon [selector]


    "AAA": Use the standard icon (the new icon).
    "AAB": Use the blue version of the new icon.
    "BBB": Use the alternative icon (the old icon).
    other: Same as "AAA".
    missing: Pop a dialog showing the choices.
    App Icon: Polished some more pixels in the 16x16 version.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0203.
    List: Now when sorting by a Type that combines various extensions, eg "JPEG image", then all files with the same extensions (eg first all JPG, then all JPEG) are grouped together and then (secondary-)sorted by the filename. Previously, they were all mixed and just (secondary-)sorted by the filename.
    SC appicon: Dialog did not scale with custom scaling. Should be fixed (air code).
    Custom File Icons: Since 20220915 some icons, e.g. those from exectuables, were not replaced by any defined CFIs anymore. Fixed.
    Admin Settings | Fixed Mini Tree: FixedMiniTree=1 crashed on startup since 20220914. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 06:10

    Color Filters:

    Now the no-extension pattern is supported here as well (as already in Visual Filters, Live Filters, Ghost Filters, Custom File Icons, Quick Search, and File Find). This pattern matches all files without extension:

    App Icon:

    Now the 20x20 and 24x24 versions are also front-only (like the 16x16) instead of the whole box. So the title bar icons in 125% and 150% now all look like the 16x16 one in 100%.


    Updated to 2.10.0205.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2022, 18:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2022, 12:53
Whats new:>>

Thumbnail Creation: In v23.60.0016 - 2022-09-15 13:01 I experimentally started using the flag SIIGBF_BIGGERSIZEOK. This experiment failed. It lead to weird jumpy sizes with PDF Hover Boxes and MDBU (very small when bounding box <= 256, else very large). Fixed by removing the flag again. It didn't bring anything good anyway.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2022, 20:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    App Icon: Now the 16x16, 20x20 and 24x24 front-only versions are a bit bigger.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0206.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 September, 2022, 12:48
Whats new:>>

    App Icon: The colors were a bit garish. Here's a slightly milder version, plus some subtle geometric corrections.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0207.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Oktober, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Undo / Redo: Now the paths shown in the button tooltip are no longer truncated if they are too long. Here it is not necessary.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0208.
    File Operations: UNC paths with different case were considered different paths (cross-volume) in some contexts. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0106 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2022, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Tree: Added a tweak to control whether tree nodes auto-expand when you drag things over them. The factory setting has always been Yes. Now you can turn it off: TreeExpandOnDragOver=0
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

23.70.0112 Beta

    EXIF Properties: In a particularly strange anomaly, the GPSLatitude and GPSLongitude properties sometimes returned invalid values for the same files on the same calls (this shouldn't happen on a computer). Instead of "521623793/11930464 0/1 0/1" something like "8388609/1 1/107206800 24/0" was returned. echo get("exif", 0x0002); //GPSLatitude echo get("exif", 0x0004); //GPSLongitude
    Fixed in a crude way. I keep calling (up to 5 times) that value until it looks good.

Titel: NDN (Necromancer's Dos Navigator) 3.00.0007
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2022, 19:30
Necromancer's Dos Navigator [NDN] is a clone of the famous "Norton Commander". It uses an easy to use and learn text-mode interface, is highly customizable, and has a lot of features.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.9.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 18:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

I tried to use PathSearchAndQualify when expanding including [..". #618
I don't know if this is OK because there is no problem in my environment

Titel: Q-Dir 11.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 20:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• BugFix bei den Symbolen in Menüeinträge in Q-Dir
• Erneut anpassungen das Windows 11 22H2 Version

Titel: Total Commander 10.52 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Oktober, 2022, 20:50

04.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 1 (RC1)

04.10.22 Fixed: Save current selection when cm_rereadSource is called and there is at least one selected file (32/64)
04.10.22 Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconsOnNetReadOnly=0 Set to 1 to show folder icons on network shares even for folders with read only attribute. Warning: very slow for shared CD/DVD drives! (32/64)
04.10.22 Added: Support F-keys up to VK_F24 when entered manually in wincmd.ini, section [Shortcuts] (32/64)
04.10.22 Added: Internal command CM_EXIT: Add 4 to save paths, tabs and display modes on exit even when it's disabled in the configuration (32/64)
04.10.22 Added: Internal command CM_EXIT with parameters 1 or 2 (restart) now restores the current directory if it differs from the tab locked root (32/64)
04.10.22 Fixed: Compare by content: When using two compare windows above each other, the 2 line compare list at the bottom could sometimes overlap the lower window (reproduced on Windows 8.1) (32/64)
03.10.22 Added: Internal command CM_EXIT now supports also parameter 2: Close and restart Total Commander but switch between 32-bit and 64-bit versions (if the other exists in the same directory) (32/64)
03.10.22 Fixed: Out of memory error when trying to read tags from mp4 files >2GB with internal "tc" content plugin (64)
30.09.22 Added: Command line parameters now support value LOADLIST:path\listfile.txt instead of a directory name to load list file into file panel, like LISTFILE0 button bar command (no errors) (32/64)
30.09.22 Added: New button command LOADLIST0 loads list of files from provided list file like LOADLIST, does not show any errors if files aren't found (32/64)
29.09.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, wildcards edit box between paths: A stored search didn't work if the name contained one or more semicolons ";", e.g. >Search;name (32/64)
28.09.22 Added: Internal associations: New command **path\filename.bar opens the given button bar file as a menu. Use %P%N in the buttons to pass the file names to the commands (32/64)
28.09.22 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: Ctrl+Insert didn't work (should copy selected search text to clipboard) (32/64)
28.09.22 Added: Quick search with search dialog and Ctrl+S Quick filter: New hotkey Ctrl+Z in addition to Ctrl+Y to clear the field, better to reach on QUERTY keyboards (32/64)
28.09.22 Added: cm_50percent now accepts a parameter: It adds the value (in percent) to the width of the active panel. Example: cm_50percent -10 reduces active panel width by 10% (use cm_100percent with parameter for absolute values) (32/64)
28.09.22 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] TabFullColor=0 choose whether tab header colors defined via view modes are displayed as a gradient (value=0) or a fixed blend percentage of 1 to 100% (32/64)
28.09.22 Fixed: Wrong error shown when trying to add multiple files to a CAB file ("too many files" instead of "not supported") (32/64)
28.09.22 Fixed: Dark mode: When using two separate trees, they didn't have a left border (32/64)
27.09.22 Fixed: Dark mode: Single separate tree didn't have a bottom border (32/64)
27.09.22 Added: Internal commands cm_*ActivateTab* (e.g. cm_SrcActivateTab1) now supports numerical parameter for tab. Negative numbers mean counting from the end, e.g. cm_SrcActivateTab1 -1 activates the last tab (32/64)
27.09.22 Added: Internal command CM_EXIT now supports parameter 1: Close and restart Total Commander with switch /N, also append switches /i= and /f= if they were passed to the previous instance (32/64)
27.09.22 Added: New hotkey F9 in "Compare by content" to toggle visibility of the two line compare box at the bottom (32/64)
27.09.22 Added: cm_UnloadPlugins: Parameter 16 (cm_UnloadPlugins 16) now unloads an external tcmatch dll set via tcmatch=/tcmatch64= in wincmd.ini (32/64)
27.09.22 Fixed: Memory leak when reading tags (Artist, Title etc.) from .wav files with internal tc plugin (32/64)
27.09.22 Fixed: Double click on checksum file (.md5, .sha1 etc) now checks only that file, not the currently selected files (which will be unchecked) (32/64)
27.09.22 Fixed: Ctrl+A not working any more in quick search with search dialog (64)
27.09.22 Fixed: Only load colors by file type after the registration notification screen has been closed (32/64)
26.09.22 Fixed: Drive hints in Alt+F1/F2 and in the drive button bar didn't support Unicode for network shares (32/64)
26.09.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Detect invalid file list and abort synchronizing instead of crashing (32/64)
26.09.22 Fixed: Show more meaningful error when installer is called with invalid install file as parameter (32/64)
26.09.22 Added: Command line parameters: option /O now supports a parameter: /O0: never open a new instance in any case, other number: same as OnlyOnce value, /O- same as /O-1 (32/64)
23.09.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "Copy file properties" -> "Timestamp" now copies all file times when CopyAllTimes=1 is set (32/64)
23.09.22 Fixed: The main menu may not have icons in it when using certain options like a search filter in Show->Custom (64)
05.09.22 Added: After searching for duplicate files and "feed to listbox", allow to switch to any custom columns view and back without losing the special duplicate file view and separators (32/64)
05.09.22 Fixed: LOADLIST command: Support double quotes around names in the list, e.g. when it contains spaces (32/64)
05.09.22 Fixed: Separate tree: The current item was always set to "My Computer" by mistake when the active file panel showed a virtual folder at startup (32/64)
05.09.22 Fixed: Double click on "Desktop" in tree didn't expand/collapse the tree below it (64)


Titel: Broot 1.16.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Oktober, 2022, 10:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    status messages now displayed on toggling (for example showing hidden files)
    upgrade terminal-light to 1.0.1 for better recognition of background color on high precision color terminals
    in default configuration, ctrl-left never opens a panel to the left, as I think this was most often unwanted (one too many hit on cltr-left). It's possible to get the old behavior by binding ctrl-left to :panel_left instead of the new :panel_left_no_open internal.
    New escaping rules let you skip many , especially when building regexes


Titel: muCommander 1.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Oktober, 2022, 12:38
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


New features:

- Support SMBv2.
- Support RAR 5+.
- New archive formats: RPM, cpio.
- New 'Toggle terminal' action (defaults to F12) that shows/hides a new terminal view.


- Symbolic links are extracted properly from zip archives to the local file system.
- Local symbolic links are packed properly into zip and tar archives.
- Unpacking of 7z archives is now faster and more reliable using a newer native library.
- The filename cell is rendered differently when renaming a file to reflect that the filename is editable when no text is selected.
- Keyboard shortcuts on macOS better align with the default keyboard shortcuts in Safari.
- The 'About' dialog indicates when the portable version is used.
- Commands that are executed from the 'Run command' dialog are now typed within a terminal that recognizes shell aliases.
- When referencing an SMB server (smb://<server>/), its accessible shares are listed.
- Bonjour services are initialized asynchronously in order to accelerate startup time.
- Quick search accepts diacritics that are typed using ALT+letter (like in Polish Programmer keyboard layout).


Bug fixes:

- 'Move' action does not get stuck when an external file is dragged and dropped to the application.
- Symbolic links are extracted from archive files to the right location rather than to the destination base folder.
- Fix detection of the 'skopeo' binary that is used to connect to container registries.
- When extracting an item from an archive file to the archive file's parent folder, the archive file remains presented.

Known issues:

- Some translations may not be up-to-date.
- SMB support may not work properly on non multi-language JRE.
- 'Copy files to clipboard' not working with some applications (files are not pasted).
- Authentication issues when using several sets of credentials (login/password) for the same server.
- Untrusted HTTPS connections are allowed without a warning.
- Windows Vista/7: "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied: recv failed" error can appear when trying to access FTP
  sites. This seems to be a Windows firewall problem, with a possible workaround:
- Need to enable NTLM authentication manually in order to authenticate to Samba >= 4.5. This is done by adding 'ntlm auth = yes' to smb.conf.
- macOS: issues with browsing Documents/Desktop/Downloads may be solved by resetting Security and Privacy settings.
  See https://github.com/mucommander/mucommander/wiki/Reset-Security-&-Privacy-Settings-on-macOS for more details.
- macOS: muCommander may not start on older versions of macOS due to incompatibility of the bundled JRE.
- macOS: "Do you want the application "muCommander.app" to accept incoming network connections?" dialog keeps popping
  up on startup even if the dialog has been previously accepted (ticket #339), when 'Bonjour' support is enabled.
- macOS: some keyboard shortcuts may conflict with global system shortcuts.


Titel: Total Commander 10.52 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2022, 06:30

10.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 2 (RC2)

10.10.22 Fixed: CM_EXIT with restart parameter now waits with launching a new instance until the window has been deleted (32/64)
10.10.22 Fixed: Reduced flickering in file panel with custom background color from view mode when enabling separate tree (32/64)
10.10.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Make "Compare" button smaller (height) when it would overlap with the checkbox below it (32/64)
10.10.22 Fixed: CM_EXIT didn't work when starting command line via double click instead of Enter (32/64)
10.10.22 Fixed: Entering a virtual folder in one of the file list didn't always show the right one in the tree (32/64)
10.10.22 Fixed: cm_gotolockeddir or single click on tab header (on a tab which was locked with directory changes allowed) didn't update tree in other panel or separate tree (32/64)
09.10.22 Fixed: cm_ExchangeSelFiles/cm_ExchangeSelFolders/cm_ExchangeSelBoth did not handle folders shown below files, e.g. after using LOADLIST (32/64)
09.10.22 Fixed: The footer wouldn't show the number of selected/total folders if they were shown below files, e.g. after using LOADLIST (32/64)
09.10.22 Fixed: Separate tree: double clicking on a folder which causes it to expand and the list to scroll could place cursor on wrong folder (64)
09.10.22 Fixed: Dark mode: When using two separate trees, they didn't have a left border near the top when not using tabs (32)
09.10.22 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, clicking on "\" or using cm_GoToRoot showed wrong folder in single separate tree (32/64)
09.10.22 Fixed: Auto-switch mode: custom sort orders for custom columns were not applied immediately any more (32/64)
07.10.22 Fixed: Internal associations: New command **path\filename.bar didn't work when the path or file name contained one or more spaces (32/64)
07.10.22 Fixed: CM_EXIT: Restore active panel with /P=L or /P=R switch, add 8 to parameter to always pass left/right path and name to the program (32/64)
07.10.22 Fixed: Two separate trees, right file panel: The current item wasn't set correctly when the active file panel showed a virtual folder at startup (32/64)
05.10.22 Fixed: Internal associations: New command **path\filename.bar didn't work when used for the default "open" verb when opening the file with ENTER (32/64)
05.10.22 Fixed: Commands CM_EXIT, CM_50PERCENT and CM_*ACTIVATETAB* could not be combined with other commands on a button when using a parameter, e.g. CM_SRCBYEXT,CM_EXIT 1 (32/64)
04.10.22 Fixed: Save current selection when cm_RereadSource is called and there is at least one selected file (32/64)
04.10.22 Added: New option wincmd.ini [Configuration] IconsOnNetReadOnly=0 Set to 1 to show folder icons on network shares even for folders with read only attribute. Warning: very slow for shared CD/DVD drives! (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 11.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen in der Adressleiste und Symbolleiste bei Windows 11 und kleine Anpassungen
• Kleine Korrekturen und Rekompilieren von Q-Dir, wegen Fehlfunktionen

Titel: WinSetView 2.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2022, 09:06
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Bug Fix: Corrected Details view icon size in legacy dialogs (e.g. RegEdit Export dialog).
    Enhancement: Hover over Help button to see version number.

Titel: Broot 1.16.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Oktober, 2022, 12:49
Whats new:>>

Fixes ctrl-left not usable anymore to remove filtering in preview

Titel: Total Commander 10.52 RC3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2022, 12:50

14.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 3 (RC3)

14.10.22 Fixed: Separate tree: Make sure the virtual folder "My Computer" is expanded when trying to show one of its included virtual folders in the tree (32/64)
14.10.22 Added: CM_EXIT: Add 16 to parameter to restart with full administrator rights (elevated) (32/64)
13.10.22 Fixed: Windows 10/11: Manually store these virtual folders in ini as GUID value: Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos (32/64)
13.10.22 Fixed: Do not open documents like .docx like a ZIP file when they have an "open with" list in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.docx\OpenWithList, value MRUlist) (32/64)
13.10.22 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, clicking on "\" or using cm_GoToRoot still showed wrong folder in single separate tree in some cases (32/64)
13.10.22 Fixed: View modes with custom columns view: Sort orders by size or date/time set via view mode could not be changed via Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click (32/64)
13.10.22 Fixed: Search for Cyrillic text via regular expressions failed with case-insensitive search due to wrong conversion function in regular expression library (32/64)
12.10.22 Fixed: Separate tree: After a double click on a virtual folder which expanded that folder, the menu could no longer be reached via Alt+Letter due to a call to SetCapture (64)
12.10.22 Fixed: Keep sort order of list loaded via LOADLIST when switching to a view mode with sort order set to "unchanged" (32/64)


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.14.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2022, 17:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Total Commander 10.52 RC 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2022, 12:50

18.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 4 (RC4)

17.10.22 Fixed: Single click the expand button in front of "Network" in the separate tree -> menu could no longer be accessed via Alt+Letter (64)
17.10.22 Added: Open common shell folders via button or command line with command cd shell:Name, e.g. cd shell:Fonts (32/64)
17.10.22 Fixed: Manually store also these virtual folders in wincmd.ini as GUID value: OneDrive, Administrative Tools, Documents, User Pinned, Fonts, User (and  subfolders), Common (and subfolders). Some only work on Windows 10/11 (32/64)
17.10.22 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, opening ".." in root would end the function without warning. Instead, go up to "My PC" if both sides are in the root, otherwise make a warning beep first (32/64)
16.10.22 Fixed: Thumbnails view: The current item could change when the number of columns changed, but not the number of rows, e.g. 15 entries, 5->6 columns, both with 3 rows (32/64)
16.10.22 Fixed: Button bar: Some combinations of commands didn't work, like cm_SrcActivateTab1,cm_ReReadSource 1 (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 12.5.0 Build 2912
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2022, 12:38
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - Possible to configure devices that should NOT be shown in UI (Device DropDown/Toolbar/...)
    ADDED - Path column will now be shown with ... at the beginning of the path if full path does not fit
    ADDED - Added so logging can be enabled from application parameters
    FIXED - Skip works again when unpacking zip archive.
    FIXED - Issue when opening a zip after another zip.
    FIXED - MC.FileSearch.Search CustomCommand now works again
    FIXED - Progress counter when unpacking is now correct
    FIXED - Improved logging for some rare errors that should happened.
    FIXED - 10 Stability Issues


Titel: WinSetView 2.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2022, 09:08
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Enhancement: Column width can now be set as high as 999 ems (7992 pixels at 96 dpi).

Titel: Total Commander 10.52 RC 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2022, 18:00

21.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 release candidate 5 (RC5)

21.10.22 Fixed: Tree: Ignore double click on expand/collapse icon (32/64)
21.10.22 Added: PreferOpenTypes: All file types after the pipe symbol | will be opened internally as an archive, even if there is an extension, e.g. PreferOpenTypes=+|*.docx (32/64)
20.10.22 Added: Change list of default office xml file types via wincmd.ini [Configuration] PreferOpenTypes=*.ext . Start with + to include the default office xml types, e.g. PreferOpenTypes=+*.ext (32/64)
20.10.22 Fixed: Open documents like a ZIP archive if they don't have a common office xml extension although they have an "open with" list. Default: *.docx *.docm *.dotx *.dotm *.xlsx *.xlsm *.xltx *.xltm *.pptx *.pptm *.ppsx *.potx *.potm *.vsdx *.odt *.ods *.odp *.odg (32/64)
20.10.22 Fixed: Open documents like .docx as a ZIP archive when they don't have an entry for the extension in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT although they have an "open with" list (32/64)
20.10.22 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, forget the last directory which couldn't be entered because it didn't exist on the other side when re-activating the function (32/64)
20.10.22 Fixed: The new path format to open virtual folders with shell:Name conflicted with DrivesShowUpcase=1 -> make it case insensitive (32/64)
19.10.22 Fixed: Set focus manually on active panel after resizing it to 0 width with cm_50Percent -100 and back to visible width (32/64)


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.0 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Oktober, 2022, 19:50
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Implemented a way for Icaros to recover slightly corrupted cache files
    Improved how IcarosConfig handles permission issues for the Icaros Cache
    Added support for thumbnailing AVIF with alpha channels
    Fixed a lot of small Cache issues
    Fixed Cache Indexer returning an 0x14 error when parsing long filenames
    Fixed a couple of rare issues that affected thumbnailing of some files
    Added a workaround for an issue that prevented the Icaros Thumbnail Provider from working on Vista
    Installer is now localized (Thank you bovirus for the implementation!)
    Installer has been updated with a slightly more modern look
    Added Romanian localization (Thank you Catalin Popescu! ^__^)
    Updated Italian localization (Thank you bovirus! ^__^)
    IcarosConfig now uses %SystemRoot% instead of the hardcoded C:Windows path when referencing the WOW64 regsvr32.exe
    Updated LibDav1d to 1.0.0
    Updated GCC
    Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Total Commander 10.52 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Oktober, 2022, 18:30

26.10.22 Release Total Commander 10.52 final

26.10.22 Fixed: Refresh file lists after call to functions showing/hiding separate trees like cm_SwitchSeparateTree (32/64)
25.10.22 Fixed: Main configuration: Increased distances a bit on some tabs to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64)
24.10.22 Fixed: Lister configuration: Increased distances a bit on the first tab to avoid overlaps at 120 dpi (125% size) (32/64)
24.10.22 Fixed: Quick search with search dialog: Only ignore certain Ctrl+A/EM_SETSEL events when input language is set to Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to avoid problems with IME (64)
24.10.22 Fixed: Tree: Ignore left mouse button up after second click of double click on expand/collapse icon (64)
23.10.22 Fixed: Set focus manually on active panel after resizing it to 0 width with cm_50Percent -100 and then via mouse to visible width (32)
23.10.22 Fixed: Windows 11: cm_VisFlatDriveButtons and change via Configuration - Options - Layout didn't keep the flat button look for the pressed drive button (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 12.6.0 Build 2915
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Oktober, 2022, 18:20
Whats new:>>

    FIXED - Browsing empty zip archive now works again
    FIXED - Deleting from zip archive now works again
    FIXED - 15 stability issues

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2022, 12:54
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Startup & Exit | Save Settings | Save changes to disk immediately: Improved the handling of an unavailable shared tags database. You now get an immediate error message when the saving failed, and Tags are then shown as "dirty" (= prefixed with an asterisk) in the "File | Settings Special" submenu.
    App Icon: I changed my mind about the icon change. It was a stupid idea. The old icon is too deeply rooted in the internet, it can no longer be replaced. So I went back to the old icon. The iconic one. ;)
    SC appicon: Adjusted to the new state of the internal icon resource.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0209.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 November, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    + Toolbar: Added button "Save Tags". The function is identical to "File | Settings
      Special | Save Tags" but it gives you a handy visual feedback about the dirtyness of
      the situation. If there are any unsaved tags the button icon is red, else it is
      blue. Additionally the icon is rotated to make it work for red-green-blind users.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 22.11.3 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 06:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    The folder of the cloud system did not perform the update process so much.
    Temporary workaround if Windows 11 freezes when files are updated ? #623

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 06:20
Whats new:>>

Toolbar | Save Tags: Button had a small logical glitch that made it stay red under certain conditions. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 12:50
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Save Tags: New icons.

    Info Panel | Find Files | Name & Location: This did not work anymore for (Boolean), quoting Help:
    Note that you can alternatively select the Boolean and RegExp modes by prefixing the name pattern with : or > and thereby *overwrite* the setting of the Mode dropdown! If you do, the dropdown will be replaced by a static label reflecting the current mode.


    Find Files: Fixed some glitches with Search In List (SIL).

Titel: NetDrive 3.17.779 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 18:40

    Hubic protocol removed.


    Support Tencent cloud
    Support Alibaba cloud


    FTP - now users can set time difference to server time manually
    Updated 3rd party libraries (libssh2, openssl, jsoncpp, etc.)
    Improved library search to speed up protocol lookup
    File browser now displays file path when user opens a file
    SharePoint - support asynchronous file listing & detect changes


    Fixed to retain Windows Share settings after reboot.
    FTP - fixed issue with server timestamp option.
    i18n - fixed issue with internationalization
    Fixed to stop uploading when file handle is closed while retrying upload
    Fixed crash issue of ndagent while processing protocol info


Titel: Broot 1.16.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 18:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    You can restrict the panels in which verbs apply with the verb configuration panels parameter
    Fix rm on Windows behaving "recursively" (it was cmd /c del /Q /S {file}) - Fix #627


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2022, 20:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...: Added "Portable Devices". Tick it to show a Hover Box also for items on portable devices. Often a preview doesn't work on portable devices and the unsuccessful attempt takes a long time. Now you can avoid this waste of time. By factory default this setting is OFF.
    Portable Devices: Now you can stop a slow pre-processing operation by pressing ESC when copying files from a PD to some other location. This pre-processing can be so slow (depending on the mood of Windows) that sometimes it's better to just give up.
    Image and Video Preview: The internal order of preview attempts (there are many different ways to preview in Windows) has been changed to work around some rare and weird issues with Windows 11 and also get rid of the infamous "Switch to/Retry" dialog.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.154.

23.70.0205 Beta

    SCs sortby, selfilter: Now partial match is used only as a fall back if there is no full match for the "column" parameter. Previously, the first partial match from the left was used even if a full match was available further to the right
    Toolbar | Save Tags: Old icons


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2022, 19:30

    Floating Preview: Some inconsistencies with "Zoom to Fit" enabled. Fixed.

    Image and Video Preview: Undid that change from v23.70.0206. It brought new problems. Since these problems differ with each Windows version and configuration (installed preview handlers) each user has to find the setting that suits him best. These are the 3 options, available as one-line scripts that can be run through the XYplorer address bar:

    tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 0); //early factory for pdf, ttf, webp, for videos, and for shell folder thumbnails (= XY Factory Default)
    tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 1); //early factory for all file types
    tweak("PreviewEarlyFactory", 2); //early factory for no file types

    To find out the current setting do this and look at the status bar:

    FYI, "factory" refers to the IShellItemImageFactory interface (from Vista onwards). "Early factory" means: try the factory first, then fall back to other methods.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2022, 20:30

    SC quicksearch: Certain selectors were not correctly identified when the search triggered by quicksearch was the first search of the session. Fixed.
    Panes | Sync Select...: Did not work as it should when one of the lists was filled by Quick Search over a list of items (Search In List). Fixed.
    Catalog | Right-Click Menu | Insert As New Category Here | Tabs: If the active tab had a Visual Filter applied when you added the Tabs Category, all the Catalog items that are created in the category had the Visual Filter appended to them. Fixed.
    Edit | Paste Special | Paste As Hard Link(s): Since 20221001 it failed with a bogus error "Different drive. Target has to be on the same drive.". Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    App Icon. Back to the old icon. It's just too iconic to be replaced.
    Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the music of Jerry Lee Lewis.

23.70.0209 Beta

    Updated the help file.
    Catalog: After editing the 'Click and Tag' header once, even without changes, the Category wouldn't allow to create new Tag items, and any existing Tag item you tried to edit would turn into a default catalog item. Fixed.
    Paper Folders: When opening a paper folder in a background tab, the tab showed a generic question mark icon. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 November, 2022, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    TAB Sequence: Was broken since about 5 weeks ago. Fixed.
    SCs sortby, selfilter: The columns were not matched with the "column" argument from left to right by their current position (as is stated in the help file) but by some internal order. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2022, 19:30

    Toolbar | Save Tags: The button now has a small context menu that offers an
    additional command that's useful in Multi-User-Tagging contexts. I gave it a verbose name to make pretty clear what it means: "Save Tags and Remove All Untagged Items from the Database". So, if there is an item in the tags database and you removed all tags from it, then using this command will remove that item from the shared database for all users.
    This command is only shown when "Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags" is enabled (which is taken as a sign that we are in a Multi-User-Tagging context), and it is the only way to remove an item from a shared DB in a MUT network.The background here is safety. You don't want to let users remove items from the shared DB too easily.
    FYI, if you usde the normal "Save Tags" in that situation then the tags present in the DB would be merged with your local state of affairs and the result would be that your tagless item would be retagged to its state in the shared DB.
    Tags: Now if no tags or tags settings have been changed during the session the Tags DB is no written at all when doing Saving Settings and Save Tags. The status bar will say "no saving required" in that case.
    Saves some time, energy and life cycles.
    Multi-User-Tagging: The possibility of a race condition has been reduced to zero where an unfortunate coincidence of activities could result in the loss of tags that should not be lost.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0303 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2022, 05:30

    Multi-User-Tagging: Implemented a new way to safely handle the removal of tags in Multi-User-Tagging. When an item is completely stripped of any tags then internally a ghost tag (label index -999) is attached to it and spread across the network like any other normal tags. The presence of the ghost tag means "this item is not tagged". When the DB is loaded the next time such an item will just be skipped (along with the ghost tag). So here we have an ephemeral intermediate state in the transition from tagged to untagged, which serves to spread the news and update the interfaces of all team members.
    All of this works under the hood, so you really don't have to worry about it. This is about security in Multi-User-Tagging, and security here means making sure no work is accidentally lost.
    Toolbar | Save Tags: What was added in v23.70.0302 has been removed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0304 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2022, 12:42

    The old but undocumented tweaks ShellPreviewMaxWidth and ShellPreviewMaxHeight can now be used to define a bounding box for shell previews which can dramatically increase the preview speed for large RAW images (that was always the idea with these tweaks but they had been poorly implemented).

    This, for example, would limit the preview to 2000 x 2000 pixels:

    Previewing a 6240 x 4160 RAF image now takes about 200ms instead of 8 seconds, that's 40 times faster!
    Surprisingly even larger values perform extremely good up to a magic value of 4416: - 4416 x 4416 -> 500ms - 4417 x 4417 -> 8000ms !
    That could be a peculiarity of this particular thumbnail handler, but the effect of
    limiting the bounding box is so impressive that I decided to set those tweaks by factory default to 2000 x 2000 pixels (and also when upgrading to this version).
    Of course, this setting can later be raised to UI.
    % Thumbnails: Due to the above change thumbnail creation for RAW camera images is much faster now. Only tested with RAF files (Fuji). Of course, a suitable preview handler must be installed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2022, 05:30
Whats new:>>

Multi-User-Tagging: Small bug fix regarding recent changes.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0312 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2022, 12:40
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar | Edit Clipboard: Fresh new icon.
    Multi-User-Tagging: Changed ghost tag index to -888 (internal reasons).
    Multi-User-Tagging: Removing all tags from an item has not yet been fully propagated across the network. Fixed.
    Multi-User-Tagging: Changes in the column definitions could no longer be saved since yesterday. Fixed.
    SC savethumb: This example from the Help did not work as it should (it created an empty 1 x 1 pixel file):savethumb(, "*_t", 256, , "png", 7:=-1); //Preserve transparency
    Fixed. Now it creates a 256 x 256 pixel file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0315 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 November, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags: Added an error message for the case that the watch fails for whatever reason (the reason might be shown in the error message).
Multi-User-Tagging: The ghost tag was not removed when it should be removed on importing tags data from disk to the current tags state in memory. Fixed.
Multi-User-Tagging: Tags could not be removed under certain conditions. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0341 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2022, 19:20

    Show Folder Sizes: Added a tweak to delay the folder size calculation when navigating to a new location. This would delay it by 2 seconds: ShowFolderSizeDelayMsecs=2000
! Scripting | Arrays: You could not pass an array to a user function. Fixed. Now this works as expected:

    $a = array("cat", "dog");
    echo $a[0]; //tiger
    function Test(&$array){
    echo count($array); //2
    echo $array[0]; //cat
    $array[0] = "tiger";


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0342 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Other | Shell Integration | 64-bit Windows | Open files from 64-bit process: If ticked then ISO files could not be opened by ENTER or double-click. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0343 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 November, 2022, 18:38
Whats new:>>

    Moving Files: Since 20210919, files that were skipped during a move operation did not remain selected in the source location. Fixed.
    Action Log: Some newly created folders were not correctly listed in the log. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0344 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Sleeping Drives: Now it's shown in various places if a drive is currently sleeping.
    Tree: Drive name tooltip.
    List | Drives Listing (aka This PC): Drive name tooltip.
    Breadcrumb: Drives dropdown items.
    Go | Drives...: Menu items.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0346 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2022, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Now various drop-down menus with paths open faster and do not wake up a
    sleeping drive. The price: Shell custom icons for folders are not shown in those
    menus, nor the "?" icon for unavailable locations
    Multi-User Tagging: Speed improvements when reading and writing the DB
    Multi-User Tagging: The DB was not locked as tightly as it should have been. Fixed

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0351 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Two more drop-down menus open faster now and do not wake up a sleeping drive.
    Tags | Sorting the Database: Fixed a rare but brutal crash bug. The crash was more likely the more items had to be sorted.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0352 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2022, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Info Panel | Properties: On a custom screen resolution, icons were drawn poorly, the wrong size, or truncated. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0353 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 November, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: The recently added faster opening of drop-down menus is now bound to a tweak:


Titel: XYplorer 23.70.0356 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>

Multi-User Tagging: Added a bit of logging.

Titel: nnn 4.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 18:50
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    Fix ^N not working sometimes (#1449)
    Fix file remove confirmation prompt [Esc - cancel, y/Y - use force, any other key - prompt for each file]
    Bring back atool as the default archive handler
    Add option -B to use bsdtar as the archive utility

    Find and list mode improvements:

    Continue even if max paths/data size limit is exceeded
    Speed improvements
    Support listing maximum 16K paths of 64 MiB of data
    Key J to jump to an entry or relative offset from current entry
    Prefill the hard link creation prompt when there's a single target (#1507)
    Documented workaround for docker container crash (#1407, #1476)
    Plugin imgview: handle arguments as strings (#1509)
    Plugin wallpaper: support Wayland (#1512)
    Plugin upload: handle selection using ffsend (#1523)
    Add Rust icons (#1502)


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 November, 2022, 19:40

    This beta version was compiled with special DEBUG code that will pop error messages where in earlier versions it would just crash. Helps tracking down a crash bug.


    Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
    Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
    Access control works via a special Admin.ini file that only administrators can change and that all mortal users must obey. It’s a dream.
    Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
    Suppose you have some files with outdated serial numbers and you want to renumber them in their current order. This can now be easily done using the new Overwrite Syntax (see Help for details):
    RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
    Nothing to say and nothing to do, it just works.
    App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
    Many Other Improvements.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 November, 2022, 22:20

    New variable: Returns the full path to the actual Admin.ini file used (which differs from the default "<xypath>Admin.ini" in case of redirection):

    echo <xyac>; //actually used Admin.ini file
    text readfile(<xyac>); //show the contents of the actual Admin.ini
    SC readfile: Now it supports the wildcard * in the filename parameter. The first matching item is used according to NTFS item order.
    text readfile("<xypath>*.txt"); //opens the first TXT file
    text readfile("<xypath>XY*.txt"); //opens the first matching TXT file
    Custom Copy: The progress dialog now works better for 12 point fonts. No more clipped descenders.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0210.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2022, 18:30

    SC resolvepath: Now it resolves the wildcard * in the path parameter. The first matching item is used according to NTFS item order: In a typical installation, the following two lines return "C:Program Files (x86)XYplorerLicenseXY.txt":

    text resolvepath("<xypath>*.txt");
    text resolvepath("*.txt"); //resolvepath defaults to <xypath>
    Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: For performance reasons, you now only see generic icons when your database contains more than 65,536 items.
    Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: Since 20221121 icons were missing for lists larger than 1000 items. Fixed.
    Tags: Moving or renaming selected items did not set the dirty flags for those items and did not increase the dirty count. Fixed.
    Multi-User Tagging: If you deleted a tagged file, and then renamed another file to
    the name of the deleted file, after close and restart the renamed file would inherit the tags of the deleted file. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2022, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Custom Copy Operations | Check beforehand whether there is enough space: When unticked then the real-time free space calculation of target paths that are junctions or mount points was incorrect. Fixed.
    Main Menu: When the main menu was hidden and one of the submenus was displayed via the right-click menu of the toolbar button "Show Menu Bar", some items in those submenus were not updated correctly, were missing, or were not translated in the case of a non-English UI. Fixed.
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0211.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0006 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 November, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

SC inputselect: Since yesterday generic icons were shown for file system items where specific icons should be shown. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 09:40

    Multi-User Tagging:

    A safety mechanism (called "SafeSave" internally) was implemented on 20221109 where when saving tags, the database was first read, matched to the tags in memory, and only then saved. This mechanism was activated when either a shared database was defined via admin settings ("FileTagDat" key) or when
    "Configuration | Information | Tags | Auto-refresh tags" was enabled. This latter condition has now been dropped. "SafeSave" is only executed if "FileTagDat" is defined.

    Admin Settings:

    Added a new section Tags with a new key TagDatSafeSave which defaults to 1 (if Admin.ini exists but the key is missing).
    This key allows the admin to control whether "SafeSave" is used when saving your

    Tags. Meaning of the values:

    1=when necessary [Default]
    The default 1 ("when necessary") means that the DB will only be read if it has been modified (by someone else) since this instance last read or wrote it.


Titel: Q-Dir 11.15
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 11:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Wieder diverse Korrekturen und Anpassungen unter Windows 11
• Korrekturen in den einzelnen Datei Explorer Listenansicht
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Explorer Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 19:50

    Catalog: Added another value to the tweak CatalogFlags (bit field):32: No drag without CTRL/SHIFT.
    Protects your Catalog from accidental dragging.
    Admin Settings: The key "TagsFlags" has been renamed to "TagFlags" and been moved to the new [Tags] section just to keep everything together.


    TagFlags=1 'bit 1 = tags DB headers are read-only


    TagsFlags=1 'bit 1 = tags DB headers are read-only
    Note that TagsFlags will still work in [AccessControl] for backward compatibility.
    % Multi-User Tagging: Now if TagDatSafeSave=1 a superfluous DB reload after self-notification will be skipped.
    Multi-User Tagging: When another client renamed a tagged item, your instance would hear from the rename via Auto-Refresh, but it did not automatically update the
    tags-in-memory to be attached to the new name. Fixed.


Titel: NetDrive 3.17.799 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 November, 2022, 20:15


    Support Tencent cloud
    Support Alibaba cloud


    FTP - now users can set time difference to server time manually
    Updated 3rd party libraries (libssh2, openssl, jsoncpp, etc.)
    Improved library search to speed up protocol lookup
    File browser now displays file path when user opens a file
    SharePoint - support asynchronous file listing & detect changes
    Updated websocket library (Fix disconnection from file lock service)
    Now you can remove team drive even if it's published


    Fixed to retain Windows Share settings after reboot.
    FTP - fixed issue with server timestamp option.
    i18n - fixed issue with internationalization
    Fixed to stop uploading when file handle is closed while retrying upload
    Fixed crash issue of ndagent while processing protocol info
    SharePoint - you can mount sub folder as root


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0013 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2022, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Tools | List Management | Tagged Items...: Experimentally, dirty items (items with unsaved tags) are now shown with a yellow background color (brown in dark mode).
    Configuration | Information | Tags | Copy tags on copy operations: Newly tagged items created this way were not yet added to the dirty count. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0014 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 November, 2022, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Small Lists: With no item selected, you can now use Ctrl+Up/Down to move the focus. Windows standard.
    Toolbar: Smarter positioning of extra long drop-down menus so the menu doesn't appear directly under the mouse pointer. It's not always possible to avoid it, but often it is.
    Sync Folders: Sync Folders never supported portable devices, but a corresponding message was missing and you just encountered an error. Fixed.
    This info was also missing from the Help. Fixed as well (comes with next Help update).

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0015 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Toolbar: Even smarter positioning of extra long drop-down menus.
    Toolbar | Back / Forward: Since v21.10.0016 - 2020-09-25 13:18 the dropdown menu was not placed exactly under the buttons anymore. Fixed.
    LNK: LNK files pointing to executables in System32 were opened in System32 instead of in the defined working directory. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0017 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 November, 2022, 22:20
Whats new:>>

More traps to slay a nasty crash bug.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0018 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Dezember, 2022, 17:20
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: Now also PDF files are used as folder thumbnails if all other options fail.
    1. - 5. ...
    6. The first PDF file among the alphabetically first 50 files.
    Special Property | Length: The length of audio files > 2GB was not displayed. Fixed.
    Network Browsing: Fixed a crash bug related to \tsclient servers.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0019 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 10:10
Whats new:>>

    Network: Improved the support for RDP shared drives (\tsclient).
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | For executables as well: Now if unticked, you'll still see all the information that can be gathered without triggering an AV-induced delay, which was the original intention of this setting.
    Toolbar | Toggle Active Pane, Dual Pane: Buttons didn't really update when they should. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Dezember, 2022, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Multi-User Tagging. Significantly improved and reinforced to withstand fast-acting, high-impact environments on shaky networks.
    Access Control. Many additional user access control options to increase corporate security in a multi-user tagging context.
    Batch Renumbering. Now you can easily update numbering in files with serial numbers.
    RAW Photo Preview and Thumbnails. Faster. Much faster.
    App Icon. Back to the old icon. It’s just too iconic to be replaced.
    Many Other Improvements. See change log.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2022, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    List Views: Now the column views (List and Small Icons) remember their Name column width separately from the tiles & thumbs views.
    View | Columns | Autosize Columns Now: Now in non-detail views only the name column is automatically adjusted. Previously, all other columns that are visible in detail views but invisible in non-detail views were also automatically resized. A waste of time and probably undesired.
    Configuration | Preview | Find Files & Branch View | Columns | Autosize Name column right margin (0 = none): This setting now also affects the List and Small Icons views. IMO it's equally useful here, and the Help kind of implies it anyway. So now it affects both Details views and both Column views. Not affected are Tiles views and Thumbs views.
    Network: Added some debug logs to improve the support for RDP shared drives (\tsclient).
    Small Lists: If no item is selected, adding a new item should happen at the focus position, not at the end. Fixed.

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Dezember, 2022, 22:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.0.x?since=2022-09-19&until=2022-12-03

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Tools | Customize Tree | Tree Path Tracing: The combination of Full Row Select and Lock Tree could lead to a painting glitch that destroyed parts of the TPT snake. Fixed.
    Network Browsing: Fixed an issue related to RDP shared drives (\tsclient) and maybe others.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Dezember, 2022, 18:30

    Sync Folders: Added a tweak to define a global filter that is applied to all Sync Folders operations, including SC sync. You can use it to exclude folders that you probably won't want to sync, for example:

    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview: Added option "Limit original preview size", accompanied by an edit box for the size of the square bounding box, factory default 2000 pixels.
    Thumbnails Creation: RAW thumbnails faster, especially for large originals.
    Configuration | Preview | Preview | Floating and full screen preview: All settings have been removed here as they were just a duplicate of the settings available in Floating Preview and Full Screen Preview.
    Edit | New | New Folder "New Folder": For some, the app crashed when this command was invoked repeatedly. Fix attempt.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0104 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Dezember, 2022, 20:50
Whats new:>>

Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0105 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Dezember, 2022, 20:20

    Info Panel | Report | Current Folder: Now you can generate reports ("directory dump") about the special folder "Recycle Bin". But note that currently this report will be hard-coded to the Recycle Bin on drive C: (C:$Recycle.Bin), and, if "Include Subfolders" is ticked, it reports just the first level, i.e. it will list the contents of the direct subfolders of C:$Recycle.Bin. It's a makeshift solution that's just a little bit better than the previous "Folder not found: Recycle Bin".
    Special Properties: The audio props of some WAV files were not displayed. Fixed.
    Tweak SyncFilterGlobal: Using the tweak caused too much filtering when going through Panes | Sync Folders. Fixed.
    SC report: Fixed some issues with Recycle Bin.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 09:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 20:15
Whats new:>>

    Special Properties | Audio Properties: Now AIFF files (*.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are
    natively supported (Audio Interchange File Format), i.e. you will get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate, and Channels.
    Info Panel | Raw View: Now the *target* of a LNK file is raw-viewed, not the LNK file itself. Just like it's already done on the Preview Tab.

Titel: WinSetView 2.45
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2022, 20:50
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    Bug Fix: Fixed "File not found" error on machines where the PowerShell startup folder is set via Profile.ps1.
    Bug Fix: Fixed file dialog still grouped when Explorer view is grouped, but file dialogs are set to Not Grouped.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 20:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    AIFF Properties: Now AIFF files with the following sample rates are supported:

    8000 Hz, 22050 Hz, 24000 Hz, 48000 Hz, 44100 Hz.
    SC obfuscate changed and enhanced: Now you can obfuscate the Name and Path columns, but keep all other columns unobfuscated.
    Syntax: obfuscate [mode], [bullet],
[flags] mode: (bit field)
    0: No obfuscation.
    1: Obfuscation of all path/file names visible on the surface (excl. the Ext column)
    2: Obfuscation of all tooltips and dropdowns.
    4: Obfuscation of all special columns (Properties, Special Properties, Custom
    Columns, Ext column).

    Before, mode=1 included the special columns.


    Obfuscate 1; //obfuscate all path/file names (excl. the Ext column)
    Obfuscate 4; //obfuscate all special columns (incl. the Ext column)
    Obfuscate 5; //obfuscate all path/file names and all special columns
    Video Thumbnails: Since 20221204, some video thumbnails displayed the wrong dimensions on the thumbnails. Fixed.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 6060
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 21:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: WinSetView 2.46
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

Enhancement: Windows 11 "Home" folder now indicated for all languages.

Titel: Broot 1.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Dezember, 2022, 18:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Max file size for content search now configurable (default is now 10MB) - Fix #626
    File summing now avoids /proc and /run
    Default configuration sets /media as not entered by default (can be commented out, of course)


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2022, 11:20
Whats new:>>

    Enterprise Edition: Beginning in 2023, you will need an Enterprise Edition license to enable Access Control and Multi-User Tagging, features that only make sense in a corporate network. All Professional Edition licenses (i.e. all except Home licenses) purchased before 2023 will be internally upgraded to the Enterprise Edition at no extra charge.
    Paper Folders: Folder View Settings with Visual Filters and "Explicit Save Only" enabled could cause the Visual Filter to get stuck when it was supposed to be removed. Fixed.

Titel: Files 2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Dezember, 2022, 22:15
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Added support searching multiple tags by @nilayjoshi89 in #9843
    Migration to WinAppSDK by @yaira2 in #9814
    Get rid of FullTrust for ContextMenu and AppLaunch handlers by @hez2010 in #9857
    Fixed localized strings appearing empty in Compatibility properties by @gave92 in #9868
    Fixed AppCenter reporting by @yaira2 in #9872
    Icon cache and Task.Run tweaks by @hez2010 in #9885
    Removed refresh container by @yaira2 in #9874
    Started refactor work on AppModel by @yaira2 in #9875
    Fixed two exceptions in shell by @hez2010 in #9896
    Added option to double click to open folders in column layout by @ferrariofilippo in #9932
    Removed FluentUI reference by @yaira2 in #9936
    Updated issue template by @yaira2 in #9951
    Reduced item height of sub settings by @yaira2 in #9943
    Fixed an issue where duplicated events were reported by @yaira2 in #9935
    Hide minimize/maximize buttons on the properties window by @ferrariofilippo in #9956
    Added unique icon for preview build by @yaira2 in #9958
    Added support for extracting multiple archives at same time. by @puppetsw in #9957
    Added requirements section to issue template by @yaira2 in #9963
    Updated the logo path in README.md by @blouflashdb in #9964
    Added new icon for dev version of Files by @yaira2 in #9965
    Remove WindowDecorationsHelper, fix theme in properties window by @gave92 in #9966
    Optimized theme loader performance by @yaira2 in #9933
    Migrate from Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json by @ferrariofilippo in #9881
    Fixed unmount iso/virtual drives after eject by @DavidPerikala in #9770
    Fixed issue where properties window opened behind main app window by @ferrariofilippo in #9973
    Remove temp variable in code of #9973 by @gave92 in #9982
    Run ListRecentFolders() in background by @gave92 in #9983
    Fix with shortcuts to folders opening outside Files by @gave92 in #9984
    Fixed issue where ListView had the Win10 style by @yaira2 in #9990
    Bump System.Text.Json from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6 by @dependabot in #9993
    Convert DriveHandler to Files.App helpers by @lukeblevins in #9976
    Removed QuickLookHandler by @puppetsw in #9985
    Fixed issue where empty groups were still shown by @ferrariofilippo in #9941
    Fixed problem with migration to System.Text.Json by @ferrariofilippo in #10000
    Display drive details when hovering over the sidebar by @ferrariofilippo in #9734
    Moved language setting to settings service by @yaira2 in #10005
    Added setting to select files and folders on mouse hover by @ferrariofilippo in #9977
    Apply select files on hover setting without restarting app by @yaira2 in #10011
    Reduce the use of async Task where it's redundant by @itsWindows11 in #9887
    Removed Ready2Run by @yaira2 in #10012
    Remove unused class IsExternalInit by @cinqmilleans in #10026
    Prevent crash on fresh startup by @lukeblevins in #10031
    Fixed an issue where the restore option was missing from recycle bin by @QuaintMako in #10004
    Fixed issue blocking properties window from opening by @ferrariofilippo in #10072
    IUpdateService updates by @puppetsw in #10064
    Auto select new folder on add item dialog by @yaira2 in #10042
    Reduced shortcut overlay size in column view by @QuaintMako in #10037
    Moved Widget option to settings modal by @ferrariofilippo in #10016
    Right click doesn't always select the file/folder hovered over by @ferrariofilippo in #10078
    Fixed an issue where the preview pane appeared to be empty by @gave92 in #10084
    Fixed issue where it didn't work to extract archives from context menu by @ferrariofilippo in #10070
    Fixed issue where preview of ANSI text didn't work by @gave92 in #10083
    Fixed search box visual states by @yaira2 in #10086
    Fixed issue where dragging files over items would select them by @ferrariofilippo in #10097
    Fixed an issue where renaming a file would crash the app by @yaira2 in #10121
    Fixed issue where there were multiple "home" items in the sidebar by @QuaintMako in #10141
    Feature: Added option to change default layout mode by @yaira2 in #10089
    Feature: Added option to set default column sizes by @ferrariofilippo in #10117
    Feature: Created settings page for managing folder settings by @yaira2 in #10148
    Feature: Improved settings modal by @yaira2 in #10153
    Fixed issue with adaptive layout by @gave92 in #10156
    Feature: Display error modal when shortcut target cannot be found by @puppetsw in #10130
    Feature: Made compact mode even more compact by @yaira2 in #10163
    Feature: Display recent searches when clicking on the search box by @ferrariofilippo in #9886
    Fixed issue where folder suggestions are not showing in the Address bar by @mafra99 in #10180
    Fixed an issue where clicking Home on the sidebar wouldn't cancel tag searches by @ferrariofilippo in #9959
    Added menu option to compress items into archive by @ferrariofilippo in #9997
    Fixed issue where sidebar icons were blurry by @yaira2 in #10195
    Fixed issue where default file manager affected other user accounts by @yaira2 in #10196
    Fixed issue where tags section showed "move" option by @ferrariofilippo in #10203
    Fixed issue where right clicking on sidebar items showed the wrong menu options by @cinqmilleans in #10219
    Fixed issue where settings displayed wrong language after installing Files by @cinqmilleans in #10222
    Fixed issue where columns sometimes had no width by @ferrariofilippo in #10239
    Code: Implement inter-process synchronization for LiteDB by @hez2010 in #10250
    Fixed issue where untagged files were sometimes displayed in the search results by @ferrariofilippo in #10241
    Added extract archive button inside archives by @ferrariofilippo in #10243
    Code quality issue template by @QuaintMako in #10206
    Fixed issues involving #10243 by @ferrariofilippo in #10253
    Fixed an issue where the name column had a max width by @ferrariofilippo in #10240
    Fixed issue where the progress bar wasn't shown when connecting new drives by @cinqmilleans in #10259
    Improved the tooltip when hovering over drives by @cinqmilleans in #10242
    Fixed issue where drives had the wrong order in the sidebar by @cinqmilleans in #10258
    Fixed issue with the text alignment in the properties window by @cinqmille...


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0205 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Dezember, 2022, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    Eaten Mouse Clicks: I stopped liking the changes from v23.60.0011 - 2022-09-12
    13:50 and the days before. Too many clicks are eaten for my personal workflow. So, for my own benefit, I made it optional by a new tweak:
    EatAlienMouseDown=1 It's now turned off by default because I enjoy the fantasy of other people being like me.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.15.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2022, 17:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Thumbnails: Writing the thumbnails cache is now much faster (the more files, the more noticeable).
    Shutdown: Writing the various INI files on shutdown is now a little faster, too.
    Thumbnails: Overflow (error 6) when the sum of all current thumbnail pixels went above 2GB. Fixed. The limit is now around 4.6 exapixels, which means your thumbnail folders can now hold around 4 billion times more thumbnails than in previous versions. Should be enough for a while.
    FYI, this was already fixed in 20140919, but some remnants of older code resulted in the overflow error. Thumbnail generation is now fully stream-based and finally no longer reliant on large amounts of RAM.

Titel: Files 2.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2022, 22:15
Whats new:>>

    Fix: Fixed issue where the prompt to review would crash the app by @yaira2 in #10686
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when switching between a tag and drive by @QuaintMako in #10697
    Fix: Fixed crash with BundlesViewModel_OpenPathEvent by @yaira2 in #10696
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 by @dependabot in #10700

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 11:40
Whats new:>>

    Feature: Added a new theme for fake mica by @yaira2 in #10716
    Feature: Updated WinAppSdk to 1.2.221209.1 by @yaira2 in #10717
    Updated translations by @yaira2 in #10687

Titel: Broot 1.17.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Add a Windows specific version of :cpp

Titel: WinSetView 2.53
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 18:20

    Enhancement: The File Explorer window size and position is now retained.
    Enhancement: The WinSetView window size and position is now remembered. Also added a "Re-center" button to center the app on the primary display.
    Enhancement: Display tweaks made to work better with Window's high contrast mode.
    Enhancement: Changed icons for Details and Right-Click column headings.
    Enhancement: Updated column clear dialogs to new format that matches scale of main screen.
    Enhancement: When a new version is available, the "Help" button changes to "Update" with the version information in the tooltip.
    Feature added: Separate views for File Open/Save dialogs can now be set on a per folder type basis.
    Feature added: The Grouping column heading button now has ascending and descending order options.
    Feature added: Drag sort dialog added for rearranging column headings.
    Feature added: Copy and Paste buttons added for easy copying of view settings from one folder type to another.
    Feature added: Uncheck/Recheck all checkbox added to the Advanced interface (handy when you want the majority of the folder type views left at Windows defaults).
    Feature added: There's now an extendable Theme menu with light and dark themes provided.


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Time-Stamping: Time-stamping a file now ensures that the archive bit is set in that file.
    Thumbnails: The old DAT2 files (out of business since v23.50.0012 - 2022-08-14 16:14, but still supported till v23.80.0205 - 2022-12-13 18:55) are not compatible anymore with the new internal thumbnails structures introduced with v23.80.0206 - 2022-12-14 16:10, and the support ends here.
    If you want to migrate old DAT2 thumbnails caches you can use a version from
    v23.50.0012 to v23.80.0205 to convert DAT2 to the now used INI format.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Dezember, 2022, 22:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2022, 20:20

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus: Added option "Hold Ctrl to show the native context menu". Tick it to replace the shell context menu by a lightning fast native one when you hold the Ctrl key down while right-clicking an item. Works in tree and list.In the list, this setting overrides "Hold Ctrl to show cell context menu" for the Name column (which is pretty much the only reason this is optional and not hardcoded out of the box). By the way, this has worked in the tree by default already since v21.50.0137 - 2021-03-10 12:02. Now the new option needs to be checked.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Autosize columns maximum width (0 = unlimited): The "0 = unlimited" promise had not been kept. Fixed.
    User-Defined Commands: The size of scripts in UDC has been internally limited to 32767 characters. If a script got longer, you were greeted with an overflow error. Not anymore. Now scripts can have 2 giga characters (2,147,483,648).
    Tweak PreviewEarlyFactory: On PreviewEarlyFactory=2, since 20221208, WEBP images (and probably other image formats that need a preview handler), were previewed in a limited size even if "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview | Limit original preview size" was not ticked. Fixed.


Titel: FreeCommander XE 2023 Build 880
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2022, 09:50
FreeCommander XE is a powerful dual-pane file manager with hundreds of features including folder size calculation, folder comparison/synchronization, file search, filtering, MD5 calc / verfiy, folder compare, sync, and a customizable interface. Includes a file viewer to view files in hex, binary, text or image format; an archive handling ability for standard compressed formats including ZIP (read, write), CAB (read, write) and RAR (read); built-in copy/move/delete handlers; and much more. Additional features are availble via plugins.

License: Freeware


    Bug fix: Multi rename - "Activate profiles combo box first" is broken https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=39876#p39876
    Bug fix: After resizing the main window, some elements may be drawn not properly (red area may appear) https://freecommander.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13170


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0302 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Dezember, 2022, 20:15

    Native Context Menu: Now it has an "Open" command. It is equivalent to pressing Enter.
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List...: Added "Copy Path" to the available commands. It is identical to the "File | To clipboard | object path/name(s)" command, but due to its popularity I have decided to give it a more prominent alternative position.
    File | File Special | Add to Zip...: If at least one of the files to be compressed has a name that is longer than 259 characters, you will now receive a message about how many files could not be compressed.
    Registration: Specifying the license data via "Lic.ini" stopped working since v23.80.0204. Fixed.
    Fixed a mysterious crash bug (error 9 message with special debug compilation, no message at all without it) that some users have reported off and on over the years.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.156. > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.156.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648


Titel: Files 2.4.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Dezember, 2022, 21:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Fixed crash that would occur when switching between Network and Recycle Bin by @QuaintMako in #10728
    Updated translations by @yaira2 in #10742


Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0303 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2022, 08:40
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to show the native context menu: Now the menu can be opened one-handedly using the "rocker-click" (Left-Mouse-Down + Right-Mouse-Click).
    Native Context Menu: Now it has a "Properties" command. It is equivalent to File | Properties (Alt+Enter).
    Native Context Menu: Now it's the factory default.
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0304 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Dezember, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Interface Translation Tool: Fixed some layout issues.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2022, 11:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen in der Listenansicht für ältere Microsoft Windows OS
• Korrekturen in den einzelnen Datei-Explorer-Verzeichnisstrukturen
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 23.80.0305 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2022, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    Address Bar: Now the context menu of the icon features the commands "Paste and Go" and "Paste and Search".
    Tabs: Now the context menu of the icon features the commands "Copy Path" and "Copy Item", and if it is the currently selected tab also the commands "Paste and Go" and "Paste and Search".
    Status Bar: Now the hover status of the above mentioned menu commands comes with a fitting icon.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.157.

Titel: Files 2.4.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Dezember, 2022, 21:45
Whats new:>>

    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.0 to 17.4.1 by @dependabot in #10763
    Fix: Fixed opening an executable pinned to start menu by @gave92 in #10771
    Codebase quality: Use helper method for checking .lnk and .url extensions by @gave92 in #10772
    Code: Optimized use of resource dictionaries by @yaira2 in #10773

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Native Context Menu. Now you can replace the normally slow shell context menu with a blazing fast native one.
    AIFF Audio Properties. Now AIFF files (Audio Interchange File Format: *.aif, *.aiff, *.aifc) are supported natively, i.e. you get Length, Sample Rate, Bit Depth, Bit Rate and Channels, each in its own column.
    Media Length Custom Format. The context menu of the Length column header now offers the toggles "Show Hours" and "Show Milliseconds". Lets you format the length display the way you like it.
    Many Other Improvements. See change log.

Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 10:40
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

Update: Windows 11 compatible

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 19:10
Whats new:>>

    Native Context Menu: Now when hovering the "Open" command the status bar displays (if possible) the app that will be used to open the right-clicked item. Only for single selections and not for folders, just for files.
    Audio Properties: Since 20221207, audio properties were no longer displayed for most MP4 files, and incorrect audio properties were displayed for some MP4 files. Fixed.
    Native Context Menu: Didn't work in non-Details views. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.18.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Dezember, 2022, 21:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Hjson configuration file can now omit outside braces (it's "braceless Hjson"), making it much cleaner
    allow opening the help screen with just the ? key on Windows (as for other systems)
    fix a crash in some cases of input being cleaned with a selection - Fix #643


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0003 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 08:30
Whats new:>>

Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields: Now the opening application for each file item is shown in the last extra field as "Opened with".

Titel: Tabbed Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 08:50
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.


Whats new:>>

    Update: Windows 11 compatible
    Add: Tools menu

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 09:20
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

    Optimized drag area by @yaira2 in #10787
    Build(deps): Bump MSTest.TestFramework from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #10786
    Build(deps): Bump MSTest.TestAdapter from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 by @dependabot in #10785
    Fixed crash that would occur when updating from the store by @puppetsw in #10795
    Fixed an issue where the title was displayed twice in the preview pane by @yaira2 in #10796
    Fixes & improvements for Recent Items by @gave92 in #10760
    Added support for showing pCloud in the cloud drive section by @gave92 in #10801
    Updated translations by @yaira2 in #10769

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 18:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Check existence of subfolders in tree: Experimentally the checking is now done *after* the main window is shown. This task is sometimes a bit time-consuming depending on the state of the Windows file cache. So now you can already see where you are while the hard work is going on.
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Tooltip zoom (%): Since 20220531, zoom was lost when switching between dark and light mode. Fixed.
    Configuration | Preview | Mouse Down Blow Up | Mouse Up on Folder Icons | Folder contents preview: The font used in the file info tips in the contents menu was never set to the font used in the parent control, nor did it honor tooltip zoom. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0009 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Dezember, 2022, 22:20
Whats new:>>

Portable Devices: Depending on the manufacturer, there could be a "Type Mismatch" error that would prevent the device folders from listing. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0012 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2022, 20:40
Whats new:>>

    File | Metadata: Now it also lists all available Tags and Special Properties.
    Native Context Menu | Extended Properties: Renamed it to "Metadata", and now it's identical to File | Metadata. FYI, the popup dialog remembers its size and position.

23.90.0011 Beta

    Native Context Menu:

    Extended Properties: Revised the formatting. BTW, not sure yet whether to join it somehow with File | Metadata.

Titel: Multi Commander 12.8.0 Build 2926 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Dezember, 2022, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



     ADDED - Relative/Absolute path conversion for StartFolder / IconPath in QuickLaunch dialog
     ADDED - MultiScript function StrSplitAnyOf , will now split on any of the delimiters specified
     CHANGE- More Code Cleanup and restructing of code.
     FIXED - MultiScript function CopyFile now uses the target name of the file if set and is different that source name.
     FIXED - Rare crash issue that could happen during shutdown of program
     FIXED - Crash Issue if Renaming many selected item and one of them is deleted before it gets to than item
     FIXED - Rare crash issue with opening RAR archives
     FIXED - 4 Stability Issues


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Dezember, 2022, 18:00
Whats new:>>


  +++ Opens With. Now File Info Tip and Native Context Menu tell you which application
      opens a file when you double-click it. No more surprises.
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2022, 08:00
Whats new:>>


  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Attribute Changer 11.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2022, 09:30
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    Enhanced JPEG EXIF header detection, supporting more JPEG files
    Rewrite of detailed logging feature
    Natural sort algorithm for detailed logging
    Subdir state saved on exit
    Fixed TAB order for keyboard navigation
    Fixed issue to display all elements in ‘Size’ filter listbox
    Fixed broken mouse wheel scrolling in listboxes
    Fixed issue to disable controls during processing
    Fixed memory hog in processing engine


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Dezember, 2022, 18:00
Whats new:>>

    Native Context Menu: Experimentally the "Open" command is now also shown for folders (not just for files). In a typical setup, selecting this command should open folders in Windows File Explorer.
    File | Properties: Since 20221226 this command did not work anymore for folders in the tree. Fixed.
    Native Context Menu: In the tree, the Metadata command acted on the current tree folder instead of the right-clicked one. Fixed.
    Tools | List Management: Since 20221203, the New button incorrectly placed the new item at the end of the list under certain conditions. Fixed.
    Info Panel | Properties: Timestamp boxes were too high. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0202 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Dezember, 2022, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Output file options: Added setting "Encoding" with 5 options to choose from:

    ANSI (the actual encoding, e.g. Windows-1252, depends on the active codepage)
    UFT-8 BOM
    UFT-16 LE
    UFT-16 LE BOM (factory default and previously hard-coded)

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0203 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Dezember, 2022, 08:50
Whats new:>>

Folder Size Calculation: Since the "Check existence of subfolders" optimization in v23.90.0007 - 2022-12-22 12:59, calculating folder sizes on startup got mixed up with the "Check existence of subfolders" process creating a confusing situation in the status bar. Now it's done one after the other, first check existence of subfolders, then calculate folder sizes for pane 1 and 2 (if necessary). Both processes can be aborted by ESC.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0204 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 09:20
Whats new:>>

    Native Context Menu: Added a second open command, "Open by Shell". It will open the selected items exactly as if they were opened via the Shell Context Menu. Especially when using Custom File Associations, you now have quick access to two alternative open commands.
    Note that even if both commands point to the same opening application, there may be subtle (and undocumented by Microsoft) differences in the opening process.
    Configuration | Information | Report & Data | Info Panel / Report: Rearranged.
    Tools | Customize List | Date Column Format: When switching the date column format,
    "Show Age" was automatically set to unchecked. Not anymore.
    Native Context Menu: Wrong Open status for tree folders. Fixed.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: With factory default settings the Name line was shown twice since 20221201. Fixed.

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 10:20

    Feature: iCloud Drive and Photos namespace detection by @FayneAldan in #10819
    Feature: Implement the fundamental for rich progress by @hez2010 in #10814
    Fix: Fixed issue where the network icon was blank by @hecksmosis in #10839
    Feature: Added support for Creative Cloud by @gave92 in #10845
    Code quality: Use FileExtensionHelpers more widely by @gave92 in #10846
    Fix: Fixed issue where the wrong recent item was being removed by @gave92 in #10847
    Feature: Added setting to change the background color by @yaira2 in #10850
    Fix: Added missing txt and zip options in the new file menu by @gave92 in #10852
    Feature: Removed accent color from non-selected items in the column layout by @chingucoding in #10818
    Feature: Improved support for theming by @yaira2 in #10863
    Feature: Display banner when recent items are turned off from File Explorer by @jiejasonliu in #10777
    Fix: Remove unnecessary async state machine generation by @hecksmosis in #10853
    Feature: Show shortcuts & hidden files in network folders by @gave92 in #10872
    Fix: Fixed issue where file operations didn't work in AppData by @gave92 in #10865
    Feature: Updated translations by @yaira2 in #10822
    Fix: Prevent Visual Studio from stopping when deleting an item by @cinqmilleans in #10597
    Feature: Show notification only when app crashes by @d2dyno1 in #10873


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0206 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 18:30

    Customize Toolbar: Toolbar Zoom now works in 0.05 steps (was 0.1 steps before).
    Interface Translation Tool: Saving got the encoding wrong since v23.90.0202. Fixed.

23.90.0205 Beta

    Updated the help file.
    User-Defined Preview Handlers: The background color was left undefined and came out pitch black in preview where parts of the background are visible. Fixed.


Titel: Multi Commander 12.8.2929
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Dezember, 2022, 19:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



 FIXED - Crash Issue when copying files
 ADDED - Relative/Absolute path conversion for StartFolder / IconPath in QuickLaunch dialog
 ADDED - MultiScript function StrSplitAnyOf , will now split on any of the delimiters specified
 CHANGE- More Code Cleanup and restructing of code.
 FIXED - MultiScript function CopyFile now uses the target name of the file if set and is different that source name.
 FIXED - Rare crash issue that could happen during shutdown of program
 FIXED - Crash Issue if Renaming many selected item and one of them is deleted before it gets to that item
 FIXED - Rare crash issue with opening RAR archives
 FIXED - 5 Stability Issues


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0207 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2022, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Hover Box: Now it supports text files in BOM-less UTF-16 LE encoding.


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0208 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Dezember, 2022, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Help | Various Information: If Admin Settings (usually Admin.ini) were read and
    used, you now find the path to the used file under "Admin Settings:".
    Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | Hold Ctrl to invert the above selection: From now on this setting only makes a difference in the file list. In the folder tree CTRL / rocker-click will always invert the menu
    setting. This is possible because in the tree there is no competition with "Hold
    Ctrl to show cell context menu".

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Januar, 2023, 09:00
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0428 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Januar, 2023, 21:20
Whats new:>>

    SC pathvirtual: Renamed to "pathspecial". The old name is deprecated (but kept).
    Updated the help file.

Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0429 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 18:50

    Virtual Folders: Changed the comment syntax. Now the first piece of text in quotation marks in the comment is used as a caption of the VFO:

    vi:%tmp%* /f //list all files in TEMP ("Tmp Files")
    vi:C:*|D:*|E:* //"C, D, E" (files and folders)
    vi:<get pick 3.m/{:Image}> //caption: "3 newest pics" (by modified)
    Virtual Folders: VFOs such as <get sip> did not work when switching from a search tab (the list was empty). Fixed.
    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.159.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.159.lng is uploaded. You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread: https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=9648
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0430 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 21:30

    Virtual Folders: Now URLs listed in a VFO are previewed in the Preview Tab, Preview Pane, and in the Floating Preview.
    Vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/index.php //"XY Beta Club"
    Vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/xyfc/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4&sd=d //"Latest Beta Release Notes"
    Vi:https://www.xyplorer.com/version_beta.php //shows last beta version number in the preview

    Even works with downloads: When previewed this VFO item prompts to download, when double-clicked it downloads directly (via opening the browser):

    Pretty awesome.
    File | Quick File View: Now URLs shown in Virtual Folders are supported. You will see the source code of the page.
    Info Panel | Raw View: Now URLs shown in Virtual Folders are supported. You will see the source code of the page.
    Hex view does not work though. The setting is ignored.


Titel: Double Commander 1.0.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Januar, 2023, 22:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    FIX: FPC 3.3 compatibility (#385)
    FIX: Warning message about not enough space when copying to ramfs

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.0.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Januar, 2023, 19:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    Fixed bug: the FileMenu Tools commands only worked with up to 16 files.
    Fixed bug: the FileMenu Tools submenu was shown twice in the context menu when you selected shortcut files.
    Fixed bug on Windows 11: sometimes an empty "FileMenu Tools" entry was displayed in the classic context menu with no commands.
    Fixed bug in renaming custom commands: if the renaming profile name included quotes, the profile was not loaded correctly.
    Fixed bug on Windows 11: the Open and Save dialogs of the applications only show the classic context menu and in this case the commands of FileMenu Tools was not shown.
    Fixed bug on Windows 11: some third-party alternatives to Windows File Explorer did not work with FileMenu Tools (Directory Opus, Explorer++).
    Fixed bug on Windows 11 when using StartAllBack: if you enabled classic context menu in StartAllBack, then the commands of FileMenu Tools was not displayed in this menu.
    Fixed minor bugs.


Titel: XYplorer 23.90.0431 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2023, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Updated the help file.
    Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips: With a certain combination of settings the tip came when it shouldn't. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Januar, 2023, 21:20

    Virtual Folders. Virtual Folders are folders where you define the content directly in the folder name. You can directly "create" such a folder by typing it into the Address Bar. Nothing is created on disk, it's all in the name. And it's super fast because almost no file system browsing is involved. A revolutionary new concept that adds a number of interesting possibilities to your file management.
    Drop Menu on Hover. Now the menus optionally auto-drop on hovering a component separator. No more clicking. Smooth and comfortable.
    Many Other Improvements. See change log.

23.90.0432 Beta

    Info Panel | Properties: Since v23.60.0113 - 2022-09-25 14:08, the item name wasn't displayed in bold anymore. Fixed.
    Startup: "Invalid Property Value" possible in case of an error in the MLS language file. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0001 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2023, 20:50
Whats new:>>

    SC listfolder and listpane: Since v23.90.0418 - 2023-01-15 19:27 the pattern argument was case-sensitive. Ouch. Fixed.
    SC get pick: The above bug also affected the filter argument here. Fixed.

Titel: Files 2.4.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Januar, 2023, 21:15
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Code Quality: Removing PaneHolder to solely use PreviewPaneHolder by @QuaintMako in #10979
    Code Quality: Sorting and removing unused usings by @QuaintMako in #11010
    Feature: Added run as admin toggle to shortcut properties by @hecksmosis in #10833
    Feature: Added "send to" menu when right clicking a file by @yaira2 in #10986
    Feature: Improved the background color preview by @yaira2 in #11020
    Codebase: Remove unnecessary casts by @hecksmosis in #11015
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Extensions from 3.4.11 to 3.4.12 by @dependabot in #11022
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Shell from 3.4.11 to 3.4.12 by @dependabot in #11023
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.11 to 3.4.12 by @dependabot in #11024
    License: Updated the Copyright year in LICENSE.md by @MlgGurke in #11030
    Code Quality: Formatted code for readability by @cinqmilleans in #10537
    Feature: Added shortcut for opening folders in secondary pane by @QuaintMako in #10966
    Codebase: Refactored themes by @yaira2 in #11031
    Fix: Fixed issue where content on the search results page wasn't centered by @itayweb in #10570
    Build(deps): Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0 to 8.1.0 by @dependabot in #11035
    Codebase: Remove unnecessary this keyword by @hecksmosis in #11037
    Feature: Added support for installing multiple fonts at the same time by @hecksmosis in #11029
    Fix: Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when calculating folder sizes by @jiejasonliu in #11012
    Feature: Added option to show check boxes next to file names by @chingucoding in #11017
    Feature: Moved menu items to left side of the settings dialog by @yaira2 in #11044
    Fix: Prevent creating folders with forbidden names by @hecksmosis in #10967
    Fix: Fixed create file button when entering text with Chinese input flyout by @hecksmosis in #11040
    Fix: Fixed issue where submit feature request linked to wrong location by @yaira2 in #11058
    Fix: Naming an item at its creation properly sets the name by @QuaintMako in #11060
    Code Quality: Introducing StandardViewBase to reduce code duplication by @QuaintMako in #10996
    Feature: Added option to turn off double click gesture by @yaira2 in #11065
    Fix: Fixed issue with creating shortcuts in libraries by @hecksmosis in #10913
    Fix: Fixed issue where release notes were cut off by @yaira2 in #11067


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0002 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2023, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: Now the undrop is timer-controlled as well (delay again defined by "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Initial delay in milliseconds"), feels more natural.
    Breadcrumb Bars | Drop Menu on Hover: If the mouse leaves the bar northbound any dropdown is now immediately undropped.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0004 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Januar, 2023, 19:50

    Toolbar | Recent Locations: Changed the icon to a blue-grey dartboard with a dart. Better distinction from the other bluish rounded icons.

24.00.0003 Beta

    Toolbar | Recent Locations: Now Virtual Folders are shown with their caption (if
    any). The full path is shown in the status bar while hovering the menu item.
    Toolbar | Back, Forward: Now Virtual Folders are shown with their caption.
    Virtual Folders: Scripts did not work on ENTER. Fixed. Example:
    vi:echo "hi!";


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0005 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2023, 10:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Breadcrumb Bars: Improved drop/undrop logic and feel.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0007 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2023, 19:20

    Virtual Folders: Now they optionally support Auto-Refresh, *if* the common path or
    branch of the contained items supports it. That path is displayed in the Turkish Rose
    colored Information Bar; if no path is displayed then you get no Auto-Refresh. For now the option is only implemented as a tweak:

24.00.0006 Beta

    SC get pick: The "pick" argument got two cousins, "pickall" and "pickdirs". I also added "pickfiles" as an alternative to "pick" for symmetry and completeness.
    SC selectitems enhanced. Now you can push the focused and selected item.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0008 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Januar, 2023, 21:30
Whats new:>>

    SC obfuscate: Some more special characters are now excluded from obfuscation:

    .:|/<>".,; and Space and CR and LF
    Before it was only:.: and Space and CR and LF
    These excluded characters help to understand the structure without revealing private information.
    SC obfuscate: Did not yet obfuscate the Information Bars. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2023, 10:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.310
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2023, 19:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0101 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2023, 20:30
Whats new:>>

    SC get pick: Added "*_list" variants to pick items from the current list instead of the current folder. This makes picking work in Search Results, Branch View, Visual or Live Filtered lists, or Virtual Folders (one VFO can pick from another!).
    SC get pick: Added sort options .s (alphabetical) and .x (no sorting).
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Open new tab: When set to "Next to current tab" doing "New Tab" or "Clone Tab" via right-click from a background tab created the new tab to the right of the current tab. Although it sounds right, I think it is unexpected. It will now open the new tab to the right of the right-clicked tab.
    Tabs: Doing "Clone Tab" via right-click menu from a background tab resulted in a new foreground tab with the contents of the previous foreground tab. Complete mess. Fixed. Now the clone remains in the background.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Januar, 2023, 21:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    Fixed bug: the commands of FileMenu Tools did not work when more than 16 files was selected on some versions of Windows 11.
    Fixed bug on Advanced Renamer: if any string in the text boxes contained initial or final spaces, then these spaces were removed after renaming.
    Fixed minor bugs.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0102 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2023, 08:30
Whats new:>>

    Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Auto-Refresh: Added option "Include virtual folders". Factory default is OFF. Note: Auto-Refresh in Virtual Foldrs works only *if* the common path or branch of the contained items supports it. That path is displayed in the Turkish Rose colored Information Bar; if no path is displayed then you get no Auto-Refresh. FYI, this setting raises tweak WatchVirtual to UI.
    Portable Devices: When the list was showing a Portable Device path, right-clicking any tree folder popped a reduced menu as if that folder was on a Portable Device.
    Fixed. Native Context Menu | Metadata: Didn't work with items on Portable Devices. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0103 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2023, 18:30

    SC get pick: Renamed switch "s" (*s*ort alphabetically) to "n" (sort by *n*ame).

    Examples (using the short form without get):

    vi:<pick 12.n> //VFO listing the first (ABC) 12 files from the current folder
    vi:<pick 12.nr> //VFO listing the last (ABC) 12 files from the current folder
    Network: Since 20230108, network browsing via the List failed on systems without a Links or OneDrive folder. Fixed.
    Custom File Icons: This and various other contexts could not handle drive-less paths anymore (eg "Windows") on systems without a Links or OneDrive folder. Fixed.
    Concerning the above seemingly bizarre bugs: A certain fundamental routine did not expect that the variable pointing to the Links or OneDrive folder could ever be completely empty. This failure could surface in surprising places. It's fixed now.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Januar, 2023, 20:30
Whats new:>>

24.00.0104 Beta

    * Virtual Folders: The commands in submenu "File | Duplicate" are now allowed in VFOs
      *if* the common path or branch of the contained items supports it.
    * Updated the help file.
    ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Auto-optimize tree: Did not work
      under "Network" anymore since about 20211023. Fixed.


Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0201 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    ! Toolbar | Recent File Operations: Did not yet work from VFOs. Fixed.
    ! Thumbnails: Since 20230127, no new folder thumbnails could be created. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Januar, 2023, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0301 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Januar, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    SC get pick: Filters from generic file types were far too tolerant because they used eg "*txt*" instead of "*.txt", or worse "*c*" instead of "*.c". Fixed.
    Example: vi:<get pick {:Text} "<xypath>">
    Tabsets: Switching between tabsets should now be much smoother.
    Breadcrumb Bars: Since 20230125, when "Standard Menu" was selected you could jump to a new path anymore by clicking any of the components. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2023, 08:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.2401 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2023, 18:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Quick Search: Since 20230129 multi location searches like this: c:test|z:temp? /fn got confused about the path of the found items. Fixed.
    Portable Devices: The custom commands "Open in New Tab" (etc) in a List item's context menu did not work from a Portable Device location. Fixed.
    Floating Preview: Scrolling through images, ICO files were treated apart from all other image files in a weird way. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Januar, 2023, 23:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0503 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Februar, 2023, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Joker Tabs: Some enhancements to a still unofficial new killer feature.

24.00.0502 Beta

    Tabs: A tab could lose its Visual Filter (and other properties) when being auto-selected after another tab has been actively closed. Since 20230112. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0600
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Februar, 2023, 08:50
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Broot 1.20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Februar, 2023, 20:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    unless overriden, /proc is now no-enter, which solves freezes when searchin on / in some system - See #639
    SVG files now rendered as images in the preview panel
    new version of the nushell function. You should be prompted for an update - Fix #656 - Thanks @FrancescElies and @mediumrarez
    no-hide special paths - Thanks @avlllo
    preview can now be opened on directories, showing their first level - Fix #405
    better determine whether the terminal is white or dark in some (probably rare) cases - See Canop/terminal-light#2


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0601 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Februar, 2023, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Windows 7 / Windows Classic (non-themed): A cosmetic service for some outdated environments has been removed, which had led to problems in today's environments.
    Virtual Folders: Deleting by script did not work while a Virtual Folder was showing in the front pane. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0602 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Februar, 2023, 18:30
Whats new:>>

Paper Folders: Now scripts and URLs are allowed in Paper Folders just like they are in Virtual Folders.

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Februar, 2023, 09:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Fix: Fixed quick access widgets when there are few items by @gave92 in #11169


    Feature: Updated WinAppSdk 1.2.230118.102 by @yaira2 in #11084
    Feature: Display item size in tooltip by @yaira2 in #11069
    Feature: Added setting to sync folder preferences across directories by @yaira2 in #11085
    Feature: Added bitrate info for audio files in properties windows by @hecksmosis in #11051
    Feature: Move shell extensions to sub menu by default by @yaira2 in #11110
    Fix: Fixed GitHub repository typo by @verdaderoken in #11116
    Feature: Improved performance when creating new files by @ferrariofilippo in #11114
    Fix: Fixed app crash when copying file from 7-zip by @hishitetsu in #11118
    Feature: Added file tags widget by @d2dyno1 in #10477
    Feature: Added InfoBar to the bundles widget by @yaira2 in #11122
    Fix: Fixed issue where default tags had random uids by @yaira2 in #11123
    Fix: Fixed showing a negative elapsed time in case of a future timestamp by @hishitetsu in #11125
    Fix: Fixed wrong date format when language is set to Default by @hishitetsu in #11087
    Fix: Fixed issue with environment variables not working for shortcuts by @hecksmosis in #11130
    Codebase Quality: Made RecycleBinHelpers static by @hecksmosis in #11094
    Feature: Use the tab key to select the next file while renaming by @ferrariofilippo in #11063
    Fix: Fixed issue with creating new archives in a library by @ferrariofilippo in #11100
    Feature: Show error when a shortcut can't be created by @ferrariofilippo in #11013
    Fix: Fixed issue where multiselect broke open with single click by @yaira2 in #11131
    Feature: Added support for hiding the edit tags menu by @yaira2 in #11133
    Feature: Sync pinned favorites with File Explorer by @hecksmosis in #11120
    Codebase: Make private service fields readonly by @hecksmosis in #11011
    Feature: Changed default grid view size to medium by @yaira2 in #11137
    Fix: Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when pinning folders to the sidebar by @hecksmosis in #11140
    Fix: Fixed typo in resources.resw by @hecksmosis in #11146
    Code quality: Refactoring and improvements by @ferrariofilippo in #10948
    Feature: Add support for Autodesk drive by @hecksmosis in #11148
    Fix: Fixed app crash when opening details tab in file properties by @hishitetsu in #11165
    Feature: Prompt for credentials when connecting smb by @radu-cernatescu in #11144
    Feature: Display recent folders in the folders widget by @hecksmosis in #11155


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0603 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Februar, 2023, 19:50

    Favorites | Favorite Folders: Now Virtual Folders are supported.
    File | Duplicate | Copy Here As...: Now when items with multiple extensions are selected (or right-mouse dropped) the preset default uses a special pseudo extension
    "?" which ensures that each of the copied items retains its original extension.
    Edit | Paste Special: The submenu was disabled when a Virtual Folder was being shown. Not anymore. There are commands in the menu that should always be available, e.g. "Edit Clipboard...".
    SC popupmenu, popupnested: Accelerators not correctly processed for items containing spaces. Fixed.
    Tools | List Management | Instant Color Filters...: Any changes to the current filter became only visible after switching to another filter and then back to the current one. Fixed. Now the changes become visible right away.
    Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | Tab captions: A custom pattern like <volumelabel>: <folder>" was not applied to drives roots. Fixed.
    Rename Preview: The zebra grid colors went wrong in Dark Mode when "Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Dark mode | Adaptive colors" was turned off. Fixed.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0605 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2023, 20:50

    Info Panel | Preview: Since 20230122, files in the drive root would not be previewed anymore. Fixed.

24.00.0604 Beta

    Admin Settings: Added some settings concerning Multi-User Tagging. Most of them have been added already a while ago, but they weren't documented yet. These are the keys currently available in the Tags section of Admin.ini, each with an example value:
    [Tags] Description
    TagsList=a,b,c Limits the tags the user can apply to this list.
    TagDatOpenTryMsecs=5000 Time (in ms) the app attempts to open the shared tags DB before giving up. Note that the DB is locked while any other user is writing to it.
    TagDatSafeSave=1 SafeSave mode: 0=never, 1=when necessary [Default], 2=always
    SafeSave means:
    Before writing, the current saved state of the database is read and matched with the tags in memory. Can be useful in a multi-user tagging context if for some reason your current tags in memory do not match the status of the database on disk.
    TagFlags=1 Bit field: 1 = tags DB headers are read-only, 2 = tags DB is read-only
    TagDatModCheckMsecs=2000 Time (in ms) between checking if the shared tags DB has been modified by another user and needs to be (and will be) auto-reloaded.
    Note that these settings are only included in the Enterprise Edition. They only make sense in a corporate environment.
    Edit | Select | Select Items...: Now you can state wildcard patterns in the list.
    SC selectitems: Now you can state wildcard patterns in the list (see above).
    Breadcrumb Bars: Now concatenated Virtual Folders are support in the Hamburger.
    Internally, and also in the INI (key CrumbHamburger), the itemlist separator "|" is replaced by a TAB character.
    Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger: Had lost its ability to unpop at the second click. Fixed.
    Breadcrumb Bars | Triangles: On "Standard Menu" the triangles did not flip to the downward orientation anymore when clicked. Fixed.
    SC popupmenu: The checked state did not work anymore since about 20230117. Fixed: popupmenu("cap;;;1|cap;;;2|cap;;;4");


Titel: Broot 1.20.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Februar, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    fix status line not always displaying the hint of the input's verb - Fix #665

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0700
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2023, 08:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: NetDrive 3.17.838
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2023, 09:40


    pCloud: Reduced API call when uploading files


    Security Update: CVE-2022-3786 and CVE-2022-3602 (OpenSSL 3.0.6 risk)
    pCloud: Fixed a bug which prevents uploading files to root folder
    Updated Visual Studio Redistributables (31931)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 23.1.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2023, 18:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    \\\adjusted so that you can enter

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0701 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Februar, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Drag and Drop: Experimentally you can now fake a right-drag-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-drop. That way you can have the Drag and Drop context menu on left-drag-drop, which is pretty cool in some hardware and software contexts. Applies to drops on Tree, List, Catalog, Breadcrumbs, and Tabs.
    Floating Preview: Scrolling through files by wheel, and with "Zoom by Wheel" turned off, failed with Text, Office, Web, Font, and Icon files. Fixed.
    Breadcrumb Bars | Hamburger: Sometimes needed two clicks to open. Fixed.

Titel: WinSetView 2.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2023, 09:40
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Bug Fix: The new modal Restore/Load/Save dialogs now work when there is a space in WinSetView's path.
Change: Cannot find a way to reliably set Network view. Option has been removed.


Feature added: Option to enable the classic context menu in Windows 11
Feature added: Option to have no Internet results in Windows search
Feature added: Option to disable search highlights
Enhancement: A WinSetView.exe launcher is now included to simplify execution on computers where MSHTA.exe is not correctly associated to HTA files.
Enhancement: Now runs without error on machines where System32 is missing from the Path environment variable.
Bug Fix: Dialogs now reduce in width appropriately if the WinSetView window is set very narrow.
Bug Fix: Fixed minor issues with display scaling and positioning.
Bug Fix: Thumbnail cache is now consistently reset when using "Disable folder thumbnails"
Bug Fix: Starting location for Restore/Load/Save correct now when running from a read-only directory.
Bug Fix: Corrected error that could occur when Restore/Load/Save are repeatedly clicked. Fixed by making those dialogs modal.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0703 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2023, 20:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns: Added option "Use empty cell defaults". Tick it to use certain default values for certain empty cells in the list. The actual values can be freely configured under the button "Configure...".To handle this I created a new type of interface, a list with editable cell values. This will come in handy in other places as well. To edit a value either click into the cell, or select an item and press F2. Serial rename by Up/Down is supported.
    Cell Factory Default Description INI Key
    Ext (Folder) <DIR> Ext column for folders ListEmptyCellExtDir
    Ext (File) Ext column for files ListEmptyCellExtFile
    Size -- Size column ListEmptyCellSize
    Other -- All other columns ListEmptyCellOther
    Obviously, empty cell defaults only apply to Details views


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Februar, 2023, 21:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Shell from 3.4.12 to 3.4.13
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Extensions from 3.4.12 to 3.4.13
    Fix: Fixed icon not showing in stable and preview builds
    Fix: Fixed issue where it didn't work to unpin Recycle Bin from sidebar
    Feature: Moved menu flyout to widget header
    Feature: Added menu flyout for copying version information
    Feature: Added shortcut to open folders in terminal
    Feature: Show confirmation dialog when the undo operation is to delete items.
    Fixed: DetailsLayout Margin/Padding is not set correctly
    Fix: Fixed issue where HorizontalMultitaskingControl could have negative margin
    Feature: Close column when selecting a file
    Feature: Removed background color from tags in the details layout
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.DotNet.UpgradeAssistant.Extensions.Default.Analyzers from 0.4.355802 to 0.4.410601
    Feature: Added option to confirm permanent deletion only
    Feature: Display multiple tags in the details layout
    Feature: Added support for opening ISO files
    Feature: Added support for changing groups direction
    Feature: Added settings for default order directions
    Fix: Fixed issue where archive files were incorrectly grouped by size
    Feature: Start a search when clicking tags in the details layout
    Feature: Restart after applying update


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0704 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Februar, 2023, 19:20

    Custom Event Actions: Added a new event "After file operation" to the new section "File Operations". It is fired when a file operation, including refresh of the current listings, is complete. The summary report window of a Custom Copy/Move might still be showing at this time. Supported file operations are "Move", "Copy", "Delete", "Backup", "CustomCopy", "CustomMove", "Sync". Note that "Rename" and "New" are currently not among them.

 The only possible action is "Run Script". The following new variables can be used in the script:

    <CEA_FileOp> //type of operation (always in English)
    <CEA_SourcePath> //source path, without trailing slash
    <CEA_TargetPath> //target path, without trailing slash
    <CEA_SourceList> //list of source items, |-separated
    <CEA_TargetList> //list of target items, |-separated
    Proof of concept script (paste into Configuration | General | Custom Event Actions |

    After file operation | Script):

    text <<<DOC
    File Operation: <CEA_FileOp>
    Source Path: <CEA_SourcePath>
    Target Path: <CEA_TargetPath>
    Source List: <CEA_SourceList>
    Target List: <CEA_TargetList>


    You can use this event for example to do automatic check-ups after file operations and display status messages, or do some automated logging.
    I would not recommend to run follow-up file operations from the script because you might run into recursion issues.
    It's recommended to use this CEA only with XYplorer's Custom Copy/Move, because the standard Windows Shell Copy/Move has a somewhat unreliable status notification system where you cannot be totally sure whether an operation actually took place or was skipped or canceled, or which items have been renamed to avoid collisions, and all of this varies between Windows versions, brilliant (the same issue also affects Undo/Redo).
    help file status quo
    Updated the help file.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0705 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Februar, 2023, 18:30
Whats new:>>

    Custom Event Actions | After file operation: Added another variable:

    <CEA_TimeSecs> //total duration of the operation in seconds (including all waiting at prompts)
    Updated the help file.
    Undo/Redo: A fix in v24.00.0704 had a negative side-effect on Undo/Redo. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0706 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Februar, 2023, 20:30

    Custom Event Actions | Exit: Now you can have the script cancel the exit process and keep the app open. To do this call the special new scripting command cancelexit, for example like this: if (confirm("Exit app?") == 0) {cancelexit;} SC cancelexit does nothing visible when called, but when the script is completed, the app will stay open. Useful for prompts on exit.
    + Scripting got a new command.
    Name: CancelExit
    Action: Lets you cancel the exit process and keep the app open.
    Syntax: cancelexit


    Only effective in the "Custom Event Actions | Exit" script.


    if (confirm("Exit app?") == 0) {cancelexit;}

    Custom Event Actions | After file operation: Replaced variable <CEA_TimeSecs> by the more precise <CEA_TimeMsecs>:

    <CEA_TimeMsecs> //total duration of the operation in milliseconds
    XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0213.


Titel: Q-Dir 11.19
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2023, 11:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen Übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen im Hauptmenü und in der Datei-Explorer-Liste
• Feinabstimmung im Quad Explorer und Verbesserungen sowie Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0708 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Februar, 2023, 19:45

    Custom Columns: Added column format "Image". Via variables in the template you can now define a column to show images in a systematic relation to each listed file.
    Perfect e.g. for waveform images whose filename matches the wave filename (e.g. "<cc_path><cc_base>.png").
    Image Columns: Now the images support the Hover Box. Awesome.


    Extra Columns: Added a new column type "Image". If you specify any of the image types BMP, GIF, PNG, JFIF, JPG, JPEG, JPE as column data (via right-clicking the cell), those images are displayed right in the cell. This is quite something! It opens up a world of possibilities. For example, you can now attach waveform images (created by some 3rd party app) to WAV files, and have them shown right in the list. And not only one. You can have a couple of Extra/Image columns, each with its own image. So here we are: Image Columns!


    The images can be resized on-the-fly just by changing the column width.
    Of course, if you want to see more than very tiny miniatures, you need some row height. Currently the best way to achieve an acceptable row height is by using the "Details with Thumbnails" view.
    There is no caching for those images. They are always live. So you can increase performance by providing not too large source images.
    These images have no Hover Box or MDBU.
    Updated the help file.
    SC setthumb: Injecting a thumbnail into an existing cache could mess up the cache if the new image was larger than the original. Fixed.
    Hover Box: The status info in Hover Boxes for injected thumbnails was referring to the original image while showing the injected image. Fixed. Now the status also refers to the injected image. Only relevant if deep injection is set, see SC setthumb.


Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0709 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 09:10
Whats new:>>

    Image Columns: Better speed. Now each image file is read from disk only once per listing, then kept in memory until the location changes or is refreshed.
    Hover Box on Image Columns: Resize did not work as it should. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0710 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Februar, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    Image Columns: Again MUCH better speed. The display size of images in columns is now limited to 400 x 100 (width x height) which makes the rendering pretty fluid even with a greater number of images, especially notable where the original images are large. The use of memory was also greatly reduced.
    Image Columns: To show the Hover Box here you now have to tick "Tiles and Thumbnails" in "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show Hover Box | Select Context...".

Titel: XYplorer 24.00.0712 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    MLS: Internally updated to version 8.160.
    TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.160.lng is uploaded.
    Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Columns | Use empty cell defaults: Fixed some minor issues with Image Columns.

24.00.0711 Beta

    Hover Box on Image Columns: Did not work for images assigned to folders. Fixed.

Titel: XYplorer 24.10.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2023, 22:20

    Here’s a quick introduction to the main new features:

    Empty Cell Defaults:

    If you suffer from fear of the void you will be glad that this version offers easy ways to fill the void. The marking of the different types of emptiness can actually serve a better overview.
    Empty cells are cells without content. Normally they simply show nothing. Now you can make them show something, something of your own free choice. It can make quite a difference in the look and feel of a list.

    Fake Right-Drag-and-Drop:

    Now you can fake a right-drag-and-drop by holding down CTRL and SHIFT while doing a left-drag-and-drop. That way you can have the drag-and-drop context menu on left-drag-and-drop, which is pretty cool in limited hardware and software contexts.


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 09:20

Fix: Fixed issue where option to hide details pane wasn't working by @yaira2 in #11230
Fix: Fixed "NotAFolder" error when changing the language by @hishitetsu in #11232
Fix: Fixed selecting wrong items when creating or renaming an item by @hishitetsu in #11237
Feature: Tweaked border brush on path and search box by @yaira2 in #11240
Feature: Add support for removing tag in the details layout by @ferrariofilippo in #11238
Fix: Fixed issue where BaseContextFlyout was not closed after selecting an item by @hishitetsu in #11245
Fix: Fixed issue where the right click menu didn't load properly in folders that have archive extensions by @hishitetsu in #11248
Feature: Add shell context menu for widgets by @hecksmosis in #11204
Code Quality: Code cleanup and formatting by @onein528 in #11156
Fix: Fixed double separator showing up when opening context menu for files by @hecksmosis in #11253
Fix: Fixed icon in preview build by @yaira2 in #11262
Feature: Disable show more options menu item until shell items are loaded by @hecksmosis in #11243
Fix: Fixed issues with recent context menu changes by @hishitetsu in #11270
Code Quality: Refactored AdaptiveLayoutHelpers by @cinqmilleans in #10782
Feature: Added support for hiding open in new tab/window options by @yaira2 in #11285
Feature: Apply app theme to settings dialog by @yaira2 in #11286
Feature: Moved context menu settings to preferences page by @yaira2 in #11287
Feature: Add a UI to edit, delete and create tags by @ferrariofilippo in #11249
Fix: Fixed issue with resizing the status column by @ferrariofilippo in #11027
Fix: Cancel tag edit when pressing esc & Tags duplicate names by @ferrariofilippo in #11297
Fix: Fixed context menu hang in recent files and other widgets by @hecksmosis in #11301
Feature: Removed sidebar toggles from settings dialog by @yaira2 in #11302
Feature: Added shortcut to open Windows Terminal as administrator by @ferrariofilippo in #11281
Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3 by @dependabot in #11308
Codebase: Remove unnecessary using directives by @hecksmosis in #11300
Fix: Fixed closing app when the item flyout is open to hang by @hishitetsu in #11310
Code Quality: Shell page refactoring by @ferrariofilippo in #11034
Feature: Updated color icons by @yaira2 in #11313
Fix: Remove deleted tags from items by @ferrariofilippo in #11309
Fix: Fixed settings background in dark mode by @yaira2 in #11316
Feature: Added support for reordering tags by @ferrariofilippo in #11306
Feature: Added Tags section in settings by @ferrariofilippo in #11320
Fix: Fixed showOpenWithMenu not working by @hishitetsu in #11325
Feature: Move open with to main menu when right clicking recent files by @hecksmosis in #11304
Fix: Fixed issue with tab icon not loading properly by @chingucoding in #11328


Titel: Broot 1.20.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2023, 10:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


Fix debug statement printed in some cases (mostly on Windows) - Fix #672


Titel: Shell
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2023, 20:20
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.



    Fixed a keyboard bug when executing a command
    Fixed a bug with title.xxx functions
    New checked property for static item to change the checked state
    New value for image.align option to set priority


Titel: XYplorer 24.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2023, 09:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release:

  +++ Image Columns. So far a data record in a file listing consisted of an icon, maybe
      a thumbnail, and various bits of text. The signature look of a details view in a
      file manager. Those days are over. Now you can add images to the mix. And not just
      one per file, but many: Up to 80 different pics per file, all in one list!
      These images can be arbitrarily assigned to a file (and recorded in a database), or
      based on rules (e.g. based on the file name or other file properties). Typical use
      cases would be showing wave forms for sounds, or album covers for songs, or
      different states or angles of people or designs.
      And that's just the beginning. Since columns can be scripted, the possibilities are
      endless. A column could even create the image it's about to show.
      By the way, if you move your mouse over these images, you'll optionally get an
      enlarged view, the so-called Hover Box.
      Absolutely massive new feature. Ground-breaking.
  +++ SketchUp Preview. Now previews and thumbnails are supported for SketchUp Pro (3D CAD
      software) *.skp and *.layout files.
  +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log.


Titel: WinSetView 2.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2023, 11:10
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Bug Fix: Views for UNC paths are now cleared so that the new folder view defaults will take effect. Network drives mapped to drive letters were never affected by this issue.
    Change: The RollbackExplorer.vbs script has been removed from the package because it is not compatible with Windows 11 build 22621.1344 (or higher).


Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2023, 19:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    (New) Added pause button in the progress bar that is displayed when running a custom command that is configured to run on multiple instances sequentially.
    (New) (Windows 11 only) There was a problem with third party file managers where the new Windows 11 context menu is not supported and the commands of FileMenu Tools were not displayed in the classic context menu. You had manually uncheck "Show the commands of FileMenu Tools in the new Win11 context menu" in order to see the commands in the classic context menu. For this reason now the commands are displayed in both menus by default, and a new option has been added in the Settings window to choose in which context menu the commands of FileMenu Tools will be displayed: configure individually for each command, in both menus, only in the new Windows 11 context menu, or only in the classic menu.
    (New) (Windows 11 only) The "Show in context menu" property of each command has been modified in order to configure whether the menu should be displayed in both menus, only in the new Windows 11 context menu or only in the classic menu. This can only be changed if the option "Configure individually for each command" has been chosen in the global configuration.
    (New) Custom commands: added a button in the "Element Types" property to show a profiles window. This lets you save and load the values of this property (file extensions, specific folders, etc) for most used element types, for example: Audio files, Video files, Binary files. If you set a default profile, then this profile will be loaded when you add new custom commands.
    (New) Organize Into Folders: now you can use regular expressions to make a replacement in the pattern.
    (Fixed) (Windows 11 only) In some circumstances the commands in the new Windows 11 context menu were not being invoked.


Titel: NetDrive 3.17.900 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 März, 2023, 10:20
Whats new:>>


    SFTP - Fixed connection issues with some sftp servers.
    SFTP - Resolved connection issues with certain SFTP servers. We recommend restarting your system after installation to ensure that the updated library is being used.

Titel: XYplorer 24.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2023, 10:20

+++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
+++ Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the Starcrawler Acoustic Sessions.

v24.20.0021 - 2023-03-11 11:06
    ! Scripting: Since v24.20.0020 single-quoted strings were not handled properly anymore
      in all contexts. Fixed.
    > Added some debug logging regarding menu position in multi-monitor situations.

v24.20.0020 - 2023-03-10 18:22
    ! SC freshhere: Using it on a Virtual Folder led to mayhem including a crash. Fixed.
      Now it will use the common real path of that virtual folder. And even if there is
      none, the crash won't happen anymore.
    ! Scripting | Arrays: Global associative arrays with variables as indices were not
      correctly processed in certain contexts. Fixed.

v24.20.0019 - 2023-03-10 11:36
    * List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: When refreshing lists, PCSO is now confined
      to lists of up to 5000 items. Larger lists forget their custom sort order on refresh.

v24.20.0018 - 2023-03-09 20:52
    ! Thumbnails: Large resolution JPGs (e.g. 10824 x 8118 pixels) would not get any
      thumbnails. Fixed.

v24.20.0017 - 2023-03-09 19:00
    * List | Permanent Custom Sort Order: When introduced in v16.50.0204 - 2016-04-07 13:37
      the service was limited to the top 5000 items in lists of any length. It turned out
      that in really huge lists restoring the sort order that way takes a LOT OF TIME. So
      to make it simple, the whole PCSO business is now confined to lists up to 5000
      items. Larger lists forget their custom sort order on a tab switch or across sessions.
    * View | Tab | Type Stats and Filter...: Now when there are 32 or more items the
      interface is a list instead of a menu. Better to handle.
    - Removed the v24.20.0016 fix. Wrong track.

v24.20.0016 - 2023-03-08 16:05
    ! Auto-Refresh: Fixed a rare 390 error probably related to MOTW (Mark of the Web).

v24.20.0015 - 2023-03-08 11:54
    ! Virtual Folders: When auto-refreshing, the list sometimes reverted to a previous
      state, e.g. a previous sort order. Fixed.

v24.20.0014 - 2023-03-07 19:38
    * SC readurl: Removed a bit value from "flags".
      Syntax: readurl(url, [nocookies], [StripHTML], [flags], [codepage])
        flags (bit field)
          1: fail gently if offline ----> This bit is now ignored because the test for
                                          being online was unreliable.
    * SC readurlutf8: The same change as above applies to SC readurlutf8.
    ! SC update: Could falsely fail with "You are Offline". Fixed.

v24.20.0013 - 2023-03-07 13:25
    * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select:
      - Now drag-select still can be initiated in List and Small Icons views when you start
        it in the empty area of the Name column of a non-selected item.
      - You can also force the List's white space context menu by Ctrl+Right-Click on the
        empty area of the Name column in List and Small Icons views even if "Full name
        column select" is enabled.
      BTW, Full Row Select has the same solutions for the same problems for a long time.
    * Virtual Folders: Deletions are generally blocked in VFOs, but an exception was made
      for SC delete in v24.00.0601 - 2023-02-03 19:47. This exception is now limited to
      cases where the item(s) to delete are passed as argument.

v24.20.0012 - 2023-03-06 19:12
    * Updated the help file.

v24.20.0011 - 2023-03-06 11:47
    ! Custom File Associations: Unregistered executables with long or overlong names were
      shown wrongly in the CFA menu depending on the volume settings. Fixed.
    ! Thumbnails: Symbolic Links (symlinks) to files showed no thumbnails. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show film strip overlay on video thumbnails:
      Did not work for shortcuts (LNK) to video files. Fixed.
    ! Hover Box: Videos were not horizontally centered when smaller than the box. Fixed.

v24.20.0010 - 2023-03-05 18:06
    + Tools | Customize File Associations... (and its alias "Tools | List Management |
      Custom File Associations..."): Now you can assign icons extracted from icon
      resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm).
      For example:
        "No extension|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /160" *.>Notepad
      BTW, also toolbat icons are supported (not in the Help yet):
        "No extension|:dice" *.>Notepad
    ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors in
      distinctive shapes: In some views, the shapes were cut off at the right end under
      certain conditions. Fixed.

v24.20.0009 - 2023-03-04 18:56
    * Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select:
      Now the focus line, selection rect, and color filter backgrounds are drawn as wide as
      the Name column in Details, List, and Small Icons views if this setting is enabled.
      It's an experiment but I think it makes a lot of sense.
    * Updated the help file.

v24.20.0008 - 2023-03-04 12:09
    ! Virtual Folders: Using SC delete on a VFO completely cleared the list. Fixed.
    ! Custom File Associations: Unregistered executables without file version info were
      shown with full path in the CFA menu when they shouldn't. Fixed.

v24.20.0007 - 2023-03-03 17:36
    ! License Key: The new 2023 License key had an extremely rare problem with certain
      Unicode characters in the user name. Fixed.

v24.20.0006 - 2023-03-03 13:17
    + Favorite Folders / Files: Now you can assign icons extracted from icon resources
      (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm).
      For example:
        "Test 1|C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll /160" E:\Test
        "Test 2|%winsysdir%\shell32.dll /160" E:\Test
    + SC ThumbsConf enhanced: Now you can limit the number of returned values. This makes
      it easier to create future-safe scripts while the command adds ever more values to
      its return.
      Syntax: thumbsconf([settings], [separator=","])
        settings: If numeric then return this number of values (counted from left).
        echo thumbsconf();  //1,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,1
        echo thumbsconf(4); //1,0,0,2
      Example for a Custom Toolbar Button script (with pushed state):
        "Toggle Wall of Pictures"
          $on = '0,1,0,0';
          $off = '1,0,0,2';
          thumbsconf((thumbsconf(4) == $on) ? $off : $on);
          ctbstate(thumbsconf(4) == $on);

v24.20.0005 - 2023-03-03 09:50
    + Custom Event Actions: Added a variable that can be used in scripts called by event
      "Drive added or removed" (and only there): <CEA_DriveAddedRemoved>. It is resolved
      to the drive root path prefixed by "+" or "-" depending on whether it was added or
      removed. For example:
        echo "Drive added or removed: <CEA_DriveAddedRemoved>";
      Possible result on adding a drive:
        Drive added or removed: +G:\
      Possible result on removing a drive:
        Drive added or removed: -G:\
    ! List: Left/Right keys did not work in some views anymore since v24.20.0004. Fixed.

v24.20.0004 - 2023-03-02 17:27
    + List: Now when the mouse pointer is over a column header you can resize that column
      by Ctrl+Left and Ctrl+Right. The exact new width is shown in the status bar. Works
      also in non-Details views if column headers are visible.
    + Virtual Folders: In Virtual Folders duplicate items in one list are possible. Now
      you can have the list deduped by passing switch "d". This, for example, guarantees
      that XY is listed, but only once:
        vi:|d|<get list_recentlyopenedfiles>|<xy>
    % Speed: A new discovery lead to an overall increase in snappiness.


Titel: muCommander 1.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2023, 10:40
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


    Updated readme.txt and license files to mention JediTerm and replaced… by @pskowronek in #765
    Change 'Show in enclosing folder' action to operate on the current tab by @ahadas in #776
    Cleanup in CommandBar by @ahadas in #777
    Fix NPE when the status bar is hidden and app gets focus by @ahadas in #778
    Status bar improvements by @ahadas in #779
    Bump 'commons-net' to version 3.8.0 by @ahadas in #780
    Set compile-only deps from mucommander-core to jediterm by @ahadas in #781
    Make timeout for 'quick search' configurable by @ahadas in #786
    restore timestamp of parent directory after file deleting by @mfilser in #774
    Added alternative default shortcuts for Mark/Unmark for keyboard w/o … by @pskowronek in #785
    Change Viewer.label to point to 'view' in the dictionary by @ahadas in #790
    Xfce open command prompt shortcut fix by @aashipov in #792
    Terminal fixes: hide initial cd directory command, hide terminal when… by @pskowronek in #795
    Document fixing 'Open command prompt' on Xfce by @ahadas in #796
    Deeper zoom for image viewer by @hajdam in #788
    Run unit tests using GitHub actions by @ahadas in #797
    Rename workflow 'Unit Tests' to 'Tests' by @ahadas in #798
    Tidy up mucommander.sh by @aashipov in #800
    #801 Components' update by @aashipov in #802
    Added syntax highlighting to editor and text viewer by @pskowronek in #787
    Viewer/Editor added opening links if supported by platform by @pskowronek in #804
    Viewer/Editor syntax style override by @pskowronek in #805
    Viewer/Editor fix text selection across L&Fs #806 by @pskowronek in #807
    Persist file search properties by @ahadas in #809
    Viewer/Editor Fix for reliable links opening #811 by @pskowronek in #813
    Viewer/Editor Bumping RSyntaxTextArea version to newest with a fix fo… by @pskowronek in #814
    Upgrade to icepdf-viewer v7.0.0 by @ahadas in #815
    Add CODEOWNERS by @ahadas in #816
    Handle link scanning mask pressing/releasing by @ahadas in #817
    Fix initial focus of text editor/viewer by @ahadas in #818
    Add @hajdam as code owner of mucommander-viewer-binary/ by @ahadas in #819
    Viewer/Editor make utf-8 default instead of ISO-8859-1 by @pskowronek in #821
    Viewer/Editor reflect autodetected syntax mime-type in Syntax menu by @pskowronek in #822
    Viewer/Editor Fixes for #825 and #824 by @pskowronek in #830
    Viewer/Editor fix/workaround F3 for file search #838 by @pskowronek in #839
    Bumped version of rsyntaxtextarea to 3.3.2 to fix #833 by @pskowronek in #842
    Editor Fix to avoid writing BOM for new UTF-8 files by @pskowronek in #836
    Renaming files in Google Drive by @ahadas in #843
    Set credentials to Google Drive in the nightly version by @ahadas in #844
    Propagate token by @ahadas in #845
    Update token to release resources by @ahadas in #846
    Set git config in create-release job by @ahadas in #847
    Set credentials to Google Drive on macOS by @ahadas in #848
    Fix Google Drive integration for Linux and Windows nightly artifacts by @ahadas in #849
    Fix Dropbox integration in nightly artifacts by @ahadas in #851
    Viewer/Editor TEXT_CURSOR as default cursor (still there's problem on… by @pskowronek in #820
    Added status bar to image viewer by @hajdam in #854
    Update dictionary_ko.properties by @VenusGirl in #853
    Viewer/Editor replacing TextLineNumbersPanel with RTextScrollPane, may fix #841 by @pskowronek in #860
    Filter out trashed files in Google Drive by @ahadas in #861
    Editor added Undo/Redo menu items by @pskowronek in #863
    Fix uploads of files bigger than 2G to NFS share by @ahadas in #864
    Document eb6c4e8 by @ahadas in #865
    Enable browsing and unpacking 7z archives by @ahadas in #866
    Count hidden files only when they are shown by @ahadas in #868
    Convert theme type to enum by @ahadas in #869
    Eager loading of snapshot properties by @ahadas in #873
    Viewer/Editor fix for folding gutter appear only if option is enabled by @pskowronek in #875
    Allow rendering read-only files differently by @ahadas in #877
    Support password-protected RAR 4 and below archives by @ahadas in #884
    Improve handling of password-protected rar files by @ahadas in #885
    Do not cache non-existing files by @ahadas in #886


Titel: XYplorer 24.20.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 März, 2023, 22:10

v24.20.0200 - 2023-03-15 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.20.0110 - 2023-03-15 11:10
    * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image preview | Limit original preview size:
      Reduced the factory default from 2000 to 1600. Experiments showed that 1600 x 1600
      is still blindingly fast whereas from 1601 x 1601 onwards things slow down
      dramatically. A little glimpse into the black box ShellImageFactory.
      Note that this setting also affects huge JPEGs that are "Previewed as thumbnail"
      (which means: previewed by the ShellImageFactory) because other methods failed.     
    ! Configuration | Colors and Styles | Templates | Title Bar: Native variables like
      <curfolder> were internally updated only *after* the title bar was written and hence
      always resolved to the *previous* location. Fixed. Now the title bar is written
      again after the list work is completed.

v24.20.0109 - 2023-03-14 20:31
    ! Custom Toolbar Buttons, Hamburger: In a multi-monitor situation, a CTB or Hamburger
      menu refused to pop up at the correct position if it had negative coordinates.
    > Removed the related debug logging added in v24.20.0021 - 2023-03-11 11:06.
    * Updated the help file.

v24.20.0108 - 2023-03-14 17:12
    % Portable Devices: Expanding tree nodes with many subnodes should be notably faster
    * Updated the help file.
    ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select:
      Changing the setting did not trigger an immediate repaint of the list which should
      be done now due to recent changes in this feature. Fixed.
    ! Tree: Error 9 with full CRASH was possible when switching between Maxi and Mini
      Tree, and also on auto-refreshing a tree, both under certain other conditions.

v24.20.0107 - 2023-03-14 13:08
    + SC text, SC inputselect: Now they support Unicode window captions:
        $utf = "???"; text 3:=$utf; inputselect(7:=$utf);
    * XYcopy: Updated to 2.10.0215.

v24.20.0106 - 2023-03-14 11:45
    ! Refresh after Delete: In the Chinese locale these two files are seen as differently
      named (and they are: it's the parentheses that are different) but Windows sees them
      as same-named when looking at them case-insensitively:
      One effect was: If you deleted one of them the other one disappeared from the file
      list as well (but luckily not from the file system). This should be fixed now.
    ! Virtual Folders: Since v24.20.0102 - 2023-03-13 12:09 VFOs with dynamic definitions
      (eg <pick 8.m ...>) were not correctly updated anymore after file operations. Fixed.
    ! Autosize Columns: Since 20230304 the columns turned out 2 pixels too narrow in List
      and Small Icons views. Fixed.

v24.20.0104 - 2023-03-13 21:55
    * SC runret: Major rewrite. Should support Unicode characters now regardless of the
      regional settings.
      All the recent debug flags were removed, just call it plain like this:
        text runret("cmd /c dir c:\"); //ANSI
        text runret("cmd /c chcp 65001 & cmd /c dir E:\Path-to-Test", , 65001); //UTF-8

v24.20.0103 - 2023-03-13 14:51
    + SC load: If the load command is within a loaded script file, you now can omit the
      path of the loaded file. If will default to the path of the containing script file.
        load "test.xys";
      This is probably a bug fix because it was always meant to be like this. It is
      perfectly natural and allows you to move the parent script and loaded file together
      without any adjustments.
    > SC runret: Added another alternate route to the output, flags 24.

v24.20.0102 - 2023-03-13 12:09
    + Help | Online Support: Added command "Quick Start Guide". Goes to
      https://www.xyplorer.com/quickstart.php where the newbie is shown how to unleash the
      power of XY.
    > SC runret: Added some alternate routes to the output, flags bit 4 and 8.
    ! Time-Stamping: Since time-stamping ensures that the archive bit is set (v23.80.0207
      - 2022-12-15 10:57), any read-only bit in the stamped file has been lost. Fixed.
    ! SC runret: The recent fix made things only worse. Undone.
    ! Virtual Folders: Lost scroll position and selection on an auto-refresh (under
      certain conditions). Fixed.
    ! Virtual Folders: A script _goto "vi:<pick>";_ could throw a "<path> could not be
      accessed" error msg. Fixed.
    ! Scripting: User functions in UTF-8-encoded include files were not UTF-8-decoded. Fixed.

v24.20.0101 - 2023-03-12 15:02
    * Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: Renamed "Office Files" to
      "Document Files" here and everywhere else in the GUI.
      - Some related INI keys (PreviewOffice, NoPrevOffice, OfficePreviewCustomExtensions,
        ShowHoverBoxOffice) remain as they were for backward compatibility.
      - The generic file type {:Office} is kept alongside "{:Document}" for backward
        compatibility. Since it's deprecated now, you should use "{:Document}" instead.
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.162.
      > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.162.lng is uploaded.
        You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:
    - Removed the following menu commands because they are pointless in today's Windows:
      - Favorites | Special System Folders | Start Menu
      - Favorites | Special System Folders | Start Menu (All Users)
    ! SC runret: Under certain regional settings there was a conversion issue with CP_UTF8
      (65001) and Unicode characters in the listed item names, for example:
        text runret("cmd /c chcp 65001 & cmd /c dir E:\Path-to-Test", , 65001);


Titel: WinSetView 2.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 März, 2023, 18:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Feature added: Option to unhide the AppData folder
Enhancement: Better looking button icons


Titel: Tabbed Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2023, 20:20
Tabbed Explorer is a multi-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work in a multi-panel mode, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer. You can switch between different panels with tabs.


Whats new:>>

Change: New code-signing certificate

Titel: Broot 1.21.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 März, 2023, 20:50
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    better nushell integration (no need to quote arguments anymore, fix path extension broken by new version of nushell) - Thanks @stevenxxiu
    don't show modal-only keys in help page when modal mode isn't enabled


Titel: XYplorer 24.20.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 März, 2023, 21:40

v24.20.0300 - 2023-03-18 12:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.20.0211 - 2023-03-17 20:26
    * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors in
      distinctive shapes: Now the size of the shapes is adjusted to the screen resolution,
      i.e. the shapes get bigger with higher resolution.
    ! SC freshhere: Used the real path (C:\Users\Donald\Desktop) even when "here" was a
      special path (Desktop). Fixed.
    ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Full name column select:
      Selection rectangles in Details views were too wide when Age Circles (Tools |
      Customize List | Date Column Format | Circles) were shown in the Name column. Fixed.

v24.20.0209 - 2023-03-17 11:32
    % List: Slight speed gains (speedvolution never stops). Apart from a quicker startup
      and increased snappiness, browsing times are now more consistent.
    ! Custom File Associations: Executable files (eg EXE, AHK) could not really be
      associated with other executables to open them with (eg Notepad). They just
      stubbornly opened by themselves instead. Surfaced v24.20.0110 - 2023-03-15.
      The fix also affects "Open With: ..." in Extra File Info Tips (Configuration |
      Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips | Extra fields) which
      now shows e.g. "Notepad" for executables when it should.
    ! Breadcrumb Bars: Probably since 20180913 the focus jumped to the Address Bar after
      going to a new location via a dropdown menu. Fixed.

v24.20.0207 - 2023-03-16 12:57
    * Image Columns: Now if "Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box |
      Show file info tips" is disabled (and Hover Box for Image Columns as well),
      you won't get a tooltip with the textual contents of the hovered cell anymore.
      However, you can still force this tooltip by holding down the CTRL key.
    * List: Column header tooltips on Ctrl+Hover now come faster, always, and update on
      the fly when you resize the column by Ctrl+Left/Right.
    ! Title Bar: Since v24.20.0110, a Virtual Folder with a name was not shown with that
      name in the title bar. Fixed.

Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2023, 10:20
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Vifm v0.13 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 09:50
Vifm is an ncurses based file manager with vi like keybindings/modes/options/commands/configuration, which also borrows some useful ideas from mutt. If you use vi, Vifm gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands.

License: Open Source


Normal and visual modes

    Made Ctrl-E/Ctrl-Y scroll transposed ls-like view horizontally by one column.
    Extended do and dp keys to process selection (thanks to Mark S., a.k.a. Markuzcha).

:set command and options

    Added 'mouse' option to control when mouse input is handled (not handled by default).
    Added 'navoptions' option to allow tweaking navigation mode a bit (thanks to filterfalse).
    Added 'tabline' option to specify format of the tab line.
    Added columncount: value to 'lsoptions' to always display fixed number of columns (thanks to Aleksandr Vysotskiy, a.k.a. loki1368).
    Added rpreview:files to 'milleroptions' (thanks to aksr).

Command-line mode

    Changed error reporting for some of the :commands such that now their failures cause a dialog to appear on sourcing, previously those errors were printed only to status bar.
    Changed implementation of :compare grouppaths to juxtapose only files with identical relative paths (patch by Alexandr Keyp, a.k.a. IAmKapuze).
    Added withicase and withrcase to :compare that force ignoring and respecting case respectively on comparing file names and paths (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).
    Added show* arguments to :compare command to control/switch which sets of files are displayed (toggling is done by :compare!) (patch by Alexandr Keyp, a.k.a. IAmKapuze).
    Added :amap, :anoremap and :aunmap commands to configure mappings in navigation mode (thanks to Henrik Holst, a.k.a. hholst80, and dmocek).
    Added :regedit command for external editing of register contents (thanks to Daniel J. Perry, a.k.a. BioBox; patch by Rostislav Tolushkin, a.k.a. nullptr-deref).
    Added Ctrl-Y key to command-line mode. It activates fast navigation that allows entering deep paths by a series of searches for individual path components (thanks to Henrik Holst, a.k.a. hholst80, and dmocek).
    Added Ctrl-J key to command-line navigation. It leaves the mode without opening a file/directory (thanks to filterfalse).
    Added Ctrl-O key to command-line navigation that goes to parent directory.
    Added Ctrl-N/Ctrl-P keys to command-line navigation to move view cursor up/down (thanks to Henrik Holst, a.k.a. hholst80, and dmocek).
    Added Arrows/Home/End/Page Up/Page Down keys to command-line navigation to move view cursor (thanks to Henrik Holst, a.k.a. hholst80, and dmocek).


    Added printing stats while in :compare mode (patch by Alexandr Keyp, a.k.a. IAmKapuze).
    Don't move cursor on search failure during search with a count (patch by filterfalse).
    Specified a few more cases when to show a search message with search highlighting turned on: if found a match, if wrapping is turned on, and in visual mode (patch by filterfalse).
    A regular search logic showing messages is applied to n/N (patch by filterfalse).

File operations

    Made aborting deletion abort the operation on the rest of files when deleting multiple files.


    Changed %N macro to also not start a process group for a command (thanks to Oskar Grunning, a.k.a. sQVe).


    Added input() builtin function to prompt user for input (thanks to Artur F., a.k.a. arturfabriciohahaedgy).
    Added filereadable() builtin function mainly as a way to check file's presence.

Menus and dialogs

    Added r key to :jobs menu, which reloads the list of jobs (thanks to Sylwia Ptasinska, a.k.a. SylEleuth).
    Made feedback after pressing dd in :jobs more prominent (thanks to Sylwia Ptasinska, a.k.a. SylEleuth).

TUI (Text User Interface)

    Added builtin handling of mouse events (thanks to ranousse, Sergei Shilovsky and user451421541757324; patch by ???, a.k.a. haolian9).
    Added ETA to detailed progress dialog (thanks to Jose Riha, a.k.a. jose1711).
    Apply file highlighting to ext and fileext view columns (thanks to aleksejrs).
    Merged file conflict comparison dialog into the main conflict dialog (thanks to aleksejrs).
    Made file conflict more concise (thanks to aleksejrs).

Color schemes

    Added additional User10..User20 highlight groups and corresponding %10*-%20* macros (thanks to Sylwia Ptasinska, a.k.a. SylEleuth).
    Update Default-256 to differentiate between more file types (thanks to aleksejrs).


    Added --plugins-dir command-line option which allows specifying additional places to look for plugins (thanks to ???, a.k.a. haolian9).


    Reduced amount of memory consumed by :compare groupids.
    Made :compare bycontents not bother reading content of files which have unique size.


    Provide basic instructions in the documentation on how mappings work (thanks to dmocek).
    Fixed description of %i macro in the documentation to mention that it runs command in background.


    Changed use of $(filter-out) in src/Makefile.am to $(var:from=to) substitution to get rid of a warning on configuration.
    Changed how pthread support is detected by configure script to handle more cases (thanks to Markus Elfring, a.k.a. elfring).
    Changed configure script to fail if neither perl nor vim is available instead of failing to generate tags for Vim-style documentation (thanks to Sergei Trofimovich, a.k.a. trofi).
    Install icons also to ${prefix}/share/icons. It's not clear that using ${prefix}/share/pixmaps will always be handled properly (thanks to Szilárd Andai).


    Made instances running inside AppImage consider contents of /etc/vifm (thanks to aleksejrs).
    Fixed $VIFM_APPDIR_ROOT being ignored by :help command, which made it not work properly from AppImage (thanks to infinitewhileloop).

Only on Windows

    Fixed escaping of file paths when using 'vicmd' or 'vixcmd' to open a file on Windows (thanks to Phil Runninger).

Noteworthy fixes

    Fixed abort due to assertion failure on using zx normal mode key after leaving tree in some cases (thanks to Mark S., a.k.a. Markuzcha).
    Fixed asynchronous previewing of symbolic links, which required manual redraw (thanks to Alexandre Viau).
    Fixed FUSE mounting assuming 2> redirection is supported by the shell, which isn't true at least for csh and tcsh (thanks to Evgeniy, a.k.a. iron-udjin).
    Fixed dialogs not handling non-latin characters well.
    Fixed :locate never escaping its arguments (should be done unless the first one starts with a dash). This is a regression in 0.7.6.
    Fixed n/N not moving the cursor without prior search (patch by filterfalse).
    Fixed resetting 'hlsearch' during incremental search in visual mode (patch by filterfalse).
    Fixed dropping selected files on empty input during incremental search in visual mode when 'hlsearch' is set (patch by filterfalse).
    Fixed segfault on trying to use a pipe from Lua after its parent VifmJob object was garbage-collected (thanks to PRESFIL).
    Fixed 'previewprg' not being respected on switching to view mode (regression in 0.12-beta) (thanks to Sitaram Chamarty).


Titel: Q-Dir 11.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2023, 18:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen und Feinabstimmung in den Adressleisten und Navigationsbereich
• Korrekturen bei arbeiten mit Administratorrechte bei Datei und Ordner Zugriffen
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir

Titel: XYplorer 24.20.0400
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 08:15

v24.20.0400 - 2023-03-22 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.20.0305 - 2023-03-22 12:08
    * Configuration | Preview | Previewed Formats | Category: Preview as Thumbnail:
      Removed OpenOffice extensions .odt .ods .odp from the factory defaults. With the
      recent version of OpenOffice there is a real preview, not just a thumbnail.
    * List | Selections Context Menu: In v18.00.0005 - 2017-06-14 17:39 the commands "Move
      to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane" were added to the menu if Dual Pane was
      enabled. Now their visibility is also tied to Configuration | General | Menus,
      Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List... | Move/Copy/Backup To.     
    * Updated the help file.
    ! Tools | Configuration...: Crashed when the tags DB loaded thru Admin.ini did not
      have any color labels defined. Fixed.

v24.20.0303 - 2023-03-21 11:38
    + SC preview: Added mode "tg32".
      Syntax: preview [file], [mode], [guid]
        mode: How the preview is generated.
              tg32: Use 32-bit GDI+ (Graphics Device Interface).
                    Tip: Only works for image files.
    * SC preview: Apart from mode "n", all modes ignore the settings in "Configuration |
      Preview | Previewed Formats". Every file type is attempted to be previewed.
    * SC preview: Modes "tf32", "tf64", "te32" ignore tweak PreviewEarlyFactory.
      Not new, but forgot to mention yesterday.
    * Configuration | Colors and Styles | Colors | Apply colors: Now these colors are also
      applied to the selected tab of the back pane, but slightly desaturated to mark the

v24.20.0302 - 2023-03-20 12:23
    + Scripting got a new command.
      Name:   Preview
      Action: Previews a file in the Preview Pane.
      Syntax: preview [file], [mode], [guid]
        file: Full path of file to preview.
              Defaults to the currently focused file.
        mode: How the preview is generated.
              n:   [Default] Normal UI preview as if you selected the file.
              p:    Use PreviewHandler, bitness depends on current user settings (incl. possible fallback to other bitness).
              p32:  Use 32-bit PreviewHandler.
              p64:  Use 64-bit PreviewHandler.
              t:    Use ThumbnailProvider, method and bitness depend on current user settings.
              tf32: Use 32-bit IShellItemImageFactory.
              tf64: Use 64-bit IShellItemImageFactory.
              te32: Use 32-bit IExtractImage (currently not implemented in 64-bit).
              x:    Close the Preview Pane.
        guid: CLSID of the PreviewHandler to use, eg {CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}.
              Only used with modes p, p32, p64.
        - The command ensures that the Preview Pane is visible.
        - The time needed is displayed in the status bar.
        - Live resizing, MDBU, and tooltip are supported.
        - A powerful command that allows you to preview files that are not currently listed.
        - Also useful as a debugging device for shell-generated previews and thumbnails,
          and as a test bed for CLSIDs.
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf";       //normal preview
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p;    //PreviewHandler (bitness depends)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p32;  //PreviewHandler (32-bit)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p64;  //PreviewHandler (64-bit)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", t;    //ThumbnailProvider (bitness depends)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", tf32; //ThumbnailProvider IShellItemImageFactory (32-bit)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", tf64; //ThumbnailProvider IShellItemImageFactory (64-bit)
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", te32; //ThumbnailProvider IExtractImage (32-bit)
        preview; //normal preview of current file
        preview , x; //close the preview pane
        //PreviewHandler (32-bit), GUID of PDF-XChange PDF Preview Provider:
        preview "E:\Test\Preview\Katakana.pdf", p32, "{CF822AB4-6DB5-4FDA-BC28-E61DF36D2583}";

v24.20.0301 - 2023-03-19 11:12
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name:   HtmlEncode
      Action: Converts non-ANSI Unicode characters to numeric HTML entities.
      Syntax: htmlencode(text)
        text: String of characters to convert.
        - The general entity format returned is: &#xHHHH;
          HHHH here stands for the hexadecimal Unicode code point
        - ANSI characters (ordinal 0-255) remain unchanged.
        text chr(0x5FEB) . " -> " . htmlencode(chr(0x5FEB)); //? -> &#x5FEB;
        text htmlencode("??????"); //&#x5FEB;&#x901F;&#x5165;&#x95E8;&#x6307;&#x5357;
        copytext htmlencode(<clipboard>); //convert current clipboard contents       
    * Help | Various Information: Removed the line OS Uptime: ..., eg:
        OS Uptime: 5 days, 19 hrs, 40 mins, 39 secs
      Retrieving that information was the only reason this dialog was loading so slowly,
      and it was pretty much useless anyway.
      So this dialog is now MUCH faster, aka instant.
    ! SC tagcheck: Did not mark the tags as dirty when necessary, nor did it update the
      dirty count. Fixed.
    ! SC tagcheck: Did not refresh the file list when needed after correcting the
      capitalization of tags in memory:
        tagcheck(8); //correct capitalization, returns count corrected items


Titel: Broot 1.21.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2023, 21:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    resolve ~ in special paths - Fix #685
    better clipboard support on MacOS - thanks @bryan824


Titel: WinSetView 2.65
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 März, 2023, 20:40
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Bug Fix: Custom icon size was not being applied to "General items" type folders or "This PC" when the option "Use General Items view for connected devices" was also checked.


Titel: XYplorer 24.20.0500
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2023, 09:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



v24.20.0500 - 2023-03-24 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.20.0404 - 2023-03-24 16:43
    + Configuration | General | Startup & Exit: Added option "Include beta versions". Tick
      it to include beta versions when checking if there are any updates (aka beta
      channel). This affects the check on startup (Configuration | General | Startup &
      Exit | Check for updates on startup) as well the manual check via menu Help | Online
      Support | Check for Updates.
    > Tip: Even if "Include beta versions" is OFF you can force checking for beta versions
      by holding CTRL while clicking Help | Online Support | Check for Updates (since 20171031).
    * Updated the help file.

v24.20.0403 - 2023-03-24 10:58
    + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Context Menus | File List...:
      Added option "Copy/Move to Other Pane". So here is now an independent way to control
      the commands "Move to Other Pane" and "Copy to Other Pane". They are no longer tied
      to "Move/Copy/Backup To".
    - Go | Go to from Here...: Removed. Useless bloat.   
    ! Go | Go to...: Did not support auto-include for scripts yet. Fixed.
    ! List: May have fixed an error 9 related to alternate grouping in the sorted column
      (Configuration | Colors and Styles | Highlights & Dark Mode | Grid style).

v24.20.0402 - 2023-03-23 17:56
    ! Drag and Drop: Since v24.20.0305 drag and drop to another app via taskbar did not
      work anymore. Fixed.

v24.20.0401 - 2023-03-23 12:45
    + Menu Go: Added command "Go Now". Functionally identical to pressing ENTER in the
      Address Bar, it allows you to re-run the current Address Bar contents without the
      need to focus the Address Bar first. Highly useful when running small scripts here.
      I immediately assigned Ctrl+G to this command and my life is a piece of cake now.
    * Toolbar: Renamed button "Address Bar Go" to "Go Now".
    * Preview Pane: Now, when "Configuration | Preview | Preview | Image/Video preview |
      No border" is selected, previews have no more top and bottom padding. Gives you 8
      pixels in height, and looks better.
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.163.
      > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.163.lng is uploaded.
        You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:
    ! Tools | Customize List | Autosize Columns: Columns came out a little too small in
      screen resolution 125% and higher. Fixed.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0.6116
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2023, 09:50
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: WinSetView 2.66
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2023, 19:50
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: Microsoft Store apps, that save folder views in a Windows Container hive file, such as the Windows 11 Notepad and Paint, now get their file dialog views set by WinSetView.

Titel: Multi Commander 13.0.0 Build 241 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 März, 2023, 21:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - DataPreview can now also be shown inside a Panel
    ADDED - Dropping file/folder on tab header that tab will go to that folder and file
    ADDED - Dropping file/folder on empty tab area and a new tab will be opened for that folder and file
    FIXED - FileOperation Progress dialog will now again show if the file operation is Copy/Move/... in title bar
    FIXED - FileOperation Error dialogs will now respect the option to not auto scale UI
    FIXED - 3 Stability issues


Titel: Broot 1.21.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2023, 22:15
Whats new:>>

update dependencies because of some yanked ones

Titel: Double Commander 1.0.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2023, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Whats new:>>

    This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.0.10 release:

    UPD: WinGet Releaser version
    fix Ctrl+WheelUp bug when font size = MinValue (#898)

Titel: Q-Dir 11.24
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 11:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Optimierung und Quad-Explorer Sprachdateien-Update
• Kleine Verbesserungen in den Datei Explorern und Verzeichnisstruktur

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 18:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Translate shell folders names & avoid possible bugs by @ferrariofilippo in #11890
    Fix: Fixed issue where progress was not updated when creating an archive by @ferrariofilippo in #11811
    Feature: New Logging provider by @lukeblevins in #11937
    Code Quality: Removed lang ids and use learn.ms.com by @Jay-o-Way in #11941
    Feature: Improved shell extension loading by @hishitetsu in #11940
    Code Quality: Refactor LayoutPages & ShellPages by @0x5bfa in #11929
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 by @dependabot in #11948
    RichCommand: Run With Powershell by @0x5bfa in #11914
    Feature: Add Xaml Styler GitHub Action by @heftymouse in #11379
    Fix: Removed GPL code from FilesLauncher by @0x5bfa in #11509
    Feature: Don't show checkbox when no items are selected by @yaira2 in #11961
    Feature: Removed tooltip from details layout by @yaira2 in #11962
    Feature: New enum Keys and KeyModifiers by @cinqmilleans in #11891
    Fix: Fixed issue where clear all removed active tasks in Operation center by @ferrariofilippo in #11957
    Feature: Improved (but hacky) context menu loading by @hishitetsu in #11966


Titel: WinSetView 2.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 20:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Enhancement: WinSetView.exe is now a VbsEdit HTML application that contains the HTA code along with its own replacement for MSHTA.exe. This will allow it to run on computers where MSHTA has been blocked. Version 2.66 will remain available in case there are any issues with this new package.


Titel: Explorer Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2023, 20:45
Explorer Commander is a two- or four-panel file manager software. It enables a fundamental part of Windows operating systems, namely File Explorer to work similarly as professional file manager programs, while retaining the advantages of File Explorer.


Whats new:>>

    Add: Turkish language
    Add: Romanian language

Titel: WinSetView 2.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 April, 2023, 21:10
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: If WinSetView is closed while minimized, it now re-opens on screen.
Bug Fix: WinSetView now re-centers its window correctly with a top-positioned taskbar.

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.1 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2023, 20:50
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Added MKV tag parser - MKV tags can now be viewed in File Explorer
- Added ID3v2 tag support in WAV parser
- Added PSD property support
- Added TGA property support
- Added DDS property support
- Added and improved several properties in most audio property filetypes (BPM, Rating, Initial Key, Bitrate and more)
- Improved parsing of huge values in Property Handler
- Fixed several drag 'n drop issues in IcarosConfig
- Fixed the Cache Indexer not working on Active Directory systems
- Fixed WEBP not working in Firefox (Requires deactivating, then reactivating the Properties in Icaros)
- Fixed cover parsing in MKV files with WEBP or GIF covers embedded
- Fixed Icaros setting an invalid default Cache location on some systems
- Fixed Rating property not being read correctly from ID3v2 tags
- Lots of small fixes and improvements
- Updated .NET Framework to 4.6
- Updated Greek localization (Thank you Thunderstrike116! ^__^)
- Updated FFmpeg


Titel: XYplorer 24.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 April, 2023, 21:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Event Sounds. Tired of staring at a progress bar until a file operation is finally finished? Starting from this version you can have a short sound playing that tells you when the operation is finished and if it was finished successfully.
    There is also a pop sound for deletes, which are usually instantaneous. This was added just for fun. You may find that completing an operation with a sonic event generally gives you a strange sense of primal satisfaction.
    Custom Event Sounds. If you don’t like the default sounds, and/or have better ones, you can easily add them to the soundscape. Yes, you can have the application play an entire song when your backup is complete.
    Background Dragging. Now you can drag files from a background XYplorer window to another application window in the foreground. A long awaited feature is finally implemented.
    Go Now. If you’re a habitual scripter, you’ll love the new ability to launch a script from the address bar with a keyboard shortcut of your choice.
    Many Other Improvements.


Titel: Multi Commander 13.0.0 Build 2943 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2023, 20:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    FIXED - Language pack submit now works again
    FIXED - Packing 7z archive, The progress bar will now work better. However it will not show current file being pack since the newer 7z used packs files in parallel
    FIXED - 2 Stability issues


Titel: nnn v4.8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 April, 2023, 21:15
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


 show total size (key S) of non-filtered selection in a directory
fix tilde (~) handling in file name
plugin .nmv now respects -u flag
env var $NNN_PREFER_SELECTION exported to all plugins
support for wezterm in preview-tui
create new file or directory (tree) on startup
run command as plugin now supports exported variables
use "$nnn" anywhere when running command as plugin
set defaults for some prompts on Enter
improve archive, rename and create new workflows
optimize link creation
allow overwriting regular files on new empty file creation
add patch for colemak keyboard (existing renamed to colemak-dh)
add correct check for Wayland in clipboard plugins
add quitcd script for nushell
plugin kdeconnect - send multiple files
plugin preview-tui: add chafa as preferred image viewer, multiple fixes
plugin nmount - misc. improvements
add icon for jxl files


Titel: Files 2.4.62
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2023, 21:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Fix: Fixed right-click area in the recent files widget by @hishitetsu in #11979
    Fix: Fixed issue with review Files dialog not working by @hishitetsu in #12029
    Fix: Fixed log exception stack traces by @hishitetsu in #12004
    Fix: Fixed incorrect aperture values by @hishitetsu in #12038
    Fix: Fixed Ctrl+A in the rename textbox by @hishitetsu in #12050


Titel: XYplorer 24.30.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 April, 2023, 09:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



v24.30.0100 - 2023-04-15 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.30.0003 - 2023-04-15 14:27
    + SC gettokenindex enhanced: Added an optional start parameter.
      Syntax: gettokenindex(token, tokenlist, [separator=|], [flags=iw], [start=1]);
        start:  Token index from which to start searching. The index returned is still
                relative to the beginning of the tokenlist.
                Defaults to 1 (= 1st index).
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",");      //3
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 3); //3
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 4); //5
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 5); //5
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,e,d,e", ",", , 6); //0 (not found)
    ! SC gettokenindex: Ignored separators that were within quotes. Fixed. Doesn't do it
      anymore since SC gettoken doesn't do it either.
        echo gettokenindex("e", "a,b,c"",""d,e", ","); // 5

v24.30.0002 - 2023-04-15 10:46
    + SC extlist enhanced. Now you can directly add/remove extensions to/from the current
      Name:   ExtList
      Action: Lets you customize certain extension lists.
      Syntax: extlist(type, [extensionlist], [switches])
          a: Add extensionlist to the current list.
          r: Remove extensionlist from the current list.
        extlist("thumbs64", "ai.eps.svg", "a");  //add these extensions to the 64-bit Thumbnails
        extlist("thumbs64", "ai.eps.svg", "r");  //remove these extensions from the 64-bit Thumbnails

v24.30.0001 - 2023-04-13 17:36
    + Hover Box: Now you can move the Hover Box to another item using the arrow keys
      (Left, Right, Up, Down, PageUp, PageDown).
        - Hover Box is currently showing.
        - But it's not showing a text preview and Hover Box scrolling is enabled (in that
          case those keys control the scrolling).
      What works:
        - The mouse pointer will magically jump from item to item and update the Hover Box
        - Supports all list views.
        - Automatically scrolls the list as needed.
      What doesn't yet work: 
        - Keys Home and End.
        - PageUp and PageDown do nothing when no more scrolling can happen.
        - PageUp and PageDown in non-Details views.
        - If you repeat too fast (while the Hover Box is still loading a new preview) you
          will break the magic since it ONLY works if the Hover Box is currently showing.
    % Document Preview: Some preview handlers steal the application focus. Now XY steals
      it back.
    ! Configuration | General | Tree and List | Tree | Auto-optimize tree: Error 9
      (Subscript out of range) was possible on systems (or accounts) without a Links
      special folder. Fixed.
    ! Edit | Compare | Compare Current File with Previous File: Error 6 (Overflow) when
      comparing two files larger than 2GB. Fixed.


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.320
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 April, 2023, 20:40
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Options extended
    French installation updated
    Tools updated

Titel: WinSetView 2.72
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 April, 2023, 19:00
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


Feature added: Option to enable Classic Search in Windows 10.

Bug Fix: In order to work with the new Windows App SDK version of File Explorer (currently only available in the Canary build) the HomeFolder type is now always set to group by group.


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 10:50
Whats new:>>

    Fix: Fixed infinite restart loop by @hishitetsu in #12166
    Fix: Fixed possible NullReferenceException in widgets by @hishitetsu in #12171
    Fix: Fixed high CPU usage in the recent files widget by @hishitetsu in #12169
    Fix: Fixed possible System.NullReferenceException in ThemeHelper by @yaira2 in #12175

Titel: Q-Dir 11.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2023, 11:20
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Optimierung und Sprachdateien-Update in Q-Dir
• Wichtige Anpassungen und Verbesserungen des Quad-Explorer für MS Windows

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2023, 08:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in ThemeHelper part 2 by @hishitetsu in #12185
    Fix: Fixed System.InvalidOperationException by @yaira2 in #12184
    Fix: Fixed possible NullReferenceException with DispatcherQueue.EnqueueAsync() by @hishitetsu in #12196

Titel: MyFolders
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2023, 19:10
Straightforward application which enables you to manage files and folders more efficiently by creating an entry in the context menu.


Whats new:>>

Fixed a problem exporting settings to XML.

Titel: XYplorer 24.40.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2023, 11:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

    Mobile Hover Box. Now you can easily move the Hover Box (instant file preview on mouse over) from file to file with the navigation keys. Cool and useful.
    Custom Event Sounds. Now supports all playable audio formats.
    Open Folders with a Single Click. Now you can optionally open folders in the file list with a single click, just like in the folder tree.
    Many Other Improvements

Titel: LF - Terminal File Manager r29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 April, 2023, 21:30
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (Breaking) An alternative boolean option syntax set option true/false is added in addition to the previous syntax set option/nooption ( #758 ). If you have set option true in your configuration, then there is no need for any changes as it was already working as expected accidentally. If you have set option false in your configuration, then previously it was enabling the option instead accidentally but now it is disabling the option as intended. Any other syntax including set option on/off are now considered errors and result in error messages. Boolean option toggling set option! remains unchanged with no new alternative syntax added.
    (Breaking) Cursor is now placed at the file extension by default in rename prompts ( #1162 ) (by @rrveex).
    (Breaking) The environment variable VISUAL is checked before EDITOR for the default editor choice ( #1197 ) (by @rumaks-xyz).
    (New) Mouse wheel events with the Control modifier have been bound to scrolling by default ( #1051 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) Three new options cursoractivefmt, cursorparentfmt and cursorpreviewfmt have been added ( #1086 and #1106 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) Option values for tagfmt and errorfmt have been simplified to be able to avoid the reset sequence ( #1086 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) Two default command line bindings for <down> and <up> have been added for cmd-history-next and cmd-history-prev respectively ( #1112 ) (by @Limero).
    (New) A new command invert-below is added to invert all selections below the cursor ( #1101 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) Two new commands maps and cmaps have been added to display the current list of bindings ( #1146 ) ( #1201 ) (by @jackielii and @ilyagr).
    (New) A new option numberfmt is added to customize line numbers ( #1177 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new environment variable lf_count is now exported to use the count in shell commands ( #1187 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new environment variable lf is now exported to be used as the executable path ( #1176 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) An example mkdir binding is added to the example configuration ( #1188 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) An example binding to show execution results is added to the example configuration ( #1188 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (New) Commands top and bottom now accepts counts to move to a specific line ( #1196 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new option ruler is added to customize the ruler information with a new addition for free disk space ( #1168 and #1205 ) (by @rrveex and @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Example lfcd files have been made safer to be able to alias the commands as lf ( #1049 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (Fix) Backspace should not exit from rename: mode anymore ( #1060 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (Fix) Preview is now refreshed even if the selection does not change ( #1074 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Stale directory cache entry is now deleted during rename ( #1138 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) File information is now updated properly after reloading ( #1149 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Window widths are now calculated properly when drawbox is enabled ( #1150 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Line number widths are now calculated properly when there are exactly 10 entries ( #1151 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Preview is not redrawn in async shell commands ( #1164 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) A small delay is added before showing loading text in preview pane to avoid flickering ( #1154 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Hard-coded box drawing characters are replaced with Tcell constants to enable the fallback mechanism ( #1170 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Option relativenumber now shows zero in the current line ( #1171 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Completion is not stuck in an infinite loop anymore when a match is longer than the window width ( #1183 ) (by @p-ouellette).
    (Fix) Completion now inserts the longest match even if there is no word before the cursor ( #1184 ) (by @p-ouellette).
    (Fix) Command doc should now work even if lf is not in the PATH variable ( #1176 ) (by @ilyagr).
    (Fix) Directory option changes should not crash the program anymore ( #1204 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Option selmode is now validated for the accepted values ( #1206 ) (by @joelim-work).


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r10712 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2023, 09:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    FIX: System file properties dialog timeout
    dcpcrypt2.pas : upstream hash fix for large files (#956)
    UPD: File propertis dialog (issue #593)
    ADD: Show unknown user/group as number
    UPD: Russian translation (#953)
    FIX: Change owner
    UPD: LANG: FileProperties translations (#951)
    FIX: Show creation time under Linux


Titel: WinSetView 2.73
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2023, 12:20
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: Corrected issue with dialogs in the app being sized too small vertically.

Titel: Broot 1.21.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2023, 21:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    switch_terminal verb parameter - Thanks @stevenxxiu
    on Windows, when using -c, clear events after delay - Fix #699


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2023, 07:20

03.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 1

03.05.23 Added: During the beta test, ZIP archives created with the new libdeflate library are always tested after packing even with VerifyZip=0 (32/64)
03.05.23 Fixed: Watch directory changes: Using a different auto-refresh mode (Also when size...) was only applied after changing directory (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: New internal command OPENBARMENU opens the passed .bar file as a dropdown menu. Only works when there is a top button bar (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: New option to disable transfer speed in progress bar during file operations: wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowProgressBarSpeed=0 (32/64)
03.05.23 Added: Set custom colors for progress bar during file operations: wincmd.ini [Colors] ProgressBarBottom=rgb, ProgressBarTop=rgb. If only the former is set, the latter is calculated as a brighter color (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal command cm_CopyPathOfFilesToClip copies the path of each selected file to the clipboard, e.g. for search results or branch view (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal commands cm_SetTabOptionNormal, cm_SetTabOptionPathLocked, cm_SetTabOptionPathResets, cm_SetAllTabsOptionNormal, cm_SetAllTabsOptionPathLocked, cm_SetAllTabsOptionPathResets set lock state for current or all tabs (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal commands cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther: Opens new tab, but in other file panel (duplicates target tab) (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: Internal command cm_QuickFilter: parameter 1 restores last used quick filter, like Ctrl+Shift+S (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_listExternal opens current file with external viewer defined for this file type, or default external viewer otherwise (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_FocusMainMenu to put focus on main menu, simulates press of F10 (32/64)
02.05.23 Added: cm_select, cm_unselect, cm_reverse: Negative parameter toggles only current item, cursor stays in place, e.g. cm_reverse -1 (32/64)
01.05.23 Added: New internal commands cm_QuickSearch, cm_QuickFilter, cm_DriveContextMenu, cm_ShowCmdLineHistory, cm_AddFileNameToCmdline, cm_AddPathAndFileNameToCmdline, cm_RenameTab, cm_OpenDriveByIndex from other file managers (32/64)
28.04.23 Added: Internal command cm_createshortcut now supports optional parameters (see Help - Dialog box: Choose command) (32/64)
28.04.23 Added: When showing transfer speed in progress bar, show maximum of the vertical axis to the right of the bar (32/64)
27.04.23 Added: Internal commands cm_copy and cm_renmov now support optional parameters to set copy options, target, wildcards and option to start immediately (see Help - Dialog box: Choose command) (32/64)
26.04.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: After clicking on 1x button, it wasn't possible to use the Tab key to focus the list of stored filters (64)
26.04.23 Fixed: Drag&drop file to topmost item in brief view not working in other columns than the first when columns take entire panel width, was intercepted by scrolling function (32/64)
26.04.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %|envvar| inserts environment variable envvar, e.g. %|windir| or %|$DESKTOP| in the parameter field (32/64)
23.04.23 Added: Show transfer speed in second bar also when using the old progress bar style with NewStyleProgress=0 (32/64)
21.04.23 Fixed: Show current copy speed also when copying many small files, not only when copying big files (32/64)
21.04.23 Added: Show transfer speed of the entire copy operation in the second progress bar when available (32/64)
18.04.23 Added: Quick search/quick filter in directory history: When searching the whole path (search string starts with *), TAB adds lowercase characters from the current file path up to the next \ (32/64)
17.04.23 Fixed: Thumbnails view with only about 1.5 visible rows of images: going up one level could scroll cursor out of view, 1 line above the visual area (32/64)
17.04.23 Added: Quick filter in directory history: Hide duplicate items present both in history and frequently used list (32/64)
16.04.23 Fixed: Store display name of multiple level virtual folder like on Android forms with changed prefix \\: to distinguish from UNC paths, e.g. \\Galaxy S10\Internal memory\Download (32/64)
13.04.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Ignore list: Add file names/path+file names with fs plugin or ftp prefix when needed (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Refresh in c:\windows\temp after restarting Total commander in that directory now asks for admin rights if necessary (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Command line: cd c:\windows\temp would ask for admin rights but still fail to show directory contents in some cases (32/64)
12.04.23 Fixed: Background copy window opened with F5-Enter-Background didn't close when done copying until any foreground overwrite confirmation dialog was closed (32/64)
07.04.23 Added: Ignore list now supports entries for FTP connections: FTP:filter for all FTP connections, or FTP:servername:filter or FTP:>connectionname:filter for a specific server name or connection (32/64)
07.04.23 Fixed: Search in background: Block "Feed to listbox" and "Go to file" while a file operation is active in the foreground of Total Commander (32/64)
06.04.23 Fixed: Trying to move a large folder on the same drive with F6 could take a long time if the user confirmed the operation before the size of the folder could be determined (32/64)
05.04.23 Fixed: In file lists, some characters like emoji were not displayed with certain fonts like Roboto (32/64)
04.04.23 Added: F5 copy: New overwrite mode "Rename older target files, skip newer": Only copy newer files, but don't overwrite older, rename them to keep a copy (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: In place rename, command line: Stop at more non-alphanumeric characters on Ctrl+Left/Right: \/(),.;=''^+-%&!_[ ]{} (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %a (lowercase) includes all files from both panels in list parameters like %L, e.g. %a%WL, e.g. for external synchronize dirs use parameters /S=S %X%P %T /O=%y%a%F (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: When showing an error with the native error text below, don't show the native error text if GetLastError returns 0 (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: When renaming a file and using a colon ':' in the name, show error "Invalid file name" instead of "Write error" (32/64)
03.04.23 Fixed: At 250% display scale, using "All tabs have the same width" would still result in a horizontal tab scroll button at some widths (32/64)
03.04.23 Added: List of all open tabs: When using quick search starting with an asterisk *, display full paths instead of tab names, and apply filter to them (32/64)
02.04.23 Fixed: List of all open tabs: When restoring all recently closed tabs together, the inactive tabs didn't have a view mode/icon (32/64)
31.03.23 Added: History list: Show plugin icons for plugin paths, and FTP icons for FTP connections (32/64)
28.03.23 Added: Show searchable list of all open tabs also by right clicking on the right edge of the tab control, e.g. for multi-line tab controls (32/64)
27.03.23 Added: New internal commands cm_srctabslist, cm_trgtabslist, cm_lefttabslist, cm_righttabslist to show list of all open tabs (32/64)
27.03.23 Added: Show searchable list of all open tabs with Ctrl+Shift+A (as in the Chrome browser), and via right click behind the last tab, or on the <> scroll buttons (32/64)
26.03.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop files to Total Commander: If a program sends the same file name multiple times via CF_HDROP (e.g. TheBat!), use CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST data instead (32/64)
23.03.23 Added: Breadcrumb bar now supports clicking on parent, grandparent folder etc. also in virtual subfolders, e.g. on a connected smartphone (32/64)
22.03.23 Added: Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes the "Start" menu, so they update it too (32/64)
22.03.23 Added: Inform other Total Commander instances on the same PC when the user changes one of the button bars, so they update it too (32/64)
21.03.23 Added: Divide all values by 2 in most frequently used directory list every 30 days, either when the largest counter reaches 10000 or there are at least 100 entries left afterwards (32/64)
20.03.23 Fixed: Rare access violation when reading thumbnails from cache (reason: 2 bytes more decoded than the image size) (32/64)
20.03.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): Combined parameter %Y%y allows empty lists like %Y, but selects file under cursor if nothing is selected (32/64)
20.03.23 Added: Command line parameters (button bar, start menu): New parameter %y (lowercase) keeps other parameters and skips only list file parameters if the list is empty (32/64)
19.03.23 Fixed: Could not open files on cryptomator or rclone volumes mounted as paths, they seem to be implemented as special symlinks (32/64)
19.03.23 Added: Context menu item in History to show/hide most frequently used directories, saved as [Configuration] ShowFrequentlyUsed=1/0 (32/64)
17.03.23 Added: Keep list of frequently used directories synchronized between multiple Total Commander instances on the same PC (32/64)
16.03.23 Added: Set storage location of most frequently used directories file tcDirFrq.txt: [Configuration] DirUsageLocation=, default %LOCALAPPDATA%\GHISLER\ (32/64)
15.03.23 Added: Keep track of most frequently used directories and show them in the directory history in addition to the history entries, at the other end (32/64)
14.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to reverse sort order (last visited directory at the top) (32/64)
13.03.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Misc: Support Numeric keypad keys 0..9 for hotkeys (only works with numlock ON) (32/64)
13.03.23 Fixed: AlwaysCopyInBackground=2, drag&drop confirmation disabled -> the dragged file was not copied in the background transfer manager (32/64)
13.03.23 Added: Directory history list: New context menu items to open directory in other panel, and in new tab of the other panel (except when tabs are disabled) (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] QuickSearchHistoryAutoFilter=0: Remember whether quick search filter is enabled in directory history (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to open path in new tab (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to show all items when history thinning is enabled. Hotkey: Alt+Shift+Cursor down (32/64)
12.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to copy path to clipboard (32/64)
10.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Quick search in whole path by starting search strings with an asterisk, e.g. *windows will find c:\windows\system32 too (32/64)
10.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Context menu, option to remove entries from history (Hotkey: Shift+Del) (32/64)
09.03.23 Added: Directory history list: Don't limit number of displayed history items when opening history with thinning disabled (with Shift+History button or Alt+Shift+Cursor down) (32/64)
07.03.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Quick search no longer worked (32/64)
07.03.23 Added: Directory history list now supports quick search and a quick filter (Ctrl+S) (32/64)
06.03.23 Added: New style directory history list which is no longer based on a Windows menu and supports quick search (32/64)
03.03.23 Added: Lister: Copy selection to clipboard as hexadecimal characters with Ctrl+Shift+C or via right click menu, not only in hex view (32/64)
03.03.23 Added: Lister, hex mode: Select both the text and hex representation of the file content (32/64)
03.03.23 Fixed: When changing directory with cm_gotopreviousdir and similar commands which set the current item, selecting with Shift+Click selected the wrong range (32/64)
03.03.23 Fixed: Lister, text mode: When scrolling sideways with certain font encodings (e.g. CP865), the characters at the scroll end may not be repainted correctly -> use 2 pixel overlap (32/64)
17.02.23 Added: Unpack BROTLI files with extensions .br . Please note that BROTLI files cannot be detected by content, so other files with that extension can cause an error when unpacking/testing archives (32/64)
17.02.23 Added: Unpack ZSTD files with extensions .zst and .tzst (=.tar.zst) on Windows XP and newer (32/64)
15.02.23 Added: Unpack ZIP files with ZSTD (by Facebook) compression on Windows XP and newer (32/64)
14.02.23 Fixed: Text in comboboxes in Configuration - Options - Icons was getting selected when changing from/to dark mode and (for some users) to a different language (32/64)
14.02.23 Fixed: Don't show "pinned" icon in OneDrive subfolder for ".." in folders where 'Always keep on this device' was checked for the parent folder (2 folders up) (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll, ShellExec_RunDLL ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe url.dll, FileProtocolHandler ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\System32\rundll32.exe url.dll, OpenURL ..\..\content (32/64)
14.02.23 Added: Follow link files (*.lnk) pointing to directories pointing to %WinDir%\explorer.exe ..\..\content (32/64)
13.02.23 Fixed: Lister: When started via command line, e.g. %commander_exe% /S=L "%1", ignore a trailing dot in passed file names (32/64)
13.02.23 Fixed: FTP: If the number of visited folders is so high that we can't store FTP*.TMP files any more, turn off directory caching and store the latest as FT2*.TMP (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs with option "Empty directories": when using a filter to only sync certain files, some folders were marked for deletion which were not empty (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Button with LOADSEARCH command would check "Ansi" option even if the user only checked the "Plugins" option when saving (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Prevent crash when receiving WM_DPICHANGED message at program start before the main menu has been created (64)
10.02.23 Added: Copy to clipboard/save to file functions: When saving results of the duplicate file finder, add an extra empty line between two file groups (32/64)
10.02.23 Fixed: Load registration key from registry also from the alternate branch from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (32-bit branch for x64 version and vice versa) (32/64)
08.02.23 Added: File system plugins and FTP: Show new option "Finish copying the current file" when aborting copying in the middle of a file. Aborts the operation after the currently copied file (32/64)
03.02.23 Fixed: Directory history: Couldn't return to previous directories in nested virtual folders due to a virtual folder parsing bug in Windows 10/11 ParseDisplayName function (32/64)
03.02.23 Added: Show full path with all parents in nested virtual folders, e.g. when accessing a phone (32/64)
02.02.23 Added: Show free and total space of Android devices in the base folder, e.g. in "Internal memory" or the base directory of the SD card (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Warn user about duplicate files even when the problem happened only later in the rename operation, e.g. due to newly added files (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Rename to temporary file not working any more, e.g. when renaming 1.txt->2.txt and 2.txt->1.txt (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Falsely warned user about duplicate files when renaming certain files in branch view (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Branch view, sort by extension, size or time: Sort by directory if both extension and name are the same (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): Error saving changed hotlist when the [dirmenu] section became longer than 64 kBytes in a Unicode UTF-16 wincmd.ini (max supported by Windows is 128 kBytes UTF-16) (32/64)
01.02.23 Fixed: FTP: When editing a file with F4, the cursor was lost after saving the file and switching back to Total Commander (64)
01.02.23 Fixed: Starting standalone sync tool with parameter /O=%L no longer worked in 10.51, only a workaround /O=O=%L (which is still working) (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Viewing files from archives, plugins or ftp failed when the file name had one or more trailing spaces (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Tab order wrong in Synchronize dirs, the new "search filter" button (labeled e.g. 1x, 2x etc.) was at the end of the tab order (64)
30.01.23 Fixed: No per file icon images for .ico files were shown on Windows 11, due to file association with Windows app (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Access violation on command cd c:\path\archive.zip when ZipMagic=0 set in wincmd.ini (32/64)
30.01.23 Added: Search with "everything": Support search in indexed subfolders, e.g. when only F:\subdir1 is indexed and the search starts in it or below, e.g. in F:\subdir1\subdir2 (32/64)
30.01.23 Fixed: Recycle bin support detection: Look in Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\BitBucket\Volume AND ...\BitBucket\KnownFolder for all drive types (32/64)
30.01.23 Added: Lister standalone started via parameters /S=L <file> can now be started minimized (or maximized, already worked previously) (32/64)
27.01.23 Added: Synchronize dirs standalone started via parameters /S=S <dir1> <dir2> can now be started minimized or maximized (32/64)
27.01.23 Fixed: Branch view (Ctrl+B): When deleting files from multiple directories to recycle bin, the user was asked twice to confirm (only with VistaDelete not set, and delete confirmation disabled in recycle bin itself) (32/64)
26.01.23 Fixed: Prevent deadlock for some users by calling RegisterForShellNotifiations via PostMessage to the main window (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Ignore list for file system plugins match partial path up to \*\, e.g. Pluginname:\connectionname\dir\*\*.txt (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Ignore list now supports entries for file system plugins: *:filter for all plugins or pluginname:filter for a specific plugin (32/64)
25.01.23 Added: Pack files, "Multiple disk archive": remember last chosen size per part in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SplitBytesPerFileZip (32/64)
25.01.23 Fixed: Allow to open protected directories like windows\temp also via button bar, start menu, and command line (with confirmation on first call) (32/64)
25.01.23 Fixed: Custom columns view: Enforce maximum number of 32 columns (in addition to name and extension) when loading and configuring custom columns (32/64)
06.01.23 Added: Compare by content standalone started via parameters /S=C <file1> <file2> can now be started minimized or maximized (32/64)
06.01.23 Added: Lister standalone started via parameters /S=L <file> can now be started maximized, e.g. via a Desktop shortcut (32/64)
06.01.23 Fixed: Create shortcuts (lnk files) to folders with Ctrl+Shift+F5: Clicking "Skip" didn't just skip that link, it aborted the entire operation (32/64)
04.01.23 Fixed: File operation - Background: Adjust widths of "number of files" and "copied size" fields dynamically, so they don't overlap if possible (32/64)
02.01.23 Fixed: Prevent crashes when reading folder thumbnails with RAW images (32/64)
28.12.22 Fixed: Blake3 checksum calculation crashed on old PCs without SSE2 instructions, e.g. Pentium III. The change has no negative effect on newer PCs (32)
26.12.22 Added: High speed unpacking now also of multi-volume ZIP archives (32/64)
22.12.22 Added: High speed packing and unpacking with modified libdeflate now also of GZIP files (but not tar.gz) (32/64)
21.12.22 Added: File system plugins can now report links to folders as dwReserved0=S_IFLNK and dwFileAttributes=FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY to sort them with folders (used by Cloud plugin). Only do this when plugin interface version is >= 2.11! Otherwise links will be deleted with their destination! (32/64)
16.12.22 Added: High speed packing and unpacking of ZIP files with modified libdeflate library (32/64)
07.12.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Browsing for folders via >> button now scrolls current folder into view (32/64)
07.12.22 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Browsing for folders via >> button no longer worked on Windows 11, the function only showed the desktop and nothing else (32/64)


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2023, 20:20
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



    New: Added Arabic and Dutch translations
    New: Added Single Instance capabilities (check in PreferencesGeneral)
    Fix: Some bugfixes and language corrections


Titel: NetDrive 3.17.960
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Mai, 2023, 10:10

    Rectified the problem that resulted in a mount error while creating the storage layer for specific users.


    Windows: Updated Visual Studio Redistributables for optimal compatibility.
    System service stability to prevent unmounts after wakeup from sleep


    macOS: Adjusted deployment target to version 11.0.
    WebSocket Library: Improved thread handling for smoother operation.
    Azure Blob: Resolved issue with mounting subfolders.
    BackBlaze B2: Updated labels to 'keyID' and 'applicationKey' for clarity.


    Default Settings: Prioritized file listing operations over other file operations by default.


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Mai, 2023, 21:30

10.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 2

10.05.23 Added: Internal associations now support internal commands, e.g. OPENTABS %1, or ***cm_list %1, which will open Lister with current file on ENTER, or all selected via context menu (32/64)
10.05.23 Added: Installer: New command line parameter /R disables adding uninstall information to the registry, e.g. for a portable installation (32/64)
10.05.23 Fixed: Access violation opening virtual folder My Computer -> Videos -> Captures on Windows 10 (VARIANT structure was too small) (64)
09.05.23 Fixed: Small memory leak (16kBytes) each time when using the new ZIP packer (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: cm_ConfigSaveDirHistory now also saves the most frequently used list (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: When showing copy speed in progress bar, show current speed instead of maximum speed to the right of the bar (only when using new style progress bar) (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: When showing copy speed in progress bar, show tooltip of value at the mouse pointer position (32/64)
09.05.23 Added: cm_listExternal now supports a file name as parameter (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: cm_copy: The parameters are now case insensitive (lowercase also supported) (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: Show new list of open tabs left-aligned to the mouse pointer when opened by mouse (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: Show copy speed in progress bar also in the background (F5 Copy - Enter - Background) (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] FrequentlyUsedLen=30 sets number of frequently used directories shown in new history list (Alt+Cursor down) (32/64)
08.05.23 Added: New internal command cm_ConfigLister to directly open Lister settings (32/64)
08.05.23 Fixed: Custom columns view: Wrong or missing column 32 when loaded at startup (32)
08.05.23 Fixed: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A) was showing & character in "Recently closed tabs" in some languages (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: File progress speed display: Made font a bit larger (32/64)
07.05.23 Added: cm_EditNewFile with parameter 1 now creates a new file without opening the editor. Uploads new file to ftp or file system plugin if it doesn't already exist there (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: Refreshing current directory with Ctrl+R (cm_RereadSource) didn't invoke any view mode change any more (32/64)
07.05.23 Fixed: New style history: The right edge of the window could reach a few pixels beyond the right side of the screen when the main window was maximized or near the right edge (64)
05.05.23 Fixed: cm_CopyPathOfFilesToClip appended 2 backslashes to parent directories of folders in search results (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: The directory hotlist option "Hide menu items starting with this character" was disabled when editing the "Start" menu (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop of file to top item in list (full view): Abort dragging when releasing mouse button while scrolling, to prevent drop on wrong directory (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Do not save most frequently used list if saving of history is disabled in Configuration - Options - Operation (32/64)
05.05.23 Fixed: Button/start menu parameters: Combining %y with %WF/%WL/%UF/%UL would insert the second character in the command line instead of skipping the parameter (32/64)
05.05.23 Added: Hotkeys defined via Configuration - Options - Misc now support commands with parameters (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New style history: Allow to use cursor up/down while Alt is still pressed, close history on second Alt key press (or Alt release when down on numeric keypad was used) (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Search: Loading saved settings would check "ANSI" option even if the user only checked the "Plugins" option when saving (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex opened drive in new tab if shift was pressed (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: After focusing vertical button bar with cm_FocusButtonbarVertical, it couldn't be left with ESC any more (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU command now works properly on a button in the button bar: Show popup overlay icon, open bar below the button (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU command now accepts path in double quotes (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Internal commands cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther: The new tab opened in the other panel now gets the directory of the current tab of the active panel (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Ctrl+C copy and delete via Explorer failed for some file types (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Drag&Drop of files from outside of Total Commander to a file panel was broken (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: New history dialog: Always close history, quick search and context menu of history when switching to another application, and make history dialog a child window (32/64)
04.05.23 Fixed: Lister, right click context menu: "Copy as hex" wasn't translated (64)
03.05.23 Fixed: New OPENBARMENU option was missing from the TOTALCMD.INC file (32/64)


Titel: Files 2.4.71
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2023, 21:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


Fix: Backported recent fixes into the servicing branch by @hishitetsu in #12338


Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.330
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Mai, 2023, 09:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

    Language corrections
    Tools updated

Titel: XYplorer 24.40.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2023, 10:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



v24.40.0100 - 2023-05-16 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.40.0007 - 2023-05-16 13:21
    * Info Panel | Report | Current List | Path (Find settings): Slightly revamped the
      search report.
    * SC vartype: Change the return value "not a variable" to "novar".
    * Updated the help file.

v24.40.0006 - 2023-05-15 15:04
    * Undo: Now Undo is allowed for deletions on mapped network drives.
      Note that whether this actually works depends on your Windows settings. By default,
      Windows doesn't currently allow undo here, but you can manually edit the registry to
      change that.

v24.40.0005 - 2023-05-14 10:15
    * Find Files | Contents: Since v14.10.0118 - 2014-06-05 18:17 the search for contents
      of type "Text" includes media files (scan metadata) and image files (scan metadata
      and exif data). Depending on the search location, this can slow down the entire
      content search enormously, while often yielding no results and probably rarely being
      From now on, metadata is no longer scanned by default for contents of type "Text",
      making content searches much faster.
      You can tweak back the old behavior though (and it will be a GUI checkbox soon):
    ! Content Search: The number of "failed" files (files for which the IFilter could not
      extract any text) shown in the status bar was too high. It included files that did
      not fail but simply contained no text. Fixed.
    ! SC vartype: Negative integers were seen as float. Fixed.

v24.40.0004 - 2023-05-13 15:06
    + Native Context Menu: Now it allows right-clicking the menu items. It also allows
      Left Mouse Up after rocker-click.
    + Shell Context Menu (32-bit): Now it allows Left Mouse Up after rocker-click.
    + SC get got a new named argument "stepping" to return whether the script is currently
      in step mode.
      Syntax: get("stepping")
        return: 0 = step mode OFF
                1 = step mode ON
        The return is not identical to the current setting of "Scripting | Step Mode".
        This is only one factor that affects whether you are actually in step mode.
        echo get("stepping");
        echo <get stepping>;
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name: VarType
      Action: Returns the state of a variable.
      Syntax: vartype(variable)
        variable: Variable, e.g. $a or $a[0].
        return: One of these states:
                not a variable
        $a = 0; echo vartype($a);         //integer
        $a = 4; echo vartype($a);         //integer
        $a = "4"; echo vartype($a);       //integer (!)
        $a = 4.1; echo vartype($a);       //float
        $a = 4.0; echo vartype($a);       //float (!)
        $a = "b"; echo vartype($a);       //string
        $a = "b"; echo vartype($b);       //undefined
        $a = ""; echo vartype($a);        //empty
        $a = array(); echo vartype($a);   //array
        $a[9] = 1.1; echo vartype($a);    //array
        $a[9] = 1.1; echo vartype($a[9]); //float
        $a = "b"; echo vartype(a);        //not a variable
        $a = "b"; $b = "b"; echo vartype($a . $b);  //not a variable

v24.40.0002 - 2023-05-12 18:02
    + Event Sounds: Added one more, played when the clipboard is updated while XYplorer is
      the top window, so usually when you copy or cut items or text to the clipboard, or
      when you clear the clipboard.
        Event                                     Default Sound     SC ces key
        Clipboard update                          ---               CLP
      Currently there is no default sound defined, so it's up to you to organize a sound
      file and add it using SC ces().
    + Event Sounds: Now, just like normal rename operations, the Rename Special operations
      will also trigger the "Item renamed" sound (once, after the whole batch has been
      processed and at least one rename happened).
    + Configuration | Tabs and Panes | Tabs | New tab path: Now XY variables are
      supported, eg <xydrive>.
    ! Color Filters: Since 20230428, a Color Filter with background color was fully hidden
      by the selection rect in Details view if "Full name column select" was disabled.
      Fixed. Now part of it is peeking out again on the right side.
    ! Document Preview: The fix from v24.30.0001 - 2023-04-13 17:36 had some undesired
      side effects with certain PDF preview handlers. Should be fixed.

v24.40.0001 - 2023-05-11 19:16
    % Portable Devices: Copying/Moving list items (by Edit | Copy To... and similar
      commands) from a portable device to a hard disk should be notably faster now.
    ! Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Mouse | Folders only: If the
      single-clicked folder was already selected, some pre-slow-double-click-rename stuff
      would be done unnecessarily, wasting time. Fixed.


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2023, 21:30

17.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 3

17.05.23 Added: Uninstaller: Always start as admin if available (highestAvailable in Manifest), delete tcDirFrq.txt when user chooses to remove ini files (32/64)
17.05.23 Added: New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% inserts current date and time in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss, or use placeholders from multi-rename, e.g. %$DATE:YMDhHmsi% (32/64)
17.05.23 Fixed: Packing with new ZIP packer and AES encryption caused access violation (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryIcons=1 show/hide icons in directory history (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] HistoryFont=0 sets font for directory history: 0=same as file lists, 1=same as main menu, other=custom font name (32/64)
16.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowFrequentlyUsedMaxInMiddle=0: Show most frequently used directory at the edge of the history dialog, or in the middle, adjacent to the history (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Limit number of history and most frequently used items in history list even when history thinning is disabled, set the limits in Configuration - Options - History (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: New page "History" in main configuration dialog, can also be reached via history right click menu, or cm_HistoryConfig command (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: When showing all items in history (opened with Alt+Cursor down) with Alt+Shift+Cursor down, no scrollbar was added when the initial list didn't need one (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] SaveFrequentlyUsed=(value of SaveHistory): Save frequently used list to tcDirFrq.txt, defaults to same value as SaveHistory (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] FrequentlyUsedLenStored=200 sets maximum number of frequently used directories saved in tcDirFrq.txt (no upper limit) (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Dark mode: When showing copy speed in progress bar, use dark background when using NewStyleProgress=0 (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Cursor movement in rename box (Shift+F6) would jump by 2 characters instead of one when using a dual byte locale like Korean (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Ignore list with plugins: The plugin name wasn't checked when using wildcards, e.g. Secure FTP:\connection\*\name (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu: Multiple user-defined internal commands with parameters can now be chained, e.g. em_notepad c:path\file1,em_notepad c:path\file2 (32/64)
15.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu, internal associations, hotkeys: User-defined internal commands em_name now support parameters, e.g. em_notepad c:path\file. Parameter must be in double quotes if it contains a comma (32/64)
15.05.23 Fixed: Auto-refresh when the file system changes didn't update the caret position when in background and a new file was created (32)
14.05.23 Fixed: OPENBARMENU now also works when the bar file is set via "Parameters" field of the button bar: Overlay icon, changed linked bar via right click, open bar at button position (32/64)
14.05.23 Added: Internal commands which do not start with cm_ or em_ now support placeholders like %P%N in internal associations and user-defined hotkeys, e.g. OPENBARMENU (32/64)
14.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Hotkeys with parameters were shown incorrectly with command name doubled, e.g. cm_exit cm_exit 1 (32/64)
14.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Misc: Some hotkeys with parameters like all F-keys with no modifiers (e.g. F12) were shown twice in the list of user-defined hotkeys (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: File system plugins: The initial directory directly after connecting to a server (e.g. in SFTP) didn't use the ignore list (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: When launching with parameter /A, the path+archive name were added to the history by mistake when an archive was passed as a parameter (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: When launching with parameter /P, the path+file name were added to the directory history by mistake (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): Use all available space for number of files and size copied (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Quick search/filter window not scaled correctly on higher DPI screens, but was correct in the main window (64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: After opening and closing the right click context menu, clicking outside the history window sometimes didn't close it (32/64)
12.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking outside the history window now always closes it (32/64)
11.05.23 Added: cm_OpenNewTabOther and cm_OpenNewTabBgOther now also work when there are no tabs on the active side (32/64)
11.05.23 Fixed: After opening a .zst archive, the archive was locked and couldn't be deleted (32/64)


Titel: Broot 1.22.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Mai, 2023, 10:45
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    define disk space availability colors in skin - Fix #705
    left elision of path when path/name doesn't fit - Fix #700


Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Mai, 2023, 20:50
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (New) A new builtin command jumps is addded to display the jump list ( #1233 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new possible field filter is added to ruler option to display the filter indicator ( #1223 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Broken mappings for bottom command due to recent changes are fixed ( #1240 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Selecting a file does not scroll to bottom anymore ( #1222 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Broken builds on some platforms due to recent changes are fixed ( #1168 ).


Titel: Broot 1.22.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Mai, 2023, 21:15
Whats new:>>

    Allow dir computations in /run/media - Fix #704 - Thanks @jinliu
    Fix included solarized-dark.hjson skin file

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Mai, 2023, 22:00

24.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 4

24.05.23 Added: Show error when a path not surrounded by quotes is passed to cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut or cm_PackFiles (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu, user-defined commands: Internal commands now also support parameters in the Parameter field as long as they are not chained (no comma in command field) (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: History context menu: Moved most hotkeys to strings 2115 ff, so they can be translated individually (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Pack files dialog now allows to set the compression rate for ZIP, GZ and TGZ directly in the dialog (temporary, not saved). Note that GZ and TGZ don't support 0 and will use 1 instead (32/64)
24.05.23 Added: Double click on checksum file (.md5, .sha1 etc) now checks again all selected files if the double clicked checksum file was selected too (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: Don't show error when receiving Ctrl+C on [..] and nothing is selected, because some translation tools send this on a double click (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: http download with Ctrl+N wasn't paused while showing the abort confirmation dialog (32/64)
23.05.23 Added: cm_PackFiles now supports various parameters to set the checkboxes in the dialog or to start the operation directly (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: Use SendMessageTimeout to inform other TC windows about frequently used directories, so one hanging TC cannot hang all others (32/64)
23.05.23 Fixed: When aborting copying while the operation was between two files, show same dialog style as when showing "Finish copying the current file", but without that option (32/64)
23.05.23 Added: Show icon in dialog confirming copy abort (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: The default of the CtrlArrow option in wincmd.ini is now 0 (disabled) (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: Button bar, start menu configuration: if the existing command starts with a comma followed by an internal or external command, put the newly chosen internal command in front of it (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: FTP connection to other PC, uploads only: "Finish copying the current file" only worked for files in the current directory, a folder was always copied to the end too (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: PORT connection to other PC (e.g. via USB cable), uploads and downloads: "Finish copying the current file" only worked for files in the current directory, a folder was always copied to the end too (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: cm_CreateShortcut: When using parameter /T, append \*.lnk or \*.*.lnk (depending on AppendLnk value) if the user forgot to include it (32/64)
22.05.23 Added: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov, cm_CreateShortcut: Support environment variables in parameter /T="path" (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): There could still be a small overlap between number of files and size fields (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: Brief view: Horizontal scrolling didn't go to last column if it had only 1 or 2 entries, and only one column was fully visible (32/64)
22.05.23 Fixed: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Show drive letter if it's shown on the tab too (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: After changing language, the default extra text in "Storage location for list of most frequently used folders" was lost (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Restore previous option of "Font:" when choosing Custom and then Cancel (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Restore previous option of "Storage location for list of most frequently used folders" when choosing Custom and then Cancel (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: Button bar: When using an unusual icon size, e.g. 40x40 or 42x42, call LoadIconWithScaleDown and LookUpIconIdFromDirectoryEx with that size and not rounded up to the next usual size like 48x48 (32/64)
21.05.23 Added: Wincmd.ini [Configuration] ShowLastVisiedInMiddle=0: Show last visited directory at the edge of the history dialog, or in the middle, adjacent to the most frequently used directories (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: ZIP packer: Set UTF-8 flag also when renaming files and the current codepage is UTF-8 (32/64)
21.05.23 Fixed: ZIP unpacker: When the archive contains the name also in the extra field as Unicode, prefer it over the name in the main header (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Right mouse button drag&drop, choose "Create shortcut" -> TC would instead move+rename the files when using AlwaysInBackground=2 (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Copy progress dialog: update maximum speed shown to the right of the bar max. twice per second (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Improved cursor handling when using CtrlArrow=1, e.g. after Shift+Home (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: Hotkey parameters didn't work in some cases when starting with a number, e.g. FTPOPEN 01 first connection (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: ZIPFROMLIST now accepts flags like -0 also in the parameters field when the command field only contains ZIPFROMLIST itself, e.g. for hotkeys (32/64)
19.05.23 Added: To set a hotkey for a command like SELECTFILEST, choose command SELECTFILES and then set the parameter to T <wildcards> and apply it (32/64)
19.05.23 Fixed: The following internal commands didn't work with hotkeys: SAVEDETAILS with modifiers A, W and H, SELECTFILES with  D, B, U, L, R, T or S, OPENCUSTOMVIEW with L, R, S, T or B (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window, context menu: In English, the hotkey DEL was missing from "Remove directory from history" (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Always show option "Show all entries" in context menu, just show checkmark when enabled so to the user can disable it (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Don't show when the display limit for both history and most frequently used list are set to 0 (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking on empty space in the list after removing items caused an access violation (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: All hotkeys with an underscore in the name like OEM_, no longer worked (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: OPENBARMENU not working with certain hotkeys like Win+Control+B: the menu would open and close again immediately (64)
18.05.23 Fixed: Commands with parameters not starting with CM_ or EM_ didn't work with Win key in hotkeys (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: EM_COMMANDs with parameters in quotes couldn't be chained if they contained a comma followed by a number or cm_/em_ within the parameters (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New history window: Scrolling with mouse wheel didn't work on Windows XP (32)
18.05.23 Fixed: Hotkeys in Configuration - Options - History focused the wrong edit controls (32/64)
18.05.23 Fixed: New pseudo environment variable %$DATE% didn't work on Windows XP and older (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 24.40.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Mai, 2023, 09:40

v24.40.0200 - 2023-05-25 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.40.0108 - 2023-05-25 13:04
    ! Folder Thumbnails: Since 20230515 the default 5 pixel margin around the image in a
      folder thumbnail was reduced to only 1 pixel. Fixed.

v24.40.0107 - 2023-05-23 13:30
    + Configuration | Preview | Thumbnails | Show folder thumbnails: If a folder is not
      empty, but does not contain anything that can be used to generate a folder
      thumbnail, it will now display the yellow background square without an image, as
      opposed to empty folders, which only display the folder icon.
      This way you can immediately see if a folder has contents or not.
    ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box |
      Highlight matches: Did not work in This PC (drives listing), Network, and Recycle
      Bin. Fixed.
    ! Live Filter Box: Disabling the Live Filter on Paper Folders did not always update
      the list correctly if "Explicit Save Only" was enabled. Fixed.

v24.40.0106 - 2023-05-22 17:06
    ! Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and
      Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: The service was also applied
      to fields other than "Name", which of course led to doom. Fixed.

v24.40.0105 - 2023-05-22 11:00
    * Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and
      Live Filter Box | Use space character for Boolean AND: This is now the factory
      default, so you'll get it in a fresh instance.
    * Live Filter Box in Small Dialogs | Context Menu | Use space character for Boolean
      AND: This is now the factory default, so you'll get it in a fresh instance.
    * Updated the help file.

v24.40.0104 - 2023-05-20 19:14
    * Find Files | Dupes: When sorting by the Dupes column, the secondary sort is now
      always by path, no matter what kind of dupes were searched for. This keeps the
      groups in the same order.
    ! Configuration | Preview | Preview | Preview delay: You could still get a preview
      after dragging a file was canceled, or if you quickly selected another file while
      the preview of the previous file was delayed. Fixed.
    ! Auto-Refresh: The Recycle Bin in the back pane was not always auto-refreshed after a
      deletion. Fixed.
    ! Find Files | Dupes: If Google Drive hijacked your PNG thumbnails creation (DriveFS
      Thumbnail Provider), the dupe-by-image finder did not work anymore for PNG files.
      WTF. Fixed.

v24.40.0103 - 2023-05-19 12:43
    * SC get("previewhandler"): Now the extension parameter defaults to the extension of
      the currently selected list item, unless a preview handler is currently in use in
      which case this preview handler is displayed. Most of the times the currently
      selected list item IS the previewed file so it will make no difference anyway.
    * SC get("thumbnailprovider"): Now the extension parameter defaults to the extension
      of the currently selected list item.
    * Configuration | Preview | Preview | Preview delay: When dragging Document files, the
      preview was still triggered after the drag was aborted. Not anymore. Either you
      drag, or you preview.
    ! Tabsets | Open...: The dialog height was unlimited and could extend the screen
      height. Fixed.

v24.40.0102 - 2023-05-17 19:36
    + Small dialogs with a Live Filter Box: Now the filter icon in the LFB has a
      right-click menu where you can toggle the new option "Use space character for
      Boolean AND". This option only affects filtering in small dialogs.
      Some examples for supported small dialogs:
        - Help | List All Commands...
        - Go | Recent Locations...
        - All List Management dialogs
      Note that this functionality is identical to the "Fat Gun" tweak added in
      v20.60.0007 - 2019-11-24 12:40, making it obsolete and marked for removal.

v24.40.0101 - 2023-05-17 13:17
    + Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Visual Filters and
      Live Filter Box: Added option "Use space character for Boolean AND". Tick it to
      greatly simplify your Boolean filter terms.
        Instead of
          Chuck AND Berry
          Chuck & Berry
        you can simply do:
          Chuck Berry
        It will match all items containing Chuck and Berry, regardless of their order.
    % Configuration | Find and Filter | Filters & Type Ahead Find | Live Filter Box |
      Highlight matches: Now the parts of Boolean terms are individually highlighted.
    + Info Panel | Find Files | Contents: Added option "Metadata". Tick it to search
      any embedded metadata in image and media files. This can be e.g. EXIF data.
      Note that metadata extraction here depends on the applied IFilter. XYplorer does not
      natively extract metadata.
      FYI, this raises the recently added tweak FindContentMetadata to GUI. The tweak has
      been removed.
    + Find Files and Quick Search: Added value "m" to the "options" section of the
      /contflags switch by which you can modify the content search triggered by /contents.

        options (any combination)
          c = match case
          i = invert
          h = hex string
          m = metadata        <--- the NEW part
        For example (Quick Search, or Name field in Find Files), find all files containing
        "fuji" in the extracted text, and include any embedded metadata in the search:
          * /contents=fuji /contflags=;;m
    * MLS: Internally updated to version 8.166.
      > TRANSLATORS: Please wait until Reference_8.166.lng is uploaded.
        You will be notified if you have subscribed to this thread:


Titel: XP Context Tools 2.1.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Mai, 2023, 09:10
XP Context Tools is a collection of useful tools added to Windows Explorer context menu used by Camtech on a daily basis. This adds 2 new items to the 2 existing ones. Choosing "Custom" during the installation will let you specify which one you want to add and "Typical" adds them all.Items can also be added or removed at any time by choosing "Change" or "Modify" in the Add/Remove Programs or running the installer again.



Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 Mai, 2023, 21:50

31.05.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 5

31.05.23 Added: wincmd.ini [ColorsDark] HorizontalLines=RGB sets color of horizontal lines between menu bar, button bar, and drive bar (32/64)
31.05.23 Added: Configuration - Options - Color - Others - Dark Mode: Allow to set color of horizontal lines between menu bar, button bar, and drive bar (32/64)
31.05.23 Fixed: Quick search: Make sure the quick search window isn't reaching over the right side of the current screen, e.g. in right list of all tabs (32/64)
31.05.23 Added: List of all tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Show drive letter (if it's shown on the tab too) in its own column, and don't show for drive root (32/64)
31.05.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: The parameter \F in the "Replace with" field didn't work any more. Note that \U, \L and \F only work on the parameter immediately behind them, e.g. \L$1 $2 only works on $1 (32/64)
30.05.23 Fixed: In place rename: Cursor movement wouldn't work correctly with CtrlArrow=1 when TWinkey was active (32/64)
30.05.23 Fixed: Unified some hotkey names in English (Control->Ctrl) and German (Umsch->Umschalt) (32/64)
30.05.23 Added: New history window: Choose which part to show when list is opened: Last used directory, most frequently used directory, top, bottom, middle (32/64)
29.05.23 Added: cm_UnpackFiles now supports various parameters to set the checkboxes in the dialog or to start the operation directly (32/64)
29.05.23 Added: Multi-rename tool: New placeholder or [I1] to ignore dots in folder names ([I0] to return to normal), so [N] contains the entire folder name and [E] is empty after this point (32/64)
29.05.23 Fixed: On dual byte character systems (e.g. with Korean locale), when packing to zip with names stored as UTF-8, sometimes an extra slash was appended to directory names (displayed as an underscore) (32/64)
29.05.23 Fixed: Overwrite files: "Overwrite older" no longer considered version numbers, only file timestamps. In older versions, a file was copied if either the version number or the timestamp were newer (32/64)
28.05.23 Fixed: Explorer delete method with Del/Shift+Del: Wait up to 2 seconds until the progress dialog is gone before refreshing the file list, otherwise the current file may not be marked (32/64)
28.05.23 Fixed: Button bar, start menu: Allow internal commands with parameters containing commas within double quotes, e.g. in a path (32/64)
28.05.23 Added: New environment variable %COMMANDER_SESSIONNAME% set to "admin" when elevated (IsUserAnAdmin returns true), "user" otherwise (Windows NT based systems only) (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: "Sync:" button in "Compare by content" is a bit larger now to better support translations (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Internal commands with parameters not working for hotkeys with Alt key (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Commands with numeric parameters: The parameter was ignored when used in hotkeys, e.g. command=cm_Select, parameter=5 (32/64)
25.05.23 Fixed: Shift+F4 new file or F7 new folder: Placeholder [C] (counter) not working when using placeholder [f], [F] or [L] in front of it (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: cm_Confirmation caused an error (due to the extra added page for history (32/64)
24.05.23 Fixed: ShowLastVisitedInMiddle option was named incorrectly (ShowLastVisiedInMiddle), and its configuration didn't work in 64-bit (32/64)


Titel: Attribute Changer 11.20 Build 2023.6.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2023, 18:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



Make Attribute Changer portable
Saving main window position (portable mode)
Context menu for attribute checkboxes
Add option to make Attribute Changer stay in front
Option to select/deselect shell extension in installer
Fix EXIF issue with IPTC segment
Updated user guide


Titel: WinSetView 2.74
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Juni, 2023, 20:40
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Bug Fix: Fixed issue on Windows 7 and 8 that caused Desktop icons to get auto-arranged.
    Enhancement: Now exits with error if MSHTML version is less than 11 (applicable to a non-updated Windows 7).
    Enhancement: New option (in Advanced interface) to allow non-standard grouping of the Home / Quick Access folder.
    Enhancement: Toolbars are now preserved when using the option "Reset Views to Windows Defaults"


Titel: XYplorer 24.50.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2023, 19:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Folder Icons Based On Content. Now you can define custom icons for empty, full and Access Denied folders. These icons are used everywhere, in the folder tree, file list, all menus and drop-down lists, breadcrumb bars, address bar, etc., so you can immediately see whether a folder has contents or not.
    Quick Boolean Filter. Now the Live Filter Box can treat space-separated items as ANDed Boolean operands. This makes filtering simple, fast, and effective in a way that feels natural.
    Wrap-Around List. Now you can have the file list wrap around the edges, i.e. if you press UP at the top of the list, you go to the bottom of the list, and if you press DOWN at the bottom of the list, you go to the top of the list.


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Juni, 2023, 20:00

07.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 6

07.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex can now accept negative numbers below -100, where -101 would be the last button instead of the last drive (-1) (32/64)
07.06.23 Added: Completely stop recording most frequently used folders (even temporarily) by setting Maximum items to save and show both to zero (32/64)
07.06.23 Fixed: Re-packing file to ZIP after editing didn't work when using external 7z.exe/7zg.exe as packer (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Quick search in history: set history window as parent so we don't get a separate taskbar icon for the quick search window (64)
06.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex can now accept negative numbers, where -1 would be the last drive (other buttons are ignored) (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy, move progress dialog to background and back to foreground: Some users reported that the From:/To: text went missing (not reproduced), added some countermeasures and logging (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: When aborting an operation and other operations remain in the list, reset the abort flags so the user can continue the other operations (32/64)
06.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: When aborting an operation, close the dialog when the remaining commands are just prefixes (copyflags, sleep or header) (32/64)
05.06.23 Added: OneDrive folder: Allow to skip all files which are only available online when synchronization is currently disabled (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Quick filter in history: Only start filtering when the user types more than an asterisk * , so folders present in both lists will not be hidden initially (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Clicking on filter button (funnel icon with text "Ctrl+S") in quick search would close the history immediately (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Quick search in list of open tabs: adjust quick search position when the user types * in quick search to show full paths, keep left aligned if it was before (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Packing with ZIP method 10 (LZMA) and AES encryption caused access violation, sometimes in verification step (32)
05.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Right click on a file, Left/Right context menu: Rename didn't invoke rename function (32/64)
05.06.23 Fixed: Don't recreate file panels when the font size changes (e.g. when moving between screens with different DPI), otherwise the current selection is lost (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Always cut trailing slash/backslash from paths passed to external quick search (tcmatch.dll) (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: Internal commands like cm_PackFiles didn't expand parameters like %N in hotkeys (32/64)
04.06.23 Added: The command line (above buttons F5, F6 etc.) now supports commands with parameters, e.g. cm_OpenDriveByIndex 1 or CD %T%M (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Right clicking on another path while a right click menu was already open didn't highlight that path (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Switching "Show all entries" on/off didn't refresh the history list when the history panel width was exactly the same as before (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Increased gap between path and number of visits in most frequently used section (32/64)
04.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Don't show trailing backslash/slash (they are all folders) to make DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS work correctly (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: Multi-rename tool: The new option can now be added via "+"-Button (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: Pack files dialog: Also save compression rate if changed directly in the dialog (not just in the configuration) (32/64)
02.06.23 Added: 7z.exe or 7zg.exe can now also be used as an external zip packer (checkbox in Configuration - Options - ZIP Packer). Parameters like -mcu=on can be added directly (32/64)
02.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Button overlap in dark mode (64)
01.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, regular expressions: The parameters \L, \U and \F in the "Replace with" field didn't support accented characters (32)


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 6161
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2023, 10:20
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: WinSetView 2.75
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 Juni, 2023, 17:20
Whats new:>>

Bug Fix: Fixed Windows 11 Sort menu items grayed out (in views other than Details) when the option "Use General Items view for connected devices" is checked.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.29
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juni, 2023, 21:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.


Whats new:>>

• Kleine Tests und Anpassungen für das neue MS Windows 11 Update
• Aktualisierte Sprachdateien im Quad Datei Explorer für alle Windows-Betriebssysteme

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 Juni, 2023, 18:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Moved "open on Windows startup" to advanced settings by @yaira2 in #12584
    Feature: Added Git branch to status bar by @ferrariofilippo in #12020
    Feature: Added support for checking out local Git branches by @ferrariofilippo in #12316
    Feature: Git Integration Phase 3 by @ferrariofilippo in #12344
    Feature: Git Integration Phase 4 by @ferrariofilippo in #12439
    Feature: Integrated Advanced Security page into the properties window by @0x5bfa in #11930
    Feature: Added swipe gesture for back/forward navigation by @heftymouse in #12043
    Feature: Keep timestamps when extracting an archive by @ferrariofilippo in #11976
    Feature: Disable warning when a new name is empty by @ferrariofilippo in #12150
    Feature: Display Restore All Items when right clicking recycle bin on the sidebar by @QuaintMako in #12178
    Feature: Renamed "Path:" text to "Location:" by @memory-hunter in #12243
    Feature: Changed the tooltip position on the sidebar by @yaira2 in #12363
    Feature: Added support for grouping items by month by @hishitetsu in #12288
    Feature: Use gray and white grid for the ColorPickerButton to indicate transparency by @Poker-sang in #12371
    Feature: Added restart teaching tip by @yaira2 in #12425
    Feature: Added Crowdin link to the about page by @yaira2 in #12433
    Feature: Stretch image previews by @yaira2 in #12436
    Feature: Added pivot to switch between details and preview pane by @yaira2 in #12438
    Feature: Enable continue where you left off by default by @yaira2 in #12441
    Feature: Added support for changing the backdrop material to Acrylic by @heftymouse in #12534
    Feature: Added "install" toolbar button for certificate files by @br1trs in #12518
    Feature: Added icon for InstallFont by @hishitetsu in #12555
    Feature: SwitchPreview for SeerProProvider by @hishitetsu in #12557
    Feature: Automatically hide the preview pane when the window is too small by @yaira2 in #12499
    Feature: Added horizontal layout to the preview pane by @yaira2 in #12496
    Feature: Show tooltip when text in the details view is trimmed by @hishitetsu in #12488
    Feature: Show a progress ring or bar while loading in the properties window by @hishitetsu in #12544
    Feature: Updated status bar brushes by @yaira2 in #12565
    Feature: Display conflicts modal when pasting in FTP locations by @ferrariofilippo in #12242
    Feature: Startup speed improvements by @hez2010 in #12260
    Feature: Renamed Copy location to Copy path by @hishitetsu in #12392
    Feature: Treat cloud drives as root in the column view by @hishitetsu in #12337
    Feature: Added SeerPro support by @yaira2 in #12477
    Fix: Ensure GIF and TIFF are treated as images by @f-pereira in #12159
    Fix: Switch focus to the primary pane when closing dual pane mode by @ferrariofilippo in #12213
    Fix: Fixed folder size calculation by @hishitetsu in #12207
    Fix: Fixed issue where unpin from start didn't work by @mafra99 in #12193
    Fix: Fixed an issue where folder icon customization applied before saving by @0x5bfa in #12141
    Fix: Reduced tooltip size when only the drive name is available by @ferrariofilippo in #12231
    Fix: Fixed issue where the create button was always disabled in new shortcut dialog by @ferrariofilippo in #12230
    Fix: Fixed a crash with ftp connections by @ferrariofilippo in #12228
    Fix: Fixed an issue where checkbox settings weren't applied in the grid layout by @Krytan in #12229
    Fix: Fixed issue where search unindexed items weren't clickable by @ZLAllen in #12245
    Fix: Reset items opacity when copying other items by @ferrariofilippo in #12252
    Fix: Fixed issue where removing an item from the recent list didn't work by @hishitetsu in #12273
    Fix: Fixed issue where drives sometimes had the wrong thumbnail by @hecksmosis in #12275
    Fix: Fixed can't drag multiple files from the tags area by @ferrariofilippo in #12219
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in folder.GetThumbnailAsync by @hecksmosis in #12286
    Fix: Fixed compilation of CustomOpenDialog project by @gave92 in #12294
    Fix: Fixed crash with Win32Exception by @hishitetsu in #12299
    Fix: Fixed wrong total editing time format by @hishitetsu in #12301
    Fix: Fixed issue with file preview in column layout by @ferrariofilippo in #12284
    Fix: Fixed crash when creating bitmap images by @hishitetsu in #12303
    Fix: Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to edit some file permissions by @0x5bfa in #12142
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur in git directories on WSL drives by @ferrariofilippo in #12307
    Fix: Fixed duration formatting when it is more than one day by @hishitetsu in #12314
    Fix: Fixed issue where some hotkeys were not working by @hishitetsu in #12327
    Fix: Fixed crash when trying to create bitmap from null IconData in SidebarPinnedModel.cs by @hecksmosis in #12333
    Fix: Fixed System.ArgumentException caused by adding the same key by @hishitetsu in #12302
    Fix: Fixed issue where credentials dialog wasn't shown when accessing FTP by @ferrariofilippo in #12329
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException with EnumerateItemsFromStandardFolderAsync by @hecksmosis in #12335
    Fix: Don't show git info in Home by @ferrariofilippo in #12339
    Fix: Fixed focus flickering between columns or panes by @hishitetsu in #12348
    Fix: Fixed an issue where it sometimes failed to extract an archive by @ferrariofilippo in #12379
    Fix: Fixed key labels by @hishitetsu in #12397
    Fix: Fixed an issue where right clicking empty space didn't clear selection by @ferrariofilippo in #12404
    Fix: Fixed issue where pinned favorites were sometimes duplicated by @hecksmosis in #12405
    Feature: Changed the format of the banner at extracting archives by @hishitetsu in #12412
    Fix: Fixed issue where delete confirmation dialog sometimes did not appear immediately by @hishitetsu in #12414
    Fix: Fixed network locations not appearing on the sidebar by @gave92 in #12411
    Fix: Display tags on network drives when selecting tag by @gave92 in #12420
    Fix: Fixed issue where progress bar was overlapping text in ongoing operations by @hishitetsu in #12443
    Fix: Fixed crash when right-clicking non-existing drive by @hishitetsu in #12469
    Fix: Fixed SourceGenerator build failure by @Poker-sang in #12471
    Fix: Fixed issue where Files crashed when trying to open the library page on the properties window by @hishitetsu in #12479
    Fix: Fixed issue where icons and names of library items were not displayed by @hishitetsu in #12480
    Feature: Added support for displayin...


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Juni, 2023, 21:30

14.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 7

14.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Font combobox didn't correctly support non-English characters in font names (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: cm_copy /AG didn't work unless AlwaysCopyInBackground=2 was set, because it only runs in the background (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: All dialog elements had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Static text was showing underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse - it should have them only when using the keyboard (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: cm_UnpackFiles /S didn't work (/S1 worked) (32/64)
14.06.23 Fixed: Changing the display language would close the help file (32)
13.06.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex didn't work with some values when the hotkey contained Ctrl/Shift (32/64)
13.06.23 Fixed: External 7z packer couldn't create directories in zip files with F7 (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Lister: React to Shift+F10 or context menu key to show context menu at caret position (if shown), or otherwise end of selection (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /I supports parameter 1 to set for all users, or 0 to not write to registry, e.g. /I1".\" in program directory for all users, or /I0 don't write default (32/64)
13.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /I"directory name" sets directory of ini files (file name will be appended automatically). Use /I".\" for ini in program directory (32/64)
13.06.23 Fixed: Switching main menu icons off in dark mode wasn't applied until the program was restarted (32)
13.06.23 Fixed: New history window, quick filter enabled: Don't move cursor when the user just enters one or more asterisks (32/64)
12.06.23 Added: Find files: Use blake3 checksum in duplicate file finder (was already in 32-bit since beta 1, now added also to 64-bit) (32/64)
12.06.23 Added: Copy, Move, Upload, Download, Send to plugin, Receive from plugin: Show speed progress bar from the start, not only when receiving speed data (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: CopyOverwriteDefault: a value of 9 couldn't be read from wincmd.ini, it was still limited to 8 from older versions (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: Main menu, dark mode: Don't draw white triangles for submenus when the menu font color is dark and the menu background is brighter than the font (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Copy/Delete: Only save list of partitions on same drive if changed by the user (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: FTP, upload multiple files: The displayed upload speed in the progress bar was often reset between files (32/64)
12.06.23 Fixed: From/To text lost when moving HTTP/HTTPS download (Ctrl+N) to background and back to foreground (32/64)
11.06.23 Fixed: From/To text lost when moving WebDAV plugin transfer to background and back to foreground (64)
09.06.23 Fixed: Parameters didn't work in hotkeys and the command line for cm_Copy, cm_RenMov and cm_CreateShortcut (32/64)
09.06.23 Fixed: New history window, quick search active: Clicking outside of both history and quick search on main Total Commander window put focus on unrelated other program (32)
09.06.23 Fixed: Keep current state of quick filter button separately in main window, history window, and list of tabs (32/64)
09.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Currently displayed selection of combobox "Scroll list" was lost when changing languages (32)
09.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs: Right clicking on title "Recently closed tabs" and choosing "Copy as path" from the menu caused an access violation because there was no path (32/64)
08.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: regrouped menu entries, and added extra separators (32/64)
08.06.23 Added: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: New context menu items added to rename left or right file (32/64)
08.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - ZIP packer: Restored previous width of checkbox "Use internal zip" which was made smaller for 7z field (32/64)
08.06.23 Added: New history window: add extra space to the right of the number of visits and path (32/64)
07.06.23 Fixed: cm_OpenDriveByIndex didn't work as described with negative numbers when drive buttonbars were enabled (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 24.50.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juni, 2023, 21:40

v24.50.0100 - 2023-06-15 18:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.50.0014 - 2023-06-15 10:12
    ! Scripting: Something was not reset between consecutive ForEach loops which could
      lead to error 9 (Subscript out of range). Fixed.

v24.50.0013 - 2023-06-14 19:42
    ! Scripting | Arrays: Interpolation (variables are resolved when they are embedded in
      double-quoted strings) did not work for array variables where the index itself was
      an expression. Fixed. This works now as expected:
        $a = array(a,b,c); $one = 1;
          echo $a[0] . " == $a[0]"; //a == a
          echo $a[$one] . " == $a[$one]"; //b == b
          echo $a[$one + $one] . " == $a[$one + $one]"; //c == c
          echo $a[$one + 1] . " == $a[$one + 1]"; //c == c
          echo $a[1 + 1] . " == $a[1 + 1]"; //c == c

v24.50.0012 - 2023-06-13 16:35
    + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons scrollbar (only visible when you select
      a file that contains embedded icons) now reacts to the mouse wheel. Hold SHIFT to
      wheel 6 times as fast.
    + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons count label (only visible when you
      select a file that contains embedded icons) can now be double-clicked to open a list
      of all embedded icons.
    ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while
      renaming: Renaming folders with a long name in the tree pane could disrupt the name
      alignment. Fixed.

v24.50.0011 - 2023-06-13 09:10
    ! SC sysicons: Showing embedded/extracted icons with switch "e" was one off. Indices
      start with 1, not with 0. Fixed.
    ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while
      renaming: Removed a small flicker when renaming a tree folder.

v24.50.0010 - 2023-06-12 09:27
    ! Icons extracted from icon resources: Since v24.50.0008, a leak in GDI objects caused
      a fast application meltdown when displaying extracted icons. Fixed.

v24.50.0009 - 2023-06-11 20:45
    ! Content-Based Folder Icons: The last match won instead of the first. Fixed.
    ! Custom File Icons: Specifying icon resources (to extract icons from) with a relative
      path (which defaults to the <xydata>\Icons path) failed due to a parsing error. No
      icon was extracted. Fixed.
    ! Custom File Icons: Since v24.50.0008, icons extracted from icon resources did not
      look good in Large Icons view (32x32) because they were stretched from 16x16 icons.
      Fixed. Now the original 32x32 icon is used.

v24.50.0008 - 2023-06-11 12:14
    + Custom Columns: Now Custom Columns of format Icon support icons extracted from icon
      resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm).
        "%WINSYSDIR%\joy.cpl /0
    ! Custom File Icons (and some other places): Support for icons extracted from icon
      resources (exe; dll; cpl; ocx; scr; icl; bpl; wlx; wfx; wcx; wdx; acm) only worked
      for exe, dll, icl. Fixed.
    ! Icons extracted from icon resources: There was a drawing problem all along where
      small icons (16x16) were drawn by shrinking large icons (32x32), resulting in poor
      quality and often missing pixels around the edge. Fixed. No more shrinking involved.
    > BTW, if you're interested in embedded icons, check out these semi-documented commands:
        sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", , "e";  //16 x 16
        sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", 0, "e"; //32 x 32
        sysicons "%winsysdir%\shell32.dll", 1, "e"; //16 x 16

v24.50.0006 - 2023-06-10 18:49
    * Tweak InterfaceColor: Renamed it to InterfaceColors, and Dark Mode is now completely
      unaffected by the tweak. But who needs a tweak when there is a scripting command...
    + Scripting got a new function.
      Name: InterfaceColors
      Action: Sets or gets custom interface colors.
      Syntax: interfacecolors([colors])
        colors: New custom interface colors.
                Format: RRGGBB[|RRGGBB] (backcolor|textcolor)
                Empty: reset interface colors to Windows defaults
                Missing: just return current custom interface colors

v24.50.0005 - 2023-06-10 11:21
    ! Tweak InterfaceColor: Checkboxes and radio buttons did not take the textcolor.
      Fixed. As with Dark Mode, the textcolor of these controls can only be changed if the
      theme is turned off for them.
    ! Tweak InterfaceColor: Tab colors were not yet set correctly. Fixed.

v24.50.0003 - 2023-06-09 18:09
    + Stepping through a Script Dialog: Now you can right-click the lines in the upper
      section to pop a menu that allows you to copy them to clipboard.
    * Tweak ButtonFaceColor: Renamed it to InterfaceColor. In the next paragraph you'll
      see why.
    + Tweak InterfaceColor: Now you can also specify a custom textcolor, separated from
      the custom backcolor by a | character, general form: RRGGBB[|RRGGBB] (Back|Text).
      This, for example, defines a dark blue on a warm grey:
      To tweak one color only, omit the other part:
        InterfaceColor=E9E6E3|      //only backcolor
        InterfaceColor=|124578      //only textcolor
      If no second color is defined then just the backcolor is tweaked:
    ! Folder View Settings: A Visual Filter defined via FVS could not be overwritten by a
      VF passed directly with the location (appended after |). Fixed.

v24.50.0002 - 2023-06-09 12:43
    + Added a tweak to customize to so-called "Button Face Color" which Microsoft
      describes as the "Background color of controls" (controls with variable content like
      Edit Boxes and Lists are not included here).
      The default color in Win 8.1, 10, and 11 (AFAIK) is F0F0F0. This now, for example,
      makes for a slightly darker and warmer color (colors are to be stated in hexadecimal
      RRGGBB format):

v24.50.0001 - 2023-06-08 17:14
    + Configuration | General | Menus, Mouse, Usability | Usability | Highlight hovered
      items: Now in Tiles and Thumbnails views, the background color of selected items is
      highlighted when hovered. Makes it easier to see the highlight effect.
    ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Did not always update to reflect changed content. Fixed.

Titel: Broot 1.23.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juni, 2023, 20:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    Prettier, faster SVG rendering
    Reorganize default conf files, with a "skins" subfolder
    Some dependencies updated


Titel: WinSetView 2.76
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Juni, 2023, 09:40
Whats new:>>

    Bug Fix:

    Sort 4 removed because Explorer does not handle more than three sort levels via the FolderTypes registry key, even though Microsoft has four sort levels set in that key for Music library and Music search results. A fourth sort level causes sorting to revert to the default of sort by Name and can also cause the ribbon's Sort menu items to be grayed out in Windows 11 or not shown at all in Windows 10.

Titel: XYplorer 24.50.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juni, 2023, 22:00

v24.50.0200 - 2023-06-19 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.50.0117 - 2023-06-19 11:07
    + Status Bar: Now you can adjust the width of the first two sections of the status bar
      by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over them. The width is increased or decreased in steps
      of 10 pixels. The minimum width is 40 pixels, the maximum is the screen width.
      In case you don't have a mouse wheel (or if "Configuration | Colors and Styles |
      Fonts | Enable zoom by Ctrl+mouse wheel" is disabled) you can tweak it here. Note
      that these values are not the widths but the pixels that are *added* to the default
      widths, and they can be negative.
    + Info Panel | Find Files: Now you can pop the context menu of the Find Now button
      also by right-clicking the area right of the right-most tab header ("Excluded").

v24.50.0116 - 2023-06-18 14:11
    > Custom File Icons: Failed to use factory default CFI icons embedded in XYplorer.exe.
      I could not add them to the jumbo image list. Mysterious Windows fail. Tried it all.
      Had to give up. I leave the (now slightly modified) icons embedded anyway. Could be
      good for something. The icons themselves will be further improved.
    ! Scripting | Arrays: The interpolation fix in v24.50.0013 - 2023-06-14 19:42 caused
      unjustified "Dubious Syntax" messages. Fixed.
    ! Fresh Instance Layout: On 125% screen resolution (or higher) the startup window was
      too small to show all contents of the Info Panel. Fixed.

v24.50.0114 - 2023-06-17 20:23
    % Icons extracted from icon resources: XY learned to extract icons larger than 32x32.
      Here shown with the semi-documented sysicon command:
        sysicons "<xy>", 4, "e"; //256x256
      This fixed part of the embedded icons issue from v24.50.0104. 48x48 icons are now
      shown perfectly. However 256x256 icons still fail. Working on it...

v24.50.0104 - 2023-06-17 16:33
    + Custom File Icons: Default icons for "Access Denied" folders and empty folders are
      now embedded in XYplorer.exe. CFI syntax:
        *\ /x><xy> /4 //matches all accessed denied folders
        *\ /e><xy> /5 //matches all empty folders
      This way, it's easy to predefine these icons in the factory defaults and make them
      easily accessible to newbies.
      However, and this drives me crazy, sizes larger than 32 are stretched, and even that
      only goes up to 48. Even though the embedded resource has all sizes up to 256 in the
      finest quality. A million tries and a whole day wasted.
    + Info Panel | Properties: The embedded icons preview area (only visible if
      "Configuration | General | Refresh, Icons, History | Icons | Show embedded icons on
      Properties tab" is ticked AND you select a file that contains embedded icons) now
      reacts to the mouse wheel. Hold SHIFT to wheel 6 times as fast.
    ! List | Tiles views: The focus rect was 2 pixels too low. Fixed.

v24.50.0101 - 2023-06-16 18:55
    % Tabs: Added another intermediate size (automatically adjusted to the font size of
      the tab header) for the X-close button. Now it can be 15x15 pixels and will be that
      size on Segoe 9 at 125%. Before there was a jump from 12x12 to 18x18.
    ! Configuration | File Operations | File Operations | Background Processing | Queue
      file operations: Selections in the current list could get lost by auto-refresh when
      and while a background operation popped a prompt (AND "Refresh during file
      operations" was enabled). Fixed.
    ! Configuration | General | Sort and Rename | Rename | Show name length while
      renaming: If enabled, the rename box became too small when renaming drives in the
      tree. Fixed.
    ! List | Drives Listing: A drive name was not auto-updated when changed through
      Properties. Fixed.   

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r10781 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juni, 2023, 10:20
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    FIX: Exif - read short string tags
    UPD: Use PIDL in the shell operations
    FIX: Skipping existing files while copying vs estimated remaining time (fixes #1018)
    UPD: Cocoa: LCLCOCOA in TFileViewNotebook.DragDrop() removed by new Lcl/Cocoa version
    FIX: Lazarus 2.3 compatibility
    Fix #1009: Cocoa: Cursor related code removed by new Lcl/Cocoa version (#1017)
    ADD: Abort shell operations
    FIX: Range check error with negative UNIX-time (fixes #1011)
    FIX: Delete directory operation
    UPD: Use "parsing" name to get objects


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 r10782 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2023, 18:40
Whats new:>>

UPD: Exif - convert string date time to TDateTime

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 8
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juni, 2023, 21:30

21.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 8

21.06.23 Fixed: Ignore Windows Hello checkbox when changing master password in FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F) - Encrypt (32/64)
21.06.23 Added: Directory hotlist: Increased maximum to 2000 entries, max 128k per section, show error if there isn't enough space to save list (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Do not focus controls of type TPanel with cursor keys, e.g. in dark mode about box (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Memory leak packing to ZIP with 0 compression (32/64)
21.06.23 Fixed: Verify checksums: Background button could not be reached by Tab (64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Find files: Result list not refreshed properly after repeating search with Alt+S (32/64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Watch directory changes: Pause updating side when the refresh takes more than 500ms to prevent freezing of main window (32/64)
20.06.23 Fixed: Unified writing of internal commands in the form cm_Word1Word2Word3 also in the help file (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Internal command cm_Copy: Parameter /O was ignored when a default overwrite method was saved in F5 Copy-Options (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Multi-monitor setup: List of open tabs: Quick search would sometimes appear on the wrong screen (64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Multi-monitor setup: New history window, list of open tabs: When opened by keyboard, open on screen which shows most of the current file list (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Windows 7: Opening quick search in list of open tabs would break dialog scale factor, resulting in very small dialog boxes (64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Some redefined hotkeys like Ctrl+L were ignored when the cursor wasn't in one of the file lists. Instead, the original command of that hotkey was executed (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: Internal command cm_Copy: Ignore parameter /A when nothing is selected in the target panel, so files get copied in the foreground when it is the default (32/64)
19.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Backspace didn't open quick search in 32-bit only (32)
18.06.23 Added: Use "Everything" for tree function also when running as administrator (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Search with "Everything" (without using the ev: or ed: prefix) didn't work when running as administrator (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Ignore list: When adding names via button, don't insert line break before new entry if list was empty or already ended with a line break (32/64)
18.06.23 Fixed: Copy in background (F5 - Enter - Background): Resource leak calculating the width of the "files copied" and "bytes copied" fields (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: F4 edit: On 64-bit Windows, always pass long name (not DOS name) to editor when no parameter is given (use %1 for short DOS name) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Lister: Several problems with right click context menu resolved, like shown twice after one right click, interference with plugins (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Find files: When starting a search, shorten the time during which the background of the expanded dialog box is shown in black (cannot be avoided completely) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs, quick search: Do not find text in "Recently closed tabs" header (32/64)
16.06.23 Added: cm_OpenDriveByIndex with positive values now only changes to drives, add 100 to also change to other folder types (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: Changing the display language would still close the help file when changing it multiple times in a row without pressing F1 in between changes (32)
16.06.23 Fixed: External 7z packer couldn't pack files to zip when they started with a space. Same also when deleting files from zip (32/64)
16.06.23 Added: cm_Copy, cm_RenMov: New flag /R determines whether relative paths in branch view should be copied with the files or not (R, R1 mean yes, R0 means no) (32/64)
16.06.23 Fixed: List of open tabs or directory history: Ctrl+C opened quick search by mistake (64)
16.06.23 Fixed: The option "Show old 8.3 filenames lowercase (like Explorer)" no longer worked in beta 7 (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy, abort operation, abort dialog: show tooltip for long names directly below mouse cursor, only shorten names longer than 120 characters (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Prevent paths from being too long and cut off within a character when using a small maximum width like 30 average characters (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Reduced space between path and visit counter to half the icon width (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, right click context menu: Disable more menu items when they are not applicable, e.g. "Delete left" when no files on the left are selected (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Clicking on quick filter button while mouse cursor was above the scroll button would scroll the history list (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: F5 copy dialog, expanded via "Options" button: Could not save option "Rename older target files, skip newer" via save button (32/64)
15.06.23 Fixed: Pressing Alt in a combobox with edit control didn't show underlines for hotkeys (32)


Titel: XYplorer 24.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2023, 09:00
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Custom Folder Icons. Now the download package contains five colored folder icons in Windows 11 style for your pleasure. Three of them are predefined as Custom File Icons. Seeing them in action is just a click away. You get a cute yellow generic folder icon, a blue icon for empty folders, and a red one for inaccessible folders. Looks good and is more helpful than you might think. Give it a try!
    Deghost Your Icons. Now you can control whether the icons of hidden items are drawn in this ghostly, semi-transparent way (Windows default) or not.
    Peek at Embedded Icons. Now you can use the wheel to scroll through all the embedded icons an icon resource and see their full list.
    Status Bar Section Width. Now you can adjust the width of the first two sections of the status bar by hitting Shift+Alt+Wheel over them.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 23.6.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juni, 2023, 18:10
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    from an external app ,Adjusted to open paths containing spaces with TE #670

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juni, 2023, 20:15
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Added Git columns to the details layout by @0x5bfa in #12485
    Feature: Show folder details when no item is selected by @QuaintMako in #12549
    Feature: Added open in VS/VS Code to status bar by @ferrariofilippo in #12645
    Feature: Updated the fallback color for Acrylic by @heftymouse in #12625
    Feature: Removed Bundles by @yaira2 in #12616
    Feature: Added tooltips to Git columns in the details layout by @hishitetsu in #12676
    Feature: Separated the archive options in the right click menu by @yaira2 in #12655
    Feature: Added option to hide the Send To menu by @yaira2 in #12674
    Feature: Auto-Populate Files and Windows Version when submitting feedback by @tanchekwei in #12639
    Code Quality: Renamed App.ServicesImplemenetation to App.Services by @0x5bfa in #12702
    Code Quality: Improved the project structure by @0x5bfa in #12641
    Code Quality: Cleaned up Files.Backend by @0x5bfa in #12631
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #12592
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.3.230502000 to 1.3.230602002 by @dependabot in #12603
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.5 to 7.0.7 by @dependabot in #12604
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 by @dependabot in #12698
    Build(deps): Bump Axe.Windows from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 by @dependabot in #12648
    Fix: Fixed crash in Dual Pane mode when switching away from Git folder by @gave92 in #12599
    Fix: Fixed issue where scrollbar wasn't visible when reordering pinned favorites by @yaira2 in #12609
    Fix: Fixed issue where tooltip in details layout was displaying the wrong data by @hishitetsu in #12610
    Fix: Fixed issue where archive files were counted as folders by @hishitetsu in #12621
    Fix: Fixed crash when Git branch tip is null by @tanchekwei in #12622
    Fix: Fixed issue where folder sizes weren't shown in Recycle Bin by @tanchekwei in #12630
    Fix: Fixed issue where column layout items remained selected on certain startup settings by @hishitetsu in #12629
    Fix: Fixed tab navigation when middle-clicking a sidebar item by @hishitetsu in #12620
    Fix: Fixed issue where navigating away from search wouldn't show the folders items by @hishitetsu in #12628
    Fix: Fixed issue where the preview pane didn't update when switching panes by @hishitetsu in #12647
    Fix: Fixed issue where item names in the Tags widget didn't have ellipsis by @hishitetsu in #12651
    Fix: Revert "Fix: Fixed crash in Dual Pane mode when switching away from Git folder ( #12599 )" by @hishitetsu in #12652
    Fix: Fixed crash when switching away from Git folder by @hishitetsu in #12656
    Fix: Fixed issue where open in VS Code didn't work if there were spaces in the path by @ferrariofilippo in #12667
    Fix: Fixed issue where the icon was missing from the "new shortcut" option by @yaira2 in #12671
    Fix: Fixed issue where middle clicking selected folders would cause crash by @yaira2 in #12683
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the right-click menu would sometimes freeze the app by @hishitetsu in #12686
    Fix: Fixed issue where a text box would remain visible in the tiles layout when returning from a new tab by @hishitetsu in #12693
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in ContentPageContext by @hishitetsu in #12700
    Fix: Fixed issue where Git buttons were incorrectly shown in the status bar by @ferrariofilippo in #12703
    Fix: Translated missing strings in Properties by @gave92 in #12721
    Fix: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException in DirectoryPropertiesViewModel by @hishitetsu in #12717
    Fix: Fixed crash with moving into an empty folder in column layout by @hishitetsu in #12725
    Fix: Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when navigating away from archives by @hishitetsu in #12726
    Fix: Fixed issue where widths of Git columns were not set correctly by @hishitetsu in #12732
    New Crowdin updates by @yaira2 in #12690


Titel: XYplorer 24.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Juni, 2023, 08:30

v24.60.0100 - 2023-06-26 20:00
  +++ Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

v24.60.0003 - 2023-06-26 12:20
    ! Configuration | Information | File Info Tips & Hover Box | Show file info tips |
      Show these fields: Did not for the %user% folder. Fixed.
      Note that it cannot work for any contents of the %user% folder, because inside of
      this folder Windows is doing something strange and undocumented.

v24.60.0002 - 2023-06-25 17:55
    ! Thumbnails: Thumbnails did not show in a virgin XYplorer when disabling "Cache
      thumbnails on disk". Fixed.

v24.60.0001 - 2023-06-25 15:10
    ! SC property: Since 20220502, the below examples did not work as expected (the field
      names were not returned). Fixed.
        echo <prop #hash.md5 n>;      //MD5: 3a0ec713ffda3c1020613c612fa009b4
        echo <prop AR:#aspectratio>;  //AR: 2:1
    ! Content-Based Folder Icons: Tree icons were not refreshed after some combinations of
      Copy, Move, and Undo, Redo. Fixed.

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 Juni, 2023, 21:00

29.06.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 9

28.06.23 Added: Installer: New parameter /S tells installer to not install anything to system folders (windows or system) (32/64)
28.06.23 Added: ZIPFROMLIST now supports overwrite flags: -os=skip all, -on=pack all newer (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Find files: IgnoreLinks option no longer worked starting with beta 7 (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Lister: "Copy URL" was missing from right click menu when right clicking on an URL (32/64)
28.06.23 Added: Shift+F4 new file: Create multiple files without opening them by giving the names separated by |, e.g. test1.txt|test2.txt|test3.txt (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Correct sort orders of files differing only in case (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When uploading files to ftp from  a case-insensitive directory, preserve case of matched remote file to not create duplicates (32/64)
28.06.23 Fixed: Scale arrow and overlay icons in overwrite confirmation dialog on higher dpi screens (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Create subdirectory in case sensitive directory: only call function to make it case sensitive too if it wasn't inherited (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Files->Change Attributes, button to pick date/time: Dialog box wasn't properly scaled (32/64)
27.06.23 Fixed: Couldn't set a volume label with Cyrillic text (32/64)
27.06.23 Added: Synchronize dirs: Better handling of case sensitive folders: Case sensitive sync when both sides support case sensitive names, e.g. two local directories or one local and one ftp/plugin (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: Button bar, dark mode: Made button bar buttons look more like regular buttons and drive buttons (32/64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: moved right separator of directory column out of the visible area (64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: Removed border around bottom panel while in dark mode (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: Extra values added to flags LeftSide=0x100 (search occurs on the left side), QuickFilter=0x200 (quick search filter enabled), WatchDirs=0x400 (watching directory changes), FirstMatch=0x800 (32/64)
26.06.23 Added: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: New function MatchFileEx taking 3rd parameter 'flags', with values FileList=1, SearchResults=2, Synchronize=3, History=4, TabTitles=5, TabPaths=6 (32/64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, Windows XP, classic theme: Border around the rename mask wasn't initially drawn when opening the dialog box (64)
26.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool, dark mode: Hovering with the mouse over the "F2 Load/save settings" box would move the text sideways by a few pixels (64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Loading names from file was limited to max 259 characters when converted to UTF-8 (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: In case sensitive directories, files which differred only in upper-/lowercase were sorted randomly, now sort with uppercase first (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Synchronizing from local directory supporting case-sensitive names to FTP could overwrite wrong files if there was already a file with that name on the server (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: cm_UnpackFiles: UnZIPSeparateSubdirs=1 in wincmd.ini was ignored when calling the command with parameters (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: New history window: Separator between history and most frequently used items was displaced when using smaller fonts (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode, internal English only: All dialog elements still had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse (32)
25.06.23 Added: Configuration - Options - ZIP packer: Automatically surround packer with double quotes when picked with >> button and path contains spaces (32/64)
25.06.23 Fixed: Zip packer: Deleting files from ZIP failed when path to external packer contained spaces but wasn't put in double quotes (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Custom message dialog (e.g. when aborting copying in the middle of a big file): The new icon field had some default text behind the icon (32)
23.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Removed thick white borders around some more context menus: Lister, Synchronize dirs, Compare, Configuration-Misc., Overwrite confirmation, New text file/folder, Multi-rename, Configure button bar/single button, Lister configuration (filters), FTP define host (Alt+Shift+Enter) (64)
23.06.23 Fixed: FTP upload files: No speed display in progress bar when uploading many small files (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager (F5-F2): Remember whether "Speed limit" checkbox was checked or not (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: Copying in background via F5-Enter-Background no longer showed the current copying speed, alternating with the file names (32/64)
23.06.23 Fixed: The 4 commands OPENTABSR, OPENTABSL, APPENDTABSR and APPENDTABSL didn't ask for a tab file when no parameter was provided (32/64)
22.06.23 Fixed: After copying with cm_copy /AG with selected target directories, calling cm_copy /AG with no targets would still copy in background by mistake (32/64)
22.06.23 Fixed: Copy file(s) to multiple targets with option 5 (auto-rename copied) could still ask for overwrite confirmation if the copy thread was faster than adding more files (32/64)


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Juli, 2023, 20:50

    Feature: Added Git columns to the details layout by @0x5bfa in #12485
    Feature: Show folder details when no item is selected by @QuaintMako in #12549
    Feature: Added open in VS/VS Code to status bar by @ferrariofilippo in #12645
    Feature: Updated the fallback color for Acrylic by @heftymouse in #12625
    Feature: Removed Bundles by @yaira2 in #12616
    Feature: Added tooltips to Git columns in the details layout by @hishitetsu in #12676
    Feature: Separated the archive options in the right click menu by @yaira2 in #12655
    Feature: Added option to hide the Send To menu by @yaira2 in #12674
    Feature: Auto-Populate Files and Windows Version when submitting feedback by @tanchekwei in #12639
    Code Quality: Renamed App.ServicesImplemenetation to App.Services by @0x5bfa in #12702
    Code Quality: Improved the project structure by @0x5bfa in #12641
    Code Quality: Cleaned up Files.Backend by @0x5bfa in #12631
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 by @dependabot in #12592
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.3.230502000 to 1.3.230602002 by @dependabot in #12603
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.5 to 7.0.7 by @dependabot in #12604
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.7 to 7.0.8 by @dependabot in #12698
    Build(deps): Bump Axe.Windows from 2.1.2 to 2.1.3 by @dependabot in #12648
    Fix: Fixed crash in Dual Pane mode when switching away from Git folder by @gave92 in #12599
    Fix: Fixed issue where scrollbar wasn't visible when reordering pinned favorites by @yaira2 in #12609
    Fix: Fixed issue where tooltip in details layout was displaying the wrong data by @hishitetsu in #12610
    Fix: Fixed issue where archive files were counted as folders by @hishitetsu in #12621
    Fix: Fixed crash when Git branch tip is null by @tanchekwei in #12622
    Fix: Fixed issue where folder sizes weren't shown in Recycle Bin by @tanchekwei in #12630
    Fix: Fixed issue where column layout items remained selected on certain startup settings by @hishitetsu in #12629
    Fix: Fixed tab navigation when middle-clicking a sidebar item by @hishitetsu in #12620
    Fix: Fixed issue where navigating away from search wouldn't show the folders items by @hishitetsu in #12628
    Fix: Fixed issue where the preview pane didn't update when switching panes by @hishitetsu in #12647
    Fix: Fixed issue where item names in the Tags widget didn't have ellipsis by @hishitetsu in #12651
    Fix: Revert "Fix: Fixed crash in Dual Pane mode when switching away from Git folder (#12599)" by @hishitetsu in #12652
    Fix: Fixed crash when switching away from Git folder by @hishitetsu in #12656
    Fix: Fixed issue where open in VS Code didn't work if there were spaces in the path by @ferrariofilippo in #12667
    Fix: Fixed issue where the icon was missing from the "new shortcut" option by @yaira2 in #12671
    Fix: Fixed issue where middle clicking selected folders would cause crash by @yaira2 in #12683
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the right-click menu would sometimes freeze the app by @hishitetsu in #12686
    Fix: Fixed issue where a text box would remain visible in the tiles layout when returning from a new tab by @hishitetsu in #12693
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in ContentPageContext by @hishitetsu in #12700
    Fix: Fixed issue where Git buttons were incorrectly shown in the status bar by @ferrariofilippo in #12703
    Fix: Translated missing strings in Properties by @gave92 in #12721
    Fix: Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException in DirectoryPropertiesViewModel by @hishitetsu in #12717
    Fix: Fixed crash with moving into an empty folder in column layout by @hishitetsu in #12725
    Fix: Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when navigating away from archives by @hishitetsu in #12726
    Fix: Fixed issue where widths of Git columns were not set correctly by @hishitetsu in #12732
    New Crowdin updates by @yaira2 in #12690


Titel: CarotDAV 1.16.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2023, 06:20
CarotDAV is a simple client for various different remote storage services including WebDAV, FTP, SkyDrive, DropBox, GoogleDrive, Box, SugarSync, and IMAP. Supports various view settings including detail, small/large icons, drag-and-drop interface, file transfer progress window (with speed listings), and a variety of sorting and grouping options. Allows for multiple instances to connect to multiple different services, but doesn't yet support transfers between them.

Includes automatic file-splitting (e.g. Skydrive's 25 meg file size limit) and doesn't store passwords in plain text. For additional security, a master password can be set.

License: Freeware

Whats new:>>

        Along with Google's OAuth2.0 authentication OOB abolition, it supports authentication by Loopback.
        Fixed other minor issues.

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Beta 10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Juli, 2023, 07:30

05.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 beta 10

05.07.23 Fixed: F4 edit: On 32-bit Windows, pass long name (not DOS name) to notepad.exe also when provided without path (32)
05.07.23 Added: cm_Edit with parameters: Option to open the file with associated program instead of editor, either with or without using internal associations (32/64)
05.07.23 Added: Show speed progress bar also when packing with internal ZIP packer (not when unpacking or verifying) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Crash when trying to load .lnk file icon in branch view with very long relative name (>256 characters) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Command browser (e.g. button bar settings, click on magnifying glass): Adjust left (category) list width to make space for the longest string (up to half of the minimum window width) (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - History: Right-align the text "Font:" (32/64)
04.07.23 Added: Improved compare by content by looking for at least 2 matching lines when encountering a difference (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Updated 7zip unpacker dlls (TC7Z.DLL/TC7Z64.DLL) to version 23.01, fixed crash in 64-bit caused by the new dll (32/64)
04.07.23 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll and unrar64.dll to latest version 6.22.0 (32/64)
03.07.23 Added: Internal command cm_edit now supports optional parameters to set edit options: name, create when missing, edit or open, verb for open, use template; see Help - Dialog box: Choose command (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Find files, search in separate process: Do not disable option "Only search in selected directories/files" when switching away from search - instead, disable it and show warning icon (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Lister: Viewing a file where the name contained Unicode characters from a different code page would keep the directory locked if the drive didn't support alternative 8.3 DOS names (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Configuration - Options - Operation: The warning shown when clicking on option "Move icon to system tray when minimized" had wrong title (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Quick search would falsely select the character typed to open the search (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: File lists: Only respect case when sorting names when both the name and the extension are the same (ignoring case) (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Abort confirmation dialog (e.g. when copying a large file): Limit button width, don't use entire dialog box width for the buttons (32/64)
03.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Enter would open quick search when nothing was selected (64)
02.07.23 Fixed: Popup menus didn't use separate columns for text and shortcuts, e.g. in Lister (64)
02.07.23 Added: Copy files, branch view: Also keep directory time stamps when copying with the background transfer manager (32/64)
30.06.23 Added: Copy files, branch view: When using option "Keep relative paths", copy directory timestamps of directories which didn't exist yet (32/64)
30.06.23 Added: cm_packFiles: Use /T="" or /T="." to pack to source directory with default name, or /T="c:\path\." to pack to given path with default name (32/64)
30.06.23 Fixed: External quick search with tcmatch.dll: The FirstMatch flag was only sent when using the quick filter, not quick search (32/64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, dark mode: Overdraw result list border also after receiving WM_SIZE messages to avoid bright border (64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, dark mode: moved right separator of right name column out of the visible area (64)
30.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Access violation in button bar drawing function (due to a change in beta 9) when drawing button frames (32/64)
29.06.23 Fixed: Lister: "Copy URL" was still missing from right click menu when right clicking on an URL, only keyboard was fixed (32/64)
29.06.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Several checkboxes still had underlined hotkeys when the dialog was opened via mouse: Custom columns configuration, Find Files, Print preview, Synchronize dirs, Change start menu (32)


Titel: muCommander 1.3.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 Juli, 2023, 18:00
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


bump version to 1.3.0 by @ahadas in #891
Change filename comparison to be locale-sensitive by @ahadas in #899
Normalize filenames with NFD form on macOS by @ahadas in #900
Fix nightly builds by @aashipov in #897
use SearchProperty#SEARCH_TEXT in TextEditorImpl by @ahadas in #903
Search options in new editor by @pskowronek in #902
viewer/editor fix for #879 - regex match set when regex text selected by @pskowronek in #905
Undo/redo for binary editor by @hajdam in #908
viewer/editor added Find and Replace when in edit mode #879 #876 by @pskowronek in #907
Minor cleanup by @ahadas in #910
Make SFTP key authentication work again by @ahadas in #911
viewer/editor open file from Search and find the first occurrence #879 by @pskowronek in #906
Support multi volume rar files by @ShayArtzi in #881
Minor cleanup related to multi-volume rar files by @ahadas in #915
Document the addition of multi-volume RAR 5+ files by @ahadas in #916
Dock/TaskBar icon status with jobs progress updates by @pskowronek in #823
Improvements to shortcuts preferences tab by @ahadas in #931
Use try-with-resources in CommandManager by @ahadas in #932
Added Open With apps for macOS by @pskowronek in #917
Extract Bonjour handling to a separate OSGi bundle by @ahadas in #936
Fix for DE keyboard layout #933 by @pskowronek in #935
Document and cleanup last fix for using terminal with DE keyboard layout by @ahadas in #943
Bumped JediTerm to the newest version to address problem with decomposed chars by @pskowronek in #944
Add ADB by @ahadas in #919
Terminal - both Terminal and Run Command now use colors and font from prefs by @pskowronek in #946
adb: disable 'Android' menu when adb is disabled by @ahadas in #953
Enhanced bug report in github muC repo and in muC itself by @pskowronek in #934
Set minimum height for question dialogs by @ahadas in #959
Add 'Shared with me' files to Google Drive by @ahadas in #963
Add 'Trashed' files to Google Drive by @ahadas in #964
Show documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Drive by @ahadas in #965
Shortcuts Panel related refactor by @pskowronek in #967
Apply formatter on ShortcutsTable by @ahadas in #969
Shortcuts/ActionProperties - reformat with muC formatter by @pskowronek in #970
Cleanup in files that recently changed by @ahadas in #971
Main menu Open With now contains apps on macos by @pskowronek in #966
Update the readme file according to latest change in open-with menu by @ahadas in #985
Added search/find support for binary viewer by @hajdam in #968
Cleanup for search/replace functionality in binary editor by @ahadas in #986
Viewer/Editor Fix for NPE when opening certain Python files by @pskowronek in #987
Added version information to exe file - issue #719 by @hajdam in #979
Document last changes by @ahadas in #988
Added search/find support for binary viewer - fix by @hajdam in #990
Key mapping capabilities for terminal in Shortcuts prefs by @pskowronek in #973
Terminal - fix for themes switching, Menlo font added as default for Terminal by @pskowronek in #978
Binary editor - fix to issue #938 by @hajdam in #991
Add support for multi volume 7z files by @ShayArtzi in #980
Document support for multi-volume 7z files by @ahadas in #992
Enhancements to ADB by @ahadas in #993
adb: optimize downloads of large files by @ahadas in #994
Polish the readme file by @ahadas in #995


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 RC 1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 19:50

12.07.23 Release Total Commander 11.00 release candidate 1

12.07.23 Fixed: Files - Associate - Edit type - Change icon: Prevent list from showing multiple rows when using high dpi override settings (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Synchronize dirs: Show directory of item under cursor (or topmost displayed item if not in view) above the list in the free space near the close button. Left click to jump to previous dir, right click to next (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Configure directory hotlist (Ctrl+D) or Start menu: Show number of current item (1-based as in wincmd.ini) above the list of entries (32/64)
12.07.23 Added: Configure directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): remember the last shown position in wincmd.ini [Configuration] DirMenuLast= (1-based) (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: Add item to subdir of directory menu would lose surrounding quotes from items below that position (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: Passing an archive name to Total Commander via command line would call CanYouHandleThisFile with a trailing backslash (32/64)
11.07.23 Fixed: cm_CommandBrowser -> Select "usercmd.ini" -> Press "New.." or "Edit...": Dialog box had wrong title (32/64)
10.07.23 Added: cm_Edit: Support verbs "runAs" and "runAsUser" with L3, opens associated editor as administrator/other user with default verb (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit wasn't working with parameter V when not using C (32/64)
10.07.23 Added: New hotkey Alt+Shift+F12 puts focus on vertical buttonbar (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Command browser (e.g. button bar settings, click on magnifying glass): Adjust header positions of right list when resizing left list (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Multi-rename tool: Always recreate dropdown menu for buttons "+" and "#" to ensure correct menu width when switching between the two menus (32/64)
10.07.23 Fixed: Some functions were broken on Windows 9x/ME (reading directories, checkbox width in directory hotlist configuration) (32)
09.07.23 Fixed: Directory hotlist (Ctrl+D): The option to add items directly to a subfolder was lost (64)
09.07.23 Fixed: Shift+F4 and cm_Edit use again WinExec to launch editor unless a verb like "open" is passed to cm_Edit, or one of the flags L2 or L3 is used (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Popup menus: On Windows Vista or newer, use dimensions of themed popup menu items also in dark mode, e.g. in Lister (64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Switching away from standalone synchronize dirs didn't close an open quick search window (64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Directory history, list of open tabs: Drive letters weren't shown all uppercase/lowercase when option DrivesShowUpcase was set to 1/0 (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit, or Shift+F4 new file: Opening the editor failed if it was provided in double quotes, e.g. "c:\path\editor.exe" (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: cm_PackFiles /T="." /E="7z" would create 7-zip archive (with 7zip plugin, zip archive with total7zip), but with .zip extension instead of .7z (32/64)
07.07.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, compare by content: Removed border around bottom panel while in dark mode (32/64)
06.07.23 Fixed: cm_Edit didn't work with parameters directly after cm_Edit (e.g. on a button) instead of in the parameters field (32/64)


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 23.7.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Juli, 2023, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

When the Out of stack space error occurs, I tried to quit once and restart TE.

Titel: Unreal Commander 4.21 Build 1620
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 Juli, 2023, 21:30
Ein 2-Fenster-Dateimnager mit eingebautem FTP-Client, WIPE-Funktion, Multi-Rename-Tool...

Der Unreal Commander kann u.a.

- Unicode-Unterstützung
- Verzeichnisse synchronisieren
- Unterstützt verschiedene Pack-Archive

Mit Plugins können weitere Funktionen nachgerüstet werden.


Titel: Broot 1.24.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2023, 09:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    installer for the powershell br script on windows
    new --help, more compact
    allow extra spaces before the verb
    updated man page, now distributed in releases as /man/broot.1


Titel: OpenHashTab 3.0.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2023, 20:20
OpenHashTab is an Open Source shell extension for conveniently calculating and checking file hashes from file properties.

OpenHashTab is designed to facilitate the efficient calculation and verification of hashes integrating within the Properties section of the right-click context menu. Most of the included actions are straightforward and obvious. OpenHashTab's hash list supports the following:

Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sum file format
Select (possibly multiple) then right-click to copy all columns separated by tabs
The counters next to the status text are in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)

License: Open Source



    A binary named StandaloneStub.exe hosts the standalone version now, rather than rundll.exe. This improves false positives in enterprise environments
    Updated dependencies
    Everything is built using -flto, resulting in performance improvements
    x86 (32 bit) is no longer supported
    Option to display hashes in monospace font
    Settings dialog now has the same cog icon as the button
    Cryptic summary moved into a dedicated button, shows a message box instead
    Translations updated
    Binaries are now signed

Bugs fixed

    Chinese installer showing incorrectly encoded options
    Too long hashes on clipboard or malformed sumfiles crashing
    VirusTotal returning 403 due to revoked Process Hacker apikey
    Fix CVE-2022-37454 from XKCP by updating it Doesn't affect this software
    Context menu hasher resulting in changed icons for the rest of explorer's lifetime
    Tab ordering not making any sense
    Spanish translation of "To clipboard" bigger than button
    Check against box recognizing too many things as hashes
    HTTP request errors not having explainer text


This is the last version that supports the following operating systems:

    Windows 7
    Windows 8
    Windows 8.1
    Windows 10 (1507, LTSC 2015)
    Windows 10 (1511)
    Windows 10 (1607, LTSC 2016)
    Windows 10 (1703)
    Windows 10 (1709)
    Windows 10 (1803)
    Windows 10 (1809, LTSC 2019)
    Windows 10 (1903)
    Windows Server 2008 R2
    Windows Server 2012
    Windows Server 2012 R2
    Windows Server 2016
    Windows Server (1709)
    Windows Server (1803)
    Windows Server (1809)
    Windows Server 2019
    Windows Server (1903)

The following will continue to be supported:

    Windows 10 (1909 or later)
    Windows 11
    Windows Server (1909 or later)
    Windows Server 2022
    Future versions


Titel: Broot 1.24.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Juli, 2023, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Better --help.

Titel: Broot 1.24.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Juli, 2023, 21:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

fix a case of br script installation failing on Windows/Powershell

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 Juli, 2023, 19:40

    Fixed: In some multiple screen configurations, the "Change attributes" dialog could be shown on a different screen than the main window (64)
    Fixed: Tab/Shift+Tab didn't work in button bar to switch to next/previous button (64)
    Fixed: Branch view, deleting files from different directories to recycle bin could keep the delete progress dialog displayed by mistake (32/64)
    Fixed: cm_Edit: Could not open file when a full path was passed via N="name" and the current location was inside an archive (32/64)
    Fixed: Vertical button bar: Cursor right/left now behaves like Cursor down/up, respectively (32/64)
    Fixed: Space, Shift+F10 or context menu key on overflow button in the vertical button bar now opens the overflow menu (32/64)
    Fixed: Shift+F10 didn't open the context menu in the vertical button bar (32/64)
    Fixed: The first press of "Cursor right" was ignored in some dialog boxes like cm_FtpDownloadList or cm_PackFiles after putting focus on a button with Tab (64)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager: When opened via mouse, pressing Tab didn't show focus rectangles for buttons (must call WM_UPDATEUISTATE when Tab or Alt is being pressed) (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: Menu items in "Encoding" menu could be too narrow, eg when first opening the Help menu and then very quickly switching to Encoding (caching problems) (64)
    Fixed: Button bar: Pressing space on a focused button didn't open the context menu in 64-bit, or made a beep in 32-bit, need to handle it in the "key up" event (32/64)
    Fixed: Directory history: Pressing Ctrl+ACtrl+Z would open the quick search dialog by mistake, only keep for Ctrl+H=Backspace (64)
    Fixed: Vertical button bar: Loop when using cursor up/down when reaching the first/last button like in the top bar with left/right (32/64)
    Fixed: Vertical button bar: Fixed cursor navigation when using an overflow menu (Home/End, Enter and Esc on overflow menu) (32/64)
    Fixed: Files - Create Checksum File(s): the BLAKE3 radio button was in wrong control order (for cursor keys) (32)
    Fixed: Directory hotlist, add entry in submenu or delete entry: Write entire section [dirmenu] to store it in sorted order and much faster, warn if section too big (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister misbehaving in search, copy to clipboard and selection when the locale isn't Western but font is set to "Western", with option Encoding - As configured for current font (32/64)
    Fixed: Vertical button bar, focus with Alt+Shift+F12: Couldn't navigate across separators with "cursor up" (32/64)
    Fixed: Files - Print - File list with subdirs: Random characters in field "Only files of this type" (32/64)
    Fixed: When there is an error changing attributes via a content plugin, shorten the name in the title and show it also in the main section of the dialog box (32/64)
    Fixed: When using the Start Menu configuration dialog, the last position in the directory menu configuration dialog was overwritten (32/64)
    Fixed: cm_Edit: Support environment variables in command field, in option N="name(s)" (32/64)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager, background copy dialog (F5-Enter-Background): Only show dialog after moving it to the correct screen position (32/64)


Titel: Multi Commander 13.0 Build 2953
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Juli, 2023, 19:50
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



Release v13.0 ( Build 2953 ) ( 20-Jul-2023 )

+ 55 Changes

 ADDED - Device that are marked as offline will now be skipped on a couple of situations.
 ADDED - Dialog warning about not enougth free space when starting a copy operation will ow show how mush is needed and how much additional free space is needed
 ADDED - During start MC will try to ask Windows if a Remote device is availible. Sometimes Windows will report as availible even if it is not.
          But when it does report it as disconnected. MC will not hang waiting for a timeout at startup.
 ADDED - When Previewing images in panel the image will now be fetch using WIC ( Windows Imaging component )
         instead of Windows thumbnail system since the thumbnail system always returned a squered image.
 ADDED - Data Preview in panel can now take focus. Allowing for wheelzoom when preview is showing text
 ADDED - Better dark mode support for Data Preview
 ADDED - Foldertree can now customize font size
 ADDED - Middle click on folder in tree will open folder on other panel
 ADDED - Foldertree expand/collapse icon changed
 FIXED - When renaming and file is open by other process, MC will now have an action to retry in the error dialog.
 FIXED - Issue when canceling FTP quick connect dialog
 FIXED - Editing large QWORD Regvalue in REG:
 FIXED - Language pack submit now works again
 FIXED - Packing 7z archive, The progress bar will now work better.
         However it will not show current file being pack since the newer 7z will packs files in parallell
 ADDED - DataPreview can now also be shown inside a Panel
 ADDED - Dropping file/folder on tab header that tab will go to that folder and file
 ADDED - Dropping file/folder on empty tab area and a new tab will be opened for that folder and file
 CHANGE- PASV is now default for new FTP connections
 FIXED - FileOperation Progress dialog will now again show if the file operation is Copy/Move/... in title bar
 FIXED - FileOperation Error dialogs will now respect the option to not auto scale UI
 FIXED - 10 Stability Issues


Titel: Files 2.5.20
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Juli, 2023, 09:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Updated font colors in the Properties window by @yaira2 in #12795
    Feature: Added support for pushing Git commits by @ferrariofilippo in #12633
    Feature: Removed behavior that auto selected readme files by @yaira2 in #12780
    Feature: Added dividers between status bar sections by @yaira2 in #12769
    Feature: Support changing behavior of buttons with modifier keys by @hishitetsu in #12728
    Feature: Added support for initializing folders as Git repos by @ferrariofilippo in #12803
    Feature: Display Git details in the Details Pane by @QuaintMako in #12810
    Feature: Added "Size on disk" property to the Properties window by @manfromarce in #12777
    Feature: Added "Properties" button to the Details Pane by @ferrariofilippo in #12913
    Feature: Updated icons in Edit Tags menu by @yaira2 in #12916
    Feature: Updated more icons by @yaira2 in #12906
    Feature: Updated the DataGrid header design by @yaira2 in #12907
    Feature: Redesigned the way details are displayed in the Details Pane by @yaira2 in #12782
    Feature: Trim tag names that are too long in the Details layout by @hishitetsu in #12813
    Feature: Added a splash screen by @0x5bfa in #12979
    Feature: Added support for ownCloud drive by @gave92 in #12896
    Feature: Updated icons for the Tags section in the sidebar by @yaira2 in #12881
    Feature: Added path column to Details layout for search results by @hishitetsu in #12885
    Feature: Updated tag icon in the Tags widget by @yaira2 in #12890
    Feature: Updated the toolbar icons by @yaira2 in #12895
    Feature: Increased maximum volume label length to 128 characters for UDF images by @gave92 in #12931
    Feature: Improved quality of the sidebar icons by @yaira2 in #12852
    Feature: Reflect current layout in the Toolbar by @ferrariofilippo in #12915
    Feature: Updated Git status icons by @yaira2 in #12910
    Feature: Updated status icons for cloud drives by @yaira2 in #12926
    Feature: Add edit tags button to the preview pane by @ferrariofilippo in #12946
    Feature: Delay loading Properties button until details are finished loading by @ferrariofilippo in #12971
    Feature: Added support for opening all tagged items from the Tags widget by @ferrariofilippo in #12972
    Feature: Updated the edit tags button in the Details Pane by @ferrariofilippo in #12978
    Fix: Fixed issue that prevented using dual pane in the Column layout by @hishitetsu in #12994
    Fix: Fixed issue where %temp% and %tmp% were not replaced with the correct path when entered from the Address bar by @hishitetsu in #12743
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when navigating to Home in the column layout by @hishitetsu in #12745
    Fix: Fixed issue where part of the path in properties was localized by @hishitetsu in #12754
    Fix: Replaced ItemPathDisplay to ParsingPath by @hishitetsu in #12755
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when trying to display tags by @hishitetsu in #12764
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when copying path by @hishitetsu in #12765
    Fix: Fixed issue where Sort/Group by original folder were disabled in Recycle Bin by @hishitetsu in #12778
    Fix: Fixed alignment issues on the Status Bar by @yaira2 in #12794
    Fix: Fixed issue where the System version of VS Code wasn't detected by @ferrariofilippo in #12750
    Fix: Fixed issue where long tag names weren't clipped by @yaira2 in #12802
    Fix: Fixed issue where checking out a Git branch would sometimes crash the app by @ferrariofilippo in #12805
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when pressing Ctrl+E on the Home page by @hishitetsu in #12806
    Fix: Fixed issue where the columns were misaligned in Recycle Bin by @hishitetsu in #12836
    Fix: Fixed issue were removing a tag after changing the layout would cause a crash by @ferrariofilippo in #12839
    Fix: Fixed issue where Status Center didn't update when archives were finished being extracted by @ferrariofilippo in #12838
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when adding a new tab by @hishitetsu in #12840
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when enabling the tags widget by @hishitetsu in #12844
    Fix: Fixed issue where "Open in new window" followed the startup settings by @hishitetsu in #12853
    Fix: Fixed high contrast support in the Properties window by @yaira2 in #12862
    Fix: Fixed issue where folder names displayed in the details pane were sometimes not localized by @hishitetsu in #12866
    Fix: Fixed issue where long texts in the details pane were cropped by @hishitetsu in #12868
    Fix: Fixed layout mode icon not reflecting current folder layout by @gave92 in #12897
    Fix: Fixed issue where dragged items sometimes could not be dropped by @hishitetsu in #12898
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when an Inf file installation timed out by @hishitetsu in #12903
    Fix: Fixed issue where it didn't work to open password protected archives by @gave92 in #12708
    Fix: Fixed issue where some options were missing in the Google Drive context menu by @gave92 in #12935
    Fix: Fixed issue where properties were sometimes not displayed in the details pane by @hishitetsu in #12952
    Fix: Fixed icon size in the Layout flyout by @yaira2 in #12958
    Fix: Fixed issue where Details/Preview Pane didn't update when switching tabs by @hishitetsu in #12975
    Fix: Fixed issue that sometimes prevented drives from being displayed by @hishitetsu in #12986
    Code Quality: Introduced App.Utils.Storage namespace for storage functionalities by @0x5bfa in #12902
    Code Quality: Reduce git folders loading time by @ferrariofilippo in #12980
    Code Quality: Moved App.Attributes & App.Behaviors to App.Data by @0x5bfa in #12747
    Code Quality: Removed unnecessary IsPageTypeNotHome changes by @hishitetsu in #12768
    Code Quality: Removed unused string by @yaira2 in #12804
    Code Quality: Update project structure by @0x5bfa in #12790
    Code Quality: Updated Git login success icon & strings by @ferrariofilippo in #12793
    Code Quality: Renamed Files.Sdk.Storage to Files.Core.Storage by @0x5bfa in #12843
    Code Quality: Clean up Files.Actions phase 1 by @0x5bfa in #12677
    Code Quality: Added back usings for AppCenter by @yaira2 in #12904
    Code Quality: Fixed build by @gave92 in #12905
    Code Quality: Format project XML files by @0x5bfa in #12740
    Code Quality: Rename Files.Backend to Files.Core by @0x5bfa in #12841
    Code Quality: Rename BackgroundTasks to Files.App.BackgroundTasks by @0x5bfa in #12842
    Code Quality: Renamed Files.SourceGenerator to Files.Core.SourceGenerator by @0x5bfa in https://github.com/files-c ...


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Juli, 2023, 19:40
Whats new:>>

    Fix: Fixed issue where the app sometimes got stuck on splash screen by @hishitetsu in #13013
    Fix: Fixed issue where opening folders from external sources didn't honor the dual pane settings by hishitetsu in #13014
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the layout flyout sometimes didn't highlight the selected layout by @hishitetsu in #13011
    Fix: Fixed crash when launching from CMD with "Files" by hishitetsu in #13023
    Code Quality: Reduce splash screen display time for faster startup by @hishitetsu in #13020

Titel: OpenHashTab 3.0.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Juli, 2023, 09:10
OpenHashTab is an Open Source shell extension for conveniently calculating and checking file hashes from file properties.

OpenHashTab is designed to facilitate the efficient calculation and verification of hashes integrating within the Properties section of the right-click context menu. Most of the included actions are straightforward and obvious. OpenHashTab's hash list supports the following:

Double click hash to copy it
Double click name or algorithm to copy the line in sum file format
Select (possibly multiple) then right-click to copy all columns separated by tabs
The counters next to the status text are in the format (match/mismatch/nothing to check against/error)

License: Open Source



    Exported files now contain hashes sorted by path
    Check against field now shows match type with the same colors as the main list
    Translations updated

    Bugs fixed:

    Hashes longer than 32 characters not being recognized in the Check against field
    Uninstaller not being digitally signed
    WinHTTP errors not having text, just code.
    Sumfiles with only nameless entries being interpreted but not in any meaningful way


Titel: Multi Commander 13.1 Build 2955
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2023, 19:30
Whats new:>>

  FIXED - Some Script function did not handle extra long path correctly
  FIXED - 5 Stability issues

Titel: XYplorer 24.70.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Juli, 2023, 21:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Zoom to Fit for Thumbnails. Allows you to enlarge smaller originals as much as the current thumbnail size will allow and turn your thumbnails into pixel magnifiers. On the fly. Every icon designer's dream.
    Zoom to Fit for the Hover Box. Hover the mouse over small image files and view their pixels like under a microscope. No clicks required. Useful fun.
    Many Other Improvements. See change log.
    Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to the songs of Brooke Combe.


Titel: Total Commander 11.00 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 Juli, 2023, 21:30

    Fixed: Crash unpacking certain ZIP files with XZ compression (64)
    Fixed: Updated TCMDLZMADLL and TCLZMA64DLL to LZMA SDK 2301 (32/64)
    Fixed: Verification of ZIP archives can again be disabled with the option [Packer] VerifyZip=0, even when created with the new libdeflate library (32/64)
    Fixed: Help files: Changed "Compatibility" option to 11 to prevent help system crashes on some systems when searching the index (32/64)
    Fixed: Button bar, show subbar as menu: Couldn't open item context menu via Shift+F10 or Space (the context menu key can't be used inside a context menu) (32/64)
    Fixed: Alt+F10 Tree: Support hotkeys F1, F2 and Ctrl+R also when the input focus wasn't on the listbox (32/64)
    Fixed: Alt+F10 Tree: Made "quick search" label right-aligned (32/64)
    Fixed: Watch directory changes: When a new file was added, it wasn't inserted in the correct location when sorting by content plugin fields (32/64)
    Fixed: In some cases when changing directories while file icons were still being loaded (eg for exe files), the last loaded icon was shown on an entry in the new directory (32/64)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager: Don't use "+" and "-" to add/remove files when the focus is on the checkbox or edit box Instead, use Alt or Ctrl with these keys (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 11.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Juli, 2023, 22:00
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Neues Code Sign-Zertifikat für Q-Dir.exe
• Wichtige Tests von Q-Dir für das nächste MS Windows 11 Update
• Aktualisierungen der Sprachdateien

Titel: Total Commander 11.00 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 August, 2023, 20:30

    Fixed: Inconsistencies between help files and keyboard.txt/tasten.txt (32/64)
    Fixed: New text file (Shift+F4): Do not append dot to file without dot in name when the editor is set to notepad++.exe (32/64)
    Fixed: Directory hotlist (bookmarks): If there were more than 1000 entries, those above 1000 could sometimes be lost when adding a new entry to a submenu (64)
    Fixed: Directory history: Don't show virtual folders with empty name in history (32/64)
    Fixed: When switching to tree view (Ctrl+F8), don't apply columns view or sort order from auto-applied view mode (32/64)
    Fixed: Tree button in some confirmation dialogs: Don't try to show tree for FS plugin (32/64)
    Fixed: Old style directory history (long right click on current path): Drive letters weren't shown all uppercase/lowercase when option DrivesShowUpcase was set to 1/0 (32/64)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager: Don't allow to add entries with "+" button with a file system plugin as source or target (32/64)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Tab or Shift+Tab in edit control by handling WM_CHAR (32/64)
    Fixed: If writing of entire section [dirmenu] failed, the entire directory hotlist could be lost -> save backup to file DIR*.TMP in %TEMP% folder (32/64)
    Fixed: Help file: Table of content items didn't open with a single click (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister: 64-bit only plugins like ulister did not appear in the "Plugins" dropdown menu (64)
    Fixed: Button bar, show subbar as menu: Prevent beep when opening context menu with space (32)
    Fixed: Background transfer manager: Prevent beep when pressing Alt+"+" or Alt+"-" by handling WM_SYSCHAR (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: At higher DPI values than 96 (100%), the filter icon may not get completely hidden when showing all files (nothing filtered out) (32)
    Fixed: F5 copy dialog: "Verify" checkbox was surrounded with a solid line when focused (32)


Titel: Attribute Changer 11.20a Build 2023.8.5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 August, 2023, 21:10
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    Fixes an inter-process communication (IPC) issue when running a shell and portable instance in parallel. The portable instance then used the selection of the selected items in Windows Explorer.
    In Control Panel / Programs and Features, the correct version information is now registered for customers using software distribution solutions.


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.0 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 August, 2023, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    Backward incompatible changes:

    All colors settings is stored in colors.json now
    Portable version configuration is stored in the settings subdirectory now

    New features and changes:

    Fully featured built-in terminal
    New Cocoa based macOS version
    Dark mode support (Windows 10+)
    New file properties dialog (Unix)
    Experimental Haiku support
    Qt 6 widgetset support (Lazarus 3.0)
    Search in the options dialog
    Built-in SVG image support
    Zip plugin: new options dialog
    Base64 encoder/decoder archiver plugin
    Viewer: view with syntax highlighting
    Viewer: view office XML documents (text only)
    Find files: search text in the several encodings simultaneously
    This computer virtual folder support, work with portable devices (Windows Vista+)


Titel: Q-Dir 11.32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 August, 2023, 10:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Diverse Fehlerbehebungen in den Menüs und Verbesserungen in Q-Dir
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen im Navigationsbereich und den Adressleisten

Titel: XYplorer 24.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 August, 2023, 21:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Tree Section Colors. Optional custom text and background colors for different sections of the tree help you find your branch in a huge tree and instantly recognize where you are. It's all about quick orientation.
Quickly Select the Item. You can now toggle item selection in the file list by Ctrl+left-clicking any cell in the row, even if Full Row Select is off. This makes it easier to select (deselect) items in a very wide list, especially when the Name column is scrolled to the left out of view.
Quickly Spot the Name. You can now hold CTRL while hovering over any cell other than the Name cell and a tooltip will show the name of the item. Quite useful if that name is currently scrolled to the left out of view.
Expansion Icon Chevron. A new expansion icon, the Chevron, is now available for the folder tree. It’s also the new factory default.
Many Other Improvements. See change log.


Titel: Attribute Changer 11.20b
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 August, 2023, 21:20
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



A maintenance release of Attribute Changer 11.20 is available and can be downloaded free of charge.
It fixes an issue in the reporting window where the ‘Photo – After’ column value did not get updated.
If you find this program useful, please consider making a donation. Many thanks for your contribution!


Titel: Broot 1.25.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2023, 08:30
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    allow unescaped '::' in pattern position, experimental (might be removed)
    allow hexa color notation in skins (eg #fb0 or #FFD700)

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.1 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 August, 2023, 09:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.1.0 release


Titel: Total Commander 11.01 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 August, 2023, 19:40

21.08.23 Release Total Commander 11.01 release candidate 1

21.08.23 Fixed: Find files: Prevent possible crash when accessing older search results from "Search in found files/folders" (32/64)
21.08.23 Added: Compare by content: Set number of lines which must be matching after a difference: wincmd.ini [Configuration CompareFindLines=1 (32/64)
20.08.23 Fixed: Set default line compare method in compare by content to how it worked in 10.52: looking for 1 matching line instead of 2 matching lines (32/64)
20.08.23 Fixed: Calling cm_Edit with parameter /CN="<1-10>[N]-[C].xls" would use the passed template for [N], and not the file under the cursor (32/64)
15.08.23 Fixed: Support bitmaps which contain an invalid header size field (including the size of the color table) (32)
14.08.23 Fixed: Incorrect scaling when moving the copy progress dialog between two screens with different scaling factors (DPI) (32/64)
14.08.23 Fixed: Directory history (Alt+Down), list of open tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Pressing Alt+Shift to change keyboard input languages would close the list (it should only do this on Alt alone) (32/64)
13.08.23 Fixed: Self-extracting module (sfxhead.sfx): Window was not centered (32/64)
11.08.23 Fixed: If GetLocaleInfo(...,LOCALE_IDATE returns an invalid value>2, assume a value of 2 (yyyy-mm-dd) (32/64)
11.08.23 Fixed: Crash when opening any dialog box after calling Set-Culture sk-SK after Set-Culture en-US (Slovakian sorts "CH" as a separate character, so the compiler can't find dialog box components any more) (64)
10.08.23 Fixed: Menu Mark - Compare Directories: Don't warn about equal paths when comparing two search results (32/64)
10.08.23 Fixed: When the F5 "Copy" dialog was pinned to the larger size (options expanded), the options were not available in the Ctrl+Shift+F5 "Create shortcut" dialog (32/64)
10.08.23 Fixed: Photo cameras were no longer shown on Windows XP devices, neither as virtual drives, nor in "My computer" (32/64)
10.08.23 Fixed: FTP: The option "Remember contents of all visited directories (in cache)" was ignored in some cases (64)
10.08.23 Fixed: Prevent crash in right click menu when nothing was selected, e.g. invoked on empty drive (32/64)
09.08.23 Fixed: cm_CreateShortcut not working with parameter /G when AlwaysCopyInBackground=2 was set (32/64)
09.08.23 Added: cm_Edit: Parameter /N now supports alternate syntax /N=<"file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt"> to pass multiple names to the function more easily (32/64)
09.08.23 Added: Shift+F4 edit new file(s): Multiple names can now be passed also in double quotes separated by spaces, e.g. "file1.txt" "file2.txt" "file3.txt" (32/64)
09.08.23 Added: Button bar, start menu, parameters field: Better handling of parameters %S, %R, %P%S and %T%R in double quotes with appended text: "%Sbeforeext%Eafterext" inserts string beforeext before extension, and string afterext after. Supports env vars in the form %|variablename| (32/64)
09.08.23 Fixed: cm_Edit: Parameter /G (go immediately) didn't work with placeholders and counters, e.g. /CGL0 /T="c:\totalcmd\template" /N="<1-10>[C].xls" (32/64)
08.08.23 Fixed: Find files: Show error if user entered invalid date or time on Advanced or Plugins page (32/64)
08.08.23 Fixed: Translation, check for duplicate hotkeys: Removed 5661 from translation tool because it's not used any more in the search dialog (32/64)
04.08.23 Fixed: In some cases when changing directories while file icons were still being loaded (e.g. for exe files), the last loaded icon was still shown on an entry in the new directory (32/64)
04.08.23 Fixed: Lister: Rare crash when viewing many files quickly via Ctrl+Q in dark mode (32/64)
04.08.23 Fixed: Lister: 64-bit only plugins like ulister did not appear in the "Plugins" dropdown menu for file types where they were defined as default in Lister configuration - Multimedia - Define view method by file type (64)


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.17.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 August, 2023, 18:50
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Total Commander 11.01 RC2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 August, 2023, 21:00

25.08.23 Release Total Commander 11.01 release candidate 2

25.08.23 Fixed: Download from plugin: Multiple downloads in parallel (e.g. via WebDAV plugin) would break the speed display (32/64)
25.08.23 Fixed: Download from plugin: Speed display in progress bar would sometimes reset itself (speed data until current point was lost) (32/64)
25.08.23 Fixed: Find files, feed in listbox: Always force new tab when the current tab is locked (no directory changes allowed) (32/64)
25.08.23 Fixed: Updated installer to also report version 11.01 (32/64)
24.08.23 Fixed: Self-extracting module sfxhead.sfx: "To:" location was mostly not visible due to a line break after "To:" text (32/64)
24.08.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Buttons <- = =/= -> duplicates singles could not be accessed by visually impaired -> Report status in "Show" groupbox, and use hotkeys Ctrl+Shift+L/E/N/R/D/S to toggle (32/64)
21.08.23 Fixed: cd Filename in button bar combined with other commands would correctly place the cursor on Filename, but report an error (32/64)
21.08.23 Fixed: cd ::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}\::{BD84B380-8CA2-1069-AB1D-08000948F534} didn't work, use prefix shell:::{ on Vista or newer (32)


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2023, 10:20
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



    New: Navigation: Implemented "Natural Sorting" aka "Logical Order" when listing files/folders (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_sort_order). Natural Sorting is used in Windows' File Explorer and many other file manager. It's possible to use the simple alphabetical sorting by disabling "Sort with Logical Order" in Preferences in the "Files and Folders color" section
    Fix: Viewer: "Go to" (Ctrl+G) was broken
    Fix: Viewer: Spectrum (oscilloscope) was not working in certain modes + simplified code and removed asm dependencies
    Fix: Viewer: Fixed a bug that caused the display of flat files (txt, source code, ...) to start at the end of the file
    Fix: Viewer: Correction of the non latin UTF8 support, using Scintilla instead of Richedit
    Fix: Viewer: Removed a false positive error message display while viewing flat files in a Virtual Machine
    Fix: Navigation: The context menu inside an archive file was not themed correctly
    Fix: Navigation: Calc Dir Size was causing some random unrequested file selections
    Fix: Global: Fixed a concurrent race condition preventing some component to write to the ini file on program close, loosing some user settings
    Chg: Viewer: Updated Richedit framework to latest version
    Chg: Navigation: Some UI change in the file operation confirmation window: "Remove selected" was interpreted as a delete while it's just used to remove items from the queue. The new position should be less ambiguous


Titel: nnn 4.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2023, 18:50
nnn is a fast and resource-sensitive file manager that can integrate with your favorite GUI utilities.

nnn features a unique navigate-as-you-type mode with auto-select, disk usage analyzer mode, bookmarks, contexts, application launcher, familiar navigation shortcuts, subshell spawning and much more.

License: Open Source

Limitations: This app will only work by using the Linux subsystem for Windows.


    config option NNN_ARCHMNT to specify archive mounter utility
    key ^y to jump to next young file
    filter adjustment when opening context from plugin
    properly update mode after chmod
    pre-fill selected file name to create link if sel is preferred over hovered
    fix crash when PWD is empty
    make quitcd.bash_zsh POSIX-compliant
    nmount - support udiskctl as default
    preview-tui - support wezterm split size percentage
    preview-tui - move to bash for environment manipulation through arrays
    fzopen - handle empty selection
    finder - use default path to find
    add icons for djvu files
    support Nerd Fonts v3.0.0 and above (older versions are broken by v3.0.0)


Titel: XYplorer 24.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 August, 2023, 20:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Color Folder Rows. If you’re looking for folders, you’ve come to the right place. Now, with a single keystroke, you can color-code folders to make them stand out.
Switch Folder Views. Now you can switch between the current and your favorite folder view with a single keystroke. A folder view includes column layout, sort order, list view, and list style.
Many Other Improvements. See change log.
Compilation Soundtrack. Compiled to songs by Automatic Shoes.


Titel: Q-Dir 11.33
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2023, 17:40
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Sprachdateien-Update im Quad-Explorer für alle Windows OS
• Kleine Korrekturen für das Microsoft Windows 11 und Windows 10

Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 August, 2023, 20:40
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



    Added MKV tag parser - MKV tags can now be viewed in File Explorer
    Added ID3v2 tag support in WAV parser
    Added PSD property support
    Added TGA property support
    Added DDS property support
    Added and improved several properties in most audio property filetypes (BPM, Rating, Initial Key, Bitrate and more)
    Added support for AVIF files in CBX files
    Added M4V as a valid property filetype
    Added missing properties in File Explorer for Matroska and MOV/MP4
    Improved parsing of huge values in Property Handler
    Fixed the Icaros Cache being locked by File Explorer and IcarosConfig
    Fixed rare bug where the Icaros Cache locked itself
    Fixed several drag 'n drop issues in IcarosConfig
    Fixed thumbnail rotation of files with a displaymatrix property
    Fixed the Cache Indexer not working on Active Directory systems (Thank you Funky D! ^__^)
    Fixed WEBP not working in Firefox (Requires deactivating, then reactivating the Properties in Icaros)
    Fixed cover parsing in MKV files with WEBP or GIF covers embedded
    Fixed Icaros setting an invalid default Cache location on some systems
    Fixed Rating property not being read correctly from ID3v2 tags
    Updated .NET Framework to 4.6
    Added German installer localization (Thank you Klaus Luppert! ^__^)
    Updated German localization (Thank you Klaus Luppert! ^__^)
    Updated Greek localization (Thank you Thunderstrike116! ^__^)
    Updated Italian localization (Thank you bovirus! ^__^)
    Updated Russian localization (Thank you Ligre! ^__^)
    Updated FFmpeg
    Lots of small fixes and improvements


Titel: Total Commander 11.01 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 August, 2023, 19:50

    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ctrl+Shift+L/E/N/R/D/S to toggle displayed result types wasn't working before comparing, and only in result list (not it works everywhere except in path edit boxes) (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Resolve parent dir references \ when starting the comparison, because some functions like deleting to recycle bin fail with such paths (32/64)
    Fixed: Lister, RTF viewer: Not encoded accents or foreign scripts like Cyrillic were lost when viewing the file (64)
    Fixed: Copy in background via F5 - Enter - Background: The speed display in the progress bar had the wrong colors when using classic theme (32/64)
    Fixed: Internal RTF viewer: Right click no longer showed context menu to copy text (32/64)
    Fixed: The internal 7zip unpacker could no longer open and unpack multi-part 7zip archives, because the updated 7zip DLL requests the size of all parts (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: "Show" groupbox couldn't be accessed with tab - make it accessible when a screen reader is detected (32/64)
    Fixed: Folder tabs: Do not allow to lock a tab showing search results in an archive (where a base folder is being shown) (32/64)
    Fixed: Files - Print - "File list with subdirs" didn't support saved searches, although they could be chosen from the combobox (32/64)
    Fixed: Cursor up/down broken in extended message dialog, used eg in cm_DirectCableConnect, or when confirming overwriting an FTP download of one file (2 rows) or multiple files (3 rows) (64)


Titel: XYplorer 24.90.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2023, 09:30
Whats new:>>

    Color Folder Rows
    Switch Folder Views
    Many Other Improvements
    Compilation Soundtrack

Titel: Total Commander 11.01
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 September, 2023, 20:10
Whats new:>>

    Fixed: Ctrl+Z edit comment: Do not re-read other panel if it shows the result of a search in an archive, or a plugin or ftp connection (32/64)
    Fixed: Couldn't use hotkeys with Alt (eg Alt+Q) to show list of open tabs (cm_SrcTabsList) - it would close immediately (32/64)
    Fixed: F7 new folder: Do not re-read other panel if it shows the result of a search in an archive (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP: Access violation in directory read progress dialog (without progress bar) when clicking on "Abort" (32)
    Fixed: Do not allow to lock a tab which is showing the results of a search within an archive (32/64)

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.2.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 September, 2023, 19:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    (New) Added new custom command type: Copy To Clipboard. This custom command type lets you copy to the clipboard specific attributes of the selected elements (path, name, file size, checksum, etc) based in a template with variables. You also can configure the custom command to copy to clipboard the elements into the subfolders recursively.
    (Fixed) Copy To / Move To: the submenu with favorites and recent folders was not shown in the classic context menu.
    (New) Copy To / Move To: the submenu with favorites and recent folders is shown in alphabetic order.
    (New) Batch Commands: added a new property to run the batch command as Administrator. So the UAC message box is displayed only once if several commands that are run for the batch command need administrator privileges.
    (Improvement) Organize Into Folders: if a profile is saved with an empty target folder, then when loading the profile by default the target folder text box will be filled with the folder path of the selected elements on Windows Explorer.
    (New) Organize Into Folders: added new setting to add a suffix to the new folder if when creating it already exists.
    (New) Added new variables to be used in Advanced Renamer and Organize Into Folders which lets you insert current date and current time or parts of them (day, month, hour, minutes, etc).
    (New) Pack To Folder: now you can specify variables (current time, current date, etc)
    (New) Pack To Folder: added option to copy the files to the new folder instead of moving the files.
    (Improvement) Synchronize Folders: improved the performance when copying files.
    (Improvement) Synchronize Folders: the date-time of the folders are also synchronized.


Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 September, 2023, 18:50
"One Commander" ist ein Dateimanager für Microsoft Windows mit erweiterten Funktionen, einer neu gestalteten Programmoberfläche und vielen Möglichkeiten, um durch das Dateisystem zu navigieren und Dateien und Ordner zu bearbeiten.

"One Commander" zeichnet sich durch folgende Funktionen aus:

    portable (keine Installation notwendig)
    verschiedene Themes
    übersichtliche Programmoberfläche
    Unterstützung für lange Pfad- und Dateinamen (>255 Zeichen)
    erweiterte Spaltenansicht für Ordner und Dateien
    Metadata für Bilder, Musik und Videos
    Filter für Ordner
    Unterstützung für Batch-Dateien
    Unterstützung für Tastenkombinationen
    Bildvorschau und -konvertierung
    multilingual (inkl. deutsch)



- New options for hidden, system, and temporary files visibility (Pro)
- Add Cloud sidebar group with locally synced cloud folders
- Improved Chinese translation thanks to Aotix
- Localization of size strings (Fr, Ru, Uk)
- Fixed opening Google Maps location for Photo


Titel: Broot 1.25.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 September, 2023, 18:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

fix shift-char in input extending the selection - Fix #733

Titel: Q-Dir 11.34
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 September, 2023, 10:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen
• Optimierung und verschiedene Fixes.unter Windows 11
• Update der Q-Dir Sprachdateien

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.2 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 September, 2023, 18:00
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Changelog (https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.1.x?since=2023-08-20&until=2023-09-09)

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 September, 2023, 17:10
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.




    The new custom command Copy To Clipboard was not working correctly.


Titel: Q-Dir 11.35
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 September, 2023, 09:50
Whats new:>>

• Diverse Korrekturen in den einzelnen Datei Explorer Listenansicht
• Wichtige Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien
• Anpassungen und Verbesserungen des Quad-Explorer auf Windows 11

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 September, 2023, 17:30
Whats new:>>

(Fixed) The File Explorer crashed when running some type of custom commands, or the custom commands was not started correctly.

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 23.9.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 15 September, 2023, 17:40
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    23.7.12 Out of stack space If an error occurs, I tried closing and restarting TE, but it didn't work well, so I readjusted it.

Titel: LF Terminal File Manager r31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 September, 2023, 20:51
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (Breaking) There has been some changes in the server protocol. Make sure to kill the old server process when you update to avoid errors (i.e. lf -remote 'quit!').
    (Breaking) A new server command query is added to expose internal state to users ( #1384 ) (by @joelim-work). A new builtin command cmds is added to display the commands. The old builtin command jumps is now removed. The builtin commands maps and cmaps now use the new server command.
    (Breaking) Environment variable exporting for files and options are not performed anymore while previewing and cleaning to avoid various issues with race conditions ( #1354 ) (by @joelim-work). Cleaning program should now instead receive an additional sixth argument for the next file path to be previewed to allow comparisons with the previous file path. User options (i.e. user_{option}) are now exported whenever they are changed ( #1418 ) (by @raslop).
    (Breaking) Command outputs are now exclusively attached to stderr to allow printing the last directory or selection to stdout ( #1399 and #1402 ) (by @joelim-work). Two new command line options -print-last-dir and -print-selection are added to print the last directory and selection to stdout. The example script etc/lfcd.sh is updated to use -print-last-dir instead. Other lfcd scripts are also likely to be updated in the future to use the new method (patches are welcome).
    (Breaking) The option ruler is now deprecated in favor of its replacement rulerfmt ( #1386 ) (by @joelim-work). The new rulerfmt option is more capable (i.e. displays option values, supports colors and attributes, and supports optional fields) and more consistent with the rest of our options. See the documentation for more information.
    (New) Modifier keys (i.e. control, shift, alt) with special keys (e.g. arrows, enter) are now supported for most combinations ( #1248 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new option borderfmt is added to configure colors for pane borders ( #1251 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) New lf specific environment variables, LF_CONFIG_HOME on Windows and LF_CONFIG/DATA_HOME on Unix, are now supported to set the configuration directory ( #1253 ) (by @alok-mishra).
    (New) Tilde (ie ~) expansion is performed during completion to be able to use expanded tilde paths as command arguments ( #1246 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new option preserve is added to preserve attributes (i.e. mode and timestamps) while copying ( #1026 ) (by @raslop).
    (New) The file etc/icons.example is updated for nerd-fonts v3.0.0 ( #1271 ) (by @MunifTanjim).
    (New) A new builtin command clearmaps is added to clear all default keybindings except for read(ie :) and cmap keybindings to be able to :quit ( #1286 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new option statfmt is added to configure the status line at the bottom ( #1288 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) A new option truncatepct is added to determine the location of truncation from the beginning in terms of percentage ( #1029 ) (by @raslop).
    (New) A new option dupfilefmt is added to configure the names of duplicate files while copying ( #1315 ) (by @Limero).
    (New) Shell scripts etc/lf.nu and etc/lfcd.nu are added to the repository to allow completion and directory change with Nushell ( #1341 ) (by @mauerlaeufer).
    (New) Sixels are now supported for previewing ( #1211 ) (by @horriblename). A new option sixel is added to enable this behavior.
    (New) A new configuration keyword setlocal is added to configure directory specific options ( #1381 ) (by @gokcehan).
    (New) A new command line command cmd-delete-word-back (default a-backspace and a-backspace2) is added to use word boundaries when deleting a word backwards ( #1409 ) (by @janpeterd).
    (Fix) Cursor positions in the directory should now be preserved after file operations that changes the directory (e.g. create or delete) ( #1247 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Option reverse should now respect to sort stability requirements ( #1261 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Backspace should not exit filter mode anymore ( #1269 ) (by @jdujava).
    (Fix) Truncated double width characters should not cause misalignment for the file information ( #1272 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Piping shell commands should not refresh the preview anymore ( #1281 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Cursor position should now update properly after a terminal resize ( #1290 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Directories should now be reloaded properly after a delete operation ( #1292 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Executable file completion should not add entries to the log file anymore ( #1307 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Blank input lines are now allowed in piping shell commands ( #1308 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Shell commands arguments on Windows should now be quoted properly to fix various issues ( #1309 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Reloading in a symlink directory should not follow the symlink anymore ( #1327 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Command load should not flicker image previews anymore ( #1335 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Asynchronous shell commands should now trigger load automatically when they are finished ( #1345 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Changing the value of preview option should now clear image previews ( #1350 ) (by @jdujava).
    (Fix) Cursor position in the status line at the bottom should now consider double width characters properly ( #1348 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Filenames should only be quoted for cmd on Windows to avoid quoting issues for powershell ( #1371 ) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Inaccessible files should now be included in the directory list and display their lstat errors in the status line at the bottom ( #1382 ) (by @jantatje).
    (Fix) Command line command cmd-delete-word should now add the deleted text to the yank buffer ( #1409 ) (by @janpeterd).


Titel: Broot 1.25.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 September, 2023, 17:45
Whats new:>>

    Optional BROOT_CONFIG_DIR env var - the site now shows all env variables: https://dystroy.org/broot/launch/#environment-variables
    --only-folders now longer allows symlinks to non directories - Fix #742

Titel: Q-Dir 11.36
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 September, 2023, 09:50
Whats new:>>

• Erneute Verbesserungen in Usability und Elementen Fokusoptimierung
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 25.00
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2023, 10:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    The Glider:

    The Glider is a floating, context-sensitive mini toolbar in the folder tree that magically appears at your mouse pointer, offering buttons for the most common file management operations: Copy, Move and Paste. It’s like drag and drop without the dragging. Fully customizable. A game changer when it comes to manually organizing files into folders.

    How to turn it on:

    Toggle the Glider at Tools | Customize Tree | Show Glider.
    Pro Tip: The same menu can by shown by Shift+right-clicking anywhere in the white space of the folder tree.


    Here you can see the Glider in action. Just one click to move a bunch of files to a specific folder. No drag-and-drop, no copy-and-paste, no need to go to the destination folder. You stay where you are.


    Virtually everything about the Glider is customizable from its right-click menu. You can decide where it appears, when it appears, and how it appears.

    Usage Tips:

    To display the glider buttons vertically, select 1 for Buttons per Row.
    If you’re about to use the Glider to move a bunch of files to different tree folders, your task will be streamlined if you show just that one Glider button (Select Buttons... / Move selected items here) and make it appear directly under the mouse pointer (Hover Zone / Snap to First Button).


Titel: Broot 1.26.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2023, 20:20
Whats new:>>

    When given a path to a file at launch, broot now selects it in the tree and opens it in preview - Fix #729
    Allow rebinding of the 'tab' and 'esc' keys with the :next_match and :escape internals - Fix #740
    Fix fuzzy patterns not case insensitive on some characters - Fix #746

Titel: SHELL 1.9
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 September, 2023, 21:10
Edit your Windows Explorer right-click context menu in order for it to reflect exactly what you wish, giving access to the apps and utilities you use the most.



    Fixed a keyboard bug when executing a command
    Fixed a bug with title.xxx functions
    Fixed a bug with where property
    Fixed a bug with system text size
    Fix bug issues #176, #182, #245, #247
    Improvement the performance
    Improving the configuration file structure and removing the variables, static and dynamic sections
    Declaring a variable must begin with $
    Declaring an image must begin with @
    Add new for statement
    New checked property for modify item to change the checked state
    New clsid property for modify item
    New value for image.align option to set priority
    New this.level function to returns menu item depth
    New layout.width option to sets the minimum and maximum width
    New style for declaring array and accessing elements
    New option settings.modify.duplicate that allows you to remove duplicate items
    New option to add a pair of glyphs
    New functions appx.exists, appx.launch, appx.run
    New functions path.lnk.target, path.lnk.dir, path.lnk.type
    New function process.module to return the name of current module
    New functions for handling the Registry reg.exists,reg.get,reg.set,reg.delete is coming in the next update
    New function key.send that enables you to send one or more keys to the current window
    New function command.navigate to open a subfolder in the same explorer window
    New functions ini.get, ini.set for handling .ini files
    New functions clipboard.empty, clipboard.is_empty, clipboard.set, clipboard.get, clipboard.length for clipboard handling
    New function input, input.result that allows receiving data from the dialog box
    New function path.files To fetch the contents of a folder
    New function io.meta returns meta data
    New functions regex.match, regex.matches, regex.replace
    New functions length, len function Returns length of string or array type


Titel: XYplorer 25.00.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 September, 2023, 08:50
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.37
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 September, 2023, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Kleine Korrekturen für Drag und Drop Kopier-, Verschiebungs-, ... Aktionen
• Allgemeine Verbesserungen und Aktualisierung der Q-Dir-Sprachdateien

Titel: Broot 1.26.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Oktober, 2023, 09:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Improved status line

Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Oktober, 2023, 21:30

05.10.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 release candidate 1

05.10.23 Fixed: Updated unrar.dll, unrar64.dll and unrar9x.dll (compiled by us for Windows 9x/ME) to latest version 6.24.0 (32/64)
05.10.23 Added: cm_SyncChangeDir: New option in wincmd.ini [Configuration] SyncChangeDirMode=2 0: turn off mode when no dir with same name in other panel, 1: don't turn off, add 2 to warn on first try to enter dir (32/64)
05.10.23 Added: Synchronize dirs: Change "Synchronize..." button to "Pause" while comparing, "Start" while paused (32/64)
04.10.23 Added: New file (Shift+F4), New Folder (F7), Pack files (Alt+F5): Warn user when file name contains invalid character ?*|:<> and offer to change it to an underscore (32/64)
03.10.23 Fixed: Create checksums: No error was shown when the checksum file couldn't be written because the disk was full (32/64)
03.10.23 Fixed: Compare by content: The 3 buttons "Find", "Find next" and "Vertical arrangement" had no icons for the disabled state, especially problematic in 32-bit where no replacement was created (32/64)
03.10.23 Fixed: cd path: Don't use shell:::{ prefix in commands when the path contains ?\usb somewhere (32)
03.10.23 Fixed: When deleting a nested folder like a/b/c/d failed, TC asked for each parent whether it should retry to delete it (32/64)
28.09.23 Fixed: FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F): In dark mode, pressing Enter on a folder showed an extra non-dark mode dialog (32/64)
28.09.23 Fixed: FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F): Couldn't create new folder when there were no other entries (64)
28.09.23 Fixed: FTP connect dialog (Ctrl+F): No drag cursor shown when dragging connection to folder (64)
25.09.23 Added: wincmd.ini [Packer] ZipTestWarnExplorer=0 turns off warning when testing archives that a file can't be unpacked by Windows Explorer (32/64)
25.09.23 Added: Menu Files - Test archives: Show warning when a ZIP file (created by the new libdeflate) can't be unpacked by Windows Explorer due to an Explorer bug (32/64)
21.09.23 Fixed: Dark mode, compare by content: Clicking on the "Sync" button and choosing a different sync method turned the button white (32/64)
21.09.23 Fixed: Internal commands: Parameters %A1, %A2 etc. incorrectly handled substring fields like %A1:~1,-1 (32/64)
18.09.23 Fixed: Some redefined hotkeys like Alt+F7 didn't work while the command line history (Alt+F8) was up (64)
15.09.23 Fixed: Dark mode, synchronize dirs: Aborting a comparison with ESC turned the abort button white for a short moment due to delayed refresh after changing the button text (32/64)
15.09.23 Fixed: The internal 7zip unpacker couldn't open and unpack multi-part 7zip archives larger than about 250 MB (64)
13.09.23 Fixed: Change attributes: Field tc - comment didn't support setting Unicode comment (different codepage) (32/64)
13.09.23 Fixed: Plugin icons in the right panel were not always loaded (32/64)
12.09.23 Fixed: FTP: ESC didn't work twice in connect dialog, e.g. when both LIST/MLSD and PASV hang, so the user has to cancel twice (32/64)
12.09.23 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Deleting 6 or more images at a time stopped the loading of thumbnails (32/64)
12.09.23 Fixed: cm_RightViewModeList didn't support parameter 0 (default) and view mode names as cm_LeftViewModeList (32/64)
11.09.23 Fixed: Access violation when trying to use a plugin in a read only directory (e.g. under "Program Files") when the profile directory is not accessible (32/64)
11.09.23 Fixed: cd *.ext or cd c:\path\*.ext didn't work in command line, or when combining multiple commands in button bar (where the path must be put in double quotes) (32/64)
11.09.23 Fixed: Button bar: cd path\office_document now behaves the same as in command line (takes CtrlArrowOpenArchive into account), usually places cursor on file instead of opening it as an archive. Append backslash to open as archive (32/64)
10.09.23 Fixed: In rare cases, the Windows 7/8/10/11 Explorer couldn't unpack ZIP archives created with the new libdeflate dll, although all other packers including Windows XP Explorer, pkzip, winzip, winrar and 7zip could (32/64)
10.09.23 Fixed: Dropping an URL on a file panel (e.g. from a Web browser) with Shift pressed to download only worked with http URLs, not with https (32/64)
10.09.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Checkboxes which were not part of a group box were always shown with underlined hotkeys, e.g. in Configuration - Options - History (32)
10.09.23 Fixed: Dark mode: Opening the dark mode replacement of the standard message box with Shift+Enter (e.g. menu Help - About) would immediately close the dialog (32/64)
10.09.23 Fixed: Tab order wrong in expanded F5 copy dialog and Create shortcut dialog (32/64)
10.09.23 Fixed: Create shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+F5): Wrong tab order of "Options" button (32/64)
08.09.23 Fixed: Many user-defined hotkeys were restricted to work only in the two file panels, e.g. Ctrl+Alt+Home (changed after 10.52) (32/64)


Titel: Q-Dir 11.38
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Oktober, 2023, 22:00
Whats new:>>

• Wichtige Anpassungen in Q-Dir für aktuelle MS Windows NT Betriebssysteme
• Kleine Feinschliffe und Optimierungen Quad-Datei-Explorer für Windows

Titel: Q-Dir 11.39
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2023, 20:50
Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in: Kopieren, Ausschneiden & Einfügen separaten Hintergrundprozess gestartet werden.
• Neu: das Löschen wird auch in einem Hintergrundprozess gestartet
• Bei Problemen: über Menü, Exttras, Dateioperationen immer in neuem Prozess, Löschen deaktivieren

Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC 2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Oktober, 2023, 21:00

    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Clear selection when clicking on one of the buttons <- = =/= -> duplicates singles, otherwise Windows sometimes reports items as selected when they aren't (32/64)
    Fixed: Thumbnail view: Memory leak in internal thumbnail load function from JPG thumbnails (32/64)
    Fixed: Thumbnail view: Faster loading of many thumbnails with complex Unicode names: the rendering speed of the fonts was the slowing factor because the entire line was redrawn when a single thumbnail was updated (32/64)
    Added: CtrlArrowOpenArchive: Add 8 to take PreferOpenTypes value into account (only relevant if 1 is set too) (32/64)
    Added: SyncChangeDirMode: Add 4 to suspend going up one level when going down into a directory only existing on one side Resume when going back to base dir, or using a bookmark, button etc to go elsewhere (32/64)
    Fixed: Thumbnails view: Dynamically increase number of images in cache when there are more images shown than cached (32/64)
    Fixed: Compare by content, edit text, find next/previous difference within a line with F2/Shift+F2: Don't move caret when there aren't any more matches (32/64)
    Fixed: Pack files (Alt+F5): * must be allowed in names when using option "Create separate archives, one per selected file/dir" (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: While paused, pressing Alt+F4 or clicking on the "X" button didn't abort the comparison, only ESC worked (32/64)
    Fixed: Dark mode, Synchronize dirs: The "Synchronize" button didn't change to "Pause" when starting the comparison (64)
    Fixed: Executables totalcmdexe and totalcmd64exe had wrong product version (32/64)
    Fixed: Change attributes: Field tc - comment didn't support setting Unicode comment via >> button (32/64)
    Fixed: User-defined hotkeys: Handle hotkeys Enter, Tab, Space or Insert in the command line and drive comboboxes as if they were not redefined (64)


Titel: Q-Dir 11.41
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Oktober, 2023, 18:50
Whats new:>>

• Bugfix in der neuen Funktion: Beim Löschen im Hintergrundprozess (Umschalttaste ohne Papierkorb)
• Kleine Feinschliffe und Optimierungen Quad-Datei-Explorer für Windows

Titel: Attribute Changer 11.30
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Oktober, 2023, 21:20
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



In Windows, filenames and paths are historically limited to MAX_PATH which is defined as 260 characters. Windows API calls are therefore also limited to this number of characters. However, there is a way to bypass this limitation by using a special naming convention and to create a maximum path length of 32767 characters.

Attribute Changer itself was using the standard Unicode API calls and therefore limited to these 260 characters for a complete path and I got feedback from customers that they were not able to modify files with path lengths going beyond these 260 characters.

To resolve this problem, I changed the application to prefix the local file operations with “\\?\” and network operations with “\\?\UNC\”. By adding this prefix, Windows is able to return extended path length of up to 32767 characters when using Unicode API calls.


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.4 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Oktober, 2023, 08:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    FIX: Test archive operation progress
    UPD: Better archive file operations progress indication
    ADD: Zip - show total progress when compress
    ADD: Zip - show total progress when extract
    ADD: Operation progress - show only percent when size unknown
    UPD: Unrar version
    FIX: FileSystemWatcher - 'rename' event under Linux
    UPD: Hungarian language file
    FIX: Range check error


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.18.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Oktober, 2023, 18:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC 3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Oktober, 2023, 20:40

18.10.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 release candidate 3

18.10.23 Fixed: Quick view panel (Ctrl+Q): Pressing "Q" didn't correctly close the viewer (32/64)
18.10.23 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Better strategy to purge thumbnails when the memory limit is exceeded (32/64)
17.10.23 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Ignore the value of ThumbnailMemoryLimit on NT based systems. Instead use new value ThumbnailSizeLimit, which limits the size (in Megabytes) the thumbnails are allowed to take (min 1 MB, max 1 GB, limited to max 10% of physical memory) (32/64)
17.10.23 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Cache thumbnails in main memory instead of GDI objects, so we can cache far more than the maximum 10000 possible GDI objects per program (32/64)
16.10.23 Fixed: Command line: cd drive:\path\file.docx always opened file as zip if the active panel already showed the content of an archive (32/64)
16.10.23 Fixed: Find files: when invoked via LOADSEARCH=Saved_search, start the search only after the search window is fully visible to avoid crash after additional searches (32/64)
16.10.23 Fixed: Thumbnail view: Cached thumbnail limit wasn't correctly enforced, so TC could run out of GDI objects or memory (32/64)
15.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: Also handle SyncChangeDirMode values 1 and 4 when entering and leaving archives (32/64)
15.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: No warning when trying to enter an archive which didn't exist on the other side when using SyncChangeDirMode=2 (the default) (32/64)
13.10.23 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SkipLineNumbers=1 skips all digits at the start of a line until the first non-digit (32764)
13.10.23 Fixed: Compare by content, find next/previous difference: Don't repeat beep for 1 second when nothing is found, otherwise no beep may be played at all (32/64)
13.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir, SyncChangeDirMode with 4 added: Backspace or click on ".." button wasn't treated the same as double clicking on [..] in the file list (32/64)
13.10.23 Fixed: Get directory sizes or load thumbnails in very large directories: Use own message queue to avoid errors when Windows message queue gets full (32/64)
12.10.23 Fixed: Dialog box to choose commands (e.g. opened with cm_CommandBrowser): On the usercmd.ini page, clicking Rename/Copy didn't preserve lines longer than 259 characters (32/64)
12.10.23 Fixed: Getting the folder size with SPACEBAR stopped working (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 25.00.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2023, 09:30
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.42
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Oktober, 2023, 18:30
Whats new:>>

• Erneut Korrekturen in der Listenansicht auf Windows 10 und 11
• Kleine Feinschliffe und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Datei-Explorer

Titel: Q-Dir 11.43
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Oktober, 2023, 11:00
Whats new:>>

• Diverse Bugfixe in Korrekturen und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Datei-Explorer

Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 Oktober, 2023, 19:30

25.10.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 release candidate 4

24.10.23 Added: cm_SyncChangeDir: In button bar, show yellow pause icon overlayed over button while the function is suspended (32/64)
24.10.23 Added: cm_SyncChangeDir: Going up one level is now handled in a similar way to going down: If the names of the left and right directories are different, the function gets turned off or suspended just like when the clicked subdirectory doesn't exist on the other side (32/64)
22.10.23 Fixed: Compare by content, find next/previous difference: Didn't find missing lines on one side where there is a line on the other when the cursor was directly before that line (32/64)
20.10.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Right clicking on a line after clicking on an arrow button would sometimes show the wrong option on which side to delete files (64)
20.10.23 Fixed: Get directory sizes didn't work correctly on Windows 9x/ME (no recursion into subdirectories (32)
20.10.23 Fixed: Drive bar, flat icons disabled, dark mode, while drive dropdown list disabled: The panel border for the label, free and total space could overlap the position of the vertical bar (32/64)
20.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: The function was getting enabled by mistake when entering an archive within an archive with SyncChangeDirMode=1 (or 2 or 4 added to it) (32/64)


Titel: Broot 1.27.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 Oktober, 2023, 20:40
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    the apply_to verb filter accepts new values: text_file and binary_file. Broot users editing files in their terminal (vi, emacs, etc.) should configure broot to open their text editor on enter: see https://dystroy.org/broot/tricks/#change-standard-file-opening
    small breaking change: :stage_all_files now stages also symlinks - Fix #606
    new {git-root} verb argument - Fix 760 - Thanks @9999years
    fix a freeze on windows when launching a search with -c - Thanks @3tilley
    fix automatic preview pattern not escaping spaces and colons - Fix #778


Titel: Q-Dir 11.44
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2023, 17:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Wieder diverse Korrekturen und Anpassungen unter Windows 10 und 11
• Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien im Quad-Datei-Explorer Q-Dir

Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC5
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 Oktober, 2023, 19:30

30.10.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 release candidate 5

30.10.23 Fixed: Button bar: Draw larger .bar dropdown overlay and synchangedir paused overlay already for button size 24 (and even larger for size 40) (32/64)
29.10.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When loading previously saved settings, remove any exclamation marks from buttons "duplicates" and "singles" (32/64)
27.10.23 Fixed: Dark mode, quick search with search dialog: Label "Search" had wrong size when using a custom DPI value in Configuration - Options - Font (64)
27.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: In button bar, show tiny "pause" overlay in bottom right instead of big yellow "pause" overlay while the function is suspended (SyncChangeDirMode=5) (32/64)
26.10.23 Fixed: Unrar.dll 7.0 beta was crashing when called from Total Commander (because it was using uninitialized fields in RARHeaderDataEx) (32/64)
26.10.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: Going up one level with backspace with SyncChangeDirMode=1 or 3 didn't keep the function enabled (32/64)
26.10.23 Fixed: Commands - Volume label: Disable Cancel button while asking for administrative rights (32/64)
26.10.23 Fixed: Compare by content, previous difference within a line (Shift+F2): Don't repeat beep for 1 second when nothing is found, otherwise no beep may be played at all (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 25.10
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 November, 2023, 21:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Matching Breadcrumb Bars. You can now match the colors of the breadcrumb bar to the custom colors of the selected tab. Extending the color of the tab to the breadcrumb bar makes a bold visual statement and is a welcome clue in poor lighting conditions.
Multi-Column Matching. File list filtering can now match a given pattern against three columns (Name, Comment, Tags) at once. Nothing can hide from you anymore.
Serial Rename with Up and Down Keys. Improved algorithm. Now it better supports work at the end of filenames of different lengths. And that’s where you usually work when updating serialized or dated names.
Speed and Robustness. Improved performance for large file operations. Jobs with up to millions of items run smoothly, quickly, and reliably.


Titel: WinSetView 2.77
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 November, 2023, 19:40
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source


    Bug Fix: Fixed issue on Windows 7 x64 that caused an error with the Change column order feature.
    Enhancement: Now displays an error message if VBScript.dll has been disabled or uninstalled.
    Enhancement: Now fully compatible with PowerShell running in Constrained Language Mode.
    Enhancement: An irrelevant error message, that showed in the console only for a new user, is now suppressed.


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.5 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2023, 17:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    ADD: TFileSystemWatcher.Features function
    FIX: Cannot extract symbolic links from ZIP archives (fixes #1332)
    FIX: Cannot extract symbolic links from ZIP archives (fixes #1332)
    UPD: Unrar - Language files
    ADD: Unrar 7 support
    UPD: mbReadFileToString function
    ADD: DialogAPI - MsgChoiceBox and DialogBoxParam functions


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2023, 19:50
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Rounded the corners on the file area by @yaira2 in #13003
    Feature: Added support for renaming network drives by @hishitetsu in #13050
    Feature: Updated tag icon on the settings page by @yaira2 in #13059
    Feature: Updated icons in the Tag column in the Details layout by @yaira2 in #13060
    Feature: Added "open all" when right clicking a tag in the sidebar by @ferrariofilippo in #12991
    Feature: Added a Command Palette by @hishitetsu in #12977
    Feature: Added support for canceling tab tear off by @yaira2 in #13642
    Feature: Added support for elevated file operations by @gave92 in #13043
    Feature: Highlight search string in the command palette by @hishitetsu in #13095
    Feature: Auto refresh after adding items if no directory watcher is available by @hishitetsu in #13068
    Feature: Repurpose Ctrl+Shift+N shortcut to create new folder by @kworede582 in #13505
    Feature: Updated the design for startup settings by @heftymouse in #13503
    Feature: Added support for copying multiple item paths together by @hecksmosis in #13546
    Feature: Added speed graph to the status center by @0x5bfa in #13359
    Feature: Disabled keyboard shortcuts when renaming items by @ferrariofilippo in #13118
    Feature: Added support for opening shortcut files as another user by @ferrariofilippo in #13131
    Feature: Display keyboard shortcuts in the right click menu by @ferrariofilippo in #13120
    Feature: Automatically update items when the date changes by @hishitetsu in #13119
    Feature: Scroll to the selected file when using "Open file location" by @ferrariofilippo in #13133
    Feature: Close all notification banners except in progress before sleep by @hishitetsu in #13264
    Feature: Added TextBlock for read only properties by @yaira2 in #13278
    Feature: Localized the theme names by @yaira2 in #13279
    Feature: What's new popup by @yaira2 in #13269
    Feature: Updated the design of the Tags section in the Details Pane by @yaira2 in #13138
    Feature: Removed margin when using the Compact Spacing option by @yaira2 in #13145
    Feature: Increased the default width of the Git status column by @yaira2 in #13168
    Feature: Updated the design of the home page headers by @0x5bfa in #13053
    Feature: Display error message when transferring files that are too large for FAT32 by @ferrariofilippo in #13137
    Feature: Show BitLocker options in main menu for drives by @ferrariofilippo in #13142
    Feature: Redesigned the left hand sidebar by @chingucoding in #13052
    Feature: Lazy load Git properties for better performance by @hishitetsu in #13211
    Feature: Display prompt when running Files as admin by @yaira2 in #13221
    Feature: Load network icon instead of a folder icon by @yaira2 in #13226
    Feature: Added an option to keep Files running in the background for quicker startup time by @hishitetsu in #13236
    Feature: Redesigned the app icon by @yaira2 in #13247
    Feature: Removed chevron from last item in the path bar by @0x5bfa in #13246
    Feature: Display custom icon when Files is the registered handler for archives by @yaira2 in #13327
    Feature: Added support for previewing Office files by @gave92 in #13096
    Feature: Added support for additional archive formats by @yaira2 in #13298
    Feature: Added support to switch between items using arrow keys in the conflicts dialog by @ferrariofilippo in #13357
    Feature: Added support for formatting drives from the properties window by @ferrariofilippo in #13173
    Feature: Added support for opening Git root in VS Code by @yaira2 in #13498
    Feature: Added support for unblocking downloaded files by @hishitetsu in #13504
    Feature: Added file operation support for FTP by @NicoooByte in #13362
    Feature: Increased the text box height when renaming items in the tiles layout by @KlenAr313 in #13114
    Feature: Added Support for Proton Drive by @nephi-duff in #13401
    Feature: Improve tab icon resolution by @yaira2 in #13431
    Feature: Updated strings by @yaira2 in #13432
    Build(deps): Bump DirectNCore from to by @dependabot in #13521
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Windows.CsWinRT from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 by @dependabot in #13525
    Build(deps): Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.2.1 to 8.2.2 by @dependabot in #13580
    Build(deps): Bump LiveChartsCore.SkiaSharpView.WinUI from 2.0.0-beta.701 to 2.0.0-rc1.2 by @dependabot in #13558
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.12 to 7.0.13 by @dependabot in #13576
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.3.230602002 to 1.3.230724000 by @dependabot in https://github.com/files-
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.PInvoke.DwmApi from 3.4.16 to 3.4.17 by @dependabot in #13534
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Shell from 3.4.16 to 3.4.17 by @dependabot in #13535
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Extensions from 3.4.16 to 3.4.17 by @dependabot in #13536
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.16 to 3.4.17 by @dependabot in #13537
    Build(deps): Bump Axe.Windows from 2.1.3 to 2.2.0 by @dependabot in #13127
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Extensions from 3.4.15 to 3.4.16 by @dependabot in #13151
    Build(deps): Bump WinUIEx from 2.1.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot in #13377
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.4.230822000 to 1.4.230913002 by @dependabot in #13403
    Build(deps): Bump Axe.Windows from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0 by @dependabot in #13355
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.10 to 7.0.11 by @dependabot in #13361
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.PInvoke.DwmApi from 3.4.15 to 3.4.16 by @dependabot in #13295
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.1 to 17.7.2 by @dependabot in #13287
    Build(deps): Bump WinUIEx from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in #13427
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Graphics.Win2D from to 1.1.0 by @dependabot in #13435
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 by @dependabot in #13466
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3 by @dependabot in #13465
    Build(deps): Bump DirectNCore from to by @dependabot in #13493
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.11 to 7.0.12 by @dependabot in #13500
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK from 1.4.230913002 to 1.4.231008000 by @dependabot in #13501
    Build(deps): Bump WinUIEx from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2 by @dependabot in #13508
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.9 to 7.0.10 by @dependabot in #13163
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.4.15 to 3.4.16 by @dependabot in #13152
    Build(deps): Bump Vanara.Windows.Shell from 3.4.15 to 3.4.16 by @dependabot in #13153
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.6.3 to 17.7.0 by @dependabot in #13146
    Build(deps): Bump SQLitePCLRaw.bundle_green from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 by @dependabot in #13237
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.0 to 17.7.1 by @dependabot in #13208
    Code Quality: Remove Async suffix from event methods by @A-Loot in #13567
    Code Quality: Copy collections before LINQ operations in ItemViewModel by @hishitetsu in #13051
    Code Quality: Show "(multiple values)" on read-only properties by @hishitetsu in #13290
    Code Quality: Refactored context menu loading for WASDK 1.4 by @hishitetsu in #13288
    Code Quality: Disable font previews by @yaira2 in #13300
    Code Quality: Fixed A11y issues in settings dialog by @chingucoding in #13314
    Code Quality: UseCurrentScale for properties window by @yaira2 in #13301
    Code Quality: Support for browsing the contents of .lzh files by @hishitetsu in #13333
    Code Quality: Refactor Status Center code by @0x5bfa in #13276
    Code Quality: Improve the implementation of StatusCenterItemProgressModel by @hez2010 in #13370
    Code Quality: Bumped the version of WASDK in the app package by @hishitetsu in #13417
    Code Quality: Refactored tab control by @0x5bfa in #13197
    Code Quality: Fixed a typo by @hishitetsu in #13434
    Code Quality: Deleted workaround for context menu loading by @hishitetsu in #13506
    Code Quality: Fixed semaphore to change for each type of build by @hishitetsu in #13404
    Code Quality: Purge logfiles to only keep the last 100 lines by @QuaintMako in #13115
    Code Quality: Async all the way down by @nephi-duff in #13533
    Code Quality: Use TaskCompletionSource for splash screen loading by @gave92 in #13038
    Code Quality: Updated icon codes by @yaira2 in #13062
    Code Quality: Formatted XAML by @0x5bfa in #12869
    Code Quality: Fixed issue with clicking search box by @ferrariofilippo in #13158
    Code Quality: Fix XAML Binding errors in Sidebar by @chingucoding in #13254
    Code Quality: Improved quick access widget by @hishitetsu in #13252
    Code Quality: Added decorators property to the sidebar by @chingucoding in #13230
    Code Quality: Create alike RichCommands inheritance by @ferrariofilippo in #13155
    Fix: Fixed support for High Contrast themes by @yaira2 in #13026
    Fix: Fixed an issue where Git columns would cause the CPU usage to increase by @ferrariofilippo in #13028
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the theme sometimes reset to light mode by @hishitetsu in #13033
    Fix: Fixed crash that occurred when unpinning a pinned favorite by @hishitetsu in #13046
    Fix: Fixed issue where the wrong notification was displayed when opening an optical drive tray by @hishitetsu in #12992
    Fix: Fixed issue where the Details Pane didn't always display the tags section by @yaira2 in #13061
    Fix: Fixed an issue where folders in columns view couldn't be deselected by @ferrariofilippo in #12995
    Fix: Fixed freeze when right-clicking immediately after launching the app by @hishitetsu in #13094
    Fix: Restored the status icon for the ongoing tasks by @gave92 in #13097
    Fix: Fixed issue where volume labels were not displayed in the path bar by @hishitetsu in #13091
    Fix: Fixed issue where emptying Recycle Bin would freeze the app by @QuaintMako in #13108
    Fix: Fixed issue where exporting settings didn't overwrite existing files by @hishitetsu in #13110
    Fix: Fixed an issue where Git columns were incorrectly shown in search results by @QuaintMako in #13111
    Fix: Fixed support for custom fonts in the properties window by @yaira2 in #13113
    Fix: Fixed issue where files without extensions didn't display details in the Propeties Window by @hishitetsu in #13124
    Fix: Fixed an issue where an invalid Git Remote would cause a crash by @ferrariofilippo in #13058
    Fix: Fixed issue where DataGrid headers would sometimes blink when hovering over them by @yaira2 in #13128
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the file area would sometimes lose focus when opening a folder by @hishitetsu in #13130
    Fix: Fixed an issue were installing a font would freeze the app by @mafra99 in #13125
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the format option was incorrectly shown by @tsurrdurr in #12444
    Fix: Fixed compact spacing alignment in the Column Layout by @yaira2 in #13144
    Fix: Fixed issue where clicking DataGrid headers didn't change the sort direction by @yaira2 in #13150
    Fix: Fixed an issue where clicking an empty space would scroll to the top of the file list by @ferrariofilippo in #13157
    Fix: Fixed issue where the back button in the Properties window wasn't working properly by @hishitetsu in #13162
    Fix: Fixed the corner radius on the drive details page by @Lukiluc29 in #13179
    Fix: Fixed issue where items in the Tags widget were not localized by @d2dyno1 in #13149
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when deleting or restoring files by @mafra99 in #13195
    Fix: Fixed issue where closing the last closed tab would open it when starting the next session by @hishitetsu in #13198
    Fix: Fixed issue where deleted items were displayed in tag search results by @hishitetsu in #13202
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when using drag & drop as admin by @QuaintMako in #13134
    Fix: Fixed taskbar behavior in full screen mode by @yaira2 in #13207
    Fix: Fixed issue where some archives wouldn't be extracted properly by @hishitetsu in #13225
    Fix: Fixed cloud icon for OneDrive work accounts by @yaira2 in #13148
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the sidebar didn't respect the custom font setting by @yaira2 in #13222
    Fix: Fixed issue where context menu icons wouldn't load in archives or FTP servers by @hishitetsu in #13238
    Fix: Fixed duplicate initialization when resuming by @hishitetsu in #13261
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the update button didn't show by @hishitetsu in #13293
    Fix: Fixed issue where textbox for renaming wouldn't disappear after losing focus by @hishitetsu in #13282
    Fix: Fixed issue where some elements couldn't be clicked on when search is focused by @hishitetsu in #13307
    Fix: Fixed issue where parameters were ignored when resuming the app by @hishitetsu in #13304
    Fix: Fixed issue where tab headers sometimes didn't match actual content by @hishitetsu in #13326
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException at launch by @hishitetsu in #13334
    Fix: Fixed issue where the "loading more" sub menu wouldn't always hide by @hishitetsu in #13336
    Fix: Fixed issue where the app didn't update after restarting when background running is on by @hishitetsu in #13339
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the selection commands weren't shown in the command palette by @HorseBandit in #13322
    Fix: Fixed issue where the path bar would display wrong location at app startup by @hishitetsu in #13342
    Fix: Fixed issue where sidebar items could be selected unexpectedly by @hishitetsu in #13366
    Fix: Fixed an issue where the context menu didn't show all shell items by @gave92 in #13388
    Fix: Fixed an issue where new files were sometimes created in the wrong directory by @hishitetsu in #13523
    Fix: Fixed crash when dragging files from Gmail by @gave92 in #13528
    Fix: Fixed an issue with admin operations not working by @gave92 in #13545
    Fix: Fixed the mini search button visual state by @yaira2 in #13571
    Fix: Added tooltip to the eject button by @0x5bfa in #13554
    Fix: Fixed an issue with opening screen saver files by @yaira2 in #13573
    Fix: Fixed issue where tab selection got stuck on the sidebar by @yaira2 in #13570
    Fix: Fixed an issue where slightly dragging a tab would create a new window by @yaira2 in #13584
    Fix: Switch focus to Files when activating window by @yaira2 in #13588
    Fix: Fixed crash when reordering sidebar favorites by @hishitetsu in #13599
    Fix: Fixed an issue where folders would open when using the selection rectangle in Columns Layout by @heftymouse in #13598
    Fix: Fixed crash in FTP folders by @gave92 in #13393
    Fix: Fixed issue where the context menu would not display properly when clicking on an inactive pane or column by @hishitetsu in #13391
    Fix: Display error when failing to initialize folder as git repo by @ferrariofilippo in #13416
    Fix: Renamed duplicate "Artist" to "Contributing Artists" in properties window by @hemalshah28 in #13447
    Fix: Fixed issue where path name wasn't visible when grouping libraries by path by @ashrafmansuri in #13409
    Fix: Fixed error when trying to open the root of WSL directories by @hishitetsu in #13497


Titel: Total Commander 11.02 RC6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2023, 21:30

06.11.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 release candidate 6

06.11.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Double clicking on "Abort" button during compare phase now tries to close the synchronize dialog as quickly as possible (32/64)
06.11.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Use same buffer size (128k) as in "Compare by content" for faster file comparison (32/64)
06.11.23 Fixed: cm_SyncChangeDir: When using InactiveFocus, two items may have the inactive focus in the target panel (the correct one plus "..") (32/64)
06.11.23 Fixed: Couldn't use backspace to go up one level to the desktop from virtual folder reached via cd ::{450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103} (32/64)
06.11.23 Fixed: unrar*.dll 6.24.0 was replacing any file system links within the target path with directories. Included new dll provided by RAR author (32/64)
05.11.23 Fixed: Synchronize dirs, multi-rename tool: The tab positions were always written to the settings file even if they didn't change (32/64)
05.11.23 Fixed: Background transfer manager: Couldn't invoke system menu with Alt+Space (32/64)
03.11.23 Fixed: When packing with cm_PackFiles with parameters, the extension of the file to be packed wasn't remembered, so packing to .ext.gz didn't work (32/64)
01.11.23 Fixed: Button bar: Changed back to smaller .bar dropdown overlay and cm_SyncChangeDir paused overlay for button size 24 (larger from 25) (32/64)
31.10.23 Fixed: Don't change ShrinkBitmap in wincmd.ini when a plugin sends WM_COMMAND with option itm_fit to Lister when already zoomed (32/64)
30.10.23 Fixed: Commands - Volume label: Disable OK button while asking for administrative rights (32/64)


Titel: XYplorer 25.10.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 November, 2023, 21:40
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 November, 2023, 17:40
Whats new:>>

    Feature: Display basic preview in Details pane by @yaira2 in #13665
    Fix: Fixed icon in light mode by @yaira2 in #13677
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur at the start of a file operation if Explorer wasn't running by @hishitetsu in #13670
    Fix: Fixed ObjectDisposedException by @hishitetsu in #13671
    Build(deps): Bump LibGit2Sharp from 0.27.2 to 0.28.0 by @dependabot in #13666
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.Runtime.Win from 2.0.1 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #13667
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0 by @dependabot in #13668

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2023, 20:45
Whats new:>>

    Feature: Added support for opening Jar archives in Files by @yaira2 in #13722
    Fix: Added tooltip when hovering over "Open in VS Code" by @William-Hiatt in #13693
    Fix: Fixed theming issue in the confirm delete dialog by @William-Hiatt in #13694
    Fix: Fixed Shell32.GetData COMException by @yaira2 in #13690
    Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when opening a large bitrate audio file by @hishitetsu in #13698
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException with DefaultDestinationFolderPath by @yaira2 in #13662
    Fix: Fixed possible crash when adding a new settings value by @hishitetsu in #13701
    Fix: Fixed crash that could occur when trying to open the settings file by @d2dyno1 in #13719
    Fix: Fixed Win32Exception in SetAsDefaultExplorerAsync by @yaira2 in #13723
    Build(deps): Bump WinUIEx from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 by @dependabot in #13731

Titel: Total Commander 11.02 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 November, 2023, 21:30

09.11.23 Release Total Commander 11.02 official release

09.11.23 Fixed: Button bar: Overlays for .bar dropdown and paused cm_SynchangeDir too low in classic theme with "XP style" checked. Also move 1 pixel higher on buttons >=30x30 (32/64)
08.11.23 Fixed: Button bar: Overlays for .bar dropdown and paused cm_SynchangeDir too big on larger buttons >40x40, use new medium sized icon for 48x48 and largest only for 64x64 (32/64)
07.11.23 Fixed: New zip packer with libdeflate: Update progress bars more often when packing smaller files (32/64)


Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 November, 2023, 07:10

    Feature: Added Ctrl+ Shift+ I shortcut to create new item by @yaira2 in #13756
    Fix: Handle format exception raised by Convert.ToInt32 by @dragoni7 in #13749
    Fix: Disable copy path action when no items are selected by @yaira2 in #13755
    Fix: Fixed issue with viewing folder details by @yaira2 in #13758
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException with OpenPropertiesWindow by @yaira2 in #13748
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException with SetSelectedPathOrNavigate by @hishitetsu in #13766
    Fix: Fixed possible crash when adding files and folders by @hishitetsu in #13770
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException with ColumnViewBase.EndRename by @yaira2 in #13771
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in OpenDirectoryInNewTabAction by @yaira2 in #13769
    Fix: Fixed issue where opening properties would download OneDrive files by @yaira2 in #13714
    Code Quality: Update dependencies by @yaira2 in #13782
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.7.2 to 17.8.0 by @dependabot in #13762


Titel: Multi Commander 13.3.0 Build 2962 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2023, 19:30
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    ADDED - CustomCommand MC.BackupConfig / MC.RestoreConfig
    FIXED - Prevent foldertree from adding virtual link items if they already exists
    FIXED - Drag and Drop will now always deelect when copy/move operation starts
    FIXED - Drag and drop will remeber the selection it had, so they can be retrieved with NumKey+*
    FIXED - Crash if MultiScript Debug window, If it was closed before script was done
    FIXED - 3 Stability issues


Titel: Broot 1.28.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 November, 2023, 19:50
Whats new:>>

    Fix a regression in handling of rooted gitignore patterns.


    Left and right keys bound to verbs can be used when the input isn't empty, if they would have no effect to the input
    Default_flags now accept long parameters, including --cmd - Fix #790
    Gitignore: fix relative patterns with several tokens - Fix #782

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 November, 2023, 09:10
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Fixed crash when opening the status center

Titel: Files
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 November, 2023, 08:20

    Fix: Always set content dialog root by @yaira2 in #13859
    Fix: Fixed issue where exporting settings didn't work by @hishitetsu in #13878
    Fix: Fixed issue where changing column widths would set the width of hidden columns to zero by @hishitetsu in #13879
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in MainPageViewModel.UpdateInstancePropertiesAsync by @hishitetsu in #13900
    Fix: Fixed potential crash when restoring from Recycle Bin by @yaira2 in #13902
    Build(deps): Bump System.IO.Hashing from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0 by @dependabot in #13888
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 7.0.13 to 8.0.0 by @dependabot in #13887
    Build(deps): Bump Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0 by @dependabot in #13886
    Build(deps): Bump System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow from 7.0.0 to 8.0.0 by @dependabot in #13885
    Code Quality: Improved app startup routine 2 - Checkpoint 1 by @d2dyno1 in #13854
    Code Quality: Refactor preview/info pane phase 1 by @yaira2 in #13895


Titel: Double Commander 1.1.6 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 November, 2023, 08:30
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    FIX: Number of different files not updated during the directory comparisom
    ADD: FTP - OpenSSL 3 support
    UPD: Synapse library


Titel: Icaros Shell Extensions 3.3.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 November, 2023, 20:20
Icaros Shell Extensions is a Windows Shell Extension designed to help you easily add thumbnails for essentially any video media file type supported by the LAV Source Splitter.

Upon installation, and with 1st use of the application, if you simple click 'Activate Icaros', it will default to thumbnailing MKV's (10bit files too) and OGM files. It is capable of thumbnailing just about any file by adding its extension(s) to the optional file types box and re-activating Icaros.



- Added partial support for HEIF/HEIC thumbnailing
- Added support for parsing iTunes tags in MOV/MP4 files (Make, Model and GPS)
- Added support for parsing the Keywords, Director and Producer tags in MKV
- Fixed not being able to set the Icaros Cache location on a FAT, FAT32 or ExFAT drive
- Fixed failing to read properties of certain MOV/MP4 files
- Fixed wrong duration and bitrate showing for OGG-Opus/Opus files
- Fixed long path files not working when debugging with 'Properties via Explorer'
- Fixed 'Max Cache Size' or 'Min Free Space' not working in the Indexer immediately after setting
- Added Russian installer localization (Thank you ???????? and Ligre! ^__^)
- Updated French localization (Thank you rico.sos! ^__^)
- Replaced Flattr with Ko-fi donation link
- Updated LibDav1d to 1.3.0
- Updated GCC
- Updated FFmpeg


Titel: Broot 1.29.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2023, 17:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    terminal_title option in configuration - Fix #794
    :toggle_tree internal and --tree and --no-tree launch flags (experimental, feedback welcome) - Fix #670 - Thanks @eldad
    {git-name} verb argument


Titel: XYplorer 25.20.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 November, 2023, 20:50
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    Overall Spacing. Now you can fine-tune the overall spacing (or airiness, or density) of the main window. Do you want to see as much information as you can squeeze in, or do you prefer a more relaxed layout with larger click targets?
    Dual Locations. Full support for dual locations allows you to open new folders in both panes with a single click, filter both panes with a single click, perform searches in both panes with a single click, and add the combined locations of both panes to your Favorites list. If you use dual panes, this is what you have been waiting for.
    Highlight the Other Path. Now you can color code the path of the inactive pane in the folder tree. It can be useful to know what’s on the other side and where it is.
    Many Other Improvements.


Titel: XYplorer 25.20.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 November, 2023, 09:30

    Overall Spacing:

    Now you can fine-tune the overall spacing (or airiness, or density) of the main window. Do you want to see as much information as you can squeeze in, or do you prefer a more relaxed layout with larger click targets?
    You can find the setting here: Configuration | Colors and Styles | Styles | Overall spacing.
    And here is what it does. All three screenshots show the same tree and list, only the density is different.

    Dual Locations:

    Full support for dual locations allows you to open new folders in both panes with a single click, filter both panes with a single click, perform searches in both panes with a single click, and add the combined locations of both panes to your Favorites list. If you use dual panes, this is what you have been waiting for.
    Here, a favorite has been defined as a dual location, kind of a dual favorite.

    Highlight the Other Path:

    Now you can color code the path of the inactive pane in the folder tree. It can be useful to know what’s on the other side and where it is.
    The Color Filter T:dir:<otherpath>


Titel: XYplorer 25.30.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 Dezember, 2023, 11:20

    Rounded Corners:

    Labels and color filters now optionally look slicker.
    For labels, you can toggle the setting at Configuration | Information | Tags | Rounded, for Color Filters at Configuration | Colors and Styles | Color Filters | Draw background colors as rounded rectangles.

    Soft Labels:

    Now you can use the label column as a link to any of the other tag columns. For example, you can display your rating stars here.

    Color-Code Path Length:

    You can now color-code items in the folder tree and file list according to their path length. Useful if you work with long, deep paths and need shell compatibility.
    The Windows shell and many applications may refuse to work properly when confronted with path lengths > 259 characters. It is nice to be able to see right away when such problems are approaching.

    TGA Image Preview:

    Now you can natively preview and thumbnail TGA with transparency without the need for a third-party codec.


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 16.18.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Dezember, 2023, 19:50
Conveniently preview and manage files and folders of your system from your computer's desktop with the help of this Eletron-based wrapper of Cloud Commander, a comprehensive web file manager.

MIT License


    cloudcmd: markdown-it v14.0.0
    cloudcmd: philip v3.0.0: decrease bundle size
    client: move out set-current


Titel: Multi Commander 13.3.0 Build 2969
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Dezember, 2023, 18:10
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    Mostly stability fixes

13.3.0 Build 2968 Beta

    Can now add favorites from the favorites popup menu
    FolderTree now shows virtual folders in the root of the tree
    MC will tell windows to now go into sleep mode if copy/move operation is active
    Quick search should now support special language characters better
    15 Stability Issues


Titel: File Explorer (PE)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2023, 17:10
A simple and dual explorer for Windows that allows you to browse all the drives, folders and files on your computer, even in a WinPE environment .


Titel: Cloud Commander Desktop 17.0.0 npm
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2023, 18:20


    154e3b0 cloudcmd: find-up v7.0.0
    A02d288 cloudcmd: @putout/babel v2.0.0
    3314f9b drop support of node < 18
    A6afa20 cloudcmd: supertape v9.0.0
    E600c05 cloudcmd: eslint-plugin-putout v22.0.0
    99c0095 cloudcmd: madrun v10.0.0
    Afdf743 cloudcmd: putout v34.0.7


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 6226
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Dezember, 2023, 19:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: Broot 1.30.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Dezember, 2023, 21:50

Nushell script: replace the deprecated def-env with def --env - Thanks @melMass


    :trash internal - I'd like feedback on this one - Fix #799
    Solve symlinks on :panel_right to display the dest path and the dest filesystem - Fix #804
    :panel_right on a directory now removes the filter
    More '~' expansion in verb arguments


Titel: Total Commander 11.03 RC 6
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2024, 21:30

    Fixed: The uninstaller would always remove desktop icons even when option was unchecked (32/64)
    Fixed: The uninstaller didn't remove the file TOTALCMDCHW (created by the help system, only if the Totalcmd directory was writable) (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP log list and log file: Line starting with "Deleted (delete date)" used wrong encoding for names when not using Ansi (32/64)
    Fixed: External RAR unpacker: Could not unpack directories containing spaces from a subdirectory (32/64)
    Fixed: Clicking on a groupbox (or button which cannot be focused) would put the focus on it although it was set to "no tabstop", which can cause dialog elements to disappear after Alt+Tab (64)
    Fixed: Create new text file (Shift+F4) in archives no longer worked (32/64)
    Fixed: Synchronize dirs: While copying, the total bytes copied display was wrong when using "Verify" (32/64)
    Fixed: List of open tabs (Ctrl+Shift+A): Quick search not working without * at the start when showing whole paths (should search in just the last path part without "*") (32/64)
    Fixed: FTP log list (in FTP toolbar) and log file: Line starting with startdir= used wrong encoding when not using Ansi (32/64)


Titel: Files 3.2.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2024, 21:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Feature: Added a notification when the app goes to the background for the first time by @hishitetsu in #14673
    Feature: Added a prompt when failing to rename items requiring additional permissions by @ferrariofilippo in #14669
    Fix: Fixed issue where switching directory while renaming item wouldn't cancel rename by @hishitetsu in #14676
    Fix: Fixed high contrast support in menu flyouts by @0x5bfa in #14664
    Fix: Fixed COMException in HandleLocationItemDroppedAsync by @hishitetsu in #14680
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in InvertSelectionAction by @hishitetsu in #14681
    Fix: Fixed ArgumentException in ContextMenu by @hishitetsu in #14689
    Fix: Fixed issue where the path bar on the home page was not translated by @hishitetsu in #14694
    Fix: Fixed issue where exe icons were sometimes small by @yaira2 in #14700
    Fix: Fixed InvalidOperationException when removing page from BackStack by @yaira2 in #14698
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in Item_Opening by @yaira2 in #14699
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in DirectoryInfoUpdated by @hishitetsu in #14720
    Fix: Fixed issue where icon overlays were cached by @yaira2 in #14727
    Code Quality: Updated Windows App SDK to 1.4.5 by @hishitetsu in #14728
    Code Quality: Improved Widget code by @0x5bfa in #14458
    Code Quality: Update dependencies by @hishitetsu in #14693
    Code Quality: Refactor IncreaseLayoutSize by @yaira2 in #14677
    Code Quality: Improved performance of Git operations by @hishitetsu in #14688
    Code Quality: Differentiate between icon size & icon height by @yaira2 in #14713
    Code Quality: Transition Sidebar and Tabs away from LoadIconFromPathAsync by @yaira2 in #14701


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.16
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2024, 21:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Countermeasures for the issue where the ability to open with Explorer from Tablacus Explorer was incorrect #718
    Adjusted menu loading based on ccfs's patch.
    Restored "System.StorageProviderState" check for cloud judgment
    I was unable to install SharePoint, so if anyone knows the registry information, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

Titel: XYplorer 25.50.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 16 Februar, 2024, 22:10
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



Minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.17 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Februar, 2024, 19:20
Whats new:>>

    Adjusted the issue where separators such as toolbars were doubled #717
    Fixed an issue where the window would open when dragged and dropped into the options window in WebView2 version.
    Reverted the setting where "Run" could not be selected (or removed) at the base of the options menu.

Titel: Files 3.2.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2024, 10:10
Whats new:>>

Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when clicking an item in the Tags widget by @hishitetsu in #14745
Fix: Fixed crash that would occur when navigating folders continuously in a short period of time by @hishitetsu in #14744
Fix: Fixed COMException loop due to failure to generate notification by @hishitetsu in #14754
Fix: Fixed ArgumentException when wrong color was specified by @hishitetsu in #14751
Fix: Fixed InvalidOperationException in ColumnsLayoutPage by @hishitetsu in #14746
New Crowdin updates by @yaira2 in #14756

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.18 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Februar, 2024, 19:30
Whats new:>>

    Some fixes (Backup recommended)

    In the WebView 2 version, we have implemented a bug to fix the issue where the window opens after dragging and dropping it to the options window, and we have fixed the issue where the icons are strange while dragging to Tab Plus.

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.10 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 Februar, 2024, 08:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


This the bugfix release addressing known problems in 1.1.9 release.
Read the latest release changelog (https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.1.x?since=2024-01-15&until=2024-02-16) for more details about fixed bugs.


Titel: Total Commander 11.03 Final
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Februar, 2024, 19:50
Whats new:>>

19.02.24 Fixed: Larger buttons in Configuration - Options - Edit/View (needed for some languages) (32/64)
19.02.24 Fixed: F5 copy, overwrite confirmation, external compare tool set via Comparetool=program: Using shift to open internal compare tool only worked with Ctrl+F3, not via button "More options" -> "Compare" (32/64)
16.02.24 Fixed: Colors by file type: When changing an entry via "Edit" - "Define..." and then saving it, the current item in the "Specify file type" dialog could jump to another entry starting with part of the same name (32/64)
15.02.24 Fixed: cm_Edit with parameter /CGL0N="<[P].txt" didn't work correctly (some placeholders like name or path couldn't be handled) (32/64)

Titel: Files 3.2.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 22 Februar, 2024, 08:20
Whats new:>>

Serviced the update pipeline for the sideload version

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.23 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 Februar, 2024, 22:30
Whats new:>>

    Adjusting the ExplorerBrowser filter
    Tooltips may remain, so they are deleted when the software is no longer active.
    I tried to restore the function to make it semi-transparent at startup.
    Of the event DeviceChangedI also passed wParam and lParam as arguments.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 18:50
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    (New) Convert Image Format: new tool to convert the format and/or size of the selected image files. The supported image files are BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF.
    (Improvement) Copy Content to Clipboard: now it also works with image files. The supported formats are BMP, JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF.
    (Improvement) Calculate and verify checksum: added a button to copy the checksum to the Clipboard.
    (Fixed) Synchronize folders: the folders were not deleted in some circumstances.
    (Fixed) Fixed some minor bugs.


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.24 Pre-release
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 20:00
Whats new:>>

Adjustment for error message issue.

Titel: Broot 1.34.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 Februar, 2024, 22:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source


    New --verb-output launch argument, dedicated to the new :clear_output and :write_output internals
    Verb sequences (based on cmd) can take arguments from the verb invocation
    Don't fail launch in case of bad verb configuration, more helpful error message in such case
    Faster kitty image rendering by default
    {file-git-relative} verb argument
    Modify nushell function import: use instead of source
    Fix some resizing and flickering problems on Windows (appeared with 1.33.0)
    Write installed flag file on --install


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.25
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 09:50
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Polish adjustment #727

Titel: Q-Dir 11.48
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 Februar, 2024, 19:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen in den Adressleisten und Navigationsbereich
• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen um Quad-Datei-Explorer

Titel: XYplorer 25.60.0000
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 März, 2024, 09:40
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Release Notes: https://www.xyplorer.com/release_25.60.php

Titel: Broot 1.35.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 März, 2024, 09:20
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Nerdfont icon theme - Fix #333

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.2.27
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 März, 2024, 22:30
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Polish adjustment #729
    I stopped starting in semi-transparent mode after all #728
    When selecting a folder from the tree, the focus is returned to the tree.
    Adjusting the tree filter (adding TreeHiddenFilter)
    Tree-related adjustments (Expand)

Titel: XYplorer 25.60.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 März, 2024, 21:30
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.


Titel: DiskInternals Linux Reader 4.20.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 März, 2024, 10:10
DiskInternals Linux Reader provides several disk management tools in an easy-to-use interface. Most notably it includes a tool for reading disks formatted to to a variety of file systems for Mac and Linux, as well as virtual disks from VMware, VirtualBox, VirtualPC, and Parallels (VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDS), as well as a disk image creator. The interface includes a disk usage window, basic file search, and a preview option for pictures and text.

Can create disk images (.img and .dsk), including boot sector. Filesystems supported include:

    ReiserFS, Reiser4
    HFS, HFS+ (Mac OS)
    FAT, exFAT
    NTFS, ReFS (next-gen Windows filesystem)


Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2024, 19:40
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    (Fixed) Convert Image Format: the progress bar was not working when converting image files into a folder.
    (Fixed) When resizing some windows, the buttons on the right side were displayed incorrectly.
    (Fixed) Fixed some minor bugs.


Titel: Broot 1.36.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 09 März, 2024, 21:10
Whats new:>>

    Releases at github should be more cargo binstall friendly - Thanks
    Improved --help
    New :stage_all_directories interna
    :print_tree is one line shorter, so as to let the original shell command visible without scroll
    Fix and document the "kitty-csi-check" optional feature which can be enabled at compilation

Titel: Broot 1.36.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2024, 15:20
Whats new:>>

Fix ANSI code leaking to the input on start on Mac - Fix #854

Titel: OneCommander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 März, 2024, 22:20
OneCommander lets you access a highly advanced and sophisticated file management tool that offers a modern and intuitive user interface.

Freemium (Free for home use. )


 Taskmaster 0.2.1 (in Alt+Drag) improvements. Please report if you notice any issues
 Rename related improvements for Windows issue with freezing. New default is 'Workaround 1' from Settings????Advanced. Your defaults didn't change, but if you ever experienced freezing on rename, please change this option.
 Educational institution licensing improvements
 Small bugfixes


Titel: Symlink Creator 1.2.7
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2024, 20:45
Symlink Creator gives you a GUI app that allows you to create multiple symlinks (symbolic links) at once using the mklink command. Symbolic links create shortcuts to other files or folders on your computer.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Multi-select folder browser (fixes #16 )

Titel: XYplorer 25.70
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 März, 2024, 22:10
Release Notes: https://www.xyplorer.com/release_25.70.php

Titel: Files 3.2.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 13 März, 2024, 08:40
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3

Whats new:>>

Updated our deployment pipeline, as a result of this change, you'll be required to uninstall and then reinstall the sideload version.

Titel: XYplorer 25.70.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 März, 2024, 23:00
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Files 3.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 März, 2024, 08:50

    Feature: Added slider to control item size by @yaira2 in #14719
    Feature: Add icon sizes to the layout flyout by @yaira2 in #14834
    Feature: Update layout size selection state by @yaira2 in #14845
    Feature: Added tooltips to Layout Picker by @0x5bfa in #14852
    Feature: Updated layout icons in the toolbar by @yaira2 in #14846
    Feature: Replaced string "Layout mode" with "Layout" for simplicity by @0x5bfa in #14847
    Feature: Created new "Layout" settings page by @yaira2 in #14912
    Feature: Added a header to the home page by @0x5bfa in #14864
    Feature: Renamed "Favorites" section to "Pinned" by @0x5bfa in #14862
    Feature: Added shimmer animation when loading icons by @yaira2 in #14905
    Feature: Restore tabs when Files process is closed incorrectly by @yaira2 in #14795
    Feature: Added Discord link to About page by @hishitetsu in #14821
    Feature: Added support for opening and extracting mrpack files by @yaira2 in #14942
    Feature: Removed web shortcut icon placeholder by @yaira2 in #14913
    Fix: Use correct DPI settings when requesting icons by @yaira2 in #14779
    Fix: Fixed SocketException in GitHelpers.RequireGitAuthenticationAsync by @hishitetsu in #14769
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in Item_Opening by @hishitetsu in #14784
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in CloseTab by @hishitetsu in #14783
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in ShareItemsAsync by @hishitetsu in #14782
    Fix: Fixed NullReferenceException in DuplicateSelectedTabAction.ExecuteAsync by @hishitetsu in #14789
    Fix: Fixed issue where item selection didn't work properly the List View layout by @hishitetsu in #14800
    Fix: Fixed an issue where pin/unpin string is not shown by @0x5bfa in #14869
    Fix: Fixed issue where copy and paste out of archive file didn't work by @hishitetsu in #14829
    Fix: Fixed issue where hashes weren't able to calculate by @hishitetsu in #14832
    Fix: Fixed issue where some files failed to load properties by @hishitetsu in #14850
    Fix: Fixed issue where tabs weren't restored when resuming from the background by @yaira2 in #14857
    Fix: Fixed issue where Open with and Send to submenus didn't appear properly in Widgets by @hishitetsu in #14879
    Fix: Prompt for credentials when a network share access is denied by @nmangue in #14904
    Fix: Save tab list on path change by @yaira2 in #14874
    Fix: Fixed localization issue in the Layout Picker by @0x5bfa in #14883
    Fix: Fixed an issue with drag and dropping items onto .ahk files by @lunathanael in #14895
    Fix: Fixed issue where items couldn't be dropped from 7-zip by @hishitetsu in #14918
    Fix: Fixed an issue where video bitrate was displayed in plain text by @0x5bfa in #14932
    Fix: Fixed issue where window wasn't always brought to foreground by @0x5bfa in #14917
    Fix: Fixed issue where loading thumbnails sometimes took very long time by @hishitetsu in #14950
    Fix: Fixed issue where drag and drop from Edge didn't work by @hishitetsu in #14976
    Code Quality: Icon improvements by @yaira2 in #14792
    Code Quality: Improve icon code for recent items by @yaira2 in #14805
    Code Quality: Replaced icon height & size constants with enums by @0x5bfa in #14809
    Code Quality: Renamed user control class names by @0x5bfa in #14810
    Code Quality: Fix column layout sizing by @yaira2 in #14822
    Code Quality: Improved compatibility mode classes by @0x5bfa in #14473
    Code Quality: Updated dependencies by @hishitetsu in #14876
    Code Quality: Remove thumbnail cache to simplify logic and improve performance by @yaira2 in #14871
    Code Quality: Remove embedded Package.appinstaller by @yaira2 in #14908
    Code Quality: Changed asynchronous logic for loading icons by @hishitetsu in #14925
    Code Quality: Added empty view models of Widgets by @0x5bfa in #14922
    GitHub: Fixed typo in code quality template by @lunathanael in #14924
    Code Quality: Update license year by @0x5bfa in #14933
    Code Quality: Merged all Win32 helpers into single class by @0x5bfa in #14947
    Code Quality: Added workaround for open with icon to display correctly by @hishitetsu in #14962


Titel: WinSetView 2.93
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 März, 2024, 12:50
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Bug fix: Windows 10 Explorer on Windows 11 now remembers its window size and position.

Titel: XYplorer 25.80
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 März, 2024, 09:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.



    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release:
  +++ Multi-Row Toolbar. Now you can have as many toolbar rows as you want. And you can
      show and hide less frequently used extra rows of buttons with a single keystroke of
      your choice.
  +++ Dark Mode Color Tint. Now you can choose from 360 available colors to add a nice
      tint to your darkness.
  +++ Rename With Live Feedback. Now you can get live feedback as you type in the rename
      box. You can see if the current name is legal, already taken, longer than 259
      characters, good to go. A valuable time and hassle saver.
  +++ Encoding In Tooltip. Now you can display the encoding (Ascii, UTF-8, UTF-8 BOM,
      UTF-16LE, etc.) of the hovered file in the tooltip.
  +++ Many Other Improvements.


Titel: Windows File Manager (WinFile)
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 25 März, 2024, 15:10
Windows File Manager (WinFile) is a throwback to the original XP-style Windows File Manager that includes augmentations that allow it to accommodate all OS.

License: Open Source


    This release includes changes from the past year. Highlights include:

    Ability to launch Administrator command prompt or Explorer in a directory
    More entries in the Goto dialog, and ability to Page Up/Page Down through the list
    Resizable dialogs throughout
    Symbolic links are visually distinguished using <SYMLINK>
    Translation improvements
    Can launch the Store version from the command line
    Refresh is more thorough
    Can specify an initial directory when opening Winfile
    Source and tooling improvements, including an ability to target Windows XP


Titel: Q-Dir 11.49
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 18:50
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Verbesserungen und Feinabstimmung im Navigationsbereich und den Adressleisten
• Allgemeine Korrekturen und kleine Feinabstimmungen um Quad-Datei-Explorer

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.3.26
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 März, 2024, 20:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    Polish adjustment #738
    Adjusting the processing when extracting a string from a string that has been converted into an ItemIDList

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.3.28
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 28 März, 2024, 21:50
Whats new:>>

    Some fix (Backup recommended):

    api.DrawTextin DT_MODIFYSTRINGAdjusted to use
    Fixed an issue where AVIF files could not be decoded when trying to open them if AV1 Video Extension was not installed on Windows 10.
    You can now use Susie plugin etc. when decoding is not possible.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.51
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 30 März, 2024, 21:20
Whats new:>>

• Bugfix: Sinnlose Meldung beim Löschen vor der Löschbestätigung im Quad-Datei-Explorer für Windows
Durchgeführte Verbesserungen haben ein Problem behoben, bei dem sinnlose Meldungen vor der Löschbestätigung im Quad-Datei-Explorer für Windows angezeigt wurden. Nun wird die Benutzererfahrung durch eine reibungslose Löschfunktion optimiert.

• Allgemeine Optimierung und Aktualisierung der Sprachdateien in Q-Dir
Neben allgemeinen Optimierungen wurden die Sprachdateien in Q-Dir aktualisiert, um eine konsistente und benutzerfreundliche Erfahrung für alle Benutzer sicherzustellen. Diese Aktualisierung trägt dazu bei, die Anpassungsfähigkeit und Zugänglichkeit der Software zu verbessern.

Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 31 März, 2024, 19:30
OneCommander lets you access a highly advanced and sophisticated file management tool that offers a modern and intuitive user interface.

Freemium (Free for home use. )


    Taskmaster is an option now as a default file operation handler
    Taskmaster 0.5 with many improvements
    Small improvements related to error messages
    Replaced Silkscreen font with Segoe UI for tiny text, fixes some overlaps and few other small visual imperfections


Titel: LF - Terminal File Manager r32
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2024, 11:20
lf (as in "list files") is a terminal file manager written in Go. It is heavily inspired by ranger with some missing and extra features. Some of the missing features are deliberately omitted since they are better handled by external tools.

License: Open Source


    (Breaking) The example script etc/lfcd.cmd is updated to use the -print-last-dir option instead of -last-dir-path (#1444) (by @atahrijouti and @joelim-work). Similar changes have been made for etc/lfcd.ps1 (#1491) (by @alunegov), etc/lfcd.fish (#1503) (by @postsolar), and etc/lfcd.nu (#1575) (by @ZennoZenith).
    (Breaking) The documentation from lf -doc and the doc command is now generated from Markdown using pandoc (#1474) (by @gokcehan).
    (New) A new option hidecursorinactive is added to hide the cursor when the terminal is not focused (#965) (by @laktak).
    (New) A new special command on-redraw is added to be able to run a command when the screen is redrawn or when the terminal is resized (#1479) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) Options cutfmt, copyfmt and selectfmt are added to configure the indicator color for cut/copied/selected files respectively (#1540) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) zsh completion is added for the lfcd command (#1564) (by @postsolar).
    (New) The file stat information now falls back to displaying user/group ID if looking up the user/group name fails (#1590) (by @jantatje).
    (New) A new environment variable lf_mode is now exported to indicate which mode lf is currently running in (#1594) (by @joelim-work).
    (New) Default icons are added for Docker Compose files (#1626) (by @nuckle).
    (Fix) Default value of rulerfmt option is now left-padded with spaces to visually separate it from the file stat information (#1437) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Previews should now work for files containing lines with 65536 characters or more (#1447) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Sixel previews should now work when using lfcd scripts (#1451) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Colors and icons should now display properly for character device files (#1469) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) The selection file is now immediately synced to physical storage after writing to it (#1480) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Timestamps are preserved when moving files across devices (#1482) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Fix crash for high and low commands when scrolloff is set to a large value (#1504) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Documentation is updated with various spelling and grammar fixes (#1518) (by @hankertrix).
    (Fix) Files beginning with a dot (e.g. .gitignore) are named correctly after paste if another file with the same name already exists (#1525) (by @joshuali925).
    (Fix) Prevent potential race condition when sorting directory contents (#1526) (by @Michael-Gallo).
    (Fix) Signals are now handled properly even after receiving and ignoring SIGINT (#1549) (by @mtoohey31).
    (Fix) The file stat information should now update properly after using the cd command to change to a directory for the first time (#1536) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Previous error messages should now be cleared after a mark-save/mark-remove operation (#1544) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Fix high CPI usage issue when viewing CryFS filesystems (#1607) (by @Michael-Gallo).
    (Fix) Invalid entries in the marks and tags files now raise an error message instead of crashing (#1614) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) Startup time is improved on Windows (#1617) (by @Catalyn45).
    (Fix) Sixel previews are now resized properly when the horizontal size of the preview window changes (#1629) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) The cut buffer is only cleared if the paste operation succeeds (#1652) (by @joelim-work).
    (Fix) The extension after . is ignored to set the cursor position when renaming a directory (#1664) (by @Limero).
    (Fix) The option period should not cause flickers in sixel previews anymore (#1666) (by @joelim-work).


Titel: Glary Disk Explorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 April, 2024, 20:50
Glary Disk Explorer helps you to view at a glance all the folders, files inside them and the space occupied by them on your system.

Organize your file types
Catalog your storage devices
Analyzes both internal and external hard drives
Return a graphical overview
Support show folder used space


Whats new:>>

Optimized the interface to improve user experience.
Minor GUI improvements
Minor bug fixes

Titel: Multi Commander 14.0.0 Build 2997 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 April, 2024, 21:00
Multi Commander is a multi-tabbed file manager that is an alternative to the standard Windows Explorer. It uses the popular and efficient dual-panel layout.



    CHANGE- Major rewrite of error handing of Copy/Move/Delete operations.
    ADDED - MultiDataViewer is now language aware when doing find. (Can be turned off in option for faster search)
    ADDED - Opening Zip archive with large number of files is now faster
    ADDED - Copy/Move/Delete options for auto handling errors
    ADDED - Copy/Move options for auto handle overwrite options.
    ADDED - Copy/Move/Delete options for showing error report after operation is done
    ADDED - Options for Copy/Move/Delete for System/Hidden/ReadOnly options joined to be 1 options for "Protected Files" (instead of 3)
    ADDED - Support for 64px size thumbnails
    ADDED - DataPreview templates can be updated if they are not customized.
    ADDED - Playing audio file are now shown in status bar
    ADDED - Play Audio Sample command to menu (Will jump 25% into audio file and play for 15s then stop)
    ADDED - Play audio will now try to play "mp3,wav,mp4,m4a,avi,mkv,acc,wma,wmv,asf,flac" (some are movies but it will play the audio if possible)
    ADDED - Play/Stop Audio file icon button to toolbar
    ADDED - Improvements how playing audio files works and are shown.
    ADDED - Preview template for audio files can now select to play the audio file
    FIXED - Unpacking Zip with had a space in the filename just before the ".zip" part.
    Failed to unpack since it tried to unpack into a folder of the name, and space at the end is not allowed on Windows.
    FIXED - Issue when moving tab to other side and the new active tab in the "from" panel was delayed loaded.
    FIXED - 4 Stability issues


Titel: Double Commander 1.2.0 r11278 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 07:20
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


    FIX: Use cmem unit before cthreads unit (#1553) (#1553)
    FIX: Disable auto-refresh when Double Commander window is in the background (issue #606)
    UPD: Optimization, refactoring
    UPD: Enable libheif image reader (issue #1538)
    FIX: Read AVIF using libheif image reader (issue #1538)
    UPD: Disable libheif image reader, it works wrong with some images from https://github.com/link-u/avif-sample-images (issue #1538)
    FIX: Double Commander crashes when trying to view AVIF image (issue #1538)


Titel: WinSetView 2.94
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 19:20
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Enhancement: Libraries now automatically get the usual headers that show the path and drive. The Option menu provides an override for the automatic grouping.

Titel: XYplorer 25.80.0100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 April, 2024, 21:20
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: XYplorer 25.80.0200
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 April, 2024, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: Double Commander 1.2.0 r11279 Snapshot
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 April, 2024, 08:40
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source


ADD: Capability to set custom decimal separator


Titel: WinSetView 2.95
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 08:30
WinSetView allows you to set Windows Explorer folder views globally.

WinSetView will permit you to set the Details View with a user-defined selection of column headings. The selection will be enabled across all folders.

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

Feature added: If Icaros Properties are activated, those properties will be available to use from the WinSetView Columns page.

Titel: Attribute Changer 11.30b Build 2024.3.31
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 09:40
Attribute Changer is a powerful Windows Explorer add-on, available at your fingertips whenever you right-click on files, folders and even drives in Windows Explorer. The application is loaded with exciting features and helps you manage your day to day tasks in Microsoft Windows.



    Unable to retrieve saved settings in portable mode
    Readjust value for time fields when keeping AC open in portable mode
    Wrong path for application icon if custom destination path is selected
    Enable all options in Settings tab in portable mode
    Dutch translation has been added to the installer.


Titel: Far Manager 3.0 Build 6300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 19:30
Far Manager is a program for managing files and archives in Windows operating systems. It works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories, editing, copying and renaming files and many other operations.

License: Open Source

Changelog -> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FarGroup/FarManager/master/far/changelog

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.12
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 07 April, 2024, 20:50
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

Open Source

Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.1.x?since=2024-03-11&until=2024-04-07

Titel: WinSetView 2.96
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 April, 2024, 18:10
Whats new:>>

Added all of the available Icaros property translations.

Titel: XYplorer 25.80.0300
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 10 April, 2024, 07:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 April, 2024, 11:20
OneCommander lets you access a highly advanced and sophisticated file management tool that offers a modern and intuitive user interface.

Freemium (Free for home use. )


    Create shortcut option: In other browser pane
    Alt-Drop option to create shortcut, Symlink (Pro) or Hard Link (Pro)
    Show Taskmaster button in the bottom-left toolbar (if Taskmaster is set as default or after first Alt+drag use)
    Taskmaster 0.6 option to close after the successful operation
    Small bug-fixes


Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 April, 2024, 09:30
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



    New: Native support of AutoCAD DWG previews in thumbnails and viewer. It's not a full support of the DWG format, FV extracts the embedded preview thumbnail in the file if any
    New: When opening a supported Playlist file, the file was used to open tracks and it was not possible to view the source of the file. Now selecting another view mode than MM, eg Text, will display the content of the file
    New: It's now possible to pause/resume a multimedia file by clicking the visualisation window
    New: Added support of syntax highlighting for: Silktest, Meson, HQL & PIG, Hollywood
    Chg: Updated Scintilla API calls to the latest version
    Chg: Updated VLC API calls to the latest version
    Chg: Updated 7-Zip to version 23.1 from 9.20 (cfr to 7-zip history for changes)
    Chg: Significant improvement in File Comparison performances
    Fix: Fixed the crashes of the Viewer when opening an SVG file (Forum:access-violation-for-svg-preview/)
    Fix: Fixed an annoying behaviour that caused the file/folder list to jump in a certain scenario
    Fix: The hidden and system files icons were not "ghosted" in Thumbnail and Large report views
    Fix: Solved an issue where the File Comparison was empty
    Fix: Support of EPS file format is reintroduced after having been removed in previous version of FV due to potential crashes that have been fixed since then
    Fix: In strict Windows setups like those in enterprises, the Viewer sometimes didn't launch due to AppLocker blocking ExifTool in the Temp folder. Now, the Viewer detects and resolves this issue. However, accessing metadata from ExifTool is not be possible in these cases.


Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2024, 10:20
Whats new:>>

    New Single-browser layout (PRO only during testing)
    Path-Edit dropdown in new layout can autocomplete paths
    Menu instead of button-toolbar to declutter
    Layout button in dual layouts is now a popup to choose a layout
    Note that nameless temporary windows can't keep tabs while switching between single and dual layouts
    New Window dialog offers choice of layout and shows which layouts are saved windows

Titel: Q-Dir 11.55
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 April, 2024, 20:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Mit der neuen Funktion "Paste Special" (Inhalt Einfügen) können Sie jetzt schnell Bilder und Texte aus der Zwischenablage direkt im Datei-Explorer von Q-Dir als Datei einfügen, ohne Umwege gehen zu müssen.
• Es wurden außerdem allgemeine Korrekturen und Feinabstimmungen vorgenommen, um den Quad-Datei-Explorer zu verbessern, sowie die Sprachdateien aktualisiert.

Titel: NetDrive 3.18.1080 Beta
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 19 April, 2024, 19:10


    Added an option to display file upload progress through pop-up notifications.


    Improved handling of Microsoft Office files.
    Implemented timeouts for WebDAV connections in cases of low speed or lost connections.
    Enhanced FUSE layer to accommodate recent versions of Windows.
    BackBlaze B2 integration now supports standard application keys.
    Ensured support for Vietnamese file names.


    Fixed an issue with retrieving free space in certain environments.
    Resolved issues encountered during the upgrade process from previous versions.
    Addressed a file listing bug when accessing Azure blob storage via SFTP.
    Resolved a bug related to disconnection using nd3cmd.


    Updated Visual Studio redistributables.
    Updated cryptographic libraries.
    Known issue - Asynchronous file listing does not work (SharePoint advanced option)


Titel: OneCommander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2024, 22:00
Whats new:>>

 [PRO] Option to Copy as path with forward slash, double backslash, with and without quotes. Settings????Advanced
 Improvements on tabs drag-n-drop. Drag onto + to duplicate tab, otherwise it should move it, even between browsers
 Changed order with Context-Menu????New submenu with New Folder to be first (consistent with toolbar New menu)
 Fixed rare issue in Windows 11 where accent color would disappear randomly (tab highlight, drive size display, etc)

 THEME CREATORS: backup your theme, and then...

 ...if your theme defines SolidColorBrush x:Key="AccentBrush", remove it
 ...if your theme has "SystemControlForegroundAccentBrush", change it to "AccentBrush"
 ...if your theme has "m:DynamicColor" change it to "DynamicResource"
 ...check DarkMica or LightMica themes for details (especially if your theme is based on either)

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.13
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 20 April, 2024, 22:30
Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.1.x?since=2024-04-08&until=2024-04-20

Titel: XYplorer 25.90
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2024, 08:30

    = NEW OFFICIAL RELEASE. Main developments since last release:
  +++ Bookmarks. Now you can drag and drop applications, documents, and folders onto the
      toolbar to make them available as bookmarks, just like you do in web browsers. You
      can also create bookmarks from items or text in the clipboard.
      Once you've added a bookmark to the toolbar, you can click it to launch an
      application, open a document, or go to a folder. Or you can drag and drop items onto
      it to open them with an application, or to copy or move them to a folder, depending
      on what the bookmark points to.
  +++ Many Other Improvements. See change log.


Titel: FenrirFS 2.7.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 April, 2024, 09:40
FenrirFS is a new label management application that was designed in order to provide you with a simple means of sorting files by adding labels and stars to them. In addition to the original [Default Display], [Wide Screen Display] and [Compact Display] have been added. By the addition of display modes, it has been made possible to check files such as images and PDF files immediately and then manage labels for them. By using Quick Preview, it is possible to preview not just images, but also PDF and text files etc. in a separate window. Even if you do not open a file, it is possible to preview it straight away.

It is possible to automatically view the current status of files in FenrirFS using the auto sync function. It is not longer necessary to add files manually. Folders are also automatically labelled, reducing the burden to keep things in order.


Whats new:>>

    Fixed an issue where file names could not be renamed.
    Fixed an issue where the thumbnail list was sometimes displayed in an incorrect position when displayed in full screen.
    We have made improvements to improve stability.
    Made other minor fixes.

Titel: Q-Dir 11.61
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 23 April, 2024, 20:10
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Das aktive Tab (Registerkarte im Datei-Explorer) ist jetzt unter Windows 10 und 11 besser erkennbar, da es wie früher in Windows XP mit einem orangefarbenen Überstrich markiert wird.
• Die Symbole in der Adressleiste sind nun bei hohen DPI-Anzeigeeinstellungen besser sichtbar.
• Eine neue Toolbar wurde zur Adressleiste hinzugefügt, die in zukünftigen Versionen andere ersetzen wird.
• Optional kann das Matrix-Farbdesign über das Menü unter Extras, Farben ausgewählt werden.
• Weitere Verbesserungen werden in zukünftigen Versionen implementiert. Bei Problemen mit den Darstellungsverbesserungen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte einfach.

Titel: XYplorer 25.90.100
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2024, 07:20
XYplorer is a multi-tabbed file manager featuring a very powerful file search, versatile preview facilities, a highly customizable interface, and a large array of unique ways to efficiently automate frequently recurring tasks. XYplorer is a tool rather than a toy, and targets power users and computer professionals who are looking for an Explorer replacement that deserves its name.


Whats new:>>

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 24 April, 2024, 19:20
OneCommander lets you access a highly advanced and sophisticated file management tool that offers a modern and intuitive user interface.

Freemium (Free for home use. )


    [PRO] Improvements on custom shell args parsing if one is set in Settings????Window
    [PRO] PowerShell7 in the list of command line to open with F10 in Settings????Window
    New experimental way of processing scripts. Check GoogleGroups for details (link in About dialog)
    History added in single-pane window
    Fixed crash with MicaLight theme in 3.76


Titel: Q-Dir 11.62.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 26 April, 2024, 20:30
Whats new:>>

• Korrekturen in der Adressleiste und der neue Toolbar vorgenommen, um eine reibungslose Navigation durch Verzeichnisse zu gewährleisten.
• Diese Version beinhaltet weitere Verbesserungen und Optimierungen in der Dateiverwaltung für Windows, einschließlich Leistungssteigerungen, Fehlerkorrekturen und eine verbesserte Kompatibilität mit verschiedenen Dateiformaten.
• Die Sprachdateien des Quad-Datei-Explorers Q-Dir aktualisiert, um eine verbesserte und präzisere Benutzererfahrung in verschiedenen Sprachen zu gewährleisten.

Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 27 April, 2024, 10:20
Whats new:>>

 Fixed Ctrl+C regression bug from 3.78

3.78 (2024-04-26)

 Drag out tab or favorite to create new temp window opens same type of window
 Right-click on folder, Open in...New window (it will show "Soon" in some language until translators update translation text, but it works)
 Fixed issue with some context menu items not working on drive's context menu

Titel: Broot 1.37.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 29 April, 2024, 10:10
Broot is an Open Source way to view and navigate any size directory trees through the command-line.

It will permit you to search for files, attach custom shortcuts as well as manipulate them all without jeopardizing the hierarchy within the given folder. Broot does require a br shell function to be launched and used (admin).

License: Open Source

Whats new:>>

    optionally display lines surrounding a matching line in preview, with lines_before_match_in_preview and lines_after_match_in_preview - Fix #756
    filtered preview: jump between matches with :next_match (default: tab) and :previous_match (default shift-tab)
    display setuid, setgid and sticky bits in permission - Fix #863, Thanks @Jisu-Woniu

Titel: Alternate Archiver 4.530
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2024, 19:10
Alternate Archiver is a simple-to-use file manager which comes packed with some practical options for perform several types of file operations. It is wrapped in a user-friendly workspace that shouldn't impose any difficulties to users, regardless of their previous experience level with such apps.


Whats new:>>

FTP 3.200 added

Titel: Q-Dir 11.63
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 01 Mai, 2024, 21:40
Whats new:>>

• Diese Version behebt einen Fehler, bei dem das Auto-Update mehrfach gestartet werden musste, bis es korrekt funktionierte.
• Außerdem wurden weitere Verbesserungen und Optimierungen in der Adressleiste und Verzeichnisstruktur vorgenommen.

Titel: FileMenu Tools 8.4.2
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2024, 18:10
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.



    (Improvement) Advanced Renamer: improved preview refresh speed.
    (Improvement) Pack To Folder: improved the performance when copying and moving a lot of files.
    (Fixed) Advanced Renamer: sometimes the Advanced Renamer process did not finish correctly and continued to consume system resources until Windows was restarted.
    (Fixed) Fixed some minor bugs.


Titel: muCommander 1.4.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 02 Mai, 2024, 20:50
Der MuCommander unterstützt Archive in den Formaten ZIP, TAR, GZip, BZip2, ISO/NRG, AR/Deb und LST,
er kann ebenso als FTP-Programm verwendet werden.

Datein können aus dem MuCommander direkt per Mail verschickt werden.
Durch die Möglichkeit Ordner als Bookmarks zu speichern, ist ein schneller Zugriff darauf kein Problem.
Ebenso sind alle Funktionen auch per Tastenkürzel aufzurufen.


    Bump version to 1.4.0 by @ahadas in #996
    Document workaround for installing on Debian < 12 by @ahadas in #1001
    Document post-installation of unsigned dmg by @ahadas in #1004
    Adding Google Cloud Storage Protocol by @spakm in #989
    gcs: cleanup by @ahadas in #1013
    Cleanup related to SFTP by @ahadas in #1018
    Upgrade commons-collections to commons-collections4 v4.4 by @ahadas in #1019
    Editor/Viewer Bumped verion of RSyntaxTextArea and removed workaround code by @pskowronek in #1024
    Make ActionId serializable by @ahadas in #1023
    Enable use of 'space' in quick search by @ahadas in #1025
    Updated bug_report.yml to encourage ppl for searching similar bug by @pskowronek in #1028
    Fix copying files to clipboard on macOS by @ahadas in #1029
    Rephrase auth_dialog.store_credentials by @ahadas in #1030
    Set shift+f4 as alternative shortcut of make file by @ahadas in #1032
    Cleanup related to recent-locations quick-list by @ahadas in #1034
    Sign the rpm package by @ahadas in #1035
    rpm: use crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@v5 by @ahadas in #1037
    Document fix for #1020 by @ahadas in #1038
    Java 20 is recommended now by @ahadas in #1039
    Terminal - reworked presentation to show two-liner of Terminal and toggle to maximization by @pskowronek in #1033
    Fix to update actions in CommandBar and ToolBar if shortcut changed by @pskowronek in #1041
    Show keyboard shortcuts as notification popup on MainFrame by @pskowronek in #1036
    Terminal - fix command line #1033 by @pskowronek in #1043
    Added opens for javax.swing.plaf.basic for linuxAppImage by @pskowronek in #1047
    Simplify Credentials#getMaskedPassword by @ahadas in #1049
    Enable unit-tests of mucommander-commons-file by @ahadas in #1051
    CRLF -> LF by @ahadas in #1054
    SplashScreen reformat by @ahadas in #1055
    Application reformat by @ahadas in #1056
    Nicer SplashScreen plus defer Bonjour init even more by @ahadas in #1057
    Removed wildcard imports for awt and swing by @ahadas in #1058
    improve logging of exceptions in BrowseLocationThread by @ahadas in #1059
    Bonjour defer loading even more by @pskowronek in #1061
    Extract gson to a separate OSGi bundle by @ahadas in #1064
    gcs: exclude jackson-core by @ahadas in #1065
    Add a plugin for OneDrive by @ahadas in #494
    Drop javax.annotation from felix framework in favor of FindBugs JSR-305 by @ahadas in #1066
    Shrink the size of jediterm fat-jar by @ahadas in #1067
    Debug mode to wait for debugger connection by @pskowronek in #1070
    Faster init - file icon provider init in bg by @pskowronek in #1069
    make Application#splashScreen a local variable by @ahadas in #1071
    Set credentials to OneDrive application by @ahadas in #1072
    fix(docs): Correct grammar errors in README.md by @sundaram-sharma in #1075
    Cleaning up mucommander-viewer-pdf dependencies by @ahadas in #1087
    Avoid using log4j 1.x by @gladko in #1085
    open java.scripting/javax.script (required by log4j-core) by @ahadas in #1089
    Update of BinEd library by @hajdam in #1090
    Added missing Android icon by @pskowronek in #1098
    Faster start - get Icons res faster by @pskowronek in #1096
    IconManager better log by @pskowronek in #1097
    Faster start - DesktopManager: trash and notifier async by @pskowronek in #1095
    Faster start of muC app in JVM by @pskowronek in #1094
    Fix incorrect block selection on native L&F by @ShayArtzi in #1106
    upload nightly artifacts to the nightly build action by @ahadas in #1109
    fix nightly build action by @ahadas in #1110
    fix nightly build action by @ahadas in #1111
    nightly: replace 'mucommander_version' with a job-specific step by @ahadas in #1112
    nightly: debug 'Upload msi' by @ahadas in #1113
    nightly: restore preliminary linux job to retrieve the version by @ahadas in #1114
    nightly: fix 'Sign rpm' by @ahadas in #1115
    nigtly: fix 'get-version' job by @ahadas in #1116
    nightly: bump actions/checkout to v4 by @ahadas in #1117
    nightly: bump Node.js 16 actions setup-java and ghaction-import-gpg by @ahadas in #1118
    nightly: debug linux artifacts by @ahadas in #1119
    nightly: fix upload of deb package by @ahadas in #1120
    nightly: replace gradle-build-action@v2 with setup-gradle@v3 by @ahadas in #1121
    Minor cleanup in GitHub actions by @ahadas in #1123
    mv JRE for macOS to macOS/x64 by @ahadas in #1124
    Skip re-authentication for SFTP address change when using private key by @ShayArtzi in #1104
    document fix for #1062 by @ahadas in #1135
    add support for macOS aarch64 by @ahadas in #1138
    build dmg for aarch64 on macOS 14 by @ahadas in #1139
    Use File#FS with Java 23+ by @ahadas in #1141
    Use File#FS also with Java 23 by @ahadas in #1142
    update JREs by @ahadas in #1143
    Fix flakiness of AppleScriptTest#testScriptOutput by @ahadas in #1145
    Run tests also on macos-14 (M1) by @ahadas in #1144
    Add dmg for aarch64 by @ahadas in #1148
    muC faster start up by @pskowronek in #1044
    nightly: change rpm signing by @ahadas in #1150
    Sign the RPM package by @ahadas in #1151
    Update nightly.yml by @ahadas in #1152
    nightly: Fix dmg signing by @ahadas in #1153
    Bump gradle to v8.7 by @ahadas in #1154
    Create unsigned dmg by default by @ahadas in #1156
    Sign and notarize the dmg packages by @ahadas in #1157


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.4.21
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 03 Mai, 2024, 17:00
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

    Some fixes (Backup recommended)
    Adjusted so that <input type="search"…> can be used on the option screen

Titel: Double Commander 1.1.14
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 04 Mai, 2024, 22:20
Wer findet, das der Windows Explorer irgendwie unpraktisch ist, sollte sich den Double Commander einmal anschauen.Der Übersichtlichkeit dient die "zwei Fenster Ansicht" und zusätzlich die Möglichkeit, mit TABs zu arbeiten.ZIP, RAR und andere Archive werden als normale Ordner angezeigt.Das Umbenennen von Dateigruppen ist ebenso möglich, wie das Splitten und Zusammenfügen von Dateien.

License: GPLv2

Changelog -> https://github.com/doublecmd/doublecmd/commits/v1.1.x?since=2024-04-21&until=2024-05-04

Titel: Broot 1.38.0
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 05 Mai, 2024, 18:50
Whats new:>>

    -{flags} verb lets you change the state the same way you do it at start, eg :-sd to show sizes and dates
    calling :focus on the tree root now goes up the tree (experimental)

Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.5.3
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 06 Mai, 2024, 09:30
Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Adjust filter settings related functions to support ..\ #746

Titel: Files 3.4
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 08 Mai, 2024, 10:23
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Added support for personalizing Files with a custom background image
    Added support for remapping keyboard shortcuts
    Added support for filtering items by file name
    Added an integration with Listary
    Added localizations for Albanian, Khmer, Kurdish, and Lithuanian
    Added support to the sidebar for multiple SharePoint drives
    Added an integration for the Lucid Link cloud provider
    Added audio bitrate, and video to the list of properties in the Details Pane
    The Recent Files widget now respects the setting for displaying file extensions
    Improved the display of keyboard shortcuts in the Command Palette
    Fixed an issue where pinned items weren't displayed in the sidebar
    Fixed an issue clicking the header in the details view wouldn't change the sort direction
    Fixed an issue where the adaptive layout option wasn't disabled when syncing layout settings
    Fixed an issue where changing the sort preferences didn't work properly when syncing layout settings
    Fixed an issue where existing tabs would duplicate when opening a folder from outside of Files
    Fixed an issue where the Properties Window wouldn't navigate between pages after returning from advanced settings
    Fixed an issue where the app would sometimes crash when entering characters into the Address Bar
    Fixed the alignment of the add tab button
    Fixed an issue where the Git submenu was sometimes shown for non-GitHub repos
    Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when closing the GitHub login modal
    Fixed an issue where Recycle Bin wasn't pinned to the Sidebar by default
    Fixed an issue where the View More and Open All options where disabled in the Tags widget
    Fixed an issue where the scroll position was sometimes incorrect
    Fixed an issue where "Scroll to previous folder" didn't work in some folders
    Fixed an issue where HWiNFO64.exe wouldn't open
    Fixed an issue where changing the focus in columns view caused an extra animation
    Fixed an issue where the app window wasn't refocused if minimized on launch
    Fixed an issue where the conflicts dialog didn't append numbers when pasting files
    Fixed an issue where renaming an item in the conflict dialog would leave the copy status in process
    Fixed an issue where the setting control margin was misaligned
    Fixed an issue with exporting tags
    Fixed an issue where certain drive icons didn't load on the Drive Widget
    Fixed an issue where ftp addresses were not displayed in the Address Bar
    Fixed an issue where coping or moving a folder would cause the contents of the destination folder to be empty
    Fixed an issue where there wasn't enough space to right click folders in columns view
    Fixed an issue where the wrong item was shown as active in the sidebar
    Fixed an issue where holding the arrow key would cause the Preview Pane to freeze
    Fixed an issue with editing properties of multiple items at the same time
    Fixed a conflict with svg thumbnails generated by PowerToys
    Fixed an issue of overlapping brushes leaving a gap in the columns view


Titel: Q-Dir 11.64
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 11 Mai, 2024, 08:30
Q-Dir bietet eine unkomplizierte und schnelle Möglichkeit den Inhalt von bis zu vier Verzeichnissen übersichtlich anzuzeigen und zu verwalten, ohne auf die gewohnten Funktionen aus dem Explorer verzichten zu müssen. Wie zum Beispiel Drag&Drop, alle Ansichten, Zwischenablage usw.

License:  Freeware

Whats new:>>

• Wieder einmal wurden verschiedene Korrekturen und Anpassungen unter Windows 10 und 11 vorgenommen.
• Zusätzlich wurden die Sprachdateien im Quad-Datei-Explorer Q-Dir aktualisiert, um eine optimale Benutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten.

Titel: FileMenu Tools
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 12 Mai, 2024, 21:20
Die "FileMenu Tools" ermöglicht es das Kontext-Menü des Windows Explorers beliebig zu konfigurieren.Falls Sie schon immer eine bestimmte Option für Ihren rechten Mausklick gesucht haben, haben Sie hier die Möglichkeit ihn selbst einzurichten. Zahlreiche vordefinierte Befehle liefern die "FileMenu Tools" praktischerweise schon mit. So können Sie Dateien sofort löschen, ohne diese in den Papierkorb zu verschieben oder den Namen und Pfad einfach und schnell kopieren.


Whats new:>>

(Fixed) Advanced Renamer: the second or successive renamings could not be made and the progress bar never finished.

Titel: Files 3.4.1
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2024, 08:50
Manage files in a more efficient and arguably more satisfying fashion with the help of this modern UWP take on the Windows Explorer.

License: GPLv3


    Added support for displaying all network folders on the sidebar
    Added support for SeerPro's "Track selected file" setting
    Added toolbar button to play mkv files
    Added support for setting tif files as the Background Image
    Updated the wording of the "Files is running as admin" prompt
    Fixed an issue where the app wouldn’t run as admin
    Fixed crash when connecting some removable drives
    Fixed an issue where the string for "Actions" wasn't localize in the Settings menu


Titel: Tablacus Explorer 24.5.11
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 14 Mai, 2024, 10:50
Tablacus Explorer is a software utility designed to help you organize and manage the contents of your folders. This program comes in handy for all users who want to check out the contents of their partitions on the fly.

The user interface is straightforward and you should get used to working with this program in no time. It’s easy to switch between multiple folders thanks to its built-in tabbed support.

There are multiple customization options included in this program by the developer and all off them prove to be extremely useful for users who need to view and organize their documents and folders. You may select how the folders should be displayed into the main window in terms of large, medium or small icons and details, tiles and content. Furthermore, the app allows you to customize menus, tabs (style, alignment, size, position), keys and mouse gestures.


Whats new:>>

Some fix (Backup recommended)

    Adjust focus when there is no selection when opening a folder in group view #747

Titel: FileVoyager
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 17 Mai, 2024, 23:00
FileVoyager is a freeware Orthodox file manager (OFM) for Microsoft Windows. OFM’s are file managers using two panels of disks browsers.

This dual pane layout makes very easy the transfer operations of files or folders between sources and destinations.

FileVoyager contains a large collection of tools and functionality.



    New: Language: Added Chinese Simplified (Translation by Wang Jingyu)
    Chg: General: FileVoyager detects now if a disk/volume/partition supports Short/Alternate filenames (8.3). When a user wants to copy or display filenames and/or paths in 8.3 shortnames, and the disk/volume/partition doesn't store them, FileVoyager warns the user.
    Chg: General: Added the directive {$DYNAMICBASE ON} to minimize the risk to be put in quarantine by some antiviruses. This directive provides secure protection against attacks based on buffer overrun.
    Fix: Navigation: Fixed the crashes of FileVoyager whan a mail or a URL was dragged and dropped on it (Forum:filevoyager-crashes-when-dragging-url-from-browser).


Titel: WExplorer
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 18 Mai, 2024, 08:10
WExplorer is a small, easy to use and straight-forward alternative to Windows Explorer. It has a simple, comprehensive interface that gives you quick access to all its features.

Users can create pie-charts of occupied folder space and open a command prompt from selected folders using the context menu.


Titel: One Commander
Beitrag von: SiLæncer am 21 Mai, 2024, 18:10
OneCommander lets you access a highly advanced and sophisticated file management tool that offers a modern and intuitive user interface.

Freemium (Free for home use. )


    New Scripting system is now default for new users. Examples provided in Resources\ScriptsInstall folder
    Small improvements with executing scripts
    New way of pasting files to fix issues with Dropbox and some other edge cases. Slightly faster execution. Please report on any bugs
    Option to clear Recent Destinations list Settings????Other
    If you ever see a blank OC window in Alt+Tab check 'Fix OC Window Manager showing in Task Manager' in Settings????Advanced
    Fixed issue switching from single-pane to dual-pane layout loading the last used dual-layout instead of user selected
    Fixed adding to Recent Destination when using TeraCopy or Taskmaster

    FREEZING while opening context menu or Copy/Paste?:

    <B>Restart Google Drive</B> from system tray
    This Google Drive bug affects also File Explorer and may cause other PC performance issues. It is out of OC's control

